Bernie Sanders’ Commie Kill Swarm
CJ Hopkins

Fun fact – this picture was first used unironically, by the New York Post.
America just can’t catch a break. After three long years of brutal oppression under Donald Trump’s Russia-backed Nazi Reich, it turns out the only Democratic candidate with a chance of unseating him in November and rescuing the world from the Putin-Nazis is a 78-year-old bloodthirsty Commie with a Khmer Rouge-like army of kill-crazy followers.
Yes, I’m afraid the rumors are true. Apparently, elements of Jeremy Corbyn’s recently-disbanded Nazi Death Cult have regrouped in the United States, formed an alliance with Bernie Sanders fanatics, and together this Mega-Commie Kill Swarm is roaming the Internet with complete impunity, sadistically mass-murdering Sanders critics and defenseless differently-abled persons with vulgar language and vicious poo-memes.
The corporate media are doing their best to alert Americans to the imminent threat. CNN broadcast a special report explaining how Sanders’ “army of supporters” are “bullying” and “frightening” his critics into silence.
An “outspoken Elizabeth Warren supporter whose daughter with Downs syndrome is recovering from cancer” was verbally-abused to within an inch of her life. An “activist dying of ALS” was instructed to go “f___” himself. The Working Families Party was subjected to a series of inappropriate adjectives.
The Party’s leader, an African American and a personal friend of Bernie Sanders, was taunted with a racist Tweet, which Sanders took to Twitter and condemned, but by that time it was much too late. His Commie Kill Swarm was beyond his control; they started tweeting memes comparing Elizabeth Warren to a snake and Pete Buttigieg to a rat, and otherwise terrorizing the American public.
Senior Investigative Correspondent Drew Griffin spoke to several other “victims” of Sanders’ Commie Kill Swarm’s tweets who are recovering from their Internet traumas in undisclosed secure locations and so insisted on remaining anonymous.
According to Griffin, these emotionally-traumatized victims are so emotionally traumatized by what they experienced on the Internet that they wouldn’t even let him describe the traumatic “circumstances” surrounding their “attacks.”
And the proof of Sanders’ Commie Kill Swarm’s atrocities isn’t just anecdotal. No, Griffin also spoke to Ben Decker, “CEO” of something called “Memetica” (which appears to be Ben’s Twitter account), whose “Facebook analysis” conclusively proves that Sanders has a lot of online supporters, more than all the other candidates, which creates “the potential for greater harm.” This type of online “bullying-at-scale,” according to Ben, is just … well, “crazy.”
Of course, CNN is not the only corporate media outlet on the case. In the days leading up to the Iowa caucuses (which Sanders would go on to attempt to steal from Buttigieg by winning thousands more votes), a spate of dire warnings were issued.
According to The Washington Post, “Sanders supporters have weaponized Facebook” and are terrorizing people with “angry memes.”
The New York Times reported that “Bernie Sanders and His Internet Army have forced progressives who refuse to back him into hiring private security details to protect them from “death threats” and off-color jokes.
Daily Beast warned of “Toxic Bernie Bros.” NBC likened them to MAGA supporters, who everyone knows are Russia-loving Nazis. SNL writers went even further, painting Sanders as the darling of 4chan … and these are just a few examples.
But by far the most bombastic display of unbridled Sanders-Commie-Kill-Swarm-Panic was MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who totally lost it after the last debate and started sputtering about “socialists” staging public mass-executions in Central Park.
Matthews is apparently firmly convinced that Sanders, if he wins the election, plans to dress up like Fidel Castro, march Matthews and his cronies out onto the Great Lawn, and go full-bore Daenerys Targaryen on them.
He sat there, trembling, on national television, eyes afire with paranoia, jabbering about the godless “Reds” like a scene from Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove that got cut because it was too over-the-top.
Seriously, though, I doubt he has much to worry about. Regardless of who wins the election this year, the supranational corporatocracy that essentially owns the U.S. government is not about to let Bernie Sanders implement the same basic social programs that most capitalist countries throughout world have provided to their people for decades.
Jesus, just imagine the freedomless horror if Americans could go to university, and, you know, maybe raise a child or two, without spending the rest of their lives in debt!
Think of the suffering that would inflict on the banks, and insurance companies, and military contractors, not to mention the pharmaceutical industry. God help America, should it go down that road!
The next thing you know there’d be high-speed trains, subsidized art, and un-chlorinated chicken … there’s no telling where the nightmare would end.
Look, I don’t normally get invested in the quadrennial Simulation of Democracy, but I’m kind of pulling for Bernie this time. I don’t believe he has a chance, but if he somehow managed to outfox the Democrats and win the nomination this summer, it would be fun to watch as the corporate media and the rest of the neoliberal Resistance react to a Sanders vs. Trump election.
Not that either Sanders or Trump, the men themselves, are a threat to the empire (as we have witnessed over the course of the last three years). But we’re in the middle of a War on Populism, which the global corporatocracy needs to win if it is going to continue to relentlessly destabilize, privatize, and restructure everything, as it has been doing since the end of the Cold War. Sanders and Trump are just symbols, of course, lightning rods for “populist” anger … but they are symbols the empire needs to destroy in order to reestablish “normality.”
The neoliberal Resistance’s ham-fisted efforts to prevent a Bernie Sanders nomination are desperate attempts to avoid a scenario where they are forced to ensure Donald Trump’s reelection, which, make no mistake, they will do if they have to. (Jonathan Chait has already whipped up some boilerplate to be used in that effort.) They did it to Corbyn, and they will do it to Sanders, but it is likely to get extremely awkward, pretending to reluctantly support him (because the alternative will be a man they’ve spent the last three years accusing of being a Russian spy and literally Hitler) while simultaneously painting him as a genocidal commie terrorist whose supporters are a bunch of white supremacist, billionaire-butchering neo-Maoists.
Thus the “Sanders Swarm” hysteria, and the Iowa caucuses “technical difficulties,” and whatever other propaganda and dirty tricks the Resistance has planned to prevent a Sanders nomination, so they can lose to Trump with a non-populist candidate and play “Resistance” for another four years.
So, unless you relish the thought of that, or the thought of watching a humiliated Bernie obsequiously shuffle around the country campaigning for Buttigieg, like he did for Clinton, please do what you can to get him nominated, so we can enjoy a Pol Pot vs. Hitler election.
Do it for purely entertainment purposes. It is mostly just a show, after all.
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Excellent! (except for the reference to Jesus, which was unnecessary; glad you have freedom of expression).
I have been wondering why the EU Empire has been so quiet on the American election circus.
This woman, at the EU, nails it.
I would love to see it just to see the pundit’s faces.
Great TV.
I’m waiting For president Bernie’s ads in between speeches.
” And now a word from MY sponsor- Mrs Jacqueline Johnson from De Moins………..
No ads from Raytheon! viewers all declare.
I was dying to by a few missiles this week for the Hoe Down on Saturday.
But millions will believe the headlines a lot more than the critical thinkers do and their are more idiots around than thinkers
America’s political washing machine where the soap powder smells of shite.
Hey it doesn’t matter who becomes President because look, they’re sending a space ship to photograph the sun, a cool 93 million miles away, at……..wait for it…….they’re going to be taking photos of the sun at just 4 miles from its surface.
” As it passes close to the sun, its solar panels are retracted into the shadow of the heat shield, with just a tiny area remaining exposed to generate power”. Aaaah, just a little square inch of solar panel, a few miles from the sun, keeping it all going. Riiiiight. Hmmmm. Not convinced about this one, NASA, got to say.
Aren’t we lucky to have such clever, amazing people ruling over us? So clever, they can send a space ship 93 million miles away to take closeups of the sun. We are blessed, truly blessed.
The only thing NASA ever sent to space is your imagination. People seriously need to get over this one. They. Are. Lying.
How do you imagine that GPS receivers work, if there are in fact no satellites to transmit the signal? — to mention only one of the most obvious examples.
You’re on much more stable ground arguing against the alleged human moon landings; to claim that NASA never sent anything to space is far into tinfoil hat territory.
Sorry to piss on your chips, old thing, but do take anther look. It says 4M miles (ie 4 MILLION miles), NOT 4 miles!
Shoulda gone to Specsavers! 😁
Yep, feeling a bit stupid about that one. I thought it seemed a bit far fetched! Still, it is a load of BS, NASA are little more than CGI distributing tricksters
‘..a bit stupid..’-such masterly under-statement.
The notion that NASA can send a craft 89 million miles away to take pictures of the sun is just ludicrous. All powered by a couple of solar panels! It’s fantasy
The only definite thing NASA sends into space is new and improved spy satellites.
Beneath the satire of Hopkin’s article there’s a crucial point: “We’re in the middle of a War on
Populism, which the global corporatocracy needs to win if it is going to continue to relentlessly destabilize, privatize, and restructure everything, as it has been doing since the end of the Cold War. Sanders and Trump are just symbols, of course, lightning rods for “populist” anger … but they are symbols the empire needs to destroy in order to reestablish “normality.”
Populism or the unleashing of mass outrage is what worries the elites most about Bernie. They’re pretty confident he won’t get the nomination, but if he successfully somersaults backwards over 150 DNC obstacles and manages to stumble to the finishing line as a victor he’ll be up against roughneck Trump who only knows how to play dirty. At that point, all the security state goons who promoted Russiagate and Ukraine-gate are sort of stuck. It would look totally schizoid for them to suddenly jump on the Trump reelection train, but what can they do. The neoconservative Wall Street warmongers will never throw genuine support behind Bernie.
If the anticipated quagmire happens ( a fight between Bernie and the Buffoon) it will be quite exciting to watch. We’ll be hearing the most convoluted mainstream media propaganda ever broadcasted. It’ll reach the point where your brain would need to do a mental contortion in order to accept the security state’s reality. OMG, I can’t way for the curtains to be drawn and the main act to begin……
It is, and always has been, a war on other people. ‘Populism’ is just the serfs getting restless, which invites their elimination. Does anyone seriously believe that neo-liberal capitalism and Western hegemony led by the USA and Israel, will ever be peacefully replaced by some humane system?
The words humane and Empire are an oxymoron.
Thanks for the laughs CJ – always a pleasure to read your stuff.
Elections – yeah Sanders vs Trump would be pretty entertaining.
I gave up voting more than 30 years ago.
Commie Sanders has no chance, in the nick of time, HRC will reluctantly stand to oppose the ‘fascist’ Trump, being the only candidate etc, etc.
Meanwhile, back in “the mother of parliament”, the UK government has decided to go ahead with half of the (currently) 100bn HS2 line which will be double that on completion, only useful and affordable to city types who want to buy country piles and commute into London (currently), be totally useless by the time it is in operation and so underwhelming it has to be a product of lobbyists.
If you must connect the north with London, do it with future protection and build a maglev. This is just a scam.
Fluorescent jacket, arms waving in the air, Garden bridge, Boris Island, random remarks, M25…….Fuck off chavs!
Ha ha ha… Good one L.
HS2 is a blatant robbing of the public purse by a bunch of criminal corporate parasites
Bernie – – “America’s Favority Angry Old Man Stereotype” — is not a good choice for President. Its not that his heart’s not in the right place and his policies are wrong but if you look at the history of the US he’s going to get creamed in November. He’s too old, too radical and too easy to attack, the GoP’s Dream Candidate (economical too — you just have to take the anti-Corbyn material from the UK and do a quick search/replace on the name and its good to go).
Since we’re definitely in triage mode at the moment — there’s just no way that we’re going to get away with a sharp turn to the left at a national level — we need to choose a candidate that’s acceptable to as wide a swathe of voters as possible. Remember — its not just the Presidendy we’re after, its also the Senate (and we’d prefer a more solid House representation). Additional state houses and governorships will help as well. We learned from the ACA — “Obamacare” — that even a very modest move in the direction of “socialism”, even one as moderate and capital friendly as that one, will invoke a firestorm of opposition. The focus on the next four years should be cementing what gains have been made in place, undoing the worst of the damage both nationally and internationally from this administration (which is really a continuation of Bush, BTW) and generally walking back towards the center. I believe that once the bogeymen are slain, that the mass of the electorate see the reforms that Bernie and others advocate not as the October Revolution but just pragmatic changes designed to Make America Work For Everyone (which will, by definition, Make It Great) there will be plenty of support for those changes. For relief in the short term people need to look to their state houses — don’t rely on the Federal government, as they say “Think Globally But Act Locally”.
NEVER. Play it out till the end, don’t dare mug people off with pretence.
I’m afraid the Trump administration is really a continuation of OBAMA (Remember, it was Obama who refused to hold Bush accountable for his criminal actions and thus set the precedent that President’s have the right to do what they wish without fear of punishment – Hence Trump….Both only care(d) about the big corporations and very wealthy….Both have bought into the “American Exceptionalism” myth….And both are warmongers, killing people all over the earth to prove America’s greatness and to profit the weapons industries.
There is nothing “radical” about Bernie’s proposals….Indeed, they are quite normal….I am convinced that most Americans would prefer guaranteed healthcare, free education, an end to endless wars and higher taxes on billionaires….Or do you prefer another corporate warmongering centrist like Hillary Clinton?
Of course the Trump administrtion is a continuation of the Obama administration which in turn is a continuation of the Bush administration. That is the way the country works — its a bunch of politicians at the controls of what we call the Deep State, something I believe is ‘all of us’. The problem is not Bernie’s policy positions but rather how you achieve them. We’ve been tacking hard right since 1980 so we’re not talking a administration to adminisrtation change in policies but essentially a culture shift, one that’s initially going to fly in the face of decades of indoctrination. This just will not happen overnight, and if you cling to the hope that “this time it will be different” then I’m afraid that all this will do is hand four more years to Trump.
We were advocating similar policies a generation or more ago and for a time it looked as if the tide was indeed going our way. But just like the post-war progresivism that got snuffed out by the Red Scares and McCarthyisms of the early 1950s we got hammered by the whole neoliberal “Morning in America” thing in 1980. We were ostensibly stronger and more organized than people are today but ultimately it got swept aside by a tide of crass nationalism. These days things are not only less organized but the opposition is much better set up to oppose us at the cultral level — you can see the trouble brewing, the way that Bernie is being set up, and IMHO the only way to deal with this problem is to find a way to incrementally introduce enough changes that people are detoxed from their historical antipathy to socialsm.
(To give you some idea of the animal that has to be tamed look up “Whitaker and Baxter”)
Thanks for getting back to me….Basically, I’m sure you are of a similar Leftist persuasion as I am….But surely, if the DNC rigs the primary again and chooses another Hillary-type Right leaning Democrat (basically all of them EXCEPT Bernie), Trump will indeed be back….I do not think any of these other candidates will make even incremental changes….And even if they did, it’s too late as the American Empire is crumbling before our eyes….Like the Republicans, none of them give a damn about the interests of the vast majority….It’s all pretend….I was born a NY Democrat but despise what has become of the party since B. Clinton….I voted Green in the last 2 elections and if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, I’ll do so again.
PS: I did google Whitaker and Baxter….But I don’t understand…Do you actually like them?….These people were ultra-right Republican supporters and fought against Truman’s health care reforms, perhaps the only decent thing about him.
Sorry Martin, regarding W and B, I think I misinterpreted you….At first I thought you liked them but then realized you were just pointing them out as an example of Right-Wing crazies.
I’ll go for ‘amoral’ rather than ‘crazy’. What’s important is that they pioneered an industry that’s fonly aim is to sucessfully market an idea or candidate regardless of what the issue is or the person stands for. If you want your candidate to win you have to fight this industry — and win (and as you may have noticed actually winning the election won’t stop the attacks, ‘the money’ can afford the best).
America is in the ‘reap the whirlwind’ phase of its blood-soaked journey from barbarism to barbarism, without any period of civilization in between. With apologies to Oscar.
I have it on good authority that pundit Chris Matthews was somehow able to shove his own head so far up his own arse that he was able – “to see Russia!” He immediately called Sarah Palin of course to compare notes.
Haha….she saw Russia from Alaska…every day.
And as a consequence she thought and declared she was an expert on Russia.
Well, she ought to know that if you can see Uranus every night through your telescope, that doesn’t make you a proctologist…
T’would seem young Bernard is getting the Corbyn treatment. It seems to me , that all you have to do over here ,to write someone off is to mention his or her name plus communism or socialism in the same sentence and bosh, the job is done.
Hence when the defenders of the ” fantastic ” health system here in the States want to downplay the reformers ,they simply call them believers in ” socialised ” medicine. People turn their backs, works everytime. I fear after the farce that was russiagate and now the circus that was impeachment is over, I am faced with the reality of another 4 yrs of Hair Trump.
Bernie got screwed in Iowa.
Just like he did in 2016.
The DNC will do whatever it takes to prevent him winning.
Mysterious “Apps”, ballot stuffing, just declaring the primary invalid and not publishing the results.
However blatant and transparently rigged, it doesn’t matter.
When he gets screwed again, he will just smile and salute smartly, and fall into line behind Buttplug, or Bloomberg, or whoever.
Just like he fell into line behind Clinton in 2016.
He will probably carry on blaming “The Russians” like he has been for the past 4 years.
When he isn’t cheerleading for Regime Change operations against “communist dictators” in Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba and whatever wars are in progress.
Maybe the Organisation of American States should investigate what happened in Iowa.
Gweedo has left Venezuela and is skulking around Washington.
Maybe they should just appoint him US president.
He seems to be at a bit of a loose end at present.
There are numerous times Paul, that your comments hit very large nails very squarely on the head with a very large hammer.
And so many millions still fall for this completely confected Punch & Judy bollocks that would insult the intelligence of a frog.
All to keep up the illusions that ‘The People’ have a say in what actually happens.
Great to see a runoff between Trump and Sanders a real Commie and Capital Ho down. Well sort of. In the billing that is. Will the Demo-crats be able to rig the key primaries against Sandinista Bernie? Well they did last time and there’s a clue somewhere in that. I Mean with all the other Apocalypse now just around the corner stuff… who cares?
Over at the Hell in a Handcart Grauniad it’s a mixed bag regarding US of A election fever. They don’t really seem to know which way to hang, so it’s all a bit lukewarm…and without the Harding either as no Russian meddling yet detected to talk about. Well there is the Sino-fever if no palpable election fever!
But, God dam it there’s too much other fire and brimstone the end is nigh carnage as garbage to worry about. I mean God seems to have pissed on the Hellfire in Arsetralier and the 2 of the 3 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in India seem to have recovered. As for Brexitainia, Gove has announced Customs checks to be put in place by the end of the year no matter what. So as Storm Caira tries to sink Blighty followed by snow and freezing weather God Bless her and all who sail, or sink, with her…
‘ He sat there, trembling, on national television, eyes afire with paranoia, jabbering about the godless “Reds” like a scene from Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove that got cut because it was too over-the-top.’
That sums it up for me: the MSM produce media scenes that would be cut out of movies, because it is too over the top.
Why would anyone like to plug in to the MSM anymore, given their hysteria and events that do not materialize in anyone’s daily life at all?
The technology of election rigging is now very advanced and it was deployed successfully in the UK election to effect a advance-coup avoiding all the messiness of having a post-election putsch. No need for elected brains splattered on the screens; no scary spooky praetorians publicly in government offices; no unbelievable Inquiries … much tidier than the old fashioned methods.
Heck Aipac have even got another Gauntlet promise out of up-Pimpeloarse to guarantee it.
I hope they do go for it – it is the only way we will ever lift the veil from the majority’s eyes, and the centuries long yoke of them ancient bankers – by storming their palaces and inventing the modern guillotines to once and for all free us from their debt/money slavery. Stuffing their nonsense economic shackles down their own throats till they beg for mercy or choke… we must be our own
There is still time for Gabbard to put her brains in the cross hairs…
As Sanders becomes more of a perceived threat to the frightened and increasingly spooked US kakistocracy, it’s increasingly likely he’ll be smeared as a tool of Russia, as an asset of Putin. Clinton started the ball rolling already with her Howard Stern interview last December. But the prospect of one Putin asset running against the other must be burning out a few fuses in the overloaded valve circuitry glowering away in the skulls of morons like Schiff and Clinton. A delicious prospect it would be to see such idiots untangle the logic of that in public — no chance of a talking-head stenographer putting that to them. Putin is such the master!
And nothing has ever stopped the Zionist lobby from labelling any anti-Zionist Jew an anti-Semite, as a ‘self-hating Jew’, if it helps their cause. They’ll certainly do the same to Sanders as they did Corbyn if the perceived threat grows; and Sanders like Corbyn will likely fold to AIPAC et al., also throwing his allies under the bus on the way like Corbyn.
Sanders certainly is no ‘socialist’, and neither the Democratic Party of Hiroshima and Nagasaki nor its Democratic Socialist Party ginger group are vehicles for ‘socialism’, not even of the Scandinavian social democratic variety, but in the US anyone slightly to the left of Genghis Khan is still labelled ‘socialist’. Consequently, the Cold War trope (tripe) of Russia, with an admixture of smears of anti-Semitism, will be the likely weapons of choice against Sanders — of course to be wielded overwhelmingly by the anti-Trump corporate ‘Resistance’, the more so that Sanders grows as a perceived threat.
That’s a bit harsh on morons, comparing them schiff(ty) and killary.
Yes, sorry. And on idiots too. Sorry again.
I still reckon Sanders is a Trojan Horse, just like 2016. When the pips start squeaking, he’ll roll over.
Sanders backed sanctions on Iraq from 1990 – 2003, responsible for the deaths of 1.2 million children under age-five.
He supported the rape of Yugoslavia and 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF).
He backs illegal US occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, along with supporting Israeli aggression against defenseless Gazans.Bernie Sanders backs the putschist regime in Ukraine. He voted for the 2014 Ukraine Freedom Support Act – authorizing lethal and other aid for the country’s military to wage war on its own people.
He’s silent about America’s rape and destruction of one country after another, supporting US-led war to topple Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria.
He shamefully called Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez a dead communist dictator.
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
‘Sanders has repeatedly stressed his vote against the 2003 invasion of Iraq.’
Following the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Suleimani, ‘Sanders was the most vocal of the Democratic presidential aspirants in criticizing Trump’s action.
On Israel, Sanders calls for a continuation of the current level of US military and civilian aid and opposes the immediate return of the US embassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.
Bernie Sanders’ house in Burlington, Vermont
Sanders’ holiday home in Vermont.
Sanders’ house in Washington DC.
Sanders backed sanctions on Iraq from 1990 – 2003, responsible for the deaths of 1.2 million children under age-five.
He supported the rape of Yugoslavia and 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF).
He backs illegal US occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere, along with supporting Israeli aggression against defenseless Gazans.
Phony Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders backs the putschist regime in Ukraine. He voted for the 2014 Ukraine Freedom Support Act – authorizing lethal and other aid for the country’s military to wage war on its own people.
He’s silent about America’s rape and destruction of one country after another, supporting US-led war to topple Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria.
He shamefully called Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez a dead communist dictator.
Phony Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders, wife Jane O’Meara Driscoll, and their children.
In 1963, Bernie Sanders and Deborah Shiling Messing volunteered for several months on the Israeli kibbutz Sha’ar HaAmakim.
They married in 1964 and divorced in 1966. [26][365][366][13]
Bernie Sanders’ son (and only biological child), Levi Sanders, was born in 1969 to girlfriend Susan Campbell Mott.[24]
In 1988, Bernie Sanders married Jane O’Meara Driscoll (née Mary Jane O’Meara)
Bernie Sanders considers Jane’s three children – Dave Driscoll (born 1975), Carina Driscoll (born 1974), and Heather Titus (née Driscoll; 1971) – to be his own.[26][23] Sanders answered the questions of the New York Times –
Question: Would you consider military force to pre-empt an Iranian or North Korean nuclear or missile test?
Answer: Yes.
‘A Sanders White House, according to his campaign, would be open to launching a military strike against Iran or nuclear-armed North Korea to prevent a weapons test.’
‘Sanders’ opposition to the Iraq war was purely a question of tactics, not a principled opposition to imperialist war.’
Question: Would you consider military force for a humanitarian intervention?
Answer: Yes.
‘Among the wars carried out by the United States in the name of defending human rights are the war in Bosnia and the bombing of Serbia in the 1990s, the 2011 air war against Libya … and the civil war in Syria that was fomented by Washington and conducted by its Al Qaeda-linked proxy militias.’
Sanders Question: If Russia continues on its current course in Ukraine and other former Soviet states, should the United States regard it as an adversary, or even an enemy?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Should Russia be required to return Crimea to Ukraine before it is allowed back into the G-7?
Answer: Yes.
Why does the US spend virtually twice as much on health as a percentage of gross domestic product as other high income countries? Is it because health care is in the hands of the corporations and its purpose is profit? One would have thought that the only electable politician would be one who was committed to socialised health care: lower cost, better care and universal coverage on the basis of need: what’s not to like?
Only twice as much?
Does that count when health is 10 times the price, (actually, that’s just a wild conservative guess).
Still, I’ve heard some brain-washed umurikans say that free, universal health care, (a basic human right), is akin to communism, (because being ripped off to the max. by insurance firms whose only priorities are greed, profits and pollie’s ‘sponsorship’ is what capitalism is all about, right?).
The US spends $3.8 trillion on healthcare, about 17% of GDP.
This is nearly 3x as much as Britain.
Most of it goes on price gouging by the drug and insurance monopolies.
Health CEOs paying themselves $40 million, $100 million a year.
Charging $750 for a pill that costs 10 cents to produce.
Or $5,000 per ambulance journey.
$340 for a month’s insulin that costs $30 in Canada.
$60,000 for an appendectomy that costs $125 in Russia.
The working poor on $18,000 a year are faced with insurance bills of $20,000.
40% of the costs on administration.
But that’s crapitalism for you.
It does show that capitalism is misanthropy plus insatiable greed, and operates as a cancer. Nothing, not genocide or ecocide, is impermissible if it can make money.
To fully understand the capitalist mentality you have to read the first fifth of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”. Yes, that’s a long haul but it’s all I could manage. What happens is that this blameless entrepreneur called Howard Reardon suddenly confronts the MOST EVIL FORCE IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE EVER. What do you suppose it could be? Holocausts? Genocide? The annihilation of all life on Earth? Nah! It’s a proposal for government restriction on business! Our brave Reardon He sits stunned in a darkened room trying to grasp the enormity of this soul freezing blasphemy. But he can’t.
This is the frothing fear that drove the Brit hacks to brand Corbyn a Nazi. And it’s set to do similar to Sanders in Yankland.
Kudos, I only got about 20 pages in. I believe Reardon is based on Rand’s father who had his business nationalised by the Communists.
The next 180 pages contain many entertaining items:
Read about Howard Reardon searching for an alloy that is infinitely cheap, infinitely powerful, and infinitely light (a capitalist wet dream if ever there was one). And he DOESN’T NEED ANYONE ELSE. Rand skips lightly over the little matter of furnaces, workmen, supervisors, builders, etc. She gives a passing mention to some scientists but makes sure that we see they were a useless bunch who needed Reardon’s divine hand to guide them.
Read about Dagny Taggart who has a strange feeling that she will one day become the leader of Taggart Transcontinental. Observant readers may note that she has the same name as the business. Yes – it turns out to be a family business. And Dagny’s prophecy turns out to be more in the nature of a foregone conclusion.
But the real belter comes later when we meet Sebastian D’Anconias. Here we have a wunderkind who reinvents calculus, masters a speed boat without instruction and sneaks away from the family mansion every day before dawn to do a gruelling job in a sweat shop – all before he gets to his teens. Later he makes a fortune casually juggling money on the stock market while writing an essay on Aristotle (no doubt while suppressing a yawn).
Rand is also helpful enough to give us a little history lesson to edify us: a Mickey Mouse view of the founding of America in which, back in darkest feudal Europe, some nascent capitalist spits in the eye of an Overlord before jumping out the window James Bond style, rowing across the ocean, setting up a little business in a hut with two other guys and germinating a vast multimillion dollar empire. Jus’ like that – as Tommy Cooper used to say.
But, to be fair, I read that Rand’s mother was a queen bitch sadist from hell. She took away little Ayn’s favourite doll, saying that the doll was going on a little holiday for a year. After a year, Mummy De Sade casually mentioned that she binned the doll a year ago. You see? That’s wot did it!
Sebastian sounds like our own James (not an inventor) Dyson.
Was Mommy Rand called Hillary by any chance?
Similar fear preaching campaign at the last Oz elections, where the L(ying) N(azi) P(arty) COALition, with substantial backing from the MSM and news corpse, blitzed the airways with their lies and bile, targeting the mindless, moronic masses glued to their recliners watching endless hours of ‘reality’ tv while scoffing tons of junk food and coke.
Ayn Rand perfectly illustrates that capitalism, the Rightwing pathopsychology and various xenophobic cults and ‘religions’ are based on the virulent hatred of other human beings. The rest is commentary.
Memetica is a misprint-it should be ‘Me-emetica’, to acknowledge the twit’s ability to incite proyectile vomiting.
Gawd! It’s a good thing I wasn’t reading this while drinking my morning Joe or I’d be cleaning it off the screen right now. CJ you’re a true comedic treasure! 🙂
Wow “Commissar Bernie” vs “Der Furher Trump”. This is a WWF NKA WWE (so as not to confuse it with those genocidal enviro wackos who want save the planet by killing everybody on it) made in heaven!
Where the hell is Jesse Ventura when ya need him?
Bring back Andre The Giant.
He’s big enough to drop his trousers and sit on both of ’em to make them disappear.
Perhaps there would be room for schiff(ty) and killary as well?
It will be a repeat of “Get Corbyn !” – all the same tricks will be played, with the exception of branding him an anti-semite, for that will not work on Sanders – Nevertheless he will be smeared as a communist, terrorist sympathising, hard left, Marxist extremist, whose brand of socialism will bring ruin upon the nation, – Biden is going nowhere, and Warren is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, meanwhile Clinton is lurking in the shadows garnering her corporate lobbyists in collusion with those who are desperately fumbling around trying to find new grounds for impeachment – it’s not a swamp, it’s a sewer. . . . .
No-he’ll get the ‘antisemite’ treatment. Indeed I believe he already has. A ‘self-hating Jew’ and ‘antisemite’. There’s lots of them.
And just Corbyn, Bernie will fold.

What utterly unmitigated and mendacious nonsense!
It’s a piss-take, V. Not meant to be taken literally.
I didn’t read beyond those two sentences I quoted, they felt like a violent slap in my face. I am a highly sensitive person. 🙂
It’s called ‘satire’, love.
I didn’t read past the two sentences I quoted, so shocked I was! 🙂
It is CJ – I always check who pens these pieces – he is welcome as an oasis of sanity.
I am not familiar with CJ. 🙂
So you read two clearly pisstaking lines and couldn’t read on? How big a crying cunt are you?!
I very rarely cry, crumpet.
I am old and very ill, so therefore I am vulnerable.
At least, I am not a psychopath like you.

Rumour has it that Bernie has a hammer and sickle tattooed near his heart.
Be frightened Chris, very frightened.
I set what set Matthews off was seeing Madcow naked. Hasn’t been the same since 🙂