WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu
Head of Health Emergencies Program “best estimates” put IFR at 0.14%
Kit Knightly

The World Health Organization has finally confirmed what we (and many experts and studies) have been saying for months – the coronavirus is no more deadly or dangerous than seasonal flu.
The WHO’s top brass made this announcement during a special session of the WHO’s 34-member executive board on Monday October 5th, it’s just nobody seemed to really understand it.
In fact, they didn’t seem to completely understand it themselves.
At the session, Dr Michael Ryan, the WHO’s Head of Emergencies revealed that they believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2. This is their “best estimate”, and a huge increase over the number of officially recognised cases (around 35 million).
Dr. Margaret Harris, a WHO spokeswoman, later confirmed the figure, stating it was based on the average results of all the broad seroprevalence studies done around the world.
As much as the WHO were attempting to spin this as a bad thing – Dr Ryan even said it means “the vast majority of the world remains at risk.” – it’s actually good news. And confirms, once more, that the virus is nothing like as deadly as everyone predicted.
The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539.
That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%. Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world.
0.14% is over 24 times LOWER than the WHO’s “provisional figure” of 3.4% back in March. This figure was used in the models which were used to justify lockdowns and other draconian policies.
In fact, given the over-reporting of alleged Covid deaths, the IFR is likely even lower than 0.14%, and could show Covid to be much less dangerous than flu.
None of the mainstream press picked up on this. Though many outlets reported Dr Ryan’s words, they all attempted to make it a scary headline and spread more panic.
Apparently neither they, nor the WHO, were capable of doing the simple maths that shows us this is good news. And that the Covid sceptics have been right all along.
UPDATE 9/10/20: In the interest of thoroughness, a desire to rely on primary sources, and not depending purely on mainstream sources (which may remove or amend articles), I decided to find the actual video of Dr Ryan’s remarks.
For some reason, although this was an important WHO meeting during an allegedly hyper-serious pandemic, the video is hard to find. The only place you are able to see it is the WHO’s own website, and even then you have to scrub through almost 6 hours of footage. Well, I did that, and you are welcome.
You can’t embed the WHO’s stream, but I can tell you to go to this page, click “Session 1” and skip to 1:01:33 to hear the exact quote:
Our current best estimates tell us that about ten percent of the global population may have been infected by this virus. This varies depending on country, it varies from urban to rural, it varies between different groups.”
UPDATE 13/10/2020: Here is the actual ripped audio:
Many thanks to all the people who sent us in their recordings.
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“For some reason, although this was an important WHO meeting during an allegedly hyper-serious pandemic, the video is hard to find. The only place you are able to see it is the WHO’s own website, and even then you have to scrub through almost 6 hours of footage. Well, I did that, and you are welcome.” Kit Knightly
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“As the berries plunk into my bucket, I’m thinking about what I’ll do with them all. I’ll drop some off for friends and neighbors, and I’ll certainly fill the freezer for Juneberry muffins in February. This “problem” of managing decisions about abundance reminds me of a report that linguist Daniel Everett wrote as he was learning from a hunter-gatherer community in the Brazilian rainforest. A hunter had brought home a sizable kill, far too much to be eaten by his family. The researcher asked how he would store the excess. Smoking and drying technologies were well known; storing was possible. The hunter was puzzled by the question—store the meat? Why would he do that? Instead, he sent out an invitation to a feast, and soon the neighboring families were gathered around his fire, until every last morsel was consumed. This seemed like maladaptive behavior to the anthropologist, who asked again: given the uncertainty of meat in the forest, why didn’t he store the meat for himself, which is what the economic system of his home culture would predict.
“Store my meat? I store my meat in the belly of my brother,” replied the hunter.
I feel a great debt to this unnamed teacher for these words. There beats the heart of gift economies, an antecedent alternative to market economies, another way of “organizing ourselves to sustain life.” In a gift economy, wealth is understood as having enough to share, and the practice for dealing with abundance is to give it away. In fact, status is determined not by how much one accumulates, but by how much one gives away. The currency in a gift economy is relationship, which is expressed as gratitude, as interdependence and the ongoing cycles of reciprocity. A gift economy nurtures the community bonds that enhance mutual well-being; the economic unit is “we” rather than “I,” as all flourishing is mutual.”
If I tell you what I think, I will be hunted. So my opinions and ideas stay in my head. Love you all!
Just tell what you think YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to do so! Be a free human being, whats the problem of being hunted? Be determined and hunt back!
Respectfully Markus
In other numbers, and from the CDC no less (non-doctored?), the flu was presented as greater than ten or eleven times as deadly as COVID. Imagine that!
That’s why people would call COVID the 1/10th flue.
Veo..con tristeza que no han entendido nada…el bicho no mata ..no existe tal pandemia ..porque es una plandemia…Bildelberg
I believe there was a math error. The infection to mortality rate is less than stated above and is in fact 10 times less at 0.014%. Here’s the math…1,061,000 / 7,800,000,000 = 0.00014. Then multiply by 100 to get percent which equals 0.014%. That’s 1.4 people die for every 10,000 people who supposedly contract COVID-19. This has got to be less than the average human mortality rate yet the “powers that be” are mandating draconian measures that make no sense. I for one will continue the good fight and REFUSE to were a mask!!!
Infection to mortality would be calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number infected… which is fluid because most of the world has not been tested to see who has and who has had Covid… which the CDC admitted they have not yet isolated.
So what the hell are the vaccines targeting?
You are making the wrong calculation, if we use your numbers you’d first need to subtract 10% from 7.8 billion. The formula goes as follows: 1,061,000 / 780,000,000 : 100 = 0,136 =0.14
Here they state these fatality rates:
0-19 years: 0.00003
20-49 years: 0.0002
50-69 years: 0.005
70+ years: 0.054
does anyone have a link with the video? to show it to people who will argue this is fake
Click session 1 and Go up to, 1:01:33
Nah it’s a TYRANNY error. A Human Rights Violation error. Join a Class Action lawsuit, we’re suing them all.
The infection to mortality rate is not 0.14%, but rather 0.014%. 1,061,00/7,800,000,00 = 0.00014. Them multiply by 100 to get percentage and that equals 0.014%. That’s 1.4 persons per 10,000. Why would these crazies who are in charge put the lives of 9,998 people on hold by implementing a lockdown, requiring masks, social distancing, etc? The natural mortality rate for humans is greater than the infection to mortality rate for the China Virus.
Interesting assessment
That’s not ‘IFR’ (Infection Fatality Rate), but ‘MR’ (Mortality Rate). IFR is the rate at which *infected* people die, and according to the WHO the best estimate is that 1/10th of the world’s population got infected. So the IFR = 1 061 000 / (7 800 000 000 / 10) = 0.14%.
Thank you very much for this article. I hope even the last Corona believer will wake up and see the truth
There is nothing to find on the who. If you’re Organisation is just posting wrong messages there’s no reason to trust you. Iam really against all this covid situation but I have to check all the information and yours is not trustable sorry.
Try the link below and scroll to session 1.
I just tried it and it was there.
However, I only listened about 8 seconds and no more.
That doesn’t mean that I concur to the above. But I have confident in the author that he is neutral and not partial for or against the COVID sceptics.
Sorry I forgot the link:
I listened to it, and the author wrote well, the rate is low. I really thank you for reminding me to use the sensible part of my brain!
Little late, but did you even found the WHO website? There are loads off documents you can download.
Thanks for the information but I couldn’t find Dr. Ryans in the video of this WHO conference on 5th of October – so I wonder where you got your information from. Can give the Link please?
We confirm here that FB are full of crap for slapping a ‘warning’ on the above piece: https://off-guardian.org/2020/10/20/facebook-labels-224-misinformation/
For me WHO needs to be reorganized with people with the right background and knowledge, intelligence and decency. This organization is protected by Chinese, at the moment the second (beside the UN) useless organization in the world. Misinformations since February this year.
i think so
and your qualifications are?
Lol, probably equal to Dr Tedros who is NOT a medical doctor, but IS a paid shill for the CCP!
I agree! I can think of several intelligent men and women who are much more deserving of the positions filled by the wrong people!
And you are not taking into account 2 very important issues: #1 many deaths that were not COVID related are registered as COVID. I have at least 5 close friends whose relatives died of something not related at all with COVID and that were registered as COVID deaths. So the death toll must be much lower. #2: all the OMS protocols tend to make COVID cases fatal. They tell you to isolate for 15 days, taking only Paracetamol. At the end of these 15 days, the virus is gone but left at least 1 bacteria in your lungs. If you get hospitalized, then you are likely to die rather than survive, becuase again they apply OMS protocols that lead you to death, in most of the cases. 60 direct contacts (friends and relatives) treated with Ibuprofene and flu medicine if starting from the very beggining of the symthoms, adding an antibiotic if caugh it late, all of them recovered, following the protocols of Dr Maria Eugenia Barrientos from El Salvador (https://www.facebook.com/Dra.MariaBarrientos), more than 4000 direct patients recovered, thousands that followed her protocol under other physicians all over the world.
The entire Covid narrative is BS. This video exposes the “Crimes Against Humanity” committed in the name of Covid. Please help get the word out:
That video was REMOVED from youtube for “violating the terms of service”.
No, it’s still there. I just watched it.
Funny how the debunkers and obfuscators are out in force on this one, almost 1000 comments, a huge number of them trying to “debunk” a simple percentage calculation on officially sanctioned numbers… So you don’t believe in the official WHO numbers and the natural conclusion when it doesn’t suit your predetermined agenda? You must be some crazy conspiracy theorists 😉
You are truly a covidiot or…. AI
Hopefully, one recognises
the major difference between Covid19 and Flue in terms of disease development,I.e. Covid actually invade lung tissues while lung infection in case of Flu is a secondary infection by bacteria where antibiotics are specifically effective
It would be good if rather than just following the latest fear story from the media, you took two minutes to check if Flu does damage to the lungs.
It does as it turns out. You could have taken 20 seconds to google it (that’s all it took me) but here is a journal for your reference:
What you are doing is promulgating the false narrative that The Covid is somehow much worse than typical flu. There is very little evidence that it is and you provide nothing but effective disinformation here in your quote above. Please take the time to check things more carefully before you spread disinformation. This is a serious global issue and should require at least 30 seconds on google before you add to the hysteria.
The WHO changed their definition of the word “pandemic” just before the scamdemic began.
They are confident in the massive illiteracy and stupidity cultivated by the media and the education system, so they don’t have to try very hard. Most people do not have the mental capacity to process any of the information and would not recognise the truth if it was hitting them in the face with a brick. They are infantilised and operate largely on emotional reactivity (insecurity, fear, denial), not reason or logic. Everything is being reversed and every ridiculous falsity becomes fact. Did you know the virus can live for 28 days on your phone !?!? That’s what “freedom of speech” is for, isn’t it? So that the media can publish whatever BS they please….
no, they changed it years ago you fucking conspiracist
Yeah, the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic right before they tried to push the swine flu pandemic. They just didn’t succeed that time. Looks like they learned from their mistakes.
This virus can stay on a subject for a while – like telephone. BUT it does not live longer then some seconds- it is inactive!! Professor Dr Streeck from German university and leader of virus-research -team made a lot of tests about this. It stays alive when a infected person coughs or sings close to you and you inhale these virus . If your Immunsystem is good it will kill Convid19. What is funny about this; when you get tested you can be positiv (infected) because of dead parts of the virus that are still in you. But you cannot infect others. For example Liverpool footballer s. shakiri was in such a situation. He was tested positive. First was not allowed to play with the Swiss team about 3 weeks ago – but 3 days later he could play because they found out that it was old destroyed” virus in him.
A virus is not a living thing. It cannot move, has no sex, no metabolism, staying in active mode as long as it remains wet only.
It is merely a genetic information that relys on a living cell to release its DNA into.
And,after all, it has actually never been really seen, because it was never separated to this very day. So, we assume that it exists, do some cycles of PCR and pretend to have a prove.
We have not.
“With this PCR, if You do it well, You can find almost anything in anybody.” (Karry Mullis, inventor of the PCR in an interview 1993)
Si esto es cierto, ¿por qué seguimos usando bozales y confinan las ciudades???? ¿Dónde puedo conseguir estas declaraciones de forma oficial…?. Gracias
Aqui: https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2020/10/05/default-calendar/executive-board-special-session-on-the-covid19-response cliquea Session 1” y vaya al lugar 1:01:33 para escuchar la frase exacta
Declaring a pandemic, which was disseminated by a deliberately super-hyped media, followed by an even more super-hyped, non-peer reviewed, closed source model of millions of deaths a few days later caused mass hysteria and panic.
The imposition of the unprecedented lockdowns worldwide still a few days later greatly amplified that panic. Caregivers ran out of long-term care facilities and didn’t return. The very people who were the most vulnerable to ANY type of illness, and especially to medical neglect, we’re abandoned to stew in their own shit. This happened literally, here where I live.
Many of these people died of heart attacks and strokes brought on by the extreme stress which, in turn, was precipitated by the first-ever lockdowns in human history. Worldwide. Suddenly. With zero evidence that they would work, or have worked in the past. Because no population- human, monkey, ferret or even rat- had ever been subjected to a lockdown previously in any study or experimental setting to control the transmission of an infectious disease.
Lastly, in the US an average of 235,000 people per month have died of all causes since 2017. That number was 238,000 monthly last year. This year? 236,000 per month, even after taking into account the excess deaths when the lockdowns were imposed.
Please repeat after me: *No pandemic*. The lockdowns, themselves, killed at least 200,000 people. This is what happens when “the experts”, the government and the fawning media do the equivalent of shout fire in a crowded theater many thousands of times over. This is tantamount to war crimes and they must be held to account. They WILL be held to account.
I was able to download the entire Session 1 video from the WHO website and uploaded it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVhqJ35QutU
Pouvez-vous nous communiquer le Time Code précis de la citation ? Merci.
Sesion 1 – time 1:01:33
“Session 1” and skip to 1:01:33 to hear the exact quote:
Oui, ici https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2020/10/05/default-calendar/executive-board-special-session-on-the-covid19-response puis – cliquez sur “Session 1” et sauter a 1:01:33 pour entendre le devis exact
Does it mention the deaths by Covid-19 estimation?
Thanks in advance.
Because most of you really seem to like math lets make a quick and simplified Extrapolation.
Lets pretend to immediately stop all draconian policies, lockdowns, wearing masks, etc because the IFR is as low as 0.14%.
Europe has 741,4 mill inhabitants.
Right know around 3 mill infected people.
Lets say, within 2 weeks an infected person is going to infect 4 different people (one colleague, one stranger, one familymember, one friend). After these 2 weeks this person is fully recovered or dead.
After 2 weeks: 12 mill.
After 4 weeks: 48 mill.
After 6 weeks: 192 mill.
Now after 6 weeks, 270‘000 people of 192 mill infected people are going to die (IFR: 0,14%).
If you need artificial respiration due to Covid you have a surival rate of more or less 47%.
This means, you will need at least 540‘000 intensive care beds.
In 2012 Europe had 11,5 intensive care beds per 100‘000 inhabitants. In total around 86‘000 intensive care beds.
And out of a sudden almost 500‘000 are going to die: 454‘000 because they don‘t recieve the treatment they need and 43‘000 of the „lucky“ 86‘000 patients due to the survival rate.
Strange, I don‘t recall articles of the flu having caused a total breakdown…
No. We can see in places like NY and Sweden that the spread of the virus slows dramatically after it’s infected 20% of a population. Also, it spreads most prominently among people who are young and healthy, since vulnerable people know by now to stay home and avoid large gatherings.
As I wrote, it is simplified and without any kind of protection. And 20% are still 148 mill.
Incredibly dull, morons like you should listen more and talk a whole lot less
That is a really strong argument, respect!
Like they say in Russia… tough tshitsky
Let’s say the vast majority who are labeled to have covid are not even sick and the vast majority of those who are sick gets the sniffles (or other indistinguishable symptoms from the common cold) for a couple of days and present it as if there is an equal chance that “After these 2 weeks this person is fully recovered or dead”.
Or, lets be more realistic and say covid is a contrived illness based on a modelled virtual virus “realeased” into the physical world by way of non-stop “flood the zone” fear / PR campaign to convince the unsuspecting that people are getting sick and dying from this new spectacular and politically savy illness. All one massive distraction / psyop to usher in the very undemocratic and not at all Great Reset aka a totalitarian technocratic one world gov.
You seem to be a math expert but you’re making it seem like everyone that gets infected dies like the media makes it seem not accounting for those of us that didn’t even feel it. My whole family was exposed/infected. Out of 10 of us (2 houses) only 3 fell very ill but no one died. My mother-in-law is 77 years old with acute asthma, diabetes, Arthritis and she didn’t get a single symptom because she takes Hydroxychloroquine for her Rheumathoid Arthritis. My father-in-law and my sister-in-law did get very sick with fever, cough and runs off and on for a few weeks but came through ok. They healed with vitamins, teas and Hydroxychloroquine.
Sorry, but that’s completely wrong. Of course not everyone dies in this model, only 0.14%. This means that 14 people out of 10000 infected people are going to die. I‘m really happy that no one of your family died, I really am.
You fail to account for the fact that we’ve already lived through the “worst case” scenario – if you believe the hype, this is a NOVEL virus with zero pre-existing immunity which has spread beyond control to infect 10% of the world population. What was the outcome so far? 1.1 million dead out of 780 million infected. IFR = 0.14%.
We don’t need to make a bunch of assumptions about rate of transmission, we don’t need to model it under hypothetical scenarios with arbitrary assumptions like your R=4, because, you know, it already happened and the results are in and the verdict is: It’s just not that deadly. We need to relate to the observable facts not theoretical models which have been so wildly off the mark so far it’s not even funny. Reality > model.
No we simply don‘t know if we had the worst case scenario, why are the cases in Europe increasing so quickly? It‘s not even sure if you will stay immune after an infection.
Most of the countries do have higher amounts of new infected people than in spring. And this with regulations, wearing masks in public, and so on.
I’ll reiterate my point: Novel virus. No immunity. Not prepared. Lack of PPE. Exceptionally incompetent government handling. Wrong treatment for many cases (ventilator was wrong for many patients).10% of population infected in less than 6 months. That is the definition of a worst case scenario, it will not get worse than this. Extrapolating, the max toll of COVID19 will be around 10 million deaths, assuming everyone on the planet gets infected, which they will not.
Yeah, I mean whats 10 million deaths to worry about?
The increasing cases everywhere are simply the result of PCR tests which are NOT specific to covid, in addition in every country doctors and hospitals are financially incentivised to report covid cases to get extra financial funding. Read up on PCR tests, those are not specific to covid and simply testing people during well known flu and cold season is reporting way more than in reality. Also, when you look up statistics in ALL countries then somehow you will notice that deaths somehow are not following the number of infected even despite being heavily misrepresented.
But deaths are not occuring at the same rate as last season.
And we should be talking about seasons if we are comparing apples with apples.
Flu seasons are around 6 months long roughly over winter and some part of spring and or autumn. It never goes away….it just goes to low levels
The Covid had a pretty bad first season but the second one is already looking more mild at least in terms of mortality.
Not surprising because it has already killed of a lot of the weak. Just like what is observed with the flu, a few mild seasons are often followed by a vicious season.
You don’t stay immune to colds or flu either we get them every winter. This is hardly a cause for concern.
However even with The Covid first time around there appears to be t cell cross reactivity. That is, our immune systems recognise, to some extent, The Covid. This explains why the outbreaks just fizzled out at around the 20% rate in London, Sweden and California.
It is also hardly surprising as The Covid is in the coronavirus family, like many variants of the common cold, and our immune system has spent millions of years battling viruses of all sorts. The immune system is extremely sophisticated and generates billions of potential antibody combinations.
This is all rather unsurprising so the hysterical global over reaction is perplexing to say the least.
You are not looking at reality, the testing is flawed as can be.
Plus reality has never matched the models. Sounds a bit like global warming.
The cases in Europe is rising because of more testing. In Denmark we do not have as many people in the hospitals with Covid-19 as we usually have with the flu…
In other words, you didn’t read the article, you didn’t listen to the video, and you don’t know the difference between cases and infections. Good job. You’ve been well-programmed.
Good job, your answer makes completely no sense at all. Why do I have to know the difference between cases and infections? The model is about infected people infecting other people and dying according to IFR and bad circumstances. Did you really read my comment?
Yep I did read your comment. Infection fatality rate vs case fatality rate. It is really important, because most infected people are asymptomatic, thus they are excluded from the case rate denominator in case fatality rate. This makes the virus look up to 40x more deadly than it really is. Even the CDC stats show ridiculously low chance of dying from a sars-cov-2 infection (.05% chance for the oldest patients).
As ex-CIA director William Casey said, the job of the CIA will be complete once every American believes the opposite of the facts. We are almost there. Australia has us beat right now… Check my website for more info.
The problem in the USA is that it has been so politicized to try to reflect badly on the current administration. We have had first hand accounts of people’s relatives dying from dementia, heart disease, falls, even gunshot wounds and those deaths being counted as covid-19 deaths. I suspect that our death count may be artificially inflated by as much as 50%, perhaps more. That means that we may only have 100k or less deaths that are actually attributable to Covid-19. Furthermore, almost 60% of the deaths in the USA were in and around nursing homes and LTCF’s, almost all of those deaths were people who had multiple co-morbidities. If this is the case, it dramatically changes the way we should view this virus, and the efforts undertaken to keep the country shut down.
do “we”? Politicized,the US is the literal worst, measured. He said masks don’t slow disease transmission and admitted to SLOWING DOWN TESTING. HE SAID IT WOULD BE GONE BY MAY
Hi Eric Cobb, i’m not sure if you are aware but at the time of supposed 160k deaths only 6% were reported to have died with no other illnesses in USA and those were official CDC figures.
COVID19 is so hardcore that it not only survives 28 days on a mobile phone, it survives being fired on a bullet, and then proceeds to infect the person getting shot. 100% fact-checked!
great job! Thank you!
ONS reports 48,168 deaths due to COVID-19 and just 394 deaths to influenza. Is this the same influenza that normally kills on average 17,000 every year in the UK? Is Covid the cure for influenza? Is it the cure for everything?
ONS reports 13,619 deaths due to pneumonia. Reports them separately to influenza. On average 30,000 people die from pneumonia every year in the UK. Is Covid the cure for pneumonia too? It would seem so.
“If before death the patient had symptoms typical of COVID19 infection, but the test result has not been received, it would be satisfactory to give ‘COVID-19’ as the cause of death, tick Box B and then share the test result when it becomes available. In the circumstances of there being no swab, it is satisfactory to apply clinical judgement.”
Symptoms typical of Covid19 are the same symptoms typical of influenza and pneumonia.
Clinical judgment my arse.
The increase in presumptive diagnosis based on a hyper-projection of non-specific symptoms, coupled with hyper-sensitive and biased PCR testing, has magnified the official death statistics by around 3 times.
Number of genuine Covid deaths in the UK probably closer to 13,759.
Number of genuine Covid deaths in the world is probably closer to 350,000.
And that’s not taking into account that so many deaths “from Covid” may not have occurred were it not for such measures as elective intubation on ventilators when just oxygen masks were required, seeding covid patients into care homes, cutting off of medical aid, banning visits, enforced loneliness and signature of DNR forms.
One door away from T4, the Nazi Euthanasia program.
Yes, the only problem is the number of deaths in your country at the peak of the outbreak, March and April, from all causes, was 46% higher than normal, according to the same ONS you are quoting.
This was no flu. Flu doesn’t fill your ICU, until you run out of beds, like it’s currently happening in my country.
Scientific studies regarding IFR show it is somewhere between 0.53% and 0.82%. Making it a few times more deadly than the flu. Which doesn’t sound so scary, until you realize that this is much more infectious than the flu, so even if the IFR is the same, you will still have more deaths.
And when you look at the number of deaths compared to the average flu season, the UK already has 3 times more deaths, and you had COVID-19 going on for just 7 months. And other countries are much worse, the US has 5 times more deaths Brasil 9 times more, and Mexico 14 (fourteen) times more, compared tot the average flu season.
So, again, how is this “just the flu”? It is clearly not.
Did you read my post at all?
Number of genuine Covid deaths in the UK probably closer to 13,759.
First of all, influenza most certainly does fill ICUs every year, year in year out. Just not in March.
According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) in the general population ranges between 0.1% and 0.5% in most countries, which is comparable to the medium influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968.
In the same range as flu. 650,000 people die on average from the flu every year.
The death certificates for Covid have been fiddled. If you coughed before you died you were labelled covid. If you coughed after you died you were labelled covid.
As to the excess deaths , across the UK and the world:
However, the most severe dereliction of duty seems to have occurred in care homes where 57% of deaths occurred. The institutions responsible for the medical care of their vulnerable residents, 70% of whom suffer from dementia, seem to have gone out of their way to abandon them in their final hours.
Deeply concerning measures put in place included:
The BMJ https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1931 stated: “Only a third of the excess deaths seen in the community in England and Wales can be explained by Covid-19.”
One could be forgiven for surmising that, rather than mere gross negligence, a sinister cull to reduce care costs was put in place across the world.
Indeed, this is the conclusion of Denis Rancourt, Ph.D, former full professor of physics and researcher with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association in Canada
All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response
Rancourt’s view is shared by Iain Davis who hits the nail on the head:
“COVID-19 has been circulating for at least a year and yet there was no notable increase in unseasonable mortality anywhere until Lockdown regimes were imposed between late February and late March 2020. Let me repeat that: everywhere, the overall or “all cause” mortality data consistently tells the same story: there was no notable deviation from the statistical norm in any country until lockdown regimes were imposed.”
And when did I claim “this was just the flu”?
This is Murder One.
Looks like the paid shills are flooding into the off-guardian comments with their misinformation. The wonderful internet.
They all spout the same tired lie that was prescribed to them by their handlers back in March, like a broken record:
This will never stop- unless every one of the covid zombies is gagged… DID YOU KNOW COVID CAN INFECT THROUGH THE INTERNET?? Scientists have proven it!
I’m actually all for disabling the comments on off-g!
Yeah, because hiding your head in the sand will stop COVID for sure.
Meantime, here we currently 757 ICU beds currently occupied out of 1050 available for COVID patients. A month ago, there were just 461 occupied, so there has been an increase of 296 occupied beds in the last 30 days.
At the same rate, in another month, we will have 100% of the beds occupied. And that’s not even the peak month for infectious respiratory diseases.
Sorry to cause you cognitive dissonance by presenting facts, but that’s the first step towards accepting reality. Eventually, most people will accept reality, when it comes knocking at their door. No matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable it is.
Of course, some will choose to remain delusional. After all, there are a lot of flat earthers, so you can’t convince everyone, no matter how strong the evidence is. Some keep denying the COVID reality even when they can’t breathe anymore due to pneumonia. Which is fine. That’s how evolution by natural selection works.
Unfortunately, the deniers also take innocent bystanders with them, by spreading the infection even to people that took all the precautions. Otherwise I wouldn’t waste my time here. You are free to be careless about your health. You are however not free to take risks on behalf of others.
Great statement and thanks for the link to the “Guidance” …. WHAT ?!?!? Just set the tick to COVID-19, just in case … I am sure there are many never got swapped back … – No words ….
And don’t forget that no post-mortems required after a “covid-19” death unlike every other death in a hospital.
I have spoken with a work colleague that was visiting his dying grandmother that was fighting cancer, when she died the doctor wanted to put covid as the cause of death, my cousin’s friend had a so called PCR test, she had nasal infection which she didn’t know about and the sic PCR test came back positive, subsequent clinical tests confirmed she was not infected with covid at all, my brother’s colleague reported that he has covid symptoms, an ambulance came to take a swab test, they forgot to take it with them, week later he was diagnosed positive… These are reports from people I have full trust with. In the age of capitalism and corrupt doctors, which one will not use the financial incentives put in place to lie about covid for their own benefit ?
Confirmed number makes sense too as we already did an antibody test at just over 1/2 % infection rate
This article says right,. No one from Gates , or other Richest people on the word , no give you any penny. Because this joke virus is a good business. Look article :
GALLERIES | Friday, October 9 (15:20)
Since the outbreak of the coronovirus pandemic, the fortunes of billionaires have increased by more than a quarter (27.5%) and now stand at $ 10.2 trillion. – according to the report of the Swiss bank UBS.
primary source (video recording):
Thanks buddy
all you need is math
lohn jennonThe death toll of COVID-19 was politically skewed.
CDC’s new 2020 ICD-10-CM code U07.1 became effective on October 1,2019 for the disease described 2019-nCoV Acute Respiratory Disease.
As this code allows to count the death confirmed or presumed COVID-19 without autopsy, mortality has been inflated.
English parliament approved the same code on March 26, 2020 and WHO notified worldwide to use this code.
In my country, Japan, it was June when the previous mortality was revised upward.
PCR positive does not mean infection at all. Swab taken for testing is the garbage box of live or dead microbes including bacteria and PCR amplifies unidentified active and inactive microbes.
Interesting to see that they described SARS-CoV-2 as a disease in October 2019, long before the pandemic was declared.
The world is getting curioser and curioser. What did they know, and when did they know it?
Hey Hideo,
do you have a source that proves Covid-19 was already included in the ICD-10 on October 1st, 2019? According to my research Covid-19 was first implemented in the ICD on April 1st, 2020.
Please send me your source. I would like to verify it!
Best regards,
Luke from Germany
Thank you for the question.
Your “effective April 1, 2020” is of the State of Missouri, right?
It was August 7 CDC update from which I jumped to ICD10Data.dom to find “effective on October 1, 2019”, which I took the screen shot. However, When I visited the site on October 5, 2020, I found the effective date changed to October 1, 2020.
In order to straighten out this confusing date matter, I recommend you visit the NHS site “Coronavirus Act – excess death provisions: information and guidance for medical Practitioners (31 March 2020)”
From this site, you can go to “Guidance for doctors completing Medical Certificates of Cause of Death in England and Wales” https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/877302/guidance-for-doctors-completing-medical-certificates-of-cause-of-death-covid-19.pdf?fbclid=IwAR33lnP944YpsIQz6wRxtd-mZVGm_Rqfx7DZgMh3HdYZO1tPGjfU9IjUpaE
Read the section “3 Referring deaths to the coroner” there and you can find the same guideline as CDC’s directive to each state in the US States and WHO’s notification to the world.
Thanks again,
great post
Let me copy the description from the original screen shot.
1. U07.1 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.
2. Short description:2019-nCoV Acute Respiratory Disease.
3. ICD-10-CM U07.1 is a new 2020 ICD-10-CM code that became effective on October 1, 2019.
4.This is the American ICD-10-CM version of U07.1-other international versions of ICD-10 U07.1 may differ.
Hi Hideo, have a look at a link you provided using way back machine from archive.org, you are correct, effective as of 1st of October 2019, very curious. https://web.archive.org/web/20200502180121/https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/U00-U85/U00-U49/U07-/U07.1
Great. I could not find it. Thank you.
Event 201 by World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins and Bill and Melinda Gates foundation started on October 18, 2019.
We live in a business world where there is no clairvoyant and we don’t make a business plan expecting coincidence to happen.
Yes , and also coincidence is : on 2015-07-23 , the Pirbright Institute filed a European patent for a coronavirus. On 2019-11-20 the European patent is granted ‘EP3172319B1’ . https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3172319B1/en The Pirbright Institute is funded and ‘giving grants’ by the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation!
Hi Hideo, have a look at a link you provided using way back machine from archive.org, you are correct, effective as of 1st of October 2019, very curious. web.archive.org/web/20200502180121/https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/U00-U85/U00-U49/U07-/U07.1
Scroll to the extreme right and look at the priority dates
Priority date:
Rothschild KNEW the name “Covid-19” back in 2015 when he filed his first patent for – Covid-19
I also have the complete spreadsheep from the World Bank showing the sales (worth billions) of Covid-19 test kits back in 2017 and 2018 BEFORE they got caught and quickly changed it!
This is huge!! Is there a chance the date is an error?
The 1 million COVID-19 deaths is a gross underestimation. Excess mortality due to COVID-19 is likely to be multiples thereof. Just as an example, in mid-August, official figures for deaths in the USA states 169000. In reality, the US has experienced an excess number of deaths over and above the mortality observed in the corresponding time period in previous years, of 260 000 deaths. This is in the US where testing has been made more or less available. Imagine how many other people have died without ever having the opportunity of testing for COVID-19 particularly in war zones and developing countries. So your estimated IFR is a gross underestimation as you are comparing apples and oranges – not using the same denominator.
Seems as it‘s much easier to simply dislike your statement, than to find a good counter argument. I wonder why… 😁
Glad you noticed.
I have quite a bit of connection that are in the healthcare/hospital system. The reality is the hospitals make their decisions based on two factors…revenue and liability. It is well established that marking a patient as Covid solves both of those factors. Revenue- hospitals make more money from the federal government marking a patient as Covid. Even the nurses caring for these individuals make 1.5 X their normal salary. Because most elective surgeries are no longer available, hospitals can increase revenue without the expense. Liability- Marking an individual as Covid will reduce the liability. If one individual dies of any cause but was not marked as Covid and administered a Post Death Covid test and tested positive then the hospital would have liability of a misdiagnoses. They know the test has an extreme false positive, so they will never leave to chance.
In the city that I live (2.2 million), thousands marked as Covid patients. However, I have heard there might be 50 people being specifically treated with a severe case. All of them are sick with other chronic diseases and elderly. The Doctors, hospital administration and nurses that I talk with are not too afraid of Covid and know that it is extremely overestimated.
You are making a point. I‘m 100% sure, that there are false positives, totally agree.
But I‘m also sure that there are many cases which were not tested, just because they simply couldn‘t. And different countries do have different health systems. Just because one country is systematically over-reporting the cases because it simply pays off, doesn‘t imply that other countries do the same.
There are even countries which systematically under-reports the cases.
There is a president who a couple of weeks ago claimed that his country only has so many cases because they are testing too much, and they should decrease testing.
Or think of a country led by an despot in politically unstable region. They do not want their people to think that they are a total failure in protecting them from a very tiny virus. So can you really trust their counts?
The problem I see with our argument is that you are using the exact same approach in discussion as common denialists. You’re saying things like “there are many cases which were not tested” “there are countries which under report the cases”. How about providing sources, links? You can’t blame people for cherry-picking and then do the exact same thing with your argumentation. I’ve noticed this recently that a lot of the Covid-believers are relying on information supplied by mainstream media almost solely – you need to be aware that mainstream media can be very unreliable and resorts to dramatism over facts for the sake of views and clicks. There are many factors in this Covid-equation and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Just my two cents.
I agree with you that it is not a proof at all to simply state something. And I should not have used the term „I‘m sure“. Instead I say it is very likely that there exists also underreporting.
If there is no test, there will be no evidence. It is something which is really hard to proof.
And I also agree that there is not just black and white.
But to me it is really unprofessional, to take the 10% (which is a much higher number than 35 mill) as granted and not even waist a single thought that the official dead count might also be higher. Instead it can only be lower…
Might be the case in your hospital but not in the rest of the world.
Where are you getting that all-cause mortality is up over previous years, please?
This might be the source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
I was tracking CDC numbers for a few months. They’ve been adding mortalities to their totals on a significant delay – like adding tens of thousands of deaths for April in the middle of July. You could say that their data collection caught up with their reporting. You could also say they are manipulating numbers to fit the narrative, especially since the initial narrative given as reason for the lockdowns is indefensible at this point. Their initial case fatality projections were wildly inaccurate. So wildly inaccurate that the only explanation imo is sickening incompetence or sickening dishonesty.
Yeah I‘m sure you did. And because you have a masters degree in Statistics you really know what you are talking about, I guess.
That’s what you have to say back? And you have the audacity to call out people for disliking a comment? Lol Your comment is the equivalent of a dislike. I have a PhD in critical thinking, son. 😉
Actually the WHO is referring to the Case Fatality Rate, which is the number of people testing positive. Those who have been infected and are asymptomatic or have such a mild case they never get tested or reported, is much higher (10x says CDC). The flu’s case fatality rate is about .1; the infection fatality rate, due to cases which are never reported, is much much lower. Neville is correct — comparing apples and oranges.
How do you come up with that mumbo jumbo?
The CDC estimates flu cases and estimates flu deaths using a model. They don’t actually measure flu data, no country does that I am aware of. Lets set aside the fact that models have no predictive value (as evidenced by chaos theory).
Are you saying that when the CDC estimates its number of flu cases it estimates the number of people who would have been confirmed to have the flu, had they been tested by their doctor, and excludes the people who would have had flu but not gotten it tested and had it confirmed?!
So for the 29 million Americans estimated to have got the flu in 2016-2017 by the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html) there is a magical extra number somewhere that the CDC doesn’t add in that is asymptomatic flu or flu that was mild enough for the person to not get it tested and the CDC doesn’t include it because why??? Because it knew covid was going to come along and have those features and we wouldn’t be able to give a comparison that would scare the crap out of people enough? So they kept some flu numbers up there sleeve to tweek the IFR down like you say?
Sounds like bollicks to me. That number is the number CDC thinks got the flu. Period. So Neville is not in fact correct or he may be correct but not by your assumption.
It matters how data is generated. You should try and understand that.
you forgot to mention that those exess deaths are the result of Cuomo who murdered a lot of old people in nursing homes.
“In reality, the US has experienced an excess number of deaths over and above the mortality observed in the corresponding time period in previous years, of 260 000 deaths.”
Any evidence for this remarkable claim or did you just pull it out of your derriere?
If it was the killer you claim, then all of us on this forum would know someone who died of it. I don’t even know someone who has tested positive for it.
Did you actually watch the WHO video? See the little chart there of African infections? It looked very much to me like they have had a spike and then it’s gone. Pretty developing Africa. Not much in the way of health care or money for pointless lockdowns…..
There are at least as many arguments that deaths have been vastly over reported. In the US de Blasio basically said “if someone dies alone and we don’t know why, it should be counted as covid”
https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-death-toll-dying-at-home-de-blasio-20200408-st3unrzzwncchckjxu4rcrwkiy-story.html I would not think you would be naive enough to believe that such carelessness with important data (and politicization of that data) was not happening a lot and was not being reported on. Especially given the overwhelming fear and panic narrative.
Hospitals in the US (and in India) get more funding for covid deaths. There is a huge amount of reporting on it, feel free to google it. So there is a clear incentive to over report. What is the incentive to under report given the massive global crowd hysteria we are experiencing?
Nevermind the absolute, undisputable fact that most of the covid deaths are in those over 75 and with pre-existing health conditions. Many of those conditions are very serious. Many of those that died would have died in the next 6 months anyway. If you are dying of cancer and have three months to live and you get covid, did covid kill you or the cancer? I don’t know and I doubt a doctor would….either way it certainly further clouds your argument.
So maybe deaths are a bit higher or a bit lower.
What is certainly, astronomically higher, is cases. The asymptomatic rates may be as high as 90%. Nevermind the fact that for most people, if they do have symptoms they are mild (so probably not reported or tested, why would you go near a testing station in this climate of hysteria for mild symptoms?). And they are all like cold or flu symptoms which is something we have all had. Let me ask you this. Given the hysteria around covid if you get a bad cold…..are you going to go get tested? Or just a sniffle, sore throat, runny nose? I mean it couldn’t be covid right because that stuff kills you just look on the news. Cases will be hugely under reported. They cannot be anything but.
There is your counter argument.
You should not forget that the IFR for Covid corresponds to the availability of intensive care. If you have only 100‘000 beds available but you need 500‘000 of them, you can only hope that you don‘t need treatment yourself. And the IFR will instantly increase. This would happen very quickly without any protection. Italy had those problems…
That’s included in the 0.14% figure though, because it covers everything that has happened so far 😉
Well, boy, if you need 500000 beds but do not even need a treatment yourself, something’s wrong in the calculation, right?
Here is that clip your looking for https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2020/10/05/3029748568336714382/960x540_MP4_3029748568336714382.mp4
For crying out loud, the reason infection rates have been contained to an extent is due to the ‘lockdown, distancing & mask wearing’. None of these ‘restrictions’ are imposed for ‘flu’ so comparisons like this are complete nonsense.
The death rate is still the same! it’s basic MATH!
Blacksox, why can pollen and or the smoke from the fires in California move through the air with jet streams but viruses cannot? They are smaller. Even smaller than what can be filtered by N95 mask. So, everyone will be exposed and and we know that 99.9% will be fine. Prior to Covid we had 130 million on the brink of starvation, we have at least doubled it based on academia research papers. We have had triple the suicides, double the overdoses and we have not seen the economy fully absorb the lockdown economically. So, more death of despair is coming.
When the imposed plan to stop a low fatality virus kills more than the virus then one should change the plan.
you have my respect brother. Spot on. Seems your not like the Other sheep out here who believe a muzzle will protect them.
Hi, Fact.
You asked, “why can pollen and or the smoke from the fires in California move through the air with jet streams but viruses cannot?”
I’m assuming that’s not a rhetoric question and you really want to get an answer.
Pollen and smoke particles are light enough to move through the air (they don’t apply enough force against air resistance to fall like a rock)… assuming they’re not wet.
If you mix pollen or dust with saliva or water, it fills fall instead of moving through the air. Suppose you find a dusty book. If you let it fall, the dust will fall with the book.
As far as I know, viruses usually disintegrate outside organic fluids and they a means of transportation to get inside a host. When someone, for instance, sneezes, the viruses are inside droplets of fluids (saliva, mucus, …) which fall faster than pollen and smoke. There are some pathogens that can still exist and be infectious in smaller particles (airborne droplet nuclei) that can move in the air much longer, for some hours, but those particles are drier than droplets and, as far as I know, most viruses disintegrate in those conditions.
May the dislikes begin!!!
Wrong conclusion. Simple math is not appropriate. What they differ in is the speed of propagation. COVID can thus cause a local overload of health care, which can drastically increase the mortality rate (see NY). However, the 10% above is an average over urban and rural areas. In addition, COVID has many other serious side effects besides mortality alone, which the flu does not have.
So applying the definition of “infection fatality rate” (IFR) to officially sanctioned numbers is not “appropriate”? an IFR is an IFR… fractions and percentages are basic math…
Again, the conclusion of this comparison is wrong because it lacks i.a. the basic reproduction number R0 which is crucial. It means that the IFR of COVID will drastically increase once a certain amount of people are infected (in a local area).
As for ‘R’, use your browser’s ‘find’ feature and go directly to John Lee in my blog post titled “Boris, Matt, et al, trample God’s standards (honesty, justice, compassion) and abuse the people. “What are any of you going to do about it?” is their attitude.”
Wrong conclusion yourself, many people died from false treatment, there is a higher death rate in people with low vitamin D levels and in places where there is more air pollution. Read the studies please please read the studies
Hell, about a million a year die at the hands of the Rockefeller health care system in the US as a result of taking medicine ‘as prescribed’!
DO NOT GO OUT in the sun – YOU WILL GET SKIN CANCER. More utter bollocks. It’s the sun screen which causes the cancer or every white person in Africa, Central and South America and the Middle East would have skin cancer. Most White farmers in Africa DON’T use sun screen and they DON’T get cancer.
How do I know that? I WAS ONE OF THEM.
ok but when comparing the CFR of Flu to COVID we’d be using the same metric, so what’s the problem?
See answer above
Flu has plenty of serious side effects if you’re ill enough to suffer them as complications which is exactly the same situation as COVID.
20% of all infected people have a severe course. Initial studies indicate that the pulmonary alveoli are undergoing permanent changes, that the virus attacks not only the lungs but also the skin, organs and brain. Also, if you have been connected to a respirator, you have dramatically higher risk of getting Alzheimer in later years. This means that even if you survive Corona, years later you could still be seriously affected. This is not included in the stated IFR and in my opinion is not comparable to the side effects of flu.
Is that what it does? Is the role of a virus to cause havoc? Does it try to kill us this killing itself?
A virus is a natural phenomenon just as a hurricane is one, no more and no less.
Yes, yes, covid is a virus from outer space that behaves unlike anything else in nature. Most of the time it has no symptoms, and if it does, its symptoms are reminiscent to the flu. But alas! “Sometimes” it causes organ damage or your limbs to fall off. And sometimes your lungs fail. Give me a break! You sound like a lunatic, which makes sense, because you are defending lunacy.
The much more probable scenario based in actual critical thought is that they are diagnosing people with covid who already have much more serious underlying illnesses, and attributing symptoms from those underlying illnesses to covid. Not hard to see through this sham. Sit down with your nonsense.
Covid behaves exactly like other viruses, showing stronger symptoms in some and milder or no symptoms in other cases.
The theory that the symptoms are due to other diseases lacks certain logic. It has been proven that even young, healthy athletes without any underlying disease have shown serious symptoms. In addition, many corona patients show very unusual symptoms like losing their sense of taste and smell, which is usually rare.
Flu also attacks skin, organs and the brain. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/symptoms/symptoms.htm
Serious flu cases end up on ventilators. There were many efforts to stock pile ventilators for the next flu pandemic https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5443432/
You are being confused by media hysteria. There is very little that covid does that flu does not. The “long covid” cases seem to be an exception. Of course there, the possibility is that we are simply haven’t looked for “long flu” and it exists in some rare cases, like long covid and is diagnosed as something else. But I am just postulating there.
You’re right that serious flu cases can also end up on ventilators. But I don’t know how many cases that makeup and how long artificial respiration can then last. As far as I know, the risk of Alzheimer’s increases dramatically after a certain number of days on the ventilator, which is regularly exceeded in COVID patients. In general, the risk for serious lung diseases (c. 20% of all infected persons) is also higher than for flu.
But you are wrong to say that the flu also affects the skin, other organs, and the brain the way COVID does. Your link does not prove this either. If you have a pain in your limbs, it does not necessarily mean that your arms are affected, because your brain only sends out corresponding pain impulses, etc. The flu is primarily a disease of the respiratory tract. However, in addition to the respiratory tract, COVID probably also attacks the heart, liver, kidneys, and brain (loss of the sense of taste and smell is probably due to the influence of the virus on the brain, not on the nose/tongue). In addition, some already healthy COVID patients show late effects such as reduced lung capacity, exhaustion, or concentration problems. Time will tell when and whether this will fade away.
I admit that the current information situation can be misleading. The information under the above link suggests that COVID and flu are similar. One reason for this is that this site has been created to help people make this distinction based on acute, visible symptoms. It may therefore deliberately not address everything, and on the other hand, many findings on COVID are still very new. Often there are only preliminary results, which need further research. However, there are already many indications that there is even more risk for humans than initially thought, which is why we should remain cautious.
Thanks for your reply @Besmart
Ventilators are a bad course of treatment for any disease. Nearly 80% of people who go on to ventilation die. As time has gone on ventilator use to treat covid has dropped massively. They are a last resort, not very effective and a bit of a red herring.
Absolutely covid causes damage to other organs and the brain. But I would implore you and all responsible citizens to google flu + (insert your new scary thing that covid does here). Almost always you find they are analagous.
Here is a study on quantifying the neurological problems in covid:
Here is study on severe neurological symptoms in flu:
In the flu paper it reveals that three quarters of these neurological manifestations of the flu…occur in children.
Lets think about this. Do you believe that if the same thing was observed in covid that it would not be sprayed all over major media outlets? I think it worse that it affects children more to be honest as children represent potential while an 82 year old (average age of covid death in the UK from the ONS https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-8821113/The-average-age-death-coronavirus-82-4-years-writes-DAVID-ROSE.html) has had there chance and now represents a burden to society.
Blunt? Yes. Ethical dilemma? Certainly. But we live in a world of finite resources. Choices have to be made where there is no good answer only a better or less worse answer. Seriously damaging the long term prospects of millions of children around the world for the sake of a tiny percentage of elderly people who have already had their chance in life seems, in itself, both unethical and a waste of dwindling resource. People may not like harsh realities but the universe doesn’t give a shit.
Here is a review of various flu related neurological weirdness including an outbreak of Parkinsons some think was related to the pandemic of 1918. Coronavirus…..is a virus…..and generally viruses end up in all parts of the body. It should be obvious and relatively unimportant that this coronavirus has all the features of other virus infections. Yet it is not potrayed as such in the media. Why? Seriously we have to ask why? The CDC estimates 61000 flu deaths in the US in 2017/2018. But there worst case estimate was 95 000. The US hit 61000 covid deaths around the end of April. But the globe was freaking out long before than. Why? Why? I heard nothing about the 2017/2018 flu outbreak that resulted in around 60 000 dead Americans. Why?
Further : Any type of serious infection or critical illness can cause kidney injury, Sood said, who added that viral infections like influenza also caused muscle breakdown. Kidneys are damaged as they filter out the broken-down muscle cells. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-swine-kidneys-idUSTRE63E3VU20100415
This paper shows flu damage occurring in the liver probably as a secondary effect of T cell activity: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1606546/
As far as the heart goes:
https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/another-reason-to-get-a-flu-shot-your-heart and with in that linked article: Over the years, a number of studies have linked flu with cardiovascular problems. An analysis of 39 studies showed consistent connections between influenza and heart attack or cardiovascular-related death (Lancet Infectious Diseases, October 2009).
None of these papers were difficult to find. All seem to be from reputable sources. Whatever that means now. I wonder why you did not search yourself before you said: But you are wrong to say that the flu also affects the skin, other organs, and the brain the way COVID does.
I submit to you that the classic media, struggling with falling ad revenues, has a huge incentive to scare people to sell more ads. I pass no judgement on that they are desperate and play a valuable roll and big tech is exploiting them massively without footing many of their expenses.
In this paper they discuss an evolutionary tendency to focus on bad news based around the idea that bad news has more cost to ignoring then good news. The news that “there are fresh berries in the valley over there” is good to be sure. But if you don’t heed it, you miss out on the berries. Probably not the end of your life although I do like berries. The news that “there is a sabre tooth tiger in the valley over there”, is obviously more significant as that could result in serious injury and/or death. There is your evolutionary pressure to focus on bad news over good https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/why-is-there-no-good-news/ not a fact but it explains all this craziness much better than the idea that the covid outbreak is anything particularly alarming.
This has been further amplified by social media which has no real rules for facts at all. And is run by very skewed incentives. Watch the social dilemma on Netflix to understand that.
This is the only way I can ascertain that you (who I suspect is an intelligent person) could tell me that I am wrong about covid and flu causing very similar issues throughout the human body, and not even checking beforehand. Something that would not have taken you much time.
Amplify that by millions and we have possibly the largest over reaction in human history which is what I firmly believe we have here.
So your claim is covid behaves exactly like other viruses, but then you go on to claim it does indeed cause organ failure. Diseases that attack your organs, which are mostly bacterial, hereditary, and lifestyle in cause (not viral), don’t behave like a common cold in 99% of the cases. That’s just a ridiculous claim. I think you are the one who’s confused.
Covid is a common coronavirus, as several scientific studies have already shown (see Stanford, Kreis Heinsberg, and USC studies), whose case fatality definition is completely fraudulent. If you attributed deaths to common coronaviruses in years past the way they are doing with covid, you’d have pandemics in those years too. Hundreds of thousands of very ill people, who die from their serious underlying illnesses, contract coronaviruses every year because they are prone to infections. They don’t die from the coronavirus. The same is true of covid.
What serious side effects beside mortality that flu does not have?
There is no one infection fatality rate (IFR) because depends strongly on age. We can say the IFR for the USA population is 0.8% meaning that if a random person in the USA is infected their chance of dying is 0.8%. That is about 16x worse than seasonal flu. If, instead of a random person, a 75 year old is infected their chance of dying is about 4%, and for a 20 year old the chance is only about 0.004%. That’s a 1000 ratio. The age dependence is that extreme! This means that Ryan’s estimate that 0.14% of all covid-infected people died is perfectly compatible with our saying the IFR for the USA population is 0.8%. The percentage that dies depends on the ages of the infected people. Many populous countries have much younger demographics than the USA, and in almost all countries during recent months their younger people have a higher infection rate than their older people. Find a good recent paper on covid-19 IFR, such as the one at https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.23.20160895v5.full.pdf, and do some arithmetic. You will find that for quite plausible distributions of ages of infected persons 0.14% of them die.
of course there is an “age band” IFR, CDC even publishes this data. The point here is taking the OFFICIAL deathcount and dividing by assumed infections (assumed by none other than the WHO) nets you an AVERAGE IFR of 0.14%. We don’t need to reference a research paper to know this.
No, you can’t call it “AVERAGE IFR” without specifying what the average is taken over. That 0.14% figure is an average taken over the people who caught the virus. That selection of people is not representative of the human population because, due to the behavioral antics of the young, who correctly regard themselves as pretty safe, the young are over-represented among the infected. Ryan’s estimate only implies that 0.14% of the people who caught the virus died. It does not imply that a person randomly chosen in the USA, should they become infected, has 0.14% chance of dying. That figure is 0.8%. In Germany, with its slightly older population, the figure is 1%. In India, with its considerably younger population, the figure is about 0.35%. A WHOLE WORLD AVERAGE IFR can be calculated, and should be, but this is not what you are calling AVERAGE IFR. Think about it.
What is your basis for claiming that the 780 million estimate that the WHO provided is not representatively distributed? they made no such remarks. Most of the worlds population is young, both the average and median age of the world population is around 30(!) years old. have a look at “world age structure”. Of course a much larger amount of young are going to be in a representative 10%, and that’s FINE.
If you want to talk about age-band IFR, the CDC already has estimates of that. It’s 5.4% among the 70+ in the US, but the rates amongst the young is so ridiculously low, and their numbers are so much greater, that the weighted average IFR turns out to be… low, which is exactly what this article demonstrates. the rest is just deliberate obfuscation of this very simple fact.
Dr. Ryan of WHO spoke of 10% of the world’s population having been infected with covid-19. If those are distributed according to the world’s age structure, so 10% of each age band were infected, then we should expect 0.58% of 10% of the world’s population to have died. That’s 4.5 million people, which obviously didn’t happen. Yet I think you would agree that the IFR for the whole world is about 0.58%, while for Germany it is about 1.0%, for USA about 0.8%, for Brazil about 0.47%, for India about 0.35%, each dependent on the country’s age distribution. So I looked for a half-way plausible age distribution for infections, worldwide, that is tilted toward the young, i.e., more than 10% of the young ages; much less than 10% of the old ages, but altogether 10% of the world’s population. Here is one example:
. That example is compatible with IFR for the whole world being 0.65% while only 0.14% of the infected people died.
The article thinks that Dr. Ryan’s 10% estimate confirms that covid is not as dangerous as WHO, CDC, and others know it is. That estimate doesn’t confirm that at all.
On Tuesday Dr. Ryan was challenged on this and he squirmed around. Field epidemiologists are not very smart people, and their terminology is logically lacking. There should be a clear distinction between <> and <>. The former has value around 0.58%. The latter, if Dr. Ryan’s 10% estimate is correct, has value 0.14%.
Perhaps we agree!
The two missing phrases in the above are:
1. the probability that a member of a population, if he becomes infected by disease X, will die from it.
2. the proportion of the disease X infected members of a population that die from it.
The age is factor in everything. If you are 75 then your chance from dying compared to 20 year old is a higher percentage. Pick your disease, virus or bacteria. Your vessel is less resilient. So, making the claim that a 75 year old has an increased risk is obvious. More 75 year olds die than 20 year olds. So I really have to explain that or do you really think this is new with Covid?
At 77, I sure know about aging. But to pick a disease, how about the 1918 Flu Pandemic. It killed 30 year olds equally as it killed 75 year olds.
. We don’t know how much this was due to infection rate by age and to the IFR by age.
The reason to look closely, numerically, at the age dependence of the covid-19 IFR is to appraise the article we’re commenting on.
Objective: Determine age-specific infection fatality rates for COVID-19 to inform public health policies and communications that help protect vulnerable age groups. Methods: Studies of COVID-19 prevalence were collected by conducting an online search of published articles, preprints, and government reports.
False https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/flu-kills-more-people-covid-19/
Dont be stupid. “snopes” is a leftist media hack site. The W.H.O confirmed this already hence the article.
Don’t be daft! The WHO said the virus was nothing back in January and also couldn’t decided on masks. All of a sudden they are correct about the flu?
Sweden kinda seems like it did ok.
So did Nicaragua. Or Taiwan. Or Japan.
It has nothing to do with Left and Right. And if it’s fake Left, then it ‘is’ Right. Stop this crap talk!
Let’s be serious. Look up who runs snipes. They are far from fact checkers
There’s good online reports on scammy Snopes and I thought I could easily locate them, but that’s proving hard. Well, I’ll find those eventually. This is a task worth performing. James Corbett mentions Snopes and I was sure he took a close look at it, but typing “Snopes” into his search feature is minimally helpful in this case.
*Interestingly, I can make a few comments on OG on my Pale Moon browser and then that’s it. I tried to post the above comment just now on PM but could not. I had to fire up my Epic browser. I’ll be running a malware scan soon enough. Who knows? I don’t know whether it’s PM or something else, whether it’s on my pc or external. Interestingly, I just checked on my Disqus comments on Epic (they don’t show on PM) and Makia Freeman had asked me why I don’t like Disqus! I tried to answer him but got a strange message (same as earlier on 21st Century Wire) explaining why I couldn’t post. It was gibberish.
You are interested in facts? Good luck!
snopes.com = total fake. husband and wife team only. no journalistic skills. they make shit up. they are bankrupt and he has now married a hooker. sponsored by the wake society
Snopes… LOL
The meeting took place on 10/5/2020 yet the author provides an update on 9/10/2020. I’m guessing this was a typo and missed by the proofreader.
The rest of the world denotes day/month/year, hence 9th day of Oct in 2020 or 9/10/2020.
Ahhhhh. Thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten about that difference.
Looking for an actual working link to confirm this so I can then share it. If I go the video linked above at the time reference I can’t find this quote. Please provide one. Thanks.
covid 19 was never about a respiratory disease https://medium.com/@edwardagreenhalgh/covid-19-world-economic-collapse-under-the-rule-of-law-the-lock-downs-are-illegal-and-not-a-real-556c4b9b4ca8
Why don’t they ever report on the numbers of people recovered?! Because that won’t keep people scared and/or locked down!
They are reported.
The easiest way to prove it is by checking those numbers in Worldometers which is mentioned in the post. According to that source, 29,535,972 were recovered until now.
I don’t know about USA, but here in Portugal news articles report the numbers of the recovered.
Covid cured the flu in Canada. Per Canada.ca “flu season ended abruptly in week 12” which is mid March when covid took over. Since then we are reporting lower than normal flu instances as compared to the last 6 to 9 flu seasons. It’s a miracle.
Yes saying this for a long time. It didn’t cure the flu in Japan but Flu cured covid there. 1000 covid cases to 110,000 flu cases.
When was that?
T cell immunity
Is there any reason to trust WHO, the CDC, FDA, governments, the media, pharma, Gates, or any other of the useless politically motivated agencies or people who have constantly bounced us around like a tennis ball with their nonsensical drivel? What is so special about WHO? They trusted Gates for the last 20 years with his fake vaccines which haven’t saved anyone, especially in Africa. Looking at the faces of these 3 numbskulls paints an indifferent and suspecting picture. Where is the truth about this fake pandemic and the utter destruction to millions of lives (the living) it has and still is causing? What about the deaths (from other than the virus) caused by the fear laden fake pandemic? And for what? WHO is a Marxist organization backed by Marxists. It needs to be dismantled like the UN.
By ‘Marxist’, I hope you’re referring to Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo! Otherwise that is a ridiculous assertion! You do know Karl Marx was anti-capitalist, right? Absolutely no need to bring him in to your otherwise rather lucid rant.
WHO is backed by the Gates Foundation, which is like the Clinton Foundation…both rotten to the core. In my opinion, Gates is a closet Marxist, and like most of these people who wear a mask, he uses capitalism to further his Marxist intents and agendas…the great reset and a new green world order. He is paying off WHO (using enormous contributions) to further his vaccination and chip implant intentions for the entire world. To me, that is somewhat like Marxism and WHO is backing it lock,stock and barrel. Follow the money, not the fake titles and pretend do-gooding. Thanks for your input.
I do not disagree with anything you have said, except your assertion that Gates is a ‘Marxist’. You have fundamentally misunderstood what Marxism is and this detracts from your arguments. A capitalist is by definition NOT a Marxist! You’ll see from this article at “In Defence of Marxism” that Marxists do not consider Gates to be doing any good: https://www.marxist.com/bill-gates-capitalism170305.htm
I agree that a capitalist and a Marxist are two different things. However, I believe that many Marxists have gotten smarter since Marx was around and now employ the use of capitalism to make profits or gains and then use those funds to promote Marxism. Definitions are meaningless if someone is acting apart from the picture they are presenting. I believe that Gates wants to vaccinate the world, is invested in numerous drug companies to that effect, and wants implants put into everyone for the purpose of monitoring and invading a person’s body and privacy. Microsoft is building a giant facility in Arizona to facilitate this monitoring/tracking/data basing/marketing along with the use of 5G, although I don’t know for sure how much Gates is involved. Also to my knowledge, he favors an all digital currency, which will further take away all of our few freedoms remaining. It’s about control. It’s not about capitalism or Marxism per se, but about controlling populations and people. Gates is behind the New Green Deal and the eradication of all CO2. Again it’s a matter of control. Money talks and Gates has enough to influence a great number of people and organizations. I still say Gates and his cohort Schwab are Marxists and you can add numerous political swine from around the globe and the US to the list.
What have you got against Marxists? Are you in the USA? Here in Europe we’re more worried about the Far Right. However, I share your concerns about ‘control’. There is too much power and wealth in the hands of too few. A recipe for trouble, unless those few include the Buddha or St Francis of Assisi, perhaps. May Gates’ schemes crash like his operating systems!
Wow. You really are trying to back up an argument with an opinion. Follow the money indeed.
The fundamental problem here is that you have no idea what Marxism is (or capitalism for that matter).
You’re right about Gates, the WHO etc. being a bunch of untrustworthy scam artists but they are, or represent the interests of, avaricious scumbags who are capitalist to their core, i.e. the opposite of Marxist.
If you unironically believe Bill Gates, the WHO, Klaus Schwab, the WEF and all the other Corona hoax clowns are Marxists, you seriously need to stop sucking Trump’s shrivelled cock and use your brain to think logically.
Those globalist NWO one-world government totalitarians exist but they are hardcore capitalist liberals. Read the linked article below.
(Funny how some people can be skeptical about selective media outlets and politicians but fall hook, line and sinker for the most transparent propaganda if it comes from liars they have been convinced to “trust”.)
Covid deaths here in Japan are way less than the normal flu season, so in fact the flu deaths in Japan are way down. Now, on the flip side the suicide rate has already almost doubled from last year because of the covid fear PR, the suicides are 10 times the covid deaths in Japan. People within the WHO should be held accountable for this Plandemic, Covid 19 is the flu and that’s all.
Correction : You can watch and download Session 1 of WHO Executive Board: Special session on the COVID-19 response on Youtube. The clip starts from 01:01:14 – https://youtu.be/WnsomZnmLnM
You can watch and download Session 1 of WHO Executive Board: Special session on the COVID-19 response
at this link (Youtube will not alow uploading of this video for an unknown reason) – https://mega.nz/file/Wkl2RKTQ#wOHm7YJ4Jp696AWo0R7fEXBXkUY_20qmQNYmXK1CMyw
Yes, but you should multiply the number of deaths roughly by 2. That is because they are vastly underreported, not overreported!!! So the IFR would be around 0,3%.
You might want to read this before you embarrass yourself any further:
Even the current numbers are overreported cause half of them goes to lockdown and treatments with HCQ and intubation!
More likely deaths are OVER reported by government agencies padding the numbers with openly corrupt death count protocols…
Ok I guess, if you say so.
1:01:33 on the link is not correct, please give the correct time
That is the correct time. Make sure that you are on “Session 1” Which is 12:00 – 15:00; it is the one furthest down on the page. And at about 1:00:52 he gives the total deaths of one million.
Make sure you scroll down to Session 1, then you can watch the statement.
last night as I drove down town
to have a ball and fool around
at the streets I catch the word
they say a virus is going round
now you read the Sunday papers
watching movies late at night
how come noone told me yet
what’s on everybody’s mind:
there’s a virus going round
the word’s all over town
there’s a virus going round
it’s all they talk about
there’s a virus going round
and it’s going ’round and ’round
there’s a virus going round
spreading over town
out on the street they break the news
you say they’re worried about the way I look
tomorrow is another day
you don’t believe a word I say
there’s a virus going round
it’s going ’round and ’round
there’s a virus going round
spreading over town
here comes the doctor he makes a noise
go tell the ladies go tell the boys
here comes the doctor he looks at you
he says no problem he says you’re through
there’s a virus going ’round
it’s going ’round and ’round
there’s a virus going ’round
jumps from town to town
out on the street they break the news
you say they’re worried about the way I look
tomorrow is another day
you don’t believe a word I say
there’s a virus going round
it’s going ’round and ’round
there’s a virus going round
spreading over town
get me going get me deep
I’d say you fly me
what a treat
it’s a losing battle
so help yourself
chuck it in what a dread wohwoh
when they say those things
when they do those things oh god
it’s a disease..
Captain Mausi fights against sexism. (Some seamen would rather like to let her climb their main mast.) https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/female-cruise-captain-sexism-troll-tiktok-video-b806321.html
Her barge has a braking distance of 386m or 4 min 35 sec from top speed 25 knots to 0, which means that if you have scared Mausi out of the toilet or dragged her away from her make-up mirror because the tanker ahead is on a collision course, the matter is already over. And that even though women cannot even park cars without making mistakes. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/11/22/gender-politics-and-sinking-of-knm-helge-ingstad/
Maybe women should stay ashore and
wait longingly for their heroes. Otherwise
it would be called “Men and children first!”
Unfortunately, women do not want to listen and often pay for their carelessness with their lives. Men used to save them from that. Today, after a tragic event, men are still to blame for not having protected women. No matter how they do it, they are always the perpetrators. https://genderedseas.blogspot.com/2011/01/gorch-foch-women-sea-cadets-harassed-to.html
Psychologically ill “pop star” jumps (dressed in women’s clothes) from cruise ship. Allegedly he had been “bullied in his childhood”. For him a sufficient reason for a media-effective end. As one lives, so one dies, they say. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/german-pop-star-daniel-kueblboeck-13217698
With this adventurous couple, I wonder where the
little daughter is learning to walk? One inattentive
second, and she’s gone forever, death sails along.
“Digitisation” has uprooted us all and alienated
us from reality, underestimating the power of the
forces of nature. Nature knows no mercy, no so-
cial services, mourning work, tramata, chair cir-
cles and safe spaces. Now we are ruthlessly at
the mercy of the rulers and let ourselves be bow-
led from one corner to the other in the back seat
of our own life car. Time to take back the wheel
and throw the “stowaways” finally out of the car.
The British are a people of great discoverers and
conquerors. Now fate seems to turn against them
and to want to erase them from the map of history.
Ingratitude is the world’s reward. Empires come and go.
Although Germans might be gloating over this, we are
actually suffering with them. Were in the same boat.