“The Storming of the Capitol”: America’s Reichstag Fire?
The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.
Kit Knightly

The media are already spinning a narrative around the events in Washington DC. One that bears no resemblance to reality, does not hold up to any kind of scrutiny and will have massive, far-reaching consequences for all of us.
They’re calling it “one of the darkest days in our nations history”, a day that will “live in infamy”. It will likely be memed into a shorthand date – 1/6/21, like 9/11 and 7/7. It will be the day “American democracy was attacked and prevailed”, the day the nation nearly fell to “fascists”.
It will become just one more grand sweeping illusion upon which the teetering structures of US Imperial power are built.
The story we are being told goes as follows:
Yesterday, as congress was preparing to pass the vote endorsing Joe Biden’s election victory, thousands of violent right-wing thugs stormed the Capitol building.
Acting according to Trump’s wishes, and with his endorsement, these domestic terrorists overran the police barricades in an attempt to overthrow the senate and preserve Trump’s presidency.
Fortunately the police were able to secure the situation, drive the violent rioters out and the democratic process was able to continue.
Not one single part of this story is true:
- There was no “storming”
- There was no “incitement”
- There was no “violence”
- And the riot effectively ended Trump’s presidency.
Let’s tackle them one at a time.
* * *
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and – when the main events were over – they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.

Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs – none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent.
* * *
In the title, I refer to this as America’s Reichstag fire, and that’s not just emotive language, the parallels are pretty clear: A staged attack on a political building, deliberately misattributed to political enemies and used to consolidate the power of a freshly installed leader.
Even the media coverage is similar, the Nazi government and their tools in the press talked about it in the same exact terms as the US establishment is describing this farcical “coup attempt”. Aiming to terrify people into thinking they were on the verge of an all-out civil war.
Read this quote, and ask yourself if it couldn’t be lifted almost completely from the front page of the Washington Post or New York Times today:
The burning of the Reichstag was intended to be the signal for a bloody uprising and civil war. Large-scale pillaging in Berlin was planned for as early as four o’clock in the morning on Tuesday. It has been determined that starting today throughout Germany acts of terrorism were to begin against prominent individuals, against private property, against the lives and safety of the peaceful population, and general civil war was to be unleashed…
Within 24 hours of the Reichstag burning, the German President had passed the Reichstag Fire Decree, which declared a state of emergency that totally reversed every civil right the Weimar Republic had guaranteed its citizens:
Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of the Constitution of the German Reich are suspended until further notice. It is therefore permissible to restrict the rights of personal freedom [habeas corpus], freedom of (opinion) expression, including the freedom of the press, the freedom to organize and assemble, the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications.
While these freedoms have already been severely undermined in the US by the Patriot Act and its successors, those few rights left to American citizens will definitely be under threat once Trump is finally removed and Biden (or Harris) is put in his place.
Although there is not yet any talk of legislation, it’s certainly true there are whispers of purges and other measures to “protect the constitution”.
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.
It puts in mind Huey Long’s famous quote when asked if fascism would ever come to America:
Sure, we’ll have Fascism in this country and we’ll call it anti-Fascism.”
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This is a very stupid piece of writing. We can tell you’re neither American nor in America. Holding bold ignorant opinions on situations way beyond your comprehension. I feel sorry for the UK if you are considered a thinking writer. Shame on you!
Instead of hurling insults which is a totally astroturfer thing to do, let’s have specific refutations.
Attacks ad hominem are mere propaganda of the ignorant. Me think ye project too much!
Arjun, “better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
You sound like a brownshirt. Hitler would be proud of you.
On the Premeditated Murder of a Random Innocent: The Ashli Eulogy
Our prayers go out to the family and friends of Ms. Ashli Babbit. I did not know her, perhaps my only links are that I also served in the military and also voted for Trump in 2020.
From the outstanding camera work of Japanese journalist, Masako Ganaha, we know that the federal cops — working with antifa/BLM — randomly selected and murdered Ms. Babbit. A horrible act of monstrous proportions; serving the purpose of political theater!
Joshua Philipp, of NTD TV, features the fantastic work of the Japanese journalist, Masako Ganaha, exposing the collusion between the (federal ??) police and antifa during the murder of Ashli Babbit!
In 1963, the films and footage were all gobbled up by designated traitors within the FBI and Secret Service (served in same OSS unit, with the majority of the players served in the same FBI/SIS unit during WWII, then went on to CIA, some staying w/FBI) — this time that amazing reporter goes to NTD TV — God bless her!
Minneapolis BLM “riots” were also staged events. I posted a video on Off Guardian’s Twitter page of an analysis of the footage showing controlled fires, Craft food service, sign in tables and Hollywood casting pylons. Sandy Hook was similar. Mass shootings and terrorist attacks are no different from the Capitol “riot”. They too must be exposed as staged events where no one gets hurt. Youtube and Google has eliminated all such analysis
OffGuardian is insinuating that the “left” done did it. In reality Trump is not a ‘political enemy” he was hired from the very beginning by the US imperialist ruling class to create the idea of a ‘failed presidient”.in order for Obama to continue behind the scenes.
Everyone in congress and the US state apparatus, other world leaders and many in media are aware that Obama is a covert president. Trump and his family are aware of their role in this psyop.
Republicans and democrats or left and right, mean nothing. They serve the ruling monopoly billionaires and work together. The conflict between them is an illusion
What is crucial to understand is that Trump has never been president. His entire presidency and all the Russian intrigue and his personal insults is a psyop.It’s not unlikely that political thriller author John Grisham wrote the Trump ‘failed presidency’ Hollywood drama
Many don’t recall that MIchael Cohen was “released from prison” in May whilst everyone had their attention on Covid19. He was never in prison nor was anyone else. Even Rosie O’Donnell, a former American comedian/talk show host is in on it. She said she saw Cohen in prison and wanted to wright a book with him. There are daily examples that I can refer to that are similar to this
Trump’s fictitious presidency must be exposed now and after Obama and a GOP VP continue as leaders of the US.
She wanted to wright a book ? Or write a book. Or right a book. Or rite a book ? You have fancy ideas, but can you spell them ? Have you considered taking walks or bird watching ? Ease the mind a bit. Relax.
If the inauguration is held it may well be another staged event. This time it may be an attack on US leaders. The goal is to create the illusion of a leaderless America in order to allow Obama to come out of his covert term ( He and BIden have 8 more days). It will do wonders for gun control and villainize any real mass movement of working people with economic demands
Its amazing that a handful of capitol police where able to suppress 2 million violent protesters with guns and ammo strapped to there backs! I would have thought that would take a nuk to stop those terrorist!. Wow am I stupid!
Some of them were deploying new “riot control” tactics. They include posing for selfies:
No one was armed.
As someone who was there and witnessed the events of the day, I can tell you that you are completely, absolutely, 100%, WRONG. Sorry. I love Off-Guardian, and share your articles all the time, but this time, you totally missed the mark.
Can you provide some evidence that you were there (on the ground) and that the writer is “wrong”?
No a single person in arguably the largest second Amendment supporting group ever was brandishing an evil AR-15.
Not a shot fired by protesters though there were over 50k on the grounds.
Not a single cop car burned, not even a waste basket lit on fire inside the building or out.
The K-9 support were never deployed.
No Graffiti.
This was not a riot but a protest gone awry.
Capital police tear gassed women,childern,seniors and even babies in their strollers.
Had they not done that it never ccx would have escalated.
It’s looking increasingly like Benghazi? Or maybe the USS Liberty?
Capitol Police Chief Sund: I Asked For Backup 6 Times
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:37 AM PT – Monday, January 11, 2021
The outgoing Capitol Police chief claimed his calls for the National Guard before and during the attack on Capitol Hill went unanswered. In an interview Sunday, Chief Steven Sund said his security officials denied his request for the National Guard to be on standby.
The chief went on to say House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving didn’t support his opinion nor did he want to declare an emergency before the demonstration. Sund noted all six of his calls for reinforcements ended up being postponed or denied as protesters broke through the perimeter in a mere 15-minutes.
USS. Liberty most the crew were murdered.
Just found you! What a wonderful article and website. THANK YOU.
Has anyone seen the speech by Arnold Schwarzenegger comparing the Wednesday patriotic acts to the Krystalnacht in Germany? I would say that is an honor, as the Jews were troublemakers and needed to be reined in, just like the Demoncrat communists who are the present enemy.
Your anti-semitic trash!!!! Stop your hate because you’re the one out of control that needs to be reined in!!!!
“Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism” – my goodness, when will be ever rid of this utter nonsense? It doesn’t even make any sense and no fascist regime has ever operated that way – the only current fascist regime being Israel, but go back to Franco and Mussolini and Hitler, none of them had any relationship with large corporations that every government doesn’t have.
Under that reading, Biden is a fascist, as he’s in Bed with Google, FB, and virtually all the other monopolists in the US.
You need to study your history before making foolish assertions.
LOL, I know more about history on a pinky than you can fit in your body. Stupid comment from a troll.
What a terrible commentary. Subsequent evidence have shown points 1-3 are patently false. What are the interests of Kit Knightly (a lame pseudonym if there ever was one).
I’ll take the bait. Sure there was a little violence – the BLM/ANTIFA violence the Commies/Democrats supported, endorsed and encouraged over the summer was 100,000 times greater, but I’ll admit a very small number of protesters broke a few things. Now, where is this “incitement to violence”? Hmmm? And don’t quote me “fight on” because this is language every politician uses, and, like always, the Communists have utterly distorted it, and their zombified sheep eat it up, so show evidence of actual incitement.
Very telling this comment gets so many negative votes!!! Guess neither of s belong on this website.
This was a color revolution, if you don’t no what it is, look it up
The election is definately a color revolution.
Thanks and I am posting on 01/10/21 on Sunday and the president has been rendered incommunicado against his will and not been seen in public since he was about to present evidence of massive election fraud!?
In other countries this called a COUP.
yes, this is a coupe
sound like another ritual to keep believers hooked
the following SHOUTING is intentional
They’re obviously Communists. You just have to go back to the basic doctrines. Communists have: this (delusional and certainly not believed by its rulers, but as part of their dogma) concept that people are “equal” (even though the rulers consider themselves vastly superior to anyone else); the hatred of the family and religion (and any other institution they do not fully control because they demand complete and total loyalty, like N. Korea); and the hatred of nation-states (again, because any identity other than as a “Communist”, which complete subjugation to the “Party” (the rulers), provides an alternate power center – and Communists desire a power monopoly.
A corporation is just a tool, has nothing to do with politics. Even “Communist” countries had corporations. It’s just a means to assign assets and liabilities to a particular enterprise.
But agreed they are occult, and have countless tentacles, I call them “control vectors” (of which corporations are certainly one, but far from the only, and far from necessary, though very useful).
Maybe this article deserves a PostScript. There was violence, lost of life, Mrs Ashli Babbitt, and a Police Officer outside the Capitol. It appears the Police officer from the US Capitol Police, Brian Sicknick, was apparently struck with an extinguisher in the face, resulting in severe, and eventually fatal (deceased on Jan 8), head injuries. Further, there was vandalism and stealing…unacceptable.
Yet, I mostly agree that the situation has all the ingredients of a False Flag operation. As with 9-11 in DC, where fighter jets were grounded for 90 minutes, until the plane struck the Pentagon building, here the DC Police head, who has since resigned, refused to prepare adequately. Further, at 13:35 on Wed, when the first call to the National Guard was made, assistance was refused…probably as a political retaliation, since the precedent day, the National Guard had offered their services, which were refused by the US Capitol Police Chief.
Yes, the gates were removed by US Capitol Police, questions were asked to Sund Chief of Police who did not answer on this controversy.
Effectively there was a Coup, Joe’s Coup…the purge is already on…
Further reports are contradicting the assault on the officed and stating a heart condition?????
False flag doesn’t mean nobody got hurt.
It’s my contention, James, that “false flag” is a propaganda term designed to mislead us into believing that the alleged crime is actually committed while the lie is only about who the perpetrator is. I’m not sure this kind of phenomenon actually exists or if it does it’s a rare bird – sure for an assassination it would generally occur (although some of these seem fake too) but I believe most events referred to as “false flags” are completely staged and the best term to use is psyop. Psyop applies regardless of whether the alleged crime is committed or not so it’s the better term.
Interestingly, Babbitt is the name of a book I read as a teenager but have no memory of.
Babbitt (1922), by Sinclair Lewis, is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle class life and the social pressure toward conformity. The controversy provoked by Babbitt was influential in the decision to award the Nobel Prize in Literature to Lewis in 1930.
Footage of Ashli Babbitt being shot highly unconvincing … plus so many other things around her shooting.
A lot of comparisons are confusing. The German minister of foreign affairs Maas compares the Capitol riots with the Reichstag fire (Berlin 1933). Of course he knows that that was a false flag. The Nazis handled a mentally weak Dutchman into setting fires after letting him secretly into the building. The aim of this false flag was to blame the “communists”. They were to be scapegoated. But in these Capitol riots who is to be scapegoated? It seems these conservative rioters scapegoated themselves unwittingly. The riots made the parliamentary discussion of the many irregularities in the elections (interventions by some republican senators) planned for the afternoon of 6 January impossible. They and Trump receive the blame. It will make it impossible for Trump to run again in 2023 at least under the Republicans. He can run as an independent third party candidate but these in American history have little chance. Moreover Trump and his followers will be fully excluded, de-platformed, demonetised from social media. They will continue in a digital gulag.
In the Reichstag false flag there is the Dutchman who the Nazis used as a provocateur. Where were the provocateurs here? From photographs and witness accounts it appears that there were some agent provocateurs, Antifa people dressed as Trump supporters. Some were identified from footage from other riots (looting after the antiracist demos in summer).
Biden set the tone by calling the conservative rioters right away “domestic terrorists”. The looters and hooligans who caused huge damage in shop centres in north eastern and north western cities (billions of dollars in damage and commodities looted) during or after the summer demos were never called “domestic terrorists” by the press. The mainstream called the demos then “mainly peaceful protesters” despite the looting following almost every time.
So this comparison with the Reichstag fire is misleading and confusing especially when coming from a German minister of foreign affairs who should know his own history better. The conservative rioters (sometimes stimulated by agent provocateurs) scapegoat ultimately themselves.. The question is: Who is to benefit? Obviously not the side of the true conservatives but the side of the globalists supported by big tech (extending an all encompassing censorship), big pharma (benefiting from continued lockdown and accelerated vaccination), big money (bent on taking over the assets of capsizing small and medium size businesses).
Capitol hill fiasco 2021
capitol hill fiasco 2021 on Vimeo
Ok, lets see how many of you get this straight… around 1965 a Congessman, Dr. Emmanuel M Josephson wrote the book “Nelson Rockefeller, Public Enemy N.1″…
In the book he describes the purpose of the big NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS.
Regarding that he mentions a Congressional inquiry made to the Ford Foundation.. The president of that foundation was asked for the purpose of the foundation and the answer was “TO INTRODUCE IN THE USA SOCIALISM IN A STEALTH WAY” …. I do not remember if the quote said Socialism or COMMUNISM.. Get that book because it describes precisely how and who controls the whole educational system, political system,
The Plandemic or scamDemic is precisely run the same way…by non-profit organizations History rhymes and also sometimes repeats itself…
And David Rockefeller accompanied his two minions, Nixon and Kissinger, when they met with Mao Zedong in 1973 and DR wrote a glowing op ed piece in the NY Times about the wonderful “system” Mao had set up there.
The Rockefeller Plan:
Great article Kit, think we both agree as our only choice is between Trump n the Kamala thing, Trump is the better option. Discounting Bidet since i think it’s been a seriously long time since he was capable of an independent thought. I have a vision of him getting sleeping meds most of the time, with just the occasional shot of something to galvanise him, so they can pull his strings. Unbelievable Kamala is the VP on offer, did she even get 2% in the dnc election race? Tulsi kicked her bum in the debates n the race itself, Tulsi made it to the final 3, either her or Bernie should have been the pic for VP.
The Globalist Scum have seriously pushed 4 the finish line with the fake coup, think ppl are really waking up to that particular scam tho. Think the best reaction to hoaxes like 6/1 is outright ridicule/derision, rather than a coup attempt, think the Battle for Pelosi’s ice cream/choccy Stash, wld be more appropriate. Also, think Trump knows there’s no point seeking re-election in ’24, seriously doubt public elections will exist by then.
I laugh at drama kings and queens.
What Does LIHOP Mean?LIHOP means “Let it happen on purpose”. LIHOP is typically used in connection with a political agenda. For example, some people believe the US government had prior warning of the 9/11 terrorist attacks but allowed them to happen to support an aggressive foreign-policy agenda. Explains a lot!
The riot on 6/1/2021 at the US Capitol was a case of LIHOP too, but with near zero intended damage; more a Carnivalesque protest.
twitter, facebook….instagram = THOUGHT POLICE
if ya don’t get it watch george orwells 1984
if you want to picture the future, picture a boot on a human face…. forever
amen this is the end of the very fake amerikkkan demokkkrazy the fat is in the fire thevery ugly dirty monstruous hog
What disgraceful journalism this article is. Of course the MSM frames everything in a dishonest fashion but to claim that there was no violence, incitement or breaking in is absolutely fucking insane. You can literally not watch a single video provided by the MSM and only watch videos posted by people there or citizen journalists and all of these things are evident to the highest degree. If you watch Trump’s full speech (I dont trust MSM editing) there is clear inflamatory language and possible incitement (this depends on whether claiming that you should fight for your country and not allow traitors to steal your country can be viewed as just a figure of speech).
The funny thing is that I am slowly just deleting my bookmarks to alt-media that i follow if it repeates things as disengenuous as this article. I have, as a result, deleted alot of bookmarks. At least with mainstream they will be held to some kind of account for outright lies. They will be just as bias and unfair to the whole truth but they are much better than this horseshit.
Trump has never advocated for violence. Not on the 6th, not ever. To suggest that anything he said was inciting violence is absurd.
thats bullsit
he siad to go there for something big the 6 date was banded about the internet by
his idots followers and tension where high
of course something could not happen but lets it correct they want it to happen
so he did thrown petrol into the fire.; and his fanbsse also.
I know what you did last summer
Be a better journalist?
The way you write clearly indicates that whatver does not agree with your interpretation is “worse jourlism” You should seek membersip in the “Confirmation Bias” club.
Can you point to any violence shown in a video or still image which you think is real rather than staged and say why?
Lots of hustle and bustle and people constantly moving about and cameras moving quickly from one place to another and back and forth and up and down – IS NOT PROOF OF A VIOLENT ENCOUNTER!
In the movies, they do it all the time – make a scene appear violent through camera technique. In the News, they just add voice over to enhance the scene. Somebody walks the viewer through the action, step by step, telling the viewer what it is they’re watching. This works both ways, of course.
I watched a video of the woman being shot incident. It was obvious that was not a scene of pandemonium; and I rather resented that the presenter walked the viewer through the scene, pointing out how it was not a scene of violence and confusion. Let me decide for myself; don’t take me by the hand and tiptoe through the tulips.
we won’t miss you.
Thanks for breathing some fresh air into this chamber It’s fusty with the smell of stale old alt-Right rhetoric.rs
That being said, it’s the Capitol Police who should be investigated, and those who gave orders to the, and ll the way up the chain of command.
It won’t happen.
If it doesn’t then it will join the long list. Here’s a sample:
The assassinations of the Kennedys,& King,
The theft of the 2000 election,
The lies that took US to war in the middle east
US deep state’s massive international drug running venture’s which included assassination, torture and widespread corruption of law enforcement, banking and government.
None of the above was investigated
All of the above is what a student of history comes to expect from an empire.
Jan 6 taught Congress an important lesson about its dependence on the Pentagon to keep it from getting overrun by an angry rightist mob.
The Left has tried to occupy the Capitol, the Pentagon, power stations and Wall St with almost entirely symbolic, non-violent, mass civil disobedience, and with almost entirely no “success.” The last major manifestation of this was Occupy Wall St.
The Summer riots seems to have spelled an end to the non-violent Left’s control of street protests.
Did the storming of the Capitol spell the release of the hellhounds of Right?
Or will Jan 21 amount to a well cordoned protest of a few thousand diehards, with anyone bringing guns subject to severe penalties?
Who will dare to lead such a protest? Trump? Flynn? Anyone of any political stature?
Stay tuned, because we’ll know soon.
Hear ya go….
I must admit I totally voted for Biden…but I absolutely went ahead and read this to it’s completion because I believe you should have as much true and valid information as possible before I decide on something… I believe in the freedom of the United States but I also just got word that a friend died this evening as a result of coronavirus…so what would you have me do? Trump would not put on a mask or even follow sound advise with regard anti viral safety measures…I just can’t trust; that people are dead because of the things that Trump as done……If Biden doesn’t do the job I feel he should, I will vote against him just like I did for Trump, because as an American we should not be fighting for or against for one side or another. We should be fighting for the choice to decide…Good luck and God bless, may the next year be a year of healing followed by *some years of blessed growth…
Surgical masks do NOTHING to stop virusus like Covid, if that is the reason you voted against Trump, you are going against 40+ years of science. “A hundred years from now, historians will not be talking about covid-19 as an example of a deadly pandemic on par with the Spanish flu. They will be talking about it as an example of how easy it is to induce a state of collective mass hysteria. Given that this is the case, how long will the present hysteria continue?… most governments have dug themselves in to a hole in relation to covid. They’ve portrayed it as for more deadly and dangerous than it is. They know this. But to admit the error now is impossible. Partly, that is because lockdown has resulted in so much suffering that it would be suicidal to say that it was all for nothing….” ~ Sebastian Rushworth M.D.
is valid ONLY if ‘viruses like Covid’* do not (also) embed in droplets and larger gobs that would be stopped by such masks AND ‘if viruses like Covid’ embedded in droplets and gobs that masks will stop are not capable of infecting a new host b6 either by aitborne surface transmission AND if there were no replicable but so far uncontradicted studies that negate your basic assertion.
* By ‘viruses like Covid’ I assume you mean ‘viruses like the virus that causes Covid’ because, as I’m sure you know even if you’ve only half-skimmed the microbiology concerned, Covid is a disease caused by a virus called something else.
John, I totally agree with your statement “ We should be fighting for the choice to decide…”
I choose to take the big picture in response to COVID. Lockdowns do more harm than good. Lockdown of healthy people has not been proven to do anything except prolong herd immunity. Wrecking small businesses and the “real economy” will have a long-lasting impact that will be felt for years- physiological, psychological and economically. Existing drugs and treatments are being banned and ignored so that big Pharma can reap immense profit at the expense of the US taxpayer and the health of those who are participating in the trials for a novel, thinly tested vaccine.
I hope you choose to continue to fight for the choice to decide, because we will all be faced with important decisions in the coming weeks and months as to the extent we want The State to impose their will in our lives.
So you are aware of not only the incriminating evidence against the Bidens and their connections to the CCP but the sick photos of Hunter with a young family member?
Reports of an Italian connection in the recent US election voting fraud. I don’t know how genuine these are, but you can read about it on these two sites:
More silly and cartoonish disinfo — meant to draw attention away from Dominion and the CCCP. I don’t wish to insult anyone, but it isn’t rocket science — no hacking of any sort was necessary, or involved to my knowledge. The Dominion user guides explain how to do it — election fraud — I am amazed anyone still does not know this??? NTD TV featured several shows with data scientists explaining about everything and the report from the Texas state gov’t on their rejection of Dominion was really quite astounding — astounding that anyone would use them?
GA and Pa fraud
I wrote earlier today about this article and wanted to say a bit more. I have to again officially say that I am so thankful for Off-Guardian’s existence. This has been a beacon of truth for me. I don’t always understand some things that I’ve read as I have not had the same experience or understanding about what is happening in the world, but there is very little here that I have patently disagreed with.
I know Kit Knightly to be a champion of truth. I would like to know more about why he comes to the conclusions found in this particular article, from him or from anyone else here. I don’t doubt the ultimate conclusions of foul play from just about every angle. I just wish it was easier to show solid evidence to those who see everything at face value about this, and other similar, situations.
Again, thank you for this work…”because facts really should be sacred.”
And please publish Matt’s comment…all opinions should be heard on this….
You’re been fooled by incredibly sloppy journalism, TH.
If you believe someone is a “champion of truth,” you’ve lost your way.
The truth is always more complicated than something that one person is always championing.
Hello President Trump…
Goodbye President Trump…
Good bye, President elect Trump…Hello, mail-in-ballot/Dominion fraud Sleepy Joe & the Hoe…R.I.P., USA…I was born under an Orwellian Government like the one the presstitutes are praising…after the most blatant/fraudulent election not only in developed World, but the entire Planet…probably ever !
A digital Iron Curtain is descending
Gimme a break! This was a set-up by the Democrats. ANTIFA were bussed in to create chaos in The Capitol. Many ANTIFA thugs were identified from video footage, from last summer riots:
In 2016, Paul Ryan was planning to run for the presidency with Mike Pence as his running mate. However, Trump’s popularity soared, and the Ryan/Pence ticket was abandoned. There is overwhelming evidence of widespread voter fraud in the November 3rd 2020 Election. On 6th January 2021, Pence, as President of the Senate, had the to opportunity to disallow disputed votes. By refusing to do so, he demonstrated that he is a swamp creature.
“[…] a protester allegedly shot by the police.”
An unarmed protestress aimed at and shot in the neckat point-blank range by a parliamentary policeman or someone dressed as such just inside the entry door (video).
C’mon guys… Trump may be sneaky, a scammer, etc. but if anybody thinks he is Stupid, that person is Stupid himself… !!!
Trump is VERY SMART albeit many believe him to be dishonest… Intelligence does not guarantee honesty or ethics… Just look at the intelligent and diploma-carrying doctors who push the SCAM-Demic tale..
Ok. That said, do you think a smart and sneaky person would organize a protest EXACTLY at the time to INTERRUPT what he was holding so dear which may lead to what he most wanted: the rejection of the Electoral Votes of the states he was challenging?
I always was critical of many things Trump did.. but to think he would organize the Break In to interrupt the session which was his hope, is not one I could INTELLIGENTLY assign to him.
Again, that said, it qualifies all those Politicians and Main Stream Media that blame him for this, as DUMB or HYPOCRITICAL … Either one or both, but none other.
Now consider: CUI BONO from the Break In??… If you can not figure it out take a course that Sherlock Holmes is offering in the internet. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will give the final exam.
Search the internet with unbiased search engines: “False Flags in US History” and spend a few days making a list. At the end ADD THIS ONE..
Wake up, and stop ADVOCATING by pushing whatever facts fit you own CONFIRMATION BIAS. Do UNBIASED LOGICAL ANALYSIS whic implies considering ALL the UNQUESTIONABLE VARIABLES not just the convenient ones. This applies to both Trumpers and Anti-Trumpers. Write a theory and ask a “Devil’s Advocate” to examine it before presenting it.
PS: I can not even imagine what would have been the story had the woman killed been a Black person. Racist Trump to the cross…
America you are collapsing, and it is spreading World Wide.
Off Giardian Keep It UP … we are sailing in dangerous waters and you are a Light House in the Horizon. Thanks.
Hello Manuel: You hit it out of the park with this: “Ok. That said, do you think a smart and sneaky person would organize a protest EXACTLY at the time to INTERRUPT what he was holding so dear which may lead to what he most wanted: the rejection of the Electoral Votes of the states he was challenging?“
Good question.
People who get their news off plastic cell phones and television broadcast, are indifferent to such questioning and analysis. They just stare at their little screens and drink in the spin. All very well crafted Kool-aid by corporate “think” tanks like the Rand Corporation. Too bad…
Having watched the video of the woman being shot, with its concomitant lack of any kind of pandemonium or scurrying away by the other protesters – or any overt attempts to deal with the woman’s plight – I remain skeptical about its veracity.
I know people have become callous and indifferent; but a fellow protester lying a few feet away surely should prompt much greater concern.
That video is embedded in a Tweet by journalist Dan Cohen; so I won’t link it. But it is somewhat suspicious.
A fatal gunshot to the neck at rather close range.
How much blood would you expect to see?
I would like one more to congratulate Kit on the wonderful metaphor and narrative and simply add that I have just read on Sarah Westall’s informative site that Obama’s role in undercutting Trump is shortly to be revealed by what will become known as “Italygate”…x
Serious people — and by that I mean Americans who have actua,ly served in the US military — not 4F rejects of Qanon, and that Mental Category 3/4 who started it — are really fed up,with this barrage of tweaker disinfo from Qs and that wackadoodle, Lin Wood, who now wants to nuke the Vatican — geez what a bunch of Class “A” losers!
this article is total bullshit
Wow, what a factual takedown. I love the detail in your riposte.
I did post a factual takedown 2 days ago, but the comment hasn’t been approved by the admins yet.
I posted a lengthy comment criticizing this article, and pointing out numerous incorrect, false statements. It’s been 2 days and the comment hasn’t appeared yet. It had a large number of links in it, so it was likely sent to spam.
Can my comment please be approved? I think this article is incorrect in many ways, and should really be updated/retracted.
I would like to see it Matt…can you send it directly to me? thayen@toddhayentherapy.com
Thanks Todd, I wish I could send it to you right now, but I never saved the original comment.
I’ll try to re-create it from scratch and send it to you later today.
PS: I googled your email domain. Nice to see a fellow Ontarion here 🙂
“I sell advice but I do no use it”
You protest they did not publish your article but you claim that based on your opinion OffG should retract this one !!!! What happened to “do unto others as you would have other do unto you” ? I suspect that if you make your comment in a less “Confirmation Bias My Truth is the Only Truth Way” OffG will publish it.
No, I claimed that they didn’t publish my comment (not article). Further, I’m not asking them to self-censor, I’m merely asking them to retract false claims and issue corrections for their error-laden article, just like how any respectable media outlet should do.
I just posted a video inspired by this article, I hope you’ll all watch it, if it isn’t already removed by YouTube?
Thank you…and GOD BLESS you and your family, man . I was born in Eastern-Europe, under Socialism-Communism, and EVERYTHING you way, it’s the TRUTH in his pure form…I will give a year from my life, to meet and talk with you…At my 55 ( yesterday ), I went through a lot in my life, on two continents…and looking back, I KNOW that… ” everything they* ever told me, was a L I E ( like Pat Shannan named one of his books )…back there, and HERE. Like Dr. Robert ‘ Bob ‘ C. Beck ( yes, the one with the protocol, re-inventing DR. Royal Rife cure for cancer ) said…” I know from where I came from and where I am going to…”…and I have tears in my eyes…thinking of my daughters and their generation…shouldn’t be like this…a prison-Planet. John Lennon was right ( and he was assassinated, like many others, for his courage to say it )…” Society is run by insane people, for insane objectives “…
To SS-The independent.. and scamDemic:Bob Beck, the inventor of the Electronic Flash, aside from his Rife resuscitation, also designed and gave the design for free the Magnetic Pulser, and also developed an easy electrolisis process for making Colloidal Silver with which he cured 400 AIDS patients controlled by independent laboratory… But wait that is a crime… If you do not have a Pharma Approved diploma you do not have the ability to cure. Freedom of What we have now? O yes we dooo have the freedom to be Sheeple, just like where you originally came from. The Bolchevik revolution was financed the the Banking Elite with Rothschilds leading… Just like the scamDemic.
Hi scamDemic
Saw your video…Excellent…. Politically Correct talk is just an example.. We now have Politlally Correct Medicine as well … if you violate either one you are persecuted…
Thank you, Kit, for what I feel is a concise and most accurate summary of events.
Fortunately, I tend to possess an optimistic attitude to life and whilst I hold most politicians in low esteem, I do feel that because of his quite different background, perhaps – that Trump has been an effective and most capable President and international leader.
I feel that most political leaders, along with the mainstream media, large technology groups and arms manufacturers will have been part of the plot to oust him, given the fact that Trump connects with and supports real people and is not simply a tool of the elite or of the rich and powerful corporate lobby groups or legal groups.
A disappointment, yet in no way the end by some distance.
So please guys, do not hug or fondle “Uncle Tony” too much yet, please…x
I have to say I am a bit confused about this article…it seems that the four “lies” Kit cites have some pretty compelling evidence against their credibility…no violence? Really? No incitement? Really? No “storming”…really? I have seen videos myself that pretty much show these things to at least be partially true. Anyway…I am disappointed….I think there are better ways to show that this incident is not all that we are being told it is…the Reichstag reference I find very credible, and it being staged in some way is also rather clear…I wish Kit had not chosen four “lies” that make you scratch your head…and say “really?”
Totally agree. Yesterday, a police officer succumbed to his injuries, after a “peaceful” protester smashed his head with a fire extinguisher.
Heh… Maybe the police officer died of covid… Was he tested? Better quarantine the entire crowd, just to be safe…
What’s so funny about someone getting his head smashed by a fire extingusher and being killed? You’re a piece of garbage for saying this.
Go make covid jokes somewhere else, you degenerate.
Hey Matt: Civilians in Palestine, Yemen, the Sudan, Zimbabwe, and many other countries, get their heads smashed in EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK, whilst police officers in the US shoot people for a traffic violation.
Bullies who enjoy “policing” unarmed civilians, are just getting the karma they deserve. Get over it…
Right. So just because some cops in the U.S. do bad things, it’s OK for another police officer to get his head smashed with a fire extinguisher. Makes total sense /sarcasm.
Don’t laugh about people dying, or you just trivialize death.
Not too many months back — on national TV — one Kamala Harris urged people across the nation to riot and torch cities.
Definitely would classify that as both incitement and a crime!
So, Joe Biden thinks this one event is a show stopper…hmm. What does he think of BLM, Antifa and others setting fire to Seattle, Portland And Minneapolis?? Were they too tame?
You accusing Biden of thinking??? Let’s not go off the deep end and keep this a reality based discourse, please!
This was a “staged” event? Officers let the protestors in? You guys are a joke.
The video doesn’t lie. The police did. Incitement is a charge domestic enemies of the Constitution like you use to eliminate the First Amendment. Kamala Harris had a Project Veritas journalist arrested for journalism and enc outraged riots. Twitter censored Trump’s calls for the constitutional right of peaceable assembly. Book burners like Democrats and the ADL fear the light of truth. Constitutionalists are advocating for silencing their political opponents. That’s your lot.
Ashli Babbitt wasn’t “the only person” who died, a policeman died too, but is that really the point? The twit you quote above almost openly implies that the vote was rigged. Exactly what else do you need in today’s US, you know the country with more guns than “patriots,” in order to incite? But, if that wasn’t enough, why did you leave out Trump’s live address to the gathered “patriots” about “strong” and “weak” Republicans, and his call to “go for a walk down Pennsylvania Avenue” just before the crowd broke into the building? Regarding the definition of storming, apart from the fact that the crowd violated doors and broke windows through which they got in, how exactly does police complacency alter the facts of the crowd’s actions? You are right on one thing, of course these events ended Trump’s already finished presidency, what else did you expect? What does then point (4), or indeed the crowd’s ineffectiveness say about the actions of those involved? At the end of the day, weren’t Mussolini and his henchmen also considered nothing more than a bad joke back then? I am not saying that these crowds are the same, of course not. But the silliness and ineffectiveness of the boys with the red caps and their wannaby Duce are not a safe guide for assessing what happened and its siginifance.
We are fast approaching what I consider the second step in the descend to totalitarianism, the one in which progressive people start accepting that, because democracy as it’s exercised is corrupt then anything goes, apparently even more so because the “patriots” are a bunch of losers anyway. Well, we’ve been there before. The rest is history.
I no longer can support Ted Cruz as he is throwing us under the bus calling the Patriots who protested, “terrorists” and playing into this false narrative meant to hang us!
For a brief moment I was hoping Cruz had changed, but he has always been two–faced. Recently I heard him attack the Supreme Court decision which essentially privatized eminent domain (the case involving Pfizer and a private home owner in Connecticut) but at the time of that he case he fully supported their decision!
When did petitioners become protesters?
Well practiced tactic of the alphabet orgs. Shoot a few on each side and fade away to the waiting vans.
America is in deep, deep trouble. What has happened could easily be spun as equivalent to ISIS taking over the middle east. And it would not be far wrong. The veterans need their say in this matter.
They already had their chance and they blew it.
Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting “only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
All members of the American military take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same.”
When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.
When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to “support and defend” it, giving “aid and comfort” to it’s “domestic enemies,” committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.
Hello Vono: Damn straight. The “War Powers Act” (still in force) also violates the Constitution. It’s repeal has met with resistance from the same types of murderous bastards every time. Congress has been aiding and abetting slaughter for hire since 1941.
Government by the People now translates into Government by and for the military…
I often disagree with Paul Craig Roberts, yet still read his posts for “alternate” views. The situation that developed at the capitol was just another CIA/Mossad operation. It has the same Deep-State taste that has resulted in countless color revolutions in places like Venezuela. Even the Iran regime change of 1953 was planned Kool-Aid for the masses…
An excerpt from: America’s Color Revolution – Paul Craig RobertsJanuary 8, 2021
“Everyone who was not at the US Capitol building on January 6, which is the entire world except the Trump supporters, has been brainwashed, by a corrupt, despicable collection of media whores serving an Establishment of Oligarchs, that Donald Trump intended an insurrection, but it was defeated. By Whom?” [End quote]
Indeed. By whom?
Complete article: America’s Color Revolution – Paul Craig Roberts – The Falling Darkness
I also have been reading PCR as an alternative voice. Indeed, he still is in some areas. However, I really do not understand why he seems brainwashed on whatever related to Trump. He has been totally attached to Trump for last four years as if all things he did were good for the citizens in the country. Per his saying, nothing wrong with Trump’s actions and talks. Not a single one.
You wrong: 4 years ago, and after the Trump inauguration, Dr. Roberts said that the businessman wasn’t prepared at all for what he had to encounter as a politician/President…that he lost the war with the ‘ swamp ‘ before the start, mostly with Gen. Flynn’s ‘ departure ‘ ( the only one able to clean up those 16, or – now, 17 intel agencies ), that he ‘ chooses ‘ the wrong persons for the job…I guess his latest articles totally favorable to President Trump were from the absence of an alternative to the accelerate fall of the Republic…DO you know another person ready to grab the flag and lead the Nation, TODAY – one of the most critical moments in the existence of this Country ?!…Not that there are not many Patriots, some much better than Trump ( or more genuine ), but where are they…any suggestions HOW to put them up there, for anyone to see/hear and trust them ?! I was born on the ‘ other side ‘, in Eastern-Europe…it’s a deja-vu…
Good points — IMHO, Trump,reallly screwed up in not hanging onto Bannon and Gen. Flynn — together with Prof. Navarro they made up his core. Sidney Powell and Guiliana were played, unfortunately, and wouldn’t have happened with a Bannon, and Flynn!
Allowing Gen. Flynn to be removed was a grave mistake. Having Kushner decide who would be Trump’s close advisers was a bad signal from the very start. The rest was just a slow slide into the deep end of The Swamp.
PCR is a hardcore anti-globalist which is why I like him, so that may be the reason — he would be glad Frump finally appointed a Prof. NAVARRO type.
You’re totally on the wrong side of history here. I have lost all respect for this news outlet. The Off-Guardian are the ones distributing fake news. Blinded by your overwhelming need to contradict the popular narrative. The US Capitol was stormed, it’s obvious, by all the videos that captured it. It’s a violent attack with police officers firing tear gas and shooting at the insurgents. Five people died that day. The fact that the police and security were overwhelmed is because it was originally filed as an organised protest and the racist paradigm of the US meant there was a false belief this white protest would be peaceful. Get your fact straights. This is shoddy disgraceful journalism. I would sack Kit Knightly.
I totally agree with you. I used to respect this outlet- until I read their coverage of January 6th events. It is a classic example how some authors who write here do not allow reality to spoil their narrative. 5 dead as a result of people walking in orderly lines ( like visitors!) and taking selfies??!!!
Besides- they remove critical posts- it happened twice to me. I am amazed that yours is still here.
While it’s sad that 5 people died at the Capitol, how many died over the summer/fall…at those ” peaceful protests ” in many American cities, huh ?! How many businesses destroyed, how many buildings burned to the ground ?!…It’s amazing for people like me, born under Socialism-Communism, to see so much demagogy/hypocrisy…so much selective memories…from the so-called ‘ liberal/left side ‘ of the political theatre…You reap what you saw…even if you are too brainwashed and have no clue what you saw !
And with skyrocketing homicide rates in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, NY and Chicago, etc
Not quite Jonathan Swift, keep on trying though.
Hello steve hodges: Too bad you’re wrong. OffGuardian presents NEWS events, period. The “popular” narrative is a manipulated or technically censored assemblage of Newspeak, intended to dictate the terms of a “populist” agenda.
People can’t be correct on everything and this is the time Kit is wrong. ITV vision clearly shows at the minute violence by the red neck nutters and violent abusive language as well. But then the ITV journalist was in the middle of it all and saw and showed us first hand. But the cops inside the Congress murdered a young woman in cold blood when she could have been arrested by the cops right behind her.
But Trump incited riots and destruction and Guiliani did too, along with many of the republican congressmen and the Trump brats. Trump got what he wanted and the people inside were most definitely not anti fa plants.
Are you sure their necks were red?
And they used violent language? How terroristic of them! Obviously it is time to censor all violent language. So when Joe Biden says he’d like to kick some ass, will he too be censored for using violent language? How about when we go to that final violent war with Russia? Will it be OK to say Russians simply are genetically hard wired to deserve killing? But that isn’t violent language, right? But language that contradicts the MSM narrative is now violence in and of itself? Just who decides which language is violent and which isn’t? Will Joe himself get to make that determination, in conjunction with the all holy MSM narrative? Why do people that not only accept the MSM “narrative” but think it is true read such a site as this one?
Hey, Joe Biden has to talk like that!
How the hell else do you expect him to get through to guys like Corn Pop?
” Red necks “, ya say ?! Well, here is one with a 5 years University in one of the Eastern-European Capitals, who have read around couple thousand of books in two languages…An independent who voted not once, but twice for Trump…because after first voting,( like with Obama, but for which I didn’t vote the 2nd time ) I couldn’t see if Trump was for real or not…the guy was propagandistic besieged from the day he announced that he will run for Presidency…You remember, don’t you…the nothing-burger named ‘ Russia interference ‘ in ” our (S)election “…the Ukraine call…and so on…?!…take a look in a mirror…what do you see 😉
Yup, all those funds poring into the Clintons and Lady de Rothschild hosting multiple fundraisers for Hillary at Martha’s Vineyard; meanwhile Barclays Bank is paying Jeb Bush $1 million a year to be an advisor — didn’t realize Jeb was such a financial whiz.
Definitely the preselected candidates were Jeb and HRC.
(Jeb’s brother Neal may be a finance whiz, though, which may be why the PLA-financed Singhaiyi Group employs Neal in a senior exec position?!)
Your ‘wrong side of history’ sounds more ideological than factual. Historical developments are rarely predetermined. Human beings are still too diverse and heterogenous to make history predictable despite totalitarian attempts to turn humans into uniform machines.
Exactly. I recall Hillery Clinton using that phrase in reference to Assad…
Who ?!…you mean Killary Hlinton, right ? The one with Benghazi…?!…
Well, well, well. And which videos were they? I wonder. The videos I’ve seen, taken by folk who were there, contradict your view totally.
So, how are you to attain validity? Social proof, provide by Flake13.
Come on, I didn’t fall off the last Cabbage tree, and nor did you. Nice try, epic fail Steve.
Ashley, the Veteran that was murdered by the police (pelosi’s hired goons) shot her pretty much point blank. She fought for the freedom of this country like so many others is just being tossed in the garbage. Their lives, sacrifices, and disabilities mean nothing the to the radical leftists. The doors were opened to them. They didn’t force their way into the capital. Maybe you should change what platform you watch!! Because the fake news is spreading lies as usual. Antifa and BLM WERE there!! The police escorted them in. Oh but you won’t see that video in the fake news.
We didn’t have to wait very long for the propagandists to arrive.
Please wake up a little and perhaps try to understand a little of what is actually going on.
The whole Biden family have already sold their souls to China.
Trump alone has worked tirelessly to protect American industry and jobs – a huge reason for his popularity amongst the working class folk of America.
Biden (in essence a 3rd term Obama really) will happily see what remains of American industry to China, just as your dear Uncle Tony sold British industry to Europe and others…x
As an independent ideological ( born in Eastern-Europe ), may I ask you something: IF the protest at the Capitol was ‘ violent ‘, how should we call the ” peaceful protests ” of antifa, blm and other Soros ngo INSIDE our Country, for the last 7-8 months…when entire blocks of American cities were burned to the ground, hundreds, if not thousand of businesses destroyed, and many innocent people murdered ?! The damages at the Capitol were estimated to be in hundreds, or thousands…while the ” peaceful protests ” of those thugs were in hundreds of millions, if not billions…And what are you & Co. smoking…that there were no frauds ?! Oh, man…I came from a former Socialist-Communist Country…even there I didn’t see such a blatant electoral fraud ! The ( ” absence ” of ) ‘ proof ‘ It’s all-over the internet – you just have to look at it…Everyone could see ‘ live ‘ on CNN, CBS, other channels, how Trump’s counted votes went down, while Biden’s went up, or were the same…HOW is possible that a number of already counted votes, to go down, and only for one of the candidates ?!… Are you blind, or just mentally impaired/brainwashed a-la ‘ MK-Ultra ‘ program ?!
And painred “END AMERICA” on trashed buildings in Seattle and Portland!