Media Priorities: Trump, Putin and the bias before our eyes
The media ignored only the second joint US-Russia statement in four years, to talk about silly hair and small hands
Joris De Draeck
April 25, 2020, marks the 75th Anniversary of the historic meeting between American and Soviet troops, who shook hands on the damaged bridge over the Elbe River. This event heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi Regime.
Thus reads the first paragraph of a joint statement by President Donald J. Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.
This statement correctly is called “rare” by two of the very few mainstream media articles addressing it. Props to Reuters and the New York Post for this one.
The only other time the US and Russia issued a joint statement or declaration was when Putin and Trump met in Helsinki back in July 2018.
Googling the press release using “trump putin joint statement” one would expect the page to be full of huge news corporation results but that’s not the case. Apart from Reuters and the New York Post, you’ll find a bunch of Australian sites and a Chinese one who cover it without much ado. [Google results widely differ geographically. I ran them from Belgium.]
Mainstream Bias For All To See
Some others like The Hill, MarketWatch, The Week and Forbes apparently find ominous reasons for concern.
They all cite the Wall Street Journal as the source for the unease.
For the WSJ, issuing the statement in and by itself is considered “a move” by the Russians and it immediately follows its article with a link to a 2017 article on the same site about how the Pentagon and the State Department “have complained about Russia’s behaviour”.
Why hark back to 2017, I wonder; these two organisations consistently address Russia’s stance in the wider world quite negatively and could easily find more recent analyses in the same vein.
The WSJ addresses Russian fighter jets “buzzing American Navy planes over the Mediterranean Sea”; mentions the (entirely unproven) accusation of “Russia-based news organizations spreading disinformation about [the] coronavirus”; and adduces that “Russia was providing critical military support for Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad’s ongoing offensive in Idlib province” [sic].
Apart from the often cited “anonymous sources” on whose claims complete fabrications are often built, WSJ also refers to a certain Angela Stent, author of books like The Limits of Partnership: US-Russian Relations in the 21st Century, in which her anti-Russian bias is “apparent” while “inconvenient history is not mentioned”.
Bleach Injections
Let’s compare this muted response to the first joint statement by the leaders of the two nuclear superpowers to the disinfectant concoction prevalent on mainstream news ever since Friday.
Using the Google query “+Trump +disinfectant” which indicates that the results need to have both “Trump” and “disinfectant” in its article, we find — at the time of writing — more than 4.000 pages retrievable on The Guardian alone. Measure that number against a “+Trump +Putin +Elbe +Statement” query which yields only 8 results. All but one of those eight date from 2017, the one exception being from 2015.
In other words, the beacon of British “quality journalism” in the eyes of many fails to even report on what is a “rare joint statement” at all.
The Extreme Bias Right Before You
Maintaining social distancing here in Antwerp, we still are allowed outside and can talk to others. The public’s reaction to the disinfectant-story insanity is telling: “what a fool Trump is”, “he should inject it himself” then “we’d finally be rid of that fool”; “it goes to show how stupid and what a selfish asshole he really is” and so on. What is worrying to me, is that such media sensationalism leads to too much polarisation.
Mainstream press, apparently, did its due with The Guardian apparently thinking that “Trump’s coronavirus disinfectant comments could be the tipping point”.
The public at large was given yet another reason to despise no. 45 although Trump is the first president since before WWII who did not start any foreign intervention — as he promised in his 2016 election campaign. For comparison: Nobel Peace prize winner Obama started seven wars, while the other winner Carter started four. Even JFK did the same! Not to mention the Bushes and Reagan.
Yet here we have a president who is vilified by the general “enlightened” public (as Guardian readers generally believe themselves to be) because of some of the following media stories. I’ll state the number of page hits again:
- About +Trump and +hands. 58,600 results. They include coverage of his “tiny hands”, “him and Theresa May holding hands”, “Melania not holding his hand”, multiple references about his “strange shaking hands” and so on. All very relevant, don’t you think?
- About +Trump and +Shithole. 756 results. Remember this one, which originated from The Washington Post? The topic led to worldwide outrage while the topic only was “according to several people briefed on the meeting” which doesn’t really tell a lot, does it?
- About +Trump and his +Hair. 17,800 results.
- About +Trump and his (lack of) +etiquette: 1220 results.
What I am getting at is this: isn’t it remarkable that incredibly banal topics as well as flat out lies and/or misinterpretations get a lot more coverage than a “rare joint statement” by the US and Russia that carries a message of hope and cooperation, no less?
I think it is and it shows not only how amazingly biased mainstream news really is about both presidents but also how easily the public at large are led astray in forming their opinions based on these “reputable” sources’ flat out propagandistic coverage.
Joris De Draeck is an independent journalist, creator of Planet News and contributor to Fort Russ News, SOTT and Global Research. He focuses on major international conflicts. You can follow him on Twitter @DeDraeck.
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“The public at large was given yet another reason to despise no. 45 although Trump is the first president since before WWII who did not start any foreign intervention — as he promised in his 2016 election campaign.” On the face of it it would appear that way but Bolivia Iran the drpk and Venezuela thinks very differently and we’re very close to full scale assaults except Bolivia who did get assaulted and the war of terror has increased more than under obomber
The suggestion that Trump is some kind of pacifist is about as opaque as can be, as a “novel” perspective. Wait til his second term.
To suggest that a “joint statement” is a hopeful sign of cooperation and a non-aggression “pact” in the making is about as risible as taking a “joint statement” at Yalta as a sign we were going to cooperate with Joe Stalin.
I do not defend “this is a sign”.
I am taking it for what it is: “a rare joint statement” which should have been covered way more in mainstream news. Don’t you agree?
Some others have also remarked so. They were right; you are as well. I should have written “did not start any new wars” instead.
American foreign policy has always been tough. Too much for me as well. Although the countries you say are being targeted with economic sanctions, coups etc., Trump has not started any new war. And that _is_ in contrast to “all” of his predecessors.
I am not defending the guy per se; I merely try to bring another perspective.
Scroll down for more interaction on the very same topic.
Well, your piece, as “another perspecyive”, has a merit as such, but that has to be weighed in the heavily, extraordinarily, super-chatged context of our Orange President and his bully pulpit in that Big Round Room.
In that touchy and itchy context, any point you had to make about de facto “neutrality” or non-aggression, or rather (pseudo-) quasi-isolationism falls by the wayside and makes the whole point suspect as another way, among countless, daily, hourly, ways to give our historically treacherous foreign policy a (de facto) “hall pass”.
All of which wouldn’t be so bad, if our quaint pin-striped and bearded Uncle $cam wasn’t always lurking, at the ready, to write himself and his generational crime partners as many hall passes as any and all occasions require. Much like he’s arranged hall passes for any and all bad bets he’s made on Wall Street by printing bad paper (well, at least it’s green).
Thankfully, he’s stumbled in that stricken stupor into the back rooms of high stakes poker in the Beijing Casino, where, unbeknownst to the fawning homeland electorate, the Casino Maitre D’ has served him courteous notice:
“We thank you for patronizing our humble casino, but unfortunately your check, and the green paper that backs it, and the curiously absent bullion at Fort Knox, is no longer accepted at our humble dwelling, but we have honorable guard who will show you the back door for…..”
Etc. Etc.
Hence, the last I heard of high-rises and real estate in my native downtown L.A. has nothing but Chinese names on the deeds…
Enter, Edgar Allan Poe’s 1842 horror story, “Masque of the Red Death” and the storyline has curious resonances between Prince Prospero, his 1000 CEOs and today’s Western self-ISOLATIONISTS.
Only now they’ve turned it into the CFR’s first globally staged reality TV series, where we are all walk-ons, or “background actors” in our ubiquitous “Masque of the Corona Death”. Mise en Scène by CIA.
Talk about “self-isolating”! In the Poe “deep state” story, the Prince abd his 1000,”nobles” sequester themselves in his Castle and weld the doors shut.
But the Red Death finds “its” way through anyway. When it is unmasked in the last room, the privileged guests find that there is nothing inside the mask and robe!
And like the Prince, they all die of the Red Death. Which does not really exist!
Man, sounds a lot like current events?
Or, an archetypal rapport.
The non-coverage of the Putin-Trump statement is the obvious follow-on to the refusal of the US and its subservient states to acknowledge in the 75-year celebration of the end of World War II in Europe the indispensable role of the USSR, one of the Allies,after all, and their enormous sacrifice in blood.
Yes nondimenticare (great name btw!), i’ll add to your comment.
The greatest conflict in human history cost 85 million lives
By the time all combat came to an end at midnight on May 8, 1945, the Soviet Union had lost 27 million citizens and half of the dead were civilians.
Fortunately Merkel and Putin know just how important it is not to forget all these dead.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday spoke on the phone to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.
The two leaders stressed that for Russia and Germany this date carries particular importance, and vowed to preserve the historical memory of the tragic events of those years to avoid any recurrence, the Kremlin said in a statement posted on its website.
Putin and Merkel called Russia and Germany “partners in resolving many international problems” and confirmed their intention to further build constructive relations.’
The oligarch-owned media’s “muted response” to the joint statement is a perfect mirror of its response to the happy news that Sars-CoV-2 wants peace with us too.
Like the virus, the only good Trump is a bad Trump who will STAY HOME! and rot and until then, busy himself only with snitching on Putin for leaving the oligarchic reservation and taking the Russian nation with him.
The only good news, fit to print, for these oligarchs is what’s bad for the world’s public.
As there are a lot more of us than there are of them, let’s give Putin and Trump a hand in bucking their unelected rule.
The oligarchs have given us, unintentionally of course, a brilliant opportunity to upend them with their hijacking of this virus.
As Solzhenitsyn said, Just don’t clap. Don’t follow their corona diktats- any of them.
Subjugation can only proceed with the complicity of the subjugated.
If we are so spineless as to just moan and internalize their commands, we deserve what they have in store for us.
Solzhenitsyn is a liar. His own family debunked his wild tales of gulag life
The more you study Solshenitsyn the more you’ll find to dislike. The U.S. tried to package him as the heir to Dostoevsky, in talent and depth, and his “literature” is not even a patch on Fyodor’s pants. He was our useful ijjit. All propaganda, no prose. Self-sequestered his whole stint, as though self-isolating from the virus of American culture.
Does anyone here still read him? Anybody?
Solshenitsyn’s fame and fortunes are a fascinating study in the highly charged politicization of such art in current times. If you try to buy his books, like the Gulag series, they all run about ten to twenty times as costly as like books that were bestsellers in their heydays. Usually you can get a classic for pennies plus shipping. But more than one Amazon reader was alarmed enough to comment, “…odd how there is no kindle edition and other formats so costly.”
Could it be that suppressive practices in the West are becoming more and more reminiscent of those days of the Soviet Prison colonies?
This pandemic-hustle is also used to bury important developments and make the public look away from these: Like: Meanwhile “Russia-Gate” has turned into “Obama-Gate“.
Some writers for OffG should pick this up and publish it here.
Until now the only site I found that picked that up is this one (The Duran):
There you find a lot of Videos covering the latest developments with “Russia/Obama-Gate” (as I cite more than two links I put an asterisk before them in order to go around the spam-filter):
Graham shoots down Trump’s call for Obama testimony on Russia probe origins
In recent days, President Donald Trump has mounted an aggressive campaign against his predecessor.
Thanks so very much for this. I don’t watch/listen to MSM and read just excerpted bits here and there from MSM publications (and my local newspaper) but read quite a few “alternative” sites. Why have I seen absolutely nothing, didn’t even know about it? I occasionally read The Duran, but not in the last two weeks. Would that and Fox News have been my only means of learning about it? Is any information that can potentially be seen to benefit Trump (not my favourite guy) off limits to the guardians of our “democracy”? We are in dangerous waters.
J, See above link to CN there is also Larry Johnstone (who on this at least) is not far behind (make of that what you will – the sst mob are a bunch of ole crotchety yankee doodle types, your loveable old un-pc grandad types).
There ARE some sites and bloggers who do cover it and have done over the recent years , the leading one is Consortium News.
‘From our founding editor Bob Parry’s first article on Russiagate in August 2016 to Patrick Lawrence’s column on Monday, Consortium News has for nearly four years been in the forefront of skeptical analysis of a purported scandal that engulfed the United States but then ignominiously collapsed.’
Not wanting to appear facetious, but where’s crispy?
He (?) should be all over this – kremlin propaganda and all that. I hope he is ok. Not like him to miss a party.
No doubt on secret mission somewhere. Or caught in a Russian honeytrap.
Isn’t a war with Russia and Iran next on the cards of the deep state? They are the only 2 countries left with oil that the Deep state has its eyes on.
We can’t possibly be friendly to Russians when they are going to be the enemy at some point in the future you know!
Do any kind of search for news or a topic and the first 10 pages are all BBC, ABC, Guardian, NY Times, CNN, MSNBC, the Hill and BBC,CNN etc.
Investigative journalism is long dead on those sites and most just copy/paste each other.
Like the communist Chinese, lame stream Media know all about propaganda.
Start them early in school and have them on TV and media throwing fake names around like fascist, racist and Nazi gives them something to fear and hate. Put on top of that these people are trying to destroy your planet and what you have are scared brainwashed people who cannot think for themselves.
The boy cried wolf a bit too much lately and those media outlets are all fake news.
Has no-one yet found a way to omit bbc, sky etc in a simple convenient way from google results?
Google search for Trump +Putin used to work like this:
“Trump Putin”
but Google erased that feature again many years ago. Now we have to look at only what they want.
Why is there no search engine where you can type in a list of websites into a blacklist, so that their results are skipped? It would be so simple…
Seeing how Duckduckgo is based on Google’s results it might still work with them?
Otherwise try with Yandex or Dogpile.
Yeah you keep repeating lies about Chinese propaganda. Probably think the Chinese silenced the Wuhan doctor too I presume?!
I had a stint as a youngster at the Paris bureau of Newsweek, and even though I was at a tender twenty two ss dumb as they come, or dammed close, I got to drop off manuscripts and chat with the likes of Olivier Todd, who ruled the roost on “journalist’s row” on the rue de Berri back then, and other remarkable intersections. But the key perq was as a fly on the wall. As little insight as I had to come by as far as its architecture or organizational structure, it was manifest enough even so that most of that façade, just by way of the most casual, unavoidable eavesdropping, that the several in-house correspondents there, well known names if you noticed those things, were mostly “cut and paste” hacks who borrowed other prose hacks nonstop. My best friend had given me the job as a hand me down and we all knew the “journslists” in question, and we used to joke after hours about that very thing, one size fits all reporting. My pal had a great love of French literature, with a wide knowledge of English language lit as well, and we would rue how the Newsweek office just hacked its way through. Nobody ever brought it up back then, before Deborah Davis’ book on Mockingbird, but Phil Agee was in the area then, “on the run” and the two coinciding used to make me wonder if they were just all spies going thru the motions as journalism.
Of course now it’s not much a stretch to just take that as a given.
And I’m almost sure it was.
The “American System” has a way of commodifying whatever it touches, and the lords overlooking it are just crass and venal enough to ask, “So? What’s the difference.”
The problem is, if not more stands in their way, they’ll turn the whole world into their private commodity.
They commodify God when they can, but there’s a really nasty payoff for that. You see an enactment of it at the close of Raiders of the Lost Ark, a penetrating plotline. And of course in the Book of Exodus, and the saga of the Golden Calf.
Just another word for soul prostitution, in finer raiment.
There was a great poem back in those days in anthologies, “The Politics of Rich Painters is something like the Rest of our Doubt.”
Paris was full of them then, at American Embassy galleries. Cut and paste bric à brac.
Wait. I had to stop reading. Are you trying to distract the public from the important issues and events.
Are you strawmaning the hands issue here?
There are rumours circling in the tabloid press that (scientifically of course) if you meaure a tiny hand splayed open palm up from the tip the thumb to the tip of the baby finger you know the size of other body parts. Even when hidden.
It’s proportional to head size… you can’t hide that from the public.
Anyway. Trump’s a dick.
I have closed this thread and spammed your endless stream of replies to yourself, all content-free and OT. Please don’t abuse our open comment policy with this type of stuff.
Are we getting back to old-normal fear porn?
Sea levels could rise as much 4 feet by 2100 and 16 feet by 2300, scientists warn
15 hrs ago
Then why are the Green fortune makers buying waterfront realestate me wonders
Perhaps they expect to be joining Buffalo Bill in his defunctness by 2100. (I hear virgin blood is becoming increasingly rare.)
A favourite witticism of the dumbest denialists-the Murdochites love it.
And pigs could fly.
Counter the fear porn from Extinction Rebellion!
Thankfully it turns out man made greenhouse gas emissions are not causing CO2 levels to rise. If XR and Greta had been right, Coronavirus would have caused a drop in atmospheric CO2 by now. Latest data show that’s not the case
This Is Why You Can’t Trust The Fact Checkers
According to their website, “The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) has operationalized the study of disinformation by exposing falsehoods and fake news…”
Stop right there: that’s Elliot Underpants Higgins they’re talking about: the lingerie accountant turned arbiter of truth. Continuing…
“The Atlantic Council’s list of financial supporters reads like a who’s-who of think tanks and Non-Governmental Organizations. The Atlantic Council receives funding from the Brookings Institution, Carnegie Endowment, Cato Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Rand Corporation, to name a few. In addition, various members of the Military-Industrial Complex are benefactors of the Atlantic Council, including Huntington Ingalls, the United States’ sole maker of aircraft carriers; Airbus, the plane manufacturer; Lockheed Martin, the shipbuilder and aviation company; and Raytheon, which makes missile systems. All of the companies have contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense and offer financial support to the Atlantic Council. The Council also receives support from Chevron and the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Finally, the Atlantic Council receives direct financial support from the U.S. Departments of the Air Force, Army, Navy and Energy and from the U.S. Mission to NATO.
By October 2018 – only five months after the Atlantic Council partnership with Facebook – the social media giant announced they were unpublishing, or purging, over 500 pages and 200 accounts who are accused of spreading political spam. Several of these pages and writers were also removed from Twitter on the same day.”
Who shall fact-check the fact checkers?
Answer: authoritative news sources, that is who!
Emphasis on “authoritative”, am I right?
It’s a war of attrition. USA INC has never censored en masse, at least not for years, in the putatively Stalinist way. We do choke off dissent little by little, inch by inch, til the really valuable voices vanish.
In the United States of Amnesia, that’s how it’s done, til one day the culture is unrecognizable.
Now with “social media” they act subversively against reformers to slowly strangle useful messages. It’s insidious and relentless and deadly to social and cultural development. A constant slow but sure clipping of the wings. Yecchh.
I don’t think its quite correct to say that “Trump didn’t start any foreign intervention”. While its true that the Trump administration hasn’t started a new named war its been active all over the place, including some not that well activities in Syria and North West Iraq. We’ve got active military all over the place, various coup attempts and other exercises in spreading ‘democracy and freedom’, so many sanctions that it might be quite the growth industry in DC keeping track of (let alone enforcing them) plus a full on Cold War with China. This doesn’t automatically mean that if we’d had a Clinton administration things would have been different, far from it, but the present situation is more a reflection of Trump’s lack of finesse and control. Put simply, he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing, he’s just playing at being President. The lack of leadership and vision means that all the bits of the apparatus of state are just running on auto, doing what they’ve always done. The most visible result is the return to Cold War mode with China — we’re in the rather weird situation where we’re trying to isolate them North Korea style while being pretty much dependent on them.**
(**A WaPo business pages article on the supply chain situation last week mentioned that “90% of Fortune-1000 companies were dependnent on China for their supply chains and that because of the way supply chains had been devolved many were actually unaware of this.)
Beware the Trump obsessional, democracy dogma and China v usa memes…
Martin – you are absolutely correct. I should have written “did not start any new wars” instead of using “foreign intervention”. Another reader also commented on it which I replied to below.
During its long duration, the Vietnam War was never called by its name, but called a “policing mission” and other Orwellisms. Same now. This is why I always note that Trump can’t say a word without talking out of both sides of his mouth. It’s absurd. He has never had the slightest credibility or honor or honorable intentions yet the narrative on all sides seems to be that he has something to say.
He is the 1$t full fledged Mob President. Just a capo puppet. How can he be respected? It’s absurd to see him otherwise and a real loss of values.
The media that mind controls is 90% owned and controlled by the same conglomerate.
Trump is a puppet as is Putin.
Democracy is a belief its not real.It gets the debt slaves to vote believing they ” choose”.
and Yip….likely the same debt slaves that are happy with their mortgage holiday and furlough payments – and when the squeeze comes, will up their sleeves For a Needle and the Queens Shilling… place The Kiss of Judas, on us all.
– Kiss Like Judas….
Crowning the clown on his merry-go-round.
I read those words as a billing announcement for a few nauseating clowns in a deadbeat circus…..then I noticed the queue for tickets….. .
Yip .The masses seem to buy into media obsessions.
And can I just reiterate that there is no reliable test for what’s called ‘covid 19’. There is a reliable test for cornonavirus, and coronavirus is an umbrella term for various strains of common cold and flu. Many people tested for coronavirus will show positive, because many people will have had colds and flu over the winter (which is entirely normal). Those showing positive will also include anyone who’s had a flu vaccination over the last two years.
I’ve no idea if ‘covid 19’ actually exists, because there’s absolutely no scientific evidence to back this up. What is hard science is that the coronavirus continually mutates into different forms. This makes vaccines a total waste of time.
If you don’t want to believe a bigmouth like me on the internet, there are zillions of peer reviewed scientific studies about all this that are quite easy to find.
Yep we shouldn’t lose focus on the fact the entire puzzle is built on the fact the first bit didn’t fit. The whole scam built on a proven lie.
Objective, and the fact that people want to give up all their civil liberties over such an easily proven lie is quite breathtaking.
Mind control is . I think they first guilted people out first with the operation “no future for kids” “you took our future”doomporn “man made climate change . Then hit them with the COVID19 “one govt-nazi – fascist- totalitarian” Psyop .
Their sick ego-minds couldn’t handle it.
“Save us save us.”” Punish us -lock us up “
Yip agree Rob its because there is no such disease .
The PCR test (said to be for sars corona2 virus) only looks at 100 out of 300,000 nucleotides
1)It cannot differentiate between sars corona1 or 2 , ancient corona viruses , alleged “common cold” corona
2) Is ridiculous as the test sample is contaminated with dna not purified.
3)cannot be used to find disease
4) We have what is a human virome: quadrillions of viruses in and on us all the time( to date virologists have found no casual link in these viruses with us all the time and part of us to disease)
5) “8% “of humane genome is said to be from viruses
The body is a play of microbes.
It is ignorance( wrong theories adopted as truth) about disease ( and who we are )that makes us fear viruses
Ignorance is always the source of fear.
That’s very true and convoluted as well.
The knowledge we gain from introspection and theory of mind gives us a projection / prediction about that other guy.
We think we know exactly what he is capable of and then comes the fear.
It’s not even reliable for Coronavirus.
It appears that last year’s pandemic is next year’s common cold — both the virus and humans evolve making last year’s killer pandemic into next year’s nuisance cold. (See New Scientist from 3rd May for an article on this subject.)
Its easy to overlook the way that things change. The plague is endemic in many parts of the world, its still highly contagious and potentially deadly. It doesn’t bother most of us because changes in general hygene and its relative ease of treatment mean that its not the scourge of continents any more, its just a nusiance that affects the unlucky or careless. Likewise my mother grew up in a time — a mere 90 years ago — where a minor gardening injury could cause a fatal infection. Covid-19 just reminds us how far we’ve come and at the same time how near our dangerous past is and how easily we could slip back into it if we take our present civilization for granted.
Give the plebs something to argue over while we pick their pockets and enslave them…
Had enough yet?
Not until they are all starving in the gutter, which is coming sometime soon.
Will the msm ever learn?
Why white men in America are refusing to wear masks
23 hrs ago
I have been wondering about those Muslim women in Quebec (all 150) that a legally forced to remove their head gear.
I mean who wants to get arrested right?
Do they still get arrested if they are not wearing a Judeo-Christian95 mask under neath?
I dunno, maybe Quebec could solve all this using computer chips or something. Tatoos are cheap. Don’t worry tho, the bar code is in French.
I can help here. Germs are yucky. I don’t want some primate touching my stuff. So I propose we put a clear plastic pouch on colour coded are bands we can get for pennies from China.
We can then put or ID in it. Then we don’t have to ever touch each other and it would be a handy way spot trouble makers.
No worries. You can thank me later.
I asked for a scarlet coloured one to match my eyes but I guess that colour is reserved for something else.
Classic kgb perestroika deception. Duginist Brzezinski talmudist/kabbalist Eurasian Empire gambit, there’s much more wealth to leech off of for the parasites in that land mass. Slave labor in India and China, completely ravaged native Russians from the past 100 years or so, atheistic euros from the holocaust industry scam what’s not to love for the gangster people. Even old Khazaria is right there in the middle for nostalgia purposes! Trump is a kabbalist, freemason and most likely a crypto so there’s no surprises here at all. Certain things about Bill Gates(of Hell) should be obvious as well.
Slave labour in China!!?? How dumb and out of date and brainwashed can you be?
Low level of disagreement, try to move up to arguing the point not the ‘man’. As my rugby coach said ‘play the ball (policy) and not the man (name calling, ad hominem). We can’t all be perfect RLS!
Chinese wages have grown by an average of c.10% pa for decades, thus you have huge Chinese overseas tourism and consumption at home, while poverty has been more or less eradicated. In your American dreamland, wages adjusted for inflation, have not grown for FORTY years, and poverty is dire and widespread, and near poverty, ubiquitous.
Can you stick to fact-based, logical arguments and save the snide stuff. A2
What reaction to the reflex, racist, lie that the Chinese are ‘slaves’ do you recommend?
Knee-jerk contradiction achieves nothing. If you don’t want to make a well-reasoned, educational response why not copy and paste a URL to something that makes the case? You can enrich BTL with knowledge rather than bland sniping, you know.
Richard Le Sarc said at May 13, 2020 10:39 PM
Richard, you make an interesting double-act with Jack(Jim) or Jim(Jack) or whatever he’s called, but on the whole, I still prefer Laurel and Hardy, or even Hale and Pace. Their lines were less predictable and only intentionally funny.
Mike, you’d make a double act with any ignorant and racist Sinophobe, and they’re thick on the ground.
Sorry, Mike. His observation is, in my opinion, wrong, possibly malicious. Probably racist, too, in my opinion.
@Mike Ellwood @Richard Le Sarc – Do you mind if we stick to logic/fact based discussion please, minus the ad hom? I’m sure it’s just banter but it really chokes up the comments and isn’t very enlightening. For the benefit of our users, new and longstanding. Thanks. A2
I am not referring to China specifically but yours was a very ill informed statement.
How slaves are there in the US? Estimated of course.
Crap. *How many slaves*. I can’t help doing these word omissions. Slorry.
Freemasons? That’s when all the lieing started. Those boys were expensive.
Here’s Chris Whitty, the UK Chief Medical Officer (and totally in the pocket of big pharma) saying at Monday’s press briefing that basically covid 19 is all a total load of rollocks…
Right from the start of this all these creeps/criminals have covered their backs (listen carefully to the language they use) because they know that one day they might be put on trial for one of the biggest crimes against humanity that’s ever been committed.
Its been removed. Can you move it to something like bit chute and advise?
It’s at about 14 minutes in…
Share widely.
I don’t have the time at the moment to properly edit this clip and put it under my own web space.
Also worth a listen is Piers Corbyn, which begins at about at about 1 hour 4 minutes in.
Media priorities re lockdown:
Carl Heneghan of the Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine was arguing weeks ago that so-called lockdown was a terrible mistake. The Guardian ignored him completely. The BBC ignored him except getting him on ‘Newsnight’ where the diabolical Emily Maitlis tried to do a hit on him.
The Guardian and BBC aren’t interested in evidence-based medicine, their own track record shows it.
See my post above.
Trump. The culture classes favorite nemesis is no doubt a bafoon. The perfect leader for a society that has been in terminal decline for several decades. But, thank goodness, we have promising … definitely not bafoon leaders, like our Dear Gavin (the Realtor), who with a straight face and gelled hair will allow businesses to run like this:
No, definitely not anything like the “disinfectant” thing, this is a serious, down to earth dictate from Dear Gavin.
Shame on you for using google to search for anything at all, never mind subjects which might displease the evil empire’s bosses.
Yandex is better they even have a translate.
Agreed it’s better, but there are too many issues with certain sites.
I used Google because it still has +92% market share and because it proves the point I am trying to make quite well. Don’t you agree?
No. Why waste your time doing something futile and annoying?
Admin, you have deleted both of these comments today (below) can you tell me why? B0th in reply to other comments, thanks
1) ‘’I like your thinking, keep questioning, because burying lies in some truth is classic CIA operations. I don’t know if the article above falls into that category though.
Yesterday a video expose of what is going on in our hospitals saw the lead contributor conclude that the death of our old was a good thing, and he even recommended the ‘Liverpool care path’, a horrendous, form of early death perpetrated on the working poor in the UK, now illegal.’’
2) ”A global totalitarian system with seemingly absolute power over everyone on the planet has been established”
Yes its called the US Empire. Have you heard of it? it controls everything you say, do, read and watch. It pushes your government around, its companies pay no tax and your military is subordinate to theirs. Maybe you noticed…. No? ………..Christ!
please note this entity is multi-posting under numerous IDs and emails, and on being asked to stick to one of each, responded by doubling down and posting under even more names, while trying to trick other posters here into thinking he/she was being unfairly censored. We consider he/she has self-identified as a troll. They remain free to post here, and air any opinions they choose, but repeat posts and trolling will be removed as per our comment policy – Admin1
Have you hit the refresh icon a couple times? That helps;)
Several times, I still can’t find them or the original comments I replied to, I have looked. Very weird because I know they don’t delete much here.
Admins silence, omission of response admission of guilt ? Or maybe just a gremlin ate it, they’ve eaten a few of mine, the gremlins name was censorship where it came from no one knows because it aint saying.
yes, spooky indeed. It just confirmed what I already knew. sad isn’t it.
No. MoA does that openly and plenty: his party line and his incestuous little club must dominate their internal “debate”. Off-Guardian is different as they did not use deletions till now to promote their angle.
The entity you are talking to is a troll who is multi-posting under numerous IDs and currently trying to cause as much disruption as possible with fake complaints of censorship. I wouldn’t waste time on him. Just a heads up.
So is it safe to feed the troll? Don’t trolls and other biota carry diseases? Now I am worried.
You know trolls are people too Admin1. Wait… No they aren’t. Not usually anyway.
Yes. I’ve said the same to a OWG & co. believer friend. Such narratives make me angry as they point out the preference of the believer not to face the uglier and obvious reality and the narrator’s evil purpose of hiding that reality.
It is like claiming Rome doesn’t exist in 200 AD Gaul, it’s beyond absurd.
Having said all that, that Evil Empire has enablers and collaborators in other countries as well, mainly their 1-10%, governments, politicians and armies and so on. Long story short, the (local) hired killers are criminals as well as the boss, if not more, since generally they are the ones who do the job.
I doubt you would have been moderated because of that. I suggest maybe writing your comments out first so that you have a copy. It maybe just didn’t post properly for some reason.
I think sometimes comments go into a spam tray and the admins have to later retrieve them. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
I think the first went, when they removed some criticism of the posted article, which I replied to. It is very bad that they didn’t leave the criticism up even if it was wrong.
The second comment is the one that worries me. That should not be removed.
I can’t imagine these comments having been censored Jim… Why would you think they were?
because they have gone?
I meant: what would be the reason they’d been removed? What would make your comments as controversial?
I noticed one comment disappearing yesterday. Someone else’s; completely uncontroversial. I got an email notification about it, but when I clicked on the link, it was nowhere to be found. I know that you usually ha ve to hunt around, even when you have a link to a comment, but I looked very carefully, refreshed the page, etc, and it just wasn’t there. I assumed at the time, it was a glitch in the system.
Have the admins gone on strike perhaps? Gone on a long lunch? Been swapped for pods?
I think we should be told.
I have them all in my celar. Pay up or else.
Ah crap again. I never think in terms of gender when speaking to folks. Celar? My apologies.
Well that was explained now Jim. But many times on various phones or after app updates I have had problems like this.
Most sites use toxicity and word filters to hold comments for review. The worst one yet was on RT’s last update. I can no longer have the words “Russia is” in my text.
What I riot eh? Saying “Russia is a beautiful country.” (for example) deletes your commemt as a community standards violation.
The only comments of yours that have been removed were your attempts to troll using numerous email accounts and IDs.
This disruptive behaviour is your response to me politely asking you to choose a single ID and post with that.
The fact you used this as a jumping off point to be confrontational, rather than simply taking the advice, is indicative of your real agenda.
Please choose a single ID, post under that, and you are welcome to post any opinion you choose in line with our comment policy.
Sophie Green (Admin 1)
Hello Ms. Green. Do you allow TOR on the site?
@Admin1!!! You have earned a cookie. 🍪 Two even. 🍪
I saw what you did there. Lol. You spoke to the community for one. Second, you (finally someone) spoke of a transparent way to address trolling while preserving free speach.
There is another site with this type of community engagement. Not in the 4E tho.
For two years I simulated bots, trolls and troll armies.
This essentially ended in December but seems to have had lasting effects on me. It couldn’t possible be my white sarcastic liberal Canadian upbringing. I ruled that out immediately.
Trump is hilarious.
I’m misanthropic
So I’m glad he winds up most of the world.
“The public at large was given yet another reason to despise no. 45 although Trump is the first president since before WWII who did not start any foreign intervention — as he promised in his 2016 election campaign.”
I stopped right here. That, of course, is a complete lie. President Maduro says, ‘huh?’. Hong Kong says, ‘Is that so..’ Iran had quite a laugh. President Morales, though, sends his sympathy for this author’s blindness.
You are not entirely incorrect Sharon. It might have been better should I have written: “did not start any new wars”. Because, yes, there still is foreign intervention.
Now do think of this. Trump is being demonized by the complete traditional establishment backed by their mainstream media ever since he got elected. Given previous administrations’ track record on starting destructive conflicts, the “foreign intervention” which is visible during “Trump” is quite “weak”, as in “no new wars”.
So you could easily defend that he seems to allow some intervention. Maybe to “appease” the warmongering establishment? – This I don’t know of course. What we _do_ know is: no new wars (yet?).
Personally. I quite like that.
Hi, Joris De Draeck
What is there to like? He dropped the “mother of all bombs”, with a mile-wide radius, on Afghanistan, incinerating how many people? Bombed Syria for a false chemical attack claim before any investigation of its veracity. Expelled diplomats from Russia en masse, for the bizarre ‘Skripal poisoning’, without evidence that Russia had anything to do with it. Yemen continues to be bombed. Syria continues to be bombed. Afghanistan continues to be bombed. Iraq continues to be bombed.
Trump tells the world that he’s not occupying Iraq, that he has permission from Iraq to be there. Iraq requests the U.S. to leave, but Trump refuses to leave. He said that he was pulling out of Syria, but that was a lie since all that happened was that he took over their oil fields.
He fills his cabinet with a bunch of war-mongering neocons. Appoints the psychopath Elliot Abrams to oversee attempted coups and assassinations on Venezuela.
Trump’s gang orchestrated the coup in Bolivia.
These are all acts of war. His sanctions around the world are acts of war.
Declaring the IRGC a terrorist organization is an act of war. Assassinating Suleimani was an act of war.
His regime is in total collaboration with Israel in all their acts of war–bombing Syria, Iraq, Hezbollah. He’s all for Israel massacring Palestinians.
He has intelligence operations going on in Hong Kong, trying to destabilize it.
Countless innocent people have been murdered, disfigured, tortured and displaced in just his first term, with no end in sight.
Sharon – again, you _are_ correct in all of what you write and it shows this dreadful American policy right before our eyes.
The only thing I seem to think is that – in comparison to many of his recent predecessors – he is not doing _worse_. Take into account that US domestic politics _is_ a minefield which the orange baboon needs to work with. His Tomahawk attacks on Syria hardly did any damage for example. I seem to sometimes believe he did them to appease the _real_ warmongers.
I am _not_ pretending at all I know everything and that my look on things is without any faults. I am just trying to bring other perspectives with all I write.
You seem to be quite pacifist – as I am. You said you stopped reading at my incorrect use of “foreign intervention” [should have been “new wars”]. Do read on. I think I hint quite well at how our opinion of this strange president has been moulded for years with non-issues.
Thanks too for your insights.
Thank you too, Joris:)
What I’m trying to say is that Trump has started “new wars”. What his regime is doing is not the wars of generations ago, it’s the way the imperialists make war now–by proxy, sanctions, coups, assassinations, destabilization, and economic strangulation. All while feeding the public the lie that Trump is something new, that he’s fighting against the Deep State.
Thank you for your responses, Joris:)
Sharon – all conventional wars are started after the alternatives “run dry”. Every military intervention is preceded by proxy, sanctions, coups, assassinations, destabilization and economic strangulation. John Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man gives some good insights in that.
In other words, these kind of “covert” ops (which I also do not agree with right?) are shared by all presidents. Observation still remains that Trump seems to refuse to go beyond that – in contrast to so many of his predecessors.
Do stay safe.
You too:)
I am a student not an expert but all of my analysis supports your view.
Good summary. I would add he even used his veto powers for this. Also he wad broadly bragging about keeping Syria’s oil fields.
Those are valid points. Outside the US the question was would Trump more people than Killary? Obviously not.
And now? Will Beezlebub stinky finger (Biden) kill more folks that Trump moving forward?
Almost certainly, maybe billions. Of course Donny boy isn’t quite finished just yet.
We should start a death pool.
*would Trump kill*
Vancouver International Airport just called. They want to know if they can let the nice Chinese lady go finally.
I’ve just been watching UK Column and I am so disturbed by Vanessa Beeley’s tweet of what ‘social distancing’ between young schoolchildren looks like. They have to sit alone in playgrounds and at lunch and are not allowed to talk to friends. The psychological damage this will do to them is just so unnecessarily cruel and is beyond evil. I hope you fuckers in 77th Brigade and those others taking Gates’ blood money are proud of yourselves defending and implementing ‘policies’ that will destroy children’s lives forever.
There are actually people here on this very site who rejoice at this and want this farce to carry on for ever.
They were probably locked up in a cupboard when they were children.
“Bring a child up in a malicious home, and he will learn to hate.”
And a malicious society?
Full of self hating climate extinction activists.
How does preventing human extinction by working to stop anthropogenic climate destabilisation amount to ‘self-hating’. The hatred of humanity is all in the court of the lying, disinforming, misrepresenting, imbecile denialists, the greatest enemies of humanity ever.
It’s called the chokey. Cups go in a cupboard.
They can have Antartica.
I totally agree with you. What’s going on at the moment is so evil/sinister that it’s beyond belief.
Unfortunately, because politics is so broken, the only way we can change things is if millions get out on the streets and protest.
They, the psychopaths who rule us, can only get away with this shite because they have our consent. Most people still don’t seem to realise that all you have to do is withdraw that consent, and ‘puff’ the psychopaths are gone in an instant.
No violence, no bloody revolution; all you have to do is say ‘NO!’.
However one thing concerns me what do we put in their place? If we reject the current system (we should) it means supply lines collapse along with it society (good) & perhaps civilization? Its no good just one country saying NO it would need to be global, LOL would that make us globalists.
What ever happens it wont be pretty. Its gonna be painful for quite a while, meaning poverty & suffering either way.
And Objectively Objective you know that would not happen. After three years I am closer to figuring that out yet so very far away.
Science and history are on your side there RobG. At least if you want things to actually be better afterwards.
Yeah I spoke to my daughters about the grand kids. Our lives are not worth that much.
Thanks Joris, and your byline actually reminded me I havn’t looked at Fort Russ News for ages.
However, I think the very large majority visiting OffGuardian do so because we have had an absolute gutsfull of this so called ‘media’.
The spin and fake news and censorship by omission and the robotic cheering on of Empire and imperialism and the whitewashing of war criminals and great crimes along with the full prostration at the feet of Power that these ‘truthtellers’ engage in is revolting.
I’m being polite here. I no longer refer to them as media. Why kill off your braincells with their poison, when you can visit a quality alternative site that actually speaks truth to power.
Meanwhile in Russia……”While Putin outlined some easing of restrictions, the salient part of his televised speech was that the official “non-work” days were over as of midnight May 11, which means companies no longer have to pay salaries to their staff if they don’t show up for work, ”
In the UK…..”The UK scheme to pay wages of workers on leave because of coronavirus will be extended to October, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has said.”
The difference between reality and bread and circuses.
boris is talking of nurse saint belly majinga a covid spit victim who was murdered by an arc of viscous lung distemper by an evil doer
spitting in faces in london is the new knifing is it not tavistock terror
talking without spit guards is dangerous clearly we should be developing a iphone that will speak for us
with a money back guarantee zero 5g spittings
belly was an nhs nurse hero in the coming weeks we will here more about the spittings the army police and nhs all at risk from off guardian types sick twisted and devious flem gobbers dissenters
the news will be opening up the knife sim stories maybe a spit gob knife stab story involving a nurse a copper and a soldier
a friend of a friend of a friend knew belly and they said he she was great happy always smiling always ready to help and finish off the A I darwin computer selected ones marked for death
belly was always ready to give the old folks extra xray doses and double triple dose morphine or wrong medicine at zero extra cost
think of belly when you are having x ray or taking drugs from your local harold shipman
belly may or may not have existed
but your doctor wants you sick and depending how he feels sometimes dead
The ICU is the last step in this new Euthanasia protocol. They are now deploying mobile ICUs to quarantine sites and setting up these hospitals in what are now clandestine locations (parking garages, warehouses).
Do these products look like they are in any way shape or form meant to treat disease?
This is NOT medicine.
Locking people up in isolation ISU chambers based on fraudulent testing methods? Anecdotal reports of people losing access to family members upon entry? Nursing home Euthanasia Black Sites on the rise? Culling of homeless and mentally ill?
Everyone can sit here and easily draw the conclusion that this is a propaganda machine, that death certificates are being fabricated, and that those who are seriously ill have immunodeficiencies and comorbidities to a “virus” that has yet to really manifest symptoms outside of a dual diagnosis (except of course for those who died from bodily injuries and marked COVID) – yet nobody notices the next step of eradication sitting before them.
Oh, and by the way, how about bloodletting in the ICU
You have got to be a complete moron to walk into these things.
“This Way to NHS 111 Coronavirus Pod”
Let’s just play along with germ theory for a second. Enter POD which last recipients were quarantined for positive case. By their stupid logic = infection. That hypothetical scenario, of course, ignoring that these are Euthanasia Entrance Program PODS – where you’ll be killed by ventilators, defibrillators, bloodletting, and comorbidity then tallied as COVID.
The people who denigrate Trump most vociferously that I encounter are, in general, the most educated. There is a de rigueur points system attached to how creatively they can make analogies between him every fictional villain ever created. I’ve given up trying to argue that his opponents and predecessors were/are demonstrably worse, as their binary mindsets equal that to supporting him.
There may be something in what you say, but when you campaign to be President of the US, you really need a persona which does not fit exactly Noam Chomsky’s description, “a sociopathic bumpkin”. As with Reagan, Nixon, Obama and a host of others, the occasional good thing happens by accident. But Trump, even if some of his recent attitudes and pronouncements have proven somewhat heartening, always begs the question, “How can you trust a president who changes his mind as often as other people change their clothes?”
His predecessors were, as you say, terrible people, but the organizations standing behind Trump and supporting him would not be doing so unless they found him every bit as useful as those predecessors. He is not to be trusted, and the best I can hope for is that he will accidentally do something which sticks a spanner in the works of the media, who are by far our worst enemies today.
What good did Obama do? Even accidentally.
Well, he appeared in a comic takeover of Stephen Colbert’s show, and talked convincingly about kids being able to stay on their parents’ health insurance policies until they were 26…
Oh dear… I’m afraid I can’t think of anything else…
He looked after Wailing Wall Street. The ‘First Jewish President’ according to Abner Mikva, a stalwart of the Chicago Jewish community and former judge, Congressman and Clinton apparatchik.
MoH was right, I think, “Trump is set up as a Goldstein figure”. In 1984 Emmanuel Goldstein is a fascinating figure – a truth teller and a focus for hate at the same time. He is supposedly a dissident but his book, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, exactly describes the current rulers.
Goldstein is, of course, one of the ruling class. It’s just that Team A is in power while Team B is out. He could just as easily be Big Brother – who of course has no name, just a title, thus is easily swapped out and doesn’t even have to exist. In fact, only the enemy needs to exist. The anti-hero is more real than the ruler.
Trump, whether intentionally or not, is accorded this role by the media. Whether Trump is complicit or not, the controllers of the media are using the 1984 playbook, so he has no choice.
Slightly off topic, but very relevant for the times. Some maybe slightly better news for those of us living in England (and probably also Wales):
“Police told they have ‘no powers’ to enforce two metre social distancing rule in England”
I’m still worried about being muzzled in shops, but it was okay this morning.
Let’s hope that the Evening Standard didn’t just put that out in order to provoke the public into going berserk and BEGGING for the police to be given those powers…
I’m sure some will, but at least we know where we stand for the time being.
Are you one of those dears who sees wearing a mask as emasculating.
The corporate media are propaganda organisations. Anyone who does not know this has simply not been paying attention.
Lets be fair all media is propaganda, someone selling a narrative they want to seduce us with & parrot incessantly to others, BUT (i know you like facts) if they’re backed up verifiable facts its good propaganda, Yes?
So sad, do Americans know that there would be no “Independence Day” or “American way of life” if not for Russian Navy that defended them from the British Invasion?
Decades of people staring at a screen and being so dumbed down that they’re unable to critically analyse what they find there have led to, among many other shameful situations, this meek submission to the coronavirus lies on the part of so many people.
TV was a propagandist’s wet dream. The Internet is merely facilitating the final push into complete ignorance and obedience.
What are you talking about? The internet is the only real defense we have against the MSM!
Both of those things are true – it’s our defence against the MSM, and it’s being used by the Powers That Be to manipulate and frighten people into submission.
Absolutely. It’s a two-edged weapon. A useful servant and a poor master.
(You can come up with your own clichés, but they happen to be true in this case).
Nowt wrong with the odd cliché or two, Mike.
“MSM”? Who are you Benito Mussolini? Corporate State Fascism is not main stream. Stop codling those freaks. “Stinking thinking” does not win wars. Call them what they are. Someone sounds like they have already accepted defeat before the battle has begun.
The fascism corporate state and its propaganda machine must go!
Who am I? Who are you? The terminology-police?
You shouldn’t make so many assumptions about who has or has not ”accepted defeat before the battle has begun.”
See you on the front line, comrade.
I am reasonably certain that you are not Benito Mussolini. (Tongue in cheek.)
“Main stream” is a term, like the “New Normal”, the corporate fascists use to imply that what they are trying to impose upon the general populace is natural, acceptable and accepted. It is not.
View me not as “a policeman” but as a fight trainer, getting us ready for the fight of our lives… AND IT IS.
PS Using “the pandemic” the corporate fascist pigs are gearing up to close the public schools here in the US.
Anything that benefits society as a whole will be off the menu if those lunatics get their way. They are adherents of the vile maxim: All for ourselves, and nothing for other people.
The following quote from Henry Miller seems especially apt at a time like this: Nothing but our own desire for it can bring about a new and better world.
The internet is an infinitely more powerful weapon than TV. But not for us.
“The internet is the only real defense we have against the MSM!” I would tend to agree with that statement , however in the last year or so Google have censored so heavily that only “Trusted Sources” are found when searching for anything considered “controversial”.
Censorship is the new normal …. and the “believers” have welcomed it with open arms.
Almost the most terrifying aspect of the whole sorry saga.
What did Tony Benn say?
““Every generation must fight the same battles again and again. There’s no final victory and there’s no final defeat”
Unfortunately, in this battle, too many people are confused as to which side they should be on.
Firstly appologies for voting you down ZigZagWanderer, I was trying to click Reply button .
It was on this site that Kit Knightly some time ago published the article about Google’s real time censorhip:
We are very fast approaching total internet censorship. Just look what happened over the last couple of weeks with platforms like Londonreal TV, David Icke videos about Covid-1984, Plandemic movie video etc. etc. On the other side of the “iron curtain”, we use to “read between the lines” in order to make some sort of sense of what is going on in the country. Once alternative views are censorred on the internet, I wonder how many people will be able to master that skill if they can”t even master connectomg the bleeding dots, an infinitely easier exercise when you still have the presence of alternative media like offG.
Trump’s inarticulate, ill considered remarks and tweets emanate from his Life of sheltered, wealthy ignorance.
He is still an outsider in the halls of hubris, bloodlust and delusions of empire.
An embarrassment to the ‘rightful’ rulers of history’s most ruthless barbarian nation.
Maybe Putin has him by his short and curlies.
Such are our media stenographers that.
1. Forget Wally, no-ones asking about the Skripals.
2. You wouldn’t know it by our media, but there is a case going on at The Hague around MH17 shootdown over Crimea. I wonder why the lack of press interest? Maybe John Helmer has some answers….
Another stinking Dutch farce, like Lockerbie.
Trump is set up as a Goldstein figure, constantly ridiculed. This derision causes Trump haters (who exist in large numbers due to repetitive propaganda where they are constantly told he is bad and that only uneducated idiots would ever support him), to hate him further, so anything he does can be easily misreported from the media (lying basically) knowing that the target audience will support the opposite of what Trump wants. So anything that is associated with Trump can be politicised to further wider globalist agendas.
We see this sort of thing in Salon. Any plausible idea related to what the Corona virus is all about such as 5G, faked death certificates or actually a complete hoax can be reported as conspiracy theories that Trump supporters agree with. Immediately Salon readers will ignore these theories as they wouldnt want to be associated with Trump, and they believe any old rubbish they are given and the Corona hoax marches on. Trump does speak a lot of truth and they have weaponised this to make people believe the complete opposite of what he says. This is powerful use of applied psychology, and Trump plays his part in achieving this
You catch on fast!
He has his part in the Kabuki by black hats. The same black hats control Putin.
From a site called Project Unspeakable (which I just found via DuckDuckGo).
I have seen it suggested elsewhere that the term “conspiracy theory” was invented. or has been promoted, by the CIA in order to discredit at source any ideas that go counter to the Narrative. It is a clever idea, because it also implies at an almost subconscious level that no conspiracies ever arise in the government. For example, anyone who questions the official account of 9/11 is judged a conspiracy theorist, such judgement reinforcing the authority of said account. Ditto the health effects of pulsed EMFs emitted by cell-phones, wi-fi, etc.; and of course our new little chum who seems to be dominating the news.
Good catch. thank you for the link.
In the same vein: The Mail today is reporting the prospect of “mass gatherings” this coming Saturday organised by something called the UK Freedom Movement. The Mail calls the group an “anti-vaxxer” movement, but this isn’t the main thrust of its operation. The UKFM appears to be of the same ilk which infiltrated UKIP under Batten, guest appearance by Tommy Robinson – and in my book that makes them an Mi5 project (did a lot of work on it – see here). We should note what is essentially promotion by the Mail, and that organised mass picnic eating in Hyde Park actually comes on the coat tails of something that inidviduals have actually achieved without being herded to it- in other words, it’s an operation to co-opt an organic development.
When the UKFM starts to appear in HopeNotHate’s weekly write-up about the “far-right’s” manipulation of coronavirus, then real anti-vaccine groups are going to be tarred with the same brush, as are “conspiracy theorists” who are against lockdown and are awake to the Covid-19 hoax. It is pretty much text book stuff. In the Mail article, various police forces are promising contingency measures. If there is bovver, we can be sure it has been engineered in the name of discrediting normal decent people who, quite reasonably, don’t want lockdown.
Robinson is a Zionist project. MI5 might be assisting.
Who cares, we’ve got to stop listening to the politicians & MSM form alternative narratives, real competition. Stop talking about what they want us to talk about.
“A 28-year-old sumo wrestler with coronavirus has died”
Definitely not coming out today.
“We defeated the wrong enemy”…!
That’s what Gen Patton said.
Patton was a psycho.
I imagine Patton would have lasted a few hours against the Red Army.
Propaganda works by appealing to whatever the current prejudice is. So the public think they are “progressive”, “critical”, “nobody’s fool” – fine, we’ll sell them bullshit on that basis. (But oh the irony – to be fooled through your own intellectual vanity!)
Statistically Russia did 80% of the work in WWII – The UK should be ashamed of the fact that Russia is not invited to London on VE Day – The Americans were thinking about it for two years before realising that Russia was going to defeat Germany and it’s many NAZI Friends around the World.
I’ve been having an argument with a colleague: I’m against the lockdowns and he’s for them
I will ask you some questions
The first 3 are for the setting of a court of law
The 4th and 5th are for you;
1. Were the lockdowns warranted?
2. Did they really save lives?
3. Was this part of a larger scam to institute “new world order” via fake vaccines and eventual world wide surveillance by Bill Gates, Soros, and the Clintons?
4. What is *your* standard of evidence?
5. Are the manufacturers of Covid 19 guilty of murder?
My point is proven. Again. You choose what you want to see. I said clearly you have demonstrated repeatedly a blatant disregard for the basic methodology of coming to truthful conclusions. You chose to ignore that fact as if you I never pointed it out, and you never admitted to it, and continue as if you analysis has credibility. I can cut and paste and ask pointed questions to. A meaningless exercise until you accept. 1. your current methodology of reaching conclusions is flawed and unreliable. 2. You are committed to learning and adopting a reliable methodology.
Then what is a reliable methodology according to you?
Before we begin I must know
Are you willing to accept the possibility that I am right?
Are you scared to come to terms with the implications if I am?
I really want to be wrong about this, but there is too much evidence to support my claim
Don’t want to pull a Gates, but what does “SAVE” lives mean? Are you claiming they wont die?
You could do a similar article re the ridiculous lengths the U.K. press went to in attempts to undermine Corbyn.
Corbyn undermined Corbyn, that said maybe “they” had to because he wouldn’t have participated in the scam, maybe he wouldn’t have survived his visit to ICU!
That’s a poor response to be fair.
LOL are you still clinging to the lie that was Corbyn? He sold himself out, Lord Watson! Brexit! Identity politics over class!
Lord Watson!!! The final proof.
Corbyn dogged it, and worse. Obviously a Trojan Horse of long standing.
It was well covered by RT on 25th April (as you would expect)
but normal service was swiftly resumed as evidenced by this statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry on 10th May:
In a week when concrete evidence of collusion between the Obama administration and the FBI (Comey and Strzok specifically), has been entirely ignored by the liberal media, the BBC’s Newsnight decided to interview Robert (he’s a dawg !!, he’s a mutt!!) de Niro. A wonderful interview entirely devoid of partisan dialogue which displayed the BBC at its very best.
If Trump had the sense to frame his reactions to the media in a more adult way, the media couldn’t defend their stance with him – he lets them off the hook. As you point out, he hasn’t started any wars – quite a legacy.
Dismissing the msm as “fake news” has proven to be a winning strategy. The msm doesn’t appear to have any answer to it.
They do have an answer – ‘throwing red meat to his base’ – a standard media term used on both sides of the Atlantic.
A phrase designed to denigrate both those who are perceived as the raw meat-eating animals (what springs to mind is a frenzied attack followed by gnawing on hunks), and the ringmaster whipping the untamed dumb beast into subjugation by feeding it the flesh it needs.
It works for his detractors, and is used every week on the BBC.
He could extend his criticism of the media beyond ‘fake news’.
He could whine less and be pithy. His new press secretary gets that.
Trump is still winning
They’re lucky they got any more than 4 letter words out of him.
Good article, Joris. I find similar results… Searching from Tbilisi the top result for Trump+Elbe is Deutsche Welle, then the business-oriented U.S. press, and then mostly Israeli, Russian and Indian news sites. The story simply didn’t figure in the mainstream Western media.
….it didn’t figure because it didn’t mean anything,and please tell me when did the press ever do anything other than print mindless blather?