The Fatal Attraction of Techno-Fascism
Mark Petrakis

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“Those who are serious in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in serious matters.”
Cato the Elder
The enduring beauty of fascism is that it requires so little from us… so little independent thought; just our basic belief and adherence to a limited set of popularly-shared directives and narratives that once fully accepted, relieve us of the need to address stubborn questions or to fret over subtle differences of opinion and feeling.
Propaganda reassures us that we are complete, that we know all there is to know, that we are rational, pragmatic and pure, that the science has been settled and that we are a part of something special.
Such a surrender to reductionist narratives cuts across all classes and income brackets. Neither the most educated nor the least uneducated retain any special advantage in the face of powerful consensus-shaping propaganda.
PROPAGANDA is, of course, the life-blood of fascist control. Maintaining the economic, governmental and scientific frameworks of a technocratic-fascist “operating system” is unthinkable without propaganda and disinformation. When truth is seen as a liability to power, it must always be disallowed, and all instances of it effectively penalized.
Radio and television and their constant enabler, popular “science” – operate today as their own religions, reliant for their success upon the devotion of the masses. As McLuhan told us, the experience of electronic media is always more powerful than the specific messaging it contains.
The currency that we use to pay for the electronic spectacle is our attention, and in such hyper-mediated times as these, the charges mount up exponentially, until we find ourselves saddled with soul-crushing denial and disconnection.
Three defining historical moments (among many) have defined the confluence of fascism, propaganda and technology.
- The fundamental principles of propaganda were first defined 100 years ago by Edward Bernays, often referred to as the father of public relations.
- Joseph Goebbels served as Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. The stunning successful lessons of his Nazi propaganda programs were not lost on the world’s political and economic leaders in the post-war era, and in the time since then.
- The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was founded in 1947, for the expressed purpose of conducting secret intelligence operations that could serve political aims at the same time they generated huge and untraceable profits. The extent of the CIA’s illegal enterprises necessitated the creation and maintenance of a permanent ministry of disinformation, managed by our own taxpayer-funded “Shadow Government” and “Deep State.”
In retrospect then, it is clear that these propaganda campaigns have proven SO successful, that even today, few of us ever realize how ongoing, vast and wide-spread they are.
Propaganda’s efficacy is so indisputable, that it is commonly the case that those who are the most certain that they are NOT among the propagandized, are in fact its most overt victims.

Corporate media focuses on those stories they are paid to propagate, i.e., those which support the financial and ideological
agendas of their owners, who themselves are all, without exception, central parts of the larger global ruling oligarchy.
A key part of the propagandist’s handbook is to simply leave unexplored stories that they are NOT given approval to manage and control; stories which, we might assume, do not generate sufficient advantage for the owners. Such calculated sins of omission are essential to keeping the mass of believers unperturbed by the vagaries of complexity in the delivery of their daily dogmas.
If an individual were to insist upon learning more about any of these less-discussed stories, they would soon arrive at the realization that while an abundance of relevant facts can easily be found, and often hidden in plain sight, the truth is that most people simply do not WANT to know, think or talk about any such truths that differ from those accepted by their peers, for whom cognitive dissonance causes such literal pain and disorientation, as to keep them docile and compliant to the dictates of the media.
As McLuhan said:
Only the small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”
Perhaps, the grandest illusion of all, and which must be maintained at all costs, is that both the world and the stories we tell of it, must be made to appear as though they are generated randomly. It must always appear that the media’s coverage and the comments of experts are entirely free from any preconceived manipulation.
In the terminology of the media, news must always be “Breaking!” – even though in reality, we know the news more closely resembles a cooking show, where ingredients are chopped and sliced before-hand, after which they are mixed and served up live on camera in ways that keep the public hooked on happy hash-slinging and enticingly-scripted recipes.
Technocratic-Fascism, the advanced fusion of the multinational technology-dominated corporatocracy with the authoritarian global and surveillance state, allows its initiates to believe they are a part of something bigger than themselves. Witness the magical left’s lockstep belief in the pure villainy of Donald Trump, or the magical right’s equally lockstep belief in Trump as a self-sacrificing national hero.
Clearly both parties to the constant heist of human freedom need each other to better manage their greed for consumer profit and civilian control. Such mental assaults secondarily require that all truthful motives remain hidden and obfuscated in a fog of weaponized storytelling.
This accounts of course for the abiding value of bullshit, does it not? Bullshit effectively misleads without upsetting the natural order of things, without irreversibly tearing apart the fabric of credibility. Nothing can stand in the way of the constant flow of messaging, profit and growth, which are after all, the primary justifications for all this deceptive disorder.
This is another aspect of what makes technocratic-fascism so irresistible; in realizing how effective it is at knowing us better than we know ourselves. The assumption is that if we were to know ourselves better than the stories we are told, we would not be seduced by such obvious lies. Since we don’t, our “betters” are left with no choice but to keep up the constant barrage of lies, at least until our thinking eventually locks up and we capitulate and collapse, like a stack of wooden blocks.
If for example, we did not always obey or give our attention to propaganda, we would soon grow alarmed by the many contradictions that we are told exist, say between the Covid monster and the daily vaporous disease statistics, or between maskers and non-maskers, between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, between crushing economic destruction and the mewling need for safety, between the lunatic left and the lunatic right, between black and whites, between males and females… between one piece of orthogonal bullshit and another equally opposing piece of bullshit.
ALL of these dichotomies, of course, are at some fundamental level FALSE… every last one of them, each constructed by skilled media professionals and put in place to overwhelm our critical thinking and that of millions of others from seeing what’s really going on in the limitless background.
In this remarkably cost-efficient way, human energy and intelligence are siphoned off, and directed towards the task of turning us into helplessly confused and easily-controllable “lab rats,” forcibly cut off from each other, lest we experience ourselves as intelligent and sovereign beings. If something like that were to happen, the driving agendas of big business and global governance to keep us marching in lockstep towards a more divided and disempowered fate, would soon disintegrate.
It is in such a state of debilitating surrender that we are divided one subset “targeted” demographic against another; all herded into a wicked mental trap with one side thinking one thing, while the other side thinks something else – such that half of us hate the other and the other half hate the other right back.
At this point, and after so many years of unqualified victories for the industries supported by the propaganda industry, the pathetic truth is that propaganda doesn’t even NEED to be that entertaining anymore. Knowing they have the situation in tow, the purveyors of propaganda can save a ton of money by just being sensational, confrontational and redundant in their narratives.
Recall this quote from the singular Frank Zappa:
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Once we have learned to carry on absent the need for verifiable truth, or without the need to discern authentic and honest voices from deceitful and manipulative ones, we gradually lose our interest in so-called “truth,” preferring instead to keep splashing about in unsubstantiated speculation, pompous judgments and opinionated fluff.
Let’s be honest…the only people who might actually CARE what any of us think about the blaring big topics of the day (masks or vaccines or climate change or Black Lives Matter, etc.) are other equally thin-skinned victims of propaganda, who much like the majority of us, still believe that the government cares about them and that the mainstream media is telling them the truth.
That is why a growing number of people have given up on the media’s crudely fictional depiction of reality, and are instead trying to figure out how to thrive and to reconnect energetically with others – and with truths that can only exist OUTSIDE the reach of the propaganda ‘spectacle.”
The media, of course, with their sophisticated surveillance tracking tools knows full well when there is an uptick in negative reactions to their toxic narratives, but since it is also aware that it is after all pushing nothing but sugar water bullshit, it is left with little choice but to double-down and turn the levels up even higher… thus ramming even more bullshit at us.
Whacky Joe Biden, Greedy Green Greta, Covid, Aunt Jemima Race Wars and endless offenses… all come at us so fast and so hard as to leave us bent and broke under the weight of it all, as we stumble around like headless chickens desperately trying to win the approval of our friends by looking like we are at least doing the only “acceptable” thing.
Arriving at his frenzied point of screwball hyper-polarization, is the essential endgame of Propaganda… locking us into its agenda, at the same time it demands that we think we are making these choices of our own FREE WILL!
To get us to that point though, they must keep us constantly preoccupied; agitated, offended, attacking each other and defending ourselves against all threats, both real and imagined. The more they can get us ensnared in mind-numbing opinions and outrages, the less energy and attention will be left to notice the deeper more manipulative agendas of techno-fascism.
Mid 20th Century fascism was woefully limited in its capacities and in what it could extract from its victims… and yet still it worked! The new technocratic-fascism is here to mine the population for all the bio-capital commodification it can. Those who can invent the most efficient and ingenious means of converting human confusion, poverty, crime and illness into impact markets will quickly take their place among the prior generations’ titans of technology.
Once you step back far enough though to experience the sheer SCALE of this ongoing and unlimited propaganda WAR on us, it grows a bit easier to see why so few are able to escape the media’s influence. Oh, for a while perhaps, you can rise above it… but eventually, you will get pulled back down into the muck. Even if you kill your TV, unplug yourself from your media feeds, and turn off the Wi-Fi, each of us, at some point, will relapse and fall off the wagon.
This is because propaganda is not just about what’s in the news or in the media. It’s even more importantly about the broadly consensual layers of social hallucination that are created and shared across all of society, which make it difficult for any of us to function socially, absent those commonly shared reference points and signals that we have convinced ourselves are required in order to allay our anxiety, confusion and isolation… all of which are primary raisons d’etres for propaganda in the first place.
I wish there was one simple way to break propaganda’s voodoo spell. There isn’t. I’m not even sure how to do that for myself, or how I can avoid falling prey to it again, just as I and most of us have done for the great majority of our lives.
What seems obvious to me now is that propaganda in the service of a transhumanist-centered technology has become so pervasive and insidiously forceful, that in many ways, our thinking has ceased to be entirely our own, and that the portion of our soul that remains recognizable as uniquely us, is shrinking fast.
The effect of all this leaves our spirits infected, and easily convertible into compliant puppets under the top-down control of truly diabolically puppet masters, who in order to keep us subservient to their untruths, and to doing whatever we are told, have become masterful at pretending to be something they are not.
This is perfectly exemplified in the character of Bill Gates, who working with his Bain and Co. handlers and account managers, (who previously managed the Iraq War for Dick Cheney) have constructed these elaborate biopharma/ biocapital/ vaccine public health/fear narratives and investment pyramids that are then fed to the media and Wall Street, who reheat and serve them to the public, generating criminal profits while making such that Mr. Gates is always portrayed as an altruistic philanthropist and protector of the public… when any fool can see he is nothing of the sort.
NOT seeing just how obvious and laughable propaganda campaigns have become in this one-size fits all era, leaves us painfully vulnerable and ready to be further subsumed by more of the same.
The complexity of today’s master plans for disinformation are unparalleled compared to the past. Looking back to the 1950’s and 60’s, when all the above long-term plans for centralized and technocratic control were slowly being tested, being part of America’s growing middle-class was actually a pretty sweet deal. It is in a return to more bucolic and “normal” times as these that we pin our nostalgic hopes, by the media but especially by politicians.
Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in, can hope to escape.”
William S. Burroughs

Looking at our world, we can see that the reach and authority of the transnational global capitalists who run the world’s nation-sized casinos has been cemented. All systems are now in place, up and running LIVE on that criminal syndicate’s vast web of networks. Each one of us has by now been targeted by them for some form of surveillance and financialization – just as “nature” has, just as “disease” has, just as “social justice” has, just as everything will eventually.
The “A.I. control grids” are all active and expanding. The technocratic agendas are now fully ready for prime-time. We have been gradually “shepherded” by propaganda and psychological torture techniques, just as we have also been physically compromised by toxins in the geo-engineered air and water, by disruptive electromagnetic frequency radiation, by weaponized technologies that include the release of nano-particulates inside our bodies (either by way of inhalation or injection) which are then governed by oxygen-absorbing 5G which at the higher millimeter wave frequency, will bring remote alteration of our very DNA under the “persistent” control of A.I., which will guide the process of transmuting us into commodities, into plunderable assets, into digitally-regulated and genetically modified “livestock.”
Sadly, this is where decades of constant acquiescence to propaganda and institutional hypnosis has brought us…bent over, staring at our shoes and bracing for the “BIG ONE.”
I remember in my own youth, being convinced that the evil genius of Hitler and Nazism had somehow transformed the mass of decent German people into BEASTS, possessed by demons, as if in a dark fairy tale… into something less than human.
We know that once we begin to regard others as LESS than us…as something OTHER than us, it is only a short step to unleashing our hate upon them, even to the point of becoming violent and criminal.
Needless to say, these very same psychological imperatives are everywhere apparent today; in how we are instructed by propaganda to regard the Chinese, Russians, Muslims, white supremacist Trumpers, deluded depraved liberals, defective racists, misogynist sexists and quivering face-ists (with their acute disdain for anyone who questions the dogma of e-mask-ulation.)
Same as it ever was, you might say, but as we approach the much-touted singularity with its accompanying convergence of man and machine, how will the media respond in the face of that Huxleyan “solution?” In that light, how might propaganda shift its focus?
I expect it will change-up the pitch and tell us that THIS time, things will be different. This time won’t be like last time. No, this time, things will have changed, so that we will no longer be “brainwashed” by the media as we were before. No, when the coming big change happens to us, it will not be like that. We will rather be transformed into advanced independent humans augmented by perfectly blended combinations of technology, science and engineering.
Our DNA will be carefully crafted by brilliant doctors and scientists to enhance only the “preferred” qualities in their human subjects, and under their wise direction, we will gladly do as we are told. For so great a future, we will willingly offer our support and so grow accustomed to our new life, lest we become like those poor unfortunate souls, so lost in their unreason, that they cannot fully appreciate the wisdom that derives from enthusiastically embracing PROGRESS.
In our leaders inspired and time-tested plans, we will of course have every convenience at our fingertips, such that doors will magically open when we approach. We will be able to download all manner of rich media and data with the blink of an eye. We will be as supermen.
Our definitions of what is valuable and what is not, will fluidly shift to suit changing circumstances. We will see ourselves as the very picture of modernity, and the envy of the world…just as we have always been. We will be as American as our multi-racial forefathers, even though they lived in unenlightened times…long before today’s great social justice transformation allowed us, their proud descendants, to wake each day into this glistening new world.
In such a world, when we ask ourselves what we might be grateful for, we will no longer need to struggle for an answer. We will know exactly what is good, true and beautiful and we will commit ourselves to those lofty ideals each and every day.
Therein too, and most mercilessly, resides the fatal beauty of technocratic-fascism.
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The mind control apparatus is programming us for not only The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution but the overlord’s New World Order and Brave New World agendas. The oligarchs have grown impatient waiting for older folks to die off naturally so they are killings us off via the SARS-COV-2 scam with their toxic and lethal DNA altering injections, it’s mass euthanasia, fear/hysteria and social reengineering designed to kill us off. Most who survive will be driven madder by the campaigns for induced psychosis, social hallucination and menticide the ruling class has been working on since WWII. (See the CIA’s MK-Ultra and mind control experiments).
To control future generations they will go full steam ahead with their gene splicing DNA designer babies and lab created chimeras. The in-betweeners will be linked to Elon Musk’s giant computer/cloud all augmented by GMO frankenfoods and fake “proteins” .
Those who survive the great culling have much to look forward to: techno-zombification, socially reengineered peonage under a neo-feudal technocracy that will make Orwell and Huxley’s dystopian worlds seem like paradise
There is no red pill to swallow to get us out of this. We only have our SPIRIT to save us and the miscreants are working feverishly to disconnect us from our awareness of that. Keep the resistance alive!!
As long as the majority do not want to know about the secrets of free energy, antigravity and established space travel we are doomed in submission.
Remember the idea of a Fourth Reich never died.
This time the west is copying the chinese model of fascism. The CCP is far ahead in this game.
What is going on in America is full blown Marxism, not Fascism.
When viewed from the perspective of the impact upon the person I see little difference between the two. Different paths to the same location
The difference between Marxism and Fascism is on opposite ends of the pole. The leaders of antifa (anti-fascist) & blm have stated their goals and they are no different than the Marxist/Communist governments of Europe and Asia. The biggest conflict was in ww 2 between the Fascist Axis powers and the Stalin led Communist power of Russia. That was due to conflicting ideologies. Between Lenin and Stalin the number of gulags were in the tens of thousands. the Khmer rouge killed 2 million by direct decree.
The Khmer Rouge of Cambodia was a Marxist government and that includes “Cultural Marxism” whose goal is achieve a change of government by attacking the pillars of Democracy. Karl Marx advocated revolution as the means to change a government and a system but failing that method “Cultural Marxism” was invented as the alternative.
I understand the intellectual and ideological differences between the two, what I wonder is if anyone living in a state ruled by either would be able to tell the difference.
To the population at large, what is the difference in daily life between living in a fascist or a marxist state? From what I’ve been able to glean it’s not much
Marxism has been very successful. It destroyed the nuclear family and the role of the Church. it gained the most during the 60’s counter culture and anti establishment movements
The simplest concept of Fascism is that old saying “one for all and all for one” the wellbeing of the citizen is central to the state and the wellbeing of state is central to the citizen. As you know the word “fascist” comes from the Latin word Fascia which was used in Rome – bundle of sticks wrapped around an axe and together wield power. It supports the state, religion and the individual. Marxism opposes the established state, religion and the role of man as central to an economy
The Fascist symbol btw is in the House of Representatives on either side of the speakers podium Sad that its values (going back to the Roman republic) are not respected. Instead we have marxist org like antifa and blm burning their way across the US
The bundle of sticks is faces, fascia is bind, bandage, swathe, hence fasciitis,medically, is inflammation of the fascia – but yes I get your point. However, I don’t think you get mine and we’ll probably have to agree to disagree.
To say Fascism is “one for all and all for one” is to pretty much encapsulate the state of affairs in China, which we all know is Communist.
Under both the State has full control of everything and the population live in fear of the secret police who will cart them off quite happily for any alleged infraction. This is what I meant by daily life for the population – it is the same under both.
Notable differences are Fascism allows religion (Communism replaces God with the Head of State) and neo-fascism allows for free market trade but, of course, the State does the trading.
Communism claims to abolish class, though obviously it does no such thing. However with Communism at least if you get to know the ‘right’people it is possible to improve your lot via promotions, etc which is why it gets so much support from the working classes. Fascism is more a ‘know your place’ system with little social movement which is why it tends to get so much support from the middle and upper classes.
Communism blames the bourgeois for societies ills, Fascism blames an ‘outside’ group. Neither look to the structures of the State to determine if the problem is there.
Lastly, no Communist or Fascist state has ever resulted in long term happiness of the population or they would still be with us now.
The ideologies may be different but for the population the result is the same – two paths to the same location, abject misery
Fascism shares the same values as “Dharma” where the codes of Honor, duty, ethics, conduct and good morals is the basis. It is not a system as much as it is an ideology and variations of it exist to this day.
What is termed as the “Fascist revolutions” of Europe include nations like Spain, Italy, Germany and a major political party in Romania. Today Singapore is the classic “fascist” state and is written up about it.
The way Singapore is managed includes efficiency of the state, the duty of the people to keep that city state clean, in order, low crime and honor bound in Finances. Singapore’s environmental laws and animal rights are some of the best in the world
The Dharmic economies like Japan a ceo would take it personally if his company embezzled or became bankrupt due to scams. In extreme cases the ceo committed suicide. In America that company is bailed out and the ceo takes no responsibility.
Fascism would not condone outsourcing, gutting of the middle class, shift of wealth to the few or the ongoing shutdown of an economy.
After the 1929 crash only Italy and Germany’s economies excelled while all the others collapsed. When Roosevelt made it illegal for private ownership of gold in 1933 the poverty of that act made the 1929 crash much worse.
The family was healthy, successful, educated and usually had enough children that in the long run the population is growing or stable but not dying due to atrophy or lack of children. Fascism would mitigate abortion.
To understand the ideology of fascism look at Buddhism and the 8 fold path (Dharma Chakra) where it spells out the right way to think, talk, behave where “right” means a pattern of behavior that benefits the person, his community and his nation which goes to benefit the world
In Italy it was required that key companies important to the wellbeing of the nation have a person who represents the people so that the company cannot take actions that are harmful to the people.
From pollution to actions leading to monopolies or firing staff for increasing profits to the shareholders comes to mind
Today the laws that deal with animal rights from Germany have influenced Nordic nations including Austria, Sweden, Norway
It was Italy that made the Vatican into a nation.
The state, the Faith and the Economy are what makes the bundle of sticks and together they wield power.
The shutdown has gutted America’s economy. It is caused epic suffering in India where millions face hunger and starvation. That is not Fascism. The shutdown will be the biggest shift of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% That is extreme levels of Plutocracy
You think the CCP doesn’t claim the same codes?
The shutdown has ruined the world, that doesn’t mean Fascism is a better alternative
PS Christianity has a moral code very similar to Buddhism and, dare I say, Buddhists are just as prone to corruption as anyone else. We are all human after all
Christianity does not put these codes as central to life. Christ’s message was love and forgiveness to Sacrifice as in the Crucifixion and the resurrection. Brotherly love, compassion, and forgiveness were central in dealing with life. The concept of sin is not present in Buddhism. But the Vatican desaproved of usury since Christ also disapproved the practice going back to that Sunday we call “Palm Sunday” when Christ booted out the money lenders from the Temple and for that was accused of blasphemy and treason.
The Buddhist approach was the life is suffering and the method to overcome suffering. It laid down a logical path from how to train ones mind to understand what is right and wrong to how to debate those issues. A simple version is the Kalama Sutra where the Kalama clan asked the Buddha how to differentiate a true philosopher to those who pretend.
Dharma is central to Hinduism but its literature deals with Dharma on a highly philosophical level that the common man did not understand. The sanskrit term for “Hinduism” is “Sanatana Dharma” or Eternal truth”
The Buddha took Dharma and made it simple for the common man. It shaped civilizations and economies
One of the best treaties on state craft and how to run economies is the Artha Shastra written by a Hindu minister of the Maurya Empire in the 3rd century BC it is 15 volumes and covers everything from government, economy, even environmental issues to the military etc he is one of many
Zen Buddhism and Mindfulness which deals with another method of handling suffering in Life is central to East Asian governance and economics. It shapes every aspect of life including the martial arts A South Indian named Bodhidarma took Zen to China to the Shaolin Temple and then to Japan.
The moral code of the Doctrine of Fascism by Mussolini can be traced back to the Roman Empire
Going into a theological discussion I think is a diversion too far from the OP but it is worth considering Jesus was politically motivated and did have ideas concerning government as he was supposed to be King of Odessa – the Roman’s effectively denied him his birthright.
All the attributes you condone Buddhism for are reflected in virtually every other religion, most often it comes down to interpretation and application.
Fascist Singapore is not a happy place to live in, or why do so many choose to leave and so few from democratic countries choose to remain there?
Like I said, we may have to agree to disagree but from what I’ve found daily life either under Communism or Fascism is not a happy one
All the attributes you condone Buddhism for are reflected in virtually every other religion,
Not so. for example the word “Mindful” in the West is used as advice as in “be mindful of what you do” and is often taken to mean “be careful of what you do”. It is advice parents and teachers give to children and often dismissed.
In Buddhism that became a system. The Wiki interpretation is
But is far more complex and diverse than this Sanskrit word. In places like Japan a system was developed including the focus needed for Zen gardens, Bonsai plant, tea ceremony, Origami and influenced art and philosophy.
Today the Buddhist system of Mindulfness which requires a focused mind to details has been written up as one of the main reasons why that region dominates in Technology and computers to the new age of 5-G and AI.
It has given Japan, China, Taiwan a competitive edge where the culture promotes the codes of duty and conduct, of honor and ethics with a focused mind to detail.
On other hand America has adopted a drug culture where mind altering drugs like Pot are legalized. A stoned American is no match to a clear minded Chinese. Applying just this system to the military gives them an edge.
Fascist Singapore is not a happy place to live in,
Happiness is a state of mind and if you prefer the chaos caused by antifa or blm or the health problems just from the homeless population in SF or the drug culture of using Fentamyne. Cocain etc or the system that led to broken families then you are happy. I prefer a system that looks out for me and my community where a government has a sense of its duties and
One more point. You cannot use Christianity as an example of Western values since the Church and Christian values has been gutted by liberalism and Cultural Marxism so comparison is between Marxist values and Buddhist/Fascist values
Buddhists are just as prone to corruption as anyone else.
True. but due to Buddhism the world’s first hospitals purely dedicated to treating Man were developed with the first such hospital in the city of Mihintale Sri Lanka 1st century BC and its ancient capital Anuradhapura had 9 specialized hospitals free for the public and was unique among ancient cities. In India the first veterinarian hospitals came up under Emperor Ashoka. Some of the ealiest universities such as Nalanda, Vickramashila, Taxila came up Nalanda had a student body of 30 thousand with a library, dormitories.the first animal sanctuaries were set up and unlike Hinduism where money went to grand Temples in Buddhism money went for civic structure including vast irrigation, dams, roads and laws written for pubic viewing (Ashokan pillars). That is South Asian Buddhism which changed when it went to SE Asia and East Asia
Today some of the leading societies and economies in the world are Buddhist including Japan. China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and even Thailand. In S Asia Sri Lanka is the most developed in every way where literacy is 95% for both genders and lifespan is 76 years for both genders. First female leader and a range of other factors of development most equal to the first world
And today the Dalai Lama swans around the world with his entourage, flying 1st class, staying in 5 star hotels, accepting luxurious gifts, being paid a small fortune to speak, while Indian soldiers are being killed fighting to free Tibet. No wonder he calls himself ‘a naughty monk’.
Stonehenge was arguably a hospital in 5000BC. In the UK, churches offered free education long before the State got involved. Such things appear to be a natural evolution of a religious society rather than a generosity found only in Buddhist countries, many of whom have been conquered and usurped- though it’s fair to say the same has happened to many non Buddhist countries
The Dalai Lama is one branch of Buddhism called “Vajrayana” Buddhism where aspects of Tantra (Hinduism) melded with Mahayana buddhism. Reincarnation became central to this branch through the rebirth of the Dalai lama. It is far more esoteric than other branches
Keep in mind that Buddhism grew up in the Subcontinent from 600 BC to 300 BC when it went to Sri Lanka. By the 2nd century AD it went to China (or 800 years after it was born). It reached Japan in the 6th century AD (or 1200 years later), and by the 11th century it died in “India” with many branches of Buddhism completely disappearing. It covered a greater region and more people than Christianity did till the 17th century.
Unlike Buddhism Christianity grew up in Europe and took a good deal of the Roman Empires beliefs, laws and government system Latin became the language of the Catholic Church. Your view of Buddhism comes from your view of Christianity. The vast differences between Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana and their intermingling with each otehr to other faiths like Hinduism takes a while to understand
Tibetan Buddhism is unique to Tibet and not to be confused with Buddhism in Sri Lanka, China, SE Asia or East Asia
I honestly didn’t come to talk about theology, I don’t follow any particular religion myself though I do believe we are more than just a bunch of moving atoms. The point here is Fascism which is still just Statism / Communism but with religion and markets.
All the countries you have praised for Buddhist Fascism are countries where the populations are unhappy – look at the suicide rates in S. Korea, prostitution rates in Thailand (were desperate parents ‘rent out’ their children), Singaporeans leaving as soon as they can, Daoism in China is holding on by a thread but only because they ignore the philosophy, Japan is 80% Shinto – but please ignore the 250% debt to GDP.
None of these countries are ‘wealthy’ compared to Western nations. In Thailand it can cost as little as $2 a week for a housekeeper! Yes Westerners can live like kings there, but it means that poverty is the norm. It’s the same in VietNam, a personal trainer can be hired for $50 a week – but the average citizen simply can’t afford it. These are NOT signs of wealthy nations.
Happiness is not just a state of mind, it is also cultural. The Scandinavian countries have a culture of being happy, so they tend to say they are. Same goes for Thailand. Brits are known to be gloomy, so they rarely report happiness, but further questioning reveals the Scandi’s are not as happy as they appear and Brits are happier than most would think.
In the USSR the populations cheered Stalin and Lenin as much as they now laud over Putin, why? Because the Gov’t looked after them so well, or because they were terrified of being carted off to a Gulag? That fear is recognizable in many of the Fascist states you admire.
So yes, I’ll stay in the wet and windy UK with all the troubles we have because if people from S. Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, India, China, etc would rather be here than in their own country then I guess life here can’t be all that bad. You let me know how wonderful life is for you when you become a fully fledged citizen of you favoured Fascist state and we’ll compare notes on who has a ‘better’ standard of living
I see it very differently than you.
Fascism is more an ideology than an economic system. that is why Dharma and Fascism share so much and aspects of Fascism is found in most economies.
-You are mixing purchasing parity with wealth. Most Asian nations labor is cheap and the exchange rate to the dollar or pound is large enough for a good life for Europeans and Americans
A person from London can live well in a place like Portugal or even italy due to the exchange rate and the cost of living between London and say a place in Lisbon or in Sicily.
The codes of Honor, Duty, Ethics, Conduct and a set of good morals are standard for any society to do well. It just happens that both Fascism and the concept of Dharma gives them center stage
The biggest cause of misery in any economy is debt and the worst debt comes from the excess use of usury. Americans are mainly unhappy because they spend their lives paying off debt with no time for vacations, children, family or even health. Working 40 to 60 hours per week, some holding 2 jobs only to end the month with no savings since all that money went to pay debt. That is why Fascism tried to limit usury.
Sweden has one of the highest suicide rates…in spite of its high standard of living. that tells me a wealthy life in a developed society does not translate to happiness
Europe and America are dying populations with a shrinking youth pop and an expanding elderly pop. That way of life is destroying the entire society. The “joy’ of motherhood and family is gone. Women are barren and unhappy. Men avoid marriage for alternative lifes. The longterm effect could be non Westerners coming in to first work and then live.
You obviously have no idea about the exchange rate between € and £ sterling. Due to Brexit our income which must be converted from £ s to euros has reduced by one quarter over the last 4 years. If 30s/40s fascism was so great how come ot led to the murder of millions in concentration camps?
I am not aware of the exchange rate between the Euro and the Pound, but it is good to know. May end up settling in Italy and they use the Euro…for now.
I was referring to the 1930’s for Germany and a bit earlier for Italy. I was not referring to World war 2 and all that horror caused by both sides
Rubbish. The seeds for the Holocaust were sown well before WW2 started . Kristellnacht was pre war and the laws oppressing Jews started well before the war. As for the “joy” of motherhood there are many women who have no desire for children. I am one of them.
No it wasn’t Germany faced a full embargo in 1933 and yet its economy did spectacularly.Kristallnachtwas in reaction was due to the murder of a German diplomat in Paris and the embargo.
It is your choice whether to have children or not and the contraceptive methods are so readily available that pregnancy should never happen to those who do not want it but when abortion becomes an industry that has to stop
Another basic cause of unhappiness is the breakdown of family, religion and tradition leaving people with no direction, rootless and isolated in a dystopian society. Between men and women the latter has it much worse. A woman in the first world ends up alone and with her biological clock having run out. The emotional need to be a mother or matriarch is sacrificed for profession when both can be achieved. A society that recognizes those needs is one that understands the ethics and duty to support that woman’s needs as both mother and wife and a professional person.
A government whose leadership values honor and duty ethics and good conduct does not support excessive taxes, high interest rates, pork barrel spending, a corporate welfare system or even massive ponci schemes. It does not abuse the taxes taken from the people
The German people loved Hitler and his reforms – people in the USSR detested Stalin
The fact is we the people still do not realize that there is NO “They” – as in They the “deep state” or the military-industrial complex or some Fascist conspiratorial group sitting in some secret underground bunker plotting the takeover of humanity.
WE the people, continue to support such a system of oppression, techno-assisted or otherwise, and that is why YOU, you and you are still paying your Taxes, right?
Who are the “They”? It has always been “Us” only. You voted for them and you subscribed to the system.
As long as you are obediently and willingly paying taxes to your government, then it implies that you are still supporting the “system” – whether it be a Monarchy, a Communist state, a fake Democracy or whatever it happens to be in your country.
What happens if tomorrow morning, every citizen refuses to pay taxes by conscious decision, and defunds the government that oppresses them? Will they be able to live without “oppression” by the State and not devolve into criminality or chaos?
Take an average Joe or Jane citizen and place them in a position of power, and what do you think will happen? We the people will become “They” the nasty elites.
Give lots of Power / Money / Influence etc. to the average Joe or Jane and they will gradually turn into a despicable monster not that much different from the current batch of greedy Globalist Billionaires or even a Hitler or Stalin. Every Hitler or Stalin started off thinking about the “good of society” and believing that his/her policies enacted or laws decreed were always for the “greater good” – whatever the heck that means.
Just look at what will likely happen if you were to win a big lottery. Chances are you will be divorcing your wife, having an orgy party wilder than those organized by Jeffrey Epstein for his Billionaire Boys Club, or buying sports cars that burn atrocious amounts of fossil fuels. Do you think You will even pause to consider the environmental impact of Sports cars or donate the majority of your winnings to the poor or homeless? Who cares right?
So, “They” are really just “Us” given the opportunity of unbridled and unchecked Power and/or Money. That is why the “system” cannot be reformed without transforming human beings first and foremost.
Yes, finally I find someone else that realizes that its just us 🙂
However, I need to disagree with you on something. There is plenty of people that are good people even with power and money. Western democracy and prosperity (for what is left) would not exist without them. We also have the power to change the system, and keep paying taxes by VOTING. Thinking that everyone in power is just evil is too simple and means doing nothing, just like everyone else that keeps happily paying taxes….
Said so, I also agree that we need better human beings… or may be an AI overlord :p
“consensual layers of social hallucination that are created and shared across all of society”
That’s the key – once enough of your countrymen are propagandized, you become unable to function normally in society. Isolated by your dreadful knowledge and insight, you can only stare miserably at your friends and neighbors as they sink deeper into stupefaction and hatred.
“For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”
It is worth noting that not everyone is bothered by propaganda. There are lots of people stand to gain power and prestige, as well as those who profit monetarily from such deceptive activities/social engineering.
This article is a must read by everyone possessing at lease 2 brain cells.
“propaganda is not just about what’s in the news or in the media. It’s even more importantly about the broadly consensual layers of social hallucination that are created and shared across all of society, which make it difficult for any of us to function socially, absent those commonly shared reference points and signals that we have convinced ourselves are required in order to allay our anxiety, confusion and isolation… all of which are primary raisons d’etres for propaganda in the first place.” Never had a problem ignoring propaganda, techno fascist or other wise. I question everything i am told, use comparative analysis and watching out for internal contradictions, and i am bloody minded when it comes to believing what i do as a result.
I you really want to understand propaganda, there is only one book you need to read.
“Propaganda” by Jacques Ellul
It will change your life.
Thank you!
There is so much ignoring to do that would make sane people become tired, exhausted and having their lifespan reduced.
To effectively ignore propaganda, one needs to work at it, not only full-time, but requires lots of overtime work too …..
I agree it can take a lot of effort, i once spent two weeks going over the Ukraine situation sorting and sifting the truth as far as i could, but the effort adds up, and now i can smell rats from miles away. Best wishes.
I think you’d be surprised
NVESTIGATION: Seattle/Portland Terrorism Part of Planned US Coup Attempt With “Protesters” Trained In Syria /Peaceful Protesters Attempt To Cement Officers Into Fiery Grave
Initially I hesitated in promoting this, but I looked into Eliason’s bio and he seems legit, if not counter CIA ops somehow. So I decided to go with his deep dive into the Ukraine/Syria/Obama-run Coup connections to our US Northwest “peaceful protests”. comments most welcome – this line of investigation is fascinating, is Eliason opening this explosive can of worms all on his own?
Not quite the scenrion. We won’t even be needed except for a few millions specialists:
What if..another conspiracy theory based on the current state of the world
The current situation of depletion of resources, the threat of global warming and the inability of the planetary resources to bear the demands of an ever increasing population, the unabating increase in wealth of a small group of already immensely wealthy people – all well known and factual – lead to the conclusions by a small group of oligarchs worldwide:
The planet with the current load of population and their demands is under threat, the current model and mode of production, creating wealth and wealth distribution does neither work nor is it sustainable.
We have at our demand available all resources and have accumulated wealth sufficient that we control almost all the worlds production
We with the means that are available to us can radically change the current situation of over population.
Therefore we decide:
The vast majority of the people not of our class is superfluous.
We do no longer need to increase our wealth with gains based on the debt slavery and production by hired labour
We substitute any needed labour with AI sufficient to produce what we need for a sustainable life in comparable luxury with non human labour, demanding no food or space.
We save on energy, free up space for the regrowth of forests und undisturbed wilderness and reduction of CO2 sufficiently to curb global warming to prevent the ecosystem we rely on from collapsing.
We keep those of the population needed for research into further development of AI so it becomes ever more autonomous, research into diseases threatening the remainder of humanity and research into agricultural projects to with increasing efficiency needing ever less human interference keep food production viable and continuous for the remainders.
What if talks about overpopulation being a real threat is quite correct – but with different solution not imagined by those not of the oligarch class?
Not quite the scenrion…scenario. Stupid site does not allow edit…
This stupid site allows you a 15 minute window to edit your comments actually.
Where? I posted, received a message the post is waiting for approval or some such statement..and despite looking I find no edit function (contrary to many other sites where the function is rather obvious)
Observe small cog symbol on bottom right.
Click on same.
Avail self of options therein listed.
if other sites are easier for you to navigate maybe just stick to them? We won’t be offended. 🙂
if other sites are easier for you to navigate maybe just stick to them? We won’t be offended.
Of course, with advice like that one has to follow or loose his or her self respect. Thanks for your dis invite I will of course have to accept.
And to be sure – exactly that cog symbol I was looking for but it did not show up in my browser
Where all this evil emanates –
1666 Redemption Through Sin
Very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies. After Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world’s religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. Read: 1666 Redemption Through Sin
Read more
CIA is a descendant of the East India Company.
The same people throughout history doing nefarious deeds for private profit.
How did you arrive at that?
There was an early CJ Hopkins piece – meant, as always, as parody and yet actually spot on. OffG featured it. CJH said that after “the war on communism” and “the war on drugs” and “the war on terror”, our lords have hit upon the most perfect endlessly renewable war of all: “the war on death”. The actual existence of communists, drugs and terrorists was always something the media had to continually fabricate. But death is always there. Always coming. Always happening everywhere. Just brand it differently. And presto! Everyone is constantly scared all the time and all the way into an eternally retreating horizon. And the ever-renewable fear fortifies an endlessly renewable and popularly supported police state. Orwell’s vision realised forever.
Thank you George. That’s exactly what’s driving the willingness of so many people in embracing the draconian lockdowns and stripping of their civil liberties. Fear of their own deaths. Forgetting that we all die at some point.
And the vile presstitutes have played on this every single day. Yet they suppress the facts that a great many who died had existing serious health issues. And they suppress the fact that suicide rates are ballooning, especially in countries with the harshest measures.
Paul mentioned a few months back that the pyschopaths had really hit the nail on the head with the rampant fear mongering around the virus that has seen so many lose all rational thinking.
Hope your day goes well…
They also use crisis actors to push agendas. The other day, on the BBC, they showed a story of a woman whose mother had supposedly died of coronavirus and basically told a sob story before going on a rant about how evil non-compilers are and how non-mask wearers ‘killed’ her mother(that’s the part that makes me think she is probably a crisis actor or extremely manipulated). This propaganda was successful because then my family turned to me and said, ‘that’s why you should wear a mask’. I didn’t bother arguing because there is no point, emotions override critical thinking too easily and the propaganda masters know that.
Or as put on the Simpsons: “Your tears say more than real evidence ever could.”
The inevitable and impending dearth of earthly resources combined with the burgeoning global population will have one of two outcomes.
1. A global rising up of enlightened, empowered citizens in a new dawn. A correction or greater reset is applied, achieving the overthrow of established and proposed new world orders.
2. A fascist technocracy, succeeding national governments, spanning the globe, and reducing the population by whatever overt or covert means it has at its eugenicist disposal.
I’d suggest the latter seems more likely.
sadly yes.
Hard one to get through…. because of the intensity. Pretty totally right on in explaining why everyone is so entranced. Each subdivision of the many we’ve been broken up into is targeted niche-marketing-style with its own version of the dominant narrative’s justification for the lockdown and all it entails and where we “want” to head, we’re given different reasons to just STFU and go along.
The role of the vile media has been akin to that of psychological terrorists in propagating the covid narrative hour after hour, day after day, week after week. They have stuck to the same overall script while viciously demonising and smearing anyone who questions or contradicts their fear mongering as ‘virus deniers’ or ‘conspiracy nuts’. I’m reminded of something I saw recently, a quote:
‘True goal of totalitarian propaganda is not persuasion, but organisation of the polity… what convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part of’
Hannah Arendt.
1890 Andrew Carnegie writes a series of eleven essays called “The Gospel of Wealth,” a treatise which essentially stated that free enterprise and capitalism no longer existed in the United States, because he and Rockefeller owned everything, including the government, and that competition was impossible unless they allowed it. Eventually, says Carnegie, the young children will become aware of this and form clandestine organizations to fight against it.
Carnegie proposes that men of wealth form a synthetic free enterprise system based on cradle-to-grave schooling.
The people who advanced through schooling would be given licenses to lead profitable lives. All licenses are tied to forms of schooling. This way, the entire economy can be controlled and people have a motivation for them to learn what you want them to learn. It also places the minds of all children in the hands of a few social engineers.
(German System).
NOTE: You will see Rockefeller and Carnegie mentioned a lot in regard to health and research or should I say death and torture!
worthwhile link.
Please quote something from the “The Gospel of Wealth” which supports your reading of it. I just skim-read a PDF of it, and couldn’t really ascertain your gist from it. In fact, the paper seems quite nobel.
BBC Propaganda better than Joseph Goebbels..”In the 1930
s when the Nazi foreign minister Ribbentrop visited Britain he also met the BBC Director General John Reith who admired both the Nazi
s and Mussolini the Fascist dictator of Italy.He asked the Nazi foreign minister to assure Hitler that the BBC was not anti- Nazi and if they were to send his German opposite which would be the Nazi propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels who was one of Hitlers closest friends for a visit he would fly the swastika from the top of Broadcasting House.”Tim Bouverie.Appeasing Hitler.The bat flu originated in Florida USA – or was it Mexico?
On The Road In Florida: Hard Times, Politics And Smoked Bat
“…………When time came for us to order dinner, despite years of relatively faithful vegetarianism, I got the smoked fruit bat, served over corn bread pudding. I was determined to try it in the name of cultural experience. (Even though, I learned, it’s not a Central Florida specialty; it’s just something the Gaudins ate while traveling in South America.) Rod Gaudin told me when he first opened, he included it on the menu as a conversation starter, although it holds its own in sales against more recognizable appetizers.
Now, it’s been many years since I ate meat, so my palate is probably unrefined in this respect, but here goes: It tasted — you guessed it — like chicken. Maybe closest to dark meat chicken, but a bit more gamy and a bit sweet.
Gaudin said the sweetness comes from soaking the bat in cherry juice so it tastes less wild. I should mention that Gaudin was quite a cutup; when talking about the restaurant’s unconventional fare, it was often hard to tell when he was pulling my leg.
As far as I know, I ate a bat, and should you be tempted, be warned that it’s not for the faint of heart. It wasn’t pretty — it looked like a strange pigeon or a quail. Eating it was a slow and bony undertaking, and there wasn’t a lot of meat. But I think it was worth it.
The sauce made it. I would have eaten anything covered in that sauce.
Excellent piece.
However, the trans-humanist or technocratic agenda is bait and switch. The invincible cyborg meme is comic book fiction. In reality, the science is fraud and relies on damaging DNA not gene enhancement.
All the programs the cryptocracy cabal are running are kill or maim programs.
GMO mosquitos > Zika, Dengue, Malaria, Yellow Fever, West Nile, chikungunya
Lockdowns > loss of income, homelessness, depression, apathy, suicides, malnutrition, famine
Masks > pneumonia, increased infections, loss of identity, oxygen decrease
5g > radiation sickness, cancer, asthma, allergies, auto immune disorders, neurodegenerative, cytokine storm syndrome
Geoengineering + DEW > Aluminum-barium-strontium, weather modification, droughts, floods, fires, hurricanes, disease
GMO Foods > Glyphosate reacts with nanoparticles and EMF-EMR, cancer, disease
Water pollution > fluoride, lead and other heavy metals, disease
Soil pollution > Pesticide residue, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, disease
Air > Polyaromatic hydrocarbons, pollution, lung cancer, asthma, disease
Medical Industrial Complex > Medical errors, RX Drugs, antibiotic resistance, superbugs, MRSA, Vaccines
Illegal activities > Drug distribution, overdose, gang wars, violence, human trafficking, money laundering, child porn etc.,
War + Terrorism > Chaos, Prohibitive laws, Genocide, Structural and Economic devastation, disease.
Mass Surveillance > Election rigging, Blackmail, Targeting Individuals and Populations, taxpayer debt
Propaganda > Psy-ops, fear, control, distraction, envy, hate, escapism, apathy
NGOs > Stymying direct action, government – private partnerships, interventionism
Central Banks – Markets > Debt burden, corruption, markets rigging, financial fraud, malfeasance, front running, naked shorting.
This brief list illustrates some of the methods for impoverishment and harm of the 99% purely for profit and control.
The technocratic agenda starts with socially re-engineering children with masks, tortuous social distancing, inducing a fear of others, leading to a generation of genetically modified robot slaves too weak, too intellectually compromised and too conditioned to resist the tyranny.
We need to resist now. Before it’s too late.
“All the programs the cryptocracy cabal are running are kill or maim programs.”
I cannot overstate how precisely on-point this observation is, or how perfectly appropriate is the martial brutality of its phrasing.
The Herd is getting the all-fronts extermination treatment that was once visited on the Native North Americans. Slaughtered in the field of battle; driven from their villages as non-combatants; enclosed from their ancestral hunting- and gathering grounds; poisoned; tormented; whatever means the “pioneers” had at their disposal.
Vaccines are the latter-day smallpox-infested blankets.
Reality is, they cannot stop their global system from disintegrating. The only thing they CAN really do is prevent us from doing anything about it, organizing for our own needs, by keeping the vast majority of us in a consensus trance.
“ However, the trans-humanist or technocratic agenda is bait and switch. The invincible cyborg meme is comic book fiction. In reality, the science is fraud and relies on damaging DNA not gene enhancement.”
So true. These people cannot enhance something that is already perfect. They are destroyers. They may temporarily build things, but it’s only temporary. In the end their creations were only momentary pauses on the way to destruction.
Also, poisonous additives and pollution in food, water, air and medicine. Remember, even tests for covid-19 were “accidentally” contaminated with the right item to produce a positive result. One way or another, its eugenics.
The EU project was a run by fascist CIA spymaster Allen Dulles as was the Gladio project.BLM is funded by the Ford Foundation and is a CIA asset.
“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbott President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.
That’s probably the grand plan and we’re living through the painful transitional process. The question is who will be doing the “nation-absorbing” and what will the final product look like. Let me take a guess– a state-run capitalist dictatorship. It’s very possible we’re being groomed right now via the COVID pandemic. The populace is being taught how to comply to orders–wear a mask, stay 10 feet away, frequently wash your hands, and obey all social distancing rules, etc…
Propaganda or “soft power” is nothing knew it’s utilized regularly by all governments to attract and co-opt, rather than coerce. It’s a subtle way a slew of thoughts are guilefully inculcated. However, no such nuanced actions occurred over the last four years in US mainstream media news–it has been anything but subtle– partisan hatchets have been exposed, no longer is there any attempt to slowly insidiously capture viewers.
There’s an all-out political war, which indirectly exposed the deep widespread tentacles of the intelligence agencies within mainstream media news. This is especially the case, for MSNBC and CNN where an array of spooks appear on various cable shows hawking a book or discussing an op-ed about the insane buffoon who must be extricated from the White House. But if the orangeman is so unfit then why did the Dems unanimously vote for Trump’s $750 billion defense budget.
Speaking of which, there’s this this thing about 70 former national security officials in past Republican administrations dating back to Reagan announcing support for Joe Biden. Their endorsement appeared in a Wall Street Journal article headlined, “A Statement by Former Republican National Security Officials.” The list of national security officials reads like a Rogues Gallery of psychopathic savage murderers:
“Charles S. (Steve) Abbot, a retired US Navy admiral, acted as deputy commander-in-chief of the US European Command during NATO’s criminal intervention in Kosovo. After retiring from the Navy he became deputy homeland security adviser in the Bush White House from 2001 to 2003.
Mary Catherine Andrews, the special assistant to the president and director of the White House office of global communications from 2003 to 2005. Her job was to cover up war crimes and propagate lies associated with the war on terror.
Richard Armitage, the US deputy secretary of state from 2001 to 2005. He is perhaps best known for threatening to bomb Pakistan “back to the Stone Age,” if it did not cooperate with US intervention in Afghanistan.
John Bellinger III, a legal adviser for the State Department and National Security Council from 2005 to 2009. He continuously worked to cover up the use of torture in US detention centers such as Abu Ghraib. He publicly lied to the UN and was involved in discussions to illegally destroy videotapes of US officials committing torture.
Robert Blackwill, ambassador to India, National Security Council deputy for Iraq from 2003 to 2004 and mentor to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. He played a pivotal role in installing CIA asset Iyad Allawi as Iraq’s interim prime minister. After leaving the White House, Blackwill continued to support Allawi through the lobbying firm Barbour Griffith & Rogers.
Linton Brooks, the administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration. He oversaw a program to develop an atomic weapon that could be used as a bunker-buster bomb.
Richard Burt, ambassador to Germany in the 1980s and national security adviser to John McCain during his 2000 and 2008 presidential campaigns. In 2000 Burt established Diligence, a risk-assessment and management firm, which has been accused by the Bermuda government of impersonating secret service personnel. Burt was also the top national security adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign.
Eliot Cohen, counselor of the Department of State from 2007 to 2009. Cohen is a neoconservative who publicly advocated for war against Iraq and Iran. In a 2016 book Cohen laid-out plans for a third world war, and clarified that the “actual use of nuclear weapons by the United States is not a last resort.”
Joseph Collins, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for stability operations during the George W. Bush administration. Collins was a key planner for the US occupation of Iraq.
Heather Conley, deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs under Bush. Conley is currently the senior vice president for Europe, Eurasia, and the Arctic at an imperialist think tank, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and advocates for US conflict with Russia.
Chester Crocker, the assistant secretary of state for African affairs under the Reagan administration. He developed the policy of “constructive engagement” with governments in southern Africa, including South Africa’s apartheid regime.
Eric Edelman, undersecretary of defense for policy from 2005 to 2009. Edelman opposed even having public discussions about US withdrawal from Iraq. After leaving office he became an open advocate for US military intervention in Syria, and confrontation with Russia and China.
Richard Falkenrath, an assistant to the president under George W. Bush, was central in establishing the Department of Homeland Security, which was, from its inception, involved in domestic surveillance and plans for repression of the American population.
Aaron Friedberg was the deputy assistant for national security affairs and director of policy planning working under Vice President Dick Cheney. Since leaving office he has advocated greater conflict with China and made extreme xenophobic claims that Chinese students and migrants in the US “support Beijing’s aims.”
James Glassman was undersecretary of state during the Bush administration. Glassman hailed the devastation of Hurricane Katrina for destroying housing, schools and public work programs that “held the city back.”
Colleen Graffy, deputy assistant secretary of state for public diplomacy under Bush. She claimed that Guantanamo Bay prisoners committed suicide as “part of a strategy” by Islamic extremists. She later defended the Iraq War claiming it was the catalyst for the Arab Spring.
Chuck Hagel, former Republican senator and secretary of defense under Obama. He played a leading role in the US military buildup against China, but crossed paths with the president after Obama refused to green light his plan to bomb Damascus.
Michael Hayden, director of the NSA from 1999 to 2005 and CIA director from 2006 to 2009. He oversaw domestic spying and supervised CIA “black site” torture centers. He has claimed that he effectively bullied Biden not to mention the torture program in negative terms.
James Loy, deputy secretary of homeland security from 2003 to 2005. Loy justified militarizing the US border with Mexico by claiming Al Qaeda operatives could try to enter from Mexico.
John Negroponte was the US ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985 and oversaw US support for the contras’ vicious war against Nicaragua. He was ambassador to Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and oversaw the expansion of America’s spying apparatus as director of national intelligence from 2005 to 2007.
At any rate, Trump hasn’t ended any of Bush/Obama’s wars, but he hasn’t started any new ones. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t……..
By the way here’s a classic quote from William Casey, former CIA Director: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
FAKE QUOTATIONS re German Propaganda –
“……..In fact, Goebbels’ views were quite different than what this fraudulent quote suggests. He consistently held that propaganda should be accurate and truthful.
In an address given in September 1934 in Nuremberg, he said: “Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run.”
In an article written in 1941, he cited examples of false British wartime claims, and went on to charge that British propagandists had adopted the “big lie” technique that Hitler had identified and condemned in his book Mein Kampf. Goebbels wrote: “The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.” ………………..
Well that does it! This defender of a peculiar truth and accuracy was railroaded … lucky us …
Vaccine and Medical Toxic Timeline
(with the key characters involved in it)
1754 Inoculation for smallpox introduced in Rome. The practice was soon stopped because of the number of deaths it caused. Later, the medical profession would successfully reintroduce it.
1763 Epidemic of smallpox in France wipes out a large part of the population. It was immediately attributed to inoculation, and the practice was prohibited by the French government for five years.
1763 The first recorded episode of biological warfare in the United States occurs when white colonial settlers give smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans who sought friendly relations. Also a significant case of genocide.
1768 The medical profession in France is successful in re-instituting vaccination for smallpox.
1777 Nathan Rothschild born. Weishaupt joins the Munich Masonic Lodge, and within two years would be in control of the lodge of Theodore of Good Counsel.
1778 In Italy, infants were inoculated by Neapolitan nurses without the knowledge of parents.
1790 Edward Jenner buys a medical degree from St. Andrews University for £15.
1791 Edward Jenner vaccinates his 18 month old son with swine-pox. In 1798, he vaccinates his son with cow-pox. His son will die of TB at the age of 21.
1796 Edward Jenner in Gloucestershire, England, credited with concept of vaccination. Jenner vaccinates an 8 year old boy with smallpox pus. Jenner would vaccinate the boy 20 times. The boy would die from TB at the age of 20.
1798 General vaccine programs against cowpox instituted in the U.S.
1800 Benjamin Waterhouse at Harvard University introduces vaccination in Massachusetts.
1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins.
1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner £10,000 for continued experimentation with “smallpox vaccine.” The paradigm that vaccines provide “lifetime immunity” is abandoned, and the concept of “revaccination” is sanctioned.
Read on –
Timelines are quite revealing. So are the numbers of the cryptocracy and their patterns.
While I agree with the overall tone the information given in the timeline is truly awful. X number given a vaccine, X number died – crucial info missing, what did they die of?
A tenuous link trying to be made between Smallpox vaccine and Syphilis even though Syphilis used to kill thousands a year before vaccines were introduced.
X number in Birmingham died, presumably from the vaccine, but what about the rest of the country? Bad batches happen today so you can be absolutely sure they happened over 100 years ago!
1872 In England, 87% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. Over 19,000 die in England and Wales.
What number is 87%?
Any evidence that the 19,000 die of smallpox or the vaccine?
This kind of reporting/ writing is part of the problem we face today – it causes an emotional response rather than conveying factual information.
Yes improved sanitation saw the biggest decrease in mortality rates, but what about the numbers being left disabled by such diseases? It’s hard to find data for that but judging by the number of residential homes/ schools that used to be the living (or rather ‘existing’) spaces for such disabled people, one can only assume that the devastating effects of such diseases has been dramatically reduced. Is that because of vaccines? Who knows? Are you certain it is not?
Personally I am neither pro nor anti vaccine. I believe they have their place but also believe that the industry has become a cash cow rife with corruption. Too many vaccines given to too many children at wildly inappropriate ages and timescales with unnecessary adjuncts used purely to act a shelf-life extenders but are highly detrimental to health.
Trawling the history is a nice diversion but does little to uncover what is happening today
Oscar Wilde wrote:
“Ours is certainly the dullest and most prosaic century possible. Why, even Sleep has played us false, and has closed up the gates of ivory, and opened the gates of horn. The dreams of the great middle classes of this country, as recorded in Mr. Myers’s two bulky volumes on the subject, and in the Transactions of the Psychical Society, are the most depressing things that I have ever read. There is not even a fine nightmare among them.”
Imagination is wholly back now for some decades. Grand scenarios of fear are thought out in order to bring about transformation. Grand scenarios of transcending human limitations, though false to the bone, they are grand and appealing visions.
The alternative media and writers, they talk a lot about psychopats and corruption. But the thing is that the establishments who are pushing the technological utopia, they have vision and imagination, while the ‘opposition’, they mostly depict vulgar reality, or at best dystopian scenarios, or at best low brow alternatives (back to a simple life). The ‘opposition’ is at large impotent in terms of alternative visions. At best, we have a nightmare scenario envisioned. Nightmare scenarios are better than the prosaic dulness of the twentieth century disenchanted man. The elites pushing technocracy could be said to be divinely evil, actively imaginative, energetic and passionate, they think big, they where able to hijack every zeitgeist idea due to general dullness, listlessness, passivity and self-contentment.
That’s just plain astute. I can’t disagree. This site claims not be libertarian, but its message and reporting, even much of the commenting, at least about cv-19, is certainly not alienating to one, as I am. I noticed long ago a main energetic problem with actual libertarians (not the ‘Koch brothers’ version), one perhaps related to your idea. That being that they have little to no interest in controlling other people’s lives, and since they don’t they also don’t actively gravitate towards or seek control over the mandated chests of collected tax and fiat money treasure the existence of states calls into being. I think it may be true that those who seek control and feel they deserve it are also the big idea, ambition people, and are not at all averse to the idea of capturing that treasure to further their own visions and ambitions, and so they ARE furthered, while the freedom people are merely trying to live and let live, keep what they have. Always reactive, on the defense. It’s a major disadvantage.
Perhaps it could be said that in a democracy, the average man, through sheer power of quantity starts to see himself as the measure of all things. And this arrogance, if it insist on maintaining itself meets a certain punishment. This arrogance is not inherent to average man though, there have been times where average man had a certain respect for superiors, it appears that democracy breeds this arrogance.
Just saw this, all these months later. Sorry to have missed your comment, which I don’t think I understand. Mine had nothing to do with democracy or the arrogance of the average man, or his respect for superiors, whatever they are, just about the disadvantage of libertarians in the their lack of desire to control others.
In the terminology of the media, news must always be “Breaking!” – even though in reality, we know the news more closely resembles a cooking show, where ingredients are chopped and sliced before-hand, after which they are mixed and served up live on camera in ways that keep the public hooked on happy hash-slinging and enticingly-scripted recipes.
This is why for years, I’ve been pointing out that it’s not a coincidence that the hackneyed cliché “breaking news” has a fraternal twin: “breaking wind”.
Other being wrong on the nature of fascism a pretty decent article.
The greatest Con has been to mislead people into thinking they haven’t been enslaved. Nostalgia? The so called freedom’s of the last 100 years were a trap. The focus was changed to enable the rapid development of the technology needed to advance the control to demonic levels. That’s the only difference between between now and the past. Humans have always been enslaved. Now they just long for it.
Absolutely – been banging on about this for some years – this is the thin edge of a science/business coalition gripped by a zealous millenarianism. ‘Progress’ my arse.More like delusion on steroids. Techno humanists is about as bad a combination there is and their insidious algorithms and AI bots are well embedded. Zappa’s illusion of freedom speaks of profit – combine this with ideology and the show becomes Frankenstein – only much more dangerous and in plain site. Burroughs is on the money – leave all behind and live with silence.
Lets be CLEAR!
The SRF & Billionaires CONTROL the entire media landscape. The Main S h i t Media controlled by Them – just look at the money transfers between the Gates Foundation and media orgarnizations, and this is just one example – spread PROPAGANDA 24/7.
Since the Herd of modern slaves don’t have Time and Energy to achieve a balanced knowledge and understanding of what matters, the following shows the END RESULT of the effect of the awesome PROPAGANDA They spread.
If the Herd “thinks” that those millions have died due to the 2019/2020 cold/flu/pneumonia labelled “CUVID-19” by the SRF & Billionaires via WHO, no wonder they CAN DO whatever they want! A Herd in PANIC MODE accepts everything.
90% +of you tube is counter intelligence
notice how the so called political activist of old have been during this process they slurperd the BS19 and blame china script
and all like clock work carried on blaming the left right right left and all of them happly getting there government patrons fee’s
pure scum
In this case it this correct to say that we are the ONE PERCENT… Those that don’t believe in BS19!
Decoding Coronavirus-Speak
‘STAY SAFE’ – multiple meanings: Governments:’We care’ (they don’t). Believe there is a danger. Retreat into fear. Comply.
‘PROTECT THE NHS’ – Protect the NHS from patients:
‘TESTS’ – Controversial, unreliable systems used to justify lockdowns. Tanzanian goat and pawpaw samples have tested positive. (The MSM is spinning a contrary narrative):
‘CASES’ – May include false positive results in healthy asymptomatic people.
‘STAY THE F*** HOME’ – A more aggressive demand to comply, become fearful and desist from questioning prevailing narratives.
‘DON’T BE SELFISH’ – A license to those who’ve voted for their own self interests their whole lives, to virtue signal and harass others.
‘QUARANTINE’ – In context of ‘coronavirus’, imprisonment of the healthy. (See New Zealand.)
‘FACE MASK’ – Controversial. May be useless at preventing the spread of viruses (includes N95 masks). May lower the immune system, raise blood pressure, exacerbate asthma symptoms, create bacterial lung infections, cause gingivitis and elicit emotional distress:
‘SOCIAL DISTANCING’ – In the healthy, a form of psychological torture that harms mental health by destroying social interaction:
‘LOCKDOWN’ – A term originally used for the control and punishment of prisoners in jails. Global suicide rates have increased:
‘CORONAVIRUSES’ – A group of viruses, including the common cold, which have always been “in the mix” – Wolfgang Wodarg. “Harmless to vast majority of people” – Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer:
‘IMMUNE SYSTEM’ – Airbrushed out of the coronavirus narrative.
‘COVID-PASS’ – Submit to control and surveillance in exchange for limited freedoms.
‘CASHLESS SOCIETY’ – Destruction of economic autonomy and increased government control.
Except for the common-sense old steps (cover a cough or sneeze, and stay home if you feel sick), all the recommendations and commands are either useless or dangerous. This includes temp. check, contact tracing, obsessive hand-washing and sanitiser. Not being outdoors or exercising is among the worst — unless you include the meds that don’t work and intubation.
It is not for nothing that the humanities have been all but eradicated from our educational institutions. Nor is it for nothing that ALL 20th century authoritarians strove first and foremost to rid their would-be empires of artists of all description. An artist CANNOT not think critically; otherwise no art can be created.
Scour the entire worldwide web and consider yourself lucky if you encounter even a handful of artists – real artists, who create real art, not the Kewpie Doll PR concoctions able to fit their opuses neatly into a Smart Phone app with plenty of room to spare for advertisements.
As the man said, “You get what you pay for.”
I´m 60 y.o. and I have no TV set, since more than 17 years. 😉
“Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in, can hope to escape.”
Totally agree with it.
Many thanks for the article.
Throwing out the TV is indeed the road to sanity/remaining-sane. TV watchers are zombified to an extent they cannot even conceive of. This is brainwashing…
Exactly..! I´m glad to see that some persons are realizing it, many thanks..!
I agree and the smart phone screen is even more hypnotising!
That´s why I HAVE NO smartphone, either..! 😉 (…in fact, I don´t need it… It´s very bothering to me stay in front of a normal monitor for a couple of hours, imagine the same with these “evil artifacts”..!)
Kind regards..!
Most are only consuming images, esp. videos, even on laptops — as opposed to info., statements and arguments. They only get the “he said she said” drama, and take away the emotions they were meant to be infected with: propaganda. This is what the educators wanted.
To throw the whole Covid-19 epidemic into perspective it should be emphasized that every year there are between 294,000 and 518,000 deaths from influenza. You can read about this here:
300,000 to 500,000 dead from influenza every year.
300,000 dead in a good flu season.
500,000 dead in a bad flu season.
You may ask why there is no global lock-down for influenza.
You may ask why the media shows no concern at all for the hundreads of thousands of mainly elderly people, who are dying at this very moment, due to this under-reported (because it happens every winter) influenza epidemic.
What is the difference between dying from pneumonia caused by Covid-19 or dying from pneumonia caused by Influenza?
Before there was easy testing of Covid-19, all instances of pneumonia were assumed to be pneumonia caused by Covid-19. In this way you had immediate and comprehensive care. If you had insisted that you had pneumonia caused by Influenza you may have been assigned to a back ward somewhere while the important cases were attended to. In this way many deaths due to pneumonia caused by Influenza have been listed as deaths due to pneumonia caused by Covid-19, whether they were or not. This skewed the statistics completely out of shape.
Something similar, but worse, has been admitted to have been the case in Italy (and USA and UK).
“But Prof Ricciardi (Scientific Adviser to Italy’s Minister of Health) added that Italy’s death rate may appear higher because of how doctors record fatalities. “The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.” From here.
Prof Ricciardi also said: “On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus (Covid-19), while 88% patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three.”
The UK’s Chief Scientific Officer, Sir Patrick Vallance, stated: “It is worth remembering again that the ONS (Office for National Statistics) rates are people who’ve got COVID on their death certificates. It doesn’t mean they were necessarily infected because many of them haven’t been tested. So we just need to understand the difference.”
Policies to exaggerate the lethality of the virus? Who benefits?
On March 25th, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (old-age homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19. The decision drew fire as soon as it was announced from medical experts, nursing home operators, and the families of residents. However, it was forced through anyway. Similar orders were given in a few other states. See here.
Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives.
You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem, dangerous everywhere but far more prevalent in a half-dozen or so of the country’s more heavily and densely populated states. What’s more, many of these states enacted coronavirus response policies that likely put nursing home residents at higher risk for infection. See here.
Policies to deliberately spread the virus? Who benefits?
Steve Scalise (House Republican Whip) describes DoJ request for nursing home data as “HUGE”.
Police cars revolving light HUGE →
. . . is demanding data from Cuomo and the other Democrat governors who forced COVID patients into nursing homes.
Investigations into their deadly orders could be coming under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.
They won’t get away with this.
8:41 PM · Aug 26, 2020
More at The Hill:
DOJ asks governors about coronavirus orders that may have resulted in nursing home deaths
The Justice Department (DOJ) on Wednesday requested data from four governors on their orders requiring nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients. “Protecting the rights of some of society’s most vulnerable members, including elderly nursing home residents, is one of our country’s most important obligations,” Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division Eric Dreiband said in a statement. “We must ensure they are adequately cared for with dignity and respect and not unnecessarily put at risk.”
The department requested data from Govs. Andrew Cuomo (D) of New York, Phil Murphy (D) of New Jersey, Tom Wolf (D) of Pennsylvania and Gretchen Whitmer (D) of Michigan.
“The Justice Department (DOJ) on Wednesday requested data from four governors on their orders requiring nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients.”
Good. Let the truth be told.
Flu stats are already inflated to serve vax agenda.
This is not to deny the overall death statistics. But the confirmation of viral flu isn’t required when respiratory disease leads to end of life in pneumonial infections.
Look up the annual deaths from other major causes. The top 10 I identified are
heart disease/stroke (15.2m), cancer (9.6m), starvation (9m), tobacco (8.2m), polluted air (6.7m), infant mortality (4.1m), alcohol (3m), medical error/crime (>2.6m), diabetes (1.6m), diarrhoea (1.4m).
Yet, no shock, horror or bleeding hearts.
My thoughts turn to the ideas of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, whom I find to be a very creative Marxist thinker, and one key idea I have taken from his writings is that, in class society, the ruling class has three basic tools for maintaining its hegemony: the social contract (preserving law and order, health care and pensions etc.), ideology and naked force. He argues that, of these, ideology is the by far the most important and if the rulers lose the ability to deceive the masses with the ideology they promote, their days are numbered. Unfortunately, as the article cogently shows, the Western/global ruling class currently has the masses firmly in its grip with the ideology it is promoting, especially that surrouding so-called covid.
An important part of propaganda is preparing society for coming year. That is even more gravely relevant today as the planet is on course for another world war, which most seem to be blind to. An objective reading of history will show this. Power (manifested as interest) has been present in every conflict of the past – no exception. It is the underlying motivation for war. Other cultural factors might change, but not power. Interest cuts across all apparently unifying principles: family, kin, nation, religion, ideology, politics – everything. We unite with the enemies of our principles, because that is what serves our interest. It is power, not any of the above concepts, that is the cause of war. And it has eventually brought every empire/civilization to its own destruction. It appears neither leaders nor the led can see how the pattern of history unfolds in front of their very eyes.
I would wager that perhaps we already *are* at war; this whole Corona thingy is basically a war between nationalists and globalists, and I guess we can count our blessings that it’s rules and regulations and not bombs falling down on our heads. Of course, there is a certain clarity or at least palpability that might come with war (as opposed to the massive ambiguity of Covid), but I think it’s fair to say most should be happy to have this gloomy state of mask wearing and no travel affairs than BOMBS.
Now we are back home – it was very windy, as I explained to the Fraud Squad, after they knocked on our door, 12 hours after my wife and I got home from Sailing with our Son yesterday.
He ain’t here phone him up. They insisted we had done nothing wrong , and neither I nor my son was under after they left, I phoned him up on his still stormy boat, (now sheltering in the estuary of a river in England), and said we’ve had the Fraud Squad around again. Can you phone them up, and so he did, and eventually got through.
“My Dad phoned me up – and said he has had 4 of you, knocking on his door at 8:00am, and he actually let you in – Is there anything I can do to help you?”
They said, “We have a problem with one of your customers”.
He said, “yeh, why didn’t you just phone me up, or send me an email? I will get back to you, but I am a bit busy at the moment”
The storm yesterday was even more fierce, but he and his boat are O.K., and he maybe back for my birthday.
He’s got a lot of gear to test and pickup, and install on his boat, and take them round the datacentres, and have a chat with them.
Incidentally, although their timing could have been better, I have massive respect for The Police in The Fraud Squad.
Whilst they knocked hard on the door, they were very polite, when I answered, and even more polite, when my wife got out of bed, and welcomed them in.
She said Can you Please Take Off Your Masks?
The guy talking to me 3 feet away, on our sofa complied.
The other 3 of them, still masked, just stared at us, in our living room so we didn’t offer them a cup of tea.
They looked about 15 years old – maybe work experience?
[Orthogonal = normal: Lt. normalis = a carpenter’s set square ….broadly cognate with built to rule.]
There is lot’s of good basic common sense here: particularly about the cognitive dissonance when “orthogonal” (‘normal’) sense-making breaks down. The language-faculty is our basic orientation reflex, after all. But the idea it all turns propagandic in three defining historical moments is overtly reductive, I feel. It was bent out of square long before that.
No one knows the origin of language. But once it was developed there is a general consensus that a name assigns a function – which is a primitive technology (technique). As named technology (technique) expands: the named signification of technologies has to be categorised and classified as a system of representation (which entails a division of labour). Which is a hierarchisation of utility toward the common purposes of the group (procreation and survival in a hostile environment). Which is the basis of a status and value system. The most valuable and significant named technologies and survival techniques become instituted: where the instituted technologies reflect the intentional structures of the group or community. Where the total set of intentional instituted structures are the culture itself: which is more or less synonymous with the language-faculty (cf. cultural-linguistics). Which is an inter-generational transaction and thus the traditional transmission medium of culture (cf. epigenesis).
This is ethnographic structural-functionalism 101. The takeaway is that the habits, rules, and traditional customs are culturally created and socially situated via a linguistic heritability. And where the individual is socially-constructed by the integrated intentional institutions of the culture – as a rite of passage. The individual is a cultural creation of culture who continues to make culture: within the linguistic parameters of the intentional structures set out by tradition and socially situated within the language-faculty ….or oral tradition of cultural lore. This is generally referred to as the reflexivity (reciprocal determination and counter-determination) of structure and subject. (Cultural intentional) structures make subjects making structures making socially-situated subjects. Which is a constrained process of gradualism of tradition. In which the spoken tradition becomes the politico-juridical legal framework of the state over time.
Which is sociology 101. Everyone is born into a rational-historic cultural tradition – which is socially-constructed from the common language-faculty (as the total signification and categorial intentional repertoire of a people in a given location: as a rational-historic system of representation mapped to a territory) – where the language-faculty is the integral institution of intentional institutions (legal, medical, political, or scientific language domains as specialised dialects). As a bureaucracy and administration of legal jurisprudence. Outside which: no one is born.
“Everything that is said is said by a tradition”. [Varela]
Over time and traditional transmission of the spoken common lore – mapped to the land as the cadastre of a largely agrarian political-economy – it becomes the basis of juridico-political intentional structure of the state. Oral tradition becomes common law which becomes the basis of statute, civil, and other laws.
Which are the structural techniques and technologies creating subjects reflexively creating structural techniques and technologies of a methodological individualism. Which Giddens called “structuration”. There is no duality of structure and subject: only rational-historical processes of (state) intentional structures producing subjects producing the structures of state. Which is largely – if not wholly – the techniques and technologies of the (conceptual) language-faculty as a now legal traditional cultural structuration of the nation-state. Which is an up-to-date sociology 102 with an ethno-methodology of the common goals and shared instituted intentional structure of the “national interest” of the general will ….the co-constituted “I will”.
Why am I wasting my time repeating what was for me class one day one of a PPS degree in the early 80s? In the given context: because the traditional structuration as a technology of the subjective was flawed from the start. But the specifics of which cannot be addressed without a common conceptual framework ….which will have to wait. But mostly because I am so tired of ‘individual individuals’ who seem to think that they exist outside the common cultural tradition. Which is a rational-historical conceptual non-sense.
We all share the same historical cultural moment and a heritable consensual intentional domain of a state-determinate consensus social reality. Which sucks: but we are still in it. We cannot so-easily escape our cultural history. Which is hyper-mediated not by the experience of electronic media ….but by the reflexive technocratic structuration of state and subject which is the medium of the language-faculty. Which for my current purposes includes everyone and everything within the rational-historical conceptual state. Outside which there are no ‘individual individuals’ or ‘free’ independent independencies ….only illusions.
It is a shit state: but we are in it as part of it. And over the broadest cultural-historic sense of the pronoun ‘we’: we socially-constructed it across history. Which means we can deconstruct it and construct something more human. If we can all agree on a suitable structural conceptual framework: which seems to be proving taxing, to say the least.
Mutually agreed definitions or core beliefs operate invisibly to those who share them as ‘reality’ and assign mere illusion to anything else.
The naming includes definitions by which we open our experience of reality as relational perspective. The experience is within a whole that is Individual – part is always partial, temporal and already changing! The whole is beyond experience – but all true expressions of the whole are individual. Loss of wholeness is the polarised attempt of reconstruction or restoration – or indeed atonement for belief in chaos of loss as the sin of bringing pain into the Heart of God. (Humpty Dumpty applies where fear, believed is given power or priority).
The extension of the creative through Man is the modelling of a world in his own image. The spell of fascination or captivation in our own image is ‘Narcissus’ – but applies no less to what we call our ‘thinking’. Addiction to thinking may be taxing but averts the End of the World in Silence. A silence that reveals our thinking about as … thinking about and thus dissociating or dis-inetgrating from wholeness as Current.
The construct of self and reality that operates as our Current focus is not the result of an objective past that stamps it out, but is currently whole – for we recall through our currently accepted filters. Only if our filtering mind of interpretation is running as blind default of conditioned reaction is the past given power to stamp onto the face of a Presence denied.
The belief that the past must be deconstructed or demonised to construct a new world order is the same old order given a new set of clothes.
Currently accepted Purpose aligns the meaning that is given and received – not the meanings that have been assigned as ‘built in’ meanings by conditioned responses of past associations.
Presence embraces and extends – Alive – but the concept of the present is within a timeline. The tipping point of a presentation to Presence is the grace of noticing – but this is blocked by the attempt to remake the past in the future as the sacrifice of the present.
Our true future is the expansion of true presence.
As long as we define ourselves within the grievances and trauma of our past we are set to repeat them – as if THIS time it will be different!
Love is that which defines all things truly – and masking in virtue is always the attempt to usurp its function as a sense of possession and control. Love is that which undoes or redeems false or alloyed definitions – such that the baby is recognised and the bathwater released. This occurs spontaneously – but priesthoods coagulate around the miracle, to introduce rules for its protection, terms and conditions for access and ritual training.
Undoing the past in the present is not what most want to hear in the sphere of politically agitated vengeance – even if set in high minded ideals of a better world in the future that cannot come of a present set in sacrifice of truth for the politics of leverage by coercion and deceit – that cannot see its own dissonance at all!
U.K Face masks to be worn in schools Secondary schools only will require all pupils in Year 7 and above in England to wear face coverings.
all in Unison get them ill and then blame the bs19 and then give them the magic death cure and then call it side effects of bs19 and dead from bs19 complications or renamed Bs19 related illness’s like they did with hiv aids
never once blaming the drugs or chemicals used.
bojo the butcher and co are so different
and repeat
remember there is loads of exempts available
In some parts of Canada, they are making all children, including ones in junior kindergarten (3 year olds!) wear face masks at school all day. Some parents who were going to keep their 3 year olds at home are now sending them to school because they will be “safe” with the masks.
Goes to show that some people are too fucking stupid to have children…
Exactly. Add to that The Plastic Pollution & its phone and ”internet of things” 5G addictions and what you’ll have is one deeply DEEP FRIED CHINESE WOKKED HUMANITY. Courtesy of The #WHO Coup
& if you’re not laughing it’s because you’re stupid…
(The a- live but DEEP FRIED kind of stupid…) 😆
From what I recall of the Bernays book on propaganda, the most astonishing thing about it is the unthinking blasé way he automatically assumed that “democracy” means control of the masses. He assumed that everyone – other than him and that little clique he served – were just zombies waiting for instructions. It was a circular self-serving outlook. You want to be boss so you assume you have to be boss.
Like a Roman politician wrote, paraphrasing on it: ‘The masses have no head, so they need someone with a head to give them direction.’.
Historical elites used be more bluntly honest about it as it apppears, or, perhaps they were more blunt in the times as the masses were unable to read. These days they are very skilled in the art of paying lip service. The idea of flocks of sheep seems to be as old as humanity. For a good reason i’d say, as contemporary reality demonstrates..
I agree. Very well phrased.
I don’t think the ‘fascism’ thing holds together.
Reading a review of a new book by Clare Ellis about the formation of the European project and it’s ideologies :
A hundred years after Wells and so many on the Left still don’t get it.
The Fabians, Frankfurt School socialists and elitist WEF liberals are better contenders as the ones at the helm of this techno-authoritarian Covid putsch. These are not fascists – they are staunchly against the kind of religio-ethno nationalism that they fought against in the Second World War.
Capitve markets are in a sense socialistic (even if they work against working class interests), and international markets are not’ fascistic’ in any sense of the word as used before this time.
People need to jettison the entire Left-Right paradigm, of which the ostensible Fascism-Communism divide is just a rarified academic manifestation. The current program has assimilated all the techniques of both Fascism and Communism, like the Borg equipping itself with technologies from every planet it conquers, and is putting them to entirely new ends with entirely new rhetorical framing (“Biosecurity”).
Because the program bears features of both fascism and communism, it is perfectly fair to employ those concepts and the appropriate terminology, to illustrate and explore what is happening, as the topic may deserve.
Words are important, I am sure you agree.
Fascism from the fasces, signifiying the stregth of collectivism.
Bio-techno-authoritarianism is all about atomising us as individuals and sitting us in front of screens, separate from each other. It just seems like a badly misused word. (Communism would be too for similar reasons).
Overton’s window is a much better concept than left/right for understanding what’s going on now. Shift the window up for greater freedom (we wish!) and down for less – what’s happened this year is a sharp yank downwards.
I disagree, the terms have too much baggage and need to be discarded along with the pseudo state historians who attempt to keep them relevant . I do like the Borg reference.
The fascist globalists want communism for us serfs – at least for the ones they allow to live.
I agree , an accurate assessment which is highly unpopular these days , among both the left and right who require a basic divide/conflict to keep the great game rolling along .
In the list of three you have forgotten that item which engendered all three: the financial plan to rule the world which was already extant in the British Empire and subsequently imported into fledgling America. It was this tyrannical plan which birthed Bernays, supported the rise of Hitler & Goebbels, and which created the CIA.
Those whose plan this is will kill us if they can.
Yes, I also noticed that “sin of omission”. Anyway, a couple of points worth noting:
a) Mussolini was an agent of British Intelligence:
b) The eugenicist, racist and technofascist policies were created and driven by the Prussian and British intelligentsia and ruling class. See G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils (1922):
In American imperial realm old illusion when it fails to effectively invoke people’s credulity transmutes into new illusion via means of fabricated crisis of new emerging material or immaterial enemy. It is done in a form of propaganda of word (new dogmas) and deed (new Concrete acts of material reality making dogmatic views being seemingly supported by observed reality or self evident, self-reinforced delusion). That kind of propaganda surgically alters socially engineered Idea of freedom and consent as it is devoid of its original meaning and in reality describing state of people’s enslavement by ruling elites.
This kind of totalitarian, Orwellian twisting of meaning of words with COVID propaganda being latest on the list, is in fact described within realm of ideology of postmodernism by Hardt and Negri in their “prophetic” book “Empire” as described in essay on Matrix of Control.
That is ..what central point of MOC essay posits:
This is exactly what in Orwellianesque style, Hardt & Negri in their work “Empire”, 1999 posited when writing about:
In other words dogmatic truths are not presented as objective or immutable but come with so called historical epoch as Hegel described it (zeitgeist) and are considered inevitable leading to dramatic and catastrophic (topological term) logical discontinuous jump from mass psychosis of one subjective reasoning developed train of thought and one set of rules of ethics into another, as Horkheimer described impact of fascism on intellectual elites of Germany Italy and worldwide. In particular It related to Heidegger intellectual transformation facing fascism as described in 1960s by Hannah Arendt.
it is liberal intellectual class that gave meaning and propaganda language to fascist/corporatist rule with variety of expedient narratives, of supposed Sociotechnological progress lead by oligarchs, techno cult, market cult, globalism, communism, recurring Cold War, terrorism, global warming, pandemics etc., . Today medical intellectual class are those who further fascism by creation under orders from ruling elites, phantom of COVID and its bizarre propaganda narratives.
So fascism means uncritical belief or faith in a ‘limited set of popularly-shared directives and narratives’. In my experience, the most popular and controlling narratives today, especially among younger, university-educated people, include ‘multiculturalism is good’ (so monoculturalism or ‘the nation’ are bad), ‘capitalists are evil’, the USA and allies cause all violence and war, ‘only white people are racist’, ‘criticising Islam is hate speech’ (but not criticising Christianity), and ‘leftists are better, morally superior people’. Questioning these beliefs in public is risky, as red fascists dominate the public domain and discourse. But this intolerance of critical thinking and diverse opinion is just common or garden fascism, not ‘technofascism’.
When words like techno-fascist appear it is obvious the word modified has lost its meaning
I’m still trying to figure out which left you left … Could you enlighten us?
Strong article.
It still astounds me how FEW otherwise-in-the-know commentators are tuned into the “bio-capital commodification” that Mr. Petrakis acknowledges here, and has been painstakingly documented by Alison McDowell. (I’m looking at you, James Corbett…)
It is very clear that we are entering a population-bottleneck speciation process. Those who emerge on the other side of the Great Reset will either be EdTech-programmed, mutant bio-slaves, or technopolistic managers of the bio-Herd.
Anyone who is not in the driver’s seat, but refuses to embrace their injectable genetic mutation and enslavement to the control grid, will be culled.
The decoding/recoding of the Human Animal has progressed over four phases:
1.) Pre-DigiTech: the relatively crude psychological massaging of the Bernays/Goebbels/Soviet/Operation Mockingbird school.
2.) World-Wide-Web Surveillance: the passive gathering of stimulus-response and motivation-drive data from the Herd through the World-Wide Web, especially by Facebook, from the 1990s to the Lockdown.
3.) Lockdown: the microscopic monitoring of the Herd when all interaction and indeed all human activity was mandated to be electronically mediated, and the Herd was subjected to “stress tests” of sensory deprivation, sustained trauma and merciless conditioning, resulting in the extraction of deeply intimate human drives, fears and weaknesses; and
4.) Post-Great-Reset: when all children will be monitored and manipulated cradle-to-grave in the EdTech/Human Capital control-grid labyrinth. Under the watchful eye of their “PlayTables” and under the all-encompassing guidance of the AI-tailored “educational” programs that they will be programming them, the Machine will unlock every last minuscule aspect of the human mind, disintegrate it entirely, and create blank-slate bio-slave bodies that It can put to the purposes of Its Final Goals. (See N. Bostrom, 2012, Superintelligent Will: Humans may be threats to the final goals; they are certainly resources.)
Its becoming harder by the day to keep one’s spirits up in France. Im afraid the latest news is that the rules will be even more tightened in Paris and its suburbs and there is an enormous push from the prime minister to have everyone wearing masks everywhere and making the compliant force it on to others. That unless people wear masks, they will bring about such a deterioration that a lockdown will be necessary (lockdown is now being talked of again). The fact is the mask all day long is precisely going to bring about the deaths and illnesses they need to then claim its covid.
France is relentless. Unlike UK, its rules have no exemption. Its hard to concentrate on work in these conditions. I cant even return home to the Paris to get my autumn clothes, let alone if the measures get worse, my winter ones later.
This on the one side, on the other other sinister character(s) waiting in the wings (some kind of new Gestapo, Hitler type) to take over (who, like these were post-1918 Germany, are genuinely angry with the current situation) if the opportunity arises (Im afraid there’s indirect evidence, which is as best as one will get right now, for their existence).
Its just too much. And borders remain closed or quarantines in place, and traveling so uncertain and difficult… Sometimes it gets you down…
Still managed to I think convince an elderly man that there was no pandemic and not to wear a mask and to be very careful. What I said I know will be repeated to his children and grandchildren…
He was open enough to listen, in fact it was he who asked my opinion (if you say you’re a scientist, people suddenly pay attention), but then he was willing to be convinced and had that native common sense you find in some villages at least among the older people.
There’s less of that common sense in towns, where there is greater arrogance, especially among the wealthy bourgeoisie, who are what they are because they always compromise: a Parisian neighbour got very upset that not being a biologist, though a scientist, I thought I had the right to comment… As though we all need a phd in infectious diseases to have the right to open our mouths.
I dont know, the day had begun well, meeting this old man… Its ending in greater despair with the news that measures are going to worsen. Possibly this is to make the Sep. 12 protest difficult…
It’s evil. Politicians are deliberately pushing masks to induce illness, so that they can justify mandatory vaccines.
There is no liberté in France. Macron killed it.
Face masks to be worn in schools Secondary schools only will require all pupils in Year 7 and above in England to wear face coverings
all in Unison get them ill and then blame the bs19 and then give them the magic death cure and them call it side effects of bs19 and dead from bs19 complications or renamed Bs19 related illness’s like they did with hiv aids
never once blaming the drugs or chemicals used
The mandatory face masks policy for children is a policy of health-wreaking violence.
With the help of several old harridans from the WTO , The World Bank ,and Germany who find that little Frenchman useful at times? He comes highly recommended by his elderly but wealthy wife.
It may be so obvious that it’s needless to state: Macron and his cronies are determined to impose The Mask in order to eliminate the Yellow Vest(s), or at least render the Yellow Vest movement irrelevant.
Has there been any real isolation of this so called virus yet?
Gone a bit daft in Ireland now putting kids in sheds if they have symptoms in schools
Thought we had enough with the Catholic priests and nuns tortuous regime in the past.
Afraid not.
New and rebranded version of institutional child abuse.
And you have to wear a mask after half eleven if your at a wedding if you leave the function room now is the updated new mask wanker regulations
You know the virus is very specific about time in the day and when you go outside for a cigarette or a shit