This Week in the Guardian #7
The increasing diversity of the 1%, toxic mask-ulinity and not all authoritarians were created equal
Every week (or, rather, most weeks, since the coronavirus torpedoed our schedule), we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation.
We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come across something you feel should be included in the next edition either post a link below, or send us an e-mail.
“Johnson and Starmer both know a true exit plan means reducing our freedoms“
Stephen Bush thinks both Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer need to overcome their natural “liberal instincts” and get used to the fact they are going to have to impose some pretty tight mass surveillance laws if the UK ever wants to come out of lockdown.
This would be the same Johnson and Starmer who have never voted against mass surveillance once.
We could breakdown the incredibly flawed argument line by line, but that’s not what TWitG is for. And, frankly, I have neither the time nor the inclination.
Special attention should be paid to this insidious line of thought:
British people are not liberals, instinctive or otherwise. It’s easy to forget that while New Labour’s ID cards scheme was unpopular within the party and in parliament, it enjoyed majority support in the country as a whole. The great British public has enthusiastically embraced CCTV
An entirely false re-alignment of reality, painting the public as desperate to be surveilled at all times, ruled over by the reluctant MPs who just can’t bring themselves to compromise their principles. Suffice to say, it’s nonsense.
“Under cover of coronavirus, the world’s bad guys are wreaking havoc“
There was a brief window – when we were all encouraged to feel sorry for Iran, and telling Trump to stop being mean to China – where the coronavirus roll-out really did feel like full-on globalism. The Russia-baiting disappeared, and Guaido was side-lined and Gordon Brown was calling for a global government.
All of that is pretty obviously over now. Maybe there were deals going behind the scenes which fell through. Maybe promises were made and are now being broken.
Whatever the cause, the crosshairs have been re-calibrated and they’re once again trained on the usual suspects.
They actually call them “bad guys”, which speaks for itself as far as the balance and subtlety of the content goes.
In China, apparently, Xi Jinping is trying to make sure Uyghur Muslims get infected with the coronavirus. In Syria, Bashar al Assad is supposedly doing the same thing to rebels in Idlib. Both these “tyrants” are, apparently, trying to effect genocide using a virus that, everyone admits, kills less than 1% of the population.
The equivalent of terror-bombing a city with peanuts, in the hope everyone dies of a peanut allergy.
These claims are based on an a memo released by the Center for International Strategic Studies, a Washington DC-based think-tank funded by the US State Department (although Freedland doesn’t mention that part).
In Hungary, we are told, Viktor Orban is undermining parliamentary democracy. But Freedland doesn’t mention that the UK (and many other places around the world, are doing the exact same thing. “Necessary measures” when we do it, “brutal opportunism” when designated “enemies” do the same. There are clips of German police beating and restraining members of the public for simply not wearing a mask in public. But because Merkel is a “good guy”, these are not admissible evidence.
Throw in standard references to Trump and Bolsonaro and you get a very much a pre-coronavirus feel to the whole thing.
Add this to the Russia-related articles from last week, and there’s a definitely a shift away from the global consensus that existed just a couple of weeks ago. Something to keep an eye on.
In fact…
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
To really underline that, as far as geo-political journalism is concerned, normal service has been resumed, we cap off this week with a classic case of “damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.”
In this article, Shaun Walker bemoans “strongman” leaders refusing to wear masks because it makes them look weak. He singles out Putin for special mention (of course).
While in this article, Simon Tisdall also singles out Putin for special criticism…but this time for the total opposite reason:
Putin’s decision to shield himself from harm, isolating away from Moscow, has badly dented his image as fearless tough-guy leader.
I don’t know what great globalist dream is fueling the coronavirus narrative, but it’s certainly increasingly apparent it won’t involve Russia, and especially not Vladimir Putin.
BONUS – Sexism and self-parody
Arwa Mahdawi doesn’t get many mentions here. She doesn’t warrant any. But as the author of the “This week in the Patriarchy” series, she might have a claim to be the most “Guardian” of all Guardian columnists. This week she’s talking about how men wear masks less than women do, so “toxic masculinity” is killing people. (In peak hypocrisy mode, Last week she wrote a column all about Adele’s weight loss, with the headline “Can we please stop talking about Adele’s body?”).
Elsewhere we’re treated to an article about how “botanical sexism” means city planners use male trees more than female ones, and this makes hay fever worse. All part of the Patreearchy I suppose.
All told a busy week for The Guardian. And we didn’t even touch on the improving gender diversity of the 1% or the latest totally real story about how Jacinda Ardern is so down to earth and just like us.
Did we miss any others? Tell us about them in the comments below, and keep an eye out for articles that should go in the next issue.
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corona is a hoax, like global warming and Darwinism
I’m sure Biden has some obvious answers to the questions raised by these recordings?
Vile paper for vile people
Actually I think its a good a moral compass newspaper as you’ll find.
Keep referring back to it, as OffGuardian does, and you’ll keep your BS detector working in top form and you moral compass heading the right way.
My favourite, from a couple of days ago: the How to Eat Baked Beans Canon. Like the 10 Commandments only sponsored by Heinz and a team of muddle-aged ( yes, I mean muddled; also middle-, of course) middle-class prats who think the sun shines out of their assholes, the true heirs to Delia Smith and some crazed evangelist. A real scream. Recommended.
” a Washington DC-based think-tank ”
An oxymoron if ever there was one.
Possible Guardian story – ” Priti Patel’s Cabinet Think Tank discusses ” ……….add your own words.
For all the MSM Conspiracy theories ( sorry – truths ) inflicting Covid or any other virus on your own people is not exactly a great way to dampen down the world’s population growth.
Ending world poverty would be but I’m sure all Centrist sages will tell you that this cannot be done until the Covid emergency ends.
There’s always been emergencies ( Financial Crash for one ) and will be in the future so this cannot be done apparently
Even in the ” rich ” Western UK most people are happy to accept around 600k deaths from other causes than Covid as reasonable and to be expected.
It depends whether they view non car and other accidents as the natural way of things?
” Winter Deaths ” is a euphemism for dying of cold and damp housing poor diet brought on by being poor.
Unlike James Bond’s Lifestyle choice – it’s not a choice at all and the majority of the world has been 2′ Self Isolating ‘ for years due to poverty.
Nothing new for them this Western panic.
Well you can say one thing about the Gs Comment is Free: it is a links free space. I just scanned the latest edition and couldn’t find a single link in any of the comments. Do they cut them out or are any comments with a link automatically disallowed? How can one expect to have an online debate without links. It’s like writing a scientific paper without a single reference.
I feel so nostalgic for the old Guardian of 20 years ago. It was pretty much a free for all, particularly on the weekends. It has become almost squalid now. I can’t imagine who would donate to it.
“Do they cut them out or are any comments with a link automatically disallowed? How can one expect to have an online debate without links. It’s like writing a scientific paper without a single reference.”
Papers like Guardian don’t want a debate, they want you to stay on their pages and behave like a good narrow minded politically correct twat.
The equivalent of terror-bombing a city with peanuts, in the hope everyone dies of a peanut allergy.
I wish to register a complaint. That nearly made me fall off my seat.
A refugee from is in the house.
A very good analogy, and one close to my heart.
I LOVE raw peanuts, as well as considering them good for my health, but I live in a country where it has been impossible to buy them for about four years now… No problem with the roasted salted ones, of course, because they are sold in sterile aluminium packages to ensure the preservatives and insecticides stay in…
I can’t remember what the risk of peanut allergy is, but I have to say I very strongly resent not having access to a normal food which I love, especially when you think of all the other things which human beings can be allergic to, but which are never banned.
Here’s a couple of store cupboard tips from Shaun “the Cheese” Walker’s back catalogue; to help you thru the Covid 19 lock-down and UK soviet style food shortage so much hyped by the Guardian.
Congealed Tipp-Ex to odour of gym – Russia’s cheese fakers fail the taste test
Dill with it: Russia’s obsession with the spindly herb menace
Remember the Graun’s fear porn and fake news about Russia goes back a looong way. As you will see that the headline does not always bare resemblance to the article where even Shaun has to admire some the home product although grudgingly.
Back in August 2014 Shaun Walker wrote an article for the Guardian in which he claimed he had personally seen the Russian military rolling over the frontier into the Ukraine. Strangely, the article was illustrated by library pictures of Russian tanks in Russia, rather than by Shaun Walker using a camera or his phone to take pictures of the actual invasion. Even more strangely, I cannot now find that article on the Guardian’s website. However, Shaun’s twitter page still includes the tweet where he claimed he had witnessed the invasion.
Being a liar has not been a hindrance to one’s career at the Guardian sewer for many years. In fact, of course, it is a prerequisite.
Corporate journalist noun a paid liar, specialising in propaganda for corporate news media, often regurgitating state press releases, especially from intelligence services.
We have just received this update from the RMT union:
We strongly supported their campaign to keep the guards on trains and have been on their mailing list ever since. We are increasingly horrified by the line they are taking on SC2 and their latest offering takes the biscuit.
We live in a rural area and rely on public transport links, including the railway. We have not been on a train for over 2 months now. We would not contemplate either wearing a mask anywhere or using any form of transport/shopping where it is made compulsory. It seems to us like the longer this goes on the more lunatic people who you’d think would know better are becoming.
We are really struggling with the unions’ suicidal/murderous line on easing the lockdown, seemingly based on no research or wide reading but on MSM fear-mongering. We can only assume their agena is to bring down capitalism by this – fat chance! We can only hope that the louder they scream, the more the Tories will ignore them?
agena = agenda (sorry!)
One of my regular walks takes me near the main railway line between Oxford and London, and I usually see several trains over the course of say, 5 minutes or so. As far as I can tell, they are usually deserted, although I’ve seen PR from the train companies saying they are keeping trains running for key workers.
I’ve also seen goods trains, which seem to have plenty of containers on them. I take that as a positive sign, that at least some commerce is taking place, but there again, the containers could be empty, and it’s all for show.
I’ve seen the occasional bus (also looking empty), but have not attempted to use one since the lockdown.
The trains are empty on our line too. It seems as if the goods trains are still running. Anyway, one way we are coping with the lock-up is simply getting out and about. We are fairly old (67 and 71) and, as we don’t run a car, we have continued throughout to travel on buses and walk/cycle everywhere. Not trains (as above) but a few more people seem to be using the buses now.
“Compulsory 2 metre social distancing – the public are being told to observe 2 metre social distancing in open spaces outdoors. Therefore the government should enforce 2 metre social distancing on trains whose confined spaces mean there is a greater risk of infection.”
What planet are they on??
Here’s a Graun article to complement Shaun “The Cheese” Walker’s toxic Russo-phobic piece about toxic masculinity among so called Dictators, erm I mean leaders, not wearing hats, I mean masks. In this other “if the hat fits wear it” piece of Russo-phobic shock horror:
Russian supertrawlers off Scottish coast spark fears for UK marine life
As we read on we find:
The [Russian] fleet is operating legally, according to the Scottish government. The area, to the west of the Shetland Islands, is within waters shared by the UK and the Faroe Islands. It is managed jointly, but governed by the Faroese government under a special treaty. Its designation as a SAC by the European Union does not prevent commercial fishing in the area.
Another storm in the proverbial teacup of Guardian fear porn. And so we realise from these simple examples that the Covid 19 crap in the Guardian is just that!
One of my favourites..
I’m gonna buy a hat cos I think it’s gonna rain..I’m gonna buy a big one just like that Mr Gorbachev
And when it’s raining all this crap
Oh my hat will keep it off.
Perusing the Guardian articles and comments I also note that the Remainers are trying to make a comeback. They won’t let it go and the Gruan won’t either. It was even suggested that Coronavirus has been caused by Brexit. The same goes for the present and gradual rolling out of the economic debacle. It’s Brexit. Yikes! They have rolled out Will Hutton again to give yet another Remainer rendition. But I don’t remember ever seeing a rigorous and well argued case in favour of Brexit, ”The Left Case Against the EU.” Costas Lapavitsas for example. Oh, no we’re not having any of that Putin-inspired nonsense here!That’s because 1. The Guardian doesn’t do balance, or 2, they are actually under the spell of an internalised thought-crime alarm and incapable of thinking in a disinterested and rational manner. As for facts, well they just don’t live here.
Of course it was Francis. It also causes male-pattern-baldness, obesity, and ED. Mostly problems for “toxic males” though, so the Graun should be all in favour.
Get the New Statesman’s Morning Call email.
If you talk to almost anyone overseas, except those at the right-wing extreme (like Trump) or part of a tiny minority of the left, their reaction to Brexit is similar that of the former prime minister of Finland. What the UK is doing is utterly, utterly stupid. An act of self harm with no point, no upside. Sometimes outside opinion is based on incomplete or biased information and should be discounted, but on Brexit it is spot on. So why are so many people in the UK unable to see what outsiders can see quite clearly?
The days when Leavers talked about the sunlit uplands are over. Liam Fox has not even managed to replicate the scores of trade deals the UK will lose when we leave the EU. As for independence, Leavers cannot name any laws imposed on the UK by the EU that they do not like. Since the referendum, even public attitudes to immigration have become much more favourable.
Instead there has emerged one justification for reducing real wages, for allowing our economy to lose over 2 per cent of its GDP, to allow firms to make and enact plans to leave the UK: the 2016 referendum. People voted for it, so it has to be done. It is described as the “will of the people”. Yet few bother to note that almost half the people voted the other way, with those that would be most affected not even having a vote – and that this victory was won by illegal means. All of that is brushed aside.
But what is really remarkable is the way that what this vote was originally for has gradually mutated over time. Just before the vote, the Leave campaign talked of many ways of leaving, with Norway (which is in the EEA) as one option. They did this for a simple reason: every time Leavers came up with a feasible way of leaving, other Leavers didn’t like it. Yet within little more than a year Leavers were declaring that the vote was obviously to leave both the Customs Union and Single Market. During the referendum campaign the Leave side talked about the great deal they would get from the EU, but within two years, many of the same people were seriously pretending that voters really wanted no deal. A vote for the “easiest” deal in history has become a vote for no deal at all, apparently.
In much the same way, as Alex Andreou notes, what was once described as Project Fear transforms in time into “the people knew they were voting for that”. Claims there will be no short-term hit to living standards made before the referendum have now become “people knew there would be a short-term cost” – remember Rees-Mogg told us that short-term means 50 years.
Meanwhile, warnings from important UK businesses become an excuse to talk about WWII, yet again. What people from outside the UK can see that too many inside cannot is how the case for Leaving has become little more than xenophobia and nationalism. What people overseas can also see but we seem unable to is that there is a world of difference between a vote to Leave the EU in an unspecified way and a real, practical plan. Which means that the first referendum, particularly as it was narrowly won, needs to be followed by a second referendum over an actual, realistic way of leaving. In other words, a “people’s vote”. When Jonathan Freedland says “the notion that a 52 per cent vote for a hypothetical, pain-free Brexit translates into an unbreakable mandate for an actually existing Brexit is shaky at best”, he is wrong: the notion is simply incorrect.
Some of the arguments against this are so dumb, yet are allowed to pass as serious. “Oh, well, why not just have a best of three”: because there is no reason for a third referendum. That having a second referendum means that “politicians have failed the people”: most politicians voted to Remain because they knew that any realistic way of leaving would be bad for people. They have been proved right and a majority of the electorate might well agree. “The first referendum was an unconditional vote to leave”: of course, it could never be. Suppose we found out that everyone would lose half their income under any specific way of leaving – would you still argue that in 2016 voters voted for that?
But by far the worst excuse not to hold a people’s vote is that a second referendum would be undemocratic. Orwell must be turning in his grave when he hears politicians say in all seriousness that a second referendum would undermine faith in democracy. This is the language of dictators and fascists, but few seem to mind. Given the difference between the final deal and the promises of the Leave campaign the case for a second referendum is overwhelming, but you would not know that from the UK public debate. There is only one way to make sense of the “people’s vote = undemocratic” equation, or the “will of the people”, and that is that the first referendum effectively disenfranchised Remain voters.
That is exactly what happened after the 2016 vote. Those wanting to Remain to all intents and purposes ceased to exist. If we are just talking about Leave voters, then of course most will be disappointed by a second vote. Is this why Labour MPs just worry about Leave voters in their constituencies, because Remain voters no longer matter? It is why we get endless vox pops from Leave constituencies, and no mention from EU citizens who have lived here for years who are worried sick because the computer might say you have to leave?
How did Remain voters become effectively disenfranchised? Why is the lunacy of what this country is doing only apparent to foreigners? Answering this question is not hard for anyone who has read my book The Lies We Were Told. What we have that foreigners do not is a public discourse shaped by a handful of newspaper proprietors who just happen to be intensely hostile to the EU. Partly through intimidation by that same press and their political allies, the BBC follows this discourse. This is where the “will of the people” came from. It was this press that puts rebel Conservative MPs on their front pages, and that uses language like saboteurs and traitors. It is intimidating MPs in order to influence the democratic process, but of course few in the media call it that.
As I discuss in my book, I have seen this before in a milder form at least twice in recent times. In the first the UK convinced itself that austerity was the only way forward, despite most academic economists saying otherwise. It was the media that promoted claims that governments were just like households, even though first year economics students are taught why this is not true. And then it was the media that pushed (or left unchallenged) the idea that austerity was the result of Labour profligacy: it was a straight lie but it played a critical part in the 2015 election.
If people have doubts about my argument that the media played a central role is misdirecting the public then (and many do), well Brexit should be a test case. And so far Brexit has gone exactly as these newspaper proprietors would have wished. Three coincidences is a row? The reason why those overseas can see that Brexit is utterly, utterly stupid while the UK stockpiles food and medicine, and the Prime Minister tries to blackmail MPs into supporting her deal, is because those overseas are not influenced by the UK media.
As this one seems very popular, it is worth spelling out why it is rubbish. The 2016 referendum was not some kind of contract, where all those voting to leave committed to support any vote to leave for all time. It is highly likely that some people voted for a particular kind of Brexit and would prefer Remain to other types of Brexit, which is crucial given the narrow victory. (Which is also why claims that Remain cannot be on any second referendum ballot are nonsense.) Some may have voted Leave to give more money to the NHS and to stop Turkish immigrants, in which case they may have changed their minds. It does not say “we should leave whatever the form of leave at whatever cost” on the ballot or the small print, because there is no small print.
Imagine being this butthurt over Brexit.
I can’t imagine being so naive to think that the government is doing Brexit because the British people voted for it, ha ha ha ha ha how daft would you have to be
Brexit is a similar geopolitical/economic racket to the coronavirus. Now, we can argue about whether some form of Brexit might be a good thing – and I used to support Brexit before it was even a word – but it should be obvious now that any cause backed by Johnson and Farage is based on a catalogue of cheating and lies. Not that I have any time for the Guardian’s divisive posturing either – I don’t.
Alan Rusbridger was interviewed on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s national radio channel last weekend. The point of the interview was to laud the MSM’s coverage of the Coronavirus issue. According to Alan –
“What matters most is reliable reporting.”
“We are the ones you can trust.”
“The BBC is a well-resourced and trusted organisation.”
One must “be fair” and “evidence based”.
We were told that Rusbridger has been appointed to Facebook’s ‘Oversight Board’.
Like the trade deals they’re secretly discussing with warmongering USA , in complete privacy so the public don’t know anything about them, but one point that has been released is the USA can dictate to the UK who it can or can’t trade with China being on of them, and now that the WTO is on the verge of collapse it will be fine, well done all you brexiteers we don’t want the EU dictating to us ,but we don’t mind the warmongering yanks doing it.
Here’s one for This Week in the Guardian:
Yes! I was saying one week into lockdown that they’ve been trying to create a cashless society for decades and they seemed to have succeeded. It will be another blow to small businesses who have to pay a fee for credit card transactions.
I was walking by a small stationers that I like to use from time to time in town yesterday, and was glad to see that in spite of the lockdown, they were at least able to offer some limited service. You order by phone or email, and pay by bank transfer or cheque, and arrange to collect within a fairly small timeframe on one of three days in the week. Not much, but I hope it will give them some cash flow.
I presume that they will pay charges for either cheque or bank transfer, but it’s better than no income. However, another smallish shop that I like to use seems to be closed for the duration, and I wonder if it will ever reopen.
The Tories always used to be thought of as the party of business, but the countries most famous Covid-19 recovering patient and new father famously once said “**** business!” and his government certainly has ****ed small business. Large corporations, many of them Tory donors, will probably survive and may even do well.
My corner shop is happy to accept cash, I’m very glad to say.
Thanks for the link, timfrom. The article itself is a disgusting mix of supercilious ageism and fawning hitechmania. If you go to it, on the right of the screen there’s a list of other Graun headlines you can click on. This one is my favourite:
Why apologise?
Oops, the headline disappeared during transmission. If you click on ‘Why apologise?’ you’ll understand.
Odd that they should think an all-female audience would look natural?
If they’d left off the masks, it would have been obvious they weren’t sex dolls, c/f the naughty one who’s let her mask slip. Doh!
Must be true. All my cash is gone!
Yes, I noticed that piece by Freedland, although I didn’t bother to read it because it would just be the same old, same old BS. I don’t why they just don’t get a parrot to regurgitate the same line. ‘Who’s a pretty polly then? ‘Bad guys, Good guys, Putin, Putin, Putin ….. ad infinitum, who’s a pretty boy then’. Abject tedium is an underestimation.
I noticed in the Standfast that the world is full of ‘Bad Guys’ you know – them! Of course the venerable Mr F seems to not only knows the identity of the baddies, but assumes his readers also know unthinkingly. Basically this the old propaganda trick of the ‘everybody knows’ variety.
I would have thought that someone who is a CIA-MI5-Mossad asset could do better than this.
I again must apologise for the lenght, but this eh…. rant is the summary of whats known as radiation polution and I hope this comes thru, this, is the accumulation of what we know.
Since the attacks are all over the board, I had to use the sledgehammer, eventually.
So, let me again take you down the rabbits hole, nice and dark, and you never know what you will encounter, and this time, since the NWO bitches are howling everywhere and attacks anyone whom dont bow to the people from the tissue walled part of the free range asylum we call uh…. science and even worse, the medical science and if that dont make it, I have something even more uh…. conspiratory, the truth about what we call radiation, aka electromagnetic radiation, an word mostly associated with nuks but that is just one spectrum, but the part a bit lower when it comes the the narrative about frequencys aka Hz.
So I will give you an quick summary, you have non-ionazing Hz from 0 to 300 GHz, then we have ionizing radiation from 1 GHz to 1000 THz where 1-300 is labeled microwaves and the 300 GHz- to 1000THz is IR-C and our Sun is one of the sources and do have in mind that this radiation produces Vitamin D and so on to skin cancer.
I could link to this but its in the net and the above parameters are official, anyway.
Then we have what is conserning me, and that is what I define as electromagnietic polution of biological etc systems witch of course everybody denies but few bothers to educate them selfs about and all this was and is knows for decades and nothing is new, the difference is that this is never debated, like polution from our chemical indused reality where we have everything from GMOs to Pestecides and then we have the body it self witch have and is under attack from an massive range of toxic sources incl Vaccines, etc to other medisines witch they call this science of quackery this days and even refused to acknowledge anything, even when the health care system is killing more than all the wars combines we never ever debate that either.
In the links I will give you, 3 infact, one is from the 70s, mostly conducted by the military and some reseachers, but apart from that, keept in the dark and that is about reported biological phenomena and clinical manifistations attributed to microwaves and radio frequency radiation.
This will make your jaws drop.
Thanks to one person over at the shithole RT, I have forgotten this reseaches and conserns for years, but now it comes back, thanks again for finding this one.
If that isnt enough, the second video is about something even more denied and silenced, that science is- and focuses on something called Harmonic resonance, do remeber this one, because this isnt something new either, but operates on an level that most would denie is even possible, to take out cancer with sound waves, where the rick was to find the right combinations, and that is where the narrative about harmonic resonance comes in, they already have this, but why on earth do we not know about that, this system can be utelized for good and bad, intended or unintended from an science witch they denie the consequences of, because of deniles of what radiation can do, to everything living.
First, what is harmonic resonance:
An full documentary, resonance: beings of frequencys
And from this about HR, but not covered by the video, the use of harmonic resonance to destroy cancer.
I cant underline enough that this is the future of medicine and what we are surounded by, we need to be real and also be honest about what on earth are we doing to where on earth are we going.
I hope you do watch and read this, because if you do, you know what this is about, and why we whom do not dance to the piper, are scorned and riddicouled by people whom if you dont know, apears eh…. “credible” witch is way out of the line about radiation and the truth about effects of frequencys, most just dont even know what they them selfs are talking about, but this “educational” round will make you know what we are indeed facing, this, when you watch those videos and then think about the paper link on what type of damages we are exposed to, subtle or not, is why this must be known, and never forget the rule of thumbs, the MSM lies about everything, absolutelly everything, all the time.
Never give in and never give up.
Have an nice day and take care
You left out Guardian articles on global support for an independent investigation into the source of the covid-19.
This is a) already known.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin’
and that it’s probable route from the wild to humans was mass land clearances forcing it’s animal vector (still unknown) to migrate to more human populated areas as occurred for other recent viral out breaks suck as Ebola, and Ross River Virus.
b) a Trump administration intelligence directive which the Guardian actually reported.
but now make out Australian gimp in chief Scott Morrison is the instigator of and which other countries are climbing to his support.
c) pointless except as a geopolitical propaganda exercise for the reasons outlined in a) and b) above, and obviously aimed at China which is why they are so pissed with Morrison and Australia at present.
Morrison and Sith Lord Rupert are playing on long existing anti-Chinese sentiment dating from the 1850’s Australian gold rush and the persisting current propaganda that Australia is being bought out from under us by China who are also buying up our politicians, a government line the Guardian has been faithfully echoing,
This is despite most foreign ownership/investment in Australia being from the three leading sources of foreign investment the US, UK and Belgium.
In fact businessmen and corporations from Luxembourg, a country which only very rich Australians buy anything from …. ie: skiing holidays and tax evasion … owns and controls more of Australia than Chinese billionaires and corporations.
It is businessmen and corporations from the US and UK who donate most of the money to out politicians and who write most of our laws for those politicians to pass and give those same politicians cushy corporate jobs after they give politics the flick.
These UK corporations include such luminaries of good behavior as the criminal money laundering and ISIS financing HSBC who own most of the shares in Australia’s banking sector.
Australians aren’t all racist Sinophobes, but NONE of the non-racist type EVER appears in the MSM any more. THAT is totalitarianism, suicidal totalitarianism.
‘The equivalent of terror-bombing a city with peanuts, in the hope everyone dies of a peanut allergy.‘
Even less effective than using chlorine as a weapon. They really do think we are all stupid and gullible.
And, like most authoritarians who enjoy looking down upon the public, they fail to check on their own IQ from time to time…
I honestly think that if you take a random bunch of ordinary people who have acquired a reasonable reputation for having common sense, and put them beside the same number of people who have acquired high political office for reasons other than common sense, you’ll find the higher IQ in the former group. Our representatives today are just not very bright – and it shows…
Well majority wise we are.
Someone was talking ‘trolls’ in the guardian and I advised that they can be recognized relatively easily by seeing what else they have posted. 30 to 50 posts a day, often with put-downs and thrust in one political direction, clearly indicate that someone is trolling.
In addition to that it shows that you (the one attacked by the troll) has had a point because or you wouldn’t be worth the time and effort of attack. The trolls need to hit back at valid points only – so it’s half an honour to be attacked.
Zapped by the guardian.
Hit ’em back by just clicking ‘Report’. Then leave the Stasi shadowban swine censors a special message. Maybe a mention or two about the torture and imprisonment of Julian Assange for starters and the Fraudian’s complicity. Yes: report after report after report . . . until . . . All sorts of opportunities to sort of get their ‘attention’. Ha ha hee hee.
I’ve come to the same conclusion that the same applies to downvotes here, at least if they are not accompanied by a sensible comment. If someone downvotes you without stating a reason, and with a credible counter-argument, then you have actually scored a point.
That’s one reason why I no longer down-vote at all (although I do still upvote, if I think someone has expressed their point well, or provided good new information or both).
One thing is to err as it is human. While totally other thing is to lie profusely by denying facts one is fully aware of, material facts long accepted before sudden expedient reversal of position by rejecting hard data, logic and reason once relied upon in order to consciously peddle dangerous falsities straight from state and corporate propaganda playbook.
It is time people like MoA editor/publisher and many others thought to be credible and independent are held accountable for their deceit.
Case in point is current MoA Coronavirus coverage which at this point deteriorated to irrelevant tabloid sensationalism and is mostly concerned with lack of cats’ quarantines as a major culprit in spreading SC2 virus. The apparent conclusion and lesson from this expensive and cruel to animals “scientific” study was a guideline for virus-free people not to lock themselves in a cage for three days with other people infected with SC2 as they may get infected asymptomatically as did cats, and in 6 days asymptomatically acquired immunity. Humans asymptomatically acquire SC2 immunity in 7-10 days.
Tomorrow perhaps dogs will join cats as reasons MoA uses to justifying deadly and economically devastating lockdowns by MOA editorials .
Another curious case that is being peddled on MoA these days is discovery that SC2 may possibly be transmitted through speech (study provided zero proof of actual SC2 infection path but only rough estimate that 0.37% of chance of 10ml droplet containing one virion) seems to be put forward to “scientifically” justify MSM slogan “Shut Up and Save Lives”.
All those MoA referenced stories based on dubious research previously found their way to MSM from which likely MoA got the spin.
Today if one tries to make no-nonsense comment on MOA blog about coronavirus questioning CFR or Infection rates or grossly flawed attribution of deaths as COVID deaths to cases with severe preexisting conditions, comorbidities or frail health of elderly making official COVID death count up to ten times higher than it really is, a hard fact that completely undermines legitimacy of lockdowns one will likely be accused by MoA editor of being paid troll spreading conspiracy theories attacking MoA for their “truthful” reporting.
But which truth MoA is talking about, today’s or yesterday’s like for example truth of late January 2020 when MoA urged readers to calm down in post
Instead of today’s “ Truth” of hysterical calls for mandatory face masks, strict social distancing or locking down entire population and by that devastating economy, what we find back then in January at MoA is old truth of no hysteria, no fear mongering, no sensationalism, no alarmism but sober, calm rational assessment of COVID’s CFR as almost entirely due to old age, multiple comorbidities and infection rates as typical for mild infectious diseases as it was confirmed two months later.
From the same MoA post:
Considering about quotes there was no way that at that time MoA would have endorsed extraordinary social distancing or especially devastating lockdowns in the US that are destroying entire economy with tens of millions unemployed just because of.. mild flu like threat of Coronavirus to population and even to most of elderly. In fact MoA in January and early February condemned fear mongers spreading misinformation about alleged extraordinary lethality or virulence or danger of Coronavirus disease (COVID).
January 25 MoA post contained solid analysis based of reliable estimations of early SC2 epidemic, MoA used to be known for, giving estimates that mostly panned out in following months supported by incoming hard data stemming from dozens of empirical epidemiological studies, until all hell broke lose among corporate propagandists late February and somehow MoA lost its mind amid MSM hysterics and perhaps because of a dose of personal panic, paralyzing and confusing existential fear shared by the publisher himself.
Or may be B finally in February got late memo from his controllers to tell MoA bloggers to accept almost every lie about nature of coronavirus from authorities and MSM at face value and spread paralyzing fear among readers to cover up massive financial crisis.
The $6 trillion Wall Street bailout, MoA effectively and conveniently ignored in its coverage , so were ignored pertinent questions of disproportionality and puzzling, reverse priorities of pandemic response completely detached from reality of actual level of medical emergency are not raised on MoA blog.
There could be no other explanation for such deliberate self-emasculation and self-depreciation of MOA legacy short of payoff or severe damage to MoA editor’s brain.
Perhaps they need a name change Kalen:
Slaves of Avarice.
Face masks are mandatory in many industries. They are used en masse in east Asia every winter to reduce disease spread, and it is estimated that 80% compliance would shut down the spread of this disease. Why oppose them?
Estimated by whom? Isn’t it also widely ‘estimated’ they do no good at all?
I’m aware of one study that is regularly trotted out as evidence that “masks don’t do any good” – this one, carried out in S. Korea this year.
It is true that it was written by scientists. It is true that it concluded: “Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered {COVID-19} during coughs by infected patients.” But I actually went and read the study.
The methodology was reasonable enough – get infected people to cough a number of times onto petri dishes while not wearing a mask, and then while wearing a surgical mask, and then a cotton mask, and then measure the level of contamination on the dishes. The number of subjects was four, which then shrank down to three, and then, for the most important part of the study, to two. Even with this laughably small sample size, the scientists did manage to generate 21 data points. Here is my summary of what they actually showed:
In every single data case bar 1, and in all the total-based averages, the masks showed a measurable reduction of contamination to the dish – 20 out of 21 data points. These reductions ranged from 6% to 16% with the surgical masks, and from 30% to 46% with the cotton masks. The overall averages were 10% for surgical masks and 38% for cotton masks.
So having carried out a test on a laughably small sample, and nevertheless produced figures that demonstrated that in 95% of cases masks reduced contamination by between 6% and 46%, they concluded that masks made no difference – presumably because that is what they had wanted to prove to begin with.
And they didn’t even test P2 masks, which are far more effective than surgical or cotton masks. And yet this study is now being cited all over the world as proof that masks make no difference.
I don’t have any scientific studies. All I have is something I guess would be called “metadata” – the experience of about 1/5 of the world population. As of 22 Jan everybody in China starteed wearing a mask when they went out. And they have had about 5000 deaths and they have the virus under control.
It stands to reason that if everybody wears a mask, people who are infected will infect hardly anybody else. And if the contagion period for the virus is 2 weeks, then within two weeks you will have the thing under control.
I agree with 90% of your output on this issue. The whole thing is a classic moral panic taken to the Nth degree. Social distancing is stupid. General lockdowns are a pointless and idiotic way to destroy your economy. The virus kills elderly people who are close to dying of old age, and vulnerable people. There’s not a shred of evidence that it’s killing young and otherwise healthy people in any significant numbers.
But on masks you’re mistaken. It’s a quick and easy way to get the virus under control in two weeks.
Sorry I screwed up my link. I won’t try to hyperlink it again. Here’s the study:
Well said David. The cultists will be annoyed-they hate ‘dog muzzles’ They think they are emasculating, or some such other cobblers.
I live in South-East Asia. They are not used en masse in east Asia. Piss off with your lies.
Everybody in China started wearing a mask when they went out in public as of 22 January. Mostly they were P2 masks. People who couldn’t get hold of masks stayed indoors. Everybody is still wearing masks, although they are mostly surgical masks now. They don’t offer much protection, but since the risk is now 0% across 99% of the country it doesn’t really matter.
China is a very large part of East Asia.
Of course, with this “pandemic” they’re going for the muzzles. It wasn’t like each and everyone used to wear them. Before all this nonsense they wanted to protect themselves from pollution. Pollution is rather big in this part of the world. In fact they had a huge demo against pollution in our favourite city, Wuhan, before this “pandemic” broke out.
They are worn in East Asia to prevent spreading the disease to others, a concept I’m sure you cannot comprehend, and for self-protection from pollution and diseases.
They are mostly used not so much for protection, but to stop you spreading diseases when you cough, sneeze, hiccough or even speak or yell.
Everyone who has viewed film from east Asia (not south-east Asia where it may be different)ie China, Korea, Japan etc, or has visited there, knows that what I say is true, but the truth is something the cultists cannot abide. I won’t reply to your typically nasty invitation to disappear.
You want one, you wear one.
Don’t presume to order me to.
So you are happy to take the risk of spreading disease to others-for what reason, precisely?
Re: Tomorrow perhaps dogs will join cats as reasons MoA uses to justifying deadly and economically devastating lockdowns by MOA editorials
This is an entirely anecdotal observation, and I’m sure everyone here understands that anecdotes cannot be considered “science” unless they support the official narrative, in which case they should be spread liberally over all available media, but I have noticed a change in behaviour of the neighbourhood cats. That is, they appear to be far more stand-off-ish than a couple of months ago. My theory is that some feline “sixth sense” has detected that the world has gone batshit crazy and they have collectively decided to keep their distance until it all blows over. The dogs, by the way, are just as daft as ever.
Cats can get infected-they’re not dumb.
The same of mainstream stuff Putin, bla bla I think we call it tripe as its still the same memes and topics of the insane msm.
Coronavirus 101
You have a quadrillion viruses on and in you, including corona and many other viruses found in healthy people’s nasal passages and found well before the panic-demic.
The idiotic insane panic -demic demonized and declared a war on a corona virus, carried out mass global home arrests, govt shut the economies down causing economic destruction which is then blamed on a virus , people with no freedom of movement in police states.
Definitely take a peak at Pepe Escobar’s take on the panic-demic.
Are you implying that ALL viruses are the same when it comes to human health? Surely not.
Happy to note that she supports Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc.
Richard Le Sarc will be happy to note that she supports hydroxychloroquine (although she puts it strictly in context).
Ah well, I guess no one is perfect. 😉
HCQ is only useful in the early stages of infection, or prophylactically. Given once the virus is widespread, it is near useless.
Listen, boy, are you going to be joining the queue for Gates’s vaccines?
Not in a million years. I practise prophylaxis, and keeping up my immune system, particularly the innate immune system.
It’s obvious.
The Guardian journos are either suffering from paranoid delusions or kiss ar$e syndrome.
Or both.
It’s probably deeper-seated than that.
As with most of the msm, they are selected / self-select for the attitudes and views they already hold.
To paraphrase Chomsky: if they believed anything other than they do, they wouldn’t be there in the first place.
Tennis anyone?
This is a prime example of the lunacy future historians and generations are going to look back and see.
It wasn’t a spoof, but a real official press briefing held by New York’s Nassau County health officials just days ago. It was all about proper handling of balls to stay safe amid coronavirus.
Yes, we’re now to the point that bureaucrats have to treat us to infantile lectures on how to handle others’ balls. As if Tennis wasn’t already among the most ‘social distancing safe’ sports in the world, given the nature of how far apart players stand on the court — at least we think it was about tennis balls anyway, but aren’t quite sure.
“You can kick their balls, but you can’t touch them,” Nassau County Executive Laura Curran announced with a serious urgency.
Indeed, an apt description of the insane times in which we live, where government officials full of inflated self-importance have to break down how we handle each others’ balls.
“To avoid confusion between whose balls are whose you can use a marker like a sharpie to put an ‘X’… to put someone’s initials on them,” she added.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The universe has jumped the shark.
First world problems of the 1% – tennis ball etiquette in the C19 dreamscape.
A marketing opportunity for Wilson or Slazenger … different coloured balls and then … antiviral racket-strings … er … as you were.
great news from the source pit
lbc global london mossad radio just said the oxford cambridge lab have a vaccine
astro zenica will be making 30 million doses in sept
bill gates was not mentioned
it is true
the issue is i think the uk has 65 million goyim
AstraZeneca Plc will make as many as 30 million doses of coronavirus vaccine available to the U.K. by September and has committed to delivering 100 million doses this year. The U.K. will be the first country to get access to the vaccine should it be successful.
The vaccine being developed at the University of Oxford will get 65.5 million pounds ($79 million) of funding, U.K. Business Secretary Alok Sharma said today in a statement. The inoculation is already being studied in humans and could reach late-stage trials by the middle of the year. Another 18.5 million pounds will go to Imperial College London as trials accelerate.
Drugmakers are scaling up to make a Covid vaccine before the shots are fully tested, so inoculations will be ready as soon as possible.
There was an oscars style award announcement for the most compliant nation on the planet. And in first place . . .
God help us.
I predict a riot. When the vaccine damage comes to be known.
But by then, it will be too late.
I’ve no idea if it’s true, but I do love lbc global london mossad radio!
it’s true
it’s true
I will deploy an Americanism here. Go Pennsylvania!
Some great banners and placards there!
The easy on the eye woman with ‘I need to be able to tell my children I did not stay silent’ is the best Ive seen throughout this, and there have been some excellent signs.
Tested positive for “Mad as Hell” is one of my favourites!
Thank you for that. I’ ve made a note of it for future use!
Brilliant photo essay. Thanks for posting it. Who’s paranoid here? The cross section of American people demonstrating, or the state [including the 4th estate ] oppressors watching on?
Just tried – Safari ‘couldn’t find’ the page.
That’s the real deal!
Gooo… Penn!
A little off topic but I wanted to post this:
I’d like to discuss the piece of this sordid puzzle regarding the elderly who reside in nursing homes/care centers/LTCF’s- this too like all else Covid is a complete lie. To tell half-truths to purposefully de-contextualize a situation of this magnitude is to knowingly manipulate the facts- it is to lie.
Based on watching interviews and reading reports there seems to be a consistent pattern of how the situation with those in care centers has been handled in Madrid, London, Milan, Brussels and NYC.
How it works in the best of times is that when one is placed into an LTCF it does not mean that that person stays in that facility all the time. What it does mean is that that person is most always in a situation where their health has deteriorated significantly, there are complex health problems where constant care is required. So where is that person, in normal times, when they are not directly in that care facility? In the hospital.
Many of these individuals, most of them, shuttle back and forth from care facility to hospital. They go from the care facility to the hospital when they have a dramatic downturn in their health and life-saving medical treatment is required. Once at the hospital they are stabilized in a matter of 3-7 days on average and then sent back to the care center. Most of these individuals yo-yo back and forth between care facility and hospital until they die.
It’s important to understand, that while it varies some from country to country and from care center to care center, on average once one enters a care facility that person will be deceased in 6-12 months. Here is a report from 2010 which speaks to this:
Once the patient is stabilized in the hospital they go back to the care center. If they were not to be stabilized the patient would descend very rapidly and be dead within a week, two weeks at most. Again keep in mind we are talking about individuals who are already in severe health crisis with very complex health issues.
What is happening now with the care center to hospital rotational is very different which has created the conditions for a “bulk” rate of deceased elderly. It has little to do with Covid per se and once again points to a social problem not a viral problem.
The changes are such that now we are seeing that once an individual is sent to the hospital for whatever cause they may have (“Covid” or otherwise) and then stabilized they go back to the nursing home as before. They are not only being dismissed prematurely in many cases (due to fear of overcrowding which never happened) but are also being sent back to care facilities that do not have the medical capabilities to care for these people.
Once this happens, not being sent back to the hospital for stabilization, it is essentially a death sentence. This occurs even if they are not tested for or suspected of having Covid. This also means that they can infect others individuals in the care center- with whatever infection they may have-workers included. A climate of neglect and fear prevails.
Compounding all of this is the fact that with the fear and hysteria workers are withdrawing from care centers, calling in sick, skipping shifts etc.- a perfect storm.
And through all of this let’s keep in mind that those that these nursing home deaths (deaths caused as much by neglect and abandonment represented about 50% of the “Covid deaths” in Europe- even though it was admitted that many were never tested.
And let’s also keep in mind that these pumped up numbers of “Covid deaths”, of those that government officials neglected, were used to justify all manner of draconian measures by those same governments. It’s a sick and twisted game being played here.
Thank you for such a coherent posting. A rarity on here. Certainly in the UK we have involuntary euthanasia of the elderly as a deliberate policy of Government.
Well, whatever their faults, at least we know they’re not ‘plague-denialists’!
Oh, this made me laugh
“In China, apparently, Xi Jinping is trying to make sure Uyghur Muslims get infected with the coronavirus.”
An effort not worth making considering the actual mortality rates
They’ve accused Assad of trying to “genocide” everyone in Idlib via the virus as well. These cretins really think we’ll believe anything.
Yah, I’m a woman and don’t wear a mask- what’s the man haters point?
Oh yah, divide to conquer.
Too much!
You people from the 77th Brigade are a real laugh (not).
I suppose you all realise that you are going to be put on trial one day.
RobG, you shouldn’t be upset with them. The tragedy is not the deranged powers that have invented this sick scenario. There has always been and always will be totally inhumane people. The tragedy is that others allow this to happen and make it possible. There is no greater tragedy than to lose one’s humanity, whatever may be the reason.
The real nightmare today is to see so many who have so easily become and accepted to become dehumanized and are not even aware of their dehumanization. What could be worse? To have had the unique privilege to be born a human being and not a cockroach, and to waste that privilege.
Hope, wise words.
Unfortunately I do get very wound-up by it all! (ask my doctors about my blood pressure).
Actually, I was told by a doctor 30 years ago in London that I had dangerously high blood pressure, and could keel over at any moment.
That was in the early 1990s, and yet I’m still here, and no doubt driving you all mad.
I think Penny was writing in support of the article and saying the Guardian is using sexism to divide and conquer.
Hi Admin1
Yes, I was in support of the article and yes I was stating sexism is being used to divide and conquer.
Apologies if I wasn’t clear enough on that.
I thought your point was clearly made Penny.
Glad you got it!
Penny, see my comment above.
Admin1, we are all a bit cranky at the moment (myself included), because we are living through absolutely unprecedented times.
My apologies to Penny if she meant well.
It’s is a difficult time to be sure RobG- and we’re all a bit cranky
Hubby lost his job because of the “pandemic” and is stressed as much as many others. So, I get it.
My husband, who I’ve been married to for a long time now, is someone I dearly love and we’ve always been supportive of one another.
Which is why I really dislike the way men are continually put down.Unnecessarily so. And done with the idea of causing divide. It’s reprehensible.
That all said… apology accepted 🙂
Penny, bonne chance to you and your husband, and also bonne courage.
Kind regards
“toxic masculinity” is killing people.
Statements like these have led the weak minded into thinking that men should be like women. It is a totally insane proposition, but you can see the progression of this idea in the music promoted by the big companies since the 1960s.
In the 1960s, popular musicians were real men, people like Jim Morrison, Rolling Stones, Eric Burdon, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Frank Zappa (I am trying to list a wide selection here). By the 1980s those real men were now effeminate, with people like George Michael, Queen, Elton John having taken over the reins with other masculine bands, such as AC/DC, still in the mix but not dominating.
This is an observation, not a criticism, but I think it shows the way that society has moved away from male heroes and has been fed effeminate heroes.
Society now behaves like its effeminate heroes, with men more often looking to women to make decisions, and women naturally trying to please everybody, fail to make good decisions. The one woman every man is familiar with is his mum, a recipe for disaster. A younger population tied to apron strings.
Sixties was a CIA operation. Read laurel canyon and see that Zappa and Morrison were sons of high ranking military industrial complex
Zappa was a genius, Morrison was getting close. Get the CIA to produce more like them!
They probably did it just to give their bratty kids what they wanted, to be rock stars. And to own the space and sell drugs. If the times they were a changin’ they would be the man. As usual. More fool us.
I bought ‘Dylan’s’ last LP , Modern Times – utter crap – he must have had to write his own songs. Old poets are supposed to mature with age. Well Leonard Cohen did haha…
What’s happening now could be seen as no more no more than cultural control plus drug pushing.
You’ve a very naive way at looking at CIA operations. Zappa’s father was a biological chemist for MK ultra.
Read up on it.
Maybe but look at it from the kid’s point of view. They wanted to be rock stars – unless you believe they were Hollywood Men in Black. Now that’s naive. They probably didn’t like their dads and didn’t know much about what their dads did. Except one thing, they knew they were part of a weird privileged elite …
Their dads as disciplinarian naval officers etc probably had nothing but contempt for these dissolute young men their offspring (unless said kids were Men in Black). Sad but so it was then, I expect their mums loved them.
MK Ultra having a specific cultural objective is pretty unfounded isn’t it? It belongs with all the other disgusting experimentation on the brain at the time. I should think it quite likely that psychedelics drugs and their promotion thru the rock scene was a For Profit enterprise. It turned out to be a great investment. Who knows how the state / private gangsters work it. Opium to China, medicinal Opiates, Hard drugs, Vaccines isn’t it all the same business?
Yes, but to what extent do people like the CIA fan the flames rather than set the fires, what is the object of the exercise and how do they choose which flames to fan?
You sound like you’ve never questioned anything.
…but, either way, the music was still up to scratch!
Great tool to subvert the masses. Still works I see.
Classic misogyny. ‘Alpha’ male are you, aspnaz.
I see nothing misogynistic in his comment. The Neoliberal war on masculinity is pretty much undeniable.
‘…and women, naturally trying to please everyone, fail to make good decisions’. Plus sundry other rubbish decrying ‘effeminate men’, ‘real heroes’, ‘real men’, ‘A younger population tied to apron strings’? Could have come straight from Breitbart or the hideous Gorka.
Pro tip from a girl – that White Knight stuff actually makes us despise the guys doing it, even if some girls pretend otherwise for various reasons.
The “real men” you list treated women as toys.
I hate to make an obvious point, but some women treat men as toys, some men enjoy that, and some women enjoy being treated as toys. We’re a variable lot, after all.
In the State of Victoria (where I am) restaurants, cafes and pubs will be allowed to reopen again on June 1st….
With Contact Tracing of All customers who will be required to give their personal details to enter these venues as well as temperature checks. All staff will be screened regularly and required to take temperature checks also.
Any venue that does not comply with these directives will be closed down.
This is all about psychological conditioning of people to prepare them for what else is coming down the pipe. Most Australians are sleepwalking straight into a 1984 fascist dystopia.
About to watch The Corbett Report. It may not help tangibly, but hearing his rationale helps get my head around this massive assault on our civil liberties and freedom of speech.
Reading between the lines of deception sowed by the government and MSM, it appears as if the vast majority of people infected with this corona virus respond in the way that people respond to all other corona viruses, with the sniffles at most (or mild common cold symptoms if you prefer).
People do not get a temperature outside the normal range when they have the sniffles, so this temperature reading “faux-security” will do nothing to protect anyone and will do nothing to identify the infected. There is a pattern here: masks have no effect other than to steam up my glasses, but they are being sold as protection to those who cannot rub two neurons together.
I forgot to mention Aspnaz that any customer that refuses to give their details at the entrance of these venues will be barred from entry.
I’ve heard that some shops in other states here have started doing the same.
On one of the Facebook groups I’ve joined, people are rightly, very angry.
For gods sakes…. this is as clear as day what is going on now.
There are people saying… Enough, no more bullshit, but sadly we seem very much in the minority. Thanks for your reply.
Some restaurants do that here in HK. They are not required to but they have decided to signal their virtue to the world: PiCi (a local HK restaurant chain) has lost me and my wife as customers.
Other companies here are demanding you wear masks to enter, again not mandated by law. Marks and Spencers and Prets have both lost me as a regular daily customer.
I will not return to these shops after the panic, they are now in the same basket as Moon of Alabama, Automatic Earth etc, they are not people I want to deal with. Fortunately there are plenty of alternatives in HK.
I certainly agree with your observations regarding Victoriastan but at the end of the day it is you Victorians who voted this government into power. I live in Queensland, in the tropics, where the police have been sensible and not making arses of themselves. This state is more lenient than others thank God. So for those overseas it is no where near as bad as in Victoria so when you come for a holiday make sure you visit North Queensland first to get the real taste of freedom.
Many politicians everywhere have made mugs of themselves yet again over this over-reaction and are now starting gradual loosening of restrictions rather than snapbacks believing Joe Public will continue to agree the initial actions were warranted when they never were.
I think I’d rather be up in North Queensland with you Alessandro, however, I didn’t vote for anyone here!
Am a New Zealand citizen, been in Aussie for 16 years.
You may’ve seen the videos circulating, but here and in Sydney, completely peaceful protesters, either just standing on the street (Renee and her 4 yold son, and others) or just speaking at a rally, jumped on by 6-7 cops and arrested.
Other onlookers, also with their children arrested.
Blatant censorship thru the roof.
No, I’m not an Aussie, but I refuse to accept what is happening here and around the World.
I’ve drawn my line in the sand. Enough is enough.
Queensland is our Alabama.
If one pukes from to much drink they will be diagnosed from Cv19
Yep…. take your pick. Hundreds of choices. What about getting attacked by a shark, or falling off a roof, or overdosing on chocolate….
My grown up kids and son in law (Perth WA) in their 20s and 30s don’t see it that way. When I said about tracking they said you can already be tracked and CCTV’d. When I said about compulsory vaccination they said it already was compulsory. When I said compulsory meant a policeman dragging you out of your house kicking they just looked at me… and they are right, it won’t come to that, you just won’t be allowed to go anywhere and do anything. That will be normal and as it should be to them.
When my youngest was asked if she was having parties now she said her friends were all lefties and didn’t trust the government, they were staying in lockdown….
I remind myself that conscription was far far worse.
Martin… I didn’t know anything about WA, until I actually read about mandatory vaccinations on someone’s FB post today.
“you just won’t be able to go anywhere and do anything”… Are you okay with this? With respect, you can see where all this is heading, can’t you? Does 1984 ring any bells? Maybe I’ve misunderstood your comment?
For me, I just have huge alarm bells going off in my head. Suggestions for you: watch the Dave Cullen interview with Dolores Cahill on Bitchute.
Watch any recent The Corbett Report videos, or anything from Truthstream Media, especially: ‘We Are 12 Monkeys Now’ and ‘One Chip For All’.
Wrench In The Gears blog (Alison McDowell) is also an excellent site for highlighting the direction we are heading in.
Also, have you heard of the Internet of Things and the diabolical implications for humanity that entails?
Have a good day, hopefully it’s sunny where you are.
Do you know how they propose to verify these personal details? Will they demand sight of photo ID like a driving licence or passport?
Yes, I believe it’ll probably be photo Id, but don’t quote me. Couple of Facebook groups I joined last week who are opposed to the lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, etc, lot of people are saying they’ll either stop going to these venues and eat at home, others are saying they’ll give false names.
I won’t be going to cafes anymore. I almost always paid in cash anyway.
But it’s all about psychological conditioning and softening people up for what else is coming. Getting people used to complying.
“All customers who will be required to give their personal details to enter these venues”
Mary Lykes,
The Cockwell Inn,
B…. in New Zealand, and in parts of Australia, shops have started doing this as well including hardware stores, hairdressers, car parts shops, and people have also mentioned Post Office.
For now, it seems supermarkets won’t be doing this.
Galloway (going by his MOATS this evening), is totally off the ball with this one. He is actually endorsing lockdown and ever increasing totalitarianism.
I was one who would have hoped that George’s new Worker’s Party might have made some gains.
I can’t see that happening now, because GG can’t even see the corporate coup d’etat that’s going on at the moment.
I said I wouldn’t post any more videos from France this weekend; but there’s always a ‘however’: Lyon saw some of the worst police violence yesterday…
Anyone watching scenes like this who still think they live in democratic societies, or that the EU is wonderful, has obviously had a frontal lobotomy.
Society first, the Marxist way. All Marxists are authoritarians, it is their philosophy and as privileged white males, people like Galloway have not personally experienced the bad sides to that philosophy. They are lucky, not bad, but their shallow belief in society acting as a whole requires that the people have very little freedom. A united workers’ party may be a good thing, but only if there is an opposing capitalist party, the balance is the key. If everybody leans one way, the boat will tip over.
It would appear that you and George Galloway have one thing in common. Both you and he share the same perception of him, that HE is a Marxist– at least publicly.
Good luck with all that.
“”Toby Young wallows in anti-egalitarianism. He wallows in class privilege and division. …” from George Galloway. I assume he is a Marxist, and like all Marxists I have come across, a fraud. That said, his support of lockdown is in keeping with his Marxist garbage. In the end we will all be poor together, suffering together … bliss!
George Galloway can call himself whatever he wants. It does not mean he honestly believes it or is it. History is replete with charlatans.
Eugene Debs, who you may consider “a Marxist” or “a Socialist” would find Galloway’s recent remarks on the lockdown and the so called “Pandemic” abhorrent.
Please refrain from maligning, slandering and smearing Socialism or Marxism because of the likes of George Galloway and his ilk.
Thank You.
Yes, you need the host (humanity) and the parasite (capitalists), don’t you. We can see what camp you are in.
George is into the corporate fascist worldwide full prison lockdown thing. Go figure.
Probably believes “a captive audience” is one with higher market ratings points/shares than “a non captive” one. After all he is a showboat blowhard that is in constant need of emotional affirmation.
The Julian Assange thing and the Palestine thing are two sacrifices/concessions he had to make to create controversy as “a socialist.” He believes that it is now the right time to break into the “corporate fascist demographic”, which though is small in numbers is big in MOOLAH. In short, HE IS CASHING IN!
Galloway’s attitude has been known for many weeks now. He has lost former friends in the alt-media over his support for lockdown. I think he had a falling out with OffG on twitter a few weeks ago.
My contacts in Provence (obviously well away from Paris) tell me they can now go out further afield ( e.g. to a local lake), and no longer have to carry a signed Attestation.
I think some of the cafés are also opening.
That’s good news.
I’m happy to report that an ice cream van is tinkling somewhere in the neighbourhood. First I’ve heard this year!
I live in a small village in Herault in south of France. We no longer need to carry an attestation and can go anywhere within the county. Over 100km to another county you need to fill in a new form. The cafes/bars are only ‘open’ for takeaways, but people get their drinks and mill around outside. Masks are supposed to be worn in shops etc., but not everyone does – you can’t smoke in a mask for instance.
Please sign this man’s petition:
Reopening and Recovery Plan for Illinois.
Thank you guys.
Another idea for an article could be the role of Labour Party in this ‘pandemic ‘.
Kier Starmer As a trained ‘QC’ would have to be a monumental idiot not to realise the truth of what’s going on.
In his dialogue with the Tories He chooses to focus on the issue in the care homes and the vague details in Boris Johnson map out of this fiasco.
He could easily pull apart the official narrative- the illegality of the lockdown, the faulty pcr tests, the ambiguous method of recording deaths from Covid, the falsification of death certificates, the NHS being turned into a Covid only service, the approximately 20,000 extra unexplained excess deaths, state surveillance, the facist role of the police, censorship of free speech and probably a lot more.
He mentions none of this and never will.
Starmer is just another puppet on a string, fleecing taxpayers money to stand in parliament and argue pointlessly against government decisions.
He would have done exactly the same if he was in Boris shoes and this well crafted narrative of a pandemic has been written by higher up the ladder.
He amounts to no more than controlled opposition.
What hurts me the most is that all these politicians and mainstream media must be laughing at us the public.
Our rights, liberties , freedom of movement and speech, and for a lot of us the right to go out and earn a living has been taken away from us.
Has anyone asked you or me if we want to be part of the ‘new normal ‘? Do we get a say?
Will there be a public enquiry, will anybody be convicted of this tyranny?
I really hope so but I wouldn’t hold my breath…
Well, wasn’t it just the same when the tories supported Blair and His WMD scam?
Oh, it’s not that PCR tests are faulty, it is an inherent fact that for this purpose they are unreliable…
Can I suggest none of us ever refer to it as the “new normal” instead always refer to it as the “new abnormal” everywhere you can and hopefully that phrase will take hold. Using “new normal” invokes acceptance of the situation, compliance, brainwashing.
Great point. The new abnormal and we don’t accept it.
Yes! I like the ‘new abnormal’. I use the phrases ‘social rejection’, and ‘the mass surveillance app’ instead of what we’re supposed to parrot. Not catchy but I think it’s important that the phrases reveal what’s REALLY going on. I’m thinking of happy rainbow: ‘Stay Asleep.’ Need one for contact tracing, too. Tiny things, tiny rebellions, but language is central to the programming in this event, and I try to think of it as disruption.
I mean I like the use of the phrase. I certainly don’t like the new abnormal as it’s playing out.
Language is the key.
I know it’s word play but what do you do when you write a word, you ‘SPELL’ it!! You are casting a spell, TPTB know this. You learn your spellings at school, not called spellings for nothing.
You were told if you are my age that ‘sticks and stone can break my bones but names will never hurt me’. That I now know is completely wrong.
Words are so powerful. If I get ‘stay safe’ I retort with ‘no, stay sane’.
Thanks for that Mrs G. That’s another line I’ve noted down and plan to use.
Ha, that’s the same term I suggested using in my comment to the “stop calling it contact tracing” article. Sorry, I suffer from “likes” envy!
Sir Keir was groomed for leadership of the Labour party. Despite being 57, he’s only been an MP for 5 years. He’s an Establishment liberal who clearly ticked the right boxes.
I think it’s quite possible that lockdown would be even worse under his Labour party.
I think it’s quite possible that lockdown would be even worse under his Labour party.
prime example of clueless
I think you need to justify that statement.
the world is weird queer keir is john warboys which one is real that is the question
The fans of Stooge Starmer claimed that only this middle-aged white man in a suit would be a match for Bluffer Boris at the dispatch box. He should have Johnson on the ropes by now, but apparently, Johnson’s approval ratings are at record levels.
….i see the religion of Politics as i see the human body….i have a right arm and a left arm….but they are both part of the same body….if you want to include “Liberalism”, just divide the body into 3….just a thought…!!
The Prime Minister has faced Sir Keir at the despatch box box twice and the fact that he gave Mr Johnson a pasting on those two occasions is no great accomplishment considering the Prime Minister’s track record in attention to detail.
If the people think Sir Keir will champion their causes they’d better think again. Sir Keir is on record during an interview with the Huffington Post defending Vanessa Baraitser, the magistrate charged with conducting the Assange extradition hearings without the benefit of a jury, that judges in such circumstances should be left alone to get on with their jobs.
I wrote to Sir Keir just before he became Leader of the Opposition asking him to reconsider his thoughts in view of the manner in which Judge Baraitser had conducted herself during the hearings and I listed the occasions where she had shown a bias to the detriment of Mr Assange.
To this date my letter is yet to receive an acknowledgement of receipt; not that I expected one and, like you, I won’t be holding my breath. Apologies if this is considered off-topic but I just wanted to show my disappointment and highlight the level of effective opposition we can expect from this individual.
Add that Starmer’s a zionist, a Modi apologist, a remainer and a Blairite and you’ve summed him up to a ‘tee’.
Now some words from history.
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857
I used to pay actual cash money to buy the Guardian.
How embarrassing!
Well I guess its not so bad if this was before they became the mainstream media wing of the intelligence services. It was probably only at this point they started acting against the security interests of this country and people.
I stopped reading it after they tried to do a hatchet job on Chomsky. Which was well over 10 years ago. Apart from the obvious reasons, I was annoyed that they’d decided to send a journalistic nonentity by the name of Emma Brockes to conduct the interview with him.
Sounds like something the CIA either have done, or probably will do.
Are you sure you should be giving them ideas like this?
I remember my 5 year old son years ago was accused of something similar while walking in the school dinner eating a peanut butter sandwich.
If the intent is peanuts for monkeys then the targets should be each countries houses of government, particularly many of the US state legislatures. This, of course, excludes Sweden who should be bombed with bouquets as they provide the ‘yardstick’ on which to measure the incompetence of the totalitarians.
The death rate in Sweden is 360 per million, the sixth highest on Earth. Bouquets away!!!
Superseded only by nations in lockdown, as you know.
One, the UK, in a belated and incompetent lockdown and response.And the others, particularly Italy and Spain, early victims, with belated lock-downs, after which cases plateaued then fell. As you know.
Oh dear. Might really want to recheck this statistic.
Sorry, you are suffering covid exaggeration disease, this is caused by government propaganda eating away at your powers of logic.
Hello Jay. I can’t be sure about what Tora was talking about, but I think that he or she meant the opposite (the percentage is much lower). Let’s guess that the official numbers are right, that it has proven that the virus produces a disease, that the PCR and other tests work and so on. The letalithy rate is lower than 1%, but it doesn’t mean that “the virus kills less than 1% of the population.”. Letalithy rate is the number of deaths/number of sick * 100. So called asymptomatic carriers are not counted in this rate because they are not sick… but they have the virus, so this agent doesn’t kill less than 1%, but a much much lower percentage of people. I hope that I have explained myself!
I am not a medical person, much less an epidemiologist but like many people I have made myself aware of some of the basics.
In the Wild so to speak, a large number of cases, undiagnosed or even asymptomatic and few deaths speak of low lethality.
I am aware of this.
If you measure the lethality in say a care home, it would be scary large…but then that would be the same for any winter illnesses for that cohort.
And of course, the figures are squewed by intential over reporting
And I think His handle gives a clue as to his gender, unless women have “bollaks”.
Depends whose bollaks were talking about ….
Phaeton, you’ve explained yourself well. However, re Tora’s comment: Surely to recheck “less than” implies the result should be “more than” ?
I can assume they meant much much lower…
Okay, okay I jumped down His throat…
It’s all of this coronocrap…
Total bollakovs.
In NL: 5000/17000000*100%= 0,03%
So, that will be similar to an average influenza year?
About the same (death rate influenza In population estimate =0.1%
very interesting lab
they leaked foot and mouth tragic mistake in the late 60s early 70s as well
from 2007
New leak of foot and mouth disease discovered at Pirbright laboratory
Ministers admitted the virus “probably” escaped through a faulty valve at the Merial plant in Pirbright, Surrey, on Monday – two weeks after the facility was given the all-clear to start producing foot and mouth vaccine again.
The private vaccine manufacturer and the nearby Government-owned Institute for Animal Health were criticised earlier this year after foot and mouth escaped into nearby farms.
Scientists have destroyed the UK’s laboratory stocks of a virus that once caused devastating cattle losses.
These stocks accounted for most of the world’s lab samples of rinderpest, which were held at The Pirbright Institute in Surrey.
Rinderpest and the deadly smallpox virus are the only diseases to have been eradicated from the face of the Earth.
after foot and mouth all cows in u.k coming into u.k had to have what a former farmer told me was effectively a passport type thing. also in some cases weekly at first, then bio weekly then monthly injections (vaccination) and blood tests to make sure the cows etc did not have you no what. what a racket
massive win and huge profit for big harma whiklst chnaging the farming landscape
at auction a cow sheep could not be sold without the mot certification of it been vac injected etc where it came from etc etc id.
people forget the animal vaccination med scam is hugely profitable and after foot and mouth
load sof farmers went bankrupt and guess who came through and brought the land up for pennys on the pound
Yes. This loss of the small farmers has been an important driver for biodiversity destruction.
Not quite, apparently:
(And it’s all the fault of evil AGW deniers!)
TWitG. Very apt, and very amusing.
You can tell Arwa Mahdawi that, not only do I NOT wear a mask but I go right up to everyone I meet and ram my tongue down their throat! Think you can stop me? Come on then!
Start shoving your fingers up your nostrils and rubbing I everywhere in front of crowds too.
Some seriously odd people have flooded this site.
I wonder how many people she surveyed in order to come to this conclusion? A very small number probably, or, I bet, none whatsoever, since she’s probably afraid to go out.
Well, I go out every day, and I find only a small percentage of people of either sex are wearing masks, and I’ve noticed no particular difference in the numbers of men or women wearing them.
So this is just stupidity and prejudice on her part.
Don’t you love it when they tell you what YOU are thinking?
A suggestion for a future article could be to completely debunk the farcical debate in Uk currently about the schools reopening.
We are being informed by the government that it is safe for kids to go back to school as the ‘science ‘ indicates that kids don’t get this virus and there is little evidence of them spreading the virus.
For me the alarm bells starting ringing.
If kids appear to be almost immune to this virus and don’t spread it then why where schools closed at all.
Schools have remained open for key workers through this ‘pandemic ‘ yet there are no reports of outbreaks in schools.
And the greatest mystery of all is why Covid19 appears to not affect children at all.
All other coronaviruses such as colds and flus are very prevalent in kids and they are super spreaders but not in the case of Covid.
As the immune system doesn’t fully develop until you are approximately 8 years old it is rather astonishing that if a kid has Covid their immune systems fight it off, and don’t spread it.
This is indeed a truly remarkable virus.
And a debunking of this hilarious link to Kawasaki diseases too! Which coincidentally is caused by heavy chemical exposure in kids.
How would you know? In fact an unknown virus has always been suspected as the cause of Kawasakis Disease*, which this new rare affliction mimics. [*Please provide a citation URL -Ed]
@arsebiscuits @Richard Le Sarc please provide citation URLs rather than slinging naked assertions around. I have flagged Richard’s post, since I flag posts which tie into the fear narrative of this virus, in order to help facilitate objective discussion and not inadvertently tie in with the pervading fear propaganda. I have informed Richard I will be doing this and explained why countless times. If it were a heavy chemical health scare (which sounds like an album) being used to clamp down on human rights throughout the world I would have flagged arsebiscuits’ post. If you have a problem with this please contact our customer services department. Blessings. A2
Richard is a pain in the rectum
Your bias is ludicrous. You never insert yourself in denialist assertions that have no evidence, whereas when I mention SCIENCE that is easily accessed, Kawasaki’s Disease being long known and of unknown aetiology, but with a viral cause suspected, you insert yourself aggressively demanding sources, which you will then ignore or try to twist. There is nothing about fear here. This new condition is rare and treatable, and denying its existence can only lead to worse suffering. The only antidote to fear is knowledge.
Sigh…both you and Arsebiscuits were asked for sources. Arsebiscuits supplied one. As usual, YOU DIDN’T.
If you want to air opinions without evidence that’s fine. But if you claim your opinion is fact and claim there is a mountain of data that proves it, and claim anyone who disagrees is a ‘denialist’ or a ‘racist’, or any of your favourite epithets, we will ask you to show the evidence.
You never do.
Obviously the solution is – don’t claim your opinions to be proven facts, or evidence-based unless you actually have evidence. 🤷🏻♀️
There you go ya daft C U n t
Yes I’d thought that kids hermetically sealed in high-rise flats, with panicking mums spraying disinfectant around all the time was possibly a contributing factor.
While I don’t think schools should have closed for as long as they have, this argument doesn’t work on its own “If kids appear to be almost immune to this virus and don’t spread it then why where schools closed at all.”
There are teachers in schools, and the children have families.
In reality though, your sentence is incorrect, so the above refutation is purely academic. Children are not immune, it just doesn’t affect them very much. Children do spread it, they just don’t spread it quite as actively, on average, because it doesn’t affect them very much.
The argument is quite simple; keep schools open to help encourage some level of herd immunity in the population at extremely low risk, but also offer some protection to teachers who are at particularly high risk.
At “high risk” of what, catching a mild illness, most of them retire before they are 50.
As an example, my friend has had pneumonia 3 times. If she was 55 and teaching, I would suggest she stay at home for a few weeks.
Also, you’re getting mixed up. It causes a mild illness in a subset of the people for whom it is a mild risk, for many they wouldn’t notice it. In those who are at particularly high risk though, it can cause severe illness or death.