Together But Falling Apart
Alex Bartlett
2020 staggers on, each month becoming more bleak, tiresome and increasingly onerous.
In the early winter months we paid scant attention to the Coronavirus story developing in China. And why should we have? After SARS, almost twenty years ago, then minor scares such as Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika Virus, Flesh Eating disease, along with past potential terrors like Avian Flu and Foot and Mouth Disease, there was no reason to think this was anything but another sensationalized false alarm. Indeed, an honest investigation, not even one all that rigorous, could easily have demonstrated that this was the case.
However, the last nine months have been nothing but an absolutely dedicated, well organized and diligent global effort to re-brand the common flu as a devasting pandemic just barely under control.
We have been asked to turn to some of the most trusted people in our civil society, Doctors and Professors, the types of professionals whom we would least expect to lie to us or to deliberately mislead us. They have sworn an oath to heal, to do no harm; they are dedicated to the search for the truth, borne out of diligent research and a rigorous scrutiny of the data. If they gravely and repeatedly tell us that we are at great risk and that things can and will get much, much worse very quickly then who are we to question their wisdom and their warnings?
The suddenness and unrelenting persistence of this great Covid lie wears us all down.
We were caught off guard by this deception here in Ontario, Canada. Just before the annual, week-long March break holiday we were told by our Premier Doug Ford (just think of one of the Pigs from “Animal Farm”) to continue with our travel plans, all will be fine. Just days later the closures started and the sloganeering began: “Flatten the curve”, “We’re all in this together”, “The New Normal”. All empty, hollow utterances that allowed people to avoid really thinking about what was really happening.
In Ontario, those of us who still dare to question this narrative are becoming increasingly isolated and marginalized. It is amazing to see how quickly people have chosen their side on this matter and how unwavering their devotion to their cause can be. Whether it is a shut down for two weeks, 4 weeks, 3 months, masks all the time, everything closed or even an experimental vaccine, it does not matter. “We’re all in this together”. Anyone who disagrees is either reckless, selfish, stupid or all of the above.
This other ‘reckless’ point of view is much smaller and very marginalized. Prominent Scientists and Virologists are ignored in the media for voicing a dissenting opinion, even the most moderate voices of dissent are ridiculed. The Great Barrington Declaration, with an extremely reasonable and balanced plea for reason in dealing with CV-19, has been savaged in the press because some journalists were able to add some absurdly fake names to an online form that anyone could sign.
I was impressed enough by the open letter published in September from almost 2,000 Belgian Medical Doctors & Health Professionals that I sent it to my Belgian friends, very smart and well-educated people, who did not doubt the Covid narrative. The response, when I enquired of one of them, was that “it was too long, [he] did not read it”. His underlying message was clear, he was not going to consider anything beyond the boundaries established by the press. If the Economist or The Atlantic magazine supported the Covid narrative then it must be so. If you chose to consider anything outside these boundaries you were either misled or grossly misinformed.
Unfortunately for me, I was branded a conspiracy theorist a long time ago amongst family and friends because I passionately argue against the official narrative for 9/11. These obvious controlled demolitions, along with all of the other evidence of this carefully coordinated operation – the subterfuge, the impossible coincidences, the great effort to cover it up – was irrefutable proof in my mind, if you would just consider it.
The parallels of CV-19 to 9/11 are both terrifying and, I am ashamed to say it, reassuring.
The aftermath of the shocking, astonishing events of 9/11 became even more difficult to comprehend with the addition of the Anthrax attacks and the Belt-Way sniper that followed.
Covid-19 has been overshadowed in some of the same ways, with the Black Lives Matter riots and the extended, ridiculous spectacle that is the Presidential Illusion of Choice, held sacred by so many Americans. As a result, it is hard to remain focused on anything; the world seems to be coming apart at its seams, yet the deliberate rips, the shoddy stitching and the forces pulling things apart are obvious enough, if you bother to look.
Much like the Project for a New American Century, a policy document that detailed the need for an event like 9/11 and the sweeping, imperialist opportunities that would result, we now have ‘The Great Reset’. A chance to ‘Build Back Better’ an equitable and improved society for all, governed by a few.
Trying to connect these plans to CV-19 instantly makes one a conspiracy theorist, even though these strategic plans do exist. They are well-documented, easy to find and easy enough to read.
When you point out the obvious benefits that overreaching control and an obscene global theft of power and money will impart to a select few, it doesn’t matter. You are merely someone who sees a conspiracy in everything.
With 9/11 the world had changed for ever, they said, and in many ways it certainly has. For most of us – complacent, docile Europeans and North Americans – well, we just generally went back to life as it was before. Either knowingly or through sheer ignorance (usually a bit of both), we supported new wars of occupation in the middle east, the massive increases in military spending and huge new encumbrances on our personal freedoms.
The worst outcome of 9/11 was that several countries were illegally invaded and brutally occupied with millions upon millions dying and suffering as a result. For most of “us” this did not matter, as daily life was still the same. We still had our jobs, our holidays and leisure, our new gadgets, our homes and certainly our futures. After a few years, when I finally made sense of this great 9/11 lie, I still did not do much differently. I would argue with friends and family about what had really happened on that day, and I lost faith in much of the media and government I had formerly trusted. But, in the end, I still supported the system and benefited from it.
I feel ashamed of wishing for these same types of selfish outcomes with CV-19. Even though the world economies have haemorrhaged trillions of dollars to fight this re-branded flu, perhaps it will still be ok in the end? Money is just a modern faith-based system these days anyways. If we can believe in Bit-Coin, the vast labyrinth of Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps, then why can’t we just add a lot more cash to the mix if we need it? Most of us are too young to have ever experienced inflation. Isn’t that economic reality just for mismanaged countries like Zimbabwe and Argentina anyways? Perhaps the track and trace apps won’t be that intrusive and, after all, our phones violate our privacy every minute they are switched on as it is. Could this ‘new normal’ be any worse?
Perhaps the covid vaccine is just a cash grab for big Pharma, like the flu vaccine or the HPV vaccine? Products we never wanted nor needed, that required a campaign of coercion and fear mongering to produce any real demand. With the CV-19 disinformation campaign waging on a global stage, they seem to be positioned to distribute 3 billion servings of a double-dose vaccine at $39.00 USD per serf. That is close to 120 Billion dollars… Surely, that might be enough to tide over the pharmaceutical industry for a few years, until Covid-20? Perhaps they will achieve a balance: enough people willing or compliant enough to be vaccinated yearly, and a media/medical establishment willing to proclaim that the covid scourge is over for now?
I really don’t believe this will happen, yet I still selfishly hope that this covid era will end, that my kids can return to school without masks, that they will be able to take part in after-school activities and that their future still holds many exciting possibilities and paths.
I hate fearing that the world will suddenly be redefined as a global, technocratic state where diversity becomes equality, families become individuals and the truth, or even just a difference of opinion, becomes a violation of ‘community guidelines’.
It has now been nine months. The fear, uncertainty and self doubt I have about this situation and my future are constant and growing. I have grown extremely weary of sharing relevant articles and interviews that I am certain will alarm and enrage, only to find out they have fallen on deaf ears – unwatched, unread or simply dismissed.
It makes me wonder, who am I to think I am smarter than the majority, more aware and more of a critical thinker than my friends and peers? Perhaps I just suffer from a prolonged and acute confirmation bias and I am incapable of separating truth from conjecture, fear from reason and goodwill from ill intent? Is there some type of persistent pessimism or self-loathing that gives me this particular lens?
To assuage these doubts, which I encounter almost daily, I remind myself to revisit the tired cliché of cui bono. Who stands to benefit?
9/11 was an easy one, they actually published their goals beforehand in the Project for New American Century document and betrayed their nature in many instances of sheer greed, such as obscenely lucrative, barely-months-old insurance policies on the buildings they collapsed.
A casual examination shows us that CV-19 has already substantially enriched the Billionaire class, strengthened the stranglehold that the mainstream media and big tech have on creating facts and defining truth, allowed governments to spend without restriction and to restrict their citizens without restraint.
No matter how absurd the response becomes to what an honest virologist would call an inconsequential virus, most citizens are demanding a greater response. More unscrutinised spending, more closures, more doses of vaccines to be made available as soon as possible, and more public shaming (and worse) for those who do not comply with the ‘new normal’.
In the end, pharmaceutical giants will be the big winners, earning untold billions for their rushed vaccine, and will be spared any liability for all adverse consequences. Small businesses and personal autonomy will have disappeared and we will all be that much easier to track, control, monitor, punish and isolate.
Does it have to be this way? Last week I went to a local protest in Toronto. It felt really good to finally step forward and add my voice and my presence amongst those willing to call bullshit on this assault on science, reason and the fabric of our local and national communities. The protest itself was calm and measured but you could easily sense the frustration and fear of those in attendance.
To be sure, some protesters looked and behaved quite oddly and this made me wonder if I really did belong with this group. However, I feel much more at odds with “the new normal” types: the masked families in parks or the middle-aged women that now walk in the streets to avoid the dangers of human proximity on sidewalks, while glaring at the speeding cars that rush by.
I tend, therefore, to turn to a select few people and publications online instead. People like my younger sister, Eva, who has been a tireless advocate for truth in Syria, Palestine and Venezuela. I know her well enough to know she does what she does solely because she knows it is right, certainly not for money or prestige. As a thanks for her work and sacrifice, she has to live with constant attacks and the ignominy of a horrendous Wikipedia Page – nothing short of a smear, solely to discredit her in the eyes of anyone vetting her or new to her reporting.
It is people like this that I trust.
Throughout the last nine months, the conflicts of interest and the obvious biases of the media, lobbyists, most levels of government, big Tech, big “Charitable” foundations and benevolent trusts make it obvious that this scheme will only work if their propaganda is unwavering and unrelenting.
Why aren’t my friends and family as concerned as I am? Why does my wife, who has been able to see through much of the fear mongering and distortion, draw the line at protesting or voicing her opinion amongst friends? What do I do when I encounter her growing resentment towards me for behaving this way? I love her, I understand why she is afraid and what she wants to protect us from, but perhaps it is this sense of self-preservation which ‘the powers that be’ are counting on? Will this self-preservation lead to our undoing?
The temptation to try to wait this out is still strong, even though the few weeks they initially asked of us has gotten closer to a full year. The temptation to think we are too far gone to warrant launching resistance is also consistently there.
To combat this, I ignore mainstream media and I have stopped trying to reach others that I know cannot be reached.
There still remains, of course, many persistent and unresolved fears and issues.
How far can this possibly go? Will we be forced to vaccinate ourselves, our children and even our fragile elderly? How will our economy reconcile the gross expenditures of 2020? What businesses will remain once, IF, this finally grinds to an end? How likely is this crisis to be exploited as an opportunity by multi-national capitalism, in the ways leftist gate-keepers like Naomi Klein have written about in the past, yet seem unwilling to recognize in the present?
I hope for our sakes and for my own that more people grow weary of this non-existent pandemic and realize that they can demand a return to reason and individual liberties.
The most hopeful thing I have seen in months has been a compilation video of recent protests around Europe and North America.
When this all started, we were encouraged to stand on our porches and bang pots and pans at a set hour to celebrate our front-line heroes in manufactured displays of solidarity. It is so encouraging now to see people choosing, on their own, to protest together and banging pots and pans in front of their government buildings instead. Showing true solidarity against this covid nonsense.
This is the opposite of big-tech and their non-stop, ever-present propaganda. It is simple, non-violent and to-the-point. The message is clear: we are entitled to assemble together and to protect what is most dear to us. Families together, meals together, forging our livelihoods together, simply being together.
I won’t forget this message and I won’t miss another protest. The cost is too great. I am tired of seeing everything fall apart when we still have the ability to fight to live, work and simply be together as normal people.
Alex Bartlett lives and works in Toronto Canada.
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It seems like several diversions are happening here at the same time. They are related, and yet they are divisive.
Another thought occurs here – maybe some of our hero’s always were, in reality, “controlled opposition”. In other words, serving the empire, and not truly being what we thought they were, “warriors for justice”.
In case you missed it by its 48 hour delay
Posted by me when there were about 300 comments on this piece. Finally published when there were 300 more after it and the piece had disappeared down the list.
Dear Bartlett,
Heartful thanks for a delicious article indeed!
Could I recommend a similar taste of wonderful article from a free minded couple, Arthur & Fiona Cristian from the Down Under?
So here it is if you have the time and their web site just underneath below:
All the best,
Spot on!
“Perhaps I just suffer from a prolonged and acute confirmation bias and I am incapable of separating truth from conjecture, fear from reason and goodwill from ill intent?” <<I have been forced to consider this myself, and after much thought and consideration I came to the conclusion that if it were a case of confirmation bias, then I would simply follow the mainstream narrative, and agree with it, so that my biases can be confirmed on a daily basis…and would readily adjust my internal dialogue to match the MSM narrative for the sake of constantly confirming my bias. As it is, confirmation bias does not fit as I do not receive much “confirmation” from people, but rather am constantly attacked and ridiculed for daring to be different….doesn’t sound like confirmation bias to me.
I am so ‘this man’ and identify with every word
I didn’t read this. It was too long.
Love the sarc 😁
To Alex;-
Much respect once again to Eva.
She is worth her weight in gold in getting the truth out through the smokescreen of BBC lies.
She is worth a million of these utterly vile, dirty lying BBC stenographer hacks and whores.
And anyone who has a smear piece Wikipedia page like Eva or Vanessa should wear it as a badge of honour.
When you’re getting a lot of flak you know you’re over the target.
There is such a concerted effort to pour scorn on these two. They it seems are not the right journalists to take our information from
What the imperialist warmongers want are journalists who sit at home and talk about things they know nothing about. Who reinforce the narrative and uphold the agenda of war mongering Western lies. Journalists who will tell us all that we are and have done a great job in an ongoing battle to free the people from a tyrant who we are told will stoop so low as to use chemical weapons on his own people. I heard some Labour MP a few weeks ago complaining that journalist are not going to Syria so we dont know what the COVID situation is there. Seems that she doesnt want to know if its coming from these two investigative journalists. Eva Karen Bartlett and Venessa Bealey report the true reality and are the journalists who should be heard and listened to.They should be printed in every newspaper. They have sought to tell the world the truth and give honest and genuine accounts and are not afraid to hold truth to power.. They are both incredibly brave strong women and deserve so much better then the Wikipedia and BBC lie machines. What a sad and through the looking glass down the rabbit hole world we live in.
Ah, questions, questions………
PCR Tests, Lockdowns, Face Masks… endless list of questions and challenges from people with more than a passing interest in the various areas.
Now, we must add, if it wasn’t already on the list, VITAMIN D. He’s not alone, but Dr David Grimes has some questions.
Anyways, Health & Saftey warning. Pop a blood pressure pill before reading this.
Petra Liverani: If you just stick to the simple truth of no virus all the rest is just nonsense, there’s simply no argument to be made in any shape or form for any of it.
I hear you. The problem is not the facts. There is ample evidence that the official narrative is BS. And even if it were true to an extent, it’s plainly obvious that the response has been grossly exaggerated, that the “treatment” is worse than the disease.
The problem is that there is no platform to contest the official narrative. The media are in on this, so are the governments. There is no opposition, debate at any of the official levels. Exactly how they’ve got everyone by the balls I know not, but they do. There is rampant censorship in social media, any opposition gets deleted, vilified, excommunicated. The vast majority of sheeple believe that there is a virus, some think that the response has been exaggerated. My guess is that their numbers are growing, but they’re basically playing along.
How do we get the “simple truth” out there in any sort of consequential way? How do we deprogram the masses? Mind you, people have been prepped for this for decades and decades, the populace is dumbed down to an unimaginable extent. You have to fight not only the current crap, but also endless layers of brainwashing accumulated in people’s heads.
The way I see it is that successful legal challenge in some heavyweight jurisdiction is the only way that could tip the scales, bring a critical mass of masked zombies back to reality, and set off a domino effect.
Still, people’s heads have been so fucked up this year that some degree of public-health totalitarianism is here to stay. Even if COVID-19 was declared a hoax tomorrow, they wouldn’t get rid of all the sanitation monstrosities.
Freedom-, nature-, reason-, etc.-loving people have to promote a healthy holistic way of life as opposed to the technocratic fusion of man with machine. That is the dichotomy we’re facing, the dividing line between their vision of the world and ours. We must actively and positively promote this vision as opposed to only negating the technocratic narrative.
We have to turn our narrative from being negative vis-a-vis the COVID bullshit into being positive in promoting our view of the world.
You’re right, Jacques. One thing to bear in mind though is that they have been using the same mind control techniques for millennia, since way before the technocracy we live in now, and still the general population has no idea about them – I didn’t myself till the age of 53 and even then it still took about 5 years of study before I really cottoned on … with more cottoning on to do.
Examples are the Gunpowder Plot and the Great Fire of London and I’m sure so very many more.
For those interested, there is a ‘Questioning History’ conference on December 18th-20th, not far from London. This conference will delve into official history and the extent to which it delivers us a false rather than true version of events. You can attend remotely although unfortunately for me in Australia the hours don’t work well.
The only book woth reading on Nazi Germany. They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer. The problems with the normies. Lol. These things never change. Humans are attracted to power. Humans want to play their part in it. It is natural.
The most encouraging info I found recently was an interview with Professor Michael Mina re an at-home antigen test. I tested myself daily when I was learning to go keto: diabetics test themselves daily for glucose levels: so why not a test for a virus? This would seem to me far more sensible than a vaccine. If I feel mildly fluey and the test was positive I would stay away from people for a few days and dose myself up with high dose Vit. C, Vit. D, zinc, just as I always have. No masks, no lockdowns, no b.s. The thing that would be most important to me, would be that I would be in control of my own body, my own destiny. Public Health destroys a person’s autonomy, their ability to understand and care for their own body. Instead they abrogate the responsibility to a bunch of scientists and doctors who want to put everyone into the same box, and this is so wrong!
If self-help in vitamins, minerals, and tests becomes popular, the next thing we know may be a return to ancient herbs. A major principle in the allopathic “health” profession and industry is to impose and demand obedience, compliance and even awe, and to punish deviance. This was a reason for immolating so many “witches” (brutal murder in fire). It also explains the periodic unsourced articles, and fake studies reported without details, that dismiss traditional cures.
While I think there are good reasons to doubt the existence of Swine Flu, Ebola, Zika and a number of other alleged disease outbreaks, flesh-eating disease or necrotizing fasciitis is very real – just google the images. I know of someone who’s lost parts of her body due to this truly scary and horrible disease.
Evidence of Ebola fakery
Coronavirus Wuhan China Zika Ebola Anthrax Outbreak Pandemic
Hmmm. When I researched the alleged post-9/11 anthrax attacks and realised they were completely staged, that is, not the work of Iraqi terrorists nor alleged lone scientist nut, Bruce Ivins, nor yet a “false flag” perpetrated by rogue elements within the Bush administration but simply a completely fabricated event, I googled images of alleged anthrax infections and wondered if they really represented infections by anthrax. Could the whole anthrax-as-bioweapon danger be a massive fabrication rather than just the alleged post-9/11 attacks? Let’s face it, they are never short of ways of fear-mongering and terrorising us.
Seeing both “necrotising fasciitis” and “anthrax” in my comment above prompted me to look up images allegedly showing anthrax infection against those for necrotising fasciitis. They look remarkably similar. The caption for one image of anthrax infection used the word “eschar” which I looked up.
An eschar (/ˈɛskɑːr/; Greek: eschara) is a slough or piece of dead tissue that is cast off from the surface of the skin, particularly after a burn injury, but also seen in gangrene, ulcer, fungal infections, necrotizing spider bite wounds, tick bites associated with spotted fevers, and exposure to cutaneous anthrax.
Could it be that the anthrax bacillus is simply one of the bacteria that causes necrotising fasciitis and without clear evidence of the claim there is no good reason to think it can be used as a bioweapon? If they lied about the post-9/11 anthrax attacks why believe any claims they make about anthrax without clear evidence? Quite frankly, I think it’s possible that the “anthrax bacillus” is completely and utterly made up and any images shown for anthrax infection are actually images of necrotising fasciitis caused by other bacteria.
Admittedly, my knowledge of bacteria is virtually zero but I find it hard to believe that the same bacterium can infect people in four ways: via skin, lungs, intestine, and injection(??) and I tend to believe the whole zoonotic thing is BS with regard to the viruses they tell us about, eg, bats, pangolins, hedgehogs, etc spreading SARS-CoV-2, with Chinese cobras and many-banded kraits being “reservoirs” – whatever that means.
Dehumanising the enemy – in its traditions – is a part of preparing for imperialism of any kind.
Thank goodness that you don’t exist, that you’re a conspiracy disinfo agent. I couldn’t take more of your total fiction if you were actually for real.
As per info. from years ago, Sierra Leone that was the epicentre for the ebola epidemic hosts 3 imperial bio-labs. This is besides other labs in the region.
Yes, but Ebola looks like a complete fabrication (I mean seriously, the symptoms and measures required are so completely over the top) and at the link in my comment above you see clear evidence of fakery so what is the significance of 3 bio-labs? Couldn’t this just be propaganda like C-19 being manufactured in a Wuhan lab?
where the outbreaks where in African was very mineral rich land, so its a great way to get them of the land and blame a virus and kill a few and condemn the place so one one can visit.
Similar tactics as what the churches did by saying people were possessed
I see. No need to kill anyone though – they can just pretend. Bastards.
Swine Flu
Another classic example: 2009, La Gloria, Mexico. Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world, operates a giant pig farm. 950,000 pigs.
The urine and feces from these 950,000 pigs run out into the open air and forms what are called lagoons. They’re so large, you can see them from outer space.
Workers spray the toxic lagoons with a toxic foam. It’s routine.
Workers, and people in the surrounding neighborhood, are getting sick and dying. So new contractors are brought in to spray the lagoons with yet another toxic chemical.
Out of nowhere, guess who shows up? The CDC.
Guess what they conclude? It’s not the urine and feces lagoons or the toxic chemicals causing illness and death. No. Of course not.
It’s a new mysterious virus. H1N1.
And voila, we have a new cover story and a new epidemic, called Swine Flu.
The cover story serves a number of purposes, as time passes. But the most obvious one is: Smithfield Foods is protected. They get away with murder.
And to cap it all off, four years later, in 2013, Smithfield, still protected, sells itself to a Chinese company, Shuanghui International Holdings, for $4.72 billion.
Makes you wonder. I can imagine a few Chinese intelligence professionals sitting in a room in Beijing, in 2013, expressing astonishment. “Can you believe the CDC? They sold a cover story about a virus that was so ridiculous…but it worked. Suppose we followed suit, but on a grand scale? We claim an outbreak is occurring in one of our cities. We invite the CDC and the World Health Organization to come in and help. There is no virus, but we know they’ll ‘find a new one.’ They always do. Then, boom. We do something no one has ever done before. We lock down 50 million people overnight and provide a model to the rest of the world. Other countries line up and lock down their populations, wrecking their economies. Meanwhile, we announce China has ‘recovered,’ we cancel our lockdowns and put everybody back to work. It’s a war with no shots fired, and we win. Do you think we could pull it off? Do you think we could sell it? Maybe we should talk to Bill Gates. He’s a smart guy. He always has interesting ideas…”
Reprinted with permission from Jon Rappoport’s blog.
The Best of Jon Rappoport
Very interesting, however, I have to say my observation suggests that when they do psyops there’s a complete fabrication, they don’t capitalise on something that’s happened and turn it into a psyop, they fabricate the psyop completely.
On this National Hog Farmer page we see:
Residents of the small Veracruz town of La Gloria, near Perote, had complained to local officials after about a third of the population came down with the flu, which they blamed on the pig farm operated by Smithfield.
If people are getting sick from poor sanitation in pig farms I doubt the symptoms would be those of the flu – of course, people could have been suffering from something completely different from what is reported here – I don’t know – however, we do know that they always have multiple threads of propaganda going leading you hither and thither. Propaganda designed to press our those-complete-bastards-making-poor-people-ill button is one typical propaganda type. I mean, they are complete bastards and they do make us ill with their pharma and toxic agro-chemicals but in their psyops they also generate propaganda that aligns with that phenomenon to divert you from the fact that there is simply nothing – nada, niente, zilch. The reality of psyops is often absolutely nothing or close to but there’s always loads of smoke’n’mirrors propaganda to hide that fact.
Note the typical psyop nonsense published in Wikipedia. So no way to prove their hypothesis but US agricultural officials “speculated” that the virus emerged in pigs in Asia but then travelled to North America in a human. Yeah, right.
In 2009, U.S. agricultural officials speculated, although emphasizing that there was no way to prove their hypothesis, that “contrary to the popular assumption that the new swine flu pandemic arose on factory farms in Mexico, [the virus] most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human.”[35] However, a subsequent report[36] by researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 2016 found that the 2009 H1N1 virus likely originated from pigs in a very small region of central Mexico.[37]
Don’t think that’s quite the way it happened. I don’t know whose initial idea it was but it certainly wasn’t necessarily China’s. It was all planned at a global level from the start.
Actually, I revise above. Psyops are planned with a purpose and perhaps they do capitalise on certain features in the implementation but these features need to be kept separate from the psyop itself.
For example, they had the virus start in Wuhan and hop to Bergamo, both locations where air quality is particularly bad – or at least that’s what we’re told but sounds reasonable. Similarly, they had the H1N1 virus start in a location containing badly-run pig factories (seemingly but again sounds reasonable) but this wouldn’t have been as a coverup, it was just a good place to start to fit with their story.
Poor air quality is a serious issue as is awful animal husbandry but it’s best to keep those issues separate from the psyop that capitalises on them. To me the important thing is to clarify the reality of the psyop and argue from that reality … which may well be absolutely nothing. Psyops are so often simply the Emperor’s New Clothes par excellence … except where they want a particular reality, eg, in 1666 the power elite wanted to burn down part of the City of London so they did that part for real – the rest of the story – the hanging of the patsy, Robert Hubert, and other bits and pieces we have no particular reason to believe. Similarly, the story of the hanging of Guy Fawkes has little credibility … and the question is: Why would they kill their patsies? They can easily fake it, there’s no reason to do it and it might mean they have trouble in the future hiring other ones. Sure, they might kill the odd one because it suits them for some purpose but, in general, it seems a bad move to kill your patsies.
They really take the piss with this one.
Around 1990s, the vast lagoons and giant tanks of pig sewage posed a problem in the West. Nearby residents had many illesses including red rashes. I recall EU stating that it did not have a solution – meaning a solution acceptable to capitalism. Then, thanks to the magic of globalism and cooperative satraps, the industries moved to “Less Developed Countries”. It sounds almost efficient if you say LDCs.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us Alex. My story is almost identical and I’m certain thousands of people reading your article here on offG will tell you the same. This is a global scam and it requires global solidarity and response. It won’t be easy and it might take years, but our fight for freedom and truth will prevail.
“Rise like lions after slumber in unfathomable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
That in sleep have fallen on you
Ye are many, they are few.”
Percy Busshe Shelley, 1819
Very well articulated. What is also too uncanny to be coincidence here is that the same ‘playbook’ is being used in each country. From the 3 word slogans to the poor banging for NHS etc.
Does anyone have an opinion on whether our ‘leaders’ are being bribed to act like they are, or are being threatened?
Proally both
Or they see future power for themselves in the new global plan. They believe in a reset for the world to ‘save’ the planet from global warming, to rid the planet of excess humans etc.
It is also possible to become trapped in our own thinking. Seeing as the means being employed is coercion and deceit, is indication that their own thinking is coerced and deceived.
Surely you’re aware of the masons!
Surely you are aware of Freemasonry?
Aware of, but not previously aware of the connection to all this. Is there much to catch up on?
Also very notable how much the aims of Common Purpose are fully aligned with the “reset”, and how their teachings (manage outside your responsibility) underpin what’s happening now.
Both groups have been extremely low profile for the last few years.
While the constant fear for all things COVID is being pushed with the constant updates of urgency, While providing no counter balance of all other death to offer any level of perspective. It is all to easy for people to become sucked into believing that there really is a most dangerous and decimating illness out there stalking the streets.
Once in this fear loop it seems almost impossible to reach them and convince them otherwise.
It is very sad that those who have done so much real journalistic research along with eminent scientists and medical professionals who are highly qualified and importantly, do not stand to gain, are disbelieved and ignored in favour of known arch manipulators liars and media reporters. Most of whom cant even string a sentence together without a script to read from.
It seems that narrative and mind capture is all to easy.
This was so well stage managed that people were so totally pulled in. it is now a cult of total believers. We are the enemy because we question it and point out inconsistencies and flaws. But as with the lies told over wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria.
It will only be in hindsight that people will begin to work this all out.
Then when the spell of fear wears off and the penny finally drops the damage is already done.
How people continue to become spellbound over and over again is depressing to watch.But can only be down to unenquiring and numbing mind warp, TV and the fear of facing the truth. The truth that leaders, politicians and TV celebrities do not care.That the people are just fodder to be exploited by the system and nothing more.
Like lambs to slaughter they prefer to trust and don’t want to see the slaughter houses beyond the field..
It would be hoped that people would learn from the past but sadly over and over again they seem not to. So it is the ones who stand for truth that are sneered at and despised because they hold a light up and expose the demons lurking in the shadows. it is far to scary to look and to realize that their whole belief system is based on a lie.
I can see that after years and years of research and practicing subliminal messaging through colour lighting and voice tone among many, many more tricks the state have become grand masters of manipulation/spell weavers. It doesn’t work on everybody but then as long as it works on enough. it doesn’t matter about pesky truth seekers.
The truth is the lie and the lie is the truth.
So here we are yet again like Casandra watching it all roll out and acted out against humanity and as more and more questioning voices are being silenced the greater the crime being committed becomes.
There is a chance of regaining freedom if all the information is made available but only if enough wake up in time for the critical mass to see through the spell.
I’m very scared that people gonna react similarly if the powers in charge start their war with china. They will happily send their children to die!
Yes it is always a worry. I really wish it was unlikely that people would fall yet again for the lies of war. But sadly the evidence suggests otherwise. I do think though that it would be unlikely to pick an actual fight with China. China are most likely to win. It seems that vilifying it is as far as it may go hopefully. Pentagon Blocks Biden Transition Team/
Trump Scrubs More Pentagon Swamp/
1.5M Counterfeit US Ballots Printed In China/
China Claims Lead In Quantum Computing.
and YIKES Is Gene Editing Supersoldiers/
China Pushing Taiwan Boiling Point/
China Targeting US Legislators
If 1 in 50,000 young people are harmed by the vaccine that is more than would be harmed by CV19. A Branch Covidian acknowledged that but said it was an act of kindness because if the parent died the child would be orphaned. Harming kids to save middle age adults who are cowards afraid of only a 99.7% chan\ce of survival. Last time I looked a 1 year old car was worth more than a 10 year old car. The absolute debasement of the Covidian is what is hard to cope with – I can not be around them – people who were once friends – they are not only fooled they have embraced an inner evil.
My mother a Holocaust survivor sees the past genocides as evil driven by perverse ideals. Here though there are no ideals – this is a totally soulless and dark agenda. The exploration of personal debasement where we harm children to protect senile grandma etc… are now notions embraced by the Branch Covidians. The army of evil is now our neighbours.
And the worst are the ones who acknowledge everything we say as true but – just play along – keep your head down – and if it gave them a leg up – they would throw you or I under a bus. They are worse than the purely stupid.
The old will get the vaccine first.and if they die we will be told – well they were old. They will take our own argument. And the cult of Wacko Branch Covidians will be singing our song totally unaware of their covidiocy.
The PCR test. It’s kicking off across the pond (USA)
this is utter brilliance, for those who want to have a good laugh as a bit of a counterweight
thank you Alex. Every word you’ve written in this piece speaks for me. I have an allergy to media spread fear but when ‘social distancing’ was promoted I knew my instincts were vindicated. Your description of even attending a lock down protest was profoundly moving and I felt I was there with you with all the insecurities and discomforts it afforded. I’m 75, in good shape and I’ve never felt so alone in my life. I cannot discuss COVID with any of my friends or acquaintances but I am reckless enough to describe myself as a ‘knuckle dragging lock down skeptic’. This is usually received with an uncomfortable giggle and I rest easy knowing that I have at least declared my truth. I’m a great admirer of your sister Eva having come across her work several years ago. I guess the only survival mode is to maintain a ‘question everything’ most particularly in a time of fascist propaganda. Thank you again. Marion
I want to comment on this part of what is otherwise a well written article. “The Great Barrington Declaration, with an extremely reasonable and balanced plea for reason in dealing with CV-19, ”
Anyone who has researched virus theory and vaccine ingredients, safety and efficacy like I have knows the authors of the GBD have done none of the research I have done which is why I cannot support that document.
From the following article at Children’s Health Defense website…. “Somehow, the changing pattern of American life during the lockdowns has been saving the lives of hundreds of infants, over 200 per week. ….Noting the surprising effect of the lockdown on infants and children under 5 does nothing to negate the tragic effect of the pandemic on the elderly. It does, however, raise a question: why are so many fewer children dying? There are however, frequent cases in which previously healthy infants die unexpectedly. These deaths are usually classified as “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” or SIDS. According to the CDC, SIDS deaths are one of the two largest causes of death among infants aged 1 month to 1 year. [7]
We have no specific data on the trend in SIDS deaths during the pandemic. We have, however, heard anecdotal reports from emergency room (ER) doctors suggesting some have observed a decline in SIDS. One group of doctors who might see 3 cases of SIDS in a typical week has seen zero cases since the pandemic and associated lockdowns began.”
I believe in INFORMED CHOICE. If someone wants to vaccinate, more power to you, but doctors/scientists saying “younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.” by not being vaccinated w/ toxic ingredients? That is absurd! Do your research. The Great Barrington Declaration is WEAK and NOT SUPPORTABLE in my opinion.
Hi Midy,
I’ve read the article, and perhaps it gave the answer to your question.
just money. Doktors gott’a sell something. buSINess.
I’ve seen other analyses to that effect, i.e. a drop in child mortality that can only be explained by the fact that kids stay away from doctors.
Makes sense considering that medical fuckups are the third leading cause of death, at least in the US.
What is the number of vaccinations given to children in America vs that in UK/Europe?
Here in America on the cdc website of recommended dose from birth to 18 is a vile 78 different vaccines! Here in Commie California it is mandatory that kids get vaccines or no going to school. This is in violation of the Nuremberg laws
I used to feel a bit conflicted– a sort of low-grade incipient guilt or shame– for not having children.
But since the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched, I’m thrilled that I never had children; since I turned 65 this past April, I suppose that if I had reproduced, I’d be heartsick over my grandchildren becoming victims of the vile vaccination-mania.
But maybe it’s not too late to adopt a pincushion!
something like 80 available i understand
in canada
Mindy, I think the questions as to whether there has been a pandemic, and according to what definition (the 2009 WHO one does need more than 1 case, in particular not severe cases), whether there is some new virus identified that is attacking us, (Im not even going into the viral thesis in general here, only regarding some suppose covid) are critical.
If you’re interested, here’s an article about it:
The data so far shows at worst there’s been something very mild (i.e. which does not appear in hospitalization numbers, nor in overall mortality), and the biological research shows no new disease, let alone a virus, has been identified, so it would be something very mild of something unknown, and this worst case scenarios has not yet been evidenced.
Its important because this has legal implications regarding the dystopian measures: there has not been a pandemic withe severe cases, and one conforming to the WHO definition has in no way been evidenced to exist. This is as true today, as it was in Dec 2019, in the winter 2020 or spring/summer 2020.
So the measures were justified from the outset on untruths.
Just came across this link, thought I’d share it, can’t confirm it’s authenticity.
Scroll down to page 24
Sorry, that should read: scroll down to page 16 of 24
WOW! My 18yr old grand-niece has been hospitalised twice with GBS. Docs won’t say, but my belief is result of flu vaccine. Also know a retired GP paralysed on one side with TM from flu vaccine – after years of having it and giving it to her family.
What’s TM?
Transverse Myelitis
Protest in Prague … videos, pics
I think I’ve hit on something. Vaccine introduced as “dividing mechanism”. Causing disruptions by an inevitable outcry against it. Because, even despite the threat of being deprived of a job, there are surely many who will say no. And in doing so, will be relentlessly harassed by everyone else. We will have TV reports of those happily taking the vaccine and “just getting on with it” (plucky blitz spirit etc.) as opposed to those traitors who refused to be vaccinated. Cut to suitably emaciated bodies and people gasping into tubes etc.
Then coverage of care services seriously threated with collapse. Interviews with the old and the disabled etc. all dissolving into tears over their bleak future. Intercut once again with protesters denouncing the vaccine and sepulchral voiceover braying about the irredeemably selfish. Perhaps also a cut to Neo-Nazi demonstrations. And a bit about a vision of culling the weak applied to the vaccine refusers etc.
Also the Vac has mrc5 – abortive tissue- may get all the Christians as the new immigrants- re education camps in NZ- the new transportation! Blackadder- and for all em murders you done😎
It’s very very strange that we are being pushed, bullied and emotionally blackmailed into accepting this vaccine, and yet, for a long time now, we’ve been led to believe that the nation was panting for it. Evidently the powers that be are afraid that by now, too many people have smelt a rat.
Thank you so much for this, Alex.
Yup, the shitstrom is escalating, and contradictions, huh, is stacking up in piles of what I call pure manure.
Some few things, remeber when they, eh…. the authoritarians, our new overlords and their clan of priests, drooled something about some of us where, you know, straightjacked wearing barking at the moon lonatics and tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nuts, when we debated 5G M. wave Rad in the Giga Hz range, and what it can do to humans and living tisues in general, and suddenly the AmeriTards have figured out that, the Ambasy in Cuba, you know, the commies and in Russia, became sick because of, drum rol, mircowave range radiation.
Yeah, nice catch, isnt it, hehe, and people this time belives, hallelujah, probably because they have already forgotten the debate about 5G.
Consciousness do create reality, and our main problem to day is that people are stupid, religion is the opium of the masses, yeah, I laughe hard everytime I read that coming from somebody, whom then turns around and reads the news or watches the TV, the crack of the masses, right, the thing is, people dont think, everything have consequencess, doing nothing have consequencess, and thats where we are right now, despite the facts given about this CONvid scam, despite the survival rate witch is about 99.9%, despite the statistics that shows this uh… epidemic compared to last decades, despite all that, people cant wrap their heada around facts, they chouse to belive and this masses will by consent drag humanity into hell, on an road pawed with good intentions, of course, for our own health safety, and I dont belive for an second they, the NWO will give this gold calf away because this is their perfect storm.
Now I will link to an Official movie trailer, the film is called the Songbird
Some call this movie sub-liminal programing, in an sense I agrees, but to me, this also shows an reality witch isnt that much far off, the patherns are there already, we, whom denies this swindle is already been labeled as terrorists, threatened with consentration camps, loosing our children, snitch on your neighbor before they snitch on you.
An totalitarian wet dream.
I dont know if the movie is good, but I liked the trailer, its something I would make if I had the chance and this people hit the nail with it.
The Songbird trailer.
70 mayors in France have called for a halt to rollout of 5G on the basis of harm to humans and nature.
Thank you. It is encouraging to find that there are others capable of resisting the fear campaign!
As ever, always intrigued at the use of Face Masks.
Ah….questions, questions…
If masks were so essential I would have expected 1) clear standards for masks, 2) public health education videos on how to use them, when to discard etc, and 3) specific biohazard disposal facilities for used masks.
Truth is stranger than fiction. In France, “~800 million surgical masks, and another 600 million for health professionals” disappeared overnight; also HCQ. Also, why no talk of goggles, as used in China?
In the early months, I saw an academic speaking of his team efort to replace the old straps/loops of N95 masks, so that they could be reused. This was in a nation that had supposedly sent visitors to the moon.
I think I know how this is going to play out.
Those at the front of the queue for this vaccine are care workers. They will be ordered to take the vaccine “for the good of their charges”. Should these workers refuse, they will be given a stark choice: either take the vaccine or lose your job. Those who stand by their guns will lose their jobs and be ostracised by the press and the public as “selfish bastards”, “dangerous conspiracy nutters”, “Right wing morons” etc.
And the ugliest part is that those staff who stick by their guns and leave will end up damaging the care services – which of course will add to the fury of the denunciations. But even more to the point, that these care services would be damaged and perhaps even collapse would also suit the rulers who have been desperate to ruin them anyway. For the rulers it’s win/win.
During peak periods, some med. staff were making gowns out of trash bags. Perhaps they believed such a gown would prevent the “virus” from penetrating their clothes and skin.
People have an inherent desire to believe. We see it in religion. Take out the ritual and relics and people add them back in. Take the religion out of people and they put it back in.
They have always fallen for illusion and rulers have been ready to use it, since long before Prince Potemkin’s village. But illusion was something the people believed to be real. Now they participate willingly in fraud against themselves.
In recent years what was a desire for illusion has become a lust for magic.
They buy self-driving cars and insist on sleeping at the wheel, even though human intervention is still very much required. They want to believe that the car is fully self driving.
Students rack up huge debt on university educations that have become a standing joke. They know the degrees are worthless, so they universities make a third of awards first class honours and rebrand vocational diplomas as masters.
They stab at screens with their pudgy digits, and howl in frustration when the gadget fails to work its magic.
You see it in the stock market. Hucksters have always gotten rich on improbable claims but today the more improbable the claim, the richer the company. There are companies worth billions that have never earned a cent.
The second richest man in the world is dependent on government subsidies that almost match his fortune.
As the 2020 General Election in the U.S. showed, corruption extends from the root to the highest extremities of all branches of government and the media.
Nonprofits are very much for profit for those on the inside, yet people feign surprise at their venal practices. I suppose this makes sense, After all, it is the act of giving that is charity, not the non-profit itself. At some point, charity becomes stupidity.
Now tax-exempt foundations are torture the world as their plaything and people ignore every sign of malicious intent, Instead they believe, they yearn for the great billionaire to bend down and jab them in the arm with his magic elixir.
Hi admin
A bit off topic but I am still wondering why ” reply to comments” is not showing up in my email. It was a nice feature.
I have emailed you (admin) directly and mentioned it on the comment board a few times but have received no answer. A few others have inquired also, I believe.
Perhaps the absence of a response should be answer in itself, but it would be nice to have a formal explanation as to why it doesn’t happen anymore, or if it is possible to get the function back by clicking on something.
Thank you.
I agree, Judith. It was a very useful feature. I have also tried to register a couple of times for daily notification of OffG articles since the web changes but my attempts have failed. I am not so concerned about that personally, as I do check out the website every day anyway but there does appear to be a breakdown between the website and user interraction functions.
Thanks for this, and JudyJ’s affirmative reply.
I thought it might be one of those hidden “clear your cache” issues, but I cleared my cache and still haven’t gotten any replies.
I tend to forget about the “subscribe” feature at the top of the thread because I don’t think I ever had to use it before; I seemed to get e-mail notifications of replies to my comments by default. But over the past few days I used it repeatedly; it always tells me I’m successfully subscribed but I still don’t get notifications– nor do I get notifications when comments are released from spam check, as I did formerly.
Without it, as far as I know the only way to check comments for replies is to physically scroll through the thread to locate them. It’s labor-intensive and a hassle– among other things, it makes it that much harder to keep up.
I meant to e-mail the admins about this, but I’m discouraged by the credible reports that they haven’t replied to inquiries on this topic. I won’t dip into my chaotic comments archives to dust off many screeds critiquing the phenomenon of administrative opacity at other sites over the years; it might attract a hostile admin response, but I doubt if it will help to get the notification feature restored.
I hope you see this, and I’ll keep looking for you. 🙁
If you mean replies under a known article, most browsers have a “Find in page” option on their menu. Put in “Ort” and it will present your posts one by one, so reducing the scrolling required to check all threads. Unfortunately it does not span the “More” break that occurs after every 200-300 replies, so you may still have to fast scroll through the first or second lots in their entirety to get to the post/s you have in mind. The break is probably there to accommodate devices with limited memory, so may be unavoidable. If you are not sure which articles are concerned then it all becomes a bit or a lot harder. Ideally you should be able to search all the articles you (or any other BTLer) has ever posted under, as is possible in the On-Guardian, but I can think of several reasons why it may be difficult, impossible or stupid for the Off-Guardian to implement that here.
It’s largely submissive authoritarianism. I had a disagreement with a friend, a retired physician, regarding face masks. I cited an article with multiple links to scientific studies, all of which showed no statistically significant benefit to the general public use of face masks. He relied on argument from authority, citing an infectious disease expert (who probably received this information from a still higher level of authority). I told him I would not accept that authority without either a refutation of fact or logic. It almost ended our friendship.
It’s amazing how many people who understand the incubator baby, WMD and Viagra BS nevertheless will uncritically accept the authority of anyone wearing a white lab coat. After all, people trained in science and medicine went into those fields purely for altruistic reasons, right? They couldn’t possibly be bribed by Big Tobacco or Big Ag, or simply misled, could they?
The same must be said for the 97% of scientists justification of the anthropomorphic global warming hoax. I believed it until I actually started listening to dissenting scientific opinion.
I’ve been through the same thing myself – and indeed just this morning. It ended up as a shouting match between me and a friend with the tedious boilerplate conspiracy phobia being thrown at me (“hanging around these dodgy websites”/”brainwashed”/ “tin foil hat” etc.) If I didn’t name names then I was being hopelessly vague. If I did name names, I was told, “These people don’t have that much power” etc.
Fortunately my friend and I had a kind of switch off safety valve arrangement (informal) and simply passed on to another subject.
But later on I mentioned about how some people are hooked on TV and think the only truth comes from that. My friend then went into the discrepancies and licenses taken with that TV fictionalised series “The Crown”. I was going to say, “No, I meant the News” but realised the futility of that. So I just maintained the affably vague mode
WMD and 9/11 I know- now point to the incubator and viagra please sir- curious!
The second of those was featured on Democracy Now! who believed it as part of the urge towards humanitarian bombing displayed by a substantial part of the world “left” in 2011.
Or maybe they did not believe it but they certainly publicised it without any sort of health warning.
To be fair WSW did not join that particular hue and cry but they certainly dropped the ball this year.
It came to me last night! I know it as the Kuwaiti ambassadors fake testimony. I was thinking of cutting it up with Matt Hancock’s tear filled fake as about his step step dog owners auntie cousin step dad
One clip that eludes most citizen journalists regarding the Iraq war is the 9/!! Classroom scene in the morning. Remember GW is a bonesman- founded as an occult order, he was top dog. Occult believe in the power of word and numbers. It’s a counterfeit Word of God- speaking things into being. When you look at the whole day amd similar events including the 2012 London ritual with dancing nurses and Boris in an NHS bed- the evil of today’s mask ritual makes more sense- still abhorrent but you can see the veil lifted
See judyj’s post. Amazing there is propaganda so flagrant that even wikipedia can’t lie about it.
Trusting authority is a last resort. Very often, careful consideration of the facts an be relied on to point to the truth. Assad’s chemical weapons attacks were a hoax, the Scripal affair was a hoax, the US election is a fraud, masks are a hoax… Global warming is real. You need to recheck this one.
Never trust nobody. Trusting an authority is a fallacy (appeal to authority). Even an “authority” has to make sense.
If things can’t be verified, corroborated, established in any way, it’s better not to form an opinion or take sides.
Check out the Philosophical Investigations channel on YouTube, or search Holocene climate, or Milankovitch cycles, then check back with me.
I don’t need to do that 🙂 I have a physics degree and I understand the physics, which has been known for over a hundred years. I know the general effect of extra CO2 – but for a complex system like the earth it is very difficult to calculate the effects exactly, that has to be based on observation. For that, I can see for myself that the Earths natural thermometers are rising; the sea is expanding, snow lines are falling, species are migrating. I can see this and understand it myself without referring to anybody else.
A lot of things that were “known” 100 years ago have either been proved wrong, or incomplete. 100 years ago, “we” were still using blood-letting as a medical treatment, for example.
If you can “see” for yourself that the sea is expanding, can you tell me please by how much the sea around Britain has risen during your lifetime?
Or if you prefer not to give away your age, by how much has it risen say, since the year 2000, and since the year 1900?
But just say it has risen, because it’s getting warmer, do you not accept that we are in an interglacial period, and that the planet has been slowly warming ever since the minimum of the last ice age?
Just because you have a physics degree and “understand the physics”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you understand everything about the complex chaotic climate system. As you say, “it is very difficult to calculate the effects exactly,”.
The question is, is any warming that is observed (and many people have cast doubts on a lot of the temperature records – you say you rely on the Earth’s “natural thermometers” – good, but they still have to be calibrated ) man-made?
Not all physicists think that it is, e.g. Piers Corbyn, or multi-disciplinary PhD’s like Michael and Ronan Connolly.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I want to keep an open mind – I disagree with most of my friends on many things, and I do not want to “diss” you in any way. All knowledge is incomplete, and I respect your right to hold your own opinions. I think you are mistaken about this, but you are right, I don’t know everything. I generally believe one should do one’s best to assess the information we have as best we can, and not rely on simple faith in trusted sources – and I think you, and most people here, probably think the same. Best wishes etc.
Why are premises, where SARS-Cov-2 has only just possibly recently been, ‘deep cleaned’ after everybody has left the building? Because surface transmission is a proven vector of infection for many viruses, including rhinoviruses, flu viruses and coronaviruses. Even Zorro’s mask could help break such a train of transmission (reduce R0). Ergo, masks are not a hoax. Why, for well over a century now, have people in polite society been covering their mouths and noses when they sneeze or cough in other people’s spaces? To be seen avoiding gobbing all over those others and their stuff. Now go and wash your hands too. And put that sword away as well. My initial is R and I don’t want your Ts all over the place, especially not after you’ve left already.
Virus can pass through the cloth with your breath without any obstruction. But it is certainly true that masks can prevent a wide distribution of virus if you cough or sneeze, and yes, masks are useful in that respect. Although I would suggest that in the present circumstances you should seriously consider your responsibilities to others if go go out in public coughing and sneezing. Not sure what you meant by T’s and R’s; are you suggesting you have a greater right to post here than me?
Like most people, I sneeze or cough occasionally when I am not at all unwell. A sudden temperature change, something ‘catches in my throat’, whatever. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has an infectious period of a few days up to and including the first day of symptoms (but sometimes longer than that on both ends). In the case of those who contract the disease (COVID-19) asymptomatically, the infectious period is the same as if they displayed symptoms. Do you track your temperature and blood oxygenation level every day just in case you have caught something that is not yet presenting as a clear disease condition (flu or whatever)?
Who has suggested that masks provide as much protection for the wearer as for those nearby, apart from in the slightly manipulated messaging that has emerged in response to the ugly self-centredness, now clearly revealed by the chronically retarded anti-social vandals exhibiting the unrestrained ids of ‘libertarian’ and related assholes, who have always mistaken the wider world for their own private womb?
Have you heard of the village of Eyam, just along the road from Britain’s ‘Steel City’, and how its inhabitants behaved in response to an outbreak of the bubonic plague there in the mid 17th century? If not, you should hear of it. It’s a perfect illustration of the depths of antisocial depravity and moral turpitude plumbed by the current ‘my civil rights’ branch of the anti-mask zealots.
I was referring to the mask of Zorro, which I’d referenced earlier in the post, and crafting an obscure simile between it and the gobs of snot and spit modern anti-maskers are more likely than maskers to leave on that box of Stella in the liquor section. As I recall (BICBW) Zorro’s mask (at least in Hollywood versions) did not cover his nostrils or mouth, just his eyes, with a bandana covering his cranium. His marks on the public environment were quite as intentional as those of modern libertarian anti-maskers, replacing their spit and snot on bus rails and hand straps with slashes of his sword in the shape of a Z. Relative ‘rights’ to post? Absolutely not. (Hopefully you don’t wander around with a sword at the ready…)
“Incubator baby, WMD and Viagra BS”
Did they understand at the time, though, that all these things were bullshit?
It is true that we are taught to respect the medical profession but there are bad apples, incompetents and even mass murderers among them, some like Shipman were unmasked, and some are very susceptible to serving nefarious government agendas. One estimate I read reckoned that in the Third Reich roughly one German doctor in 100 had some involvement with experimentation on humans, typically concentration camp inmates or POWs.
Of course people did not understand it at the time, but most understand it now. Unfortunately, many who now understand all those were lies are in denial even that there could be lies in the corporate media and government agencies regarding Covid-19, even though there’s ample evidence (if you seriously look for it) of the lies.
The writer is expressing my thoughts almost exactly.
Regarding 911, once one realizes that 911 was a false flag operation, one can no longer trust any of the established institutions.
Well done, Mr Bartlett
Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine means ‘your body responded the way it’s supposed to,’ experts say — USA TODAY, McLean, Virginia
Well, side effects can include death. This is sometimes a warning present if you read the blurb contained in boxes of medication.
The operation was a success, but the patient died.
The article points out that the official “narrative” has been (at best) a controlled narrative. From the article, something few will bother to consider: > “The response, when I enquired of one of them, was that “it was too long, [he] did not read it”. His underlying message was clear, he was not going to consider anything beyond the boundaries established by the press.” [Another classic response]
The vast majority of digital users have junked their personal computers, and instead are using iPhone’s and other cellular junk for accessing digital information. It’s not that the letter was too long. It was that at the recipient lacked sufficient attention span and his tiny plastic toy already had him mind boggled and confused.
The scan and pixel rates on these screens are cleverly designed to confuse the users visual comprehension, and the tiny interface also utilizes pulsed electromagnetic broadcast – proven to impair cognitive function. There are thousands of studies relating the deleterious health effects of pulsed digital broadcast, yet people keep insisting their technologically astute…
On a phone as compared to paper or laptop, how much can you read and evaluate? Also, more articles are becoming one of these: (a) click-bait (b) imbedded marketing (c) fundamentalist propaganda (d) hand-waving, e.g. articles that turn out to be just videos.
Most civilians have lost the ability to read and comprehend written text. Intellectual associations created within the frontal lobes, have been displaced by cerebral and limbic associations. Emotional life (non-cognitive processing) is largely housed in the limbic system, and it critically aids the formation of memories… What memories?
The assault upon populations with unchecked video noise, has reduced IQ levels by at least 15 points in the last 30 years. All of this is well documented.
IQ itself is contentious – an understatement. By that dogma, there are whole contients of zombies at IQ 65-85, barely able to care for themselves. There are many articles pro and comments against it at
My mobile is not connected to the internet. I loathe its ability to track where I am. Small screens are ridiculous – no-one can read and absorb anything with even a modicum of depth from such a screen.
The bad spellings and grammar often found in the Net might be the result of genuine ignorance but I also suspect the tiny keybord on smartphones is often responsible.
AND – I did not spell “keyboard” correctly – let he who is without sin cast the first stone… 🙂
The brevity, pidgin, herding into groups by the invisible filters, etc. come with the technology. It builds on the undrmining of education. Overall, the overlords have succeeded in their goal.
Fact check: COVID-19 is not a hoax, it can cause pneumonia and the vaccine will not contain a microchip — Reuters, Dec 3, 2020
Touch of desperation, mebe?
I was just doing some random browsing on the Internet and came across this short series of tweets from pre-‘Covid’ days …September 2019. Revealing, in so many ways.
Right. The “virus” was in circulation in 2019. Fragments detected via PCR in the 2019 sewage of several countries.
That depends what exactly those tests were looking for but I agree that there is anecdotal evidence that ‘the virus’ in question has been around for longer than we are told to believe.
But more significantly from the tweets is the confirmation from medics themselves that the pressures on the health service at this time of year are a ‘constant’, and, interestingly, that there are suggestions that senior doctors were on the point of rebelling and working reduced hours over their pension negotiations relating to over-time payments. As we all know ‘Covid’ came along and conveniently curtailed the growing wave of anarchy in the health service and succeeded in reducing the perceived pressures on the dissatisfied senior doctors as well as the NHS as a whole.
A few quotes from the paramedics’ tweets (September 2019):
“That depends what exactly those tests were looking….” None of the tests for Covid-19 look for an intact virus. The RT-PCR tests look for RNA fragments associated with the disease in early patients, and the antibody tests of course look for antibody tests. Obviously the tests on sewage weren’t looking for antibodies, so I assume they used RT-PCR to look for RNA fragment. I don’t think the virus has ever actually been isolated and cultured. Certainly, nobody has announced unequivocally that they have. I think the early sequencing was based on RNA fragments that were then “pieced together” like a jigsaw puzzle. So far, the “virus” is just a theoretical model. For all we know, it’s just the resurfacing of a mutated, less deadly but more infectious SARS or MERS with a few common cold fragments thrown in to boost the numbers.
BTW, love the docs’ comments, especially
Warnings about over-loaded hospitals are as British as fish and chips.
Yes, those tweets are interesting, Judy.
They tell us all kinds of things to make us believe the fundamental lie. “Anecdotal” can mean an intelligence agent just planted a snippet to make us believe one way or another in a non-existent virus: produced in a Wuhan lab, been around for awhile, not as dangerous as WHO makes out, whatever … the thing is there’s no evidence of the “novel” virus at all or the alleged disease it causes. We must always come back to the fundamental truth: no virus, no nothing – nada, niente, zilch. The reality of psyops tends to be extremely simple – it’s only the massive amounts of smoke’n’mirrors propaganda that makes them seem complicated. Sure the “Solution” part of the Problem > Reaction > Solution strategy might be extremely involved but the “Problem” part will tend to be simple I’d say for at least two reasons:
1. Reality actually gets in the way of the story they wish to snow us with
2. They luurve duping us good and proper so the less reality, the better.
In case you didn’t see it in my comment below, this is a fascinating video that delves into Tara Jane Langston’s past acting experience and speculates quite compellingly on how she’s been hired for the current acting position and who has hired her.
Thanks, Petra. I regard the medics’ tweets as endorsing the contention that there is no worrisome, unique virus. Their tweets date from September of last year, when Covid19 hadn’t even been heard of. They confirm from the horse’s mouth (what we already knew) – that the UK NHS is routinely overwhelmed every year and the government never does anything to improve the situation. This is clearly not helped by the number of acute care beds per 100k population for which the UK has one of the lowest levels in Europe. Getting these facts through to the hoards of ‘narrative believers’, who believe the testimonies of nurses and junior doctors declaring in springtime that ‘there has never been anything like it’, has proved to be a frustrating challenge.
Yes, I saw your earlier post about TJL, thanks. Absolutely fascinating. I have shared the video with others. The chap who did the research and put it all together did a wonderful job. Begs the question, how many other fraudulent case histories have been doing the rounds. I suspect quite a number.
In a similar vain, I have been intrigued over the months by US doctors featuring in YouTube videos emphasising the pressures on the US health services resulting from ‘the pandemic’. Almost without exception they are aged between 25 and 35 or thereabouts, and when I have researched the individual profiles of the first dozen or so I came across they, almost without exception, are clearly ambitious individuals who had already diverged into other private career paths, such as public speaking or serialised mainstream media reporting from ‘Covid ground zero’. Any publicity or implied evidence of being at the heart of a ‘crisis’ will boost their aspirational careers no end.
Combining the narcissistic and vain ambitions of some nonentities with the unscrupulous, satanic aims of people in positions of authority is a perfect recipe for promoting the fake pandemic narrative.
All the best
Interesting about the ambitious young doctors. There was a soap opera in Australia in the 70s called The Young Doctors … but I don’t think I ever watched it.
Greek MSM commentator based in US on why the Greeks are doing less well in the autumn.with Covid. He makes a few worthwhile points, like that other diseases should not be neglected and Covid is hardly the worst health risk in history. However he blames young people for feeling “invincible” re the illness (but maybe they should – the average age of Covid death is 80). He does draw attention to the economic damage of lockdowns.
My own feeling is that Covid is on the up because it is colder and lockdown has negligible effect on the virus. In fact it is blatantly obvious that this is so.
So a virologist who calls it [SARS-CoV-2] anything other than “inconsequential” is, ipso facto, dishonest? Whatever happened to the
(with the emphasis on “or even just a difference of opinion”) of five paragraphs earlier?
Ah! You are right Robbo – but I will give Alex a berak on this one. it is so so difficult to remain completely objective all the time.
I didn’t know who this guy was at first, but finally, towards the end of the article, when I read that his younger sister is Eva Karene Bartlett, I knew. That’s a huge recommendation. EKB did some amazing work on Syria (among other subjects). It’s largely because of her and Vanessa Beeley that I began aggressively seeking out better alternative sources of news and views … a process which led me to excellent websites like this one.
Covid-911. Nuff sed.
Remember, now cash is unhygenic and shares are dandy!
“It makes me wonder, who am I to think I am smarter than the majority, more aware and more of a critical thinker than my friends and peers?”
Someone who is smarter than the majority, more aware and more of a critical thinker than your friends and peers.
Occam’s Razor applies: often the simplest answer is the truth.
“Occam’s razor” implies nothing about the “truth” (or falsity) of a proposition.
Occam’s razor is one of the most misused and abused principles around.
Particularly dangerous when people think it can be applied to deduce a conscious motive which it is not equipped to do, yet it is so often trotted out for just such a purpose.
There’s a fat old lady outside the saloon playing out her credit cards she plays for-tune The deck is uneven right from the start an all of their hands are playing a-part ~ Genesis – Selling England Buy the Pound. I like the lyric’s pun. We each and together are playing a part apart. Dancing to a different tune than a rigged pack is to draw from a different source. False or conflicted premise logically and automatically results in an outcome in like kind. Garbage in; garbage out. Invested identity in garbage is a form of being phished by reaction or running off with a stolen or mis-taken identity that is effectively locked down and masked in fear as control. That fear can pass over without being reached into and manipulated is impossible to see or conceive from invested fear set in control or in the set of the drive to control. The drive to control masks as power but is under tyranny – for it must protect its masking against disclosure. Fear driven but masking as independent elitism or self-special. The attempt to articulate the nature of life is always offering ammunition to the ego or masking in self-image, and yet masking in the words or forms or correctnesses of love is not love but fear-in-hiding – and often viciously set in defence against communication , or love. So the responsibility to ourselves is where we are coming from, for the mind of deceit is the wish to see ourselves and others as a mask over unresolved and hated fear, that is then recycled in the dark by the very attempt to eradicate or cast it out. The disintegration of the mask seems like death because it is a psychic and emotional attachment of guidance and protection, that reveals itself false and treacherous, to in a sense re-open deeper fears that were formative to our own entry and adaptation to human life, as well as to a collective or species fear or separation trauma. The quality and felt nature of being is masked off or locked down by a mind -reaction set in its own spin. The movement of being is not in time and space but is felt as the awareness in which time and space are already in expression. But a conceptual ruleset has forgotten spontaneous or unselfconscious alignment of a love of life in exchange for a mind of definition set as prediction and control – which is running ‘as if’ and investing emotionally in imaginative modelling of past and future to the dissociative denial of presence. Sacrificing the living to protect the Model, or Image. “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. ~Michael Ellner Falling apart allows for the freedom to no longer choose to persist in All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, as a futility framed in meaninglessness set as moral imperative. While a masking narrative mind-capture operates as collective agreement to ‘play a-part’ an underlying awareness of being that contains within all that it is, all that you are. Invested identity limits and masks that which identifies (everything) truly. If this reads too off-world to ‘run as thinking’, allow that reaching for resources you did not know you have or are, is the pause or release of habit-thinking to a recognisable discernment or movement of being as a step to consciously take, live of extend, now. The opportunity to extend and share in a true humanity is not about ‘sides’, so much as… Read more »
Sadly, I predict that social, physical distancing will be here forever … in place only so the surveillance cameras can identify us from the person next to us in public, facial recognition. Did you really believe social distancing stopped the coronavirus?
An entirely credible scenario… sadly
China is a crowded place! They already have the 24/7 cameras. I suspect it’s to crush us, isolate us, crush our humanity makes us fear each other. When was the last time you smiled at a passer by?
So why is it already off the menu in New Zealand?
Facial recognition is yesterday’s technology. Modern systems identify individuals by their gait. Not as easy for the human eye to distinguish but more reliable than facial data for computers.
If they relied on facial recognition, I suspect face masks would never have been touted.
At the outbreak of covid, the facial recognition products were doing badly in identifying masked persons. A few months later, they had improved to some proportion better than 90% (I read this recently but do not have the link). This may explain the about-turn in policy on masks.
Real-world, street-level, remote/covert, mass-target facial recognition systems, with or without medical or cowboy masks, are, over-all, still shit. Gait recognition is equally unreliable and too often couldn’t differentiate between Julian Assange with a sore foot and an Ecuadorian damsel in diplomatic distress. Forensically and legally reliable remote/covert, mass-target, biometric identification is still beyond available technology. What is worth the investigative allocation of human follow-up resources or the engagement of bovver boys, crooked judges or chancer state or freelance hit-men cuts no as-is mustard with public prosecutors or defence attorneys. Unless too many Off-Guardian BTLers are stacked onto the jury, then why even bother with all that expensive technical crap?
The MSM (by which I mainly mean TV, still the most powerful mesmeric medium reaching and frankly controlling the most people) will pump out increasingly large falsehoods . If they can create a phony viral doomsday scenario which no-one is actually experiencing then, no matter what resistance there is to the vaccine – indeed even if NO-ONE agrees to take it, the MSM will pump out tales of successful vaccination.
I knew there was a reason why I felt better for hardly ever watching live broadcast TV.
Useful rap sheet summary of Pfizer’s history:
Why pick on Pfizer? Investigative effort run out of puff? Can’t think of another–almost any other–big pharma name to plug into a search of corp-research? Hoping dark inference will do instead?
Pfizer are the ones supplying the vaccine to be rolled out to us lucky Brits. So we don’t have to make “dark inferences”. We know the name to be currently investigated.
It’s actually first fully approved, first used. Britain has ordered enough of the Pfizer vaccine to innoculate only 1/3 of its hoped-for uptake (everybody):
Quite apart from availability, it will probably be the case that, in the view of real, on-the-ground physicians, at least some of the vaccines will have properties which make them more suitabe for this or that segment of the population and, after the first rush to vaccinate as many of the ‘at greatest risk’ as possible, such considerations will see different vaccines being selected for different people, as clinically appropriate.
Unfortunately, I don’t think that any of them will do much for your sad substition of seemingly vapid, panic-driven assertions of externalized hostility towards an apparently uncontrollabe situation for even such easily verifiable facts as the actual numbers of actual items being procured from various actual suppliers of actual physical goods.
Well I must say Robbo, it’s so heartening that the actual names of the actually verifiable actual suppliers of these actual vaccines can be so easily actually verified meanwhile the vague threats of amorphous and infinitely malleable statistics from possibly mystical sources out there somewhere contribute to a vague but incredibly potent fear about something or other.
Panic-driven assertions indeed!
Do you really believe that the board of directors of a pubicly quoted company are going to get away with fudging the audited basis of its annual Balance Sheet and Income Statement at the AGM?
If you’re not George McPanic you bear an uncanny resemblance to George McTool. Given what the latter is like, all mendacity and misdirection, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
OK here’s my new theory. Facebook has just changed its format. And the new format is the biggest heap of fucking shit you ever saw! There’s a little icon that says, “Friends”. Now you think that might give you a list of your actual frinds. But NOOOO!. I click on it and I get a list of “Friend Requests” and also a list of “People I Might Know”. WHERE ARE MY FUCKING FRIENDS?
So I try surfing around and get various hints about a “Facebook Community” and lots of technical jargon …and then I think: Why am I even bothering with this? I don’t want a “Facebook Community” set up for me. I want My Facebook community which I thought was already there!
Well let’s consider the effect of this. I can’t contact my friends. I therefore assume that no-one can contact their friends. And I am starting to suspect this is deliberate!
Get them all hooked in and then separate them up!
“Social Media”, eh?
One word: Quit!
I don’t think I have any choice anyway. I recall one of the Ray Bradbury Martian Chronicle tales where a party from Earth land on Mars and find the happy land of their various childhoods. They pleasantly allow themselves to be split up amongst various households. When they realise it’s all an illusion to divide them up to kill them more easily it’s too late. That’s like social media.
My I recommend email? An there is nothing to stop each one of you from setting up his or her own Web site. Nothing fancy – it’s easy enough.
As for Facebook and Twitter and the rest of the corporate social media – just DON’T.
Wikipedia is an interesting special case. It’s run in an almost completely democratic way – when I tried to complain I found there is no one “in charge” at all.
Yet Wikipedia published dreadful libels on honest people, and blackens the name of most who differ from the corporate line.
As Nassim Nicholas Taleb has pointed out, it takes only an amazingly small number of people completely to change the “official” views of large groups. Wikipedia contains masses of fairly objective information about things like maths, science, history, etc. But it’s unreliable for anything controversial.
Trust me, there is always ‘someone in charge’… That’s the very reason Wikipedia is ‘unreliable for anything controversial’.
It is thoroughly scrutinized.
My I recommend email?
“Mailing lists” are the form factor of email writ large.
OffG had a recent article on Wikipedia.
George Mc didn’t bother to check out the party line of the ICFI’s WSWS and got miffed enough to blame them, the WSWS, when he came across it in their editorial position.
George Mc didn’t bother to think through the consequences of Facebook’s business model in its financialization and political context and became miffed enough to blame it, Facebook, when it became evident to him in their consequent business practice.
Time for the Off-Guardian to appoint Catte as its editorial Czar. George Mc is very miff-intolerant.
I too have found the WSW disappointing and even hysterical in relation to Covid. In terms of developments in the world it has often been more critical and less a “left” face of mainstream ideology than some left websites I could name, but this year it has really gone off the deep end.
I used to read it as a kind of electronic daily left news sheet, allowing for its biases because there was a lot of good info in there, but now it is more of a cautionary tale of derangement, served up six days a week.
George Mc couldn’t give a flying fuck about anyone’s “party line”.
George Mc got miffed at the WSWS when they started to shovel the same shit as the MSM without the slightest hesitation.
George Mc hates being bamboozled by bullshit about business models, financializations and regulatory contexts and became miffed with Facebook when it altered it’s perfectly serviceable communication facility to make it completely unworkable.
Time for Robbobobin to stop his tiresome attempts to score pathetic pedantic points against OffG and sod off to happy vaccine land.
Vaccine land? You have the wrong Robbobbobin. Your handler needs to sharpen up his tool.
“Coronavirus: NHS to begin vaccine rollout this week
What the NHS has termed the largest-ever vaccine rollout in in UK history will begin on Tuesday, the Department of Health has said. Frontline health staff, people over the age of 80 and care home workers will be first to get the Covid-19 vaccine. Fifty hospitals in England have been initially chosen to serve as hubs for administering the vaccine. Health Secretary Matt Hancock described the start of the vaccination scheme as “a historic moment”.”
“The Covid vaccine trials have happened at breakneck speed, but they haven’t skipped any of these steps.”
Not skipping the steps is surely irrelevant. Isn’t the time factor i.e. the waiting factor the whole point?
“During the 2002-2003 SARS-1 outbreak, it took about 20 months before a vaccine was made ready for human testing in clinical trials despite the fact that concerns about safety were still unresolved. This was already way too fast compared to the usual time necessary for pre-clinical trials or animal studies to be satisfactorily completed before any ethical experimentation on human beings or clinical trials can be started. Yet for Covid-19 candidate vaccines, clinical trials were started barely five months after SARS-Cov-2 emerged, bypassing the necessary pre-clinical studies normally required and ignoring the serious safety concerns in the previous attempt to rush a SARS-1 vaccine (which was eventually scrapped).”
Almost everything governments and their henchmen say about “Covid-19” is untrue. Such a viral disease may not even exist.
The whole thing is entirely political. Having made the wrong decisions early on, politicians would rather die than admit their errors. Sorry, my mistake. They would rather WE die than admit their errors.
The point of the vaccine is that they can pass it off as a “miracle cure”. You and I know very well that the amount of illness and death was never as great as that caused by some past flu epidemics. But those who cleave to the official truth don’t know that.
The vaccine provides politicians with a way out of their own foolishness. Although it will have no beneficial effect – something that Pfizer already openly admits – the politicians can claim that it has saved the day.
Today virtually no one is dying of Covid-19, but the politicians pretend that people are dying in large numbers.
After the vaccine is administered virtually no one will still be dying of Covid-19, but the politicians can pretend that the plague has been routed by their miracle cure.
“The point of the vaccine is that they can pass it off as a “miracle cure”. ”
That is bullshit!
The vax is part of the endgame, part of the plan for which the virus story has been staged. And it’s not about making money tho no doubt these tossers will do that. This is not some “mistake” that they are trying to cover up by giving everybody in the world a friggin vaccine…or three…
And force you to have it or take away all your human rights!!
If it was all a mistake, then why did they double down with a ‘second wave’ and more lockdowns, curfews, etc. instead of letting this thing fizzle out?
Legal and political liability for prematurely killing tens of thousands.
Step 1: Mobilize Politicritters, Meejah Hacks and Assorted Public-Health-Policy Nomenklatura to hype up the winter Flu…
Step 2: Roll out mass testing program with dodgy, non-diagnostic PCR test… – Dial up cycle thresholds to *MAX*…
Step 3: Declare a ‘Pandemic’…
Step 4: Roll out *Teh Vaccine*…
Step: 5: Dial back PCR test cycle thresholds to *MIN*… – *Presto-Reverso* – No more pandemic; Meejah Headlines: “*Teh Vax* saves Humankind, HOORAH!!”…
Step 6: The following winter, return to Step 1… – Rinse, Lather, Repeat…
…Steps 4+N: Big Pharma gets *PAID*, like *4-EVAH*!…
The Pfizer prioritisation sequence in the diagram seems logical to me, given what is known about Covid.,ie. not much of a threat to people who are not very elderly. It is an admission of something much of the MSM avoid presenting, namely that for most people, especially healthy people, Covid is not a significant threat.
However I am not eager to get vaccinated because I don’t know what is in this or any other vaccine.
Just don’t.
My mother is well over 80. When she (or someone else from the family on her behalf) contacted her GP’s practice, that person was told “we don’t know anything about it – the NHS are handling this nationally…”.
Fortunately, she is in no rush, and neither am I (on her behalf – on my own behalf, I won’t go near it with a barge-pole).