What’s actually IN the US “Covid Stimulus Bill”?
The answer to that is nothing like as simple as you’d expect, given the name.
The US congress just passed their Covid stimulus bill, or the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021” to give its official title. So what’s actually inside it? What has just been passed into law?
The answers to that is “nobody really knows”, least of all the members of congress, who passed the law without reading it, as they so often do. It’s the longest bill in US history, at over 5500 pages and it sailed through the voting mostly sight unseen.
We’ve downloaded a copy of the full document and will embed it below for those of you patient or masochistic enough to tackle the whole thing. We’ve read some already, and will point out the highlights:
- “Foreign aid” is a big winner. Egypt is getting $1.3 billion, Sudan, Israel and Ukraine get over 500 million each, and many other countries around the world sizeable contributions, much of which will be spent on “defense”. Which is to say sent straight back to America via massive arms purchases.
- Not all the money being sent overseas is for buying weapons, some is for backing coups. Venezuela and Belarus get special mention here, each getting their own section of the bill detailing how terrible their “illegal regimes” are. There’s also a large section on “combating Chinese influence”.
- For some reason there’s another section on copyright law, which makes illegal streaming copyrighted content a federal crimes, punishable by up to three years in prison.
- Nearly 300 million is put aside to develop influenza vaccines and prevent a future influenza pandemic.
- 4 BILLION dollars for the Gates-funded GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance.
- Vaccine “misinformation” is also a concern, and the bill provides for a pro-vaccine propaganda campaign – or rather a “PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ON THE IMPORTANCE OF VACCINATIONS”
So – huge amounts of foreign aid, support for various coups, totally irrelevent copyright laws, provisions for pro-vaccine propaganda campaigns…it’s not your typical “stimulus bill” so far, is it?
If you’re aware of any other concerning, confusing or straight up corrupt passages or implications in this bill, post a comment below and we’ll add them to the list.
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You make it sound as though you are unaware of the longtime US tradition of burying apparently little-connected or quite unconnected pieces legislation within the text of longer bills is a matter of back-scratching course. See the Patriot Act for another example, instanced here because of the familiarity it will have for many older sadly suspicious, who found the speed of its formulation to be evidence of something more devious than its consolidation of two pre-existing bills, its stock loading of unconnected clauses to be more suspicious than the grand old US normal of gross pork barreling and the longevity of some of its less democratic, purportedly sunsettable conditions as something other than the usual political deceptiveness of those to whom fortune grants a reach to the levers of power. Especially in Merrka.
So there’s nothing suspicious here since these suspicious things have always been going on?
Always is a big word when it comes to a not yet four centuries old republic, but no, I am not saying that, I am saying that embedding articles of new legislation in the text of other, apparently unconnected bills is common in Washington. I’m making no statement either way about the suspiciousness of any specific embeddings or their containing bills but I was suggesting that a form of corruption might often be involved. Suspicions are your speciality .
And I did make an unconnected reference to the sadly suspicious. Are you a sadly?
Well I’m sure that everything that happens is a matter of “back scratching course” – perhaps a kind of fatalistic pantheism? I’m sure I may one day achieve your state of UNsuspicious Zen beatitude where all is as of yore and ever shall be. Or something.
Anyone who bases a cause for suspicion of any US Bill or its resultant Act, if there is one, on the single criterion that it incorporates a load of provisions that would be enacted by most other governments as separate Bills, has to be disconnected from any useful prior knowledge of the development of the US Federal Government and the constant internal tensions it has to balance.
But then, you’re not much of a one for prior knowledge of anything, as witness your infantile reaction to and assessment of the SEP/WSWS split of the Fourth International, are you? Because it has a website that you were able to butterfly in to and see a number of discussions that (you say) you agreed with, you used to read there regularly. But when it “changed” and adopted a position on SARS-CoV-2 that was against the basis of your objection to ‘lockdowns’ (a recent descriptor for an old practice in the containment of communicable disease) you switched to profuse excoriation without a second’s reflection. When I pointed out that, firstly, they had not changed one iota of their response to communicable disease (and, in fact, near the beginning of this *demic, making the same point to another research-workshy naïf in these BTLs, I posted links to a couple of WSWS articles from nearly two decades ago in which one would only have to replace the name of that pathogen with the current pathogen to have articles they would be happy to publish, without further ammendments, today). ‘Change’ their political position: SEP/WSWS not. Spout ignorant, unresearched bollocks: you much
Later, when I said they were constrained by their party line (as witness the inflexibility) you replied that you didn’t give a ‘flying fuck’ for party lines. How fucking lazy or ignorant can you get and still see the keyboard with your eyes wide open when (a) you fail to recognize that you have been reading the propaganda of a political party (a particularly nitpicking, particularly sectarian, heresy-sensitive exclusionary political party at that) and (b) count it as some sort of score against them to blame them for being a rigidly narrow, rigidly sectarian, rigidly consistent political party? As dumb as McTool, that’s how dumb. Later you even went on to characterize them as one of the ‘mainstream left’. Jesus wept. You seem not even to have researched the ‘left’ sufficiently to have discovered that even the left-wing groups that the ‘mainstream left’ describe as ‘far left’ view the SEP/WSWS to be so far left as to not infrequently describe them as a ‘cult’.
Let’s move on. Within those opposing lockdowns as a way of handling the current *demic are a very large proportion who don’t question the reality of the pathogen and the disease but who do question, vigorously, the value of lockdowns as a way of dealing with them, claiming that the economic results of lockdowns are as or more socially devastating than would be the consequences of dealing with it as they have in Sweden, without (so far) imposing any lockdown. That is, they have moved the discussion, apart from an assessment of the long term, future public health aspects of the *demic, fully into the realm of economics. Well, how do you rate on economics? Recently you informed me, here BTL, that the terms ‘globalization’ and ‘financialization’ bamboozled you. Yeah, right. You said it, not me. A word of advice: stay away from Colin Todhunter’s most recent piece here. He uses both terms as single-word paragraph headers in his analysis of the rape of India’s agriculture by predatory capitalism. So what is it next for you there? Let’s not give a “flying fuck” about the Indians either?
Here’s some grist for your kinderbrain. You may be a flying pig and so be vaguely aware that New Zealand is a poster-country for a graduated lockdown plus robust trace and test method of dealing with the *demic (along with the even more praised Taiwan effort until the recent dissembling of, ironically, a New Zealander Taiwanese cargo plane pilot on a trace questionnaire broke the latter’s growing record of no community transmissions).
And a comparison of the New Zealand and Taiwanese systems for you to misconstrue, ignorance or bombastically bumfluff away:
No need for thanks, your gratitude is assumed.
That link was intended as an executive summary. While it does have a link to the full article and that, in turn, has a link to the free version (which I meant to post with it but was distracted by a ‘Christmas conference call’, ‘née family get together’), here is that missing link (a .pdf version is downloadable via the .pdf icon at the top right):
Minor typo: For “…within the text of longer bills is a matter…” read “…within the text of longer bills as a matter…”
Laugh! Show of hands: how many here believe the “1,100” figure is anywhere close to True… ?
There is only one way to control my anger when surveying tawdry manipulative sites like Bylinetimes and that is to acknowledge that the covid talk is only a cover and that these hack writers either know it themselves or are being directed by those who know it. This is clearly a huge restructuring project which would be totally unacceptable to the vast majority if it was done openly and honestly. This is why it has to be effected under the cover of this staged pandemic whose rhetoric must be maintained all the way no matter how obviously deceptive it is to how many people. The covid talk it a kind of lingua franca that has to be dogmatically enforced by an unspoken acquiescence where vast numbers don’t believe a word of it but know they must keep all their statements within its realm.
if anything, time to put the brakes on climate change
Bylinetmes really is the most noxious spreader of covid propaganda with a Leftist veneer. I had intended to do an in-depth study of the following article but found the first half so vile that, for the sake of my own sanity, I had to stop.
Merely consider these two items on their list:
‘Five: Communities Took Back Control’
This looks like a sadistic joke:
‘Hyperlocal, local, regional and municipal initiatives and enterprises have proven themselves to be much more effective than the lumbering outsourced private companies over track and trace’
i.e. we are determining ‘control’ in terms of what is most effective for mass surveillance. And note that constantly exploited zoning in on Leftist rhetoric with ‘lumbering outsourced private companies’. But if we are talking about non-invasive tactics, communities were in fact locked down, masked and told to stay away from each other.
‘Six: Lives Mattered More’
‘Just as the Coronavirus crisis put our humanity on the line, the heroes of the moment became health workers, care workers, cleaners, transport staff, delivery drivers and many more.’
Ah yes, the virus suddenly caused a turnaround to all that soulless privatisation and caused an explosion of pure human empathy where we were all inspired to rush into each other’s arms – only to stop as we were reminded to socially distance!
‘… this was the first pandemic in which lives were put above the economy and most of the population were willing to suffer some material disadvantage in order to protect the health of the less advantaged and vulnerable.’
No, ‘most of the population’ suffered ‘some material disadvantage’ and stayed indoors and away from each other because they were told to do so.
This endlessly repeated mantra of ‘people before profits’ is the central prop of the deception. In reality: everyone was relentlessly intimidated and indeed terrorised by constant hysteria mongering, ordered to wear masks, ordered to stay apart, deprived not only of their jobs but of all regular activity and- perhaps worst of all – derived of medical services for actual real conditions.
And a preview of coming attractions:
‘This could see a shift of behaviour when we come to face that other deadly and more permanent threat to our future – climate change. With Johnson joining Joe Biden in apparently supporting green investment, the first green shoots of a remaking of policy and politics are there.’
Every time these media hacks trot out the ‘we’ it becomes more pathetically obvious that they mean ‘they’ assuming the mantle of a phony populism.
Dear Christ, I would be thrilled to write as well as you do.
What stuck out to me was the proposal to make mail-in ballots a national disgrace instead of reflecting poorly on just the states. Democrats propose that ballots be mailed to every registered voter which we’ve discovered is a huge opening for fraud and abuse. States that don’t clear their voter rolls of people who have moved or died will get a ballot. On top of that the bill allows people to authorize someone else to pickup the ballot which is otherwise known as ballot harvesting which invites fraud.
After reading the Cliff Notes of the omnibus/Covid bill which even in it’s summarized form caused my eyes to glaze over I came to realize the extent to which Congress, House and Senate, have removed themselves from their mission statement of serving their constituents. They have become the Imperial Law Makers who create laws, acts, and procedures for the sole purpose of reinforcing the idea that they act on our behalf. When they do pass legislation that benefits the people it’s usually by accident or an unforeseen consequence of serving their own interests.
The Senate signed into law a bill they had not read (5,593 pages delivered just hours before the vote) which should remind everyone of Pelosi’s Obamacare legislation, “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” This bill could have had a stipulation that from now on only Democrats are permitted to nominate and approve Supreme Court Justices or in an effort to reduce paper waste citizens and illegal aliens can now phone in or text their votes for President.
It wasn’t just the Democrats who tried to sneak this monstrous pork filled abuse of power since Republicans signed off on it though their culpability is tempered by the fact that they had mere hours to read it. The importance of the bill can’t be over-stated since without the president’s signature the government will shut down on Monday, December 28. This has all the flavor of blackmail which is problematic. That is an understatement.
Yes, it’s Christmas morning and I’m already typing here. But I’m a sad obsessive git:
Sweden continues to be chastised for its failure to knuckle down with covid theology:
This has to be the most obnoxious example of phony moralising from a ‘Leftist’ perspective.
The hyperventilating sanctimonious rhetoric erupts in the very first line.
‘Sweden’s self-proclaimed role as a humanitarian superpower has died, along with the country’s nearly 8,000 COVID-19 victims.’
And we are subjected to the hypocritical mewling over the “most vulnerable” – that elderly portion whose deaths are most questionably attributed to covid.
The use of the elderly has been a vital prop of the covid narrative since the big Western push started with Italy. And it’s easy to see why. No population experiences a higher rate of deaths than the elderly sector for the very fact that they are old. And from the beginning, no attempt was made to determine whether those who had covid AND comorbidities died from the covid or a comorbidity.
But now that Sweden has ‘learned its lesson’:
‘…the Government announced that it would begin the use of rapid COVID-19 tests, recommended by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control since 28 October.’
The Ouija boards are now set to play their indispensable part.
Gosh – one for the WSWS. Capitalism really is in its last throes:
‘Meet The 50 Doctors, Scientists And Healthcare Entrepreneurs Who Became Pandemic Billionaires In 2020’
And they’re all quaking in their boots as the system comes crashing down around them and the massed ranks of ICU embedded proles storm the barricades – while observing social distancing of course.
“The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) has Langley-Land written all over it. David Green, “a Crains Detroit serial entrepreneur of the year,” could have been one of Jim Jones lieutenants at Jonestown. Despite his phony baloney crocodile tears he is just another corporate fascist labor faker brown shirt.”
“It is surprising that he has yet not buried the hatchet with the other bourgeois Fabian fascist eugenicist charlatan frauds at FSA (Fabian Fascists of America). Imagine that deranged Louis Proyect and he having side by columns (matching screeds) at Counterpuff. Will wonders never cease.”
What’s your point? Lev Davidovitch Bronstein had at least two pseudonyms, one of which was ‘Trotsky’, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov had over a dozen, one of which was ‘Lenin’. Friedrich Engels was a successful businessman and an inheritor of significant business wealth as well as a activist who had literally scores of pseudonyms and who used his money to support Karl Marx. Even Lenin accepted capitalist cash both indirectly as a court-appointed Public Defender and directly as recipient of occasional patronage. Green has even had an alumni write-up in his old college rag that mentions both his printing business and his ‘pen name’ publications at Mehring Press. Doesn’t look like he’s hiding it. Looks like your point is just more of the same-old evidence-free rabble-rousing innuendo that arseholes use to co-opt the naïve into minimizing their toilet paper costs for them.
I have learned two big lessons from this virus guff:
First, that the mainstream media is far more monolithic than I previously thought. When they have decided to change tack – in this case an unprecedented change of tack – then they pull themselves together with ruthless efficiency, coalesce into one immense juggernaut and apply themselves relentlessly to their one goal.
Second, that the vast majority of the public have a childlike faith in this media and are incapable of the level of critical thought required to defend themselves from manipulation. Some of them have a deep feeling for when they are being deceived. But these more perceptive ones tend to have a protective tendency to withdraw. They know they are being bullshitted but are also shrewd enough to feel themselves in a minority. And, even if they are capable of articulating their disquiet, they know it is useless to argue with those around them. So, they keep their head down.
The bottom line is that the “horrible pandemic” has become the new received wisdom of the age, a dogma so firmly entrenched that it is not even seen as problematic.
The media works as it did on 9/11 but on a far more ambitious scale. The trick is to make everyone think they actually saw it all. In the case of 9/11, no-one saw the planes bring down the buildings. They saw planes hit the buildings; they then saw the buildings collapse ergo… planes caused the collapse. But the case with the Pentagon is even more of a consciousness coup. No-one saw anything hit the Pentagon – but I think many will feel they did. And the same with the crash of Flight 93. No-one had to see these things. They were reeling from the shock of the twin towers footage, heard about the other stuff and just “joined the dots” in the way the media told them to. And the movies made about Flight 93 leave their mark in the public mind too.
With covid: relentless virus propaganda, endless media drone, experts dragged in, medical terminology trotted out etc. Over and over and over. For 9 months.
And everyone thinks they saw it all happen. And so often I have heard people blandly state they know someone who died of covid. They have been handed the imagery, they have been read the PCR declaration, they know nothing about any limitations or subterfuge in the data collections and they think they saw it all happen. And once they have been, as it were, drafted into the programme. they are even willing to embellish it with their own imagination.
And it is pointless to engage with them on this. They “know” it happened because they “saw” it happen.
The 9/11 controlled opposition covered the planes, nano-thermite, energy weapons, etc. while people died of radiation and foreign invasions. The covid controlled opposition conflates the deaths from withheld medical care, calls for early vaccination and raises feeble protests.
What is the evidence anyone ‘died of radiation’ on 9/11?
I have seen documents which show how many died of very unusual cancers which are generally associated with radiation
Where did you see them? How many? What cancers?
Anti-vaxxers proving a nuisance:
‘As it emerges from its second Covid lockdown, France is preparing to roll out one of the biggest vaccination campaigns in its history. The country has been badly battered by the pandemic, tallying 59,000 Covid deaths and 2.39 million cases so far, and the vaccine would finally offer a way out of the ordeal.’
The PCR Ouija boards have spoken.
‘Yet, Paris will now have to grapple with another alarming reality: France has become one of the most vaccine-sceptical countries in the world.’
People displaying independent rational thought are a problem and we must deal with them.
Next up, a role call of sceptics:
‘“I’m not going to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, unless they make it mandatory. It doesn’t seem reasonable, when you look at how quickly these products have been manufactured.” Catherine, a 55-year-old French woman who is crossing Paris’s Luxembourg Gardens on her way to work, is absolutely sure: “I’m healthy, I don’t fall into the age groups at risk…I don’t need the shots.” Patrick, who is exercising just a few meters away, has a similar view: “I’m quite wary, usually it takes several years to create a new vaccine. This seems rushed, we have no long-term perspective on secondary effects,” says the 34-year-old engineer. “I think it’s too soon to vaccinate the population.”’
Note how all these complaints are unbelievably feeble. No-one says, “I’m not getting vaccinated because it’s a total fucking con!”
‘An Ipsos survey gauging the attitudes of 15 countries in October found that only 54 per cent of French respondents would be willing to get a Covid vaccine jab, compared to 64 per cent in the US and 79 per cent in the UK.’
Why can’t these French just sit and beg for their doggie biscuits like us decent Brits and Americans?
‘Like the rest of the EU, France is awaiting the go-ahead of the European Medicines Agency to make the new vaccines available, but the country has already pre-ordered up to 200 million doses.’
No, “France” isn’t waiting for he might syringe from above. Only the lackeys grovelling before the bog knobs at the top are waiting.
‘The campaign may kick off as early as in the last days of December, starting with the elderly in care homes. The government has decided to leave the shots optional, and is in desperate need to boost the population’s trust.’
I’ll say!
Next up, a bit about the 2009 vaccination campaign against the H1N1 virus which cost €600 million (£540m), but only ‘stirred up tensions between doctors and public authorities.’
‘This time, things are going to be different.’
You bet! This time we mean business!
‘”In the early stages, vaccines will go to the most vulnerable groups, elderly people that we know well and see regularly,” says Battistoni. “So we will have to find places where they can get the shots easily.” These will likely include public spaces selected in coordination with local authorities, doctors’ offices big enough for the task, but potentially also the patients’ homes.’
Vaxes for the vulnerable first. Oh the irony!
‘The government is aware that communication will be essential.’
Yup it’s a big operation right enough!
Blah blah reassurance blah blah draft in cute “public face” blah blah ‘climate change’ – oh that’s a good one! blah blah ‘Greater involvement of the civil society’ – excellent! ‘with critics saying this is just a gimmick’. Well they fucking would!
Bit about that constantly recurring lack of faith in the authorities. Leading to
‘Public policy blunders bear some responsibility for this state of affairs.’
Well yes, if you define “policy blunders” as lack of effective propaganda.
Followed by an inordinate amount of diversionary drivel about the masks. Dull but it pads out the article.
Hang on a mo. What’s this?
‘The government’s efforts to win the public over may also be hampered by the increasing polarisation of the current political environment.’
And here it comes:
‘People on the extremes of the French political spectrum are also more responsive to conspiracy theories, which play a major role in the anti-vaxxer discourse.’
And there it is! Took a while but we got there.
Blah blah ‘conspiratorial mindsets’ blah blah
Blah blah ‘social media is making the problem worse.’
Damn straight it is! Why did we give these peasants information channels outside the ever-reliable TV?
‘disinformation and unfounded speculation’
We’re on a role now. But let’s end on a merry note:
‘The hope is that the new anti-Covid shots will pave the way to a return to normalcy and ease the pressure on health facilities overburdened with Covid patients. However, many frontline professionals are under no illusion that this will happen in the short term.’
Ah that infinitely expandable “short term”.
‘Guillemette Frémont works in a hospital just east of Paris – an area where Covid has hit hard. She warns that, even once vaccination starts, the crisis will be far from over, with multiple new waves of the virus to be expected.’
Crystal ball time again.
‘She finds French people’s wariness of vaccines difficult to understand: “As a doctor and infectious disease specialist, I have always been puzzled by it.”’
Then clearly being a doctor and infectious disease specialist makes you incredibly stupid.
Let’s end with a bit of Orwell:
‘To defeat the nation’s rampant scepticism, transparency from the top will be paramount. “The government must avoid repeating the same kind of mistake it made with masks, by all means,” says Laurent-Henri Vignaud, the historian. “It has a catastrophic impact.”’
i.e. fortify the fog further!
Can you imagine having to regurgitate for a living? It would be like having morning sickness every day for the rest of your life.
The gag economy.
Even our local paper had a small article about these pesky anti vax people…this is nth qld Australia…covid hasn’t really made much of a dint on the minds here….all happening elsewhere and thus many I speak too wonder why anyone here will need the vaccine…but none the less the ramp up against us pondering this is starting….
I keep asking everyone why on earth are these people so obsessed with vaccination for this game…no one can think up an answer…it really has a bizarre edge to it now.
” ‘Guillemette Frémont works in a hospital just east of Paris – an area where Covid has hit hard. She warns that, even once vaccination starts, the crisis will be far from over, with multiple new waves of the virus to be expected.’
Crystal ball time again.
‘She finds French people’s wariness of vaccines difficult to understand: “As a doctor and infectious disease specialist, I have always been puzzled by it.”’
Then clearly being a doctor and infectious disease specialist makes you incredibly stupid.”
Why would the doctor and infectious disease specialist find it difficult to understand that people are wary of the vaccines when she herself has admitted that even when vaccination begins, there will be multiple waves of the “virus”? Her statement implies that the vaccines are the virus that will produces all sorts of problems.
Rampant corruption, mendacious policies and evil intent towards the world’s inhabitants. Truly is a diseased nation and I don’t mean from Covid.
As Claudius said, in Robert Graves’s ‘I Claudius’ (resigned to the rampant corruption taking over his entire society) :
“Let the poisons that are in the mud hatch out…”
It took them a couple of thousand years to get around to it, but they are definitely hatching out right now.
It’s very much a ‘them and us’ situation.
Iceland’s Finance Minister has been caught attending a big party despite the current regulations on social gatherings. He declined to explain himself on state media.
Of course the medical authorities tut-tut and shake their heads at such behaviour, but, frankly, I would bet on the Finance Minister knowing more about what is really going on than the country’s expert on infectious diseases. He knows he has nothing to fear from the covid thingy.
As a matter of political routine, his resignation has been put forward as ‘the decent thing to do’, but of course nothing will be done.
After all, he controls the M O N E Y ! ! !
You have to relish your laughs anywhere you can find them. I saw this wonder ful post on Lockdown Sceptics and just had to copy/paste here:
Triple Strength Super Mutant Ninja South African Virus Found in UK
If you thought our “mutant super strain” was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. At yesterday’s Downing Street presser, Matt Hancock upped the ante once again by revealing that a new even scarier variant originating in South Africa had been detected in the UK. Ooh, mother! Better shove some more areas into Tier 4, eh?
But this does beg the question: Is Hancock going to conjure up a new strain every time he wants to tighten the lockdown ratchet?
Needless to say, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps shut the stable door as soon as he discovered the horse had bolted. The Mail has more.
Worth reading in full – unless you were planning to go to Cape Town this Christmas, in which case I suggest you lie down with a wet towel over your head.
Stop Press: A Philosophy Professor who has written for Lockdown Sceptics before has written a short squib about the mutant Covid strain.
There is no virus and no such thing as an immune system. Such notions are war prpaganda beliefs held by people in such mentality of wars, attack and defense. The body has a lymphatic system that cleans out waste. Bacteria are not attacking people but helping break down these waste materials in the lymph system. If this waste is not being cleaned out then it backs up causing flu like symptoms.
Hancock is going to conjure up a new strain every time he wants ANYTHING.
It’s what snowflake princesses do.
Supposedly, there is a part of the stimulus bill that would limit the emergency powers of the president, preventing Trump from using the insurrection act to combat the fraudulent election results…
Whoopdeedoo, as if that “election” actually matters. But the hype keeps people worried about that supposed coup by Trump while the real coup is happening before our eyes. But no worry, once that Orange Beast is gone, all will return to normal, right?
New covid joke:
How many covids does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, covid doesn’t even exist you stupid ****
Ha ha, you should put that in your Christmas crackers.
Joe Imbriano predicts Covid 1984 in 2018
Imbriano is also ahead of the coming food crisis: video from Sep 9, 2020
Urgent Warning – Food Supply Being Spiked With Brucellosis Which Will Be Blamed On The Fake Corona Virus
China: Thousands of people test positive for brucellosis, linked to biopharmaceutical company leak in 2019 – Outbreak News Today, Sep 19, 2020
Yes Joe is amazing with his knowledge and feel for what is really happening
Can you do another one called “What’s actually in the Covid vaccine?” 😉
It’s fascinating the way those who want to avoid doing something, like honest work, will work so hard to avoid what they are trying to avoid.
Really though. Politicians/gansters have to go. They themselves seem to agree, as they help usher in a politician-free world that most refer to as technocracy. Well, They will be taken out, but it won’t be via the establishment of technocracy. Their attack on God, nature and life and light will fail, even it succeeds very temporarily.
> Politicians/gansters have to go.
Any thoughts on how to make that happen, on behalf of 90+% of us?
Call them what they actually are: frontwomen/men for the elites, and for now, they’re not worried at all about the actions of the little peeps: if they were, they wouldn’t have trolled us here in the Exceptional Nation with a $600 “stimulus payment”. They’re laughing their a**es off, in fact; AOC and The Squad™ included. Class analysis works very well here..
Our public sector employees are playing a large part in enforcing these diktats upon us. Police forces are beginning to resemble armies of occupation.
Money, money and more money for Israel.
No point wasting it on those goy peons.
Have to get the priorities right.
At the urging ofJaredKushner,Trump is offering Indonesia a bribe of between one and two billion US taxpayer dollars to recognize Israeli supremacy over Palestine (“recognize ‘Israel”).
After surfing around various arguments around the covid issue I realise how hopeless the whole procedure is for as long as you assume the virus really is killing thousands e.g. I read about an Italian philosopher called Giorgio Agamben here
“Agamben controversially argued at the beginning of the lockdowns this Spring that COVID-19 had become the basis for a new “techno-medical despotism” that, in the name of “saving lives,” unilaterally suspended rights and demoted other values. This argument earned him fierce criticism, mainly from erstwhile allies on the left.”
This had a link which eventually led me here:
Here is one Ani Maitra:
“In late February 2020, the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben criticised the Italian media and government for prescribing quarantining and social distancing without sufficient evidence that COVID-19 was any different from the usual influenza virus.”
Further down I read:
“While Agamben has likely changed his mind about the severity of COVID-19 following more than 10,000 deaths in Italy alone….”
And I knew there was no point in reading further. This dates from March i.e. it refers to the big Italian death show that introduced covid to the West and which was utter bullshit. But here is where the covid sellers have the advantage. All they have to do is say, “But thousands are dying!” and all other arguments fall away.
It’s similar to the half-way house that would see 9/11 as a “stand down” operation. It looks subversive but still subscribes to the view that America has enemies that can attack it. And that trumps all objections.
For as long as you buy into the idea that covid really is this horror that murders vast reams, you have no counter position.
To “win” and argument, all you have to do is say one of the following:
“They’re coming to kill us!”
“Thousands are dying!”
“But think of the children!”
When they are hyper moralistic i know its propaganda.Btw i’m sure Agamben hasn^t changed his mind. He is probably reasured more than ever
” that murders vast reams, you have no counter position.”
Not so. You can respond by giving accurate and truthful statistics against their dumbed down MSM data.
At first it was “DEATH DEATH DEATH!” and then they ran out of old people to involutarily euthanase so they switched it to “CASES CASES CASES!” which was nothing like as scary, didn’t really add up and people started getting bored of it and just getting on with things, paying lip service to the new rules. So now they’ve switched it to “DEADLY NEW STRAIN DEADLY NEW STRAIN DEADLY NEW STRAIN!”. They are getting desperate and predictable. Believers gonna believe anyway. I think there’s a groundswell of people who are questioning their faith more and more though.
Keep on questioning it everywhere you go and every time the conversation crops up, people. Plant the seeds of doubt and the truth will flourish. The only way we can beat this bullshit is through acting in a subversive way, and we can beat it!
Completely open comment policy.
What A JOKE.
On March 25th, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (old-age homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19. The decision drew fire as soon as it was announced from medical experts, nursing home operators, and the families of residents. However, it was forced through anyway. Similar orders were given in a few other states. See here.
When the Justice Department requested data (26 August) from governors Andrew Cuomo of New York, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, on their orders requiring nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients, Cuomo and Whitmer dismissing it as a political charade saying that “At least 14 states – including Kentucky, Utah and Arizona – have issued similar nursing guidance all based on federal guidelines….” See here.
Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives.
From https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/24/us/nursing-homes-coronavirus.html
You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem, dangerous everywhere but far more prevalent in a half-dozen or so of the country’s more heavily and densely populated states. What’s more, many of these states enacted coronavirus response policies that likely put nursing home residents at higher risk for infection. See here.
Policies to deliberately spread the virus? Who benefits?
On 17 March 2020 the English National Health Service announced the decision to urgently discharge patients, including those who were infected or who may have been infected with Covid-19, from hospitals into care homes and the community…. Between 2 March and 12 June 2020, 18,562 residents of care homes in England died with Covid-19, representing almost 40% of all deaths involving Covid-19 in England during this period.
The same method of spreading the virus is known to have been adopted in Italy, Spain, Belgium and the United States.
Worldwide, tens of thousands of patients, many with Covid-19, were rushed from hospitals to rest homes, ostensibly to free up hospital beds for the incoming millions of sick and dying, but in reality, to spread the disease to a vulnerable segment of the population.
From: http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1174
FYI- some up to date anti-lock down info links for anyone in NJ/NY
“The UK has detected two cases of another new variant of coronavirus, the health secretary Matt Hancock says. The cases in London and north west England are contacts of people who travelled to South Africa, where the variant was discovered. Travel restrictions with South Africa have been imposed. Anyone who has travelled there in the past fortnight, and anyone they have been in contact with, are being told to quarantine immediately.” The variant has been causing mounting concern in South Africa, where health minister Zweli Mkhize warned that “young, previously healthy people are now becoming very sick”.
ZM is excited by this
lucrativeworrying new development. He tweets:“Clinicians have been providing anecdotal evidence of a shift in the clinical epidemiological picture- in particular noting that they are seeing a larger proportion of younger patients with no co-morbidities presenting with critical illness.”
A most excellent opportunity. Younger patients – by which I presume he means young patients and not just younger geriatrics – and with no co-morbidities!
Could be the breakthrough we’ve all been waiting for. The franchise can now burst out of that moribund old market and get into youth culture.
So let’s see how the new epic is going:
“He said the country “cannot go through what we went through in the early days of the Aids pandemic“.”
Ah AIDS. Smart move. Get them with the familiarity angle. Excellent marketing strategy.
“Scientists in South Africa say the variant has “spread rapidly” and became the dominant form of the virus in parts of the country.”
Yes – looks like we’ve got a winner here!
“The variant is still being analysed, but the data are consistent with it spreading more quickly.”
Nice technical verbal flourish there. And “still being analysed” is a good move. Keep your cards to your chest. Don’t give the end away yet? Sorry – did I say “end” there? Silly me!
“It was detected for the first time in the UK on Tuesday.”
Coming to a cinema near you!
“This variant shares some similarities to the one that has already been detected in the UK, although they have evolved separately. Both have a mutation – called N501Y – which is in a crucial part of the virus that it uses to infect the body’s cells.”
The old techno babble! Better than Spock!
“Prof Neil Ferguson, from Imperial College London, said: “I think the greatest concern of ours at the moment is the South African one.”
Oh dear – there’s the first problem sign. That old fraud Ferguson. I mean come on! You’ve blown the game now! Nobody’s going to fall for that one! No …wait …shh! Keep it quiet! Keep walking …. Yes! I think we did it! We’re in the clear!
“There’s certainly anecdotal reports of explosive outbreaks for that virus and very steep increases in case numbers.”
And now that we’ve go past the Ferguson test, we know they’ll swallow anything. They won’t even notice that oxymoronic “certainly anecdotal reports”.
At the Downing Street press briefing, Mr Hancock said the new variant was “highly concerning” and that anyone told to quarantine must avoid “all contact with any other person whatsoever“.
Oh yes! Avoid all contact with any other person whatsoever! Now you’re talking!
“At the same briefing, he announced millions more people were being moved to Tier 4 on Boxing Day in an effort to control the virus.”
Blah blah blah “more transmissible” blah blah “still learning” blah blah “harsher levels …inevitable.”
Verdict: Not at all bad! “South Africa” still sends a chill down most Western spines and works on both white racists who think those blacks are getting uppity and on right-on wokers who can be depended on to go off on a Feed-the-world rant. Also – the mention of any African country encourages a subliminal image of a much more exotic virus with a tropical flavour. Hint of voodoo, witch doctors, nasty big snakes etc.
Now – can any of you script writers get to work on …say, South America? India? Australia? Come on! Think of the connotations! Get to work!
Sometimes you read something that’s so stupid you don’t really take it in at first. On a second reading this bit really stood out even more:
“There’s certainly anecdotal reports of explosive outbreaks for that virus and very steep increases in case numbers.”
I mean – isn’t that one of those times when they throw something out that’s so obviously stupid? As if to see if anyone’s paying attention? What does it even mean? We have certainly received anecdotes?
similar: tale, narrative, sketch, urban myth, urban legend, reminiscence, yarn, shaggy-dog story
“We certainly received amusing, interesting stories regarded as unreliable or hearsay. Basically shaggy dog stories!”
“But we are certain about this!”
It’s the way you tell ’em, George!
The only certain thing we do know is that none of this is supposed to make any sense.
I tell you, its all the fault of that superspreader Santa. He must be stopped!
I do fuckin’ hope there will be some “explosive outbreaks” from the Molotov’s that people(i mean real people) will begin to use as one on the last option.
They have to have black or south Africa mentioned
always works on the clueless.
The whole of Africa has been disappointing and even recalcitrant in this global globalist project. This is a break for the schemers.
Remember “Africanized” Killer Bees?
Well they’re back.
In viral form.
For a long time, you could not donate blood in a SEA country if you had visited Europe. Not sure if it was related to Mad Cow. Yet, there was no restriction on tourists from Europe.
British were excluded from donating blood in Thailand for many years (maybe still?) due to mad cow disease. Discovered that when we went to donate blood after the 2004 tsunami, they were checking passports and excluding only Brits as far as I know.
Some may remember scumbag Tory MP John Gummer’s disgusting publicity stunt in 1990 where he fed his four year old daughter a beef burger much along the lines of Obama’s Flint, Michigan water drinking stunt.
I am just sitting outside near a hoax-testing site and i see from time to time masked zombies going in and out
So i just wonder : WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG with these animals??????
I just can’t understand!!!!
Iam so pissed that i tend to agree with mr kill bill
Some animals should not walk on the face of this planet. There is no escuse!
“Now here is line from an old time Christmas favorite; “Doc Billy Eugenics was nestled all snug in his bed, while visions of EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOTS danced in his head… yada, yada, yada.” Ho-Ho-Ho. It looks like ‘Doc’ Billy E has the situation under control.”

Hello Dante: I’m wondering how Mr Bill can stop laughing long enough to quit drooling over the results of all his pandemic bullshine. >
“Sometimes I wish natural selection was something you could nominate people for”
– Paul Vonharnish – (5/19/2014)
Whilst everyone is running around shouting “ooooo, the vaccine”, what are the chances we are quietly being poisoned in full view of ourselves and with our complete compliance?
Chances are very good. But we will not know for months, perhaps even years. But when that nasty auto-immune disease pops up I’m sure our owners will find something other than that toxic shot to blame. Bad behavior? Mask denial? Ah wait, it will just be a new strain of the “disease” doncha know.
There are no “virus strains” that are pathogenic because none have been proven to physically exist with genome and proteins intact! However, they do contain bits of genetic material and foreign proteins and various adjuvants.
The original meaning of virus was a poisonous liquid or venom, and the poisonous liquid or venom is therefore the toxic contents of the Vaccine.
VIRUSSTRAINS meaning poisons never the less poisonsYes poisons! The only reason why I pointed out the difference is because the majority of the public still believe in mutated viral strains that are somehow endowed with pathogenic attributes in nature without a) any scientific proof that they really do physically exist and b) really are the one and only cause of an alleged infectious disease such as Covid-19.
Definitely one for the window. I’ll redact the profanities for public decorum, don’t worry.
In plain sight: Far fetched = a bucket of sh!t from China = a trap with fecal content from Wuhan
Look how quickly the moslems psyop got dropped for the china psyop
The occassional incident keeps the old psyop warm, in case it needs to b heated up.
Looking at today’s headlines: UK running out of fresh food as thousands of trucks pile up at Dover. But hey, China’s ahead of everyone: They’re already going through “worst blackouts in a decade”. Government has decided to “regulate consumption.” Woop dee doo!
China govt. advised coal-fired power stations not to import Australian coal for which the plants were designed; loads of coal shipments are moored near ports but not allowed to unload and apparently not allowed to leave the area. All this whilst Chinese (not elites) suffer the cold in unheated buildings. Australian exports of barley, wine, coal, timber being targeted as PM Morrison had the nerve to question the origin of coronavirus; I would suggest the US govt. told him to question so.
In summary as extracted from Nomorefakenews blog:
‘ONE: The false claim that a new virus was discovered and isolated.
No true isolation has been performed. The so-called genetic sequencing of the virus was actually a concoction, a cobbling together of pieces of data referencing segments of RNA. These segments were PRESUMED to be parts of the new virus—but researchers didn’t have the virus, so their presumptions amounted to fraud.
TWO: The erecting of a diagnostic test (PCR) for the virus they didn’t have. Obviously, no such test has meaning. It is built on the same sorts of absurd assumptions that led to the fictional discovery of the virus. However, strategically speaking, the test has produced millions of “positive results,” which are taken to mean “infected by the virus.” On this foundation of sand, the lockdowns were declared.
THREE: The Chinese lockdown of 50 million citizens, for no medical reason. This unprecedented event provided the model for other governments, and for the CDC and the World Health Organization. Now it was “acceptable” to imprison the global population and wreak economic devastation across the planet.
FOUR: The absurd computer prediction of 500,000 deaths in the UK and two million in the US, made by historically failed modeler, Neil Ferguson. His institute at the Imperial College of London is bankrolled by Bill Gates. Ferguson’s predictions were used to convince Trump and Boris Johnson that states of emergency and lockdowns were necessary.
FIVE: The forced premature deaths of millions of elderly people across the world—which were falsely called “COVID-19 deaths.”
These people were and are suffering from multiple long-term health conditions, made far worse by decades of medical treatment with toxic drugs. Terrified by a COVID diagnosis, then isolated from family and friends, they give up and die.’
Plus the fact that Neil Ferguson is still employed despite being shown to be innumerate. His long history of low-grade hoaxes and manipulated modelling is clearly valued in government.
He was behind the culling of the beef herd — which 30 years later fits perfectly into the coming manufactured food crisis*. Ferguson is the classic bought and paid pseudo scientist.
That tells you how organic the plandemic is.
From Bill Gates-financed Guardian today * Organic meat production just as bad for climate, study finds — Analysis also found the lowest impact meat was still far more damaging than the worst plant foods
Folk need to understand this is a very serious situation and isn’t intended to end.
Make a New Years resolution to build up your resilience to the coming increase intensity of destruction of our way of life .
The aim is to make us all totally dependent on State largesse within the next 2-5 years, those who don’t succumb that is.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently provided massive amounts of funding to both the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College in London, which both produced wildly incorrect models for the Coronavirus outbreak that sparked worldwide panic and provided false justification for government leaders to shut down economies, creating mass unemployment.
“Convince” Trump and Johnson?…
People continue to mistake goals for [unintended] consequences.
Five. Add Drugging, DNR orders, Flu Shots, neglect of patients and possible 5g wifi booster installations in nursing homes.
Six: The vaccines were developed pre 2018 from patent technology licensing agreements from the NIH – NIAID on the federal register. All the vaccines that are in play and being pushed by governments were developed before SARSCov2 was “discovered” in Wuhan, China.
Seven: No contagion by any virus, even a flu has ever been successfully shown in a physical experiment or study. All contagion numbers are based on models or “tests”.
Eight: There’s no legitimate way to test for the presence of a virus, since no virus has ever been isolated and purified. Antibody testing isn’t legitimate either because antibodies don’t differentiate between pathogens. IgM and IgG antibodies are blood serum markers, indicating an immune response to an introduced pathogen such as foreign proteins, recombinant proteins and animal or human cells which are present in vaccines.
Nine: No significant excess deaths in any country above normal death rates for previous years has been observed. The Johns Hopkins study and presentation that was removed after using the CDC’s own Covid19 statistics and comparing them to previous years deaths, illustrated how deaths from alternative primary causes are being misattributed as Covid19 deaths.
So China is guilty of (a) creating the virus (b) not being open (c) not doing enough or acting fast (d) being a draconian model.
The website humansarefree.com has just listed the names of 6 people who were involved in Covid-19 research that have either been killed or found dead in mysterious circumstances.
The list included Alexander Kagansky a Russian scientist who was working on the Covid vaccine before being allegedly stabbed and thrown out of the window of his 14th floor flat.
Perhaps he was going to spill the beans on the contents of the vaccine and its long term effects who knows ?
I would add the following:
Kagansky spent his time in the Far East of Russia… harder for a Western agent to reach. Yet he was killed while visiting a friend in St Petersburg which is easily reached across the Finnish border.
The Daily Mail points the finger at the Russian government but given the high-stakes competition within Big Pharma, it stands to reason that a rival, non-Russian competitor has a greater interest in killing off Russian scientists.
The body of geneticist and molecular and cellular biologist Alexander Kagansky, 45, was found in the courtyard of a 16-story apartment block Saturday. The Fontanka.ru news website reported that he had been visiting an old schoolmate on their birthday the day of his death.
The suspect denied that he had stabbed Kagansky and claimed that the scientist had wounded himself, Fontanka.ru reported , citing unnamed sources.
The outlet also reported that Kagansky, whose affiliations included the Maryland-based National Cancer Institute and the University of Edinburgh, was recently working on a Covid-19 vaccine in Scotland.
Maybe this is the start of another new dead microbiologist list or an addition to it. Let’s hope it doesn’t become as long as the last list were many were reported to have been murdered, suicided or had died under suspicious circumstances – over 100 on the last count! The moral is don’t work in the field of microbiology if you want a relatively long and happy life!
This incident is explained by his connection to MD. He is on the NIH-DARPA payroll. Therefore, he was keeping THEIR secrets.
Maybe he was going to spill his guts to his childhood friend. Must have had some misgivings about the contents of the vaccine and the agenda to depopulate.
These scientists are replaceable. The Sputnik vaccine is based on a licensing agreement with the NIH-NIAID. It’s almost identical to the Oxford vaccine.
I’m starting to see a glimmer of hope as more and more people are realizing what a huge crock of shit the C-hoax is.
On the one hand, information is being spread around and people are putting 2+2 together, and on the other hand, governments all over the place, in an effort to up the ante of scaremongering (viz the new strain bullshit in the UK) are going way too far to be taken seriously. Resistance, defiance is popping up all over the place. Over here, New Year’s Eve has been cancelled, and the country is being put into Level 5 of this mickey-mouse risk-warning system (total bullshit). I’m expecting that people will disobey en masse and there will be some sort of showdown with the pigs. No matter how that turns out, it will provide more evidence that a virus is the last thing that’s at play here.
Damn, wouldn’t it be nice to see the covidian motherfuckers in the pillory getting their ass kicked, eh … 😀 … ?
That would be a joy to experience.
Two bills rolled into one. A covid stimulus part. The foreign aid one is, to put it blatantly:
It is full of material support for resistance groups who are instructed to and often perform acts of terrorism.
Do your government officials routinely confirm standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Americans to defend Democratic Values? They are complicit in spreading terrorism around the globe. Did you vote for them? You are complicit too!
Tell your government officials this fact in a clear and straightforward manner.
“After the War Racketeers and Langley-Land go the World will be a much better place. Sad those war criminal mass murdering terrorists are still holding WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) hostage.”

You find me a small businessman or women who didn’t vote for the Tories for the past 50 years and I’ll find you a unicorn. So there is a certain satisfaction in seeing the foot solders of the Thatcherite revolution, small and medium size businessmen & women, being rudely introduced to Universal Credit and the state benefit system, en masse, as their life’s work crumble.
It is a system they voted for, they cheered it on, especially for the punitive brutality it inflicted on the ‘lazy’ and the ‘feckless’ …….all the time thinking themselves far….. too hard-working and far… too virtuous to ever ‘beg for charity’.
Little did they know that they were next on the hit list of the demon ideologues they cheered and championed, the low tax, small government, neoliberal mafia class.
I now await the chorus of bleating and moaning, about the ‘unjust system’ that they have now found themselves victims off, just because they couldn’t survive a ‘silly little lockdown’. Maybe it is due to their incompetent, bankrupt, lazy, greedy, wastefulness, that has led them to the hell and desperation, that is the state benefits system, which they had condemned their countrymen to for decades. The moral of this Christmas tale is: don’t be a greedy vindictive c*nt all your life.
“Having the prole slaves at each others throats is an old stratagem of the victimizer oppressors, the CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS. They should not count on it always working, however.”
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857

That’s pathetic, Phil. Really a classic example of arrested pre-frontal cortex which is why it would only be swallowed in a student bar.
Lift your head up from your red or blue-painted bucket & spade and make some connections.
You posted that comment below an article that clearly shows the Democrats to be as much in bed with the CIA-MIC war machine as anyone. Do you really take the political party mantra seriously: the conservative small business mantra or the “progressive” welfare-to-warfare platform (that’s corporate welfare — they abandoned the little guy back in the Clinton-Blair era)?
What is going on now is the exact opposite of anything Thatcher did or wanted. She will be rolling over in her grave, for all her faults she was not a part of this anti-human globalist kabal.
Nothing can save the covid cult now, not even a stimulus bill. They are going to lose all their money and assets to pay out compensation before heading to a jail cell for life. The market knows it and is dumping the covid conspirator companies stocks ahead of the impending cataclysm. Even Bill Gates has a cold shiver of dread running down his spine.
This is what we all hope will happen, but putting a lively pop video out there does nothing to demonstrate the truth of what you say. At most, it just shows what music you like.
Let’s have a few links to ‘covid conspirator company stocks being dumped’, and let’s have some documentation of that ‘cold shiver of dread’ running down Bill Gates’s spine.
That would certainly cheer me up and add weight to your comment.
The British government is literally murdering hundreds of thousands of people by shutting down the hospitals. We already have a genocide and it is going unreported.
We can now add the Cancer Treatment hoax to the list of hoax world events that has plagued us since the end of WW ll.
Cancer is one of the biggest killers in the UK but we have no excess deaths over and above our annual average death rate.
People are not getting their cancer treatment and it seems from the figures that less are dying from cancer.
So less cancer treatment results in less deaths.
In addition people are now forced to find other treatments that are abundant on the internet. I have first hand experience of self medicating cancer with colloidal silver that was successful.
Perhaps the Corona hoax will finally blow the lid off blind acceptance of government scientists lying to us. We expect this from politicians. Global Warming anyone.
All the major industries are synergistic and collude. Poor education leads to exposure to the harm from murderous industries. People end up in the jaws of the medical industry – which has so little to say of dangers, nutrition, etc. Getting a major illness often means incurring debt or even destitution. The relentless increase of debt is a critical part of usury, without which private finance would collapse, bringing down the house of cards.
The problem is that ‘government scientists’ are not really scientists.
They are the ‘face’ of science which the government expects us to accept without question.
The science they claim to deliver is actually infant-school science – half of it fact-based, and half of it simply something the teacher made up on the spot.
It’s also going to show up in the Weekly-Total-Deaths stats of the ONS, which they will claim is a second wave of CoVid, whereas we know it’s likely that half the deaths this Winter will be as a result of the lockdowns, and intolerable living conditions.
Has Santa and he’s little elves been vaccinated yet?
No! Santa is an anagram of Satan and it is he that produces the vaccine. His little elves like Bojo and celebs just take the dud shots to prove it’s safe for the uninitiated.
Santa is the superspreader. He’s responsible for this variant. He must be stopped!
Great Reset, Inclusive Capitalism, The Vatican & Klaus Schwab – Richard Grove / Jay Dyer
— to which one could add the string pullers behind Freemasonry, the Sabbatean Frankists, the financial descendants of the Medicis, Templar banking interests in Switzerland and the corporate crowns of Britain and the Netherlands…
They may seem diverse but they’ve had several centuries to get to know each other and they don’t constitute a lot of people…. just enough families to rule the world.
If you haven’t watched this one yet, it’s worth the time.
Hello Moneycircus: This is an amazing conversation!!! It ties together almost all facets of the global cabal seeking to cement the financial loose ends into a “new” technocratic paradigm. Your comment that it is well worth the time, is a huge understatement.
Excellent post! Thank you very much.
You forgot the Illuminati.
America’s aim of printing to infinity, trashing the dollar, and then impose a new world reserve currency, is at a crucial juncture. Are they going to succeed… No.
Never before has the clash between the terrible costs of running an empire, and providing for people at home, been more blatantly exposed than in this bill.
At a time of national emergency, the running of the empire and the military come first. A timeless folly, familiar to the Romans and Luis XVI in their final days.
Great analysis of what’s become of the Corporatist Media
— by Gordon Long (Macro Analytics) and Charles Hugh Smith (Of Two Minds).
Buying the Narrative — 12-17-20
OffG warned at the very beginning of this doomsday show, that we were being subjected to such an oceanic surge of media terror that it was impossible to even hope for any rational discussion i.e. that we were facing war propaganda. It has hardly let up and is now accelerating. From the Graud:
“Exclusive England’s hospitals set to treat more Covid patients on Christmas Day than ever before”
(Unintentionally funny ambiguity there. Is that more Christmas Day Covid patients than ever before?)
“Guardian analysis will add to concerns about ability of NHS to cope with surge in cases over winter”
(Magical premonition there!)
“More of England ‘could move into tier 4 from Boxing Day”
Hmm.. no chance of leaving us along for one fucking day at Christmas then!
And just on cue:
“Live Coronavirus: new variant already in ‘great majority if not all’ European countries, says expert”
“Live” coronavirus? Is it going on tour then?
And just to keep up the celeb front:
“The French president, Emmanuel Macron, is showing signs of improvement after testing positive for Covid-19 last week, his office said. Macron, 43, is in quarantine …”
Then there’s the headline which really ought to be a huge giveaway:
“Vaccine Delay facing poor countries ‘will leave Europe vulnerable for years'”
For years! They somehow know this now!
And since I have to arbitrarily cut off this interminable cov-coverage:
“Mexico Covid fatalities soar as president condemned for inaction”
Inaction is not an option! You must act now! Vax vax vax!
Christmas Day Covid Patients
CDCP……..the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
They have their little jokes. They even tell us who is ordering them around.
“hospitals set to treat more Covid patients on Christmas Day than ever before”
If they now treat 20 Covid patients, they can claim it is 20 times the workload compared with (0 zero Covid patient treated) last year. Brilliant accounting!
In german newspaper they just had the headline: “Our first covid christmas”. Suggests it won’t be the last?
UPDATE: There appears to be a provision in the act which seeks to nullify the president’s power to deploy the armed forces domestically, pursuant to the Insurrection Act of 1807. Is this the real reason why Trump is threatening to veto it? If so, it could shed some light on what his plans are for Jan. 5, when the electoral ballots are counted (and disputed?) in Congress.
People’s blind, unquestioning obedience is dragging the rest of us down with them. As with democracy, we suffer the consequences of their ignorance. A properly functioning democracy would require an informed and enlightened populace. I’m going to stick my neck out, here, and suggest that perhaps, just maybe, people in general aren’t quite as informed as they should be (controversial, I know…).
My girlfriend, for example, is a true Covid believer. She’s Spanish. She sent me a photo of her nephews, sitting by the sea. They’re twins. From Siberia, originally (they were adopted, and moved to Catalonia). Two strapping teenage boys. As healthy as can be. There was no one else anywhere near them in that photo, but they were wearing masks.
I tried to point out the insanity of that situation to my girlfriend, but to no avail. Some people just won’t be told. What mad alchemy is it that makes them hold onto this alleged virus as though it were something to be defended?
As Herr Goering said: “voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
The only twist is, this time the ‘enemy’ is a super scary invisible (in more ways than one, seemingly) virus
What really depresses me are all the part time cynics who will happily agree that governments the world over are all in it for self interest, have no concern for ‘the people’, are corrupt, at the behest of lobbyists etc, and yet while they’re happy to make such generalisations, they won’t be drawn into an examination of the here and now. They will only acknowledge past wrongs or wrongs in faraway countries. Never the ones that are happening to them.
Goering and co. would’ve been astonished to see just how malleable people are, nowadays. It’s pathetic to see how easily they’ve been led by the nose.
Anyone with an Internet connection’s got access to all the information they could possibly need. There’s no excuse!
People in the 1930s and 1940s were much more restricted in their access to information. Basically newspapers, often censored especially in wartime, or radio (and in Nazi Germany listening to enemy state radio broadcasts was a serious crime after war broke out).
In the Internet age it takes a bit of searching to find Covid-skeptic sites but nothing like the search for alternative information in the past.
With the early separation of the child from parents (who return to work) and other familar adults or the community, and the normalisation of classes even before kindergarten, the state can being brainwashing earlier. School, “higher” education and “social media are more of the same.
Children learning to use a smartphone before they learn to walk is a recipe for disaster. Plugged into the system from day one.
I think we underestimate the challenge of questioning ones own government and accepted norm. It would have been the same during the collapse of the Soviet union and many had to accept the fact that their whole lives were a lie on many levels. We are going through a similar awakening.
But we should not be going through the same awakening. This generation alone has witnessed mass bombings on an untold scale. Drone bombs etc Millions of people slaughtered in a very short period of time. Women and children! Kids today know that, they just give a shit.
Back in the day when i grew up i would have been outraged.
Kids just don’t care anymore, except for themselves.
Priorities have changed, unfortunately.
A kids attitude today is fuck you, i’ll take care of myself. The furthest thing from reality.
That’s the overriding mantra that needs to change quick smart.
‘’Fuck you, i’ll take care of myself. That’s the overriding mantra!’’
Yes, but that is an ideology, it is an American ideology, born out of Corporate neoliberalism. People didn’t naturally turn greedy, it is a doctrine or religion of hate. Like Nazism, and taught in the same way.
Very true! But an ideology that’s half a century old.
The question is, how is that mantra going to be broken?
Before our lifetime is up?
It is an idiology that eats its host. Like a virus it kills the patient, so only when the patient is deaad will the virus be dead.
As a person who works with the younger generation I will extend that notion to include ‘We cannot even take care of ourselves’. So what happens next? I guess UBI will save the day and we can have hive dwelling, matrix sucking plebes who cannot think their way out of a wet paper bag. Hows that for dark comedy?
“A kids attitude today is fuck you, i’ll take care of myself.”
The ones who want to put a mask on you and vax you for your own good or reduce your diet and heating to “save the planet” are infinitely more dangerous.
But the kids have been subjected to the overwhelming media brainwashing and ever decreasing school standards from a much earlier age and a therefore a much longer period, it is not their fault. It’s the rest of the population’s fault that should know better, but with the majority of people crushed financially and psychologically and scared shitless…… On a slight tangent… I’ve realised that I am alone in 99% of people I know, that I am the only one to have been taught from an early age to:
Think for myself
Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear
Dont believe everything you see on the news
Don’t believe everything you read on the newspaper
Some of that taught at school (I don’t think they teach that now) Some of that taught by my parents who are now fully in line with the propaganda official line. Either very few people were taught this or media brainwashing also erases the memory….
If there is a certain person or persons directing this whole nightmare, it’s been pulled off perfectly. It literally is almost the perfect coup against humanity. How could it have been planned better? I’m almost impressed in the most horrific way.
I still have hope there are enough people awake and able to push back, but it needs to happen soon, mass non-compliance and it ends quickly.
I’m lucky to be “stuck” abroad in a Country where things are relatively normal and easy to avoid the propaganda. It certainly reinforces the lunacy (planned chaos) that is taking place.
I’ll stop rambling now, Merry Christmas and fuck the rules!
That’s from indoctrination into propaganda, video game killing and the cyber world replacing the real world.
In the cyber world it’s a fake blood splatter and an enemy dead. In the real world, it’s children blown to bits abroad, and dead teens at home from suicide and drug overdoses.
But the problem is the same. The level of propaganda comes from indoctrination at school and people being told by their PARENTS AND TEACHERS and the world around them that governments are legitimate, are democratic, and there is no alternative, when nothing could be further from the truth.
The option to cast a vote does not create democracy. It creates the illusion of democracy.
“What exists in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA is CORPORATE FASCISM. As to the general public’s fear levels exceeding their intelligence levels, perhaps public education introducing instruction in CRITICAL THINKING, as well as logic, can deal with that.”
Please no more with the George carlin, we get it, it was great for the 80s but we are moving on with our understanding now.
“You may. But it is for the newbies.”
Carlin never gets old. And it wasn’t just for the 80’s…these posts are all appropriate now.
And a lot more relevant than most people are willing to accept NOW. It isn’t only in the here and now people saw through the lies, many did back in the “olden days” and still do and are still trying to wake others the hell up. But for those who’ve had too much Kool Aid, that’s not relevant because those people either didn’t stop the madness or were only talking about the madness “back then” which is the same madness as now, of course. Nothing new under the sun really, but this time it will indeed be different, this time we’ll fight each other to the literal death over some proclamation from on high, even when “we” know better. “This is different!”
In addition to asking the people to believe their government is lying to them, It is even more difficult to persuade the population that the USA is so cruel, so soulless and so genocidal, that they would use the Covid measures to murder & torture millions of people around the world with world leaders assistance, just to increase the market share of Amazon, Google or Exxon-mobile. Despite it being proven over and over again, in the cases in Libya, Guatemala, Chili, Cuba, Ukraine, Venezuela, Iran etc….. that that is exactly what they do, as a mater of policy. …… In fact I might even have a problem persuading you.
Why the US? The Great Reset is being run globally by globalists who care nothing for nation states.
Globally Globalists are not a power base, they are a type of person.
Look at who is benefiting from Covid, and how they are benefiting. The US is a Corporate fascist state, where its power is helped by its military, surveillance, Corporate and political machine. All work in tandem, because they need to, it is a big task they are undertaking. Snowden spent all his career working for the CIA following business deals, not torturing people or spying on airplanes. He was involved in the blackmailing businessmen. It is Corporate fascism, we are all victims of it now.
You’ve made the same comment under two different names. One at 1:15, under the name of Peter Swils, and this one at 1:16.
What a sad existence you lead, you little troll.
Because the first was blocked. In what world would repeated a comment within 2 seconds of the other be trolling ? the delay was not caused by me.
Can you not? Or at least if you do, please just accept you’ll continue going to the spam tray. Trying to ‘beat’ the software by multi-posting just earmarks you as spam on the system. It really is self defeating if you’re seeking to post here in good faith. A2
Yesterday: Nice young couple all set to go for jog on a country road. Hop out of the car and don masks. They were running by themselves with masks on. What in any rational mind could they think they are accomplishing?!
People have lost their marbles. I saw a woman wearing a mask while walking her dog on a country road. She could see for several hundred yards in both directions. Not another soul to be seen.
And then, of course, there are the people who wear masks while they’re driving. Alone.
the shop keepers round here seem to have less masks now. one of them said she didn’t need to wear one coz she has her plastic screen whilst still trying to get me to wear one. its good in any case. Maybe the employers are getting worried they will end up screwed for harming their staff. could be a lot of law suits on the way and the employers will be on the hook big time for millions in compensation.
They’re right to be worried. Who knows how all this will pan out? They could well be on the hook for it.
For the last couple of months, I’ve been wearing a mask pulled down under my chin when I go to the supermarket. No one’s challenged me on it. And the cashiers I’ve spoken to haven’t seemed at all bothered by it, even thought there’s no screen between us as we talk.
That always intrigues me, also the single person in a car wearing a mask or on a bicycle. I always stare at them bemused, I cant stop myself, trying to see what is going on in their heads, I find them fascinating.
Therefore it is more about conditioning and compliance….
Yeah, it is. I can’t believe how readily people have just given in to it. And what about the self-appointed Stasi enforcers who’ve popped up everywhere? They seem to be enjoying this! Weirdos.
B…..b….bu….buu….but covid
Spot on. The answer to your question is 4 things: genuine stupidity, ignorance, herd behavior and propaganda. Mix them all together and you got “democracy”, western style.
In terms of the first, stupidity: 50% of the population are less intelligent than average. This is just a cold hard fact. Not to sound elitist, but we can’t expect much from these people. The world is a complex place.
Ignorance: most people are laughably ignorant in the west. They know nothing outside the area of expertise they have studied or work with. They simply don’t wish to know anything else.
Herd behavior: most people are terrified of thoughts and opinions that go against what the herd believes to be true. In turn, the commonly accepted beliefs of the herd are just “lowest common denominator” type of beliefs, “common sense” and utter worthless crap intellectually.
Propaganda: lets face it, our wise masters are experts at manipulating the herd through propaganda. People I know are so cute when they think propaganda is something that happens somewhere else. Often during discussions of propaganda, I ask people if they know the definition of propaganda. That usually returns the most hilarious and dead giveaway silences and stuttering. Try it sometime 🤣
You don’t need to be clever to make the right decision for your own interests. We have achieved a lot though democracy, in Europe anyway. Not so much in the US, where they don’t even have healthcare.
That’s a very accurate analysis, Jan. I commented earlier that I’d recently seen one of the Guardian’s readers claim that it’s a left-wing publication. That’s the level of incomprehension that we’re dealing with. Embarrassing.
Oh, and I look forward to trying your ”definition of propaganda” question on someone. ;o)
Have a great 2021 Gwyn!! You have been a blessing.
Well, that’s very nice of you to say, Shin! Likewise! I always enjoy reading your comments. You have a great 2021, too.
Gwyn, It’s mainly due to social conditioning on a background of indoctrination and fear about deadly germs and germ theory which has been proven to be a non sequitur. I have discussed the latter on other threads and need not go into it again here.
The majority of the publics belief in pathogenic viruses and bacteria is still so strong (sometimes to the point of obsession) that it’s no surprise that your friend would not let go of her fixed ideas associated with Covid, viruses, infection and contagion.
What you say is true. All the lies that are drummed into us from birth are difficult to shake off. We are told untruths about the most fundamental things (such as the way our bodies function).
The other thing to note here Gwyn is that we do know that an energy circulates through the acupuncture meridians between the soma and the psyche.
Insofar as the latter is concerned certain ideas can become highly charged with emotional energy which can be either good or bad. Unless the charge of negative energy attached to the associated ideas are discharged (as in your friends case) the problem will not be resolved without some form of convincing intervention.
Spot on. Germ Theory piggybacked nicely on fear of demonic possession…all a farce.
Yes. Germ theory was also based on a warfare model and was actually used in that context mainly at a psychological level. They never really use actual germ warfare at the physical level because they know it’s not very effective or cost effective since they would require tons and tons of the stuff to produce only a few cases in those who are already toxic, susceptible and in a substate of health.
My cousins boyfriends father had “covid”. He suffered light fever and recovered within days. My cousin still thinks its a killer virus. Some people can’t even see trough this scam even if they get front row seats.
As someone pointed out on these threads, if the ‘authorities’ turned around and said that there was no truth to the ‘coronavirus’, people still wouldn’t believe them.
No people would. Just as they now believe masks work.
They’ll believe any old nonsense!
This site really has taken a turn for the spooky, with some very intrusive behavior. My Browser really hates this site now, keeps blocking freezing up.
Spooky? Easy child, feed the virus dollar coins.
Sleep tight princess.
Apologies, but i might have got your comment confused. Are you working off your phone, ipad, laptop or other?
Sometimes, with large numbers of comments, the pages on this site are a challenge for browsers. It will likely depend on the amount of RAM on your PC or other device too.
This site is as non-intrusive as physically possible.
Your site keeps stroking my face while I am asleep and is turning my cats gay……love some of the paranoid folk on here still waiting for someone to say Israel runs this site hahaha
It’s only this page. My browser identifies a script that’s slowing down the page and gives the option to disable it. Other Off-G pages are not affected. Could be something to do with the link to the stimulus document?
me too
me too
Probably something to do with the 5000-page pdf embedded on this page…
NEWSFLASH: Trump is threatening to veto the bill.
From the Lockdown Sceptics site:
Tell us something we don’t know!
The true believers (Covidians) really thing there will be alight at the ned of the tunnel.
From a childhood friend and healthcare worker: “I’m getting the Moderna vaccine and I’m excited. I guess Bill Gates will know where I am all the time!” (Hardy-fuggin-Har, he just caint resist taking a piss)
It is more likely that we a re in a conditionaing phase and that anyone under that age of ten right now wont recall a word where there WERENT rolling waves of death-care virus based lockdowns. So maybe this first round of mRNA mods wont be the kiss of death all the numptys are screeching about. That would trigger mssive pushback. But we are now getting “educated” about how mutations happen and thus paving the way for regular innoculations. With CRISPR technologies administered on a regular basis there;s no telling what could be engineered. How’s it feel to be a TransHuman GMO?!
Technocracy, Riots and the Mystery of Lawlessness (Audio Only) – Patrick Wood
Brilliant article:
“The pandemic is a convenient scapegoat for the largest upward wealth transfer in modern human history. Under the pretext of a public health policy, elites have successfully waged a counterrevolution that will result in the erosion of working conditions and quality of life for generations to come.
Lockdown fanatics have helped manufacture consent for a brutal reorganization of labor that will plunge millions of people into serfdom. The work-from-home lifestyle is only possible through the labor of logistics workers who transport, sort, and deliver goods. Currently about 10 million jobs that existed in February have not been replaced. Many workers have been forced to take on part-time, no-contract work, a labor model that is rolling back decades of hard-fought protections.
At the start of the covid crisis, vocal segments of the American left argued that economic shutdown was a way to resist billionaires and capitalism. This demonstrated a deep misunderstanding of the way financiers can profit from economic contraction. Many on the left chose to ignore the Biblical scale of the destruction that economic stoppages would cause, arguing that the covid crisis was an opportunity. Today the left continues to advance the illusion that meaningful relief is possible, while workers’ pensions are plundered, children’s futures disappear, and 150 million people are pushed into extreme poverty worldwide. Lockdowns were not bungled by incompetent leaders. They were in fact executed perfectly, because their purpose was not public health but rather the rapid installment of a regressive neoliberal agenda designed by the nonprofit industrial complex.”
“Many on the left chose to ignore the Biblical scale of the destruction that economic stoppages would cause, arguing that the covid crisis was an opportunity. … Lockdowns were not bungled by incompetent leaders. They were in fact executed perfectly, because their purpose was not public health but rather the rapid installment of a regressive neoliberal agenda designed by the nonprofit industrial complex.”
And so it goes and will continue to go. The “incompetence” meme has been the great calling card of the Left and of the “radical satirical writers” every step of the way. The Spitting Image sketch with its schoolboy fart humour is a marginally more moronic version of this Leftist “subversion”. These self-congratulating “rebels” launch their “incisive” attacks on the establishment without ever showing any awareness at all that they are simply puppets playing a role in a theatre that has been set up for them.
Spoton George Mc.
I don’t think it is pure incompetence but I don’t think it is Dr Evil mastermind scheming either. The trouble with the latter mindset is that in my opinion it encourages defeatism. “Look at them – these evil but cunning monsters have had this all worked out in detail since forever. We have no chance.”
Sometimes they can get tangled in their own plots. For example, the “variant” BS was probably cooked up for domestic purposes, but Johnson seemed taken aback when it got the UK treated as an international leper. “Unclean! Unclean!” While it might have been some chess move against the EU it has resulted in non-EU countries banning UK flights, which was probably not the intention.
I reckon the variant bullshit has been delivered to speed on the vaccine programme. I have every confidence that the non-mandatory vax will soon be replaced by “necessary” vaccinations for certain lines of work. It would be a sneaky move. They don’t have to say, “Take this vax!” They only have to say, “If you want to do such and such you need to take the vax!”
As for which lines of work: care and health work where you work with those “vulnerable ones” who keep getting mentioned to tug the old heartstrings – and correspondingly invoke more wrath at “selfish bastards who refuse the vax” etc.
This is the exact type of mission creep we should expect. You dont HAVE to take it but in order to enter an: Airport, hospital, grocery, school, etc you will need to show your papers! And as we have wave after wave there will be “updates” each one designed to perform another RNA tweek. Yes I know, this sounds outrageous and who in the world would do such a thing. Impossible! SOMEone would talk, blah blah etc…..
thank you for the The Bellows web site.
Great article. I always especially appreciate the ones from a leftist perspective given the abomination of what passes for the ‘left’ today. Thanks for sharing.
Great article. Thanx 👍
Are Dems Striving to ‘Win It All’ & Turn US Political Landscape Into ‘One-Party System’? — by Ekaterina Blinova
Paul Craig Roberts: US In Advanced Economic Collapse, Already Politically Gone – Dec 21, 2020
Roberts believes that there is a virus! He has never stated otherwise, to my knowledge that is. Maybe Paul has done the Chomsky route.
Giving in on bended knee to appease
I stopped reading Roberts at the start of the coronavirus panic when he was vigorously shilling for the ‘pandemic’. As with Craig Murray, it is pretty clear Roberts still has loyalties to the government he once served.
Another one bites the dust. Anyone who believes there’s a virus needs their bumps felt.
And they need to be shunned. I propose that we shun them to within an inch of their lives. Up for a spot of shunning, Shin?
I keep that caveat in mind but frankly it does not diminish his analysis.
Roberts was warning of the collapse of the U.S. economy long before Event Covid.
Notice I call it Event Covid. This covers multiple possibilities:
The response – Operation Warp Speed and Moonshot:
There is no vaccine. It is not a vaccine. It is an injectable.
You will get bad healthcare anyway so care for yourself.
Eugenicists clearly aim to get rid of the elderly — with or without an injectable
Event Covid is being used for technocratic and monetary goals:
The monetary system is being crashed and replaced
Government actions are coordinated
Corporatist media is identical; censorship is ramping up
Big Tech and Big Pharma in lockstep with the Military
Big Ag, too — food supplies are being run down
Depopulation is on the agenda
The wealth redistribution matches any third world state
Laws, rights and parliaments have been cancelled.
Technocrats have no need for politicians
One party state or Nomenclatura – call it what you will.
Agenda 21
This is what Roberts discusses very insightfully.
I don’t see why it’s important whether the “virus” is fake.
I’ve followed the good doctor for a long time. He’s been spot on about many things. Especially regarding 911 and other modern Yankee atrocities.
But to come up with arguments based on nothing more than assumptions is a bit lose.
Is there a virus or isn’t there. That’s the question that Roberts fails to answer.
The tenuous narrative of the virus is part of the ploy: the gov is daring you to call it fake. Then the howls of outrage make it seem all the more real. This also serves to divide and rule.
You become an enemy of the people, demonized as a grandma killer, conspiracy theorist, nut job etc. I suspect Roberts knows that and thus doesn’t go there.
Is this the sign of a credible policy response to a real virus:
Cheers Money for not answering the question. Kudos!
Anyhoo have a very merry Christmas Mr Moneycircus!!!!
I appreciate you and everything you have written on here..
Take care and enjoy!
You too. Happy Christmas!
“The tenuous narrative of the virus is part of the ploy: the gov is daring you to call it fake. Then the howls of outrage make it seem all the more real. This also serves to divide and rule.”
Apologies for the quoting, but the above is a mechanism that it vital in terms of derailing any and all alternative narratives and perspectives. It’s a technique used in the management and deception.
Roberts only has access to information, not peer reviewed data, just like the rest of us. Making an absolute pronouncement one way or the other is just asking to be tarred and feathered.
Not that peer reviewed data is any guarantee of accuracy or honesty. It’s more a system of gatekeeping.
Because if you can show that viruses aren’t real people can finally realize their own government is the enemy.
Depose the governments and nationalize the banks. That is, remove their illegal emergency measures and curb all government power and intrusion into people’s lives and property, except that, which would be necessary as a barebones administrative body.
This is why the issue of contagious transmission matters so much. After the 1918 flu, the US government conducted studies trying to determine how transmission occurred and they could not prove it exists.
It still has not been proven to this day.
Why does it matter? Because all these extremely unpopular measures can only be pulled under the guise of something life threatening. Climate fraud did not work. So now it’s virus fraud. That’s working amazingly well. Too well. If we can show people that not only are viruses NOT contagious, but that the government knows there’s no virus, viruses aren’t real, we can show them how to resist the implementation of the tests, the vaccines, the quarantining, the lockdowns. It stops when enough people know that their governments are illegitimate and have been defrauding them.
People are not going to believe their government wants them dead with their children or grandchildren corralled into mega cities, stacked like sardines in high rise boxes with no privacy, no possessions, no independence and no future as long as they believe their government is keeping them safe from a deadly virus.
If people cast off their fear of “catching” a virus that’s the best way to make them aware of the larger plan. As long as people are stuck in the fear mindset, they cannot make logical decisions and they can’t reason. And they can’t see their own government’s agreement to Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 as a betrayal of public trust and therefore an invalidation of their credibility and legal right to govern.
“The reason why you are all broke is because of the viral plague of 2020 (worse than the 14th Century Black Death); not we CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS have stolen all your money. The Langley-Land version of the dog ate my homework. “