Kamala Kabbalah

W Stephen Gilbert

Joe Biden’s choice of Senator Kamala Harris of California as his vice-presidential running mate has not been universally well-received on the left. Harris is seen by some as a conventional hawk, a Netanyahu apologist and a lawyer who punished African Americans.

A debate may be had as to whether these charges really stack up; certainly Harris’s record is diverse rather than monochrome.

In her time in the Senate, Harris has voted for six out of eight military spending bills.

This July, unlike her former rivals for the Democratic candidacy – Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand – she voted with her other senatorial rival Michael Bennet against Bernie Sanders’ amendment “to reduce the bloated Pentagon budget by 10 percent and invest that money in jobs, education, health care, and housing in communities in the United States in which the poverty rate is not less than 25 percent”.

On the other hand, last December, in one of her pair of rebellions, she joined Sanders in not voting for the 2020 military spending bill; this was two weeks after she had withdrawn her candidacy. Those named above also did not vote (making up the only members of the Senate so to do), save Gillibrand, one of six senators who voted against, and Bennet who voted for.

When it came to specific issues, Harris opposed the Saudi war in Yemen and argued for rejoining the Iran nuclear pact, like all the other Democrat runners for the nomination.

Regarding Israel, Harris was excoriated for meeting officials of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in her office. However, she did not join the AIPAC’s vehement attack on allegedly anti-Semitic remarks by Rep Ilhan Omar who is Somali-American, declaring that “like some of my colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus, I am concerned that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk” [quoted in The Jerusalem Post July 12th 2019].

Harris opposes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that targets Israel, but she is on record as speaking out against the annexation of West Bank settlements [interview for PodSaveAmerica April 17th 2019] and, along with her Democrat rivals, supports the two-state solution.

Without explicitly committing to recognition of a Palestinian state, she has written that “Palestinians should be able to govern themselves in their own state, in peace and dignity, just as Israelis deserve a secure homeland for the Jewish people” [Council on Foreign Relations questionnaire, August 21st 2019]. That seems indistinguishable from support for self-determination. Harris’s husband is Jewish.

Some white commentators evidently feel no discomfort in judging a woman of mixed heritage (Tamil Indian and Jamaican) on race. They discount the point made by the LA Times that “…many black voters are wary of her 27 years as a prosecutor enforcing laws that sent African Americans to prison. Often left unsaid is that Harris, a former state attorney general and San Francisco district attorney, did not play a role in passing those laws” [October 24th 2019].

It may be true that California incarcerated a disproportionate number of black men during Harris’s time, but is there any state penal system that doesn’t hold a huge number of black people for very long periods? As a prosecutor, she will have had to deal with the defendants the police put before her. It seems unhelpful to risk this becoming a proposal that Harris is “the wrong kind of African American”.

Harris’s record as a law officer and senator can be seen to bear comparison with any progressive lawyer and legislator in the country on homicide rates, domestic violence, sex crimes, gun crime and firearms availability, transnational crime, hate crime, LGBT+ rights, race bias in the police, immigration, trafficking, drug dealing convictions, possession offences, recidivism, social media rights, right-to-know access, truancy, environmental crime, transgender cases, corruption among public officers, business fraud, legal loopholes, mortgage foreclosure and locally on Propositions 8 and 21.

In court, she has won billions of dollars for citizens from financial enterprises, speculators and fraudsters.

There is some evidence that she has sometimes temporised on the death penalty, parole access and body cameras for police officers. But there are few who take public roles that require far-reaching decision-making who do not find that those roles are apt to temper their beliefs and inclinations.

The balance of judgment ought not to condemn Harris out of hand. Voters cannot reasonably expect long-serving public officials to be meticulously consistent, preternaturally wise, hieratically noble and scrupulously on-message on a daily basis.

What’s more, it needs to be remembered that in politics, women, people of colour and progressives are judged by far more stringent standards than reactionary white men, who only need to be idiosyncratic and/or combative to be seen as godheads.

Because of the nature of the executive roles taken by both Biden and Harris, they were more vulnerable to generalised attack from their rivals for the Democratic nomination than any of those rivals in the televised debates.

Someone in a thread on my Facebook page declared that Harris “got taken to absolute bits by Tulsi Gabbard”, but checking on the July 2019 debates shows no such case.

Gabbard’s remarks, which accounted for just one minute of over 130 minutes of debate time, were broad and unsupported. It’s easy to throw out accusations that may or may not be true or fair.

As Jeremy Corbyn could confirm, it’s impossible to defend a career against amorphous assaults. Harris was expected to expound her working method and philosophy in her own prescribed one minute. She made a fair fist of it.

But let’s step back from the particular. How close to an exemplary ideal do candidates need to be in order to avoid being decried by those whose votes they need?

There’s an ancient saw about voting for Anyone But [Name of Candidate]. Many of those who will vote – “holding their noses” in the cliché – for Biden and Harris may very well do so only to ensure that Trump and Pence are ejected from office. Unusually this year, though, it’s hard to imagine there would be many votes for the incumbents in an Anyone But Biden and/or Harris camp.

But those seeking election hope to generate a little more enthusiasm than that, understandably.

The Republicans will certainly rake over the careers of both Biden and Harris (respectively of 50 and 30 years’ duration) to find specific instances of useful ammunition. Biden has plenty of well-aired inconsistencies to defend.

However, there is no richer pasture on which to spread manure than Trump’s record in office, which is why the general expectation is that he will attempt to rob the election of its legitimacy, both before and after November 3rd.

Meanwhile, the Democratic ticket will (unless badly advised) seek to propose an optimistic, positive, creative and restorative platform and stay aloof from dirty tricks. Those who incline to vote Democrat but still bite lumps out of the nominees need to consider the extent to which they are merely being useful idiots for Trump.

Trump’s ideology – if such a creature may be discerned at all – is something that nobody with an iota of concern for her fellows wants to maintain in the White House. Voting for the Democratic ticket is, to vast hordes of Americans, a no-brainer.

Elsewhere in the world, questions of who rules are not always so clear-cut. Even in nations where the regime is impervious to criticism, and opposition politicians are locked up and/or murdered, the spirit of fascist Italy lives on: “Il Duce ha sempre ragione” [Mussolini is always right].

Iron rule sometimes rusts, though, and at present there are proliferating outbreaks of unrest in several countries. Social media has proved an invaluable tool for those embarking on campaigns of civil disobedience, both in spreading the word about demonstrations quickly and in recording evidence of police or military brutality in response.

Governmental attempts to shut down these avenues have inevitably followed. But periods of unrest are apt to fizzle out. At least, Aleksandr Lukashenko of Belarus and Carrie Lam of Hong Kong and Prayut Chan-o-cha in Thailand will hope so (if they’re still in office when you read this).

Of the alternatives, it’s what? – settling for electoral challengers whether or not they come up to your own high-minded expectations, or armed insurrection?

There may be sound intellectual arguments in favour of the latter course, but to characterise it as perilous would be to understate its implications laughably. What’s more, a global pandemic may not be the most helpful background to such a drastic endeavour.

If storming the Winter Palace has become more hazardous than it used to be, a programme systematically to disrupt the circumstances of the masters of international capital one-by-one might be more profitable.

Given that these people are in reality far more powerful than any dictator – and really, that the President of the United States is still described as “the most powerful man in the world” is now a feeble joke – such a programme might be thought by some to do more for democracy (and certainly more for climate change) than the election of any number of well-intentioned politicians.

Britain made its contribution to the Black Lives Matter expressions of citizens’ outrage and continues to host disruptions of traffic organised by Extinction Rebellion, but there’s little sense here that the state is threatened. This doubtless speaks to insufficient radical zeal among people living in a mild climate.

If not at the Trump level, these islands have certainly been governed by some divisive leaders, about whom history will be mindlessly partisan if it neglects to record that they were deeply loathed by quite substantial numbers of citizens. I am thinking especially of Lloyd George, Churchill, Thatcher and Blair. To join this group, Boris Johnson may need to go to war.

It’s interesting that, if opinion polling is to be credited at all (and I rarely think so), Trump has suffered a much greater drop in support than Johnson, though both of them have been widely denounced as hopelessly incapable of finding credible responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, Johnson’s government has been found wanting across a range of policies and (particularly) the handling of unforeseen events, and indeed foreseeable ones such as school examinations and term reopenings.

Yet the Tory government maintains a decisive lead in these polls over the Labour opposition. As the leader, Sir Keir Starmer, is supposedly held in some esteem by polled voters, his reported failure to cut through against Johnson’s erratic bumbling must say something deeper about the political climate in Britain.

A commentator on a Facebook page about polling that I manage characterised Starmer’s approach as “promise nothing, say nothing, and hope the Tories wreck so many lives that nobody will vote for them”. Masterful inactivity is usually more effective in theory than in practice.

My own view may perhaps be shared more widely than I imagine. While I would have no hesitation in voting for Biden and Harris in the US, I see little prospect of my voting for a Labour party led by Starmer.

This is because the Democrats, though certainly not likely to seek all the societal change I would wish, would be sufficiently distinct from what has pertained over the last four years to make the decision simple. But Starmer can be seen to be determinedly turning his party into the shell of New Labour that Tony Blair left in 2007 and that David Cameron assumed in 2010.

I ask myself: would I prefer a Tory government that I am expected to oppose or a Tory government that I am expected to support? That’s a no-brainer too. I might even find myself voting for the Conservatives, just for the perversity.

For a differing opinion on this topic read Hiroyuki Hamada’s article here.


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Mr Titters
Mr Titters
Sep 18, 2020 6:33 PM

Given the contrived way in which she pronounces her name, shouldn’t the headline be “Kamala Cobbler?”

OK, back to the serious.

Aug 23, 2020 6:28 PM

Wot a riveting Democrat Virtual Convention!!!

What are your policies on the economy and unemployment?
We hate Trump! Trump is racist!! Everything is racist!!!

What are your policies on health and education?
Kill Trump! Health is racist! Education is racist! Everything is racist!!

What are your policies on crime and immigration?
F**k da police! Abolish da police!! Kill de pigs!! Kill Whitey!!! Open Borders now!!! F**K TRUMP!!! KILL TRUMP!!! EVERYBODY IS RACIST!!! KILL EVERYBODY!!! KILL!!! LOOT!!! BURN!!!

(Cue riveting, rapturous applause from CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WAPO.)

Aug 22, 2020 1:06 PM

Too much idiocy in this piece. Why post it?

Aug 22, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

Let him that hath idiocy, share it with all them who hath not. And when they too, have become idiots, let them also share their idiocy, that the whole world may be filled with idiots. Let none suffer for the lack of idiocy, for man does not live, by bread alone.

— The Book of Moron

Aug 23, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Funny! Thankyou for the laugh.

Aug 22, 2020 3:55 AM

Well that’s nice.

Hillary Clinton gave a job to the nephew of Ghislaine Maxwell, as a coordinator for the Arab Spring, sitting in the State Department from 2007, write OK! Magazine and the Daily Beast.

Alex Djerassi is the grandson of the co-inventor of the birth pill, Carl Djerassi, an Austrian-born Bulgarian-American chemist. He’s also the son of Ghislaine’s sister Isabel, who’s colourful connections have been revealed by Polly in The Other Maxwell Spy Girls

Text background here: https://nwobroadcastcorp.wordpress.com/2020/07/08/the-other-maxwell-spy-girls/

Alex and father Dale are on the Board of Trustees for the Djerassi Resident Artists Program which has specializes in provocative portrayals of Jesus Christ. Those art shows caused a scandal that at one point caused Dale to retreat into the shadows — he had been a prominent donor to Hillary Clinton.

US Politics and News Dec 17, 2019:
“It turns out that back in 1994, Djerassi had been a participant in one of the wildly anti-Christian “art” projects that was being funded by the NEA. In this particular “art” exhibit, a naked man in a Batman mask was being whipped by a couple of guys as he carried around a crucifix like Jesus. (You just can’t make this stuff up.)”

Finn McCool
Finn McCool
Aug 22, 2020 2:17 AM

This article appears to be a random collection of words, carefully constructed into paragraphs to assemble a pile of shoite.

Aug 22, 2020 4:29 AM
Reply to  Finn McCool

no, the mainstream media has a patent on that technology.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 21, 2020 11:29 PM

Caitlin Johnstone: QAnon is a fake, decoy imitation of a healthy revolutionary impulse

20 Aug, 2020

The QAnon conspiracy theory . . . is a shameless distraction that ensures no real change ever happens. . . . It’s an obvious propaganda construct designed to manufacture support for the status quo among people who otherwise would not support it. It presents itself as an exciting movement where the little guy is finally rising up and throwing off the chains of the tyrannical forces which have been exploiting and oppressing us, yet in reality all it’s doing is telling a discontented sector of the population to relax and “trust the plan” and put all their faith in the leader of the US government.

And that’s exactly what makes QAnon so uniquely toxic. It’s not just that it gets people believing false things which confuse and alienate them, it’s that it’s a fake, decoy imitation of what a healthy revolutionary impulse would look like. . . . A healthy impulse to fight the power is twisted into support for the most unconscionable aspects of the ruling power establishment. . . .

If you want to have a clear perspective on what’s really going on in the world, you’ve got to have an unwavering devotion to knowing what’s true that goes right down into your guts.

Most people don’t have this. Most people do not have truth as a foremost priority. They probably think they do, but they don’t. When it comes right down to it, most people are more invested in finding ways to defend their preexisting biases than in learning what’s objectively true. . . . Only by a humble devotion to truth that is willing to sacrifice any worldview or ideology to the uncompromising fire of objective reality can skilfully navigate through a world that is saturated with disinformation and propaganda. Sincerely put truth first in all things, while doing your best to find out what’s actually going on in our world, and eventually you’re guaranteed to free yourself from any perceptual distortion.

Trump on QAnon conspiracy believers: “They love our country”
Aug 19, 2020
CTV News
Donald Trump says people who believe in a conspiracy theory that believe he is saving the world from a cabal of satanic cannibals “love our country.”

Aug 22, 2020 4:27 AM

Most people do not have truth as a foremost priority. They probably think they do, but they don’t. When it comes right down to it, most people are more invested in finding ways to defend their preexisting biases than in learning what’s objectively true.

Only by a humble devotion to truth that is willing to sacrifice any worldview or ideology to the uncompromising fire of objective reality can skilfully navigate through a world that is saturated with disinformation and propaganda. Sincerely put truth first in all things, while doing your best to find out what’s actually going on in our world, and eventually you’re guaranteed to free yourself from any perceptual distortion.

— so says a leading “left-wing” promoter of the COVID-1984 hoax.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 22, 2020 2:28 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Aug 22, 2020 2:28 PM
Awaiting for approval

To me it reads as though she’s being held hostage and is trying to send the world a message.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 23, 2020 6:16 AM

The Daily Mail has put two senior reporters on the non-story to tell us: “nothing to see here”.

Top House Republican Kevin McCarthy says “there is no place for QAnon” in his party despite follower who also questioned 9/11 winning Georgia primary
21 August 2020

QAnon followers believe falsely that the world is run by a group of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who are plotting against President Trump while operating a global child sex-trafficking ring. Among those in on the plot, they falsely claim, are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Hanks, among others.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 23, 2020 7:01 PM

Whatever else Qanon may or may not be, it certainly has an amazing power for generating unity of purpose among supposedly disparate groups; perhaps even more so than Covid911. However, it’s the neo-liberal globalists who appear to be most concerned about the “dangers”. Gregory Hood takes a similar line to Caitlin Johnstone, but he opens his article in The Unz Review with examples of recent coverage in this faction of the media.

Who’s Afraid of QAnon?
Gregory Hood
Aug 14, 2020
Over the past few weeks, major media outlets have attacked the “QAnon” movement. Some journalists called for it to be suppressed, calling it dangerous and potentially violent. This is just a sampling:

– “Is QAnon the Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theory of the 21st Century?” by Charlie Warzel, The New York Times, August 4, 2020
– “The Prophecies of Q: American conspiracy theories are entering a dangerous new phase,” by Adrienne LaFrance, The Atlantic, June 2020
– “How the Trump campaign came to court QAnon, the online conspiracy movement identified by the FBI as a violent threat,” by Isaac Stanley-Becker,” The Washington Post, August 2, 2020
– “QAnon Is Running Amok, and the Time Has Come for Interventions,” by Daniel Zuidijk, Bloomberg Quint, August 10, 2020
– “A baseless US conspiracy theory found a foothold in Europe. New research shows how,” by Tara John, CNN, July 30, 2020
– “Down the rabbit hole: how QAnon conspiracies thrive on Facebook,” by Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian, June 25, 2020

Twitter has removed thousands of QAnon posts. Facebook is banning QAnon groups. TikTok and YouTube are trying to squash it, too. Google is blocking searches for it because it is a “terror threat.”

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 28, 2020 12:09 PM

Amazing Polly
Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking
Aug 27, 2020
The pedo Cover-Upperers in the Deep State Media have gone crazy. Legislators have gone crazy! Everyone in the child-trafficking business are in full blown panic over the fact that people on the left and right are coming together on common ground: we want an end to Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation. more… [links to referenced articles etc via yt]

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 19, 2020 11:19 PM

Amazing Polly

Fact Check: True! The Cabal is Panicking
August 28th, 2020
The pedo Cover-Upperers in the Deep State Media have gone crazy. Legislators have gone crazy! Everyone in the child-trafficking business are in full blown panic over the fact that people on the left and right are coming together on common ground: we want an end to Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation

The Tangled Web of Cover Upperers
September 4th, 2020
In this video I expose one of the major tools that both Corrupt State Department officials & phony “Fact Checkers” use to stop the spread of news that threatens their Global Corruption Racket! Are the riots in the US linked to the same shady apparatus is covering up the Ukraine scandals? Are the child trafficking cover-upperers using the tools, too?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 2, 2020 2:02 AM

Q Drop: #4626
Q – !!Hs1Jq13jV6
20 Aug 2020 – 7:14:36 AM


Research Summary
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. In the context of Q drops, the 5th column most likely refers to the Democratic party, which is working with foreign powers to undermine the USA from within. Infiltration not invasion.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 13, 2020 9:32 AM

They Want A Satanic World Government — Wilfred Wong
Oct 5, 2020

Wilfred Wong has been researching and exposing satanic ritual abuse for nearly three decades. SRA is widely practiced among the global elite because so many of them are satanists, and the complicit mainstream media in the UK, the United States and around the world runs cover for the hideous and evil crimes committed by the satanists who are openly working to usher in a satanic one world government. Please spread this important information far and wide.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 19, 2020 5:42 PM

SGT Report
They Want a Satanic World Government — Wilfred Wong
October 5th, 2020


Vu Lotta
Vu Lotta
Aug 21, 2020 5:50 PM

Biden and Democrats, who used to wear “RESIST” t-shirts with their pink pussy hats, think Trump hasn’t been dictator *enough* during Covid 1984. Yes, Trump is a Zionist nightmare puppet but Biden wants a national mask mandate, indicating that he, too, is a Zionist nightmare puppet, but the media does a better job of scrubbing his record of sexual harassment.

Aug 21, 2020 5:48 PM

Report from the Democrat’s Convention:

Eddy Elgar
Eddy Elgar
Aug 21, 2020 1:17 PM

What do you think of Unity2020?


Aug 21, 2020 12:59 PM

I’ve had it with this site, its little more than a petty, paranoid, propagandist inhabited by lunatic left cronies who frankly wouldn’t know independent thought if marx rose from his grave & made an addendum to The Communist Manifesto explicitly forbidding rabid anti social behaviour of the brain washed left. As for the so called ‘intellectuals’. Talk of 77th brigade, i’m increasingly of the opinion this site is run by intelligence agencies, “keep your friends close & your enemies closer”. I’m gone!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 21, 2020 2:05 PM
Reply to  Objective

Sounds like someone is about to run another puff piece for their online rag site and is inviting us over to take a look at it. If only they found another place to be boring, rather than here.

Aug 21, 2020 2:29 PM
Reply to  Objective

don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, as the saying goes.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 21, 2020 2:34 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Nice graphic with “a certain feminine touch.”


Aug 21, 2020 3:42 PM
Reply to  Objective

Bye careful as you go.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2020 3:45 PM
Reply to  Objective

Oh no! Come back!

Aug 21, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Damn! He’s back…

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2020 7:23 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Only if you say his name three times.

Aug 21, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  Objective

Perhaps it’s for the best.
Faux-revolutionary people who love labels and who play fast-and-loose with the truth tend not to fit in here, and it is well known that clear-sightedness isn’t for everyone.
I’m sure you’ll find your niche one day.

Aug 21, 2020 12:44 PM

Dims are trying to lose. Cameltoe is going to attract the black votes, but this is just a sham.

Vu Lotta
Vu Lotta
Aug 21, 2020 5:53 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

It’s true. Like when they put Kerry forward, or when republicans cheated the primaries to force Romney’s coronation for candidacy. “Here’s the plan guys: let’s find the most boring milk toast old fart we possibly can.”

Aug 21, 2020 11:37 AM

“Voters cannot reasonably expect long-serving public officials to be meticulously consistent, preternaturally wise, hieratically noble and scrupulously on-message on a daily basis.”

Meaning that voters should expect inconsistency, lying, defrauding, linguistic juggling, etc…..which seems like saying “voters should simply shut up, vote and let politicians do their shit “…
…no that it matters though. If you still believe that you have choices, than there are elections and democracy you are totally deluded, but that paragraph is the epitome of masochistic delusion.

Aug 21, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  Ramdan

Trump vs Clinton looks like a clear choice with gigantic consequences. The Brexit vote was also Earth-shattering. Both these elections allowed voters to overturn political establishments, who still can’t accept their rejection by the dumb plebs. But maybe you know a better way of choosing leaders than democracy, one which doesn’t entail violent struggles for power.

Aug 21, 2020 5:13 PM

Not in the UK’s case. After all, the leader of the Leave campaign is now Conservative Prime Minister – you don’t get any more ‘political establishment’ than that.

Aug 21, 2020 9:43 PM

“allowed voters (…)” 😁

Aug 22, 2020 12:59 PM

BrexShit was the work of the elite establishment and its DS thugs using their dark arts in the U.K. as they have done across the globe for years.

Even so it was only got over the line by the postal vote ballot fixing invented specifically for the purpose. See Cummings and his Nort East evil laboratory.

It was coordinated by the the DS big data company that managed the function for many a 3 lettered agency in the 5*1 eyed declining and falling empire, Canadian conglomerate CGI.

Such a fact as that will now be obscured by trolls with adhom attacks, watch.


Ps the Scottish Indy ref was the first place the postal vote fraud was pushed – allowing Cameron to insure that HMQ purred and that the way was clear to push the BrexShit referendum as the final solution to continued EU wide banking control and regulations to ensure a level playing field for ALL and to stop the ancient City and its Money Families, getting away with murder and robbery after centuries of impunity.

The case against Salmond and now Murray is aimed directly at the unraveling of that Indy ‘Fix,’ Whilst their plant Sturgeon does her job of destroying the SNP from the inside (much as the SDP/Blairite clones did to the class struggle Labour Party and it’s Public Service miracles post war)

You won’t hear about it around here as you won’t about the BrexShit ‘Fix’ or the Corbyn ‘Fix’ – because this site was born at a certain time – which should be crystal clear to anyone wondering why.

Pps – look at Claire Fox, the Revolutionary Communist Party, it’s mouthpiece Spiked and all its cohorts and fellow fake pleblovers, wearing their various Marxist sheep’s skins, rewarded with high technocratic posts in civil service and executive posts as reward for enabling the hard BrexShit which was always plan A.

For fuck sake look at putting LADY dildo hardon in charge of the corpse of the NHS – she comes to bury it once and for all not praise it.

Aug 21, 2020 10:51 AM

There is an article in The Gwardian. I will simply note the correction appended beneath it:

This article was amended on 21 August 2020. A previous version described Baga Chipz as the winner of the UK version of RuPaul’s Drag Race, rather than a finalist.”

Aug 21, 2020 11:19 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The head of the person who committed that unforgivable faux pas will surely roll. I mean, imagine not knowing that the great Baga Chipz (?) was merely a finalist in that august and noble spectacle, rather than being the winner!

-10,000,000 Woke Points (and social death) to the poor wretch who wrote it.

Aug 21, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

. tba

Aug 21, 2020 12:54 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Keep this comment board clean.

I promise that I shall henceforth use hand-sanitiser before I post any comments. I’ll even wear a mask as I type!

OK, Mr/Mrs Comment-Thread Policeman/woman?

Aug 21, 2020 12:45 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Guardian is shit, who cares what they think, why are we here?

Aug 22, 2020 1:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It is the Obsessive Groaniad, ™, not a cutsie Gwad..

The postmod identity political fragmentation is the major conspiracy of our times and the mass media and Alt media are all playing their role to their audiences.

Attacking the Groaniad is part of that cosplay and you are doing your part in such a cackhanded manner- that is nothing more than a call-response yah boo chanting.

It ignores the Obsessive Groan ™ being a deepstate mouthpiece of the IoS/ii type with its Russia baiting, Trump thumping, Corbyn destroying , EU gaslighting agenda – much as many of its brainwashed readers do.
They believe Assange is a rapist and not a journalist. They think Salmond is a rapist and not a journalist and independence seeker; they have no idea of the case against Craig Murray or the warmongering of up-Pompeo in Iran, Syria or even threatening the Germans over nordstream2.

And you won’t get anything different out of Mini-me, O-gee neither.

Aug 21, 2020 10:20 AM

The land which constitutes the US of A should be returned to its original inhabitants. They’d done a pretty decent job of living on it (and looking after it) for quite a long time before the usurpers came along and fucked the place up.

Jokers such as Biden, Harris, daddy Bush, little Dubya, Obama, the Clintons and all the rest of them should slide off into the obscurity which they so richly deserve. The obscurity of a prison cell, in many cases.

(I realise that they are mere puppets, but still, it’d be nice to see the back of them).

Aug 21, 2020 12:48 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

How gentle of you. Grow a pair.

Aug 21, 2020 12:54 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Lay off the booze, my friend.

Aug 21, 2020 9:00 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

In the “dystopian, surrealistic life outruns satire” department: I just learned that the Democratic poobahs chose Elizabeth Warren to address the Native American Caucus during the Democratic National Convention. I don’t know whether Warren wore her indigenous tribal garb for the occasion.

I can’t bring myself to investigate how the address was received. Since I haven’t seen TV Special Report Team Coverage or screaming headlines, I assume with disappointment that the caucus members didn’t respond as their ancestors did when George Armstrong Custer and his troops showed up to address the Native Americans at Little Big Horn.

Aug 21, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  Ort

I haven’t heard anything, either. Disappointing, indeed! But I’d put money on Warren having turned up in traditional dress. And she probably went down on one knee.

That video of Pelosi and other politicians ”taking a knee” is the funniest thing I’ve seen over the last few months. Cracks me up every time I see it.

Aug 21, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

I admit that I couldn’t watch the video; the still images were enough.

But now I wonder if the video showed all of those geezers getting up, or trying to, after the sublime ceremonial moment.

I was an altar boy, believe it or not. I have no idea if this is still the practice, but communicants would file from the pews and kneel along the altar rail, aka “communion rail”, to receive communion. I used to feel sorry for the elderly and infirm parishioners struggling back onto their feet afterwards, and staggering back to the pews. Even using the rail for leverage, it was an ordeal.

But I would wickedly find it hilarious to see the pious, venerable costumed Elected Misrepresentatives falling over each other, and being rescued by a flock of assistants rushing in to pick them up.

Aug 21, 2020 10:23 PM
Reply to  Ort

I misread the last part of your reply as ”…a flock of assassins rushing in to pick them off.” Wishful thinking, perhaps?

(Not that I’m in any way condoning violence against those fine and noble people, of course).

Aug 21, 2020 10:06 AM

Gary Allen’s series of talks, beginning with None Dare Call It Conspiracy, taken from the title of his famous book, unmasks the group of insiders who manipulate the government from the highest level.

Many of his lectures were delivered to the John Birch Society. A well-known right-wing lobby group, Allen was nonetheless his own man and his speeches now seem absolutely on-the-button. Gary Allen was one of the great names who confronted the dark forces behind government after the assassinations of the 1960s and the exposure of the MIC, the billionaire foundations and their secret societies.

Gary Allen shares the celestial podium, or radio mic, with easy-going liberals like Mae Brussell. Both explored what seemed unthinkable then — which is all too apparent to us now.

Aug 21, 2020 1:08 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

<b>Excellent presentation of How Americans can save America next month. </b>
One not well understood explanation for WWI is oil, Gary talks about how the few made their profits from WWI, and explains how profits were planned based on the insider knowledge that WWI would happen. But the basic reason for WWI was to take the oil from the Ottoman and to deny Germany access to the oil under the Ottoman Empire,
The destruction of Germany, Hungary, Austria and changes in Russia were designed to drive as many Jews as possible to occupy the Ottoman Territory and to make them become part of the Balfour Agreement(to create a Jewish State so that it could be used to control the all of the oil in the oil rich middle east. The war was used to drive the Jews into the defeated and destroyed Ottoman empire, now known as British Palestine. and French Syria.
Control over the worlds oil was the central reason for WWI, and what Gary talks about is how the few that knew and understood that war would happen because of the goal, used that knowledge, to get filthy rich. But they were just greedy eager beavers, the real goal was oil. control of the world’s supply of oil.

Aug 21, 2020 2:16 PM
Reply to  smokeydebare

Amazing how they get away today with pretending Climate Change is their concern, while they fight ever more resource wars to grab oil and gas.

It becomes even more glaring when you realize the key interests pushing Climate Change as a policy issue – Prince Charles and the Duke of Edinburgh, late WWF president Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, along with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds – also own the major oil companies.

Contrary to popular wisdom, Big Oil did not infiltrate the Climate Movement – it founded the Climate Movement before anyone thought of Greenpeace. The history of Club of Rome and longtime Rockefeller employee Maurice Strong puts it beyond contention.

Useful breakdown of the owners in this article

“By 1920 Exxon, BP and Royal Dutch/Shell dominated the world’s booming oil business, with the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Samuel, Nobel and Oppenheimer families, along with British and Dutch royals owning the brunt of their stock. Two other Rockefeller babies, Mobil and Chevron, weren’t far behind the Big Three. The Texas Murchison family – themselves patronized by the Rockefellers – controlled Texaco, while the Mellon family – with its own ties to the Rockefeller fortune – controlled Seventh Sister Gulf Oil.”


Aug 21, 2020 8:15 AM

Just added to my reading list…
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America by E. Richard Brown (1981)

From Goodreads:
This book tells the hidden story of the financial, political, and institutional manipulations whereby a diverse and eclectic range of healing modalities available to the North American public was summarily pared down to a singular style of medicine that would become the predominant medicine of the Western world and a major force in global medical culture during the 20th

This was brought about largely by the collaboration of the American Medical Association, the philanthropies of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, and the development of a revolutionary curriculum by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Brown documents the story of how a powerful professional elite gained virtual hegemony in the Western theatre of healing by effectively taking control of the ethos and practice of Western medicine.

E. Richard Brown describes how, in 1905, the American Medical Association’s new Council on Medical Education funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller commenced serious activity. They employed the services of Abraham Flexner who proceeded to visit and “assess” every single medical school in the US and Canada.

Within a short time of this development, medical schools all around the US began to collapse or consolidate. By 1910, 30 schools had merged, and 21 had closed their doors.

Of the 166 medical schools operating in 1904, 133 had survived by 1910, and 104 by 1915. Fifteen years later, only 76 schools of medicine existed in the US. And they all followed the same curriculum.

Brown shows how both social and political processes were consciously manipulated by a medical elite acting in concert with immense corporate wealth to create a system of medicine that better served economic and hegemonic intentions than social or humanitarian needs.


Aug 22, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Took you a while – so you can stop focussing on the red rag of Gates and look at his grandpapies and their ancient financiers – dare you.

Aug 21, 2020 6:39 AM

junk article. thankfully, the comments are always worth it.

Aug 21, 2020 3:28 PM
Reply to  zdb

Its only junk if you don’t want the rift raff to notice they have been manipulated and if they do not in each voting district forget any alliance to party affiliation, and vote for the most honest person allowed to be a candidate. Just as Gary Allen’s video says, this is the last time Americans may ever get to return some of the freedoms they once had.. my rule is the candidate ever served in any political position, do not vote for him or her.

Aug 21, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  justagirl

Noticing that you have been manipulated doesn’t require an article like this.

Aug 21, 2020 5:08 AM

Just another conduit for BS! These people are not individuals, they are a grouping of clones and she is just another auxiliary!
The right are a collective promoting individualism and the real left (people who comment on this website) are the true individuals (promoting collectivism of some kind!) Take a look at the vacuous hollow hyper ordinary cyborgs that have peopled the Australian leadership of the last 30 years! That’s the problem with Trump: he has too much of a character, he’s a maverick. These dour characterless non entities are all joined at the hip in some way so they invariably beat the left beause the left doesn’t have their solidarity or hierarchical organisational efficiency. They are the incumbent order and are protecting something real. The real left are promoting something that is hypothetical, thus the lack of agreement on planning concerted action and inherent sectarianism rife within radical political movements. These gatekeeper psychos and their mass of complicit enablers which unquestionable carry out their diktats run the matrix and decide how we should live but we don’t have any effect on how they should live!

Aug 21, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Drooze

Do you see violent groups like Antifa and BLM as part of the ‘real left’? When I was a leftist, I thought and believed we fought violence rather than practice it.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 21, 2020 3:23 PM

One may wish consider this, what is happening in Portland Oregon is a Gestapo training exercise on how to deal with unruly crowds after the corporate fascists crash the banking system, turn off the power/water/phones and close down the food supply chains.

Of course full blown martial law will look and get a lot uglier than this. Those “useless eaters” who are not mowed down in the streets will be shipped off to FEMA concentration camps and euthanized.

As to Antifa, BLM, they are little more than a troupe of traveling roadshow performers of “CIA-SOROS productions” to give cover for those training exercises.

Aug 21, 2020 5:23 PM

You shouldn’t flatter yourself.
You were never a leftist.
It shows, you know.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:17 PM

That’s why you lost … that’s why you were never really feared …

Aug 21, 2020 4:08 AM

Dystopian New Normals In Schools/US Moves to “Snapback” Iran Deal/Live Jordanian Guided Missile Found At Florida Airport; Evacuation


Aug 21, 2020 3:56 AM

O’K, where’s the punchline?

Aug 21, 2020 3:54 AM

Kamala Harris is as much Indian as Barack Obama is African, so just the skin color.

Joe Biden is a no brainer, so she might represent US deep state later as President, if Trump makes any more blunders with Covid-19 or the FED.

Aug 21, 2020 2:25 AM

ed gein
smilin ed
put a face mask on
made of face
is that leather faced
ed gein

with or without the mask

your probably wondrin
who ed gein
what is ed gein’s

well best not go in that direction

sur face to says all people in power are blackmailed freaks
english dolphin square or washington pizza party

all the same followers of satan
thats the drill the rules
lie cheat deceive

Aug 21, 2020 6:35 AM
Reply to  Ross

genius. reminds me of the knight who refused to quit fighting after his arms and legs were chopped off in monty python. Is there any question in any country or any state what party is claiming tyrannical emergency powers and extending emergency to continue those powers (while putting more money in pharma and Gates’ hands)?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 1:59 AM
Reply to  zdb

Got it. What did Arthur say to that resolute knight, “What are you going to DO?! Bleed on me?”

Hardly in a good situation to call the shots.

Democrats have only been the perennial “straight men” to the Reeps standup shtick since JFK. It’s been a dog and pony show all our lives. Bad punchlines.

At least Dem regimes push through a few less monstrous bills for health, environment, etc.

Just what Obama and Ted Kennedy pushed through on health probably saved my life.

They could be worse. Pretty bad on key things though. Two choices of Scheiße Salad. I’ll take the one on the left, under protest.

Bon appétit.

Aug 22, 2020 4:14 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Good luck with that guaranteed medical martial law of CCP, NZ and Oz that DNC is pushing so hard. All in the name of a virus that is many times less potent than season flu on the population under 65.

Curious – is any party is going to switch to the Sweden/Switzerland route. Who ever does will landslide on all levels?

Aug 21, 2020 12:24 AM

I stopped eating tripe as a child and stopped reading tripe by the time I was 20. This article is tripe.

Aug 21, 2020 12:47 AM
Reply to  Alessandro

I wonder if ‘W Stephen Gilbert’ even exists; and if “he” does, who he works for.


Aug 21, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  Carey

Adding: another super-odd thing about this place is that its editorial profile is close to non-existent, and zero profiles on its writers.. lots of honeypot
vote-up / vote-down stuff and “rate this article!” to build Profiles on its
readers, though..

Too cynical?


S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 21, 2020 2:30 AM
Reply to  Carey

There is nothing private on the web today. If one “does not want to be seen” the web is not the place to be.

Aug 21, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  Carey

Less editorial control means more freedom of expression.

Aug 21, 2020 12:14 AM

“Meanwhile, the Democratic ticket will (unless badly advised) seek to propose an optimistic, positive, creative and restorative platform and stay aloof from dirty tricks.”

In light of what the Democrats have been trying to do to Donald Trump before he became President and ever since he became President, that has to be the funniest statement about the party in the whole article.

Russiagate? Impeachment based on the most dubious pile of BS reasons (Trump supposedly pressuring Ukrainian leader Zelensky [by denying him money] into opening an investigation into Joe Biden’s involvement in previous Ukrainian leader Poroshenko’s sacking of his prosecutor general Viktor Shokin because Shokin was investigating corruption that could potentially lead back to the Biden family) when there were other more credible evidence of wrongdoing by the Trump administration? Choosing as its presidential candidate a man who appears to have cognitive issues and who has frequently expressed racist and sexist opinions? Need I drone on?

At least Rip van Winkle had the excuse of being asleep for the past 20 years. Some people appear to be asleep even when they look awake.

Aug 21, 2020 6:40 AM
Reply to  Jen

you forgot the Gates/DNC plandemic.

Aug 21, 2020 12:09 AM

Thank you, OffG, for posting dissenting views. However, I don’t agree with the rather simplistic generalizations of Trump written in this post by Stephen Gilbert. For example, this blanket characterization is simply not fair: “Trump’s ideology – if such a creature may be discerned at all”. What ideology here is not discernible? Isn’t it true that jobs were outsourced to other countries, such as China or Mexico, and then finished products were sold in the US with greater profits for the capitalist owners of the companies, but at a tremendous loss of job opportunities for America workers? Certainly, that central tenet of his political philosophy is easily discernible to me and it can’t be denied that changing those policies, such as NAFTA and TPP, was one of the first things he did as president.

Aug 21, 2020 3:56 AM
Reply to  Savorywill

Awww has the truth short circuited your trump blowing exercise? He outsourced his own jobs to China and Other places he can’t do a thing about jobs going to China seeing as it is him his pals and his parties supporters sending them abroad. Remember carrier? When he saved 1000 jobs and then we found out 300 jobs were still given to Mexico and that the the other 700 were given to automation!?

Aug 21, 2020 12:55 PM
Reply to  Savorywill

Trump puts Americans first, as he promised voters. Delivering on what you promise is the precondition of success in democracy. That gets voters trust and gets you re-elected. Treating half your nation as dumb gammons or deploreable retards does not. Democrats will only beat Trump if they learn to treat ordinary Americans as their equals and put the voters’ interests first, rather than impose what elitist politicians know is best for everyone else, as usual. But it’s much too late for that now. Their reputation is blown, their hate for the USA so obvious. Their only chance in November is massive cheating, which they will do without fearing exposure and scandal thanks to their control over the MSM and a spineless Congress which also abhors Trump. Wrecking democracy to stop Orange Man Bad means nothing to these elitist swamp critters and fanatics.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Aug 20, 2020 11:51 PM

Who wrote this ? Creepy Joe Biden, gangster Joe Biden or sex pest Joe Biden ?

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 20, 2020 11:39 PM

The most White black female and also racist to the bone… Great choice! Start to build more jails!

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 20, 2020 11:10 PM


Stephen Gilbert is a shill for the corrupt Democratic Party whose decades of brazen reactionary policies brought us Trump. However, it wasn’t only the failed policies of neoliberal Dems like Clinton and Obama, but it was also the neoconservative PNAC Bushies who gave rise to the circus clown. The phony baloney political duopoly which in reality is a monopoly is completely controlled by the military/security/surveillance corporate state.

The Dems offer NOTHING to 90% of the US population.  For four years the leadership of the Democratic Party worked hand-in-glove with the security state and the mainstream media news terrorizing the public about boogeyman fascist Trump, yet the Dems unanimously funded his military budget and without a whimper voted for all his reactionary legislation.  In fact, the only time the Dems ever spoke positively about Trump is when he bombed Syria. The Dems persistently attacked Trump from the right with nonstop Russia-Gating even though this strategy never gained traction among the American working-class who are not interested in any additional wars. However, Russiagate did divert attention away from issues which actually affect the lives of the working-class such as Medicare-for-All, the decaying infrastructure, homelessness, unemployment, and ecocide, etc…  

What’s most despicable about the Dems is there absolute contempt for the working-class by saying to them: “It’s too fucking bad if you don’t like crooked warmongering brain-dead Biden and top cop Kamala because your only other choice is the buffoon.”  Extortionists should NOT be rewarded.  There are other choices– I can vote Third Party or NOT AT ALL and join the ranks of the 110 million who’ve given-up on the rigged elections and debauched political parties.

And speaking of vile “Momala Kamala” here’s an excerpt from an article entitled:
“The nomination of Kamala Harris and the right-wing logic of identity politics” which really sums it up:
“In her position on the Intelligence Committee, Harris has been privy to the most sensitive information about American imperialism’s criminal operations all over the world. In this role, she has backed the Democrats’ anti-Russia campaign aimed at pressuring the Trump administration into taking a more hostile posture towards Moscow.She also supports the persecution of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, who faces 175 years in a US prison for exposing American military war crimes, declaring that the organization had done “considerable harm” to the US.

While feinting to the left as a proponent of cutting the Pentagon’s $750 billion-plus annual budget, in July Harris voted against a proposal by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders that would have cut funding by a meager 10 percent, saying she supported the idea but that any cuts to the military should be done “strategically.” 

Harris represents the Democratic Party, a party of Wall Street billionaires, the intelligence agencies and the military. Her nomination Wednesday came just one day after the Democrats paraded a number of Republicans who endorsed Biden, including Colin Powell—the first African American chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and a chief architect of the 2003 war in Iraq—and the widow of the notorious warmonger, Senator John McCain………The Democrats hope that the endless celebration of the trite, empty symbolism of Harris’ candidacy will serve as a repeat of Barack Obama’s run for president in 2008, deploying identity politics to cover over the right-wing content of her record and that of the Democratic Party. This is the logic of the reactionary politics of racial, ethnic and gender identity, promoted incessantly by the pseudo-left opponents of Marxism.”

So when Stephen Gilbert says: “Trump’s ideology – if such a creature may be discerned at all – is something that nobody with an iota of concern for her fellows wants to maintain in the White House. Voting for the Democratic ticket is, to vast hordes of Americans, a no-brainer.”   I say hell no to Gilbert–I’ll never vote for the debased Dems…..


Aug 20, 2020 11:18 PM

Team Dems’ plan has been obvious for some time now: purposely lose (Biden/Harris?),
then blame the Little People (to whom they offered *absolutely nothing*) for the loss;
fundraise off of Orange Man Baad for another four years, and start a Civil War while they’re at it (“Antifa”, “BLM”).

Aug 20, 2020 11:55 PM
Reply to  Carey

Orange man has Hillary by the balls.

And he has grabbed hold of Obama’s pussy.

They going to jail. Unless they play real nice and he gets to punish Comey and Brennan and get rid of their lackeys.

That’s how you do real dirty politics. Not some cheating postal votes.

Aug 21, 2020 12:53 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Are you confusing Mrs Obomber with killary?

Aug 21, 2020 4:18 PM
Reply to  Objective

I thought you have had it with this site, I believe the Mail is looking for contributors , get yourself over there you will be better suited, I can’t follow you as I’m banned .

Aug 22, 2020 1:21 PM
Reply to  Objective

No confusion. I meant it as I wrote it. Obama was a make believe ‘man’ as much as killary is ‘feminist’ lady.

Aug 21, 2020 1:12 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

But are Trump’s targets the victims or the villains? If both parties are villainous, which is the lesser evil?

Aug 22, 2020 1:26 PM

The ones who don’t want to destroy ancient Mesopotamia and finally conquer ancient Russia and keep the rest of the world tied to the ancient imperial order are the lesser evil.

There are no saints except as invented by religious institutions post death to use as icons.

Aug 21, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  Carey

Start a civil war?

Oh gosh, I thought we were already in it.

Aug 21, 2020 1:53 PM
Reply to  Judith

Me too, and it’s going to get a lot hotter. As usual, Democrats are trying to scare people into thinking Trump the dictator won’t leave office if defeated, but they are obviously projecting their own corrupt dreams of seizing power onto Orange Man Bad. As in 2016, it is the elitist Democrats who will refuse to accept electoral defeat in November by the working class Americans they clearly hate, and will instead use their violent street armies to burn down even more cities if they do. The American leftist establishment have slandered and encouraged violence against Trump and his supporters constantly over the past 4 years. Democrat leaders have laughably refused to condemn ‘peaceful’ Antifa and BLM protestors for their outrageous violence over the entire Trump presidency. Democrat governors refuse to charge thousands of rioters and criminal street activists, instead joining their campaigns to defund their own police forces. Blinded by their pompous self-righteousness, convinced of their intellectual superiority to ordinary voters and their conservative values, and now intolerantly cancelling anyone with opposing views to their own, US leftists cannot understand that Trump has masterfully triggered them and revealed their hate to ordinary Americans. They now face massive and continuing electoral defeat, which is why they are ready to reject democracy entirely in favour of a violent civil war to finally transform the USA into what they want, not what Americans want. Such supremacist fanatics clearly want total power, not greater justice at all. They must be resisted.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 21, 2020 12:08 AM

“Left and Right?”

When the heel of some jack booted thug is stumping and grinding repeatedly into ones face, it is not so much a matter of left and right but up and down.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Aug 21, 2020 12:16 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

George Orwell

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 21, 2020 1:43 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

There’s something about that Orwell “iconic” quote that has bothered me since I first read it years ago. (Besides the sinister subject, I mean.) I can never quite put my finger on it.


Although Orwell continues to serve us all in a very useful purpose, I never quite fully trusted his motivations — but that said, that all may go very deep, even as ontological.

And then there’s also the hyperbole. How can a boot stomp a face forever? He obviously was alarming us, but beyond that, for such an important summation of his message, it seems hyper-stated. Or *something* (like I say, I fail to put it right).

And, logically, they have technological means now where they don’t need boots, just needles.

But something seems off in the gestation of his thought. There.

dr death
dr death
Aug 21, 2020 3:18 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

It is a metaphor for totalitarianism.
although for todays crowd you should substitute boot for black mamas rainbow dildo.

John Ervingoingt
John Ervingoingt
Aug 21, 2020 8:41 PM
Reply to  dr death

Well, I got it. I’m not that dumb, though I have my (senior) moments.

I get the licentiousness too, but I was just floating it out for further contemplation.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Aug 21, 2020 4:16 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

 “How can a boot stomp a face forever?”

It’s called poetic license…😁

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 21, 2020 4:38 PM

Yes! That is pithy and well said, and it illuminates much about it, and that motive has struck me before –in so many words, or in other words– but there is more to it, and that’s what I’m fumbling.

But what you say “covers” it. 🤔

Aug 21, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Perhaps Orwell presciently envisioned an animated “GIF” image. 

I’m joking, but when you raised the point I realized that I had, in fact, internalized the phrase into a mental film or video loop of an archetypal boot stomping an archetypal face in perpetual motion, GIF-style.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 2:10 AM
Reply to  Ort

That’s kind of funny, if disturbing.

Aug 22, 2020 1:27 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Blair was an official propagandist in the grand tradition of English Imperialism.

Aug 21, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

If you oppose hate and violence, then you must fight to safeguard and improve democracy. That is the only known peaceful way to empower ordinary people so that they can refuse and remove failed or fraudulent politicians and wannabe tyrants. But you have to trust your people, not insult them as dumb gammons, racists or the dumb herd. You have to believe in power to the people to choose rulers, not in power to permanent elites. You must put the nation above your own political views. Can leftists do that better than our global elites or not? Why can’t leftists say ‘America First’, exactly???

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 22, 2020 1:07 AM

Self defense is not hate and violence it is survival. It may be the difference between who lives and who dies. It is a shame some do no recognize that.

“I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don’t call it violence when it’s self-defense, I call it intelligence.”

~ Malcolm X, 1964.

Though one would disagree with Malcolm X that it was violence one would agree with him that it was an indication of intelligence and common sense.

Aug 20, 2020 10:42 PM

BLM leaders are trained, self-confessed Marxist insurrectionists who wish to end American democracy through violence and have openly called for Trump’s removal. They pretend to be a civil rights movement to do this. How so? First, their movement only ever protests on behalf of 2 tiny groups of black people: the 650,000 dead blacks once owned by white American slaveowners (black slaveowners, like Kamala Harris’ family in Jamaica, are guiltless or non-existent), and the tiny group of dead blacks whose lives are taken by white cops. BLM never protests the 100m Nigerian Christians living in fear of massacre by Nigerian Islamists. They don’t mention the 600,000 black Africans currently enslaved by the ruling Berber class of Mauritania, the many millions of slaves there over the centuries, and the millions more enslaved in Africa as a whole today. They don’t attack anyone for running the new Libyan slave markets where Islamist gangsters traffic 1000s of black migrants every month. In the US, they never protest any black killed by other blacks (about 94% of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks), nor do they say a word about the fact that black women abort their babies at 4x the rate of white women. That’s about 15m black babies since 1975. No, BLM only care about and protest blacks killed by whites, because those dead blacks are very useful for their political purposes. They are obviously anti-white racists, and an excellent tool for dividing the people in the interests of the global elites. Calling BLM an expression of ‘citizen outrage’ is naive in the extreme, a typically romantic leftist delusion. I call Black Lives Matter BDM: black deaths matter.

Aug 21, 2020 12:17 AM

BLM is NOT the civil rights historical forces.

It is an attempt to grab leadership in a grass roots movement which is essentially anarchic, to gain control over it.

Bit like trying to control the Gillets Jaunes in France.

Hands up don’t shoot. And kaepenicks knee. For example are grassroots.

Aug 21, 2020 3:18 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I_left_the_left said: “Black Lives Matter never protests the 100m Nigerian Christians living in fear of massacre by Nigerian Islamists. Black Lives Matter never protest…..”

Black Lives Matter never protest the fact that Jews have locked up 5 million Palestinians in concentration camps called Gaza and the West Bank. Concentration camps with high prison walls and machine gun towers.

Aug 21, 2020 2:02 PM
Reply to  JackB

Yes, I’ve imagined taping my own signs to the Black Lives Matter signs all over my neighborhood…

Black Lives Matter – BUT NOT IN PALESTINE

Black Lives Matter – BUT NOT IN AFRICA

Black Lives Matter – ESPECIALLY TO GATES FOUNDATION (as test subjects for their vaccine campaigns)

Aug 21, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  JackB

Of course not. BLM don’t call themselves ‘Jewish Lives Matter’. Can you really not see that I am exposing their lying hypocrisy and betrayal of their stated mission?

Aug 21, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

If the grassroots movement embraces violence and hate against others, do you condone or condemn it? I left the left because so many in the movement invariably refuse to condemn their own violent activists, thus destroying popular support, democratic legitimacy, and betraying leftist ideals. They attack ordinary working people with different political opinions, not the corrupt elites who laugh as they watch their useful idiots divide popular resistance. Violent leftists must be condemned, deplatformed and excluded, just as the KKK were. Leftists embracing violence and hate are fascists who are destroying progressive politics.

Aug 22, 2020 1:33 PM

There is no Left or Right,

They are creations of the Above to keep the Below divided and fighting each other like the three stooges. That stops them punching upwards.

The make believe left, like the RCP have the same agenda to deliver as the make believe right, like the EDL for their slave owner masters.

You play your witting/unwitting role by failing to see and acknowledge that old truth.

Aug 21, 2020 3:39 AM

Pity the poor deluded BLM leaders who are “trying to end American democracy….” The laugh is surely on them. How exactly does one go about ending something which never existed in the first place? That’s a feat that would make Houdini look like a three year old practicing magic tricks.

Aug 21, 2020 3:17 PM
Reply to  Howard

Why not ask Hilary Clinton who famously defeated her in 2016? Also explain how BLM want to change US society peacefully via the ballot box. Lastly, do you reject violence and hate, or is it OK when your team does it? The mass-murdering tyrants Hitler, Stalin and Mao famously denied democracy and refused to trust voters with ballot boxes, that’s for sure. Are you on their side?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:29 PM

I’m really glad you left the left …

Aug 22, 2020 1:37 PM

You forget the militia that was garnered to break the General Strikes Of the 20’s and the likes of Churchill deploying canons and troops against civilians.

Your bleeding heart on sleeve pearl clutching against ‘violence’ is no more than the French aristos suggesting that madam Guillotine is quite unnecessary- they will never expect their Poitier generations to reclaim their ancient wealth and lands…

Aug 20, 2020 10:17 PM

Kamala and Joe scare me 1000 times more than Trump and Pence ever will.

Aug 20, 2020 9:42 PM

With the greatest respect to Stephen Gilbert, articles like this are totally irrelevant.

American GDP has now shrunk by 30%. There are now at least 40 million Americans out of work. There are also tens of millions who are being made homeless. This all will only get worse over the coming months.

We are going into the biggest economic depression in the history of the human race. By November do you really think anyone will give a shit about the total clown show that is American politics?

The United States of America is finished. It’s over. The psychopaths in control might manage to pull off one last sham election in November, but I don’t think many will buy into it.

Most likely, by then most folks will be sharpening-up their pitchforks.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Aug 20, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  RobG

Exactly. The global totalitarianism that is heading everyone’s way, courtesy of ‘coronavirus’ is unprecedented in human history. Makes little difference which US party wins the election.

Aug 20, 2020 11:20 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Well said (sure glad you put the Dreaded Pathogen™ in quotes).

Aug 21, 2020 3:44 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Trump famously opposes totalitarian leaders in China, NK, Venezuela and Iran. He also opposes the violent leftist mobs trying to transform the US according to their own minority will, not that of Americans as a whole. However, if US voters disapprove of such behaviour, they can remove Trump peacefully in November. It is precisely this great people power or democracy which cannot possibly ever exist in the nightmare regimes Trump opposes. Dictators and mad Mullahs never leave office, or even accept they are wrong. ‘Fighting the system’ in their prison societies immediately gets you persecuted, jailed, and much worse. Resistance takes true courage, as protestors do not have the security and privilege of living in a free society like the US, which has done more than any nation to establish human rights and freedoms and defend them around the world. But leftists ignore the contrasting realities so blatantly obvious to the rest of us, continue intoning ‘Orange Man Bad’ and absurdly assume ‘Yellow Man Good’. They never protest the 3m Uigyurs and Tibetans etc in Chinese concentration camps, or China’s obvious militaristic ambitions. Then they endlessly slag off normies as a mindless herd of sheeple who can’t think critically for themselves! Talk about hypocrisy and losing the moral high ground, not to mention losing the ability to reason.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Aug 21, 2020 3:51 PM

You mean ‘America polices the world using tyranny’. (Why is Venezuela America’s business?)

The United States is the ‘axis of evil’. It meddles and destroys with impunity. But most other Western nations are the same, including the UK. I have no loyalty to China either.

There is freedom from lockdown in Belarus (for the time being) until the United States and the EU imposes its coup on it.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:38 PM

Do you get paid by the word or by the post? Your comments are quite long. I suspect it’s the former.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:35 PM
Reply to  RobG

No need to respect Stephen Gilbert … She’s a cutting-edge Democratic A.I. bot …
Take advantage because in a few years you will be ostracized and fined if you disrespect or criticize, robots, androids, and A.I. Identity politics dont’cha know …

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Aug 20, 2020 9:37 PM

If people don’t resist, the nightmarish ‘coronavirus’ dystopia forecast might become a reality – a fascist world defined by surveillance, control, vaccines, fear. A no-win situation for the working class, middle classes and even the millionaires.

A demonstration is planned for London, 29th August which hopes to match the protests in Berlin and Madrid.

Some protest groups/individuals involved:

Keep Britain Free / @simondolan
StandupX (@StandUp2X)
Free Nation (@freenationtoday)

The German and Italian resistance:


Aug 21, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

There’s going to be a demonstration at the Massachusetts State House in Boston MA USA on August 29 also. (at least it’s scheduled and hopefully will happen)

This in retaliation to the mandate issued 2 days ago that all children in daycare and schools, ages 6 months through College Senior must receive a flu shot be December 31, 2020.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Aug 21, 2020 12:37 PM
Reply to  Judith

That’s shocking.

Every single voice and act of protest against lockdown and the New Normal is worth more than we’ll ever know.

Now is the time for doctors, nurses, politicians, police men and women, military personnel and anyone with influence, to speak up.

There may never be another chance.

The German policeman, Michael Fritsch, who spoke out against lockdown in Berlin is a hero. So are Sucharit Bhakdi (virologist) and Beate Bahner (medical lawyer).

I’m dismayed by the ‘Left’.

Aug 21, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

This will no doubt sound simplistic but I believe that doctors, nurses, politicians (especially) and anyone with influence is not speaking up because they will just plain lose their jobs. And in some cases their reputation. And depending on their level of influence maybe more.

Imagine being a politician today and taking a stance against masks, lockdowns, mandatory vaccination, etc. Imagine saying “we are going to open schools and businesses.”

Imagine all (most, I would say) of those constituents who are AFRAID/TERRIFIED of getting sick, of their grandparents getting sick, of their children getting sick. Do you think they would vote for that politician?

I may vehemently disagree with my governor (and I have left messages to that effect), and for mayors and other elected officials. But I truly believe that if they stepped off the reservation they would not only be risking votes, they would be risking their jobs, their reputations, and whatever else the powers who organized this whole shite-show have in mind if you don’t drink the kool-aide.

I’m not making excuses for them, or for anyone not speaking out. I’m just saying that I think I understand why. For some of them at least.

I mean what else could explain it?

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Aug 21, 2020 1:48 PM
Reply to  Judith

I saw something about an InfoWars ‘journalist’ being imprisoned in the US for an article which revealed that politicians are being blackmailed (by the CIA?) to go along with the Covid narrative. (I don’t endorse InfoWars or Alex Jones. ) Blackmail of politicians sounds plausible.

But ultimately there’s a simple choice to make:

Speak out now or accept totalitarianism in the future. A future without freedom.

In ten years’ time, some people may regret not speaking out when they had the chance.

Aug 20, 2020 9:31 PM

Good grief, you could have just said “anyone but Trump” and saved me five minutes of my life.

Aug 20, 2020 9:18 PM

“Voting for the Democratic ticket is a no brainer”, with their “positive platform.”

This is just the bog standard Lesser Evil ploy.
Choose whether you want a dogshit sandwich or a catshit sandwich, just so long as its kosher. Two cheeks of the same arse. Big Bag Of Shabbos Bugger All A or Big Bag Of Shabbos Bugger All B.
But Kabbala Haaretz is the Queen Bee Shabbos, plumbing ever new depths of pandering to her AIPAC paymasters, regaling anyone who will listen with vomit inducing tales of how she collected money to plant trees in Israel when she was a little girl. She would make all the other Shabbos goys in Congress look like Hassan Nasrallah.

The problem with the Lesser Evil is you’re just endorsing and legitimising the kosher sandwich that is foisted on people. You become an accomplice with blood on your hands in the vain hope of being tossed a few crumbs.
Maybe this guy Dubya/ Obongo/ Trumpenstein really, really, really will end the endless crazy wars for Israel this time. But it never happens. The only people who get what they want are Adelson, Singer, Marcus, Saban, Nuttyyahoo. Nothing too good for them. No stone left unturned for them. No problem in keeping promises to them.
All the other promises, Bring The Troops Home, Build The Wall, Drain The Swamp, Build The Infrastructure, Jail Crooked Hilary, can be forgotten 5 minutes after the election. Just so long as the people who really matter are kept sweet. Who cares about The Deplorables?

What is the alternative to TINA? Don’t vote. Don’t give the oxygen of legitimacy to an irredeemably corrupt, evil system. Boost the 48% who didn’t vote 4 years ago to 99%. Let Adelson and Saban vote if they want to. It doesn’t matter whether Trained Monkey A or Trained Monkey B sits in the White House, lying through their teeth and robbing everybody blind. It doesn’t make any difference to the price of carrots. Voting is like getting remarried, the triumph of hope over experience. How many times will people allow themselves to be shafted, before they finally wake up?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 20, 2020 10:53 PM
Reply to  paul

Obongo? Really?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Aug 21, 2020 10:50 AM

Perhaps Paul meant Obombast Obarmy Obomba? You know, the great POTU$A?

Aug 21, 2020 12:12 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

no, he meant O’Bomber.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:43 PM
Reply to  Dr NG Maroudas

Old Bummer

Aug 21, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  paul

What system should replace peaceful democracy and free the American people?

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Aug 20, 2020 9:02 PM

I’m with Emma (you know who she was, don’t you?): If elections changed anything, they would be illegal.

Aug 21, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

I’m thinkin’ you don’t mean Thompson.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Aug 21, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  Judith

You’re right, I’m thinking “Red” Emma Goldman.

Aug 21, 2020 8:39 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

Yes, I thought so. You know where I learned a lot about Emma Goldman – from the absolutely gorgeous musical “Ragtime”. The actress who plays her was marvelous.

Goldman was quite something.

Aug 21, 2020 4:01 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

Which they are in dictatorships. Now why would dictators fear voters?

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Aug 21, 2020 7:31 PM

I think you confuse dictators with tyrants. Dictators may or may not be popular. Tyrants are almost always popular, because they overrule the ruling class. Check it out.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:45 PM

Which left was you in, comrade? (BTW you’re not Stephen Gilbert by any chance?)

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 20, 2020 8:46 PM

Ms Harris like Mr Obomber is one of the white/black folk that have wormed their way into Americas body politic at many levels . They have little if any sense of America’s slave powered horrific history and are every bit as elitist and self centered as Mr Trump or Mr Biden.

Aug 20, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

United Colors of Benetton, I call them. Fact is, you can’t sell a black Blackman to the American public as a whole. Not without going in the diametric opposite of the advertising industry. If it weren’t so, commercials would be full of proud black faces, instead of eager-to-please, Colgate-toothed mulattos, pictured in photos dominated by cool, dreadlocked white guys with a bird on their arm.

It’s hard to say it ain’t so.

And do you see how the political language, ‘person of color’, makes it impossible to confront this issue?

Political correctness, race studies, critical theory – leaves vital issues unaddressed because the insidious function of identity politics is to leave the economic order unchallenged.

Even if we give credit to Coca-Cola’s “The Real Thing” – which is closer to life than most political advertising, that still leaves the issue of diversity of opinion.

From CNN to the BBC, were presented each day with an array of faces spouting identical fancy-school group think.

It’s sick. I mean it’s not cool. But hey, that’s how political advertising rolls.

Aug 21, 2020 12:27 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


Aug 21, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Key phrase for me: “the insidious function of identity politics is to leave the economic order unchallenged”. But I’d substitute ‘elite’ for ‘economic’. Capitalism may displease but it doesn’t coerce or oppress; corrupt, unaccountable elitists corrupting our democracies and cultures do that.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:47 PM

“Capitalism may displease” … that’s what I’d call a way with words, Stephen.

Aug 20, 2020 10:40 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Kamala Harris’s haughtiness/smugness has said to me throughout this endless and absurd mcElection cycle that the fix was in for her all along, what the People want
*be damned*.

As to this article by S. Gilbert, it’s absurd and irrelevant almost beyond belief.
Am I really readinfg this at Off-G?


Aug 20, 2020 11:10 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Historically, her family owned black slaves.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 21, 2020 1:55 PM
Reply to  paul

As did Obombers family.

Aug 21, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Global slavery is much worse today than it was during the 80 years of US slavery, when around 650,000 Africans were sold and imported to the US. Google it. For example, did you know the ruling Berbers of Islamic Mauritania currently maintain 600,000 blacks as slaves? Over many centuries, Mauritania has enslaved millions more than the US ever did. So do you ever condemn the much more horrific history of nations like Mauritania, or is just white western slavery you were taught to hate? Also, the white Christians of America and the UK are the only people in human history to have ended slavery in their domains rather than protect it. Isn’t it weird how the left so attack the USA for slavery rather than praise it for globalising freedom and human rights? That giant distortion of historical truth requires serious brainwashing.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:48 PM

Well, you sure know a lot … and I’m still glad you left …

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 20, 2020 8:42 PM

While we’ve been waiting for ‘left enough’ candidates to win over the last 50 years or so the right has been steadily winning time and again. You have to face facts — this strategy is a bust, it has not only entrenched parties that openly represent plutocratic interests but fragmented what was once a reasonably coherent opposition to this consolidation of power. If I were a conspiracy theorist — or maybe because I see this as the Right playing the long game — I’d say its the culmulation of a winning strategy.

I sense an opportunity but only if we play it smart and also adopt a long game. I think the Right has overplayed its hand — it doesn’t care how venal or incompetent it is because its got what it wants, the winners really are taking all, so there’s no need to maintain that veneer of plausibility that it has for decades (‘compassionate conservatism’, ‘fiscal responsiblity’ and, if all else fails, ‘law and order’). Just don’t give it oxygen and it will fade.

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips
Aug 20, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Excellently put.

I can honestly say that you, Big B, Binra, Willem and perhaps a handful of other BLT commenters are the only reason I still visit OffG.

Detailed, balanced and considered arguments are sadly lacking here and elsewhere on the mad Wild West Web.

Thank you, and the others mentioned above. Please don’t go away, we need your unique insights and sanity.

Aug 20, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

Ok I should have read your comment before I posted mine, but I can explain

Aug 20, 2020 10:25 PM
Reply to  Fish & Chips

I would have thought people visit OffG for the articles first and foremost.

Aug 20, 2020 11:26 PM
Reply to  richard

Sometimes an article doesn’t merit my full attention – but some scan of comments is worth looking at while in the theme.
I felt this article was simply opinion seeking reinforcement or perhaps ‘impact’.

I appreciated Gabbard’s inputs insofar as I was aware of what I saw of her, and felt that her ‘debate’ revealed Kamala as self-evasive and lacking substance – or what was once called moral character.

But if I thought the article might through some light on why or for what reason Kamala was selected as a VC who might very well replace a temporary Biden if Biden was installed, I was soon shown that I may as well be reading the Guardian etc. (Which I don’t – because it seeks to tell people what to think so they don’t have to).

My sense is business as usual – where the business is fronted by a ‘political (sic) circus.

Aug 21, 2020 12:23 AM
Reply to  Binra

Are you the real Binra,🤩

Aug 21, 2020 11:24 AM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Who told you that there is a real Binra?
What reality do you give to it?
Yet clearly it is yours to give and receive by the act of attention, and alignment of intention and desire that effectively filters and constructs your current perception-response or ‘reality’.

Did you ask a question?
How much of our language or mind, frames us in restatements and reinforcements of narrative covering stories – no doubt justified in some act of countering the perceived threat of a free awareness and attention in which such errors of thinking would be revealed to correction?

Aug 22, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Binra

Ah there you are – better entertainment from behind the curtain of words.

Aug 21, 2020 12:17 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

there is no real Binra, it’s an automatic text-generation algorithm.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 21, 2020 9:49 PM
Reply to  richard

And this one is proof!

Aug 20, 2020 9:47 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Aaaaand they’re on to you

Aug 21, 2020 12:20 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Ther is no Left and Right.

Aug 21, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I’m for right and wrong. And for openly debating and deciding it without the hate and intimidation caused by putting ideological beliefs before people and nation.

The Dude Abides
The Dude Abides
Aug 20, 2020 8:27 PM

Oh okay, I get it. This is satire right?

Aug 20, 2020 8:07 PM

So Tulsi Gabbard criticized Kamala Harris?….I too dislike Harris, but Gabbard is far from trustworthy….After being bequeathed the greatest Progressive around, in the end, she gave her vote to Biden!….Who can we trust these days?

Aug 20, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  maxine

Nobody. It’s fait accompli for the oligarchs. Now we will have to wait until the inevitable poverty increases and the fascism ramps up to the point that enough people can’t take anymore. It will be very ugly. There is no true democratic process available to change things in the normal manner. The democratic process is dead.
The same process is almost complete in the UK, Australia and NZ. Not sure of the rest of the west. However any country that isn’t on this track to complete US oligarchial subservience is either under financial sanctions or military attack by the US or one of it’s poodles. WW3 has begun, have no doubt of that.

Aug 20, 2020 11:09 PM
Reply to  kaya3

Very good and accurate comment. Thank you-


Aug 21, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  kaya3

All those who will vote against failed leaders next election cycle will show the losers that democracy is very much alive and extremely effective at allowing plebs to punish them. People dissing democracy invite dictators and violence, the only alternative to power to the people or demos. Democracy prevents dictators and limits elite power peacefully. Wake up and defend our power over politicians instead of the opposite.

Aug 22, 2020 12:14 AM

Vote against failed leaders by doing what? Voting for even bigger failures? You’ve missed the point completely, there is no democracy to defend. Its a complete sham. Like Biden and his “leadership” bid.
Give people something to vote for, not against.

Aug 20, 2020 9:53 PM
Reply to  maxine

I think we’re going to have to learn to go on without that trust thing… who invented that anyway? That’s a mouse trap!

Aug 20, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

You may be right….I once thought Bernie Sanders was a politician Progressives could trust….But when he backed Hillary Clinton in 2016 and now Biden 2020, he’s completely lost my respect….So if we can’t trust anybody, what options have we?….Revolution?….Anarchy?….Our planet burning up?

Aug 21, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  maxine

The tendency in some quarters to depict him as a foaming Bolshevik may create the illusion he is some kind of break with mainstream military industrial complex US politics. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Aug 21, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Trump’s ending wars of intervention, withdrawing US troops from the ME, , and giving up the hated global policeman role for the US, which has cost trillions, killed countless young Americans and others, and gained nothing except more war. No wonder the military industrial complex hates him and wants to protect the DC swamp so much.

Aug 22, 2020 1:09 AM
Reply to  maxine

It’s fear that necessitate trust.. In God we trust… but i’m not religious… If they can just leave us alone with the fear, maybe we won’t need to trust someone so much… it’s actually what they are playing on… why trust human beings, we can’t even trust ourselves… It’s not about trust.. it’s about luck, it’s about sharing, it’s about love I guess (can’t beleive I just said that)

Aug 21, 2020 8:59 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

On Trust

I notice the use of ‘trust’ for something else – as are all words in an era of lies and deceits. Confucius was once asked ‘what he would do – if in the reigns of power’, to which he replied – ‘I would redeem the dictionary’.

False currency delivers unto evil. I cannot overstate the value of knowing (rather than thinking to know), the meaning of what we accept and use as currency of definition and exchange.

Clearly – to me at least – I cannot hold the world or anyone in it, to my terms and conditions or ‘the world as I want it to be’. That I may not be aware of setting as terms and conditions – until I am disappointed, let down, betrayed or abandoned.
So I take responsibility for such choices as part of my capacity to meet or be met, know and be known by others – as within myself.

Trust in life, trust in our self, and through that, trust in the being of others is a ‘relationship’ within life.
Loss or breakdown of trust and communication operates a ‘broken’ relationship or conflict that may be expressed in terms of withholding or non-association – or masked over in terms of mutual agreements of conflict avoidance as rules, terms and conditional demands of social code.
The two commandment associated with Jesus point to unbroken or unconflicted relationship with life, self and other as one. When a true foundation is lost, we experience fragmentation – and a humpty dumpty of the driven need to impose order coercively.

Continued on

Aug 22, 2020 1:18 AM
Reply to  Binra

You’re not a simple person are you… this is my second language… and you know how certain things can bring back a hangover… but what can you do, I insist on reading… usually helps me think. I trust you mean well (see? that was total bs, I don’t)

Aug 22, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Is life simple of complex?
Perhaps what we find, is what we are looking with.

Fear can override the mind of a felt connection in life, to reach for anything that seems to protect or empower it against complete breakdown in madness of pain and loss or death. Then the mind is predicated to ‘trust’ such strategies or beliefs or masks to save it.

But that use of the word ‘trust’ is really invested identity.
For me the capacity to open trust and grow it is of an entirely different order.
It all comes down to whether we trust in (our) life or in image, symbol, idol or ideals that we made of life.
The experience of betrayal, abandonment and rejection can set a mind in self-vindicating hate of life as ‘the Enemy’ and power taken over life as ‘honesty’.
Some temptation of this reaction can arise in anyone who feels their life, their world, their family, friends or ‘trusted leaders or institutions’ have betrayed them.
I see a virtue-signalling mask of attempt to limit, deny and control a hated hate – when a simple honesty of acknowledgement would open the possibility of a re-evaluation. But to those who are unready or unwilling revisiting is simply reliving the intolerable – and their life and mind is set in opposing such an exposure.
In some areas of life I may be more willing to open or embrace the ‘negative’ emotional states that others. And so within myself can be aspects that are more aware and others more readily triggered to reaction.
But if the principle of willingness to feel what we feel and see what the thoughts are beneath it, is established, we are no longer victim to circumstance but active in discerning and accepting the meaning we give it.

Aug 21, 2020 5:26 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Leftists should trust people they judge as honest, regardless of their political beliefs. But they can’t, because if the other isn’t leftist, he is a threat who disagrees with leftism and so can not be trusted. That’s what happens when you value political belief more than real people.

Aug 21, 2020 5:08 PM
Reply to  maxine


Aug 22, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  maxine

Angela Davis is cheerleading for Biden.
You couldn’t make this s**t up.

Aug 20, 2020 7:49 PM

On August 7, 2019, the bustatroll.org website published an article positing that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris had proclaimed that after President Donald Trump is impeached, “we’ll be coming for [his supporters] next”:

Kamala Harris:’After We Impeach, We Round Up The Trump Supporters’

Shocking words were heard at a Democrat fundraiser for criminal justice reform yesterday from presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris …

[Trump’s] just bad and we will impeach! There is so much evidence against this guy, the mind boggles.

And once he’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it is you who have betrayed us.

Aug 20, 2020 9:50 PM
Reply to  ron

If that is what she actually said, we are dealing with yet another treasonous lunatic in the Pompeo, McCann, Clinton mould.

Why the author of this article would vote for that, the mind boggles. Anyone, in the western world voting, is legitimising mass murder and mayhem.

This is why I don’t like seeing US, UK party politics and BREXIT stuff here. It is just an unhelpful distraction from the things that really matter. And to some degree legitimises a rotten system.

That said , I guess the editorial team have to be balanced, even if it brings out bizarre viewpoints. And to be fair stated this.

“For a differing opinion on this topic read Hiroyuki Hamada’s article here”

Aug 20, 2020 9:55 PM
Reply to  ron

Ohhhh now I’m happy I hate them… ho ho ho…. (little bitch)

Aug 20, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Us! Us!… who the fuck is US!!!… you fuckin’ little totalitarian, dangerous anti democratic, (I wanna say lunatic?)…

Aug 20, 2020 7:41 PM

See, put women in senior political positions and everything gets better.

Aug 21, 2020 12:22 PM
Reply to  please

comment image

Aug 21, 2020 11:26 PM
Reply to  covidiot

For fuck’s sake, covidiot! There’s no call for that kind of horrific filth on this website!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 22, 2020 2:15 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

I’m not even quite dead, yet, and Maggie’s selfie already has my stomach turning in a kind of grave, it seems. Oooooo, urppp.


Aug 20, 2020 7:04 PM

Meanwhile, the Democratic ticket will (unless badly advised) seek to propose an optimistic, positive, creative and restorative platform and stay aloof from dirty tricks.

Is this ‘Through the Looking-Glass’ ?

Aug 20, 2020 11:12 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

“seek to propose..” That’s some strong, rally-the-troops Stuff, there!

“seek to propose”..


Aug 21, 2020 1:42 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

I think we might be in the savage garden…

Aug 21, 2020 4:46 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Shall I ask what he means?

Aug 21, 2020 5:19 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Just don’t ask about those bongo lessons that I gave.

Aug 21, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

She hasn’t got a bongo, you weren’t carrying a bong… there was no bongo!

Aug 21, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

But she’s got a passion for percussion!

Aug 21, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Look mate, I’m next door, I heard you, your… noise!

Aug 21, 2020 10:51 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Oh, that! That was nothing. That was…press-ups.

Aug 21, 2020 11:33 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

You certainly seemed to enjoy the last few A LOT…

Aug 22, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

Hey, mate, sometimes you’ve really got to push for the burn.

Aug 22, 2020 9:38 AM
Reply to  Gwyn

Ok, if this is it, if this is John and Paul, 1970, then I need money for the equipment.

Aug 22, 2020 1:41 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

This is like your whole Balearic bullshit, innit? One minute, it’s all: “Oh, I love you man”, the next, it’s: “Where that 50 quid you owe me?”

Aug 22, 2020 2:50 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Is this the end of The Hair Blair Bunch?

Aug 22, 2020 7:02 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

We are NOT the Hair Blair Bunch!

Aug 22, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Look, all I’m hearing is that you’re out of the band. That’s what everyone’s saying. That’s all I’m hearing. Gwyn is out of the band.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Aug 20, 2020 6:48 PM

Lame! Reduced to defending Kamala because she *didn’t* do some truly awful things.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 20, 2020 6:32 PM

Knowing but one fact about Kamala Harris I would oppose her bid: in spite of international pleas to set Sirhan free, or at least give him some kind, any kind, of legal process, she (as then California Atty Genl) unilaterally and summarily reejected his (Wm. Pepper, Oxbridge prof and close MLK confidant) lawyer’s motions, making pointedly disingenuous and obtuse remarks in the ruling, 7(?) years ago, that Sirhan had not shown sufficient remorse or awateness about the crime.

Irrelevant comments, since the motion maintained that he’d been hypnotized coercively (mind-controlled, and “apparently” by one of my –own– father’s clients, no less: the connection between the three is starkly and historically clear).

Be that as it may, I went just now to Wikipedia’s page on it, and her involvement, absolutely crucial in this most historic case, had been scrubbed! GONE.

Shocked, but not (at all) surprised. As the saying goes. For years the article, at the world’s largest encyclopedia, had had references and end notes to articles about her ruling and involvement.

Now: there is an anonymous and sanitized end to the paragraph, giving her “reasons” **** — but wiping all her finger prints (any involvement) from the scene of the (wiki) crime.

Here below is the fascinating excerpt, fresh, hot, and half-baked out of the Wikipedia oven:


“A parole hearing for Sirhan is now scheduled every five years. On March 2, 2011, after 42 years in prison, Sirhan’s 14th parole hearing was held, with Sirhan represented by his current attorney, William Francis Pepper, who also represented James Earl Ray, who was convicted of assassinating Martin Luther King Jr. At this hearing, Sirhan testified that he continues to have no memory of the assassination nor of any details of his 1969 trial and confession. Pepper also repeated the claim Sirhan’s lawyers had previously made that there was a second gunman who fired the fatal shots and that Sirhan was “hypno-programmed” and his memory of being programmed was “wiped” by an unknown conspiracy behind the assassination. Pepper said he hired Daniel Brown of Harvard Medical School to spend more than 60 hours with Sirhan in prison and recover his memory of both the shooting and having been put under hypnosis. His parole was denied on the grounds that Sirhan still does not understand the full ramifications of his crime.[45]

Sirhan Sirhan on February 9, 2016, the day before his 15th parole hearing.
On February 10, 2016, at his 15th parole hearing, Sirhan was denied parole again. One of Sirhan’s shooting victims from that night, Paul Schrade, now aged 91, testified in support of Sirhan, stating his belief that a second shooter killed Kennedy and that Sirhan was intended to be a distraction from the real gunman by an unknown conspiracy.[46][47][48] Sirhan also repeated his claim to have no memory of the shooting. In his testimony before the parole board, Sirhan recalled events before the shooting in some detail – going to a shooting range the day before, June 4, 1968, visiting the hotel on June 5 in search of a party and returning to the lobby after realizing he had drunk too many Tom Collins cocktails to drive. He next claimed to have drunk coffee in a backstage area near the hotel pantry with a woman to whom he was attracted, and who may have been involved with the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. Brown has stated that the unknown woman then took Sirhan into the pantry, which Sirhan described in his prison memory sessions as a dark room at the hotel, and that while in the pantry the woman gave Sirhan a post-hypnotic cue to fire a gun in Kennedy’s direction minutes later. Sirhan was immediately subdued by several men in the pantry as Kennedy fell to the floor fatally wounded. Sirhan has claimed that after having coffee with the woman, the next thing he can remember is being choked and unable to breathe moments after the Kennedy shooting, stating: “It’s all vague now. I’m sure you all have it in your records. I can’t deny it or confirm it. I just wish this whole thing had never taken place.”[46] ****Sirhan’s parole was denied on the grounds that he had not expressed adequate remorse for his crime or acknowledged its severity.****

KAMALA CABAL PLAYER. And that judgement is one big pay to play: and her fingerprints are being wiped, even as we speak. (She was still notated there as recently as February, by my copies. Ill be looking elsewhere, since Wikipedia is a known “asset”. )

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 21, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The deranged Palestinian immigrant Sirhan may or may not have been anything more than a patsy . That he was party to the murder of one of America’s patricians and helped change history , for better or worse is moot .one could make an argument that Sirhan helped create the Nixon era debacle which followed ? Better to have pardoned the Manson women years ago?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 21, 2020 1:20 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I dont know, Jim. “Deranged”? That’s a loaded word, even if loaded with blanks, as pretty clearly was Sirhan’s .22. Witnesses who were never called spoke of seeing a foot long flame coming from his gun. That’s blanks, wadcutters do that…

Clearly he did and said a lot that was odd in his twenties. But if you study the process he was subjected to, poor man held up better than most.

He has a very very interesting history. He went to Junior High and HS in Pasadena, and Pasadena City College. (I was in school over the hill a short drive.) He really wasn’t an oddball before the shootings.

Pattick Nolan, a prof at Dartmouth, tells his history in “CIA Rogues” of 2014 release. I stumbled upon it because he refers to one of my attorney father’s key clients, a 33° Freemason who founded Philosophical Research Society (of which my old man was also VP). It’s been established that Sirhan was frequenting the reading library there. More than once. He talks about it at his 2011 parole hearing (youtube).

Visitor there, in 1967. BEFORE the shootings.

Anyway, the book gives many of the details, and I’ve written about it here before.

Sirhan was stabbed multiple times last year this time in August in prison, but lived. I can’t find any followups on him since then. Deafening silence.

Check out his parole hearings at Youtube. You’ll learn a lot more about his plight.

They transferred him there November 22, 2013.

The exact 50th (“Golden’) Anniversary of JFK?

Comparing him to the Manson groupies is apples and oranges.

No disrespect, but this is extremely vital world history, and the truth is coming out, but FURIOUSLY (if quietly) suppressed, and comments about it need to be well-informed, or risk further damage to his case.

Sirhan is not an assassin and not deranged. Listen to him speak nowadays. Quite lucid.

He is a political prisoner, period, and thus a victim.

RFK JR. and Paul Schrade, now in his nineties, and who was gravely wounded next to Bobby, have both testified that Sirhan was not the assassin. Considering the price they paid, that carries some weight.

Of Bobby’s last few words (I was walking precincts nearby for his campaign at the time) he asked, “Is Paul all right?” With bullet fragments in his brain. He died the next day at Good Samaritan Hospital (where I was born). One of my favorite priests who I met years later, ’85, Fr. Thomas Peacha, gave him last rites.

Bobby’s murder has been notoriously disinformed by some pretty sick people. Finding out about all the red herrings is an instructive pursuit for anyone, especially students of/at this site.

It tells quite a tale, such as does the 2018 video, “The Real Manchurian Candidate”.

Sirhan was born and raised,till 12yo, in Taybeh, a quick trip north from Jerusalem , 10 miles.

It has been a devoutly Greek Orthodox village of a thousand, almost constant population since Jesus of Nazareth made it his last stop to pray and fast before entering Jerusalem, and then His Crucifixion.

Sirhan watched in shock as his older brother was run over by a Jordanian jerp, evading Israeli pursuers.

It’s my theory that that resulted in early PTSD that made him unusually susceptible to hypnosis, let alone coercive hypnosis, such as appears to have been “administered” by my father’s client.

Dr. Daniel Brown of Harvard Med. talks all about it at “The Real Manchurian Candidate” available at Youtube etc.


Aug 21, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Aug 21, 2020 3:30 PM
Reply to  covidiot

“Second Gun” – The Ted Charach RFK documentary https://youtu.be/ydP5hXqWKhY

Aug 21, 2020 2:59 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Whitey Bulger was murdered in prison shortly after launching a court case alleging that he was subjected to LSD tests under Project MK-Ultra, which, if so, calls for a complete rethinking of his story.

His subjection to weeks-long LSD trips was corroborated in Stephen Kinzer’s book about CIA scientist Sidney Gottleib, Poisoner in Chief.

“Bulger’s description of his experience is a rare report on an MK-ULTRA experiment from the subject’s perspective.

In 1957, while a prisoner at the Atlanta penitentiary, I was recruited by Dr. Carl Pfeiffer of Emory University to join a medical project that was researching a cure for schizophrenia. For our participation we would receive three days of good time for each month on the project … We were injected with massive doses of LSD-25. In minutes the drug would take over, and about eight or nine men—Dr. Pfeiffer and several men in suits who were not doctors—would give us tests to see how we reacted. Eight convicts in a panic and paranoid state. Total loss of appetite. Hallucinating. The room would change shape. Hours of paranoia and feeling violent. We experienced horrible periods of living nightmares and even blood coming out of the walls. Guys turning to skeletons in front of me. I saw a camera change into the head of a dog. I felt like I was going insane.

The men in suits would be in a room and hook me up to machines, asking questions like: Did you ever kill anyone? Would you kill someone? Two men went psychotic. They had all the symptoms of schizophrenia. They had to be pried loose from under their beds, growling, barking and frothing at the mouth. They put them in a strip cell down the hall. I never saw or heard of them again … They told us we were helping find a cure for schizophrenia. When it was all over, everyone would feel suicidal and depressed, wrung out emotionally. Time would stand still. I tried to quit, but Dr. Pfeiffer would appeal to me: “Please, you’re my best subject, and we are close to finding the cure.”

Buried in the 1975 Rockefeller Commission report, but headlined in the Atlanta Constitution, was the revelation that Pfeiffer’s prison experiments with LSD during the 1950s were not aimed at finding a cure for schizophrenia, as he had told his prisoner subjects, but were part of a covert CIA program. This news reached one of Pfeiffer’s victims, the Boston gangster James “Whitey” Bulger. When John Marks’s book The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate” appeared in 1979, Bulger read it and, according to one biographer, “was enraged to learn how the covert program had destroyed many lives.” Once he realized that Pfeiffer had tormented him in the interests of the CIA, not science, he decided to take revenge. He told a member of his gang that he planned to find Pfeiffer and kill him.

“I sleep with the lights on 24 hours a day because I have psychological problems (horrible nightmares) due to my being on a medical project called MK-ULTRA,” Bulger wrote. “Until 1979 I thought I was insane”.”


John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 21, 2020 11:31 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Excellent background “adjuncts”. Many thanks. I’d heard some of that about Bulger, vaguely, but now I’ll be sure to follow. It was off my other routes, but no longer.

MK stage magic plays some mysterious major role in my affairs. I was given an IQ test at 13 by a shrink, Archer Michaels, if that’s his real name, I can’t find any info anywhere. Retrofitting the scene 50 years later, I’d bet a bundle he was one of Gottlieb’s stooges. Looking back, he reeks highly of CIA and in very bad odour. I saw him months later and thanked him, and he radiated coldness and revulsion. It seemed. Would make total sense if I was a target? He was in our living room in Sherman Oaks and pushed me away. Security issue? Then it would make sense.


My notorious Old Man, PRS V.P., was tied in clearly to UCLA LSD experiments, especially that seems clear enough since he seemed to partly lose his mind briefly the Spring of 1969. Only about a week! He showed me snapshots of his knee and face in his bathtub and said, confidingly, “See that? That’s the Devil.” I looked at him and wept. He had never been that close to totally certifiable, always in pretty good control. But that is suggestive of hallucinogens, for real and sure. Like Bulger, or Denzel’s great turn in the great “Manchurian Candidate” where his tank unit is way out tripping in the early frames, film by the late great Jonathan Demme. That film, of course, is ALL about this. I still hadnt made the connection when my sainted mum and I watched it. She was shocked that it surpassed the original with her idol, who called her once when I was a tot, Ol’ Blue Eyes.

I can’t temember the Doc at UCLA in charge of that, odd name, but it’s easy to track. Add to that, daddio was attorney to Aldous Huxley’s widow, Laura, with whom I had a fascinating dinner one night, in BH. She asked me what I wrote, and when I replied “mostly poetry” she told me T. S. Eliot had sent back to Aldous a sheaf of his poetry by return mail with a terse note, “Aldous, stick to prose!’ Not good. But quite delicious.

It’s good to bounce these things around here, as things come back in relief when I do, and they are not at all without some relevant worth.

You never know! It may not be prudent, but that’s not my forté.


“An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered. An adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.”


John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 21, 2020 11:49 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Some of that timed out:

“An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered. An adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.”


Here’s one I’ve tucked away since I read it that year, 1969, by Herman Hesse, the epigraph to his “Siddhartha”:

“Where are we really going? Always Home.”

(I think that was a quote, itself of Holderlin? Novalis? Schiller? Rilke? One of those Goths!)

It always stuck.

Aug 22, 2020 4:06 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Bulger’s description of his experience is a rare report on an MK-ULTRA experiment from the subject’s perspective.

it turns out that there are plenty of reports of MK-ULTRA experiments from the subject’s perspective, but most of the subjects are unaware that the experimenters were CIA operatives, or even human, and therefore the reports of their MK-ULTRA experiences are not recognized as such.

Martin Cannon — The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions

At first, the link seems natural. Shouldn’t our thoughts about UFOs color our thoughts about UFO abductions?


They may well be separate issues. Or, rather, they are connected only in this: The myth of the UFO has provided an effective cover story for an entirely different sort of mystery. Remove yourself from the Believer/Skeptic dialectic, and you will see the third alternative.

As we examine this alternative, we will, of necessity, stray far from the saucers. We must turn our face from the paranormal and concentrate on the occult — if, by “occult,” we mean secret.

I posit that the abductees have been abducted. Yet they are also spewing fantasy — or, more precisely, they have been given a set of lies to repeat and believe. If my hypothesis proves true, then we must accept the following: The kidnapping is real. The fear is real. The pain is real. The instruction is real. But the little grey men from Zeti Reticuli are not real; they are constructs, Halloween masks meant to disguise the real faces of the controllers. The abductors may not be visitors from Beyond; rather, they may be a symptom of the carcinoma which blackens our body politic.

Aug 21, 2020 3:20 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I just watched the “Real Manchurian Candidate”, John. (thank you for the link covidiot)

I have done some reading about it over the years. The parts with Sirhan Sirhan present day sitting with the parole board are agonizing.

But what struck me as even more terrorizing was Daniel Brown’s stories about being audited by IRS 5 times – and about his luggage being both stolen and searched in one instance, and stolen and re-routed to military base in another.

When he states that he never thought his own government would pursue/harass him (my words, I’m paraphrasing) because of his investigation – I just found that terrifying.

Of course it has and does happen all the time so I am not surprised, but I am always sickened.

This goes to my comments to you, John, and to Gary, regarding Kamala and Bill Clinton/Mena, about my understanding of corruption. It’s insidious and frightening.

Aug 21, 2020 4:15 PM
Reply to  Judith

Agreed. “Real Manchurian Candidate” is valuable testimony and a very moving documentary.

It’s very telling that the state is too afraid to let Sirhan’s testimony be recorded. That the state feels the need to harass Sirhan’s psychologist 50 years after the event. This is the CIA, the monsters behind Project MK-Ultra, along with the LAPD and FBI who cannot afford to see the threads unravel, as the murders of RFK and MLK occurred in parallel, while the same threads lead back to JFK and forward to JFK Jr.. The state is sick.

Aug 21, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And from what I understand, those threads lead back to Cuba, Viet Nam, Miami, Watergate. Actually you could really follow the trail back to World War I and II. Some of the same players.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Aug 21, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  Judith

I’ve not yet seen it but I understand that Oliver Stone follows those older threads muchly in his 10 part “The Untold History of the United States”. Putin seems to prize him.

For better reasons than he “prizes” Trump!