STUDIES: 60% of people naturally RESISTANT to SARS-COV2

New research suggests majority of people may already have resistance based on previous infections


T cells in action

A new study has found that Sars-Cov-2, the virus linked to Covid19, maybe five times more widespread than previously thought, and therefore five times less deadly.

The research, conducted by a team of scientists at the University Hospital in Zurich, is titled: “Systemic and mucosal antibody secretion specific to SARS-CoV-2 during mild versus severe COVID-19”, and found that Sars-Cov-2-specific antibodies only appear in the most severe cases, or about 1 out of 5.

The authors infer from this that antibodies are inexplicably absent from the majority of mild cases of covid19. But, given the known inaccuracy of the diagnostic tests and the well-documented tendencies to over-diagnose by clinical observation, another potential explanation would appear to be that the absent antibodies were due to the fact the subjects had never actually been infected with SARS-COV-2 in the first place, and their ‘mild’ cold-like symptoms were due to some other pathogen, like…the common cold.

However, if the authors are indeed correct in their estimation, this might mean SARS-COV-2’s infection rate (IFR) would need to be revised downward yet again. If 80% of those infected really do not produce antibodies then there is a live possibility the virus is present in many more people than usually supposed. Which would in turn potentially reduce the IFR, possibly considerably.

In the early stages, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the virus’ IFR to be as high as 3.4%. The models based on those numbers have, however, been shown to be wildly inaccurate.

Many experts, such as Prof John Ioannidis from Stanford, predicted the WHO’s IFR numbers would be proven incorrect when the widespread population studies were finished.

The dissenting experts appear to have been vindicated by the serological studies, using blood tests looking for Sars-Cov-2 antibodies done across different populations all over the world, which routinely suggest that the IFR is closer to 0.3% than the WHO’s initial figure of 3.4%.

From Japan to Iceland to Los Angeles, the numbers returned were between 0.06 and 0.4. Within the range of seasonal influenza.

As a result of these studies, the US CDC’s most recent “estimated IFR” is between 0.26% and 0.4%. Roughly 1/10th of the initial estimates.

Another study from last month meanwhile has found evidence up to 60% of people may be partially resistant to SARS-COV-2 without ever being exposed to it.

Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ∼40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating “common cold” coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.

In other words, large numbers of people may be immune or resistant to this virus because they have already been infected by other coronaviruses.

This may not be surprising, given the close relationship between most coronaviruses, but it is a further indicator that this virus, known to be harmless in the vast majority of cases, is neither especially unique nor especially dangerous.

The evidence continues to mount that the original estimates of the danger posed by this virus were massively exaggerated.

Swiss Policy Research continue to have detailed write-ups on this and many other developments.


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Jun 23, 2020 10:55 AM

In your conclusion your are using studies in preprint … perhaps too fast …

Dey No
Dey No
Jun 19, 2020 3:49 PM

Thank you for sharing ACTUAL data in a format designed to INFORM rather than TERRIFY.
Note that IFR actually stands for “Infection Fatality Rate” rather than just Infection Rate.

Jun 14, 2020 8:05 PM

At what cost have we all been swindled for the sake of expected millions to be made from the ever so sought after vaccine .NOT.
Whatever vaccine is produced in haste , as the competition is now raging , I would stay away from with a 10 ft.pole given what we now know about previous vaccines that were given to ferrets with initial good results but later all died .This information is now public.

Lily O'Loughlin
Lily O'Loughlin
Jun 15, 2020 8:30 PM
Reply to  Guy

Millions of peoples’ lives have been saved by being vaccinated.

Jun 16, 2020 8:34 AM

Not true, Lily. Do your homework. Way more people have been injured than will ever be “saved” from the current toxic vaccines.

Jun 16, 2020 12:02 PM

Therefore, all vaccines are good?

Dey No
Dey No
Jun 19, 2020 4:36 PM

As ATX points out, “Not true Lily.” So here’s a bit of homework for you Lily. Learn about adjuvants, why they are fundamental to vaccines and what they are made of and why the requirement for adjuvants reveals a fundamental flaw in vaccines that cannot be overcome.
I’ll give you a bit of a leg up as you start researching and learning:
Adjuvants are added to vaccines because without them the body ignores the antigen. Let’s pause to identify what is an antigen since most people who are pro-vaccine actually know almost nothing about vaccines. The antigen in a vaccine is the virus (especially the surface proteins of the virus) you are intended to become immune to. Thus the antigen in a polio vaccine is the polio virus or protein particles derived from the virus (whether attenuated or killed).
Again, adjuvants are added to the vaccine to “stimulate” the recipient’s immune system. Adjuvants definitely “work”. They piss off your immune system and your body reacts to to the antigen and creates antibodies to it.
The problem with adjuvants is many-fold. Let’s see how many problems you can identify as you get underway Lily!

  1. By definition they are toxic. Without a toxic adjuvant, your body simply would ignore the nasty injection that you just got. Vaccines without adjuvants do not work.
  2. Examples of popular adjuvants are mercury (thimerosal), aluminum, “diploid cells” (i.e. human fetal cells), formaldehyde, squalene, and the list goes on. As you might suspect, neurotoxins such as mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde are really bad for human health. These cross the blood brain barrier and when they do, they generally bring nasty crap across with them. Please study the known effects of these adjuvants

In terms of aluminum, there is this fact: At birth, most children are given the hepatitis B vaccination. The amount of aluminum in the hepatitis B vaccine alone is almost fourteen times the amount of aluminum that is FDA-approved for an eight-pound baby.
Are you okay with this Lily?
In addition to adjuvants, there are the substrates used to grow the antigen. These are very problematic too. Here are a few examples:

  • many vaccines contain egg-derived albumin, which is responsible for a lot of allergic reactions according to this study;
  • pig/swine viruses were discovered in the Rotarix vaccine which the FDA suspended in 2010;
  • the polio vaccines of the 1960s, which contained monkey cells, were contaminated with a virus known as SV40 (simian virus 40). This later was shown to cause widespread cancer.

If you want to learn more about polio and how evil mainstream institutions can be (and still are), here is an extraordinarily well-researched and informative article showing you why the polio vaccine had nothing to do with lowering polio.
Good luck Lily. I really hope that you can overcome the constant brainwashing you’ve received. In the end, once you realize that psychopaths run the world it is actually less scary to face them down than it is to be afraid of all of the things the psychopaths want you to be afraid of: me, “anti-vaxxers”, Russians, white men, viruses, Iran, Venezuela, radical islamists, etc. etc. If we were able to have a private conversation with no audience to impress, it would be really cool to know what the list is of things you fear.
Really all you need to fear is the fuckers who poison and seek to control us. You should notice how hard they work to keep us occupied with and afraid of each other while they get their $6 Trillion bail out (instead of jail time), while they take away our few remaining rights, while they launch the next war for Israel, while they distract you from the fact that most of our leaders appear to be pedophiles either blackmailed or fully willing.

Jun 22, 2020 4:22 AM

Deberías estudiar antes de repetir como loro.

Jul 9, 2020 4:34 PM

I want o be respectful to you Lily, but if you only knew the truth about vaccines and how they operate to hide the truth from you. Did you know that if you were harmed by a vaccine, you afre not able to sue the manufacturer? Don’t you find that peculiar? If they ares so good why the need to protect themselves from lawsuits? There is an absolute minefield of proof of wrongdoing and ALL of it gets hidden from you. Why go to such extraodinary lenghts, why nmot be open, honest and transparent if the stuff is so good.

Jul 9, 2020 5:07 PM

Her Lily, in their own words vaccines cause the disease that it is meant to protect from and klate in the video, Gates is seeking and Fauci has provided indemnity from prosecution. https://web.facebook.com/rfkjr/videos/594093271189011/

Jun 14, 2020 3:23 PM

After the age of 22, there is a direct correlation between the age and the amount of T cells in the system. Hence, the elderly are still very vulnerable to COVID-19.

Jun 30, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  Les

The elderly, especially the very elderly, as they age are increasingly vulnerable to ANY contagious disease.
Very elderly people, and others with impaired immune systems, could easily have been protected – without shutting down the economy, forcing the largest number or people into unemployment since the Great Depression, and violating the basic constitutional rights of everyone.
If COVID-19 had truly been a highly lethal virus, the steps our public officials took were ‘too little, too late’. For example, no real effort was made to keep people with the virus from coming into the country. The face masks we are all being told to wear is ‘theatre’; they make it look like something is being done, but have no effect except to prevent someone from coughing or sneezing on someone else- though coughing or sneezing into one’s elbow, or from a 6′ distance is likely to be just as effective. Urging those who are feeling ill and coughing or sneezing to stay home until they are well, as was done during the infamous Spanish flu, would be even more effective.
Of course wearing the masks also trains us all to do whatever the ‘authorities’ tell us to do.
And not wearing masks makes the independent thinkers and the unafraid stand out in a crowd.
Viruses can go through cloth masks, and so can some droplets from a forceful sneeze, though probably not as far. Virtually all the masks the public is wearing leak air around the sides. However, they are effective at causing us all to re-breathe the pathogens of various kinds that normally live in our airways and concentrating them, instead of flushing them away with fresh air when we breathe normally. The masks, especially the manufactured ones, can also impair the flow of fresh air enough to reduce the amount of oxygen we are getting, and/or increase the amoiunt of CO2 in our blood (if you watched Apollo 13 you know this is an issue even if we get enough oxygen). These issues can be serious for those with breathing issues, or for those who must wear masks for prolonged time periods.
Sadly, facial recognition ‘thinks’ it only needs to see the upper portion of our faces to I.D. us (though this software is highly prone to error, especially when ‘identifying’ blacks, other people of color, and women of all skin tones).
People should be aware that there is a lot of contradiction in what is being told to us about this latest virus scare. We should also remember that a Chicken Little type disease scare has been drummed up every couple years of so- while other clear and present dangers to our ‘safety’ are ignored. (Deaths from auto collisions are up over the past decade. 5G radiation, which is banned in some countries. Toxins in our air, water supplies, food, and consumer products. Etcetera.)
Most dangerous of all is the precedent set for various levels of government to assume dictatorial powers virtually overnight.
Even more frightening is the way most citizens complied.

Jun 14, 2020 1:11 PM

There is the intriguing possibility that exposure to the Euro-American strain of Covid-19 may endow resistance to the more dangerous Wuhan strain. That this may indeed be the case is suggested by the large number of people that appear to be naturally resistant to the virus. These people being resistant due to their previous exposure to the Euro-American strain.
Quote from: http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 14, 2020 6:11 AM

WHO scientist flipflops and backpedals wrt asymptomatic transmission

The HighWire with Del Bigtree
OH NO, W.H.O.!
12 Jun 2020

Is it rare for asymptomatic carriers to spread covid-19 or not? Should we wear masks or do they do nothing? This week the W.H.O. goes back and forth on recommendations AGAIN! Del breaks down Maria Van Kerkhove’s backpedaling comments during a press conference. WHO can we trust at this point?

Jun 14, 2020 6:08 AM

A small problem- 0.25% of NYC citizens are already dead of Covid-19! And only 20% have been exposed to the virus.

How can you possibly explain that?

JAson Ashbourne
JAson Ashbourne
Jun 15, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Walter

Tcell resistance does not produce antibodies

Liz Griff
Liz Griff
Jun 16, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  Walter

We may also be looking at the wrong antibodies. The sad fact is humanity has a minimal understanding of how the immune system works. Take agammaglobulinemia for example– people with this disorder cannot produce antibodies, yet they get sick and recover and don’t get the same illnesses twice. We leap before we look and routinely cause harm. We are the virus.

Jun 27, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  Walter

Maybe it was not such a bright idea by Gov. Cuomo to order covid-19 patients to be placed to the nursing homes among old persons

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 13, 2020 8:00 AM

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-13/flu-cases-drop-amid-coronavirus-restrictions-statistics-show/12332204 If you want breathtaking ignorant mindless nonsense this takes the biscuit. They admit flu is way more deadly and common than covid then claim locking down due to covid stopped the way more deadly flu.

Jun 13, 2020 10:09 AM

the article is violating soald. all publications must be prefaced with a warning if they contain signs of a lock down. they are endangering lives with such violation.

Jun 13, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  rachel

it is law because there is the duty of care.

Lily O'Loughlin
Lily O'Loughlin
Jun 15, 2020 8:33 PM

You must have misread that article because there is nothing in it that says flu is “way more deadly and common than covid”. The article is saying that precautions taken to prevent the spread of covid have also prevented the spread of the flu.

Jun 13, 2020 4:07 AM

Do we let this happen?

Andy Brent
Andy Brent
Jun 13, 2020 1:14 AM

I received a letter today from ‘Department of Health and Social Care’, ‘Imperial College London’ (WHAT?!), ‘NHS’ (which UK country? Oh, it’s NHS England, it states in the small print on the back – but we don’t mention that word – don’t want to alert people to asymmetric national devolution, the Barnett Formula, etc, do we?) and Ipsos Mori.
‘Take part in a COVID-19 testing research study (Wave 2)’.
Eh? Wave 2? What? Wave 1 has been terribly unconvincing, hasn’t it? – to anybody with an ounce of objectivity. The signees are Lord Bethell of Romford, Professor the Lord Darzi, FRS (Imperial College) and Kelly Beaver, Ipsos Mori. They can send me swabs for my nose and throat. And a courier will come to my home and pick them up. ‘The test may indicate whether I currently have COVID-19′. What? That illness hardly anybody dies from? And, of course, I’m paying for this, aren’t I?
And Imperial College will be doing the analysis.
Matt Hancock is a serious idiot. And probably worse. In 2019 he said: ‘I said before that we should be open minded and frank, what I’d say is that when we – the state – provides services to people, then it’s a two-way street, you have got to take your responsibilities too. So I think there is a very strong argument for having compulsory vaccinations for children when they go to school because otherwise they are putting other children at risk.’
Um, we’re not manorial serfs, Mr Hancock, the services provided by the government we PAY for, and we PAY your salary, AND many parents have serious reservations about vaccinations.
Has anybody else got this letter? Apparently, my name was plucked at random from GP’s lists (my info, of course, isn’t private).

Jun 13, 2020 2:07 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

Fight this.

Jun 13, 2020 2:58 AM
Reply to  Andy Brent

I know someone. You can choose to ignore the letter and throw it in the bin. Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards.

Andy Brent
Andy Brent
Jun 13, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  whatever

That’s a definite. I’ll scan it first though. Don’t worry – got the Dettol all ready to sanitize the scanner afterwards. Actually, perhaps that should be SANE-itize the scanner afterwards, cos this is bonkers. This is the first I’ve seen of the ‘2 Wave’ crud storm. It’s coming.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 13, 2020 10:26 AM
Reply to  whatever

I put ‘Not my government, please return to sender’ on their bs covid letter in April.
Then washed hands thoroughly.

Jun 13, 2020 10:13 PM
Reply to  Andy Brent

Ho much are they going to pay you?

Jun 13, 2020 12:45 AM

This remains my all time favourite Bob Dylan song (because of course it involves a woman who I once fell madly in love with). Tell me to shut up if you want…
I’m real, folks. I’m not a troll.
Do you see the difference?

Jun 13, 2020 7:23 AM
Reply to  RobG

U’ve been you tubed! links to nuffin.

T Brites
T Brites
Jun 12, 2020 11:49 PM

OPERATION COVID was used to test a number of tools… Like I’ve said before MAIN GOAL is to reduce the size of the Herd of Morons. Now that the tools for COMMAND AND CONTROL of the Herd were successfully tested They are already planning the next phase to achieve the main goal:

They named it “Great Reset” source

First coordination meeting January 2021!

Enjoy the “Great Reset”

This means that all these articles are now totally pointless because the Herd of Morons DOES NOT CARE ABOUT any of this. The don’t even read them!

They just enjoy to follow STATE ORDERS.

Lily O'Loughlin
Lily O'Loughlin
Jun 15, 2020 8:35 PM
Reply to  T Brites

You should try to stay off those conspiracy theory websites. They’re obviously not good for your mental health.

B Franklin
B Franklin
Jun 17, 2020 4:26 PM

Many in Germany did not believe what was happening before their eyes, either. Until the National Socialist German Worker’s Party was in power – and began taking the steps that led to WWII

Jun 12, 2020 11:33 PM

Its called an immune system.
A fact overlooked by spin Drs.

Jun 12, 2020 10:53 PM

We’re all Bubble Boys now, 😉

Jun 12, 2020 11:39 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I’m not someone who watches much television, but I found this to be a very funny sketch.

Jun 12, 2020 10:46 PM

The amount of psychos/trolls/loons in these comment sections are getting beyond belief.
Let me reiterate. There are now more than 45 million people unemployed in the USA (that’s about 30% of the workforce). In the UK it’s now approaching 25% of the workforce that are unemployed. It’s a similar story in countries all over the world.
This is only going to get worse over the coming months. These now unemployed and destitute people are of all colours and creeds. There’s never been anything like it before in history.
And these little pieces of shit from 77th Brigade, et al (all on tax payer’s money) want you to get all riled up about ‘black lives matters’, or ‘transgender issues’. Who gives a fuck about all that?! all our lives are on the line at the moment.
There’s been lots of debate about this Dylan song. I still haven’t figured out what it’s actually about. All that most people will agree upon is that Dylan was addressing a journalist…

Jun 13, 2020 12:48 AM
Reply to  RobG

It could apply to many journalists.
It was written before her time, but a few years ago it struck me that it applies to Amy Goodman– particularly the verse beginning “You have many contacts among the lumberjacks…” and the following one.

Jun 13, 2020 12:56 AM
Reply to  Ort

Amy Goodman looks worn-out now. As though she knows she’s uttering a script. The eyes are dead. The voice is shaky. She has the look of someone who’s been crushed but has to go through the motions because the Faustian pact has been made.

Jun 13, 2020 1:11 AM
Reply to  Reg

I watched DN religiously for years; it seems like many lifetimes ago now.
Amy did develop Bell’s palsy, which adversely affected her appearance and expression. I’ve only watched her in bits and snatches in recent years, but I think your characterization is correct: haunted.

Jun 14, 2020 2:27 AM
Reply to  Ort

“Amy did develop Bell’s palsy, which adversely affected her appearance and expression.”

“Bell’s Palsy” is a synonym for “idiopathic” when the Cranial Nerve VII is involved in a loss of facial muscle tone, usually transient and usually on only one side of the face. “Idiopathic” is a medical term used to describe the root cause of a problem after a “differential diagnosis” has excluded all other recognised possibilities. In “doctorspeak” it means “we don’t have a clue”. A few years ago one of the firms manufacturing the annual ‘flu vaccine had reports of adverse Cranial Nerve side effects arising from its initial clinical trials, effects that it managed to omit reporting generally until after the last production batch had shipped. MRDA.

Jun 13, 2020 7:39 AM
Reply to  RobG

Who gives a fuck about all that?

That’s the problem apathy toward divisive identity politics. Ignoring it wont make it go away, there is no appeasing leftists that promote it, there’s only one solution stand up, step forward, push back fight for your own values & personal beliefs !
This isn’t about equality or fairness, its a culture war to destroy traditional values. I’m not ashamed to be a white, working class, heterosexual, man who thinks a family comprising 1 biological male & 1 biological female should be the default model to advocate & endorse in schools.
I’ve no issue with people peacefully expressing their beliefs in public & consenting adults conducting themselves however they chose in the privacy of their own homes. But if i’m forced to choose between trans-phobia & to adopt someone elses personal beliefs, above my right to my own values & beliefs, then I will unreservedly choose to become trans-phobic (what ever that is).

Lily O'Loughlin
Lily O'Loughlin
Jun 15, 2020 8:36 PM
Reply to  RobG

Many of us have enough room in our brains to care about more than one issue at a time.

Jun 12, 2020 10:45 PM

I take it this is not you?

Jun 12, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  Offlands

Was meant to be a reply to Willem, apologies

Jun 13, 2020 7:17 AM
Reply to  Offlands

It ain’t me.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:00 PM
Reply to  Willem

I had wondered if it was you, but guessed that it probably wasn’t.
I haven’t listened to that video, but in another, he is going on about asking for a “virus viability test”. Does that mean anything to you?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jun 13, 2020 8:30 AM
Reply to  Offlands

An interview well worth watching.

Jun 12, 2020 8:47 PM

Simon Dolan’s efforts to bring about a Judicial Review against the british regime is under way:

Keep Britain Free
The Government’s defence letter is submitted 3 minutes before the deadline. It is 58 pages long. They are using one QC and three other barristers.

They are evidently terrified. We will share an update once our legal team have reviewed.

#EndLockdownNow #KeepBritainFree
6:00 PM · Jun 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Jun 12, 2020 8:46 PM

Heard this when zapping through my 610 channels of shit on tv


Somebody who works for Dutch teevee must have been brave

‘ Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you’re so clever and classless and free
But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see

A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

There’s room at the top they’re telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill

A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be’

Lily O'Loughlin
Lily O'Loughlin
Jun 15, 2020 8:39 PM
Reply to  Willem

I first heard that song in 1970 and it’s even more relevant today than it was then.

Jun 12, 2020 8:37 PM

Makes no difference to the globalists. They have another plan for us:
Tony Blair says people will need ‘digital ID’ to prove ‘disease status’ in future 

Jun 12, 2020 9:37 PM
Reply to  sam

all published works must be prefaced with a warning if they contain signs of a lock down. in the future this law was credited as having shielded and ushered in a great improvment. the dark forces were very angry.

Jun 12, 2020 10:10 PM
Reply to  rachel

stuck with you is just 4 fun. i thought that was kind of a warning. thxs.

Jun 12, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  rachel

i still want my money. i am going to check my account n expect a billion $. they said they would give it to me. i cant be taking the train n shit. yesterday they chucked me off the train n there was a helicoter in the field n i had to walk past all indutrial estate n dodgy looking farms. it is too much.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  sam

Tony Blair says people will need ‘digital ID’ to prove ‘disease status’ in future 

His will show that he has a diseased mind.

Steve Oshea
Steve Oshea
Jun 12, 2020 8:23 PM

Having emailed my local MP Alok Sharma the following: Since you are my MP I would respectfully put to you 2 questions of which I require solid scientific evidence that:-
1. SARS-CoV-2 causes a discrete illness that matches the characteristics of all of the deaths attributed to COVID-19
2. The virus has been isolated, reproduced and then shown to cause this discrete illness.
Please forward the answers to email: steve1oshea@hotmail.co.uk

I received a reply of:
Dear Mr O’Shea,

Alok has asked me to pass on his thanks for your email.

Unfortunately, it is not quite clear what your questions are. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could please rephrase the below sentences into questions so I am better able to understand how they need to be answered.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Since you are a Journalist could you phrase an answer to Jessica that I might pass on?
Kind Regards
Steve Oshea

Jun 12, 2020 10:31 PM
Reply to  Steve Oshea

They seem fairly simple simple questions to me. Reminds of some of those senate hearings regarding the missing trillions from the fed, where the response is “I don’t understand the question.”

Jun 13, 2020 3:16 AM
Reply to  Steve Oshea

Put 1. ‚Does‘ and 2. ‚Has‘ in front and ?s at the end. My guess is that they will still not be able to answer it.

Steve Oshea
Steve Oshea
Jun 13, 2020 2:42 PM
Reply to  whatever

Thank you.I now await there answer.

Jun 12, 2020 7:45 PM

This is a story that pretends there is a “new disease and new corona virus” which is not a fact.I don’t like any propaganda that pretends there is a “new disease” without having any evidence.
COVID19 is the name of the psyop.
This is more gobledegook.
The antibody test cannot prove “immunity” by having mere presence of corona antibodies.
You mean Sars Corona virus thats been around globe at least since 2002?
Or corona antibodies for the corona virus thats up your nose?
Thats part of your virome .

Free 723
Free 723
Jun 12, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Yep, just more gobbledegook relative an unproven “virus”. Once again, here’s a reminder that the “test” for the claimed (and unproven) “virus” is utterly useless, based on actual science:
First sentence: “The world is suffering from a massive delusion based on the belief that a test for RNA is a test for a deadly new virus …”
The non-infectiousness of “test positive” individuals was confirmed by the WHO on Monday:
Since Monday, gobbledegook to the power of gibberish has been frothing from the mouths of all those who seemingly really WANT this to be a “terrible, deadly, society-destroying virus”. A nihilistic bunch of society-suicide desiring nutcases.
The loons are out in force. Take a look at news about Seattle. Leftist fascist types say it’s all good and well for violent anarchists to take over 6 city blocks, with no “social distancing” to be seen anywhere. What a clever “virus” that somehow “knows” not to infect anyone claiming to be protesting about “social justice” (is anarchy and violence “social justice”?) when only a month earlier (May Day protests) demonstrations against “lockdown” were “illegal and dangerous”.
Welcome to the new psycho abnormal of 2020.

Jun 12, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  Free 723

Yes the normal was never ” normal” or sane this is a period of extreme nuts.
Its showcase of human insanity.
Never obvious to those afflicted by it.

Lily O'Loughlin
Lily O'Loughlin
Jun 15, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  BDBinc

Try to stay off those conspiracy theory websites. They’re obviously not good for your mental health.

Jun 12, 2020 7:31 PM

An interesting development after release of sage minutes, thanks to Simon Dolan court case. It now appears the government wasn’t even following “the science” advisors didn’t actually ever suggest full lock down before government put us all under house arrest claims https://lockdownsceptics.org/

Jun 12, 2020 6:34 PM

antivax is pretty heavily controlled opposition. they like the nationalism for example so nobody mentions there are difficulties in keeping vaccines refgerated in africa. the girls dying from vit a supplementation in africa. milk might be fortified with vit d but the spanish dont drink milk n blacks r allergic to it. germ theory has so much opportunity 4 racism whether intended or not.

Jun 12, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  rachel

for bonus down votes i should add they keep antivaxxers in the protein ideology eg by saying measles can be cured my vitamin a. then veganism is controlled to keep them provax. most vaccines r used on farm animals that r artifialy inseminated. it is what we r dealing with. abusing animal coming back to bite. natural law works like that. john rose says trying a solid food vacation is the only way people can c thru the mountains of deception.

Jun 12, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  rachel

I don’t understand what you are trying to say?

Jun 13, 2020 7:50 AM
Reply to  rachel

I love your humour & i thumbed up for this remark alone.

for bonus down votes

But I have to agree with sam I struggle to understand points you’re making in many of your posts.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:09 PM
Reply to  rachel

I notice that you are on a correct-punctuation vacation.
Having said that, I am not sure that even perfect punctuation could rescue your stream of unconnected ideas from confused oblivion.

Jun 12, 2020 5:56 PM

This shouldn’t have been a surprise, shouldn’t have even needed a study. The currently fashionable virus IS A VIRUS, and our immune system is wonderfully adept at dealing with viruses. It detects resemblances and uses the previously formed weapons. We would only need a study if this new pathogen had been a completely alien thingamajig that arrived on a meteorite from another planet.

Jun 12, 2020 8:57 PM
Reply to  polistra

The only thing from another planet are the demonic elite pushing the NWO agenda.

Jun 12, 2020 5:48 PM

In other words, there is no pandemic. To classify this as a pandemic is a crime against humanity.

Jun 12, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Livingsb

Depends how you define ‘pandemic’. The WHO itself describes it as a disease that has spread between several countries. End of. No need to measure it by numbers of people affected or the severity of the disease. Every annual flu outbreak is technically a pandemic by the WHO’s own definition. That is why they are comfortable labelling the current virus (or whatever we choose to term it) as a ‘pandemic’. Unfortunately most of the public have been led to believe that the term means “apocalyptic” by politicians and the msm.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 12, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Agree. A massive PR campaign. Why? WHO changed the definition of ‘pandemic.’ It used to be a disease that overwhelmed care providers. This COVID epidemic dodn’t anywhere, except in Italy and Spain where they are overwhelmed annually.

Jun 12, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Judy, the WHO declared this a pandemic one day after a $50 million donation from the man, now it’s largest donor, who wanted it declared a pandemic. Can you guess who that man is? Yes, he’s one of the main driving forces behind all of the horrid measures that have been taken.

Даниела Тошева
Даниела Тошева
Jun 13, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Ken

Micro-anal-ysing, don’t be soft? Or foot the bill for vaxmax,
Societal Approval Tags Nomenclaspature Anti – Virus (SATNAVs, for short)
and stand before the gates of heaven: or… ? 🙂

Message from Steve Jobs.

There’s no bill in heaven…

Jun 12, 2020 8:18 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Interesting to take note that the WHO redefined pandemic for the 09 Swine flu pandemic that featured much less of the dramatics then this most recent episode

Jun 12, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Yes. It’s akin to WHO’s constantly evolving guidelines on what constitutes safe radiation exposure. Whatever fits the political and money-making bullshit narrative of this criminal organization. So by the loosest of literary definitions a Pandemic is “A particular quality, habit, or disposition regarded as adversely affecting a person or group of people prevalent over a whole country or the world.” Sort of like the War on Terror. The War on Death and Disease has no end in sight.

T Brites
T Brites
Jun 12, 2020 11:53 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

They like to create very broad definitions because they know the Morons will s hi t their pants just for hearing the word “PANDEMIC”!

In reality means nothing…

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 13, 2020 10:42 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

This is from the British Medical Journal, other posters have written comments relating to this on OffG since the start of this farce. The WHO moved the goalposts in 2009.
“Cohen and Carter state that the WHO changed the definition of an
influenza pandemic by excluding reference to the words “with enormous
numbers of deaths and illness.”
What the article fails to state is that the WHO made two changes; the
second change was to drop the requirement for a new sub-type with a simple
reassortant virus meaning that many seasonal flu viruses could be
classified as pandemic influenza.
A search of online web archives reveals that the WHO website had the
erased definition dating back to at least January 2003 through to July
2008. [1]”
So in theory we can all be locked up in our homes any time they feel like it, and there will always be something out there that can be used to fit the bill. Whatever the threat is, it no longer needs to be particularly dangerous.

Даниела Тошева
Даниела Тошева
Jun 13, 2020 11:57 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Whereby, what pandemic really equates to, is … military planning

Pandora’s PanDEMONium with Corporate Mic.

Fear: the operative goal. 😉

Jun 13, 2020 12:27 PM

Indeed, Dani.
All the best to you and Tim! 😀 😀

Jun 13, 2020 11:59 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

The WHO was quite clear that the main reason it declared a pandemic – a term fraught with political and economic risk – was because it was unhappy with the reaction of some countries which showed a reluctance to ‘take action’. In other words, it did not yet have the mortality or infectiousness data to support the status of ‘pandemic’, but went ahead with it anyway because it panicked and could not understand why everyone was not panicking.

Jun 12, 2020 5:31 PM

This is, of course, a worthy issue to discuss, but could we get back to responding to the article?

Jun 12, 2020 4:46 PM

Good Day All:
Just want to share this report- Since the military has been deployed to LTC homes in Quebec and Ontario- they’ve become infected with Covid despite their rigorous use of and and appropriate training for wearing of PPE
The fact that the rate of Covid-19 infection continues to climb among the military deployed in LTC should speak volumes to us all about the effectiveness of this protection. It’s not a guarantee! Even though the military is trained in appropriate measures before their placement. And undoubtedly use their PPE in a regimented and disciplined manner.
I took a screen shot from the Dept of Defense website that shows the numbers. Available at the link embedded in the opening paragraph.

Jun 12, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  Penny

Thanks, Penny. Interesting. Unfortunately I am not able to suggest why the military you refer to appear to have become infected. But it got me thinking more about a possible connection between the flu vaccine and what is being referred to as SARS-CoV2.
One of the experts whom I have seen interviewed (maybe Dr Dolores Cahill) suggested a connection between the annual flu jab and susceptibility to a bad reaction to the ‘bug’ referred to as SARS-CoV2. Other experts have also supported her suggestion. One of the reasons for promoting this theory was that some of the first serious cases identified by the US authorities were in young, healthy soldiers who all happen to be routinely given a seasonal flu jab. It was suggested that when the cells (may be the wrong term for me to to use) from the latest flu jab came into contact with the circulating coronavirus it could cause a physiological cytokine storm to occur in some people, resulting in particularly distressing symptoms.
This might go some way to explain why it is mainly old and vulnerable people affected … that is the demograph generally given the flu jab. Also frontline health workers are usually routinely given a flu jab each year, whatever their age. In addition to that, there may well be cases mis-identified as ‘Covid 19’ that are actually suffering serious effects from flu, as happens every year.
I am aware that there was a significant campaign in Italy last autumn to vaccinate elderly people against flu and this had a high uptake. I decided to look into China and came up with this article:
All this does make me wonder if there was indeed some fundamental feature of the most recent flu vaccine which has provided the perfect conditions for an adverse reaction to what is an ordinary coronavirus. If that is the case, it is something that TPTB and the pharmaceutical industry would want to cover up. The worrying thing about this is that it would very much suggest that the likelihood of a ‘second wave’ when the next flu season arrives is very much increased.
I should add that I am not suggesting that all supposed ‘Covid19’ deaths would have occurred by this route. Such fatalities may account for a relatively small number. There are still significant issues around misdiagnosis, mis-labelling, neglect and ‘euthanasia’ of vulnerable groups, and iatrogenic deaths.

Jun 12, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Hi Judy; Yes, I’m aware of that connection- the flu vaccine and coronavirus (in general)
I’d put up a study back in April, ironically undertaken by the US DoD
Influenza Vaccination & Respiratory Virus Interference. Specifically Coronavirus: Must read! 
The seasonal flu vaccine may just be increasing the military susceptibility to coronavirus- even though they are wearing so called protective gear.
“Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference.
. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:15 PM
Reply to  Penny

Penny, how was it determined that the military bods were infected? Was it the infamous rt-PCR test? And did any of them develop symptoms?

Jun 13, 2020 10:57 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Hi Mike: I can’t find any details on how it’s determined they were infected. The claim is they test them prior to placement in the LTC home and then they test them again so they can be removed them from the homes the are deployed in.
No mention of the presence of symptoms- I wish there would be more details and it’s something I will check back into

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 15, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  Penny

Thanks Penny.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 15, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  Penny

By the way, I like the bookshelves background of your blog.
Very civilised. 🙂

Jun 16, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Hi Mike
The bookshelves are a representation of my own house- Which is over run with books. So it seemed a good fit.
Hubby and I love books, Love reading a real book. Not the digital stuff. I am working on the newest book by Julian Rose at this moment- it’s very good- Overcoming the Robotic Mind.
btw: I checked out the link you left elsewhere- I’m a firm believer in keeping your body and mind sound and healthy, best thing for us all.
Thanks for leaving it

Jun 12, 2020 8:42 PM
Reply to  Penny

Who believes any numbers they provide? They are trying to keep the “escalating cases” narrative in place for the next lock down.

Jun 12, 2020 10:14 PM
Reply to  livingsb

Hi livingsb:
You make a good point about escalating numbers, except for the fact that the Canadian media had stopped reporting these numbers (military deployed at LTC) — and I had to search them out at the defense department site myself.
I’m considering the idea they stopped reporting them because they are head to toe in PPE and still getting infected- which doesn’t shore up the let’s all wear masks to prevent the spread of Covid narrative. In fact it makes a lie of it.

Jun 14, 2020 3:00 PM
Reply to  Penny

As ex military are know that there are groups who would shun safety precautions as being for wimps.
Also depends on their PPE standard whether they are protected.

Jun 16, 2020 5:45 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

All their protocols are available at the DoD site- that’s all I know of it

77 Brigade - Retired too
77 Brigade - Retired too
Jun 12, 2020 4:26 PM

Coronavirus likely five times more common and less deadly than assumed:

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 2:34 PM

The virus is all a con swallowed hook-line-and-sinker by a gullible public who dribbled over the death of a neurotic princess, elevated to sainthood the terrorist Mandela, believed the 9/11 horse shxt and lapped-up Novichok. Among hundreds of other things. Now these gullible fools are being manipulated by a small group of dangerous anarchists with an appalling agenda!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2020 2:58 PM

“Interesting” take on the CIA, as anarchists. Wonder what pay grade Sacco, Vanzetti or Bakunin would have made.

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 3:20 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Would be the same CIA who “engineered” two towers getting in the way of peaceful pilots of Islamic persuasion?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2020 3:32 PM

Time to close down the largest mass murder terror narco crime syndicate in the world today and to bring the mobster goons in it to account. Humanity would be better off and the world would be a better place.

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Is that you Donald?
Agreed but remember stones and glass houses … our own MI5/6 and GCHQ are a murderous bunch as well!
Don’t tell anyone I said that – remember Jill Dando.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2020 4:29 PM

He is also the greatest stable genius alive today. Unlike Groper Joe, who is nothing more than a brain dead TOOL.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Thanks for the link …
Who Donald Trump is does not interest me.
But what he achieves does.
Even if it is only keeping murderous, war mongering idiots out of the White House in November.
Could have written:- “I wish more politicians were like him”.
Except he is not a politician or anything like one!
Stay safe.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2020 4:54 PM

Orange Hair Bozo and Groper Joe are just “THE CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT” (which are not so cheap). They are the present day equivalent of BREAD AND CIRCUSES. Humanity deserves better. A total overhaul (ie a new direction) is in order.


Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 12, 2020 8:02 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

George Carlin was the genius of our time. He got everything right.

Jun 12, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

no he didnt. freedom is for free. the system convinces people to enslave themselves. they abuse billions of animals. why would they deserve better?

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 12, 2020 9:01 PM
Reply to  rachel

I’m not sure what you mean. We, humans, enslave each other. We do not enslave other animals. We intervene in their reproductive systems, and we collaborate with them (wolves to dogs in one generation). Domestication of plants and animals was the neolithic revolution and civilization. By the way, I follow a vegan diet for, inter alia, moral reasons, but I still prefer civilization. So, what did George Carlin not get right?

Jun 12, 2020 5:09 PM


77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 7:00 PM
Reply to  Willem

Yep 75 and now drawing my pension.
Years of conducting psychological operations, conveying selected information and indicators to the sheeple with intent to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning. Takes its toll out of a girl!
Can´t reveal much more – Official Secrets Act.

Jun 12, 2020 7:52 PM

Takes its toll out of a girl, but not its troll. ;o)

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:22 PM

So what you were formally doing for a salary, you are now doing as a hobby?

77 Brigade Not
77 Brigade Not
Jun 14, 2020 7:16 AM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Hello Mike… No 77 Brigade is a highly sophisticated operation and difficult to detect . I am far too obvious!

Although you will probably have heard of the double bluff …

Love and peace. Maria

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 15, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  77 Brigade Not

…and “hidden in plain sight”.

Jun 12, 2020 5:09 PM

What so every country in the world decided to join in in this hoax. Retired from what exactly. Not a thinking persons job. Or were you forced into it because of your dim wittedness

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Terry

Do you consider it clever to insult people?
Perhaps it is you who is “dim wiited” as well as being boorish and offensive.
Back to the Beano Boyo!

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 12, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Terry

Do you really think that 99% of countries are sovereign? Wake up. Why do you think China, Cuba, Russia, Venezuela are “sanctioned?” No, the countries didn’t agree any more than the Melians “agreed.”

Jun 14, 2020 3:08 PM

True, where is this years’ flu?
As for Mandela, surely he should be classed as a freedom like the Palestinians who are classed as terrorists by the Zionists when the boot is most definitely on the other foot.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 14, 2020 4:39 PM
Reply to  Haltonbrat

It´s Hollywood. Both the Palestinian and the Israeli “intelligence services” (if you like) are expert at engineering their own narrative where truth, fiction, false flags, intimidation and extortion are commissioned to sucker the acquiescent MSM and its devotees. That is what they do. Very professionally.

Jun 12, 2020 1:47 PM

Funny how the comments on the subject of the article on COVID got diverted into a bunch of IMHO unsubstantiated conspiracy theories denigrating BLM. Can’t people face the fact that systemic racism exists in America (and elsewhere), and African Americans are rightly rebelling. The racism, inequality etc, is real, folks. If you want to convince me that BLM and the protests are a construct of some power elites seeking global control, I need more evidence. And if the protests are being manipulated by hidden powers that be (or the Democrats in order to remove Trump etc), it still doesn’t take away from the real and justified anger that African Americans are experiencing now.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 1:57 PM
Reply to  jen

In the US law enforcement officers kill over a thousand people every year. So my question is: why is one of those deaths the cause for international violent protests?

Jun 12, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

‘denigrating BLM’? Is it the institution or the people that matter most? Can racism only be tackled through a top down campaign bankrolled by a white Hungarian guy with a questionable wartime record? Because that’s some serious patriarchy and unchecked privilege by anyone’s definition.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 13, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I am not sure why you have addressed this comment to me. It would seem (to me) to be more appropriately addressed to jen.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Steve. Because the violent criminal involved was black.
When the entirely innocent 25-year-old Lee James Rigby of the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers was murdered with a matchette by two black men there was little protest – part of the joys of being white in 2020 Britain!

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 2:31 PM

That response does not answer the question I asked. Many of those one thousand plus people killed by law enforcement officers in the US every year would be characterised as “black” but their deaths do not trigger international violent protests.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Second attempt. Perhaps psyops by highly organised social media groups (like 77 Brigade) started the ball rolling (excuse the metaphor) and it became an obsession (like Corona virus) which played to the narrative of disruptive influences world wide. The MSM (mostly sympathetic to BLM) also played a huge part in giving it “legs”. Maybe other “influences such as Geo Sore Arse. Who knows who is choreographing the incident?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 3:08 PM

Yes, the death of George Floyd has certainly been exploited, which was the point of my question to jen, who apparently cannot see that his death is being used by unknown actors for unavowed purpose(s) that have nothing to do with racism or oppressive, unaccountable policing.

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 3:25 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Ask Robert Dinero or Meryl Streep (or other Hollywood wokes). Judging by their rantings they have strong connections with anti-Trump and the disruptive lefty influences! Like corona it is a maize of intrigue

Jun 12, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

All I said was I don’t think the claim that his death is being exploited by ‘unknown actors for avowed purposes’ is evidence based. Maybe it is being exploited. Perhaps by the DNC wanting Trump removed from power. But even if your claim is true, the systemic racism is real. The police brutality is real.
Let’s just say, this time (as opposed to other police killings of AAs which we have witnessed b4), the murder of one African American by a policeman, is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Call it the zeitgeist.
I’m assuming those commenting here about BLM protests negatively, are not African Americans, and haven’t experienced systemic racism. So just can’t believe it’s really real.

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  jen

Although I am of N. African birth I have lived in the multi ethnic town of Bradford (Yorks) for well over 50 years. In my experience the British are the most racially tolerant people on earth and I have never been subject to racial abuse (except a few jokes about my “sun tan”). Perhaps it is all being milked by the “easily offended” for political or darker (excuse pun) purposes?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 3:46 PM
Reply to  jen

The just call it zeitgeist or the straw that broke the camel’s back is so weak as to suggest a refusal to think. Neither the zeitgeist nor the straw are explanations. They are pseudo-explanations. You really are ignoring my point. Every year US law enforcement officers kill over a thousand people. So why is this one incident being treated so differently. It isn’t due to some reified abstraction or cumulative effect. The protests and riots have clearly been subject to incitement and orchestration. The political media elite that had been jumping up and down a moment earlier about protesters killing people, suddenly were all in favour of protests. The notion that this just spontaneously happened is simply not credible.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 12, 2020 4:42 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Perhaps we need to take more time on this and seek further before the automatic leap to it’s fabricated chaos etc. as Tucker did at the end of the vid I posted yesterday. I suggest that’s a bit too simple, much like saying all the Hong Kong protest which saw millions of protesters was all or mostly paid Antifa violence. To begin, and what might be credible, the governor of WA and the mayor of Seattle indicate there are peaceful protesters involved, as well as the thugs orchestrating the CHAZ. As I posted yesterday the demands (listed as Antifa demands) are extensive and in the civic interests of ordinary people, including curing police violence. I know this is not your main point, and I much enjoy your commentary so let’s perhaps consider further.
Here’s that link again:
I’m reminded of the Kent State deaths and that time generally circa 1970. Expansion of protests and a massive sweeping out of anger occurred so that the law and order campaign of that moment backfired tremendously.There was exponential expansion of the protests and demonstrations like a forest fire bursting rapidly. The same could be at least one part of a possible explanation as to what’s going on at this point. This is not to deny opportunistic exploitation, paid criminal interference, etc. It’s difficult to sweep it all up into one explanation.
(I must be away for a few days so may not be able to reply further to you in a timely way.)

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Your reference to Hong Kong is ironic. The “pro democracy” protests and riots in Hong Kong have been funded and organised by NED (a CIA front organisation) for years.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 12, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Not to deny that but does it explain, totally, the nature of those protests and who were involved? Hong Kongers were all very happy except for the paid rioters? This is somewhat like the generalizing over covid deaths instead of particularizing as to who is particularly in danger.
Also possibly relevant on the current scene:
RE the question whether lockdown fueled the protests (June 2)

Jun 12, 2020 10:04 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Just because someone somewhere saw a chance to exploit protests doesn’t mean this same someone manufactured the protests. Clearly the original Minneapolis protests can be seen as having been spontaneous. One can even speculate that one or two other protests may have sprung up spontaneously.
In fact, it only gets suspicious when the media starts supporting the protests and even criticizing police – who are normally, along with soldiers, the darlings of the media.
What may have begun as a legitimate and spontaneous protest has been turned into an exercise to see how effective the police are at quelling civil unrest. It’s a chance for the police to try out their newfangled military hardware on a massive scale. And since the media is still snarling at the police, the whole thing can be disguised as Police Gone Wild instead of a preview of what’s coming.

Jun 12, 2020 5:55 PM
Reply to  jen

IIn the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man. In the 111,490 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table [page 55] explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Jun 12, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  jen

Floyd was a quick distraction proxy and an outlet for tens of millions of people who lost their jobs, were put under house arrest, evicted, starved, disbanded from social groups, told to wear an asphyxiating mask and was fearmongered into confusion and hysteria.
Yet the first wave protesters who contested the conditions which allowed this dangerous situation were vilified and hijacked, amplifying those conditions in my first paragraph. BLM and Antifa are being controlled by pseudo liberal governor dictators, international corporations with ties to communist government, and stupid furloughed liberal arts education majors who were quarantined out of meaningful education.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 12, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  jen

Thanks for the links. The Taibbi piece is good, as usual.

Jun 12, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

But are they killed in interactions with the police simply because they are black or because they are poor?
Do black communities exist? YES. Do people with similar cultural values form communities? YES. Do the white & black middle class live in those same communities? NO
Should you just have black police in black areas? If you are saying all interactions between white & black individuals are racist then whats the answer? Segregation? That didn’t go well last time did it.
The police pick on people that are poor, they dont pull over nicely dressed bankers in Rolls Royce’s, which is odd because evedently the most successful criminals are likely to be driving just that & in that profession!
I’m not saying theres not racist individuals but prejuidice runs a whole lot deeper than skin color. The issue here is militarization of the police they have a violent mentality & equipped to brutalize! Who ever thought developing a weapon to electrify a suspect into submission was acceptable?

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  Objective

I am not sure why you have addressed this comment to me. It would seem (to me) to be more appropriately addressed to jen.

Jun 12, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Apologies, but as far as i’m aware i didn’t address this to you 🙂

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 12, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  Objective

You did tho, look at the ‘reply to’ line

Jun 13, 2020 6:31 AM

This clearly needs an apology & unreserved explanation before it becomes an outrageous scandal!
Should i get on one knee first?
OK i thought steve hayes was replying to my original post to jen!
As her comment generated such a long thread it was difficult to scroll down to find it & yes i was lazy (I probably deserve the penalty for such an gregarious crime) sorry was wrong twice & I can see the error of my ways I repent i beg for forgiveness!
Yes it was addressed to steve hayes & i cant see why he thinks someone else should respond to it now you’ve caused me to waste many minutes of my life (which i can never claim back) having to scroll through the whole mess of posts to jens original comment.
Please forgive me lord for my sins past present & future?

Jun 12, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  Objective

Irish people have been slaves – English, Vikings, and early American railroad barons. Roman conquest. In the US, they are now typically working class, proletariat types and now are at fault for being white.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 2:48 PM

Psyops by highly organised social media groups (like 77 Brigade) started the ball rolling (excuse the metaphor) and it became an obsession (like Corona virus) which played to the narrative of disruptive influences world wide. The MSM (mostly sympathetic to BLM) also played a huge part in giving it “legs”. Maybe other “influences such as Geo Sore Arse. Who knows who is choreographing the incident?

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 6:53 PM


Jun 12, 2020 5:45 PM

I remember that hoax as well where Chris Spivey offered anyone a £1000 if anyone knew him, is this the same rigby we were told had been beheaded and a French lady jumped off a bus to feel his pulse and another lady walked past one of the so called assassins whilst he was waving a cleaver and a knife and his hands full of blood as you would do, another complete load of nonsense

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Geoff

And the Americans landing on the moon was Hollywood theatre …
Can´t believe anyone or anything nowadays!

Jun 12, 2020 7:54 PM

I can only believe in what scientist say, that the van Allen belt is impossible to get through due to radiation, or the fact that there has never been a photograph taken of the earth from the moon, you would think that would be the first thing someone would do wouldn’t you, the only photo is the same one used every time, who some recon was just taken from outer space, but for people with closed minds they will fall for any kind of shite, like perfect shots every time even though there was no viewfinder . big clumsy gloves no prefocus, even the Swedish person who designed the camera couldn’t explain it, no doubt you can, funny they’ve never been back eh? don’t forget to hang your stocking up Christmas

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 12, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  Geoff

We’ll be back. don’t worry; but it’s gonna take time.
First time we did it – well you saw the control center pictures – dozens of people at terminals connected to something rather less powerful than that cell phone in your back pocket.
We’re working on a 1960s emulator that will run on windows10 and when we land we’ll try and include some stars in the photos.

Jun 12, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  David Matthews

Exactly !

Jun 14, 2020 3:23 PM

Thought that was a false flag job, YOUR gullible public would not want to think that.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 2:21 PM
Reply to  jen

Black African American men kill each other on an industrial scale and a guilty of disproportionate number of violent crimes, drug dealing and pimping.
Even though they represent only 5% of the USA population they are a danger to society as well as themselves themselves.
The word “racism” is clearly one you enjoy using but have little knowledge of its meaning.
Still if it makes you feel better ….

Jun 12, 2020 3:01 PM

I wonder how many Billy Goats you’ll get to eat today? It’ll be slim pickings from here….

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  noseBag

I am a 75 year old vegetarian of N.African descent … where my family still eat goat’s meat. Worse still I am female!

Love Maria xxx

Jun 12, 2020 5:13 PM

the true health vegans get vit d from sun. it is the only safe n effective way. i saw grazing land being sprayed in the middle of the night during the lockdown. i think lockdown n masks cause vit d shortage effecting darker skins most. controlled opposition seek to avoid or misdirect this. why wouldnt they c opporttunity to expose how racist vaxx cult is?

Jun 12, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  rachel

northern italy is the rich part of italy yet that is where the vit d is lowest. portugal is milder than spain in winter so people had still been outdoors more. rainy seasons could also be played to extend vit d deficincy with lockdown. if you dont consider racial difference or the anount of fortification used in a particular country you wont c the scam.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 7:13 PM
Reply to  rachel

The body naturally produces vitamin D in response to the skin’s exposure to sunlight. People with darker skin pigmentation, like African-Americans, are at greater risk for vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency because the higher presence of melanin reduces the body’s ability to produce vitamin D.
Other common risk factors include not getting enough sunlight, sunscreen use, older age, and not eating much dairy or fatty fish.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include frequent illness or infection, slow wound healing, fatigue, bone and back pain, hair loss, muscle pain, and depression.

Jun 12, 2020 9:04 PM

cows r kept indoors in winter so milk wont have vit at the precise time the defiency is greatest.

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 9:18 PM
Reply to  rachel

Cows synthesize Vit D from winter feed enhanced with the vitamin – this crosses into the milk.
Animal nutritionist have been aware of the implication of winter Vit D deficiency in himans for years.

Trouble is people are drinking less and less milk substituting with soft drinks with no added vitamins just a heap of dangerous sugar!

Sugar! More addictive than cocaine!

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  rachel

According to a new study by “The Cooper Institute” an estimated 40% of American adults may be vitamin D deficient.
For African-Americans, that number may be nearly double at 76%
Previous studies have shown that African-American adults have higher rates of vitamin D deficiency and obesity, as well as lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness when compared with other groups.
Across the board, African-American adults are generally at greater risk for a number of chronic and potentially life-shortening conditions such as hypertension, stroke, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease and all-cause mortality, some of which is associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 13, 2020 11:53 AM

Spend some time living in a black neighbourhood in a majority black city such as Baltimore and you start to gain a little insight into why this is. You clearly don’t know where to start in understanding this, but ignorance and bigotry are not good excuses. The situation in Baltimore is the effect, the cause seems to me to have largely come from treating non whites by whites there as the ‘other’. No jobs and no social security changes the game entirely.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 13, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  Paul too

Hello Paul. I am 75 and although I was born in N. Africa but I have lived in Bradford (England) nearly all my life. Bradford has one of the highest Islamic populations of any city in England with 120 mosques (one right next door to me). I have never been to Baltimore but by your description it appears to be rather an unpleasant place (no jobs and no social security and racial tension).
Here in Bradford 50% of the immigrant population is unemployed but we all get on well with our neighbours – hopefully this will continue unless some stupid neo-Marxists deliberately start to cause trouble.
Love Maria

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2020 2:23 PM
Reply to  jen

You are incorrect about unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. Sounds like you are a bit of an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. Run along now.
 comment image

Jun 12, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I’m not arguing that there are people, organisations with inordinate power and influence who manipulate affairs in the world for their own ends. But I need more evidence to prove that these forces are controlling, manipulating the BLM protests. Perhaps the Democrats are hoping, highlighting the protests to swing things their way in the election.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  jen
Jun 12, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  jen

Are you a coincidence theorist now?

BLM just happened to be en vogue 2020
Same timing as 2016
Trump not labeled a racist since the day in power with absolutely no evidence

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  jen

The lack of Saddam’s WMD was also an “unsubstantiated conspiracy theory”, until that ‘theory’ was ‘substantiated’ as was the existence of “hidden powers”.

Jun 12, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Mo' Gabby

Yes, I agree. The unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about the lack of Saddams WMDs was substantiated by evidence eventually. I just don’t see evidence to mount the case some commenters are making here regarding the BLM protests.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  jen

Mob manipulation goes back millennia…
The roots of BLM have long been exposed.

R Anand
R Anand
Jun 12, 2020 3:41 PM
Reply to  jen

I agree with Jen.Systemic racism exists in USA (even in UK & some other countries). To be sure, several police killings take place every year and so one wonders “what is so special about this one?”
Every other police killing that is due to racism and prejudice is as horrific as this one. And, every one who knows about those are angered. Maybe this time, the video was allowed to go viral by the powers-that-be (george soros, mainstream media etc) in order to distract the public from awakening to the fake ‘virus’ pandemic. These would typically involve the same set of players which are behind the ‘virus’ scare.
For the same reasons, the widespread street protests were allowed to be carried out and which actually proved that the governments, medical profession and scientists knew about their lies of ‘contagious killer virus’. But still the distraction was much needed.
The violence in some of the protests would largely be the handiwork of the agents of the powers-that-be. And, the powers-that-be thought that after the dust settles down they could still whip up the ‘fear’ factor by saying “look because of the protests the ‘tested positive’ cases have shot up!”)
I would like to emphasise again “the anger at daily racism is real among people who experience it first-hand’. Only this time, these people were allowed to protest freely on the streets.
But that does not negate the real emotions of the people who suffer from racism (of course, there will always be some cases of ‘reverse racism’ that white people might encounter but in degree and intensity it would be much lower).
Take the case of India where I live. The equivalent of racism here is casteism. The government of India and the police have never allowed widespread protests by Dalits through the use of sheer brute force of the police. The mainstream media is ordered to ignore the protests when they do happen sometimes.
There aren’t too many Soros-funded (or funded by people similar to him) entities here in India. The government of India has come down brutally on foreign-funded NGOs in the last 6 years since the current prime minister came to power.
This prime minister’s government is made up from people from the religious-extremist RSS who would never allow Dalits to protest on the streets freely, unless Soros etc decides to fund their coffers with huge amounts.
To be sure, there are some alt-media organisations that must be receiving some kind of funding from foreign sources. But again no Soros likely allowed here so far.
But yes, Gates Foundation and its crony associates are likely funding alt-media sites like ‘thewire.in’ which has started a ‘science’ section recently where it pumps all the usual scare-mongering stories on ‘sars-cov-2 virus’ and ‘vaccines’ that the mainstream media does.
But in all other areas of coverage, this alt-media site writes daringly against the government — except for one more area which is the widespread manipulation and rigging of electronic voting machines during national elections, where they kept quiet.

Jun 12, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  R Anand

Take the case of India where I live. The equivalent of racism here is casteism.
surely a more direct Indian equivalant is anti-moslem sectarianism and Hindu supremacism, which for some reason seems to be referred to as “communalism”.

R Anand
R Anand
Jun 12, 2020 6:51 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Oh yes! That too.
In fact, as recently as Nov-Feb there were spontaneous street protests by Indians from across the country against the new citizenship law that discriminated against Muslims.
In Delhi, the sit-in protests at Shaheen Bagh became a huge thing and it would have continued had the lockdown not been imposed.
In last one month the home ministry has arrested several students and youngsters who participated in the Shaheen Bagh protest. The judiciary has been hijacked by the government agents and is of little help.

Jun 12, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  jen

I don’t mind having a debate on racism as long as it remains grown up & not woke.
Yes there’s racism, But there is no “systemic” racism, the “SYSTEM” is a callous cruel beast, but it doesn’t care what color, creed or religion you are. Now some of the lackeys that enforce the rules of the system that’s a different matter.
Not all racism is a bad thing (let me clarify first, before getting fully triggered) life is full of discrimination, & discrimination is just decision making. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to keep the company of people you relate to, people with the same cultural values, music, books, food, traditions etc. people of all races do it, its how culture evolves. Globalism is killing culture which is a bad thing.
The bad racism is when you try to mix those cultures artificially, when you encourage mass immigration of different cultures. The lowest in the food chain (working classes) resent having to compete with incomers for housing & employment, it gets worse when the glut of cheap labor lowers wages & increases rents! Its easier to “hate” someone that is different & stands out, if you can dehumanize them in some way then the hater can justify treating outsiders abusively & inhumanely. That’s why the woke are mostly privileged middle class & don’t feel that pain, they don’t have to worry about making ends meet. I’m not saying the working class are racist that would is ridiculous. I’m saying its the privileged middle class that are racist they just don’t know it.
What causes all this hateful abuse & racism is neo-liberal globalism! Diversity is when things are different you can only really achieve diversity if different cultures are kept separate, its fine sampling different cultures when you go on holiday but sticking everything in a pot & stirring to make an homogeneous soup isn’t diversity is just makes everything the same & causes tensions when those cultures clash. Its ironic those that protest so much (woke middle class) are those that generate racism.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 12, 2020 5:23 PM
Reply to  Objective

I quote you:
“I don’t mind having a debate on racism as long as it remains grown up & not woke.”
No chance of that is there?
And no, racism is bad. Almost by definition and certainly by implication. They wouldn’t be fighting it if it were not “bad”.
My argument is that it is not a big problem, certainly not in the UK. Of course, those that demand perfection – the woke – can’t let it drop and will try to argue that any deviation from the woke narrative is evidence of systemic racism. They simply cannot accept that they could ever be even slightly wrong about anything.

Jun 12, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  Objective

Yes there’s racism, But there is no “systemic” racism, the “SYSTEM” is a callous cruel beast, but it doesn’t care what color, creed or religion you are.
what do you suppose happened to MLK, Malcolm X, and most of the leaders of the Black Panther Party?
nothing to see here, it’s all just an unfortunate coincidence.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 13, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Exactly. Nothing at all here to suggest they’ve disproportionately targeted since the days of M-X and MLK. Unless you do some reading of course!

Jun 14, 2020 3:33 PM
Reply to  Objective

Racism is systemic in Israel.
Is apartheid systemic racism?
Is genocide systemic racism?

Jun 12, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  jen

dr shiva has interesting vids on racism. id be weary of vit d supplements especially in this climate.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 12, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  jen

I quote you:
“Can’t people face the fact that systemic racism exists in America (and elsewhere)”
Fact? Prove it. Do you even know what it means?

Jun 12, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  jen

BLM are a race hating, race baiting group.

If you can’t see that then your not just blind

Your colorblind.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 12:58 PM


Jun 12, 2020 12:29 PM

It really is intriguing – wondering what the BBC are going to come out with. A general attack on sites which properly analysise Cov19 or one against a small start up such as OneWorld?

Might be worth digging out one or two BBC Robert Stuart videos of play acting in Syria.

I see they have banned Basil Fawlty. Watch the backlash against that.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Many years ago cycling through Germany, we found ourselves in a campsite near Aachen. It rained ALL night. We soon became miserable and completely soaked. The old Dear who was the Grandmother of the site owners took pity on us. Took us in, laid on a simple supper, put our clothes in the tumble drier…I was Touched by Her kindness and hospitality but What did that idiot Aldo do…He had to “mention the war”.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Mo' Gabby

Hmm … interesting. I know quite a few (adult) German people and they are all quite relaxed about discussing the war. They are clearly regretful but recognise it as part of their “history” which should not be covered up. I suspect that it is the Germans who are more likely to say “don´t mention the war” before meeting the British.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 2:53 PM

Stalin, “our” ally killed 100 million (ref Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn).

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 3:06 PM
Reply to  Mo' Gabby

Yep. Hitler was an amateur compared to Uncle Joe as he was (allegedly) only responsible for 50 million deaths. Not wanting to argue with Alexander Solzhenitsyn but … I rather suspect that Stalin’s tally was a lot bigger than he suggests.

But walk into any book shop (if you can find one) and ask for a book on Hitler and you will be greeted with disdain – not so on books about Stalin who the “wokes” appear to quite like.

Funny old life in 2020!

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 3:49 PM

Many leftist politicians professes to being a ‘fan’ of Chairman Mao, another mass murderer, score 100 million.
Any fans of Mao should immediately be put in a strait jacket.

77 Brigade - retired
77 Brigade - retired
Jun 12, 2020 3:57 PM
Reply to  Mo' Gabby

Indeed !
It is difficult to think of many countries in the world where there population is not routinely murdered by their own governments. Britain is a little safer with possibly only 100 organised “accidents” a year, but still not entirely safe.

So watch how you go!
Remember David Kelly!

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 5:18 PM

Only fear Him who can kill BOTH the body AND the soul!

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Jun 12, 2020 6:52 PM
Reply to  Mo' Gabby

Satan and his little helpers are among us!
God is our only salvation.
And we are in danger that even he has given up on us!

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 7:43 PM

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Jun 12, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  Loverat

It is very odd how the bbc report this, a very educated friend of mine is a avid listener to radio 4 and tends to support what the radio 4 narrative is, I think it is the calm and relaxed way the propaganda is delivered that sways him, I remind him that Radio 4 too were aware of Jimmy Savile and a whole host of other issues which they simply turned a blind eye too, I listend to radia 4 now and again and it has struck me that radio 4 listeners tend to be univeristy educated, smart, successful and perhaps more than reasonably comfortable in their standard of living, now compare that with R 1 or R2 or any other station and see how they expect us PLEBS 😉 to swallow hook line and sinker their idiotic to high heavens bollocks and whats going on. I think if R4 was to treat it’s listeners in the same vain, we would have so many more folk questioning the logic in what is being done and perhaps seeing this is very much so an attack on everyones freedoms and also a heist on everybodies taxes as they will bail out the big guys once more and not only expect the poor to pay for it, they/we/I (not quite as poor as a church mouse but getting there) are expected to die for it.

Perhaps folk could turn of the tellies and the computer and just have a listen to what and how R4 are portraying this and how slick they are at pulling the wool over peoples eyes and then compare it with how other media platforms cover it, some actually give the impression of shouting/shoving it down our necks.

As for the topic, its no surprise, we have always co-existed with virus’s and will continue to do so unless our immune systems are damaged to the point where we need to be vacinated/injected on a daily basis to see a working day through, once we are spent productivity wise, off we pop, fuck the clock and the pension, into the ground or fire we go.

Jun 12, 2020 12:25 PM

So I told you here that I counted Covid cases in the hospital during the ‘pandemic’. I also told you that a lot of Covid19 cases admitted to ICU have venous thromboembolism and that I suspect that in a lot of these cases Covid19 is misclassified venous thromboembolism.

Now I have been reached through Y (who judges all the research proposals in my hospital on Covid19 on ‘quality’), if I could help with a statistical analysis where doctors from our hospital want to see if Covid19->venous thromboembolism! Really an offer I could not refuse, although I did it on two conditions:

1. I would only help them explain a method
2. I would not be mentioned on a paper

With which Y agreed. And so I helped a PhD student with an analysis on this issue, while at the same time making clear all my doubts, with my biggest doubt that you cannot say that Covid19 leads to venous thromboembolism at the ICU if you are not absolutely certain that they did not already have the disease at time of admission.

And now I received the manuscript from the doctors where they did everything except that and continue to say that Covid19 leads to venous thromboembolism in the ICU and if I wanted to be co-author on their paper… Which I kindly declined, for the reason that I am not convinced that doctors have not misclassified venous thromboembolism for Covid19. Which led to quite a stir when Y heard about it. Here are her thoughts

A. Doctors know the difference between infection and thromboembolism (authority argument)
B. My hypothesis must be wrong, because the whole world is saying that Covid19 leads to venous thromboembolism (if that would be a logical argument we would still consider the geocentric model to be true and we would all still walk on 4 legs)
C. That I should behave more polite as doctors might find me annoying (totalitarianism has arrived in NL where 2+2= whatever the ruler wants the answer to be)
D. That if I state such a hypothesis, I should be on firm ground before I say it (reversing the whole idea of skepticism where extraordinary claims, like COVID-19 leads to venous thromboembolism while admitted at the ICU, should be supported with extraordinary evidence)

Now Y is a kind person, and I am sure she means well to me (in her own twisted way), but it is kind of interesting that this type of group thinking that Y is advocating is what one can make successful in Academia.

On a positive note: I read a new PhD thesis where the PhD student had a motto in Dutch that said something like: science is not defined by what the majority thinks, but what the individual finds against all odds.

There is hope for the future, although I do not think that what I see in academia is a generational thing. More likely it is a problem of the academic system that in the end destroys every rational thinking in those who are able to run the gauntlet.

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Willem

Would venous thromboembolism not be present to some extent in virtually everyone over a certain age? As you pointed out previously, the average age of “covid” victims in the Netherlands is 81 years old.
So, what would make the symptoms of this condition worse? I am thinking, stress and worry, fear, changes in routine, reading the newspapers, listening to the politicians, seeing their friends dying, not coming back from hospital etc etc etc that would make anyone breathless.

Jun 12, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Willem

These are not new but ancient techniques to stifle debate, not to engage in it. Practiced in entire era of scholasticism especially in medieval time.. Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were threatened with torture and death, if they insist asking questions, their theories and results of experiments rejected on political and dogmatic grounds, their books censured, censored or burned.

Seems like not much changed in sciences especially regarding COVID.

How those stifling debate techniques apply to your points as I see it:

A.Begging the question (apriori assuming one’s authority or truth of certain assertions )
B.Bandwagon fallacy (all or most cannot be wrong).
C. Ad hominem threat. (Be careful what you are saying as your opinion can affect your life and career)
D. Burden of proof reversal. (Prove me wrong, I do not need to prove anything)

Other phony arguments are made like ad ignorantum (One does not know about something so it does not exists and must be excluded from debate) or no sequitur logical deduction falsity a sophist type, or straw man fallacies (arguing something else, not argued at all) or hasty generalizations (anecdotal evidences taken for general truths) or false dichotomies (arguing the only choice there is, is between one’s idea or wrong idea.

It is important to recognize if one using such techniques of false arguments as those are likely ones who do not want honest debate.

Jun 12, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Thank you for that reply!

I like to spot logical fallacies in conversations, as a sport, but at the same because it is important. Logical fallacies, when not spotted, can stifle debate.

It amazes me how easy seemingly honest people can make logical fallacies, while at the same they are (at least for me) not easy to spot.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  Willem

Interesting as always Willem.
Under “normal” (i.e. pre-“Covid-19” ) circumstances, to what would you normally attribute the condition of thromboembolism?


Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Oct 24, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Willem

Willem (if you happen to notice this (email notification perhaps)), I noticed that you hadn’t posted here in quite a while. It’s taken me a while to realise this, as I took a break myself from Off-G.

If I may ask, I wondered was there any particular reason why you had stopped posting?

Your posts were always interesting to many of us, as you are (were?) an “insider” from the medical world.

If you do see this and feel like replying, I’d be interested to know how you are getting on, and how things are going over there, Covid-wise.

If you reply to this, hopefully I’ll get an email notification, and be able to find your reply. Many thanks.

Jun 12, 2020 11:43 AM

I’m sure many already know about this but just in case I’m adding it.

Jun 12, 2020 12:50 PM
Reply to  Fornow

No i didn’t thanks for posting

Jun 12, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  Fornow

Contributed, thanks. These solicitors are making a very useful full frontal attack on the very roots of this audacious scamerama!

Jun 12, 2020 11:26 AM

If only a similar percentage of people were naturally resistant to the lies pumped out by our ”fearless and independent” media.

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Jun 12, 2020 6:54 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Gwyn, that’s an intriguing analogy you have drawn: between most animals’ natural tolerance of Influenza and most humans’ natural tolerance of Lies. I suggest that both phenomena can be explained by evolutionary coexistence theory. A pathogen that kills its host is always in danger of starvation by killing off its means of sustenance. Hence our long and cheerful coexistence with the common cold; because the clever influenza virus has learned not to kill too many of us, and in return we sneeze and cough to spread the virus to all and sundry. We call that “having natural resistance to a highly infectious disease” and pat ourselves on the back for our robust health. Lies have learned not to kill us all, and in return we spread them to all and sundry. We call that “obeying the Law in a time of crisis” and pat ourselves on the back for our robust common sense.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2020 11:14 AM

I see more and more videos circulating on Facebook re: the George Floyd protests and the whole matter of racism. And I can see familiar arguments being raised e.g. that the blacks are always complaining, that “black crime” is greater than white, that whites are more likely to be killed by the police etc. (These videos are nearly always presented by black people. A neat touch) But none of this is what matters. It is the fact that the familiar arguments (whether right or wrong) are being raked up and I can see explosions impending everywhere. We are also being fed stuff against “The Left” which is going to result in further interminable divisions and arguments. Note how various expressions can be floated around – “left”, “liberal”, “Democrat”, “Fascist” etc. – and these can be appropriated anyway you want.  
It seems to me that we are all being played.  

Jun 12, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s clear. Misdirection, Divide & Conquer. Get angry with each other not at the ruling elite.

Jun 12, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve just read that footballers in the English Premier League will be wearing shirts with Black Lives Matter printed on the back when matches resume next week. Wow! George Floyd’s death must have really got to them; I don’t recall their shirts ever carrying this kind of message after previous deaths of black people at the hands of the police in the USA.

Jun 12, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

The nonsense arrived when Liverpool football players staged a knee event .. Liverpool’s controlling owner is US billionaire hedge trader John W. Henry.

Jun 12, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Richard

I wasn’t aware of LFC’s involvement in it. I’ve followed that particular team since I was taken to a match at their stadium at the age of 9 (36 years ago). I’ve just seen a photo of the squad ”taking a knee.” Preposterous! (And embarrassing).

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I think the whole country jumped the embarrassment shark with the NHS clap routine.

Jun 13, 2020 9:10 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

This situation’s making some people react in very weird ways. Another really strange scene for me was seeing a man walk into the supermarket wearing plastic overalls.

Jun 12, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

And strangely enough, wiped out Afghan wedding parties also never mattered that much

Jun 12, 2020 3:01 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Some Lives Matter?

Jun 12, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Certainly not the journalists who actually reveal this.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:46 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I was not sure whether to be impressed, amused, or confused as I recently cycled down one of the poshest streets in what is probably one of the whitest towns in middle England, and seeing displayed in someone’s front window a Black Power symbol with the “Black Lives Matter” slogan printed on it.

Jun 13, 2020 9:12 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

Was it Ali G’s house? :o)

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 15, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Not that posh. 🙂

Jun 12, 2020 12:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

BLM was launched around a politically-manipulated court case. There was nothing organic about it. Why manufacture a political movement, when there are dozens of examples of racism and brutal killings that prompt real community action?
Maybe you don’t want a real community movement. You want something with top-down control. That is definitely what BLM has become. Soros has changed the role of BLM and made it part of his attempt to reshape society through the justice system. George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the US justice system – Politico 
Why would politicians ignore genuine grassroots movements – and create new ones that they control? Did MLK or Malcolm X have to go because they were not under establishment control?
Perhaps because you need a fresh crime in a specific state you are trying to ‘turn’. Maybe the politicians have decided to play the race card and need a ’cause’. One that’s best served by a white defendant and a black victim, even though one of those involved, George Zimmerman, identifies as Hispanic (Peruvian mother) and the other comes from an extended Latino-Haitian-African American family. 
What about the crime that led to the founding of BLM? In the documentary The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America – Joel Gilbert alleges the civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump rewrote Martin’s life story to bend it to political needs and, in the process, manipulated and hurt an educationally-challenged young woman Rachel Jeantel, who was the chief witness.
Even CNN has written that the Martin case was manipulated: Chief witness in Trayvon case lied under oath – CNN March 7, 2013 and yet it could also publish the following: Love her or hate her, Rachel Jeantel is a star – CNN June 28, 2013. Is that cynical?
A current lawsuit, which seeks $100 million in damages, alleges Rachel Jeantel, a witness in the 2013 trial who testified she was on the phone with Trayvon Martin just before he was killed, was not the actual witness. It claims Jeantel was “switched” as a witness, and the real witness was Brittany “Diamond” Eugene.
Who stands to suffer? Benjamin Crump? No. The young black woman that someone may have bullied to take the stand.
At the end of the day, real lives are manipulated and destroyed by the very people claiming to speak for them.

Jun 12, 2020 2:36 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

check out these two links that shed some light on the funding and where the money goes for blm
BlackLivesMatter.com appears to be an international money laundering scheme used by the Democrats to raise money from an international audience. 

Mo' Gabby
Mo' Gabby
Jun 12, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Absolutely shocking, the manipulation by the State is laid bare.

Jun 12, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes. They are being played. But then again, they have been played for centuries. The whole “don’t look here, look there” gambit is so transparent it no longer works in playgrounds. Mankind is getting dumber by the day.

Jun 12, 2020 11:00 AM

Just wonedering to what extent the Tories and their friends in low places have used the Covid19 Pandemic to usher in more behind the scenes outsourcing of the NHS?
Most people see misery whilst a small connected minority see OPPOURTUNITY, at others misfortune.
Bring forth, the Qui Tam/False Claims Act

Jun 12, 2020 10:40 AM

it is all words built to support a destructive theory. it is the terrain that matters not bits of cellular debris hiding under the bed. if a business dont want to be friends n be social they can always close down. it is healthy to be out n about socialising. isolation is a particular problem 4 seniors not a health boon.

Jun 12, 2020 11:07 AM
Reply to  rachel

covids no test possible
trillion dollar off shoot of the rockerfella skank standard oil company model.
medicine not so modern burning cutting selling dosing
slow kill quick profits
The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur
by R. B. Pearson (originally Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter 1942)

Jun 12, 2020 11:55 AM
Reply to  gordon

on 911 the planes were the virus n the bombs in the basement the fried chicken dinner. in politics the virus is the opposition party. this belief system poisons the entire world view. even the rain was acidifed. joh rose says people need a new referance. to c for themselves the benefits of fruit fasting. then any amount of pseudoscientific expert studies crumble away. there is no shame in eating a salad. the shame is in the death camps 4 animals n kids handed icecream to blow out their basement whilst being told the plane is flying out their communities lips.

Jun 12, 2020 10:21 AM


I would say most people contracted MELODRAM PATHETICISM
as stated quite observingly in this David Fiirth Health Reminder

Jun 12, 2020 9:54 AM

In a desperate bid to go totally bat-shit crazy the Virtue Media and the Twitterarty think that focusing on historic racism is the answer to our problems. So not only are TV and Film back catalogues being pulled so are statues to western capitalist racism. The cancel culture is in full swing and whole concepts of the world will have to be rewritten, black holes, dark matter and few other aspects of our regular and theoretical world.
Unfortunately all this is missing the point that slavery is still going strong and is big business in the modern world. And that these institutions of exploitation are happily avoiding the blame for the world crisis which has been created by them in order to plunder the wealth created by the 99%. Rather than pay for it they are activating their get out of jail free card, the race card.
Interestingly the Covid 19 plandemic was just that a catalyst increasingly proving to be a fear porn epidemic to crash the system while the criminals make their escape.
So small business who have paid insurance for years to protect themselves against such a situation as is now sweeping western economies are finding that insurance companies are refusing to pay out. And as the Fed and B of E as well as other financial institutions are bailing out investors by buying up all their junk bonds and derivatives ordinary working folk are being thrown to the wolves.
This global crisis will not be put right by focusing on racism. Both will only be eradicated when the true financial criminals of capitalism are held to account. And you will find that in there there will be those of all complexions.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 10:16 AM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

Is it not strange that so many people who are apparently outraged by statues of dead people are apparently completely content to collude with the child slavery and forced labour that is fundamental to chocolate. There is no such thing as guaranteed child labour free chocolate. Yet the virtue signallers, as far as I can tell, could not care less about contemporary child slavery. Yet we are supposed to believe that they are outraged by a statue to a long dead merchant.
Boycott chocolate.

Jun 12, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Same way that no one cared when we bombed Libya leaving the place with open slave markets.
Looks like basic misdirection and the “liberals” are just lapping it up. Cats and laser pens spring to mind.

Jun 12, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  Cicatriz

I refuse to let people claim ignorance. A generation clutching their iPhones knows damned well about slavery. And Libya is not ancient history either. They all pretend to care about refugees but never ask what they are fleeing, how they are being trafficked or what they do when they reach their destination. Virtue signalers are nothing more than hypocrites, willing to be led by paid protestors and paid influencers.
Human trafficking in Libya | DW Documentary (Sept, 2019)

Jun 12, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  Cicatriz

Nobody cared about the UK riots in 2011 even though they happened for the exact same reason. The tories were calling the looters thugs and were proposing jet hosing them, not a word on legitimate anger about institutional racism – then what about Windrush, and the go home vans?
There’s no doubt it’s a political with-hunt, plain and simple, just like covid -19 has turned into a political exercise.
You don’t stop racism by moralising, you actually further entrench the divisions

Jun 12, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Jamie

And you don’t stop it by ignoring it when it happens on an industrial scale in the modern world as a direct consequence of the those elected by our population. But as usual, we don’t care when it happens outside our borders.
It’s clear, once again, that one death in the US is more significant than millions of deaths outside of it. It is rank hypocrisy and a grotesque double standard.
Same way we don’t care about millions of people outside of the west dying from famine as a result of collapsed supply chains due to covid. Just another statistic.
You, and the mainstream, want me to get angry about something that deflects from a bigger picture of death, destruction and human misery that impacts hundreds of millions for the financial benefit of the 0.001%. How about we fix that first? Or does it not count because it isn’t in the US or UK?

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 13, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Jamie

Don’t forget Grenfell.

Jun 12, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

 Apparently Black Lives Matter only in the West, not Africa.

Jun 13, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  kevin

Reminds me of that song, BAME in the USA

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 12, 2020 9:39 AM
George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2020 8:28 AM

Pardon my paranoia but phase 2 of the great restructuring is underway i.e. after keeping people cooped up with the lockdown and thereby increasing tensions, we have the big anti-racist outrage with pulling down every statue that exists and banning every programme and film ever made whenever it is found out (as it always is) that the mother/cousin/whatever of the subject/director/main actor/ whatever once said something a bit rude about some ethnic minority.

Jun 12, 2020 9:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

What i want to know why is it all these liberal progressive virtual signallers haven’t handed over the fortunes their families have built over many past generations! Is the national trust going to bulldoze all those stately homes? Will all these liberals refuse their pensions generated by hedge funds etc How do these people think large corporations can produce & manufacture plastic shit so cheaply if not through slave labor in developing countries like china or India etc?
I suspect if someone starts highlighting some history to them they might take a different stance on progressive woke politics. I see the suffering of working class of all colors creeds & religions are being ignored again! Its a war against progressives & conservatives the working classes wont benefit from, we’re just the canon fodder, useful idiots throwing away their futures their only reward criminal records & debt.

John Milton
John Milton
Jun 12, 2020 9:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

we have the big anti-racist outrage

I think you can safely remove the word ‘anti’ from that sentence.
The plan to bring out all the anti-white black racists and their brain-dead white woke apologists is in full swing.
So, no need to excuse your paranoia. It is happening in full view for those willing to look.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2020 9:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The basic situation we are facing is that the Big Party is over i.e. from the 50s onwards it was OK to allow the plebs to intermingle a bit – all the races, religions, cultures and we could now permit homosexuality etc. but the system is in trouble and we need to take all that friendly friendly stuff back. In fact, we need to create new divisions e.g. the transphobia thing cf. the latest punch up with JK Rowling DARING to suggest that some people may actually be WOMEN. She is now playing a game of “I love more transgender people than you” with Danny Radcliff.  
Now the Fawlty Towers episode about the Germans, i.e. the best one, is being shelved. I can foresee the day when, the moment anyone in a programme or film mentions any nationality, there will have to be a minute-long break for the cast to say, “We really love them!”  

Jun 12, 2020 9:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

But there is a subtext. “Who won the bloody war anyway?” A large number of people would argue that fascism was never defeated. And that is where we are right now.
Maybe that is the real reason why it is not an appropriate question, Mr Fawlty.

Jun 12, 2020 10:15 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Now the Fawlty Towers episode about the Germans, i.e. the best one, is being shelved.


George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2020 10:27 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

“Video unavailable”!

Jun 12, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

works for me. maybe the censorship is nationally-specific.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

Maybe. Where are you? Unavailable for me in UK-land.

Jun 12, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Plays fine in Albania. Wink, wink.

Jun 12, 2020 10:40 AM
Reply to  snuffleupagus

John Cleese has been a bit outspoken. It wouldn’t surprise me if a cascade begins that sees all of Monty Python removed. Life of Brian offended people, after all.

Jun 12, 2020 10:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

i love being a woman. often it is females who r most put out. they want males under the boot castrated by the steak holders. enjoy your pink juice. mmmamaaa

Jun 13, 2020 2:15 AM
Reply to  rachel

You’re a freak. I love it.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 15, 2020 7:09 PM
Reply to  rachel

I don’t know what you are smoking Rachel, but “steak holders” was worth an upvote. 😉

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So long as they don’t ban the “Don’t tell him Pike!” episode of Dad’s Army…

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 13, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Mike Ellwood

That might be taken as insulting to fish!

Jun 12, 2020 9:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s one big coup attempt composed of mini-coups wrapped in sheep’s clothing. Brexit may have been part of it too that one wrapped in ‘democracy’ and ‘patriotism’.
The problem here, though, is the familiar one that have faced all ‘regime change’ attempts – the false assumption that other nations have the same ‘trigger’ issues as the US. Most people here in the UK are simply apathetic or bemused about ‘race protests’ – and the attempts to stir up outrage ad riots have failed.

Jun 12, 2020 11:27 AM
Reply to  Thom

One result of brexit is people are used to the idea that things take a very long time to sort themselves out. I think that’s a bit of conditioning to prepare people for the very long time its going to take for things to go back to any semblance of normality following the plandemic.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 12, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh, don’t talk bullshit George. They haven’t a fucking clue what they’re doing!

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 13, 2020 9:39 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Oh how happy to still lie swaddled in that golden haze of jaded wisdom about how our leaders are so clueless! How delightful to tune into episodes of Spitting Image and laugh at how Ronald Reagan doesn’t have a brain and throw rotten tomatoes at BoJo – as if these puppets have any real power. And how blessed to float along on that impressionistic chaos where “stuff just happens”. Gosh! What’s coming next? Who knows?  
When I was just a gullible tit I asked the media what will I be Will I be pretty will I be rich Here’s what they said to me Que sera sera Whatever will be will be The future’s not ours to see Que sera sera What will be will be 

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 13, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I really wish that OffG had the facility of editing comments or at least letting you view them before posting. That last paragraph, as a song quote, was meant to be in separate lines.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Jun 13, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You can now edit comments, but you have to be pretty quick off the mark. 15 minute time limit, supposedly, but the opportunity seems to disappear a bit quicker than that, IME.
Hover your mouse cursor over the bottom right-hand corner of your post, and with luck you will see a “cog wheel”. Click on it and you will see “Edit”. Click on that and you can edit.
But I’ve had a few problems with it, so good luck!

Patrick C
Patrick C
Jun 12, 2020 8:27 AM

The most fascinating question actually is whether SC19 is actually a unique disease at all. Perhaps it’s a basket of pathogens drafted by the Empire to achieve their ends. Most of the papers I’ve looked at equivocate about this in a research paper kind of obfuscation-speak.

From the paper:
“Despite intensive research efforts, several determinants of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody production remain ill-defined, such as its relation to COVID-19 severity, disease duration, patient age, and comorbidities. There is also a paucity of knowledge on SARS-CoV-2-specific IgA and IgG antibodies at mucosal sites and how their levels correlate with COVID-19 parameters. And, finally, it is unclear whether tissue-associated IgA and IgG secretion, rather than their systemic production, might be evident in SARS-CoV-2-exposed individuals undergoing mild disease..”
Read that first line carefully. The research on SC19 are full of weaselly qualifications. And the gold standard for identifying of a specific virus (as I understand it) monoclonal antibodies have not been found “as yet” for this virus. Note all of the language “… despite intensive research efforts..’ ill defined..’ paucity of knowledge..’ And, finally, it is unclear..”
It certainly is that

Jun 12, 2020 8:27 AM

New staggering lies and calls from WSWS, not for attacked by Wall Street workers’ revolution but for totalitarian anti democratic, anti socialist measures that aim at preventing it.

Regurgitating Reuter’s false narrative WSWS writes.

Despite these staggering figures, [K: 7 millions SC2 infected according to deeply flawed PCR test in comparison to really staggering but ignored by WSWS up to 500 millions infected by seasonal flu worldwide, about 50-80 millions in US alone ] which will lead to thousands of unnecessary and preventable deaths [as flu preventable deaths every year due to immune system weaken by old age comorbidities, environmental pollution and utter failure of public Health system], there have been no calls for the implementation of another lockdown from within the political establishment [ WSWS apparently wants 100 million unemployment or more] . This is because while the lockdown proved to be the only effective method of stopping the spread of the virus [a lie, officially virus spread most under lockdown, data suggests contributed to spread of infection ]—absent a vaccine and an effective testing and tracing program[WSWS is nostalgic for hastily developed vaccines, more mass surveillance] —another shutdown would cripple Wall Street future earnings statements, sending stockholders’ and business executives’ stock portfolios, already resting on a house of cards, into the tank. [no, not with $10 trillions of FED bailout]

In November remember SEP POTUS ticket, lockdown yes; anti socially distancing yes; face masks yes, mass mandatory/forced vaccinations yes; contact tracing yes: revolution safely at home with hammer and sickle painted face mask on , organized by 6ft distanced vaccinated workers’ vanguards on unemployment yes.

Jun 12, 2020 8:43 AM
Reply to  Kalen

About six weeks ago they were waxing eloquent about how in a socialist society vulnerable workers would be able to shelter in place while other workers would deliver food and other essentials (presumably running a risk of infection themselves?).
Their enthusiasm for George Floyd protests is at odds with their equal enthusiasm for lockdown, and I do fear the contrary stresses will cause the tops of their heads to blow off.

Jun 12, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

I do fear the contrary stresses will cause the tops of their heads to blow off.
unfortunately, a technological solution to that problem has been invented.

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word ‘doublethink’ involved the use of doublethink.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 12, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Re: SEP support for mass mandatory/forced vaccinations

These are two different perspectives on the Dec 2019 forced vaccination programme in Samoa; and it’s when I stopped reading WSWS.


B) Michael Simms (Aussie activist) interviewed by Heather Simpson (Vaxxter Contributor) and published at Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s site.

Jun 12, 2020 8:18 AM

The real crisis is, is why has so much human effort & energy been wasted on this! Putting to one side the politics (which mostly is what this virus is about) The blame firmly lies with a health & safety/control culture taken out of all perspective, led by corporate elites & violent plutocrats.
If you scratch further below the surface, this is the reason why civilization is imploding, a culture of control freakery causing violence & ironically mayhem & chaos as primitive human instinct that craves freedom pushes back against inhuman neo-liberal rules based order & corporate takeover of human endeavor, replacing it with Ai & automation.
Now we approach a moment where technology & technocracy is making humanity obsolete. We all know what the END result will be when the elite have no further use for human slaves. How will we be able to fight back when machines & computers decide its to dangerous for us to breath the air or socialize with friends & family, if we are all so complacent & apathetic, ignoring the divisions being deliberately provoked by a dark agenda with progressive vs traditional values set against one another for the sole benefit of neo-liberal masters?
This as most narratives since the end of the 20th century have been, are a diversionary distraction as with politically weaponized ideologies to keep us busy whilst this coup is being finalized. I implore you to stop wasting time on this simple everyday act of nature & focus on your own LIFE & future, stop worrying, stop living in fear, stop feeling bitter toward others minor victories against you, stop being terrorized by government & its lackeys & push back hard against the bastards! Otherwise its global corporate communism forever.

Jun 12, 2020 7:28 AM

Meanwhile, Spain is taking a machete and brutally hacking at itself in a frenzy of masochism.

Jun 12, 2020 9:04 AM
Reply to  Reg

I don’t know how long they can sustain that, as it pretty much screws their tourist industry. It may point to Gates corrupting key politicians, or political fears in a society that has a fascist and dictatorial past. Maybe medical martial law appeals to some in high places.

Jun 12, 2020 6:55 AM

Not 100% clear what this is about, but seems the BBC about to publish an article on ‘misinformation’ over CV19 among various sites.


Jun 12, 2020 7:07 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Good to have advance notice, Loverat. UK Column just investigated how “Rapid Response” units set up supposedly to counter disinformation and fake news from abroad, were actually used to spread the Covid narrative.
OneWorld and others should ask the BBC why it channels government ‘disinfo’ teams run by military intelligence instead of using the eyes and ears of its reporters.
It might also ask why the Gates Foundation gave an astonishing $49 million to BBC Media Action and how that influences BBC reporting.
That is a sum of money that far exceeds what it costs to fund foreign correspondents and trips – so is there a covert agenda here… can the BBC account for that money? Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe the British-Iranian dual citizen detained in Iran… worked for BBC Media Action.
Alarmist headlines from the Corporatist Media declared “Coronavirus could kill half a million Britons and infect 80% of population”. Who sent out the information that led to those headlines that created demand for the government to ‘do something’? UK Column investigates the origin of that headline which led directly to the lockdown, the cancellation of appointments and the emptying of hospitals.
Turns out the National Security Communications Team issued the directive to the media. What is the NSCT? PRWeek reported in May 2018 “Government boosts capability to combat international threats…catching up with NATO allies which have impressive ‘war rooms’. The UK Government Communication Plan 2019/2020 also mentioned the NSCT would increase public resilience to disinformation.
So a unit set up to counter fake news was instead used to create the COVID narrative, building public demand for the lockdown.
A government document, Controlling The Narrative, in March 2018 established the FUSION DOCTRINE & the NSCT. This was followed in April by the Rapid Response and in July 2018 by the Rapid Response Mechanism proposed by Theresa May to ensure all European governments spoke with one voice.
The bureaucrat in command of all this is Mark Sedwill, as head of the Civil Service and of the Cabinet Office which answers not to Parliament but directly to the Privy Council, 800 people sworn to secrecy to do the monarch’s bidding, as Alex Thomson of Eastern Approaches explains:

“However the Queen’s personal exercise of the Crown’s prerogative, by the Queen herself with the Prime Minister, has been spun out into what you could call a corporate crown. The final decisions on what is just and constitutional take place not in broad institutions but the Cabinet Office…

The Cabinet draws its members from Parliament but at law the Cabinet, or Cabinet Office which is the civil servants, is an executive subcommittee of the Privy Council. Likewise the old Law Lords, now the Supreme Court, is a judicial subcommittee of the Privy Council. The separation of powers breaks down at that point. These [are] people who call themselves The Crown, they are a corporate crown. They do not have a seperate executive, legislative and judicial branches or a distinction between ministers and civil servants, it is just ‘we are the crowd around the queen’. The way into that bubble is through Mr Sedwill but that is not to say he is running the policy… Who crowned him?”

Sedwill is also National Security Adviser in control of all the Intel agencies, the new BioSecurity Center, as well as the Rapid Response Unit/NSCT, 77th Brigade, and the new 13th Signals Regiment set up last week.
Responsibility for Lockdown and consequences thus flows like this: Mark Sedwill –> Rapid Response Unit –> National Security Communications Team –> Corporatist Media –> pressure on PM Boris Johnson
Mark Sedwill is a bureaucrat. He is not the boss. Someone else is the boss. UK Column looks at where the lockdown policy came from @36 minutes https://youtu.be/OytoulfjZL0?t

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 12, 2020 10:47 PM
Reply to  Loverat

I hate the fucking BBC.

Jun 12, 2020 6:50 AM

Why is Off-Guardian literally flogging a dead horse, when the story of the last few days is that of BOOK-BURNING?
True story- the BBC destroyed its vast archive of TV production from the 50s thru to the 70s because increasingly researchers were able to explore the BBC output and identify clear social engineering initiatives- many of which were problematic because by the mid-1970s, the social engineering was now in an opposite direction- making the propaganda function of the BBC way too obvious.
At the time (years before home ownership of video recorders), the excuse the BBC gave was one of REPEATS- namely that they had struck a deal with the unions to only repeat shows THREE times, and then they may as well be burnt.
Today dumb dumbs are told the great BBC book burning happened because the BBC “reused the tapes”? This is how thick the sheeple are. Actually the shows burned were so old, the formats of tape that had been archived were no longer in use- and many were on non-reusable film. At the time of the BBC book burning (the first of several across the years) people associated with the shows asked the BBC to be allowed to take the tapes home instead- the BBC *refused*.
The BBC destroyed shows because they were ‘old’. Today the book burning that Off-Guardian will no doubt cover way too late, as usual, is more explicit in the statement that shows made for one’s parents are, of course, too racist to be allowed to continue to exist.
YEAR ZERO, in other words- as the victims of Mao and Pol Pot (both fabian figures) would attest.
Scotland is currently trying to pass a law that would make ownership of any non-PC material a criminal offense. Team Blair created the scottish and welsh parliament because of the ease of getting appalling WOKE laws that contradict every Human Right and Freedom authorised by the scum that serve in both. Team Blair then tries to claim that for the sake of unity, the London parliament must adopt the same law- which has sometimes worked and sometimes has not, so far.
In forums where the sheeple go, 50%+ express support of the new book burning. Of course our rights and freedoms never came about via mob pressure or demand- the mob has never supported free speech, freedom of conscience, etc. Indeed the mob claims it is ‘obvious’ these are ‘bad’ ideas. Our freedoms and rights all came from activity by an educated intellectual sector of society.
Human History is littered with examples of monsters using the mob to burn down ‘bourgouis’ rights and freedoms. The mob always dribbles “I’m offended, ban it”. Bending the knee to the mob is actually allowing demons at the top to exploit the idiocy of the bottom to roll back hundreds of years of Human progress.

Jun 12, 2020 7:56 AM
Reply to  sunset

the lesson learned is that you should never watch BBC, not even once.

And if by now you don’t know that al the mainstream media is a disinfo media, then you might just as well burn the evidence.

Boycot mainstream media

Jun 12, 2020 8:55 AM
Reply to  Willem

Willem, I have to disagree with your first statement, insofar it may be beneficial for some if they watched the BBC once, namely the programme listed below. It was made way back in the 60’s before the moon landings and shows how the script has been produced for decades.
The News-Benders (1968) directed by Rudolph Cartier. Starring Donald Pleasence and Nigel Davenport. https://archive.org/details/newsbenders https://ia801503.us.archive.org/13/it… Publication date: 1968 Language: English Found in: THIRTY MINUTE THEATRE (TV series, English, 1968)

A leaf
A leaf
Jun 12, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Willem

I have been for the last 7 years and i will continue to boycot whole heartedly

Jun 12, 2020 8:20 AM
Reply to  sunset

Our freedoms and rights all came from activity by an educated intellectual sector of society.
who’s the “Fabian” now, disinfo troll?

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2020 9:35 AM
Reply to  sunset

The trouble is that we ARE the mob. If we are not a mob then what are we? We can only be isolated individuals who are permitted to influence society by “joining the club” i.e. saying the things that the ruling class want us to say to “edify” the mob. 

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 12, 2020 10:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“The trouble is that we ARE the mob.”
You speak for yourself George. What ruling class are you talking about? The brats who have been spray painting the country’s monuments? Sadiq Khan?
You can’t be talking about Boris and his cabal. They couldn’t run a bath, much less a country.
I’m done with this ruling class shit. I’m getting a boat and rowing to Russia.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 13, 2020 9:47 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

couldn’t run a bath, much less a country.

Yes, the old Spitting Image “radical” humour that makes you feel good! Did it ever occur to you that these little dancing puppets are SUPPOSED to be pelted with rotten tomatoes? That they are the interchangeable front line that constantly get updated while everything underneath carries on as before?
Nah! Let’s go back to the old schoolboy sneer at that lovely unthreatening chaos! 

Jun 12, 2020 9:55 AM
Reply to  sunset

“True story- the BBC destroyed its vast archive of TV production from the 50s thru to the 70s”
Link please, because simple search yields nothing and some of us are not following UK news.

Jun 12, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  Dors

Oh, that is very well established. Same with NASA and the original footage of the 1960s-70s space project.
Sunset is totally correct that wiping tapes is a cover story. Film couldn’t be wiped and old video formats were not re-used. Whether the real reason was ‘down the memory hole’ or accountants and storage space is another debate.
Wikipedia has several pages: one of them, simply called ‘Wiping’. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiping
High-profile examples of programme losses include many early episodes of Doctor Who (97), The Wednesday Play, most of the seminal comedy series Not Only But Also, all of the 1950s televised Francis Durbridge serials (further, the first two serials were never recorded), the vast majority of the BBC’s Apollo 11 Moon landing studio coverage, all but one of the 39 episodes of The First Lady,[12] and all 147 episodes of the soap opera United!. There are gaps in many long-running BBC series (Dixon of Dock Green, Hancock’s Half Hour, Sykes, Out of the Unknown, and Z-Cars). The Beatles’ only live appearance on Top Of The Pops in 1966, performing the single “Paperback Writer” is believed to have been wiped in a clear-out in the 1970s. An off-air recording of 11 seconds of footage made on an 8mm film camera was discovered in April 2019.[13]
The first acting appearance of musician Bob Dylan, in a 1963 play entitled The Madhouse on Castle Street, was erased in 1968.[14]

Jun 12, 2020 11:02 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thank you.

Jun 12, 2020 6:21 AM

Another example of great OFFG COVID coverage.

In fact a hint from recent epidemiological studies trying to model development of officially counted SC2 infections backward toward origin found likely existence of Dark (invisible) Pool” of inherently resistant population.

In some localities they found that up to 90% of population is inherently resistant to SC2 infections and that pushed R (reproduction number) to less than one already in early February in of China and mid to late February in EU and US as observed.

The existence of large perhaps even on average 60% or more pool of inherently resistant people, if uniformly distributed, may have likely already provided effective population immunity at much lower than previously assumed about 60% level of immune response exposure previously thought needed to acquire population immunity. In fact that level may have been effectively reached already in early March consistent with official percentage of population with detected SC2 antibodies which was 3% to 20% depending on location in US by the end of April. Today much more.

In the same time common general immune mechanism based of T Cell Memory, already operating against common cold coronaviruses, was discovered to apply to SC2 as well.

In this study, the authors found a small number of SARS-CoV-2 reactive CD4 T cells (i.e. these T cells may recognize certain SARS-CoV-2 proteins) in healthy control individuals who had seemingly never been infected with SARS-CoV-2. Very likely, these CD4 T cells are so-called memory T cells that stem from previous infections with endemic coronaviruses that may cause the common cold. However, these other coronaviruses share certain similarities with SARS-CoV-2, i.e. SARS-CoV-2 might “look” just similar to a common cold coronavirus in the eyes of these CD4 memory T cells, so that, in theory, it is possible that these CD4 memory T cells would not only react to frequent re-infections with endemic “common cold” coronaviruses, but also to a “new” infection with SARS-CoV-2. Importantly, though, it is not clear yet what this observation implies: T cells can be friends or foes, meaning that memory CD4 T cells cross-reactive against SARS-CoV-2 might be helpful in fighting off this virus (as suggested by the authors based on the fact that children, who generally tend to get more common colds per year, seem to fare better when it comes to COVID-19).. So larger studies are needed to follow up on this observation and what it might mean.


Asymptomatic people may be part of immune resistant pool epidemiological models discovered as those people may likely develop acquired immunity fast enough (5-7 days) to avoid any or significant spread infection of human cells and hence prevented from becoming SC2 asymptomatic spreaders except for rare cases . Studies cited by scolded WHO official forced to backpedal her scientifically accurate assertions show just that, multiple paths of cell resistance and defeating of SC2 infections not only specific antibodies.

This is extremely important scientific debate as its outcome may likely scientifically repudiate COVID narratives of in their entirety including lockdowns, social distancing, mass use of PPE or alledged need for mass SC2 vaccines.

Every day it becomes clearer that COVID narratives were concocted to covered up homicidal policies of political and public health authorities worldwide along lines of ideology of eugenics responsible for hundreds of preventable thousands deaths and many more to come as such horrific criminality will be defended by perpetrators of lying words and deadly deeds.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 12, 2020 6:15 AM

Something becomes more and more clear, the “science” that the governments used to pitch lockdowns and their fear porn was junk: it is so obviously results-driven, to cause havoc and tighten a central (economic) control. So it seems, anyway.

Jun 12, 2020 6:32 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Managed outcomes. That’s what’s destroyed industry and turmed government totalitarian.

Jun 12, 2020 6:53 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

‘ it is so obviously results-driven’

I agree. I have been trained by the idea that medicine is all about evidence based decision making. But as someone here said (I forgot who said it…) it is not evidence based decision making, it is de decision based evidence making what happens in medicine.

This has been going on for quite a long time..

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 12, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Willem

The tail wagging the dog. That is largely the story of USAmerica, from the start, as well.