A Faith Based Community

Vladimir Golstein

One American wit imagined that there is a reality- or fact-based community in the United States.  Where did he find it, and what was he smoking?

But here are clear signs by which you can identify the members of the Faith Based Community, the loyal followers of Tertullian’s “Credo quia absurdum.”

1.  They believe that Trump is an alien body of American Politics, the ultimate embodiment of evil, brought to these blessed shores from afar. In the manner of a virus or something.

2.  The main agents responsible for unleashing Trump upon Americans are Russians. In fact, the real name of Trump is Daniil Trampov. He is just one of those Manchurian Candidates created in the secret KGB labs to wreak havoc upon otherwise peace loving, trusting, and never violent Americans who even view guns as toys and collect them in their glass cabinets like others collect exotic dolls.

3.  It is only those Russians and other authoritarians who kill people. And they do it on mass scale. Never in dozens, always in millions. Peace loving Americans, on the other hand, just shoot an unarmed man here, a few school-children there, or bomb a small wedding somewhere, but never on the scale of these authoritarian SOBs.

4.  Miraculously, all other nations engaged in mass-butchery, like Germans, Ukrainians or Poles, immediately become peace-loving, democratic and helpless victims of authoritarian Russians the minute they turn themselves into American servants. From SOBs they become SODs — Sons of Democracy, or Saudis, for short.  The same applies to anyone, no matter how outrageous his actions or views are. As long as this person says, “Down with Trump” — all his sins are washed off, and he becomes a born again SOD.

5.  People living in Democracies have real problems: raising children, paying bills, making a living. Those who live under evil dictatorships, like Russians, don’t have any problems — their dictators take care of their lives and deaths — consequently, the only thing left for Russians or Chinese to do is to interfere in the American way of life. They interfere day and night, face to face and over internet, on social media and in public elections. It is them Russians who’ve taught Americans hate each other. Just look at their literature: War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, Fathers and Children. It is always division, always discord.

6.  Americans and Western people in general, have only one protector from these evil interference, NATO, and its two reliable and sparkling clean civilian branches: mass media and security agencies. If any of these branches blames evil authoritarians for interfering, installing Trumpov into White House, or doing any other sort of mischief — trust them!

7.  The only person that equals Trumpov in villainy is his one time associate, Flynnov. Caught red-handed and forced to confess that he’s met the Russian Ambassador — and now oh, horror of horrors — released from eternal damnation by another Trumpov associate, William Barr, i.e. Vladimir Barrov.

8.  The duty of all peace loving Americans is to put on the mask, tin-foil-pussy hat, and lock themselves up in the basement to prevent the virus from spreading.  Yet, it is Russians who agitate Americans, and Trumpov in particular, to get back to the streets and into the sunlight. First, Russians killed their own people, now they are after Americans. That should be resisted.

9.  The leader of the resistance is Joe Biden. He’s been on the lockdown, long before it even started. Just to make sure, he already locked down his brain, because it is obvious that the brain is the main apparatus through which the outside world communicates with human beings.  No brain=perfect lockdown.

10.  Needless to say, Russians will now concentrate all their efforts on undermining and interfering with Biden’s bid for power. One just hopes that our valiant guardians, like NATO, security agencies, mass media, and select Democratic Politicians, like Adam Schiff of California, will continue their exposure of dirty Russian tricks.

Vladimir Golstein, former associate professor at Yale University, is currently Chair of the Department of Slavic Studies at Brown University.


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May 19, 2020 2:00 PM

“Faith-Based Community” I believe also applies to Corona. Upon seeing the title i assumed this post was about Corona and what I call the pro-Panic side (evidence-light, faith-heavy).

I did an anthropological investigation into the manners in which Corona resembles a religious cult, mainly in the anthropologist’s sense:

An anthropological study into the “Corona Cult.” Pro-Panic hardliners and the media succeeded in erecting a virus-centered apocalypse cult as state religion and inducing a mass-conversion event to it, in March 2020 (May 18)

TLDR: Corona is a cult, fitting just about every indicator of a cult one finds in archaeology and anthropology. In other words, a religion.

May 21, 2020 7:20 AM
Reply to  Hail

That was my first impression too! that it was about “covid-fefe”.
“Cult” perfectly describes it; with such sketchy science anyone’s guess depends on which statistics they choose to believe, that is the definition of an “article of faith”.
It comes complete with its own Pope Fauci as well as Lord & Saviour Jesus William Gates.
All we need to complete the description is a lemminglike end-of-days worldwide Jonestown event.

May 21, 2020 7:30 AM
Reply to  Hail

P. S. That is a *great* link; the work you put in is terrific and would be a shame to be tucked away in the niche of your blog.
You should really think about submitting it here or other sites.

May 16, 2020 2:27 AM

Supposedly they want to “protect” old people https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8322829/The-elderly-feeling-isolated-coronavirus-pandemic-lack-tech-savvy.html

But what does that madness do to children who do not
yet have their own inner world? They get traumatized.

May 16, 2020 3:08 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Or, if you work with the enemy, the children get “successfully propagandized”.

May 20, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Look what happens to kids after they get ‘successfully propagandized’ with ‘religious instruction’.
You end up with U.$. presidents or Oz liarbrel prime monkeys

May 21, 2020 4:01 AM
Reply to  Brozza

It probably boils down to intelligence. It has been my experience that you can generally reason with intelligent people, even if you disagree with them, and not even a “religious” upbringing can stop many of them using their critical thinking and asking questions.
You get those “U.$. presidents or Oz liarbrel prime monkeys” when that “religious instruction” (or any other philosophic instruction) falls on unintelligent ears which simply can’t analyze or digest the content. The result is a jumbled mess of a psyche.
In fact it is the most “sheepish” people in the world who achieve the highest political status today, because their wisdom simply doesn’t reach far enough for them to know their limits.

May 16, 2020 1:26 AM

@Richard Le Sarc

“And a Good Christian, too.”

The Catholics Hitler and Goebbels were never excommunicated by the Catholic Church.

May 19, 2020 1:58 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

tbh if you look into it even a little you can see that the catholic church has never been pro christian. They display overt satanist imagery and tortured and killed christians during the conquests.

May 19, 2020 2:00 PM
Reply to  John

sorry i didnt link a source. Here is a small compilation of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=221sYyagu2I
it is evident by looking at the architure as well. It is a mirror of the washington buildings

May 16, 2020 1:09 AM

@Dave Lawton

Watch also “Gründungsparteitag der GRÜNEN 1980” (“Founding Party Conference of the Greens 1980”) on Youtube. 20 years later they gave their “green light” to the war in Kosovo. “Wer hat uns verraten? Sozialdemokraten!” (Who betrayed us? Social democrats!) “Labour Party”, my ass! Chancellor Schröder was called “comrade of the bosses”. His colleague Peter Hartz, himself a convicted fraudster, devised the expropriation concept “Agenda 2010”.

May 16, 2020 1:19 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

The chairman of the Left Party, Klaus Ernst, has rejected criticism of his lifestyle. “I enjoy driving a Porsche,” he told the “Stern”. His old Porsche 911 was “not a luxury, but a beautiful car”. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/linke-ernst-porsche-ist-kein-luxus/3699248.html

May 16, 2020 1:35 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

The interesting thing is that the communist leaders were all trained in the West. Mao was supposed to bring about the “Cultural Revolution” in which teenagers murdered thousands of intellectuals. The main objective was to eliminate a powerful economic competitor. Kim Jong-un also enjoyed his training in Switzerland. And how do we know the new heroine Greta? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Crusade

May 16, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Ho Chi Minh was a cook in Paris knocking out the flied lice pre WW1.
Lenin and Stalin hung out in Vienna around the same time with local dosser Adolf Hitler.

May 16, 2020 2:03 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Well that’s about as “Left” as it is possible to go, isn’t it? And we have Blair to thank for this clever modern philosophy of turning “Labour” into something quite unrecognizable.
What Klaus Ernst is doing used to be called “The Right” when I was younger, so I have come to the conclusion that we cannot afford to continue using these obsolete terms.

May 16, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Especially in this age of fake news and AI. Nothing is real anymore,
every categorization is self-deception. According to this “compass”,
for example, all system parties would be right-wing authoritarian. https://www.politicalcompass.org/germany2017

May 16, 2020 2:21 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

A counterexample can be found for everything.
Except for the fact that men and women generate
descendants. Although there are now “60 genders”.

May 16, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

These horny handed sons of toil do like their little luxuries.
Like Our Tone, Tony Blair, or Man Of The People Average Joe Michael Moore, with their collections of mansions and property empires and hundred million $$$$/££££ fortunes.
Limos, private jets, champagne and caviar de rigueur.

May 17, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  paul

All people are equal, but some are more equal then others. Or simply read Animal farm. Characters and locations change, but apart from that nothing changes,

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 19, 2020 5:20 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

The German Greens became full neo-liberal Imperialist stooge thugs many years ago.

May 16, 2020 12:42 AM

Today I saw a funny meme from “Doctor Gre(a)ta” with a headlamp.
She also sails under false flag. During the alleged Atlantic crossing
she did not even step in front of the camera. Not surprisingly, she
was allegedly “seasick”.

In reality she was dropped off on the Azores and from there she was
transported by air, she only got back on the sailboat in the Bahamas.
You better not enjoy your time without her horror propaganda!

comment image

May 16, 2020 12:47 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

No, your alleged “freedom” is just an illusion! https://www.theblaze.com/news/woman-beach-dragged-away-by-cops

May 16, 2020 2:10 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

My blood begins to boil.

May 16, 2020 2:10 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Poor thing. Not enough that she had a mentally disadvantaged start in life, but she also has to endure being turned into a media monster before she reaches adulthood. It’s exploitation pure and simple, and few such children have the genius to realize what is happening to them until experience very slowly teaches them self-awareness – and then it’s probably too late. It shocks me to see her on TV these days.

May 16, 2020 3:20 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Aren’t we lucky to have Little Greta and Bill Gates to save us all and tell us what to do.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 15, 2020 9:14 PM

Fun article but I think adding Trump into the mix is needless distraction. You need to look behind the throne to see who’s actually pulling the strings — look carefully and you’ll see the same names (not faces, they tend to keep low profile) that have been around for decades.

Trump’s copping it because unlike Dubya he’s not playing the game properly. You’ll recall that Dubya was famously disconnected but it didn’t mater because as President he knew how to walk the walk and talk the talk. He only really figured out what was going on post-Katrina but by then we were heading into the 2007-8 economic free fall so he was toast. Obama showed promise but it took only a matter of a week or two to turn him from ‘promising candidate’ to ‘generic high office’; he was also preoccupied with the economy and a hostile legislature to be able to do much. Trump was seen as an alternative to the Global War candidate by many but only because he ran as a maverick; in reality he’s one of ‘them’ , more interested in fame and fortune than actually doing the job (leaving it for the usual crowd to work out). This might have been satisfactory but his incompetence and his inability to keep his mouth shut have rather sealed his fate — Biden could be replaced by a carboard cutout and his support wouldn’t waver (in fact it would be likely to get better — fewer gaffes).

(I really don’t understand what the confirmed Trumpers see in him. He has mastered the art of appearing to be all things for all likely supporters but he’s unable to deliver and has long since run out excuses.)

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 15, 2020 11:37 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Cheney was President, Bush was Charlie McCarthy.

May 16, 2020 3:04 AM

That can’t be repeated too often. We are really not very good at following up on such catastrophic people. The frustrating thing is that they will never realize how psychotic they are. They think “God”, or Margaret Thatcher, or two planks of wood, appeared to them in a dream, and told them to wreck the world…

May 16, 2020 2:59 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Let’s not forget that Trump also has the fatal flaw of changing his mind every five minutes.
That ought to spell instant disqualification for a President of the US, but since the population itself is mostly infected with the no-longer-fashionable ADHD virus, Donald could sit in the White House forever, and people wouldn’t even notice that he was still there…

May 15, 2020 8:04 PM

Gawd! It was a good thing I wasn’t drinking my morning joe while reading this article or I’d be wiping it off my screen 😂😂😂😂😂

May 15, 2020 7:55 PM
May 15, 2020 7:46 PM

A society based on trust would be … socialist (?). But this would
literally be Hitler, at least this self-proclaimed historian claims.

May 15, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Title of the five-hour vid “Hitler’s Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments”

May 15, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Watch also “Why the Nazis Weren’t Socialists – ‘The Good Hitler Years'”. However, the makers do not need five hours to prove something that is supposedly “perfectly obvious”.

Anyone who doubts that it is “unfair” to the world that Jeff Bezos, as an individual, owns 145 billion dollars, even though this could avert the terrible fate of millions (e.g. terminally ill), is of course a “communist who wants to restrict the freedom of people”. This is the cynical logic of the libertarian hypercapitalists.

May 15, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

TIKhistory says there is no “state capitalism”, state and capitalism are a contradiction. That besides left and right, capitalism and communism, other categories or symbioses also exist, does not occur to him. So China is “socialist”, which is absolutely terrible. Since capitalism has nothing to fear from socialism, it must be ensured that China’s rulers disappear. Which is no contradiction.

May 15, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Always this ridiculous harping on labels. Was the GDR a “democratic republic”?

May 15, 2020 9:23 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap
May 15, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

“The Nazi with the red suitcase: The founder of the tool manufacturer Hilti was an avowed National Socialist. But even 70 years later the country remains silent.” https://www.beobachter.ch/gesellschaft/martin-hilti-der-nazi-mit-dem-roten-koffer

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 15, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

And a Good Christian, too.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
May 15, 2020 11:43 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Some Labour politicians in the 1930`s applauded Hitler as they believed he was bringing Socialism to Germany.

May 15, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

The SPD prevented Hitler’s expulsion in good time: Bavaria’s conservative interior minister wanted to deport the Nazi “leader” in 1922. A new study shows why the SPD leader rejected this and what consequences Hitler later drew from it. https://www.welt.de/geschichte/zweiter-weltkrieg/article149328924/Die-SPD-verhinderte-beizeiten-Hitlers-Ausweisung.html

Activate English subs https://www.libertynation.com/the-dark-history-of-swedens-social-democrats/

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
May 15, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  Coronacrap

And the socialist Labour party under Harold Wilson facilitated the genocide of the million

May 16, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Interesting clue, I’ll look into it.

May 16, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Yeah, “National Socialism” was undoubtedly pure socialism
like Mao’s “Peoples Republic” was a republic for the peoples.

May 16, 2020 12:21 AM
Reply to  Coronacrap

Strange how Jolly Roger resembles Nazi
symbolism. Probably all just coincidence.

May 15, 2020 5:32 PM

We live in a post truth era.
People believe in whatever reality suits their political agenda and personal prejudices and preferences.
There is no longer any such thing as fact based, evidence based objective reality.
Everything is subjective.
You can believe whatever suits you and whatever happens to be convenient at any given moment.
You can believe in Iraq Incubator Babies, Saddam Hussein’s WMD, Russiagate, Skripal, Russian Bots, Syrian Gas Hoaxes, Gaddafi’s Viagra Fuelled Rape Gangs, Uighur Concentration Camps, Humanitarian Bombing, the MSM, fairies, leprechauns, unicorns, and Father Christmas.
Whatever floats your boat.
Anything goes.

May 16, 2020 2:16 AM
Reply to  paul

It certainly suits “the authorities” to believe whatever they like, but there are still a lot of people who do NOT subscribe to the “anything goes” fashion of today. I’m afraid we’re going to have to speak out.

May 15, 2020 4:02 PM

Another exemplary video from Lincoln Karim. A bunch of fucking morons at one of the epicentres of this hoax, Elmhurst Hospital in New York.

May 15, 2020 4:22 PM
Reply to  Reg

Having seen the excitement displayed by 4 UK silvertops encouraging me to honk my horn as I drove past them at 8pm last night, I later realised that this is as near to a party as anyone is allowed to get nowadays. Rather than sober reflection, they grab the chance for a joyful celebration of – what exactly?! The lack of distancing in Lincoln’s video shows how important this weekly treat is for socially starved humans.

Judith McIntyre
Judith McIntyre
May 16, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Cheezilla

Right! It took me a few minutes “They are HUGGING!! What happened to 6 ft apart????”

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 15, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  Reg

We should party like it’s 1969 (i.e. before the libtards took over)

The Hong Kong flu (also known as 1968 flu pandemic[1]) was a flu pandemic whose outbreak in 1968 and 1969 killed an estimated one million people all over the world.[2][3][4] It was caused by an H3N2 strain of the influenza A virus, descended from H2N2 through antigenic shift, a genetic process in which genes from multiple subtypes reassorted to form a new virus. In comparison to other pandemics of the 20th century, the Hong Kong flu yielded a low death rate.[7] The disease was allowed to spread through the population without restrictions on economic activity [there’s some garbage here about a vaccine.]


Woodstock (Aug 1969)

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 15, 2020 11:48 PM

Manmade chimaeric viruses are at least twenty years old, and research is varied and widespread, and the military applications obvious, and the research denied or ignored by the Free Press.

May 15, 2020 5:35 PM
Reply to  Reg

Boogie on down to the Big CV Hop.

May 16, 2020 2:14 AM
Reply to  Reg

The music sucks just as much as the people.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 15, 2020 3:44 PM

Re: One American wit imagined that there is a reality- or fact-based community in the United States. Where did he find it, and what was he smoking? But here are clear signs by which you can identify the members of the Faith Based Community, the loyal followers of Tertullian’s “Credo quia absurdum.” — Faith-based groupthink is a fundamental of human nature and is not tied to this or that location, this or that era, this or that community. People have been writing about it throughout history, but one of the best statements comes from Emerson in Self-Reliance: Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs. . . . The objection to conforming to usages that have become dead to you is that it scatters your force. It loses your time and blurs the impression of your character. If you maintain a dead church, contribute to a dead Bible-society, vote with a great party either for the government or against it, spread your table like base housekeepers, — under all these screens I have difficulty to detect the precise man you are: and of course so much force is withdrawn from your proper life. But do your work, and I shall know you. Do your work, and you shall reinforce yourself. A man must consider what a blind-man’s-buff is this game of conformity. If I know your sect I anticipate your argument. I hear a preacher announce for his text and topic the expediency of… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 15, 2020 4:15 PM

I would add that the distinction with Rationalism, Scientism and Progressive-ism is that they are too mindless to recognise that they are actually faith-based.

May 15, 2020 3:43 PM

I like this website. It makes fun of cunts.


George Mc
George Mc
May 15, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Reg


“I’m confident we can be injecting people with my virus protection as soon as November, right after the election,” Gates said.

“I know the human body is much more complex than a computer, but I’m sure Bill has attended an online training on immunology or something with all those billions of dollars he has,” Hildebrand said.

May 15, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Little Greta is getting in on the act as well now.
I’m sure we’ll all be okay with Bill and Greta doing their stuff.

May 15, 2020 2:44 PM

Is that the one we were at War with, had always been at War with, until we weren’t at War with, and had never been at War with ? No…it’s a different one. Hehehe.

May 15, 2020 2:41 PM

everyone loves a rainbow

my name is toto



May 15, 2020 6:35 PM
Reply to  gordon

thanks gordon
for the link
i been slightly shocked by thee brainwashed and the rainbow if only they knew !
rod jane a fred zippy and bungle would be so proud!

there is a section mention about it in this blog…
Kabbalah, Corona & the Cyber-Grid Empire

May 15, 2020 2:39 PM

Beautiful parody. The modern equivalent of Swift!

May 15, 2020 4:11 PM
Reply to  polistra

well thank you

my dog barks some

in your mind perhaps
you see my dog
perhaps you see
from the wizard of oz

my dog
is always with me
my dog barks some

ny dog has no name

because eye do not have a dog.

if my dog existed eye would not call him


i would call him covid number 1 series

like windows only with less infections

May 15, 2020 2:29 PM

Amusing piece to end the week. Trump always strikes me as an example of the adage of politics being about ‘the art of the possible’. He is not necessarily particularly pleasant or capable but ten times better than the pompous, air-headed Obama or the outright evil George W Bush.

May 15, 2020 2:11 PM

Sardonic amusement. 👍✌️ I think you mean his real name is Daniil Trumpov, not Trampov. Cheers. V.

May 15, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Vasaire

It’s a joke on Russian pronunciation of Western words. Business lunch becomes Bisnis laaaanch. Donald Trump would become Daniiiil Traaamp

Vladimir Golstein
Vladimir Golstein
May 15, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  Vasaire

Good point. I could not decide between Trampov and Trumpov, because Trumpov would sound in Russian as Troompov, thus the confusion with two different spellings. In any case, good eye.

May 17, 2020 8:16 PM

Ah, I see. 👍 Very clever article. Nicely done. Look forward to more. Best regards to you.✌️

May 15, 2020 2:08 PM

Of the 22 Civilisations that have appeared throughout history, 19 of them collapsed when they reached the moral values that exist in the USA today.

Quoted by the historian Arnold J Toynbee, who died in 1975.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 15, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  Pyewacket

US morality-‘Kill first’.

when not if
when not if
May 15, 2020 1:14 PM

“peace loving amerikans”

A quick fix is to give the US the Saudi bonesaw solution. But there is no power capable of restraining this colossal predator.

A death by a thousand cuts seems a fair solution to treat the US disease. Victims of blatant aggression and barbaric invasions would certainly be happy and will enjoy the scene of a slow slicing of the Empire of Naked Aggression. The Empire of spying and lies. A death by a thousand cuts is fascinating in that it is a very low cost remedy.

If you are their allies, they give you Glyphosates for breakfast. If they don’t like you, they soak your country in Agent Orange and other assorted poisons –and then they call themselves ‘Champions of Human rights’. Is this really an Indispensable country? Good riddance for such a cancer.

May 15, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  when not if

Ah, but there is a “power capable of restraining this colossal predator.” It’s called Yellowstone; and if it goes poof in the night, there goes the predator. I know, I know: God (who can’t seem to make up his mind if he’s a Republican or a Democrat – God is nothing if not equal opportunity) would never let such a thing happen to the country he anointed Guardian Of All That Is Good.

But you know: Satan is just like those pesky Russians, and works in ways only a Rachel Maddow could see. And after all, Satan is in charge of fire and brimstone spewing from below – unlike God, who rains it down from above. So it is possible God’s representatives here on Earth – the scientists – could be proven wrong just this once.

May 15, 2020 12:19 PM

Mr. Vladimir Golstein, thank you for your satire. Especially the nature of your satire in light of your position with a prominent university.

May 15, 2020 11:55 AM

to Catholics and all people of good will. The imposition of these illiberal measures is a disturbing prelude to the realization of a world government beyond all control.

May 15, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  sam

Isn’t that what the romocatho’s thought they had in Europe until Henry 8th told ’em to pissorf.

May 15, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  sam

mosque synagogue parish church cathedral russian greek orthodox
happy clappy c o e alpha hall

all in satanick lock step
no dissent no arrest
just compliance

no martyr
all fallen

you see this is a paid job all company men
these buildings masonic are owned by church charity who are also property developer

lockstep complete

May 15, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  sam

sam a little bit late to the party!! things have started to open up prehaps you should of done this at the beginning or week before the lockdown
no uproar from the almighty about this until now

May 15, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  ame

Yes but better late than never
Also this is assuming we will be allowed back to work with no mask wearing and distancing still in place but we won’t so probably not too late but nice support from the Church which usually says nothing, so well done them. It must take a brave person to sign this petition.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 16, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  sam

I note that E Michael Jones is one of the signatories and I think it likely he had significant input to the drafting. The following is an article (updated in May) and video he published in late March.


The Coronavirus and the Culture War – E. Michael Jones
24 Mar 2020
E. Michael Jones

What looks like the end of the world as we know it is in reality the dawning of the world as God wants it. Logos is Rising. The wicked oligarchs who orchestrated the crash which the coronavirus conveniently disguised were rewarded with the money they sought so avidly, only to pass, sooner or later, from the scene leaving only wreckage behind. But the course of Logos in human history cannot be thwarted by the designs of the wicked. The moment of its apparent death in any age is in reality the moment of its eventual rebirth.

Logos is always rising, no matter how it seems at any particular moment in time. History is an ascending spiral of rationality. God tolerates evil and error to bring about a greater understanding of the good and the true. With each historical cycle, the distinction between Logos and its opposite becomes more apparent. Because the distinction between Logos and anti-Logos in our day has never been more obvious, its victory has never been more certain.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
May 15, 2020 11:47 AM

The article should add that this evil empire of dictators are not capable of feeding there own population who are no better than serfs who have no freedom. There nations are incapable of invention and can only progress by stealing idea’s from the west. They plot to dominate the world and spread there evil ways to every corner. Basically they are the bad guys and where the black hats.

In contrast we in the west are the good guys we wear the white hats. We only wish to spread joy and light to the world. Help the world feed it self spreading our independently developed technology But mostly we want to spread freedom from the evil dictators by s something we call democracy. Democracy is this wonderful thing where the people get to choose which of two people will wisely rule them.
Democracy means you have freedom , freedom to say what you want and where you want , freedom to protest and go about your life without fear of the government interference.

There are some terrible cynics who think the west are not the good guys wearing the white hats.
These corrupted people think the west are the bad guys wearing the black hats. There twisted thinking is that evil empire are the good guys wearing the white hats.

The super cynics think there are no good guys wearing white hats and that there all bad guys wearing black hats.

As for those who say there are fifty shades of grey. You are all Perverts!

May 15, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

The ‘good guys’ in Syria wore white helmets (health and safety regs?)

May 15, 2020 10:45 AM

Trump says he’s mobilized military and “others” to be ready to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine soon. what a maverick

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
May 15, 2020 10:14 AM

Adam Schiff publicly asserted that he had seen the evidence that proved Trump and Putin collusion. Yet weirdly he neglected to inform Robert Mueller of the existence of this proof, who ended up spending year and millions unable to find any evidence of collusion, and so had to indict some clickbait people and a bunch of Russian intelligence officers in the hope than none of them would ever turn up in court.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 15, 2020 11:52 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

The whole Obama gang, Brennan, Powers, Rice, Schiff, etc, swore in public that they had irrefutable evidence of Russian collusion, and, in secret, under oath, denied that. And that just does not bother Madcow and the other psychopaths on CNN and MSNBC, but DOES NOT EXIST. Soon to be a ‘conspiracy theory’.

May 15, 2020 8:51 AM

Tedros, Fauci, Gates and Co. can only be understood if you jettison your blinders and understand how corruption and politics work. You have to ’embrace’ the crookedness in all sectors because crooks don’t operate independently! And there’s the thread that links them all.

The Clinton Global Initiative was “a confederation of con artists that would meet in NYC around the time of the UN General Assembly in September of every year from 2005-2016. The Clintons controlled who got in, and all the journalists were eager to get in to hob nob with leaders, presidents and billionaires. They would get up on stage an announce their charitable intentions.. their ‘commitments to action’ which in charity is B.S. It is nothing, not even a pledge. Real people who give money to charity don’t want their names out there and they give a check. They don’t say, ‘I might get around to making a pledge, put me up on stage’.

“Victor Pinchuk (Ukrainian oligarch) started getting involved in 2004 at a time when the Clinton foundation had never been audited even though it started in 1997, it had never been lawfully organized. By 2004 they had been fighting AIDS internationally… and the dimensions of what we are talking about is billions of dollars.” — Charles Ortel, investor, philanthropist and investigator of Clinton corruption on Jason Goodman’s show.

May 15, 2020 9:17 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Step two is to look at the links between the Clinton “charities” and Bill Gates.

Efforts of Gates, Clinton Foundations Increasingly Overlap – July 22 2006

“I think what you’re seeing is the beginning of what you might call the first super NGO…with overlapping interests and a great deal of resources,” said former UN ambassador Richard Holbrooke, now president and CEO of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS in New York City.” https://philanthropynewsdigest.org/news/efforts-of-gates-clinton-foundations-increasingly-overlap

From Influence Watch:

“CGI was widely criticized for the perception that it was just a vehicle for special interests to buy access to then-Secretary of State or Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. [14] During her time as Secretary of State, 44 companies that lobbied the State Department together had pledged a combined $3.2 billion toward CGI initiatives.[15]

Throughout the years, many of these activists have used CGI to announce the creation of left-of-center policies such as a $25 million on foreign aid program for East Africa [You guessed it, the charity run by Tedros of the WHO, the health minister of Ethiopia] sponsored by the Obama administration, JP Morgan, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The final CGI conference was held in September 2016, prior to the November election in which Clinton was defeated. [17] https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/clinton-global-initiative/

After the Clinton Global Initiative was closed in 2016, the same game switched over to Chelsea Clinton: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/02/19/here-are-the-7-biggest-donors-to-the-bill-hillary-and-chelsea-clinton-foundation/

May 15, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Step Three is to look at the links between Clinton, Gates and Epstein.

May 15, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

For those suspicious this is just anti-Democratic, anti-Liberal slander .. Ortel points out that the attack against Whitewater “strikes very close to the Bush skeletons” which only got worse when Bill Clinton expanded his Foundation activities into the Bush Tsunami and Katrina efforts”, which Ortel describes as a fraud and then the Clinton-Bush Haiti initiative which “was yet another fraud”. @ 1:18:00 https://youtu.be/pqPJhlBTyp8?t=4737

“It suited the never-Trump Republicans and the Obama people to come together and make an example of Steve Stockman”, who is serving a 10 year prison sentence for his role in alleged charity fraud.

You have to take off the political blinkers to understand the reach of political corruption… in order to see objectively what may be happening behind the Gates-Tedros-Fauci efforts. Sorry for repeating.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 15, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Pinchuk is the lynch-pin of the Ukronazi involvement in trying to destroy Trump through false allegations of ‘collusion’ with Russia.

May 15, 2020 6:49 AM

A new cabal to herd the sheep down the path of darkness . . .


George Mc
George Mc
May 15, 2020 8:04 AM
Reply to  Reg

Jesus! It’s as if the revolution is being staged by the cast from Last of the Summer Wine!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 15, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Jesus wept… what a load of w**k.
Do you think Louis Proyect will be there? Sounds just like his cup of tea.
This is…. ‘The Left’ 🤣🤣🤣

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 15, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I LOL’d at that George. Renamed “The Last of the Summer Whine”, perhaps.

Including everyone’s favourite rock-star economist Yanis Varoufakis, thus demonstrating that there is no show without Punch.

(Mercifully, no sign yet of Paul Mason, but he surely won’t be far behind, having had the lockdown period in which to perfect his designer stubble).

And I note that the group announced his week that they will hold a founding conference in September in Reykjavik. Do they know that flying / travelling restrictions will be lifted by then? Or will it be held via Zoom? Even if lots of them do fly there, I’m sure the conference will be full of Green messages telling all of us to stop flying just so that all of them them don’t have to.

May 15, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

They will have to rip out the fucking seats on the aircraft to keep people two metres apart. It will be like business class for everyone.

May 15, 2020 9:45 AM
Reply to  Reg

Haven’t had time to investigate who’s behind this but “the ‘Progressive International’ clip was produced by Means TV, the studio behind the campaign ads that got Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez elected to congress.”

Before Alexandria Was Known As AOC, There Was A Movement That Recruited Her To Run

May 15, 2020 11:04 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Nudge, Nudge:

I put this out last year: Justice Democrats, Brand New Congress, Cenk Uygur, the Young Turks, BIG Organisation, Bernie Sanders sheepdogging, Avaaz, Zack Exley, the WEF neoliberal Green New Deal, Jeremy Corbyn, the Climate Emergency, the Labour Party, Labour for the Green New Deal, theories of change, nudge, nudge …etc, etc.

It was immediately memory-holed as ”beneath me” to suggest that philanthrocapitalism dark money webs control not just policy: but pick the candidates and organise movements for you. Not like the bad old days when you had to organise yourself. Now their is loads ‘o’ money – about $32bn – courtesy of Uncle George.

Nope, constituting another state of control was the political imperative back then – not even half a year ago. I wonder if there have been any reconsiderations since then?

Cory Morningstar, Whitney Webb, and Vanessa Beeley have all the detail on philanthrocapitalism’s dark web of humanitarian interventionist and applied behavioural psychology charities …nudge, nudge …including the Jo Cox Foundation.

Money well spent George …looks like you bought the entire democratic ‘climate economy’ progressive mindset. The conservative republican mindset was bought and paid for decades ago. That is democracy privatised. Now for the New Deal For Nature: postponed until next year due to unforeseen circumstances.

Does anyone think another elected dictator will get us out of this mess?

Other forms of organisation around autonomy and self-determination have always been available. Or we can always eternally return to the state of alienation and the movements that were organised for us …nudge, nudge!

May 15, 2020 12:06 PM
Reply to  BigB

They’re not backing both horses – they own the bloody nags and the racetrack and the betting shops. They ARE the bookies and when the journalist writes that so-and-so was pipped to the post in a surprise finish that no-one could see coming… that journalist and his newspaper is owned by the same group of friends that own the horses, the racetrack and the bookies.

Rich geezers are just cloaking their profit-driven activities in the mantle of this party or that, shaping policy to push the money in their direction, and using misguided party loyalty to shield themselves from criticism.

Suddenly “our party’s” rent seeking can’t be criticized. He may be a crook but he owns our crooks. See how they run to the defense of George, Soros or Bush? What the party cadres don’t realize is it’s the same people running all the parties.

Bill Clinton was George H.W. Bush’s poodle. The following photo used to be all over the internet. Now almost all search engines take clicks on the photo to Snopes.


Even Snopes feel they have to address this one: “While it’s impossible to tell what the three men were discussing when the photograph was taken, the picture captures a common occurrence: politicians hobnobbing and shaking hands.”

Well Snopes, you kakists, they were talking business. I’ll tell you what business they had in common: Bill Clinton let the CIA import cocaine through Mena, Arkansas, and export guns to the Contras in Nicaragua. The photo dates from Bush’s residence at Kennebunkport, Maine, July 30, 1983. That is exactly the time of that 75% of all drug smuggling aircraft were passing through the Mena airport according to U.S. customs authorities.

May 15, 2020 5:51 PM
Reply to  BigB

No, no, B., these are all 100% genuine grass roots folk.
Not astro turfed at all
Just like Little Greta.

May 15, 2020 6:18 AM
May 15, 2020 6:40 AM
Reply to  Objective

Even more alarming there’s something really strange happening in the DM comments section, i thought DM readers were all thick liberals, but there’s a vax revolt, some are displaying an incredible sense of humor. The article is worth visiting just for readers comments.

May 15, 2020 6:48 AM
Reply to  Objective

Update: OK some are thick liberals.

It says ‘dead’ adenoviruses are used, but how are they killed? – Liecy, Salford, United Kingdom

May 15, 2020 8:07 AM
Reply to  Objective

UK said it all

May 15, 2020 9:58 AM
Reply to  Objective

Ha ha. Come on, this has surely got to be a wind-up.

May 15, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Objective

Objective…humanely, I hope.

May 15, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  Pyewacket


May 15, 2020 7:56 AM
Reply to  Objective

The Daily Mail: The comments below have not been moderated. The Guardian: Comment form moderator, ‘Please be aware there may be a short delay in comments appearing on the site.’

Example of comment on the Mail:

Great that Bill gates has put computer virus stuff on hold and has become a medical expert so that we can pay him to poison ourselves with his untested vaccine. Hopefully he can get even richer now.

Yet note the unwieldy and forced language used in the Guardian Picks: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/may/14/young-person-coronavirus-covid-19-power-of-hope

A great lesson to learn. I’m an X-genner. I worry about my 19 and 20 year old kids and all their cohort. I too was surprised how well the various levels of Government and even many Australian companies and people have handled the pandemic. Surprised and optimistic that they won’t step back in September and say that anybody who is still affected by covid is officially on their own

Hope was the only thing left in Pandora’s box after she had opened it and let all the ills of the world escape. However, unless hope for a better world where these evils can be controlled, if not put back in their box, is followed by action then hope becomes despair. It is to our, and our governments shame that despair is being allowed to triumph over hope.

I guess soldiers are not hired for the fluency of their language.

May 15, 2020 9:51 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Moneycircus it isnt necessarily soldiers or psyop personal from 77th, there is many PR companys wide-world who work with what was called human resourse HR section of company s to clean up or promote a imagine or products.
Theses company’s hire teams of people as well as now algorithms from other parts of the world not always though to follow a script and then write previews reviews comments do videos twitter etc . the medical lot do it to be honest lots of business’s do it,even countrys- israel is very good at it , record labels do it. elections, clothing company’s etc etc
the DWP does it in u.k so do there hired private sector horrific medical lot who assessor poorly disabled people have accounts of disabled people having wonderful experiences. bullshit

its like a google review but on much bigger campaign scale
not always army, students or normal folks paid to do this hired as a job and there contract for 2020 until july would be this campaign then the next one will be what ever

it just there job

May 15, 2020 10:07 AM
Reply to  ame

office blocks of sales cold callers from 2000 era have now turned into commentators reviewers s with government contract run through pr company’s or job agency recruitment company to shape your vision of the healthy new world
injecttable or tablet format vegan dolphin friendly sustainability
eco contact tracing RDFI chip.

May 15, 2020 10:32 AM
Reply to  ame

Valid perspective and good info. Thank you.

May 15, 2020 10:00 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Nauseating stuff in the Gruan. Must be a failed novelist.

May 15, 2020 5:48 AM

A good David Stockman rant against Fauci. (I am leaving out the Dr. deliberately…)

WAKE-UP, Donald! Your Malpracticing Doctors Are The Real Killers


May 15, 2020 8:06 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

Good article. Stockman has been reliable throughout this madness.

May 15, 2020 10:55 AM
Reply to  Sam

From Stockman article…
¨So what we have is the S&P 500 up nearly 33% from the March 19 low, while marching in lockstep with the greatest and most rapid explosion of unemployment and economic collapse in recorded history during the last two months¨.

May 15, 2020 5:32 AM

Vlad Goldstein the impaler.

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
May 15, 2020 6:18 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

He impales humanity as a whole .
He impales the truth with his nationalization .

Erik Swanson
Erik Swanson
May 15, 2020 4:34 AM

‘Yawn’ number 999,999 of the million wedges driven into the fake left/right divide which seems to benefit the Powers that Be.

May 15, 2020 3:25 AM

This is a very disappointing article. It seems to be about American politics. I thought it was going to be about Off-Guardian commenters.

George Mc
George Mc
May 15, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin


May 15, 2020 3:16 AM

There is belief in our ” otherness”, belief we are not all human beings but have been relegated by a conditioned mind (media controlled) to judge as they judge, to think as they think us, to feel fear the msm speech is ” ( Good) Russians and (Bad) Americans”.

The democracy dogma . There is no “rule by the people” if as they are they are mind controlled zombie like shadows of what they could be chose in the govts bias and unfair media circus ( elections)

The anti American and Trump-obsession msm memes in this article… hmmm.

May 15, 2020 2:19 AM

Anyone got a metal cutting chainsaw?

May 15, 2020 3:11 AM
Reply to  Objective

The armies of functionaries setting up genocide infrastructure…

May 15, 2020 4:45 AM
Reply to  Objective

Mind-boggling. Have you read The Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenberg, Objective? Highly recommend it.

Ginette Craig
Ginette Craig
May 15, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Reg

Will read it. I’ve got plenty of time during lock up.

May 15, 2020 9:09 AM
Reply to  Reg
May 15, 2020 9:11 AM
Reply to  Objective


Ginette Craig
Ginette Craig
May 15, 2020 8:28 AM
Reply to  Objective

The powers that be are getting really sneaky now! Well, you would only be cutting down a tree wouldn’t you? If it was disguised as a tree and you felled it, you could plead ignorance. “Sorry, I didn’t know it was a 5G mast, I only thought it was a tree”!
p.s. What we really need is more real trees planting, not 5G masts. That would make the world a better place.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 15, 2020 11:41 AM
Reply to  Ginette Craig

“Sorry, I didn’t know it was a 5G mast, I only thought it was a tree”!

😀 😀 😀

May 15, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  Objective

Where’s Captain Gatso when you need him?

May 15, 2020 1:16 AM

Good one. “tin-foil-pussy hat”

May 15, 2020 1:12 AM

1. We (and our executioners) know that heart disease in the United States is one of the leading causes of death.

2. Why are we performing invasive cardiovascular operations…


3… on people isolated in POD quarantines: (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=covid+quarantine+pods&t=hk&iax=images&ia=images) – which is getting worse by the minute…

3. …on People who have been on ventilators built by a motor company – https://thebulletin.org/2020/03/ventilators-for-coronavirus-patients-why-automakers-arent-the-right-source/

4. After using unscrupulous bogus testing and data mining algorithms…?

Because they are, and have been, bloodletting as part of Euthanasia Protocol.

May 15, 2020 2:08 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

Case Study: Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire announces testing “pods” back March 9 – https://www.lincolnshirelive.co.uk/news/local-news/coronavirus-isolation-pods-lincoln-hospital-3927420

Low and behold, death increases 3 months later – https://www.lincolnshirelive.co.uk/news/local-news/coronavirus-latest-deaths-lincolnshire-covid-4133399

“Well drr, obviouslee, cuz theyze tested positive theyze gonna die COVID, bruh! GoOd thing theyze caught it early so theyze got best TrEaTment!!”

May 15, 2020 2:11 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

Also notice there is NO DATA on Covid deaths in the March article.

May 16, 2020 2:21 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

Scratch that – near bottom of article:

1 Single Death in March. Speculate on comorbidity and age? Statistics put me in favor of a normal death.

May 15, 2020 3:00 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

PODS now being deployed:



I am watching the machinations of genocide before my very eyes. And these people are doing this joyfully and dutifully. That music in the second link makes me want to vomit.

May 15, 2020 12:26 AM

Wow! Totalitarian censorship in real time. It’s 12.20am in the UK. I’ve just finished watching a new Lincoln Karim video on YouTube. Now his entire channel is gone. Replaced with a “404 not found”. Just wow!

May 15, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  Reg

Same with Jason Goodman, Dr Shiva, John Titus, Dana Ashlie, Ben Swann, Truthstream Media and who knows how many more. Incredible!

May 15, 2020 12:41 AM
Reply to  Reg

OK, false alarm. They’re back. Apologies all. Got too excited.

May 15, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  Reg


May 14, 2020 11:50 PM

There are now more than 40 million Americans out of work. Congress has now given three huge bail-outs to the banks and corporations.

If there is an election in America this year (which I doubt will happen) Trump probably won’t stand a chance in hell.

The question is: what other psychopath will be put in charge?

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 15, 2020 2:12 AM
Reply to  RobG

I’m no Trump man, I’ve been very critical, but I think Trump, right now, is in a position to sweep it away. He could do that by firing Fauci, which I’ve read somewhere, is rumored he’s about to do. Again, let me repeat what I said a while back, the red-state/blue-state status applies to the same areas of the country re: opening up/keeping it locked down. Opening up conceivably could include campaign rallies in August. Additionally, the Russia-gate fairy tale is currently getting a very good thrashing. Flynn exonerated; Mifsud disclosed as Clinton Foundation Sneak; Obama behind all of it; Brennan, Comey, Clapper, and assorted liars . . .

The thing with Trump, for me that is, is that as much as I want to give him a work-in-progress type of approach he continues to disappoint and mystify me. His actions in Venezuela, Iran, and Iraq annoy the hell out of me. But I can’t deny what’s very appealing about him–more or less simultaneously to all the annoyance–is that he appears to be something of a maverick. No? He’s faking it? This something of a maverick quality is very powerful to millions of Americans who have hungered for change these last many years and are sick and tired of Establishment Politics. Trump might be timing a resurge into heroism (at least in his own mind).

Ginette Craig
Ginette Craig
May 15, 2020 8:50 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

I do agree that Trump is a bit of a maverick. He is definitely not a politician. He wears his heart on his sleeve and says what he thinks, to his detriment at times though.

May 15, 2020 1:15 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

The problem with Trump’s reelection is that he has, by accepting the advice he was being given, destroyed the economy, and his main success had been to make it more stable.
Hence a main reason to vote for him has gone. Will the voter who has lost his earning vote for him? Im not saying they’ll vote for Biden, but they may abstain. So Biden may win by default, with in effect very little support. Still, nothing can be predicted. Anything may happen.

May 15, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  hope

Trump is just a bubble blower. He pumped in $9 trillion to line the pockets of the Wall Street Wide Boys in the 6 months BEFORE the virus.

May 15, 2020 6:23 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

The only change you’re ever going to get from the Orange Baboon, Obongo, Dubya, Creepy Joe, Fake Tulsi and all the rest of the Shabbos, is Chump Change.

May 15, 2020 8:12 AM
Reply to  RobG

Economists have this strange idea that if you pour enough money on a tree it will grow. Printing paper won’t solve the problem. The reality is about to catch up and when it does, watch out.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 15, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  RobG

Like ‘Aldous’ below, I wouldn’t rule Trump out yet. The Democrats have obviously bet the farm on this lockdown strategy which is now increasingly unpopular–even in their own states (e.g., California). Notice that all the protests so far have been against the lockdown and against the Democrat governors who imposed it; as of today, there have been no protests against opening up or against the Republican governors.

Moral of the story? Now that the lockdown is an indelible part of their brand, the Democrats might not be in such a strong position in November after all.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 15, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Seamus, your saying “the lockdown is an indelible part of [Dems] brand” is right on. Trump’s early stupidities will likely be pushed aside/forgotten under current lockdown brutality. This part of my “report” from yesterday’s NYTimes “briefings” fascinates me– The Republican attorney general in Texas moved to stop five urban counties from issuing mail-in ballots. The state election code, he said, “does not permit an otherwise healthy person to vote by mail merely because going to the polls carries some risk to public health.” What this quote says to me is that here we have, from an authority in governing and ordering people around, what clearly intimates the danger is not the hype it’s been pushed as all along. The voting booth only “carries some risk.” That risk is not enough to keep you locked-down as “an otherwise healthy person” in leaving the sanctity of safety at home to vote. What this suggests, to me, is skepticism in high places is increasing as well as in JQ Public. Supposing we learn of a new campaign, in which due to the number of vehicle deaths (currently at 102 per day on average and around 37,000 a year) vehicles will now be restricted to a speed limit of 20 mph, and in fact new plodding vehicles of low power will replace all high-powered sporty types. Dubious analogy maybe, but essentially the factor of risk to health and safety is approximately the same. Imagining Americans or whoever to say, oh, okay, then, yeah no problem. In fact I’ll just start riding an electric bike! indicates probable resistance at the comfort level of “freedom” and being a consumer. This resistance factor must be why early on, which puzzled me at the time, the national guard was sent in to NY and the middle states “to… Read more »

May 15, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  RobG

He might have a very good chance with Creepy Joe.
Or they could resurrect Crooked Hillary, Mike Obama, or Oprah.
Vaginas, blacks and trannies have got to be a better bet than the old white rapist.
The weirder the better.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
May 14, 2020 11:48 PM

NOTHING BUT SHYSTERS Trump winning in 2016 was so unexpected the Democratic Party leadership and the intelligence agencies were in a state of shock. All the usual contrived political polls convinced everyone Hillary was a shoo-in. A Trump victory was psychologically too much to bear. The Russian collusion narrative was crafted immediately to justify Hillary’s ignominious defeat. And since January 2017 liberal mainstream media news relentlessly generated concocted myths about Putin and Trump. Even after the Mueller investigation turned out to be a total bust crazies like Schiff and his cohorts on MSNBC and CNN still pursued it. That was until Ukraine-gate another debacle for all those who still couldn’t accept Hillary’s loss. However, Ukraine-gate did reveal that Biden and his cokehead son Hunter are nothing but shysters. The Hunter rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the old decaying tree. Hunter is quite the family man, he married Kathleen Buhle in 1993, and had three children. The couple separated in 2015 and divorced in 2017. In 2016, he began dating Hallie Biden, the widow of his brother, Beau; they ended their relationship by late 2017. At that point Hunter Biden was involved with a stripper at a Washington, DC, club which he frequented visited around the time he was dating his brother’s widow. Biden was repeatedly seen at the Mpire Club in the capital’s historic Dupont Circle neighborhood — where Lunden Alexis Roberts, the mother of his love child, worked under the stage name “Dallas. And in May 2019, Biden married Melissa Cohen, a South African who just gave birth to a son. Biden is currently holed-up in some fancy schmancy estate in LA. Maybe, Meghan Markle and her prince charming is his nextdoor neighbor…….. Smiling Joe trained his son well, as senator he couldn’t keep his fingers off or… Read more »

May 15, 2020 10:25 AM

Trump winning in 2016 was so unexpected the Democratic Party leadership and the intelligence agencies were in a state of shock.
DEMEXIT 2020 is one of the most popular hashtags on the internet.
So big never seen it until you mention it so much be massive on the internet in big letters
Ow dear you really brought into this psycho drama

Cambridge Analytica and the creation of right wing media

it is a easy article that doesn’t go to deep for you as you still a little Comatose in what is actually happening.

Charlotte i bet you wear a make america great trump q trust the plan cap and t shirt.
whilst pretending to be a leftie

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
May 15, 2020 11:08 AM
Reply to  ame

What planet do you live on…….

May 16, 2020 8:51 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

sadly and sometimes Shockingly in a planet where people chant
and think there really important vote changes the out come of the pre planned script

but it nice to be a observer

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 15, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  ame

Cambridge Analytica was trying to get Ted Cruz elected, not The Donald:


May 15, 2020 6:32 PM

This is just an action replay of the Soviet Union gerontocracy in the 1970s/80/ 90ss, with Brezhnev and Cherneno and Yeltsin like Creepy Joe and Boynie as figures of fun.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
May 15, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  paul

Continuation of the Cold War…….nothing was learned from WWII.

Here’s an informative video.

Rojer Ramjet
Rojer Ramjet
May 14, 2020 11:15 PM

I’m pretty much convinced now that the UK Govt could easily convince the populace that black was white or 2+2 = 9

May 14, 2020 11:43 PM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

They already are.

May 14, 2020 11:57 PM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

Rojer, you’ve got that wrong: 2+2 = 5.

That’s the party line.

May 15, 2020 7:07 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

Doctors too.

They equate to patients admitted to ICU that

Pulmonary embolism (which needs to be treated with anticoagulants)=Covid19 (treatment by giving air support)

No wonder that patients with Covid19 at the ICU are not improving and massively die (as untreated pulmonary embolism is a very deadly disease)

The reason why doctors are bamboozled?
– because there is money in covid19 research, while there isn’t For pulmonary embolism research!

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 14, 2020 11:05 PM

Somewhat OT to the satire: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/14/briefing/coronavirus-michael-flynn-federal-reserve-your-thursday-briefing.html A check on this “briefing” from the NYTimes (which I force myself to look at every day) includes the following information: “The choice between staying home indefinitely and returning to business as usual now is a false one,” Julia Marcus of Harvard Medical School wrote in The Atlantic. Marty Makary of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health put it this way, when I spoke to him yesterday: “The outdoors is not only good for your mental state. It’s also a safer place than indoors.” Makary has an Opinion article in today’s Times, called “How to Reopen America Safely.” Many cities are now expanding outdoor activities. Oakland has closed almost 10 percent of roads to traffic, CNN noted. Cincinnati is closing parts of 25 streets “so restaurants can expand outdoor seating,” The Cincinnati Enquirer reported. San Jose may let restaurants open in parking lots and public parks, The Mercury News reported. Several states are reopening beaches, parks and golf courses. Another example of the new outdoors push: A nursing home in Los Angeles held an unusual Mother’s Day celebration on Sunday, inviting families to wait in line outside and talk with their relatives through an open doorway. “They feel something inside when the family members are there — it’s different,” the director of activities at the home said. In other virus developments: The Republican attorney general in Texas moved to stop five urban counties from issuing mail-in ballots. The state election code, he said, “does not permit an otherwise healthy person to vote by mail merely because going to the polls carries some risk to public health.” President Trump took a swipe at Dr. Anthony Fauci, his adviser, who said Tuesday that opening schools in the fall would be risky. Trump said: “To me, it’s not an acceptable answer.” Wisconsin’s Supreme Court rejected… Read more »

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 14, 2020 11:13 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

I should have added that further down in the report cited from the NYTimes above, Dr. Mikovitz’s video Plandemic is roundly trashed as “propaganda” with a few dismissive demonizing comments. Apparently Plandemic is getting a lot of attention.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 14, 2020 11:48 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Last weekend in Sydney, a mother with her 4 yr old boy was arrested for standing on the street with a sign saying ‘defend your rights defend the magna carta’ around her neck.
I didn’t even know about the protests here in Melbourne last weekend, but speakers at a protest outside Parliament – just speaking, were jumped on by 7-8 cops and thrown into the police wagon.
I’ve seen the footage of those incidents, and the truly disgusting media straight out lied about what happened.
And even after almost 2 months of this, with a fascist police state very obviously being rolled out, most Aussies have been completely lobotomised by the propaganda.
They still can’t see what is happening.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
May 15, 2020 1:39 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It’s difficult to grasp. I now have lost several “relationships” over this. There is a fixity, an orthodoxy that cannot be breached, at almost religious levels of adherence. Robert Parry would not accept any remark whatever on 9/11. He must have been very frightened by it, as with all such deniers, and held to the position that the unthinkable cannot be allowed, that’s it, this could never happen in America! The paradox is–the reality is the exact reverse of essential and sanctified American values. But for many of them, I think, this means doing whatever they want, except outright crime. It’s not a matter of curiosity to their brains in constitutional terms, or any sense of the history of the last several hundred years, and that is also the easiest, less stressful way to deal with it. I don’t mean to sound harsh. I’m still pleasant with these persons, but politics is an absolute no-no.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 15, 2020 3:13 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Thank you Aldous. I can relate to you – I’ve lost 2 friendships over this as well and with a 3rd, I know it’s pointless bringing up the whole panicdemic and how the numbers have been fudged, the blatant censorship, etc because they believe what they hear in MSM.
I, too, am so perplexed that we are seeing things that should send chills down anyone’s spine, yet most…
Despite my loathing of Facebook, have set up an account so I can join a couple of Australian based groups protesting about the lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, 5G,opposing the lies and censorship, etc.
Enough. We can either all remain isolated, and individualised, or join collectively with others who are opposing these nefarious agendas.

Ginette Craig
Ginette Craig
May 15, 2020 9:03 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Another reason for the continuing the lockdown. You can’t protest outside, meet with friends or other like minded people. Social media is the only way at the moment. I never ever wanted to join Facebook, but now it’s the only method of communicating with the outside world, (or should I say inside world). People say I am hypocritical being against 5G technology while using the Internet, but I have no choice. Same as I can’t use cash anymore, I have to use a card. Our rights and choices are slowly being eroded.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 15, 2020 11:00 AM
Reply to  Ginette Craig

Despite my feelings about Facebook, in the couple of days I’ve been on it, have discovered that there’s lots more Australians (and Kiwi’s) out there who are fully aware of what is going on, and who realise how dire the situation is.
Videos being posted of people being arrested just for speaking or standing on the street with a sign in a completely peaceful manner, and being set upon by the States henchmen.
Our rights are being rapidly eroded Ginette. We are heading towards a fascist police state.
Just seen a video of a lady at her home in Melbourne – 2 cops showed up to demand ID merely because she had attended the protest outside Parliament last weekend; days earlier.
How they found her is she would’ve had her phone with her at the protest.
People are now being refused entry into shops in New Zealand, and now here in Aussie if they don’t give out their personal details.
Look, OffGuardian is a fantastic site, and I’ll defend it too anyone, but not that many Aussies or Kiwi’s seem to show up here.
Have been namedropping OffG along with UK Column News and The Corbett Report in a lot of my comments.
My phone is my only link with the outside World. Have a good weekend✌️

Ginette Craig
Ginette Craig
May 15, 2020 12:20 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thank you for the reply Gezzah – My Dad was tortured by the Germans during the war to get information. I have seen the scars. It makes me cry to see those so hard fought for freedoms being eroded away in just a few short months. What was at the beginning just a very nasty flu type virus, has become so much more now. The fact that the majority of people have caved in so easily to this Stalin type approach to me is unfathomable. The enemy now is not without, but within. I was a child of the 60’s and 70’s when you could protest against anything. Life was not without its hardships, but I now realise how great those times were. Regards to all in Oz, I have family there. xx

May 15, 2020 3:45 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

The new statist religion of Healthcare. Genocidal maniacs deploying a bankrupt fake health policy and euthanasia protocol.

May 15, 2020 1:41 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Australia was a lost neo-liberal cause years ago.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 16, 2020 12:00 AM
Reply to  Objective

Australia is a sewer TOTALLY controlled by the USA. A complete stooge State.

Rojer Ramjet
Rojer Ramjet
May 14, 2020 11:00 PM

Newsflash for ABC Australia. You can say pandemic every 30 seconds in every sentence you use. Say it as much as you like. IT’S STILL NOT A PANDEMIC.

May 14, 2020 11:30 PM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

Right. The lying fuckers have changed the definition of the word. And yet, in spite of all their fudging, they’re still not getting the numbers.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
May 14, 2020 10:53 PM

We took our 3 and 5 year old grandsons to the local beach yesterday as we had read that this southern California beach had now – “opened.” The large multi-color sign at our entrance to the beach clarified exactly what the word “opened” actually meant.

There was to be – (no stopping, no sitting, no sunbathing, no yoga, no exercising, no group games and of course the expectation to maintain social distancing went without saying). Keep in mind that these are beaches that even during busy season easily could provide a 50 foot buffer in every direction for the typical daily visitors. I felt like was trapped as an “extra” in some absurdist play by Pinter or Beckett.

I spoke with a friend from Michigan today who explained that he can now take his boat out and go fishing, but the covid restrictions in his state specify that he – “can’t use his motor.” Apparently “rowing a boat” somehow outwits the evil little covid bugs while using a motor only encourages them.

My brain hurts from this absurd nonsense!

Rojer Ramjet
Rojer Ramjet
May 14, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

I hear you. I drove past one of those ridiculous electronic billboards in one of our small sleepy hollow country towns yesterday. Right on the corner of the main street. All I could think of was “They Live” SLEEP, OBEY, CONSUME
It’s the stupidity of my fellow man that gets me the most. How can people believe this horseshit!!!

May 15, 2020 12:37 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

I’ve been asking the same question. My faith in humans as a species grows bleaker everyday. People are no longer capable of logical thinking; they buy whatever crap the media and politicians are selling.

May 15, 2020 3:46 AM
Reply to  Dee

It keeps getting worse.

May 15, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  Dee

Most people have always believed whatever the media is selling. Very few are capable of critical thinking even without the fear factor.

May 15, 2020 5:04 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

Outside the BBC’s headquarters in Broadcasting House, London, is a sculpture by a paedophile and sexual deviant called Eric Gill. This sculpture contains a Latin word, “Obsculta”. It’s the first word of the Benedictine rules and is a command to the monk to “Listen”. But it goes beyond merely using your ear to hear something. You are meant to deeply, spiritually absorb it, which in the case of a monk would be God. Thus, obsculta means “Listen and Obey”. This is what the BBC has been dedicated to ever since it was created: making the audience listen and obey, while also, in Britain, forcing them to pay for it.

May 15, 2020 10:29 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Australia announces 10 people per pub, bar, restaurant, cafe, lol and 2 hour limit what the f*k is the point! On and you can now have 5 people in Your home.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
May 15, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  ame

At least you apparently have open pubs. I doubt if many UK pubs will survive.Pubs had been closing here at an alarming rate for years, in any case. I think this will finish most of them.

I hope I’m wrong.

May 16, 2020 8:39 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

from u.k my colleague email me about oz down under

yes pubs and restaurant small bars cafes will really suffer as well as so many other business;’s

the cooperate generic pubs big business;’s will be ok as they get huge bailout due to having friends in places and also add insult the huge bailout are kept secret as do not want the enrage public or anyone finding out who and how must they got

Rojer Ramjet
Rojer Ramjet
May 14, 2020 10:53 PM

Two movies everyone should watch. V is for Vendetta and They Live. The similarities are scary.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
May 14, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

V is for Vendetta, Children of Men and the director’s cut of Brazil are my personal favs.

May 15, 2020 12:01 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

The Village in the Woods

May 15, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

May 15, 2020 12:17 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

Ginette Craig
Ginette Craig
May 15, 2020 9:13 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Even in this film, people were still allowed to walk the streets. I think we have gone one step beyond!

May 15, 2020 7:16 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

Three movies by Costa-Gavras, he’s a giant of political cinema and his work is essential (first review IMDB/Time, nest two from Rotten Tomatoes): Z (1969) 2 Oscars — In a military-led country, a pacifist organization, which supports the opposition party in the government, is planning on holding an anti-military rally. The organization’s leader is scheduled to arrive the day of the rally, amid reports of an assassinating plot.Thrown into the mix is a photojournalist who’s looking for the truth. Yves Montand, Irene Papas, Jean-Louis Trintignant (IMDB) In the case of Costa-Gavras’ masterpiece, Z, the filmmaker’s politics are bracingly clear. As a barely fictionalized account of the assassination of leftist Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis in 1963, and the subsequent cover-up, Z is a taut thriller. As a portrait of the extreme Right’s reliance on thuggery and outright murder to silence opponents, Z is a searing indictment of the near-pornographic appeal that violence, in all its forms, holds for fascists. Finally, as a movie, Z is simply a tour de force: one would be very hard-pressed to find a film that gets one’s heart racing as forcefully (and rightfully) as it stokes one’s moral outrage at the prospect of a once-great political system willfully devouring itself. (Time) The Confession (1970) 100% — This Costa-Gavras thriller stars Yves Montand as an East European government functionary, inexplicably imprisoned by his Communist superiors. He is not told why he has been arrested, nor has his wife (Simone Signoret) been informed of his fate. Undergoing psychological torture, Montand is grilled about his wartime activities. At the end of his rope, Montand agrees to sign several papers that are thrust before him. He eventually discovers that he’s to be a defendant in a “show trial” conducted by his government. He never knows the whys and wherefores of… Read more »

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
May 15, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Z is such a great film, Moneycircus. I watched it twice last year. Gary Weglarz’ above comment mentions Children Of Men, which had been on my mind too. The film presently on my mind is L’ Eclisse(1962). With that tower that looks like a mushroom cloud ever-present on the landscape, while people allow their lives to open and close with the stock market. A sense of detached anxiety runs through the film, and me, lately.

May 15, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

All great films. Any Costa-Gavras film is worth watching.

May 15, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

This sums up what is happening now. The sheep sleep, they need more than a nudge to wake.
High Chancellor Boris Johnson has closed the Country, the Queen has done a runner and abandonned her duty to protect her subjects and the Church of England.
All hail Boris.

May 15, 2020 9:50 AM
Reply to  Tack

May 15, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  Tack

Perfect clip!

Love this film – have watched it several times over the past few weeks. It never gets old.

kenny gordon
kenny gordon
May 15, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  Rojer Ramjet

….Terminator, Hunger Games, In Time & The BBC NEWS are my contribution…..!!!

Country Girl
Country Girl
May 14, 2020 10:33 PM

Dear Admin

Off Topic: I am not commenting on this article but about Firefox browser blocking me linking to your website.

I have been reading your articles during the hoax these last few weeks. Starting last week, whenever I tried to link to the article from your email, I was blocked – I would right click on the link in the email to open it in a new window, and instead of it opening, I would be taken out of your email and back to my list of emails. Sometimes I was taken back to the list of emails even before I could get the cursor anywhere near to the link. All my other emails from others – no problems.

I downloaded another browser- no problems opening your articles on this.

Firefox are doing this to my emails/your website articles both in the US and here in the UK. I was in the US for all those other weeks since I first subscribed to you. This week I flew back to UK, same thing happening to your emails.

I assume you are aware your site is being attacked in this way. I personally object to Firefox for trying to ‘save’ me from reading your site.

Keep up the good work.

May 14, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  Country Girl

Mozilla is just another scummy corporate entity cloaking itself in fine-sounding lies.

May 15, 2020 12:28 AM
Reply to  Country Girl

Try Linux Mint. I recently bought a laptop with Windows 10 installed: oh-my-God! I immediately wiped Windows 10 (what a great feeling that was) and installed Linux Mint. Back in the day Linux had many issues, but it’s now quite good. Like many people I was put off from using Linux OS because I had to use many programmes that only worked under Windows. Nowadays that’s no longer the case. For example, you can now do AutoCad in Linux (draughtmanship was my main way of earning a living) and there’s very good audio and video editing software, etc. My main criticism of the Linux system is that it still doesn’t have high quality, easy to use graphics software.

That said, if you have a spare machine that you can install it on, give Linux a whirl.

May 15, 2020 1:09 AM
Reply to  Country Girl

You know who funds mozilla? Google!

That said its probably the privacy & security settings go to options & whitelist Off-G, but you say its your emails? Sounds like email client, plus what extensions or apps are you using, adblock, ublock origin?

I use firefox because i like the addons, been using Firefox for decades on & off. I can’t think of a browser that isn’t buggy & corporate funded you have to accept all of them will be spying on you at some level.

I’m using latest version of firefox have no issues.

May 14, 2020 10:30 PM

‘Police vow to break up planned anti-lockdown protests in UK cities

Identity of organisers is unclear, but experts warn of cross-pollination with far-right ideas’


So if you plan to exercise your rights to free association to protest because maybe you want to defend civil liberties or the right to earn a crust or maybe the freedom to do what the fuck you want, the Guardian has already labeled you as ‘far right’ and with that you are now the problem. Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

May 14, 2020 10:37 PM
Reply to  MoH

Coming to Britain soon – Crying child torn from mother https://youtu.be/H7WMJdzLv0U
Police triggered by “mark of the beast” comment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jleqzR09Ei8&feature=youtu.be&t=349

May 14, 2020 10:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

We need to ensure that the complete opposite will happen. And if people knew the truth, it would happen tomorrow

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 15, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Wow! These Satanists running us are so single-mindedly persistent that … they’re starting to make me believe in Revelation.Fancy that!

May 15, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  MoH

The police must really love playing Wack-A-Mole. Relentless support for Protest!!!

May 15, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  MoH

these are not break outs these will be actors
flagged up 10 times already on mossad radio glr london global

james obrien,sheila fog of warity who ate all the pies nick ferrari rabbi maggot narwas the pretend islamic twatter behind the quilliam foundation or is it the quiller memorandom or the parralax view or listen to me listen to me ipcress file.

no sir bbc talking about it everyone full schedule coach parties booked
bull shit

talking of is real sadique khan told global obrien today that tfl spends a billion a month on tubes and buses a billion?
can you believe it

tfl very fishy just like the bank of not england

why does the cctv of london transport end up in tel aviv?

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
May 15, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  MoH

‘Far right’? Wow. I guess bringing you bump-stock AR15 to the protest would be completely out of the question then, am I right? 😛

Felix Krull
Felix Krull
May 14, 2020 10:30 PM

Just look at their literature: War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, Fathers and Children. It is always division, always discord.

It’s even worse, it’s “Fathers and Sons” – the fucking patriarchy, eh?

May 14, 2020 10:26 PM

Americans and Western people in general, have only one protector from these evil interference, NATO, and its two reliable and sparkling clean civilian branches: mass media and security agencies. Lets not beat around the bush. Not just mass media- there’s an awful lot mini-media, full of integrity and initiative and Atlantic Conseal bellends’, plus many fb/tits who happily regurge the narrative via their trusted alternative of choice. Not only has Flynn had charges dropped by independent internal review of the doj case – a whole lot of agents of the alphabet agencies have been revealed to have been involved in the conspiracy, going all the way to the WH, by secret cabals within their own organisation! Even as their pocket judge tries to ignore the withdrawal of charges agains Flynn and still tries to carry on with a sentence! That means beautiful baz is busted, barking biden binned and the cackling prettiest high priestess of them all – finally shattered into pieces that no one will ever put together again! It seems they lied, cheated and probably even murdered to engage in sedition, treason and coup against a ELECTED president. Let us also not forget our own Lame-ington Steele of HMG’s secret service. He who with a whole bunch of his mates and his ‘trusted’ Russian source, was tasked with creating fake sexy dossiers as the WMD, to enable the conspiracy. He’s been in the courts here – yet not a whiff of a report has there been in the main or alt media! It is pretty likely that Trump will sail through with a BIGGER majority when all this is laid out during the summer. All these blindly hating the elected potus will rush to vote against the fake ‘Resistance’ when the curtain is publicly lifted! It won’t matter… Read more »

May 15, 2020 1:20 AM
Reply to  Dungroanin

(Watch – Here they come on their trolley buses to drive-by shoot downvotes)

I don’t know why you say that, but I suspect you don’t care about our approval, so i will disappoint you & say i agree with you, except

They are doomed just as they should be.

I’m not so confident. YET.

May 14, 2020 10:25 PM

Elizabeth: I keep seeing these people, all recognizing each other. Something is passing between them all
some secret. It’s a conspiracy, I know it.

Matthew: There can’t be a conspiracy!

Elizabeth: Matthew, I’m telling you something is going on here.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. They were right, it’s painless. It’s good. Come.. Sleep Mathew. Mathew. Mathew!

Sleep … Sleep … and be born again into a world without fear and hate!

May 14, 2020 10:21 PM

I have a tortoise called Tertullian.
Having shared that, I want to say the point of the anti-Trump hysteria is right before our eyes. People are so trained in Trump Derangement Syndrome that they cannot think straight. Their rights are being taken away and they stand and applaud. All the media has to do to promote the lockdown is say Trump was against it, or delayed it, or is somehow to blame. That’s it. Yuri Bezmenov laid it out in 1984.
