Super Tuesday: Bernie vs The DNC – Round Two
Whatever happens, it's hard to see an end to President Trump, and the Democrats don't seem to mind
Kit Knightly

Today’s Democratic primaries will go a long way to signalling who the DNC will put forward to run against Donald Trump in November. The fourteen states holding votes today are considered vitally important.
…but are they?
Because the Democratic establishment has made it pretty clear that the number of votes a candidate gets doesn’t necessarily have any bearing on who the DNC will pick to run for President.
The signals are all there – if Bernie wins, it doesn’t count.
In a possible effort to put-off having to go against the wishes of the voters, the Democratic race has seen some casualties fall well before the finish line. Both Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped out this weekend, narrowing the field considerably. Both quickly endorsed Biden.
The obvious plan being to unite the anti-Bernie vote and save the DNC’s blushes.
Pressure is being piled on Warren to drop-out too, and endorse Bernie. Thus reducing the choice to one “progressive” and one “establishment” candidate (obviously nobody considers Bloomberg has a chance, he’s just there to insult Bernie and make Joe look like a “centrist” by comparison).
For her part, Warren seems to be pitching herself as the middle-ground, hoping to parlay that into a nomination at a contested convention.
No matter who comes away with the nomination, it has to be asked “was any of this process legitimate?”. We know from a plethora of examples that US elections are not fair. They border on meaningless most of the time. The DNC’s doubly so, having argued in court they have no duty to be fair.
Any result, then, you could safely assume was contrived, for one reason or another.
If the Buttigieg-Klobuchar-Biden gambit works, we end up with Trump vs. Biden. And, realistically, that means a second Trump term.
Biden is possibly senile and definitely creepy. Watching him shuffle and stutter through a Presidential campaign would be almost cruel.
Politically, he has all of Hillary’s weaknesses, being a big-time establishment type with a pro-war record, without even the “I have a vagina” card to play.
He’ll get massacred.
Is that the plan?
There’s more than enough signs that Trump has abandoned all the policies that made him any kind of threat to the political establishment. Four years on: no wars ended, no walls built, no swamp drained. Just more of the same. He’s an idiot who talked big and got co-opted. It happens.
The Senate and other institutions might talk about Trump being a criminal or an idiot or a “Nazi”, but the reality is he’s barely perceptibly different from any other POTUS this side of JFK.
#TheResistance was a puppet show. A weak game played for toy money. When it really counts, they’re all in it together. Biden getting on the ticket would be a public admittance of that. It would mean the DNC is effectively throwing the fight. Trump is a son of a bitch, but he’s their son of a bitch. And that’s much better than even the idea of President Bernie.
Which raises the question: What if Bernie get the nomination?
If Bernie wins the chance – and it’s highly unlikely – the intentions behind letting him on the ticket would need to be questioned.
The Deep State would never allow even someone of Bernie’s flexible character to walk into the White House under the banner of “socialism”. Whether or not the man himself poses a threat, his ideas do. And the system can’t afford to see them legitimised.
You’d have to think his run for President would be a disaster designed to undermine his movement (see: Corbynism) and smother “American socialism” in its cradle.
The wildcard here is Warren. Up until she’s out of the race, I wouldn’t rule out a Hillary-like push for the “first female President”. But they’ll likely buy her off with a promise of “next time”. It’s the Democrat’s turn in again in 2024, after all.
So, some questions arise:
- Who will win the most votes tonight?
- Will it matter in the end?
- Who will win the nomination at the convention?
- Will Trump win a second term?
- ….did you know Tulsi Gabbard was still technically running for President?
Bring on Super Thursday…I mean Tuesday.
Joe Biden: "Tomorrow is Super Thursday."
Fact Check: Tomorrow is Super Tuesday.
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) March 2, 2020
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Well, I guess • it’s time to finish off my Bombay hand sanitizer, stirred not shaken, and try again to explain why Bernie must drop out and endorse Tulsi.
1: Bernie’s toast, burnt! The math simply does not give him any viable path forward. Tulsi has virtually the same policies domestically and adds a foreign policy and anti-militarism dimension that Bernie embarrassingly lacks.
2: With Bernie’s endorsement and his pledged delegates Tulsi might actually have a shot at winning the primaries. She has a much broader appeal than has Bernie. She is not self stigmatized with a bogus socialist identity. Bernie might think that TG would be unacceptable to his base because of the diligent slander and innuendo dished out by his own campaign through Mockingbird outlets like the New Yorker, the Jacobin and the Intercept. This campaign however only reached the few gullible wannabe revolutionaries who read that crap. The great majority of Bernie followers would enthusiastically switch their support to Tulsi when faced with the alternatives. Biden-Obama, Obama-Buttgeig or Clinton-Schiff .
3: Unless he throws a, just in time, Hail Tulsi pass Bernie will go down in history as a minor footnote an unwitting dupe of the ruling Kakistocracy That is unless he goes down as a witting dupe.
It’s time for Tulsi!
Hey Bernie, throw that Hail Tulsi pass!
Just contemplating the astonishing fact that Russia spent 100,000 dollars on social media to influence the 2016 election thereby handing the presidency to Mr Trump but Bloomberg spent 700 Million dollars, had the DNC jigger the rules to enable him to ‘debate’, and he only managed to round up four delegates from American Samoa and is now not a contender.
Value for money spent – a lesson well taught by ‘the Russians’.
I just wrote on Caitlin’s Johnstone’s site, but I would really like to see this idea aired (in the hopes that talking about it will ensure it won’t come to pass):
All the candidates that the DNC has some sway with (all but Tulsi) must have had a little talking to, and pulled out to leave the field for Biden. They likely figure that will be sufficient to get Biden the nomination.
Enter Clinton (“Wicked Witch of the West”) as VP candidate. If all goes according to plan, they win.
Shortly thereafter, poor old demented Biden will have to step down for health reasons (or be forced to do so) and voilà, Clinton has her presidency to use as her personal tool of vendetta with the planet.
I really can’t figure out why else they would be making such an effort to push an obviously ailing man as their chosen candidate. Hillary still out there spinning her evil plans with her evil minions…
That’s entirely plausible.
The DNC is going into overdrive to produce the shiniest, most highly polished turd possible.
And it looks like Creepy Joe fits the bill.
Super Tuesday was blatantly rigged against Boynie, with a highly improbable unprecedented “mass turnout of black voters”, hundreds of thousands suddenly materialising out of nowhere in individual states.
They’ve already used the failed voting machine excuse, so they had to come up with something different.
Being in the Clintons’ way can be very detrimental to your life expectancy. There is a trail of dead bodies marking the path of their careers, Seth Rich being the latest in a long line.
More weasely wordage from the Grauniad tonight as their reporter writes:
‘Now that Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the race, where do her supporters go? Second choice polling data from Moning Consult suggests that her supporters may split between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.’
“Split” to me implies a equal division – how about you?
Anyway the very next paragraph starts:
‘Forty-three percent of Warren supporters said they’d shift support to Sanders , and 36 percent said they’d go with Biden.’
That is 20% more Sanders than Biden!
Not exactly a split is it?
And a whole one fifth not decided! Where they going to lay their hats?
The Groan, where facts are devilish.
Your maths are erratic.
Sorry-I see your point.
There’s a few undeniable facts– namely, the political duopoly is corrupt through and through and that all capitalist governments are designed to primarily represent the well-to-do. After all, the US was founded by well-educated landed gentry who were uptight about being overtaxed by the British Empire.
That being said, in 2016 Bernie Sanders was a “shocking fluke” for the Democratic Party leadership and the national security state. These slimy lechers holed up in their surveillance bubble of corruption lost sight of the pent up worker outrage marinating for decades. This rage finally had a chance to be expressed in a national political campaign. A campaign the mainstream media news could not completely ignore. Like they’re currently doing to Tulsi Gabbard who with one delegate now qualifies for the next debate. However, as expected the DNC will deny her access by once again changing the rules.
Unfortunately, the 2016 desire for change manifested itself in the victory of Donald Trump and not Bernie Sanders. The affluent will elect anyone willing to deregulate business and decrease taxes. In the final analysis, it’s always about the needs of the wealthy–or those landed gentry.
That being said, Sanders campaign has continued to expose the growing rage and mounting discontent felt by most of the population. Prior to Sanders, I’ve never heard any “mainstream politician” give passionate speeches exclusively about income inequality and social injustice. No one since the 1960’s has organized a social justice movement of millions.
Sanders rallies have 15,000 -20,000 zealous supporters reverberating with a fiery enthusiasm.
And this resounding passion against social injustice is what the security state is determined to stop.
The security state ghouls who installed Trump are now exploiting a “bogeyman” argument in order to persuade economically struggling Americans to believe a reactionary warmongering mentally diminished Biden will be their savior. That would be funny, if it wasn’t so pathetic. Over the last four decades vacuous Joe passed multiple pieces of legislation specifically designed to screw over the working-class. Vacuous Joe is the epitome of crony capitalism.
Empty headed Joe is now considered a return to normalcy.
The security state working hand in glove with the mainstream media news is ludicrously saying: “vote for Biden he’s nice” and it’s a “return to normalcy.” Is that the same normalcy that vomited up Trump.
Be that as it may, the Buffoon will make mincemeat of Biden and vacuous Joe will lose the election just like Hillary did in 2016. That’s if Joe makes it through the next eight months. In just a short period of time, those looking for normalcy might find empty headed Joe standing in line somewhere in Florida hoping to be the first to secure the senior early bird special rather then the presidency.
Now getting back to the issue of the Sanders movement–what do these millions do after Bernie is cheated out of the nomination–go to a THIRD PARTY. That’s the only answer. Organize and mobilize
behind a Third Party which represents the interests of the working-class. You know it can be done–Sanders did it. Now millions can do it without Sanders. Without a powerful Third Party the outraged working-class is just spinning their wheels in the muck of the Democratic Party and will never achieve a modicum of political success.
A third party might well be a good long term solution but we need a short term fix. In the present social climate even modest steps towards an obvious and necessary goal prove tortuous. Health care, for example — the Affordable Care Act was a modest, industry friendly and generally non-threatening measure that implemented a few commonsense steps. The fight to implement it was legendary, the fight to keep it is ongoing. Can you imagine the kind of mess implementing anything more radical, regardless of how reasonable it would be?
What Bernie is advocating isn’t revolutionary. I am a ‘Boomer’ and the society I was born into in the UK offered everything he’s asking for. Its been systematically withdrawn since 1980 but re-privatizing health care has proved a tough nut to crack (which is why the opposition to the ACA is so entrenched — once that dam breaks there’s no going back). The social provisions I grew up were not bestowed on the people but hard fought for, earned over generations in time, effort and blood. Its largely been taken away now and as the recent general election in the UK shows there’s no appetate for these policies compared to the seductive glow of faux nationalism. So swallow your pride everyone — its not time for the Revolution yet (and as an actuary pointed out yesterday, the numbers suggest that even if Bernie won the presidency his chances of surving for one term, let alone two, are slim). Just don’t take your eyes off the prize….
The ACA was a watered down industry friendly fix denying healthcare insurance to millions who could not afford the premiums or ever meet the deductibles.
Or are you talking about the water down industry friendly fix that expanded two wars into seven and is responsible for the current Syria/Turkey/Russia mess
Or perhaps, you’re referring to the watered down industry friendly fix that bailed out the crooked hedge funds and banks, but allowed millions to lose their homes.
Or the watered down industry friendly fix that promoted fracking throughout the planet and said a “nothing” agreement in Paris was going to save the world.
Or the watered down industry friendly fix that intensified surveillance and prosecuted every whistleblower it could put its hand on–laying the groundwork for Julian Assange’s plight.
Or how about the watered down industry friendly fix that chuckled and took a few sips of Flint water– telling the apprehensive crowd whose children were already poisoned its okay to drink.
Or maybe, you’re referring to the watered down industry friendly fix that said we need to look forward not backward when asked if George W. Bush should be prosecuted for war crimes.
Your watered down industry friendly solutions produced the Orange Buffoon and next time it will birth something even more grotesque.
Those ‘fixes’ aren’t mine. I just used the ACA as an example of how ‘a watered down industry fix’ attracted enormous, ongoing and intractable opposition because it was ‘socialism’. Imagine trying to do something as radical as the Canadian system! (Actually we’ve tried several times. The first attempt was by Truman in 1947.)
BTW — I’d dispute the “denying healthcare insurance to millions who could not afford the premiums or ever meet the deductibles” assertion. Its a product of the intractible opposition to the ACA. I live in California, one of the states where the ACA was implemented properly. Its not perfect still — there’s a poverty trap issue with the premiums — but if you are truly poor then decent health insurance can be purchased for as little as $1 a month (with yearly payouts capped at $500 or so). I know this for a fact because my son became seriously ill and unalbe to work; if we had lived in any of the red states a) he’d be screwed (and probably dead — there are people he corresponds with who can’t afford basic medication in other states) and b) we’d probably be bankrupted trying to help him. Obama was right in telling us to not let our desire to be perfect impede us from getting what we can. You can hope for the Revolution but in the present time all you’re going to get is Trump — or worse.
The middle-class can’t afford the premiums. The Affordable Care Act is not affordable. Many
who aren’t living in poverty don’t have health insurance. They just try to stay healthy and hope they don’t get sick.
Even if you can pay the premiums what good is it if the deductibles are more than $5,000.
In addition, gatekeeper doctors prevent patients from seeing specialists and securing medical tests.
This is the problem with all means tested programs — there’s typically a poverty trap where you earn too much to qualify as truly low income but too little to afford what is necessary. The issue here isn’t the ACA, its the cost of coverage relative to peoples’ wages. (It doesn’t help that according to a recently published ‘thriving’ index that these days it takes 53 weeks’ worth of average wages to keep an average family afloat.)
I’m sure the ruling class knows there’s a lot of pent-up rage. Another reason to dismiss Bernie. They don’t want someone to keep riling up the unscrubbed masses…..
Bernie’s not going to go away — what he wants for us isn’t radical anything, its just plain common sense. However, there are strategic considerations in play as well. One is that allowing Trump to beat HRC in 2016 handed two Supreme Court justice picks to the extreme right (not to mention countless other Federal judiciary positions). That’s enough to derail any progressive program (look up what happened to FDR in the 30s). The next president is certain to get another pick.
We are constantly being outmaneuvered in the long game because our supporters only seem to see the short term issues. Every time this happens we lose a bit more ground until what was everyday 40 years ago is now a radical, “revolutionary communist” demand that will bankrupt us all.
“Every time this happens we lose a bit more ground until
what was everyday 40 years ago is now a radical, “revolutionary communist” demand that will bankrupt us all.”
I think we’re heading towards neo-feudalism. Worldwide gangster capitalism. The economic system is based on financialization policies which are more virtual than real. Monopolization of businesses will continue to intensify. Ultimately they’ll be a worldwide showdown over resources.
The ruling class does not want to make concessions to the working-class. They’re only interested in securing more wealth by promoting austerity. The parallels to the 1930’s are not truly similar. FDR was “forced” to implement economic social safety nets. The US no longer has powerful labor unions or Leftist organizations. The greatest parallel to the 1930’s is that we might be gearing up for another world war.
with yearly payouts capped at $500 or so
— what does that buy in the fabulously corrupt American “health” industry, a couple of aspirin???
(….a few hundred thousand dollar’s worth of care, nothing much)
(That, folks, is how insurance is supposed to work. You spend your life paying into the system and hopefully getting nothing back for it. However, if and when you need it its there for you.)(Many Americans don’t get this, they think medical insurance is some kind of savings plan that’s stiffing them because they don’t get back what they’ve paid in, its going to some undeserving ‘other’.)
I think that the elites will defuse popular resentment at neo-feudal rule with that old favourite-war. I just watched ‘Rising’ on Youtube, with a supposed ‘progressive’ attitude, and even there the sheer deranged rage of Sinophobic hatred was on display.
Their guest, a former military hit-man, Spalding, spewed lies, hypocrisy the usual vicious arrogance at the Chinese over coronavirus. As is common with these deranged creatures, he claimed that the USA, not the Chinese Communist Party, speaks on behalf of the Chinese people. The Chinese have lied over coronavirus, covering up like with SARS, lies refuted by the WHO, which explains the current hate campaign against the WHO by the Atlanticists. And to top it all, he declared that the CCP has locked up 11 million people in Wuhan ‘..and left them to die’??!!
As this maniac raved on the talking heads clucked and nodded their approval. War is inevitable. Indeed, the bio-warfare and propaganda fronts were opened long ago.
One video is worth a thousand words:
They’re ALL phoneys, Warren particularly. She lies as much as Bidet.
Pocahontas and Mr. Mularkey are full of shit.
super tuesday was a stage managed fraud. The parade of endorsers was to set up the fraud. The earlier fake polls were also part of the plan. Look at bidens crowds, what crowds?
Computerized electoral fraud. Bogus, nontransparent garbage.
Sanders has a character ‘flexible’ enough to tell the US state apparatus that he would:
1. Launch a pre-emptive attack against North Korea or Iran if they were to test missiles or nuclear weapons, which they clearly need;
2. Support ‘humanitarian’ military interventions, as in Venezuela, Syria, etc;
3. Swallow whole, and pledge full-throated support for, Russiagate Cold War 2.0 hysteria;
4. Support the alphabet-soup ‘intelligence’ agencies interfering in elections.
These are rather solid, inflexible credentials.
Very threatening alright, but to whom? To North Koreans, Iranians (1.); Venezuelans, Syrians, Afghanis, et al. (2.); political dissidents in the US (3.); voters (4.).
Sanders’ ‘ideas’ pose no threat to the US ruling class at all. He’s never advocated expropriating them, which is the number one existential threat to capitalist rule the world over. The likes of Medicare for all, free college tuition and so on, are part of the furniture in many other capitalist countries and haven’t caused their respective ruling classes any major angst. Certainly one of the more bloated sectors of the US capitalist class — health insurance/private hospitals/big pharma — perceive Sanders as a ‘threat’. The MIC most definitely feels no threat at all from Sanders, nor does the capitalist class overall.
While Sanders has a sterling track record of supporting numerous US imperialist adventures, not least the ‘humanitarian’ bombing of Serbia, in regard to those whom he actually threatens, as above, he has reaffirmed his fealty to both the MIC and the US state apparatus.
Sanders’ talk of (Democratic) ‘socialism’ and ‘workers rights’ is simply window dressing for disaffected young and working class voters who’ve no prospects under capitalism. And his pledge of support for whomever the DNC nominates to run for the commander-in-chief of the imperium serves only to ‘sheep dog’ such voters into voting Democrat — for more of the same from the party of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In such a case, most voters, sensibly, would stay on the couch; others, still desperate with no perceived alternative, likely will vote for Trump again, and Trump will be re-elected. Now that’s all particularly ‘threatening’, isn’t it. Sanders is as much threat to the US ruling class as Biden is. But in reality, when the social crisis deepens, and it will, the rulers will definitely run to the likes of Sanders to save their bacon. Sanders aspires to be their saviour, not unlike FDR.
The Biden wins in the primaries were down to election rigging.
Many reports that people were locked out and long queues- 6 hours! Forcing many to abandon their vote.
Reports that the dodgy Electronic Voting machines didn’t record votes of some and even manipulation of the votes by supervisors who manually assign the ‘next in list’ votes of losing candidates.
All that just in the Primaries – where only a fraction of the populace vote.
What is going to happen in the general election if Bernie actually manages to get to run??
Meanwhile in Israel they don’t trust electronic voting and insist on hand counting even if having to dress in hazmat outfits.
I understand Israeli technology is involved in electronic voting across the world (?) but THEY don’t use it themselves…
US Fun Fact:
Americans’ toilet paper of choice is made of organic trees from pristine Canadian forests, while their breakfast is made of Glyphosate-soaked cereals.
All arse about isn’t it?
Ha ha… Its all a pile of crap Wendy…
Panic buying of toilet paper and tissues here in Australia. The sadly brainwashed MSM readers lap up almost anything.
And believe it.
With such a sophisticated country, Hillary Clinton would be the perfect president for the US. She must be cloned over and over so Americans can vote for her again and again.
The Girls from Brazil, maybe?
The simple fact that senile the Bidet spent NO money for Super Tuesday, in a system where the weight of money almost always prevails, tells you that something rotten has happened in the State of Exceptionalastan. That it, as is now almost de rigeur, confounded the polls, adds to the stench. We are getting so used to naked election theft, ie the ‘miracle’ for our bunyip Bolsonaro, ‘Smoko’ Morrison, the amazing postal vote landslide for BoJo the Bozo etc, always favouring the Right, that it’s quite amazing. All naked, all unquestioned, all smugly celebrated by the real rulers. And even when the thefts are revealed, as with Clinton and the DNC’s theft of the nomination last time, the facts, revealed by Wikileaks and Donna Brazile’s biography for starts, are soon forgotten, then denied as ‘conspiracy theories’ or the work of the ubiquitous ‘Russian trolls’.
I’m less than enthusiastic about Biden but — and this is a realy big ‘BUT’ — I’m even less enthused about another four years of GoP power. Although the Republican establishment claim conservative credentials they’re actually radicals, right wing radicals with very clear ideas about how they want to shape society and government. We’ve been dealing with this for 40 years both in the UK and the US and attempts to combat them by traditional means have been fruitless — we’ve been outspent, outsmarted and outmaneuvered at every turn. We’re now fast approaching a tipping point — indeed we may have passed it — where the changes that this group of radicals seek will be permanent and the fact that we could countenance someone like Biden as a ‘left wing’ solution pretty much cements this.
For those who are under, say, 60 years old I should mention that what Bernie is advocating isn’t some kind of radical socialism’ it was our everyday reality before the Thatcher Revolution. (The US has a somewhat less clear cut past so I’ll stick with what I know well, the past in the UK and the present in the US.) Its what generations of working people fought for (and many died for), it wasn’t a gift bestowed on them by their betters, it was a hard won right that was grudingly allowed in the wake of WW2. It was easy to fall into the trap of assuming that this was the natural order of things but those who did participate in the struggles pre-war and the fight against fascism — our parents — warned us that we shouldn’t take this for granted, it would be clawed back from us at the first opportunity. Many of us were seduced by the siren message that we should be richer, we should be ‘stakeholders’ (“Sid”) and so a majority were suckered into allowing into power those who would take it away. They did, and a generation or two later we’ve got the new proletariat wandering what the Hell happened — it was those Boomers that did it, obviously (but it wasn’t — it was the niche group that came of age after the war). Anyway, to cut to the chase — yes, Bernie Bros, we all want the same things but electing a near octogenarian to provide those without a solid base isn’t going to make it happen. Its going to bring more of the same. As for the ‘revolution’ or ‘reistance’ — Been There, Done That. Its nice to believe but after the revolutions of the 20th century (and the 18th and 19th) techniques have evolved to deal with this sort of thing should it become a serious threat. (….and organizing through social media…..think about it…….)
The global triumph of the psychopathic Right, propelled by the Rightwing Authoritarian Personality, the hateful doctrines of nepo-liberal capitalism and the Evil ‘religious’ lunatics of the Dominionist and associated cults, individuals the exact opposite of Jesus of Nazareth in EVERY way, is humanity’s swansong. We don’t get out of this century alive, that’s for sure.
We face a generalised, global, ecological Holocaust, driven by insatiable capitalist greed. Already gone far too far to reverse. We face a Holocaust of social savagery and hatred inflicted on the poor, weak and defenceless by Evil and vicious Rightwing psychopaths, put in office through rigged ‘election’ farces and total Rightwing MSM support and propaganda. And we face a global war between the Atlanticist West, dying of its own internal corruption and kakistocratic misrule, and the Russo-Chinese Eurasian resistance, which conflict has moved beyond subversion, sanction and incessant hate propaganda, to bio-warfare, as we see in China, hit by wave after wave of diseases culminating, only so far, in CoVid 19. Prospects are grim.
If you think of the Biblical concepts of God and the Devil as allegoral rather than literal entities the current struggle is really just a continuation of something that’s been with humanity for ever. I use another allegory, the notion that the Forces of Darkness (or whatever we want to call them) are like viruses, forever probing our defenses to find ways to infect us and use us as hosts. However we look at it there’s grounds for optimism because the struggle has been going on for as long as humanity has existed and although Evil tends to be triumphant from time to time its never totally won the war.
I think you’re right to be concerned about global warfare because of the way that Evil deals with challenges to its hegenony. Recent history has taught us that the way that challenges are first dealt with is by a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy — popular movements tend to factionalize so you help the process along, people divide along national or religious lines so once again, often in the name of ‘freedom’, you give the processes a push. If the worst happens and a society does try to become socialist then we use the tools of isolation and economic warfare to keep them in check. We screwed up in China because we removed those tools because we were offered the bait of cheap labor and the opportunity profits that came with it. The Chinese were supposed to be like a super-sized Phillipines, a sweatshop economy that was to keep us in luxury while keeping their population poor and ignorant, but we took our eye off the ball and didn’t notice that they were developing their whole society — rapidly. Too late we’re reapplying those tools, trying to get the genie back into the lamp, but its only making us look weak and foolish. To make matters worse their ideas might be catching (which is why we have nothing good to say about the “Belt and Road” initiative). Our only hope is to fan the flames of nationalism, to encourage them to become an armed camp that we can then deal with in the normal way. There are signs that they’re too smart to take that bait… maybe there is a glimmer of hope for the future!
Good and Evil are bound to exist in any population of ‘sapient’ creatures that sexually reproduce, swapping characteristics and subjected to the laws of natural selection. Doing things that we construe as Evil, say murdering your neighbour and stealing his mate, spreads your genes, while his lie a mouldering.
Then add ‘culture’, where greed, violence and arrogance have long been raised to the status of ‘religions’, and you get our current terminal situation. China is hated with visceral toxicity by racial supremacists, who believe them inferior, cultural supremacists who despise all non-Western cultures as inferior, religious fanatics who see them as infidels, goyim, Godless Asiatics, Gog or Magog etc and brainwashed xenophobic imbeciles who detest others, on reflex. That China has created the greatest material advance in human history, in decades, as the West crumbles into a sewer of inequality, poverty, social malaise and spiritual necrosis, fill Western elites with an unquenchable lust to destroy all that progress, by any means available. These creatures make the Nazis. their forebears’ allies, friends and creation, look like boy-scouts.
5 of the states Biden won he didn’t even campaign in!
It is all smoke and mirrors – his ‘Joementum’.
The folding of the other candidates is aimed at stopping Sanders that is all.
The Guardians breathless reporting of the massive support from African Americans is a deliberate lie – the primaries only represent a fraction of the voters – not what will happen in the general election.
Social Democrat.
It is a label that the Groaniad avoids ever assigning to Bernie.
Or giving him a chance or support.
(As well as disappearing Tulsi).
Democratic socialist, socialist, left wing … being the preferred slur.
Which shows just how much the Hillary loving neoliberal/con agenda pushing that rag is.
Or, as a presenter on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s national radio network called him a day or two ago “the self-confessed democratic socialist”. The ABC biased against Bernie? Or biased against Jezza? Goodness me, what makes people think such things?
The odious Philip Adams is still smearing Corbyn and UK Labour, on-air, as ‘antisemitic’. Have you also noted how this vile poltroon has TOTALLY dropped any mention of the Palestinians, over the last few years. But his ‘philosemitism’ grows ever more unctuous and repetitive.
The Palestinians don’t exist for odious reptiles like Adams.
The narrative is the brave Israeli underdogs defending themselves against the hordes of ‘militants’ and ‘terrorists’.
And now of course, there is the global crisis of…. anti semitism, being pushed by the likes of Adams and the cretinous jellyfish at The Guardian.
The objective of which, GP, is to stamp out all debate on the Palestine question, so that the Palestinians will be left without international supporters and abandoned to their appalling fate. (Please see also my response to RLS above.)
Hi CM… The Palestinians don’t exist. Like Julian Assange. Like the Gilets Jaunes. Like the Zapatistas.
Like any group or person that genuinely opposes Western imperialism and Neoliberalism.
You’d already know these, but any news on Palestine, I go on Mondoweiss, Electronic Intifada and B’Tselem.
Screw the Israeli cheer squad like Adams and Doogue.
To think that I used to defend Adams….but that was more than 20 years ago. Have scarcely listened to him lately, but what you report doesn’t surprise. It’s called getting with the strength. It’s what you do if you crave wealth and ‘respectability’.
Radio National’s international ‘coverage’ has an overt, Corbyn-hating agenda, with the ‘antisemitism’ lie at the forefront of its propaganda. Defence of Palestinian rights is what they really mean by ‘antisemitism’ – a mis-definition which is almost never acknowledged. Journalistic ethics and the ABC’s next-to-worthless ‘code of practice’ have simply been dispensed with. There is no genuinely independent, credible mechanism for holding the ABC to account for this.
The word spells the wizards of the media cast are effective- yesterday the Andrew ‘brillopad’ Neill – ‘ex (?) Murdoch hechman’ attacked the genuine old Labour leadership candidate , Rebecca Long-Bailey, with the AS slur for not having deplored someone at a meeting she was at for asking about Israel!
They attack genuine social democrats with Judaeophobia when it is actual anti judaeo-nationalism and they attack jewish social democrats with being commies.
Semantics matter. Especially when it comes to semetics.
The purpose of such mendacious slurs, coming from servile, MSM hacks is, as I state above, to stamp out debate on the Palestine question.
It comes after RLB, along with all the other leadership contenders, reportedly declared herself to be a ‘zionist’. What more do the witch hunters want?
As others have pointed out, I don’t know why Off Guardian bothers covering this total farce; or at least, not in such detail.
Watching US and UK politics is like watching five-year-olds on LSD.
It’s amusing to begin with, but soon gets very tedious.
“Watching US and UK politics is like watching five-year-olds on LSD”
Like watching five-year-olds when they’re on LSD, or when you’re on LSD?
An MKULTRA alumnus, are you?
I’m beginning to think that britain MUST BE the 51st state of the usa already judging by the massive, continual interest shown in all things america – our tv is stuffed with america, our news is stuffed with america and the alt media is stuffed with america – are we all america now????
No, no, no. It goes like this;
Canada =51
Australia =52
GB= 53
NZ = 54
The Coca Colanisation of the world.
France = 55
Germany = 56
Taiwan = 57
Japan = 58
Very common now, people know a lot about Trump and Washington, but hardly know what is happening down their street.
Biden won big mostly in the States that went to Trump – so none of these count.
Yes. Stupor Tuesday was actually a huge win for … Trump. According to the polls, Bernie was the only Dem candidate who could have beaten him in the general. But the orders have come down from on high, so four more years of Trump it is.
It looks like Buttplug, Bloomie and Klubeschar have thrown in the towel, with Boynie being shafted just like last time and falling into line behind Creepy Joe.
Pocahontas is going nowhere.
Trump will get another 4 years after a big, beautiful election victory that is incredible, amazing and unbelievable.
Cue a global pandemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome that will make the corona virus look like a storm in a teacup.
The ever more tedious TDS is all for show. The Democrats and Republicans are the same cancer, serving the rich and afflicting humanity.
Biden’s growing “dementia problem” remains a mainly unspoken factor here in American MSM. Here’s a recent Biden quote:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women created — by the — you know, you know the thing.”
By “the thing” we can only assume his dementia addled brain was searching for the word “god.” This is appropriate, because it would of course require a “miracle” for Biden to convince any reasonable person that he should be allowed to drive a car at this point, much less run for the presidency, given his ongoing very public cognitive decline.
The completely amoral corrupt Democratic Party establishment surely can’t be planning to throw this piece of raw meat to a salivating Trump in the fall debates. The Orange One would simply devour him. So the question remains regarding “what” the DNC and establishment Democrats have up their sleeve come convention time?
I have no doubt these forces would much rather lose to Trump than render themselves institutionally irrelevant by seeing Sanders and his youthful following win the nomination (and this observation comes from no starry eyed support for Sanders I can assure you). But to imagine they would simply put their eggs in the Biden basket and call it good is a bit more than I can envision at this point.
I wouldn’t rule anything out. We could see Hillary ‘the rot’ Clinton – the “queen of war-mongers” – (see Tulsi Gabbard’s smack down) emerge from the Wall Street swamp and MIC mud to “unify” the party come convention time. I know this thought alone is enough to leave one awake and staring at the ceiling at night in a cold sweat, but I just don’t see how the Democratic Party elites can expect a dementia sufferer to play the role of presidential candidate for many months on end. After all Reagan’s dementia wasn’t this bad until his second term.
Of course with a brokered convention and 500 super delegates at play we could end up with something “out of the blue” like a Warren/Buttigieg ticket to try to appease the “identity politics” crowd while keeping the DNC squarely in the driver’s seat. Two things are certain. A fair and truly “democratic” primary process will simply not be allowed by the DNC, and MSM will dutifully cover up the DNC’s corruption. Those two things you can safely bank on.
My money’s on Michelle Obama. She’s black, she’s a woman, she has high name-recognition, and she polls well among Democrats. So they’re going to wheel her out at the convention, touting her as the salvation of the party, once it becomes apparent to them how incredibly senile Biden is.
Yes, I did know that Tulsi is running for the presidential nomination. And she is obviously the Democrats’ best candidate, which is, of course, why the Democrats and the corporate media only mention her to smear her as a Russian puppet.
This article reminds me of the words of the late George Carlin
Reminds me of what the late George Carlin said ….
My apologies for the double post .I just could not see my post after I posted same.
Well, Guy, maybe it is good that we should see it twice – maybe it will sink in. . . . . . .
You have a good point .I am late in replying but back in my home country after a break and glad as it is pandemonium all over the world in airports theses days.
Cheers and stay healthy .
Thank you Guy – and to you too.
Yet another series of elections where the results confounded the polls in favour of the Right and the ruling elites.
It’s by long now painfully obvious that the DNC is fully prepared to accept a second term for Trump if that’s what it takes to prevent a ‘socialist’ from entering the White House, so the only interesting thing about this race is that they have decided to throw their support behind a man who is so hopelessly senile that he often can’t remember which state he’s in at the moment, what day it is, or even which office he’s now running for.
Oh–here’s the latest: are you all aware that Biden has now accepted The Thing as his personal Lord and Savior?
In fact, the only conceivable hurdle Trump faces now is making sure that when he beats Biden next fall in the presidential ‘debates’, that they actually look like a vaguely fair fight, so that Trump doesn’t come across as being too mean while winning. It’ll be like Anatoly Karpov playing chess against a three year-old!
Seamus – I wrote my post before I read your comment. Glad you included the video.
Not a problem. 😉
A fly in the ointment?
Wikileaks emails..
Sanders leverage.
This isn’t in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him (Sanders). I could send a signal via Welch–or did you establish a direct line w him?
Bernie is a DNC puppet every bit as much as Biden and Hillary.
His job is to lose and transfer leftist voters to Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2020. It makes the Democrats look like a broad church which of course they aren’t.
Trump will Biden up so much he’s going to blow a fuse on stage.
Trump will flush the Bidet down the S-bend of history.
Unfortunately, I think it’s more or less over for Bernie’s polite ‘revolution.’ He may have the public support, but he doesn’t have the money or control over the levers of power in the DNC that run the Convention where the candidate is selected.
If the two leading candidates Sanders and Biden are more-or-less ‘equal’ in delegates at the start of the Convention, the DNC will step in, declare a ‘draw’ and then we start all over again with a clean sheet and then the role of the super-delegates will beome crucial. They will support Biden overwhelmingly and he will be chosen as the party’s candidate, and he’ll then lose to Donald Trump at the end of the year.
The system just doesn’t tolerate Boynies or Jezzas.
They are all commies, terrorists, and anti semitic to boot.
It’s the old revolutionary Marxist saw that there is no parliamentary road to socialism.
“We know from a plethora of examples that US elections are not fair. They border on meaningless most of the time.”
Exactly so Kit, especially your second sentence above; though I take issue with the “most”, which should read ‘all’. Despite your demonstrated perspicacity at Off-G, why do you think this charade is even worth discussing? Shouldn’t dissident serious news media avoid the distraction circuses that keep our attention firmly ‘looking over there’ instead of behind the curtain? We can leave all that toxic-shite-shovelling to the mediawhores and the pocket-pols quite safely. It’s their job, after all, not ours. They’ll get it done. It’s the lead ‘story’ on this morning’s BBCRadio3 bulletinettes, ahead even of the Covid-19 pandem-panic. We have more pertinent matters to tease apart. Bugger the non-stop US ‘election’ circus!
Agreed. Still, go Tulsi.
Tulsi say many good things now.
However, I note that she joined the US Armed Forces as late as 2004.
Coming from a modest Indian immigrant family at the time she needed a job to pay the bills and college.
When, oh when, do the proles wake up to the fact that the omnicidal Evil of capitalist ‘liberal democracy’ is irreformable through the politics and election farces? The hour is getting late.
I came from New York yesterday and wasn’t to sure if it was Super Tuesday. So I asked the bartender. – He had no idea what I was talking about.
Apparantly, so much does voting count for the average American (although admittedly it is a small sample), and of course the bartender was right.
I don’t know if anyone is familiar with that area. Has been a while when I was in NY, but last time (15 years ago), I thought the city was vibrant, while now, apart from the tourists, the city appeared depressed. There still was some broadway boogie woogie (Mondriaan’s painting), but only in the MOMA, not in the streets. Did New York change? Or is it just me?
How long will they be able to run the facade, with >20 trillion USD of government debt & > 20 trillion household debt? Do the billionaires like to see their cities populated with the living dead? Or do they see no other option then to continue with the facade, because behind the facade are only ruins?
New York is not part of Super Tuesday.
Probably a result of all the gentrification that’s taken place in NYC. Or maybe just a consequence of 12 years of Mike Bloomberg being mayor.
Tulsi Gabbard is still running for President and everywhere she goes people in local communities welcome her with passionate support.
So, it’s nearly 11:00pm est. in the U.S., and a Biden vs Trump–warmongering sociopath vs warmongering sociopath– looks pretty good for the U.S. regime. The word, “socialism”, means “communism” still to the voters. And we know what americans think of communism, right? It means ‘they gonna take our money and our guns and put us in concentration camps’. That’s about how americans describe it, not kidding. Oh well, Sanders should have went left, it could have made americans think more than they do. But no, Sanders is so use to courting the establishment, that he fell in love with the courting part.
If they used Diebold voting machines, by whatever name they use today, then Sanders was robbed. Once again voting results come out very much removed from all the polling. Me, I’m a coincidence theorist, so I see nothing amiss at all.
Could be, but that view requires a lot of faith in American voters. Is there any strong reason for that? I don’t think so.
Why conduct poll after poll, when, at the election, the opposite happens, all, allegedly because one Top House Negro politician in South Carolina endorsed an actual enemy of black people, particularly economically, in Joe Bidet? I saw numerous older blacks in South Carolina, before the poll, and even taking MSM bias into consideration, I’ve never seen such examples of hereditary slave mentality and sheer ignorance in action. To still worship Obama after what he did to black communities during the Financial Crisis is stupefying.
Whatever. Americans vote for who they want, and people in South Carolina wanted Biden and don’t care about wars, or they like wars. That’s the only narrative that matters to me. I’m not into race politics, especially from the bigoted war parties and their representatives in elections.
— it’s becoming ever harder to distinguish between coincidence theorists and garden-variety idiots. It must require advanced training in applied idiocy, to still remain oblivious to objective reality.
as always, the essential litmus test:
This is the ultimate litmus test.
People don’t like it due to what it very strongly suggests about their designated heroes – Chomsky, Snowden, Assange, Gabbard, to name a few.
People gotta have their heroes.
Julian Assange doesn’t like 9/11 conspiracies. Failed the litmus test.
“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” What about the Bilderberg conference? “That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes.”
9/11 is the Big One-the tail that wags the dog, not just biting the hand that feeds, but savaging it, openly and arrogantly.
The 9/11 conspiracies failed the litmus test. The CIA had a pipeline of Jihadis coming into the US for training; a few got off the reservation and copied “Executive Decision”.
Biggest oops in CIA history, so to be buried.
Antonym, that the jihadis got NORAD to stand down, two planes, at the Pentagon and Pennsylvania, to more or less disappear on impact, the only three steel-framed buildings ever to collapse from fire, to fall down at free-fall speed into their foot-prints and for five ‘Dancing Israelis’ to be arrested after filming the disaster in real-time, while wildly celebrating, etc, is utter nonsense. The supposed jihadis were the patsies, nothing more.
Has anybody noticed how zionists always seem to have some personal investment in the Official 9/11 Faery Tale? And how disputing it is invariably attacked as being “anti-semitic”?
I wonder why that might be.
Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel
I don’t know if that would be such a black mark against him. Many honest journalists avoid looking objectively at what happened on 9/11 because of the lack of documented evidence of a conspiracy. Much of it safely hidden away under cover of a “Grand Jury” which includes terabytes of intel showing a connection between the patsies (the 19 alleged “hijackers”) and Israeli Intel gathered by Able Danger.
Veterans Today does an excellent analysis not naming names of individual whistle blowers for obvious reasons of sources within the DOD and the USGS who know that it wasn’t planes and jet fuel that caused the destruction of the WTC:
There’s no lack of documented evidence about a 9/11 conspiracy. You only assume there is.
Actually, there’s an abundance.
Look at Chris Bollyn’s lectures/ presentations and then come back and try to make the same argument.
Bollyn connects the dots by inductive reasoning. None of it presents a smoking gun. Obviously you avoided the link that does actually have documented evidence of how the operation was carried out and who exactly the perps were.
Go to the link and come back when you’ve desisted from being an arrogant asshole.
— the idea that the filmed demolition of three WTC buildings was produced by nuclear explosions, is fully as stupid and contrary to objective reality as the Official Story.
Veterans Today is largely disinfo, with the occasional factual article to make it seem credible.
Seeing that video isn’t even required. Just follow the narrative:
*Bush regime tries to make a deal with the Taliban about potential pipeline security in Afghanistan.
*The Taliban rejects the offer.
*Bush regime threatens to carpet bomb Afghanistan.
*9/11 happens.
* Bush regime declares Osama Bin Laden did it, without an investigation.
*The Taliban requests evidence, any evidence, that the U.S. has about Osama Bin Laden having orchestrated the 9/11 event.
*The U.S. rejects the Taliban request.
*Osama Bin Laden is so traceable that he can be interviewed by americans, yet getting him is the reason, the Bush regime claims, for an invasion of Afghanistan.
*The Bush regime carpet bombs Afghanistan.
Clearly a false flag.
The american voters are imperialist war-mongers. They kept voting from there on for Bush again, Kerry, Obama, McCain, Romney, Trump and Clinton. All lying, pathetic war-mongers. And they continue voting with Biden now, while many say that the most easily beatable leader on earth–Trump– is such a powerful force. Only to complete idiots he is, and the american voters are a great example.
It’s more this way. Israel can’t do the Oded Yinon Plan itself. It needs Big Brother in the USA to do so. The fully Zionist Project for a New American Century (besides advocating for ‘ethnically specific’ bio-weapons)declares that a New Pearl Harbor will be required to get the US public onside for mass murder, destruction and regime change in the Middle East/North Africa. 9/11 happens, filmed in real time by the thoroughly Memory Holed ‘Five Dancing Israelis’. Then Iraq, Target Number One in the Oded Yinon Plan gets whacked. Then Libya, then Syria, then Iran, Yemen, Sudan etc.
In my above comment, I referred to the U.S. having told the Taliban that they would “carpet bomb” them. Today’s “Corbett Report”,
…mentions that that phrase may be apocryphal. So instead, James Corbett refers the NSPD-9 document instead:
As Rumsfeld himself said of the document:
“The essence of this strategy was contained in NSPD-9. It was the first major substantive national security decision directive issued by this Administration. It was presented for decision by principals on September 4, 2001–7 days before September 11th.”
— the originally reported quote was “a carpet of bombs”. see here:
It was obvious from the beginning that the fix was in. They’d let Bernie lead then lower the boom either at the Convention or “Super Thursday (sic)”. It’s hard to imagine that some senile old moron who can’t even remember what day Americans vote on to run as their candidate but hey stranger things have happened. Like running some psychopath who couldn’t wait the eight minutes she says was required to launch a nuclear attack against Russia and “obliterate Iran”.
Speaking of footballs. The only chance the Democrats had to win against Trump they fumbled near the goal line. This election season will be like the Patriots vs the Titans back in ’09:
Much ado about nothing. US elections are a distraction, since votes aren’t counted unless they support the rulers’ puppet. Both parties are run and financed by the same oligarch’s club. The US has been a fascist oligarchy since at least 1941, though earlier is probably more accurate, since the US has always been a carpetbagger’s den.
The only “progress” to be seen is the increasingly blunt, crude exercise of power and the bemusing puppets foisted on the proletariat, who still haven’t woken up, who seem truly to be taken in by these bumbling has-beens and incompetents.
Well, that was the idea. Amateur magic tricks while you fleece the yokels. And they keep coming back for more. They must enjoy it.
Maybe they’re all sado masochists? No disrespect Kit, but I just yawn whenever I see something about the United States ‘elections’….
It’s a smoke and mirrors Punch & Judy Show.
With both Punch and Judy owned by the same billionaires, as you point out Jack.
I voted three times, then saw the stinking farce for the stew of lies that it is, and have abstained ever since.
Yep, it took me a while to wake up, (blame my sheltered country town NZ catholic upbringing!) but its been over 20 years since I ticked a few boxes.
Tweedle and Tweedle. Dum and Dee.
Everything is still in place the following day…
We’re still being ground into the dirt and selling ourselves to make some Capitalist even wealthier.
Tweedle Dumb and Dumber. Whenever I see that blubberous tardigrave Albo, I think of Whitlam, Cairns, Murphy, Uren, Barry Jones etc, and laugh and laugh until the tears start to flow, then I collapse into a sobbing mess. How much lower will we go before the collapse, I wonder.
Do you own a Thesaurus? That ‘blubberous tardigrave’!! Where do you come up with your terminology?
The fearful sheeple…. whipping themselves into a frenzy and panic buying…. toilet paper FFS!
The psychopathic elite must be pissing themselves with laughter – the level of fear and brainwashing their presstitutes engender in the ‘Quiet Australians’.
The collapse is coming. Keep an eye on the stockmarkets.
The old-time Australian Labor figures you mention had some principles (particularly Cairns) and offered something positive to the masses. Given the jellyfish (plural) ‘leading’ the party now, the collapse you predict cannot be far away.
I held out some hope for Penny Wong, until she joined in the whole Sinophobic lie campaign, as if to the manner born. As for the rest, they are far to the Right of the Liberals in 1975, and talentless to boot. Meanwhile the real Libs are so far to the omnicidal Right, and riven with the worst religious fanatics and ex-military fascists, that it is almost funny. And just as incompetent, stupid and pig ignorant, as well. A country run by outright morons has no happy future.
You are in good company, including 48% of the US electorate.
Its the same story in the U.K Gezza.
Does it really matter?
Empire of kaos will never move one inch to change the status quo.
The quaisi fascist state that most western /antlantacist nations have become it will make no difference
Gianbattista Vico”Their will always be an elite class” Punto e basta.
Name me one politico that made any difference to we the sheeple in the modern era.
If someone were to mention FDR I will scream.
Aldo Moro got murdered by the deep state for only suggesting to make a pact with Berlinguer the head of Il Partito Communista Italiano.
Whitlam did a fair job in Australia, for a ‘social democrat’, and the psychopaths, local and US, moved Heaven and Earth to get rid of him.