The Germans Are Back!
CJ Hopkins

Break out the Wagner, folks…the Germans are back! No, not the warm, fuzzy, pussified, peace-loving, post-war Germans … the Germans! You know the ones I mean. The “I didn’t know where the trains were going” Germans. The “I was just following orders” Germans. The other Germans.
Yeah…those Germans.
In case you missed it, on November 18, the German parliament passed a law, the so-called “Infection Protection Act” (“Das Infektionsschutzgesetz” in German) formally granting the government the authority to issue whatever edicts it wants under the guise of protecting the public health.
The government has been doing this anyway — ordering lockdowns, curfews, travel bans, banning demonstrations, raiding homes and businesses, ordering everyone to wear medical masks, harassing and arresting dissidents, etc. — but now it has been “legitimized” by the Bundestag, enshrined into law, and presumably stamped with one of those intricate official stamps that German bureaucrats like to stamp things with.
Now, this “Infection Protection Act,” which was rushed through the parliament, is not in any way comparable to the “Enabling Act of 1933,” which formally granted the government the authority to issue whatever edicts it wanted under the guise of remedying the distress of the people.
Yes, I realize that sounds quite similar, but, according to the government and the German media, there is absolutely no equivalence whatsoever, and anyone who suggests there is is “a far-right AfD extremist,” “a neo-Nazi conspiracy theorist,” or “an anti-vax esotericist,” or whatever.
As the Protection Act was being legitimized (i.e., the current one, not the one in 1933), tens of thousands of anti-totalitarian protesters gathered in the streets, many of them carrying copies of the Grundgesetz (i.e., the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany), which the parliament had just abrogated. They were met by thousands of riot police, who declared the demonstration “illegal” (because many of the protesters were not wearing masks), beat up and arrested hundreds of them, and then hosed down the rest with water cannons.
The German media — which are totally objective, and not at all like Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda in the Nazi era — dutifully reminded the German public that these protesters were all “Corona Deniers,” “far-right extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “neo-Nazis,” and so on, so they probably got what they deserved.
Also, a spokesperson for the Berlin police (who bear absolutely no resemblance to the Gestapo, or the Stasi, or any other notorious official-ideology-enforcing goons) pointed out that their water cannons were only being used to “irrigate” the protesters (i.e., not being aimed directly at them) because there were so many “Corona Denier” children in their ranks.
According to the government, the German media, the intelligentsia, and, basically, anyone in public life who wants to remain there, these “Corona Deniers” are becoming a problem. They are spreading baseless “conspiracy theories” that are threatening the public health and causing distress to the German people (e.g., that the vast majority of those infected suffer only mild to moderate flu symptoms or, more commonly, no symptoms at all, and that over 99.7% survive).
They are walking around without medical-looking masks, which is making a mockery of the government and media’s efforts to convince the public that they are under attack by an apocalyptic plague. They are posting scientific facts on the Internet. They are staging these protests and otherwise challenging the government’s right to declare a “health emergency,” suspend the German constitution indefinitely, and rule society by decree and force.
Despite the German government and media’s efforts to demonize anyone not obediently parroting the official “New Normal” narrative as a “dangerous neo-Nazi Corona Denier,” the “Corona Denialism” movement is growing, not just in Germany, but all throughout Europe.
Clearly, the time is coming for Germany to take stronger measures against this threat. The health of the Vater … uh, the nation, is at stake! Fortunately, this “Infection Protection Act” will provide the government with the authority it needs to conceive and carry out some kind of … well, you know, solution. Allowing these degenerate anti-social deviants to run around challenging the German government’s absolute power is not an option, not in a time of national health emergency! These “Nazi-sympathizing Corona Deniers” must be rooted out and dealt with, mercilessly!
I’m not privy to the details, of course, but, it being Germany, I imagine some sort of Special Task Force has been set up to efficiently deal with the “Corona Denier Problem.” Steps are clearly already being taken. Alternative media outlets are being deplatformed (because, according the media, they are “Querfront magazines”).
In April, a well-known dissident lawyer was forcibly committed to a psychiatric ward (but the authorities and the media assured us that it had nothing to do with her dissident views, or with the lawsuits she was filing against the government; she just coincidentally became completely paranoid). Heavily-armed police are arresting YouTubers (although it isn’t clear exactly what for, as the authorities have released no details and the mainstream media is not reporting it).
In the run-up to the 29 August demonstration, at which the government granted some neo-Nazis de-facto permission to “storm the Reichstag,” so that the media could film it and discredit the real protest, one German politician went so far as to call for “Corona Deniers” to be deported … presumably on trains, somewhere to the east.
For the benefit of those who don't read German, this is Aziz Bozkurt, SPD politician and Chairman of the Migration and Diversity Working Group in the SPD, calling for people who refuse to conform to the insane "New Normal" ideology to be deported. Do you get what's happening yet?
— Consent Factory (@consent_factory) August 4, 2020
But seriously, I don’t mean to pick on the Germans. I love the Germans. I live in Germany. And they’re hardly the only ones implementing the new pathologized totalitarianism.
It’s just that, given their not-too-distant history, it is rather depressing, and more than a little frightening, to watch as Germany is once again transformed into a totalitarian state, where the police are hunting down the mask-less on the streets, raiding restaurants, bars, and people’s homes, where goose-stepping little Good German citizens are peering into the windows of Yoga studios to see if they are violating “social distancing rules,” where I can’t take a walk or shop for groceries without being surrounded by hostile, glaring, sometimes verbally-abusive Germans, who are infuriated that I’m not wearing a mask, and otherwise mindlessly following orders, and who robotically remind me, “Es ist Pflicht! Es ist Pflicht!”
Yes, I am fully aware that it is “Pflicht.” If I had any doubt as to whether it was “Pflicht,” the Berlin Senat cleared that up when they commissioned and ran this charming advert instructing me to fuck myself if I don’t want to follow their “Corona orders” and profess my belief in their new Big Lie.

And OK, before the Literalist Society starts flooding me with outraged emails, no, I’m not calling these Germans “Nazis.” I am calling them “totalitarians.” Which, at this point, given everything we know, if you’re still pretending that this coronavirus in any way warrants the increasingly ridiculous “emergency measures” we are being subjected to, I’m sorry, but that is what you are.
You may not believe that is what you are … totalitarians never do, not until it is far too late.
It functions like a cult, totalitarianism. It creeps up on you, little by little, little lie by little lie, accommodation by accommodation, rationalization by rationalization … until one day you find yourself taking orders from some twisted little narcissistic nihilist on a mission to remake the entire world. You don’t surrender to it all at once. You do it over the course of weeks and months.
Imperceptibly, it becomes your reality. You do not recognize that you are in it, because everything you see is part of it, and everyone you know is in it … except for the others, who are not part of it. The “deniers.” The “deviants.” The “foreigners.” The “strangers.” The “Covidiots.” The “virus spreaders.”
See, although the narratives and symbols may change, totalitarianism is totalitarianism. It doesn’t really matter which uniform it wears, or which language it speaks … it is the same abomination. It is an idol, a simulacrum of the hubris of man, formed from the clay of the minds of the masses by megalomaniacal spiritual cripples who want to exterminate what they cannot control.
And what they want to control is always everything.
Everything that reminds them of their weakness and their shame. You. Me. Society. The world. Laughter. Love. Honor. Faith. The past. The future. Life. Death. Everything that will not obey them.
Unfortunately, once this kind of thing gets started, and reaches the stage we are currently experiencing, more often than not, it does not stop, not until cities lie in ruins or fields are littered with human skulls. It might take us ten or twelve years to get there, but, make no mistake, that’s where we’re headed, where totalitarianism is always headed … if you don’t believe me, just ask the Germans.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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You really made me laugh with that first paragraph – hart aber gerecht. I could imagine you overstate the significance of the Infektionsschutzgesetz a bit, seeing how little written law matters one year into this mess. But things look dire indeed.
Lots of love from this Kraut!
Great article. Thank you. “[…] frightening, to watch as Germany is once again transformed into a totalitarian state […]” / “[…] who robotically remind me, “Es ist Pflicht! Es ist Pflicht!”[…]”
Yes, once again the propaganda works perfectly, adopt people uncritically what is told from the “authorities”, do they see themselves as “good” citizens while those who still use their own head are labeled as “Covidiots” or even worse. It’s really frightening. The “mechanisms” are always the same…
@ Ronald Thomas West – What we currently face is in my opinion the revival of communism. Worldwide. The wording and the way how critical thinking people are de-humanized and discredited as “Nazi” sounds quite familiar.
You are right as far as you say that after WW II most Nazis and follower came quite cheaply away and were able to start new careers in the FRG – in economy as well as in politics.
(But this also applies to the GDR. Their claim that there were no Nazis in the GDR was just propaganda and is a tale.) Furthermore the same mistake was made after the breakdown of the communistic-socialistic GDR regime. There was no trial at all. Instead former STASI collaborators were adopted e.g. by the BND and other state institutions. (The BND (German Secret Service) has over 17.000h of them in their rows…)
– And the incredible career of Mrs Merkel needs not to be repeated here as I’m sure that all kow about her role in the GDR by now. (I still wonder how she could have become Chancellor of the FRG. With her biography she shouldn’t have even become the gatekeeper of the Chancellory!)
But finally it is unimportant which inhuman totalitarian idea stays behind what is going on at the moment as both ideologies are two sides of the same medal for me, which use the same mechanisms of propaganda and share inhumanity, brutality, contempt for mankind, oppression and “Bonzocratie”, with some “happy few” living at the expense of the majority. (About what is hardly spoken: from Lenin, Trotzki, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot to Che Guevara and other communistic leaders more than 100 billion people (- in German: 100 million -) lost their lives under comunistic regimes worldwide! These are the facts concerning the “good” political left…) When you get imprisoned for the “wrong” attitude and therefore tortured, “the colour” of the club, that smashes you, doesn’t matter to you.
Actually we need the German men to come back. Men, it’s time to stop doing the silly foot slapping dance and take off the lederhosen. Put on long pants and stand up straight. You need to demand reparations for the slander, double reparations for the extortion reparations.
@Ronald Thomas West
Re: “The Nazis”:
This is what Wiki has to say about Martin Bormann:
This is an excerpt from an article published in the NYT in 1973:
The master plan which Bormann put into motion for German industry had two aspects: removal of funds from the Third Reich and stepping up of German investments in neutral countries.
West Germany owes a debt for its revival to the American Marshall Plan, to the Swiss bankers who were first to channel investment money back into German industry after 1945, and to the dedication and hard work of the German people.
I. G. Farbenindustrie, A. G., the largest and most powerful chemical combine in the world during the twelve years of the Third Reich, controllecl—both admitted and concealed —over 500 firms in 92 countries. It was the largest single earner of foreign exchange for Germany, and its cartel agreements numbered over 2,000 and included such major industrial concerns as Standard Oil (New Jersey), the Aluminum Company of America, E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Ethyl Export Corporation, Imperial Chemical Industries (Great Britain), the Dow Chemical Company, Rohm & Haas, Etablissements Kuhlmann (France), and the Mitsui interests of Japan, When Martin Bormann switched on the green light for massive transfers of wealth, I. G. Farben moved into high gear.
Hermann Schmitz, I. G.’s, president of that era, reported to Martin Bormann: “Our measures of camouflage have proved to be very good during the war, and have even surpassed our expectations.” The measures he referred to was camouflage of the true ownership of Farben assets as a war and postwar device. The company cloaked its direct and indirect ownership and control of hundreds of its foreign subsidiaries by utilizing every conceivable device known to the legal mind. It was a razzle‐dazzle operation, with Bormann nodding approval and giving assistance every step of the way. Other major German firms pursued the same complicated and devious course.
A primary technique used generally for shifting control of Gerrnan property to avoid Allied seizure in the last year of the war was to use a cloaking device of ownership. The German owner would transfer his holdings to neutral national who acted as the nominal owner; made easy by the general European practice of using bear er shares as a token of ownership (bearer shares are negotiable by delivery, and it is exceedingly difficult to trace the chain of title of a particular share). Fees varied for this service, but the usual figure was 5 per cent of the deal.
But the man who conceived and made possible the transfer of German assets on a vast scale which made possible the establishment of bastions of economic strength outside Germany lives today in South America.
Martin Bormann, at 72, is the Reichsleiter in exile, a legally appointed head of state who does not consider himself to be a war criminal, according to spokesmen for him. Much has been written about Bormann in recent times; all of it incorrect except for the single fact he is alive and in South America. If he is ever to come out into the open and live the life of a free man once again, he must refute the charges of. Nuremberg, where he was tried in absentia in 1945‐46 and found not guilty on the charge of crimes against peace, but guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The indictment which the prosecution attorney hammered home in the emotion‐charged atmosphere of that period was that Bormann had been “extremely active in the persecution of the Jews not only in Germany but also in the absorbed or conquered countries.” As the crime of racial extermination was — realistically — what the first Nuremberg trial was all about, Bormann must produce incontrovertible evidence of his personal innocence on this critical point. In its decision, the International Military Tribunal left a loophole for Martin Bormann if he ever wishes to reopen the case.
“If Bormann is not dead,” the tribunal stated, “and is later apprehended, the Control Council for Germany may, under Article 29 of the Charter, consider any facts in mitigation, and alter or reduce his sentence, if deemed proper.”
Will Martin Bormann, an unquestioned genius of finance and administration, take the gamble, or continue to be the most hunted man in history?
It seems that “we” knew history in 1973 a little better than we do now. Manning (the author of that article) published a book in 1981 called Martin Boorman: Nazi in Exile. On the acknowledgements page of that book we find:
Near the end of the book, the writer refers to himself as he was discussed by various Nazi Leaders in postWar Exile:
Ever get the feeling that we’re nowhere near to knowing what’s really going on… ?
*Wiki on Manning, the article and book’s author: Paul Manning (died 1995) was an American broadcast journalist. He worked closely with Edward R. Murrow during World War II as a correspondent for CBS Radio, and with the Mutual Broadcasting System later on in the war.
(I’m adding this comment so that the comment-count won’t remain stuck at “420” for too long; this will make it “421,” a reference to Nabokov’s birthday instead… wink)
Spot on. It wont be pretty where we are heading.
Comparing it to the Nazis?!
Well, what we can see, german government learned from 1933.
This time they are smarter.
Oh btw I am Geman!!!
And yes, to compare 1933 to today is very fair. In 1933 people looked the other way .
And now you have the conspiracy idiots standing up. Btw all the things ” they” said, turned out to be true. It is not a theory anymore.
Thank you very much for the article. Cheers Bernie
I didn’t think CJ had this quality in him, maybe the reality is slowly squeezing the cheap tricks (stress on ‘tricks’) of repeating/denying the obvious with dry outrage out of him but he’s apparently not altogether cured yet.
In fact the Germany IS RUN BY NAZIs (not merely totalitarians), denazification was more than incomplete, Nazis were welcomed back into governance by Konrad Adenauer and make up the modern German foreign intelligence service (founded with the core of the Reich’s largely intact East Front intelligence apparatus, supplemented with numerous Gestapo veteran hires) and whether CJ gets this or not is no mere detail; if he doesn’t get it, he’s simply a naif, if he does get it, his satire element fails because the simple ‘wants to be informed’ reader might go away thinking these are generic totalitarians, not Nazis and couldn’t be more wrong.
Nazism in Germany is an inter-generational phenomenon that is very much alive
Nazi-ism died, and has only existed as an ironic parody since 1945. All people really care about is not starving and going to a job every day. Whatever provides that is supported by the masses, they function in whatever system is temporarily in place, and the those driven by ideology are at the outer fringes of the Bell curve.
You may just as well say that the West is currently driven by the flotsam and jetsam of the USSR, the nomenklatura and apparatchicks who fled to the Other Side and infected it, and even have become leaders of nations and supranational organisations bent on administering and micromanaging the lives of those who used to be free.
Those who stayed in the East mostly like the new ways which echo the old ways of the West; thus systems evolve.
You need to study up on inter-generational socialization and the post-war German history that is not taught in schools, like how the CIA rehabilitated Hitler’s ex-Soviet spymaster Reinhard Gehlen and his Nazi intelligence minions to create the BND, and Adenauer’s welcoming of the old guard (party members) back into government. Following on that, nothing quite like Germany providing nuclear capable submarines to a certain abused ‘stepchild’ rogue state with a 80 years history of its own kristallnacht in relation to Palestinian aspiration to self-determination. A behavioral scientist you most certainly are not Robeerto… the Nazi meme is alive and well and a spreading infection
And Stasi luminaries lived on and prospered after the fall of the Wall.
Nazi continuance is a fringe joke, with a few dedicated souls reenacting long past in tableaus of no significance or interest to current populations who tend to wonder at the apparent foolishness of the masses in the past. Hollywood and the book trade do know that one way to sell a movie or a book is to slap a swastika on it along with the Hugo Boss outfits, but that’s just appealing to morbid curiosity in aesthetics, not an indication of support of a dead movement.
Totalitarianism is a recurring phenomenon that wears many cloaks and is married to no particular ideology. Nazi-ism, like Stalinism, like Maoism, or any historic -ism are each a subset of totalitarianism and the specific ideology means nothing. One characteristic is that any iteration of totalitarianism is based on the collective being first motivated by some unifying cause, but later intimidated by force into subservience though individuals may quietly resist.. Just looking at old newsreels of the masses supporting a particular ideology and its livery and symbolism of the past makes us realise that no such support would be gained today in an attempted revival of that expression at that time.
Is the purposeful destruction of the world’s economy and the admonishment, seemingly of One Voice, to ‘Build Back Better’ by major nations the new totalitarianism, with its characteristic stamp of centralist control? Stay tuned. Many ‘leaders’ seem to be on board who purport to represent the masses; but mass resistance by individuals makes it heavy going, thus requiring the application of force.
But when millions resist, there’s no stopping them, and even the oppressors join. Devolution follows and the next act begins.
Let’s not be confused between the forest and the trees. Even the the actions and the fate of individual nations ultimately mean nothing. We have just 5000 years of written history, spotty at best, and the deaths of civilizations are too numerous to count.
This came up and I was intrigued, and not disappointed. The fact they portray the world of Westminster as being so dark and sinister is quite interesting
The article writer is playing the childish blame game which about every writer here does.
“intricate official stamps that German bureaucrats like to stamp things with”
This is DEMOCRATIC bureaucrats, and not only German, all democracies consists of extremely big states with armies of bureaucrats and mountains of rules, regulations, policies and paperwork. Only collectivist systems, among which, democracy, only such dictatorship by the people can produce this situation.
It is the childish games of democracy, this war of the people against the people to keep on accusing the other party of being Nazi’s, fascists, communists, or whatever late variant. The greatest dictator is the people! regardless of the specific type of ideology.
That Germans like to stamp things is very true! It’s not good or bad. For centuries Germans ran the Russian empire. They were just better at it. They invented modern bureaucracy. They ran and educated much of the British empire too but we don’t talk about it.
The first obstacle to knowledge is ignorance: if I don’t know something it can’t be true
Germany also financed Lenin and the Bolsheviks with enormous sums of money, enabling them to ultimately overthrow the Kerensky government by the coup of 1917; luckily so, because Lenin had a warrant out for his arrest for treason.
That could be why the war with Germany ended almost immediately after the coup, and Germany was awarded 1/3 of Russia as reparations.
Admittedly, Germany did sort of shoot themselves in the foot, when communists made trouble, actually taking over parts of Germany after the official end of the war … until the FreiKorps finally put an end to that.
Interesting times.
This essay smears the German character quite unfairly. It is precisely because of their relatively recent experiences with BOTH fascism and Communism that the most well-attended protests against the draconian mandates so much of the world is suffering from now, have been happening in Germany!
These people are more aware of what is happening, and so are organizing such protests, which have predictably, been dismissed in the usual ways by the MSM, but which have persisted, in spite of the worsening consequences they have received by the police.
If more countries were to follow their example it would be a good thing. So far, the other countries having such protests have not had them in such large numbers, which is a reflection of Germans’ fear of what is happening–again, to repeat the obvious, because they have seen directly what is happening, in the past, and is being repeated now.
Erm… Where do the polizei live??? Are they married? Will they be enjoying the Holiday Season with family? Invite them over for dinner… Make sure they’re well done…
Lord have mercy, what is it with some of your obsesion with Hitler and Germany, the most demonised people on this planet, and again, all this drivel coming from an Brit, and others, and again, why do some people always drag up the past when its more or less bollocks an mass and ignores the present, analogies are for me this days an bloody insult, because of what we have as we speak, and focus on that and from whom, instead of this, and we end up in an debate about the past, and I know one thing OffG you will never ever alow anything else into this other than whats been programmed onto peoples mind for decades, you claim you have freedom of speach but I know that this rings hollow, because I can shatter that with just writings.
Its anoying to be frank.
Germans, if Europa is ever to rise from the ashes inflicted by the scums of this earth, the imperial banana republic and Britain, I know we have to await, to the day Germans rise, I dont expect anything from the Slavics, like the Polaks, etc, pathetic people, and the south, witch if they even bothered could be an front, but right now they are just blinded, but the same force that blinds everybody else, and then we have what is the real deal, cowardness, in every consivable direction and terms.
Look at the UssA, and whats coming, the new Gov is even worse than the previous, already speaking about consentration camps for anyone they dont like, and the propaganda against others is reaching unpressedented heights, and somehow, and this is even worse than that, is the people inability to grasp certain facts, they have played us against eatch others this last years to such an extent that despite my harsh words have to give them cudos for managing to do just that, we fight eatch others, on insane issues as genders to health care, and while we do, they make their moves, and while we debate and comapre idiotic analogies and historical propaganda and lies, they make their moves, and instead of hanging them, they just laugh because they know we are preoccupyed with idiotic memes and talk, while they move, just look at the scums whom is talking about the great reset, from Turdeau to Bill the Gates of hell and POS like the Austrian Kunt/z.
The real problem is, we have to do something, and subliminal nonsense isnt the right path, whats needed is force, fight, for change, they will never give in until the day we stand infront of their gated comunitys and tell em that the next move is swinging from an lamp post until that is for them an viable future, we will loose, I have warned and watched this come thru, and yet, while our bedside is buring, we do as before, dive into irrelevancys while they make their moves, afraid of even speaking freely, that, ladys and gentlemen is stil our main obstacle, we have been programed so profoundly that even in this times, even when we should have no fear of been open about everything.
Well, there is always the WSWS…
Oh you little tease!
I’m going to learn Mandarin and Russian…
I started to learn Irish in the last lockdown. No point in starting a new language during a 24-hour break from Off-Guardian.
I hope the site runs smoother on the NSA servers, the GCHQ servers were always a bit glitchy.
If this is some controlled opposition petri dish then even the site owners themselves aren’t aware of it. Think about that and become really paranoid. A2
‘’Putin had it sussed, he produced a vaccine, that didn’t need to work, for a virus that had already peaked.’’
I managed to get this in the Guardian today, it lasted 10 minutes before my account was deleted. I consider that a success. They worked out what I was really saying.
Always good to have a really powerful parting shot.
Well done.
The latest example how totalitarian society operates – weaponizing law to pursue of political agenda
renew renew
off guard
new website new helpers
not takeover
as it always was data collection
bleach bit deep clean
bleaching in progress
thats better
nice and clean
I hope the site runs smoother on the NSA servers, the GCHQ servers were always a bit glitchy. ;-{}
Funny not so funny
Thanks to CJ Hopkins for this great article.
By the way: It happened to me, too, that I forgot to put on the mask in a supermarket. And a middle-aged lady attacked me for not wearing a mask. I then told her, that she was wearing a mask. So if masks really work, she was protected! So where was her problem, I asked. And if she was worried about me – well, I was protected, too, because she was wearing a mask (and everybody else in the supermarket also wore a mask). She didn’t know what to answer. And when she turned away I told her: “Your kind are the new Nazis!” (so Hopkins was not the first one to see a parallel).
Come on! There is no scientific “two-masks-dogma“. As if, if two persons meet and only one person wears a mask, then the ‘protection’ fails and now both will die from Covid19.
I made me so angry when here in Vienna (where I live as a foreigner) they pulled a lady out of a little theatre with brutal force, because she wore no mask. It didn’t help her at all that she could produce a medical certificate from her doctor that she was not obliged to wear a mask.
As everybody else in this little theatre wore a mask, there was no reason at all to throw this lady out (even with force and against her will)!
I saw a similar comment on a poster shown online: If those not vaccinated endanger those vaccinated, what good is the vaccine?
If a vaccine is effective, the vaccinated individual is immune, regardless of whether or not any others are vaccinated. Vaccination is a clinical treatment. It is not a public health measure. And everyone apparently knew this until this year.
In the name of 100% safety they will insist that all take it. The vaccine will only be safe enough so that it will be necessary for all to have it.
It will be a condition of flying, working, going to cinema etc…. We must fight it. It is not safe, that is why the drugs companies have immunity from prosecution. I think many millions will die. These vaccines are totally untested, they really have had no time at all. A month a month not years of testing required?
Either that or they know they don’t need to work at all because the virus is gone.
They can be prosecuted for battery and attempted murder. The moment you say that the breathing restricters are harmful to health they then have been given notice and if they express the sentiments of not caring about what you just said it is clearly intent and attempted battery and murder rather than attempted manslaughter. That is a serious crime. Best not to make the mistake of claiming “exemptions” and debating the nonsense of breath takers “protecting” but to put them on notice that they are commiting a very serious crime and they will be held accountable. It is time to get tuff on the covid crooks.
The indoctrination seems strongest in middle-aged women for some reason.
Older women, theoretically at more risk, seem mostly much less bothered.
Perhaps you’d like to link to statistical proof for that asshat remark.
That argument’s never gonna fly. I used the same for my unvaccinated kid – “If all the kids in school are vaccinated, even if mine comes down with smallpox, diptheria and bubonic plague, your precious darlings will be safe because they’ve had the fabulously effective vaccine.” But, but….
That’s why the propaganda goes that vaccines are 99% effective – so that dissenters could “kill you” via the 1% lapse.
And mask propaganda goes ‘My mask protects you so you need to wear one so as not to kill me‘
It’s all been highly weaponized via the inculcation in people’s minds that’s been going on for 100 years
A non-mask wearer sneezing without covering his/her nose sends the bug into the air and it can infect a mask-wearer by ingress through the eyes. To be properly safe, both a mask and visor are needed, or EVERYONE can wear a mask.
I think that’s how the argument goes.
From RT; ‘Covid-19 passport’: Global airline lobby working on mobile app for international travel.
It’s only one month till Christmas. It’s definitely party season. With the corona conspiracy collapsing at free fall speeds it is time to celebrate the end of the darkness and the rising spring of conciousness. What better way to start the celebration than by sitting back to watch the beautiful Bee Rising speaking on HOW TO KEEP YOUR VIBES HIGH RIGHT NOW?
You’ll need to keep your spirits high in the UK especially. You’ll be ‘granted’ a semi-free christmas to be followed by harsher lockdowns lasting until easter, at least.
“The result is that most people will be forbidden from mixing with family and friends until Easter – save for a brief truce over Christmas.
It is exactly, in other words, as I predicted. A semi-free Christmas is being used as the thin, dangling carrot which is supposedly going to help us resign ourselves to many months of isolation.”
Lol. Your delusional. Lockdown is illegal. The covid crooks have had it. It’s time to celebrate.
It’s not even remotely over Jodie. I’m expecting more harsh lockdowns as well, especially here in Australia and the other Five Eyes countries. Regards the ‘covid crooks’, I don’t see any of the bastards locked up in jail or swinging from lamp posts. Do you?
there is talk about shutting down the power grid, haven’t you heard?
Yeah… I’ve heard that from several people D. Whatever it takes for the bastards to achieve their goals. I would lay money on this happening, and saw a report last night about large parts of Lancashire having power outages next week, tho the claim is this is for maintenance.
I agree with you Gezzah – I’d go so far as to say it hasn’t even started yet. They’ve just been feeding the brain cells some predictive propaganda to test reactions and how forceful the sheep might become.
Buckle up Grace. It’s going to get really rocky. Far far too much compliance in Australia and the other Five Eyes countries; which will only encourage the psychopaths to go full steam ahead with their Great Reset and other plans.
I celebrate when serious jail time becomes a reality for these crooks.
Is she looking for someone to share lockdown with her?
It looks like most of the posters here are controlled opposition pushing the ‘pandemic’. Look at how they are insisting it is going to go on forever and descend into ever more terrible levels of insanity. Well no it is bs and over.
I have seen no evidence that the pandemonic is collapsing at any speed.
Please show me. I very much want this to be the case.
There are protests all over the world, but for as long as the msm ignore them – as they do, totally – there is no ‘collapse’.
An illustration:
A lady, with whom my wife plays duets once a week or so, told her, after they had rehearsed together, that she thought she was getting sick. She nevertheless let my wife go to her house to rehearse, instead of warning her beforehand.
For me, this situation brought up two narratives:
a) The lady in question goes into a panic and decides to get tested for covid, spreading liberally around our community whatever pestilence she has, if only through her evaporating perspiration, hair, eyes, buttocks on waiting room seats, and so on.
She ‘tests’ positive, which means my wife and I are quarantined for two weeks, and if my wife happens to get a cold during that time, I am committing an offence against the ‘regulations’ if I go and do the shopping for us both.
This is the corona conspiracy not collapsing at free-fall speeds, and the default situation in most of the so-called ‘civilized’ world.
b) The lady in question just looks after herself and gets better from her cold, or ‘flu, or whatever it is. She does not go for a test. Because nobody knows exactly what virus or bacterium has caused her illness, there is no particular reason for me to worry, beyond hoping that my wife will not also get what is probably seasonal ‘flu – admittedly nasty enough…
But If my wife does get ill, I can still do our shopping, happy in the knowledge that nothing more horrifying than ‘flu threatens either me, or our community at large – as has been the situation since mankind became self-aware, a heck of a long time ago…
As an aside, I find it truly remarkable how often either my wife or myself has had, over the years, some kind of ‘flu, which the other does not catch, despite being in constant contact… And we have nothing ‘supported by Bill and Melinda’ to thank for it.
How amazing! What could have saved us from the terrible fate of both being sick at the same time? Could it be… dare I say it… an immune system…???
I think it goes something like this. Having put his faith in God (or sky fairies, if you are an atheist) the religious man addresses the Big Question to the best of his ability and sets off to understand and grapple with the world as he finds it.
If he is great, he may like Dostoevsky, understand the nihilists better than they understand themselves. He may like Graham Greene, gain access to the inner mind of the whisky priest who breaks every commandment of his religion only to know it better.
The post-modern mind is free – it thinks – of superstition and cultural modes of thinking, of the traps of ethnicity. Yet it soon is locked in a virtuous circle of in-coherence that renders it unable to form a steady image of the world. With no fixed beliefs, the PM mind has nothing against which to measure and compare this jagged image. At best it can perceive vague threats, emotions, attraction or repulsion.
In the article below, Ravi Zacharias talks of a PM mind that demands coherence from others but perceives none within. The PM mind is demanding coherence salve the dissonance created by inner turmoil.
This is dangerous because such a person may seek anything that presents coherence: castes and untouchables; technocratic seers ruling the Eloi; or the perfect “society of peace” in which dissent is not tolerated but ruthlessly liquidated, in an endless pursuit of harmony, honour and homogeneity.
We have a hint as to which of those outcomes is more likely. The Event Covid world in which society must be locked down to preserve each and every individual is not communal. This is the deification of the self which lays obligations upon society that owes ‘me’ a living. It is the transmutation of individualism as a balance of freedom and responsibility into a hierarchy of needs. Social engineers have realized that such people can be manipulated by influencing their perception of needs, especially in people who, increasingly, think with emotion.
No wonder people see everywhere the infantilization of society. The desire for untrammeled freedom of action, of autonomous individuals, has inevitably created yin’s search for yang. The danger is that this primitive search for coherence is attracted to an equally infantile opposite: that which meets the most short-term needs most proximately and immediately, which is the zero-sum thinking that believes one more for you is one less for me.
Only a complex inner cultural world can conceive, create and operate within a society that is a rich tapestry where many fibres interconnect far below those that we see. In fact, were one to remove that unseen weft and warp, all that is so colourful and apparently real would fall to pieces. Only a complex inner cultural life can grapple with a world in which every action has consequences that are often unseen or unintended.
Without knowledge or trust that a complex society may meet our needs indirectly by raising up others and perhaps gratify us with delay, we shall not bother to invent, nor start a business, nor share our knowledge and time.
This is the realization that learning that creates intelligence, not the other way around. And if we know that for machines, why have we abandoned it for ourselves?
Here’s the link to the article mentioned above:
Good stuff. And good to have a link to your own blog.
I am grateful for your thoughtfulness.
The elite are not post-modernists. They are not irreligious and they believe in meta-narratives. Show me any evidence that a Rockefeller (for instance) takes post-modernism seriously.
Post-modernism was a trope they put out for a while to sow confusion. It’s in the dust-bin of history where it richly deserves to be.
The elite believe in a pantheon of very old gods and in their own ascendency to join that pantheon. Their twisted gnosticism and Luciferianism leads them to see the Christian God as a screw-up. Basing life on carbon was one of His greatest mistakes in their view so they’ve delighted in brain-washing people to perceive carbon as an existential threat and to reduce it to just another good that they can make a fortune from trading. Their plan is to create new lifeforms based on silicon.
This is why the green aspect of the Great Reset is a profound deception. These people don’t love nature, they truly hate it. It was good to see Del Bigtree with Corbett admitting that as an environmental activist he’s been conned. On the WEF website they have article after article about the oceans (how they’re facing disaster, how such-and-such will save them…. ). Why do billionaires suddenly care about the oceans? It isn’t just wanting somewhere nice to sale their yachts. They’re preparing for private ownership of the oceans. The implications of “The Google Indian Ocean” or “The Tesla South Pacific” are something we need to start grasping. It’s why they aren’t concerned about debt because they are going to moneytise assets that currently don’t exist in a financial sense. It’s literal alchemy – the conjuring of gold from base matter.
I thought it was clear I’m taking about ordinary people in this post, not the elite, to explain how they are so easily led astray by their search for coherence. This is the very reason the elites sow chaos among the masses.
The elites follow the antithesis of post-modernism, never having abandoned the pursuit of the knowledge of the unseen that was supposedly buried by the Enlightenment.
Off Topic: OffG, your piece JFK Part2 is missing?
To learn from history is that the past is never fully gone and that
somehow everything comes full circle.
Queen Nazi salute film: Palace ‘disappointed’ at use
Martin Pugh’s (2006) Hurrah for the Blackshirts [a Daily Mail headline from the period] shows the extent to which fascism was popular in Britain between the world wars, especially within the establishment.
On 25 March 2020 in England the Coronavirus Act was passed into law. It enabled the government to do anything by ministerial fiat (Part 2 Section 90).
Everyone says we should learn from history. They especially like to say that the Nazis are a warning from history – the BBC even made a documentary series with that title (it was very good by the way). But hardly anyone seems to have learnt that the Nazis introduced their totalitarianism by legal, parliamentary means: they just passed a law that allowed rule by ministerial fiat.
The same people who are appalled by Nazism are happy with government totalitarianism
And they were all quite in love with Nazism through the 30s – until they were told to think Heil Man Bad.
The WSWS parallel universe continues – Boris Johnson is trying to kill off the proletariat by ending lockdowns in theory at least in early December instead of continuing until infinity, and the mass media have allegedly been ignoring Covid.
“Barely a trace of this catastrophe makes its way into the corporate media.” Really? Wall to wall coverage in the corporate media is barely a trace? They quote the Labour mayor of Liverpool wanting a loosening of restrictions, skipping over the fact that Starmer who is actually “in charge” thinks the restrictions do not go far enough.
Well, going by the rapidly deflating WSWS definition of “surge”, we may be talking about a “terrifying” wave of perhaps 3 or 4 people in the next month. I look forward to their headline:
Like Mike Yeadon? No, didn’t think so! Nah, the WSWS must be thinking of all those talking heads on the TV who come on and only say, “Another 500 will die tomorrow” when they should be saying “Another 20 million will die tomorrow!”
Ah Andrew Hayward of SAGE, that shower of chancers so ably defined by Reiner Fuellmich. So what’s Andrew up to?:
A “near normal Christmas”?! Good God! Have these people no shame!
Ah the WSWS has it’s vigil set for the arrival of St Bill!
Having a “very merry Christmas”? You really think that’s on the cards? (If you’ll pardon the pun!)
And I see SAGE gets a lot of advertisement here. You think our Dave North/Greenman is on their payroll?
Oh FFS!:
Oh Jesus Fucking Christ! THAT’S IT! I didn’t think the WSWS could get any more absurd! I’M OUTTA HERE!
I feel like self flagelating in a public square that I had anything to do with these bastards masquerading as ‘revolutionaries’ and that I actually gave them money and even gave them my phone number FFS….
And this year they’ve fully revealed themselves as not just demented, but as full on controlled opposition, shilling for a fascist dystopia, just like the other Left fakes like Socialist Alternative, Tim Anderson and Caitlin Johnstone.
I can be quite gullible at times. Sigh.
It’s okay Gezzah, I fell for it in the 1970s when Marxism in academia was exactly the equivalent of Woke nowadays. My awakening occurred when I realized communism was just the replacement of one group of elites by another more scary one.
Thanks. I’m still kicking myself that I got involved with them, albeit briefly. Gullibility and idealism M.
Dont self-flagellate Gezzah. The confusing of ideologies is part of the plan. As a child in London in the 70s, my mother was always on some Marxist march. We had copies of the Morning Star in the house.
Imagine my surprise when I came in around 2008 and found her binge-watching Glenn Beck. Wtf? “There is no left anymore” she said “I’m trying to work out where the real bastards are hiding now”
Point being? There is no left and right anymore and us fighting about it is surely cracking up Melinda Gates.
Unfortunately there are a lot of creeps out there willing to exploit any situation for what they believe to be “their best interest.” Do not blame “communism” or “socialism” for those attempting to prevent them.
Honest Socialism is economic and political equality. The CIA Party and the rest of the petty bourgeois labor fakers are frauds put there to stop them from happening. Pay them no heed.
Well snap! The sad thing is that there is some good stuff on there. Ironically, I have ended up agreeing with Louis Proyect (who is an asshole) i.e. that the WSWS still does good stuff on the cultural front e.g. assessing movies. But – let’s face it! – it’s getting harder to care!
Nah… if I want movie reviews, I’ll go on imdb or rotten tomatoes. Wiped the SEP for good, and just put it down to experience.
Anyway, just saw the announcement that comments are closed here at Offguardian for 24 hrs from 4.00pm your time as they’re switching over to the new site, so will see you over there.
Have a good day George…
Thanks for telling me the time of switch over. See you on “the other side”!
Perhaps their own tenuous grip on reality gives them some advantages when it comes to assessing fiction, but I am not inclined any more to wade past Covid-mania to find a good film critique by them.
Yes, it is not a different interpretation of the same reality. When they need to blank out relevant information to sustain a superstructure of the absurd, it is clear they are some kind of cult.
And it follows that their “treats”, like the decent summaries of movies, are just inducements like sweets offered to kids to get them into that dodgy little van.{{default.session}}
The WSWS is the enemy of humanity
Germany has no Constitution (Verfassung), it just has a surrogate Fundamental Law (Grundgesetz). In that surrogate it’s enshrined that a Constitution will sometime, in an unknown future, replacing that surrogate – thanks to the western occupiers.
Bullshit! Of course we have a constitution…which is called Gundgesetz.
Oh boy, another believer in that crap.We are a sovereign country with no occupiers.
Get your history and your legal BS right…..
The masses and the middle class who pretend to think for themselves have already given up. The U.S. election was the final test.
Halt all the counting with Trump ahead. Restart with Biden in the lead. Everyone can see the fraud. The plan was even announced in advance.
The television is the pulpit, the anchor is the priest. He tells you what to believe. If he asks you to deny the evidence of your own eyes, the logic of your mind, to deny the law and to renounce thrice in one day your country… They do it.
The television priest absolves them The end justifies the means.
The niggle is… What’s the end?
The surrogate, the “Basic Law” has never been authorised by the people as such. A constitution generally is.
Johnson saying no return to a “free for all”. Normal life as experienced in say, 2019 is now a “free for all”.
Yes remember those heady “free for all” days when you could …buy a pint in a pub, visit relatives, actually talk to other people face to face! Good God! What ecstatic anarchy!
Water cannons don’t just shoot water. They often spray banned compounds euphemistically called tear gas.
the water cannon were aimed to the sky. Nobody was “shot” with it. It just caused a cool rain….
I think that any dialogue is positive, which is precisely what the Covidians do not want. That said, how is it possible that I, who am essentially a National Socialist *, agree with all of you regarding the Great Reset?
* This is a socialism adapted to each nation, as opposed to internationalism (globalization) and usurious international capitalism.
It happens that the name and national socialist attitude fits very well in the dissidents but is weighed down by the past of their history written by the winners who will be two and three and four times, but this time, the losers want us to be you, me and all of us. I mean, the winners of World War II are the ones who have activated this modern war of the Reset. Why? I think that millions would no longer go to fight with their rifle, we would refuse, so they have created a new (actually very old) way of resetting their world. The problem is that this world is also ours and there is the shock.
The baseless ‘Great Reset’ conspiracy theory rises again – NYT, NOV 17, 2020
They think you’re stupid – PJW
Thanks for this really great video, Moneycircus!
Thanks for embedding this – brilliant
The writer is a hit piece and cannot read or do remedial math. The science and information are complete and the numbers are all from the international red cross and not a single mention is of the western powers in 10s of thousands of pages. Humanity of this nature of this writer and those that follow it are a reason why the 6th extinction has crushed your door and you still are too stupid to take more than regurgitation and 0% legitimate science and math and can’t read the history of the Cabala number of 6 million written since the late 1800s and the evil of zionism which is a farce. This species deserves what is coming for it as it is far too late for any great reset and these capitalist/communist oligarchs know it. From the Mysterious Force to the Templar Knights and Cathars, the majority shall seek hell on earth not looking in any direction but only regurgitation from shit that was put in their ears and eyes.
This text looks like it was spit out by a Markov chain, or some other kind of text generator.
or a German
Excellent article! As a German living in Germany, I can confirm these observations and it’s scaring the living daylights out of me!
I take the headline positively – Germans have shown some of the strongest resistance to the clampdown: Germans are back!
It is not surprising that ‘nationalism’ is being used to attack the resisters who dare to stand up against the un-defined, globalism that is so transparent and well-meaning that it does not dare lay its cards on the table.
Continuing with the leitmotif that the clampdown has German characteristics I would like to see where this New World Order is laid out for all to see.
Leni Riefenstahl captured the essence of the New Order of her time. Who are its chroniclers or champions today?
Are we so dumbed down that The Triumph of the Will is replaced with Slobbering Schwab’s short video, 8 Predictions for 2030, that the “world” economic forum withdrew from circulation the moment it met with ridicule?
Third-rate intellects like Prince Charles and Klaus Slob speak in platitudes. They never take ownership and describe the world in terms that any sentient being can recognize or respond to. Everything is blamed on someone, something else.
Their demeanor and tone is passive aggressive. Bill Gates, anyone?
If they are so confident in their mission to reshape not just Europe but the World, let them stand up and identify themselves and their objectives.
Their actions are not merely reactive to events, they are blamed upon others.
“You people copulate and consume too much”
They don’t just speak in riddles, their thoughts are muddled.
“It wasn’t me. The Carbon made me do it.”
The seem incapable of declarative speech.
“You won’t own anything. You won’t do this, you won’t be allowed that.”
They are not capable of active, direct speech, but merely passive, indirect allusion.
I am not interested in what you shall not do, or merely what nanny forbids.
The “world” economic forum touts vague, meaningless slogans
“How to follow our Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good.”
“Natural capital.”
Many of this cohort are tongue-tied and incoherent or downright confused. Perhaps this is the George W Bush school of obfuscation. David Brooks once said that Bush was 60 IQ points smarter in private than in public.
If they won’t nail their colours to the mast — then we should nail their tongues.
“Windsor” sounds so much better than Saxe-Coburg und Gotha:
There was a time when I liked the UK as a kingdom. Traditions are beautiful. Now I think let the royals fall, but keep your traditional ways, and you can vote some people to be royals for some time.
Fundamentally they are cowards. They don’t have the guts to stage an overt coup or revolution because that would entail serious risk for them. If it didn’t succeed, they would be tried as traitors, if they were lucky enough to even be put on trial. So instead, they have used psychological warfare operations to bring about their new world order while mostly remaining in the shadows like cowards. They imagine themselves to be gods, and we often treat them as all powerful beings, but their cowardice reveals their true weakness.
Of course Riefenstahl’s work glorified what was happening in her time, while Shwab’s video shows no awareness whatsoever of what the word, ‘glory’ even means.
Despite the unfortunate and borderline-insulting implications of this article for today’s Germans, I very much agree with what you say about their capacity to protest.
I lived in Germany many years ago, and can confirm that of course people of all types constitute any nationality you care to name.
But frank, to-the-point statement, is certainly at least as much a characteristic of Germans as of anybody else.
Otherwise, I detest labels. They switch off people’s thinking.
From what I remember reading, Germany is one of the countries where smiling is only meaningful when it’s sincere (i.e. you’re really happy about something, or something funny happened), or between close friends and family members – kinda like in Russia. Some even go as far as to say that the concept of ‘white lies’ does not exist.
This has not prevented a few Anglophones from mischaracterizing frankness as rudeness or pessimism.
I see some commentators saying any comparisions to Nazi Germany disrespectful to victims from that time and trivializing their sufferering.
Not so. If we don’t compare events now to the start of that tyranny we will find ourselves soon in a very dark place. Stasi or Nazi Germany are valid comparisions.
No, it’s disrespectful to modern Germans to yak on about it as if our own purity was beyond question.
The victims from that time are too old or dead to care.
Priceless. Amazing it still exists online 🙂
I should add that I completely agree with you that we are on our way to a very dark place, but it is not because we are failing to compare modern Germany with Nazi Germany.
It is because we are failing to understand how the small beginnings of evil – invariably just a handful of evil men – have always gained nourishment from the inaction and silence of the populations of ALL nations.
Wanting power – really craving it, as some do, involves ruthlessness, and that ruthlessness is the reason our media have become docile cattle, sharing the farm with even more docile sheep. Good journalists were rooted out.
All countries today are guilty of tolerating this situation, yet many individuals in every one of those countries will never tolerate it.
Those are the people who need a unifying voice, not another history lesson about Nazi Germany. In my opinion, that was getting old many decades ago.
Downfall parody is 8 months old,sorry I couldn’t find an up to date one
and sorry there will never be a German actor who will rival Swiss Bruno Ganz. RIP
here goes: Die Pflicht spricht, Fegelein laß das Virus rrein!
For the West “Great Resets” were pretty rare; for the Chinese they are pretty frequent the last hundred years, therefore the longing for “imperial stability” (with electronic ankle bands these days over wooden neck boards).
The sheepish acceptance of collective dumbing down by the “college educated” Western middle class generations could be a by-product of material affluence plus group-think enforced through Facebook ‘friends’.
I suspect people don’t have much choice in China
Was it only 8 months ago when all of this was being laughed off as wild conspiracy stuff. Now it is all nakedly on the elite agenda of the west. Everyone is suddenly in the act. My employer, as small college in California has announced that all faculty staff and students must submit evidence of influenza vaccination by the middle of December. Or be banned from campus. The threat is clear enough for employees. And I am pretty sure this is also illegal. No matter, zealous covid cultists are too happy and quick to get out ahead of the new totalitarian state. The justification: to save the hospitals by not filling them with influenza patients. Unbelievable!
So many willing accomplices of this new normal fascism Ted. All the ‘good citizens’ doing their bit to keep the community ‘safe’. I’ve often wondered how Germans were so compliant and willing to look the other way after Hitler came to power.
Now I know.
Just had a terse text message from the management of the magazine I sell: “Even tho facemasks are no longer required to be worn outside in Melbourne, vendors are still required to wear facemasks because you are in close proximity to customers and its about keeping your customers safe”.
A lot of us opposed to this fascist bullshit are going to have very hard choices soon regards our employment. I’m angry as well.
oh dear that is totally crazy…..when we had our Qld election back in Oct the lady directing crowds at the local voting poll had no mask and was standing quite close to anyone at the door…. i was bemused as we were all supposed to be that distance apart….few were taking any notice…. no one got ill….
i hear today that your premier is going on a spending spree to end all spending sprees….hope you can get hold of some of the money to help with life.
Unmitigated lunacy. Its complete bonkers Edith. Yet scores of people sit at tables next to each other at cafes and pubs, all unmasked, and then put the mask on again when they leave. Duh? Any brain cells working anywhere? Anyone? And despite no masks required when outside in Melbourne, nearly everyone is still wearing facemasks in the streets.
Got back from Footscray where I normally do my shopping, and felt really depressed, that despite 24 days of no ‘cases’ and the Govt saying remove facemasks outside, almost everyone was still complying, almost like robots.
And I’m pissed off at the management of the mag. They said ‘due to Govt guidelines’… therefore masks must be worn while selling the mag. Have a good evening Edith.
Even if there were a million asymptomatic ‘cases’ from a fraudulently used PCR test, it doesn’t warrant the restrictions you describe
I understand your depression.. The human race is stupid
Comments are closed on OffG for 24 hours from 4.00pm your time, (it’s 11.10 pm down here). Even tho people can freely remove the facemasks without any risk of a fine or arrest… almost all of them still wear the mask.
The level of brainwashing is what depresses me Jay.
See you on the other side in the brand new Offguardian site!
Will you comply or resist? I’d assume your employer is breaking some laws
Resist if possible. Need to stay employed. The legality is questionable, as the threat of flu would have to be a risk to significantly affect the business (as in healthcare settings) my employer is not an at risk setting like that, since people can work from home if ill and the population is young and healthy. They run the risk of lawsuits should anyone have a adverse event due to the forced vaccination. But they are not bright enough to consider the potential costs of the policy long term. As we are learning, few people in Western nations seem bright enough to weigh short term and long term consequences of any of the foolish things they are doing right now.
Es ist Pflicht: It is mandatory
The ad:
Wir halthen die Corona-Regeln ein: We adhere to the corona rules
Berlingegencorona: Berlin counter corona
Some times ago I heard that the first cv 1984 videogame was being produced in Germany and it was sponsor by its government.
The shooting game futures cv infected people/zombies wearing no mask, being hunted down and killed by the masked population.
Lock step and event 201/ to-0-I, are the book/manual they are using to run their falseflag.
I’m sure there are historical parallels
My God. This is utterly, brilliantly, directly on point. Everyone must read it.
This seems like an appropriate comment section in which to recommend the following books (available at …various places online…) to fellow offguardians:
Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials: From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent by Paul Julian Weindling
Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis by Robert N. Proctor
Not only Philosophy of science and Historiosophy of science should be mandatory in all studies and fields of science but specifically Ontology, Ethics and Methodology of Science should be taught to give professionals of science short but dramatic course in humility, waking them all out of torpor of cultish arrogant, self congratulatory belief that theories they create and absorb actually reflect immutable reality and laws of nature while in fact they are collective best guesses, often products of political compromise just waiting to be disproved, rejected, by new events, new observations or new experiments blowing out old scientific dogmas and replacing them with new dogmas new generations of scientists are monkey-trained to believe.
One should not be bestowed scientific authority without ability to recognize central role of doubt and skepticism in any scientific endeavor as it may impact lives of millions of human beings and life sustaining environment.
Unfortunately today too many people who seek PhD are motivated by their desire to be political and corporate advisors providing veneer of scientific authority to profitable commercial endeavors serving needs of capital and their own greed and/or power instead of serving humanity.
Indeed. Derek J. de Solla Price was among the first to write about it back in 1963(!) in Little Science Big Science:
(review courtesy textgenie @amazon)
So right. Scientists (the majority) don’t think they are dealing with interpretations of reality, they think they are dealing with reality unmediated. It’s dumb and arrogant, I can’t stand scientific divulgation for more than ten seconds. They are so unaware of issues of language that they almost make me love new age stuff.
An example of how “science” works…
If anyone can be called the father of modern MRI scanning it’s Pierre-Marie Robitaille who won a Nobel prize for it. Google him and the first thing one finds is a Rational Wiki page calling him a “crank”.
Robitaille’s crime was to question the the official theory about the nature and formation of stars. No degree of awards and benefitting humanity could save him.
I don’t particularly agree with Robitaille’s alternative theory – but what does it say about modern astro-physics that it’s guarded by attack dogs who behave like this? The only plausible explanation in my mind is that they’ve constructed a highly lucrative house of sand that crumbles when exposed to some sceptical thought.
Well, if Power needs lies to establish and maintain itself and to justify the “necessary sacrifices” it demands, and Science (with the deserved capital S) is the ideology or discourse of power of our times in precisely that sense, then it has to be, like you say, guarded by attack dogs, or by thugs, or by Holy Inquisitions or Wikipedias. The example you mention illustrates perfectly well how a system of dogmas work, heresy being the inevitable by product.
I haven’t seen a comment so accurate and to the point in a while… You have my admiration !
Britain’s most conservative serious newspaper.
“A Covid vaccine bonus would cost companies much less than another lockdown – and they could sack staff who refuse to be inoculated”
I think you mean ‘Britain’s most spook-infiltrated newspaper’. It is neither conservative nor serious.
Are there any that aren’t spook infiltrated now?
They are doing this all over Europe: passing so-called temporary/emergency laws (about the covid nonsense) into permanent laws.
Someone here mentioned the other day that all this desperate iniquity is in order to conceal, in the resulting chaos and uproar, the fact that a catastrophic economic collapse is on the way, behind which the culprits intend to hide…
Makes sense.
The big question that’s not being asked is if prolonged wearing of face masks is safe or harmful
I’m guessing harmful, and I wonder if there will be a future epidemic of lung infections and associated lung damage
I envisage adverts on the radio and TV from lawyers offering compensation for ‘mask lung’. No win – no fee
For good measure, whistleblower and former parliamentary adviser to the German Bundestag
Sebastian Friebel quit the German parliament in order to expose the hidden agendas behind Covid-19 and the Great Reset, which most people in Germany and other countries are still not aware of.
On a more personal note, a good German and fellow countryman of mine, one of those who have always existed and who must not lose this time around, for the sake of all of us.
Sebastian, Gott schütze Dich!
„The Future Shape of Things“17 November 2020. Updated 19 November 2020.
„Digital companies and governments worldwide
Financial and digital groups set up global surveillance architecture
-The project is supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, Google, the major bank J.P. Morgan, the financial group BlackRock and representatives of the United Nations.12 The aim of the institutions and companies involved is to encourage all governments worldwide to use the system. This again shows (besides the above-mentioned ‘Great Reset’ –
Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation collect biometric data of the world population
A global vaccination campaign against coronavirus could soon be used as a pretext to roll out this control system, which has been prepared for years, worldwide – possibly in combination with the CommonPass mentioned earlier. It is important to realise that this means that the identity of every citizen (passwords, health status, bank data, social contacts etc.) will be centrally managed and transmitted to private corporations –
-Is it really still ‘normal’, if mega-affluent people already announce today that they want to link people with an implanted chip into digital networks?20 For what reason does Microsoft want to register the biometric ID of the entire world population? Should we enable companies with such intentions actually to set up a global surveillance architecture ‘because of Corona’, allowing them to gain access to all areas of our lives –
Major banks and the IMF have a big influence on the global response to the corona crisis –
-The financial sector is already a major player in foreign policy and in the global response to the corona pandemic. For example, when the ‘Event 201’ simulation was conducted in October 2019 by the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, participants with links to the World Bank were also present to discuss fiscal responses to a future coronavirus pandemic.22
-Fear, in particular, is a handy tool for pressuring all of us to take measures that under normal circumstances we would never accept. Depending on the objective in view, the media variously disseminate fear of terrorism, of climate change or (as currently the case) of the pandemic. In this way they achieve social support for changes that are actually directed against the interests of the population. Their manipulative trick here is to play on our idealism and goodwill, e.g. our tendency to support environmental conservation or the health of our fellow human beings. –
–How were the ‘Pictures from Bergamo’ created?
–Democracy is undermined by lobbying and the suppression of uncomfortable opinions
.Even Wikipedia is no longer neutral –
–Church representatives issue warning –
State of emergency and ‘New Normal’ are being vigorously enforced worldwide –
Under no circumstances should we yield to the conspicuously slanted message of politics and the media, according to which we must permanently write off our old life and there is no alternative to the ‘new normal’. Because there is always an alternative –
–Proof of immunity means compulsory vaccination by indirect means –
–Devastating collateral damage and human suffering in developing countries .
-To conclude this report, I have two questions for my fellow human beings:
What Government measures would finally cause you personally to draw the line?
And what will you do if the ‘new normal’ of social distancing, masks and the de facto ban on culture remains, even after the introduction of a vaccine?“
Heroes still exist. Sophie Scholl was a true hero
An excellent post, Schmitz. Thank you.
This is part of a genius Simpsons episode which describes the events of the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic in which big pharma swindled billions out of governments for no very good reason. It is the description of the media’s role which makes it the most radical and dangerous piece of satire I’ve ever seen
Cat flu
Horribly up-to-date…
You should see the YouTube comments – nobody believes the official narrative.
Nobody believes it but nearly everybody plays along anyway, so it doesn’t help much that nobody believes it.
Lots of people talk the talk, hardly anybody walks the walk.
Let me tell you a story I read in one of my local covid-skeptic Telegram groups.
Somebody suggested the following action: whenever you saw an abandoned mask laying on the ground, you should call the local sanitary authorities – in your most convincing “concerned citizen” tone – to come and pick up that super-dangerous medical waste. The goal was to piss off the sanitary authorities until they admitted the thing wasn’t really that dangerous.
Well, a few days later a person did exactly that – and it worked exactly as planned.
After forwarding their call a few times one clerk simply said “hey just pick it up and throw it in the bin, it’s not so deadly, look at the statistics!”. At which point the person responded “yeah I look at the statistics every day, I just did this to expose the insanity!” and the clerk replied “yeah we know it’s insane but what can we do”, etc.
Moral of the story is that this resistance thing is much, much harder than simply knowing the truth. You need to actually have the guts to face retaliation for defending the truth, and few people do.
Well said. Absolutely true unfortunately. But speaking out is still useful
Oh my God. Brilliant. How can it be so obvious to so many and still happen?
Thank you CJ. I’ve just learnt that Qantas will ban those who refuse to get vaccinated from international travel. I assume its only a matter of time before all other airlines follow suit. As a New Zealand citizen living in Australia, it means I’m stranded here.
But I already knew this was coming; as myself and others have pointed out numerous times: no jab, then no plane travel, no cinema, no sporting events, no cafes and a lot of jobs will be off limits. I’ve even seen some suggesting public transport will be a no go also.
On Sunday night in Melbourne, the facemask rule was relaxed where you don’t need to wear it outside (only indoors in shops and on public transport).
Yet yesterday, while selling the mag, the very large majority still wore the mask while walking down the street. It got to the point I was telling people to take the mask off and telling them there was no risk and it was perfectly safe.
Just now, saw a lady walking along my street, no one else in sight, and she’s wearing the facemask. I wanted to yell out ‘you can take it off now’…. but like yesterday, realised that the majority here have been completely indoctrinated.
We are heading for very dark times, and like you, most of us here see where this is going.
Do you have a permanent visa? If not, what are they going to do if your visa expires and you still refuse to get the jab?
I’m asking because I’m an immigrant myself and I’m TERRIFIED of getting stranded. I’m getting ready to go back to my country permanently but I can’t do it before next year.
We need to get legal protection.
A lot of people are going to be badly stranded. This shit is getting more diabolical with each passing week.
New Zealanders can live in Australia unlimited. We get a special visa, so can work and stay for years, but not entitled to any welfare if we arrived after February 2001 (except for 6 months welfare after being here 10 years, then nothing after the 6 months expires). I came in 2004.
Are you in Australia as well? I take it you’re not a Kiwi. My absolute bottom line is no tests and no vaccine. So, yeah, I’m stuck here anyway. New Zealand has mandatory testing and quarantine on arrival there…
I’m Brazilian and I live in Germany, but I’m sure this shit is going to get here soon as well. I have a visa for a maximum of three more years, so when it expires they were supposed to deport me asap regardless of anything. But now I’m not sure. The silver lining is that the Brazilian president is a notorious covid skeptic, so *maybe* I can ask for diplomatic assistance to get back there. I’m so sorry for kiwis. Do you have family in Australia that can support you in case you get stranded?
It’s going to be everywhere S. Maybe places like Cape Verde or Madagascar or Tanzania may not be so bad, but worst places to be will be in the Five Eyes security alliance countries (United States, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada) and NATO countries.
That’s if the bastards behind the scamdemic succeed. I’m clinging onto a sliver of hope that they won’t, but it’s only a small sliver. At least you’ve still got 3 more years up your sleeve. And no, I have no family in Australia.
Good luck to you✌️
could see a reversal of the 10 pound pom phenomena…although not as convenient sea travel can be pleasant
I only have to get back to New Zealand. Could try going by cruise ship🤷♂️
But there will be lots of non Aussies stranded here. The draconian lockdowns were really tough on them.
Are Qantas in a financial position to stop a major resistance? All it will take to push Qantas belly-up is 50% of people refusing to fly. Then assets can be picked up for a song from the liquidator and a new airline can start up.
I fear way more than 50% will get the jab this time. They’ve been dumbed down and inoculated with fear.
Hi Rhys… it appears the backlash has already begun. One of the main tabloid TV shows here in Australia, A Current Affair, conducted a poll overnight asked people whether you should have to be vaccinated in order to travel.
A whopping 88% said no. And this show is on one of the major commercial channels here, Channel 9. I saw that poll after I’d already made the above comment.
Further, a travel agency called Trade Winds has publicly announced they will be boycotting Qantas, and there are now calls for a widespread boycott.
Qantas were in a woeful financial position not that long ago, and I don’t know their up to date financial status, but these actions would have a huge impact on them.
It won’t be just travel, it’ll be cafes, pubs, cinema, sporting events, and most jobs as well. Carrot and stick approach.
they will get sued to oblivion the moment there is a ‘vaccine’ injury.
Any corporation that pushes the agenda will likely receive a generous govt. bailout.
Financial consideration are no longer a consideration. Only control and power. (and Qantas will always be able to access magic money).
This no jab – no fly is central to the agenda – and I don’t think any namby-pamby consumer power is going to cut the mustard.
Baring Devine intervention – we are all up shit creek without a paddle.
Yep, still lots of outdoors mask wearing in the inner-west suburb where I live, including a few cyclists!
How long until they develop ‘mask lung’ problems? Sheep are everywhere
In another comment, I deplored the fact that many alt Media are no better than MSM in that matter.
I just read this on Moon of Alabama Website:
“In my view that warning is not strong enough.
There should be more draconic measures and restrictions of freedom to prevent higher Covid-19 casualties.”
The guy who runs it was talking about “breaking the family circle” to beat off Covid about seven or eight months ago. Basically he went nuts.
First COVID enabling act in Germany Is not about medicine, not about pandemic, not about saving lives but about blatant usurpation of political power as official numbers prove : 2019/2020 season COVID deaths 16,000, FLU deaths 20,000+
There are very clear parallels between frantic COVID plague hysteria legislature of 2020 in Germany and elsewhere and Communist plague hysteria legislature of Enabling act of 1933.
The act was introduced after Hitler, following two previous tries in 1932 and April 1933 elections finally won constitutional majority, only after imposing state of emergency lasting through elections, arresting, beating, killing, injuring KPD candidates and any opposition candidates for elections , attacking unions and beating up Union leaders following anti Communist paranoia fueled liberal German media after a Nazi psyop of burning Reichstag. It was not will of the people.
Just read those COVID laws, full of unconstitutional provisions justified by any fake or not declaration of medical emergency under regime of worshipping of technological artifacts where definitions of emergency are so vague while given to rulers Prerogatives of power so strong and broad in fact enabling, devastating to society, arbitrary decisions on a whim of one wrong epidemiological model and one vague medical paper declaring existence of new deadly virus and new deadly disease with no shred of broadly vetted by public and scientific community evidence.
All those laws are subverting fundamental imperative of checks and balances all government policies must undergo or they are Autocratic and illegal.
Those who dismiss this analogy arguing that the Enabling act was political act having nothing to do with Medicine and epidemiology or Publc health, must be reminded that under the Enabling Act slew of medical epidemiological laws and decrees were passes including mandatory treatment of all diseased or disabled people and accepted among doctors worldwide at the time medical therapy of eugenics as last resort if other torturous treatments failed. All of those laws would have met opposition in functioning German parliament.
Provisions that embedded in the law, broadly held among professionals, medical theories of homosexualism as mental/social and physical even socially communicable disease requiring mandatory isolation treatment without consent would not likely pass in open debate in Germany.
Or laws about genetic inferiority of Jews and most other races and hence medically motivated by Health dictate need for purity of gene pool of German Arians Nordic type, and hence ban on interracial marriages and children all because Medical race science was settled, needing no inquiry or analysis but submission to dictate of corrupted elite.
The idea had near zero support in 1933 according to Nazi pollsters but was enacted in 1935 after over two years of Nazi rule and daily Propaganda peddling scientific antisemitism.
Not to mention laws assigning totalitarian power to government in fighting infectious diseases like typhus including, mass lockdowns of healthy or sick at home or in medical camps and ad hoc hospitals , racial and social distancing, using protective equipment including masks, shields or walls of separation in cities called medical ghettos. Warsaw Ghetto was officially closed and sentenced to starve for medical reason of German soldier was allowed to venture inside until uprising in 1943.
All those Totalitarian laws rules, decrees combined with Nazi governments mandatory policies of mental and physical hygiene, health and fitness among young and old brought only applause by the western elites praising Hitler noble effort of finally cleaning up society from poor scum of subhumans they only could dream of in western democracies.
King George did not see any problem with Nazi hygiene dictatorship but only that herr Hitler hasn’t been to Cambridge.
Evil greatest achievement was to convince people it does not exist under concerned of our wellbeing faces.
‘but only that herr Hitler hasn’t been to Cambridge..’ I had to smile, but, nails it in a couple of ways!
Good article. Thank you.
So Trump just all but conceded. I’m not a fan of Trump in the slightest, but Biden and his henchmen are beyond bad. The future looks bleak. All the elites need do is systematically shut off electricity/interwebs and we are at their whimsy.
They needn’t do that. The boot is on our collective neck and they have the injection needle in hand. It’s at this point in the script when the protagonist is saved, either by himself or some ally. Too many normies to save ourselves, and unless their are some benevolent good aliens that can help, we are fucked.
Clay & water. A brick is made, then more are made, the brick is connected to others – the building, The brick remains a brick until is viewed as structure, essence obscured by conformation… in you to find, for no other to give or take.
Wo aber Gefahr ist, wächst das Rettende auch.(Hölderlin, Patmos)
But where the danger is,
also grows the saving power
A rescuing element grows as well (Das Rettende)
The meaning is absolutely different from cometh the hour-cometh the man one would first think of in English at times of great danger.
„Heidegger once again quotes the poet Friedrich Hölderlin, finding in these lines from the poem “Patmos” a formulation of the paradox he wants to describe: within the “supreme danger” of humanity’s enframing orientation to the world lies the potential of a rescue from that very danger.
„To help us to understand this paradox, Heidegger turns our attention to the meaning of “essence.” He takes us through the traditional philosophical sense of “essence”: it means “what” [in Latin, quid] something is. It names a genus, a class of things that are all the same kind of thing. All trees, for example, have “treeness” in common; “treeness” is their essence. From their inquiries into essence, the ancient Greek philosophers developed the concept of eidos, which we have already encountered in the example of the chalice.“
Thank your for quoting Hölderlin! Makes my day!
you ´re welcome, personally I feel more inclined to some Sturm und Drang these days-)
I see why we are so easily being enslaved now.
A fine article, even though some of its content risks inciting racial hatred – as witnessed by several of the comments below…
Oh, and Wagner, who died before Hitler was even born, does not deserve to be dismissed so summarily.
His music is really timeless, and the fact that Hitler claimed to like it is quite irrelevant.
(We don’t even know whether he actually understood it as music, or just as a handy text upon which to hang his fondness for Germanic folklore)