To Rebel Against Necessity and More

Edward Curtin

Compassion has no place in the natural order of the world, which operates on the basis of necessity.  The laws of necessity are as unexceptional as the laws of gravitation.  The human faculty of compassion opposes this order and is therefore best thought of as being in some way supernatural.  To forget oneself, however briefly, to identify with a stranger to the point of fully recognizing her or him, is to defy necessity, and in this defiance, even if small and quiet  and even if measuring only 60cm. x 50cm., there is a power that cannot be measured by the limits of the natural order.  It is not a means and it has no end. The Ancients knew this.”
John Berger, “A Man with Tousled Hair,” from The Shape of a Pocket

Autumn is the dying season. This morning when I came home from a walk, he was lying there on his back. He was dead.

Yet an autumn day like today in the mountains is so beautiful that everything vibrates with life. The air chimes. The clouds tango across the blue dance floor above.  The leaves sway to some celestial tune. And the lake laps in synchronicity to singing hearts.

My heart was singing before I found him.  His blueness and his beauty startled me. I touched him in the hope that he would move, but he stayed still, on his back with his eyes open. A still life.  A life stilled.  Only one of millions of fallen birds, yet I felt an immense sadness at the sight of him, as if he were waiting there to tell me something. 

I wanted so badly to resurrect him, for he seemed so alive in death. I felt myself returning to the blues I felt before my walk.

Vincent Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo these words:

I feel more and more that we must not judge God on the basis of this world; it’s a study that didn’t come off.  What can you do, in a study that has gone wrong, if you are fond of the artist?  You do not find much to criticize; you hold your tongue.  But you have a right to ask for something better.  It is only a master who can make such a muddle, and perhaps that is the best consolation we have out of it, since then we have a right to hope that we’ll see the same creative hand get even with itself.

This bluejay was a small creature, and many people hate his kind.  He’s a bully bird, they say.  In the celebrated novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, the hero, Atticus Finch says one shouldn’t kill a mockingbird but kill all the bluejays you can hit.

I am wondering who or what killed this beautiful bluejay at my feet, but I will never know.

I do know that “Operation Mockingbird” killed many minds and hearts, and resulted in untold numbers of deaths worldwide.  This CIA media propaganda program in which all the major media were doing the bidding of the CIA was allegedly dismantled after its discovery in the 1970s, but it no doubt operates today under a different name. 

Perhaps its code name is Operation Bluejay, since the bluebird was already used for “Project Bluebird,” a predecessor to MKULtra, the CIA’s other massive mind control program.

The bird names migrate, but they seem to return under different nomenclature for people who are in the business of killing singers of songs of freedom.

They are the killers of Ernesto “Che” Guevara.

For before my walk, I had started to read an article, with declassified CIA and US government documents, from The National Security Archivesabout his death.  For on this date, October 9, in 1967, the Argentinian revolutionary Che, Fidel Castro’s right-hand man in the Cuban Revolution, was executed by the CIA-led Bolivian military, after having been captured in a firefight in the Bolivian mountains.

Fascists killed the courageous Che as he fought to inspire the oppressed to rise up against US imperialism.  They executed him in cold blood, consciously and proudly.  They posed with his dead body, like macho hunters who pose holding a bird they have just shot.

Writing in The Nation magazine three year ago, Peter Kornbluh, the director of the National Security Archive‘s Chile and Cuba Documentation Projects, described how he had met in Miami with Gustavo Villoldo, who had been the top Cuban-American CIA operative assigned to assist in tracking down and capturing Guevara,  the iconic revolutionary, in Bolivia. Villoldo told Kornbluh how he cut off the dead Che’s hands and pieces of his hair and beard before secretly burying his body, which was discovered and dug up in 1997, minus his hand bones.  Kornbluh writes:

At one point during the conversation, Villoldo opened the binder and pulled out a white envelope. Inside was a clump of brown hair. As the ultimate souvenir of this Cold War victory, Villoldo proudly stated, he had cut off strands of Che’s hair before disposing of his body. ‘I basically took it because the symbol of the revolution was this bearded, long-haired guy coming down the mountain,’ Villoldo later explained. ‘To me, I was cutting off the very symbol of the Cuban revolution.’

Maybe a hawk killed the bluejay, but if so, it didn’t gloat over its body.  It would have been operating under the laws of necessity, where as far as we know, compassion has no place. Not true for Che’s killers. Here they are posing for the camera, guns still aimed at the dead man, as if he still posed a great danger to them.  They were right, at least in the long term.

Ernesto Che Guevara is also lying on his back, eyes open. Seeing the bluejay in a similar pose an hour after seeing this photograph, which I had studied for many minutes, gave me a jolt. The bird’s blueness entered my soul. Blue blue blue – I felt I was sinking into a deep hole of sorrow and despair. 

My sorrow for the bird was nothing compared to the deep rage and anguish I felt when once again I viewed the photo of Che surrounded by cowards, and I thought of all the victims from Bolivia to the Congo and all around the world who have suffered and died – and continue to do so – at the hands of all the ruthless forces he opposed. 

I wanted so badly to resurrect him, for he seemed so alive in death.  And his CIA killers so dead by comparison.

Here was a man of immense courage who gave his life for his beliefs, who was the embodiment of the Cuban Revolution, who cared deeply to liberate the world’s oppressed from US-led imperialism.  I kept thinking of another revolutionary on the run from fascist forces, Pietro Spina in Ignazio Silone’s great novel, Bread and Wine, who, disguised as a priest in Mussolini’s Italy, tells a frightened girl who is worried what will ensue if the government captures the rebel leader, who is actually the “priest” she is talking to.  “And if they catch him and kill him?” the girl asked.

Killing a man who says ‘No!’ is a risky business, the priest replied, because even a corpse can go on whispering “No! No! No!’ with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of.  And how can you silence a corpse?

We know Che’s voice has not been silenced where victims of imperialism continue to suffer and be killed around the world.  But here in the United States, the image-makers have fashioned him into a celebrity whose message is lost, another casualty of mind control and the propagandists who control the corporate media.  The people he fought against.

Everyone has seen Che’s image somewhere. Posters of his visage adorn college dormitory rooms. You know, the man with the tousled hair and the beard. The cool charismatic guy! The handsome man who road a motorcycle, was articulate, and could write and speak eloquently. The Che on coffee mugs and tee-shirts everywhere. 

All derived from one photograph taken by Cuban photographer Alberto Korda for the revolutionary newspaper Revoluciόn in Havana in 1960. A photograph that never earned Korda a cent, but has been exploited by countless money vultures, including the artist Andy Warhol.

Che wrote in Socialism and Man in Cuba:

A school of artistic inquiry is invented, which is said to be the definition of freedom; but this ‘inquiry’ has its limits, imperceptible until there is a clash, that is, until the real problems of man and his alienation arise. Meaningless anguish or vulgar amusement thus become convenient safety valves for human anxiety.

The idea of using art as a weapon of protest is combated. Those who play by the rules of the game are showered with honours—such honours as a monkey might get for performing pirouettes. The condition is that one does not try to escape from the invisible cage.

Then as now, escaping from that invisible cage is our task, a cage that teaches us not to rebel against what is called “necessity,” but to exploit others every way we can. To profit from their suffering, which is the nature of imperialism. To close our eyes and make believe it is possible to live in an imperialistic country abroad and have a democracy at home. Sooner or later, this pipe dream will come crashing down. Perhaps that is happening now.

One does not have to agree with every thought Che expressed more than five decades ago. Or with all his tactics.  But if you read his words, you will see that the conditions for oppressed people throughout Latin American and around the world have not changed very much in all these decades.

Of course, the propaganda has become far more sophisticated, and the temptation to play by the rules of the game and pirouette like caged monkeys is stronger than ever. 

Now as then, the religion of consumption is a private devotion for the public, and it is not just things that people are consuming but illusory images of a good and decent life. But their pursuit “is a race among wolves; one can win only at the cost of others’ failure,” wrote Che.  Such a system is not necessary but is imposed and must be resisted.

For the little dead bird I encountered this morning, all I can offer is my compassion that opposes the order of necessity – my “supernatural” resistance.  So I buried the blue creature out of respect and reverence.

But war and imperialism are not natural, and so I cannot bury my conscience, but must try to find ways to resist such human cruelty.

I ask myself, says Don Benedetto, the elderly priest in Silone’s Bread and Wine, “what is to be done?”  He pauses and continues:

I am convinced that it would be a waste of time to show a people of intimidated slaves a different manner of speaking, a different manner of gesticulating; but perhaps it would be worthwhile to show them a different way of living.  No word and no gesture can be more persuasive than the life, and if necessary, the death of a man who strives to be free, loyal, just, sincere, disinterested: a man who shows what a man can be.

Che did that.  Now it’s up to us.

“At the risk of seeming ridiculous,” he wrote, “let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.”

Is such love and sacrifice supernatural?

If so, let us fly to the heights.

Edward Curtin is a writer whose work has appeared widely. He teaches sociology at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. His website is http://edwardcurtin.com/. He is the author of the new book Seeking Truth in A Country of Lies


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Nov 3, 2020 6:47 AM

Che was an agent not a rebel and he was a horrible person.

Oct 21, 2020 8:43 PM

Che Guevara has become, made into Chez Guevara.
He was The Guy, he was Our Guy, we are with what he represented.
I like to think he represented early populism.

Oct 20, 2020 11:42 AM

The mind can set itself in judgements and react to its own reflections as a self-conditioning feedback loop.

Necessity, to what exactly?

The willingness to question our experience or reality-experience, is the capacity to re-cognise or know again, the underlying edifice or structure of belief that gave rise to such a world.

Intuition of life is not a construct so much as a communication, a resonance, a recognition of coherence and alignment of being and experience.

The capacity of human freedom to climb into its own constructs and models of leveraging the expression or behaviours of life, is the freedom to experience fear as death within life so as to receive life through its lens of judgement, rule and filtering distortions.

To hold thought in mind, and yet rebel against our own thought is a split mind of division set in contest for primacy in agreement to quarrel. What we give focus to, becomes what we live focus from, and vice versa.

The nature of mind can be humanly agreed to be set in the terms of good and bad, right and wrong, as the basis of a god of judgement set over and apart from the living and secretly running as rebellion of the mind set over and against the living heart of knowing, recognising and feeling life alive.

There is a chicken and egg moment now, because the chaos of psychic emotional conflict that induces the lockdown to the mind of ruled distantiation, and masking narrative defences, is result of the decision to resist, deny or block the experience from awareness – which then partitions a split mind from it denied experience to run AS IF a thing unto itself.

What we resist, persists.
For the underlying purpose keeps the feared or hated outcome in mind while focusing on and identifying in the means to overcome or escape as a ‘necessity’ unto such purpose.

While we are set in escaping our own denials – denials that are further denied our awareness by the nature of our masking protections, and the defending of the mask against disclosure – we meet the experience of what we are seeking to evade by seeing it as something else. A masking world set against exposure in truth as if death or unending and invalidating pain of humiliation. Reason cannot enter while our predicates run unquestioned, unseen and assigned to the machinations and motives of others or simply a s a world of evil threat and death against which to invoke power by limiting, sacrificing and denying the living so as to protect the dead structures of controls running blind.

What we resist, persists, but what we choose not to use, fades from non use.
There is a ‘mindset’ of conflict running hidden yet in the open that we have learned to normalise as if a second nature set over and apart from our first nature by the framing of truth in illusions given priority.

No one can change what they are actively disowning as a normalised attempt to escape, overcome, mask over or cast out and deny. Yet here is another call for vigilance, because an ‘unconscious bias’ can be reframed to the mind of guilt, blame and leverage – even in the moment of its rising to a light of acceptance in which to move, change or reintegrate to life. Big Brother’s Boot, is the ‘control mind’ by which ‘room 101’ is projected to everyone and everything thing else, as intent to possess control over fear.

Life is already a movement, a whole and a resurrection, but to the mind that seeks to give life to image and form and body as things in themselves, is life mis-taken and subjected to death.

A conditional love, is set to only give permission to be That you are, when its conditions are met. A tyranny of rules that may run invisible to their conditioned compliance as the way life is, the way the world works, the nature of a born existence. Necessity set against pain, fear and loss unto death.

The intuition of life is life. Life remains the capacity to ask and receive answer, to look and see with the new eyes of a fresh wonder. Harnessing our heart’s knowing for war and masked agenda is the way to bury life in lies while we are alive.

Questioning the masking mind of its claim to necessity, is the willingness to pause in life and listen in – here and now – beneath the think of conditioned identity. Aligning and abiding in the true resonance is acceptance and expression of a revealed integrality of being in place of the mask of conditioned thinking.

Herein is the compassion for all that is. If we have it not for our own mind and ‘person’ we have it not to share in and grow by the sharing.
An honest self-acceptance as a working basis for change is the only love that can undo the masking in false virtues, seeming real by the frame of what they are set against.
Self-honesty is noticing and recognition. The mind of ‘rebellion’ will seek to frame the New Wine in the same old bottles of fear, guilt and control. But this is because it runs as a machine-mind of acquired habit, set in ancient hate and forever reiterating its mind as your existence.

That even a moment cannot be grasped is not death, but life as love in expression. But what we give energy and attention to is the focus of our desire. Garbage in; garbage out, also means accept and predicate in a true appreciation for a true result.

Are we free to accept or leave thoughts unused?
But if we accept and identify in any belief, will we not then protect our investment?
The trick of identifying negatively – as NOT a hated, rejected or invalidated Other, operates a negatively polarised agenda. To carry this off needs to reach a fully justified alignment and acceptance in hatred, so as to invoke the power of unity. But it can never be whole, free of conflict or one with itself or anything that lives – and so is driven by necessity to seek to GET what its own framing denies it – as if at the hand of an Other.

Our world of relations is infinitely more than anything our mind has made because it embodies infinite potentials to finite or locked down ‘meanings’. Stepping through such boundary conditions does not have to contest the order so much as encompass a greater order. Such is a truly qualitative and expansive growth of perspective, and compassion is presence of felt relationship instead of presentations of ‘paramount concern’ by which to mask over coercive intent.

Oct 20, 2020 11:02 AM

Those really wanting to ‘resist human cruelty’ could do much more than lament a violent communist killer, a man credibly accused of racism, homophobia and tyranny. For example, why not join the fight to expose the Chinese communist horror underway against Uigyur Muslims and Tibetans? Here’s an update:


Even Greta has now come out against the Chinese tyranny:


Basically, start condemning non-US injustice or claims you care about human rights just evoke howls of bitter laughter.

Oct 20, 2020 1:14 PM

As someone or another once put it in one of those old time books: attend first to the mote in one’s own eye.

Yes, we can rail against the Chinese; but first let’s clean up our own act. Indeed, the West seems especially enamored of the draconian way China’s authorities treated the Chinese people during the scamdemic – and really want to take a page from their playbook on that front.

See, the dirty little secret the ruling class wants us lesser beings to never find out is that they’re all in it together and only pretend to be at each other’s throats.

Oct 21, 2020 4:23 AM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, quite, Howard. I think Castro was in it too. I am old and remember his coming to power. The US was behind him 100%. The propaganda was that he wasn’t a communist, but a land reformer. US put him and a large entourage up in an entire floor of a ritzy NY hotel. They had live chickens pooping all over the furniture.

I think the motivation was to stop Cuban investment in Latin America. Cuba was much more advanced & showed signs of towing Latin America out of poverty & zero technology. US was instrumental in putting him in power, pretended to be surprised at communism & used it as pretext to blockade the island.

David Rockefeller went over & visited w him a couple times; it was in the newspapers.

US used the “necessity to kill Castro” as the pretext to produce a polio strain of heightened virulence, laden w monkey virus. This took place in New Orleans and Lee Harvey Oswald was peripherally involved in the project right up till the assassination of John Kennedy.

The propaganda to those producing it was that it would somehow be used on Castro. Incredible balderdash. Was the vaccine Americans received connected?

Begins “A simian virus known as SV40 has been associated with a number of rare human cancers. This same virus contaminated the polio vaccine administered to 98 million Americans from 1955 to 1963. ”

A truly extraordinary book written by a man who lived in New Orleans while all this occurred is Dr. Mary’s Monkey.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 20, 2020 1:58 PM

“Even Greta has now come out against the Chinese tyranny:”

Wow, my goodness, golly: imagine that! A propaganda asset delivering propaganda on a target parallel to her original assignment: it’s almost as though the people sponsoring one of those propaganda projects are also behind the other!

I wonder what Greta has to say about 20 years of NATO’s Illegal Wars of Aggression (as defined at Nuremberg) in “The Middle East”…? Being as justice-obsessed as her character is portrayed as being, she must have something to say on the matter… !

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 20, 2020 2:44 PM

“Basically, start condemning non-US injustice…”

Find me a Big One that “The US”* doesn’t have at least a finger in. One couldn’t even separate the NAZTIES from “The US” before, during and after WW2 (look into the Dulles brothers and the Bush family)… when are you going to wise up?

Here’s some interesting and relevant Limited Hangout passages from Peter Dale Scott (ie: passages in the larger article whitewash various “revelations” but the shape of the following seems more or less okay):

Wall Street and the Launching of the CIA

Top-level Treasury officials, CIA officers, and Wall Street bankers and lawyers think alike because of the “revolving door” by which they pass easily from private to public service and back. In 1946 General Vandenberg, as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), recruited Allen Dulles, then a Republican lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell in New York, “to draft proposals for the shape and organization of what was to become the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947.” Dulles promptly formed an advisory group of six men, all but one of whom were Wall Street investment bankers or lawyers.17 Dulles and two of the six (William H. Jackson and Frank Wisner) later joined the agency, where Dulles proceeded to orchestrate policies, such as the overthrow of the Arbenz regime in Guatemala, that he had previously discussed in New York at the Council on Foreign Relations.18

There seems to be little difference in Allen Dulles’s influence whether he was a Wall Street lawyer or a CIA director. Although he did not formally join the CIA until November 1950, he was in Berlin before the start of the 1948 Berlin Blockade, “supervising the unleashing of anti-Soviet propaganda across Europe.”19 In the early summer of 1948 he set up the American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE), in support of what became by the early 1950s “the largest CIA operation in Western Europe.”20

The Deep State and Funds for CIA Covert Operations

Wall Street was also the inspiration for what eventually became the CIA’s first covert operation: the use of “over $10 million in captured Axis funds to influence the [Italian] election [of 1948].”21 (The fundraising had begun at the wealthy Brook Club in New York; but Allen Dulles, still a Wall Street lawyer, persuaded Washington, which at first had preferred a private funding campaign, to authorize the operation through the National Security Council and the CIA.)22

Dulles’s friend Frank Wisner then left Wall Street to oversee an enlarged covert operations program through the newly created Office of Policy Co-ordination (OPC). Dulles, still a lawyer, campaigned successfully to reconstruct Western Europe through what became known as the Marshall Plan.23 Together with George Kennan and James Forrestal, Dulles also “helped devise a secret codicil [to the Marshall Plan] that gave the CIA the capability to conduct political warfare. It let the agency skim millions of dollars from the plan.”24

This created one of the earlier occasions when the CIA, directly or indirectly, recruited local assets involved in drug trafficking. AFL member Irving Brown, the assistant of AFL official Jay Lovestone (a CIA asset), was implicated in drug smuggling activities in Europe, at the same time that he used funds diverted from the Marshall Plan to establish

a “compatible left” labor union in Marseilles with Pierre Ferri-Pisani. On behalf of Brown and the CIA, Ferri-Pisani (a drug smuggler connected with Marseilles crime lord Antoine Guerini), hired goons to shellack striking Communist dock workers.25

An analogous funding source for the CIA developed in the Far East: the so-called

“M-Fund,” a secret fund of money of enormous size that has existed in Japan [in 1991] for more than forty years. The Fund was established by the United States in the immediate postwar era for essentially the same reasons that later gave rise to the Marshall Plan of assistance by the U.S. to Western Europe, including the Federal Republic of Germany….. The M-Fund was used not only for the building of a democratic political system in Japan but, in addition, for all of the purposes for which Marshall Plan funds were used in Europe.26

For at least two decades the CIA lavishly subsidized right-wing parties in countries including Japan and Indonesia, possibly still using captured Axis funds.27 (One frequently encounters the claim that the source of the M-fund was gold looted by Japan during World War Two (“Yamashita’s gold”).28

As a general rule the CIA, rather than assimilating these funds into its own budget, appears to have left them off the books in the hands of cooperative allied powers – ranging from other U.S. agencies like the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA. set up in 1948 to administer the Marshall Plan) to oil companies to powerful drug kingpins.29

The CIA never abandoned its dependency on funds from outside its official budget to conduct its clandestine operations. In Southeast Asia, in particular, its proprietary firm Sea Supply Inc., supplied an infrastructure for a drug traffic supporting a CIA-led paramilitary force, PARU.30 The CIA appears also to have acted in coordination with slush funds from various U.S. government contracts, ranging from the Howard Hughes organization to (as we shall see) the foreign arms sales of U.S. defense corporations like Lockheed and Northrop.31




Conclusion: A Supranational Deep State

The complex milieu of Khashoggi, the BCCI, and the Safari Club can be characterized as a supranational deep state, whose organic links to the CIA may have helped consolidate it. It is clear however that decisions taken at this level by the Safari Club and BCCI were in no way guided by the political determinations of those elected to power in Washington. On the contrary, Prince Turki’s candid remarks revealed that the Safari Club (with the alleged participation of two former CIA Directors, Bush and Helms) was expressly created to overcome restraints established by political decisions in Washington.


WITH THE CAVEAT: It’s not as though “political decisions in Washington” are made in ignorance of this Reality: it’s all about KAYFABE and siphoning off some personal gold from the gravy-train, for these non-ruling politicians who help provide the appearance, to Duh Masses, of a viable, non-corrupt Political System.

*The term to remember: THE SUPRANATIONAL DEEP STATE. Clearly, key players (perhaps even a majority) are American in origin… but discussing this in terms of “THE US” vs “WHATEVER NATION STATE(s)” would not be entirely accurate or instructive.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 20, 2020 8:20 PM

Even Greta? Ooh sign me up!

Oct 22, 2020 5:38 PM

breaitbart funded by known pedos run by establishments

your as corrupt as thoses you reference your known as the website forum liar & troll

Oct 23, 2020 1:54 AM

LMFAO at ‘even Greta’ and using breitbart as a credible source lol

i am thinking that if a person who post such crap had a brain they would surely be dangerous

Oct 20, 2020 5:21 AM

a wall hanging poster face – the effortless icon for the latent dreamers, bearded, busted and chiseled to ersatz – posed in suspension, the shadow other with thoughts of another, a two ere one divide, souls apart and soul divided, self revolt from self, forever an auxiliary viewer of the master portrait that blinds perception and offers the guest free admission into the world of egocentric possession.

Oct 20, 2020 3:56 AM

Che Guevara—

“Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!”

“Blind hate against the enemy creates a forceful impulse that cracks the boundaries of natural human limitations, transforming the soldier into an effective, selective and cold killing machine. A people without hate cannot triumph against the adversary.”

“To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution!”

“If any person has a good word for the previous government that is good enough for me to have him shot. A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall!”

“I am not Christ or a philanthropist, old lady, I am all the contrary of a Christ … I fight for the things I believe in, with all the weapons at my disposal and try to leave the other man dead so that I don’t get nailed to a cross or any other place. In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, would not hesitate to squish him like a worm.”

“What we affirm is that we must proceed along the path of liberation even if this costs millions of atomic victims.”

“Let me say, at the risk of seeming ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.”

“It’s a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.”

Statement by Mr. Che Guevara (Cuba) before the United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 1964

Oct 20, 2020 11:04 AM
Reply to  turesankara

Great reminder of the delusional, hate-filled mind of the fanatic, thanks.

Oct 20, 2020 3:55 AM

“Zombies, believe me, are more terrifying than colonists.”—Frantz Fanon

Those Fanon quotes are more apt now than ever with all the bootlickers siding with the US government’s politicians aka politricksters and police state officers aka plantation slave overseers against their fellow oppressed wage slave citizens…

‘Most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.’ — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World 

‘It is often safer to be in chains than to be free.’ — Franz Kafka, The Trial

“People get used to anything. The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows. After a while, people just think oppression is the normal state of things. But to become free, you have to be acutely aware of being a slave.” ― Assata Shakur

‘If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever.’ — George Orwell 1984

“In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” —Kwame Ture

“Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.” — Assata Shakur

“When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.” — Frantz Fanon

Oct 20, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  turesankara

Your quotes perfectly suggest the horror of communist tyranny, now conducting a slow genocide against millions of Chinese muslims and others. Maybe people will one day realise the CIA didn’t create communism or Islamism.

Oct 20, 2020 1:24 PM

But the CIA are quick learners. They try their best to outdo any and all “isms” anywhere in the world. And you know what? They’re doing a bang up job of it.

Oct 20, 2020 5:33 PM
Reply to  Howard


and that’s why Rastafarians say that we must “Chant down Babylon ism & schism” of all kind.

one love

Oct 20, 2020 5:31 PM

It’s because of people like you why the CIA/MI6/DGSE/MOSSAD still exists and doing their dirty work all across the world.

No worries, your time is coming to an end with the rise of those countries that seek a shared global future of prosperity and cooperation such as Russia, China and Iran.

As for pariahs such as the US, UK, EU & Israel?

it will be au revoir les enfants terribles…

Oct 19, 2020 10:28 PM

Looks like the CIA coup stooges in Bolivia have just been slung out.

Oct 20, 2020 5:34 PM
Reply to  paul

Trump & Pompeo took another L on the international stage! lol 😂

elect a clown 🤡 you get a circus 🎪

Oct 19, 2020 8:43 PM

What do Marxists think about the rise of Antifa ?
They are burning churches to the ground in Chile this week, and eating hearts (yes hearts) on the street in bizarre quasi-satanic rituals. OffG hasn’t published an article about ‘woke extremism’ since early Sept, and seeing as it is such a feature of this crescendo of madness in which we seem to be living, that strikes me as a bit strange.
Is it in fact dissident to be simply a bit normal these days ?

Oct 20, 2020 6:44 AM
Reply to  crank

You can induce all sorts of bizarre behaviour with modern drugs. E.g., the Uighur “liberation fighters” sent to Syria get Captagon to induce brutality. Guess which “spy agency” pushes the stuff. Yes, the same one that holds the largest franchise for heroin.

Oct 20, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  mgeo

That’s the first I’ve heard of Uigyurs fighting in Syria. So are they Chinese Uigyurs sent by Beijing, or Turkic Uigyurs sent by Erdogan? Or is the CIA paying them to fight on behalf of Assad, or for the Islamists trying to usurp him? Some reliable links needed to clarify all this , please.

Oct 20, 2020 9:31 AM
Reply to  crank

Must say all these so called outrages very staged videos or photo of derelict churches or stage scene the whole woke pretend fake conservatives church non visiting christian lot go ape shit MOST haven’t visited a church in decades and most are clueless about churches. in there thick head churches are theses luxury places nope in exclusive city’s where entry is 15£ =- 50£ VIP tour to rip of the rich tourist then yes in out of town places the rev doesnt giv a fuck and the key holder usually a ex drug or alcoholic or some senile who has found god type it there job to clean or get others to maintain the church for free and in the last 3 decades churches have been turned to disgusting luxury apartment flats rich man houses EVEN PUBS CLUBS tesco express (small Walmart) WHERE THE outrage then by the clueless fake conservative pretend Christians?
the clueless outraged lot of twitter face book you tube screaming about churches getting burnt there so thick they play the same scene many times over the years decade even century’s and the same reaction happens 
During the lockdown U>K shut it door to over 150 churches never to open again seems like a /good-god excuse to not open again.
During the lockdown the Church refused to open it churches and god could be found via zoom.
UNLESS it was private churches where they was permanently open

when the lockdown story gets boring for the clueless – kill a black person or burn a church or decap a christian

Oct 20, 2020 11:18 AM
Reply to  crank

For Marxists, the ends justify the means, or ‘By any means necessary’, in Lenin’s sexed up version. Power first, justice and utopia later, they believe. For example, Che’s brutal violence served a noble cause and so was morally correct. Today, Xi Jinping justifies the CCP’s slow genocide-cum-assimilation of all non-Han and non-communist Chinese minorities as morally correct for China’s collective interests.

Oct 20, 2020 1:29 PM

For EVERY authoritarian person or group, “the end justifies the means.” That is the essence of authoritarianism. Breaking a few eggs to make…a beef stew.

Oct 20, 2020 11:44 AM
Reply to  crank

marx was from an old family of rabbi
it is either a lie or the truth
marxism talmudism
all babylon

Oct 20, 2020 5:37 PM
Reply to  crank

Reckon you believe the “wmd” lies too. Smh

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 19, 2020 6:36 PM

I never thought I’d link to the Daily Mail but I’m becoming increasingly wise to the control of info by an extreme partisan division:


Does this sad tale count as an “excess death”? Will it shamelessly be claimed as a “COVID death”? And is the National Health Service now the National Covid service?

That last one is the key. COVID has closed everything down – most significantly, the health service. Since this service has been “reserved” for this ludicrously hyped up virus, this service effectively no longer exists. And the inevitable accumulating deaths from “unfashionable” illnesses can be put down to an inadequate response to the deadly pandemic resulting from ill prepared capitalist mismanagement. Boo! Hiss! Shake fist at Boris the Clown! Feel a revolutionary wrath that cannot be other than impotent since this phantasmagoric virus DEMANDS that you stay at home.

Oct 20, 2020 12:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Why would reports in the Daily Mail be any less reliable than the rest of the lying MSM? Maybe we should just ignore redundant old labels smearing ‘incorrect’ news outlets. Is there a community of banned readers who created a site ‘OffMail’ to escape censorship and propaganda news? If not, why not? Could the Fail be more tolerant of its readers than the Graun? But my main point is that, in the age of post-truth and fake news, all sources of news and opinion must be treated with careful scepticism on a routine basis. Over time the trustworthy emerge. What’s more, habitually smearing or shooting messengers because of their unwanted messages can only keep you in the dark.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 20, 2020 4:27 PM

For once we are in complete agreement.

Oct 21, 2020 4:45 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Thank you for the links George Mc. I suppose the Mail feels it must describe the govt’s motivation as “panic.” But of course it is merely in the International Deep State conspiracy. Panic, my eye!

thomas robinson
thomas robinson
Oct 19, 2020 6:32 PM

(The complete article is already in your digital files)

Most people have been persuaded that anyone who talks or writes about a ramified ‘world conspiracy’ is either a fraud or a fool. Constrained by propaganda and the straight-jacket of geo-political orthodoxy, signs of the workings of conspiracy and evidence of its effect on world politics and events inevitably go unrecognized or are misconstrued and erroneously attributed to the vagueries of happenstance and coincidence. However, rigourous forensic investigation and cogent cross-examination of an ostensibly randomly occuring number or sequence of events has time and again revealed previously unidentified or undetected evidence of the existence of a covert, invariably political or financial (frequently a combination of both) moving force. Exerted by or on behalf of a politically reactionary cabal, a criminal network of conspirators intent on the impostion or advancement of a self-serving secret agenda, this force is the prime mover of a chain of events in which coincidence plays no significant part.

Heterosexual individuals who refuse to indulge or validate the psychological aberrations and delusions of transgenders are arbitrarilly deemed to be suffering from the mental disorder of ‘transphobia’ and are therefore pathologically maladjusted. Likewise, heterosexuals who regard the sexual orientation of homosexuals as morally repugnant or degenerate are also pathologically maladjusted, but in those cases suffer from ‘homophobia’. Of course individuals who express revulsion for homosexuality or transgenderism are invariably disapproving of both and ipso facto suffer from ‘homotransphobia’. That being the case, it is hard to see what purpose is served by the other two terms since this third one makes them redundant. However, when this reactionary ‘psychiatric diagnostic methodology’ is stood on its head and applied to homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders, bisexuals and pederasts, their shared predispositon to exhibit a deeply ingrained antipathy, if not pathological hostility toward heterosexuals may be reasonably interpreted as being indicative of a state of psychological maladjustment or ‘heterophobia’. Wherever and whenever it is politically damaging or is otherwise prejudicial to the interests of the LGBTPEDO social engineering project ‘weaponized’ terms are used to disparage and impugn opponents who have the temerity to challenge the agenda which having received the endorsement of goverment, mass media and academia has thereby been miraculously invested with an unimpeachable political and moral authority to which any challenge or manifestation of resistance is characterized as being reprehensible and offensive to public sensibilities and not therefore ‘politically correct’. No one should doubt that we live in an era of insufferable psychological repression, a period of political, religious and judicial despotism in which the elevation of ethics, repudiation of nihilism, rejection of vice and an uncompromising committment to truth are proscribed because ironically, in the final analysis, these moral imperatives are in the ‘weaponized’ language of LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ proponents ‘homophobic’, ‘transphobic’ and ‘homotransphobic’.

Unlike too many mothers, wives, sisters and daughters who have been seduced by LGBTPEDO ‘rights’ propaganda, most mentally well-balanced heterosexual men and boys continue to resist being browbeaten, shamed or otherwise coerced into expressing support for an iniquitous social engineering project advanced by and on behalf of a political cabal of influential homosexuals, crypto female to male transgenders and ironically in the case of third wave dyke feminism, crypto male to female transgender impostors and their overwhelmingly heterosexual female dupes. LGBTPEDO ideology taught in universities, schools and even kindergartens is rapidly corrupting the minds of children and young people in order to prime them to blindly accept the subsequent normalization of paedophilia. Despite the pernicious pseudo-scientific doubletalk issuing daily from proponents of the LGBTPEDO social project in support of their ridiculous attempts to deny reality, it remains a plainly observable biological fact that grotesque surgical mutilation of genitalia and breast tissue in conjunction with the injection of hormones does not change a man into a woman or a woman into a man. A man may impersonate a woman, but while doing so remains a man. Likewise, a woman may impersonate a man, but by definition is not one. Every psychiatrist, paediatrician and surgeon must be given notice that validation and reinforcement of a child’s ‘gender identity disorder’ by means of voodoo psychotherapy, hormone injections and so-called gender reassignment surgery is an unethical and morally repugnant offence for which at some point in the future (case law and legal precedent permitting) any doctor previously participating in such practices will have their name struck from the medical register and be subject to criminal liability. Gynaecologists who register fake abortions, paediatricians who register fake births, surgeons who secretly undertake surgical reconstruction of male genitalia to simulate female genitalia (and vice versa), carry out lower ribs’ removal (on male to female transgenders), hysterectomies, mastectomies, breast implantation and facial feminization (or masculization) surgery and general practitioners who supply hormones are all indispensable players in the crypto transgender deception. The children crypto male to female transgenders claim to give birth to are ‘acquired’ by way of clandestine adoption or secret surrogacy (for impostors who retain functioning male genitalia and are able to produce the sperm required) and made victims of generational gender inversion with the complicity of doctors who officially register false sexual identities for newborn babies and later in their development (unless introduction began in vitro) covertly administer hormones of that sex. There is no ethical justification for this ‘treatment’ and doctors who are party to it and there are many, are guilty of prolonged and systematic child abuse no matter what the law says.

Radical feminists and proponents of LGBTPEDO ideology are using the women’s rights movement as a vehicle for the propagation of virulent misandry and for this purpose have ‘weaponized’ language, coining a patently fraudulent nomenclature of negative and disparaging terms intended to shame, undermine and ultimately immasculate heterosexual men and boys. Ironically, ‘rape culture’, ‘gender violence’ and ‘toxic masculinity’ are all terms which may be fairly construed as ‘hatespeech’, which is itself a ‘weaponized’ term routinely bandied about to suppress the free speech of opponents of radical feminism and LGBTPEDO ideology whose proponents are assiduously promulgating the use of so-called ‘politically correct’ (another ‘weaponized’ term) language which manifests as an inhibiting combination of socially engineered censure and legal prohibition intended to deter the expression of opinions deemed morally reprehensible and therefore not only properly subject to condemnation, but in certain cases also punishable under the law. ‘Rape culture’, a devisive, inflammatory and essentially fraudulent term invokes an image of society wherein the rape of women and girls is endemic. Designed to induce women to view men as sexual predators by dint of their inability to suppress alleged violent sexual impulses inherent in their psychological make-up, the term is one of many in the lexicon of ‘weaponized’ language contrived by radical feminists which has penetrated the mainstream and is now in common use.

Oct 19, 2020 9:05 PM

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” – Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

Awesome comment BTW.

Oct 19, 2020 6:26 PM

Don’t give too much credit to the Rockefellers. They are moneygrubbers in search of cachet.

David Rockefeller helped engineer Iran’s seizure of American hostages so that Iran’s money, sitting in his Chase Manhattan Bank, would in turn be seized.

He delayed any resolution — indeed President Obama returned half the cash only when
David Rockefeller was on his deathbed, less than a year away from the great leveller.

He sat on $8 billion of Iranian money for 30 years. That kept his bank afloat without him having put any of his precious Rockefeller shekels into propping up his Laundromat.

Rockefellers are to political culture as the Kardashians to highbrow television.

Follow the Pipelines: The Deadly Politics of the Great Game for Oil – Charlotte Dennett, #424

Oct 19, 2020 5:00 PM

And what does ‘necessity’ or ‘compassion’ mean today ?
The Great Reset is the response of the finance elites to the problem of stalled and reversing economic growth. The latter trend is a consequence of our human aspiration hitting the hard laws of entropy and resource limits.
There is no possible Che revolution. There is no socialist solution. This is why conservatives, liberals, greens and socialists all are behind this movement. Largely unconsciously, they realise that there needs to be a great change – that things cannot continue as they were.
They are clueless though about the nature of what options lay open to us.
Socialists start with an ideal and try to make it happen. The true dissenters of today are those who are brave enough to be honest about the situation we are actually facing : they start with acceptance of reality.
This is why the ‘revolution of 2020’ is led by a union of facile, empty anarcho-Leftism and a command economy run by global finance corporations.

Oct 19, 2020 9:13 PM
Reply to  crank

“The Great Reset is the response of the finance elites to the problem of stalled and reversing economic growth.”

Are you kidding?
Destroying the economies of the world is restoring economic growth??
Wiping out 7billion people and robotising and enslaving the remainder is to help the people recover…
Son, Mr. Soros is not paying you enough.

Oct 19, 2020 10:08 PM
Reply to  richard

The economies of the world are doomed anyway. If you had read any Orlov (or Greer, or Heinberg), you would realise that. Finance capital is, in a business as usual scenario, on death row.
‘Since pyramid schemes all fail, and since they tend to do so more or less instantaneously, you [i.e. finance oligarchs] start looking for a way to front-run its collapse in order to maintain control of the situation. Your main short-term objective would be to avoid a worldwide panic by placing the global economy into something like a medically induced coma, feeding it an intravenous drip of free money.’
-from article above linked.
This is precisely where we are at, in an induced coma, drip fed never never money to stop food riots, to stop the situation of financial collapse from running out of the control of the managers. They are paying Wales and Manchester to lockdown. The City of London will be paying UKgov to lockdown the whole nation within a matter of days I would predict.
The free energy boom is over, this is what the New Normal really means : decline, managed decline. Probably a major depopulation and cull of the elderly, together with a raid on their pensions.
There will be growth again, but not globally, and not sustained, and even more distorted and demonic than what has grown before.
Oh, and, yeah, Soros is clearly a major player in it all, although one of many, so please keep your accusations in your bedroom/ office/ barracks/ whatever.

Oct 20, 2020 6:56 AM
Reply to  crank

Orlov did not quite say “The economies of the world are doomed anyway..”. He now lives in Russia, and has implied doom for socialist countries – where the governments admit responsibility for collective security and stability. The pyramid scams are essentially usury now renamed neo-liberalism.

Oct 20, 2020 8:32 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Correction: ..has NOT implied doom for socialist countries.

Oct 20, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  crank

Nostradamus famously thought he could see the future, and wrote 1000s of predictions about it. But we only remember the tiny number that seem to describe it accurately, not the huge number which resemble gobbledegook. It’s been said that many economists do likewise.

Oct 20, 2020 12:32 PM
Reply to  crank

With your concerns about impending economic collapse, I guess you aren’t buying it when rival doom-mongers tell us that ‘our house is burning down’. Long live scepticism.

Oct 20, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  crank

Are you sure we have hit the ‘hard laws of entropy and resource limits’, and that we all know that ‘there needs to be a great change’? Any experts who reject climate crisis propaganda and/or Malthusian dogma would surely disagree. But not globalists and eugenicists like Gates and his many fans and followers in the UK government and beyond, who believe firmly in the great reset, as you do (I think).

Oct 19, 2020 3:26 PM

UK Column gets to the heart of the fascist programme / fusion doctrine that’s being rolled out. I recommend listening to this edition. It is so important, so key to what’s happening that I will try to write it up but it is better to listen yourself.

This reveals the true Brexit agenda, reshaping the economy, designating enemies, broadening the definition of warfare, eliminating the distinction between peacetime and war, building new military networks and building a “post-carbon world”.

This week’s Atlantic Future Forum, AFF’20, is pure NATO/Atlantic Council fronting for banking, warfare, and technology and industrial interests.

Presented as a defence conference it goes well beyond defence policy to reshape internal society and the UK’s external relationship with the United States.

Who’s chairing it? Mark Sedwill, former cabinet secretary to PMs combined head of the UK Civil Service and the Security State. This raises the question: who are these people and who gave them the mandate to act.

I suggest the AFF’20 agenda is partly the agenda behind Event Covid:

  • Global competition in a disrupted world
  • Building resilience against digital threats
  • Value of data to power our economies
  • Globalisation and reshaping the trade agenda
  • The next generation of defence
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Warfare
  • Artificial Intelligence, automation, and the future of work 
  • Defending against pandemics and biological warfare
  • Security and prosperity and the future of Space 
  • Building back better; greener and more resilient economies
  • Future of Energy; a post carbon world  

 Listen from 00:14:00 minutes.

UK Column News – 19th October 2020

Oct 19, 2020 3:59 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It was a vintage broadcast.

Oct 20, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They so care about our future, or at least how to manage and save us from it. Even though no-one has ever voted for them and their noble interventions, they try to save the world. Gotta love the technocratic elite, the enlightened, selfless, self-appointed and self-anointed saviours of all us poor ignorant plebs and gammons.

Oct 19, 2020 2:53 PM

New Zealand and Australia have displayed the most fascist response to the scamdemic.Both of these nations have Union Jacks on their flags. Do the math.

Here is a great podcast with a US attorney enacting serious legal challenges in Ohio

Oct 19, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Oct 19, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  Mucho

It seems from the AFF’20 agenda outlined above that the UK is riding the coattails of the U.S. defence complex and providing its former colonies as testing grounds for the fusion doctrine.

This would explain why Canada, Australia and New Zealand have seen a much more blatant imposition of military rule, which will be tested upon you first, before being applied to the UK and U.S..

Oct 19, 2020 4:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

While certainly possible, I’m not yet convinced that the Five Eyes countries are being singled out. European countries like France and Spain have also had brutal lockdowns with curfews and restrictions on internal travel. If I were to rate them, I would say so far Australia and then New Zealand have been the most oppressive, followed closely by Spain and France, with the other Five Eyes following. Although, if the following email is legitimate, Canada could be used as a model for The Great Reset:

Oct 19, 2020 4:44 PM
Reply to  kevin

I haven’t kept up with the constitutional changes but it does seem that there is a direct means for the UK crown to direct the leaders of Canada, Australia and NZ.

If you follow the analysis in the UK, that Sedwill seized authority on behalf of the Corporate Crown through the Privy Council — and Parliament clearly has been sidelined, along with departments and the media, who are taking orders, while regional devolution is not worth the paper it’s written on — then you have the Crown as the mechanism for military control.

That would lead provide a path of control directly to the current and former colonies.

It’s a brilliant wheeze. The majority regard the monarchy as an anachronism. They have no idea that the British and Dutch crown are among the major corporate players. They have no idea how mechanism for action above and outside the constitution exist through apparent old-fogey anachronisms like the City of London.

Why is Prince Charles one of the top cheerleaders for the Great Reset. He can hardly contain his excitement. He is about to become more powerful than his mother could dream.

But… but.. Britain has to do this as an adjunct to the U.S. military complex.

There is the second mechanism of control. Australia is, militarily, a colony of the U.S. That is why Australia is seeing the most brutal revolution in its lifestyle and culture.

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire (Documentary)

Oct 19, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Dan Andrews signed China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Melbourne signed on to Rockefeller-UN Strong Cities and ICLEI.

Oct 20, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The Queen must have ordered it all.

Oct 20, 2020 9:51 PM

Why do you have a different color avatar?

Oct 20, 2020 1:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

‘Allies’ are not the same as ‘colonies’. You also need some convincing evidence for the Queen as a dictator. Bleeding credibility with that one!

Oct 20, 2020 2:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks,moneycirus I’ve watched this. Now I’m going to watch it again. After I finish listening to Ed H. on Dr. Mary’s Monkey radio interview.

So much information, so little time.

Oct 20, 2020 1:02 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

‘The UK’ provides nothing, because it’s just the abstract name of an entire people or nation, not a conscious, calculating entity or even collective hive mind (for that, see ‘communist party’). Nor does ‘the UK’ dictate to friendly but still very independent foreign governments. Come on, Boris can’t even tell Whitty and Vallance what to do! But many individual politicians in the ‘ex-colonies’ think just like those here at home, and naively believe in imposing authoritarian controls to ‘protect’ their populations. And many of them truly fear covid19, don’t care or even know about freedom, rights and economic survival for plebs, and so gratefully follow the advice and beliefs of globalist control freaks like Bill Gates and the WHO.

Oct 20, 2020 9:52 PM

If you think they care about anyone you are living in a fools paradise.

Oct 19, 2020 10:18 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Well worth viewing …. thanks for link.

Oct 20, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The nation inflicting the most draconian control on its citizens is Peru. They also have the worst fatalities per capita. Spain has also locked down very severely. No Union Jacks there. There is obviously no historical, logical or necessary connection between ‘Union Jack’ and fascist over-reaction, except in your mind. But it’s well known that leftists around the world always put their ideology before people, nation and flag. Leftists know they are above mere nations, and have done since the First International of the 1860s or thereabouts


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 19, 2020 1:08 PM

OT but I’m curious about the recent beheading of Samuel Paty by an Islamic extremist.

The WSWS took a (very short lived) breather from their COVID whoring to give us this:


Note that Macron’s speech is boiler plate neo-connery:

“It is not accidental that tonight, a teacher was killed by a terrorist, because he wanted to kill the Republic in its values, its Enlightenment, the possibility to make our children—wherever they come from, that they believe or do not believe, whatever their religion—into free citizens. This is our battle, and it is existential.”

No surprise that…

Macron’s comments were immediately used by the extreme-right National Rally and Marine Le Pen to demand harsher measures against immigrants and Muslims. Answering Macron’s comment that “they will not pass,” Le Pen tweeted, “they’re already here.”


There remain many unanswered questions about how the murder of Paty was able to occur. He had been the target of an active social media campaign for more than one week before the killing. The same student’s father had filed a legal complaint against Paty for sharing of pornographic imagery, and Paty had responded by filing his own charges for defamation.

Abdelhakim Sefrioui, an Islamist who is closely watched by French intelligence, had publicly called for Paty’s resignation and denounced him on several videos. Yet it appears that no measures were taken for the protection of Paty or the school. In successive terrorist attacks in France, it has subsequently emerged that the attackers themselves were either known to or were being watched by French intelligence prior to the attack.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 19, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

One possible scenario is those fascist thugs staged the whole thing themselves. Certainly not beyond possibility

What better way “to show they are still needed” to justify their war racketeer corporate fascist welfare entitlement payments? What better way to bamboozle the populace and instill even more fear and paranoia among it, so even more oppressive measures can be rolled out. Disgusting.

Oct 20, 2020 1:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

‘The CIA created Islamism’ sounds conspiratorial, but less so than ‘Obama’s and Brennan’s CIA created and armed ISIS to take down Assad’, a claim for which there is at least evidence.

Oct 19, 2020 2:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

French secret service more like

France want to get the fear up and misdirect the anger and outrage of the lockdown and convid

People don’t mind their liberties taken away when they have a just cause for their outrage

Quells the Yellow vests too

Oct 19, 2020 3:55 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

It’s Project Fear. One this way, one that way. Keeps us looking over our shoulder, always suspicious, always at each others’ throats.

Just as Event Covid expanded into Hunan, we got Hanau. Just as plague panic reached fever pitch, a guy in a bedsit counts his fingers and decides how to smoke in a shisha cafe.

Feb 2020: Germany shooting: far-right gunman kills 10 in Hanau

[The gunman] also wove a strange and paranoid tale about his own life, claiming that he had been monitored since birth by a shadowy agency eager to hear and capitalize on his thoughts. He claims, among other things, that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were his idea, that Donald Trump stole his slogan “America First,” and that he came up with the basic premises of a number of Hollywood movies and TV shows, from “Look Who’s Talking,” “The Cell,” and “Prison Break.” He also believes that the “invisible people” monitoring him can read (and control) minds. This portion of his manifesto reads less like a political declaration than the ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic.

Oct 19, 2020 5:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“How MANY to smoke in a shisha cafe.”

The unIntelligent services have one problem. You can’t teach a professional not to be professional.

You always get a very high kill ratio in these school massacres and cafe shootings — far beyond what an amateur could achieve, let alone one who is mentally challenged. Bear in mind that most shots miss their target or maim rather than kill. So to score 10? That points to military or mercenary.

Have you ever fought someone who comes from a macho, knife culture, or a mountain culture in any locale? I say that with respect. Because don’t. Their reactions, whether genetic or cultural, will beat yours.

How does a mentally challenged individual kill 10 Bosnians, Kurds, Turks — without being tackled?

I’ll tell you how. It is largely scrubbed from the ‘net but the first reports said… … …

I don’t have to tell you… … …

Second gunman.

Oct 19, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And, as always, the crazy will preview the future for us, at no additional cost. One cannot be sane and prescient at the same time.

Interesting though, isn’t it, that what a “paranoid schizophrenic” imagines has happened to him already mirrors exactly what the ruling class seem to be planning for all of us.

So who’s the crazy one now?

Oct 19, 2020 5:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

Good insight. Killers — whether serial or cereal, “The Best to You Each Morning” or a lone gunman, soft boiled in the head — are just another form of cultural programming.

A spilt bag of fear to spoil your coffee as you digest the morning news.

Oct 20, 2020 12:50 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

agreed – deflection,distraction,division etc…the same old din, also an easy focus for l’ego francais.

Oct 20, 2020 1:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Dangerous Islamists are invariably being watched by western state security services, who take action by watching them commit appalling atrocities. They then say the poor killers had mental issues, not religious or racist hate against westerners. But I don’t recall any white supremacist terrorist ever having any motivation to kill non-whites except his conscious hate. Whites are different.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 20, 2020 4:26 PM

“who take action by watching”?

That’s a neat trick!

“I don’t recall any white supremacist terrorist ever having any motivation to kill non-whites except his conscious hate.”

How many white supremacist terrorists do you know then?

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Oct 19, 2020 12:59 PM

They say history is written by the winners
In other words it is fake a lie . Most official history is badly written and makes no sense.
The lie’s they expect you to believe are breath taking
But if you can sell zero carbon and locking up healthy people to stop the spread of disease I guess you can sell anything

This is an extract from http://mileswmathis.com/castro.pdf
Miles Mathis is Jew obsessed and seems to think no one died but does some interesting research. See how believable any of this official history is.

“Castro was born to great wealth (sugar plantations) and later became a billionaire. He is also a lawyer. His first wife Mirta Diaz-Balart was also from great wealth, being a relative of Batista. Although Batista and Castro are sold to you as enemies, they are actually relatives and fellow US agents. Castro lived in New York City on many occasions, and he spent his honeymoon there. He and Mirta were married in 1948, and although we are told her father disapproved of the marriage, he nonetheless gave them “tens of thousands of dollars to spend on a three-month New York honeymoon”. Yes, I am sure a lot of revolutionaries of the time could say the same thing. Castro joined or co-founded the Party of the Cuban people in 1947, year one of the CIA. This party was also founded by Eduardo Chibas, who allegedly killed himself on air in 1951 during a radio broadcast. He was a senator at the time, and was only 44. His death appears to have been another fake. Also in 1947, Castro was part of a planned invasion of the Dominican Republic, which was stopped by Grau. Somehow Castro and his compatriots avoided detention and even arrest for this major uprising, which is not really believable. However, we do know that Grau stopped the invasion from Cuba at the request of the US, indicating the US was controlling Cuba all along. The next year Castro went to Bogota, Colombia, where he was allegedly involved in more uprisings. Although he stole guns from a police station, we are told that since they couldn’t tie him to any of the killings with those guns, they let him go. Right. Go steal guns from your local police station and see if they let you go with no prosecution. Even worse, go to a foreign country and steal guns from a police station. Go to Colombia, steal guns from a police station, and see if they let you off like they did Castro. We are told Castro volunteered to deliver a speech for the 30-9 Movement on November 13 [1949], exposing the government’s secret deals with the gangs and identifying key members. “Attracting the attention of the national press, the speech angered the gangs, and Castro fled into hiding”, first in the countryside and then in the U.S. Returning to Havana several weeks later, Castro laid low and focused on his university studies, graduating as a Doctor of Law in September 1950. Yes, hiding from prominent gangs only requires you hide out for a few weeks. We all know that. Gangs have a very short memory, especially when famous rich guys out them on the national news. Castro again skated charges in 1950, when he was arrested for fighting with police. Charges were mysteriously dropped. We are told he had money problems in that year, with his furniture being repossessed and his electricity cut off. Curious, since he was still married to the rich girl. Not only that, but his own family was still wealthy, too. So this story makes no sense. In early 1952, Castro first ran for Congress, although it is unclear why anyone thought he was qualified to do so. Nonetheless, he met with General Batista only months before Batista took over the country. That’s curious, seeing that Castro was only 25 and had done absolutely nothing important. His law practice was a failure and he had held no offices. So why was he meeting with Batista? Well, remember that his rich wife was related to Batista. We are told Castro brought several legal cases against the new government of Batista, but you don’t sue a dictator, do you? So once again, this makes no sense. If you sue a real dictator, you get thrown in a Gulag. In 1953, Castro began his “serious” revolt against Batista. He was arrested and sentenced to 15 years, but was pardoned only a year later by the same people that prosecuted him. Not believable. It is not even consistent with other parts of the same story, where we are told other captured rebels were tortured and executed without trial. So why was Castro given a prominent trial where he could make famous speeches? Not only was he not executed, he was somehow pardoned a year later. My guess is he didn’t spend a single day in jail. Although we are told Batista no longer considered him a threat (hence the pardon), in 1956 Castro tried again, attacking Cuba from Mexico with Che Guevara. Upon landing, Batista’s forces supposedly attacked them, killing most of them. The remaining 19 went into the mountains and waged guerrilla warfare from there. Right. Kind of like the 19 hijackers, I guess? Somehow, during this time, Castro was interviewed by the New York Times and became a celebrity. Amazing, isn’t it, that Batista’s forces couldn’t find Castro in the mountains, but a NYT reporter could? CBS and Paris Match also found him. We are told Castro’s men overran a military outpost in La Plata in 1957. Right. Nineteen poorly armed men overran a military outpost? C’mon. Only three months after being wiped down to 19, this group attacked the Presidential Palace in Havana. Right. In 1958, Batista is said to have led a major offensive against the rebels, but failed “because he knew nothing about guerrilla warfare”. Yes, and what did Castro know about it? He was a rich boy, lawyer, actor, and baseball player, not a guerrilla warrior. He was only 31 then, and before landing from Mexico had never been in a battle. In short, large parts of the Civil War in Cuba were faked. They never happened, except in the history books—which were written from Langley. Castro rose to power in 1959 not because he won any battles but because he was picked by the US to head the puppet-government in Cuba.”

There is more read on for more laughs.

Oct 19, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

israel is a popular name in cuba
the pirates of the caribs where khazar

a book called the secret history of the blacks and the yahoo has been written 3 books actually.
the only bone of contention is the term deleted as the term deleted does not relate to khazar
the khazars merely self identify as yahoo

fidel survived because he went along with the program

history will not absolve fidel as he was just another donmeh revolutionary

“This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States)… this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”
Writing on Zionism versus Bolshevism in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 1920

Oct 19, 2020 4:35 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Interesting. I know Miles was wrong in his conclusions about Smedley Butler because Butler was poisoned by the cryptocracy for speaking out against the war racketeering.

However, the history books are definitely fake and the Castro story does have a familiar cryptocracy-CIA fingerprint.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Google a commenting avatar called “Paul Rigby”… he usually posts on JFK assassination forums. He provides a lot of credible, detailed material regarding Castro’s double-life; he’s probably the main source for Miles Mathis regarding Castro. Miles provides some gems and then fouls the punch bowl with ridiculous assertions that don’t seem consonant with his IQ. I still haven’t figured out his project; still can’t tell if he’s a genuine eccentric or a committee project.

Oct 19, 2020 10:06 PM

“a genuine eccentric or a committee project.“

Lol I know. It’s hard to tell isn’t it?
Thanks. I’ll check him out.

Oct 19, 2020 6:04 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

Mathis’ insights outweigh his peculiar obsession with lineage.

History is totally controlled. I only discovered that 30 years after collecting my history degree. The 1910 minutes of the Carnegie Endowment (Rockefeller front) explicitly discuss gaining control of history through grants and fellowships.

William Leonard Langer of the AHA was an OSS plant and totally rewrote the orthodox, accepted version of history.

With the help of other scholars during the 1930s, Langer completely revised the Epitome of History by German Scholar Karl Ploetz. Langer’s massive work was published in 1940 under the title An Encyclopedia of World History.[11] Its fifth edition (1972) is the last to be edited by Langer.

Hugh Trevor Roper was an unknown, specifically picked by British Military unIntelligence to write a spoon-fed pastiche of the Second World War. There were numerous experienced historians who would have relished the job. But unIntelligence wanted someone who didn’t understand the basics of corroborating sources.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 19, 2020 12:03 PM

Poignant and excellent Edward. So many millions of avoidable deaths in the South, in countries from Iraq to Libya to Nicaragua to Vietnam to Chile to Zaire to Angola. Many countries invaded, bombed or having their ‘uppity government’ overthrown.
For freedom and democracy of course.
And as is the case always with United States imperialism: the threat of a good example must be exterminated.
I was involved in a Central American solidarity group back in the 1980s and 90s and I learnt all about the United States vision of ‘freedom and democracy’.
The massacres in Guatemala and El Salvador and Honduras and the full support of the terrorist Contra’s along with support for fascist thugs like Pinochet in Chile and Rios Montt in Guatemala.
Regards our own ever diminishing freedom, the Australian Govt plans to bring in a Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) which was announced by a Federal MP Alan Tudge. Initially it will be completed by Australian bound travellers on their mobile device or computer.
The DPD will also Allow Certifified Covid Vaccination Certificates To Be Digitally Uploaded And Connected When They Become Available.
Imagine that, Digital travel cards with the capacity of having your covid vaccination certificate on them. Who would have thought. What next? A social credit system? Global digital currency?
And still, so many are fast asleep, and are fully ignoring what is fast approaching.
If these bastards succeed, there won’t even be sites like this to vent on anymore.

Oct 19, 2020 12:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I saw the huge demonstrations against the monarchy that are happening in Thailand right now. Disappointed the demonstrations are not also against lockdowns, which is another form of repression.

Just as farmers brand their cattle – digital passports for us are a different kind of branding. We must be branded by Pharma in order to travel. The rich are always exempt of course
comment image

Oct 19, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Jay

I heard from friends in Chiang Mai and Rai the lock downs only lasted for 3 weeks back in April.

They’ve been talking about curfews to stop the protests but they aren’t involved in covid-1984 lock downs as far as I know.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 19, 2020 1:37 PM
Reply to  Jay

Saw that photo about Blair today. I’ve seen various hot mic clips of politicians joking about having to ‘mask up’ before they face the cameras. Saw a photo of Ontario Premier Doug Ford hosting a party recently – no social distancing and not one facemask to be seen. We’re being played for mugs. Most of them know the truth.

Oct 19, 2020 1:47 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The evil in plain sight is beyond comprehension. The ‘good Nazis’ are everywhere. There will be no courts of justice big enough to hold all those complicit in pushing global fascism. Society and life is being destroyed and the perpetrators are laughing.

Oct 19, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

comment image

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 19, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Jay

This quote absolutely nails it, thanks. And regards your other reply, its not just the 0.001% at the very top, but their minions and those below them. My job consultant months ago offered me a job as a contact tracer. Even tho I had no income, I told him to shove it, told him I wouldn’t enable a fascist police state.
He was quite startled by my reaction. Hasn’t contacted me since. He even claimed 1984 was one of his favourite books! Have a good week Jay, 12.10 am here so am crashing…

Oct 19, 2020 5:29 PM
Reply to  Jay

A succinct summation of the 00.02% who have taken the planet, and us, prisoner.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 9:19 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I’m certainly glad that fewer and fewer people are falling for that “1%” bullshit. There are people who make 100k a year who consider themselves in the “1%”. I think of the bastards on “top” as the .0000001% (give or take a few zeros)… they are a mega-minority and the “1%” meme does not do the grotesque obscenity of wealth inequality proper justice.

Oct 20, 2020 8:22 AM

It’s around 150 guys: 0.000002%. Last year, around 8 persons owned as much wealth as the poorer half of humanity. Through the magic of “neo-liberalism” that all religious approve of, the crises – repo market, petroleum, covid – has boosted their wealth significantly.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 20, 2020 10:43 AM
Reply to  mgeo

It’s good to get detailed and specific! Really good.

Oct 20, 2020 1:58 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes, absolutely they know there’s no virus.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 20, 2020 2:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

How the other half live…. sigh. They’re literally laughing at us R. Just had no Internet or Facebook for about 30 mins just then, couldn’t even bring up Google despite topping up my phone data last night. Very weird, tho things seem to be back on again. Gremlins?
A few good links on this thread, just going thru the comments. Hope your day goes well…

Oct 19, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  Jay

The private jet on which that ghoul was travelling should have taken a little detour to the Hague.

Oct 19, 2020 5:32 PM
Reply to  Jay

Israel’s man in the Vatican. The only Tory to lead the labour party. The war criminal who stole billions . The Bush asset.

Thee isn’t a law in any land that can touch this lizard- eyed pervert. He goes where he likes, when he likes with whoever he likes and does what he likes.

Laws only apply to humans.

Oct 20, 2020 8:10 AM
Reply to  Jay

This is about far more than travel, work or education. How about medical treatment, reproduction, etc.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 19, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 20, 2020 1:13 AM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Thanks for this Charlotte👍

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Oct 20, 2020 2:45 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Moore’s film resonated even “more” after reading Max
Blumenthal’s article:

Oct 20, 2020 8:07 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The plunder goes on. Much of the money for such software, vaccine development and vaccine doses has already been paid. Other big players that get help include (a) private hospitals, whereby government hospitals transfer “non-covid” patients to them (b) hotels, used to isolate at least the rich.
How likely is such a vaccine to be effective? How have vaccines against flu, and specifically against corona viruses, performed? Why a vaccine at all when there are definite palliative and therapeutic measures? The corruption is so great and the propaganda so loud that it seems almost foolish to ask.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 20, 2020 10:24 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The propaganda is off the charts, and unfortunately, with the large majority of people, it’s worked incredibly well. You can disagree, but I believe all this is ultimately not even about a virus or about vaccines.
They are mechanisms, or vehicles if you will to usher in a technofascist police state dystopia. Refer to the Great Reset and that article about Klaus Schwab here a few days ago. The Corbett Report had an excellent video a few days back Your Guide to The Great Reset, and I believe this is tied up with AI, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 2030.
Ultimately, its about Total Control. Imagine if you say no to getting jabbed or even tested? Jacinda Ardern spelt it out very clearly recently that you will be held in a quarantine camp until you do get tested.
We know that health immunity passports are being touted and even rolled out in numerous countries.
The World Economic Forum is pushing the Common Pass. Ireland has one in the pipeline. Now, the announcement of the Aussie Govt about this digital travel card…. capable of holding vaccination certification.
I’m also certain that all national politicians know exactly whats going on, and the level of their betrayal is breathtaking. Just look at Daniel Andrews here in Victoria.

Oct 19, 2020 11:56 AM

Uh oh you praised che now all the right wingers who found here after covid started (still sharing fake stories of 21 million phones Turning off and old videos of summertime in china of people fainting are we?!) Will be pissed off.

Oct 20, 2020 11:09 AM
Reply to  Koba

Two down votes no rebuttals no nothing! Typical. Have a cry yanks then blame communism for your own tears you blame us for everything else

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 10:00 AM

“Fascists killed the courageous Che as he fought to inspire the oppressed to rise up against US imperialism. They executed him in cold blood, consciously and proudly. They posed with his dead body, like macho hunters who pose holding a bird they have just shot.”

Che Guevara was terminated because was Real. Fidel was the mole who lived and performed his agreed-upon function. The deeper you look into Fidel, the more obvious it becomes…


Oct 19, 2020 2:00 PM

Che was definitely a true believer, for whom Cuba was just a step on the road towards his goal.
Some in the Soviet bloc considered him an adventurer, and the Moscow-line Bolivian Communist Party chief Monje (who died in Moscow only last year) visited Che in his encampment but did not back his efforts. Saying Fidel was a “mole” ignores the fact that he was under pressure to adopt a more “pragmatic” line, with no attempts to spread revolution in Latin America, and Che was well aware that this current existed. In his diary he reacted to a Bolivian radio report of a Hungarian newspaper denouncing his efforts – Hungary was then in the Warsaw Pact and it must have had some official sanction. He could have dismissed it as CIA misinformation (Bolivian radio under army control was clearly not trying to boost the morale of the guerrillas) but he did not.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

“Saying Fidel was a “mole” ignores the fact that he was under pressure to adopt a more “pragmatic” line,…”

Read the extensive evidence presented… Fidel’s myth cannot stand up to the harsh light of dispassionate scrutiny, though the lingering potency of the myth, ironically, derives from Yankee Media’s relentless efforts. The most blatant and accessible red flags were the “637” supposed “assassination attempts”. Ah, yes, those “bungling CIA” who took out JFK (and got away with it), not to mention all those other heads of state… but “just couldn’t touch Fidel”. Miraculous! We have always been manipulated by World Class Liars… even (or especially) when it comes to the “heroes” (the first effort at this sentence resulted in a typo: “herpes”) we are given.

Oct 19, 2020 6:24 PM

It isn’t dispassionate scrutiny as far as I can see. It is of the “US is powerful, incredibly so, if Castro survived it was because we let him”. The Bay of Pigs was a huge CIA disaster but because they were not supposed to be involved it took the Americans decades to award medals to CIA personnel killed in it.

I once attended a talk by the then head of the CIA in the 1990s – he did not come across as unusually intelligent or insightful but he assumed the USA would be number one for the foreseeable future. Flash forward to now and we witness a presidential race between two cretins coming to its conclusion and the state they are contending for seems to be increasingly a basket case. Covid follies really are showing the emperor has no clothes.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 7:51 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

“Flash forward to now and we witness…”

… a puppet show engineered by a much more powerful version of old, and new, interlocking units of a control apparatus that has been manipulating geopolitics with astonishing success for a very long time. The “CIA” is a transnational octopus (sub-contracting to various Fascist, Mafiosi and Hollywood organs) serving the interests of the kind of people who should have been hanged at Nuremberg, should have been imprisoned after Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya (et al) and won’t get so much as a parking fine after the crypto-eugenic Covid gambit has run its course (whenever that will be).

“The Bay of Pigs was a huge CIA disaster…”

The “invasion” was bizarre, to say the least. Did Uncle Sam forget that they already had a very large naval base (Guantanamo Bay) on Cuban soil at the time? The “betrayal” of the right wing Cuban “patriots” landing party wasn’t quite as Shakespearean (too slapstick) as Fidel’s betrayal of Che, but it served a similar function: burnished the bona fides of the “revolutionary” mole Fidel. Next-level trickery. Do we really think they’re not up to it? And if the “CIA” has been losing all these years, who was winning…? Tim Leary…?

“I once attended a talk by the then head of the CIA in the 1990s…”

Which one? There were quite a few in the 1990s, and, like any bureaucracy with a ceremonial head to it, the intelligence (no pun intended) was not necessarily concentrated in the hood ornament on top.

Too bad you were never treated to an audience with the Devil himself, Angleton: master of the double-bluff. Probably a key architect of modern “Incompetence Cover” as we know it. I’d go so far as to posit that Angleton was in charge of “finding the mole” in his office because he was running a parallel project with his old friend, defector Philby, overlapping harmoniously with a shard of the KGB itself… dedicated to extending the Cold War as far as possible. Great for business. Just like: the longer we “bungled it” in Iraq, the longer we “were forced” to stay and the more wildly profitable it was… while going down in the average citizen’s mind as an “awful mistake”. No: it played out exactly as TFIC* wanted.

The perceptual stumbling block most citizens have is the dense congenital myth that wars… like the righteous glamorous holy “Great Wars”… are essentially between governments; wars are, rather, between any government and its subjects… or all governments and all subjects: Da Massas vs Duh Masses. (With the mitigating observation that Third World Governments… having no real armies… qualify as subjects themselves). “The Cold War” and “The Yellow Menace” and all that, as seen from the top, were just cons.

And how do you con your target? One way is to flatter them that they’re smarter than you, right?

As I wrote in the post I link to above:

“While the CIA was pretending to orchestrate attempts to assassinate Castro, that very pretense would have provided the ideal cover for putting together a team to nail JFK. The Official version of the “Conspircy Thuriss” version has it that one minute the death squad was training to hit Castro and at the last minute the target was switched to JFK: sounds like a clever security precaution to me. They got the “leader of the Free World” on the first serious attempt but couldn’t get the head of a poverty-stricken, third world island after more than 600 attempts:  yep. They got Trujillo, Lumumba, Diem, Allende (and, later, Hussein, Qaddaffi, Chavez and that pesky, anti-Vietnam-war Olof Palme in the middle Of Europe, among many other politicians and heads of state) but they just couldn’t get cuddly Fidel, with their comically “bumbling” plots, right?

You have to admire the Institutional Discipline it takes to deliberately develop and promote the legend of your own collective “incompetence” in order to control by appearing to fail. But it works, folks.”

*TFIC= The Fuckers in Charge

Nixon Scraypes
Nixon Scraypes
Oct 19, 2020 5:38 PM

I just can’t believe anything about Cuba since I found out that the US has a military base there. All the tosh I read about the Bay of Pigs and all the time they had Guantanamo Bay! Invade??

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 5:56 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

At the very least it shows utter contempt for us, eh?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 6:00 PM
Reply to  Nixon Scraypes

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 6:10 PM

(ah, fuck, in case the vid doesn’t display correctly for you: it was meant to be “Guantanamera” (aka: The Peasant Girl from Guantanamo) 1966

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 20, 2020 8:41 AM

Jeez: the wrong video clip has been showing here for an unusually long span…

Oct 19, 2020 8:51 AM

Thank you for an essay written with love and compassion.
We need these to remind us of the true necessities for living in dignity.

Oct 19, 2020 8:26 AM

Now as then, the religion of consumption is a private devotion for the public, and it is not just things that people are consuming but illusory images of a good and decent life. But their pursuit “is a race among wolves; one can win only at the cost of others’ failure,” wrote Che. Such a system is not necessary but is imposed and must be resisted.

Oct 19, 2020 8:09 AM

The Land of St Jacinda showing the kind of treatment heretics everywhere can expect in the future from corporate-state media:

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 19, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“you were whipping up fear and hysteria…. no I don’t want to hear any of that rubbish”. Just disgusting. Almost worse than the Australian ‘media’.
Tova O’Brien is just another morally bankrupt peice of trash masquerading as a ‘journalist’ and yet another sycophantic bootlicker of the 0.01%.
As a New Zealand citizen, I’m not surprised Ardern got re-elected, given the state of the ‘media’ over there and the high levels of propaganda and almost personality cultism around Saint Jacinda.

Oct 21, 2020 10:13 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

When I saw the video clip of her cackling like a psychopath about keeping anyone refusing a a vaccine lockup up indefinitely in detention centres, she really reminded me of Hillary Clinton talking about the killing of Gadaffi. The veneer completely gone, just for a few seconds she came across as a total monster.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 21, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  Paul_too

And you know that Ardern was at Davos last year speaking to the World Economic Forum, and has met both Gates and Killary Clinton in person.
Well, well, there’s a surprise!
They’ll all complete neoliberal ideologues… all that Mother of New Zealand, kind compassionate Jacinda is all bullshit. Shes a real wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I can’t remember where you are, but if you’re in the UK, good luck. I suggest getting in a pile of books and maybe lots of second hand movies to watch.
Perhaps Shaun Of The Dead or They Live! Been in lockdown in Melbourne now for about 2.5 months. Or something.

Oct 21, 2020 9:08 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Right, and in this day and age I don’t think you’d get within a thousand miles of a senior political position without having proved your loyalty to the ‘club’ on every level required. She has a certain Blair-like quality in the way she’s able to deceive the masses so effectively.

Yes, am in southern England, have been fairly unaffected by most of it so far. Largely ignored the first lockdown and have not and will not wear a mask, including on a couple of 2 hour each way train journeys to the Trafalgar Square demos in London. It has been getting to me a bit on and off, but mostly that’s in shops where I’m the only one with no mask, but since they started the mask stuff here have only been asked in one shop about not having a mask (who made no attempt to stop me when I said I didn’t have one).

But I know it’s going to get stepped up again here at some point. They have their ‘tiers’ now so of course wouldn’t dream of letting the opportunity to inflict another round of bullshit on the public go to waste. The 5 eyes seem to be on the same page as usual even if not completely in sync right now.

I’m getting better at keeping myself occupied as I get older (50 now) I love music and never usually have the time to sit and practice, play or write anywhere near as much as would like. My other passion is photography and where I am it was really easy to get out into the countryside last time without any hassle (lots of woodland nearby that even drones wouldn’t help them see you), so like last time will be out and about hiking, mountain biking and camping with the camera. And of course continuing to look for opportunities to get involved in any wider organised acts of civil disobedience…

Have been utterly disgusted to see what’s been going on where you are by the way – and still no news of anything changing there I’ve heard. Really amazes me more aren’t seeing things more clearly and see the massive rift between the reality and the bat-shit insane reaction to it. It doesn’t bode well if that doesn’t make people start questioning things more. Glad to see you’re managing to stay positive, it’s always good to read your posts and get your perspective from over there, keep it up and hope you’re able to start doing some work again before long and something gives with the madness.
Take care and have a good day Gezzah.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 22, 2020 4:58 AM
Reply to  Paul_too

Thanks for your replies Paul. You also know that Ardern actually worked in Tony Blair’s office when he was Prime Minister. True. Tho it was only for 6 months apparently. Claimed in an interview she never met him.
Some restrictions have been eased slightly, for example, you can travel 25 kms from home instead of 5 kms.
But they can’t keep up the charade as the daily case numbers are like 3 or 4 a day. Think a few days back it was 1 case! However, Andrews being a complete psychopath has stated mandatory facemasks and social distancing will remain ‘for a long time’ meaning right through summer.
I’m due to start selling the mag again on November 2nd, and my housing organisation has said they will probably extend my rent freeze for another 4-6 weeks ‘until you’re back on your feet’.
Given the high level of irrational fear here and the very high level of brainwashing in Melbourne, if I’m trying to sell the mag without a mask on, no one will come near me, and without an income, I’m living in a park.
It’s like a Catch 22, yet at the same time the economy here has been absolutely devastated, thousands of businesses have closed for good, and hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs permanently. You’ve got huge numbers of people furloughed here (called Jobkeeper in Australia)
Yep, they’ve got the drones here in Melbourne as well. The surveillance net is closing. They’ve even arrested people for merely posting on Facebook.
Music is one of the few things that has helped keep me sane: Shoegaze, Psychedelic and Post Rock my favourite genre’s – bands like Slowdive, Pale Saints, Dead Horse One, Her Name Is Calla, Near Light, Hammock and Yndi Halda to name some! I steer well clear of mainstream. Read the NME for over 20 years in the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s.
Hope your weekend goes well, enjoy the Woodlands.

Oct 21, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Top film recommendations by the way – funnily enough I downloaded a copy of They Live as a friend wants to watch it on Friday night! All time classic John Carpenter.

Oct 21, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  Paul_too

main reply in the spam checker….

Oct 19, 2020 7:32 AM

Both ism’s are ideologies and belief systems. There are high priests behind both. Both have no compassion in reality.The imperial one has survived longer and appears to at least allow some form of freedoms, The collective one has fewer freedoms and demands equality. We all know that nothing and no one is equal, not even at birth. I vote for the one with more freedoms.
Che was no hero, he was a murderer in the name of an ideology.

Oct 19, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  John

No he was a hero. A working class hero. He could have been a mindless middle class doctor and instead dropped it to better the poors lives

Oct 19, 2020 2:19 PM
Reply to  Koba

And so was Hitler a hero to some. Anyone who murders in the name of ideology is not necessarily a hero, they are also known as sicko’s like most communists are. Take Stalin for example a utter dictator and murderer. Che was the same sorry to say. Very like the current Turkish leader too. It may point to loyalty to extremists or even personal evil intent like eugenicists.

Oct 19, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Koba

Guevara happened to be in Guatemala when the Americans overthrew the Arbenz government in 1954 by using some proxies of theirs. He was already a Communist but probably not primarily interested in armed struggle, as opposed to medicine, up to that point.

Oct 19, 2020 1:25 PM
Reply to  John

What you perceive as “more freedoms” is actually more illusions of freedom. Perhaps illusion is all there ever was, given humans’ penchant for hierarchy. At its core, the central (and ultimately the only) kind of “freedom” human societies have ever known is the freedom to make money. If that’s the be all and end all of human existence, then have at it. But there are those (I think there are) who wake up each day wondering what life will bring rather than waking up plotting how to get richer.

Oct 19, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

Bit of double speak. Perception and illusion, both involve the senses, The latter is corrupted view. No I don’t agree with the statement is about freedom to make money is the ultimate freedom, that maybe for who are motivated and those who idolise it.
The freedom of choice, love, and association would top that in my book.I would say its a desire. based on choice. That would apply to moral, honesty and integrity choices too like religion or belief.
Do you really think that humans have a penchant for hierarchy?
I think that may be true for babies and youngsters who depend on their parents. When one leaves the nest it changes for sure, thereafter I don’t think so either. I think that is where anti-establishment finds it roots.

Oct 19, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  John

Now the cryptocracy are taking all those “freedoms” away so what are you prepared to do?

Oct 19, 2020 5:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

What do you propose? I will resist as far as possible

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 19, 2020 7:40 PM
Reply to  John

Don’t murder anyone, John …

Oct 20, 2020 6:59 AM
Reply to  Victor G.

That is not my intention.
But I reserve my right to defend my freedoms by any means necessary.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 19, 2020 5:46 AM

Today’s generation cannot even spell ‘compassion’, let alone feel it.

I suspect it’s the generation that was regularly fed tylenol / paracetamol everytime they squawked at their busy parents. Studies show that this substance when given during a child’s brain development causes long-term alterations in the brain and is manifested as problems with social function. Specifically, it eliminates the ability to feel empathy.

Tylenol Kills Emotions As Well As Pain, Study Reveals

Oct 19, 2020 6:31 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

You are forgetting fluoride, lead and many other known substances that undermine or harm the mind, plus those we do not suspect yet.

None of this excuses the pervasive collusion in (a) domestic tyranny (b) economic, subversive and military imperialism. Ignorance is not bliss.

Oct 19, 2020 8:02 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

To be fair, I don’t think that the point is about this generation’s ability to feel compassion or empathy.Even if they could it would make no difference.And it wouldn’t matter about the fluoride, the tylenol or anything else.

It’s the lack of empathy and compassion in the ruling elite that causes the pain and death.It’s their philosophy that compassion is worthless in a world they have decided thrives only by the strongest surviving through being ruthless enough to kill or be killed.

They support the rationale by a subjective interpretation of Darwin’s theory of evolution. That and the bizarre babbling of Malthus. It’s strange that no matter how many big names of Science , Philosophy or Politics champion this ideology, all insist that the answer is the eradication, through death or sterilising,of one particular group of the population. It’s the one they consider to be ‘undesirable’ . And that’s based on their class status, financial status and colour.There’s not an iota of evidence to support the idea of any of that being down to genes.

This standpoint is vicious, callous, and psychotic. And that’s why they use the extinction of compassion and empathy for their fellow man as a rationale. It’s poor or fake Science masking class apartheid and the ultimate genocide of of the lower end.This is why Bohemian Grove ritually celebrate the ‘ cremation of care‘ as they chant around the burning effigy of a man.

Oct 19, 2020 11:21 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

So do we need an extra 7 billion on the planet?

Oct 19, 2020 1:30 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

If we’re determined to save humanity through an extinction of people, perhaps we should begin our extinction regime top down for a change. Without a few hundred people hoarding half the world’s productive capacity, perhaps the planet could indeed support “an extra 7 billion.”

Oct 19, 2020 4:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

They hoard, misuse for mischief and overuse the productive capacity.

Oct 20, 2020 6:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

In honour of Orwell, let us celebrate doublethink and doublespeak…He saw that today’s world would be the looking glass world.

The scenario you describe is close to Utopia for the 99.99%. So, those who own the planet, our lives and the destination of both, see this scenario, therefore, as a Dystopia.

The scenario we are being ushered into, step by step, is a Dystopia to us 99.99%. Therefore, it’s a Utopia to those who call the shots and own the means to destroy history and the present.

They’ll clean the crime scene as soon as our heads are barely functioning.

Oct 19, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

We don’t need a small percentage of one percent using terms like racial hygiene, racial cleansing, ‘well born”, or selective breeding to disguise another misnomer – social engineering.

Trying to justify all of the above by inventing a new branch of the Sciences called ‘eugenics’ is what we don’t need/.It’s a license to murder millions because you simply consider them of no use to the state.

Nature was doing a fine job of self regulating for millions of years. Man has been here five minutes by comparison.

These are the people who grow obscenely wealthy through war and through poisoning.That’s all we need to know about their character and way of living.No further analysis is necessary.

It isn’t about how many people we need on the planet; it’s about not needing a dangerous, genocidal minority on it who are above and beyond the law and live to kill.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 19, 2020 6:19 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“It isn’t about how many people we need on the planet; it’s about not needing a dangerous, genocidal minority on it who are above and beyond the law and live to kill.”

Nodding slowly…

Oct 19, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

There is a lot of programming/propaganda to undermine a sense of equity, let alone compassion. Though many studies conclude that violence in media, video games, etc. promotes violence, other equally “scientific” studies reject this conclusion. This reminds me of a quote attributed to comedian Groucho Marx: “Those are my principles; if you don’t like them I have others”.

Oct 19, 2020 7:11 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Good points mgeo..

I suppose it depends on who commissions these studies. Rather like Gates who stands to make billions for him and his buddies as a bonus for inflicting irreversible damage on the most ambitious target group yet. He doesn’t want to get conclusions back that say

” vaccines are dangerous and pose a threat to life itself”.

He wants,

” vaccines are the only remedy in this war against germs and viruses if we want to survive as a race”.

So his researchers will get paid according to the gravity of the lies they’re prepared to tell ( am I right Mr Ferguson ?). He doesn’t commission as such, he donates money..

As for video games. It’s obvious that games like Grand Theft Auto are intended to desensitise the addict with the controls in his hands. Try listening in on the conversations these toy junkies have about that and it’s ilk.

Highlights that bring laughter and high fives are the mindless gunning down of innocent bystanders, prostitutes ( who they can also buy and sell) and drug dealers( which they can also be), or police officers.All of these gradually have the seriousness removed and the need to fear the consequences by the ” it’s only a game” comeback. Who’s conducting research into the post- games console society and crime ?
The psychology of addiction is a subtle fiend. And one that was seen as the most important tool in the mind workers toolbox 100 years ago.It is easy to understand and easy to induce.And once you induce someone to addiction, their mind and soul are for sale.They only need them to find a fix.

Where do the massed ranks gather. Well it was the movies, then then the radio and then TV.Now it’s online or in a virtual world where they can role play being murdering troops or criminals. They ‘relax’ on social networks in between. And the programmers know their every move.They’re always tracking..and tracing..


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 20, 2020 8:58 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

“Highlights that bring laughter and high fives are the mindless gunning down of innocent bystanders…”

I was a little unnerved when I saw The Matrix the first time and Neo and Trinity slaughtered the guards during the “Holy shit…” scene. The guards were just ordinary people, no?

But then came the fad to show graphic CGI beatings/ disembowelings/ shotgun-decapitations in pretty much all genres (except Rom Coms: not quite there yet): Gasper Noe with his super-sick Irreversible was the flagship example. The CGI rape scene from Irreversible… 9 minutes long… was a chillingly-popular standalone video clip on all the file-sharing sites. What kind of monsters were they making…? They were making an electorate lots less likely to be freaked out by pictures of bomb-destroyed toddlers in Iraq.

Oct 20, 2020 10:42 AM

Very true.

It’s all part of the priming.

Get the 1-14 year olds to sit with their analytical brain set to ‘off’ by default as they go on simulated rampages on a virtual battle field or street.

Go to school between sessions and remain switched off. The training continues; the dumbing down. Kids will only ask questions about subjects that interest them.They’ll only listen to words that speak about them.And so their IQ’s slide. Their attention span contracts.And soon they’ll be old enough to kill for real for their country. But they can top up the priming first with movies and games with more bloodthirsty themes and realistic presentation. They’ll make fine policemen or troops soon. Those who can’t pull away from the console world will make good social misfits and sociopaths.

The writing was on the wall when we saw ( and heard accompanying cheers) US troops guide missiles to shoot through the letterboxes of civilian doors and blow up the houses of Iraqi civilians.From hundreds of miles away. Just like they used to in their rooms in hi def colour.

Oct 21, 2020 3:29 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I don’t disagree with anything you and Steven Augustine say on this subject. However, I would like to add what I consider the Missing Link between the human psyche and its conditioning.

Simply put, you cannot condition someone who refuses to be conditioned. And since almost no one refuses absolutely to become at least “a little bit” addicted to violence (kind of like being “a little bit pregnant”), the best, if not the only, explanation is that humans are hard wired with a tendency toward violence.

The fact that it requires a lifetime of (often prodigious) effort for people to become truly peace loving suggests humans are not hard wired toward peace.

Just consider the stoic regime Buddhists go through to become peaceful (even though their societies have never attained that goal). Then consider how easily Americans et al become addicted to violence.

True, it’s easier to condition youths toward violence; but not all that difficult to condition adults. When a Secretary of State (Madeline Albright) can conclude the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was “worth it” and not be run out of town on a rail, you know there’s a problem somewhere.

Oct 21, 2020 5:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

”When a Secretary of State (Madeline Albright) can conclude the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was “worth it” and not be run out of town on a rail, you know there’s a problem somewhere.”

The way of the warrior. Or the mentality of one. The old saying goes :

” a single death is a tragedy ; a million is a statistic”.

Once you can reduce the dignity of human beings to mere data and a list for another column, you have divorced from your conscience and any need to explain or defend your actions. Or at least if you hold a position of power that’s how it works.

Most people don’t want to be programmed. Even once you explain to them what it means and entails. So the way to programme those who have a natural resistance is by a slow but steady interval of exposure.

At first, many years ago, certain news stories could make us stop in shock. We’d struggle to understand the depths of human cruelty or madness. Maybe it was the wiping out of a village on the other side of the world. A narration accompanied by pictures of crying and starving women and children. Maybe it was about somebody going about their daily routine in a bank or petrol station who ended up with a bullet in the head for a few notes from a till. You’d score them all 10 from 10 on the shock / horror scale.

Now, it’s rife. It’s on your local news reports as well as the world news.You hardly bother looking up from your snack. You may not shrug your shoulders, but you will internally.

Eventually, your one time aversion to horror is replaced by stoic acceptance through a gradual programme of exposure that increases in dose. It’s classic desensitization. An important part of your humanity is programmed out and replaced by a passive acceptance of the depths of depravity that blights our planet.

Ask yourself who would want that to become the rule rather than the exception. Who would place such little value on humanity. Who would view a conscience as an obstacle .

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 21, 2020 6:26 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Simply put, you cannot condition someone who refuses to be conditioned.”

Yes on one level, but on another: what if the conditioning begins, essentially, at birth… ?

What’s the first thing that happens to most male newborns in the “modern” “West”? A mutilation. It’s the most violent thing that ever happens to the vast majority of the male public. A) surely that has an impact and B) is it, perhaps, done for that very reason? It could very well explain America’s sexual politics and its extreme problem with violence. Imagine the buried rage that must trigger…

Oct 22, 2020 3:33 PM

Thank you for bringing up that hideous barbarism committed upon a lot of newborn males. I have my own theory regarding the practice: I think it’s primarily an attempt to distance humans from “lesser” animals, almost all of which have sheathed penises.

But I certainly would agree that promoting aggression in males is just as important a consideration. I have a similar antipathy toward Sports in general – which are clearly designed to prepare males for their warrior function in societies.

Regarding Sports: it’s interesting that when a group of people not very proficient at Sports get together (as for a game of Volleyball), the result can be having lots of fun. But that “fun” element goes right out the window when very proficient people get together – replaced by fierce competition.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 22, 2020 5:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

“it’s interesting that when a group of people not very proficient at Sports get together (as for a game of Volleyball), the result can be having lots of fun. But that “fun” element goes right out the window when very proficient people get together – replaced by fierce competition.”

Profoundly true. And it highlights the rarely-considered fact that being extremely proficient at any sport is the absurdist by-product of someone (you, a team, a nation) needing desperately to “win”. As it happens, I was on a volleyball team in college (name of team…I kid you not: The Bodhisattvas) and I remember vividly driving a teammate absolutely mad by not taking the process super-seriously. He was probably a corporate executive by 35, an alcoholic by 45 and dead by 60.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 21, 2020 6:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

“When a Secretary of State (Madeline Albright) can conclude the deaths of half a million Iraqi children was “worth it”

I always bring that up and I’m glad others do, too. It really never should be forgotten. If only as a bracing corrective to the dreamers who sing-song wistfully, “Things would be soooo much better if Women ran the world…”

The problem is not Gender. The problem is Power and who gets it.

Oct 20, 2020 6:32 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I think it is not a flaw of paracetamol. It is maladaptation from a lack of all distress, and from extended comfort. This is what Bertrand Russel meant in part by “Nothing fails like success”. Dissatisfaction, distress and dismay now arise from ever more silly experiences.

Oct 20, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Like the urge they have no control over wasting hours online arguing about Britain’s Got Talent or a soap. Or an angry debate about Love island. Maybe even a debate about a reality star’s affair with another reality star.The anger is all over the internet.

Tell them they’re being shafted by the elite and lied to about vaccines you might get a ‘conspiracy theorist’ reply if any at all.

These are the parents who would rush home from school with their children to microwave them a meal because they’d missed an hour on Candycrush or farmville. And they’re allowed to vote.

Ask them who their idea is of a great actor and they’ll say The Rock. Their favourite documentary ? Probably Finding Nemo.

If you can drag them off instagram of course, They have much wisdom to share with the world.

Oct 21, 2020 6:41 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It’s a very long story. It involves the absence of guardians/other adults, undermining basic schooling, underming the reading habit and reading materials, alienating from other peoples/cultures through propaganda, sadism through entertainment, selective enforcement of laws, promotion of computers/phones, marketing, etc.

Oct 19, 2020 11:59 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Recent studies have proven our young have tonnes of compassion compared to yesterday’s generations but it’s misplaced and highly emotional. But it’s weird they got emotional over fake viagra rape stories in Libya but not too emotional about slave markets in Libya. Typical of the liberal mind if the bbc or the guardian do not mention it Then it can’t possibly be true

Oct 19, 2020 3:09 PM
Reply to  Koba

The Viagra stuff was on Democracy Now (I know – I was watching it in 2011) so it must have been true 🙂

Oct 20, 2020 7:03 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Compassion, empathy, kindness and tolerance are not recognised as strengths by barbarians. That is a liberal tenet. Barbarians see it as a weakness and submission.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Oct 20, 2020 11:14 AM
Reply to  John

Which is why so many males have been socially-engineered to be rude, crude violent bastards… only to be “cancelled” and Incelled by #MenAreTrash: damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Most will either end up as human-reproduction-reducingly Gay* or Onanistic… and/or as perfect cannon fodder: Win/Win for TFIC. I’m incredibly grateful that I came up when I did… flirted without fear of prosecution, enjoyed dating, sex, cohabiting and then, after I’d calmed down a bit, marriage (after one false start with a slightly unhinged variation) to my Dream Woman. I had no idea how lucky I was at the time but in retrospect it’s terribly clear: anyone over 50, today, lived through the last great fleeting Golden Twilight of what any reasonable person would consider something approaching Civilization.

*Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it will impact the rate of replacement as late-Boomers and Millennials begin to die off.

Oct 20, 2020 2:35 PM

Yep. Agree,

Growing up in Africa means you simply have to ignore the labels dished out by the liberals.

I hope that those who turned a blind eye to the heathens and the barbarians see what they have done to their own and have allowed the societies being destroyed in front of them by their tolerance.

Thank goodness I don’t have to put up with the PC rubbish of today. I shudder to think what will happen in the future basing it on how meekly the younger generation simply acquiesce to Gov demands.

It is why the communists are now implementing the Global agenda on behalf of the 3% giga rich. They have been offered huge promises of wealth. They know anyone under 50 has most likely been indoctrinated and think Stalin and Che, Mao and Pol pot were heroes. I think they have a surprise coming.

Oct 19, 2020 5:11 AM

You can not, not do it. You have got to Fight The Fear, and Just do it.

No one else is going to do it for you

You have got to be Brave, you might think Oh My God, I do not want to have to do this, but you know your only chance of survival is to do it…You have got to go for it…

And you saved their life

You never expect it, but one day, someone might do that for you.

You look around..and you are still here.

You look in the mirror and smile – how did I do that?

Once you conquer fear, if you get as old as me, you don’t really give a fxxx

Sure the Sh1t Will Probably Hit The Fan

I wil try and duck

sod all I can do about it, except get even older and more decrepid


Oct 19, 2020 4:38 AM

For about 3 Years, in my youth I used to fly a Pirat..mainly in Yorkshire – pretty much the same thing as a Spitfire, except it didn’t have any guns, and it didn’t have any engine, nor any electronics. I always wore a parachute, but my Pirat and me always flew home back to the airfield. The Polish were some of our Best Pilots in WW!!. They designed and built them in Poland..

I have had more fun in a Pirat Screwing Thermals, and Getting High, than I have on many other Sunny Sunday Afternoons..and I’m still here.

You can pull far more g in a glider, than you can on a motorbike or a drag racing car even at Santa Pod – if you really want to feel that pull and have control over it when you are upside down, close to the ground…

There is less to hit in the air. You have to run with them holding a wing to get them up in the air – so gliding is a very communal thing you get to make friends quick -cos you are all working together – learning to fly.

Sometimes you do retrieves too..its just part of the fun.

The Training in England is By Far The Best in The World. Derek Piggot taught me to fly. I had already read his book.I did a week at Derby&Lancs, Great Hucklow, but wanted to do another week…So I phoned them up on The Sunday – Lasham..have you go a place…had a few hours kip at home got on my motorbike and went on another weeks gliding course.

Far more fun than the sun and the beach, and far more talent at the Gliding Clubs.

Girls learn to Fly Too. You should see My Wife, though she used a slightly different technique…which even I wouldn’t do.

Jumping out of an old WWII Russian Airplane from 10,000 feet over Cuba..

just sense and feel it and fear it – at least you have got a parachute – jump

comment image


charles kint
charles kint
Oct 19, 2020 3:36 AM

Where have I heard that before, cutting off hands,for certain rituals maybe?
Kinda shows what folks are really behind all this!

Anyways great compassionate story about DR. Che; lets leave him that title

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Oct 19, 2020 2:40 AM

https://worldchangebrief.webnode.comTrump Campaign: Biden Is A Compromised Candidate/
2nd Laptop Seized/
2nd Set of Emails From HBiden Partner/
Insider Exposes Facebook Liberal Fake News Machine/
Twitter Still Won’t Unlock NYPost.Blocks Fox/
China Threatens Arrest of Americans.Canadians

Oct 19, 2020 2:39 AM

I have been slagged off and knocked down, since I was born – and when I went to school when I was 4, in the school yard, I got knocked down, and I got up again and fought back..I was O.K. once my muscles warmed up…that kid has hit me and his mates are laughing at me on the ground. It’s tough when you are 4, but the girls tend to nurse your wounds..and push you forward – go on hit him..

Then all the school turns up for the scrap, before the Teachers know what’s going on..it happens so fast

We were born just after WWII – what do you think we would be like, except primed to fight.

We got bored with Andy Pandy and Little Weed

“Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down)”


Oct 19, 2020 3:37 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I was the youngest of 5, so I learn’t a lot from my older brothers and sisters..they had motorbikes and scooters, and I was their young Baby Toy. They couldn’t believe that their Mum and Dad still had sex. Very Religious Roman Catholic Family, where we had to Pray round the Immersion heater to keep warm..

They thought wtf is this?

I opened my eyes and I saw My Mum as I was sucking The Best Breast Milk in the World – I saw my Dad – Oh we’ve got another one. and then my older brothers and sisters.

Thank God, I wasn’t born first – cos that would have been at the start of World War II, which my older brothers and sisters thought was normal – cos they had no other experience. They were used to Bombs dropping out of The Sky….oh dear …here comes another one, whilst My Dad an Engineer Got The Spitfires Back in The Air, as fast as they came down…patching the wings and fuselage up.. and refiiling the fuel and mags with bullets..

Are you all right lad as he runs and climbs into the cockpit from the bunkhouse for the next available aircraft

Shoot The NAZI’s Down They are Bombing Us to Hell

So they Did..Many lost their lives, but the Bullets missed my Dad, so after The Battle of Britain, they called him back to London..with regards to The Design and Deployment of The Mulberry Harbour…so he did that too also under enemy fire, and stil lthe bullets
missed him, or I wouldn’t have been born


We fight back against NAZI’s

Most Millenials and Americans don’t have a clue.

Thanks for your help in 1942, We would have all been NAZI’s except for The Russians, who were on our side then and still are now.

comment image


Oct 19, 2020 12:19 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You’re 75 years out of date. The Nazi’s were defeated, but constantly resurrected
for a movie, a bit of patriotism, or to keep sheeple in a state of fear that some entity is coming to get them and make their lives hell.

Oct 19, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

can software be a twat

tony one fool here calls him a legend
i call tone
A I sicko
defective tavistock software

take your spitfires and shove um
your project needs to be terminated

Oct 19, 2020 1:12 AM
Oct 19, 2020 3:51 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

Fantastic, if such a word can be used in the usual way. More likely, fantastic in that the malevolent fantasies of the sociopaths are coming to fruition. An expanded explication of what appears in the article can be seen at The Corbett Report.

Oct 19, 2020 12:28 AM

Pace e Bene.
“la patria o la muerte”
Post Scriptum: May the Spirit of Che give us the strength to resist and rebel.
Docius In Fondom::Quiot Tacet Consentir . Videtuer.

Oct 18, 2020 11:38 PM

My post went into moderation Awaiting spam check, and now I am getting “Sign In to Confirm Your Age”

Bob Marley Banned too?

Maybe a dram or two of JD before this – its about American Preachers. It’s all bollocks, but if you believe it, then so far as you are concerned its true, and you will send the Preacher 10% of your income -Standard American Cult Cost, whilst he is telling you , you are going to hell.

“Brian Eno and David Byrne – The Jezebel Spirit.”



Oct 18, 2020 11:37 PM

There is no place for someone like Che in today’s world. Nobody cares about revolution. In fact, very few people anywhere in the world seem to even care about preventing their own enslavement.

Oct 19, 2020 3:47 AM
Reply to  kevin

And we’re always being reminded: if you’re going to protest, be peaceful and respectful. Yes, by all means let’s be as respectful as we can to those who view us as less then human; and who wish to inject us with heaven knows what for their further enrichment; and who plan to corral us with nano chips to better control our every thought and movement.

So much respect to go around.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 19, 2020 12:26 PM
Reply to  kevin

I know what you mean Kevin, However I think you’ll find a big part of it has to do with 40 years of poisonous neoliberalism which has had a huge impact on people’s psyches, along with the vile role the media has played.
People are already enslaved: to consumerism, and have become less and less connected with both nature and themselves.

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Oct 18, 2020 11:23 PM

The Americans placed an arms embargo on Batista and effectively put Castro in power.

“An arms embargo – imposed on the Cuban government by the United States on 14 March 1958 – contributed significantly to the weakness of Batista’s forces. The Cuban air force rapidly deteriorated: it could not repair its airplanes without importing parts from the United States.


Oct 19, 2020 9:05 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

The US also did not commit military assets already on the island at Guantanamo Bay to counter Castro. Maybe Castro phoned Eisenhower telling him the base would be safe.
The USMC have a history of meddling in Latin America, but for Castro they were stood down.
In 1953 the CIA took down Mosaddegh in Iran.
In 1959 the island of Cuba was handed over to Castro.

Then there was the Bay of Pigs, where an US sponsored assault force sailed from Florida, then traveled around Cuba, to land on the far side, farther away from Havana. Guantanamo Bay was still there.

Next up the Cuban Missile Crisis when the Soviet Union deploys its most secret technology of ICBMs and nuclear warheads on an island 90 miles from Miami, with that base at Guantanamo Bay still active. Believable, right? The missile subs weren’t close enough? Foreshadowing WMD in Iraq. Were the container tubes on the cargo ships empty? Real missiles or fake in those recon photos?

I have a tee shirt with the image of Che with the tag line “Che is dead, get over it.”

Good advice.

Oct 19, 2020 10:45 AM
Reply to  Igor

The Cuban army and police always outgunned the guerrillas although Batista had lost popularity in Washington and resupply was embargoed. Batista fled when the guerrillas were still over a hundred miles from Havana. It was a failure of will on his part rather than it being “handed over” to Castro.

Oct 18, 2020 11:20 PM

There is nothing tragic about the way Guevara met his death. It’s almost a fairy tale ending considering his fabled life.
I must confess I own a Che tshirt displaying his mythic visage as it gazes defiantly towards the future. I haven’t worn it in ages but when I did most youngsters invariably would ask me who is that guy. I use to reply with a brief history lesson but nowadays I’d just say look him up on Wikipedia. Che may as well be ancient history. Him and his exploits are irrelevant today more than ever.

Oct 19, 2020 3:49 AM
Reply to  JoeC

Not irrelevant, just incapable of being perceived by the Smart Phone brigade.

Oct 19, 2020 9:18 AM
Reply to  JoeC

People in Turkey have been jailed for having Che calendars, and wearing a T-shirt with his picture can be an excuse for the police to hold you for questioning.
This is because 1) authorities in Turkey tend towards the fascistic and
2) Guerrilla warfare exists in some parts of Turkey, so enthusiasm for Che is not seen as a harmless teenager phase the way it can be ignored in say, the USA or Europe.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Oct 18, 2020 11:15 PM


Nothing is more startling than hearing the bang of a bird smacking against a window and finding its shattered body adjacent to your door. They say the reason this kamikaze mission occurs is because birds fly into a reflection of a tree or plant at full speed thinking its real, while male birds are known to attack their own reflections defending their territory.

“I feel more and more that we must not judge God on the basis of this world; it’s a study that didn’t come off. What can you do, in a study that has gone wrong, if you are fond of the artist?” 

 Even as an agnostic I can appreciate those sentiments; shit always happens and studies often fail.

Regrettably, over thousands of years human nature hasn’t evolved. Homo sapiens, baser instincts reveal an “unusual species” which relishes brutal gratuitous violence:

 “Humans inherited a propensity for violence from our primate ancestors….The first humans were about as violent as could be expected based on their family tree.  Scientists pored through examples of lethal violence—not animals killing other
species, such as predators and prey, but killings within a species, whether by cannibalism, infanticide, or aggression. They looked for evidence of this ghastly activity among four million recorded deaths in more than a thousand different mammals, from shrews to primates. On top of that, they compiled a history of human slayings.

One pattern stood out pretty clearly: lethal violence increased over the course of mammal evolution. While only about 0.3 percent of all mammals die in conflict with members of their own species, that rate is sixfold higher, or about 2 percent, for primates. Early humans likewise should have about a 2 percent rate—and that lines up with evidence of violence in Paleolithic human remains.”  

 It appears, primates are the most violent mammals.  Well if this is the case, perhaps, Gods original study was deeply flawed and quite unfair since violence is inherent to Homo sapiens.  It’s unprincipled for a CREATOR to expect a feeble species to transcend and control its lowest primal instincts.  In fact, it’s downright cruel to think there could ever be a positive outcome when such innate bloodthirsty tendencies exist.  Now if Gods original “study” is not about seeking perfection, but is merely just a bit of “Hunger Games entertainment” we should all be grateful Homo sapiens have managed to survive.  

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2020 10:25 PM

This is what Bolshevism looks like; and people needed to see it:

Oct 18, 2020 10:27 PM


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2020 10:30 PM
Reply to  ame

do you have any evidence for that?

Oct 18, 2020 10:43 PM

15 mask student types paid actors around a table with someone else with a masks on a phone camera showing one direction camera angle hardly evidence now is it.
. it idiotic season aka voting pleb slave master season so of course anything can be repackaged to look like anything similar video was done during 3 rd week of black fella who got killed 2020 april anyone with a good non brainwashed mind can see many video done like this in the past
Milo at student union bar 2016
alex jones in student union hall.2017/2018 they did not have masks same type of video
and repeat
your evidence is quote Bolshevism looks like unquote 15 mask student type paid actors around a table with someone else with a masks on a phone camera showing one direction camera angle

hardly evidence now is it .staged

Oct 18, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  ame

If them 15 interrupted me eating my steak they be getting a steak knife in the gut these pieces of human excrement.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 19, 2020 12:29 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

BLM is funded by the Ford Foundation which has been a CIA asset for decades.

May Hem
May Hem
Oct 19, 2020 5:14 AM
Reply to  Dave Lawton

Obama’s private army, being supported by Soros, to create more racial chaos in the US. I don’t know if this is true or not. Judge for yourself.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2020 11:06 PM
Reply to  ame

So no, then, you don’t have any evidence it was staged!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2020 11:27 PM
Reply to  ame

Re: “paid actors”

Or more likely, it’s a legion of brain-dead, useful idiots who think they’re going to “change the world”; and all funded by the likes of Soros & co.

Trump: “They’re paid . . . by people that we’re looking at right now. . . They’re stupid people, too.”

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 19, 2020 12:37 PM

Your second paragraph is correct: a legion of brain dead useful idiots who think they’re going to “change the world” and all funded by the likes of Soros & Co.
Okay, question for you my friend: why are billionaires and the world’s largest corporations throwing mountains of money at Black Lives Matter and their ilk? Why do billionaires support “Marxists”?
For the record, I loathe BLM and their fake woke bullshit.
And I’m pissed off English Football teams are having to ‘bend the knee’ in support of BLM before games. What Bullshit. I found out about this when I saw a story about Newport County and Tranmere Rovers reprimanded for not ‘bending the knee’ before the start of their game at the weekend.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 19, 2020 1:52 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah, thanks for the comment. I’ve posted a reply further down:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 19, 2020 8:35 AM
Reply to  ame

ame: “a phone camera showing one direction camera angle hardly evidence now is it.”

Here’s another camera from the opposite angle.

BLM protesters confronts woman who won’t raise her fist in solidarity
Aug 26, 2020
Daily Mail
A large crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters have accosted white diners outside several Washington, D.C. restaurants, demanding that they raise their fists to show solidarity with the movement. Footage showing the demonstrators aggressively yelling at one woman in the Adams Morgan neighborhood went viral on social media and sparked a widespread backlash.  Many accused the protesters of acting like an “aggressive mob” and using “intimidation tactics” to order to diners into submission. Responding to the footage, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough described the activists as “horrible people”.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Oct 19, 2020 3:38 PM
Reply to  ame

hardly evidence now is it”

Yes, audio-video documentation is “hardly evidence.”

Good christ I’m living in koo-koo clock.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2020 11:04 PM
Reply to  ame

BTW: I’m not objecting to the possibility of some of these incidents being staged. For example (and this is just supposition), the Kenosha and Portland shootings seemed to fit a narrative. However, the Bolsheviks can be expected to act true to form, and so there’d be no need to stage anything. In the following example, the coordinator is actually trying to restrain the mob:

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 19, 2020 12:31 AM

What are they. Puppets.

Oct 21, 2020 7:28 PM

What exactly do you mean by Bolsheviks then?
Bolsheviks were banker-funded agents to take over the biggest country on Earth. And then they systematically murdered tens of millions of Slavic Christians.
Yes and they were Dewish.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 18, 2020 11:41 PM
Reply to  ame

Given that real Bolsheviks would have been able to establish a socialist utopia, I suppose the whole Portland CHAZ fiasco must have been staged.

Dave Lawton
Dave Lawton
Oct 19, 2020 12:34 AM

The founders of BLM said publicly and is on record that they are trained Marxists.What ever that means.

Oct 21, 2020 7:29 PM

You might want to read about some of the murder and torture techniques used by the Bolsheviks on Slavic Christians.
They would make ranting at a restaurant goer seem rather tame.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 21, 2020 9:38 PM
Reply to  ZenPriest

Within this discussion, I’m referring to the useful idiots and the ideology which is used to motivate and direct the mob; and I expand on this in a couple of comments below. The useful idiots are doing the bidding of a number of billionaires and a range of Democrats; and the whole network has now been mapped by the Trump admin. See:

The displays at the restaurants are of Bolshevism Lite, but there have also been killings and very severe beatings. I believe a woman was shot and killed for replying “all lives matter” to one of these thugs. Also, some Democrat governors have released hordes of violent criminals in order to bump up the murder rate. They had been planning on using MS13 to cause mayhem, but I think the group has been largely neutralised by the Trump admin.

Oct 22, 2020 6:49 AM

Ok i see your point now.
Those people are beyond the pale. So focused on success/privilege they forget their humanity.
Truly sick minds who enjoy turning us against one another.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 18, 2020 11:02 PM

“Bolshevism”? How about “Catharism”? It would be just as (ir)relevant.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 19, 2020 12:02 AM

Bolsheveiks are disciplined. They’d never get involved in an undisciplined brawl unless it was something that happened to them. Otherwise all their actions were deliberate with a particular aim in mind.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 19, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Of course, no true Bolshevik would break any eggs that didn’t need breaking.

Any sign of that omelette?

Oct 19, 2020 3:57 AM

Bolsheviks to the left; Nazis to the right. Brawling, fighting, cursing. And off in the corner, a band of bankers laughing their asses off.

Maybe it’s time to start seeing the real enemy?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 19, 2020 12:24 PM
Reply to  Howard

Re: “Nazis to the right”

How does that apply in this situation?

Oct 19, 2020 3:02 PM