50 Headlines Darker: More of the “New Normal”

Despite the concise, well-intentioned and unavoidably ubiquitous nature of our previous Message, it seems some are still withholding their consent for necessary change.
Though all our Responsible Media Outlets are doing their duty, it appears some members of the public do not yet understand the reality of our situation. More distressing are the efforts of a Criminal Minority to misrepresent Policy, subvert The Message and engage in dangerous questions.
We hope the following collection – once again compiled by the good citizens at the Consent Factory – makes the nature of this new reality quite clear to all those who aren’t yet aware their lives will never be the same.
Remember, resisting the new normal will endanger your life.
One area of concern is that the powers detailed under the bill, as published, remain in force for two years … among the most draconian possible powers is for police, public health and immigration officers to detain people suspected of having Covid-19.” UK’s emergency coronavirus bill ‘will put vulnerable at risk’, The Guardian (23rd March 2020)
People who intentionally spread the coronavirus could face criminal charges under federal terrorism laws, the Justice Department’s No. 2 official said Tuesday […] “Threats or attempts to use COVID-19 as a weapon against Americans will not be tolerated.””
Those who intentionally spread coronavirus could be charged as terrorists, Politico, (24th March 2020)
A police force has defended using a drone camera to shame people into not driving into a national park during the lockdown, while another force said it was introducing roadblocks to stop drivers heading to tourist hotspots.”
UK police use drones and roadblocks to enforce lockdown, The Guardian, (26th March 2020)
Humberside Police has created an online reporting portal where people can send details of those not following social distancing rules.”
Humberside police creates online report portal for people not social distancing, ITV news (26th March 2020)
An Austin, Texas based technology company is launching ‘artificially intelligent thermal cameras’ that it claims will be able to detect fevers in people, and in turn send an alert that they may be carrying the coronavirus.”
Surveillance Company Says It’s Deploying ‘Coronavirus-Detecting’ Cameras in US, VICE, (18th March 2020)
As the jogger struggled with police, screaming for help, she was filmed by residents who had absolutely zero sympathy for her plight. ‘What’s not fair is that you go out running, you bloody idiot!’, shouted the woman apparently filming the encounter.”
Coronavirus lockdown: Jogger resists arrest in Spain and is abused by onlookers, AS.com, (21st March 2020)
Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic … involving world leaders, health experts and international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response.”
Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus, The Guardian, (26th March 2020)
South African police enforcing a coronavirus lockdown have fired rubber bullets towards hundreds of shoppers queueing outside a supermarket in Johannesburg … the police used whips to get the shoppers to observe social distancing rules.”
South African police fire rubber bullets at shoppers amid lockdown, The Guardian, (28th March 2020)
President Trump said Saturday he may announce later in the day a federally mandated quarantine on the New York metro region, placing “enforceable” travel restrictions on people planning to leave the New York tri-state area because of the coronavirus.”
U.S. coronavirus-related deaths double in two days, The Washington Post, (March 28th 2020)
Rhode Island police began stopping cars with New York plates Friday. On Saturday, the National Guard will help them conduct house-to-house searches to find people who traveled from New York and demand 14 days of self-quarantine.”
Rhode Island Police to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge, Bloomberg, (27th March 2020)
A Police force has had a surge in calls from people reporting neighbours for “going out for a second run” and “gathering in their back gardens.” … “We are getting (dozens of) calls from people who say ‘I want you to come and arrest them’.
Coronavirus: Exercise rule-breakers spark surge in police calls, BBC News, (26th March 2020)
Police with batons and guns have moved in to protect supermarkets on the Italian island of Sicily after reports of looting by locals who could no longer afford food.”
‘We have to eat’: Sicilian police crackdown on locals looting supermarkets, The Local, (29th March 2020)
The National Guard will be deployed to enforce a mile-radius coronavirus “containment area” in overwhelmed New Rochelle … the National Guard will enforce the mandated closure of ‘large gathering areas’ — including schools and houses of worship.”
National Guard deployed to NY community with nation’s ‘largest cluster’ of coronavirus, New York Post, (10th March 2020)
New York City residents who break social distancing rules will be subject to fines up to $500, Mayor de Blasio said Sunday … he also announced that NYPD and MTA workers would do checks of subway cars and force riders off cars that are too crowded.”
New Yorkers who break social distancing rules will now face fines up to $500, Politico, 29th March 2020)
Anyone who leaves their house without a reasonable excuse could spend up to 6 months in prison and face an $11,000 fine under a directive [that] gives police sweeping power to enforce restrictions designed to limit the spread of coronavirus in Australia.”
Six months in jail, $11,000 fine for leaving home without a ‘reasonable excuse’, Sydney Morning Herald, (31st March 2020)
A coronavirus app that alerts people if they have recently been in contact with someone testing positive for the virus “could play a critical role” in limiting lockdowns … but the academics say no-one should be forced to enroll – at least initially.’
Coronavirus: UK considers virus-tracing app to ease lockdown, BBC News, (3st March 2020)
As coronavirus lockdowns have been expanded globally, police across the world have been given licence to control behaviour in a way that would normally be extreme even for an authoritarian state.”
Teargas, beatings and bleach: the most extreme Covid-19 lockdown controls around the world, The Guardian, (1st April 2020)
It is likely that we are not heading towards a general deconfinement in one go and for everyone,” Prime Minister Philippe told parliament … the interior minister noted 359,000 fines for violating the lockdown had been issued since lockdown began.”
French PM warns lockdown will not be lifted ‘in one go’, France24, (1st April 2020)
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has warned he would order the country’s police and military to shoot dead anyone “who creates trouble” during a month-long lockdown of the island of Luzon enforced to halt the spread of the coronavirus.’
‘Shoot them dead’: Duterte warns against violating lockdown, Al Jazeera, (2nd April 2020)
French interior minister Christophe Castaner warned that “roadblocks would be set up on major highways and axes and extra police, gendarmes or soldiers dispatched to train stations and airports to verify the documents of anyone stopped out and about.”‘
Confirmed cases pass 1 million – as it happened, The Guardian, (2nd April 2020)
Around the world, police forces are testing how far to go in punishing ordinary behavior.”
How Far Should Police Go in Enforcing Coronavirus Lockdowns?, New York Times (2nd April 2020)
Western governments aiming to relax restrictions on movement are turning to unprecedented surveillance to track people infected with the new coronavirus and identify those with whom they have been in contact.”
U.S. and Europe Turn to Phone-Tracking Strategies to Slow Spread of Coronavirus, Wall Street Journal, (3rd April 2020)
If a person becomes infected, the app will automatically send a push notification to anyone they have crossed paths with in the past two weeks, to warn them of the risk of infection.”
Privacy-mad Germany turns to app to track coronavirus spread, The Local, (2nd April 2020)
Google will use its mammoth collection of mobile location data to measure whether people across the globe are following government directives …”
Google wielding its vast troves of phone-tracking data in virus fight, Politico, (4th April 2020)
A 70-year-old township man was arrested twice on Saturday after police alleged he tried to enter two different Wawa convenience stores without a mask and became belligerent … he was charged with second-degree terroristic threats during an emergency.”
Coronavirus NJ: Unmasked Toms River man, 70, arrested twice in one day at Wawa stores, app.com, (13th April 2020)
Residents in Riverside County, CA, are now required to wear face coverings and could face a fine of $1,000 per violation per day if the mandate is ignored. ‘This is a valid order and enforceable by fine, imprisonment or both,’ said Sheriff Chad Bianco.”
A family claimed a 500-mile round Lake District trip was acceptable if they wore masks and gloves, police said. The family were criticised as “absolute idiots” and called “clowns” after the force posted about it on Twitter.’
Coronavirus: Police stop family on 500-mile Lake District trip, BBC News, (14th April 2020)
A woman in Victoria says she was left feeling “heartbroken” and like a criminal after uniformed police officers carrying weapons interrupted her father’s funeral over the Easter long weekend to enforce social distancing rules.’
‘Totally disrespectful’: police interrupt funeral while enforcing social distancing rules over Easter weekend, The Guardian, (13th April 2020)
The coronavirus pandemic has led to an unprecedented global surge in digital surveillance, researchers and privacy advocates around the world have said, with billions of people facing enhanced monitoring that may prove difficult to roll back.’
Growth in surveillance may be hard to scale back after pandemic, experts say, The Guardian, (14th April 2020)
Protesters rallied to reopen North Carolina … at least one was arrested. “You are in violation of the executive order,” said police. “You are posing a risk to public health. If you do not disperse, you will be taken and processed at Wake County jail.”
Protesters rally for NC to reopen. One woman arrested for violating governor’s order., New Observer, (14th April 2020)
Officers have become public health police, breaking up crowds at stores … the department has mobilized the Citywide All-Out Task Force, which is usually assembled to flood high-crime areas and other assignments.”
New Role for New York Police: Breaking Up Crowds at Trader Joe’s, New York Times, (14th April 2020)
A South Australian couple was hit with a hefty fine from cops for nonessential travel amid the pandemic after the pair posted vacation snaps from 2019 on Facebook … the couple was warned that if they ‘posted any more photos,’ they would “be arrested.”
Couple mistakenly fined for posting old vacation photos during coronavirus lockdown, New York Post, (14th April 2020)
Attorney Beate Bahner challenged Germany’s coronavirus regulations in the Constitutional Court and failed. Now she has been taken to a psychiatric facility.”
Coronavirus: Anwältin Beate Bahner will gegen Verordnung klagen – und landet selbst vor Gericht, Heidelberg24.com, (24th April 2020)
Ms Bahner submitted a 36-page urgent motion to the Constitutional Court regarding the unlawfulness of all 16 German federal states’ Coronavirus measures … [her] interview for “incitement to commit criminal acts” is scheduled for Wednesday 15 April.
Coronavirus lockdown: German lawyer detained for opposition, UK Column, (14th April 2020)
Police in Berlin broke up a large birthday gathering in the early hours of Monday … a 16-year-old girl was celebrating with 31 other people … all 32 party attendees [are] being investigated for criminal offenses.”
Berlin police bust 16th birthday party amid coronavirus lockdown, DW, (13th April 2020)
Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures and it is about protecting the public.”
Federal government open to new law to fight pandemic misinformation, CBC.com, 15th April 2020)
The UK’s health secretary, Matt Hancock, has suggested “something like an immunity certificate or a wristband” in the future.’
Coronavirus: Could biometric ID cards offer the UK a lockdown exit strategy?, Sky News, (10th April 2020)
Attempting to issue some kind of immunity certificate to millions of Americans would be unprecedented.”
What are ‘immunity passports’ and could they help us end the coronavirus lockdown?, The Hill, (10th April 2020)
The COVID-19 Credentials Initiative (CCI) is working on a digital certificate, [that] lets individuals prove (and request proof from others) they’ve recovered from the novel coronavirus or have received a vaccination, once one is available.”
COVID-19 ‘Immunity Passport’ Unites 60 Firms on Self-Sovereign ID Project, coindesk.com, (13th April 2020)
[T]he drones use computer vision systems to monitor temperatures and heart and respiratory rates of people from above and single out people sneezing or coughing … Draganfly also sees a possible security use around borders or critical infrastructure.”
‘Pandemic drones’ could single people out in a crowd for coughing, sneezing, or running a temperature, Business Insider, (11th April 2020)
Mobile phone tracking software could be compulsory if not enough Australians voluntarily download the application to help in coronavirus case tracing.”
Coronavirus: Mobile tracking app could be compulsory, Morrison says, 9 News, (17th April 2020)
The three-page document, entitled “what constitutes a reasonable excuse to leave the place where you live”, is designed to help police enforce the emergency restrictions that came into effect three weeks ago and are set to be extended.’
Coronavirus lockdown: Police guidelines give ‘reasonable excuses’ to go out, BBC News, (16th April 2020)
[T]here is a danger that these new, often highly invasive, measures will become the norm around the world …”
Compulsory selfies and contact-tracing: Authorities everywhere are using smartphones to track the coronavirus, Business Insider (14th April 2020)
Norway unveiled its Smittestop app, which will notify users if they have been less than 2 metres from an infected person for more than 15 minutes. “To get back to a more normal life … we all have to make an effort and use this app,” PM Solberg said. […] Developers in several European countries are working on similar apps to inform people quickly when they have been in contact with someone who is infected with the virus, as part of a pan-European privacy-preserving proximity tracing (Pepp-PT) initiative.
Coronavirus ‘under control’ in Germany, as some countries plan to relax lockdowns, The Guardian, (17th April 2020)
Officials say they routinely saw people visit the skatepark, even children accompanied by their parents, according to the San Clemente Times … city officials followed in the footsteps of other cities and filled the skatepark with 37 tons of sand.”
Coronavirus: San Clemente Fills Skatepark With 37 Tons Of Sand After Skaters Ignore ‘No Trespassing’ Signs, CBS Local, (17th April 2020)
In one [Michigan] county, anyone deemed a ‘carrier and health threat’ can be detained by police and taken to an Involuntary Isolation Facility.”
Michigan judge authorizes arresting people on suspicion of COVID-19 illness, Life Site News, (16th April 2020)
Technology firms are processing confidential UK patient information in a data-mining operation […] Palantir, founded by rightwing billionaire Peter Thiel, is working with Faculty, a UK artificial intelligence startup, to consolidate government databases.”
UK government using confidential patient data in coronavirus response, The Guardian, (12th April 2020)
‘Imagine an America divided into two classes […] “It will be a frightening schism,” a World Health Organization special envoy on Covid-19 predicted. “Those with antibodies will be able to travel and work, and the rest will be discriminated against.”’
The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead, The New York Times, 18th April 2020
Riots have broken out in Paris amid anger over police ‘heavy-handed’ treatment of ethnic minorities during the coronavirus lockdown.”
Riots break out in Paris amid anger at police ‘heavy-handed’ treatment of minorities during lockdown, The Daily Mail, (20th April 2020)
… law enforcers have killed 18 people in Nigeria since lockdowns began on 30 March. Coronavirus has killed 12 people, according to health ministry data.”
Coronavirus: Security forces kill more Nigerians than Covid-19, BBC News, (16th April 2020)
We call upon the degenerate few to cease endangering our new social order.
The world is different now. Unfettered expression is a luxury of the pre-Covid society. Doubt is the weapon of the virus spreader.
Pro-Infection propaganda will not be tolerated.
Have a nice day.
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I love the way you present the ideas
When will we have Robocop patrolling the streets, saying “Thank you for your cooperation” to terrified humans?
Wow! That picture. They really look like they out to protect and serve the public. Geezuz the sheeple better wake up soon.
Just your bog standard community policing.
The membership of the Government’s advisory SAGE Committee on SARS CoV2 is revealed. No wonder we are in the mess we are in. I posted elsewhere that John Edmunds OBE was a complete embarrassment when he participated in the Cambridge Union debate four days ago which also involved Peter Hitchens. Edmunds was supporting lock down and was absolutely awful at presenting his case – he was by far the worst person in the debate. Frighteningly, and I hadn’t realised at the time that he was one of the Government’s advisers, you would have sworn from what he said in the debate that he had been on another planet for five weeks…for example, he quoted the feared forecast mortality figures of 250-500,000 as if that was the current anticipated outcome without lock down. Apart from that he just recited from a script the details of the Imperial College forecast model.
The SAGE Committee includes two ‘experts’ from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Edmunds being one) and two from Imperial College (including Neil Ferguson) and numerous pen pusher civil service scientists. Surely they should have had far more eminent and experienced active epidemiological and microbiology experts from a much wider, more exalted sphere of expertise.
On the plus side, the gist of the Daily Mail article is that a blame game is already underway.
The part that isn’t mentioned in the list of above reports, is that though it might not look like it at a superficial glance, the people who are doing and suggesting the over-the-top measures in trying to carry out and enforce the lockdown are themselves afraid.
I’d say very, very afraid.
We, the average citizen, who are not giving these orders, but are being to some degree forced to follow them, tend to see this all from our point of view, of the ones being trodden on, rather than from the point of view of those doing the treading on – the governments, the police, the petty officials.
Even as petty now as security guards in supermarkets, who now have an unprecedented power to order the public about, as the current situation has more or less turned a supermarket security guard into a nightclub bouncer, saying who can come in and not.
But let’s instead look at this from the point of view of those in government power and those like the police on the front line trying to enforce these ultimately unworkable and unsustainable government rules.
The authorities have made a huge mistake, in confining the public in a national and global way that has never happened in the history of the world before.
But instead of the conspiracy theory belief that this is some kind of organised terror campaign – which of course at a glance it does look like, just as at a glance at the MSM you will undoubtedly believe covid-19 is a deadly virus and all lockdowns are justified – the more likely truth is that one government after another blundered into this mess, and largely it appears due to the demands of too many of their own people, if the polls are even approximately to be believed.
All this snitching on fellow citizens suggests that a huge proportion of the public does support the lockdown, because they don’t (unlike most people on this website) see it as a freedom and human rights issue, they see it as a means to stop their neighbours murdering them by infecting them with covid-19.
The more educated or intelligent minority (whether that be 20%, 10% or less, depending how you want to measure it) may well have doubts about the lockdown, but it appears that even most of our MPs and politicians – most of whom have university degrees – do not question it, so why would you expect the masses, “the mob” to?
So these governments having sleepwalked their way into this disaster, have now got so many problems, I bet about 95% of them now wish they’d never done it, and the other 5% probably will soon.
Because the situation of all rulers through history has been the same, just like the Emperor Nero, who some think ordered the burning of Rome without telling the masses he was doing it.
So whether that story is true or not, a ruler like that who inflicts tyranny on his own people, is always thereafter going to live in fear of rebellion from them, from “the mob”, and his only protection from them is the loyalty and capability of his “Praetorian Guard.”
But if the mob gets really angry, if it decides it has had enough to the degree it is willing to “storm the Bastille” or the Imperial Palace, then if it is large enough even the Praetorian Guard will not stop it.
If such a rebellion were to happen in the UK for example, meaning rioting with Intent to overthrow the authorities, attacking police stations and ultimately the seats of parliament, the only way to have any hope of stopping it would be by mass shooting of people, in which no doubt far more would die (including members of the various authorities) than in any known terrorist attack.
Whilst we can imagine despots in the less developed countries doing that, and some Western countries who have not that long ago had dictators, like General Franco in Spain for example, one wonders if a British or American ruler could order such measures, and not end up with an effective civil was on their hands.
So I can’t answer that question definitively, but history suggests such things are likely.
I mean, it’s not ever “people like us” – the more educated and possibly older people, who are the “thinkers” in society – who are out there on the front line, it’s mainly the young (let’s say under 40s/50s anyway), many of whom due to this now widespread gangster culture which now exists in every Western nation, have access to weapons, even automatic ones in cases, fully the equal of whatever the police and military have – I mean, we’ve all seen shows like Breaking Bad haven’t we? – and I would suggest these programs are to a large extent reality based.
We’ve all seen the shocking caches of deadly weapons – firearms and fearsome army style knives/bayonets – that get handed in at so called “amnesties” at police stations, which I’ve always found an interesting phenomenon.
I think the fact some people hand these in voluntarily shows they are actually scared that if they don’t, sooner or later they are going to kill somebody, the temptation is going to be too great, so they know they can’t trust themselves while they have those weapons.
But one can safely assume the majority of people who have such weapons don’t hand them in, so that tells us what a mighty arsenal there is out there in public hands, even in the UK, that might well start to be used against the authorities if they made things unpleasant enough for the people who possess them.
So it would only take one such “rebel”, who might even think of himself or herself (yes, even women can be as deadly or “deadlier than the male” if they are armed with such a weapon) as a “freedom fighter”, a “revolutionary” – and we know history has shown numerous people will risk their lives to believe themselves that – with an automatic weapon, you know, the sort the terrorists in Paris had, and they could likely kill a whole police line in about ten seconds.
And then in America, guns are absolutely everywhere, and certain groups like the “survivalists” are probably better armed than the typical Arnold Schwarzenegger movie character.
So the authorities know that to push their measures to a conflict with the public – who for now mostly still support them, but likely not much longer, especially as news of all this Draconian behaviour by the police spreads – is going to result in a situation they no longer can control, and don’t know if even they or their families would personally survive.
Their current position is something like a lion tamer.
The tamer has the whip and the lion doesn’t, but the lion tamer lives in fear that the lion will stop obeying the crack of the whip one day and come and savage him (it’s usually a him, few women are daft enough to want that particular job, though there are always exceptions).
And of course in reality lion tamers do get savaged by their formerly obedient lions from time to time, just as leaders/rulers get savaged by their own people also from time to time.
Likely Hitler would have been if he hadn’t shot himself first, and of course Mussolini got strung up from a lamp post, Saddam Hussein met a similar fate, and Colonel Gadaffi, and many others.
So if our leaders want to start acting like those people, then – and Boris Johnson for example, is a zealous student of history – they must know that they are risking a similar fate.
So the reality is, they already know that.
And in fact, that is rather the explanation of their “over the top” suggestions, because they are trying to think very hard now how to control the population that they do not know – just like the lion tamer who loses his nerve and authority over the lion, so risks getting savaged by it – how they are going to respond if this goes on much longer.
And in some ways worse, they don’t know how the public is going to respond when they call off the lockdown, and then the public wakes up to the real disaster, which is not covid-19, but – if accounts and expert opinions are to believed – may mean mass job loss and business closure and general economic collapse.
The “new normal” may not have mass surveillance as its centrepiece and most worrying aspect, but rather rationing of food and other essential supplies, or denial of luxuries that people currently take for granted, or those henceforth being in very short supply.
So I want to help the government – let’s not fear the government, because I think if we really think about it, the governments are more scared of us right now than we are of them.
You and I are not going to be held personally responsible for the disasters economically that may and probably will follow this, but Boris Johnson and President Trump and all the other national leaders are.
And if millions of jobs and businesses really do disappear, the unrest that could follow might well make concerns about covid-19 look trivial by comparison.
The authorities have apparently been amazed how much the people in general have obeyed the lockdowns – but they haven’t quite figured out that’s not because they are submissive, it’s because they were successfully scared to death of the virus, in most cases.
So now the government had better do a climb down very quickly, before it’s too late.
The problem is they are paralyzed by indecision. They have been burying there heads in the sand, just like they did over Brexit (and are still doing, nothing really is sorted out as yet) for the past 3 1/2 years since the vote, and the state of paralysis has continued.
They didn’t actually really make a decision. They just copied what other governments were doing and justified it by hiding behind “scientific opinion”, which as those who use this site know was very far from being agreed and conclusive.
Nevertheless, the bit governments have got to understand and very quickly so, is that if a few more thousand die of the virus due to lifting the lockdown quickly, the public will remember that for a while, but if millions lose their jobs and businesses, so it may wreck their whole lives, the public will not ever forget that.
And as to the police and all their over the top behaviour.
Surely that must come as no surprise, and it’s nothing special, they are just doing exactly as one would expect in such a situation.
They used to do pretty much the same to people in possession of drugs, but in fact they more or less don’t bother any more with that unless they are pursuing what they think is a major drug dealer, and quite frankly they don’t even seem to be bothered much about even that any more.
They’ve got better things to do now, like arresting somebody who made “an offensive remark” at some globalisation supporting MP on Twitter.
And they are also going to regret this over the top behaviour when this is all over.
Because they are going to feel a great deal more mistrust from the public, than previously which will make them feel more fearful too.
I think in fact you’ll find a lot of police after this is over, will be nearly bending over backwards to be nice to the public, when they reflect on this unfortunate phase, trying to win their trust back.
Because though some (and let’s not forget, not all police have behaved this way, maybe not even the vast majority) minority of bad apples may feel confident pushing around those whom they feel to be defenceless “good citizens”, they are not anything like as confident dealing with serious criminals, who for all they know may at any moment pull out an army knife of gun or whatever and possibly even murder them – such things do happen, and most police still aren’t armed in the UK.
But it is no surprise at all that various of the authorities have gone right over the top, because a situation has suddenly arisen in which they can.
This over the top behaviour won’t vanish therefore until the situation and thus you see opportunity ceases.
This all in fact may well be a much needed wake-up call for everyone.
It was always dangerous to have the sort of people in power and in the police that we currently do, and now many of them are being exposed for what they are.
The growing public outcry against the injustices being perpetrated must lead to action to remedy this situation – by removing as many despots as possible from power, high or low – or else we will always be open to such abuses in future.
Because otherwise if you allow despots and incompetent people to continue to rule all you can expect is more despotism and incompetence.
Or as Forrest Gump put it “Stupid is, as stupid does.”
I don’t expect the type of people we see in politics or the police to change very much.
Certainly not for the better.
See the book, Political Ponerology.
leaders/rulers get savaged by their own people also from time to time.
Likely Hitler would have been if he hadn’t shot himself first, and of course Mussolini got strung up from a lamp post, Saddam Hussein met a similar fate, and Colonel Gadaffi
Saddam Hussein was executed by the American puppet regime in Iraq, and Khadaffi was murdered by Killary Klingon’s fascist wahhabi death squads.
Too right. There were 60 assassination attempts against Hitler, but not “by his own people.” Generally by bungling communist types and bungling mutinous generals.
The same applies to Mussolini. Murdered by some squalid communist low life.
There were 600 against Castro, all by hapless bungling CIA thugs and their stooges.
Ditto Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.
The thugs who hanged him bungled it and took his head off.
They can’t even hang a man properly in Iraq.
Just a historical point.
Nero wasn’t in Rome when the great fire occurred. What he did do … according to the source material … was organize the relief effort, feed a lot of now homeless Romans out of his own rather large pockets and reintroduce professional civil fire fighters who had been disbanded by previous rulers.
He did take advantage of the crisis for personal gain, but he was after all the political head of state, and political heads of state never let a good crisis go with out being used for personal gain.
It’s now thought highly unlikely that the Emperor Nero set fire to Rome. He dashed from the Atheneum to Rome the moment he heard about the fire, opened up his private home for the homeless and distributed food to the poor. He became emperor when the Roman Empire was in financial trouble and started up a typically Keynesian remedy of huge public works, raising taxes on the very rich to pay for them. I suspect that the bad press he got, and still gets, was because he taxed the rich, and that he wasn’t half as mad and bad as we’re told.
You have some good points & some weak points. In the UK the police force is not a part of the state. The police forces have always been separate from the state because there are 4 countries and many counties within the UK.
Most people stay indoors not through fear of the virus but as a means to safeguard their community. The UK is a “socialist” country when compared to many other countries. The people of the UK live in an old country. It is not a teenager like Russia, China USA etc. It may only be a relatively “young” democracy but it is an old culture. I mean it has not been uprooted completely in hundreds of years and as you have said we know how to force our government to be objective.
The public is smart enough to not to hang the MP’s if they did their level best post-pandemic.
There is never a good or right time for revolution but there has to be an appetite for it!
The public may prefer to work their way out of it if the payoff or intellectual reasoning is solid enough. It is clear the UK does not like to do harm to its own & prefers not to do harm to others if at all possible. The UK needs a dominant culture that still remembers this after CV-19.
Revolution will at this point (the jumping point right now) would just mean the killing of an as yet selected POC, LGBQ , members of political parties, the rape of men, women & children, blood, blood, & more blood. Why?
Because the left have developed a just world bias and sees revolution as a purifier because you are 1st world spoilt brats. Fact! You don’t no shit about mob mentality and the victors will be the criminals not the intellectuals. You will the part of the dead and raped along with your equals from the right.
I am a socialist so by all means if you want to start a revolution because you’re getting less toffees at the shop when you do you weekly shop, then by all means lets move to watching a comrade raping a 3yr old child belonging to an Oxford toff before your comrade smashes the child’s face in – boom let us go for it.
You could on the other hand diversify your economic model to be even more “socialist”, move toward green energy, be innovative enough to produce a market that is and flexible enough to endure future re-infections of CV-19. And win some ground for our children who will be better able to move to the types of freedom’s that we would like. Just like we have for the grandparents (before losing sight of them).
I prefer democracy, peace & unity.
With figures of 1 million CV cases and 50,000 plus deaths (whatever you think of those figures), tens of millions of unemployed, a $3 trillion budget deficit, and Trump’s Big Beautiful Stock Market going up in a puff of smoke, it looks like people will soon be given a special kosher licence to be racist to the Chinese by Trump, Macron, Johnson, Merkel, and assorted globalist puppets.
Just as a special kosher licence to be racist to moslems was previously issued to the Tommy Robinsons and the Geert Wilders and a whole army of Zionist Useful Idiots.
The narrative is already being crafted by all the usual suspects, as Trump frantically tries to cover his arse and hunts for scapegoats.
It’s all China’s fault, China covered everything up, China wouldn’t supply any information, China released it deliberately, though at the same time it’s all the fault of Russia, Iran, the WHO, and probably Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea as well.
Though they were initially slow off the mark and harassed a doctor who first tried to raise the alarm, the Chinese responded with great energy and determination as soon as they became aware of the nature of the problem.
They published the CV genome for the rest of the world in December.
There was an unprecedented lockdown affecting 700 million people by January.
It would have been impossible to cover this up, no matter how much they might have wanted to.
Western media, from the Guardian to Breitbart, immediately began bleating about the “fascistic measures of the Chinese Communist Party”, whist cheerleading for identical measures in their own countries.
America knew about the CV at a very early stage – possibly long before it even broke out, which raises some interesting questions.
The Defence Intelligence Agency certainly knew about it by November.
Chewy bono?
It seems quite plausible that this came from a bioweapons lab, either Fort Detrick or the US funded lab in Wuhan, where Americans were working, with the 2019 Wuhan military games providing the vehicle for transmission.
Either accidentally or deliberately, and the smart money has to be on deliberately.
However much damage it has done to Trump’s Big Beautiful Stock Market and his re election chances.
You will never lose much money if you bet the farm on the arrogance, incompetence and incomparable bungling of the Exceptional And Indispensable Folk.
Dubya’s “slam dunk, $50 billion tops” war for Israel in Iraq, still going strong 20 years and $7 trillion later.
Certainly the Washington Regime had the motive, the means and the opportunity for this type of egregious shitfuckery – and the long established track record of similar antics.
The trade wars, the South China Sea, the CIA/ NED/ USAID shenanigans in Hong Kong, the vilification over the Uighurs and much else besides, attempts to sabotage the BRI, the attacks on Huawei, in a long but far from comprehensive list.
Even the Neocons have the residual intelligence to realise that war with China is not an option.
But assassinations, support for ISIS/ Uighur type terrorism, regime change stunts, psyops and gay ops, most definitely are.
The US is a bad actor, which couldn’t care less about its own citizens. They are expendable (and deplorable.)
There have been half a dozen of these strange, mysterious viruses in China. SARS, bird flu, swine flu. Unattributable. That’s the nature of biological warfare.
DARPA is known to have been experimenting with bat virus.
A US biological weapon is certainly not just a possibility, but “highly likely”, to coin a phrase.
Computer viruses were used by America/ Israel/ UK against Iran, spreading uncontrollably to affect computers across the world.
General Soleimani was murdered on 2nd January.
Two weeks later, key Iranian politicians and leaders were dying, to the glee of the neocons.
Champagne corks were popping at AIPAC.
It is in the nature of these biological weapons that high morbidity is not required, or even desirable.
Disabling or incapacitating injuries are preferable to fatalities.
You see this with anti personnel mines, calibrated with just enough explosive and no more to blow off an arm or a leg, requiring lifelong care and medical treatment, and far more of a drain on society.
What of the people behind this?
Were they incompetent, or indifferent to collateral damage on their own people and economies?
We will shortly see a feeding frenzy of vulture capitalism, with further colossal kleptocratic looting and monopolistic consolidation.
China now appears to have weathered the CV outbreak, though at great cost.
It seems far better positioned to recover and make up lost ground than its western antagonists.
If this was a deliberate attack, its authors, state or shadowy Deep State actors, may have been hoist with their own petard.
Might be a good time to remind people yet again that this virus is apparently symptomless in over 80% of those it infects. So, not much better at ‘disabling’ or ‘incapacitating’ than it is at killing.
The bioweapon idea is as seriously challenged by the real world facts as the official narrative of deadly killer bug.
I’m not so sure.
You could look at the Roosevelt and Clemenceau aircraft carriers, out of commission through lack of a crew.
I remember in the 1980s a military officer telling us the sort of things to expect in the run up to a war.
A mysterious flu like illness breaking out in ports lie Portsmouth, or Norfolk, Virginia, or presumably Murmansk that were major naval bases. Few if any deaths, but ships unable to put to sea because half the crew were out of action.
I’m just saying you have to keep an open mind.
They’ll never tell us the truth about this or anything else, so you have to try to work it out for yourself.
If millions are infected, 20% becomes a very large number. And the effects of this virus, particular its attacks on vascular epithelium, causing both haemorrhages and Disseminate Intravascular Coagulopathies in some victims, are still being discovered. [These assertions are not cited. Please provide a citation and this flag will be removed. Thanks -Ed]
20% is the percentage of those who exhibit any symptoms at all, it isn’t the CFR. Of the CFR I believe 97-98% conservatively are expected to survive. Also, we can assume, as with seasonal flu, not everyone is going to get ill on the same day, therefore these numbers will be spread out over time, so at any one time there will be significantly fewer than the above overall percentages imply. I believe that’s more the case, but happy to be corrected. A2
The Chinese released the SARS 2 genome on 10 January, I think, a record fast such task, yet Pompeo, that bleb of sulphurous shite, STILL lies that China is covering it up, and the presstitute vermin let him get away with it. The first communication from the Chinese CDC head to the US CDC head was on January 1, and the Chinese was highly distressed at the danger of the virus. Virtually EVERY word that the Western psychopaths are uttering re. CoVid 19 and China, is a filthy, hate-mongering, lie.
If the panic that has set in within the Western nations with a relatively low count of worldwide infections and relatively low numbers of deaths after 4 months for the virus to spread what is so special about Covid -19?
It’s unknown but surely that is true of any virus in the past and particularly true of any viri in the future.
So – what is the ‘ Lockdown/Crackdown really for?
Surely bitter experience of the worlds populace must know that the Powers That Be never gave a crap in the past if hundreds of millions died annually of anything – so why are TPTB
pretending to care now with this latest disaster?
The wretchedness of the masses never worried them in the past.
The only conclusion I can make is that this is not about the thing that they say it is about.
The question is – if it’s not about what TPTB say it is, then what’s the real agenda/sub text?
More to the point ( as this is always at the centre of their games ) what do they stand to gain out of this charade?
How far do you think it would have spread if their had been no lock-downs, and we had gone for herd immunity, quickly?
You have Sweden as an example of that.
Also Syria. 43 confirmed cases, 3 deaths, no lockdown.
Over 2000 dead in nursing homes, so far. It’s a great bet to make with the lives of others.
In the Graun, 18,000 cancer deaths predicted to die in the UK due to suspension of treatment. I mean, it’s the Graun, of course one has to be skeptical.
However I agree, it is a bet on human life. Yet somehow the unquestioning moral high ground always seems to be occupied by those who are afraid of a virus. Even though there is zero evidence of this virus running out of control to anything like the extent Fergusson etc. predicted.
Isn’t that a weird, almost religious turn of events?
Someone at The Lifeboat News calls these “trivial restrictions that impinge upon the freedoms of the middle classes”.
The situation is perfect. The Destructors will not back off. They will double down on the economy wrecking and the gestapo mad cop shit. The no-way-you’re-wrecking-my-life crowd is congealing with a fury. They want to nuke CNN. The immovable force meets the irresistible object. Matter-antimatter going into election season. The US plunges into the shit hole. China+Russia sail by. China is building 500,000 new 5G base stations next year. For example.
There must be a God. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And the war on China, now inevitable-what of that?
Another dissenting voice from an expert – this time from the tiny Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus where I live.
Today’s English-Language Cyprus Sunday Mail carries the main headline:
Questions raised over lockdown
(and this paper has done nothing but promote fearmongering over the virus for the past few weeks) and the accompanying article:
reports on a letter sent to the President by epidemiologist Elpidoforos Soteriades ending (presumably as per the paper’s translation):
Some of the salient points from the letter
It also includes the following valid argument which I have never heard before:
An excellent rejoinder to the world groupthink that Cyprus and the rest of us are currently subject to. I really wish journalists in this country would put some of these points to the clowns running the show here.
Robert F Kennedy Jr lays into Anthony Fauci:
‘In one (michigan) county, anyone deemed a carrier or health threat can be detained by police and taken to an involuntary isolation facility’…. ‘Matt Hancock has suggested something like an immunity certificate or wristband in the future’…. ‘pandemic drones could single people out in a crowd for coughing, sneezing or running a temperature’….
This is Fascism. Straight out goon fascism with the police running around fully enabled by their merry band of citizen snitches, who are merely wannabe policemen themselves.
I met people from Chile who were tortured during the Pinochet dictatorship, or had close family members disappear.
I now understand what it must have been like living in Chile during those dark times, or next door in Argentina during the Junta’s rule, or in Paraguay under Stroessner.
Fear run rampant, people dobbing in their neighbours, people suspicious, avoiding others, social distancing at the behest of the presstitute whores in the MSM.
These creatures that have imposed these draconian measures are psychological terrorists.
They do the bidding of the 0.01% while almost everyone else are behaving like trained seals.
How did we get to this point? How did we all allow things to go this far? Complacency? Fear? Comfortably off as not to worry about what was being done in our name? Distracted by a 1000 different things?
With a populace idiotised by their TVs, phones and iPads, the future looks bleak.
Sadly correct Reg.
remix it for ya and up dated it
now understand what it must have been like living in Iran iraq libia venezuela Syria yeman during those dark times of 2020, or in Argentina during the Thatchers rule, or in USA under bush Osamba and trump.
Fear run rampant, people dobbing in their neighbours, people suspicious due to jihadists everywhere avoiding others, social distancing at the behest of the presstitute whores in the MSM and the al right steve bannon PJW, jones Michael tasion . redice, Sargon,clickbate clueless like
Faith Goldberg,Laura Loomer,Lauren Simonsen(Southern) paul smeggal watson ,Ezra Levant(RebelMedia)Jerome Corsi, ,Ben Shapiro Mike ,Cernovich , Avi Yemini , And Thats w/o Research. WHAT Do These ppl have in Common? – CONTROLLED OPPOSITION – Have a Guess WHiCH Country & Political iDiology They ALL Have in Common – Research Theodore Herzls ‘Excellent Plan’
now it is china who done it and the above in sync singing from the same mi5/6 CIA hymn sheet
A lot of those names I don’t recognise Ame, but yeah, you’re right: Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya (with its slave markets) … When I was writing that comment, remembered the people I’d met from Chile and what they told me, which is why I mentioned Chile, Argentina, etc.
Seeing the name Theodor Herzl there, along with Bannon, you mean Israel and Zionism, correct? A lot of people are singing from the MI6/CIA hymn sheet.
Will look up that document, thanks.
2015 changed the internet YT landscape & lots got hoodwink and still our
small read below shows the psyop in great details with sources a and references
Cambridge Analytica and the creation of right wing media
Really appreciate the NSMC link Ame, just had a quick look then (and trying to cook dinner at the same time!)… Will check out Neil Sanders in more detail, and havn’t got round to looking at Herzl yet.
Am assuming you’re in the UK, so enjoy your day without letting the bastards grind you down. Cheers✌️
Postscript… Just read couple of the articles on NSMC… Excellent! Especially ‘The Guys Behind the Guys’ article. I knew a bit about The Heritage Foundation, but didn’t realise they had that much influence.
One of the the best links someone’s given me, Cheers.
my pleasure thank you for taking time out and reading NS work he is a great author also see you around
Hatred of China is a central obsession of the Zionists. They now control the world through their control of Western politics, the MSM, Internet and finance, but they don’t, and won’t ever, control China. So, just about everywhere you look, in the Five Eyes puppet states in particular, anti-China agitation is led by Zionists, or their Sabbat Goy stooges.
is there such a place where we (of all nations) could register our objection/protest or disavowal etc ?…..as the numbers “against” this approaching despotic derangement, would be impressive enough not to be ignored – imo.
I guess, there isn’t ?
Is Kim brown bread?
His sister is pretty smart by all accounts.
Germany: “It becomes particularly expensive for shop owners who do not make
sure that their staff wear a face mask: they can be get a fine of up to 5,000 euros.”
Looking at that picture of those riot police makes me wonder. Each of those policemen must be sporting a fortune in protective clobber. It’s a far cry from the British Bobby with his whistle and truncheon! Helmets, visors, batons, boots, body armour, leg guards, arm guards, guns, gauntlets not to mention what you can’t see—reinforced jock straps??
Who makes this stuff? Whoever it is must be involved in a very lucrative business who would rather see the escalation of world wide violence than an outbreak of peace and tranquility. We’ve all heard of the massive American Military industrial complex but it’s only pictures like this that convey the depth and reach of armaments and ancillary equipment that we might not see as obvious. It’s not all about bombs, planes and submarines. Violence makes money and suppressing violence makes money. Those involved win both ways.
And trained in the correct killer psychology by the world experts in keeping sub-humans under the cosh-the Israelis. We’re all Palestinians now.
We make it, the 5+1 eyed empire makes it, for export to their client states stormtroopers.
IT started with Maggie Cornering the Unions and banning secondary picketing and using that in forming the first National police force, a proto paramilitary police force, in the UK mainland for the first time ever.
It progressed from that and Orgreave to that picture.
If the screws are being tightened on the lid of this pressure cooker, then it must be too leaky for their comfort. This must mean a substantial proportion of the population are beginning to see through it. They do seem to be pumping out a significant rise in TV propaganda ads too. Don’t worry, it will fail. The human spirit will eventually blow the lid off.
Talking to others I can already find even rigid conformists beginning to see through this charade. When you tell them about the underlying economic problems you can see the penny drop in most people.
Patient and civilised discourse is the answer, they are not sheeple or stupid, they are your brothers and sisters. Dehumanising those who don’t agree with you is exactly what the psychopaths do. Be patient and kind, many are extremely frightened.
Solidarity between ordinary people needs to be rebuilt too, it must be obvious to the middle classes by now they are just as vulnerable as the less well off. Social conditioning at school and in higher education tells you that you are special, not like those people. This is exactly the manipulative type of divisive language used by sociopaths. The working class are beaten down but the middle class are groomed. It has to stop, we are not special, we are just lucky.
If we join together we are unstoppable, and now we have nothing to lose because we are all in the same boat. It’s time to kick the villains off the tiller.
( In other words, give them the elbow. – Sorry, I couldn’t resist that one. 😉
When the sublimation of the public animus has been removed – footbal, church, cinema, pub and club – the only remaing opium is – TV. That loses its power over many who mainly watched it for the sport!
people bored and become dangerous when you takeway the major entertainment like entrainment footbal, church, cinema, pub and club
only war or revolutions upstages it
Well, apart from real opium that is. And weed. And shrooms.
The propaganda is creaking at the seams, to say the least. https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2020/04/corporate-media-spin-lockdown-deaths.html
the entrance to the park today said
stay home
protect the nhs
save lives
next to it was a hand written one
from a nurse pleading
guys please
go home
we cannot cope
we are full
do your bit
stay home.
i smiled at the poor spelling bad grammar and lack of comma or exclamation mark.
i entered a lovely old park bench pre war seen a few things in it’s time i thought
crime police tape all over it criss cross criss cross bit like the inverted chemtrails in the sky.
a murder i thought i looked around for a scotch tv detective i like the way the scotch say murrrrrrderrrrrr
no cops i stepped closer a sign came into view it said this bench is not for sitting move along now.
a bench not for sitting how strange odd even
i looked up at a tree and another sign came into view
it said smile you are on cctv.
in front of the camera i took my trousers off and went off for a walk in my underpants
so nice getting the legs out and getting them to make some vitamin d for me
yes sir
good times
If only you’d taken off the underpants you might have really benefited from the Vitamin D:
Californian doctors say end the lockdown
A group of Californian doctors…
Sorry-TWO Californian doctors.
In spite of desperate dodging, I just caught a snatch of news. The virus can remain on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours. Hot and cold weather – makes no difference. Didn’t hang around for the rest. So what did I miss? That Catholics have a better chance than Prods? That red is better protection than blue? That abstaining from shafting can help? Followed by a quick reversal and all the shagging in the world can help? Just think of the fun they could have with this!
Aluminium pubes are good on Tuesday’s
It can spread on particles of air pollution. If true, very sinister, if false, very sinister.
Talking of headlines, how about this one in The Grun:
LOL! It’s all the fault of men. Well, it would be, wouldn’t it.
No comments allowed, of course.
Taking all that money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Eugenics and Euthanasia Foundation (Henry Alfred Kissinger, President) has made the wankers down at the Guardian prone to making some really asinine statements.
It’s just one of those typical idiotic eye-catching argument provocations that are all too familiar in “normal times” – but transferred to the new normal. The entire realm of media discourse is being modified to fit COVID. We will have the cute virus story, the mock controversial virus story, the little virus based quiz, the new virus based chat show etc. We will also go through the variations e.g. Can the kids cope better? Can cats cope better than dogs? Are Sagittarians more virus immune? Porn related virus sites, virus cartoons, whole new religions based on the virus etc.
it is an in joke
you know
a bit like victoria’s secret
you do understand or the id magazine wink
how best to put it
jimmy cranky is a man woman man ohh whatever
Basically women make much more loyal globalist puppets then men. They are far more loyal to the criminals in charge then the people they claim to represent. Feminism serves many different agendas
Of course the Guardian wont talk about the men that may have saved their countries from economic armageddon such as Stefan Lofven and Alexsandr Lukashenko because economic armageddon is what they want for their masters. Incredible how such a site with so much rolling news, prime office in Kings Cross and well known journalists can operate with hardly any advertising. Naturally they pretend to be broke and truly ‘independent’ as they scam hard earned money from their deluded readers.
weird that many of them are barren in the belly area
you see men do not have uterine walls
ohh i give up
no more hinting from me
Security before freedom.
Ignorance is strength… War is peace.
in 2020 Cv so deadly even stop shoplifters
Love in the Time of Cholera
The Buzzcocks debut single in 1977 has always been hated by lead singer Pete Shelley. I’ve always loved Orgasm Addict and in my yoof remember pogoing to it in sweaty, cramped discos. Orgasm Addict lasts almost exactly for two minutes, and afterwards you have to lay back and light up a cigarette.
It’s Spring, folks, and we need new humans, new sane humans.
Fuck the Frankenstein flu. Go out and breed…
Shelley was a cool guy. Loved his electronic albums. His “Homosapien” was interpreted as a homosexual anthem (Vince Clarke made a nice remix). Was he gay? Wiki says: “Pete Shelley was married in second marriage to Greta, an Estonian, and has lived in Estonia since 2012. He died there in December 2018 at the age of 63, presumably from a heart attack.”
God bless him, I didn’t know he had died. I will picture him as forever 22.
Damn, life is short.
Recently, Mark Hollis died. Now Gabi Delgado from
D.A.F. Joschko Rudas, who, apart from Kraftwerk,
only produced French “Moderne”, died in 2003.
Police officer hit by rocks as she tried to split up gathering
No comments allowed, of course.
Sorry – wrong post. Admin – could you delete the above, and this? Thanks.
There really are some scumbags in charge in the UK. Closing public toilets to discourage people from visiting the countryside is plumbing new depths of depravity.
Not new thinking. There is a sort of beauty spot in a rural area not too far from where I live. There used to be a council-maintained toilet there. Dirty-minded cops with nothing better to do used to regularly try to catch men “cottaging” there.
Eventually the council got rid of the toilet because of its alleged danger to public morals.
And presumably the cops had to find other ways to get their kicks.
There is always the big toilet…
Not really all that depraved. It’s the countryside after all. The ancient ways to relief are still possible.
Until a new virus is discovered – even more terrible than the common cold – whose origins are found to be in human waste…
Urine is 100% sterile.
Poo, of course, not so much.
New Hampshire (USA) has as its state motto ‘Live free or Die’. Hows that measuring up now then?
Here’s a headline from today’s government briefin[g], given by Priti Patel:
“Shop liftin[g] is down”.
No. Surely not?
not long ago few years back this vermin, Priti Patel has resigned as UK international development secretary amid controversy over her unauthorised meetings with Israeli officials.Priti Patel has resigned as UK international development secretary amid controversy over her unauthorised meetings with Israeli officials.
Unauthorised authorised…
The Zionists know how to select the vilest, as their agents and stooges.
It’s come something when even bona fide shop lifters can’t go about their unlawful business. No doubt store unemployed detectives will have joined the endless queue waiting for Universal credit.
What about the numbers on riot? Please let everyone when one sees an increase.
She is indeed the fuckwits’ fuckwit.
The disgusting Priti Patel lying about everything to everyone. One good thing DIY shops are opening up.
“this horrendous virus” says the ghastly Patel woman. Her holier than thou tone is reminiscent of the disgusting Thatcher. Still persists with all the people who have died and protecting the NHS meme in front of a tame and acquiescent audience of daily rag “journalists”. Why didn’t they ask her about the yearly flu statistics and also why were we not wearing masks in past years to protect ourselves from it ?
Wearing masks during the winter cold and ‘flu season is a good idea. The East Asians have been doing it for decades.
Awed by your scientific analysis. That’s settled it for me.
‘wearing masks is a good idea’ ffs.
It was a sociological observation, old boy.
Still no news from these criminals about easing our collective house arrest due to the five arbitrary tests that cant ever be truly met. GSK and Bill Gates must be paying serious money to these traitors to suffocate us further.
The problem is that the UK is at the heart of this web of conspiracy and their well oiled media propaganda machine is too effective at manipulating the gullible fools who fall for it. We need to be protesting at Parliament within the next few days (ensuring good optics) to get those that know whats going on motivated. As far I am concerned the rules for the removal of our fundamental rights was orchestrated by corrupt corporations and criminals.
The only hope for Britain now is for the people to rise up, make ad hoc weapons, aquire guns illegally and let the blood flow freely and the heads of politicians impaled on rusty pikes and their bodies hung from the roof of the houses of parliament
Gloves off, no more “pretty please tyrants be less tyrannical”
Indeed. Slaves beg for freedom. We shouldnt be begging to this lot
In my ancient experience, the people who call for wild popular violence in these grand civil scenarios have almost without exception turned out to be agents provocateurs trying to put a “bad jacket” on a decent site. Or just trolls.
Which one, this? Which one posted this stierscheiss, with 8 upvotes (fellow travellers, along for the provocative ride)?
Either and/or? Lol
Come to think of it, I saw this thread hours ago and it wasn’t half bad.
I tuned back in to see what’s up since, and an exceptional upthread of (mostly) drivel. Even for Saturday Night Live……
It’s a tricky one for sure. The bad guys don’t seem motivated to call all this off – totally blind and deaf to public sentiment, the science, and economic concerns. Calls for violence exactly synchronise with how this makes people feel.
Ideally, the energy liberated can be adapted to non-violent ways of achieving the desired end. Seriously massive civil disobedience will do it.
as dumb as umpa lumpa
Cuomo (descendent of Italian immigrants): “The virus that came to New York did not come from China. It came from Europe”. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-08/most-nyc-covid-19-cases-came-from-europe-genome-researchers-say
” What is the author/artist trying to tell us?”
Yes indeed the Cuomovirus and the DeBlasiovirus have their origins in Europe.
Northern Italy 2018 – the strange case of Brescia.
“We would like however to report on the strange pneumonia epidemic that occurred in and around Brescia in Lombardy (Italy) between September and November 2018. As you may know, that is also the first epicenter of the current “Covid” epidemic in Europe. Only this one happened slightly more than a year before. It was extremely peculiar, and was extensively covered by the local press. Here were its main characteristics (references will be found below).
Local hospitals were overwhelmed: over 850 people were admitted in a short time span, among which at least 10 died. Astonishingly, the patients affected were 70% male (does that remind you of anything?). They were furthermore predominantly elderly, or with diseases that involve immunosuppression and/or other risk factors such as smoking. Children were barely affected (still nothing?). The patients that presented the most serious conditions suffered from respiratory distress and had to be put on ventilators.
Furthermore, health authorities at the time said this episode was unlike anything they had ever seen”
Here is something from Global Research
A successor to Jack Kevorkian.
The Welsh word for police force is heddlu. Which literally means peace force.
Peace: that’s definitely the word that springs to mind when one sees that photo of those brave Boys in Blue (and Black).
UK Police uniforms changed from navy blue to black quite a long time ago Gwyn, most people didn’t notice. It was a deliberate behavioural psychology tactic as the colour black has been shown to induce fear. They still use the phrases Boys in Blue and The Thin Blue Line in their propaganda though.
They also became much more paramilitary in style.
Ned style skip hats.
With the masonic checkerboard pattern.
The Brotherhood by Stephen Knight
A remarkable book, the subject matter of which is vastly underestimated in our world.
“Have a nice day.” By golly, I already was. What choice did I have? Wouldn’t want my door knocked down for having a bad day, would I? Honestly though, all of those headlines combined would be chilling, unless you see through the shite. They won’t win this one. It’s mindless overreach.
With every passing day of lockdown, Trump becomes more and more re-electable. I wish Democrats would pull their heads out of there a%%#s.
I mean this with no disrespect, but maybe focus on something that has actual meaning. Focus on yourself.
It’s great advice to focus on oneself. Fortunately, one can do both: focus on one’s own actions as well as what’s going on in the society at large. I cannot think of another immediate event that matches the actual meaning of the election, and intend to fight tooth-and-nail to keep elections in the domain of reality. While people I see in my neighborhood are afraid to even say hello to each other, not to mention convene or discuss important issues outside of the media echo chamber, the current US administration is making under-the-radar changes to our world that will profoundly impact this society for many many years to come. The voting rights are being chipped away, additional aid for oil companies is being prepared, emission and pollution standards have been rolled back, and who knows what else is happening without transparency behind the covid-saturated glare.
I admire your conviction. I just have a jaded view about any elections, in general. As I said, I meant no disrespect. A well-written reply from you, I might add. Cheers.
I hear that Trump has given the White House cleaning staff two months off work in Autumn.
He’s gonna wipe the floor with Biden.
i so000000 felt for billionaire trump when he sign ed the 3 – 6 trillion of.
he looked so co-opted i
maybe it is china fault! AL jubba hut jonezs also agrees
Q anon says there is something big happening like loads of elite getting a payday
its acoded m,essage, so must cyhper it
TRUST the plan !
Message is for the special kind of stupid
Orange Hair Clown is merely the current MC of the Oligarch Circus. What needs to be addressed are matters concerning the ownership.
A timely reminder that we need George more than ever. And Bill Hicks. Both sadly gone now.
If you haven’t already, check out Steve Hughes – Australian comedian in the same vein.
If you feel upto comparing two advanced populous rich European nations responses to the pandemic look here at one of them and then at us.
Yup they had to pay advertising money to get attention to it since our msm and ALT-Media are ignoring it!
Do check before you comment.
Absolutely Clickid . Don’t hear about it around O-G do we?
The hard brexit nexus are trying to keep their powder dry, hiding their heads in their ‘fake virus’ holes. Bozo the Clown and the Fartage, one trick ponies. Cummings and his stormtroopers in government subverting the truth and science and coordinating the hard brexit by hook and crook.
Their army of trolls at work here there and everywhere.
No pasaran!
Please forgive my impertinence, but what is it with you and Brexit?
The world looks very much like it’s descending into a fascist global state and you keep banging on about us leaving an already fascistic banking/corporate/political cartel like it’s a bad thing.
Admittedly, we’ll only end up in the arms of a completely different fascistic banking/corporate/political cartel, but that seems to be all that’s on offer these days. Unless we team up with Tahiti, of course.
I love Europe, but I also see the EU for what it is. They are not the same thing. If anything, EU complicity in what is currently being done to us is highly likely, given their track record of fucking countries and populations over as it suits them and if it turns a profit.
Phillipe you may be forgiven for the memory hole that you have stumbled into with the rest of the denizens around here – but we just had a unnecessary rushed December general election where the opposition put the NHS front and centre, warning of the precarious nature it was in with a decade of underfunding and constant reorganisation and more and more privatisation and the plan for its farming out to big pharma and insurance interests in the USA after years of preparation by the utter and complete Hunt and the Brittania Unhinged crowd.
The government ran on…. Get It Done!
Imagine if we were to have exactly that election and exactly the same manifestos NOW?
The EU organised collective purchasing of ppe since early on this year, our brexshitters attended the first meeting and didn’t bother with the next 8 – so while Airbus is flying in planeloads of equipment from China, we are scrabbling around ordering Turkey to give us some! Sending a bloody RAF plane to put some pressure on getting at least one plane load by last weekend!
How the fuck did that work out ? What did we receive? No ones telling.
As for the great hope of America and Trump being a better bet or ‘no worse’ well i’ve got some magic snake oil for you to swallow – it’ll fill you with so much light, you’ll think you’ve gone to Brexshit heaven and you’ll never want to come back ☠️
That answers your question.
You’re welcome.
Appreciate your response, although I’m a little confused regarding your answer to my question.
You don’t seem to have an issue with the idea that the EU is a fascistic banking/corporate/political cartel – at least you didn’t question it – so we’ll take that as agreed.
As for the USA, I did point out that we’d end up in the arms of a different fascist banking/corporate/political cartel (aka the US, although admittedly I didn’t spell that out. I didn’t think I needed to). The point being the options are limited – I accept that. Except for Tahiti. Obviously.
The point is we are screwed either way. We stay in the EU: we are under the heel of the banks and the corporations; we deal with the US: we are under the heel of the banks and the corporations.
I’m just curious as to why you’d rather be under the EU heel than the US heel. I don’t want to be under either, but you seem to have a preference for EU subjugation. Just curious.
Regarding PPE, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Except, the UK has companies that produce it by the ton, yet the govt didn’t call them back when it was offered. I’m no supporter of this inept and corrupt govt. More so as it turns out we didn’t actually need to be part of any EU bulk purchase scheme as we make it ourselves. As I said, the govt didn’t return their calls. then it ignored proper ventilator manufacturers and asked Dyson to throw some together (now cancelled). Make no mistake, our govt is corrupt as fuck.
However, the fact that they support brexit is irrelevant to the matter at hand. We could have managed the PPE shortage ourselves with someone competent at the wheel. We don’t have that. But I still don’t see what any of this has to do with brexit.
There is a lot of talk on this site about how blinded and brainwashed the people who believe the c19 narrative are; about how they go to any lengths to support their misconceptions; how they swallow all the lies they are being told; about how they will attack anybody who questions their ‘religion’ of the approved narrative. Now, read that back again, but change “c19” to “brexit”, then look in the mirror.
As a postscript to my comment, I feel compelled to say that in the short time I’ve been commenting on this site, I have read some insightful and intelligent comments from you regarding the situation in which we find ourselves.
I just don’t understand your obsession with brexit and your desperate need to introduce it into so many otherwise incisive comments. That is what I was trying to understand.
Phillipe – thanks for your praise, you may need to look up some articles about brexit on this site over the last year and see my opinions fully expressed. Unfortunately O-G doesn’t let us have a comment system where we can look back on our own posts for me to point you to these easily.
So I’ll try to keep this succinct and base it on your statement :
” …fascist banking/corporate/political cartel (aka the US, although admittedly I didn’t spell that out.”
The Original One was the Bank of England. Now it shares that role with the Fed and a few others, and yes they are tied in with the old European families.
The ‘City of London’ is one of their ancient focal points and they refuse for it to be governed under the same rules and regulations that are being imposed across the WHOLE EU to create a ‘level playing field’.
Don’t confuse the Financial Services City with the Ancient City – which runs the shadow money World. Think of them as the Vatican. A international state within a national state.
The EU for all its frailties – from infestation by the ancient powers- is still able to evolve through its various structures to keep pushing back the old status quo.
The UK government and State is incapable of that and has been for many centuries a client/goffer of the City and its masters. The sovereign has to ask permission to enter the City.
The UK veto was used everytime to stop the evolving regulatory level playing field construction, until it legally couldn’t. At which point they demanded concessions or else! The or-else being a brexit and then only a ‘hard brexit’ allows a complete legal escape for the City, and it has to happen by this year as the new rules are legally enforceable from 2021.
It was a long planned option, that required a referendum to be won, which required a referendum to be called and conditions that would make people vote Leave. Austerity- a political choice aling with a massive helping hand in vote rigging.
Anyway, Merkel said it as plainly as possible – having survived against the machinations to evict her and after forming a government again – the EU cannot allow a ‘Singapore on Thames’.
So, no, the fascist bankers of the City or the Fed are not colluding with the (not as) fascist EU to make brexit, even if they are colluding with the fascist bankers in Europe to achieve it.
They refuse to be governed by any external power because they are the representatives of a greater power, just as the Vatican claims similar autonomy.
It is as simply as i can put it. Brexshit is about exceptionalism.
It appears we agree on some things, yet disagree on others in respect of this particular subject. This, in my view, is normal and healthy in terms of provoking debate.
However, in this instance, much as I would enjoy an EU/Brexit debate with you, I propose we agree to disagree. I’m not clever enough to juggle two major issues in my head at the same time and I really want to concentrate on this C19 shitshow, given the ramifications for all of us.
I look forward to ongoing discussions, albeit perhaps less specifically contentious.
Up to you, Phil. Being a lovely Sunday morning you can have a sermon.
You asked , I answered.
You have decided to compartmentalise it. Not me.
Becoming a self responsible adult in life requires developing such abilities as to able to watch, think, walk, talk and smoke at the same time, without stumbling or chocking to death!
It took nurture, education, practice and a lifetime of experience of business, media and politics to achieve these basic skills. Without multitasking – I wouldn’t be where I am today and would still need mothering to feed and dress myself.
I didn’t start a debate . I stated my opinion of the C19shitshow in the UK and how it is directly linked to the Brexshitshow, with the same people, powers & media organs, personalities and trolls evidently involved in both – because they are still ramming the hard brexshit through.
Regardless of SARS-Cov-2 emergence! Downplaying it by diversion and all other means so that no attention is paid to their bad faith actions in the Brexshit scam.
You called the EU fascist! Condemning 400 millions ordinary peoples of the European Union as ‘evil’ by that shade throwing gaslighting comment. Suggesting that brexshit is us Brits, valiantly fighting the fascists nazis all over again.
I politely disagreed and put the facts to correct your deliberate or not, lie.
You have chosen to ignore these facts and decided to withdraw citing to agree to disagree!
I do not. I disagree.
Against my better judgement, I’d like to correct just one of your misrepresentations of what I wrote. Maybe because it’s Sunday and I’ve nothing better to do.
I did not state that 400 million people are fascists. Europe is not fascist. The EU is fascist. ‘Europe’ and ‘the EU’ are different things.
Europe is a collection of nations with varied, rich histories, cultures, languages and peoples. The EU is a banking/corporate/political cartel that sits like a spider over Europe, milking and controlling it. Until you can separate the two in your mind, you will continue to make your (in my opinion) misguided arguments. I am all in favour of close ties, trade agreements etc. I am not in favour of where Europe is heading ie over the cliff of sustainability.
There is a reason that all the major banks and other financial institutions are, like you, absolutely aghast at the idea of Brexit. See if you can work out why that might be. It shouldn’t take too much multi-tasking – not with your lifetime of experience in business, media and politics.
Incidentally, I do respect your claimed authority of a lifetime of business, media and politics. I do not have the same authority. My experience lies in other areas. Respectfully, that does not mean I am wrong.
On reflection, I will accept your final premise. So let us disagree to disagree, so that at least we can agree on something and move on.
eu-rophiles have always conflated the eu with Europe. If we hate the eu, we must be nasty people who hate Europe. For many years.
Sometimes it is interesting to enter a discussion with a true believer; other times it’s simply pigeon chess – not my favourite game.
You have AGAIN stated the EU is fascist! Where you hedge that as EU citizens not being the same as the EU. The Four Freedoms are the EU. Europe ancient is not the EU, there are countries in Europe which are not fully in the EU.
The UK was not. Many have their own currencies …
You have again misrepresented the banking interests – which I clearly asked you to be careful not to:
“Don’t confuse the Financial Services City with the Ancient City – which runs the shadow money World. Think of them as the Vatican. A international state within a national state.”
The fact that you have ignored my first answer to you and have no answer to my points therein shows you were not really interested in a genuine answer.
You have now twice stated that ‘we’ agree to disgree – falsely.
‘I’ have not agreed any such thing.
You have now twice stated the EU is ‘fascist’ as if the UK is not in the same definition.
Either you and others here bought the brexshit bs which allows them to be easy prey for tge anti-virus bs OR you are prosletysing it.
I give up.
You win.
Can we get on with scrutinising the matter at and now?
Sure- try this
And wonder why? I’ll see you down the line – am just about to enjoy syn cleaning my car to make food deliveries for the vulnerable who are not able to go to shops.
Thanks for the link.
It doesn’t surprise me, sadly. It’s encouraging that a group of doctors would take that step. I’ll keep an eye on this.
Excellent Philippe. You have saved me the time and bother of commenting too.
In other words, ‘Stay Calm and drink your Lysol’.
Today’s Rags from Scotland.
Nic: We’ll Get Better Together…….Sun
Sturgeon Offers a Small Bubble of Hope…..Daily Express
Scots may be Allowed To Mix With ‘Bubble of Friends ‘……The Scotsman
Choose 10 Lockdown Friends and Family…….Scottish Daily Mail
All of the above can be translated as..
“We have now painted ourselves into a corner. People are now beginning to realise that our credibility is wearing thin and thanks to our government “health advisors” we are up shit creek without a paddle. So we will continue to pretend that this deadly plague is very serious but at the same time allowing you some freedoms with friends and family to avoid any outbreaks of civil disobedience (and of course the deadly virus). Just how we will monitor this move remains unclear at the present time. Er, that’s it for now”.
Meanwhile down south we have this…
Business told: “Time to Get Back to Work”……The Daily Telegraph
Meaning…..”Now look this just can’t go on. Our economy is melting faster than a polar icecap. We need to get all you workers out of your houses and save us from this developing financial catastrophe.
Lockdown ? Forget that just now. We will have another assessment of those Covid 19 death totals sometime in the future”.
Its coming on Tuesday want to put a bet in excess deaths for the weekending 17/4?
I expect at least 10k.
That’s the only 10k they’ll allow. The rest have been cancelled.
And over two thirds of those not related to Covid 19
10k? That figure seems familiar…
Aah, yes – it’s the amount of extra money received by each of our esteemed elected representatives to tide them over during this tricky period. And they deserve it, seeing as most of them would have been on the verge of destitution, otherwise…
The Fort Detrick virus was a lucky diversion for Sturgeon after the feminazi conspiracy to frame Salmond fell so spectacularly apart.
While walking through my local park and down by the river on this beautiful spring afternoon , I began to think about this nhs clapping.
Are we part of a clapometer exercise ,opportunity knocks style ,where the longest ,loudest clappers get to keep their hospitals and the other less than enthusiastic see their part of the nhs sold off.Only left with a bloke with leeches and a saw
Rambling mind while I ramble
We’re all North Koreans now …
The Age of Bullshit
At the outset I feel that I must make reference to David Graebner’s stimulating book – Bullshit Jobs. This was composed of a study of the proliferation of jobs of this type which 1. Fulfil no visible social/economic function, and 2. Which are expanding exponentially. It is noted that the presence of such occupations such as strategic management consultants, line management alignment supervisors, skills set appropriation administration, unit performance indicators, and so forth are basically meaningless in terms of what tasks are actually needed and are carried out. Conversely, jobs which are meaningful and necessary, like nursing, garbage collection, teaching and bus driving and brain surgeons are usually much lower paid and generally held in lower esteem and remuneration than the upper strata occupations. Brain surgeons being the exception to the rule.
But I would like to extend the Bullshit criteria to broader categories of groups.
Firstly politicians. Politics in our own age has become archetypally bullshitized. There used to be a time when there was not quite a genuine choice but there were discernible differences between the parties and the candidates. You could vote for the Red Corner or the Blue Corner and to a significant degree your vote mattered. This is self-evidently no longer the case. The political class is a totally Bullshit phenomenon. They think the same, if they think at all, look the same, talk the same, same values lifestyles, so on and so forth. And all of them have a price.
In the words of T.S.Eliot – The Hollow Men
‘’ We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together,
Headpiece filled with straw
Alas, our dried voices
When we whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dried grass
Or rats feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar.’’
Pretty good summation I think
Next we have the media bullshit. Regardless of what it professes itself to be it is, at bottom, simply a propaganda machine, an incessant and unremitting stream of verbiage and childlike rubbish. Of course the bullshit media is closely aligned and works with the political bullshit structures and institutions.
Next comes the Economics bullshit. Academic Economics has been in the bullshit business for some time past. This can be dated to the ‘marginalist revolution’ of 1870 and the theories of Stanley Jevons, Karl Menger, and Leon Walras. More bullshit, but which still dominates the universities and business schools, as well as business publications – The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist – and so forth, as well as the global institutional structures such as the IMF, OECD, WTO, BIS, WB.
Economics bullshit is also taught in schools. Such pearls of wisdom as the ‘Phillips Curve’ which went out of fashion in the 1970s because events – stagflation – made the theory untenable, is nonetheless still taught today as part of the A-level Economics curriculum.
Economics has turned into an ossified catechism of unquestionable ‘truths’ which are taken to be axiomatic. As one fairly bright economics journalist has noted.
‘’Academic economics has become a disaster and a disgrace … Not only did most academic economists fail to see the great implosion coming (2008) but they were not even looking in the right direction. And having been surprised by its arrival, they have little to say about its implications – the greatest event to befall the capitalist system’’ prior to the present one of course (FL 2020) ‘’since the Second World War.’’
‘’Although there are shining exceptions most academic economists, whilst clinging on to the idea that their subject is relevant and of interest to a wider world, in fact practise a form of modern scholasticism – of no use or interest to man or beast. The output of this consists of articles entombed in ‘scholarly’ journals usually about subjects of startling irrelevance, badly thought out and appallingly badly written, littered with jargon, and liberally laced with mathematics, designed to be read by no-one outside of a narrow coterie of specialists and increasingly not even by them.’’
(The Trouble With Markets – Roger Bootle). And that’s the Economics bullshit.
I am reminded of the superb film by Sidney Lumet I think it was – Network. Howard Beale, played by the Australian actor Peter Finch, was a talking head on a US cable TV corporation who could no longer believe in his nightly bullshit spiel. ‘I just ran out of bullshit’. That film was nearly 50 years ago together with ‘Apocalypse Now’ and ‘Taxi Driver’.
How much longer can the PTB hide behind their bullshit façade I wonder, and how longer will the people take to see through it?
The great herd aka the people desire nothing more than the ability to feed and breed infinitely , it enjoys a good panic occasionally as well . Our drovers/rulers instinctively know this. Don’t look to “the people” for signs of the coming changes.
You forgot HR departments, and advertising agencies.
Management consultants.
It’s all bullshit: but the people don’t get a free pass – as is becoming the normative response round here. To quote a later Eliot poem: “Human kind cannot bear very much reality.”
Even as as the spectre of a not very pleasant future becomes manifest: no one wants to admit it …but it was all bullshit. Our former lives were all bullshit. The poets told us. The mystics told us. The artists told us. The radicals told us. The musicians told us. But culturally; we did not want to know.
If you study the sociology of knowledge: it all kinda hangs together. A culture is a big story that gives meaning to its consensual members: who validate the cultural myths for future generations. Do you think that by substituting science for origin mythologies we got a more advanced culture? As Bruno Latour has said: we never became modern.
We had and have a Cartesian cartographia – a mappa mundi – a nomos – a Weltanschauung – a Weltansicht …a big orientating story that is the principle of meaning, sense, and reference. And it is all bullshit, a Big Lie.
We made it up: a social constructivism of an unreal reality. A nomos of progress, prosperity, democracy, politics, work, economics, money …but the biggest lie of all was biology denying, humanity decrying individuality. The whole foundational ontology and dualising epistemology the entire capitalist edifice was built on was a lie. But few will admit even now.
Duality does not exist. It cannot be said to exist. It is not a concrete existent phenomena. The ‘I’ is an epiphenomena: a deixis that exists only in relation to other concepts. It is an emergent property of language that is the basis of our bullshit culture. We squandered nearly all the materials the earth had just to try and make a concept real. And no matter how much our false quantifications were valorised: it was never enough. There is no enough to make the yearning void of a concept real. It can’t be done. We tried, and failed …epically.
Will we realise this and try to find the reality in other, less destructive ways?
Excellent comment Francis, appreciate it.
Everything is smoke and mirrors, a charade, bullshit. An ‘incessant and unrelenting stream of verbiage and childlike rubbish’.
I usually refer to the media as presstitutes.
From my own observations, the majority of the population support these repressive measures and things are moving so fast that there is no time left to create the necessary popular awareness as a precursor to building mass resistance. I am not sure what the agenda behind all this is, but I am convinced it will succeed. Sorry to sound pessimistic.
That’s not pessimism… It’s just a Reality. Modern Dumb Slaves are unable to perform Analytical and Critical Thinking.
They have been trained since birth to OBEY figures of Power.
OPERATION COVID It’s working very well.
(And the fun part is that there isn’t a single peer reviewed paper that proves the existence of a new viral particle capable of being infectious and cause a disease (pneumonia)… How’s that for FUN?)
Intelligent enough to take their orders but not smart enough to question them.
Good old George C.
The only two published so for are CLEAR (in not proving it):
“Since we did not perform tests for detecting infectious virus in blood, we avoided the term viraemia and used RNAaemia instead” source
“Although our study does not fulfill Koch’s postulates” source
I’m pessimistic too. The majority believe the medical myths we have been fed with for so long, and this plandemic depends on quite a few of those myths.
People trot along to their GPs for their vaccines, statins, blood-pressure medication, happy pills; they demand antibiotics when they have a bit of a cold which they describe as flu.
They have as much faith in the system (in spite of all the counter-evidence) as “primitive” people had when they went to their witch-doctors.
They go quietly into that good night of chemotherapy which even oncologists would not prescribe for themselves or their families.
My mother’s large family grew up at a time when there was no health service so they couldn’t afford to go to a doctor and they hardly ever did. Despite this and not having much to eat a lot of the time, they grew to healthy adulthood, and most lived into their 80s and some into their 90s. Most modern people it seems have no sense of taking responsibility for their own health. Well now they’ve had the right to determine their own health taken largely out of their hands, with compulsory house arrest, and soon to come compulsory tests and vaccinations.
What next I wonder? Compulsory abortions for women who test positive while pregnant, followed by compulsory sterilisation if they continue to test positive?
And if you protest you will be branded “anti-science”.
I see the Government is back-tracking on its demand for ventilators. But we were told they were essential, weren’t we?
mercedes f1 engineering got moneys from the westminster fiddlers
dyson got contracts and cash
which hospitals have the mercedes f1 turbo ventilators
which has the dyson sucks and blows ventilators
monies have been sent
what is happening
virgin atlanticks branson also has been offering a virgin fart cushion that can be reconfigured so it ventilates without the off putting noise.
hancock thinks it is simply amazing
i do hope alan sugar and the dragons can all get involved in this ventilator zioscam
They appear to be a death sentence, I heard that 100% of patients in NY who used them, died
Isn’t that what they want? Plus its 39k a pop on the health insurance scam in NY
‘… how dare you post photos of a happier, more carefree time that people scrolling through might somehow mistake for recent shots! It’s just unthinkable! Go back to doing something wholesome, like Facebook-stalking adolescents or trading bizarre porn on the dark web!’
And have you seen the current bat flu situation in Australia? Virtually no new infections or deaths (25 April, 20 new cases, one death). However, ‘lockup’ continues until mid May! Bodes well for the UK, eh!
many years ago when i was in the army we would go to the police stations dress up as plod and roam about with the force of law .
i can assure you all here hare here that the beatings the corrective beatings we inflicted was always on the guilty.
all the corrected admitted guilt eventually.
we did sometimes get the stubborn ones but even those would break with the help of a nikola tesla coil cattle prod…
amazin watchin 666 thousand volt bolt of lighting hit a trouble making villian from 33 feet away .
that tesla guy 120 years ago he really knew about spark gaps and electrics.
he did not need anyone certainly not edison to help him change a light bulb no sir
pretty sure if nikola was around today he would be amazed at the phase array 5g x-ray weapons are governments use against us such invisible power
yes sir
Their totalitarian prison grid needs electricity 24/7/365, and when they finally implement it with digital cash, total digital surveillance etc, the only way to defeat it will be with extensive rolling blackouts. They can’t run a prison grid on batteries and generators for long, and to save money they sacked too many people and put all they could under the control of the microchip, so now they don’t have the manpower with the necessary skills to back it all up when the power goes down.
Without electricity the elite are as vulnerable to overthrow as were the French elite of 1789. Electronic and fibre-optic communications run below most streets and that’s where these systems are vulnerable. Scare stories that millions of people will die without electricity is probably an elite psy-op; except for those who rely on dialysis machines and such it is the elite who are at risk without electricity. For most of us used to modern life and labour-saving devices going without electricity will be a major inconvenience, but we survived our whole history without it up to the last 120 or so years and can survive that once more. After we defeat their prison grid and remove the scum in charge we can rebuild and have electricity again.
Good post Michael. Electricity substations can be quite solid things, but I can’t see one standing up to a jcb, dumper truck, or tractor for that long. 🙂
I am new to all this so can someone please explain to me this: I know that some people on here are genuinely nice people wanting only the best, and I guess some people on here are mildly insane and self-obsessively opinionated and capable of getting irate with someone even if they essentially agree on the fundamentals of a thing, and I also assume that some others are deliberately here from the mainstream media, troll farms and the alphabet agencies to wreak havoc with their mind-control madness, so I would like to ask this:
Why should I give a fuck?
No one is asking you to give a fuck. However if too many people dont give a fuck, then it really will be the proverbial boot stamping on a human face forever
you mean 77th brigade just gave you a job?
As Neo put so succinctly, “The problem is choice”.
You can choose to give a fuck or not. It’s your choice and nobody can choose for you.
Whether an individual has a choice or not is irrelevant, since choice as you perceive it does not exist .
That is a good point.
Much like ‘Time doesn’t exist. Clocks exist.’
I shall therefore ponder on the issue of choice 🙂
Well let me explain it like this: If you have some point to make then make it. On the other hand, if you are going to spew a string of vacuities then why should WE give a fuck?
Think you’re lost.
fuck off! 🤣
haha and I’ve not commented on the internet since 2008 so I guess you’re special
If you don’t mind living in a police state, then there’s no reason to care at all.
Pardon me if I don’t understand your point, but you seem to be maligning the free flow of information and opinion unhindered by censors.
And to your ultimate question, “give a fuck” about what? Freedom of expression, OffG, the concerns of others, the underpinnings of the COVID response? Or in general? See MoH above.
Oops, MoH below.
Stay at home, don’t bother the NHS, it costs money; don’t enjoy yourselves with a walk in the park or along the beach, you selfish bastards, this land does not belong to you; or a death promoting BBQ in your garden [remember your ruling classes have their own castles to protect]; don’t forget the Yeomanry [police] will be watching you – you peasants!
The fact that soon you will not be able to pay for anything means you will not be entitled to the protection of your caring sharing HM’s Government operating for the benefit and well being of itself.
But not you.
And you thought capitalism was not an extension of feudalism?
How very quaint.
Capitalism is the undoing of Feudalism. Capitalism is the Child of the non-noble Nouveau Riche of the Middle Ages, the banking families of Augsburg and Florence and Genoa, the people who started the industrial revolution of Europe while the feudal lords were stuck in their endless and tangled games of intermarrying and inheritting. The likes of the Fuggers were snobbishly excluded from this circus, but they bought their way on to the table and then dominated the whole lot, funding the dominant dynasties and playing one of the other. And so here we are today, with the supposedly “national” bank world’s most powerful nation under their control, along with the UN and the WHO and even the World Bank itself.
Feudalism is as close to Anarchy as man has been since he wandered Africa in his bushman days. It is portrayed as Kings sitting on Thrones commanding Peasants and Knights to do their wicked bidding, but that is utter nonsense. Europe was a mass of independently acting petty lordships, where a Count – such as the one in Barcelona – could be more powerful than an Emperor – such as when the Catalonians controlled much of what is now Greece.
Most people have ZERO understanding of this period. The Peasantry wre not oppressed – there was hardly much difference in living standards between them and their lords – and many peasants supported their lords against the rising power of the rich towns of the late medieval period. The peasants MADE ALL THE FOOD, people utterly utterly utterly depended on them, and it gave them first dibs on the food and it gave them a lot of power when coupled to the entitlement of their lords.
The monasteries were also incredibly powerful and were the major corporations and centres of excellence and education of the day. This is why they were completely shut down and robbed as the modern era of banking and financing emerged – with the likes of Henry VIII having some serious debts to pay.
And that is the core element of Capitalism: debt. Under Feudalism wealth was the land, was the ability to grow food, and maybe control logistics and routes. But with the shift in power to the bankers, independence was reduced and debts were accrued. And it is still working NOW!
Very good piece I totally agree. I was just parodying the situation of Capital in crisis and how the old begets the new. And the news.
We are stuck and yet we are free if our minds allow us.
Personally I think we are capable of getting b
beyond this. We are not the sheep we are portrayed as being.
Capitalism grew out of the loot of the New World-gold, silver and potatoes.
I beg your pardon both Wimbledon Common and Beddington Park are public goods not private property. Public goods like the above belong to the people who pay taxes, come to that even people who don’t pay taxes. These parks and Commons are held in trust by local government authority, in this case Merton Council and Sutton Council. I, like any other local taxpayer pay to fund these public amenities, so its my right to walk on these public spaces as I wish.
So there.
[Accidentally posted this below: sorry]
It’s easy to see the failure of the system on the outside. And it is easy to apply the conditional modality of rational thought to the outside. It is not so easy to see the main modality of the scene ”out there” which is the generative belief system ”in here”. And it all but impossible to see the contingency of the outside scene as part of a co-participatory and co-emergent system we all created together. As the ordinated ethos of the self.
That is because the system conditioned us to think that the outside is out there and externally and eternally essentially real. That we ”in here” can present or represent the out there faithfully: and illuminate the scaled replication in the ”light of reason” as we observe the external goings on …as an individuated internalised entity …metaphysically removed from the world. One which views these faithful (one-to-one topographically isomorphic presentations that correspond in perfect alignment of image or sign to world ”fit”). These presentations and subsequent representations (sometimes described like viewing a live action movie rather than a generated model) – faithful as they are – are what we can then manipulate as illuminated objects as we reason with a spotlight of universal reason …untainted by any subjective human defilements. As a post hoc reflection of the status quo ordination of the self
So: as we reason – with universal reason – in the ”mind’s eye” – where are we? On the ”Cartesian Stage” with little homuncular faculties of personalities – as Dan Dennet hallucinated? Anyone who can answer that question has just worked out why we are facing inchoate bio-medicalised fascism that is just about to get a whole load darker.
We are not in the world we create …and it is an ongoing activity that never ceases. We are somewhere else. Somewhere no one has ever located in a metaphysical vision quest. It is a Cartesian collective and consensual hallucination of fallacies of unrealities. Only the consequences of Cartesian dreamworlding are about to manifest as realities. Contingent and predictable realities.
We took Descartes for granted: even though he made no sense. His cogito tautology was non-sense: not something to predicate a foundational ontology and methodological individuality on.
We created a system with no one in it: not in a concrete physical material and embodied way. The system is ”disembodied” and everyone is in absentia – as a physical embodiment – so the system is dematerialised and run on universalised anti-entropic modal principles of an objective individuated rationality; an objective individuated ethos; and an objective individuated morality. The prime imperative of which is ”self-interest utility maximisation” of exponentiating illimitable growth of greed.
How we got here is externalising our humanity to an inhumane system and internalising the inhumanity as objectively ”out there” in a degenerative co-participatory and co-emergent system. The reality of which was too brutal: so we created hallucinations of ”out theres” in order to feel safer ”in here” …the dichotomisations of which only extremised the ordinations ”out there”. To distance our reality tunnels from the consequences of the cruel and capricious order we voluntarily participated in: we internalised and legitimated in passivity mythologies of worthiness the same old Cartesian lies. The ”out there” is the one we created ”in here” …mostly while we were Cartesian dreamworlding elsewhere.
How we get out – even if only singly – is to break that cycle. Whatever is out there came from in here. Descartes was completely wrong about everything. The pseudo-concretisation of a privatised ”in here” is the control mechanism and operational modal logic of the ”out there”. We are not passive disembodied partakers of imaginary externalised scenes: we are active embodied creators of fascistic and authoritarian ordinate orderings of a pseudo-world. The values of which are inhumane and unreal. The manifest behaviourism is, unfortunately, only too real.
The moral of which is Descartes was wrong about everything. The ordinated order is a psychological overlay that separated the world into internalised and externalised unrealities. This Cartesian clusterfuck was consensual. Why, I don’t know. Other possible realities were and are still available. Well, for a short while.
Chances are the Cartesian clusterfuck will continue to dissolve into blame and recriminations of opening mutual hostilities of sectarian orderings we created …then forgot. Civil war is more likely than civility and compassions of integrated holisms. Still, it needn’t be so. Not if we turn the light around and reclaim our humane creative powers we gave away. Fat chances are better than no chances.
Sorry, I got bored halfway through. What was your point, but in nutshell form this time? Please do try to be quick as there’s a phony pandemic going on set up to hide a huge grab for power by various conceited nutjobs. Not sure how members of the “wider society” are taking it seems as everyone is in lockdown and the mainstream media are in full Bullshit mode.
The media went into bullshit mode about the time of the Sumerian and Egyptian heiroglyphs …and its been downhill from there.
I read your comment below. I know no one reads Descartes: that is the point. They unconsciously conform to Descartes without ever realising just how stupid that is. They do it in every sentence …blindly …without ever questioning the presuppositions they make. Which is exactly how we got here …a life unexamined.
You completely misrepresent what I said: I’ve been questioning the assumptions and pre-suppositions of what people think long before today. And if we had collectively managed to do that by exposing the fallacious dualist predicates: we might not have got to this point.
Which is of course moot. We got here because the Cartesian view is completely wrong. The Enlightenment principles are completely wrong. And the Folk Psychology of naive realism is completely wrong. Yet people just consent to the errors anyway: and the error creep gets greater until…
If you just use the language and the dualistic cultural bullshit belief system – as people do, as you say you do – you construct a Cartesian dualist parallel pseudoworld that is fascisitic in principle. But will anyone examine that: even now?
No: they just carry on shouting loudly …manifesting evermore discord and degenerative enculturisations of fascisms. No one wants to look at how it is formed as a function of dualism. Or modify the belief system that produces violence and discord in every sentence.
No, let’s not do anything sensible. Let’s not try and learn from our mistakes. Or look for the next level of thinking …or anything boring like that. Let’s just carry on with the unexamined encoding of authoritarianisms in the canonical tradition of dualising languaging – the very level of fallacious thinking that precipitated this Cartesian clusterfuck of Spectacular hyperreality – that should sort it out.
John Vanderslice – Bill Gates Must Die
Good message
Shit song
Can’t argue with that, posted purely for the message ; )
Hallellujah to that, Brother!
Everyone is a bio terrorist under CV
American invasion inbound for us then?!
I have Thrush too, so I am Double Trouble.
”How the US makes countries pay for its wars: Economics of American imperialism with Michael Hudson”
Dump the idiocy of the ‘NWO’ theories and the dumb ‘Globalist conspiracy’, put out by US shills to cover for up the reality of how the world is really run. A detailed discussion of US monetary policy and the extortion racket that is the dollar.
Yes but for who Jack(jim)?
For the US elite of generals, politicians, Corporations and rich, the same people that benefit from every empire, there is nothing new, and no fantasy groups or lizards.
Read the book. Maybe you’ll do a 180 like you did on gun ownership.
This is actually a better copy. Apologies.