ANOTHER 10 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
Kit Knightly

Last month Dr Martin Feeley was forced to resign from his Health Board position after publicly stating that the virus was not dangerous and lockdown policies were doing more harm than good.
Only a few days ago, Dr Marcus De Brun – an Irish GP who resigned from his government post in protest over their Covid policies – deleted his twitter [archive link] and declared he was “stepping back” from public debate concerning the pandemic.
These individual examples paint a grander picture – slowly but surely the medical experts countering the “pandemic” narrative are being censored, removed and pushed out of the conversation. When the last dissenting voice is finally shut down, the establishment will claim the “science is settled.”
Well the science is not settled and, to help remind everyone of that, here are 10 more experts questioning the Coronavirus crisis.
Dr Dolores Cahill is an Irish research scientist specialising in immunology and oncology, and professor of Translational Science at the University College Dublin School of Medicine. Sh has been a science advisor for three national governments – Ireland, Sweden and Germany – and is the Vice Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Inovative Medicine Initiative.
She has also been asked to resign from her post at the IMI due to her stance on Covid19.
What she says:
[T]here’s two things, two major things I want to say to people…First of all there should be a lot of hope that this virus is not as dangerous as it is being shown to be, and also there’s major issues, like the media are reporting the number of cases when actually someone who has had the virus – like me I had this virus in January and February – your immune system clears it after ten days and then you are immune for life. So you’re not a case you are immune for life…
Then the second thing is we can see that in Ireland, as in globally, half of the people who die are over 80 and that we’ll say children and anyone under 50 – unless they have chronic conditions like cystic fibrosis – they will have no issue. So what I am saying is there is no need for the lockdown and that we could all actually go back to work.
Interview with Computing Forever, 11th May 2020:
Public talk from 22nd September 2020:
Prof Carl Heneghan is a British general practitioner physician, director of the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, and a Fellow of Kellogg College. He is also Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. He is one of the founders of AllTrials, an international initiative calling for all studies to be published, and their results reported.
What he says:
In the course of our evidence gathering activities, we have gone through a few thousand papers reporting studies on all aspects of Covid-19 spread. We found that not very many defined a case of Covid, which is a sign of sloppiness when that is what you are looking for. Those that did, reported different definitions and ways of ascertaining what they meant by a ‘case’.
Now this may seem a pedantic academic remark, but in reality, it underlines the chaos which has crept into Covid-19 science and decision-making.
What does a Covid 19 case mean and how do different nations define a case? We looked at the definition of a case given by the World Health Organisation, the US and EU Centres for Disease Control, China, Italy, Spain, France.
The UK government definition is based on clinical symptoms, and testing is recommended for cases who are well enough to remain in the community. No guidance is given as to how to interpret such a test or any decisions. Interestingly the Public Health England explanation of the methods for counting cases is as follows:
‘If a person has both a negative and a positive test, then only their positive test will be counted. If a person is tested as positive under both pillar 1 and pillar 2, then only the first positive case is counted.’
An asymptomatic person who tested positive could have two confirmatory negative tests, but would still count as a confirmed case. But in Wales, data is deduplicated on 42-day episodes; if someone is tested twice, 43 days apart, they will be included in the case count measure twice.
We have already written about the inappropriate use of the PCR test as currently used, and the delightful vagueness of the statement is pregnant with consequences. Arbitrary thresholds may be so high that the UK may be heading for perpetual lockdown, as every minute fragment and debris of the coronavirus will count as positive.
We deduce that a reported ‘case’ is most probably simply the result of a positive PCR test. The new guidance is meaningless unless it provides a clear threshold for the limits of detection. For many whose test turns up positive, there may be nothing recorded about any clinical symptoms.
– “What does a case of Covid-19 really mean?”, The Spectator 14th September 2020*
It is essential to adjust for the number of tests being done. Leicester and Oldham have seen significant increases in testing in a short time. Leicester, for example in the first two weeks of July did more tests than anywhere else in England: 15,122 tests completed in the two weeks up to 13th July.
The potential for false-positives (those people without the disease who test positive) to drive the increase in community (Pillar 2) cases is substantial, particularly because the accuracy of the test and the detection of viable viruses within a community setting is unclear.
– COVID cases in England aren’t rising: here’s why, CEBM 2nd August 2020
*Co-authored with Dr Tom Jefferson, who appeared on a previous edition of this series.
Dr Karol Sikora is a British physician specialising in oncology and professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham. He is a founder and medical director of Rutherford Health, a company providing proton therapy services, the former director of the World Health Organization Cancer Program and Director of Medical Oncology at the Bahamas Cancer Centre.
What he says:
In summary, our view is that the existing policy path is inconsistent with the known risk-profile of Covid-19 and should be reconsidered. The unstated objective currently appears to be one of suppression of the virus, until such a time that a vaccine can be deployed.
This objective is increasingly unfeasible (notwithstanding our more specific concerns regarding existing policies) and is leading to significant harm across all age groups, which likely offsets any benefits.
[B]ehavioural interventions that seek to increase the personal threat perception of Covid should be reconsidered, as they likely contribute to adverse physical and mental health impacts beyond Covid. Consideration should also be given to whether policies that are intended to ‘reassure’, may in fact reinforce a heightened perception of risk. Providing the public with objective information on the actual risk they face from Covid-19, by age and health status, would be preferable.
– “Boris Johnson Must Urgently Rethink His Covid Policy”, The Spectator 21st September**
Interview with UnHerd, 18th May 2020:
**Co-authored with Dr Carl Heneghan (above) and Dr Sunetra Gupta, who appeared in a previous edition of this series.
Dr Michael Yeadon is a British doctor and research scientist, the former chief science officer with Pfizer, and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd.
What he says:
I believe I have identified a serious, really a fatal flaw in the PCR test used in what is called by the UK Government the Pillar 2 screening – that is, testing many people out in their communities.
[The UK] Government decided to call a person a ‘case’ if their swab sample was positive for viral RNA, which is what is measured in PCR. A person’s sample can be positive if they have the virus […] They can also be positive if they’ve had the virus some weeks or months ago and recovered. It’s faintly possible that high loads of related, but different coronaviruses…might also react in the PCR test.
But there’s a final setting in which a person can be positive and that’s a random process. This may have multiple causes, such as the amplification technique not being perfect and so amplifying the ‘bait’ sequences placed in with the sample, with the aim of marrying up with related SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. There will be many other contributions to such positives. These are what are called false positives.
Because of the high false positive rate and the low prevalence, almost every positive test, a so-called case, identified by Pillar 2 since May of this year has been a FALSE POSITIVE. Not just a few percent. Not a quarter or even a half of the positives are FALSE, but around 90% of them.
– Lies, Damned Lies and Covid Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives,, 20th September 2020
Dr Jean-François Toussaint is a French doctor and professor of physiology at the Université Paris-Descartes. He is also director of the Institute for Biomedical Research and Sports Epidemiology (IRMES) and a former member of the High Council of Public Health.
What he says:
In addition to those directly linked to the essential measures to combat SARS-CoV-2, the social, economic and health consequences of generalized confinement will be considerable. It is to be expected that all of these effects will lead to a decline in life expectancy in the coming years.
[The Lockdown] was guided by estimates that were proposed on March 12…In this work, however, many things were wrong: the models were wrong, the projections were wrong; the simulations are still not reproducible, the justifications remain unfounded. And the studies currently published repeat the same errors: naive and outdated models, unstable algorithms, useless predictions…Yet it is on such simulations that the paralysis of half of humanity was played out.
An inappropriate response can lead to the death of an individual. At the level of a society, it can cause its collapse and block the future of our children.
– “First assessment of Covid-19: Have we succumbed to panic?”, UP Magazine 28th May 2020 (translated from French)
Dr Priyad Ariyaratnam is a British surgeon, medical researcher and NIHR Clinical Lecturer & Speciality Registrar in Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Hull York Medical School.
What he says:
Although it is important to mitigate loss of life wherever possible, we can never reduce risk to zero. The majority of people will survive from their natural immunity defences.
While waiting for a vaccine then, I don’t believe that we should be destroying the income and livelihoods of millions of people, preventing children’s education and social development unnecessarily or cancelling treatment for other diseases such as cancer, as this will cause more harm than the virus in the long-term.
– Three reasons why a coronavirus vaccine might not be possible, The Spectator 23rd May 2020
[W]e have learnt during this pandemic that there are alternative and less draconian methods, such as those successfully employed in nations like Sweden and Taiwan, that can be integrated with lessons we may have learnt in the UK (such as the importance of protecting care homes) to create effective and more socially acceptable strategies that the population is more likely to adhere to.
While it is important that we do not take the threat of this virus lightly and do all we can to protect the most vulnerable in our society, it is equally important that many of the rights we take for granted – such as the right to work, the right for our children to receive the optimum education and the right to peacefully assemble – are not compromised unnecessarily. If not, we may be setting a very dangerous precedent.
– The coronavirus crackdown sets a dangerous precedent, The Spectator 25th September 2020
Dr Martin Feeley – who you may remember from the introduction – is an Irish physician and former Senior Doctor with Ireland’s Health Service Executive and clinical director of the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group.
After giving an interview in which he questioned the “draconian” loockdown on September 12th, he was pressured into resigning on September 18th.
What he says:
The media reaction to these cases, ie, with the gravity appropriate to reporting deaths from a major catastrophe, borders on hysteria. Opening a newscast with the number of people testing positive for a condition less dangerous than the flu, which many don’t even know they have, is scaremongering.
– “‘Draconian’ restrictions around Covid-19 condemned by HSE doctor”, Irish Times 12th September 2020
The Irish experience is very similar [to the United States] – up to mid-August 94 per cent of deaths were in patients with underlying medical conditions. A Stanford-led group analysed over 100,000 Covid-19-related deaths in Europe, including Ireland, and the US and concluded that “deaths for people under 65 without predisposing conditions were remarkably uncommon”.
Another important feature is the number of people who contract the virus and remain completely asymptomatic. In extremely well-defined scenarios such as the Diamond Princess cruise liner and the Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier almost 66 per cent of the positive tests were completely asymptomatic, while a report from China suggests 78 per cent of cases were asymptomatic.
– “Young and healthy need to be allowed to live their lives”, Irish Times 24th September 2020
Dr Beda M. Stadler is a Swiss molecular biologist and former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern. Stadler carried out basic research in the field of allergology and autoimmunity and applied research for the production of recombinant human or artificial antibodies.
What he says:
I could slap myself, because I looked at Sars-CoV2- way too long with panic. I am also somewhat annoyed with many of my immunology colleagues who so far have left the discussion about Covid-19 to virologist and epidemiologist. I feel it is time to criticise some of the main and completely wrong public statements about this virus.
Firstly, it was wrong to claim that this virus was novel. Secondly, It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus. Thirdly, it was the crowning of stupidity to claim that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all or even to pass the disease along without showing any symptoms whatsoever.
Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19.
– “Coronavirus: Why Everyone is Wrong”, WeltWoche 10th June 2020 [Original German] [Translated into English by BacktoReason on Medium]
Dr Stefan Hockertz is a German researcher in the field of biology, biotechnology and pharmacology, and a former professor of toxicology, pharmacology and molecular immunotoxicology the University of Hamburg, as well as member of the Fraunhofer working group for toxicology and environmental medicine.
Dr Hockertz has also worked as the director of the Institute for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Hospital Eppendorf, and the founder and managing director of TPI Consult, a biotech research company.
What he says:
The data from clearly delineated populations, such as from the cruise ship Diamond Princess, or all traced contacts of the first 100 Taiwanese cases (Cheng et al., 2020) speak a clear language that is supported by a new modeling study: the virus does not infect everyone indistinctly.
Obviously, natural immunity can prevent a lot of infections which is the reason, why Gomes and colleagues estimate that only 7%–18% infected persons in a population are enough to reach herd immunity. This is actually good news helping science to understand this infection, and it was our goal to point to this feature of the infection, which was already visible in the Wuhan data.
– “A reply to Dr. Pan and Dr. Wu”, letter printed in the journal Toxicology issue 441, August 2020***
Were the public health measures indeed causal, as is widely assumed, in halting the spread of the virus? The data do not seem to support this conclusion. Why then would the reproduction number R0 fall under 1 already on the 24th of Jan, just one day after traffic lockdown, when the median incubation time is assumed to be roughly 5 days? Why would a person have a 29% lower chance during the second period to become a severe or critical case, when no public health measures were in place, if the lockdown and following measures were in fact causal for not only containing the virus but also preventing severe cases?
– “Wuhan Covid19 data – more questions than answers”, letter to the journal Toxicology issue 440, July 2020***
***Both co-written with Dr Harald Walach, a German psychologist and professor of research methodology in complementary medicine at Viadrina European University Frankfurt.
Docs4OpenDebate is collection of healthcare workers based in Belgium. Last month they posted an open letter to the Belgian government demanding an end to lockdown, in that time the letter has accrued over 13,000 signatures – 561 one of whom are medical doctors. Their inclusion could justifiably turn this from “10 Experts” into “570 experts”, but that feels like overkill.
What they say:
Covid-19 is not a cold virus, but a well treatable condition with a mortality rate comparable to the seasonal flu. In other words, there is no longer an insurmountable obstacle to public health.
There is no state of emergency.
An open discussion on corona measures means that, in addition to the years of life gained by corona patients, we must also take into account other factors affecting the health of the entire population. These include damage in the psychosocial domain (increase in depression, anxiety, suicides, intra-family violence and child abuse)16 and economic damage.
If we take this collateral damage into account, the current policy is out of all proportion, the proverbial use of a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
We find it shocking that the government is invoking health as a reason for the emergency law.
As doctors and health professionals, in the face of a virus which, in terms of its harmfulness, mortality and transmissibility, approaches the seasonal influenza, we can only reject these extremely disproportionate measures.
We therefore demand an immediate end to all measures.
– “Belgian Healthcare Workers Call for End to Lockdown”, 5th September 2020
BONUS: Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, the first expert featured on our very first list, has since published a book on the coronavirus crisis. Corona: False Alarm, is available in English and German from all major book sellers.
Altogether our collection of experts now numbers over 40, and it’s far from exhaustive. In fact, if you include those who signed the open letters, we’re well past 1000 at this point.
Remember this when the mainstream media call you a “covid denier”, or attempt to paint a false consensus by declaring the “science is settled”.
Previous editions in this series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
For the next entry in this series we are considering a “Legal Experts” list – lawyers, judges who have challenged the lockdowns on the basis of civil liberties and human rights. If you are aware of any please do post them below.
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One of Canada’s finest constitutional lawyers Rocco Galati is suing the Canadian government for violating civil liberties, also named in the suit is state media Canadian Broadcast Corporation for spreading misinformation and censorship.
the milk is spilled
A UK lawyer who has publicly expressed concerns about the lack of evidence for all the destructive ‘pandemic’ measures being taken.
Another lawyer and researcher, American (Atlanta based) Michael Senger, interviewed here by Australian Sky News about an article he has written pointing to Chinese propaganda as the manipulative driving force behind worldwide lockdowns. Interesting that he observes that the countries which did not appear to succumb to Chinese influence (ie. those with minimal or no lockdown) are those that do not have good relations with China or do not feel financially bound to them.
Because the word ‘science’ is being abused and degraded, I also feel to say there is no sane or sound reasoning for lockdown reactions under any medical health or life protecting basis.
There may be all kinds of reasoning in terms of ‘who benefits?’.
That the Western culture and consciousness is being destroyed by willingly self-destructive impositions and compliance is through the targeting of its guilt and fear.
If China was orchestrating this, I would see it as a pivoting of focus to the eastern model of state control overriding all rights and freedoms of individual expression.
‘Follow the money’ is also the driven agenda to seek control.
But ‘money’ represents both possession and control of the needs or dependencies of living and the latter can be psychological or emotionally conditioned.
You’ve asked for names of legal experts who have challenged the lockdowns. One I am aware of is lawyer Markus Haintz in Germany. He has been working closely with the Doctors for Education ACU Corona Committee Inquiry (Dr Heiko Schoening et al). There are various contributions from him on the ACU website and also on YouTube where there are videos of him addressing the Berlin lockdown rallies. Here is another video of him being asked about his views. Unfortunately there are no English sub-titles.
It would be nice if OffGuardian produce an investigation of the political racket and sleaze that the current government is practising in the name of the pandemic, rather than on the existence of the pandemic which few scientists dispute.
On the other hand apart from sleaze, the Tories have awarded themselves sweeping powers to change the laws, to dissolve Public Health England and construct a new semi private organisation headed by one of their friends and botched up attempts at proper testing and tracing. All these would be much more important than indulging in trying to interpret PCR data and agree with HIV and climate change deniers and push their agendas that are essentially harmful. The epidemic is not fake and the graft and corruption are very real.
The political racket and sleaze that the current government is practising in the name of the pandemic follows on naturally from the political racket and sleaze that is the pandemic.
I really don’t think you understand the real issues, judging from your remarks. The pandemic is real and there is an awful lot of scientific evidence. There may be disagreement as to what measures should be done when, but your and other’s insistence on trying to debunk this is clearly at the expense of attacking the government’s mishandling and sleaze. By going on and on about conspiracies you deflect the real criticism. This is why this is harmful.
And all the governments in the world have conspired to Rob their people and destroy their ecomied because of a secret world government.
And 10 or 50 or 200 or even 5000 dissenting scientists, some very querky who dissent, are mainly not at all knowledgable about viruses or pandemics, some of them have even been disgraced. Good company to keep.
I have said enough, I am genuine but all the comments I get are frivolous and insulting. Could lick to all of you. Continue in your echo chamber. Bye.
I was about to reply but since Orage seems to have jumped ship, I feel so lonely now.
Yep, Orage is a fast talker; in fact, as the Yanks say, “he talks a storm.”
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks about how his Committee is seeking to file an international class action suit for crimes perpetrated by those who he says used fraudulent testing to engineer a fraudulent pandemic and how more than 50 other countries so far are following suit.
You should cross Frank Ulrich Montgomery off the list !
What about Professore Dottore Giulio Tarro ?
Did he do any wrong ?
How sad that you now have to be a courageous doctor (no disrespect to those who are courageous doctors) to state what the common sense of a decently-educated layman can so easily show:
Ever since I was a child – many, many years ago – the word “epidemic” always – without exception – meant a great number of people who are:
a) sick with,
b) ill because of,
c) dying of,
d) dead due to
some toxic, bacterial or viral agent or other.
This alone calls out “unmitigated drivel” to those who have quite arbitrarily, because of bribery, threats to their career, or the promise of great financial rewards, changed that definition of “epidemic” to mean a great number of “cases”, where a case in the current context does not even mean the vast majority of those so designated have any symptoms at all.
They are not sick.
They are just fine.
Yet every time one of us mentions this to the millions who have no source of information other than the long-since-bought-and-paid-for mainstream press, they can always point to one person they know who knows somebody who had ‘flu-like symptoms and was very ill because of them – as if that was supposed to nullify the fact that they probably did have ‘flu, or some other unremarkable virus which is, essentially, just a different variety of the same thing.
Only nobody is allowed to call ‘flu ” ‘flu” any more, because those who sense untold wealth in a future vaccination campaign insist upon us calling it “covid19″…
That is why nobody gets ‘flu any more, and that is why we don’t believe a word our new “authorities” say any more, when great wealth and power are nearby…
These authorities have the mentality of cheap criminals, and some sort of counter-authority – a new sort of authority if necessary – needs to put them in their place.
Whence comes censorship, PC, deception?
Why comes it?
Only one group relies on our continual deception and subversion in order to survive, and thrive.
“By way of deception we shall ….”
Lawyers who deal with vaccine damage and the court cases numbers
I forgot to mention that these so-called ‘expert’ old balding white supremacists can get in line to lick my balls in deference to my superior intellect.
NOTE: Wait times to lick my balls in deference to my superior intellect are getting longer of late, and those that are waiting in line can now make an appointment to lick my balls in deference to my superior intellect due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please register with OFF-G administration to secure your place in line.
Balding fat old white guys don’t exactly represent the poor disenfranchised sots that can’t isolate due to overcrowding living conditions in the urban ghettos of America or the God damned United Kingdom. Moreover, these so-called ‘experts’ are rich wealth extracting predator Crony Capitalists that stand to lose nothing if they are compelled to isolate in their palatial single family homes with thousands of square footage in contradistinction to the poor that live in intensified living conditions where people are living in multi-family housing. Furthermore, these so-called ‘experts’ in white dude culture don’t have any black African United Kingdom colleagues as these white dudes went to schools that would not admit people of colour historically until recent developments of Black Lives Matter for the geopolitical issue to the fore.
As representatives of multicultural constituency they are a racist minority of balding white guy disenfranchisement that represent racist white supremacist totalitarianism and a fascist Warfare State that has been victimizing people of colour and the third world for at minimum of white colonial history.
Her Majesty Parasite Queen Elizabeth II is representative of the ethnocentric mindset in the UK that has brutalized and summarily victimized people of colour for my entire lifetime.
People of the UK think like white supremacists and act like them too when we evidence rich white enclaves of old balding white guys attempting to dictate to non-white ethnicity in this era of 2020.
Beware of false petitions that while admitting minimal threat of COVID to healthy population, wanting supposedly to relax or abandon policies of lockdowns but in fact aim at perpetuating false methodology and solutions on which lockdown “rationale” are based.
from ZH on Great Barrington Declaration of thousands of doctors and health professionals
relying on PCR fraud to control or end of this COVID psyop masquerading as pandemic is nothing but deceit, as PCR was the fraud that started it all as in previous fake pandemics Like Swine flu. The same fraud is relying on COVID vaccines which are profitable fraud definition as coronaviruses are not new or requiring no vaccinations at all.
In real petition aimed at bringing justice to criminal political and medical corporate class must demand one thing and one thing only I.e. total and immediate abandonment of deadly COVID policies of political dictatorship (cancel emergency rule ) and lockdown, medical surveillance, contact tracing and physical distancing rules. It must demand dissolution of Governments and media organizations spewing deadly COVID propaganda, Shutting down medical institutions like WHO hijacked by big Pharma and Wall Street medical industry and all social organizations and private funds that are supporting such destructive lockdown policies.
The real petition must demand bringing to justice all guilty of concocting and executed genocidal COVID policies including medical professionals by name who betrayed their public duty and Hippocratic oath by following false guidelines and genocidal orders issued by corrupted authorities.
The new normal if any, must mean that new hundreds of thousands people, from top to bottom, responsible for policies and implementation of COVID psyop that caused massive and completely unnecessary pain, suffering and deaths worldwide under guise of COVID will end up in prison where they belong.
Yes, I agree Kalen. See my comment below and on previous days elsewhere.
This petition is somewhat worrying. Im very surprised that ukcolumn have enthusiastically embraced it.
It is also rather worrying to see phrases like “while waiting for a vaccine”, which implies that when the vaccine eventually comes it will, of course, have been so thoroughly researched as to be safe…
Nothing from the current “authorites” is safe, because time and time again they prove that they are not to be trusted where big money is at stake.
Do you object to vaccines because they may be in sufficiently researched, potentially dangerous, or simply because of potential profit to big pharma? I ask this because three sources have already declared that any vaccines produced from these sources will not make profit, the Russians, the Chinese and the Gates foundation.
I agree it is extremely important that vaccines must be effective and safe and I am sure there will be enough regulatory supervision as this is a worldwide problem. Please give me examples of unsafe vaccines that have been widely used.
For all the reasons you list, Orage.
The examples of unsafe vaccines you request are too numerous for me to do your homework for you here, but you could start with what Robert Kennedy Jr. has to say – although I’m sure, from your general attitude, that you’ve already dabbled in that and rejected it.
Wardropper, for 3 reasons plus 1: they don’t work. Flu vaccines have always provided minimal protection against flu, and probably always will. Why do you think WHO issues a new flu shot every year? Because there is an unstoppable new epidemic of flu every year. Always has been. Always will be. Viruses are cleverer than we are.
One gets tired of repeating the obvious, but it has to be done.
I realize all that Dr NG.
You are preaching to the converted here, but my response to Orage was to address the subject of vaccine safety, which is not the same as whether they work or not. Some of those which work, or do not work, are additionally poisonous.
Absolutely, Wardropper, the vaccines peddled by Microsoft’s price gouging profiteer owner, Gates, being among the most dangerous. In addition to which, there is the sinister move by Con-19 regimes to absolve Con-19 vaccine manufacturers from legal damages for sicknessess caused by inadequately untested products.
I merely added a fourth caveat: vaccines are little use against flu in general and almost zero use against flu in old people, as medical experience shows. The Belgian doctors make this quite clear in their manifesto against Con-19.
Unstoppable by the flawed concept of vaccination anyway.
Stoppable if people strengthened their immune systems by holistic methods, and stopped damaging their general health and immune systems by taking the toxic products of most of the pharmaceutical industry.
Robert Kennedy Jr is a politician. I tend to get my scientific information from scientists. Sorry.
So does Robert Kennedy.
And he has good personal reasons for getting verifiable scientific information.
He is an environmental lawyer who has persistently taken on the most powerful corporations for toxic pollution and became drawn into the arena of vaccination as also a practice of toxic pollution.
In interesting fact about RFK jr
He welcomes being sued for anything he states, claims or debates.
No one will debate and no one will sue.
Because only information from corrupt or bought and politically ‘incentivised’ science is regurgitated.
IF a transparent and accountable science can demonstrate a vaccine to be safe or effective, it deserves support. A sceptic requires evidences or proofs before simply accepting another’s assertion – no matter how obscenely rich their friends are!
(or rather how adept they are in captuaring and controlling leverages of narraive fear, or shaping and framing the resulting flow or funding to the manipulators).
In any case, I do not “object” to vaccines on principle. I have had enough of them in my time too. I object, like Robert Kennedy, only to unsafe ones, and I want reasonable assurance that they are, verifiably, safe.
How does the corporations’ immunity from prosecution for vaccine damage fit into that scenario?
There is also the fact that children today can have the undisclosed contents of as many as 70 different vaccines in their bodies if their parents abrogate their duty to look after their kids by informing themselves, and I don’t see how anybody with a basic awareness of what a natural organism like the human body really is can think that that is somehow okay…
They always claim ‘vaccines’ are not profitable. They are however very profitable both on the front end but also on the back end causing huge decline in health and all sorts of long term trouble. This would be the case even if the ‘vaccine’ was plain water since it indoctrinates people in the germ theory which is a huge deceit leading to them not knowing how to be healthy and accepting all the other bs germ theory diagnosese and fake treatments. It is the gateway drug used to initiate people into disease and death so massively profitable.
OK. I think we are on two different planets. You stay in yours called scientism (whatever that is) and I will stay in mine, science, and never the twain shall meet. At least you could then remain blissful
Basic question
Do you believe that manufacturers of a vaccine that you and your relatives may take,should be immune from prosecution if said vaccine curtails or destroys your quality of life?
Orage, wrong way round. You believe in scientism. A Manipulated orthodoxy which is self proving, step by step from step 2 onwards. Step 1, however, has no existing proof.
Some step 1’s for you:
Vaccines are tested against a control
AIDS comes from HIV
SARS Cov2 has been successfully isolated
Mask Have a proven benefit for the whole public
Other people can do whatever they want with a vaccine. My issue is with mandatory vaccines. Whilst a vaccine comes accompanied with a price of paper warning of severe side effects, like death or disability, then they cannot be mandated. I live in France and to go to a non fee paying school you must have had the DTP vaccine. But it isn’t mandatory, home schooling is an option. For now. Is it a coincidence that Macron wants, from September 2021, to outlaw home schooling? Meaning that DTP becomes mandatory for all those not wealthy enough to find a private school, that will accept kids not vaccinated.
I don’t need to give my reasons for not wanting to take vaccines…… big pharma have kindly written them on a piece of paper, and put it in the box for me!!
OG could have left the previous article at top a while – it has plenty to chew over.
But we have ten more censored experts!
Does this constitute a debunk to the MoA debunk so heartily promised?
What does OG make of Trump and his position of positivity! Will OG endorse his re-election?
All this and more in the next episode of the daily nocov soap!
This is the third time you have posted this identical comment. Any more repetitions will not be permitted.
Why haven’t you posted my reply?
There you have it people, the academia have spoken. It’s now up to the people to rise.
“But rising is such hard work”, I hear the people say…
For anyone who declines to have an opinion, or is simply of a ‘don’t know mind’ on the ‘coronavirus’ (because they are just ordinary folk with no medical training,) this is the smoking gun.
There will be no debate with these medical personnel, and no laying out of their evidence in the public forum. The government and their mouthpieces at the BBC, and other media, will simply ignore it and double down on their idiotic test results and draconian scaremongering and disruption of society. This alone tells you that there is an agenda behind this move that has nothing to do with public health. Where are the investigative journalists with a national voice? Are they all bought and paid for by international lobbying groups that masquerade as philanthropic foundations?
We need someone in a position of authority to blow the whistle on this fraud before it is fully committed. Once you realize the real reason for this hoax, it will be too late.
Trouble is, I can’t imagine anyone today even achieving such a position of authority without having already proven that they are willing to lie if necessary for their generous salary.
I have often enough seen strong men wilt at the sight of lots of money.
Thats the point wardropper. To have the freedom to speak out, people have had to leave academia and other power structures. I wouldnt even say freedom, Id say to have the conditions needed to be able to do work correctly you may well have to leave academia. First of all the duties are of such a nature now that once you get a professorship you no longer have the time to read and do research. Basically the more senior you get the more you’re just employing temporary staff to do the research and the more you’re just chasing after money. While the juniors and temporary staff, either dont have the experience, or the security needed to actually properly read and do meaningful research…
You publish to publish. Any worthwhile research can take years. You’re not given the time for that. So one issue is few read in depth and few have the possibility to
develop any breadth of knowledge.
None of these Drs seemed to bother to read where Sars Cov 2 story started and how the PCR came to be in the first place: one patient in Wuhan had metagenomic gene sequencing which only uses primers-the rest is referenced from a data base which can be fudged. Then they registered the genome in a gene bank and made the pcr from that. No purified virus isolates are available from the CDC, universities, nor commercial companies like BEI Resources, they only have unpurified cell cultures (no density gradient separation has been done), that could have many different inactivated viruses in them. PCR or metagenomics, nor E-M photos tell you what exactly is in there-the PCR tests for genes referenced from a gene bank that was made up to begin with, ergo there is no virus to be found (any Corona virus in there can be said to be Sars Cov 2. The vax is based on this same genome. Now you can make spike protein that just happens to match placenta protein and fan out as many mutants as you want, etc. etc.
Even here, in this article, we have to read about this test-which-is-not-a-test, as if it meant something, but hopefully it’s a start…
Just been to Geza Frackman’s Manchester Piccadilly Gardens demo. Police appear to have already broken it up, and a couple of WPC’s with their notebooks out. No sign og Geza. Hope he’s ok. A coupla photos here:
And on lytic reactivation of oncogenic virues by Sars-Cov-2
And a little bit of info on reactivation of cancer causing viruses:
Time to wake up to fact you and every protest site in the world have taken the big red herring and married it. It is truly sad to see grown men congratulating themselves day and night about how brave they have been in comparison to everyone else voicing pissing fit complaints. The job you had was to understand that a group of murderers has seized control of decisionmakers and because not a fucken one of you has taken the time to think how the fuck you are going to avoid being given a vaccine built on a cursed thing. You could have used your brains to incestigate herbs and vegetables which if waten act as prophylatics and distrupt the replication machinery of the virus. You could be in a position to tell the psychopathic allopathic Drs to shove their cursed thing up their revolting backsides but you spent every waking hour of this year complaining.
Oh dear…
How about the accelorated skin aging presaged in this UK study:
Yeah well the good Drs above are an uneducated lot and given to flights of fancy. The virus is contagious cancer. Taking Remdesivir for Covid has oncological consequences namely cancer. This is so because the virus reanimates dormant cryptic oncogenic viruses. Nice array of sarcomas other yumplus stuff. None of you chaps seem to have done anything mich by way of reading on the subject ither than what you scrounge in the msm and on protest sites like this. Why don’t you look up “covid-19 jerusalem post men infertile” using google or whatever and find out how the virus destroy your leydig cells and your sertoli cells and how you are basically a empty soft sack after that for the rest of your remaing dumb as batshit and totally miserable and wholly embarassing life? Fair dinkum you wee little UK men are sedate little weeners.
Hi – cite a source for your incoherent fear porn please or be dismissed as irrelevant.
On testosterone
On aborted fetus used to create you next vaccine:
Male infertility sequelae for survivors of Covid unfortunately:
Sorry infertility is the issue dudes:
Nothing out of the ordinary for the ‘vaccine’ cult to claim all sorts of horror stories.
….you seem a wee bit silly to me….did you run that post past your line of command before pressing send…may i advise you to be very careful when using a computer…they’re meant for clever people who have active cranial functionality….perhaps you should stick to YouTube….just a suggestion….!!!
Pissing fits are fun so go right ahead and keep your dumb heads wedged tightly up yer kybers.
Little pissing fit pommy whingers with no grit whatsoever.
“… you are basically a empty soft sack after that for the rest of your remaing dumb as batshit and totally miserable and wholly embarassing life”
I am not sure where you get that from. I am pretty sure I have had this bug and I recovered much as I always have from colds and the flu with no lasting effects, and certainly not the ones you describe.
Has it occurred to you that a calm presentation of links to the exciting media you have discovered might persuade us to join your discussion with yourself?
About the Great Barrington Declaration, anyone thinking of signing would do well to check what the 3 initiators stand for.
Dr Kulldorff is a partisan of age differentiated approach (no discussion of the effects of the measures on nursing homes). Besides, he is not against the coming vaccine, and for him there is a pandemic harder to contain than usual ones. Moreover none of the 3 even question the viral thesis and mention that in the case of covid it is not yet confirmed.
Also, at least to the time of writing this comment, Prof. Ioannidis has not signed the petition. Given one of the initiators is his colleague from Stanford, one may ask why.
I have read the declaration decided that I agree, even if it does not go far enough, so I signed. We are signing in agreement with the text, not everything its proponents stand for.
The declaration goes way too far. To appreciate my opposition to the GBD, please see my previous post with links to various discussions:
As I wrote before, I dont agree with an entire paragraph of the text, its ageist policy, its unevidenced assertion that people in nursing homes have died of a supposed virus, its desire to ensure people who want to visit or work in nursing homes keep being tested, that PCR tests are of any utility, that within families, people have to change their behaviour towards other age groups.
Here I was only adding that these views are very much those of at least one of the authors.
No demand for justice for billions who suffered under COVID psyop is a dead giveaway of true intention of the petition. No mention of deliberated criminal destruction of public heath institutions under COVID scare is telling.
The petition i.e. begging for attention, Is nothing but a push for new normal (acquiesce to continuous testing using worthless PCR and vaccinations consequently including health passports as well as embedded in the law health-based apartheid and obliteration of privacy and especially medical privacy previously guaranteed by law) peddled as necessary condition for lifting COVID lockdowns.
supporting dangerous untested vaccines for phantom disease is nothing but deceit.
It is a blatant lie pushing long repudiated narrative of distinct, extraordinary character of COVID for entire population, especially mortal threat to elderly and sick, which is no worse in comparison to flu resulting with no lockdowns.
There is no all causes excess mortality detected in total numbers of deaths for mortality season from October 1, 2019 to September 30 2020 proving that COVID was no pandemic event but a psyop.
Such approach of admitting fake danger of COVID amounts to peddling false dichotomy (give in for lifting lockdowns) for purposes of manipulation of the public who oppose COVID terror.
Petitions’s Supposed desire to lift lockdowns as remedy, a path for socioeconomic recovery is a lie as well, as economy is being systematically destroyed for decades of destructive policies including health policies and COVID served as a pretext for deliberate and dramatic destruction of no longer profitable for corporations jobs, an expression of intensifying class war leading to systemic pauperization of society into totalitarianism and digital feudalism. The coronavirus has nothing to do with it.
There can be no end to lockdown until criminals who imposed it are locked up.
Exactly. It’s a con. This is the poison pill they want you take. It may as well be cyanide.
Cummings must be loving the chaos he has introduced into the situation. Many are now confused as to what exactly to oppose? The rather poor handling of the situation by the government is now swept away by the rather inept attempt by the same government to introduce sweeping powers to control everything.
you sound like conspiracy theorists anti government type
next your be saying reptilians and queen Lizzy is a lizard
have you thought about going to a safe space to normalize your propaganda anti establishment rhetoric?
Cummings had a valid excuse for what he did so why make storys up about him and the government
prehaps book a visit with dr mick factchecker
‘Cummings had a valid excuse for what he did..’ – I must have missed that.
Yes he was picking up bojo and trump viral anti body medication (new name for vaccine)
Quick peek at the Fraudian this morning….
Local lockdowns do nothing to lower so-called cases (Starmer said at PMQs that in 19 out of 20 local lockdown areas cases had actually increased).
Guardian answer: local lockdowns don’t go far enough.
80% of so-called cases never exhibit any symptoms.
Guardian answer: “silent transmission” is a mass killer.
And so it goes on….
BTW they’re really pushing for people to register to read their articles. It’s for your own good of course and definitely not a step to a paywall. It’s a classic fake dialectic. The possibility that it’s to build up profiles of what individuals are reading cannot be broached. A paywall isn’t the issue because the really toxic shit (like state education, vaccines and the Guardian) is given away for free (or at least apparently so).
Lockdowns smash the economy up and if there is an illness going around, in a lockdown it just has a stationary audience to infect as opposed to a mobile one.
My innocuous comment is awaiting approval. Is that the comment or me?
Ah, it is the comment, not me.
The other day on SKY news there was the banner running at the bottom of the screen with news stories. One said something like “Top story a thousand scientist write to government urging end to lockdown. Healthy people should be allowed to live there lives , extra care for the most vulnerable.
So as this was labelled Top story I waited for it to be presented on the News and hopefully discussed. I waited and waited as news story after news story came and went. The banner message changed and the Top story disappeared.
I wonder if the person who typed the banner was giving us a bit of the forbidden news.
Just a change in running order happens every day.
In Wales they have just started a loan scheme for private renters. They can take out a five year loan at 1% APR to cover rent arrears since March and going forward for the next 3 months rent.
I had a quick check individua five year loans are being advertised at less than 3% APR.
Getting 1% APR on a large group of loans is not that special.
The loan has to be applied for by the tenant but is paid direct to the landlord.
But you can not get the loan if you are on housing benefit.
Before councils would pay housing benefit rent direct to landlord.
But under Universal Credit they paid it to the tenant who was supposed to pay it to the landlord. They also paid it in a lump sum every month.
Not surprisingly not all of the tenants paid all of the money to the landlords all of the time.
The very people who might fall behind in rent are those who do not have savings or family with savings to support them. Many are on Universal Credit. There are many who have recently been made unemployed and are now on Universal Credit.
The average monthly rent in wales is about £700 from march to December is 10 months . So £7000 borrowed is a repayment of £117 per month over 5 years. After December you would then have to pay rent and all bills plus £177 per month. Happy new year
That sir – is what it has always been about – scalping the poorest and keeping them as interest paying slaves for their whole lives.
It all starts with the biggest lie of all – MONEY.
Which is then turned into a imaginary dragon – TAXPAYERS MONEY.
Every war ever, any crisis ever is the excuse to run the rinse and repeat cycle.
It sounds like the “Great Barrington Declaration”. It has a substantial PR machine behind it, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it were being pushed by Sky. The GBD is vaccine pushing, medical fascism, and they hope that by lifting the lockdown they’ll get people’s uncritical support. Brian Gerrish of UK Column is also pushing GBD and is therefore showing his true colours:
See my previous post with links to various discussions:
If you assume your judgement is true and you judge the impure then you can generate any narrative to serve your ‘rightousness’ (sic).
Everyone has different takes. Some of these are ‘captured opposition or self censored and some are systemically so as a result of current ignorances and bias.
No wonder you are ‘lost’.
You have to simply discern whether you feel something is serving a a truly human purpose or lost in a dark agenda – and then align with it as you freely choose.
Brian Garrish is not tuned in to modern times and in my opinion sees through a sense of what ‘should’ be or should not be, rather than what is happening as a human terrain. But he is willing to sit in a hot seat and do his bit in standing for humanity as he sees it. UKC is for the most part some blokes who decided to take a stand anyway – and not because they were rich, the brightest in the class or leading a revolutionary movement. yet they have become a portal for information – in the focus of their take on things – which may be pedestrian or behind the curve – but its points out a lot of the dots that join to show the capture of all institutions of influence by shadow power running through assets, proxies and fronts.
Subject to the limitations of reasonable doubt, I will occasionally make claims as to facts and deductions, but I have never made any claims as to “righteousness”; at least not knowingly. On the contrary, the “Lost in a dark wood” was chosen for a reason.
The basis for self righteousness is not in self proclamation but in assuming judgement over the wrongs of another as a means to bolster its person – rather than engaging in the issues with the person.
So indeed you are not intending to set yourself up overtly as such a judge – but I point to the ways in which an unwatched mind allows it to occur unnoticed and to become our perception and invested identity.
The need to project hate away from self was the setting up of the first false flag. The need to find others to look down on is the means to escape looking within. I say nothing new here.
Certainty set against the perceived evil gives an identity of masking escape from reintegrating an experience we may be unready or unwilling to face. The flip side of such ‘certainty’ or self-righteousness is terrible doubt to be kept away by all means.
I don’t say this in blame but as observation.
Re: rather than engaging in the issues with the person.
Gerrish is perfectly welcome to come here and address the issues. Same goes for you.
Or anywhere else.
I am not saying a person isn’t free to choose to act. But that you set your person as the judge of Garrish’s true colours.
This obscures the issues by making all about who is on our side blah blah.
I haven’t seen UKC covering criticism of the actuality of a novel virus or more deeply of the dogma and history of the virus as a cover story – but I have noticied then showing a lot of other private-public sell-out linkages.
I am already here addressing the issues. That is what you just joined me in.
Sounds like someone took a risk typing up the tickertape to get the message out.
But ignore this,here’s bozo the clown with his corona circus to entertain the masses
Yes, it’s being floated by Sky. But they conclude that “scientists are split over what to do”; i.e. they’re still pushing the lie that there’s a pandemic.
Coronavirus: How could herd immunity be achieved in practical policy in the UK?
Oct 7, 2020
Sky News
Scientists are calling for a herd immunity approach to coronavirus, allowing less vulnerable people to return to a more normal life.
So Sky did report it but did not interview anyone.
Quick to dismiss it . Did not mention death due to lockdown natural immunity or many other points. Used deaths in care homes during lockdown caused by policies taken as reason for keeping lockdown of healthy people.
Not balanced
Has ‘Plandemic’ Mikovits fallen from grace? I see no mention of her. And now I believe Wakefield has also joined the fray. Is he going to be added to the hall of fame?
Those cowardly down voters should have the courage to answer simple questions.
Just in case any one has an enquisite mind, here is ‘Plandemic’ totally debunked
Enquiring, but enquisite would also do😀
You don’t seem to realize that you have been debunked. Can’t be helped, I suppose…
Just like Alice in wonderland. If you say something, it must be true. Off course, you are always sure you are right. Fair enough. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Remain happy.
That’s an excellent mirror you have just held up in front of you…
never watch the plandemic dont need a video film to tell me when something is not correct BS19 is so dodgy
now you’re a survivor of bs19 have you thought of starting up a support group for survivors
you may even get on GMTV
It is important to be discriminating and know where the true BS is. The motley array of ‘experts’ on exhibit have a connection with anti vaxcers,naturopathists,, pseudoscients, climate change and HIV deniers. Excellent company to keep.
asymptomatic madness you have the symptoms even though you will not no you have the symptoms now you’re a survivor of bs19 have you thought of starting up a support group for survivors> your a double survivor
Maybe write a book get a book deal do a tour
start a blog my CV hell and how you recovered you may even get a film deal
tarantino spielberg as director fairy tale animation.
Your message is not only obscure, but where it appears to make sense, reveal a lot of projection. It is up to you to believe what you like but reality is reality, it does not allow for beliefs.
Your message is not only obscure, but where it appears to make sense, reveal a lot of projection. It is up to you to believe what you like but reality is reality, it does not allow for beliefs.
It is good to hear an echo of your thoughts. It shows that you are willing to learn. However if this becomes repetitive it may underline some really serious pathology.
Same pathology as BS19 asymptomatic which you have had twice
tell; us about the symptoms or was you asymptomatic ?
was you tested at a test center? or did your medical doctor diagnose you or did you diagnose yourself ?
“T]here’s two things, two major things I want to say to people…First of all there should be a lot of hope that this virus is not as dangerous as it is being shown to be, and also there’s major issues, like the media are reporting the number of cases when actually someone who has had the virus – like me I had this virus in January and February – your immune system clears it after ten days and then you are immune for life. So you’re not a case you are immune for life…
LOL. Where did she get that from, this lifelong immunity lark? Any evidence?
I guess this proves the point that you can’t trust ‘experts’.
TBF Dr Fauci also makes this evidence free assertion in the You Tube video above, but then he is a politician in this role.
Yes – the very notion of “lifelong immunity” would dilute the fear factor. And we can’t have that.
We can have it when we prove it not when we wish it, know the subtle difference or do you want an even simpler explanation?
Congratulations – you have now extended the lockdown to the lifetimes of all concerned since we cannot prove lifelong immunity till we’re all dead.
Simply put in a language you understand: the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Except that it’s a very big pudding which will take a lifetime to eat.
Only ONE thing we want to say to you Orage: WAKE THE F#*K UP you gullible fool.
Thanks. You are too kind. Stay safe and sensible.
“Stay safe!” (Or die!)
Like I said before, trolls seem to have no concerns for others, or the truth. Why are you so bitter?
It’s anger caused by reacting to passive aggression.
In an interview with retired biostatistician Knut Wittkowski I heard him express the view that while it is theoretically possible that you wouldn’t get lifetime immunity if you recover from covid, it is highly unlikely and would fly in the face of what has always happened before.
This is something that will come in time and may well be true. But at present there is insufficient evidence.
My wife and I were finishing off the online shopping list today and she said the word, without any sound microphone connection whatsoever, that I am aware of I asked her how do you spell it and the word appeared in our shopping list.
We both looked at each other and said “How did you do that”
She was sitting right next to me at the time. I hadn’t even started to type.
So it better turn up tomorrow.
Personally I prefer Cheddar.
Why did you buy Mozzarella then Tony?
For me this is quote of the day.
“Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19.”
Not wearing a helmet is at your own personal risk, not wearing a mask endangers others. Get the subtle difference?
You’re welcome to wear a face mask for the rest of your life. You’ll be safe from all the other walking-talking bio hazards.
You really didn’t understand my comment, did you?
Oh Andrevan understood it perfectly.
How do you know? I am curious.
You are concern trolling.
You what? Please write a coherent sentence then I can understand.
You are a troll. And you feign concern. You’re a concern troll.
It is so easy to make allegations that are abusive. But if you stop and think you will find that trolls just make allegations without trying to reason. I agree one of us is a troll.
Yes, Orage. One of you is – YOU! Do you actually live under a bridge?
Yes, I understood. You are trying to save the pandemic.
Not at all. Ignoring something, like many here do, does not make it go away. Ignorance is bliss is only temporary, until reality catches up with you.
And that “reality” may take a lifetime. In the meantime, let’s wreck the health service. Just to be sure!
Shouldn’t take so long. The NHS will be wrecked when inundated with patients and when staff get sick or die. Anyway, the Tories have made sure that the NHS is always struggling so as to start privatising.
Ah, the “inundated” ploy. That worked the first time round, but might not play so well this time around.
But, if only those who are genuinely afraid all wear masks for their own perceived protection then nobody else needs to.
There is a misconception that wearing masks protects you. That is so in case of surgical masks but not the common masks available to the population. But mostly wearing face masks protect others.
Prove it.
If mask wearing is protecting people from viruses,wouldn’t that include flu?
Yet 10x flu deaths compared to covid at moment,and showing no real change to the average. Masks will not trap virions, more likely to make the wearer ill as it traps bacteria.
There is no evidence masks work. In Asia they are worn due to pollution.
Ah OK. Those experts didn’t know that. Thanks for the explanation.
Predictable response.
Or do you have an explanation why flu hasn’t fell away,despite the mask wearing. I mean,you do understand they are to trap bacteria?
Good point, John Goss. If Chicken Licken had been wearing a helmet when that acorn fell on her head, she would not have thought the sky was falling down; and Foxxy Locksie would not have been able to Lock down so many juicy Bird brained victims.
And while they’re strapping helmets to their heads, they should ensure that the helmets contain noise cancelling ear muffs to protect them from the media fear hypnosis.
The army and council knocking on peoples doors in Birmingham – want a free CV test – Now F off
no no not coroni test you are mistaken.
stress test they are working for the scientology folks
you simply have to grip to cattle prods and if you pass out at less than 20 thousand volts it means you are under stress.
you will then be taken to the baracks for a covid hazing party test
Add the good neighbour there to the list of experts, I say!
This list and the previous ones do not include the 3 principals behind the Great Barrington Declaration, as far as i know.
“When the last dissenting voice is finally shut down, the establishment will claim the science is settled.”
How ironic, liberal Dems mock Trump saying he denies scientific facts, however, liberals eagerly suppress an abundance of scientific evidence which would bring more factual data about COVID-19 to light.

Since our rulers behave like extraterrestrials, I propose to
settle them by means of their wealth on newly discovered
planets, there they can do no more harm to mother earth.
For those who believe viruses, especially flu are real and contagious, I highly recommend you watch this video at the 28 minute mark onwards, for a brief description by Dr. Andrew Kaufman of a study that was conducted to attempt to transmit flu contagion from sick people to healthy people:
People are so invested in the lies they don’t want to face the truth.
Here’s a summary:
First study: Samples of mucous and sputum were collected from a number of ill patients that had been diagnosed with the flu and then put into solution and applied to 100 healthy patients, on their eyeballs, in their throats and nose. No healthy subjects contracted the flu or became ill.
Next study: Samples of mucous and sputum were collected from ill patients and injected in healthy patients. No healthy subjects contracted the flu or became ill.
Final study: Healthy subjects were partnered with ill patients diagnosed with the flu and they sat together and talked for five minutes, then leaned close enough to breath in each other’s breath. Close enough to almost touch. Nobody contracted the flu or fell ill.
Fairly definitive.
Distinguished researcher
Has it not struck you that these ‘experiments’ are totally unethical and therefore unlikely to have been authorised or published in a reputable journal? You Tube Eh? That famous scientific outlet?
And for those who like science here is a small taster
And for those if you who are observant, this is SARS-Cov and not SARS-cov2.
There are plenty of studies that were and are unethical. Have you read about vaccine experimentation? Or even better, just go to the link below and click on history. Start reading:
Then go here and read every sub heading:
That’s a small taste of what the government has acknowledged.
Thanks for adding another one. But wait, I thought you don’t approve of unethical experimentation.
The point is not whether I approve or disprove. The point is the fraud of the scientific and medical industrial complex.
The fraud happens in all sorts of walks of life. That does not mean that all scientists and doctors are fraudulent. But you quoted this fraudulent study in support of your case.
The fraud of the virus and vaccine industry. Obviously.
No not really. So your theory is that scientists all over the world got together, from places such as China, Russia, Iran, US, UK Poland, Germany, Finland, and so on and said: How can we devise a hoax that takes all these people in and make them believe that they are sick when they are not? Ah, we got a brilliant idea. Just get many different medical journals to publish fake data, something they usually look out for, and then convince the politicians to destroy the economies of each of their countries, just for a laugh, or even better so that we can get lots of dosh from research and vaccines. And you know what, all these scientists fell for this, all the medical journals and all the politicians. Except there was a major snag. Some websites and their ‘woke’ (or should I say ‘awake’ as most would really not like to be too PC) keyboard warriors got hold of this and they know the truth and got to expose it. Good script for a Hollywood movie.
Please do not feed this one … seems to be growing … given its apparent hunger, lack of forage will drive it elsewhere.
What are you?
The Troll Wrangler?
Keeper of the Trolls?
The Troll Whisperer?
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
John P. A. Ioannidis
Ioannidis’ paper on “Why Most Published Research Findings are False” has been the most-accessed article in the history of Public Library of Science (>2.5 million hits).
I suggest you read the paper below and re-read it until such time as it actually permeates the fatty substance affixed in your skull.
I really don’t understand why you are so abusive? Is this how you conduct yourself normally?
If you wish to have a civilized conversation then come back.
Don’t claim incivility when you mischaracterized, misrepresented and denigrated my comments and someone else’s qualifications.
Then you had the temerity to provide irrelevant links to my posts. This is not a debate nor a conversation.
Whoever is paying you to play keyboard cop should demand a refund.
Sorry mate. But posting a 90 minutes film with the person introducing the speaker puffing away, does not really inspire confidence. The experiment you describe is a bit far fetched. Any chance if time markers mate?
Dr Andrew Kaufman? Who? Oh , him:
He was relating studies that the US government had conducted. Published studies. On the Flu.
What’s that got to do with his take on how many SARS vectors they made in the lab by gene editing RNA? Perhaps it took those Chinese hacks 19 times to get that computer generated genome sequence right. You know. The one they admit was computer generated in that sloppy, junk paper, because they never isolated or purified a virus. Just like they never isolated or purified SARS. Or AIDS. Or Swine Flu. Or any virus they claim they found and grew in a cell line.
You are so far out of your depth, I don’t know why you bother.
The point you miss is that 19 was 2019 not 19th version of anything. Dr Kaufman is a psychiatrist by training and doesn’t know one end of an RNA virus from another. And you really must stop projecting so much.
He has a degree in molecular biology. Psychiatrists are also MDs. So he has three qualifications you do not possess.
If you think the 19 in Covid19 denotes the year, then I guess you’ll believe anything. It’s probably code for AI. It’s definitely nothing to do with Coronaviruses.
Does he have a degree in molecular biology? Has he published anything on molecular biology? Does he have a clue what a virus is?
And for your information, here is what the 19 stands for
And you know what? You are in the good company of Dr Kaufman.
Do you have a clue about what a virus is? Or do you simply allign yourself with the majority view on them?
The pioneers of homeopathy also tried and failed to infect themselves with certain diseases. Traditional medicine in various lands work well for many illnesses, based on diagnoses that ignore pathogens. Recent research (Human Virome Project) showed that the average healthy person is likely to have some of the known types of microbes classified as harmful.
The homeopathists worked very well to prove that you can treat anything with anything. Even their research is minimally evidence based because there’s are not molecules’ just memories of molecules.
Whether homeopathy works is another topic. It would be easy to figure out in double blind study.
The point is that the US Dept of Health studies that Dr. Kaufman refers to at the 28 minute mark prove the virus meme is fake. That “flu“ isn’t contagious but an immune system response.
Ergo, vaccines are fraud.
So why do they put so many harmful chemicals and metals in those vaccines?
If they are simply attempting to bilk the public to forcibly give their children vaccines for viruses that don’t exist, wouldn’t a saline solution be the goal?
Instead they use mercury and aluminum nanoparticles that get assistance to cross the blood brain barrier with the other adjuvant ingredients which are a combination of harmful solvents and lipids. It’s these ingredients and gene edited cell lines, injected into humans that are causing autism, neurodegenerative disorders other and immune dysfunction diseases.
When macrophages absorb the aluminum nanoparticles they can’t elimate them. So any time a DNA mutation occurs in our cells the macrophages are sent there by the immune system to take apart the mutated cell but they can’t. Because the nanoparticles have rendered them useless.
This the underlying cause of the cancer and the chronic inflammation seen in all the modern day diseases like heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, auto immune disorders, IBD, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, MS, etc.
Metabolic pathway dysfunction. Cell signaling dysfunction. Immune dysfunction. Chronic inflammation. Cytokine storm syndrome. DNA mutation. Protein misfolding.
This is all the result of vaccines in combination with GMOs, increased radiation, pollution, processed food, harmful chemicals and toxic drugs. All the factors work together to destroy our health and at the same time, generates trillions a year for the medical industrial complex.
A circular economy.
Last night as my wife was getting him ready for bed, she told me and and his Dad, I think he may have chickenpox. This morning his Dad says he has got Chickenpox. He can’t go to School.
I reckon we have all had it before, and unlike Measles, if you get it as an adult, it doesn’t cause a Mump’s effect on Your Balls.. I have had Mumps too, but no injections against them.
So I checked The NHS and am feeling a bit itchy now…but I reckon we will survive it.
First thing I see, I think is Disgraceful
“CoronavirusAt the moment it can be hard to know what to do if your child is unwell.
It’s important to trust your instincts and get medical help if you need it.”
The Rest of it is highly Sensible advice.
What does that have to do with the price of coffee? Wake up man and smell it instead.
I can’t refrain from commenting on this; I just love that woman, Dolores Cahill. Her husband is a very lucky man, and the people of Ireland, and all humanity must be proud of her being a truly human voice for a truly disinterested science. Journalist Robert Fisk is another hero that that land infanted, who took his job seriously, with decades reporting from the Middle-East.
Science has at its root the human being, for without the human being, no enquiry is possible; also Science has as its end the human being for, it is supposed to serve him by the natural laws it discovers. The mother of science is common sense, and common sense is our survival instinct talking to us in a human language.
Common sense knows that we, humans, are part of nature and so inextricably connected with it, that we couldn’t exist without “it” (even if, perhaps, “it” could exist without us). But modern scientific “advancements” have been achieved at the price of the human being abstracting, removing himself, in his imagination only, from nature. Scientific methodology operates “as if” we humans and anything else didn’t exist outside the object of the enquiry. That is why our scientific discoveries and interpretations will always be fragmentary, partial, and temporary, and for every one discovery, there are countless others still to be discovered; and that is why scientists should always measure their interpretations of scientific facts against common sense for validation, which simply means discovering natural laws and at the same time not losing sight of our being part of nature.
Dolores Cahill and the other scientists cited in the article are doing just that: They don’t think that Science is some sort of Frankenstein, self-sufficient with its apparatuses, but it is a human tool, an imperfect and humble tool which needs to be guided at every step by common sense.
I’d like also to share a comment I made to the YouTube video “Did the Lockdowns Save Thousands of Lives? A Soho Forum Debate”, between a physician, Makary, and the epidemiologist Wittkowski:
“The difference between Makary and Wittkowski is that of principle, and it’s the difference generally dividing those who dedicate themselves to the study of natural phenomena (including human beings and human health) in a disinterested manner, for the sake of truth, and those who study it in an interested manner, with certain political or economic interests in view, forcing thus the interpretation of the observable facts to better serve these interests. The first group of scientists never suggest policies defying elementary common sense because it is their belief that common sense is the mother and watchdog of scientific enquiry and the daughter could not rebel against its mother without itself losing that which gives it authority, and if by any chance a scientific fact “seems” to suggest policies going against common sense, they are the first to check and recheck their facts and interpretations because they are humble enough to be always ready to learn and never take their present knowledge to be final. Opposite to them we find the interested scientists; they are, as a rule, very well provided for financially, which is perhaps why their positivism is found to be extreme in that they believe their instruments infallibe, their theoretical knowledge to absolutely reflect reality and their interpretations to be absolute truths. They don’t put much stock in common sense, their numbers, charts and interpretations being all they think they need, and thus don’t find it peculiar to make interpretations suggesting policies that defy basic wisdom. They take pleasure in the use and abuse of technical jargon and not go much beyond that, and less consider their enquiries as part of a larger body of knowledge, thinking, in their shallow scientism, that the word could substitute for the thing, and the sentences for the relationships between things in the real world. To be challenged by the disinterested scientists is what they most dread.
For instance, Makary believes that viral respiratory diseases ought to be prevented, that is, actions must be taken on the basis of the slightest suspicion of an outbreak, before observable widespread symptoms manifest themselves in the population, whereas Wittkowski believes that actions must be taken as the symptoms manifest in the population, and the extent to which they manifest should regulate the actions; that being infected or “tested positive” is not synonymous of being ill, or a “case” (as Profesor Sucharit Bhakdi has also said) but only ought to be considered ill those in whom symptoms requiring medical intervention are observed. So Makary believes that people should be prevented from getting ill even if right now they show the picture of health; Wittkowski believes that people should not be prevented from getting ill before they actually start getting ill in a way that requires medical attention, because getting ill is NOT bad PER SE. Feeling or being ill is part of life, and as part of life one must not actively try to avoid it.
Wittkowski’s interpretations of facts are dictated by previous knowledge and common sense; whereas common sense is absent from Makary’s interpretations. Knowledge was, is, and will always be insufficient because of its partial and fragmentary nature and that is one good reason to always complement it with common sense, that instinctive insight rooted in our humanity as part of nature, which doesn’t use rational thinking, but, nevertheless, is able to capture the meaning and place of a particular thing in the intricate web of connections with the whole picture.”
Well put.
Nope. I still can’t see my delayed comment from yesterday. So will try again.
The comment in question is not censored and can be viewed here – admin1
Well you managed to get that to appear here. I can’t manage as much on Craig Murray’s blog despite posting there for 10 years. I see you are not totally banned there yet.. Maybe I should send you a comment to post, which is what John Wards is resorting to from one of his banned fans on his SLOG.
But my thrice posted comment at the same time in reply has NOT appeared.
Compo are you for realm? Or are just being thick for the sake of it?
Watch immediately after this comment I’ll post it again. See if it finally appears.
‘For real’ obviously.
Another hour still NOTHING!
I can post other opinions but not THAT one!!
So where can I read THAT one!!???
It’s here.
To be fair you were banned from Craig Murray’ website because of your off topic meanderings even though they can be endearing sometimes. But here, this sits well.
Any clues Dun?
Please no feed …
Since the Herd of Moron Slaves has BILLIONS of heads, all believing in what the “government” says, and obeying all the ORDERS from the STATE, and even funnier, many of the moron slaves even want more ORDERS… Clearly those 10 do not matter. In fact, those billions of slaves, if they had immunity, would gladly kill those 10 experts.
With mushroom new medical schools in the news, it might be time to update an old Medical Chestnut:
You can tell a Barts man because he examines the patient with one hand in his pocket.
You can tell a Kings man because he examines the patient with both hands in his pockets.
You can tell a Con-19 man because he examines the patient with both hands on his telephone.
You can tell an Imperial man because he examines virtual patients with his keyboard.
I thought I told you to to turn it all the way up.
Since you are so good, tell us, how do you tell a Con-spiracist?
You can tell a Con-spiracist because he is also a Con-man like TBLiar and spreads Con-fusion like the Westminster regime has been doing since Con-911 2001.
I say this, as a designated “Troll”. This article is one of the reasons I continue to act as a Troll….. I call them like I see them.
Much appreciated article. I will, again, refer this to my elected officials, UN-reluctantly.
The other crazy stuff only becomes fodder to discredit the good stuff like this………
The given world political climate makes this site so much more important than ever before.
I don’t know your audience numbers but I am sure they are growing.
Please continue focusing on this sort of thing.
“…this sort of thing” being the Truth. Being right when the Billionaire MSM Press were pressing the Lie. As Catte Black says in her recent article.
Compare these two statements:
From Phil Greaves on Twitter:
“”The Govt is desperate to avoid another lockdown” is now a laughable LIE. Only the most craven bootlickers and dumb dupes could possibly believe the Regime doesn’t want to use despotic powers they’ve given themselves to crush sme’s and large swathes of the working class.”
And this from the WSWS on towns in Northern England:
“Spiralling case numbers in these towns and cities highlight the fact that so-called “local lockdowns”—comprising restrictions on household mixing and 10pm curfews for pubs and bars—are nothing of the kind.”
Now put them together: the Govt supposedly wants to avoid another lockdown but this is bullshit! The Govt is clearly whetting its appetite for lockdowns till the end of time. And yet … the WSWS says that these “reluctant” lockdowns are not real lockdowns!
So – what has happened to the Left? Where has it gone? Well here’s the sobering thing: compared to the WSWS, Boris is hard Left!
Never heard of Klaus Schwab before. This article’s a f***ing nightmare. I’d prefer an asteroid puts us out of our misery
“But where danger is there the saving
powers will grow as well.” (Hölderlin)
“I am Part of that Power which would the Evil
ever do, and ever does the Good.” (Goethe)
The “law of conservation of energy” says that energy
neither arises from nothing nor can it disappear into
nothingness. Pressure creates counter pressure.
When applied to the corona hysteria, it should not go
unnoticed that there is obviously a powerful counter-
force growing to the evil actions of the establishment.
Thousands of doctors at the grassroots level are
surely joining forces across borders and are wor-
ried about the disastrous state of our societies.
None of this would have happened without Corona. It was
the proverbial last straw that broke the camel’s back and
exposed the mafia-like gang of liars like nothing before.
Charge separation is of a zero point – yet is not ‘nothing’ but the root and source nature of everything.
The key to a re integrative recognition rather than reactive reflection, is expansion and embrace.
The fear as leverage, is an intent to possess and control – what could possibly result but dispossession and subjection under guise of a cognitive dissonance?
Unless instead of merely being leveraged and triggered or hacked and framed in reaction, we release the ‘possession and control’ mindset to an expansion of a more embracing perspective?
I see the mafia-sytem of organised crime aka the Economy or the way the world works, as being a closed system in terms of disconnect from Open Reality and therefore parasitic, exploitative and blind to the humanity of those who are sacrificed or fed upon to maintain control within a prison planet – so as to accrue perks and privilege within a world seen as the food chain.
The all or nothing of the covid coup may seem like a deeply laid plane, but it is based on lies, deceit and coercion.
That there would be a pushback is completely predictable, and will most likely have contingencies to subvert or initiate it themselves.
For in human terms this is the way of using human emotional identification as an energy source or battery of charge built up and then channelled to ‘work done’ or agenda accomplished.
You may be right, the Disclosure of the Agenda is revealing itself. But the capacity to truly see it depends on the capacity to look on it without recoil. the negatively charged or polarised recoil – takes its identity from what it hates and fears by opposition.
Perhaps at end of a Cycle is an opportunity to repeat another Cycle, or to release the cycling of polarised and polarising identity.
That history repeats itself is in its being made as the narrative for support and reinforcement of what we most want to be true – or are most normalised to act as if true based on old ‘choices’ from conditions that are not here now – though we may be triggereed so as to react as if reliving the trauma of fear of pain of loss – and suffer as our personal ‘reality’ experience.
the ‘reptilian brain’ is not actually IN the agencies of its expression so much as exemplified. Survival impulse accesses core body processes at a very high level, but has no capacity to generate the conditions for consciousness. It’s job is to get out of the way when the challenge of catastrophe is no longer active. The worship of fear as protection and control is to deliver ourself to a racket. We don’t think that we do that because we do not want to think in that arena – and assign authority to such ‘agencies’ as will protect us from accessing such raw awareness of the negative – not least in a mask of ‘virtue’.
But all virtue is of truth and as has been said before, there is no truth in the world – excepting in your yielding to truth, become a willingness for its extension as the capacity to recognise truth beneath the masking of a world made to covet and cover a truly shared appreciation.
Those who know not what they truly have and are are condemned to seek to seek to take it from others and from external substitutions as a sort of Prodigal addict.
End-times could then be seen as ‘bottoming out’, but the resistance to accepting truth is the determination to save the identity of ‘getting’ by all and any means.
If lying is all that can save your life and the survival urge is strong – then the lie becomes life and truth must be ‘wrong’ (attacked and denied as the basis to ‘live’).
You lose yourself in too much abstraction.
You may think so.
But I see and feel and know life as the trees and as the wood.
The use of ammunition to make a personal point is simply the reactive attraction to the enemy of your ‘enemy’.
I am not your enemy. But you may think so if I do not conform to what your thinking says should be or not be as your sense of order.
I am absolutely not your enemy, Binra, and I do
not want to offend you. Your contribution, if it is
meant seriously, deserves recognition, alone for
the work you do. But Deepl seems to be unable
to translate your lines in a more meaningful way.
We must get into the habit of making clear 1.
what we want, 2. what this has to do with us,
3. what this has to do with others. All it takes.
We should not overload our brain with senseless
packaging, but come straight to the point & core.
Create order, throw off ballast. Good music
is always the space between the notes. Con-
sciousness the space between the thoughts.
Anything else is background noise. Anyone who
is afraid to do this is hiding behind phraseology.
The use of the words ‘we must’ are to be recognised as a template diversion.
Say perhaps rather “If we want, then it follows we must…”
Allow your observation and ownership of emotional reaction as well as your resonance of recognition as the basis of what anything has to do with you.
Don’t think. But listen and align in the gift of the movement of your being.
Jesus put this as ‘take no thought for yourself’ – for such is to be lost in a dark wood of your own making – as if at the hand of others.
Yielding private agenda of personal judgement allows a discernment of order in place of the archetype of imposing order over feared and perceived – and therefore attacked ‘chaos’. Such is the basis for a coercive self righteousness hate masked in virtue.
Music and being is truly being moved. be truly moved – forget your definitions of consciousness 😉
I want healing, correction of errors and the release of the fascination in conflict, and so I address the error in the context of its lack of truth, rather than first making the error Real and then applying ‘consciousness’ to it.
I have no personal need for you to read or understand what I write into themes that I see as logically producing insane results, and my own freedom to write is your freedom to refuse, or to choose to see in your own way.
So I haven’t a sense that you MUST save yourself or others or your world. But will operate FROM who you accept yourself to be for that is the basis from which all else follows.
My foreground signal, may be your background noise – according to what you currently and actively want. That you can feel awareness as desire is your freedom, that you can think emotional reactivity is your blocking signal that can become ‘order’ to your current decision as to what you need. But you don’t HAVE to attack what you do not resonate with or choose to see it as attack. There does not have to be ONE WAY to see that ‘WE MUST’ groupthink or else suffer invalidation as fear-driven phraseologists!
I am willing to meet you in the space between thought for there IS no where else that a thought can be recognised in resonance of a true communication.
So I can resonate with some of what you said – but not with its framing in judgement and conflict. You are free to allow what you truly want to rise to your awareness, and free to align there and release what doesn’t serve and only ‘gets in the way’ of an order that embraces what had seemed chaos or a denied sense of self unrecognised.
Why put others down in order to seem to be right?
You can be right where you are in the perfect timing for what is here to recognise, accept and thereby live as an aligned sense of purpose – spontaneously – or without a self-construct of shoulds and shouldnts that reveal conflicts that have not been owned – and are being played out as if the imposition of circumstances, the way your parents treated you or irksome posters 😉
It is simply the case with art rather than artifice, that you can sell to market or follow your higher calling – which may or may not align in being received or understood by the current idiom. For it is not of the current idiom. It does not embody the presumptions of self set in conflict – even if such experience arises. However, I am following a call that invites or moves me, not a driven agenda. The joining place I give focus to is to truly ask and uncover what you truly desire – not as a thinking about – but as the living desire itself.
The movement of being is formless and yet all forms is within it. I don’t think. The thoughts or ‘phrases’ are drawn from experience of life to best fit the music that moves the voice and its accompanying keyboard.
Sure, you can play egos.
But who not put that aside and listen for what truly inspires order, rather than listening only for what fits your current algorithms. filters and acquired identifications? And the ego of personal experience is not destroyed or robotised or damned.
The ego idea is noise is when it is put to the front or given priority through which only a world of conflict and reversal can follow. It is NOT the basis from which to determine what you want or what is signal or noise or the motives and worth of others
Dear Binra, but can’t all this be expressed in a concise,
short and compact form? I am not a fan of too much
theorizing and intellectualizing. You can also “disthink”
the things and talk them to death. You can overtax others
with your astraction and leave them in the end helpless:
What does the poet actually want to tell us with this? What
is his intention? (To sell us Jesus as an idol?) What is his
You are certainly a lovable person, Binra,
your smileys already show that. No one’s
asking you to “reinvent the wheel and to
square the circle and unhinge the world”.
All what Arne?
You haven’t exactly asked or defined anything concrete.
I gave you an A Course in Miracles summary of Everything in three lines – but if we cannot accept that ‘only truth is true’ we will hold some illusions ‘more true’ than others and less open to correction.
I suggest to abide with what resonates and let the rest go. Not that we can hold onto anything, but willingness to abide-with is reciprocated, and letting any inspiration or stirring abide in you without stuffing it into old bottled paradigms, is to let a living receptivity grow within, by choosing not to use it in the ‘world’. Rather, let yourself be an instrument of a peace that isn’t mind-manufactured.
Music of life, unheard, yet we dance.
Love ? its takes one to know one.
But that truism operates no less for fear.
The law doesn’t change, but what we give sets the measure of our return, and unhealed fear is always associated with denial.
If my smileys show I am a lovable person, then my MP’s latest reply shows how concerned he is for our safety.
You can always ead between the lines because you are the space or awareness in which all things are known – no more or less than everyone else. (the WHO and the WHAT).
You desired to open experience and share who and what you are. (the WHY).
Such desire is current as an unfolding fulfilment (WHEN and WHERE) of time and timings relative to your part within the whole of which you share in to have your experience.
Love needs nothing but to share itself. Is there a need to hurt your head as if you have to know more than what is given you to to share in now?
Specific questions bring specific answer. But not always as we frame or expect.
Ask concrete questions if you want
to get concrete answers. This has
nothing to do with Miracle courses.
Do the many words hide the
fact that the content of your
message lacks substance?
If you want to convert peo-
ple, it is enough to recom-
mend the Bible to them.
If you think that “love is the
answer” to everything, no
further words are needed.
If you think we should “change the
use of individual words”, create a
new field called “religious linguistics”.
Where is the problem? First you have to define it.
I do not want to convert anyone!
I share in freedom. Convert yourself if you want to!
You are acting in the way of a troll into endless nothings.
I make my choices.
You have to live with yours.
Not mine.
You give what I write all the meaning it has for you. Go and deal with it where you can make a difference!
I will not speak of what you are not open to.
We should adopt certain rules in communication.
I often throw away worthless thoughts. We should
always ask ourselves: Do I really have to say this
now? What does this contribute to a better world?
Do others really want to hear this? Haven’t they
heard it a hundred times before in another form?
We only make a difference in making a difference.
The ‘WE’ of groupthink seeks to rule communication.
The leveraging of communication as the basis for a ‘better world’ is its hidden agenda or cognitive dissonance because it BELIEVES its own thinking.
Didn’t you say before that we were “too much about ourselves”?
It doesn’t sound like an exact phrase I would choose to use.
I used ‘take no thought for yourself recently, but not as a source of blaming but as a key to getting out of our own way. If you can find the context for what you think I said it might open more meaning.
I don’t make a hard rule about ‘we’ statements – because rules can simply replace contextual understanding with correctness and ‘groupthink’.
And your phrasing above is just such an example.
Who is ‘we’ that adopt or agree and conform and comply or enforce such rules?
Who decides?
Who enforces?
I offer a simpler approach.
Bring our willingness to all relationships and communication rather than attempt to rule or shape it to serve your (or anyone’s) idea of how it should happen. By all means ask for what you want – you might get it.
I see that opening personal relationship is a dance of self-revealing and stepping back to allow space so as not to push on another, but also to receive them.
But opening a direct resonance in recognition or insight is not at the level of our person, yet may inspire a willingness to tune into another from the point of such a recognition. It is possible to meet in intimace without any introductions or knowing anything ‘about each other’.
If we are alert to the use of the masking in the form of communication as a manipulation,we will be free to choose not to engage in its frame and discern what is being avoided or promoted and for what end.
Communication within ourself is the basis for communication between us and vice versa. the fullness of which is expressed in the two commandments that Jesus responded with as the most important. This will not seem at all obvious to a breakdown of communication to a personal or masked sense of self, and world.
When I write, I rarely refer to myself or about myself, but in the considering of the themes that easily lost to the personality level seeking self reinforcement.
Those who recognise another as themselves and themselves in another, recognise the life or Spirit that stands prior to the mind of judgement. This is not a gnostic ‘we’ but a shared movement of identification from the ‘Father’ or of Life Itself and not of a mind made to hide in. So we can be revealed to each other, as of one life that is extended by being shared through ‘two or more’ in true witness.
Recognising another is a gift and a blessing but in the world can be lost to or limited to the making of a specialness or clique.
Minds in fear think they see enemies everywhere and don’t recognise the role their thought plays in setting such an experience or result.
Calling people to look at their thought rather than from what they take to be a self evident reality is usually misconstrued as ‘abstract’ or nothing understandable. But that is where I feel to be or call attention to in any who can begin to question their experience rather than reinforce it.
We must not formulate our thoughts in a compli-
cated, directionless, stilted way. What we offer to
others must be sorted into clear, easy-to-under-
stand portions. It is the same in music or gastro-
nomy, even in sexuality. Prelude, main part, epi-
logue. Otherwise we show our counterpart the
disorder in our head and expect them to do the
work of structuring for us. The most beautiful
form of “concretion” is poetry. Everything else is
wind of words. I am a subjectivist. Objectivity is
a fiction. Literally translated it means “before all
cognition”, but there is not much there for people.
I am aware this thread has been deemed off topic and condemned to being disappeared. There are very may off topic comments but I accept the ongoing private dialogue of mutual monologues, take a lot of screen space on al already hugely long page (which is partly why I felt ok to respond to your serial points).
But NO! to your ‘we must not’.
or – thanks, but no thanks.
Your version of thinking for dummies is not without a place, but it is not where I choose to live from nor where life inspires or moves me to create or communicate.
I write in paragraphs. You can engage – if you want with what I write – but because it stems from a different presumption it will not fit in your paradigm and so will confound your attempt to make sense of it – unless you alight in a moment of resonance that has forgotten or neglected to operate the mindset of ‘problem,reaction, solution’.
Metacommunication or addressing the basis and structures by which we think is potentially very ON topic to the framing in any deceit. But few are able or willing to observe their own thinking – but must defend its unquestioned status as their self.
There is another way of looking at the world than to deny it for subjectivity. The points of a shared Consciousness are resonance not object meanings derived from such.
I seek to share in a living resonance to felt qualities – rather than become ‘clear’ in a construct of derivatives of derivatives that deliver us to evil by blind dissociative subjective identities – be they elitist or populist.
That which identifies us truly is where we fit in as both ourself and as human – in the truly shared sense of relational responsibility – not collective sacrifice under anyone’s else’s idea of ‘we must not’.
I have a strong sense that the ‘THEM’ that we say we hate is a specific symptom of a collective representation of ‘US’.
This brings my contribution to dissociative deceits into my arena of responsibility and freedom to be. But am I willing to release self-illusion of the right to judge others and tell them what they must or must not be?
You write in paragraphs. Very helpful!
But one can also put nonsense into a
visually appealing form. Why speaking
comprehensibly when you can also ex-
press it in an extremely confusing way.
To “read between the lines” is a requi-
rement that was mainly used in dictato-
rial systems where the pronouncing of
clear words posed a “political threat”.
Quality is the unconditional will to transform the best of
the best into an offerable gift. I once heard all those re-
jected trial versions of Vangelis that didn’t make it on ta-
pe. It sounded really crappy and miles away from what
we know of him. True experts know about this principle.
‘Forget your perfect offering – there’s a crack, there’s a crack, in everythiing. That how the light gets in’. Leonard Cohen.
the worship of ideal form is the ‘Satanic principle’ by which the living world is judged unworthy, unfit and stamped underfoot.
However the recognition that truth is not IN the form or the object or the person or the event – releases the possession and control mindset to a universal appreciation – that will NEVER be defined or limited to any image or form of any level of expression. Thank God!
True experts know that the more they know the more they know they don’t know – and yet there is a way to let knowing or understanding rise as a true appreciation – shared.
Those who hide such truth hide behind seeming to know. Have you noticed the corruption and discarding of wisdom for a world of ‘experts’?
Learning never stops. So the world is “much more
complicated than anyone believes” (at least from the
very specific perspective of congnitive dissonance).
Time has an end, and the timeless may reveal itself where time seemed to be, and so while in time, we are learning and teaching, both, and bringing these to balance is the Golden Rule, giving and receiving as one.
In such synchronicity we are of the timeless and can know ourselves therefrom. But not as we think or believe ourself and world to be.
Shifts into awareness as timeless, open perspective upon what before had run as fully engaging and defining drama.
Perhaps rather than weigh up complexity – we can see that we can know what we need to know when we need to know it so as not to need to carry around a huge system of ‘knowledge’. This is the ‘Holy Spirit’ of a wholeness never really lost so much as covered over and hidden by ‘self-will’ but restored to ‘willingness’.
To the ‘lost’ the lack of support and connection under great threat is very real, and all is mobilised to defend and manage a disconnect in need of boosting a sense of lack. Cognitive dissonance ‘goes with the territory’ of fear and control and this can be readily observed in our selves on most any given day.
I do not want to belittle your contribution in any way! But
you must be clear about the purpose of your contribution.
Under no circumstances should it end in intellectualism.
In a world in which many people say nothing with many
words, few people should say everything with few words.
“I need to discover the complexity of the modern world.”
Kids could easily be overwhelmed with this
‘complexity’ if they do not know which of the
new 60 genders their parents now represent.
Their wisdom is probably much bigger than ours when
they claim: “Mom, you’re a woman! Dad, you’re a man!”
“Transition visionary synergies visualize holistic initiatives”?
Artificial “Intelligence”!
The use of complexity as obfuscation, such as blinding with science or sophistry of deceit is a purpose that has a signature of guilted or leveraged fear. Such is the realm of a world running under fear and control – regardless the forms in which it masks.
The ‘achievement of the ego’ is the narrative masking of a seeming self-evident (simple) narrative reality over such complex of conflict as to defy the possibility of untangling or time in which to unravel. (rabbit holes that lead to rabbit holes etc).
The necessity of a control system running in a closed system is a depletion of both resources and of the means to maintain the mask over fear that seeks to possess them. Hence the NWO ‘plan’ to manually deconstruct identity and remake it in the image of the controllers.
Children are malleable as they haven’t yet differentiated who they are within what they inherit and acquire in experience of our world. Genetics are believed to be even more ‘controllable’ than the very young.
The intent to deconstruct, undermine and destroy as a means of creating a better world is the ‘old normal’ and no less the 4th Reich contraction to a new normal. I am already aligned in original nature, and normal is simply a conditioned expectation – not a reality. Confusion of mind and body leads to confusion of being and mind. (Usurpation and subjection).
Your tongue in cheek ‘bigger wisdom’ suggests you have yet to discern its simple nature.
Wisdom is the fruit of experience truly lived.
You can tell your story over and over, to yourself or others, but what you have truly lived is who you have accepted yourself to be – (from all that you truly are) – until now.
There are identity conflicts in the human heart. These can be marketised and weaponised or they can be embraced and transcended. Transcendence is in the nature of truth, not in our weaponising of conflict in its name or for our vanity.
As kids we met the ‘world’ that was split in what people actually do and what they say – and demand you comply or conform to for acceptance. That hasn’t changed in principle, but in general terms the dissociation of the ‘adults’ is so openly unreal now as to present a deep challenge to the psych of the attempt to mask in the world so as to survive it. Perhaps not so much in the first instance – apart from the toxic welcome of a toxic world, but in the adolescent change of internalizing it to become ‘adult’.
We may serve another’s right and freedom to be, but we cannot substitute our will for their own, or live their life – whatever their apparent fate may evoke in our own. Look to own what is truly yours rather than try to work out your issues over upon the wills of others, for such is the means to deep and painful entanglements of psychic emotional debt that I call ‘complex’. For we think we relate to others when we re-enact patterns of our past. Each taking from the other so as to reinforce their script.
The richness of simple patternings of life arising from the Creative principle can and does involve infinite complexity – but never leaves a core simplicity.
I referred originally in this thread to the electric/plasma Universe paradigm because this opens such an appreciation at all scales, as an interplay between closed and open systems. Everything is Communication. Signal without some reference point simply ‘Is’ without experience or resonance of differentiation within wholeness. You wanted experience and so self-differentiation is the means of opening perspectives. Life as we know it unfolds from simple to complex expressions – that in biology we call biodiverse and in art and life we call rich or deep or full. Abundance isn’t stuff – but the current overflow of expression of fulfilment. In any joy, this is remembered as current and often thoughtless action or appreciation.
Uncovering the simple is not IN the specific focus of judgements and meanings applied, but a recognition of qualities that are literally alive. No need to talk these into existence as a future tense or mourn them in the past unless of course you insist in making life complicated.
Allowing the space of receptivity is indeed the key to being moved or indeed aligned and healed or undone or error. But in all things the ego interjects to usurp the Spirit, or pass off the movement of being as its own accomplishment. the plus side of which is pride or self-inflation, the the minus side or which is a terrible debilitating and hateful guilt or ‘Fall’.
You can play your games of pretending to communicate without willingness to engage, if as you state, this is what you want, your purpose, and your better world. But note this is exactly the pattern or principle of those who you feel denied by, locked down and subjugated by. They are set in what they want, aligned in their purpose and actively defended against communication – except to seek more ammunition or ‘profile’ of the target to be neutralized undermined or and denied acceptance.
i offer what I write as to the current themes active as our experience and not just as personal response. I therefore grow the willingness to let everything serve as a means to teach and learn the life I want and live as a movement of recognition to which I am open – or moved by. If healing is what you want, then everything serves the purpose you hold, but not in the forms and conditions in which you might set it. We grow, share and learn as a transformative experience, not as a tower of Babel constructed in idea constructs seeking monopoly.
You have the talent to be a successful author.
At least in a time when the “complexity of the
world” is in the foreground. For example, you
could write a 20-part encyclopaedia about the
“ontological impossibility of clear thinking”.
“We” should enjoy life every now and then
(otherwise heads gets too hot and explode).
Clever salespeople for example know that
you have to associate a product with a his-
torical event so that the customer has the
illusion of being part of the unique event.
Yes every ‘now’ we are graced to notice and every ‘then’ we can find a source of acceptance and gratitude for -even if part of learning who we are not.
Please always alight in where you feel with, and don’t persist in struggle. At least not on my account.
Salessssssmen 😉 Will steal your soul in exchange for a self-specialness that leaves you hollow and then ssss-sell it back to you as a basis for external addiction to a means of control over a captured revenue stream.
But always with your permission at some level.
Selling a narrative is putting it out in any way that generates emotional reaction and this identity investment.
Did you see whatsherface on YTube on wearing a mask (she’s funny and wise and very sharp).
Hello Binra and Arne. Please stay on topic. I think I’m being more than fair when I say I’ll give you a day or so to copy any text that you wanna keep, before I remove this off topic material. Thanks, A2
Yes of course.
I am fine with your decision.
And whatever timing suits you and Arne
Hello Admin2
I ask you to consider only deleting the thread after the
Reply to Binra
You lose yourself in too much abstraction.
However the underlying meanings I sketched out can be reiterated anew in other occasions.
A locked down mind is a closed system.
The control agenda operates closed system thinking as survival of control set against fear and threat.
That first comment- regardless Arne’s complaint, is not off topic.
But responding to Arne’s complaint went off into a long rambling largely non-dialogue, that I can appreciate you would rather took itself to another room – if it really wants to continue.
I also accept its ‘your site’ and you look after its purpose in the ways you deem best.
A lot does not necessarily mean good. The
crucial question is why nobody noticed this.
I think the travel industry does a lot more for health than medical doctors. They just making people sick.
Medical doctors should quit their jobs and retrain into some proper health modality. Calling yourself a MD is about as good as saying you are an Al Qaeda terrorist. Really you don’t want to be using that credential. It is the bottom of the barrel “covid terroist”. Think! How many people are going to die because of what they have done? You don’t want to go down with the sinking ship. You want to expose this pathetic death cult and do some actual healing or atleast get out of the way.
I concur Simon. GP’s who have taken part in this plandemic-pantomime should actually be struck off, and get to the back of the dole queue. I wouldn’t even trust them to fill shelves in a supermarket.
I’ve been receiving messages on my last 3 prescriptions telling my to make an appointment for Diabetes review. They haven’t bothered with me since November 2019? I rang my Pharmacist to ask what would happen if I ignored their request. He said the GP would probably stop my medication.. So now it begins…
I’ll rely on Cinnamon, Artichoke, Chromium, Brewers Yeast, Magnesium and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and to hell with the lot of them.
I think I stand a better chance of survival as I am, rather than putting my life in the hands of robotic government agents.
Having heard this said to musicians I resonate with the choice of phrase.
Before covid I foresaw the replacement of doctors with screens and robotic procedures – for the poor – with a personalised genetically profiled custom service to er service the rich….
Clinical doctoring has been replaced by biomarkers and targets, for trained technicians who are being rendered obsolete – as are many other previously human social functions.
I don’t know what your dependents are if any or your career such as to meet your needs, but its easy to call shame, and less easy to find you are the target.
Better to call to the best in people without guilting or leveraging fear.
the death cult is ‘coming out’ whether we like it or not, why not expose the truth of the love its seeks to undermine and replace?
Well tourism undermined traditional cultures and has now turned into a way to choke what remains of their economy.
There’s more than you having a ‘good time’.
But that can be a way to set up the mark for taking down.
“The Medical Mafia” by Ghislaine Lanctot is available online or a cheap used buy – it may give you more context. You can blame war on the sergeants in an army for war, but it will get you nowhere.
the way our world is structured results in what we are seeing.
The nature of the depth of deceit in our world is deeply disturbing. I don’t expect you to be anything else – but indulging a sense of rage is not really addressing anything that will do anything but exhaust us or pull further denials into our life.
It is not enough to be ‘right’ set against a wrong. There no freedom, healing or way forward, but to roil in our own grievance and pull in anything that comes near.
Patient: Doctor – every time I do this with my arm it hurts! What do you prescribe?
Doctor: Stop doing it!
Substitute what you do in your patterns of attention and reaction that brings on sickness, and find some other way of directing attention in what you choose to give focus to.
The capture of the medical or ‘healthcare’ sector is a long term trojan horse that has been exposed again and again but most no one IN the bubble wanted to hear or was able to hear. While you feel good in your current situation do you want to open deep and dreadful factes of human experience? Might you go to a doctor to make such bad stuff ‘go away’?
even if 6 million doctors and nurse stood up
and said no hoax untruth or lie
they live a lie
the pasteur theory is a banka lie
they are all guilty or medicated or stupid