Where’s the Hitler?

CJ Hopkins

All right, that’s it. I’ve run out of patience. No more excuses. Where’s the Hitler?

Yes, you heard me. I’m talking to you. You respectable journalists and political pundits. You Intelligence officials and politicians. You fanatical liberals. You pseudo anti-fascists.

All you members of the GloboCap “Resistance” who have been hysterically shrieking that “Trump is Hitler!” since he won the nomination back in 2016.

Well, OK, it’s November 2020. The show is almost over. When do we get Hitler?

No, do not tell me “any day now.” You’ve been telling us that for four straight years. Do we look like a bunch of gullible idiots that you can whip up into a four-year frenzy of mindless hatred and paranoia by screaming “Hitler!” over and over, and then not produce an actual Hitler?

Well, we’re not. We remember what you said. You promised us Hitler, and we want Hitler, or at least a decent facsimile of Hitler.

And don’t even think of trying to pretend that you didn’t actually promise us Hitler. You did. You want me to prove it? OK.

Remember back in 2016, when The Wall Street JournalThe New York TimesThe Guardian, the Washington PostThe Inquirer, and other such “leading respectable broadsheets,” and online magazines like Mother JonesForwardSlateSalonVoxAlternet, and countless others, warned that Trump was sending secret anti-Semitic “dog whistle” signals to his underground army of Nazi terrorists by talking about “international banks,” “global elites,” the “political establishment,” and even “corporations” and “lobbyists” … all of which was supposedly code for “the Jews,” who he was going to exterminate if won the election?

I do. I remember that, distinctly.

How about after he won the election, when The Guardian reported that “white supremacy ha[d] triumphed!,” and The New York Times, NPR, Keith Olberman, and other verified news sources warned that America had descended into “racial Orwellianism,” or Zionist Anti-Semitism, or the “bottomless pit of fascism,” or whatever? Or when Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post confirmed that “Donald Trump is actually a fascist”?

Do you remember all that? Because I certainly do.

Remember Aaron Sorkin’s letter to his daughter warning her that millions of “Muslim-Americans, Mexican-Americans and African-Americans [were] shaking in their shoes” as they waited for Trump to round them all up and send them to the camps, along with the “Jewish Coastal Elites”?

And how about when Stern Magazine depicted Trump wrapped in the flag and heiling Hitler? Or when the Philadelphia Daily News also portayed him as Hitler on its cover?

What about when the corporate media reported that Trump had called those tiki torch Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people” (despite the fact that he demonstrably did not)? Or when they caught Trump calling somebody a “globalist”?

(That episode was particularly disturbing to me, personally, as I had no idea that I was literally a Nazi until the corporate media and the ADL explained that talking about “global capitalism,” or “neoliberalism,” or, God help me, “banks,” was just Nazi codespeak for “Kill the Jews!”)

Oh, and speaking of Nazi “dog whistles,” remember when the Department of Homeland Security embedded secret Nazi code in one of its official press releases? Or when that Jewish-Mexican-American law clerk signaled to Trump’s underground Nazi army that they had infiltrated the US Supreme Court, and thus the dreaded “Boogaloo” was probably imminent?

And who could forget when The New York Times published a full-blown dystopian fantasy in which Trump, Putin, Marine Le Pen, the AfD, and other notorious “globalist”-hating Hitler-alikes secretly formed an Evil Axis (the “Alliance of Authoritarian and Reactionary States”), dissolved the European Union and NATO, declared international martial law, and ethnically cleansed the world of immigrants? Or when they ran this propaganda film, “If You’re Not Scared About Fascism in the U.S., You Should Be!”

And the “emboldening”! I almost left out the “emboldening.” Surely, you remember when the corporate media reported that Trump was emboldening white-supremacist terrorism with his Hitlerian Tweets … as if homicidal racist psychopaths had been sitting around in their mother’s basements, semi-automatic rifles in one hand, smartphones tuned to Twitter in the other, just waiting to be “emboldened” by the president.

Oh, and the “concentration camps.” You know, the ones that Biden and Harris personally flew down and liberated the morning after they won the election. The ones where they put the kids in cages and forced all the prisoners to drink out of toilets. I couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t mention them.

And those are just a few of the highlights.

Look, the point is, you “Resistance” people promised us Hitler for four years straight, and now you’re acting like you just defeated Hitler, and, I’m sorry, but that is not going to cut it. We’re going to need some actual Hitler before we transition to the Brave New Normal, or we might start to … you know, doubt your credibility.

I mean, come on. Lawsuits? Recounts? Audits? Angry tweets? Golf, for Christsakes? This is not remotely Hitlerian behavior. You people promised us an attempted coup, a Reichstag fire, Nazi militias occupying the halls of Congress, stadiums full of Sieg-heiling rednecks, white-supremacist terrorists terrorizing everyone … and now all we get is Rudy Giuliani sweating rivulets of hair dye, or something, on TV?

All right, granted, that was pretty scary, but it’s not exactly Joseph Goebbels fanatically barking about “total war,” or legions of Hawaiian-shirt-wearing fascists goose-stepping up Pennsylvania Avenue.

The way I see it, you people have got another four or five weeks to goad Donald Trump into going full-Hitler and staging a coup, or gratuitously mass-murdering the Jews, or somebody, or the public is going to feel … well, bamboozled, and insulted, and even a little angry. They are going to feel like you “Resistance” people regard them as a bunch of total morons that you can manipulate, over and over again, with blatantly ridiculous propaganda that anyone with half a brain could see through…some of which, frankly, has been downright offensive.

Seriously, fascism, Hitler, the Holocaust … these are solemn, sensitive subjects. They’re not just convenient emotional buttons that you can press to whip folks into a frenzy of mindless paranoia and murderous hatred whenever you feel like demonizing some foreign leader or unauthorized president. The same goes for racism and anti-Semitism. These are real issues, which people care about. They’re not just glorified marketing buzz words that you can pull out of your bag of cheap tricks and slap onto your enemies like they don’t mean anything.

If you spend four years accusing someone of literally being Adolf Hitler, or the resurrection of Adolf Hitler, and brainwash millions of credulous liberals into believing that America is on the brink of fascism, you can’t just suddenly say, “We were only kidding. We didn’t mean that he was actually Hitler, or that fascism was really on the rise.”

People won’t stand for it. They’ll go ballistic. You’ll have some sort of revolt on your hands.

Or, all right, on second thought, maybe not. Maybe you can get away with pointing at some billionaire ass clown and howling “Hitler!” over and over, on a daily basis, for years and years, without ever providing any actual evidence that the ass clown in question resembles Hitler, or has done anything comparable to Hitler, or is in any way remotely similar to Hitler. Why not?

You successfully Hitlerized Corbyn, not to mention Saddam, Gaddafi, and Milošević, and a long list of other “threats to democracy.” You’ll probably get away with Hitlerizing Trump.

After all, it appears you’ve convinced the public (or at least the vast majority of the public) that they are being attacked by an apocalyptic plague that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or, more commonly, no symptoms at all) in 95% of those infected and that over 99.7% survive, and thus we have to cancel constitutional rights, let government officials rule by decree, devastate the economy (or at least small businesses), have global corporations censor all dissent, force everyone to wear medical-looking masks, put whole societies under house arrest, psychologically terrorize children, and otherwise transform the planet into one big paranoid, totalitarian theme park.

If you can get people to go along with that … well, they’ll probably go along with anything.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Dec 15, 2020 11:16 AM

Here is Hitler for you. If this gets trough a lot will get hurt https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/529128-trump-to-order-government-to-vaccinate-americans-first-at-summit

Operation Warpspeed seems be missed by you bc that is a Hitlers dream…

Listen to one of Trump’s military discuss Operation Warp Speed:

“”Upon Emergency Use Authorization ALL of America MUST receive vaccine within 24 hours.”


Operation Warp Speed




Operation Warp Speed — A Technocratic Chess Piece? STORY AT-A-GLANCE

Many of the same surveillance initiatives proposed after 9/11 have been resurrected, with updated technology, under the guise of combating COVID-19
Operation Warp Speed, the White House Administration’s effort to produce a fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine and other therapeutics, is almost entirely funded and operated by the CIA and the U.S. military
Operation Warp Speed is supporting the creation of several COVID-19 vaccines, all of which will be deployed, but to different “critical populations”
Operation Warp Speed is shrouded in secrecy that makes it difficult to ascertain the true agenda, but part of the plan is to monitor vaccine recipients for 24 months after the first dose using biosensors that record and share biological data
Like 9/11, the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as justification for the implementation of more tyrannical controls. It appears they’re laying down the infrastructure for a totalitarian control system set to be fully deployed later

Here is your Hitler in disguis and is all in front of you but you see him as our savior? Come on wake up bc you are not wake but still woke 🙂

Dec 14, 2020 8:02 PM

I read the MotherJones link you provider where you claim they accuse him of being hitler. Well they didnt. Do you just spout nonsense and hope your readers dont read the links you provide? You went from a good newsspurce to bullshit opinions riding trumptrain allday .. sad

Dec 24, 2020 12:53 PM
Reply to  mike

Yes, CJ Hopkins articles suck. “Trump is not Hitler”, can you imagine a more stupid position to take? As if Trump has not done enough damage in 4 years. Just the other day Trump granted a pardon to the shit and scum Blackwater mercenaries who drove up to a Baghdad intersection in 2007 and massacred 17 men, women and children–and seriously injured dozens more. At least two of these war criminal private mercenary scum were given life imprisonment: but Trump has now pardoned them and set them free. On other fronts, Trump has just opened up public lands for more drilling, fracking and mining corporate interests. Just last week he met with his former (and pardoned) military advisor about overturning the election result and instating martial law. But you know, this is all fine and good for the unhinged asshat CJ Hopkins, who is here defending Trump.

Dec 11, 2020 6:50 PM

The fact that the self-appointed “moral priests over the world” do not see any “trivialization of historically unprecedented crimes” in the band’s name is only due to the fact that the “Boyz” come from the (less suspicious) Belgium.

Dec 11, 2020 1:59 PM

Good article by a talented author. So thankful for this site and all members who contribute here. It is such a comfort to find real news with woke people sharing brilliant insights. Peace and blessings to all <3

Dec 10, 2020 11:35 PM

Representative Mike Johnson and 105 other members of the House have filed a “Brief Amicus Curiae”:
Brief Amicus Curiae and Brief Amicus Curiae of U.S. Representative Mike Johnson and
105 Other Members of the U.S. House of Representatives in Support of Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint and Motion for a Preliminary Injunction

Dec 10, 2020 2:38 PM

Newest developments at the Supreme Court:
“7 STATES JOIN TEXAS LAWSUIT IN STATE VS STATE ELECTION FIGHT” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZw_uJqx-PA

Dec 10, 2020 11:48 AM

‘I had no idea that I was literally a Nazi until the corporate media and the ADL explained that talking about “global capitalism,” or “neoliberalism,” or, God help me, “banks,” was just Nazi codespeak for “Kill the Jews!”‘

It’s almost like they WANTED to smear Jews with the beyond-insulting epithet “globalist”! How can one both defend Jews and smear them? WTF??!

Dec 10, 2020 10:53 AM

Off -g -is -on -topic raised the issue of how to stop the emerging global police state and to discuss the “latest development in the Covid -Gulag-Regime-resistance Front”. This important issue seems to have been overlooked by his/her critics.

Failure to address this issue is perhaps a reflection that the situation will somehow rectify itself and get better – or somebody else will come along and sort things out for us all while we vent our anger and frustration on Offguardian. That is Not going to happen.

Well, folks we brought most of this down upon ourselves and it is now the day of reckoning and taking sides, becoming organised and developing lawful strategies to deal with the situation and the problems that We the people must face.

Dec 10, 2020 12:00 PM
Reply to  -CO

Well, folks we brought most of this down upon ourselves

Actually, no. It was hoisted on a population that is trained to obey like the proverbial Pavlovian dog.

And who might be most susceptible for this kind of ‘training’, I like to ask?

Dec 10, 2020 12:49 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

Human beings are not Pavlovian dogs – dogs don’t know both sides of a question but humans do. Unfortunately, when it comes down to issues that require human beings to think for themselves regarding issues that are rather complex they would rather let other people do their thinking for them and also solve their problems too. This makes them more susceptible for the conditioning of which you speak and along with their inaction makes them steaks on the table of the perpetrators.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 11, 2020 4:09 AM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

Participants of USA INC ?

Dec 10, 2020 6:37 AM
Terry Silk
Terry Silk
Dec 10, 2020 11:10 AM
Reply to  Glenda

what are your thoughts on the study from Johns Hopkins usindg CDC data on the corona and other deaths since the pandemic which was published a couple of weeks ago and was almost immediately removed. Thankfully some people were able to save the document before they removed it,

Dec 10, 2020 12:10 PM
Reply to  Glenda

Please consider the fact, that with the massive ‘wild’ fires in the West, radioactive fallout from Fukushima was burned, too. Just like on Hawai’i Island due to the eruption of 2014. Nowhere as much as a hint, that the once again airborne radioactive isotopes make it into the lungs of people downwind. Looking at the airpollution map, the deadly smoke (not even mentioning the amount of manmade stuff going up in smoke like lead, lithium, plastics, asphalt, particle boards ect.) is still circling the Northern hemisphere.

That is the mostly the source of respiratory ailments, illnesses and deaths. Alone 4.2 million deaths from particulate matter in 2019. Any guess how many there will be in 2020? Right, none. They are now all ‘covid’ casualties. It is that simple.

Dec 11, 2020 5:37 AM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

Forget about long-distance atmospheric pollution. Every major industrial activity takes place upwind from low-value humans – an obverse of “high-value target”. Moreover, living or working within a km or so or a busy road is a proven health hazard.

Rick Giombetti
Rick Giombetti
Dec 10, 2020 2:06 AM

We have a rising fascism all right, but not in the way it is portrayed by liberals. It’s the liberals leading the charge for implementing it. I call it Bourgeois Hygienic Fascism. The rules of the Covid Coup, like wearing your face muzzle in public, had better be complied with or some violence is coming your way. The only exemption from the rules of Hygienic Fascism being the Class Privilege Exemption. You know, Pelosi visiting the salon without a mask on, or the governor of California and the mayor of San Francisco hanging out with their rich friends and at a super expensive restaurant, with no masks on or physical distancing being observed.

Dec 10, 2020 1:23 AM

Fascism IS on the rise in America but it didn’t begin with Donald Trump, he simply accelerated it….It’s been on the rise under every president since Ronald Reagan and will no doubt continue under Joe Biden.

Dec 11, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  maxine

yes, possibly Trump is decelerating the overall trend of power grab, but it’s not obvious that he’s stopped or reversed it. Guantanamo still open, Patriot Act still in place, Hilary still not interviewed under caution….

Where is the historical precedent of any country’s administration voluntarily ensuring that it shrinks its reach to half of what it used to be?

Rick Giombetti
Rick Giombetti
Dec 10, 2020 12:21 AM

According to many of the renegades on the fake left who cheered on the Covid Coup, Hitler is waiting in the wings ready to march down Main Street and take over at any moment now.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 9, 2020 10:40 PM


(we need caps and tee-shirts and coffee mugs printed with this)

Dec 9, 2020 10:38 PM

I live in a coastal region of California. The local Police Chiefs are commenting that they will not be enforcing Gavel Nusence’s stay at home order.

Dec 9, 2020 9:25 PM

In Quebec (Canada), they just sent an Amber Alert to tell us that all gatherings are prohibited (English follows French). https://twitter.com/BarrhavenGuy/status/1336756293294493696/photo/1

So I guess to fight boredom during Xmas Nite, we’ll watch police raids on family gatherings in the neighbourhood.

Dec 10, 2020 12:18 PM
Reply to  Jean

Live on the local news: “Law enforcement personel are now going through the neighborhoods to make sure nobody violates the lockdown order…”

“Shit! That’s our house! They’re coming to our door!”
Bang, bang, bang! “Open up! This is the police! We’re coming in!…”

Dec 9, 2020 8:56 PM

Help restore the rights and freedoms of We the people by joining the common law court and bring the perpetrators of this Covid scamdemic to justice before its too Late.
Effective Organisation and solidarity of the people is essential in this quiet war that is now being waged against humanity.

If you want a peaceful solution, this is one of the few viable options available. When TSHTF don’t turn around and say that you had no choice – you are either for the people or against the people no other position is possible.

Dec 10, 2020 12:21 PM
Reply to  -CO

I am just watching the tourist neighbors getting ready for the beach. Against the backdrop of heavy aerosol spraying. Life is good for the lowbrow people in Uruguay.

Dec 10, 2020 3:14 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

Aerosols from them, or from the proverbial chemtrails !!!?

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Dec 9, 2020 7:08 PM

Blimey, does this mean CJ Hopkins is the Boogaloo Investigator Matt Parsons wrote an eulogy for? I looked up the article above Boogaloo and couldn’t find a reference to it.. I thought it was a latin soul jazz dance..

Steve Hayes
Steve Hayes
Dec 9, 2020 3:20 PM

As far as I can tell, the official position on the vaccine is:

  • The vaccine does not confer immunity (Pfizer says it reduces symptoms).
  • The vaccine is safe and effective (Pfizer said so and the regulator takes their word).
  • Everyone should take the vaccine (the government et al say so).
  • The vaccine will provide herd immunity (experts, health bureaucrats and media).
  • Anyone who does not take the vaccine is selfish, stupid, ignorant or misled, and presents a danger to the vaccinated (the loudly beaten drum by all and sundry).
  • Anyone who dissents from the official narrative should be censored, and possibly criminalised (govt, opposition, media, experts, etc).
  • The vaccine will not be mandatory (govt).
  • The vaccinated will be given proof of their vaccination status and should carry it with them at all times (NHS).

I defy even the master of satire, aka CJ Hopkins, to satirise this.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 9, 2020 6:47 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

“Left out one important point. A jab of ‘Doc Billy’s Euthanasia Death Shot will cause the tin foil face diaper to drop off/peel away from every flu-zombie’s face.”
comment image


Dec 9, 2020 11:37 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

So basically the MHRA have just taken Pfizer word for it.

They have produced no peer reviewed safety data for potential long term side effects and how the vaccine could effect pregnancies or people on other medications.

We were told a few months ago herd immunity doesn’t exist. How is it even possible to build herd immunity when they claim the vaccine doesn’t prevent getting or spreading the virus?

These people are just plain stupid. Their story makes no sense.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Dec 10, 2020 10:56 AM
Reply to  Paul

They are not stupid, they are greedy, shameless and operating under the aegis of the Coronavirus Act.

This is all about rampant money making, that’s all.

Crony Capitalism with central regulations for the masses run amok.

Dec 10, 2020 6:42 AM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

More claims:
:- The vaccine is effective.. if a large (unspecified) proportion of people take it.
:- The vaccine only reduces symptoms.
:- If you get symptoms after vaccination, this shows the vaccine is working.
:- The vaccine is optional.. except for certain places or activities.

Dec 10, 2020 12:05 PM
Reply to  Steve Hayes

“The vaccine will not be mandatory (govt).”

If we’ve learned anything these last couple of decades, de facto law has finalized its divorce from de jure law. In other words, law isn’t what matters; the management of policy of corporations, institutions, and all other human groups through media campaigns to shun is what does.

Dec 9, 2020 10:59 AM

For a supposed anti Semite, Trump has certainly been helping the Zionists in Israel an awful lot.

Benjamin Netanyahu and cohorts have been playing Trump like a fiddle, and no doubt pulling on Trumps anti Muslim strings to do so.

Trump is a simple and obvious man, and will be easily manipulated by the clever and devious. You have to ask yourself why the Israeli’s are so keen on Trump.

Dec 9, 2020 11:25 AM
Reply to  ity

Off-guardian was (one of the only?) forums that allowed for discussion and taking apart the establishment narrative of Covid-19 response and new normal.

But now, it is the same old “topic”, the “toxic-topic”, the “ever present topic”. Today UNZ.com and off-guardian.org are both presenting this “Not Hitler” article.

We want to discuss the fast closing window of opportunity to PUSH BACK AND STOP THE EMERGING GLOBAL POLICE STATE.

We want to discuss latest development in the Covid-Gulag-Regime Resistance Front. WE DO NOT CARE FOR TV PERSONALITIES SUCH AS TRUMP.

Dec 9, 2020 12:46 PM

Oh, do excuse me. I don’t seem to have got the memo about what we all wanted. And there was me thinking myself an individual. Thanks for the correction.

Dec 9, 2020 11:47 PM
Reply to  ity

The question is what do you want as an individual and how can it be achieved in the context of this quiet war that is now being waged on humanity?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 10, 2020 6:15 AM
Reply to  -CO

aka State Terrorism with a Happy Face. How banally corporatissimo of them.

Dec 10, 2020 11:12 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Yes John, corporate fascism, state fascism/terrorism, totalitarianism, call it what you will but it’s not going to go away without a lawfully organized resistance movement by We the people. Join the common law Court for starters its now international.

Dec 10, 2020 12:28 PM
Reply to  -CO

I consider “lawfully organized resistence” a crass oxymoron. You are no longer allowed to organize in Merkelland, for example. Then what? It is this fallacy in thinking that enables the psychopaths to maintain the upper hand. The people must abide by crooked laws – those who write the laws are of course exempt. ‘Law’ is meaningless – unless it is common law and not code law, bent, mutilated and twisted to serve the hyperrich owner kast.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 10, 2020 3:43 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

“You are no longer allowed to organize in Merkelland, for example”

I always found “Mayday” in Berlin hilarious: an annual scheduled “riot” that never starts early or carries on too late and pretty much remains (conveniently) within the boundaries of the rioters’ neighborhood! I’m surprised the “punks” aren’t prohibited from using anything other than official, standardized, recyclable rubber riot bricks!

Dec 10, 2020 4:41 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

Sorry I disagree. Lawfully organized resistance is not to be confused with legally organized resistance under statute or Maritime law which are the statutory rules or instruments of corporations enacted through Acts of Parliament. You obviously knew I was referring to common law by my previous posts since statutes only become lawful if people consent to them hence policing by consent and by contract. Nevertheless, I accept the fact that the terms lawful and legal can easily be confused and cause problems as it appears in this case.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 11, 2020 4:20 AM
Reply to  -CO

We the people is not on the menu currently in USA INC. Unless I’ve missed some bulletin we are locked down.

Only India stages real protests, 250 million on one day strike, and expect Modi to call on Western Dawgs to seriously thwart that.

Proof of our vulnerabity is that NO western MSM carried any news on the largest strike in human history, by numbers. Incredible. That tells you all you need to know about what a sham and farce of society the US/CIA controlled West has become.


What a bald bareassed farce.

Free speech, anyone?

Dec 11, 2020 11:47 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Nothing good will happen John unless people become organized and the Common law system is restored. Ikeep saying this but it seems as if it’s falling on deaf ears and people have become lost souls in this situation.

Everyone who joins the common law court which is now international is adding strength to the numbers so that the perpetrators of this scam can eventually be brought to justice.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Dec 9, 2020 2:04 PM

This comment strongly reeks like a hypocritical response from a woke flake who feels somehow targeted by the facts exposed by CJ Hopkins in his text. My honest opinion. “toxic topic”… Come on!

This CJ Hopkins article is a perfect summary of what we all had to endure from the so-called “liberal”, “progressive”, “left”, “democratic” mainstream media and its “independent” satellites these last four years. It is a really good and precisely … “on topic”.

As to your ludicrous, incredibly arrogant posturing as having a right to say you represent the readership of Off-G and of telling, in our name, what “We Want”… Go and create your own media, dude! But I’m afraid it should eerily look like some Antifa or globalist media you fake to want to denounce. Or even like some Bellingcat, who would precisely, like you do, think the Off-G readership is some kind of a unified division, phalanx or fifth column under some kind of some Maoist ruler.
Really pathetic.

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Dec 9, 2020 6:14 PM

You do not speak for anyone but yourself.

Dec 9, 2020 6:23 PM

Whose we?

Daniel Spaniel
Daniel Spaniel
Dec 9, 2020 7:24 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

In this isolated age there is often a desire to change “I” to “we”… HRH probably wishes in the small hours she could reverse it.. and Muhammed Ali wrote a short poem about it’s collective power… but we are rocks, like Simon and Garfunkel observed, bless ’em. At least we are still vibrating…

Dec 10, 2020 12:13 PM

I do agree that the fast-rolling police state is, now, far more important than Trump.

However, no matter how emotional you feel about it, how about simply offering your opinion, instead of dictating through the royal We? I’m sure you’ll get enough agreement.

Dec 10, 2020 3:28 PM

Though I upvoted you, my experience as a “spammer” (to Off-G Admin, that is) seems to be based entirely on my comments specifically regarding the US election and the American people as willing co-conspirators – and, accordingly, contradicts your comment in that I seem to have stumbled off the COVID topic onto the political topic and therefore cannot be considered a thinking human being any longer.

In a word, “Nothing succeeds like success” – that is, succeeds in bringing out the authoritarian streak in a person or a publication.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Dec 9, 2020 12:15 PM
Reply to  ity

Trump had four years to do something useful. Instead we got, more bombs, endless bluster, wall to wall sanctions, the outrageous murder of general Soleimani, warp speed genocidal vaccines and non-stop grovelling to Netanyahu. Biden may well be worse, but he’ll have to try bloody hard.

Dec 9, 2020 2:08 PM

It’s just Washington’s ‘business as usual’.
Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush I, Bush II…?
It doesn’t make a blind bit of difference.

Dec 9, 2020 2:48 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Exactly! Atrocities will continue unabated as they always have. A different presidents name will be posted on the bomb the causes it.
All in the name of peace!

Dec 10, 2020 12:16 PM

He — and by extension, his family — could have chosen to risk all (imprisonment, life, legacy…) if he/they understood the stakes. He/they either didn’t understand sufficiently, or lacked the courage.

Dec 10, 2020 12:40 PM

Biden may well be worse, but he’ll have to try bloody hard.

Biden doesn’t have to ‘try’. It is his nature. Maybe looking at the track record of Mr. “There is no war I wouldn’t send your kids to” will help?

“A crime bill falling short of incarcerating jay walkers…” ???

If you make it to through the next four years at all, you will find out that you’d wish the small handed bafoon would be back in office. However, all things really considered, thinking what will be in four years from now is pure speculation.

Do you know how high UV radiation is already in South America? Plants can’t take it anymore. Humanity’s outlook is extinction and no more political ham theater.

White Horse Mountain
White Horse Mountain
Dec 9, 2020 10:43 AM

https://www.sott.net/article/445473-Elections-undecided-by-midnight-are-void-and-preempted-by-Federal-Law-Foster-v-Love-1997-9-0-decision “When the federal statutes speak of ‘the election’… they plainly refer to the combined actions of voters and officials meant to make a final selection of an officeholder… By establishing a particular day as ‘the day’ on which these actions must take place, the statutes simply regulate the time of the election, a matter on which the Constitution explicitly gives Congress the final say.” Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997) We will take a closer at this binding precedent below, but in preview, please understand that it emanates from a 9-0 decision of the United States Supreme Court, wherein the entire Court joined, not just the outcome, but also the opinion on this very point. The voters vote. The officials count. These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day. States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent. Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process. But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law. This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void. Citizens may file actions in the Federal District Courts and appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. Get this information to your State Representatives and Senators. Forward it to the White House if you know anyone with connections. Blog it. Video it. Podcast it. Share it in comments, please. The President’s team has not made this argument yet. They have not plead it. And they must get up to speed. You… Read more »

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 9, 2020 11:03 AM

“You were disenfranchised by the failure of States to follow federal law.”

You were intentionally disenfranchised, from the very beginning, by a system that allows the electorate to appear to choose between one appointed candidate and another. This keeps the political process sealed, from proletariat “interference,” behind several firewalls, and the sham is glorified using stagecraft and rhetoric. The trick is brilliant: if Duh Masses can’t even pick who the candidates in the electoral “contest” will be, TFIC never have to worry about the results.

2020’s “election results” are a circus-distraction. Why can’t we swing our attention toward the fact that the lower 75% of the economy is being crushed, deliberately, in order to bring about “The Great Reset” (that Bill Gates and the WEF et al are excitedly babbling about)? The Neo-Feudal upheaval is gaining momentum: why are we talking about “election” results in a system designed to ignore us? The same cult-of-personality-tricks that seduce half the electorate into loving Trump seduces the other half into hating him: both sides are Duped. We need to focus on the action. We are obediently focusing on the distraction instead.

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 9, 2020 1:48 PM


Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 9, 2020 10:33 AM

But… but… isn’t “talking about (and otherwise obsessing over)” Trump exactly what TFIC* want us to do? You know: so they can pull off The Great Reset without most of the Cattle even being aware of the term? All the duped Liberals, with middle class jobs, who haven’t been financially devastated by the lock-down, fight the Anti-Covid-Hoax Army (that’s us) in terms that begin and end with their Trump Hate. They don’t see, hear or feel the Great Reset freight train barrelling down the tracks towards us all because they’re wearing headphones, goggles and thickly-padded “protective clothing” keyed exclusively to Trump this, Trump that. Why should we contribute to TFIC’s own efforts to drown out everything but Trump or thoughts thereof? I think the fuckers derive particular pleasure from duping us into helping them speed their schemes along. Maybe we should focus on The Great Reset (aka The Fourth Industrial Revolution) to the extent that its terms and concepts** enter the mainstream conversation. I think even Liberals might be horrified at the “no possessions,” “no privacy,” and “government by algorithm” promises being made by Gates and Schwab and all the other defective psychos in power. The few Liberals who are familiar with the meme seem to believe it’s just a silly conspiracy theory. Shouldn’t be difficult to prove it isn’t. But first we have to change the topic of conversation from Trump This, Trump That to the shit that’s really promising to kill us. . *The Fuckers in Charge **For example: for all the tech talk about “Transhumanism” and “AI” we’ve been spattered with for a decade, both concepts are pure Sci Fi and no closer to being realized, in any meaningful way, than interstellar travel… BUT what these memes are is bait, they’re a gimmick, a hook, to get… Read more »

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 9, 2020 2:00 PM

Double Bingo!!!!

From now on whenever anyone(especially liberals, progressives etc…) mention Trump with the outlook that you so correctly laid out in your post, I will ask them to please explain their understanding of The Transnational Capitalist Class. I want to begin to challenge people to do more critical thinking.

The Global Police State by William I Robinson is a great book. Peace

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 9, 2020 6:08 PM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

Thanks, Denny, I’ll have a look at the book you suggest!

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 9, 2020 8:22 PM

The Global Police State was released in Sept. 2020. It was held up for publication due to restrictions on lockdowns etc…It does not mention Covid since it was probably written at the very beginning of Covid, late 2019 early 2020. If you do read it, read it with Covid in mind.

I read “Giants, The Power of the Global Elites” by Peter Phillips which speaks of the new name for the Global 1 percent and that name is The Transnational Capitalist Class. Both authors are using this term to get people to understand the workings of world power. Peace.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 9, 2020 9:59 PM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

Good leads! Are you already a reader of Dave McGowan’s work?

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 9, 2020 10:37 PM

(In case you aren’t, check his material out: Dave (rip) is one of The Godfathers of the Unauthorized Parapolitical Analysis Movement; never read a single false note out of him; one of the few from that era who weren’t Controlled Opposition/ Limited Hangout or cartoony “black-washers”)


Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 10, 2020 1:35 AM

I am not….but I will be now. Thank you. Peace

Dec 10, 2020 8:23 AM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

Absolutely! Can’t recommend Dave McGowan HIGHLy enough. “Laurel Canyon” is particularly mind-bending. Read everything he’s got.

Dec 9, 2020 2:48 PM

Did you watch the presentation at West Point by Dr. Charles Morgan III, in the video below, posted by Magumba?

Nothing Dr. Morgan mentions is science fiction. Most of the references are old technology. Anything published that has been used in a military or defense context, is at least a decade old by the time it’s published.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Dec 9, 2020 2:58 PM

Hello Steven Augustine: You said: “**For example: for all the tech talk about “Transhumanism” and “AI” we’ve been spattered with for a decade, both concepts are pure Sci Fi and no closer to being realized, in any meaningful way, than interstellar travel…”

Damn straight.

I’ve concluded the AI “scare” is simply enhanced fantasy > an over-hyped financial investment > a selling point sold to congressional shills and PAC lobbies. If military based biotechnology is so advanced, then why all the epic failures of AIDs, Ebola, Zika virus, SARS, etc? If biotechnology is so advanced, then why aren’t the streets piled with covid fatalities? If biotechnology is so advanced, then why can’t these slobs design an accurate anti-body test for these alleged epidemics? They are only competent at selling fantasy and bling.

It’s all scare mongering intended to enhance civilian acquiescence to masking, lock downs, vaccines, and quarantines. The distant drummer never shows his face…

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
Dec 9, 2020 5:45 PM

“They are only competent at selling fantasy and bling.”

The truly irritating thing: the nonsense works!

Dec 9, 2020 6:14 PM

Hi Paul, they can only create viruses by injecting people with vaccines. There are no viruses, not in the contagious sense. Polio, Swine Flu, H1N1, Zika, Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, all fraudulent scare campaigns that create a flurry of testing, medical compliance and experimentation, quarantine laws, vaccination campaigns, pre-programming tools designed to sell the current crisis to an unsuspecting populace.

Since the government and military have not been able to create a contagious bioweapon, their concept of a bioweapon is achieved by using injectable biologics that create disease in the short and long term, thus creating a circular economy for pharmaceutical corporations.

The nanotech in patents that will probably end up in some of the vaccines yet to be rolled out, have the potential to cross the blood brain barrier, and coupled with targeted EMF signals from 5g could be used to control neurological function and processing.

AI is just machine learning using algorithms to influence behavior in targeted audiences such as google already use in their online platforms.

Dec 10, 2020 6:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

A low-dose or delayed chemical weapon may suffice. Some have opined that the steep outbreaks in Iran and N Italy arose from “low-dose” sarin that drones dispersed. It causes breathing difficulty, and was rested on home ground.

Incidentally, drones were a part of curfew enforcement in Spain and UK.

Dec 9, 2020 6:26 PM


Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Dec 9, 2020 9:42 AM

Thank you CJ, this is such an excellent article and a labor to round up all that ick, Fantastic. In my collection of retorts for the unfortunate media deluded.

Dec 9, 2020 8:40 AM

I believe Hitler is semi-retired in Texas, and has recently pledged to have the covid ‘vaccine’ on live TV, alongside his partners in crime Clinton and Obama. Should be on Death Row.

Dean Michael Jackson
Dean Michael Jackson
Dec 9, 2020 6:46 AM

Trump giving the Marxist raised clenched fist salute during inaugural speech… ?w=560 (Why do you think Time magazine chose that particular moment to capture for its Inaugural front page picture?) …and in Poland… https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/in-sweeping-speech-trump-calls-out-russia-for-supporting-hostile-regimes …invented in 1936 Spain by Spanish Marxists fighting the Nationalists, a counter to the Nationalist salute where the arm is placed at a 90 degree angle, ensuring the fist is facing forward, as the palm in the nationalist salute faced front… ?width=445&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=e0045fe96d604730aa6e66ca40b816e8 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/fall-of-the-berlin-wall-it-was-thanks-to-soviet-leader-mikhail-gorbachev-that-this-symbol-of-9829298.html A simplified variant of the Marxist salute is to raise the arm vertically, but ensuring the fist is still facing front. ..and… http://i4.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article6983342.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Donald-Trump.jpg …and… …and… http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/06/08/8fa22733-7ef1-42a9-8fc2-81cf98c1c3ab/thumbnail/620×350/0cf23f8a0c30882d7c1f1b98c48be229/rtsghe3.jpg …and… Trump’s comrades in arms… https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/fall-of-the-berlin-wall-it-was-thanks-to-soviet-leader-mikhail-gorbachev-that-this-symbol-of-9829298.html Watch between 54:39 – 55:25 minutes… https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=genius+of+the+modern+world+karl+marx+episode+1+of+3&&view=detail&mid=34A2895E614F05514D6F34A2895E614F05514D6F&&FORM=VDRVRV …and… https://www.sbsun.com/2016/05/24/bernie-sanders-promises-change-in-riverside-speech/ …and… https://readersupportednews.org/component/content/article/318/59054-bernie-sanders-throws-up-a-fist …and… https://www.google.com/search?biw=1440&bih=787&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=DlLSXPukCOmm_QbvoZL4CA&q=bernie+sanders+clenched+fist&oq=bernie+sanders+clenched+fist&gs_l=img.3…102307.106176..106594…0.0..0.108.1359.13j2……1….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67j0j0i8i30j0i24.jFjMH_YcHVY#imgrc=skXcKY1vYS-DLM: Now you know why Trump has a Yugoslav Marxist for a wife and his Yugoslav communist party member parents in law live in the White House, and why Trump adores Soviet Russia. But the Marxist co-option of the United States runs much deeper (how do you think a clown like Trump became the president of the United States)… West Point graduate (May 2016), 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone, giving the Marxist salute, and showing his cap liner where it’s written, ‘COMMUNISM WILL WIN‘… https://web.archive.org/web/20190614101017/https://twitter.com/punkproletarian/status/912065310232072192 https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2017/09/26/west-point-responds-to-tweets-of-cadet-with-che-guevara-tee-under-uniform/?fb_comment_id=fbc_1659645457440855_1665758813496186_1665758813496186 Rapone’s comrades are standing around unconcerned with his shocking behavior, not to mention the West Point graduate taking the picture. West Point cadets at Army-Navy football game giving the Marxist salute… West Point cadets at a July 4 (2011) concert at Trophy Point giving the Marxist salute… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Army_Strong_song_at_West_Point.ogv West Point cadets giving the Marxist salute… http://i.ytimg.com/vi/nisJrya1hG0/0.jpg Now you know how the United States lost the Korean and Vietnam wars! At my blog, read the articles… ‘House of Cards: The Collapse of the ‘Collapse’ of the USSR’ ‘Playing Hide And Seek In Yugoslavia’ Then read… Read more »

Dec 9, 2020 9:53 AM

either a piece of rather lousy satire or a lot of bullcrap of the not so finest…

Dec 9, 2020 5:44 AM

Here have something to make your head go boom….and remember this isnt some tinfoil convention…this is a lecture at West Point from 2 years ago

Dec 9, 2020 10:17 AM
Reply to  magumba

i posted this the other day glad someone else watched it
Mass vaccination makes sense now doesn’t it

Dec 9, 2020 3:10 PM
Reply to  mae

Yes. Gene editing. Gene Transduction. Millimeter Wave Mind Control. Hive Mind Hookup. Memory Erasing. Implanted Memories.

Was it you who posted the cow swab vaccination video a while back?

Check this out:

“Johns Hopkins Researchers Engineer Tiny, Shape-Changing Machines That Deliver Medicine Efficiently to the GI Tract”

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Dec 13, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  magumba

Thanks. The most revelatory part for me is the part encoding video information in DNA, that can be passed down to future generations and then decoded, with high fidelity.

Makes you wonder…what kind of information might already have been encoded into all that “junk DNA” in the human genome, and how it might have been planted there…

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 9, 2020 5:03 AM

For someone like myself, who has reveled in a number of Mr. Hopkins’ comic tours de force, this offering is not so comic as disappointingly absurd.

The whole premise of it flies in the face of a lot of chronic lies and misdirections and two faces of The Orange One and is not so savvy a take on what’s really been happening the last 5 or 6 years here in Trumpland. Beyond that, the piece used up too much of what patience I have left to spare any more, with that kind of thumping argument, and I’ll leave it at that. One star max, just disappointing.

Where have you BEEN the last 5 years, Hopkins? Berlin?

Dec 9, 2020 6:03 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Shoot not the messenger

And what do you mean Hopkins ?…what is that ?

Berlin ?…never been there

I care not for your star system and have a desire to see you in the box in the monkeys place …merry christmas

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Dec 9, 2020 10:07 AM
Reply to  magumba

CJ lives in Berlin (though he is American).

John Ervin
John Ervin
Dec 11, 2020 4:33 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Now THAT is comic, at least: I got more downvotes for my comment above than all my others combined since the Hoax went viral in March.

As I knew I would.

Oh yeah? I still think Hopkins’ article sucks. Out loud. SO THERE!

He went from a comic avatar to a came-out troll in a few flicks of his keyboard. AS far as I can see, for now.

Say it ain’t so, CJ !!?

If he can’t tell how much Trump sucks elsewhere, that’s evidence enough for me. Global Research has an article yesterday on how Trump has created the preambles and pre-staging for the most dangerous war scenarios ever, in the looming. Ah, but he wouldn’t push the button. Like the virus, he delegates it elsewhere.

The Donald does bidness just like any other Mafia “Don”. Others do the dirty work. Man, what a thin disguise.

Don Donald.

Capice, paisano?

Dec 9, 2020 12:55 AM

No doubt this has been posted on this board already…


At 6.30 this morning in the UK a poor old gal was the first to be injected with this shite vaccine (in time for the ‘morning news’).

From 7am onwards there was a tidal wave of propaganda from the ‘news’ organisations and people who should probably be locked-up in jail.

It was all completely orchestrated and has no basis in reality.

Dec 9, 2020 2:23 AM
Reply to  RobG

Old gal ??…she’s getting younger

Margaret Keenan died in 2008….there are no Margaret Keenans registered anywhere in Coventry

I have a screenshot here which shows her in a picture used by Fox 13 Tampa Bay showing her to be ”102 year old woman born during the 1918 pandemic beats covid 19”

The almost identical photograph underneath and used by RTE titled ”90 year old woman first to receive covid 19 vaccine”

I cant get it to fit and post even after several attempts at resizing

There are numerous links appearing online which appear to show her to be a crisis actor and along with Billy boy (who was shown in an identical picture used by CNN in OCTOBER 2020) he is one also

Dec 9, 2020 8:19 AM
Reply to  magumba

She doesn’t appear to be 90 either – maybe 80 at a stretch?

Dec 9, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  magumba

I’m sure if you asked in her home of origin in fermanagh she’s long dead too.
Is there a screenshot of the name registration of her not being in coventry?

Dec 9, 2020 10:18 AM
Reply to  RobG

did you see her hand signs

Dec 9, 2020 12:21 AM

Traditionally the right & far-right had an image problem, they were regarded as authoritarians, racist, nationalistic, and corporate puppets. So it looks to me like the CIA have been rehabilitating them for the past few years.
Their task was to make the socialist, the natural champions of the working population, extremist demons, and replace them with a neocon neoliberal, fake-left, easily done by sponsoring politicians with Corporate funds. Whilst running along side, the ‘lefts’ new ‘entertainment wing’ the woke-left also a CIA creation, who would be used to provoke conservatives and discredit the socialists by association. Through these actions the political wing of the CIA, the Alt right, could then be made the heroes and be normalised as the freedom fighters.

The far-right are now meant to be seen as:
Anti-War. Whilst spending on the military,
Anti-Establishment. Even whilst being in power.
Pro-free speech, Whilst their oligarchs, robber barons censor.
Pro-liberty freedom. Whilst abolishing privacy and increasing surveillance.
Pro-workers interests. Whilst cutting wages and banning unions.

The CIA have now characterised the left as:
Are the Establishment.
Pro-Censorship: Championed by social media, (Facebook, twitter) Corporate oligarchs amazingly described as left wing.
De-platforming. Creating non-people.
Anti-Semitic. Used to purge the real left.
Destructive: demonised for violent civil rights demonstrations.
Anti-workers: interests through internationalism & free trade.
Pro global warming: anti worker.
Pro Covid: anti worker.

They have created an alternative universe where the far right are the heroes.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 9, 2020 3:26 AM
Reply to  FOX

It’s worked pretty well! And the “left” that is not already “controlled opposition” (de facto CIA fronts), the rest of them are so afraid of the “conspiracy theorist” label that they will not investigate any (let alone the biggest one in history – Covid-1984) State Crimes Against Democracy! *
*(to use Prof. Lance Dehaven-Smith’s term)

Dec 9, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

the “left” that is not already “controlled opposition” (de facto CIA fronts), the rest of them are so afraid of the “conspiracy theorist” label that they will not investigate any State Crimes Against Democracy!

surely the most economical explanation is that they are all, in fact, de facto CIA fronts. if they were in any way authentic, they would know that the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented by the CIA to discredit actual opponents of the government, and not fear it. it’s only middle-class liberals, with their comfy NGO salaries to consider, who cannot afford to offend their sponsors.

Dec 9, 2020 10:38 AM
Reply to  Antonym

holy shit china is now the threat!! they must hate our way of life, all our freedums

Dec 9, 2020 12:19 AM

Where’s the Hitler?

Well he is hiding behind “operation warp speed” trying to force vaccinate all Americans in the bigest human medical experiment in history. Mengele would be proud!

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Dec 9, 2020 10:11 AM
Reply to  dada

Honestly, that’s my one big concern with Trump: he hasn’t repudiated the vax agenda.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Dec 9, 2020 2:31 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Trump was always a malevolent trickster, put up to create a distraction/false hope/monster-of-the-week while Techno-Fascism was rolled out under his watch.

Dec 8, 2020 11:59 PM

America’s CIA are on a Nazi nostalgia trip, recreating Communists vs armed Brown Shirts, running battles in America’s streets and Steve Bannon is mass producing Hitlers in eastern Europe. ……… How much Hitler do you want.

Dec 9, 2020 2:27 AM
Reply to  FOX

Moar Hitler…..we need alien hitler……only then will the massed armies of the extreme far right (closed wednesdays due to staff training) be happy then the 4th reich can be installed and finished in time for ima celebrity fascist baking cakes whilst escaping fortress Europa…on ice

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 8, 2020 11:57 PM

Every time I see this author’s name it takes me back…C HOPKINS CAFE Mighty Good Cuisine (Mg,Cu).

The essay was “BEEFY”

Problem is, too few people of the target audience in America know enough about Hitler to understand the significance of the comparison. (in my opinion)

Better off just labeling him a Bozo.

Dec 9, 2020 8:01 AM

The ignorance in Europe is not much better. Even on OffG, there are persistent attempts to equate fascism to Nazism. Even in 2020, not even Germans can discuss, question or dispute offical history. Generations have lived and died “in the shadow of the great lie”.

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 8, 2020 11:40 PM

Great article….thank you. When I look at this whole craziness with Covid and how a lot of people are falling for this, I can only come up with one logical assessment……A real con man or women, if they are really good at the con, will not pull the con over on just the weak or vulnerable. They will pull the con on the so called educated class….enter progressives, liberals, moderates, some conservatives and even some socialist. I see this happening with so many of these groups and the web sites that support their point of views. All of us have good friends who are wonderful people but they are not reading and doing the critical thinking that must be done on web sites like this one. They are the ones that are being conned.

I am not a Trump supporter or a Biden supporter. I have graduated to the free thinking group of people who want to think for ourselves. If there is going to be more lockdowns and giving up more civil liberties etc…it will be done with the manipulation of the groups that I mentioned.

The con is being done by The Transnational Capitalist Class on a global scale. They are bright and cunning. They are nobody’s fool. But they are vulnerable since they possess no truth or compassion within their own class. Stay strong people, the world needs us. Peace.

Dec 9, 2020 2:29 AM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

Its EASY to con the so called “educated” classes, because their Vanity Narcissism and sociopathy, encourages them to think that common sense and logic is beneath them, as far as they’re concerned its far too simple for their huge brains to waste their time with, surely they think to themselves, if there is an answer to life the universe and everything, it will be a very complicated answer, that only they can comprehend, the unwashed masses must therefore hang upon their every word and come to them for instruction on how to live their lives ! The “educated” are amongst the most stupid vein and sociopathic people on the face of the planet and most of them only hold positions of power and have wealth, because of nepotism or because their ill conceived ideas match those of the banking classes who push for communism and world government ! If they had to survive in the real world and build a company from scratch and gain influence through merit, most of them wouldn’t survive two seconds !

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 9, 2020 8:13 AM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

About right. The oligarch-centrist blob are not really political in the sense of having a prescribed ideology. What should be understood is their total adherence to POWER, by whatever means. They operate in a type of ruthless opportunist cynicism. They are Orwell’s ‘Inner party’ in his dystopian novel, Or like Jack London’s Benefactor in ‘The Iron Heel’ or Number One (obviously Stalin) in Arthur Koestler’s dystopian novel Darkness At Noon.

The real fanatics are the next layer down in this structure ‘the outer party’ It is noticeable during the ‘two minutes hate’ sessions that the inner party grandees sit in the front row wearing the black boiler-suit uniform of the inner party; the faces are deadpan and impassive. The rest of the blue-suited outer party who fill 90% of the seating arrangement are soon whipped up into a frenzy when Immanuel Goldstein leader of Eurasia is shown broadcasting on the huge telescreen.

Our own societies follow this pattern. Our own outer party consisting of the usual scum crowd of journalists, corporate lawyers, academics, politicians, etc., whose political function is to buttress the rule of the oligarchy, a function which they perform with alacrity.

All the political theories apropos of capitalism, socialism, third-wayism, Labour versus Conservative, Republicans versus Democrats, and so forth are a complete waste of time, are completely misdirected and completely miss the point: What we have is, whatever you want to call it, simply a power struggle between the have and their protectors and the mass of have-nots.

”If there is any hope it lies with the Proles.” But this becomes an act of faith when you look at the faces in the street.” Orwell 1984

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 9, 2020 2:10 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

thanks for your insights……I have much to learn. Peace.

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 9, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

thanks for your reply. I was also thinking about our own friends and associates who are completely in the dark regarding the plan of The Great Reset and The Transnational Capitalist Class.

You have given me a lot of other insights that I need to understand as well. Thank You. Peace.

Dec 10, 2020 7:06 AM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

As the crises mount – including climate change (that cannot exist because it is not man-made) – we expect entire societies to succumb to irrationality.

Dec 9, 2020 2:33 AM
Reply to  Denny Kirk

Its not a con…its an extremely well planned and orchestrated psychological operation carried out on the UK population by a whole host of eminently qualified ”experts” in their fields

Have a look at the backgrounds of many many of the members of these various UK government committees

This is no con trick done by a shady magician with cheap props and a shit line in patter

Its an orchestrated attack on the British public


Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 9, 2020 2:08 PM
Reply to  magumba

thank you.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 8, 2020 11:37 PM

Trump is Jewish, so the entire argument holds no water

Dec 9, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  May Hem

I thought he was a Jesuit Freemason Episcopalian. Who learned Kabbalah.

Dec 8, 2020 11:30 PM

Had Steve Bannon not spent the whole election, reliving Hitler’s rise to power through Trump, then the accusations against Trump might never have been made. But from the victimisation of immigrants, anti Muslim rants, illusions of national greatness, encapsulated in the slogan ‘Make America Great Again’, even matching Hitlers persecution complex from International conspiracies to undermine America, division in the streets of left vs right, like the Communists vs, the brownshirts, to him making rallies at airports as Hitler did, Bannon pulled out all the Nazi tricks. The parallels are endless.

Combine that with the charismatic leader, with little substance other than to help his billionaire mates in t5he military industrial Corporate complex. , who clearly had no morals to speak of, and an obvious dislike for the limitations of democracy and a free press, so what do you expect people to think?
The newly created millions of jobless, homeless, uninsured, Americans, who were driven to desperation under his presidency and under his policies, will soon be demanding blood and this will be because of his actions or lack of actions. So he may not be Hitler, but he has certainly laid the groundwork for a civil war and a dictatorship.
And where is Steve Bannon today? Creating little Hitlers all over Eastern Europe, using ‘The Movement’, pushing Fascist as part of a CIA operation to serve US interests. The US is not only flirting with fascism, it has been, for a vey long time, a vital part of their weaponry, from the Ukraine, Chile to Guatemala, turned on people all around the world, and has now been turned on Americans themselves. How far they go will be decided by how much people resist.

Dec 8, 2020 11:08 PM

What else to say Gray Lady revealed herself as a cheap whore long time ago when she praised Malcolm X only to in matter if weeks smear his still war dead body. True, Trump is a corporatist Fascists so are those lowlifes who run NYT and other fake news factories.

Dec 8, 2020 9:09 PM

Close, but no cake. Why? Because for one, all this outrage and painting Trump (who couldn’t write anything like ‘Mein Kampf’) as a new Hitler – most disturbingly from the German ‘press’ – is nothing but psychological projection.

And here comes the undeniable truth:

There is a new Hitler indeed. However, this time around he reincarnated as multiple personalities:

Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, Biden, Netanyahoo, Merkel, Orban, Johnson, Modi, Abe, Macron, Bolsonaro, Anez, Trudeau, Conte, Erdogan, Saud, Duterte…

They all carry an aspect of the greatest Führer of all times and especially Merkel the Ferkel feels like the Führerin after 16 rigged years of fascist rule.

The world is full of Hitler fragments and I am glad there will never be one again in one piece. Finally people are waking up to the fact that ‘voting’ means “choosing one’s own misery” and that real change will only come from an extra parliamentary spring cleaning, where the filth will be hung out into the warming sun.

The times of obedience need to come to a swift end now. Or very, very badly ‘else’.

My appreciationand gratitude though for an article that peels out the psychological projection of the real fascists – the corporatists and their sycophants, henchmen and mouthpieces in the so called ‘media’.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Dec 8, 2020 11:29 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

Sounds like we need a Hitler PCR test…….. Too bad the test is wrong over 90% of the time…

Voxi Pop
Voxi Pop
Dec 8, 2020 9:07 PM

An Organ Harvest Genocide/
Ex-Soviet: Pandemic A Ruse For Economic Reset/
Top Economist: China In Key US Positions Until Trump/
CNN: Deaths After Vax? No Big Deal/
China Dominion Money Trail/
Antifa Attacks Police/
Aliens In Hiding

Dec 8, 2020 8:44 PM

Anecdotal: There was this one time I heard Hitler go on about democracy
on an internet website and felt it was a bit too close for comfort.

Dec 8, 2020 8:30 PM

I remember shocking a progressive friend when my usually polite self said someone should slap Hillary for comparing Putin to Hitler after USSR lost 6 or 10 million soldiers and many more civilians defeating Germany.
I’m buying CJ Hopkins’ book for Christmas.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Dec 9, 2020 10:48 AM
Reply to  ttshasta

Imagine what would have happened if there were no USSR … nazi Germany would have gotten a hell of a lot further on other fronts, that’s for sure!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Dec 8, 2020 8:09 PM

If you read up on German fascism — the most accessible work is still William Shirer’s “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” and “Berlin Diary” — then you’ll get a pretty good idea about how the Nzis achieved and consolidated power, how they were organized and how they operated. You’ll then notice quite a lot of parallels between old school Nazism and modern “Trumpism”. They’re not the same, obviously, but the parallels are there and are probably more indicative of the universal quality of human nature than any political alignment.

So we dodged the bullet (more or less) this time. Great. However, anyone who thinks that this brush with fascism is over is kidding themselves. The reason why Trump’s not our Fuhrer for life is more a reflection of his incompetence and unrestrained egoism than our abhorrence for the idoleogy. Put another way, if Trump had been a bit more concerned with consolidating power rather than just exercising the trappings of power and being a lot less impulsive with his Twitter bully pulpit he would have easily carried off re-election. He would then have been free to continue the takeover of both law enforcement and the civil service which would have made it far more difficult to dislodge him and his cronies from power in the future, much less undo the damage to our system of government. Lessons will have been learned about the need to have controllable puppets as our leadership figureheads and you can bet they’re be applied — we’ll have another populist but this time one with a tad more common sense, someone who knows which side his bread is buttered on (it may well be a ‘her’ these days, of course — a more acceptable face of modern power).

Dec 8, 2020 8:47 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I will grant you the bit of mistery, QueerAnon versus Arian descent.

Dec 8, 2020 9:16 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The glitch remains in the thought that fascism in the U.S. would be Trumpism. It’s not. Fascism in the U.S. is ‘Americanism’. No matter who occupies the dark house – the bombs will keep falling. Plus, Biden closer resembles Hitler than the small handed Donald.

Dec 8, 2020 7:52 PM

comment image

Denny Kirk
Denny Kirk
Dec 9, 2020 9:40 PM
Reply to  mae

He was better off staying in the coma…….besides……the hat doesn’t even fit!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 8, 2020 7:31 PM
Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 8, 2020 7:25 PM

Yeah, I was wondering that too. How is that this “fascist”, this “Hitler”, this “dictator” was apparently voted out of office w/out the mass violence that we were constantly warned was sure to happen?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 9:16 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

“voted out of office?”

“Please! In SHAM DEMOCRACY USA every little corporate fascist ‘presidential dictator’ hack is either rigged out of office or no longer able to be in office.


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 8, 2020 10:00 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Your reading comphrension is not so good? Maybe you read too fast? I would argue that my use and placement of the word “apparently” covers your complaint.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 10:20 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Did not intend to offend.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 10:21 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

If I did, I apologize.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Dec 8, 2020 10:01 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Trump has yet to be voted out of office except by the corporate media. And yes, there will be plenty of mass violence when either of the contestants are installed. If it is Biden, it will be by conservative and libertarian Americans who were actually obtuse enough to have believed in “democracy.” If it is Trump, it will be by Soros paid thugs under the guise of Antifa and BLM as well as CIA cutouts. A few deaths will be of Cult Covidian snowflakes who picked up an AR-15 for the first, held it backwards, and shot themselves. Either way, Americans lose. All by design.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 8, 2020 10:17 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Well, we won’t have long to wait to see who’s right!

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Dec 9, 2020 11:50 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I’ve had the same grim thought myself. Hope it’s wrong. We’ll see …

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Dec 10, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo


S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 8, 2020 7:15 PM

“Welcome to CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC WORLD. Where every untermenschen and useless eater gets a EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT and every prole-slave gets to own nothing and be happy, for the OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH MASTERS (that own them) will be happy for them. Adolf Hitler’s vision is complete.”
comment image


Dec 8, 2020 7:14 PM

Speaking of l global corporations and economic devastation,I see that the Government UK Ltd registered at Companies House : Company No. 05522373 has now applied to be struck off the register and dissolved!

In dissolution any remaining assets will then be passed to the Crown. If there is any grounds for objection ‘guidance ‘ is available. Also if in doubt we are required to seek professional advice. Comments please!!

Dec 9, 2020 2:38 AM
Reply to  -CO

A company once struck off is no longer liable for anything done in its name after the dissolution no ?….the glorious leaders of eminent wisdom and munificence for the greater good can swill their hands in the trough to wash off the blood …after they have taken their trotters out

Dec 9, 2020 2:51 PM
Reply to  magumba

If that’s the case then
yes under statute or Maritime law only, but not under common law – those who are responsible for any harm, loss, injury or death resulting from the bogus vaccine roll out can still be sued in a common law Court. That’s why numbers are required to join the common law Court to make this possible, otherwise nothing will be done to enforce lawful action under the common law of We the people.

Dec 8, 2020 7:13 PM

amazon vouchers
free burgers and fries
free today
with every vaccine shot.
take 2
and we will supersize.

william shakespear had it
he doing fine

lovely christopher marlowe
not so much

friends romans countryman
free mclibel burgers and fries
take 2 shots and we supersize

Dec 8, 2020 7:46 PM
Reply to  norman

gorden is now norman

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Dec 9, 2020 8:05 PM
Reply to  mae

Jilted John, wasn’t it ?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 8, 2020 7:12 PM

The “you” referred to by Hopkins is the Fake News Media. This is the lens (or “mirror”) through which most of the intelligentsia, including Hopkins, see the world. The Fake News has relevance only to the extent that people think it has relevance. As I said on the previous thread, Trump has smashed the mirror.

Harold Pinter (2005 Nobel Prize acceptance address):

When we look into a mirror we think the image that confronts us is accurate. But move a millimetre and the image changes. We are actually looking at a never-ending range of reflections. But sometimes a writer has to smash the mirror – for it is on the other side of that mirror that the truth stares at us.
I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory. If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us – the dignity of man.

Dec 8, 2020 9:07 PM

All news script readers are actors and trump is actor
your in psychosis and delusional like most people who vote especially in 2020

Trump signed that operation warp speed at precisely 2:22. Clock turned to 2:23 as soon as his pen left the paper.
lost on the dark you’re lost in the dark like many
better wake your ass up before you end up having the the placebo vaccine which him and his Q nonsense are selling to the easily mind controlled.
The vaccine isnt a placebo.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Dec 8, 2020 11:02 PM
Reply to  mae

If only it were a placebo. You think that the Cabal has crossed the Rubicon and engineered this enormous and obvious global hoax to shoot up the world’s population with a warp speed placebo? This is a grand culling through famine from the lockdowns, sterilization and probably lethal cytokine storms through the “jab,” and lots of lethal violence via civil and international war. They have bet the farm on this because (hopefully) in their arrogance, they, maybe mistakenly, think it will be a slam dunk. And probably it will be. Most people actually believe the dogshit that they see and hear on those mesmerizing, nefarious plasma screens. If the freaks on CNN, FOX, or MSCIA tell my wife that a horse is a cow, she would believe it.

Dec 9, 2020 2:40 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Dont let her try milking it…bad things will happen

Dec 9, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

NEVER said it was placebo. THEY HAVE

the right Q nonsense trump lot have said the 1st vaccine will be placebo.to justify why the idiot endorse the vaccine and warpspeed and the braindead have accepted the reasons like most cult members 

by the way you talk big but your clearly mind controlled by politics still.

Dec 10, 2020 7:13 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

IMO, the critical goal is exploit this fake crisis to enforce the framework: in this case, periodic “treatments” for everyone. Too many deaths at this stage may be inconvenient.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Dec 10, 2020 9:52 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

You said “my wife”.

Why indeed are women so much more credulous? (With plenty of notable exceptions of course.) Is this why so much of the R2P propaganda seems to be aimed at women? (The media are always trotting out dubious images and stories of small children and women being mistreated by leaders who, we’re told, “have to go”…) And is this why the establishment has been so aggressively promoting feminism? So that the women will trust them when they trot out their other lies?

It sure seems so to me.

(Not to mention that feminism, and the rise of identity politics in general, seemed to have destroyed the momentum of the great antiwar and reform movements of the 1960s…)

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Dec 9, 2020 11:54 AM
Reply to  mae

Trump signed that operation warp speed at precisely 2:22. Clock turned to 2:23 as soon as his pen left the paper.

lost on the dark you’re lost in the dark like many

For the benefit of those of us still lost in the dark, what exactly is the significance of 2:22 o’clock? Is it that it’s one third of 6:66 or something? Are we know officially one third of the way to hell?

Dec 8, 2020 7:11 PM

Posted wrong link 😂 here’s part 2


Dec 9, 2020 7:08 PM
Reply to  Benchmark

Both videos have been removed from YT

Dec 9, 2020 8:45 PM
Reply to  LKing

I can live with my idle, passing curiosity not being gratified. But this is why I prefer that posted links include at least a blurb– just copy/paste the title!– to give latecomers a clue as to what was deleted.

Especially here, when so many of the recommended YT videos are apparently on the censorship fast track.

Dec 8, 2020 7:09 PM
Dec 8, 2020 6:47 PM

Nothing to see here: