Prepare for the new “Domestic Terrorism Bill”
The Patriot Act 2 is on the way, from the same author behind the smash-hit original
Kit Knightly

Behold the new face of terrorism
It’s not been often, in the five years OffG has existed, that we’ve had to cop to missing something important within 24 hours of publishing an article – but this is one of those times.
In my article yesterday – “The Storming of the Capitol”: America’s Reichstag Fire? – I said this [my emphasis]:
Although there is not yet any talk of legislation [in response to the Capitol Hill riots], it’s certainly true there are whispers of purges and other measures to “protect the constitution”.
That quote did not age well, indeed it was wrong from the moment it went to print. Because, as it turns out, there has actually been “talk of legislation” for weeks – even months. Soon-to-be-President Joe Biden promised a new “domestic terrorism bill” back in November, according to the Wall Street Journal.
That is why you’re seeing so much usage of the phrase “domestic terrorism” in the last couple of days. It’s the meme-phrase. The primary talking point for this whole exercise. It was underlined in all the memos sent out to all the media outlets.
That’s why Joe Biden went to such lengths to distinguish “domestic terrorists” from “protesters” in his speech following the riots.
That’s why the Council on Foreign Relations had an interview with a “counter-terrorism and national security expert” published within 24 hours of the incident, in which he spends 4 paragraphs arguing that the people who “stormed the capitol” were domestic terrorists.
That’s why the Washington Post has got an article dedicated to “lawmakers and experts” arguing that the Capitol Hill protest was an act of “domestic terrorism”. And so have Vox. And Mother Jones.
That’s why ABC had an article about how “domestic terrorism and hate crimes” were a growing problem in America…a week before the riot took place.
And that’s why #TrumpisaDomesticTerrorist is trending on Twitter.
Georgetown University, a well-known spook college, published a paper in September 2020 titled the “The Need for a Specific Law Against Domestic Terrorism”, and op-ed pieces bemoaning the lack of such a law have been dotted through the press going back to last summer and even late 2019.
There was one published yesterday, in which a “senior FBI official” says “more could have been done” if there had been a “specific law outlawing” domestic terrorism.
“Domestic Terrorism” is clearly where it’s at in early 2021, so we can expect a brand new law regarding it…probably by March, at the latest.
What will “Domestic Terrorism” mean in this law? The answer to that is pretty much always “whatever they want it to mean.”
Certainly, it will include “incitement” and “hate speech”, I would expect “denialism” to make an appearance, and be downright shocked if “spreading misinformation” doesn’t get a mention. Don’t be surprised if “questioning elections” or “bringing democracy into disrepute” is made an outright crime.
It will probably be tied into the Covid “pandemic” in some way, too. After all, what is discouraging people from taking vaccines if not the very definition of “terrorism”, right? It’s possible that even climate change will get a mention as well. They like to slide that into every issue these days.
Joe Biden has claimed multiple times to be the author of the original Patriot Act, saying it was based entirely on a bill he proposed in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.
Well now he has a chance to work on the reboot too, and they are always so much better when you can get the original creative team back together.
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Statement of Jerry Nadler – (Tribe – Chosenite)
“I am proud to be an original cosponsor of this bill, which we need now more than ever. In the wake of the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol two weeks ago, it is painfully clear that the current approach to addressing the real and persistent threat posed by white nationalism and similar ideologies is not working. We must not allow hate crimes and domestic terrorism to continue unchecked. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this important and timely bill as quickly as possible,” said Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (NY-10).”
The list of supporters endorsing this tyrannical piece of legislation is telling to say the least. They include:
Anti-Defamation League, Arab American Institute, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism, Human Rights Campaign, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Muslim Advocates, NAACP, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., Sikh Coalition, Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund, and Unidos.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will gain massive additional powers, and funding, in order to monitor (surveil), investigate (spy), and prosecute (terrorize, murder, and jail) so-called cases of generally undefined “domestic terrorism.”
This is a war being waged ONLY on White citizens who are being classed as domestic terrorists for simply holding peaceful protests whilst violent Far Left anarchist thugs such as Antifa and BLM (non-White), are classed as peaceful protesters with BLM being recently nominated for the Nobel Prize which goes without saying, makes a total mockery of what this prize stands for.
I’m afraid this tyrannical Communist takeover of the USA has got to be fought against and the Marxist apparatchiks and their enablers, rounded up and prosecuted which, of course, includes ALL guilty politicians.
One of the most enduring myths of our age is the story that the Nazis set the Reichstag building on fire as a “false flag” operation to generate popular support for measures of the Hitler government to suppress dissent and consolidate power. Even some prominent historians have accepted the often repeated smear, which was invented and vigorously promoted by Communists, that Goering and other Nazi officials set the German parliament building ablaze on Feb. 27, 1933, and then cynically blamed the crime on enemies. But as Weber explains in this broadcast, the basic facts are now well established: A young Dutch Communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, acted alone in setting the Reichstag fire.
Not exactly true. I was in the German Federal courthouse in Leipzig where the trial was against Marinus van der Lubbe. There was an exhibition. It was admitted that he never could have done this fire alone because it was started at more than 4 places in the building. They clearly suggested that this was a flase flag operation. At least Hitler and his party exploited all this to put their political enemies into camps.
Nothing can be done. Christians are going to be fed to lions right here in the United States.
“Deplorables” will be shipped to concentration camps.
Actually, That’s self-identified Christians. They are true Christians only if they are, and if God says so. Most self-identifed Christians are false. All religionists, including a tiny minority who uphold God’s standards, are going to be attacked soon. Revelation chapter 17 makes it clear that the UN-initiated attack on all organized religion marks the official start of Armageddon, a very good thing.
And the (stalinist) cultural purge continues.
Right. Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk et al aren’t capitalists. They’re communists! Thanks for your enlightenment. But you’re right, All of those individuals, including Stalin, were/are monsters.
I notice (with no surprise) the latest front being escalated in the supermarkets with ‘bouncers’ on the door preventing you access to procure groceries. I always thought food was kind of important to keep you alive. But hey, if you don’t mask up you can starve to death instead.
Anyone had any beef (boom boom) in this respect?
The new terrorist is anyone going along the street peacefully. If one is burning or smashing storefronts one is “a protester” according to VP Kamala,
This is getting better and better … revolution time?
Revolution? Would that be the 1% of the 99% vs The ultra powerful 1% and the 98% who are both victims and cattle and part of the problem?
Another judas kiss by those who seek power for their own gain in illegal ways
And People Actually Think This “Riot” wasn’t a Setup…lol Capital Police Officers on Both sides of the “Door”. Officers on the outside let people through the barricade & smash windows & attempt to break down the “Door”. Officers on the “Inside” of the “Door” SHOT The Young Lady as She attempted to gain entry through the “door”. Why didn’t the officers on the “outside” of the “door” stop her. Why were there different orders given to officers on either side of the door? Who Set Up The Door As The Perimeter…? Who gave the orders to Open The Barricade? Who gave the orders To Shoot…? Who Gave The Orders?
I have been saying for months that 9/11 was a test run for the COVID19 scare and election theft. No way could the Patriot Act or mass surveillance state have been enacted without it. TPTB noted how eagerly the American sheeple offered to surrender liberty for “security” and filed that information away for future reference. Ben Franklin rightly excoriated such people.
There’s long been an ebb and flow with American politics, which perhaps reached its low-point with our Civil War, which killed more Americans than all our other wars in our national history combined. A similar proportional body count today would be well north of 25,000,000 hapless souls, given our present population of over 330,000,000, likely not counting the hordes of illegals.
Americans have not forgotten freedom or liberty. They have never known them, the religion of Statism and Nationalism is all they have been indoctrinated to for more than 50 years. Every encroachment on freedom is couched in soothing words of what government is going to do to protect you from every perceived micro aggression they can invent. Everyone loots, and prohibits everyone else’s speach, and other rights. Enforcing their version of morality or lack thereof.
Central government in particular and all governments in general are but some cabal using force to attain their goal.
Judging from the last twenty years and last year especially the American dream is exactly that, an illusion kept alive because it is profitable. But now we can plainly see that it is soon to be a nightmare of the worst type. And we by our inaction are going to allow it. After it is enacted it will be to late to stop it. The Constitution was/ is a dead letter the sooner we understand that and the fact that we have the power both peacefully and if necessary violently to take back what is ours the sooner the Swamp is Drained it will hurt, but it will hurt much more after they put their plan into place.
Violence will occur in all likelihood because power never yields without a fight. Crying won’t help, praying won’t do any good. Only organized, decentralized actions like they are using against us, coupled with individual resistance will overcome the beast.
They have declared war on us and have been waging it for decades whether you believe that or not doesn’t make it any less true. RESIST take off that stupid mask, reject and refuse, their orders. Bring lawsuits against every level of government for their crimes. Refuse to be a victim. Quit facebook, Amazon and all the other Censorship and mis information outlets of main stream Propaganda.
You seem to be getting yourself into a nut-roll over the ebb and flow of American politics, which reached its low-point in our murderous Civil War in which 620,000 Americans died, more than in all the other wars in our national history combined, a war which left scars which persist to this very day, ameliorated mainly by the hordes of Yankees heading south to take advantage of the South’s more agreeable climate and laid-back ways .
So right on. The South was plunged into poverty that lasted generations. Carpet baggers and opportunists. When the government facilitated injury to specific segments of our society because they can, we see the corruption and greed that our leaders are made of. This has continued up and including today.
“Crying won’t help you, praying won’t do you no good.
When the levee breaks, mama you got to move.”
— Led Zeppelin
If they want blood then I am more than willing to make them bleed.
What Constitution?
It doesn’t take long for the comments page to turn into gibberish. There are reasons for this, and it’s not just “trolls” trolling. It’s people turned idiot by cellular phone usage and television addiction…
I posted a Vimeo version this video a few days ago, but the usual suspects have taken it down. Never the less, here’s the original source article and an excerpt from the page: >
“With regard to the coverage of the Wednesday Capitol Event, Global Research will be publishing opposing and contradictory points of view by several of our authors.
We are dealing with a complex and far-reaching political process. We are at the crossroads of a major political, economic and social crisis, which has bearing on the future of the United States. This crisis must be the object of debate and analysis rather than confrontation of opposing political narratives.”
Video: The Capitol Hill Fiasco 2021
By David W. Mathisen
Global Research, January 09, 2021
Video: The Capitol Hill Fiasco 2021 – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
I’m sure global emporers supported by big tech and a police state will be able to prove to all of us that our rulers only want to protect us and keep us free I’m sure anyone who does not agree with you are idiots speaking gibberish uncle joe Stalin chairman Mao and joe Biden would agree
Freedom officially died with this rigged election!!!! Check it out it is a new free speech YouTube Alternative. Easy to Use also
CONVENTION OF STATES!! We The People do have the final say:)
You only think we have the final say…
My guns give me a say and I will kill to protect my speech.
You have chosen… Unwisely.
Too bad he will be in jail awaiting firing squad.He will never be POTUS that’s why he is not being given Nuke codes.
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Those who stole this election are now trying to suppress the ability of the people to protest what was stolen from them. Sad part is that half of the population is actually stupid enough to believe this garbage is warranted. Trump should have used the Insurrection Act. These people want to destroy him, and put those who voted for him in concentration camps.
Probably because I live in the city of Antifa, Portland … even though what happened in Washingto DC is sad and tragic (the loss of lives is always tragic and I am against…also the stealing and looting)….BUT the Washington DC cannot even by far compare with the terrorism and destruction of Antifa and BLM —> 2 billion and counting….Biden’s idea of peaceful protesters!
Trump really, really missed an opportunity to change things his first 2 years. Mandated minimum requirements for voter verification (hell, we do it with jobs, airline flights, etc), and eliminating protection laws for Big Tech. These 2 things alone would make me tolerant to the left’s behavior, but now you can’t trust anything from anywhere for the most part.
Constitutionally, States control voting. What the problem is when the pandemic hit they changed the rules without running them through their legislatures and in some states that means changing the state constitution requiring massive support and a public vote. What they did was either pass rules via Governor emergency executive orders which is unconstitutional at both their own state and federal levels. Or worse, the Secretary of States changed the rules themselves. Again completely illegal. The rule changes on opening up absentee ballots to everyone who requested one with the excuse of the pandemic or worse direct mailing actual ballots to registered voters who never requested them. This opened up massive fraud abilities without even considering Dominion Voting Systems massive intentional flaws. They didn’t need wide spread voter fraud, they only needed to tip the scales in key counties in key swing states.
The citizens of these states allowed it. They are just as guilty as the ones stealing the election.
Yea like so called citizens have any power at all. We can’t even go out to eat or go to the gym let alone have our votes counted right wake up people your freedom has been gone for a long time and will continue to be stolen from us until it is a prison nation which we pretty much live in now the only thing you will be free to do is choose your gender and acquiesce to our rulers
Nope, the state legislators, courts, ballot organisers and vote counters allowed the fraud by engaging in fraud themselves, knowingly so. Their job was to ferret out fraudulent votes and isolate them from the count. Instead, they included them in the count.
I know of no other advanced nation which has such utterly loose and ridiculous voting requirements as does the USofA. Ours are comparable with those of Georgetown, Guyana, one of my ports of call when I was a service rep for Ford a lifetime ago, then perhaps the most dangerous and utterly violent place in the entire world. The malefactors were dubbed “the choke and rob” element, murderous thugs who’d waylay any poor sod out and about after dark and often in broad daylight. Hmm, sounds just like many of our inner-cities today.
The US has already been terrorized when their vote was cancelled out by criminals breaking voting laws. The other states also had their election cancelled out by those undermining the union with their illegal behavior.
Indeed our Reichstag fire and right behind it the communications Night of the Long knives deletions and censorship all rolled into one event by Goebbels and the DEM/DSA and PRAVDA/MSM their ptopaganda arm !
On the orders of Israel’s proconsol for America, Schumer. Maybe he’ll declare the Holohoax claim to be terrorist.
That’s fine. Might as well get it started
It is not about protecting the Constitution it is about coddling the thieving political whores
They are the ones that trashed the Constitution! No regards…Biden admitted multiple times (slipped) saying they have put together a team in charge of the fraud…even with the words coming from his lips, the Chinese economics professor in Shanghai, the witness in Leornardo Spa case (which initially i did not believe but than Leornardo released a statement in December 2020 that their data has been breached…the Trump supporters who have valid questions are treated as traitors, oppressed and booted out of planes….the democrats are hypocrites, liars, manipulators, oppressors … pure marxist leninist evil people (not all of them but the ones that endorse the vicious attacks against Trump supporters)
These are the times that try men’s souls.
– Thomas Paine
You believe in redemption, don’t you?
Establishment eliminated him.
There’s plenty of evidence that theater and media industries have pimped off pubic perception for decades. Oh the drama, the drama, the drama!!! (as in the horror, the horror, etc.)
This documentary goes a bit heavy on video effects and repetition, but also demonstrates how well repetition, repetition, repetition, works. Kind of ironic, ironic, ironic…
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Media Manipulation
August 13, 2016
Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary | Media Manipulation ▶️️ – YouTube
the world is a
the first play
some of the earliest stages
where babylon
Look for the copper tablet-box,
Undo its bronze lock,
Open the door to its secret,
Lift out the lapis lazuli tablet and read it,
The story of that man, Gilgamesh, who went through all kinds of sufferings.”
tellers of tales
a suggestion of truth for hook
once bbc baited
all lies
witch craft
the casting of spells
at 50 hertz or 60
break the spell and laugh at them
tune them out
the inverted
Fascinating. The flicker was a mechanical aberration of the TV but they discovered it was hypnotic… and helped embed the message.
Hello Moneycircus: The levels of embedded messaging are well known in some “institutional” settings. >
I was born with acute sensitivities to light, sound, and electronic frequencies. I spent most school years suffering from migraine headache and disorientation due to 60 hertz flickering from florescent lighting. The symptoms would generally go away during long weekends, and summers away from indoor lighting brought allot of relief. I didn’t connect the dots until many years later.
I never enjoyed television much, as the screen flicker was annoying and I could clearly hear the 19 kHz vertical scan rate. Most friends and family were deaf to it. I had no idea that I was being intentionally jazzed, even though I “knew” my friends and family were being programmed.
The levels of psychotronic mind control available since the dawn of digital broadcast are mind boggling. Literally…
Yeah, beam-shaping with 5G will enable targeting specific individuals (devices).
Hello CommonCents: Yes, 5G will employ tens of millions of strategically installed neighborhood level antenna, as well as twenty to thirty thousand satellite based installations. All for our own good…
The PCR boxes were a good investment.
“almost 60,000 new cases of coronavirus were reported in the UK on Saturday”
That would be the new symptom free “infection” which may just possibly give rise to something nasty way down the line.
“the number of deaths after a positive test passed 80,000.”
“after”? In what way after? As in knocked down by car after? Killed by brain tumour after?
But no-one cares. We have the scary figures.
Flu’s are like that. Same numbers as the last couple of years.
I believe Parler has been booted off AWS hosting service.
Ooooo poor Bezos he was forced by his employees! How ridiculous! His employees were not able to convince him to increase their benefits, stop forcing them to go to Amazon bought doctors to avoid workers compensation claims but Bezos booted Parler because of employee’s request…
I deleted Twitter
I deleted Chrome
I deleted Mozzila
I never had Instagram
I never had Favebook
And I will delete Amazon even though I have been a member for 20 years…Infound Walmart to be better delivering everything within 2 days without premium cost (I had premium services with Amazon and lately they slacked…so I will notnshwd tears as I will say good bye!)
I already cancelled Amazon credit card
never really heard of Parler but i will remind you as they repeat thing constantly
SO how did twitter become fashionable sellerable
Same reason poodles get matching haircuts.
The cover of the Sunday People could not be more explicit:
“Death is All Around Us …So Follow The Rules”
It’s been the same all the way down. “You will die if you don’t listen to us! But of course, the threat doesn’t come from us at all! It comes from that nasty person, sorry, bug over there!”
But this time most people aren’t listening. Boris Johnson is only a few more wrong decisions away from the Mussolini treatment, IMO.
Sky News. Nice blond presenter interviews worried man.
Presenter: “It seems we are in a kind of race with the vaccine. It’s like a….”
Worried man: “Yes it’s a race against time! And there’s no time to lose and time is of the essence!”
Presenter: “Hang on! Didn’t you miss one?”
Worried man: “Oh yes. Time is running out!”
Presenter: “And do you have any advice for people out there?”
Worried man: “Well I was out the other day. Of course I had my gas mask on! And I actually saw people out and … walking about and ….talking!”
Presenter: “Talking?!”
Worried man: “Yes talking!”
Presenter: “Good God!”
That’s all I could take.
Hilarious! Saw a man a while back, walking into a DIY store as I was walking out, wearing a mask, plastic face shield, wearing rubber gloves and carrying an umbrella; he was not wearing rubber boots or a tyvek suit, so not completely lost to hysteria…
Ominous development:
The virus has mutated from a physical to a spiritual plane. It is now akin to demonic possession. You may not see it or feel it and perhaps never will but it will be there floating around you and you may pass it to someone who will also never see or feel it but it will be there chuckling with evil intent. And don’t you dare slight it. Prof Whitty is here to outline the theological implications:
“Every unnecessary interaction you have could be the link in a chain of transmission which has a vulnerable person at the end.”
Yes indeed, somewhere down that misty corridor of unforeseeable contacts, may lie someone who will suffer some mysterious doom. And that is the real issue here, not any actual suffering that may or may not take place in your actual experience.
But here is a risky admission:
“The Department of Health and Social Care said expanding the Community Testing Programme to more people without symptoms was “crucial given that around one in three people” who contract Covid-19 show no symptoms.”
One in three? So hang on, does that mean you divide the scary figures by three?
But we have no time to discuss such nuances,
“…Angela Raffle, a consultant in public health at the University of Bristol Medical School, said increasing lateral flow testing was “very worrying” and warned the benefits of finding symptomless cases “will be outweighed by the many more infectious cases that are missed by these tests”.”
The exorcism business is indeed a slippery one. And the best we can hope is to keep tabs on as many if these renegade imps as possible until we can deliver them back to Satan.
In the meantime,
“Meanwhile, thousands of people over 80 are being invited to book vaccinations.”
And if the vax kills some if the old dears, we can at least rest assured that we have saved their souls!
The more it goes on the more of an obvious con it is. Of course the news is going to tell you cases are surging. They’ve got these wretched vaccines to sell. They didn’t go to the trouble of brewing them just to say that cases are dropping off!
The enemy must be invisible. The virus scam is ideal, because it is invisible. Peope have always been terrified of goblin and bogeymen.
So 6 January was the Reichstag fire. On 25 January the Reichstag will pass the enabling acts. Even now, states should start thinking of seceding based on the fact the union has taken leave of the constitution. The original civil war secession was based on states having the right to leave. Now they can argue that the national regime is breaking their oath to maintain constitutional government. It certainly looks like the whole election fight has been about consolidating a permanent fascist regime, perhaps on the DDR model where there is a ruling party while certain seats are reserved for tame “opposition” parties who toe the official line. The media is controlled like the DDR’s was, and the stasi is the FBI and other agencies.
States need to do what many counties have already done and declare themselves “2nd Amendment sanctuaries” to nullify upcoming federal anti-gun laws. They must also declare themselves “business sanctuaries” to nullify federal COVID19 mandates and “energy sanctuaries” to thwart any “Green
Leap ForwardNew Deal” edicts. State, county and local LEOs must be authorized to arrest and expel any federal agents attempting to enforce them. If necessary, deputize legal gun owners to assist.Any government survives solely through its ability to enforce its dictates. There are only ~200K armed federal agents, perhaps 10-15% of whom are “true believers” ready to kill and die on command. The rest are “clock-punchers” looking forward to their juicy pensions. When it becomes clear that their chances of living to collect those pensions is <=50-50, they will rush for the exits en masse and the regime in DC will collapse.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the breakup of the Soviet Union. Our goal should be for the US to break up by year-end. The rallying cry should be the phrase “the former United States.” The Founders knew times like this could happen; hence the 2nd Amendment. The conservative states will quickly recover and prosper, while the socialist states will just as quickly descend into chaos.
Perhaps people are already aware of these interviews. They were recorded as part of a documentary that will be released later this month. Wonderful interviews with some very intelligent people: Planet Lockdown:
So very many good people online, doing so many nice things™ for us!
Just like the Vichy Left..
If it’s online, it’s gotten-to.
Thanks for posting. I watched the Vaclav Klaus interview and will watch the others gradually as I find time. It looks like a very valuable collection.
I strongly recommend the interview with Sucharit Bhakdi.
But I bet they won’t label the BLM protests ‘domestic terrorism’.
I suspect Easter Day would be a good day for a false flag domestic terrorism attack. This year it falls on April 4th in the US, and the 4th April in the UK. The date 4/4 applies to both, and this is why I think the false flag London Bombing was done on 7/7.
The Satanist elite want Christianity gone. They killed Christmas which celebrates the birth of Christ, but an attack on the day celebrating the Resurrection of Christ would be a major coup for them as the Resurrection was the founding principle of the Christian religion.
If the lockdown is eased at the end of March in the week before Easter this would be a red flag to me because to make such a false flag attack plausible the country would have to have been opened up a few days at least. Otherwise how could the target be accessed? if they plan something like this I would expect the target to be a Christian heritage site like Westminster Abbey. And no doubt they would blame Muslims for it.
Remember what happened last Easter, 2020? Boris J “got the virus”, but on the third day he rose from his hospital bed. Watcha know?
Wonder what the April fool’s joke will be this Easter?
That would explain I Pet Goat 11.
Have no fear, the end of Covid is near

Once again, OffG nails it.
When the first patriot act came into exsistence some of us warned already then about what was to come, because of this PA, most of the sheeps drooled something about Tha Muuslems, like the saying, not all terrorists are muslims, but all muslims are terrorists, and we tried to explain it to them then that this term, because of what, like in this article was considered as been an terrorist could be, the term is defined loosely just to be expanded into other narratives by design as to cover issues witch is to the Gov an hinderance of whatever they want, from blocking the pipe lines in the states to animal rights, but the majority didnt care, they took the PA for what they tought is was about, so called islamic terrorism and thats it.
I am not the slightest surprised with the latest addition to the PA, anyone whom do, havent payed attention to that issue are in for an rude awakening, and now, they have total control, and yea, we are heading into an intresting time, never have they been so open about it, this time they have what they need with them, the MSM, etc to Tech comp whom is cencuring everybody they dont like and dont even hide it anymore.
The road to hell is usualy pawed with good intentions, this is the most dangerous moment in our life time, I cant understand why people dont react to this, are they so numb that they dont see whats coming, an totalitarian wet dream is about to happen, and dont even think the narrative about an purge is somewhat an riddicilous conspiracy, I know this will be the new norm, and the rest of the so called west will follow.
So, now we know why they highjacked this event, its glearingly obvious, and the rethoric after, it was an staged attack to create an new reality.
And its good to see and read articles writen by people whom understand what this is about, raw political power.
All the people who lap up the fear porn in the MSM are the equivalent of frightened Deer in the headlights… literally frozen to the spot. The 0.01% driving this technofascist dystopia may be ‘so open about it’ but unfortunately the majority are still oblivious. Not a clue.
Yes, we need a lot more numbers. That, or some really strong legal challenges. Good luck to you M.
A must read.
Dziękuję za ten link! Mnóstwo konkretów i dowodów na to, jak to naprawdę było z Covid19. Nawet mimo to, że wiele materiału aż zanadto dla mnie specjalistycznych. No i te raporty Amnesty International o domach opieki dla seniorów! Porażające! Thank you for this link! Lots of specifics and evidence of what it really was like with Covid19. Even though the material is too specialized for me. And those Amnesty International reports on nursing homes for seniors! Shocking!
Well there’s good news and bad news.
The good: someone in my work summed up the problem with the PCR voodoo boxes, noting that, since she had the cold, she would probably test positive. Which means the she and her entire household would have to isolate for …oh I dunno, the next couple of decades. In any case, her husband would miss out on his pay.
The bad: After saying the above, the very same person then went on to note that somebody had tested positive in a certain area and – oh my God, isn’t it awful that the virus has reached there too?
And I thought, FFS – you don’t seem to follow the logic. The PCRs are shit but Oh my God, the PCR has decreed etc.
The overwhelming majority of humans have no “beliefs”–they only have pre-programmed behaviors in response to environmental stimuli, and scripted responses to verbal stimuli.
Also, they can’t extend a principle from one context to another, because each stimulus is treated in a vacuum, according to whatever scripting-unit is most salient. There is no need for conceptual consistency, or indeed any thought given to it. People have no cohesive belief-system, and in fact, I would go so far as to say they mostly lack consciousness, with perhaps having only a few conscious episodes per day, as needed to negotiate interpersonal or novel situations for which the TeeVee hasn’t given them a pre-digested response to go on. For the most part, they are spared cognitive dissonance, and spared the need to doublethink, by the complete dis-integration of their psyches, and the reliance on mindless, reflexive responses that do not require any mediation by conscious agency.
Believe in nothing,fall for anything
I think the term for this is cognitive dissonance. Similarly, I know people who complain that others —vacationing, going to the beaches, resorts, etc.—-are spreading the virus, but when they do the same thing they are doing it “safely”. In terms of this latest psy-op: more chaos and confusion, more cognitive dissonance throughout the populace.
Stupidity, basically.
If Trump had been the usual POTUS with a few new profitable wars for the military-industrial complex the big pharma lobby’s war against a common flu virus and a pandemic with a covid-1984 maladie imaginaire would not have been declared by Doktor Bill and his minions via his paid WHO and a rushed untested gene-based quasi-mandatory vaccination would not have been forced on gullible populations worldwide. War is racket, afterall. If Trump had been anything like the warmongering predecessors in the oval office, the likes of Bush Jr. and Obama, in all likelihood the Covid scam would have ended as the swine flu hoax a couple of years ago where whistle-blower Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg then an EU politician could uncover the scam and in doing so prevent that much more than 700 children were severely harmed by vaccine damage.
Two days ago, in Miami, an obstetrician who was a proponent of the Covid vaccine has died.
Because he thought the Pfizer Covid-19 plague vaccine was effective he had already received it in December.
The media, particularly MSN, claims the vaccination is unrelated to his sudden death. Surprised, anyone?
His distraught widow says her husband was in the best of health before taking the fatal jab.
„Miami doctor dies within weeks of receiving Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine“Ben Ashford For 2 days ago
And the woman in Portugal who died 2 days after receiving the vaccine. But the autopsy report (not released) said the vaccine was not the cause of death. Oh, right.
Hugo Talks is the guy who alerted me to the Brazilian Foreign Minister speaking out about the pathway to fascism below. Seems like a great channel so happy to post his work here for people to check for themselves
This situation has a solution. Or,
this is not a solution, not at all:
*not in the slightest*
Right now, working at a Farmers Market I sell the mag at, and a lovely breeze, outside in the fresh air, and yet nearly everyone is walking around wearing bloody facemasks. First 3 customers I’ve had have all had them on, and I don’t know what to say to them anymore.
This is what complete irrational fear has done to them. Or maybe it’s news about the new ‘mutant strain’. Just feel very frustrated and sad and going WTF in my head. Sigh.
The power of the filth media and its disgusting fear porn.
They will pay with their health unfortunately. The mainstream media is a fascistic entity
Sigh… now feeling somewhat better. Just had a really good chat with a covid sceptic who knows what is going on, and also baffled by all the fear mongering and said people had literally lost their minds. That has perked me up.
So many here giving split-second updates™ about just exactly how it’s all getting worse.. how do those split-second updates help the Situation, for
us proles? They’re just a subtler and in fact more-normalizing version of what the corporate media and the Vichy left have been selling since March..
Get off the screens- no one on them can help; if they could, they’d be
deplatformed in an instant. Their objectives are, ahem- different.
See C Walken in King of New York: “I’m not your friend..”
And so weird that the UK decided not to endorse Vit D as preventative and treatment for covid (flu or cold, really) after originally promoting it, and in spite of all the evidence to support it. Making people stay locked indoors and wearing masks which is the exact opposite to health. Oh, but now they’re talking about installing UV light in air con systems to kill virus. Go figure….
It just gets more bizarre Glenda. Do you laugh or cry or both? This story of the ‘mutant strain’ has obviously terrified people witless (as was the intention)
Really hot in Melbourne today, and easily over 80% of people outside wearing facemasks. The covid sceptic I met at the Markets said a similar thing as you: ‘they’ve renamed the Flu and similar things as covid and terrified the pants off everyone”.
How are the mag sales going- big market these days?
Regards your first reply: I’m very aware that if we all sat here staring at screens and making comments here and other sites… Nothing will change. I know this. Should I try and invade Parliament? Have a sit down protest in the middle of the street, sign a petition, join a class action lawsuit against the Govt, wear a T shirt saying “Covid is a Scamdemic – The PCR Tests are Fraudulent”, walk around with a placard?
Regards your second reply, it’s a homeless street mag, so yes Carey, I’m a prole, just like you. And yes, sales are good. For now.
Interesting, and thanks for the reply.
And there’s The Highwire pushing that lie (variants). As good as Del is on health freedom and informed consent, that’s unforgiveable.
You mean about the… ‘mutant strain’? (cough). That’s why I put it in comma’s because it’s bullshit. Just scrolled down a heap of posts on Facebook. The World has gone insane Arby.
They’re either claiming the scamdemic is about installing communism, or they’re claiming Trump will make a comeback in 2024 or some Australians (not Americans!) have posts with Biden Not My President with a red line across his face. Australian citizens!
Why do I have Facebook? I’m really beginning to wonder.
How are things going in Canada right now? Are you still working? Incidentally, I haven’t looked at The Highwire for maybe 6 months.
I’m living on death row. Eventually, my employer will require me to get the medical intervention that they are calling vaccination. I know that. I don’t know exactly when that will come, but I expect it. I won’t submit and therefore will be punished. On the other hand, my death row is pleasant enough. I work in security in a farm/zoo/park, overnight. There’s no one here but me and the animals. The job is low tech, with just me and my guard cell. The farm staff are great. The guy in charge is super great. No one cares what I do here at night as long as I go out for a few minutes each hour and check around, mainly checking on the animals. I cook my lunch here, play solitaire or watch videos on my computer or read if I have the mental energy. I drink a lot of coffee…
How far off are you before you’re at retirement age and entitled to the seniors pension? That’s the only thing that came into my head, but I guess that wouldn’t be very much. And given how evil these bastards are, they will probably make getting jabbed a condition of receiving the pension or welfare benefits anyway.
I won’t get jabbed. I won’t get tested. I won’t do contact tracing. And I won’t compromise on those things.
Because I’m selling direct to the public, its almost certain management will require us to be tested or vaccinated sooner or later.
Good luck Arby, hope your week goes relatively well✌️
I’m about to turn 65 (and don’t celebrate birthdays). I’m already getting my pension (early and reduced, which provides me with about $420 a month) and exactly one month after my birthday I’ll get my first social security check which will be around $617 minus whatever I have Revenue Canada hold back each month so as to not get hit with a big bill at the end of the year. In other words, I’d starve to death or have to live on the street if I was to rely solely on those two sources of income. And, you’re right, even those, it’s expected, will be continent on my good behavior.
If my mind wasn’t able to sort of block that horror out, I wouldn’t be able to bear it.
$420 is CPP?
$617 is OAS, apparently.
If you have less than $18600 per annum from your employment plus CPP, upon filing the tax return (on time), you should be getting GIS (Income Supplement) from July onward. Your total income may then be close to $1400 per month or thereabout. Also, once you are receiving GIS you may qualify for a rent supplement (If you rent). Most likely varies per province as this is a provincial program. In BC, I pay rent $850/month, but getting $330 supplement, so that helps a bit Here in BC, I have a transit pass for $45/annum (also depends on receiving GIS).
Of course I’m a reactionary and renegade, but keeping this strictly to online anonymous sphere. A couple of years ago, I was kicked out of a temp job based on a complaint from a SJW cretin. It was no big, went back to agency and got a better job the very next day. They just recommended “keep yer piehole shut”.
the $420 is after tax. I learned the hard way that CPP is taxed. I got RC to hold back a $100 per month so I don’t get dinged at tax time. I’ll do the same with OAS, which will mean about $500 per month. I can’t retire obviously, as much as I’d like to. What does SJW stand for if I may ask? And thanks for the tips by the way. I look out for whatever I can get for sure.
Don’t know what to say to them?
How about when you are wandering through the supermarket and pass the only other non masker in the store and all you want to do is stop and hug them and celebrate meeting a fellow non believer? That’s how I’m beginning to feel.
Except that I now venture out and go in straight lines trying to avoid looking at people, so I’ll miss non masked ones. As well, You don’t know why someone isn’t masked. I won’t assume that he or she is on my side, even if I will always like to see bare faces.
FWIW, for the first time since April, during a visit to the nearby grocery market I saw a shopper without a mask. (I confess that I wear one in the market.)
She was older, and seemed to be in a hurry to run around and assemble her purchases. I may be wrong, but I got a vibe that she was a bit apprehensive– so I didn’t interact with her. But yes, I wanted to hug her.
I had the same feeling last week when I took public transit for a necessary appointment; I abhor wearing the mask, not to mention suffering through the overwhelming scandemic propaganda posted everywhere, and blaring from every public address system.
When I got to the El (elevated train) platform, I saw a heavily-swaddled person (it was cold out) of indeterminate age and gender sitting on a bench. Not only were they not masked, they were smoking a cigarette– smoking has been streng verboten on public transit for years.
I was happy to see a fellow human.
I see more coverage of the anti-lockdown protests and wonder if there could be such a thing as a pro-lockdown protest. Imagine the coverage of that.
“And today we report on a heroic protest demanding more lockdowns while the police… umm, thoroughly agreed with the protesters and arrested some for not protesting enough!”
That commenter: “Imagine something Even Worser than things are now- it’s easy if you try!” [or, perhaps, are paid for that kind of worseness-normalizing..]
How does the worseness-porn help?
You certainly get them in Germany, or rather anti- anti-lockdown protests. There would be more of this is they were not afraid of crowds, or their paymasters are.
Meanwhile those blood-curdling Trots at the WSW have suddenly become interested in preserving the US Constitution. They still think it is Trump that is the main threat to it. Will the penny ever drop?
Ernesto Henrique Fraga Araújo is a Brazilian diplomat and Brazil’s current Minister of Foreign Affairs.
There are real politicians in the world, who do not bow down to this fascism. You just have to travel thousands of miles to find them.
He says:
“The pandemic must not lead to totalitarian social control or the abrogation of fundamental freedoms. Freedom is foundational to the UN and essential to human dignity. Brazil stands for freedom. No to the “Great Reset”
My speech at UN session on Covid:
Brazil is just about to approve the vaccine rollout. Don’t believe anything said at the UN. It’s the institution behind ConJob19.
“Sinovac, AstraZeneca Seek Vaccine Approval In Brazil.”
Brazil is 10 days away from starting its depopulation agenda.
“The manufacturers of two Covid-19 vaccines developed by Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac and Oxford-AstraZeneca filed the first applications Friday for regulatory approval in hard-hit Brazil, officials said.“
Yes agreed, Brazil is in the “Big Club”
Actually prez Bolisinaro is anti vaccine but he has no authority over some of the health ministers in many of the Brazilian states. I;ve read many story’s over the last couple of months where he says we are all going to die at some point and said just live your life. This coming from a guy {Bolisinaro} who came down with covid last June He and Mexico’s Obrador are similar in philosphy. In fact Obrador a few weeks ago lambasted some of his state governors like the one in Jalisco for being “mini dictators” for their strict rules on covid.
Amlo (as Obrador is called here in Mex) doesnt wear a mask. I dont quite understand how maskhole mandates become regimes across the country when the leader claims he believes in freedom.
It’s so bizarre because when I ask gringos here why they aren’t following their leader (Amlo for expats, or Trump for vacationers) they say they’re irresponsible covidiots. So who decides whether a leader is a covidiot or a great SAGE?
I just want to go home and lock myself in my house so I dont have to deal with humans.
Jair Bolsonaro is a bloody fascist and he never came down with covid 19 because that’s a made-up disease. (I have no use for Glenn Greenwald but his reporting on Jair Bolsnaro is good. Get up to speed if you don’t know who that monster is.)
And sadly welcome to the age of Aquarius….the masters always know best and they will attempt to have us all comply…how long it takes to start the fight back I am not sure…but where this kind of control has been tried before it always ends up dying…may take years but it does….
I live in a moment of utopia where it isn’t happening but one starts to dread that soon they will notice they have left us out of the agenda…so I get to saviour each moment…
Same Edith… I’m just taking things one day at a time, with a few food treats thrown in, along with movies and lots of music and trying to prepare as best I can for the really tough times…
*This* is why I avoid online images as much as possible: they’re trivially easy
for the Dark-Siders to make; are often powerful; and are, in fact, often selling
the opposite of their nominal message.
“You’re doomed, Proles!”
Not just yet.. If that were so, the unrelenting elite agitprop would not be necessary [as with the above, resistance-is-futile image].
the world,lives and talks in symbols so avoiding them is difficult it about understanding them learning about them
The 2009 redefined ‘pandemic’, thanks to Pharma and the World Health Organisation
There’s a turf war raging between Big Pharma and Little Pharma. South African police raided a private clinic searching for Ivermectin and a factory in Taiwan that produced Hydroxycholoquine mysteriously exploded