Great VIRAL Debate: Round 1: Dr Rancourt’s First Response

Responding to Dr Anderson’s Opening Statement

We kick off Round One of The Great VIRAL Debate, following on from Opening Statements. Our participants, Drs Anderson and Rancourt, will now take turns responding to one another. Dr Piers Robinson is our chair. Off-Guardian is your host. The proposition under debate is:

SARS-COV-2 merits suppression measures in order to combat the virus rather than the herd/community immunity approach

Dr Rancourt, arguing against the proposition, responds to Tim Anderson’s Opening Statement from 10 Oct:

Our opening statements were made separately, blindly. We now proceed one after the other. I am going first.

“On the broad debate” Tim tars me as being a “pandemic denier”. I do not deny that there has been a large wave of deaths in an epidemiological context of viral respiratory diseases.

My focus has been to research why the all-cause-mortality-quantified excess deaths have been so different from one jurisdiction to the next (state to state in the USA, province to province in Canada, region to region in France, country to country in Europe, and so on); and the ways in which “science” and “medicine” are misused in the palpable global propaganda campaign, including the propaganda by government public-health directives, law and enforcement.

“On the proposition” Tim advances that SARS-CoV-2 is undeniably more virulent than influenza, and that there is a “scientific consensus” on this point. Both are demonstrably false.

Regarding virulence of the pathogen, Tim quotes incorrect early estimates of the infection fatality rate (IFR), and does not quote the latest CDC summary of IFR values, nor does Tim quote the most complete critical review made by Professor Ioannidis (see my opening statement). Tim follows this by stating: “No responsible health official can afford to just cherry pick the most optimistic estimates.”

Regarding comparison to influenza, Tim fails to appreciate the complexity of the epidemiology of influenza, and the difficulty in calculating meaningful (unbiased) mortality burdens, using statistical models.

Average mortality from epidemic influenza varies 20-fold from locality to locality, and mortality from seasonal influenza varies 100-fold and more with age. The highly-cited longitudinal field study of Loeb et al. (2000) found an influenza-outbreak case fatality ratio (CFR) of 8% in 5 care homes in Toronto over 3 years, a hard number large enough easily to have been the nucleus of a pandemic propaganda campaign. For other cities, Loeb et al. noted [1]:

Rates of pneumonia as high as 42% and case-fatality rates exceeding 70% have been reported in outbreaks due to influenza virus. [their references 8 through 10]

There is also an extensive scientific literature showing that elderly people are not significantly protected from influenza by vaccination, despite the pressures of the massive vaccine industry on the scientific establishment.

Regarding “Neoliberal failures and independent responses”, I reject Tim’s simplistic proposition that a difference in “COVID deaths” between “neoliberal countries (UK, USA, Sweden, Brazil)” and “more independent countries (China, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria)” is caused by decimated medical systems in the West versus responsible medical care management in his list of non-neoliberal (communistic?) countries.

I expect that three factors are more important than Tim’s “they promptly imposed protective quarantine measures”, etc., to explain differences in excess all-cause mortality in the March-April catastrophe period. I use all-cause mortality because the attributed-death statistics are notoriously unreliable.

First, an important factor in comparing Western and non-Western nations is the degree to which the elderly population is housed in care homes versus family homes. There is little doubt that care homes are killing fields for viral respiratory diseases, and that WHO air-ventilation standards “for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings” are not being followed [2]. Ventilation is crucial where there are groups of vulnerable people [3,4]. Natural ventilation will be abundant in homes in hot climates.

Second, viral respiratory disease transmission operates via aerosol particles, which are stable in air only in low absolute humidity conditions. I have reviewed the relevant established science in my articles. This explains: why viral respiratory disease transmission is highly seasonal and predominantly occurs in winter in mid-latitude countries, with reversal in our summer for mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere countries (their winter). Viral respiratory diseases virtually do not transmit in hot and humid (equatorial) countries, or in hot and humid seasons or environments.

For example, if you wanted high transmission in Texas in the summer, you would have to confine the interacting population to air-conditioned closed spaces. Likewise, if you want summer transmission in hospitals, you have to air-condition the air in common areas, and reduce humidity “to control mold and bacterial cultures”, while not paying attention to ventilation as a means to remove aerosols.

Third, confinement, psychological stress, and social isolation of elderly people in care homes or elsewhere are deadly, as is introducing infected patients from hospitals into the care homes. I have reviewed the established relevant science in my articles. In my papers and interviews, I have explained why we should interpret the March-April excess all-cause mortality events (e.g., 30,200 accelerated deaths in France) as having been caused by the government response measures, not any virus acting in an undisturbed society.

So, the simple idea that the funding model of the national health-care system explains the pandemic deaths is not a useful generalization. I agree that the Western countries are vicious and irresponsible towards their own populations. I believe the highest-level driver is geopolitical.

Find out more about our two eminent debaters here
Track this debate’s progress in our Coronavirus Debate Section

1 https://www.cmaj.ca/…
2 https://www.who.int/… (WHO seems to have filed this under “Water sanitation hygiene”, rather than highlight its relevance to COVID.)
3 https://academic.oup.com/…
4 https://academic.oup.com/…


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David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Oct 20, 2020 8:59 AM

Arguing the virus diseases don’t exist is merely a way of marginalising opposition to the plandemic into a conspiracy theory corral where it can be safely dismissed. Whatever the truth of this, it isn’t necessary to pursue such wild theories in order to expose the lies of Empire and the massive fraud that is being perpetrated on the witless and terrified masses. (and one only has to consider Poliomyelitis, or Tobacco Mosaic virus, to understand that virus diseases are just as real as bacterial diseases.)
Instead we should be focussing now on the “second wave”, and particularly on the changing nature of the virus and of those reportedly infected with it. Much as they try to make it so, the mortality from CV19 now is significantly less than before, and not leading to the same complications as before.
And of course we shouldn’t forget the conspiracy to prevent the use of HCQ/AZM, which could have turned this epidemic into just another seasonal flu, and prevented the overloading of hospitals as well as sickness in younger but vulnerable people.
I would still listen to Prof Raoult’s advice, which has been consistently proven correct and relentlessly scientific. And see the Masquerade:

Oct 18, 2020 9:34 PM

Please provide solid evidence (studies backed by solid experiments) that the flu (or “covid”) is caused by viruses and that these viruses are infectious and are trasmitted from person to person

Oct 19, 2020 5:55 AM
Reply to  Almondson

Please provide a solid study that any virus (a) exists (b) causes any disease.

Oct 19, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  Almondson

“Not every mainstream medical professional is trying to lie about the flu. Most of these people, as a result of their indoctrination, simply assume conventional wisdom is true.

“But as you move toward the top of the ladder—for example, public health agencies like the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)—there are definitely some first-class liars on board.

“The information I’m about to spring on you—and I’ve posted this before—is in the category of: HOW CAN THAT BE TRUE? IF THAT WERE TRUE, THEN EVERYTHING I’VE BEEN TOLD AND EVERYTHING I’VE BELIEVED IS INCREDIBLY FALSE.

“And that’s a problem for many people. They would rather hold on to a falsehood than shift allegiance to the truth, when the truth makes them view authority figures in a whole new light.” from “Drilling down into flu deceptions and mind-boggling lies” by Jon Rappoport (Jon Rappoport’s Blog)

I don’t know exactly where he stands, now, on the existence of viruses (as in the ‘concept’), but even if Jon believes that they exist, he’s done a marvelous job of exposing the scams within the global Rockefeller health care system. Another blog post he wrote dealing with the subject of influenzas is titled “Welcome to the Medical Matrix: the Flu isn’t the Flu.” In that article he writes that “Actually, most flu cases are “bacteria cases,” “fungal cases,” or “pollution cases,” or “tainted food” cases, or “eating GMO cases,” or “weak immune system” cases, or something else. But they aren’t the flu.”

Oct 18, 2020 5:11 PM

It will always come down to this: do you look at Covid deaths and an imagined figure for reduced Covid deaths only and do you put all your hopes and exit strategies on a non existing and likely ineffective and dangerous) vaccine, or do you incorporate the whole picture when deciding on interventions and (exit) strategies?
And those collateral damages are medical, mental, economic, ethical (millions of impoverished and deaths in 3rd world through our lockdowns alone) and societal/democratic.
If you do the latter, there is no question that the Swedish approach was the only right one.

Mike Gee
Mike Gee
Oct 19, 2020 9:26 AM
Reply to  JGerhard

No. The right one would be to stop with this germ theory BS and actually promote a healthy lifestyle. Scandinavian countries are relatively well aware of vitamin D and have been so historically with sources from cod liver etc. in their diet. The swedish approach was just the usual mess caused by medical doctors every year dishing out flu ‘vaccines’ and mistreating the elderly/ “immunocompromised” i.e their hostages. This is not correct at all. What is correct approach is detoxing the lymphatic system with fruits/ salads so there is no serious cases of ‘flu like illness’/ detox that medical doctors can mistreat with dangerous drugs in a state of panic caused by their training. They are trained to believe ‘vaccines’ are a great miricle and therefore trained to panic in the absense of a working vaccine i.e any time they see what they are deliberately taught to believe is a “deadly contagious virus” which is more or less every year.

Oct 19, 2020 8:11 PM
Reply to  Mike Gee


Oct 19, 2020 8:16 PM
Reply to  Mike Gee

Dude buys the concept of ‘virus’, but he’s very good. This is a keeper. I’m not sure about other ideas (like gender) that he has though. He also mentions in one vid (which started to play although I wasn’t trying to watch it) spirituality. I think that that’s an important subject and I’m usually wary of anyone who even mentions it because I almost never agree with others on religious matters.

Oct 19, 2020 8:10 PM
Reply to  JGerhard
Oct 18, 2020 7:54 AM

I recall one study showing that patients in hospital recovered faster with windows open. For the manipulators, fresh air and sunshine are still beyond their intellectual property.

Prof. Rancourt’s explanation covers the outbreaks in large modern establishments. As the curfews (“lockdowns”) were imposed or lifted, it was they that got exemptions or priority in reopening. How often is their centralised aircon cleaned? For a small establishment, even with air-con, the repeated opening of the door alone will bring in humidity and increase the exchange of air.

Oct 19, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  mgeo

“For a small establishment…” Interesting point.

Oct 18, 2020 12:49 AM

I was moved from a minor public school to one of the biggest comprehensive schools in my area. Chalk and cheese.

Because I came from a public school (for our American friends, it means a private school) I was put in for 8 O Levels (back then an O Level was a standard exam you had to take at the end of secondary education). The onlu O Level I actually sat was Geography, and I’d spent two hours prior to the exam drinking beer in a pub, with many of my teachers.

By the time I got into the exam hall I was totally pissed (at sixteen years of age).

There’s another long story here that I won’t go into; suffice to say that I failed my Geography O Level.

Oct 18, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  RobG

An edit button would really help.

Teddy ted ted ted
Teddy ted ted ted
Oct 18, 2020 2:19 AM
Reply to  RobG

I believe you can edit your comments up to 15 minutes after you’ve posted?

Teddy ted ted ted
Teddy ted ted ted
Oct 18, 2020 2:21 AM
Reply to  RobG

I believe you can edit your comments up to 15 minutes after you’ve posted?

EDIT: Yes, you can, but it didn’t work for me on safari. Using chrome it works. There’s a little cog in the bottom right, click on it and it gives you the option 🙂 A2

Oct 18, 2020 10:04 AM
Reply to  RobG

the edit button is at the bottom right hand corner – there is a little icon that you click on – it is only operational for so long tho.
oops – had to edit this – didn’t see that someone has already explained…

Oct 18, 2020 4:17 PM
Reply to  richard

I have never seen any edit button here – I am logged on with Opera, perhaps that is why.
On second thoughts there is one, I have found it to edit this message.

Teddy ted ted ted
Teddy ted ted ted
Oct 18, 2020 7:54 PM
Reply to  Waldorf


Oct 17, 2020 10:50 PM

I hereby rename this “The Viral Great Fraud”, a pointless exercise in competing narratives, based on the unproven, unseen, unproduced, unreplicated entity known as “The Virus”. The artist, formerly known as SARSCov2 resides only on the minds of its victims. Victims can be identified by incessant googling of symptoms, mask wearing, fear of strangers in close proximity, aggressive denial of reality, a sense of superiority to unbelievers, and a general deference to authority with a reverence for the fields of science and allopathic medicine.

Future “Great Fraud” topics could include a lockdown or no lockdown debate on the possibility of a potential dangerous and deadly encounter this Halloween with the Great Pumpkin.

To Trick or Treat, or Not to Trick or Treat. That is the question.

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 17, 2020 11:38 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Trick the treats,but don’t treat the tricks, is my professional opinion. Trust me, I’m a document.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 18, 2020 4:17 AM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Another possible name, “The Great Masquerade”

Oct 19, 2020 8:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I like Dr Rancourt, but I bascially agree with you. I wonder how OffG feels about our small group of virus-deniers?

Oct 19, 2020 9:04 PM
Reply to  Arby

They don’t like us. We are telling the truth. The truth is often radical and unwelcome.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Oct 17, 2020 10:23 PM

Too bad they don’t cover this topic on Jeopardy……

I am ready!!!!

On the other hand, I am not interested in hearing the other side and for that I would probably lose at Jeopardy…….

The “Covidiot” “Troll” is just saying….

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Oct 17, 2020 6:28 PM

Excellent summation , thanks for it .

Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
Oct 17, 2020 6:08 PM

My back and forth with Bob the science guy Me: Have you listened to the quash?  I also have questions that I’d like you to attempt to answer after having listened to the quash podcast  1. Prove to me that there is an actual pandemic, not just that more than one person died from covid 19  Use actual science  2. Prove that masks prevent infection and don’t cause long term health issues related to breathing  Use actual science  3. Prove that even if there is a pandemic going around that is so contagious that no-one is immune from it, what exactly is the point of wearing a mask?  Use actual medical science  4. Prove that the police have the right to arrest and kidnap me for not wearing a mask, even if there is a pandemic  5. Prove that mask mandates are not an infringement of basic human rights Use actual logic and reasoning that can stand in a court of law  I reiterate, nothing about the official story that Fauci is giving us makes any sense  Nobody was sworn in to testify, not in any medical court in the world  It stands to reason that there is massive criminal collusion, a psychopathic agenda, because any medical lawyer could destroy Fauci and Bill Gates in mere minutes Him: Sorry I am not going to address this silliness. Wear your mask. That is actual science Me: Based on what exactly?  It must confuse you that I don’t believe the earth is flat, but that I will not, cannot accept the bought and paid for narrative  The covid19 narrative is a massive scam based on contrived and faulty data for the sole aim of massive expansion of government  What is the science of wearing a mask?  There isn’t any  Prove me wrong,… Read more »

Oct 17, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Joshua Shalet

Joshua Shalet.

I am reading this whilst eating my tea (evening meal in American)

I was eating Fresh English Vegatables a bit of a Fresh German’s Pig’s Leg

My wife said, I don’t really fancy eating a German Pig,,,

Yeh but is that the best Pork you have ever eaten???

I thought your post was absolutely Brilliant.

You wrote it in Bite size chunks, with a break between each sentence to take a breath, wondering what your next sentence will be.

Thank You, I really enjoyed reading that.

I wanted an excuse to not conform, and not immediately eat all of my tea…

I am trying to lose weight, and would much rather eat, when I am really hungry, rather than for family social reasons – just eat at the appropriate time.

Most of us eat far too much when we don’t need it, or crap when we do, or nothing if no food is available,




Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
Oct 17, 2020 8:40 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Cheers to you too!

John the First
John the First
Oct 18, 2020 4:53 AM
Reply to  Joshua Shalet

“Prove that the police have the right to arrest and kidnap me for not wearing a mask, even if there is a pandemic 5. Prove that mask mandates are not an infringement of basic human rights” Human rights consist of a collective agreement, there is a also a collective agreement that upon emergency situations these can be suspended for a greater cause. Thus in a situation of war, some rights are suspended, for instance your properties can be confiscated for the greater good, you can be forced to fight as a soldier (or be sent to prison if you refuse), evening clock, etc. Thus, the infringement of basic rights may consist of a legal suspension of your rights. The question is then whether the suspension is proportional to the threat, and whether the emergency situation is real or fabricated. The architects of this alleged threat are not stupid, this war against an invisible enemy is designed to legitimize suspension of your rights which may hold up in court, if that court deems them proportional in relation to the threat. So they do not have to prove that it is not an infringement, they have to prove it is proportional and necessary. Since the authorities are idiots and corrupt, the public at large is motivated by fear and informed by credulity, and the architects of the alleged pandemic intelligent, the latter get things done. Anyway, the authorities promise that the suspension of rights are temporary.., the masks are indeed temporary until the architects suggest to them what they are really after, which is not masks, but ever greater control and administration of your thoughts and actions and the registration of your whereabouts, in as far as they care. “Stick to debunking flat earthers because any idiot can do that ” I… Read more »

Mike Gee
Mike Gee
Oct 18, 2020 12:47 PM
Reply to  John the First

There is a emergency. A dangerous criminal cult are violating the right of informed consent and need to be brought to justice.

Oct 18, 2020 6:51 PM
Reply to  Mike Gee

Thank you Mike for this very crucial video for the time we are all in .Important on many fronts.

Oct 17, 2020 4:47 PM

I am not really interested in the other bloke – spot ’em a mile off even though they do look pretty similar.

I am however very interested in any person of his age who has held the title Professor of Physics. This means that he almost certainly used to teach real physics (which is very hard work), rather than the bollocks taught now which is more like the story of science, as if it is a history lesson. I know. I have seen The “A” Level physics courses of my kids – admitedly over 10 years ago when they were 16-18 and it was 90% Bureaucracy, Bullshit and Bollocks. I did more real physics 60 years ago at Primary School before the age of 10

I found


extremely interesting

The poor bloke has been professionally slaughtered for teaching physics. That means he was right on the ball, and obviously couldn’t stand the complete morons in control of his university, telling him how and what to teach.

I thought this was hilarious, though he probably didn’t appreciate it at the time.

“The report was released in 2017 and concluded that “the University of Ottawa was justified in terminating Dr. Rancourt for insubordination”

I used to tell my boss at work, what I thought of him as well. He didn’t have a clue.

Good Man,


Oct 17, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I failed physics “O” level.
For Boyle’s Law I put -“Don’t eat too many cream cakes”.
I’m sure that was right tho…

Eric van der Worp
Eric van der Worp
Oct 22, 2020 10:44 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You might really like this interview from 2009 with Denis about that firing and exactly what he was trying to do i.e. : try to actually teach those kids physics instead of the parrot learning they routinely do and instantly forget as you leave at the end of the year…

Oct 17, 2020 4:38 PM

viral respiratory disease transmission operates via aerosol particles, which are stable in air only in low absolute humidity conditions

This is one of the ridiculous theories to explain seasonality of ‘the flu’. It is a theory that could ofcourse be tested to see if it has any veracity. However since it is simply a bs theory known to be ridiculous and only made up to support the germ theory no testing is done as it would prove the theory false. Even a cursory look at the climate like for example in mediteranean climates would disprove this junk. In meditarian climates humidity is highest in the winter whearas in the summer according to this obviously ridiculous theory the flu should be spreading along the costas. The more sensible and supported theory is that low vitamin D levels are what result in problems. People in the meditaranean used to hiding from the sun can still get low vitamin D due to these behaviours come winter time.

Mike Ellwood
Mike Ellwood
Oct 18, 2020 1:30 AM
Reply to  Melissa

In all this tragi-comic covid-19 farce, the mainstream has run away from vitamins like a vampire running from a crucifix. Because if it was realised by more people that vitamins and minerals, used correctly, plus good nutrition and other lifestyle measures, were much more useful than the pharmaceuticals they peddle, much money would be lost by them, not to mention credibility.

This is why, for example, people like Dr Andrew Saul, aka the Megavitamin man, has been censored on social media, for telling the simple truth. This is why, in the past, Linus Pauling was ridiculed, even though he was probably a lot smarter than any medical doctor, then or now.

Oct 17, 2020 1:55 PM

an important factor .. There is little doubt that care homes are killing fields for viral respiratory diseases,

and that WHO air-ventilation standards “for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings” are not being followed [2]. Ventilation is crucial where there are groups of vulnerable people

Isn’t this A Horrible Scandal on its own?
Perhaps it is THE SCANDAL!!

People in nursing homes eat and breathe to stay alive. What would it ‘interfering with the breathing function’ mean? Isn’t this a deliberate slow assassination attempt?

Didn’t David Cameron invade Libya for much less than this?

Oct 19, 2020 8:34 PM
Reply to  DidYouSee

Ventilation is crucial for ‘all’. As for the vulnerable, they certainly are vulnerable when even those who defend them get it wrong. They can’t jump online and push back. Those who are elderly and sick and dying are going to die, period. But I would say that they will die healthier, happier, in less pain and perhaps not so soon, if we treated them, to the extent possible, ‘the same way’ we treat ourselves. Give them human contact, fresh air, good food, clean and safe and stimulating environments and human contact.

I’ll remind people here of a great Off Guardian article by John C. Manley (MuchAdoAboutCorona) titled “COVID Deaths in Canada: A Questionable Statistic.”

Oct 17, 2020 1:28 PM

an important factor .. There is little doubt that care homes are killing fields for viral respiratory diseases

.. in first world countries?

Oct 17, 2020 1:39 PM
Reply to  DidYouSee

In agenda 21/UN countries.
Also think about the strange name “event 201”, could it mean, event to zero one or better yet
-to 0I, as in binary code.

Oct 17, 2020 1:09 PM

For those which like to believe this so called virus is out by accident or by nature, ask your selfs why is the tool that kills it being hidden.
Here a video which shows that such tool as being used for a century and it is perfectly safe.https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=emb_logo&v=rn-Fbag_1v4

Oct 17, 2020 2:14 PM
Reply to  Sol

There is a very good reason that Ultraviolet light is not used to combat the new virus:

They haven’t found a cheap way to saturate UV light with other harmful substances like Chemical Fragrances that further reduce lung capacity and slowly damage other internal organs.

There are many places (businesses) that now you wish you didn’t visit because of the saturation of the atmosphere with disinfectant odour.

Oct 17, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  DidYouSee

Bullkrap. Those devices are safe and cheep. A good example is biozone scientific photoplasma air cleaners, but if you like to build one your self for cheep, just buy a uvc bulb from Philips for example and use it to disinfect or sanitize any surface or put it in the air conditioning unit to sanitize the air.
The myth according to which they cause cancer is a lie.
Fact is that they have being used and are currently being used for curing skin diseases such as psoriasis so stop your bulls about their supposed danger or excessive cost cause they are not
Furthermore, as the frequency they use to kill viruses can be emulated by led, their actual cost is now inferior to the one a bloody mask.
As personal experience I can tell you that UVC photoplasma works like a charm not only in killing bacterias but also against mold and viruses.
Fact is also that UVC is the best weapon against not only the virus, but also against those spreading it.
So once again stop believing in institutions telling you that the sun is giving you cancer and that you should be using carcinogenic petrol based creams to protect your self, or that vitamin C and garlic are useless to fight the flue.
Start using understanding instead so you can finally see also the frame around that horrible picture we are all being sold.

Oct 17, 2020 8:06 PM
Reply to  Sol

Good points there, but I’m assuming you are not unaware of the potentially-carcinogenic damage caused to the skin by sunburn 🙂
Of course our evolution doesn’t take into account that we could just use the Sun to lounge in, rather than being grateful for what it does to keep our environment in adequate balance – given half a chance…

Oct 18, 2020 8:11 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I Lived in Asia for 15years of my life and sunbathed and burned my pale white skin every day of it so if what you are telling me is true I should be already dead.
make some research and you’ll find out that the very same people behind that absurdity you are promoting are the very same companies and corporations selling petrol and petrol based alleged medicines and so called sun screens and creams which are causing the cancer in the first place

Oct 18, 2020 8:07 PM
Reply to  Sol

I did say, potentially
People have many different skin types, and my own parents are a good example. My father could tolerate any amount of sun and easily went a nice shade of brown, but my fair-skinned mother was practically allergic to it and came out in red blotches.
If you had been my mother, you probably would have been already dead.
I’m not “promoting” anything at all, actively, or passively. I just notice what I notice.
That said, I know you are right about what companies get up to in the interests of maximizing their profits…

Oct 18, 2020 9:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

You don’t need cancer causing intensity of UVC light to destroy airborne viruses. See link posted above.

Oct 18, 2020 3:38 AM
Reply to  Sol

I think the comment you have replied to is agreeing with you. ‘Bullkrap’ for what?

Oct 18, 2020 7:55 AM
Reply to  reader1

my bad I got Confused with an other comment, any how UVC does not imply fragrance perfumes or smells (which I also dislike) if people decide to buy devices which use them it’s a different story.
UVC kills all airborne viruses and also sanitizes surfaces and crevice and that is the fact I am here promoting
obviously pigpharma and its proxy politicians and mass media whores have played a criminal/genocidal role in trying to hide and vilify such century old technology and obviously some of us which are aware of the facts, are a little sensitive to the negative impressions some try to give about what in reality is what represents the first line of defense from any type of virus attack.

Oct 18, 2020 9:41 PM
Reply to  Sol

Here’s the study on using UVC. Of course this information can “cause harm” .. to Big Pharma.
Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseases | Scientific Reports

Oct 19, 2020 8:40 AM
Reply to  Almondson

Great I must say that regular UVC worked just fine, the only cases In which people got sick from it of which I heard of, was almost two decades ago when the devices used super powerful bulbs (over 100w) and it was a couple which had placed the device right next to their bad. since then, the new devices use bulbs which are usually rated at 10w and that is powerful enough to sanitize the air of a 270 square m. there is also wands used by butchers to sanitize the table and knifes or vacuum cleaners used to kill mites which may use higher voltage in order to kill their targets faster but any how the only way such devices can do you harm is if you look at the lighten bulb for more than a few minutes. the great thing Is the development of UVC led which does not require the use of mercury which to me is the only danger posed by the old fashion bulbs which for now, need special care and can not be easily dispose of. Any how the most absurd thing is that the existence of this devices has being hidden by the very sane people which were supposed to protect us from this so called virus pandemic, and that we had to wait for months before confirmation that indeed UVC kills it. remember the caos around the mask business and how many nurses and doctors around the world were left with out them? well now turns up (as many tried to point out in the past and lost their jobs for speaking about it) that exposing a used mask to a UVC bulb rated over 10w for over 6 minutes, it completely sanitizes it from any virus or bacteria. Of course by… Read more »

Oct 17, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  DidYouSee

If you suffer from asma or have problem breathing, I strongly recommend you to buy one which does not uses additional fragrancies and with low ozone emission.
Also if you choose to build one your self, you can simply use the UVC bulb together with a ionizer to make your own photoplasma machine.
In your particular case (sensitive to smells) I advise to use a bulb of 10 w or anyway not stronger than 14w so to reduce ozone smell which, if you are to sensitive or suffering from respiratory disorder could be annoying.

Oct 17, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  Sol

Annoying? Smell? No I go into full asthma attack with anything saturating the air with ozone.. this is not healthy, not at all. Better do research with independent studies than reading the compagny’s brochures…

Oct 18, 2020 7:35 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

it is your sickness that makes you so sensitive to ozone, fortunately it is only a tiny percentage of the world population which like you is suffering from it.
Any how UVC alone does not produce ozone, also you may use a device with timer or remote control to sanitize the environment you are living in and than opening windows to get rid of any extra smell.
I can tell you that I have a devices which I used to use in my bedroom do to some mould problem, and kept on 24/7 till the mold died and I decided to use it less to save up the bulb
personally I never had any problems with it, on the contrary, I went from being sick with my lungs to totally healthy,
that is the fact.
I advise you to do some research on low or no ozone emission UVC and to test them out cause they work.
in final, regarding that fried germs smell which you might think as ozone smell, it goes away once the space is sanitized, the ozone smell in it self, it is usually mild if you use a devices designed for the size of the space you are using it in, any how it works and once again if you use a device made for the exact amount square meters in which you are going to use it, it will be perfectly safe.
bother way I got two of them and since I got mine The longest cold/flue I got lasted two days.