QAnon & Censorship: Facebook Lying About OffG…again
The censorship train is leaving the station, and we’re all running out of time to jump off
Kit Knightly
Fresh from labelling perfectly simple math as “misinformation”, based on complete lies, Facebook is now showing our potential readers another false warning.
This time it’s claiming OffGuardian “may be associated with dangerous content”. Specifically they mean QAnon, which they describe as a “dangerous conspiracy movement” which “inspires violence” according to “experts”:
Regardless of whether or not this is an honest description of QAnon (and it’s not), we are not now, and never have been “associated” with it. In any way. At all. Ever.
In fact QAnon has been mentioned in a grand total of 7 times in the roughly 4000 articles we have published. Four times to say they were mistaken, three times simply saying they exist.
Earlier this month Facebook and YouTube totally banned all accounts associated with QAnon (following Twitter’s lead, who did the same thing in July).
Our criticism of this decision would be the only even faintly positive mention of QAnon we have ever made:
So #Facebook banned #Qanon. This the moment everyone has to say that’s unacceptable, even if you hate the Qanon crowd, because #censorship spreads. Either all speech is free, or none of it is.
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) October 6, 2020
And this – this EXACT situation – is the reason we objected. This is the reason everyone should object. Because censorship spreads. It is subtle, quiet and contagious – and it must be opposed, on principle. Always.
You should oppose censoring the malicious the vulgar or the offensive. The ignorant, the ill-informed and the insane.
Government power thrives on precedent, and once you have ceded “It’s OK to censor X“, the state will simply start changing what words mean until they can claim all their critics said X. Subtle alterations to attitudes and social norms will twitch things around until Y and Z = X.
Bespectacled fascists in inoffensive sweaters will write cloying opinion pieces about how “A, B and C are all just one step from X“. D will be an “X enabler” and E will be “dog whistling to Xs in the comment section”.
And since they can silence people, protests and defenses will never be heard. After all, “we can’t have X sympathisers on social media”.
A lot of what QAnon says is misguided or foolish. But if you let them get banned, then all Facebook has to do is say “A is associated with QAnon” and then A is gone too.
Facebook has wasted no time in illustrating our point for us.
You have to protect all speech, not because everything is worth saying, but because you need to keep the power to silence people out of the hands of those who would abuse it.
First they came for the QAnons.
Then they changed what “QAnon” meant.
And they came for the QAnons again.
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I mean someone’s gotta say it – QAnon has gotta be some elaborate psy op right? I know very little about it, other than many of the sources and journalists I trust have been slandered with the ter for no reason that I can discern. Aren’t they like, Trump supporters? They think he’s batman fighting the pedos? Absurd.
If it didn’t start as some vehicle specifically designed to justify censorship if all dissent, it’s clearly been co-opted into that. I’m sure wherever qAnon folks congregate is just crawling with provocateurs and feds, if not outright led by them.
When the world moves towards censorship in an attempt to block out free speech.We are living in very dark times It is becoming increasingly blatant that anyone or anything that sways from the agenda is now perceived as a threat. If we don’t stand up against this. We become complicit with it. We are the light, may our light shine brightly into the darkness.
original posted Patrick Joff
Government power thrives on precedent
This is it, completely. Everything that’s occurred over the past 20 years has been made possible by precedent. The response to 9/11. Lying us into war. Repeated invasions of countries. Epic election and financial frauds- the largest in human history. Rampant and systemic lawbreaking by governments around the world. The exponential expansion of debt and the size of government. Bailouts of the worst types of people and corporations. The persecution of Manning, Snowden and Assange. The obliteration of science. And lying government officials, elected representatives and media all day, every day. A true race to the bottom. All made possible by precedent. This is why I took my case to the highest court over here back in June, which was chronicled on OffG on July 25th. Precedent is everything. Once it’s done, it will definitely be done again. Many times over. The online censorship precedent started with Alex Jones being banned almost simultaneously by all social media in July of 2018. I spoke up very vociferously at the time, but very few joined me. This is the result.
People, journalists and entities need to just get off the Facebook habit. Its a toxic relationship – its an abusive relationship. Get out! Walk away from Facebook with dignity they do not offer that much access, and what they do offer they limit more and more. I just don’t understand why people hang on. But then, why does the beat up wife stay with her spouse? ::shakes head::
Jun 2, 2020: It’s hard to see Trump weathering this storm. If I had to guess, I’d say the protests and pressures mount until Trump does something stupid.
The Big Fizzle:
Enjoy the show!
May 11, 2020: I’m mixing up the history a little bit, but I think we’re heading for something more like this:
Banda Simfònica d’Algemesí, al concert de la Nit del Retorn celebrat el 6 de setembre de 2016 al la Plaça Major d’Algemesí.
Conductor: Alberto Ferrer i Martínez
This is what censorship LOOKS like!
Enjoy the show!
Why do you keep linking to your own comments in an endless loop?
Because they tell a narrative. Have you tried following any of them?
If you don’t stop doing it you’ll have a lot more broken links to your alleged comments, because I’ll be spamming them.
On a thread about censorship?
I’d post you the relevant link, but . . .
You don’t understand the difference between censorship and removing repeat posts by trolls.
Do you know what free speech is ? NO….do you want free speech NO. You reveal yourselves every time you speak. He is clearly not a troll. you liars.
oh fuck off
All the links he is posting work – all of his comments are there – he’s just trolling.
Oh you’re right…for some reason it didn’t take me to the comment when I did it.
Admin1: “he’s just trolling.”
Who am I trolling?
Us, right now. Also spamming, repeat posting and link looping is simply trolling.
Admin2: “Also spamming”
No, I do the exact opposite. By posting a link to something I’ve previously posted, I avoid repetitive spamming, People can choose whether or not they follow the link; or they can simply skip over a compact comment. Now you’re about to deny them that option.
This site sometimes loads slowly and it is probably a false economy cutting down on a few lines of text by adding internal links and increasing server loads. If you’re only linking to short comments, please try to write individual messages relevant to the thread you’re on instead of posting a self-referencing link. Also please make it clear what you’re linking to, ie: “For more on this, see my comment here (URL)?”. I get it, you’re going for mysterious/bold/provocative by leading people on a blind trail, but it’s actually quite confusing and crosses a line into spamming sometimes. Please content yourself in the knowledge that people will read your comment. The more links you spread around linking to them, the fewer the people that’ll end up paying attention to them. Hopefully you see where we’re coming from. A2
You try to stop people reading comments from people don’t like, by delaying them, just like the guardian do.
Stop projecting your issues with authority onto others.
You obviously weren’t interested in a conversation.
BTW: if you want to save OG from the usual groupthink echo chamber, being that to which it is rapidly descending, THAT conversation is important.
This is the link I would have posted. And since I’m not you’re typical “indignant troll”, it’s an extract from The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by William James; and some Mozart.
Go have this conversation with other far less transparent sites. We do the best we can, and it’s not an easy job. Now, crack on enlightening people and freeing people from their echo chambers by posting a combination of free texts from project Gutenberg, qanon links and mozart. (BTW this is the sort of thing I’ve seen a lot of spammers do). We’re always happy to engage with a genuine person, so please stop bristling for a fight, you are having a perfectly good discussion with admin. Personally I think one member of our skeleton team is good enough for ya! 😉 Maybe you’re feeling unappreciated? Welcome to the club, mate XD
Just for the record, these comments, which were posted separately, appeared at ~ 18:30
As you can see from the time stamp of my reply, there is often a system delay. Try refreshing your cache. However it often takes a little while for the comments to appear nevertheless and it’s something we’re looking into.
Bidden tries to explain social distancing to Trump supporters
These people are stupid!
Trump: “They’re paid by people that we’re looking at right now. . . They’re stupid people, too.”
I think any anti-establishment website is eventually going to get banned on Facebook. Expose Facebook’s lies about your QAnon association and all that anyway, but don’t expect to be on there for very long regardless. Your homepage only has your Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Bitchute, which makes me believe those are the only social media you have. You should probably get on some social media alternatives, like Minds, Flote and Hive, and announce your presence on these alternative platforms on your Twitter and Facebook, to try to get your followers on these alternatives as well. I don’t think there’s any saving Facebook, it’s just going to get worse.
“So #OffGuardian excommunicated #Brecht. This the moment everyone has to say that’s unacceptable, even if you hate the Brecht crowd, because #censorship spreads. Either all speech is free, or none of it is.”
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made both in heaven and on earth; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man; he suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
And in the Holy Ghost.
But those who say: ‘There was a time when he was not;’ and ‘He was not before he was made;’ or ‘He was made out of nothing,’ or ‘He is of another substance’ or who assert ‘essence,’ or ‘The Son of God is created,’ or ‘changeable,’ or ‘alterable’—they are condemned by the holy catholic and apostolic Church.
I presume you are referring to the recent “exchange” between OffG and Moon of Alabama? Well didn’t MoA start it by posting a nasty article against OffG without even informing the latter?
So you managed to spot the hook in the link. Very deductive of you. Yes, apparently Moon of Alabama ran its “fact check” of an Off-Guardian article without informing any of the Off-Guardian editors or admins.
Happy with that answer? OK, I have a question for you: did the Off-Guardian inform the On Guardian of its original intention to set up an entire website that was/is inherently critical of the On-Guardian’s not infrequent, high-handed BTL behaviour and thence even its general editorial policy of, putatively, unalloyed strategic mendacity? Or its long running or more recent series of intrinsically critical articles “Censored on CIF–What ‘community standards’ did this comment breach?” and “This Week in the Guardian”? No? So what?
Indeed – so what?
You’re offended that OnG (a massively well funded mainstream media outlet) hasn’t had the chance to “defend itself” against OffG (an alternative website with a tiny fraction of the former’s audience)?
You are coming to resemble a “high market” version of DunGroanin i.e. you are upset about OffG’s take on COVID and are now flinging any mud you can find to throw.
Actually our editors did indeed convey their intention and do maintain communication with those Guardian writers who haven’t blocked them.
I live a sheltered life. I only learnt about QAnon a month ago. Since then I’ve been on a learning curve. The Deep State needs infiltrators at the moment more than ever. QAnon claims Trump as one of their own. In this shady world any Trump supporter is preferable to the corrupt Biden family supporters. If you did not watch the last debate here is a summary which Trump won easily.
Yep, Bidden testing negative in a few areas here… almost makes you wanna catch “Covid”… like the other guy
“Inspires violence”
I’ve been oddly calmed by the Q movement (not “QAnon”), knowing that perhaps there are just a few people inside the beast fighting for me.
I was informed “your account has been disabled” from Facebook a day after writing a very concise linear link of the 1973 to present history of the premeditated zionist expansion of China. I posted my comment on an Australia and China story over the row of the decision by China to stop buying coal and other natural resources from the Aussies
I used my disqus account on the website Anti Empire to make that comment. It’s linked to the same account that I used to open my Facebook account. The original intent was to only have the FB account for a week or two to look up some friends from the past.
So, no loss there, as I was about ready to close it down anyhow. But it is glaringly obvious on a personal level what’s going down. Social media is not your friend obviously.
As an addendum, the day after that recent FB “disabled” notification, I read a link on that it is confirmed that the FB offices in Seattle gave H1B visas to several Chinese engineers a while back to design their censorship AI program.
I had earlier pointed out in my comment on that Anti Empire website, that the zionist/ccp China is the blueprint for the Global takeover.
My comment on that website still stands amid a thread that tried to flame, discredit and divert the hugely important points I made.And I stood up to those Leftist commenters confidently.
I hope to read that post here sir
corporate Social media forgot or rather never intended to follow the law.
But We must never forget non suspendible United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights that spells out what freedom of expression means regardless of supposed exigent circumstances of war or pandemics.
Talking about censorship, this site has censored me in the past, removing my posts from an article written a few months ago re London protests. I don’t know who’s doing the censoring but someone is. Others have also complained of being censored here too.
In fact my last post re OffG censoring me (posted a few hours ago) which I initially attempted to post on this very thread was marked as “checking for spam” (or something similar) prior to being deleted.
It’s a shame you’re being censored. Otherwise I’m sure you could have made a worthwhile contribution.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, George
And there is your worthwhile contribution!
Where’s yours?
sometimes the number of posts is so long it goes into more than one list. I don’t know but maybe you are going back and looking for your post in the wrong list? Just a thought…
We are by far the best platform like this for comments. No one gets censored for their views, here, unless they are breaking the minimal rules laid our in our Comments Policy. I sometimes remove comments. Sometimes comments get diverted to spam. Sometimes comments go to premod. The spam software we use is called Akismet, and is a very standard software. A2
Liar, you block people as well as comments, you have even changed peoples comments, you are very disrespectful and clearly hate the people who comment here.
Pop along to MOA and try commenting this sort of thing there. A2
Go fuck yourself!
and that is how you talk to people here.
Please email any staff complaints to I’
I like that
I don’t think this fight is going to be won by being respectful (I surprise no one with that opinion of course), but the situation we have been put in doesn’t invoke good manners… anyone intolerant of that is a cunt
Thanks Kit, and now you are also the best platform for the content people might comment on, at least if you want to read what I have written in AHT – as last night suddenly its domain has been blocked by not just Facebook but by search engines, with a danger warning that can’t be overridden.
Given that I can’t get my articles published elsewhere, and can’t get people to read them, and no-one else wants to publish them…. time to start something new.
I’m Samuel May, occasional contributor and regular admin. I will pass this note onto Kit. I’m really sorry to hear this. Thanks for flagging this up. We should encourage people to do this more and more as time goes on. A2
Thanks Samuel – and I hope OffGuardian may be able to publish some articles for me again, given I’m firmly in the camp..From what Gezzah says below it looks like AHT is not about to come back, soon or at all.
Sorry to hear that David. The censorship is at ridiculous levels now, and just found out another site, Conscious Resistance got taken down overnight, following closely behind The Last American Vagabond which also got taken down. Have you thought about starting up your own blog?
And now, today, no surprise, Daniel Andrews has kept the lockdown in place and delayed lifting restrictions. Quite a few people have said they were expecting it. Maybe he’s going to try and spin it out right thru summer…
I did find something out which will be Verboten in the media, but it seems that Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer is the brother in law of Jane Halton. Her spouse is Trevor Sutton.
Yes, the same Jane Halton who was at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored Event 201 last October. Oh, and Brett Sutton was formerly at The Burnet Institute, which received very generous grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation…. prior to him becoming CHO.
All these coincidence’s David, and yet the filth media are silent. Have a good week✌️
Good to hear from you Gezzah – it seems as though this line of communication is still open!
I have thought frequently about starting a blog, though getting it read is another matter. But I have to be able to publish articles somewhere or I’ll go nuts!
I can imagine what people are thinking with today’s news from Dictator Dan, people who are at their wits end after repeated knock backs, now thinking about slitting their wrists; perhaps they should keep their knives sharp for some scalps, or throats. What Dan’s tribe don’t seem to understand, or worse do, is that what they are doing is costing peoples’ lives, livelihoods and futures to an extraordinary degree. How will people recover from this, and how much further will those in control push them?
I’ve been watching Halton closely for months and this information from you has certainly raised the stakes. The money laundering operation at Crown, links to the security contractors in hotel quarantine, her role on the Federal inquiry into it, and question about what exactly she does on the National Coronavirus commission … and of course that meeting of the WEF in 2017 when this recent plan seems to have started.
I don’t think any sort of crime is beyond them really, seeing what they have done to prevent HCQ saving lives and just to help GILEAD and big Pharma, and security companies and tech firms and… cui bono?
Hi again David…. Noted a lot of comments on my newsfeed about Andrews announcement today, and the big majority weren’t surprised, they expected it. I wasn’t that surprised either, but am still pissed off.
As you said – repeated knock backs.
I just know Halton and Brett Sutton are linked, but I can’t find any definitive proof that she’s his sister in law. He became Chief Health Officer in March 2019, however its nearly impossible to dig up personal info on him.
I did find info that he was at The Burnet Institute, and they did receive generous grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
This is the smoking gun… I can feel it!
But the problem is, the media will never report this. We know how incredibly dishonest they’ve been this year. And given the level of brainwashing in Victoria, if by a miracle they did, it wouldn’t even register with most people.
A lot of people’s lives have been decimated here, and hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs for good. Once Jobkeeper runs out, imagine how many won’t be able to pay their rent or mortgage?
I strongly believe that all this is closely tied in with The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and I think things are going to get a lot worse economically. I think we’re looking at a repeat of 1929, and all this has definitely been planned for a long time.
Hope your week goes well👍
These days if you can feel a smoking gun then it probably is one! I go on the basis of believing such things until proven otherwise. When it comes to Halton, Event 201 remains incriminating – of something – partly because it was never mentioned by her even in a discussion about pandemic planning. And of course we can’t forget her role as PM secretary back in Howard’s gov, defending the state on the children overboard.
I also continue to believe the virus was taken to Wuhan from the US on the same day that event was held – which oddly I discovered last week also coincided with the start of protests in Chile and Lebanon. Coincidences add up on a multiplier basis, so three together are eight times less likely to be chance than one, or perhaps a million times…
One might also look at it the other way – considering how likely or possible the official story is. So for instance, if the virus was intentionally released by the US rather than by accident, how do we explain the outbreak near Fort Detrick? The one that killed some folk in an aged-care home, had similar symptoms to CV19, but that the CDC “couldn’t identify”?
I hope you’re coping OK in Melb too?
I’m just coping. Mentally it’s really tough, and coming on OffG is one of the things that helps. I found a copy of The Plague by Albert Camus that I thought I’d lost. Keep meaning to actually read it, but given what is happening….
A lot of it doesn’t add up, and I actually forgot about the Fort Dettrick connection; been going off down different rabbit holes, but I do know that things are going to get ugly.
Anyway, I hope your week is relatively good.
You should think about going back to NZ. If you can. The depopulation agenda outlook based on 2025 projections. NZ has one of the smallest percentage decreases of all the Western nations.
I haven’t got the money to go to somewhere like Mexico or Madagascar, let alone the means to support myself long term. The problem with New Zealand is it’ll be mandatory testing and quarantine for 2 weeks.
I’m not worried about the quarantine as I’ve been in lockdown for months, but I am very concerned about that test. Bit like Catch 22. I hear what you say R, and yes, I’ve already seen that Deagel forecast. Hope your week goes well…
Same to you. Maybe you could see whether you can get access to a test where you spit into a cup or something other than get swabbed. At least that way, they could only get your DNA but they wouldn’t be able to dose you.
What are the medical informed consent laws in NZ?
I have no idea as I’ve been in Australia since early 2004, but you know Jacinda Ardern is fully on board with this whole agenda, tho you’ve given me something to look at re consent laws.
All restrictions are now being lifted in Melbourne, as its coming into summer here, so, no more flu season and they can’t justify keeping us all locked up coz then even the sheep would become highly suspicious.
This was only phase one in Melbourne. They’ll do the same modus operandi that they’ve done in the UK. Come April or so here in Aussie, ‘case numbers’ will magically start rising, and phase 2 will begin here.
I’m actually starting my street vendor job again on Friday, but I know that’ll only be until the next planned phase kicks in. Absolutely broke, so need to try and put some money away. Thanx✌️
Oh, so they are opening things back up? Good luck. Take care.
Do you mean the American Herald Tribune?
That is available by going to their web site
Great articles in there including the current OhGee favourite- Curtain.
I suppose you mean it may be being twattered and facebutted through their links ?
But such cons are easily bypassed – by savvy users if the inter web
I have never broken your policy, but I have been censored, not just me but others also…
Yet, the earth kept on turning. I feel people could afford to chill out 🙂 there is clearly a broad range of opinion here and censorship is not a problem. We are one of the leading comment platform in Alt. Media because of this. Your opinion is welcome. Just abide by our Comments Policy and remain polite, avoid racism or abuse, don’t mislead, don’t impugn the site without first making a polite inquiry, and you will doubtless enjoy commenting here. Thanks, A2
Q writes posts and gives information about facts and news which is not available via the MSM and often censored by FB, Twitter or YT. QAnon can be many strands of responses or groups of people who follow that news. Q, usually seen as a group of highly placed officials, most of them from military intelligence, has a mission to drain the swamp, including where this is linked to the Deep State actor such as CIA, FBI, corrupt DOJ officials etc.
To censor anything related to Q’s posts and pretend there is ever a link to something “bad”, such as Nazism, extremism etc. has little to do with the Q team but all to do with the force against the publication of facts they don’t like. To speak of the existence of a Deep State is hardly a conspiracy. The lies, disinformation and black propaganda against this movement in itself betrays there is suppression of information the DS does not want to see published (RussiaGate hoax, Obama SpyGate are not fantasies but are investigations taking place by AT Barr and Durham etc. That is all and worth taking note of rather than censoring.
how do you get to their web sites? Google doesn’t seem to want to help
Well, back to basics looking at social media. DARPA, that branch of the US military which is now bringing you robotic, terminator dogs, developed the software for Facebook at taxpayer serf expense under the project called LifeLog, and then turned it over to that barely human appearing cut-out, Mark Zuckerberg. (Mr. Sugar Mountain, but what’s in a name as the great bard once asked?} And Amazon, which is taking over US retail as the
pandemiclockdowns continue to destroy mom and pop businesses, over half of which will never reopen even if our wardens should end them, which they will only do when the cost to their agenda become too steep), never made a profit from its start and survived through a half billion dollar a year computing contract from the CIA. These less than photogenic social media pseudo-“oligarchs” would be deposed in a NY second by their “board of directors” if they should ever pull a Jack Kennedy and go “rogue.” Or perhaps develop a Warp Speed cancer like Jack Ruby. As to QAnon, they always appeared to me to be a rather sophisticated deep state psy-ops which I have usually referred to as QAnus and their acolytes as QTards.So why has the Cabal and its mouthpiece social media now turned on their own invention? First one must realize that the QTards are fanatic supporters of Trump. Trump is controlled opposition. To paraphrase the 1930’s comedian sage, Will Rogers, he never met a Zionist he didn’t like. While all major psy-ops always have a multitude of objectives, I would suggest that perhaps the primary objective of the coming USA selection is to start Civil War v. 2.0. ( As to Civil War v. 1.0, I always preferred the moniker, The War of Southern Secession.) An absolute, huge bloodbath which traumatized the nation for two generations and nothing civil about it. If it gets violent enough, and the Cabal has plenty of gasoline to throw on it, it will lead to the replacement of the pseudo-medical martial law with a standard sort of military martial law as the pretext of the scandemic with its absurd “cases” breaks down.
As to the substance of Knightley’s article, using QAnon to smear off-G is just an extension of their Russiagate tactic, and to be basically ignored. As to anyone who falls for it, “You can’t fix stupid.” Finally, the calls to “regulate” these “social media giants” is a huge Trojan horse. It will simply entrench them legally. Look what regulation did to the Bankster industry. Goldman Sucks just paid a $3B criminal fine for international bribery and corruption, but must we have protest demonstrations to “Free Lord Blankfiend?” To Big to Jail. Just the cost of doing business. The only way to deal with them is to quit them and support free speech alternatives, and let them all go the way of My Space. Or to quit social media altogether, so one has more time to prep for the coming Dark Winter of the Greatest Depression, which will engender much discontent.
..another (moe) Sad American rim job
“Bespectacled fascists in inoffensive sweaters will write cloying opinion pieces”
Bespectacled grammar nazis will grammar nazi.
With absolute power comes absolute human depravity of which Q’Anon type conspiracies are a small part among all the worlds tyrants and the elites who serve them ? Sex scandals in the US always grow ” legs ” as everyone rushes toward what they view as the moral high ground .
AGAIN, you are being asked to accept the that the CIA’s tool, Facebook, can decide who your dissidents and freedom fighters are.
Just like the accusation of Russian collaboration made against trump, by the Corporate owned MSM, who were the ones who would most benefit from his reign, helped keep real accusation of corruption and impropriety away from Trump during his presidency. The accusation of a Q-Anon involvement here is clearly false like the accusation against Trump were false and easily discredited. But it is enough of an accusation to assign credibility to this site, as a victim of social media’s ‘left wing’ tyranny, and to distract from this sites real political agenda, which it shares with the Alt-right, who are the political wing of the deep state & CIA.
So the fact that this site is being targeted as “QAnon affiliated” is something everyone is supposed to see through and so makes this site “credible”? Weird. I think it’s clearly a matter of the most obvious connections i.e. to simply imply that this site is “QAnon affiliated”.
you are being asked to accept that the CIA’s tool, Facebook, can decide who your dissidents and freedom fighters are.
As the Neocon/libs plan to get ‘their’ chosen ceo and administration fully back in control of the WH – this censorship tale, is a last ditch attempt at trying to stifle the exposure of Bidens nastiness as voting gets into the final furlongs.
It seems that the increased turnout should be enough to stop Trump (as the decreased turnout was that stymied Hillary last time).
An increased turnout based on fake postal votes will indeed put the warmongering shitheads back in power.
They will ignore International Law and support the hardest BrexShit with a wholesale takeover of the U.K. public purse. The Tory arseholes and the DS spooks and conspirators of the sedition against a elected potus will joyfully scream in orgasmic delight at having escaped the noose at the last minute!
Unless …the increased turnout is also Trump voters, who have bypassed the ‘fix’!
The wild west that is the www was always heading for enclosure- it was planned as such as the digital Super-Highway with its ‘gated’ sites originally – Murdoch’s Market Square attempts at registering ‘users’ and ‘sellers’ early on – called Delphi or something like that back in the 90’s.
It fell flat on its face. As did all its other iterations by the media manipulation arm of the great Ancient Wizards of Money.
Because of what Berners-Lee handed like fire to the techy geeks! The free WWW.
Since than the Mighty Wizards have been trying to get control again. They did this by the Social Media platforms designed to catch the mass of humanity, to channel them to the enclosures. Along with multitude of ‘honeypot’ ‘Alternative’ sites – with no transparency of funding/ registered offices/officers who have popped up as antiestablishment oasis’s- fake ones, who shout and scream blatant fake news, who claim to be as oppressed as the genuine free speech Indy journalists – agent provocateurs in short.
You know who I am looking at!
The internet however is robust, it is but a medium, it can be manipulated at the www /Social Media level by subtle and gross censorship, by all its agents of narrative control – many DeepState praetorians of these Ancient Caesars Who are Self Declared Gods and want Their Fire Back!
But we who consider ourselves as free human beings and deny the deity status of the Ancients and their minions (in all their forms) will always have another TB-L. (probably some child refugee risking death in a flimsy boat to escape from the hell that their homeland has been brought to for its resources) who will rise, to give us the newer fire; one that will again bypass the Enclosures/parish’s built for us, including this one.
¡No Pasaran!
Every time Facebook (and the others) censors, it tacitly admits that it is not a platform and is in fact a publisher. Publishers are legally liable for their content. If Facebook (and the rest) exercise censorship, they should be held accountable for all their content. They cannot be allowed to simultaneously claim to be a platform and act as a publisher.
…thank you for your succinct observance…having perused the comments, i detect the presence of Her Majesty’s brave forces…to them i say…when my father “served” in the Royal Corps of Signals, he came under fire from “enemy” bombardment….get a life, fuckwit…….!!!
This QAnon smear-by-association marks the beginning of the real battle. I feel that there must be vast sections of the public who see through this COVID bullshit and that they are growing. The QA demonisation will start to ramp up shortly and we will end up with the ludicrous situation where the vast majority of the UK public (and the US public too) will be portrayed as “fringe Right Wing nuts” whilst the diminishing COVID worshipping lockdown masturbators (i.e. mainstream Left) will be seen as “the people”.
Just wait until the ‘second wave’ (i.e., Operation Dark Winter) hits! Then all of us virus-sceptics will be blamed for it,savage lockdowns will be put in place, and the force-vaxing will begin.
I thought you were joking about Operation Dark Winter. I see you’re not:
“Dark Winter (which stipulates a smallpox attack by an unknown assailant) is not COVID-19 (a disease inadvertently spread by human contact), of course.”
Well “of course”. Perish the thought! And note the little descriptions of each disease just to make sure that COVID is certainly not part of any intelligence operation!)
No, I’m not joking at all. I wish it were all just a bad joke. 🙁
It’s interesting how this “pandemic simulation” which just so happens to mirror a “real event” looks a lot like those terror attack simulation drills which also just so happen to “become real” i.e. the ones that Webster Tarpley highlighted.
Expect the MSM to mention QAnon 4000 times in 7 articles. Well why not? I reckon it was the MSM that invented QAnon.
‘Mentions’ is a strange measure of affiliation. Meaningless.
Au contraire. “Mentions” is the name of the entire game. It’s all about making connections in the public synapses.
They did not invent it but find it profitable promote . Americans do take great pleasure in opining on the sexual proclivities of there elites .
QAnon clearly is some kind of intelligence agency operation. Glad Facebook has banned it.
Ah, you mean the kind of intelligence agency operation that Facebook is?
lack of intelligence operation more like aimed at milkshakes and the Q less has any of there 10.000 predictions happened errrrrr nope!
Nobody should ever be glad that FaceBook bans anything.
The composer, Rachmaninoff, while visiting America as a world-famous composer/pianist/conductor, criticized the Bolshevik developments in his home land from afar, and promptly had to endure lifelong exile, the banning of public performance of all his works, and desperate, permanent home-sickness.
That, essentially, is what FaceBook, Google, and all the other big corporations do today.
Cute kitten videos are always cute kitten videos, but genuine concern for our species is too serious a matter to be left in the hands of mere tradesmen.
Sorry, have to disagree on the free speech meme. Some speech has to be restricted because there are simply too many sub-intelligent idiots who will believe anything and then sometimes take action on the beliefs they have been manipulated into embracing.
There is a mistaken, pervasive belief that every human being is of basically equal IQ and has equal ability to understand the world, current events, politics and should therefore be allowed to vote. It ‘taint true!
Reality is that 50% of the people are dumber than the other half. And the other half aren’t all that smart themselves.
Want an example of dumb ass people? Watch this video:
The Daily Show With Trevor Noah
Jordan Klepper Fingers The Pulse – Trump Rally-Goers In PA
Thankfully, all of us here at Off-Guardian are above average!
A fact which nevertheless tends to isolate and marginalize us…
In my youth, there were ways to use the existing educational system to gain real knowledge, if one was so inclined.
Today, it looks as if a great many avenues of exploration are closed to even the most curious of minds, and only a chance encounter with intelligent discourse is likely to save many of us from the gaping jaws of limitless ignorance which confront us.
I sometimes day-dream and wonder what I might do if I had limitless power to reorganize society “My Way”, and to try and build something worthy of the name, “human civilization”.
But I wouldn’t know where to start…
Yeah, the task of fixing the world would be daunting. In fact, just trying to stay informed about what’s actually going on these days is sometimes daunting enough.
There are the occasional “visitors”
Sheese! 22 downvotesas I write this and not EVEN ONE UPVOTE? Is this post too “unwoke”? It feels like I am back in Slate comments where I would receive similar treatment or the post would be deleted for not towing the woke line that every human being is precious and of equal IQ. Damn!
Thing is, a high IQ person knows that the Psychos that actually act on their own are very few. Dum or not, the human population seems to be composed of mostly reasonable people… Oh and high IQ people use commas.
Since you seem to be interested in our little community
These articles are hilarious. You write actually OFFENDED at the actions of the NSA/GCHQ run tech giants as if suggesting that by crawling on your belly, you’d avoid their ire, unlike other outlets.
So which is it, OffG. Are you proudly telling the truth and shaming the devil? Or are you self-censoring, and censoring wrong-think in the comments so you will be spared the fate that has fallen to so many truth tellers? You CANNOT have it both ways.
Only a total fool or an agent of the state would claim not to know what Google, Facebook, Twitter et al are up to- how the fabian intent is to only allow the OFFICIAL narrative on any major social media site. So actually being demonised with the Q slur should be a badge of honour- the entire Q false flag was created for exactly this form of demonisation. This site goes against the official narrative (even in its carefully diluted form), so this site will be a target for marginalisation.
We are at a stage in History where pro-peace, pro-decency, pro-family advocates must be stomped into the ground. This always happens before massive conflicts and great social upheavals, for sane traditional values are demonised as ‘reactionary’ by the monsters who have gained ultimate power, and wish to prove their godhead by hurting as many ordinary Humans as possible. Things are happening in the West like nothing anyone would have claimed possible in 2019. And yet the monsters haven’t even got started yet. This site literally pretends it’s all a big whoopsie by silly or careless or stupid, but otherwise well-meaning politicians- which is why those that created this site once trusted the fundamentally horrible Guardian newspaper (officially always the fabian mouthpiece) at some point in the past.
The people at the ‘top’ are vastly more evil than the worst criminals at the bottom- but for a brief period of Human History, it served their interests in the modern West to mostly hide this truth from the masses. Now they no longer have to hide this truth. Now it is time for pain and suffering – and they want to make up for hundreds of years of lost time when they had to pretend they were otherwise in order to gain such levels of supreme power.
They are now ruthless with those they perceive as ‘obstacles’. Top of the list is anyone who seeks to wake up ‘sleepers’. The ‘smear with false association’ tactic is always golden- always plays well with the mob. And as they unleash Hell on Earth, the penalty for WrongThink has to be ever more severe and ever more public. Censorship of, and actual state violence against wrongthinkers is increasing across the west, and soon it will level up to actual significant imprisonment and execution. Wrongthinkers have been tortured, imprisoned and executed by most nations for most of their history. We (in the west) were born into a very odd, very unusual, very atypical period of Human experience, which has now ended. Normal service is now being resumed- which is going to come as a VERY nasty shock to all of you here.
Very well said. It was the journalist John Lanchester who wrote 2010 in Whoops! Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay that the postwar period of pensions, extensive welfare from school to retirement, comprehensive employment contracts backed by law, and trade union rights, was an aberration. It was a concession to the threat of the USSR, to buy off the workers and a political statement to show that life in the West was superiour in every respect to the proletarian paradise.
It lasted about 45 years. Most people act as if it had lasted centuries!
It was not the normal. It was financed by the war economy of the Cold War. Once the USSR ended, it was too expensive and no longer necessary to gift such lavish rights to Western workers. Competition and offshoring, globalism and migration did the rest.
After deindustrialisation, deskilling and plummeting standards of education, Western workers aren’t special any more. Nor, by extension, are the professionals and bureaucrats.
I present as exhibit ‘A’, the performance of professionals and bureaucrats during the event known as Covid.
Perhaps it’s just too painful for people to acknowledge they’re going to have to fight for their rights all over again, with one hand tied behind their back. For this time they don’t have the muscles of a manual worker, the self reliance of the artisan or independent mind of the home schooled or autodidact.
People are not EDUCATED enough to fight for their rights. In contrast with the night schools and workers’ institutes of the past, most people today are not interested in education when they can splodge their fat finger on their iPhone and “Google it”.
Now we’re seeing that Google et al are not interested in what you have to say — or even what you have to ask. It exists to sell ideas and advertising to you. Not the other way around. So the only Google result you’re going to get is what your damned well told.
People don’t know their HISTORY and thus they are not capable of understanding the present. There is a reason the Democratic party can discuss trashing the Constitution — because the public is too stupid to know what that would follow.
People don’t know their RIGHTS nor how fragile they are, how temporary and short lived, because rights have to be won and fought for and won again.
People are vulnerable because they have let themselves slip into ignorance — and the vultures are standing in the wings ready to pounce.
The middle class and the artists and intellectuals are the most bone-headed ignorant of all, because they’ve never had to fight for anything.
Well said
Tony Benn said ““Every generation must fight the same battles again and again and again. There is no final victory, and there is no final defeat…”
Superb expatiation on Frank Zappa’s prophesy about The Illusion of Freedom being maintained only as long as it is profitable to maintain it.
My only quibble: it’s not “vultures” waiting in the wings, but hyenas. Not somber-but-dignified carrion-processors, but frenzied, gleeful, giggling, cruel pack-attackers who are happy to tear flesh from bone for sport after their hunger has been long sated.
“This site literally pretends it’s all a big whoopsie by silly or careless or stupid, but otherwise well-meaning politicians”
This quote is literally nonsense.
You write with the same ghoulish glee as those who say things like “you just WAIT till thousands start dropping dead”. Let’s avoid exchanging one breed of fear and coercion for another, shall we?
What is this false dichotomy, non sequitur, massive logical leap bullshittery? And who’s crawling on their belly, excuse me!? Speak for your-darned-self XD
OffG does not censor, thank you. We moderate tastefully and minimally, only where necessary, and we do a good job of keeping this comment section a space for people to come and speak their minds, freely. Follow our Comments Policy and enjoy posting here.
Don’t you think, bright spark, it’s quite useful to chart the course of censorship? I mean, it’s actually quite helpful, isn’t it? It’s also pretty important to state for the record that we are not in fact “associated” with Qanon.
Oh, oh wait…. you’re a troll aren’t you…[facepalm]. Silly old me.
I noticed the non sequitur right at the start and stopped reading.
Why anyone would use these (anti-) social media thingies is beyond me. We still have the Internet and email and sites like OffG to have conversations in the comment section. If the woman down the street always wears black, what do I care? I wear a bandana and no one objects; And when I forget it, even then it’s a non issue. Why anyone would still use Amazon, FB, Twitter, or any other oligarch-owned things continues to amaze me. When I can figure out how to “wash” this little laptop and install Linux, I’ll be a relatively happy camper. Read Octave Mirbeau, The Voters Strike ( and get back.
MANY people use FB simply because it makes it easier for them to share photos and stay in contact with family and friends. They are mostly blissfully ignorant to what is going on in the world around them or to concepts like censorship, free speech, conspiracy, cults, FB selling their info and so forth. That’s the reality.
That may be reality, and that may be the problem. “Blissfully unaware”, I agree they may be, but I have former friends (as in real life) who are blissfully unaware and have written me off as basically “defective”, something needed to be “repaired” before I’m allowed speak. Granted, they’re all back in the US, so I don’t have to deal with them, but it’s frustrating nonetheless. Here, in France, we practice our own BDS movement every day: avoid big box stores, restaurants where the origins of their food isn’t marked, etc. I even buy my clothes, when I need them, at the local hardware/feed store. All made in France but for the last pair of socks which were made in Italy. I’m off to the bar tabac for the local rag, a glass of rosé, a half of a bread, and some conversation before cutting the potatoes for home made frites to go with the mussels. Bon appétit.
“When I can figure out how to “wash” this little laptop and install Linux, I’ll be a relatively happy camper.”
You may not be happy but you will have more self respect. I quit MS when it addressed me thus: “You have done something illegal and will be closed down”.
You can try Linux without removing Windoze, or even install Linux and run it side-by-side with Windoze:
Thanks much for that. I was thinking about Linux Mint, but whatever. My son-in-law is a developer, but couldn’t be bothered to initiate me into this arcane world when he was down here on vacation. Guess I’ll have to buy a new usb key and stumble along on my own. I have a four year old Lenovo Ideapad 100 S (very little space remaining) that I resurrected after my wife introduced a glass of wine to the hot connection of my trusty MacBook Pro just as we were fleeing the Paris lockdown in April. See what I can do.
After the inevitably Learning Curves, I found little difference between various flavours of Linux. For Mint the minimum PC requirements are:
So you are within requirements except perhaps for memory. But if a Mint usb stick (or DVD) is anything like the Ubuntu version, you can run Linux from the disk to get the feel of it before doing an install.
Again, many, many thanks. I’ll see what I can do.
Or you could convince your daughter to get you a new son-in-law.
My son-in-law is my wife’s son and I wouldn’t trade him for anyone. He’s a great soul. He’s got other things to do and reckons that I’ll be able to do what I want. Eventually. Nothing’s easy these days.
Ban bridges is what I say – no bridges, no trolls hiding under them.
Your last 2 sentences sums things up nicely ! One can only hope you are wrong ?
UK Column News – 23rd October 2020
Calls for society to be militarized in order to face unspecified threats
NATO Sec Gen Jens Stoltenberg spoke ahead of a meeting of NATO Defence Ministers on domestic security:
UKC Mike Robinson: This is the militarization of society. This is Fusion Doctrine. Coronavirus has been used as an excuse to involve the military in testing, preparing for the military to deploy vaccines, using the military in track and trace.
Patrick Henningsen: What does he mean about “strong societies”. This is uber-globalist language. It comes from UN Agenda 21, this top-down, UN-based global governance.
Why are they pushing this mind set?
What is a strong society? We used to think it was a healthy democracy, a free press, the right to demonstrate against government, resulting in a country that is independent and able to look after itself
Stoltenberg is proposing the reverse: no-one can do anything on their own, we get our strength from others. Some may ask what’s wrong with that. But in lockstep with that we have very undemocratic developments and the transformation of our institutions and this is not reported by the media.
UKC: When Stoltenberg says a strong society does he mean countries like the UK they attack journalists who criticise NATO or who expose the cheating on chemical weapons by the OPCW?
STOLTENBERG MEANS STRONG IN THE SAME WAY AS BENITO MUSSOLINI with an iron fist. He does not mean a society that is strong enough to encompass different views, public demonstrations and independent branches of government that operate without control from the centre.
Resilient Cities – Springer: For many major cities in the world, strengthening urban resilience is a multibillion dollar agenda that requires strong partnerships
Resilient cities | The Guardian: Cities who call themselves resilient, like Rotterdam and The Hague in The Netherlands, claim to build capacity within individuals, communities, institutions,
100 Resilient Cities – The Rockefeller Foundation
Resilient Cities – World Bank Group
Pay is being cut, converted to welfare.
Private sector workers face huge wage cuts and state dependency.
Furlough plan offers 80% of salary
Tiers 2 & 3 offer about 70%
People are trained to expect a drop in salary.
Cap is GBP 1,541 per month.
Cost is GBP 11 Billion. No one knows where the money is coming form.
Accepting gov money comes with strings. It wants to make sure you are not cheating on the welfare
Re-announces almost 1 Billion pounds to help councils provide vital services.
Britain has 11,930 councils. That averages at 85,000 each — enough to pay one year’s gold-plated pension pot for a senior council executive.
SKY NEW: Coronavirus not among 10 most common fatalities
Nice to see Sky catch up.
People are dying at home: even TV adverts finally reflect that, reminding people to check any unexpected lumps or bleeding.
SW England pilot showed spike in coronavirus material despite low numbers of people taking tests. Environment Secretary George Eustice says it’s really useful especially where people have no symptoms and thus don’t seek tests.
UKC: Minster claims sewage provides early warning. Quite the reverse. Collecting fecal material is out of date and allows gov to dive into the cesspool and surface with any narrative they want.
In fact, sewage analysis shows coronavirus has been present long before Event Covid.
So if Govs found it last year, why no action? Why do they only act on Coronavirus samples now?
Brazil finds coronavirus in sewage sample in Nov 2019
Waste Water From March 2019 — University of Barcelona
Even if shops are open, they can only sell vital goods during the Firebreak lockdown.
Gov says it will be “made clear” but no info yet.
UKC Patrick Henningsen: Is there any good reason to limit goods? Is Wales being punished for not requiring masks during the summer.
Mike Robinson: Wales has always been draconian. It had tougher limits on how far you could travel. The logic is to limit the time people spend in stores by offering a smaller range of goods.
The balkanization of the UK is being pushed by having different rules for different places.
Henningsen: this kind of spending is unsustainable. What would it take for the United Nations to step in take control of local and regional funding. By not helping central government the IMF could promote its agenda of resilient cities, global parliament of mayors…
Michel Barnier, the European Commission’s Head of Task Force for Relations with the UK continues talks.
The withdrawal from the European Union turns out to have been a fraud. The “Great Repeal Bill” or European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, was supposed to take the UK out of European law. Instead it put a full body of EU legislation on the British statute books. Unless those laws are repealed, Britain will stay in sync with the EU regardless of the end of the Transition Period on Dec 31.
That legislation concerns the two pillars of Britain’s Future Partnership: trade and defence.
The Security Partnership is not discussed in the UK. In parallel with Britain’s NATO relationship (The Atlantic Future Forum has been underway in Portsmouth this week) Britain is entering a deeper and closer relationship with the EU.
The UK press is totally silent on the project.
This is not just about defence: it is about security, foreign policy, reflecting David Cameron’s Feb 2016 white paper, The Best of Both Worlds.
As for trade, Britain continues to position itself as an Atlantic way station for the U.S. despite the stalling of the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
The Independent describes common criticisms of TTIP as “reducing the regulatory barriers to trade for big business, things like food safety law, environmental legislation, banking regulations and the sovereign powers of individual nations” or more critically as an “assault on European and US societies by transnational corporations”. — What is TTIP? And six reasons why the answer should scare you — The Independent, Oct 6, 2015
Conservative MP and former home secretary/finance minister Savid Javid tells The Daily Telegrah the Democratic Party is the heir of Ronald Reagan.
His point is that the Johnson government has more in common with Biden than Trump. Five Eyes has been disrupted — though was that Trump’s doing. It was British spy Christopher Steele who played the pivotal role in trying to scupper the Trump administration.
Javid goes to praise Biden for supporting the original Trans-Pacific Partnership and “the rules-based international order”.
And of course Wales, by having only a restricted range of goods available in shops, is also making only a restricted range of producers wealthier, and the rest bankrupt…
Could there be a possible conflict of interest there…?
Have noticed in the last couple of days, when I’ve typed in Offguardian into Google search on my phone, your twitter account appears first, followed next by a Newsguard post that states:
“This site regularly publishes false information on topics such as Covid19, Vaccinations and 9/11”.
Imagine how that will go down with people looking for non mainstream news on what is happening, and who may not have visited Offguardian previously.
Obviously, it will put a lot of people off coming here. Disturbingly, the search result for the Offguardian main site appears below the Newsguard smear peice. How many other people is this happening to?
As Paul often states in his comments: ‘when you’re over the target, the flak gets worse’. As we’ve also seen by the influx of trolls. Obviously you guys are touching nerves amongst the 0.01% and their minions.
Thanks for this, Gezzah. Thanks for your encouraging words also. A2
Those no longer relying on the MSM for news but hunting the internet for serious alternative info are doing so mainly because they no longer or are beginning to disbelieve the shite on MSM.
If they were truly satisfied with what they were getting, there would be no point wasting time on the internet when they have already been programmed with an answer. They could watch more clickbait on themtube.
So much de-platforming, blatant censoring, deleting, blatant slander, across all platforms displays a desperation to close the stable gate before the horse finally bolts.
Twatter, farcebook, themtube, goggle, they all know already this horse is chomping its bit and kicking about the stable. They say that content is deleted. However, in reality, absolutely nothing really gets deleted. All the banned accounts are still there along with all the content posted to themtube. Insane control freaks wouldn’t just delete the info they have collected and very probably already passed on to their advertisers.
The Trumpster’s second term approaches.
One of the big red flags for me about the scamdemic has been the massive amount of censorship and demonising and smearing of many doctors, medical professionals and scientists – Judy Mikovits and Andrew Kaufmann being the most obvious examples.
I’ve been trying to open friends eyes to what is happening, and one, I gave a list of sites to check out that included this one and The Corbett Report. After a while, his response was ‘they seem like Alt Right echo chambers’. He mainly gets his news from The Guardian.
I know, you can’t make others wake up if they don’t want to.
I admit I’m on Facebook (I know Peter) and, yes, a lot of it is complete rubbish, the sort of stuff a 12 year old would be embarrassed reading, however, there are the occasional gems you don’t see elsewhere. Until they get deleted.
I see a use for farcebook but not in its present form or with its present management, or with the majority of its existing staff. Working for such corporations, which along with other corporations are slowly stitching up the public in a most disgusting manner, must be similar to making a weapon for one’s gaoler.
Your friend has his eyes half opened. There will be something that triggers him, it’s inevitable. He will then put the pieces together and make the connexions for himself, which is always the best way IMO.
It’s a bit like using my own wife as a guinea-pig, but she is actually a pretty good barometer for how well our MSM corporate-political enemies are doing.
Her attitude is not the result of her suddenly deciding that her husband is a conspiracy-theoretical lunatic, but rather that she just cannot digest the idea that her own government is participating in a combination of “1984” and global genocide.
She is an intelligent woman, but this particular mental switch has been super-glued into the OFF position.
But I had a small success today:
I showed her a photograph of a large crowd of her fellow human beings, all hiding behind masks, and said, “Look. That’s the human race today.”
She was silent.
And that never happens…
Ditto with my missus. She watches all kinds of MSM crap. At first she was OK wearing a mask. However lately she has stopped wearing it and is beginning to see the scam for what it is.
I guess, and hope, that it’s the same for many.
Less we not forget Dr. Simone Gold, board certified Emergency Room Physician and Attorney, and organizer of Front Line Doctors. She gives an excellent extended interview on this week’s The Highwire,
Her interview starts at 1h09m
Newsguard and alike make fantastic lists of news sites to visit.
I didn’t actually think of it like that! I usually find new sites from OffG commenters linking them in a comment on here.
I facepalmed. After all that’s been said over the years regarding your privacy you’re still using Google?
But I up voted the rest of your post though.
I hear what you say, and I get where you’re coming from, however Google was already preset into my phone when I bought it.
Call it laziness on my part, however just used another search engine then, MetaGer, to come on here. It worked. Sigh.
Stop using Google and start using MetaGer search engine.. No spying or selling your data and it’s great for searching for alternative media news. As for Qanon, I’m applying the same simple rule: Any organisation or individual viciously attacked and censored by MSM propaganda machines is doing something the 1% percieves as their existential threat. Check this out:
I’ve never heard of MetaGer, however just used it then to reply to you. I’ve heard of some others like Firefox, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, but Google was already preset on my phone when I bought it. Thanks for the tip D👍
UK Column News – 23rd October 2020
If Trump declares victory under any circumstances, elements plan legal challenges and civil disturbance.
Media preparing ground by seemingly inflating Biden’s poll results – giving him a lead of 10 to 15 points while visual evidence shows that his few rallies are largely empty — in dramatic contrast to those of Trump.
Trump may try to steal the election. We need to start preparing for that now — by Ashley Dawson, The Guardian, Oct 20, 2020
The guru on using activism for regime change wrote the handbook on Color Revolutions: From Dictatorship to Democracy, by Gene Sharp
UKC Mike Robinson: This is the promotion of civil unrest on a nationwide level.
Patrick Henningsen: This is an Orwellian reversal. A democratic result in Trump’s favour will be a coup. Thus they must stage a coup to undo Trump’s coup.
They have set up the narrative. The press is presenting Biden as the front runner when the visual evidence shows the reverse. Biden has been touting a supposed 15% lead all summer. That turnouts do not show that. Biden has hidden in his basement for most of the campaign. while Trump is filling football stadiums and aircraft hangars. It is impossible that the polling data is correct.
Event Covid provides the perfect cover for ballot rigging – disruption to essential services, plausible deniability for why people can’t vote in person, etc.
Evidence is already emerging:
This is the Obama community organizer model. They will have court cases to force two or three recounts in key swing states. They will do to the Republicans what the Bush did to Gore in 2000 in the Florida primary. Multiply that by five or six states and you will have uncertainty as to the outcome.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi leads the press to believe she has been discussing sending the military into the White House to eject Trump.
Democrat-led ‘Transition Integrity Project’ Plan for Post-Election Chaos
The media is silent when it’s “their” candidate.
Mainstream media’s silence on Biden story scandalous – Boston Herald, Oct 16, 2020.
NPR explains why it is ignoring the story exposing criminal corruption by the Biden family.
“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”
— Terence Samuels, NPR’s Managing Editor for News, referring to the NY Post Hunter Biden story.
No-one’s got younger with every appearance in this way since Osama Bin Laden
Nips, tucks, crows and wrinkles gone
Biden is unavailable for weeks at a time – which is also unprecedented for a presidential candidate. Is he being worked on, is he resting? This is dangerous to health. Are they doing it anyway because he won’t last four years?
UK Column News – 23rd October 2020
This is what censorship LOOKS like!
Kit Knightly: You have to protect all speech, not because everything is worth saying, but because you need to keep the power to silence people out of the hands of those who would abuse it.
Q (May 2, 2020):
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
Well that didn’t work out too well for you, did it…?
The statement was written and published by Q. It is a statement of fact, drawn from age-old understandings of human nature. It is also a statement of strategy, and it is a strategy which is working out very well for THEM. In case you hadn’t noticed, THEY are winning!
QAnon exists for people who can’t spell “conspiracy”.
All corruption starts with the corruption of semantics.
Sue them.
On my salary?
I wish…
Why whine about your global censorship, I’ve been censored here .
The Of Guardian still has its “moderate” (*friend of PTB) rating.
They still love your controlling of the dissenter narrative work 🙂 Why you’re still going on about masks and govt measures ignoring the fact of the white elephant: there is no new virus and no new disease.
All measures without having proof of threat are unlawful, no need to debate idiocy, it just served and services to distract people from the facts.
Sure, but you need allies. Perhaps if we don’t succumb to cynicism and continue trying to engaging with people we’ll all be a bit less lonely in our knowledge of the truth, and more in a position to do something meaningful to change things. What are bitchy messages like this really achieving, precisely? I think you’d be better off staying silent.
Well I’ve never been censored here, and I have doubts about anyone who says they were. I think a lot of people out there assume the internet revolves around them alone and when a comment doesn’t automatically go through but is met with “Awaiting Moderation”, they instantly assume that the reptilians from Alpha Centauri have come again. And then they start in with the “That’s been 11 mins and 5 secs and still you haven’t posted, you undercover shill bastards!” Leave it and come back. I don’t think I ever posted anything that didn’t eventually show up.
And just as I try to post this, I see it’s “Awaiting Spam Check”. Fucking reptilian censors!
I have been censored repeatably on this site and all others eventually. If you don’t send money but repeatedly troll the site , that is your future on comment sections . A paywall is censorship without pretense, as is using the Facebook , DISQUS , or other 3d party apps to manage comments ?
If at any point you feel you’re unable to express your voice, that you’re being silenced based on your views, then feel free to point that out. What does the occasional comment going missing – either heading into trash accidentally or being spam checked and reappearing a little while later – actually indicate? To me it indicates a website that is running under not ideal circumstances, for not very much money, but is nevertheless here and allowing people a platform to express themselves as unmolested as possible in very dark times. I’m not sure if you’re aware of the tasteful balancing act involved in maintaining a good comment environment versus letting it go all to hell, but I do know the team here receives daily criticisms from both sides of the argument. It is, however, NOT as simple as merely moderating nothing, because no one would read your comment under the stack of spam! Honestly, OffG would probably benefit more from not being denigrated at the first and every opportunity XD This place has kept on going, and people benefit from it. That’s what matters. Thanks. A2
Well I do end up making regular payments to sites I regularly post on. It’s not much money and I think it’s only fair. As well as OffG, I also pay to Craig Murray and even the WSWS who I still post occasionally on, when they’re not jacking off over COVID.
If I could afford too I would perhaps donate but I simply lack the resources and don’t own any credit cards.
I pay $6 (=£4.60) a month and I also don’t have any credit cards. I just use my bank card.
Credit card ,bank card , crypto-currency all the same to me a divisive redundancy, the only goal being profits for middle men
Rule number 9 of Bob the Hod’s guide to sober living and good judgement: Don’t take it personally!
“Because censorship spreads. It is subtle, quiet and contagious – and it must be opposed, on principle. Always.” I fully agree. Sorry to go on about this, but some mods do remove my posts here. They should not take that major first step to tyranny.
Removing your trolling statements claiming we are censoring you, after I have warned you I would do this if you don’t stop, is not censorship. Express your opinions, you are free to do that if you abide by our Comment Policy. I repeat, you are not being censored. You honestly aren’t saying anything very unusual and I personally don’t view your posts as being much of a threat to my ideology. Just so you know. Even if I did decide to start censoring everyone, I’d probably start elsewhere. You’re certainly safe for the time being. Have no fear. As I say, please enjoy expressing your opinions here, don’t post defamatory misleading statements and abide by our Comment Policy. Thanks, A2
What you consider “trolling”, a vague term when applied to electronic communications , most of us consider entertainment . Arguing with people who share your beliefs becomes somewhat stifling as time passes.
No one gets censored for their views. If you were being at al fair you’d acknowledge their are a broad range of views here.
I disagree , Everyone gets censored at some level . Subjectively versus objectively , the rights of the individual as opposed to those of his/her peer group are constantly at odds.The range and tolerance on this site is a bit wider but in general promotes materialism just as certainly as Ms Thatchers TINA declaration did.
No, we have never censored posts to promote materialism XD . If spiritual matters are underrepresented BTL that’s really nothing to do with the OffG team!! 🙂 You can’t hold us accountable for everything, that gets a bit childish. You continue to make snide remarks about us, including stating that we’d censor you less if you donated! I honestly don’t know what you’re going for here, unless it’s just childishly railing against an authority figure. I think OffG is an easy target. I think you can do better. A2
Talking from your rear end as you have done on many occassions should be censored.
When I’m bored I do something creative. You should try it, you may learn new things.
Complain about censorship while using their services for decades
Child …pram ..rattle
every 2 weeks the same sob story …
how entertaining
What’s your point? Is it an intelligent one? Do we have no right to point out that scary levels of censorship are on the rise? By your logic, do we have no right to complain about the drastically worsening economic situation, since we spend money?
I generally agree with your approach, but the problem is twofold – who defines ‘trolling’, or any other thing that might be censored? This is pretty much the same excuse as the ‘mainstream’ people, including big tech censoring the Biden story right now – of course we believe in ‘free speech’, but we just want to protect you from ‘garbage’ – ‘garbage’ of course as defined by them, which rapidly morphs into ‘anything we don’t want you reading because it exposes whatever lies we are promoting’ – I certainly wouldn’t accuse OffG of anything like that, although I’ve been temporarily censored a couple of times for what could only be ‘defense’ of Donald Trump (as in pushing back against some ridiculous nonsense someone is posting), as no other ‘community guidelines’ were even approached, let alone broached. (censoring non-derogatory Trump comments is very widespread, I’ve been booted right off the major Cdn ‘alt-progressive’ websites for incorrigible refusal to give in to TDS, they have a zero-tolerance policy for this kind of thing, only certified TDSers allowed – anyways, just a comment – beware the slippery slope, OffG! (fold 2)
Dave Patterson
Oct 24, 2020 6:30 AM (comment below if they allow it)
Awaiting spam check
oh the irony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there aren’t enough LOLs to express it!!!!
{{I would be extremely interested in being told why this comment was ‘held for spam check’ – it’s hard to imagine any other reason than my name has been flagged as offering occasional dangerous commentary, i.e. pushing back againt TDS – there is NOTHING else in my comments that would remotely be picked up in any genuine spam filter … ]]
I think you may have shown your hand here. Please, let’s not be dull about this. Thanks, A2
I’m sorry if I’m dull – that does not make any sense at all – ‘shown my hand’ in what way???? What ‘hand’ ???? I try to defend Trump against idiotic comments, and that exposes some ‘hand’??? What are you on about?? Or are you showing your hand, in that you are indeed flagging me by name or something because you really don’t like anyone defending Trump??? We could note you did not give a reason the comment was ‘flagged as possible spam’ ???
It’s because the spam software sometimes flags posts, often if they’re on a post by an OP who’s IP may have been flagged previously. I don’t actually know WHY you were flagged for that post. It happens. Clearly, however, you are primed to jump off the deep end all of a sudden and assume that we censor here. I wonder why you’re so uncharitable all of sudden, since this must be the first time this phenomena has happened to you, or you wouldn’t be quite so surprised? lol
In short, this is not a new exchange for me, and I invite you to think encouraging thoughts, because I fucking need the positive energy xd lol Thanks.
I don’t really want to argue with you, I understand you are very busy and probably frustrated from various things, but it is of concern when a post is flagged as ‘spam’ for NO apparent reason – and simply asking that question is hardly ‘jumping off the deep end’ – in your overworked state, you may be projecting, your somewhat aggressive and (mildly) abusive response to a simple question would be much closer to ‘jumping off the deep end’ at no real provocation. And this was NOT the first time this has happened to me, posts being flagged either as possible spam or ‘for moderation’ for NOTHING, as here, that would remotely qualify as any breach of your rules, has happened at least 3 times before I can kind of recall.
If you are having a spam program problem, why don’t you just say that at the top of the comments section, along with something like ‘if you think your post is not spam, please be patient, our software gets things wrong sometimes, and (assuming we agree it is not spam) will be released shortly’ or something?? Another idea – you could really tighten up the spam program so it does not identify anything other than obvious spam or things you really do not allow, reducing your workload, and ask readers to flag things they think qualify as spam for you (making it clear that simply disagreeing with someone’s opinion does not qualify) – if readers abuse this for any reason, they can be put on the watch list. I’d suggest trying to ignore even obvious trolls, they’re just like spoiled children looking for attention, and the best response is just to ignore them.
Just trying to be helpful – if you read the original post, you would see that I am actually on your side, which was why my puzzlement at that post being picked up by your program as possible spam.
The spam program is Akismet – used by pretty much every website that uses the WordPress codex. It’s fine – unless you are some entitled moron/troll who thinks waiting a while to see your not very original opinions appear is some sort of serious restraint on your civil liberties
Of late all of my posts are marked spam and posted sometime later . However if I use contentious words from the 1960s-70s era my comments disappear ? Perhaps I have overstayed my welcome , but I do agree with your covid coverage and find it more factual than the MSM ?
Yes, we have a comments policy. Perhaps you should stop using those contentious words? I’m happy to keep on removing them also. Happy either way. 🙂 A2
you have a self help book to recommend?
All Europe is co-ordinating its oppressive measures to climax around the weeks of the US election, even here we are feeling the monumental shift, the shockwaves of the fracture radiating out from America’s core, because we are all vassals of Empire.
It feels like the very fabric of space itself is shifting, because the US is undergoing a fundamental change, in what is the commination of a 20 year slow rolling fascist coup.
This is the final stage, and the US is moving to dictatorship at the point of it’s own economic collapse, we are simply bracing ourselves, locking down all freedoms in deference to the new demons, who will be taking power. Democracy is dead, freedom is dead, the fascist are coming out of the shadows. The republic is dead, hail Caesar!
Rare Early Bitcoin Blocks Moving/
CNNs Weird Election Simulations/
Google- Election Tampering Exposed/
Everday Items May Deactivate Covid/
Ritual BLM Kneel Comes To Wales/
CardiB.Khloe Promote Pedo Line/
CCP Declared Security Threat/
CCP Symbol In Biden’s Logo/
Nice anti communist propaganda! All nonsense. Good to see the website uses the CIAs own journals as proof of how bad China is
“All nonsense”
Prove it!
They are wrong but not far off. I’m, sure you have no involvement with Q-anon at all, but I suspect those who inform Q-Anon, may well inform your political bent, but I don’t care. I personally think you are what Alex jones is, a ‘guided’ opposition platform, dedicated to redefining the Overton window very much to the right & far-right. Your aim is to be champions of the people from a far-right, perspective, which is a contradiction in terms of course.
You reveal yourselves by never championing people who write on real economic issues, which would really help the population, like Union representation, equality, reinforcing our democracy, and any form of social justice or civil rights, which you often portray as bad things.
Ah yes, of course all who oppose the scamdemic are far right. I wonder how much they pay shills to post this tripe.
Are you an adult?
Are you even real or just a computer algorithmic MSM knee jerk fake connection generator?
Hang on, OG has been very concerned about the destruction of our civil rights by the Covid mob. As for union representation and the other issues you identify, can you clarify how discussing those is of more importance than the theft of our freedoms? How will they help us when we do not even have the rights to travel, collect together, socialise etc. and soon, with vaccinations, we will lose the right to not have medical treatment. And you are worried about unions? How is having a union going to help all those who have lost their right to work, stolen by the Covid mob?
Well I think we could broaden the Overton window a hell of a lot before we even crossed ‘centre’, in the traditional sense, Goodoldboy! In fact this fight transcends the out-moded Left/Right. Talking of controlled opposition, we could start by redefining these terms to actually make them relevant once more. Just my opinion..
I think that is nonsense, current political labels are more than adequate, but most people can’t even get their minds around them as they stand. How dumbed down do you want politics to get?
If you interpret the current political pro-wrestling match as not dumbed down we’re inhabiting very different planets right now. Have you seen who’s running for president lately? Have to disagree with you, sorry. A2
Genuine thinking requires transcending labels that were specifically designed to stop thought.
talk about it… “left” and “right”. ?… wow… the level of info provided here… we got a “general” feel for it… but it’s more emotional than anything else, and pertains to, well, propaganda, as opposed to rational analysis of a situation… Gives me nausea… from emotions that I get sometimes… any who it’s two dimensional, have you noticed that? We should at least have up, down and far and close…
To be fair to Alex Jones, he was blowing the whistle long before it became fashionable. First on a radio show before themtube existed if memory serves. Credit where credit is due.
Of course he was on it, he is part of the grouping of agencies that created the whole scam in the first place. If you want to know what the CIA are up to, just listen to Alex jones, and read between the lines.
Do you mean Jones is a CIA propaganda tool, but they allowed the MSM and big tech to deplatform and discredit him to an unprecedented degree? Who gains, apart from corporate media profiting from less competition? Not the CIA, unless you know more. That’s a hard one to work out.
I very good point lost on most people. Alex Jones looked devastated when the cabal shut him down. One cannot fake that reaction, maybe some very good actors could, but not for more than a few hours. Infowars is banned for Virgin subscribers. Still, where there’s a will…..
If you can put up with his voice, good luck to you. Literally gives me earache.
That could be just controlled opposition voice… I bet he speaks to his friends a different way… Have you purchased the Zinc Vit D package yet?
Of course there is no indication Jones would be an actor, or that the CIA would bother hiring a good actor… (sight)… I’m not against Jones, just keeping both feet on the ground
Have you ever worked for a compagny and did everything they asked and were told you were doing great and you were making a lot of money?? And then they sack you?… and you loose 80% of your business?? What does your face look like?
It would mean that they are confirming that they think that he is against them. Enforcing their scam. when in fact he would be controlled opposition. All I know, is that he is acting like a crazy person since a few years… and that serves their narrative… If he’s a go to person for the truth, why act in a way that reasonable people would hesitate to hear him out? I mean I can’t send people to this guy, I’ll give them the wrong idea about our narrative, and about me… So who does he serve? I’m just having a rational comment here, I’m not calling the truth police… I am pissed though. If I send them to Ike… eventually they’ll get to the reptilians part… now was that necessary?
Of course for this to work, he has to actually be telling the truth, to have a truth that can be denigrated… follow?
In other words, Jones and Ike got a call, and were told they could stay in business on the condition they would denigrate themselves with a touch of psycho… just working on my little novel here
Voxi Pop
Oct 25, 2020 3:57 AM
Reply to Fact Checker
Dont be ridiculous – Alex Jones was the first to expose that the virus was man made with the interview he did with the Professor that wrote the biological weapons treaty adopted worldwide.
Thats NOT the narrative of the folks you are talking about supposedly “controlling” him.
He breaks important stories every day and has for years, and has never even ONCE gotten legitimately criticized for the products he creates which fund him – so they are good too. He. helped elect the Punk In Chief President (I say that because he is anti establishment in a great way, thats why under constant attack from the likes of you.)
He blew the lid open on Bohemian Grove, on Bilderberg, on pedophilia networks and Drag Queen storytime in schools and gender confusion, and many many topics coming to a head today.
Yeah he blows his top and yells and acts really ridiculous some times – ever been to Texas? I HAVE. The men there can be of a different style- very florid alpha male peacocks. If you’ve been around them you see types similar to AJ, I have, and he doesn’t faze you much. But I get that he looks like a wild animal to more gently bred types on the Continent and elsewhere. Doesn’t change the solid record for reporting that can not be denied by anyone who bothers to actually look at the record of 2 dozen years.
So stuff you and your AJ smears, we are in a fight around here and what you bring is not needed.
I’m not denying any of this… read me well… you seem upset… what’s going on dear.
Are you… censoring me?
lol ok my apologies – i responded to the wrong comment. And the stupid commenter “Fact Checker” wont even know. Yes, I am so patient usually but I think reading another blase attack on AJ just made my thermometer rise. it happens and that’s when we make mistakes.
Thanks for your reasonable reply. : )
Oh… don’t open that letter!!
I often get angry rantings when I dare questioning those two… The angriest actually so why not go f yourself… I’m not backing down this time… my opinion of these is just as valuable as yours… f u… just forward links… that’s enough thinking on your part
are we still arguing? its ok ,temps are testy. Im sorry and I understand how you feel too. i have no problem with people questioning anything. but in his case if you are paying attention there is no way to say he isn’t relevant lately. To me that just signals people aren’t looking at what he’s been breaking. Just breaking the “coronovirus was man made in a Wuhan lab” so very early on is enough.
peace! : )
Although trusting these two shows a lot more scrutiny than trusting government, I don’t trust anybody. I keep questioning and connecting dots, just in case. Following comes with responsibility as this humanity found out many times. And it’s not necessary unless threatened, but then you are not really following, you are kidnaped.
Of course peace. What possessed you to change your appearance? Get out of that silly dress and come here.
And I have been paying attention, he seems on the spot… And I am taking a mix of vit D, Zinc and tonic water…
Voxi Pop
Oct 25, 2020 3:57 AM
Reply to Fact Checker
Dont be ridiculous – Alex Jones was the first to expose that the virus was man made with the interview he did with the Professor that wrote the biological weapons treaty adopted worldwide.
Thats NOT the narrative of the folks you are talking about supposedly “controlling” him.
He breaks important stories every day and has for years, and has never even ONCE gotten legitimately criticized for the products he creates which fund him – so they are good too. He. helped elect the Punk In Chief President (I say that because he is anti establishment in a great way, thats why under constant attack from the likes of you.)
He blew the lid open on Bohemian Grove, on Bilderberg, on pedophilia networks and Drag Queen storytime in schools and gender confusion, and many many topics coming to a head today.
Yeah he blows his top and yells and acts really ridiculous some times – ever been to Texas? I HAVE. The men there can be of a different style- very florid alpha male peacocks. If you’ve been around them you see types similar to AJ, I have, and he doesn’t faze you much. But I get that he looks like a wild animal to more gently bred types on the Continent and elsewhere. Doesn’t change the solid record for reporting that can not be denied by anyone who bothers to actually look at the record of 2 dozen years.
So stuff you and your AJ smears, we are in a fight around here and what you bring is not needed.
Well yeah we should always read between the lines… but there’s nothing there but our own personal little imagination is there. (always hated that expression… you got something to say? learn to put it in the lines for f sake)…
Never been a regular Alex Jones listener, but I remember 15 years ago when I listened to his interviews related to 9/11, I thought at the time that calling his show Prison Planet was a tad hyperbolic. After the global lockdown this year, I stand corrected.