UK’s “Daily Covid Deaths” didn’t die in one day & didn’t all have Covid
It won't surprise any of you to learn that they are STILL manipulating the "daily deaths" numbers
Kit Knightly

The UK’s NHS England has been reporting “daily deaths” since back in March, and the media have been eagerly repeating them, drumming up fear just as the SAGE memos told them too.
Granted, the UK media don’t talk much about deaths anymore, since they have slowed to a trickle, instead they focus on the thousands of symptomless “cases” being generated by the massively unreliable tests. But, when they do talk about deaths, it’s always “daily deaths”.
These numbers have always been meaningless, as anyone who bothers to read the daily statistical reports can tell you. We reported on that months ago. To absolutely no one’s surprise, they are still doing it.
But, if they are going to be repetitive, we have to do likewise. Exposing this numbers shell-game is the best way to wake people up to just how they’re being manipulated.
September 23rd’s report is a perfect example. (available here). This was reported as 30 people dying in 24 hours, but if you read the actual report it says the deaths are spread out over several days, and no more than SIX deaths were reported in any 24 hour period. One of the these 30 “daily deaths” happened on August the 13th.
The “daily deaths” count includes people who died over a month ago.
But it gets better. Right there on the front page, it says they include deaths where…
A positive test result for COVID-19 was not received but COVID-19 is mentioned on their death certificate
Yes, the “daily covid deaths” include people who were never tested. There’s seven of them. Roughly one quarter of the total.
To sum up the situation:
NHS England’s “daily Covid deaths” didn’t all happen in one day, and probably didn’t all have Covid.
This is not at all new information to anybody who has been paying attention, but it bears repeating. They are clearly going out of their way to manipulate the numbers.
People need to be shown this so they will naturally ask the follow-up question: Why would they want to do that?
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Just wanted to share what we’re going through in Canada… If you can’t suffer through the whole thing (I don’t blame you) I’ll just give you a taste… With this same grin, he said the following… “..the numbers are clear. In Marsh when this all started, there were 17 cases in Canada per day… today… 1000!” This part has been playing on CBC news all day
i watched, to take it in. It’s awful. French is the language of diplomacy, not deceit. it’s like watching a snake wriggle before striking. Ugly.
Yup, reminds me of his dad, just as ballzy
He’s a complete tool. He’s as useless (from our standpoint) as teats on a bull. He was always a nasty piece of work. They chose him for his name. That’s all. He has no soul.
Kind of make Trump and BoJo look like perfect gentlemen
I don’t understand blaming the Nazis. Those who are doing this are the victors, the democracies. If you do it wantingly, you are manipulating, if not, you are dupes.
No entiendo echar las culpas a los nazis. Los que están haciendo esto son los vencedores, las democracias. Si lo hacéis queriendo, estáis manipulando, si no, sois unos incautos.
Yes, Why would they want to do that?
Yes indeed. Is there another agenda? Surely they can’t all be useless idiots? Or maybe FUBAR reigns supreme. My experience of the military indicates that this can indeed be the case.
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Belgium Health Experts Demand Investigation Of WHO For Faking Coronavirus Pandemic
September 24, 2020
Medical Doctors and Health Professionals of Belgium have written an open letter to authorities demanding the investigation of WHO for creating coronavirus infodemic faking the pandemic. The following letter has made an impact on public health authorities not only in Belgium but around the world. The text could pertain to any case in which states locked down their citizens rather than allow people freedom and permit medical professionals to bear the primary job of disease mitigation……………….”
I read yesterday that someone tried to ‘share’ this letter with their Facebook ‘friends’ but Facebook wouldn’t allow it to be shared, censoring it with the message that it was ‘disinformation’.
FB are in the same boat and we are the few sitting in the lifeboat waiting to be cast adrift. Let’s go I say and to hell with these mad men.
The Belgian doctors argue their case but from within the Rockefeller health care world view. I disagree with positions they take in some instances. Their insistence that corporate media do a better job is rather lame. That’s like expecting Google to stop being evil.
“Dans le port d’Amsterdam!.. y’a des marins qui boivent, et qui boivent et reboivent, et qui reboivent encorrrr…”
The covid situations seems to be more extreme in the UK! In Japan, masks are ubiquitous. I drive my daughter to school as I am on holiday and almost everyone I see has a mask on. However, the restaurants and all the businesses, shoppings centers, etc., are all fully operational, but there is a thin plastic sheet in front of most cash registers when customers pay for goods, etc.
Still only know the one person who caught it, a student. She told me that she completely recovered but did experience a lessening of smell, which still lingers a bit. But, otherwise, everything is back to normal.
The Japanese are a special set of creatures – their environment is pristine (and no litter) I understand. They are great adherents to their social order as their history confirms.
lol i am not so sure how ‘pristine’ Japans environment is given they are hiding and lying about the ecological damage that Fukushima did and still does to the planet.
They’re not hiding anything. They’re quite open about the fact that it was a complete disaster and they’re running out of space to store irradiated coolant.
Nice strawman though.
Losing taste and smell. I’ve had that many times with colds too.
How scary is that! (not!).
‘ In Week 37, the number of deaths registered was 5.4% above the five-year average (505 deaths higher).’
And rising Kit, be very sure about your opinion, I will be holding you to it.
About 2,000,000 operations were cancelled because of an unnecessary lockdown. Many of. those operations were for cancer and many other important operations.
People dying early from cancer because of it has been recorded to have increased sharply, the number of suicides has increased because of an unnecessary lockdown, not forgetting of course the actually statistical information recording Covid 19 deaths is unreliable as illustrated a number of times on Off-Guardian, Global Research, Swiss Propaganda Covid -19 facts etc
Suggest, you look at how the ONS have actually compiled those figures and how the actual protocols for Medical Cause of Death Certificates have been changed in regards to Covid – 19 being the MCDC!
But, from the same source, you somehow omitted:
“The number of death registrations may have been affected by the August Bank holiday (31 August). This can cause delays in deaths being registered in Week 36, resulting in an increase in deaths being registered in Week 37.”
Which might lead one to ponder about Week 36, and sure enough:
“In Week 36, the number of deaths registered was 15.7% below the five-year average (1,443 fewer deaths); this is the first time since Week 32 that weekly deaths have been below the five-year average.”
He’s very good at omission.
Also…using 5 year average for a weekly period is pointless. Median is just that…median. There are always peaks and troughs.
I will repeat,my county has recorded 1 covid related death in 2 months,and the victim was not expected to live much longer due to his 3 co morbidities.
For those who haven’t seen it before:
“Italy’s polluted Po Valley gasps for fresh air” (January 2019)
Sorry, *February 2019* …
This is an interesting fact: “From Mar 1 to May 30, there were about 781,000 all-cause deaths in 48 states, 95,235 officially attributed to COVID-19, leaving 122,300 more than would be expected during that period. The researchers said that although they cannot classify the deaths as due to COVID-19, flu activity had fallen to historically low levels in March.” Can we infer that those suffering from the flu were classified as COVID.
Here’s some highlights from an informative article entitled: “Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over”:
“The survival rate of COVID-19 has been upgraded since May to 99.8% of infections. This comes close to ordinary flu, the survival rate of which is 99.9%. Although COVID can have serious after-effects, so can flu or any respiratory illness.”
Dr. Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, pointed out: “The “novel” COVID-19 contagion is novel only in the sense that it is a new type of coronavirus. But, he said, there are presently four strains which circulate freely throughout the population, most often linked to the common cold.”
“Numerous scientists argue much of the population already has, if not antibodies to COVID, some level of “T-cell” immunity from exposure to other related coronaviruses, which have been circulating long before COVID-19.”
Scientists state:
“A major component in our immune systems is the group of white blood cells called T-cells whose job it is to memorise a short piece of whatever virus we were infected with so the right cell types can multiply rapidly and protect us if we get a related infection. Responses to COVID-19 have been shown in dozens of blood samples taken from donors before the new virus arrive.” (That’s probably why there’s so many false positives)
“In the US, if we accept a death toll of over 200,000 and an infection fatality rate of 99.8%, this would mean for every person who has died, there would be about 400 people who had been infected, and lived. This would translate to around 80 million Americans, or 27% of the population. This touches Yeadon’s and his colleagues’ threshold for herd immunity.”
Regarding the PCR test which is the most prevalent COVID test used worldwide: “more than half of the positives are likely to be false, potentially all of them.”
“The PCR test actually measures is “the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus,” which could be a piece of dead virus which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick.”
“In August, the government of Sweden discovered 3700 false COVID positives from test kits made by China’s BGI Genomics. The kits were approved in March by the FDA for use in the US.”
Why is All This Happening? US Congressman Says He is Convinced of “Government Plan” to Continue Lockdowns Until a Mandatory Vaccine.
Another theory is that the COVID crisis is being used consolidate never-before-imaged levels of control over individuals and society by elites. This is put forth by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a speech at a massive anti-lockdown, anti-mandatory COVID vaccination rally in Germany, Bobby Jr. warned of the existence of a:
“bio-security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Big Pharma sponsored coup d’etat against liberal democracy…The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies.”
This “unseasonable mortality” this “accelerated mass homicide” after lockdown regime imposition would appear to have been masked by the coronavirus itself. Or rather the false impression of Covid-19 infection and fatality rate engendered by the initial bias of PCR testing confined towards the elderly and immune-compromised. This, along with false positives and even assumptions of infection without testing, ensured that the virus seemed more lethal than it actually was. This was enough to take the public’s eye off the ball.
Now, the state seems desperate to muzzle the general populace, puff up the infection statistics once again, and gloss over the unseasonal death spike with fear of its manufactured virus. All in an attempt to inveigle us as accomplices in this insidious program.
Will the people of the UK allow the privately-owned government to mask over the murder of its most vulnerable members?
Will T5 be allowed to proceed?
Covert 19 – Point 2: T5 Euthanasia Program?
This isn’t about masks or a virus. It’s not about the mortality rate which hasn’t changed from 2019 to 2020. It’s not even about the Great Reset which they should simply call The End Times.
This is asymmetrical warfare against the people. Fourth Generation warfare, unconventional warfare.
In the US they intend to use the election process to foment a civil war or rebellion.
The vaccine program is a program of medical experimentation until death.
Eugenicists run the world. Through the banking system in a top down manner. The banks own industry and the industry owns governments and the military. The Intelligence communities run the drugs and all organized crime. They control your politicians.
Now the cryptocrats want to take your assets on the way out. They will bio-monitor you until you cease to exist. They will collect that data and apply what they’ve learned collectively to the next lot of victims.
There’s not going to be any place to hide. Nowhere to go. In North America they are integrating 3D mapping systems with satellites to monitor everyone 24-7. The 5g in the antenna on top of the LED lamppost outside your house is sending a signal into your home 24-7.
Their business model has transitioned to a phase where they profit from your death as much as possible. The emergency measures passed in the U.K. allowing covid contaminated properties to be bulldozed should tell you where this is all headed. The seizure of assets and property. A global land grab. If your city, town, county or borough has signed onto ICLEI your local government is already transitioning away from actual governance to UN central command control.
UN is a fair term, but UN cannot rule anything by decads. Only US + NATO can. But i will tell you something more detailed about my country.
In Italy mortality climbed very well: +50% march +33% april, overall a neat increment over the standard value. Milan got about +2,000 dead alone, as example. While Palermo did -100, as it was not much affected by COVID.
But the overall mortality grew neatly. Not everywhere: South -2%, center some more than 1%, North a lot more. Globally, far to be a ‘normal’ year, COVID meant for US about 40,000 death more than the average. Now the ‘peak’ is diluiting by the summer months when the mortality spiralled down to the normal.
IF shutdown was declared earlier, instead to listen the ‘economic issues’ raised by Confindustria Lombarda, then COVID would have been recluded only in two-three regions in the whole country.Did you know it?
Not talk about what happened in Ecuador, Lima, Mexico City, NYC, etc etc. Seeing how many ‘denialist’ countries are affected, and seen how the ‘free’ Sweden got almost 6,000 deads while Norway stopped at 260, i think the issue is far from being solved with this ‘plot’ mindset.
I can understand your concernings about sourveillance, 5G and so on. But this doesn’t proof that COVID itself was a fraud in the plain sense as many cospirationists thinks.
About bulldozing, it seems to me simply maddish, as a simple sanitication can solve the problem. We are not talking about antrax, after all. It’s just a corona virus.
There’s no evidence that there’s an actual virus circulating.
The virus hasn’t been isolated.
And there is of course a conspiracy. It’s plain as day. There’s so much evidence that if people are unwilling to believe it’s simply because they have a problem in believing that the world does not function in the way they believe it functions.
The WHO changed the medical protocols for ARDS putting people on ventilators unnecessarily. That caused a spike in the mortality rates at the start of the lockdowns. Nobody died before the lockdowns.
See my comment below in response to your other comments about what happened in Italy regarding the mortality rate.
Well said.
The the fear-baited and swallowed ‘virus’ works the framing or capture of the mind into a dissociation by design. Unlike a false flagged terrorist, it appeals to ‘scientific expertise’ for ‘authority’. But a ‘science’ that is not allowed to be questioned (without penalty).
As long as the ‘virus’ is protected from question, ‘bio-hazard’ claims priority as the context in which all else is held accountable – and casts the evil or threat ‘outside’ the mind of mutual human intent. So the ‘virus’ narrative also ‘protects’ an insulated mind from direct awareness of and disturbance and dispiriting by, human malice.
While the intent to so deceive, operates an implacable orchestration of actions by which to regulate capture under law, that uses the state resources to enforce controls by which life itself is demonised and denied.
The underlying pattern of fear and control given priority, is a ‘fractal pattern’ in all the parts that together project a ‘lockdown and masking’ suppression over hate and fear, in which love or the presence of a true recognition, has no room to move and know its being.
The other facet of the ‘threat’ is its assertion that we are naked or defenceless UNLESS following the guidance of the deceiver. The term ‘immune system’ is …
post continues on:
Why so few deaths “from” S-C-2 in the south?
Could it be because the south is sunnier, and has more hours in the day when sun is at such an angle that it can produce vitamin D more readily?
Cases were also a lot lower in the south of France, from what I’ve heard, for, I would suggest, the same reason. Also perhaps a somewhat sparser population might have been a factor.
Mainstream medicine has continued to ignore or undermine the role of vitamins (especially vitamin C, which is another vital part of the story) in health / disease prevention, because it has degenerated into being just the militant wing of the pharmaceutical industry.
T-cell response depends on adequate vit D levels to activate.
Vit C as an antioxidant helps mitigate inflammations that otherwise can result in toxic stress that further burdens and undermines the functional process, whose symptoms we call the sickness.
There is the research of Hope-Simpson revealing that viral particles are temperature dependent for replication. IE: heat prevents or limits the replication of a virus in the body and perhaps its transmission. (UV also deconstructs viruses). I don’t see viruses as cause of disease so much as extracellular messaging that operates and changes according to changing conditions. So I choose my words carefully.
Monopolised medicine has operated as a largely hidden control system, or protection racket. ‘Science’ is then masked in and framed and set by fear to focus where the funding is funnelled to seek ‘answers’.
This has to be directed to anywhere but a disclosure of the inherited and actively operating deceit, that ensures the diversion of energy, support and protection to a masking agenda set over truth.
Hi Stef,
First of all, welcome to OffGuardian’s comment section and thanks for keeping your mind open enough to actually engage with us.
Now, you might want to read this article very carefully to understand why the existence of a new coronavirus has never been adequately proved:
An efficient concentration camp of exploitation:
Someone elderly goes into a care home – privatised of course – the Liverpool Care Pathway (or similar) is implemented to hasten death – Government schemes claim the victim’s home as ‘payment’ for their ‘care’.
Every aspect is profit making and degrading. It’s why I’m an antinatalist. Choosing to bring a child into this world is selfish and cruel.
What is ICLEI?
Is that the same as the SCN (strong city network) of which Melbourne Victoria signed onto and held the SCN ‘conference’ in 2018.
I read some of the related docs and it states that under certain circumstances (like State of emergency being declared) that operational control of said cities law enforcement will be handed over to a third party under the UN.
My mate, who is a safety advisor in Melbourne told me on Friday, he thought at first he was being paranoid, but over the past two weeks he has had too many encounters with law enforcement officers (as part of his job) and most do not have Aussie accents.
He asked me to research and i found out about the SCN that Melbourne is a member of.
Fascinating article on misleading case counts based on false positives in testing:
Sep 24, 2020 7:47 PM
Awaiting for approval
All it takes is two CIA captured doctors giving cover to the American Agents in our government, Johnson, Gove, Fox et al, for Zero tax Amazon to take over the entire UK retail sector. And small firms can be made oven-ready for Corporate take over. This is more about economic take-over, creating monopolies and US purchases of vulnerable UK firms, than fascism.
In fact the surveillance scares, whilst partially true are great cover for this economic take over. Who is pushing the fear narrative? The alt-right of course, the political wing of the same corporate fascist who will be doing the take overs with trillions of, soon to be worthless, dollars.
All it takes is two CIA captured doctors giving cover to the American Agents in our government, Johnson, Gove, Fox et al, for Zero tax Amazon to take over the entire UK retail sector. And small firms can be made oven-ready for Corporate take over. This is more about economic take-over, creating monopolies and US purchases of vulnerable UK firms, than fascism.
In fact the surveillance scares, whilst partially true are great cover for this economic take over. Who is pushing the fear narrative? The alt-right of course, the political wing of the same corporate fascist who will be doing the take overs with trillions of, soon to be worthless, dollars.
Except the evidence for the WEF, the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, Kill Gates et all all pushing for technocratic control is overwhelming. Of course it’s about making money but it is mainly about control and depopulation.
I’m sick of repeating this, but have you got any idea what the WEF, the UN, the IMF and the World Bank are?
They are organisations controlled by their strongest members, and that is the USA in every single case. They mostly follow US ambition and direction. You people have heads full of sand and marbles. Explain how Bill gates can change the UN’s policy, ignoring the needs of the US and other powerful countries who vote on the council ? Explain how he does that Please……
You should stop repeating it because it’s irrelevant.
The world is run by several thousand billionaires and trillionaires who set up the institutions you claim Bill Gates has no influence over.
It’s a club of psychopaths who have been running the world through usury, war and industry for hundreds of years.
They are eugenicists and they believe they are inherently superior to the rest of humankind. They hand down their influence through their families. Their membership of certain clubs, secret societies, particular academic institutions such as those in the Rhodes Scholarship network and Ivy League Institutions, easily identify them.
If you had bothered to do a shred of research, you’d already know that the Bilderberg Group, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, WWF, Club of Rome, UN, World Bank, IMF and the WHO along with Bill Gates and his depopulation agenda are inextricably linked.
Bill Gates whose father was the President of Planned Parenthood, which was originally part of the American Eugenics Society.
Bill Gates is simply one of all the billionaires who will profit from this agenda as the economic ramifications of the criminal lockdowns have already consolidated the wealth of the few and impoverished everyone else.
The main benefactors of Coviscam are the cryptocracy, of which Bill Gates is a member but include many non Americans such as the Rothschild family, the Windsor’s, other European royals and central bank shareholders in each country, who hold majority ownership of the all the corporations involved in the implementation of these agendas.
To look at this as an American agenda is incorrect. America loses most in this agenda in the long run. China and Russia gain after this is all over. But China and Russia are owned and controlled by the same people who own and control America. They are globalists. Freemasons. With no agenda other than the destruction of humanity for maximum profit. They own the energy of the world and now they want ownership of all the land and all it’s resources.
Perceiving nation states vs nation states creates misunderstanding of the global nature of industrial and transnational crimes, wars, faux governments, financial malfeasance and the true aims of the cryptocracy.
I think the two are intrinsically linked. The great reset. Degrading and devaluing all but the top of the pyramid. Pulling everything of any monetary worth upwards. Allowing the rest of the illusionary monetary system to collapse, like the house of cards it is. Only the big corporations will get to feed and the rest of the worlds population will be scrabbling about for the crumbs.. It is of course for this reason our lives will need constant and total supervision. We must be trained to hold, no free will, no real faith, and no rebelliousness.To be good fearful little worker drones. Afraid to leave our homes till we are told to. A.I will dominate us and a vast majority of us will no longer be necessary at all. At least that is the plan.So many people are still asleep but so many more are waking. We just need to get enough people to see through the whole covid smoke and mirrors Keep calling out the flaws in the narrative. I think it is beginning to happen. Critical mass..We are beginning to free ourselves from mental slavery. If we keep shining our light into the darkest corners so that others may also see.
I don’t agree, they could never pull that off, that is a fantasy. This is a dirty CIA coup, like so many they have pulled off over the decades, except we are the victims this time, in the eye of the storm. I’m sure when subjected to any CIA coup, the population thought the sky was falling in, helped by the CIA propaganda dept. who dreamt up all kinds of explanations for the destruction of their county.
The digital money is ready. The dollars won’t be worthless they will just transition to an integrated global digital dollar system.
What, in the event of going cashless, will happen to the drugs trade, which effectively bankrolls the CIA? Are we looking at decriminalisation a la Portugal, Soma on credit card?
The drug cartels, mafias and criminals have already transitioned to bitcoin and credit cards.
This way, the central banks can wash the drug money more easily, because it won’t have to go through retail banks and SARS reports. Which is one of the reasons we have the finCEN leaks.
The biggest drug cartel of all is the pharmaceutical industry. Covid19 gives them every person in the world on the vaccine program, so the cryptocracy can exterminate more people efficiently and legally, leaving some of the smaller players in the illegal drugs trade less relevant and more expendable.
The CIA has a huge budget, even without the dirty money from drugs, illegal arms and human trafficking. They’ll be fine. The central banks and the intelligence community have every detail figured out because digital currency has been in the works for decades. Decriminalization may be part of that plan.
As we know it is all about getting us vaccinated. The younger the better. This would be unbelievable if we were not aware of the plan. A school gave coronavirus detention to a boy for talking in the corridor.
It gets worse. Reading throught the comments I found a primary school, Oak Tree Primary School, in Stockport, has issued an opt in/opt out questionnaire for reception to year 6 children receiving flu vaccines.
The presumably private company, IntraHealth, which purports to be NHS, 0333 358 3397, is foisting this on the nation’s children to indoctrinate them into accepting vaccines from an early age.
I have never had the flu jab though it is free every year should I be stupid enough to want to take advantage of it.
Is it about a vaccine….. Really? They don’t need the money, they own the printing presses, it is about power and control and can a vaccine deliver that? I don’t think so, at least not in a very efficient way. Why waist your time with a vaccine when you can just order everyone to do as you wish. This is about American empire and economic extortion. I think Bill Gates application for sale of vaccines may be refused by the empire.
Endlessly ‘printing’ money and then gifting it to themselves with little or no link to the real economy was totally unsustainable.
What’s happening now is an attempt to create an economic system that allows them to continue that practice (supposedly) forever.
The vaccine is an important part of that.
Think of it like software updates on a subscription basis. Are you getting value or not? It’s impossible to know, but nothing works if you don’t keep paying.
It’s also acts as a substrate for justifying restrictions/total surveillance and normalising continual access to individuals’ biosystems.
The control is to maintain this new system that will be so disadvantageous to the majority of people.
Culls if there’s money in it.
It might be more profitable to keep people alive and suffering.
Not likely. This is everything to do with vaccines. The cryptocracy who run the world are eugenicists. The vaccine is a method to injure they have been using for more than a hundred years.
it will not be a vaccination, it will be an injected implant.
It’s not just one vaccination. It’s an entire vaccine program. It’s much more than an implant.
I’ve written to my MP about the exoneration of Vaccine manufacturers from liability in a document now being approved by our parliament.
Thank you. I’ve emailed my MP too, re the Coronavirus Act. Maybe I’m naive but I hope there are some decent politicians still out there who can see what’s happening and who want to protect our freedoms and civil liberties.
Well done Eyes Open. I hope there are decent politicians too. But this manufactured control of people is something never seen before in my lifetime. The last time whole communities were shut down and severe restrictions placed upon residents was during the Third Reich. It’s frightening.
Then there’s the VAERS fraud.
Yes, thanks Arby. There’s a company doing for children in the North of England called IntraHealth which is trying to get as many children given the flu vaccine as possible this winter. They purport to be providing NHS services but I’m pretty sure they are a private company.
The abuse continues. They sacrifice their children to the fire, something that Jehovah God, in the Christian Bible, said never came up into his heart. Man’s inhumanity to man is on the grandest scale. It will now be answered.
Trump reTweets TruePundit
TruePundit’s Twitter traffic falls
That’s the way the Twitter Fascisterati role. Get used to it.
The left and right-wing media are controlled by billionaires. But the real censorship… you know where it comes from, ESPECIALLY if you are on the left.
The troll comments are insane. “They are insane.”
“Though we liked it when the president reTweeted us, America isn’t a place anymore where that would be a good thing. The social media overlords have way too much power.”
The problem is the people who stay anonymous. “There are people who are heavily reTweeted by the establishment but they don’t come out the shadows for a very good reason.”
— True Pundit’s Mike “Thomas Paine” Moore
There’s no left wing media.
There’s no left wing. Or they’ve no wings left.
But there’s plenty of controlled, faux left marketing Che Guevara T-shirts to twenty-somethings who couldn’t spot a fake from two inches.
or the free Tommy tshirt with the plaster on there mouth
What TP says is interesting about the finCEN leaks. Of course they just wipe everything clean. Expose a few little guys they want to get rid of, but nobody at the top is ever implicated. But he’s wrong about how it is inside these orgs. It’s all black hats.
There is in Canada. It’s all left wing. Drives me nuts.
David Icke said about 20 years ago that Canada is the most controlled country of Sheeple on the planet. It’s only gotten worse. They held the fake SARS crisis in 2003
That kind of provocative drivel drives me nuts. Canada is fascist, not leftwing.
– Jason Goodman
– Premiered Sep 22, 2020
– Views: 4,919
See also:
William Barr and Seditious Conspiracy:
William Barr and Operation Legend:
What’s going on in Bulgaria? Unlike Belerus, it doesn’t seem to be promoted by the globalist media.
Sep 15, 2020
Thousands protest against Bulgarian government, scuffle with police
SOFIA (Reuters) – Thousands of Bulgarians rallied in front of the parliament in Sofia on Wednesday in one of the biggest protests so far in two months of demonstrations calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.
Day 76: Thousands at anti-government protest in Bulgaria
Sep 23, 2020
This is the 76th day of protests
The demands are – resignation of government, resignation of the Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev, introduction of machine voting at elections and changes to the judicial system.
These seem typical pre-regime change demands. The Bulgarians have just expelled 2 Russian diplomats on charges of spying, possibly as an attempt to appease the US. I wonder who Geshev has been prosecuting. That might offer a clue.
Christ, when Farage starts making sense, you’ve got to worry. I hate Farage with all my heart, but he is talking sense on Covid. That worries me. Everything else he says is pure poison.
whatever is internet fashionable sellable to the gullible at the time. the mimetics jump on board
Wow whats rebel i mean 6 months later after the laws come out he decide to start talking when Everyone else is!!!!.internet fashionable sellable to the gullible
He’s a hitman for the coviscam movement. A spoiler.
This discussion abut covid deaths is burning for months worse than California and Australia combined. Atleast in Italy there is no doubt at all: over 40,000 deaths in the march-may period more than the usual, but only 30,000 COVID. So definitively: IF there was a plot, then we should see more covid deaths than recorded excess deaths all around. But it is not the case.
About the mask question and the ‘2nd wave’. Be ware to not do the same tragic mistake that happened 102 years ago.
BTW IF there was a plot to decoy public opinion, then the cospirationists should explain what is the role with China and Iran, the first two countries affected by COVID. Iran is still today not out of the pandemic.
Cospirationists? My my, making up words, but why not if you make up facts. Sorry, buddy, too many medical professionals are disagreeing with you to be dismissed as some know-nothing “conspiracy theorists.” People such as Doctors Carl Heneghan and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, Nobel Laureate Dr Michael Levitt and Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Karina Reiss from Germany, Dr David Katz and Dr Harvey Reisch of Yale, Dr Mike Yeadon, ……
Then you should still name all who are sure that there is COVID illness.And they are a lot more than those you are say. Then you must name the doctors and nurses who lost THEIR LIVES because COVID ‘fraud’.In Italy we got 175 medics and 40 nurses DEAD by this non-existent illness. And no, if the theory is ‘covid is a fraud’, then there is some plot versus mankind. But i don’t buy it at all and yes, i do know some that claims similar things like those quoted by you. And still, they failed to explain some basic truth, as example why the mortality excess (well recorded) was indeed in the same geographic spots where COVID hit harder. And i still wait someone that can explain WHY CHINA AND IRAN started this ‘scam’. Iran, India, USA, UK, China, Mexico, Brazil: almost all of them are driven by guys that are denialist of covid (except, see, China and Iran). So how the hell those countries are the ones hit HARDER?
Really, this thing is not definively a ‘scam’ as you suggest, it’s a very serious thing. But i see below somecomments, and for whose do not believe in germs ‘theory’ at all, i imagine that this doesen’t matter.
“10 people saw you rob the bank.”
“I can find 30 people who did not see me rob the bank.”
strawman argument, of course. In fact, your doctors did not see nothing more than mine. how can you explain that Berlusconi was hit by COVID while his dr. Zangrillo for months denied that COVID still existed as ‘threat’?
And i can substantiate my POV because atleast i have some statistics in my hand that show how ‘something’ is happening NOW. France got over 10,000 cases a day, but evidently you failed to accept it. If the scam was still between us, then why the hell the mortality rate is so low? Just to let you say: look there is no emergency?
Is it called ‘logic’.
Do you know that 5G is not present in Iran? And not present in much of affected area in Italy as well?
No, i don’t have any income, thank you. But when i said ‘China started the covid’ it IS TRUE because the ‘ground zero’ is still WHUAN.
Then, we can talk about what the hell that mad scientist called dr. Faucistein did in BSL-4 and Ft Dietrich.
But i want to remark this to the ‘cospirationists’: why the hell you ceased to ask for the SOURCE of COVID, babbling instead that ‘there is no COVID pandemic, no COVID, no virus’ etc?
I don’t know if you are payed for hickjack those questions in the ‘cospirationist’ theories, but be sure: Fauci and friends are very HAPPY to see how the ‘counter-information’ focused to DENY the pandemic insted to LOCK the real starters to their sins.
Think about it. That arguments pushed to deny the COVID is the BEST outcome for the criminals and idiots who started this scrouge.
It is pretty obvious, by the silence at least, that 5G presence is escalating human co-morbidities and electrohypersensirivities in people who are, thus, most at risk. ALL other scenarios are false flags. Until this escalation is neutered, we are all under the possible cosh as frequencies are/will be increased. If I recall, the panned increase is from single digit GB’s/s ( current ) to hundreds of GB’s/s ( future ) and by future I mean 2030 latest.
As such, the global restructuring now underway, encompasses all nations, including China, who merely acted as “the Bogeyman” thus, setting the world scene that so easily followed. An arranged pandemic with political purpose !.
China and Iran didn’t start anything covid has been found in french Italian and Spanish sewage as far back as 2019. And the USA should be looked at as most likely they stayed a few streets from the wet markets during the Wuhan military Olympic Games and the first yank to fall ill was a female member of the Olympic team and as of by magic 30 days after America leaves the first official cases occur. What a coincidence. Do you get payed for every letter or every word?
Most people agree that the virus can be serious and sometimes cause death. The question is it any more serious than other recent pandemics which have come and gone — Sars, flu, etc. )Many experts say no. So the question becomes whether governments are using this pandemic for further control. Certainly the pharmaceutical companies are using it to make money.
SARS was a scam. The doctor that autopsied the dead and started saying they had no virus was silenced.
It was the Quadrivalent flu jab. After you get the flu vaccine, when they turn on the 5g you are toast if you have a pre-existing condition.
But strangely enough, there’s absolutely no difference between the 2019 mortality rate numbers in Italy compared to 2020.
10.7 per 1,000 inhabitants.
Are you IN Mexico? Sure you wanna comment on what’s happening here if you aren’t? The city I’m in we’ve got SEVEN deaths total – no one believes the scam apart from the boomer gringos who were the ones screaming for mask mandate
Hasn’t been isolated or met 4 Koch postulates dumb fuck
Italy has the worst air pollution rate in Europe.
This will only end when more doctors, scientists and healthcare professionals speak up. But most people are either complacent or cowards, unwilling to stir the pot and damage their standing in society. Nothing in the west’s recent history suggests its citizens are up to the task of standing up to tyranny; otherwise, the genocides in Asia, coups in Latin America and wars in the Middle East wouldn’t have happened.
In Plato’s Apology, Socrates, sentenced to death for crimes he didn’t commit, submits to his punishment because he knows that he willingly adhered to, and benefited from, the social contract put forth by the State.
I wonder where all of us were when our fellow humans were being slaughtered by our thuggish governments and the parasites in our midst. The chickens have come home to roost indeed, and those we ceded power to over many years have now set their eyes on us. We helped build this fiasco and we are still aiding and abetting our oppressors. I’m frankly a little bit embarrassed for myself, and I can only really speak for myself because there are truly courageous free-thinkers who have sacrificed much fighting the madness.
Let us hope that we in the west can learn from this, for while it’s convenient to point the finger at the obvious psychopaths and usual suspects like Gates, Hancock, Fauci, Ferguson and Johnson, all of whom should be tried and locked up, we are just as much at fault whenever we turn a blind eye to injustice and fraud because it doesn’t affect me personally.
Yes indeed, hard to fault anything you say. We as a nation have repeatedly voted for governments led by psychopaths, who have regularly inflicted genocide upon the third world, with barely a squeak from ourselves.
Most doctors and nurses have had it easy and many have simply idled away the last six months with barely a squeak of protest. Have they now grown used to the easy life? The problem for them, is that they are not immune to the machinations that our psychopathic government is inflicting on its citizens. What’s more the nastiness has hardly got going as yet and if health professionals don’t become engaged in the fight, they will fall at the first fence, being obliged to be the early victims of Gate’s’s liability free genocidal vaccines.
It turns out UK medics have sent a letter to the UK government, but not as a public document. Big mistake, it will have been filed in the ultimate filing cabinet for embarrassing documents.
British are so easy to media brainwash. All I heard a decade ago was ‘austerity’ and people bought into it even with MPs buying second homes on expenses blah blah. They’re easy to brainwash as soon as Blitz spirit is invoked. I should say ‘we’ rather than ‘they’ but I was fortunate to be ‘brainwashed’ as a child by my grandfather who was senior in UK govt., to disbelieve everything from state and media.
I was born into a conformist, conservative and (as it happens), Catholic family. But I married into a nonconformist (in both senses), sceptical family. Nowadays I’m more of a sceptic than they are…
Socrates , probably Plato’s literary device, was in his 70s and had sided with the wrong set of oligarchs as Athens faced both plague and Spartans in a losing cause. I think Plato’s Republic is more applicable to the covid panic than his Apology ?
Good points. Along the same lines, Andrew Kaufman discusses the role that mis-education has played in the ruination of doctors.
The first permanent pandemic in the history of the world. If you believe that, you will believe anything.
Then you should study the history of pest, smallpox, spanish flu (3 waves) and so on much more carefully, nobody say that this is a ‘permanent’ pandemic, but yet it can last some years as well its ancestors.
Then you should inform Dr Mike Yeadon, who was VP and chief science officer at Pfizer for 16 years. 🙂
Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic is Over,” Ralph Lopez, 9/23/20
Ah, of course, A DOCTOR; then, do you know Alberto Zangrillo? Yes, he is the personal BERLUSCONI doctor.
He said last june that pandemy was over.
Some weeks ago Berlusconi was hospitalized and came close to die. The same Zangrillo was forced to say ‘only a few hours and the prognosis would have been very different (= dead).
Ah, in Italy we raised the critical patiens from 40 from early august, to over 240 today. And more than 2,000 hospitalized.
The monster is still outside. Play all negationist repertory as you like, but you cannot change facts as you want.
Right, don’t deal with the doctors i listed, bring up one you tink you can contradict.
Berlusconi. You believe that? You are very gullible.
BlowJo Johnson came close to dying from the Coupvid that was bollox as well.
You sure Spanish flu was real and not a test by the elite who had just set up the Fed and wanted to test out their new gas for mass killing? 100 yrs ago most people had no indoor sanitation, they’d been starved and gassed for four years – any bug would have killed them. Seeing as that ‘flu virus’ started in Kansas not Spain, it seems suspicious
It’s good to have real knowledge instead of propaganda.
nobody say that this is a ‘permanent’ pandemic,
A permanent pandemic would suit many governments and their pharmaceutical industry cronies. And at least 2 advisors to the UK government (for example) (Whitty and Vallance) are fully creatures of Big Pharma and have vested interests.
no no no
14 days to flatten the curve
14 days to flatten the curve
14 days to flatten the curve
into infinity
Curve turned into a flattened piece of dough and yet we still have a nation of pathetic kowtowing anti science morons still muzzled up willingly.
I’m really disappointed in the character and the style of the far-right’s opposition to this Covid scam, we need other players, who are more skilled and more believable, and not so damn weird looking. I’m not saying we are far-right I’m saying that the only voices allowed in the media are on far-right platforms.
Why of course, the media WANTS the public to believe all covid opposition is far-right.
Sadly someone most people have fallen for it and don’t want to be labelled literally Hitler by the rest of the herded masses. Before the USSR fell everything else was a communists conspiracy then after the USSR fell every single so called conspiracy was called a far right conspiracy by the media.
Well, Piers Corbyn at least can’t be accused of being far-right; why they are so keen to shut him up, perhaps.
The Dummy’s Guide to Authoritarianism (Or, the Long Kiss Goodbye to the Good Life)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
Oscar Wilde
Thats a good meme when you’re in prison. For fighting Kill Gates vaccine not so much.
Omnibus Bill passed in the Victorian Lower House yesterday. Scary, scary times ahead.
They perform the CVact 2020 & mental lockdown ritual on 23 march (322) within that period US signed it 2.2 trillion bill etc so they dont choose dates for no reason.
just like Melbourne went into full madness on imbolc
original nature dates based on the greening of the earth but now inverted by them into the blackking of earth.
Yesterday now is still equinox.
Yep, soon we wont even be able to fart. Farts spread coroni. A double diaper needed.
Technically, if you can smell something – it’s in your blood!
The rest of Australia needs to WAKE UP!
Sorry open eyes but the descendants of criminals aren’t going to have much of a brain quite frankly anyways you’ll just go back to 24/7 anti Chinese bashing bordering on the hysterical/genocidal if your nation did stop thinking of covid for too long.
It’s already amazing they openly call it the Omnibus Bill. Why not the:
Ice Cream Sundae, Slap Another Layer On, I’m Long Since Caring Bill
Or for New Zealand the:
Bugger Me Backwards I Can’t Feel It Any More, Just Do It Again When You Want, Bill
Thank you for this. Here in “post-reality” America twenty-somethings can die in motorcycle crashes and make the covid-death registry:
(“Dr. Pino tells FOX 35 that one “could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash.”)
In the same vein as the good – Dr. Pino’s comment – “one could actually argue” that listening to MSM reporting regarding covid – while possessed of any critical thinking faculty’s whatsoever – can lead to a precipitous spike in one’s blood pressure along with fleeting thoughts about the possible efficacy of mounting a few heads on pikes.
“Look it’s Bill and Melinda!”
Would that be Uncle Melinda and Aunty Bill by any chance ?
they must belong to the same club as barack and michael obama. the latter soon to become the new US president.
You know how it is. Every year the public is exhorted to live healthy so that there is less flu, and advice is given to that effect, but still, a certain number of deaths are considered inevitable.
This COVID, whatever it is, is the first communicable disease ever where EVERY DEATH is considered EVITABLE, and that creates a tremendous, unending tyranny.
excellent observation
Thanks for ‘whatever it is’. We can all go beyond being stymied by that mystery and look more deeply at the mechanics of the foolish reactive behavior so prevalent in the world. I’d assert that it is artificial intelligence that says ‘every death is avoidable’ because AI is strictly non-organic. Further to this, the AI- type narrative is being hewed to by us fools, who have largely abandoned regard for the organism, which is us, in favor of mostly escapist digital toys. We invented AI to falsely offset or falsely make up for our perennial irresponsibility. We are absurd in so doing, and here emerges the tyranny you speak of.
Can anyone please refer me to an article that explains the PCR “test” in more detail (for the layman, woman, person, thing, non-thing?
From what I can make out, you get a tiny bit of RNA, convert it to DNA then double it’s size every time you run it through a “cycle”.
‘Till you get to some arbitrary cut off point – a certain number of “cycles”.
If by then the DNA has grown big enough so that you can get a reflection off it by shining a light on it this is deemed to be “positive” if no reflection i.e. not big enough “negative”.
Of course the DNA sample is as big as you want it according to how many “cycles” you run.
It is said that the “test” is not quantitative – because obviously you are controlling the amount by how many times you run it through a “cycle”, but that it is “qualitative”.
Hmmm, what quality is defined by just being able to see a light reflected off of something?
It seems to me that a “positive” with this “test” tells you nothing at all.
It certainly does not identify Covid 19 – or any virus for that matter.
Furthermore, are they even doing the flaming test?
From what I hear, people are booking a “test” then somehow missing their appointment but still getting a letter on the doormat informing them they are “positive” to c19…
This article might help:
It needs focus and time to take in what it says but if you try to demonstrate something so complex in simple terms either something gets lost ‘in translation’ or those reading it argue that it’s only someone’s opinion so is meaningless. On something as critical as this, it is necessary to provide a full analysis of the science and the implications. You could pick out key statements and conclusions and, if someone needs more convincing, the detail is there as a backup.
Yes! Thanks, I came across it in my collection but forgot how good it was. I just re-read it and realised i hadn’t taken it all in and how good it was…
With some good links embedded in it too.
Watch this and share share share!
This is a team of German lawyers, who are suing the German government, questionning an expert to answer these questions and describe everything in layman’s terms.
What’s happened to Beate Bahner?
This should not be live with edward griffin. it should be a vimeo clip with a panel of German Lawyers
Here it is again, for clarity.
The Problem of trying to determine SARS-CoV-2 infections using PCR Test
mucho thanko
Frau kemerra says “I have up to now not found anything in the literature to say that this has been done”
That is :”a direct virus isolate”…
Which then negates the test entirely as testing for a unique part of the virus.
Meaning that the test is useless for determining anything.
It’s crucially important to get enough lawyers, doctors and scientists up to date on exactly how this fraud is being perpetrated to have any hope of stopping the vaccinations.
You have any more info on this, like where, who etc. It’s really infuriating to put up a video without its source, date and so forth. It’s worse than useless!
skip to the 11:18 mark in the video, although it is worthwhile to watch the whole video
thnx alot
As an interested layman, I believe you don’t really need to read anything further, Richard. Your comment just about sums things up.
A couple of things:
It used to be easy to find a quotation by Mullis himself saying as much, but now all I get is false leads and alleged “fact checks” saying he never said such a thing.
You could try:
thnx Tom, I have seen these two articles but for me I just haven’t been able to say I’ve nailed it, but I’m getting closer with the above video. cheers
see Kary Mullis here- “it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick “.
Absolutely brilliant, Sid! That is even better than what I was looking for. Mullis not only says that PCR isn’t appropriate for diagnosis, he explains exactly why in terms that anyone can readily understand.
Really great minds can usually explain things clearly to ordinary people. It’s second-rate minds that obfuscate.
You’re welcome . I had been looking for that for months !
Thank you for posting Celia Farber’s stellar article. It’s an information goldmine. In light of the purge, that embedded video interview with Mullis needs to be uploaded to as many other platforms which exist (and which I really ought to learn how to do myself). Thanks again.
Pleased to be of service!
A couple of months ago I set out to write some articles about Covid-19, and Step 1 was collecting data. I did that very earnestly for about two weeks, and then I gave up. There was so much evidence that governments have gone completely mad, and their actions make no sense in about twelve different ways.
Only twelve? 😉
Daunting for sure. But don’t give up – every word in this good fight holds tremendous value!
Sorry I don’t have the URL, but there’s a discussion between Andrew Kaufman and Sayer Ji on greenmedinfo as to this. From minute 18 thru 50, Dr K lays out the falseness of the approach as to how the lab operates. Of particular chilling interest to me was the revelation of researchers’ use of computer models to make the fake story stick – its striking, sinister non-organicism.
thnx george I’m having a look at it right now. looks good…
I wrote on this today to another who was confusing it with antibody testing.
It might help –
The Coronavirus Act March 2020 is coming up for review 30th September, either to extend by 6 months, extend permanently, or cancel. I hope readers here will be emailing their MPs to cancel this Totalitarian Coronavirus Act. Maybe the Open Letter from Belgian Doctors will help them understand and get the message.
I’ve emailed my MP and shared it. He seems a decent guy.
I want the old UK back. For the autumn leaves to be beautiful again.
What we have now is not ‘Great’ Britain. It’s a waking nightmare.
If only I could move to Sweden and take my friends and family with me..
Those who fought in WW2, What did they sacrifice their lives for ?
How have we remembered them ?
The British Government is shamed by its actions.
We have become the very thing they fought against.
But keep the faith. When everything seems dark and desperate their arrogance will be their downfall.
There is resistance and eminent people are beginning to be heard.
Even the mainstream media are being forced to ask the questions that should have been asked from the start.
Those who have been coerced into supporting the manipulation of the truth will jump ship if they feel threatened by accusations of collaboration and corruption.
These people will then become the whistleblowers and more light will be shone on the perpetrators and their methods.
I also believe that their endless
about -turns, fabrications and falsehoods will catch up with them.
Their announcements will become embarrassing and a wider percentage of the population will wake up to the lies that they have been fed and the unnecessary trauma that they have subjected to. A turning point will come and those who have been in a position to hold the government to account but remained silent or compliant, will be shamed into action. They will more than likely proclaim to have been suspicious all along. History is full of those who once denounced a theory, only to then profess to have been its advocates once it became accepted fact .
We can play our part by supporting and encouraging those who put their heads into the firing line.
Those who try to highlight the truth but then face vilification or worse need our support. They must not be isolated.
There are the rumblings of unrest in the government’s own party. I think this should be-encouraged. The situation we are in transcends political divisions.
Divide and rule has been the tool of oppression, but it can be used against the oppressors too. Dissent from within could the very thing that rocks the momentum that the authorities seem to have at the moment.
I hope it happens sooner rather than later and I do believe in some way it will happen.
I genuinely hope that you are right!
So do I Monik for all our sake’s
Thank you. Great comment.
I’m disgusted by what I’m seeing right now.
If we could transfer what’s happening today, back to WW2 Britain, it would be the equivalent of the media, our politicians and half the population siding with the Germans.
History is on our side. Tyranny comes and goes. It’s what happens under it’s rule that brings the torment.
These are tough times indeed, where resilience and dignity are our salvation.
Keep the faith my friend. Hold on to your beliefs. They are who you are.
Independent of mind and concerned for others. Virtues that are absent in our so called leaders.
Best wishes David
What criminal parasitic mobster psychopaths such as Patrick Vallance are aiming at is a massive culling of the herd of untermenschen and useless eaters. His aims are pretty much the same as Billy Eugenics. If they can “profit” by it, so much the better.

What their manufactured depression fails to attain, the Euthanasia Death Shot followed by World War will. If humanity is to continue the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS need to go, ASAP.
Read the Letter from Belgian Doctors This is first part of letter, read the rest on
We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.
The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.
We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.
‘A cure must not be worse than the problem’ is a thesis that is more relevant than ever in the current situation. We note, however, that the collateral damage now being caused to the population will have a greater impact in the short and long term on all sections of the population than the number of people now being safeguarded from corona.
In our opinion, the current corona measures and the strict penalties for non-compliance with them are contrary to the values formulated by the Belgian Supreme Health Council, which, until recently, as the health authority, has always ensured quality medicine in our country: “Science – Expertise – Quality – Impartiality – Independence – Transparency”. 1
We believe that the policy has introduced mandatory measures that are not sufficiently scientifically based, unilaterally directed, and that there is not enough space in the media for an open debate in which different views and opinions are heard. In addition, each municipality and province now has the authorisation to add its own measures, whether well-founded or not.
Moreover, the strict repressive policy on corona strongly contrasts with the government’s minimal policy when it comes to disease prevention, strengthening our own immune system through a healthy lifestyle, optimal care with attention for the individual and investment in care personnel.2
The concept of health
In 1948, the WHO defined health as follows: ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or other physical impairment’.3
Health, therefore, is a broad concept that goes beyond the physical and also relates to the emotional and social well-being of the individual. Belgium also has a duty, from the point of view of subscribing to fundamental human rights, to include these human rights in its decision-making when it comes to measures taken in the context of public health. 4
The current global measures taken to combat SARS-CoV-2 violate to a large extent this view of health and human rights. Measures include compulsory wearing of a mask (also in open air and during sporting activities, and in some municipalities even when there are no other people in the vicinity), physical distancing, social isolation, compulsory quarantine for some groups and hygiene measures.
The predicted pandemic with millions of deaths
At the beginning of the pandemic, the measures were understandable and widely supported, even if there were differences in implementation in the countries around us. The WHO originally predicted a pandemic that would claim 3.4% victims, in other words millions of deaths, and a highly contagious virus for which no treatment or vaccine was available. This would put unprecedented pressure on the intensive care units (ICUs) of our hospitals.
This led to a global alarm situation, never seen in the history of mankind: “flatten the curve” was represented by a lockdown that shut down the entire society and economy and quarantined healthy people. Social distancing became the new normal in anticipation of a rescue vaccine.
The facts about covid-19
Gradually, the alarm bell was sounded from many sources: the objective facts showed a completely different reality. 5 6
The course of covid-19 followed the course of a normal wave of infection similar to a flu season. As every year, we see a mix of flu viruses following the curve: first the rhinoviruses, then the influenza A and B viruses, followed by the coronaviruses. There is nothing different from what we normally see.
The use of the non-specific PCR test, which produces many false positives, showed an exponential picture. This test was rushed through with an emergency procedure and was never seriously self-tested. The creator expressly warned that this test was intended for research and not for diagnostics.7
The PCR test works with cycles of amplification of genetic material – a piece of genome is amplified each time. Any contamination (e.g. other viruses, debris from old virus genomes) can possibly result in false positives.8
The test does not measure how many viruses are present in the sample. A real viral infection means a massive presence of viruses, the so-called virus load. If someone tests positive, this does not mean that that person is actually clinically infected, is ill or is going to become ill. Koch’s postulate was not fulfilled (“The pure agent found in a patient with complaints can provoke the same complaints in a healthy person”).
Since a positive PCR test does not automatically indicate active infection or infectivity, this does not justify the social measures taken, which are based solely on these tests. 9 10
If we compare the waves of infection in countries with strict lockdown policies to countries that did not impose lockdowns (Sweden, Iceland …), we see similar curves. So there is no link between the imposed lockdown and the course of the infection. Lockdown has not led to a lower mortality rate.
If we look at the date of application of the imposed lockdowns we see that the lockdowns were set after the peak was already over and the number of cases decreasing. The drop was therefore not the result of the taken measures. 11
As every year, it seems that climatic conditions (weather, temperature and humidity) and growing immunity are more likely to reduce the wave of infection.
Our immune system
For thousands of years, the human body has been exposed daily to moisture and droplets containing infectious microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and fungi).
The penetration of these microorganisms is prevented by an advanced defence mechanism – the immune system. A strong immune system relies on normal daily exposure to these microbial influences. Overly hygienic measures have a detrimental effect on our immunity. 12 13 Only people with a weak or faulty immune system should be protected by extensive hygiene or social distancing.
Influenza will re-emerge in the autumn (in combination with covid-19) and a possible decrease in natural resilience may lead to further casualties.
Our immune system consists of two parts: a congenital, non-specific immune system and an adaptive immune system.
The non-specific immune system forms a first barrier: skin, saliva, gastric juice, intestinal mucus, vibratory hair cells, commensal flora, … and prevents the attachment of micro-organisms to tissue.
If they do attach, macrophages can cause the microorganisms to be encapsulated and destroyed.
The truth about Covid-19 is that some group has been roaming the world deliberately spreading the virus.
Why did China recover so quickly from her dose of the virus?
Because their lockdown kept the spreaders from spreading the virus.
And because the virus is not that contagious.
When the disease was seen to be failing in China they spread the virus to Iran and Italy.
Why did the whole continent of Africa escape the virus for so long?
Because the spreaders were spreading the virus elsewhere and only turned to Africa when everyone was questioning why Africa seemed immune.
The whole patchwork spread of the virus indicates that it has been deliberately spread by a small number of people.
While idea of deliberately spreading Lethal or non-lethal virus by infecting people who then mingle with others (as living Soft bio weapon drones/spreaders) that seemed lunatic for many before COVID psyop it has been officially confirmed today by Bloomberg TV that reported about seeking large number of volunteers who will be artificially inoculated with SC2 or exposed deliberately to those who are artificially infected with real live virus itself ( not a vaccine) in controlled settings with full contract tracing in closed areas like on cruise ships or medical camps. all that to directly test drugs and vaccines.
Perhaps such approach has some scientific value if applied and aimed as a epidemiological, immunological and clinical study But definitely we are talking here of another gross breaching of fundamental bio ethics which was breached long time ago by mass vaccine studies or simply deployment of virtually untested dangerous drugs and vaccines onto population sick and healthy.
The reason the virus hesitated at the borders of the African continent may have to do more with natural resources than with epidemiology. Africa is in the middle of another neo-colonial plundering; so slave labor is sorely needed to get the goodies for Western corporations.
Perhaps then, not wanting to get caught with their pants down and no explanation for why the virus missed an entire continent, the globalists realized they had better scoot the germ up and over the Rift before people started asking questions.
I think it was a koch up…
just postulating…
Not possible as there’s no virus.
And to top it off: There is no covid 19 disease. It’s a made up disease, just as Sars CoV 1 & 2 are made up viruses.
No lockdown in Sweden

There’s a movement to exploit mystery and confusion to gain power.
your doctor is not your friend
he does not want you dead
just dependent
a regular income stream
you do not need to call on him now
an email was sent to mr khan at the pharmacy
he will supply you direct
no need to come to surgery wait hours
straight to the dealer..
no need for sun it is dangerous
keep it off your skin and out of your eyes
do not sun gaze without uv a b and c sun glasses
as approved by nhs saturn x
vit d is a poison generated from the flushing of the suns rays on the skin
best use factor 666 sunscreen
vit c will make you pee upset your tummy
you are not what you eat
eat and drink what thou wilt
it does not matter
the doctor and mr coen khan big pharma will pick up the pieces
The fear / fact ratio.
That’s how much co2 in the atmosphere
and coincidentally
Your chance of dieing of covid.
and co2 is plant food – check out the carbon cycle
this isn’t a carbon fibre bike btw…
Since the 21st century began between 1500 and 1800 people have died on a daily basis in Britain and that hasn’t changed this years , despite all the hubbub over Covid.
Instead of Covid conspiracy nonsense perhaps you should be majoring on the show trial?
please give evidence for your assertion – re nonsense
Didnt they launch this already.>?>? it’s a relaunch then –
NHS contact tracing app launches in England and Wales (again)
The UK’s major network operators – including Vodafone, Three, EE and O2, giffgaff, Tesco Mobile, Sky Mobile and Virgin Mobile – have agreed to “zero-rate” data charges incurred by all in-app activity, meaning they will not be charged for using it.” — HuffPostUK
BS19 another name for surveillance
QR code Coincidence restaurant -cafes – bars business’s all be given a NHS QR code which will be forced on business;s this week meaning to go out you have to scan your phone upon entry aka priming and pre setting up the digital id passport. Letssee if they can pull it off and business’s go for it..
Person of Interest: Season 1 Trailer x 100
So the NHS is complicit in this absolute nightmare. I despair!
build up in to healthpassport put into the conscious of the mass;s as new normal
Most countries have laws that regulate the use of biotechnology (for good reason). Today I learned that over the summer, the Norwegian govt. has slipped in a pretty big change in our biotechnology law: it used to be a clear caveat that gene therapy was only to be used to treat “serious” disease under very strict approval regimes.
Now, gene therapy can be used to treat any ol’ disease, in other words a HUGE liberalization that went under the radar for practically the entire mass media (the focus was cleverly on issues related to fertility treatments and issues surrounding that, which are more “popular” to discuss and generate a lot of excitement for the “woke” crowd).
Of course, you won’t get a gold star for figuring this out: the new COVID19 vaccine is actually gene therapy, either if you use the adenoviral vector (Russian and Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccines) or the RNA-type ones (moderna).
The excuse for this was to harmonize with EU regulations, which might be factually true, but the timing of this is obviously to coincide with the arrival of the COVID19 vaccine, which by DEFINITION is Gene Therapy (look that up on wikipedia f.ex).
It would be interesting if anyone has researched similar recent changes in other European countries, or know more about the EU regulation on this topic.
I find it incredible that such an important issue (essentially “normalizing” gene therapy experimental treatment) is basically slipped under the radar without anyone noticing or objecting.
It’s gene therapy that has never worked on humans, as Andrew Kaufman explains.
rockerfella lockstep dear boy
the danes and the noway types
punch way above the weight
this is because of the old khazar connections
these scandi places where zio borged long ago
buckle up
batten down the hatches
bio incoming
according to bill gates
Study from Japan:
A few of the things that it shows is that the virii (yes any old virii will do) is definitely widespread in the population therefore herd immunity.
Folks who get dreaded virii not only aren’t getting sick but don’t even know they have anything.
Masks don’t work- duh.
Healthier people are less likely to get sick- duh squared.
Elderly people who are in better circumstances (unlike care homes in US/UK/Belgium/Italy/Spain…) aren’t impacted- duh ad infinitum.
Conclusion: This virii “ain’t nothing but a thing.”
Face nappies are believed to reduced the stink of urban living , replacing it with the smell of ones digestive processes? Asians are peculiarly attracted to this scent it appears ? The face nappy has been common in Asian mega cities for decades . A form of class statement and now like the veil/burka in Islam the face nappy has become a sign of subservience among the masses ?
Society is now being conditioned for the impending arrival of the vaccine.
These latest restrictions are to squeeze the life out of the fundamental things that human beings enjoy- human contact, family and socialising.
This is being driven by the use of applied behavioural psychology.
They are trying to psychologically torture us so that majority of people will be literally begging for the vaccine when they decide to roll it out.
It’s our doing. We live irresponsibly. Can we grow up?
I agree. They are also squeezing the life out of the middle class, to leave two tiers of society.
I wonder how many will be clapping for the NHS after the jab?
Still, Bill Gates says he only needs 18 months for his vaccine. He should know, he’s a computer scientist. 🙂
Get the feeling they are gearing up for something really big?:
Major cull in the offing.
my guess is 5g is on 13% of it’s rated radiation power output
2nd phase phased array
emf causes flu like symptoms
5g reduces oxygen in the blood
no army needed just a filick of a switch a twist of a nob
boiling frogs slowly
I have received new work instructions – face masks can be taken off if you are alone in a room. But everyone must put on masks in communal areas. A glaring ratcheting up of the rules – even relative to the rules at the start, you know, when the corpses were piling up everywhere. Interesting bit of inverted proportion. As the virus numbers diminish (even with the constant re-interpretation of what constitutes “the figures”) the precautions must reach new levels of hyperventilating paranoia. Isn’t it becoming increasingly obvious? It’s not about a virus – or, to be more precise, the virus that concerns the overlords is not COVID. It is sociality that is the virus. Direct communication between people meeting face to face must be stamped out.
Oh, and pardon my fuckin French but I was lucky to be redeployed to do some actual work where you actually go out the door and meet actual people. But I still have to occasionally work from home and it’s a fuckin nightmare. Muddled phone calls, computer systems constantly updated where nobody has a fuckin clue what’s going on from moment to moment with the inevitable, “Where’s that thing you were supposed to do?”, “I sent you the fuckin thing!” “Well there ain’t no fuckin thing here!” etc. Cross lines, misunderstandings. Punctuated by the relentlessly reupdated COVID bollocks. And the pathetic Mickey Mouse internet courses – half of them on fuckin COVID. So, this wasn’t designed to cause a system melt down everywhere? Well of course not. That would be a conspiracy!
The follow-up question: Why would they want to do that? does not need a degree in logic. There are so many other questions. Why does restricting numbers gathered together from families have to be six or less? Why not 10 as in France? Why does closing pubs and restaurants at 10 pm stop people who have been mixing together till 9.59 pm getting the mysterious and undetectable COVID-19? Why do people travelling from countries with a better record of dealing with the “virus” than the UK have to self-quarantine? If they can make up the figures without reason they can make up rules without reason
The answer as to why they would do that is simply because you have been told to accept this nonsense. Prove you are loyal and patriotic and obey nonsense orders and more nonsense orders will come your way. On a daily basis. Thankfully OG readers, by and large, can see through this!
Yes, Share the article please.
The “Why?” seems to me to be best answered in this series:
From the 3rd part:
“While many of the long term impacts from this unprecedented financial engineering are difficult to predict, with stimulus totals globally potentially reaching $20 to $30 trillion or more by the end of 2020, the broad outlines of the new COVIDNOMICS are already coming into focus. Elite power is being consolidated by those already at the top in ways not seen since the Middle Ages, while a global economic system that before COVID was teetering on the verge of de facto bankruptcy is now awash in liquidity, i.e., cash and credit for banks, corporations and wealthy investors at the top.
Meanwhile, among a majority of the world’s population, a monstrous loss of economic and civil freedom has spread across the globe as rapidly and as lethally as the coronavirus, leaving a new kind of wired peasantry in its wake.”
The interests of the few do not explain the cooperation of the many down the hierarchy. Then people ask, does the top control the minds of the politicians? are they mind controlling the media who then mind controls the populations? Someone here asked, does the top phone the politicians in order to force them by blackmail, etc. do they buy them all, etc. Is everybody hypnotized, intensively ‘brainwashed’?
Whether covid believer or non believer, the holy democracy can never be criticized in itself, but only in terms “it isn’t working as it should”.
Basically the collective thought construct that democracy brings freedom and justice, and the rest oppression and injustice is a hundred times stronger than the covid thought construct. The former power construct is maintained by the 99 percent.
If you attempt to find logic in this, you are asking for the logic of lust for power, the urge to dictate, control, maintain reputation, and what more. Asking for the motivation of institutions is to ask for the motivation of what have become blind machines, devoid of intelligent will which sets its course.
Democracy on the long run becomes subject to everything it accuses other systems of government of, the stakes are set, the interests are formed, the institutions do not want to give up their power, an enormous amount of organizations are formed, armies of democratic bureaucrats are in place, tons of regulations have become the standard.
Finally then, top down, the newly emerged oligarchy, having grown fat and powerful from the low level society itself, only has to appeal to mass fear, credulity and ignorance, and the whole democratic hierarchy down the line obeys it, hardly any willing to risk their power and reputation, except some individuals.
Absolute poppycock. Without coordination of intent and action, everything is an ever changing mess. But if you look at the group that controls everything tell me, has their power dwindled in the last couple of hundred years? Or have they risen continually?
Only the group controlling things could do so.
‘They’ are now on the way to telling us that masks and hand-washing may not be sufficient to stop the spread of Covid19. But this is not an admission that masks were pointless from the beginning. No, it’s because the virus has now cleverly evolved to escape the clutches of masks. This seems like an attempt to pave the way for the imposition of a second full lockdown so that we can keep one step ahead of the virus and its dastardly ambitions.
Which is why those who are pushing back against covid 1984, but from within a Rockefeller health care ideological perspective, are not going to be as effective as they could be. Viruses don’t exist unless they are manmade and I don’t know whether they’ve even done that, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Germ theory fails.
Why is the Telegraph disseminating fascism? I cannot find any humour in this, sorry.
Our futures are being destroyed.
I feel profoundly depressed about this. Some friends in a different part of the country have gotten into money troubles because of lockdown. Another friend who lives nearby has become depressed and anxious too. I feel powerless to help.
Yet there is freedom to live the Old Normal in our European neighbour, Sweden:

What a clever little virus it is! It can ‘mutate’ forever into any shape the controllers want. ‘Mutate’ and ‘Mute’ – they want us to wear a mask, shut up and obey.
The noose is tightening here in Istanbul. You cannot buy airplane or bus tickets without a tracing app called a HES code. You cannot even conduct business at the municipality without it. If you go to the hospital because you are feeling unwell, and you test positive, you are placed in a government facility. You can’t leave for Europe (or most of Europe I guess) without taking a Corona test, and only that if you have an “invitation” to come to Europe for some specific business. You can’t walk on the street without a mask for fear of fines that cost up to the normal monthly wage for most Turks. Schools have been and remain closed since March. No sign of change on that front either. It is so so so depressing. I am an American and appalled at what is happening in America as well, but I guess the one silver lining is that we are at least allowed to use HCQ as treatment here.
It’s fascism.
But who’s behind it and why?
More importantly – where is the resistance? I need to hear of a country that resists the New Normal (fascism). Then there is hope for humanity.
Nonsense, no fascist leader would do this to his people. Communism or Cultural Marxism is what we are dealing with, nothing else.
We already heard of them. Belarus and Brazil. They have been targeted for takeover.
Great, I’ll emigrate.
how will you get there? by canoe?
There’s plenty of ships or hadn’t you noticed? Doh!
Don’t forget the President of Burudi. He expelled the WHO from Burundi and a month later, this African head of state, in his 50s, a fantastic and keen sportsman by all accounts, suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack. Then the Guardian reported his death as a coronavirus death
Yes, I meant to write for starters but I forgot to add it. Also Tanzanias prez said it was a hoax.
Brazil!? Resistance!? what are you talking about!? Brazilians are just as brainwashed as anywhere else, if not more.
Hence British paras in Ukraine at the moment carrying out joint exercises as a show of strength to those rascally neighbours Belorus …Dont know if it crossed the clown johnsons mind that with half the army in the Ukraine he would have difficulty filling all the back office police roles he threatened the public with…oh no they are just helping the police…blah blah blah….two words spring to mind ….function creep
Its communism.
If you think Pharma shareholders are communists, there’s no hope.
Well, Rockefeller is, does he count? Can you see any difference between fascism and communism, I mean in the results not the advertising?
I live with a pad who’s from istanbul and says the pubs were open till 4am so I don’t know what your on about he only back
I’m so sorry to hear that. I wish I could do something for you. I’m just waiting for it to get that extreme here in Nazi Canada.
Where will I find Nazi Canada on the map? The only Canada I am aware of is one that’s governed by a Cultural Marxist soy boy.
“Covid deaths”- by official standards- in Canada since August 1 have averaged between 3-8 deaths per day. Always under 10/day.
This in a country of around 38,000,000 people.
Emergency threat level? ZERO.
Just what the fu%k is going on here???
Same as everywhere friend. A huge, harmful, criminal hoax is going on. Many have told us why. It’s not conspiracy theory. It’s conspiracy fact, found in the statements, papers, articles and videos of the participants in the hoax, which is how those many (alternative and Conservative orgs) have been able to inform us. What we do with the info is up to us.
Did I miss something?! I came back from Istanbul on Tuesday… masks on the streets yes, agree, ridiculous… restaurants are not as busy as they once were, but they are all open till late. On this trip I also visited Dalaman and Marmaris, some hotels are fully booked, busy… airport has numerous daily flights to the UK and Russia, a couple to Ukraine, one to Germany and one to Finland. But Istanbul airport is busy busy busy in all directions… as test is not required to enter the UK, we were not asked for it, I guess you refer to some other countries that require a test? Istanbul airport overall is the busiest I’ve seen since the pandemic hit, and I have seen a few in Europe and beyond…
I mean… What happens when someone doesn’t have a smartphone to download the app onto?
No smartphone, no right to travel?
The noose is getting tighter here in Turkey. We can no buy airplane, bus or train tickets without using a tracing app. We can’t conduct business (any business) at the municipality without it. We can’t go outside our country’s borders without a Covid test and a letter of permission. You are fined if caught on the street or in a store without a mask. Schools remain closed as we sail into October, with no change in the forseeable future. How long can life continue like this? We are miserable.
Woke up this morning and cried. A card in the post from a close friend – a much looked forward to visit, cancelled because of lockdown.
No friends. No visitors. No family. No Christmas.
Life destroyed. Civil liberties trashed. The joy of life criminalised.

The government is obviously right: there is no potential conflict of interest: it is a flagrant conflict of interest, and he should resign immediately and there needs to be an investigation to discover how many other advisors have similar conflicts of interest.
Just like WHO in 2009 with H1N1 vaccines, profiting from calling a pandemic, which triggered govt contracts to buy their poison. Pandemic called for 144 deaths globally. The previous month WHO removed rules requiring large numbers of deaths globally. Even the MSM reported on fallout of this – vaccine damaged children – but are silent about linking 2009 and 2020
The WHO had to alter their criteria of a pandemic so as to release the swill into the troughs.
Gov’t’s must have bought these vaccines but didn’t use them. So the stuff probably went off or is being stored at much expense, never to be used. It seems stiffing the taxpayer has never been so easy.
Covid-19 is a revamped version of the Swine Flu “pandemic”
First they’ll have to find someone without a conflict of interest to conduct the investigation. I think there’s a better chance of putting a man on Pluto than finding that elusive someone without a conflict of interest.
Chris Witty CMO was on the board of CEPI during it’s start-up phase and later received a research grant of £40 million. So no potential conflict of interest their either.
A Google search for Chris Whitty and Bill Gates: top of list – a “fact check” site that states it is false.
Either they think were are stupid and gullible or they really do not care that their propaganda is not credible.
They don’t care. They are building a narrative.
We’re all in this together.
This is my upvote. Hang in there. I don’t celebrate Christmas, but I’m always here.
Thank you
Then ignore their diktats – they’re not laws anyway, just the rules and regulations of the UK Corporation that only apply to their employees.
Nothing to see here. Move along now.
Filth like this needs to go before the people rise up and drag him out of his pig pen.
Our gov’t has failed us. Our media has failed us, or probably worse. Our health service has failed us and our political system has turned toxic. There isn’t much choice in the matter. We the people either deprive these shysters of their trough or pay the consequences of having our lives dictated by these arseholes.
I have faith in the British people who will eventually ignore the gov’t bullshit. Revelations over the Gulf war got traction because the British people smelled a rat from the beginning. The rat got away and is still stalking the back streets of London.
The sounds of a new front being opened –
Of course the “someone” is him and the “some point” is now.
You really have to love someone who says things like this:
“You really would have to love conspiracy theories to believe that all regulators around the world would approve a vaccine that’s not safe.”
The battlefield is the so-called “vaccine hesitant”, the segment of the population between those who say they’d get vaccinated immediately and those who would always refuse (about 40% of people if one believes that UCL survey). A heavy propaganda offensive is to be expected in the next few months. not to be confused with the local “Trump vaccine isn’t safe” local theatre of operations.
Like that one…a. ‘vaccine hesitant”. Orwell would be proud.
It’s a strawman argument, the vaccine has not been approved. That’s why the government had a survey asking if you would take an UNLICENSED vaccine. Did you reply to them?