Beware the hijacking of US protests into a ‘Color Revolution’
Max Parry

The May 25th killing of George Floyd, an unarmed African-American man, at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota shocked the world and set off mass protests against racism and police brutality in dozens of cities from the mid-western United States to the European Union, all in the midst of a global pandemic.
In the Twin Cities, what began as spontaneous, peaceful demonstrations against the local police quickly transformed into vandalism, arson and looting after the use of rubber bullets and chemical irritants by law enforcement against the protesters, while the initial incitement for the riots was likely the work of apparent agent provocateurs among the marchers.
Within days, the unrest had spread to cities across the country including the nation’s capital, with US President Donald Trump threatening to invoke the slavery-era Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military and National Guard on American soil, federal powers not used since the 1992 Los Angeles riots following the Rodney King case.
The debate over the catalyst for the uprising into its period of lawlessness has drawn a range of theories. The suspicious placement of pallets of bricks in the proximity of numerous protest sites have spurred rumors of sabotage by everything from white supremacist groups to “Antifa” to law enforcement itself.
Predictably, liberal hawks such as Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor in the Obama administration, made ludicrous assertions suggesting “Russian agents” were behind the unrest, a continuation of the narrative that the Kremlin has been behind inflaming racial tensions in the US that began during the 2016 election.
While Democrats like Rice and Senator Kamala Harris of California have revived an old trope dating back to the Civil Rights movement of Moscow exploiting racial divisions in the US, Trump and the GOP have similarly resurrected the ‘outside agitators’ myth attributed to segregationists of the same era.
Hypocritically, many of those claiming to be in support of the protests have denounced the latter theory while endorsing the former, when both equally show contempt for the legitimate grievances of the demonstrators and deny their agency. However, both false notions overlook the more likely hidden factors at play attempting to hijack the movement for its own purposes.
Believe it or not, there could be a kernel of truth in accusations coming mostly from the political right as to the possible role of the notorious liberal billionaire investor and “philanthropist” George Soros and his Open Society Foundation (OSF).
Ironically, if any of the right-wing figures of whom Soros is a favorite target were aware of his instrumental role in the fall of communism staging the various CIA-backed protest movements in Eastern Europe that toppled socialist governments, he would likely not be such a subject of their derision.
The Hungarian business magnate’s institute, like other NGOs involved in US regime change operations such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), is largely a front for the CIA to shield itself while destabilizing US adversaries, the spy agency’s preferred modus operandi since the exposure of its illicit activities in previous decades by the Rockefeller Commission and Church Committee in the 1970s.
In the post-Soviet world, nations across Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and beyond have become well acquainted with the political disruptions of the international financier and his network. In particular, governments that have leaned toward warm relations with Moscow during the incumbency of President Vladimir Putin have found themselves the victims of his machinations.
Under Putin’s predecessor Boris Yeltsin, Soros made a killing off the mass privatization of the former state-run assets in the Eastern Bloc, as journalist Naomi Klein explained in The Shock Doctrine:
George Soros’s philanthropic work in Eastern Europe — including his funding of (Harvard economist and economic advisor Jeffrey) Sachs’s travels through the region — has not been immune to controversy. There is no doubt that Soros was committed to the cause of democratization in the Eastern Bloc, but he also had clear economic interests in the kind of economic reform accompanying that democratization. As the world’s most powerful currency trader, he stood to benefit greatly when countries implemented convertible currencies and lift capital controls, and when state companies were put on the auction block, he was one of the potential buyers.
In contrast, the Putin administration over a period of two decades has since restored the Russian economy through the re-nationalization of its oil and gas industry. Its two energy giants, Gazprom and Rosneft, are state-controlled companies serving as the basis of the state machinery‘s reassertion of control over the Russian financial system, a move that has gotten Mr. Putin branded a “dictator” by the West.
As a result, most of the notorious Russian oligarchs enriched overnight during the extreme free market policies of the 1990s have since left the country, now that such rapid accumulation of wealth to the rest of the nation’s detriment is no longer permitted. While economic inequality in Russia may persist, it is nowhere near that of the Yeltsin era where the average life expectancy was reduced by a full decade.
In the last decade, the United States has gotten its own taste of the incitement and agitations that have previously fallen upon governments across the global south. Instead, domestically the CIA cutouts in the non-profit industrial complex have played a pivotal counterrevolutionary role in co-opting and ultimately derailing such uprisings meant to bring systemic change to the US political system.
In late 2011, the Occupy Wall Street movement emerged at Zuccotti Park in New York City’s financial district against the deepening global economic inequality following the Great Recession and the protests quickly spread to other cities and continents. In just a few months, the sit-in was expelled from Lower Manhattan and the anti-capitalist movement itself largely was diverted towards reformism and away from its original radical intentions. It was also revealed the origins of OWS and its marketing campaign were traced to Adbusters, a media foundation that was the recipient of grants from the Democratic Party-connected Tides Foundation, a progressive policy center which receives significant endowments from none other than George Soros and the OSF.
Emerging just two years later, the roots of Black Lives Matter were not just in community organizing but partially took inspiration from the Occupy movement. Unfortunately, the similarities between them were not limited to a shared lack of clarity in their demands but facing the same dilemma of being absorbed into the system. While OWS was quickly suppressed after hopeful beginnings, the BLM leadership became career-oriented apparatchiks of the Democratic Party and left grass-roots organizing behind.
Through the non-profit industrial complex, the Democratic Party has mastered bringing various social movements under its management on behalf of Wall Street in order to funnel public funds into private control through various foundations. Along with the Ford Foundation which has given BLM enormous $100 million grants, Soros and the OSF have been one of the principal offenders.
Still, many who correctly identify right-wing protests such as the Tea Party movement and the recent ‘anti-lockdown’ demonstrations as the work of astro-turfing by the Koch Brothers and Heritage Foundation seldom apply the same scrutiny to seemingly authentic progressive movements assimilated by corporate America.
One figure who mysteriously appeared on the scene in the early days of OWS connected to Soros was the Serbian political activist Srđa Popović, the founder of Otpor! (“resistance” in Serbian) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) political organizations which led the protests in 2000 which ousted the democratically-elected President of Serbia, Slobodan Milošević, known as the “Bulldozer Revolution.”
Not long after Popović’s consulting of activists in Zuccotti Park, Wikileaks documents revealed the Belgrade-born organizer’s significant ties to US intelligence through the global intelligence platform Stratfor (known as the “shadow CIA”), exposing the real motives behind his involvement in US politics of outwardly supporting OWS while trying to sabotage the popular movement.
Since their role as instruments of US regime change in Serbia, Otpor! and CANVAS have received financial support from CIA intermediaries such as the NED, OSF, Freedom House and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as well as the Boston-based Albert Einstein Institute founded by the American political scientist, Gene Sharp.
Despite ostensibly professing to use the same civil disobedience methods of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Gene Sharp‘s manual for “non-violent resistance” entitled From Dictatorship to Democracy has been the blueprint used by political organizations around the world that have only served the interests of Western imperialism.
Beginning with the Bulldozer Revolution in Serbia, the successful formula which ousted Milošević spread to other Central Asian and Eastern European nations overthrowing governments which resisted NATO expansion and the European Union’s draconian austerity in favor of economic ties with Moscow.
These were widely referred to in the media as ‘Color Revolutions’ and included the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia, the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine and its 2014 Maidan coup d’état follow-up, as well as the 2005 Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, among others.
Subsequently, Srđa Popović and CANVAS also lent their expertise in Egypt during the predecessor to its Arab Spring in the April 6 Youth Movement which appropriated Otpor!’s raised fist logo as its emblem. In preparation for the organization of anti-government demonstrations, the activists poured over Gene Sharp’s work in coordination with Otpor! whose fingerprints can be found all over the Arab Spring uprisings which began as protests to remove unpopular leaders in Egypt and Tunisia but were carefully reeled in to preserve the despotic Western-friendly systems that had put them to power initially.
Where Sharp’s “non-violent” template failed, countries with US adversaries in power such as Libya and Syria saw their protests rapidly morph into a resurgence of Al-Qaeda and a terrorist proxy war with catastrophic consequences. This recipe has also been exported to Latin America in attempts to remove the Bolivarian government in Venezuela, with self-declared ‘interim president’ and opposition leader Juan Guaido having received training from CANVAS.
While the right seems to have a bizarre misconception that the parasitic hedge fund tycoon is somehow a communist, there is an equal misunderstanding on the pseudo-left where it has become a recurring joke and subject of mockery to naively deny Soros’s undeniable influence on world affairs and domestic protest movements. Less certain, however, are the claims from conservatives that Soros is a supporter of “Antifa” which Trump wants to designate as a domestic terrorist organization, a dangerous premise given the movement consists of a very loose-knit and decentralized network of activists and hardly comprises a real organization.
Various autonomous chapters and groups across the US may self-identify as such, but there is no single official party or formal organization with any leadership hierarchy. While the original Antifa movement in the 1930s Weimar Republic was part of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), the current manifestation in the US has a synonymous association with black bloc anarchism (even inverting the colors of the original red and black flag), though it is really made up of a variety of amateurish political tendencies.
Amidst the ongoing nationwide George Floyd protests, the demonstrations in Seattle, Washington culminated in the establishment of a self-declared “autonomous zone” by activists in the Northwestern city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood — known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ).
In response, Trump doubled down on his threats to quash protests with the use of the military while blaming “anarchists” in “Antifa” for the unrecognized commune occupying six city blocks around an abandoned police precinct. Anyone who has paid close attention to the war in Syria for the last nine years will find this highly ironic, given the US military support for another infamous “autonomous zone” of Kurdish nationalists in Northern Syria’s Rojava federation.
The Kurdish sub-region and de facto self-governing territory purports to be a “libertarian socialist direct democracy” style of government and has been the subject of romanticized praise by the Western pseudo-left despite the fact that the autonomous administration’s paramilitary wing, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), were until recently a cat’s paw for American imperialism as part of the US-founded coalition, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
Not coincidentally, many of those who use the Antifa vexillum are enthusiastic supporters of and even volunteer mercenaries fighting with the YPG/SDF in an ‘International Freedom Battalion’ which claims to be the inheritors of the legacy of the International Brigades which volunteered to defend the Spanish Republic from fascism in the Spanish Civil War. Unfortunately, these cosplayers forgot that the original International Brigades were set up by the Communist International, not the Pentagon.
Meanwhile, despite their purported “anti-fascism”, there are no such conscripts to be found defending the Donetsk or Luhansk People’s Republics of eastern Ukraine against literal Nazis in the War in Donbass where the real front line against fascism has been. Instead, they fight alongside a Zionist and imperial proxy to help establish an ethno-nation state while the US loots Syria’s oil.

Prior to Trump’s decision last October to withdraw troops from northeastern Syria which preceded a Turkish invasion, Ankara and the US repeatedly butted heads over Washington’s decision to incorporate the Kurds into the SDF, since the YPG is widely acknowledged an off-shoot of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the militant and cult-like political group regarded as a terrorist organization that has been at war with Turkey for over forty years.
It is also no secret that jailed PKK founder Abdullah Öcalan’s theories of “democratic confederalism” are heavily influenced by the pro-Zionist Jewish-American anarchist theorist, Murray Bookchin. So when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told Trump that there were links between the US protests and the PKK, there was a tiny but core accuracy in his exaggerated claim. As Malcolm X said, “chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad.”
The George Floyd protests, like previous uprisings in Ferguson and Baltimore, certainly began spontaneously, nor does any of this discount the legitimate issue of ending the militarization of US law enforcement which disproportionately victimizes black Americans. Nevertheless, time and again we have seen how bona fide social movements become political footballs or quickly go to their graves.
Like BLM, it is practically inevitable the protests will become a partisan tool for the Democratic Party in the coming 2020 election when it has no concrete political articulations of its own, even if it does bring substantive change to domestic policing. In January, Trump was impeached for temporarily withholding security aid to the Ukraine and Democrats advocated his removal because he is regarded as insufficiently hawkish toward Moscow.
Since 2016, they have actively diverted all opposition to Trump into their own reactionary anti-Russia campaign and soft-coup attempt in the interests of the military-intelligence community, a shared agenda with Soros. When all of corporate America, the media, and even the NED have publicly declared their support for a movement, it is no longer just about its original cause of getting justice for Mr. Floyd, whose funeral became a virtual campaign rally for Trump’s opponent, Joe Biden.
It is too early to say determinedly whether what is taking place in the US is indeed a ‘Color Revolution’, but by the time we realize it may too late.
Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His writing has appeared widely in alternative media. Max may be reached at [email protected]
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The Minnenapolis protests from the very beginning were staged psyops with crisis actors, sign in tables, Craft service tables (like on Hollywood sets), Casting pilons and art directors.
There was no need for provocateurs. They were mostly undereimployed/unemployed youth who got paid to participate. They sign disclosures preventing them from speaking afterwards. This goes on all the time from the fake Sandy Hook shootings to Charlie Hebdo to Paris to Manchester to Sydney to London Bridge to Ariana Grande “bombing” to runaway car in Stockholm to church shootings to the PIttsburgh Synagogue “shooting”… All fake, all scripted psyops. Ferguson was also a staged riot
Good stuff over at Dissident Voice, where Max’s story here did also appear.
Western countries see the rest of the world as their playing field fit only for exploitation.
— Pramoedya Ananta Toer in conversation with Andre Vltchek, in Jakarta, 2004
The “global playing field” is “level” only from the perspective of the west.
— Robert H Wade
Let Them Eat Weapons: Trump’s Bizarre Arms Race
Here, to add to the conversation of these perverted GOP/ALEC/Israel First human scum on both sides of the manure pit in USA — GOP or Democrats.
In late May of this year, President Donald Trump’s special envoy for arms control bragged before a Washington think tank that the U.S. government was prepared to outspend Russia and China to win a new nuclear arms race. “The president has made clear that we have a tried and true practice here,” he remarked. “We know how to win these races and we know how to spend the adversary into oblivion.”
This comment was not out of line for a Trump administration official. Indeed, back in December 2016, shortly after his election, Trump himself proclaimed that the United States would “greatly strengthen and expand” the U.S. government’s nuclear weapons program, adding provocatively: “Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all.” In a fresh challenge to Russia and China, delivered in October 2018, Trump again extolled his decision to win the nuclear arms race, explaining: “We have more money than anybody else, by far.”
And, in fact, the Trump administration has followed through on its promise to pour American tax dollars into the arms race through a vast expansion of the U.S. military budget.
In 2019 alone (the last year for which worldwide spending figures are available), federal spending on the U.S. military soared to $732 billion. (Other military analysts, who included military-related spending, put the figure at $1.25 trillion.) As a result, the United States, with about 4 percent of the world’s population, accounted for 38 percent of world military spending. Although it’s certainly true that other nations engaged in military buildups as well, China accounted for only 14 percent of global military spending that year, while Russia accounted for only 3 percent. Indeed, the United States spent more on its military than the next 10 countries combined.
The vast military superiority enjoyed by the United States, however, was not nearly enough for the Trump administration. In February 2020, the administration introduced a 2021 fiscal year budget proposal that would devote 55 percent of the federal government’s $1.3 trillion discretionary spending to the military. By 2030, the military proportion of the federal budget would rise to 62 percent.
Today, about four months later, this top priority for military spending might strike many Americans as bizarre. After all, a disease pandemic continues to plague the nation (with over 110,000 deaths thus far), a large portion of the economy has collapsed, unemployment has reached the catastrophic levels of the Great Depression, and American cities are torn by strife. Wouldn’t this be an appropriate time to focus America’s financial resources on public healthcare, educational opportunity, decent housing, and a major jobs program―or, in the words of the U.S. constitution, to “promote the general welfare“? But Republican officials argue that these and other public assistance measures are “too expensive.”
No ‘color revolution’ has brought the world closer to peace. Since the end of the Cold War they have served only to bring the planet, slowly but steadily, towards a third catastrophic global conflict.
Welcome to OffG. Please enjoy our cimmemts section. We first have a few ads below paid for by our friends at the DNC and ANTIFA.
Enjoy the commentary.
THAT DOES IT!!! (👈 caps)
I am so mad about this that now I really feel like going out there and rioting.
This has to stop! We need to fight back!
“the possible role of the notorious liberal billionaire investor and “philanthropist” George Soros and his Open Society Foundation (OSF).”
I have numerous reliable sources in the east on RT claiming to have proof that Soros is the devil incarnate. They can’t all be wrong.
Oddly. I have the same number in the west saying that about Rice.
If I was Putin, I wouldn’t let them in my country either. Can’t we at least have some basic minimum standards here?
I am going to call Justin 🇨🇦 and let him know we don’t want these kind of extremist freaks coming to our country. You do what you want.
Holy cow man. No way.
“The suspicious placement of pallets of bricks in the proximity of numerous protest sites have spurred rumors of sabotage by everything from white supremacist groups to “Antifa” to law enforcement itself.”
Part of the controversy here is that when you consider the number of cameras in the vicinity (which is many blocks in this case) the list of trucks that could drop the pellets is very small. .
It simply isn’t plausible that the authorities don’t already know who is responsible for the bricks. It would be a list of a dozen or two vehicles. Dropping pallets is loud and conspicuous regardless of this.
So what’s going on?
I’ve seen two videos of the police stacking bricks in strategic places, one even with a by passer screaming and yelling at them for doing so, and I suppose that’s why the authorities “don’t know” who is responsible for it.
Would it be possible to dress as a policeman?
Would it be possible for police to wear plainclothes?
Read David G. Horsmans comment above.
For anyone who recognises the power elite/occult connection, you may be interested in this video showing connections between George Floyd and the song, Edge of Glory.
In the comments someone points out that 8:46 is:
— the time of the first plane strike on 9/11
— length of time of knee on George Floyd’s neck
— stated time of sunset in Minneapolis on 5/25/20.
blacks wearing slave masks? i thought it was the chineese who had tiny ones. wtf is that?
Every mass demonstration brings out an eclectic assortment of people. Most of the protesters hope for genuine reforms, but many are just curious spectators, and of course there’s the usual provocateurs, or agents of the national security state assessing the many ways they can co-opt the latest political movement.
In general, the security state can only lay the groundwork leading to enough discontent to cause a segment of the population to erupt. However, when this eruption occurs it’s really because of festering past grievances.
For example, a mysterious virus can be released from a DARPA funded lab in Wuhan China, resulting in security state instigated lockdowns leading to economic devastation for more than 40 million, but the ultimate trigger point causing a massive revolt is not always
guaranteed. In the case of the US, the catalyst was the savage murder of George Floyd at the knee of a Minneapolis cop with a long history of police brutality.
Consequently millions of protesters spontaneously took to the streets, proving that these demonstrations were not completely contrived. The pent up outrage of past horrific injustices were never resolved combined with three months of forced self-isolation provided the final breaking point.
It should be mentioned, that if mass demonstrations are not organized behind a specific agenda but remain a “free-for-all” they’re quickly co-opted by the security state who use the movement to advance their own agenda. This eventually results in the disbanding of the political movement where it’s tossed into the usual political trash heap. It’s worth mentioning, that protests instigated in foreign countries are usually designed to cause a civil war and regime change. They tend to lead to genocidal military interventions like in Syria where more 500,000 were slaughtered.
The national security state is not interested in causing this kind of violent mayhem in the US, they’re only interested in creating enough discontent to remove Trump and reinstall Biden along with Obama’s security state apparatchiks.
The demonstration spurring millions into the streets could’ve highlighted class struggle, economic exploitation, and the imperialist wars but unfortunately it’s being sidelined into an identity politics lovefest.
The ruling class wants voters to believe a transgender, black, or female neoliberal
warmongering fascist is a lot nicer to have in the White House than the run-of-the-mill white male version of such.
A recent example of a co-opted political movement is Bernie Sanders “Our Revolution.” It was easy for the security state to co-opt this movement since it was aided by the leader sellot Bernie. “Our Revolution” was particularly troublesome because it garnered genuine support from the young and working-poor two groups who are fiercely outraged by social injustice. However, Bernie took their support and money then promptly dropped out of the presidential race telling his loyal followers to vote for crooked brain dead warmongering neoliberal Joe Biden
Here we go again……
Thanks for the reality check about the fact that these “protests” are primarily co-opted vehicles for creation of chaos by the billionaire thugs behind such “movements” as BLM. Such thugs do indeed provide massive funding for such movements, which there is ample evidence of around the Internet:
Good Link– here’s another “Obama enabled and encouraged roughly 9 million foreclosures. This was Geithner’s explicit policy at Treasury. The Obama administration put together a foreclosure program that it marketed as a way to help homeowners, but when Elizabeth Warren, then chairman of the Congressional Oversight Panel, grilled Geithner on why the program wasn’t stopping foreclosures, he said that really wasn’t the point. The program, in his view, was working. “We estimate that they can handle 10 million foreclosures, over time,” Geithner said — referring to the banks. “This program will help foam the runway for them.” For Geithner, the most productive economic policy was to get banks back to business as usual.”
This is interesting rebutal here.
Please provide proof BLM has received $100 million and don’t cite the Washington Times rag journalism. If “BLM” had $100m they’d be a political player in legislation. Rumors like this, and even NGO activity, operated as a to-be-discovered-as-contributor as a reason to discredit movements. How better a way to discredit any political action that to help them? This makes NED/CIA’s job as easy as pie.
What’s happening here in my opinion is that we exist in a world administered by the deep state, the 1% ruling elite capitalist order established over the last 100 years, that is everything ruling us. There is no deep state, it’s all a deep state. And we are now surrounded in their CIA state of confusion that is designed to obliterate any perception of what is actually happening. We are all “poor” George Smiley’s in this world. Clueless and stymied.
As a participant in the best west coast Occupy, i can tell you that there were provocateurs to make us look bad in the press. That there was local media journalists actively participating in undermining our efforts as agents for the police, and lying in local news broadcasts. But the most deadly destructive acts were made by city officials and police violence & illegality backed by HS support. We had created a functional direct democracy decision making forum as an example of a sustainable self-governing replacement to the deep state’s faux republics and this was intolerable then and totally the System’s greatest fear in 2020. This is why any discussion of Direct Democracy is virtually non-existent within media. It’s mocked by any personality within the system that’s allowed a seat before your screens (“How do we do that? There’s no way to do that.”). Any instance of DD organizing are undermined by whacko participants (see Facebook) probably funded by US Empire (deep state + 1% + corps + politicians) or they are marginalized from view so no one ever sees them and what they have to say like as in the Community Rights movements.
So what are we to do amidst CIA-style confusionism and deconstruction of social movements? Ignore all of the stories, the conflicts, and false consciousness that is being pumped out by the system. For instance after reading this article, all one can feel is freezer cynicism. Talk about Ice 9! The commenters here pretty much reflect that.
We have a system that rules us when we should have a system we rule. How can we rule over ourselves and remove the tyrants from the equation? Direct Democracy. We can vote policy and budgets directly and hire legislative technicians within existing gov’t staff to implement under our vigilent oversight. Government should be our employees, not our rulers. This is doable. We did it at Occupy with 90% consensus votes. And the existing system in all it’s forms deconstructed it as it continues to do with every other movement today. Below is my small project to replace cynicism with individual policy declaring power. It’s an idea to build from the ground up…
…seconds later…..evidence!
JOURNEY MAKERS – modifying your behaviour in transit. Just for a mask?
It sounds innocent. Volunteers! To help you find your way while wearing your mask. Who’d object. But these UK volunteers answer directly to bureaucrats, bypassing common law and legally instituted police.
So who are these charitable do-gooders that will have the power to boss you around – for something so innocent as a mask? Head of the project is Sigmund Freud’s grandson, nephew of the inventor of public relations Edward Bernays, and president of Volunteering Matters, Lord David Freud.
This rat run around common law rings alarm bells for David Scott of UK Column Northern Approaches.
He’s worried because Lord Freud, a former minister for welfare reform, 2010-2016, will report directly to Mark Sedwill, head of the Civil Service, the Cabinet Secretary, the National Security Adviser.
Like Contact Tracers, these volunteers are working for the deep state but they are not accountable to you through any branch of government.
It may or may not sound like the Stasi. That depends on your level of paranoia. Ask yourself why the government wants or needs to create shadow structures reporting to the center when we already have the police, the transport police and transport workers (who, by the way, are pissed off).
Book of the Day: Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall by Anna Funder, 2003
Quote of the Day: R. Christopher Lasch (1932–1994) American historian, moralist, and social critic:
UK Column June 15th, 2020 @48:20
Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest – More on the UK’s psychological manipulation teams at the heart of government.
The UK Behavioural Insights Team web site reveals a previously unknown body, the 2015 ‘What Works Trial Advice Panel’ combining 50 external experts from academia and the civil service.
UK Column points out that the experts can hardly be external if they are working directly for the Cabinet Office. These experts range from military and education to policing, and even something called ‘Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest’
This latter is a forum for discussions of revolutionary waves, historical analysis of past and present collective movements, socio-psychological analysis of the cognitive and emotional correlates of social protest, legal and economic implications, and art through and from social movements.
These ‘protest experts’ support Black Lives Matter on the BIT web site. Just as the UK Government Counter Extremism Unit and the Department of Education supported and protected Extinction Rebellion.
It looks like these social protests are being accommodated, perhaps even planned and coordinated, from within government.
And Britons think they have a Conservative government! There clearly is no party system. This is government by technocrats.
@ 31:30 minutes
When will people get, IT’S ALL STAGED. It’s all Problem > Reaction > Solution and has been since the Roman emperor, Diocletian.
“Diocletian’s vice-emperor, Galerius, didn’t have a hard time in persuading him that if a Palace were just to burn down, Diocletian could really accelerate his crusade against the Christians. Just by coincidence, twice within sixteen days toward the end of February, Diocletian’s palace in Nicomedia burned. The Christians were immediately blamed.”
Why do people start at Reaction or Solution? Why don’t they start at the root: Problem!
The Problem is INVENTED.
The Reaction is MANUFACTURED.
The Solution is ENFORCED.
George Floyd’s death was staged and it was so staaaagilyyyyyy staged.
— Unconvincing claims by “George” that he can’t breathe and unconvincing heavy application of knee to his neck. As if police officers are going to kill someone right in front of a camera. Pleeaaaze.
— PSYOP? George Floyd “death” was faked by crisis actors to engineer revolutionary riots, video authors say
— And, of course, the lame family response. We must always have that.
Watch: Interviews with 2 cousins of George Floyd, and family attorney Ben Crump
False flag/hoax advocates really do put us respectable conspiracy theorist into disrepute by association with claims nothings real, I suppose i’m imagining replying to your fictitious post.
To be honest, the conversation goes on so long, you really have to ask if he was short of breath or if he was intoxicated by drugs and eventually fell unconscious.
The exchange between Floyd and the police goes on for two minutes, during which he speaks phrases 40 times. In all he says “I can’t breath,” nine times from the beginning until near the very end of the video.
In the middle he says: “I’m fucking hungry. My stomach hurts. My neck hurts. Everything hurts. Arrgh. Gimme water or something. Please, please!”
To which an officer responds: “This is why you don’t do drugs, kids.” That comes right in the middle of the two-minute exchange between Floyd and the police..
At no point does Floyd indicate that he knows Chauvin, nor vice versa, despite the fact that we know they worked together at the same nightclub El Neuvo Rodeo for years.
I can’t breathe – George Floyd – Longer version.The video is repeated so it starts @ 00:18 seconds:
Serious expert analysis of how Floyd may have died, including the amounts of pressure to back and neck carotid arteries and the trachea necessary to cause asphyxia. Plus analysis of autopsy reports.
“If you are talking you are breathing – the process of exhaling is how you talk and is part of breathing. OTOH even if someone is talking they can still be on the brink of cessation of breathing.” — Dr Mike Hansen
Great explanation by the Doc. Unbiased.
I think if the ‘problem’ seems to be a death caught on camera and that death appears to be caused through police brutality and an act of alleged racism, the reaction is likely to be real.You would only need to manufacture one if the audience didn’t buy it or an audience didn’t see it.In the case of George Floyd it appears to be a real death and an expected if little over blown reaction that was natural.
”Unconvincing claims by “George” that he can’t breathe and unconvincing heavy application of knee to his neck. As if police officers are going to kill someone right in front of a camera.”
Did the police intend to kill him ? Or did they intend to rough him up and generally mistreat him. What is the official cause of death ? Yes the knee was on the neck.But,as you say, would a police officer really stick it in on camera ?The official cause of death was :
“cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” The private autopsy states the cause of death was “mechanical asphyxia.”
That suggests a man of Floyd’s age in normal or good health would possibly have survived.But Floyd had a bad heart. He was also a user of hard drugs.So that knee was more dangerous than the police thought.This isn’t a defence the police.The prisoner should have been sat in the back of a car handcuffed but wasn’t. And it was still an abuse of power and assault.
”PSYOP? George Floyd “death” was faked by crisis actors to engineer revolutionary riots, video authors say”
Or was it an event that was needed to provide a nationwide- then global- vent for the 3 months of enforced imprisonment of the global populace who were growing increasingly angry as the real ‘psyop’ was being exposed.That of the globalists running a drill to see how ready we are to comply to their endgame’s nihilistic rules and regulations.
It seems quite certain that the democrats and/or the deep staters are now using the same agitation tactics they used to remove leaders of other countries on their own country and countrymen. In their own barren minds they have no choice because they will not get power any other way. Not for the next 4 years anyway.
BLM are even attacking the statues of anti-slavers because they are white. This does highlight the average IQ of the useful idiots very well and probably should be used as a benchmark. One can bet that soros, et al, have done just that.
During the Occupy Wall St protests, agitators could be seen opening boxes stuffed with american flags which had corporate logos in place of the stars. When i saw that i knew that the protest was doomed as it was being either usurped or actually organised by the same rabble that is now saying it’s ok to burn businesses and attack police or anyone else who stands in the way of the organised chaos.
Many US police are ex military. They see it it as a continuation of their service and job prospects. Unfortunately this has a down side as those police will inevitably refer to their military training to control and arrest civilians.
What is very clear to many, who actually bother to research these so-called social organisations which are anything but social, that this chaos has been planned and ready to roll for a long time.
It is also very clear that the protestors have been conned into attacking the wrong targets. MSM and those they represent are the true enemies of the people.
All people fighting for the Republican side as members of the “International Brigade” (during the Spanish Civil war) were card carrying members of the Communist Party.
It was a compulsory requirement.
George Orwell (who was not a Communist) fought with the POUM, an anarchist trade union movement who (unknown to Orwell) committed many atrocities). If Franco´s Nationalists had not won Spain would have adopted Communism based on the Soviet/Cuban model – resulting in far more deaths in post war recriminations.
Which is what worries me now. If the Antifa/BLM coalition does gain control of Britain all those suspected of being “filthy capatalist” would be subject to genocide….
Who knew that nostalgia for Franco was a thing. It’s kinda disturbing how many truly unhinged reactionaries this site attracts.
Indeed – “unhinged reactionaries” who post comments seeking to elicit an emotional response in place of a valid or compelling argument.
My post contains no element of nostalgia for General Franco … go troll somewhere else.
Right, you simply thought Franco’s nationalists were a good thing. Which makes you an unhinged reactionary. Franco, Good or Bad? is a closed matter for civilized people and doesn’t merit polite discussion.
I was born in Spain in 1944 and lived and went to school there (under the Franco regime) until I was 18. Does this disqualify “merit” and exclude me from “discussion”?
Not to mention being an “unhinged reactionary”.
Stay safe.
Love Maria
You, elsewhere on this site, asserted that you were from North Africa.
Melilla. Spanish enclave on the African continent.Anything else while you are on?
Ah, an imperialist.
Steve, Honeybun!
Much as I enjoy reading your comments … my husband is becoming suspicious about our protracted “conversations” …
Voy antes de que se divorcie de mí.
abrazos y besos.
Maria xxx
¡Voy con la esperanza de que te divorcies de mí!
no, it means that you’ve uncritically incorporated the regime’s propaganda lies into your worldview. as Orwell’s account describes, there were many people, probably an absolute majority of the working class, who supported neither the stalinists nor the fascists, and it was only the combined efforts of the latter that prevented them from getting their way.
You are probably right … for the first 18 years of my life I was subject to the vicious propaganda dispensed by Franco via my schooling and government controlled media. And grew up a disillusioned victim of fascist indoctrination. I should recognise the terrible error of my ways and apologize .
Except I remember a wonderfully happy, secure childhood free from material greed growing up in a safe environment (no electric or water) with a wonderful school teacher whose words (now over 60 years later) I still recall. Sure sometimes we were hungry – one winter our main “diet” was thistle soup. (still enjoy it today!).
Arriving in England (age 18 in 1962) unable to speak English was the first major challenge in my previously sheltered life.
We still remember the “old days” with family and friends – and you will be appalled to learn that we all enjoyed them!
All successful protests on all “sides” are run by Deepstate. A protest that isn’t run by Deepstate either fizzles out immediately, or gets bombed down to bedrock. If a movement grows and gathers support without being bombed, we know who’s in charge.
Totally agree. The “Deep State” is a nebulous concept and while its objectives may be clearly defined its real identity is obscure and enigmatic. And evil!
The deep state is anything but nebulous: it refers to the permanent state bureaucrats. For example, here in England, Mark Sedwill is the head of the deep state.
Of course Steve. I agree that some less than savory bureaucrats are identified as having acquired positions of power and are visible in a “administrative” hierarchical pyramid. The real issue is who (or what) steered them there and who is steering them now Forces like George Sorus, Bill Gates the Russians.
All pyramids have an apex and perhaps the mist of this pyramid is lost in the clouds – or nebulous. (Nebula from Latin, “mist” or “cloud.”)
This is just nonsense. George Soros is not part of the deep state in this country; although he certainly uses his funds to influence the deep states in many countries. As for “the Russians” I have no idea what you are referring to.
I omitted a question mark! An omission which may explain why describe my post as “just nonsense” … The names were included as suggestions of responsibility even though as previously stated (by me) they remain unidentifiable.
You appear to suggest Mark Sedwill.
I will refrain from observing that this is “just nonsense”!
Peace and love. Maria
I did not suggest Mark Sedwill. I stated it as a fact, and it is a fact. Sedwill is the head of the Civil Service, the Cabinet Secretary, the National Security Adviser, He is the head of the deep state in this country.
For several years I have subscribed to UK Column News (one of the first to regularly expose the delightful Mr Sedwill) – and while the status of Mr Sedwill is clearly not a conspiracy theory have the audacity to suggest that he is not at the top of pyramid. Hope this is not too upsetting for you.
Peace. Maria
Given the content of this conversation, your user name really is ironic.
Getting closer.
How about the Army?
The pyramids were built by slaves and as such are monuments to racism and should be bulldozed into the Nile, BLM!
Could you be more full of shit? The people who rule the world and their security apparatus couldn’t be more obvious. This shit is only a great mystery to laughably stupid reactionaries — not mentioning any names — trying to weave communist plots out of phenomena betray nothing more mysterious than ruling class self-interest.
Perhaps an exchange of opinion without unnecessary expletives would be more constructive. Standards dear chap, standards!
Oh I do love when avowed fascists tout civility.
You have a vivid imagination but … sorry to disappoint you but I am a 75 year old grandmother of African/Spanish extraction and without the slightest of “fascist” inclinations …
On the matter of “civility” – consider some of your comments.
Love and peace. Maria
This seems pretty fascist-inclined to me, sorry. The same logic could be applied to the Third Reich since it was contrived specifically to prevent the spread of communism to Germany.
Have no idea what you intend to prove with your age and ethnicity.
If, as you seem to think, BLM and Antifa are Deep State contrivances, it’s the “filthy capitalists” running the show. Were you not nostalgic for fascism, and actually understood its historical function, this would be obvious.
Thank you for your confused and “straw man” responses …. but I am not buying your nonsense.
Franco was not a facist (or a racist) he was a military dictator he only met Hitler once and they disliked each other intensely.
Your selective use of history and your corrupt view of the world is becoming boring and I will not be responding to any more of your insulting drivel. Go back to school little boy.
Kisses. Maria
Franco was not a facist
After Francisco Franco seized power on 19 April 1937, he united under his command the Falange with the Carlist Comunión Tradicionalista with the Unification Decree, forming the Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS (FET y de las JONS), whose official ideology was the Falangists’ 27 puntos—reduced after the unification to 26. While the Carlists came off worse in this forced union, Franco had correctly deduced that they would be more obedient and less politically minded, making it less of a concern.
Despite this, the party was in fact a wide-ranging nationalist coalition, closely controlled by Franco. Parts of the original Falange (including Hedilla) and many Carlists did not join the unified party. Franco had sought to control the Falange after a clash between Hedilla and his main critics within the group, the legitimistas of Agustín Aznar and Sancho Dávila y Fernández de Celis, that threatened to derail the Nationalist war effort.
The new uniform consisted of the Carlist red beret and the Falangist blue shirt.
While the Falange was increasingly integrated into the Nationalist military, it did manage to maintain its own identity; their uniforms and correspondence maintained their own Falangist insignia, while the traditional term presente! was used to refer to fallen comrades in reports and logs
After Francisco Franco seized power on 19 April 1937, he united under his command the Falange with the Carlist Comunión Tradicionalista with the Unification Decree, forming the Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS (FET y de las JONS), whose official ideology was the Falangists’ 27 puntos—reduced after the unification to 26. While the Carlists came off worse in this forced union, Franco had correctly deduced that they would be more obedient and less politically minded, making it less of a concern.
Despite this, the party was in fact a wide-ranging nationalist coalition, closely controlled by Franco. Parts of the original Falange (including Hedilla) and many Carlists did not join the unified party. Franco had sought to control the Falange after a clash between Hedilla and his main critics within the group, the legitimistas of Agustín Aznar and Sancho Dávila y Fernández de Celis, that threatened to derail the Nationalist war effort.
The new uniform consisted of the Carlist red beret and the Falangist blue shirt.
While the Falange was increasingly integrated into the Nationalist military, it did manage to maintain its own identity; their uniforms and correspondence maintained their own Falangist insignia, while the traditional term presente! was used to refer to fallen comrades in reports and logs
I don’t find the phrase Deep State at all useful, since it mostly describes the quotidian operations of the capitalist state’s security apparatus and the tactical coalitions it forms to achieve its ends. Deep State suggests a network of anti-democratic bad apples, as if they aren’t absolutely essential to the survival of capitalism and the billionaire class it benefits. The co-opting of movements and the execution of false flag events are executed by known state agencies doing exactly what they were established to do.
The way you describe the Deep State is pretty much the way that author Mike Lofgren would define it – that is, the guy that coined the term. His 2016 book The Deep State is pretty uncontroversial. I think its meaning has become politicized and twisted: Trump has embraced the term to explain (not w/o some justification) the scam of Russiagate, while Democrats claim the term is manufactured by right-wing conspiracy nuts.
I think the term originally came from Turkey, whose modern history is entirely inexplicable without reference to the activities of secretive para-state organizations. These carry out off-the-books operations of violence, to ensure that the formal state apparatus always serves the interests of dominant factions of the ruling class.
Who organized the JFK assassination, or the 9/11 false-flag event? You’ll never know their names, much less read the planning documents, and yet it is entirely clear that these forces are intimately connected with the above-ground visible state apparatus, and decisively influence the direction of its policies at critical historical junctures.
This is the deep state. You know it’s there, even though you can’t see it. Even the CIA has office buildings at known addresses. The deep state may make use of these, or have personnel who work there, but the real control structures remain hidden from public view.
Max Kolskegg — 9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans
Aldous Huxley called it “the power elite” in BNW Revisited (1958).
Huxley was borrowing C. Wright Mills’ term. He wrote a book (still worth reading) called The Power Elite in 1956.
Author writes:
By reading Antifa CHAZ Manifesto it is clear that they are not socialists or communist and it is hard to call them radical in leftist terms. However political confusion, internal contradictions bordering with absurdity and immaturity are clearly visible.
More pertinent question is whether or not Antifa represents mixture of Trumpism or at least FEDERALISM or in fact corporatism because it is not historic anarchism or Marxism as they are being labeled with.
Or their position, amid rhetorical radicalism and wishful thinking of very good intentions for needed changes that not nearly amount to any sort of revolution creating CHAZ would suggest, in the end amounts to incoherent utterance likely stemming from involvement of different DM run leftist outfits like DSA and SA in Seattle. You be the judge
Selected Quotes from Antifa CHAZ memorandum Via Medium with my comments in brackets:
The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. [good start] We do not request reform, we demand abolition. [even better] We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. [Great but that would practically mean abolishing of state law and perhaps even state itself by seceding from US] This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. [it is more about money than revolution and perhaps corporatization of policing ] At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE [not just local cooperation with FEDs many local authorities already refused] in the city of Seattle [and that means never mentioned by Antifa secession of Seattle from US but do they really mean braking from US]
In the transitionary period between now [why transitional period at all not immediately abolishing police establish revolutionary guards, making quite reasonable point moot ] and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest. [no violence is always good idea but requires break from the very US constitution that affirms right of, strangely never mentioned in Antifa demands, effectively running city of Seattle ,Amazon oligarchy or any corporation including private prisons Antifa want to abolish. There is no attack on any corporations in any of CHAZ Antifa demands, issue that would have been on forefront of any radical leftists or anarchists demands, no wonder that even Amazon supports BML protests and acquiesced to Antifa and BLM and Black Block riots ]
We demand that not the City government, nor the State government, but that the Federal government launch a full-scale investigation into past and current cases of police brutality in Seattle and Washington, as well as the re-opening of all closed cases reported to the Office of Police Accountability. [ now we see what this phony revolution is all about unwavering faith in Federal Government equitable justice already proven a fig leaf for police murder in LA , or Chicago no need to go on about that revealing real Antifa agenda turd] In particular, we demand that cases particular to Seattle and Washington be reopened where no justice has been served, namely the cases of Iosia Faletogo, Damarius Butts, Isaiah Obet, Tommy Le, Shaun Fuhr, and Charleena Lyles.
We demand reparations for victims of police brutality, in a form to be determined.[more begging for money, not taking it]
We demand decriminalization of the acts of protest, and amnesty for protestors generally, [but not all acts of protests, does it specifically apply to lockdown protests or white supremacy labeled groups. Lack of specificity hides true intend, here is coming] but specifically those involved in what has been termed “The George Floyd Rebellion” against the terrorist cell that previously occupied this area known as the Seattle Police Department. [fiery and deserving rhetoric but what does this mean? arresting all those police terrorists? Not exactly, it us about freeing their own] This includes the immediate release of all protestors currently being held in prison after the arrests made at 11th and Pine on Sunday night and early Saturday morning June 7th and 8th, and any other protesters arrested in the past two weeks of the uprising, the name Evan Hreha in particular comes to mind who filmed Seattle police macing a young girl and is now in jail.[ big fiery rhetoric followed by mean demands, sorry protesters of Minneapolis NYC and elsewhere Antifa Seattle does not give a shit about you roting in Jail as Feds and other state police are arbiters if justice beyond reproach in eyes of Seattle “radicals”]
I will stop here and address other Antifa Demands in next installment but It is clear already that this amalgamation of many good ideas turned into inherent contradictions between noble aims and remedies proposed was sadly manipulated to the end of denying the only possible conclusion of realistic systemic changes namely abolition of 230 y.o, abhorrent Imperial US regime of lies, exploitation and war, profound change of social order and social relations devoid of greed, domination and economic extortion toward locally self governed equal, equitable and egalitarian democratic society.
It is also important to note that Antifa hints of police reforms in Seattle In transitory time too much resemble or preempt meaningless cosmetic proposals that sounds similar, coming from many police unions and perhaps from WH or Congress, for example about creation of database of bad cops so they are perhaps not rehired elsewhere.
Lack of support for Antifa from industrial workers of Seattle while big support from corporations and that includes Amazon, Microsoft and Gates foundation and many others doing business in CHAZ smells bad and repudiates any claim of radical leftist character of the Seattle rebellion and suggest that despite welcome rhetoric Antifa in fact seemingly pushes not for popular revolution but for total corporatism and privatization of entire public sphere including police run by industrial lords like Bezos.
solid words
That’s the problem with marxism & the left in general, privileged academics don’t understand the real world because they’ve never had live in it, they try to intellectualize & over analyze everything to much. When sometimes its just about survival.
Plus, in my experience, most “privileged academics” know sod all about anything else other than their “specialist subject” … and some are just plain thick!
Whilst I agree with much of your post … is there a slight sniff of you attempting to connect Donald Trump with Antifa? Far more likely for there to be a connection between the Democrat Party and Antifa!
As antifa considers federal government as some kind of authority hinting that Trump’s DOJ could be re-trying in federal courts civil rights crimes against blacks committed by local police or setting up federal commission to review police human rights violations they imply some trust in Trump administration or any administration and exhibit huge naïveté or deliberate deception aimed to again funnel people anger into abyss of bipartisan politics as all that rhetoric was tried many times before dealing with murderous culture of policing in US to no effect as intended.
Today one who invokes any confidence whatsoever in government run by either flaccid clown and his gang, Wall Street oligarchy or CIA security apparatus infiltrated and dominated Dems cannot be genuine rebel. And Antifa is getting open support from SA, DSA or even indirectly by SEP media and other lapsed Marxists, progressives and other appendages of DP.
The major point I have made was that Antifa is neither radical nor genuinely leftist but rather is used in political games of political parties of establishment seeking credibility and advantage by proliferation of deceit.
Given the human penchant for machination, turning everything attempted into grist for some kind of power play, it can safely be said that the only good humanity is an extinct humanity.
The only political thought worth anything is anarchy – true anarchy (no ruler) as opposed to pseudo-anarchy, which merely seeks to overthrow the established order so as to set up…yet another established order. A true anarchist recognizes the futility of “changing the system” and “working within the system.” The point is there should be no system. Above all, there should be no rulers.
But humans will have their “leaders” no matter how many times leadership leads to enslavement of the masses. A species that wants the very thing which will lead to its destruction is a species worthy of extinction.
Sprung up independently?!?!?! Man, do I have a bridge I think youd be interested in…
Source on Ben Norton comment:
Why am I getting down votes for providing a source to Ben Norton by Ben Norton?
That was a long and winding road.Interesting to read though. From riots on the streets to machinations in high places among the low lives..
This George Floyd event has proven to be a catalyst for all sorts. Firstly, race riots. Then there are the protests against the police, or, more specifically, their abuse of the power they have invested in them; their violence and, sometimes, blood lust and killing.It’s also given the historians an opportunity to dust down so many Martin Luther King quotes and references along with Nelson Mandela’s best bits .And how about the truthers who see this as a deliberate act instigated by the powers that be; another problem, reaction, solution operation. Tried and trusted.And, of course, those who would jump to defend their fine and diplomatic, fair minded president claiming the states all over America are doing this to ruin his re-election chances.It’s all about him( he’d love that).
Some of that may be true.Some may be nonsense.Maybe all of it is true in part.I prefer to look at the broader context of it.In particular, the timing.
For three months running up to this we have been imprisoned within our own four walls on the instruction of our governments.All because they said a virus which isn’t dangerous to 90% of those unfortunate enough to contract it, are in no danger.As time passed, doubts were cast. Cracks appeared.Information was leaked.Soon we learned it was a long – planned behavioural exercise to see how obedient we can be.Then we learned that, along with dishonest behavioural psychologists being paid big cash by the governments, so too were computer code writers and statisticians.Their remit was the same; create fear in order to secure control and compliance.Then laws were pushed through to administer fines to those who dared to break self isolation.Finally, we were told to applaud- literally at a given time- the health workers who were secretly turning away thousands of lower class, elderly and handicapped patients in the name of the virus.And the doctors were granted carte blanche to lie on death certificates to maintain the culture of paranoia and fear.All to maintain a lie that would give them reason to vaccinate the world and implant tracking devices in us.We had the knee that was on George Floyd’s neck on ours too.Yet it was us who were told were the danger to others if we stepped out of line.This was a fuse that burned slowly but burned nonetheless. When George Floyd was murdered by the Police who were keeping order for the people who had us like trained dogs, the bomb went off.
For 20 years, we have been trained to love to herd.The advent of the internet offered us that chance to join herds of thousands even though it was only in the ether.The togetherness was the hook. The buzz was the drug.The social networks offered by those who want to know every move made by every citizen were perfect pens to use for them to observe our ever changing zeitgeist. Groups upon groups of like minded were forming all over the new world.The old ‘united we stand, divided we fall’ mantra was alive and well and infectious.
The most dangerous of course were the ‘alt’ groups.Those with the spirit of the 1960s counter culture running through them.Those who wanted to ‘stick it to the man’.Unfortunately, the long dead underground movements are merely a memory.They had secrecy.Online you can’t breathe without being watched and listened to.It’s like trying to win a big poker hand yet whispering your cards to the other players.It’s an unwinnable fight.
As the collective consciousness became ‘a thing’ online so too did it’s collective ego and collective subconscious.The hive mind thought as one and felt the same pains.It reacts as one. It’s the way of the herd.And when these heads leave their screens and hit the streets we see it.The anger at the blatant totalitarianism being added to the national psyche brick by brick.The rage at the arrogance of the NWO and it’s Nazi ideologies.But, deep inside, these rebels know that it takes more than knowledge and rage to beat these ruthless nihilists. They would run you down in a heartbeat.It doesn’t matter about the tired comparisons of the 1% versus the 99%. The one percent have all the weapons and can’t wait to use them.Poison, medication, food, guns, anything.So even though you know you’re fighting the good fight for all the right reasons, you know you can’t win.If you take it to them it will be over faster than you could imagine.So the hive mind and the hive ego defence has moved into classic displacement.They can’t take the rage to the Dystopian oligarchies. They’d be mowed down.The police are a different matter.They have weapons too but they can be overwhelmed sometimes and they can be the pawns on the chess board for the kings that stay protected.
The police are supposed to protect and serve.But catch one off camera or microphone they love telling you they are there to enforce the law.You don’t have to be black.You just need to challenge authority.They’re equal opportunity fascists.They earned all those weapons and are itching to use them.But when the white policeman killed the black man that was the opportunity to let it all out.That’s why in some places a lot of rioters and looters were white.The three month lockdown was a step too far.The arrogance of the drivers of it like Gates and Fauci were salt for our wounds.The inaction of world leaders to debate the reality of the virus, the lockdown and the fake news they’d paid the media to spread was worse.
With 9 /11 we lost the freedom. The patriot act was worldwide.If we questioned it we were told it was to protect us because of outside terror.That keeps them off the hook.Now we have the digital equivalent that they’re hoping to bring in via Gates and chips.
On the run up to 9 / 11 we were all primed by Philip Zelikow. He had written about how a “catastrophic terrorism” event could constitute a momentous, history-shaping milestone: “An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people… would be a watershed event in America’s history.… Like Pearl Harbour, such an event would divide our past and future into a ‘before’ and ‘after’” . And months later it arrived as did that dividing line.Zelikow was later placed on the 9/11 commission to ‘investigate’ it.
In 2015 and 2017 Gates and Fauci said similar things about a pandemic that the incumbent Trump would face. There was no suggestion of it being a possibility, it was given as a fact. Like a promise.And as Trump began his re-election drive they remembered it.They too had primed us. And they too delivered.And too many people can see it all unfold.Covid 19 is the biological 9/11 with a technological cure.Another invisible terrorist. The dangerous( we’re told) virus has yet to be isolated( therefore a vaccine can’t be made) but we can defend the population with implanted chips that we heard were coming years ago from Rockerfeller.
Democracy was put in a coma after 9/11. It’s been killed by a phantom virus.Now they have a problem. How do we put in place the Dystopian vision Orwell tried to warn them about and get away with it.The clue is the technology.In this case- nano.The obsession with AI is the priming.It’s the new religion. Bow your heads or have them bowed.The next move will involve inventing the new policeman.Somewhere between unthinking unfeeling military mercenary and a policeman we have known before as a traditional type.These will have the power to build martial law brick by brick.For our own good ( naturally).
Excellent comment. I’ve been away a few days visiting with my daughter, so for the first time been getting out into re-opened restaurants. At one for example, sign on door says absolutely must wear mask to get inside–this is California, which up to now has been more meticulous on the rules than, say, Arizona, my daughter’s home state. So we wore ’em in and were conducted to an every other booth type deal, no other changes in the café, plenty of open air. In the booth we could take ’em off no problem, and if we wanted to leave the booth to go to the restroom it was “Either way, whatever you feel like.” Then in came in some local cops (it was early in the morning) five of ’em, not wearing masks, sat in their booth very merry. Then in came a chain of what seemed regular customers, used to it, not wearing masks, and the cops didn’t seem to mind. The waitress wore a mask and she didn’t mind. It was all pretty relaxed on the mask business. Same at other restaurants, whereas not long ago taking a walk on a beach could get you a 1000 dollar fine. It then came through to me that of course a new lockdown has to be coming, a second wave to get people serious with the discipline again (big highway signs are lit up with such as “Wash your hands! Save a life!”) and this is a new, mild at this point form of martial law (a lower brick in the edifice to use your analogy). People I think are mostly concerned to keep up comfort levels and play along. No protests in my area as yet. We’re all quite obedient. This is the new normal in the conditioning program: do a little phony dance with the rules and you’ll be okay for now.
Ben Norton, whose article is linked in the above piece regarding a Murray Bookchin (article written in 1986 before the first Intifada) has also said that anyone that sees 9/11 has a state-backed false-flag event is a right-wing conspiracy nut (and therefore should justifiably be ignored and censored).
A stopped clock strikes the right time twice per day.
That is equally true for you and me Max. The FBI and CIA are rotten and not above murdering their own Commander in Chief but 9/11 was much too big and wide to keep under wraps: leaks would have been unavoidable. Keep it simple: 9/11 happened under their watch but not organized by them; they want to keep their own incompetence quiet.
The Saudi fly out on 9/12 gives the real game away: quickly export the remaining Saudi terror trainees exercising in the US before more of them get “creative”.
I’m not sure I agree. My take on 9/11 is here and actually addressed the Norton article:
it seems like there is common themes between these terror attacks and covid. transport eg. tourist destinations, planes, backpacks, metro trains, buses, bridges. then there was the ariana concert. with covid it is travel and music events at the back of the line to reopen.
so the infection theory is the planes and terrain theory is the demolition theory. it seems like a representation of other events. 77 there was reports the bomb was under the train i.e in the terrain. the ariana concert the bomb was on the ground floor in the foyer. the transport hub outside. there is the cgi images of the virus. it makes the no planes theory seem more credible.
there was this video licked a doghnut in this store n the media were saying it could spread some infection. i remember ravers would always share wat
And the 200 Mossad agents fly out on 9/13.
Who rigged the towers for demolition do you suppose? And the super-thermite? From jet engine fuel? Probably we shouldn’t get started. Let me recommend this study, although now 7 years old–maybe we could get further recommendations for more recent studies, with multiple investigators making reports:
9/11 Toronto Report, edited by James Gourley (2013)
Who rigged the towers for demolition do you suppose? And the super-thermite? From jet engine fuel? Probably we shouldn’t get started. Let me recommend this study, although now 7 years old (maybe we could get further recommendations for more recent studies), this one has reports from multiple investigators:
9/11 Toronto Report, edited by James Gourley (2013)
Sorry, that there editing function is a slippery little devil, and a bit impatient to be done.
please delete
Actually I saw that quote by Norton by following a link in your article posted on Dissident Voice. I don’t understand what you saying here. Maybe we agree that many people who do good work have blind spots? Have you read The Ecology of Freedom? It is hard to imagine Ben Norton up to that quality of thought.
My point was he may be wrong about 9/11 but that doesn’t mean he isn’t correct about the Kurds.
And who the fuck is Ben Norton?
He writes for the Grayzone with Max Blumenthal.
I noticed the use of the term “pseudo-left.” In the (recent) past, organizations like the now defunct ISO, or the DSA or Socialist Alternative in the US, organizations that are in some way adjuncts to the Democratic Party and/or function to corral the working class into “acceptable” directions I have seen portrayed as pseudo-left (would say accurately).But what genuine left organizations are there? Where’s the radical left? I mean if you participate in an organization that subscribes to the concept of Historical Materialism for example, (that is, that analysis of historical events must be grounded material reality), it seems that COVID-19 has to be a litmus test as to whether or not your organizatioin is really radical? WSWS, for example, has bought into the COVID narrative hook, line and sinker. What genuine left organizations are there? Who is genuinely on the side of working people?
None because they are all
con artistspoliticians & flip flop every 24hrs when ever the political opportunity presents itself.You’ve hit the nail on the head Tom. Where is the Radical Left? Perhaps in places like Argentina or Ghana or Guatemala or somewhere… But in the West? Nope.
Nearly all of them have been co-opted or subverted.
I think its now down to individuals and maybe very small groups here and there.
By their hysterical coverage on Covid19, the WSWS have revealed themselves as anything but genuine and almost certainly controlled opposition in my opinion.
Here in Australia, virtually every ‘socialist’ group are clones of the (defunct) ISO and Socialist Alternative. And I note the largest group here is very friendly with the DSA.
And, in my opinion, they’ve succumbed to rancid dead end of Identity Politics.
A sad state of affairs indeed.
Thank you for replying. I used to go regularly to WSWS. And you are right, their coverage has been/is hysterical. The COVID-19 psy-op will represent the greatest attack on working people in modern history – and they are cheering it on. I starting reading up on the history of Cointelpro because of it.
Indeed, there’s too much identity politics in Australian ‘socialism’. Some were still obsessing with it at the height of working class suffering during the lock-down. But not all go along with it.
I know CM. A lot of lives greatly impacted by the lockdowns and a lot of jobs gone, everywhere.
And in the United States, there will be millions either homeless or nearly homeless, especially when their Govt support runs out.
I’m intrigued by the ‘but not all go along with it’ (Identity Politics). Did you have any groups or people in mind?
I don’t even really know what’s happening in Australia as I’m just boycotting all MSM.
I hope your week is going well and you are good. With all that has happened, feel like I’m on a life raft in the middle of the Pacific, without a paddle.
As one of the more fortunate, I’m concerned to learn, GP, that you’re still in the economic doldrums and can only imagine how you feel. Please hang in!
As regards identity politics, I didn’t mean some socialist groups don’t go along with it. I meant some members of such groups don’t go along with it, i.e. there is a division of opinion. Some think that it’s liberal politics, not socialist politics. That’s my position.
Take care and stay well. CM.
Okay, gotcha. It’s been a tough slog, but can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Been trying to get early release of my Super, as discovered my main Super Fund account has a sizable amount in it (dating back to 2009) and I’d lost track of who it was with (moving addresses, forgetting to update new address etc) but the MyGov site is an unmitigated pain in the backside!
The mag is due to start again on Monday 29th, tho we will be expected to wear face masks. At least we’re not required to download the tracing app. Have a good evening.
Once again the failure of the owners of this website and those who post their conspiracist nonsense here betrays their unfamiliarity with a Marxist class analysis. Does anybody in their right mind think that Donald Trump has anything in common with, for example, Slobodan Milosevic? Milosevic became the victim of a color revolution because he was committed to the Titoist legacy that made Serbia a thorn in the side to German banks that sought to complete the transformation of Eastern Europe into a maquiladora zone. Is that what Trump represents? An obstacle to capitalist penetration of the USA? Donald Trump? What is wrong with you people?
Please go blind in your other eye
Please explain the eye thing….
Mr. Proyect’s anaylsis makes sense to me but you do need some understanding of history to understand it.
His analysis would make sense if Milosevic was the only leader to have been overthrown in a Color Revolution. Shevardnadze, Yanukovych, and Akayev were not “Titoists” or socialists.
And all of these men were defending state-owned properties, even if their hands were in the cookie jar. Trump is hell-bent on liquidating every last vestige of state owned or controlled assets in the USA, starting with the Western federally-owned lands that oil and mining companies are anxious to exploit. He is also for privatizing the post office. Max, you really need to read a newspaper to keep up with these developments. If you rely on Moon of Alabama,, Consortium News, etc., you will have a very narrow perspective even though you might prefer being in your comfort zone.
Ooh, you hurt my feelings. Boo-hoo.
“Does anybody in their right mind think that Donald Trump has anything in common with, for example, Slobodan Milosevic?”
Who here wrote/said that? I certainly didn’t. Your analysis is an accurate one. Agree with it.
Louis, curious what is your relationship with DSA. Remember attending one “Socialist Scholar’s Conference” where old Chetnik retrograde Bogdan Denitch and his good buddy Ian Williams (“CIA-Soros groupie”) could not contain their glee when NATO was bombing the crap out of Yugoslavia.
Orange Hair Bozo-Groper Joe. Master of Ceremony Sock Puppets for the same criminal gang.
I believe Mr. Proyectile-vomit was associated with the now defunct ISO, not the DSA. Btw, the ISO was funded by Tides/Soros and even used an Otpor-esque raised fist as its logo.
ISO heh?
Had a bad experience with them also, at a Mumia rally in Philadelphia which they were managing/organizing. Our group paid them to have some info tables there. They reneged and sent in the gestapo to shut us down. Almost lost all our stuff and got busted. Real low life scum. Glad they are defunct.
Max, you need to read Karl Marx. If you need help understanding what you are reading, there’s some good introductions. I recommend “An Idiot’s Guide to Marxism” by Hukkalaka Meshabob.
Correct. Interestingly the WSWS did a detailed expose on who was funding the ISO after they disbanded. And sadly, down here in Australia, nearly all socialist groups, or at least the largest ones are ISO clones with links also to the DSA.
It’s the American people (constitution, rights) that’s being overthrown, not Trump.
So, Donald Trump is a bulwark against the threat to constitutional rights. Fascinating the things you can find out on Off-Guardian comments section.
Your comprehension skills could do with a bit of work.
Her point was that Trump is democratically elected.
Louis – thank you for retiring your alter ego (‘Crispy’). It was unbearably sad to watch you recommend your own website and praise your own brilliant insights.
Please don’t ever do it again.
So fucking ban me. You think I give a shit? In fact, you would be doing me a favor. Posting here is a bad habit of mine going back to when you started it and when it was not so nearly as psychotic with the 911 bullshit, the Fox News talking points on COVID-19, the idea that Trump had to be defended against a “color revolution” and all the other bizarre posts. When you idiots got started, it read like Grayzone. Now it reads like Twilight Zone. Go head and ban me. The fuck if I care.
So it’s you Crispy! Fond memories of your work on the UNZ site where your style (as above) soared off into much longer angry and profane rants with demonizing everyone you disagreed with as “paid retards.” And Unz even highlighted your work as brilliant! Why don’t you go back there where you are beloved?
What? You were Crispy as well? Really? I’m fecken shocked….
Acting ability do you suppose?
Ha ha… yeah. I normally just ignore our Louis, but couldn’t resist.
We don’t ban people Louis. Not even would-be journalists who use supposed anonymity to post foul-mouthed abuse of others and fan letters to themselves.
Donald Trump has been swimming in the same cesspit as all his antagonists for decades. There is no difference between them.
But they will still fight like rats in a sack in the game of musical chairs for who gets their turn to line their pockets at everybody else’s expense. has proved itself a scam. They accept donations to boost petition exposure and close down the petition without any announcement. I signed a petition challenging the UK Corona Bill, it disappeared, I felt like a bit of sucker.
Cory Morningstar at Wrong Kind Of Green has done excellent analysis on all these supposed ‘activist groups’ (cough) including Avaaz, 350, Res Publica, Change, GetUp, etc, all with the same spiders web of funding. Fake as a Hong Kong rolex.
I agree its a money grabbing scam (its primary purpose, is its own profit) but the propaganda value of a petition against the Guard is just to delicious to ignore, everyone should sign it!
One of the problems with is the spam (some of it commercial) that seems to come with it. Takes hours to clear. Have not signed any online petitions since. Seems like a phishing site.
This article fails to point out that it was a false flag operation and George Floyd wasn’t killed, it was really badly acted and anyone who bothers to carefully look at the footage can see the continuity is all over the place.
I agree.
Total Hollywood garbage.
This is the level of assault on the American public to get Trump out.
He was not in the coffin.
The coffin was passed around like a body surfer at a rock concert.
Light as a feather.
He was 6ft 6
He’s a porn star.
An amateur actor
This was his biggest pay day yet.
See youuuuuus in Two Aviv bitchessssssss!
Why would that matter, if true?
Because faking a death is a crime. And it is completely disrespectful to the memories of those people who have been murdered by the police
What makes you think the kind of people that call themselves elite would have a conscience & think twice about killing a dark skinned part of the human herd. Why would they waste effort with a complex hoax when they can just do as they have in the middle east & Africa, killing millions.
To more easily control the narrative, in the media, and the reactions to the ‘murder’ which has been funnelled into worldwide protests. And I’m not criticising genuine people protesting against police violence and racism and corruption but us the people are being played, we are all playing our parts as planned, staying indoors when they say stay indoors, protesting when they want us to protest, all controlled.
Most people won’t even look at the footage as who wants to see someone being murdered? So it doesn’t even have to be well acted. Its not a complex hoax, it doesn’t have to be as most people are completely freaked out by the ‘pandemic’ hoax, and the planned collapse of the economy that is taking place.
To fake a murder to incite riots or kill millions across the world is nothing to the global elite as they are psychopaths.
You’re stuck on the idea they’re to squeamish to kill people to forward their goals, i doubt there are any “crisis actors” or “hoax attacks”, there doesn’t need to be, they’re quite happy to kill people for their cause.
Nice try, FBI.
Agreed, Seaweed. Phoney. Can you speak if you’re having difficulty breathing? Do cops tolerate loitering passersby when they’re making an arrest? Woman filming “I can’t breathe” portion of tape must have been close enough to pick him up on mike, but none of 4 cops saw her filming?
They must have used the same camera crew that faked the Apollo moon landing.
There are some who say any popular mass action is good mass action. Will not go so far as that. The question is can some or most of those taking part in such action be directed into effectively combating and getting rid of the corporate fascists, instead of becoming them?
MASK NAZIS remove your masks. That is a good indication of whether you are [capable of getting rid of the oligarch mobster psychopaths].
When ‘we’ allowed the abolition of union rights and voted for low tax right wing governments, we gave the Corporations power over our lives.
When has the energised mob ever done anything but serve the current Deep State? Never!
When a new force creates an ‘anti-empire’ mob like the genocidal mongols against the China Empire or the genocidal germanic tribes against the Roman Empire, all that results is murder on an industrialised scale and the setting back of civilisation, maybe for many centuries.
The energised mob is always against fundamental freedoms and rights by definition. Of course the mob ‘thinks’ it wants a better deal for its own members, and then usually ends up as cannon fodder for its new masters.
What do the protests in the USA want? There are no actual aims, given that ‘black’ Americans are better off than at any previous time, and that ‘black’ americans support and make up a large part of Historiy’s greatest murder machine, the US Armed Services- the same murder machine whose members, when demobbed, tend to become the brutal murderous thugs in the various American police forces.
Ever read 1984? Animal Farm? Both have massive mob ‘protest’ activity – and in both cases the mob fully serve the evil Deep State that actually makes things worse for the mob.
Did a massive anti-war demo in London prevent Blair’s Iraq invasion (or lead to Blair being thrown out of office)? Of course not. Indeed, after the protest, the british military became vastly more pro-war, and vastly more murderous than before.
”When has the energised mob ever done anything but serve the current Deep State?”
American revolution of independence.
French revolution
Russian revolution
British civil war
Indian revolt…….etc
and several thousand others.
Your job, I assume, is to convince us that all is under control in the Empire?
Sunset is a classic example of the State attack on a genuine dissenting outlet. They gain your confidence through making a few points that they know will give them credibility, but they mix them up with disruptive ‘opinions’ that are designed to take us all down the rabbit hole. The purpose of this is to try to destroy the credibility of whatever site on which they are posting by turning that site’s discussions into the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. It’s kind-of clever. But,once one gets used to it, one can spot it from a mile off.
Downvoted for suggesting that “better off than at any previous time” (an unsubstantiated opinion) is ‘good enough’ for any group or category of humans who struggle against inequality and injustice.
To regard this as purely an engineered revolution is to miss the point, I have no doubt the CIA are busy playing games to insure actions and the violence is damaging to the black or left wing’s causes, but underlying this, there is a real revolution in the making.
I can imagine in their excitement to direct this, the CIA and the USA’s elites are forgetting that basic fact, but the American people are getting very close to the limits of their tolerance and nearing a nothing to lose state.
Maybe the CIA forgot that uprisings can backfire and that the country risks becoming a 3rd world basket case.
Every single thing you wrote is laughable idiocy. There is NO revolution- but there is a demonic weaponisation of ‘WOKE’- book burning and re-writing history just as Orwell described in 1984.
There is NO American people as a monolithic group sharing interests with dribbling neo-libs. Indeed America is neatly split, 50-50, between TWO factions – and while it is possible to supress the public voice of one or the other 50% (for a time), that doesn’t matter for it is the PRIVATE voice that votes.
The ‘CIA’ is a tiny fragment of the Intelligence service with near ZERO influence internally. The CIA is a rogue terror power for EXTERNAL use. Jeez, are people that ignorant they know so little about America.
The NSA is the intelligence powerhouse in the USA- where all the SMART people congregate. The NSA is responsible for the electronic message universal spy program across the globe, alongside GCHQ. The NSA creates the social programs that organise and control protest movements.
Some ‘elites’ bother to belong to the deep state- most do not. But the deep state is a machine vastly more significant than the interests of billionaires. Indeed the idea that it is all about ‘money’ is the view of true idiots at the bottom.
America is the most powerful industrialised nation ever witnessed in history- and is getting MORE powerful, not less. Russia has better world war class weapon systems and China benefits from a vastly larger population, but to hear idiots dribble on about America ‘collapsing’ shows just how hopeless our side is.
You sound very confused, like most Americans you have no idea what is happening in your own country.
There is nothing spontaneous happening in America, if its happening its part of a plan.
Some don’t like to hear the truth if it doesn’t fit their beliefs at least 6 people already have been offended by your truth.
They can console themselves with the knowledge every empire fails eventually as it out grows itself.
Aahhh… so you are on ‘our side’? I had my doubts there for quite a while.
So what are Your suggestions? Give up and hide under our beds? Hightail it to the countryside? Organise mass protests and sit ins?
<i>Predictably, liberal hawks such as Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor in the Obama administration, made ludicrous assertions suggesting “Russian agents” were behind the unrest</i>
“Russian” is white nationalist codespeak for “Jewish”.
‘Russia gate’ has been very useful for Trump, it has ensured that no real criminal charges have been brought against him for his financial or abuse of power crimes, Instead he is continually accused of stuff he is not guilty of, He must be very grateful to his friends in the DNC.
The Republicrat Racketeer political hacks have been playing this flim-flam since even before Eugene Deb’s time, yet no one seems to be doing anything about ending their scam.
From day one the Russia ‘scam’ has only helped Trump, they work as one, please understand that and stop waisting your time hating the democrats.
“THE REPUBLICRATS- The political racket so corrupt it needs two aliases.”
You have to feel some sympathy for the DNC.
They have to find things Trump has done which they themselves haven’t done on even bigger scale. And that’s difficult.
That’s why they have to come up with things like cheating at golf and cheating at cards.
Corruption, abuse of power, support for terrorism, war crimes etc., are out because Trump’s record in those areas is a bit second rate compared to theirs.
You assume they are in opposition I thin that is no longer the case. They take turns, they do not oppose each other.
Russiagate distracted the Dem Party base for 3 years from creating any mass popular opposition movement to oppose either neoliberalism or Trump. The Democrats gave Trump (and themselves) everything he and the ruling class wanted. Meanwhile, the Dem base waited in vain for Saint Mueller to save them. (A GOP hack that lied us into the war in Iraq.)
Jeez- that hasn’t been the case for DECADES. ‘Russian’ is actually code for ‘antisemitic’ (that vile racist term used in place of ‘anti-jewish’ to imply the power cult is uniquely ‘special’). And, of course the REAL ‘white nationalists’ in the USA all give 100% support to the satanic zionist state of Israel.
The ‘real white nationalists’ in the USA will support Israel until their own hatred of the jews comes out of the closet.
Race is what the US elites use to distract the population from poverty and inequality, they have always done it, as long as I can remember. It is not possible to discuss poverty in the US media without it becoming a discussion of race within about 2 minutes. That is deliberate and dishonest, because although to be black makes your chance of being exceptionally poor higher, most poor in the USA are white. It has become particularly useful now, when the US population are just about to be plunged into absolute desperation, hopelessness and poverty.
In the early days of the protests, there was a point when economic distress and the populations plight, black and white, was beginning to gain ground, even in the MS media, but due to a concerted effort by the captured media the agenda has been shifted back to discussing purely race.
The far right media are doing their best to stoke up the far-right patriots, racists and fascists.
Racal discrimination is important, but like sexual equality, the elite have no problem discussing it, because it has no economic consequences on them. A verbal race-war will not mean that blacks or whites are closer to getting better incomes or union representation, they will just have to share with whites or, man, in the case of sexual discrimination, the pie that had been allotted to them by the elites.
The US is in desperate need of a revolution, suppressing the discussions of America’s economic injustice will just increase the power of the revolt when it eventually happens. By sending the population, down the rabbit hole of race, the elites are just putting off the day, but at some point it will click with the population and their anger will be on a gigantic scale, and will destroy the country, economically, politically and socially.
Already the police have been found to be no longer ‘fit for purpose’ for both whites and blacks and radical solutions are being discussed, the elites think that as long as the ‘revolt’ has no economic consequences, they will accept the results, since the wealthy elites will not surrender a crumb from their heavily loaded tables, even the smallest morsel.
But they should recognise that the radicalism they are seeing today is not something they will be able to control for long, it looks and feels real and much more powerful than anything seen before.
For a people in desperate need of basic health care and the means to live a free life, they are reaching the limit of their tolerance, and until economic inequity is addressed the pressure cooker will continue to build and build and the eventual the explosion will be way beyond the armies & the ‘patriots’ power to control, they will be swept aside like twigs, as is the case in every truly popular revolution.
The moral of this story is, the elites believe you can argue about what you like, as long as you don’t challenge the unequal distribution of wealth in the USA and the financial exploitation of almost all working Americans, but the elite better realise that they risk the destruction of their country, if they continue to ignore the desperation.
HarveyHill : “Race is what the US elites use to distract the population….”
lets just think about that…..These are the same people/resistance that are supposably making movement for change against corruption and inequality etc…but are being externally fuelled by the very people that they’re challenging – Therefore, them being so impressionable, do you think it a liitle extreme of me to imagine them wearing baby grows ?
Desperation is fuelling the revolt, the security agencies are no doubt trying to direct the anger away from harming them and their leadership but the anger is real, and it is developing it’s own momentum. Maybe not this time but next time around, it could be a real destructive force and get out of control. This revolt has some real sharp edges and I think the agencies are struggling to keep a lid on it.
No nation has done more to raise the standard of living for ordinary people than the USA. Actual Africans are frequently desperate to emigrate the the USA, because a ‘poor’ ‘black’ there is better off than the vast majority of ‘blacks’ in any of the rotten corrupt African nations. And I say this as an ‘enemy’ of everything America stands for. But LIES never serve our side.
There is ‘poverty’ in the USA in the sense that there is poverty everywhere- an underclass everywhere that never shows an interest in rising itself up. Indeed when America has attempted, via social engineering, to take on this underclass (as was the case with vicious anti-drug use laws), often things just get worse.
The ‘racism’ in the USA exists, but at the same time is laughably insignificant compared to the racism experienced in almost every other part of the world (with the exception of certain other Western nations). But the US media machine brings to public fore every societal ‘sin’ in a way that happens no where else- MAGNIFYING every event.
America is an economic giant- an industrialised giant- a military giant- a scientific giant- and there’s a class of leftie dribbler that thinks that denying this is some kind of ‘victory’. SOCIALISM isn’t a significant political movement in the USA because socialism is baked into the very system of everyday life. Not a form of socialism I like (especially with the cynical health care system), but socialist nevertheless.
America has the form of policing (ex-army militarised thugs jacked up on steroids that think themselves a tribe apart) that both left and right wing Americans LIKE. Oh, for sure, when that uniformed thug is beating on you or yours, your opinion may waver for a moment. But sooner or later it goes back.
A true idiot knows NOTHING as a result of his own efforts. A true idiot only ‘knows’ things that mass media headlines have told him. Hence the narrative so many here suggest is ‘true’. Some may call it ‘wishful thinking’ which seems to be the only kind of ‘thinking’ most on our side engage in.
America never used to compare itself with the 3rd world to feel superior but it does now. How about you compare yourselves to Europeans or any other first world country, where they have universal health care and easy access to university education.
The USA has a falling life expectancy, a first in the first world, the worst inequality, the most child poverty and terrible social mobility. If you want to live the ‘American dream’ which was always about social mobility, then you’d do far better living in any European country, where access to education is not so limited
Just so you know, it is not the fault of the poor that they have nothing. Even in the US during the 50’s, 60’s the most uneducated and hapless could live a full affluent life.
Racism in the US is in your DNA, your country was founded on a genocide of indigenous peoples. You abolished slavery in the 1860’s, but only abolished segregation in the 1960’s and today criminalize the black population through the drugs prohibition. One third of every black men in the USA will end up in prison at some time during his life and a return to institutional slavery is on the way, via the private prison labour system.
The USA lost it’s industrial base to China, it is now desperately trying to blackmail the world into handing it back, but they will fail because, it is too late. Time is up and the bills are coming in, the only thing keeping the US ‘solvent ‘ is endless dollar printing but the rest of the world have withdrawn their consent to it’s reserve currency status, and are working toward pulling the rug on the dollar. Your military is tired and expensive and you can no longer afford wars, the next war will be America’s last.
How you feel today is how the British used to feel in the 60’s & 70’s you are totally in denial over with your own decline.
Could be true – probably not
What tripe. ‘indians’ are NOT indigenous, and if youd turn off the TV you would know that they are far from genocided, but are pampered and catered to daily at the cost of billions. The early settlers TRIED to civilise and bring Christianity to them – read the Mayflower Compact – but were met with murder, rape and theft. The ‘indians’ did it to themselves, yet we pay for them daily to this day.
And ‘racism’ – which I can find nowhere in the Bible or the Constitution being a crime – is inherent to all; its in everyones DNA to prefer their own. Whites are, regrettably, the least ‘wayciss’ people on earth to our own detriment. Were we one tenth as ‘racist’ as (((everyone))) claims, we wouldnt be having the problems we are right now. The fact that most black men will end up in prison is solely because black men committ the vast majority of crime; black men are approximately 7% of the US population yet commit nearly two thirds of all murders, over 50% of rapes and approximately 60% of all theft. Their own fault as its ‘dey culture, yaknowwhatImsayin an sh*t…?’
Harveyhill, the elites WANT to destroy America. Have to, as prelude to their one=world New World Order. At a minimum, have to destroy common ties thru massive immigration. Bilderberg decided long ago that it is necessary to degrade economic level of developed world in order to merge it w poorer countries.
Hitler used to call your delusion, ‘the international jewish conspiracy’, it just has a new name but it is just an stupid.
“there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom: Solve et Coagula, as the Masonic adage teaches.”
Archbishop Viganò
Or read ‘The Edge of the Abyss’ by Alfred Noyes, pub. 1942, for more insight. “The very thing we have been fighting against, is foisted on us under another name.”
And the ‘2nd wave’ of the ‘virus’ will be arranged for late December, in time to cancel Christmas. It will be like nothing before seen in its effects.
The notion that these people are concerned about the welfare of human beings is risible. As I write these words, children are being enslaved and exploited as forced labour in the most horrific circumstances for no better reason than to produce chocolate. If these faux humanitarians and social justice warriors had one iota of empathy, they would be demanding the boycott of chocolate, the ending of child labour and genuine rights for all.
Howdy, Steve. Doing some serious re-thinking and searching. I just saw a video that has disappeared of a young black female in what might have been a thong (or minus thong) twerking the cops in Seattle. Then a bystander runs out and smacks her butt while she continues, and the audio picks up somebody in a kind of drunk/stoned state saying gleefully: “I love it I just love it I just love it.” Peaceful protest by serious people this is not. Looks like they’re trying to provoke bloodshed with this porno-protest-exhibitionism style.
Seems to me this twerking performance and demo of the rear aperture is apt symbolism for what assholes they literally are. It destroys peaceful demonstration as an honorable tool of expression on serious problems, so a tactic to divert a peaceful movement, otherwise they would realize how their behavior is leading to violence, indicating that’s what they’re trying to do. Tonally out of whack. (Maybe somebody else saw that video and could post it? I can’t find it and it was just there, then gone.)
Additional from ZH, first hand account of a national guard member on the scene adds, to the above impression:
Found a version of the twerking vid, but wouldn’t recommend it. This one is much longer as part of a black male interviewer and the female who twerked, the two in pretty much a middle finger battle . . . It does indicate fissures in black resistance, no surprise there.
Anyway in case you can stand it (and the female was proffering a naked rear, that’s more clear now):
I today declare UDI from britain – i will not vote in british elections and i can’t vote in american elections – so what’s the point? – BLM is supported by the DNC – says it all
BLM is supported only because it is a distraction from economic inequality.
There will always be inequality
You do know they cancelled the elections because there is a virus?
(“the origins of OWS and its marketing campaign were traced to Adbusters, a media foundation that was the recipient of grants from the Democratic Party-connected Tides Foundation, a progressive policy center which receives significant endowments from none other than George Soros and the OSF.”) – very interesting indeed.
Adbusters presents itself as a sort of voice for a black block radical chic movement out to topple the system while it is actually funded by said “system.”
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” – Lenin
American and Western intelligence agencies certainly took this maxim to heart long ago, as evidenced by the extensive infiltration and manipulation of 1960’s radical groups by the intelligence apparatus in both Western Europe and the U.S.
From COINTELPRO and Operation CHAOS in the U.S.; to Operation Gladio and the concurrent deep NATO/CIA connections to Western European intelligence services in the past – to the myriad current intelligence operations that target LITERALLY ALL popular organizing that might manage to arise within our so called Western “democracies” – no actual attempt at popular grass-roots organizing is spared the spying, the agent provocateurs, the death threats and blackmail, and the sabotage used to keep the voice of the people silent and side-lined.
Why should we expect current protest and unrest to be treated any differently by the huge cadre of State actors who job it is – “literally” – to manipulate, and manage any and all popular organizing and unrest to their own ends?
For a start, it’s not a pandemic. The fuss about the killing is just as over hyped as the flu is. It’s a communitarian revolution, like all revolutions it’s about power and moving the wealth upwards. The green new deal is really just the gray old deal under a new name overseen by the same thieving mob. Were all going to be dirt poor third workers in the fourth world of the elite. It’s all so fake it makes me sick !
This whole global pandemic shit is driving me nuts, the virus is so small and slow it’s already nearly dead as a doornail. Here in Australia with a few hundred active cases our chief medical officers are behaving like deranged little dictators for their 10 minutes or so of infamy.
The Virus stopped being a threat a long time ago, what they are doing now has nothing to do with a virus.
the virus was never a threat.
There is no ‘virus’.
I notice now the “auto mistake” function that changes words defeated me yet again, I meant third worlders. That’s something else that drives me potty. Yes, why people don’t wonder Why they’re doing it gets me. But no it’s not that, they believe the pestilence is after them and banging pots every Thursday will drive it away (did they do that in Australia?) Very sophisticated social manipulators are using very primitive instincts very cleverly. Look at me with a plastic visor,plastic apron,plastic gloves and plastic bag over my hair. Next week I’ll be protesting about plastic in the ocean! Give me strength. Have you heard Australia by the kinks? Not much of a song but the lyrics really sum up the feeling here about the antipodean utopia. Victoria is a great album,if you haven’t heard it, after that they weren’t the kinks anymore to me. But I digress…….
There is no ‘virus’.
“War in Donbass where the real front line against fascism has been”? That statement just knocked Russia Today off its pedestal.
‘Antifa’s Most Important Enabler: Its Legal Arm – It’s unlikely the black-masked leftist group would have been able to do so much damage around the country if not for the aid of the National Lawyers Guild.
Made up of thousands of lawyers spread out in over 150 chapters across the country (not including over 100 student chapters), and funded by the Ford Foundation and George Soros… few activists have actually received prison time. Much of this lack of accountability can and should be directly pinned on NLG: Antifa’s most important enablers.’
And where is Joseph “Jose” Alcoff nowadays?
It’s the whole corrupt justice system which enables antifa since the lawyers themselves aren’t necessarily that smart:
What the US needs is a grassroots protest movement that specifically advocates for the end of the oligarchic cartel of the two war parties. That way it can’t be hijacked by either of them.
The Trump deep-state includes US Military Intelligence (Pentagon, NSA, etc) and they’re closely connected to Netanyahu’s Israeli intelligence network. The CIA deep-state can hardly make a move without the Trump DS knowing about it.
George Soros:
See “The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America” etc
Also relevant:
Barr: DOJ has 500 [Federal] investigations into rioters and destruction of statues
June 25, 2020
Bill Barr is the Honey Badger ft. Attorney General William Barr | Ep. 34
Verdict with Ted Cruz
Jun 25, 2020
Attorney General Bill Barr sits down with Senator Ted Cruz and Michael Knowles to reveal the Trump administration’s plans for dealing with the riots afflicting America, lay out what we can expect from the Durham probe into Obama-era corruption, and explain why he was crazy enough to take the job a second time.
MS-13 member charged with terrorism-related offenses for first time
By Olivia Beavers – 07/15/20
The Trump administration on Wednesday announced that a U.S. operation has successfully led to the arrest of multiple MS-13 leaders as well as the first time one of its gang members has been charged for terrorism-related offenses. President Trump, Attorney General William Barr and other law enforcement officials in a press conference shared that Project Vulcan led to dozens of arrests, including 13 in Nevada and eight in New York.
“We just concluded a historic operation leading to the indictment and arrest of dozens of savage MS-13 leaders,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office, describing the operation’s success as part of his “all out campaign to destroy MS-13.”
Mainstream Democrat and Republican politics are the politics of war, racism and attacks on the standard of living of the working class. It matters not at all which collection of fawning parasites and quislings takes the lead in promoting them.
Has any concept been more co-opted and corrupted in the service of capital than this one? The gender, skin color and/or sexual orientation of a political leader tells the political consumer a sum total of nothing about a candidate’s political fiber. The sordid, ruling-class careers of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ben Carson, Barack Obama, Margaret Thatcher, Madeleine Albright, Marsha Blackburn, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Samantha Power and Nikki Haley ought to tell anyone with even half a brain all they need to know when capitalists start yapping about “diversity.”
If you’re wanting to sit down to dine with the ruling class, be prepared to eat human flesh, served fresh daily in all variety of colors.
“What matters is not so much the color of your skin as the power you serve and the millions you betray.”
― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks
It feels like the zionists are at it again. Our zionist President is getting sympathy from the christian zionists. While the neoliberal zionists are all about getting rid of Trump.
It looks like Israel, where zionists are fighting with each other over Netanyahu.
The oppressed are exploited in these fights, but concern for the oppressed is fake from those sides.
Leftists can hope all they want about it being a revolutionary spark we’ve been waiting for, but I don’t feel it myself. I mean, I should at least feel some tension, some trepidation, but nope. Nothing.
In my view, of course:)
This article is BS.
Beware false flags .
The whole incited riots, violent protest was orchestrated by armed masked X ( X previously Blackwater)as they are a terrorist mercenary group they have cells in most States (even globally).
It was a false flag for division under race which redefined autonomy and anarchy as something bad something to do with a Black Umbrella company owner/rapper Simone being a “war lord” with armed mercenaries.
the United States is a chaotic place just like any other place run by humans.
is anarchy good then ? Run that last bit by me again with a reference or source or something if you could please. Something to do with a black umbrella company ?Is that a company( owned by somebody black) that acts as an umbrella for smaller companies or a company selling black umbrellas ?
An informative article which reiterates the truism that any sort of organized protests or revolts as presented on the various media platforms are top down endeavors.
But it doesn’t Jim as it pretends the organized Floyd false flag was not a top down.
The riots and violence around the Floyd murder does not qualify as revolution. Looting and violence before the media shows up and proposes to interpret the event are organic and opportunistic. Sometimes you just need a new toaster or want to hurt some cop for the bullshit traffic ticket and or tasering or beating you got that day?
If indeed this is a ‘Color’ revolution, then it should be clear what the actual colour is
The problem is for the neoliberal left is that as more people become aware of their subversion, hypocrisy, cruelty and insanity, people just dont want anything to do with their dangerous nonsense. People look at CHAZ and they see the bickering, violence, anti white hate and shakedowns and dont want anything to do with that. Surely youngsters that would have been attracted to it, will run a million miles from something they naively thought of being a viable future. With the killing of Rayshard Brooks, most people will see that the usual agitators are trying to incite violence with a non credible case for Black Lives Matter. I notice in comment sections on neoliberal left sites, that public opinion is turning aganst these psychos, as the flowery sophistry they use as a disguise is shown as a fraud.
For a color revolution (do we English spell it as ‘color’ or ‘colour?) to take place there has to be sufficient public opinion on the side of the insurgents and that is evaporating. This may change somewhat as the economy worsens, but it does look like the puppet masters throwing their big guns out becomes extremely conter productive. Just as Orwell saw the Left for what it was in Homage to Catalonia and was horrified by being taken in by it, the same process is happening to millions across the planet.
One cannot be left and neoliberal. It is a contradiction in terms.
Hmm, I’d argue (mostly cos i’m a contrarian) that neo-liberal elite are associating/facilitating with the left for political means to eradicate their biggest obstacle conservatism. Traditional conservative values family, community, country are the 180 degree opposite of neo-liberal principles of globalism, the left are their vehicle to destroy that, then they will just abandon socialism when convenient. Just a theory.