The End of Reality?
Edward Curtin
In 1888, the year before he went insane, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote the following in Twilight of the Idols:
We have got rid of the real world: what world is left? The apparent world perhaps? … But no! Along with the real world we’ve done away with the apparent world as well.
So, if you feel you also may be going insane in the present climate of digital screen life, where real is unreal but realer than real, the apparent is cryptic, and up is down, true is false, and what you see you don’t, it has a history.
One hundred and thirty-two years ago, Nietzsche added that “something extraordinarily nasty and evil is about to make its debut.” We know it did, and the bloody butcher’s bench known as the twentieth century was the result. Nihilism stepped onto center stage and has been the star of the show ever since, straight through to 2020.
Roberto Calasso puts it this way in Literature and the Gods:
Here we are, announces Nietzsche, and it would be hard not to hear a mocking ring in his voice. We thought we were living in a world where the fog had lifted, a disenchanted, ascertainable, verifiable world.
And instead everything has gone back to being a ‘fable’ again. How are we to get our bearings […] This is the paralysis, the peculiar uncertainty of modern times, a paralysis that all since have experienced.
Obviously, we haven’t gotten our bearings. We are far more adrift today on a stormy electronic sea where the analogical circle of life has been replaced by the digital, and “truths” like numbers click into place continuously to lead us in wrong, algorithm-controlled directions.
The trap is almost closed.
Of course, Nietzsche did not have the Internet, but he lived at the dawn of the electric era, when space-time transformations were occurring at a rapid pace. Inventions such as photography, the phonograph, the telephone, electricity, etc. were contracting space and time and a disembodied “reality” was being born.
With today’s Internet and digital screen life, the baby is full-grown and completely disembodied. It does nothing but look at its image that is looking back into a lifeless void, whose lost gaze can’t figure out what it’s seeing.
Take, for example, the phonograph, invented by Thomas Edison in 1878. If you could record a person’s voice, and if that person died, were you then listening to the voice of a living person or one who was dead? If the person whose voice was recorded was alive and was miles away, you had also compressed earthly space.
The phonograph suppressed absence, conjured ghosts, and seemed to overcome time and death as it captured the flow of time in sound. It allowed a disembodied human voice to inhabit a machine, an early example of downloading.
“Two ruling ambitions in modern technology,” writes John Durham Peters in his wonderful book, Speaking into the Air, “appear in the phonograph: the creation of artificial life and the conjuring of the dead.”
Many people started to hear voices, and these people were not called deluded. Soon, with the arrival of cinema, they would see ghosts as well.
Today, speaking ghosts are everywhere, hiding in hand-held devices. It’s Halloween all year round as we are surrounded by electronic zombies in a screen culture.
This technological annihilation of space and time that was happening at a frenetic pace was the material background to Nietzsche’s thought. His philosophical and epistemological analyses emerged from German intellectual life of his time as well, where theologians and philosophers were discovering that knowledge was relative and had to be understood in situ, i.e., within its historical and social place or context.
Without going into abstruse philosophical issues here, suffice it to say, Nietzsche was suggesting that not only was God dead because people killed him, but that knowledge was a fiction that changed over time and was a human construction.
All knowledge, not just science, had to be taken “as if” it were true. This was a consoling mental trick but falsely reassuring, for most people could not accept this, since “knowledge” was a protection racket from pain and insanity. It still is.
In other words, not only had people murdered God, but they had slain absolutes as well. This left them in the lurch, not knowing if what they knew and believed were really true, or sort of true – maybe, perhaps. The worm of uncertainty had entered modern thought through modern thought.
While the average person did not delve into these revolutionary ideas, they did, through the inventions that were entering their lives, and the news about Darwin, science, religion, etc., realize, however vaguely, that something very strange and dramatic was underway. Life was passing from substance to shadow because of human ingenuity.
It is similar to what so many feel today: that reality and truth are moving beyond their grasp as technological forces that they voluntarily embrace push everyday life towards some spectral denouement.
An inhuman, trans-human, on-line electronic life where everything is a parody of everything that preceded it, like an Andy Warhol copy of a copy of a Campbell’s soup can with a canned mocking laugh track that keeps repeating itself.
All this follows from the nineteenth-century relativization of knowledge, or what at least was taken as such, for to say all knowledge is relative is an absolute statement. That contradiction goes to the heart of our present dilemma.
This old feeling of lostness is perhaps best summarized in a few lines from Mathew Arnold’s 19th century poem, “Dover Beach”:
The Sea of Faith
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.
But that was then. Today, the Joker’s sardonic laughter would suffice.
I am sitting outside as I write, sipping a glass of wine before dinner. Although New England fall weather is approaching, a nasty mosquito is buzzing around my head. I hear it. I am in killer mode since these bastards love to bite me. This is real life. If I went into the house and connected to the Internet on the computer screen – news, social media, anything – I would be entering another dimension.
Screen life, not real life. The society of the spectacle. No real mosquitoes, no wine, no trees swaying in the evening breeze.
In his novel, The Sun Also Rises, written between Nietzsche’s time and now, Ernest Hemingway, a man who surely lived in the physical world, writes of how Robert Cohn, the boxing champion from Princeton University, wants Jake Barnes, the book’s protagonist, to take a trip with him to South America.
As they sit and talk in Paris, Barnes says no, and tells Cohn, “All countries look just like the moving pictures.”
Whether Hemingway was being ironic or not, or simply visionary, I don’t know. For in the 1920s, before passports and widespread tourism, there were many places you could only see if you traveled to them and they would never appear in moving pictures, while today there is almost no place that is not available to view beforehand on the internet or television.
So why go anywhere if you’ve already seen it all on a screen? Why travel to nowhere or to where you have already been?
Déjà vu all over again, as Yogi Berra put it and everyone laughed. Now the laugh is on us.
This is neither an argument nor a story. It’s real. I am trying to get my bearings in a disorienting situation. Call it a compass, a weather-vane, a prayer. You can call me Al or Ishmael. Call me crazy. Perhaps this writing is just an “as if.”
About fifteen years ago, I was teaching at a college where most communication was done via email. I was, as they say, out of the loop since I didn’t do email. I was often asked why I didn’t, and I would repeatedly reply, like Melville’s Bartleby, because “I prefer not to.”
Finally, in order to keep my job, I succumbed and with the laptop computer they provided me, I went “on-line.” There were 6,954.7 emails in my in-box from the past three years. In those three years, I had performed all my duties scrupulously and hadn’t missed a beat.
Someone showed me how to delete the emails, which I did without reading any, but I had entered the labyrinth. I went electronic. My reality changed. I am still searching for Ariadne’s thread.
But I am not yet a machine and refuse the invitation to become one. It’s a very insistent invitation, almost an order. Neil Postman (Oh such a rich surname!) sums it up well in Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology:
The fundamental metaphorical message of the computer, in short, is that we are machines – thinking machines, to be sure, but machines nonetheless. It is for this reason that the computer is the quintessential, incomparable, near-perfect machine for Technopoly. It subordinates the claims of our nature, our biology, our emotions, our spirituality.
The computer claims sovereignty over the whole range of human experience, and supports its claim by showing that it ‘thinks’ better than we can…John McCarthy, the inventor of the term ‘artificial intelligence’…claims that ‘even machines as simple as thermostats can be said to have beliefs…
What is significant about this response is that it has redefined the meaning of the word ‘belief’…rejects the view that humans have internal states of mind that are the…foundation of belief and argues instead that ‘belief’ means only what someone or something does…rejects the idea that the mind is a biological phenomenon…In other words, what we have here is a case of metaphor gone mad.
Postman wrote that in 1992, before the computer and the internet became ubiquitous and longer before on-line living had become de rigueur – before it was being shoved down our throats as it is today under the cover of COVID-19.
There is little doubt that we are being pushed to embrace what Klaus Schwab, the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), calls COVID-19:The Great Reset, that involves a total acceptance of the electronic, on-line life.
On-line learning, on-line news, on-line everything – only an idiot (from Greek idiotes, a private person who pays no attention to public affairs) would fail to see what is being promoted. And who controls the electronic life and internet? Not you, not I, but the powers that be, the intelligence agencies and the power elites.
Goodbye body, goodbye blood – “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in support of human estrangement.
Peter Koenig, one of the most astute investigators of this propaganda effort, puts it this way:
The panacea of the future will be crowned by the Pearl of the Fourth Industrialization – Artificial intelligence (AI). It will be made possible by a 5G electromagnetic field, allowing the Internet of Things (IoT). Schwab and Malleret [Schwab’s co-author] won’t say, beware, there is opposition.
5G could still be blocked. The 5G existence and further development is necessary for surveillance and control of humanity, by digitizing everything, including human identity and money.
It will be so simple, no more cash, just electronic, digital money – that is way beyond the control of the owner, the truthful earner of the money, as it can be accessed by the Global Government and withheld and / or used for pressuring misbehaving citizens into obeying the norms imposed from above.
You don’t behave according to our norms, no money to buy food, shelter and health services, we let you starve. No more travel. No more attending public events. You’ll be put gradually in your own solitary confinement.
The dictatorial and tyrannical global commandeering by digital control of everything is the essence of the 4th Age of Industrialization – highly promoted by the WEF’s Great Reset.
Like everything, of course, this push to place life under the aegis of cyberspace has a history, one that deifies the machine and attempts to convince people that they too are machines without existential freedom.
Thus the ongoing meme pumped out for the past three decades has been that we are controlled by our brains and that the brain is a computer and vice versa. Brain research has received massive government funding. Drugs have been offered as the solution to every human problem.
So-called diseases and disorders have been created through the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and matched to pharmaceutical drugs (or the revers) for scandalous profits. And the mind has been reduced to a figment of deluded imaginations. People are machines; that’s the story, marvelous machines. They have no freedom.
If one wishes an example of techno-fascism, there is one from the art world. Back in the 1920s and 1930s there was an art movement known as Futurism. Its leader proponent was an Italian Fascist, friend of Mussolini, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.
The futurists claimed that all life revolves around the machine, that the machine was god, that it was beyond human control and had to be obeyed. They extolled war and speed and claimed that humans were no more significant than stones.
Patriotism, militarism, strength, method, and the kingdom of experts were their blueprint for a corporate fascist state. The human eye and mind would be re-educated to automatically obey the machine’s dictates.
Now we have cyberspace, digital machines, and the internet, an exponential extension of the machine world of the 1930s and the rise of Mussolini, Fascism, and Hitler. That this online world is being pushed as the new and future normal by trans-national elite forces should not be surprising.
If human communication becomes primarily digitally controlled on-line and on screens, those who control the machines will have achieved the most powerful means of mind control ever invented. That will be MKULTRA on a vast scale. Surveillance will be complete.
Yes, there are places on the internet where truth is and will be told, such as this site where you are reading this; but as we can see from today’s growing censorship across the web, those power elites and intelligence forces who control the companies that do their bidding will narrow the options for dissenting voices.
Such censorship starts slowly, and then when one looks again, it is a fait accompli. The frog in the pan of slowly heating cold water never realizes it is being killed until it is too late. Free speech is now being strangled. Censorship is widespread.
The purpose of so much internet propaganda is to confuse, obsess, depress, and then repress the population. The overlords accomplish this by the “peculiar linking together of opposites – knowledge with ignorance, cynicism with fanaticism – [which] is one of the chief distinguishing marks of Oceanic society,” writes Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four.
“The official ideology abounds with contradictions even where there is no practical reason for them.” One look into one’s life will suffice to see how the overlords have set people against each other.
It’s a classic tactic. Divide and conquer. Trump vs. Biden, Democrats vs. Republicans, whites vs. blacks, liberals vs. conservatives. Pure mind games. Contradictions every day to create social disorientation. Orwell describes Doublethink as follows [author’s emphasis]:
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. The Party intellectual knows in which direction his memories must be altered; he therefore knows he is playing tricks with reality; but by the exercise of doublethink he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated.
The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt…To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary…If one is to rule, and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality.
Nietzsche said that along with the real world we have done away with the apparent as well. Digital online life has accomplished that. It has allowed the rulers – through the media who are the magicians who serve them – to create counterfeit news and doctored videos at will, to present diametrically opposed points of view within the same paragraph, and to push breaking news items so fast that no one half-way sane could keep up with their magic shows.
Nietzsche obviously didn’t foresee this technology, but he sensed the madness that the relativity of knowledge and the technology of his day would usher in.
The popular 1990s term “Information Superhighway,” meaning the internet and all digital telecommunications, was the perfect term to describe this lunacy. Get on that highway and go as fast as you can while trying to catch the meaning of all the information flashing past you as you speed to nowhere.
For not only does censorship, propaganda, disinformation, mixed messages, and contradictions line the road you are traveling, but contextless information overload is so heavy that even if you were stopped in a traffic jam, there is too much information to comprehend.
And if you think this Superhighway is a freeway, think again, for the cost is high. No one puts out their hand and asks you to pay up; but the more you travel down this road you’ll notice you are missing a bit of flesh here and some blood there. And without a speed pass, you are considered road kill.
To make matters much worse, they say we need 5G to go much faster.
Paul Virilio, who has devoted himself to the study of speed (dromology), puts it this way in Open Sky:
The speed of the new optoelectronic and electroacoustic milieu becomes the final void (the void of the quick), a vacuum that no longer depends on the interval between places or things and so on the world’s very extension, but on the interface of an instantaneous transmission of remote appearances, on a geographic and geometric retention in which all volume, all relief vanishes.
And yet I don’t have a simple answer to the internet dilemma. You are reading it on-line and I am posting it there. It is very convenient and quick.
And yet…and yet…
Can we just walk away from it? Maybe. Perhaps like those few who, in Ursula K. Le Guin’s excruciating story, “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas,” we may decide the price for our conveniences and so-called happiness is too high and that there are hidden victims that this techno-scientific “progress” creates beneath its veneer of efficiency.
Others, us, our children, all children, who are reaching out not for speed and machines, but for the human touch that the on-line propagandists hope to destroy.
In Le Guin’s story, the price nearly all the citizens of Omelas are willing to pay for their happiness and comfort is the imprisonment of a single child. Perhaps we should consider what we are doing to all the world’s children and their futures.
My friend Gary recently sent me this letter. I believe it sums up what many people feel. There is a vast hunger for reality and truth. The analog life. How to live it – the question hangs in the air as the artificial intelligence/digital controllers try to reduce us to machines.
Although apparently it isn’t clear if Twain ever said this, it’s still a great quote: “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do, you’re misinformed.” To which “amen” is the only appropriate response.
I continue to daily stay abreast of events through the web, and these days much of what passed for “progressive media” simply regurgitates the covid madness as if it had been delivered on stone tablets – rather than by the same MSM that lie to us daily about literally ANYTHING of any importance.
There are days I wonder “why” I continue to bother to follow the unfolding madness as if it made some “difference.” I could certainly play guitar more, and I might even get it together to write a few pieces on the nature of our collective madness, for which I have studiously assembled copious notes.
I really don’t need any more information or examples – I think I have things covered on that front.
Instead I find myself daily doing the little dance we’re all familiar with – uncomfortable with being “uninformed” – yet at almost every turn finding myself being routinely – “misinformed” – and so having to sift through the endless debris to have any chance at developing any coherent understanding of the world.
So yes, I totally get the draw of just saying to hell with the internet.
After years of shifting through the endless propaganda operations our generation has been subject too, I have no doubt you and I see through most the nonsense for what it is before we even have the proof in hand.
Once the rose-colored glasses of ‘American exceptionalism’ are off, one can almost sense and see through the lies in real-time even as they are being uttered.
Reading Gary’s words reminded me of those of the Trappist monk Thomas Merton’s definition of the Unspeakable:
It is the void that contradicts everything that is spoken even before the words are said, the void that gets into the language of public and official declarations at the very moment when they are pronounced, and makes them ring dead with the hollowness of the abyss. It is the void out of which Eichmann drew the punctilious exactitude of his obedience…
Yes, real time, real life – as we do our little dances.
Can we do our little dances and preserve reality? I’m not sure.
Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is He is the author of the new book Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies
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Prof. Curtain reprints on several sites I frequent. I love his writing. I stopped watching TV in 1965, at 10 years age I realized that it was a powerful hypnotic with an agenda. I preferred to be in nature, or reading.
Since the lockdown, even here in Mexico we are forced to use whats app to get an appointment at the DMV or phone company. They have closed offices and gone virtual. I am a semi luddite, resisting so called `smart´ phones, yet dependent on my old laptop for research and writing.
I recommend the writing of Arthur Firstenberg, and his call to throw away our smartphones. I like the idea of a permaculture community that is only wired (not wireless) in one building, so media is really social.
The irony of being sold the idea of freedom and autonomy while being led into digital slavery is neatly encompassed in these little toxic, noxious devices. Think twice about giving your dear children a device that is designed to be addictive, and causes cancers of the brain and heart.
The Void does not contradict anything. Such is Unconditional embrace and support for even the most hollow parody of life. As a wise book said recently – “Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial…”“Everything is permissible, but do you still seek that which is untrue? If your answer is no, why do you still go after it by partaking of illusory thoughts? That which you think is that which you experience. If you have tired of the experience that is untrue, stop feasting on its thoughts. Let them pass by without tasting them”. Because we are Free(dom) we can contradict our own thought and as a split or divide and rule mind, operate the doublethink of illusory thought that has the nature or reactive, conditioned or machine thinking – under which Adam sleeps. The hollowing out of a mis-taken identity winds up in its prodigal wasteland. This in truth is the grace of the limit to pain, such that we cannot become locked in self-illusion forever, but at some point stir with a question that the mask CANNOT ask – not answer – but only strive to actively ignore. Resting or yielding to the ‘Void’ – in the sense of ‘no thing’ we can step apart from to make word or definition of, is resting a miscreant mind to yield to our source-nature – from which our sense of self and world rise as a whole or a synchrony of thought, feeling, purpose and accomplishment. Until the mind-habit of possession and control kicks in and runs AS IF your true desire, (You), to manage your conflicted thought, perception and behaviours. For once we identify in image, we perceive imagery – as a ‘screen reality’ of thinking that has found an external technological replication in our current development OF the… Read more »
people get quite offended when humanity is described as a temporary or permanent “… chemical smear on the planet”.
But thats a simple reality too.
“people get quite offended when humanity is described as a temporary or permanent “… chemical smear on the planet”.”
All Life on this hurtling celestial mud-clump is part of the same pulsating film of surpassingly rare chemical processes, and this film ebbs and flows, and no part of it, from even the nearest stellar vantage, is distinguishable from the rest. Examine your Human-hating bias, because it isn’t “natural”… you’ve been brainwashed by the Ruling Psychopaths. You have been, to borrow le mot juste, from Malcolm X, “bamboozled”.
The writer is a little behind the the times.The system has been using negative sound transmissions for decades.Rather like the negative on a photographic film using audio.
That’s all good except the repeated analogy with electronics- life is not “analog” . The analog-digital dichotomy refers to electronics and this little mistake is just another example of how insidious the “body is a machine” judeao-anglo-american virus is.
It is really an extension of the body-hating (and Earth-hating) pathology of Abrahamic religion.
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” ― Max Planck I was not shure how to start this because of an article I liked, I indeed have Nietzsche my self and usualy when people comment on Him, I always know most of them havent read it, or if, not understud it and mixes it with a row of bullshit witch comes from others with strong opinions based upon utter ignorance, an perfect blend this days with artifical intellegence, an name that fits perfectly, algos written by idiots and virtual reality, the same idiots creating something where people plug them selfs into, and the result, uh…. is for now, wurthless at best, and I am not impressed at all. To me, after reading tons of books, on an hell of an lot of subjects, I stoped decades ago, because I got lost, and strugles to find something that took me up to the next level, most of it that I read was based upon materialism, something came from nothing and the same people drools something about religion, witch some claim is about control, it was and stil is, but for me, thats not even close, religion goes beyond boundarys into the truth of our human capabilitys and abilitys, witch gave me the direction into human consciousness, the real deal is about potential, that, is what this new ages have killed, it have wiped that clean, we have been deteriorating and de-evolved for centurys, to where most have become something witch I define as living dead. I know it sounds harsh, I mean it is the present, to rise in consciousness, you need to be free, for me, the… Read more »
Castaneda made up the supposed events described in his first books but is worth reading if only for seeing how a master trickster fooled an entire generation… and some of the passages are actually useful for reconnecting with nature and true self.
It will be so simple, no more cash, just electronic, digital money – that is way beyond the control of the owner, the truthful earner of the money, as it can be accessed by the Global Government and withheld and / or used for pressuring misbehaving citizens into obeying the norms imposed from above.
You don’t behave according to our norms, no money to buy food, shelter and health services, we let you starve. No more travel. No more attending public events. You’ll be put gradually in your own solitary confinement.
The dictatorial and tyrannical global commandeering by digital control of everything is the essence of the 4th Age of Industrialization – highly promoted by the WEF’s Great Reset…
been saying that!
Ah, REALITY Edward! Thank you for a most interesting and stimulating read, for you have touched my heart-mind continuum and raised the question I have asked myself for these many decades after I entered the computer world:
If I were to stimulate my five senses with a VR computer so perfectly that I will have no connection with the ‘real’ world, would I know the difference?
I believe that I live in my ‘inner world’ out of which I view the ‘outside world’ and claim that it is my reality. It is not, of course, anybody else’s reality which is entirely different and unqiue.
The problem becomes how do we reconcile these differing worlds without causing misunderstandings and conflict?
The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots [machines]. Erich Fromm [1900-1980]. The fake world of digital audiovisual hallucinations is a critical part of functioning Society of control as Deleuze warned in 1990 “Postscript on Societies of Control” at onset of global internet era just as HTTP protocol and html language was invented and first Web browser developed at CERN. Today after three decades harm is done, as we strive to communicate with people we strive to communicate with social machines and as with any type of relation and interaction we are adopting machines’ characteristics in search to minimize rejection or alienation. And in the process we are entering into new “moral” or “ethical” compacts with social machines and hence destroying possibility of human morality in individual and/or social context. We seamlessly become social machines ourselves, elements of a Matrix of Control functionality as creatures of nomadic essence. As a result of this fusion we become multiciplitous, self-aware, fully deterministic imperfect clones of other social machines [ourselves] destroying our self-determination and human identity for comfort of connection to the distributed network of machine society, ultimate product of the Matrix of Control. The ruling elites, in many conflicted ways and under variety of social narratives, push us to struggle to erase our own human identity and human attributes, in fear of being rendered obsolete, nonviable social machines alienated from social organism and pushed down in social strata. But this process, to much smaller degree, may cause self-consistently variety of sociotechnological machines to acquire some human characteristics, which may mirror or artificially simulate what we are wrongly told is human intelligence, the artificial intelligence is not human it is mechanistic and serve not human needs but needs of social machines. Foucault, posits… Read more »
I think this is the answer to what is happening in Victoria Austra
I never say this, but this story needs to be read far and wide, because this is a story that is BARELY out there, unlike the news I usually amplify. Also look to see that YOUR CITY is not involved with either of these two organizations. I am SO grateful for the intelligent worldwide readership here…I know this will help this alarming development to get broken more widely…
IMPORTANT: Victoria OZ POLICE STATE BEACH HEAD For CCP + SOROS Through China’s Belt and Road Initiative and The Strong Cities Network/ AAP Fact Check Debunk Tied To Google.Facebook
thank you for this link and info Voxi. it seems that any city/state which dares to consort with China’s ‘belt and road’ project will be punished by the US hired thugs.
A few years ago the australian state of victoria made an agreement with china on this project (without permission from or knowledge of victoria’s population). Now the state is being punished under guise of the ‘virus’. There are privately employed thugs pretending to be policemen brutalizing the population. The severe restrictions and policing will cost the state government/taxpayers a great deal. Next step, private enterprise (ie big corporations who have set this up) will swoop in to the ‘rescue’, buying up former public assets and resources and very low prices. All part of their plan.
“There is a vast hunger for reality and truth” Not at all, reality is a bore, its also quite ephemeral, changing rapidly, and truth is really too big. “The special kind of boredom from which modern urban populations suffer is intimately bound up with their separation from the life of Earth. It makes life hot and dusty and thirsty, like a pilgrimage in the desert.” ~ Bertrand Russell Our ‘hunger’ is not just a matter of computer technology, it is our artificial environments which suck the life out of us in many ways. But humans are with one foot in nature, and the other outside of it, we need the richness of nature, but nature is not enough, when an order has been brought about which secures basic necessities, it is art (in many forms) which we need to nourish ourselves, through which we become elevated from nature. Nietzsche however brilliant a madman was impotent to construct a positive philosophy, other than his ridiculous superman. Friedrich Schiller, who already foresaw the possible human entrapment in reason (which produces order and science) provided for a much more sophisticated theory, Oscar Wilde tried to inspire people too. This article, one of the many dystopian descriptions is sadly impotent, it mostly describes and foresees ugliness and lifelessness, obsessing tendentiously over virtual realities, while the problem has greater causes, and it has been the subject of thought by many great philosophers, before Nietzsche. The problem and challenge is basically that humans are a species which are destined to produce their own order within the order of nature. It is then the challenge to produce an order which uses the richness and wisdom of nature, but through human values, human imagination and human capacities, a greater more rich order should be added to it. The… Read more »
To add to the above, stiffing and dehumanizing orders of and arrangements in societies are not just the product of big evil oppressors, as simple minded conspiracy blame theories like to have it. These are also the product of common pettiness, narrow mindedness and inevitably limitations in all of us. Where even human reason, even if well intended tends to want to make perfect what should remain imperfect, and absolute what should remain relative.
I like reality far to well to diddle myself w seeming paradoxes. I shall remain in contact w it, despite its political degradation and do my part in the mastery of Good over Evil.
FATAL FLAWS I was just thinking, the national security state might NOT letup on this COVID campaign any time soon. There’s a possibility that after the “November 3 circus” the COVID crisis might begin to diminish, but there’s also a good chance it won’t. Cases, cases, and more cases are constantly being announced. It doesn’t matter if most are asymptomatic they’re determined to pursue an agenda. All the “big money” seems to be headed in the direction of AI and biomedics. In labs the human mind and body is being dissected searching for chemical algorithms explaining how it all operates. Bits and pieces of humans will eventually be seamlessly replaced with more optimal functioning parts. One day in the not too distant future humans will be characterized by what percentage of their body is synthetic and what portion of it is real. Hi, I’m Tom 40%, say hello to Sally 25%, and there goes Sam at 58%. Who knows, it might reach a point when humans are 100% synthetic, but then they’d no longer be humans–would they? They say you can’t put the genie back in the bottle, but we might reach a point when it’ll be necessary to throw a wrench into a looming dystopian nightmare. This brings me to the dismal conclusion that the fatal flaws within the species Homo sapien is guaranteed to cause its own demise either through nuclear war, planetary ecocide, or biomedical destruction. “Religion is interested above all in order. It aims to create and maintain the social structure. Science is interested above all in power. Through research, it aims to acquire the power to cure diseases, fight wars and produce food. As individuals, scientists and priests may give immense importance to the truth; but as collective institutions, science and religion prefer order and power over truth. They therefore make good bedfellows.… Read more »
Hang in there. You’re not alone.
There is no hive mind or imagined matrix of thought control other than Google, Fcebook, Reddit, or the MSM television broadcasting consortiums. They are the controlled automatons pumping out the neurolinguistic programming for their corporatist betters that pay them slave wages for their servitude and whoredom. Most people cannot afford not to be whores for a buck. One cannot eat principles, but affording to maintain a living standard requires a certain amount of rule abiding behaviour and that’s what the corporatists want their whores to do. If one is not willing to abide by the dictates of 24/7/365 monitoring by the state and intelligence apparatus of state one is best advised to leave all electronic means of communication behind to go off-grid as a born again Luddite. State backed terrorism is occurring via the release of SARS-2-nCoV-19 which is not a naturally occurring disease. This is a retrovirus rDNA and not an endogenous disease that civilization has had to deal with over millennia. The reality here is not one whereby everyone on Internet is feeling like they are watching a real life episode of The Twilight Zone with Rod Serling narrating as internal voice dialog for the viewer. The reality here is that the Five-Eyes plus One intelligence apparatus seems to erroneously think they can dupe all of the people all of the time and not the obverse of some of the people some of the time. Selling Bioinformatic Control to society and all in it requires much more than a few willing participants to sign up to their nearest COVID-19 testing center for central epidemiological monitoring of outcomes. Once all populations are vaccinated with traceable vaccines the epidemiologists will have to vaccinate the entire animal populations of Earth as well. And by that time they will need to step-up… Read more »
Regarding escaping the grid, one can run but one cannot hide. The grid doesn’t need your house filled with electronic devices in order to monitor your activities 24/7/365. The grid doesn’t need to spy on you via your smart devices; it has the ability to spy on your even if you’re all alone in the middle of nowhere – because there is no “nowhere” any longer.
Nowhere off-grid in the rural districts has a greater probability of going undetected by Intel monitoring due to the manpower it takes to interpret data.
Algorithm detection is based upon probability alone and if one reduces probability of detection by living great distances from source data in high traffic high probability detection points on the map one will most assuredly avoid high probability detection by the probability focused algos.
Avoiding detection is achieved via off-grid living because the Intel collection systems require manpower to discern interpretative data collection of any and all individuals. Intel detection is achieved via probability alone. No resources are expended on monitoring of rural locals due to cost of manpower for governance.
Bottom line is that sovereign nations like to brag about their all encompassing methods of detection, but their methods are all based upon Probability distributions where taxpayer dollars/Euros are allotted for monitoring of high probability distributions of potential offenders/law breakers.
Never forget that it costs big bucks to police populations via government employees that are individually tasked to assigned districts.
Living off-grid nowhere still reduces probability of being detected, and it also reduces frequency of detection/monitoring because governments can’t freaking afford the manpower anymore.
This all makes sense. However, as more people elect to go off grid, the equations circumscribing probability will necessarily change to enable the spying eyes to expand their range.
They are welcome to watch me plant my carrots, get high and masturbate.
What is important is not the mechanistic medium…
(Oh, I remember the days when the ‘printing press’ and the ‘publication of book’s was scorned as:
bound to make the population ‘dumber’ because they would no longer use their memories,
and all around the work of underhanded mountebanks! )
Books are obviously to blame for all social ills.
Or is the Authors who have the power?
There is a trade off. Our forebears held almost the whole of their Way of Living in the living generation – who also had access to information in ways that we either do not, or do not trust – or actively fear. The externalisation of a relational dialogue (ask and receive answer) for a coded set of symbolic meanings is a technological development that no longer operates within the constraints of a relational field, but within written and reinterpreted meanings that become self-referencing self-justifications for what can be called a base nature of lack-based ‘getting’ that is masked in coded virtues, so as to seem civilised in its appetites. Infants would perhaps devour the world if it would fit in their mouth and 2-3 year olds commonly suffer greatly at not being able to rule the world. But back to your point, the pattern I pointed to is the issue, not the book or the tool. However if something is specifically tooled to serve a control agenda, that proclivity will be in its structure from the bottom up, and its liabilities will operate through any but the most aware, who are the least likely to want to use it. Structures set up to capture and marketise or subjugate, may be set up as honeytraps that witness what could be shared or achieved, but that was only to get the flies into the parlour. If a dissociated and split mind set in lack-based ‘getting’ – to which it is blindly driven and dramatically engaged is the greed that is the root of all evil (because there will never be enough of any thing to substitute for loss of the power of love), then all technologies can be subverted to marketising and weaponising for impact if our core cultural identity is forsaken for… Read more »
This is not really a comment. Philosophers discuss!
If that’s not a comment, nor is this.
Goss glossing over…? Trying to transcend ?
Hi Tim. I made the non-comment comment to see if all my comments went automatically into moderation or just certain ones containing trigger words. Three comments automatically did.
I based it on the alleged Philosophy examination question “Is this a question?”
The stock answer of course is: “If that is a question, this is an answer.”
I suspect you might have done philosophy.
All sheep have four legs. My wombat has four legs.
My sheep and wombat can swap pants.
Typical male chauvinist joke! How about skirts and dresses?
Lol, exactly that perfect answer, fully recognised, Alles Klar ….
Best wishes,
A superb piece from a truth-teller, thank you, Professor Curtin!
My wife went to our local pub, looking stunning with loads of Presents, it Was One of Her Best Friends’ Birthday. There was Half a Band.
Apparently Drums and Loud Music are not Allowed…
And Then My “Sis” looking completely OTT as usual. (we are not related but speak the same – raw working class LANCASHIRE)
Once she turned up looking like an angel complete with Christmas Tree. in her visual image…She is only little, but complately georgeous.
One of The Girls We Know, Recognised Her..
She said F’ck Me
“That is My Doctor”
Some Girls, just carried on, as best they could, when this CIVID bollocks kicked in – being the lovely Nurses and Doctors They Are..
So today they were gently talking and singing, and Dancing – you know like years ago before The Beatles in Our Local Pub This Afternoon..
Old people Gently Dancing.
And Were TOLD To SIT DOWN and Stop Talking
That is Why I didn’t Go.
That is what it is like now, where we live in London
And all these people including the management of the pub are lovely.
They are really worried about losing their live music pub, where they also live.
One of the Best in London.
Never think it is easy, if you are running a pub. and you have live music
bands on even they can get a bit lairy
Something’s Gotta Change Pretty Quick or we will all be Dead including our Children and Grandchildren.
Anyone got any good ideas?
Yes, get out of London.
I was at a music event last week – very good it was too. People made their own music. It is something they cannot stop – I hope.
Everyone just start singing!
That old classic English United Kingdom tradition of pub-hoping pre-bioterrorism campaign days of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the advent of SARS-2-nCoV-19, is now over. You, and your fellow compatriot pub drinkers will have to grasp the concepts of bioterrorism, and CIA history of bioterrorism before you will ever get to a point of understanding how to deal with a Gain-of-Function Dual Use man made deadly Biosecurity Level Four produced Pandemic Pathogen such as SARS-2-nCoV-19 actually is in point of fact.
Read a few books on Gain-of-Function Dual Use deadly man made Pandemic Pathogens before brainstorming the re-engineering of classic English pub drinking for the masses of serfs that the new feudal lords of Western Intelligence have imposed their bioinformatic control system on in order to utilize their Neurolinguistic Programming for purposes of whole population control via their ordered world of fascist dictatorship run amok.
When squeezed down without hardly any room to move, distil the very essence of who you are and what you love (they are the same ;-). be who you are anyway and any way you can. Not to ‘get the bastards!’ or save the world, but just because. You don’t need a special permission or reason to be yourself – but at times the medium of expression can be extremely constrained. I love singing and dancing and sharing in living music – but I love the joy of it as freedom. I don’t want the external forms if they become so contrived, compliant or correct as to be a cage for joy to die in its own parody. Joy can fly, and alight where it will. Just open the cage and stay open. Holding a channel for inspiration ‘just because’ is not complicated, but you have to be worth it, and that means you have to share that to have it. Distilling down to the core essence is akin to the process of becoming seed for a new cycle. The eye of the needle allows all the riches you can share in, because the true quality of anything doesn’t need a lot of show to be the expression of. Older people may have already practised doing more with less. Change is the only certainty in a world of change, but the attempt to control it comes back in our face, sooner or later and there’s a lesson to take to heart. The Big Change is in motion, but big plans make God laugh! Modelling the future and then climbing into the model so as to give it more push, is called cognitive dissonance. If you don’t find your life there, don’t get on that bus. If you are on that… Read more »
This from day 1 has been evident to me that for people the virtual life of the internet has become real life. That because the internet shows deaths and pictures of pandemics, there is a pandemic. Who actually saw in real life around them anything of people falling ill and/or dying in masses? But reality no longer matters. Except and thats the fallacy: reality will pierce through, however much you may be disconnected from it. We are flesh and blood beings and even if there is something beyond the purely physical, all spheres necessarily interact, and so if we ignore reality it is to our cost. We will disappear because we will no longer be adapted to reality. Reality will be reality with or without us. What those brilliant sick minds that have decided that for more assured profits they must dehumanize us dont realize is that dehumanizing humans is impossible because that dehumanized human species is incompatible with reality, all they will be doing is killing us, which also means killing themselves. By the way I less and less think that that catastrophic economic collapse I was counting on for the riots to start and thus kill the process of dehumanization and totalitarianism (for at least dealing with real issues of hunger and so on, however terrible, are real, not make believe) will happen. I think these sick perverted minds have realised that such a collapse would be bring those riots which will be the end of these sick minds. So at the moment they are continuing to pay people not to work and the stupid middle classes are happy with that. Im not sure what they will invent next, but I think what will happen is rather that slowly people will realize (middle and upper middle classes) that… Read more »
We cannot put an end to their evil schemes because the modern world, especially the digital world, has made it impossible for us to exist outside those schemes. We are part of the schemes. When did that come to fruition? When we pronounced technology to be “nice.” Technology cannot ever be “nice”; it can never rise above a “necessary evil” at best.
“Ah yes,” they will tell us; “but without the wonders of technology you might never have been born!” Or, even more ridiculous, “If you hate technology, why are you using it?” We use it because it compelled our birth; and now we have no choice. We can no longer “Pay our money and take our choice.”
We must – as even the indigenous peoples are finding out – we must be as vigilant as possible against the ever increasing intrusions of the technologically skilled into all aspects of our lives. There is no sand left to bury our heads in. It’s all been turned into computer chips.
Yes we can. We are human beings flesh and blood ones. The human mind is capable of miracles.
We can and we will. By saying we cant, you are not demoralizing and weakening your own possibilities of helping to regain a human life, but demoralizing others.
Many of us are trying in ways available to bring back the freedom to live a human life, to simply live. Many of us are taking risks to do that.
We need encouragement, not discouragement.
Unfortunately the global human population is artficially inflated (via antibiotics and other unsustainable technologies) and will crash one way or another, sooner or later. Most likely by disease and infertility caused by pollution and environmental collapse, but a metor strike would be most welcome.
The fact is I have no intention of going through the rest of my life as the living dead. So I think as another OffG article says, we must by means available to each of us push back what is happening to regain a human life.
The longer this goes on, the more each of us will be that much less human, because the psychological effects of what is happening are beyond assessment.
Thank you Edward for an excellent cataloguing of existing conditions in this postmodern netherworld. I have been on a similar quest for understanding this screwed-up reality basically all my 69 years. A few years ago I read Marshall McLuhan’s “Gutenberg Galaxy” (1962) and “Understanding Media” (1964) which I think has the answers we seek. McLuhan builds undeniable proofs in about 850 pages of brilliant citation and speculation. We are a civilization, not of nihilists, but of narcicists. With every technological advance, especially since the invention of the printing press, McLuhan points out we are seduced by the self-image of ourselves as superhumans. We accept each technology because of the powers it imbues us with. Who can refuse an offer of superhumanhood, of access, speed, power, even flight? We don’t question the purpose or reasons for acquiring these powers we just revel in them mindlessly. This explains the absolute unquestioning acceptance of “progress” for it’s own sake. His argument is, if the purpose of technology is to improve life and we find that it doesn’t, as we see now in a hailstorm of 21st C negative effects, shouldn’t we reexamine the process of technology adoption? Shouldn’t we put the human before the cart and preface all acceptance of technologies of any kind with how well “it provides for the social needs of humanity”? Of course, this is the answer. “To provide for the social needs of humanity” should be the prefacing intent for all our conscious human evolution on this PostGrowth planet. Why have we lost our minds so, as to be on the precipice of accepting such an abomination to life as the Great Reset? We are self-seduced and when in this narcissistic trance susceptible to the authority of the rich idiots which we allow, like children, to run the… Read more »
I thought Nicholas Negroponte, in his ’95 book “Being Digital”, said it — I just searched the phrase online to confirm; lo & behold, it’s not there — so, maybe I just thought it while reading the book:
“With every technological advance, a precious drop of humanity is lost”
Also, per your citation: “We are a civilization, not of nihilists, but of narcicists”, there’s this:
…as well as the other films by Adam Curtis:
Finally, your remark: “…authority to these idiots for 4 thousand years…” made me think of the “origin story” in the book “Ishmael”.
Here’s the very well narrated audiobook.
There is no “we”.
There is only you?
Very revealing interview with Robert F.Kennedy – how the phara industry makes money from vaccines and creates demand for them. It is likely to be censored soon.
See also “Plandemic” parts 1 & 2 here:
Also, this Dr. Mikovits interview responding to criticisms of her/work:
Also, if you don’t mind my adding (though I can’t link)
VAXXED and VAXXED 2 – both available online.
I watched this nine part series. Fascinating. It was filmed in about 2016 I believe but has added some current interviews/updates – Robert Kennedy Jr being one of them
I highly recommend. You have to sign up with your email address to get the nine videos.
I think they will keep the link up for another day or two.
Some really moving stories.
I am just astounded that I did not know ANY of this until this plandemic. I don’t have children so I did not give a lot of attention, if any, to the vaccine issue. Boy has my outlook changed.
“Vaccines Revealed”.
In 2015 my colleague in the US, Gilbert Mercier, published a book called The Orwellian Empire. He exposes the removal of human and legal rights since 9/11 and of course that was before COVID-19. There is not much in the way of solution, not just from Gilbert, but from anybody who has looked at the runaway train to Dystopia. Near the end he writes: “The erosion of basic democratic rights, like dissent and protest, is obvious and global. The only hope. . . is for all people to unite in a fight to take back the streets and government from the police.” As he points out there will be casualties. In expanding the theme he observes that the only successful revolutions came when the masses were so oppressed and disillusioned that they saw no alternative but to take on the State. I paraphrase.
Since then it has become clear that the abject poor in the foreseeable Dystopian future will be those of us who do not conform. We will be deprived of food and money, clothes and other essentials, and perhaps even our lives.
I am with Edward Curtin in recognising that technology has enticed us into its web and perhaps led to our demise. “Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly;” When I became a technical author I went from using a Brother typewriter, a reliable old friend, to the world of word-processing, spell and grammar-checking followed eventually by the web. The advantages of high-technology are enormous providing the downside is disregarded.
Getting disentangled is something I am considering if possible.
“The pen is mightier than the sword”[1] because “No force on earth can stop an idea whose time has come” [2]; whereas, the word-processor is good for composing information about pens & swords and great hand-written thoughts.
1 Edward Bulwer-Lytton
2 Victor Hugo
Thank you for the sources X X.
“I am with Edward Curtin in recognising that technology has enticed us into its web and perhaps led to our demise”
I think it’s more the matter that too many of us are duped, lulled into complacency, “educated” from the very beginning to believe that those in power have, in a paternal or maternal way, the best interests of those whom they “serve” in mind. Anyone with the far more accurate power-relations metaphor of Farmers vs Their Cattle, in mind, will remain leery of the motives/goals of The Farmers. The technology, in the case that the majority of us Serfy Cattle understood the power-relations accurately, wouldn’t be nearly the problem it actually is. But a trusting/ gullible/ infantilized consumer with a brand new i-phone is truly a lost soul and very much like a lamb with a remote-control wired to it. But imagine a population the majority of which would consist of clued-in, deeply rational, non-psychopathic, mature and un-dupe-able Masters of Their Own Fate… with access to 21st century communications and information technology! We’d have in that the mirror-opposite of current conditions and the end of History as we now know it.
The tech isn’t the problem: even our decidedly low-tech, pre-Internet kindergarten teachers (I’m 61) were bigger brainwashing-vectors than Twitter is. Further: if your enemy is armed with sword-tech, you would be a fool, if sword tech were also available to you, to eschew its use on principle.
I think I can see where you are coming from. At 75 I can remember when most people did not even have a television. Today children are brought into the world and before they can put sentences together coherently they are entrapped by computers – which of course have their advantages. They may never know what it is like to build a dam in a dyke, catch Dytiscus beetles in the quarry, only to find the remnants of the male, eaten by the female, in the school aquarium. It is a new world and heading towards a slave society unless something is done.
Well, you see, I believe we’ve been a “slave society” for a very (very) long time. The upheaval we are facing, it seems, revolves around the supposed dilemma presented by the fact that far fewer slaves are needed, to keep the pyramid afloat, than ever before. Eliminating the “surplus” as slickly as possible (that is, largely turning the mass of slaves against themselves, to do most of the work of eliminating surplus slaves, in one way or another) seems to be the goal. The solution… against which we have been inoculated by all the mind-control tricks a trillion (randomly-valued) dollars can buy… is to A) recognize we are slaves B) recognize who is enslaving us. These people… the ones enslaving us… are not abstractions. They have actual names, physical bodies. After 1789 (well, before it was coopted) I think They learned that confusing that issue is paramount to their continued control and personal wellbeing.
To some extent, Hackademics who mystify, metaphorize, spin byzantine systems and otherwise add to the Cloud of Confusion that keeps things Unclear… are working for Them, witting or not. Clarity is a kind of sword.
“In a field,
I am the absence of field.
This is always the case,
Wherever i am,
I am what is missing.
When i walk,
I part the air.
And always,
The air moves in,
To fill the spaces,
Where my body’s been.
We all have reasons for moving.
I move, to keep things whole”
M. Strand
Going by memory, maybe circa 1963, Keeping Things Whole.
Slowing down the virus?…… why……..this will all end after the US election, job done, they are being told it will harm Trump. They could be stringing it out till early November.
Whatever it looks like, I think you can be pretty sure that the US is now transitioning to a dictatorship. The Rubicon has been crossed and the new dictator will be in place after November.
Even in the UK Parliament is being made irrelevant and democracy abolished.
The US economy no longer works, it has been so looted and a revolt is fermenting, so the elites need to reassert power over the population, which they lost recently through the slow eroding of their propaganda machine.
This dictatorship is primely a US concern, because it is there that the elites have been exceptionally brutal & cruel to their population, and it is there, that they need a boot on the
neck population to preserve social order, in an extremely brutalised, fragmented society.
All else that happens, aliens arriving, a virus or economic collapse are just background color to the main event. Rome had 500 years as a Republic, but it also had 400 successful years as a dictatorship.
Rather, it’s Inverted Totalitarianism
Wow, my comment (video/link) got hacked.
I did NOT post the above video (Fox/Trump); I posted a video/link of Chris Hedges discussing Inverted Totalitarianism.
Here it is again:
…and a shortlink of same just in case:
All we want is a headrush All we want is to get out of our skin for a while We have nothing to lose because we don’t have anything Anything we want anyway… We used to hate people Now we just make fun of them It’s more effective that way We don’t live We just scratch on day to day With nothing but matchbooks and sarcasm in our pockets And all we are waiting for is for something worth waiting for Let’s admit America gets the celebrities we deserve Let’s stop saying “Don’t quote me” because if no one quotes you You probably haven’t said a thing worth saying We need something to kill the pain of all that nothing inside We all just want to die a little bit We fear that pop-culture is the only culture we’re ever going to have We want to stop reading magazines Stop watching T.V. Stop caring about Hollywood But we’re addicted to the things we hate We don’t run Washington and no one really does Ask not what you can do for your country Ask what your country did to you The only reason you’re still alive is because someone Has decided to let you live We owe so much money we’re not broke we’re broken We’re so poor we can’t even pay attention So what do you want? You want to be famous and rich and happy But you’re terrified you have nothing to offer this world Nothing to say and no way to say it But you can say it in three languages You are more than the sum of what you consume Desire is not an occupation You are alternately thrilled and desperate Skyhigh and f***ed Let’s stop praying for someone to save us and start saving ourselves Let’s… Read more »
We’re all just “dying to live”, anyway.
Don’t stop reading all magazines:
“So, if you feel you also may be going insane in the present climate of digital screen life, where real is unreal but realer than real, the apparent is cryptic, and up is down, true is false, and what you see you don’t, it has a history.” We have a 14 year old Daughter, and every school week, I’m up at 6am to make sure she has breakfast (and hasn’t forgotten her book-bag) as she goes out the door. Meeting that mundane challenge is more real than any fanciful word-game of concepts, and meta-concepts, that even PK Dick might have come up with, and I can’t be the only reader out there who’s thoroughly grounded in the marvelously concrete, richly detailed and absolutely REAL of the Everyday… so what is this essay attempting to do, and for whom? Is this essay lamenting a loss that hasn’t actually occurred for most readers or is it contributing (inadvertently) to the long push to lose it? “Of course, Nietzsche did not have the Internet, but he lived at the dawn of the electric era, when space-time transformations were occurring at a rapid pace. Inventions such as photography, the phonograph, the telephone, electricity, etc. were contracting space and time and a disembodied “reality” was being born. With today’s Internet and digital screen life, the baby is full-grown and completely disembodied. It does nothing but look at its image that is looking back into a lifeless void, whose lost gaze can’t figure out what it’s seeing.Take, for example, the phonograph, invented by Thomas Edison in 1878. If you could record a person’s voice, and if that person died, were you then listening to the voice of a living person or one who was dead? If the person whose voice was recorded was alive and was miles away, you had… Read more »
The matrix baudrillard simulacrum simulacra fancy cock infinite expanding board game of life and his ex wife has people thinking if I get the guillotine it’s all just a dream
Most of the world is escaping through smoking ganja and drinking to excess and obviously you can lose yourself online gaming, social media and endless streaming services endless porn and dating sites and get any junk food delivered to your door and take photos of yourself and get 10000 likes if you want nice narcissism in your comfortablly numb bubble
Or get no likes and shoot yourself
How can any of these people know their arseholes from their elbow’s never mind have the capacity to work out what’s going on and never mind being prepared for what’s down the road.
These don’t need a vaccine they’re already lobotomised along time ago slowly and incremently…
“The matrix baudrillard simulacrum simulacra fancy cock so off has people thinking if I get the guillotine it’s all just a dream”
An idea they cleverly stole from Gilligan’s Island.
“Most of the world is escaping through smoking ganja and drinking to excess and obviously you can lose yourself online gaming, social media and endless streaming services endless porn and dating sites and get any junk food delivered to your door and take photos of yourself…”
What I “liked” about the Olde Tyranny was the option to opt out, which I invariably exercised. No TV, don’t drink, no drugs, no Hollywood… mostly I read, write, fuck my beautiful Wife, watch the same c. 200 great pre-1989 movies, listen to records… I had it all worked out. I refuse to be frogmarched over some lemmings’ cliff (to mix animal kingdom metaphors) during this messy Update.
If they try to stop you fucking your beautiful wife then your fucked!!
Language, gentlemen.
Judith, we’re merely being exuberantly emphatic… ! (innocent face)
(And “Arsebiscuits” is an Anglicism of an old Scandinavian surname, often and unfairly mistaken, in England and America, for form-filling impertinence; the actor “Max von Sydow” was born Jan Arsbuskyts…)
I always learn something at Offguardian. Thank you.
Hubris much?
Digital (sounds, images) is a facsimile of reality; alas, we’ve “mapped-onto” it as if it’s real; thus, our psyches (and consequent behaviors & humanity) are the “jackal meat” and we are being devoured.
“Digital (sounds, images) is a facsimile of reality; alas, we’ve “mapped-onto” it as if it’s real…” Nah, the “Digital” we’re talking about is not nearly immersive enough to produce that result. This isn’t “Tron” or (obscure movie alert) “The Lawnmower Man”. The “Virtual Reality” meme has had to stand in for the near-future those films naively posited. Nothing like that has happened or is near to happening. 4k video is not a challenge to, or distortion of, Reality, though it can certainly function as a distraction and an ideal medium for good old (Bernaysian) Propaganda. The mechanism behind so many people falling for Utter Bullshit is not new. Too many Hackademics want you to think that it is, possibly, for various reasons. The mind control techniques we’re still struggling against go back to the 1920s. The techniques have sharpened, certainly, but not to the extent that they’re capable of bending space. We’re merely being conned. Con artists rely heavily on flattery and that’s a big part of it; brainwashing seals it. Meanwhile, brainwashed or not, you will experience Reality whether you’ve smeared it over with metaphors and misunderstandings or not. Try walking through walls, try flying by flapping your arms or fetching the ketchup bottle from the far end of the table with a psycho-kinetic gesture alone and the actual ongoing structures of Reality will bring themselves to your immediate attention. People can Believe in all kinds of nonsense: that Politicians care for them, that you can lose weight by drinking diet Cola, that a Bearded, Vaguely-Levantine, Anus-Free Sky Giant is concerned with your “spiritual progress”… but Reality isn’t bent or stretched by any of that. The bending and stretching of Reality would be a neurological event of profound, possibly, implications… depending on the duration of the distortion (eg: tripping… Read more »
You’re doing what a (Neoliberal) Economists does: Apply theory & hyperbole* to define and predict — large, complex systems like populations — while assuming what you’re defining is always, universally what you say it is and will therefore always do, as a whole, exactly what you predict.
This method works if you can create/coerce/force constraints that will ensure preferred (defined) behavior — thus, predictability — but it fails if free-will (freedom, independence) prevails.
So, with enough “constraints” — Fluoride in the water, beer in the belly, toxins in the food, Pharma in the bloodstream, Micro/Radio-wave Radiation in the brain, debt, fear, propaganda… — voilá, people are Assets, maximized.
That’s where we are and where we’re headed.
*”The Vocabulary of Economic Deception” – Hudson on Guns & Butter:
“J is for Junk Economics” – Hudson on Renegade, Inc.:
Re: Hubris:
The tone of your “I love my fucking Life” comment provoked me.
“This is Neoliberalism”:
“The tone of your “I love my fucking Life” comment provoked me.”
Resenting me is definitely easier than improving your life. Go for it! Glad to be of service.
Posting “(at the Geopolitical Level; I love my fucking Life)”, on a public comment thread concerning the horrible geopolitical crisis unfolding that is adversely affecting EVERYONE one way or another, is sociopathic.
Thinking I resent you (based on our exchange) is the epitome of hubris.
Your further replies just prove my points.
Let it go.
You win.
To paraphrase you: “I am going to insult you here but let it go after I get that last bit in, okay? Or you’re a psychopath who will be proving my points by responding.”
Laugh. I’ve always enjoyed that strategy; and always enjoy the people who deploy it thinking it’s a showstopper! But you probably missed the distinguishing function of the semi-colon in the parenthetical aside, in the part you cite, indignantly, here pasted below. That aside meant that as much as I hate things Geopolitically, I’m glad to be fucking alive. You wrote, quoting me:
“Posting “(at the Geopolitical Level; I love my fucking Life)”, on a public comment thread concerning the horrible geopolitical crisis unfolding that is adversely affecting EVERYONE one way or another, is sociopathic.”
Oh, what a cad I am! Imagine admitting publically that I’m glad to be alive, in the context of the original comment (which was about me having just about gotten used to the Olde Tyranny when they sprung 2.0 on us)! Awful! But grandstanding on such a trivial nitpick is silly, makes no real point, and exemplifies what I like least about parapolitical forums: the clouds of gratuitous weirdness (including fussy old control-freakery) bleeding through to obscure the interchange of ideas.
“You win.”
Well, if the goal in all this was for one of us to express a carefully-thought-out, non-herdthinky idea, I suppose I do.
“You’re doing what a (Neoliberal) Economists does”
You’re doing what a person who didn’t understand my comment does.
It’s hard for me to cope with too. Lancashire is now back in Lockdown. My wife wants to go and see her 86 year old Mum next week on The Train, but is afraid of being Arrested.
“Can We See Your Papers?”
“Here is My Ticket – I’m just going Up North To see My Mum”
“You are Not Wearing a Mask”
However, I might well buy Ed Curtin’s New Book.
He writes well
from SOTT. I like them too especially Joe Quinn
Quote of the Day
– Groucho Marx
I never thought it would come to this.
Not in England, but here we are.
Not in England for us and for Ed Curtin not in New England. Before we are all enslaved with vaccines we have prepared the ground through being already enslaved by technology. The Amish seem to have seen through this early on.
Really?? And who’s going to pin you down to the ground should you refuse?
“And who’s going to pin you down to the ground should you refuse?”
People not entirely dissimilar to these, probably:
“On at least 3 or 4 occasions in the past week we’ve had to smash the windows of people in cars and pull them out of there so they could provide their details – because they weren’t telling us where they were going- they weren’t adhering to the chief health officer’s guidelines, they weren’t providing their name and their address-Shane Patton, Victorian Chief Police Officer 04/08/2020″
Groucho Marx is on record for elaborating: (this is on a mural of a branch library in San Diego, Ca.):
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.”
I’ve read a lot of books, does that make me some kind of Marxist? Maybe in today’s USA.
Outbreaks of violence from the police yesterday @ trafalgar square
This is what they have been trying ot create They are poking us with sticks, untill the revolt starts. then comes the ‘popular’ clamp down.
Technocrats believe they do not need us. I say, we do not need them. We do not need their “society”.
I want to link to something from Utah. It is written in human language from human reality with the angel Moroni thrown in the mix!
I didn’t know there was any demo in Trafalgar Square Yesterday, against this complete COVID nonsense.
However, from some of the videos I have seen today….
I did notice a massive Police Charge literally running towards a crowd smaller than you would get watching Oldham Athletic..
wtf were they doing???
I might have been there, if I’d known it was on.
Maybe see – you next Saturday, with My Walking Stick.
Please do not run in to me.
Or I will , likely end up in Trafalgar Square, unconscious or dead.
Why are The UK Police, trying to kill us?
And wtf is the MP thing on your Crash Helmets?
Military Police???
What The Hell are You Doing???
That could be Your Sister, Mother, Dad or Grandad, that YOU are charging at.
Please stop Ruining the Largely Good Reputation You Coppers have Got.
You do not have to do this. We don’t want to hit you, and haven’t.
We have Respect for our British Police.
Which American Fascist is in Control of You?
Why not Arrest Him instead???
and Tony Blair while you are at it.
That is Your Job
You are supposed to Protect Us, not Attack Us.
We hope for Your Support and Protection from these Evil Bastards in Control.
One has noticed that whenever it comes to a confrontation between government and the people, the police ALWAYS stand with the government.
There’s a lesson for us in that somewhere…
Perhaps if we paid the police directly, instead of giving the money to GOV, who then gives it to the police, there’d be less confusion regarding who they’re paid to serve…?
That’s a damn good suggestion.
The “authorities” would never allow it, however…
Tony, you need to keep your ear to the ground. I was there. The police were all right most of the time but towards 4.15 pm riot police arrived – amazing because everyone was so peaceful it might have been Glastonbury.
There’s another protest next Saturday, same time, same place.
John Goss,
You are a hero. I thought I saw you there.
I wasn’t. I may be younger than you, but not as fit, yet.
i will have to get my fold up bike out again. I have lost a bit of weight.
Just need to get my muscles in trim
You are a Good Man.
Thank You
You Inspire Me.
“The further one goes, the less one knows.” -Lao Tzu
The information age has given us such a wide perspective that true knowledge is lost in a sea of facts. The internet is a cultural genocide machine offering worldview diversity to muddy the waters of cultural and individual perspectives. Its like mixing lasagna, hamburgers and chop suey in a big blender. The result is garbage rather than dinner. If we are confused its because we have too many differing voices and views crammed into our “reality” which are contradictory and when taken as a blended whole wildly absurd and incoherent. In the ashes of this technological revolution a singular worldview will emerge and be force fed to the confused and spiritually homeless survivors. This will be the new state religion a resurrected phoenix for the new world. However, reality abides and there will always be dissenters who reject the digital in favor of the analog, the transhuman in favor of human.
I’ve had inklings of your notions myself…
I have concluded humanity’s only hope is all about Food:
We must consume to live; how well we consume is the measure of how well we can live.
We can all do it: Reject all factory, chemical-based, processed, gmo foods; eat less and eat healthy only, always.
Use your imagination and think-through all the good that would come if the world were only willing to grow & eat healthy food.
From Land & Water Use and the Environment to Health Care and Disease & Illness to Immigration to Trade to Humanity & Well-being to Poverty to Pollution to War & Peace… All good comes from wholesome, healthy food; all bad comes from cheap, toxic, processed, petro-chemical-based, comodified food.
It where to start to change (fix) the world.
I am reminded of when the deciples asked Christ whether he had eaten to which he replied “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”
the dome like turman show
admiral birds flat thing with ice walls
christs blood streaming through the firmament
those glass borbels
they signify a ball earth
i’m spinning around
e =mc2 balls
einstein was bafoon expert at penile manipulation
that is all
great tesla no gravity just electro magnetic friction
in an electric universe
germ theory hoax
pasteur had note books proof of the fraud murder and lies
everything is not what it seems
the mockery of god and christ seems a lot of effort perhaps to much effort
dj culture dance with me
Living in a satellite fantasy
waiting for the night to end
the truth is
everything is a lie
zio masonick satanus
control the horizontal and the verticull
do do do dah dah dah thats all i want to say 2 you
News just in….
My daughter’s boyfriend who works offshore has just heard that 6 of his mates on the next crew change tested positive and could not travel to go offshore. All 6 then went on to test with the NHS and all 6 tested negative.
Anyone know what M. Hancock’s phone number is ?
Are any of these 6 people ill ?
Not one.
If they do more tests they will randomly get negative and positive results. It’s like Google Recaptcha but in real life and this is the test used to justify decisions to destroy what’s left of human culture.
The author comes from a literary background and understandably has ignored the influence of the physical sciences in themselves other than the technology which has sprung from them. The greatest lie that our overlords, and whoever lies at the top of their pyramid of power, has perpetrated has been the axiom for the last three centuries that all reality is the interaction between physical mass and energy, and a corollary of this axiom, reality is a vast billiard game and predetermined, and consequently, by the force of logic, humans are simply complicated machines.
Einstein hated quantum mechanics which stipulated that at the atomic level, when an electron had a change of energy state, it “collapsed” the Psi function into a set number of exactly calculated probabilities, and the final state could only be determined by a human observation. This lay at the core of Schrödinger’s cat paradox. This was anathema to Einstein, who famously remarked to his friend Niels Bohr that “God does not play dice with the universe.” Even worse was quantum entanglement for which recent experiments have proven that the information transfer between entangled particles has a velocity of no less than 10,000 times the speed of light in a vacuum, and may be infinite. Einstein referred to this phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance.” Like the black body “ultraviolet catastrophe of the 1880s, this quantum entanglement remains unexplained by currently accepted theories and totally violates the theories of relativity, which states unequivocally that neither mass nor information may exceed the velocity of light. My conclusion is that there must be a higher reality underlying physical realities, and the latter is simply a function of the former. And that reality is consciousness. The cream of quantum physicists are forced to be aware of this but the lay public certainly is not.
I believe in God also.
Tesla made an interesting comment somewhere that if scientists were to turn their attention to non-physical phenomena they would advance more in a year than a decade spent with mere physics. (Something like that, “order(s) of magnitude”.) That perception may have been the driving force, or a big one, for the founders of The Society for Psychical Research in London of the latter decades of the 19th century, attracting many true characters, like Sir A. Conan Doyle and Mark Twain (whom much evidence indicates as an intelligence agent of some interest, and he was writing about Time Travel in the 1880s, then attached himself to Tesla in the 1890s after the dawn of Nikolà’s big breakthrough). I have spent more time studying up on aspects, since a name I heard often around the house, whilst still in diapers, into short pants, and at turns ever since, was that of The Philosophical Research Society in Hollywood, on the southern boundary of Griffith Park. That’s no doubt because my father was its attorney, Vice President, and trustee until his death in 1982 (open case at LAPD, still). Its founder had the name of Sirhan Sirhan in his appointment calendar the year BEFORE Sirhan (supposedly) killed RFK Sr. (His extremely probable innocence is covered convincingly enough in Shane Sullivan’s 2018 film The Real Manchurian Candidate.) Many of the activities at PRS dovetail niftily with mind control, and indeed it was suggested to me a few years ago that said founder was CIA director of Project Monarch, aka Operation Monarch (Mind Control). Looks like a match. When I quizzed the source he said, “Who else?” (The founder was a 33° Freemason and most prominent internationally an authority on hypnotism et al.) But both Societies were involved with traversing the nexus of psy and physics.… Read more »
Twain and Conan Doyle were also freemasons. A coincidence I’m sure you’ll agree. Alot of that stuff is / was covered in the book The Tao of Physics. It provides a juxtaposition for physicists who believe that the universe was a random event to understand that nothing is random in truth in the universe. The main theme of that is that matter is all energy so has to have a causation as each action has an opposite and equal reaction. Tesla I believe understood the nature of the universe in terms of energies and the magnetism of bodies of the solar system and beyond. A pre-cursor to the electric universe theory. He believed (correctly I think) that there is a vast untapped resource of energy permeating all creation. The only challenge is how to tap that energy because essentially in terms of matter everything is electrical in nature. A similar kind of understand of magnetics. Magnetism by nature permeates the same realm because both electricity and magnetism are functions of each other. The magnetic charge between the earth and the moon was also something highlighed by Tesla. This energy is I think something like the ancients called prana. Its force is everywhere and criss-crosses the globe which gave rise to the megalithic monuments and lines of force. These are the lines originally described by Watkins and Carl Munck does an interesting video on these I think called the ‘Code’. I think that is partly what he demostrated with the Wardenclyffe tower. The ability to harness that energy and control it towards his own ends. It was terrible the way he ended up – a visionary exploited and used by capitalist money men. His ideas were all swept up after his death by the FBI and who knows what they would… Read more »
Yes, I’ve been studying the interweaving of these issues and personalities, and just this past year I’d read that, at differing depths of their rabbit holes, Twain seems to have studiously sheep dipped his Masonic connections, passing them off, like many HUAC targets dimunized their communist ties, as casual and former and, well hell, negligible at best. Conan Doyle had a rift with them in the 1920s as he tried to base their interests more in Christian doctrine. My Old Man had at least several of the 33° kind, Armand Hammer, Burl Ives, and The Client, aforesaid at which bears his name, and mine (just my namesake, otherwise black sheep). I’m sure there were (are) more. Apparently Ervin, père, was Monsieur Mason, Esq. for BH. Odd that he kept me always completely out of that loop, but it must have been on account of my penchant for muckraking. AND: he moved his offices, believe it or not, to the United California Bank Bldg. near Rodeo Drive in the BH 90210 neighborhood, a marquee I happened to notice for the 1st time in astonishment some years ago that it was the HQ for Perry Mason, Esq., I saw it while treating my mum to the canon I’d recorded for her of Perry MASON’s b&w early episodes, since he’s seen several times entering that bldg. on his way to work, in the early shows of the series. (Those are the best, no less an intellect than Pope St. John XXIII, liaison of hopeful détente between Kruschev and Kennedy, was a big fan of the TV series, and once told Raymond Burr as much. Dad even went so far as to drive into Hollywood to an art gallery, one Saturday in the early ’60’s, me riding gunshot, and told me to stay… Read more »
Rewrite (edit timed out): Yes, I’ve been studying the interweaving of these issues and personalities, and just this past year I’d read that, at differing depths of their rabbit holes, Twain seems to have studiously sheep dipped his Masonic connections, passing them off, like many HUAC targets dimunized their communist ties, as casual and former and, well hell, negligible at best. Conan Doyle had a rift with the Freemasons in the 1920s as he tried to interest them with centering their interests more in Christian doctrine, but it didn’t catch on. My Old Man had at least several of the 33° kind, Armand Hammer, Burl Ives, and The Client, aforesaid at which bears his name, and mine (just my namesake, otherwise black sheep). I’m sure there were (are) more. Apparently Ervin, père, was Monsieur Mason, Esq. for Beverly Hills. (Odd that he kept me always completely out of that loop, but it must have been on account of my penchant for muckraking and nascent whistleblowing.) AND: he moved his offices, believe it or not, to the United California Bank Bldg. near Rodeo Drive in the BH 90210 neighborhood, a marquee I happened to notice, for the 1st time in astonishment some years ago, that it was the HQ for Perry Mason, Esq., I saw it while treating my mum to the canon I’d recorded for her of Perry MASON’s b&w early episodes, since he’s seen several times entering that bldg. on his way to work, in the early shows of the series. (Those are the best, no less an intellect than Pope St. John XXIII, liaison of hopeful détente between Kruschev and Kennedy, was a big fan of the TV series, and once told Raymond Burr as much.) Dad even went so far as to drive into Hollywood to… Read more »
I love all the LA references.
And Perry Mason. Is there any connection to Free Mason? (I have no shame)
Seriously, though…. I suppose I should have shame for the fact that I have yet to wikipedia just what the heck a “freemason” is when the term is used constantly on alt/independent media.
I’ll add that to learning how to properly link videos.
“And Perry Mason. Is there any connection to Free Mason? (I have no shame)”
Those are the kind of “shameless” questions that sometimes turn up interesting truths. It never occurred to me; it could very well be someone’s inside joke…!
See my replies just above yours to Judith, for striking evidence of same. I lived 7 years under his and its shadow.
If memory serves, Perry did a brief stint or two in stir, he preferred jail to giving up client confidentiality, or whatever.
With the ability to photoshop video, now, it would be cool to retrofit those episodes with unsinkable picketeers outside either the lockup and/or his offices (and my dad’s as I mentioned, UCB Bldg. corner Beverly and 9401 Wilshire) with obligatory color revolution gear and placards held high:
“Free Mason!”
“Free Mason!”
“Free Mason NOW!”
OY. We gentle viewers might connect the dots.
The puns keep coming. Dad’s colorful client Armand Hammer (seen on numerous lists as 33° AND Illuminati) got so tired of hearing his name conflated with the baking soda, that he bought the company “Arm and Hammer”.
But I suspect my old man took a cue from their Masonic chats and had me hard at work when I was 15 (1967) that summer moving his offices into that building, endless crates and cartons. I had to make a few trips gown the stairs to the lower floors, not his, and marvelled that at one end of the hall was a shingle “Melvin Belli” and another corner had “F. Lee Bailey”. Even at 15 I’d already heard those names many times in the news.
But the inside joke of course was that he was moving into the Perry MASON Bldg. which surely drew sniggers around town, as his law firm was very nearly (“Free”) MASON Central in BH for masonic legal services. He waited 3 years before he would accept a new phone number, since it had to have 333 in it (which you may find at the home page of Tesla died in room #3327. My Dad’s number is (310) 273-6333. Highly charged Freemason numbers. Symbols of some kind. He kept all that disguised from me, but I left his manse at 17. Now I get it. Only in the last 5 years, as I study it.
Whoa, Nellie, no wonder I’m a conspiracy realist!
NOTA BENE: Turn the letters WWW a quarter turn to the left and you get, yep: “333”
The Defense rests
I regard him as a gift FROM the future, but he was impatient in taking bigger steps than we could chew, as well as opening doors that to irresponsible actors are extremely destructive. He was aware of the destructive, but had the period’s naivete that making such widely available would bring peace, for none would dare to open war. A Script plays out, but is it really ‘controlled’ so much as a collective agreement operating under the idea of being controlled. Before you all shout – we agree to the conditions of life by our willingness to survive by adapting to incorporate them, and becoming conditioned through our attempt to control our reality – that comes back to us as limitation or adversity or even counter attack. If what we give out sets the measure of our receipt, you will find we reactively give out is below consciousness and yet in effect consigns us to suffer the same limitations we want to impose on others and on life. So the surface of the mind – plays out a mind seemingly masked off from what lies beneath – and yet the split is a construct in mind for there are no walls or distances in the realm of Thought aligning to Desire. Yet there are domains of functional expression that participate in and also embody the whole. So what I just said is there are seemingly split levels, covering an awareness or embracing perspective of levels that orchestrate a whole, and a whole that embraces all with no levels at all. Freedom is finding your place and being that. When you are out of tune with yourself it can split the mind, inducing struggle and blocking the signal, so as to invoke a mind for control operating in ‘absence’ of the… Read more »
Let’s face it, theoretical physicists have just as much understanding of reality as the rest of us.The biggest flaw in physics is its refusal to deal with the human mind. You can never come up with a unified theory of everything until you can explain the human mind, since it appears it is the human mind that is creating reality. They don’t even try because the subject matter is so daunting.
“…there must be a higher reality underlying physical realities, and the latter is simply a function of the former. “
Is there any reason to believe this “higher reality” is anything other than malevolent?
I am a student of the Gnostic scrolls from 3rd AD found at Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945, and I believe that some of them are on the mark and some misleading. All are difficult to understand. To answer your question, I believe that the reality we are trapped in currently and which we get recycled through life after life is under a psychopathic predator force called the demiurge. However the creator of the universe, of which each human contains a spark (fractal) of its spirit, is vastly benevolent. I also believe that the famed tunnel from near death experiences is an astral entrance to a figurative roach motel leading to the demiurge’s recycling center, and the trick is to escape his reality to the greater reality, which in theory is possible but difficult. Since you asked and for what it is worth.
“However the creator of the universe…is vastly benevolent. “
What is the basis for this assertion?
As I mentioned, primarily from the Nag Hammadi scrolls but also from many other experiences and research in my life. I am afraid you cannot fact check it however, and I now realize that your question was rhetorical and rather an assertion.
The “scrolls” that you just described as follows: “some of them are on the mark and some misleading.”
So in other words, you pick and choose what to “believe” from them.
So they are not a “basis” of such belief, but are rather a source from which one might be able to cherry-pick “support” for virtually any contention, which is a pre-existing belief.
Got it.
I really don’t think you got jack. It’s not about blind/ arbitrary belief but lived and heart-felt experience. The content of the scrolls is 100% garbage unless one has their own mystical insight to refer to and an understanding of the historical context (the scrolls were almost certainly hidden to protect them from destruction as they were found in an obscure goat herder’s cave).
“The content of the scrolls is 100% garbage unless one has their own mystical insight…”
The “up-vote” button is insufficient. I wish I could send you an appreciative pint instead. Tech isn’t there yet…
What you got is an infection 😉
Running on beliefs operating invisibly as ‘the normal conditions assigned as reality does NOT know its own cognitive dissonance and protects such a lockdown ‘mind’ of asserted reality, by uncovering and invalidating the belief-reality-choices of others as a means to dictate the narrative.
This infection is contagious, and once you take it in, you are taken in. No blame. Its experience is valid within our own learning.
The entire spectrum of all experience is a source from which anyone can cherry pick for self-reinforcement.
Because this has been ‘psychologically determined’ to operate does not exempt the psychologist from his own diagnosis.
You are considerably more liekly to find what you are looking for, and that choice also determines what you are looking with or through. Therefore, transparency to self as to what we are moved to seek and find or align in as purposeful or an expression of meaningful endeavour – such as ‘joy in being’ – along the line of our particular themes or proclivities, is the discernment of the receptive, and the willingness to align in the movement of the recognisably true desire. How to know truth from self-illusion? That’s a good starting question to use to recognise and release self-illusion to the current readiness and willingness to abide.
If you merely think about what you already think, you loop as if actually taking thought from the source nature of thought, when it runs as a derivative adulteration and substitution for true Currency (Presence).
I don’t know – why limit Unconditional love to ‘vastly’.
But consider you are supported in having any experience you call forth, knowingly or via a back door of deniability.
Nothing is denied you or forbidden.
But by YOUR word is your freedom to give and receive.
Would a ‘Nanny state Universe’ that protected you by locking you down, be more benevolent that the gift of freedom to accept and share truth by which to Know Thyself truly? or a ‘Lord it over’ tyranny of conditional compliance OR ELSE!!!
The old idea was of a Creator apart from Creation – which was messed up in our terms by guilt and penalty – and which is given a ‘Reset’ instead of a Rest, every time Consciousness starts to restore our right mind.
But an integral Universe can be as benevolent as can be, and yet experienced as treachery, if the freedom of the mind by which you see is itself set in treachery. It takes one to know one. This is recognising feedback rather than selecting only what a mindfilter is set to accept.
Malevolence, and it’s opposite, Is in the eye of the beholder.
Or the soul. God has a suffering will that is complementary in the scheme of all things, to his ordaining will.
Which is to declare, (s)He never allows an evil to occur but that His sovereign being intends to bring about a yet greater good.
There are many who have big trouble wrapping their heads around that, but the truth is simple.
He created a spiritual universe of beings of free will. It’s anthropomorphic to pin their abuses of it on God. It’s the only way it adds up, otherwise how can we explain the existence of any good at all. Real good? Which is of a higher order.
“All shall be well and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.”
~~~ Julian of Norwich
My conclusion is that western white civilisation is a bunch of self important morons who don’t know jack about anything of substance. A spiritually depraved culture (the still birth of a fake religion) who think theyre gods and are doomed (by their own actions) to a spectacular and total demise.
David Bohm has a lot to offer that isn’t just using the quantum ideas as a reinforcement for imaginative and entertaining stories.
A newish documentary ‘Infinite Potentials’ is on YT and worthy of watching – in my opinion.
There is the same pattern in science generally of being whored to the funding that is invested in the model that is become ‘too big to fail’ (because it already has – but that cannot be officially accepted) and so modelling operates to serve framed and shaped focus of funding and endeavour.
Believing – and climbing into their own models, that require ongoing sacrifice to ‘save’ – is selling them to an increasingly dumbed, numbed or disinterested population. Leaving them nothing but raw and open deceit and coercion to save their world as mainstreamed to any mind it can hind susceptible enough to hijack.
I hold synchronicity to be instant – that is not within the time function at all.
If you need time to understand this you have to get out of sync to have the think, in which to see you already knew it.
Interesting that the term spin is applicable to quantum effects and entanglements and sub atomic components of a whole, that All the king’s horses and all the king’s men wont be able to put together again, but which ‘when’ we stumble upon the truth, will be recognised as already true. That’s what discovery really means. Not a flag or a patent of a feather in the cap.
Yes, David Bohm was one of the great geniuses of the 20th century. I agree that the velocity of entanglement is infinite, but that is impossible to prove experimentally. 10,000 times the speed of light is a good start.
Infinite is not scalable ie the scales extrapolated from a ‘subset’ such as velocity only apply within the subset of such an ‘explication’. So Infinite is neither big or small – being the Source and true nature of All. As a totality of potential vectors (and composites of interacting vectors), an infinity of expression opens as awareness of existence. We are accustomed to see expression in temporal terms, as a result of the nature of identifying in object consciousness or object persistence, as if this is the only ‘real’ reality. However the non-physical is clearly of an ‘arising spontaneity’, in which a whole rises to awareness in all its parts – and not as a Humpty Dumpty narrative that predicates identity within a broken wholeness that then drives it to regain its ‘Paradise’ or Golden Age’ – that truly represents an inner outer balance, alignment and wholeness of expression, but is associated with symbols that gave meaning to our first sense of resonance – but through the experience of losing it or getting in our own way and struggling to increasing identity entanglements – and … here we are 😉 Resonance – as I understand, is one communication through all instances of its receptive. That the communication then takes different forms at different scales, mediums and conditions is part of life’s rich tapestry. In some sense I see this level as energetic signatures of qualities that operate physically or quasi physically, as information domains that pattern or structure what we call physical existence – through which Infinity beholds Itself in ever new and expanding perspectives. What we posit in time may simply be a series of steps of adjustments in which our ability to perceive motion as cause and effect in sequence, translates a ‘higher level’ of cause and event… Read more »
Humanity would be glad if it finally summoned the energy, wisdom and courage to stop the world’s war criminals from continuing their absolutely hideous unnecessary harming of fellow brothers and sisters in the human family, and in the process create the best conditions for manifesting maximum happiness, health and well-being for this and future generations.
It is not an it 😉
By all means summon the Spirit that truly heals without overriding the will of the Son in denial.
Instead perhaps of summoning a confirmation of lack – from which every kind of driven behaviour runs blind.
In everything we think, say or do, we are ‘coming from’ either a sense of lack-driven seeking or a wholeness that knows itself (whole) in the act of extension or giving.
It may be that the drawing out of the venom of human hatred is a necessary step to the restoring of our true inherence. We each meet the ‘evils’ of the day thereof, and if we attend there, we will be taking the step that is available now. that there is a pattern within every step is an emergent willingness to listen for the recognition of life as part of aligning as an instrument of a peace that cannot be brought into the world of war so much as given witness by our willingness to see and respond to what such a world masks over. We all have some ‘share’ in this, but I do not say this to blame, but to the freedom of releasing the ‘world’ that rises from attack and grievance given priority in our heart and mind.
There are a couple of backward trends inside the world of neuroscience, which might be too little and too late. Using all the latest techniques of MRI and so on, neurologists are coming to realize that walking and dancing and working are crucially important to keep the brain alive. Drugs are no substitute for walking and working. Every step you take builds new neurons, no matter how old you are. Without exercise the brain withers and atrophies much faster.
Governments know this, which is why they have prohibited exercise and work.
What’s the business case for depopulation? Fewer people means lower profits. It makes no sense to accuse the “Elites” of depopulating humanity.
Money and profit are no longer the main requirements for tptb control
and having slaves are the new big thing. When you have it all why
share it.
I get your drift, but while this paints a picture of self imaged, it is a picture of isolation and death in a meaningless fantasy. So the game is everything but winning is not what the gamer expects.
God gave you everything in your Creation – to share in.
If you took it in vanity for a self image, you lost the ability to share, relate or communicate, in exchange for a realm of change that can never be truly possessed, but that fear of dispossession sets the mind against change.
Every new thing you wanted fades as soon as you have it.
Nothing can satisfy such a hollowness of being – and so an unsatisfying life is hated and brought to limitation, pain and death, rather than release the self vindication in denial and grievance set as power over life.
You’re treating economics as a natural and immutable fact, like mountains or molecules, when, in fact, the current system (and any such man-made system of transactions) is a game we all agree to play. If “They” are in control of the terms of the game, “They” will profit… whether the consumer-base is in the hundreds of millions or the billions. But half a billion Serfs is surely less of a threat, and easier to control, than 7 or 8 or 10 billion. “They” have been making very loud noises about there being “too many” of Us (Serfs) since the 1960s… Prince Andrew’s famous comment about hoping to be reincarnated as a deadly virus was just gilding the lily.
I saw him say that on tv and also say it on you tube once. I looked for it earlier this year and it has been erased – while the quotes is ‘debunked’.
I see we’ve both got it a little wrong, the quote is actually attributed to Prince Philip (what were we thinking? laugh)… even the dreaded OnGuardian admits that, in a list of his blurts:
I had a doesn’t compute moment on Andrew – but had the image of the event in mind. But right to correct the record.
That was the first instance of internet erasure in my personal experience. Which for me was the focus. I already knew his views.
They have set up a system to profit directly from our deaths, fish face.
Additionally, they don’t need us for labor anymore but apparently feel a desperate Malthusian urgency to rid the planet of 7 billion to achieve their nirvana of 500 million.
Contraction for the sake of control in an increasingly chaotic system – that becomes more corrupted and chaotic by increasing controls, such as to run out of room for manoeuvre and trigger a reset, which they intend to manage rather than be reset. The development of tech is vastly reducing the need for human workers who become a burden and a potential instability to the system. Clearing not merely the ‘non viable’ but the cultural identities that embody consciousness of non compliance with re-designing or breeding new humans using genetic technology, so as to make all things in ‘our’ image. I have an issue with the control agenda and relationship – because the only relationships are alliances and subordination under hierarchy, and while alliances can be strong against a common enemy, when that polarity is no more an issue, the fracture within those who bid for power will come out. Sharing is simply not in the mindset of the will to power, for it gives ONLY to get, and sees others only as assets, threats or discards. We don’t think we operate like this, but when do you give without measure? I don’t mean ‘a lot or a little’ but simply giving freely with no strings, terms or conditions. Extreme examples serve as a means to recognis patterns within ourselves. That is within our realm of responsibility, but not while runnig invisibly – and I did not say blame. As for business… the entire system of economic exchange is being changed. Those insiders can and do grab what they can from the process of disintegration – as they do from every ‘crash’ or choke-back of the flow of supply to an cultivated dependency. The business case for a global reset is a new basis for those who are permitted to… Read more »
Fear calls and its followers answer and obey. I don’t say ‘choose your side’ because sides are a divisive device. But you can decide to choose not to follow fear’s dictate. At some point our part in this focus (lifetime) is released. If you give all power to ‘Them’ you paint yourself in powerlessness. We often seek to cast off responsibility for our acts when it suits us – such as letting others make our choices while we take the ride. While it may be true that a diversionary ride is pervasively proffered as a way to enable ‘Them’ to operate without oversight or accountability, it is still your decisions that you primarily suffer. This is nothing to do with being right or wrong about eugenic agenda. But what came up from your exchange with polistra. NB – exercise and work may be limited but are not prohibited. Once we adopt a story we can colour it in with ever more details. A large part of predictive programming may simply to seed the stories, set the ball rolling, and let everyone activate them as expected reality, inevitability or necessity. Regardless what ‘most people’ choose, they are not choosing for me. But if I am invested in changing them and they don’t meet my expectations I undermine what I set up as a basis for my own choice. There are ways of choosing that play it as being made to. Someone above suggested malevolence is subjective. We may fool ourself to hold hateful intent as righteous, but it still is hate and our consequences are from what we gave, not from the stories we tell ourself or mask in. Others may or may not receive or hold grievance, but we hold the knowing of what we wanted to be true and… Read more »
I don’t think the word “excruciating” means what you think it means.
George Balanchine
One look into one’s life will suffice to see how the overlords have set people against each other. It’s a classic tactic. Divide and conquer. Trump vs. Biden, Democrats vs. Republicans, whites vs. blacks, liberals vs. conservatives. Pure mind games.
No, it’s an existential conflict; humanity vs. satanism; liberty vs. 1984; Light vs. Dark; Life vs. Death.
Trump: Our campaign is “existential threat” to the establishment
Oct 13, 2016: Republican presidential nominee campaigns in West Palm Beach, Florida
Full speech:
Clip (1:41)
So is Drumpf defending the DC establishment, or seeking to drain what he calls the swamp? Because the establishment is hugely and famously opposed to Drumpf.
No. They are not opposed to him. They love to hate him. He is their clown in chief. Their dream distractor. Their perfect foil. Their ratings bonanza. Their money maker. Their pied piper. Their reality showman.
Everything Trump is, they revel in because his buffoonery, his vulgarity, his naked greed and ignorance imbues his detractors by contrast, with faux gravitas, faux respectability, faux intelligence and faux virtue.
“Because the establishment is hugely and famously opposed to Drumpf.”
We have to get used to the complexity of the Lies they use, more accurately characterized, perhaps, as Cons. When a Conman (and/or Conwoman) runs a lengthy and elaborate scheme on you, to defraud you of all your savings, he/she will, of course, appear, in the beginning, to make statements contradicting what, you’ll learn, in retrospect, he/she ended up actually doing. Whether or not T-Rump’s getting into office was a shocker to TFIC or orchestrated from the beginning, they turned (or kept) the situation to their advantage. T-Rump’s closet is full of skeletons: TFIC could have removed him by now if they’d wanted to. And they certainly could have come up with a candidate less hilarious than Biden to unseat him. Not that I’m certain of a T-Rump win, this coming (s)election, because reading the collective mind of TFIC is hard to do. Maybe the scam, this time around, is to put Ms. Harris in the spotlight in 2020 and (s)elect her in 2024? Maybe 2028 will be Chelsea Clinton? At this point I’ve learned to expect the unexpected.
Excellent comment. Trump was chosen by our Overlords in 2016 because they decided that he was even more divisive than Hillary, though for me looking at Hillary was like looking at 10 day old road kill in the tropics. I didn’t vote. I do not believe in voting for the warden of the prison in which I am incarcerated, even if like Biden he has to look at his watch every 5 minutes to see what year it is. But as I was writing, they want an all out civil war in the USA and Trump was just the person to bring the friction to the combustion point. Buy lots of beer and popcorn and if you live in the USA (which I no longer do), fasten your seatbelts. You ain’t seen nutten yet.
This pattern is good to bring to the light.
Who hates to love must love to hate.
The inducement to ‘love hating under a mask of virtue is the reiteration of the ‘Fall’ or denial of love, set by the love and protection of the false at expense of true.
However the masking in virtue hates what their own mask conceals of themselves in the ‘other’. Unowned hate cannot be healed because you WANT it out there and you WANT to attack it as a means to raise a ‘self’ from its defeat. Noticing this pattern is the opportunity to reevaluate our choices.
‘draining the swamp’ means that you end up with the dregs. perhaps the dregs have something in common with the deplorables?
Orange Hair Bozo’s latest attempt at stand up comedy. Perhaps he should have kept the electric razor in the act.
Re: the existential conflict
Speaker Pelosi finally condemns riots and looting
Fmr. CIA Director Brennan: “I Am More Worried Today Than I Ever Have Been Before”
These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.
– Thomas Paine
A fascinating article. Thank you Mr. Curtin.
“And do you know what “the world” is to me? Shall I show it to you in my mirror? This world: a monster of energy, without beginning, without end; a firm, iron magnitude of force that does not grow bigger or smaller, that does not expend itself but only transforms itself; as a whole, of unalterable size, a household without expenses or losses, but likewise without increase or income; enclosed by “nothingness” as by a boundary; not something blurry or wasted, not something endlessly extended, but set in a definite space as a definite force, and not a space that might be “empty” here or there, but rather as force throughout, as a play of forces and waves of forces, at the same time one and many, increasing here and at the same time decreasing there; a sea of forces flowing and rushing together, eternally changing, eternally flooding back, with tremendous years of recurrence, with an ebb and a flood of its forms; out of the simplest forms striving toward the most complex, out of the stillest, most rigid, coldest forms striving toward the hottest, most turbulent, most self-contradictory, and then again returning home to the simple out of this abundance, out of the play of contradictions back to the joy of concord, still affirming itself in this uniformity of its courses and its years, blessing itself as that which must return eternally, as a becoming that knows no satiety, no disgust, no weariness: this, my Dionysian world of the eternally self- creating, the eternally self-destroying, this mystery world of the twofold voluptuous delight, my “beyond good and evil,” without goal, unless the joy of the circle is itself a goal; without will, unless a ring feels good will toward itself— do you want a name for this world? A… Read more »
My cousin who has a doctorate in philosophy, (we had plenty of time to talk renovating houses in my youth) had summarized it this way. ” Nietzsche’s philosophy is one of an adolescent”. He was more of a Martin Buber aficionado… He had given me a french copy of “I and thou” which may have influence my visions (not sure, I’ve been busy with other things like living).
Interesting. I am not very familiar with Buber. I wish I had a cousin with a doctorate in philosophy.
Nietzsche is often dismissed or misunderstood within the philosophical academic field.
I used that particular quote because it’s been lingering in the back of my mind since I’ve been contemplating the cryptocracy and their lust for power and control.
What does a man strive for when he has all the wealth and material possessions he could ever desire, but can never be satiated because his life’s aim consists of committing acts of evil in the name of a Luciferian doctrine? The will to power.
Arendt believed evil was an extension of the banal and mundane which feels simplistic and diversionary.
I find so much that is profound in Nietzsche’s writing. He’s unflinching in exploring the pain and suffering we all feel, but expresses hope through the beauty of art, creative ingenuity and the truth and intuition in our own physicality and the exploration of our psyche and senses.
Nietsczhe was more than a philosopher, whether one agrees with his philosophical views or not. He was a brilliant writer and an original thinker. He’s left us a few clues as to the nihilistic mindset of the ruling class at a crucial time in history.
Hi Researcher. Having a cousin who’s a doctor in philosophy has not served me much. He was more discussed by the whole thing, probably from being a north american… he found it easier to remain in renovation than becoming a teacher, more lucrative. As for your views on Nietczhe, i’m afraid I don’t even have an opinion… regarding Lucifer, I can only hope that some successful entrepreneurs who were recruited to become billionaires, only pretend to worship him to please their new friends, or that the whole idea refers to fear porn. I don’t easily imagine those guys worshipping anybody…
The more you have, the more you have to lose.
What we give worth to sets the measure of our living.
Giving priority to possession or control puts relationship and communication in the back somewhere.
You can buy people and induce them to dance to your tune but they only dance for greed and vanity or fear of loss.
I met a rich man once who collected ‘people’ in this way. he only ‘trusted’ greedy people. Anyone else made him almost spit as a proclamation of heresy or dishonesty. Greedy people are controllable and predictable.
Seeking power to satiate an appetite feeds the appetite.
Empty ghosts suck upon the living.
I hitchhiked from LA approx. to Chicago and back, a long paper route, in 1971 (@19) and took a thick copy doorstopper of the Portable Nietszche along, reading and memorizing the pithier aperçus along the way. I drenched my mind with it, much engrossed by his insights, but felt that, as a person, he was rather a crybaby. Maybe it was systemic. He was said to be courting dementia through the onset of siphyllis. On the way back in one ride we were on a gambit through Utah pure unadorned desert and had a blowout at over a 100 mph (the lad driving was in a hurry to get thru it) slid a Wembley’s worth, went airborne, and rolled 4 times. Lying down in the back, I got bounced on my head, interior-wise, a baker’s dozen times more or less. All three of us, after substantive grumbling, walked away from it, and were picked up an hour later at 7am or would have been more than halfbaked in the late summer sun. In sum, my portable Nietzsche survived the crash, as did my slim “Beethoven’s Spiritual Development” by JWN Sullivan, a classic on the mind/music/soul nexus. Both books had a huge impact on my “journey” but neither one a fraction of the impact that the sand-softened crash had on my head, or its brainpan. The combinations which turned me soon after into a very affected, and grateful, if questing or questioning Christian, what with that near death, nearer life, experience and its cumulative curious aftermath. It reminded me when I read years later of the impact that GKC’s “The Everlasting Man” had on a very young C.S. Lewis, which book he found left on his nightstand in a WW I field hospital in France after his own near death experiences… Read more »
Nietzche was, in fact, God realizing his creation was deeply flawed.
As you accept definition of power, so are you in receipt of your own measure. The idea of power OVER is a corruption to ‘control’. The power of love is free alignment of will – not coercion. That people in fear sought to mimic love, mask in love and reveal their lack of love is nothing to do with the power of love – excepting to experience our fill of what we are NOT, so as to release our mind set in struggle and align in that which moves us truly now. If we war against what we are NOT in the ‘other’ we never actually release it in ourselves, but only seem to escape under claim of righteous judgement. The quote is a very good rendition of the realm of manifestation. The realm of objects and forces as a way of seeing that objects awareness of existence and then seeks the unseen laws that move all things. Self Creating – yes – but our notion of ‘self’ is mistaken if we think we have become our own creation. Truth waits on willingness not on time, but while we WANT our own ‘creations’ we do time, and buy time against the inevitable (truth). Did Nietzsche set himself up for insanity? The non-emptiness (there is no emptiness called ‘space’) is not filled with force, but with infinite potential – from which polarised charge and force play out – spirally and indeed inspiring and expiring both. Aspiring is to what calls us, and if the call is received through filters, the call can be set in the frame of the world rather than in the mind that conceives and perceives and shares a world. But the ‘out of true’ is always called back to its natural state or qualities, while the world… Read more »
Nietzsche was suffering from syphilis. His insanity and early death was due to that, and that alone.
Do you know his treatment?
Mercury – and other neurotoxins were used to treat ‘syphilis’.
Did we set ourselves up for lockdowns into a biotech ‘future’?
Yes, mercury and/or other treatments may have been the contributing factor.
I think the controllers (money lenders, theological heads, and monarchies) who pass their power down through generations, secret societies and agendas definitely have long term plans that span the centuries.
I think the very idea of control is a mask over fear – in everyone. If fear is a conflicted state in which the ‘Master’ seems absent, the tenant farmers attempt to manage within a sense of threat of chaos, to effectively usurp the ‘Master’, and as a sense of control, deny the messengers of the ‘Master’. If mastery is seen not as control over, but one with, then the ‘Master’ is the capacity for unified decision – or the Heart’ of free willing alignment. You don’t need control excepting to maintain a situation that is unnatural to you. That our psychic structure is replicated in our world is the means by which to recognise the lens through which we ‘see’. The long term plan is to delay the inevitable, or in most simple and immediate terms the persistence of a sense of possession and control set over and against the fear of dispossession and loss of face – or control. That this masks over and denies, is the pattern that goes forth to multiply as masking illusions set and made by denials that automatically project or cast out our experience in terms of keeping such fear hidden, by surrounding it with terrors. If you were surrounded by people who would attack you for openly speaking your truth, you might align in a secret society, which may then grow a self-specialness over and against those deemed ignorant – and presume a right to rule or simply wield it from a perspective beyond masking virtues and emotionally invested illusions. My sense is that judgement cuts the mind into pieces, that are then set against each other and their own healing or wholeness. Hating our denial was how we made them. That they seek to regain the light they are denied makes… Read more »
What if psychopaths have no fear but just enjoy killing because they are sadists?
I don’t think they are fearful at all. They’ve had control all along, so they are simply seeking power for power’s sake. They are drunk on power and control, and enjoy inflicting misery and death on others.
I sense no real question or research here. You make your statement and prove it to yourself. You can frame everything in terms of ‘them’ and there are those who ‘get off’ on killing or destroying, denying or undermining others so as to – for a moment – feel better about themselves or perhaps ‘feel a glimmer of something at all’. The capacity to feel and know our being as whole in life is joy. The idea of ‘joy in killing’ is a perversion set in fantasy taken out upon the body. You can gratify a moment on the body of another as if a victor, but at cost of false and hollow self-betrayal. Don’t think this is anything but loss of true will to a psycho-pathy or split mind set against itself. Freedom from fear is freedom from any compulsive, tyrannous and driven identity or behaviour. Fear is control. Control is fear. The idea that control vanquishes or kills fear is false. But there can be a temporary respite that demands ongoing sacrifice to maintain – and such is our world. Control feeds on fear as a false sense of self – or reality. There is another way of looking at this than as fear and conflict define you in. It is said that power corrupts, but I hold that true power rests in its nature. Fear of self-lack seeks itself in aggrandisement – which could be generated by enacting rage on anyone because they happen to be who you meet in the need to project it away from yourself, or a willingness to lie and cheat to get the trappings of a life you feel denied or deprived of. If your felt quality of living is fully accepted – why would you seek to feel better about yourself? If… Read more »
If you are in your 30’s I pity you, because you have lived most of your adult life in a huge lie. Similar to the huge lies of the Soviet Union or Cultural Revolution. These lies are the lies of the American illusion. The truth about where we are rests in plain sight, in Geo-politics, Economics, and History. Not in fantasies about technology and AI. We can be sure of that, because our media, culture and schools, which we know are shaping our ignorance, no longer teach those subjects correctly.
Geo-politics has been demoted to conspiracy fantasy, economics has been turned on it’s head since 2008, where now people believe growth comes out of a printing press and inflation is good and where History has been stripped of it’s social and political history, recast with ‘demons’ and ‘evil men’, as the main actors. How can the young hope to understand the world living in a historical, void.
speaking as somebody who managed, by concerted effort, to figure out how the world actually worked, in the dark ages of the 1980s, I must insist that people who have grown up with the internet have things extremely easy.
back in the dark ages, you had to frequent dissident bookstores, attend all manner of oppositional meetings (along with ten or fifteen other people), and subject yourself to the bizarreness of various (allegedly) radical-left cults, to have any chance of penetrating the lies and delusions of Official Reality, to arrive at a mostly-factual understanding of the social and political nature of actually-existing capitalist society.
now, in the Brave New World of 2084, a fifteen-second search on ***GOOGLE***, the world headquarters of Official Reality, affords the following items, among assorted disinfo:
these articles are obviously far from perfect, but they suffice to show that the fabric of Official Reality has some fairly substantial tears in it. further research, following the clues contained therein, might lead to the sort of conclusions that are routinely denounced as Conspiracy Theory. once you become comfortable with that, you’re free.
you may now learn in a few days, without even leaving your home, what would have taken months or years of effort, before the internet existed.
in conclusion, I have only this to say to people who complain how confusing everything is, now that everybody has high-speed internet access on their fucking cellphone, wherever they go:
fuck off. fuck right off.
But haven’t you noticed that the internet is being heavily censored in real time?
First they changed the page on the World Bank site that revealed the Covid19 tests were manufactured and distributed by the World Bank for 3 years previous to the outbreak.
Next they removed the entire journal of microbiology which is the preferred journal of publishing for all the NIH research into viruses proving that they had manufactured SARSCov1, SARSCov2 and SARSCov3.
It also contained hundreds of studies on natural products tested against their lab made viral vectors.
Now that info has simply vanished into thin air. That information was documented proof of racketeering, fraud and crimes against the people. Proof of collusion with China, Canada and the US with dozens of international academic institutions and scientists.
They have removed dozens of Office of Technology Transfer listings from the Federal Register. Also proof of fraud and racketeering.
They have removed patents from the WIPO and USPTO.
With only access to garbage like Huffington Post or the Guardian, that offers almost nothing worth reading unless you want to sift through a paragraphs here or there to try and determine what they are either hiding in their “articles” or trying to sell.
Something I “happened to notice” over a dozen years ago, but never hear discussed: not only is the internet “censored in real time” but a literally endless number of parties can customize your “feed”. I called Netflix one night to see if we could get clearer streaming, and they asked my permission before splitting the screen into parallel images, then walked me through adjustments. I’m sure it’s come a long way since then, 2008. When I stopped watching TV. It was jarring.
Which means that HumIntel or any others can monitor your transmissions in real time and alter the content. JUST FOR YOU.
And they’ve done that to me before.
Which makes the web at any point altogether awfully “louche”, a constant suspect.
What sign can tell us we have successfully ‘figured out how the world works’?
when our discussions attract the attention of disinfo agents like yourself, obviously.
When we are no longer defined by it as a problem to be solved?
Or a fear to be eradicated, an evil to be cast out, a sin to be atoned – etc
U might be missing the point. Don’t shoot at the choir.
Thing is, at least then you could take a teacher aside and have an interesting discussion about the subversive subject he initiated in class… he didn’t seem to be afraid to loose his job. I’m told it’s not like that anymore. Just that.
Any anti narrative carries a certainty such as to no longer meet confusion.
I don’t see people ‘complaining’ about the psyop of an Info-net, so much as suffering there own susceptibilities to its lures and baiting.
So much so as to suggest the cultivation and managing of ‘narrative identities’ is operated by the interenet – without which a lockdown would not have been conceivable or feasible.
I get that you are pissed off – but I don’t get exactly what you are pissed off at. Young people?
How can we trust stories about the Soviet Union or Cultural Revolution if they originate in what you call the ‘American illusion’? Are you free of this illusion yourself?
if they originate in what you call the ‘American illusion’?
they don’t.
30’s? Good lord, I’m twice that and I sure as hell grew up with a lie.
I lived THROUGH the lies – JFK, RFK, MLK, Viet Nam, the horrible Russians, the baby killing Chinese, the Summer of Love (MKULTRA? Who knew?), Kent State, Watergate, Pentagon Papers, Karen Silkwood, Attica, Iran Contra…….
And the beat goes on…..
Fair point…
You say: “All knowledge, not just science, had to be taken ‘as if’ it were true. This was a consoling mental trick but falsely reassuring, for most people could not accept this, since ‘knowledge’ was a protection racket from pain and insanity. It still is. … All this follows from the nineteenth-century relativization of knowledge” I’m not seeing how Nietzsche / 19th century really initiated this. For example: – Protagoras (the first major Sophist, in 5th century BCE Greece) said “Man is the measure of all things: of the things that are, that they are, of the things that are not, that they are not.” – Socrates said “I neither know nor think that I know”. Instead, Nietzsche seems simply to be a conscious and creative contemporary in one of several periods of awakening spurred by communications technologies, each of which prompt us to recognize our limitations, including the illusion of knowledge. Until we fall back to sleep a few decades (a generation? a lifetime?) later. We’ve also had the re-thinking religion and sciences following the introduction of the printing press, the illusion of human immediacy in radio/TV, and now unlimited information (and many other effects) from the internet. For Protagoras and Socrates, I understand the technologies included such things as the stress-testing of language, and the development of high-end teaching schools. Each time, consciousness rose broadly … for a time. In 1980, you may recall, we had far less trouble than we do now trusting MSM. Why? Were there really fewer lies? Was reality less distorted? Could — can — “reality” ever be “undistorted”? So, as you well describe, the rest of us (especially elders) are reacting, very naturally, with confusion and pain and anger, to disorientation in a new epistemological crisis. But it is simply this century’s model.… Read more »
Some interesting media reports for you:
The Scotsman tells me the Highlands went into ‘lockdown’ 80 years ago because of the threat of invasion under World War Two.
The Telegraph tells me that “Van Morrison’s lockdown protest songs will prove the untapped potential of unwoke listeners. Sooner or later, the Left’s monopoly on anger was going to be broken by something worth getting angry about.”
Ah so those who protest against the lockdown are baldy old unwoke Right Wing gits!
From Metro I find that the next Doc Who series may have to be postponed till 2022 due to …well you know. BUT it seems that Doc Who Jodie Whittaker was raised to be “gender neutral” by her folks before that was even a thing! Woke credentials flying high. You know she will be backing Cova lockdown! She ain’t no bald Tory loving git!
(And how long will it be before somebody rolls out Van’s knighthood as another nail in his unwoke coffin?)
Just enjoy the next phase…
They (Owners & Billionaires) have the year of 2030 for the first mark!
Have you heard of the USA? it is the biggest Fascist empire in the history of man… might want to look into it. They have what we call ‘Imperial ambition’ and they call themselves ‘exceptional’, which they claim gives them the right to murder & destroy in their own interests for the rest of eternity. Just saying.
As you very well know (God), they haven’t starve their population under that “regime” (french for diet). Major shops are full of cheerful 20 year olds on wheel chairs
What’s your view on dictatorship regimes with no human rights, no elections, no limit on political power, no freedom of speech? Places like Islamist Iran and Communist China seem a tad more oppressive than the demonic USA, I’d say. Even the UN has reported the millions of Chinese Muslims and Tibetans etc now facing genocide in Xi’s concentration camps, while evil Drumpf is the only Western leader condemning the Chinese communists. Did you know that Orange Man Good, at least sometimes? I guess I just can’t see how inciting hate against all those humans cursed with American passports will advance either global harmony and happiness or leftist credibility and morality. I bet you wouldn’t condemn and imprison all Muslims as evil murdering terrorists, would you? Unless you think like the Chinese communists, that is.
Islamist Iran and Communist China have not rampaged around the planet for the past 70 years, slaughtering, starving and immiserating hundreds of millions, like Nazi Germany On Steroids. Unlike your Exceptional friends.
I use the short USofT to designate such land..
Like a recent article by OffG (‘New Rules…’) we see the now familiar interchangeability of ‘fascism’ and authoritarianism – as if those Rightwing movements were the only ones to develop totalitarian streaks. I think this weakens the arguments made here. Technological obsessions were seen not just in the Futurist influence upon Italian fascism, but (for example) in the Bolshevik Communism of the USSR, and in the liberal capitalist model of industrial society from Victorian times through to today. So why attempt to make an exclusive association between ‘fascism’ and the techno-authoritarianism of the NewNormal era today? Of note : 20th century fascism was primarily a form of extreme nationalism. What we are in the beginnings of is an authoritarianism of the individual and one where centres of power are global, not national. Fascism in general was greatly influenced by ideas of the nation state as a definitely organic entity, and was therefore interested in organic concepts such as blood and soil. German National Socialism especially had strands that were greatly concerned with nature as well as with ‘machine’ metaphors. The organisation at the head of the global health response (WHO) which forms a key component of today’s changes we see is a Marxist, not a fascist. People from across the political spectrum, notably though, from the mainstream and moderately radical Left to the Liberal-Left Greens, to Liberal conservatives, all are generally acquiescent or even enthusiastic about the opportunities of ‘build back better’ and New Normalism. These same people seem to be at the forefront when it comes to denouncing any kind of resurgent nationalism. These people are not fascistic in any conventional sense, so How does that fit together ? Can we not just accept that these Covid developments are something new, and something that has drawn influence from pre-existing… Read more »
Yeah sure the WHO is Marxist! Bill and Melinda just love a proletarian revolution, which is why they put money there!
Are you arguing against my point that the head of the WHO (Tedros Adhnanom) is a political leader not a medical expert, and has long standing membership in a Marxist Leninist political party, or indeed that he was helped into his place at the WHO by China (ostensibly a Communist country) ?
I will answer that for you:
So what is your point ?
Is Tedros a ‘fascist’ ? Schwab ? Fauci ? Any of the contemporary people mentioned in Curtin’s article? Are they all planning an ethno-supremacist state in (where ?) the USA? If this is ‘a new fascism’, where are the fascists ?
Do you know of the ‘Marxist accelerationists’ ? What is their attitude to the current techno-authoritarian response to this virus ?
“I will answer that for you”
You’re an introvert’s dream, mate.
I noticed that too. Why bother conversing when you can just punch holes in yourself?
If you make up straw man arguments and place them in other people’s comments, what do you expect ?
Nobody, least of all me, think or propose that Gates or the WEF crowd are angling for a ‘proletarian revolution’, and that was not in my comment. That much was obvious. Suggesting such a thing suggests to me the need for a rethink on a superficial opposition of ‘Marxism’ to ‘capitalism’. Ditto the superficial definition of ‘fascism’ as basically anything that is authoritarian.
You, nor any that I have read on the Left have offered a coherent explanation of why a big pharma globalist lobby group would want to head their organisation with someone from the far Left ?
If the Left/ Right paradigm is considered culturally, rather than strictly economically, then the NewNormal is decidedly Leftwing. It has the strongest support their politically. It is tied to woke-ism. It is tied to China and the Chinese model of Communist Party-capitalist monopolies.
You… don’t seem to understand what Marxism is, mate.
Try maybe reading something by Marx.
Yeah, I read The Communist Manifesto. That is a spicy read for sure. The tome, Capital is basically unreadable beyond the first two chapters (hence the need for a preisthood of interpreters).
I read some of Marx’s letters which reveal his blood lust and his pretty extreme racism. And I think all should read his poetry, get the mark of the man who loves Lucifer- or even sees himself as that luminary.
Maybe you should read some more Marx ?
‘Rightists that support reactionary conservatism and believe the threat is Marxist in origin are fighting a shibboleth. The left has been stripped of its economically illiberal aspects and is now merely a battering ram for social liberalism with a Marxist aesthetic.
International capitalists and bourgeois anarchists are united in a desire to homogenise the world into one marketplace, and are fighting a zero-sum war against anything that resists their neo-colonial project.’
-Keith Woods
And Woods is a third position National Socialist (!). Mate.
Lol you’re the one saying the WHO is Marxist, not me. I do agree that the liberal “left” is just capitalism in a socialist-ish aesthetic.
Incorrect, I never said that ‘the WHO is Marxist’.
I said that the appointment of a Marxist-Leninist to the head of an avowedly capitalistic organisation is noteworthy and inconsistent to the naive view of regarding Marxism in the 21st century in the same way that it was regarded in the mid 20th century. In four comments, you don’t seem to have an answer for that, just straw men.
I wonder if you think that the nutjob Antifas on the streets of Northern US are ‘liberal “”left”” – as they wave communist flags around ? Ditto the BLM ‘leaders’ ? They don’t seem serious revolutionaries, so what are they up to? Who is funding them and why ?
The Marxism that you seem to invoke simply does not exist in the era of capitalist realism, and yet the cultural core (i.e. destruction of Western society or traditionalism per se) which was always the undercurrent still seeks to achieve its objectives.
Covid is the tool, cultural Marxism is the intent.
Of course Antifa and BLM are liberal. Identifying as a communist doesn’t make you one. These organizations serve the interests of the capitalist class. Their aim is to distract the working class with identity politics and every other issue that keeps them divided and conquered.
You can’t change Marxist basic concepts just to make it fit whatever you think Marxism is.
Actually I did, but that was a typo.
It should have read ”The head of the organisation at the head of the global health response (WHO) which forms a key component of today’s changes we see is a Marxist, not a fascist.’
I think the most important word in your comment is “ostensibly”.
If this is ‘a new fascism’, where are the fascists?
I’m sure you’re well aware that the current world centre of fascism is a shitty little country that starts with an “I”. as for ethnic supremacism, they do not suffer from the lack of it.
I am.
I am also through with Leftism.
I can only now see it as a bizarre religious conviction, impervious to reason, drunk on its own sense of virtue, falling into a pit of its own double standards and dragging the rest of us down with it.
I don’t blame Borris, or Trump or Fauci or Gates or Schwab or any of those fucking mediocre assholes. If I blame anyone it is the spiritless sniveling virtue huggers who refuse to question their own story, preferring their own intellectual cowardice.
At least a couple of commenters here understand.
It’s fascist because the military and security state apparatus merged with corporations.
That’s what the last 100 years have been. A global takeover of governments from the federal level right down to local municipalities, by corporate interests that are wholly controlled and majority owned by globalist bankers and the cryptocracy.
The CIA even have their own school of Philosophy….Oh how they must laugh at us as they seek to confuse. Burying deeper and deeper the truth inside an endless stream of clap-trap, speculation, fantasising, illusions building illusions on illusion, and ensuring that we are none the wiser, and less equipped to react than before.
Reference to this, then reference to that, red herring here and red herring there, but make sure the reference leads us nowhere, and as far away from simple understand and easy to grasp solutions as possible.
This audience aren’t intellectuals they are aspirant intellectuals. A reader will ask ‘’this is really clever isn’t it?…..isn’t it?….isn’t it? ’’……. If a philosopher were to read this rubbish would laugh at it’s pointlessness.…..shall I pretend I got something from this BS, so I look clever too?
It’s the fake intellectualism as pioneered by Jordan Peterson, philosophy which leaves the minds of the lowly educated feeling like they are clever, but actually are none the wiser and more confused than before.
Happily, however, the CIA et al and pseudo-intellectuals are not the font and repository of truth and reality. I doubt they are fully aware of the concepts, really. They merely promote their own messages. They would be revealed as what they are immediately if we stopped listening to them.
Brings to mind “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” from the 70’s.
That was my Aha moment about government.
Later on, “In the thick”.
That’s it in a nutshell. No matter what country.
I think that should have read “In the Thick of It”.
It’s too late to be writing comments.
The nature of AI is a total red herring, it is the politics that drives AI that is what is important.
Fascism does not come out of tech, it comes from fascists. AI could be as democratic as any decent parliament, if designed to be. AI is a tool like a knife or a gun, both can be used for good. The problem is the tool is now in the hands of a Fascist empire, the USA.
First rate comment – I’ve just gone religious…
That’s because God is speaking to you.
Except you know they gave it to China first, right?
See for yourself.
No. That is the argument of the technocrats. Remeber Google launched themselves with “Don’t be Evil” as their motto.
The tech is *inherently* evil. It cannot be used for good because it is literally made by raping and killing the planet and is *designed* to exploit.