Who was that masked man?
Michael Lesher
Hello, my fellow Americans. I’m Joe Biden. Remember me? You may have heard of me from time to time over the past months – especially after my opponents in the Democratic primaries were all bullied into dropping out of the race to ensure I’d be the nominee. That made the process a lot simpler, don’t you think? We all like simple things. I know I do.
Well, today I’m happy to announce that, based on poll results, I expect very soon to be elected to the United States Senate. What’s that? Oh – I meant to say, to the presidency of Delaware. No, no, of the country. Yes, the whole country, the United States! That’s what I said the first time, isn’t it?
I’m sure you know that this victory comes after a hard-fought presidential campaign. And I want to personally thank each and every one of you who chipped in something to the fund to help keep me here in my basement, talking to you by long-distance video with this mask over my face even while nobody else is around – just to show you how much I care.
Actually, I can’t personally thank each of you, because I can’t see anybody down here in the basement. But that’s okay; money doesn’t mean much to me, except when I’m doing favors for the credit card companies or getting cushy jobs for my son Hunter. So why should your money mean anything to you?
Besides, everybody knows where I get my money. But I’ll say it again anyway: I haven’t taken one red cent from the Russkies, unlike some presidents I could name – not that I’m going to say which bastard I have in mind, because that wouldn’t be polite. And if you think I’m not being polite right now – do you, Fats? Well then, how’d you like to do some push-ups with me? See, I’m in great shape. Come to think of it, that reminds me of something else I don’t like about that bastard I’m too polite to name. But I can’t remember what it was now.
About this mask. I wear it over my face because every loyal American should know that the most important thing we can all do right now is to stay safe. And that’s just what I’ve been doing – staying safe in my basement, going out as little as possible to where I might have to debate someone (I won’t say who) or to give a speech to a live audience without cue cards. So you see, I’m living proof that staying safe is good for you. For me, it’s a part of the way my team is fixing – I mean, winning this election.
For you, it may mean losing your job and your health insurance, going hungry, and living under house arrest without having committed a crime. But we all do our part in our different ways.
In a couple of months, I’m going to swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. And that’s another reason I wear this mask. You see, the orders requiring you to dress like mummies all violate the Constitution – something I’m sure you’d know if the liberal newspapers ever told you about it. We didn’t want to bother with that pesky process of asking your elected representatives if they liked the idea of making you muzzle yourselves.
So, just like everything else we wanted you to do since this election cycle got going, we had the masks ordered by a bunch of state governors who agreed it was time to get rid of “democracy” for the good of the country – which is all we care about. I mean, all those wild stories about a Killer Virus helped us see to it that you’d stay safe at home, keeping out of dangerous things like politics so that I could become President, instead of that overweight bast…well, you know who I mean.
Hell, I might have actually lost the election if it hadn’t been for that story in March claiming that a million Americans were certain to die of COVID19 within a few months. Okay, it wasn’t true, but it certainly made people more willing to give up their rights.
Anyway, the bottom line is that forcing people to wear masks required pretty much the overthrow of this country’s system of law. And if that doesn’t tell you how important the mask is, I don’t know what does.
Why, it’s more important than the Constitution, more important than democracy, more important than the “separation of powers” that used to prevent people like me from becoming dictators. It’s even more important than the Bill of Rights, that old piece of paper that says Americans have freedoms no one can take away without due process of law.
Amazing, isn’t it? And would you believe it, I know folks who actually refuse to wear a mask! Some people just don’t know what’s good for them.
As for me, I wear my mask proudly. And not just because it prevents you from seeing my whole face. The mask tells everybody what I stand for. Remember when I praised Strom Thurmond, the Senate’s leading segregationist, because, I said, he had made sure black people could go to prison for possessing “a piece of crack cocaine no bigger than this quarter”?
Well, back then that was the safe thing to do. Now it’s safer to pretend that I never said things like that. So I’m consistent: I always put safety first.
It’s the same thing with this virus. It’s not safe to let people walk where they want and say what they like unless you can expect them all to vote Democratic. Why, I’ve even opposed the idea of Americans going to the polls at all – because that’s not safe either. Yeah, I know we had normal voting in the middle of the Hong Kong Flu pandemic back in 1968. But in those days, we thought Hubert Humphrey might actually win in an honest vote.
I mean, that fellow could talk! Without even stealing another politician’s phrases, or borrowing another person’s history. Oh – it looks like somebody else wrote those last words onto my cue card. Scratch that part.
These days, I’m staying safe by never doing anything that won’t make rich people even richer. That’s why, seven months ago, I supported the giveaway of trillions of dollars to Big Business and the tanking of the economy for just about everybody else. Yes, it’s true that the other guy – you know, that guy in the White House – supported the giveaway too. But there’s a big difference between us. You can’t trust him. I mean, have you taken a good look at his hair? But you can trust me.
You see, I’ve come to save you from yourselves. I hate to put it like this, but if you guys weren’t all a bunch of good-for-nothing dopes, you would never have elected that – you know who – in the first place. So it’s obvious that we can’t mess around with any more nonsense like personal freedoms or representative government.
Now it’s time for masks – to remind every one of you that your fellow citizens are the greatest threats to your safety in the whole world, that what we used to call democracy, or community politics, is really bioterrorism.
Look at it this way: either you give up everything you’ve always been taught to believe in – the Bill of Rights, democracy, the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law – or else there’s a chance, a small chance but still a chance, that you might catch a flu. And good heavens, if you do catch one, you’ll only have, at least, a 99.8% chance of survival! Now that’s an easy choice to make, don’t you think?
So thank you for making me your next President. Yes, I know there are some people who say we won’t really know the outcome of the election until after the election. But that’s doing things the old-fashioned way. You read the papers, don’t you? This election has already been settled by the media, by the public intellectuals, by the experts. You don’t have anything to do with it, really. I’m going to be President because that’s the way it has to be – or else there wouldn’t be a happy ending.
You see it, don’t you? As I’m saying all this, there’s a bad guy trying to blow up Washington, and I’m the Lone Ranger. Don’t I look like him, kind of? Right now we’re almost at the end of the episode, the music is playing fast, the fuse on the powder keg is burning lower and lower, and I’m riding to the rescue…. Hiyo, Silver!
Make sure you stay home and don’t see me on Inauguration Day!
And don’t forget that mask!
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – will be published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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We deceive ourselves if we think that a vote or a poll is sacrosanct. Neither is honest, and we don’t know which variant of theatre we’ll be shown next.
It’s even possible we’ll be treated to a little pretend civil disturbance: Biden could be shown winning, and Trump refusing to accept it & mayhem or at least legal distraction following. Reason I think this is possible: Trump’s a blabbermouth, and on at least two occasions I’ve heard him make cutesy suggestions “Well, what if I don’t leave?” in response to the possibility of losing the election. This was a couple years back, and made me wonder if that’s one of the plays TPTB are considering scripting for us.
Things heating up in Naples. Is it time for covid pushers to start shitting themselves?
Notice how covid seems to be getting worse the closer we get to the USA election. Notice how it seems to be getting worse since Trump recovered and told people not to fear it.
Same thing happened with masks. Nobody anywhere cared about masks even in the worst times of this covid scam early on till Trump said he didn’t care for them.
One man has the worlds leftist Marxist commies in a panic!
If the expected script is followed, here’s what will happen:
Trump will (re)contract COVID and he will be down on his knees begging for forgiveness from the mighty COVID god. He will weep in his ICU with possible jets of blood spurting out the side. The MSM along with their ever present Leftist fellators will scream in triumph as the inevitable logic of lockdown proceeds inexorably and the now permanent mournful talking heads of doom will be wagging their accusatory fingers to the strains of background screaming.
Ditto Van Morrison.
Anyone else daring to doubt will be offered similar “offers you can’t refuse”.
Do you actually believe Groper Joe is a leftist Marxist commie?
Yea, weird that in the UK there was this huge proliferation of terrorist attacks running up to the General Election. Those Islamist fundamentalists were rather politically savvy.
He starts out by literally saying, “I shit on the stand.” How can anyone not vote for this man after seeing this?!
From the 14+ minute speech at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oihV9yrZRHg
Read the priceless comments. I don’t know about you but, this brilliant piece notwithstanding, I’m sold.
Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear:
The Lone Ranger Rides again!
CRIMINAL-IN-CHIEF The masked bandito’s running mate is COVID. Without the hysteria of the coronavirus Biden’s poll ratings would be undetectable, you’d need a magnifying glass to see them. But lack of popularity is not a consideration for either Wall Street or the security state, since Biden’s purpose was very clear–block Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination and then provide a segue for the Kamala Harris Presidency. You’ve got to admire the chutzpah of the crooked Dem’s in shoving unappealing Joe down the throats of the electorate. Biden was one of the most unpopular candidates during the primaries. In fact, the two most undesirable candidates magically rose to the top of the ticket. In just 72 hours James Clyburn, the state-run mainstream media news, and Barack Obama turned the Democratic Primaries upside down dismantling Bernie’s candidacy and establishing Biden as the fait accompli nominee. This amazing feat started with Clyburn in South Carolina where Biden miraculously won by a landslide, in a state which is NEVER won by Dems in a general election. However, that win became the tipping point at which the mainstream media news chimed in non-stop saying: “Biden is the only candidate that can beat Trump.” Sort of how they continuously mention COVID, holding Trump personally responsible for each and every death. However, what really helped the Dems was that Bernie turned out to be a cowardice sellout, who was more than willing to go along with the scam. A pity for all the millions of kids who put so much effort into his campaign, and for all those working-class folks and debt ridden students contributing the little money they had hoping for real structural change. Be that as it may, it was still pretty ballsy to shove, Biden, such an unappealing politician down the throat of voters. But the security state knew what we all since… Read more »
Can’t find anything to disagree with that analysis.
Today the Groaniad is pushing the story that Bozo the Clown is waiting to see if Biden wins before deciding on a hard BrexShit or not!
Of course he is 🤣🤣🤣
Truth being that a Trump re-election guarantees the Russiagate Coup Conspirators getting their just desserts- that is the US/U.K. DeeoState goons and their political toadies like Bozo, when he was at the FO overseeing the con job being perpetrated against the elected potus, by the outgoing potus, and BIDEN, for the Would-be Queen of America!
Biden /Bozo are joined at the hip by their DS 5*1 eyed imperial overlords.
A hard BrexShit is guaranteed with Sleazy Joes win – it was planned and executed under the Dems, don’t forget.
Biden saying he would do anything because of the Belfast Treaty (GFA) is just lies, to woo the Irish American vote.
But that’s politics innit?
Lies for Votes.
“Trump re-election guarantees the Russiagate Coup Conspirators getting their just desserts.” It would be fun watching those snakes squirm.
“First you advocate for the destruction, devastation, and genocide of a country and its population, and then you secure a government contract for your brother to rebuild it”
So, who is the butcher of Baghdad?
The globalist Bush family is numero uno, but we also must mention the criminal Clintons who starved 500,000 Iraqi children, and of course Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama-Biden who expanded all of Bush’s war.
Yes, and they acted on intelligence concocted by the Five-Blue-Eyes in conjunction with their Israeli friends.
Some had hazel eyes.
But not the “state-run” media. It’s run by the billionaires, through the boards of directors of the SIX major media companies. There were more than 200 such companies in the 70s, but the FCC has allowed this monopolization of media– just like the FDA allowing so many harmful and ineffective drugs.
The”political leaders” and would-be leaders of the developed countries are mostly co-opted by the powerful Deep State International. We are many and can take back political control– but only if we acknowledge the real villains behind it all. Bernie was largely helpless– unless he wanted to be dead.
I say: great satirical article, no?
Multinational corporations own the MSM, but these companies work hand-in-glove with the security state. This was revealed more than 50 years ago by the Church Committee. Nothing has changed, it has only become more overt.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich says Youtube and Google to face “very serious battle here in a German court”.
I wish him luck, but the old trick of totally ignoring such people usually seems to work…
Remember all publications must place a warning before any content containing signs of a lock down. Even if there is the slightest sign of pharma spammers bullying people in the comments the content must be prefaced with a warning of the signs of a lock down. Youtube are promoting links to the WHO and CDC so are flagrantly flouting the SOALD warning requirements.
A brilliant interview. It‘s music to my ears too. Thank you for posting it.
Does he like to walk alone in the wood?
Does he have any health condition? What makes these conditions worse?
If Joe Biden had cancer, MS, ALS, Diabetes, or any other serious, debilitating disease, would it be OK to make fun of that, also?
When did it become OK, even fashionable, to joke about dementia?
I’m 66 years old. I’ve grown up watching and enjoying political satire, but the past four years in the United States have become utterly reprehensible.
I have commented on this, and other boards, over the past 7 months and it is obvious that I am non-partisan, in that I do not trust one thing my govt says, and I do not think one can serve in Washington DC without being hugely compromised.
So my feelings about absolute lack of any boundary or decorum of any kind has not to do with allegiance to a political party.
Specific to the present, if you know anyone who suffers with dementia then, I imagine, you know it is not something to joke about.
I find it appalling.
Under normal circumstances I would fully agree, but it is different when the obviously incompetent is standing for president and holding himself out to be competent. This is an instance where the power structure is using an incompetent as a screen behind which to seize absolute power, normal considerations go out the window.
Likewise they did it behind the screen with Reagan’s dementia. The Reagan regime was run by Dick Cheney. Likewise Cheney ran the regime of halfwit Shrub Bush. These days the POTU$A is a mere puppet.
Reagan was a brainiac compare to this one if I recall… there are spectrums… anyway we only had the MSM then
Yes, Reagan could flash a cheery smile and deliver a quip. So could Thatcher, after they had her teeth fixed. But they were the first of the puppets, pulled by strings and voiced like Popo to sing tenor and soprano the same hymn to Mammon.
If you’ve got dementia you shouldn’t stand for a political position, period.
I wanted to write so much more……Trump sickens me….. but so does all of congress……
The lack of a viable candidate drove Biden to run. Bernie had no chance. Biden had already archived his political files and was basically retired. He knew it was time……then came Bernie……. and …….TDS……..
Otherwise, he was done……..He is anyway……
Undoubtedly, he will stroke out within a year…….
I viewed your article as matter of fact and not focused any aging condition….
Everyone’s got their thing. All the “thing” does is cloud judgement. That’s the problem with our country. Everyone is too focused on “their thing”, instead of the “thing”. The thing is “The Country”. Biden is incapable. Plain and simple.
“You know, that thing”………
Just sayin…….
When u said Troll, were you introducing yourself
Nor if you are a corrupt liar… I think his dementia is the least of our problems
It’s really not appalling. People have seriously, honestly and respectfully tried to bring to the attention of the American voters that Joe Biden should not be standing for President because of what appears to be dementia. All to absolutely no avail.
So those who do not want a man unfit for executive decisions making those decisions anyway have had to fall back to the gutter to make people aware of the enormous problem posed by Mr Biden’s condition.
While it’s certainly true that the nation’s really important decisions are made behind the scenes by the real rulers; it’s also true that sometimes – not often but sometimes – the President actually has to make an important decision. Shouldn’t he or she exhibit a minimal understanding at such times?
What I find truly appalling is that it’s come to this – to a time when it no longer matters if the President of the world’s most powerful nation is capable of being President.
Howard, I understand and respect a thoughtful opinion as your own. Most people do not refer to Joe Biden’s dementia in anywhere near a thoughtful way.
And I agree with your opinion that the figure-head, which I believe is all the United States President is, unfortunately, should be competent and possess reasonable faculties – but what I keep coming back to is – I don’t believe it is right, honorable or decent to make fun of and joke about a condition like dementia.
I don’t care who is suffering from it.
I find making fun of dementia as bad as anything the men and women I’ve been railing against for 8 months have said.
I made a decision that when I see it on sites that I read I am going to speak up about it.
In any case, Howard, thank you for your reasonable and thoughtful response.
Your empathy is misguided. A corrupt politician who should never even have entered the primaries is what is being attacked.
I’m thrilled I have empathy, however misguided.
And his corruption is not what is being attacked – which I would not care about – his illness is.
His lack of capability is being attacked. Even if he was “all there” he was never capable. Never will be. Just an old well groomed politician only interested in himself and his close-knit family. All of Congress is the same. Empathy should not be part of this equation. He is, Truly, afraid of death from Covid. And he is hiding. Literally hiding. This group. This “think tank”…….has worked the Scandemic over pretty hard because of what it is. A scam. How can anyone in this group have any respect or empathy for Biden. The man has lived a full (but corrupted) life. It is ending. Everyone’s does. He made a bad decision to run and his colleagues let him. Those people need the empathy. TDS clouded their judgement.
We also make fun of death Judith, that is until the last day… Try to find joy. Don’t get upset over things as much as you can. This is not time to militate. I imagine you must be scared and depressed. Treat yourself well and try to see that people are not bad… God bless.
Bidden is an asshole. Don’t you go voting for him out of sympathy now…
Thanks, Theobalt. I don’t vote in elections anymore. Sad. So I will not be voting for Biden.
And it’s not just the joking about Dementia, an opinion for which I still stand by, it’s the level to which this country has sunk to.
I don’t think I am being militant. (except against the mask and covidmania restrictions). I am just expressing my very strong opinion.
I blame the DNC for putting Mr Biden in the position of being a laughing stock. You may recall he was written off as a viable candidate very early on – until all the backroom deals brought him to the Convention with enough delegates to win on the first ballot.
Even though there is a trail of corruption a mile wide behind Joe Biden, I haven’t forgotten that he lost his first wife and infant daughter in a car accident. I absolutely refuse to accept that ANYONE is so corrupt they would not be scarred by such a tragedy.
It’s things like Mr Biden’s tragic loss that make us older Americans (I’m 76) valuable additions to the political commentary.
I feel the same, Howard, on all points.
If Biden does indeed suffer from dementia it does seem cruel to have forced him into the candidacy.
But then it appears that cruelty is the behavior du jour.
Corruption is Biden’s other shortcoming, but media is choosing to ignore this. God save us all if he should win.
Er… God save us all anyway dear… “They” have always won… Presidents have had nothing to do with it…
you are free to read the guardian instead. good bye and don’t forget your mask.
Funny, sweet death, you must not have been around here for the past 6 months when I have shared many an anecdote about not wearing a mask.
Haven’t worn one since this thing began, except for the few times it was absolutely necessary. And I’m out and about a lot.
Have written rather extensively about how I feel regarding the tyranny going on.
So, I’m not sure what you’re getting on about.
Also, I did not say “Good Bye” to anyone, so unless you know something I don’t, I guess I’ll see you on the next go round.
Never read The Guardian, but thanks for the suggestion.
Coming from a suicidal stand point, I suppose you could be nasty to old people for such little reason, but I just don’t see it
“When did it become OK, even fashionable, to joke about dementia?” When Joe Biden decided it was ok to run for President,even though he has dementia.
I disagree.
I understand where you are coming from, but maybe think a little about where others are coming from. They might be triggered by things you are not triggered by. My stepmother was a horrible alcoholic who made life hell for myself and my sister. My father completely abandoned and abused us by catering to her over our needs and interests. She later covered up his dementia. My father still had incredible power and privelege because then his friends covered for his dementia. Now that she is dead and his dementia is so advanced, my sister and I are left to care for a man who abused, neglected, and gas-lighted us since we were 10 and 6. My father’s behaviour was/is like Biden’s, but Biden of course has far more power. Biden has been a corrupt politician for most of his career, and now he is set to become the abuser and gas-lighter in chief, his dementia being enabled by his wife and his handlers. My and my sister’s life story can be multiplied by a huge number of adult children with similar life-stories all over the US. From our point of view, my sister and I are living a nightmare and are about to see it repeated on a national basis.
Emily, I am sorry for what you are going through with your dad. I have my own family experiences so I know what you are referring to.
It is the joking about the disease I find appalling. Nothing will change that.
That Mr. Biden is running for office with dementia says more about his handlers and the Democratic Party. And the Democratic Party is a lost cause as far as I am concerned. As is the Republican party.
I have no illusions about govt corruption. I have no loyalty to any or either major party. This has nothing to do with politics for me.
I think some of the joking might be a kind of gallows humour – my sister and I certainly engage in it occasionally. It is a coping mechanism for us. No loyalty to either party here, as well.
I understand that, Emily. My mother had dementia/alzheimer’s. She did provide us with some good laughs. She was fortunate in that she passed before she became bed-ridden and comatose. Of course, we were fortunate in that respect, also. I know the dichotomy of caring for parents given the history. It’s dystopian in itself. But in the end, as painful as it was, I’m glad I was there.
I agree Judith
Thanks, Tish. Maybe you had the same experience? A lot of us do.
Yes Judith my mum too. She went to the bitter end….horrific ! I am glad I was with her when she went as well.
I was with both parents when they passed. I consider myself lucky to have been able to be there.
It’s what angers me most about this current insanity. That families are not able to be with their loved ones when they pass. I think it is criminal. And the elders who are in nursing homes and not able to have visitors. I cannot believe there wasn’t some way through all these months that provisions could not have been made.
We can put chips into people to track and trace but we can’t figure out a way to let people be together safely?
It’s more than criminal it’s evil, Judith
Don’t shop at Walmart. They will throw you out if you don’t have mask (at least if they notice). I never wore one in there and they rarely raised a stink. But the last time some giant BLM advocate(i’m sure) decided to get in mine and my girlfriends faces yelling at us to get out then complained to the manager so that was that. No more Walmart for me. Let them lose revenue.
Lol… the kids at McDonalds are getting pretty Nazi like as well… they love it… after being yelled my instructions by a “traffic controller”… stay here, over the nose, squirt that poison on your hands now!!… I simply started to yell my order at the terrified little cashier… asking her to repeat, rolling my eyes when she forgot one burger.. etc… I didn’t plan this, big dude just had put me in that mood… He left me alone for the order receiving route, harassing everyone else instead… I mean, being kicked out of McDo is a favour to me really… I would just had to cook something at home… either way
Looks like there was a bit of a party in camden town last night.
Following women and filming them followed by empty streets, bicycling on pavement by cameraman with foreign accent – what are we supposed to be looking at?
If one thinks Orange Hair Bozo is bad, just read what they say about Groper Joe, who wants to strap cancer causing face diapers on us.
The masking of faces can be likened to the traditional black hoods thrown over the heads of those about to be hanged. The hood did nothing to protect the accused. It’s purpose was to hide the prisoners face from the executioner.
Your police and military operatives have wives or husbands, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and next door neighbors. Invite them over for a beer or perhaps dinner. Get in their faces and let them know they are not going to be your hired butchers…
Authorities have no power without the acquiescence of the People. Quit buying the bullcrap.
Flatten the tires of the gestapo (both personal and state related). It will slow them down.
Highly recommend this video with Tony Hillier a Canadian MPP. In the first 20 minutes he goes into the specifics of what happened in the long term care centers in Canada.
He gets into the details of the administrative aspects of how direct decisions were made that brought about the slaughter of thousands in nursing homes. Those mass deaths of the elderly were not simply brought on by medical malpractice, though there was plenty of that, there decidedly was not some aberrant viral event, these deaths were caused by the result of calculated policy directives that were made. These very same policy directives, or some variant of, were pushed forth and followed in numerous locales across the globe resulting in the piling up of bodies throughout care centers.
These decisions need to be investigated everywhere they occurred and the course of those directives needs to be exposed.
Sorry folks but this was not just sheer “stupidity” or “accidental.” These were crimes.
Thank you so much for that link. Both sections – Randy Hillier and Denis Rancourt – are invaluable. Rancourt’s explanation of the sharp rise in mortality and yet the usual annual mortality answers the question that has been asked of me ad nauseam. An essential video – especially for Canadians.
Without the links provided by commenters (I’m thinking also of Cindy Sheehan’s blog on Joe Biden and the Iraq War) I would either remain ignorant or spend every waking hour searching for what truth is still available to us.
And it has been repeated over and over again in so many countries in the West. It is just hear-rending to see the elderly treated in this way …
The same in Canada, Italy, US, Australia …
Is this a global coordinated slaughter campaign to get rid of some of the elderly?
Conveniently, protesting is banned. I guess, what is happening in nursing homes alone deserve an uprise to get rid of these governments.
Amazing Debate on Lockdown Ideology versus Scientific Approach
I got ten seconds into this limited hangout discussion to where John Lee starts with: “At the very beginning of the epidemic . . .”
There was no epidemic!
Prof.Lee was just being tactful, before going on to say that even if there is an epidemic it looks like normal flu and it is doing much less harm than Lockdown.
Agreed. He’s a pretty good spokesman for sanity.
Ivor Cummins (who presents that clip on his YT channel, edited down from a longer interview), also believes in the original pandemic (at least he uses the word). However, he says that the alleged second wave is nothing like a pandemic, and the 2nd (and subsequent) lockdowns are totally unwarranted.
He also believe in the virus, although says it’s no more dangerous than flu. This is basically the case that what you might call most “mainstream protesters” are making. They believe in germ theory, because that’s what they’ve been brought up to believe in, from their mother’s knee onwards. And they believe in vaccinations, by and large, for similar reasons. (Brainwashed in other words).
But they (correctly) take the view that the response of almost all governments has been a massive overreaction, and continues to be so. And destructive to both the economy and to society.
As you say, towards a sane consensus.
The Ryan Lab at TCD is funded by the Jacobs Foundation, ERC, SFI, and The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, which right on its landing page is pushing ‘long-term neurological consequences of Covid-19 – they call it the ‘Silent Wave’. https://www.florey.edu.au/
American freedom.
The freedom to choose between the plague and the black death.
Politicians pissing poisons on people’s heads while the main stream medias tells them to look somewhere else cause according to them that piss, is just rain.
All while snake oil’s salesman and Witch Doctors tells us that, it could not be otherwise.
Hey Man, that’s not Joe talking.
Joe’s not strung that many words together since, hmm where was I, you know, er well a long time ago, way back whenever.
Anyway, get with the plan, wear a mask if you ain’t wearing a mask you ain’t a true democrat.
I wear a mask, you know what else I’m wearing ?
Pants !
Even though I’ve got hairy legs, and children like to stroke my hairy legs ,and I like children,and they like me.
So wear Pants!
We’re going to make it mandatory that you wear pants in public.
So vote for me as vice President and wear erm , ah , we’re, what ? Where am I ?
We believe in freedom of speech, as much as any other far-right organisation does, (not much) but Ops. we treat people and opinions, we don’t like as, spam. And pretend our filter is blocking their opinions and free expression.
another shill trying to stick the ‟far right‟ label on the anti-scamdemic movement. broken record needs to be removed‼︎
I think the CIA have backed both horses, Firstly: the Covid scam, via cooked scientists and puppet politicians, who used the CIA doctor’s lies as cover for their destructive measures. And secondly: ‘The opposition’ to the Covid scam, via the mobilisation of the alt-right and its formidable infrastructure of self funding web sites, news and blogs to expose the lies of the scam and create a popular revolt.
Trump & Johnson are the mascots of ‘the opposition’, despite controlling all the levers of power, and Biden is symbolic of the frail, demented ‘left wing’ Covid scam.
At first it looked like the opposition was going to win, with an orchestrated backlash against the stupidity of Covid measures, but the compliance of the population has been so astonishing, that a few months ago they decided against a CIA type uprising or revolt, in favour of the Covid-Oppression roll out, which is bringing far bigger profits and control than a straight CIA ‘popular coup’ ever would.
In my view the US election result is a confirmation of which flavour of tyranny & extortion won, But either way, these are both operations targeted against us, so we lose whoever wins.
The nation state system is being eliminated..Covid 19 pandemic is the confirmatory test. Just as the many small companies were merged into the larger ones so there were fewer voices to contend with, so to is that happening to the nation states.. Why? Because the surveillance and behavior control system (rule of law and use of force) has passed the test: it is a feedback control system so refined, that those few in the global palace, can now push their rule of law button, and everyone in the world will behave as instructed. There is no need for the nation state intermediaries, 5g is a weapon, a control system and a feedback system rolled into one.
there is no national state but 27 billion was sent from RBS to the USA in fines in a past few years which will totally account for the UK’s 8 years of austerity measures. Don’t kid yourself, US Hegemony, looting and blackmail and extortion is alive and well.
I think we can assume that this winter is going to become the site of a very intensive notch up of the COVID psy-op: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/10/24/viru-o24.html As is customary, the greater part of this article is simply an accumulation of the now familiar shock-horror skyrocketing devastation scenario – all the more peculiar considering that the main thrust of the statistical horror show has now moved from the death count to the case count. It would appear that “having COVID” is now the great Pavlovian fear spasm event – perhaps making the carrier the equivalent of one of the Walking Dead. In any case, it is advisable to skip this bit to try and figure out what is actually being advocated under the fog of menace. Despite ample warnings that if nations did not build up their testing and contact tracing capacities, create programs to treat and care for quarantined cases adequately and make hospitals ready with appropriate material interventions and redundant staffing, the situation could quickly deteriorate to one in which lockdowns need to be imposed to bring the pandemic under control. Yet, despite ongoing counseling and warning, nations eager to get their economies back on firm footing quickly declared victory and let loose. Aside from the now familiar directive to ignore the economy, this is clearly an urgent prompt to step up the surveillance. And after this brief glimpse of an actual policy, we’re back to the zombie show followed by the customary denouncement of capitalism at which point the article peters out. So clearly the population have not been sufficiently primed yet for the final solution to be unveiled. So I would guess that this Christmas will involve a massive increase in the fear porn which will be all the more devastating in the festive season whose customary cheer… Read more »
They are transitioning to the flu, to make it permanent.
I thought it was already the flu anyway – or a variant thereof.
Good point
“Nottingham University Hospital Trust told the BBC that “a full ward of people” with COVID-19 was being admitted each day. According to their patient census tracking, the Queen’s Medical Centre and City Hospital are averaging 14 admissions with seven people on mechanical ventilation per day.”
They are still using mechanical ventilation? WTF! People with covid do not have lung muscle impairment requiring mechanical assistance to breathe. They have oxygen transfer impairment arising from the inflammatory reaction to the infection. Are these ‘medics’ deliberately trying to kill their patients?
In a word, yes.
I suspect you’re right, George. I anticipate TV ads with Santa (in a mask) issuing dire warnings.
Front page of my city paper today:
“Deadliest day yet. Four seniors dead.”
Next month:
“The Ultimate Stage of the Horror! (Although more to follow): A person sneezed twice yesterday!”
And I was just starting to feel safer…
Such stupidity.
I’m sitting outside my grocery store and I can read the newspaper headlines in the boxes:
“Situation Critical”
“City close to Icu capacity”
Newsflash – the city’s 2 dozen icu beds are pretty much always close to capacity. If they weren’t then you would see Icu bed closures.
We are in no danger of being taken over by rocket scientists here
Such garbage but the sheep continue to feast on it
No mention of the Grand Conspiracy hatched in the Oval Office?
With Obama and Biden in the room with the heads of the CIA and FBI to foster a coup against the current potus?
With seething Hillary demented power hungry vainglorious Lady Macbeth demanding her pound of flesh, blood and gore! As she stalked Around ‘Her Castles’ walls.
Obfuscation dressed as Satire while selling the anti mask meme.
Many of you will fall for the emotional con job being presented here. Sad so so sad.
There’s also lots of entertaining stuff on Netflix.
Presidential s/elections are just a side show to distract the masses. The real rulers, ie the billionaries’ club, plot quietly in the background.
Could you supply a link to the “Did You Know?” picture. It’s great!!
It’s very difficult to take politics seriously, in general, due to the fact that it’s so obviously a stitch-up. But the shitshow that is politics in the US of A is on another level of preposterousness.
It’s like a system designed by very small children, for very small children. Illustrated with crayons.
That analogy is pretty insulting to very small children;)
That’s true, Sharon. I hereby apologise to the worldwide community of very small children. ;o)
It seriously is.
I have met enough small children to know that some of them are extremely bright, whereas NOTHING in today’s Washington is extremely bright…
There is a reason that American politics features circus music and balloons.
Sorry to say but even Hail To The Chief sounds like a clown’s fanfare as he enters the ring on a unicycle.
Or two seals working a see-saw (teeter-totter) at demented speed. Which is hardly surprising as it was based on an old Gaelic air (and probably a regular tavern sing-along).
Just as The Star-Spangled Banner was borrowed from To Anacreon in Heaven, a 1700’s English paean to drinking and sex.
Was this some kind of Puritan joke?
It’s all of a piece with the Land of the Free (which has got the highest per capita rate of incarceration in the world…).
That’s “Land of the Fee”
Ha. Yup. :o)
Puritans don’t joke…
I’ve never been able to understand why “Our Country Tis of Thee” is sung to the same tune as the national anthem of the former colonial oppressor. Really confused me when “The Sharks” whistled it in “West Side Story”. I’d never heard of it up to that point.
Of course we didn’t have Wikipedia when that film came out.
Hey, if you’re going be duped in believing that a selection between two criminals is real enough to “fix” for one or the other, then you may as well have a Trump impersonation–you know, equal time for the candidates;)
Criminals aren’t equally criminal, depending on their crimes. And you still have to decide who would best serve the American people.
fuck of troll
Only two types of people would vote for either of the two criminals: Those who are so ignorant of politics that they may as well be voting for their favorite color. And those who are right wing imperialists.
Lucifer, or Satan…
It’s difficult, isn’t it?
Some of those who met Bill Clinton in person and rode in the same car with him have commented that he seemed “as if inflatable”.
There are a may now who are ‘opposing’ a complete ‘lock down’, not to return us to sanity and normality, but to justify the surveillance measures of the deep state. No lockdown, but trace & track surveillance, pointless testing, vaccines and all the other rules of tyranny.
That’s a good point actually.
Without using a VPN, I would never be able to comment here, the censorship is terrible.
I don’t need nor use a vpn here in Brasil. Only certain mods prevent me posting, it seems.
But you’ve just commented the same thing twice through different names? Maybe don’t take it so personally when a comment gets flagged for moderation, it happens to us all sometimes.
There are a may now who are ‘opposing’ a complete ‘lock down’, not to return us to sanity and normality, but to justify the surveillance measures of the deep state. No lockdown, but trace & track surveillance, pointless testing, vaccines and all the other rules of tyranny.
Rejoice, my fellow Lockheed Martin Corporation shareholders, this is the godfather of drone operations (the ones, the more they increase in frequency, the less we hear about them) in Africa and other remote places!
Vote for this guy, and let’s achieve the target of one armed drone for every person on this planet.
Emma Goldman
What should we do instead of voting? Is there any other non-violent way to remove or replace fraudulent or failed leaders?
Stand for election yourself If you’re tough enough.
Or vote for an true independent. Not one who switches sided when they smell money.
Look how specific & targeted the restriction have become. ‘None essential’ items can now only to be brought on-line, ie…. off Amazon in much of the UK.
The traitors.
Don’t buy into the myth Amazon are the only online retailer. Many others are still thriving.
If you search for what you want it can be purchased elswhere.
Abandon Amazon and tell others to do likewise.
only amazon guarantees money back if shit is broken or doesn’t fit…
Kemo Sabe lost his marbles in the desert, now he talk like Tonto.
C’mon Man!
No disrespect to native american’s out here, apart from Warren.
You forgot one important detail: that the mask would render his speech incomprehensible – so it would come out like this:
Not sure we’d notice the difference.
The masked Biden puts a lie to the old joke –
“How do you know when a politician is lying? You see their lips moving…”
Not any more now there are endless possibilities for lying voice-overs for creepy old Joe.
Fantastic! Not only is the Hunt for Hunter on, but also the video of voice-overs of creepy Biden,,, the younger…
Perhaps the Portrait of Dorian Gray is being acted out before our eyes?
Rudy Giuliani on how he’s fought racketeering and how that informs his investigation of the Biden family.
Along with what he’s discovered from Hunter’s laptop and other research.
UNCOVERED: How Joe Biden Got Millions In Foreign Bribes | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 80
So Rudy’s expiating his 9/11 sins, is he? Of course, it wasn’t a “false flag” where the US government callously and cold-bloodedly let all those poor people die in the buildings, only a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills many of which we were told about but a crucial few we weren’t but still … he was one of the big players on that day.
Isn’t that what makes politics so intriguing? There are no angels. Like you I watch R.G. as he refers to the terrorists of 9/11… see him frown and look away?
As I barely know a thing about what’s going on apart from psyops I do wonder how they fight it out at the top. I couldn’t help laughing at how the Reps screwed over the Dems prior to the last election with Seth Rich – first they planted him to put him in a position to leak the incriminating DNC documents, then they had him “murdered” in an over-the-top suspicious manner although he was really sheepdipped (given a new identity and packed off to Israel according to some – check out the weirdest grieving family tableau you’ve ever seen – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOn09bhDXMo) which naturally cast suspicion on the Dems and now Trump is calling out the Obama administration for mismanagement of the H1N1 flu – when no doubt it was as big a hoax as COVID. Presumably the Dems do the same to the Reps but I”m too clueless to know.
It’s pretty funny how he literally got caught with his hands down his pants on Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest mockumentary. Seriously? What was he thinking? OK, so the woman invites him into the bedroom which is a bit of an entrapment situation but nevertheless his lack of discretion is simply amazing. Wouldn’t you always be on guard for that kind of thing?
What made him turn?
One minute fully onboard the neocon train, and the next we see is him singing like an angel against corruption, with the dust from Sept 11th still in his nostrils.
Future story writers are going to have a field day.
Hey, you forgot the part about radical Islamic terrorists and their motivation. Or maybe just add another claim with no evidence that the CIA demons are also responsible for 1,500 years of Islamic supremacism and conquest oops I mean spreading perfect peace and love and harmony for all humanity, unlike all those horrible violent Christians.
If you want to locate the “extreme Islamic terrorists”, just ask for directions to the nearest CIA/ Mossad office.
Christianity has less live for the other Abrahamic religion which has certainly been around long enough to set up the hardcore Islamic sects and easily the CIA in the last century or two ( alibg with its equivalents in the old imperial palaces.
History is best looked at in such perspective rather than the goldfish like small bowl size.
In fact, no-one’s gotten younger so fast and frequently since Osama Bin Laden. Nips, tucks, crows and wrinkles gone. Replace the mask with a turban and he’s the man in the cave.
Biden is unavailable for weeks at a time – unprecedented for a presidential candidate but the perfect chance for a facelift. The amount he’s doing could be dangerous to health. Perhaps he doesn’t expect to last four years.
There’s just one thing they can’t fix: his speech is getting slower and slower. No, it’s not a stutter. It’s not even hesitation. He is having trouble talking.
Over-dub him like they did with Bin Laden — if anyone can get an interview. Maybe CNN knows the way to his cave.
Credit for the ever-youngering Joe goes to UK column
“no-one’s gotten younger so fast and frequently since Osama Bin Laden”.
I think you might be overlooking Putin there – or are we still clinging to the myth that Oceania really is at war with Eastasia?
Meanwhile, on the real battlefront, I had a visit from British Gas yesterday telling me I had to get a smart meter because my old one would “be obsolete” within a year. That particular agenda has been on the back-burner for a bit but looks like it’s back.
Sort of reminds one of the Woody Allen film “Sleeper” and the leaders nose.
Remember the Big Tech Book Burning of the Internet? Former Google Exec now Whistleblower Zach Voorhies is bringing a lawsuit on behalf of everyone who wants to be a plaintiff against Google and You Tube…
God I hope he loses. And that’s saying quite a lot because I loathe the Orange Man.
“The face diaper on Groper Joe’s face is to keep the foul smelling excrement between his ears from running out his mouth and nose. Now that Nazi loving corrupt demented perv war criminal says he is going to force everyone to wear one.
Do not buy and will not buy “lesser evilism”. If I did Orange Hair Bozo (who is also very disgusting) would be the lesser evil.
Leonard Peltier for President, Julian Assange for Vice President.
You aren’t alone. So does corporate America, big pharma, the military-industrial complex, the DC establishment, Wall St, the Chamber of Commerce, the EU, the UN, the CIA and FBI, most western politicians, the Chinese communists, academia, the professional ruling classes everywhere, Soros and Gates, the neo-cons and much of the Republican Party. They all want the Orange Demon gone to hell, puppet Biden in office, and DC’s political life back to normal. You have great company! Alternatively, they duped you into hating him too.
“God I hope he loses”
IridescentAnaconda is saying they hope Groper Joe loses.
Won’t make any difference. Presidents are just for distraction of the masses. The schemers behind ‘Agenda 21’ will continue their schemes.