This Week in the Guardian #9

This week sees dogs who can smell the coronavirus, sarcasm as social protest and the reformation of a mustachioed war criminal

Every week (or, rather, most weeks, since the coronavirus torpedoed our schedule), we like to highlight three or four stories that go full-Guardian, but don’t require an entire article of refutation.
We encourage reader-participation here, so if you come across something you feel should be included in the next edition either post a link below, or send us an e-mail.

Joes Biden: Social Revolutionary

Whatever the cause of the Black Lives Matter protests, however many of the street-level voices are sincere, there’s no denying anymore they are at least being leveraged politically – if not fully coordinated.

The latest sign of that is the fast-forward reform of Joe Biden into a liberal hero. In this piece we’re told Biden is “seizing the moment” with a “radical reform agenda”.

Elsewhere, Simon Tisdall suggests Biden could be the man to lead the “post Covid revolution”, which is alarming, because most people who’ve been paying attention wouldn’t trust Joe to lead a conga line (although, at least if he’s at the front he can’t inappropriately fondle anyone).

There’s a real pro-Biden surge right now. Whether that’s on the back of the moves to remove Trump “by any means necessary”, or a genuine push for the election is too early to say. The real discussion is who’s going to be his Vice President nominee.

Kamala Harris is being re-shaped into a “progressive voice” and the right choice for VP, despite her dreadful record as a prosecutor and total failure of her campaign. Other names being suggested are Elizabeth Warren…and even Michelle Obama. It’s definitely going to be a woman, and likely a “woman of colour”. The campaign will be incredibly tiresome.

Whoever is named VP, should Biden win (or be installed), will almost certainly be President, because Creepy Uncle Joe is a barely there.

It’s quite rare a Presidential candidate has fewer functioning brain cells than photos of them making little girls uncomfortable.

John Bolton confirms Trump’s wickedness – but still he deserves Americans’ scorn

Jonathan Freedland is angry at John Bolton. Not for being a war-criminal neocon psycho, or threatening the families of UN officials or even for his terrible mustache.

No, it’s because he didn’t overthrow the elected president.

That’s really it. This article is nothing but Freedland quoting anecdotes from Bolton’s latest book, believing them without question, and criticising Bolton for not taking part in the impeachment.

Not one word is spent discussing whether or not Bolton is a reliable source. Or whether he should be standing trial at the Hague. Or whether or not he might actually be a lunatic. Instead, the supposedly “liberal” paper gleefully reports his words as gospel, and wishes he’d “acted sooner”.

Apparently, the problem with Bolton is not the democracies he overturned in the Middle East or Latin America, but the one he didn’t overturn at home.

Do what you’re told, but roll your eyes

Special mention to Zoe Williams, who doesn’t necessarily believe all the government rules are strictly necessary, but darn it she’s going to follow them anyway. She’s just going to sardonically raise her eyebrows as she does so.

She gets points for this special kind of concern trolling, seeming to sort of give space to the idea the mask rule might not be reasonable, whilst also happening to mention that “respectable opinion is coalescing” around the fact that masks work, that the WHO recommends it and that the argument individual “virus particles” are too small to be kept out by a mask is “pedantic”.

A brilliant job of pretending to offer some kind of contrary opinion, whilst actually rigidly enforcing the orthodoxy. Classic Guardian.

Bonus: The election will be rigged (more obviously than usual)

They have yet another story defending mail-in ballots, predicting “chaos” and “confusion” over the new voting systems and claiming that Trump will inevitably cry foul if he loses in November.

That’s the third story along those lines in as many weeks. It’s pretty clear they’re setting up pre-emptive defenses of what is surely to be a highly doubtful – if not flat out falsified – election result.

* * *

All told, a busy week for The Guardian. And we didn’t even cover the the Covid19 sniffer dogs, or the fact anyone who suspects the McCanns might not be totally inoccent is a lunatic troll who just wants attention.
Did we miss anything? Tell us about it in the comments below, and keep an eye out for articles that should go in the next issue.


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Viv Aldistaw
Viv Aldistaw
Jul 11, 2020 3:25 PM

I can’t believe I used to like The Guardian

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 23, 2020 6:57 AM
Reply to  Viv Aldistaw

I did too, now I find they get a lot of money from Bill Gates and even the Australian coverage is appalling, conformist crap.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 24, 2020 11:53 AM

For your next issue, I nominate https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/22/boris-johnson-theres-may-ignored-claims-russia-had-likely-hold-over-donald-trump-ex-spy-christopher-steele-claims?CMP=twt_gu&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium#Echobox=1592842466
This is truly bizarre stuff. The Guardian is citing Christopher Steele, the “former” MI6 officer, the producer of the Russiagate Dossier, as a credible source. Luke Harding even gets another book out it – to be published next week: I suspect it will have as much evidence as his previous fiction, Collusion.

Jun 24, 2020 11:03 AM

Interesting Grauniad article. The article goes on to mention that the Germans have downloaded over 10 million of a similar app, the difference supposedly being a “cultural” one. A more disciplined population, perhaps, if Germany’s history is examined.
“France’s contract tracing app uninstalled by 460,00comment image?width=140&height=140&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=7413a9b1ed55e32a749c52f35e4eaba9 Kim Willsher
France’s coronavirus contact-tracing app StopCovid has alerted just 14 people that they have been near someone with the virus in the three weeks it has been launched.
Only 68 people have signalled they have tested positive for the virus on the application.
Digital minister Cédric O said the application had been downloaded and activated 1.8m times on the Android and Apple devices since it was launched on 2 June, but had been subsequently uninstalled by 460,000.
“I have to admit, the question of the number of notifications, which is quite low, has surprised us,” the minister told a press conference. He attributed the low number of people reporting they had tested positive for Covid-19 on the application to “the weak prevalence of the epidemic” in France where the number of cases is dropping daily and the daily death toll is now in the low double figures…”

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jun 23, 2020 9:58 PM

For my sins, I’m on the Guardian’s mailing list. I got an email from them today. Allow me to share with you some of their self-congratulatory verbiage:   The Guardian continues to generate trust in readersDear Michael,This week I wanted to share some brilliant results we have from PAMCo — the news industry body which measures print and digital readership in the UK. The data out this week shows that:The Guardian is the most-read quality newspaper in the UK – with a record 35.6 million for combined print and digital monthly readership.We are now the second most-read newspaper online in the UK – behind the Sun, but overtaking the Mail for the third time in the last four PAMCo data releases, as well as the Mirror. This is a significant achievement and part of an ongoing trend.We continue to be the most trusted newspaper in the UK among regular readers.Guardian readers are increasingly more loyal and more engaged – staying for longer and coming back with greater frequency. We have the largest number of daily readers cross-platform (8.8M) of any quality paper – almost double that of our nearest rivals, the Telegraph (4.2M) and the Independent (5.3M).Readers are also spending more time with Guardian journalism on average each month (31 mins) than any other quality online.Observer readers spend almost 90 minutes on average per month with the paper – the second highest rate for any Sunday newspaperEditor-in-chief Kath Viner said: “We now have a record number of people coming to the Guardian and choosing to support us financially and it’s clear from this data that Guardian journalism is increasingly in demand, trusted and valued.”   (They don’t admit that their actual print numbers are pathetically small).   Previously, I’d got emails about various online events, including:   Luke Harding and Carole Cadwalladr: How Russia is remaking the West Wednesday 22… Read more »

John A
John A
Jun 23, 2020 9:34 AM

I look forward to the next This week in the Guardian, which is on a roll with ‘I’m a storyteller not a journalist, Luke Harding’ and the plugs for his upcoming fantasy fiction about the evil Putin and saintly Christopher Steele. Mindblowingly pathetic propaganda.

Jun 23, 2020 8:26 AM

You can just imagine the avuncular-looking Bolton sitting by the fireside, listening to some classical music, petting a cat…
…before suddenly wringing the cat’s neck, dropping it on the floor, and then blithely joining his family for dinner.
Lovely man.

Jun 26, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I can see him in a Dr Evil suit with a white cat.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 23, 2020 7:38 AM

Joe Biden is not as dumb as he looks. He’s a chronic stutterer, a condition that’s not an asset if you’re a politician. Managing that affliction so you can speak in public is an exercise in willpower.
Biden is no saint and he’s definitely not a socialist. His primary asset is that he’s not Trump. His other asset — maybe the most important one — is that he can call on competent people to form an administration, people with both experience and integrity. I don’t expect great things from a Biden administration but just stopping the bleeding and stabilizing the patient will likely be all that could be accomplished in a few years.
As for ballot rigging, voter suppression and the like, this is really the only card the Republicans have to play this year. Their policies are completely subsumed to the needs of their leader — there is no national policy save what benefits Trump and friends. This isn’t a good platform to run on (and recycling 2016 slogans isn’t helping much, either). So its find the weakness in the system and do what you can to tweak the vote.

Des Springhall
Des Springhall
Jun 26, 2020 8:25 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

There is certainly not much to say about your rhetoric…but surely you must have been living under a rock these past few years, America has shown growth, stability and the kind of economic potential that it has lacked for the last 10! My goodness, pull your head out, regardless of your political leanings and realise the USA needs to build not survive!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 26, 2020 8:42 PM
Reply to  Des Springhall

Not under a rock but certainly on the sharp end of things. The whole 2007-8 debacle nearly took us all off a cliff with a lot of people being laid off, companies getting into financial trouble due to no fault of their own (the place I was working at had the financial rug pulled out of it by Big Bank, nothing to do with their (healthy) balance sheet, just policy changes after the 2008 crash). The next few years saw rebuilding but did little to relieve the structural weakness in manufacturing, especially the chronic shortage of skilled labor. Things were going along OK but MAGA promised better things. Nothing was delivered except a tax cut that proved largely irrelevant; however what did happen is that the whole credit bubble thing cranked up yet again.   So there am I talking to my financial adviser last February about the economic outlook. We saw asset values that had been underpinned by growth start to decouple a year or two ago. The reckoning was that a crash was due but the timing wasn’t known — I’m old school so I figured the party would be kept going until after the election. Then came COVID……   There’s lots of True Believers out there who will tell me that Trump is the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread — or whatever — but the numbers don’t lie. Trump, like his predecessor Dubya, inherited a pretty good economic outlook and basically screwed it up. Its probably not the specific man’s fault but rather those in the Republican party who have this agenda (the one that believes in ‘unitary executives’ and other — dare I say it — unAmerican BS). Hopefully they’ll get turfed out again but we can’t keep doing this over and over, every time we… Read more »

Richard Sawicki
Richard Sawicki
Jun 23, 2020 1:22 AM

I believe that the patented trade-mark Bolton Mustache is a special N 95 weave specifically formulated to guard against infection by the” conscience” or “humanity” viruses

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 22, 2020 11:38 PM

   THE REACTIONARY REVOLUTIONARY   Saying Joe Biden is a social revolutionary is like calling Dick Cheney a pacifist–both characterizations would be considered insane by anyone except the national security state. Nonstop propaganda is used to to rebrand “basement Joe” who for more than four decades used his senate seat and vice presidency as a cash cow to launder money to his son and brother.      Revolutionary Joe, is just the guy who can’t say NO to every military intervention. The “demented one” promoted Bush’s Iraq war with the intention of securing a multi-million dollar contract for his brother’s construction company to rebuild Iraq. First you bomb a country to smithereens and then you get a sweetheart deal to rebuild it. Let’s not forget, Obama/Biden expanded two wars into seven slaughtering hundreds of thousands in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, ukraine, etc….    Speaking of regime change, Biden said he’d never negotiate with Kim Jong-un. In fact, warmonger Biden, mocked Trump for trying to reach a deal with North Korea.  And as far as Venezuela is concerned Biden sees Juan Guaido as its leader.  I’m sure the security state is pushing Biden to select “war hungry Susan Rice” as his running mate, someone who covered for Obama’s military debacles in Africa. Rice recently commented on CNN that Russia might have been responsible for the Black Lives Matter protests. I guess Rice is an official member of the Rachel Maddow Russophobe club.   We must not forget mentally declining Biden is the key architect of the 1990’s crime bill resulting in the incarceration of more than two million minorities, indigent, and mentally ill but now he’s consider Mr. Compassionate.    Peter Schweizer’s book Secret Empires is an ode to crony capitalism and gives details about the payments the Ukrainian energy company Burisma gave totalling more than $3 million to Hunter Biden’s company during a 14-month period when… Read more »

Jun 23, 2020 12:32 AM

It’s all a circus as the Empire goes into rapid collapse (just as the Soviet Union did).

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 23, 2020 2:19 AM

Thanks for this.

Jun 24, 2020 1:15 PM

Looking at Britain for a moment, Corbyn was never a “red menace” in reality but it is likely MI5 thought he was. He was however more convincingly progressive than Biden could ever be.
It is obvious some section of the US security establishment, perhaps the most influential part, wants rid of Trump. Biden suits them more, especially since there is an above-average chance of him being quickly replaced by a vice-president.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 24, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yes, portions of the deep state desperately want Trump out. It’s without saying, they’re eager to replace Trump’s corrupt administration with their own cabal of Obama/Clinton/Biden crooks. I’m sure an agenda has been constructed and waiting to be implemented once the buffoon is gone. Don’t worry, it will be equally as reactionary and more imperialistic all done with a big smile and under the guise of identity politics.

Jun 25, 2020 10:25 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

A lot can change in a few months but Trump looks now like he is heading for defeat, and almost trying to prepare the ground for it by saying foreigners will ship in lots of votes etc. to change postal vote results. That Tulsa rally was an embarrassing screw-up. I have no hopes from a Biden administration which at the moment is what we are looking at. I am not American and the Yanks can choose whatever venal cretin they like although unfortunately US power means that their choice does impact other peoples.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 25, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

What’s interesting is that you say the Tulsa rally of more than 6,000 was an embarrassing screwup, yet during the Democratic Primaries Biden couldn’t fill a room with supporters. That in itself, demonstrates the power of the state-run mainstream media news. They can manufacture events, demonize leaders, and elevate unconscious basement-Joe to the presidency.

Jun 25, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

There is a certain media shaping, but even Trump didn’t claim to have filled the stadium, and he had somewhat foolishly boosted the numbers of people likely to attend, even throwing around the figure of a million. Quite a hostage to fortune.
I think you exaggerate the power of the media somewhat – Trump won in the electoral college at least (not the popular vote) in 2016 despite a lot of media hostility.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Jun 25, 2020 12:41 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

There’s a “certain media shaping” LOL it puts Kim Jong-un and North Korea’s propaganda to shame…….😁

Jun 25, 2020 1:31 PM

Not really – I am familiar with DPRK media. A more accurate comparison would be what happened to Corbyn although he never made it to the top. Like Trump, he also offered some hostages to fortune.
Like I said, Trump was foolish to talk of a million – I have been involved in planning smaller-scale events and it is wise not to build up expectations for attendance that cannot be fulfilled.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 25, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Obviously, you’re not familiar with MSNBC and CNN. Scarborough on Morning Joe just labeled Trump’s rallies as being “super-spreaders.” The MSM hammers viewers nonstop. It’s a relentless pysop operation.

Let’s suppose, the situation was reversed and Biden held a rally with less than 1,000 attending. The cameras would focus attention tightly towards the audience giving the impression the event was huge. Biden, would suddenly be Mr. Popularity. Commenters would endlessly say the event was a great success. Basement-Joe’s speech would be edited so he appeared compassionate and mentally alert….
I think you get the point…….

Jun 25, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Trump has even had problems with Fox TV recently, which might be a bigger problem for him than these others as Trump supporters watch it – CNN etc. are mainly talking to the converted. It would be interesting to know the viewing figures of Fox TV compared to these others.
However, as I mentioned before, huge swathes of the media did not like Trump in 2016 and he still won – it should be noted that sometimes all publicity is good publicity. CNN etc. did not like Trump any more in 2016 but they still mentioned him. Ignoring him might have been more damaging.
Today the situation is different. In normal times sitting presidents benefit from an incumbency factor but this may not help Trump this time. The economy is not good, and whatever view is taken on the virus Trump is not handling the situation well. As to it being a relentless psyop, it does seem to me he gives them plenty of ammunition to use for the psyop. Biden has his vulnerable areas too and I have noted some commentators who detest Trump speculating that Biden is high in the polls mainly because he is not visible while Trump is, and constantly getting panned. But sooner or later Biden will have to make an appearance. However, against anyone other than Biden I think Trump would be definite toast, rather than merely probable toast.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 25, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

I’m not a fan of Trump, but Biden is a comatose mess. Trump’s 2016 campaign promises about being a non-interventionist turned out to be bullshit, but unlike Obama/Biden he didn’t start any new wars.
In any event, the two. choices are awful. There’s only one happy camper and it’s the security/corporate state.

Jun 26, 2020 7:05 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Yes. And in Britain, the Zionist lobby has struck again. With Starmer sacking Rebecca Long-Bailey over a tweet.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 26, 2020 11:56 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Oh did I mention Kamala Harris is married to a Zionist……

Jun 26, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

The prerequisite for a political career…

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jun 26, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Like at the casinos the house always wins.😁

Jun 22, 2020 11:06 PM

The Global Times is a propaganda arm of the Chinese government. Here’s what they are saying today about the ‘second wave’…
Beijing epidemic not second outbreak, cases likely to drop: top expert 
Which brings me onto New Zealand, and this piece of totally scripted propaganda…
Jacinda Ardern is a complete psycho, as are the likes of Macron, Merkel, Bojo, Varadkar, Trudeau, and all the rest of them.
God help us.

Jun 23, 2020 11:09 PM
Reply to  RobG

they were doing the same story in samoa last year saying measles arrived on a plane from nz. they then killed loads of kids with a vaccine the who had conveniently shipped. the data was clear. deaths ramped up after they closed schools and started mass injections. the guardian published an intereting claim that the first death had been on white sunday, a childrens celebration commemorating the spanish flu when children eat vast amounts of world bank financed sustainable icecream. it was awful, the who promising investment following the sacrifice and australia then being set ablaze no doubt reducing sun exposure and vitamin d levels. afraid they probablyplan something nasty now the winter is setting in.

Jun 23, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  jess

one of the highlights was discovering taylor winterstein. a antiwakker involved in defending the kids. she is saying the pandemic has led to a huge drop in sids as pediatric visits are down.

Jun 22, 2020 10:40 PM

…most people who’ve been paying attention wouldn’t trust Joe to lead a conga line (although, at least if he’s at the front he can’t inappropriately fondle anyone).
Don’t be so sure! I hear that Old Uncle Joe is double-jointed.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 10:36 PM

With regard to the dogs – that’s misleading.
There is no way that dogs can smell coronavirus, or any other virus. They are just too small. What the dogs are (apparently) being trained to do is smell people who have the disease.
Still smells a tad fishy.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

I should just embellish this a bit. There’s never enough virus to ever see it. A quantity of chemical compound contains millions upon millions of individual molecules. Now I’m quoting wikipedia here, so hold your noses, but it’s okay:
“Thus, for example, one mole of water contains 6.02214076×1023 molecules, whose total mass is about 18.015 grams”
18 grams of water is 18 milliletres, or one fifty fifth of a litre. This quantity of water contains (roughly) 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 water molecules.
That’s a lot of water molecules.
In theory you only need one virus particle (molecule) to cause an infection. I don’t think anyone knows in practice how many you might need, but certainly not a moles worth.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 23, 2020 1:37 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Thinking of the wide visor type of “mask” with this comment. I’m referring to a clear plastic shield type that drops down widely below the chin, leaving a large chasm of open air for them molecules to consider entering . .

Jun 25, 2020 10:14 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

The plastic shield may be more effective at combating the effects of the wearer sneezing than any sort of fabric.The latter type of mask is utterly hopeless.

Jun 22, 2020 10:35 PM

my dog barks some
mentally you picture my dog
like toto
toto from the wizard of oz
i do not have a dog
he is always with me
barky is his name
barky otoole
barky does not exist
nor germ theory virus
but eye tell you this
barky smells sumtin pasteur kosher
and it tavistock tel aviv stinks
yes sir

Bo Lox
Bo Lox
Jun 22, 2020 10:31 PM

Bloody hell, what happened to the comments on this site since Ike’s loons arrived?!
Oh well, at least on the positive side they must have deep pockets and be funding this site very well, not be freeloading, crap spewing tosspots.
Phew, I was genuinely worried for a wht,

Bo Lox
Bo Lox
Jun 22, 2020 10:32 PM
Reply to  Bo Lox

Phew, I was genuinely worried for a while

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 23, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  Bo Lox

I believe this is the “paid retard” ploy?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jun 23, 2020 6:49 PM
Reply to  Bo Lox

Phew, I was genuinely worried for a while

I doubt whether you’ve genuinely worried about anything.
In fact I doubt if you’ve ever done anything genuinely.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Bo Lox

Well I’ve been on here for a while and I can’t remember ever seeing you post anything Mr Lox.
There’s nothing worse IMO than someone who just comes on here to slag other people off for daring to have another opinion.

Jun 22, 2020 11:02 PM
Reply to  Bo Lox

This is the worst comment on off-guardian ever.

Bo Lox
Bo Lox
Jun 22, 2020 10:25 PM

…and even Michelle Obama

It’s almost 100% sure to be MO, it fits in perfectly with the BLM putsch and also her bored hubby being a consultant to her aka de facto President Behind The Scenes.

Jun 22, 2020 10:10 PM

Tomorrow we will see the most audacious scam of the UK lockdown take place. Pubs and beauty salons will be allowed to re-open, and social distancing will be reduced to 1 metre+. The trade off will be that the entire population of the UK will be required to wear muzzles outside their homes for the indefinite future. We are being dehumanised, to prepare us for their next phase of their plan.

Jun 22, 2020 11:07 PM
Reply to  Tony

Not sure why you’ve got the down votes I think the message for the last week is that the price for social distancing restrictions will be face mask wearing. We will see.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 23, 2020 1:49 AM
Reply to  Tony

Same here in Gov. Nuisance land, but interesting to me is I have seen no difference from before this latest brushing up of “the rules.”. If anything, cynicism grows.
Apparently, since the earlier “science” swept up the sheeple so easily they think they can now boldly avoid any pretense of science whatever–as to how well these measures work.. This apparent assumption of the public continuing to suffer gladly economic misery and interference with private space could (already has?) backfire.

Jun 24, 2020 12:39 AM
Reply to  Tony

didnt big brother say wearing masks was aiding and abetting a terror group? the rains going to come down like a tsunami.

Jun 22, 2020 9:53 PM

roflmao on the face mask article
“If I must wear a face mask, I’ll do so with a look of ironic detachment” 
That no one will recognize anyway- wow she’s a rebel I tell ya
A rebel

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jun 22, 2020 10:02 PM
Reply to  Penny

Maybe she has very expressive eyebrows Penny. 😉

Jun 22, 2020 10:59 PM
Reply to  Penny

At the risk of descending into the banal, it occurs to me that when wearing The Mask, others can’t see smiles– just scowls and frowns.

Jun 22, 2020 8:51 PM

Here is a nice little book of Arthur Schopenhauer with all sorts of fallacies that people use to win an argument


This one applies to my colleagues who do not give up reading quality newspapers and still self-isolate even though (I am under the impression) it makes them mad

‘There is no opinion, however absurd, which men will not readily embrace as soon as they can be brought to the conviction that it is generally adopted. Example affects their thought, just as it affects their action. They are like sheep following the bell-wether just as he leads them. They would sooner die than think. It is very curious that the universality of an opinion should have so much weight with people, as their own experience might tell them that its acceptance is an entirely thoughtless and merely imitative process. But it tells them nothing of the kind, because they possess no self-knowledge whatever.’

Their cure might be found when they stop reading the newspaper get outside and see how people, without any danger whatsoever, are able to socialize and have a good time.

But they don’t dare to do that and stick to their prejudice about the dangers of Covid19. And given that it was through the help of them (a tiny minority of intellectuals who eagerly sought fortune and fame through the media, parroting the conventional nonsense of the PTB) that we, the large majority, had to live under ridiculous rules of anti-social distancing, I guess they get the punishment that they deserve.

What goes up, must come down

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Willem

lol, Willem, we have been here before. Everybody is right. Or rather, everyone, once they have formed their opinion – no matter what you or I may think of it – thinks that they are right.
This self righteousness is the cornerstone of “woke” ideology. (Woke, of course, is a great example of an oxymoron, given that the “woke” are among the least self aware individuals on the planet. Constantly projecting.)
I’m not sure if there is an answer. Jon Haidt has written and spoken at length on the concept of “viewpoint diversity”. He’s worth looking at. You may just have to accept that other people have a different viewpoint on the virus from you and I. No matter how frustrating that is.

Jun 23, 2020 7:50 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Well even Pangloss could come to his senses, but he had to endure some hardships first. And Voltaire shows in that story that if you start with nonsense (Pangloss: this world is the best of all possible worlds), you end with madness.

It is madness to self-isolate and continue to believe that there is a virus waiting to kill us all. But I agree that people who truly believe in that madness are entitled to have their own worldview. It’s sad to see people going mad, but there is not much I can do from stopping them going mad. They can’t hear what I am saying to them, they are just incapable and have to learn the hard way, possibly by example.

If they would just look at all those people who do not self isolate, well that might help. But they feel themselves superior over ‘such people’ which blinds them from seeing the obvious. Deaf, blind, mad and all self-inflicted through ages of mindless thinking. They sure are a pitiable lot.

Jun 22, 2020 8:22 PM

Sniff dogs not able to get out the station.

Jun 22, 2020 7:53 PM

Too much offgrid.All the evidence dizappeared.

Jun 22, 2020 7:36 PM

I guess I may have been a bit rude, but from where I am, it appeared immediately, and I do like b of MOA…
Bernhard Horstmann, I think you are a highly talented man of great integrity.
I thought you were Brilliant, I thought you would be the last to lose it, but you were one of the first. I am not blaming you. It has been the most Powerful Propaganda ever.
So how come, when I think you are very much cleverer than me, that you got infected by the Corona Mind Virus, and I didn’t?
Do you watch TV? I don’t. I know its not your fault, but you’ve been brainwashed, as around 80% of the population of the world has.
I sincerely hope you get better, but I am sending my £10 to Off-Guardian. More balls than you, and they didn’t get ill.
Posted by: tonyopmoc | Jun 22 2020 17:57 utc | 22
I like people like that, especially when I don’t agree with them, and they still publish my view, on their blog.
That’s Class

Jun 22, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You’re a legend Tony

MoA is not.

Jun 22, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I agree

Jun 22, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Yes, Tony is. I’ve been coming across his brilliant stories on and off for years. He spreads himself around.

As for contributing, I see it similar to my days trading shares in small mining companies. They call these companies – ‘a hole in the ground with a liar at the top’

But just rarely a gem comes along – its does something unique or is years ahead of its time. It doesn’t disappoint. For me, thats Off G and I see giving a few bob as an investment for the future.

Jun 22, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Off-guardian is my university now.
Great minds here and saves me having to do the research that so many here do with earnest diligence.

Jun 22, 2020 9:58 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Perhaps b should be made aware that masks have failed to ‘save the day’ in Germany
Germany’s infection rate rapidly rises as world sees its largest daily rise in COVID-19 cases
Oh dear the page has been removed- no matter the url is present still
But, but, but they wear face masks
Germans face fines of up to $5,000 as wearing a face mask becomes mandatory
Perhaps the heavy handed censors didn’t want people to put 2 & 2 together?

Jun 23, 2020 12:04 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony, I saw my doctor today. She’s a very smart young woman from the Cape Verde Islands. As well as her native Portuguese she’s also fluent in three other languages (English, French and Italian – for a Portuguese speaker Spanish goes without saying). This lovely young lady was wearing a mask and a gown and all the rest of it. After finishing the examination, and after she told me yet again that I really must give up smoking, I tentatively asked her what she thought about PPE and the covid 19 stuff and what’s going on at the moment. This highly intelligent woman seemed to buy into it all, although she might have been playing her cards close to her chest. Likewise I didn’t question further, because she’s the person who deals with my healthcare and in that situation it’s not always a good idea to get into politics.
I suppose I’m just trying to say that we musn’t get angry with people who refuse to see what’s happening at the moment. After all, it’s an awful lot to get your head around, to put it mildly.
Oh, and for the record, for the last two or three years my blood pressure has been through the roof, and I’ve had a number of doctors tell me that I’m going to drop dead at any minute. Today my blood pressure was still a bit high, but not dangerously so. I asked my lovely young doctor if I could now stop taking these beastly blood pressure tablets: no, but she’s put me on a much reduced dose.
I’m sure you just wanted to know all this.

Jun 23, 2020 12:26 AM
Reply to  RobG

I tend to go to doctors working in functional medicine that know other ways to heal rather than dishing out drugs which cause side effects.

Jul 24, 2020 7:17 AM
Reply to  RobG

Oh dear,
We’ll have to train you away from the allopaths..😊

Jun 22, 2020 7:36 PM

Jim was the ripper and his mate Peter went down for it .

Jun 22, 2020 7:31 PM

What a fool Bob Geldof? Is.Des 22 isnt x

Jun 22, 2020 7:30 PM

And when the lucky ones get on the Ark you may have to choose your dog or cat.and they will be tested for the terrible disease.I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.

Jun 22, 2020 7:19 PM

Get to Europe mountains would be better.

Jun 22, 2020 7:13 PM

Dont run to the hills like an AC/DC run to the mountains like a human.

Jun 22, 2020 7:09 PM

Hello people.We think we may have worked it out now.LEAVE THE CAPITAL.A great flood is on its way.The Tories been promoting floods for years.Get up Snowden.But smash the train up it gives you walking vieus.peace.

Jun 22, 2020 7:10 PM
Reply to  Marfanoid

Virus peace

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 22, 2020 6:54 PM

If the American election does happen this year , I think another more harshly enforced lock-down is in the works , Trump will win easily. He will carry the rust belt and and right to work for nothing states. The investor class loves his duel role as their man and simultaneously his enjoy being able to blame his boorish scapegoat persona , for the structural deficiencies/failures of the US political system..

Jun 22, 2020 6:45 PM

The Guardian has a narrative about Starmer’s Labour quietly bubbling away….
The likes of Rawnsley have been establishing the line that Starmer is some genius forensic inquisitor of Johnson. This, plus the goverment’s manifest failings, has put us roughly at 1993 in the build-up to 1997, they claim. The next step is to demand Starmer defines what he stands for, not just what he’s against. Up pops Toynbee today to call for a “challenging” of Corbyn’s legacy. This re-run of Blair and Clause IV will be the “slaying of sacred cows” phase when anything vaguely offensive to oligarchic or deep state interests gets junked to a chorus of media cheering.
Anyone deluded enough to believe this Covid lunacy would be better under Labour should have seen Ashworth on TV yesterday morning where he made it clear he thinks there isn’t enough mask-wearing. Whether he agrees with Hancock who was also on and hinted that pub re-opening will see people banned from sitting face-to-face, singing banned and compulsory giving of your details for tracing wasn’t clear – but would you bet against it?

Jun 22, 2020 7:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

compulsory giving of your details for tracing”
“Er, OK:
M. Mouse,
c/o Disneyland
Nr. Paris
Oh, and a pint of bitter, please.”
Good luck to them, getting public cooperation with that.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jun 22, 2020 8:42 PM
Reply to  breweriana

hmm, well they can enforce ID cards for 18 year olds (or under 22 year olds or 25 year olds or whatever it is), so why not this? I suspect enough people will go along with it.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 10:50 PM

Well I won’t.

R Hayward
R Hayward
Jun 22, 2020 7:58 PM
Reply to  Edwige

There are two sets of individuals that regurgitate the Covid-19 nonsense or swallow demands made by the Board of Deputies : the Venal and the Dumb.
The only question to ask a politician who regurgitates the pap is :
“Which of these are you – either – or both?”

Capricornia Man
Capricornia Man
Jun 23, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The antipathy of zionist Starmer to the best of the Labour tradition would be obvious to all who trouble to look into his record before and since becoming leader. Toynbee’s predicable statement simply confirms the Guardian’s true role as a defender of neo-liberalism. The only “sacred cow” which needs slaying are the tattered remnants of the Guardian’s reputation as a ‘liberal’ publication.

Jun 25, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Johnson is an idiot but Starmer is quite a sinister figure, a sort of Blair Mark II, Corbyn was disappointing but the powers that be feared he might actually introduce some social reforms benefiting working people. This could not be countenanced.

Jun 22, 2020 6:11 PM

One encouraging London Bus Report circa 16:30 22/06/2020
Whilst wearing masks, is now deemed compulsorily, on public transport in England, according to my wife, who reluctantly took a scarf, just in case the Stasi, wouldn’t let her get on, almost no one who went upstairs wore a mask, and less than 50% downstairs did.
She also made the point that no one paid anything, cos the Bus Driver’s Oyster Card machine wasn’t working, or more likely he thought f’ck it and turned it off, and said get on.
Could be The UK Government with this monstrous nonsense have been sussed.

Jun 22, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Being scared all the time is somewhat exhausting.People after a while often start to think, “F@@k it…”

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 23, 2020 12:51 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

It is the same in Canada and the US today , while the multi-national mega stores remained open their employees were forced to where masks and spray disinfectant constantly , as the customers blithely assumed Douglas Adams’ [ Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy ] SEP levels of obliviousness.SEP = Somebody Elses Problem.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 23, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

As people tire of this nonsense , it is now common to see government and multinational mega store employees scurrying about attempting to enforce government and other authoritarian edicts that appear on the internet, while most of the customers blithely take a Douglas Adams described SEP position [ Somebody Elses Problem ] as described in the The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy ? This disconnect widens daily

Jun 22, 2020 5:51 PM

And in other news the new updates at Off-Guardian make it possible to censor anti-Alt right and anti-US views they don’t like. They are just as bad as the Guardian and are actually working for the same bosses at GCHQ.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 22, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  phil

Look, Phil, Mo, Harvey, Jilly, Rex etc – You are using at least 12 identities from 3 interchangeable IPs. You were doing this for several weeks without us noticing until you accidentally posted the identical message from five different accounts and alerted us.

I don’t know if you are one person or several people. I don’t know if you want to disrupt or are trying to get banned (as Louis Proyect is also keen to do.) But let me explain.

1. You are allowed to post any non-racist, non-threatening opinion you want, even open attacks on us, unless you do it to the point of disrupting conversations, when your posts may be removed on a case by case basis. We would prefer you to do so from one account only, but we can’t force you to comply. We do, however, put persistent multi-account posters on pre-mod, for obvious reasons.

2. We don’t ban people.. Ever. So, if this is what you are trying to achieve you’re wasting your time. It will never happen.

3. Your attempt to define us as pro-US and alt right is equally pointless and embarrassing, since a glance at our output shows we are neither.

Try a different approach. Or just stop? Take up gardening maybe. Sit outside and listen to the birdsong and re-evaluate your priorities.

All the best


Jun 22, 2020 6:30 PM

LOL – Brilliant.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 22, 2020 6:54 PM

Perhaps “Sybil” is having an identity crisis. Could be the Donepezil, Galantamine and Rivastigmine. Poor dear. “So many multiple personalities, so little time.”

Jun 22, 2020 7:32 PM

It’s true that you don’t ban people, but it’s also true that you flag certain profiles and moderate their posts. That’s not much different than banning.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 22, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Jimmi

What a silly final sentence. It’s about as different as it could be. 99.9% of posts that go into pre-mod here end up published, even if they come from known multi-account troublemakers and trolls. Everyone will get their comments published provided they are not empty ad hom, racism or threats. And tbh we sometimes even allow the former more than we probably should.

The point is no one is ever permanently shut out, and any troll is free to quit trolling and start contributing, whenever they want and however abusive they’ve been in the past.

Jun 22, 2020 7:46 PM

No sorry that may have been me but I am not doing that x

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 22, 2020 8:12 PM

I don’t see the off guardian as pro USA.
Maybe I see how when you don’t say ” COVID” is just a pysop he thinks you are controlled opposition (alt “Left”) narrative left maintaining msm’s narrative that there is a “new virus that causes a new disease” which is not so ….but alt right?

Jun 22, 2020 5:58 PM
Reply to  phil

Quoted evidence please before mindless accusations.

Jun 22, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  phil

Constantly reading this kind of comment, in which we’re told (erroneously) about Off-G’s political leanings and alleged censorship on this site, is tedious in the extreme.
What a sad and unfulfilling life you must lead.

Jun 22, 2020 5:34 PM

one of the worst things about the censorship is they actualy planned the whole covid thing using our knowledge. they just did the direct opposite of what we said. get sun especially in winter became stay indoors after winter. it is sad to think how much info was used against people. such an evil.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 22, 2020 5:10 PM

comment image

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 22, 2020 5:08 PM

Really enjoying this post and thread, very lively.
As with the Guardian, the Huffington Post (once not too bad under Arianna) now MSM here with a “there there” patronizing tone on how we’re all just being doodled real bad if we “get bored” with the virus:

But millions are out of work, and unemployment benefits are close to running out. Businesses are shuttered. Schools are closed. Essential workers risk their health to commute to their jobs. Those working from home have to juggle their jobs and their family obligations. Families and friends are separated from each other. Whether you live alone or with others, isolation takes a heavy toll on your mental health. 

It’s all horrible. These things are all true, and they all hurt. They also don’t matter to the virus.

The coronavirus doesn’t care that you want to hold a political rally.

The coronavirus doesn’t care that you’re worried about reelection.

The coronavirus doesn’t care that your business closed or you lost your job.

The coronavirus doesn’t care that schools are closed . . .

The “doesn’t care” lyrics continue on and on from here, I was humming as I read.
This commentary follows the “yes, an enormity of chaos and destruction in the solution, oh dear, but the virus! oh my god the virus! it’s coming for you! look out it’s coming for you!” approach to journalism.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 22, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

Ms Huffington come from a Greek Fascist background and only in America could she be considered of the left , at least look up her bio before supplicating to her. Huffpost has always reflected popular rightist notions and has practiced rigid censorship . Propaganda is its game and claim to fame since its founding.

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 22, 2020 8:03 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I murmured “not too bad” and you’ve got me “supplicating to her.” And your generalization is not so in my experience of the HuffPost way back. More carping and whining.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 23, 2020 1:08 AM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

More rewriting history with false claims/memories is not helpful ? I was banned within a week after Huffpost began it comment section , wondered why and did the research years back. No carping or whining , which you are doing with this response, involved. I simple suggest you do the research, rather than getting shirty?

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Jun 23, 2020 1:27 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

This is really silly. Why don’t we try to get along?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 22, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

One asks after they are kicked to the curb, homeless and hungry, are they going to take them in, feed them, get them medical care if they get ill? “Not bloody likely.”
Just more crocodile teared hypocrites. Even more evil and heartless because they were the ones who caused the situation in the first place.
The same goes for the petty bourgeois banal frauds at Counterpuff, the corporate fascist security state wonks at The Guardian and the “Trotskyite” labor fakers down at the CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP).

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  Aldous Hexley

These days I’m cool with living alone.

Jun 22, 2020 4:37 PM

There is an article about Brazilian indigenous folks.. It sounds like they are poisoning them and passing it off as corona, which the Guardian dutifully repeats….. I am beyond tears and rage … but the death numbers are no doubt completely untrue.
“Katia Silene Akrãtikatêjê, 51, a chief from the Gavião tribe in Pará state, believes she caught Covid-19 after a government health team visited their village to give flu vaccines.
“Everyone got sick from there on,” she said.”

Jun 22, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  I DENY YR BS

In fact the whole “news” item seems designed to pull at heartstrings and reinforce how evil this invisible enemy is…

Jun 22, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  I DENY YR BS

Mexican military, with U.S. support, has been cleansing the local population for years, under the pretext of the War on Drugs.
The Cartels Do Not Exist by Oswaldo Zavala found low correlation between places of known drug production and areas of military action – and high correlation between military action and locations of interest to international corporations and mining groups.

Jun 22, 2020 11:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I believe the story about the indigenous peoples of the “Americas” getting largely wiped out by imported diseases during the conquest is a lie to hide the fact they were killed or worked to death, and to re-inforce the “infectious virus” BS.
The idea that these people would have had weaker immune systems than the European invaders is racist and preposterous given what we know about the lifestyles of both populations during that period.

Jun 22, 2020 6:02 PM
Reply to  I DENY YR BS

Global development is supported by
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

I’m sure they had their own special waxxine used in the tropicals.

Jun 22, 2020 2:42 PM

A minute’s silence to remember the victims of the Reading attack? This is becoming a habit.

Jun 22, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

How are they going to fit all this on Premier League footballers’ shirts? (They’ve already got Black Lives Matter and the NHS logo on them).
Thanks for the music video you posted, by the way.

Jun 22, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Good to hear other voices. I’m sure there are many other musicians using their platform to protest – it’s just a matter of finding them and refusing to let the Corporatist Media act as gatekeepers to culture and discourse.

Jun 22, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Meanwhile, due to my lack of familiarity, the long break and my memory, I don´t know the names of the players I am watching!

Jun 22, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  intp

Ha. Something similar’s been happening to me. And the ”crowd” noise takes a bit of getting used to…

Jun 22, 2020 4:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

do we clap or kneel
1 leg or 2
it is like windows 10 A I computer tech

daisy daisy give me your answer do
i can feel it i can feel it dave
can you feel it

meanwhile chopping down trees in my park for 5g

old trees sliced and diced

5g mast never any planning permission needed

building an extension on your home do it
put a 5g phased array israeli military tech on top

and the council will do nothing
as zero planning needed

Jun 22, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  gordon

Carefull x I like your poems.

Jun 22, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s becoming so confusing! I hope people don’t get mixed up and start clapping for a minute instead.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 10:55 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Maggie McGeown
Maggie McGeown
Jun 22, 2020 2:00 PM

I read the sniffer dogs story. Crazy allegation in relation to malaria. Human to human transmission is very rare but the author made out that sniffer dogs could divine malaria in asymptomatic people and play their part in stopping its spread. I’ve noticed that there are fewer and fewer articles in The Guardian you can actually comment on. I wonder why?

Jun 22, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Maggie McGeown

The backlash they were getting “below the line” was pretty real.

Jun 22, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Maggie McGeown

malaria is easy to cure. france24 did a documentary on how the who was to blame for millions of deaths suppressing the herb artemisia. eating fruit helps keep the mosquitos off.

David Matthews
David Matthews
Jun 22, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  jess

“eating fruit helps keep the mosquitos off”
ROTFL – Jess have you ever lived anywhere with mosquitoes? Until recently I lived on the edge of a swamp in Africa. On the plus side I grew grapes, avocado, orange, lemon, mango, banana and lots of veg.
Happily it was a few hours drive from a known malarial area, only the occasional case, put down to what was charmingly known as “suitcase malaria”. If you think eating fruit is going to keep mosquitos off – ROTFL

Patricia Fahy
Patricia Fahy
Jun 22, 2020 1:46 PM

Hey, you may or may not know that Off-Guardian has been blocked from email (or at least mine) in the USA

Jun 22, 2020 1:54 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy


Patricia Fahy
Patricia Fahy
Jun 22, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Not sure. Just got your email but Off Guardian has not been coming. I have to go the web site to read info. Anyone else in the US having a similar problem?

Jun 22, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy

did you check spam folder?

Patricia Fahy
Patricia Fahy
Jun 22, 2020 5:43 PM
Reply to  jess

Yes, daily.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 22, 2020 7:07 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy

Started not getting E-mail responses last week and I’m in the state called Canada?

Patricia Fahy
Patricia Fahy
Jun 22, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Same here in the US. I am pretty sure the site is being blocked. Prior to this I always got a message before it opened and it took time to open. Precursor to total censorship.

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 22, 2020 7:19 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I have always randomly got those emails on and off for the past 6 months. Had none for several months then they started again last week for 2 days then stopped again! I’m in the UK.

Jun 22, 2020 11:25 PM
Reply to  Paul too

same here

Country Girl
Country Girl
Jun 23, 2020 4:37 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy

Reply to this thread about Off-G emails going missing. I subscribed to the emails when in the US, now back in the UK. My emails arrived for a while then stopped. Not in spam. Subscribed to emails twice. Same again, after difficulties opening the emails – only from Off-G, then difficulties opening the articles. I have a yahoo.com email address, do any of you also have yahoo.com? Or any other yahoo. prefix such as .ca for Canada, or .co.uk for the UK?

Been with this email address for years, never had this type of problem with any other emails. Do have other types of problems recently with all emails (same time scale) Yahoo do not seem to like the fact I have ad-blockers and made it very difficult for me to open all emails, but none of the others did not arrive. I am currently using a different browser that does not block ads. Emails are opening (with ads. and driving me nuts) But the Off-G problem is still ongoing.

Jun 22, 2020 4:50 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy

stop using gmail?

Patricia Fahy
Patricia Fahy
Jun 22, 2020 5:30 PM
Reply to  I DENY YR BS

I have yahoo

Jun 22, 2020 7:27 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy

Think subscription email might not be working since the comment overhaul.

Country Girl
Country Girl
Jun 23, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy

Just spotted this comment. See my comment above. You have answered my question – it is yahoo that is removing our emails from Off-G.

Patricia Fahy
Patricia Fahy
Jun 23, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  Country Girl

Do you think so? I wonder. Be nice to hear from off-guardian.

Country Girl
Country Girl
Jun 23, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  Patricia Fahy

Yes it would be good to hear from Off-G. Since my last comment I have had a chat with someone who knows much more about IT than I do. Their opinion is that Yahoo is simply unsubscribing Off-G’s emails to us.

Patricia Fahy
Patricia Fahy
Jun 23, 2020 11:00 PM
Reply to  Country Girl

Thanks for the info.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 22, 2020 1:37 PM

Covid19 sniffer dogs? Ironic detachment while wearing a face mask? Riveting stuff. I even had a brain fade and began reading Zoe Williams peice of…. journalism. Then snapped out of it.
Have just sat thru 3 Health and Safety videos made by The Big Issue for vendors to safely return to work next Monday. A quiz about the videos over the phone with a staff member before getting the all clear to sell again.
Halfway thru the second video, I’d already lost count of the times the term ‘Covid19 pandemic’ had been used by the narrator.
Almost inexplicably, the use of Fask Masks wasn’t mentioned once. They did however push cashless sales and to use our digital payment machine as much as possible.
It’s been a real slog, over 12 weeks now, and still another week to go. And yes, I’m very aware of the huge damage done to the economy, and the fact many people have lost their jobs. Very aware.
With all the spare time, have discovered some excellent alternative sites and blogs that compliment the excellent, establishment challenging reporting here at OffGuardian.
The latest is on YouTube (for much longer?) The Mirror Project – a series of fairly short videos on the agenda being rolled out.

Jun 22, 2020 1:56 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes covid 19 is the same molecular chemical family as cocaine, why them doggies will sniff out the killer virus once and for all !

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 22, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Is it?? Gosh, I had no idea A. How interesting😏 How are things going in Ireland? Are you still in lockdown?

Jun 22, 2020 6:09 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It’s worst than the Irish famine our own Leo Varwanker said last Friday telling us what we are allowed to do on our summer holidays.

He’s using lines from various films in his monotone speeches, the latest is from Mean Girls. I shit you not.

Majority are still buying the covid con
But more people are waking up

Even in my circle way more cotton on
We are part of the circle who’s going to get jabbed of the waxxines to be totally free
We are the globohomo little pet

Basically we are fucked.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jun 22, 2020 10:56 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

No. They can’t smell the virus. It’s people with the disease they are being trained to smell.

Jun 22, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I looked up The Mirror Project on YouTube. I was given a warning before I was allowed on site. It was considered “adult material” and possibly disturbing.

Jun 22, 2020 12:24 PM

These arseholes revel in assassinating the characters of decent people such as Jeremy Corbyn. They simultaneously venerate and try to rehabilitate someone who long ago should have crawled into a hole, never to be seen again: Tony Blair.
They’re not journalists; they’re spineless, obsequious, easily impressed stenographers of the Establishment line.
F**k the Guardian.

Jun 22, 2020 1:04 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Blair was our greatest prime minister in many ways. He was foolish to be duped by Bush and his CIA bosses on the Iraq War, and even more so to double down afterwards – but I guess he has his family to think of.

Jun 22, 2020 1:32 PM
Reply to  Thom

Get fucked.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 22, 2020 2:56 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I agree with your sentiment, but surely they taught you more than that at the School for Wit and Repartee?

Jun 22, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

sometimes life’s too short

Jun 22, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

do you really think these scum are deserving of more than that?

Jun 22, 2020 4:31 PM
Reply to  Jams O'Donnell

In regards to Tony Blair no

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 22, 2020 5:42 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Fair enough.

Jun 22, 2020 1:36 PM
Reply to  Thom

Blair’s got blood on his hands. One thing he doesn’t seem to have is a conscience. Swanning around making millions, with not a thought for all the people for whose deaths he’s directly responsible. He was a more than willing participant. Such is the ego of demons like him.
If there were any justice, he’d be stripped of his ill-gotten wealth and spend the rest of his life behind bars.
But anyway, as you were saying – greatest prime minster in many ways, duped, family to think of…

Jun 22, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Keir Starmer is cut from the same cloth and would be unacceptable to the British establishment if he was not.

Jun 22, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  Thom

I grant Blair and Straw enough intelligence, along with security service briefings, to know exactly what they were getting themselves into. The same is true of Cameron and Hague over Libya. None of them were filed by anyone…they all duped their most blinkered, partisan supporters.

Jun 22, 2020 4:15 PM
Reply to  lundiel

it’s always easiest to dupe people who want to be duped. that way, they can accept their rewards from the falsely-advertised policies, while declining to accept any responsibility for the costs which were inflicted on other people.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 22, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Thom

Blair was our greatest prime minister in many ways. He was foolish to be duped by Bush and his CIA bosses on the Iraq War….

A bit like saying Hitler was foolish to be duped by anti-Semites.

Jun 22, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  George Mc

He was duped by the “Semites” instead, lol..

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 22, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Thom

Tony Blair…. you mean the mass murdering war criminal who should be banged up in a jail cell for life. That Tony Blair? Ask the people of Iraq what they think of him.

Jun 22, 2020 4:35 PM
Reply to  Thom

yes tory blair
public privater partnerships

selling the gold of the uk with freak browns bottom
selling to the family you know red shield buying euros with the billions

a man arrested for toilet trading giving the name anthony lynton

a great friend of tel aviv
no friend greater

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 22, 2020 7:12 PM
Reply to  Thom

Have you seen Ewen McGregors The Ghost Writer?

Jun 22, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I’ll double that!

Paul too
Paul too
Jun 22, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Well said and Thom, you need to educate yourself. Wilful ignorance is not a good look.

Alan Tench
Alan Tench
Jun 22, 2020 12:19 PM

Biden’s VP is going to be a woman. How bloody pathetic. Virtue signalling at its worst. Whatever happened to appointing the best person for the job?

Jun 22, 2020 1:33 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

So he can molest on the job and not have anyone squeal

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 22, 2020 4:20 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

It is sorry day indeed. Groper Joe’s predilections and mental state are downplayed in light of his history of gross corruption and warmongerary. Frightening, that Orange Hair Bozo can be viewed as “the lesser of two devils.” A sorry day indeed. Groper Joe and the Ukrainian Nazis, joined at the hip.

Jun 22, 2020 4:38 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Maybe this is the plan all along.

Creepy Joe would never gotten in on his own accord.

So get Trump in first and cause havoc and then bring the life support machine.. oh I mean Joe Biden and be the next President and drive in the NWO

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 22, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

Since the decisions are made elsewhere does not really matter who the master of ceremonies sockpuppet is. Repulsive as Orange Hair Bozo is Groper Joe is even more disgusting.
Everyone of those Corporate Fascist Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths have to go, the sooner the better.
 comment image

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Jun 22, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

Qualifications? Thhat is so last century. We are into ‘turns’ now. And as it is HC’s (or whoever’s) turn, what is the point of voting? It will surely only upset the sequence of ‘turns’.

Jun 22, 2020 4:58 PM
Reply to  Alan Tench

All these women being thrown out for consideration – it’s just a ruse, to congeal the idea that the VP MUST be female in order to anoint Mrs Clinton without much ado. And they’ll make sure the good voters of America wear their masks night and day for a week before election day – that way they’ll forget to say “Oh THAT Hillary Clinton!”

Calamity Jane
Calamity Jane
Jun 22, 2020 7:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

yip and then he ” dies” and Hellary is put in as head of the corporation of the US.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon, UK)
Jun 22, 2020 9:06 PM
Reply to  Calamity Jane

“Yes Mr President, we really think that a motorcade through Dallas could significantly reinvigorate your reelection campaign at this time…”

Jun 22, 2020 12:18 PM

Facts really are a problem for The Guardian. Even journalism is an obstacle to painting their world rosy pink. Khairi Saadallah had “previously been in prison for a relatively minor offence” after he ‘came to UK as refugee from Libyan civil war” says The Guardian. 
A quick web search might have brought up the following links, but that would have clashed with the narrative The Guardian had already prepared.
Saadallah was a one-man crime wave in Reading last year. In January 2019 he stole a bottle of wine from Sainsburys. When challenged by the security guard he smashed the bottle and tried to push the broken bottle into the guard’s face:
In March 2019 he was imprisoned for two months for common assault of an emergency worker and fined for possession of a knife:
In August 2019 he appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court for assaulting the judge when she sentenced him in March:
France 24 reports: in 2018, Saadallah “obtained permission to remain in the united KINGDOM for the past five years, despite the convictions for violence.… A source said: “Saadallah was on MI5’s radar for a few months last year, [over] his aspirations to travel to Syria.”
That begs the question whether Saadallah was a refugee from war or a participant.
Unless, of course, The Guardian knows something it is not telling us. After all, The G has the hotline to Mi5 who kept Saadallah on its watch list.
Quite why the Libyan national chose to attack a park hours after a Black Lives Matter rally is a question thou shalt not ask.

Jun 22, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I imagine the Guardian will chase the red herrings as usual.
The back story to the Manchester Bomber was swiftly quashed.
As the story regarding the strange demise of the father of the White Helmets James LeMesurier disappeared without trace. Despite the copious reporting by the Guardian of their output.
And as for the Sedwill Salisbury Poisonings the BBC and the Guardian pretty well wrote the story without a reference to Mark Urban. Urban [BBC SECURITY EDITOR] the writer of a book on the occurrence and military friend of he who cannot be named Pablo Miller.
As usual there will be more questions than answers as the Guardian holds those in power to their rigorous principles. Like their comments guidelines which are lies they also claim in their begging bowl pitch:

 we investigate, interrogate and expose the actions of those in power, without fear.

So as with the above briefest of critiques we will not hold our breath for the truth to come out.

Jams O'Donnell
Jams O'Donnell
Jun 22, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  Tutisicecream

“we investigate, interrogate and expose the actions of those in power, without fear”

To be fair, I think that’s their idea of a joke. It certainly is mine.

Jun 22, 2020 1:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

We have long provided shelter to opponents of “regimes” we don’t like. Don’t we also have some ex- white helmet terrorists awaiting the call to arms?

Jun 22, 2020 2:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The Syria and ISIS thing is a red herring. Saadallah appears to have first emanated from Manchester – so suspect a connection with the Manchester Fighters, probably an asset pool for operations home and abroad.
State crime and the Manchester Arena bombing

Jun 22, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  PWL

Great article, thank you. The analysis of cover stories reminds me of Mae Brussell’s How Do You Tell a CIA Espionage Plot from a Revolutionary, Radical, Terrorist Guerrilla Army? http://www.prouty.org/brussell/hearst_1.html

Jun 22, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  PWL

Interesting that The Guardian volunteers the Manchester connection only to discount any link with al Qaeda: “Saadallah’s family member was “disgusted” by the actions of the Manchester bomber… Gary [the neighbour who didn’t give his surname] said he did not think Saadallah, now 25, had fought in the conflict. “I didn’t think [Saadallah] fought in Libya because he was too young,” he said. “They were not massively religious. They were good to people”.”  Similar to the Manchester Arena bombing where UK authorities originally said they had a lone wolf.. until the U.S. that blew the UK story apart when it announced an al Qaeda connection.   Salman Abedi “the 22-year-old British man believed to have killed 22 people in a suicide-bomb attack, had ties to al Qaeda and had received terrorist training abroad, a U.S. intelligence official told NBC News.”   I am inferring nothing from either the assertion or the denial of AQ links except the decision to put the issue in the public mind at all.   So here we have Khairi Saadallah (25) the same age as Salman Abedi (22 when he died in 2017) and also originally from Manchester, home of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.   From: http://www.frombehindenemylines.org.uk/2017/05/in-manchester-the-libyan-islamic-fighting-group-knows-its-chemicals/   “Now, with the comic relief over, the author asks the reader to notice that the corporate-media is playing up supposed links between ISIS and Abedi in preference to a connection that appears to be much more substantial. Naturally, this link must be overshadowed because it is one that is very embarrassing for the British Government. The author is not going to write in detail about it, because there is an article by Tony Cartalucci at LandDestroyer that explains everything so beautifully, and what a waste of time and resources it would be to duplicate it (and… Read more »

Jun 22, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Coinkydink: An unarmed police officer tackled a suspected terrorist carrying out a deadly knife attack in a park in Reading, the home secretary has told MPs.
The shooting dead of the “Streatham terrorist”, Sudesh Amman, in Feb 2020 was the second extrajudicial killing, or summary execution, of an alleged knife-wielding jihadist in three months.he first was the killing of Usman Khan, who actually appeared to have been disarmed before he was shot. Footage of that incident showed a person, later announced as an “off duty policeman” (for which perhaps should be read “undercover cop”), walking away from a melee of bodies with a blade in his hand.

Jun 22, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

A few years back some Libyans were trained in Britain as part of a new democratic future for their country but were somewhat dubious – grievous bodily harm, robbery and I think a British male was sodomised.

Jun 22, 2020 12:13 PM

The Guardian, always ready to back a Psycho, has a nice fruit cake corner going on promoting Bolton’s new book.
In the hope that the nutcased fruitella can sling some shit that sticks.
Unfortunately they still haven’t figured out over the last 4 years, this is exactly how Trump likes it. He’s not a politician, he’s a self publicising contrarian.
In another life Trump and Bolton would be the best of buddies in a kind off wacky racers for psychos. As Mad Cap John McCain would have been too. But for some reason Trump upset all the crazies by being as crazy as they were, but better than they were at their own game.
By going completely off piste and catching the all the ghouls at Foggy Bottom and the stuffed shirts at the Pentangle completely off guard.
And so piste off all the career psychos that had enjoyed the politico gravy train for so long.

Jun 22, 2020 11:56 AM

Guardian writers and readers are exactly the kind of people to whom the great Inspector Grim (of the documentary, The Thin Blue Line) was referring when he described ”…haughty, hoity, stick-it-up-yer-toity, high and mighty, tight-nosed, toffee-arsed, sun-dried tomato-eating, lah-di-dah-di lah-di-dahs.”

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 22, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Don’t forget the Soy Latte’s Gwyn, along with the biodynamic, organic, hand crafted Tofu.
Oh, yeah, and the Kombucha.

Jun 22, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And the quinoa, Gezzah! (The Inspector Grim quote was from some time in the ’90s. Sun-dried tomatoes were all the rage, back then…). ;o)
Glad you made it through that video session intact. And I hope your return to selling the mag goes well. :o)

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 22, 2020 2:37 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Bugger… I forgot the Quinoa. Thanks, and I hope your week is good, with lots of sunshine!

Jun 22, 2020 2:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Not much sun (it’s a typical Welsh summer, thus far), but thanks!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 22, 2020 11:52 AM

Freedland: Are Americans meant to feel grateful to John Bolton, the walrus-moustached, bellicose former national security adviser to Donald Trump? It’s tempting to say yes, as he serves up an election-year memoir that provides a veritable arsenal of ammunition for Democrats to hurl at the president between now and 3 November.
The game is like a bullfight with the Trump deep-state being the matador and the libtards being the bull. The persona of Trump is a capote; so too are “Russian collusion” and “Ukraine quid pro quo”. The Trump DS continuously wave these distractions in front of the libtards in order to pump up the derangement and to keep them chasing phantoms. It’s a form of trolling.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 22, 2020 12:15 PM

“Libtards?” Such as in “Hitler and Mussolini were such Libtards?” One has to be kidding.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 22, 2020 12:52 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I mean the intellectually retarded who pass themselves off as liberals. Intellectual retardedness involves the inabilities to think for oneself or to consider contrary positions. It can affect any groupthink environment, but contemporary libtards are an extreme example. As a general description, see Emerson’s statement on “communities of opinion”:


Jun 22, 2020 5:17 PM

I thought the Deep State is supposed to be against Trump and with the libtards?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 22, 2020 10:54 PM
Reply to  I DENY YR BS
Jun 22, 2020 11:50 AM

Lies , damn lies and MoA. 
MoA is begging for money from his remaining cult followers after he censored, blocked hundreds of comments from skeptical rational people over their justified questioning of official COVID narratives that MoA was incessantly following regurgitating MSM propaganda nonsense, stirring panic and fear mongering he knew was completely uncalled for while ignoring big picture of coordinated Wall Street massive bailout and baseless and arbitrary destruction of people’s economy not be COVID he lied to his flock but by medically baseless lockdown to cover it up. It is clear what is essential for B, money, from poor suckers and what is not, the truth.
B proved that MoA site is free for liars and comments open for stupid and submissive to authoritarian rule of B self proclaimed arbiter and a dictator of truth which happens to come from CIA and Wall Street Street talking points. For thinking people his message is “stay away”. 

Dear reader, your support is essential to keep this site going.

Moon of Alabama provides news and analysis which other media cover late or not at all. It offers original thought and no-nonsense writing on a nearly daily basis. This site is free of charge and of distracting advertisements. The comments are open and lively. It is the effort of a single person.

B has no shame asking for money while dumping decades long readers and commenters for telling him inconvenient truth to his face.

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Jun 22, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  Kalen

He does like to take the royal ‘We’ as well.

Jun 22, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Kalen

ZH continues to deceive.


“Nearly 9 Million Infected As WHO Says Outbreak Still “Accelerating” Following Largest Daily Jump: Live Updates”

No, at least 90% of those people (9 millions) are no longer infected, they are already immune to SC2 infection so is at least 60 millions of Americans exposed to virus with mild or no symptoms or they are resistant unlikely to get ever infected like children. And no, they are not virus spreaders with or without face masks or with or without social distancing. And no, they are not threatening anyone.

One ZH headline 9 million lies.

Jun 22, 2020 10:48 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Ironically, MoA’s remaining loyal readers are most likely unable to donate much– presumably they’ve spent all of their spare cash acquiring state-of-the-art Personal Protective Equipment.

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Jun 22, 2020 11:50 AM

When did being accurate become pedantry? In fact, when did words mean whatever I want them to mean at this particular moment? It must have been going on a long time as Charles Dodgson (OK, Lewis Carroll) satirised it in Alice in Wonderland, but rather than it being the practice of a minority of dishonest and manipulative people, it now seems to be common practice, especially among the elites and their lackeys.

Jun 22, 2020 1:53 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

Words are bollocks.

Give me heiroglyphics any day of the week.

R Hayward
R Hayward
Jun 22, 2020 11:18 AM

“… if you come across something you feel should be included in the next edition ….” 
The term ‘spoilt for choice’ immediately comes to mind
“UK coronavirus live: Minister says big rise in Germany’s R rate ‘concerning’ as PM plans further lockdown easing” 
“Markets hit by coronavirus second-wave fears …” 
… are but two headlines on today’s front page – sighted immediately at random.
Such is the level at which Craig Murray’s “House Journal of the Security Services “now operates.
The paper really doesn’t like it when you take the piss about the fatuous two-edged claim as strap-line to its begging letter which (if my memory serves me correctly) runs :
“Our journalism can change the story”
It certainly was impassioned to do so regularly before the election! … and now falls over its own feet in filtering the Corona virus narrative according to establishment distortions of the spectrum of evidence.

Jun 22, 2020 12:25 PM
Reply to  R Hayward

This statement, after every Guardian article really take’s the biscuit…..

Since you’re here …

“As an open, independent news organisation we investigate, interrogate and expose the actions of those in power, without fear. With no shareholders or billionaire owner, our journalism is free from political and commercial bias – this makes us different.”

OK, maybe no billionaire owner, but what about billionaire philanthropic support?

Philanthropic partnerships at the Guardian

Our current philanthropic partnerships

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which supports the Guardian’s global development site

As this article asks…

Does Gates funding of media taint objectivity?

“The foundation’s grants to media organizations such as ABC and The Guardian, one of Britain’s leading newspapers, raise obvious conflict-of-interest questions: How can reporting be unbiased when a major player holds the purse strings?”


Jun 22, 2020 11:04 AM

Old Papa Government, by Emmanuel Anazia, known by his stage name Superior, who hails from Nigeria’s Delta State.

Jun 22, 2020 10:59 AM

We have to look outside the Corporatist Media for meaningful comment, and make the effort to search out voices, instead of accepting ‘pre-packaged community organizers’ from servants of vested interests like The Grauniad.
Chaziel Sunz: https://youtu.be/uzBMebaiMaA?t=187