The Great Viral Debate
Drs Denis Rancourt and Tim Anderson exclusively on OffGuardian
Tomorrow (Sat Oct 10) we launch the first round of our Covid19 debate featuring Drs Tim Anderson and Denis Rancourt.
The global response to COVID-19 has been dominated by national and international responses involving unprecedented attempts to suppress and eliminate the virus. The responses have been controversial, however, and some scientists have questioned their wisdom and advocated herd/community immunity responses. In October 2020, a collection of scientists advanced the Great Barrington Declaration calling for an end to existing strategies based on suppression and/or elimination.
From a political perspective, a notable feature of debate in the Western sphere has been a tendency to, rightly or wrongly, associate the suppression/elimination strategy with liberal/left-wing politics whilst the herd/community immunity approach has been linked with conservative or right-wing politics.
In order to critically evaluate these issues two leading voices, Dr Tim Anderson and Dr Denis Rancourt, have been invited in order to rationally and respectfully explore these important issues. The proposition to be debated is as follows:-
Does SARS-COV-2 merit suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather than the herd/community immunity approach?
The aim is to help critically unpack the rationales, both political and scientific, that underlie these very different approaches. The debate will evolve over a period of time, with written online dialogue between Dr Anderson and Dr Rancourt.
OffGuardian are the official host for this debate and Dr Piers Robinson will undertake Chair responsibilities, ensuring rules of rational debate are followed.
About the participants…
Denis Rancourt
Denis Rancourt holds B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Physics (University of Toronto). He was a tenured Full Professor of physics at the University of Ottawa for 23 years.
Dr. Rancourt has been an invited plenary, keynote, or special session speaker at major scientific conferences some 40 times. He has published over 100 research papers in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, in the areas of physics, chemistry, geology, materials science, soil science, and environmental science.
He is a frequent media commentator. His medical, political and social theory articles and interviews are published in many venues, such as Dissident Voice.
His recent video interviews and reporting videos about the science of the COVID-19 epidemic and the science of face masks for preventing viral respiratory diseases have been viewed more than 2 million times, in both French and English.
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Tim Anderson
Tim Anderson is Director of the Sydney-based Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies. His PhD thesis (Macquarie University, 1997) was on economic liberalisation in Australia.
He worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer at Australian universities for more than 30 years, teaching, researching and publishing on: human rights in development, customary land in Melanesia, small farming and food security, health systems and infectious disease, Cuban medical internationalism, self-determination in development, independent regional integration and resistance to the wars of the 21st century.
In 2014 he was awarded Cuba’s medal of friendship. He is the Australia and Pacific representative for the Latin America based Network in Defence of Humanity.
His book ‘The Pandemic and Independent Countries’ will be published in late 2020..
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The sound of violins in here is drowning out the crackle of the flames
If this is to be a meaningful debate, there has to be some recognition of the boundaries beyond which both sides cannot go. The only way to define this can be with science – which is quite clear on issues on things like mask efficacy, genetics and drug treatments – however much these are disputed. From my perspective these things are simple – masks don’t work and can’t work, the Sars-cov-2 virus is a chimaera synthesised for bioweapon research which escaped from Fort Detrick last July, and early treatment with HCQ and AZM would have prevented this “scamdemic”. The arguments on these things are clear and with multiple evidence from different countries, so it is unnecessary to postulate that the virus doesn’t really exist, or isn’t creating immunity in the population where it is allowed to. Making such arguments only destroys our chance of persuading anyone who has an open mind full of propaganda and fear and doubts.
So leaving the “debate” to the commenters is likely to restrict it to the usual polarisation.
I look forward to reading Piers Robinson’s analysis of the issues, and a focus on verifiable evidence to resolve the scientific disputes – if such a thing is possible!
The sequence was sequenced. Get a closer look at the WHO testing protocol:
What are they searching for?$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363
This test can identify you as a human being with 11% probability.
My 2 cents
It’s a pity neither of these ‘experts’ have bothered to read this.
The paper the Chinese CDC put out claiming they had ‘discovered’ a novel virus.
A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin
scroll down to just above the Methods section where you can read this gem.
“The study provides a detailed report on 2019-nCoV, the likely aetiological agent responsible for the ongoing epidemic of acute respiratory syndrome in China and other countries. Virus-specific nucleotide-positive and viral-protein seroconversion was observed in all patients tested and provides evidence of an association between the disease and the presence of this virus. However, there are still many urgent questions that remain to be answered. The association between 2019-nCoV and the disease has not been verified by animal experiments to fulfil the Koch’s postulates to establish a causative relationship between a microorganism and a disease. We do not yet know the transmission routine of this virus among hosts.”
Association proves nothing. Does having 100 firemen at a fire prove they caused the fire? They haven’t purified the ‘virus’ and as you can see they have done no animal experiments to show it can be transmitted. How can it be when it doesn’t even exist.
They found it in all sick patients. If you assume a virus causes it then this seems to be the most likely cause. They also found Sars-Cov and had more other outbreaks to learn from.
And they openly, honestly state they didn’t prove the connection between the virus and the disease.
They don’t need to check if it can be transmitted. How else would all of them have it? Born with it? The proper question is if the disease is transmittable and if it is the disease we all talk about. Nr of sick ppl is much lower than the claimed nr of cases.
But does the similar cases of respiratory problems, body overreactions as cytokine storms, sepsa coexisting with blood coagulation, temporary loosing of taste and smell in so many countries now doesnt ring a bell in your head?
They purified it enough to show you a true RNA sequence in many labs and to compare this sequence with other viruses. What else are they using in virus modelling and tests? Seems real enough to me.
Not real enough or rigorous enough for me.
Being critical is a good trait. As long as you look for a real truth until finding it, not to disprove something lacking proof and inconvinent to make the opposite claim, sticking to an equally baseless “truth”. Better to stay without opinion, open than risk being wrong. Caution is usually the smartest thing to do 😉
Terry, Read my response to SzymonMazury. Indeed its not rigorous.
“Born with it?”
That’s certainly a possibility. Since the RNA sequence they’re testing for has been found in fruits and birds and who knows what else, the most plausible explanation is that it’s something occurring naturally in living organisms.
Moreover, the vast majority of people who test positive for this have no symptoms. There is nothing wrong with them. At the same time, it has never been proved that the RNA sequence, allegedly a “virus”, causes any disease. They’re not testing people for anything else. How do they know that the whatever the small number of people who do test positive are suffering from is caused by this alleged SARS-CoV-2? Since most people have no symptoms, it would be safe to conclude that their disease is caused by something else.
Be it as it may, it’s utterly preposterous that such draconian measures are being taken around the world based on an assumed disease for which there is so little evidence. All things considered, it’s safe to conclude that COVID-19 is a crock of shit, and that’s all there’s to it.
Now, let’s worry about how to prevent the idiots who are propagating it from fucking up the world (completely that is, for the world is already fucked up to a substantial extent).
Good points!
Leaving aside the chickenegg problem, plants aren’t so much different than animals whats very problematic… most ppl aren’t even aware of it.
If it doesn’t give symptoms how is it a disease then? Disease is something what makes body sick, disfunctional. If it doesn’t its not a bug but a feature…
And this is one of points on that 4
But medical herd driven by cases and not the actually symptimatic disease is about to change the rule…
Example we had with Zika fearmongering. Soon Zika diseases won’t be all moms with children with unnaturally small heads or limbs who got asymptomatic Zika but all 130 millions+ worldwide cases even outside mosquito zones…
This is the problem – rules dilution to contain whatever interpretation you want to have.
“Since most people have no symptoms, it would be safe to conclude that their disease is caused by something else.”
Not neceserily. It can also indicate that the virus doesn’t always cause a disease and another factor is involved.
We know 95% of hard cases have a low vitamin D level.
My view is viruses have a function in human body but if human body system stops working properly it’s guests become rude & overbearing… and then it overreacts.
Virus as all life only replicates & expands. If body can’t contain or misses viral overreplication it uses nukes, nuking itself and this is cause of death…
Simply virus may be the nail to coffin of the already sick person with personally hard earned difficiencies and shorter life fate. The virus might just be the checking cards moment for much more halfdead ppl than usually. And something else could trigger a similarily deadly overreaction.
Please give us all a break..
No correlation between testing positive and being sick. Correlation is not cause, but cause requires correlation.
No, they filtered the sick patients according to the result of the test. They withdrew medical services from the non-positive patients, letting them die. They publicised the very few sick, boosting their numbers with lots of non-sick patients, found by testing random healthy people.
No wonder the UK is going down the drain if you can’t spot a scam.
None of the experiments have proved the following thesis wrong: that viruses are not particles produced by our own cells, possibly to self-repair. That people living in similar conditions (esp. atmospheric) should put the same stress on their ‘milieu interieur’ is perfectly reasonable, and hence that their bodies should attempt in similar ways to self-repair. That the viruses are attacking from the external environment has not in any way been evidenced. Besides, if you read about the experiments, then you will see that there are multiple issues with the type of sequencing used. This type of sequencing does not in the least purify.
No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size. The experiments were not randomized and the investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment. Do you not see a major problem here?
Ruptly feed of Berlin protests
Is it over?
This is a debate for the sake of debating because there’s no surety that viruses exist. Off Guardian has its head in the sand just like the general society. The real question: can we operate decently in any context when our premises may be false? It seems that that question is disallowed everywhere, including here, because too much self-facing enters. Facing one’s propensity for irrationality fully – the big non-no, illustrated right here on OG.
Exactly. There’s absolutely no question about SARS-CoV-2. It doesn’t exist. It hasn’t been purified and ZERO experiments have been done to prove it can be transmitted between animals or humans. They admit as much in the papers they have published. Unfortunately only a very few people actually read these papers. This is what 20 years of social media does to a society. All critical thinking has been eliminated..
I’d like a few links to them papers so I can send to normies who fall for the covid con..
Check out also a voice of reason; Dr Andrew Kaufman.
The one who claims he proven that measles virus doesn’t exist in court based on his own ridiculous bet & impossible to meet subjective condition that the proof must be in one paper only while it was in a collection of 7 papers ec? The court never proven his claims but he claims opposite. And this is a credible voice of reason? Because of such cheap tricks this side of science is getting hammered for not being scientific. And because of such cases comes stigmatization and it is do hard to get the good studies.
It was Lanka who went to court. And you know better than him. I doubt it.
That was Dr. Stefan Lanka and his conditions were perfectly sensible and logical and haven’t been met because the viral disease paradigm is a massive fraud. No virus sample has ever been shown to cause greater disease than a control that contains the same toxins used to culture or store the virus sample. Controls are a basic tenet of scientific investigation yet are entirely absent from any studies that claim viruses cause disease. In virology there are no good studies. It can’t really be called a science at all. Any stigmatization this field gets is perfectly warranted.
His assessment of this coronavirus farce is worth reading:
forgotten the way back to your bridge…?
OffGuardian makes exactly this mistake claiming the virus is a matter or belief while something actually was sequenced & exist. All the rest i actually a good debate without baseless questions.
If viruses doesn’t exist and aren’t viral then what was smallpox/blackdeath, what killed all these people claimed to die for hispanic flu (being a double wave of american flu) what was mass murdering Indians in both Americas on european arrival? What killed ober 30% of Romans? A toxin? Unfresh bread? Fungus? Je.wish conspiracy? Or was is a mass hallucination? Why nations were convinced of existence of bioweapons and researched it? Explain it to me?
You may ask if viruses kill or cause diseases. But you ask & claim something what for any modern men seems outlandish in context of majority of western medical & common knowledge. Asking too deep questions is impossible in any age or culture. Most of genial breakthous are accepted long after death of the creator. So too big of a revolution usually dies before it finds a soil to root in and is contrproductive. So lets not stop sun movement around earth yet – no math to claim it.
This is a very bad question. And the RNA called viruses is all over the place everywhere. If it is a problem of interpretation then create an experiment to prove the actual causes of claimed vital diseases. Science is based on scientific epiric debunking with falsification experiments not on fighting one claim with another. Do you think bacteria are also not real and doesn’t cause diseases? There are some superbacteria you know? Or maybe it is a hoax too like all biom in your gut…
Unfaithul Tom won’t ever believe if he doesn’t see and touch. BTW Filipino are crucified every year and don’t die… and its a proper empiric falsification experiment…
You can’t accept possible radical change in the understanding of what disease is, so you’re defensive.
I accept logic and arguments. If you want to change majority view you need to be defensive as they are & present a stronger science & arguments powerful enough to shake majority view & ones not easily refutable by lazy authorities. You need a bulletproof evidence. New theory needs to be backed up by a falsification experiment which either debunks the original theory as false (what is impossible if the theory is based on faith in something nonexistent) or proves the new theory as at least equally well describing & explaining reality. scowie presented his comprehensive criticism to viral theory what is good enough for me to shake my views & at least accept a possibility of existence of a different theory. But isn’t a proof itself yet. Problem is not only in mainstream ortodoxy but also in easily accepted analogies – the viral theory copies bacterial diseases theory framework what is intuitively accepted because “seems to make sense”. The nonviral theory also seems to make sense but its not enough – it splits actual viral infections causes into bacterial group & toxic group or more. The simplest explanation is most likely the right one. So in face of this rule the more simplistic viral theory is more likely. That’s why you need to back it up by a stronger evidence.
OK, now we’re moving together. I think basically we literally don’t know what we’re dealing with – by ‘we’ I mean scientists also – and this deep confusion and uncertainty marks our collective behavior very badly. Thus, it’s not ‘them over there’ versus ‘us over here’. It’s everyone glimpsing the void, so to speak. The whole world more or less has gone off the rails since March.It seems unprecedented to me and is deeply disturbing. Perhaps the Earth is kicking us off…?
Smallpox was caused by bed bug bites & poor sanitation, as supported by the observations of Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell:
In poor sanitary conditions bed bugs could effectively be injecting faeces into the skin as they fed on a person causing the eruption of pustules. There have been reports of people still getting it fairly recently in the Third World despite the disease supposedly having been eradicated. It actually wasn’t a deadly disease originally. It was the interventions of the physicians of the day that killed smallpox sufferers, like blood-letting, mercury pills and other poisons. Smallpox vaccination killed many too — the native population of Hawaii was decimated with them.
The Black Death was supposedly bubonic plague which is another disease of poor sanitation that is spread by the fleas of rats and still turns up today in places lacking adequate sanitation. I do wonder if it might have had another cause though, like someone travelling around poisoning wells deliberately. I suspect some of that happened in the Americas on arrival of the Europeans. It was definitely the Europeans who mass murdered those Indians in one way or another and then pretended that they had just died of some “infectious” disease to save face.
As for “Spanish Flu”:
Romans may well have got killed by spoiled food/failed harvests.
It’s like the animal farming industry: crowding as part of efficiency and profit lead to animal disease, misused medicines, biocides, human disease, etc. In the case of people, low wages, unaffordable medicine, gentrificatiuon, destitution, etc. lead to more disease via crowding.
The overlords think they have a solution, a final one.
Capitalism cannot be reformed.
I wd add people didn’t reform and they get what they tolerate to get.
That’s first side. If they buy the cheapest offer in shop and doesn’t care about quality of content inside (having unscientific belief that some sanitary unit, centralised gov body is taking care about them and the conserwants maximal healthy doses ec). And companies shouldnt be blamed for just obeying law and doing what is free to do…
This comes also from poor public education and lack of criticism teached in schools – which by definition became uniform killing any signs of free thinking. And this builds a poor quality of decisions making majority in partially democratic systems (not that its any better in a autoritarian systems as chinese) – partially because of only partial once in 4-5 years decision making. But it is far from being a true democracy as in Switzerland (where citizens doesn’t know who a prime minister is and they doesnt really care because he doesn’t have much authority). Question is if you can build such a system in a poor country or crowdy country or it works only in a rich country with a higher quality education & social etos/responsibility.
The last reason – the true reason is FED, central banking, global printing, the global Zimbabwe team… since 1971 printing is so big that it completely deformed capital allocation, empoverished the poor and middle class, destroying education, all scientific fields, promoted pseudoinvestement is fast yields. Humanity didn’t invented anything useful since 1971, society degenerated on all levels. American postwar boom was the last spark of innovativeness in the world. Cheap commercialism changed people into nihilists without any path in life, without any values and ideas. All things we buy were invented long ago and commercialised or miniaturised not long ago. Nothing similar to computer, tv, radio, electric engine was invented – they only recycle old ideas finding new use for the old engines. Electric or air, or hydrogen fueled cars are old. AI are just more complex calculating programs, 5G is just sending more audio and video, virtual reality is just hiding in a small box to avoid true world. We didnt improve unsalting water, we gave up the best ecological source of energy nuclear plants, we failed in advancing in farming – we produce more food mass with record low nutrition value. Nikola Tesla would be disgusted.
Good questions & criticism brings a good discussion material. Thank you & ask for more sources for each case explaination!(smallpox vax decimating in hawai source please – english is not my native lang so its very troublesome for me, while im sure it will help you in future discussions too)
“A failure of the fruit crop in any particularly large area is always followed the succeeding winter by the presence of smallpox. My experience is limited to eighty-eight cases of that disease in the Pest-House, and my attention has constantly been directed to the establishing of the fact of the non-contagiousness of fomites and to the prevention of the pitting or pocking by the malady. That the pitting or pocking can be positively prevented I am absolutely certain, for in the above number of cases I had only one patient who became pocked and this was done intentionally. In all of the cases of smallpox that have originated here I have always found bedbugs; and where patients suffering with this disease were brought here and placed in premises free from these vermin, the disease did not spread to persons living with the patient. This has occurred in many cases, and in all stages of the disease.”
A. Correlation with disease as good as viral. It doesn’t prove every person bitten by bedbug got ill. But is easier to falsify since bedbugs are visible things, easy to use to indicate if it causes a sickness or not. No need to use advanced DNA modification tools with a high error margin…
B. It also points out the possible underlaying cause of diseases – not only poor sanitation – but also a poor diet and vitamin/mineral deficiencies which compromises natural immunity which becomes the reason why things normally common & harmless become harmless. Also why one person if affected why another isn’t – without a need to digg deep into genetic causes (which approach tends to ignore possibility that the nutrition & external causes can affect epigenetics causing genetic diseases activation).
“Without treatment, plague results in the death of 30% to 90% of those infected.[1][3] Death, if it occurs, is typically within ten days.[6] With treatment the risk of death is around 10%.[3] Globally between 2010 and 2015 there were 3248 documented cases, which resulted in 584 deaths.[1] The countries with the greatest number of cases are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, and Peru” – Wikipropagandopedia
Quite deadly thing itself… In case of Roman Empire the plague started in falling stage of the empire. Empire had drasticly high taxes, weak debased currency, people were so poor that their diet didn’t include healthy food and was based on carbohydrates also farming became not profitable, farmers were so desperate that they were escaping farms so food prices were for sure high too. And war zones moved from limes into imperial territory. Somehow when Slavs migrated in they didn’t die so often (they had quite high standards for a barbarians – “bania” = suana, in northern winter territories they were leaving usual dwellings for cold season to let the cold kill of all bugs inside, not to mention that – the same with arabic desert culture where they needed to create proper ablution rituals to deal with diseases common because of flying sand mixed with human/animal feces – if somebody was infecting christian wells… guess who could it be & who was throwing infected bodies into christian sieged cities..).
And notice how the preveilent in common view spreading nature of diseases changes human civilisation mentality from individualistic into collectivist which requires centralized, uniformed, whole society driven collective actions & efforts ruled by selfproclamed authorities instead of personal prevention, self-consciousness, private responsibility with many freely competing solutions. Promotion of a collective danger wipes out invidual, organic, bottom-up created responses in faith that centralised filtered authority is idealistically purely science driven and trustworthy – especially being a global response.
now we getting somewhere. Good discussion. willingness to entertained others point of view is key.
The Hawaii thing I got from here:
Hansen’s disease, aka leprosy, was one of the diseases caused by smallpox variolation. Syphilis was another:
Thank you for your insight…truely.
The spanish flu was caused by the massive amount of vaccines given to young men coming back from the war. Vaccine poisoning. The spanish flu killed mostly young people.The native americans was mass murdered by Europeans who destroyed their food supplies and massacred them. No disease required. The Incas empire was already collapsing by the time the spanish arrived.As for the older die off we do not know enough to know how or why they happened.There is no evidence bacteria causes disease. None at all.
Dr Malcolm Kendrick has an article about the prospective vaccine:
In summary, the full phase III testing (with ~30,000 patients) won’t be complete until late 2023. The plan seems to be to go ahead directly from Phase II testing (based on 30 to 80 patients depending on vaccine team involved). The criteria for a ‘successful’ vaccine is not full immunity or anything close, but slight reduction of symptoms, e.g. headache, cough.
This is basically no better than aspirin/paracetomol/cough medicine but with the prospect for very signiificant side effects (cf permanent brain damage in the 2009 ‘experiment’).
Becuase their approach is focused on Bcell antibodies… while the effective antiviral effect comes from Tcells… and Tcells work properly when you have no vitamin D deficiency unlike 95% of ICU cases… 2 adds up to 2..
BTW they dont want to do a proper double blind human testings of vaccines calling infecting healthy people or not giving a sick person the treatment which wasn’t ever tested if it works calling it “nonethical” while they run human trials testing something unknown possibly deadly on noninfected people checking if they will get disease and survive? What a hypocrisy…
“The researchers are also aiming to have 40% of the study subjects over age 65 or with underlying conditions, such as hypertension, lung disease, diabetes and morbid obesity, since they’re more likely to become ill with Covid-19, Novak said.”
This will be funny to watch as they take a group the most prone to dying of irrelevantly Covid or other health risk factor and try to prove that their vaccine is safe and didn’t cause them to die in the first place… and if they die that their comorbities are the reason not the caught Covid to prove its efficacy against possibly worse scenario… Its a bit mission impossible.. what can go wrong here..
There is a certain group which is very sensitive to this or other virus or nasty bacteria and until they finish well… they will be already on the other side. So they can’t bet on another deadly wave, not even with the sunless flu season. The only way for them to make another death spike would be to impose lockdowns and keep people with even less sun exposure… and with all immunity-breaking habits as alcohol, immobility, sugar, trashfoods eating.
Remember, they have convinced so many people, especially the elderly, to voluntarily take repeated flu vaccines – that cause far more harm than good. Not that any of the other vaccines is much better.
Yes. But it’s the same paradigm of western medicine to treat symptoms instead of fixing underlaying cause.
In old age you can have a few cancers not even being aware.
Old people survived WWII and are after selection ppl with stronger genes. Like the 100+ guy who survived hispanic flu and now went thou Covid as if he was youngster… My grandma had 6 siblings – all died. She eats plant oils, sugars and it doesnt do anything bad to her… LOL They still remember the old good ways – if they forgot then its their decision and i don’t care. i care more about young people on shitty diets, eating for pleasure not to stay alive and be healthy and especially about vaccination of vulnerable babies and forgeting to give them fishoil in the earliest phase of building brain – mostly being built of HDA in omega-3 fats.
New generations doesn’t have any natural selection process, weak breed weak, stupid teach children being stupid – while they all have options to choose from.
What i mean – actual generations will be dying as flies no matter is they will be vaxed, intentionally poisoned or not… they all choose poisons buying in shops, feeding children. This is the selection they choose for their group voluntarily.
So these bad habits are also a kind of a “brain bacteria” they spread.
But there is also the new age brewing under all of this. because the real science still exists and everyday you find new true knowledge from double blind gold standard studies and who looks finds fixes for nearly all of their conditions and bad behavior patterns(fk u british/american versions of same words) to live longer. Even being vaxed, poisoned – you still have a shot in detoxifying and going back to norm (you only cant reverse what was fkd up in your childhood, no option to cross these limits, achieving your inborn genetic predefined potential limit – but you can provide this great service to your children).
The “pandemic” evaluation/debate only serves to distract the public away from the facts. Your “governments” have only fictional power, and are run by a criminally insane financial oligarchy. The Great Reset will not include speculations as to personal worth…
Even the establishment team that reviewed the Imperial College paper says that closing schools may well have killed more people than leaving them open throughout the pandemic, by delaying herd immunity
“Herd Immunity” to what?
There can be no COVID debate without historical analysis of role of medicine in pushing brutal and cruel cultural, socioeconomic and political agendas for benefit of ruling elites as in almost all cases policies were motivated by reasons far from noble pursuits of saving human lives.
What is often ignored, however , is the fact that It is much bigger problem of politicization of medicine for purposes of state policies and in different scales of extreme it was and is common phenomenon regardless of nominal political system; bourgeois liberal democratic or autocratic or fascistic even of Stalinist type of state capitalism all were happy to varying degree use backup of pseudo scientific assertions and practices which efficacy was never objectively examined, for various political expediencies.
In fact eugenics, anthropomorphic and genetic race theory was not exclusively German invention but in fact in pseudo scientific form was introduced under British empire as providing supposedly rational objective cover for imperial conquests and subjugation of nations while preaching liberalism freedoms and democracy.
It was those liberal, enlightened characters who paraded Native American Indians in London as humanoid beast, a part of their XVIII century paid freak shows and those were the same people who promoted pseudoscience of race theory as advancing British Empire policies of extreme exploitation and politically motivated genocide justified by subhuman status of victims treated almost as animals.
It was political path along which eugenics, not as fringe medical theory and practice but mainstream government sponsored and authorized policies incorporated into modern medical curriculum was widely taught in Medical schools long before Hitler came to power.
International Eugenics Society had thousands of medical doctors as members all over world including US where government was eager to use pseudoscience of eugenics and euthanasia to cover up exploitation of slaves and later “freed” black community and genocide of Indians as having supposedly rational scientific background such as made up arguments of social Darwinism and weak race etc., discussed among London or Yale high society.
But those were not evil people like Mengele but as Arendt posited, those who simply banalized and normalized evil under opportunist submission to profitable or beneficial “scientific” authority, they failed or refused to challenge, or under some supposedly exigent circumstances that in their eyes justify temporarily suspension of their Hippocratic oath supposedly for common good.
The catastrophic failure of ethics, bordering with criminality in among medical professionals was brought to fore by COVID and it must be addressed in debate first by taking away from “experts” ultimate authority and return them in all matters of public health to educational and advisory role only.
“It was those liberal, enlightened characters who paraded Native American Indians in London as humanoid beast”
That may or may not be true, but I have never seen that claim made before.
Jimi Hendrix a “Native American Indian” moved to London cos he couldn’t get a gig in The USA – and we all Loved him.
Everyone slags off us English, but I reckon we are the least racist country in the World.
It was cold, unemotional “scientific”, academic approach trying to figure out degree of humanity in blacks/Africans, Indians and Hindu or Chinese. And who was pushing such pseudo science: enlightened progressives, liberals reading Darwin. Legal Status of even WASP women was that of children as incapable of rational thought and broader social responsibility, similar to that proliferated by Muslim tradition today.
Remember, for liberals in US and British empire even all men (exclusive of women) were not created equal during times of feudal social castes and aristocratic rule, not to mention half beasts like natives of the “savage” primitive world.
Ethically justified Inequality was the core of feudal social system as it is today.
“Everyone slags off us English”
But you can totally separate the Real People of the UK from the quasi-German bastards at the top. There’s a section of UK life… somewhere around the lower-middle, economically, I guess, that’s about half a century ahead of the US, and maybe twice that much ahead of Germany, as far as “multi-culturalism” and Integration go (especially in the big cities). The US has yet to come to terms with how fantastically segregated it is; no one seems to get that “Black Culture” in the USA is so distinct precisely because of segregation, and that it’s so “entertaining” that no one really wants to come to terms with what it costs in health (physical and mental) and real deaths.
The sad truth being that I can’t think of a country on Earth that isn’t either racist or color-coded.
On other sites, if anyone says a White policman recently killed a a Black man by kneeling on his neck, there is no shortage of indignant replies.
You either accept segregation and the divide on natural lines creating a two homogenic healthy societal entities or you pretend to build a multicultural country with an british-indian type caste system falling into chaos the more multicultural/turboequality line crashes with the tribalic identity line.
Every caste system works because it offers a kind of meritocracy. The moment order is broken or monarchy looses credibility you end up with a Cromwell type or french revolution time backfire.
But origin of UK is a hierarchical, ariticratic, feudal, caste-like system while USA was multicultural but only in a european group what mixed into a homogenic culturally, religiously, in civilisation posteuropean culture and their caste-system is artificial or was limited to WASPS but now warped. They truly believe they can have one leading class & two fighting societies under them.
And this segregation and identity, tribalism promoting politics system built by democrat politics for decades now expanding & incorporated by 2 civilisationally opposite views will end the same way as north-south division in secession or in domestic war.
Marxism builds more and more division and the more communism grows the more fascist the response, the feedback loop becomes.
Two different cultures can coexist but two civilizations can’t and one needs to win. When one side completely disregards a common cultural root, the common basic law & constitution, american selfmade man etos in favor of collectivism then you are at a cultural war and talking ended – also no problems can find solutions, because nobody needs solutions at war but weapons & other side destruction tools.
Also being the empire is a sensitive position – there is a lot of unkind competition around adding fuel to the fire… while nobody cares about UK, nobody cares about weak orfan’s fate.
You write as though the “cultural differences” are inevitable, non-dissoluble, congenital and necessary… and as though social engineering isn’t the hidden hand that dissolves some barriers while fortifying others. Italians and the Irish of 19th century (say, 1885) New York could barely have been more heterogeneous… by 1985 they were, throughout the US, part of a largely undifferentiated blob called “White” (though neither group was considered “white” by the Vanderbilts in 1885).
Most kids of my generation (late Boomer, 61 this year) belonged to ONE CULTURE: TV CULTURE. That was glaringly obvious to any observer capable, as I was, of moving between cultures. The late-middle ’70s were when Integration in the US, as a banal, utilitarian and inevitable movement, began to really take off. Quashed by the rabidly segregationist Bush/Reagan regime of the 1980s and codified by crypto-Right Wing Clintons.
I was there and I saw it and then I left. Alt Right “Race Realists” like to think that there are irreconcilable differences between groups that have been avidly indulging in (and transforming) one another’s cultures for generations. Rather like Radical Lesbian Separatists have been trying to argue that Women and Men don’t mix. Laugh. Empirical evidence says “nope”.
Oh dear, I see I’ve offended a Racist! That “down-vote” is a poignant tear drop… (laugh)
Based on your experience of living in one country?
Look at Lewis Hamilton happyness on face when he makes the black first gesture and watches the white loosers kneeling in Formula 1… UK is so much antiracist it became the next racist level, just changing sides… not a great country to live in.
And who are the English actually? When i go to Ireland i know i see on first glance. In UK? XD Albion should change name into Allbias.
I think there’s something within the Anglo-Germanic mindset which leans toward technocratic eugenics. GK Chesterton credited the Prussians with being the leading pioneers, but the English establishment were keen supporters and continued the policies after WWI. The French had their spasm of Enlightenment insanity during the Jacobin era, but they’re too rooted in Romanticism to carry it through for long. However, it means that the leading rebels are also likely to be Anglo-Germanic; or at least heavily exposed to the eugenics culture. I’m thinking specifically of Swift, Blake, Chesterton, etc, but I’m sure there’s a lot more.
G.K. Chesterton – Eugenics and Other Evils (1922):
“I think there’s something within the Anglo-Germanic mindset which leans toward technocratic eugenics.”
I think this is partially true, though the curse only seems to manifest in the psychopathic subset of the Anglo-Germanics who use the psychopathy to rise to the “top” and establish ruling class dynasties; I know plenty of Anglo-Germanics without a molecule of that curse. Higher up in the business and social spectrum, however, the concentration of this toxin escalates rapidly. And, of course, the eugenic core of “civilization” as we know it celebrates Huxley, Russell, Shaw, HG Wells, Heidegger and his eugenics-adjacent “Dasein,” and creepy Gates, et al, as visionaries. “This is Sparta!” (shouted triumphantly) indeed.
To assist the debate, I submit the following:
The time for experts to recommend without full scrutiny is over. There is no immediate emergency. If the public are expected to accept these recommendations then legitimate questions must be answered. The people subject to restrictions need to know on what basis these restrictions are being imposed, and offered the opportunity to discuss, and to accept or reject the recommendations offered, based on full and accurate information. Below is a list of questions pertinent to the present regime. It is not an exhaustive list. These questions are directed to the government and through it to all cabinet ministers, the Minister for Health, the HSE, and NPHET. It is the responsibility of the government to provide full and honest answers to these questions.
1. What is the definition of a “case?” What is the difference between a “case” and an “infection?” How many infections are there, and why is this data not reported along with cases?
2. Is the PCR test used to identify cases?
a. If so, on what basis? When was PCR testing first used to detect the presence of a virus in a live subject? What research supports the use of this test for this purpose? How does this differ from the typical procedure for diagnosis of viral respiratory infection, and why is this new procedure warranted, or preferable?
b. What genetic sequence is held to be evidence of the presence of the virus?
c. How many cycles of the PCR test are used to identify a case? What is the basis for this number?
d. What does a positive result indicate? How many people with positive PCR tests have symptoms or develop symptoms?
e. What is the false positive rate? How is the incidence of false positives detected and corrected?
f. Has SARS-CoV-2 been isolated? If not, how can PCR accurately test for it?
3. Are there asymptomatic cases? What percentage of cases are asymptomatic?
4. Are persons with asymptomatic cases capable of spreading the virus? If so, what is the means of spreading and how has this been demonstrated? How many instances of asymptomatic spread have been documented?
5. How is a death attributed to SARS-CoV-2?
6. Have any autopsies been performed on patients identified as SARS-CoV-2 victims? If so, what were the findings? If not, why not?
7. Have any of the patients who have died been identified as SARS-CoV-2 victims by PCR test? If so, please refer to questions 2(a-f) above. Have these questions been addressed with respect to these deaths, and if not, how can these deaths be attributed to SARS-CoV-2?
8. How many of these patients had no other co-morbidities?
9. What is the infection rate of the total population?
10. What is the infection fatality rate?
a. How does this compare to the infection fatality rate for influenza?
b. What are the leading causes of death? Where does SARS-CoV-2 infection appear in this list?
11. Was the Imperial College model correct? What was its prediction for deaths in Sweden without restrictions? What was Sweden’s actual death rate? What is Sweden’s current death rate?
12. What model(s) are being used to project deaths?
a. Has this model been back-tested on actual data? If so, how did it perform? If not, why not, and when will it be back-tested, so that its accuracy can be demonstrated?
b. Did this model predict the decline in deaths from June onward? If not, what adjustments have been made to improve its accuracy?
c. What are the current projections?
d. Who is responsible for modeling, and what professional oversight is in place to assess the performance of modeling?
e. Have model code and predictions been published? If so, where can they be accessed? If not, why not, and when will they be published so that the public can assess this work?
13. Has any member of NPHET or any cabinet minister received any financial consideration from any pharmaceutical manufacturer or institution promoting the use of vaccines or proprietary medicines?
14. Has any member of NPHET or any cabinet minister received research grant funding from or participated in any research project funded by any pharmaceutical manufacturer or institution promoting the use of vaccines or proprietary medicines?
15. What consideration has been given to the use of prophylactic treatments (such as hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin or ivermectin) as an alternative to social restrictions?
16. What analysis of the costs to social life, economic activity, and mental health has been performed?
a. Have these costs been weighed against any benefits of the restrictions imposed or proposed?
b. What conclusions have been drawn?
c. Why have these not been published?
17. How many tests, procedures and treatments have been delayed or cancelled due to restrictions in the health service?
a. Has any estimate been made of the increase in mortality and morbidity due to such delays and cancellations?
b. If so, were these increases weighed against expected benefit from the restrictions, and subsequently against actual benefit from the restrictions? If not, why not?
18. Has any analysis been made as to the social costs of restrictions and impositions such as:
a. Restrictions on family contact, including visits to infirm or elderly family members?
b. Restrictions on social contact?
c. Restrictions on attendance at weddings, funerals and other significant social events?
d. Restrictions on hospital visits, including at significant events such as births, deaths, and major procedures and treatments?
e. Personal impositions such as requirements to wear face coverings, particularly those imposed on workers and students for long periods?
f. Have any of these analyses been published? If not, why not, and when will they be published?
19. Can a respiratory virus be eradicated? Can respiratory viral disease be eradicated?
20. Has any proposed restriction, given the decreased incidence of infection and mortality, been proposed after a full and public analysis of the costs against projected benefit, and a retrospective study of the costs already incurred by the public due to past restrictions, particularly by those who have suffered adverse effects to their physical or mental health as a result of the restrictions imposed to date?
I think you missed a rather crucial question: How was it established that SARS-CoV-2 is a cause of disease? And what was used as a control?
Good addition, scowie, thank you. I did say it wasn’t exclusive. 🙂
Another question: where did the major allocations of public wealth for “emergency relief” go?
Leading causes of death: heart disease (15.2 million/year), cancer (9.6m), starvation (9m), tobacco (8.2m), polluted air (6.7m), infant mortality (4.1m), medical blunder/crime (>2.6m), alcohol (3m), diabetes (1.6m), diarrhoea (1.4m), road accidents, TB, Aids, hepatitis B, resistant pathogens, murders, other narcotics, malaria, pregnancy complications, flu, poisoned water, military invasion/subversion.
Yet another good question, thank you mgeo. I have no idea – can’t even guess but be sure it is well hidden.
wrong question – we need much stronger pushback – the question is – since this phantom menace is now clearly revealed as just a flu variant, why are we talking about any ‘suppression measures’ at all, beyond what ‘measures’ we take every year during the flu season? Followup question – when are the people who purveyed this monstrous hoax on us going to face some real consequences for their terribly destructive lies??? And I suppose – why is OffG lending any credibility to the purveyors of this crap?????
Interview with an NHS Nurse: “Where’s the challenge? Where’s the crisis? Where’s this Covid?”
Q. At what date (approximately) did you start seeing Covid patients?
Answer: Beginning of March.
Q. What were their symptoms?
Answer: Low oxygen levels, sometimes a higher temperature but often no symptoms that would distinguish differently from their other underlying conditions. I did not come across any patient reporting more unusual symptoms like loss of smell or taste. Neither did I see any patients that developed any associated clotting problems.
Any deteriorating patient would develop worsening function in all body organs and systems but these cannot be called symptoms of Covid. It’s just more the fact that a patient was dying in the same way every other failing bodied patient has died.
Q. Were their symptoms any different to other serious respiratory viruses that you had seen and treated in the past?
Answer: The Covid patients presented no differently to any other respiratory illness, which most Covid patients already had a history of anyway. Previous to Covid we would see patients with the same symptoms in conditions like exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, community acquired pneumonia, hospital acquired pneumonia, some types of heart failure, sepsis and general frailty.
Any infection, as we all know, could present with a high temperature and quite understandably if a patient was admitted with a chest infection, we could also see deteriorated respiratory function which would be low oxygen levels. A simple chest infection in the main could look identical to Covid.
Q. Did you see any Covid patients under 20 years old?
Answer: No
Q. Did you see any Covid patients under 50 years old?
Answer: No
Q. What was the general age range of the Covid patients?
Answer: Over 70
Total Covid deaths in Sweden in the 2 MONTHS to October 9, 2020 = 132
Total Covid deaths in the U.K in the last 2 DAYS = 164.
Sweden did not have a lockdown and discourages the use of masks.
I can’t see a lot to debate about , really.
It would help if you said “claimed” covid deaths.
For more on this see Jon Rappoport article.
Excellent richard, Thank you – I had no idea.
Let’s see what another expert says.
“ Taiwan never even had a lockdown, while lockdown measures in Vietnam, New Zealand and China were early, short and sharp. Out of a population of 1.4bn people, China has only suffered 4,634 Covid-19 deaths; Vietnam, Taiwan and New Zealand together have had 67. How are these countries keeping Covid-19 under control, their health services running, and their economies and societies afloat?”
“ At what stage will Britain look towards east Asia and the Pacific and say, “We want what they have”? At what point will we learn from their playbook: suppressing the virus, opening up the economy and regaining a semblance of normality in our daily lives?”
Prof Devi Sridhar
Or we could have copied Peru, which had possibly the earliest, harshest, most mask-wearing lockdown of them all, and they’ve ended up with the highest per-capita COVID death rate of any major country. Perhaps we don’t want what they have!
Like most of the countries that had very low COVID death tolls, South Korea had higher than normal mortality before the pandemic In South Korea’s case the higher mortality ran for 3 years and a total of 56K excess deaths. Of course, the media didn’t care about those deaths, and it still doesn’t, because they weren’t COVID-related. Likewise for New Zealand and quite possibly for other Asian countries too.
“3 years”!!
Prof Devi Sridhar holds a BSc in Biology from the University of Miami and a DPhil in politics from the University of Oxford. Certainly not medical qualifications.
Sridhar has worked closely with Chelsea Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
Sridhar serves on the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Health Industry.
These are all just facts no conspiracy.
Leading UK professor warned of coronavirus type outbreak two years ago (Sridhar)
Dr Fauci 2017 “there will be a surprise outbreak”
Very good at predicting these two.
Although it could just be a coincidence.
China uses lies as facts, a bit like the NYT. First rule of science, shite in shite out. You need to evaluate your data sources and China’s numbers will never be believable.
You sorry armchair socialists should go live in China and actually find out something about which you speak as “experts” before spewing forth.
Tim puts “The Pandemic” in the title of his book, without indicating that he questions it. I’m sure that the TCC is pleased.
A) Rancourt is a good man who saw through “Global Warming/ Change” years ago and debunked it tirelessly and he appears to see through the “Covid” story and its real motivations but B) this sentence in the description of the event seems to take the existence of “Covid” as a given:
…and, worse, seems to imply that C) the “global response” is sincere and not part of a greater (quite sinister) scheme. Which is classic Limited Hangout, no? “Debunk” a minor point while supporting the Goal; in which case the “debate” would be sort of ineffectual, whatever its outcome. Although there’s a good chance this was just a subliminal slip on the part of whoever wrote it. If people walk away from the “debate” (regarding a moot point) with the sense that “Covid” is very real and the Govs’ “global response” to it is sincere, we’ve scored an own-goal.
Maybe I don’t know what “own-goal” means, but that last sentence had me scratching my head. I agree with the first part of your comment. This is what we are dealing with. The vast majority, pro lockdown and ant-lockdown, see things from a germ theory / Rockefeller health care ideology standpoint. I don’t, but it’s clear to me that I’m in a super tiny minority. So be it.
“Maybe I don’t know what “own-goal” means, but that last sentence had me scratching my head.”
In what we Americans call “soccer”: if you accidentally cause the ball to shoot into your own team’s net, that’s an “own-goal”. So: if people walk away from this debate believing that “Covid” is a dangerous (or actual) virus: not good. I do believe in viruses because I have experience catching colds, or the flu, from fuckheads sneezing on me in the U-Bahn. I just see no evidence that “Covid” isn’t a meme instead of a “deadly virus”… or a virus at all. I think it’s the same Flu, more or less, we get every year… plus LOTS of Soc Med/ YouTube spin. Because, empirically speaking: otherwise, half the city would be dead by now. The masks and “distancing” precautions are absurd.
Yeah, a bit like novijoke which is so deadly a small amount can kill a city full of people but not the skripols!
There was a comment here a few days ago relating to a study where a number of flu patients and equal number of healthy people were 1. put together in a room and chatting at 1 feet appart 2. mucus from mouth and nose of “infected” swabbed in nose, mouth and eyes of healthy participants and 3. “infected” mucus in a concoction injected in the vains of the healthy…. None of these procedures got healthy participants to contract the flu…. How sure are you?
there’d be a lot of ethical issues with that kind of thing, sounds like somebody’s making stuff up ….
I can’t find the reference to that alleged experimental study, but I dimly recall that it (allegedly) took place in the “Spanish Flu” era, c. 1920, before present-era ethical and procedural limits were developed.
In an ethical perspective, it seems to me that a lot of people are making stuff up… I suppose that’s why I didn’t question it… also, that’s exactly the kind of study I would conduct… Inject me with someone’s saliva anytime over an experimental vaccine…
Mosquitos would have caused huge outbreaks were blood to blood transmission possible. Tons of mosquitos in Asia and Africa, but no sign of huge outbreaks of the faux virus.
If you can follow a mosquito with a magnifier, you will realize sir, that they are all wearing face masks (I’m practicing for my new career at Radio Canada)
Ahh. Thanks. Incidentally, your explanation of why viruses exist is probably the best and hardest to refute but I do think we are on the way to doing so. Thomas Cowan responds to Patrick Bet-David’s (probably a small ‘c’ Conservative and certainly someone who has gained my respect after having Thomas on his show) question, regarding that virus concept-supportive idea, with the idea that exosomes can be transmitted (like pheromones) to others, so that when someone’s sick and their body is trying to detoxify, exosomes transmitted by the sick person can ‘report’ that danger to nearby people, causing them them to detoxify in exactly the same way. That’s not contagion. That’s something else.
*Thomas has a style. He’s draggy. But he’s been thinking. He doesn’t have all the answers and comes across as though he hasn’t been thinking. But if you listen to ‘what’ he says, That’s a thinker.
Does that make sense? (It wouldn’t – if we were perfect. We are not perfect.) I think that that’s exactly what is going on, but the mechanism is damaged as a result of inherited imperfection. I’ll give you an illustration and it’s strange, but it’s the only thing I can think of for now. God designed dogs a certain way. You’ll sometimes see them turn around, after crapping, and using their hind legs to kick dirt on top of their doo doo. That’s not thinking. That’s instinct and it’s part of the way that they were designed. Except that I’ve noticed that dogs that do that sometimes completely miss their targets. The doo doo is safe and ready to be stepped on. The instinct is there and it’s amazing but it’s… impaired.
All of Patrick’s Valuetainment shows can be found on his website. The first vids you’ll see don’t have the above show in them. When you click on the “1.4 k more” button, it will be in that bunch.
If someone presents me with a compelling case, I can always be swayed enough to reconsider my position… I’m no ideologue. But I’m also hesitant to play “theory of the month” for the rest of my life, too, if you know what I mean. Everything I’ve been taught about viruses/ DNA seems more consistent than all the theories I’ve thus far encountered in the “con” category. You know the problem: there are people out there (many are Shills, of course) arguing passionately for Flat Earth, Paul is Dead and The Mandela Effect… and those are all non-starters for reasons that some people refuse (or “refuse”) to acknowledge. The CIA (or whatever we should call it) has done a pretty good job of subverting Reality for the Parapolitical Research Crowd, so I’m wary…
I think a lot of Religious people may prefer to disbelieve in Virus Theory because the existence of viruses might seem to undermine the notion of a Perfect God And His Perfect Creations; viruses serve no purpose, they are made of basic building blocks of Life but aren’t really living (no brains, no sensory apparatus, no digestive tract or CNS) yet they can “reproduce” (not sexually: mechanically) and be lethal if you “catch” one. It’s an unhappy accident that they A) exist and B) can fuck you up… very much like a kind of hypothetical sand that can get in your Vauxhall’s petrol tank and reproduce once there. They are a random structural danger floating around in the Biome. What kind of God would make them? I get that reasoning… but it doesn’t disprove the existence of viruses. I’m an Agnostic but even I scoff at Richard Dawkins’ “explanation” for the existence of the human eyeball (or the Bombardier Beetle’s explosive arse)… but I find virus theory fairly sound. None of the alternatives make sense after five minutes of thinking them through… but… to be honest… neither does the theory of Jesus Christ! Laugh. I won’t argue that one, though, because… why would I need to?
It’s not at all about belief. I think you know this and are spinning your wheels.
“It’s not at all about belief. I think you know this and are spinning your wheels”
Uh… wha? One thing I’m getting a little weary of is the Presumed Omniscience from which so many commenters around here speak. I’m not “spinning my wheels,” I’m expressing in painstakingly clear English what I actually think on the matter… the polite version.
What you politely think is incorrect when you say it’s about belief.
What is it that “isn’t about belief”?
The meticulous, careful reading of scientific literature by Dr Andrew Kaufman, for example. If you can show me belief in his youtube presentations about the question of ‘virus’ you get the gold star.
Erm… the comment filter has been blocking my comment for quite some time. Is there anywhere else I can post this, George… ?
My superficial problems with your belief in (what I have seen of) Kaufman’s presentations are 1) he supports the notion that there is a “pandemic” of some sort of toxic agent by which people are falling ill and 2) he qualifies his theory of what the “Covid” virus/exosome is or does by saying “there’s no scientific evidence to back up my theory, it’s just my opinion: I want to be clear about that” (start at the 9:50 mark in the clip linked below) and 3) I haven’t been presented with detailed evidence as to why “standard virus theory” is wrong or doesn’t work.
My deeper problem is that I suspect Kaufman is a “black-washing” asset inserted in the debate to make anti-Covid-Hoax believers look like idiots to the Mainstream. A function performed brilliantly by Stella Immanuel, “Trump’s New Covid-19 Doctor” who it was soon revealed “believes in demon, witches” and the toxic effects of “Alien DNA”. Does Trump really believe Stella Immanuel is a vital source of info? Not for one millisecond. Trump (born into the ruling class) works for the people in charge of The Great Reset. He is in place because he understands the psychology of his target audience and he understands his target audience’s “opposite” demographic, too. Trump knows that managerial-class are easily controlled by him because they will, invariably, do the opposite of what he appears to say to do. The Great Reset is proceeding apace in a way that HRC could never have managed. Lower-tiers of the control apparatus wanted HRC in (she’s a crony) but the Big Boys wanted Trump.
Kaufman and Icke and 80% of the supposed “heroes” of the anti-Covid-Hoax sideshow are working, wittingly or not, for TFIC. People really (really) want/need/ yearn for “HEROES”. TFIC provide them. The Duping continues.
They put (the smirking) Kaufman up to it (he’ll retire after this is over) and then TFIC come out with things like:
Here’s the key to understanding the territory: REAL dissidents NEVER get a platform. They’re either completely ignored/ silenced or eliminated (by “natural causes” or “natural car accidents/ plane wrecks/ natural suicide”). Dave McGowan barely started getting a hint of notoriety when “cancer” got him. Right?
Because you guys are fundamentally decent, and are not psychopathic liars, you just cannot seem to understand the Game being played against you. Trillions of looted dollars can fund a million YouTube “heroes” for 40 years on the interest accrued on the interest alone.
Steven: You’re trying for clarity but are hamstrung by paranoia, image-making, and bias against non-allopathic healing, all of which is defensiveness on your part. The value of Dr Kaufman lies in his raising of questions on things medical. If you feel you have them answered, that’s that, and ‘case closed’ – for you.
Let’s agree to disagree and move on, then! No hard feelings,
You’re running away. Too bad, but I’m not invested in anyone’s personal responsibility. No heroes, no enemies on this end.
“You’re running away.”
(Curses under breath, walks slowly back...)
George, commenting on OffGuardian is increasingly like interacting on a JHVH’s WITNESS forum in an alternative universe in which the JHVH’S WITNESSES have splintered into hundreds of sub-cults and every member will not rest until you agree that HIS or HER version of some bizarrely useless detail of Holy Doctrine is the “only right one”. It’s fairly exasperating but offers a fascinating insight into why TFIC have absolutely nothing to fear from “us”. My resulting boredom/ disgust is probably the desired reaction so I’ll ignore the foolishness and keep visiting the site, hoping for occasional gems of Clarity and Logic. Today was not especially good for that and it irks me, a little, that I wasted time on generating a serious response to your gullible comment. Nobody with half a calorie of experience or wit would fall for that smirking Kaufman’s shtick; he’s about two and a half notches higher than a Nigerian Phishing Scam from 2004.
You are now entitled to one free “zinger” in response. Unless it’s very good, I will ignore it and we’ll be done, okay? Okay?
PS Do you even get the joke in Kaufman’s name…?
..the need to control..
so the fact that you are still alive is it proof that you are not a dissident?
It’s more like the fact that only a few hundred people (at most) have ever heard of me. I’m obscure and so are you. We are not a threat; we’re not on the radar.
how would you know if they do not see you as a threat? Who said that popularity is their deciding factors? You assuming a lot here. I never understand the argument that the only way to be credible is to be dead. Like witch drowning. If you do not drown you are a witch but then you are executed and if you do die then you were not a witch but too bad for you.
Well, sadly, that’s the situation we face by opposing an enemy that, though inferior in literal numbers, outguns us by orders of magnitude and controls all the means (save one: face to face) by which we communicate and all the channels (except, again: face to face) by which we receive information.
It’s common sense and simple observation: if a “dissident” has access to a platform that reaches millions of people, and is famous, and allowed to present a message for years… I’m afraid you have to question how that “message” is actually being instrumentalized by your oppressors. Sometimes the messages are Limited Hangouts (eg refute a minor aspect of mainstream theory or reveal a minor “secret” while delivering a Major Disinfo Package, or promote, as a firewall, say, LIHOP when the truth is MIHOP… like Wikileaks does). Sometimes the messages are designed to tarnish all Dissidence (like Icke’s stupid “Reptilians” shit).
How efficient would it be for TFIC to target and eliminate every little Serf who espouses Dissident Theory? All TFIC need is for FACEBOOK/ Soc Med to perform its function and turn the little Dissident into a pariah by instrumentalizing Society Itself, which it does in bulk without wasting a single resource to fuck with you individually.
It sucks but sucking doesn’t make it untrue.
there is a deeper aspect to this but offguardian is not the place to talk about it. But their power only come from us giving up ours. And i do not agree that we should look at different theories as tarnishing.we should be open to all possibilities.
I think viruses almost certainly exist, but the fact that Sars-Cov2 has not been fully isolated and sequenced is a problem. What exactly are they testing for with the PCR test?. I understand that scientists pieced together fragments of RNA in order to make this and then tested people in China with the symptoms, getting positive results. Has every coronavirus been sequenced?, if not could you get a positive result with a different coronavirus infection?.
“I think viruses almost certainly exist, but the fact that Sars-Cov2 has not been fully isolated and sequenced is a problem.”
I think TFIC know, as we know, that the Vagueness can only work in their favor when it comes to scaring The Shit out Duh Masses.
(I responded to your quip below but the comment is in moderation as possible spam! laugh)
Well, I want you to be wary. I am.
Don’t forget Bill Hicks never died and is in fact now the man we know as Alex Jones.
I remember the charlatan who started that kind of meme: “Dallas Goldbug”. It began as a response to Sandy Hook; he was showing pictures indicating that certain players in the “Sandy Hook” drama were actors who had appeared in prominent roles in other (or parallel) dramas. The initial photographic matches were plausible (I think, for example, he argued that the mother of “Adam Lanza”… the Photoshopped shooter… was a character appearing in another Hoax). Soon, however, the photographic cross-matches were less and less plausible and then it branched out to celebrities. Of course, the Collective Unconscious already beat “Dallas Goldbug” to that kind of thing by claiming, decades ago, that Ken Osmond (aka Eddie Haskell) became Alice Cooper… and that Josh Saviano (Kevin Arnold’s best friend “Paul” on The Wonder Years) became Marilyn Manson.
The poorly-matched “Bill Hicks/ Alex Jones” absurdity is also a bit like a contemporary stepchild of the “Paul is Dead/ Faul” bullshit.
Maybe I’ll start one of my own. I’ll put a recent photo of Joni Mitchell next to a younger photo of Joni (looking much hotter) and argue that it can’t be the same woman! I’ll call the “fake” Joni (drum roll)… FAUXNI. Fauxni Mitchell.
Wish me luck.
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Absolutely Brilliant Layout. No Bullshit. No Intro. Just a page of a lot of Interesting Images. Click on any of them for the content.
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Thanks, Man!
(You won’t get “The Bullshit” unless you click the Images: laugh)
I have already read and seen some of the content here.
Keep on Truckin’
Sorry, but I’d have to say that your belief that you have got colds from people sneezing on you is just that. You look for someone to blame out of habit, and because you’ve been told all your life that diseases are spread that way. The truth is though, that no rigorous scientific investigations into disease spread have ever managed to show that disease symptoms can be passed from one person to another, especially via respiration or coughing and sneezing. The US Navy Gallop’s Island study on “Spanish Flu” is a good example:
I haven’t had a cold for more than 3 years now. I noticed that I always seemed to get them on the same day of the week (Sunday night/Monday), which was a big indication to me that they were diet-related (as well as temperature-related… they are called “colds” for a reason…). After doing some research I discovered that there are some common additives in our food that are able to break down the throat’s protective mucus layer (as well as making other protective barriers in the body permeable), i.e. surfactants, or as they are called when used in the food chain, emulsifiers and anti-caking agents. The food that is most likely to expose you to significant quantities of emulsifier is ice cream (which I used to have as dessert after every Sunday dinner). I credit my avoidance of colds to [almost] eliminating this from my diet, as well as making sure I never cough or clear my throat too harshly so as not to leave it feeling dry. There are other diet changes I made too which may help, like putting chilli sauce on most sandwiches/toast that I eat — capscasin, the compound that gives chilli peppers their pungency, has been shown to counteract the harmful effects of emulsifiers:
Other foods that may degrade mucus are icing sugar and any hot drink or soup you get out of a vending machine due to them containing anti-caking agents. Any fine powder is likely to contain these agents, as does refined salt but I doubt the trace amounts of salt in processed foods are a significant problem.
The break down of the throat’s protective mucus layer is not the sole cause of the common cold. What it does though is it allows another constituent of almost everyone’s diet to stick to the throat and irritate the skin there: sugar. The same sticky coating we get on our teeth from eating sugary foods and that will cause tooth decay & gum disease if not brushed away, would also stick to the skin of the throat causing oxidative stress if the mucus lining was not there to protect it. As well as from it’s degradation through chemical or physical means, your throat’s mucus layer is more likely to be absent if, due to cold weather, your body has gone into a heat conservation mode where blood supply to extremities and to your throat is restricted (to minimize heat-loss through breathing) which prevents it from being readily replenished.
I suspect that when the mucus lining does get replenished, it ends up lying on top of the sticky sugary layer on your throat tissue and rather than protecting the tissue, it assists the migration of the sugar up and down the throat beneath it via capillary action, hence the irritation can spread from the throat down the trachea and up the back of the nasal passage, provoking a cough or runny nose. These reactions are not able to remove the sugar though and so the condition persists for quite some time.
Other people have reported avoiding the common cold by eliminating sugar from their diet — a feat that I imagine is difficult for most of us to achieve. Avoiding emulsifiers and anti-caking agents should be much easier.
As becoming cold, or rather, the body adjusting to colder temperatures, does not happen at the same rate for everyone, people in a household may develop a cold on different days which may give the impression that the person who got the cold first, passed it on to those who got it later. I am quite sure now that the common cold is not contagious (and neither is any other disease for that matter).
As for seasonal flu: Black mold is toxic and recognised to be able to induce flu symptoms in the 25% of the population who do not have the gene to produce the anti-toxin. I suspect this is the cause of seasonal flu, especially as it is also recognised that flu, unlike the common cold, does not correlate with temperature but with humidity. It is humidity that promotes the growth of black mold and the release of toxic spores that, under the microscope, look like dandelion seeds.
‘Spanish Flu’, on the other hand, had a much more unnatural cause:
One additive in some cake mixes, frozen fish, antacids, etc. is aluminium powder. Isn’t the free market great?
Nope, sorry, more than 55 years of experience (I’m 61)… in getting and preventing colds/ The Flu… including the fact that Wife and I cut down our yearly susceptibility to Flu drastically (to Nil) when we A) made sure to keep our gloves on when riding public transport, October-March, and B) washed our hands thoroughly as soon as we came home after every outing, indicates to me that the Virus Model is accurate.
Weakening the immune system + exposure to certain viruses = illness. Fever combats viral infection (whereas many cold/ Flu “remedies” suppress fever) and when I feel like I’m on the verge, I get wrapped up under blankets and sweat it out and defeat the invaders over night. Also, raw ginger seems to work wonders. I’ve only been to a doctor once in 40 years (because I broke my elbow: they couldn’t set the hairline fracture so all I got were ineffective pain pills) , I energetically avoid margarine, fluoride and high fructose corn syrup, use lots of cold pressed olive oil, use lots of short fasts, never drink alcohol or smoke anything.
We eat clean meat, watch the junk carbs, watch the white sugar, know something about which vegetables and fruits do what. My Wife (nearly 20 years younger than I am) and I, quite “religiously,” walk two hours per day and “sleep together” like teens once every three days (without chemical aid)… our Health Model works. I neither blindly accept whatever Mainstream “Medical Science” dictates nor blindly reject. I weigh, consider, compare… and listen very closely to what my body tells me. I stopped using “aspirin” in High School. I haven’t had “medicine” of any kind since. I was nearly prohibited entrance to Sweden because they didn’t believe the age on my passport.
There are just too many hucksters out there. Everyone claims to have a New Answer. I ignore all that, tweak the model when necessary, and am healthier than all the under-40 musicians we work with. I made a joke about the “blue pill” while on a double-date a while back and the other fellow at our dinner table assumed it was a Viagra reference! How embarrassing! He was 39 and making a joke about how “indispensable” that “little blue pill” is. Tragic, eh? I didn’t bother to explain the “The Matrix*” joke.
You use your path and I’ll use mine but thanks for the input. Whatever works for you.
*Not that I consider “The Matrix” a Freedom Fighter’s guide book, or anything. After the Wachowski “sex change” (and after being suspicious about unknown directors having access to cutting edge tech in the ’90s, and being suspicious, further, when none of the sequels came close to the original, as though the first in the series had Special Help) I realized that The Matrix was designed to suck you in, half-open your eyes and paralyze you with feelings of utter futility. I mean, how does Neo fight The Matrix? Good luck developing your “bullet-time” skills.
Influenza is a respiratory disease so you are not going to prevent that by washing your hands; you may well prevent that other seasonal disease though that is known as the winter vomiting bug, aka “norovirus”. Anyway, if washing hands helps you avoid a disease, that is no support for the virus model. It simply means you are washing a toxic substance off your hands (possibly the faecal matter of others) and avoiding poisoning yourself.
“Influenza is a respiratory disease so you are not going to prevent that by washing your hands”
Sorry. Totally disagree with your theory and the second half of your sentence does not follow from the first.
You can prevent the transmission of the Flu and the common cold alike, to a very large extent, by washing your hands more frequently during Flu season and avoiding touching your face (eyes, mouth) on public transport or while shopping and so forth. Being under-slept and too cold for too long will also affect the state of your Immune System, so that viral invasion will be harder to fight of if you’re weakened in these ways. And, sure, hand-washing is a good way to cut down on contamination from E. coli… as well as the contamination from publicly-traded viruses. And, as I’ve stated before, elsewhere: if you’re going to toss out Virus Theory as a “construct of Hegemony”, why stop there? Why not toss out the Periodic Table of Elements? Why not “refute” “The Atom”? Why not reject “The speed of Light”? What is happening is that the CIA (or whatever they should now be called, properly) have deliberately tricked you into a wilderness of mirrors in which it is very difficult to get your bearings in order to efficiently attack the Political Tricks and Psychological Maneuvers that should be the focus of all of our efforts. TFIC have thoroughly Sunsteined you.
They’ve got you questioning Virus Theory in order to undermine your ability to logically refute a “pandemic” that they’ve spun out of thin air, like Orson’s “War of the Worlds”. We should be engaging the “Mainstream” by pointing out the blatant inconsistencies in the “pandemic” narrative (eg: average age of “covid victims” is the actuarial average for the limit of lifespan, or the absurdity of cloth face masks to block particles that are measured in terms of angstroms). Instead they’ve seduced you into embracing a pseudo-scientific ideology guaranteed to shut down any attention from the “mainstream” we might have hoped for. You have donned a metaphorical Jester’s Hat and clanging joke-bells designed by the “CIA”.
But, again, you are certainly free to believe whatever you like.
Since you like to bring the CIA into this, one famous quote that it is prudent to keep in mind from a former CIA director is this little gem from William J. Casey in 1981: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Now obviously that shouldn’t be taken too literally, but you should be more questioning about areas of knowledge where it might be useful for military intelligence to have everyone believing some BS. The causes of disease is obviously one of those areas, since it can be used as an excuse to enact some serious population control measures as we are seeing right now.
This misinformation campaign isn’t the CIA’s alone and it predates that organisation. The US’s comrades in Nazi Germany imprisoned and murdered scientists who were critical of germ/virus theory in 1933, as virologist Steven Lanka mentions in this paper (along with pointing out how viral diseases are a myth):
Btw, I don’t stop with virus theory. The speed of light, as being some universal maximum speed limit, or a fixed speed that all light in a vacuum must obey, is also false, as is the whole of Relativity Theory and anything derived from it like Big Bang Theory — that was actually the first mainstream theory I came to realise was wrong. Relativity Theory was promoted by the US government precisely because it is wrong, the purpose being to prevent others discovering electrogravitics (aka anti-gravity/zero-point energy/directed energy), the technology that powers flying saucers and foo fighters, etc. It is also used in occult ceremonies to con psychopathic bankers and capitalists into believing in black magic and Lucifer (check out the interviews on youtube with ex-“illuminati” banker Ronald Bernard — he doesn’t recognise there is technology behind it though, he is a “believer”; I guess finding God beats worshipping the other fella though).
The power that is behind all this subterfuge isn’t just the CIA btw; it is the Fourth Reich. The US government was made to officially surrender to them in 1955 (read: ‘Antarctica’s Hidden History’ by Michael Salla). The world has been theirs to manipulate ever since (that’s not to say that such manipulations started with them).
There are other theories that are wrong, but I’m not sure there was any deep state involvement; like Pangea Theory, the asteroid impact theory for the K-T extinction event, the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs (I call that the ass-backwards theory of bird-dino evolution). I put those fallacies down to dogmatism. One other thing that is being deliberately hidden though is the remains of giant humanoids of up to 10 feet tall (see ‘Forbidden Archelogy’ by Cremo & Thompson). Those findings might have been repressed because it was thought they could get in the way of promoting Darwinism and the eugenics that the deep state were fond of, due to giants having been referenced in the bible (the bible probably speaks of giants because the finding of such remains goes back to biblical times so some mythology was built up around them). Btw, the giantism of past life is due to the earth having been much smaller in the past (hence a lesser gravitational pull) — it grows via the accretion of solar wind particles, mostly hydrogen and oxygen ions that form hydroxyl and water in the upper atmosphere (as happens around comets — the dirty snowball model is also wrong, they are solid rock). [‘Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth’ by Stephen Hurrell is the book to read about this]
Anyway, there is plenty of conventional wisdom that is wrong. I only toss these things out after thoroughly researching the controversy by reading books and papers and finding that the arguments against the the mainstream view are the most rational. My realisation that contagious diseases are a myth is just my most recent.
I’m with you. Dr. Tom Cowan has the best handle on what’s going on in my opinion. He’s been doing a lot of interviews on his new book “The Contagion Myth” which I’ve just ordered and can’t wait to get. His theory is that there is an illness, but it’s caused by an ongoing change to our Terrain. He also thinks there will be a second wave when that change is more widely implemented. Amped up EMF and immune systems compromised by toxic and poor nutrient food supply and emotional trauma. Amazon dropped his book but if you’re interested you can order it from his website
I’d love to see him in this debate.
O gosh! I just typed out my above response to Steven talking about that before seeing this. Cool!
I can get the book here in Toronto without difficulty. For now. Maybe I should get it soon.
If you do get it let me know what you think!
Are you here often? If so, then I will.
I read off-guardian many times daily. I don’t post much though.
Post more and help cut through all this mediocrity.
Okay. In any case, you can keep track of me by bookmarking my blog, “A Yappy Trade Barrier.” Use the contact form to contact me anytime you wish. Who knows when I’ll read the book and whether I blog about it, but it’s pretty certain that if I read the book, then at some point it will make its way into my blog in some form.
Ok! We can have a very small book club.
“He also thinks there will be a second wave when that change is more widely implemented.”
From my observations, the “first wave” was a matter of Mass Hypnosis. I live in a city of c. 4,000,000 people and even the official (puffed up) “death toll” is c. 200, and that’s largely from 81-year-olds killed by ventilators and/or cancer, diabetes et al. 200 deaths out of 4,000,000, after 8 months, in a world capital where most of the inhabitants didn’t wear masks or practise “social distancing” (even the cops and ambulance drivers were on the job unmasked): “Pandemic”… “things will never again be normal”… what kind of Idiots do they take us for? (Rhetorical question). Any “authority figure” addressing “Covid” as an actual “pandemic” is deeply suspect.
I should have put second wave in quotes. He doesn’t say he believes there was a pandemic, just that there is a real problem and that when all the new tech is turned on (especially all the satellites) the problem will get much worse, and be used to claim “second wave”.
Yes. Can anyone here actually HEAR what you’re saying?
You and Arby did, thank you!
Keep at it!
The debate will evolve over a period of time, with written online dialogue between Dr Anderson and Dr Rancourt.
No it wont !
Dr Anderson and Dr Rancourt. will do as their told ..end of discussion …
NOTHING ! is going to happen …
All Smoke
what nonsense again ..
if it looks like s$1t and smells like s$1t
it probably is s$1t….
Just saying
now then …Back to your echo chambers
Nothing to see here
Go away you tiresome troll with your very transparent attempts to confuse and obfuscate.
I like Denis. He’s smart guy and doesn’t go along (to an extent) with the psychopaths who are cruelly destroying everything and terrorizing all of us in different ways. That counts for something.
I dont know Denis so you might well be right
but i do know whatever he wants to try and or do to combat the ‘Armageddon’ that’s here now …is a decade or 2 too late .
All he will do now destroy his life and his families
That unfortunately is where we are, even if many (still) do not see it ..
You make claims but you never explain why. What it is that we do not see? Why would someone destroy their life by speaking out?
I am sorry researcher
I really am ..
but I cant and wont…
this is a reply section and I understand it might be hard to follow when there are massive ‘gaps’ in your knowledge and perception of this world
but these ‘gaps’ i cannot fill with some ‘replies’
Getting to know Denis is easy – if you have a computer. He’s done many interviews with alt media figures like Del Bigtree.
As for the idea that he’s committing suicide, I have a different take on it. Yes, This world will attack those who expose its evil and that attack may result in your physical destruction and worse. However, as Jesus Christ said to his disciples, ‘Do not fear those who can kill the body but afterward can do no more’ because there’s no Biblical hell. He went on to say ‘Fear he who can, after killing a body, has the authority to destroy its soul as well’. That’s at Matthew 10:28 (Matthew).
Hallo Arbi
i wish i was as stead fast as you .
I wish I had the strong believes you clearly have.
I really do , but unfortunately i don’t .
I have read enough stories of peoples life ruined because they don’t follow the ‘modus operandi ‘
Not only read, i actually experience it almost daily in my circle of friend and work colleagues … rest assured …
They will destroy you ..maybe not now maybe not next week but your professional life is over
Either way . plz do prepare .Untill this year I never had a bleak outlook on life even afte the charades of the last 20+ years . I aways belived we find a way
but i am sorry to say …they fooled us all. They implemented all agendas that were simmering in the background for years , being prepared with various law changes silently in the background. All beeing implemented at warp speed .
It all goes so fast now . it s clear this is the endgame everything on one card!
and if you believe we get out of this alive i am sorry I have to disagree –
We have been had
The game is up and many dark years ahead
The war! …the war is never lost but this battle is
So… prepare! because we will ahve to ‘do the time’
Oh! I wondered from the email link if we were going to have a debate on ‘virus as the cause of disease’.
Which along with other issues is not actually debated but walled out from debate as ‘settled or weaponised dogma’ that is presented as power to protect against the threat.
I am not saying there are no threats or dangers or that what we are calling or assigning to viral expression has no role in disease conditions but that the narrative has become despotic and denying of open exploration – as well as serving as the basis for virology Inc Ltd (Big Pharma et al) and a 4th Biotech Global Security Solution.
When the underlying rigging of a system is left unquestioned, the only questions left are how to manage the system – which is always determined by those the system actually serves – not those its controllers claim to protect.
Basically Binra, its not known you see. So far no virus has been identified.
The first step is to even determine clinically whether there is a new disease. Its all very well that the early Chinese papers published in scientific journals claim that the CT scans of the lungs of a handful were different from anything they have seen.
1) who has seen these CT scans? Have they been circulated around to everyone?
Other specialists of lung diseases have later said that the scans they have seen were of thrombosis (if I remember correctly). So then thats nothing new.
2) a local doctor somewhere may make a mistake, and on a few patients. They may be ignorant of all known lung diseases, they may even be dishonest, i.e. paid to say whatever they say (Im not saying these doctors were and am not accusing anyone, but we need definite proof)
Now none of these mean there isnt a new viral disease, that one wont be later found.
But given the numerical data shows there havent been more deaths than usual, it rather seems an incredible determination to try and evidence the existence of ghosts. Once again ghosts might `exist’. Who knows?! I mean given a virus hasnt so far been identified and the data show nothing worse than usual happening, why try to at all cost evidence the existence of a new viral disease? It makes no sense scientifically, it makes no sense full stop.
Hence the reason is not scientific nor one of common sense, but has to be looked for elsewhere.
I have researched this over some years. So I am not ‘asking’ for myself, so much as bringing the willingness to ask the question. Which is actually outside the scope of anyone engaged within the frame of belief or acceptance of ‘virus as the cause’ of threatening disease that must then be appropriately defended against or treated accordingly.
So I am not only questioning the ‘discovery’ of a novel virus in a few people suffering extreme pollution in Wuhan, using processes of taking code samples from un-isolated samples of genetic material, mapping out fragments and reconstituting what the whole ‘virus’ must have been using computer modelling and previous ‘definitions’ of corona-viruses, that is then the template from which various RT-PCR samples are used to find even molecular matches in PCR tests – run X times using samples that may be variously gathered or kept from contamination as a marker for what may be nothing to do with causing any disease at all. For no cause of disease was established by the ‘discoverers’ and the clinical symptoms of disease are no longer required to be assigned the status of infection and the pretext for closing down the human race as we know it. (degradation to biotechnical slaves and lab rats) as the property of corporate overlords and etc.
I am questioning the actual basis , cause and conditions of disease currently considered to be ‘transmitted’ by contagion. Not the experience of such disease. Although our treatments will follow our understanding of what life and health are and why disease occurs. This means often toxic interventions of chemicals and antibiotics that lead to the undermining of ‘immune function’ or indeed immune dysfunction of cross reactions and negative synergies that overburden and break down the body’s self-healing function.
The use of pandemic scare by Pharma and stooges has a documented history, that until recently ‘only’ scammed a few Billions of dollars and led to millions of people receiving unnecessary ‘treatments’ that are not harmless (there were significant harms and damages payouts from swine flu vax).
At such a point in history when humanity as a whole is being netted for subjection, surveillance and control, the willingness to question the foundations of the belief system – of fear and ‘fear’s protection’ aka ‘control’ is the alternative to seeking within the frame of a loveless and blind dissociation that has a seed in us all.
The ‘infection’ of false thinking is not dealt with by attempts to stamp it out, eradicate it or deconstruct so as to reprogram. That is the way to KEEP it – as a denial.
A mistake has to be freely released in act as a belief or choice no longer meaningful, desirable or relevant to who we recognize our self to be. If guilt, blame and coercion frame and direct this process of reintegration and reconciliation, then the projection of guilt will operate as the Inquisition, and a false light used to serve a Terror under Promethean torture – in which the controllers steal the light for themselves and dump the consequence of fear, pain and loss to the people.
and think about this. Why would a doctor even be able to identify a new strain of coronavirus in Wuhan during what is called the Flu season. In a population of 11 million, in a city notorious for it terrible air quality and massive amount of respiratory problem in its citizen, How did doctors even noticed this anomaly? Surely, if some people turned up suffering from respiratory problem that was acute, you would put it down to some harsher cases of flu than usual. Why would their first conclusion be that it must be a new virus? The whole thing was clearly planned.And the western world just accepting the chinese explanation without question. When has that ever happened?
Well it can be interpreted in different ways.
1) incompetence of the local doctors or some other motivation, possibly even paid to do so by whoever
2) none of this implies the Chinese government is responsible. As I wrote elsewhere, the term used by Xi to describe the pandemic has been translated in the Western press as “demonic”. However, a journalist tells me that the Chinese term used also means “foreign” (she checked this with Chinese counterparts, and since then I checked it too, after I was given a transliteration of the term). So this could well mean that Xi was afraid there was a bioattack
(which also explains the Russian reaction): otherwise, he’d have probably put other cities under lockdown, but he didnt do so. The millions that left Wuhan then, were clearly not thought as capable of spreading anything. Possibly its known that bioweapons can only cause punctual local damage, but cant be spread round by humans?
i do not believe the virus or disease exist at all. The whole thing a psyop. That is my point. If there was a real virus, man made or otherwise, no one would have noticed it this early in a city like Wuhan during so called flu season.
Are the two of them pro corona? Otherwise i should ask you to invite one of the docs4opendebate. We do not want well know professors, we want too get out of this lies.
Well there wouldn’t be much of a debate if they were both on the same side would there? 😉
I truly hope for it.
actually the ‘tweedledee-dum (sometimes ‘dumer’ too)’ debate is kind of a mainstay of modern western politics, where they all pretend to be on different sides (you can tell, they wear different colored ties), but it’s all gaslighting, no matter who you ‘elect’ you get the same behind-the-scenes rulers ….
What does “pro corona” mean? Does it mean ‘yes’ there is a virus? Does it mean that yes there’s a virus and the response of ‘governments’ to it is great?
Yes, because there is no virus. It’s a bacteria causing trombosis in lungs, hert and brain. They will never say they where wrong.
Honestly, I don’t see how that was an answer to my question. Maybe it’s a language thing.
The response of the government is overkill and there was a mild flu in 19-20, and now we have no longer a corona virus.
I think you completely misunderstood Arby’s question.
Is it so simple: no, their is no virus. It’s gone the moment the lockdown started in March. Clear enough?
Jeez dude. We know there’s no virus. This is just not what Arby asked at all. Goodbye.
Sorry, pro corona in my opinion is that those man believe in what governements all over the world are doing. Which i don’t.
I would take that to mean ‘advocate of the corona-virus-phantom menace’ crap …
It’s claimed the plague of the middle ages heralded growth greatly enriched middle class, who were suddenly empowered to dictate to their feudal overlords decent return on their labour. This ‘plague seems to be working in the other direction, they are acting like there are dead pilling up in the streets but there are none, and the overlords are taking more power and reducing our incomes even further.
I is all planned, from as far back as 1954:
austrian peter: A very interesting page. The document has received sporadic attention for many years. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars – Operations Research Technical Manual – TW-SW7905.1
The original aims disclosed within the document are quite germane to the last 60+ years of societal manipulation and decay. No one wishes to pay attention. Too busy insulting one another on Fake-Book and Twitter…
I believe it was the peasant class who found their ‘labour power’ more scarce and thus they were able to demand some better living conditions – the ‘middle class’ were a separate issue …
Off Topic:
Is there something accessing OffG via the normal Browser?
I had to use the Tor browser to get through to the website.
The site has been under attack since yesterday morning, so access may be patchy.
This is just a suggestion. But try Epic next time instead of US-government-funded Tor.
There is nothing new about the ‘new normal’, it is the continued roll out of American Corporate control over British lives. And the continued political control via its front international bodies, which just extend America hegemony throughout the world.
yes you are sooo right
it has nothing but absolutely nothing do with health ..The virus that kills literally no one
Its a catalyst nothing more…think back 9/11 that was the same ‘dry run’ for the US alone … …but now we are royally focked.
Its a global scam now.
still …head in sand ..and lets be reasonable .
the Lost and confused
Tim Anderson has a very interesting history, in the 1970s he was involved in a Hindu offshoot/sect called the Ananda Marga,the Ananda Marga were blamed for a bombing outside a Hilton Hotel in Sydney.
It is perfectly clear that they were not involved in the bombing, a security state stunt that went awry leading to the deaths of three people.
Anderson was framed as the prime culprit by a severely corrupt element within the New South Wales police and served several years in prison before eventually, correctly being exonerated.
Because he suffered that rather horrific injustice I foolishly deemed him to be a decent human being. I think I followed his twitter account many years ago and he may even have also followed mine, something of a moot point as I never actually used the account with any regularity.
Earlier this year I logged onto my twitter account as I do perhaps every month or two and was astonished to read a torrent of utter garbage coming from Mr. Anderson.
Obviously civilised people can disagree and all that, but his rhetoric was very low and completely nauseating, much like the wretched piece of garbage he posted at the AHT.
Anyone can be wrong on any given issue but this was truly poisonous bilge.
I immediately realised that I had been duped and projected qualities onto him that never exited merely because he suffered at the hands of the state.
Although dealt an awful injustice, he is utter scum, no two ways about it. I eagerly anticipate his rhetorical destruction. It is richly deserved.
I think if making such a claim you would be wise to give at least some direct basis for making it beyond mere vilification and smear. For unless you do so I associate what you are trying to put on your target as belonging to you.
In an era of deceit I will not accept messaging that uses smear as valid currency to replace fact.
Hear Hear !!!!
but facts ? cmon its 2020 . FACTS do not matter anymore .its about feeling …..
they gunned for our collective soul and they got it .
Locked and shackled
now ? 2020 we are too late by decades …go back to sleep now…. nothign to see here This game is up ! No restrain anymore and even if many NOW finally see 2+2 =4 and not 5 it doesn’t matter anymore can put it all together now as much as you like and shout about it …NO-ONE cares
the cage is complete and there no no escape anymore
hence you may add up all u like 🙂
So your stance is that we should all give up and walk to our deaths quietly? You sad individual.
Personal disobedience is the only action that will work. In other words, whatever the government wants you to do, DO NOT DO IT.
Tell those that you love, and maybe more people will organically, quietly on their own undertake the exercise
Do not be afraid of ostracism, legal turmoil, financial violence or your mortality, because it is not about you.
What claims are you referring to? I simply stated that Anderson was wrongly convicted and correctly exonerated for a terrorist attack that was the result of an accident caused by the incompetence of the Australian security services.
He had absolutely nothing to do with any bombing and I made that perfect;y clear.
No you did not simply state that, and your claims regarding his character – which are your own personal judgements – are the payload or your hit piece.
Regardless your claim to plausible deniability.
You could get a job in the new world of cyber security (sic).
If you smear a person’s character, in public, without showing a factual basis for why you hold such a personal opinion, then you are behaving slanderously.
I may have read some disturbing things about the man too, but I am not sure. I didn’t keep perfect track.
Can you read? There are no disturbing facts about Anderson, beyond the fact that he is a pro-tyranny galoot on the matter of the C19 pandemic.
Can I read?
Working for the cryptocracy.
These organizations do not appear out of nowhere. They are created to give the public a belief in terrorism’s existence when the only terrorism is always state sponsored.
The terrorists are the governments. Governments control crime and terrorism. Just like they are controlling the terrorism of the fake pandemic.
So he was working for the government one way or another. Knowingly or unknowingly.
But don’t you mean The Deep State? I don’t think politicians generally have the balls to go to these lengths – it requires an evil cabal – Oh maybe you are right after all.
The deep state is a misnomer.
You have two forces at work. A security state apparatus that is linked to private industry such as tech, medicine, military, energy. They are not working against any elements within government. They are a large body of humans working through the institutions that govern. Once in that milieu, there’s a wall. A wall that you will be aware you cannot cross. Some will see that wall as red tape or bureaucratic obfuscation, and others will know and understand that wall is there to hide the criminal activity of governments.
All we see from the outside is a veneer. But that is a manufactured and managed media image, not actually a representation of reality.
Then you have what those in the security state apparatus refer to as the “shadow government“. What I always refer to as the cryptocracy. These people are the ones who control the real levers of power. They use cryptic organizations and cryptic messaging to hide their agenda and membership. They use occult symbolism. But once you study their methodology, their beliefs, their numerical system, and see the patterns of how they have governed from the shadows for hundreds of years, you can recognize their fingerprints.
They are eugenicists who hand down their power and wealth from generation to generation. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Monarchies, Banking families, etc.
Thank you – that clarifies things well.
Here’s an example of cryptic messaging using words that are almost homophones:
Take note also, of the Freemason pillars on stage behind Trump.
Ah yes, Boaz and Jochin I have some knowledge of this and the homophones convey a message – I see.
The Ananda Marga group had zero involvement in the Sydney Hilton bombing nor any other terror attack so if he was supposedly working for the government what was he/they doing?
All those types of new age groups that came out of the 60’s and 70’s (and the Marxists) are created by the cryptocracy, usually under indirect control of the CIA through various assets or infiltrators.
Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (21 May 1921 – 21 October 1990) founder of a Ananda Marga.
Notice anything about those dates? Numbers?
He was born and died on the 21st. He was exactly 69 years old.
If he was practicing yoga why didn’t he live to 100? At least to 90. If you get involved in the cryptocracy you will probably die by their hand.
And now this former member of a cryptocracy created group (and the cryptocracy control the governments of all nations, but especially the 5eyes) is arguing on the side of the cryptocracy for some kind of state sponsored medically imposed response to a faux pandemic and assisting to spread the lie of virus?
It’s quite strange.
Is this the guy?
Can you give an example of what you mean?
Yes that is Tim Anderson, but I do not understand what you are trying to ask there.
Any chance of an article on the US election before it’s over ?
Can I post On-Groan bollocks here seeing as O-G has given up on the ‘not even weekly, never mind regular’ forum?
I think I will!
And my censored post about being censored too?
I shall wait for some reply.
What time is the ‘big show fight’ ?
Every time I see the words “deadly virus” I instinctively know that a lying bastard is attempting to control the narrative.
Test test test
OhOh look
a new dash board on my old phone but not on this one.
in the morninglight
what does this buttin do?
1. and number
2. bells
* whistes
you will not be exterminated
you can trusts us
i better get more tea and get crunching some toasty echo chamber trolls- lets see what hymn sheets have gone out
Part one
Boris Johnson and co-conspirators, what the hell have you done!
In the coming months, it will become more obvious that you and your global death cult, the so-called leaders from W.E.F., W.H.O., U.N., etc., with all your corporate collaborators, your Nazi scientists and doctors, are all directly involved and responsible for the coming holocaust of over two hundred million deaths and murders, through starvation and all other criminal actions of various governments throughout the world.
By implementing your elitist and wholly unnecessary collective fascist policies on humanity with the greatest health fraud every perpetrated in history.
These death cults have no eyes.
No intelligence!
To establish the global control grid for the organization of human enslavement, which has nothing to do with enhancing humanity’s freedom and intelligence at all.
They didn’t think we would figure out their criminal intentions?
Their death cult is just a business.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and violent (sic) opposite reaction.
When the public fully wake up to the full horror of your crimes against humanity that you have all masterminded and committed together against the people, their retribution will be murderous and swift.
I fear you all have wildly underestimated the level of anger, the physical and violent attacks that you may have exposed yourself and your families to in the coming years.
You will neither be forgiven nor forgotten by most citizens of your own countries, and your names will go down in history in infamy and disgrace, as treacherous and psychopathic criminals.
Even now full lists of all your names, your crimes, your locations and your assets are been recorded with that of all your death cult collaborators.
I feel the only way to begin to save yourselves, the few hundred thousand of you and your death cult around the world, is to immediately reverse all your criminal actions and fraudulent policies, by each separately begging for forgiveness on live TV from the people, and then each of you to hand yourselves over to the Hague for full criminal prosecution by independent and publicly elected judges, for your crimes against humanity.
If any of you all do not wish to comply with this friendly advice before this coming Halloween, you will see a global uprising of such ferocious magnitude, that you will lose all capacity to ever sleep comfortably again, from the sheer terror that your nightmares will induce!
The future is coming fast for you and it is very bleak, it is better to see it for what it is, and try to change the public’s reactions right now.
The sooner you do this the better for you, because something might still be able to redeem you.
I don’t think that doing nothing on your part is the answer, this ostrich-type mind which avoids seeing it will not do a thing to save you.
The situation is bad, but I am an optimist.
I have hope that something can be done.
And maybe these are the moments when countries change, when people change!
When a crisis comes, the very challenge can become a conscious breakthrough.
This opportunity has to be used and with full intelligence.
To face the future and not to be destroyed by it needs courage, it needs intelligence and new orientations of the mind.
We were perfectly happy, until you forced your Marxist totalitarian B.S. revolution on us.
Your medicine proved more dangerous than the invented disease itself!
To create the new we will have to demolish your old outdated fascist ideas, but not out of anger, just out of necessity.
To impose these retarded mental ideas on people is very dangerous.
You have to understand people’s psychology.
People should never be used for any ideology.
Marx said, “It is not consciousness that determines the conditions of society.
It is society and its conditions that determines consciousness.
It is not great men that create great societies.
It is great societies that create great men.”
He is mostly right.
Great, open, honest, free societies based on truth create great men.
Marx mostly had no psychological insight, he was absolutely blind about the psychological and spiritual experiences of the individual.
His whole approach was purely economic.
But the individual is not just money.
People are much more.
People are not just what they possess, they are much more.
But what they possess has a certain value as far as their individuality is concerned.
Everybody is born innocent, peaceful, loving, knowing nothing of the cut-throat competition in the world, knowing nothing about the nuclear weapons that are being prepared to welcome them, knowing nothing about the dirty politics that have been torturing humanity for millennia.
But before their peace, their love, their trust can become a rebellious force, society starts destroying all that is beautiful in them and replacing it with all that is ugly.
That’s what our parents unconsciously have done to us, so we repeat the performance.
Generation after generation, the same disease goes on being transferred from one hand to another hand.
With all the good intentions in the world parents, teachers, leaders and priests, all go on forcing ideas of competition, comparison and ambition, in their understanding they think they are preparing every child for the tough struggles that they are going to face in life, in other words, preparing them for violence and aggression.
They decide that unless you are aggressive you will be left behind.
They decide that you have to learn to assert yourself, and assert forcibly, and you have to compete as if it were a question of life and death.
All this is the framework of our educational system.
Is this the way to live!
It is a very strange world.
First, you make people poor and force them to become criminals, and then you have courts and the police and judges to punish them.
First, they are exploited, and then they are punished for becoming criminals.
Poverty is the mother of all crimes.
These politicians are all slaves to the death cult or to other oligarchs.
They go on promising the poor a better future, and they know perfectly well that a better future is not going to come, because first the poor will have to repay all the loans that have been given to them.
These politicians are themselves slaves to their masters.
The MSM media and newspapers are now controlled and used by your governments for propaganda.
You cannot write an article criticizing any policy of the government, because it will not be published anywhere.
It has become so criminal that even if you write about it and it gets published, you are likely to be put behind bars.
Your writing may never be published, but you will go out of existence!
They have started controlling even scientists.
Before their papers are published, government bureaucrats go through them to see whether they are right or wrong according to the permitted narrative.
Government bureaucrats have no idea of science, no idea of philosophy, no idea of poetry or of music and the arts.
If they did have any idea of poetry and science and literature and philosophy in the first place, they would not have become parasitic bureaucrats!
That is the ugliest thing in the world.
To be a government bureaucrat means you have become part of an ugly machinery and you have lost your soul.
You don’t exist anymore as an independent, intelligent thinker.
Part two
Day by day, the West is going mad, totally insane.
And through insanity, much will happen.
The western mind has become more anguished because of scientific achievement.
The ego is strengthened more.
It is strengthened because western science has taken the attitude of trying to conquer nature.
It is a very egoistic attitude, to conquer nature.
For the last three centuries we have been constantly conditioned through science.
Everywhere, but especially in the West, the mind is science-oriented.
It thinks in terms of conquering nature, in terms of competing with others.
And the more science has progressed, the more the western mind has stalled.
In the West death is still a taboo.
One taboo has been broken, the taboo about sex, but the second taboo, which is deeper than the first still exists.
Now death has become the taboo.
They don’t talk about death.
This taboo of death is now being fully exploited by government psychological warfare agents to create maximum paralyzing fear in the public!
It seems as if we need some taboo or other.
The Victorian society was a society rooted in the taboo of sex.
Now the modern society, Western society, is rooted in the taboo of death.
Forget all about it.
Live totally, be fully aware, awake and the fear of death will disappear.
But the unconscious mind remains in a constantly feverish state.
This is basically because we have got identified with the periphery, and the body is going to die one day, so death haunts everyone.
People don’t talk about death, or even if they do, they talk euphemistically, that this person has passed away, they have gone to god, to heaven, they have gone to eternal rest.
Science has just become a fight with nature.
How can you conquer nature?
How can a wave conquer the ocean?
It is patent foolishness!
A part cannot conquer the whole, and if the part tries, the part will go mad.
The whole will not lose anything, the part will lose everything because the part exists within the whole, never against it or without it.
Science has become destructive because of this attitude of conquering.
Their ultimate goal can never be anything other than Hiroshima, and if they can help it, it will be reached, the whole earth will be vaporized.
Fighting leads to death, and conflict ultimately leads to death, science is leading everyone towards it.
There is only one thing to be followed and that is your nature, wherever it leads, trust it.
But people are afraid to follow nature, not because nature is bad, but because of the moral teachers, because of the poisoners of the very source of life.
You are afraid to live, you go on postponing, planning for somewhere in the future when you will live, always missing life in the present.
You seek truth but in your life you are always untrue.
How can an untrue person meet the truth!
Nature is truth, and there is no other truth than nature.
Remember one basic thing always.
There cannot be anything more than nature, nature is the whole.
Do you see the strange logic of the world?
When you have lost contact with a living experience, then of course you are as dead as they are, and of course dead people don’t argue.
And one dead person pays respect to another dead person, it is just courtesy, a simple mannerism.
How can the dead people be respectful to a living person?
They are dead, that hurts them.
They don’t know, that hurts them.
They have only beliefs and narratives, who knows whether those imaginary beliefs are true or not?
There is no need to make any effort to discriminate between imagination and reality.
You simply remain aware of yourself.
And whatever is imagination will slowly disappear, and whatever is real will remain.
A Christ is always awake and rebellious.
No situation will extinguish his rebellion, because his rebellion is not against anyone.
It is because his consciousness is free.
Anywhere he feels a barrier, he will feel rebellious.
The rebellion is his spirit.
So if a Christ comes today, Christians, politicians will not be at ease with him.
They are part of the establishment now, they have become settled.
If a Christ comes into the marketplace again he will destroy everything they have.
The Vatican, the church, the fascist state, these are not possible with a Christ.
Only without a Christ is it possible.
When he is living, he is a rebel.
And he is a rebel because he is free.
Beware, he walks now the streets of William Blakes ‘New Jerusalem’.
I want that our eyes should be focused on the future.
Forget the past, it is gone and gone forever and there is no point wasting time with it.
Don’t go on continuously repeating the old, because it is not going to help in the future.
A free person can live in a prison and will be absolutely free.
An un-free person may feel free under the sky, absolutely free, but will remain un-free.
Freedom is freedom from yourself.
Freedom is an inner dimension, it is an inner quality of being.
Meditate over it.
Excellent. I really enjoyed that. Where’s Part One, please?
Part One
Boris Johnson and co-conspirators, what the hell have you done!
In the coming months, it will become more obvious that you and your global death cult, the so-called leaders from W.E.F., W.H.O., U.N., etc., with all your corporate collaborators, your Nazi scientists and doctors, are all directly involved and responsible for the coming holocaust of over two hundred million deaths and murders, through starvation and all other criminal actions of various governments throughout the world.
By implementing your elitist and wholly unnecessary collective fascist policies on humanity with the greatest health fraud every perpetrated in history.
These death cults have no eyes.
No intelligence!
To establish the global control grid for the organization of human enslavement, which has nothing to do with enhancing humanity’s freedom and intelligence at all.
They didn’t think we would figure out their criminal intentions?
Their death cult is just a business.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and violent (sic) opposite reaction.
When the public fully wake up to the full horror of your crimes against humanity that you have all masterminded and committed together against the people, their retribution will be murderous and swift.
I fear you all have wildly underestimated the level of anger, the physical and violent attacks that you may have exposed yourself and your families to in the coming years.
You will neither be forgiven nor forgotten by most citizens of your own countries, and your names will go down in history in infamy and disgrace, as treacherous and psychopathic criminals.
Even now full lists of all your names, your crimes, your locations and your assets are been recorded with that of all your death cult collaborators.
I feel the only way to begin to save yourselves, the few hundred thousand of you and your death cult around the world, is to immediately reverse all your criminal actions and fraudulent policies, by each separately begging for forgiveness on live TV from the people, and then each of you to hand yourselves over to the Hague for full criminal prosecution by independent and publicly elected judges, for your crimes against humanity.
If any of you all do not wish to comply with this friendly advice before this coming Halloween, you will see a global uprising of such ferocious magnitude, that you will lose all capacity to ever sleep comfortably again, from the sheer terror that your nightmares will induce!
The future is coming fast for you and it is very bleak, it is better to see it for what it is, and try to change the public’s reactions right now.
The sooner you do this the better for you, because something might still be able to redeem you.
I don’t think that doing nothing on your part is the answer, this ostrich-type mind which avoids seeing it will not do a thing to save you.
The situation is bad, but I am an optimist.
I have hope that something can be done.
And maybe these are the moments when countries change, when people change!
When a crisis comes, the very challenge can become a conscious breakthrough.
This opportunity has to be used and with full intelligence.
To face the future and not to be destroyed by it needs courage, it needs intelligence and new orientations of the mind.
We were perfectly happy, until you forced your Marxist totalitarian B.S. revolution on us.
Your medicine proved more dangerous than the invented disease itself!
To create the new we will have to demolish your old outdated fascist ideas, but not out of anger, just out of necessity.
To impose these retarded mental ideas on people is very dangerous.
You have to understand people’s psychology.
People should never be used for any ideology.
Marx said, “It is not consciousness that determines the conditions of society.
It is society and its conditions that determines consciousness.
It is not great men that create great societies.
It is great societies that create great men.”
He is mostly right.
Great, open, honest, free societies based on truth create great men.
Marx mostly had no psychological insight, he was absolutely blind about the psychological and spiritual experiences of the individual.
His whole approach was purely economic.
But the individual is not just money.
People are much more.
People are not just what they possess, they are much more.
But what they possess has a certain value as far as their individuality is concerned.
Everybody is born innocent, peaceful, loving, knowing nothing of the cut-throat competition in the world, knowing nothing about the nuclear weapons that are being prepared to welcome them, knowing nothing about the dirty politics that have been torturing humanity for millennia.
But before their peace, their love, their trust can become a rebellious force, society starts destroying all that is beautiful in them and replacing it with all that is ugly.
That’s what our parents unconsciously have done to us, so we repeat the performance.
Generation after generation, the same disease goes on being transferred from one hand to another hand.
With all the good intentions in the world parents, teachers, leaders and priests, all go on forcing ideas of competition, comparison and ambition, in their understanding they think they are preparing every child for the tough struggles that they are going to face in life, in other words, preparing them for violence and aggression.
They decide that unless you are aggressive you will be left behind.
They decide that you have to learn to assert yourself, and assert forcibly, and you have to compete as if it were a question of life and death.
All this is the framework of our educational system.
Is this the way to live!
It is a very strange world.
First, you make people poor and force them to become criminals, and then you have courts and the police and judges to punish them.
First, they are exploited, and then they are punished for becoming criminals.
Poverty is the mother of all crimes.
These politicians are all slaves to the death cult or to other oligarchs.
They go on promising the poor a better future, and they know perfectly well that a better future is not going to come, because first the poor will have to repay all the loans that have been given to them.
These politicians are themselves slaves to their masters.
The MSM media and newspapers are now controlled and used by your governments for propaganda.
You cannot write an article criticizing any policy of the government, because it will not be published anywhere.
It has become so criminal that even if you write about it and it gets published, you are likely to be put behind bars.
Your writing may never be published, but you will go out of existence!
They have started controlling even scientists.
Before their papers are published, government bureaucrats go through them to see whether they are right or wrong according to the permitted narrative.
Government bureaucrats have no idea of science, no idea of philosophy, no idea of poetry or of music and the arts.
If they did have any idea of poetry and science and literature and philosophy in the first place, they would not have become parasitic bureaucrats!
That is the ugliest thing in the world.
To be a government bureaucrat means you have become part of an ugly machinery and you have lost your soul.
You don’t exist anymore as an independent, intelligent thinker…
Your writing is very powerful. And I really appreciate the response to my request.
Diolch yn fawr, as we say in little old Wales. :o)
Haw dywedyd “mynydd” na myned drosto
I had spent memorable summers in Pwllheli,Wales over the years 🙂
Glad to know that you’re familiar with the delights of Pen Llŷn.
(And thanks for jogging my hazy memory of that saying).
Thank you 🙂
You can read the full comment here, near the top of the comments…
That was quite a mouthful. Give me an hour or two to digest it all, and I’ll thank you for it.
Skimming through, it looked truthful and relevant.
Thanks Cryptocracy disciple.
I knew we’d see a representative sooner or later.
You go on looking on the other as darkness.
This may give you an illusory feeling that you are light, but this cannot give you light.
Why are you afraid?
If you really penetrate within yourself, your self image that you have created in the world will prove to be false.
Your whole past will come to mean nothing, because it has been like a dream.
You have invested so much in it, you have lived for it, and now to know that it has been a false phenomenon you feel hurt.
Your whole life has been wasted.
To continue to dream one has to believe that this is not a dream, this is reality.
The moment you become aware that this is a dream, the dream is already disappearing.
Self-knowing happens through no-mind, not to a mind filled with knowledge, not to a mind filled with judgments of good and bad.
Why is everybody so afraid of dying?
Because at the moment of death all your fictions will disappear.
At the moment of death you will see that your whole life has been a wastage.
Self-knowing is revolution!
Self-knowing is light!
Not knowledge that you gather through the mind, but the knowing that you come to possess when you encounter yourself.
Self realization is a transforming force, nothing else is to be done.
You can only change yourself, and the moment you are changed the world starts changing, because you are a vital part in it.
If you become a light unto yourself you become a light unto others.
Live through seeing and not through thinking!
Your lies are of no interest. Your projections and delusions are your own. Not mine. You have no truth because you have no knowledge.
A blind person can philosophize about light, there is no harm in it.
Intellectually they can know everything about light.
But to know light, and to know about light are two totally different things.
Intellect is always about information.
And the mind is capable of collecting all the information that is contained in all the libraries of the world.
But truth can never come from information, so-called knowledge.
Trawling Google for information, you may feel knowledgeable?
But it is not intelligence.
Intellectuals are not the real intelligent people.
You don’t even cut it as an intellectual!
Just a 77th brigade troll, still living at home with your mom?
What is intelligence?
Is it a state far beyond the mind and its limits.
Intelligence is not of the mind, intelligence is one of the qualities of your being.
But mind is being used as a vehicle for it, hence the confusion.
People think intelligence is of the mind, it comes through the mind.
Mind is the instrument for its expression.
But mind itself is only a bio-computer.
It has a memory system just as any computer has, you feed the memory system and the mind keeps the memory.
But memory is not intelligence.
Intelligence is the clear insight into things about which you don’t have any information.
Memory can function only about those things which are known to you, but life consists of the known, of the unknown, and of the unknowable.
As far as the known is concerned, memory is enough.
That’s what all your universities and all your educational systems are doing, they are simply feeding your memory with more and more information, and whatever is known to your memory system, you will answer immediately.
That answer does not prove that you are intelligent!
Intelligence is known only when you encounter the unknown, about which you don’t have any memory, any knowledge, any information beforehand.
When you encounter the unknown, that is the point which is decisive.
How do you respond?
You can respond intelligently or you can respond stupidly.
At the beginning of World War II, a Nazi officer is forced to share a compartment on a crowded train with a Jewish family.
After ignoring them for a while he says contemptuously, “You Jews are supposed to be so clever, where does this so-called intelligence come from?”
“It is from our diet,” says the Jewish man, “we eat a lot of raw fish heads.”
Upon which he opens his basket and saying, “Lunchtime!” and proceeds to hand out fish heads to his wife and children.
The Nazi, getting excited says, “Wait a minute, I want some!”
“Okay,” says the Jewish man, “I will sell you all six heads for twenty-five dollars.”
The Nazi accepts and begins to chew.
He almost throws up, but the children shout encouragement, “Suck out the brains, suck out the brains!”
The Nazi is on his fourth head when he says to the Jewish man,
“Isn’t twenty-five dollars a lot of money for six fish heads, that are usually thrown out as garbage?”
“See?” says the Jewish man, “It is working already!”
Retarded researcher, you better start chompin on the raw fish heads pretty soon mate!