The Seven-Step Path from Pandemic to Totalitarianism
There are just seven steps from pandemic declaration to permanent totalitarianism – and many jurisdictions are about to start Step 5
Rosemary Frei

As if it was planned in advance, billions of people around the globe are being forced step by rapid step into a radically different way of life, one that involves far less personal, physical and financial freedom and agency.
Here is the template for rolling this out.
Step 1
A new virus starts to spread around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic.
International agencies, public-health officials, politicians, media and other influential voices fan fear by focusing almost exclusively on the contagiousness of the virus and the rising numbers of cases, and by characterizing the virus as extremely dangerous.
Within a few days governments at national and local levels also declare states of emergency. At lightning speed they impose lock-down measures that confine most people to their homes – starting with closing schools – and shut down much of the global economy. World markets implode.
The stunned, fearful and credulous public – convinced over the previous few years that their bodies do not have the natural ability to react to pathogens by producing antibodies that confer long-lasting immunity – largely complies willingly.
The first weekly virtual class on local emergency and crisis responses to COVID19 is held for mayors and other city officials around the world. Coordinated by a handful of American organizations in the academic, medical, financial, political and transportation spheres, the classes feature guests ranging from Barack Obama to Bill Gates.

Step 2
National, state/provincial and municipal leaders, as well as public-health officials, start daily press briefings. They use them to pump out frightening statistics and modelling asserting the virus has the potential to kill many millions.
Most of this information is hard to decipher and sheds little real light on the natural course of the virus’s spread through each geographic area.
Officials and media downplay or distort inconveniently low death tolls from the virus and instead focus on alarming statistics produced by compliant academics, social-media influencers and high-profile organizations.
The main message is that this is a war and many lives are at stake unless virtually everybody stays at home. Mainstream media amplify the trope that the world is at the mercy of the virus.
Simultaneously, central banks and governments hand out massive amounts of cash largely to benefit the big banks. And they bring in giant private-sector financial firms to manage the process despite these global companies’ very poor track record in the 2008-2009 crash. Governments also rapidly start to create trillions of pounds’ worth of programs that include compensating businesses and workers for their shutdown-related losses.

Step 3
There is a concerted effort by all levels of government and public health to very rapidly ramp up testing for viral RNA, along with production of personal protective equipment.
They push aside the need for regulation, including quality standards and independent verification of tests’ rates of accuracy, by insisting that fast approval and roll-out are imperative for saving lives.
Models are released that predict snowballing of numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths even under best-case scenarios.
At about the same time, public-health officials significantly loosen the criteria for viral infections, outbreaks and deaths, particularly in the oldest members of society. That increases the numbers of cases and deaths ascribed to the new pathogen.
The media continue to clamour for more testing and for severe punishment of people who aren’t completely compliant with the lock-down measures.
As a result, there’s little backlash as police and military with sweeping new powers enforce these measures and give stiff penalties or even jail terms to those who disobey orders. States also monitor with impunity massive numbers of people’s movements via their cellphones.
Vast human resources are focused on tracking down people who have had contact with a virus-positive individual and confining them to their homes. Thus the portion of the public exposed to the virus remains relatively small.
It also contributes to social isolation. Among many effects, this enables those in control to even further erase individual and collective choices, voices and power.

Step 4
When the numbers of cases and deaths start to plateau, local officials claim it’s too early to tell whether the virus has finished passing through their population and therefore, restrictive measures must continue.
An alternative narrative is that if such measures aren’t kept in place there will be a resurgence of cases and deaths. Yet another is that the continuing climb in elderly persons’ deaths means all bets are off for the time being.
They admit that initial models incorrectly predicted there would be a tsunami of cases, ICU admissions and deaths. However, they assert more time is needed before it can be determined whether it’s safe to loosen some of the restrictions and let children return to school or adults go back to work.
Officials do not try to calculate the overall skyrocketing cost to their populations and economies of the shut-downs and other measures against, nor do they discuss what cost level may be too high.
They and powerful media organizations also push for the massive virus-testing over-capacity to be used to surveil the general population for viral RNA in their bodies. At the same time, the roll-out begins of widespread blood testing for antibodies to the virus.
Meanwhile, new data are published showing the virus has a high capacity to mutate. Scientists and officials interpret this as meaning a larger medical arsenal will be needed to combat it.

Image source: The Spectator
Step 5
About two or three weeks later, the dramatic increase in testing for viral RNA produces the desired goal of a significant upsurge in the number of people found positive for the virus.
Public-health officials add jet fuel to the surge by adding to their case and death tallies the large number of people who are only suspected – and not lab-test-confirmed – to have had an infection. Politicians and public-health officials tell the populace this means they cannot return to their jobs or other activities outside the home for the time being.
Governments work with public-health agencies, academics, industry, the WHO and other organizations to start to design and implement immunity-passport systems for using the results of the widespread antibody testing to determine who can be released from the lock-downs. This is one of many goals of the seven steps.
Meanwhile, government leaders continue to highlight the importance of vaccines for besting the virus.

Step 6
Large-scale human testing of many different types of antivirals and vaccines begins, thanks to a concerted push from the WHO, Bill Gates and his collaborators, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, governments and universities.
Large swaths of the population don’t have the antibodies to the virus because they’ve been kept from being exposed to it; they eagerly accept these medications even though they’ve been rushed to market with inadequate safety testing. They believe these medical products offer the only hope for escaping the virus’s clutches.

Step 7
Soon the new virus starts another cycle around the globe – just as influenza and other viruses have every year for millennia. Officials again fan the flames of fear by positing the potential for millions of deaths among people not yet protected from the virus.
They rapidly roll out virus and antibody testing again, while companies sell billions more doses of antivirals and booster vaccines.
Governments simultaneously cede control of all remaining public assets to global companies. This is because local and national governments’ tax bases were decimated during Step 1 and they’re virtually bankrupt from their unprecedented spending in the war against the virus in the other steps.
The overall result is complete medicalization of the response to the virus, which on a population level is no more harmful than influenza.
This is coupled with the creation of permanent totalitarianism controlled by global companies and a 24/7 invasive-surveillance police state supported by widespread blossoming of ‘smart’ technology.
The key players repeat the cycle of hysteria and massive administration of antivirals and booster shots every few months.
And they implement a variation of steps 1 to 7 when another new pathogen appears on the planet.
Sounds far-fetched? Unfortunately, it’s not.
With the arrival of COVID19 many countries quickly completed Steps 1, 2 and 3.
Step 4 is well under way in a large number of jurisdictions.
Step 5 is on track to start in early May.
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from a faculty of medicine and was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent investigative journalist in Toronto, Ontario. You can find her earlier article on the novel coronavirus for Off-Guardian here, watch and listen to an interview she gave on COVID19 and follow her on Twitter.
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It’s all coming true.
Get someone to SLOWLY PROOF READ this text. There are mistakes that make it look ‘amateur’.
Examples ‘best’ the virus, should be ‘beat’. ‘Swaths’ should be swathes. There’s two. Get working!
Thank you for the best vitamins & supplement site its give an first quality products it gives an awesome result
…the ultimate conspiracy theory. Gimme a break…
Well, it didn’t really pan out as you’ve said here…
seen New Zealand or Australia yet?
No. Maybe I’m too old to go!
That place was predicted by a psychic Andrew Bartzis ‘Riots will start in New Zealand or Australia and you will know the change times are here’, everything gonna change, MSM coming down and you will see it’s dismantling by different versions of news where they were once coordinated. You will begin to see crystal soul family cities in the sky that used to be where people could phone home from this earth life (using telepathy) Many people will telepath with some real soul family connections on earth even at 7 years old and move away from parents to hook up with stronger connections finding their way to them. Older people will suddenly heal and walk out of nursing homes. 70 year old women will have babies…..That came out in 2013 when 12/21/2012 didn’t happen. But this Christmas it’s like 12/2021…maybe the real dates we have is this new years.
Step8: Force “immunizations” or you cannot buy or sell anything. Sound familiar?
Lol, great fanfic, bud. Ridiculous.
How so? Is this not what is laid out almost verbatim in the Rockefeller Foundation’s Operation Lockstep?
Which part didn’t happen? Did you notice this was written months ago. Seems she predicted the future with stunning accuracy. Is she telepathic, from the future? Or is this an obvious, stated and predictable plan by the usual gang of crooks. I’ll note that nearly 40 years later people still believe the HIV/ AIDS hypothesis. Fauci’s first Big Fraud. He discovered HiV and retroviruses you know. Except he didn’t. But he lied under oath that he did for some 10 years. Right now, today, this minute, the NiH,on its own .gov website states clearly that you can have AIDS without HiV or any HIV antibodies. How many times have you been told the opposite? How many ‘peer reviewed’ scientific publications claim “HIV is the cause of AIDS”. Except when it isn’t. HIV ‘passed’ Koch’s Postulates with this absurd disclaimer. In plain English that means it didn’t pass at all. Two Nobel Prize winners deny the hypothesis. AIDS has equal correlation to pneumonia and fungal infections as it does to HiV. And it’s positive, meaning both happen and correlate above baseline rates. Priceless. COVID 19 hasn’t even yet been fully isolated, much less passed through Koch’s Postulates. There is no scientific basis to make any claim about it’s effects or symptoms. NOTHING is proven or verifiable. We’ve heard this song before. From the same singer. But who has time for the scientific facts when you have a TV to dictate your every word, thought, and action to you? So smug. “Look how much smarter I am than all you because I have a screen on my wall that tells me what to think and do”. Sad….
This is the ultimate wet dream for the statist vermin who lurk among us, dreaming of a one-world government to have all the peasants (us) marching in lockstep to their spastic cadence. And if they win it’s “game over” for freedom and personal choice – in EVERYTHING. Welcome to the USSR and Red China. Hope you’ll enjoy your daily ration of watery gruel in which the flies and maggots become prized cuisine.
So, just like parts of the USA then?
Not so many folk blaming the Russian’s right now are there?
What extraordinary timing that this thorough article exposing how nursing homes were be turned into death traps was published on the same day the Canadian Armed Forces released their report on the deplorable conditions of Ontario nursing homes: Cockroaches, Not COVID, Killing Nursing Home Residents in Ontario
beautiful people wake up before is too late,
#debunkthisfauci mirror and share it with everyone!
I hope you people do know that this is a Russian propaganda website.
Do your research. This article is such bullshit
If Rosemary wrote this article in JANUARY, it might have some credence. She wrote it a week ago and just made sure the steps fit her warped narrative.
LOL… I didn’t know there was anyone gullible enough remaining to fall for the ‘Russian propaganda’ line. Umm, in case you hadn’t noticed, that’s over and it was all a scam. Be a good boy now and line for your vaccination.
Russian web site 😜 Not!
OMG, Frank! It seems very much, that the only book you´ve read is Hillary Clintons Book about her own creation – the Russia-Hoax.
You may line up for your vaccination – I don´t!
beautiful people wake up before is too late,
#debunkthisfauci mirror and share it with everyone!
frank you should be executed
Your full of shit matey russian propaganda only propaganda out their is this false flag virus being used to usher in the nwo
You are spot on this has been a long time in the making and now its here we need to wake everyone up about this. This is our freedom we are losing because once it’s gone its gone
People are going to trample each other running to get the vaccine because their ignorance has been cultivated for many years now… They love their enslavement and look upon anyone else who exhibits independence and disobedience to this regiment with scorn
So you want freedom? Why not abolish driving licences, theft laws, taxes and so on. Moron.
Name any society that was free in your sense.
Have we not learned anything about the Spanish flu that took place just 100 years ago? Many turn advocates just for the sake of being opposite.
1918 – Die Welt im Fieber: Wie die Spanische Grippe die Gesellschaft veränderte (Deutsch) Gebundene Ausgabe – 29. Januar 2018 — Laura Spinney.
Most of the people who died during that episode were soldiers who had been vaccinated.
Hey, lets replace one lie with an even bigger one.
Massive numbers of civilians died, and the infection went on after after the war.
Also it didn’t originate in Spain, It was first reported there because the other combatent nations had censorship and prevented reporting.
soldiers brought it home to their families and infected them.
Flu or Syphilis?
Careful, Spanish Flu is racist…
especially since it originated at a US military base in the midwest and spread off the rail line as the troops freshly vaccinated with a faulty new bacterial vaccine shipped out east to troop ships to Europe. And then the other countries vaccinated their soldiers.
So why did they ALL choose the faulty vaccine over the good vaccine?
And I hope the voices stop soon.
they were not given choices. just as soldiers today are given no choice. the vaccine was bacteriological. over 95% of the bodies exhumed and autopsied in last few years showed bacterial pneumonia instead of viral.
fallacy of the single cause. other factors as well. horrifically bad sanitation, food processing, food storage, crowded living quarters,…….
All good points, except the 95%.
Was the sample large or small? Were the sites widely distributed ?
Also if all the troops were vaccinated with the faulty vaccine, lived in atrocious conditions, and were shot at and shelled, how did any of them manage to get back to their families?
I look forward with eager anticipation to your reply.
“Spanish Flu” is not racist, but you clearly are!
Sean, this may “hardly be news” to most of us who find our selves making time to read this, AND there are totally amazing many people who have no clue; therefore I am grateful for this clear info. in order to share with those willing to wake up.
Most, if all of the steps are already in play before the article was written, I could have written it.
Not saying I disagree with the content but it’s hardly news.
Oh it’s definitely news to those who have been ignorant in general, come upon this and are actually able to consider it.
“I could have written it.” …Really? Well I suppose we’ll all just have to take your word on that, right? Because you didn’t. Nope. You did not write it.
That statement is as sad and pathetic as someone who trips, falls and then immediately blurts out: “I meant to do that”, like Kritin Wieg’s attention starved character on SNL.
We all just got to know you a little better and can all breathe a collective sigh of relief now that we’ve been assured that you could have written this opinion editorial. So, a well earned pat on the back for you, sir, from the rest of us… who didn’t write it either.
So pleased my comment pissed you off so much Danny.
This seems to me no different than in ancient times a few smart charlatans figured out how to predict eclipses, and then, when the startled moon faced masses found that the charlatans were right, they (charlatans) gained power over them.
Solar, lunar eclipses helio or geocentrism flat or round earth matters little–whats important is the conformity of the mind to Reality…i.e. the truth.
If they correctly figured out predicting eclipses, how were thy charlatans?
There’s no pleasing you.
For the simple fact that they made it seem like they were causing the eclipses, and the population feared their “power”. The priests used this to gain power. As for your other comment, all I can say is that I infer that you aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.
And your proof of this is?
Step 5 has already begun, excepting the immunity-passport, in the U.S. So obvious to me the only real point in ramping up testing is to keep the numbers up to continue to have the media trumpet that out of context. It’s the antibody tests that matter (if any of these tests prove anything at all) so since this almost entirely adversely effects those with co-morbidities and the elderly (usually with health issues) the increased testing is pointless.
Any law is a restriction of your liberty, so are you planniing to abolish them all, yes or no?
Are you in favour of conscription in war time? That’s a much bigger threat to your freedom than coronovirus regulations!
Well that’s all fine and dandy but your assuming that there is some sort of World Unity on this.
Your also assuming that Mr.Putin is going to drop, bend the knee and roll over. Finally your assuming the entire world is as castrated as the British public is and will just sit around and do as they are told.
Lets play this one out. Too many assumptions for my liking. Hell your about as absurd as the morons dictating the agenda.
look how many have submitted meekly for the lockdown orders. i’m in australia and most of us are ultra obedient and ultra ignorant. not a good combination.
many obedient soon-to-be-digital-slaves in other countries as well. dunno about russia.
First of all the morons dictating are all WHO and pharmaceutical industry insiders. They only do as they are told by those that feed them. Young politicians then follow their orders like good herd mentality types do.
Flawed models, flawed agendas. The ones who needed the help were left to die. I am talking about the elderly. Doctors and nurses told to do as their associations mandated and fall in line or else. Who funds these associations – yes the saem who fund the WHO and most of the so called political “top doctors”.
Now we as if that’s not enough to piss us all off – no, we get individuals like Mrs. Frei trying to stir more havoc as if we are as stupid as we look ( and we have looked very very stupid) and we would all take being mass vaccinated and chip implanted sitting down.
Well maybe Canada, UK and Australia will but then they there are many more nations that would lead the way for those who obviously have lost their ability to.
My god, even Sweden has shown more prowess on this subject and yet these so called intellectuals like those two ranting imbeciles on the Duran can only make up shit to dis Sweden.
Cat was right. I will not forgive those who fell flat on this opportunity to use intellect over herd mentality.
I notice you didn’t include NZ in your list. is that because
I’m curious why is Russia mentioned? Seems that Cold War propaganda remains useful to the West. (Another kind of “pandemic” – that government continues to exploit to limit its citizens’ freedoms.)
Hear! Hear! Putin has already imposed strict edicts on his people with stricter punishments that most western countries & Putin licks Lubovitch ass at least as much as the rest of the so-called “world leaders” – yeah leading us all to another Holodomor more like it!.
Is that why there are so many racists in Australia? (Your friends?)
Here’s another informative video interview of Dr Andrew Kaufman on Youtube entitled:
Dr Andrew Kaufman What is Coronavirus, Pandemic Paranoia Facts, Fictions and Fears Interview .
Thank you. I had only previously seen Dr. Kaufman’s original exosomes video.
Hi Lyn,
Unfortunately, we have all been taken good style into believing the official narrative on germ theory and pathogenic viruses – even the majority of mainstream virologists and microbiologists believe it too -it keeps them happy and in jobs!
There is now a growing number of extracellular vesicles that are now referred to as ‘viruses’ or exosomes – but they are quite harmless and are released from the cells when they are subject to stress or toxicity and even electromagnetic and other forms of radiation. They also function as a means of communication between cells and carry cargoes including genetic material and other substances. They also absorb toxins from bacteria and package material when diseased cells begin to breakdown and then eventually undergo apoptosis (cell death) but you may already know all that from Dr Kaufman.
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 for example which has been estimated to have killed c50 million people, is most likely to have spread by electromagnetic means and not by any pathogenic virus particles, that is, unless you want to call the ‘virus’ an ‘electromagnetic disease agent’. The idea that it was a deadly virus spread by droplet infection via aerosol and personal or animal contact has been proven false by the experiments conducted by the military and also by the US Public Health Service in Boston.
Epidemics an pandemics have also been linked with deleterious changes in the electromagnetic conditions in our internal and external environment and they have also been found to be linked with sunspot activity and the maxima and minima of the solar cycle.
Several countries also have EM weapons that are also capable of inducing symptoms such as Covid-19 in populations throughout the world. 5G can be used to do that to0 with certain modifications or even the cell phone network or smart grid.
What electromagnetic means were available in Fort Riley, Kansas during the early days of what was to become the Spanish Flu Epidemic? AM radio waves? Radar wasn’t around back in those days, nor many VHF or higher frequency radio signals around, at least not in Kansas.
What electromagnetic sources would have been around then to help spread the virus (assuming it was a virus)?
The EM RADIATION is scalar and triggers defence and the body’s bioregulatory systems it is linked with fluctuations in the solar cycle and other factors in the earth’s atmosphere and energy field. Detoxification of respiratory system etc with turbo cleansing inflammatory response produces influenza
There’s much more to it than what I have just posted Antonio. There are different forms of solar radiation and cosmic radiation involved that also involve aberrant forms of energy that are seasonal and are inimical to our health as they can produce free radicals in our bodies and change the electrical potential of our cells that may result in symptoms diagnosed as influenza.
Another BIG lie from the conspiracy theorists.
The line he quoted from CDC document (Where coronavirus is suspected) is followed by the word “can”, not “must”. In other words, it is permitted. So he is not “compelled” to do it as he claimed LIAR.
I don’t think you can refute the argument because of one word. Otherwise the whole theory of alleged pathogenic viruses would go up in smoke! The game is rigged.
Bet you didn’t know that these viruses can only allegedly replicate in special cells according to virology. These cells are also endowed with appropriate receptors for the virus and they have no determinate conditions of existence.The special pathogenic virus-host cell relationship theory is entirely speculative and unproven by science to this day.
The world as we now know it would no longer function without practical conspiracies whether they be medical, political economic,ideological etc But there is always a theory to explain them and you can’t explain a conspiracy without one. You seem to be implying that all conspiracy theorists are liars like some politicians and virologists are lying today.
“At about the same time, public-health officials significantly loosen the criteria for viral infections, outbreaks and deaths, particularly in the oldest members of society. ”
Is there evidence to support this claim? What I find the most disturbing about these events is how little preparation was made to protect the most vulnerable in society. Surely there was early warning and ample time to protect nursing and care homes from the out break particularly in North America. Does anyone else find it strange that the epicenter of the out break in the US was in a care home in Bill Gates home city.
I think they knew that it would be more deadly to older people and that is what they want. They want to kill off older people that they deem are non-essential. The government has now deemed what is and is not essential and also who is and who is not essential. This is a way to de-populate the world.
voluntary family planning clinics have a record of success in lowering the number of babies born – much kinder than knocking off our elders (of which i am one).
family planning clinics also help to empower women and this is probably one of the reasons they have been discontinued and had funding withdrawn. previously, there was great success in bangladesh and thailand, in reducing population increase.
Are you SERIOUS??! If so, are you INSANE?? Where the heck are Planned (De-)Parenthoods being discontinued and defunded?? They are being propped up now in more places than not. EVIL EUGENICS continue in those demonic facilities. Empowering women, my female A$$. It’s the damn opposite.
You are a blatant racist/culturalist, and eugenicist.
You have left your brain behind. Do not confuse abortion with Family Planning which is basically contraception and makes total common sense.
So why is Trump doing this?
I don’t find it strange at all considering the history of the company that ran that facility:
Takeaway: many of these “elder care” centers are expert at farming our elders for all manner of profit…but not so good at protecting them. “Elder care” centers have always been incredibly dangerous places in many ways. But it’s pretty clear that the more loosely you count or measure infection/outbreak/death data, the more money is in play. Calling something “pneumonia” won’t get you nearly as much per case or procedure as if that is redefined as the pandemic du jour.
The MSM should be digging into this. They won’t since they are owned and co-opted. And when individual MDs or RNs speak up, YouTube/Facebook/Big Tech and Data deplatforms them. After all, Big Tech and Data are drooling to establish our biology as the new realm of global real estate.
Speaking of Big Tech in Seattle–do you know about Amazon’s 1492 project?
Since you know so much, how did Bill get it into the care home?
Let’s break up the country and let’s go our separate ways. The liberals get their part and the conservative and libertarians get theirs. We have reached the point of no return. Let’s end this madness and find peace in our own worlds.
They get the areas with trees and we can have the energy deposits.
And how will you prevent your pollution spreading out to the tree lined areas?
I have been saying this for a long time!
Those who gratuitously blame China for either intentionally or accidentally bringing on this ‘Pandemic’ would do well to check out Aletho News:
Despite a 300-odd US Military Contingent to the Wuhan World Military Games, the US got no gold medals, three silver and five bronze (even North Korea and Bahrain got nine golds each). America came 35th!! Hardly surprising if they were incubating or carrying the virus.
The US has never won a medal at these games. This is your smoking gun. If you want to link the virus to the Americans look into the fact USAID was funding research in corona viruses specifically jumping from bats at the Wuhan lab. Funding!!! Not actually doing the research.
No, it’s not the ‘smoking gun’. The ‘smoking guns’ are the five US military treated in hospital for a ‘fever’ on 25th October, who along with the others was staying at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel, which later had the biggest early ‘cluster’ of Covid 19 cases (although seven Wet Market workers who had all had contact with the hospital staff were treated first).
I know Dr. Faust’s (sorry, Fauci’s) department of NIAD reportedly gave$3.7 Million From U.S. to study Coronavirus in bats. It’s what you call ‘setting the stage’, like the US training alleged ‘hijackers’ in private flight schools and three of the alleged ‘hijackers’ actually living on a US military base – ‘Red Herrings’, to set a false trail.
As was the story of the Chinese stealing coronavirus samples from a Canadian lab.
And Gates & Co. having a ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’ simulation (Event 201) in New York, on the VERY DAY the Wuhan Military Games opened (18th October ’19). Sound familiar, ‘drills’ on or around False Flag events?
The US, Britain and I’m sure others have a history of asking for ‘volunteers’ from their military to undergo potentially harmful (even lethal, though they aren’t likely to be told that) injections and other procedures (nuclear radiation exposure), often paying them various amounts or giving them extended leaves etc. to encourage them.
As the Covid 19 seems to mainly hit the elderly, there is a pretty good chance the fit military would be able to weather the effects (though at the end of the day, they regard the military as Kissinger did, as ‘dumb, stupid animals to be used’, so if they died, tough titty).
Of course they knew the virus would spread around the world, all part of the plan many of us have been expecting them to pull for some time, but by seeding it in China they could blame them.
Was it 5 or was it 1? Any quality links/sources?
I have to correct my comment above, the US did actually win one gold medal (the list of medal winners I was quoting was wrong). They also got one more silver medal than I said.
‘In the final competition of the World Military Games in Wuhan, China, U.S. armed forces team athlete Air Force Reserve Maj. Judith Coyle finished the triathlon in 2:10:48 to win a gold medal in the women’s senior division and propel her mixed senior team to a silver medal.
It was the only gold brought home by the U.S. team, which earned four silver and five bronze medals in the games held every four years by the International Military Sports Council, better known by its French acronym of CISM.’
You were right first time – no golds, at least as normally understood. The women’s triathlon was won by a Swiss, followed by a Russian and a Brazilian, and the women’s team winners were the Brazilians, followed by the Russians and Chinese.
Age-restricted events like the “senior” triathlon don’t count for the medal tables. (Except, of course, in the American media, when the USA get no real golds.)
Just in case anyone doesn’t have some form of the many Coronavirus’s in their system, the CDC has the answer: ‘UNREAL: Faulty Coronavirus Tests Sent to States by CDC Were Tainted with Coronavirus’:
from virus testing; will they keep your DNA on file, you know, like those sites to trace ancestry? wow! if so, millions of people have just voluntarily given their most intimate information to their governments.
Exactly. It is a criminal DNA data base so they can easily check on those who are not obeying the rules.
Especially when it’s alleged that on-sell their DNA results.
Also, we have ausfailure gummints ‘tracer app’ results being stored on U.$. amazon cloud storage.
and i’m sure we can trust amazon to keep our data safe and not sell it for a profit or use it to blackmail us. after all, its for our own good, doncha know?
It appears we both suffer from the same affliction.
Sarcasm. 😎
I guess neither of us will be troubling amazon storage.
THEIR rules!
The “Bullshitarona Virus” a Chinese Mutagenic Bioweapon created in Wuhan with Funding from Bill Gates & Obama that is actually a genetic targeted infection made up of SARS, HIV + PNEUMOCOCCAL strains which is Design to continually Mutate as a Smart Weapon just recently confirmed by Luc Montagnier Nobel Prize scientist who discovered HIV. So yeah just a “Bat Flu” from a Barbaric “Wet Market” from a country whose people eat Anything that Moves or is Endangered from a 3000 year old Satanic culture of Warfare: Infects the World Purposely, Magically infects an American Aircraft Carrier in the South China Sea, Sends Defective Medical Equipment around the World, Sends Covid19 Infected Test Kits around the World, Just Started Testing Nukes Again, just Closed the Largest Meat Processor in America that is somehow Magically Owned by Communist China & along with the Fake News, Democrats & Google, Twitter & others are Blaming Donald Trump for the Whole thing. Now That is Just a Coincidence – They don’t really want to control us like we’ve been Warned by Every SciFi movie since the 50’s we’re All really “Just Paranoid”, “Conspiracy Theorists”, “Right Wing Nuts”, “White Nazi Racists”, “Christian Fundamentals”, “Anti-Government”, “Dangerous”, ” Wrong Thinkers”, ” Troublemakers”, “Gun Nuts”, “Disturbed” – All Code Words for people who Believe in the Constitution & Freedom which is Anti-Communist & Anti-Fascist & Anti-Tyranny. But hey it’s All a Fairytale Right?
Just wait, if China feels emboldened by this virus and tries to take out Taiwan then WWIII will be short lived … Taiwan has nukes and will glass Beijing.
That’ll be fun to watch. The Taiwanese are cool
Just so your aware, Taiwan is and has been part of China for a long time.
Their get rich puppet regimes that appease the public voters – who are about as astute as the British voter – never cease to amaze me with their propaganda crap on being independent.
The reality is that Taiwan was the first two party rule scenario. What better way for mainland to see what goodies the Americans have.
You write:
I must point out here for the record and contrary to the popular opinion among pathogenic virus advocates, that Luc Montagnier may have discovered something but it certainly wasn’t any alleged HIV virus which is supposed to be the cause of AIDS.
Monatagnier never managed to isolate HIV or purify any HIV virus particles so it makes
little difference to the fact as to whether he was awarded a Nobel Prize or not. He’s a mainstream scientist in the same Club as all the other would be ‘deadly virus’ worshippers.
Here’s a critical examination of Montagnier’s seminal paper by the Perth Group in pdf format which shows in detail why he never could have ‘discovered’ HIV in the first place:
Furthermore, where is Montagnier’s scientific proof that this pneumococcal viral strain exists that continually mutates as a smart weapon – what evidence does he provide to substantiate such a wild speculative claim??
Let us think of all the “revolutions” that have been sold to us as something positive. The sexual revolution, the digital revolution, the energy revolution, the green revolution, the peaceful revolution, the Arab revolution. (The Latin word “revolvere” is also in Revolver.)
The latest revolution is called social isolation. Finally, the family can be together undisturbed and spend their time in the “social media”. (It’s like the manager who dreams of Hawaii at his desk: he’s neither at his desk nor in Hawaii.) The only problem is that 80 percent of households in the big cities are single.
Do not trust their “contact-tracing phone app”. Look what is happening in Poland where having a contact-tracing ap on your mobile phone is compulsory. By using geolocation and facial recognition algorithms, the Government can tell whether you’re at your quarantine residence or not.
The ap sends you a text multiple times a day and you have 20 minutes to respond. If you don’t respond the police will arrive at your door! On the second week of a woman’s quarantine, the requests to send selfies “doubled”. “I needed to charge my phone all the time. I needed to be next to my phone all the time”.
It shows the location, it shows the time, it shows your face and it could be used to see who’s friends with who. This is a worry because it can be used for manipulative purposes, by private companies.
This ap will follow your every move, purchase, sale, conversation, health data, transaction and contacts. Data-mining has become very useful for spying and for profit-making.
Here in Australia our government is encouraging everyone to get this ap on their mobile phone. It is voluntary – for now. And they have chosen Amazon to ‘keep our data safe’.
Police state is already here, now the net/web tightens.
Looks like it might be time to put my SIM back into my old ‘dumb’ Nokia. I look forward to seeing what the arseholes think they can do about that.
That’s real good advice and it’s also the only type of mobile I’ve ever had. I use it for my convenience like making any urgent calls while I’m out, anything other than that can wait ’til I get home. I recall coming down the steps of an aircraft and the text buzzer sounded, upon reading the message it said ‘Welcome to Berlin” so even with my ‘dumb phone’ somebody I didn’t know knew where I was. We are becoming the slave of the device rather than the device becoming our help, who in Hell’s name needs to know the contents of an encyclopaedia immediately. The lady in the Bank once told me that I could do my banking on my phone to save me time ( and the Bank’s costs) so I shoved my phone over the counter and asked her to show me how.
they will outlaw those phones.
I don’t have a phone. Problem solved. Do people actually want to live in a surveillance state?
Nor do I, but that is not necessarily ‘problem solved’. They can and are making it increasingly difficult or inconvenient if you don’t have a mobile phone, like car parking meters that require a phone to buy time; even online banking – because I don’t have a mobile I had to get a gadget called a ‘card reader’, and type in a series of numbers.
Ve haf vays of making you comply!
As I understand it, the alleged coronavirus in question is an RNA virus. If that is the case, then it follows that the alleged ‘viral DNA’ referred to in steps 4 and 5 is complementary DNA or cDNA.
The complementary DNA (cDNA) is synthesized in the laboratory from messenger RNA, but cDNA is not necessarily viral genomic DNA, because the transcript of genomic RNA has been processed (i.e., it lacks promoters and introns) and the true source of the any RNA (whether it is alleged to be viral or otherwise) remains unknown and still needs to be determined even if it is found in samples derived from a Covid-19 patient.
cDNA synthesis includes a two-step (first- and second-strand synthesis) conversion of the cleaned up RNA found in the samples to more stable copy DNA (cDNA). The specialized enzyme reverse transcriptase is utilized, to synthesize and convert single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) into double-stranded DNA that is a complimentary copy of the mRNA. In other words, the sequence of the cDNA becomes complementary to the RNA sequence.
A preparation of cDNA thus represents the genes that were actively being expressed in a cell, organ or even a whole organism at the time of harvesting and is called a cDNA library. cDNA can also be used in gene cloning and for gene probes (templates). RT-PCR was developed to identify RNA targets. In this process, complementary DNA (cDNA) is first produced from RNA targets by reverse transcription which requires primers e.g. oligo dT primers or random hexamers to prime the synthesis of the initial DNA strand. The primers can generate cDNA from all RNA in the sample, and the last step is the amplification of cDNA by PCR.
The problem is, if the coronavirus in question was never isolated in the first place and pure virus particles were never obtained (which has never been done to date), then its genome cannot be used as a standard to compare any genetic material that may have been found in the samples from patients allegedly suffering from Covid-19. Which implies that the genetic material in the samples could have come from something else (e.g. a harmless retrovirus, or exosomes or apoptotic bodies) that have nothing to do with any alleged coronavirus.
Wikipedia states the following:
Some viruses also use cDNA to turn their viral RNA into mRNA (viral RNA → cDNA → mRNA). The mRNA is used to make viral proteins to take over the host cell.
This assertion is problematic in the sense that lifeless viruses cannot “use” anything to make anything because according to virology the host cell must do everything for the virus which can’t function outside of a host cell. But it’s not just any old host cell either.
Virology informs us that any alleged ‘pathogenic’ virus which is no more than a specific chemical assembly of metastable particles, must use a living cell that is “accessible, susceptible and permissive” – but the question remains. How is a distinct host cell independent of the virus constrained to function so as to fulfil the functional imperatives coded in the viral genome in order to complete the process virus replication cycle?
The simple answer is it cannot if the host cell also has its own conditions of existence that it must secure in order to survive and is determined by those conditions, unless of course a surreptitious pre-established correspondence is postulated between the attributes of all pathogenic viruses and all the “accessible, susceptible and permissive” host cells they are alleged to ‘infect’.
However, such a correspondence can never be proven. So the whole thing collapses into the closed and empty circle of functional determination where host cells ‘exist’ as the functional means to the fulfilment of a given functional end – the replication of the virus.
But in reality, the host cells have no affect on the virus other than acting as a functional support of the viral replication process.
Alleged pathogenic viruses ‘exist’ as distinct complex determinate unities of being that are somehow thought to possess all the necessary inherent attributes and information coded in their genomes that allow them survive and replicate. Their precise conditions of existence are never adequately specified in virology so their existence is therefore unconditional and inexplicable. All we seem to get are some vague speculative assertions relating to evolutionary theory:
The host cells then, that these alleged viruses are supposed to ‘infect’, are subject to two incompatible and contradictory forms of constraint (a) they are constrained to secure some of their own means and conditions of existence in order to survive on the one hand, and (b) they are also somehow constrained to function in accordance with the conditions imposed upon them by means of the information coded in the genomes of the alleged pathogenic viruses on the other. But that renders that aspect of the current theory of viruses untenable.
So in a nutshell, and leaving the problems of essentialism, teleology and causal reductionism aside as it pertains to lifeless ‘pathogenic’ viruses as conceived by virology -they cannot “take over” anything, or “use” anything to replicate.
The fact is that there is NO test that is specific for COVID19. In fact the man who won a Nobel Prize for developing the PCR technique, which is presently being used for testing for COVID19 says that it was NEVER MEANT to be used for any diagnostic test. The test is just identifying segments of RNA that can com from any corona virus, of which there are dozens and are very common. (ie. the common cold). We are being played people.
Yes Sparky,
There is no diagnostic test for any virus, particularly the alleged coronavirus that’s never been proven to physically exist to date.
Kary Mullis did indeed invent PCR and he never intended that it should be used as a test for any virus. I have already mentioned that and other issues in my other posts on other Off G threads.
There is no scientific proof either, that any of the alleged coronaviruses cause colds, nobody has come forth to provide that conclusive proof which I would very much like to see but probably never will. Virus theory itself is full of holes and I have only just scratched the surface in my previous post – so its not just about an alleged coronavirus, its about all alleged disease causing viruses. If the theory is wrong in the first place, then it follows that it will not work out in practice.
What about germ theory? Was Louis Pasteur completely wrong? I’m curious of how much conceded science you reject as axiomatic
While they are both ancient by today’s scientific standards which can look at intricate processes as Tony described, you can start with comparing Pasteur to Antoine Béchamp’s Terrain Theory.
Hi Josh,
You ask me about Louis Paster’s germ theory and was he wrong?
First of all, Pasteur was a fraud and plagiarist of the experimental and scientific work carried out by the genius Antione Bechamp. Bechamp also refuted Pasteur’s germ theory but was never credited for doing that. So what’s wrong with Pasteur’s germ theory of disease?
Pasteur committed the fallacy of causal reductionism where something is alleged to be the sole cause of something else where all other interfering or intersecting causes and phenomena are either excluded or ignored in the explanation or they just happen to be conveniently and surreptitiously consistent with the action of the privileged cause in question (without any proof) – for example, the alleged Coronavirus which is alleged but not proven to be the sole cause of Covid-19.
The problem is for germ theory – there are no such privileged causes in nature unless the game is a con and is rigged that way by scientists who work for corporations that have an agenda like it is with germ theory as adopted by the pharma cartel to make vast profits from so-called ‘anti-viral’ and antibiotic drugs and vaccines. The germ theory states that microorganisms – germs – are THE cause (not a cause) of certain infectious and other diseases.
Germ theory is programmed into us morning and night so that we have all learned to fear these germs which populate our bodies and are on our skin and live in a symbiotic relation to us. When we become diseased through the accumulation of metabolic waste in our tissues or we have eaten tainted food, or are invaded by all sorts of toxic materials from our environment including chemical particulates, food additives, drugs, electropollution etc the germs will become active to ‘eat’ the toxins and secrete their enzymes to help breakdown and clear the infected tissues from crap so that new tissues can be built. Their activity is an effect of a specific disease process or damage from it and they are not its cause, but sometimes they get overzealous in their job and their numbers have to be kept in check.
However, when it comes down to science, in the absence of any privileged form of causality as a general principle of explanation of the phenomena that are constitutive of a certain disease, we can only say that any particular disease in question will have its own determinate and specifiable conditions of existence (causes) which themselves are not reducible to any single general causal principle of explanation as Louis Pasteur tried to make out.
If that is the case, then we also avoid the silly reductionist idea that the diverse factors and phenomena that are constitutive of any particular disease –infectious or otherwise are not reducible to any single causal class of phenomena such as germs, or the causal action of any single germ.
The so-called ‘scientific method’ as it currently stands as claimed to be used in microbiology and medical science, is based on philosophy and metaphysics not science, and that should be axiomatic but very few scientists are willing to acknowledge the fact.
Gee, familiar with the topic at all? : ) Well stated.
Sparky, you have put it very succinctly.
This information should be blasted out through all media; once again our ‘leaders’ and their propaganda tools the MSM are LYING to us.
They wouldn’t lie to us, surely.
Hi Tony, fascinating comment, thank you for your thoughts.
I’ve looked at Kary Mullis and his work, interesting guy and quite controversial. Damn shame he’s not here to comment on this whole cluster f**k! Would it be possible to get the attention of someone from his team that worked on the development PCR test. The fact that it is not a diagnostic tool is information that needs to be shared far and wide.
What would be very effective is a webinar of experts discussing the accuracy of the RT-PCR tests. If we can nail our colours to the data accuracy post we can mount a counter offensive to the official narrative that will find a very tacky purchase.
Your thoughts.
The Perth Group did something similar in Australia but they went to conferences and set up a website where the experts made their contribution to prove that HIV virus was never isolated, did not exist, and therefore was not the cause of AIDS. But the powers that be still took no notice!
So really the PCR test is not the real problem – the real problem is for the authorities to conclusively prove that the SARS-Cov-2 virus exists and it is the sole cause of Covid-19.
But they cannot and will not do that, otherwise it would give their game away and monocausal germ theory would also fly out of the window. That’s why they invariably resort to second rate scientific papers that are not based on the proper virus isolation and purification methods and never observe Koch’s postulates (plus some added revisions).
RT-PCR does not and cannot test for Coronavirus -period. How can it if the pure virus particles have never been isolated with their genome intact to use as a standard of comparison. To pretend otherwise, it would be impossible to know what gene sequences you would be looking for to amplify in the samples from diseased patients and you would not be able to compare them with those of the complete viral genome.
Tony, I had run across a scientific paper a while ago that discussed Koch’s Postulates and also some of the revisions that were necessary to add to them in order to accommodate virus theory. The paper was not easily understandable to me, due to the medical jargon.
Could you briefly comment on what the revisions to the postulates would be in relation to the COVID-19 issue?
If there is no proof that viruses cause influenza or the common cold, what is in your opinion the cause of such disease?
Hi Jay,
There can be numerous causal factors at work that may result in the common cold that have nothing to do with coronaviruses or any other viruses. Since I have discussed Cornavirus and Covid-19 elsewhere I’ll just deal with the common cold here.
Firstly, what do we mean by a “common cold” – well, it’s usually erroneously defined as a ‘viral infection’ of the nose, throat or upper respiratory tract. Early stage common cold symptoms: chilled feeling, sinus congestion, scratchy sore throat, sneezing clear and runny nasal discharge, swollen lymph nodes in neck, achy muscles, stiff neck, headache, fatigue and mild fever. In traditional Chinese medicine it can also be coupled with seasonal weather changes including and cold and damp conditions and external and internal pathogenic factors such as ‘wind’. I said “erroneously defined” because of the causal reduction fallacy committed blaming an alleged ‘pathogenic virus’ as its sole cause.
The common cold is our body’s attempt to detoxify and excrete accumulated metabolic waste and other toxic matter and energy (sneezing) through the mucus membranes of the nose throat, sinuses. The process is often accompanied by an inflammatory response in a bid to remove any irritant toxic particulate matter or any blockages in the energy flow through the acupuncture meridians in the upper respiratory tract.
The inflammation is thus a detoxification reaction and is the result of toxic effects and not a cause. Bacteria can also be involved in the detoxification process as they ‘eat’ toxins and help clearance by breaking down toxins stored in the connective tissue by secreting the enzyme hyaluronidase. Harmless viruses may also be present and thus may be associated or correlated with the detoxification process but they certainly are not a cause of the so-called ‘infection’ which should probably be termed an ‘outfection’ as the attempt is to excrete and clear toxic matter and restore a harmonious flow of energy throughout upper respiratory tract and the rest of the body.
The following foods can also be contributory pathogenic factors: high intakes of sugar, dairy products, fried, fatty or greasy foods, cakes, biscuits, pies and pastries, white flour products, cold beverages and alcohol, and smoking as they can all increase the production of the mucus and phlegm to clog the tissues of the respiratory tract!
Blaming an alleged ‘pathogenic virus’ that has never been isolated is the easy and lazy way out of having to explain all the different causal factors that come into play in any disease process, and I have only scratched the surface here.
Then explain to me how it is passed around in families are workplaces. We can talk all about the differences in immune functioning between individuals but we are very much passing something and it isn’t inflammation.
Beyond this, I do not think any of what we are witnessing is from isolated virus at all and I think most clinicians would agree. This doesn’t mean there isn’t a virus at all (again I don’t blame any virus for cause of death- I see this every year and it is always chronic condition of some type that kills ,
barring acute injury) but yes, it could mean we haven’t isolated the virus we are hunting.
*and workplaces
Hi April,
I’m reading The Invisible Rainbow (by Arthur Firstenberg) at the moment. It presents plenty of evidence against the idea that influenza is infectious in the manner commonly believed … as I used to believe. Influenza was coined in fact because the illness was observed to be the consequence of electrical – and other – influences from the environment. The book contains charts demonstrating correlation between increasing electrification of the planet with influenza outbreaks, and much other fascinating data besides.
I’m only 14% of the way through (according to Kindle) so hardly an authority on the matter, nor am I yet convinced by its arguments, but the book – well written and easy to read – at the very least demonstrates that there is plenty of material out there gainsaying common conceptions about the infectiousness of colds and flus. My approach is to look at as much of the evidence as I can find before coming to any kind of ‘conclusion’. I think what’s happening all around us, across the planet, is a very sobering reminder of how important it is to adopt this approach! In other words, believe nothing, question everything, stay open but not gullible.
Here’s an interesting excerpt I just read from The Invisible Rainbow concerning the infectiousness of The Spanish Flu:
It was, argues the book, radio-wave sickness, a consequence of the eruption of radio-wave communications and attendant powerful transmission towers that were being built as quickly as possible all over the world.
Hi April,
A valid question April, I hope I can give you some pointers to the answer as I understand the situation.
Yes, I agree viruses do exist and they are harmless and there is no scientific proof that they are the cause of a disease as germ theory tries to make out. That still applies even if the virus that’s being hunted is found because germ theory itself and the theory of pathogenic viruses along with it are incoherent and untenable as it currently stands as I have indicated in my other posts.
Hi Tony, fascinating comment, thank you for your thoughts.
I’ve looked at Kary Mullis and his work, interesting guy and quite controversial. Damn shame he’s not here to comment on this whole cluster f**k! Would it be possible to get the attention of someone from his team that worked on the development PCR test. The fact that it is not a diagnostic tool is information that needs to be shared far and wide.
What would be very effective is a webinar of experts discussing the accuracy of the RT-PCR tests. If we can nail our colours to the data accuracy post we can mount a counter offensive to the official narrative that will find a very tacky purchase.
Your thoughts.
Hi Tony, just a quick note – that was a typo on my part – I meant of course to write ‘viral RNA’. I’ve asked the editor to correct that.
Hi Rosemary,
That’s what I thought you meant. That’s why I mentioned the stuff about RNA being converted to cDNA.
I notice that videos are now beginning to appear on Youtube in a pathetic effort to debunk the more accurate picture regarding the alleged pathogenicity of the coronavirus and operation Covid-19 by Dr Andrew Kaufman. The problem is, if people really believe the debunkers (and not just those who are attacking Dr Kaufman) there’s a very bleak future awaiting humanity.
As I have stated many times in my other posts operation Covid-19 is just another ‘silent weapon’ in this ‘quiet war’ that is continuing to be waged against us by forces that wish to steer humanity on an entirely different course and its really nothing new in that respect.
But how are the seven steps going to play out in a collapsed global economy, with chaos, repression, starvation and revolution everywhere? The scheme has made a mess too big for the schemers to handle.
governments are not running the show, they will do as they are expected – panicky, stupid moves.
I agree that the details of how it will play out are subject to unknown and unintended consequences. But I am willing to guess that the domination of the world by corporations will increase unimpeded.
The eternal deification of Bill Gates could hit a bump. Not all the guys controlling this have exactly the same agenda, and probably only one of them thinks Bill Gates should be anointed Global Lord Protector in Chief.
Oh, (((they))) know how it will play out ; gates is a tool. This is a satanic jew scheme – just look in thetalmud or the protocols , theyve already told us what they plan and how they think it will end. Of course, eventually, they will fail, but its gonna be VERY unpleasant until that time…
Don’t you believe it. These schemes were planned out hundreds of years ago, and are panning out broadly as expected – two World Wars (with a third to come), the Middle East decimated, with a rogue settler regime firmly established in the area, Latin America under their sway (after some small hiccups), and now under cover of the engineered ‘virus’, they increase Police State regulations, and open up more provocations against Venezuela and Iran, and even start blaming China for the virus, with mutterings of debt write-off to cover costs of virus to America. Sure, the Federal Reserve system is a house of cards, but when it collapses, it won’t be of any benefit to the public; on the contrary, it will plunge the world into an even worse mess than it is now, and the PTB will likely then bring on WWIII.
Billions of people will get super ill from being stressed, starved, cold, repeatedly injured, and afraid. Many will die.
That will be taken as proof that the DOOM VIRUS did it.
Watch “Learning How To Focus and Achieve My Goals” on Swedish Youtube channel Wintergatan. Supercreative musician Martin Molin (who invents and builds his own extraordinary instruments) explains what the neurotransmitter dopamine does and how the media use it to make you passive and their weak-willed slave. His most popular video has 138 million views.
can you please elaborate as where can we see ” what the neurotransmitter dopamine does and how the media use it to make you passive and their weak-willed slave.” ?/
BTW, his machines are awesome!
One concerning aspect of all this is how willing people will be to accept their own freedom being taken. Almost all of my friends and family that have been furloughed or working from home, so still receiving 80%-100% of their pay, have said they are actually enjoying it. One my friends even stated ‘I’m free’ simply because he can wake up when he likes and watch TV all day. I know when all of this was starting and was unaware of the potentially devastating reality of the situation I would’ve happily taken a few weeks off work.
Many people it seems would welcome a ‘new normal’ of locking down every year for a few months as long as they’re able to feed their families and go out once a day. I do think over time it would wear thin – the distraction of media entertainment, the long queues to buy food and water, the fear of being stopped by the police, the fear mongering media etc would eventually grow tiresome. It’s just concerning that the time it takes to wear thin could also be the time where it’s becomes difficult to get out of the situation.
You don’t have to believe me, but I have been in full knowledge of what is coming for 40 years. I even said so quite a few times here. Unlike your fiends – and mine – I pretty much study this abhorrent sociology full time …particularly at the moment.
So with full awareness: I have to agree with your friends. This is probably the last taste of freedom we get. Watching telly is a bit lame: but who would want to wake up to the full reality of the current situation now?
Before you may leap to negatavise this comment: consider that change has been my project. Maybe I met all the wrong people: but keeping just so – minimising change and actual change aversion – is how societies maintain order. Berger called it the ”nomos”: others call it the Weltanschauung or cultural worldview …the order that protects us from chaos. That order is dualistic: and determines the chaos …as we will no doubt soon see.
It’s all culturally created and consensually maintained. Other orders are potentially available. Now, try and convey that to others.
The lockdown is also a lockdown of culturally induced insanity. The new normal is a new metastasisation of that insanity. In the meantime: it is surreally graceful. You cannot change the clusterfuck constructivism of social reality unless a significant majority agrees to change. It is a brute sociological fact: people prefer sensory escapism to change. If you can find a way to make this communicable: good luck (genuine; not sarc).
I still believe – for my own sanities sake – that there is an alternative …an ”out”’. But it will take a majorly concerted effort to face reality and choose positive solutions. All I encounter is denial turning to recrimination and blame: which is the anger stage. Acceptance is a while off. Recovery? Let’s hope there is one.
Thanks for your response. I don’t begrudge anyone for escapism in these or any times, life isn’t always easy and sometimes we need a distraction from harsh realities. I can also see how people could think they are free even under a lockdown, simply because they’re no longer spending 40+hrs a week of their life in a job they don’t love in order to put food on the table, but it’s nowhere near as bad as life could be if this lockdown/social distancing trend continues.
I personally can’t do much if any escapism/distraction at the moment, apart from exercising. At the moment every waking hour I’m not at work and most when I am if I’m honest (I’m a ‘key worker’ but have basically nothing to do all day) are spent researching what’s going on as it’s critical and I’m sure many feel the same way. I think that is going to be one of the unintended positive side effects of this – some, hopefully many that otherwise would be living life as normal will now be compelled to seek truth.
My greatest fear of a ‘new normal’ is that while it may be a change from what we had before, which admittedly wasn’t working all that well, will probably be a change towards further monopolisation of everything humanly possible in the guise of ‘change for the better’, addressing climate change and dealing with pandemics etc.
In Fahrenheit 451, the wife of the Fireman is to all intents and purposes a vegetable, watching reality TV all the time in her room, all four walls of which are gigantic screens. Ray Bradbury was describing your friend. He is “free” now but this is the start of the slow decay of his mind because the State has decided that being outdoors is a criminal offence, seeing and feeling and smelling nature unnecessary, meeting other people unacceptable and experiencing joy abhorrent. Oh, and they’ll start taking down sites like this one so that there’s no danger of unorthodox channels of communication plugging into his brain. So if all this goes on for ever, your friend will turn into a different creature. Dead in the eyes, dead in the mind, all spontaneity gone, but with just enough intellectual and physical energy to do whatever job he’s meant to do in this Brave New World.
Well then, if we are aware of the fact, we’ve just got to do something about it, haven’t we? There is a verb rarely used nowadays: to refuse.
To insist, is another one falling into disuse.
My whole family thinks I’m an insane conspiracy nut for questioning this. It’s very frustrating. At least I’ve got you guys
The whole ‘coronavirus’ story is fake as hell.
All the ‘recyclable’ refuse from the UK and US ends up mainly in Chinese industrial provinces. This includes electronic waste, where workers have to break the units (PC’s, ‘phones, laptops, printers etc.) to remove the circuit boards which contain gold, tin, copper and, in older units, lead. They do this by dipping the boards into vats of molten lead, whereby the unwanted parts are melted off and thrown away. To remove the gold, an amalgam has to be made: this is accomplished with mercury. The environment is terrible, with pools of polluted water and toxic fumes filling the air.
My comment refers to Wuhan province. Pictures of the city were shown on BBC and ITV, where the ‘virus’ first appeared. The air was quite obviously thick with smog, and yet none of the reporters bothered to mention this. Even small amounts of SO2 (the by-product of fossil fuel burning, particularly lignite) in the air will cause illness. The people there have been protesting about this, for years while now, and little is done to improve things. The ‘coronavirus’ is a hoax to cover for the government’s lack of environmental action that has resulted in a serious health issue for their people.
The real problem is the old problem: poor air quality from the smogs enveloping the city etc. Recall the infamous London ‘Pea-Soupers’ that were a direct result of the SO2 pollution from Battersea power station. People were being found dead in shop doorways from the sulphuric acid, produced from the SO2 they had breathed in, that had destroyed their lungs from the insides. Their symptoms could be easily interpreted as ‘flu: coughing, hard to breathe, chest pains. From wikipedia (not trusted on contentious issues, of course): “The worst recorded instance was the Great Smog of 1952, when 4,000 deaths were reported in the city over a couple of days, and a subsequent 8,000 related deaths, leading to the passage of the Clean Air Act 1956, which banned the use of coal for domestic fires in some urban areas.”
The situation is as bad today in China, with refuse being burned in incinerators and no attempt to clean the effluent emanating from them is made. The same for coal burning power stations, right there. On top of this the Wuhan province is a major industrial zone, making many billions in money every year for their economy. It is not something the government want closed down, rather, delayed ‘until the smog clears’. The problem is environmental, but their government has turned it into a medical issue for political reasons. It stopped the ‘democracy’ protests dead, for one, and the anti-pollution protests in mainland China, too.
And this is before I looked at the BBC and ITV farce with the so-called ‘infected British citizens’ from China. The bus driver, calmly driving along with passengers carrying a ‘deadly virus’, and not even a mask on his face, breathing their air!
The ‘tests’ are not conclusive – a qualified viewpoint can be found here:
MSM report here, where middle-class Chinese are buying £3000+ aircon systems to keep their children’s lungs safe whilst indoors (no need to read the MSM commentary, just look at the video’s.) The air pollution is horrendous:
I am amazed that people who generally have a sceptical approach to the media, have fallen for this one. Now, someone with a bad cough or ‘flu-like’ symptoms is jumped on by the media as a ‘possible’ or ‘likely’ to have the virus, and added to the total for the outbreak.
All done on behalf of big pharma and the security apparatus. Even in Europe, the people ‘self-curfew’ themselves, and not a baton or riot gun in sight, there, or in China. Bet on it that when Sterling crashes in a year to 18 months following brexit, this ‘outbreak’ will again appear, in order to render populations passive.
Yep. Dr Sucharit Bakthi (a swiss virologist originally from Vietnam) talks about how air quality plays a big part in how disease spread
He’s written letters to leaders all over the world insisting to end these foolish lockdowns
Anyone find it odd that the public are being actively encouraged to use prison lexicon and behaviours as they’re freedoms are removed? Everyone I know is using the ‘correct’ language quite happily- ‘Lockdowns’ and rattling their metaphorical cell bars by banging pots and pans for nhs etc? Very odd.
In case you’re sleeping a bit too soundly at night, or find yourself remaining strangely emotionally “upbeat” during your “house arrest” – this interview with Whitney Webb will be useful in significantly and appropriately recalibrating your psyche.
This is so spot on it’s creepy. I think they want to starve us now with the all too coincidental meat packing plants having too many sick with the virus workers to stay open. Most big supermarket shelves are still empty of canned goods and dry goods. They want to cull the population to make us easier to control. They want us to kill our neighbors for their food and money and make our complete takeover completely bloodless…..much easier considering everyone is at home and most don’t have the internet and rely on tv to get their lies about what is going on. Mao and Stalin starved millions to cull their populations and spread terror among their citizens. The Rothschilds own the world and want rid of you, me, and everyone else they deem worthless…….
Reading this article has inspired several thoughts not exactly relevant to its nuance but relevant to the narrative covid19 & humanity’s future.
1. Firstly i want to rename covid19 , “wuflu”, lets not get pedantic in a name (I know its isn’t flu, but its catchy) can’t claim credit for it , i saw it used in the comments section in zero hedge, NO its NOT racist!
2. How come politicians all around the world weren’t getting concerned about the very young, elderly & vulnerable when they where killing millions & making 10’s of millions more homeless, destroying infrastructure & countries in their regime change wars!
3. Why are we destroying so much for the terminally ill & terminally old? Its not about economy v lives, it is about lives vs inviable lives. In text that sounds callous, but it is the exact opposite, what about the well being of future generations.
4.I note today Nicola Sturgen, (SNP leader & First Minister of Scotland) assert how she is surprised people have been so compliant with mass incarceration & home arrest. DOES this sound OMINOUS to you? Were politicians actually giving this thought before wuflu?
5. How is mass house arrest of the rest of us protecting the most vulnerable from wuflu when they are all in strict quarantine for 12 weeks?
6. Again Sturgeon asserts the most vulnerable in society may have to be kept under house arrest (or are care homes (an oxymoron if ever there was one) to become the new death camps) for more than a year, to protect them from themselves presumably & life in general.
7. In what world are these bat shit crazy politicians coming from, we are literally shielding people from the risk of living! FFS, honestly!Politicians are stopping people living to save lives, What?
8. Could this be the final neo-liberal takeover, the new world order making its move. Was it inspired in panic, where “populist” leaders & conservatives were gaining political change, brexit, identity politics being seen for the lunacy that it is, climate change fear mongering losing traction & the indoctrinated leftists losing credibility.
9. The final socialist lunacy, the NHS a (good) public service that was supposedly setup with the purpose to benefit society & provide a better life has been flipped & our lives are now managed for the benefit of of a public service.
10. Wuflu is just another fear mongering distraction like the “war on terrorism”, “equality”, “climate change” etc etc all has an element of worthiness, truth & scientific fact, but hijacked & taken out of all context by Neo-liberal technocrats.
I think we’ve arrived at the most profound defining moment in time, whats to come is going to end in a conflict, the like humanity has never witnessed or our infinite slavery to the system & machines. The only solution to tyrannical rule is the regression of technology, rejection of technocracy & “democracy” but who is willing, is it even possible?
The collapse of the Berlin Wall didn’t end in conflict, and the restoration to the old normal is far less of a change than the collapse of the Soviet Union.
You think?
You don’t sound prepared for whats coming, the new normal means you no longer have a say in anything, and you will be monitored, tracked & recorded everywhere you go.
Freedom to comment in places like this will just be a dim memory. Like the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. A lot has changed in 30 years, state brutality for one, state surveillance for another.
Where have you been when they destroyed the middle east, killing millions & deconstructing Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, almost Syria & trying very hard with Iran, a third world war is coming.
Re: You don’t sound prepared for whats coming
I think it’s THEY who aren’t prepared for what’s coming. There are multiple different interest groupings all trying to push (salvage) their own agenda; and they are doing it largely via open source media. There is no unified They; and there is no overall, coherent plan.
Ahh ok, yes i agree with that, there is no credible revolution coming, for one thing they’ve all become digital device addicts, fully paid up members of technological drift to automated governance.
I’m thinking more in terms of ideological battle between conservative “right” vs liberal leftist that will end in conflict.
Where’s Petra? (someone who’s opinion I always like hearing). I would hazard that even Petra is having a hard job keeping up with all the shite that’s going on at the moment.
The covid 19 con makes 9/11 pall by comparison.
There’s never been anything like it, and the psychos think that they can get away with it.
….unless you are any one of the 50 countries that the NWO has attacked…
Iraq, Lybia, Syria etc, the apocalypse has already happened…
Thankfully that PSYOPS persona called Petra has kept away for a while. I can’t believe so many of you fall for “her” deliberate work to undermine our genuine concerns about the Deep State.
Fun to read though. I like the way she suspects almost everyone to be controlled opposition. Still, sometimes there are bits in her long disquisitions that, I feel, make sense.
The effect on the public reminds me of the venus flytrap. There is a certain excitement in staring over the cliff edge but then self-control is lost amidst the fear of what might be and then rational discussion becomes impossible. May I plug my done for love website
As we have just learned IFR for Santa Clara, Los Angeles and today NYC is many times below that of average seasonal flu, which generally confirms findings of South Korea, Iceland and Germany and even in Italy that lethality to Coronavirus is low. On the other hand catch all CDC definition of COVID deaths makes the number epidemiologically useless. But still people are dying in excessive to Coronavirus inherent lethality numbers in local COVID hotspots. Why?
The question is what actually kills those people.
In part this question is related to ad hoc invasive therapies applied to old or sick patients as many doctors reported.
Recently American doctor Dr. Kyle-Sidell raised disturbing questions along the same lines namely what exactly clinical disease doctors are fighting against because in significant part it is not likely complication from viral lung infection resulting in pneumonia.
Such clinical fact was also confirmed by another doctor Paul Marik, MD Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA on April 15th 2020.
As well by European scientists questioning claims that COVID leads to ARDS while confirm that extended use of Ventilators with high positive pressure can and does induce ARDS.
The issue of wrong use of ventilators that may lead to lung damage was addressed in Time article:
Successful South Korean doctors also abandoned invasive ventilators as dangerous to elderly replaced with direct blood oxygenation ECMO.
Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell is a doctor treating COVID-19 patients in New York City’s Maimonides Medical Center. Nine days ago Dr. Cameron opened an Intensive Care Unit to care for COVID-19 patients in New York City. In his own words:
Here is full statement on YT.
Dr Kyle-Sidell suggests that so far specific connection between SARS-Cov2 virus and hypoxia without onset of pneumonia and ARDS has not been established and that current clinical theory and practice of COVID treatment must be re-examined and specific reason of hypoxia individually per every patient must be established before appropriate therapy is chosen. Otherwise it will only hurt patients and cause preventable deaths unrelated to coronavirus.
In addition to hospital therapies and procedures like use of ventilators, pharmaceutical drug regimentation should be re-examined as they are potentially wrongly applied and also can be reason for preventable deaths among COVID patients.
Dr Wodarg from Germany suggested that in certain patients with preexisting conditions like Hepatitis B, C or genetic inherited predispositions to liver disease, broadly spread among elderly, treatment also involving massive doses of IV Vitamin C successfully used in China and NYC may worsen cellular oxygenation capability leading to acute breading difficulty often leading to always dangerous invasive ventilation instead of much safer direct blood oxygenation that is not as broadly available :
Other common drug regiments and clinical therapies also may contribute to severe complications and deaths.
As quote from article published on
Those facts and urgent call from doctors to revise treatment and precisely, clinically define all phases of COVID disease development that can save lives and prevent complications and excessive deaths due to misguided even harmful clinical therapy as it was reported.
So far such important even critical call is met with silence from CDC and broader media that is treating all COVID deaths as resulting from unprecedented inherent lethality of coronavirus not because of chaos and lack of understanding of this disease among medical community and hence implementing counterproductive therapies that make things worse.
Thanks for an excellent post Kalen. I appreciate the information.
This is half of my comment WSWS censored last weekend.
Very interesting and sad that WSWS censored it. There is nothing like a major propaganda operation to clarify where various alternative media outlets actually stand in relation to free speech and regarding allowing challenges to government approved narratives in their comment’s sections.
WSWS does not actually have as many comments as it used to in less stressful times. Perhaps they are censoring them all?
Or, we can hope, they’ve lost a lot of readers.
There is nothing like a major propaganda operation to clarify where various alternative media outlets actually stand in relation to free speech
This website’s policy on free speech is not as advertised, either. It appears that I’ve been placed on some kind of pre-moderation hitlist, for reasons that have not been explained. A change of pseudonym has not been entirely sufficient to escape from it; I may have to use a web proxy to change my apparent IP address.
Or perhaps I’ll just go elsewhere, which I suppose is the intended outcome, as this formerly-useful forum follows its namesake into controlled-dissent oblivion.
— the artist formerly known as m*l*s*v*c, until that persona became an un-persona
WSWS is very curious – they support just about all ruling class measures, facts and figures, and organisations, quoting IMF CDC WHO as if authoritative
they support in efficient, partial lockdowns as if a solution
they think a vaccine is going to be invented soon
they think there is distinction to be made between essential and in essential work
they propose no practical working class solutions, no Worker’s Committees to Combat Epidemics, nothing
they oppose back to work on the grounds it is too dangerous – as if the bug was not already everywhere
? I do not understand how Marxist thought has arrived at this point
their comments section is filled with self satisfied cheer leaders, repeating the same old clichés, apart from one or two dissenting voices
it is as if life has moved on – they are still stuck in yesterday despite
what’s your take?
The account of a nightmare and not precisely science fiction. However, I wouldn’t narrate only from the “real virus”‘ perspective; that of the clique that planned and orquestrated all of this. That’s what the official experts are doing all over the place with respect to this so called pandemic: talking only of the virus and disregarding the immune system response to it, as if there is only the virus, and us passive victims ready to be butchered. Likewise, we should talk more of “le grand numbre”, as the French say; the tens of millions of souls, practically under domiciliary arrest, and how we are reacting to this. We are not made of steel, your know. We may break at any moment into collective civil desobediente, virus or no virus. When the emphasis is ad perpetuum made about a mortal danger in the shape of a spiked sphere floating in our breathing air, and after so many deprivations on account of the lockdowns, the brain might suddenly snap to the fact that it is perhaps more dangerous to its wellbeing to keep away from sunshine, fresh air and social gatherings than to avoid the spiked virus. We will all die sometime anyhow. What would happen next cannot be stopped.
I’m pretty sure the clique is discussing the matter in their inner circle. If I were in their shoes, God forbid, I would make all of this evolve as smoothly and imperceptibly as possible, so as not give us the opportunity to react violently, like what happens in the fable of the boiling frog.
Fire the time being, the middle and upper classes everywhere are buying the official narrative, and giving support to the emergency measures? (what utter tosh!) because they “seem reasonable to them” and don’t hurt them too much, YET. But if things should continue like this, these classes will sooner than later begin to slide into lower ones and the support given may begin to crumble, unless the clique is develishly clever as to boil us by imperceptible degrees. We must avoid that at all cost and watch out to how things evolve.
A collective awakening is terribly needed. A number of us sense that all of this can’t stand the slightest serious scrutiny, but we are all sparse and the mainstream media is doing a good job at shutting down critic and creative thinking of so many more people and we are witnessing all of this happen without doing anything about it. The hope is that the continuing economic collapse, if it has any purpose, lead to masses of people to snap out of the box and see with new eyes.
Four steps to understanding what’s going on:
1) the global economy was about to collapse anyway. This is long overdue and is down to almost complete corruption in government and the financial sector.
2) the psychopaths who rule us latched onto seasonal flu as a way of diverting the masses from this corruption and the inevitable economic collapse.
3) some of the psychopaths want to take it one stage further by bringing in a global police state.
4) the psychopaths will also attempt to start a world war.
That’s the basics, which I’ve tried to simplify.
It’s up to you, the people, what you allow to happen next.
The psychopaths can not do anything without your consent.
You are right Rob but why “you, the people” and not “we, the people”? We are all concerned by this, aren’t we?
Fine save the assertion that this is ‘seasonal ‘flu’. It plainly is not, whatever it really is. The Chinese do not lock down an entire province for ‘seasonal ‘flu’.
No. They don’t.
No, they likely would not. But, as an excuse to shut down demonstrations in Wuhan and HK? Maybe even some in the West saw this and went ahah.
You might be on to something there Gordo.
China would always lock down a province or the country for the fear of a spreading pandemic. Its a communist despotic regime, they fear the masses more than most states, the regime most likely would never have survived the revolt of disgruntled Chinese subjects were millions to die.
Whether it was justified or not is irrelevant, the real question is where did the virus really originate, a bat cave or CIA lab? One thing for sure Pompeos baiting seems very suspicious, a severe case of deflection perhaps?
It is XiVirus so stop misleading where the virus was originated
How can a question mislead?
For some time i’ve been reading about the conspiracy to take over the world to form a NWO, I’ve never wanted to accept it & to a point i still don’t i really do think this is more than a collective group of psychos (that debate is for another comment). But i now realize their is certainly a element of truth to it.
You just cant ignore the series of events over the last 3 or 4 decades & not connect the dots. Where i’ve always found it incredible is that Russia & China (on face value at least) would be a huge obstacle to this neo-liberal aspiration.
Maybe this is where the wuflu pandemic comes in? Weaken & discredit China the biggest road block to a planned take over of the system? But what do they have planned for Russia?
redchina is the economic and military arm of (((those))) who plan the ‘takeover’
Hello RobG: Your post boiled down the actual facts. It took only .001 % of the world’s population to install the economic and militaristic precursors leading to the crown hoax…
There are already mobilizations of military personnel and hardware occurring in several “strategic” areas, yet the media continues to sell Kool-Aid.
Public consent will rapidly disappear when private cupboards go bare and people are starving…
“Sometimes I think war is God’s way of teaching us geography.”
– Paul Rodriguez, Sr. –
Tonight the BBC will get so much money that within the next fortnight, they will say you all dont have to pay for your licence.They are teal forward thinking generous sick bastards.Massive peace and love x
Ahh.. the nurses are dancing from success… Nurses and doctors happily dancing after a coronavirus patient was taken off a ventilator. That explains it all
I’ve heard it all now. They’ve obviously taken a leaf out of the White Helmets’ propaganda exploits when they were caught out faking the rescue of a man from rubble and said they were filming a mannequin challenge for charitable reasons.
What is it with this contempt for nurses, comparing them to jihadist butchers?
You aint met my wife she terrifies me sometimes.
And while we are distracted, another modern-day shmuck is currently sending more satan lights, sorry Satellites into earth atmosphere for our brave new world. By the way, when I misspelled “Satellites” it actually autocorrected to “Satan Lights”
soon there will be so many bloody satellites up there they will begin to block out the sun. oh well, i guess that might help the global warming problem, which is not getting much publicity at the moment. but it continues, nevertheless.
Hey Rosemary why do you believe there is a virus ” COVID19″?
Nothing else they’ve told us is true.
The deaths( of diseased and dying people ) were same in as in other blocks of influenza season, with people’s immune systems effected by stress not excessive and the PCR test( CDC ‘s contaminated with corona also known as “common cold virus”)meaningless test does not even have the capability to differentiate between coronas circulating the world.
In the morning the BBC will tell us how much money they took.It will be a massive amount.Sick x
bill gates is not a degenerard prevert
he is not married to a man no sir
mr gates is shirley not
representing a cabal of twisted Malthusian
fabian society eugenicks shitters.
who wish the goyim ill no no god bless you no
his windows is still powering the world
infection free for decades
error code free yes really.
why not show your passport in pimlico
if you are not carrying disease or distemper
if you are clean and can provide proofs you are not a super spreader
what have you got to fear
nothing to hide and all that
what what
think of the childs
think of the granny
think nhs
clap you 2 legged pigs clap now
Mark Thompson, former DG of the BBC, has been CEO of The New York Times Company since 2012. It was an odd appointment from the start. The NYT claimed they hired him because of his experience in digital news. As DG his hand would have been busy with political hot potatoes, not least covering up the activities of Jimmy Savile. Any mid-career web journalist would have had more “digital news experience” than Thompson.
So what was the real reason for the head of State Broadcasting in the UK to move to the U.S. newspaper of record?
Thompson is a rabid Zionist. He had private meetings with Netanyahu where he promised him no criticism of Israel would ever appear on the BBC.
Stay at Home…Protect the Dancing
Hello there.Brilliant place to come and put a thought.The BBC tonight will have its biggest audience ever.Sick isnt it x