WATCH: Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 3

BIG PICTURE SUNDAY – The third and final day of the Justice Rising digital conference focuses on the Big Picture. The political fall out of 9/11, the use as justification for illegal wars around the globe, and the draconian legal powers which are freshly relevant in the wake of the Covid19 “pandemic”.


  • 00:00:00 – “False Flags and Wars of Terror” with Daniele Ganser
  • 01:04:00 – “9/11 and the Advancing Police State” with John Whitehead
  • 02:08:00 – “The Library of Alexandria is on Fire: Internet Censorship from 9/11 to Today” with James Corbett

You can watch the first day, Justice Friday, here, and the second – Science Saturday – here.


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Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 17, 2020 1:03 AM

I was listening to Steven E. Jones Phd talk (Justice Rising) about similarities between 9-11 and Covid and in terms of the transformation of society and he mentioned this guy Ivor Cummins (from Ireland) and his statistical analysis called Viral Issue. Both are fantastic and very clear!

One is an update of the other (September and June, respectively).

edited by Admin for typo

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 22, 2020 7:50 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Tom, Steven Jones is controlled opposition whose essential purpose (as is the purpose of 9/11 controlled opposition generally although there are other purposes) is to smother the pivotal truth of 9/11 namely that it wasn’t a “false flag” or “inside job” per se – these are propaganda terms designed to mislead. The pivotal truth of 9/11 is that it was a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills (many of which are readily acknowledged) pushed out as a real event which means it takes the same form as many other psyops, eg, Sandy Hook, the Manchester bombing, Brussels airport bombing, and so very many others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_government_operations_and_exercises_on_September_11,_2001 They don’t kill people in psyops unless they want them killed. They didn’t want all those people to be killed and injured and they needed to involve way too many people in emergency response and the media for one thing to even contemplate killing for real but it’s so not the psyop MO and 9/11 was/is above all a Psychological Operation. If they lied about everything else why wouldn’t they also lie about death and injury? What’s so sacred about death and injury that they needed to do it for real? Wouldn’t doing it for real prove a massive headache with all those loved ones on the loose when demolition of the buildings is so obvious apart from so many other issues? One of the differences between 9/11 and many other psyops is that they have pushed two major streams of propaganda (which they’ve also done for COVID) – all psyops of any magnitude involve multiple streams of propaganda but not so many involve two major streams: 1. One stream to the masses 2. One stream to those who don’t believe… Read more »

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 22, 2020 9:20 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

So what did you think of the Viral Issue videos? I think that the presenter does a good job putting Covid-19(84) in context. I only mentioned Jones as he pointed people to those videos as he part of the conference. Otherwise I was not familiar with Dr. Jones. Looking at all-cause excess deaths does not require the existence or non-existence of a new virus at all.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 23, 2020 2:58 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I started to watch the second video and yes it shows the figures do not indicate pandemic, that the predictions are fraudulently based on superseded data and that lockdown shows non-significant effect. However, what I think is important is the actual truth. The reason we know that the actual truth, “no virus”, is important rather than simply “virus but not at pandemic levels and response is inappropriate” is that while it is natural for people to assume there is a virus but that it is not at pandemic levels – and Ivor Cummins may be perfectly genuine in simply discussing figures without questioning the existence of the virus at all – there is evidence of controlled opposition curating that message when, in fact, it is not the truth. If controlled opposition is pushing “virus but not pandemic” rather than the actual truth “no virus” then we know the distinction is very important because otherwise they wouldn’t bother pushing that false message. So, Tom, I have, as stated in my comment above, done an exercise on the parallels which, I guarantee you, is more accurate than whatever Stevie boy wonder says because ‘ol Stevie is controlled opposition and doesn’t say the truth about the alleged pandemic, “no virus”, just as he doesn’t say the truth about 9/11 which is that it is not a “false flag” or “inside job” per se but a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event involving a number of agency staff, media companies and their reporters, corporations, banks and the list goes on. There are probably hundreds of people, if not thousands, involved in this “exercise” who have few qualms about it because they know death and injury were staged and it’s “just an exercise”, a highly irregular trauma-based mind control psychological operation… Read more »

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 23, 2020 6:45 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I don’t really get why you are targeting me, that is, if I don’t reply in a way you like I am a spook. I don’t appreciate that. Why do the Architects and Engineers for Truth focus on Building 7? Because it is an argument that they can win. Same with all-cause excess deaths. If people can be persuaded that the response to the supposed virus is way out of proportion to the actual risk and has collateral damage far worse than the disease – even if real – makes no sense, then maybe they will start to see that there is more going on here that needs to be investigated. If only a handful of people know the actual truth, then we remain impotent to stop an unfolding of what I consider the greatest attack on working people in the history of the world.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 23, 2020 8:41 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Tom, If you’re interested in the similarities between COVID-19 and 9/11 and your first comment suggests you are then I’m not sure why you wouldn’t find it interesting to consider the parallel of both events involving two major streams of propaganda, one being targeted at the masses, and one at the skeptics. Apart from the parallel itself obviously the facts that the two events are not what even most skeptics believe (although far more skeptics of the pandemic story probably believe there is no special virus than skeptics of the 9/11 story recognise that it was a massive exercise rather than a “false flag” per se) are interesting facts of themselves, no?

If COVID-19 is simply a completely Emperor’s New Clothes affair where no virus is involved at all making all the propaganda about numbers, social distancing, masks, etc moot and if 9/11 is a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise (where all that happened were damage to and destruction of buildings and where the planes and death and injury were faked) rather than a “false flag” per se then that is hugely significant, no?

Please respond as I asked in my last comment to my question on what you think of my parallel of both events involving two major propaganda streams. If you don’t wish to answer the question, please let me know why.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 25, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

OK, Tom, I call you out as Steve Jones.

If you can say anything that confirms you aren’t, please go ahead.

Otherwise, busted.

I wonder how you and your many collaborators justify to yourselves what you do.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 25, 2020 5:46 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Sorry to disappoint, but it is much more pedestrian than what you intimate. I just think you are an asshole and don’t want to engage with you anymore.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 26, 2020 1:42 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

OK, Tom, let’s hypothesize that you’ve simply used the secret service agent’s name as your screen name and you don’t want to reveal who you really are … and you didn’t want to answer my question because that was too challenging to your beliefs. That’s fine. No need to call me an asshole. Perhaps you’re new here – ad hominems are very much discouraged. You say: Why do the Architects and Engineers for Truth focus on Building 7? Because it is an argument that they can win. Precisely. What I ask is: why did the perps bring down WTC-7 on 9/11 in a SHOWCASE implosion? They didn’t bring down WTCs 3, 4, 5 and 6 (and we know nothing about their eventual demolitions) so why bring down WTC-7 in a perfect, massively incriminating implosion that as you point out is “an argument that they [A&E] can win”. The reason? They want everyone focused on the building demolitions and away from the faked plane crashes because faked planes mean faked deaths and that’s a slippery slope to “fully-evacuated rather than partly-evacuated buildings” meaning all death and injury were staged. 9/11 was a psyop in the form of a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising many smaller exercises and drills and involving numerous agency staff, media companies and their reporters, corporations, banks, and the list goes on. Most, if not all, terror psyops such as bombings and shootings are in the form of exercises, always preceded by practice drills for the “real event”. It was NOT a false flag per se but an “exercise”. I don’t know how the BS 9/11 Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and the rest of the BS will end up … but what I do know is that the Lawyers’ Committee is just as fake as the 9/11… Read more »

Sep 15, 2020 2:12 PM

Yeah, its sometimes, weird, then it goes into drivel, other times just plain lies, and so on. I have reasently changed my “hobby” from whats on the everyday news, I dont follow it that much anymore, since the patherns are there and have been so for centurys, nothing in this world is new, the layout changes, the media changes, the people changes, but the pathern remains, and can and do, goes on for generations. But I must warn you, I can give links, write things, even give you evidences of narratives, history and facts that would make me instantly cencured by everybody, because when I do reseach I have no boundarys, you shouldnt either, because an learned on have to find everything possible and also this that contradicts, everything you think you know. That is an hallmark of an educated person, you have to cover the entire spectrum in order to know everything. Do you really think an aluminum frame builded as an plain wing can cut thru centimeters think steel beems, also like the outer frame of the towers, really, steel beems, you gotte be kidding, and an airplain wings, thru cm think beems, ugh…. and that nonsense reminds me about an willy the coyote drawing of an hole in one of the towers, that is as true as the plains hole, witch even the wing tips of that plain cutten thru solid steel beems, you dont have to be an egineer to say that this is pure rubbish, its simply impossible by any means what so ever, it cant happen, period. I find that so riddicilous that I dont even bother to find an video to show it, because irs not possible. Unlike CR I watched the event on the Tube aka TeeWee, and yes, initialy I didnt… Read more »

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Sep 15, 2020 4:06 AM


Poopalosi Is Now A Thing

235 Top US Military Leaders Back Trump/
PAX Trump: Zero Afghan Troops Spring 2021/
“Climate Change” Skips Private Forests/
PA Fed Judge: Lockdowns Unconstitutional/
WI Judge: Private Schools Can Open
Trans Satanist Repub Sherrif? Punks Voters

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 15, 2020 1:19 AM

So in three days were the planes mentioned?

The 9/11 Consensus panel addresses plane anomalies and some of its members were at this conference so if the planes weren’t mentioned at all we might ask why that is. They’re a fairly important element, no?

Any suggestions?

Sep 15, 2020 3:44 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The clue is in the name……. Architects are concerned with buildings. Why would you expect them to talk about planes ?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 15, 2020 4:07 AM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

What they argue is that planes couldn’t have brought down the buildings but what they could say as the evidence is so very clear that there were no planes at all.

And they have a plane in their logo. Very interesting, isn’t it?

They don’t talk exclusively about the buildings for three days, do they, and there are people who aren’t building experts speaking at this conference.

And we might ask the question: well, why do we not hear anything about the planes these days? What about the plane experts? Where are they?

In fact, 60 aeropsace engineers are signed onto A&E9/11 but they only talk about the buildings not the planes. Do you not find that rather strange?

Dr NG Maroudas
Dr NG Maroudas
Sep 15, 2020 5:01 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra, the planes are the conjurer’s hocus pocus: Uri Geller’s solemn tones, his occult mental powers, his spiel. Architects and Engineers focus on the reality: the thumb and fingers with which Uri actually bent the metal.

I was nearly lynched at a lab break in the 1970s for calling Uri a Con (juror).
You gotta give the public hoak: enter planes front stage.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 22, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  ZigZagWanderer

So I’ll spell it out ZigZag. “9/11 Truth” was a big part – a very, very big part – of the operation. Its purpose is to suppress the truth of staged death and injury. How they do it (among other methods, eg, suggesting Israelis brought the buildings down, suggesting people were targeted in the buildings, fake loved ones, survivors and witnesses) is by keeping focus on the buildings to keep us away from the planes which right away reveal the faking of the alleged 265 deaths in the planes … and then it’s a slippery slope that obviously they don’t want us to go down to questioning the veracity of the other deaths. A&E for 9/11 Truth is a front organisation. They provide fantastic work on how the buildings came down (though included is the big fat lie about molten metal – metal does NOT stay molten for weeks outside a foundry) but their purpose is to keep all the focus on the buildings and away from the planes and any other indications of staged death and injury. Except that they always tell us the truth underneath the propaganda so the photos of Bob McIlvaine with his family including poor Bobby who allegedly died in the lobby of the North tower are obviously doctored photos. The photos and videos of those injured are obviously of “drill” injured people or otherwise ludicrous, photos of the alleged dead are also obviously fake. Some of the “miracle survivor” stories are utterly hilarious. So they spend absolutely millions on their propaganda JUST FOR THE TRUTHERS and yet … they also give us the truth underneath their propaganda. You have to take your hat off to them. You really do. But then are so clever or are we so …? I ask that question because,… Read more »

Liberty 2021
Liberty 2021
Sep 14, 2020 9:33 PM

If it is proven that the people who are running the Covid operation are of the same group of people who ran 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination and so on then it would be of vital importance. From all of these operations, the question has always been, who benefits ? It is very important to cast a light on the past in order to see if a pattern emerges, pointing towards a long running plan. If members of a particular group and their descendants are the ultimate benefactors, then this is clearly an important point to establish. And that all these various actions over the decades are related and are part of that ongoing plan. I believe there is such a group and they have a plan. The crux to the success of their plan is that it is so outlandishly diabolical, most people will never believe it. i also believe that part of their master plan is to create division. You may say, yes but that’s obvious ! But I am disheartened by the quarrel that takes place on this forum concerning the right and left of political thought, which often leads to a distraction from the main threat of global domination . I don’t believe the group posing this threat have any feelings of right or left persuasion at all and would laugh at the thought of it. Politics is for the masses. They are interested in total power. And that is why I feel it is important to support anyone who is prepared to try and highlight the severity and enormity of the challenge I believe we are all facing. What ever our political persuasions, we all face the same challenge and that challenge goes beyond right and left. It is a challenge as to who and… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 9:14 PM

This is excellent stuff by Daniele Ganser.

Pattern recognition is everything.

All terror including the real and fake Anarchist terrorist incidents in the US were manufactured for political purposes.

Terrorism is a tool the cryptocracy utilize. They revel in the symbolism and chaos, the death and destruction, while they achieve their political and financial objectives.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 15, 2020 6:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Researcher – I quite agree, Ganser is a very important and brave academic. Once you understand the history of Operation Gladio that Ganser has assembled – the complete amoral corruption that characterizes Western elites is no longer questionable – it is simply an historical fact. NATO/CIA/fascist foot-soldiers = Operation Gladio = the wanton murder of Western civilians for completely fabricated propaganda purposes. Once you come to an understanding of how State sponsored false-flag terror operations work you can often identify them in real time.

Operation Gladio points to the unspeakable “shadow” that haunts our world. A cadre of the uber-wealthy and their military and political and media hacks whose only loyalty is to power, control and the subjugation of the many to the few.

It is sad how many in the West can look back in time and freely recognize and acknowledge the corruption and amoral violence of past elites in past epochs – yet can’t seem to allow themselves to even begin to imagine a similar moral corruption among elites today. One suspects their entire “fantasy” world of Western “progress,” concern for “human rights” and “democracy” would quickly dissolve into thin air should they allow even the tiniest sliver of light to entire their completely propagandized consciousness.

As R.D. Laing pointed out decades ago this fantasy state of complete disconnection from events in the real world – while embracing endless State propaganda – is in fact the daily state of the “normal” Western citizen. The more “well adjusted” – the more disconnected from reality – and of course the more contemptuous of any who dare to even “question” our collective fairy tale existence.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 14, 2020 9:00 PM

Having a science background (mechanical engineering degree, many years teaching the stat and math used in engineering, signatory of AE911 Truth petition), i thought i’d enjoy Science Saturday the most. But in fact i enjoyed Big Picture Sunday more. Every single one of the speakers hit a home run, especially Corbett.

Sep 14, 2020 7:28 PM

”[no he doesn’t -ed].” ”[no, he isn’t – ed]” added to my comments below.
What a sad bunch of GCHQ trolls you are at Off-G that you actually edit comments. Ops your pretense of credibility vanishes. Just so you know lovers of free speech don’t edit other peoples comments. Police and military with low IQ’s do.

You are a nasty bunch of crooks, which really comes across when you disrespect the people who comment here. You are a bunch of low life. Please reply, I love reading your comments, its like reading fish-wives in a pub brawl, vulgar doesn’t do it credit.

Sep 14, 2020 7:43 PM
Reply to  Carl

You keep writing the same post. Entertain me. I want to disrespect people. I’ve spent five decades being nice to idiots. Is it not clear that was a mistake? Now they’re running the government and the civil service, and those that aren’t are marching in line like the living dead.

I was brought up to think if you give everyone a chance they’ll come right in the end.

I’ve been had by moron after moron. Usually university uneducated, entitled, stupid, small minded, thoroughly ignorant prats, and had to listen to their shit as they complain to HR that their incompetence didn’t get them what they imagine they deserve. Before some similar entitle mafiosi in HR gives them everything they want and tells their manager to lump it.

And now there’s a new breed whose brains were curdled with postmodernism and grievance studies and who can only talk in cliches.

I don’t listen to it any more. I’ve withdrawn my labour. The intelligent people are on strike. So go whine to HR.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 15, 2020 2:00 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

MC, You still haven’t answered my question on the credibility of the miracle stories from those who so very, very astoundingly survived the 12-second collapse of the 500,000 ton North tower. http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/sept11/2003/n_9189/ Why do you not answer my question? Here’s part of one: Then, on the fifth floor, [Josephine] Harris [employee in the North tower coming down the stairs] stopped. She wasn’t thinking of dying, she’d later say. She was simply exhausted. [Captain Jay] Jonas hustled off to look for a chair (he couldn’t find one). They’d carry her down. That’s when Port Authority officer David Lim ran into Jonas. Lim, a canine officer, had locked his yellow Lab in the South Tower, promising to return, and run to the North Tower to help. Now he was racing down the stairs. A Port Authority captain yelled at Lim to get moving, but he said, “You go ahead,” and he, too, put an arm around Harris, helping to carry her to the fourth floor. That was when the wind started, even before the noise. “No one realizes about the wind,” says Komorowski. The building was pancaking down from the top and, in the process, blasting air down the stairwell. The wind lifted Komorowski off his feet. “I was taking a staircase at a time,” he says, “It was a combination of me running and getting blown down.” Lim says [Matty] Komorowski [firefighter] flew over him. Eight seconds later—that’s how long it took the building to come down—Komorowski landed three floors lower, in standing position, buried to his knees in pulverized Sheetrock and cement. Lim landed near Harris. “If Josephine doesn’t slow me down, I’m dead,” he’d later say. “I figured this out.” That captain who’d urged Lim to go ahead didn’t make it. “Josephine Harris saved my life,” he says definitively.… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 8:27 PM
Reply to  Carl

…other peoples comments…low IQ’s…

Duh. Perhaps you should learn the correct use of apostrophes before casting aspersions on other people’s intelligence.

While you’re at it, could you possibly see your way to being a little bit less tedious? The way you stink out comment thread after comment thread is very tiresome.

to be edited by GCHQ
to be edited by GCHQ
Sep 14, 2020 8:43 PM
Reply to  Carl

7 down-votes. It looks like there are a lot of people here want their comments to be edited by strangers?

Sep 14, 2020 6:57 PM

With the prolongued Covid cult attack you may be suffering from a form or trauma. This video could be useful in understanding what is going on and the healing process.

Sep 14, 2020 6:18 PM

As Britain faces unprecedented attacks on every Human Freedom, this site chooses to pretend 9/11 is more important. Near 20 years of actual truth about 9/11 obviously achieving NOTHING (those that were going to listen to Gage, Jones and Griffin did so more than 10 years back). Actually worse than nothing, for everything happening today has done so on the back of the utter success of the 9/11 false flag. Everything is converging on the Big Bang in October, so certain outlets we may visit are claiming we must think about anything but this fact. UK Column (14th sep) laughably begins with the little englander claim “we are winning”. Baghdad Bob was more convincing. Take ‘the vaccine’- the pure MISDIRECTION psy-op. If you are a thickie member of the masses who swallows all the mainstream guff, you think it will return things back to normal. But if you are an average member of the ‘awake’ crowd, you equally foolishly believe it is the entire point of the plague false flag. Either way the monsters have the 99.99% fooled with their ‘MACGUFFIN’ (google the term if you do not recognise it). The vaccine nonsense is brilliant, for it relies on ‘true’ ‘facts’, both pro and con, that do sort of exist. In reality, this misdirection buys time, for both sides ‘think’ they know what the game is about. World War is coming (as always, the vast majority of Man’s real efforts since the last one have been in readiness for the next). I think the October Big Bang will be a ‘policing’ action by the UK, France, Germany and the USA that involves simultaneous strikes on Russia assets in Ukraine and Syria, Chinese assets in ‘disputed’ areas, and massive strikes all across Iran in the name of halting its nuclear programs.… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 7:16 PM
Reply to  Orhell

There is a global hegemony hidden from view and that’s not about to change with a pre-planned military conflict.

If there’s a war it will be orchestrated and almost pointless except for the redivision of land for resources and energy.

The cryptocracy don’t need to manufacture another war if they can depopulate the earth with the vaccine.

The lockdown is to stop the revolt from the collapse of the central bank crony capitalism.

If there is a war it will only be to cover up their financial crimes and the deleterious effects of increased radiation from 20,000 satellites harming us with millimeter wave weapons systems 24-7-365.

Sep 14, 2020 7:22 PM
Reply to  Orhell

I agree some “spectacular” is coming. Covid on its own is proving insufficient to introduce all the measures they want.

Why see 9/11 as a diversion? It makes more sense as part of a whole. Douglas Valentine showed us decades ago how the means by which we wage war abroad eventually comes home to be inflicted upon the citizenry. That’s all 9/11 is. The enemy was terrorists – to be quarantined in Guantanamo, masked and separated, watched by soldiers and beaten for every infringement. Now the enemy is us – to be quarantined, masked and distanced. Policed and beaten if we don’t comply.

comment image

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 15, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I am instantly reminded of the classic Cracked article about why Stormtroopers have such bad aim

That is, because the Stormtroopers have helmets, but our dashing young heroes have expressive, attractive faces. As put by Cracked, “It all comes down to the basic principle of dehumanization.

In your picture above, the Empire was smart enough to know the blonde prison-handler keeps her face, while the Rebel Scum are dehumanized.  If our little Heidi-in-Fatigues saw the anguish, despair and pleading faces of her captives, she might show mercy.  She might start to slip, psychologically.

And that’s why the Herd has now been masked.  Our handlers, who sit in cozy cubicles at the NSA or Booz Allen Hamilton, watching us over the Panopticon in workaday fashion, find it much easier to manage, and slowly stifle, The Lives of Others, when those Others are adorned with dehumanizing masks.  The masks are so that the Blockleiterswho are personally tasked with grinding us into so much pink pulp can do so efficiently.  Professionally.  Without remorse or even qualms.

The culmination will be when they “plunge a needle inta yer Aaaahrm!” as Doucheywitz has so delicately put it.  The climactic scene of the Medical Apocalypse Movie we are in just wouldn’t be the same without having nice, dramatic, dehumanizing masks on the trembling, teeming throngs of injection-targets.

Sep 14, 2020 7:29 PM
Reply to  Orhell

War is just another means of getting public funds into the elites pockets.
The pandemic is just being used for that. As is the ‘Return to the Moon and onwards to Mars’ bollocks. (Boeing should be a smouldering section 11 wreck otherwise!).
But the most important to THEM is to escape the international rules based world order that makes ALL play on a level playing field. That my friend is BrexShit.

And why O-gee flogs they dead 9/11 horse for a week on the trot. Whilst ignoring the real current battlefield.

Sep 14, 2020 8:31 PM
Reply to  Orhell

Your comment left me a very good impression, until …”I think the October Big Bang will be a ‘policing’ action by the UK, France, Germany” … where you lost me. And then, in the last paragraph you make great sense again.

“Russia will take back control of Ukraine”

The whole point of Russia’s NOT intervening in Ukraine all these years was to avoid a quagmire, because most people there are opposed to Russians_period_ At the same time, the internal problems of developing Russia are more than enough for Kremlin, so Putin’s priority is peace peace peace, even if pretty costly. See Andrei Martyanov’s blog for solid grounding.

“China will take control of Taiwan”

That is poised to happen sooner or later. It’s just weird to talk of timing. Even the most powerful people find themselves behind their own schedules.
The upheaval for which the populations are prepared for are more likely to be domestic ones, because you don’t need the domestic population to merely accept war, but also to be ‘trained’ and organsied in such a way that the Western oligarchs optimise their chances of winning.

Sep 14, 2020 5:28 PM

i see the tory revolt is beginning –

“A Conservative MP has resigned from the government over Boris Johnson’s plan to break international law over Northern Ireland.

Rehman Chishti, the MP for Gillingham and Rainham in Kent, said he was quitting as the government’s special envoy for freedom of religion”

you didn’t think it was about lockdown did you ……… ???

Sep 14, 2020 6:07 PM
Reply to  ron

The Tories are revolting…

Sep 14, 2020 7:15 PM
Reply to  ron

‘revolt’? very funny, You mean the far-right purge is continuing. The UK is run by the US deep state now. There is no escape.

Sep 14, 2020 5:07 PM

Betsy DeVos & James Corbett are as one on the subject of Education.

Sep 14, 2020 5:05 PM

Grouse shooting exempt from rule f 6


that’s okay then

Sep 14, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  ron

“Pull”. There’s the connection between 9/11 and Covid. I knew it. When they’re not pulling the buildings they’re shouting pull at some grunt who’s got the clay pigeons stacked for the money-grubbing, tweed trousered, double-barrelled bankers.

Sep 14, 2020 5:04 PM

Corbett, doesn’t want you-tube regulated or protected by law. He trusts oligarchs more than a democratic government.

He doesn’t realize that without democratic government, we are just sitting opposite Generals with guns or Corporate monsters with our money.

He tells us our democracy, such as it is, and corporate oligarchs are the heroes [no he doesn’t -ed]. He is telling us that oligarchs and the CIA who control You-tube are good?[no, he isn’t – ed] Be suspicious of this man.

Sep 14, 2020 6:11 PM
Reply to  jolly

Oops! I accidentally upvoted you. Silly me.

Sep 14, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  jolly

(face palm…)
Somebody buy jolly a beer. Gotta get him off that strong stuff somehow…
Clue: Certain substances can interfere with the brain’s ability to process even basic information.
I wonder what response he expected… Perhaps something like, “Yes. That’s exactly what I suspected when I first saw Corbett online. I mean, how can you trust a man who… er… who… er… who… er… does his homework, obtains facts, ties them up into an easily-intelligible whole, and makes perfect sense…?”
I know it’s silly to engage with Scandinavian cuties, and some of them really stink, but I had nothing particular to do while I drank my coffee this afternoon.

Sep 14, 2020 5:01 PM

As humanity draws ever closer to its end, the elites are running out of ways to feel superior to everyone else (it’s an Ego thing). On 9/11 they began a process guaranteed to enhance their egos – a process which has now come to fruition with COVID-19.

The process of taking away everything ordinary people base their self worth on: family, friends, health, entertainment, earning a living, expressing their opinions, and so on. These things have not completely gone yet; but each succeeding “Wave” will take away a little more, until eventually the mass of humanity will have absolutely nothing. And only the elites will have anything at all.

And the great mighty Masters of the Universe will all be laughing…all the way to the graveyard.

Sep 14, 2020 5:05 PM
Reply to  Howard

The end of US Empire is not the same as the end of Humanity. They were big but not that big.

Sep 14, 2020 6:15 PM
Reply to  Howard

All for ourselves, and nothing for other people.

Adam Smith’s vile maxim rings truer than ever.

Sep 14, 2020 6:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

There’s some comfort in the fact that when the mass of humanity has absolutely nothing, the elites will realize that they have nothing either.
I’m not a preacher, but I did learn a thing or two when I was young:
“For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul?”
Hey, who said Christianity was supposed to be easy? You’re not supposed to want to own the whole world. It’s unnatural. It’s sick. Give it up.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 14, 2020 4:49 PM

How does it end?

President Trump sits down with Judge Jeanine in exclusive interview
Fox News
Sep 13, 2020
President Trump discusses the Woodward tapes, the highly-anticipated coronavirus vaccine and national unrest on Justice with Judge Jeanine.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 14, 2020 7:36 PM

DJT (12:00): “By people that we’re looking at right now. . . They’re stupid people, too.”

Oregon Man Arrested For Starting 7 Fires; Police Recover Molotov Cocktail
Mon, 09/14/2020 – 11:05

Amid windy and worsening conditions at least 35 have died from the spate of West Coast fires which many thousands of firefighters are still busy battling. And there are still dozens of missing persons who were in the vicinity of the blazes. Meanwhile the mainstream media is busy issuing headlines like this instead of actually trying to get to the bottom of what’s behind the seeming simultaneous explosion of fires: “Oregon Officials Warn False Antifa Rumors Waste Precious Resources For Fires,” writes NPR.

And now local Portland media is reporting that a 45-year old man has been arrested for starting at least seven brush fires near a major highway: “A man arrested Sunday afternoon for allegedly starting a small brush fire along Interstate 205 was arrested again hours after he was released from jail after he allegedly started six more small fires,” according to a Portland Police statement.

See also:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 18, 2020 4:40 PM
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 25, 2020 1:55 AM
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 15, 2020 6:29 PM

DJT (14:00): “We sent in the US Marshals . . . and it ended in a gunfight. . . . That’s the way it has to be. There has to be retribution.”

The United States Marshals Service (USMS) is a federal law enforcement agency in the United States. The USMS is a bureau within the U.S. Department of Justice, operating under the direction of the Attorney General,[3] but serves as the enforcement arm of the United States federal courts to ensure the effective operation of the judiciary and integrity of the Constitution.[4] It is the oldest U.S. federal law enforcement agency created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 during the presidency of George Washington as the “Office of the United States Marshal”.[5] The USMS as it stands today was established in 1969 to provide guidance and assistance to U.S. Marshals throughout the federal judicial districts.

US Marshals deputize Oregon state police to help quell Portland riots
Sep 2, 2020
Oregon state troopers have been deputized by the US Marshals Service to help local police quell riots in Portland, authorizing troopers to charge protesters under federal law, according to reports. The move also gives the state cops law enforcement authority on federal property . . .

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 15, 2020 10:45 PM

Judge Jeanine (12:45): “When does that change?”

Maybe people needed to SEE it.

Lancaster protesters held on whopping $1 million bail each on riot charges
Sep 15, 2020

A Pennsylvania judge threw the book at several protesters accused of rioting — by setting their bail at $1 million each — in wake of the police shooting of a knife-wielding Lancaster man. Lancaster police nabbed a dozen people and one juvenile for staging the riots around 3 a.m. Monday in clashes that culminated in police deploying tear gas at the crowd.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 16, 2020 3:46 PM

DJT (13:00): “Unless you do Insurrection . . . it’s just not big enough for Insurrection. . . . You don’t need it. . . . I’d be willing to do it in a heartbeat if you needed it, but we don’t need it. Our National Guard is so good and so tough.”

The United States National Guard is part of the reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force. It is a military reserve force composed of National Guard military members or units of each state and the territories of Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, for a total of 54 separate organizations. All members of the National Guard of the United States are also members of the Organized Militia of the United States as defined by 10 U.S.C. § 246. National Guard units are under the dual control of the state governments and the federal government.

In 2006, Congress passed the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act, which gave the president the authority to mobilize National Guard units within the U.S. without the consent of state governors.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 16, 2020 6:33 PM

DJT (13:00): “Unless you do Insurrection . . .” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurrection_Act_of_1807 The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. The act provides a “statutory exception” to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States.[1][2] Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse. As part of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, these provisions are now codified as amended. There are Constitutional exceptions to Posse Comitatus restrictions rooted in the President’s own constitutional authority. Defense Department guidelines describe “homeland defense” as a “constitutional exception” to Posse Comitatus restriction, meaning that measures necessary to guarantee National Security from external threats are not subject to the same limitations. The Act empowers the U.S. president to call into service the U.S. Armed Forces and the National Guard: 1. when requested by a state’s legislature, or governor if the legislature cannot be convened, to address an insurrection against that state (§ 251), 2. to address an insurrection, in any state, which makes it impracticable to enforce the law (§ 252), or 3. to address an insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination or conspiracy, in any state, which results in the deprivation of Constitutionally-secured rights, and where the state is unable, fails, or refuses to protect said rights (§ 253). — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insurgency The United States Department of Defense (DOD) defines insurgency as this: “An organized movement… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 19, 2020 12:16 AM

Billionaires and Bolsheviks for Biden
Laura Ingraham
Sep 16, 2020
Fox News
Twin forces are propping up the Biden candidacy

Sep 14, 2020 4:41 PM

CIA: if only we could capture the anger over the 9/11 operation and redirect it against our democratic institutions and take control of our country,

Sep 14, 2020 7:28 PM
Reply to  jolly

What Democratic Institutions?

Sep 14, 2020 4:38 PM

The rest of the world made a big mistake when they let the US get away with the moon landings hoax.

I even saw Putin say it is absurd to say the moon landings never happened, or that 9/11 was a hoax. He said it was impossible that the US would murder 3,000 of it’s own people.

Either he is the most naive KGB agent in history or he is lying.

Sep 14, 2020 6:29 PM
Reply to  jolly

He is lying. Putin is not a naive man. He is actually highly intelligent, and watching him in action in interviews is usually pretty informative.
As for why he is lying: Paradoxically, that is probably simply a matter of maintaining political credibility.
Almost everybody believes the moon story. Just think what would happen if Putin made holes in it. People would wonder why Russia went along with it for such a long time, and naughty Russia would be blamed for that too. Nobody would wonder why the USA made the story up in the first place…

Sep 14, 2020 4:20 PM

Regenerative detoxification is an important concept you can also think about on a macro level. Nutrition in. Shit out. It’s a process. The important thing is to stop putting the shit in your mouth or filling your head with junk ideas from fear stream media etc. If you are nourishing with wholesome food then on balance shit will be leaving your body. There won’t be a chance for more shit to enter. This is quite a chill video to watch with lots of good info. With Regenerative Detox Specialists Mary Beth Flemming, Rita Jean Flemming, Karri Tidwell, Carrie Drinkwine.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 14, 2020 3:43 PM

I can hear the ‘Coronavirus’ jackboots outside my window already. A thunder. I’m frightened.

But Off-Guardian is obsessing over 9/11.

Sep 14, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

It’s the same people doing them. That’s relevant.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 14, 2020 3:50 PM
Reply to  Spinky

I’ve no doubt the ruling class are behind both. It doesn’t help matters.

Sep 14, 2020 4:00 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Help you ya mean. Your looking for a dopamine hit.

Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Sep 14, 2020 6:12 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Most people are not yet aware of this yet. I dare you to watch the two hour film “Incontrovertible” from beginning to end.

Sep 14, 2020 4:25 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

9/11 is a controlled subject now, rendered harmless, it can no longer do damage to the deep state. The American people are no longer interested and it’s actors are almost dead, or out of power. Exposing of 9/11 is now only useful for giving credibility to further CIA operations like the faux ‘freedom fighter’ Corbett.

Sep 14, 2020 6:34 PM
Reply to  jolly

Oh no it isn’t.
Is this flood of made-up crap a new algorithm for Windows 10?

Sep 14, 2020 6:32 PM
Reply to  Eyes Open

Why does mentioning a parallel manoeuvre have to be “obsessing”…?
I sense ill-will towards OffG here… Could I be right?

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 14, 2020 3:29 PM

So far the most plausible theory of the 9/11 operation as a joint Mossad / American neocon deep state venture:


Sep 14, 2020 3:01 PM

Arson in Oregon,
Arson in Australia,

Both states undergoing special CIA treatment at the moment. Vassal state Australia are undergoing a fascist lock-down, and Oregon are subject to a huge destructive black Ops. destruction of their city. Learn their methods, it is all so obvious.

Sep 14, 2020 2:54 PM

Greart comments from Mr. Ganser. We can only guess at the scale of operations in 2020, they will be of a 1000x greater in magnitude.

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 14, 2020 2:51 PM

The inhumane cruelty of lockdown exposed in this tweet:


Sep 14, 2020 2:42 PM

We will never be free from this Anglo-saxon tyranny because it is the Anglo-saxon criminals, who are exposing their own crimes now, in another psyop to promote the far-right as the heroes, in the final states of their 20 year coup. Heads we lose, tails we lose.

Sep 14, 2020 2:53 PM
Reply to  Goofer

what about the zio who where the tip of the spear during the event ritual
ashkanazim khazar pirates
who self identify as


everything great no worries

Sep 14, 2020 4:26 PM
Reply to  Goofer


Sep 14, 2020 2:23 PM

Since the early days of Alex Jones the CIA, and military, have controlled the release of details of their own handy work, detail of which they release to credit their enemies, namely the left and liberal political leaders who stand in the way of God’s own rightful rulers of America.

Many CIA operations are based on the burning down of the Reichstag of 1933, where they set the building ablaze and blamed the communists for the crime.
In the same way, Jones exposes the crimes of his own backers and blames them all on the democracy he hates.

Sep 14, 2020 2:01 PM

The only game in town today is American hegemony, which is backed up by a vast military industrial complex, an omnipresent surveillance machine and multiply layers of administration. It is absurd that I need to define it, but I will, because you people are in denial. US Empire has a vast propaganda capacity via its ‘think-tanks’ & universities pumping out political, economic, social & ‘scientific research’ and propaganda which it uses to influence the worlds direction of travel, in their own economic and strategic interests. That is in addition to spreading their interests via diplomacy, US/UK media, NGO’s, 5 eyes, campaign pressure groups, lobbying groups and individual CIA agents on the ground monitoring all business, military, social and political activity in its vassal states and rising competitor ‘enemy’ nations, as well as funding and disproportionate control over the UN, IMF, World Bank and OPEC via puppet its states. Add to all that the new American social media technology which has become the most valuable tool of all, surpassing the influence of the CIA on the ground, bypassing national government control and capable of turning the political mood, in any country on the planet, in a weekend, by turning their social media, search algorithms and endless ‘spiked’ videos against a hapless population. All of this is funded off the back off the primary unit of international exchange, made compulsory under threat of military or political destruction, the dollar. Set against all this raw power, you people claim there is a conspiracy called the ‘globalist agenda’, a theory which has its origins in Adolf Hitler’s own antisemitic ‘international Jewish (bankers) conspiracy’ of the 1930’s and which is now pushed by all arms of the US deep-state, who are in sympathy with the alt-right, christian, white supremacist groups in the US, who coordinate… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 1:55 PM

I see most have nice people left this site. It was inevitable, they have worked out what you really are and all we have left are your house far right trolls.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 14, 2020 2:20 PM
Reply to  Ficuos

comment image

Eyes Open
Eyes Open
Sep 14, 2020 3:39 PM
Reply to  Ficuos

It just seems to be 9/11 now.

The Left are Quislings.

John Milton
John Milton
Sep 14, 2020 4:13 PM
Reply to  Ficuos

Far right trolls… Could you provide some examples and/or define what a far right troll is from your point of view?

Just curious.

Sep 14, 2020 4:28 PM
Reply to  John Milton

I thought the trolls had stopped doing the ‘baby questions’. Seems they are still doing it.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 14, 2020 12:44 PM

Amazing 9/11 COVID-19 coincidence.

Check out the coronavirus figures on 9/11/2020.

As a commenter on the video asked:
“When do I get my 9/11 commemoration mask?”

Hexton loss
Hexton loss
Sep 14, 2020 12:56 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

How many of these videos are traps to discredit critiscism of false flags, links that lead to flat-earth or other nonsense. For the CIA the de-hoaxing has become a bigger operation than the hoaxing itself.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 14, 2020 2:57 PM
Reply to  Hexton loss

If you don’t understand how the power elite always connect their events, you really have no understanding of them.

Sep 14, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

no I don’t.

Sep 14, 2020 1:51 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

How many of these videos are traps to discredit or mislead criticism of false flags, links that lead to flat-earth or other nonsense. For the CIA the de-hoaxing operation has become a bigger operation than the hoaxing itself. How many web sites are playing the game of de-hoaxing in a dishonest way to serve another psyop.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 14, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  Ficuos

Well there’s that echo again!


Sep 14, 2020 4:29 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

when they stop censoring , I’ll stop re-posting.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 14, 2020 12:38 PM

And yet again nowhere is the BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM alluded to:

The big fat lie that 3,000 died and 6,000 were injured on 9/11.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 14, 2020 2:33 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

So according to you, there were no people in the upper floors of WTC1+2? The buildings were totally empty when they collapsed? All the first responders who have died faster than statistically average the past 20 years were just unhealthy dumbos who would have lived longer if they had lived healthier lives?

Please explain to all the families who have never seen family members since 9/11 where they have been the past 20 years.

They have to either be dead on 9/11, dead subsequently or still alive.

Why would mothers leave messages with their husbands to their children if they were going to survive? Why did they abandon their children?

You cannot go on with this denialist statementing without presenting cogent evidence as to where all these 3000 people are…..

I challenge you to actually show you are a human being with critical faculties by supplying the evidence you clearly must have in hand for you to make the ludicrous statements you have been making for years on this site….

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 14, 2020 3:34 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You do accept that they fake things, right, Rhys? So why do you think they couldn’t have faked people on the upper floors?

There is very compelling evidence that death and injury were staged so if there’s evidence that seems to contradict it we ask: can we find an explanation? Well, yes we can. They faked those people in the upper floors somehow. I don’t know how exactly but it doesn’t seem particularly difficult to me. They make Hollywood movies, they can do this stuff.

I don’t think there were 3,000 people, Rhys, there were fewer than that but I don’t know how many. There were allegedly 265 on the planes. Do you think the plane crashes were real? If not, how do we account for those 265? If you do think the plane crashes were real well then we have to go back a step.

I have put a link to my evidence for staged death and injury countless times, Rhys. Have you missed it?

And here’s a link on the case for faked plane crashes.

Sep 14, 2020 12:18 PM

This is the cunt who’s getting away with murder – Simon Stevens, CEO of the NHS


If you’ve seen the new legislation on the 6-pack you’ll know that ‘mingling’ is now an offence – THIS HAS TO STOP

Sep 14, 2020 1:49 PM
Reply to  bob

legal organ harvesting

Sep 14, 2020 11:53 AM

from cold fusion to 9 and 11
i wonder if dr jones believes in the germ theory

Sep 14, 2020 11:52 AM

Thank you so much, OffGuardian, for posting this. I do think that the 9/11 event is crucial in our understanding of what is actually happening. All of those people, architects, engineers, professionals in various fields, have taken a big risk in their lives to expose the contradictions in the official story and are heroes worthy of reverence. It takes courage to go out on a limb, and you have certainly done that by posting this, for which you have my full support!

Sep 14, 2020 11:32 AM

rising sounds talmoodick to me
co opted
arnon milchan did the medusa touch did brasil did oliver stones jfk

who is funding and fuiding guiding these folks

no christopher bollyn

limited hanging outings

around and around and around
merry go round

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 14, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  gordon

It’s all controlled opposition whether paid or unpaid.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 14, 2020 11:23 AM

You guys, here at offG, are more interested in OPERATION 9/11 than the american herd…

Sep 14, 2020 11:29 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Yep, an article on whether the American people will have their democracy stolen by American elites in November would make a refreshing change. Not calling voters ‘the herd’ would also be good.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 14, 2020 6:12 PM

That herd never had a “democracy” so there is nothing to be stolen…

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 14, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

Agreed , the Englishmen that founded the US considered their country a Constitutional Republic, where elite slave and land owners , shopkeepers, and religious extremists , controlled the political process . Today such monsters hope to introduce this on a global scale backed up technology. The notion of democracy for the masses was always a non starter in America. Plato’s Republic describes quite well the democracy sought in America even today.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Sep 14, 2020 6:14 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The Real Owners – The Secular Ruling Families…

comment image

John Fox
John Fox
Sep 14, 2020 10:52 AM

The war on ‘communism’ is as strong at home as it is overseas. Portland, Oregon the CIA’s little Venezuela. Not only have they sent in their own to destroy the city, they have engineered an ‘environmental catastrophe’, to help the biblically mined, in the US, understand that ‘socialism’ is not only a ‘crime’ against America but also against God.

Will they be brave enough to trace the arsonists back to the CIA or FBI, no, of course not.

Sep 14, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  John Fox

The FBI is covering for the arsonists, who are certainly not wearing MAGA hats. Like BLM and Antifa rioters, the arsonists want violent revolution. All Trump supporters know which side the FBI are on.


John Fox
John Fox
Sep 14, 2020 11:47 AM

The Arsonists are US military or CIA, like they were in Australia. The US deep state is in a war with Socialism and they are faking it all.

Sep 14, 2020 12:08 PM

The Arsonists are US military or CIA, like they were in Australia. The US deep state is in a war with Socialism and they are faking it all.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 14, 2020 2:45 PM
Reply to  samy

Is there an echo in here?


Sep 14, 2020 10:49 AM

In Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 3 don’t miss Daniele Ganser. Daniele Ganser draws a parallel between the wars on Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq – three wars based on lies. Not one of those countries ever attacked the U.S. nor did what the U.S. accused it of having done. How did those wars start? False flags. There’s a bit of useful background that Ganser doesn’t have time to mention. George Stephen Morrison was commander of the U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin and oversaw imaginary attacks to be blamed on Vietnam. He was the father of Jim Morrison, the lead singer of the rock band The Doors, named after Aldous Huxley’s book, The Doors of Perception. Whether Jim Morrison actually wrote the words or the music remains moot, but he dismissed any interest in politics or the anti-war movement. Two generations of Morrisons, managing perceptions: one inventing reasons for war; one inventing reasons not to resist war. (This is the research of David McGowan, not Ganser). Ganser discusses the bombings in Italy, in which right wing forces backed by Mi6 and the CIA, massacred Italian civilians in order to blame the left, forcing people into the arms of the right. Or as right-wing terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra later explained, to create disorder among the people so as to create order in the state. The Strategy of Tension – The terror wave culminated on a sunny afternoon during the Italian national holiday when on 2 August 1980 a massive explosion ripped through the waiting room of the second class at the Bologna railway station, killing 85 people in the blast and seriously injuring and maiming a further 200. “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game,” right-wing… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 11:35 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Times change; Wray’s FBI and the CIA, still not free of the communist John Brennans’s influence, now target US conservatives.

Sep 14, 2020 11:56 AM

The fact that the CIA and FBI could simultaneously be run by Brennan and Comey, both self-professed communists, is a clue that the powers that appointed those two clowns don’t care what affiliation they, you or we have.

That’s how they could finance the regimes in Moscow, Berlin and Beijing – which they incontrovertibly did.

Sep 14, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

do you know what communism means?

Sep 14, 2020 4:52 PM
Reply to  samy

Stalin, Lenin and Trtsky wore shoes. They were all communists. Therefore anyone who wears shoes can be considered a communist.

Sep 14, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  samy

Yes I do. More than you. Unless you’ve done at least one Marxist revolution in the 1970s, lived under its opposite – a fascist military dictatorship in the 1960s – and spent a decade working in Russia.

Oh and I also have a son who lost his great grandparents in the Stalin purges. Not that I have anything against the Stalin, you understand.

Play it again, Samy.

Sep 14, 2020 5:15 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Exactly right Moneycircus, my compliments…

John Fox
John Fox
Sep 14, 2020 10:38 AM

For many Europeans it is difficult to get a handle on US politics because it makes very little sense in the history of political thought. It is full of contradictions and irrationalities. To get a grip on some of these contradictions, I recommend this discussion of US populist of the 19th Century. You just need to accept US politics thought just doesn’t make sense.

The American Populists: In Our TimeMelvyn Bragg and guests discuss the C19th MidWest and Southern farmers’ struggle for a better deal, claiming they suffered while industry and railroads thrived at their expense.


Sep 14, 2020 11:44 AM
Reply to  John Fox

US politics is no more irrational than that of other nations. Power-freak elitists try to keep political power and institutions out of the hands of ordinary plebs, populists like Trump try to restore democracy and power to the demos. Think remainers in the UK, refusing to let ordinary people decide their own political destiny, and supporting the anti-democratic, anti-populist, very corrupt politicians in Brussels against their own compatriots. If you accept that most people love their nation and its freedom while elitists love globalist ideology and power over the dumb herd, politics makes perfect sense.

Sep 14, 2020 12:24 PM

The US have been creating fascist coups like this around the world for decades. They take local millionaires, billionaire and corruptible politicians, give them support, money and media backing to take power, and prepare for US corporate take over, under the banner of deregulation and ‘liberal’ economic policies. That is what Brexit is, a far right US coup, like so many in south America and around the world. If the US can damn a people to years of torture and murder in a fascist coup over banana contracts in Guatemala, then they can sure as hell destroy the UK to weaken the EU’s unity against US trade & economic demands

John Fox
John Fox
Sep 14, 2020 10:19 AM

‘Trump holds ‘Great American Comeback’ campaign event in Nevada’

Who is the more scary Trump or Biden? I really can’t decide.

Sep 14, 2020 10:21 AM
Reply to  John Fox

Biden hands down.

John Fox
John Fox
Sep 14, 2020 10:28 AM
Reply to  JoeC

I put trumps speech up from yesterday, so people could see what he is really proposing. He is peppering his speech with some of the most anti-democratic policies I’ve ever heard. Censorship, disenfranchisement, police abuse, militarism etc…Trump is without doubt a fascist in waiting. Biden is not much better but there is no good in either of them.

Sep 14, 2020 10:51 AM
Reply to  John Fox

It’s not even a case of the lesser of two evils, John. Biden is not in control of his faculties which means that others must be for him. Trump is Trump. Biden is anyone’s guess.

John Fox
John Fox
Sep 14, 2020 10:58 AM
Reply to  JoeC

I doubt Trump’s or Biden’s faculties will make much difference to the running of the country, They are just vassals of two different flaviours of tyranny.

The aims are the same but the route and flavors are different. Obama and Bush were owned by the same criminals.

Sep 14, 2020 12:01 PM
Reply to  John Fox

Without reason and evidence to support it, saying ‘The aims are the same’ is just silly speculation or slander. And obviously untrue. For example, Trump famously opposes the Chinese communists, open borders, lockdowns and endless wars in the Middle East (looks like he’s finally about to get US forces out of Afghanistan). Biden opposes none of these things.


Sep 14, 2020 1:46 PM

The results are the same, the methods are different. It takes a very ‘special’ person to believe that Trump is on the peoples side, after 4 years of his rule.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 14, 2020 2:39 PM
Reply to  Ficuos

I don’t even think the methods differ.
Only the rhetoric does.

Sep 14, 2020 4:40 PM
Reply to  Ficuos

Well, is there any hope then? Seems not.

Sep 14, 2020 11:49 AM
Reply to  John Fox

Post the comments and we can judge for ourselves, rather than depend on your hearsay

Sep 14, 2020 12:41 PM

You are clearly a far-right propagandist and I am sick of reading your BS.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 14, 2020 1:01 PM
Reply to  samy

Yes, Langley-Land propaganda is sickeningly tawdry.

Sep 14, 2020 4:36 PM
Reply to  John Fox

I think the difference is that Trump is looking to solve an obvious problem. It is not just a power grab. The sinister thing about Biden is that we have no idea who is behind him. He obviously would not be in charge. Would it be the Deep State? Globalists? The Chinese? Maybe all of them. Probably all 8f them. Then it truly would be the end of freedom as we know it.

Sep 14, 2020 11:46 AM
Reply to  John Fox

It depends if you prefer establishment puppets or not. Do both candidate belongs to the military industrial complex?

Sep 14, 2020 12:41 PM

yes of course they both do.

Sep 14, 2020 4:43 PM
Reply to  samy

No hope then.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 14, 2020 8:04 PM
Reply to  John Fox

Is this a spoof?

It’s Time To Settle.
Settle for Biden is a grassroots group of former Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supporters who recognize Joe Biden’s flaws but know that our nation will not survive four more years of Donald Trump.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 14, 2020 8:21 AM

Seriously getting turned off by off-g, another 9/11 article I cant be fucked with. the last one garnered just over 20 commnets by folk who could be fucked and a few by those who couldnt be fucked, the last UK based article published here got over 270 comments.

If the Americans have taken over or as I guess the yanks believe they own fucking everything then folk will disappear from here, I certainly wont come back here. huge developments happening in the UK are being ignored, So why should I or anyone else bother?

Fuck 9/11 biggest shit to deal with and in the UK too.

this is a 77th Brigade troll account attempting some crassly obvious crowd-manipulation. – Admin

Sep 14, 2020 9:05 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Bye, then.

Sep 14, 2020 9:15 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Your moniker is quite interesting – in the UK it’s a word we use for the water closet. Toilet, loo and the place where one defecates are other terms in frequent use.

Sep 14, 2020 9:15 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Event Covid and 9/11 are the same thing. The Powers That Be would like use to forget that. It’s easier to confuse people when everything seems random, each event disconnected.

Don’t try to analyse Event Covid from the ground up: that’s just reinventing the wheel. This is continuity. Continuity of Government.

Spot the pattern instead.

The War on Terror has morphed into war on us. We have become the terrorists. That is the evolution from 9/11 to Event Covid.

WW3 started 19 years ago and the 9/11 was the start of it all. The kids coming out of school have never known peace. Covid-19 is as much a false flag as can be.

In the middle ages the conspiracy theorists were called heretics and burned at the stake. We are the heretics of our time. We are telling the truth and we are thinking the forbidden thoughts.

Before we sneer at the seventeenth century church, consider that today you cannot even criticize the concept of Americanism. “Science is breaking down. We are past evidence. In some ways we have been bombed back before Galileo and 9/11 is a prime example of that. Anyone can count to three. There were two airliners and three buildings.” — Niels Harrit.

What stops people processing what happened on 9/11 and in Event Covid? Homo sapiens is tribal, right down to the genes. It hurts us to realize that the person we have given responsibility for our security betrays us. It is physically painful. You retreat from that thought and you go along with the other sheep in the tribe.

Credit to Niels Harrit for most of the above, on day two of the Justice Rising conference.

I wrote up the highlights here.

Sep 14, 2020 12:11 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“You cannot even criticise the concept of Americanism”. But the Guardian, OffG, and 99% of posts here endlessly blame the USA for all global problems and events! (I assume that’s what you mean by the term ‘Americanism’, which is a new one for me). But I think it’s true to say that no-one here ever criticises Islamist terrorists or Chinese communism and concentration camps. Except me, that is.

Sep 14, 2020 12:50 PM

The only game in town today is American hegemony, which is backed up by a vast military industrial complex, an omni-present surveillance machine and multiply layers of administration. It is absurd that I need to define it, but I will, because you people are in denial. US Empire has a vast propaganda capacity via its ‘think-tanks’ & universities pumping out political, economic, social & ‘scientific research’ and propaganda which it uses to influence the worlds direction of travel, in their own economic and strategic interests. That is in addition to spreading their interests via diplomacy, US/UK media, NGO’s, 5 eyes, campaign pressure groups, lobbying groups and individual CIA agents on the ground monitoring all business, military, social and political activity in its vassal states and rising competitor ‘enemy’ nations, as well as funding and disproportionate control over the UN, IMF, World Bank and OPEC via puppet its states. Add to all that the new American social media technology which has become the most valuable tool of all, surpassing the influence of the CIA on the ground, bypassing national government control and capable of turning the political mood, in any country on the planet, in a weekend, by turning their social media, search algorithms and endless ‘spiked’ videos against a hapless population. All of this is funded off the back off the primary unit of international exchange, made compulsory under threat of military or political destruction, the dollar. Set against all this raw power, you people claim there is a conspiracy called the ‘globalist agenda’, a theory which has its origins in Adolf Hitler’s own antisemitic ‘international Jewish (bankers) conspiracy’ of the 1930’s and which is now pushed by all arms of the US deep-state, who are in sympathy with the alt-right, christian, white supremacist groups in the US, who coordinate… Read more »

Sep 14, 2020 12:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

‘What stops people processing what happened on 9/11 and in Event Covid? Homo sapiens is tribal, right down to the genes. It hurts us to realize that the person we have given responsibility for our security betrays us. It is physically painful. You retreat from that thought’

I wonder what accounts for those of us who do process “covid” & “9-11” and realize the betrayal.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 14, 2020 9:25 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

Well I s’pose so. But OffG seem to me to be the only site (well, the only one I’m aware of) that takes a skeptical view of COVID and has been astonishingly prolific in the articles it has produced. (If there are other such sites, I’d like to know.)

On the other side (i.e. mainstream left) it seems to me that you get a bit of echoing of the mainstream media i.e. “Oh my God we’re all gonna die of COVID!” albeit with a “dissenting spin” as in “Boris and Trump are so incompetent!” etc. But the only such site you could describe as prolific is the WSWS which daily reaches ever greater levels of hyperbole.

So the upshot is that I’m glad to have OffG.

Sep 14, 2020 3:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If OffG is the only site to take a sceptical view of COVID of which you are aware, then you must be avoiding the many independent, non-leftist sites like Infowars, Breitbart etc, which are all very sceptical about authoritarian politicians and globalists using a real virus and pandemic to gain much more control over plebs and democracy. If you do so because you were told they are ‘rightwing’ or fake news, you’ve been played. Alternatively, the kind of scepticism you seek and find at OffG is indeed rare. As far as I can tell, the most common view here is that the virus isn’t real.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 14, 2020 6:07 PM

One leftist skeptical site is this one:


Others might include Dissident Voice and John Steppling.

Sep 14, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

9/11 and Covid are from the same playbook. We only need to prove one of the big lies and at the moment we have evidence piling up on 9/11 after almost 20 years. If we pull it off we can deal with this bigger shit you refer to. Their currency is trust and we need to devalue it. This conference is all about doing that. Then again if you can’t be bothered then fuck off.

Sep 14, 2020 11:34 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

hey pr
i met your dad in the 1970s
hr puff and stuff

Sep 14, 2020 11:58 AM
Reply to  P R Ivy

9/11 is central to the whole ‘war on terror’ narrative that has caused so much misery for so many. To examine its veracity is the responsibility of any media outlet which professes to exist for the purpose of providing truthful information. This is exactly what OffGuardian is doing, unlike the Guardian, which simply parrots the party line with a liberal veneer – completely fake in every respect.

Sep 14, 2020 4:47 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

I think the is because they have chosen to cover this conference about 9/11. I believe that 9/11 and Covid are about international politics and broadly of interest. Come back next week.

P R Ivy
P R Ivy
Sep 14, 2020 8:28 PM
Reply to  P R Ivy

to admin sophie or sam


scroll down to the comments, as said I am DragonsBreath, I left a message for you both at the end of a post I did earlier in the day, also check out my other posts there, if anything you guys should award me an award, most if not all the information i have conveyed there in the past which you can easily check, has come from this website, I am much calmer now but make no mistake I am still angry at what you have done. Please in future think it through rather than just assume what inside your head is correct as that would save us all a lot of trouble.