Dead President Walking
CJ Hopkins

Photo credit – Business Insider
I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I’m a little worried about Donald Trump. I’m worried he may be on the verge of a sudden, major heart attack, or a stroke, or a fatal golfing accident.
Food poisoning is another possibility. Or he could overdose on prescription medication. A tanning bed mishap is not out of the question.
He could accidentally hang himself during autoerotic asphyxiation, or get shot by a lone-wolf white supremacist terrorist trying to start the RaHoWa. The Russians could spray him with that Novichok perfume.
There are any number of ways he could snuff it.
I don’t mean to sound alarmist, but the Resistance is running out of non-lethal options for removing Donald Trump from office. Here they are, in no particular order…
Resistance Non-Lethal Option No. 1
Resistance Non-Lethal Option No. 1 is winning the 2020 election, which isn’t looking very promising. The Democratic Party is in shambles. According to the polls, their current front-runner is a senile, hair-sniffing, finger-sucking freak who never met a credit card company or a healthcare lobbyist he didn’t like, and who rivals even Donald Trump when it comes to incoherent babbling.
Yes, that’s right, folks, it’s “Smilin’ Joe” Biden, vanquisher of the razor-wielding, swimming-pool-gangster “Corn Pop” to the rescue!
As far as I’ve been able to gather, the plan is for Joe to out-“crazy” Trump (and thus win back the “bull goose loony” demographic) by going completely off his medication and having a series of scary-looking petit mal seizures on national television.
That is, unless the impossible happens, and Biden is vanquished by Bernie Sanders (a/k/a “The Magic Socialist”), who Democratic Party bigwigs would sooner publicly immolate themselves than nominate, and who the corporate media are already accusing of being a lying, sexist. communist, crypto-Trump-loving, Jew-hating Jew.
Sanders, it seems, has gone totally “native.”
He’s out there, in the heart of the American darkness, like a geriatric Colonel Kurz, operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct.
According to the latest reconnaissance, he is building another “revolutionary” army of fanatical, doped-up, hacky-sacking “socialists” that he will lead into the convention in July and deliver to Biden, or Elizabeth Warren, or whichever soulless corporate puppet the party honchos eventually nominate, and then obsequiously stump for them for the next five months. (Or, who knows, maybe Michael Bloomberg will put the Democrats out of their misery and just buy the party and nominate himself.)
The “Crush Bernie” movement is just getting started, but you can tell the Resistance isn’t screwing around. Hillary Clinton just officially launched her national “Nobody Likes Bernie” campaign at the star-studded 2020 Sundance Film Festival.
Influential Jewish journalists like Bari Weiss and Jeffrey Goldberg, and Ronald Lauder’s newly-founded Anti-Semitism Accountability Project, have been Hitlerizing him, or, rather, Corbynizing him.
Obama has promised to “stop him,” if necessary.
MSNBC anchor Joy Reid brought on a professional “body language expert” to phrenologize Sanders “live” on the air … and, as I said, they’re just getting started.
In any event, no matter who they nominate, they have no chance of winning in November.
How could they, given the total stranglehold the Russians now have on American democracy?
As Adam Schiff just reminded everyone, unless Donald Trump is removed from office, “we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won,” because at any moment Putin could order Trump to pressure the Ukrainian president into investigating Biden’s son’s corruption by refusing to fund the Ukrainian military’s resistance to Putin’s secret plot to occupy the entire Ukraine and use it as a covert base from which to launch an all-out thermonuclear war against the United States (which Putin already controls through his puppet, Trump, and his network of nefarious Facebook bots, which, according to this expert on NPR, are already brainwashing gullible Black people into voting for Bernie Sanders this time, or at least refusing to vote for Biden, like they refused to vote for Hillary last time … which, OK, I know, that sounds kind of racist, but we’re talking NPR here, folks. These people aren’t racists. They’re liberals!)
OK, I got a little lost there … the point is, if the election goes ahead, and Trump doesn’t have an embolism or something, odds are, we’re looking at four more years of Putin-Nazi occupation. Which brings us to …
Non-Lethal Option No. 2
Resistance Non-Lethal Option No. 2 is, of course, the current impeachment circus. I don’t even know where to start with this one.
After three and a half years of corporate-media-manufactured mass hysteria and Intelligence Community propaganda designed to convince the American public that Donald Trump is a “Russian asset” (and possibly Putin’s homosexual lover) and also literally the Resurrection of Hitler, the Democrats are trying to impeach the man for something that most Americans either (a) believe is common practice among members of the political class, (b) don’t entirely understand, or (c) do, but don’t give a shit about.
Seriously, it’s like they held a contest to see if anyone could think of something that would out-anticlimax the Mueller report, and this is what the winner came up with … an over-acted, sanctimonious snooze-fest, the stakes of which could not possibly be lower.
Sure, the corporate media are doing their best to cover every twist and turn of the “drama” as if the fate of democracy were hanging in the balance, but everybody knows it’s a joke … or, all right, almost everybody.
So we’re down to …
Non-Lethal Option No. 3
Resistance Non-Lethal Option No. 3 is to whip up so much mass hysteria over “white supremacist terrorism,” “the sudden resurgence of anti-Semitism,” “the imminent Putin-Nazi Apocalypse” (which has been imminent since the summer of 2016), and other iterations of Hitler hysteria, that people can’t really even think anymore, and will join the Resistance and pour into the streets in their millions and demand Trump resign.
The Resistance has been at this for over three years now, i.e., casting the neo-Nazi subculture that has always been part of the political landscape as a powerful, worldwide fascist movement that is going to rise up any minute and Hitlerize the entire Western world.
It isn’t working. People aren’t buying it. OK, sure, some liberals are still buying it. But most people aren’t, not anymore.
For example, the hysteria leading up to the recent gun rights rally in Richmond, which according to the corporate media had been infiltrated by “Nazi terrorists” who were plotting to publicly mass murder each other in a desperate attempt to finally launch the “Boogaloo,” or the “RaHoWa” … or whatever.
Apparently, a few days before the rally, the FBI got some neo-Nazis to agree to conspire to murder some people and then violently overthrow the U.S. government with their arsenal of homemade machine guns.
These neo-Nazi masterminds were allegedly members of “the Base,” i.e., one of these little neo-Nazi clubs that we’re all supposed to live in mortal fear of now … this one, as it turns out, run by a former (and possibly current) “security contractor.”
The governor declared a state of emergency. Anti-Terror forces were put on alert. A “no-fly zone” was implemented, presumably to prevent the Russians from dropping a division of Putin-Nazi paratroopers onto the lawn of the Capitol. The corporate media warned that it was probably going to be a bloodbath.
Well, the day came and went, and no Boogaloo. No bloodbath. No Putin-Nazi Apocalypse. Just a lot of gun owners and militia types parading around with their guns and gear. Antifa didn’t even show up this time … or, rather, the few “anti-fascists” that did were also armed and supporting the rally.
And that’s the problem with Non-Lethal Option No. 3 … there are only so many times you can have the corporate media scream, “THE NAZIS ARE COMING!” and then not produce any actual Nazis. The Resistance has exceeded that allotment.
Which brings me back to where I started, and my concerns about Donald Trump, and his health, and the assorted tragic accidents that could befall him before we get to November. Because, unless you believe that the Intelligence Community (and the transnational empire it is part and parcel of) is prepared to sit by and allow Donald Trump to serve another four years as president … well, I wouldn’t be sharing any Diet Cokes or riding in any motorcades with him.
I don’t know, maybe I’ve been reading too much of that “conspiracy theory” stuff on the Internet, but Senator Schumer’s warning to Trump back in 2017 keeps playing in my head:
Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
Relax, folks. I’m just kidding, of course. The Intelligence Community would never dream of doing anything … you know, illegal.
The Community doesn’t assassinate people, and commit all sorts of other atrocities.
That’s just a thing they do in the movies.
In reality, they would never assassinate a president, especially not one they had been telling everyone is a “Russian asset,” and “literally Hitler,” and a “traitor,” and a “dictator,” for over three years. OK, those are pretty harsh words, but they probably don’t really mean all that stuff. Odds are, they’re just horsing around. They’re a notorious bunch of jokesters, those CIA guys.
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Trump, of course, is part of the establishment and did an excellent job of distraction and of setting factions against each other. It is interesting that in order to elect a President or to build any enthusiasm for a candidate, the establishment had to play-act that he was an “outsider.”
As to who will be the next President– not only do we have no say in who becomes a candidate– but the votes in the actual election w/b counted secretly in a black box called a computer.
This could lead to a new lexicon:
– To be “JFK’d” = a very public and very messy execution
– To be “Trumped” = to be retired in a most ignominous and/or undignified manner
Trump could beat “them” to the punch (ie actually top himself by means of autoeroticism, golfing accident, etc) – maybe he really would if he came up with a terminal diagnosis. In one stroke he’d achieve JFK status as well as inflict the ultimate F. U. on the Deep State.
America seems such a strange place from this side of the Atlantic: apparently the intelligence agencies are fully signed up members of the Left. How could anyone satirise such a country?
America seems stranger to me every day. In one of those QI shows Stephen Fry said that the pilgrims who sailed to America were not looking for freedom at all but for the opposite i.e. they regarded the countries they were sailing from as too free, too liberal, too “corrupt”. They aimed to create a puritanical society. That in itself may explain some of the oddities in the US – especially the religious fundamentalism which seems to me to be excruciatingly anachronistic in the modern world. Indeed – I suspect that there were medieval European peasants with more advanced ideas than in some of the US. And one of the curious effects of this is to create an equally strident fundamentalist atheism – one that has all the evangelical zeal of the religious nuts.
This may seem a facetious comparison but there were two fantasy shows that ended about the same time: the US series “Lost” and the Brit series “Ashes to Ashes”. The US series seemed to be headed in a religious direction with a “Good vs Evil” scenario – but the show contained multiple references to various faiths – a bit of Christianity, a bit of Eastern stuff etc. and in the last season, they pulled back and gave us a weird muddled “in between” realm where they were all waiting in some kind of antechamber for “the next phase in the spiritual journey”. It seemed the ultimate in non-committal vacuity. But The Brit series gave us a straight Heaven or Hell scenario. In the UK folk would accept that with a shrug i.e. they could accept it on its own terms as a bit of entertainment. In the US they would take it far more seriously and it would cause a storm between the religious nuts and the atheists.
I daresay all this may seem a crass generalisation but I think that most of the world outside the US is secular and irreverent in outlook. The US tends to be deadly serious and binary in thinking.
I gave up trying to fathom American morality when I noticed that they regard a man without a shirt as ‘naked’.
How they ever survive any act of procreation is quite beyond my powers of understanding, unless they rely entirely upon the casual sexual encounters of the ‘deplorable unwashed’ in order to produce offspring…
A 17th Century Puritan living in today’s Europe would, of course, have developed ‘herd blindness’ as a result of repeated attacks on his ancestors’ sensibilities…
Good source: 27 year CIA analyst veteran in favor of impeachment, but NOT on fake Russia / Ukraine grounds:
Amusing. America is a long running project of Intelligence. Project Chaos run across generations. Hoax layered on hoax. Lies layered on lies.
CIA has never killed a POTUS. They both work for the same masters.
When it is necessary they pretend to kill a POTUS. That POTUS then goes underground, either to retire, or to be the un-elected deep state executive that actually runs USA, INC. Since the Presidency is based on family lineages, he might want his brother, and his son, the heir apparent, to be with him.
Trump will be kept in play for as long as the rulers decide, the voters/rabble can shout all they want, dogs barking at the Moon. Their puppet is delivering: Most bombs dropped in Afghanistan (stock prices & divs up), racism simmering nicely on southern border, the Fed rampant with QE4 driving the NASDAQ & Dow to mythic heights before the Crash, the Impeachment Show dithering along distracting even those not brain dead from the relentless thuggery of the Trump administration. The show must go on, and it will, until the producers have pocketed their profits. Relax, folks, it’s not personal it’s (show) business. So smile…
Amusing if the Democrats get their way and face President Pence and Vice President Ted Cruz in the fall😱
I haven’t had time to read all the comments here (usual excuse!). This recent piece by Whitney Webb, on Mint Press News, might have been linked to before. Whatever, I feel it’s worth me linking to again because it gives a very good insight into what’s going on in the Middle East at the moment, and the fact that we are ruled by gangster psychopaths…
Surely the solution is to find a hot democratic chick to get her tits out for the nation, instead of having boring snooze fests where every Dem Pres Can insults every other Dem Pres Can and assures everyone that they have either slept with Putin, threatened to sleep with Putin’s daughter or had their legitimate ways of bankrupting the state of Russia outlawed by that despicable gangster from St Petersburg?
I mean: what better way of at least getting folks interested in the Dems than 100 million male boners?
Sure there will be 50 million outraged Bible Belt demure dressers screeching ‘Outrage, Outrage!’, but there are 50 million people screeching ‘Outrage, Outrage!’ about just about anything nowadays in the US.
‘Make Love, not War!’ was the strapline for Woodstock 1969. ‘Get a boner, vote Democrat’ could be the 2020 strapline??
At least that way, the Donald could get to build his hotels in North Korea, or wherever….
Sounds like a come-on for Tulsi Gabbard.
HRC is going for some bazookas as along with a face lift?
BIll’s always been a giant tit. Maybe she could get away with just one upgrade.
No. 1 Shabbos goy Trump is currently down on his hands and knees licking Netanyahu’s boots, rubber stamping each and every one of the demands of the fake Jew Khazars in Occupied Palestine.
The Palestinians are being offered an incredibly generous deal of a Bantustan on a few acres of scruffy desert somewhere the Jews don’t want. An incredible vision of peace! The deal of the century! Tremendous! Amazing!! Terrific!!! Wonderful!!! Historic!!! A Triumph!!!!
Today’s ABC television news. Story One-the insulting and viciously contemptuous offer of a sub-Bantustan for the Palestinian ‘human dust’, and everything they desire for the Israeli ‘ Gods Upon the Earth’. Followed by yet another ‘Holocaust’ at Auschwitz tear-jerker, replete with the usual denunciations of ‘antisemitism’. Although I do believe the Nazi Judeocide to be immensely important and worthy of respectful commemoration, its use as an ideological bludgeon for Zionist crimes against humanity is, in fact, a vicious insult to the memory of the victims.
Olga Guerin covered it for the Zionist BBC.
She was unmasked as the latest Corbyn style rabid anti semite, because she made a very brief passing reference to Palestinians living under occupation.
That’s the end of her BBC career.
Her P45 is probably being made out right now.
The penultimate link above was an article on CIA assassinations. It somehow elided their successful jobs on JFK, MLK and RFK. Credit where it’s due. Too modest. What self effacing heroes. Not to mention Dag Hammarskjold, maybe Olof Palme, and dozens of other democratically elected leaders. So they missed Fidel. You can’t win them all.
And don’t forget the third-worlders, like Allende and Lumumba.
And mass killing using the now default fanatical Muzzies backed up by “contractors”, as happened in Indonesia in 1965. Several millions were murdered then, more than the Khmer Rouge atrocities and approaching the WWII Holocaust in magnitude. It continues in Papua.
Palme was sub-contracted to fascists in the Swedish police.
Perhaps, but the hand of the CIA was never far from the trigger to be sure.
Anyone with two thinking neurons knows that 2020 Trump, unlike 2016 Trump, is completely and unequivocally a creature of the zionist lobby and the military industrial complex, and therefore guaranteed re-(s)election in November. Since he is guaranteed a second term, the duty of the Daymockratic Party is to make sure he doesn’t lose by accident. This they will do by, first, making certain nobody remotely electable is put up against der Twitterführer, and, second, by making such a ludicrous spectacle of themselves that even fence sitters and those who detest Trump (not a hard thing to do) will end up voting for him out of disgust. That is all.
Hey look, yet another low-information voter (who probably doesn’t vote) regurgitating the hate his mainstream media overlords told him he must have for the president. Couldn’t articulate a single thought on why he finds the president so distasteful or how the Trump presidency has effected his life in any way shape or form other than to lower his taxes. Still these useless bottom-feeders persist. “Orange man bad!” Look mom, I had an original thought … oh,… wait, … no, … never-mind.
Ask the Midwestern American farmers what they think The Duck did for them, Langleycsc61BOY.
Smoot-Hawley Act II: Revenge of the Orange Oaf, eh?
What on earth are you going on about? I’m not an Amerikastani.
Non-lethal option No 4. As the Coronavirus media pandemic spreads across the globe the WWMSM (World Wide MSM) is put on lock down to prevent the spread of any viral news or the break out of truth serum.
After the US presidential election time has passed, it is revealed that Hilary Clinton won, who along with Bill Gates was instrumental in secretly developing a vaccine to save the planet. Trump retires to Key Largo where he is allowed to fire all his staff one by one and remain in isolation for his remaining years.
The US economy returns to normal with the creation of infinite credit balances introduced on all plastic. Meanwhile the rest of the planet burns…
Even the Trump administration keeps on shielding Saudi 9/11 perp investigations: the Anglo Arab oil dollar protection pact stays paramount!
Robert Mueller III buried any FBI case against HRC; he also buried any 9/11 FBI case against any Saudis!
Mueller doesn’t know how to wield a shovel.
He couldn’t find his own arse with both hands.
Come on Ant-everybody knows that it was the MOSSAD, allied to US sayanim and rogue elements of the US elite who did 9/11. The Saudis were just the patsies, Oswalds one and all.
Did you know that even Hamas and Iran are run by the Mossad? And Xi Jinping too! Me too, you too. No more need for an Off Guardian site, all riddles solved.
No, they don’t run Hamas any more. They did create it and gave it money and guns. To undermine Yasser Arafat and his organisation. Standard dirty colonial gam of divide and rule.
Well the MOSSAD helped set up Hamas to oppose the PLO, so refrained from their usual murder rampage against those ‘two-legged animals’ for a while. Iran and Xi? You need to stop forgeting to take your meds.
People fixate too much on Trump.
In due course he will be replaced with another trained monkey serving the same organ grinders, and the game of musical chairs will continue.
The organ grinders are fond of nothing if not variety. They will give us a black monkey, an orange monkey, a gay monkey, a monkey with a vagina, a foul mouthed oafish monkey or a polished well behaved monkey. Just so long as it rattles its tin cup for the organ grinder.
At Davos he promised more tax cuts for the rich if re elected.
He threatened 25% tariffs on the car industries of his most faithful satraps if they tried to tax Silicon Valley.
God forbid that Amazon should have to pay a cent in tax on its $11 billion profits.
You might think the organ grinders are being a bit hard on the Orange Man, trying to impeach him.
After all, he has increased the military budget to $1,134 billion, (real figure), more than the rest of the world combined. You’d think that would buy him a bit of gratitude from Lockheed and Raytheon.
And his fellow billionaires increased their wealth by 12% last year. That should stand him in good stead with Adelson, Saban and Singer.
And the people who rule the roost should be happy with his Gives to the kosher folk. Jerusalem, Golan, West Bank, ever more billions, free weapons and unlimited political cover.
And all that nonsense about Draining The Swamp and Building The Wall is just so much ancient history, though a few of the Deplorables probably still believe in it.
And Obomber deported far more illegals than he has.
So why are they so hard on poor old Donny?
He upset the apple cart. He wasn’t supposed to win. And however much grovelling he does to Israel and Wall Street, it just doesn’t matter. They hate him. They will take all his Gives without any gratitude.
Because he is a loose cannon, an unprincipled opportunist. He is not a true believer waiting for the Rapture like Pence and Pompeo. Or someone as corrupt and compromised and easily controlled as Clinton.
Syria was supposed to have been destroyed by now. Assad was supposed to be dead. The war with Iran was scheduled for 3 years ago. But Trump screwed up their plans, and nothing he can do will ever deflect their hatred.
So he will either be re elected in November, or replaced with some mediocrity like Creepy Joe or Pocahontas or an even more dodgy billionaire like Bloomberg.
But it is all kabuki theatre. Nothing will change. There will still be 1,000 plus military bases all over the planet. The rich will get richer and the poor 99% will get more austerity.
And the Magic Roundabout will keep on turning round and round and round till the inevitable collapse.
Trump is just another Goldstein for the Woke and the Deluded to hate.
That all seems rather cynical to me. But just to keep facts straight, the US currently has 900 bases in 137 countries. Close to ‘1000 plus’ but not quite. Just thought you’d appreciate the fact checking.
We live in a rather cynical world.
If you count those in 50 African countries which aren’t included, it’s well in excess of 1,000. Though the Pentagon seems confused on the subject itself.
It seems to have “lost” a lot of them, like it “lost” $21 trillion from the military budget.
Meanwhile back on the Farm we’re still suffering… Why Trump? Why?
This is not a joke or a debate. Not a possibility or a maybe.
Millions of children in UK are suffering now. Millions.
Families are under the cosh. We all have been for decades. You’ve read the headlines.
Grenfall. Hillsbough etc etc. And you wanna chat about trump trump trump mr televison
mr mind control meanwhile in the real world millions of children in UK are suffering now.
Fuck off.
So why did they vote for BoJo? Masochism?
They voted for BoJo because the sold-out Blairites in the Labour Party engineered a U-turn in the party’s Brexit policy which would have extended the whole Brexit shemozzle by up to 1 1/2 years. The Blairites knew the punters wouldn’t buy it, which suited them because they didn’t want Labour to win under Corbyn. Now they’ve got most of what they want: Corbyn leaving, and the country facing another 5 years of neo-liberal austerity.
Why did people vote for Bojo?
Let me explain it.
There were 3 reasons.
1. Labour lost 59 seats. 55 of these voted Leave in the referendum. The other 4 were traditional Tory seats that Labour were lucky to pick up in 2017, when Jezza did pretty well, despite all the polls and pundits. May and the Tories were expecting a Labour wipe out in 2017. They got it in 2020.
The Blairites and the Remoaners strong armed Jezza into adopting a ludicrous and incoherent Brexit policy, ignoring the referendum result and having a 2nd referendum. Negotiating a new agreement with Brussels which they themselves would then campaign against. This was widely seen as both farcical and profoundly anti democratic.
The even more fanatical Brussels Groupies in the Liberals suffered the same result.
2. Smear Campaign (a) mounted by the Board of Deputies, the Israeli embassy, the MSM, and the massed ranks of Shabbos goys in the Friends of Israel. This was waged relentlessly by our Levantine friends for 3 years, and clearly had an effect. They said they were going to drive Jezza out of public life, and they did. The policies and membership of Labour are now subject to the veto of a tiny religious majority with close links to the Tories.
3. Smear Campaign (b) mounted by the Blairite Backstabbers who make up 80-85% of the PLP. “Lord” Watson, Benn, Bradshaw, Bryant, Thornberry, Phillips, Austin, “Lord” Mann, Ryan, Berger, Ellman, Smee, the list is very long and very undistinguished. They tried to unseat him twice in No Confidence motions, supported by around 180 of these snakes. They were more terrified of a Labour victory and Jezza getting the keys to Number Ten than any Tory. They were shooting off their fat mouths for 3 years, saying Jezza wasn’t fit to be elected dog catcher. They gave the Tories so much ammunition they didn’t know what to do with it. Without all this backstabbing, the Labour might well have won the 2017 election, if only in coalition with the SNP. People don’t vote for parties that are fighting with each other like rats in a sack.
Hope that explains it.
Don’t forget the Winter, December, pre-Xmas election designed to lower turnout compared to 2017 and daily polls to do the same and build the story of the fixed ballot.
The SNP went for the December poll – there was no way Corbyn and co would have been able to stop it.
When Bozo returned with his worse deal than May it was PASSED! This point of Brexit would have arrived anyway – so why?
Because by some fluke of personalities including Bercow a Hard Brexit’ was inveigled OFF the menu – that was ALWAYS plan A. A majority had to be built for the Tories to deliver it because their partners in crimr NuLabInc had completely fucked up by allowing Corbyns first win and failed to duslodge him through begging, treachery and chickencoupery hell even Mays bid to use a snap election had failed!
So in the face of failing with SDP2 the independent groups and libdem wonder woman – it had to be the Tories again – putting to an end once and for all the two party, first past the post, gerrymandered constituencied FICTION of DEMOCRACY.
A coup that was effected before a unwelcome government took office.
We had our first month under that coup and being run by a junta – right here in the centre of the old empire and home of parliament.
How does it feel?
Phillips was nearly hysterical with laughter on election night when the results were coming in and things were going badly for Labour. I thought she was going to wet herself.
Pompeo and his big swinging Gauntlet.
Executed by SCL of the UK and Canadia skynet corp CGI to deliver a rigged poll using their control of postal voting, privatised by Cameron/Clegg.
Game run by puppet minder LauraKoftheCIA and her Mission Impossible team in the msm – with a huge amount integrity and Iniative.
They all had a jolly time high fiving and handing out gongs on a secluded and secure oligarch Caribbean Island, some are still revelling getting ready for the next big play to earn their seats at the table.
We get to eat crumbs here, and there to allow us to vent a bit.
They didn’t vote for Bojo and the Conservatives. The December 2019 general election in the UK was totally rigged.
Did ‘they’ (working class people in, for example, formerly ‘safe’ Labour seats) vote for BoJo? Wait for the figures on postal voting to come in and you might find some very strange statistics. Another poster on a previous article on this site shared with us some very odd stats re the 2017 election. Could be outright fraud aside from a concerted smear campaign against JC.
Thank you Walter, my sentiments exactly. The most painful aspect for me is the fact that behind that vicious screen of pretence, of greed and a deep rooted propaganda that lies with every word, are the hungry now lost children of this god forsaken country, the U.K.
I have never felt so lost myself, the people sleep walk into a no mans land of utter dysfunction and chaos, many believing that their decisions are their own.
I am trying to crawl out from under a reactive depression to make a decision as to where I will go at 63yrs old. Staying under a piece of human shite like Boris is no longer a option. Every day is an uphill battle as the MSM continue to lambaste Labour and Corbyn, abuse on top of abuse, gaslighting the likes of I have never seen before. And the people fall for it every time, every fucking time.
It’s not all red pilling, BP.
The wire pullers and puppet masters have had to come out from behind the curtain and take direct control, exposing themselves for all the world to see.
The MSM has lost all credibility, as seen by their desperation in imposing ever more rigid censorship and surveillance. This is a sign of weakness, not strength.
The level of inequality and injustice is now so egregious and dysfunctional that a critical mass is building up. Something’s got to give.
America is on the verge of collapse, politically, financially, economically, socially, morally and spiritually. And when it does, it will bring down people like Bojo and all the other US satraps.
Don’t wait for it to happen. Don’t even want it to happen. Just sit back and watch what does happen. It will all happen in time.
That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time.
Trump’s safe because he’s providing cover for all those people who one would suspect of not being above removing inconvenient people by some means or another. When he first burst onto the political scene he did look like a maverick, one who might have an unfortuante accident should the unthinkable occur and he get into a position of power, but it quickly became obvious that he was up to playing the game.
I personally wouldn’t dream of taking Trump out. If nothing else there’s no excuse for endangering the lives of innocent Secret Service personnel. He has to be disposed of using Constitutional menas; I know that’s a bit tough given the enormous resources in play to keep him going (and the rather undisciplined behavior of Democratic supporters — you’ve got to keep your eye on the long term goal but we prefer to fight about details among ourselves, a classic ‘divide and rule’ trick.)
The problem with being a stooge of the Zionists is that they are very ungrateful people, and MOSSAD is riven with factions, one of which might prefer Pence, as they preferred LBJ over JFK.
Makes me laugh when people say Trump is a thorn in the Establishment’s side.
Trump doesn’t have a thing to fear he’s been a huge asset to the security state, whose Russiagate theatrics provided mainstream media news with just enough bullshit to distract the public, so that Trump could never be aggressively attacked from the Left. For the last three years, all the “resistance oxygen” was sucked up by the warmongering against Russia. Meanwhile, this enabled Trump to successfully pass a slew of reactionary legislation and fasttrack numerous lifetime appointments to the federal court without barely a whimper from the phony Dems. In fact, the Democrats unanimously voted for Trump’s military budget. The same idiot they called unhinged was given the power to start WWIII.
No matter how much liberals complain–the wealthy are happy with the status quo and the right-wing Evangelicals are as pleased as punch. However, there’s quite a large number of disaffected Trump voters looking at Tulsi, but could eventually come Bernie’s way. Especially, if Tulsi endorses Bernie. This discontented bunch includes the working-poor, the indebted young, and all the folks who are not doing economically well under Trump’s fabulous stock market. It especially includes the military families who were promised an end to the miserable foreign interventions. Bernie, has some appeal to these folks. His platform certainly resonates with all those who can barely pay their health insurance
premiums, and whose salary is NOT nearly considered a living wage. But Bernie could win hands-down and steal Trump’s base, if he only had the courage to UNAPOLOGETICALLY speak out against US imperialism and connect all the dots explaining how the security state plundered the treasury for decades f–king over the working-class.
I disagree: he is a huge asset for Wall Street as his simplistic measure of success is the height of the US stock market. IF Trump gets assassinated by the CIA – proxies that would prove that Langley prevails over Manhattan.
Xi- China is the proof in the pudding: security treat but contrary also stock bonanza.
To be more precise Fairfax county vs. Lower Manhattan.
What if Trump is assassinated by the MOSSAD?
Crazy Bernie won’t get anywhere. He is now getting the Corbyn treatment. But even if he did, so what? He is a loyal servant of the Empire, cheering on its regime change antics in Syria, Venezuela and everywhere else. Bernie will just fall into line and do as he is told – like he did in 2016.
If Bernie wins, Hopkins needs only to alter his article to make Bernie the protagonist and not Trump.
I don’t know how anyone can still take western political shenanigans seriously.
It’s beyond fixing.
You need to get out on the streets like the French are doing.
(“Sanders, it seems, has gone totally “native.” He’s out there, in the heart of the American darkness, like a geriatric Colonel Kurz, operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct.”) – love it! Great stuff C.J.
Meanwhile, sticking with the ‘Apocalypse Now’ theme, one can imagine MSM pundits all across America, while photo-op kneeling upon the smoking rubble pile that is ‘American democracy,’ all quietly mumbling to themselves, or to anyone nearby who will listen, that they – (“love the smell of ‘baseless antisemitism allegations’ in the morning! It smell like – – – victory!”)
One suspects Bernie will rapidly become an ever more “self-hating” Jew almost magically by the hour if he dares to continue to surge ahead in the polls. This isn’t rocket science.
”One suspects Bernie will rapidly become an ever more “self-hating” Jew … ”
No doubt along with Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein. In fact, Chomsky and Finkelstein are two of the most outstanding intellectuals and principled men that America has ever produced. Sanders should be proud to be bracketed with them.
Chomsky is a gatekeeper who still accepts (at least publicly) the official BS narrative on 9/11.
I have a lot of time for Finkelstein, he is a brave and principled man, and has exposed among other things the ‘extortion racket’ by which Zionist organisations have enriched themselves enforcing Holocaust reparations (to the tune of several billions) from European taxpayers and banks. He is however a devotee of the godfather of Holocaust orthodoxy Raul Hilberg and has no time for Holocaust deniers/questioners.
Bernie is a phony-at the appointed time he will roll over for the DNC choice, as in 2016.
If he does, it will be out of a sense of misplaced party loyalty. A bit like Jezza’s misplaced attempts to placate the vicious back-stabbers in his party. As blogger Tony Greenstein said, you cannot appease those who are out to kill you.
A self-hating Jew–you must be British Zionist.
Uh, Charlotte Ruse – the comment is made tongue in cheek as they say. Here in the U.S. any Jewish intellectual who dare challenge Israeli brutality and apartheid policy is instantly labelled a “self-hating Jew” by those forces that police such matters, and who take it upon themselves to decide what is considered appropriate vs inappropriate criticism of Israel – as in there is no criticism of Israel that is considered “appropriate.”
Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky both come to mind as having been labeled with this “self-hating Jew” moniker for simply defending Palestinians as human beings deserving of basic human rights, which is of course means the label is in fact a badge of honor indicating someone with – god forbid – principals.
A US plane full of spooks and senior officers seems to have been “brought down” over Afghanistan.
Might be nothing, but it could be payback for Soleimani.
It appears to have been to high to take down and possibly might have crashed. If shot down that will be big news. It’s unknown.
One of the dead was the CIA spook behind the Soleimani murder. (D’Andrea.)
Worth seeing what develops.
Non lethal option no.4
It will be found out that those who plan to vote for Trump have a higher chance to develop deadly corona virus than those who don’t.
So if YOU want to live, don’t vote for Trump.
(Ridiculous of course, but not far from the truth, as I recall that HRC said something similar about those willing to vote for Trump either belonged in the basket of racists or in the basket of deplorables)
Personally, I would like to see this election to come about between Trump and Warren. That will be sooo boring to watch, that people start to do something more useful than running warm for the greatest show on earth that will do one thing for sure: change nothing that is to the benefit of the average voter.
But WHERE is the Durham investigation at?
Any idea CJ?
Swamp creature ‘investigates’ swamp creatures?
IT is what is being hidden – to save the Imperial praetorian guards from hanging for treason.
There (USA) and here (out spooks) including Bozo who was in charge of the FCO at the time and the Tories.
Speaking of anti-semitism, anyone notice that both the BBC and ITV evening news tonight are once again featuring holocaust porn? Our children are being brainwashed about the ”holocaust”, they do projects at school and are taught “never to forget”. What exactly must they not forget? figures that don’t add up? Myths about lamp-shades made of human skin, along with purses and wallets? Gas chambers that would have had to work 24/7 for 60 years to process all the alleged victims? Piles of shoes and clothes? Meanwhile, no one ever says anything about the victims of the Great Soviet Patriotic War, where a conservative estimate would be 8 to 9 million deaths, changing the outcome of WWII, nor do they ever mention the ongoing slaughter in the Congo where western sources currently estimate approximately 5.4 million casualties, many due to starvation and the 1000 people a day who continue to die.
My words make me an anti-semite, I’m really not. I just want the truth, not popular myths generated for propaganda purposes.
Apologies, my figures are vastly under exaggerated. Closer to 17 million Soviet citizens died in the second world war, along with 20 million Chinese…..yet we hear nothing.
Depending on whose figures you go on, anywhere between 25 million and 28 million Russians were killed in the Second World War.
To paraphrase Galloway, if it weren’t for the Red Army we’d all be speaking German now; and all proper historians will agree with that.
Barely ever mentioned is that the Red Army liberated Auschwitz, and most of the other death camps. Also, about 40% of the jews killed during the Nazi era were Soviet jews.
If you’re not familiar with all this stuff do a search for ‘Nazi Einsatzgruppen’ for starters.
I’m just one of many people who are absolutely disgusted by the way the Holocaust has been totally hijacked by the modern day Nazis in America and Israel.
”17 million Soviet citizens died in the Great Patriotic War.” I take it you mean civilians? 10 million Soviet soldiers also died in WW2. All in all some 50 million died in WW2. Mostly Russians, but also including other significant groups, Jews certainly, along with Roma people, homosexuals, Jehovah’s witnesses, and political groups like the Communists (including German Communists) Polish nationalists and so forth.
Back in 1980 I visited the infamous concentration camp, Buchenwald, just outside of the famous city of Weimar in the old DDR. On its gates was the motto ‘Jeden das Seinem’ literally translated as ‘each to what he deserves.’ Looking at the cemetary all the above groups could and included Soviet POWs as well British and Canadian paratroops for some reason. There was also a little shrine to Ernst Thälmann leader of the German communists – the KPD – at the spot where he was murdered in 1944.
Additionally, given the size and scope of the ethnic cleansing, Nazi and local Fascist groups were recruited in Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine in a grotesque sort of mass murder outsourcing. And they carried out their role with considerable alacrity, sometimes even shocking the German Waffen SS Units and Einsatzgruppen (death Squads).
Just thought I’d put the record straight.
Makes me think. The 6 million Jews figure comes straight to mind, for all the many, many others, I have to look them up.
I’ve been to Buchenwald as well (as well as Sachsenhausen, near Berlin). These were both concentration camps, as opposed to the death camps (extermination camps or Vernichtungslager). They were intended, at least initially, for political prisoners, but also people from the groups you mention. It was actually possible for people to be released from the concentration camps, at least in the pre-war period, after they had served their “sentence”. They were both established before the war, and well before what became known as the “Final Solution” was developed, allegedly at the Wannsee Conference in 1942.
You can tell this is the case, by the relatively low number of people killed there, compared to the likes of Auschwitz. (See Wikipedia). However, towards the end of the war, when the Germans realised that the writing was on the wall, they panicked, and started evacuating some of the camps, forcing the prisoners to march westwards, away from the advancing Russians. Of course, many, perhaps most, died on the way.
Bergen-Belsen, although notorious in its own way, was also not a death camp in the usually understood sense. Initially a POW camp, housing Russian POWs, who were treated abominably, and died in large numbers, mostly through neglect. It later partly became a concentration camp. Towards the end of the way, it housed large numbers of prisoners moved from other camps, and many died through disease. But it did not contain gas chambers. Neither did Buchenwald or Sachsenhausen (although experiments with gas vans had taken place at the latter. (Again, see Wikipedia).
Neither did Auschwitz.
Or anywhere else.
Mike, if you haven’t already looked, the writings of Paul Rassinier, who spent some time in Buchenwald, are well worth a read. So truthfully (and dispassionately) did he write, that he earned himself the somewhat pejorative sobriquet ‘The Godfather of Holocaust Denial’.
And in the very late 1800s and early 19s, the number of Congolese killed by Leopold and his troops was in the ten million range with some estimates as high as twenty, not to mention a great deal of maiming. What anniversary do we celebrate there?
No mention of the Holocaust involving the Native Americans then ? Thought not. They don’t own the media.
You only find that information in learned tomes that actually have to be read by readers with a certain level of actual literacy. Otherwise you are constantly bombarded by the latest remakes of Schindler’s List, the Piano Piano Player, Sophie’s Choice,the Boy in the Striped Pajamas etc, etc ad nauseam.
For some strange reason they don’t get a new Spielberg epic every fortnight or a museum on every street corner.
Nor the current Indonesian genocide of the Papuans.
All resisters in Indonesia were murdered by the CIA and their Muzzie storm-troopers in 1965. And Papua is unfortunate enough to be rich in gold.
Nor the current Indonesian genocide of the Papuans.
All resisters in Indonesia were murdered by the CIA and their Muzzie storm-troopers in 1965. And Papua is unfortunate enough to be rich in gold.
As Ricky Gervais said “Make a Holocaust movie, win an Oscar”. I can’t believe he got away with that.
Who says that he got away with it? Long memories, the Gods Upon the Earth.
do not feel bad my son
it is not you
if you want to feel bad read quotes from the talmud that should turn your stomach.
on the subject of anti semitism donmeh,ashkanazi and khazar are all turkish pirates .
90% of the fakers in israel are not semite
the sephardim many where sterilized decades ago like the folks from ethiopia and sudan in the last 20 years.
is reel is the soprano’s as a country
Your 60 years to burn all the victims only counts if you count all alleged 6 million as having gone through gas chambers then the ovens
I think the narrative goes “most were killed in gas chambers” and if you believe the narrative, 1.3 million Polish Jews were gassed/killed in 3 months in 3 camps. The logistics don’t bear thinking about.
Also, I didn’t comment to deny the holocaust per se. I object to being buffeted by holocaust news propaganda at every opportunity and even worse, the fact that very young children are being taught they “must never forget” the holocaust when the same war had victims of other races on a far greater scale that are as good as wiped from history. Why don’t we “never forget” 20 million Chinese deaths?
Because the Chinese are NOT ‘Gods Upon the Earth’.
That’s an awful lot of soap and lamp shades.
No the criticism is specific to the deaths at Auschwitz, the number of ovens, and crematorium data given the witness testimony.
I suspect there are mass graves somewhere given 11 million dead seems reliable.
I suspect they are in the land of pixies and unicorns.
I totally agree . spot on.
As usual, there is NO mention of the Roma, Sinti, Poles, Southern Slavs, gays, communists, socialists, Jehovah’ s Witnesses, and the twenty-five million Soviet citizens slaughtered by the Nazis, let alone the thirty million Chinese or the victims of any other genocide in human history. ONLY Jewish suffering counts, only Jewish suffering is UNIQUE. Argue with that narcissistic self-obsession, let alone the odious exploitation of the Nazi Judeocide by the Zionists, to justify their barbarity and brutality inflicted on the Palestinians and Israel’ s neighbours, and you are a fecking ‘antisemite’. We need an Day of Remembrance for ALL the victims of human barbarity, NOT just one tiny, infinitely demanding, group. They can have their own commemorations.
Ah take a sniff! That’s real fear you smell. The Holocaust industry is now going into overdrive. And it is plunging faster and faster to the “McCarthy turn” i.e. the point where someone askes “Have you no sense of decency sir?” Of course the first one to ask that will be – ironically – cremated. As will the second and third. But they’ll keep coming. It may take 6 million of them. But eventually the insufferable stench of hypocritical excrement will be too much and the whole anti-Semitism smear scam will collapse.
That is my logical assessment as well. I dearly hope you are right.
Yes. Pursuing TRUTH would be a great idea but that ain’t going to happen.
Given that the corpses of people who have died from cyanide poisoning are bright pink/red, I’d like to know why there is not one eye-witness, prisoner or guard, who ever mentioned seeing a red corpse in Auschwitz. There should have been hundreds of thousands of them.
I’d like to know why there is not one document, even a private letter from a distressed observer or participant, that refers to human gas chambers.
I’d like to know why the Germans built gas chambers (six were officially ordered in May 1943, at least one of which still exists but is not shown to ‘Holocaust’ tourists) to keep people HEALTHY while they [supposedly] already had another one for killing them. These new gas chambers were for killing the lice in prisoners’ clothes that were responsible for transmission of the typhoid that [officially] killed 60,000 prisoners after the outbreak in late summer/autumn of 1942.
Bet you a million quid David Baddiel does not mention, never mind investigate, these issues in his documentary about ‘Holocaust Denial’ next month.
David Baddiel has made a documentary about ‘Holocaust Denial’? Oh Dear Lord! …should I or shouldn’t I? Oh what the hell! here goes:
You know – I really don’t think they’re doing themselves any favours. Constant repetition of the word “deny”. Do you deny that you deny it? This kind of thing will surely get people thinking the opposite of what is being claimed here. It’s one thing to be taught something in history straight. But to be taught while also hearing about the peculiar matter of some people denying it? Now that is surely going to lead to questions of an “unofficial” and “improper” nature. And the more invective you pour on the denial, the more fascinated people will get …by the denial.
Consider the odd DUAL nature of this excerpt i.e. how almost every line could be read two ways:
Well yes indeed! But what exactly IS the “archetype of lies” and WHICH “conspiracy theory” is the truly “fake news”?
Seeing as the Zionist STILL deny that the Palestinians were expelled during the Nakbah through murder, massacre, rape and torture, calling it a ‘blood libel’, and proclaim that the Palestinians left of their own accord, on orders from their leaders, perhaps the odious Baddiel could examine that denial first.
Baddiel is a narcissistic bore, obsessed by his Chosenness.
There is a disturbing aspect to “chosenness” that one cannot help but notice.
Jews are a notoriously “external” people (i.e. not given to self-critical introspection). With the internal self on conditioned auto-pilot there is a tendency for inner states to translate themselves into bio-robotic, entirely predictable behaviors in the external, superficial, gross world that we all share.
Strong evidence for this general rule is Baddeil himself and the fact he chose (and continues to choose) a career as a “comedian” in spite of the fact that nobody (I know) thinks (or ever thought) he is in the least bit funny.
Maybe with ‘Holocaust Denial’ he has discovered a subject with which he can, at last, make us all giggle helplessly.
Baddiel always struck me as an utterly talentless nonentity. His shows “Mary Whitehouse Experience” and “Newman and Baddiel” were examples of student humour at its pampered solipsistic worst. These shows were dismal enough on their own. But compared to “Monty Python” and “Not The Nine O’clock News”, they are a sad indictment of the depressing drop in quality and indicators of a new mentality that kidded itself on it was cutting edge and sassy but was appallingly gullible. He is therefore the perfect choice for this latest and perhaps most desperate attempt to keep the old Holocaust roller coaster going.
To seek a charming or admirable Zionist these days is as pointless an exercise as attempting to discovering an upstanding Nazi in Germany in, say, the late 1930s.
I think you’ll find the figures are a lot higher, L.
There is an estimate of 27 million dead in Russia, about 1 in 7 of a population of nearly 200 million in 1941. That includes all the deaths from starvation and disease. So there were about 650,000 battle deaths around Leningrad and another 900,000 who starved to death. This is quite plausible, though for many years a figure of “over 20 million” was given. Attempts to come up with a more accurate casualty toll produced figures of 23, 25, 27 million. But maybe nobody will ever give a wholly accurate figure.
There was an estimate of 10 million dead in the Congo Basin during the first 20 years of Belgian rule, 1890 – 1910, half the population of Central Africa. That is quite plausible, though the Belgian overlords of the period probably didn’t value African lives highly enough to bother counting them. A similar figure has been given for the present day resource wars in DRC.
But African lives and Asian lives don’t count for much anyway. Nobody ever bothered counting the dead in Iraq, maybe 2 million, but who knows? Who cares? Certainly nobody in this country, with half a million children under 5 dying from sanctions, 1991 – 2003. Just gooks and blacks and sand niggers, who aren’t all that important in our “Rules Based Order.”
40,000 dead in Venezuela so far? How many in DPRK, Iran, Syria? Who knows? Who cares?
The real global holocaust was in the New World, with over 100 million native American victims.
By contrast, the much touted “holocaust” of the 1940s appears a highly dubious affair that doesn’t bear much scrutiny. The post war global Jewish population was only slightly lower than the pre war one.
A brass plaque referring to “4 million dead Jews” at Auschwitz was quietly removed and replaced with another one giving a figure of “1.4 million.” What happened to the 2.5 million missing Jews has never been explained.
During the 1960s-70s, there were frequent references to “3,500,000 Jews gassed at Auschwitz.” Over the years, there were steady downwards revisions to 2.5 million, 2 million, and the current “over a million, 1.1 million, mainly Jews,” perhaps to quietly acknowledge the presence of so many non Jews there. It has been speculated that over the next few years there will be further downward revisions to “900,000”, or “700-900,000.”
Post war “reparations” to Israel extorted from Germany specified a figure of £6,600 (in 1950s money) per alleged dead victim. So there was an obvious incentive to inflate the figures as much as possible.
It is quite possible that the true figure is in the region of several hundred thousand, if you include Jews killed fighting in the Russian and allied forces, in aerial bombing, and deaths from wartime conditions. Maybe even as high as 1 million.
“6 million” seems to be something of a favourite Talmudic figure that has been banded about from time immemorial. Though the same source gives a figure of 42 billion (with a b) Jews “holocausted” by the Romans.
Though of course just speculating on these events you could end up in jail for 5 years all over Europe. And probably over here soon as well, if Tony Blair, the Board of Deputies, and the Jewish oligarch Kantor have their way. Makes you wonder what they’ve got to hide.
Six million was predicted long before the Judeocide began. It is Kabbalic, I believe.
The bottom line to all this is that we should say: Never again for ALL people. Not just one people.
They intone the ‘ Never again for anyone’, as the Palestinians remain imprisoned in a living Hell. Hypocrisy does not do it justice.
How can this be the most powerful person/position on the planet and a joke at the same time?
He isn’t “the most powerful person on the planet”. All of our leaders are a joke, whether they are in power or in opposition. The biggest joke ever had to be Jo Swinson of the UK liberal democrats, followed by May, Cameron, Johnson, Brown, Blair, Major etc, etc. Look at Macron, Hollande, Sarkozy, Burlusconi, Clinton 1 and 2, the Bushes and uncle Tom Obama. It’s just more of the same ever since an actor became president of the USA it wouldn’t matter if Homer Simpson was made president, foreign policy would remain the same.
Calling them “leaders” is a stretch. Some of them can’t even walk their dogs.
Their dogs take them for a walk.
Homer could only represent a vast improvement.
You mean Homer Simpson of course not the author of the Iliad?
The latter passed away three and a half millienia ago, or rather the group of poets known collectively by that name. I’d settle for just one of his heroes. But there aren’t any heroes now, just Trumps and Blairs and Pompeos and Johnsons. Even a genius like Homer couldn’t do much with that kind of material.
Norn, if you think Trump he is the ‘most powerful person on the planet’ you need to go back to kindergarten…
Because it’s America! Where any joke can be president 🙂
When Trump beats Creepy Joe, or Crazy Anti Semitic Bernie, or Pocahontas, or Whoever this November, and threatens us with another 4 years of merciless, deranged Twittering, you have to expect an outbreak of Trump Derangement Syndrome that will make the Black Death look like a 3 day cold.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
bernie is ashkanazi just like drumpf trumped bb nuttyahoo, terry may camoron and boris donmeh to much johnstone.
so technically they are all ant semite
are they not
The fact that ALL Presidential candidates are so compromised and, well, despicable … shows that our rulers are driving a process intended to destroy America.
In a population of 300+million there are plenty of decent people. However, given what it takes to get elected, the fact there are (apparently) NONE in Congress or the Senate should be no great surprise.
Other places they get put in a mental institution for the criminally insane. Here they get elected to office.
EVERY US politician MUST be vetted by the Zionist Lobby for total subservience, hence the quality of the end product.
Not only are they vetted but they also have to pledge their support of the terrorist genocidal state before getting bribe money from AIPAC.
Trump’s text book Psychopathy will be enough rope to extend his hanging & self-suicide to his own aetiology of disease based psychopathology which will be causally connected to his upbringing by his overindulgent so-called ‘parents’ that forgot to educate their problem child in the minutia of civilized society which has resulted in his own marginalization as a human being.
Give him enough rope and wait for his own behavioural suicide/death at his own leisure.
All downvoting Orange Oaf adherents can get in line to lick my balls in deference to my superior Liberal/Democratic intellect.
Only after we’ve licked Eliot Higgenses.
You’re getting down voted because your comments read as if they were written by Hillary Clinton or John Podesta.
Next you’ll be accusing anybody who down votes you as being from the basket of deplorables.
Maybe you and Gordon Duff should go commiserate about Trump.
I’m a post-Clinton era Liberal/Democrat today but I was rooting for Dr. Jill Stein & Kermit the Frog Party last electoral round because I did not support Clinton era Democrats or probability they would win majority vote in the face of the Orange Jesus wave of Republican xenophobes, uneducated boobs, imbeciles, & Functional Retards, plus knuckle dragging misogynists n’ pussy grabbing hillbilly deplorable cretins too, eh.
P.S. Last I checked I was MASTER OF UNIVERSE so I, for one, think it’s entirely within my purview to admonish downvoters & lump them in with those of whom carry the moniker so aptly applied by the former US Secretary of State on her last electoral run.
Never was a fan of the “orange Jesus” I would have voted for Gary Johnson if he wasn’t such a disgrace as a “Libertarian” candidate who seemed more like a neoliberal -con. Was a Bernie supporter until he sold out to the evil witch and went totally sheepdog.
My vote for Trump was actually a vote against the Hildabeast which I don’t regret since voting her in would have only giving her what she would have probably thought was a mandate to begin WW III.
In fact I had nightmares of that beoch carrying the nuclear football across the goal line as if she were in some international Super Bowl. So I no regrets for voting in the orange clown just as I don’t regret voting in Obama in to save us from the depredations of Mittens.
It bought us time to organize and respond to his Zionist idiocy whereas voting for the Nuclear Holocaust Queen would have given us no time at all.
So MOU you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.
I always side with whomever I would likely vote for if I was an American.
Last election it was easy to determine that Clinton was going to lose to Trump given his superpack money backers and her obvious ill health.
The USA is far too authoritarian & white male centric to accept a female president IMHO. I will vote for gender parity in power as opposed to more balding middle aged white guys and their collective warmongering psychopathology run amok.
Jill Stein & Kermit the Frog Party would never entertain war as a viable business case as do Republicans & Democrats for corporatist neoliberal purposes which center on fossil fuels.
Yep, vote for the vagina. It’s the only right on, woke, progressive thing to do. Demand a black gay female, preferably a trannie.
Being a Canook you obviously don’t understand how the Electoral College works or more accurately is rigged in favor of the Repugnicans or the DemonRats. Unlike your Parliamentary democracy its a “winner take all” system. So in reality if you are trying to prevent a psychopathic warmongering sociopath who has already threatened to take military action against Russia for a suspected again suspected cyberattack or talks about obliterating a nation with nuclear weapons. One is only left with one option and that is to vote for the lesser of two evils. In this case the Electoral College was a blessing and not the curse it sometimes is. Think GW. Preventing the train wreck from taking office.
Thankfully there doesn’t look like there’ll be some screaming Valkyrie trying to assume office this election. So I’ll be voting for Mark Charles: