16th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival

The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance presents the 16th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival
Thursday, September 10, 2020, noon to 8:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time
2020 is an unusual year; weddings have been cancelled, schools closed, almost all large public gatherings banned, the global economy dismantled; the middle class and Main Street’s small and medium sized businesses are struggling to survive. In California, the film industry, the theaters have been hit hard. The Grand Lake Theater, which has generously hosted countless events and 15 prior 9/11 Truth Film Festivals is currently closed.
In March, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance could no longer meet legally and was forced to hold meetings in cyberspace. No Lies Radio hosted Zoom meetings and discussions and organizing continued, despite the obstacles and challenges that everyone faced. The group voted to go “virtual” this year, with the assistance of No Lies Radio who has been webstreaming the live Film Festival for many years.
As this dramatic year continues to unfold, our program is evolving; we have penciled in films that are still in production, as well as the best 9/11 Truth films that we could find, since last year’s Film Festival.
In addition to 9/11, our speakers will address Covid19 and the problems facing the upcoming national election.
The impact of 9/11 continues to shape US domestic and foreign policy, robbing us of our liberties, and costing millions of lives, as the subsequent wars continue to wreak havoc abroad.
We have been committed to “seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story.
Our goal is to inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts.”
For more information and access to online-tickets click here, or click here to read the rest of this post and see the full program.
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1. I believe Lord Robertson (Nato) invoked Article 5 using evidence of Afghanistan complicity in 9/11.
2. I believe this evidence is Classified.
Given the Commission Report into 9/11 is an Exceptional and full account of 9/11, then why is the Artcil e5 supporting evidence classified?
Either the Article has a URL link to the online Commission Report or Families and Relatives of those who died on 9/11 should seek their elected representatives to illicit the classified information from Nato.
I’m intrigued to understand why charities and ex military support groups in the UK have not sought this information from Nato?
Surely most picked up arms and served in these war, then realized they were lied to. Then, when in civvy street, why would you not pick up a pen to hold people accountable and stop other military personnel facing the same fate?
Yup, lets do some math, eh…. in this comon core days it maybe challanging, but lets hope they get it.
2 Planes = 3 Buildings.
Fasinating equation, isnt it.
I dont have time to go thru everything but I will again, as I did with the AMG 86 cruice missile hitting the den of the PentaGoons, witch is obvious, the other one witch was from an camera closer to the impact zone I probably out there but the one I gave you some weeks ago is sufficient, and as before, do go thru some of the so called debunker videos, it helps to see what they infact do, in this case, its obvious they just talks plain bollocks, and shows animated nonnsense, etc, etc.
What people dont realise is that nothing, allmost nothing is going live, of course some events may do, like sport etc, but usualy they never do, its always backed in an time line delay, witch gives the studio an timeframe where they can infuse whatever they want, and some people stil dont get that, how much faked videos we are actualy given thru our so called TV channels, and again, to cut this short I link to one, the best one I couldnt find right now but I hope those that have it gives us that video, the one doing that witch I watched was briliant not this one witch is also good, it cuts thru it all, where He exposed the technic called video over lapping, time delays, the same way of making movies, etc, digitaly altered etc, and like in the PentaGoon, the profs of their so called plain is nonsense, like the one hitting the field, I watched that event unfold, because I just came home from nightshift, and stayed awake because of the event incl the field where an suposedly comerisal airplain (flight 93 and the audio show) when down, all 100% fake.
I cant understand that people stil dont get it, when the BBC exposed them self, on expactly those premisses with time, they said WT7 went down long before it did.
And people stil refuse to see, huh, nobody is more blinded than those that refuses to see.
DO watch this one and I hope I find the other, but the last segment of this one tuches that case, regarding edited live TV imaging, the FF is crystal clear, it was controlled demolition, of all the World trade centers.
The entire event was to set the stages for their Prodject of an New America.
And I am amused by the ones stil and as they did, eh…. debunk this false flag, but then again, they have lost so many times that I find them not even worth to deal with, they know me and I dont give an rats ass about them.
The towers kind of looked like these candlesticks used in stock charts.
My sad tribute to 9/11 is two exceptionally enlightening podcasts. One was aired merely six months after 9/11. It was a perceptive analysis given that Michael Ruppert did not know at the time about the presence of nano-thermite and how it collapsed the structures through a controlled demolition. However, Ruppert’s political insights into the security state culprits associated with this crime is stunning. The following is a brief description:
“Broadcast of a round table discussion featuring the late investigative journalist and CIA whistleblower Michael C Ruppert. The talk was aired roughly on the 6 month anniversary of the September 11th attacks. The broadcaster, Canada’s VISION TV, was the first national television network in the world to feature critical perspectives of the official story of the terrorist attacks that brought down the WTC towers, killed thousands and directly contributed to the so-called global war on terrorism. Panelists discussed the failure of standard aircraft intercept protocols, evidence of foreknowledge and guilty demeanour on the part of US officials, evidence of oil pipelines and Afghanistan drug production as a motive for the crime, the compromising of Canada’s sovereignty, and the proper role of journalists as they covered this unique event and its consequences.
Joining Ruppert on the panel were VISION TV Insight executive producer Rita Deverell, Journalist-educator Peter Desbarats, former chair of Canada’s Security Intelligence Review Committee Ron Atkey QC., and peace activist and ethicist Phyllis Creighton.
The Global Research News Hour gratefully acknowledges and thanks VISION TV for consenting to the rebroadcast of this content.”
The second podcast aired in 2016 and features Christopher Bollyn who after years of research connects the dots pinpointing the cabal responsible, how it was planned and executed, and who financially profited from the Towers destruction. This is further analyzed in his book: Solving 9/11: The Deception That Changed the World.
After listening to these two broadcasts it’s shocking to realize how perfectly ordinary looking and sounding humans can be so diabolical: “Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”
― Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
Charlotte, Ruppert and Bollyn are controlled opposition like so very, very much 9/11 prominent opposition. “9/11 Truth” was all part of the strategy plan. All that masses and masses of paid controlled opposition which, of course, controls the thinking of the genuine opposition has basically a single purpose:
to suppress the fact that death and injury were staged.
If you think that’s a ludicrous claim that would mean you have evidence that people really died and were injured, right?
I challenge you to produce any.
I make my case here and I’ve offered $5,000 to anyone who can make the opposing case and they can choose a judge from the profession of Emergency Response to validate their claim (or I’m open to other rules if people want them). No one has responded so far.
If you really believe that people were killed and injured on 9/11 please provide the evidence and please look at my case that includes evidence against loved ones, jumpers, and so on before you put forward what you think is evidence.
That’s a bridge too far.
When lies are told Charlotte and we both know that the story told to us about 9/11 is full of massive lies why would you believe any of the story without clear evidence?
9/11 was a psyop and in psyops they only do things for real that they want for real. They didn’t want to kill or injure people they only want us to believe in it and it was very, very easy for them to fake it – even while they’re pushing their fakery in our faces. They’re very experienced in these events.
There is masses of evidence from a variety of angles that death and injury were staged.
Please consider why you believe ONE aspect of a story where everything else is a lie.
And there’s very good reason they push the lie of death and injury to the truthers. It’s quite straightforward really. When the truthers are armed with one big truth but also one big lie they will get nowhere. The general population will never believe that the US government cold-bloodedly and callously killed all those poor people in the buildings and, ironically, in this they are 100% correct where the truthers are not! That would never be their MO. And it’s much too taboo.
Half-truths make great lies.
Why sully the terrific podcasts jampacked with facts with this nonsense.
Can you be more specific, Charlotte, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
You’re becoming tiresome and insulting. I suggest you carefully listen to those 2 podcasts and read Bollyn’s book. End of discussion.
Get with it Ms. Ruse.
Mr. Bollyn for all his commendable efforts also does cement
the godforsaken narrative.
Try and be more specific instead of a general how dare you.
I have no idea what you’re saying.
That’s a bridge to far for folk proving Petra wrong and winning a cash prize !
Hello Charlotte Russe: Thank you for suggesting that readers review Mr. Rupert’s work. Many readers are not familiar with his bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ruppert
Mr Rupert authored the excellent work “Crossing The Rubicon” detailing much of what has gone wrong with the American “security” State. The decline of human freedoms since 2001 is truly shocking…
Christopher Bollyn became my go to investigative journalist shortly after the events of 9/11/2001. His attention to chronological details was extremely helpful to other reporters and free journalists.
Your insights are appreciated.
The most insightful info is suppressed just enough so most don’t know it exists.
Ah. Guns and butter. Bonnie Faulkner. You should listen to her interview with Michael Hoffman. I’ll post it at the top of the page. It’s very interesting and pertains to 9-11 and what we are living now.
I have and it’s an excellent interview–Hoffman gives you an understanding of the deviant mentality behind the bizarre theatrical curtain.
Are you the same person who used to post on common dreams under Charlotte Ruse?
If you have listened to that interview, why do you continually push the fiction about Trump being removed by the deep state when you must know that the bankers control the world, not just the US of A?
You should also know about Trump’s history with Rothschild, Rockefeller, Resorts International, Deutsche bank and his family connections to the cryptocracy and the military. And Trump’s ancestral connections going back to Europe.
Have you read Hoffman’s books too?
What books have you read about the cryptocracy, secret societies and Freemasonry?
Because your analysis of 9-11 seems to focus on the PNAC and miss out on the connection of the Saudis, the British, the Israelis, and the US as a joint operation. In other words, a global military-banker – security state terror operation with the help and knowledge of Democrats who purposefully obfuscated enquiries post 9-11 and were wholeheartedly behind the Afghanistan and Iraq war crimes.
You also haven’t mentioned the investigations that were underway in the FBI offices and at the Pentagon before 9-11 occurred.
I’m sure you’re going to tell me you know all about those investigations too.
I mean, you know everything already, right?
But if so, why do you only proffer minor pieces of information like a 9th grade regurgitation essay exercise?
Check out “Incontrovertible – 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke” from Firefighters For 9/11 Truth on Vimeo.
The video is available for viewing at
If you are “awakened” by this video, make sure you share it.
Thanks for vid. Some of the segments are pretty powerful. An ex US soldier talking abt war setup by country leaders and war profiteers, sending others to go kill innocent poeple in other countries, while they themselves or their kids will never go and fight. ~1 hr 35 mins mark
Hello 8thAvatar: Perhaps this quote by Smedley Butler is appropriate:
“War is a racket. It always has been. A few profit – and many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can’t end it by disarmament conferences. You can’t eliminate it with peace parleys at Geneva. Well-meaning but impractical groups can’t wipe it out by resolutions. It can only be smashed effectively by taking the profit out of war.”
Thanks for commenting.
Out comes the white supremacist meme in time for the November presidential election. And.. wait for it… they’re lone wolves.
White supremacy is ‘most lethal threat’ to the US, DHS draft assessment says — CNN, Sep 8
Yes, the psychological warfare proceeds apace.
As E. Michael Jones does not tire of pointing out, there must be no unauthorized communication between subject peoples: a narrative will be imposed and you are to obey it. Period.
And yet, despite the 24/7 MSM meme and its DHS peddling, the truth will out and there is no going back on consciousness.
Who did 9/11?
What “homeland” was 9/11 done to “secure”?
Who controls US foreign and domestic policy?
What group’s hegemony depends upon projection of its crimes and attendant guilt?
Of what is “White Supremacy” pure projection?
If you want to know who the far right stooges are, you can easily tell, because they never discus the real needs of the working population. Many of the worlds most obvious problems, like health care, unemployment, education etc… can be easily solved, at least to European standards, thought regulation, protections and redistribution. So when a group or person omits discusses of union representation or taxation, as a method of redistribution, but claim to represent the interests fo the average man, like Corbett, then you know they are a stooge, that goes for the web sites that provide him with a platform.
That also applies to the entire Woke/Identity Politics wing of popular discourse.
very true.
Equal reapportionment (or as close to it) of resources is my favorite term for it. Honest Socialism in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs for all.

Yet Corbett does such a wonderful job on talking about ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics and his Euthanize the World” who wants to become a trillionaire campaign?”

You are a tough one aren’t you.
Bill is a subcontractor, doing the Empires dirty work. Corbett tells you to attack ‘the monkey’ while the organ grinder plays on unnamed.
No, I think you are incorrect here. Corbett (I’m assuming you mean James of the Corbett report) always emphasizes that Bill Gates is the front man for the powers that are pulling the string. Always emphasizes that. Could not be more clear.
Always lists sources and show notes. As a matter of fact, I think he was one of the first alt/ind media folk to do that consistently. Always emphasizes doing one’s on research. Always emphasizes that.
He might be controlled opp but he is the reason I am reading offguardian today; and have learned what I would consider the real history of the USA and how the world really works.
Is there anyone you would suggest that isn’t controlled opp?
Not defending Corbett’s perspective, but 100 years of reformism within capitalism (starting with the German social democrats in 1918) is the reason we are deep in the s–thole we are in. First thing the German social democrats did is bloodily repress the insurrection by workers and military ranks, in the process summarily executing Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebkencht, former social democrat members of the Reichstag. Social democrats since then have carried on with the same means, same results.
Symbolism much? From Madame X (Madonna 2019)
Come get woke and hear the broken
Come give hope, come give life.
Not everyone is coming to the future
Not everyone is learning from the past
Not everyone can come into the future
Not everyone that’s here is gonna last (Gonna last)
— watch from 05:00 minutes https://youtu.be/VG3WkiL0d_U?t=294
The ending reminds me of the carousel scene from Logan’s Run.
What nasty little visuals you give us – I wonder why? Actually, I don’t……
Successful vaccines take up to a decade to develop, I’ve read, but it seems we’ll soon have several to choose from for Covid.
If Sars-cov-2 hasn’t been isolated or, on the contrary, if it is indeed a new, dramatically different virus from predecessors – how likely is it that multiple, different vaccines would all successfully treat one virus.
Can anyone with expertise shed light on this?
Expertise on what, ‘moneycircus’? Choose your ‘myth’. Unicorns, germs, moonwalking, vaccines, freedom, democracy, ‘expert’?
In the case of polio (originally meaning paralysis) they started with a broad definition (as they are doing with ‘covid-19’) and then narrowed it once the ‘vaccine’ was introduced:
With measles they used immunoglobulin to counteract the early ‘live vaccine’ which they didn’t classify as measles. Since the severity was declining anyway by the time they came out with the ‘dead vaccine’ the numbers looked like they had been improved. The overall mortality rate stopped declining during that period in the 60s.
There was even an increase in child mortality in USA when they were introducing measles, mumps and rubella vaccines between 63 and 71 and a levelling off in the oecd19 slightly later. measles vaccine being introduced in UK for example in 69.

The London bombing has the same hallmarks and the same actors. Blaaar felt left out after Sept 11th so planned his own with the help of the bbc and Cobra.
Getting to the bottom of both attacks will break the global cabal shield of secrecy and expose their malfeasance. Those involved in both crimes, and much more, act like a kind of cancer on the human race.
With so much known already about both attacks making into the mainstream, is it any wonder we are bombarded with ever more perils to worry over? Keep em busy right?
What we have seen is a steady decline in freedom and human rights. This is a conditioning which has been going on for decades. The Sept 11th attack and murder of now well over 2000 people, the London bombings, the fake ‘muzlim’ terrorists roaming London, are all within the grand plan. A plan to create terror to ‘fight’ against, securing more funding for schemes, which bent politicians and war-crimers keep as secret as possible.
There is really only two results of such repression. Given the choice, it’s much preferable to die on one’s feet than live for eternity on one’s knees. I fear we will all soon be required to make that decision one way or another.
What kind of life will it be for our children and grand children? That will this generation leave behind for them?
For those who haven’t already seen the writing on the wall, it’s probably too late, for them and their families. They will lead their families and friends into a global warming, digital currency, foreign terror forever, virus terror forever future where they will freeze to death, starve to death, die by gov’t vaccine, or perish on a corporate battlefield. Their performance, efficiency, and demise will all be tracked and analysed by their uncaring puppet gov’t stooges, who were their real enemy all along.
Peter, there is not a skerrick of evidence that anyone died on 9/11.
They lied about the buildings.
They lied about the planes.
In such a circumstance, why do people ASSUME they told the truth about death and injury? They assume it because of the propaganda (as I did myself) as there is certainly no evidence for it.
In fact, we know right off the bat they didn’t cos no one died in a plane so we can cross 265 off just like that. So they faked 265 deaths … they couldn’t fake the rest? Course they could and the evidence shows they did.
If anyone, please anyone at all, please anyone, has a skerrick of evidence that anyone died or was injured on 9/11 please let me know what it is.
Here’s the case they didn’t.
Noone died on the planes. Granted. However, people did die due to the demolition of the towers. Those at the windows, the jumpers. Hundreds have since died because of the pollution caused.
IMO, the towers were demolished to hide the biggest heist in history, along with other motives.
If you repeat a lie often enough…….
Bernays (nasty little man) was given to ‘frame’, and thus limit our knowledge of propaganda, so that we would be vulnerable to the real stuff. Read Jacques Ellul Propagandas for the full story…. if you can still read (I’m not being judgemental or rude – replacing words with visuals is a big part of their programming).
The isreali ‘art group’ who wired up the buildings with remote detonators also staged a ‘art installation’ whereupon those allowed access had the chance to have their photo’s taken whilst standing in the very same window spot as those who were trapped months later.
We call that in Blighty, taking the piss.
There is something weird about the windows like if you look at the bottom photo on this thread it looks like there is way too much light coming out. There isn’t so much windows where say there is a light in the next room coming thru the door. The day time shots don’t look like there is any lights on and the windows don’t look like glass.
Gawd, another one.
When you blow away the magic “propaganda” dust, Peter, the real story is quite different. They always push out propaganda making them seem evil. Sure they are but they control how they seem evil. They like to control the message no matter what.
No one has a problem with the fact that WTC-7 was completely evacuated, why not the twin towers too? Added to the fact that the bombings occurred before official office hours and they were running drills in the subway that would have delayed workers. We know there were lots of empty floors too.
They only wanted us to believe in the death and injury, OK? They didn’t want it for real.
Russ Winter’s article, World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project, explains how Israeli students engaged in an “art project” on certain floors of the North tower, removed windows and took photos from helicopters. While we can infer that anything to do with Israelis at the WTC serves as propaganda both to distract from the primary culprits and to make the bombing of the buildings containing all those people more plausible with outsiders doing the dastardly deed, we can also see how the “art project” would have provided the footage of the jumpers to be inserted into the 9/11 story on the day.
In this video we see people at the windows with smoke, however, the smoke looks quite benign and also as if it is emanating virtually from the window itself at regular intervals as if being pumped from a machine. The lack of clarity of the people means they could easily be dummies.
And as mentioned earlier in Point 3C, the only dead body of a jumper presented to us is clearly fake.
Richard Drew, the photographer of the so-called Falling Man which appeared on the cover of Time magazine, just happened to be behind Robert F Kennedy when he was assassinated to capture photos of that historic event – amazing coincidence, no?
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe in the reality of the jumpers.
Oops. Meant to say the alleged plane crashes occurred before normal office hours not the bombings.
correct. the buildings were basically condemned. Built using toxic asbestos as insulation. Silverstein’s double insurance paid off nicely.
The “toxic asbestos” is propaganda targeted at truthers to push the “perps are so evil” meme. Sure, they’re evil, but what is essential to understand is control of the message. They want to control how we think they’re evil. They want us to think they’re evil enough to kill all those people in the buildings. That is what they constantly push:
— the toxic asbestos
— the targets in the building
— the PNAC document
This is all propaganda to make us believe that cold-bloodedly and callously they let the people in the buildings die. To me, it matters not in terms of their evilness whether they killed them or not – they do plenty of other stuff that is evil regardless (including the Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation that is 9/11) but to keep us believing in real death and injury they push out the “we’re so evil” propaganda.
If there really were toxic asbestos in the buildings I think it unlikely that people involved in the operation wouldn’t themselves be exposed and that’s hard to explain, isn’t it, for real toxic asbestos.
To understand 9/11 you need to understand that they don’t just target the masses with propaganda, they have the truthers in their sights and had them in their sights even before they did 9/11. They knew we would emerge and they were all ready and waiting with their propaganda … just for us.
The pivotal truths of 9/11 are:
— death and injury were staged
— a highly-expensive, concerted and sophisticated propaganda campaign, involving “whistleblowers”, “loved ones”, “pundits”, “survivors”, “witnesses”, “emergency responders” etc has been targeted at truthers to make them believe that death and injury were real.
Almost double. Not a bad return from an investment of 90 million or something.
See also:
Nobody wants to follow the money.
I guess everybody is rich now ?
Petra is offering $5000 to disprove the official 9/11 story.
Nobody wants it.
I think that also ‘John Smith Globe Lie’ is offering £1000 (?), to prove we live on a globe, apparently nobody wants that either.
There is money to be made !
Anybody know of anymore deals?
Oops, I mean prove the official 9/11 story.
David Irving once offered £1000 for anyone who could disprove his research. It remains unclaimed. No surprise there.
Thanks Peter,
Forgot to add Petra has five $5000 prizes available, three 9/11 related, plus Sandy Hook and Manchester bombings.
The prize amount should be increased, perhaps by crowd-funding, to at least a million $.
Anymore deals people ?
I know I could increase my offer to $1 million but I think it’s dishonest to offer more money than you’re willing and can afford to pay even if you know your challenge cannot be responded to.
I’ve even offered challengers their choice of judge from a relevant profession. Wouldn’t you think people who believed the opposite of you would jump at the chance? It’s not a big ask: 10 points that favour the opposing hypothesis over mine which should be easily gotten from the internet as I got my own 10 points.
I’d certainly jump at the chance and I think people who don’t are somehow intellectually dishonest. If you believe something why on earth wouldn’t you want to prove it when you’re offered money and a pretty easy exercise to get it.
Thanks for the reply Petra,
Was suggesting a crowd-funding thing, not your money, but someone would have to organize and publicize.
Probably be stamped down in some way ?
That the people who don’t take up are ‘somehow intellectually dishonest’ is not correct, they are completely intellectually dishonest since I have now seen the latest critical posts of your view in other threads in the last couple of days, confirming this.
Thanks, CB.
I think you may well be the very first person – not just on OffG but online anywhere and even among my friends and family and other people I’ve spoken to – who’s shown the slightest respect for my challenge. When I first saw your comments I assumed you were mocking it as it’s either a derisive attitude or simple ignoring of it that I usually get.
So thank you for acknowledging it having any merit. I thought it was a nifty idea when I first put it up and although I’m inured to it now I was disappointed that no one ever acknowledged it as a good idea. There’s one comment on my challenge page that amuses me though. In response to criticism of me, a commenter has put:
“Take up the challenge then knobhead.”
Now that you’ve noticed the critical posts of my view I think you’ll agree the crowdfunding idea probably won’t fly. If I don’t have support on OffG can you imagine going elsewhere but I certainly appreciate the thought.
Regardless of what side of the conspiracy fence people are on I find way too many people completely intellectually dishonest. Some of these people I know to be generally honest so I wonder if it’s fair to say they’re consciously intellectually dishonest or whether they’re so invested in their belief they just cannot confront what you confront them with. It does astound me though. You push the clear evidence in their face or confront them with their inability to provide a case to defend their belief and yet it does not change their mind. I have to admit in my own case when a belief I hold dear is challenged I don’t necessarily change it absolutely immediately but generally immediately I recognise that my belief is on shaky ground and will probably need to change while I just allow it to take a little time. Most other people clearly don’t do that. They obdurately persist with whatever their belief is and wave away the challenging of it, sometimes refusing to even hear it. Obviously, people change their minds but it’s far, far less often than it should be.
‘if you don’t have support on OffG’
Somebody is going to (have) to take this up. Why hasn’t it been done already ?
Maybe offer a prize for that !
Go Petra !
Hey, down-voters, Petra has cash for you, if you want it !
Isn’t there some way to keep small-brained folks like you away from here? There’s a real nice comment section for you over at Loonies/Morons.con.
I’ve had two articles published in Off-Guardian (https://off-guardian.org/tag/petra-liverani/).
— Analysis of the sophistry of Noam Chomsky on 9/11 (Oct 2016)
— Why do self-styled “skeptics” believe in their own brand of miracles? (Feb 2018)
and both of them cite as evidence for motive the Conspiracy Solved! video that is linked to on another comment on another 9/11 article. I was just as sucked in as that commenter but when I woke up to the pivotal truth I realised that that film was just clever propaganda to make us believe that that there were targets in those buildings and that there was very good motive to kill people.
Unfortunately, OffG does not recognise the pivotal truth of 9/11 and have no interest in publishing my analyses of this event that supersede those two.
The power elite dupe us mercilessly. Mercilessly.
They dupe those who swallow every word and they dupe those who don’t.
They have all our numbers, all our profiles, they know how to press THE BUTTONS OF ALL OF US, not just those who swallow everything. If you don’t get that you will never understand them. The power elite don’t keep power simply targeting the masses. No way.
I’ve published the following on my website on 9/11:
— Main page – explains the propaganda strategy
— Four faked plane crashes
— Collapse of WTC-7
— 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured a lie
— Twin Towers: The Magic Dust
— Why collapse WTC-7 on 9/11 by perfect implosion … when they didn’t have to?
— Gerard Holmgren, Australian 9/11 pioneering researcher
— 9/11: False flag or psyop?
— 9/11: Controlled demolition as propaganda – Parts 1 and 2
I’ve made my case for staged death and injury from quite a number of angles.
This is the thing. The power elite, unlike its critics, and unlike their behaviour in most other ways are utterly scrupulous in the way they implement their psyops:
— They always give us the clues above and beyond naturally occurring anomalies, eg, the nose cone of the second plane popping out the other side of the South tower, the terrorists popping up alive (now that is a good one, no?)
— They never fake anything so well that anyone who believes their story can brandish it in defence of it.
So I think you’ll find that when you blow away the magic propaganda dust, Jim, there will not be a skerrick of evidence for you to find that shows anyone died or was injured on that fateful day (even if somehow someone was). I’m all ears if you have a piece of evidence though. All ears.
No, I will not be playing your game. You are nothing more than a common internet troll. Get lost.
It’s pretty straightforward, Jim. When you believe something you need reasons.
For what reasons do you believe that 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured on 9/11, assuming those are the figures you believe? (They’re the ones in Wikipedia). And if you believe other figures why do you believe them?
I’ve given my reasons. Where are yours?
That’s not appropriate. Petra is not a troll.
There is evidence people died! You may not find it convincing – that’s fine – but you can’t claim it isn’t there.
What you are doing is basically saying the evidence doesn’t convince you and therefore doesn’t exist. But using this method I could claim there was literally NO evidence for gravity because all the so-called evidence presented looks fake to me. It’s non-rational, unfalsifiable argument.
What we expect is that we will be told various things that support the hypothesis of real death and injury. That is a given so the fact we are told about firefighters dying and suffering from the ill-effects of toxic dust is a given. What we need to determine is what actual evidence clearly favours one hypothesis over the other.
It is not that I don’t think the fake body looks convincing, I give my reasons. You have argued that elements of a body can pop out of the body leaving the skin behind. You give an example of a head and extrapolate that to the leg – that is an extrapolation that is highly suspect. As far as you know there is no leg that has been emptied of its contents only a head – head and leg are very different parts of the body. So what you are arguing for is something that has no precedent.
But let’s move on from the dead body.
I shall endeavour to find something that is unequivocal.
I present the conversation between news anchor, Brian Williams and emergency responder, David Restuccio, after the collapse of WTC-7. I’d say that the conversation clearly indicates because of the very specific use of the words “went in” that the two men know that WTC-7 came down by controlled demolition and are in on the psyop. If you disagree, let me know, and then rather than perhaps waste lots of time going round and round on it I might find something else. It’s difficult for me because to me certain things are so very, very clear but somehow you find something that I couldn’t possibly anticipate to argue against them.
Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse:
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”
First step might be to understand who your enemy is. It is American Empire once you understand that, then things become clearer as well as the reasons for the ‘acts of terror’.
I personally believe 2005 was the year the UK finally surrendered to total US control, in response to that ‘terror attack’, and likewise 2015 in France.
It’s 3:23 in the morning,
and I’m awake because my great, great, grandchildren won’t let me sleep.
My great, great, grandchildren ask me in dreams
What did you do, while the planet was plundered?
What did you do, when the earth was unraveling?
Surely you did something when the seasons started failing,
as the mammals, reptiles and birds were all dying?
Did you fill the streets with protest when democracy was stolen?
What did you do once you knew?
– Drew Dellinger –
Listen to the truth dawning on Bill Cooper first hour in:
NY911Attack: William Cooper’s 10 hour broadcast
Bill Cooper is/was a controlled opposition agent.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Ascribed to Lenin but understood by power everywhere.
Bill is to make us believe they go around killing all the people telling the truth. They love to reinforce how evil they are. It’s true, they are, but not quite in the way they push out.
9/11 was a psyop and masses of propaganda was pushed out to suppress the pivotal truth:
Death and injury were staged.
If you have a skerrick of evidence of any death or injury on 9/11 please let me know what it is.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
I think I get this, Paul. Good one.
Inside the privileged lives of protesters busted for rioting in Manhattan — NY Post, Sep 9
Economic elites have always been critical in making political change, without them, we would not have the NHS, a social safety net, the vote, or education for all. Do you people live in a historical vacuum? Stop trying to invalidate political protests, it is all we have to change stuff.
I should have made clear I am talking about those elites sympathertic to the causes of the working class and social justice.
Economic elites have never initiated change of any kind which benefited working and average people. Changes come about when the elites have no choice but to “allow” a bone or crumb or two to be thrown to the masses.
Then, when the masses are pacified, these elites work to undo everything that was done. There exists no better example than The New Deal in the US. It’s taken a long time; but the few remaining benefits – Social Security and then Medicare – are being slipped onto the chopping block even as we speak.
Carl Hepburn of the Smith School quoted approvingly by the World Economic Forum:
“This is a terrible time, but you can’t waste the opportunity to send the economy off in the direction you want”.
Interesting tidbit from Strategic Culture.
”Sooner or later, the Democrat-run regimes are going to have to decide whether or not it is more dangerous to keep the economy shut down or finally come to terms with a virus that, according to updated statistics by the Centers for Disease Control, is not as fatal as we have been led to believe. Just 6% of the some 160,000 deaths recorded in the United States died from Covid alone, that is, without any other comorbidities. Meanwhile, the average age of the person who succumbs to Covid-19 is around 78 years old, which just happens to be the average life expectancy of Americans.”
Notice that dictator Trump isn’t talking about a deadly virus or imposing lockdown and mask-wearing; US Democrat politicians and governors are.
Making the fascists the heroes of Covid whilst they apply the draconian measures is going well in your head.
You do know that Trump is the President today, therefore in power? Amazing that you let him detach himself from the actions of his own government.
Here’s news that could make open-minded people realise that Trump opposes endless wars and the military-industrial complex, just like so many posters here. If true, these reports suggest 1) how Trump is a peacemonger and your ally, not your enemy; 2) hate for Trump is exactly what the deep state wants in their constant fight to depose an elected president who promised to drain the swamp.They need endless wars to profit from, as Trump notes
The top U.S. general in the Middle East on Wednesday confirmed plans for partial troop drawdowns in both Iraq and Afghanistan before the Nov. 3 election, as President Donald Trump seeks to fulfill a campaign promise to end America’s “endless wars.”
President Trump 9.9.20: “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
“Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict. The last president to avoid doing so was Peace Prize laureate Jimmy Carter,” Tybring-Gjedde wrote. “I’m not a big Trump supporter,” Tybring-Gjedde said. “The committee should look at the facts and judge him on the facts — not on the way he behaves sometimes. The people who have received the Peace Prize in recent years have done much less than Donald Trump. For example, Barack Obama did nothing.”
All you need to know is trump has increased the US military budget to the highest it has ever beenin American History and has handed iover a very large percentage of the USA’s wealth over to his Corporate mates. You are just selling lies.
Ivanka Trump today
Deal @JoyVBehar
. I would come on your show to do so.
I trust the FDA and so should all Americans. Vanquishing this virus should be our collective top priority.
Joy Behar doesn’t buy Trump’s vaccine claims: ‘I will take the vaccine after Ivanka’
“The View” co-host Joy Behar on Wednesday poo-pooed President Trump’s recent claims that a coronavirus vaccine could be ready soon and said she won’t take it until daughter Ivanka Trump does. foxnews.com
Notice that Trump isn’t using his enormous bullhorn to step by step guide the American public through the lies of Covid-19. He could demolish the narrative if he actually wanted to. Let’s not forget, he is the President of US. He could, for example, invite prominent academics, scientists, and physicians that we can only hear about here or there in the corners of public discourse.
He could have started a televised symposium and get those experts to express their views.
Nothing. He remains what he has always been. So enough of your blue/red, rep/dep, donkey and elephant circus.
It is long established that the neo-liberal elites are skilled at using recessions, depressions and economic collapse to their own advantage for the re-engineering of the country. By UK standards the Democrats are far right, not left wing in anyway.
In the UK the Labour party just as far to the right as the Democratic party? According to Mr Galloway a while back the the differences between the parties in both countries can be compared to the cheeks of 2 arses.
Not yet.
But, sadly, I predict that no films will tell the pivotal truth of 9/11:
They are blaming Saudi at the moment, which is another lie.
Yes and no. Every man and his dog was in on 9/11 including my own country, Australia. It was no coincidence of course that Little Johnny Howard had front row seats for the big event in Washington on that fateful day. Not a coincidence at all.
However, whoever was involved, the US government is obviously the primary culprit and blaming it on Saudi Arabia, Israel or whoever else is just distraction propaganda.
Indeed, the CIA finally got a president who would allowed them to go ahead with their murderous schemes. No coincidence that the president’s father, Bush senior, was once the head of the CIA.
Does it matter who the sub contractors were?
17 of the 19 soldiers involved were Saudi and several Saudi government officials were involved in the planning and financing and have since been assassinated. I simple search on the internet will show those links
Oh dear, so few (but thankfully two at least) seem to be able to get their head around the simple fact that 9/11 was a psyop.
Psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop.
Not a “false flag” per se and not an “inside job” per se. (They’re propaganda terms.)
Psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop, psyop.
They wanted the buildings down so they brought ’em down.
They didn’t want planes (couldn’t have had them do what they wanted anyway) and they didn’t want to kill anyone (couldn’t have done that either with the number of people they needed to involve).
They did want to psyop us though into believing the massive nonsense story that 9/11 was. They did want that. And boy did they succeed with the general population and truthers alike.
Nothing about the 9/11 story was true … except for the buildings coming down. That was it.
OK, it was a psyop. No jumpers. No deaths. No injuries.
This is like arguing over bullet fragments and tramps in the railroad yard.
Whether it was controlled demolition, some kind of energy weapon, drone planes, nuclear explosions, and who knows what with the pentagon and Pennsylvania – “9/11” happened. And we all know it wasn’t from two jets hijacked by middle-eastern fellows with a death wish. We all know that NIST is a lie.
Where does that leave us? It leaves us where all the other country-shattering, lie-filled, events left us. JFK, RFK, MLK – no one held accountable. No one ever will be. But we all know three patsies didn’t do it.
Maybe that’s all we get. The awareness. The jaw-dropping clarity. THIS is what happens when you stray off the (our) reservation. THIS is what happens when we need a new world order.
I applaud and admire all the people who continue to investigate and bring the truth to light. But I don’t ever expect to know the details. I don’t need to know them.
I know what I believe.
I completely agree with you in regard to details, Judith, but death and injury being staged rather than real doesn’t fall into the category of details because, for one thing, millions have been spent suppressing that truth and if the perps are spending millions to suppress it it must be important.
Sometimes the actual truth is very important. It doesn’t matter if it was conventional controlled demolition or a more arcane type but death and injury staged or real does. It also helps enormously in understanding how they propagandise us. When you can see the massive propaganda campaign targeted at truthers to make them believe in real death and injury you can see how they will target truthers in other psyops.
What if the real psyop is making people believe the deaths were all fake?
After all the outcome of your POV is that there was no crime on 9/11. Which is a good way to nullify the righteous anger that is still building as people wake up.
BTW you totally need to ditch that loony who thinks the towers were empty tubes filled with dust. He absolutely discredits some of your otherwise plausible points.
Then more people would believe that they were faked or else the psyop is completely pathetic – and the power elite know how to conduct psyops, surely we can agree on that. The thing is very, very few believe it and not only that, the psyop to make them believe death and injury were real has worked so fantastically well that when you explain the propaganda, the fakery, the motive, everything they still cannot be coaxed out of their heavily-invested in belief that the big bad US government cold-bloodedly and callously let all those poor people in the buildings die.
The idea that the real psyop is making people believe the deaths were all fake simply has no legs whatsoever.
Wait so you know what’s true because of how few people believe it?
But couldn’t you make the same argument about the ‘controlled oppo’ nanothermite? The majority don’t believe it – ergo it must be true?
Death and injury and nanothermite are not in the same category. There are a number of theories for how the buildings came down so there’s more to pick and choose from in regard to what to believe whereas for death and injury most people – without question – simply believe it was real.
The propaganda motive is different. They want people to get tied up in nanothermite, directed energy weapons, nuclear and all the rest of it, they don’t want people to get tied up in different hypotheses for death and injury – they just want them to believe in it full stop without consideration of any alternative – and the vast majority do, both truthers and believers of the official story.
The thing is what I look at is the evidence. I don’t think “could the psyop be for this or that” except as it relates to the evidence. I don’t treat it as a hypothetical exercise.
So they are happy to tell people the govt did it – because no one will believe it?
why not just NOT tell them and achieve the same result?
what about the fact that increasing numbers of people DO believe it?
that’s a bummer for them no?
They always knew people would recognise they did it cos controlled demolition cannot be confused with fire, steel-frame buildings don’t come down by fire in any case and planes don’t melt into steel-frame buildings either.
They had the 9/11 Truth movement planned from the start and they know that the numbers who recognise it will increase.
They know all that, Admin. Of couuuuuurse. I’m one of the increasing numbers – didn’t have a clue till 2014.
Presumably though the numbers won’t increase sufficiently to change anything, especially if the lid on staged death and injury is kept nice and tight.
let me get this right – the govt knew people would realise it was a controlled demolition so they started the truth movement to tell people it was a controlled demolition because the same people realizing it was a controlled demolition would also not believe it was a controlled demolition on account of the fact NO ONE would EVER believe the govt would kill its own people – which is true because they didn’t
so the govt sets up a bunch of shills whom no one believes to convince everyone thousands of people died because that way they won’t believe it was a controlled demolition even tho the same shills are telling them it was
ok – yup – good – makes sense to me
Let me get it straight with you, Admin, because I don’t think you’re saying what I’m saying.
The perps correctly anticipated that a small but not insignificant percentage of the population, the “truthers”, would put their minds to working out the truth of “inside job” from the controlled demolition and, in some cases, faked planes so they had a propaganda strategy in place for us, the truthers.
Their strategy was to push controlled demolition down our (“the truthers”) throats while generally, at least, pushing ambivalence on the planes – stringing things along massively with the planes (missiles, military jets, etc) – and even in a more limited way with the buildings – lots of theories about how they came down – conventional CD, directed energy weapons, nuclear, etc.
Lots of mini-streams of propaganda is a great way to have everyone arguing and to delay reaching the essential truth.
Of course, none of this is happening in the mainstream media and only appeals to that small group, the truthers. You do have those perfectly genuine people such as Mick West who research extensively but still end up believing that WTC-7’s collapse happened by fire and they are also anticipated by the perps and are helpful to their cause.
The thing is if you work out the planes were faked – and it’s easy to do – then no need to spend a second on the buildings, right? If the planes were faked then obviously the buildings came down by a controlled means … AND it also means that 265 people didn’t die in planes which might lead truthers to start questioning … hmmm … well if they faked those 265 deaths perhaps they faked the other 2735.
The perps didn’t want that, didn’t want that at all. And we see evidence to support the focus-on-CD-not-on-planes by the websites and spokespeople for the relevant professional groups:
— A&E for 9/11 Truth is massive
— Pilots for 9/11 Truth is pretty much dead
Their essential propaganda strategy for the truthers was:
1. Gag them with CD, allow the fact that they will also recognise faked plane crashes but generally try to make out that there’s uncertainty with the planes
2. Maintain their belief in real death and injury
through fake loved ones, witnesses, survivors, etc
in order to stymie the truth thus:
The truthers armed with an important truth, controlled demolition, but an equally important lie, real death and injury, will get nowhere because the general population will not come at the US government killing all those people in the building and in this, ironically, the general population is correct where the truthers are not! That would never be the US government’s MO. Sure, they used 9/11 as an excuse to invade and kill in other countries and also kill their own soldiers – far, far more people than were allegedly killed on 9/11 – so it’s not that they didn’t kill the people in the buildings out of concern, it’s just that killing people when you don’t want them dead is not part of psyop MO … and they needed complete control of the story. Having the loved ones of 3,000 people they murdered running amok isn’t in any way compatible with “control of the story”. They also needed to involve media and emergency response, as clearly evidenced by the conversation between Brian Williams and David Restuccio, and there’s a limit on the number of people you can have in on the callous and cold-blooded murder of 3,000 fellow citizens.
The funny thing is that even though they’ve spent millions on covering the pivotal truth of staged death and injury they still tell us the truth underneath, eg, the conversation alluded to in the above conversation and the obvious doctoring of the Bob McIlvaine family photos.
I hope this makes sense to you, Admin, but certainly willing to discuss it further.
and the strategy was…rigging WTC7 to be an obvious controlled demolition??
ok – the perps say “guys a few people are inevitably going to see this is a controlled demolition, so this is how we deal with them – we make the controlled demolition totally obvious!”
how does that help them exactly?
Yes, you say this a lot – the trouble is I have literally never seen anyone refuse to accept 9/11 was an inside job based on the belief the govt would not kill its own people. That’s just not a common argument.
The most common reasons given for supporting the official story are all based on failures to grasp the science. And the thing that seems to most powerfully change hearts and minds is the footage of WTC7.
So, while you’re theorising that AE911Truth, Steve Jones and Niels Harrit are ‘controlled opposition’ it’s actually their work that is reaching people and spreading the message.
How does this fit with your belief system?
They may not SAY they refuse to believe it because of that but it will be in their minds, even if not consciously. I am quite positive it took me far longer than it would have had death and injury not been involved to recognise “inside job” because of the stumbling block of the government killing its own citizens in that particular way. The fact of the US government killing its own citizens in that way is simply taboo. And it completely changes what KIND of event it is. Also, if you recognise that death and injury were staged it gives you a much better understanding of other events too and the psyop MO generally. They don’t want that.
The point is the evidence supports my hypothesis, doesn’t it?
They managed to bring down WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6 without us having a clue. So why did they bring down WTC-7 in a perfect implosion with all the journalists commenting on it?
I asked you in a previous comment whether you believe that from the words of their conversation, Brian Williams and David Restuccio were obviously in on 9/11. I ask you again. Do you think their words indicate they’re in on it?
This is a link to the end of the Free Fallin’ song where we hear their words after a few words from other reporters.
Steve Jones and NIels Harrit et al are spreading a half-truth. Half-truths make great lies.
ah. So you’re just assuming. Your entire theory is based on one single assumption
ok thanks
Yes it is although it seemed such an obvious one and no one’s ever challenged it before but, of course, Im always open to other hypotheses. Can you suggest other hypotheses for why the perps have implemented a propaganda campaign targeted to the truthers to ensure they maintain their belief in death and injury. Of course if you believe there is no propaganda campaign implemented for that purpose please tell me why you don’t think there is.
I also see comments on other sites which try to deny actual aircraft hit both buildings. These are psyops hoping to lure in the gullible, create some traction and mix it in with all the plausible explanations.
That way everyone gets labelled as a conspiracy theorist and people waste their time exploring rabbits holes to nowhere.
There is in fact a lot of footage of the Saudi attack on the bankster towers taken by the newly invented cell phone cameras at the time by numerous private citizens from various distances and angle . I saw such footage the day after the attack . It could be found on the web for a time . In my opinion the conspiracies around this attack start after the towers collapse .
There are several videos of what looks like a plane being flown into the TT. That it had anything to do with the Saudis is not in any way evidenced.
A simple Google search shows your assertion to be false. Cell phone camera footage, new at the time, showing both airliners impacting the bankster towers does exist. Witness statements numbering into the hundreds does identify the hijackers as Saudi nationals with government connections. That Cheney and his cabal may have had foreknowledge of the attack is likely. That the Saudis were the main beneficiaries of that attack is now obvious. Cui bono ?
There is no video of the first plane.
how can there possibly be eyewitness testimony of who was in the planes?
Oh but there is, lots of it, from various points around New York , taken accidentally by people trying out their new , at the time , cell phone cameras and it has been around since the day after the Saudi attack . I saw such footage within days of the event .The witnesses were of course at the departure terminals ? There is video of the “soldiers of allah” boarding the aircraft and at various places in the airport as well . This was a minor 20 year old incident , as far a the casualty rate went , time to retire it and speak of the on going crimes and conspiracies it has enabled , with the assassinations of prince Bandar and Khashoggi being the closing scenes of 9/11 American version . Both men playing major roles in organizing the Saudi attack, eventually becoming loose ends..The Assange debacle and the covid panic-demic which has now replaced terrorism as the sheeples’ primary fear. The quick sliming and withdrawal of Mike Moore’s espose’ on climate change marks the corporatization if not the end of that movement as well , another well timed covid coincidence.
Link to one single example – you won’t be able to, there are none
I don’t do links . If you are committed to a political view that precludes a simple internet search for truth so be it.
“I don’t do links”.
You may as well say, “I don’t bother with making myself credible.”
Sure. Your choice, Jim.
To make oneself credible on a comment section that has a political slant and financial aims , one musts accept and support the beliefs of the majority of those using the site. Links that don’t do that are instantly attacked as not credible ad infinitum.
I’m constantly attacked and downvoted on this site, Jim, because I endeavour to persuade other readers of the pivotal truth of 9/11: that death and injury were staged but I still provide links to back my claims. It’s what one must do regardless of how one is responded to.
Many people don’t believe I’m credible but because I know I back my claims with reason and evidence their opinion has no impact at least not in making me question myself.
True enough but you are the necessary useful idiot who accepts the basic premise the site promotes ? Every site has a few whose purpose is to flame the discussion and create credibility for the site owners. Were it not for the wonderful covid refutations presented here I doubt that I’d have stared to follow this site. Having lived through the Cuban Missile crisis/Bay Of Pigs , and the ensuing JFK , Malcolm X , MLK , RFK , assassinations , 9/11 simply causes me to inquire where’s the beef ? The Saudis attack us and we declare war on , Afghanistan , Iraq , Iran , Syria , and Libya ?
I’m not getting it, Jim. Happy to leave it at “I’m the useful idiot.”
Not getting it is what makes one desirable to play the role of useful idiot . I’ve been fitted out for that role and have played it on several occasions , friendly bots advising me to rein in my opinions , before being banned.Try coloring outside the lines established by the owners of the site to see how quickly one is attacked and banned , something that happens much more often on poorly resourced leftist sites , always scrambling to make the payroll.
this article sounds exactly like the situation regarding vaccines is in – “our programme is evolving” – what the fuck is this about – what is the point????
“Racist Covid?” Avoids Africa/ Latino Imigrants Like Trump/ Environmental Record Trumps Nobel?/ Watch Out – Alexa In Rentals and Hotels/ Tips On Flying Maskless Now/ MAGA Dance Riot!
True Pundit’s Mike Moore and Jason Goodman discuss the moral collapse of American government, from a DoJ that’s owned by the beautiful people — to the modern day Tammany hall — and the possible deciding of November’s presidential election in the stacked and corrupt courts.
Oh, and a dollop of wallop from Bill Gates.
Corrupt courts stacked in favour of…..?
TheTransition Integrity Project (TIP)
~ 22:00 re Cuomo “has no fear”
He has no fear because “these people are stupid”; see:
Admin Request
I note that several of the speakers have had articles published at OffG:
– James Corbett
– Dr. Piers Robinson
– Kevin Ryan
Can the appropriate tags be added to the article?
Thank you
Tags like like Alt-right stooge in the case of James Corbett.
There is a rule of thumb regarding any and all people with a public voice: take what they say with a grain a salt until you know for certain. Ah, but that’s the caveat: how can you know anything for certain unless you were personally there.
That’s why those like James Corbett primarily focus on the written word rather than visual evidence. It’s called parsing the language.
We have arrived at a time when to say “a picture is worth a thousand words” is to run headlong into a mighty wall of Photo Shopped.
Like Kevin Ryan, he’s controlled opposition, Jogger, pure and simple (well I guess not pure and simple but they are both controlled opposition). How the guy keeps it up I do not know. I mean he seems to be “on” all the time.
The greatest program of medical experimentation on conscious children directing leading to horrific injuries and death was Britain and America’s nuking of two civilian centres at the end of WW2. The nukes only fell after America had full effective control over Japan and had all the scientific monitoring services in place to record every aspect of the atrocity on the hundreds of thousands of innocents chosen for the medical experiment. Yet even here, the vast majority of posters think the allies were the ‘good guys’ of WW2. After the nukes exploded, the BBC etc spewed the usual lies justifying the atrocity.
9/11 followed Blair’s failed attempt to get the US armed forces to engage in a ground war in Kosovo. The yanks had been so terrified of Serbia’s over the horizon missile systems (which would have eliminated the yank helicopters supporting the ground troops) that the land action never happened. After 9/11, one man toured the world preaching the sermon of 9/11, and that man was Blair. Which should have surprised no-one, given that 9/11 exactly matched the ‘expertise’ used by Britain against Germany during WW2. False flags and psy-ops at a level Germany could only dream of matching.
The people who pulled off 9/11 were a multi-national team – ‘foreigners’ in the lingo of organised crime (or ‘out of town’ talent as the best mafia hitmen are described). But the planner and controller sits at the very centre of the spider’s web today.
I mention the nuking of Japan for few who disapprove ever think in terms of the FACT that it was an act of satanic medical experimentation exponentially worse than the crimes of Mengele or Japan’s Unit 731. Ultimate evil at the very top of the modern West power pyramid has been a thing for far longer than most of you admit. It is just that your masters treated their livestock in a way that SEEMED quite decent from the end of WW1 til quite recently so you were happy to turn a blind eye.
Orwell had the fable of the workhorse in Animal Farm to try to educate you on this point- but let’s face it. You never thought your time at the glue factory would come, did you?
The UK’s “six in a bed” proclamation was so awful it should have been the lead article here- so of course as always it is not. 9/11 is nice safe cold porridge so let’s have that instead. Let’s rake over long cold ashes once again, because heaven knows, maybe this time a genie will pop out and offer us three wishes, and we can wish this whole nightmare away.
@OrHell: “But the planner and controller sits at the very centre of the spider’s web today.”
Can you name him/her/it?
Natty Rothschild sits at the very centre of the Anglo Zio Capitalist spider’s web, but I do not think he is _the_ “planner and controller”. It seems to be more of a team effort, or as Marx put it, a Class Struggle with several Like Minded “planners and controllers” plus their trains of Like Minded Companions (Gr. Hetirai). Like the conspirators whom Adam Smith described (I quote from memory): “Capitalists never get together, whether for business or sport, but they begin to conspire on some scheme to defraud the public”.
Is that you LaRouche?
If only the Nazis and Imperial Japan had won WW2, we wouldn’t be suffering under satanic empires like the UK and USA, and the world today would be egalitarian, peaceful and racism-free.
The world would be exactly as it is today no matter who won. Wars are fought at the behest of the bankers and their cohorts in the corporate world. Winners and losers in wars are about as irrelevant as whether the maggots eating your plants came from the fruit fly or the house fly.
For those who doubt that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were medical experiments (but also political statements of impending world domination by the US), I would offer two additional pieces of evidence: 1) setting soldiers on a knoll to watch the tests at White Sands so as to monitor their radiation exposure; and 2) the Marshall Islands (see the documentary “The Dome” plus John Pilger’s “The Coming War With China”).
“Let’s bring down this house of cards.”
…from our 100%-electronically-monitored romper rooms, in our comfy PJs, while eating some delicious, crunchy Bugles(tm) brand Corn Snacks in terrorized, state-imposed isolation and house imprisonment. Imprisonment imposed by the same state that perpetrated the grisly mass murder we’re watching little home movies about.
Sorry, but cowering inmates too afraid to gather in meager numbers for an independent film festival…
ain’t brangin’ down shee-it.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Like so many others, you have it backwards. We have not been imprisoned by our “leaders”; we have been imprisoned by ourselves. It’s self-inflicted. If enough people didn’t accept imprisonment, the lockdown would end tomorrow.
Like I said, it’s their fear that keeps them in check.
Imprisoned and impotent.
How are we disagreeing?
People could reject the imprisonment en masse, and stand up for themselves. But a few might be physically or professionally injured, and they won’t accept that risk, any more than they will accept the bogus and media-driven “risk” of getting a mild virus.
My very point is about these specific would-be dissidents organizing this film festival. They are not willing to risk the repercussions of defying house arrest, even knowing that the arresting state is violently disposed toward them.
Their fear has already won.
I agree with you to a certain extent, Howard, but I was thinking businesses and school systems etc yesterday – and why they are going along with this craziness.
They are going alone because they have to. It’s mandated – with fines attached. It would take a whole town/city/state to come together and say “Ok, we’re just going to tell the Governor, Mayor and officials to bugger off – we’re opening full speed ahead no masks”
I don’t think that’s going to happen for the very simple fact that no one wants to be the first business, school district, gym, office that opened up entirely in the now old-fashioned way, to have someone get “sick” with covid19. And someone would. Oh yes, someone would.
And then your business is splashed all over the front page. And then your sued by the person who (was paid to) got sick from covid, and sued by all the patrons who were around that person who got sick because you didn’t protect them.
It may sound crazy, but I really think it comes down to that. None of us like to be called “grandma killers” – no businesss does either.
Just sayin’.
So true. And yet – and here is my ultimate accusation of The People – the real “grandma killers” – the Andrew Cuomos who knowing and willingly isolated grandma from her family and friends and kept her locked away in a nursing home instead of allowing her to enter a hospital: these real, true blue “grandma killers” get a free pass from the SOB people of the realm.
If I live to be a million (which, even as a transhuman I probably won’t), I will never stop putting 99.9999999999% of the blame on the people.
The details are hazy and too depressing to look up for accuracy, but I think it was in May that officials in two Pennsylvania counties “rebelled” because Gauleiter Wolf didn’t include them in a group of counties designated to be reclassified “yellow” instead of “orange”. Or maybe instead of “burnt sienna”; I didn’t pay much attention to the Crayola-inspired color scheme.
They boldly declared that they were independently reclassifying themselves as “yellow”. Naturally, Gauleiter Wolf responded with high dudgeon, and threatened to cut off certain funding streams and otherwise turn the screws until the renegades knuckled under.
After a few days of “negotiations”, both recreant counties capitulated and that was that.
One gym in New Jersey remained defiantly open, even after Gauleiter Murphy beat upon them with his mailed fist. I didn’t follow the story closely enough, but I know that after these rebels refused to close despite being fined, the NJ health department shut them down. I think that NJ gyms have been officially reopened, albeit with the usual draconian, onerous restrictions.
But so far, these isolated acts of noble resistance haven’t been like cracks in a dam that escalate into a flood of resistance. It is certainly true, as you suggest, that if any business or political subdivision defiantly rejects the draconian Megadeath Virus of Doom restrictions for any length of time, they will be subjected to a coordinated mass-media attack blaming them for “spikes”, increased deaths, etc.
And I also agree that pro-pandemic parties would stage “dirty tricks” to further implicate resisters as heinous criminals.
So, gee whiz, despite all the billions poured into the TSA and enhanced domestic law enforcement since late 2001, so far it seems as if the terrorists have won.
Hey, it aint over till the (unmasked) fat lady sings.
I live for the day! 😉
Putting aside “the actual mechanics of the day” the question still substantively and critically unanswered is what does illegally invading Afghanistan and Iraq have to do with anything that may have happened then? It makes no logical sense except perhaps to the conspiracy theorist wackos on the Cocaine Importers of America (CIA) payroll. Even most of them, one suspects, do not believe it. The level of duplicity and dishonesty is disgusting.
Those low life war racketeering creeps need to go, ALL OF THEM, the sooner the better. Humanity deserves nothing less.
The debate has been perfectly framed around “how” it was pulled off. As long as “who” pulled it off is never approached, the content is allowed.
The How points to the Who. Nobody but the Bush/Cheney regime could have installed the thermite in the months before 911, closed down the National Air Defense on the day of 911, cleared away thousands of tons of evidence in the weeks after 911, stalled the enqiry into 911 for months until prodded by victims’ families, then starve the Enquiry of funds and appoint a high ranking regime strong-arm man to guide the Enquiry, silence dissenting members under the Military Secrets Act, and write a report whose alleged evidence is again withheld as a Military Secret.
The Means point to the Ends. And the Ends are the aims of the Anglo Zio Capitalist resource thieves and their New World Order. “NWO” a phrase from Hitler’s Nazi regime financed by Grandpa Prescott Bush, used by George Bush Sr in a speech about Iraq, and now picked up by the World Health Organization to describe their Con-19 vaccination $cam!
The Bush/Cheney regime, while front and centre, were executing the plan of the US/global ruling class (or “NWO” as you correctly state).
President Trump 9.9.20: “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me. The soldiers are. The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
Unless he’s faking this attack as camouflage for his participation, it looks like Trump vs the military industrial complex
Oh, I doubt it. The last President to do that will have an anniversary coming up in November.
All of the key individuals involved the in the cover-up of the 9/11 Commission (Kissinger was appointed the first chair) were Bilderberg participants and members of the Council on Foreign Relations in the US. It was the same with the Warren Commission. As with Covid, the “who” is to be found among the global power elite. No other group had the ability to orchestrate it AND get away with it.
A society based on lies…how long can it go on?
My guess is forever. Or a least until Musk can create enough rockets for him and his ilk to escape the masses before the mask
slipsfinally falls off.I belief Mr Musk and his ilks commitment to profits will prevent his efforts to escape this dying planet.
Not to worry: they won’t leave until they have a network set up to funnel any remaining profits to them on Mars. After all, they don’t need the money because there is nothing they don’t already have.
They’re like any other addict: they can’t stop. They haven’t the will power to stop trying to enrich themselves. It’s as simple as that.
Agreed. The real purpose of so called human self awareness is self deception according to the bleak existential philosophy . Mr Musk and his pals are to committed to padding the costs of space exploration to ever get into space.
360 degree self awareness working correctly here.
I gave up informing the deluded, favouring laughing when they spout someting from the MSM instead.
As for Mr Musk’s pals, I hear they want to experience ludicrous speed on his new rockets. We can only hope the button sticks. Permanantly.
All societies are based on lies. It’s the very nature of society.
Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most request is conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs. . . .
The objection to conforming to usages that have become dead to you is that it scatters your force. It loses your time and blurs the impression of your character. If you maintain a dead church, contribute to a dead Bible-society, vote with a great party either for the government or against it, spread your table like base housekeepers, — under all these screens I have difficulty to detect the precise man you are: and of course so much force is withdrawn from your proper life. But do your work, and I shall know you. Do your work, and you shall reinforce yourself.
A man must consider what a blind-man’s-buff is this game of conformity. If I know your sect I anticipate your argument. I hear a preacher announce for his text and topic the expediency of one of the institutions of his church. Do I not know beforehand that not possibly can he say a new spontaneous word? Do I not know that with all this ostentation of examining the grounds of the institution he will do no such thing? Do I not know that he is pledged to himself not to look but at one side, the permitted side, not as a man, but as a parish minister? He is a retained attorney, and these airs of the bench are the emptiest affectation. Well, most men have bound their eyes with one or another handkerchief, and attached themselves to some one of these communities of opinion. This conformity makes them not false in a few particulars, authors of a few lies, but false in all particulars. Their every truth is not quite true. Their two is not the real two, their four not the real four; so that every word they say chagrins us and we know not where to begin to set them right.
Plato’s Republic said it better?
do you have a quote?
??? I was referring to your first sentence . Plato wrote his discourse on why maintaining that illusion was an improvement of the human condition at least for those who rule ..