Covid19: British Army to Begin Testing Children Without Parental Consent
Liverpool school will also be "barcoding" individuals, and "securing" them should they test positive
Kit Knightly

The Liverpool-based Broadgreen International School is in the “privileged position” of running a pilot scheme with Public Health England that will:
- Bring in the military to run Covid19 tests.
- Test children without getting parental consent first.
- Identify each individual with a “unique barcode”.
- “Isolate” and “secure” anyone who tests positive.
It’s all pretty bleak reading. Here is a link to it on the school website. You can also read the letter here:
And we suggest you download a copy, just in case they try and retract it.
This is one scheme at one school for now, but there’s no reason to assume it will stay that way. The only way to guarantee it doesn’t spread is to denounce it, loudly.
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This can only be a spoof, or the head teacher has never been to school. The letter is full of mistakes.
Read Reiner Fuellmich for real Covid truth
das Bild sieht gruselig aus! Wann haben die Corona Maßnahmen endlich ein Ende? Wann hört dieser schreckliche Alptraum auf?
it appears that today November 16th in North America at least a vaccine , which has been in use in Russia and China for months, for a price, has now been launched at taxpayer expense? Greece back in lockdown – the right-wing PM Mitsotakis trying to blame the gregariousness of young people for the uptick in cases (and deaths) in Greece, with former PM Tsipras rejecting that. A bit of a generational war, as young people are often more left-wing in Greece while the oldies are much of the political base for the right. Mitsotakis rejects the idea that opening up in the summer caused infections and I would agree with this – very few died over the summer and it would have been nuts to lock down. Greece has turned colder, as you would expect given the season, and I suspect this, rather than gregarious young people, is why there is an uptick.
WSWS denouncing the Leipzig demonstration. Rather hypocritically they talk of “desperation” being exploited by the far right. Well, when too much of the left wants more lockdown like Homer Simpson wants more doughnuts, what do they expect will happen?
I feel like I’m living in a mixture of V for Vendetta and 1984. Then I smack myself and realise this is actually worse!!
I know it wasn’t hacked because my WordPress blog, – across the river from Liverpool – has a good friend and long-term reliable source working within the Liverpool Local Education Authority (LEA). Around 3:00pm on Friday afternoon, an email arrived in his inbox. It consisted of the text of the same letter, without the address of the school and without the Broadgreen Head’s signature. The plan was to inform staff and to then have the text signed by the Head and sent out as a letter and an email to parents. An hour later when he returned to his desk the email had been recalled, and no doubt recalled from hundreds, maybe thousands of addressees across Liverpool at the same time. We can deduce from this that the wording of the letter enclosed in the OffGuardian article did not actually originate from the brow of the Headmaster of Broadgreen International School, Ms Towey. What we can assume is that it was a generic letter, written by a mysterious a. n. other. My money would be on somebody within the leadership of LASH, the Liverpool Association of Secondary Heads, but whom? No idea. So no, not hacked, no way. This “It was hacked” chestnut emerges as a ready-made excuse with sickening regularity and almost always with no evidence whatsoever, whereas the above is far more believable.
May I suggest that It’s pretty clear that they could have been hacked (you could ask them–the site has all the necessary contact details) but, whether so or not, that you have been hoaxed. I was going to set out the initial forensic details behind that suggestion but, frankly, neither you nor your now overwhemingly rabid readership of bots and trolls deserve not to be hoaxed. So I have binned them.
Google is your friend, or so they say. This website, which claims to combat misinformation and conspiracy theories, indicates it was genuine but was withdrawn because it was issued without input from health teams. My own interpretation is this was a trial balloon to see what the reaction would be. So, not hacked.
OK, so not hacked, as expressly and copiously allowed for as such in my original post:
“…they could have been hacked (you could ask them–the site has all the necessary contact details) but, whether so or not,…”
because my quick research did not follow up along that line (too difficult thus time consuming from outside the website concerned, especially when in the past tense, even for those who know what they’re doing and how to do it) but by checking out the proposed procedures and “compulsion” (including the implicit disclaimer of such in the sixth paragraph in the original letter) on source sites for mass testing info from ? on down.
And not actually “hoaxed” either (my bad) so much as mass and individually adrift in dogged pursuit of comforting social panic and ressentimentally inverted superiority delusions.
Trial balloons? Cocks ups. All the way observedly down and forseeably up. No coherent management around here please, we’re British, what?
No, you obviously have no evidence of hacking that you merely refused to share with bots and trolls – because this website shows that it was not hacked.
Cock ups do happen, of course. You just made one.
You’re right, I have no evidence of hacking because I didn’t look for any. How clearly do I have to state that? I suggested it as a possibility partly because that’s what it could have been but primarily to make the point that Kit and Catte have fallen for and relentlessly plugged a “conspiracy” hoax about Koch’s balls as part of a psychotic response to the finally-obvious anthropogenic collapse of multiple impending, basic societal and environmental systems (of which COVID-19 is one direct consequence) as personally inoffensive as possible. Do you want me to say straight out that IMO they’ve totally lost their marbles and, in terms of an effective response to the probably insurmountable, interlinked problems galloping towards us, such uncontrolled derangement made so public and posing as reason is positively detrimental? OK, take it as read.
You are regurgitating the same crud that most of the “left” are, handed down by their paymasters. There is no pandemic and so “covid” does not count as a collapse. It is another manufactured crisis to coerce and terrorise people into accepting the global technocracy.
If you don’t undesratnd that conspiracies are essential to the workings of business, you are wasting your time here- or are just another shill.
I know it wasn’t hacked because my WordPress blog, – across the river from Liverpool – has a good friend and long-term reliable source working within the Liverpool Local Education Authority (LEA). Around 3:00pm on Friday afternoon, an email arrived in his inbox. It consisted of the text of the same letter, without the address of the school and without the Broadgreen Head’s signature. The plan was to inform staff and to then have the text signed by the Head and sent out as a letter and an email to parents. An hour later when he returned to his desk the email had been recalled, and no doubt recalled from hundreds, maybe thousands of addressees across Liverpool at the same time. We can deduce from this that the wording of the letter enclosed in the OffGuardian article did not actually originate from the brow of the Headmaster of Broadgreen International School, Ms Towey. What we can assume is that it was a generic letter, written by a mysterious a. n. other. My money would be on somebody within the leadership of LASH, the Liverpool Association of Secondary Heads, but whom? No idea. So no, not hacked, no way. This “It was hacked” chestnut emerges as a ready-made excuse with sickening regularity and almost always with no evidence whatsoever, whereas the above is far more believable.
German protest, Leipzig.
They’ve won, haven’t they? Just about the whole world is walking about wearing a mask, like some demented lucky rabbit’s foot. Almost everyone is crying out for more imprisonment, and calling anyone who disagrees ‘idiot’. Almost everyone is gagging with anticipation to take this vaccine to save us from a ‘plague’ that has a mortality rate around the same as a car drive to work.
Simon Dolan’s Twitter feed isn’t mentioning the court case, and I have checked the Appeal Court’s site every morning. Nothing. A judgement was supposed to be given last week.
They have won, and we have lost. Fascism has triumphed and I just don’t know what to do about it other than be borderline suicidally depressed (no panic – I am not about to do anything to myself). Germany tends to extremes in relation to this. I have encountered a Gestapo-like informer in relation to Covid there, and from what I gather she is hardly unique, but the Germans are also capable of huge anti-lockdown demos.
Forget the army or dogs detecting “the virus”, now AI can do it:
Automated abuse. It makes sense. You don’t have to pay machines. And they won’t rebel, not that that’s much of a danger.
Don’t underestimate the pattern matching potential of AI.
Things are not so good for this lady, in Perth, Australia. Can you believe this?
“A Perth dentist has been sentenced to two months’ immediate jail for breaching COVID-19 quarantine requirements and treating 41 patients despite knowing the health risk posed by the virus. Ms Nairn was sentenced to two months in prison, as well as another five months suspended for a period of eight months.”
In the huge state of Western Australia (Perth is the capital), there have been no corona cases since April, 2020.
Bit of an over-reaction, wouldn’t you say? I hope the dentist has some way of suing this draconian government.
“I hope the dentist has some way of suing this draconian government.” I don’t know about her, but there is a group of Australian lawyers (name unkown, lawyers’ names unknown – to me) suing the Australian and Victorian governments. See Kathleen Stilwell’s report here.
We are still POMEs Prisoners of Mother England. God help us all.
The testing pilot is for the whole of Liverpool!
Correction: the Liverpool testing is a pilot for the whole of the UK.
smartie 🙂 you are saying something completely different. to clarify, i was pointing out that it is not just the school that is involved in the pilot but the whole of liverpool. whatever.
I think Keith Raniere of NXIVM had the right idea… capture these bureaucrats and brand them across the crotch and do the forehead at the same time.
Ya wanna be a member of an elite club oppressing the kids?
That’s a 1/2 S – half sarc
If you go to the schools update page ….. it says “Consent will be explicitly sought from parents.” .. updated 8-11-2020) …. obviously due to media attention ….. the pdf letter is still available on the site under covid 19 information page.
Check your palms. See the implicit contradiction of your masturbatory point in the sixth paragraph of the original letter.
What sheer bastardry. This entire bullshit, the psychopaths have made a point of targeting school children with the deliberate intent of dehumanising them. I hope the parents of children at this school voice their very strong disapproval and pull their kids out of there.
The vulnerable are always the first targets of predators. Not just kids, but African kids (and kids in India and in other less developed countries), were the first targets of the criminal vaccine companies and predators like Bill Gates. But kids were always easy pickins for predators. First Nations kids here in Canada. It was finally officially acknowledged that there was a genocide there. They called it a ‘cultural genocide’ I believe. I read a disturbing book by Mike Harris (the reporter who is probably self-isolating or something now) about the Mount Cashel orphanage here in Canada. The Catholic Church has done a great job protecting pedophile/priests. I blogged about NuNuNu, a clothing company (with ties to Nazi Israel) that pushes the idea that parents don’t own their kids and sex is choice. Thanks Celine Dion for promoting that evil. Oliver Stone has some choice words about the testing of kids (and adults who are idiots) with Pokemon Go. The UK Column presenters have done many shows looking at grooming in Scotland, where they made it official sort of, as well as the invasion of the school system in the UK by the transgender movement. (I am pro human rights. But when you trick kids who are too young to make big decisions into thinking that they are a different sex than they are and use the government to back you up and protect the predators…)
lmao if terves upset you, you’ll be VERY triggered on this site, my friend
hahaha. I’m not ‘triggered’ by a pathetic terfy nitwits.Thanks.
We don’t do identity politics here, so you might prefer to leave now before you get (more) humiliated.
Nah Terfy, staying put thanks. You getting upset? 🙁
Thank you for trolling denin, nice to see you here. You’re very welcome here, so please
trollvisit us again.Wasn’t aware I needed your permission.
You TERFS do get a bee in your bonnet don’t you?
You’re trolling – worse, you’re doing it badly and being boring. Stop.
What’s a terf?
Any woman who knows that men can’t become women.
You must have confused this with Reddit. Kindly feck off to where you belong.
Thanks for the links Arby, will check them out later. I didn’t realise you had your own Bitchute channel, consider me subscribed! Yeah, I had heard about the NuNuNu company a while ago, and Celine Dion’s links with it.
I haven’t watched many UK Column News videos recently, and same with The Last American Vagabond because their clips are long, and being on prepaid phone data, and in a really dire financial situation, had to seriously limit what I watched. Being back at work, that’s all changed now. The only problem now is lack of spare time!
Hope your week goes well…
No prob. Are you still selling mags?
Had problems posting a reply before. Yes, I’ve been back selling the mag since Oct 29th, so a good 1.5 weeks now. My modus operandi is to go out to outer suburbs, well away from the CBD, as there’s far too many vendors selling there, and a lot of people in the ‘burbs shop locally.
I go to a different suburb each day to keep sales high. Despite the economy here being wrecked, have actually done incredibly well… a lot better than what I was expecting.
However, we both know what’s coming, and when the economic ponzi scheme collapses, as it will soon, it’ll be every man and dog for themselves. The sad reality of the society we live in Arby.
Just trying to shove away as much money as possible before that happens. Hope your week goes well👍
Well, It goes without saying; I wish I could do something for both of us. I’m powerless and penniless. I have nothing but my fragility, my faith and my principles.
My week is going awful so far. I got my bike out the shop two days ago. The next day, I had a flat tire and I have no way to get the bike to a shop to fix it. So I’m back on the TTC with the crazies wearing masks. I’m just heading out the door now. It’s nerve-wracking. Other guards who I work with are causing chaos. (Otherwise, work is fine. It doesn’t pay much, but I can at least survive.) Take care.
Use a gob of spit on the valve to see if it’s the valve or (a) your fingers on the tyre lining or (b) your cheek or a bowl of water on the lightly-inflated tube to see where a puncture is. New tube is cheaper than new fitted tube. If it’s the social collapse gezzah wants, sorry: bike shop looted, burnt down and closed. Meanwhile, try or, even cheaper, a Canadian nickel and dime.
When “that” happens your centrally-printed bank money will be worth jack shit.
Well, what do you suggest then? Gold? Silver? Bitcoin? And, no, the very last thing I want is social collapse Robert, because, obviously that will mean vast numbers of dead people.
You do know about the Great Reset and what that entails, don’t you? They even boast about it on the World Economic Forum website. Take a peek for yourself. You also know about Neuralink and AI as well? You know, the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Do you think all this is for the betterment of us mere plebs?
Stop asking me if I know about this or that fucking obvious. I’ve been tracking and proselytizing about this stuff and–in our hands–its inevitable, probably species-including-ours terminal, destructiveness for nearly 70 years now, which is long enough to get some kind of perspective on its stages of development that is sadly lacking in the infantile attitude of overwrought, panicked urgency so manifest in the yelps of so many newly ‘enlightened’ (but in actuality far-too-late comers) around here. “Take a peek for myself”? Fuck off. What to use as an effective juju instead of cash? None of the above. You don’t like lots of dead bodies? So buy a few chemicals now before you have to resort to bloodier methods of exiting in advance. Après vous, le déluge. Don’t like blunt abuse instead of carefully crafted obscurantist sarcasm? Too bad. Some ass of a salad provoked me into a temporary burst of it further up this BTL and it hasn’t worn off yet.
Oh, yes, I get it now. Sorry for my stupidity. You’re just a bitter, nasty old man who gets his kicks lashing out at, and abusing others. So, because someone else further up the thread ‘provoked you’ – you decide to take it out on me. Charming Rob. And your obvious disdain for other commenters here makes me wonder why you even bother reading below the line.
Anyway, I’m definitely Not in the mood for your little tantrum, so just fuck off yourself. Go and bug someone else on these threads.
What I suggest is awaiting what, on this so unfairly castigated and kettled side of fearless untrammeled questioning of everything established, we call “awaiting a spam check”. Let’s see.
Off-Guardian 1, Robbobbobin’s suspicious nature 0.
Maybe download while at work, if you have a android search ‘video download’ on play store, its free and really improves bitchute viewabilty
Thanks Simon, I hadn’t tried that, but will check it out. Hope your week is going well✌️
Should start with Eton
WOW!! Straight out of “V For Vendetta.”
Here is how not to defend sanity while confronting COVID cult dogmas and especially central delusion that without lockdowns it would have been much worse, more sick, more dead more economic devastation.
The case in point is post entitled:
“Why it is right to question the orthodox Covid-19 narrative”
What authors are trying to do here is to discredit lockdowns on economic, moral and legal grounds without first discrediting official propaganda lies about allegedly high lethality virus allegedly causing ad hoc made-up disease called COVID, lies about by decree exclusive, special administrative classification of deaths as COVID deaths, were no clinical diagnosis or autopsy needed and scandal of massive misuse, abuse of unreliable, non specific PCR testing technology, long rejected by FDA itself as unreliable diagnostic tool for live infections or respiratory diseases as it failed in previous “pandemics”, as arbitrary determinant of rise or fall of clinical COVID cases and be that wrongly inferring epidemiological existence and spread of infection and disease.
In other words one cannot bring up true argument of socioeconomic devastation of lockdown, social distancing, face masks and vaccinations without discrediting entire COVID propaganda narrative that framed COVID as some deadly disease threatening human civilization.
No, rejection of lockdown policies cannot be effectively argued without exposing COVID fraud and criminality as what we have here is not just a policy mistake based on some incorrect predictions, applying inappropriate protocols but deliberate lies, manipulation, supression, disinformation obfuscation, and outright fraud in every level and dimension; political, medial, economic, financial, technological, scientific, perpetrated by people in power and global authority controlled by global oligarchic interests aimed to mitigate self inflicted crisis of financial capitalism and mass global protest of working people intensified over last decade of post 2008 financial Collapse and unprecedented Wall Street bailout.
The COVID cult members cannot be reason out of dogmatic myths they have to be shaken out of them and suffer inevitable cognitive dissonance pain of reconciliation their brainwashed by fear mongering media campaign and opportunism worldview into material reality.
Unfortunately, physical and psychological damage was already done and many Including children may never recover from COVID PTSD.
That is all true, I agree.
However, there is hope. I speak to a lot of people out on the street every day and there is much less support for this lockdown than the first one. The main thing people are talking about is the fact that schools are still open. It makes no sense as part of the official narrative and it seems that this aspect is making people question things a bit more. It’s a crack wide enough to get a crowbar into.
A wise man once said that the bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe. But another one said that if you build your house on sand, don’t be surprised if it washes away with the tide. I’m paraphrasing both of them.
The “first” wise man you are quoting is Adolf Hitler out of his book Mein Kampf…more like cunning and conniving, just like Herr Boris and his henchmen.
It was indeed Hitler. He was referring to the lies of others, and it applies in this situation too. The lies are so big and so encompassing that most peoples brains short circuit and accept the whole thing. But it seems to me that the rationale (ha!) behind lockdown 2.0 is so flimsy that it will fall down by itself.
The second was Jesus, btw. I’m not that fussy about sources!
I think people are getting bored with this thing – it is no longer a new thing and the wreckage that comes with lockdowns is harder to ignore.
Yep. And the weather is not as good as lockdown 1.0, and although people still don’t know anyone who died of covid, they DO know lots of people who have lost their jobs because of the crazy panic.
Fully agree with you Kalen, especially about the socioeconomic devastation these policies have had on so many vulnerable people, and also your point about the dogmatic myths of the covid cult members. A perfect example of that, of course, are those supposed ‘defenders’ of the working class, the WSWS.
That’s an awful article that you linked to.
Very well put Kalen – a great read, as you’ve covered everything that everyone really needs to understand about this massive coup.
Covid prison camps:
See anything odd here in the tweet?:
“The people of Liverpool have embraced mass testing in the fight against #COVID19 assisted by the @BritishArmy
Mayor Anderson is preparing to announce mandatory Covid Isolation Camps that will be patrolled by the army to prevent further viral outbreaks.”
They have embraced something that leads to the mandatory?
Still, you have to relish one of the responses:
“Keep up the excellent work mein führer”
It’s a spoof account.
We have watched too many Hollywood movies while unelected psycopaths are busy scheming to screw every one of us.
And Their OPERATION COVID is a huge success!
Wait for the deployment of OPERATION THE GREAT REST… and then “screw” won’t be good enough to describe it.
free free
amazon vouchers for all
full compliance
glaxo smith kleined beaten astro zenecained
promise to sponsor
build covid free
bleached hive pentagram bubbles for all with valid corporation birthed certificated
come on children lolipops
lord savile ice creams
all free today
You can have your lollipops back uncle bill… aint sticking all that in me
Thanks for the post. What this says to me is that as this article is in high likelihood false / fake news aimed at discrediting those opposed to the NWO agenda, the author and Off-Guardian can’t be trusted, no matter how well-intentioned they may be. A screenshot of the letter on the school website would have gone some way to prove it’s veracity.
The letter is not fake and can be found on the school site in a link here: – admin1
I managed to download it from the school site at 10, but by 10:30 it had been removed.
I believe it may have been moved around I found it here first link I believe 11/6 update:
I couldn’t find it, but thanks. Am always prepared to be proven wrong.
An apology would be nice…🤷🏻♀️
You’re a grade 1 prick.
No problem at all I like that mindset, I feel the same. One of my favorite quotes: “The only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing at all.”
Cheers! 😊
Yes.. Kit Knightly advised to download it.. it looked pretty genuine to me.
It’s there, I just chedked.
Did you take two minutes to even attempt to look for verification YOURSELF? A quite simple search of the headmasters’ name took me to the school website and under NEWS-> UPDATES-> IMPORTANT INFO REGARDING COVID-19:
That is incorrect,any of the parents that received the letter have posted on facebook with the actual letter the kids brought home
You’re stretching credulity too far, but If you actually have some solid information that the letter from Broadgreen School is fake then do feel free to share it with us. However, I won’t be holding my breath while I’m waiting.
Here’s the real letter. Not the made up one shown in this article.
Same as the one we received from our kid’s school. and below, the school website, with the link to the letter, for any conspiracy theorists to check.
Letter from Liverpool City Council
Dear Parents/Carers,
Everyone living, working or learning in Liverpool can now get a free Covid-19 test.
The more of us who get tested, the more we can stop the spread of COVID-19 in our city.
All children aged between 11 and 18 years old, where the appropriate recorded consent is provided, are eligible for the test.
We are inviting the young people in our city to take part in this process.
This test involves taking a swab from the back of the throat and nose. This process may be uncomfortable for some people but isn’t harmful. In most cases the test will be self-administered, but trained army personnel will be on hand to support where needed
We are working in partnership with the NHS and partners to deliver testing at our education settings in Liverpool.
We ask that you and your child discuss this to see if it is something you would like to participate in. If consent* is given pupils will be tested twice over a period of about 10 days for COVID-19 as part of a national pilot. The results will be fed into NHS Track and Trace. Individual results will also be held by the school and provided directly to you.
Anyone who tests positive, using either a lateral flow test or an existing swab test, must self-isolate along with their household immediately. Those who test negative will need to continue to follow all national guidance.
This pilot is being run in phases, starting week beginning 9th November with a small number of locations. We will work with NHS partners and the military to ensure safe and suitable systems and processes are used across education settings. Following this, the testing will be offered more widely.
Further details about the mass testing pilot can be found:
To be able to participate in this pilot hard copies of the letter and the consent form will be given to all students on Monday 9th November 2020 to be returned to school on Tuesday 10th November 2020.
Yours faithfully,
Ms P Towey
*Further information regarding consent can be found at the NHS website and also at the CQC website
What you have posted is on their website now as of the 08/11/20, not what was there on the 6th and 7th.
Why it was there in the first place may be the question to ask before resorting to this:-
“Here’s the real letter. Not the made up one shown in this article.
Same as the one we received from our kid’s school. and below, the school website, with the link to the letter, for any conspiracy theorists to check.”
It wasn’t made up for the article. Get your facts straight.
Can you be so sure that the website is genuine? A little digging has been done. A friend pointed me to Ofsted and there can be found a link to the BGIS website: . Please notice the different addresses. It could be that the one with the damning letter is on is the genuine one, that they have changed their address and the Government website has not been updated. Job done, nasty letter is real. I stand corrected. Or it could be that a fake site has been set up and all sorts of techie tricks have been employed so that the fake site overrides searches for the real one. I’m not techie minded enough to know how probable / possible that is. I suspect that it is very, on both counts. Question everything. Or don’t. Up to you.
The topic of the Dunblane massacre came up and I found this:
“Evidence of previous police interaction with Hamilton was presented to the Cullen Inquiry but was later sealed under a closure order to prevent publication for 100 years. The official reason for sealing the documents was to protect the identities of children, but this led to accusations of a coverup intended to protect the reputations of officials. Following a review of the closure order by the Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd, edited versions of some of the documents were released to the public in October 2005. Four files containing post mortems, medical records and profiles on the victims, as well as Hamilton’s autopsy, remained sealed under the 100-year order to avoid distressing the relatives and survivors.
The released documents revealed that in 1991, complaints against Hamilton were made to the Central Scotland Police and were investigated by the Child Protection Unit. Hamilton was reported to the Procurator Fiscal for consideration of ten charges, including assault, obstructing police and contravention of the Children and Young Persons Act 1937. No action was taken.”
I believe that’s called “limited hangout” i.e. the talk of conspiracy became too troublesomely voluminous so eventually a concession was made to release some material which shows that complaints about Hamilton from 5 years earlier were not acted on. And this is then taken to be the big scandal (and by implication, the reason for the 100 year ban).
USA House Resolution 6666 Covid 19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone Act
(May 01 – 2020)
Giving them powers to take your children away.
If a million people of all shades, (I’m a Corbynista),
don’t get out on the streets, and overwhelm the police, we’re done for…
We did it for poll tax, we could do it now.
I’m ready, and willing, but stuck in Chiangmai!
Will they use army snipers?
Shades of Peterloo…
The upvotes for your post show me just how apathetic people have become.
You didn’t do shit for poll tax- it was just renamed Council Tax. The Brits are too soft and weak-spined to revolt. The “I’m alright, Jack” mentality is pervasive in all classes- “me and my family first” does not make a revolution.
Someone else posted this but it’s super important to get this out there. Government is planning to get around laws preventing forced vaccination by using Mental Health laws which DO permit forced medication. Frightening development
Indeed, this is super important. This committee is saying that If you refuse vaccination then you are mentally ill, therefore, the authorities can detain you and administer a medical treatment (a vaccine) for your own protection and the protection of others.
Interesting that such committees never look at what side-effects of the vaccine or the vested interests in deploying such procedures.
The scheming bastards are construing that abusing human rights (and assault) is allowed under human rights laws!!!!!!!!!
This has been occurring in the mental health system for years.. but mental people are.. a pain in the arse… ie they need a lot of patience and it is so much easier to administer medications… now everybody is a pain in the arse..
Yes it simplified the process of sectioning patients when they introduced the Coronavirus Act. It had required several professionals now just an NHS lavatory cleaner will do. This development was unfathomable at the time.
This is the original document i believe
Quite worrying is this at the very end of the abstract
: ‘either have yourself vaccinated, or stay at home’.
We know,you know,I know,they know it wont just be as simple as that….there will be terms and conditions aplenty….and not one of them beneficial to anyone other than government and vxxine manufacturers
We’re on the brink of this: New digital passport system which includes a health check/vax update element, linked to biometrics, linked to omnipresent facial recognition technology. Chinese social credit score system run by AI linked to facial recognition monitoring your every movement. There is a “breakout”. You are in the frame. You are a suspect in a recent covid breakout – a vile, disgusting, unvaccinated disease spreader…… are now llabelled a killer. Not forgetting 5G and the internet of things, smart dust etc etc. The military is being brought in and this is being normalised.
Interested to see a Palestinian flag – you tend to get those at lefty demonstrations – perhaps not everyone is as deranged on the British left as the WSWS is.
We are all Palestinians now…
Protest in Liverpool.
See the scumbag at 1:00…deliberate provocation of somebody not threatening excuse to use a weapon and power..filth.
Welcome to reality…Liverpool’s ‘Matrix’ squad. Morons.
It isn’t over.
The fascist goon squad, also known as ‘police’ have been as bad here in Melbourne, and as many videos have shown, have no problem going full Robocop thuggery, and even arresting pregnant mothers and elderly ladies.
They even arrested a Victorian MP last week who attended an anti lockdown protest as an observer.
On a side note, for some reason thought you were in France. Maybe it’s your pseudonym. I’m glad to see some solid resistance to the bullshit in Liverpool.
For a second there when you said a Victorian MP i pictured a dust covered lady of 145 years old. Geography was never my strength.
Australia will be rewarded for how they’ve dealt with the draconian imposition of fascism. Gates and his friends will be filling the Christmas cards with cheques as we speak. It’s evil. I never expected Australia of all countries to turn that way on it’s people.
My pseudonym is my homage to George Orwell. He retreated to Jura in order to get 1984 finished before TB killed him. He managed it just in time. It’s also my private joke Re Lord Haw Haw. He was a lunatic Irishman who managed to upset all factions of his own country before hiding in Liverpool, then escaping to join Germany’s propaganda team.
He would suddenly ‘appear’ in the UK airwaves with an exaggerated upper class British accent to hide his own and begin each message and set of menacing threats with ”Germany calling…Germany calling..”
We caught him eventually and he was brought home and hanged. It was just the real mad bastards we didn’t arrest from the Nazi party. We allowed them to move to America to carry on their work under the guise of paperclip ‘researchers’…They’re still going strong..
Yeah, well, the peice of filth Daniel Andrews is not doing all this coz he actually believes there is a ‘pandemic’. Shows how venal and corrupt he is, like all the rest here in Australia.
10 days straight of no ‘cases’ or ‘deaths’ here in Melbourne, yet mandatory facemasks stay put. And it’s 29 degrees here today. Imagine when it’s about 38-39 degrees. There’ll be people fainting all over the place, especially the elderly.
Now I get your name! Gezzah is actually my Australianised nickname, and Potts was my mums maiden name. The cops have already paid me a visit, and they know who I am from my Facebook posts. C’est la vie. Hope your week goes well Jura👍
Thanks Gezzah..hope yours does sounds a nightmare..
Where are the Human Rights people ? Where are the Human Rights lawyers ? How many have been paid off..shitbags..
Shame we couldn’t all start again. England could flood Australia with some class criminals and beef up the numbers 😉
We see the crows begin to gather
It’s bearly started Jura…….
Pathetic crowd allow coppers without even helmets and clubs to drag people away. Hopeless. Wear masks and eye protection FFS, the coppers all have tear gas sprays on the ready.
That’s a fair number of people, but they have enough detention centres for them all.
It may take Poll Tax-size protests which were massive in 1990 to force any sort of U-turn.
Those protests achieved very little…poll tax was simply renamed Council Tax.
Needs repeating everywhere. Well done Liverpool. More to come. They must not be allowed to get away with their lockdown/ vaccine crap.
Good on you Liverpool. Get your muscle out and stand your ground. This is what Melbourne should have done from the get go. They suffered 8 months of lockdown hell with a daily Press conference from the psychopath Premier Dictator Dan who was lecturing them every day with his ‘Two Minutes of Hate’ torture. Do NOT let this happen to you. It must not. Many people suffered and will continue to suffer psychologically.
The only thing positive that I take from scenes like the above is the sight of thugs in uniforms wearing masks. Wearing masks is self-abuse. ‘They’ deserve to get what they dish. Of course, there’s a difference between forced self-abuse and self-abuse by the duped or by servants of power who do it because their paycheques depend on their obedience to the fascist authorities who pay them.
The cult of soldier worship is alive and well in England despite a long history of atrocities .
I guess, it is called white supremacy.
Untrue globally most tinpot tyrants usually of color begin as colonels or generals
It is. Our side has many weaknesses. There’s State worship. There’s an acceptance of the foundational beliefs (Rockefeller health care ideology) that our enemies are happy to see us embrace. It doesn’t help with the pushback against covid 1984. Exceptionalism (US, UK, etc). Unthinking Conservatism. For example, going on and on about vets and how we (allies) conquered the Nazis, as far as I’m concerned, is war propaganda. (The Soviet Union, who Conservatives love to bash – and, yes, that was an evil system – won World War II.) Getting caught up in electoral charades. Gary D. Barnett has some very blunt words about that. See his blog.
UK Column News – 6th November 2020
All the events we have seen — the U.S. Election, the Covid Lockdown, the militarization of society, the Green New Deal — all point in the same direction
Patrick Henningsen of 21’st Century Wire identifies common threads connecting recent developments: the urgency to remove President Trump and to replace him with those who sign up to the agenda that is hidden under cover of Covid.
The changing structure of government, practically, as we observe from day to day; and as indicated by government white papers and reviews, points to a flatter, broken-down, monolithic outcome, Henningsen says, perhaps a single world government, a single party, a simplified, consolidated, state-corporatist system.
Mike Robinson adds that democracy and multiple parties cannot exist in this form of government. This is already visible from the Lockdown policy.
The current UK review of government points to the shape of future world government. It consists of a “whole of government” approach with a single point of command — who will that be: Cabinet Office, Intelligence Services? These will effectively be one body.
Lockdown policy is a taste of the totalitarianism to come.
Parliament is turned into a phone-in radio show. Most MPs are on Zoom.
This is the Soviet form of politicized words used to attack any political dissent. Such language serves to preemptively attack people who would resist or oppose policies. This can be in the context of wartime deception or propaganda to distract the population from what the government is doing.
UK government’s Integrated Operating Concept is an offensive military strategy that embraces the whole of society.
Like the FUSION DOCTRINE it unifies government, military and corporations.
This new style of government is aggressively competitive – for resources and minerals necessary to cybernetic society. It is also repressive towards its own domestic population.
See my post on the UK Military Review here
Bank of England follows ECB and Fed continuing quantitative easing, printing huge amounts of money for the governments and big corporations, but withdrawing credit from the real economy. Fully expecting currencies to collapse and be replaced by digital store credits. Last year the BoE was openly talking about putting companies out of business if they don’t fit the New Green Deal.
Central Bank Regime Change, by Anthony Doyle
However U.S. readers and viewers will receive all the propaganda directed from Britain.
ITN accuses Trump of “baseless” claims of fraud (how do they know?).
BBC: Trump claims “without evidence”. So before the legal challenges have begun, the deep state is discounting them.
Guardian: Trump’s last-ditch US election lawsuits not going well for president, experts say — President appears to be trying to ‘sow discord and distrust’ over results with legal actions in key states
Paid for content paid through the Guardian Org by Craig’s List funder and Park Foundation.
No investigation has been done.
Mike Robinson recalls that prior to the election Nancy Pelosi was talking to the military about forcing Trump to quit. That made little sense at the time – but given the dispute over the election the Pelosi narrative has been put into play: the assumption that there is no way Trump could win.
The mainstream polling was part of an intentional strategy to build a public perception that Biden had an insurmountable lead. If Trump had won by a bigger margin, the Democrats would probably have mounted accusations of voter suppression. Instead it is Trump who is doing the challenging.
Trump did much better than the polls predicted. Republicans did well in the House and the Senate. Trump expanded his vote in much of the country. Ethnic minorities voted Republican in unprecedented numbers.
It also appears that the people are sick of lockdowns, of masks, of living in fear.
Trump’s message was end the lockdown, open the schools, get back to life.
BUILD BACK BETTER – is another slogan from Biden, Johnson, WWF… but not Trump. So another clue who is behind the attempt to unseat Trump.
Democrat’s proposed the opposite: national mask mandate, extend the lockdown. Joe Biden was always wearing a surgical mask and promised a dark, bleak winter. The Democrats are 100% behind the Great Reset agenda with Bill Gates.
If you don’t like the Covid agenda, you are going to feel the sharp end of it.
The Corporatist Media called Trump a racist. Instead he increased his support among ethnic minorities. His brand of populism gave a voice to social groups that were previously mute. This will be important for years to come.
Trump’s administration served to expose and discredit the media, revealing its ties with the military, the intelligence services and the bureaucratic elite.
CNN, MSNBC have failed to convince the public.
Pelosi’s Democrats wasted four years of doing nothing but try to blame Trump on Russia.
Eight states face major legal challenges along with anecdotal evidence of irregularities. Anomalies include dead voters in Michigan, the appearance of ballots for Biden without any accompanying “down ticket” votes for Democratic Congressmen. Other challenges may address the calling of Arizona for Biden by AP and Fox long before the count was finished, and the sudden reversal of fortunes which followed the overnight suspension of votes. The final 1% of the votes counted are taking three or four days with stashes of ballots being found at the last moment.
The extension of voter deadlines due to Coronavirus is also being challenged. The Federal Appeals Court on Friday reinstated an Election Day deadline for voters in Georgia, where Henningsen anticipates a recount.
Hello Moneycircus: Thank you for your excellent posts. It seems most Britishers have election manipulation scenarios back asswards.
Inside America’s Meddling Machine: The US Funded Group that Interferes in Elections around the Globe – Grayzone Project
August 20, 2018
By Max Blumenthal
Yes thanks for the comprehensive summaries of UK Column Moneycircus. Much appreciated by somebody with not enough time for the real thing.
liverpool regime
counter the child insurgency
a tale
a novel
the boys look so erect and happy at the job at hand.
strong of back bone
strength in arms
bulldog spirit
always triumph
army british
coming home
UK Column News – 6th November 2020
513 MPs voted to extend Lockdown legislation (including all of Labour); 37 MPs opposed the extension – Conservatives and DUP and one independent.
Sir Charles Walker MP, one of the few to speak up: Public is being coerced through criminal and civil law. There is nothing voluntary about it. “I will not live in fear of the virus. I live in fear of something much darker.”
Furlough scheme offering 80% of salaries through March; ‘Future Fund’ loans to end of Jan; Mortgage payment holiday for homeworkers extended indefinitely
Peaceful marchers on Nov 5th kettled by police who held people from 8.30pm until 10pm in order to make arrests.
Barrister Francis Hoar said states that break up protests are not liberal democracies. He criticized those who stand by while governments tear up cardinal democratic rights, the freedom of worship and rights to enjoy family life and property without intrusion.
Clipboard, yellow high-visibility jacket with Health and Safety Executive on it.
The purpose of these checks remains unclear. UKC suspects that ultimately these checks will be used to shut down businesses.
UK Gov claims 10 million people have been tested for Covid at least once, out of a population of more than 65 million. According to Health Secretary and Event Covid organizer Matt Hancock, herd immunity doesn’t exist so the purpose and success of government Covid testing remains unclear.
PURPOSE DISRUPTORS – perpetuating the behavior of the Lockdown
— A network of advertising insiders working to tackle climate change.
“Our emissions will be reduced by 7% in 2020 thanks to the lockdown pause. Let’s keep it up.’
UK Column News – 6th November 2020
Rhys, please can I post your brilliant letter on Facebook?
‘Dear Parents
As part of the process of transferring ownership of your children from you in loco parentis to the State at the time of their birth (whereby you are contracted on 168hr/week zero pay contracts to bring them up with absolutely no say in any decisions that the State may make to make money for State insiders), we are writing to you to inform you that your children are now ‘commodities’ who need ‘barcoding’ so we can check them in and out at the school gate, not to mention confiscate them from you if they refuse to be vaccinated, show any signs of illness that means we can transfer them to a concentration camp (there really is far too much ADHD around these days).
Just remember, we have the best interests of Boris Johnson’s bank account at heart, not to mention our own. Your children’s bodies are open source clinical trial testing grounds and if a few of them suffer ‘adverse reactions’, well that is nothing different to the playground bullying that has gone on for decades. It will just be cognitive impairment rather than emotional helplessness that will the outcome. Very little difference according to our analytical data harvesting programmes.
Because you are probably a bit averse to all this happening, we have called in working class thugs who joined the army at 16 to cover up the fact that they didn’t get too many O Levels. They are going to beat your children up if they don’t do what they are told (what we tell them to do is rather different than what you might tell them to do) and we have plenty of white vans to cart them off in if they put up too much of a fight.
Never forget: you are subjects in this land, not citizens. You do as you are told, and I have been told by representatives of the Monarch to tell you what to do. So you will do it or else.
I am sure you would agree that we have world class standards of paediatric educational services on offer here and if you fancy a real piece of down-to-earth working class thuggish hell, the school round the corner is rather shorter of decent human beings than this one. So do transfer your revolting child there if you don’t want to do what you are told.
Yours Sincerely
A. (Dick)Head Mistress.
Rhys, please can I post your brilliant letter on Facebook?
Surely you don’t imagine that would be allowed…?
‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics Weighs in On Child Labor
One does not have to go back to the accounts of Charles Dickens or Jacob Riis to see what the CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS have in store for our children, EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOTS or for those “lucky enough to survive the cull” the end of Child Labor Laws and the bringing back of work houses and poor houses. Forward to the 80 hour work week. REAP… REAP… REAP.

“Are there no prisons? Are they workhouses? If they would rather die… they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”
Hello Rhys Jaggar: Great letter!!! You’re probably aware of the Unam sanctum papal bull of 1302. Most readers refuse to believe where authoritative rights of owner- ship began.
The use of trusts goes back quite a few years… >
Excerpted from: Cestui que trust (constructive trust)
[At birth] “That ward/vessel is a now a Vessel of the United States, documented by registration under the laws of the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, and the Title goes to the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C.
In a Maritime in rem action, jurisdiction over the person of the “defendant”, the vessel, is premised upon the presence of the vessel within the district in which the court sits.
The only vessel they have jurisdiction over is the trust, that is evidenced by the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, establishing the three points of jurisdiction NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and DATE OF BIRTH, the Federal Reserve account under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury who is also the managing trustee for the Social Security Administration and governor for the IMF.”
Complete text:
All these “legal” arrangements give 3rd parties owner-ship of people as financial collateral for investment bonds and surety instruments. The International Monetary Fund is partly owned and operated by the Vatican…
I hope that the entire article is not so dense because it does look interesting. I will bookmark it.
Letter has been removed. I wonder why?
A small victory for the sake of the Children, who are a very important asset:
Update 8.11.20
We are awaiting updated information about the plans for Covid-19 testing of students in Liverpool Schools.
Consent will be explicitly sought from parents.
At this point in time, we are uncertain of the start date for this.
Details will be shared as soon as possible
I downloaded it this morning and have it as a PDF file on my pc
Hopefully a lot of parents have done the same.
1:30pm on a Sunday? Someone must have been quite worried regarding the legality of testing a minor without consent!
I wonder who contacted them to tell them?
One small step to protect our children, is a massive step to ending this nightmare.!!
Let’s not be hasty in declaring victory over British Army.
This is is not clean retreat from terrorist extortionist position of U.K. government.
The new language does no say that written consent is absolutely required but that it will be somehow in some form sought, in an effort to cover school administrators butts predicting direct legal challenges after all children are forcefully tested now or forcefully vaccinated anyway in the near future.
For example a negative answer to a question “would you like your child to get sick with COVID spread by other children” could be construed as endorsement of testing. Or extortionist pressure imposing false dichotomy of testing or closure of schools for all children and total lockdown.
Also fate of those children whose parent refuse to consent or more importantly refuse their children to be tested with fraudulent PCR or “vaccinated” with untested drugs, including social prejudice, alienation, discrimination in access to education or other school activities, is not disclosed openly but clearly hinted by claims of critical national importance and civic duty to allow children testing, surely followed by mandatory vaccinations.
The letter has now been removed from the schools website
Is that proof it was a spoof or is it a genuine document that attracted hostile attention?
I strongly suspect the latter.
People never imagine that they will be held personally responsible for their actions.
They imagine the ‘only following orders’ defence will work.
But having it removed doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll refrain from doing what they said.
They HAVE to publish a retreat now.
I suspect it was genuine and a trial balloon to see how much sh%t people will put up with. The three days given in the letter, two of them a weekend, to write in and exempt your child is an insultingly short period of time.
Friday afternoon British officer informs head teacher .. in agitation, under stress, possibly duress, head teacher crafts hurried letter.
‘privileged position’ refers to army officer not struggling school.
Increasingly likely said letter is genuine! .. omg
James Corbett has some interesting thoughts (which I might quibble with a little) about that sort of thing. See his article titled “Resistance Is Fertile.”
Ofsted judges the school as inadequate. Would it be cynical to suspect that the school has been promised the lifting of special measures as a quid pro quo?
I checked the school website this morning around 10 and the letter was there. It has since been removed.
To Admin,
I have been posting on this site for a number of years and now I am being spam checked for the first time.
I noted a big spam problem yesterday. It hasn’t happened previously so, unless it recurs, I’ll give the benefit of the doubt.
I was perusing a previous post and noted that you’d made a reference to the Dunblane massacre and how it has been “sealed for 100 years”. I didn’t know that and I stumbled on this:
I don’t like to spam up the thread with duplicate posts so I’m patient… only once has a comment failed to post eventually.
Hi George,
Sorry to be so long in answering, went into my spam mail. National Archives, Scotland for some declassified docs.
Hamilton was refused a shotgun licence by the police but Lord Robertson, who was secretary of NATO supported a firearms application.
A peado club is located at Edinburgh University, Brown etc.
It doesn’t occur to me to think like that.
afaik my posts get through ok. I get an email signifying so.
I don’t expect my ‘handle’ to be a personal entitlement.
In the light of disinfo campaigns and various intent to undermine free association of integrative purpose – ie Communication, I expect teams of mods as well as systems that may or may not work perfectly operate to hold the channel open.
is it open?
Vote fixing caught live on CNN
You see votes switched from one candidate to another in real time – CNN cuts away but not fast enough. Votes go DOWN by 560 for one candidate, while the rival candidate goes up by that amount, at exactly the same moment.
More at which is a useful one-stop shop for broadcasts.
If true, Wow! Even so, Elections are charades and I hate seeing progressives (however they self-identify), like Patrick Henningsen, get caught up in the nonsense. And I do think that we can have a look and talk about what’s happening. That’s a different thing.
On ‘covid laws’ as the systematic demolition of the human psyche:
Some of Biderman’s categories as I have experienced them:
I am one of the fortunate ones who has been relocated where I am not doing the job I was supposed to do but am doing one similar where I get to interact with actual people. I have a new set of work colleagues but I feel increasingly alienated from the old crew. I have attended those dreadful laptop screen meetings in which talk gets lost between cutting back and forth and humour tends to backfire.
Monopolisation of perception
And how! COVID is now everything. There is no escape. This reminds me of that astonishing Philip K Dick book The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch in which the malevolent Eldritch entraps everyone in his own world where everyone is cut off from everyone else and the only possible interaction is between the individual and Eldritch. And the new perceptual world is most definitely a world without humour, without any means of relaxation that has an “anarchic” potential i.e. a potential for difference without which creativity becomes impossible.
Induced exhaustion and debilitation
The sheer repetition is the big killer. And the blatant ludicrousness of seeing all those figures on TV constantly obscured by masks – even when they are outside and nowhere near each other on a windy day. The faces have been blotted out. (And bear in mind that the mouth area is actually the most expressive area of the face, the part that smiles and frowns and of course the part that talks.) But the sheer relentless grind of getting up day after day and knowing in advance that you will face the same dreary and most glaringly absurd bullshit rammed down your throat – and knowing that, even if you avoid it, you’ll hear it from everyone else.
Philip K Dick was a master at introducing readers to current realities. >
“Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans.
It is just a very large version of Disneyland. You can have the Pirate Ride or the Lincoln Simulacrum or Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride – you can have all of them, but none is true.”
– Philip K. Dick –
(December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982)
PK Dick was a modern day shaman and a saint. I have read almost everything he wrote… and seen it aped by sci-fi movies all over the place!
It seems he was troubled by his visions all his life and could not really believe he was not mentally ill.
His vision was essentially that of certain “Gnostic” teachers who spoke about what they called the Archon (=”chief”) named Yaldabaoth as being identical to Yahweh, and how this entity creates a false world, a mind prison in which human beings become entrapped.
Not surprisingly, those teachers were killed off by Christians (and probably J’s as they were known to have been involved in the destruction of the great library in Alexandria). They called them “gnostic” as a pejorative – it means “know-it-all” because mockery and name calling was the level of their philosphical integrity… familiar?
-Monks in India & Tibet, and shamans elsewhere have been obesrved to spend years in isolation, even in dark caves, and doing quite well out of it. Society and culture are overrated. Isolation can bring a better knowledge of self.
-You can still switch off the media devices and go for as walk in the park/woods/beach. If not then do something else at home. You can still choose what websites to visit, if you must have some intellectual input- but reading books is better.
Fear is slavery
In just a few short months, we’ve gone from ”flattening the curve for a couple of weeks” to barcoding people. And many people will still believe that there’s nothing sinister going on!
If I could find a way of kicking people up their collective arse, I’d do it.
This justifiably angry and defiant Australian woman’s video rants keep me sane
Excellent stuff! Heartening to see. Thanks very much for the links.
Here’s a video that had a similar effect on me that was posted on these threads by Arsebiscuits, the other day:
…aaand it’s disappeared. Quelle fucking surprise. It was titled 2nd Nov 2020, Dublin Freedom Demonstration, and it included a speech by someone who’d walked all the way from Galway to Dublin in order to attend the demo.
It was great to see those Irish people showing the same spirit as that Australian woman. Defiance is what we need!
YouTube have revealed themselves to be the Nazi book burning censors they really are. Hopefully the deleted link will be shared on alternative platforms
I don’t know the name of the Australian woman but I hope her ranting videos are shared far and wide. They are an antidote to the scamdemic insanity that has stretched credulity passed snapping point
Trump supporters and any American who cares about democracy, should demonstrate against this presidential election stitch-up to expose how broken America is
They truly are an antidote! And the number of people who feel that way can only be increasing. I’m now off to the supermarket, where I’ll be telling the cashier who serves me to pay no attention to the lies of the BBC and other mainstream media. I invariably get a positive response!
I’ve just seen a 20 minute video by Monica Smit of Reignite Democracy Australia of normal, peaceful people protesting in Melbourne from 5th of November on Facebook. Quite shocking to see police heavy-handedness
I really want the old normal back. So sick of being treated like a criminal and being denied our right to live freely
Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. I was planning on moving abroad at the end of this year/beginning of next. The freaks who are behind all this seem to hate the idea of freedom (unless it’s the freedom to do whatever their wealth allows them to do, of course).
If I was rich I’d move to Sweden, which is relatively free for now
Otherwise there is nowhere to move to. I’d settle for assisted suicide if the government offered it (some countries do for longstanding health issues including mental health). It would be the one thing I’d respect the government for
Living like a prisoner is not living
I know what you’re saying, but we can’t give up! We have to fight these fuckers every step of the way.
It’s the least they deserve…
I wont waste the possibility of a small wake-up-call resistance by suicide – Im planning to go out ranting if it comes to it.
And make like a prisoner by reading a ton and self-educating. Old history and philosophy books have been very eye-opening at proving how long this crap has been planned
Funny thing – I order from Biblio and ship to Texas where a private carrier comes down to Mexico. Of one pack of three books only two arrived. The missing one? Resistance, Rebellion and Death by Camus
“I invariably get a positive response!”
That’s because people don’t actually have beliefs. They are merely constitutionally agreeable. They’ll agree with whatever is posited to them in the moment.
These cashiers will agree with you when you say BBC is all lies. Then they’ll go home, sit in front of the TeeVee, and believe every single thing force-fed to them by BBC like goslings in a foie gras farm.
And their behavior, no matter what they say, will always conform to what they perceive as “compulsory” or “the rules.”
Sadly, I think that you’re more right than wrong.
An otherwise forgettable novel I once read mentioned a typical British response to being confronted with a naked man talking about the expensive suit he was wearing. They would politiely agree with him, and afterwards joke about the small size of his willy.
I didn’t want to accept the truth of what you’d said, but today’s visit to the supermarket emphatically proved your point. I gave the cashier my usual line about the BBC, and she agreed with me. The next thing she said to me was that she didn’t think the latest lockdown (which has been lifted today) went on long enough.
I then told her that lockdowns kill people. Obviously, she agreed with me. I now feel like banging my head against the nearest brick wall…
(Nevertheless, I will continue to attempt to get through to people. It’s still worth trying, in my opinion).
she is paid to smile.
Excellent. I try to get in a line of some sort as well when in the supermarket. And I too, am met with friendliness, although we can read too much into that. The student dentists were happy to hear me out as I sat in their chair a short while ago in order to have my new implant adjusted. Because I was with them for more than a minute, my line was added to with a few more. The body language switched from friendly to anxious. That could have been worry about others nearby or it could have been an indication of feelings of hostility toward my anti covid 1984 position. I’ve learned in life that professionals are very, very good at feigning friendly.
Good at feigning friendly, and also very susceptible to propaganda?
Oh yes. ‘Everyone’, professionals and regular people, very smart and not very smart, people, are addicted to corporate media.
Brought to them, 24/7, by their electronic devices! I read a comment on here recently which described how its writer had checked his phone for the latest news when he got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet.
That’s truly weird behaviour. No wonder we’re so far up Shit Creek.
We are constantly going through guards at my site. (I’m sure that it’s like that with other sites.) I’m a security guard. (I hate security. I ‘fell’ into it. I didn’t target it.) I think that every guard that I’ve trained followed me around with his or her cell phone in their hand while I was trying to show them what to do. That’s two things. That’s addiction. And that’s a poor work ethic. I would never dream of having a cell phone in my hand as I was being trained for a new job. But these people do it ALL the time, from their first day until their last. These are the kind of people who will turn on us and devour us for being a threat to civilization! This is hell.
Tell me about it! One of my colleagues is constantly on his phone. He works every hour that he can get his hands on, and I’m convinced that he can only do it because his mind is elsewhere. He’s physically there, but his mind isn’t.
Not only that, but he also watches videos with the volume turned up. The TV (which I can’t stand) is always already on, so it’s a double whammy of aural unpleasantness. I find his immaturity maddening.
And the guy’s nearly 50 years old!
I’m not sure which is worse: the constant messages / propaganda telling us, like we’re children, to wash our hands, use sanitizer, keep our distance and wear our masks or bloody cell phones?!
Oh, it’s a dead heat between those two things. They’re equally annoying. :o)
There’s one advert I’ve seen which is specifically aimed at children; it features characters from Peppa Pig singing ”Wash, wash, wash your hands…” to the tune of ”Row, row, row your boat…”.
I’m genuinely surprised that I haven’t yet smashed my laptop to smithereens.
And then there’s the WEF’s use of Grover from Sesame Street. The evil and the abuse is off the charts. They weren’t stopped when they started and they’ve therefore gotten worse. Profits are coming Klaus, Bill, Tony et al! Along with judgement!
There are two other videos with that title listed on TheirTube, one about an hour long and the other about half an hour. Do either of those match the video you suggested? I haven’t given links in an attempt to preempt censorship.
Oh, yeah! It’s still there. I’d saved it to my favourites, but when I tried to watch it today, it said it was ”unavailable.” (I love that little euphemism; as though its being unavailable were some big mystery).
The video I saw is the one that lasts half an hour. The other one’s of a march those at the demo went on afterwards. I haven’t seen it yet, so I can now take a look at it. Thanks!
Edit: I posted a YT video but I then saw that it’s been discussed in further comments. I’d delete this if possible– that ought to be an option.
Thanks all the same, Ort. :o)
Liverpool is renown for being the city with the toughest hooligans, so my guess is that for this very reason was is the one chosen as test ground for draconian measures and restrictions.
If the government succeed there the rest of the country will be next.
If I would be living there I would keep my kids at home.
Nothing to do with hooliganism. That is an offensive slur. It is to do with the city’s heroic resistance to government tyranny and lies used to oppress and denigrate the brave resistors. We battled over 30 years to expose the lies and corruption of the establishment in trying to blame fans for the incompetence and criminal negligence of the South Yorkshire Police and the Thatcher and subsequent government’s’ suppression of truth. Hooligans my arse. You should be ashamed acquiescing in this continued slander.
Sorry, but when posting I Thought would be understood even by The smallest of brains that I am referring to the world’s renown Liverpool football hooligans.
Thank you anyway for reminding me that when posting I should consider the fact that at this moment everyone is squashed by an enormous amount of pressure and that I should choose less generic vocabulary when I’m trying to express my opinion.
Your posts here are disgraceful. I was in Madrid last year for the Champions League Final – supporting Tottenham – let me tell you that the Liverpool supporters there were great people. If there were any Liverpool “hooligans” they would fit in a minibus.
The reason this shit show has picked on Liverpool is obvious – as per Tom’s post – even to those of limited intellectual ability.
Oh dear.. I thought the link was going to be some obscure drama in Madrid last year but no you link to Heysel…
I’m not taking the bait son – come back when you’ve had you vaccine.
Strongly agree Hector
Sol you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. If you are using the murder of 96 Liverpool supporters as an example of ‘renown Liverpool football hooligans’ I can only assume that you have the smallest brain in the animal kingdom
Liverpool is renown for many things but please check facts and fiction before using a stereotype. Thank you
”Liverpool is renown for being the city with the toughest hooligans, so my guess is that for this very reason was is the one chosen as test ground for draconian measures and restrictions.”
Liverpool is, and has always been, the city with a reputation for taking in strangers with an open hand. It’s also a city that will fight to the death when attacked unfairly or slandered with a view to foment prejudice against it. In short, it earned it’s broken nose and every scar. And it will never run out of fight. That’s why it’s harshest critics will only aim bricks from a very long distance. But I don’t have to explain that to you do I….
Your ‘guess’ is based on very little knowledge or evidence. You may have heard it’s a tough place. You might have read about the riots . You may have heard about the notorious hard cases that are peppered throughout it’s history. But you have also educated yourself via tabloids run by Tory liars. It’s old news. It dates back to ‘hero’ Churchill wanting to send troops to shoot striking dockers who wanted to be able to feed their families and fighting for the right.
It dates back to the police fascism of 1980 that resulted in the kickbacks that set the streets on fire..
It dates back to Hillsborough and the 96. How Thatcher, even before the number was close to 96, personally called her Tory tabloid rag to lie and shape public opinion ‘ against the scousers’ ( she hadn’t forgotten that it was the only city to riot against the draconian poll tax aimed to punish the poor).
She specifically told the paper to poison minds against the city. She wanted it to be dirty.
She wanted one child of 11 years old who died with his grandad to be reported as ‘drunk’.
She wanted reports of other fans who were fighting to breathe and running for their lives to be reported has having urinated on the corpses of those already dead.
She wanted it reporting that others were ‘going through the pockets of the dead’. All without anyone witnessing any of it.
As the tragedy unfolded she saw an opportunity to try and do the same to the city from where the dead and dying had travelled. She exploited a tragedy to score points for herself and use to paint the city as she wanted others to see it and, by extension, it’s people.
It’s no secret that the Tories have held a grudge against Liverpool for many decades. It’s no secret that members of Thatcher’s party have sine apologised to the city. It’s no secret that they had singled Liverpool out as a city ‘to send into decline’ so other cities would think twice about taking on her insane elitist dictatorship.
So, before you ‘guess’ again , think instead. If you don’t have the knowledge don’t make the guess.
Liverpool has been harder hit by the Tories’ austerity regime than any other city. Liverpool City Council has lost a staggering £444m in annual funding between 2010 and 2020, which accounts for a 64% reduction in its budget. Simply put, the Conservative government has deliberately forced poverty and suffering upon Liverpool for a decade. ( and that’s only this current decade).
Were we surprised by the Tory decision to stick the boot in for any excuse ? What do you think. Let them keep coming.
Dear I did not meant to offend the good people of Liverpool, what I meant to say is that with if you like it or not, Liverpool is renown as the city of hooligans, because its football fans have been blamed for the bloodiest day in the sport history.
I have seen the images and heard the testimony of the survivors straight from their mouths, and no one can deny that 39 people ware killed that day.
I also heard that many of the hooligans which charged the Italian football fans side beating and pushing them over the edge that day ware not from Liverpool but from the rest of England (several of those caught on Italian cameras turn out to be coming from London) and after what you write me I start to imagine that that all tragedy could have been easily staged to put the blame on the Liverpool fans.
Never the less, till some new evidences proving that the Liverpool football fam’s club was framed for it, that blood stain on its city will remain.
Once again that is a fact which with if you like it or not marks Liverpool with that label for anyone which gets its news from history books.
So sorry if I offended you or any body else, and thank you for writing me something I was not aware of.
I can’t allow myself to give you much more time or effort on this. You’re a fool.
” Liverpool is renown as the city of hooligans, because its football fans have been blamed for the bloodiest day in the sport history.”
That’s an opinion. And it’s yours. I could debate it, I could talk about the findings . I could talk about the real events that led to Liverpool reacting to being surrounded on both sides by fans attacking them and finally reacting when a gun was pointed at them.
I could remind you that those ‘brave’ enough to surround them and threaten, ran from the fans who had finally taken more than enough and received no support form the police.
Attackers from the left, attackers from the right; a wall and locked gates behind; an idiot in front facing them with what turned out to be an unloaded gun. So there was a charge. And those who goaded finally ran away when the reaction finally came. That’s how they managed to collapse a wall in their eagerness to get away. That was the cause of the tragedy.
That happened in a country a long way from England. The stadium was found to be unfit for purpose; the police were too. Either way, nothing that happened that night in Heysel had anything at all with how the city of Liverpool or it’s people were victimised by it’s country’s government. It had nothing to do with why a PM can be considered justified in her( and her party’s) decision to ”force the city into decline”.
‘‘Never the less, till some new evidences proving that the Liverpool football fam’s club was framed for it, that blood stain on its city will remain.”
In your worthless opinion based on nothing.
You’re talking about football. I’m talking about political policies and the illegal and immoral treatment of a city by a corrupt politician and her party. Or are you suggesting that today’s Tory party chose Liverpool to get the punishment of lockdown in 2020 , and the deliberate fiscal neglect of it’s council between 2010 and 2020 is because of a football match in 1985 ?
It had nothing to do with the people challenging austerity measures intended to hurt them over a ten – year period ?, Or their rioting against the fascist arrogance of the police of the South end of the city.? The support and demonstrations supporting the dockers ? The protests against the poll tax ?
How about the fact that the government was found out and exposed across the world deliberately slurring the reputation of those who died at Hillsborough and for using the media to lie about it , all just to make the rest of the country and world draw a disgraceful impression. An immoral act of spite composed from slander and the willing collusion of a corrupt police force and media.
”thank you for writing me something I was not aware of.”
There’s plenty you’re ‘ not aware of’. It would take too much time to explain even the basics to you. But you’ve already stolen more time than your ignorance deserves.
Learn to read all sides and the smaller details of bigger stories before you try and address them or make accusations based on one small fragment of them. If you can’t – or you’re too lazy to, then my only advice to you is make sure your opinions are only ever spouted on the internet where you can stay safely hidden.
I’m staking facts told to me by witness which ware hit with clubs and physically pushed off the edge of the wall onto people laying down meters below them and as they are shown in numerous videos and portrayed in history books.
I also told you that I know as fact that many of the attackers that day where not even from Liverpool and that I would not be surprised to find out that the all thing was staged to put the blame on the Liverpool’s fans as well as that I mean no offense to its people, and you, instead of accepting my hand, threaten me.
“my only advice to you is make sure your opinions are only ever spouted on the internet where you can stay safely hidden.”
That actually confirms your personal hooliganism.
.. …. …. ….
You’re changing your opinions to facts now. You’re still talking about a football match. This thread is about a government’s decision relating to covid and Liverpool.
You’re suggesting possible staging. You’re changing your screen ID from Sol to Son. And you’re ignoring the main theme of the article and what it invites debate about. You end with an accusation- sorry , a conviction- that I ( a complete stranger to you) am a hooligan. Grow up.
Off Guardian might be happy to publish semi literates like you. But I’m not looking to engage with any for longer than necessary. I find you and your kind beneath contempt. I have little time for cowards or idiots. You seem proud to broadcast both qualities like badges of honour.
As long as fools and ill informed trolls are allowed space, debate will suffer and stall.
Obviously if you were addressing a city in Israel your nonsense wouldn’t escape the spam box. But any of your future efforts might as well be retained there. I’m afraid I’m an anti semi – literate
“As long as fools and ill informed trolls are allowed space, debate will suffer and stall”
So you are a fascist too.
Unfortunately my Written english is not so great, but considering that is my third language out of the 6 I speak and the fact that people in general are not so uptight as you are when confronting me on the web I feel entitle to continue to express my opinions and engage in debates in which my expertises can be useful for anyone sharing my concerns.
It seams here that anyhow you are still miles away from understanding in general as you are more concern to win your personal battles instead of joining forces with others to achieve commune goals.
Any how I feel I already expressed my self enough on this metter so like it or not stop bothering me.
You mean stop answering you I take it.
Bullshit is a universal language. However, as you are fluent in 61 others , may i suggest you choose one and f**k off in it. You’re like thrush.
Bar-Codes whatever next, stamped on our foreheads. 666.
Better still,. a water mark which only a special reader can see. CCTV.
Identity politics gone mad.
In the US, Chinese Joe Biden and Heels up Harris are spouting the sort of platitudes that must be sticking in their craw. Calling for calm and to count all the votes.
They did not know that a secret water mark was included in the Ballot Papers.
LOL, all the fake ballots that keep turning up will now prove that President Trump was right all along, he has won the election by a landslide.
Chinese Joe Biden will likely hang for Treason and he will not be alone.
A reminder to the lackey fake politicians and scientific advisers that have perpetrated the Corona hoax against the Peoples of the World.
Are you listening Doris.
!984 was written as a warning not a fucking manual.
Trump’s future was bright when they turned out the light.
When they woke it was gone like a ghost.
How’d that happen if counters were sleeping?
Did the tooth fairy open the post?
You don’t need fake voters or ballots
Stuffy rooms reek of frenzy and counting.
It halted when Trump was taking the lead
And re-opened with Biden and bunting.
If the tally was halted – who added the votes?
Ballots lock, stock and barrel for Joe.
No boost for the Democratic ticket
Just the Big Man ahead of Joe Blow.
Talk of deceit was unsporting
It was certain that no-one could fix it.
But just to be sure, they censored the people.
It turned out the press was complicit.
The president said something’s rotten
Get the camera crew, turn on the mic.
He began to address the nation
But the plasma screen flickered and died.
So we whisper these stories to children
In the hope that they’ll see the light.
It’s a tale to be told down the ages,
How one old man’s fate turned up right.
With the help of a steaming hot mug of Joe
And votes that go bump in the night.
Just posted a link to this article on Twitter. Says “This article may be unsafe”.
Twitter flags the entire OffGuardian.
If you submit a poem or a short story to offg and they publish it, Twitter will flag it as unsafe.
Nazis were arresting or killing children who begged for food and sang prohibited songs or recited uplifting poems denouncing Nazi lies on the streets of Warsaw during WWII.
We need anti lockdown songs and poems to play or sing or recite in busses or subways as COVID cultists will not stop extortion and intimidation to cover up their complicity in crimes against humanity.