6 Factors Which Point to a Rigged Election
The mainstream media are quick to call the claim “baseless”, but there’s plenty of evidence for anyone willing to see it.
Kit Knightly

The US Election is still a burning issue almost two weeks after the people went to the polls, and though the race has been called for Biden by every mainstream media outlet in the world, the recounts are ongoing and irregularities manifest.
Trump’s legal team, and many in the alternate media, are claiming the election was rigged. With one voice the mainstream media – and the entire political establishment – denounce these claims as “baseless”, and scream there is “no evidence”.
This is incorrect. There is plenty of evidence, both circumstantial and direct, which breaks down into six basic categories:
- Precedent – It has happened before.
- Motive – Deep State/Military dislike of Trump’s policies is widely known.
- Foreknowledge – Establishment voices predicted this exact situation.
- Opportunity – The voting system is highly susceptible to fraud.
- Voting Irregularities – Known software “glitches” & irregularities in the reporting of the results.
- Cover-up – Dishonesty in the reporting of the situation.
1. Precedent
There is plenty of evidence that US elections have been rigged before.
Nobody is talking about it much, but US elections have been rigged before. Everyone is more than familiar with the 2000 election, which was called for Al Gore before Florida flipped to Bush and swung the election. The controversy over “hanging chads” and misplaced votes was all people talked about for weeks.
One noteworthy “error” with electronic voting machines, switched over 10000 votes from Gore to an obscure third-party candidate.
After weeks of legal battles, Gore eventually conceded. Within a year the “attacks” of 9/11 had happened, and the US was at war in Afghanistan and planning six more wars within 3 years.
More recently, it was revealed the DNC had gone out of its way to hand Hillary the presidential nomination over Sanders in 2016. Then in the 2020 primaries, despite embarrassingly lopsided losses in the first few primaries, Biden’s presidential campaign had a “miraculous turnaround”, thanks largely to irregularities in postal ballots in Ohio, Wisconsin and New Jersey.
This is evidence of precedent.
2. Motive
The US Deep State has clear and publicly known motives for wanting to remove Trump from office.
It is no secret that many members of the US’s political establishment oppose Trump and Trump’s policies. This includes neo-con warmongers and chiefs of the military and intelligence agencies.
“The Resistance”, billed as some voice of the progressive alternative, boasted former members of George Bush’s cabinet as members.
The most strident opposition to Trump was on foreign policy – most specifically in the Middle East. Trump was committed to withdrawing from Syria, in direct opposition to the “Assad Must Go” crowd at the Pentagon and State Dept.
Just last week it was revealed that Department of Defense actually lied to Trump about their troop numbers in Syria, claiming to have pulled out almost everyone whilst they actually kept their covert war going.
Conversely, Biden has always been firmly in the establishment camp on Syria, and many warmongers are already predicting that Biden will want to “restore some dignity” to the Syrian people.
The US Deep State has carried out coups all around the world, many of them bloody and violent, in order to maintain Imperial ambitions and keep wars-for-profit going. They have every motive to want to remove Trump and put Biden in his place.
This is evidence of motive.
3. Foreknowledge
Establishment voices have been predicting, and planning for, this exact situation for almost a year.
In January of this year – well before anyone could have predicted the effect the “pandemic” would have on the world – legal scholars were Wargaming the outcome of a disputed Presidential election based on postal ballots in Pennsylvania.
In August a group naming themselves the Transition Integrity Project published a document predicting a “disputed” election, that the counting would take much longer than usual and that it would not be certain who was President until January.
More generally, the outcome of the election was widely “predicted”, with multiple press outlets claiming there would be a “red mirage” and a “blue shift”. Meaning it would look like Trump would win, and then suddenly Biden would win at the last minute.
This is evidence of foreknowledge.
4. Opportunity
There is plenty of evidence that the US voting system is open to potential corruption.
Voting machines, for example, are owned and distributed by private companies. Many of which have political ties. An article in the Guardian, of all places, went into great detail about this just last year, when they were suggesting that Trump may have stolen the 2016 election.
Likewise, postal ballots are known to be susceptible to fraud. William Barr, the Attorney General, summed it up in a television interview in September, and written reports in 2007 and earlier this year, have gone into great detail about historical cases of postal vote fraud and possibilities of future occurrences.
This is evidence of opportunity.
5. Voting Irregularities
There are plenty of irregularities in the results which suggest the possibility of something strange going on.
The story of the election by the numbers doesn’t really make logical sense. The turnout is said to be 72%, the highest in 120 years, and the first over 60% for over 50 years.
In the process Joe Biden, we are told, shattered Barack Obama’s popular vote record by almost 10 million votes.
Joe Biden?
This Joe Biden?
…got more votes than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?
Meanwhile Donald Trump increased his own popular vote by over 10 million, whilst increasing his vote share in almost every ethnic demographic, as well as with women and LGBT voters.
Making him the first incumbent president to increase his popular vote but still lose in over a century, and the only one since all 50 states were part of the union.
Even if you believe that narrative is possible, there’s more than enough evidence of voting irregularities to warrant at least questioning the result and investigating further.
In one Michigan county an error in the software configuration swung thousands of votes from Republican to Democrat and called a Congressional seat for the wrong party.
This error was only spotted because of the historically republican record of the county. In a more hotly disputed seat, this error could potentially never have been picked up.
Another Michigan county reported an error which switched 5,500 votes from Trump to Biden – a swing of 11,000 votes.
The software used in this county is used in 30 other states – including Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania, all of which were decided by less than 1% of the vote, and any two of which could swing the election to Trump.
In fact Dominion, the company which supplied the questionable voting software, was denied a contract by the state of Texas in 2019 when judges found there were “concerns” about “whether [it] is safe from fraudulent or unauthorized manipulation”.
A subsidiary of Dominion was kicked out of the Philippines for being too easy to hack.
This video clip appears to show CNN’s coverage switching over 19,000 votes from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania.
The graphed results of both Michigan and Wisconsin show decidedly odd jumps in Biden’s vote.

The counting itself was also deeply suspect, with several states taking almost a week to count the last few percent of the vote, whilst managing to count over 90% of the vote on the first evening. In Wisconsin the National Guard were brought in to “transcribe” damaged ballots, whilst in Pennsylvania they were allowed to count postal votes with “no clear post mark”, fairly obviously opening the door for postal ballot fraud.
As Glen Greenwald wrote, the very fact the count was so arduous and complicated raises questions about the outcome.
6. The Cover-Up
The media are engaging in lies and censorship.
To state there is “no evidence” of election rigging is a lie. There is plenty of evidence. Every news outlet, channel and website is singing from the same hymn sheet on this – even Fox News, so often Trump’s supposed favourite channel.
Even before the election, as discussed above, all the mainstream media were running articles defending mail-in ballots, and claiming that they are not historically weak to voter fraud. This is totally untrue, as anyone who cared to research the topic would tell you.
In fact many countries have incredibly rigid controls on postal voting for exactly that reason.
And then, after the election, social media companies and mainstream media outlets censor the President of the United States.
So, why are all the media telling the same lies? Why are people being denied a platform?
This is evidence of a cover-up.
Ask yourself:
- If, in 2016, some voting software used in 30 states had flipped 5500 from Hillary to Trump, and later been revealed to be financially tied to the Republican party, would that have been “just a glitch”, or evidence of cheating?
- If the Brexit referendum had swung violently to Leave after dumps of suspect postal ballots were permitted into the count by a judge who was a known Brexit supporter, would the media have kept quiet?
- If, in Russia, the media denied a platform to the opposition to accuse Putin of voter fraud, would that be “responsible media practice”, or evidence of bias and censorship?
We don’t know exactly what happened, or how the election was result was controlled, but as of right now the specifics do not matter.
The point is there is plenty of evidence suggesting something happened, more than enough to warrant asking rational questions and expecting reasonable answers.
Every time the media ignores the evidence, or censors those seeking it, they only display further that there must be some fire behind all of this smoke.
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Trump was and is the “deep state”.
Covid was only an excuse for the crackdown in Greece.
Thanks Kit for your clear and level-headed analysis.
In the months leading up to this election, a woman, fairly well-known writer in academic and creative writing circles commented on social media, “Even if I found out that Joe Biden raped my sister, I would still vote for him over Donald Trump.” This was not an uncommon type of comment. In a climate where people make such comments and have such feelings, I think anything is possible in terms of cheating on and stealing an election. Using Trump as a receptacle for all one’s hatred and vitriol has been common these last few years. It is astonishing. Given the unrestrained and irrational hatred plus the out-of-control closures, lockdowns, and fear, election cheating and stealing are believable to me.
“Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi weighed-in Thursday on the upcoming presidential election on November 3 rd; saying “whatever the end count is” Joe Biden will be “inaugurated on January 20 th.”
Matthew Ehret is closely following this election (coup attempt) and he’s written a number of articles which both delve into key details while exploring the broader context; including one specifically about the role of Malloch Brown and British intelligence.
Nov 19: Trump vs Biden: Will the Future Belong to the Patriots or the Globalists?
It is an undeniable fact that the republic has entered one of the most dangerous crises of its short existence. This is not only due to the disputed election results of November 3rd, but also to a multitude of other factors beyond American borders.
Nov 17: Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again
While vast effort is made to downplay the British roots of the deep state by the media, this sleight of hand misses the causal nexus and demands we believe that the tail truly wags the dog.
Nov 13: Hammer and Scorecard: Big Tech’s Drive to End Democracy
Matthew Ehret establishes the essentials of the technical side of the vote fraud which has occurred both in the USA and internationally
Nov 5: How a Wise Decoupling May Be a Good Thing for Both China and the West
Unbeknownst to Kissinger, China’s leaders under the direction of Zhou Enlai, and his disciple Deng Xiaoping had a much longer-term strategic perspective than their western partners imagined.
Nov 3: Understanding the Tri-fold Nature of the Deep State
Although not having devolved to direct military engagement, the Anglo-Canadian war on the Union in the 19th century involved several components, Matthew Ehret writes.
Sidney Powell: “We have a number of smoking guns and we may have to get witness protection for them.”
A large number of people have made affidavits and my guess is that some key witnesses are already being protected. Witness protection is traditionally one of the main roles of the US Marshals; and these have been developed by Bill Barr as an alternative to the FBI.
Sidney Powell joined Howie Carr on Friday for a lengthy interview on the 2020 election and where the Trump defense team stands today.
During the explosive interview Sidney claimed millions of dead people (also known as Democrats) may have voted this year and 7 million votes were likely stolen from President Trump.
3 Million Dead Voted, 7 Million Votes Stolen From DJT. Sidney Powell With Howie Carr
The Sheridan Files
Nov 20, 2020
OT but interesting:
Dominion Voting Systems ‘Lawyers Up,’ Abruptly Backs Out of PA State House Fact-Finding Hearing
My guess is that many of the executives and staff are already in witness protection.
Sidney Powell joined Howie Carr on Friday for a lengthy interview on the 2020 election and where the Trump defense team stands today.
During the explosive interview Sidney claimed millions of dead people (also known as Democrats) may have voted this year and 7 million votes were likely stolen from President Trump.
“We have a number of smoking guns and we may have to get witness protection for them.”
3 Million Dead Voted, 7 Million Votes Stolen From DJT. Sidney Powell With Howie Carr
The Sheridan Files
Nov 20, 2020
Check out this liar from 2015.
I’ll make a prediction that Malloch Brown will catch a severe case of the covids over the next couple of weeks.
George Mark Malloch Brown, Baron Malloch-Brown KCMG PC (born 16 September 1953) is a British diplomat, communications consultant, journalist and former politician. A former member of the Labour Party, he was Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the United Nations from 2007 to 2009.
Malloch Brown was political correspondent for The Economist from 1977 and 1979, and then worked for the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 1979 to 1983. He was development specialist at the World Bank from 1994 to 1999, administrator of the United Nations Development Programme from 1999 to 2005 and United Nations Deputy Secretary-General from April to December 2006.
Malloch Brown became chairman of the board of directors of SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer Smartmatic, in 2014. Citing Malloch Brown’s former and present relationship with politicians in the Philippines as well as his role in Smartmatic, the IBON Foundation, a non-profit research organization based in the Philippines, criticized him as being “a foreigner who made a career out of influencing elections”.
Association with George Soros
Malloch Brown has been closely associated with billionaire speculator George Soros. Working for Refugees International, he was part of the Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia in 1993–94, formed by Soros. He has since kept cordial relations with Soros, and rented an apartment owned by Soros while working in New York on UN assignments. While serving as United Nations Development Programme Administrator, Malloch Brown spoke beside Soros in 2002 suggesting that United Nations and Soros’s Open Society Institute, as well as other organizations, work together to fund humanitarian functions.
In May 2007, Soros’s Quantum Fund announced the appointment of Malloch Brown as vice-president. In September 2007, The Observer reported that he had resigned this position on becoming a government minister in the UK. Also in May 2007, Malloch Brown was named vice-chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute, two other important Soros organisations.
In 2013 Malloch Brown and FTI Consulting came to a legal settlement with Israeli mining billionaire Beny Steinmetz, who had sued them claiming Malloch Brown had given confidential information to Soros which led to a smear campaign against Steinmetz’s mining company. The out-of-court settlement of €90,000 plus costs was without any determination of liability.
Malloch Brown is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Crisis Group, and played a key role in its foundation in 1993–5. In July 2014 he became Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees.
The final piece of evidence, number 6, Method: if someone prevents observers from seeing what the counters are doing, using the crudest and most blatant methods necessary to achieve their objective such as physically ejecting observers or isolating them so it’s impossible to observe the activities, there’s often a reason. As a subset of method, the multi-state cessation of counting in key states and the magical erasing of a majority in the wee hours of the morning is helpful to clarify results. Trump was ahead 700,000 in Pennsylvania when most people went to sleep. The networks declared it too close to call, as they did in many jurisdictions. In any jurisdiction if Democrats were slightly ahead with minimal returns counted the state would be declared for Biden.
Also, in upcoming days, if audits (not recounts) are approved look for the possibility of ballots segregated to be audited disappearing, whether accidentally shredded, digitally bleach-bitted, or the result of data storage failure, an old favourite. The first and third choices are the least implausible, and the best choice.
Oh dear, an accidental-shredding party. Discussion on the Lin Wood Twitter account.
you are retarded
Excellent argument, well presented, and persuasive.
Ex-CIA officer Robert Steele: “We have it all”
Steele is a s$&# peddler. You can’t believe anything he says. He’s not always wrong but you never know when he’s right.
I’ve long been suspicious of Steele, but I think he’s here been instructed to deliver a message.
Press conference on the voter fraud
Far more voter fraud than indicated in the OffG and goes into the millions of votes.
Well Trump the frump has one of the best Attorneys in handling the fraud . Her nickname is the Badger. Sidney Powell is known to have Judges stuttering.Powell has been handling Gen Flyn case which has literally been thrown out of court for mal procedural issues and for the FBI and the NSA not willing to release so called classified info. Common excuse used by the state posecuters just like they dead during L,ANNI DI PIONBO InItaly with the deep state organized and funded home grown terrorism be it from the left side or the rite side. P1 and P2 diascoveries and Cossiga himself stating it on public TV 20 years ago.
Powells own words “I never take a case unless I have substantiated evidence and its coming like a fire hose”.
Stock up on ur popcorn cuase the next fortnite will be one hell of a show.
Now myself I am a political atheist with regards to USA but Biden and Harris regime will be bad for Syrians. If I were a Syrian I would be extremely worried. Takfiri attacks have incresed in the last months in and around Der Ezzure and Hasaka and guesse who they targeted not the Kurds but the SAA> fancy that. Further more if I was in the Donbass I would be worried and getting ready cause the UKRONAZIS will attack again. Lugansk and Donetsk will be readdy and it will be to the detriment of the general populace but this time I can see the Donbass retaking back Odessa and heading all the way up to Krakov. The SWerner group is heavily embedded in the Donbass after the open assisination in Donetsk of their leader.
Tucker Carlson (Fox News), again stepping up to the plate. I wonder how safe his job will be at Fox News when Biden is sitting in the Mafia House, Pennsylvania Avenue.
Well Trump the frump has one of the best Attorneys handling the fix. Her Nickname is the BADGER. Sidney Powell is known to get Judges to stutter.
She Got Flyn off and as sHe aptly said on Friday on Fox news. I never take a case unless I have the evidence it is coming in like a fire hose.
Stock up on ur Popcorn cuase the next fortnite willbe one hell of a show .
Now My self I am a political atheist with regards to USA but Biden and Kamala well If I were Syrian I would be worried and If I lived in the Donbas Buckle up and clean ur weapons for the UKOnazi’s r going to get the green lite. With regards to the Donbas me thinks this will be the end of UKONAZISM and Odessa and Kharkov r definately in reach for the Luganski and Donbas in general. Now Syria that will be one hell of an extended tragedy cing that Takfirs have been showing up in and around Dier Azurre and Hassaka and whom do u think they targeted? Not the Kurds but the Syrian Arab Army.
Trump has not started any new conflicts even though he assassinated Soleimani (May he rest in peace) Still no new wars.
Either way we the sheeple lose and the MIC and the oligarchs win.
Its amazing how the hole charade has unfolded and no ones the wiser. IE South Australians or going to qaurantiene themselves . MODERN DAY MIDEVILISM is the new normal not a cerebrating mind amongst the masses.
Covid was only an excuse for the crackdown in Greece.
In addition to Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, another prominent attorney involved in investigating the election is Lin Wood. He’s now asserting that the true election was a 70% landslide for Trump; and that this is why the fraud ended up being so obvious.
Lucian Lincoln “Lin” Wood Jr. is an American attorney based in Atlanta, Georgia. He is best known for representing Richard Jewell, the security guard accused in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta in 1996. Wood’s representation of Richard Jewell inspired Dan Rather to call him the “attorney for the damned”, and helped transform Wood from a personal injury lawyer to a nationally known defamation lawyer.
Wood was the lead attorney in Nicholas Sandmann’s defamation suit against The Washington Post. Sandmann, a student at Covington Catholic High School, was a party to the January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontation. The suit was settled in July 2020.
In July 2020, Wood was retained to represent Dr. Simone Gold, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, who was fired for appearing in a video making false claims about COVID-19.
In August 2020, Wood volunteered to work on the defense team for Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old charged with homicide for shootings during the Kenosha protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake. After former Vice President Joe Biden linked Rittenhouse to white supremacists, Wood vowed to “rip Joe into shreds.”
In November 2020, Wood joined the Trump Team in filing lawsuits related to the election.
Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won 70%+ Landslide Election He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes
Nov 17, 2020
Gateway Pundit
From the coda above: “The point is there is plenty of evidence suggesting something happened, more than enough to warrant asking rational questions and expecting reasonable answers.”
Of course, but as Gore Vidal, no slouch as an historian and observer of the American scene, said on WBAI at this time of year in 2004: “our elections… which are pretty much rigged from the get go.”
I’ve spent thousands of hours on this American vote-rigging beat, and I will say straight up that historically, whatever vote tampering the Democrats have done in a retail capacity, the Republican Party owns many franchises on the wholesale end.
That’s just a fact. I have too many thousands of now dusty pages on this to summarize, yet I have even been invited by Bev Harris back in the day to guest interview some of the principals, like Ion Sancho and Victoria Collier, though for now just two fun facts:
👉Sen. Chuck Hagel, hard core right wing Republican war hawk, is (or was) part OWNER of ES&S voting company, (out of Omaha, Nebraska, a frequent investment stop for Ken Lay, convict supervillain fraudster) which at one point has counted as much as 80% of the American “vote” — and Hagel greatly benefitted by a 60% (SIXTY!) vote swing (cf. polls) thru his company’s machines in his original race to unseat the incumbent Democrat.
👉The legendary Republcan huckster Wally O’Dell of Diebold in Ohio who “promised” the election to W.
Bob Ney, of Ohio, in cahoots with all this, was the Republican head of HAVA, and resigned a few years later in a thick fog of alcoholism and the Abramoff scandal and later confessed it was the drink that made him do it, too late to undo the very decisive damage to our voting process.
I could go on through literally hundreds of like scenarios, if not actually thousands –seriously–almost all of them by Republican perps.
Or, 99+%, like our Covid survival data.
And suddenly that has all shifted to the polar opposite, like the Mayan Calendar was purported to predict for the Earth’s axis in 2012?
I can believe anything, as a chronic Conspiracy Realist, but seriously…
To put a sharper point on an immeasurably broad one, yes, “there is evidence…to suggest something happened” but with the amount of intrigue across the board that was I introduced when Jeb Bush and his SoS rolled in their specious voting machines in a press conference about their new and improved antidote to hanging Chad’s, the landscape is so crowded with these virtual beasts that you can connect dots in a Louvre-sized gallery to suggest any frame for any crime, A-Z.
Which is precisely what their Trump Card is doing –one that has been played by them for 4 years, and is now apparently being slipped back in their slick deck all the same…
Bonus Fun Fact: Dan Rather did a really Ida Tarbell-esque exposé for Mark Cuban’s HDTV.NET (sp?) about 2005, no doubt still available somewhere, that detailed the astonishing history of Boise Cascade voting cards, which were deliberately made below standard, including the firing of QC foremen who refused to pass them, being below spec, in the Pacific Northwest, and then were shipped to Florida to produce the defective “hanging chads”.
Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up, though they can. It’s been well documented though typically suppressed. Cuban picked up Rather, 2 Dallasites, after he was fired from CBS after a half century there, for reporting accurately on W. Bush in the Texas National Guard AWOL etc. All true, all still suppressed.
It’s simple and explains why 20 years later America still doesn’t have secure elections: Both “sides” are really the same team and rig the election for NATO’s favored candidate.
Well, “close but no cigar.”
The Dems have been infested up the wazoo by Reep agents provocateurs since the JFK hit (before, too, but manageable, then, though exponentially since: if it’s still a manageable problem, it’s also an ever more slippery slope, a sort of slo-mo “Fire Sale” to hostile takeovers).
It’s simply not a 2way street. It’s more like a 100 to 1 in favor of Reep infiltration, essentially because they do double duty as CIA & FBI, or sundry other Mafia. I’ve run a Dem presidential campaign, for an area of LA larger in population than many a sovereign nation (over a million people) so I got to see some of this 1st hand.
And even back then in ’88, (when Donna –“Hillary rigged us!”– Brazile was fired by our nominee, incidentally) it was pretty clear to me –even as pretty dumber than tree bark as I was then!– that those of us who were sincere, idealist, intellectual, et al., we’re pretty much being baby-sat and nannied by spooks, of all stripes (CIA, FBI, M13 Mexican Mafia, corporatist Mystery Shoppers, and the whole enchilada). And that was fairly obvious to me even as a babe in the woods, when I knew about a fractoid of my current database, about .001% –or, for a handy metric: think of what percent of the global pop. has actually died of the Bogeyman Bug~19, for a visual LOL).
The real, honest, IFR is also a good metric for how often a DNP op infiltrates the Republican ops. Fortunately, there is a David & Goliath principle in play for all that. Since money always skews to the Right, it seems clear that God favors the Left, what the Catechism calls “His preferential option for the poor”!
The “Democrats” who do double shifts as Reeps are always faux democrats from the getgo, I should know a good deal about this because my father was one. Since he was a slugger corporatist lawyer in his day job, It was when I started to catch the scent of that cognitive dissonance in my early teens that we came into more and more conflict, and within a few years, permanently forever estranged. When we parted, we only spoke for a total of twenty minutes or so, on two occasions, in the 13 years before he was assassinated, as he was a lawyer to several 33° Freemasons, also taxman for the Gianninis who own Bank of America and clients of like I’ll. Think of his Beverly Hills firm (ecjlaw.com) as a kind of P2 American Style, LOL. He was also President of the U.N. Assoc. for LA in his later years. That speaks volumes, since most of our current crisis was spurred by its “United” Tentacles: IMF, World Bank, and WHO!
So calling the two parties the same, as you do, is not totally incorrect, but very misleading.
“The United *Snakes of America!”. –Groucho Marx (No Wonder I’m a Marxist!)
*or, “Tentacles”, very similar in appearance: “Don’t Tread On Me” — I’ll say!
Above: “…others of ‘LIKE ILK’…”
Spell-checker despises the word “ILK” and will armwrestle you to the death to sub “I’ll”. Ijjit.
Since both are masks for the powers behind the NWO or Great Reset, how can it matter? It’s a distraction– one which can be escalated to violence and martial law if desired.
Time we stopped paying attention to what “they” and the lying media are doing, and started resetting real civilization. Time we went to our individual mayors & police forces, and told them that we are opening our economy. We will support them or replace them– their choice. What we will NOT do is waste our time demonstrating anymore.
We are going to re-engage our fellow citizens in gainful work & commerce. Whoever tries to prevent that will be arrested.
We will not send any money “up” to State or Federal level until sanity is restored; we’ll use it to support our police, our many ruined small businesses, and to pay local labor to fix our roads & bridges.
If many cities do this at the same time I don’t see how they can stop us.
We need a monetary system that’s independent of the international bankers. I know there have been other monetary systems started by the people. Is anyone here knowledgeable about this? What was Colonial Scrip? I know there have been purely local money systems recently in the US. Anybody know about it?
“If many cities do this at the same time I don’t see how they can stop us.”
People still write in this mode about/of community action, but all these forms of civil unrest sparking action are pretty old school, since it can be clearly shown that the forces of organized crime at highest levels monitor, if not completely control, the flow and end points of information, have incalculable surveillance capability, have infested everything, and on and on.
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t I.D. someone just on my daily rounds who is some kind of intel operative.
Many are still not *that* coordinated on the ground, but they often don’t need to be, using fascist new tech to subjugate us in such ways.
The old ways of organizing and resisting just don’t apply.
Not that I see the scenes as hopeless, just that we need to take it all to another level, one almost beyond what we know, such as prayer, meditation and spiritual “technology”, (mindfulness) where good can prevail.
But at the old levels, they have closed the loops. Much more than 99.9% of the people that I know, suspect. People just don’t know, largely because it’s the one thing they don’t advertise.
Every other commodity is for sale, at the right price, but not the secret weapons.
Many aren’t all that secret, just covered, or covert.
I totally agree with you. We have to stop looking for an answer in the past. Likewise, we have to refrain from being mere respondents to the BS the PTBs are foisting on us. Some of the stuff Penelope is suggesting might be useful, but we need our own agenda, a vision of the world we want, as opposed to only opposing the present crap. Likewise, if this is a war, and war it is, we need to be as cunning as the enemy. They use every underhanded tactic in the book; so must we.
Our advantage is that we are the creative people, we represent Greater Good, we are the light. The would-be oppressors are the darkness, dull technocratic sadists, destroyers of living energy. We are life, they are death.
“We are life, they are death” you wrote.
That’s pretty black and white, dark and light.
I can’t say if “we” are this, or they are “that”, but the matchup seems all out of proportion now!
I think what a contest like this calls to mind is that somewhere in the configuration of the opposing forces, there are some very sinister ones.
The common mistake made is in thinking that “they” are human. The human agents driving this fiasco are often as convinced they are All Good, as the Resistance. And neither side is probably all bad, even some at its worst.
The problem is with the PRE-human forces hypnotizing many, even on both sides. Mind-controlled, and many, and it’s clear there are many tiers.
Hence, an unprecedented global fiasco.
I pray that it be the comic elements that come to our rescue.
There have already been moments.
They are salvific, so we can hope they are maximized?
John, life doesn’t come w a written guarantee of success. Of COURSE villainy will oppose us.
Well the oppressors are trying to keep me down
Trying to drive me underground
And they think that they have got the battle won
I say forgive them Lord
They know not what they’ve done
‘Cause as sure as the sun will shine
I’m gonna get my share now of what’s mine
And then the harder they come
The harder they’ll fall, one and all
Ooh the harder they come
The harder they’ll fall, one and all
Gotta love the “Foreknowledge” section suggesting nefarious goings-on because people who followed the news knew that in-person election day votes favoring the GOP would be counted first, in most cases; and early and mail-in votes favoring Democrats would be counted later. Malice aforethought!
Seriously, this is stupid.
Why would mail-in ballots be counted separately? And why would they necessarily favor democrats? You seem to be making big assumptions and using them to breezily dismiss a lot of actual data.
This is ridiculous. It was thoroughly reported for weeks in advance that GOP voters were going to vote in person at a high rate to defy Covid-19 guidelines: and that Democrats would largely vote early and by mail, to avoid crowds because of Covid-19.
The individual states decide when how they will count the votes. Florida was an exception. They counted most of their early and mail-in votes early.
But in most of the states where the state legislature had a GOP majority, they specifically passed bills to call for counting the in-person votes first, to intentionally give the impression that Trump was ahead early.
Mission accomplished with you and with the author of this piece!
This was all prominently and well-reported in the weeks before the election. The writer of this piece should have read the news before writing.
States have an appalling amount of power and representation….Imagine, some states have the power to murder people for having allegedly committed a crime, whereas others don’t, even for the same crime….This “State’s Rights” thing has a hideous history.
Misspelling error.
You’re a bunch of lunatics.
“Sometimes I notice I’m demented, especially at sunset.”
― Jaroslav Hašek, The Good Soldier Švejk
I guess you won’t be staying
Thanks, always felt I was at least a few lunatics.
ha ha ha ( I also had, “hey no name calling, what do you mean bunch” but your’s is better of course
Well I can’t possibly answer that impeccably reasoned argument, Doug.
maybe it was impeccably reasoned, he just hid it well
It reached impeccable intellectual heights, like saying “OK boomer” or accusing somebody of being a Jew.
Go out of your comfort zone Doug.
Mark Crispin Miller on propaganda, masks, and academic freedom
You’re in the denial phase, it’s a turbid period, but one day you might break through the barrier of deliberate conditioning and messaging we’ve grown up with for decades.
I hope you were wearing your muzzle while you wrote that comment, Douglas. You might get infected by us! You’re right! We’re loonies!
Oh, I assume that Douglas was fully masked; the comment just screams– or perhaps I should say “reeks of”– hypoxia.
Masks are clearly not good for people’s brains. :o)
By the way, Ort, your timing is immaculate – I got your amusing comment a few seconds after receiving a quite idiotic message which featured a video in which some morons were making light of people having to be tested for the so-called virus. Thanks! :o)
Well, as Groucho Marx might say: I’m happy to learn that my timing is immaculate, because it’s the only thing about me that is. 😉
Hahaha! ;o)
Great stuff here by Fintan Dunne on the rigged election.
Brill! “That dough in the back of my car. It’s just an anomaly.”
”That money was just resting in my account.”
Awesome, thanks… feel good movie, and well executed… see? No need to yell…
The real rigging began way before the election when the Democratic National Committee rigged the primaries both in 2016 and 2020, making sure that Bernie Sanders (who was ahead in all the polls and whose goals matched those of the vast majority) lost….Instead they chose warmongering, corporate Neo-Liberals, Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden who cared nothing about the 99%.
I despise all these Neo-Liberal Democrats….I despise Donald Trump….But I get the feeling that you would have preferred a 2nd Donald Trump term….Could that be because he’s on the same page as O-G regarding COVID?….Just wondering.
All that primary rigging stuff has been rendered suspect, and is almost surely false-flagging, like the Russky 2016 “hacks” are bufoonishly lame and easy to refute. Even guys at my gym who aren’t even remotely afficionados saw how ridiculous the allegations were, and Dave Emory has broadcast chapter and verse exposing all that and its nonsensicality.
But now it’s a canard firmly entrenched for years to come.
Right here, In the USA?! What a surprise.
The DNC basically admitted rigging the primaries in 2016 for Hillary. The data is out there.
Indeed. In the lawsuit against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz for rigging the 2016 Democratic primaries, DNC lawyers successfully argued that the Democratic Party is a non-profit corporation. As such, and more to the point, its charter permits party officials to secretly rig their internal selection processes (primaries) as they please– it’s all strictly legit.
The DNC position prevailed, thus establishing that in the US, political party officials are perfectly entitled to craft secret plans to preserve their grip on power, and can engage in as much jiggery-pokery as they please; the party has no legal obligation to play fair in its internal procedures, much less disclose its self-serving scams and schemes to its loyal constituency.
Although it’s virtually superfluous to state this, moral and ethical considerations are simply irrelevant and immaterial; business is business.
Ö my God Almighty! Thank you God, and by way of DNC, for setting obstacles to Tulsi, the dear heart. It shows there are still SOME teeth there…..
From spitfirelist.com, which has a growing archive on the checkered bona fides of Ms. Gabbard through the past 4 years, found with a simple search:
COMMENT: Bernie Sanders associate Tulsi Gabbard has reportedly been contemplating an independent run for President. A member of the Sanders Institute, she nominated Boinie at the 2016 Democratic National Convention and was bandied about as Sanders’ potential Vice-Presidential candidate.
In past programs, we have noted that:
*Gabbard is a member of a branch of the Hare Krishna Cult–a fascist mind control organization.
*She sits on the advisory board of a Koch Brothers-funded university organization.
*She is heavily networked with Narendra Modi’s Hindutva fascist regime in India. [JE: His party is direct successor to RSS which assassinated M. Gandhi]
*She is viewed favorably by Steve Bannon, one of the lynchpins of American fascism and reaction.
*With her possible role as a “spoiler” in the 2020 Presidential campaign looming larger, Gabbard’s adoration by American fascists and reactionaries is something to be considered.
In addition to her endorsement by David Duke, she enjoys a great deal of support from those on the other side of the ideological aisle from Boinie. “Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, is impressed with her political talent. Richard B. Spencer, the white nationalist leader, says he could vote for her. Former Representative Ron Paul praises her ‘libertarian instincts,’ while Franklin Graham, the influential evangelist, finds her ‘refreshing.’ . . . . And far-right conspiracy theorists like Mike Cernovich see a certain MAGA sais quoi. ‘She’s got a good energy, a good vibe. You feel like this is just a serious person,’ Mr. Cernovich said. ‘She seems very Trumpian.’ . . . . Then there is 4chan, the notoriously toxic online message board, where some right-wing trolls and anti-Semites fawn over Ms. Gabbard, calling her ‘Mommy’ and praising her willingness to criticize Israel. In April, the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, took credit for Ms. Gabbard’s qualification for the first two Democratic primary debates.
Sorry to disillusion, but facts are facts, sacred or otherwise.
So, to sum up your position – it’ ok to rig a vote if it’s against someone you don’t like.
I disagree with most of what you say….But any hopes I might have had for Tulsi Gabbard were immediately dashed when I found out about her love for Indian Fascist Modi….She was a fake who in the end gave her vote to Joe Biden!
Your guys at the gym?….Sounds as if they are pretty dimwitted….Whether it pleases all of you or not, Bernie would have been the Democratic candidate both in 2026 and 2020, had it not been for the rigging.
Hello maxine: You are right. The Democratic National Committee has been rigging elections for decades. “Democratic” voters refuse to wake up and notice the burnt coffee. The electoral college has also become a rigged stage, and acts in gross conflict with the original functions of the 8th Amendment.
Ask Tulsi Gabbard about effective DNC stone walling of her candidacy. Tulsi was the only vocal anti-war candidate in the primaries. The CIA and military contractors won the selection — again…
Ö my God Almighty! Thank you God, and by way of DNC, for setting obstacles to Tulsi, the dear heart. It shows there are still SOME teeth there…..
From spitfirelist.com, which has a growing archive on the checkered bona fides of Ms. Gabbard through the past 4 years, found with a simple search:
COMMENT: Bernie Sanders associate Tulsi Gabbard has reportedly been contemplating an independent run for President. A member of the Sanders Institute, she nominated Boinie at the 2016 Democratic National Convention and was bandied about as Sanders’ potential Vice-Presidential candidate.
In past programs, we have noted that:
*Gabbard is a member of a branch of the Hare Krishna Cult–a fascist mind control organization.
*She sits on the advisory board of a Koch Brothers-funded university organization.
*She is heavily networked with Narendra Modi’s Hindutva fascist regime in India. [JE: His party is direct successor to RSS which assassinated M. Gandhi]
*She is viewed favorably by Steve Bannon, one of the lynchpins of American fascism and reaction.
*With her possible role as a “spoiler” in the 2020 Presidential campaign looming larger, Gabbard’s adoration by American fascists and reactionaries is something to be considered.
In addition to her endorsement by David Duke, she enjoys a great deal of support from those on the other side of the ideological aisle from Boinie. “Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist, is impressed with her political talent. Richard B. Spencer, the white nationalist leader, says he could vote for her. Former Representative Ron Paul praises her ‘libertarian instincts,’ while Franklin Graham, the influential evangelist, finds her ‘refreshing.’ . . . . And far-right conspiracy theorists like Mike Cernovich see a certain MAGA sais quoi. ‘She’s got a good energy, a good vibe. You feel like this is just a serious person,’ Mr. Cernovich said. ‘She seems very Trumpian.’ . . . . Then there is 4chan, the notoriously toxic online message board, where some right-wing trolls and anti-Semites fawn over Ms. Gabbard, calling her ‘Mommy’ and praising her willingness to criticize Israel. In April, the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, took credit for Ms. Gabbard’s qualification for the first two Democratic primary debates.
Sorry to disillusion, but facts are facts, sacred or otherwise.
Sorry. Your accusations regarding Ms Gabbard are based on comments made by disinformation hounds who obfuscate facts, and replace facts with associations that simply don’t exist. I don’t consider David Duke as “fascist”, as he’s never achieved any remarkable control over anything but his appearance… Most readers here don’t know he ever existed.
Like many other potential candidates, Ms Gabbard had no control over those who appreciated (or perhaps) disrespected her belief system.
The character assassination you choose to employ, only reflects the absence of any other valid assessment…
Her support for Hindu Fascist murderer Modi and giving her vote to warmongering, Corporate-loving Joe Biden is enough to deflect from anything positive she may have done or said.
The DNC has a transgenerational tendency to stonewall people of her ilk, especially when they have glowing David Duke endorsements.
For those UK-based visitors here, who may not grok that name, the mere mention of which has made me cringe since the 1970s when he was the fair-haired boy of the American Nazi Party, here is some bloodcurdling wikispookism:
Ō, and Young David Duke, who got in hot water with the ANP, American Nazi Party, for being too frothingly anti-Jewish, at a time when they wanted him to focus on just hating blacks, nonetheless raised a loud hue and cry when his uni lowered the flag halfway the day MLK was murdered….
That was about the time he established the office of ‘Grand Wizard” of the KKK (Ku Klux Klan). I lived in Dallas 3 years and they tried to recruit me, affectionately, what with my German Bavarian blood and teutonic looks. Too much Gypsy gene in me from Bohemia, though, too, I guess. But the Christian orientation must have confused them, as they pretend to Baptist roots, but their real roots are more Goth and Vandal, so they mistook my sincerity for rabidity, I guess?
In any case, besides George Lincoln Rockwell, or Adolf himself, David Duke is THE USA poster boy for all things NAZI.
And, with Trump’s Steve Bannon, a real fanboy of our Ms. Tulsi.
Somehow, I’m not impressed.
I appreciate your acknowledging the corruptness of the DNC….But I take issue regarding Tulsi Gabbard’s credentials….After all, in the end, she did give her support to Joe Biden.
Hello maxine: I believe DNC members take their orders from operatives way up on the pay scale… Ms Gabbards departure from a very successful campaign was sudden and never publicly explained… Her backing of Biden was also a departure from her stated abhorrence of his history.
Methinks someone told her to go away, or she’d be made to go away. We will never know for sure.
Hi Paul….Could be she was threatened….But how can we forgive her total support of the vicious, murderous Indian dictator, Modi?….Something doesn’t sit well with me.
CNN’s resident egg head, Brian Seltzer, can’t get his ovular bird seed cavern around the idea that the customer might be right.
You will notice the BBC has an identikit cartoon egg head on its roster. TV is so formulaic. One of this… one of that…Hollywood, too, if you look at actors down history.
Brian Stelter Can’t Believe It
More clues from the wonderful world of telly news:
Corbyn reinstated in Labour after being suspended for trying to downplay Labour anti-Semitism. Subtext (hardly even a subtext since they were whanging it in your face): there really were Auschwitz levels of Labour anti-Semitism.
That’s the merest prelude to the wondrous “we make reality” show.
Monotonous covid drone e.g. “We all knew it was coming …”
Indeed we did, so there’s hardly any point in going any further.
You are a little tease, aren’t you?
“Yes – you know what we’re really up to, don’t you? Ooh but let’s just go with the flow anyway. We’ve started so we’ll …finish? Oh don’t be stupid! You know all about that too, don’t you? We’ll never finish! We’ve only just got into our stride!
Level 2 upgraded to Level 25 etc. A couple of hundred bodies here. A couple of hundred bodies there. Make it thousands! Oh fuck it! Make it a million! What? You note they’re still alive? Well we didn’t say they were dead, did we? They’re still bodies! Riddled with covid? Yeah sure why not? They must be riddled with something, after all!”
Now let’s have a few nice charts – maybe even a swing-o-meter! Spin it here! Spin it there! … Like the Fast Show’s “Scorchio!” – only “Covidio!”
Hushed concerned voices…deeply respectful in the presence of the coming doom.
Repeat and …no, not fade. Getting louder and louder!
You forgot a “t” there, you wrote it in French
Corbyn an anti semite? Thats nothing, Dominic Cummings is an alien that eats babies
If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it. ~ Mark Twain
and…If they didn’t construct unnecessary disparity – then there wouldn’t be a difference to vote for.
The illusion of popular participation is one of the most securable, manageable, and unassailable methods of crowd control.
WHAT WILL THIS ARTICLE ACCOMPLISH IN THE WIDER SCOPE OF THE STRATAGEM CLOSING IN ON US? Of course it was fixed, but what can anybody (including TRUMP) do about it, that’s even assuming he is not part of the plot? NOBODY seems to be getting down to the real BASE cause of the problem. All these ‘playout’ incidences are contrived to achieve ONE OBJECTIVE: WORLD DOMINATION > GREAT RESET > NWO > TOTAL SUBJUGATION AND DEFEAT OF THE HUMAN RACE.
JFK warned us of such a threat but nobody listened, well turn up your hearing aid folks, this is what he are currently facing http://www.nwo4eo.com
Whether the Big Plan is in fact that sinister is still a matter of some debate, but there is absolutely no doubt that that is one really possible outcome, and there are forces involved who are ready to hijack it as such.
And it is arguably so advanced that there is only one authority still able to stop it.
Prayers are headed thataway.
Always follow the money.
The great reset is just a plan for world vaccination and more money for Bill Gates and his cohorts.
And to take your money for fake climate change and fake over population theories.
Cartoon based on a photo of a cop grabbing a Greek protester today.
Cop – “I am the state!”
Protester – “I can’t breathe!”
This is the photo.
Headline means “Shameless government authoritarianism on the 47th anniversary of the Polytechnic – orgy of repression and in Thessaloniki – developments in liveblog”
I would have thought that biggest crime is the disenfranchisement of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Black, Latino and young voters from the voter rolls across the nation. Companies like Crowdstrike, employed by state governments to remove names from lists.
A Republican speciality.
a NATO speciality. Both sides are bought by the MIC. That’s why it hasn’t been fixed in 20 years. Blacks are historically anti-war. MLK was assassinated shortly after his anti-war speech.
See Greg Palast:
Gonna try to sign off… with the best. Just might not succeed… Goodness Gracious!
Big Youth Ride Like Lightning (1972)
Strange coincidence. Just this morning, I had the urge to listen to some dub (for the first time in ages). Many moons ago, I bought quite a few of those compilations on the Blood and Fire label (King Tubby, Yabby You, etc.).
Am now listening to Augustus Pablo – King Tubby Meets Rockers Uptown.
That era was peak dub. I suppose it happens throughout culture, a few writers or poets or musicians or painters get together and bounce off each other… thinking of the Gothic writers and poets, the classical composers, the cubists…
Decades later people try to copy the movement but it never works
I was lucky to have a close schoolfriend from Jamaica, of Lebanese or Syrian origin (the same ethnic group that produced the PM Edward Seaga) and I was treated to the latest and greatest.
Culture – Natty Dread Taking over
Yeah, those clusters of artists must be intense (and exciting) places to be.
(Still on the subject of dub, I once had the pleasure of seeing Lee Perry playing live, here in sleepy old North Wales. He told the audience that it was nice to be ”in Manchester”, but that in no way diminished our enjoyment…).
Sometimes things seem quite out of place… and then you stop and you suddenly become so much more aware.
I came across Paul Robeson in, I think, Tredegar. Despite my father’s family coming from Caerphilly I’d had no idea. They were very conservative, literate, musical people but Robeson would never do. Yet now it seems inevitable I should have bumped into his statue.
Lessons in Solidarity: Paul Robeson & the Welsh Miners
I had no idea about Paul Robeson’s connection to Wales! I’ve just been doing some reading on it. It brought tears to my eyes to learn of how he befriended the miners of South Wales, and also Aneurin Bevan (a hero of mine).
A heartfelt thank you for introducing me to this remarkable piece of history, which has blown my mind.
I’ve just listened to him singing Land Of My Fathers. I’m now even more blown away…
Robeson and Wales is a remarkable story. It captures so much of the past century. And it’s a mirror for what’s happening today. First the oligarchs become too powerful. Then they start exploiting labour. The people react and meet repression and censorship, restricting their freedom of movement. People are forced to choose between complying or losing their jobs. Thousands of poor and middle class people suffered, but we only hear about the most prominent: Paul Robeson, Charlie Chaplin. But these two stuck to their guns, Robeson in particular never gave in. The more they repressed him, the more radical he became. His relationship with the Welsh miners is one of the great stories of solidarity crossing boundaries of geography and race. Truly inspiring. That recording of Robeson and William Paynter is a parable for today. The governments forbade them to meet but their international festival of song and solidarity went on regardless, over the phone lines. Just as we shall do today.
Truly inspiring, indeed! And, yes, there are many parallels with today’s world. Our greatest asset is solidarity. I just wish that more people understood that.
Thanks again – I can’t wait to delve into this some more (a lot more).
A modern appreciation.
As the actor David Harewood says, why is the name of Paul Robeson not shouted from the rooftops?
THE PROUD VALLEY – David Harewood on Paul Robeson
A giant of a man. Apart from his many, many other achievements and talents, he spoke 12 languages? 12?!?
How can it be forgotten what Hillary Clinton said in 2006 about the election in the Palestinian territories:
Police fire tear gas at November 17 protesters in Greece who defied a ban supposedly imposed because of Covid.
“The truth is an offence but not a sin
Cos he who laugh last is he who win
It’s a foolish dog bark at a flying bird
Sheeple must learn to respect the Shepherd.”
BMW — Jah Live [1976]
Just caught the news again. Damn! “These businesses already devastated, will likely not survive!”
I’m so sick of the pretence. Covid is the cover. The wreck of the economy is the underlying program.
What you do in your bedroom is not my business, but I find your masochism in regards to information disgusting
lol just kiddin’
It has been stated many times, ‘This is not just another four year election’.
I’m no political history expert, but this is also my opinion too. (‘Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like, your opinion, man’. said the Dude !)
Especially considering all the ‘hoax history’ claims coming to light these days, eg. the age(s) of civilization(s) etc.
Some comments say the two sides are really just two sides of the same coin.
Maybe they are, but I think/hope they are not.
Capt Birdheart, Trump started Operation Warp Speed and has not mentioned the fact that it’s being conducted by CIA instead of medical authorities. He named the lying Fauci to Coronavirus Taskforce when he has the power to replace him with a truthful person.
He has the power to replace the head of any executive branch agency, yet head of FCC abets the concentration of media control. DOJ has said nil about our trampled rights.
Trump makes a few popularity-seeking comments while consistently avoiding doing anything to hinder TPTB. On the contrary, he rewards them w more deregulation.
I think most of his first (!) term has been spent showing people who the enemy is and allowing them to expose their corruption.
He has taken a huge risk not stopping corruption even now, with the massive election fraud. However, if the plan works and he gets a second term, then he can really start to make a big change.
Also, he keeps us informed with coded tweets !, bypassing msm, people know this, right ?
Covid-19 Irish Medical Professionals Attack Lockdowns
newly-released document by Irish Medical Professionals, released on November 15th, outlines what the Irish Government and NPHET have known since March – that lockdowns kill far more people than they save.
Lets be honest here, no one in America, let alone the rest of the world is going to take Biden seriously. The guy can barely string a sentence together. America is just another failed state, forget them and move on.
“America is just another failed state, forget them and move on”
Very good advice except even if you want to forget them and wanted to be left alone, they never forget you and never leave you alone. They never did. And they will never do, short of some sort of miraculous intervention.
The USS Nimitz is the largest warship in the world is part of war games conducted this week by India, Japan, Australia and US ‘To Strengthen Democracy’ in the Indo-Pacific region.
There was the same worry about the nuclear weapons in the former USSR when it failed. Admittedly something like the Nimitz in the hands of a failed state could be something of a problem, but its also expensive to run so likely won’t last much longer.
It’s just a white elephant floating coffin.
Like the UK’s similar two 65,000 ton white elephants.
They are sitting ducks against missile attacks.
They can only be used in colonial warfare against people like the Taliban, who don’t have so much as an Airfix model Spitfire to defend themselves with.
Visitors from the Globalists… please have a seat
It doesn’t matter. They will criticize his gaffs, but otherwise will do as they are told. They will remain members of the Covidian Cult, and fear what they are told to fear – they will blame Russia if told to do so. Failed state? Why because elites are no longer hiding the fact that the POTUS is a figurehead? No, not a failed state, but a state entrenching its power via the most devious methods.
I can’t help thinking the rave scene was designed to undermine the covid cult. These old tracks. Imagine the scene. 4 o clock in the morning. The music blazing on the crowded dance floor. The viruses floating everywhere and a drugged out man dripping with sweat turns around to ask for a sip of water from your supply. Everyone is sharing water and still nobody gets “the virus” after dancing all night on copious amounts of ecstacy, tobacco and marijuana.
“Sun shining, birds singing, we’re dancing and swinging”. It’s a dj’s world hey.
This track is essential 92 hardcore at its finest, always raised the roof when played out. “You had it all”. Good track to end the night. I remember it. I was the first to leave:)
Witnessing Kafkaesque phantasmagoria taking place live in Kafka’s home town right now …
Thirty-one years ago today, the Velvet Revolution took place, after the people in the office where they run everything from, as coined by Frank Zappa, that enough had been of the First vs. Second World circus, and today, people are out in the streets celebrating their reacquired freedom.
Oblivious to how they’re at this very moment being fucked over once again, ultimately in a much more big time way than what the apparatchiks were able to muster up.
Unbelievable … Deja fucking vu … This is exactly what the Bolsheviks did – every year the celebrated WWII victory and “freedom” …
They say that one doesn’t step in the same river twice. That expression should be amended to say that we keep wading in the same stream of shit. Scratch wading – swimming …
I was just trying to remember Vaclav Havel’s quote: that the heroes are the ordinary people who survive.
The heroes are the ordinary people who resist, many of whom do not survive. Many of the survivors are people who supported the regime or looked the other way.
Havel’s critique of life in the West in his writings was impressive. Of course, he then completely sold out to the West as president and was treated as a hero by Western politicians in return.
That’s a pretty good assessment.
I wonder if this is a universal pattern. The freedom fighter, once freedom is achieved, is determined to defend the status quo despite or wittingly oblivious to the fact that the status quo has once again, is it goes in history, corrupted itself. The foregoing, of course, being based on the assumption that things are NOT decided by the people in the office where they run everything from …
Havel’s family was upper middle class and somewhat discriminated against in post-1948 Czechoslovakia. His dissidence actually stemmed from class issues. His educational opportunities were limited by his background as people from the working class found it easier to pursue university studies under the existing system. He didn’t sell out to the West – Havel was always a bourgeois.
A part of the reason might have been that Havel’s family was pretty cozy with the Nazi occupants during WWII … something that’s not frequently mentioned …
This, however, is not about one figure …
I guess it’s about the fact that there is no final victory. The Devil never rests … the struggle between Good and Evil is an eternal one and since Evil has no qualms about resorting to underhanded stratagems, it’s always an uphill battle …
His family seems to have had no problems under German occupation, which suggests some degree of collaboration or at least accommodation. It was under Communism that they had difficulties.
Kurt Konrad was a hero. He committed a suicide on the shitty floor of a Gestapo basement cell to protect his brothers in arms, knowing he wouldn’t withstand another day of interrogations.
I like the “Ask yourself” bullet points at the end. This could be applied to a lot of situations “if another country/leader/group was saying or doing this, would I have the same response?”
Is anyone else reading about the latest predictions of the WEF ?
Covid was nothing, insignificant compared to the forthcoming cyber attacks on the power grid and finance systems.
We are entering a tailspin. This is why they are not really bothered that fewer and fewer people believe in the virus any more, the next storm of chaos is just around the corner.
Good bye folks, I don’t think there is any more use to this any more.
I was reading the Nov 2-Nov 9 issue of Time magazine this morning and of all the barfy things, one of the worst was an article “How We Bounced Back: A dispatch from 2023…” from a section called “The Great Reset.”
I think you are right. Enough people are wise to covid, that they need to move on to the next thing asap.
Yes very barfy indeed
One could only wonder what beverage or substance the writer was on when they penned that article…I see my favourite word of moment “smart” as in smart cities gets a mention…smart is obviously going to save us…super man flies again…
I hate to tell them this….if we were “smart” we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place…and sadly there is far more to people’s health than the need to cure the common cold.
It’s not just that one article either. Somehow every author of every article in Time seems to be on mescaline and worshipping the same guru (Joe). The pages are full of eerily similar dreamy phrases like “A Biden presidency will reinfuse America politics with dignity” “Biden knows how to untangle us from Trump’s mess.”
I wonder if these smart cities will be the same smart as my smart fridge, smart speakers, smart vacuum, etc.
Ah thanks, didn’t realize it was available online too.
In the event of taxing the billionaires, they can waist their money as they want
Thank you for that…missed it completely and I have been searching for months now for the explanation for what may be planned jan/feb…I thought it was currency, financial but here they are talking power grids…fits in so nicely with all the Aquarian energies we have coming our way in jan/feb and I have been telling people it makes covid drama peanuts…
I suspect the major problem could be the dependence on renewals, aging power grids that cannot deal with them or failure of the renewals etc will take the power down well before an actual hacker gets there…sort of like covid…you make the crisis to cover the crisis…I.e. health systems are broken, make covid…
The “Darkest Winter” we are promised by Biden and others is not just a depression mood. It will apparently be quite physical. Hope they don’t turn off the sun and wind also.
Speaking of turning off the wind, I dislike socialism as an agorist, but isn’t it just special that a category 5 hurricane at 160 mph should hit the coast of Nicaragua?
BTW, here is a relatively cheap way to have light when/if they turn off the grid. One (or more) 12 volt deep cycle (solar) battery (I prefer lead acid flooded, minimum 100 AH). If you use more than one, they must be hooked together in parallel to keep the 12 volts. One small 12 volt solar module (panel). Bunch of 12 volt DC 10 watt LED light bulbs. (You might have to order them from Amazon). 100 feet of AWG 12 two conductor electrical wire. Wire nuts and standard bulb sockets. Inexpensive electrical multimeter mainly to check the voltage of the battery if you don’t add a charge controller. I will try to answer any questions. If you are handy and really know what you are doing, you can turn off (preferably disconnect for safety) the AC incoming power and hook the battery to your main which would allow you to use your regular light fixtures just by replacing the bulbs. But don’t do this unless you really understand the electrical system. This idea is to give you light with the grid down for week(s) or more. Not worth the cost and effort for a couple of hours or even a couple of days. You can add to this system a very low power inverter to charge your laptop or cell. I got a friend a good one from Amazon that has been working well for two years for $25.
Here in Canada, we prefer to freeze in the dark
So how would this disruption of the power grid then work with their techno 4th industrialised AI-centric 5G plans? 🤔
Good question. I have been wondering too. Perhaps it would be short, sharp cyber attacks on places where resistance to lockdowns/injections was strong?
Also, vaccines need cold storage, but I believe most hospitals have emergency fuel and generators, and this would be planned in advance of the launch of any cyber attack.
Advantages to the billionaires’ boys club would be increased fear/chaos, if cashless society then increased ‘need’ for UBI, more deaths from starvation/violence, and so on.
World Economic Forum has already blamed Russia, even before its event occurs!
Or it may never happen – just propaganda to keep us more scared and confused.
I really don’t know. Merely pointing out that their ‘predictions’ have been borne out, in a kind of mass deception, so why not pay attention to their fairly confidently asserted predictions for what to expect next ?
If they are serious about ‘re-writing the social contract’ (as stated in their literature) then that might mean a whole new vision of social organisation. A fair guess would be a move away from nation states altogether toward a centralised control society that is global, run ostensibly by an advanced AI (programmed by and for elite privilege, of course).
This kind of vision will need a whole lot of chaos to bring people on board. Energy and finance disruption would occur with a ‘solution’ of centralised network security and control – just as the ‘solution’ to the ‘SARS Cov 2 virus’ is an ongoing vax program linked to health passports and digital ID.
It is a mighty cliche at this point, but, ‘problem-reaction-solution’ seems to have worked well for them in the past.
One Globalist genocide at a time I say…
Brief note on state of journalism here in NYC: New York Times full-width top headline Wednesday: “ELECTION OFFICIALS NATIONWIDE FIND NO FRAUD” The “story” adds details and attractive graphics to embellish the stenography, and then provides nearly a page worth of talking heads bloviation and additional stenography from both sides, along with value-laden adjectives in nearly every paragraph.
Well, gee, that’s very nice, NYT. Summaries of election officials’ statements sounds like worthy bullet points for your intro paragraphs. Not so sure about repeated statements from party officials, but ok, I’ll indulge the entertainment side.
But, as “journalists”, what do YOU say about all that — you know, after you’ve done your independent digging the last few days, interviewing opposing sides and then reviewing first-hand evidence, out in the field, to independently triangulate truth — as a news organization of your stature and resources must surely be doing? After all, assertion comes after discovery.
More evidence that a “newspaper of record” has degenerated into garbage.
The NY Times, the toilet paper of record, would make the editors of Tass and Pravda in the time of Brezhnev, green with envy and admiration for the level of absolute bullshit propaganda they can foist on their willingly obtuse readers. And the kicker is that they regard themselves as so elegantly enlightened and look down with disdain on us pissants. But of course these enlightened ones are being led to the abattoir for the culling just like us. The only difference is that they will be stunningly surprised.
Someone may already have posted something related to this, but it belongs here as a precedent. Essentially Mike Connell was the Bush tech guru who allegedly did some vote fixing in Ohio. He perished in a single engine plane crash. The site was sealed off and cleaned by the next morning, SOP was not followed, his wife was given some scraps of meat. You do the math.
Political deaths, inventor deaths, journalist deaths are absolutely standard. In my opinion they are much more common in the U.S. than in any other country. Some have said that the United States is the only country that accepts assassination and oopsie deaths as political happenstance.
See the classic “drove in front of a truck” death of Athan Gibbs, an accountant who invented the TruVote system.
Interesting, I wll have to check that out. Then there is the 38 (or so) person long trail of bodies in the wave of the Clinton crime family…..
Uncounted – The Tragic Story of Athan Gibbs
What? He couldn’t handle the truth? Oh, are you suggesting…
Let us not forget the strange rash of deaths of molecular biologists and alternative physicians in the USA.
Mysterious deaths and murders are pretty common in Turkey. For example, one well-known journalist and author, Ugur Mumcu, suggested the CIA was behind the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II back in 1981. Mumcu was mysteriously murdered in 1993 not long after putting forward his theory.
From the link:
How do they always convince the families that there was no foul play? Is it just money? This bothered me with the Seth Rich story too. Also it’s interesting that they noted his progressive sisters are suspicious. It’s easier to imagine that the “other guys” are capable of murder.
Yes money certainly could play a part, but if that doesn’t work there is always the reminder that an untimley death could also happen to you. There are lots of ways to get that point across. David Crowley appears to have been made an example of
Funny how with socio-political polarization it really IS much easier to envision the “others” doing horrid things but WE would never engage in such corruption and violence.
Makes sense, unfortunately.
It’s the same with Michael Hastings. Without stopping to look it up, I’m sure that Hastings’ widow (or significant other) also discredited the possibility that his death was other than accidental.
It could be that they’re Normals afflicted with cognitive dissonance; I’ve always been struck by the way people will vehemently assert, “I just can’t believe that…” Fill in the blanks, e.g. “the government would do something like that”. They think that they are saying that the “that” is so incredible or absurd that it is rationally beyond question.
Even when I’m personally sympathetic to their grief and dismay, it seems obvious that they are really only making a statement about the limits or boundaries of their capacity for belief– they really mean that they won’t believe X.
But it’s highly likely that whatever their original private perceptions and beliefs are, they are persuaded one way or another to publicly reject “conspiracy theory” alternatives.
As was demonstrated in the misguided “victims’ rights” movement, at least in the US there is an irrational rule of thumb that a bereaved survivor (relative or friend) is effectively an expert or authority on the truth of the matter– as if their suffering imparts a perspicacity or integrity that leads them unerringly to know what really happened.
So it’s useful to the foul players to have a spouse or family member stridently discount foul play. This supports the bogus remonstrance, “If this bereaved Loved One isn’t questioning the official narrative, who the hell are you to question it?”
Hastings’ story is one of the worst. He had told people he was worried about his car. I don’t know what his family has said about it.
I think you are right, both about the family and how useful it is for the murderers to have the family unsuspicious.
Not that I think you doubt me, but here’s the first link in the search list that didn’t throw up demands to disable my ad-blocker, or impose paywall restrictions:
Elise Jordan’s Wiki: Facts to Know about Michael Hastings’ Widow
It’s an interesting twist that I chanced upon a “celebrity wiki” site. I skimmed the page, but I’m not sure if Jordan was considered a “celebrity” before Hastings’ suspicious death, or whether like others, e.g. Lisa Beamer– widow of Todd “Let’s Roll!” Beamer– she rode the tragedy to fame.
From that article, it looks like she was in the right company professionally to believe or say she believed it was an accident.
Also my instinctual response on seeing her is that she was way too good looking for him (am I shallow?) which in itself makes me suspicious.
I again, have to point to the video belowe, with Dr. Cynthia KcKinney PhD and Robert David Steel authors of UNRIG: Election Reform Act of 2020: A Citizen’s Guide to Achieving Democracy on SGT Report as the numbero uno, when it comes to this case, and I have thru the years listened to Dr. C. KcKinney all thoe briefly and is as always, impressed clear and consistency, yeah, pardon my language mam, but you are indeed an read breed, among us humans, the prefect blend of Balls and Brain, hats off, and in me you have an hughe fan.
And dont forget Sidney Powell.
The rest, is more familiare, and known, and not to crash the party, since I have become thru the years of uh…. seeing “hope and change” coming down in flames, have made me to an cynical bastard, but I really hope that this time things indeed will change.
I could go on for hourse on what, but the main factore, is, again, if any thing sould be given due creadit to the one man whom made this happen, the downfall of our MSM and the scumbags whom is now crawling out of the wood work, incl Fecebook etc, and the Devils twins, the two MICs and so on, its Trump, its infact unpressedented, I cant think of anyone nor anything coming up even close in human history.
And despite the ongoing hate propaganda, against us and everybody else whom isnt onboard this ship of scums and scoundrels, even when it looks dark, with the uber rats coming together and is ramping up the eh…. conspiracy called The Great Reset, even if it comes thru, half of the world knows by now whom did it, why they did it and how they did it, and above all, their machine, the one that guards them, the MSM witch in this days is dying, and can only blame them selfs, I know we have gone beyond the point of no return, its an paradigme shift of biblical proportions.
My only advice in all humblness to Trump is, use kevlar underwear and/or suit.
All the time.
May the lord have mercy upon them/you all, and blessed be the peacemakers.
The scam has been confirmed: PCR does not detect SARS-CoV-2
Thanks for posting. Interesting read.
Yup, won’t change a thing
From a recent OffG tweet:
When I google “David Icke”, he is listed as “Footballer”! Finger on the pulse!
When I google “Guido Giacomo Preparata”, he is listed as “American Fiction Writer”! Ooh, catty!
Police banned a November 17 commemoration in Athens and attacked people who rallied anyway. The ban was supposedly to fight Covid but the right-wing government hates November 17 as the 1973 events on that date were the beginning of the end for the Greek junta.
Are you wondering about lack of reporting on protests against the lockdown? Oh but look here:
“Federal agents said Thursday they thwarted a plot to violently overthrow the government as well as kidnap and harm Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer — a conspiracy that included visits to her home in northern Michigan and training with firearms and explosive devices.The alleged plot mainly involved six conspirators unhappy in part about Whitmer’s coronavirus restrictions, calling her a “tyrant.” They wanted to create a “self-sufficient” society free from what they called unconstitutional state governments and discussed plans to storm the Capitol and take hostages, according to FBI documents filed in court.”
More here:
“Armed right-wing activists demonstrate in Lansing at the state Capitol against the coronavirus lockdown orders issued by Governor Whitmer….Heavily armed right-wing activists demonstrate in Lansing …Armed right-wing activists rally in Grand Rapids against the coronavirus lockdown
Adam Fox, Barry Croft and a dozen other people from several states meet in Dublin, Ohio, in the suburbs of Columbus, to discuss action against the coronavirus lockdowns in many states. Fox and Croft organize the meeting after getting in contact with each other online. There is discussion about killing “tyrants” and “taking” a current governor. A key next step decided on is to make contact with a local Michigan militia group to get reinforcements.”
And so on.
Now this:
“Trump adviser calls for people to “rise up” against coronavirus restrictions
Less than two months after a fascist plot to kidnap and murder Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was broken up by state police and the FBI, a top White House aide has called on the people of Michigan to “rise up” against the Democratic governor.
Atlas was elevated by Trump as his top public health adviser, despite having no expertise in this area—he is a radiologist turned health policy commentator for the right-wing Hoover Institution. … he is echoing the language of the fascist militia gunmen who were arrested in September after they had staked out Whitmer’s vacation home, planning to kidnap the governor, put her on “trial” for supposed tyranny because of a previous coronavirus lockdown, and then execute her.
Trump himself was openly inciting violence after clashes between his fascist supporters and anti-racism protesters on Saturday night in Washington D.C. …He hailed the actions of neo-Nazi Proud Boys on the streets of the US capital, backed by sections of the police. Punch-ups and stabbings followed demonstrations by several thousand Trump supporters who were addressed by fascist leaders like anti-Semite Nick Fuentes, as well as Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, an advocate of the fascist QAnon grouping.
… Trump denounced his political opponents in fascistic terms, calling them “Human Radical Left garbage” and “Radical Left ANTIFA SCUM,” …
Perhaps the most chilling of all the pronouncements embraced by Trump was a Twitter video from actor Jon Voight, a Christian fundamentalist and an apparently demented supporter of the president…… Voight declared, …“This is now our greatest fight since the Civil War: the battle of righteousness versus Satan. Yes, Satan. Because these leftists are evil, corrupt, and they want to tear down this nation.”
…the fascistic conspiracies of Trump.
… the struggle against the fascist danger can only go forward through the independent political mobilization of the working class and its own revolutionary socialist party.”
See? The lockdown protesters are being “very fairly” depicted as anti-Left, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi, fascist, militaristic, Christian fundamentalist terrorists!
The WSWS selling its pseudo-revolutionary snake oil…
I think they’re loving it right now but this may not last. The lockdowns will not last forever.
There is actually quite as much fascism on the part of authorities using Covid to smuggle attacks on liberties but we don’t see the WSWS mentioning that.
“The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) has all the signs of a Langley-Land operation. Just another nasty way the CORPORATE FASCISTS smear honest socialism by having one of their misinformation/disinformation operations push the BIG LIE of the SCAMDEMIC and associate socialism with EUGENICS. Fabian fascists watch out! Pay the CIA Party no heed.”
“Toward honest socialism in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs.”
The real Socialist response to real deadly pandemic (not COVID sham) would never be lockdown, but opposite as it would be local self governed community that would decide on degree of particular threat and how to mitigate it according to will of sovereign community where all community interests, economic, social, cultural, educational, environmental, and medical equally would make their case for community to weight all options and decide by reaching overwhelming consensus.
As many sick people would not be able to serve community and economy the Healthy will be even more engaged in economic activities, working harder to keep economy and society going amid shortage of healthy people and socioeconomic demand to take care of all sick.
COVID is not a case of pandemic but example of long known man made psyop of disaster capitalism toward authoritarian reset in order to increase profitable social control as imperative of power and reverse precipitously failing rate of profits produced by mainstream economy and that includes killing it.
Early on in this BS the WSWS said lockdown was the solution – in their version of it, most people would “shelter in place” while special teams would go around and bring them food etc. I have heard German lefties say the same. However, who is to say the special teams aren’t carrying some kind of infection?
If the ideal is people trapped in their abode while others periodically drop by with food, it reminds me of another sort of situation where people are not free to move but from time to time food is delivered to them.
It is called solitary confinement in prison.
There is something screwy going on with them, but whether they are state -directed or merely acting that way is hard to determine. The ultimate effect is the same.
That is why this past weekend’s MAGA marches were entirely peaceful… so they didn’t get reported.
Shall we ever hug our people?
Jason Goodman: America in Existential Crisis: Legal Battle for the White House – Washington DC Million MAGA March
Thanks for the highlighted bit in the link, Moneycircus.
The guy interviewed said ‘This is a spiritual war’ and ‘There is good and bad in every religion’.
So true.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me… I ignore those
The WSWS so far has not reported on the police riot against November 17 commemorations in Greece. But how can they? The authorities use Covid as a pretext and the default line of the WSWS is that if the state locks down for a week, it is trying to murder the workers because it is not locking down for two weeks. Presumably the WSWS would like to accuse the police of not beating protesters hard enough for the sake of fighting the virus, but then that would really give its pseudo-socialist game away.
Yes I have been pondering where these Leftists will stand when the police and army really start cracking down on lockdown protesters. Because it’s going to happen. For all the WSWS’s best efforts, I really can’t see SUPPORTING the lockdown as a great protest movement. Can you imagine it? “We demand to be confined to our bedrooms!”
No, the protests will be against the lockdown. Which leads me to wonder how they will be presented. “Evil QAnon Fascist Bastards Threaten the Health of the Nation”?
And at this point the conveniently mutable Left position will come in handy. Of course they will denounce “Fascist bastards”. But they can also moan about “confused proles” and of course, the ever reliable “incompetent capitalism”. Incompetence is as useful as coincidence in explaining the entire history of humanity.
And then you will have your academic Marxists complaining about “lazy binary thinkers” who won’t do the “much needed ground work” to “think through” a “complex and nuanced” class analysis of unfolding events. Well I must admit a certain envy. I missed out on that nice little gravy train. (Though admittedly all gravy trains are about to crash.)
Two days later and still no WSWS comment on Greek events.
In Germany, when there are anti-Covid protests, you sometimes get lefties staging anti-anti-Covid protests. Not unlike the WSWS mentality. Satire is superfluous…
The thing is, the possibility of such fraud has been well-known since Jeff Bush’s connection to the Diebold company’s voting machine was mentioned here and there in 2000.
Twenty years later, Americans have done nothing about it, yet are still trying to be shocked by the notion of election fraud?
As Kit rightly points out, it is the possibility which is the problem, not which way it swings.