The Worst Literal Hitler Ever

CJ Hopkins

David Ramos/Getty Images

So, the GloboCap-Resistance Minneapolis Putsch appears to have not gone exactly to plan. Once again, Trump failed to go full-Hitler, despite their best efforts to goad him into doing so. They gave it quite a good shot, however. It was more or less a textbook regime-change op, or “color revolution,” or whatever you call it. All the essential pieces were in place.

All they needed Trump to do was declare himself dictator and impose martial law, so the generals could step in and remove him from office.

Unfortunately for the Resistance, Trump didn’t do that. Instead, he did what he usually does, which is make a total ass of himself on international television. Which…OK, was cringeworthy, but didn’t quite provide the GloboCap gang with the pretext they needed to perp-walk him out of the Oval Office. Which, needless to say, was incredibly frustrating.

After four long years of propaganda foreplay, there we were, finally at the moment of truth, and Adolf goes and loses his erection.

This guy is the worst literal Hitler ever.

Still, as far as regime-change ops go, and given that this one was a domestic operation, so trickier than the usual foreign version, I’d give the Resistance a B+ for effort.

Now, before my “conspiracy theorist” readers get too excited about where I’m going with this column…no, this was not a “fake” uprising. There was an authentic uprising at the center of it. There’s always an authentic uprising at the center of every regime-change op, or at least the type that GloboCap has been carrying out and attempting recently. Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, the Ukraine, Bolivia, Venezuela; these things go pretty much by the numbers.

Here’s a quick breakdown of how that works.

First, you need your civil unrest, large-scale protests, rioting, looting, indiscriminate violence, and so on. Any number of “trigger events” will be sufficient to get this going. Once it is, you can grow it and focus it.

A lot of this unrest needs to be authentic, so it’s best to conduct an overwhelming multi-year propaganda campaign to delegitimize and demonize your target as some sort of treasonous Hitlerian monster who’s responsible for every major problem in the country.

That way, no matter which trigger event gets things going, it will be his fault.

You will want your local government officials to allow this civil unrest to go on until it reaches the point where rioters and looters are rampaging through the hearts of cities, raiding both high-end corporate chain stores and local mom-and-pop-type businesses, and brutally assaulting their defenseless proprietors.

This does not mean that these local officials have to restrain or stand down their cops. On the contrary, you want them to unleash their cops, on the protesters, rioters, and TV reporters (during their “live” reports, if possible), and just generally beat the living crap out of everyone.

The goal is to generate as much hatred as possible against the regime you are trying to change, and to pressure your designated Hitler-target into losing his patience and overreacting, so you want things to get extremely ugly.

Then, you unleash the power of the media to whip folks up into a mindless frenzy of rage against your designated Hitler. You have your “respectable” pundits publish articles calling for his removal from office. You get the military (and former military) to start making noise about how your Hitler is out of control and on the brink of fascism.

Then you wait for your Hitler to overreact and attempt to call in the military and impose some form of martial law, at which point you can safely depose him, and pretend that democracy has won the day.

The media is essential here, because you need to convince the majority of the public (i.e., not just the people protesting and rioting) that things have gotten so out of control, and your imaginary Hitler has gotten so dangerous, that a military coup is the best solution.

What you’re looking for are headlines like these:

  • “We are teetering on a dictatorship” — CNN
  • “‘Words of a dictator’: Trump’s threat to deploy military raises spectre of fascism” — The Guardian
  • “Donald Trump is Trying to Start a Race War” — Rolling Stone
  • “Remove Trump Now” — Slate
  • “The Trump Presidency is Over.” — The Guardian
  • “Trump Must Be Removed” — The Washington Post

Also, while the media are doing their thing, you want to get any former members of the intelligence community (or the secret police) to issue public statements like this:

There should be no place in American society, much less in our government, for the depravity being demonstrated daily by Donald Trump. Members of his Cabinet who enable such behavior are betraying their oath of office by supporting an increasingly desperate despot.”
John Brennan, former CIA director

Then you bring the politicians and the military in. This kind of language will usually do it:

The fascist speech Donald Trump just delivered verged on a declaration of war against American citizens. I fear for our country tonight and will not stop defending America against Trump’s assault.”
Senator Ron Wyden

These are not the words of a president. They are the words of a dictator.”
Senator Kamala Harris

‘There is a thin line between the military’s tolerance for questionable partisan moves over the past three years and the point where these become intolerable,” a retired general said.”
The New York Times

We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution […] We can unite without [Trump], drawing on the strengths inherent in our civil society. This will not be easy, as the past few days have shown, but we owe it to our fellow citizens; to past generations that bled to defend our promise; and to our children.”
General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, former Secretary of Defense

Once the generals have started in growling, you get the media to hype that, hard. Headlines like these will get people’s attention:

  • “Revolt of the Generals” — The Washington Post
  • “The Officers’ Revolt” — Slate
  • “President Donald Trump is facing an unprecedented revolt from the elite corps of ex-military leaders and presidents…” — CNN
  • “The US president’s desire to act the strongman poses urgent questions that America’s generals, voters and allies must all answer” — The Guardian Editorial Board

If you can, it is always a really nice touch if you can drum up…oh, let’s say 280 former national security officials who are really concerned about the state of democracy and “the misuse of the military for political purposes,” and get them to spontaneously call each other up and decide to write a letter together accusing your Hitler of “dividing Americans,” which the media can then disseminate, widely.

And, of course, what you need for the “educated classes” is an official propagandist like Franklin Foer (who broke the big story about the non-existent “Trump-Russia server” back in 2016 and was rewarded for his service to GloboCap with a lucrative staff writer position at The Atlantic) to come right out and explain that what’s happening is a textbook regime-change operation (because you don’t have to dupe the “educated classes,” most of whom will already be on your side). Something more or less like this:

Twitter’s decision to label Trump’s posts as misleading was a hinge moment…once Twitter applied its rules to Trump — and received accolades for its decision — it inadvertently set a precedent…a cycle of noncooperation was set in motion.

Local governments were the next layer of the elite to buck Trump’s commands. After the president insisted that governors ‘dominate’ the streets on his behalf, they roundly refused to escalate their response. Indeed, New York and Virginia rebuffed a federal request to send National Guard troops to Washington DC. Even the suburb of Arlington, Virginia, pulled its police that had been loaned to control the crowd in Lafayette Square.

As each group of elites refused Trump, it became harder for the next to comply in good conscience. In Sharp’s taxonomy, the autocrat’s grasp on power depends entirely on the allegiance of the armed forces. When the armed forces withhold cooperation, the dictator is finished.

As I said, it went pretty much right by the book.

After four long years of official propaganda designed to convince the Western masses that Donald Trump is literally Hitler, GloboCap, the liberal Resistance, and the corporate media all did their best to harness the authentic protests and rioting that routinely follow the murder of an unarmed Black person by the cops, and use it to remove him from office. It would have been a spectacular catharsis, a fitting climax to the War on Populism, but Trump refused to play his part…so, OK, maybe he’s not as dumb as I thought, or at least not totally suicidal.

No matter, it’s still a big win for GloboCap. Forcibly removing Trump from office is, and has always been, gravy. The main goal of the War on Populism is to delegitimize and demonize him, and everyone who voted for him (and Jeremy Corbyn, and even Bernie Sanders, and everyone who voted for them).

Trump is just a symbol, after all. It’s the dissatisfaction with global capitalism (and its smiley, happy, valueless values, and its post-ideological ideology) that GloboCap is determined to crush, so they can get back to the unfinished business of restructuring the entire Middle East, and anywhere else that’s not playing ball, and dissolving what is left of national sovereignty, and transforming the world into one big marketplace, where there will be no fascists, no evil Russians, no religious extremists, no racist statues, no offensive movies, or books, or artworks, no more unauthorized ass-clown presidents, and everyone will be “contact-traced” with their digital health-certificate implants, and the children will stand inside their little “social-distancing” boxes and circles and sing the Coca-Cola theme song through their anti-virus masks at school…

Sorry…I got a little off-track there. I forgot that this was strictly about racism, and police brutality, and nothing else.

I’ll try to stick to the script from now on, but it might be difficult, given my “privilege.” Maybe, if I wrapped myself in kente cloth and got down on my knees in public, that might help me get my mind right. Or, I don’t know. What do you think?

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Mana Talk
Mana Talk
Aug 14, 2020 4:15 PM

BTW, Trump jumped on board the Gates/Fauci Covid19 Money Train when he did not fire Fauci a few months ago, he’s now touting that a vaccine will be “logistically delivered” via “our amazing military,” and he’s all about wearing masks, now. Come on people! It’s time to demand that our legislators, judiciaries and executives/Trump STOP all this subjugation, fascism, and tyrannical oppression nonsense! I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but this “warp speed” miracle vaccine that’s been given a [do not take all necessary safety precautions] pass that will be forced in some way shape or form upon you/us/our families and friends is a very alarming and potentially bad thing! No, I’m f’ing not okay with that… are you?! Remember, Trump works for us, not the other way around.

Jun 23, 2020 10:58 PM

Ah yes, the complaints about the statues of genocidal psychopaths being taken down. Such history, such culture, such humanity must be preserved!

Sean Hunt
Sean Hunt
Jun 15, 2020 12:04 AM

Trump is just a pussy cat, except he is not. He´s the most corrupt and divisive President the country has ever had. God help us if the racist under belly of America votes for him again.

Aug 26, 2020 12:02 PM
Reply to  Sean Hunt

The moment you said God you lost all objectivity and henc ecredibility.

Daniel Crossley
Daniel Crossley
Sep 2, 2020 3:02 AM
Reply to  Sean Hunt

What?…… like all those racist black people who vote for Trump and who are republican? Or in your world do you lose your blackness if you vote for Trump and vanish from the stats? The Democrats are just vote whores when it comes to allegations of racism.

Jun 13, 2020 2:32 AM

The American blacks are just desperate for the American whites to save them, them being helpless and all. The DNC and their billionaires are the ones to save them, them being good white people and all and them never having taken advantage of poor or black people, ever.
The hypocrisy of it all is stunning.

Jun 12, 2020 11:36 PM

Yeah, I am tempted to slap this article a bit, because its use of an narrative, consensus loaded to high heaven, like the equally over the top Pharaho belove, all thoe some aspects are true, some, eh…. well, I didnt bother to watch it all, to, Afro-american, where some have managed to cock up some spectaculare nonsense and historical acid tripping witch have ruined any sane converstation about African history and also squiced an hole lot of total bullshit into white peoples history, but I dont want to dive to deep into that because the time is not due, pitty, but its not, so I leave it there, just say, tsk, tsk, tsk.   I had an ephifany, hallelujah, why dont we all agree upon making the Capitol hill autonomous zone to an New nation, an BLM republic in the city of Seatle and the state of Washington, give them this as an repatriation of past misserys etc, since they have made whining about BLM to an unversial sport, and they even have an War Lord to guid their future as an republic and fuel the birth of an new state in the world, and help them in their birth pain, with Aid, food since the even poorer stole or ate it all up and now have to dive into the garbage bins to find something to eat. Give the UN an mandate to instal an R2P, and maybe send in an UN force to protect the new born state, aka WankAtank, or something in that line, they deserve it, dont they, send Aid, drop some tons of crack or coke and they would be fine. Right.   But, since irony dont bite on morons I would then instead of me drooling since its become an fora of deadbating, instead… Read more »

Jun 13, 2020 11:04 PM
Reply to  mikael

All correct, except Trump is Israel’s bitch.

Jun 14, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  paul

His son-in-law Jared is MOSSAD.

Jun 23, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  mikael

That zerohedge article is a bunch of whataboutery and trying hard not to say “I’m not racist, but…”

The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people.

This is the mark of the racist apologist… the issue is not about what black people do between themselves, it is about black people being killed by white police. Maybe black people wouldn’t get into so many fights with each other if they didn’t have to live in a ghetto under constant police harassment. Is it black people that bring the cocaine into the US?
And, the protests are about a police state that has normalised trigger happy policing. In no other “developed” or “civilised” country in the world is it acceptable for police to shoot unarmed people in the back, just for the crime of running away. The US police forces have their origins in slave patrols and the Texas Rangers, so there is that. This is what a lot of normal folks who back the protests are about. This has nothing to do with the current muppet on the POTUS throne.
I am not saying racist views should be “cancelled”, but they will be resisted.

Daniel Crossley
Daniel Crossley
Sep 2, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

You do know that white/black police kill many more white people than they do black people in the USA with guns don’t you?

David Rin
David Rin
Aug 19, 2020 7:26 AM
Reply to  mikael

I eat ass. It relaxes me.

Jun 12, 2020 3:01 PM

It’s the leftist who are the fascists as they want to keep you locked down and shut in. Trump wants to open up and wants free speech which is the opposite of fascists. MSM and all the large social media sites silence conservative views and censor. And this site says that’s the reason they left Guardian, lmao. This site doesn’t know where it stands.
This site blames Trump for the very things the left does worse.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 13, 2020 3:17 AM
Reply to  Hank

Offg did not leave the Guardian CIF because they…

silence conservative views and censor.

In this mod’s opinion, the Left/Right metric has become a relic of a past era, coopted into a meaningless expression of identity politics.
Freedom of expression, freedom of individuality, Human Rights, Justice, Democracy, Truth – all of these values are under attack. It so happens many on the ‘Left’ have willingly sacrificed or compromised these values beyond all meaning in recent times. Does this make them default ‘Right’ values? No. Of course not. That’s silly.
I would advise anyone to steer clear of thinking in these terms. A2

Jun 13, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Never said you did? I said you left because of censorship. Conservative was just an example. Little touchy?
Call Trump Hitler and yet he is the one fighting against censorship and fighting for Jews and racism.
This article is so wrong in so many ways.

Jun 13, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  Hank

edit above, should read
Call Trump Hitler and yet he is the one fighting against censorship and fighting for Jews and against racism.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 13, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“the Left/Right metric has become a relic of a past era”   I wholeheartedly disagree with that assessment and believe that this fashionable new theory is ridiculous and dangerous, in that it allows an awful lot of violently Ethnocentric Misogynists to think of themselves as something other than what they are, which is, clearly, Right Wing. Of course, we’re all suffering semantic confusions… when strippers’ poles were re-branded, overnight, as Feminist symbols of a woman’s right to empower herself as a professional Sex Object, Orwell’s ears probably perked up in the grave a little. And, of course, the Political Spectrum that we’ve been trained, with nothing deeper than old slogans and mechanical repetition, to think of as spanning from “Left to Right,” now only really spans the distance between Right and Extreme Right… because the Left (never to be confused with Liberals, who are nothing but Conservatives with a guilty conscience) has dwindled to such small numbers, and little influence, that it can barely make itself seen or heard… as though Michael Parenti has been stranded on a desert island with nothing but a wet flare gun. But Parenti, who is unambiguously Left, exists, and even when he ceases to, and other Elders like him cease to exist as well, the core worldviews and values of the Left will remain valid and utterly comprehensible. They are there for anyone who is, by nature, anti-War… anti-Corporate Governance… anti-Xenophobia… anti-Misogyny… to investigate and educate her/his self more deeply about. There is a History… there are variations… there are options.   90% of our experience of The World is Right Wing in nature, because the Right Wing controls Media, the Right Wing controls the police, the Right Wing controls the Military and can easily bring enough power to bear, in an instant, to… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 13, 2020 5:43 PM

I think you are missing the point. YOU might call those people ‘THE RIGHT’, but they call themselves ‘THE LEFT’. And they also call those you call Left ‘THE RIGHT’, or even ‘HARD RIGHT’, or ‘ALT RIGHT’ – which is now used to disparage any non-fascist opinion.
No one disputes the old values those terms used to embody still exist and have meaning, but many think the terms themselves have been so distorted and corrupted they no longer serve any purpose beyond confusion, and are best avoided.
This site has been described as ‘alt Left’, ‘alt Right’, ‘Marxist’, ‘MAGA’, ‘socialist’ and ‘reactionary’. All those terms are used to denigrate us and superimpose preconceptions over the opinions or data we are sharing – as a means of deterring inquiry and shutting down debate.
Therefore we tend to discourage these terms and to focus on the facts and ideas rather than labels.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 13, 2020 7:14 PM

YOU might call those people ‘THE RIGHT’, but they call themselves ‘THE LEFT’
Yes and HRC referred to herself as “The Resistance,” too… that’s my point. They can’t get away with boldly claiming that 2+2 = 5 if we don’t let them. The first step on the slippery slope is thinking, “Well, even if 2+2 = 5″… The proper response is to call bullshit.
“Therefore we tend to discourage these terms and to focus on the facts and ideas rather than labels.”
The labels consist of language, which is used to communicate the ideas… which you can’t effectively communicate if you let them change the definitions.

Aug 26, 2020 12:11 PM

Left and Right is such a simplistic coping mechanism for those who cannot think analytically and apply rational thought.the pick a team like its a sport and til death do us part.
Such generalisations do not serve the betterment of our societies. I get labelled leftist but on the balance of issues I know Trump represents a better option than the current democratic alternative. I eschew many of the traditional Republican ideals but so does he. Yes, he can only do so much, he is after all just a President, his predecessor even more so, but he has manifested into quite a contrary example of a Republican or a Democrat, career politicians who merely pander to the same agendas with little real differentiation.

Jun 14, 2020 3:05 PM
Reply to  Hank

People fail to grasp the essential realities of the situation. The whole of public life is a vast, bottomless cesspit of corruption, criminality, degeneracy and perversion, deceit, and lies. Politics and government are swirling around in this huge toilet, along with big business, big finance, big oil, big pharma, the arms industry, the military, the spooks, the media, and organised crime, drugs and sex trafficking. All the organs of the state. They are all interwoven and inextricably interlinked. Politics and organised crime are blurred and functionally interchangeable. They are often indistinguishable. Public life is surprisingly easily corrupted and subverted. Many of those in positions of power and influence are drawn into the ubiquitous global paedophile rings and controlled through blackmail ever after. So many of these people wish to abuse children. Politics and public life seems to attract these people. Sometimes there is a glimpse of this, with Maxwell and Epstein and Cyril Smith. But this is never more than the tip of the iceberg or scratching the surface. This kind of behaviour, abusing and exploiting children, is endemic among the elites. This web of criminality is organised and orchestrated globally at government and supra government level. It has been going on for decades. Figures like Epstein just took over a system that had been going on for years. He will already have been replaced. Trump, the Clintons, Epstein, Dershowitz, Andrew Windsor, and thousands of similar people have been partners in crime all their lives. This is not going to change. Some people thought Trump was an outsider who might bring about real change. But in reality he had been swirling around in the same cesspit as all the others for decades. Any public figure who emerges from the cesspit is already hopelessly compromised and corrupted. There are no saviours,… Read more »

Aug 7, 2020 2:02 AM
Reply to  paul

Could not possibly agree more. Very well stated.

Aug 9, 2020 9:28 AM
Reply to  Hank

Divide the masses and have them war on each other and make sure the media stenographers duly cover it while the looting of the treasury goes on. The take over of the U.S. started long before Trump. It began with Maggie Thatcher (neo-liberalism) in the U.K. and spilled over into the U.S. with Reagan and later Clinton; and crowned finally with Citizens United. It was never about left or right policies, but about trickling money to the top 1%. and corporate entities. It is they who control the U.S., Inverted Totalitarianism.

So, I imagine that despite all the wealth that Trump is providing them through tax breaks, bail outs, privatization and deregulation, he’s becoming a bit of an embarrassment.

Jun 12, 2020 2:53 PM

Did Joe Biden write this?

David Ferguson
David Ferguson
Jun 12, 2020 2:46 PM

I love CJ’s rants. But some commenters are overcomplicating things.
Orange man bad wasn’t the result of some Byzantine plot. He was the “can’t lose to this guy” candidate to serve as the whipping boy for St Hillary’s anointing. He didn’t even have to be in on it – why bother telling hm?
Hillary was perfect. The archetypal machine pol. A vagina to keep the fembots happy. A Dem to keep the spokesdrones for every and any old minority onside. A slave to any and every Wall St/MIC interest you could conjure up (I hear that those “bankers speeches” for which she was paid half a million a pop were very short: “Guys. I’d suck every cock in this room for money. And so would my husband Bill…”)
Then St Hillary did the unthinkable and lost to the “can’t lose to this guy” candidate. But all the shrieking and caterwauling since isn’t anything to do with anything that matters. For all he keeps wandering off message, Trump isnt going to do any serious damage to any serious interests.
It’s just the demented screeching and childish toys-out-or-the-pramming of fems and progs and machine pols who never imagined for a second that their gal wasn’t going to be in power. And they wanted her in power. Not for anything she might do while in power, but just for the sake of being in power. So they could glory and gloat about her being in power. And he went and spoiled it. Orange man bad went and spoiled it.
And they hates it my precious. They hates it for ever…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 12, 2020 4:30 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson

Then St Hillary did the unthinkable and lost to the “can’t lose to this guy” candidate.”
Ha ha; who are you talking to with this “orange man” stuff? HuffPo? I think you’d find yourself straining rather hard to find a site with a much higher density of Killary-Haters, chum. You’re wasting the wrong (out of date) screed here.
“For all he keeps wandering off message, Trump isnt going to do any serious damage to any serious interests.”
Okay, now you’re talking sense again. Trump won’t be draining any of the swamp he is temporarily allowed to stick his straw in. He’s doing just as much damage as Obama did, running interference for Our Snickering Overlords. He is beside just about every (serious) point. Well, okay, he made The Clinton Hydra cry that one time… and for that I’m kinda grateful. But…
PS Re: “Guys. I’d suck every cock in this room for money. And so would my husband Bill…”: who the fuck would want one of those from one of them when Jeffy E. was in business and on the scene and shit was gratis… ?

David Ferguson
David Ferguson
Jun 13, 2020 10:30 AM

who the fuck would want one of those from one of them when Jeffy E. was in business and on the scene and shit was gratis… ?

Steven I think you underestimate how jaded life can become when you already have more money than you could spend if you live to be a million years old. and you’ve already had everything JE could serve up.
I’m pretty sure that having an ex-pres and his (almost) wife-pres grunting away on your bellend might rekindle a spark of interest…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 13, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  David Ferguson


Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 14, 2020 11:32 PM

“… Our Snickering Overlords”
The Jewish monopolized Global Cabal.

Jun 12, 2020 4:15 AM

President Trump is against the D.C./ Fairfax county swamp alright, but not against the Lower Manhattan one.
He lets this happen now to the detriment of his voting masses: Fed Chair Powell Attempts to Blame U.S. Inequality on Globalization – Gets Smacked Down by Bloomberg Reporter 

Jun 12, 2020 3:04 AM

Young Pharaoh makes a strong case for the Democratic Party to be liquidated. Guess where donations to Black Lives Matter go. He shows you.

Jun 12, 2020 6:20 AM
Reply to  Reg

Hilarious when he lays into Melinda Gates @1:45:00 (one hour, 45) https://youtu.be/d2L8BxZYsIc?t=6303

Jun 12, 2020 7:07 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Props to him. She’s somehow become the authority on injecting black people with her husband’s death solution. These people need to be locked up and forced to break rocks for life.

Jun 13, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  Reg

So should the Labour Party, an all Faux Left.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 2:52 AM

The so-called “nationalists” are not even able to supply their
own impoverished hungry pensioners with food. All they can
do is “criticize”. Meanwhile, our disposal is in full swing.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 2:21 AM

We are connected by a forum. This forum is anonymous.
And remains anonymous. It is not interested in personal
fate. Otherwise it would have a section: “If you’re in trou-
ble, contact us!” Need I say more? This is going nowhere.
You not even understand how to form groups. How to
catch the received? You lack nationalism as an encou-
ragement. What do you want to encourage these peo-
ple with? With class warfare? Results require effort.
You do not want to perceive that you yourself are the target
of the attack, you, in your way of living and existing. There-
fore only a strategy that counteracts this force will save you.

Jun 12, 2020 1:34 AM

Trump gave his own money for adds against the Iraq war.
Trump is the first president for a long time who didnt start a war!
Do you remember how the press acted as he wanted to leave Syria?But they loved it when Obama Bombed one Country after the other.

So if anyone want war-vote for Biden.

Jun 12, 2020 1:48 AM
Reply to  Karlo

This is all true. The most disgusting thing about these phony liberal Democrats is that they are ruled by the worst war hawks imaginable.

Jun 12, 2020 12:36 AM

I’ll repeat: No one gets to be POTUS without the approval of the elites. Trump is certainly more savory than these disgusting Democrats, phony liberals, whatever you want to call them, but I still think he is a plant. He would be dead or long gone by now if they really wanted to remove him, quite frankly. The Q stuff is laughable. That said, I will vote for him. Never, every thought I would say that in a million years.
The polls are against him, but they are BS. I think his popularity is probably surging as we speak.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 12, 2020 3:08 AM
Reply to  livingsb

His popularity has nothing to do with it. The criminal elements have the capacity to create whatever voting outcome they want, because they own the companies that own the voting machines. The rest is window dressing. Simple as that.

It’s hard to believe all the upvotes that ” Reg” got with his screed, or that my sane response got all down votes.

Has the voting here also been taken over by trolls?

It’s rather odd, but I take it as it comes. The sun could come up in the west tomorrow, in reverse, and it wouldn’t necessarily surprise me.

Of course, organized adversaries have the means, if they can ubiquitously hack voting, to ubiquitously hack comment boards and everything else online.

DARPA invented the Internet. They have a controlling influence.

We live in the dodgiest of times, so we take it as it comes.

Jun 12, 2020 3:23 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

I’ve had similar experiences. There are more people flooding to this site, who don’t seem to be able thinkers. Trump is a stooge. It’s the same old back and forth story – lesser of two evils…back and forth right where they want everyone.

Jun 12, 2020 12:33 AM

Yep…. wouldve made more sense if the masses headed for Wall Street with their destruction.. having said that.. “ALL lives do matter”

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 11, 2020 11:48 PM

We are dealing with a confusion of authorities, competencies and responsibilities. All levels are overlaid or interspersed with other levels.In this sense, the ultimate evil, Hitler, was a brilliant mastermind who abolished all levels and fused the masses into one folk body. The first years were a quite successful rebellion against foreign rule. Hitler knew how to abuse the idealism and confidence of the youth.
But it is not written in history books that we should bleed for his megalomania. No one but ourselves will pursue our interests, otherwise we will be mercilessly overrun and flattened. In this respect his vision that only unity makes strong is true. Unity should have a constructive goal: the happiness of all. There is a way, but it is blocked by those for whom our happiness is a thorn in their side because it stands in the way of their happiness.
Who could that be? It is the exorbitant narcissists for whom one million dollars in the account is not enough. They do not see any sense in compensatory justice, but they tell us to make the whole world available to their vaccine as guinea pigs. This world is in disorder not because these people are right, but because the world is rebelling against their insolence. They can still cover it up through their media of lies.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 12:29 AM

Two of my subsequent comments were withheld from the public, although Off-Guardian claims to stand for the “free exchange of information”. They were neither anti-Semitic nor pro-Nazism. You were not allowed to read them. They do not understand being part of the problem, of a police force that does not exist. They do not consider you to be of age and adult to make your own judgement.

I want to bring something else into the field, the positive attitude to conflict. The conflict is not the exception but the norm. What does that mean? It means that different individuals have different interests. Anyone who disregards this principle will feel the present reaction, subliminal aggressions that end in a world fire at the slightest provocation.

Clearly formulated will drives the cowardly rats back
into the hole. Even the snake hides under the stone.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 12:36 AM

It goes much further: You are no longer slaves, but negotiating partners. Let us assume, purely fictitiously, that 20 million Europeans claimed to have their own territory with their own laws, regardless of the globalist agenda. What would the agenda do? It would negotiate. To take you seriously means that you can no longer ignore your unity. What is a seriouis problem for those in power, after all they live from your disagreement.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 12:45 AM

In this territory the inhabitants are asked to contribute to the community and are paid accordingly. Very soon this mini-state will grow into an uncontrollable power factor, attracting “refugees” from all others.In this state, journalists are not liars anymore, but public servants who take their mission to clear up all lies seriously.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 12:53 AM

A tremendous transformation is taking place. Life has a meaning, as every animal in this world understands it, even anthills. Our people are special and deserve to live. Our children are proud of their parents. Class differences are marginal, merchants should sell, farmers should sow and reap.This is the nature of our being. Whoever suppresses it, gets war.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 1:02 AM

Why are the most important issues affecting our peoples “forbidden”?
How do I imagine a state where I want to live and raise my children?
Who do I not wish for power over this state? Who do I want to create his own state instead of infiltrating mine?

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 1:05 AM

By what “right” do people who do nothing but terrorize us claim to want to withhold and prohibit us from asking our own questions about ourselves? Are we your servants and doomed to meet your “expectations”?

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 1:22 AM

Are there any restrictions on immigration to this state? In a world of natural order, everyone will be loyal to his homeland.
Not out of racism, but out of a natural connection to his ancestral roots. Tension will give way to harmony. Destroying other peoples monuments we belong to the past.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 1:31 AM

England is the land of the English, even if England has an (as always) ambiguous past. Whoever destroys that, does not want peace, but bloody murderer’s everyday life.
Europe is the smallest and most fragile continent in the world, to which the world owes almost everything. A continent where the diversity of hair and eye colours is unique and worthy of protection.
It is an outrageous impertinence beyond compare to now overwhelm this small continent with the unlimited birth rate of Africa. Europeans must no longer expect this suicide of themselves!

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 12, 2020 1:52 AM

I don’t understand your “colour” blindness. Your “class struggle” is a trap set by your deadly enemies.
Anything that could jeopardize your future is not to be propagated any further and is counterproductive!
Start respecting yourself if you want others to respect you! A great nation with a history like yours does not deserve to be given away for a lentil dish!

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 12, 2020 3:39 PM

Your series of posts is a little idealistic and naive for my taste. There is a lot more to Hitler’s ideology and what led him to it for instance.His methods got him into trouble. The holocaust wasn’t a good idea, for one.    With regard to us all being guinea pigs to Gates et al and the magical vaccines.We won’t be guinea pigs.Millions of guinea pigs have spent 20 plus years as human lab rats in Africa.The trials are over.This is the finished article. Fauci attempted to make it sound as though we’ll lose a lot of people as, like all vaccines, some may get the virus or be made worse.Did you buy that ?Do you not find it a tad suspicious that so much is known about a vaccine that’s supposedly not made yet( it has been) and that we can’t actually find Covid 19 ? You can not create a vaccine without having the actual virus being isolated in a test tube first.Don’t you find it odd that- according to the trustworthy and thoroughly honest statistics- millions have fallen victim to this virus all over the planet yet nobody has found it ?   Unity has been an ideal since all the conventional scriptures were written thousands of years ago.Those in power are only unified with each other.They’re bound by a set of ideals that the scriptures don’t endorse.Death, destruction and control.As they turn up the heat underneath us the comment sections of every forum and social network platform are littered with Bible quotes that mean nothing.They’re no more potent than they were in any of the world wars or any other war. Or during any other pandemic or the starvation that wiped out millions.They tell us the Lord wins in the end.Which is as valid as saying they… Read more »

Jura Calling
Jura Calling
Jun 11, 2020 11:38 PM

”First, you need your civil unrest, large-scale protests, rioting, looting, indiscriminate violence, and so on”   Shall we go with the ‘so on’   When a riot takes off anywhere, there is normally a catlysing event that provoked it.If the riot is a protest at the death of a black man you get a race riot in that town or city.Depending on other circumstances, such as it being more than an isolated incident or an unprovoked and undeserved attack, or, the killing of an innocent man by a policeman who wasn’t having to even defend himself, then it will enrage.And, in the age of the internet, social justice warriors and snowflakes,it will catch fire and can be mimicked in other cities.In the olden days of no internet we had the Rodney King incident.Thankfully somebody accidentally filmed it so it could never be covered up or denied and it hit TV screens.Usually, while riots and protests are hard to gauge in terms of them being mere reactions rather than over-the-top reactions.It’s more complex than assessing if a punishment fits a crime.Too many other variables are at play. Like social context, political context and historical context.The George Floyd incident was one of a long line of incidents ( think Rodney King and Charlottesville and many not so high profile cases). And it was a member of the police force killing him as he wasn’t fighting back.And it was in the middle of growing unrest in cities all over the western world about the seeming martial law that all governments were trying to get implemented over a pandemic millions had ceased to have full faith in regarding it’s veracity.Could it be that there was already a powder keg and the fuse was lit ? If so, their would have been riots, fires, shootings, looting… Read more »

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 11, 2020 10:47 PM

THERE’S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS   The Democratic Party reveals exactly who they are every election cycle. It’s easy to see– just look at the politicians who run on the Democratic Party ticket– slithering, sneaky, crooked, warmongering creeps attached to the hip of the security state as well as every major multinational corporation.  Didn’t Oprah’s good friend Maya Angelou say as much: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”     The Democrats brazenly tell the electorate they represent the interests of Wall Street, the big banks, the medical industrial complex and the military/surveillance/security state. These shameless politicians don’t care if you know who they are, since voters have really only two choices the Republicans or the Democrats. Of course, there’s numerous independent fringe parties, but they have no leverage or power to alter the Democratic Party’s agenda.     It’s evident, the Democratic Party is not really an opposition to Trump, it’s merely a private organization packaged with a big blue identity politics bow as well as some slick and shiny ancillary cultural issues used to divert voters attention away from thinking about economic exploitation, class struggle, and the genocidal US wars.    2020 is when the security state and all the usual suspects are hoping to regain their footing in a Biden administration where they can effectively pursue regime change operations under the banner of humanitarian interventionism. In actuality these hideous creatures were never afraid the buffoon would implement autocratic rule to the contrary they fear the opposite, in that Trump is a bumbling fumbling mess whose incapable of efficaciously advancing the neoliberal militarist agenda.     After all, the entire raison d’etre of the Democratic Party is to get voters to “believe” they’re the “good” Al Sharpton FBI informant. That’s how the corrupt political duopoly manages to survive. It’s like a children’s playground seesaw perpetually going up down. In… Read more »

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 12, 2020 4:49 AM

It’s a 1 Trick Pony now, to bash the Democrats from every side, every weakness to remove even their faintest moments of resistance to the Shill Party (I gag when I say the R word).

Then blame the victim. “Battered Democrat Syndrome”.

And they send paid armies of trolls to the keyboards. Like a 100 monkeys at 100 typewriters, they are bound to get at least *something* right. Aren’t they? Lol

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 12, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I won’t be voting for either…..

Jurassic Hermit
Jurassic Hermit
Jun 11, 2020 9:20 PM

Another brilliant piece from CJH. Spot on.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 11, 2020 9:13 PM

worth a smile maybe . . .
comment image

Jun 12, 2020 12:43 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley


Jun 12, 2020 1:00 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

And Elizabeth Warren is a Native Indian

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 11, 2020 8:50 PM

Their “logic” can be summarized: Whoever is against abortion is for the procreation of a new Hitler the breeding of a future slave traders generation! As a sign of your repentance, remorse, altruism and guilt, you have to condemn your fascist racist fake-culture without being allowed to point to the scientific-, medical and technical progress that came into the world through your ancestors.

Jun 11, 2020 7:37 PM

Sibel Edmonds of Newsbud on a well-researched rant against the disloyal generals.
The Coup-Makers’ PsyOp Exposed: Meet Their “Generals” – the best is from @12:00 minutes.

John Smith
John Smith
Jun 11, 2020 10:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

People tend to forget how vast the U.S. military is.

Not every General would agree with those currently carrying tall tales to the press.

In fact, most will be livid about this openly treacherous behaviour.

This whole scenario draws my mind to the Currugh Mutiny, 1913…

Many parallels to what’s going on today.

Jun 12, 2020 12:09 AM
Reply to  John Smith

Diana West discusses the generals with Jason Goodman

Jun 11, 2020 7:19 PM

In referring to Richard Nixon’s 1968 election slogan, “Law and Order,” President Donald Trump is not trying to preach racist hatred as many commentators claim, but is returning to the thinking of the author of that slogan, Kevin Phillips (Richard Nixon’s electoral adviser). He still intends to make Andrew Jackson’s thought triumph over Finance by relying on Southern culture and not to cause the disintegration of his country.

President Donald Trump finds himself in the situation Mikhail Gorbachev experienced at the end of the 1980s: his country’s economy – not finance – has been in sharp decline for decades, but his fellow citizens refuse to acknowledge the consequences. …The problem of the USSR was different, but the situation was the same. Gorbachev failed and it was dissolved. It would be surprising if the next US president, whoever he may be, succeeded.

Thierry Meyssan – https://www.voltairenet.org/article210166.html 

Ian R Thorpe
Ian R Thorpe
Jun 11, 2020 6:49 PM

The bit where you got off track was the best part of the article CJ.
Trump is just a symptom of a far greater malaise, throughout the developed world the power elites have completely lost touch with the concerns of ordinary people. Just as the failed colour revolution that started in Minneapolis completely misjudged the mood of America and the failed regime change op in Syria misread the attitude of Syrian people, the majority of whom were less unhappy with Assad than they were fearful of the extremists who would replace him, so it is all over the world.
I don’t believe the majority of British people wanted a Boris – led Conservative government, rather they were more fearful of the harm a Corbyn / McDonnell led Socialist government would to to their lifestyles and the fabric of society.
The only thing we can learn from this is something we already knew, that the political systems of the liberal democracies are iredeemably broken.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 11, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  Ian R Thorpe

Just to add that CJ’s where he got off track nutshell analysis is a pretty good take on what we’re throwing our jabberings/attempts at humor/angers/know-it-all-isms/and thrashings around here at:

Trump is just a symbol, after all. It’s the dissatisfaction with global capitalism (and its smiley, happy, valueless values, and its post-ideological ideology) that GloboCap is determined to crush, so they can get back to the unfinished business of restructuring the entire Middle East, and anywhere else that’s not playing ball, and dissolving what is left of national sovereignty, and transforming the world into one big marketplace, where there will be no fascists, no evil Russians, no religious extremists, no racist statues, no offensive movies, or books, or artworks, no more unauthorized ass-clown presidents, and everyone will be “contact-traced” with their digital health-certificate implants, and the children will stand inside their little “social-distancing” boxes and circles and sing the Coca-Cola theme song through their anti-virus masks at school…


Jun 23, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  Ian R Thorpe

Yes the Tories are really good for “the fabric of society” and Corbyn was going to plunge the world into jew-communism baby slaughtering dark ages.

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 11, 2020 6:35 PM

Humanity reveals finally the full extent of its deep Nazi involvement:
Since it became clear that Hitler was not an alien, but consisted of flesh and blood and breathed oxygen, plans for coercive measures to prescribe at least one hour of “History Channel” to mankind every day to cure them of their evil intentions became known. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-dorset-53007902
The consumption of “superstition-replaced-reason-enlightenment” is associated with an initially voluntary declaration of renunciation to refrain from any attempt to question the legality of the postfactual clown world of all eroded values that sells useless junk and silly “trigger warnings”.
It is called upon to actively participate in the demolition of public Nazi symbolism!

The Emotional Toothpaste
The Emotional Toothpaste
Jun 11, 2020 6:47 PM

Sweden, as the selfless humanitarian superpower as it is, must play a pioneering role in the self-sacrification of the west youtube.com/watch?v=taXQ06rRS1c – first we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin! First we castrate your symbols, then your penetrating patriarchy! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-502497/Swedish-military-lion-gets-snip-women-troops-protest.html

Jun 11, 2020 4:34 PM

I still prefer Noam Chomsky’s description of the president as a “sociopathic bumpkin”.
His delusions of grandeur are not fake.

Jun 11, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Chomsky’s ?

Jun 11, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Butties

I can see how I have not been careful enough here … lol

Jun 11, 2020 8:24 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Let’s put it this way: Trump is under the impression that he works for no one…

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 12, 2020 1:25 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I think you’re right with this. The problem seems to be he thinks he should take over and set everything straight, and this conflicts badly with the master planners. A few years ago for example he was asking well hell what about reunifying the Korean peninsula why not, and why do we need all those bases and troops there. Can’t have that tho can we. That severely interrupts the Glabo-Maximus Beautificus plan. Then on top of all that the man has a kind of love affair with Kim Jong Un, seriously interrupting demonizing on that particular gambit. But then he gave all that up . . . Hmmm. Why now this and then that, Donny? He was a populist and then came revelation: Better save my own head first, look at Jack Kennedy. Hmm. Does make a person wonder about these politicians.

Jun 12, 2020 2:24 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Still, I find it hard to believe that he had absolutely no idea what he was getting into when he went for the White House in the first place …

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 12, 2020 4:30 AM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s a good question. At his level apparently a lot of games of one sort or another is a way to pass the time and he does have a monstrous ego that likes being stroked. I still marvel over his publicly making announcements on the beauty and size of his own brain. Worshipping him as we frequently see, including on this site, is another way of stoking that ego. But at least he’s interesting, give him that.

Jun 12, 2020 5:08 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

He is certainly quite a specimen, but I think we’ve reached the stage of living “in interesting times”, rather than Trump himself being particularly interesting. We’ve seen his type before – Mussolini comes immediately to my mind…
Donald might just be the agent of the greatest catastrophe the human race has ever experienced, or, he might, purely by accident, set us on a course which we could conceivably survive, although I have a feeling we’re going to have to evolve some pretty interesting tricks ourselves, if the latter option is to be realized…

acar burak
acar burak
Jun 11, 2020 3:42 PM

Saddening to see that Hopkins’ wit and wisdom ultimately serve to paint Trump (and the establishment) as a kind of anti-establishment hero and such nonsense. The (fake) resistance is fake, so Trump must be good or better? Ridiculous, if not innocent, stance.

acar burak
acar burak
Jun 11, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  acar burak

Meant “Ridiculous, if not corrupt, stance”.

Jun 11, 2020 2:43 PM

Origins of Black Lives Matter: The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided Americahttp://thephaser.com/2020/06/the-trayvon-hoax-unmasking-the-witness-fraud-that-divided-america/
Central to the documentary is the allegation that Diamond Eugene, Trayvon’s real GF, was switched for a fake witness, as even CNN reported as early as 2013 https://edition.cnn.com/2013/03/06/us/florida-trayvon-martin-case/index.html and which is now the subject of a court case: The lawsuit, which seeks $100 million in damages, alleges Rachel Jeantel, a witness in the 2013 trial who testified she was on the phone with Trayvon Martin just before he was killed, was not the actual witness. It claims Jeantel was “switched” as a witness, and the real witness was Brittany “Diamond” Eugene. 

Jun 11, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus
Jun 11, 2020 1:29 PM

Hitlery Clinton could give old Addie himself a run for his money.
After all, it’d be more or less the same money.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 11, 2020 12:46 PM

A violent coup d’etat is described by the elites as a victory for democracy, and they expect us all to agree. They really do think we are all stupid and gullible and illiterate.

Jun 11, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Not ‘we all are stupid, gullible and illiterate’, but enough to get their way. And by the looks of things, they are right.
This political hoax, stunningly pulled off on the back of the seasonal cold, has shown just how wide the chasm is between those who see the elephant in the room, and those who cannot.
Did you ever hear the one about illiteracy: what’s the difference between an illiterate and one who can read but chooses not to?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 9:21 AM
Reply to  jeremy

No, I haven’t. What’s the punch line?

Jun 12, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

I left it blank because there is none.

Jun 11, 2020 12:30 PM

Common Core and dumbed-down Western education has created a population with measurable mental illness beginning in school
They have been taught a false history, reinforced by the emotional appeal to a kindergarten version of Postmodernism which tells them there is no reality, everything is relative based on their feelings. This justifies violence for any perceived sleight.
Now Antifa don’t even realize they’re doing exactly what the banksters want them to do. It doesn’t occur to them to ask why, if they’re ‘smashing the system’, the Corporatist Media is cheering them on.

Jun 24, 2020 12:19 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Deluded fascistoid nationalists crawling out of the woodwork, freaking out over the emergence in the US of an ideologically naive and co-opted youth movement that has been around in Europe since the 80s and was a continuation of the anarchist movements in Spain and Russia, who were themselves opposed to the bolshevik/ communist gangs. The black hoodies, the black and red flags, etc are all familiar from European anarchist/black bloc groups. They do not get or need “funding” and anarchists have always been opposed to Israel and Zionism and any form of capitalism, exploitation and oppression.
The “antifa militia” co-opted that movement but is visibly a bunch of skinny untrained kids brainwashed and fanaticised by holocaust documentaries. They have nothing in common with real militias, all of which are white supremacists employed by white old money. The antifa crowds generally do not stand a chance in a real confrontion with actual fascists, who are invariably better versed in violence, bigger, pumped with steroids and prepared to kill. Antifa kids don’t need Soros to “fund” them to buy wooden sticks and a bunch of bricks… all they have is the ideological fuel of a misguided righteousness.
The “riots” in the US are polite tea parties compared to what happend in Ukraine not that long ago. No comparison really. Color revolution, my butt.

Jun 24, 2020 1:03 AM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

What I see is that the riots were allowed to happen so as to allow the situation to blow off steam. “Let the blacks and other malcontents get mad for a bit, let them grab some bling, blow their cause, and they’ll soon slip back to their place, we’ll make a few superficial changes and carry on”- that’s what I think the US did here. Trump is bad cop, state authorities are good cop.

Jun 11, 2020 11:48 AM

It is obvious CJ Hopkins that you were never taught respect for the office of the President of the United States when you were growing up. Or for that matter, respect for anyone holding an office of government or otherwise. You are probably part of Generations X, Y or Z who know NOTHING about nothing!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Rick

Interesting you say that Rick. Did you know that every United States President since WW2 was a war criminal, who, if the Nuremburg Conventions were applied to them, would have been hung?
Did you know that the United States is the biggest rogue terrorist state on the Planet, and its Govt has invaded, overthrown, bombed or assassinated more than any other country.
You do realise that Obomber…. oops, I mean Obama bombed 7 countries alone.
Reagan supported fascist mass murderers in Central and South America, and fully supported terrorist groups like the Contra’s.
Millions of human beings dead or displaced because of the ‘freedom loving’ United States.
Respect for the office of the President… jesus.
Why should the World ‘respect’ mass murdering thugs?
Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Greece, Cuba, Haiti, Chile, Venezuela, Korea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, just to name a few of the many countries your Presidents have interfered in.

Jun 24, 2020 12:37 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You forgot not one but two nuclear bombs dropped on two cities. Many more dropped on Pacific islands for “testing”… And the worldwide enforcement of “war on drugs” (alongside tons of cocaine and heroin distribution) which has killed and destroyed the lives of unknown millions, and continues to this day.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 24, 2020 12:54 AM
Reply to  I DENY YOUR BS

I know D. If I listed everything, it would stretch several feet down this page. Why is the United States still in Afghanistan? What occurred at Mena Airport in Arkansas? And I didn’t even mention Saudi Arabia or Israel or what has been done to Yemen.
You would know what happened to Gary Webb after his investigations into Iran Contra… and the drugs flooding the streets of Los Angeles.
Apparently he committed suicide by shooting himself twice.
A regular commenter here, John Ervin, whose father suffered the same fate as Gary Webb, calls the CIA ‘America’ s Gestapo’.

Jun 11, 2020 4:06 PM
Reply to  Rick

And therein lies the problem: supine respect for a person in a costume holding a title.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Jun 11, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  jeremy

Not quite, supine respect for the uniform that’s pointing a gun at your head, would be more accurate

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 12, 2020 5:01 AM
Reply to  jeremy

Holding a title, and big bags of 💰 💰.

Jun 11, 2020 4:32 PM
Reply to  Rick

Too bad the office of the president wasn’t respected back in the day when they blew Kennedy’s head off.

Jun 11, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Rick

The condition you describe is well known among the medical community. It is called, “White Coat Syndrome” – The automatic respect for somebody in a white coat who calls himself a doctor, when in fact it turns out he is a butcher.
Respect of ANY kind has to be earned, and no “office” automatically commands it. Otherwise we would all still be respecting Hitler as the legitimately elected Chancellor of his day.
Did you really need me to tell you that?
Oh, and exactly what do you expect to find at OffG that might conceivably enlighten you in any way, since you obviously have nothing in common with the very reasons for its existence?
I would like to think your comment was meant as sarcasm, in which case, you got me.

Jun 11, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I thought it must be sarcasm too until the last sentence.

Jun 24, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Rick

It is obvious Rick that you were taught respect from a young age. You are probably part of the generation of sons of venerable military / police officers who know EVERYTHING about everything!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 11, 2020 8:45 AM

As I just wrote, below:

Personally, I’m baffled that (so many) supposed Non-Sheeples are reading the “riots” straight, as “riots,” and not as yet another well-executed false flag designed to muddy the waters, drain legitimate grievances of any moral authority, and justify any number of Next Steps in The Plan.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 12:22 PM

Agree with your summation 100% Steve. Frustrates the hell out of me as well.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 11, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Cognitive Dissonance is the new oxygen. All I can do is put my head down and push through it… but I just had to laugh the other day when I saw a Flat Earther remark that a particular (not especially extreme) Conspiracy Theory “Doesn’t make sense”!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 1:28 PM

With my Facebook friends, some of them actually believe in Flat Earth theory or that Aliens are running the World, while the word illuminati comes up now and then as well. I tend to sidestep them and stick with the more, er, lucid people on my list.
I think it’s sad that such has been the gangreneous effects of Neoliberalism on people’s psyches; the whole dog eat dog ethos, the alienation and atomisation of modern ‘society’ – that people who have been crushed under the punishing effects of this society are looking for answers.
And quite a few come up with things like aliens, or, um, lizards.

Jun 11, 2020 3:12 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

So you do call them psychopaths?
Its a trick thing to name the shadow.
The names then operate a way of hiding it.
Diagnosis can determine a basis for treatments that can then lose the patient while ‘killing the disease’.
Dog eat dog is not a new ‘philosophy’ – and the fight flight or freeze response is the reptilian brain that can be triggered to operate without self-doubt – and without any higher conscious direction or guidance. Indeed ‘psychopathically’.
An alien will operates an alienated and alienating mind and world – exactly as being put on the Big Stage as fear, hiding in control, masking as virtue, running as hate, lockstepping in structures that lockdown free movement, to release locked up charge into permitted new behaviour patterns.
The retreat into a virtue set over the ridiculed is the bubble of defence against its own disclosure in lack of love or substance.
Now I am not saying there are ETs involved in the hollowing out and denial of human consciousness while it cancels itself out. But if there are – would they be what we think in any case?
How much of our thinking is already a structure of old lockstepping agreements to see the world THIS way or NOT that way?
But what I feel is for a workability of shared resonance rather than a conformity to an identikit.
Continued on:

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 12, 2020 7:47 AM
Reply to  Binra

Brian, with respect, I think you’ve misunderstood what I was trying to say.
Those people I referred to who believe in Flat Earth, or Lizard people or Clones or whatever more ‘out there’ theory….
No, I don’t regard them as psychopaths.
I wasn’t trying to label them as such. I was trying to point out that, in this psychotic, neurotic society with Neoliberalism as the overarching economic system, and the psychological impact this has on Individual People – that Some people who do not have a solid grounding in how this economic system and the Hierarchical structure of society affects all of us, then they look for answers in the wrong places – like embracing theories about aliens or lizard people.
I view them as victims of this society we are in, not as psychopaths. And I don’t mean that in a condescending way.
Yes, I know that ‘dog eat dog’ is not a new philosophy. After all, what did Charles Dickens base his well known books on?
And then there is the well known term ‘Dickensian poverty’.
Enjoy your day👍

Jun 12, 2020 12:09 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hello ‘Gazza’ I meant the terms ‘aliens’, ‘reptilians’ and ‘psychopaths’ are all serving a very similar function. I see now that I did not make that clear.   Perhaps ‘facebook friends’ means pretend friends and so are not worthy of respect? If you came across me talking about your opinions in a derogatory way on another forum, you would rightly not feel respected.   But insofar as I see that narrative identity is being ‘controlled’ by manipulative deceit as part of a ‘destroy to remake new’ strategy, I agree with you in principle, but see a much larger time frame for the emergence of this than neo-liberalism or any other political masking over a broad spectrum subjection to systemic technologism.   The development of responses to such social controls are not so obvious to judge because we judge through our own filters, and we do not live their lives. But insofar as this merely develops the mask, it represents no direct consciousness, but more the logical but reactive unfolding of accepted framing or founding ideas. Mad premises logically result in mad outcomes.   The very nature of manipulation is the leveraging of guilt, fear, sympathies and antipathies to operate an incentivised surface reality, or front end while regarding the back end as the code base to profile and call on as controls.   On some level we all know what is going on, not as an articulation of the mind, but as a recognition of NOT being met in the heart and therefore NOT being the conditions for releasing of masking defences or social camouflage that has un underlay masking of our self to our self – without which we could not maintain the basis from which to meet our daily requirements. If our life as we can accept living it depends… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 12, 2020 12:44 PM
Reply to  Binra

Thank you for the clarification, and yes, I get what you mean now.
If you have a Facebook page, and you have ‘friends’ and yes, they’re not real friends, like you have flesh and blood friends.
So I don’t know how to describe them? Penpals? Acquaintances?
Okay, I’m getting into semantics here. I was merely trying to make a point how modern society Affects some people.
I wasn’t being derogatory. If someone walked up to you and said they believed that an Alien race ran the World, and the World’s major politicians were clones….
What would you think? Serious question.
And yes, I do understand we Don’t live other people’s lives, and we are not in their heads.
Am making a cup of tea, having a smoke, then will read your latest blog entry.
Enjoy your day Brian.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 11, 2020 4:53 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I had an email exchange with an old friend… an intelligent woman… the other day, and during this exchange she started going on about how various celebrities and politicians had been cloned! I thought: “Jesus, not you, too…!” I mean, quite a few people consider entirely plausible “conspiracy theories” to be “far-fetched” only because they can’t imagine anyone being that evil or clever… neither attribute being rare among humans nor at the tops of various governing power-pyramids. Where I draw the line is at the physically impossible, or with extraordinary claims with little or no circumstantial evidence or historical precedent.

Jun 12, 2020 1:03 PM

If you step back for physics and open to psychics you will find some basis for your friend’s perception.
Hollowed out people become an expression of that to which they have subjected their will. But without self-awarenss of what they are embodying – because they get their reality from it. (Cognitive dissonance). If you are truly resting in wholeness, then there are no holes or hollows into which doubts and fears mask over in cloned replica of a truly living presence.
I am not at all suggesting that you abandon physics! But that the way physics has been framed and used to mask off and mask out the psychic is itself a substitution of Natural Philosophy in all its branches for a template technologism running private possession and control (marketising and weaponising) under the masking ideal of human benefit and progress.
We are thus currently culturally embraced in a masking (psychic) template of filtering that mainstreams surface realities as invisible structuring of our perceptions and responses.
If you can see that we are a psycho-physical process or expression of life, then you can look at the frames of mind through which we are ‘seeing’. When everyone gets stuck in the same pace, they call it reality.
Or if everyone locksteps in the same mindset, they all become clones of that mindset.
You cannot escape just how unreal our human world is becoming – excepting by compliance in its masking evasion of reality. But…
full post on

Jun 11, 2020 3:13 PM

There are two things going on, as there ALWAYS are. There is what’s “going on” inside the people’s minds; and what’s “going on” inside the ruling elites’ minds. When they meet, as they have in this corona nonsense, the results are catastrophic. When they do not meet, as they have not in this protest/riot scenario, the results can still be disastrous, but not apocalyptic.
The people – most of them – doing the protesting really do think they are attacking an abominable situation within an abominable system. The elites, working behind the scenes, really do think they are pulling a fast one by co-opting the spirit of the protests for their own advantage.
The people, as always, are in for a big surprise when they discover their efforts have only made their plight worse. The elites, however, may also be in for a surprise if the protests gain enough traction with the majority of Americans to pose an actual threat to their con game.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 12, 2020 5:16 AM

The riots are SO staged. We had a pro-test in our town which is too surfed out to even know what one looks like. It was a complete joke, choreographed from start to finish with about a 96% fake cast.

It turned my stomach so much I was sick for days, seriously. But it’s all good. Now I’m sitting at an electric car charger with hot rod cars circling revving their engines and blasting their subwoofers with chaotic rhythms because they have nothing else that interests them more. A pretty good likeness of hell. A couple dozen cars in a supermarket parking lot at 9 pm. Just driving round and round for the sublime opportunity to rev their engines. I wouldnt remark it, but Ive seen it elsewhere, even without covid as an excuse.

Is it just me, or is this a great country?

(I remember now why I always came really late, maybe 2am, to charge here. Ludicrous. Now several harleys have come, for the convention. Deafening, even ear-splitting, but certainly worthwhile. At least for them. Maybe not for sleeping babies or the elderly.)

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 11, 2020 5:46 AM

The problem with Trump comes down to that old military maxim — you salute the rank, not the officer. Trump as President can do and say all sorts of outragious things because as President his position conveys its own gravitas. However, there comes a time when you can’t continue to cut the person slack regardless of his position. Trump as President is an unmitigated disaste. It need not have been like this.   There are several examples of celebrities with no political experience stepping into politics and being quite good in their role. The first example is, of course, Ronal Regan — a ‘B’ movie actor and appliance salesman for GE. A more recent, and probably more relevant, example is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was parachuted into the goal as California governor by state’s Republican party through a successful recall campaign against the Democratic governor (they’d also run a simial successful campaign against the chief justice of the CA Supreme Court). He turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, thought, because he threw himself into the role, taking the trouble to learn how the state’s politics worked, who the players were and generally getting a handle on the state’s affairs. So even as a Republican he worked out OK. Trump didn’t feel he needed to put in the effort when he assumed office — he figured that all he had to do was sign executive orders on a personal whim (or, more likely, on the instiation of his advisors) and he could go back to watching tV, golfing and so on. The result has been pure embarassment.   I’m sorry that his core supporters, the ones who honestly thought that the Revolution had finally happened, the Swamp was being Drained and so on, are feeling a bit let down.… Read more »

Jun 11, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Not much of a choice, was it? The other option was the Mistress of Moloch, Hillary.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 12, 2020 4:09 AM
Reply to  Reg

There lies a tale. A month or so before the 2016 election I was in Europe and one of the places I dropped in on was the European office of the company I was working for in Hungary. On the way back to the center of Budapest I was chatting to one of the owners of the company, a dual citizen, who was in the process of organizing fix ballot by fax. I was agast that he — a supposedly intelligent, rational, person, was voting for Trump. He explained to me that as a resident of Central Europe he wasn’t interested in being involved in WW3. He regarded HRC as a cert for starting global war while Trump was more pragmatic, by far the lesser of the two evils.
I didn’t think this made sense but I held my tongue. Trump may be pragmatic, I thought, a deal maker who was primarily interested in the money, but he’s going into a hornet’s nest peopled by the finest Alpha types known to humanity. I reckoned they’d let him play at being President while they went about their agenda behind the scenes. Nethertheless, it was possible he could do an Arnold and outsmart them so when he was elected I was still hopeful. My optimism died rapidly.

Jun 11, 2020 5:15 AM

Trump is a genius. He’s surrounded by lifer politicos, unethical attorneys, corrupted intelligence and military honchos…all on the take. He walked in on a back alley poker game he was not invited to, laid his cash down and said “I’m in”.

He was weaned by his dad on local mafia, corrupted officials, special interests while developing hotels and casinos in the some of the most corruption ridden places in the country.

This guy knows how to handle schmucks, snakes, goons, attorneys, all trying to fill their pockets…quid pro quo.

The DC mob is a different snakepit, but he already knows how to get what he wants by using verbal shock therapy on emotional leftists who cannot NOT respond. Like a fox just strolling by the chicken coop, he gets the elites in DC and media to total lose composure and forget their “game”.
How could anyone but a psychological genius get ALL the elites and political parasites on planet earth to do a meltdown?

Just think of the fox and the chicken coop. It’s as simple as that. Everyone is afraid of losing the golden egg they are sitting on and being consumed.

He’s Brooklyn smart. No phd necessary.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 11, 2020 5:36 AM
Reply to  Wayne

“This guy knows how to handle schmucks, snakes, goons, attorneys, all trying to fill their pockets…quid pro quo.”

Maybe that is a mirror-image deception.
Knowing just how deeply Mockingbird Media MSM managed his campaign, giving him a trillion dollars of free campaign coverage (ads) before he even announced he was running for 2016, my guess is that in 2014, more or less, the capo di Capo’s, the head mobster, met him in a casino back room and said, “Yo, Donnie, my man. We go back a lobg ways, youse and me, am I right? Yeahhh.
And we’ve washed a lot of your money, made a lot of your bad bets all good. Now all these favors do not come without a little interest from you. The good news is, we only want one favor from you.


(Or Else)


That arrangement, roles reversed, actually makes a lot more sense than the other way around.

‘Cause Trump is really not that capable. Not by a long shot.

He’s actualy kind of a jackass, a very “protected” one, and I really feel that’s not just role playing.


Jun 11, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Your scenario actually describes the 1960 election.
In the 2016 election the ‘free’ MSM exposure was due to the non-stop hate-fest, resulting in unintended consequences. The guy from Queens beat the snooty East coast Establishment and they still can’t get over it. Rather than find out why, they just rage.
The other day I looked up the definition of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ on one of the Urban Dictionary/’Fact’ Check sites and it claimed that TDS was actually ‘the belief by Trump supporters that he can do no wrong, no matter how wrong he is’, thus demonstrating that the ‘fact-checkers’ are fully possessed by full-blown TDS, and further illustrating that there is a complete inversion of reality in the States, as well as Western political and social culture.
These days, the opposite of truth is the truth, or as Joe Biden accurately stated:
“We choose truth over facts.”

Delta Gee
Delta Gee
Jun 11, 2020 5:39 AM
Reply to  Wayne

Wayne you beat me to it. “The Donald” may well be 1000 times smarter than the next intelligent President. He is New York City Smart. Street Smart. My father grew up in the Bronx in the 30’s and 40’s. Surviving proves you are above average. Actually making something of your life proves your exceptional. My mother grew up on Staten Island where I was born in 1953. I did not live in NYC long enough to learn first hand but having a father like mine gave me the message loud and clear.
If it looks like $hit and smells like $hit I don’t need to taste it to confirm what it is. As you say in contrast the DC cesspool critters seem to have no sense of vision, smell or taste and they are 1000% sure everyone else is just like them.
It was not until after President Trump was elected that I finally realized 100% of the negative things said about the man were lies or damn close to lies.
They have constantly underestimated him and he has been multiple steps ahead for a long time. These inbred clueless morons could not find their own a-hole with a mirror. They keep doing the same thing over and over again like the copied the answer to the test question from the other idiot in the class.
It would be best if “The Donald” became Mien Fuhrer at least till we remove the shit from the cesspool. It is not a swamp it is a SHITPIT.

Jun 11, 2020 5:53 AM
Reply to  Delta Gee

I’ve always had a gut feeling about this man.

Trump is what they need now.

He is very smart indeed…and he’s up to getting that cesspool cleaned out..

Jun 11, 2020 5:00 PM
Reply to  JDee

The question is, does he WANT to clean out the cesspool? My own feeling is that his willingness to make life better for Americans is severely limited.

Jun 11, 2020 5:50 AM
Reply to  Wayne

I had to read that twice I enjoyed it so much 🙂 It would make a great movie. But he probably folded a long time ago.

Jun 11, 2020 7:59 AM
Reply to  Wayne

Trump’s street smarts is why the liberals and the media hate him. Trump is a lower caste in their view. They hate him, judging people by appearances, with their faux-intellectual talk and their social networks and Twitter police. It’s the real definition of racism, says doctor and politician Shiva Ayyadurai who grew up in India’s caste system as a “deplorable”.
“The real racists are the liberal elite, the people at MIT and Harvard who manufacture racism among all of us to keep us split. Racism is not the young white boy who uses some words. A lot of that comes from the ignorance that is put on us to divide us.”
“Real racism is putting people in boxes and when you step out of that box they pound you, they lynch you to get back in that box. One of the biggest perpetrators is the deep state elite and their muppets in Hollywood…. putting it into the public’s mind that if you are from the south you speak slow, if you are blonde you are dumb, Chinese are kung fu fighters, rednecks like Joe Dirt must also be a Klansman, you can’t be white and from the south and care about people. All Indians must move their head from left to right and work in a convenience store like Abu.
“African Americans all eat watermelon,” says Hollywood and then its political wing, the white liberals, black up their faces to remind black people of that. They are sending a message. 
Deplorable is the word that Hillary Clinton chose. That comes from India’s caste system. You have it from the liberal-media muppets themselves.
Dr Shiva is another proud deplorable politician, running for Senate on a platform seeking to appeal to all classes: https://youtu.be/hsP1ufJJuek?t=1485

Jun 11, 2020 11:45 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Wasn’t it the Clintons who said blacks are “super predators” or something? Bill certainly put a lot of them away in his prisons. Well, that’s “progressive” for you. The mental disconnect is staggering.

Jun 11, 2020 12:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Moreover . . .
 comment image

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Jun 11, 2020 5:11 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s class apartheid,they talk in code,. With stiff upper lips still their mouths explode.

Jun 11, 2020 6:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You’re right. The Elite crave power. They do NOTHING for society, build nothing, innovate nothing, create nothing. They are the genetic mutation, a bastardization of European royalty. Their obstacle in America is the European genetic which rejected their control of humanity.

The Lost Left. disciples of this highly convincing “royalty” is completely. unwound and undermined by Trump telling them that they can be free of big government and control.

Same thing happened after Perestroika. Many “former” Soviet subjects were lost, confused, angry and lost. Letting domestic animals out of their lifelong cage to be free to live on their own get eaten by the natural and free world.

The Left in America is like a European peasantry 2.0. Conditioned to practice “freedom” within the confines of their cage or corral. The food is always there twice a day, someone cleans up, innoculates the herd physically and mentally, manages their lives subtly. It is the way modern royalty has designed herd control.

Trump opens the gate…and gets hate for threatening their security WITHIN the cage of so-called security.

Jun 11, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Wayne

As in the Soviet Union, the Kremlin maintained a solid University system to create the brainiacs to develop tools for the USSR. There were plenty of well educated ‘professionals’ to argue on behalf of and in defense of the Soviet State.

Just like we are seeing in America..the left’s attitude about Trump. Not classy enough for them and a threat because he is pushing them out of the government womb.

Jun 11, 2020 4:56 PM
Reply to  Wayne

Perhaps not exactly, “Brooklyn smart” … but rather a Brooklyn “sociopathic bumpkin”… I like to reserve the word, “genius” for people who improve life for human beings on planet Earth.

Jun 11, 2020 4:45 AM

This is The biggest ever F Us All Humans event in the History of The Planet Earth So far as I know…Now its easy to reel off off a load of warmongers, but cos he is Scottish, and that is where my most of my roots come on my mother’s side. My Dad’s were from France, and the North of England.
Who do you think our most Evil War Criminal is who is Still Alive..The Irish Can answer this question too – if they want to.
“Blair was born in Edinburgh”
He is Not English. He is Scottish and he is not a nice man.
John F Kennedy meanwhile was an American, and I still love him.
If anyone is going to hell – it is Tony Blair – and he knows it, which is why us English are taunting him, to keep him alive.
Most Scottish people are lovely – but we don’t like him.
I have no idea who is trying to pull this current job off, but I wouldn’t be surprised if us British are at least involved directing the insanity from Imperial College in London that used to be the Best University in The World..but it got infected too, and I wasn’t expecting that – it was O.K. 10 years ago. My Mate’s Lad got his degree there, and he’s lovely.
I have no answers cos i haven’t a clue what is going on, but Suspect The Tavistock Institute too
Almost everyone is frightened to come out of their own homes across almost the entire world.
In World History this has never happened before, so far as I know.
Answers on a Postcard
What’s Going On?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 11, 2020 5:47 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Well were coming out in droves all over Southern California. Im down at the beach boardwalk and it’s crammed with bicyclists, skateboarders, et al. well into the dark. I know this sector for 60 years, and all the nooks, so I just drove to the most quiet one (not enough) because the night crowd was just too hectic for all the mileage on my nerves. Especially Harleys and chaotically thunderius subwoofers. Man, I am going to get those abolished or die trying. They get louder every year, just jet engine deafening.

Proof that all that is a consciously deployed Mengele-researched and MKULTRA directed psyop of sensory bombardment, to cull explorers of the Art Spirit, and fray the more perceptive and sensitive reaches of meditative creativity. Ughh. What else, when the cops curtail and cite it less and less?

Jun 11, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

And his mother was from Donegal, Ireland.

What is it with illegitimate father’s creating evil men much like adolf Hitler’s father being an illegitimate child

Jun 12, 2020 2:38 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

I understand the bliar is Catholic… so unless I’m mistaken, all he has to do is go to Confession, and, lo and behold, he avoids Hell… In other words, since God isn’t a Catholic, I don’t think Blair does know that that’s where he’s going. Of course it’s also quite possible that he is insane enough to have essentially gone there already. That over-chirpy, school-boyish grimace he used to have seems to have given way to a rather worrying vacant stare…
But far be it from me to judge the evil bugger…

Jun 11, 2020 4:23 AM

Spot on – brief and cogent, thanks. I want to send it to my daughter but she probably won’t read it and will further categorise me. Alt-right racist old white man I suppose. So unfair. I will feel bad. I support her caring about BLM but would like her to see the bigger picture that you describe so well. Cognitive dissonance between people who are close really hurts, I guess this kind of social distancing is what it’s all about.

Jun 11, 2020 3:41 AM

Welcome back CJ! Missed ya man. Yep just rockin’ in the “free” world. Personally I would even give the morons a B+ nor even a D- but maybe an E for effort. The scam was so obvious right from the beginning.
All BLM managed to do was totally discredit themselves by accepting filthy lucre from the CCAA that’s Corporate Clown Asses of America. You know the ones who are so sensitive about racism that they only practice it outside of US by stealing indigenous land and committing genocide in far away places like the Amazon. Of course which is never reported by the 4th Estate those Guardians of the 1st Amendment who want to turn the internet into a Corporate Media echo chamber and silence freedom of speech.
While I’m the subject of Amazon. The biggest baddest Corporate Clown Ass of them all Bezo the Clown is making money hand over fist while everybody’s in lock down. Making him richer than God but not richer than Rothschild or the Queen of England but hey that’s close enough though there’ll come a time when he’ll be pushing a wheelbarrow full of billions in ill gotten loot to buy a sandwich at Starbucks Weimar Republic style.
Something that would nice to see but we’ll all have starved to death or been killed by Bill’s vaccines by then.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 11, 2020 3:39 AM

No, CJ, not on your knee with the kente cloth. My recommendation is do a half-pirouette, drop your trousers, and moon The Entire Establishment you have just laid bare here.
Recall 2016 when oh what horror and high dudgeon! Kaepernick actually violated a performance of the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance, which are ritual dogma at EVERY sporting event in America, by sitting instead of standing and then taking a knee for BLM.
Now we have Pelosi, Schumer et al on their knees with kente cloth around their necks? No disrespect to kente cloth intended, this little performance is sheer opportunism and blowing with the political winds and the (apparently still on so far) November election..

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Regards Pelosi and her ilk, I think it’s called LIPZ. No, it’s not a brand of gourmet ice cream.
It’s Lobotomised Identity Politics Zombies.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 12, 2020 1:16 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes, or it might as well be. For me it’s UH or ultimate hypocrisy in which everything you claim to represent as serving the people is actually serving the special interests you ally with (Nancy is worth $30 million by the way and I wonder how a humble servant to the congress has put that much away on a representative’s salary. Sorry that sounds carping and nasty but at times I have these doubts.)

Jun 12, 2020 2:45 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Well to me Nancy is worth less than nothing. In fact I’d pay to have her removed from Government. Come to think of it, $30 million is peanuts by Washington’s standards today. It’s really no more than one really nice luxury home, without even a yacht…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 12, 2020 3:12 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Hi Aldous…. according to Wikipedia, Nancy Pelosi is worth $120 million! Richard Blumenthal is worth $70 million, and Diane Feinstein $58.5 million.
But they are dwarfed by a Republican Congresswoman from Georgia called Kelly Loeffler: $500 million! Obviously that includes family wealth, but put it this way…
There are no poor people in Congress or the Senate!

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 12, 2020 4:25 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hello, Gezzah thanks for this update! You know come to think of it the economy has been doing well I’m told, so that probably explains it.

Jun 11, 2020 3:36 AM

All part of the NWO plan.
The X black water incited uprising/riots were orchestrated, even the bricks were dropped off.
Liberal my ass, Trump obsessional. Trump is but a bankster puppet like all central banking nations spokesmen.
Unless there are inner changes( revolutions) in peoples consciousness no change can happen.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Jun 11, 2020 8:43 AM
Reply to  BDBinc

Personally, I’m baffled that supposed Non-Sheeples are reading the “riots” straight, as “riots,” and not as yet another well-executed false flag designed to muddy the waters, drain legitimate grievances of any moral authority, and justify any number of Next Steps in The Plan.

Jun 11, 2020 2:03 AM

There’s a good article here about the hypocrisy of the brain dead woke chattering classes.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 1:47 AM

Thanks again CJ. I’ve seen videos of the mass protests all over the World in the last week – in London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Auckland, everywhere…. and I have a very simple question for all those who were on those protests:
Where were you all when others were protesting against the rolling out of the Fascist Police State, against the lockdowns, the stripping of civil liberties, the rolling out of 5G,
mandatory vaccinations, on and on.
Why weren’t you out protesting these very real dangers for all of us, for all of humanity.
Because our most basic freedoms are at stake here.
I’ve even seen videos of white middle class Liberals get on their knees and kiss the feet of African Americans. Without blushing.
I’ve encountered other gay people who point blank refused to get involved in anti lockdown protests because… ‘it’s not our problem’. They had the luxury of still being in paid work.
And, yes, of course there is systemic racism inbuilt into the system. Did it only begin the day Trump became President? No.
Sadly, most people just don’t see the bigger picture. And we are running out of time.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 11, 2020 2:04 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Good question. Where?

My Exhibit A (I’m starting quite a private collection) for an accusation of Intel psyop in the more recent rounds.

Why not stage fake protests when even 1% of the citizenry would amount to a few million. Go round up underemployed background actors and make a faux pro-test of 100,000 or so, and you have your new movement, complete with paychecks, and 24/7 media coverage. All for The Cause!

Sort of like how Disney does things, only more militant, I mean military.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 2:47 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Thanks John. I just find it very frustrating, especially given what’s at stake here.
And people that went on anti lockdown, anti 5G protests, some 11-12 days later are having cops turn up at their homes wanting to know why they were at (completely peaceful) protests, and being issued with fines for not social distancing!
They’re using facial recognition camera’s to track people now, or thru people’s cellphones. And yet the majority just keep zzzz zzzz zzzz zzz. Cognitive dissonance par excellence.
There’s a couple videos somewhere of people infiltrating Antifa meetings and finding out who is behind them (yes, I already know that). Divide and rule is one of the 0.01%s biggest weapons.
I’m just living one day at a time for now, not projecting into the future, as well as music, chocolate, nicotine and remembering the meaning of the serenity prayer is helping.
Good luck to you✌️

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 11, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes Gezzah. We had a 5G protest here in Newport last week, I had meant to go but didn’t. A lot did though. They were told in advance that the only objections that could be made were about the aesthetics (??!) of the towers. They had a Manifesto with them, and will keep at it though. I haven’t studed the issue enough, but will. I know that Teddy Kennedy and John McCain both died of gliomas, brain tumors. On one side, I’m pretty sure the rivht side? I bet it came from too much cellphone talk when everybody held them up to their ear. I went blind in my eye on that side, right, about ten years ago. By the time I got a cataract then had it removed, then the retina dropped on that eye, then again and then again. Finally I just let it go, they let me drive with one eye, and I’ve done it ten years. I rrad that they believe thet can cure most blindness eithin the next 7 years with stem cells. I know a lit of “miracle” cures already. It will obsolete many many awkward trchniques, metal hips, knees, etc. It already has, often! But I could always feel the buzz and warmth of radiation from the phone. I never hold it to my head anymore, always a few feet away. If I were really to man up to all my principles, I’d give up all the gadgetry, but in my situation it facilitates so MANY things, I can’t yet do it. It’s about as easy as giving up the remote, with a really bad back! Lol If your people are getting followups from cops about social distancing, that’s just a fascist farce! Horrible, horrible. I haven’t seen any of that in California.… Read more »

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 4:15 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Appreciate the feedback John. Yeah, the cops in Australia have been really full on,
jackboots and all. As for Ferguson…. he should be in jail. Decades of clear gross incompetence, and now this one.
So many lives devastated because of his ‘model’. Enjoy your week.

Jun 11, 2020 4:00 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Where were you all when others were protesting against the rolling out of the Fascist Police State, against the lockdowns, the stripping of civil liberties, the rolling out of 5G, mandatory vaccinations, on and on.

Not only not protesting, but actually detaining, chastising and humiliating people who were. The likes of Tom Wolf jailing anti-lockdown protesters and civil disobedient folks showing up to work and being jailed.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 11, 2020 4:17 AM
Reply to  WorldParole

Complete hypocrisy. Hence my deep frustration.

Jun 11, 2020 1:25 AM
Jun 11, 2020 3:59 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

“Rebels” without a Clue. CRINGE, Face palm.

Jun 11, 2020 1:04 AM

I am 66 now – the Mark of the Devil. To make it even worse, I sold my older brother’s BSA250 which I passed my test on for £38, when I was 16 years old – eventually they paid up – I didn’t have much credit, and bought one of these for £35. The Registration number was 666 ALE…It looked rather like this. I later sold it to a bloke at ICL in WestGorton Manchester for £85, and a few years later saw my bike for sale in Sydenham, near Forest Hill, London where we now lived for £1750. I tried to sell the number plate for that, but no one was interested.
Beautiful Bike – it wasn’t quite as fast as my older, brother’s Triumph Tiger 650, but he did let me have a go on that, after he had rebored it.
It was like pure motorcycle sex.
All British engineering, all leaked oil, all over the place, but were very light and went round bends with your knee very close to the ground rather well, even if you were young thin and skinny.
comment image

Jun 11, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

You can still rent an Enfield in India for £4 a day.

Jun 11, 2020 12:59 AM

I am 66 now – the Mark of the Devil. To make it even worse, I sold my older brother’s BSA250 which I passed my test on for £38, when I was 16 years old – eventually they paid up – I didn’t have much credit, and bought one of these for £35. The Registration number was 666 ALE…It looked rather like this. I later sold it to a bloke at ICL in WestGorton Manchester for £85, and a few years later saw my bike for sale in Sydenham, near Forest Hill, London where we now lived for £1750. I tried to sell the number plate for that, but no one was interested.
Beautiful Bike – it wasn’t quite as fast as my older, brother’s Triumph Tiger 650, but he did let me have a go on that, after he had rebored it.
It was like pure motorcycle sex.
All British engineering, all leaked oil, all over the place, but were very light and went round bends with your knee very close to the ground rather well, even if you were young thin and skinny.
comment image
comment image
Not Dead yet. My wife and I have got fold up push bikes now, and I a soon to oil them and get them out of the shed…
Hopefully Cycling in the 70’s again.
We mean well, just got to keep fit.
“Killing Joke – Eighties” 

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 11, 2020 5:30 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I’m still trying to make some sense of this thread but this particular comment does resonate slightly because while I’m a bit older than 66 I still ride and one of my rides is an old Trumph. I also happened to be born in Sydenham, grew up in Forest Hill I once worked at ICL, West Gorton.   However, times change and you can’t go back to that Golden Age. It really wasn’t that Golden, anyway — everyone was perpetually skint and we lived with the perpetual threat of the Cold War becoming Hot. ICL itself disappeared years ago, the West Gorton site becoming a studio complex that makes low budget TV shows. The engineers that worked there scattered and a lot of it, myself included, ended up working in the US.   There is a connection with the current political situation, though. I’m one of those Baby Boomers, part of the post war generation that enjoyed a society that placed a lot of emphasis on things like education. As we came of age we blundered into a recession caused by, among other things, de-industrialization — consolidation, financialization and so on, what was later rationalized as a focus on the ‘service sector’. No jobs for us — the 70s were pretty bleak — but by the 80s with the revving up of the war machine in the US there was at least demand for engineers for the get-rich-quick build a PC business. This was followed by the expansion of the Internet, good times up till about 2000 when the US started deindustrializing. Monetarists only focus on the numbers. Companies wound down, outsourced basic technologies and focused only on what could generate huge returns in a startup environment — everyone piling into ‘apps’. Meanwhile, the shift in education left a void,… Read more »

Jun 11, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Their Bantam was a straight DKW theft.

Jun 11, 2020 5:22 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Give an electric bike a try. Rent one first. Quite a difference.

Jun 10, 2020 11:53 PM

“After four long years of propaganda foreplay, there we were, finally at the moment of truth, and Adolph goes and loses his erection”
I find your sexual reference to Trumps prevarication distasteful and unnecessary, displaying a poverty of language.

Jun 11, 2020 1:59 AM
Reply to  JDee

I thought it was hilarious. Lighten up.

Jun 11, 2020 3:22 AM
Reply to  sylviad

Not hilarious sorry…sexist.

Jun 12, 2020 2:56 AM
Reply to  JDee

There is nothing sexist about having, or losing, an erection. It’s a biological function, and a medical analysis of it would be very unlikely to display a poverty of language in any case. The reference could possibly be construed as “Adolfist”, however…

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Jun 11, 2020 2:03 AM
Reply to  JDee

JDee – C.J. is a freaking “satirist!” Cut him some slack will yah?
C.J. just also happens to be a very insightful analyst of global events, and lately it’s been pretty damn hard to make any commentary about our current shit-storm seem even remotely “funny” – even for a pro like C.J. I thought this was a spot on the money analysis of the current fissure within American oligarchy.

Jun 11, 2020 3:27 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

It remains that sexist metaphores were used…and while we’re on the subject there are many instances on this site of the destruction of the language to get a message across…especially the constant and boring use of swear words..”shitstorm” for example!
So Gary you can lighten up and give us some better English. Thanks.

Jun 11, 2020 4:06 AM
Reply to  JDee

Go away.

Jun 11, 2020 6:02 AM
Reply to  Gall

Absolutely NOT…You sound like a victim

Jun 12, 2020 12:37 AM
Reply to  JDee

As opposed to a pain in the ass.

Jun 12, 2020 3:30 AM
Reply to  JDee

The plural of “metaphor” is “metaphors”, by the way. After all, there’s more than one way to destroy a language, and poor spelling, along with humourless Puritanism, is right up there with the best of them, including, if you will, smuttiness for its own sake… Personally, I avoid vocabulary like, “shitstorm”, but I have to admit that it happens to be an admirably accurate term for most of what surrounds us today in politics. If I write an article, I stick to common decency in my choice of words. However, when relaxing in the company of like-minded souls at OffG, I find that sometimes a very blunt word is more effective at expressing my precise meaning than a polite one. We live in times where explicit definitions of disgust are extremely necessary in order to describe remarkably disgusting things. The worst-case scenario is already with us.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 11, 2020 3:57 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

It was as hilarious as insightful.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 11, 2020 4:02 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

It was much less risqué than what Woody Allen has made a career, and not too many get bent over that, except in laughter. Sheeesh.

And it’s actually rather funny, if not outright mandatory, to call the Donald that way. It is maybe too à propos for some. I dont think even Joey Bishop would get upset, and he was Mr. Clean…

Jimmy Carter, no. But Trump, comics make a living on it.

Jun 10, 2020 11:41 PM

Now that’s what I call a good post (I don’t have to argue it!).

Jun 10, 2020 11:34 PM

Big Pharma “Criminal” Influence On Research Exposed In Secret Recording Of Lancet And NEJM Editors-In-Chief://www.zerohedge.com/markets/big-pharma-criminal-influence-research-exposed-secret-recording-lancet-and-nejm-editors

Jun 10, 2020 11:09 PM

satan’s spawn new world
an old dead bit of pasteur bullshit debris
called a crown virus
germ theory
yer whatever

Jun 10, 2020 10:32 PM

I know everything is a bit disjointed at the moment, and both my wife and I do not have that much experience, I merely went gliding, and yes i did have a parachute on my back. She of course had to jump out of a WW2 plane and use it – it crashed the next week in Cuba – but most of us are still alive, and quite healthy – though I do need to get a lot more exercise. I’ve had COVID too – but it wasn’t that bad. and now sill here, cos one of the greatest most humble guitarists I have ever seen, told my wife today -that my “Sis” is fine, not only that she’s just had her first Grandchild.
Not see her since just before her birthday in the spring
She is now doing online consulations for the NHS – now how tf is that supposed to work?
I can only really comminicate with her, when I see her and give her a massive great hug in the pub, and they have tried to even ban that now.
I think any Nurse who puts up with us old people is Brilliant.
A lot of the doctors are crap, but the Nurses are brilliant…as she looks at her watch by a Fucking TV Screen??????
You can’t nurse through a f’ckin TV Screen – you have got to talk feel, and be completely beautiful helpful and lovely..Your patients love you, which why they will get better over a minor fall.
That is what Nursing is all about…who’s website is currently down, whilst the hospitals are almost empty