Twitter, Biden and the New York Post – Social Media Censorship Kicks up a Gear
Major internet companies now claim the power to block any media they want on a totally ad hoc basis
Kit Knightly

Yesterday, the New York Post published several articles claiming to show evidence of corruption on the part of Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
The charges are varied but not really surprising. One article claims Hunter introduced his father to a Ukrainian energy magnate who asked the family to use their influence to shut down an investigation into his company.
Another story suggests Hunter Biden used his family name to secure a high-paid job and stock interests in a Chinese company.
The NYP evidence these claims with emails and documents allegedly retrieved from a laptop left at a computer repair store in Delaware. The owner of the store alerted the FBI to the computer’s existence when no one came forward to pay for the repairs and he could not contact the owner.
According to the NYP, both the hard drive and laptop were then seized by the FBI. They have a copy of the grand jury subpoena, which is certainly solid evidence, if genuine.
The owner of the store claims he, prior to it being seized, made a copy of the hard drive and sent it to Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s lawyer.
While this is potentially intriguing, if true, it’s not really “news”. Biden’s corruption in Ukraine has been evident since his son was appointed to the board of the largest energy company in Ukraine within weeks of the US-backed coup in 2014 (a decision so obviously dodgy even the Guardian made a joke out of it). Joe Biden himself has even admitted to applying financial pressure to get a Ukrainian State Prosecutor removed from office.
None of this is really “big news”. Corruption is rampant in the halls of power, that is as certain as death and taxes, and will continue to be so, whether or not these specific allegations are accurate.
The big news, the part of this story that should concern everyone, is that Twitter has completely blocked this material on their platform.
And we’re not talking a “soft block”, we at OffG are more than familiar with twitter’s use of “warnings”, no they literally made it impossible to share the links, even in DMs. If you try, you get his warning:
We can’t complete this request because this link has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful. Visit our Help Center to learn more.”
We’ve talked about twitter’s “partners” before, and they are suspect. As for being “potentially harmful”, well isn’t that subjective? Fire is vital at times, but certainly “potentially harmful” at others. Water, in sufficient quantity, is “potentially harmful”.
If you’re a liar, the truth is “potentially harmful”.
Facebook has followed suit, if in less sweeping fashion. The social media giant’s spokesperson Andy Stone announced that they would be:
“…reducing its distribution on our platform. This is part of our standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation.
This decision is pending approval by their “independent fact-checkers”, which we have also covered in detail before.
So what are the social media companies’ excuses reasons for blocking this content?
Well, it depends who you ask.
Twitter claims that since the emails are potentially “hacked”, posting them violates their policy regarding illegally gathered material. (Interestingly this policy was never applied to Trump’s leaked tax returns.)
Facebook, on the other hand, claim to have blocked these stories because they might be “misinformation”. A truly ludicrous precedent to set. You can’t block something that might not be true, because that applies to literally almost everything.
You do have to admire the strategy though. The pincer movement is brilliant.
You see, one site is blocking them because they might not be real, the other because if they are real then they’re stolen. It’s a win-win situation.
Essentially, real or not, the tech giants have all the bases covered and there’s no way they are going to let people read those emails, or even stories about the emails. Twitter even blocked the account of the Whitehouse Spokesperson Kayleigh MacEnany for sharing the links.
Of course, moving forward this will not just apply to these emails, but anything they want.
More and more precedents are rolling out that social media companies can stop anyone from saying anything by applying their absurdly vague and subjective rules.
They have essentially given themselves license to block anything they want on a totally ad hoc basis, and because it’s being done in the name of “orange man bad” or combatting “hate speech”, an army of useful idiots are happy to go along with it. Even calling it a win for progressive values.
The mainstream cheered on twitter earlier this year when they started (incorrectly) “fact-checking” Donald Trump’s tweets concerning postal voting. We wrote then that it was a scary and potentially damaging idea. This is why.
We now have mega-corporations, who possess neither democratic mandate nor public accountability, controlling what elected officials can and cannot say in public. The political discourse of our society has become subject to the approval of “independent fact-checkers” created by billionaires and staffed by the Deep State.
Which is exactly what we’ve been warning about, for years.
It all makes you wonder – what exactly is the point of this story?
Are we just witnessing surface tremors of the deeper internal conflict in the Deep State, just as we saw in 2016?
Or is it meant to distract everyone with salacious details of a corruption scandal we all already knew about, while ever-more of our online freedoms are taken away?
This story probably isn’t going away any time soon. For one thing, we can expect that someone is going to accuse Russia of somehow being involved in the very near future.
….oh, they already did. I guess we’re in for Russiagate II then. Fun times.
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As I posted before the disinformation war just got bigger.
Witness the rapid rise and fall of the Falconer’s supposed new information about Seal Team 6 & Osama Bin Laden — that fluttered into the headlines to distract from the latest Biden revelations.
The proponents of the story are running scared – Anna Khait agreed to go on Jason Goodman’s show then was missing in action. Her collaborator Nick Noe cut short a phone call.
Jason Goodman attempted to interview Anna Khait and Nick Noe who promoted the story at the start of October, where it was immediately used to attack Trump, to distract from the Biden revelations and was used as an excuse to delete YouTube channels that questioned the bona fides of Khait/Noe.
Fact is, the story is not new. It has long been alleged that OBL was already dead and was not killed in Abbottabad in 2011, for which no proof has ever been provided. Shortly after, the Seal Team which was credited with killing OBL was itself wiped out in an attack on their helicopter. Even falcon man is repeating allegations that he’s made before about OBL. Seymour Hersh has written about it. True Pundit’s Mike Moore has written a book about it.
The October deception looks increasingly like Khait and Noe revived the story as a distraction from the Biden revelations — in an operation to manipulate the pre-election news agenda.
Mike “True Pundit” Moore also confirms that absolutely no new evidence has been revealed. Instead Khait and Noe presented a jumble of information, even bringing in the Fast and Furious gun running operation.
“National security stories are not for children. If this was true, and they just tipped over this story and put it out on video, their lives would be in danger,” says Moore.
Anna Khait claims that she gained 100,000 Twitter followers in the aftermath of the Seal Team 6, Bin Laden Story. Moore points out that it takes years to build a following. You cannot gain that number of followers in a week.
It is well known that Twitter’s “head of editorial” in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa is a military disinformation specialist in the British Army’s psyop and deception unit, the 77th Brigade.
This shows how journalism has died. No real journalists get, or are allowed to get, hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers. If you play along, or let yourself be used, you may be given millions of followers that you can then monetize.
In the case of Anna Khait, she may even be rewarded with a job on the TV News. She has done her job, whether consciously or unconsciously.
— Mike “True Pundit” Moore
Twitter responded on Monday by closing the Twitter account of True Pundit.
Benghazi Whistleblowing Falconer: Straight Dealing or Bold Face Bluff? with Special Guest Anna Khait
Nobody doubts the Gold Star Families of Seal Team 6 and certainly there is no intention to dishonour the memory of their fallen relatives. But their story was hijacked and used as a battering ram in the election. Just as in this Daily Beast story: Meet the Falconer Trying to Convince Trump That Biden Killed Navy SEALs
Note that the Daily Beast is owned by InterActive Corporation (IAC) which owns Vimeo, which deleted CrowdSourceTheTruth’s account after it questioned the Falconer’s story. IAC is owned by Barry Diller who gave a set on the board to Chelsea Clinton.
This operation looks like it was intended to make anything to do with the supposed elimination of OBL in 2011, the supposed dumping of his body over the ocean, and the subsequent death of Seal Team 6 look like a conspiracy theory.
i only read the title of your post, yes the disinfo war just got bigger, the sad thing is, we only have to unplug it to stop it.
Can anyone imagine the MSM and big tech censoring news stories and all popular discussion of the crimes, corruption and treason of Donald Trump Jr, were it his laptop in the hands of Biden and Harris? Impossible. But despite that, we are told every day that MSM bias against conservatives doesn’t exist, and that right wing news sites who say it is rife are just conspiracy theorists and racist fascists. NB: ‘Told’ by the MSM, who think uppity plebs are the liars or morons, not them.
Rudy Giuliani was a key player in the cover up of 9/11.
That is all you need to remember.
I hope posters here will see how Biden is the corupt puppet who will safeguard the globalist system and bring in the great reset. Trump is the anti-politician who fights for real democracy and is our greatest gift and weapon against the system, which is why the global ruling classes and corporate interests so fear and hate him.
I think one reason the mainstream media is avoiding this information is it comes from a dubious source. The hard drive that was at the center of this was faulty. Hunter Biden sent is laptop in for servicing in Los Angeles only to have drive drive pop up over the other side of the country. (Why is anyone’s guess — changing out a disk is a five minute job.)
So now we’ve got a whole bunch of mail traffic that proves what? Apparently Hunter was trading off his father’s name and position, something which the elder Bident eventually asked him not to do. Trading off a parent’s name is endemic in US politics (Donny Jr. is only one of the most recent and most noticable), its undesirable but I don’t know how we could put a stop to it. For me, I don’t care. I’m stuck choosing either an obnoxious egomaniac serial liar (and that’s being kind) or a rather gray “mostly harmless” person who has an established track record in government. Its a bit of a non-choice.
I’ve worked in a Murdoch newsroom. The lawyers are consulted on any big story. Every time.
Other news outlets may be run by amateurs. You may hate his politics but Murdoch is no amateur. Not only is the story solid, you can be sure nothing was left to chance. Murdoch has no desire to further enrich a corrupt politician in a libel suit.
I have much more doubt about Joe Biden’s ability to get security clearance.
Biden has probably had security clearances because of his past roles in government. Trump has shown that once President you can make your own security clearance — his buisiness and personal profile would deny him clearance (according to an article I read about the process) but it didn’t seem to matter.
(I’m not sure that all this Cold War era “this person is suspect because they’re not an upstanding citizen by our standards” is relevant any more.)
On what grounds can an elected President and commander of the US military ever be denied a security clearance? Claiming that Trump had to create such clearance makes zero sense.
The article about Trump and security clearances merely echoed what is well known to people who work in areas that need security clearances — even a modest level of debt can get a security clearance denied or revoked. The rationale is that debt provides an opportunity for leverage. Its the same with personal conduct; you don’t have to stray too far from the ‘upstanding citizen’ to raise red flags.
Trump may not have had to clear himself because that ‘makes no sense’ but he certainly had to override the system to get clearances for frends and family. The estimate is that he did this for 25 candidates. (A quick search will clarify this — its not controversial.)
I guess you think the Bidens are not corrupt, and not for sale, that they put America first rather than themselves. What, innocent politicians who don’t serve themselves? I wonder if you would say the same about Trump, whose haters see him as a guilty, corrupt, liar when he says ‘America first’, without any laptops, hard drives, authenticated e-mails from business partners, or any hard evidence at all. So presumably you can defend and absolve Trump even more easily than you do the Bidens. Sadly, the MSM never do that.
The Bidens are probably no more corrupt than average. The “Bidens” are also not running for office — only Joe is, Hunter is not part of the equation, he maybe tried to mooch of his father’s position and reputation but as Joe has remarked “He’s made some bad choices”. There is no question of a Biden administration becoming a family enterprise like Trump’s. Anyway, Trump himself has set the bar so low for versacity, enoulments, insider dealings and so on that just about anyone would score better.
(To be kind to Trump it may be that he just didn’t know how to play the political game and unlike other showbiz types such as Arnold Schwarzenegger (or even Ronal Regan) he never invetsed the time and effort to figure it out.)
Nothing new about this. Major newspapers have always suppressed Democrat problems and emphasized Republican problems. True of Wilson vs Harding, true of Nixon vs JFK, true of Clinton vs Reagan, still true now.
Minus a few famous anchors at Fox, the corporate news networks are fully part of the US Democrat movement. MSM journalists fund and even marry Democrat politicians, and could never wear or want to wear a Trump hat either to work or socially (unless perhaps working undercover with the violent rubes and rednecks). I strongly doubt anyone in Big Tech or woke corporate America or academia could either. They all know perfectly that only dumb, knuckle-dragging racist plebs with no brains wear Trump hats, obviously. Trumptards are, as Hillary explained so succinctly ‘deplorable’ or inferior humans. They must be controlled, assimilated or silenced, and hopefully thousands of heroic and very peaceful Antifa and BLM protestors will make that mission a reality.
Nepotism and corruption are as American as apple pie.
America is to corruption what The City Of London is to money laundering or what Liberia is to merchant shipping. Their entire political and financial systems are cesspits of racketeering and criminality. Every US politician with likely zero exceptions are bought and paid for whores serving Zionist and corporate globalist interests. Corruption is institutional. They make Nigerian fraudsters look like rank amateurs.
Crackhead Hunter was actually relatively harmless. All he had to do was smile a lot and be photographed and pick up a few million out of the billions of US taxpayer cash poured into the Ukrainian Black Hole when Creepy Joe was appointed Viceroy there by Obomber. He probably did little more harmful than line his own pockets and have a good time snorting coke with hookers.
Kushner by comparison was continuing with the Clinton Pay For Play Racket, seeking billions to bail himself out over mega property deals gone bad like 666 Fifth Avenue. There were billions in bad loans to be refinanced by pliable Gulf dictators in return for favours and arms deals from Trump. Corruption and the Epstein Operation are the grease that keep the whole Zionist Sewer flowing.
Unlike evil politicians from the USA, Israel and the UK, all others are saints. No CCP politician or Islamist leader ever orders anyone imprisoned, murdered or tortured, and most certainly never tries to enrich himself at the expense of his own compatriots. They are simply fighting for a just world and a global humanity finally free of evil capitalism, and of Uncle Sam’s demonic control. Those prison guards responsible for 3m+ Muslims and Tibetans in Chinese communist concentration camps are paragons of virtue when compared to Orange Man Bad, with his Satanic skull cap and white supremacist ok signals. Let us also scream or chant ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘the Great Satan USA’, as peaceful Islamists have been saying for decades, with no violent consequences whatsoever.
Anna Makanju, Facebook’s Public Policy Manager for Global Elections, is a senior executive working on content regulation. Previously, she was Special Policy Advisor for Europe and Eurasia to Vice President Biden.
That would be, ahh, let’s see…. Biden’s senior policy advisor for Ukraine.
Anna Makanju, 2003 – Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships › meet-the-fellows › anna-makanju
Anna Makanju is a nonresident senior fellow with the Transatlantic Security Initiative. She is a public policy and legal expert working at Facebook. › expert › anna-makanju
Makanju would have been party to Facebook’s decision to suppress the articles quoted above, that “Hunter introduced his father to a Ukrainian energy magnate who asked the family to use their influence to shut down an investigation into his company.” Facebook said these stories on Biden might be misinformation.
Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that paid/pays Hunter $50k a month, is a sponsor of the Atlantic Council which lobbies/acts as a front for NATO in the region. The Atlantic Council frequently puts its fellows and experts on TV news to shape perceptions.
Thus Makanju’s position as a fellow of the Transatlantic Security Initiative of the Atlantic Council makes her a PR person or propagandist, while she also manipulates the coverage of news at Facebook.
According to a 2019 Pew Research Center report 55% of U.S. adults now get their news from social media either “often” or “sometimes” – an 8% increase from 2018.
John Gouldman: My family is behind most of the ‘fake liberal news’ you see on Facebook.
not new to some of us.
Another one bites the dust… huge YouTube purge underway.
List from Bitchute’s Twitter.
Amazing Polly
Dustin Nemos
Mouthy Buddha
X22 Report
World Alt Media
SGT Report
Dollar Vigilante
Titus Frost
Destroying the Illusion
Redpill 78
Praying Medic
Strom is Upon Us
Truth & Art TV
In Pursuit of Truth
Of course, it’s not the first. It’s merely a continuation.
The Verge, Sep 3, 2020: More than 17,000 YouTube channels removed since new hateful content policy implemented
Polly: Truth Purge – Youtube Got Rid of Me
Half of those are controlled opposition anyway
YouTube and other big tech rarely if ever remove or censor slanderous, hateful or unverified news articles against Trump and conservative America. Neither do they censor or flag comment hostile to Trump by Emperor Xi or the Iranian dictators, unlike the ‘offensive’ tweets by the elected US president himself. The corporate, celebrity, establishment and academic elites – ruling class America – clearly all fear and hate Orange Man Bad, and want him silenced or gone. What better endorsement of Donald Trump, the world’s greatest anti-politician, could posters here possibly receive?
And that is the only reason i’m here.
A good info about Biden, Trump and Ukraine is made by Glenn Beck.
Why the latest Biden revelations are important and why Twitter and Facebook have gone to such trouble to bury the story.
New York Post, est. 1801 vs Jack Dorsey, born 1976.
Whether you like it or not, the Post has editors. Twitter has… what… wokeness?
The Post decided that 10,000 emails and dozens of selfies and photos of Hunter Biden were credible, real and news worthy.
The real failure was the rest of the media, who decided the story was not important enough to report — even to investigate and show that it’s fake.
Liberal media… zzz… zzz… zzz… zzz… zzz… zzz… zzz…zzz.
Twitter’s top trending story: Joe Biden did not push out a Ukrainian prosecutor for investigating his son, The Washington Post reports
Correct. Joe Biden is on tape admitting he pushed out a Ukrainian prosecutor for investigating the company that employed his son.
Quoth the Raven – Christopher Irons, a financial analyst and writer talks to Dr Marc Defant about how the press is subtly indoctrinating the public into critical theory.
Generations of students have been taught that being open minded means not being skeptical, not questioning what people say. Unless you feel morally superior and righteous, in which case nothing they say matters at all
The country has gone insane.
QTR #226 – Dr. Marc Defant Talks Social Media Censorship & Existential Threats to Humanity
Generations of students think scepticism must be selective rather than universal, just like the UK’s blind, arrogant science advisors ventriloquating Bojo, unable or refusing to see that science means “belief in the ignorance of experts” (Feynman). They just cannot confess their own failure and ignorance. Selective scepticism means your thinking ultimately rests on faith and dogma, not on reason and critical thinking. Western culture is returning to the dark ages, guided by the wokerati and wankerati.
Bidens are bought by the CCP. FBI is bought by the CCP. The CCP has a track record of getting what they want through massive corruption. They did this in Africa at the end of the last century, probably still doing it, and they have done the same in the USA.
Many here refuse to recognise the corruption of the political left, or that leftist politicians are betraying them and the cause and ruining the movement in the eyes of millions. Leftists must condemn both their corrupt leaders and violent protestors to redeem themselves and recapture the moral high ground, not downvote or deny bitter truths. That advice presumes they still want to win peaceful elections rather than seize control of democracy by violent means.
Pedos have a lot in common with the left: both offer inducements (sweets and social security) while preparing to take away the victims freedom and worse.
Has either Biden issued a denial? Even a letter from a lawyer?
censorship and gaslighting. WELCOME TO THENEW NORMAL. This along with facemask and mandatory vaccine for a virus that has a fataltiy rate of 0.1 % and total corporate takeover of western society and docius in fondem last but not least the largest wealth gap exceeding the Gilded age.
Boy Benito and Adolfo must be popping those champagne bottles from the entrails of l’inferno.
Dr Mike Yeadon, who was the Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for sixteen years, has been shadow banned by twitter. Welcome to the war on the human race, Dr Mike.
duplicate’s post apologise
the above is Theater for the brain dead article its a defections
now for some real news
Senate Bill S4244C2019-2020 Legislative Session
Permits any child who is at least fourteen years of age to have administered to himself or herself certain immunizations required or recommended by law
another friendly incoming forced vaccination new York
New York incoming
Assembly Bill A992019-2020 Legislative Session
Relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health
Holy hell. This is a nightmare.
They’re not even bothering with euphemisms anymore.
Welcome to the Abattoir.
If you follow the current CDC Childhood Immunization Schedule, your child will receive over 36 vaccines by the time they are six years old. now they want to make sure they get shots every year until 18
These are the real dangers with social media today.
These platforms are created and controlled by people who want to own a monopoly over the social realities of the world. We have long since gone past the age of small community bulletin boards with an admin everyone reveres as the big boss man of the forum who makes all the big decisions over perhaps a few thousand people. The older model consisted of a power figure probably in his late 20s/early 30s, paying for server costs from his own full-time job and a few donations from kind members of his site, likes video games and so created his own website for other fans to join and talk video games, lurks in the background and only utilizes his powers when he has to. We are now at the point where social media platforms have potentially BILLIONS of people registered and many many MILLIONS active every single day and the environment has gone from your friendly ‘local’ forum to one of surpassing the vastness and influence of world superpowers. We are talking about multi BILLION dollar empires where one computer whizz kid has excelled from your typical server admin to now running a platform that even governments cannot compete with all with unprecedented levels of power, influence and control over the lives of everybody.
I read somewhere that Google has more control over information than world governments. They can influence elections in some of the allegedly most powerful countries on the planet, including where it all began; USA. They literally do have the power to do things no government has ever been able to do and with such ease, sometimes as easy as allowing certain information to circulate while preventing contrary narratives from doing so, manipulating search results, exploiting the vulnerability of the human condition to manipulate certain outcomes. It’s not hard to imagine other big tech giants like Facebook, Twitter and Amazon being somewhere very close to Google in terms of the sheer scope of their abilities when and if exercised.
Away from the politics people need to ask themselves whether they are going to be coralled into a corner whereby their lives are going to be reduced to superficial nothingness. Realities are going to be ever more controlled and influenced by big tech giants who appear to be for the betterment of society but often show (this article being just one example) they are for their own gain in power, influence and control. The government are, and have been for a long time, clearly involved in the rolling out and widely accepted formats like social media platforms as a means of creating manufactured environments they can exploit and control.
It won’t be long before collective reality as we all know it will end up being owned and controlled by a small percentage of ‘elite’ big tech giants (and their private interests) who from sunrise to sunset paint a picture of what reality is, much like the scenes set in Plato’s cave. People will not be understand what is fact and fiction, wrong or right, up or down, their perceptions or the perceptions of someone else. And all this means that a byproduct of this manufactured environment will be the ease in which the ones reflecting shadows on the wall can control the masses into believing this is the only way things can be.
With the COVID-19 hysteria going on along with the realization our elaborate digital tech are playing a part in it’s prolonged stay in our world, it’s not hard to assume perhaps much of the reality we see around us, digital or otherwise, has all culminated deliberately in ensuring agendas like the current one play out remain for as long as necessary while the masses are distracted and sedated in their echo chambers and their make-believe social media worlds.
Dan Bongino takes up the NY Post article (see OG article for link):
Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
October 15, 2020
The Dan Bongino Show
Ep. 1370 The Tech Tyrants Crossed a Line
Oct 15, 2020
For show notes, visit
In this episode, I discuss the latest bombshell emails in the Hunter Biden case. If these emails are authenticated then Joe Biden must step out of the presidential race. I address the outrageous speech suppression efforts by the tech tyrants in response. I also play audio of Andrew Cuomo admitting the coronavirus lockdowns are based on “fear.”
Life in Oldham at The Pub Door..
Have you booked in advance? – Yeh here are my details. He flashed them his mobile phone, complete with QR code and order.
One Cornish Pastie. 3 pints of Stella and 3 pints of Speckled Hen
” Yeh – thats fine .. I will take you to you table.”
Have you booked in advance – Yeh here are my details. She flashes him her mobile phone, complete with QR code and order.
One Halloumi Cheese Vegetable Omelette. One Bottle of Australian Shiraz, One Pint of Tap Water – half pint glasses for the water with ice please.
” Yeh – thats fine .. I will take you to you table.”
Thanks – Where’s The Loo?
On the way to the Loo, He asks “So you are on your own?”
yeh – we don’t want to break the rule of 6…((((and do not not let our Scouse mates come in – They are just round the corner…))))Well you can if you want they’ve booked in advance as well at different tables – all alone
None of us have ever met before in Person
We arranged it on Facebook
We are completely legal, and will communicate via Zoom, as if we are all sat at the same table and give each other virtual waves, and hugs, whilst we talk quietly in our mobile phones.
“So you don’t need name Badges then?”
The doorman shouts to the Guv – Yeh – they’re all legal
“Well let them in.”
That is the insane world we now live in.
Strangely enough I once went to a meeting like this, and we had no idea what each other looked like, but we could recognise each other as soon as we started to speak.
An excellent choice!
Sean Ono Lennon
“It is no longer exaggeration to say that the collusion between social media and media to manipulate our reality for the benefit of their political agendas has reached Stalinist proportions.”
12:51 AM · Oct 16, 2020
“In fact Stalin’s propaganda machine was relatively weak by comparison. Imagine if he had had control of social media technology, how would things have turned out then? What would our understanding of that history be today? It’s scary to think about.”
— Sean Ono Lennon
Waiting for Twitter to censor John Lennon’s offspring.
Twitter is probably waiting to see if Sean Ono Lennon is enough of a threat to the “Deep State” to be removed entirely. No need for one arm of the ruling class to censor someone if another arm of the ruling class takes care of the problem first.
I don’t know what we’re supposed to make of this story — I presume we’re suddenly going to all have to ignore four years of lies, incomptence and general unpleasantness because of a story in the New York Post. Twitter’s initial reluctance to let it through was due to the provenance of the material but as they quickly because the story they felt cornered.
The Internet is a valuable resource but its prone to serious misuse. Senator Whitehorse’s presentation on dark money and how it is used to spread influence through apparently grass roots or ostentibly legitimate NGOs is a cautionary tale.
Its water off a duck’s back to me.I’ve already voted. (So let’s not have any of that “77th Brigade” nonsense — I’m a US citizen.)
“I’m a US citizen” Yeh we guesssed that.
Good luck.
Facebook, Twitter employees send over 90% of political donations to Democrats: report
Every time Twitter (or the others) censor, they tacitly admit that they are not a platform, but are de facto a publisher. A publisher is legally liable for all their content. Twitter (and the rest), due to the censorship, ought to be held legally accountable for all their content. If they were, it would destroy their business model. Legislators (ie, our elected representatives) would, therefore, only have to threaten to hold them to this standard for the anti-freedom of expression behaviour to stop. Yet, our representatives do not do so; on the contrary, they incite them to ever more censorship (cf, the proposed Online Harms bill).
Craig Murray who I have massive respect for, but disagree with a lot of his politics (he is an open Globalist and likes Soros). I’m not and don’t makes much the same point about Twitter. I used to like posting on Craig Murray’s blog, and did for 10 years, but finally gave up. I don’t mind being serially banned for disagreeing, or even being drunk, but I was never personally abusive. Maybe they realised I was writing the Truth, and became an embarrassment. Craig Murray’s blog is quite obviously still infected with The Security Services. He knows them well – and used to work with them – in fact probably still is one.
You don’t get to get his job, at such a young age (Youngest UK Diplomat in history – according to him, though my Uncle might disagree with him – he never claimed he was but he too was a very nice man – I actually met him several times when I was young (7-10)
Read Craig Murray – He’s a Good Man. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with him. In fact he would probably prefer it if you didn’t…over a glass of the finest. Never met him. But might yet.
He does Music Festivals too, and anyone who does that is Forgiven, even if I completely disagree with them with regards to politics religion or anything else.
“Lord Advocate Launches War on Twitter”
Watch CJ Hopkins Interview – I posted on his Off G Thread here today
It is really interesting – tells you everything you need to know – which is pretty good for an American.
He is my Favourite Analyst and Writer at the moment. I can find nothing to disagree with him. I have even bought his books – well Craig Murray’s too
I like reading all points of view.
Books are Good.
TV is Like sticking your head into a Washing Machine.
‘The Art of the Deal’ is a fun read and with a very different viewpoint from Craig Murray
Certainly Clark is an asset. Notice how he only appears on certain matters to break up the discussion with his appeals to authority and emotional outbursts over the covid bs,to stifle any debate. Same with 9/11. Says all I need to know.
Do our representatives incite more censorship regardless of their political stripes? Also, what do we conclude when US social media like Twitter censor the US President and his spokeswoman, but never any hostile foreign president?
Headlines in the Daily Telegraph now:
“‘I’d rather not impose’ Boris Johnson says he will not ‘force’ Tier 3 restrictions on Manchester”
So if “Manchester” wants to keep their pubs open like in London, then they can and laugh at the Scousers and the rest of Lancashire who agreed to close theirs.
Biden could shoot up a high school and the MSM wouldn’t report it, and social media would criminalize the merest attempt to mention it.
nono they’d say it was all Trump’s fault … IMPEACH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
The Great Reset Fraud – Strategic Culture Foundation
Matthew Ehret
July 15, 2020
Quote: “Due to the pervasiveness of oligarchism, mass exploitation, wars and pollution have lain waste to ecosystems and countless human lives alike, and as the neo-liberal order continues to careen towards the inevitable breakdown of a 2 quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble which our un-repentant decades of decadence has caused, very serious choices will need to be made.”
Complete text:
Freedom and justice for all (who can afford it) …
so ma and pa are unrepentant decadent world destroyers, hmmm.
The only people who have destroyed the environment are the controllers who are pushing this virus hoax in order to implement Agenda 21.
Agenda 21 aims to Depopulate and forcibly remove all land and assets from everyone on earth except the cryptocrats and their cronies, who get to live like Kings while the rest of us are subjected to poverty, UBI, shared spaces in hyper polluted EMF 5g smart mega cities while we are biometrically surveilled 24-7 and medically experimented on with vaccines. That is, if we actually survive since Agenda 21 aims to recruit millennials into the social credit system and eliminate the older part of the populace who are still able to remember how much fun life was before smartphones.
With the implementation of Agenda 21 we lose our ability to travel, move, own a car, own a property or assets, decide what we eat, buy, own or even grow our own food. We lose all independence. All business ownership. All freedom.
“Agenda 21 is the United Nations plan for global domination under the green mask of “smart” growth and sustainability. To implement it worldwide, the UN formed ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). ICLEI functions as an unelected parallel government, breaking jurisdictional boundaries while giving the illusion of local control.”
The IMF is issuing loans to countries now after forcing them to lockdown and deliberately destroy their economies with the ultimate aim of nation states forcing all their citizens to hand over all their private assets and medical and bodily rights permanently, in return for individual loan forgiveness, a Universal Basic Income, and each nation being given special drawing rights on the new digital dollar system the IMF and BIS will be implementing post global market crash. A crash that they are planning in order to instigate a credit freeze, mass chaos, defaults, bankruptcies, famine and civil unrest.
That is why all the countries are locking down. It’s not a virus, it’s Agenda 21.
The green movement was first created by the Club of Rome, which you already know is a cryptocracy NGO front. They concocted the story that there are too many humans and that it is ordinary people who are the enemy of earth, not the polluters or the energy, chemical and war profiteers. Not the crooked regulators or the corrupt politicians.
The club of Rome claimed that the only way to save the planet is to control the behavior of everyone through tyranny and depopulation. That led to Agenda 21 and the signing on of 179 nations to its nebulous agenda.
But Agenda 21 was not a concern for the planet’s resources, wildlife, pollution levels or the environment. It was a plan to privatize all resources and take away land ownership and rights from the people so all means of production and every resource on land, sea and air could be privatized and held by the cryptocracy, thus making them unaccountable, unreachable, unanswerable and unable to be prosecuted for any of their crimes against humanity.
The Green movement was hijacked, using fake climate urgency, creating elevated temperatures and fires using HAARP and Directed Energy Weapons in conjunction with other geoengineering practices to create climate disasters, while using surreptitious language to disguise their implementation of a horrendous, illegal and dystopian agenda.
That’s why they pivoted early on from Covid19, to Covid19- The Great Reset.
This is a takeover of the world by the World Bank, IMF and BIS which are privately owned by a cabal of psychopathic cryptocrats.
(Soupir)… I see this day finds you well… i’m copying this comment in my notes… too good… good week end to you… bottled Sapporo in sight here…
Here’s some further info with links:
Lolll… I knew you’d make me read… Let me ask you a question.
Obviously we’ve seen and read similar material… Cabal, depopulation etc… and it makes absolute sense to me. But my first “shock” happened about 8-10 years ago, when I was faced with the first “contemporary” scam to physically hurt people and hand them to a medical system. with huge profit… this happened in the end of the 19th century.. The invention from a German chemist, of chemical fertilizers… In 1850. Key word is Potassium… rings a bell?
This was years before my encounter with mr. Alex Jones and the likes…
Meanwhile I’m working on finding the link… I plan to post a chunky comment here on the subject, with what Ike would call.. a dots connection exercise. Cheers… I’m now sitting on the 15th floor… with my favourite Japanese sexy bird… Miss Sapporo… (after a hard days night, like the Japanese would approve)
Wöhler? Is there a connection between the metals he was studying and potassium intake as a chelating agent?
Here is the link mentioned bellow… I don’t do this often but I’m making an effort because this actually contains a solution
Interesting Link. I will research potassium in Pubmed in relation to inflammation, blood pressure and heart disease.
I found the article fascinating on every line… great story and research from this Australian chemist who cured himself
This makes chilling sense to me. MW
Hello Researcher: You stated: “The Green movement was hijacked, using fake climate urgency, creating elevated temperatures and fires using HAARP and Directed Energy Weapons in conjunction with other geoengineering practices to create climate disasters, while using surreptitious language to disguise their implementation of a horrendous, illegal and dystopian agenda.”
Somewhat true. I once lived on the western shore of Lake Superior, which is now a designated target of the “agenda”. Due to geoengineering, what was once a near pristine boreal forest has become a dead zone. I’m quite aware of nearly every aspect of the “agenda”, but have never gotten any traction exposing it for what it is. The civilian public is grandly autistic regarding environmental issues. No one wants to admit the environment is indeed crashing due to over exploitation and unbridled military adventures.
Civilian populations need to understand that the “elite” want to stay alive by whatever means they have at their disposal. They will never succeed, as the Earth’s ecosystems will crash before implementation. That’s why they’re in such a hurry…
Take every point of economic control away from “them”, and do exactly the opposite… People need to quit denying the obvious solutions.
There’s a number of reasons they’re on an urgent timeline and none of them have to do with the ecosystem, which they do not care about.
The fraud of their science and medicine is close to being exposed with their fake viruses and poison vaccines, heightened solar activity is over and the Fed Ponzi scheme of Petro dollar hegemony, market and indices rigging with banking and securities fraud, and the manufactured bubbles and busts has come to an end. They can’t hide all the fraud. They have a timeline and they are sticking to that timeline. Agenda 21 starts in January. They are transitioning to the digital dollar system. The Global Currency Reset.
Global Economic Security Act:
And their Quantum Financial system which is an absolute fraud is based on digitally tagging and biometrically surveilling everyone on the planet and exploiting them as a commodity, while they kill off half the populous over the next 10 years.
The new Maunder minimum started this year, a cycle of reduced solar activity for the next 70 years.
What they should combat but don’t, is the toxic pollution of chemical dumping, radiation, Nuclear waste, Ocean seeding by the military, Nanoparticulate aerial spraying of strontium, barium, aluminum etc. HAARP microwaving, ban all plastic production, stop GMOs which are poisoning people and the 5g weapons systems and smart meters.
They’re going to turn up the 5g with this years flu vaccine campaign, then claim there is a new strain of covid; Covid21.
Their psychopathic agenda and fake humanitarianism must be
They are going to force everyone on the planet to give up all land and private property to the
IMF. Forever. Nobody will be able to own property except for the cryptocracy.
We will be corralled into tiny shared space 5g radioactive boxes in “SMART” cities. If any of us survive the vaccine program which will be mandatory in every country.
I see idiot plagiarist Harding is regurgatating more western intelligence (sic) propaganda about Navalny
“Given that the Russian politician had been put under surveillance by the FSB, and that he had been poisoned with novichok, which is only available to Russian state actors, the commission said it believed the FSB was responsible.”
While I can quite believe Navalny was being closely watched in Russia, only an idiot would think it was a ‘given’ that he was poisoned, and even more of an idiot with his head up the GCHQ clouds would still think novichok is only available to Russians.
The Guardian really does treat its readership with utter contempt by keeping that clown on the pay roll. Or maybe GCHQ covers all his costs on their behalf.
“ novichok, which is only available to Russian state actors..”
It’s possible, i hear when stink on stage they really stink (off topic i suppose)
Poor Luke has never been the same since the KGB broke into his flat and turned off his alarm clock. You know what a sense of humour those KGB chaps have.
I’m not sure what the point of the report was.
“Twitter even blocked the account of the Whitehouse Spokesperson Kayleigh MacEnany for sharing the links.” That would track. They’ve convinced a lot of people that the solution is for the government to step in and regulate the internet and save the day. They are observing this and saying “Go get em government!” That’s what the fascist authorities want. People have shown that they are really good at giving the police State what it wants, once they’ve been conditioned to know what that is. Internet censorship will switch hands, from the private sector to the police State – that operates in the interests of the private sector. I’m sure that that will be better. Then there are those who will be clamoring for vaccines that the State will assure everyone it will have plenty available for all. Whew! Thank goodness. We are so lucky that the fascist State cares about us.
Given the choice between government regulated utility or oligarchs working outside any constraints….you ask which is better ?
When our democracy is working well, of course the government is the better option with more transparency than a greedy oligarch under the thumb of the CIA.
That’s a false choice. Oligarchs need government, democracy or not, to amass that power and insulate themselves from competition. One begets the other.
The last thing they want is liberalized markets – they’d get outcompeted by upstarts all the time. Folks wildly underestimste the power and consequences of regulatory barriers to an industry. Why do you think all the massive corporations are all in for climate change policies, labor laws and all manner of prohibitive regulations and interventions by the state? It cements their position on top, regardless of how much they profiteer, how poorly they treat the working man, how inefficient and wasteful they are…
Your defence of fascism I’m sure is appreciated here, but you are using very poor logic. The choice we have is between control by Oligarchs or by government regulation.
Just because governments fail to regulate monopolies well, it does not mean that they cannot regulate freedom of speech. Life is not black and white. As I said, Oligarchs give us absolutely ZERO control over their platforms, but we can have some influence via our democratic process, via government regulation.
I’m sure your defence of fascism is appreciated here, but you are using very poor logic. The choice we have is between control by Oligarchs or by government regulation.
Just because governments fail to regulate monopolies well, it does not mean that they cannot regulate freedom of speech. Life is not black and white. As I said, Oligarchs give us absolutely ZERO control over their platforms, but we can have some influence via our democratic process, via government regulation.
Let’s see how that goes… The people interfering with those guys plans hun… A democracy you say?
So who and what end does the CIA serve?
Oct 16, 2020 1:28 PM
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Reply to Arby
Given the choice between government regulated utility or oligarchs working outside any constraints….you ask which is better ?
When our democracy is working well, of course the government is the better option with more transparency than a greedy oligarch under the thumb of the CIA.
“Given the choice between government regulated utility or oligarchs working outside any constraints….you ask which is better ?”
OLIGARCHY all the way. Because you can safely ignore them, and choose not buy their products or use their services.
The government, on the other hand, has the power to use force against you. And any government powerful enough to control the “oligarchs” you posit, will be so mighty that you will be like an ant to their industrial-strength pesticide factory.
And the oligarchs will immediately take control over the government through bribery and intrigue, meaning now the oligarchy has the power to coerce you with threats and terror.
“Governmental regulation” is the BRIAR PATCH to the oligarchy. Stop falling for it.
How can we know if oligarchy doesn’t already own many governments, like the spectacularly inept Johnson administration? Boris and science advisors clearly bow to Gates and globalist supporters, not to dumb British plebs and voters.
What a stupid thing to say. You fascist hate democracy sooo much but it is all you have protecting you from armed Generals and crooks.
Oct 16, 2020 3:40 PM
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Reply to Fact Checker
What a stupid thing to say. You fascist hate democracy sooo much but it is all you have protecting you from armed Generals and crooks.
OLIGARCHY all the way. Because you can safely ignore them, and choose not buy their products or use their services
They don’t need to make a sale. They feed it to you through air, food and water supply… But they are obviously getting impatient… So it won’t be safe to refuse their vaccines anymore
If I understand, the US government ordered privately-owned big tech to silence the spokeswoman of the US government, so that the government can justify regulating the internet. Do you have evidence that big tech obeys Trump (rather than censor him, as widely reported), or that Trump plans to regulate the internet? Note also that criticism of Trump, often extremely abusive and threatening, does not get censored by big tech. Why would Trump order big tech to do this and so help his legions of political enemies?
Your suggesting that I’ve taken a position that I haven’t taken. However, I thought that we here all understood that corporations rule within the Corporatocracy. (For some: I am expecting that OG’s comment section will be peppered with appointed and self-appointed gatekeepers who toss nonsense bombs into our discussions. I will therefore continue to ignore provocative comments and that includes gibberish. I’m going to fail at that sometimes.)
I will refer those who wish to have POLICE STATE government rescue us from the private sector that it in fact protects to the very good James Corbett show that talks about that. It’s titled “Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition: The Corbett Report.”
That old trick of ‘breaking windows..’. Create a problem to solve it:
I also wonder if the Burnham outrage is a sign of the power transferring to ‘the Super Cities’?
That’s what UK Column reckons in their latest broadcast (today). MW
admire joe
he creapy yes
but looks
his touchy feely out n the open
what of are greville janners, ted heaths,cyril smiths leon britains mcalpines
what of all the freaks in westminster and elm guest house dolphin square party on’s
in private discreet secret like
what of the mossad and m15 cia filming the drugged out boys and girls and sicko who call themselves the right honorable
creapy jow likes touchin and smellin hair ted heath throwing kids in the drink off his boat
with cops and mi help
donte you nose
london we do things different here
not so different from old babylon
The UK is desperately blocking access to other countries in Europe, with weeks long quarantines, in the name of Covid, in the hope of blocking the British population from spending money overseas, and also to create a precedent, which they hope other EU countries will copy. It has reached the absurd position where the UK is blocking travel to places with far lower ‘cases’ of Covid than the UK, exposing the British governments fraudulent intent.
The UK has been trying to create internal borders in the EU for decades now in an attempt ot wreck it on behalf of the USA. The Amsterdam to Paris, train Psyop was the funniest attempt. Are those US solders still alive, they tried to kill them a few years back.
“The UK is desperately blocking access to other countries in Europe” You may get a completely false picture by reading The Daily Telegraph or Watching The BBC or any of the others.
I just tested your theory on Skycanner on specific dates for next week. There are absolutely loads of flights available between eg London Gatwick and Rome – from about £50 each way in 2 hr 30 mins, which is both quicker and cheaper than driving most cars from London to Manchester, or using The Train
If you fly to Sweden you don’t even have to wear a mask when you get there.
It strikes me, the media are trying much harder to lockdown the UK, yet you can still legally travel anywhere you want to, and even get a drink in a pub if you have a Cornish Pastie with it.
Its got nothing whatsoever to do with a virus. the tests produce completely false figures, far less people are dying than has been normal in earlier years, and you can again get treatment in hospital for non COVID stuff, if you are brave enough to turn up.
The staff know what’s going on, but they know they will get fired if they tell the truth.
Scaring people not to travel is working. If it was not they would enforce it as laws. Their aims are as I claim.
”The UK is desperately blocking access to other countries in Europe, with weeks long quarantines,”
finish the quote.
”The UK is desperately blocking access to other countries in Europe, with weeks long quarantines”
Show all of the quote.
To hide ‘fraudulent intent’, closing borders is a useless measure. The British government would have to close down the net and sites like this, where global data exposing the UK’s spectacular failure over covid are freely available to all. Perhaps you imagine what the politicians ‘hope’ and intend? Please link with evidence to correct my mistake. And about those soldiers who stopped an Islamist massacre on the Paris train: they received honours from the French government for their bravery, and one is now standing for Congress. Do you seriously believe ‘the US’ paid the terrorist?!
Back in the Good Old Days there were exchange controls — if you went to the Continent for a holiday then you restricted as to the amount of money you could take with you. It was entered into your passport. It was eliminated in 1979 but like all bureaucratic measures its not really dead, its merely resting. (The difference is subtle but get busted trying to take more than 10,000 pounds out of the country without declaring it and see what happens.)
(The most effective way that I know of to keep people in the UK is to make passports quite expensive and have a long backlog in issuing them.)
I won’t go further than a downvote
If you want to hear crude examples of the right and far-right using Covid opposite, to give themselves credibility with the population, and to push their far-right racist agenda, then listen to Talk-radio. Who will mix Covid truth telling, with race baiting and attacks on everything left wing. I believe Nigel Haw-Haw Farage is trying to buy up the station, which makes perfect sense. American funding perhaps?
Alex jones pioneered using the truth about state corruption and operations to peddle the CIA’s anti-democratic anti-left wing agenda. The CIA discovered a long time ago, that if you want to influence the population, then the truth is far more powerful than lies, even if you are exposing your own, criminality and excess in the process.
I’m confused. Is it your theory that Alex Jones revealed the CIA agenda in order to help them spread it? And what is anti-leftist about the CIA these days? Jones is always critical of the CIA, and accuses it of being a key part of the swamp, which trying to rid itself of the Orange threat.
Money circus – jason goodman really. When latched on to George Webb, GW was the real investigator reporter who actually found the encrypted blackberries of of Awan. JG took video of blackberries when GW shown them. To this day JG still has not given GW pixel copy of this. GW books to buy.
It’s certainly true that Jason is more a producer-director (that’s his training) but he works hard and brings in the interviews, which viewers seem to like. George had a great run with the Awans and hopefully will again.
good info (money)
shady sources (circus)
Thank you. Good slogan. The circus just relates to the revolving door of governments and corporations, the money-go-round that is the fake financial markets on which I reported for many years, and the hall of mirrors and freak show we call politics.
Since I left, it’s been revealed that LIBOR which I had to report, po faced, each day, was rigged. The Federal Reserve of which we spoke in hushed tones is a front for the private interests of corrupt bankers. We have learnt of the Plunge Protection Team in Wall St which means the market only really goes down when they are ready to loot the masses.
I’ve seen enough financial crashes, around the world, to recognize patterns and to know that they are manipulated into happening — credit to JK Galbraith for explaining that. The only scam I spotted in advance and tried to report was the euro. I’ve lived under autocratic governments and what the West claims to be democracy, so I get to compare. I’ve also seen at least one Marxist revolution and the aftermath of one military coup.
Shady, yes, because the result of my reporting was just to be a propaganda mouthpiece for the banks, Wall St and the City of London. I can’t claim credit for fighting, let alone winning, any noble victories. I just went on strike: I won’t shovel their propaganda any more.
Oh and I had a ring-side seat to learn something of how the game of illusions works.
You are a strange mix of vague anti-establishment rhetoric, whilst being a pusher of government operations, against the Euro, race baiting, US Libor fines, anti socialist, anti workers rights, anti-union, I’m sure you talk a lot about a ‘global bankers conspiracy’, like Hitler did, in fact you are really pro everything our far-right Corporate masters want, whilst pretending to be the peoples friend. ‘Bankers are bad!’ Sure they are sweetheart.
Thanks for the background. No offence intended. You always offer such detailed in depth posts and I’ve read and enjoyed the pieces on your website. I have to admit though I’m curious why you – who come from banking – use sources like Dan Bongino and Jason Goodman. One an ex secret service paid pundit and the other an apparent cut out in some kind of influence operation (imo.). At this late stage of American Empire meltdown shouldn’t we all be well past partisanship? Elite banksters control the left, the right and everything in between do they not? Perhaps I’m missing something. Thx again.
Thanks for this useful, well-informed report on a key issue. I’d just point out that, if you replaced Hunter with Don Jr, the MSM and big tech would be censoring no accusations whatsoever, and broadcasting the most damaging claims 24/7 to prevent Trump’s re-election. That is because their corporate owners and staff are 99% Democrats and Trump-haters. They no longer understand that silencing critical opinion is the founding condition of tyranny and oppression. I look forward to further revelations that the Bidens serve and are beholden to Beijing.
It seems like a totally manufactured story, and I expect its one of the many that will justify legislation to “hold social media giants accountable”
But as usual, the actual and intended consequences of whatever “anti censorship” legislation they introduce will be precisely the opposite of what the public is told and expects. These social media giants (some of whom were clearly funded by intelligence and deep state types) enter into the scene under a certain set of rules (like for example not being liable for anything that’s posted on their platforms) and within that framework are able to grow into the giants they have become. More than likely there is already a myriad of regulations and manufactured economic conditions in those fields that give those firms an edge over smaller, independent competition, but whatever the next wave of social media “regulation” that is enacted will make damned sure that no upstart is ever able to compete with the very politically plugged in social media giants that rule the space now.
Whether it’s making them liable as publishers for the content posted, whether it’s supposed “anti-censorship” or “anti bias” regulation – it doesn’t matter. It will have the effect of raising the regulatory barrier of entry into that field totally out of reach for any firm that isn’t totally plugged into and subservient to the current paradigm; the current technocratic elite (in government, in the corpo cartels, in the globalist NGOs).
We’re meant to believe that the Dems and Repubs in America have opposing and mutually exclusive agendas when it comes to big social media and the regulation thereof, but that’s just spin. They both charge forward towards the same thing – regulating away the possibility of any independent upstarts taking a bite of their market shares, and potentially giving the public opportunity to use social media that doesn’t track, control, manipulate, surveille, and feed propaganda to them at the whims of the central authoritarian elite.
As is the case in nearly every other major industry in the modern world, particularly following the crime against humanity that is the scamdemic.
I only pray that folks wake up to the fact that begging the government to regulate and reign in those evil corporate overlords isn’t the answer to anything, and no matter how they spin their regulatory intentions, the real intention is nearly always to form cartels and shut the door to any ground up competition. This is what allows the corporations to dominate industries indefinitely, to demand bailouts, to continuously rake in inflated profits, to treat employees like shit….
Let’s also remember the commercial dimension to all this; independent news sites like Infowars are hugely successful and a major threat to the legacy media, which today are failing badly and often survive only thanks to corporate donors (Eg Gates keeps the Graun afloat). Getting big tech to smear and stop linking to such sites wasn’t just an ideological imperative.
Democrats and Republicans are just different wings of the same party. Its the same in the UK. Here it was brought home with a vengance a year ago what would happen if the Labour party challenged the system — no smear to crass, no information too dis, anything to prevent the Labour party gaining power until it had got ‘sensible’ and ‘moderate’ leadership. (This isn’t new either — anyone who’s lived through the 80s or even the 60s knows exactly how this works. You don’t even have to be particularly radical to challenge the system enough for it to react harshly.)
Twitter, like other social media sites, isn’t really offering anything new, its really USENET that’s been upgraded, revamped and made consumer ready so it can be used as a marketing tool. Part of this process requires centralization — it distributes messages apparently for free because its collecting information about its users. (Remember the Internet Golden Rule — “If the product is free then you are the product”.) Centralization is an inherent part of this; the companies aren’t particularly interested in censorship since it costs money, they only do this if the traffic is likely to impact their business.
Our economies are already destroyed, like they are destroying Venezuela, Cuba and Iran, they would have us starve to death if it gave the US greater control over our lives.
The ‘they’ destroying Cuba, Venezuela and Iran are the tyrannical national governments who deny human rights and freedom of speech, put all dissenters in prison, and can never be voted out of office. Local autocratic politicians are responsible, not your great Satan USA.
I hope you are being ironic. But if you are serious, then I think you should investigate the sanctions against those countries. Financial, trade and diplomatic. Then you won’t be able to say stupid things like that.
Third try.
I hope you are being ironic. But if you are serious, then I think you should investigate the sanctions against those countries. Financial, trade and diplomatic. Then you won’t be able to say stupid things like that.
Hello, toppy … although it can be difficult, mostly we try not to feed ILTL. Cheers!
You do the same to me for different reasons, you are afraid to provoke truth.
The “they” murdered 3,000 civilians in Cuba alone in terrorist attacks, blew up a Cuban airliner with 70 teenagers on board, invaded and bombed the country and caused $1 trillion in damage in a 60 year campaign of economic terrorism ($100,000 a head), all the while sneering at the country’s economic difficulties.
For the past 70 years, the Exceptional And Indispensable Folk have rampaged across the planet like Nazi Germany On Steroids, butchering millions, and starving and immiserating hundreds of millions. They actually make Adolf Hitler and Genghis Khan appear quite sane and moderate by comparison.
Americans are pure evil. They are subhuman, scum sucking filth. Calling America Great Satan is an insult to the
By order of the USA.
Curfew: reduce profitability of pubs bars and entertainment sector. For Corporate chain take over.
Police enforced hated masks wearing, Is forcing people to shop on-line at Amazon.
Social distancing: will reduce profitability of Cinemas, Theatres, and Restaurants,
making them ripe for bankruptcy and take over by chains. Good news Tim Martin is toast.
‘Cashless society’: To help MasterCard and Visa profit.
Home working: Those who work from home can all eventually be outsourced overseas. It also gives US tech control/access over ALL business communications. The CIA spend a lot of time following mergers and accusation, now they can do it from Langley.
Travel restrictions: ‘vacation wars’ between countries, to cause economic harm.
Track and trace: Total health, Lifestyle, Spending, Data collection, social standing etc…all sent direct to google in the USA.
Closing down hospitals: to murder the old and reduce them as economic burden.
Note: as sky says, ‘the virus can live on surfaces for up to 72 hours, but there is no evidence that paper or cardboard (Amazon parcels) can carry the virus’.
Who cares if the ‘virus’ lives on surfaces. Our own skins are covered in bacteria etc anyway. For thousands of years children have played in the dirt of the back yard and developed immunity.. Give me germs and freedom.
(This sentence is to confuse the censorship which blocks comments).
Whoosh!….they say it lives on all surfaces except Amazon parcels, that is the point.
If Covid 19 was just another scam which profitted the scammers, I almost wouldn’t care. What can we do about that? That’s this (temporary) world for you. But Covid 1984 is not just making the scammers richer and more powerful, but it’s also seriously harming us. We can’t just ignore this scam. We – who aren’t killed off by suicides, vaccines and police attacks – will be totally enslaved and exploited, far beyond what neoliberal capitalism does to us at present. If you say something that the fascist authorities don’t like, you will then not be allowed to live – literally. Your cash will be digital and unavailable to you for, you know, living. If you do not obey and get vaccinated, turn your neighbors and friends and family in, or whatever, same thing – no life for you. This is deep, black darkness. The predators who own, rule and ruin the world are having a ball. And they won’t be stopped by us. But they will be stopped. There will be no change of heart. There will be no reformation of the global police State. On the contrary, “while still alive” that wild beast will be slain, as the Christian Bible tells us. (Yes, I have serious issues with that collection of books, but I still believe that God is in them.)
Stop with the horror stories and follow the money. They don’t want to torture you they just want to rob you. they have no idiology, they are just criminals.
Stop with the horror stories? When the horror ends. Follow the money? What makes you think I’m not? That wasn’t a useful comment.
third attempt…..
Whoosh………………they say it lives on all surfaces, EXCEPT on Amazon parcels, that is my point. It is broadcast every hour on Skynews.
All CIA propaganda is ‘banned’ now, because they are the ones who do the banning. It has got the label of ‘banned’ to give it credibility, which it doesn’t not have.
If you have evidence that the CIA controls the big tech outlets banning our free speech, please share. Also, who do the CIA serve? Not Trump; current boss Gina Haspell is notoriously blocking all evidence proving that Obama illegally spied on Trump, not to mention evidence that the Mueller probe was an attempt to frame him as working for the Russians.
You are just pretending to be 12 years old….I don’t believe you are really a little lost girl at all.
Just read the Patriot Act and look at funds paid by the security services to access to ‘your’ data as well as so many other routes ot understand the relationship.
Off Topic: HCQ and Remdesivir
‘Remdesivir has little effect on Covid-19 mortality, WHO study says’, as reported in the FT times.
Anyways here is a link to it (not sure it has gone through the full review process):
I wonder if the HCQ was tested in-line with how people around the World have been using it in practice?
No one in Africa is dying of the virus. Why? The widespread availability of hydroxychloroquine. Combined with zinc, many types of viruses are obliterated. Taken at face value, compare the mortality rates in the UK at 700 per million, the US and Sweden at both around 600/million and Canada around 240/million, to Uganda at less than 1/million. And Kerala province in India is at less than 10/million. Similar low numbers abound in almost all HCQ jurisdictions.
If hydroxychloroquine with zinc and azithromycin were ever recognized as a viable treatment for the virus, there would be no more social distancing, no more masks, no more lockdowns, no more expensive medical treatments (i.e. remdesivir, regeneron), trillions of dollars saved, no vaccines and no “new normal”. Seriously, let that sink in.
Now we know why HCQ had to be discredited… it woulda ruined the pandemic, we can’t have any of that! So removing HCQ from the equation was in fact a lynchpin for the whole psyop.
What’s unfortunate is that even though nearly everything the WHO & Co. said about HCQ, was blatantly and demonstrably wrong. The UK trials used toxic doses and late in the process (so used opposite of how it should be used, i.e early and in appropriate dosages).
There even was the faked study which had to be retracted, the crusade should have ended there. Yet, despite all that, HCQ is still as far as I know “banned” as treatment in most western countries. The CDC even did a study on this after the last COV SARS outbreak and concluded it was effective. It’s utterly disturbing when the truth just ceases to matter. POOF!
Independent outlets and experts have been saying all this since March or even earlier. But the MSM and government experts belong to the corporates, so cannot hear critical voices.
Intervectin and Artemisia are also promising treatments. If an effective treatment is available, it destroys the vaccine agenda:
Good try mate. You got a right-wing meme to support the complete failure of the covid operation in Africa. Which exposes it as a fraud.
I don’t believe Africans are taking hydroxychloroquine en masse, I think there are few deaths because the virus does not exist and the US has not managed to control the media and local governments, who are mostly failed states and unable to organise any restrictions. They cannot afford ‘first world’ lies.
good account – “right-wing meme” jibe not-withstanding.
There are many taking hydroxycholoquine in Africa, long term, to combat malaria. However, from Wolfgang Wodarg’s website long term use is not safe.
Not safe? In the US, more than 300 die each year from Tylenol and that drug is the #1 cause of liver disease. Roughly 60 people die annually from aspirin. 54 people die from lightning strikes annually. And 1-3 people die from hydroxychloroquine, the vast majority of those from intentional overdoes. Check the American Association of Poison Control Center’s annual reports and see for yourself.
There is a risk in everything we do. This drug, which costs pennies per dose, should be available over the counter. As a zinc ionophore it acts as a potent antiviral and would reduce seasonal sickness if widely available. The ban on this drug is unconscionable and a crime against humanity. This policy is literally killing people. Why? For power, control and money.
Even without those medicines there should be no restrictions for a flu type virus.
100% agreement.
They are also treating Covid effectivrly with Artemisia. This video about malaria is very revealing about the current Covid agenda. It is about big bucks for big pharma:
You don’t have to wonder about this, just google the UK trials on this, they were rigged – huge (toxic?) doses very late in the progress of the disease to seriously ill patients. The conclusion was of course that it was ineffective – because the design of the study was deliberately set up to get that outcome. If they had tested early treatment, with azitromycin and zink, of course it would have shown that it was effective.
Here’s a top expose of why big pharma needed HCQ demonised.
Taiwan, 23m people, has routinely used HCQ against wu-flu from the beginning. 7 fatalities.
“Gangster Tony Fauci And HCQ”
I’ve never understood the appeal of Twitter, Facebook and the rest. At least the increasing censorship will probably hasten their demise – if they’re now censoring mainstream opinions, people will switch off. It’s the old story of hubris by these organisations who, invariably, think people have ‘nowhere else to go’ – before, finding too late, that they do.
If there is a positive about the fake coronavirus disaster it’s that many people have had their eyes opened about the nature of their ‘democratic’ governments and the ‘free’ media and internet.
Then we must support those politicians who do oppose censorship by big tech and the fake news media, like Trump. Or maybe posters can name other national leaders demanding truthful, balanced reporting?
If you want to really understand what’s going on right now and how we got here, you only need to read Julian Assange’s seminal piece, “Google and the NSA: Who’s holding the ‘shit-bag’ now?”. It was penned in August of 2013. Linked here-
Essentially, you can’t tell where the government ends and the corporation begins anymore. This is quintessential fascism personified. Or corporatism or crony capitalism or the revolving door or regulatory capture. Whichever you prefer.
High government officials end up picking the winners to serve their own interests of advancing their power and control. At the same time, the government will enact regulations and taxes- as well as tax and regulatory breaks- that benefit these corporations to the detriment of their competition.
This is how de facto monopolies and oligopolies are formed. Without intervention, In most cases they would either fail, be much weaker with greater competition, or be taken over by a competitor. Government involvement and protection through select regulation and taxation- and select enforcement of the law- prevent that free market mechanism from operating. This is the result.
Want it to stop? It’s high time The People stop holding the shit-bag now.
Exactly. But many posters here won’t get or appreciate your analysis, as they are too busy fearing some demon called ‘the USA’.
There are many problems with the US, including their militarized police, qualified immunity against blatantly unconstitutional acts, War on Drugs, civil asset forfeiture, private prisons and police unions who lobby for it all- in addition to the problems already outlined above. But in the end, who’s side are you on?
The US is truly the birthplace of free market capitalism. Much of that has been bastardized and turned upside down, but that’s no reason to give up on it, or to simply throw in the towel and cry that it can’t be fixed. We have to try- or there will be nothing left to fix once THEY are done with us.
These companies have become giants because 99% of idiots like you got accounts there. Everyone explained that thanks to this their messages had a greater reach. Then it turned out you had shit, not range. You just needed to get more idiots like you there and create giants. You have given someone power, don’t be surprised that he has it.
Stop feeding all those cockroaches and leave once and for all these “social networks”! Try to live LIKE REAL HUMAN BEINGS, talking, listening, hugging, looking at the eyes of your parents, friends, neighboors, and not watching all the fucking day your smartphones like mentally retarded idiots!
I expect that FB TWITTER will be left accumulating harassment against their users, until replaced by new plateformes with new freedom promises, allowing identification of dissidents.
I wonder if the Republicans/Rightists in USA would worry if it was the other way round?!
i.e. Twatter, FBook, Goggle, etc were on their side?!
Dems, Repubs are 2 sides of the corporate coin…
Trump opposes the ‘corporate coin’ or uniparty and corrupt DC establishment, and famously wants to drain the swamp. Many nervous Republicans and neo-cons dream of his defeat next month. I see you agree that big tech works for the swamp and so censors Trump supporters and non-leftists. Do you condemn such bias and discrimination?
Trump IS the swamp. Don’t look at him, look at his Administration. He put industry lobbyists in charge of Federal agencies.
“We now have mega-corporations, who possess neither democratic mandate nor public accountability”
What nonsense, commercial enterprises are now marketing themselves to the public by means of ideology in a way which has no historical precedent. There is an extensive industry of marketed ideology built on public accountability. It may not be that everyone agrees…
It is not the lack of public accountability, it is the obsession with it, the intermingling of commercial enterprise and ideology, and the consequent abuse of it which is the problem. It has become all marketed, fake, hypocrite, and a means of getting power.
“who possess neither democratic mandate nor public accountability, controlling what elected officials can and cannot say in public”
Is the democratic mandate, the mandate of mediocre mobs required? who actually granted the mediocre democratic mob the right to control everything, god, nature? The answer is that they took that right by force of their mass, by means of violence, and by means of shouting the hardest, and the corporations now take that right by other means. The mandate of both has no grounds other than that of blind force. Both parties are alike in many ways.
The intermingling of ideological values with commercial practices is the problem itself. It should be totally separated, the initiative in the area of ideological values should remain the initiative of people in their position as human individuals and organized humans. When a man in a position of a commercial enterprise talks about ideological values, society should say to him: this is all fine in your position as a human with values, but why don’t you shut up and do business, you have your own values, and your own conscience, we will come to you to negotiate when you trespass on our values.
A commercial man then may subject his commercial business to his own values and collective values, be guided by it but his business as an entity should not market itself by means of it, or worse, as it happens now, try to influence society. His business has no such values, it is formed for other reasons, and revolves around other things, it should not pretend to stand for any ideological values.
To keep the two separate prevents the breeding of hypocrisy, the hijack of ideology and values by the commercial class (which is a lower class), the intermingling of interests and the inevitable corruption, the parade of appearances, and, the attempt to influence society when the business has become powerful.
How is voting by the masses a means of violence?
For one, the democratic system has been forced upon society by means of a great deal of violence, also during the times of democracy itself violence has often been a means. Never read a history book, or are you being willfully ignorant about that?
Democracy is physical and psychological war of the people against the people, at first it is against an elite, but later on against each other. How long ago has the inauguration of Trump been? And they are still fighting a war over him. This whole ‘we do it peaceful by means of voting’ stuff is a scam which makes the corona scam a futility. Like the corona scam, it is a collective agreement to keep up an illusion and convenient lies for reasons of power.
Not just Twitter, Facebook and co that censor but MSM as well.
CNN, NY Times,BBC, ABC, MSNBC and the like have been doing it way before the social media giants.
Hasn’t been news for a long time. Propaganda is the norm.
“The fake news media is the greatest enemy of the people”, repeated Orange Man Bad. But the people sneered.
If anyone has seen the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma” it’s a classic example of a documentary that gives the impression that it’s an objective and hard-hitting critique, yet subtly reinforces the message to only “trust” mainstream news and Social Media throughout, concluding with the ludicrous ending, advising to “do a fact-check on “GOOGLE” before sharing an article”. It will fool most people blissfully unaware Google has been seriously censoring for some time.
I haven’t watched it for just that reason.
I enjoy a lot of series on netflix, but I don’t go there for any hard-hitting critique’s.
Very wise Judith, i tried watching the Netflix “Coronavirus Explained” documentary as well just to see what crap they would come up with. They used the Batman logo to “explain” how the virus jumped from Bats to Humans, which tells you everything you need to know about that one. I gave up half way through the second episode. Bill Gates featuring heavily of course.
You are kidding?? The bat virus thing??? Holy Jesus.
Did they go on to explain that the only way that bat virus could infect a human was through a thing called “gain of function”? The kind that developed and was practiced at Ft. Detrick and Wuhan Lab?
Oh, I’m sorry – I’m wrong – it was developed in the Bat Cave.
Google and FB don’t censor criticism or obvious slanders against the US president or his supporters, while Twitter only censors the US President, not the presidents of those nations most hostile to Trump, like communist China or Islamist Iran. Conclusion?
Antisocial media and their loser users deserve to be gagged and blindfolded as they walk off their cliffs.