The Great VIRAL Debate: Dr Rancourt’s Opening Statement
Dr Piers Robinson is our Chair. Off-Guardian is your host. The proposition to be debated is:
SARS-COV-2 merits suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather than the herd/community immunity approach
Dr Rancourt delivers his opening statement, arguing against the proposition:
The events of COVID-19 can be analysed by unembedded critical commentators following different stances, or using different filters. Examples of useful analytical stances include:
- COVID-19 is caused by a particularly virulent and transmissive viral respiratory disease pathogen. The death rate in a given population will depend on the effectiveness of government-coordinated mitigation interventions and treatment practices. Therefore, the hospitalization and death rates are a measure of intervention effectiveness in a given State jurisdiction.
- Irrespective of anything else, the questions of virulence (infection fatality rate) and transmissivity (contagiousness) can be answered by unbiased scientific enquiry, assuming virulence and transmissivity to be properties of the pathogen, for a given societal structure.
- The presence of a massive and coordinated information and recommendation (propaganda?) campaign, integrating government departments and health institutions, can be objectively ascertained, and it is both real and unprecedented in magnitude. In-effect this campaign serves to justify: harsh mitigation measures, censorship and surveillance, severe travel and trade restrictions, a large slowdown of the global economy, and a massive and accelerated effort to develop a vaccine. Are there geopolitical drivers, and what might they be? Or is the campaign simply a rational and apolitical response to a palpable public-health threat, in the other extreme?
- Large numbers of excess all-cause deaths have occurred in many State and local jurisdictions (and have not occurred in many other infected jurisdictions). Can it be established by scientific enquiry whether these deaths are primarily due to a new pathogen (SARS-CoV-2) or primarily due to the imposed mitigation measures, in the given societal structures? Can the quality of government be evaluated in terms of the lethality of the mitigation measures themselves?
Now, Professor Anderson and I want to debate whether SARS-CoV-2 merits special suppression measures versus business as usual, as, I will venture, would probably have occurred if no pandemic was declared.
One reason that we can even have this debate is that SARS-CoV-2 is not particularly virulent, nor is it more contagious than influenza, which is highly contagious. Folks are not dropping in the streets from SARS-CoV-2, not even in the USA. I do not know anyone who knows anyone who has died of this thing, and virtually all of my social contacts report the same. If SARS-CoV-2 were evidently deadly, in real observable terms for most people, then the debate would be over. There would be an obvious need to do more than the usual. Likewise, with an exceptionally virulent and contagious pathogen, the effectiveness of various mitigation measures would easily be ascertained. With SARS-CoV-2, the weakness of the pathogen allows for endless debate, spin, and policy uncertainty.
In that sense, the nature of the instant debate itself puts a limit on the presumed dangerousness of SARS-CoV-2. Unlike imperialism, war, global exploitation, and so on, in terms of human misery, this is largely an academic exercise, if it is confined to the virulence of SARS-CoV-2.
In my own on-going research, I have examined COVID-19 through the lens of each of the four stances outlined above. My main research articles have been:
- Evaluation of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 in France, from all-cause mortality 1946-2020 (20 August 2020) (with Marine Baudin and Jérémie Mercier)
- All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response (2 June 2020)
- Masks Don’t Work: a Review of Science Relevant to Covid-19 Social Policy (11 April 2020)
- Face masks, lies, damn lies, and public health officials: “A growing body of evidence” (3 August 2020)
I also authored a Report for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (, entitled “Criticism of Government Response to COVID-19 in Canada” (18 April 2020); and co-authored an OCLA letter to the WHO, entitled “WHO advising the use of masks in the general population to prevent COVID-19 transmission” (21 June 2020).
Regarding virulence, the infection fatality rate (IFR) is a scientific question, which cannot be answered merely by using socio-political inferences. The IFR is the number of deaths attributed to the pathogen (SARS-CoV-2), occurring within a relevant time period, per proven infection in the corresponding relevant time period, in a given population [1].
The IFR must be discerned from the case fatality ratio (CFR), which is the number of deaths, within a relevant time period, per number of diagnosed medical “cases”, which are confirmed and actual illnesses, in a given population. CFR is a measure of clinical severity. Here, I should stress that a “case” is not a “PCR positive”, as misused in the media, and that the evaluation must be based on a population, without selecting only the most ill individuals presenting themselves to hospitals. At the start of the COVID-19 saga, a large uncorrected CFR, estimated from hospital cases in Wuhan, caused the initial panic.
An authoritative and detailed recent study of the IFR for COVID-19 is provided by Professor John Ioannidis [2]. Professor Joseph Audie reviewed the Ioannidis study, in relation to a demonstrably faulty evaluation of IFR revised and concocted by the CDC (dated 10 July 2020) [3]. The CDC published re-revised estimates on 10 September 2020 [4].
Both Ioannidis and Audie conclude that SARS-CoV-2 is not more virulent than a “bad”-season influenza. Ioannidis puts it in these terms, in its socio-political context:
Based on the IFR estimates obtained here, COVID-19 may have infected as of July 12 approximately 300 million people (or more), far more than the ~13 million PCR-documented cases. The global COVID-19 death toll is still evolving, but it is still not much dissimilar to a typical death toll from seasonal influenza (290,000-650,000), while “bad” influenza years (e.g. 1957-9 and 1968-70) have been associated with 1-4 million deaths. […] COVID-19 seems to affect predominantly the frail, the disadvantaged, and the marginalized – as shown by high rates of infectious burden in nursing homes, homeless shelters, prisons, meat processing plants, and the strong racial/ethnic inequalities against minorities in terms of the cumulative death risk.
The revised (10 September 2020) CDC best-estimates of the IFR [0.003%, 0-19 years; 0.02%, 20-49 years; 0.5%, 50-69 years; 5.4% 70+ years] are comparable to and smaller than the values for the mild 2009 (H1N1) influenza pandemic [0.00066%, 3-19 years … 0.22% (0.05%—4%), 60+ years] [5].
Therefore, by now, the numbers are in: SARS-CoV-2 is not an extraordinarily deadly respiratory disease pathogen.
This is to say nothing about the unsolved problem of inflationary bias in attributing medical deaths to COVID-19, which is the numerator in the IFR ratio. The latter bias is documented to be particularly severe with deaths of elderly persons having multiple comorbidities. It also says little about the problem of the questionable premise of virology that mortality is primarily due to the genetics of one guilty viral strain, rather than being primarily due to vulnerability of the host population (subjected to an ecology of pathogens), including vulnerability to violent government interventions.
Find out more about our two eminent debaters here
Read Dr Anderson’s opposing opening statement here
2. Ibid.
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It’s six days on.
Real Cricket, Test Matches, are faster!
When is the next bowl of this ‘debate’ being played?
This may be the first government resignation over this. He has probably had pushback from constituents objecting to the lockdown.
This is not new, but may be useful to someone:
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless
From Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter
(Torsten Engelbrecht is one of the co-authors (along with Claus Köhnlein) of Virus Mania. The first edition of that came out in 2007, and details the older virus scams. They updated it for Covid-19, and there is now an English edition of that. Unfortunately, according to the Amazon reviews, it’s full of typo’s, perhaps because it was done in a rush. It’s also very expensive. I’m holding off buying it for now. I do have the German edition which I can read with the help of a dictionary).
Just found an option to obtain an EPUB ebook version, substantially cheaper than the paperback from Amazon, here:
Other purchase options are mentioned here:
Principles of Molecular Virology, by Alan J Cann 4th Ed (2005)
page 196 :
To be effective it is not necessary to get 100% uptake of vaccine.
“Herd immunity” results from the break in transmission of a virus that occurs when a sufficiently high proportion of a population have been vaccinated.
No debate necessary.
Herd immunity IS immunity for the whole population. It just means that not everyone as individuals needs to be immune, only a certain percentage of them.
Is the ‘cure’ worse than Covid?
asks Prof Angus Dalgleish in the following article: … lives.html
An excellent letter from an (understandably) anonymous UK GP:
I think even an eight-year old would know that lockdowns cause severe economic damage.
Yet in many places it was just about the first resort, not the last, notably in Greece where it lasted from the latter part of March to early May.
“even an eight-year old would know that lockdowns cause severe economic damage”
I reckon that the majority know. Of course, the raionale is that the lockdown is necessary because of the deadly disease. But I think that most don’t believe in the deadly disease. But that’s not a problem. We are half way to that scene in 1984 where Winston is shown four fingers and ordered to see five. It starts with him still seeing four but saying “five”, knowing that he has no other option if he wants to avoid pain. But eventually he really will see five. Right now there must be many who don’t believe in COVID but talk as if they do because they know they will be ostracized if they don’t. Eventually they too will believe in COVID.
I think there is certainly lockdown fatigue and growing skepticism. I am more optimistic that people won’t eventually see five for real. The people who rule us are frightened the whole narrative will collapse. And people, even stupid people, do tend to notice what is concrete – and what is more concrete, a virus everyone talks about on the news, or losing your job?
Gosh, I hope you’re right Waldorf!
But the naive assume that the severity of the reaction proves the magnitude of the threat.
For ‘they would never do that otherwise would they!?’
censorship ….
good for far !
but there is scope for improvement .
OffG must be faster and do better
Some difficult messages still appear for too long ..
I urge you to increase pre-screening
Ep99: ER Doctor from Sweden Explains it all – the Science, Logic & Philosophy!
Ivor Cummins
Superb conversation with Dr. Sebastian Rushworth, covering the gamut.
Google him and his articles – superb.
Seems that Ivor fully believes in the virus, but at least he doesn’t believe in the rest of the bollocks.
Ivor has a reputation and deservedly so.
If he questioned the novel discovery, its provenance and veracity as the cause of one pandemic disease, he would lose what he has.
If he questioned viruses as the pathogenic agent of disease, he would also lose what he has.
That is not to say he would lose everything or everyone, but I expect he initially bought the ‘science’ and has been seeking to operate scientifically within the narrative. But reason has no voice in an already active restructuring of society, economy and permission to speak – or think.
Sounds and looks like a now typical media whore expert.
He’s claim to authoritative legitimacy seems to be, in his own words:
“ . I studied medicine at Karolinska Institutet (home of the Nobel prize in medicine). ”
Nobel prize! That’s good enough for me …NOT.
To be honest, I share your cynicism regarding his gratuitous mention of the Nobel Prize.
There are clauses in the G-B-D that I strongly disagree with – as I just posted to
It isn’t just that it doesn’t go far enough, but that it goes too far in the denial of rights to the older generation under pretext of safety and protection.
In resetting minds to new conditioned responses, the old have living memory and wealth of experience of what a natural order, now demonised as threat demanding control by state mandate.
From my reading of the declaration, I don’t think it is clear whether the protective measures to be afforded to the elderly are to be imposed mandatorily, or whether voluntary opt-outs are to be pemitted. If the latter is the case, I don’t see the problem. As the declaration leaves this matter open, I don’t think this is a reason for not signing.
Perhaps you are right. But there is a tactic of ‘post truth politics’ as the ‘deal’ that pushes an outrageous agenda such that when the pushback gathers after the shock it settles for hugely less (freedom, rights or dues) than would ever have been achieved by reasoned and honourable communication.
I was glad to see what seemed like some kind of further protest and then saw many comments about it that revealed I had not properly read it. And so I felt I had allowed myself to be phished, somewhat.
Under the current regime, being older is to be prioritised for being ‘made safe’. If you find that reassuring, I don’t.
I just re read it and while it may be critical of lockdown, it is still a document I stand in critical relation to, and is constructed in a way that does not elicit my trust.
We live in times where nothing is necessarily what it presents to be, and vastly disproportionate interests put great resource into narrative manipulations. And no I am not a supporter of lockdown at any time during this debacle, nor living within the pharmaceutically driven medical model. (In terms of my own choices).
I could contest some of the points raised against lockdown as narratives to keep iatrogenesis up near the top of the charts, while the use of lockdown as a social and economic and cultural ‘reset’ is airbrushed over.
What is being served as ‘education’ is being radically changed to indoctrinate.
‘Viable’ jobs are being defined such as to choke the unviable.
Rights are being denied to be granted in limited form under state granted permission subject to carbon credits, social credits and ‘medical status (sic).
Intelligence services – or secret police operating across all spectrums of social activity are being given immunity from prosecution for criminal acts – without limit or independent oversight or accountability.
Financial system is in process of demonetising cash, switching to digitally operating credits.
All corporations business and institutions to comply with Green New Deal of be choked form credit and doubtless from ability to operate at all.
Blah blah blah (Ie: I could go on).
Some credit due here but this merely addresses an outer layer of the onion of coroni lies. So what is the point? Let’s see a debate on the criteria of what establishes a new virus, how it is characterized and how it is proven to cause a unique disease in humans. This is the core of the coroni narrative and seemingly will also address many similar biological swindles before it.
Those WHO set the criteria by which they establish a new virus do not ‘debate’.
So while we can align in science as based on repeatable empirical evidence – we cannot fund it.
Those who not only fund it, but propagate narratives by which to generate the fear that shapes and prioritises the funding, so as to not even use their own vast resource to research and develop further means to capture and control revenue streams, regulators and research and public relations.
Yes. The apparent skullduggery going on here is stunning, perhaps, unprecedented in scope and scale. It appears the perps modeled a “new” virus into virtual existence via unknown combinations of genome fragments, patented it and everything related to it (like vaccines etc). Then “released” it into the physical world by way of a “flood the zone” fear/ PR campaign to convince the world people are sick and dying from it. All this and it’s only the pretext / distraction / psyop (pick one) to usher in the Great Reset aka a fascist technocratic one world gov. (and all the dystopic elements that entails). Hence my dismay about this debate, as it’s essentially a meaningless distraction with this as a backdrop.
That’s a lot said in a nuts hell!
I feel with you but also ask; is one person’s meaningless distraction another’s believed salvation from what they are either unready to face or unwilling to currently allow, own or look at?
Masking is not just a face-wrap, but the action of a mind split or in recoil from it own fear or feared belief. Not in itself ‘wrong’, but part of a process of learning.
The crafting of the name ‘Great Viral Debate’ is a bit like ‘Great Barrington Declaration’. No blame – but observation.
Self-aggrandizement seeks reinforcement and impact.
Again – no blame but observation.
Masking as a greater sense of self infers and embodies the lesser. ‘I Am That I Am’, may be our saving Grace!
Invested illusion, may be difficult to recognise and release, while we WANT what the illusion offers such as to buy in ever more deeply and effectively lock into a path with no way back or out. Protected narratives become attack on truth. This operates self-destruction while clinging to self-illusion.
Evil works its own destruction.
A Faustian pact locking into a masking narrative.
The control mindset is parodying life. There is terror behind the masking that is of course not a bio-virus, but which that is a symbolic representation of.
A mind-hijack and replication of fear’s contagion.
To notice it, is to be the freedom to choose not to feed it.
The judgement and blame IS the means or mode of hijack, but are we stamped in its bootprint, or a freedom to step out of a false inheritance by accepting and aligning in a true or already given nature and quality of being.
Freedom to accept must include a capacity to refuse or at least delay acceptance of who and what we are. Mind can be transparent to being or opaque – as a result of engaging its own self-conflict or contradictions past the point of any meaningful outcome. The basis of true meaning is the extension of being truly moved, and not a manufactured artifice demanding sacrifice of truth for a self-specialness set as ‘control’.
Pain of isolation is also loss of relational awareness – or life.
It needs to come up for light and breath of connection even if a lid of terror denies movement.
But in ways that allow us to be where we are as a point of connection from which to see. If I need you to be different than you are, you will feel unseen, unmet and judged against, and see and respond accordingly.
As we are all in motion, this is in a sense always messy, and the key is in what is given focus, and for what active purpose.
I may not speak here to a political sense of outrage, which has its place, but I look and feel for meaning that embraces and expands where we currently experience our self to be – as the movement of being rather than attempt to fit the movement of being into a model and make it perform to my own – or anyone’s – rules and definitions.
Insofar as we create structure and system, it must serve the life, not demand sacrifice to a dead model that promises to protect from what it effectively delivers. It’s a death cult seeking ritual participation for an addiction deemed too big to fail. But WHO tells you you are naked and empty as need to get ‘fixed’?
While you can ask a real question you can receive an answer in ike kind.
Not entirely easy to follow. Some thoughts provoked, assumptions re-released and naivety reinvigorate. The question was rhetorical of course. It’s sort can still be asked publicly, for now.
During the Corona crisis, the mainstream media filled the whole country with government propaganda. Austrians are increasingly fed up with this – already one third of them do not want any more corona news.
Settling accounts with the mainstream: instead of helping, the media spread panic
The role of the mainstream media has been controversial for many years. As the mouthpiece of the globalist establishment, they use their power above all to educate citizens in their interests.
Austrians turn away
But trust is dwindling. A recent study by the Gallup Institute in cooperation with Medienhaus Wien sees “across all data, there is an uncertainty, a tiredness, a perplexity”.
In March, a quarter of Austrians believed that the media had helped to identify the suspected corona dangers and to contain the crisis. Now only 17 percent of the respondents give this good report to the mainstream media.
More harm than good
The coronavirus already passed its peak at the beginning of April, since then its effect has been declining. The health effects were only a small fraction of what was predicted. It is good news, but the government and the mainstream media do not want to talk about it and prefer to continue to spread fear of Covid-19. One thing is already clear: the disastrous economic and social consequences, however, will be with us for years, if not decades.
Corona news is ignored
But people recognise the unfair game. More citizens now think the media spread panic (21%) rather than help. Therefore, they react by “voting with their feet”: While 92 percent informed themselves daily about the corona crisis in March, 32 percent now refuse any news about the corona virus.
Return to normality through vaccine – German government wants to start production without approval
According to the Chancellery, an end to the corona crisis is only foreseeable with the development of a vaccine for the whole population. The Federal Government currently produces vaccines without approval. A working paper of a research group is to propagate a “compulsory vaccination”.
The head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun (CDU), obviously sees the possibility of normalising everyday life as being linked to an operational corona vaccine. “The signals from the research on a vaccine are very optimistic. So there is hope that we will be able to gradually normalise everyday life next year,” said Braun in an interview with Spiegel magazine.
Already in May, Braun spoke about the corona crisis in an interview with the newspaper Die Welt and answered the question when he would speak of an end to the crisis: “When a vaccine is available for the whole population.
Also in May, Braun ruled out the possibility of compulsory vaccination: “It is up to each individual to decide”, he is said to have said in an interview with the newspapers of the Funke Media Group.
A working paper was published in the English-language New England Journal of Medicine, which is supposed to promote compulsory vaccination of the entire population after a “voluntary test phase”. Vaccination should be enforced with severe penalties if necessary.
In addition to the far-reaching measures that are part of the Corona crisis, fear of a possible compulsory vaccination is one of the most frequently expressed concerns in the protests against the restrictions.
According to the German government, a vaccine will be available for large parts of the population by the middle of next year. This was announced by Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek.
Karliczek said as late as September that there would be no “risky shortcuts”, even though the whole world was waiting for a vaccine.
Nevertheless, the German government is accelerating the pace of vaccine production: The ZDF television channel stated that the “aim is that a developed preparation can be produced before it is approved”, quoting the Research Minister. Although this would entail the risk that the vaccine could not be used if it were ultimately not approved, the vaccine would then be more widely available if it were actually approved.
The Ministry of Research is to support the development of the vaccine with 750 million euros. The companies BioNTech, CureVac and IDT Biologika are involved in the development.
I see a pattern here it was the same for UK gov. UK Column had a good segment on this about a month or so ago. It included a video segment of Hancock (the UK sec. of state for health) proclaiming from a podium that one of the pharma co’s (it may have been Astrazeneca) moving ahead with manufacturing before gov. approval. Which of course is a complete contradiction on the face of it. Sometimes I wonder if perps, like Hancock, just say random BS to see if anyone calls them out on it, complete with plenty of betting on the result among his parasite class cohorts of course.
According to the Australian Influenza Specialist Interest Group and The Australian Bureau of Statistics(ABS), between 3,500 and 4,000 people die every single year from Influenza. Nearly four times more than the current Covid numbers.
The scam is well and truly settled, because i doubt Australia will be in lockdown for all of eternity.
The CDC’s “Burden of Flu” and the real numbers.
The “Burden of Flu” is a derived value where one of the numbers in the formula is how many people died. The figure for the past flu season just finished in the U.S. is an “estimate”
Burden of Flu deaths in U.S. from the Center for Disease Control (2019-2020)
Yet we know how many people died – we don’t need a formula. Everybody has been falling for this charade for a decade. It began in 2010,after the swine flu when the CDC.
Covid-19 deaths according to National Center for Health Statistics (2019-2020) as of Oct 9 – and the year is only 88% complete.
25 and older: 198,368.
Aged 0-24: 441
The reality is that for the past 7 years flu deaths have run at about 170,000-180,000
That is why Trump called Fauci’s bluff in a now-banned Tweet:
Hmm.. who is right? CDC 22,000 or Trump, “sometimes over 100,000”? That is bigger than any number the CDC has published since the Spanish flu.
Pneumonia and Influenza deaths according to NCHS (2019-2020) as of Oct 9:
Total: 268,033
That’s an unprecedented number, even though they’ve been lying about the past decade.
How many of these 268,000 are double counted – for example the 55% of Covid deaths with influenza?
So is Fauci going to stick with 22,000 flu deaths again this year?
John E Cullen question to Dr Fauci: How do you get from 270,000 to 22,000 ???
This year, BTW, the CDC stopped testing for influenza in April “because that’s the end of the flu season” yet if you look at the real numbers, that’s when influenza was spiking. That’s when everyone was dying of it. But coroners and medical examiners from April were counting everything as Covid.
The numbers are fake but all the officials have agreed to accept them. We are watching the captains of industry attempting a coup d’état, using fake virus statistics. This is such an unprecedented global illusion.
“The Numbers Speak for Themselves” with Special Guest John Cullen on CrowdSourceTheTruth
If you want to check this out, here’s the Center for Disease Control’s Burden of Influenza page.
The relevant part of the above video is from 08:55
as mentioned the other day on this site they will perform there yearly ritual Monday (tomorrow) and with mercury going retrograde perfect for juicing the mass’s
NHS whores from now on will combined FLU and Bs19 to add further lock downs
This will be the last COVID-19 surveillance report, as of 8 October 2020, the information in this report will be
published in a combined Weekly flu and COVID-19 Surveillance Report on GOV.UK.
Isn’t it amazing how all countries ‘independently’ roll out the same policy?
It’s the Hide the Influenza game: we’ve got a heavy flu season, perhaps a bit worse than normal, so we’re going to pretend there was no flu and call it all Covid.
Then, in addition to the the voluntary, ineffective flu vaccine, we’re going to offer a doubleplus voluntary, ineffective Covid vaccine linked to an integrated ID2020 Digital Identity Programme, which will ensure you cannot travel, shop, meet in public or go to the office without the even-more-voluntary-than-before vaccine.
With the latest Gates-Musk technology we may even disable your car unless you can press your vaccination status to the keypad.
Under the rules of this game it does not matter if Covid exists or if the Covid vaccine does anything. The object is you won’t be able to move with out the digital identity programme.
Isn’t it amazing how all countries ‘independently’ roll out the same policy?
It was amazing in Marsh… Now it is still amazing but we can’t seem to get amazed anymore, we’re just stunt. And we are trying to talk our way out of it, shake it off… Brrrrofff!!!
Hello Theobalt hope you’re well.
Just took a look at a youtube 3 minute excerpt of Aaron Klug presupposing the existence of viruses, then expressing an interest in investigating the structure of what he presupposes. Not convincing.
The sequence was sequenced… Get a closer look at the WHO testing protocol:
What are they searching for?$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363
This test can identify you as a human being with 11% accuracy. So, test, test, test!
I had a motorbike, and she was the most beautiful girl, I had ever seen, I was so much in love with her, I could barely speak. My friend Paul and I used to go to the Library in Ashton-U-Lyne College of Further Education reading physics stuff, but mainly in the hope That Bronwen would turn up in The Library reading her Physics books. The boys in her class called her Tinkerbell, so Paul and me knew we didn’t stand a chance…
So I did not ask her, if she would like a ride on the back of my Motorbike to see The Groundhogs at Oldham College of Further Education…
First proper band I ever saw. I was 17.. and I remember being transfixed at the corner of the stage, not knowing anyone there with a bottle of Newcastle Brown in my hand.
I later worked out what Tony McPhee, bless his soul was on about. He is alive and well. He is 76 years old now..
When I met her she went Cherry Red, and immediately took me into her bedroom, and asked could I fix her record player.(be quiet)…so I asked her for a date. she said ok…but be quiet – my mum and dad and my younger brother are here.
She is still here, and is completely Brilliant with Our Grandchildren. They love her not like she is their Nana, but more like her older sister..she screams and shouts at the silly fun and games, louder than them..She reads them bedtime stories, and they are entranced, and fall asleep knowing that Goldilocks will keep them safe and warm
I think you’re a cybernetic experiment… Those experiences have been implanted in you. Sometimes you want to join a conversation to appear normal but you load the wrong file… sometimes more than one file in the same comment, belonging to different individuals… You obviously need servicing and upgrades. but the company that created you went bankrupt. That’s my best explanation for the whole thing.
The overlords are impatient for AI to replace us. Pehaps the business was attempting self-learning – without knowing what that entailed.
This one won’t replace anybody
Please stop spamming up this quality board with your self-indulgent waffle.
I still seem to have the mojo, because I’m still getting banned again; in this instance from a new outfit called ‘5 Feathers’. 5 Feathers, along with Lifeboat News and Mr Murray are all controlled opposition. They all purport to be dissenters, but none of them actually allow any real dissent.
I take my hat off to Mr Murray for reporting on the total farce that is the Julian Assange extradition hearing; but at the same time, we are all now Julian Assange. Murray says diddly squat about the total transformation of society that is happening, because he’s one of the tools of this hideous transformation.
Likewise with The Lifeboat News. No dissent is allowed, and any dissent that does get through is immediately put down with the usual/boring security service talking points.
I’m sure Craig and Dan are nice people, although, in my view, perhaps a bit misguided.
If I met them in real life I’d buy both of them a drink. Trouble is, the pubs are under curfew and total closure.
Think about it…
Oh, and in case you think I’m picking on the Murray Mint and Dan Dare, the likes of Jimmy Dore also never go anywhere near the covid nonsense.
Jimmy’s self acclaimed BS detector predictably, and laughably, malfunctions on all matters of core truth. He knows precisely where the edge of his prescribed lane ends. He exploited a few limited hangout topics and now many plebs think they are “woke” watching him. Sigh.
Where is Dr Jordan Peterson?, a man whose favourite book is the The Gulag Archipelago (a warning about doing nothing when facing tyranny). He even wrote the forward to the most recent reprint last year. I understand he has had a breakdown due to the death of his wife, how convenient.
“What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?”
“If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
I don’t think Peterson is the type to go up against narratives that enjoy major support from governments, media networks and big business (as opposed to small businesses which have been screwed by the Covid panic), and he also knows where his bread is buttered.
Peterson never went against real government or media narratives – his tilting at political correctness was an attack on a series of straw men. He knows that if he attacks Covid derangement he risks being marginalised.
Perhaps you should try blogging like Mr Murray?
Mr Murray is a single person who has to fund himself and relies on reader donations even to keep his blog going. He is not CNN, News Corporation or the BBC in terms of manpower, reach and global access.
Mr Murray is really primarily an activist for Scottish Independence and has become involved in the Julian Assange case probably due to the way he was treated by the FCO himself.
He has also blogged significantly about the new war against Russia, primarily because he was an Ambassador in Moscow and so has significant understanding how Western-Russia diplomatic exchanges proceed.
I have many differences with Mr Murray, but to suggest he is ‘controlled opposition’ because he does not blog on subjects beyond his expertise is perhaps a trifle ill-considered?
“the UK has to be destroyed” apparently, claims craig murray
What he is actually advocating is Scottish independence, that’s all.
Rhys, I’ve been blogging a lot longer than Mr Murray. My domain was registered in February 2000 (when Mr Murray was still doing the bidding of the Foreign Office). My domain was taken out when all this stuff kicked off last March (I was just one of many who were taken down then).
I’m still trying to get my blog up and running again on my domain.
It involves moving thousands and thousands of posts, over more than a decade, and making sure that links work, etc.
I don’t censor anyone, and never have, so when the Burgundy Blog is running again you’re more than welcome to rant and rave in the comments section.
Doesn’t Murray’s complete silence on the coronavirus fascism call into question everything else he is campaigning for? Now he is claiming he is too upset to write up the final day of Assange proceedings. Or his handlers won’t let him.
No, it doesn’t. There are only 24 hours in Mr Murray’s day. He can’t campaign for every single good cause on the planet.
Ah Lifeboat News! They were a hoot! I recall one response from them on the CM site where they said something like,
“Yes you are free to express your skepticism on COVID but only as long as you do it to our fellow worker who is coughing up his last COVID riddled breath even as we type!”
Reminds me of fecken Caitlin Johnstone when I challenged her about 5 weeks ago on her total silence about the fascist police state right in her own city (Melbourne) and her response was to call me a ‘self entitled arse’ and told me ‘get writing lazy boy’…. Then blocked me!
Hey! Laziness is the mother of all inventions ok!?!? (you tell her Gezzah)
And while we’re talking about Craig Murray, I note that he briefly lifted his head out of the Assange swamp to note that something a little bit bigger may be going on:
The point I am trying to make will probably be lost in translation, as things are over time…
But almost all the British Musicians who became famous, were Working Class kids like me from 53.
It was different then. We were recovering from WWII, even when I was 7 years old in 1960, I was playing with the kids from school in still bombed out mills on my way home.
Our country had been bombed to shit..We were all working class
Some kids like me, had a piano in our front room, until I was 5.
I come back from 2 weeks in London with my older sister staying at Aunty Doris’s in Buckhurst Hill on a Steam Train..and see the Results
My Goldfish was Gone. The Conservatory Was was like a Worldwind had blown it away..
So I look in The Dining Room and it looks Different, but I recognise The wood.
I run quickly to The Front Room and My Piano has Gone
What was left of it was now a Family Bench
They gave my Goldfish to My Girlfriend Susan Speakman.
She took it back home and Stabbed it with a fork.
I had only been gone 2 weeks..
Then she and my other Best friends, said Bye
and moved to Australia.
Not seen them since, and I reckon that is why I stil can’t play any Musical Instruments
What’s the point, when you give what you can try and learn and can just about manage chopsticks -and your piano is gone when you are 5
“WORKING CLASS HERO. (Ultimate Mix, 2020) – John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band (official music video HD)”
He would have been 80
9 October 1940
John Lennon
So they bombed the wrong people is what you’re sayin’
There need not be debates- there needs to be all manner of investigations and prosecutions.
Millions of peoples lives have been ruined over the last 8 months. These wrecked lives were caused by public health officials, politicians and media hyenas.
The other category of cretin that needs to be prosecuted are those at or near the top that formulate such policies- those in the boardrooms of the Gates Foundation, those who sit on “Expert” committees at the WHO. Many, many more examples are to be found.
Debates are academic exercises- we are way past that.
“Debates are academic exercises- we are way past that.”
No, they are democratic, and it results in weak compromises, as every fool and mediocre is allowed to have his saying, and, in the democratic debate the debators are also often at war with each other. And, they are taught to be like petted animals, they should protest ‘peacefully’, and when protesting peacefully, the democratic people are caressed and applauded by their authorities like well behaved petted animals, hahahahaha.
This is why the elites behind various schemes are superior and more successful in their enterprises, why you were talking and debating, they are active strategy and action, they express their will, and impose their will on the democratic talking sheep.
Ok some of that makes sense but are you sure you got all your marbles tonight?
Instead of asking impertinent suggestive questions, you’d make a much better picture if you would take of your hat when approaching a man of brilliance.
Yup, that sounds like you…
Haha, so why asking whether tonight I got my marbles…
No I was worried there… but here you are in all your f**n glory… affectionately kid
Anyway, so I wrote that ‘the people’, they are always at war with each other in a democracy. This means also that they are always suggestive, aiming at the person of the other, they need to keep the other down, or if he is already down, they like to give him a bit of a kick after. Their little egos are always in the way, they are always ambiguous. The big guys, they do not have these ego problems, their egos and their will is focused on a goal.
You got me wrong kid… stick around
If you are seriously superior in terms of age, you may leave your hat on of course.
Good morning to you. I remember hearing that in medieval times, people wore hats, because in more than one story buildings, someone might empty the content of their latrines by the window. I suspect the gesture of taking off your hat in front of nobility would be expressing something like “for you sir, I’m willing to be shat on”… of course not really thinking that this would actually happen… I think we here at OG know better, and keep our hats on.
I see you are well versed in the creative art of offense, unlike many others. I dare say that the narrative of the historical reasons of wearing a hat does seem to me of the sort of creativity of what low brow hostility has invented in these times when the ‘the people’ themselves were creative in a way which had its own rough charms and humor. I would add to it though that they see shit and mud everywhere because they knew and still know little other than that, even in better times they en masse refuse to live in the higher apartments of the buildings now available to them.
Divide and conquer. We are all victims of the ‘democratic’ process which is a cover for the little people to be kept happy enough not to rebel. Bread & Circuses – take away the circuses and leave the bread. That’s what they are doing.
A Reset is required and it is hiding in plain sight. They have not hidden their plan. Social engineering at its best. UN Agenda 2030 is real and there is no way to stop it. China is ahead of the game having a totalitarian structure in place.
I agree with your proposition. It has happened for eons – a repeating theme. Cycles come and go – it is the nature of Yin and Yan – the universe is just this – bifurcated.
I do not see these cycles as circles of endless repeats, but rather a spiral, a spiral develops in multiple directons. For instance, I think that the times of kings and emperors will not return, except forsome marginal occurences. And the type of modern democracies with their universal suffrage and politicized mass man in a time of globalism, which is possible through science and technology, these types are too easy to subvert and control. The cycles as I see it are inevitable because everything is a cycle in nature, but the cyclic part of rule by low intelligence and mediocrity which is democracy, a period of ‘paused intelligence’ is extremely dangerous in context of the aforementioned newly attained capacities, through science and technology. It now extends over the whole world, instead of it being regional affairs, there is hardly anything left providing a counter force, to keep some balance. So then the current situation has no historical precedent in terms of the extent of the result. The extent of the possible damage is historically unique because the situation is partly unique because technology empowers, it amplifies. It also amplifies destructive tendendies, it amplifies the products of mediocre intelligence, it amplifies the power of those who are hungry for power, etc.
You are so right John, thank you very much for that prescient reminder – I had forgotten the Fibonacci Sequence in nature. This is what I was struggling to rediscover – getting forgetful in my old age.
The beauty of the perfection in our universe indicates to me the need for intelligent design, but that’s another subject.
Dialogue is communication, but to engage in communication there needs to be some willingness to begin somewhere.
As there is none, the initiative of the ACU is a good example.
Investigations and prosecutions are impossible. There’s not enough space on Earth to build enough jails to house 70 to 85 percent of the human population.
It isn’t just ruling elites, politicians, health officials, media moguls who man the barricades of insanity being erected on every continent. It is the people who accept this insanity as legitimate who make it all happen and continue happening.
The people are the bricks and mortar, without which the barricades would crumble like Tinker Toys.
Exactly! Agree 10000000%
More about the proposed compulsory jab and Trump’s “Operation Warped Speed” …
Last Tuesday, while most Americans were distracted by the first US presidential debate, NPR quietly reported that the US government’s “Operation Warp Speed,” a public-private partnership launched by the Trump administration to rapidly develop and distribute a Covid-19 vaccine, had taken the unusual step of awarding contracts to vaccine companies, not directly, but through a secretive defense contractor.
Though NPR named the defense contractor – South Carolina-based Advanced Technology International (ATI) – they declined to explore the company’s deep ties to the CIA, DHS and the Department of Defense and how ATI is helping to lead those agencies’ efforts to militarize healthcare and create an all-encompassing surveillance Panopticon that not only monitors the world around us, but our physiology, as well.
Lots of excellent research here:
From the article:
The Trump administration . . . had taken the unusual step of awarding contracts to vaccine companies, not directly, but through a secretive defense contractor.
The report from NPR also noted that the Congressional Research Service had reported just last year that using such intermediaries to award contracts can result in “significant risks, including potentially diminished oversight and exemption from laws and regulations designed to protect government and taxpayer interests.” Proponents of this unorthodox way of issuing contracts, known as Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs), often argue that utilizing this alternative method for awarding contracts significantly hastens the process. However, the Congressional Research Service also noted that the Department of Defense, which has been increasingly relying on OTAs in recent years, has never tracked the information necessary to determine if OTAs are actually faster than traditional contracting methods. This suggests that claims regarding the alleged “speed advantage” of OTAs are based on assumptions rather than data-based evidence.
a) OTAs are not at all “unusual”.
b) if you can find a defense contractor which does not have deep ties to the CIA, DHS, etc, please list them below.
You want to “lose” money? Use a military contractor. This is precisely how the Department of Defense each year “loses” billions of dollars — and cumulatively the military cannot account for trillions in missing money.
$21 Trillion dollars is missing — that’s not the debt– that’s missing across US government as a whole. That is $65,000 per person – as much as the national debt. What’s going on? Where is the money?
Yes, and it’s been going on for decades. Consequently, the implication of the article is that the Trump admin is just more of the same.
The Exceptional Empire even has its own accounting standards – GAAP – rather that IAS.
Don’t quote me on this, but I think their accounting compliance protocols include the flying of cruise missiles into the offices housing the bean counters.
That’s what happens to those who hold be bigger gun
Knowing Trump, the vaccine will be a harmless saline solution… maximum profit
Harmless saline solution: the ideal vaccine for an imaginary disease.
Clarifying paraphrase of NPR report: The Congressional Research Service is shocked, shocked! to find that the Department of Defense has been increasingly relying on untracked OTAs in recent years.
Trump (Jul 22, 2020): “give me therapeutics every time”
https://worldchangebrief.webnode.com70s Leftist Pedo Push Was Real/
China Assaulting US.NW Cities Are CCP Hubs/
14 CIA Tech Cos/
Trump Wins-Huwei.Stimulus.Loss–Indictments/
Rigged Debate Cancelled/
Covid Travel Space Helmet
Ok I’ll check your link because you once said you loved me… but if this is crap, the wedding is cancelled
Ok… from the second article “Perhaps inevitably, the president of the United States was eventually struck by the same virus that has infected more than 7 million Americans”… Not inevitable… 7 million chances on 300 million… 2,3% is not an inevitability… not even “perhaps”… That article read like propaganda… it aknoledges the virus, just blames it on China… again, none of us was in the labs… not the one that shows the PCR test is useless, not the one that didn’t isolate THE virus, and not in the freaking “counting room” where they gather all the counts for “cases”… so… hum… waist of time. But I’m horny so, how many guests?
the second article is labeled as a post written by Rudi Giuliani. Not defending it, but its clearly an opinion piece and labeled as such. There are other very valid points in it. cheers
Yes there was… I was a bit impatient after my first bottle of wine… getting a start up at the idea of marital life in this day in age
I’ll get back to you on the second article… I’m working on my hungover concoction at present… so is my methabolism
Huh I mean the first article
BTW you have to admit that first article was older but still important as background to current events.
See you at the altar! better find your top hat.
And have it cleaned
: ) yes you’ve been wearing it to the opera quite often lately.
Ok… ?
As you get older, you are bound to degrade a bit, and if most of the time you are in lockdown with your wife, you are bound to think of old friends. The friends you met when you were young. I was dead shy and completely useless, so I decided to tart myself up a bit (whilst my Mum was still biying My Clothes) The specks had to go…I was now on contact lenses, but I still didn’t have a girlfriend.
My Mum was always very supportive, though she obviously wanted to make a Roman Catholic Priest out of me, until she saw the mags under my bed of beautiful girls – some completely naked, with their legs wide open)
She didn’t say owt but I know what she Thought
“Thank the Lord God Anthony is Not Gay”
So I left home. I realised My Mum had extremely high standards, and I still didn’t have a clue how to pull a girl.
I realised I had to learn fast. I couldn’t stand being alone.
Neil Young was a Great Help. I hadn’t yet seen him and I had lost the girl who gave me his record. I gave her Led Zep so I thought it was a fair swap
FREEDOM having your own place – No Mum and Dad, Brothers and Sisters or Friends telling you what to do.
And you sit there all alone on the carpet watching the telly.
What can I do now?
24 and there is so much more
Just go for it. You never know what is going to happen next
So I brought My Girlfriend Home, and My Mum made up the Double Bed.
Everyone – both our Families thought we going to get Married. We were very much in Love, still are a bit.
We very occasionally meet at the same gigs. My wife and her get on incredibly well. They have both had to put up with me – and run away together to the girls laughing and giggling as if they are still 25 years old, look it and feel it.
We are all Hawkwind fans and most of us are still alive with Grandkids.
Some kid from The BBC Pipes up and Says – i THOUGHT ALL YOU OLD HIPPIES WERE DEAD..
The girls replied, we ain’t going to die yet. You B@stards haven’t Paid us Our Pensions Yet.
6 Years is a long time when you ask for your Pension, that you have worked for all your life, and you go to The Post office To Collect it on Your 60th Birthday as Promised Contracted and Paid and Worked For…
And the Man in The Post Office.. he can understand English and Reads it.
“Come Back When You are 66”
That is The UK Government for You.
Don’t Trust Them. They Do Not Tell the Truth
They are LIARS and THieves.
Tony, you’re absolutely right they are liars and thieves. Thank you for your human story. They can all go to hell. Love and best wishes.
You’re a mess Tony.
Good luck to you, but your self-interest is really a distraction here.
ha ha ha… ( I’m not sure he heard you)
In all seriousness, I feel sorry for his wife. Imagine being MARRIED to this dude.
You’re assuming a lot…. “his”, “wife”, “married” and “dude”
“I was now on contact lenses, but I still didn’t have a girlfriend”…
maybe you did but the contacts were the wrong prescription (?)
Tony dear, can I say, fill your heart with light and thank whoever you wish every day you have laughing loving people around you at all…sounds really lovely the way you put the part about them.. The rest? its a dream within a dream -ok a nightmare, but it will pass. Its the love and the gallows humor these days that will remain in your spirit. Give as much back as you can manage. I know you do. <3 but its good to hear it once in awhile to keep us strong. Think of the character you are building! lol
You see? That’s why I need a woman like you on my side… balance
Has anyone noticed that all elections have been suspended? (and that will probably include the US Presidential election)
Yes I have noticed that. I see it as a metaphor for the absence of democracy…
The New Zealand elections are going ahead on the 17th, and Bill Gates Best Kiwi friend, namely Jacinda Ardern looks an absolute shoe in to be re-elected as NZ Prime Minister. I thought Aussies were hopelessly brainwashed with the scamdemic narrative, but, sadly, just across the Tasman Sea, in my own country, New Zealanders have proven to be as equally, er, sheep like, as Aussies🐑
Hope things are going fairly okay in your part of France. I haven’t heard much lately, but good luck to you, and I hope you have a good sized vegetable garden and some hens and ducks. A lot of people refuse to acknowledge it, but serious food shortages are coming.
Trial by Jury seems to have gone, as well. Imagine that! Salmond just managed to sneak in there. Well done, laddie. Well done that jury from olden tymes.
Another brick in the technocratic wall:
Yup, Bezos team are not the brightest are they… “how can we capitalize on those still going in stores”
Desperate journalist being fed a scoop from a brainstorm of an idea already dead in the egg
Won’t raise my hopes. MSM, Pharma, Gates, WEF etc and lockdown Nazis around the world who can’t be happy unless everyone else is locked in their virtue-signalling masochistic misery too, will crucify Michigan. Still, total respect to Michigan for fighting back against the real virus
Excellent news. But there was other news related to that that I found disturbing. I haven’t had a chance to read much, so I hope I’m not getting this wrong. Citizens (ruined citizens) there are carrying on as though they had not been given their freedom back, running like freaking horses back into a burning barn…
Agreed. We’re in the midst of a frightening, organised global technofascist attack that may destroy our lives forever, yet half the comment section is stuffed with flippant drivel.
This is a big deal. Michigan has resisted. I don’t know why Off-Guardian hasn’t done a piece about it.
Someone, a lockdown fascist called Whitmer (?) has overturned it. The nightmare continues. But at least the Michigan Supreme Court tried.
A day or so ago a high court judge in Spain ruled that the most recent lockdown in Madrid is illegal. The Spanish Government, using so-called ’emergency powers’ (sound familiar?) over-ruled the judgement and has put thousands of police, plus the army, on the streets of Madrid to enforce the lockdown. The protests in Madrid were mega. Because of internet censorship I don’t as yet have further information on all this.
I would invite the shuffling, mask wearing, fear-laden folks to figure out where this is all going.
And that’s what governments are now. They are the Transnational Capitalist Class’s enforcers. They have been for a while. The charade of elections – in which people vote for the individual fascist enforcer who will help abuse them when push comes to shove – doesn’t change anything.
I’ve belatedly come round to the view that our much vaunted ‘democracy’ is indeed a sham! Check the most recent GE. In yer face scam. To be continued….no doubt.
Rob, please keep us informed as you find things out.
Isn’t it becoming more and more pathetically obvious?:
“The Economic Virus: The spiralling effect of COVID-19 job losses”
Any indication of economic devastation will be blamed on COVID. Any policy which the ruling order have for years been itching to implement will be blamed on COVID. Future delights:
And all the while the self-castrated Left will be moaning about how those evil rich bastards are exploiting this virus situation ….oh but nobody can do anything about it because we must all stay masked and remain indoors to “keep safe”!
That’s not my Left. And it isn’t, in fact, leftwing any more than ‘safe’ on a vaccine advertizement means that is safe.
WSWS has a piece on how the Great Barrington Declaration is a plot to boost profits at the expense of the lives of millions of workers, and how the interview of Dr Martin Kuldorff along with his epidemiology colleague from Harvard Katherine Yih, a left activist, was designed to boost Democratic Party efforts to end the lockdown on behalf of big business, as if the Demo Party isn’t in fact pushing for a tougher lockdown. California governor Newsom a couple of days ago called upon Californians eating at restaurants (outdoors only allowed) to wear their masks while eating, between bites, did so in a tweet. Honestly, not a put-on.
This is the WSWS article you refer to:
I know this Barrington matter is hugely controversial from both sides. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see on what grounds the WSWS object. For one thing they are disgusted by this:
“those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal.”
Note how this statement doesn’t even refer to work but just “life as normal”. Nevertheless this statement is interpreted as “Millions of workers’ lives are to be sacrificed in the name of profit.”
Similarly, the WSWS object to professor Kulldorff who had the audacity to say this:
“We don’t close schools because of the annual flu. We don’t ban people from driving cars because there are people who die in car accidents. We let people live normal lives with standard precautions.”
At the suggestion that COVID mainly affects the aged, the WSWS predictably link to the case of Chad Dorrill, a 19-year-old, who died – as the WSWS themselves note – “from neurological complications”. The complications were “an undetected case of Guillain-Barré syndrome”. A tragic case but surely not cause for shutting everyone away unless a sizable number of the population are suspected of having Guillain-Barré syndrome. The NHS website describe this condition as serious but “very rare”.
The WSWS continue to apply the strategy that the mainstream Left have adopted: as the media continue to issue increasingly hysterical reports of figures which are in fact diminishing, the WSWS claim that the figures are underreported and then quote figures which are also diminishing. All this for the sake of prolonging the lockdown as if this was a great progressive cause – and conveniently ignoring the fact that the lockdown was not “forced on the government” by angry workers, not even forced on the workers by a revolutionary group but was forced on the workers by the government itself. Are we to assume that the government itself is a revolutionary group? Are we to assume – as the Right wing have always done – that we have “Marxist” governments? The WSWS would appear to think so.
While what you say about the left’s objections may be true, I myself object to the notion that older people should undergo some sort of enforced restrictions – I think that was the implication anyway…
If older people are at risk then any restrictions should be their choice not made mandatory by gov.
Totally fake scam virus notwithstanding…
Quoting from the Declaration, “People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.” Seems to be a matter of choice rather than forced restrictions, as worded. And i agree, it is a $camdemic.
You got the correct article, and you nail it! Kudos! WSWS operates on the basis of what it thinks advances its organizational interests, facts be damned, and it thinks it can use the $camdemic as a recruiting tool, offering itself and its program as protection for the workers “threatened” by the virus. It has operated the same way re 9/11.
They prefer to ignore the fact that lockdowns are not only a government measure but are enforced by the police, not a body known for tenderness towards left-wing causes such as workers on strike.
The WSWS really have been a case of Covid derangement. As I have mentioned elsewhere, they spring from an interpretation of Trotskyism that always thinks fascism or military coups are just around the corner, though I would have thought that might occasion more wariness about the state assuming extra powers, which is basically what lockdowns are.
Somebody on OG, (Sorry can’t recall who – things are moving so fast!) put me in touch with this article:
It has an interesting account of the double life of David North (AKA David Green). It’s an odd matter in that I was aware of this article before but didn’t pay much attention to it, being still impressed with the output of the WSWS. I kept thinking of the case of Engels who was a wealthy industrialist but, I believe, a genuine socialist – any apparent discrepancy coming from the Marxist acknowledgment that all new systems must evolve out of old ones. But then Engels never hid his wealth or his position. It seems that Mr North/Green does. Does that not imply bad faith?
In any case, bearing in mind my extreme disillusion – and indeed disgust – at what I can only call the betrayal of so many Left sites, I am starting to ponder on all that stuff about undercover intelligence operatives.
There are definite oddities in their line. Very hostile to the wave of denunciations of predatory males like Weinstein, which makes me wonder if they are into a form of casting couch themselves. Oddly pro-Erdogan in relation to Turkey – they tend to spend most of their time denouncing the official opposition in Turkey and the pro-Kurdish party – criticism of Erdogan is rare and somewhat by the numbers coming from them. And their only problem with lockdowns is that they are not harsh enough.
This was not a debate. Dr Rancourt had to deal with someone who was fact-challenged in the extreme even in regards to mainstream-available facts.
Indeed. I don’t accept Denis’s version of reality at all, but he’s playing by the rules of his game, whereas Tim is a trouble-maker.
Trouble-maker? For whom? Tim is fact-challenged, he is trouble for anyone trying to make sense of what’s going on.
what don’t you accept about it?
I read a bit of Dr. Rancourt’s piece but must admit not a word of the other guy’s.
I am sometimes accused of not hearing the other side of an argument but sometimes you don’t need to. For me, on this issue, the science is settled.
Ok, science is never settled but sometimes logic is enough to settle matters.
I don’t need to hear both sides of a discussion on whether the earth is flat or not or whether Father Christmas is real. In the latter case nobody can prove F.C. doesn’t exist but logic says no and sorry but that’s final.
This debate does seem to be based on a false premise that the virus is real and there is no agenda at work.
I read enough of Anderson’s statement to find several grossly inaccurate assertions about the infection fatality rate (making it way higher than what even WHO admitted recently) and the level of infection needed for herd immunity, 85% per him, higher than even Mister Zipper Ferguson’s 81%, when in fact due to T-cells as well as observations in places such as Manaus,Brazil, that 20-25% is more like it. And he called for “defeating” the virus, a totally ludicrous notion. But yes, i agree with your statement about the debate being based upon the premise that there is no agenda at work. Whether the virus is real or not matters little, what has been done regarding the situation is manufactured hysteria of the worst sort.
More warnings to Australians from the anti-pleaure mob …..
1. Being outdoors won’t save you from the deadly, rampant virus:
“Someone who is infectious can cough or sneeze, or just talk and, if you happen to inhale those respiratory droplets or they plop into your eye, you can get infected.
If you shake hands with an infected person and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you also run a chance of getting infected. You don’t have to be inhaling an infected person’s air for very long. What matters is the dose.”
2. Its dangerous to be close:
“Depending on where you are, maximize the distance between yourself and others. There’s nothing magic about staying 1.5 metres apart. Particles generated by sneezes can travel a lot farther than that. Three metres or 4.5 metres is safer.
It’s all about minimising risk. You can never drive that risk to zero when you’re in public.
3. Watch out if you’re in a cafe:
“If you’re sitting at an outdoor café, try to mask up between bites and sips, especially if your age or health or weight make you vulnerable to severe COVID-19.
The likelihood of a passing interaction from someone walking by a table is small, but it’s still possible. The safest spot when eating outdoors is a table away from high-traffic areas and upwind of everyone else.”
So keep your mask on, or you might “spark a superspreader event.”
and no laughing at any time.
Australia must have been a fascinating country once.
But I think we’ve seen enough officious “authorities” over the last few decades to last us all several lifetimes.
No thank you.
Australia has always been a nasty, racist shit hole at the end of the world run by boring anti intelligent creatures who pander to the lowest forms of life and thought. I have been kicking against this tide for my whole life, (68 in January) an taught my kids and grand kids to always question everything. I have three formidable grand daughters and a very fiercely independent daughter. No stupid girls in my family.
To put Australia into perspective, we have the laziest dumbest most concentrated media in the world and most go along with the narrative and those who don’t are demonised.
But tell me this, When Australia locked down a mere 6 people had died with a virus, after three months 103 out of 69,000 deaths yet that 103 has cost the country half a trillion and we have nothing but destruction to show for it.
Thank you Marilyn for summing it up to a tee. Incredibly frustrating that so many here think listening to the bullcrap on Mainstream ‘media’ is doing ‘research’ about the ‘pandemic’.
Just out of curiosity, what are your views on Tim Anderson? Why do so many like him fall for this illogical narrative? Julian Burnside is another.
All these University educated people, and you’d think they left school at 15.
I don’t know, but the number of lawyers who are as dumb as a box of frogs believing the crap is good enough reason to double the cost of their damn degrees, maybe they might actually learn to think.
Hey! (I heard frogs… and dum)
I have been finding that, among my friends and acquaintances, the cohort of certificated academics (almost inclusive) seems to be the one most blind to the truth and realty of our ‘pandemic’. Beats me!
Trying to mask up between bites and sips at a cafe. Utter madness. In any case weren’t masks touted as protecting others rather than for your own safety? Here they clearly imply it’s for your own good. Fear mongering at it’s worse. I’m happy to say I had a few positive experiences in the last few days. Asked permission to board an elevator which was at it’s restrictive limit and was welcomed by all others to do so. We all had a laugh at how ridiculous we are expected to behave with this nonsense. Spoke to many others who are just about fed up with it all. I’m in Sydney Australia.
I’m laughing
Actually I’m not laughing… I understand why they are making hatred so prohibited… they were about to generate a lot of it… I mean even more
Has anyone ever told you that some of the healthiest children 50 years ago were the ones who stuck their fingers in cow manure on farms and then stuck their fingers in their mouths?
Absolutely disgusting eh and absolutely unhygienic?
But hey: they stimulated their immune systems against all kinds of common pathogens and so grew up immune to all kinds of diseases.
A bit beyond Bill Gates that: it doesn’t fit into any mantras of him making money in monopolistic schemes of coercion.
Oh I like this one… totally agree with the cow manure tasting method… too bad I don’t have youg children anymore, I’d have my own study… mouahhh! brilliant!
Cows are interesting and I theorized that it was why it was the vehicle of Vishnu. Not only that cows are strong, useful for many things, they have milk, and the manure and urine were said to be antiseptic. And I do think it was why the people in India rubbed their house with it. Those “cow dung people” as some said, knew hygiene long long time ago. Vedic hygiene maybe. And there was one research that said the plant cuttings dipped in cow urine rooted faster.
***to admin: if I posted this more than once, please delete the others. The “post comment” button doesn’t seem to work so I clicked a few times.
Them: stop touching your face
Also them: put your mask up after biting your food and lower it when having another bite. Repeat until food is finished.
“.. all about minimising risk. You can never drive that risk to zero..”
Classic double-talk. Also, other mask-related gibberish: don’t touch it after wearing, wash your hands before taking it off, put it away safely if for a while, fold and wrap before disposing, etc.
Bowing to Facebook: How the BBC Shut Down Qanon with Guest David Hawkins
I didn’t do politics at University I did Pure Physics and Maths….and I have not yet read any of these books. However I do know The Neocon American PNAC mob’s Education came from
So I thought I should buy at least one of his books. I suspect he writes well, but I am not that impressed with his what seem to me Malthusian Policies – Maybe Dick Cheney can Update you on That?
Is that why you never mentioned 9/11 because you Trotskyists did it, If you don’t know the evil mind the inner thoughts, well you do not have that much of an idea how to Resist, or where to start.
Can someone recommend a Trotsky Book – something that he actually wrote. I don’t want a Precis’ I want to read what he wrote. What exactly was inside his mind. He seems more popular than Jesus Christ,
Personally, I would go with Jesus. I don’t want to get brainwashed again – and jesus was always dead sexy and wore sandals and tramped the middle east and the Jesus songs are Brilliant the Best are actually chorically extremely similar to The Muslim Call To Prayer
I can’t think of one decent Neocon song, except Love shack by The B52’s (joke)
But he must be a great writer to have so many friends and followers. Do you think I might get infected by reading his books. Can someone recommend his best book, from your point of view. I personally can’t see the attraction, but I’ve not read it yet..
“Best Adhan in the world – Muslim Call to Prayer”
I don’t know. I want to learn.
Again I’m really trying to follow you Tony, I really did try
I think I remember he did make strong arguments some time ago, but has the lockdown have affected him?
I think he still does… I just can’t resist teasing old men about their stubbornness. And catch them in their little cons. They usually like it. Of course he can’t see my face… And he could be 77th what do I know
Banker toady and Banker toady hold talks on what they consider to be the most important issue of the day.
Who do they think they are kidding!
Mutti will outplay them.
It is the clown show that thinks it is the Greatest Show On Earth.
The end is nigh now for these clowns. There will be no Singapore on Thames.
There will be no Singapore on Thames because Corona has collapsed
So…. this DEBATE… how is it happening?
Seriously – I was expecting a debate.
So was I. Something like a video stream. Unless I missed it. These writing debates are boring and pointless. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate what OffG is trying to do but in this day and age this set up doesn’t cut it. One on one, FaceTime to FaceTime. I’d watch that.
Yes you would, but now you have to read it… are you gonna be ok?
Brian Rose has a beautiful site… he dresses like a clown and you can see his studio setup. His guess is sitting at home with bad video and sound with siblings walking behind and dog barking. He never asks them relevant questions or chalenges them in any way… He seems to be stuck on ” what you’re saying is amazing and really gets me thinking… it is true that… (whatever the guy just said… for the past 45 min.)”… So you can basically just stick with the sound. Of course some of the guests are awesome… Just make sure you silent your high end audio for the pumped up intro, or your neighbours will kill you.
Remember when you used to have things to say D? Before being so totally wrong about cov19 turned you into a bitter resentful empty shell?
No 1! ,
Where’s my.comment ?
Why are all my replies to Dungroanin going to the spam filter?
Except that one 🙂
Admin 1 rests his case.
Dr.Rancourt’s preliminary 4 “unembedded analytical stances” are written in fairly opaque acadamese; after which he switches to plain English and does such a neat job of demolishing the whole towering structure that Con-19 collapses into its own footprint.
However, I am slightly troubled by his first “analytical stance”, quote:
“The death rate in a given population will depend on the effectiveness of government-coordinated mitigation interventions and treatment practices. Therefore, the hospitalization and death rates are a measure of intervention effectiveness in a given State jurisdiction.”
I am not a medical doctor so am more than open to correction, but this medical ignoramus is unaware of massive experiments in which the death rates from a flu epidemic were compared in matched populations — with State intervention and without. In other words, are there Links to an experiment where one lot of, say, 10 million people were infected with a given flu virus under the watchful eye of the State and the sick were treated in hospital, while a matched 10 million were infected with the same flu virus but left at home to get on as best they could? I would be surprised if there were a massive difference in total deaths between the two cases: flu with hospitalization versus flu with home remedies only (eg my standby, tea with brandy or coffee with whiskey).
I think you will find that that 1st stance is not his stance. The stances he lists are the range of views on the topic. He’s outlining them for the purposes of debate. His stance is in fact the opposite of stance 1. He argues that it is government intervention that has caused the excess deaths and not the other way round.
The fact that you have to specify that is a little discouraging… I think a lot of people here are hoping to be published… this site being a stepping stone to their literary ambitions… (always felt that)… anyway, not always an example of logic at work.
Nothing wrong with that. This very site started off with such people who were hoping the same thing with the Guardian.
Well it’s all very cute in a kindergarten let’s all participate kind of way… but would you buy the books?
Let’s start with the definition of “comment” vs “essay”… and then… the shameful rejection of the essay by a teacher who’s responsible for oh… credibility
I would either read the lengthy comment or not. It’s as simple as that for you also.
Yes it was
Dylan Jones, thank you for that clear translation from the Acadamese. I accept it gratefully; the more so because it agrees with my own “nonembedded stance” that, as you say, government intervention is killing more people than Covid-19 ever did.
Well it was the first “opaque academes” I could understand on this site… was it because it for once wasn’t opaque that got people here so confused?
Certainly understand it now with the aid of the translation by Jones, and see how it fits in with Dr.Rancourt’s demolition of the Con-19 $camdemic.
What’s the scientific paper(reference) that SUPPORTS that claim?
Again, that his not his claim. He is outlining different views for the purpose of debate.
But the important bit… can you say what’s the scientific paper that supports that claim?
Wow! Quiet down. The neighbours can hear you! There must be hundreds of such bogus papers that support that claim. You can’t find them? IN THIS DAY AND AGE?!
That’s what he is saying… that quote is the assumption
Since this is framed as a “viral debate” it seems pretty goddamn LOGICAL to ask for REFERENCES for claims, no matter who’s making them!
But I guess this is just another talk show to entertain…
Ok… Did your father use to tell you things like “WHY SO SERIOUSSSA!”
According to a biography of Keith Richards, the first line of the song, “I was born in a crossfire hurricane,” is a reference to the fact that Richards was born near London during World War II in the midst of a massive airborne air raid by German forces.
Fast forward 20 years.
— Sally Stevens (In 1963, my mother was engaged to Derek Bell, the illegitimate son of Leo Stein, Gertrude Stein’s older brother.)
Do you see the Connection?
Everything is going in the wrong direction
The doctor wants to give me more injections
Giving me shots for a thousand rare infections
And I don’t know if he’ll let me go.
My bags, they get a very close inspection
I wonder why it is that they suspect ’em
They’re dying to add me to their collection
And I don’t know if they’ll let me go.
Understanding the Fabian Window – Truthstream Media
What a crowd. I mean, how do you go from being married to Mick Jagger to marrying Rupert Murdoch…
… unless Jerry walks in different Halls to you and me.
I don’t know… How DO you go from being… yaaaahhhnnn!… sorry
I discovered them recently. I like their stuff, but the website’s not user-friendly and they don’t do enough blog posts or articles to be useful to me.
The Stones!!!???
Truthstream Media. Sorry about that. I’m usually more clear in my statements.
Messin’ w ya… I’ll check Truthstream
Do. They’re good folks. I just find them to be minimally useful.
I was going to say “Off Topic” but everything relates to the same fucking topic anyway:
Van gets a thrashing. HAH! That’ll show him!:
Where we live The GUY used to be an effigy of The President of The Students Union, when I was at university…We didn’t think Tony Blair would burn too well, and would make a really evil horrible stink.
Now, there is one Clear Choice, and it ain’t Boris – he’s too busy making Babies, which doesn’t quite conform to The Agenda.
Come on he is the most stupid Politican we have ever had. He makes Gavin look like a Genius in Comparison – at least Gavin used to sell Fireplaces..
Stand Up To The Altar Matt, and Take Your Bow
Is November 5th Cancelled Too?
1969–1971 Jack Straw University of Leeds Radical Student Alliance
From the early 1950s until 1967, the international program of the NSA, and some of its domestic activities, were underwritten by clandestine funding from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).[2]
I wonder how it worked in the UK.
I suspect the UK universities such as LSE and Cambridge, in particular, already had very close oversight of their students… and handpicked the most compliant…
… such as Mick Jagger and friends.
Hospital mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome is approximately 40%, but mortality and trajectory in “mild” acute respiratory distress syndrome (classified only since 2012) are unknown, and many cases are not detected
What This Article Tells Us That Is New
Approximately 80% of cases of mild acute respiratory distress syndrome persist or worsen in the first week; in all cases, the mortality is substantial (30%) and is higher (37%) in those in whom the acute respiratory distress syndrome progresses
Patients with initial mild acute respiratory distress syndrome are often underrecognized and mistakenly considered to have low disease severity and favorable outcomes. They represent a relatively poorly characterized population that was only classified as having acute respiratory distress syndrome in the most recent definition. Our primary objective was to describe the natural course and the factors associated with worsening and mortality in this population.
This study analyzed patients from the international prospective Large Observational Study to Understand the Global Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Failure (LUNG SAFE) who had initial mild acute respiratory distress syndrome in the first day of inclusion. This study defined three groups based on the evolution of severity in the first week: “worsening” if moderate or severe acute respiratory distress syndrome criteria were met, “persisting” if mild acute respiratory distress syndrome criteria were the most severe category, and “improving” if patients did not fulfill acute respiratory distress syndrome criteria any more from day 2.
Among 580 patients with initial mild acute respiratory distress syndrome, 18% (103 of 580) continuously improved, 36% (210 of 580) had persisting mild acute respiratory distress syndrome, and 46% (267 of 580) worsened in the first week after acute respiratory distress syndrome onset. Global in-hospital mortality was 30% (172 of 576; specifically 10% [10 of 101], 30% [63 of 210], and 37% [99 of 265] for patients with improving, persisting, and worsening acute respiratory distress syndrome, respectively), and the median (interquartile range) duration of mechanical ventilation was 7 (4, 14) days (specifically 3 [2, 5], 7 [4, 14], and 11 [6, 18] days for patients with improving, persisting, and worsening acute respiratory distress syndrome, respectively). Admissions for trauma or pneumonia, higher nonpulmonary sequential organ failure assessment score, lower partial pressure of alveolar oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen, and higher peak inspiratory pressure were independently associated with worsening.
Most patients with initial mild acute respiratory distress syndrome continue to fulfill acute respiratory distress syndrome criteria in the first week, and nearly half worsen in severity. Their mortality is high, particularly in patients with worsening acute respiratory distress syndrome, emphasizing the need for close attention to this patient population.
This is from 2019 a year before the con
I bet a glass of US Flint spring lead pipe Water that if “tested” for Mythical RNA “SARS-CoV-2” most of those would have a “positive” reaction, even in 2019!
“These writers for The Guardian put the truth right in front of your face, and then spin you off it. The liars have become so confident from past successes, they know they can wave the truth in front of your face, then remove it and continue the lie. You will go on as before, burying the truth for them because it doesn’t suit the larger story they have trapped you in. And they don’t just tell you what they have done in the past; they tell what the future will be, too.” — Miles Mathis
The sins of their fathers – The Guardian, 2008