From Terrorists to Viruses: Dystopian Progress

Edward Curtin

For anyone old enough to have been alive and aware of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and of so-called COVID-19 in 2020, memory may serve to remind one of an eerie parallel between the two operations.

However, if memory has been expunged by the work of one’s forgettery or deleted by the corporate media’s flushing it down the memory hole, or if knowledge is lacking, or maybe fear or cognitive dissonance is blocking awareness, I would like to point out some similarities that might perk one up to consider some parallels and connections between these two operations.

The fundamental tie that binds them is that both events aroused the human fear of death. Underlying all fears is the fear of death. A fear that has both biological and cultural roots. On the biological level, we all react to death threats in a fight or flight manner.

Culturally, there are multiple ways that fear can be allayed or exacerbated, purposely or not. Usually, culture serves to ease the fear of death, which can traumatize people, through its symbols and myths.

Religion has for a long time served that purpose, but when religion loses its hold on people’s imaginations, especially in regard to the belief in immortality, as Orwell pointed out in the mid-1940s, a huge void is left. Without that consolation, fear is usually tranquilized by trivial pursuits.

In the cases of the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the current coronavirus operation, the fear of death has been used by the power elites in order to control populations and institute long-planned agendas. There is a red thread that connects the two events.

Both events were clearly anticipated and planned.

In the case of September 11, 2001, as I have argued before, linguistic mind-control was carefully crafted in advance to conjure fear at the deepest levels with the use of such repeated terms as Pearl Harbor, Homeland, Ground Zero, the Unthinkable, and 9/11.

Each in its turn served to raise the fear level dramatically. Each drew on past meetings, documents, events, speeches, and deep associations of dread. This language was conjured from the chief sorcerer’s playbook, not from that of an apprentice out of control.

And as David Ray Griffin, the seminal 9/11 researcher (and others), has pointed out in a dozen meticulously argued and documented books, the events of that day had to be carefully planned in advance, and the post hoc official explanations can only be described as scientific miracles, not scientific explanations. These miracles include:

  • massive steel-framed high-rise buildings for the first time in history coming down without explosives or incendiaries in free fall speed; one of them being WTC-7 that was not even hit by a plane
  • an alleged hijacker pilot, Hani Hanjour, who could barely fly a Piper Cub, flying a massive Boeing 757 in a most difficult maneuver into the Pentagon
  • airport security at four airports failing at the same moment on the same day
  • all sixteen US intelligence agencies failing + air traffic control failing.

The list goes on and on. And all this controlled by Osama bin Laden. It’s a fairy tale.

Then we had the crucially important anthrax attacks that are linked to 9/11. Graeme MacQueen, in The 2001 Anthrax Deception, brilliantly shows that these too were a domestic conspiracy.

These planned events led to the invasion of Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, the invasion of Iraq , the ongoing war on terror, etc.

Let us not forget years of those fraudulent color-coded warnings of the terrorist levels and the government admonition to use duct tape around your windows to protect against a massive chemical and biological attack.

Jump to 2020.

Let me start in reverse while color-coded designs are fresh in our minds. As the COVID-19 lockdowns were underway, a funny thing happened as people were wishing that life could return to normal and they could be let out of their cages. Similar color-coded designs popped up everywhere at the same time.

They showed the step-by-step schedule of possible loosening of government controls if things went according to plan. Red to yellow to green. Eye catching. Red orange yellow blue green. As with the terrorist warnings following September 11, 2001.

In Massachusetts, a so-called blue state where I live, it’s color chart ends in blue, not green, with Phase 4 blue termed “the new normal: Development of vaccines and/or treatments enable the resumption of ‘the new normal.’”

Interesting wording. A resumption that takes us back to the future.

As with the duct tape admonitions after 9/11, now everyone is advised to wear a mask. It’s interesting to note that the 3M Company, a major seller of duct tape, is also one of the world’s major sellers of face masks. The company was expected to be producing 50 million N95 respirator masks per month by June 2020 and 2 billion globally within the coming year. Then there is 3M’s masking tape…but this is a sticky topic.

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, we were told repeatedly that the world was changed forever. Now we are told that after COVID-19, life will never be the same.

This is the “new normal,” while the post-9/11-pre-Covid-19 world must have been the old new normal. So everything is different but normal also. So as the Massachusetts government website puts it, in the days to come we may be enabled to enact “the resumption of ‘the new normal.’” This new old normal will no doubt be a form of techno-fascist transhumanism enacted for our own good.

As with 9/11, there is ample evidence that the coronavirus outbreak was expected and planned; that people have been the victims of a propaganda campaign to use an invisible virus to scare us into submission and shut down the world’s economy for the global elites.

It is a clear case, as Peter Koenig tells Michel Chossudovsky in this must-see interview, that is not a conspiracy theory but a blatant factual plan spelled out in the 2010 Rockefeller Report, the October 18, 2019 Event 201, and Agenda 21, among other places.

Like amorphous terrorists and a war against “terrorism,” which is a tactic and therefore not something you can fight, a virus is invisible except when the media presents it as a pale, orange-spiked bunch of floating weird balls that are everywhere and nowhere. Watch your back, watch your face, mask up, wash your hands, keep your distance – you never know when those orange spiked balls may get you.

As with 9/11, whenever anyone questions the official narrative of Covid-19, the official statistics, the validity of the tests, the effectiveness of masks, the powers behind the heralded vaccine to come, and the horrible consequences of the lockdowns that are destroying economies, killing people, forcing people to despair and to commit suicide, creating traumatized children, bankrupting small and middle-sized businesses for the sake of enriching the richest, etc., the corporate media mock the dissidents as conspiracy nuts, aiding the viral enemy.

This is so even when the dissenters are highly respected doctors, scientists, intellectuals, et al., who are regularly disappeared from the internet.

With September 11, there were initially far fewer dissenters than now, and so the censorship of opposing viewpoints didn’t need the blatant censorship that is now growing daily.

This censorship happens all across the internet now, quickly and stealthily, the same internet that is being forced on everyone as the new normal as presented in the Great Global Reset, the digital lie, where, as Anthony Fauci put it, no one should ever shake hands again.

A world of abstract images and beings in which, as Arthur Jensen tells Howard Beal in the film, Network, “All necessities [will be] provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.” A digital dystopia that is fast approaching as perhaps the end of that red thread that runs from 9/11 to today.

Heidi Evens and Thomas Hackett write in the New York Daily News:

With the nation’s illusion of safety and security in ruins, Americans begin the slow and fitful process of healing from a trauma that feels deeply, cruelly personal […] leaving citizens throughout the country with the frightening knowledge of their vulnerability.

That was written on September 12, 2001.

Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/. He is the author of the new book Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies


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Colin Doran
Colin Doran
Dec 22, 2022 4:38 AM

The miracles of 9/11
-massive steel-framed high-rise buildings for the first time in history coming down without explosives or incendiaries in free fall speed; one of them being WTC-7 that was not even hit by a plane..

FDNY Firechief Joe: That is really serious damage to those towers. They might collapse
FDNY Firechief Mike: Hang on ….Hey I’ve just Googled it there…It’s OK! They are perfectly safe! Fire has never in history caused a steel frame high-rise to collapse!
Joe: What a relief ! Hey look out !!! The south tower is coming down!!!
Mike: Ok. That was amazing. Anyhoo, At least we know now the other tower is perfectly safe..
Joe: Why is that?
Mike: Well what are the chances of TWO steel framed high rises collapsing? – and on the same day! How could that possibly happen?
Joe: You’re right Mike. We don’t need to evacuate the other tower… maybe though, and this is just me thinking, so don’t like quote me on this , but has a steel framed high rise now collapsed and could this identical one, damaged in the same way maybe, like collapse, as well?
Mike: No! Stop that stupid talk. I’ve Googled it again,,No steel framed hire-rise IN HISTORY has ever collapsed due to fire.
Joe: But didn’t one , like, just collapse?
Mike: Joe, I GOOGLED IT !!!
Joe: Look out! The north tower is coming down!!!
Mike: ???!!
Joe: Ok it’s maybe a pity we didn’t evacuate that tower as well… but what can you do..
Mike: There is this other tower now…this WTC7…
Joe: Yes I’ve been looking at that building. I think it shows all the signs of structural damage and it would not surprise me if that building collapsed…
Mike: Google Joe…Google? Are you forgetting , the ‘no building in history’ thing?
Joe: Well we have had two collapses already now Mike….
Joe: It’s coming down Mike….
Mike: but..but…what are the chances? Three buildings collapsing – and ON THE SAME DAY!!!
Joe: They were damaged on the same day Mike…And buildings don’t collapse for statistical reasons … And I’ve had a look at the calendar. September 11th 2001, today. is there. It’s ‘in history’….

John Collins
John Collins
Sep 14, 2020 9:28 AM

it wasn’t “only” WTC1, 2 and 7 … EVERY building with a WTC prefix (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) “went away” that day. Read “Where did the Towers Go”, by Judy Wood

Sep 12, 2020 9:27 PM

Great article as usual. Off topic, just posting this here with the thought that maybe Offguardian might take a closer look at this https://www.anhinternational.org/news/uk-law-changes-for-covid-19-mass-vaccination/. Thx for all your hard work and fantastic articles, I try to share your information as far and as wide as possible!

Sep 12, 2020 11:29 AM

What is there to dispute with Ed’s narrrative?

It is what he leaves out about the ‘shock’ doctrine of the new ‘Pearl Harbour’.

The coordinated televisual live coverage and media scripts deployed on the day – some going out before time (causing hilarious gaffs which are brushed under the MSM carpets now – none of it matters NOW because the objective was achieved THEN.

The Great Game.

Yet again the Russkies had managed to derail the ancient powers GG and its centuries long desires to get control of Afghanistan, the forever lynchpin.

The SCO setup in self defence by the Chinese/Russian and some central Asian ancients to stop being played off against each other in 1999 was looking likely to upset ALL plans of gaining control of Eurasia , Russia and all the resources. A very very long term goal which had limited success of the centuries.

The GG was not going to be won by the proxies – the mujahadeens and Sunni wahhabbists and the zillions of dollars.

The GG needed Boots On The Ground!

That is what the WTC attacks were for on live teevee!

Edward doesn’t write if this and hence I have come to a considered conclusion that he too is a willing tool of the Propagandists., Limited Hang Out Specialists, Gate Keepers and Agent Provocateurs

Just another tool.

Jeff Johns
Jeff Johns
Sep 12, 2020 3:37 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

Not everyone has a 360-degree view on world events. If you learned nothing new from the story, you can pat yourself on the back for your superior knowledge, but it hardly proves the author is a “tool.”

By the way, you should spell out abbreviations (SCO, CG) in their initial usage so the reader knows what the hell you’re talking about.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 14, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  DunGroanin

I would question your motives. The writer couldn’t possibly have covered everything relating to 9/11 and the Covid scam in one fairly short, but useful article. You could have added the points you make without the snide references to the writer’s reliability. Your approach is exactly that of the sophisticated trolls, who act as gatekeepers for the various ludicrous official narratives, that we have had to endure over the past thirty years or so.

Sep 12, 2020 9:30 AM

Just found a weekly podcast that follows developments on the 9/11 investigations —
9/11 Free Fall https://soundcloud.com/user-989685163

Sep 12, 2020 9:29 AM

Great summary of what is going on!

Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Sep 12, 2020 6:24 AM

Big compliment, Ed. Getting to the real heart of matters, now… a vast improvement.

Critical Thinking.

Very much appreciated,
EnDuring this ‘Psyop’…
New Pearl Harbour,
Next Panic Horror,
NPH-Nullify Public Hallucinations,
By Narrating PH ‘D’ notice worthy,
Art of journalism.
Helps restore faith,
In common humanity,
As a science.

Greetings from the Balkans & Balky,

Sep 12, 2020 6:43 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

how’s life at Camp Bondsteel?

Tim, having worked parallel with CIA Agents & Navy seals clearly knows what he’s talking about


Sep 12, 2020 12:53 AM

I’m recycling a long (even for me) comment posted elsewhere at the end of April because I think it resonates strongly with Curtin’s commentary. It’s a “snapshot” of how things were in April; although most of this is still status quo, it illustrates just how closely the elements of the New Abnormal echo both the official actions and the public response after the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001.

And in my opinion, the two closing paragraphs take us right back to Curtin’s theme.

We the People are involuntary participants in an authoritarian game of “Simon Says”, or “Mother, May I?” The official-announcement “green shoots”, or hints of light at the end of the tunnel, are shaping up as an insidious, fraudulent compromise:

We (the stern-parent authorities) will let you out of your room– and remember, it was never punishment but a difficult decision made for your own good– but you must promise to cheerfully and uncomplainingly comply with the onerous, oppressive, socially pernicious, and escalating “public-health” measures.

You’re living in the New Abnormal now, and by God you’ll like it!

The Megadeath Narrative of Doom has already terrorized and bamboozled enough of the population, including controller-class executives and administrators, to an extent that vitiates resistance and “conscientious objection”. What right-thinking citizen would flout indefinite, even permanent, compulsory wearing of PPE, the necessity and utility of universal repetitive testing, and the absolute need for universal physical social-distancing?

This is war, people! And indeed, one can see a concerted top-down attempt to rally national populations. The official plandemic response, whether deliberately initiated or resulting from a happy accident that served as a catalyst to implement long-prepared “best-laid plans”, suggests that at long last a “New Pearl Harbor” event rehearsed in a different form on September 11, 2001 is the convulsive international mega-trauma the Machiavellian overclass has longed for.

Yesterday, Philadelphia’s local news hyped a ceremonial joint “fly-over” by the Air Force’s “Thunderbirds” and the Navy’s “Blue Angels”. I actually heard the roar of these “Top Gun” aircraft overhead; I didn’t get up, but when I glanced over my shoulder out the window I saw a neighbor and his son on their deck across the way staring up at the sky.

And there’s a steady flow of infoganda glurge that is reminiscent of the daily “war news” experienced by the putative “Greatest Generation”. Besides the grim reports of unburied corpses stacking up, health care workers dropping like flies, etc., there is a complementary theme of stories about officials and medical personnel breaking down and weeping in public in response to the overwhelming circumstances. If it bleeds, it leads– but if it weeps, it follows.

There are also lots of saccharine “uplifting” stories, e.g. some teenager cutting up her prom dress to make masks, or somebody paying for service animals to visit a young cancer patient who was supposed to go to the zoo on their birthday. The Coronavirus Victory Bond campaigns and Victory Gardens can’t be far behind.

Even that flyover was supposedly dedicated to CV victims. And the cheesy TV commercials pointedly tailored to the Megadeath narrative have been supplemented by smarmy tributes to health-care workers and first responders– the present-day analogue of the boys overseas giving their all to preserve our freedoms and (healthy) way of life.

This mass-media pandemic consent-manufacturing has successfully induced what I’m calling a “Good Germless Syndrome” in much of the population. (Thanks to Ordnung-obsessed Bernhard of “Moon of Alabama” for inspiring this phrase.) Of course, the consent-manufacturing media only selectively reports dissenting views and actions, usually pejoratively: those Trump-encouraged degraded wingnuts and simpletons who are suicidally and homicidally defying the inconvenient but necessary public-health restrictions.

Even the pro-pandemic, Megadeath Narrative of Doom leftists embrace and recommend the draconian public-health ukases in the name of standing in solidarity with the working class. The World Socialist website (WSWS) headlines, articles, and opinion reflexively bitterly denounce any political or business leader’s public statement or policy advocating re-opening the economy as an obvious intention to proceed with virtual working-class genocide.

More neologisms suggest themselves: first “pro-pandemic” came to mind, and now the WSWS editorial stance inspires the oxymoronic term “conservative leftist”. For instance, George Galloway also buys into the conventional Megadeath narrative– he supports the lockdowns and the clamor for adequate PPE and testing for all, and demands that workplaces be made safe in accordance with the imposed protocols. It’s all just scientifically-validated common sense!

Earlier this month, I saw an RT segment approvingly showcasing a young French artist who was appalled by the problems in maintaining appropriate “social distance” in city and village streets. This obviously well-meaning and sincere man built a sort of hula-hoop harness two meters in diameter. He walked down a street wearing this apparatus to demonstrate the impossibility of maintaining the required two-meter separation because of all the obstacles.

He was hoping that his performance would inspire the authorities to take measures to facilitate maintaining social distance; he thought that, given reduced motor vehicle traffic, perhaps motor vehicles should be prohibited altogether on narrow or obstructed streets to allow a better flow of socially-distant pedestrian traffic.

I was touched by his concern, but cringed at his uncritical acceptance of the idea that governments need to do a better job to make the Brave New Dystopia restrictions workable. I have no idea what his politics are otherwise, but this reformist approach is a manifestation of “Good Germless Syndrome”.

After 9/11, we had would-be anti-terrorist “czars” like Homeland Security Secretary Michael “Skeletor” Chertoff. Now we have Dr. Fauci, who the local newsradio just reverently described as the “nation’s leading immunology and contagious-disease expert”. Two self-serving peas in a bureaucratic pod.

Chertoff also comes to mind because I see the nominally “temporary” public-health innovations as the TSAification of public spaces.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Sep 12, 2020 7:48 PM
Reply to  Ort

Incidentally, Ort, “fauci”, in Italian (Dr Fauci is of Sicilian origin), means “maw” or “jaws.” It’s always plural. For example, “le fauci della morte” would be “the maw of death.” “Fauci” always has a sense of menace about it…

Sep 14, 2020 6:10 PM
Reply to  Who D. Who

So a bit like the ‘Gates of Hell’ then.

Sep 16, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  Who D. Who

Wasn’t Fauci the “leading authority” in the so called “aids epidemic” too? One evil after the other.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 12, 2020 12:01 AM

A sincere plug for Ed Curtain’s new book of essays: (“Seeking Truth In A Country Of Lies.”) Reading Ed’s words somehow feels like sitting down with an old close and trusted friend and having a heartfelt and honest discussion about the madness that surrounds us. A refreshing dose of honesty with no punches pulled. I highly recommend it.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 11, 2020 11:34 PM


Widespread fear is being deployed to advance Rockefellers “lock step” agenda which includes: repressive social controls, restrictions on travel, replacing cash with electronic transactions, mandatory vaccinations, unlimited surveillance, limiting personal freedom, eliminating political protests, etc…  In addition, the Davos ghouls are also eager to implement ID2020.  An alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies. It’s an electronic ID program using a vaccination for digital identity. The program would gather birth registration and vaccination records of all newborns using a biometrically-linked digital identity. GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, identifies itself on its website as a global health partnership of public and private sector organizations dedicated to “immunization for all”. GAVI is supported by WHO, its main partners and sponsors are the PHARMA-INDUSTRY.  Gates Foundation pledged $750 million to set up Gavi in 1999.

 COVID-19 is being used as justification for initiating a worldwide economic, social, and political restructuring. 

“There were a number of preparatory events, all pointing into the direction of a worldwide monumental historic disaster. It started at least 10 years ago – probably considerably earlier – with the infamous 2010 Rockefeller Report, which painted the first phase of a monstrous plan, called the “Lock Step” scenario. Among the last preparatory moves for the “pandemic” was Event 201, held in NYC on 18 October 2019.”  https://behind-the-news.com/post-lockdown-the-rockefeller-game-plan-part-1-of-a-2-part-series/

Rosemary’s Baby in Real Time………comment image

Sep 11, 2020 10:08 PM

We were born in Lancashire, but we have both lived almost all our lives in London – where my Mum was born, and where both our kids where born.

I love living here, and thought I would live the rest of my life here.

Before today, I had never seriously considered it – well a bit..

You see we have an affection, and a connection to a different part of the Country.

I just asked my wife – do you really want to move to the Country

She said YES.

Oh bloody hell.

Better clean the place up then.


I think we should buy the new place first on a bridging loan after renting it for a bit…to see if we really like it.

I am not saying London is Gone, but it has been better.

Most of our friends have already gone.


Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 14, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The old London has been gone for many years and it is never coming back. Forget the bridging loan, sell up and get out.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Sep 11, 2020 9:59 PM

FUN 9/11 FACT: Zero evidence whatsoever has been put forward to connect Osama bin Laden to 9/11 in now (19) years.. Let that immeasurably relevant (not fun at all) fact sink in real deep… #911Justice Now!


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 12, 2020 1:50 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Hello Jerry Alatalo: You are correct. Thanks.

Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset for many years before he was accused of planning the 9/11 event. Millions of Afghan civilians have been slaughtered as a result of baldfaced lies leading to the invasion of Afghanistan… How are those poppy fields doing…

Like many others, I believe 9/11 had been planned by CIA, Mossad, and Saudi assets well before 1999.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Sep 12, 2020 7:41 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Even Noam Chomsky, who shuns all conspiracy theory (much to his discredit), has quite rightly pointed out that the public has seen no evidence–zilch, nil, nada–linking Osama to the 9/11 events.

Sep 14, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Well his family got the only flight OUT of the USA when everything other (civil) flight was grounded. Being intimately connected with the Bush family.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 14, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  Binra

Another interesting fact.

Sep 11, 2020 9:34 PM

another day closes
another year passes
another decade runs
cern time speeds up things
5g slow kills
memory fades
adventures in memory
dpn’t forget now

A I collecting that data stream
your stream

the 9 and 11 ritual
christopher bollyn
really is open and shut case

never forget uss liberty
never forget
the known none who
khazarian pirates

Remembering 9-11: Traitorous US Elite Complicit in False Flag


Sep 11, 2020 9:05 PM

There are no similarities, we can do without this attempt to create an association with 9/11 which has been heavily “conspiracy theorised”, What is happening in the world right now is the truth and it needs to be resisted at all costs!

kevin king
kevin king
Sep 11, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  Guy

If you can’t see that the same people behind 9/11 are the same people behind the covaids scamdemic, there’s no helping you.
Start with Brzezinski’s ‘Between two ages’.

Sep 12, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  kevin king

The same people behind virtually ALL international wars.

Sep 12, 2020 8:12 AM
Reply to  kevin king

With respect, sorry but you have missed my point, in the minds of tv watching experts (most people), once an association has been made, it will remain with those who do not critically think (most people) and if one event has been made to look like it has cranks, tin foil hat wearers etc then covid will be lumped in with these and the resistances job to covid lies will have been made worse.

It is a wonder that the they have not tried to associate covid with for example, flat earthers* to further ridicule and undermine covid “dissenters”.

Sep 14, 2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  Guy

So you are saying that if a deceit called as a deceit is met with smear and ridicule, we should not refer to it when calling out another deceit?

The resort to smear by association is not held at bay by appeasement to bullies or in fear of being – er… smeared by association.

Just DON’T use the term ‘conspiracy theory’.
I personally find the ‘most people’ arguments self-defeating.
Lumping masses of people into a category might work for the most basic parameters – ie most people are toilet trained – but in terms of getting in their heads, I think that’s you, and not most people.

You can smear most people by associations that you assign them.
I haven’t met most people but if most people are waiting to see what everyone else does to take their cue – then most people have set themselves up to all get stuck together. This herd can then be gotten to follow a PR stunt or rent a mob and astro turfing.

Sep 15, 2020 1:40 PM
Reply to  Binra

Stop telling me what to do and go away please.

Sep 15, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Guy

You are right – I have no right – nor intention to tell you what NOT to say of do.

People are informed that this is a CIA generated device for smear and denial – AND yet they still use and support it. Which says to me they are captured by the ‘fear of being so judged’.

I apologise for coming over as ‘telling you what not to do’. I don’t apologise for engaging in the various points that your post puts in a public domain.

If you choose not to engage in dialogue, by your decision is it so.
But you raise real themes that affect or inhibit communication – but as if to control the outcome – ie – distance your sense of covid as a pretext of deceit, from association with the 911 events.

I am grateful for any human company in holding through fear and deceit to truth. I don’t care what people’s ‘beliefs’ are, but that their behaviours align with an integrity of life.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 2:14 AM
Reply to  Guy

When you understand the nature of psyops, Guy, the parallels jump out.

I have a webpage on them here:

— Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operations
Problem > Reaction > Solution
Exercises / drills
Other similar types of events
Very obvious scientific fraud
Fraudulent debunking of “conspiracy theory” (which is, in turn, debunked)
Two major propaganda streams
Multiple mini-propaganda streams to divert, mislead and dissipate the effectiveness of opposition to the official story
Controlled opposition used to undermine
Nonsense miracle survivors
Unconvincing injured/patients
They really push it in our faces

Another commenter, Edwige, added the parallel of the “hero”, which in the film Wag the Dog was referred to as the “Old Shoe”.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 12, 2020 5:19 AM
Reply to  Guy

To me it has always been purely incredible how anyone could think that the most militarised sector of the world, and in all its worldwide bloody history, was not able to respond in an hour to 19 hijackers with boxcutters on four aircraft. Supposedly.

Who could believe it?

Even as a really bad bedtime story? And sleepy “suspension of disbelief”.

Yet I was hired for security guard work 9 months later by a 6’5″ Marine Vet and Army Ranger who had served in Somalia and played for the Marine Rugby team, and I was cheeky enough to ask him about it, and Scott “explained”,

“We got caught with our pants down.”


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Sep 12, 2020 7:19 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Thems were heavy pants, with three $$$Trillion$$$ zzz of Bucks announced missing,
From D.o.D. budgets, announced proudly and publicly by DR. – of the books,
Dr.Donald Rumsfeld, chained to Cheney, at the hip… the day before.
No wonder them towers, i mean trousers, fell down,
Especially the IRS records, in WTC7, let alone the 17 security agencies
And their records. Ask the NSA, they have records…
And “Parallel Platforms”.
Ask Binney about,
Big fat controllers.
And Genie Energy.
On the Golan.

Sep 12, 2020 6:59 PM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

Ask the NSA

why don’t you ask them, aren’t they just down the road from where you are, in Langley, Virginia?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 12, 2020 8:27 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Good call, except, after all, TJ may primarily be a netizen of AI.

Sep 14, 2020 6:17 PM
Reply to  Guy

Who says?
Who is the ‘we’ you refer to?
What does “conspiracy theorised” actually mean – if anything?
What do you see is happening in the world right now as ‘the truth’?
And why would you want to resist the truth?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 14, 2020 8:51 PM
Reply to  Guy

Your post is very troll like.

Sep 15, 2020 1:42 PM

Lol funny, now go away.

Sep 15, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  Guy

Where is that edit button when you need one, note to self check before pressing send!

Sep 11, 2020 8:51 PM

In the fair spirit of the human being, that I hope I am, I just did a google search of Face Mask Exempt, and stole the image….and felt guilty…so I bought one. Less than £3 inc delivery within a couple of days.

I may wear them both – they are a bit different, but say the same thing.

My son, says You should not need to wear a Mask or a Badge.

I replied to him, what did you say to me a week ago, when they wouldn’t at first let you on the bus, outside the hospital with your two young kids, because you had neither a mask or a badge??

comment image

I do not want to get into a dispute with bus drivers or anyone else.

But I will


There is Nothing wrong With Me.


Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 14, 2020 8:55 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Only fools and collaborators wear masks.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 11, 2020 8:38 PM

I must say that I do not feel that way in any way at all, and nor do most UK citizens I talk to.

There simply is not that level of fear around where I live.

Where do these fear-infested people live? Are they real, or are they also a manufactured piece of MI6 propaganda, mindlessly spewed out every day by the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 et al?

Where I live, people talk pragmatically about the realities of power politics, not the facts or otherwise of Covid19. Most people I talk to know that the whole shebang is a power grab, but the questions they worry more about are their economic well being, their children’s safety and schooling etc etc. They simply do not believe the Government propaganda, but they do recognise the power structures in place.

America may be very different, I have not visited for a long time.

But in my corner of NW London, the fearmongering simply does not have a captive audience….

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I live in the U.S., and whatever fears there may have been months ago have turned towards what you describe. The talk is about money/bills/rent/jobs, a bit about the election that everyone hates, and the dominant sense of a government completely corrupt without anything to do about it.

Sep 11, 2020 11:03 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

It’s only anecdotal, and a small sample at that, but just this week I learned about two people– older (60+), well-educated, and good-hearted. We’re in the USA.

One, call him X., was informed by a mutual friend, Y., that a European young woman of X’s acquaintance had just come to the US to attend university (God help her!); Y. cheerfully suggested to X. that the woman could come and visit him once she got settled. X. often has guests visit his family.

X. replied cautiously that yes, hopefully that would be possible before the woman graduated. Y. thought he’d misheard– the woman is just beginning her four-year schooling. Y. was shocked that X. is so freaked out that he is afraid to have guests in his apartment.

The other one is a relative. I knew she seemed to buy into the Megadeath Virus of Doom narrative, and was depressed because COVID “struck” just as she retired. She mentioned that some of her former co-workers wanted to get together– not necessarily at her house, just somewhere they could visit together. She was clearly struggling with this; she said that she had to “think about this”, and wasn’t sure it was a good idea.

She’s been dividing her time between her main residence in PA, and their “shore house”, i.e. a condo in a New Jersey seashore town. I already knew that when she is in NJ, she is afraid to actually go to the beach or go anywhere where people are gathered– even if they’re “social distancing”.

I’ve been carrying on a lot lately about the, er, spike in FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). Both of these people are clearly COVID FUD-ridden.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 9:10 AM
Reply to  Ort

That’s really sad. I know that so many people are sucked in by the virus but I just cannot get my head around it. My fear is so much about the controls that the idea that people are really worried about the virus simply doesn’t compute even though I know that’s ridiculous.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 12, 2020 3:36 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

There simply is not that level of fear around where I live.

Shh! You’re not supposed to go out and actually talk to actual people. They only distract you from True Reality which comes exclusively from the media.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 14, 2020 9:09 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You are largely right, but fear still stalks some parts of the land. Today we were walking in a large wooded country park, which has a two metre wide well made path, with another unmade but useable metre on either side. A middle age couple were heading towards us, both with masks around their chins. At about twenty metres away they hitched up their masks and strode off into dense woodland, emerging back on the path well behind us. Hopeless cases, whose lives must now be hell.

Sep 15, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I generally find the same, in rural Norfolk, but are the most fearful of disease hardly coming out? I have some sense of this – but no sense of proportion. I might guess 5-10%.
Insofar as some of these are coming out – they are initially very uptight. Seeing everyone else might calm them down a bit. But I expect they are captive to BBC etc.

There was a time – when a few of the fearful masked of their own accord, and were terrified. So I feel a section of the population were taken to their tipping point.
This was disturbing to meet in various interactions, but was part of my own process of finding my way with public fears – regardless my sense that they were groundless. Fearful people can become dangerous, and for a while ‘outsiders’ were openly scapegoated to join in hate as a collective identity of social exclusion.

The willingness to give space to those who believe they need it was weaponised as a moral edict by the ‘gov-media’, such that people who may not be afraid were trained to get out of the way and feel good about their social interaction. This set up a fear of being reacted to as hateful – for not marching in lock-step.
But underneath that is fear of government and its mob, such as to do enough of what is required to avoid hassle.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 11, 2020 7:38 PM

Kevin Ryan’s talk/slide show yesterday at the SF911 Truth film festival nailed the 9/11-Covid 19 continuum, demonstrated 11 key features of the official policy in reaction to 9/11 which have all been replicated in the current situation. James Corbett’s new video Covid 9/11: From Homeland Security to Bio-Security also nailed it.

Sep 11, 2020 7:14 PM

Like “the planes” on 911 “the virus” isn’t what they say it is. It’s a decoy to distract from actual real causes of health problems like unhealthy foods, pollution, parasite infestation, dangerous medical treatments, clothing saturated with toxic cleaning products, emf radiation, lack of sunlight exposure, low vibration thoughts; anxiety, fear, anger etc. Whilst people are distracted by “the virus” they are being hollowed out and loaded with explosives.


Sep 11, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  Simon

One of the ties with the gates foundation is apparently Dr Greger who in this video is quoting a study they funded that found the number 1 killer was diet and lack of fruit was the leading problem. At 25:47.

Greger was critisised for his “charity” in this video titled Dr Greger Million $ Vegan Charity A Scam? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xksUqWQ9Egc

Sep 15, 2020 7:45 AM
Reply to  Simon

Also, (a) healthy food too expensive (b) no action against bad food/medicine/products (c) theft of the commons, fields and playgrounds (d) restrictions reducing the exchange of microbes with others, proven essential for flu.

Sep 11, 2020 7:01 PM

In 2011, in London and Manchester, sponsored by Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream (cost £17 to get in ( children aged 5 and under can attend the event FREE.)) they had live music Festivals, and we went. They issued everyone with badge and a necklace. With that, you could eat as much ice cream as you wanted for Free all day. The even had alcohol for sale.

We have still got ours. I am going to modify mine with a small compressed photograph, which I will wear around my neck – looking very official like a press badge, so I can travel on the bus, without wearing a mask and getting loads of ag.

comment image


Sep 11, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

I have printed it out, and it worked and looks O.K. – It’s The perfect size that will look nice on a T-Shirt – though that’s a bit OTT unless you are an extrovert like Gazzeh in Australia probably now, being beating up in an Australian Jail, for having the courage to write what he did here…and to all you fellow Australians like Caitlin and Petra…

Do not Betray Him

He is just an ordinary guy selling The equivalent of the Big Issue on Streets of Melbourne in what he probably thought was the Safest Place in the World..

Come on Aussies, get Your Arses into Gear

Caitlin should be on my side, and she is writing not that well

However, I do not believe she has been compromised.

That girl is incredibly intelligent and nice, and has got a lovely bloke

So what is going on Caitlin?

Petra/Flaxgirl, I can understand. She too is very bright, and means well, and I am almost certain she is not disinfo – just brainwashed like most of the rest of us.

Whilst a little bit older, she has been posting for years, and occasionally has leaked her photo and the details of her job. She probaly doesn’t realise it, and i is not her so far as i know. i think she is a bit older…but she does look rather like The Australian Pregnant Girl, who got arrested by The Australian Police and has now had more than 10 Million Views.

Caitlin did mention her in passing..

Flaxgirl/ Petra has got more balls.

She is a good girl, and I just want her to realise, they are not faking it.

These Bastards will kill everyone they can..

Including You and Me, and Our Families.

It’s a Mass Genocide.

Unless You Stand Up and say NO

Only RobG on here seems to understand it so well.

They ain’t messing – they plan to kill us all.


Sep 11, 2020 6:30 PM

“And all this controlled by Osama bin Laden.”
From a cave in Afghanistan hooked up to a dialysis machine.

Colonel Mustard, in the library, with a candlestick.

Sep 11, 2020 6:45 PM
Reply to  Igor

bin Laden also coordinated the collapse of WTC7 and the hit on the ONI team at the Pentagon, that was analyzing records that were stored ONLY in WTC7. No backups in a Iron Mountain type facility. That failure should have merited its own investigation

That investigation into missing 2+ trillion USD in DOD spending ends at that point in time. An investigation that was acknowledged publicly by Rumsfield, SECDEF, on 9/10/2001.

Storing backups off site in a disaster proof facility was SOP BAU in the mid 1980s for NYC corporations. ConEd was storing everything, code and data, on every data center computer at Iron Mountain.

Kim McClintock
Kim McClintock
Sep 11, 2020 7:21 PM
Reply to  Igor

Catherine Austin Fitts has been on the research trail of that $2 trillion. Check out her website;
Also, on utube.

Sep 15, 2020 7:49 AM
Reply to  Igor

You think so? That country managed to “lose” all the tech, specs and data from its space/moon programme.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 11, 2020 5:36 PM

No matter what kind of harebrained, amoral, atrocious, doomed-to-fail plan they had made to invade Afghanistan contingent on the occurrence of a sensational event, an invasion for the purpose of overthrowing the refractory Taliban so the desired oil pipeline could be built, they would not have been willing to sacrifice the Pentagon (for crying out loud!), or the White House, or even the World Trade Center (which housed the offices of many of the ‘elite’ {you only sacrifice the ‘little people’}). It was simply not that important.

So COVID-19 joins 9/11 as a terrible plan put into action for an insufficient excuse. There does not have to have been a conspiracy to make the excuse happen. There wouldn’t be a conspiracy to make the excuse happen, not when the excuse is rationally insufficient. But the plans were put into effect anyway, because that’s what happens when you make full-fledged plans and you’re looking for an excuse, since the powers that be are all about taking advantage of everything that happens whether they made it happen or not.

People hang around the Pentagon making plans about how they’re going to fight the Russians should the Russians do something militarily at the North Pole, which is ridiculous because the Russians are not going to do something incendiary at the North Pole. So, zero chance of that happening. But, a terrorist attack on U.S. soil was inevitable. A coronavirus that kills 65 million healthy young people is probably impossible in this day and age, a cheap sci-fi fantasy, but as it turns out, any old virus will do, such is the fear among the public of disease and the fear among officials of making mistakes.

You have to expect that there are going to be efforts to exert increasing control as the world grows more populous and complex, but if the control becomes too great, life and spirit are squelched. As a relative newcomer to following the OffGuardian I’m impressed by the trove of knowledge about 9/11 and more-than-grateful for the true facts presented about COVID, but all this speculating about conspiratorial evil that goes on here both ATL and BTL does not seem necessary when there’s so much patent and ongoing evil that propel the events.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 5:56 PM

So, you’re a coincidence theorist?

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 11, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I’m going by the (quite wise) observation behind the famous saying “Be careful what you want. You just might get it.”

The world is more generous than to only allow good plans to proceed. Vainglorious or corrupt plans with enough energy behind them can find similarly twisted excuses to advance towards their inevitable disastrous failures.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 7:50 PM

Government conspiracies happen all-the-time. All propaganda is conspiracy. All CIA coups are conspiracies. All military planning for invasions, bombings, drone strikes, sanctions, destabilizations of entire nations, colour revolutions, etc. Assassinations are usually conspiracies. I don’t understand what you mean by “energy” and what’s “inevitable” or not, that’s just vague generalizations. Specific plans for specific events occur quite often. You can thank the completely compromised corporate MSM for not informing you about these things, Reachable Spike. But thank goodness for the researchers called, “crazy conspiracy theorists” by the ignorant, who never stop trying to find out the truth;)

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 11, 2020 8:49 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I agree strongly with what you are saying, sharon marlowe, but there does come a point where my credibility is stretched beyond where it will stretch. If members of the government or the Deep State were behind 9/11 it would eventually come out and they’d be hung. It’s a much bigger crime, really, than killing JFK, much more elaborate, involving many more people, at a time when there’s much more skepticism.

Beyond that, though, I just don’t see people as being that evil. People in those positions generally believe what they are doing is right, out of ignorance, indoctrination or an ability to rationalize. But to kill all those fellow countrymen (who aren’t viewed as enemies as JFK might have been) who are basically on your side, and to damage the material assets of the very agencies you have associations with, it’s just too much.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 12, 2020 12:20 AM

I just don’t see people as being that evil. “

But you believe Arabs did it, right?
I mean, somebody bloody must have.
So you just don’t think white people could be that evil.
Your “reasonableness” is nothing but garden variety racism.

“People in those positions generally believe what they are doing is right…”

Bald assertion, and a pollyanna one at that. You have no idea what they “believe.” None. Your only point of reference is their own self-serving public relations.
And even if they do think what they’re doing is right…they might have very different opinions about what is “right” than you do.

“But to kill all those fellow countrymen … who are basically on your side…”

Again, it is a naive fallacy to believe that you have any idea what the “sides” are in the minds of enormously powerful people, to whom the masses are nonentities at best, and a raft of potential nuisances at worst.

Sep 12, 2020 2:35 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

But you believe Arabs did it, right?

I mean, somebody bloody must have.

So you just don’t think white people could be that evil.

I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never thought of this angle. But wow how true it is!

Again, it is a naive fallacy to believe that you have any idea what the “sides” are in the minds of enormously powerful people, to whom the masses are nonentities at best, and a raft of potential nuisances at worst.

This part isn’t really hard to see in the microcosm. Anybody who has worked within a large institution has experience with members at the high end of the hierarchy displaying little real concern for those at the lower end. My spouse’s institution just released the report from a consultant they hired to help deal with its budgetary woes. Surprise! None of the recommendations involve cutting the top-heavy administration. Instead, the recommendation is to outsource everything in facilities, IT, etc. Slash and burn the little people. Why is it anything but rational to assume that those with more power, at the highest levels of national and international hierarchies, would care nothing for the lives of people at the bottom of the pyramid?

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 12, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

There was no need for you to label me a racist. My assertions about people believing what they are doing as righteous or necessary applies to everyone, Euro, Arab, Black, etc., etc.

The Islamic plane fliers killed a few thousand people. Bush and company quickly killed a million people in Afghanistan, a far worse atrocity if you’re comparing atrocities.

As far as the 9/11 response architects are concerned, the Pentagon is their war machine, the White House is their office, and the World Trade Center is the economic imperialist engine that drives it all, so, yeah, those buildings and inhabitants represent their allies, their “side”.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 12, 2020 4:53 PM

“There was no need for you to label me a racist. “

Except, you know…the racism.

“…the Pentagon is their war machine, the White House is their office, and the World Trade Center is the economic imperialist engine.”

Just like the pawn is the protector, the knight is the skillful attacker, and the rook is the deadly powerhouse…all of which will be sacrificed in furtherance of the King’s objective.

You think you know who the King is, and what his objectives are, but you don’t. You’re just a child being told children’s stories.

Sep 12, 2020 12:23 AM

I think you need to go read some history mate. You don’t understand how the world works.
A relatively small group owns most of the world. The owners run it. Hence, what we are seeing is the manifestation of their plans. This is not hard for an average intellect to comprehend.
If you’re the “sorry I just can’t go THERE” type, this isn’t the board for you.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 2:24 AM

One must always judge by the evidence, not by your beliefs in what is plausible or credible.

If evidence shows the implausible real or the incredible real then you need to switch gears.

The pivotal truth to 9/11 is though that death and injury were staged. See, not so evil after all. They didn’t kill people on the day. Sure, they went and killed people later, using their fake story as justification and they traumatised citizens around the glow us with their fake story and they introduced greater measures of control with their fake story so they’re not really any less evil nevertheless they staged the death and injury.

One obvious indicator is that all the alleged injured they show us look “drill” injured rather than genuinely injured. We also have to question how on earth the 6,000 people allegedly injured according to Wikipedia were injured? How did that happen?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 12, 2020 2:30 AM

The Bush regime murdered, crippled and displaced tens of millions of people, yet you don’t think those people were that bad? That makes no sense, Spike.
And what evidence is there that makes you believe that Bush regime war criminals would be hung in this country? It’s really just your (hopeful) imagination.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 12, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

The magnitude of the Bush regime’s crime was much worse than the jet hijackers’ crime. What I said was that I could not picture them wantonly killing their allies.

Frankly, there were some additives in the cognitive engine yesterday that were making it run off-kilter. But I stand by the basic ideas.

Sep 12, 2020 7:57 PM

there does come a point where my credibility is stretched beyond where it will stretch.

what does your credibility have to say about this surprising event?

comment image

Sep 11, 2020 5:57 PM

Are you aware that the US secretary of state gave a speech the day before 9/11 in which he said that a trillion dollars had gone missing from the pentagon? And that the cruise missle hit the pentagon exactly in the accounts department, detroying all the records? Is a trillion dollars enough of an excuse?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  Jon

How about an invasion of the Middle East and North Africa in general as enough of an excuse? Afghanistan was only one part of it. General Wesley Clark said that they were planning on taking out seven countries.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Sep 11, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Jon

I’ll assume it was a passenger jet. The location where it hit was quite remarkable. But wouldn’t you think that if things had reached the point where the Secretary of State announced that the money had gone missing there had already been an attempt to find it, but of course they couldn’t find it because it had been made to disappear into the Vortex by premeditated covert action? That’s what I thought when I heard about it.

David Matthews
David Matthews
Sep 11, 2020 8:11 PM

I’ll assume it was a passenger jet

Wow! Never mind the actual pilots of such planes who stated that they would not be able to make the swooping turn maneuver pulled off by a no hoper of a pilot. How does a largely aluminum structure make a hole in reinforced masonry and disappear into it?

A central hole that is, not two where the wing mounted engines might have made a dent. There should be snapped off wing debris lying on the lawn. Or as Rumsfeld said – “The ahhum missile that hit this building”

Sep 11, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Jon

What’s more, the flying bomb circled the Pentagon, avoiding the older, less shielded offices of the senior Pentagon Staff, like Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and instead headed right for the accounting department. This had just been rebuilt to withstand such attacks. Sadly, the cement was not dry. By the end of the day, almost the entire accounting department, including all senior staff, lay dead.

Sep 11, 2020 10:09 PM
Reply to  Jon

I think you’ll find it was 2 trillion +

Sep 11, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  richard

Did you know that if you were to try to count to a trillion at one dollar per second, ie one plus one plus one etc. (you couldn’t use the actual numbers as when they got big it would take more than a second to say them), then it would take thirty thousand years – (two trillion – sixty thousand years….)

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 2:26 AM
Reply to  Jon

That’s what they told us, Jen, but I think so much of what they tell us is simply truther windup. They knew we were coming and they had their propaganda all reading and waiting to wind us up. Not saying it’s not true but often what they tell us against themselves isn’t true, it’s propaganda to wind us up … and even if it is true, the purpose of them telling us is to wind us up.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  Jon

Sorry, Jon, I read Jen.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 12, 2020 5:41 AM
Reply to  Jon

Also evidence there is a female Navy officer who has been on Jim Hogue’s show in 2005 etc. at wgdr.org in Vermont about her book “The Clocks of September” documenting how there was inside the Pentagon a great explosion that stopped many of the clocks there at the same moment, BEFORE the missile hit.

And, of course, “the amazing Pentalawn” showing the grass outside, etc., unscathed. The value of that is how widely it was photographed.

A bit inexplicable, but these proofs are such old news now. Worth noting, though, that like JFK Dallas it is all still SO contentious.

And ridiculously so.

Colin Doran
Colin Doran
Dec 22, 2022 3:30 AM
Reply to  Jon

I wasn’t aware of that because it is a distorted piece of bs that you have been given…

John the First
John the First
Sep 11, 2020 5:19 PM

Consider that the foundation of the Corona scare lies in the situation that Westerners are materialists, or physicalists. On a positive note, in Western society, people, due to the improvements afforded by science and technology and education etc, are more hygienic than their ancestors in the centuries before. Not necessarily more hygienic than all of their ancestors, but on the whole hygiene is a great issue, and the situation compared to former centuries has collectively enormously improved in that area.
On the whole Western culture has become though pretty much a vulgar physically obsessed culture. Cleanliness may not be vulgar, but obsession with material things becomes vulgar at some point.

It has to be remembered that if the Corona scare could be said to be sort of a psychological disease, a psychological obsession, this obsession can only grow to the extent it has grown because the susceptibility exists in society at large. The fact that the scare is also exported to non Western countries, and first started in China does not mean much. First of all, many of such countries have become subject to exported and imported extreme Westen physcicalism, and in the case of non democracies, the scare can be imposed from above. In the Western so called ‘free and educated’ world though, the acceptance relies on the extreme physicicalism of a considerable part of the population.
The vanity of modern Western society which considers itself to be advanced, and continually boasts about this is also a great factor of its blindness.

Back to obsession with cleanliness, or alleged cleanliness. If we look at the cleaning industry, the amounts of cleaning products and equipment, for which you only have to take a look in your supermarket, this has grown totally obsessive. There are also many people who more or less have some sort of what could be called an obsession between quotes, or really an obsession with a particular form of physical cleanliness. Consider some quy who admitted that he wears his underwear only one time, afterwards he throws it away. My sister for instance often walks around with a mini dust cleaner, cleaning some tiny particle which is on the floor. There are a thousand of expressions of what could be called more or less an obsession with some form of hygiene.
There are also many modern materials which are used for building houses and offices, and things to decorate houses, or to furnish them, which are awfully sterile. This being part of this obsession with cleanliness which amounts to sterility.

On a side-note, it becomes slowly more well known that the artificial modern materials, the synthetic clothing of modern times, and for instance kitchen and cleaning equipment are actually breeding grounds for bacteria, sometimes breeding grounds for more aggressive bacteria than those usually present. What I mean to say here is that what people so called ‘intutitively’ think is hygienic, might not be the case in a growing number of situations.

So the corona policies, they are characterized by sterility (social distancing, mask wearing, obsessions with washing ones hands, and what more), what ignorance thinks is hygienic, and at large based upon, or made possible by vulgar society wide physicalism.

Sep 11, 2020 6:03 PM
Reply to  John the First

You could go further: The Corona policies are nothing but theatre. They are to Covid what TSA is to 911, and just as effective.

If we look at hygiene as a whole, rather than a zero sum game, then it gets more complex.

We must balance the development of household appliances and a massive industry of cleaning products (J&J, P&G, Unilever are among the biggest corporations) versus, against and in polar opposition to: dependence on chemicals, abrasives and now ‘bio’ killing agents, unnecessary damage to ‘good’ bacteria and allergies. Is the sum total better or worse?

We have labour saving devices but we now clean, scrub and shave thing we would not have bothered with before. Ask a woman or a metrosexual male how much time they spend on bodily prettification each day. Weigh that against hand washing your clothes. How much time have we really saved?

Cleaning is now done exclusively indoors. It was once an outdoor activity with added benefit of exercise and vitamin D. Why not account for that?

We should also allow for unknowns. Medicine is an inexact science, borrowing much from common sense and traditional preventive approaches and remedies. Some modern cleaning obsessions definitely offend common sense.

Is our society cleaner and more hygienic, is it even healthier really? I’d say we’re less smelly thanks to deodorants and that’s it.

Sep 11, 2020 6:48 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And COVID-19 has pushed anti-bacterial soaps back onto shelves displacing liquid soaps without those properties.
The threat of highly resistant super bugs is no more, I guess.

Sep 12, 2020 2:48 AM
Reply to  John the First

I try to recognize any comment that calls attention to one of the fundamental issues of our time, underneath 9/11 and the coronacircus scamdemic: the gross materiality of the modern West. It lies at the root of the cowardice and subservience that characterizes the public response to all the fearmongering propaganda.

It’s not even difficult to disprove. All it takes is some minor discipline in a meditation routine and a few other experiments in consciousness. (Traditional Christian prayer would probably also work, but I can’t comment on it because it’s not my personal approach.)

Anybody who needs a little nudging from a rationalist perspective might spend some time reading this relatively recent dissertation. But there is a wealth of methodology in how to access what I like to call orthogonal modes of thought, really easy to find these days.

John the First
John the First
Sep 13, 2020 12:18 AM

Tthere is a minority of cultured people who experience the expressions of modern society as a historically unprecedented bombardment of vulgarities, they likely for good reasons keep away from politics and news (the latter being the dictatorship of vulgar reality)
I’d rather point to the writings of for instance Oscar Wilde and Friedrich Schiller.

Oscar Wilde pointed to it like this:

Believe me, my dear Cyril, modernity of form and modernity of subject-matter are entirely and absolutely wrong. We have mistaken the common livery of the age for the vesture of the Muses, and spend our days in the sordid streets and hideous suburbs of our vile cities when we should be out on the hillside with Apollo. Certainly we are a degraded race, and have sold our birthright for a mess of facts.

The nearest religious symbol which comes to mind is the lotus flower of Buddhism. It is being rooted in muddy water.

Modernity is wholly swimming in ‘muddy water’ it appears. Or more grossly expressed, we have become pigs digging in dirt. All my thinking is directed on how to prevent sinking in this dirt together with the unfortunate contemporary collective, and how to convey this to other sensible people, that they won’t be dragged along with it.

Sep 15, 2020 8:03 AM
Reply to  John the First

You could go further. How have some major city slums escaped with few deaths? How did the typical vagabond or homeless person keep healthy, even earlier? Have the modern improvements in hygiene and regulations on food really helped?

John the First
John the First
Sep 15, 2020 9:32 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Comparisons need to be be more specified of coure.
So, are you suggesting that modern cities, compared to the situation in the nineteenth century, when there where no sewers and the whole of modern equipment of drains and stuff, when everything was dumped out on the street, are less hygienic, or have not improved to a significant extent?
And these city slums, people didn’t suffer the problems of diseases which according to historians were the problem of cities at that time caused by a lack of sewers systems, and water cleaning systems, even in the parts of the cities which were not slums?

Sep 11, 2020 4:52 PM

Awaiting for approval

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 11, 2020 5:13 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Why exactly did you post this?

Sep 11, 2020 5:26 PM

Because you didn’t post this, even after I edited a few naught words.

Great article Edward Curtin. One of your Best.

I can feel and see the narrative crumbling as I write these few words.

Eat your heart out, the people I used to have great respect for, that I still have booked marked and still read, but no longer comment with, and no longer buy their books, and no longer send them any money.

I don’t class them as evil, just brainwashed.

Wake Up, and Write SENSE.

Have a little Courage, or we will all be killed – stone dead, by these evil aliens who came up from the depths, to reveal themselves at 9/11 (which you still don’t get)..and who are now crawling across the face of our Planet Earth in their true revolting state.

Just take one look and throw up all over them.

Matt Taibi hinted at it, but never really had the guts to come out.

“The Great Vampire Squid Keeps On Sxcking”


I know we are crap. Just ordinary men and women who are not famous. But we are all we have got, and would appreciate your help.


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 11, 2020 7:49 PM
Reply to  tony_opmoc

This is the first sentence of that comment – approved about ten mins after submitting.


Not sure what happened there. I think you may indeed have computer issues or something. Please DON’T multipost a comment while waiting for it to be approved tho. It will just trigger the anti spam software into identifying all your subsequent posts as spam. It achieves nothing. Your comment will be approved as soon as a mod is available to do so.

Sep 11, 2020 9:12 PM


Sep 12, 2020 8:07 PM

Your comment will be approved as soon as a mod is available to do so.

unless, of course, it isn’t.

Sep 11, 2020 5:29 PM

Maybe its my computer (it was hacked to buggery yesterday – took me 5 hours to fix it) or maybe there is something between me, and your computer, such that a large percentage of what I write doesn’t appear.

Like this (it didn’t again just now)

Great article Edward Curtin. One of your Best.
I can feel and see the narrative crumbling as I write these few words.
Eat your heart out, the people I used to have great respect for, that I still have booked marked and still read, but no longer comment with, and no longer buy their books, and no longer send them any money.
I don’t class them as evil, just brainwashed.
Wake Up, and Write SENSE.
Have a little Courage, or we will all be killed – stone dead, by these evil aliens who came up from the depths, to reveal themselves at 9/11 (which you still don’t get)..and who are now crawling across the face of our Planet Earth in their true revolting state.
Just take one look and throw up all over them.
Matt Taibi hinted at it, but never really had the guts to come out.
“The Great Vampire Squid Keeps On Sxcking”
I know we are crap. Just ordinary men and women who are not famous. But we are all we have got, and would appreciate your help.

Sep 11, 2020 4:46 PM

Great article Edward Curtin. One of your Best.

Sep 11, 2020 4:25 PM

Dollar Bill Gates is all excited about next year!

Sep 11, 2020 4:13 PM

I have always had massive respect for Pepe Escobar, though he was always a bit on the fence about 9/11, he is one of the best writers and journalists I have ever come across.
I guess he is about the same age as me. He comes from Brazil. His latest post is excellent. I suspect he borrowed some of the content from reading below the line here.

Nothing wrong with that. he didn’t copy the words, just read the information, and investigated more himself, and came up with this today.



Sep 11, 2020 4:30 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I’ve noticed quite a few writers who put ideas together in a similar manner to those expressed in these threaded. We should see it as a form of flattery

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 11, 2020 4:55 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Pepe Escobar:
Once again, we’re deep in Yeats territory: “the best lack all conviction/ while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

No, we are in the territory of William Blake:

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

And the Behaviouralists are thoroughly lost.

Sep 11, 2020 6:56 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

His sources seem to be from here which provides some great ideas on community level self defence and security

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 11, 2020 7:05 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

The Great Reset, for all its universalist ambitions, remains an insular, Western-centric model benefitting the proverbial 1%. Ancient Greece did not see itself as “Western”. The Great Reset is essentially an Enlightenment-derived project.

I don’t read much Escobar, since I assume he’s a propagandist for the CCP. If my assumption is correct, then the above statement is important. It means that the CCP have effectively ditched the Globalists.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 11, 2020 7:36 PM

I think the CCP were sending a message.

Wuhan pool party shows China’s ‘strategic victory’ over Covid-19, Beijing says
Aug 20, 2020
South China Morning Post
China said the widely reported Wuhan pool party showed the country had achieved a “strategic victory” in its fight against the coronavirus. Over a weekend in mid-August, thousands of people were seen packing out a water park in Wuhan, the former epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak.

John the First
John the First
Sep 13, 2020 12:35 AM

It (the video) likens to primitives sitting and dancing around a totem pole, in a modern technological mass collective setting. Their medicine man are modern scientists.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 11, 2020 3:55 PM

I hope Gezzah Potts in Melbourne is alright.

Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Sep 11, 2020 6:28 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Yes, Gezzah, give us a shout.

Sep 12, 2020 3:15 PM
Reply to  Ann Caddigan

Hmm….. Bit of a worry

Sep 11, 2020 3:46 PM

What Bill Gates actually said on August 18th in an interview with the “Economist”:

  • The millions of deaths that Mr Gates predicts will be caused not only directly by covid-19, but by the knock-on effects. Almost 90% will be indirect deaths, he says. Lockdowns will reduce access to immunisation and medicine for other diseases.
  • The latest research, Mr Gates explained, suggests that the other coronaviruses in circulation, and partial immunity afforded by vaccines already in use for other diseases, already grant a measure of protection against covid-19. It is also not as contagious as some other diseases. The current best estimate is that 30-60% of the world’s population will need an effective vaccine in order to halt the pandemic. “Fortunately, this isn’t measles. We don’t need over 90% of people to take the vaccine.”
  • Under a Joe Biden presidency, Mr Gates thinks, refusing to wear a mask might become a way for supporters of Donald Trump to signal their anger and resistance.


Microsoft has to go soft on China as they make a lot of profit there, like Apple.This is why Bill and Bloomberg are supporting Biden, who’s son got his big business deals in China financed by…. Chinese banks : see new docu of 42 minutes “Riding the Dragon” : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRmlcEBAiIs&pp=QAA%3D

Sep 11, 2020 3:40 PM

it is not our world.
we just live in it as livestock plaything parasite hosts of the rich and their employees.

Sep 11, 2020 3:54 PM
Reply to  steadydirt

comment image

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 11, 2020 3:22 PM

They have only gone and done it? Mask are now mandatory in Wales, means my anti covid activism goes up a notch, for too long now, I have looked on in absolute envy at those wearing the Plague Doctor masks in supermarkets and shops, now I can buy one as it is required by our Emperor here in Wales.

The news here is about scaring people into compliance, they are threatening people with 2k fines blah blah blah, I have read that one can use the discrimination laws as they trump this fiats and cannot be changed, but I recall an incident with a blind person not wearing a mask actually telling the assistant who refused to serve him, that he could have them arrested, is this true?

I need to brush up on the laws and sure that noone can come up and challenge me about not wearing a mask, is that true? I don’t have a declared disability but fuck, my anger issues are fucking out there and a muzzle may send me into some bizarre rage where anything could happen, also I could have anxiety issues as I am fucking anxious as fuck about when the people will start to wake up, which may trigger my anger if forced to act like the sheeple, No rag here is telling people what their rights are regarding the mask fiats, and I don’t recall reading any articles here regarding legal status and loopholes for non mask wearers.

Goint to get on my bike to Tesco’s first thing Monday and test it all out.

Anyone with legal info please give us the heads up so we can proceed to defy and not get lumbered with penalites.

Sep 11, 2020 3:40 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Awaiting for approval

I will take my cheap temperature goon too

Sep 11, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Awaiting for approval

Well, I have been asked to go to a party in a couple of weeks time (yes, I know they are banned, but its possible, that less than 7 people will be there, which will make it legal).
My wife says, we will have to use public transport, and you will have to wear a mask.
I will take my Walking Stick though, I have already used it in Self Defence.
The COVID (Official UK Police) – didn’t even ask me, if I was Medically Exempt. They did ask my wife though.
I might make a Medically Exempt badge out of an old Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream badge, that looks very like a Press Badge, or one of these badges musicians wear even on-stage at Festivals, and The Jxws wore in NxZI Germany.
I now know how they felt.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 11, 2020 7:47 PM
Reply to  ame

Thank you Ame, much appreciated. in the hansard down below, isnt hancock merely expressing a wish? if he said people with exemptions HAVE to state why they are exempt, then he too will be breaking the equalities act, very interesting, also it is worth noting that protest/dissent rose in England with the mask fiat, also Shops reported trade was down as a result of the mask fiat, same here for Wales, few small independent shops here who I am sure cannot afford to throw away any custom, we shall soon see.

Sep 11, 2020 10:10 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

some wonderful folks on this site and another had theses exempts i just horded them pass them on.
Shops also need educating so do workers in the shops if they ask
then mentioned the EA2010 if they play up and get all weird then head office a serious complaint of discriminating and harassment and watch the next time you in the shop the vibe wil change for the better
in the beginning u.k wise it was slightly wonky with certain shops then it got sorted and now
hardly anyone says nowt i dont wear a cattle rope to tell people i am exempt etc just walk in as normal not abnormal

all the best thanks

this one works perfectly


Who will enforce this?Government advice to businesses and controllers of premises is NOT to try to enforce wearing of face covering and instead to leave this others. In particular, to the police, police community support officers, TfL officers, and any other person designated by the Secretary of State for Health. Significantly, unlike other regulations, these ‘relevant persons’ do not include persons designated by Local Authorities.
If a ‘relevant person’ considers that you are not wearing a face covering when you should be, they may direct you to wear a face covering and to leave the relevant place. A police constable may use reasonable force if necessary, but not others.
Apart from expectation of significant disagreements arising, there is good reason for keeping businesses and local authorities out of enforcement.
They might include that they would be putting themselves in very obvious risk of disability discrimination. There is significant portion of the population who by reason of their disability are put at a substantial disadvantage if required to wear a face covering. This may include, for example, citizens who suffer from deafness or otherwise need to see lips or full face for communication, asthma or other respiratory conditions, anxiety, depression, general anxiety disorder, paranoia, schizophrenia among many others.
The regulations do not and cannot trump discrimination lawAnti-discrimination laws in the Equality Act 2010 cannot be overwritten by these regulations. The Equality Act provides fundamental protections for citizens with disabilities. These also overlap with rights to a privacy and autonomy having to be treated with reference to their disability (or, for that matter, their gender, race, sexuality etc.)

What should businesses do?
Businesses and their staff are best advised not to challenge those who refuse to wear a face covering.  Otherwise, at some point in the day there is likely to be a time when someone with a disability is challenged. Depending on how the situation develops, and this could be within minutes or seconds, a situation may arise when the business, and the person conducting the challenge, may find they have committed:

  • an offence for which they are liable on summary conviction to pay a fine of up to £5,000 – section 112 (Aiding contraventions) of the Equality Act 2010; and/or
  • an act of disability discrimination and be ordered to pay to any individual who suffers injury to feelings compensation between £900 and £9,000 – section 119 (Remedies) of the Equality Act 2010
Sep 11, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Hansard – Coronavirus Update14 July 2020

DR Cameron
Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker. As chair of the all-party parliamentary group for disability, I have been hearing concerns from those who may be exempt from wearing face masks but are fearful of being confronted because not all disabilities are visible. Will the Secretary of State join me in congratulating East Kilbride’s Hannah Kelsall on developing free “chase the rainbow” carry cards that explain this exemption? Ultimately, no one should ever be challenging vulnerable people outside. It takes a lot of courage for many to leave their homes, but these innovative cards are providing reassurance for many across my constituency and beyond.
It is very important that, as a society, we look out for the most vulnerable, especially through this epidemic. The initiative that the hon. Lady describes is just one way in which we can all support people who have particular circumstances, and it relates directly to the introduction of the mandatory use of face coverings in shops, because there are important exemptions. It is important that people are able to express that they have an exemption because of their medical condition requiring them not to wear a mask, so that they can still shop.

Sep 12, 2020 10:30 AM
Reply to  ame

The exemption cards available from hidden disabilities are part of a UK scheme. You can do a search to see which shops in your area recognise them. I have one but keep it inside my wallet and have never been asked to show anything, I just say ‘I’m exempt’ and walk in if asked about a mask.


Sep 12, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Paul_too

dont carry a exempted as do not have to show people paper whilst out to prove who i am or what i say

thank you

Sep 11, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

scroll down in this section

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 3:01 PM

Mr. Curtain could have disgarded the ‘fear of death’ stuff and just said that the horribly compromised mainstream media creating propaganda movies on television is the starkest parallel between the plandemic and the 9/11 event.

On another note, this is sad from OffGuardian:

“The Left are pushing for more fascism – based on pseudoscience about ‘zero Covid’.
At best pathetic levels of ignorance.
At worst a willing endorsement of a permanent police state – on the basis they hope it will have a ‘socialist’ in charge”

The Left doesn’t push for fascism. Fascism is right wing ideology. OffGuardian is failing bad on this. For example, if someone claims that they’re for peace, and then proceeds to become violent and brutish, then there’s nothing wrong with being for peace, it’s just that the person claiming they are for peace is lying. OffGuardian is engaging in right wing strategies of criticizing the Left because certain people claiming to be leftists are lying. It’s pretty simple really. Most of the world and human history is the result of right wing ideology. The Left is the resistance to that ideology. Whenever OffGuardian claims “the Left” are doing this and that right wing thing, then they are on the side of the Right. They are undermining the Left just as much as people who lie about being left wing are undermining the Left.

Sep 11, 2020 3:23 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

The only covid-skeptical leftists I EVER meet are the ones who comment here on off guardian.

Sep 11, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  Someone
P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 11, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  Someone

Warning contains pofanities if easily offend, do not procede.

I glady hold my hands up and say I am a leftie, JC was far too right wing for me but we all have to compromise, many of us lefties deserted labour after Blair, Green Party was our natural home from home but they too have managed to piss off quite a few left leaning folk.

No self respecting leftie is going to march anywhere with some tw@t with the same mindset of Tommy Robinson. they can go fuck themselves, History shows us to be careful who you fight with, and sorry but the far right just cant help themselves with the ol racism and discrimination malarky its almost in their DNA, perhaps they could all have a PCR test once the “siegy heil” gene/virus has been discovered, from this leftie I can all tommy robinson esques wankers to go fuck themselves.

I could and would quite happily march with XR or BLM folk who have woken the fuck up.

Sep 11, 2020 3:56 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

What on earth are you talking about? Anyone can see that XR and BLM are controlled opposition.

Sep 11, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

XR or BLM folk who have woken the fuck up

not going to happen; that’s not what they’re paid for.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 11, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

Oh but some have woken up and become superwoke.

Sep 11, 2020 4:54 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

You’re just another middle class leftie who doesnt give a fuck about the working class and the group Labour were supposed to ‘protect’.

Working class communities have been decimated by unwarranted immigration and the likes of you don’t give a toss. How dare they have the temerity to complain – thats your job after all hey? All for the good of diversity?

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 11, 2020 7:56 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

I will happily march with those whom the far right would penalise if they ever had their way, We learnt here in Wales, how the far right infiltrated during the miners strike and stoked racial hatred, we dealt with it, though still an issue, it is no where near the issue it was a few decades ago, corrupting the vulnerable into believing the xenophobic, islamaphobic hogwash.

The far right needs us far more than the skeptical left needs you. The anti has upped in Wales, very stong socialist minded nation, maybe it will be the Welsh that end this?

Sep 11, 2020 9:46 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

There isn’t any far-right. Its a media construct for fucks sake. And if there were / are don’t you seriously believe that MI5 wouldn’t have penetrated and controlled them like they do every other group?

The miners strike was 36 years ago. A lot has changed since then.

The mindset you display is exactly the reason the left are in the state they are in today. People like yourself are more than happy to identify with immigrants, illegal or not because they really hate the working class. And especially those of the working class who vote tory.

That was the whole raison detre of people like Blair and his ilk – to rub their noses in diversity. Those politicians are worse then the the tories because they pretend to represent the working people while quietly shafting them as always.

I repeat their is no far right – there are working class people sick of having the identity denied, their communities destroyed and their livelihoods ruined. All without a say because as you amply display there is no one to represent them. They are demonised and marginilised and as that despair grows they see the likes of you waving ‘immigrants welcome’ and calling them xenophobe. They have no voice and are the underclass of society. Thats why their kids are the worse performers in schools.

It would be a whole lot better for them if those claiming to represent these people fucked off and patronised some other group.

Sep 11, 2020 10:43 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

I repeat their is no far right”.

I would go further. Blair was/is a globalist. The Labour party is in disarray as any true leftie leader is destroyed by the globalists and the MSM (which is owned by the globalists).
Would you call any of the recent Conservative leaders “conservative”?
Whatever happens, Boris is in the same league now as Blair.
There is no left or right.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 11, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

XR is a pseudo-science project for rich young folk with nothing better to do. They are more of a religion than a fact based organisation who spread the word over Man Made Global Warming, which is a fallacy.

All their info and organisers come straight from the UN who have their own agendas to destroy humans. It won’t be the climate that kills people, but listening to agitators-for-rent who swing both ways depending on the funding.

XR haven’t a clue about the true nature of the planet, what drives it or what harms it. They say we should be quitting all carbon based fuel for green energy when green energy only at best can provide 30% of the power we need.

When these idiots close down all the power stations because of their child-like diagrams and projections, which are widely inaccurate, they will find that solar panels do not work very well under a thick layer of snow and their wind farms cannot work because of the high winds. Antarctica just posted the highest wind speed ever recorded.

The planet is going through cycles. This drives the climate along with the sun. Humans have little to do with it. Real scientists have equated the damage to the planet because of an inert gas CO2 since the industrial revolution and found it to be negligible.
XR are using your good nature and psuedo-science to fool you.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 11, 2020 7:57 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

plenty of good misled honest caring folk in XR beginning to wake up, this from my point of view is a positive thing and with that same commitment we can end this shit.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 11, 2020 11:09 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

I certainly hope so P R Ivy as they are hurting themselves in the long run and spoiling things for the rest of us. Science has done us proud so why abandon it? The science says cooling and no art performance is going to alter that.
The planet is going through changes with more to come. Those gorging themselves on MMGW hysteria of the XR are going to be totally and utterly unprepared for those changes when they really start to bite.

Man may be able to alter certain things on this planet but in the end the planet wins, as it always has, for billions upon billions of years.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 3:53 PM
Reply to  Someone

There are others I know of, but not many people are leftists. If someone you meet is in favour of lockdown, mandatory masks and social distancing, then you know they’re not leftists. By now there should not be anyone on the fence about this. If anyone thinks that imperialists should lock us down and control our behaviour then they’re not leftists–they’re right wingers in favour of totalitarianism. Leftists are a tiny minority in the world of politics. Leftists don’t have any power. Leftist voices are NOT listened to by those in power. For OffGuardian to act as though leftists are in favour of totalitarianism and fascism is soooooo wrong. This is not the first time OffGuardian has purposely mischaracterized the Left. They do it in the same way that the right wing Republicans claim the right wing Democrats are the Left.

Sep 11, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

If someone you meet is in favour of lockdown, mandatory masks and social distancing, then you know they’re not leftists.

but they claim to be leftists. maybe they even believe it. that’s where we’re at, now. welcome to the society of the spectacle.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 5:02 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

What do you call a person claiming to be something they’re not? Lets look at “ignorant”. Say in the beginning of 2020, we didn’t know if covid would turn out to be the Black Death, wiping out a third of the populations around the world. But that time is a distant past. For months now we’ve known that this alleged virus is not anymore dangerous than the seasonal flu. So claiming ignorance isn’t believable any longer.
So, the people claiming to be leftists who think totalitarianism is acceptable, are not leftists. They’re liars.

Sep 11, 2020 5:17 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

They’re liars.

not disagreeing with anything that you say, but I think that “self-serving delusional assholes” is also a serious possibility. most of these people are on the payroll, in one way or another. also, if they were to even begin to acknowledge how the world really works, they might not get invited to the right parties anymore.

how much suffering can pretentious middle-class twits be expected to endure?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 5:52 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

“…I think that “self-serving delusional assholes” is also a serious possibility.”

Sep 11, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

… isn’t that precisely the point of the OffG tweet you criticised in another of your comments?

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  KarenEliot

That’s not what OffGuardian is doing. Their “point” is that “the left/right paradigm is false”. My point is that it’s only false if you mischaracterize the Left as wanting fascism just like the Right. If people who claim to be leftists promote the imperialist State to lock everyone down and manage our behaviour, then they’re not leftists any longer. A leftist wouldn’t say that the Left is just like the Right. OffGuardian is being disingenuous by describing the Left as wanting fascism. Instead they should point to the people claiming to be leftists and say that they’re engaging in right wing ideology.

Sep 11, 2020 9:03 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Tweets are obviously not very nuanced Sharon, and I sense we’re on roughly the same page. I would definitely say from personal observation over the last few years, but in 2020 much much more so, that the left/right paradigm really has broken down, though you are right (oops, CORRECT) that much of the covid skepticism* is being expressed by right wing folks.

Maybe this was always an artificial divide.

The more accurate schism is maybe statists v non statists. The former camp seemingly are overwhelmingly terror-deranged nulabour types (here in UK, that is) who think the government should love it’s citizens and take care of them. They hate people who smell, or live in caravans, or who speak funny, but know they dare not say so. So they channel all their spite into Corona Womble activism instead, and BLM, statues, drawings of rainbows, and of course big nasty Donald. Their heroes are Nicola Sturgeon and that bizarre NZ tranny zealot. Oh and poor little Greta.

Meanwhile the psychopaths really running the show are ignored, tossing a dead cat for the press to fume about if anyone starts asking the wrong questions.

* Years ago I recall a forteana listserv (yes, that long ago) debated the US spelling of skeptic and the UK variant sceptic and decided the former was a harder, more cynical form than the latter ( which was maybe nearer the relativistic/Popperian meaning ). So I misspelled the word with a k in that spirit.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 12, 2020 3:07 AM
Reply to  KarenEliot

I was probably failing to be clear about my criticism of OffGuardian, Karen. Sorry:) I am a left winger because I support left wing ideology which is based upon empathy. This is why left wing ideology is against colonialism, imperialism, totalitarianism, fascism, etc. It is also why left wing ideology supports the worker, socialism, and animal welfare. It all comes down to empathy, compassion and sympathy for the people without power, those who aren’t wealthy, the vulnerable.
When TV says that Democrats are the left wing, it’s stupid. The Democrats are right wing pro-war capitalists and imperialists. It’s insulting to call them leftists. OffGuardian engages in the same thing when they claim that the Left is in favour of fascism. That’s not left wing ideology. I expect it from TV, but pretty disappointed that it comes from OffGuardian.
The Left and the Right carry with them distinct ideologies from one another. It is not that the ideology is in question, it’s the people posing as left wingers that are in question. The Democrats are a fake resistance to right wing ideology. Is Labour and/or Jeremy Corbyn a fake resistance? Are they merely posing as left wingers like the Democrats? Those are the questions. The answer is not to say that the left/right paradigm is fake, or artificial. It’s to point out that these people or groups claiming to be leftists are the fake and artificial posers;)

Sep 11, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

I don’t disagree, I’m just saying I’ve never met a covid-skeptical leftist outside of this site. In my country even a lot of Marxist-Leninists are falling for the Trotskyist line “the ruling class must be held accountable FOR LETTING THE PEOPLE DIE FROM THIS SUPER DEADLY VIRUS”. These are not fake leftists, I’m talking about people who have been members of the communist party for years. They’re also being duped. Maybe they’re watching too much RT and Telesur. I don’t yet have an answer.

Sep 11, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  Someone

As one of the “lefties” who has had to swear off every single left leaning site on the net or YouTube (except for Mint Press News), I couldn’t agree more. And – and this is a huge AND – the depth of their lockstep approval of the lockdown gives the Lie to the notion that they’re merely using the ruling class’ own playbook against them.

I have encountered Only One instance of beating them at their own game: a Jimmy Dore video which highlighted Dr Fauci’s flip-flop on mask wearing. Jimmy came right out and called Fauci a “fuckin’ liar!” But that was the only peep from “The Left” to be found on the world wide web.

Sep 11, 2020 5:18 PM
Reply to  Howard
Sep 11, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yeah, I’m a leftie too and I’m dismayed. I’ve been trying to explain to my comrades that we need to destigmatize the term “conspiracy theory”, that conspiracy theories aren’t always wrong, that, yes, the capitalist class CONSPIRES to keep people under control and has always done, that this specific psyop is just one face of global capitalism’s shenanigans, etc. They do listen but never want to continue the conversation. In Brazil (where I’m from) the brainwashing has been extremely effective in associating every and any covid-skeptical position with Bolsonaro. And there’s nothing Brazilian leftists fear more than being associated with Bolsonaro in any way.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Someone

I spoke with a guy who reads Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, all those guys. And he claims to be a leftist. But I’d describe him as a fake leftist because on important matters like this covid exercise in totalitarianism, he does question the imperialist State or its representatives in the medical world. He failed the test. Just like the other fake leftists who believe the State fantasy about the 9/11 event. He said it doesn’t matter if the imperialists used a false flag operation on 9/11, because capitalism is so rotten that there’s no point to investigating false flag events. He made no sense. The State loves people like him, and the people you mentioned, Someone. Fake leftists who don’t resist the Right when it matters most.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 5:44 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

he does question the imperialist State”
“does” should be “doesn’t”:)

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 11, 2020 5:38 PM
Reply to  Someone

The COVID case is certainly a conundrum. As one of the (small number?) of skeptical Leftists, I acknowledge the dismal state of the pre-COVID capitalist world. I also acknowledge an oft repeated observation: that the West was headed for the mother of all crashes. As a Leftist, the answer lay in the overthrow – or, at least, the extreme curtailment of the monstrous bloated corporate private realm. In this regard, COVID arrives as a wondrous opportunity. Too wondrous, considering the relentless push of the virus narrative throughout the corporate capitalist media. And this is where everything seems to take a very weird turn. The major part of the Left just leap to the barricades albeit it barricades behind the sofa. And they are cheered on by the corporate capitalist press who have inexplicably gone all Bolshie. Meanwhile the ones who are openly skeptical are the ones portrayed as Right wingers. They of course are eager to present the bloated corporations as “Marxist”. Confused? If you aren’t, you should be.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Sep 12, 2020 1:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I agree. You have summed up my own perceptions of our very confusing state. One comment:

“(T)he corporate capitalist press … have inexplicably gone all Bolshie.” This is correct, and ever so bizarre, but we should note that they’ve only “gone Bolshie” on certain issues. And even on those issues, it all really only boils down to pseudo-left posturing on the issue of race, which conventionally is a minefield for reaction, especially when, as the identitarians claim, we cannot escape our “racial identity”…

You will note that the corporate press have not “gone Bolshie” on the globalist plan to have the world economy dominated by Western finance…

Thus we can only conclude that it’s all mindf*ck theatre to confuse us. When, in the run up to the 2012 US election, the anti-war liberal left grew sick of Obama’s deceptions, and, following the Occupy movement–which saw a great deal of sympathy and mutual understanding between young people of the anarcho-left camp and those of the anti-war libertarian camp–there began to be talk of a “third-way” alliance of those independents and former Dems and Reps fed up with both main political parties (even Ralph Nader encouraged it)–the mind-melders and consent manufacturers went into panic mode and started sounding hysterical alarms about the threat of a “brown-red” alliance.

This, to my mind, was the warm-up to what we are seeing now. The puppetmasters have realized that most people want peace and justice, and so they are pretending to be, at least, for justice (forget about peace), to the point of taking control of the general dissatisfaction and directing it against mostly just one object–the golem of our ills–the Orange Man.

None of it means anything, except the fact that we must believe nothing of what we are told through official channels, and they should be avoided at all costs. The rulers are insane, and they want us to go insane too.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 14, 2020 4:41 AM
Reply to  Someone

opednews.com publishes covid-skepticism and they are mostly left. I was shocked, but they’ve published a half dozen of my screeds. I’ve followed them for 16 years, but they seem compromised in some of their decisions at some key junctures.Ti
I don’t even bother trying T anymore, comments are just peachy. Here (US), they ever ban me or want to own me.

For a “price”.

Sep 11, 2020 4:08 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

Though I think perhaps what Off-Guardian means is that “the Left” are inadvertently and ironically pushing for fascism, I do think they should have specified which part of “the Left” they’re talking about. Unfortunately, since “the Left” is such a loosely controlled and organized entity (for which I say Thank God), it becomes difficult for those who are not part of “the Left” to pinpoint or separate one “faction” from another. Especially so when so many movements on “the Left” are so quickly shot down (such as the Occupy movement).

Except for Socialists and Communists, they are no catchy terms to characterize “the Left” – unlike “the Right” with its Libertarian, Alt Right, LaRouche, Conservative, Free Market “factions.” This, of course, is Journalism’s Achilles Heel: brevity is the be all and end all. It can not by its very nature offer in-depth views.

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

I like your comment, Howard:) But OffGuardian deserves much more criticism than saying that they just didn’t specify what part of the Left they’re speaking about. Having followed OffGuardian pretty closely this year especially, I don’t think it was an error on their part to to specify, but rather a deliberate choice. I’ve seen the same method at other sites I frequent that are definitely right wing sites with left wing leanings. First, they put “left” in quotation marks in their articles. Then eventually the quotation marks disappear. And finally it’s the Left–capitalized with no quotation marks. Now, a person who actually was a left winger wouldn’t do that. What they’d do is point out why such and such person is adopting right wing ideology. OffGuardian doesn’t do that. Their criticism is for the Left, who they claim can be fascists. OffGuardian is sharing soup with the right wing;)

sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 11, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

“I don’t think it was an error on their part to to specify”
“not” to specify:)

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 11, 2020 11:54 PM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

sharon – Ed included – “the fear of death stuff” – precisely because it is such a key psychological factor being used to facilitate the mass manipulation of entire populations going on now – and which went on immediately following 9/11.

Consider reading “The Denial of Death” by Ernest Becker, or explore Terror Management Theory research which is abundant. The “mask” is a rather potent symbolic “death reminder” in the same way that the post 9/11 “Orange Alerts” were – both eliciting unconscious responses in the population that cause most people to be more willing to embrace the underlying cultural myths (read – “trust authorities”) – rather than critically question the absolute nonsense being peddled daily on MSM and by the political class and oligarchy.


sharon marlowe
sharon marlowe
Sep 12, 2020 2:22 AM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

That’s very interesting, Gary. Thanks:)

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 12, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

You’re quite welcome. 🙂

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 14, 2020 4:36 AM
Reply to  sharon marlowe

OEN at opednews.com publishes anti-hoax articles and commentary. They’ve asked to re-publish some of my screeds in the past (from ’06 to ’16) and it has a lot of traffic, massive, as a left-friendly site.

But l began to notice for a number of years now that they are somewhat compromised by “third party” interference and harrassment, one that has a discernible “trickle-down” impact on content. Especially noticeable on their comment threads. I used Angleton’s favorite phrase “wilderness of mirrors” as CIA has been fashioning one as a consuming project for years. Angketon said he wanted “our adversaries” to find themselves in one. I used it half-sussing I’d get blowback/abuse for it. There was a spook jumped on the thread in (literally) moments. I challenged him, and he went backdoor and shut me down on submissions, from what writing on the wall I could read clear enough. In any case, it’s about what they don’t mind, not about what’s really happening. They are selective. Makes you wonder.

At least they publish contrarian essays, though. I posted a link to one here the other day, about the realities in Melbourne, which Gezzah said was accurate reporting.

So they have that much. It’s the first I’ve come across, stateside.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Sep 11, 2020 2:59 PM

Highly intelligent analysis from Ed Curtin, as always. We must never forget the false-flag attacks of 9/11. They are the key, the rosetta stone to everything that has happened since.

Now I will relate what I saw yesterday. I live in SW France, with the nearest decent-sized town being Perigueux (pop. ca. 40,000), where an elderly friend was recently hospitalized while awaiting surgery. Upon her request I went into town to bring her a document to sign. Visits were tightly controlled at the hospital, but after stating my purpose they let me go past the reception desk. (Normal visits are frowned upon.) On the ward I encountered sharp hostility: “What you doing here?” the chief nurse, a man, asked. In the end they let me in to have my friend sign the paper, then unceremoniously booted me out.

But that wasn’t the half it. I mention this story to say one thing: The hospital was practically empty. I’d been there many times before, all before Covid. The parking lots were always full, the admissions lobby always full, the halls full of traffic of visitors and patients. Not any more. What is going on?

My experience confirms the many, many mostly anonymous reports of the same from whistleblowing hospital workers, nurses and doctors.

Quid agit?

Sep 11, 2020 2:59 PM

read this short and to the point comment at some other blog
2 Planes, 3 Buildings
and chuckled with some frustration of all this – 911, Western “Beacon of Democracies” and elected officials come to conclusion and vote to go to Wars to non Euro developing/underdeveloped countries, remove-overethrow their evil leader who posses [non existing] “Weapons of Mass Destructions” and eventually still their natural resources !

On top, all Western leader got reelected – Bush, Blair et al.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 11, 2020 2:39 PM

Thank you for this place, our blackboard of wails. thank you.

Oregon Skies Apocalypse Red/
BIG REVEAL: Kamala Harris Hubs Runs ChiCom Power Firm/
Montana Gov Invites China In/ Delta.AA Promote BLM/
Moderna Patent Predicted Covid Outbreak/
Trump’s Serbia.Croatia Deal Implications

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 12, 2020 10:54 AM
Reply to  Voxi Pop

Never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories!

FBI Portland
7:20 PM • Sep 11, 2020

Reports that extremists are setting wildfires in Oregon are untrue. Help us stop the spread of misinformation by only sharing information from trusted, official sources.

FBI Portland and local law enforcement agencies have been receiving reports that extremists are responsible for setting wildfires in Oregon. With our state and local partners, the FBI has investigated several such reports and found them to be UNTRUE.

Conspiracy theories and misinformation take valuable resources away [from] local fire and police agencies working around the clock to bring these fires under control. Please help our entire community by only sharing validated information from official sources.

See also:

Sep 11, 2020 2:07 PM

Make no mistake, this is black magic we’re dealing with here.
It’s what happens when spoiled people get bored with life as it actually is, and look for excitement elsewhere. In that respect the author of this article is very wise in pointing out the following:

but when religion loses its hold on people’s imaginations, especially in regard to the belief in immortality, as Orwell pointed out in the mid-1940s, a huge void is left. Without that consolation, fear is usually tranquilized by trivial pursuits.

We can see that void in people’s lives absolutely everywhere, from the babblings of our shallow media to the lives of our young people who now find life utterly meaningless. How could we not expect the summary ditching of the main source of humanity’s philosophic sense of purpose to leave behind a “huge void”? And that is mainly because nobody bothered to search for anything which could fill that void, and people satisfied themselves merely with knowing that there was a huge void, while feeling duly sorry for themselves and lamenting their sad, but necessary, co-existence with the void…
What more fertile ground for another series of masterworks of diabolic creativity could Satan possibly wish for?
I have greatly enjoyed Christopher Hitchens’s diatribes on this and that, including religion, but, entertainment value aside, and given his grudging admission that there are marvellous things in cosmic existence which deserve our awe and respect, he has also taken part in the nurturing and propagating of that void, which didn’t create itself. Like 911 and covid, it was engineered for a purpose.
Even if you just take the Bible for the library which it basically is, there can be little doubt that a great deal of what is to be found there was inspired by a lot more than mere practical advice on how to live a “good life”. There is a wealth of deep wisdom in it – as well as in other religious texts – which speaks, not to those brainwashed by a favourite preacher, but directly to the soul of any reasonably mature reader. Material which is food, yes, nourishment, for thought.
It seems pretty obvious that those who are currently presuming to be our leaders and representatives are godless and soulless trash, yet we have to consider the fact that they do not look at it that way themselves. Their lack of serious religious motivation, based upon a failure to understand of what a complete human being is beyond the mere mechanism, means that they, too, have this “huge void”, where something ancient and wise should be. They are bored with life, and because they sense nothing higher than themselves, they think they are the highest. They think they are God, and who among us hasn’t noticed that they act like it too…?
And so the devil moves in. Easy-peasy.
This isn’t going to be easy to fix, however.
Rachel, from the video someone linked to yesterday, said that one thing we can do is to disrupt the pattern where we see it on display. Say no. Don’t take part. Object, and know why you are objecting. Have the facts on hand.
Pray. Seriously.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 11, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Hear, hear.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 11, 2020 3:07 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Wasn’t George W. Bush a Christian, and Tony Blair a Catholic when they agreed to invade and bomb Iraq?

Likewise, there are many murderous psychopaths in politics who profit from war yet who wear their religious righteousness as a shield against judgement.

Will praying to a god who allowed this nightmare to unfold listen? Will praying change the minds of the countless Pharma shareholders around the world who stand to profit from the New Normal?

Sep 11, 2020 3:49 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

The Spanish invader/rapist/killer Christians in their colonizing?
The Nazi Christians building death camps?
The wretched fortune seekers sent by the Vatican on the crusades?
The Christian European/American genocide of the indigenous population of North America?
it’s a long old list

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Sep 12, 2020 1:16 PM
Reply to  steadydirt

Nazi ideology was anti-Christian, even if, for political expediency, the regime made peace with the Church.

Sep 11, 2020 4:48 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

“Christian” / “Catholic” are just labels which mean nothing to the soulless.
Those are people who think going to church once a week brings you closer to God, while their real intentions are actually the opposite.
It’s very common today.
People lost their religion, but they didn’t lose the labels.

Sep 11, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

As an Anglican Christian Grumpy Marxist one is exhorted to pray all the days of one’s life for Israel. One is exhorted to pray with ‘all the mind, heart, and strength’ according to the King James Bible and Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II of whom the Anglican Communion regards as head of the Church of England.

The King James Bible also exhorts one to have faith in the deity of the bible we call God even if one is at the lowest depths of despair.

I sure hope Karl Marx is God.


Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 11, 2020 3:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Black magic indeed. I’ve been discovering more and morehow it’s not cloaks and wands but tricks and deceptions in the mundane world. Words with two meanings spelling out a different message to those in the know and of course the great illusion: money,the alchemists gold. That’s the way to make something out of nothing, the shabby secret of artificial magic,filthy lucre.

Sep 11, 2020 4:21 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Though I very much like what you said, I cannot agree with it; at least not entirely. Yes, without “God” there is a huge void – for which I say “Thank God for the Void!” Far from being something negative, it is quite the reverse. To think there is no overarching Being out there controlling everything is a great awakening from a thousand year long slumber.

Because if there is such a Being, then there is absolutely positively no getting around the inescapable fact that the Being has ordained everything that’s happened – 99% of which has been misery for the vast majority of the world’s population. To say, no it’s just a great experiment the Being is conducting to see how “we” handle it is to condone all the misery.

And the misery extends to every other species on the planet. You cannot have a “God” without ending up with a Bill Gates drooling at the prospect of pumping nano-technology into every body on Earth. They go together like two peas in a pod.

Sep 11, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Howard

I was really just pointing out how much of a component of a complete human being religion used to be, and therefore the void is gigantic, and, to my mind, leaves many modern people with more than half of their identity missing.
Going into “The Divine Will” more deeply would take us too far afield here, but I would welcome a discussion in the right circumstances.
If you just take it as read that I am well aware of the millions of people who have been brainwashed by pseudo-religion and the many preachers whose intentions are entirely earth-bound and mercenary, I could perhaps give a hint as to where I am coming from here by suggesting the notion that it is not only the outer aspects of humanity which are evolving (clearly sometimes in a reverse direction), but also the inner.
A part of the inner evolution of humanity is, according to some teachings (teachings which make a lot of sense to me), the idea that our previous group-thinking identity, as clearly outlined in the Old Testament, is supposed to give way to recognition of our future as individuals, who will eventually find a personal path to their spiritual origins.
If everything was done for us, and there were no consequences for us of our mistakes, then our self-consciousness would remain asleep, just as we can have no concept of light without seeing shadow and darkness too.
Therefore, it is conceivable that there is purpose to the idea that we gradually acquire ever more freedom to make mistakes (we currently have that particular freedom in spades) in order to learn from them.
Of course this is a very slow process, and people have different starting points, depending on previous karma. Also the whole picture is very unlikely to be clear to any particular individual, but I do see the sense in it, and it strikes a chord with my personal experience, for what that’s worth.
This takes the currently-fashionable “blame” for everything which has gone wrong away from “the Divine”, however one might understand that, and puts it where I believe it belongs: at the door of human error.
The very first book in the Bible covers that notion with the Adam and Eve story, which doesn’t imply that God instructed the serpent to tempt them, or that God wanted a bad outcome for mankind’s future… The Creator clearly hoped that there was enough respect for Him in mankind to be able to follow His clear instructions, but He clearly had to rethink His plan to some extent… So we are now living with His Plan B.
It’s a story – I am not a Southern Baptist – but I believe such stories are supposed to propel us into contemplation of what we, and the world, really are, and not to tempt us to throw them out as strictly for infants.
I’m not going to belabour the subject any more here, because it is really off-topic, but I have to say I often find your comments perceptive and thought-provoking too.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 11, 2020 1:53 PM

comment image

Sep 11, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

That’s been my battle cry since March.

But I’m the crazy one.

Sep 11, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  Judith

The trouble is, they’re probably glad to hear it… “Mission Accomplished”…?

Sep 11, 2020 1:53 PM

A great introductory video to share on 911 narrated by a construction engineer.

Who Rigged the Twin Towers
Joe Biden – drafted the Patriot Act in 1995
John Brennan – approved visas for supposed Saudi hijackers
Robert Mueller – appointed FBI director on Sep 4, 2001, did nothing
Donald Trump – NYC’s top builder thinks bombs exploded inside simultaneously.

Sep 11, 2020 2:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Can you see why they’re frightened of Trump? They were all in on it. Trump’s a builder. He knew immediately how the buildings came down.They just ain’t comfortable with him around.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Sep 11, 2020 3:21 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’m not sure that he’s ever laid one brick on top of another, more of a mason I’d think and not of the stone variety.

Sep 11, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Trump has too many ties to Israel and BiBi. He was bailed by the dual nationals the last time he went bankrupt. He may ‘know’ but he isn’t going to sing.

Sep 11, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

That’s very true. I didn’t add it, not to complicate things. But if Israel’s role is as deep as the dancers and the artists suggest (not to mention its involvement in cybersecurity companies and intel agency penetration, and the key role of Israeli nationals in the government preparations for and response to 911) Trump would not want to go there and Kushner wouldn’t let him.

Sep 12, 2020 12:32 AM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

drumph is surrounded by chabad al his daughters are given to them
bailed out by wilbur ross a rothschild bag man

Sep 12, 2020 9:48 AM
Reply to  gorden

…Drumpf’s political mentor ? Roy Cohn
Drumpf’s biggest donor ? Sheldon Adelson
Drumpf’s campaign ideologue ? Finkelstein
His ‘alt-right’ platform mouthpiece ? Breitbart
His ‘closest advisor’ ? Kushner
Trump’s major (only?) achievements 2016-2020 : Israeli territorial and cybernetic expansion, plus relocation of capitol to Jerusalem.
None of these people would want Israel fingered as mention-able suspects in 911.
Qanon and Trump Derangement Syndrome are but two parallel departments in the same kosher op.
We talk about ‘narratives’ in the abstract, yet so many go silent when the real questioning comes to “Who presented us with the Al Qaeda narrative (in preparation beforehand, on the day in the media, officially in the 911 Commission, and defensively afterwards in the endless hit pieces and junk publications that circulated for a decade) ?”. Answer that – and it is easy to answer- and even though Truthers, by and large, do not want to talk about WHO DID 911, or WHY ? [i.e. it won’t be covered here at OffG] things fit together rather straightforwardly.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Course he knows. He knows this virus is a fake, “Democrat hoax”, “one day it will disappear like a miracle”, “hydroxychloroquine BS” and he knows that the crash of PS-752 was staged. The people at the top know all the fakery because, if for no other reason, once you know about one thing you recognise all the signs in the others and they conspire about them. At the top they’re all in it together. No clue how they fight it out among themselves. It’s a weird situation, isn’t it? You’re conspiring with all these people that you’re also fighting for dominance against.

“It was flying in a pretty rough neighbourhood”. Notice the man standing next to Trump ostentatiously hides a smile. (This is not “duping delight” (these people are consummate actors after all) but deliberate pretence of smiling and hiding it – a typical sign of staged events.)

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 4:15 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Actually, just saw this amusing comment on the PS-752 video of Trump and “rough neighbourhood”.

Rough neighborhoods have certainly upped their game since I was a kid.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 12, 2020 1:32 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I must admit, his presentation is not very polished. Some might reject the information as amateurish. But at 9:12 into the video we see bomb squibs blowing windows out of building 7 on multiple floors. Building 7 demolition footage pretty much seals the deal.

As most know, building 7 housed one of the largest CIA centers in the country, as well as multiple Securities and Exchange offices, and of course Solomon Brothers…

There are also several video analysis of unexplained implosions of buildings 4 and 6. No one mentions these documented phenomena…

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 12, 2020 2:44 AM

When you say implosions of Buildings 4 and 6 do you mean complete destructions or significant damage?

They didn’t need to bring down WTC-7 on 9/11 though. Didn’t need to do that at all regardless of what it contained. They brought it down as a Trojan horse gift to the truthers to keep them all busy and away from the faked plane crashes which leads more easily to the pivotal truth: staged death and injury.

I’ve written a post:
Why collapse WTC-7 by perfect implosion on 9/11 … When they didn’t have to?

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 11, 2020 1:44 PM

All those, and i mean all those, who have had a part in this scamdemic need to face the full force of the law, if law really does exist.
Their actions have killed more people than the supposedly deadly virus, with more deaths to follow due to lack of care by western gov’ts.

Usually when criminals kill others they pay the debt with their own life. Maybe the repeal of the death penalty was done so that future criminals behind the economic destruction, the false flags and global shutdown can save themselves from a traitors end.

The human race is at a pivotal moment. When gov’ts or global organisations tell only lies and feed the public blatant misinfo, there has never been a better reason to disobey. Let’s hope that common sense hasn’t been completely eliminated by the incessant propaganda, pushed out by traitor media.

The UN must go. They have shown they are just a rubber stamp for war and controlling the public worldwide. The schemes they have running, which taxpayers pay for unless Gates and Soros fund it, will decimate the human race.
The UN say that we will have global warming yet all the evidence which makes it out to the public says exactly the opposite is true. We were told by the idiot Gore that the icecaps would be gone by the year 2000. Yet they are still with us and recently gained more than they have in a very long time.
Al Gore should have been put back in his hole a long time ago.

The UN and our present political hierarchy intend to kill you all, after they have taken everything you own.
The only good news is the longer this all drags on, Agenda 21 is now Agenda 30, the numbers of people capable of independent thought will increase and see the rot behind the facade….Probably.

Sep 11, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

comment image

Sep 11, 2020 5:25 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

I prefer higher ones, with a slanted blade… Scientifically more reliable…
What do they cost these days?

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 11, 2020 6:01 PM
Reply to  THX-1143

I concur. It does seem to be only way left for the people to change their future.
After blaaar backstabbed his country, he is back to his old tricks of spreading hearsay and gossip. We could have been free from the blighter.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 11, 2020 3:13 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Hello Peter Jennings: This is the key point: “The UN and our present political hierarchy intend to kill you all, after they have taken everything you own.”

How many readers actually posses title (not a mortgage) to their own real property? The majority live in cracker box apartments in urban areas, or owe the rest of their lives to a lender for some paltry soil they’re forced to pay taxes on. Freedom? Erm…

Sep 11, 2020 5:52 PM

but then they would be out of the livestock business on their animal farm
the rich that is.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Sep 11, 2020 6:06 PM

Others say that if you register property with gov’t, you effectively lose ownership of said property.

Sep 11, 2020 4:24 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

The perps already face the full force of the Law – because the Law was created to allow them to get away with their crimes against humanity.

Sep 11, 2020 1:37 PM

Turn off your TV sets once and for all… …better yet, THROW IT AS FAR FROM YOU AS YOU CAN. 😉

Sep 11, 2020 2:12 PM
Reply to  Mikhail

My wife asked me a month or so ago whether I wanted to watch the news on TV.
I replied, “No, I don’t need to; I’ve memorized it.”

Sep 11, 2020 5:24 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Bro, your comment just “made my day”, LOL..!!! Many thanks, and kind regards from Buenos Aires, Argentina. All the best for you and your family..! 🙂

Sep 11, 2020 6:33 PM
Reply to  Mikhail

Same to you and yours, Mik.

Sep 11, 2020 6:40 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Thank you, brother. Be safe, and with the TV set UNPLUGGED..! 😛

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Sep 11, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  Mikhail

I haven’t watched TV news with any regularity since about 1970…

Sep 11, 2020 9:57 PM
Reply to  Who D. Who

…surely you are older (…and WISER…) than me… 😉

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Sep 12, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  Mikhail

Perhaps, but I can see from your advice to throw our televisions out the window that you are well on the path to wisdom!

Sep 12, 2020 4:10 PM
Reply to  Who D. Who

Thank you very much, Sir..! Kind regards..!

Sep 11, 2020 1:33 PM

Would anyone have a link to the following statement which I picked up on a very reliable twitter feed:

Senior advisor to the French Govt said “around 90% of our positive test results are likely to be false positives”

From Scotland there is this:

SCOTTISH Government health chief Jason Leitch admitted the tests used to detect Covid cases are “a bit rubbish”, it emerged today.

“Now, the test just now is bit rubbish.

“It is positive if it finds live virus or remnants of dead virus. It can’t tell the difference.
“So you could still be shedding virus six weeks after you’ve had the infection and still get a positive test, and you’re not infectious.


Today, Prof Heneghan said: “Policy is not being driven by hospital admissions, symptomatic cases, ICU admissions, deaths.

“It’s being driven by a binary PCR Yes/No result for which your national director has just said is a ‘a bit rubbish’.

“What they are doing is reflecting their policies are based on opinions and not based on the actual evidence.


Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Sep 11, 2020 1:29 PM