US Military Spending: TRILLIONS of Dollars Unaccounted For
Eric Zuesse

Image source – Activist Post
This article from 21 July 2017 is here updated and expanded to the present; and the dead links in it have been replaced by functional (this time, archived — and thus more permanent) links
Before documenting that many trillions of dollars in US Government military spending are unaccounted-for, and that by far the most corrupt US federal Department is the ‘Defense’ Department, it is important to document that the most respected institution in America is its military.
There exists in the United States a profoundly deceived public, which is a reflection of America’s having also a thoroughly corrupt national press or ‘news’-media – a press that is controlled by the same group of individuals who control the ‘defense’ contractors such as Lockheed Martin.
These firms that derive all or almost all of their incomes from sales to the US Government and to its allied governments.
In other words: the US is controlled by a racket, and is not a democracy.
Consequently, this article will document in its links, that the publicized and widespread view that the US is a democracy instead of a dictatorship is false and results from the dictatorship’s control over America’s press, with support from also the press in countries that are allied with and vassals of America’s dictatorship.
Now, and for the past two decades, as is shown in annual Gallup polls taken since 1973, the American public has displayed far higher confidence and trust in “The Military” than in any other “Institution” (including than churches, schools, the Presidency, the police, courts — any).
This enormous public respect for, basically, America’s Military-Industrial Complex or MIC, didn’t even exist before 9/11. This overwhelmingly militarized American mentality is specifically in the 21st century, and existed virtually not at all in the 20th century.
In fact, back in 1973 (the year Gallup first polled this), the most-respected institution was “The Medical System,” which then was 80% respected, and now is only 36% respected.
Ever since 2002 (right after 9/11), “The Military” has been respected more than 70% (around twice as much as “The Medical System”), and it’s the only “Institution” that is consistently above 70%. Only “Small Business” comes close, in the upper 60s. Next down is “Police” in the lower 50s. Everything else is in the 30s or lower.
Maybe the Government’s two responses to 9/11 (first, the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, which caused respect for the military to leap up 13% in 2002 but produced total failure; and, then, the other alleged 9/11 response, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, raised the figure yet another 3%) were the best things that ever happened for the owners of America’s giant weapons-manufacturers.
This permanently militarized America, which exists ever since 9/11, enriches them enormously.
The US Government has served these corporate owners superbly, while the rest of the population pays the tab for it (via their taxes, and via their soldiers’ corpses — not even to mention the far more numerous corpses of residents in the invaded countries, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen).
So, there is this steady high American respect for the MIC. The US public trust it more than anything else.
And yet — according to the Inspector General (IG) of the US Department of Defense (DoD) — many billions, and sometimes even trillions, of dollars, in the Department’s periodic financial reports, are not documented.
What has happened to this money from US taxpayers is unknown — it’s gone missing (alleged to have been spent, but to payees unidentified). That’s the exact opposite of trustworthy.
According to the DoD’s IG, this vast chasm of financial darkness continues year-after-year (yet without at all reducing Americans’ trust in “The Military”).
Apparently, Americans, as a lot, are gluttons for punishment — or else our ‘news’-media haven’t sufficiently reported the “waste, fraud, and abuse” that “The Military” (the most-respected US institution) are doing to the American public. (And those media covered-up for the regime and uncritically spread its lies — such as about ‘Saddam’s WMD’ in 2002 — as if those allegations by the corrupt Government were instead facts, and so America’s press are themselves part of the regime; they’re only fakes as ‘journalists’, and so they certainly share in this Government’s guilt.)
Either way, there is this extraordinarily high public confidence in the military, ongoing year-after-year, though the US DoD continues to be the only unauditable federal Department, and though expenditures amounting (over the years) into trillions of dollars still remain unaccounted for.
But here, as will be documented in this article, will be the American ‘news’-media’s chance to call the public’s attention to this discrepancy between the military’s reality, versus the public’s perceptions of that reality, by their publishing this documentation (if they finally decide to do it — which they’ve never yet done):
On July 14th, Catherine Austin Fitts posted to her website links to some of the key relevant federal documents. Her site is linked-to below, and some of the documents that refer to trillions of dollars unaccounted-for are also linked-to below, and are then quoted from, so that a reader can obtain — even without clicking onto the links — a sense both of the enormity of the corruption, and also of the authoritativeness of the official statements that are being made in these documents, regarding the extent of that corruption.
I am using here the word “corruption” because whenever an official finding by a US government agency is reporting trillions of dollars of taxpayer money that have been spent for purposes and recipients which are unknown, I call it “corruption,” on the basis that: regardless of whether or not the matter is intended or is instead sloppiness, even mere sloppiness is heinous if it ranges into trillions of dollars of taxpayer-money missing or wrongly spent.
Even sloppiness, of that magnitude, in the expenditure of taxpayer funds, reflects corruption, if it continues on for years, or especially (as it is shown to do here) for decades, and still has not been stopped.
In fact, the most recent such IG report makes clear (on page 7 of 74) that:
Army and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis personnel did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third-quarter adjustments and $6.5 trillion in year-end adjustments made to Army General Fund data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation.”
These “adjustments” — a total of $9.3 trillion over the half-year period examined — had been made to prior unacceptable reports, but were still failing to explain where the money had gone. Here is the main site (solari, of Catherine Austin Fitts), and here some excerpts from the main documents:
“DOD and HUD Missing Money: Supporting Documentation for $21 Trillion of Undocumentable Adjustments”
2 October 2017, Catherine Austin Fitts, News & Commentary
Dr. Skidmore and his team have now reviewed additional documentation and undocumented adjustments at DOD and HUD now total $21 trillion – more than the outstanding debt on the US government balance sheet.
“Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”
26 July 2016
We determined that 236, totaling $2 trillion, of the 263 third quarter JV adjustments in our sample, and 170, totaling $2.1 trillion, of the 194 yearend JV adjustments in our sample, were in fact unsupported.”
OASA(FM&C) and DFAS Indianapolis personnel did not adequately document or support adjustments made to AGF data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation. Specifically, OASA(FM&C) and DFAS Indianapolis personnel did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in JV adjustments for third quarter and $6.5 trillion in JV adjustments for yearend.17
Testimony of the [DOD] Deputy Inspector General for Auditing
23 September 2011
We found the Department’s review process included less than half of the fiscal year 2010 first quarter gross outlays.… Comptroller officials stated that the $167.5 billion in outlays the Department did not examine for improper payments included internal and intragovernmental transfers. Those outlays were not subject to the OMB reporting requirements since the payments did not leave the Government.
However, we later determined that Comptroller officials did not perform a reconciliation to determine whether these outlays were internal or intragovernmental transfers. A complete reconciliation is still needed to demonstrate that all outlays are being examined for overpayments and in order to accurately report the extent of the overpayments.
Specifically, DoD did not review approximately $167.5 billion of the $303.7 billion in gross outlays for high dollar overpayments. Additionally, some overpayments that we or the Department identified were not reported, and the First Quarter FY 2010 High Dollar Overpayments Report did not include sufficient information about recoveries and corrective actions.
Unless DoD improves its methodology to review all its disbursements, it will continue to understate its estimate of overpayments and will likely miss opportunities to collect additional improper payments.
We are concerned with the accuracy and reliability of the Department’s estimation process. Without a reliable process to review all expenditures and identify the full extent of improper payments, the Department will not be able to improve internal controls aimed at reducing improper payments.
The Department’s financial management processes are not always adequate to prevent or detect improper payments. For example, in our recent audit of a contract supporting Broad Area Maritime Surveillance, we found DoD personnel did not validate that the contractor was entitled to $329.3 million it received as of January 12, 2010.
These are costs paid to contractors that Defense Contract Audit Agency questioned because they do not comply with rules, regulations, laws and/or contract terms which meets the definition of an improper payment. These improper payments the audit agency identified are greater than the $1.3 billion of improper payments the Department identified during 2004 to 2010.
The audits of the FY 1999 DoD financial statements indicated that $7.6 trillion of accounting entries were made to compile them. This startling number is perhaps the most graphic available indicator of just how poor the existing systems are. The magnitude of the problem is further demonstrated by the fact that, of $5.8 trillion of those adjustments that we audited this year, $2.3 trillion were unsupported by reliable explanatory information and audit trails or were made to invalid general ledger accounts. About $602.7 billion of accounting entries were made to correct errors in feeder reports.
Here, from the list of the 100 largest US federal Government contractors, are the 20 largest recipients of US federal government money:
The following is a list of the Top-100 US Department of Defense (DoD) Prime Contractors in Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 ranked by total contract funds awarded [and showing also the aggregate percentage of total US federal spending on private contractors going to each company].
- Lockheed Martin Corp., 10.71% of all US $ to contractors
- The Boeing Company, 5.33%
- Raytheon Company, 4.54%
- General Dynamics Corp., 4.22%
- Northrop Grumman Corp., 3.49%
- United Technologies Corp., 2.58%
- L-3 Communications Holdings Inc., 1.86%
- BAE Systems plc, 1.63%
- Humana Inc., 1.31%
- Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc., 1.13%
- Bechtel Group Inc., 1.07%
- Health Net Inc., 1.01%
- Unitedhealth Group Inc., 0.97%
- SAIC Inc., 0.92%
- General Atomic Technologies Corp., 0.85%
- McKesson Corp., 0.79%
- Bell-Boeing Joint Project Office, 0.75%
- AmerisourceBergen Corp., 0.68%
- Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp., 0.65%
- United Launch Alliance L.L.C., 0.63%
As is obvious, all or almost all of these firms are contractors to (recipients of money from) the US Department of Defense; and they may reasonably be presumed to be benefiting significantly from some of the unaccounted-for payments from the US DoD.
However, if the money isn’t going to them, then where is it going? And why? And for what? Why is there no congressional investigation to answer these questions? And why are US ‘news’-media not publicizing this matter so as to force such investigations? Are payoffs involved — payoffs for silence?
Why are none of the ‘news’-media that have the resources to explore these questions, publishing their own investigations into it, since Congress won’t investigate?
And, since the Inspector General’s reports into these matters have had no impact, why isn’t the focus finally shifting away from studying to find how much is missing, toward instead prosecuting the people who — at the very least — failed to do what they were being paid to do: keep track of every cent of taxpayers’ money?
If doing that job is too dangerous, then shouldn’t the people who are tasked to do it be paid more, so as to cover their exceptionally high personal risk?
Is all of this secrecy really necessary in order to keep “The Military” far on top as the most respected of all institutions in the United States — even after all of the harms that the US military has actually caused in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., destroying those countries and others?
How much would the American public’s respect for the military — the mass-killing institution — be brought down, if the truth about it were known? Would the mass-killing institution deserve to be the most respected institution even if it weren’t so profoundly corrupt?
“10 Top US Defense Contractors”
Scott Tibballs – August 8, 2019
- Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) – Revenue: US$53.8 billion; year-to-date gains: 39.5 percent
- Boeing (NYSE:BA) – Revenue: US$101.1 billion, year-to-date gains: 2.34 percent
- Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) – Revenue: US$30 billion, year-to-date gains: 46.7 percent
- Raytheon (NYSE:RTN) – Revenue: US$27 billion, year-to-date gains: 19.72 percent
- General Dynamics (NYSE:GD) – Revenue: US$36.1 billion, year-to-date gains: 15 percent
- United Technologies – This company will be merging with Raytheon in 2020. UTX is up by 19.12 percent year-to-date, with its shares valued at US$129.01.
- L3 Harris Technologies (NYSE:LHX) – L3 Harris develops advanced defense technologies in communications. It is up by 55.82 percent year-to-date, at US$207.46.
- Huntington Ingalls Industries (NYSE:HII) – Huntington Ingalls is a major component of US Navy shipbuilding capacity. The company is trading at US$207.37, up by 7.69 percent year-to-date, though it has been much higher.
- Leidos (NYSE:LDOS) – Leidos is a technology company with major contracts with the Department of Defense. The company was trading at US$80.54 as of August this year, up 54.79 percent year-to-date.
- Booz Allen Hamilton (NYSE:BAH) – Booz Allen Hamilton is a cyber security and intelligence company, once called the “world’s most profitable spy organization” by Bloomberg. The company is trading up 58.94 percent year-to-date at US$70.46 as of August.
ADDED OBSERVATIONS, regarding those recently soaring military sales:
On 21 May 2017, I headlined “US $350 Billion Arms-Sale to Sauds Cements US-Jihadist Alliance” and reported that:
“On Saturday, May 20th, US President Donald Trump and the Saud family inked an all-time record-high $350 billion ten-year arms-deal that not only will cement-in the Saud family’s position as the world’s largest foreign purchasers of US-produced weaponry, but will make the Saud family, and America’s ruling families, become, in effect, one aristocracy over both nations, because neither side will be able to violate the will of the other. As the years roll on, their mutual dependency will deepen, each and every year.”
I followed that up, on 14 August 2018, by “America’s Militarized Economy” and opened with:
Donald Trump’s biggest success, thus far into his Presidency, has been his sale of $400 billion (originally $350 billion) of US-made weapons to the Saudi Arabian Government, which is owned by its royal family, after whom that nation is named.
This sale alone is big enough to be called Trump’s ‘jobs plan’ for Americans. It is also the biggest weapons-sale in all of history. It’s 400 billion dollars, not 400 million dollars; it is gigantic, and, by far, unprecedented in world-history.”
That’s what has mainly been driving the recent massively increased sales-volumes of America’s ‘defense’ contractors.
It also underscores why Trump refuses to blame Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman al-Saud for ordering Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi to be chopped up in Istanbul and disposed of, even while Trump blames leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, etc., for all sorts of alleged (usually fictitious) atrocities.
On December 24th, İbrahim Karagül, of Turkey’s Yeni Safak newspaper, bannered “Khashoggi murder: Five executions, one cover-up can’t save you.” and he said, of Saudi Arabia’s ‘investigation’ into Khashoggi’s murder:
The case was a setup, the trial was a setup, the death sentences are also a setup. The Saudi administration, which refrained from disclosing even the whereabouts of Khashoggi’s body, resolved to kill those who did the crown prince’s dirty work to save Salman. This is an act of silencing, destruction of evidence, the liquidation of people whose loyalty is in doubt and who are likely to talk.
Saud al-Qahtani, the leader of the murder team, was not convicted. Even Mohammad al-Otaibi, Istanbul consul general, whom Turkey showed as the unwanted man and asked the king to withdraw, was not even accused. Ahmed Asiri, deputy chief of intelligence who planned the murder – and was supposedly dismissed – was released.
But, because the vast majority of Americans don’t get to know any of this, they think that today’s America is still like pre-1945 America was, instead of having switched to become more like the fascist powers themselves were.
Germany, Italy, and Japan, had heavily militarized economies during the 1930s through early 1940s, and America has a heavily militarized economy ever since (at least) 1980, and especially now — long after the Cold War ended on Russia’s side in 1991, and especially long beyond any reasonable excuse for these constantly rising ‘defense’ expenditures.
There’s economic growth in such countries (that is, in imperialistic fascist countries), and almost all of it goes to the controlling owners of ‘defense’ contractors. What grows, then, in such countries, isn’t actually the patient, but the tumor.
However, lots of Americans don’t know the difference between the two and are satisfied with any type of growth at all, and they even respect the world’s most corrupt military more than they respect any other institution.
In a functioning democracy, this would be impossible, because any public anywhere would be outraged by it and would be in open revolt against it if only they knew about it.
Furthermore, if this were a democracy, then the entire public would already have learned about this, and the situation wouldn’t have reached so bad — and so dangerous (for the entire world — such as now, after Trump assassinated Iran’s #2 leader) — a stage, as it already has reached, while nothing was being done to stop it and to imprison (and nationalize the wealth of) the US billionaires who have been behind (and so enormously profiting from) heisting the Government and getting the public to fund these imperialistic operations of the nation’s aristocrats.
Astronomical political corruption is the sole source of all of this. And this corruption is in the courts, and not only in Congress and in the Executive, and allows this rape of democracy to be called ‘constitutional’ and thus go unpunished, and thus to become constantly worse.
Soaring wealth-inequality, not only inside the United States, but throughout the world, results from this. And the biggest crimes are at the top — where there is impunity (because it’s ‘constitutional’ — even though that’s only a lie about what the Founders had meant by their Constitution).
When the crooks actually write the laws, the laws become crooked. When the crooks also control the ‘news’-media, the public are defenseless because ignorant and deceived. Wherever fascism is in control, this is the way that it functions.
Mick West, who blogs as metabunk, is a propagandist for the “Establishment” or the billionaires’ preferences of what the public should believe; and, on 16 May 2018, he headlined “Debunked: Missing $21 Trillion / $6.5 Trillion / $2.3 Trillion – Journal Vouchers”.
He presented a representative of America’s Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) asserting, to US House members, that “this is not a new story, it dates back to 2001 and before,”.
And, West noted:
“All these things are accounting things that, as Norquist says ‘occur after the money is spent’. They are things that you want to get right in your accounting, but if you get the values wrong then it does not mean you’ve lost the money. It means you’ve got some estimate wrong, and you’ll put to little or to much [West meant “too much or too little”] in one fund or another.”
Referring, then, to the $21 trillion, he wrote:
This is just more of the same though, still not missing money, still just unsupported accounting information transfers.”
However, only a sucker would take that casual attitude to the enormous amount of money in the ‘defense’ budget that is “unsupported” as to who received it, and whether or not those payments were in accord with what Congress had actually authorized.
Furthermore, such a casual attitude toward US ’defense’-expenditures — the expenditures which constitute actually over half of the US federal Government’s discretionary expenditures, and even around half of the total world’s military expenditures — is an invitation to corruption in over half of this Government’s annually authorized spending; and any intelligent person would expect that such an invitation would be taken advantage of by insiders who are in a position to benefit from it.
West quotes from only one alleged authority, the “Defense Department Comptroller, David L. Norquist,” a person who is largely responsible for the problem, who said “it’s an accounting problem that does need to be solved because it can help hide other underlying issues,” but (at 1:43 in the accompanying video) “it’s not the same thing as not being able to account for money that Congress has given you to spend, but it’s still a problem that needs to be fixed.”
Mick West simply trusted this statement, by Norquist — though Norquist is one of the officials responsible for the problem — but Norquist failed to prove (and wasn’t even asked to prove it, by the Representatives whom he was there addressing, who didn’t seem to be alarmed about where that $21T actually went) his key assertion, that “it’s not the same thing as not being able to account for money that Congress has given you to spend.”
Even if that assertion is true (which should not be assumed, and which even seems ludicrous on its very face), the problem is unquestionably an invitation to corruption in ‘defense’-expenditures, and those are precisely the type of federal expenditures that overwhelmingly dominate the income to the federal Government’s contractors, the corporations that make all or most of their profits from sales to the federal Government and to its allied governments (such as to the Saud family).
Therefore, casually allowing — and not even investigating as being possibly treasonous — these expenditures, is, itself, enormously scandalous, but the Representatives there were treating it so casually.
In fact, at the very opening of the hearing, which was held on 10 January 2018 (at 02:12 in the video of the 1:41:33-long hearing, above) the Chairman of the Committee emphasized the “We must spend more” on the military, even though we already spend around half of the entire world’s military expenditures. Manifestly, this hearing was a charade.
In the full video, the passage that Mick West quoted from is at 18:00-22:00, and the Representatives were clearly on the side of the charade, not on the side of the American people. Clearly, all members of that Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, behave as if they are in the pockets of firms such as Lockheed Martin.
On 15 November 2018, Reuters headlined “Pentagon fails its first-ever audit, official says”, and reported that: “‘We failed the audit, but we never expected to pass it,’ Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan told reporters.”
On 27 November 2018, The Nation headlined “Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed” and David Lindorff opened:
On November 15, Ernst & Young and other private firms that were hired to audit the Pentagon announced that they could not complete the job. Congress had ordered an independent audit of the Department of Defense, the government’s largest discretionary cost center — the Pentagon receives 54 cents out of every dollar in federal appropriations — after the Pentagon failed for decades to audit itself. The firms concluded, however, that the DoD’s financial records were riddled with so many bookkeeping deficiencies, irregularities, and errors that a reliable audit was simply impossible.”
So, that was the result of the latest version of this charade, which is virtual treason by the Federal Government.
In short: Congress is satisfied for this situation to continue, and the members of Congress evidently have no fear that the voters back home will vote against them if a challenger makes this issue a major issue in that Senator’s or Representative’s next Party primary.
The presumption is that the voters don’t care, and that the ‘news’-media won’t enlighten the voters about this matter, and about how it impacts, for example, which nations the US will categorize as being an “ally,” to sell weapons to, and which nations it will categorize as being an “enemy,” to target for conquest.
Invading and militarily occupying all of these countries which ‘our’ Government calls an “enemy” (though that country never even threatened, much less invaded, the US) is the end-product of a vast amount of corruption — this much is absolutely clear.
None of this could happen if the United States Government did not secretly continue the Cold War against Russia after Russia ended it on its side in 1991. Russia is the US aristocracy’s necessary bogey-man.
For example: how many Americans know that in June 2013, which was months before the Maidan demonstrations even started in Russia’s next-door-neighbor Ukraine on 21 November of that year, the US federal Government was already seeking US Government contractors to transform a building in Sevastopol Crimea in Ukraine into becoming part of a US naval base there? That Obama was planning to replace Russia’s largest naval base, which had been — and still remains — located there since 1783?
He had started, by no later than June of 2011, his planning for the February 2014 coup in Ukraine.
The origin of this goes all the way back to 26 July 1945, but the next key date was 24 February 1990, which continued the Cold War after Russia ended it.
Anyone who writes about US policy and doesn’t place this issue front and center is either misinformed or else corrupt. But anyone who does place it front and center will be unemployed (except, perhaps, at struggling non-mainstream US national news-media).
This is how much of a dictatorship today’s US has now become. Lying and cover-up have now become obligatory in all of the mainstream US media, so as to prevent the American public from knowing what this article has documented to be true.
This article has been written as an introduction to understanding recent American history.
This updated version is first published at The Saker.
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It’s pretty safe to assume you’re on the right side of an issue when that POS traitor to humanity, Mick West, is on the other.
The Pentagon is all about five (eyes too), just like the Soviet Red star. The trouble with five sided animals like sea stars and totalitarian regimes is that if you chop off one limb even that part grows back to full, like real 1984 bureaucracies.
The Pentacle is symbolic of black magic, and that’s the USA to the life. A Satanic death-machine that has chewed up hundreds of millions of victims, and looks dead set on moving on to billions more.
Aaah all signs point to the Great 9/11 Fraud delivered to a gullible and frightened American public. These citizens are now even more paranoid and psychotic than they were then. Couple this with a general widespread mindless ignorance of the world they live in and the criminal element in their government they have accepted and endorsed this situation. Fraud on this scale can only be carried out by a corruption of democracy and a nation whose economy is based on the manufacture of fear and an “industry” which is spreading death and destruction across the globe. The solution won’t come any time soon as Americans continue with the mistaken belief that their political mafia makes them “safe” hence the 70% respect poll. The missing trillions are quite acceptable to them – just another meaningless statistic in a sea of MSM propaganda and trivia. They are a great danger to us all.
“These citizens are now even more paranoid and psychotic than they were then”
Converging of 2 main goals made 9/11 desirable and doable: A: For the US, huge steps in the course of achieving Full Spectrum Dominance.
B: For Israel, to make hating and persecuting Muslims the new normal.
B distracts people from seeing A being implemented at a greater speed.
That’s what that Eisenhower dude said too, man. And he was one scary bastard when he said it too, eh.
A message for Off Guardian:
I am accessing the internet from a sleepy part of south west France. My provider is Orange, which took over the old France Telecom.
As an aside, former France Telecom employees who now work for Orange have an incredibly high suicide rate (which actually started during the final years of France Telecom).
Anyhows, I just want to mention that just recently when posting on Off Guardian, the post just ‘hangs’ and doesn’t seem to go through. It’s only later, when I look back through comments, I see that my post did go into the comment thread.
Just some techy feedback that you might be interested in.
Huh, $21 trillion gawn missing?!
The average yearly salary in the US is about $56,000.
Going on that yearly salary of $56,000, it would take an individual about 400 million years to pay-off a $21 trillion debt.
That might give some idea of the breathtaking scale of such robbery.
What I find most frightening about it is that there’s not many people who can’t be bought. Imagine the evil/corruption that such vast sums of money can buy, worldwide.
I need to go and lay in a darkened room…
Four hundred million years is just getting started, once you are in Hell, suffering Eternal Torment.
Military spending is that event horizon that most Americans don’t want to talk about because it seems “unpatriotic”. Many didn’t even get the incongruity of Trump preaching the end of all these “stupid wars” and to cease being the “policeman of the world” while proposing an increase in military spending.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Congress voted through Trump’s $2 trillion on the military.
$2 trillion could easily give all Americans a health service free at the point of use, it could easily provide free education, it could easily provide cheap housing for all. It goes on and on, and you’d still have lots of change left over from that $2 trillion.
And to counter one of the corporate lunatics/propagandists main points: ‘free stuff’: none of it is ‘free’. Everyone pays tax, all their lives. A huge amount of tax. Not just income tax: from the day you are born until the day you die you have to pay tax on just about all goods and services you buy.
Where does this huge amount of revenue go..?
Basically, it’s all stolen by the psychopaths who rule us.
The United States of America has to have Psychopaths at helm in order to get the lion’s share of the budget allocated to the USA Military Industrial Complex & control Congress with the fraudulent Black Money that is utilized to buy politicians off and keep the MIC charade going generation by generation so that continuity of agenda is maintained.
Congress allocates the largest proportion of tax revenue to the USA MIC without a doubt.
The MIC ensures that each state in the union of fraud is backstopped by Congressional district & all individual members of Congress. The fraud is to be found within Congress itself but by Congressional district we can empirically surmise that the lion’s share of tax revenue is maintained via Congressional voting per district. And the K-Street Lobby is known to be averaging 10 lobbyists per district so that when a member of Congress gets a call into their office from a member of the MIC cartel there is a dollar amount to the lobby that is behind each call or letter.
The racket starts in Congress where the most soulless evil politicians in the land vote to murder & assassinate/genocide the third world unarmed peasantry of all populations including that of the USA.
The name of the game for the USA is survival by stealth of murder & fraud like all Mafia organized criminal underworlds maintain their businesses & unprofessional relations.
Like Jonah Eisenhower was in the belly of the whale for eight years and tried continually to get an estimate from what was nominally “his” DOD on how many nukes they had and could never get a straight answer, meanwhile Peck’s Bad Boys in CIA were flying U2s over USSR even though he personally issued an EO telling to stop at least tell he talk to Kruschev at a summit, seems Dangerous Dulles didn’t take “no” for an answer and flew one over their heads anyway that got shot down of course and scuttled the whole summit which is why he talked about the MIC in his farewell address but that’s history.
The last guy who listened to him if you remember got his head blown off near Dealy Plaza.
As I said most Americans suffer from cognitive dissonance when the Military is mentioned. Many actually believe that because it is under the Department of Defense that has something to do with defense. An Orwellian trick they played when they changed the name from the Department of War to “Defense” in 1947 under the National Security Act which really had nothing to do with National Security but that’s another story.
The fact is that it has had nothing to do with actual defense since its inception.
One year before Orwell wrote his famous book. America was already ahead of the curve on that.
The US spends $3.8 trillion a year on healthcare, 18% of its GDP.
So $2 trillion couldn’t provide that.
So long as the health and insurance monopolies are allowed to carry on their price gouging and rent seeking by bought and paid for whore politicians.
Charging $60,000 for an appendectomy operation that would cost $125 in Russia.
Or $5,000 per ambulance journey.
Or $750 per pill that costs 10c to produce.
Or $20,000 insurance per family.
Or $350 for a month’s insulin that costs $30 in Canada.
It’s not about ‘defense’. It’s all about the joys of killing, destroying, terrorising, humiliating and threatening.
Unfortunately thats so true. A government of psychopaths. It’s like the joke about the difference between the Government and Organized Crime. The only difference is the latter is organized.
“Now we is talkin’, serious ‘stuff’ with President DJT …”
It would be interesting to hear SBC & Ali G.’s opinions on this article,
(instead of censorship).
SBCohen has options in future markets: or somebody has compromised his put …
Talk about Foot in Mouth Disease: what a plonker 🙂
Hari Kari AliG/SBC & ignominy,
consigned to history.
If you’re going to tell a lie, make it a big one”….Adolph Hitler. What is/has happened in the USA is mind Boggling. The American people are the most lied to people on Earth. The American Ruling Elite are rotten to the core…..And Loving it. All that money, gone(into their pockets or hidden in Caribbean Tax Havens), while the American people are being pushed down, into the “New Poor”, and when they get sick, they cant afford to pay the bills.
The American people are acknowledged around the World for being unaware of what is actually going on, except in the USA, but, they don’t even know THAT either………..”Ain’t Capitalism Great”?
By the way, the Federal Reserve Bank is not audited either……The Lunatics have taken over the Asylum.
Perhaps a major part of the reason that a huge percentage of Americans have so much respect for the military is that (aside from the way the questionnaire was phrased, “the military” being so vague as to mean very different things to different people, and the people who were sampled, who could have been Mormons or any other group of people subjected to enculturation that includes being submissive to authority figures) is that in many parts of the US now, the military is the largest – and sometimes the only – employer.
In poor areas where unemployment is high and businesses are closing for lack of money and customers, and families have few savings and are a pay cheque away from bankruptcy, the only way out of poverty for young people is to join the military – and doesn’t the military know it by deliberately targeting poor youth with offers of college scholarships and other benefits if they sign up.
On another level, private defence corporations depend on the US government as their major (and often sole) client and lobby hard for contracts. They lobby and buy the support of Congress representatives by, among other things, establishing factories in as many states as they can to get that support to win those contracts, as well as fund representatives’ war chests during election campaign season. Congress representatives then repay that support by throwing their weight behind the corporations’ push to win defence contracts. Factories provide jobs for people and in some places help to keep businesses (who supply parts perhaps) going. A video on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program helps explain this relationship.
If the US military were an economy, we’d probably call it a (sort of) socialist economy.
Concidentally just today there was an article on the Quartz website called “The best way to make a profit as an aerospace company is to fail”.
Its something that most of us who are engineers are only too well aware of — the modus operandi of these aerospace companies is to lowball the bid to get the contract and then screw the government on change orders, often to the tune of many times the value of the original contract. Schedules are also ‘flexible’ — if you play your cards correctly then you spin a contract out for many years, even decades.
This isn’t a new trick, it was common practice decades ago when I used to live and work in the UK. I didn’t like it at all because it has a corrosive effect on industry — corporations tended to shed their commercial work (with all its headaches of having to meet schedules, performance targets and make profits) in favor of government work, in the UK they did this by consolidating non-government work into a typically undercapitalized corporation that eventually went under and was sold for scrap. Government work, though, isn’t leading edge by any means (despite what you’d think) and it tends to promote a very weak industrial sector which eventually can’t compete and ultimately lacks the skills to generate the equipment that it was bidding to build.
There is a lot of opportunity for fraud, waste and abuse in the Pentagon but one way that doesn’t show up (but, again, was reported on in the last day or so in the LA Times) is the minority contracts scam. Here a shell company with all the correct minority street cred bids on a contract for some spare parts (say) and then passes it off to the company really doing the work. When these parts are for aircraft this leads to all sorts of quality control and certification issues — the specific parts mentioned in the article were ‘wing pins’ for F-15 fighters.
Great post- thanks for raising those points!
Another angle is that most non military industry in the US, UK and others has been moved to China after the Nixon-Kissinger duo opened up the West for the Chinese in 1971. G W Bush finalized the sell out by letting China in the WTO in 2001 without actually caring if the new entrants were sticking to the rules; too busy chasing the ghost of his old buddy Bin Laden.
The thing is Ant. that the Chinese always understood, from 1945 – 1974, (after Tibet & Vietnam), that there were no rules, no humanity nor laws that applied to the corporate elites who control & manipulate all, starting with the Dalai Lama and his personal CIA wage packet of $180,000 per annum, from WW2 onwards …
Seriously Ant. , why do you hate & blame the Chinese, so much ?
You always project & transfer irrefutable Western guilt onto them and,
this disturbs us here @OffG and serious constructive SELF-criticism, as well as
any constructive conversation regarding globalist designs for a New World Order.
It was no coincidence that the Rothschild’s moved their shipping business from the WTC complex to China, 2 weeks before the ‘hit’ on WTC 7 …
(the real target on that infamous day, you know ?!)
The lack of European involvement is Europe’s fault, as they try to subvert China’s rise in the Holy cause of Eternal Western dominance. That they lie about it is typical of Western elites.
Antonym is a Zionist so is a racist and civilizational supremacist. The Zionists rule the West, but the Chinese are so bloody ‘antisemitic’ that they dare to not worship Israel and Jews, and treat them as just fellow human beings-an unforgivable affront. Hence Antonym’s undying animus.
More Zionist Sinophobia. The Chinese stick to the rules while the USA and Israel treat them with contempt. If you take into account the exports from US subsidiaries based in China, there is NO trade deficit between the USA and China, but when you have the White Man’s Burden of ruling the planet forever, to God’s (a White Man)greater glory, any amount of lying is OK.
True but that is offset by the fact that also many trillions of dollars printed by the FED are backed up by (Sunni Arab) oil & gas payments in U$ only. The Anglo Arab oil dollar protection racket made the FED an unlimited ATM.
And who runs the Federal Reserve-it ain’t Ayrabs.
You missed the fact that the Pentagon engaged in mass murder of the Forensic Chartered Accountants that were giving the Pentagon an Official Forensic Audit on September 11th 2001 when the Pentagon & CIA/NSA alphabet agencies decided to implode the World Trade Centers and murder the Forensic Accounting professionals that were exposing the Pentagon criminality vis-a-vis accounting fraud.
The Pentagon murders accountants that dig too deep into Pentagon accounting practices of fraud.
This is what pent up Goons do in the USA Pentagon goon squads that Brig Gen Smedley Butler warned us all about during the Hooverville Demonstrations in D.C. 30s.
I wish I could bomb Canada’s Chartered Banks too, man.
Eric, this is very old news, since at least 2001.
But, Frank, Nothing has been done to fix the Massive problem, and of course, anyone who believes the “Official Account” of the “9/11” attack on America needs psychiatric assessment.
The Afghanistan “invasion” was not a “total failure.” The occupation was a total failure. If the U.S. would have just gone in, got al Qaeda, and got out, it would have been a success.
Afghanistan has been a raging success. Soviet Union subverted.Jihadist army created. Central Asia readied for attack on Russia and China and the BRI. Billions in lovely profits for the MICC. And lots of murders, other deaths, maiming, suffering and other horror, offerings to the Gods of Death that infest the twisted psyches and ideologies of the West.
Actually it shows how little the Neo Con and Neo Liberal morons have learned from history regarding the “boneyard of Empires” unless their objective was Imperial Suicide which is probably the only silver lining highlighting this big ugly cloud.
First of all what right does the US have to invade another nation and go after an entity that is merely **suspected**of being involved in the attacks? In fact according to the FBI most wanted 9/11 isn’t even mentioned in the list of crimes UBL allegedly committed in 2006 this from a “Justice” Department that can indict a ham sandwich.
Aside from that the Taliban said they’d be more than happy to extradite UBL and al Qaeda if they actually presented actual evidence that they were actually involved. Crickets followed by carpet bombing.
Of all of this is moot since there is more evidence linking Mossad to 9/11 than any other entity according to a FOX investigative series that mysteriously vanished from their website than any other suspect.
So it was neither a failure or success but yet another example of the USG’s Imperialist mindset.
The invasions are to protect US corporations in other countries on the taxpayer dime. The googles, facebooks, coca colas, exxons, and disneys of this world need to learn that the taxpayer is not their cash cow. They want protection – they must pay.
The US p1sses me off. They sold a dud Growler to Australia and do not want to refund the purchase price.
I wrote about this exact phenomenon in an article entitled Just Say No to the WTO back during what was called “ the Battle of Seattle” but my antecedent was Fletcher Prouty who called them Capitalism’s Invisible Army.
Wilson said WW I was to make the “world safe for democracy” but actually it was to make the world safe for rapacious capitalism. Worse now war itself has become profitable. They’ve basically cut out the middle man.
PS: On the day of 9/11 and/or the day after the German Spiegel Magazine had a list of tenants of the world trade centre. But that vanished, too – I wish I had saved that.
Funny how those items tend to mysteriously vanish? Yet they probably can still be found on the way back machine which is part of the internet archive. Amazing what you can find on there.
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas
(it’s a villanelle, by the way)
Classic 🙂
Llareggub, dub 😉
How green was the new deal . . . ?
Llareggub! That was Fishguard in Pembrokeshire in Under Milk Wood film. Interesting place. Huge underground naval installation there, sold for a pittance and now owned by the Manhattan Loft Corporation. Curious name. Previous owner one Omega Air. Purchase facilitated by Richard Harrington MP, former treasurer of the Conservative Party and former chairman of the Conservative Friends of Israel lobby group. Handy, that.
These Gallup polls quite consistently show America’s distrust in large enterprises and I would consider that a healthy thing.
The high trust in the military might be because Americans believe that the US soldiers out there protect American values, which they sort of do. But I would not be surprised if the question was asked differently, like: do you believe that the US military needs more than 1 trillion USD for its coverage to protect the nation is worth it? – that many would show a high trust in the military.
What I want to say is that ‘military’ can mean quite a lot of things
For Khashoggi’s murder, I am not convinced at all that he was murdered. For instance, without a dead body there is no murder. And without a fair trial (instead of hearsay) I would not consider the stories of MBS ordering Khashoggi’s murder to be factual. I do remember that at the time of ‘Khashoggi’s murder’, SA was pretty cosy with Russia. And so a deserved slap on the wrist by uncle Sam to SA in order for SA to know who is boss is, IMO, just an as likely possibility of what ‘happened’ at the Turkish Embassy. I remember OffG had a similar opinion about this (not being sure about Khashoggi’s murder). Khashoggi’s murder also felt like watching WWF and it really didn’t matter because it was just show, but perhaps that feeling is personal.
Hmm. Remember Prince Bandar? He was in charge of KSA security and funding terrorists to fight in Syria. He was close to John McCain and two weeks after McCain said “Thank God for Saudi Arabia and Prince Bandar”, he was removed from office and has never been seen again. McCain gave him the kiss of death because it had become public knowledge that KSA, Qatar and Turkey were funding and arming Al Qaida and ISIS at the behest of America, so he was disappeared. And dead men don’t tell tales.
It has been ‘public knowledge’ that the USA, the Wahhabists and Israel created al-Qaeda and all the other jihadist terror armies, since the 70s. Not so hard to find, the evidence, but then you rather need to be able to think and reason and learn from experience, so that counts out most denizens of the ‘Free World’.
All true, lundiel: but, look at it this way, hell is no longer empty . . . &
His daughter is a laughing stock &
many eyes are becoming wide open to the scale of this ‘Grand Psyop’,
after Johnny McCain’s frozen oven fried chips were removed from the oven too early,
on the USS Forrestal, the McCain’s family history went all soggy. 😉
Today, even some US citizens actually know where the Gulf of Tonkin is: &
dare I venture to suggest that what they have been taught by Hollywood,
was propaganda pure and their taxes have been wasted on enabling MIC elitism,
instead of providing basics, like clean water, in like … Flint 🙂
The Merkin attitude to war would perhaps be different if the USA had suffered the destruction and horror that it had inflicted on so many others over 200 years. Perhaps the Merkins would learn that war is not a computer game or a Transformers movie.
$21 trillion has “gone missing” from the Pentagon budget.
Maybe they should look down the back of the sofa. That’s what I always do.
The current true Pentagon budget is $1,134 billion, $400 billion higher than the official figure.
Catherine Austin-Fitts has a lot of good information and knowledge (due to her direct past experience) about the missing DoD, Pentagon, housing dept., and other missing US funds, if people are interested.
Good start here:
Whoops, article has already referenced her – thank you! I’ve been following CAF stuff for a while now and most of her knowledge seems useful imo.
Who knows what the true figure is? Maybe it’s $121 trillion, or $1,121 trillion, or $99,121 trillion. Just make up whatever figure you like. That’s the way the people who run the US government operate. Probably all in the hands of the usual suspects. Seems like there’s a whole forest of magic money trees out there somewhere.
But let’s all concentrate on Meghan and Harry and Stormy Daniels and all the stuff that really matters.
They should do a Thelma and Louis taking Stormy with them.
Cripes-soon you’ll be talking of real money.
Funny how they can drop a couple of trillion on the war machine in search of nonexistent “WMD” yet can’t spend a few million on some leaky levees in New Orleans.
The USG reminds me of some drunk hanging out in the bar while the wife and kids are starving at home.
“This enormous public respect for, basically, America’s Military-Industrial Complex or MIC, didn’t even exist before 9/11”
You see, it was worth having it. 9/11 was the right thing to do.
A dash of Glyphosate onto your breakfast cereal, and you’re even more Exceptionalist than ever before!
The MICC should thank Israel for having the ‘bottle’ to pull 9/11 off. The billions a year in free money transfers, the veto over all US political activity, the control of the Internet and the groveling adulation of Bibi whenever he addresses the slaves of Congress is surely just a start. Lack of further future ‘repayment’ would be despicably ‘antisemitic’.
10 million dollars for three cruise missiles, probably another 2 for Urban Moving Systems, maybe a cool mill to hack into NORAD and FAA networks, even less for three tactical nukes. Results. Priceless!
thank you for summarizing the evidence for the case this country is a wholly-owned & operated subsidiary of industrial-military dictatorship-inc. — the complete success of the mass-mind control engine of ruling-class consciousness in brainwashing “consumers” (never workers) that 9/11 was some kind of irrational terrorist attack on their very freedom to slave their underpaid lives away guarantees this un-elected oligarchic monopoly will continue to dominate the planet well into the new decade —
at this point it’s hard to imagine how the myth of america the good guy can be challenged here — no matter what the rest of the world can see is really happening.
They would tell you where the money went – but then they’d have to shoot you. Oh what the hell- they’ll just shoot you anyway!
They just IGNORE you. And there is nothing you can do about it.
George Mc
I guess it went the same place as the $2.3trillion?
Funny how they forgot all about it after WTC was nuked ….er I mean brought down with super high octane jet fuel and armor piercing aluminum planes.
The USA is Israel’s “Anaesthetised Donkey”, obeying their instructions and not asking any questions…..
I tend to agree with you to a certain extent despite the fact that Israel has an almost hypnotic shall we say Svengalian control over the brain washed Zionist Morons on the Religious Right.
Strange how the cruise missile, sorry, hijacked plane that hit the Pentagon crashed straight into the accounts department. Like how the collapse of WTC7 took out the Securities and Exchange Commission and all the investigations into Wall Street they had on their books. And totally vapourised all the gold bullion stored in the basement.
I think the Gold was in Building 6, and the Gold was gone, from an already opened safe…..And it never gets mentioned in the Media, and no one has thought to ask the guys with the Safe Combinations, “do you know anything about this”?
“9/11” was a complete Insider Fraud…….The USA has been taken over, from within….
Correct. That was the customs’ house that had high levels of tritium after the attack that the full of bunk “debunkers” ridiculously assigned to footlights and exit signs on Flights 11 and 175 in their hit piece in Popular Mechanics which is another term used for hitman or wet work specialist.
Notice how tall tale tellers at the Commission never mentioned 6 nor 4 nor 3 within the WTC complex? All that sustained severe damage but unlike 7 didn’t go down in what some described as “Classic Controlled Demolition”. Having personally seen the Aladdin go down in exactly the same way when I was in Vegas I can attest this is true having personally witnessed Controlled Demolition.
The NIST report was unbelievable “Bovine Excreta”…….The whole “9/11” fairy tale is a disgrace to the USA……
It was worse than the infamous Warren Commission report in two ways. First the Warren Commission was fact and fiction while the 9/11 Report was totally fictitious also secondly the intent of the Warren commission was to prevent a war by coming to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone despite the contrary evidence in the report itself fearing they’d expose a conspiracy by the Russians. While the 9/11 commission lied their sorry asses off in order to support the illegal wars perpetrated by Bush and his Neocon cohorts which was totally despicable.
Hell would be too good for those assholes. If I were the devil I’d tear up their reservations.
Wonders never cease. Do they? Actually another reason they had to take out the Solomon Building was that the Office of Emergency Management was there and it had all the video footage from all city traffic and surveillance cameras stored on its HDs which would definitely exposed UA 175 as video magic.
Agreed……..More “Taurus Crappus”……
One could fertilize the whole Central Valley of California with that report.