Notorious Fourth: Independence Day in the Land of the Captive, the Home of the Cowed
Michael Lesher

COVID19, that ersatz apocalypse, has never come anywhere close to killing the two million Americans we were solemnly assured might succumb to it a few months ago. But, judging from the state of things on this year’s Independence Day, I’m afraid its propagandists in government and mass media may have actually done worse than that: they may have succeeded in killing America itself.
True, you’d never have guessed that from watching the display of fireworks that festooned my urban horizon after dark on the Fourth of July – American’s annual orgy of self-congratulation intended to commemorate the colonies’ declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. I suppose you can always count on the American public to explode things with relish – it’s just a pity they haven’t taken a similar pleasure in exploding the deceptions of their ruling class.
Watching those futile bursts of sound and color (produced by a population that has effectively been living under dictatorship since early March), I found myself wishing for a genuine eruption, like the one that poured out of Frederick Douglass in 1852 as that former slave lambasted the hypocrisy of celebrating the Declaration of Independence’s pronouncement “all men are created equal” in a land that tolerated – in fact, demanded – the subjugation of a huge proportion of its inhabitants:
I do not hesitate to declare, with all my soul, that the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this 4th of July! […] America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future […] I will, in the name of humanity which is outraged, in the name of liberty which is fettered, in the name of the constitution and the Bible, which are disregarded and trampled upon, dare to call in question and to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything that serves to perpetuate slavery – the great sin and shame of America!”
Today, I sit in an apartment building in which I am not permitted to walk without a muzzle on my face, in a city full of churches and synagogues where people are still forbidden to worship normally (it is Big Brother, not God, to whom we must turn in the Coming of Corona), in a state where the performing arts are banned, where holding hands in public can get you fined, where thousands of retail businesses may operate only under absurd restrictions – and where all these confinements issue from the arbitrary will of a governor who has unilaterally declared himself above the legislature, the courts and the Constitution.
Today, in short, every citizen of New Jersey lives under the rule of a police state. And it’s no better for the inhabitants of thirty or more other states in what we used to call “the land of the free,” where tens of millions of new unemployment applications and the mushrooming of what experts call “diseases of despair” attest to the brutal victory of the lockdown maniacs over the Bill of Rights.
And what’s the reaction? From the mainstream news media – silence. From America’s public intellectuals – silence. From politicians who once boasted of mumbling a few words in criticism of the Patriot Act or of the Republican Party for its policy of “voter suppression” – silence.
Where are today’s Frederick Douglasses to lament the wholesale destruction of democracy? Who mourns for a United States of America that in less than four months has tossed aside whatever remained of the Bill of Rights with no more ceremony than if it were peeling a potato?
One hardly knows whether to laugh or to cry when reviewing the contrast between what does and doesn’t appear in what we charitably call our “news” media. In the last few days, I have repeatedly read dire warnings about the possible consequences of combining fireworks with hand sanitizer, it being assumed (I guess) that no self-respecting American would dream of venturing outside to set off a Roman candle without washing his hands in antiseptic solution at least once every ten minutes. Such is the power of brainwashing.
Then there’s the piece dated July 2 in the grand old National Geographic, explaining yet again (this time on the basis of a hastily-constructed “model”) that COVID19 is at least 50 to 100 times as lethal as a typical flu. The premises underlying the new “model” look suspiciously flimsy to me, but since I’m not a scientist I’ll set that question aside in favor of one that must be obvious to anyone who can nudge the needle on an EEG.
It’s simply this: if COVID19 is “at least” fifty times as deadly as the seasonal flu; and if the official statistics of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention routinely attribute more than 30,000 annual deaths in the U.S. to seasonal flu (which they do); then doesn’t it follow that COVID19 would have to be responsible for at least one and half million deaths in this country, by the article’s own reckoning? Yet we all know the lockdown-lovers themselves aren’t predicting a death toll even remotely that high. In a word, this claim (like so many others) is nothing more than fear-mongering propaganda; the purveyors can’t possibly believe their own hype.
Meanwhile, I searched mainstream media in vain for comment about things more eventful than tips on hand sanitizers or yet another carnival barker talking up the Terrors of the Corona.
We’ve known for some time now that “service sector jobs” – that is, jobs held overwhelmingly by the working poor – have been “decimated as a result of the coronavirus shutdowns.” And we know that millions of Americans who rent their dwellings will likely face eviction soon because of the soaring levels of poverty that have resulted from our masters’ touching concern for our health. Yet I could find no expressions of worry about these facts from any of the media’s professional pundits as they prepared to watch Fourth of July fireworks from the comfort of their living rooms.
Nor was there one single news item about an event I found to be of some political significance, particularly at a time our nation memorializes a revolt against arbitrary British rule. I refer to the diktat issued by the governor of my state on July 2, by which – for the fourth time in as many months – he unilaterally extended New Jersey’s “state of emergency,” thus granting himself quasi-dictatorial powers to keep the citizenry under lock and key.
I have pointed out in previous articles that the dissolution of democracy undertaken several months ago in forty separate states (including mine) was grounded in a law designed for catastrophic incidents of biological terrorism – something not even remotely approximated by the coronavirus – and that even if these declarations of emergency were valid (a dubious proposition at best), the imposition of mass quarantines that placed most of the population under virtual house arrest were likely illegal and probably amounted to violations of the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of “due process of law.”
Compounding all this with a fourth unilateral extension of his one-man rule, Governor Murphy went to the breath-bereaving extreme of eschewing the separation of powers altogether. His explanation of the continuing “emergency” that justified shredding New Jersey law and the U.S. Constitution has to be read to be believed, so I am forced to quote more of it than weak stomachs may be able to bear at one sitting:
[D]ue to the significant emergency measures the State has taken in response to COVID-19, there has now been a decrease in the rate of reported new cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey, in the total number of individuals being admitted to hospitals for COVID-19, and in the rate of reproduction for COVID-19 infections in New Jersey… [G]iven the progress the State has made based on these emergency measures…I announced [a month ago] a multi-stage New Jersey’s Road Back Plan (the “Plan”) for the methodical and strategic reopening of businesses and activities…[and] in line with the Plan, the State has been able to relax a number of restrictions…
[However,] the renewal of the declaration of the ongoing Public Health Emergency is necessary to allow the State to continue with the Plan to allow for the methodical and strategic reopening of the State… [T]he renewal of the declaration of the ongoing Public Health Emergency is also necessary to ensure that the State can swiftly respond to take all appropriate actions should the rate of reported new cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey, number of individuals being admitted to hospitals for COVID-19, or rate of reproduction for COVID-19 infections in New Jersey increase once more, as we are now seeing in numerous states across the country.
Got that? New cases of COVID-19 are decreasing, as are hospitalizations. (The death rate is so low that the governor doesn’t even bother to mention it.) In fact, even under Murphy’s Law – the only law we’ve had in New Jersey for four months – excuses for confining the citizenry are wearing so thin that the governor has already begun to ease (though not to eliminate) lockdown restrictions.
So what’s the emergency? I need to keep my quasi-dictatorial powers, says the governor, in order to decide exactly how and when I will give you some of your rights back (my “Plan”), and how and when I will surrender my own quasi-dictatorial powers. In other words: the emergency is the threatened return of democracy itself! Until Murphy has everything he wants, better forget those silly ideas about popular government.
Oh, and the facts don’t matter either, since if New Jersey were a different state its facts might be different too, and since the facts don’t matter the situation can be anything the governor wants it to be, and therefore…but you get the drift.
Now, one might have thought such a naked assault on representative government – signed less than 48 hours before Independence Day – would elicit some comment from the pundit class, especially in connection with the annual shindig in which we celebrate our ancestors’ rejection of “taxation without representation.”
But guess again. As far as I can tell, the news media didn’t even consider the story worth reporting, let alone lamenting.
So much for Independence Day, 2020. Land of the captive, home of the cowed. And not a peep from our public intellectuals.
You can see why I could not join in the day’s celebrations with a clear conscience. Like Frederick Douglass, I wanted to howl that “the character and conduct of this nation never looked blacker to me than on this 4th of July!” And, like him, I longed to hear other Americans echo my mourning for the “humanity which is outraged,” the “liberty which is fettered,” the Constitution that is “disregarded and trampled upon.” I still do.
Is this too harsh? I would welcome a refutation of my assessment, but I am not optimistic that defenders of the lockdowns can identify a redeeming virtue I’ve missed. Meanwhile – since anyone who repudiates the web of lies spun around COVID19 must immediately face a whole army of straw men – let me preemptively knock down at least a few of them.
All this was necessary to avert a medical emergency. Sorry: that argument hasn’t a leg to stand on. It has been a long time since anyone could claim, with a straight face, that COVID19 resembles a bioterror attack putting tens of millions of lives in jeopardy, or that normal democratic processes are incapable of responding to the health problems posed by one more influenza-like virus.
Bear in mind that not a single lockdown order has a viable legal basis apart from the special provisions of the Emergency Health Powers Act (which exists in somewhat different versions in all fifty states), since no such measure was ever passed by a legislature or approved by a court. But even the EHPA requires the existence of a genuine emergency to justify depositing all the power of the state government into a single pair of hands.
Governor Murphy himself admitted a month ago the steadily declining number of COVID19 cases and COVID19-related hospitalizations in New Jersey, thus effectively writing himself straight into the status of usurper rather than governor. Even if you take all of Murphy’s pronouncements at face value, no amount of good intentions can atone for an illegal assumption of power.
And supposing you can believe, after four months of COVID19’s lackluster performance as the modern incarnation of The Blob, that our national situation represents such an emergency that we can only respond by cowering under our beds and submitting to dictatorial rule, you should still object to the governors’ flagrant disregard for the terms of the very statutes they’ve been invoking.
New Jersey’s version of the EHPA requires – even in emergencies – a court order for every quarantine, plus official notice that persons under quarantine have the right to seek a court’s intervention after being confined. Murphy has never even paid lip service to those provisions of the law.
Consider the implications of that fact. If someone ordered you at gunpoint to stay at home for several months, except for certain limited trips to places he approved and on conditions he dictated, he’d be guilty of kidnapping and subject to prosecution for a felony. Is similar violence any less outrageous when committed, illegally, by a state’s chief executive?
What they’ve done was better than nothing. Rubbish. One can only assess the policy by weighing the public cost against the public gain, and any marginal benefit accruing from the artificial prolongation of the COVID19 outbreak will almost certainly be overwhelmed by the misery – and death – that will result from the ensuing financial chaos. By that standard alone, any such eupeptic rationalization is untenable.
But apart from that, the argument rests on a fallacy. It was never a question of either doing nothing or doing what the democracy-destroyers imposed on us. There were always alternatives. Our ruling class could have acted within the law; it could have engaged the public honestly, not with propaganda and scare tactics; it could have focused on protecting the most vulnerable populations while allowing the virus to spread where it would do little harm, thus hastening its departure as populations developed antibodies to resist the infection.
These alternatives, and others like them, were offered early on by reputable professionals – but they were shouted down with slanders by all the Right Thinkers, who then lectured the public that we were being lied to, confined and impoverished for our own good. I only wish more of us had fought back.
The new “surge” in coronavirus cases proves that there was something to the lockdown policy, after all. Characteristically, the Right Thinkers are asserting their most egregiously disingenuous argument with the greatest vehemence. It’s really hard to know which is more breathtaking – the number of lies they’re prepared to tell, or their apparent certainty that we won’t notice.
At first, they led us to believe that if we submitted meekly to mass house arrest, the disease would go away and we could soon return to our normal lives. The disease didn’t go away, so we were served up a second rationale. That was the “flatten the curve” paradigm, according to which it was better for the outbreak to develop slowly in order to ensure that our health care system (which had been weakened for decades by deliberate underfunding, but that’s another fact we aren’t supposed to notice) could cope more efficiently with serious cases.
But if the outbreak was to be slowed, it was also to be prolonged: the two things are logically inseparable. In other words, the lockdown policy always assumed that once restrictions were eased, the outbreak would continue, though it would likely spread somewhat less rapidly than before. That renewed spread cannot, therefore, be considered a problem and certainly is not a surprise.
On the contrary, it is part and parcel of the policy imposed on us by our rulers, and it can only be treated as dangerous if the renewed spread is so rapid that our hospitals cannot keep pace with it. That appears unlikely; I do not see states frantically building temporary facilities, recruiting health care aides or begging charitable organizations to send volunteers into the hospitals. So I remain unimpressed by all the hype about a dreaded “second wave.”
Besides, if the governors and their minions are truly unprepared for this part of the process, after so much time and knowing all the key facts from the beginning, they have only themselves to blame.
It cannot be stressed often enough that the outbreak of a highly infectious respiratory virus ends only when a certain level of immunity is achieved in the general population.
That’s not to say that we are helpless during such an outbreak. We can try to divert the infection away from the most vulnerable while it runs its course – something our rulers refused to do. We can offer early testing and treatment to those who need it – something lockdown policies implicitly discouraged. We can seek out the most effective treatments for those in the greatest distress – a simple imperative to which American responses have been notoriously uneven.
But the idea that the disease will just go away if we all obey Big Brother is a fantasy. And the longer we believe the fantasy, the longer we’ll be fleeced of our rights. That’s a dangerous pattern indeed. If we tolerate our captivity long enough, our rulers will throw away the key.
Where does this leave us? Cynics may say I’m singing my dirge over American democracy too late. Some have dated the end of the Republic from the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. Glenn Greenwald (With Liberty and Justice for Some) and Matt Taibbi (The Divide) have both argued that even the aspiration toward equality under the law has been under assault at least since the beginning of the present century.
One might go back still farther, blaming the elevation of the rights of corporations over those of human beings (a judicial process launched over a hundred years ago) for the ultimate death of democracy in the United States.
But it is one thing to watch the nation move, inch by inch, closer to the brink of a precipice; it is quite another to witness it careening over the edge. We’ve played fast and loose with notions of equality and popular government for a long time. Never before, at least in my lifetime, have we allowed our rulers to openly suspend democracy and to repudiate the Bill of Rights.
Worse, we have listened quietly – some of us eagerly – as media pundits denounced aggrieved people for protesting the denial of their basic liberties, assuring us that anything but abject obedience to the arbitrary, lawless edicts of the State was an act of social irresponsibility. We have even tolerated overt censorship on social media, possibly the one form of general communication with some remaining democratic possibilities.
And so I mourn.
Will the next Independence Day be as bad as this one, a mix of hypocritical patriotism and indefensible submission? I hope not, believing as I still do in the abiding value of democratic institutions. And for the few words of encouragement I know, I turn again to Frederick Douglass, who noted toward the end of his 1852 Independence Day oration:
Long established customs of hurtful character could formerly fence themselves in, and do their evil work with social impunity. Knowledge was then confined and enjoyed by the privileged few, and the multitude walked on in mental darkness. But a change has now come over the affairs of mankind. Walled cities and empires have become unfashionable. The arm of commerce has borne away the gates of the strong city. Intelligence is penetrating the darkest corners of the globe….
What was true in Douglass’ time is even truer today. Knowledge cannot easily be stifled. Walls cannot fence in an informed and enlivened public. If we allow our rulers to scare us into enslavement over the phony fear of a moderately serious flu virus, we may not really deserve to be free in the first place.
But cowardice is not inevitable; it has to be chosen. I pray we make the right choices in the coming year.
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No different to the UK then?
See more and more of this anti American meme in the mainstream media channels .
Part of the racism to nationalism divide and conquer meme, so people don’t realized that human beings are not really separated by State concepts .
Main fact missing as in all the articles that COVID(a new disease) doesn’t exist (except in the minds of billions).
Its a 100% virus of the mind.
All very commendable EXCEPT, there is no ‘virus’, we do not achieve ‘immunity’ – there is nothing to be immune from, Germ Theory is provably false. This is the premise that must be exposed and in doing so will usher in a new age of health, and free us from the criminal medical cabal imposing this tyranny upon us.
I know. It’s so very, very simple. Regardless of germ theory there is ample evidence that there is no special virus nor the alleged disease that goes with it. They, in fact, TELL us loud and clear with their absurd alleged patients suffering from COVID-19 … and in so many other ways.
‘Intelligence is penetrating the darkest corners of the globe….’
I am afraid that Intelligence is indeed penetrating the darkest corners of the globe in 2020, but we are talking about MI5/6, the CIA, Service 5, the FSB etc etc etc.
They are conspiring with the rich elites to try and recreate the walled cities where they can live gilded lives whilst they condemn the rest to impotent servitude.
If New Jersey wants things to change, then New Jersey citizens must march en masse and storm the Governor’s fortress. No violence, just hundreds of thousands of you disobeying his orders and making it quite clear you will continue to do so.
Do not wear masks, walk 1 metre away from each other if you wish, have points where men are given haircuts sitting down on chairs in the street, have somewhere where pints of beer are freely sold.
You know: do all the things you are told are now illegal, do them with impunity and do them without any violence whatever.
Heaven knows, the CIA and FBI will try and incite riots as a result: they cannot have the legitimate peaceful will of the people be expressed without sabotaging it.
They do not serve you, they serve the tax-avoiding, corrupt, dictatorial ueber elites who believe in eugenics.
This article made me cry. It is unbearable to see the demise of a great nation and all that she has lost in such a short span of time. Perhaps, it was all an illusion and the greatness was never there….This was a terrific article, poignant and very moving -thank you for writing this. I leave you with my favorite quote, also by Frederick Duglass:
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both”.
May God grant us wisdom and valor. God bless you, Michael.
John Cassavetes, actor/director, put in a plug for his paisano Frank Capra, and his altruist idealist film versions (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Meet John Doe, It’s a Wonderful Life*) of the photogenic side of nobler Americana, with these telling words, “Maybe there never really was an America. Maybe it was all Frank Capra.”
Makes you wonder.
These days.
*Note that all those roles were typically about progressive reformer types, but played by vintage Republicans (reform, not the GOP’s forte, at any time since Lincoln) Jimmy Stewart and Gary Cooper. What, there were no lefties available, ever? Well, the Studio moguls saw to that! Maybe that’s a lot of the problem….
The Land of the Free…
…which has got the highest per capita rate of incarceration in the world.
Yes, we’ve posted this, but it begs repeating: we have 1 in 4 of the global prison pop., and an identical 1 in 4 of the world’s recorded Covidian cadavers.
That is quite a parallel in stats.
Quite a coincidence.
As if.
I hate to break it to you, John, but you will soon lose your coveted status as the country with the highest number of prisoners (when we’re all in the electronic gulag).
Covidian cadavers is a nicely alliterative turn of phrase, by the way. :o)
How about “Intergalactic gulags” as my coming corona coinage?
We do what we can.
“These are not the ‘droids you’re looking for.”
–Sir Obi-Wan, 1976
“Plus que ça change…?”
Americans(not the land mass) doesn’t have independence from the Global Banking Cabal.
They don’t have a “democracy” rule by the people and nor does any central banking nation.
Same as UK the people locked themselves up under threat and lies .
Human beings are just that human beings.
Some have forgotten their humanity and most don’t know who they are.
It’s too easy, too easy to call out the great unwashed mask-wearers as cowards, or whatever, but currently their options are so limited, since there is a dangling threat over most of them: submit, or be singled out, lose jobs, homes, be rendered homeless. Then WHO are you going to fight, eh? Your shadow?!
I’ve made a few stands like shouting in front of stores (I was the only one I ever knew doing that, but soon followed up by local organized “hoax” picketeers a few days later at the HB Pier) and that whole stand was instantly coopted by the right-wingers. A cop drove by and flashed me the peace sign. (At least it was the whole one, not just the half!)
But all my family is gone, or too far from me, in every way, and I am the least vulnerable among most, at least in the majority way.
Covid Cultic strategies are a massive attack on families, and individuals. But resister strategies against them are very unclear. There’s an ocean front house down the street from our church here, and my old grammar school, a few hundred yards, it’s got a land value in this pricey area of millions of dollars, maybe $10 mill just for the lot.
And they have a fluttering flag showing out on Balboa Blvd. to all the world of endless passersby “RESIST!”
Easy for them to say.
And it makes you wonder.
Thats exactly what I was not doing John, I did not say as the article did that the people are cowards.
Thats a msm meme to make people feel guilty.
“Love and do as thy will”
Powerful piece of writing. Freedom is the most precious state that one has to be constantly alert to and fought for. There is a scale of freedom, one could say, and at the bottom of that scale we are but “objects” to be moved around and milked for the benefit of a tiny minority. The freedom we recently had, took centuries to achieve and has been surrendered through fear and will not be returned unless people re-find their courage, refuse to be cowed and demand it back.
Well, talking of shitty government. I have owned my “home” in NZ for 15 years and this year I decided to sell it and upgrade. I sold in Jan, completed in March, in the midst of Covid. What I didn’t realize was that, as an NZ permanent resident living in HK, I am not allowed to buy a new home! The rules have changed.
I have been paying NZ tax for 20 years, 12 of which were while I was abroad earning money which I sent back to NZ to pay my mortgage at an NZ bank. I tried paying my mortgage by working in NZ, but salaries are so low that you have no chance.
Now the fuckers are telling me I can’t buy a house to replace the family home. All my stuff is in storage and the fuckers say sorry, you can’t buy!
Fucking left wing assholes.
My mother was an NZ citizen, I moved over there to look after her. I still have to go back to visit her grave, I still have to go back to visit friends, but I fucking hate their meddling politicians.
Well obviously what you need asp, is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, to blow their pinko, commie, trotskyite, liberal, feminist asses off! Do ya feel lucky? Well do ya, punks?!!!!!
I fear that aspnaz has heeded your advice, and is currently leaving a long trail of corpses of houmous-weaving, Castro-loving Loony Lefties™ in his wake.
Shame on you for inciting this bloodbath, George!
nzs main export is lamb and beef. not likely they are into houmous. more likely it their preferance for housing sheep that is the issue. sheep dont need to be paid and do not answer back.
I know, it’s shocking. What’s a Lefty to do?
Loony Lefty, John, please!
(We’ve got the lovely Murdoch press to thank for that particular term of endearment. In the face of the so-called Conservatives’ dismantling and selling off of anything that wasn’t nailed down, the ire of Rupe and his rags was reserved for the Left. And the people, as always, fell for it…).
I was just being myself, Gwyn, let the murdo-loonies sear my flesh if they must, with their “misery loves company” brand(s). Sizzzzle.
Dennis Potter (“The Singing Detective”) nicknamed his fatal tumor “Rupert”.
But don’t forget the FRENCH. They roused Rupie’s ire with such a staunch refusal of his hostile takeover bid of their media, and he was just that disgruntled that we began hearing catch words like “cheese eating surrender monkeys” incessantly, back with Iraq.
Since then the French, never a rave here with the rank and file, alway elicited two (2) responses when I brought them up with ANY American male: “Is it true what they say about French women?”
ME: “What do they say about French women?”
YANKER: “Well, you know.”
ME: “No, I don’t know, who’s they?”
Well, those exchanges start out slow, and then peter out.
Actually, £4£, €4€, the Françaises that I knew at all were probably the most level-headed among any women I’ve ever known, and not some Presstitute BB fantasy. By and large, mostly their sophistication was a shield to protect their better values.
I must have met a solid run of them.
If those spent time with me at all, I suspect it was out of pity for a young Yank who they saw some hope in, since I was visibly at the dawn of a Real Clue.
Pretty hilarious, in 20/20 2020 retrospect.
Rupert wouldn’t get the time of day, unless they were trying to pick his pockets, and he knows it.
Re: “cheese eating surrender monkeys”, I recall a suspiciously similar sneer about the French lack of enthusiasm for vapourising Iraq from Amanda Platell. She said “The French are famous for their brie but not their bravery”. As if lining up with the massive guns of the USA against one of the smaller countries was an indication of “bravery”!
You have to hand it to the French. They stand by their convictions and don’t give a shit!
Yeah, Mc, that quote I recall from Iraq 2, tho I forgot the name.
I love the majority French attitude, and perspective, so I lived there as long as I could, 4 years, but’s under attack like never before since VICHY.
The new fascism is daunting worldwide.
God alone knows the remedies.
Im going to be directing all my questions there, since all the other trusted sources have been largely contaminated.
Shows you just what can happen when transgenerationally sick families, people, get ahold of technology without an instruction manual!
The jumped-up, self-important little twerp hates being ignored. I’m sure you know that he said that when he goes to Downing Street, they bend over for him, but when he goes to Brussels, they take no notice of him.
I’m glad the French told him where to get off.
Well, they learned a bitter lesson 80 years ago, but this now WILL BE a crash refresher course.
Time we all brushed up.
Isn’t New Zealand full of orc slaughtering hobbits and big knobbed white clad wizards? It all makes sense now!
The Land of the Long White-Clad Wizard? ;o)
A purgated Hero:
“Not all that glitters is Gold
Not all who wander are lost.”
His updated calling card.
Hey, I speak a little Nazgûl. Know the REAL enemy.
The pastor at OLMC, Balboa CA., gave us a fine giggle just now at 8am Mass: “They won’t let us keep any papers or missalettes in the pews, but there is a stack at the exit here up front, if you’d like to study the Sunday Readings during the week, then you can take some home in your grubby little hands.”
”From the mainstream news media – silence. From America’s public intellectuals – silence.”
I wish it were silence. All we get from those quarters is an unending babble of crapspeak. What was it that I think Mark Twain who observed:
The man who doesn’t read newspapers is uninformed
The man who does read newspapers is misinformed.
The lock down has been super lonely for me, not only because, like everyone, I’ve been at home for months, but because I had been feeling mentally isolated. It seems that we all have forgotten our critical thinking and that questioning decisions that affect us this deeply is a must and our fundamental right, and that we are not “killing” anyone by thinking differently. Thanks so much for being able to express everything I’ve been thinking
A Society is only as “free” and “doing well” as their Elites allow. Nothing more. it has always been that way. The people can do what they can to change the minds of the Elite but overall, throughout history how good we are all doing is basically up to the elite.
USA middle class was ALLOWED to happen, because the Elites needed a huge tax base to expand empire in a modernizing world.
USSR was created by Elites because it was a way to contain the growing competition of Russia with West…
Every massive protest has been ALLOWED. Vietnam War protests started later, when certain elites benefited.
ALL the COLOR revolutions? They were ALL orchestrated by Elites, and most by way of c. i. a.
Protests against the USA invasions into Middle East and beyond during this century? They happened but nobody can remember them…because the Elite did not sponsor them.
Now, USA citizens are targeted for destruction. Nothing you can do to stop it. None of the protests would be happening except by the complicity and support of Wealthy Elites.
A clever boy or a clever girl, may find freedom within, whatever the chains without, them. Jesus was one, Buddha was one. Teresa of Avila was one. All, one. Teresa had occasion to ask her ladies of courts and chapels to take hold of her outer garments tightly, as she had a disconcerting tendency to levitate, literally, which she took pains to hide, lest she deflect focus from the Mass by becoming a black-clad spectacle.
And yet she lived all her 75 years in a comparable “Kingdom of Fear” at the heights of the Inquisition, called on the carpet more than once by Torquemada’s grim scrutinists, to give some account of herself!
None of that, plus her vow of poverty and incessant physical afflictions, seemed to have much dampening, let alone tethering, effect on her Joy and unearthly poise.
In my solemn schoolboy days, when the last thing , literally, I ever expected to be was a (sheepish) member of her Faith, I went with 200 other students to summer school in Grenoble, France. We watched on French TV, sans subtitles, 3 weeks later when the first men landed on the Moon, or so they say. One of our earthly stops along the way was Rome, where we all had the thrill of gazing, unexpectedly at the turn of a corner in St. John Lateran (where St. Francis and St. Dominic, also on tour at the time, 700 years before our gaggle, had first met fortuitously, “at the turn of a corner”) and there behold was the statue by Bernini of St. Teresa in stone, grasped by an Angel holding a golden arrow, as she half-reclined, half-flew aloft in throes of ecstatic transport. The seraph had just plunged the gold arrow into her heart, as she records in her journal, and when he pulled it out “there was left behind within her only a bottomless abyss of Love.”
As we can recall from her account, which Bernini was moved to translate into stone. And right there before us, a scorching August day in ’69, was the great Italian sculptor’s rendering of that “vision” or mystical odyssey, for all to see, as our jolting visual in marble.
Pretty cool.
She seemed to do all right. Oddly, even thrive.
And that was just such an age of fearsome fascism, much like our own, back in the day, in Burgos and northern Spain.
Well, Torquemada had his Iron Maidens (not called Maggie), but he didn’t have all the bells and whistles that these current cats have, on the cusp of this the 2nd, and potentially darker, Dark Ages.
But at least we have her difficult but glorious vocation as some inspiration, and that of her good friend, San Juan de la Cruz, showing us that there will be a Tomorrow.
“The Sun’ll come out tomorrow,
So you’d better hang on to tomorrow
Come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
I love you, tomorrow!
You’re only a day away!”
–L’il Orphan Annie, the Musical
Voilà The Lady Aloft: Bernini’s vision of her vision:
Apologies: this stunning statue is a highlight of the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome, not St. John Lateran. “Next door” though. We had just come from St. John Lateran. Must have been the 105° humid heat that week, 8.5.69, conflating the tour facts in the equally torrid Italian!
Voilà the Lady Lettered: her bio, plus an FYI: her Anniversary was in her 67th year, not 75th as I put it: 1515-1582. The consensus is that she had an influence on all subsequent Christian and Catholic philosophy, as stated below:Ávila
“God save me from gloomy saints.”
–Teresa d’Avila
This is fitting fitting for Independence Day.
I once was drinking at a bar on Thanksgiving and innocently asked the big Texan guy next to me what Thanksgiving was all about. He laughed and said in a drawl “well I do believe it is to thank the Injuns for saving those poor white boys from starving to death..” turned out he was a native American. We were in China working on oil rigs.
Thanks Michael… I just read Peter Hitchens latest peice earlier where he contends 85% of people are essentially… fully brainwashed; they are Corona Cult zombies.
And as you mention, the catastrophic impact this will have on many tens of millions of people. How do you pay your rent when your job is gone and the welfare cheques run out?
Do you turn to crime to survive? How do the charities cope with millions more homeless and destitute people?
I also believe that certain locations around the world are now being used as Test Tubes, with targeted local lockdowns to see how people respond. Melbourne is one of them.
The Premier of the State of Victoria has come out and publically said the Covid ‘new normal’ will continue until every single Victorian receives a vaccine. Sounds a lot like emotional blackmail to me.
But people are now so fearful, and irrational, they will gladly queue for hours to get jabbed.
Or as I call them: Branch Covidians — we ain’t comin’ out!
And here in Waco… aka Melbourne, its just been announced that the whole city, that’s 5 million people will be going back into Stage 3 lockdown for 6 weeks. Sigh.
Yes I’ve been reading about whats going on over there and as you note the Victorian State Premiers no normalisation comments.
When you look at the numbers of those ‘infected’ as well as the death rate both of which if anything like the UK will probably wildly over egged it beggars belief you can shut down an area as vast as that on such evidence.
There is such an avalanche of bullshit going on about this. And the majority are swimming in it, as well as being almost beside themselves with glee that the Premier is taking such decisive, tough action. Goebbels would be proud.
The mag I sell is still going, tho I strongly suspect that it’ll now be suspended again given the announcement this afternoon.
The cops here are back to violently arresting people; this afternoon, for just standing on the street near the Housing Estate.
Just out of curiosity: what sort of magazine do you sell?
It’s The Big Issue mag, started in the UK about 1990 by John Bird and Anita Roddick’s husband. Usually sold by homeless or marginalised people, tho I live in a cabin (for now)
This must be it then:
I am living in Germany, and they have something similar here for the homeless people, a magazine called ‘Qwerkopf’ (oddball).
I’ve said since day one that this lockdown was NEVER going to end. “They” have “us” exactly where they want us. They know perfectly well that the fraction of the population which can see through the carefully crafted COVID narrative will NEVER convince the vast majority it’s all a fraud.
I agree with you that the majority are fully immersed in the propaganda, and I also agree with you that our chances of getting out of this is the equivalent of Exeter City winning the FA Cup, or Bill Gates being arrested for crimes against humanity, but, it ain’t over until the fat lady has sung her final note.
Realistically, yes, it’s a remote possibility, but what do you suggest Howard – we just give up and bury our head in the sand?
Sad to say, but maybe our best bet is to find a nice comfortable sand box free of fecal matter. Won’t be easy though.
Ostrichism never works. It’s a bit like postponing your response to a fire.
However, sometimes it makes more sense to let certain fires burn themselves out?
This one, though, has the rather “novel” and peculiar nature of being everywhere.
Hard to say.
“The whole world is on fire.” —Tom Waits, 2005, another San Diegan
If you trust Peter Hitchens, I am afraid you are brainwashed too. He wouldn’t have worked for the Mail on Sunday for decades if he wasn’t serving the government.
You’ll notice that what runs through most of Hitchens’ columns is a combination of defeatism and division. His latest 85% contention presumably aims to whip up division, defeatism and resentment among the public, so they don’t challenge the elites that pay Hitchens’ salary.
Thom… I’ve probably read 3 of Hitchens pieces in the last 4 months. I barely look at him, or any journalist – that article was in a link someone sent me, and that’s why I said “he contends 85% of…”.
Personally I think that’s too high a number, and yeah, I should’ve mentioned that.
I know what journalists are, and who they really serve, and I know about Operation Mockingbird and the revelations of Udo Ulfkotte.
Wrong. Hitchens has gone rogue. It started with Syria.
If he’d gone rogue he couldn’t get arrested. As it is, he is a safety valve for those who feel the world has gone mad to stop them taking their own action. That is his purpose. You don’t keep a column in the MOS or appear with Morgan on GMTV if you remotely threaten the status quo. I would put Simon Dolan’s lacklustre legal challenge in the same controlled category.
Correct, Hitchens is controlled opposition. At the start of the scamdemic, he even advocated observing social distancing. As the big lie has become hopelessly entrenched, he has become more militant but stays firmly within the Overton window. I have invited him to declare the pandemic a massive hoax on several occasions, on Twitter, and answer came there none.
COVID-19 cases might have risen exponentially but the death rate is down. This is even confirmed by the NYT: “After a minor late-spring lull, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States is once again on the rise. States like Arizona, Florida and Texas are seeing some of their highest numbers to date, and as the nation hurtles further into summer, the surge shows few signs of stopping.
And yet the virus appears to be killing FEWER of the people it infects. In April and May, Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, led to as many as 3,000 deaths per day, and claimed the lives of roughly 7 to 8 percent of Americans known to have been infected. The number of daily deaths is now closer to 600, and the death rate is less than 5 percent.”
This data illustrates the difference between the number of cases and the fatality rate. So even the NYT a shill for the National Security State and the Democratic Party can’t deny the contradiction between the actual data and the hysteria advanced by MSNBC and CNN. A deadly disease can’t spread at a rapid pace, but cause less deaths. So is COVID-19 a terrifying plague which will annihilate humanity, or is it an easily transmittable virus producing only mild symptoms if contracted by most of the population.
In the US the virus initially surfaced in Washington State where it proceeded to ravage the elderly sickly patients within a nursing home. Those deaths resulted in COVID-19 hysteria causing most to believe the disease was a death sentence. However, over a period of time it’s been proven the coronavirus is only life threatening for those with compromised immune systems, and yet many nursing facilities were never properly secured resulting in more than half of ALL COVID-19 deaths.
And here’s the second contradiction–those who were most vulnerable to succumbing from COVID-19 were not protected, while the less vulnerable were quarantined in irrational lockdowns leaving most of the country financially devastated. More than 40 million lost their jobs, small businesses were wiped out, and the economy ground to a halt while the bills kept coming……. It should be mentioned, as the Governors of NYC and New Jersey were locking down the healthy and young they enacted policies killing more than 10,000 seniors.
The third contradiction is even more striking inasmuch as it brazenly reveals the politicalization of COVID-19. Hundreds of thousands recently protested throughout the US with little concern about social distancing or contracting the coronavirus, however, their actions did NOT dramatically cause a rise in COVID-19 deaths. Nevertheless, it should be noted the officials who condemned the Liberate Protests in Michigan and constantly say Trump’s rallies are “super-spreader events” did not view the BLM protests as posing the same health risks:
“We should always evaluate the risks and benefits of efforts to control the virus,” Jennifer Nuzzo, a Johns Hopkins epidemiologist, tweeted. “In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus.”
“The injustice that’s evident to everyone right now needs to be addressed,” Abraar Karan, a Brigham and Women’s Hospital physician who’s exhorted coronavirus experts to amplify the protests’ anti-racist message, told me. “While I have voiced concerns that protests risk creating more outbreaks, the status quo wasn’t going to stop #covid19 either,” he wrote on Twitter this week.
Like the flu millions will contract the coronavirus, but the number of infections are NOT correlative to the death rate.
I remember the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s . It was ignored until those with it either by accident or on purpose, began to spread it into the general population and then the powers that be took a deep interest and quickly found a costly cure. However the death rates from this virus is still the number one killer of Africans even today. Meanwhile a panic-demic rages out of control over a mild flu virus that kills less than .1/2 of one percent of those that contract it , the majority of those with already compromised health .
they did the same in other countries. said a load of people died in a nursing home to spread the panic. there has been no independent validation of such claims. no virus has been isolated. no evidence exists but there is plenty of evidence of fear and terror being spread.
Yes, I have calculated the death rate in the UK. As a percentage of the population which is 68,000,000.00 there have been approx 44000.00 deaths. In percentage terms this is equal to 0.0647% of the population. I would like to bet that this at the normal rate of population growth the figure for population growth will easily surpass the present level. I would also like to bet that these deaths are overwhelmingly in the post 70 age group and/of from those who already have underlying medical problems
How to create a COVID spike:
Is theTexas covid spike fake news?
In a Commissioners Court hearing for Collin County on May 18th, it was revealed that while previously the determination of a Covid “case” was a confirmed test result, the definition was suddenly changed to count “probable” cases as “cases.” At the same time, the threshold for determining “probable” was lowered to a ridiculous level.
As Judge Hill said at that May 18th meeting, “If you have a subjective fever and you have a headache and you live in Collin County, you now meet the qualifications to be a probable COVID patient. It is remarkable how low the standard is now.”
Even worse, once a “probable” case was determined based on possibly unrelated subjective criteria, up to 15 people in possible contact with that “probable” case were also listed as “probable cases.” And “probable cases” are considered cases…
They’re using that absurd “metric”, straight out of Red Queen math class, all over the place. Anyone who looks beneath the stats at all will see this is clearly being spiked, and the biggest spikes occur just when things start to get better, somewhere. If it flattens somewhere, unflatten it elsewhere. Its a big country, and Trump knew it from the start, that’s why he “juked” us at the start, reversing field, carrying their ball downfield.
This is why many are saying that the end line of the national draconian stupidity is nowhere visible.
It looked like that “story arc” from the start.
Let’s hope that that’s one curve that will be flattened. “By hook or by crook”.
I fear that public humiliation of these official menaces, using high-school-level scientific facts and examples which anybody can understand, is the only solution here.
there is no virus. no 30000 flu deaths. flu like symptoms are detox symptoms. it is the medical treatments that kill 30000 people. it is the lockdown, the terror that kills and will kill millions or even billions if it is tollerated. these entities are terrorists. cut them off, dont buy from them. focus on social closening, natural healing and love. we are going the exact opposite direction to the death cult.
Are Capital letters bad now ? er, ‘peace’ .
No need for a patronising comment ….better listen up as the tide is turning. 🍹
Oh snap
I know… one gets an immediate grammar-nazi reputation simply for pointing out quite unnecessary sloppiness. I have never seen a computer keyboard that didn’t have capitals, and I would have thought that basic consideration for the reader would engender a desire to make his or her task easier, rather than harder.
Still, I forced myself to plough through this comment, and of course found myself agreeing with all of it.
You seem to think you can boycott them (“don’t buy from them”). Sure, you can do that on an individual level, but they’ve eliminated mass boycotts by subverting such things with mass surrvrillance, infiltration of all movements, to the hilt, courts bribed, actoss actoss the board similar short circuits. And only a mass boycott, etc., will do the job here.
What I’m getting at, we live in a pretty corrupt moment. But we can still dream. Dreams are the only thing that ever made a real difference, anyway.
And hope. (And its prayers.)
“For hope does not deceive…”
The incidious effect of the Covid plandemic is that the people now believe that you, a fellow citizen, must take active steps to protect other citizens from the faux virus. No longer is it just the individual’s responsibility to protect themselves from nature, now the individual has been given permission to demand that the population as a whole protects the individual from the virus and they will go to the authorities to ensure you comply.
It is amazing how weak and inexperienced people see things so clearly in black and white. Like a school boy at a nightclub, getting stressed because a pretty girl is coming over to talk to him. So afraid, for whatever reason, that he cannot maintain the normal process of just talking to the person, instead they get all sweaty and afraid and says something dumb. The population is behaving like that kid.
Coddled populations are scared shitless of a harmless virus. They no longer know how to behave when confronted with a threat to their health, they are so dependent on their doctors and government for health advice that they cannot think for themselves. All this despite the fact that they deal with the far more deadly flu every year, but like the kid in the nightclub, the context prevents them from behaving normally. The kid can easily talk to girls in class, but not in a nightclub.
The population was far healthier when every mother knew how to deliver a baby and knew at least one other mother who had lost a child in childbirth.
The power of this insidious propaganda is a sight to behold… usually very intelligent people have succumbed without even blinking.
And the role of the media has been criminal. There’s no other word to describe it.
I have (had) a magazine customer who hasn’t left his home since March. Granted, he is 70, but when he sends me a text, one of the first things he says is ‘I hope you’re wearing a mask, you must wear a mask’.
I ignore that part of his message. It’s pointless trying to reason with him.
Reason is treason. You must obey, trust in your superiors, they have the expertise, you are but a minnow in the pond, let me Mr. Shark protect you.
Asp… let 🦈 protect me? I’ve barely gone swimming in the sea since I saw Jaws!
And as for obeying, that’s only for 🐑.
I’m finding in California it’s weaponised by implicit (but solid) threats and implicit blackmail. They’re threatening people here with one kind of banishment or another, loss of job, loss of “shelter” etc., so people are silently asking themselves if it’s really worth it to not comply, since the only real backup they see is coming from sites like these: cyberspace, in another country. Nowhere next door.
Seems that the places where lockdown is lifted is strategic: the whole ordeal was just to get a count of who what where why resisted them, then the “second wave” of propaganda will address those thorns in their sides.
One of the psyops in play around the world is to create scenarios that raise a “false spring” of hopes, then crush them. Remember, arabic country citizens were treated to that “Spring” 9 years ago.
Textbook “Fascism 101” and an old ploy in “pacification” of the masses.
Judging by the paucity of resistance, it’s not going to bring any political solutions. The only ones that may help at all will be found elsewhere.
Since they hold all the cards. All but one….
I’m not giving up just yet John, but yeah, they do hold most of the cards. The Premier of Victoria has implicitly stated we will all have to get used to a “covid normal” until every single person in this State is vaccinated. 6.5 million people.
And given the roaring success of this current pysops against humanity, I have no doubt the majority will gladly allow themselves to be jabbed. All so they will be ‘safe’ from the virus.
The one card they don’t hold is…? Peoples faith?
If you have no economic power and the state holds the monopoly on violence then you have no political power.
Modern democracy never did, and certainly doesn’t, change that fundamental truth.
At this stage all most can do is try and get control of as much of their food supply as they can and keep their heads down like people in the poorest parts of the world have never stopped having to do.
Provided at this point we actually want to survive.
But let’s not start topping ourselves just yet.
Maybe the wheels will fall off of their own accord.
Maybe there will be a real chance to push back.
Or at least to make a futile gesture of defiance.
I for one am hoping to get a last chance to knock someone’s teeth out.
As I posted this, I suddenly had a vision of a burley, totally nonplussed copper:
“‘Ere grandad. Are you trying to brush my teeth or what?”
Try imagining an obese 35 year old lesbian copper instead.
As near as I can tell, except for the years between 1776 and 1788. in America and a similar time frame in France, <b>the world has not seen a true democracy</b>. Even the word democracy has some bothersome aspects in that it suggest some kind of governance, some mechanism of control to be exercised by superiors over the weaker beings the governors, and their Oligarch keepers, seek to control.
<b>Democracy needs no government</b>, that is why every person in every government, and every Oligarch and every mega corporation that control those 2^8=256 nation state governments, all, each to an oligarch, each to a corporate party, each to an elected official, each to dictator, fight democracy, whenever and where democracy raises its outstretched hand. Democracy must be crushed they say. But the governed humanity in the world is moving toward a true democracy, the one world government the financial crooks all want, but not the kind of world government they intended to impose. .. The pain of taking things into one’s own hands is not yet significant enough to over come armed to a hilt, nation states, and the resistance its wealth and privilege allow it to raise against Democracy, but as the pain is increased, so to [will], the will to over-come nation-state imposed oppression. The clock is ticking, humanity is in pain, and the nation state system is the source of that pain.
Yes! No point topping yourself when you could take out a few of the bastards first.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”~Solzhenitsyn
Yes, but Sanya should also have noted, in his later years, that the Nazis didn’t have a nano-byte of the surveillance technology that came later?
Few people are aware of the increased daunting universe of surveillance they have today. Many orders of magnitude. Pretty intense.
So it’s absurd even thinking about violence, their agents just love to gull the malcontents into that trap!
No the power of peace –and Peace IS Powerful– is the only effective means.
Patience and Peace will win the day, if it’s to be won.
Besides that, Solshenitsyn’s comment comes across as pretty dumb, by my lights, which are admittedly not the brightest in the Xmas box, so I reserve judgment.
Still, he sounds like an agent for the West, and we note his intense support of the Vietnam War, and intense dislike of draft protesters.
He also supported some causes cherished, but bottom line:
Das vedanya, Sanya!
Democrat governors refusing to implement democracy will have a difficult time persuading the populace that Trump should not cancel the election and take on all powers himself.
Maybe its because I must be living in some kind of bubble but from my perspective nothing much has changed in my life over the last few months (I live in the US). I carry a mask around in the car because its needed to enter stores but that’s about the limit of restrictions.
So what gives? Could it be that the ‘lockdown’ only really has bite in crowded urban areas?
>Never before, at least in my lifetime, have we allowed our rulers to openly suspend democracy and to repudiate the Bill of Rights.
Its been an ongoing situation throughout our history. You can see bits being chpped away by Nixon and Reagan but the Big One was the Patriot Act passed with such indecent haste after 9/11. Classic Disaster Opportunism — the nation’s traumatized and suddenly this huge ‘shovel ready’ Bill is introduced, so big that nobody has time to read it, much less debate it, and as always in this sitution it has to be passed “right now” or the nation will cease to exist. Etc. Compared to all that stuff Covid is no big deal — its a nuisance turned into a problem by the exingencies of election year politics.
well the Patriot Act was certainly draconian, as well as the NDAA, and we haven’t seen anything similar on a federal level with covid, but the sheer non-transparency and irrational mandates of most governors are making this covid crap a big deal. There’s been no legislative debate, and suddenly laws criminalizing conduct appear DAILY. That’s alarming precedent.
and combine that with loss of jobs and nest eggs etc on the level of, and surpassing 2008 and, yeah, i have to disagree with you Martin, this is a VERY big deal.
The big difference between Federal laws like the Patriot Act and the current situation is that the Federal governemnt has little to no power to act. Public Health is devolved not just to the states but to counties and localities, every one of which has their own priorities and interests. The result is a confusing patchwork of regulations, especially if you live near a state or county boundary. (The Feds have jurisdiction over interstate commerce which is why they operate in airports.)
I’m going to stick my neck out here and suggest that a big part of the problem is that the Trump administration has not just politicized the response but also muzzled organizations like the CDC who could be very effective in coordinating local responses. This awarkward intersection of electoral optics and public health has left us thrashing around with widely varying responses to the pandemic (including denying its existence).
This might prove illuminating:-
Sounds like you tunnelled your way out of Plato’s cave only to take up residence in Joe Biden’s.
This elegant riposte deserves more than a mere upvote. Thanks.
It’s almost as if we are being forced to take part in a real life low budget science fiction movie.
It’s poorly scripted and full of bad actors.
It’s staggering to see highly educated people fall for this nonsense.
Anyone who recites the official narrative and wears a mask should have a permanent sign around them saying ‘ I have no ability to think for myself. I’m a victim of government and media propaganda’.
To preserve our sanity it’s important to keep a safe distance from these people, the governments and the fake news media’.
Although I am fundamentally opposed to the concept of social distancing, I must confess that I am social distancing the shit out of anybody wearing a mask.
Admittedly, that’s just a holding position until I can come up with something a bit more proactive, but it works for me for now.
Straight out of ’50s film noir sci fi B movies, cheesy as it gets.
I saw a clip of Steve Mcqueen in his first film the other day, “The Blob”. I last saw it when I was 7, when it came out, and I was terror-stricken and awestruck.
Now it’s pure comedy.
We are trapped inside a flicker as cheesy as that.
the implementation the spreading of them is key
from plane,water supply food
the trillion dollar medical cartel fraud needs toxin rich environment
the germ theory scam cannot stand without the state run
artificially induced poisons
WAS A toxiin
into the blood stream
Why I never use that shit
Shitty hands are good for ya
And no mask anywhere either I’ve not worn
If they ask I’ve a condition now fuck off
They will have to get used to my evil rotting virus filled breath the general public
The convid is a NEURO TOXIN
What is an arse buiscuit? Did I miss something at school?
It’s a nice way of saying shit.
In my more paranoid moments (more than I’m comfortable with, but fewer than I might expect) the same thought has occurred to me.
On the other hand, if we’re lucky, they’ll simply smear novichok on the door handles, so we’ll all be fine.
Statue of Frederick Douglas pulled down in Rochester, NY overnight. Only thing left is Martin Luther King (maybe #meToo will pull him down).
It could be the asinine act of some free range moron. Just as it could be the act of some corporate fascist flunkie, with the intent of distracting and diverting the victims of those oligarch mobster psychopaths. Whatever, disgraceful and represensible.
If we get distracted or diverted they win.
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
Frederick Douglas, 1857
In my neighborhood, as doubtless in most US neighborhoods, there’s been a constant cacophony of fire crackers and the like. No big deal. But this year my dog has suddenly developed a fear of the cracks of noise, whereas before it never bothered him. On the 4th itself, it took several trips outside before he would raise his leg and pee.
I attribute this to the pervasive atmosphere of fear hanging like a hornet’s nest above every neighborhood in America. Ergo, I conclude COVID-19 to be an anti-pee mechanism released by the International Feline Association.
you can feel it too. they are doing all sorts of black magic to make people sick. it will get worse as people get warn down. then they will have more deaths to show which generates more terror. a visious cycle. zero tollerance and embracing natural healing is needed. maybe it is making animals sick aswell?
You may be on to something. I think I may be the only person in my community who is not fearful of COVID. And suddenly, the dogs in the neighborhood – which I’ve always been on good terms with – are going out of their way to be around me. Believe me, I’m not all that likable.
creation out of destruction
if i demanded that the folks that self identity themselves as jewish
you know theose 14th tribe stirs stirrers
if i demanded by law or guidance that the red beard pirates the ashkanazim must sit in the designated circles provided?
would i not be hounded ruined career destroyed for being new hitler anti semite
yet the planet has barbera lerner spector types everywhere dishing out the orders and expecting us to lick the boot and comply
look at those zombie in satanick serpent circle
happy content smug even
full compliance
waiting in hope for rockerfella medical cartel 13 shot vaccine schedule
The small hats have small dicks with no foreskin which drove the sexually deviant insane who wouldn’t shag them
some truth in your words
but the tone the tone
they are self identified
you could self identify as a pork pie
if that is your wish
it does not mean you are in actuality a pork pie
just as these pirates are not tribe member
simply satanic snakes followers of zvi and jacob frank
who create a circle
that ever decreases.
What can be said at all, can be said clearly. My most favourite Wittgenstein quote. Agree with you, though, I think.
Good article.
You have to admire the stealth of the people in control. Heard this was planned fifty years ago. And so any (all) reactions have also been anticipated, many years ago.
Who are these guys ? We know a few names, is there a list of the lot ? How many, 500 – 8000 ?
Seems to me, we are all missing a fundamental piece of information, which presumably ‘they’ have, be it on human cloning, downloading consciousness or something like that. Think I read somewhere that ‘we’ are only aware of about 5% of what is actually going on.
Great awakening ? Sure hope so.
“Think I read somewhere that ‘we’ are only aware of about 5% of what is actually going on.”
Perhaps. Beware your source!
Yes, of course, I often have a hard time trusting myself !
I was going to comment, but words aren’t enough anymore.
Freeborn John, I’m sure many of us are interested in what you’ve got to say.
It makes a change from bigmouths like me.
Thanks for this thoughtful and insightful, if grim, article.
I live next door in Pennsylvania; our Gauleiter Wolf is an operational twin of Murphy, mutatis mutandis. The Megadeath Virus of Doom has turned governors of both parties into despotic rulers– thus my settled use of “Gaulieiter”. But the Democratic governors are also Resistance saboteurs, devoted to exacerbating public misery in hopes that acute discontent at the effects of the manufactured COVID crisis will finally oust the Usurper Trump from the Oval Office Throne.
They clearly relish their enhanced powers, and are temperamentally suited to playing the role of Stern Parent, aka Killjoy-in-Chief.
I might write a companion piece, but I’m hung up on whether to entitle it “The Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf'” or “Hour of the Wolf”.
Remind them what happened to Ceaușescu, and Mussolini.
‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished!
“Depends Day” “Happy Masking Day” “Shared Social Distance Occasion”
Succinctly put.
It’s no consolation that the people are just as cowed and the governing and opposing politicians from the left, centre or right and the mass media are just as fascist as Americans currently are anywhere else in the world, bar Sweden.
The biggest bedwetters currently are the Brits, on the basis of the many mistakes made by their most incompetent government though, closely followed by the masochist Germans, who also enjoy another chance to denunciate, swallow propaganda and display an unquestioned obedience to their superiors with vigour again.
Plus ca change…
Generations Y and Z are obviously completely ignorant of Huxley, Orwell, fascism’s and communism’s history and dangers.
Otherwise, they as the main current and future victims of the current misguided totalitarian Corona response policies couldn’t be so complacent now.
The Xers are to a good part suffering from amnesia and naivety, but most are also complicit in this game, e.g. civil servants, journos and safely employed managers.
And the boomers couldn’t care less anyway, as it’s all done for them and their future votes, and as they draw their still safe pensions.
Unless they remembered history and loved their grandchildren, which apparently only very few of them do, bar in Sweden.
Trump has only himself to blame though for his poor polling and if he loses.
He zigzagged far too often on Corona, and he did not prevent or argue against the lockdowns in favour of a Swedish-style approach, to which the country would have been far better suited, but ranted about the latter instead.
If he had done that from the start, he could now blame everything on the governors and experts, and he would have been a shoo-in for the reelection.
“The biggest bedwetters currently are the Brits”
I’d actually disagree with that, though I know a survey was done suggesting we might the biggest.
There’s not that much enthusiasm for masks here, some without doubt, but we’re not into masks like Americans seem to be. Kids (young adults) especially in the States seem to love their masks, despite the fact that they have about a zero chance of dying of the rona.
I don’t mean to be unkind – I have (real) American cousins – but how is it that young Americans these days are so unbelievably thick?
True, the mask situation is more reasonable still in the UK, but mainly due to government policy and hesitation.
The MSM and its readers seem to long for them and further lockdowns, and they are also the ones most afraid about the reopening of the schools, not to speak of Scots.
In Germany and the US, resistance is at least starting to form against the objectively idiotic and useless chicanery of wearing masks, and blanket quarantines and lickdowns have been ruled against by the courts in the former.
“True, the mask situation is more reasonable still in the UK, but mainly due to government policy and hesitation.”
It’s not a governance issue.
We see pictures from the States of masked BLM protestors, rioters, statue destroyers and looters.
It’s not like they’re into being law abiding citizens. It’s clear they’re not wearing masks because they’ve been told to do it, but because they’ve blindly bought into the fear narrative.
On the US I agree, but I referred to the UK.
I suspect stringly that Brits would now be just as compliant as Germans, if masks were made mandatory there in shops, restaurants etc. by the government, if not more.
We/Scots might soon find out.
And, fortunately, there is still a very significant and vocal anti mask and anti lockdown part of the population in the US, unlike in Germany or the UK, where those are seemingly (kept) quiet and (officially) in the small minority.
I resigned from the SNP last week after Sturgeon announced that masks would be compulsory in shops. It had been on my mind for a while because of the persecution of Salmon. High ranking members of the government perjured themselves in court and nothing was done.
The week after the lockdown began, it was apparent that there was a disaster growing in Scottish care homes. Nothing was done or has been done.
The Chief Medical Officer in Scotland is a feckin’ dentist!. They still use Professor Pantsdown’s flawed SEIR model.
The ‘coronavirus’ has run it’s course. It killed the old and the frail who were left unprotected by the government and dumped into care home where the staff had all buggered off.
Now that imbecilic caricature of a leader suddenly wants us to wear masks?
Frau Fish can pogue ma hoan.
She’s coming after the men next:
Scots are Brits, are they not? The state of Great Britain was formed by the union of England and Scotland. If the Scots are not ‘Brits’, then the English are the English, the Welsh are the Welsh and so on. There is no ‘Brit’ binding.
they’ve blindly bought into the fear narrative.
— or the “liberal” virtue-signalling narrative.
I read a comment on a YouTube thread from a Scot, stating that he is sick of ‘this tyranny’ (from Ms Sturgeon). Always tyrannised, the Scots, according to some of them. If it’s not the awful English (it’s a BLM situation, almost), it’s their ‘own kind’. Must be why they have the Barnett Formula (and an even more lucrative formula before that), their own national parliament and are only ‘UK’ when it suits.
But Ms Sturgeon is cranking the handle hard when it comes to the ‘dreaded virus’:
You miss the point. Scots have no ‘hate’ for their cousins who live in Brighton or their Aunties in Manchester. It’s the English establishment at Westminster that is hated. There is a reason why the Remembrancer sits in the House of Commons and it has nothing to do with democracy or the UK.
Perhaps because there are so few of us and that we can see the whites of the eyes of our erstwhile politicians, enables us to see when we are being sold a lemon.
The upper echelons of the SNP have no interest in Independence. They are quite happy with their £160k a year day jobs.
I find Sturgeon to be amoral and responsible for every care home death in Scotland. Trying to prove herself a better leader than Major Major Boris by prolonging ‘lockdown’ in Scotland will prove to be economic folly.
Our cat knows about 10 words and he could run the country better than Boris.
By the way. The Scotsman should never be used as a reference to make comments on Scottish politics. I wouldn’t wipe my arse with it. (Or any other paper in Scotland)
You answered your own question: “young Americans these days are so unbelievably thick” because they are “young Americans.” Thickness is in our blood here in the States; and no amount of aspirin or Plavix will ever change that.
I recommend The Mencken Chrestomathy. H L Mencken dissected the American over a hundred years ago and came to some scathing conclusions. Conclusions that still hold good today, I’m sorry to say.
There was also this:
Well, considering a lot of what America based itself on is ‘the Brits’ – (in fact, we were there, weren’t we?), I think we have a lot in common. And people are, figuratively speaking, ‘bed wetting’ all over the world. I don’t know why, but they are. We’re in this together. And I don’t mean fighting the virus, I mean fighting the Scam.
And one of the worst aspects has been the reaction of the “left,” not only not critical of the lockdown but downright enthusiastic about it, cheer-leading for it. So much of the “left” has been taken over by Trump Derangement Syndrome, which makes all concerns subordinate to getting rid of Trump, and the “left” thinks it’s got a good anti-Trump club with an “epidemic” it can blame him for, even if that “epidemic” is mostly a created perception. Also, there are even those in the “left” who think the lockdown is “undermining capitalism,” when in fact it has made the super wealthy even wealthier, US billionaires have gained $584 billion since the lockdown started, the Fed Reserve has added over $3 trillion to its reserves with the US Treasury paying for it, small businesses are going broke, gobbled up by mega-firms,… This rivals the support given by “left” parties to the various national war efforts when WWI started.
I don’t think this is a “left” v “right” issue. There are voices on the Left who are opposing the virus narrative and voices on the Right promoting it.
Interesting situation here in the UK. The main protagonist being the Conservative (~Republican) government of Boris Johnson. Not that Labour (~Democrat) would be any better.
Peter Hitchens has long claimed, however that the Conservative Party of the UK are not a genuine right wing, conservative party. After almost four months of authoritarian dictat I am beginning to believe him.
I obviously can’t speak for Jeffrey Strahl, but I didn’t take his comment to mean that it is a left/right issue, only that is more surprising and disappointing that the left has bought heavily into the story line.
As has the right …
… which was my point.
“I obviously can’t speak for Jeffrey Strahl”
Well you had a good go though, didn’t you?
nondimenticare has it right, i meant the disappointment that the normally-critical “left” and even ‘far left” (e.g. most “anarchists”) have bought so heavily into it, and that most opposition seems to be coming from the “right,” whatever these terms mean nowadays. The mantra about how lockdown opponents favor profits over people definitely came from the “left.”
Maybe in the United States.
I am speaking as a Brit, where the right has favoured the coronavirus narrative every bit as much as the left.
Enough now.
Trust me: this pandemic mess has indeed morphed into a “left/right” schism here in America. As a far far far leftist, I have had to completely – and I mean COMPLETELY – abandon ALL the normal left leaning outlets I used to attend to.
I simply can no longer support any outlet which either supports the lockdown paradigm or refuses to even consider alternatives. Perhaps it’s what I deserve for having given leftist pundits (like Chris Hedges) a free pass on their refusal to question the “911” incident. No more Free Passes.
There’s never been a Left in America. Almost all of them have been groomed as double agents, from an early age. It’s quite remarkable.
I accepted so many at face value when I was young, though always noting a funny taste to their fare, but one after another I’ve seen almost every one come under real suspicion.
Basic to the entire intellectual community is the sense of a façade. Incredible.
Well said.
Hitchens has been excellent from the start and one of the very few who has spoken out.
He gets heavily criticised but he doesn’t care.
Left versus Right is, I suspect, a red herring. The Conservative Party does what it is told by its Washington masters (who certainly are right-wing) and then pursues whatever other domestic policies are deemed necessary to prevent riots – in this case ‘left-wing’ policies.
The only way, we are going to escape this madness, is by continuing to communicate, and meet and hug….and just go Wow…It is so lovely to see you…is she OK?..and my wife dancing at the back, has a big smile on her face, the moment she sees you.
These are baby steps. If we can’t do that, then we are in big trouble.
As in socialising? But that is so dangerous, and fraught with risks
and guilt and noise and new nonsense etiquette and shame
and peer pressure. I better just STFU and wear my mask, that way nothing happens.
Michael Flynn’s 4th of July message:
See also (scroll down):
From SGT Report:
“Where We Go One We Go All” — The Real Severe & The Punisher
Jul 11, 2020
General Flynn recently and his family pledged their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. They ended their oath with the famous Q slogan “Where we go one we go all”. Severe Anon and The Punisher join me to discuss that and so much more.
Here’s the Bards of War video I referenced:
EP81 – Letter From Flynn, Saving A Nation That Was Already Lost
. . .
EP81 – Letter From Flynn, Saving A Nation That Was Already Lost
Apr 20, 2020
The common notion has been that the election of President Donald J. Trump occurred at just the right moment to revive the Country and keep it from falling off the cliff of Globalism, New World Order governance and the complete submission to the economics of scarcity and feudal rule. This perception is at the center of the current understanding of what is known as The Plan, by which a band of Q Patriots and a billionaire business man rose to power to restore America. The fact is that things were far worse than anyone ever realized.
from SGTreport:
“Where We Go One We Go All” — The Real Severe & The Punisher
General Flynn recently and his family pledged their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. They ended their oath with the famous Q slogan “Where we go one we go all”. Severe Anon and The Punisher join me to discuss that and so much more.
Regardless of whether or not you trust “The Plan”, you should at least know what it is.
Q – The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED
Mar 6, 2019
Joe M
Joe M
Storm Is Upon Us
Remastered version of original Q – The Plan To Save The World.
March 8th, 2019.
Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn
Nov 14, 2016
Young America’s Foundation
LT Flynn spoke to a packed crowd of Young America’s Foundation’s students and supporters at the Trump Hotel in Washington, D.C. to celebrate freedom.
I sang it Saturday, with the requisite pomposity and because it is a fit for the cadence and rhyme scheme, plus it’s the famed “finale”: “o’er the Land of the Slave….. ! And the Home of ‘The Me'”
Seems to work.
Or “…and the home of the Mini-Meeeeeee!!”
(Land of the SM slaves, AND the homo’s and their mini-me’s sounds a bit racist.
I have little to nothing against jews)
It was possibly my first 4th where I completely ignored all skyrockets, as I sat in my Leaf at a charging station, surrounded by a long demonstration of noise, in its Kingdom, and empty histrionics.
I wrote a note in my journal: “I’m not sure what people are celebrating, but whatever it is, it’s very modern American: obnoxiously loud, intrusive, and nearly all vacuous.
If you’re looking for meaning, you’ve come to the wrong place.
But who knows what might be germinating? Hopefully, a change. We can still hope.
The idiocy and ignorance of a majority of the populace was epitomized to me this morning: a guy walking out of a pizza joint carrying a couple of pizzas and wearing a mask. The pizza is loaded with toxic ingredients and the mask is useless; the guy thinks he’s protecting himself from what? birds carrying COVID? That people are so ignorant about health that they don’t understand that the only way to stay healthy is to strengthen their immune systems is beyond me. Maybe it’s because wearing a mask and washing hands requires no thinking at all. Critical thinking is no longer (if it ever was) a skill taught or practiced by the majority.
I used to support The Daily Kos, but no longer. They have resorted to shaming those who disagree with mask wearing; and I assume that when the inevitable CV vaccine is marketed, they will be for the mandates and shaming anyone who refuses it. They see themselves as champions of freedom and liberty, but…..It’s all GroupThink.
Dems have fallen into the trap of thinking that healthcare = pharma drugs, since all they seem to focus on is prescription drug prices. You can’t medicate yourself to health. Short-term use in emergencies may be appropriate, but chronic use leads to eventual death. If you have scurvy, you need vitamin C; no amount of any drug to mask symptoms will cure you.
S Cooper:
Thanks for that!!! It’s been a while since I’ve had a good laugh. And he was absolutely right!
Your nutritious food prepared with care by hotties that are not too feisty
would serve as medicine
A colleague of mine has been telling us all how much he missed his various takeaways as his mrs had banned them due to the ‘risk’.
Since 4th July however he is allowed them again. Lucky for him that the virus decided to become less lethal on the very same day the government allowed pubs and restaurants to reopen.
The pizza is loaded with toxic ingredients
namely what?
Start with the whet in the pizza crust and the likely vegetable oil. Then add the advanced glycation end products from the baking process.
the whet?
I guess according to you, vegetables and bread must also be toxic.
what do you eat, grass?
I mourn(ed) right along with you, Mr. Lesher… What an odd and sad Indpendence Day, 2020 it was…! A day I had always revered for celebrating and appreciating the rights, liberties and freedoms we were guaranteed over 200 years ago was, this year, spent by me in outage over the loss (illegal theft) of these same guaranteed liberties some 4 months earlier under the ridiculous guise of a false pandemic…
Where indeed are today’s Frederick Douglasses…? Today’s Patrick Henrys…? I’d even take a current version of Abbey Hoffman… But as you say, Michael, the silence is deafening, and hard to understand…
I see you trying to hang on to your optimism in your essay, and I applaud you for that… Methinks we’re kindred optimists… But even this optimist is quite sure there’s some bad mojo on the loose…. When it’s dark out at noon, you know it ain’t the night coming…
I fear a civil war in the US is imminent… The elite-Left vs the conservative establishment… I hope I’m wrong… But the prerequisite culture war is already ongoing… Everyone is being polarized… If anything, Cov-19 has forced people to take a position… You either say “Baaahhh” or you say “Wtf!”… We currently live in a country where saying or writing the words “All lives matter” costs you your career and your credibility (Oh, now I’ve done it! 😟)… A country where BLM takes root overnight, and takes off with unprecedented speed and support…
Conclusion: There are some very powerful people behind ALL of this, and it isn’t going to end without a fight, imho…
So yes, Michael, I too look forward to July 4, 2021, and Independence Day being the celebration it used to be… It’s what transpires between then and now that concerns me…
It appears that you’re not the only one.
As a Brit, I used to look on with a sort of patronising, paternal patience as Americans insisted on their right to bear arms. I never understood the obsession and reasoned that less guns would equal less gun crime. In a normal world, I still believe that would be the case. It seemed to me that Americans were behaving like children, desperately hanging onto their favourite toy. It all seemed a bit juvenile.
However, following the (most recent) spate of, what the evidence tends to suggest were, false flag shooting incidents across the US, leading to the very obvious drive to remove guns from American hands, my view changed.
My reasoning was fairly simple: If the PTB are willing to go to so much effort, up to and including killing innocent people, in order to take away guns from ordinary citizens, then there’s probably a good reason why said citizens should hang onto them.
It all seemed a bit vague at the time. Why try to take their guns now? Why are armed American citizens suddenly a threat? Fast forward to now.
Of course, owning a weapon and using a weapon are two totally different things. Even if we aren’t fully aware of what’s in store, somebody somewhere is; that same somebody will also have ‘war-gamed’ potential reactions for what is planned. One conclusion could be that the citizens will be so oppressed that they will have little choice but to resort to their firearms.
How effective would that be? At the macro level – not very. You can’t fight tanks and jets with a .38. On a local level, though, it could be very effective. Rather than a clean sweep of totalitarian control, the authorities will be faced with rolling low-intensity conflict for an indeterminate period of time (aka as long as the ammunition lasts). IF the situation for the ordinary American is bad enough to warrant that response.
Then again, people with nothing have literally nothing to lose.
“But a change has now come over the affairs of mankind. Walled cities and empires have become unfashionable. The arm of commerce has borne away the gates of the strong city..”
Indeed, the arm of commerce now extends globally.., in the form of corporate power…
Good article.
But to summarise: we’re fucked.
Not yet, but Kanye West has recently announced that he’s running for president.
The bookies in America are now laying short odds on Trump getting a second term – and we’re now only into July; imagine what it’s going to be like in November!
Forget Kanye West. The only interesting thing is what the psychopaths have planned next (and believe me, this is all planed).
The next 50 years is planned.
Yep, planned decades ago Rob. Have you looked at the World Economic Forum website lately?
The virus has been the perfect cover to get the large majority of people to fall into line, willing to take the vaccine or test or anything to feel… ‘safe’.
The only way we’re going to get out of this is if tens of millions rise up across the World – mass protests, civil disobedience, no compliance with what is happening.
However, the chances of this happening are remote.
He’s got his own studio, you know. We can all relax.
Kanye West knows tere will be no election this year,then,I think.
Unfortunately Covid deaths are being massively adjusted upward in order to hurry Second Wave lock-downs now being implemented . As slavery returns to the world with a vengeance, with a better control mechanism than the lash or noose . That control is the fear/panic propaganda disseminated by the internet we are now being and will be subjected to forever. Orwell’s jack-boot will only be used sparingly as needed on the masses and off line for the most part.. Big brother rules everywhere !
I know you mean it figuratively, but I don’t like to see Orwell’s name being associated with jack-boots. We can argue about his politics and his possible faults, but I’m sure he was a sincere opponent of totalitarianism.
Sir Laurence Olivier as nazi doctor “Der Weisse Engel” in The Marathon Man:
“Is it safe? Is it safe? Is it safe…?”
The White Angel of Death. I think he matches Mengele much, who by the way was let in the backdoor at NYC quite often, so the movie knew that. What the movie suggested was a whole lot of fellow traveller history between the CIA and Nazi war criminals. Way too much. Much more than the film suggests.
Where it stopped short was showing how Nazis may have had a *controlling* interest in CIA, especially its Paperclip origins.
The Dulles Brothers, as the key partners at the corporate Wall Street law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, were doing business with Adolf Hitler in early 1920s, Germany, and Allen Dulles, Agent 110 of OSS, went to Nuremberg and secured the release of many high ranking war criminals who were otherwise likely headed to the gallows, and brought them here as founding forces at Langley (Otto von Bolschwing, a close collaborator of Adolf Eichmann, and pivotal in the formulation of “The Final Solution” to genocide all Jewry, died in Sacramento in 1982, after a long career there as a computer leasing company VP).
If you caught yourself asking how this country got so (much more) messed up, than it already was, and in so few years, ask no more. The answer lives all around us. (It was focal, by the way, in the assassinations.)
It may be the über-cultural disaster of the Millenium, and a telling wreck in progress. That much seems clear.
“but since I’m not a scientist I’ll set that question aside in favor of one that must be obvious to anyone who can nudge the needle on an EEG”
This is crucial, the church of science relies on the situation that a high degree of specialization is required to understand the science. So, it becomes increasingly difficult to criticize things. Add to that various theories and counter theories around, which leads to confusion and obfuscation. Thus, where former religious priest classes, imposing their theological nonsense depended on the fact that most of the people where illiterate and not educated, the current priest class of experts will impose their authority by means of the fact that these things due to their nature very difficult to criticize. So that just like it happened and still happens in the area of religion, you become dependent on authority again. Unless you are willing spend great amounts of time to dig through boring statistics and various expert theories. This is coupled of course to some extent with the exclusion of experts who do not agree, heretics. That science would lead to a new church, misleading of the masses, control and cracking down by elites has already been foreseen by the best of philosophers, even centuries ago.
People should adhere to a new look on science, which is that science is already for decades highly corrupt, it has become the means of imposing a crude materialist slavery system. It is not moving on, but producing ever more fiction science, and puling society ever more into materialist slavery. The stakes are gigantic, with the amount of power and wealth it affords nowadays, it would even be a great surprise if it would not lead to enormous corruption.
The sphere of science should be looked at like a critical thinker looks at religion, with deep skepticism. Else, you will become dependent on authority, AGAIN.
Great point and something that must be solved in order for the species to survive. It is basically a “scene of convenience” for the profiteers and sociopaths right now…no better than the Dark Ages n many respects.
Basically do away with science and scientists as a class to be respected,
revered and slavishly followed as experts the multiverse sent us in its
infinite and misunderstood wisdom.
Scientific method: wonderful. Scientists: cunts with lots of scummy villains among them.
Only to be respected insofar as they practice and preach the scientific method.
There is a school of thought that suggests that a minimal grounding in science is all you need to understand what’s going on. Being an expert is useful for in-depth knowledge of a particular facet of a paritcular subject but sometimes it leads to not being able to see the wood for the trees.
The single reason why this pandemic is confusing isn’t corrupt scientists, its merely the fact that scientists initially didn’t know what they were dealing with. They used their experience to characterize this virus as causing a SARS like effect. As more data came in the picture started getting a bit clearer. For the rest of us our ‘need to know’ was really well enscapulated by that information video from the Vietnamese Health Ministry. We’ve taken ages to come to the same simple conclusion in the US, it is (as put by Dr. Lucy Jones, a seismologist by trade) “Don’t breath others’ air”.
It’s the same everywhere. Public “health experts” now revelling in their new found status and self importance and advising politicians accordingly . Both types are paid for life by ourselves. No unemployment for them they feed from the trough of public taxation . But where did this come from. ?….
“that COVID19 is at least 50 to 100 times as lethal as a typical flu.”
Anybody ??
Modern-day Kapos
The public health crisis that leads us directly to repeated /viral flu outbreaks yearly began in the 1950s and remains unregulated human overpopulation . It was thought that government interference in our personal lives was beyond the pail when it came to reproduction, but evidently we have changed our collective minds these days. Birth control and fear of flu seem to have scared us into begging big government to stand on our collective necks?
Sounds like Imperial Ferguson. I read it emanate from the, ah, mouth of of one of those eminences, recently….
Can’t you read? The article clearly states that this bullshit comes from that National Geographic rag.
National Geographic might as well be published at Langley. Scandalous the quantity of disinfo and red herrings found in its glossy pages. Now on their TV cable channel they do the same thing, only in 2 hr highly produce “special reports”. Ugh. They did one on 9/11 and Atta that was so laughable I almost cried.
Who’s source was ?
The Murphy-Virus Relief Fund seeks contacts in all of NJ’s 21 counties to rid the people of Nueva Jersey of this horrible contagion.
It’s the same in my state, where there were practically no deaths to begin with, and now, after almost 4 months, slight easing of the restrictions, and death count still extremely low (although they do their best to crank it up, see below) the governor has the nerve to threaten to lock down again “if the numbers don’t improve.” As if we were naughty children willfully disobeying and causing “the NUMBERS” to increase. Jesus.. Honestly, I’m tired. And so are many family members, who’ve lost jobs. And those jobs are no coming back any time soon.And we’re given an insulting $1200 for 4 months of lost work??? And unemployment was delayed months because no one could get through to them and it’s set to run out in August? and, and, and and…..
As to death count, when all this started I began to keep track of the daily case/death counts on the state website. Of course, as was plain, even back then, the deaths were overwhelmingly of people over 70, mostly over 80, with co-morbidities and in nursing homes. I kept track for a while, because I had some forlorn hope that my cynicism about the official numbers was misguided, and that soon our dear overlords would see that there was really no danger for the majority of the population. But one day I was perusing the site and found that they’d listed as covid deaths 3 people, each of them OVER 100 years old with comorbiities. That was when I knew there was no health related rationale for the lockdown. I’m not anti-centenarians, not that I know any. Just that a person of 100, with existing comorbidities could die of any number of things that would pose no danger for most of us. That’s just how it is.
That’s when I knew the gloves had come off and there was to be no return to anything resembling “normal,” bad as that was.
Our local newspaper has the weekly county and city totals and the culmulative totals. There are people keeping track of the numbers out there.
Nothing will ever go back to normal again Lorie. Not until we all get jabbed. Big Pharma will be rubbing their hands dreaming of the Trillions to be made $$$.
What state are you in? I’m down here in Melbourne, Australia, a city of 5 million people where there are now strong rumours that the entire city will be fully locked down from tomorrow night.
The coming months are going to be horrendous, especially in the US as the money runs out, and many will end up on the streets.
I probably don’t need to remind you of the increase in wealth of approx $594 billion of the 10 richest billionaires since the ‘panicdemic’ began.
no, Gezzah, no need to remind me of Bezos, Suckerberg, Gates et al.
And,already there are more people on the streets. I honestly don’t know what will happen and I’m not sanguine.
Hitler and Stalin was classed as the Dictators of the 20th century.
Who will be classed as the Dictators of the 21st century?
Will enough people be around in the 22nd century to care?
The dream of the megalomaniacs of the 20th century was to be held aloft by a sea of people chanting their name.
Those of the 21st dream of being alone in their moon palaces wanking and watching the scum on CCTV.
If there are any humans left in the 22nd and they set out to discover the source of the great collapse all they’ll find is a series of anonymous solitary mummies.
Very True. WE are now entering a combination of 1984 and the Brave New World. Were the mass of the people know their place and will be contented. Given sufficient trinkets to buy the essentials of life, be entertained and so ignore reality. Hence we live contented in our open prison.
Born, be educated, work to earn money to buy things. create your replacement work force [but not too many] then shuffle off this mortal coil.
They are here, at OffG, and they are few.
The sheep outnumber us, so the sheep win.
One never knows what one is unleashing when one considers such remedies, but I’m tempted to pray for Divine Intervention. Like most of us here, I am surrounded by people who have forgotten any elementary science they ever learned, and who think Groupthink is a GOOD thing. But Groupthink is only a good thing if you are a honey bee. Boy, could we learn a thing or two if we would just look at bee society…
Groupthink is only as good as often as the group is right. Which is not often. Conventional wisdom and conformism are both becoming more and more fatuous, as we proceed.
Sheep can’t win. Sheep are not winners. I’m not praying for anything.
As for bees: I don’t want to live in a world run by a megalomaniac woman, thanks!
When 4 billion sheep sit on your head, they win.
I’ll admit the divine intervention bit was a long shot…
Bees do what they have to, because they’re bees. As I said, we could learn a lot from their society, but of course that doesn’t entail copying the whole structure. We have choices, but, when it comes to the crunch, we often lack the courage to make them. Bees, on the other hand, don’t have any moral dilemmas, just like our very own megalomaniac Maggie Thatcher (r.i.p. = rot in purgatory…)
Can I safely assume you’re not in Scotland then?
King Murphy, Power Freak. I will remain in New Jersey only long enough to vote him out of office.
COVID19 is the name of the operation not the name of any disease – resist
Covid 19 is the name of the sly underhandedness of the medical industry powered by the WHO that upholds the lies and deception of the contagion theory, fully knowing that human beings do not catch f….ing germs fcs.
Sorry Bob. I was proselyting on my street corner 😊😊😊
Gov’ts around the world, those who are taken in by the WHO and their NWO buddies, have been using a flu outbreak to run simulations on the public. This is not a mistake and neither is it spontaneous.
Before the outbreak of WWII the people of Blighty were encouraged to build Anderson Shelters in their back yards. There were Air Raid Shelter drills.
The British gov’t knew what was to be expected as a result of their own actions against cities in Germany.
Ponder that thought because it’s clear to all who see, that western powers haven’t yet given up on their chemical weapons. Something the people of Syria can confirm and the OPCW deny to their detriment.