Are You Ready for Total (Ideological) War?
CJ Hopkins

So, welcome to 2021! If last week was any indication, it is going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores “normality” throughout the world.
…or at least attempts to restore “normality,” or the “New Normality,” or the “Great Normal Reset,” or “The New Normal War on Domestic Terror” … or whatever they eventually decide to call it.
In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass. They have had it with all this “populism” malarkey that has been going on for the last four years.
Yes, that’s right, the party is over, you Russian-backed white supremacist terrorists! You Trump-loving, anti-mask grandmother killers! You anti-vax, election-fraud-conspiracy theorists! You deviants who refuse to follow orders, wear your damn masks, vote for who they tell you, and believe whatever completely nonsensical official propaganda they pour into your heads!
Oh, yes, you really did it this time! You stormed the goddamned US Capitol. You and your racist, Russia-backed army of bison-hat wearing half-naked actors have meddled with the primal forces of GloboCap, and now, by God, you will atone!
No, do not try to minimize your crimes. You entered a building without permission! The building where America simulates democracy! You walked around in there waving silly flags! You went into the Chamber, into people’s offices! One of you actually put his filthy populist feet up on Pelosi’s desk … ON HER DESK! This aggression will not stand!
OK, before I go any further with this essay, I need to explain to my regular readers (in case it wasn’t already clear) that I’ve decided to forswear every word I’ve ever written, and all my principles, and my common sense, and join the remainder of my old leftist and liberal friends in the orgy of online hate and outrage they are currently mindlessly indulging in.
Yes, I realize this comes as a shock, but I have seen the GloboCap writing on the wall, and I don’t want to … you know, get ideologically “cleansed,” or charged with “extremism,” or “insurrectionism,” or “domestic terrorism,” or “populism,” or whatever.
I’m already in enough trouble as it is for not playing ball with their “apocalyptic plague,” and whatever else I am, I am certainly no martyr, and I have a career in the arts to consider, so I have decided to listen to my inner coward and join the goose-stepping global-capitalist mob, which is why this column sounds slightly out of character.
See, back in the old days, before my conversion, I would have made fun of my liberal friends for calling this “storming” of the Capitol a “coup,” or an “insurrection,” and for demanding that the protesters be prosecuted as “domestic terrorists.”
I probably would have scolded them a bit for taking to the Internet and spewing their hatred at the unarmed woman shot dead by the police like a pack of soulless, totalitarian jackals.
I might have even made a reference to that infamous scene in Schindler’s List where the crowd of “normal” German citizens all laugh and jeer as the Jews are marched away to the ghetto by the Nazi goons.
But, now that I have seen the light, I see how bad and wrong that would have been. Clearly, trespassing in the US Capitol is a crime that should be punishable by death. And comparing contemporary American liberals to the “good Germans” during the Nazi era is so outrageous that … well, it should probably be censored.
So, good thing I decided not to do that!
Plus, the woman was a “devoted conspiracy theorist,” so she got what she deserved, right? (“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes” was the official liberal shibboleth, I believe.)
In fact (and I hope my liberal friends are still reading this), the police should have shot the entire lot of them! All these Russian-backed Nazi insurrectionists should have been gunned down right there on the spot, preferably by muscle-bound corporate mercenaries and CIA snipers in Black Hawk helicopters with big Facebook and Twitter logos on them!
Actually, anyone who trespassed in the Capitol Building (which is like a cathedral), or just came to the protest wearing a MAGA hat, should be hunted down by federal authorities, charged as a “domestic white-supremacist terrorist,” frog-marched out onto Black Lives Matter Plaza, and shot, in the face, live, on TV, so that everyone can watch and howl at their screens like the Two Minutes Hate in 1984. That would teach these “insurrectionists” a lesson!
Or they could shoot them in one of those corporate-branded stadiums! We could make it a weekly televised event. It’s not like there is any shortage of Trump-supporting “domestic terrorists.” They could use a different stadium every week, deck the place out with big “New Normal” banners, play music, make speeches, the whole nine yards. Everyone would have to wear masks, of course, and strictly adhere to social distancing. Folks could bring the kids, make a day of it.
How am I doing so far, leftist and liberal friends? No? Not fanatical and hateful enough?
OK, so what is it going to take to convince you that I have changed my tune, got my mind right, and am totally on board with the New Normal totalitarianism? Trump? Sure, I can do Trump. I hate him! He’s Hitler! He’s Russian Hitler! He’s Russian White Supremacist Hitler!
Yes, I know I’ve spent the last four years pointing out that he isn’t actually Hitler, or a Russian agent, and that he’s really just the same ridiculous, narcissistic ass clown that he has always been, but I was wrong. He’s definitely Hitler, and a Russian agent! He is certainly not just a pathetic old huckster without a single powerful ally in Washington who could not stage an actual coup if Putin nuked every blue state on the map.
No, I soil myself in fear before his awesome power. Never mind that he’s just been banned by Facebook, Twitter, and numerous other corporate platforms, and made a fool of by the corporate media, the international political establishment, the Intelligence agencies, and the rest of GloboCap since the day he took the oath of office.
Forget the fact that, although he holds the nuclear launch codes in his tiny little hands and is Commander in Chief of the US military, the most he could do to challenge his removal was file a buttload of hopeless lawsuits and sit around in the Oval Office eating cheeseburgers and tweeting into the night.
No, none of that means a thing, not when he still has the power to “embolden” a few dozen pissed-off Americans to storm (or calmly walk) into the Capitol and take selfies sitting in the Vice President’s Chair!
Look, the point is, I hate him. And I hate his supporters. I hate everyone who doesn’t hate him and his supporters. I hate everyone who won’t wear a mask. I hate the Republicans. I hate the Russians. I hate everyone who won’t get the vaccine. My God do I hate them! I am so full of hatred and mindless rage that it is making me crazy. I am so consumed with self-righteous hatred, propaganda, and manufactured hysteria that, if Rachel Maddow, or Chris Hayes, or whoever, told me that it was time to round them all up, these “domestic terrorists,” these “insurrectionists,” these “conspiracy theorists,” these “anti-mask extremists” (and anyone else who won’t obey us), and put them on trains and send them to camps, I’d probably be OK with that.
How am I doing, liberals? Am I back in the club? Because, I get it. I swear! I’m cured! Praise God! I’m ready to pitch in and do my part. I believe in GloboCap’s final victory! I’m willing to work, if our leaders order me, ten, twelve, or fourteen hours a day, and give all I have for GloboCap victory! I am ready for total ideological war … an ideological war more total and radical than anything I can even imagine!
Sure, our imaginary enemies are formidable (and this war will probably last forever … or at least until the end of global capitalism), but, in the words of one our greatest liberal heroes, George W. Bush, “bring it on!”

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volume I of his Consent Factory Essays is published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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The problem with the ‘GlobalCap’ label is that it ignores the political beliefs and objectives of the political and financial elites involved with removing Trump. This is particularly so concerning the mega-rich owners of big tech so involved with the Biden ‘victory’ or ‘takeover’ (depending on your view of the events). Dorsey, Zuck, and Mr Apple, along with all their executive teams and most employees, have famously leftist or ‘progressive’ political opinions, as constantly shown by their funding of Democrats and their pet causes, their public comments, their woke company policies, and their strongly anti-Trump sentiments. These are politically-correct mega-rich oligarchs who will never need more money, and who are in fact prepared to sacrifice huge amounts on behalf of their virtuous causes. How many billions did Twitter lose by banning Trump and slandering that half of America who support him? Dorsey doesn’t care, as long as he helps to beat and then silence MAGA. Our woke corporate crusaders use their endless wealth to impose their personal politics on us all, and crush all criticism of their arrogance, aims and beliefs. Our freedom of speech is being stolen from us, which is what all tyranny always does to cement its power. This is why I say ‘corporate communism’ to describe those now deciding and ruling our collective and national destinies, not GlobalCap. Like guns, money and money-making aren’t responsible for how they get used.
”Lockdown may cost 200,000 lives, government report shows”July 2020
This is the report that should put Jonson and all other ministers in Prison for life. They knew.
Take a look at this RT OP-ED written by one Charlie Stone.
Dear anti-vaxxers, ask yourselves this, why-oh-why would Bill Gates and Big Government want to monitor your incredibly dull lives?
Tell me what’s wrong with it….
Democracy, Psychology and Healthcare – Tony Benn (2007)
Excellent video one of the greatest prime ministers we never had
I would contest most of his beliefs now, but how I miss this highly-principled, deeply sincere leftist. Today, Kneel Starmer’s idea of opposing a tyrannical government is to urge more lockdowns, faster. Let’s make British leftists great again!
Excellent article. Thank you once more Mr Hopkins. In the UK we currently have a recruitment drive for 20,000 more policemen to help maintain and improve the Stasi state. Those applying shouldn’t worry about being fit or passing some kind of aptitude test..None of that is required any more in this perilous times. IQ of 60 would do fine and since you’ll be mostly arresting those pesky anti-lockdown protesters and “anti-vaxxers” over 70 years of age like Piers Corbyn, you only need to be able to walk up to and shove them into the back of the van. (92 year old Eric Levy arrested by London police)
But they’ll also need to know which protestors they should kneel to.
Priceless. Thanks.
The world’s aristocrats are taking over: the return to feudalism.
And they are virtuously anti-Trump and very safely woke. Anyone here feeling like their tool?
Deaths and casualties due to the Gates Pandemic so far.
Portuguese health worker, 41, dies two days after getting the Pfizer covid vaccine as her father says he “wants answers”
Mexican doctor hospitalized after receiving COVID-19 vaccine
Hundreds of Israelis get infected with Covid-19 after receiving Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine
Wife of ‘perfectly healthy’ Miami doctor, 56, who died of a blood disorder 16 days after getting Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is certain it was triggered by the jab, as drug giant investigates first death with a suspected link to shot
75-year-old Israeli man dies 2 hours after getting Covid-19 vaccine
Death of Swiss man after Pfizer vaccine
88-year-old collapses and dies several hours after being vaccinated
Thousands negatively affected after getting Covid-19 vaccine
Hospital worker with no prior allergies in intensive care with severe reaction after Pfizer Covid vaccine
4 volunteers develop FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid-19 jab, prompting FDA to recommend ‘surveillance for cases’
Investigation launched as 2 people die in Norway nursing home days after receiving Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine
Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
US officials report more severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines
NHS told not to give COVID vaccine to those with history of allergic reactions
COVID-19: Single vaccine dose leads to ‘greater risk’ from new coronavirus variants, South African experts warn
CDC reveals at least 21 Americans have suffered life threatening allergic reactions to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine
Woman experiences side effects of COVID-19 vaccine
COVID vaccine side effects more common after 2nd dose
Bulgaria reports 4 cases of side effects from Pfizer COVID vaccine
Two NHS workers suffer allergic reaction to Pfizer vaccine
You have a work ethic that matches your way with words.
Thanks for this go-to round-up.
Thanks Fact Checker..👍
Spread the word..eyes need to be opened
Thanks Jura. Had no internet connection on my phone for 8 hours today, only just back on, saw your comment.
Had an angry run in with a customer today… He mentioned the vaccines and said ‘it’ll be great when they finally come out’. Of course, he didn’t say a single word about any of the above in your links.
He was a masked covidian sheep waving a big red flag in front of me.
I retorted “you know what happens once the vaccines have been released don’t you”? I said “those who refuse to get vaccinated will be barred from restaurants, cinemas, sporting events, planes and a lot of jobs”.
His response to that was: “Good, I have absolutely no sympathy for bloody anti vaxxers, they’re putting us all in danger, they’re nutters”. I could barely contain my anger but said… ‘what about freedom of choice’? He said everyone… ‘has to get vaccinated for the safety of the community’. (Seig Heil)
One of the many morons in Melbourne very happy to cheer on full blown fascism. I didn’t even get the chance to tell him about any of the side effects.
It’s only a matter of time before one of them phones up my Office and makes a complaint
these people are in denial and fixed on the idea the vaccines will make everything go back to normal – best response is to tell them this will never happen. No point in debating freedom with frightened people. Better to replace their fear with a bigger fear of something else
Okay, I hear you as well Sophie. They literally have the mindset of an addict really hanging out for their next fix, and for them, their fix is the vaccine.
Quite right Sophie
I’m afraid the “freedom of choice” argument will have no effect if you’re talking to people who are convinced they are in mortal danger. Indeed the freedom argument will just make them think you’re some libertarian unconcerned with health. You’d be better addressing the health issue I.e. tell them about the practically non existent threat of the virus plus the real dangers of the restrictions and vaccines.
I hear you… Thanks.
They are under trauma based mind control having already been injected as children and possibly since. They have a split personality and adamently defend their abusers seeing the long needle as something good. Probably the best you can do is avoid the topic directly and take an indirect positive approach that will lead them to put 2 and 2 together later on having the knowledge of what is really making people sick. Lack of vitamin D, unhealthy diet clogging up the lymphatic system. John Rose says it is hard for people to believe this stuff having been given so many references to the germ theory but when you actually experience cleansing for yourself then you will know for a fact it is true and no amount of jargon and bull shit studies will convince you there is a ‘virus’ responsible.
It’s not trauma based mind control if it’s a trauma they imagine might happen. It’s old fashioned fear with a dose of denial thrown in.
They were already traumatised and abused by their parents, community and schools. This inducted them into the trauma based mind control and they are disassociated from the child that actually knew the vaccines were a weapon attacking them. Some of the videos you can see they get the father to hold down the baby while they assault them. This is part of the process to destroy the family bonds and the sense of safety.
I see a tiny, helpless beautiful little baby receiving a needle and crying. Then receiving a soothing bottle of milk and falling to sleep.
You see abusive parents using ”trauma based mind control”..
So, by your thinking, every child vaccinated as a baby on the advice new parents received from medical professionals they thought had ethics and had taken an oath to prevent harm, were actually being abusive parents, as were school and community ?
You claim this causes the tiny child to disassociate from it’s true consciousness in order to protect itself from an attack ?
I’m afraid I have to see some pretty good sources to support that.
I’m surprised the Off Guardian didn’t feel the same.
well said
I don’t know if any mothers of babies that had diptheria are still alive.
To have to watch a child die from diptheria is horrific. We get children vaccinated against diptheria and have done for quite a long time now. Yes, a vaccination will be painful for a baby for a little while however, diptheria means you watch a child choke to death and can do nothing to relieve suffering. This is far more traumatic for a child and the parents of that child.
Just look up some public health records and you will clearly see number of cases of diptheria drop dramatically after vaccine is available. In fact because we see almost no cases of diptheria now it is a notifiable disease.
I wonder if I stood with my child choking in my arms and I could do nothing to ease the suffering would I reget not having my child vaccinated. It would haunt me for life
I agree completely with you, but i think you’re wasting your time even replying
If we say nothing…..nothing is learnt. An example… measles a common childhood illnes could cause blindness along with complication of pneumonia. The vaccine for measles has only been around for about 45 years. The vaccine was effective very few children caught measles. However, somebody decided to add a 3 in one vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella.. There was a scare that autism was linked with the vaccine. Mothers were not given the option to just have measles vaccine, I think that is wrong….we should always have choice. So, people afraid of the autism link decided to opt out altogether… first all was well 10 years down the line there was an outbreak of measles. I guess this demonstrates how effective the measles vaccine had been. I don’t know if choice was allowed after the outbreak or if the risk of autism was not proven. I hope choice was given.
A rubella vaccine was always given to girls when they were 13-15 the illness is not bad, however if a woman catches it during the first 3 months of pregnancy it causes horrific birth defects. Mumps is not that bad of an illness…if an adult male gets mumps there is a chance they will be left infertile.
I hope you have learnt something from what I have written
One man who has made millions in sweeteners from Gates is Tony Blair. Gates, the king of the Trojan Horse.
As you say the single measles jab was effective. People realised it and accepted it. So it became a useful conduit to carry two more little surprises in it.
Blair used the immunity his title as PM carried to be able to hide whether or not his own child had the jab. We were told after his reign via his wife’s autobiography of BS that he had. She doesn’t admit which country she flew to in order to get it though. Or why she wouldn’t get the same one being inflicted in the country she lived in and that her husband was pushing it.
Funny you should mention it though. It’s being considered for Covid 19. Well why not. Anything goes now with this ridiculous story . The likes of Pfizer and Modena say the vaccines rolled out worldwide at great expense don’t really protect the host but now MMR might…
copy / paste this. And it’s genuine..
I have yes. I can’t speak for the person who seems to think misled parents are using vaccines to hurt their children though
If loved ones die from the risky and very different Covid vaccines, then anyone who insisted they ignore warnings is going to feel the suffering you describe here.
Just sick
Yes. Emotion usually trumps reason, and our authorities scare-monger constantly.
Thanks Gezz..👍
I have mixed feelings about the sheeple. But none of them are nice. I used to try the ‘understanding’ route and realise how they had been misled like we all had and that they just hadn’t cottoned on yet. So i assumed it was my duty, and the duty of the many like me, to explain things to them. Eventually their attitude grated. It wasn’t just that they appeared to be stupid, but that they appeared to believe that stupidity is this year’s black and they should broadcast their crap with pride. Then to add insult they decided to be ‘against’ the ‘conspiracy theorists’.
I used to randomly ask one or two to define ‘conspiracy theorist’. Just to remind them that they were too stupid to broadcast. But i understand why they still do; they have a captive audience in their fellow herd members. I ended up muttering, in my mind’ I hope the 80% culled are those fkng idiots. I was almost converted to the eugenicist psychopathic religion.
We can call it cognitive dissonance. Don’t try to explain that to them though. They’ll fall over. We can assume that the world’s greatest confirmation bias engine has been at work- Google.
Google has been refined since day one. Most use it to conform a bias you hold. The best way to get the best from Google is to Google the opposite of what you’re looking for. It creates ‘bubbles’ based on your browsing history and will retrieve results that confirm what you already believe. This way it prevents your mins and ideas expanding.
Until then, let the sheep do their thing. I’m sure many a herd being loaded off the wagon outside the slaughter house believed they’d arrived at a holiday camp. For 5 minutes.
Its same here in Mexico with yankees screaming about when can they get the vax (ahead of locals). It’s total pharma brainwashing – over the last few decades it’s been horrifying to see how every TV ad (esp. daytime) is pushing some magical pill to treat this or that imaginary disease. Americans are fixated with pharma as instant solution to every problem.
I have zero tolerance for the medical profession since the 90s when a dr tried to convince me my baby was asthmatic. (Asthma being the latest trendy disease to be medicated in children back then). They phoned me from the dr office constantly threatening that I was putting my kid in danger by not giving steroids.
I saw a homeopath who said my child had zero asthma and who gave me a booklet he’d written about vax lies/truth. Almost thirty years later – my son never has had asthma. These doctors have zero ethics or integrity and yet people treat them like gods (of the new cult). No point in fighting with the brainwashed – they literally cannot hear you.
I haven’t been to a Doctor for maybe 18 years Grace. During lockdown here in Melbourne, Mexico was one of the places I’d daydreamed of escaping to, as I’d heard that away from the large cities, Mexicans were just getting on with their lives and most were basically ignoring the covid hysteria.
As that pro vaccine guy walked off yesterday, I was tempted to call out ‘thank you for supporting Fascism, Hitler would be proud’ as I have been tempted to with other covid cult members I’ve come across.
I didn’t tho, coz it flashed thru my head he probably would have turned around and decked me. You’re right, they’re too far gone. It almost wouldn’t matter what you said. Hope your weekend goes well Grace.
I believe Ivermectin remains unbanned in Oz, and is emerging as even better than HCQ for preventing just about all hospitalisations and thus fatalities (my wife and I here in Brazil fully recovered from covid in about 12 days using the standard HCQ-zinc-antibiotic cocktail). Tell your moron he needs no extra risk from poorly-tested new vaccines to deal with covid. Also, only morons or politicians would trust an MSM which lied that HCQ was more dangerous than the virus, that lockdowns work, and that the WHO, its funder Bill Gates, and big pharma only seek our well-being.
What is happening is a travesty, Jura. We have asked how the hell has someone even made a vaccine…a vaccine against what ? As you have said (during prior conversation) if some one could get hold of one of these vials of vaccine and have it analysed, what would it tell us. These propurted vaccines are not for an unknown, mutating, new strain virus. How is that known, when no-one has identified or transcribed a corona virus given the name covid-19. Ultimately, I would like a virologist to say Vaccines are not safe when they have been tested in a limited way and time span. However, the companies making these vaccines have a ‘no indemnity’ clause I think they are all associated with Bill Gates in someway. This is bad practice, any scientist worth their salt will tell you so. Yet, we are to believe that the ‘vaccine’ is a one size fits all mutations and viral strains the same vaccine works ? Sorry, doesn’t cut mustard.
Great insight into what is happening out there Jura, thanks
Tish 🙂
Travesty is right. It’s Tyranny swaggering around the planet daring all who step up to come and fight. It’s typical cowardly behaviour. Bill Gates would be too scared to take on Bambi in a war . But while he has all the guns and all the money and his opponents need his favour, he has a Brave New World in his head. This is his Westworld now.
What a valuable contribution. I’ll be using many of these reports, thank you.
The World Economic Forum has this message:

“You’ll own nothing.
And you’ll be happy”
My suggestion is this: Let’s test the truth of this slogan first with these super-rich people: Bezos Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros and so on ….
Because they must be terribly depressive – owning so much. So let’s take all their property and hand it over to the state with the directive that it is used to enhance the situation of the poor and homeless people.
I mean: This super-rich did so much to… ah .. for the world that they simply deserve that we now make them all happy.
Sadly Sheldon Adelson just died – so we can’t make him happy any more.
This f*cker could have at least died 13 days ago… how inconsiderate.
Bet Assange is happy! One down…
Whores and their trinkets
I say: Lenin, Stalin, Mao Pol Pot could have learned a lot, a lot, a lot frrom ze new hero Klaus Schwab!
“EUTHANIZE the Planet! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.”

“Mein Fuhrer I can Walk”
leave Lenin in peace, please …
Now I may be just be a simple country Hyper-Chicken but I’m guessing them there 1% they’re not giving up their stuff…..
I understand that that particular bit of propaganda has been altered on the WEF website. I grabbed the image just so that I could show people in the future what they were saying. Thanks.
Mr. Hopkins, take heart. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.
There is no „deck the place out with big “New Normal” banners, „ as far as Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and many Great Reset dissidents are concerned.
Wodarg, the formidable physician and epidemiologist and former council member, of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Social, Health and Family Affairs who was instrumental in exposing the WHO´s dubious role in the swine flue scam, now documents
a paper by US lawyers “The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud” of which he says on his homepage:
“It is breathtaking well-supported circumstantial evidence that makes the medically unexplainable “pandemic” understandable.”
„The CCP´s Global Lockdown FraudRequest for expedited federal investigation into scientific fraud in COVID 19 public health policies“
In addition, Dr. Wodarg links to a video with “notable“ remarks by no other than WEF boss Klaus Schwab on China’s leading role in combating the plandemic and in general in shaping the future of the world (Schwab 12/5/2020 on the Beijing Forum 2020).
China leads world in terms of fighting pandemic: Klaus Schwab
A truly stunning document. Thanks for this, it’s incredible. Things are really starting to take shape now. This, combined with the other legal challenges and documents, most notably the ones headed up by Reiner Fuellmich and Rocco Galati (I’m sure ther are others too), which are gathering pace, and the fact that people do seem to be waking up (someone just messaged me to apologise for previosuly dissing my take on this agenda), plus all the corroborating evidence which so conclusively proves this whole affair to be a total scam of the lowest order, means that on an intellectual and factual level, it’s case closed. There’s going to be a lot of Guardian/BBC/MSM victims having their day of reckoning in the coming months, as the penny drops and the depravity and sickness of the world they have been tricked into endorsing is unveiled before their eyes. How could they have allowed these demons to occupy their minds in such a profound way?
Nothing is off the table now. Polly Toynbee, Jonathan Friedland, Owen Jones and all the other rat-like parasitic presstitutes who have polluted our spiritual domain with their filth, well, their days are numbered. They’re gonners. This has the power to bring the whole stinking system to its knees, to finally be scraped off the sole of humanity’s shoes and flushed away forever.
It’s game, set and match to the conspiracy theorists 😉 The evidence which people have brought to this very forum by the authors and commenters above and below the line has now been documented and expanded upon by some of the finest minds of the human race. The people who penned and contributed to this document, „The CCP´s Global Lockdown Fraud – Request for expedited federal investigation into scientific fraud in COVID 19 public health policies“, they have produced something for the human race to be proud of. They have created something we can all work with and share and understand, because these are very complicated issues, but some genius/es has gifted us with the tools we need to win this. In a world that has been hijacked by the very worst, the very best have come out swinging by unravelling their evil scheme for everyone to see, striaght out, into the light.
I salute these brilliant people:
Michael P. Senger, Attorney, @michaelpsenger;
Stacey A. Rudin, Attorney, @stacey_rudin;
Dr. Clare Craig FRCPath, Consultant Diagnostic Pathologist, @ClareCraigPath;
Robert Spalding, retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General, @robert_spalding;
Randy Hillier, MPP Lanark, Frontenac & Kingston, @randyhillier;
Francis Hoar, Barrister at Law, @Francis_Hoar;
Sanjeev Sabhlok, PhD, former Commissioner in an Indian State Government, @sabhlok;
Brian O’Shea, COO, Centurion Intelligence Partners, @BrianOSheaSPI;
Maajid Nawaz, Activist, Author & Broadcaster, @MaajidNawaz;
Simon Dolan, Business Leader & Entrepreneur, @simondolan.
It goes without saying though, that at this stage in the game, all of our institutions, bar none, have been captured by the filthbags orchestrating this evil. The tentacles stretch all over the world a hundred times over. They are the real disease. You simply cannot get away with screwing this many people over in such a vicious, inhumane way. You can’t do that. We humans are more powerful than that.
The British government is clearly infested with these rats, but they have nowhere to hide now. Their agenda to make us beholden to totalitarian China has been exposed, for all the world to see. Ferguson, Hancock, Whitty, Vallance and Johnson could all end up behind bars, charged in the Hague. Just think about that! Their evil deeds are now known to the whole world. They have ****** everyone and their kids, all caught on camera. With such heinous crimes proven beyond all reasonable doubt, they have no defence for their actions, claiming ignorance won’t cut it. There is no escaping what they have intentionally, knowingly and criminally done. They are on a par with the names we abhor the most, I don’t need to name them, we all know who they are. It’s that bad. Just think of how much damage and pain these people have inflicted on the lives of millions of their own countrymen and the wider world. Their sick plan has been foiled and we’re not going to live under their fascism any more.
It is our duty to make sure that this document reaches as many people as possible, so the British public and indeed the people of the world can finally begin the march to freedom and enlightenment.
„The CCP´s Global Lockdown Fraud – Request for expedited federal investigation into scientific fraud in COVID 19 public health policies“
The next 7 days are going to be a crucial moment in history. Apparently, Pelosi’s laptop has been ceased by the intelligence services. This laptop contains evidence of massive election fraud.
It’s why they are desperately trying to impeach Trump during the last week of his Presidency.
If Trump gets the support of US Army generals, he won’t be leaving office next week.
I should add that I’m not a Trump supporter.
It’s not true. It’s part of the psychological operation.
Why is it not true?
You need to back-up your statement.
Otherwise readers will think you’re just some dickhead bot.
Researcher is great, I have found. But, yes, links are always a good idea. He may return with one or two. He’s not a dickhead bot, although I’ve seen evidence that we have a few here. And I find the decline on OG alarming. No links to websites via our avatars? Perhaps there’s a reason, which is fine. Then, Let us know about it I say.
trust in the plan
xio q said it
so it must be true
She’s more plasticine than woman twisted and evil
What a load of utter nonsense
My barber. Went for my mandatory cut. (Kids coming for the big MLK 3 day weekend.) Not your typical white male half retiree. He belongs in California. It was slow and just the two of us. Nothing but bullying. And I called him out. He did not care. He is filled with nonsense and nothing I could say fazed him. Finally, I said, “So…, If Jake Tapper did not say it, it must not be true”. And then I had to explain, “kind of like when a tree falls in the woods”……. I politely let him make his points and then each time I countered, he interrupted and spoke over me. Then I pointed out what he was doing and he denied it and claimed I was doing it. These people are beyond reason. He brought up “the guy in the horns”. I tried to explain who he was but nothing I said could change his impression….because he started talking over me again and again. They have their agenda and that is it. Trump derangement. It’s not going away…… It may even be worse.
Put them in jail. All of them. Everyone who participated in the fraud. That’s the only way we will have unity in our country. Confiscate and toss Dominion out on it’s ass.
I am still writing my representatives weekly………
End the lockdown. The stats are still the same……………………
Continue not complying. Wear no mask!
This graph might help put the lock-down fanatics back in their box (or not). We’re assuming the areas coloured red are accurate Covid-19 figures. Notice the massive decline in other causes this winter compared to previous years (…?!!?).
Given the deeply criminal nature of the covid cult I wouldn’t trust any of their data. They might have killed millions in those covid wards. They need to be shut down and law and order reinstated immediately. 6 million they murdered with the gas chambers wasn’t it? They are going to be taken to the cleaners real fast.
Even the common cold has gone!
***ADMIN… I’ve had a reply to George Mc in the spam filter for almost 13 hours now.
Wondering how much longer it’ll be there?
Gezzah, I wouldn’t bother with it if I were you.
The comments section here has become completely over-run with trolls, bots, 77th Brigade, et al.
Click on my name if you want some sanity, and no censorship at all.
There’s now censorship on this site, in that they are now blocking people’s web links. Here’s mine…
I’ve just gone 8 hours without any Internet connection on my phone. I couldn’t even check the blinkin weather, but its back now.
I agree Rob… How vastly different the comments section is here to 12 or 14 months ago, where there’d be like 80 comments too a story.
Since the scamdemic came along, this site has been increasingly swamped with trolls and 77th Brigade, and even some with obvious, um, issues.
I’ll check out your site later this evening, cheers✌️
That picture has a flaw! At least in the Plantation where I slave on, the fuckers applying the jab are wearing a muzzle but not wearing gloves…
Brilliant. Thank you! 💕
Prince Hamlet Speaks About Election Fraud
“O villainy! Ho! Let the door be locked.
Treachery! Seek it out.” And this we laud:
A voice half crazy yet all true that rocked
A kingdom, laying bare the crimes within
That had enwrapped the nation in a plot
To seize control and make its gears start spinning
On a strange trajectory that’s not
What seems to make real sense when on the ground—
A war for no good reason and seems forced,
And in our case today voting that’s unsound
And from plain justice seems to be divorced.
We hurtle toward corruption’s deep abyss
And must cry “villainy!” lest the chance be missed.
By Evan Mantyk
Personally, I’d’ve taken a shit on Pelosi’s desk, not just put my feet on it!
Inspiring interview with Eric Levy, 92, who was arrested on Jan 6th, 2020, outside the Royal Courts of Justice for protesting on behalf of Julian Assange.
Apologies if he’s already been all over the airwaves /s. I haven’t noticed Mr Levy being accorded an interview on BBC or CNN.
Pigs… they stink!
Very inspiring to listen to Mr. Levy speaking power to the people,
The great egalitarian is wrong only in his assessment that there are no special people in the world.
For he is a very special person, Mensch.. As long as there are people like Eric and Julian Assange in the world, there will be no New Normal!
The more I see of TV news, the more I think I must be hallucinating. Trump is apparently up for a second impeachment. Newsreader says, “A significant number of republican voters think the election was a fraud. How can we convince then that this is not consistent with the facts?” (Well I think you answered your own question there!)
Then over to Republican Brad Schneider who “tested positive” and is objecting to republican colleagues who refuse to wear masks. First, shock at Brad’s dreadful covid encounter as the interviewer asks delicately after his health. To his credit, he didn’t even pretend to be ill although he noted that he was scared and appalled by the recklessness of his chums who wouldn’t accept the face nappies.
I read later:
“… Schneider is “isolating in his family’s basement in Deerfield after testing positive for COVID on Tuesday, and while he says he can’t be sure where he got the virus from, he says that his exposure to the virus was “greater than any other time” when he was sharing a room with Republican lawmakers who refused to put on masks while locked down during last week’s riots at the US Capitol.”
Video provided by Punchbowl News shows several Republican lawmakers refusing to wear a face mask in the room where Schneider was sheltering. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester of Delaware is seen in the video offering them a surgical face mask.
“You see Lisa Blunt Rochester saying can you at least put on a mask and they’re saying ‘thank you, but no,’” said Schneider. “Their actions and words speak for themselves.”
“Schneider and dozens of other lawmakers hid in a secure room in the Capitol during Wednesday’s deadly incursion by supporters of President Donald Trump. He said he wore a mask the entire time, other than when he was drinking or eating.
That wasn’t the case for some Republican lawmakers in the room, who refused to wear masks even when asked by colleagues. Video of Republicans refusing masks has been shared by news agencies and on social media.
Democratic Reps. Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey were in the same room as Schneider and also have announced they tested positive for the virus since the siege.”
You see what you Trump supporters and covid deniers (same thing really) have done?
“Schneider said he took the first of two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine on Jan. 4. But the vaccine isn’t fully effective until both doses are administered.
“I wish I’d had the vaccine earlier,” he said. “Maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation.””
What situation?
I think he should have 7,8,9 not just 2
Please mate, take them now…it’s never too late
you f.scumbag!
Simply brilliant. It sums up so much of what I have felt in a much more elegant and articulate way. However, I take issue with comments like this (in relation to the cynical “clap for the NHS” campaign):
“It’s hard to imagine how the Left’s error could get any more perverse than this.”
I don’t think it’s an error at all unless we take the error to be that of the vast majority of Left supporters going along with deceitful directives from above.
To see promotion of the covid narrative as a consciously deceptive movement changes the entire tone of the essay. Thus, we can read the various seeds planted in the Left psyche:
With regard to the last,
“Perhaps it’s the sheer embarrassment of having fallen blindly into a such a trap that keeps so many on the Left in silence.”
They’ve dug their own grave. Let’s just hope we don’t all have to lie in it.
2,188 Billionaire Hyenas now George, Adelson is dead…. yipee….
Lets hope it causes a feeding frenzy and that they all eat one another..
2189 billionaire scum on a wall
2189 billionaire scum
if one of those billionaires should happen to fall
2188 billionaire scum on a wall.
Money has absofirkinlutely ZERO to do with knowledge, milosevic.
Let alone Science and its’ Beauty.
One fine day, you will visit and comprehend Balkan Philosophy and then…
YOU will prosper, i mean physically and psychologically, too.
Instead of manifesting your obvious frustration, you will CONSTRUCT.
Forgetting nursery rhymes and all the king’s men and Green bottles. Simples.
Be the change. Even when,
Twenty years too late!
Stop bitching, pal,
and do something!
With your feet, just for starters,
Like kicking yourself,
Over wasted time.
I ain’t afraid of Seals or other animals.
3-2-1… time to copy/paste, milo?
Or do something truly scientifically constructive?
Back in 2016, after many decades of scientific labour,
My neighbour harvested honey (best quality),
Four times in one year, thanks to wild horses and certain knowledge.
In over a century, that had never happened here…
What did you achieve, time wise?
All the standard of living issues that have occurred this century are the result of corrupt government: oligarchs get richer because anti-competitive monopoly is no longer being stopped, government lockdown policies help the oligarchs, 2009 was a hand-out to the oligarchs. All the while, the poor keep getting poorer. Everything the government does is aimed at making the oligarchs more powerful.
You can blame it on Capitalism (whatever that means) but I blame it on the over-expansion of government into every aspect of our lives so that now the government has total control over our lives. For that I would blame the left, the authors of most government expansion, but who cares, it is done. The issue now is how to get out of this mess before rescue becomes impossible and we have to wait for the new world order to naturally enter its decline and fall apart in 250 years time – the life span of most empires.
the governments is corrupted by the big capitalists, by the multinationals that follow the armies in their wars of expansion, to rob the territories that the armies have reduced to ashes.
Hence the terror of communism, instilled in the minds of Americans and citizens of the Empire, the terror of class justice, the terror of justice..
I’m not talking about what Mao’s China was forced to become, in order not to end up like Africa, and the Middle East, lands of conquest and robbery, populated by subhumans, I’m talking about true communism, the struggles that for two centuries, they wrote the rules and rights with blood, for everyone, even for those who were previously considered little more than a thing, a non-human to be milked and suppressed. In the USA, communism has become a heresy, the justice from below, justice of the people, in short, justice, is a crime. For this reason the world is returning to the Middle Ages, for this the citizens are darkened by the fetishism of goods, which is worse than the fetishism of religion.
For this reason the oligarchies strangle the democracies, and the financial aristocarzia (die neue Finanzaristokratie), without laws or culture, the scum of humanity according to Marx, who as always is right, commands the sovereign people. it corrupts governments, loosens the rules, makes the laws, goes to bed with armies, because only with continuous wars can it remain in power.
“The financial aristocracy, in its forms of income as in its pleasures, is nothing more than the reproduction of the underclass at the top of bourgeois society”. (Marx)
But the people have identified with the interests of their masters, and this Wilhelm Reich explains it well. The people defends the villains who harass and rob him, he hates even only the word communism. When in reality the comunism has always been around, well before the Marxism, even if it has returned to being a ghost, slandered, and emptied of its true meaning. So we went back to the Middle Ages and we will go even further back, we will let slavery restore undisturbed, continue to allow taht the commons to accumulate in the handsin the hands of a minority of lawless idiots, only shrewd and wicked. But there will always be people like her who defends them, as servants defended their masters …
”THE first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, “Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.” Rousseau, 1774.
and remember that for the communists there is neither right nor left, they are divisions that have a meaning only for the capitalists, who brigade and deceive the people with these sophisms. For communists there is only the general strike and the revolution.
Western governments protect the capitalist system which tends towards fewer and fewer competitors who therefore have greater and greater influence over the government. A vicious circle.
Globocap approaches include fascism, rigged competition, kleptocracy of public resources, subverted legislature, subverted courts and political propaganda. The results include (a) worsening work, poverty, safety and sustainability (b) domestic tyranny (c) economic, subversive and military imperialism.
Globocap are socialists – or sheep masquerading as such
Glinting dark humour. Thank you, I’m momentarily cheered!
The smog of lies hangs like a mask,
Truth retches, twists as if she gasps.
At millers’ tales.
Her arms outstretched but finding strength
she tears the veil and clears the stench.
As clouds unfold.
Our ancestors, they too were bound
yet struck their feet in Common ground
And did not cease!
It’s Old New Year, so I’m raising my spirit and feeding my soul in the Caucasus with a Belarusian glass, Svayak. Why not toast a country has been a refreshing exception to the masked-up panic of the past year?
As censorship and downright lies bring the worst of Pravda to the Western press, let’s also drink a toast to words, to their inspiration and their power. And since we are talking of Baltic inspiration, here’s one from the poet Ryhor Krushyna.
THE WORD (1964)
Within the spectrum wide with intuition
I recognize you, my word.
Its taste, its odor, and play of sounds for definition,
And my creative happiness I heard.
The colors gamut and its play,
The elixir of youth,
And golden dreams of yesterday,
The fervor and the restless whirl of truth.
I see it all, I feel it all,
With words creating all anew,
I hear the voice of my country’s call,
The war of emotions that I knew.
For instance, take such a word for taste
Such bitter word is “absinth” to be sure.
It seems along the village street there’s waste
Of weed that crawls along the paling ever more.
Some though are straining words as castor oil,
Though surely there are others honey sweet…
My word! I’ll not desert you in my toil,
I love your flight of fancy in this feat.
Mankind you do enrich so much
To prompt them to come forth in life.
You’ll cure the ailing with your touch,
And beat the evil enemy in strife.
You’re flashing with a lightning sheath,
And wafting with the warmth of spring and spree.
Upon my death you’ll meander as a wreath
To be consumed by life and me.
Ryhor Krushyna (1964).
With which, fellow readers, writers and moderators, I toast you and the New Year for a second time.
The results are starting to come in Re vaccine success.
It seems that a new virus is taking hold called- for now- Gullibility 21 .
In a statement to the world’s press earlier, Covid 19 said :
”These numbers are fake. This is fake data. I refuse to leave”
read more :
Somehow the website has decided not to publish the videos.
Because the Borg likes to do this, we know their not fake.
I don’t know Jura, we have seen masks as being of no use exhalted to being mandatory.
We have seen one of the biggest drives for testing here in Liverpool….people aren’t getting tested.
So, now a vaccine…..I doubt many will go for it
MSM are going all out with the t.v. extras and walking around ICU with camera crews. ‘Staff in PPE do nothing,’
There was a woman who was at deaths door last week, she would have us know. She looked like the beautician and hairdresser had been in before she went on camera
Then we had a Nigerian woman who had only been here for a week……she had been at deaths door as well. She have a go at a cough and laboured breathing.
BBC has become Bill Gates’ propaganda platform
It’s all part of the programming Tish.
In order to fill a head with bullshit and wrong beliefs you need to lower or knock out the subject’s critical faculty. That’s the censor and analyser ‘at the door’ keeping order. It’s on alert should we wish to evaluate anything critically too. The one thing the eugenicist elite don’t want us doing.
Like a stage hypnotist can put you to sleep temporarily, he can then make you run around the stage making noises like a chicken- because he told you that you’re a chicken. And why should you disbelieve him ? That’s why the war has been waged to possess minds.. It’s about winning the majority of (very) vacant floating voters who graze in the middle of nowhere covered in wool and talking nonsense.
On the larger more macro level, stress can tire a mind. Repeated exposure to stress will make your eyes heavy; your critical faculty too. Then the fear. The media hype. One of the benefits of having a captive audience of millions at home in their cell, is that the chances of them being in front of a mainstream propaganda outlet are sky -high.
Then it begins. The horror stories of what we might be bring closer with our defiance ; the heart breaking stories of those who have ‘fallen in the war’ we are in; and the heroism of those ‘heroes on the front line’ of lying hospitals.
Then come the actors and stooges telling lies and subtly dropping hints that anyone ”who doesn’t believe this is real should speak to me”.
Next call- Celebrityville. What we all need in times of a global pandemic is the scientific wisdom and experience of somebody who won Big Brother ( irony alert).
Or maybe a footballer who has really ‘amazing’ tattoos . If they say a vaccine is safe then it must be safe. I’ve seen them playing keepy uppy on Instagram.
But don’t worry, there’s a lot of medically trained doctors, epidemiologist and virologists out there who fully understand the reality of this virus the measures we are taking to defeat it and the dangers of the vaccines. Unfortunately the governments have banned them from telling us any of it for whatever reason…
We’re READY AND SUPER EXCITED, especially now that…
The poster on top is a Dutch SS poster from 1943 or 1944.
I know… And yet still accurate!
Great poster top one not bottom bit
Lethal pandemic killing around 3 million people stopped in tracks by the refusal to socially distance , lockdown or get a vaccine.
Quite a headline, I’m sure you agree. Or it would be. But, according to recent history, it also could be.
back in 1957-8 we had no WHO. In fact we only just about had a Bill Gates jr. We were safe from him then. He was only just about old enough to play in his pen and stab his toys and rub salt into their little wounds as big Daddy rained candy and dimes upon his son and heir.
In the background Asian Flu had take a vice -like grip on the world.
Globally, it might have been five times as deadly as Covid-19, as measured by deaths per capita. It was unusually lethal for younger people: 40 percent of deaths had occurred among people younger than 65, whereas the average age of death Covid-19 is 80 with only 10-20% of deaths under the age of 65.
What’s striking is how public health officials handled the pandemic. It had a diametrically opposite response than policymakers pursued in 2020
At this point, I find myself asking why the response to a much more serious global pandemic of 65 years ago has been ignored today. Back then they beat this thing in short time. That todays ‘experts’ are using that as a guide of ”what not to do” screams of bad intent. If you want the opposite result. use an opposite response..
65 years ago they wanted to save lives and kill a virus with minimum disruption and they did that. So, if you use that as a blueprint of ‘dont do’s‘, it would follow that the covid logic is aimed at creating -and sustaining- damage, death and disease to the population as well as to societal norms and the economy.
The most influential public health body at the time was the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers (ASTHO). They met on August 27, 1957. They concluded that they should recommend home care as much as possible to keep the hospitals from overcrowding. They would instruct people to seek medical attention if symptoms become severe.
Otherwise, ASTHO concluded as follows:
‘‘there is no practical advantage in the closing of schools or the curtailment of public gatherings as it relates to the spread of this disease.’’
We’ve heard incessantly that Covid-19 necessitated lockdowns because it is a new strain for which there was not a vaccine. Well, the Asian flu was already new and there was no vaccine either. By the time one came along, it was only 60% effective and not widely used. Henderson comments:
To be sure there were disruptions. They happened not by force but by necessity due to absenteeism. They were short-lived. The millions of people exposed to the virus developed antibodies and moved on. This was true of schoolchildren in particular:.
At this point i heard the voices of Boris Johnson and his scientific liars as they emphasised that ‘schoolchildren must get the vaccine early”.
Again with their game of opposites…
Three months. You read it right.
Which can only mean that, this time around, the outcomes aimed for are the opposite of public safety.
Shutting down an economy flatly contradicts a founding principle of the World Health Organization:
Did you read that Mr Gates ?
Lockdowns were ruled out in the past precisely so that the damage of a pandemic would be minimized and we could get through it more quickly. This was the science. This was the science all the way through the spring of 2020, when everything changed
source :
Thank you. That’s a great reference. It really drives home the fact that this current shit show is anything but about public health and our well being.
you’re welcome Ken. Spread the word before too many are vaccinated against it’s truth.
It was just another one of the vaccine cults scare campaigns. The difference is not the virulance of the virus (there was none) but the amount of news coverage and headway the cult managed to make. If people had listened they could have caused as much carnage as they did in 1918 and introduced lockdowns and everything. this cult have done all sorts of crazy shit killing hundreds of millions over they decades. do you realise how dangerous this idea of viruses is? they really don’t care if you are ‘antivax’ as long as you spread the virus propaganda. it makes no difference because you are not challenging the actual fundamental weapon they have which is the belief in pathogenic viruses using which they can do all sorts of insane things. if you think lockdowns are crazy then you missed the mass vaccination campaigns. they are every bit as insane if not more so. the only difference is you were already used to vaccines. this pathogenic virus bs is so very dangerous to spread. sure there was no lock down in 1957 but the cult were still raising funds, causing mass destruction and progressing towards where they are now. nobody died from a made up asian flu “virus”. they died from the vaccine cult along with many hundreds of millions of others.
I know what you’re saying. But my intention by posting this story was to highlight that the fear is more important than that which is feared. I don’t mean theoretically, I mean by design. The SAGE paper has it in writing. And that was ready to roll off the press before we’d even realised we had the virus here in the UK.
That’s pretty obvious evidence of the whole think being a fear campaign.
It’s basic psychology to realise that fear is a crucial motivator in handing over your freedom in exchange for safety and survival. It’s also a very important part of the priming of a subject’s pre-hypnosis. It’s far easier to condition a subject that is in fear.
A secondary pre-requisite is exhaustion . If you can exhaust a body that’s the first step; if you can exhaust a mind you weaken resistance; if you can weaken both the subjects is there for the taking. Soon you’ll own their will.
Roughly 25% of the population are extremely susceptible to hypnosis; the same percentage are extremely difficult to hypnotise.
The rest graze in the middle waiting to be persuaded. Sheep.
The other important points brought up apart from the comparative scale of deaths per capita was to emphasise that there is genuine empirical proof of the inefficiency of lockdowns, and isolation and that doing the opposite achieved success.
The pro / anti vaxx arguments aside, it’s clear that many other factors have helped to create global chaos.
The game has been used to shut down hospital departments and block access to medical help ; Thousands of independent traders and small businesses have gone under ; homes have been repossessed; the economy of the world is on it’s back; the bill incurred by each government for these vaccines will add to that mess; schools have been closed ; school exams have been put on hold; unemployment has soared. All of this would have been avoided if using the 1957 / 58 model. That it wasn’t is clear evidence of an agenda that may well have the pharma dollar and pound at it’s core. But in human terms it has destruction and genocide at it.
This isn’t like the previous pro / anti vax or pro / anti pharma psyops. This has caused global lockdowns, global oppression and global economical collapse. If it was all about profiteering, they could have pulled that off in one of the ways they always have done. It’s not like they don’t know how.
Fear + stress (cortisol) + exhaustion (to bypass restrictions) + deprivation (nutrients, sunlight, etc.) + unhealthy conditions (masks, indoors, hospital wards) = Illness.
There was no success in 1957. People died due to the vaccine cult. The article seems dodgy. It claims lockdowns were ruled out but shows no evidence the idea existed at all at that time. if your going to make the argument that people dieing is not important compared with freedom a lot of people are going to find that as a weak argument and be infuriated and all the more adament that measures be imposed on the selfish libertarians. What might appear on the surface as opposition plays into the hands of the vaxx cult since it is telling that people died from a virus “five times as deadly” confirming the ‘reality’ of “the virus” and nobody cared enough to do anything whereas now we are much more responsible with lockdowns and less people are dieing. These were not public health officials but vaxx criminals who could care less about anyones health pushing this nonsense about “the virus” instead of actually providing health information.
”There was no success in 1957. People died due to the vaccine cult. The article seems dodgy. It claims lockdowns were ruled out but shows no evidence the idea existed at all at that time.”
And that’s an argument against the article ? ‘It seems dodgy” ?
I expect that from the mask wearing pro-vaxx sheep terrified who have no time to think.
‘People died of the vaccine cult’ ?
Did you read the article ? People died because of a powerful flu. But, unlike today’s ‘virus’ that virus was found and it was eventually killed by the collective immune responses of the population. Vaccines were viewed as unnecessary , as was mass panic , fear and lockdown. The result was normality being restored after three months.
”if your going to make the argument that people dieing is not important compared with freedom a lot of people are going to find that as a weak argument and be infuriated”
A ‘lot of people’ find the idea of vaccines for an unfound virus a good idea; even more find mask wearing important. They become ‘infuriated’ by those who ask questions about the pandemic and vaccines and those who produce evidence of the real damage caused by the useless vaccines.
I never said people dying isn’t important. You said i said it. I dare say there was a point to that in your mind.
”These were not public health officials but vaxx criminals who could care less about anyones health pushing this nonsense about “the virus” instead of actually providing health information.”
There was no WHO if that’s what you mean. Maybe that’s why the vaccine programme wasn’t entertained and why the pandemic was over in three months. Why would ‘vaxx criminals’‘ suggest ignoring the vaccines and ignore hyping up of fear ?
The ‘vaxx criminals’ are orchestrating a remedy that runs completely counter to the one used to defeat the 1958 flu. That’s why we’re 12 months in with no sign of a close to it. It’s why all we hear about is an invisible virus changing shape and vaccines being piled up ready by the day as those who take it get hurt.
Did you read the article or just not understand it.
Yes, nail on head hit……well reasoned Jura, as always
They did have an influenza pandemic in 1957
It’s beginning to grate this ”there’s no such thing as a virus / germ” stuff.
Same shit different names. Subtle. They need a head shake.
There is more than likely no such thing as covid 19. It’s a narrative being used like a Trojan Horse. It conceals a darker purpose.
But to say that this indicates that there’s no such thing as viruses and germs is like saying that because 9 /11 was an inside job that there’s no such thing as a terrorist .
I agree with you. There’s lies galore from the ones running the scam. On the other side of the coin the sceptics take it too far by coming out with extremes like there’s no such thing as basically anything. It actually gives the elite and the sheeple reason to call all of us conspiracy nuts because we all get tarred by the same brush
According to SkyNews, apparently some intensive care units in UK hospitals might be NEARLY full. Maybe we could just nuke the entire country when they are full? so the flu doesn’t infect anymore people?
Yep. And for how many weeks have they been saying that? I think the key phrase is “close to being overwhelmed”. Surely it must strike even the most ardent lockdown supporter that we are being ‘overwhelmed’ with vacuous cliches, and with little actual evidence to support the assertions.
The only thing that overwhelmed the NHS was TikTok videos. Now that the virus is rampantly out of control once again I think Matt Hancock should consider bringing them back.
It’s propaganda.
Scary headlines that use words such as might, could, might have, maybe but no evidence or factual data supplied.
Sent out to scare people into complying with the lockdown.
It’s all psychological and click bait for the media.
The data might not even exist. It certainly doesn’t exist for the public. I wonder why
Thanks, CJ. Just the kind of sick satire I need to make it through another day in the New Normal (or “whatever they eventually decide to call it”). My one reservation is that it isn’t exaggerated enough.
(Americans Are Being Divided As The War on Domestic Terror Expands)
You need to add more bran to your diet.
You’ve started a ripple and it’s turned into a tsunami of US flavoured BS.
It doesn’t matter if the world is falling to crap, or the pandemic- real or otherwise is global- it takes two minutes to redirect the conversation to all things US presidents past or present and neo this and that and who is getting impeached( like Obama, Bushes 1 and 2 and Clinton weren’t).
Deja Vu.
Deja Vu.
Rodney ?
Mange Tout, Tish, Mange Tout.🥴🙃
Sarcasm is alive and well with you! We need to find humor somewhere in our day as the circumstances are almost unbearable.
Here’s your mystery to solve for today.
Who am I talking about.
He was once a party leader who rose to be the leader of the ruling party of his country.
Although he led his party, he was clearly a plant put in it by the opposition.
He forged documents and lied about them before using these lies as a pretext to go to war.
He was responsible for having his country’s intel services interrogate a weapons expert that had the admiration and respect of the rest of the world. He was found dead 48 hours later.
He is pro-Zionist to the point of absolute paranoia.
Despite holding his position on a salary of around £100,000 a year and having a family and two houses and cars he finished a multi millionaire- many believe billionaire.
He owns a vast property portfolio and makes millions from that too.
He was privately being ‘funded’ by one Bill Gates for years for his ‘services’
He admitted that he once ‘bent the truth’ in order to go to war.
Although seemingly retired and out of the limelight, he has worked under the radar tirelessly for the Bill Gates agenda and the Bill Gates money.
In 2020 alone – or The Covid Year as we should refer to it- He received 6 million Gates dollars.
Like other tyrants ( Gates, Clinton) he too has a foundation and institute full of ‘grants’.
In November 2020 he- along with a partner- launched a ‘vaccine management programme’ in parts of Africa.
( like Gates, he too has never studied medicine incidentally )
Our mystery guest stated that :
(See, spoken like someone who has never studied medicine but is an expert when it comes to wars of any kind and lying to the public- no wonder Gates made him rich)
Like his string pulling master, He too seems to have the ‘gift’. He can see into the future ( as long as it’s threatening the population) with remarkable clarity and make startlingly accurate ‘predictions’ :
There you go. A ‘number of years’. Didn’t the Pfizer CEO say 10 yeas the other week after another Gates ‘donation’ ? So the vaccine maker, and now this criminal, have said ‘years’.
Now ask yourself how useful and effective they really believe the vaccines are.
Our mystery guest has never been short of support since leaving his day job:
No shit.
In return he has :
He went on to echo the Gates threat- sorry, the warning, that :
See- I told you they were psychic.
And there it is in one line. Your route to liberty.
Excuse me, have we not always had that in the west with our great democracy ? Why would we need a route to it now ? Where is it and where are we ? And, more importantly- why ?
We are being told( again through a Gates mouthpiece) that it’s ‘‘hold out your arm or stay in prison”.
Sieg Heil.
I read all that and you don’t say who you’re talking about? Yes I’m slow and don’t keep up with the news because it makes my skin crawl…but who are you talking about?
what was my first line 😉
Tory Bliar is my guess
It has to be Tony Blair !
correct 🙂 👍
Tony Blair of course.
After lying to parliament and having the blood of hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis on his hands he should be in jail for the rest of his life.
I knew someone would show up to actually read more than a paragraph a la twitter style..👍
Correct, Paul.
And I agree. But, as we have seen and continue to see, Blair was showered with unlimited praise, privileges and wealth. By the ‘philanthropists’ who call themselves ‘humanitarians’…
The media keep reporting NY police, military Psyops coordinators were taking part in the occupation of the capital and the police were complicit. Every US political act these days comes with the ‘smoking gun’ of a conspiracy baked in. Were the pentagon rehearsing their response to a military coup that day?
stand down soldier
all tavistock psy style operations real or fake require stand down
get with the program soldier
this is
zio daze and con fusion
There was a massive blackout in the Pacific Northwest.
Gates and Bezos are being taken down.
Medina has been infiltrated.
Good luck!
The white hats have control of HAARP.
The angels shall sing.
Watch out for weather anomalies and power outages.
Fuck off.
Why? What is your objection to my comments?
Run, rabbit run.
Run, run , run….
The almighty force of the US military
Fuck off!
What does that prove, eh?
For your information. My mother Just passed away.
A few minutes ago.
Sorry if my posts generated concern.
that’s a bit sick
Funny you post, and I crossed my fingers absentmindedly.
I live in the Pacific Northwest (Canada side) and there were blackouts last night. We had a massive wind storm which knocked down a bunch of power lines. I wish you were correct.
Trump is still sniffing around for support for his coup, His mob will win eventually, they always do, it might be in 2 or 4 years, but the fascist will win in the USA, because they are really pushing at an open door. A,, The powerful in America really hate the people and want them smashed down.
“Trump is still sniffing around for support for his coup”
“Not buying it. More like the toga party scene from Animal House. Toga! Toga! Toga! Quite a shindig. Seemed like everyone from Langley-Land central casting was there.”
If that’s your idea of a coup, then I don’t know how to describe CIA orchestrated murder and mayhem over the past 7 decades in Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, Iran, and scores of other countries.
But to deranged, spiteful, vindictive stupid bitches everywhere the staged Reichstag Fire Circus Stunt of 6/1 probably was a “coup.”
Like Cuomo said, “Where does it say protests have to be peaceful?”
The fascists have already won, and are making lists of all the people whose lives they will destroy. Global corporations have started the fun by banning people from commercial flights, or their own bank accounts…
I feel like we are living through a flash-back from the Handmaids Tail.
Tail? 🙂
This current quiet war will turn into a noisy war if the Marxist – Communist – Zionist takeover of America goes ahead according to a report by Intel veteran Mitchell Headerson. See headlines for Henderson’s detailed report from the patriots Pt1,2 and 3. Part three describes the patriot warfare strategy when TSHTF and it’s not peaceful!
Do you know what Marxist or Communist means? I don’t think you have a clue.
Jullia, don’t kill the messanger!- I’m simply reporting how Rense and Mitchell have described It! Their words not mine!
tell us jules what does it mean?
I think she might have a problem with that Gordon!
God, guns, patriotism, small government, deregulation & free markets, ain’t going to get you anywhere. It just makes you a victim of Corporate power. Its a dumb ‘ideology’ more like a suicide note.
Organize! Organize! Organize! In the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs.

Excellent! I must remember that quote. In the UK it is Labour or Conservative who are both the enemies of the working class. It is amazing to watch and listen to these establishment politicians and the supporters as they weigh in to their opponents who are in all respects no different from themselves. Their idiot supporters that present day politicians are just careerists on the make. Real politics ended with the Blair phenomenon and has been replaced by Kabuki politics – a type of political theatre that isn’t meant to change anything. When will they wake up I wonder.
Better keep me away from sharp objects….
Whenever one hears the word “patriotism” more often than not it is right before or in conjunction with the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST’S call for cannon fodder for their wars of conquest and ‘profit.’

“To Hell with War and to Hell with CORPORATE FASCIST PSYCHOPATHS!”
I think one of the US elites problems is they can’t start an external war, A war would bankrupts them, or expose how bankrupt they already are.
The real problem is they are eating their own. We are watching the implosion of an empire and we are all being dragged into their internal pain.
It is not our problem, it is theirs!
“Here is something to consider/ponder. The WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST PSYCHO CRIMINALS are such nice caring criminal psycho bastards that they wish to share their departure from Planet Earth with everyone and everything else on it,in it and over it. They are everyone’s (including you) problem.”
Neither will child trannies, drag queen story hour, anti white race hate, seditious Deep State conspiracies, open borders, unlimited 3rd world immigration and blatantly stolen elections.
Scientism, a disarmed population, globalism, large government, state control and corporate monopoly is the recipe for heaven then?!
Funny how it sounds like the exact recipe the WEF have lined up….
An ideological war between Whom? The corporatists Democrats: enemies of the people. Or the Corporatist, Republican’s: enemies of the people?
One thing is sure and that is there is no ideological difference between The Trump-ists and the Biden-ists. What you are describing is Disneyland version of ideology. They are in reality owed by the same people. The White supremacist, Christian, racist, homophobic, military, Corporate, industrial complex. The Ideology of the left that demands universal healthcare, free education etc…is only in the minds of the voters, they do not exist in the USA’s political or media world.
Your comment that condemned, perhaps rightly, white supremacists was left alone. I want to say that Zionist Jews bear a much greater guilt for the economic situation of the US. Will this comment also be left alone as I have done that?
Yea, hehe, eh…. have you seen this one, from ugh…. the gardians of high morale and proper conduct, and above all, the new speach, witch is steadily narrowed down, word by word to simply grunting, urg…. urg in case you should offend somebody, you know inbetween 300 different genders and all that jazz.
So, I dont know what to do this days because I am anoyed by the word feudes, communism, socialism, facism, nazism, etc, you name it, to neo-liberalism, and sprinkle it with religionism, right atheism, freaks, insanity, what to pick, what to pick.
Its an class war, us and them.
The second thing that is realy anoying is, when somebody have drooled about doing something, anything, and when that anything indeed happened the same bitches whines about them whom was doing that something, if you dont have the cojones to go out into the treet and protest/demonsrate, belive me, you have in my eyes no credibility what so ever, infact your own actions makes you to an spineless whining bitch, and whatever you say is more or less totaly irrelevant, because you, when somebody claimed we need to do something, dont have the guts to walk the walk, talk is cheep, cost nothing, just moving air, but been out there among your own, and face the powers, that, is something completely else.
I have much more respect for this that did go to the capitol Hill and made noice, showed they could take an stand, put their own ass in the line, that is bravery, and belive me, once you have done that, your world will never be the same, this people got an expirience they will never forget, and that is the difference, and why apologize, despite the attacks after.
Wait an week or two and most of it is forgotten, but again, those that did go, will never forget.
Il rise my glass for those people, cheers, you have my respect.
Hehe, you need to read this.
About Uganda, the new heights of pure hyporcasy.
Conservatives keep putting the blame for current economic injustices on the political left but it is they themselves who excused the obscene wealth of big tech billionaires such as Musk, Gates etc. Real socialists always condemned the wealth inequality American conservatives have been quick to justify.
All lives matter
Very good article @
Grab a copy while you can I suppose..
The author Johnny Vedmore also found out some very curious things about Theresa May’s background (especially her father).
That is probably the updated version that says ‘at least 21 days’ between shots (edited 24 Dec). The original document stated ’21 days’ between shots. The 21 days was presumably found experimentally to maximise the efficacy of the second booster shot. If the gap is too long, then the first shot will have lost efficacy, leaving the booster as a single shot. But, hey, lets vaccinate as many people as possible with one shot and stuff the efficacy. And what does that matter anyway, because it is just manufacturers PR. And it is just the proles anyway. /sarc
6 4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
No interaction studies have been performed. Concomitant administration of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 with other vaccines has not been studied (see section 5.1). Do not mix COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 with other vaccines/products in the same syringe.
4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactationPregnancy
There is limited experience with use of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2in pregnant women. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryo/foetal development, parturition or post-natal development (see section 5.3). Administration of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and foetus.
Breast-feeding It is unknown whether the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk.
Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3
Now, I ain’t no big city lawyer or doctor… But there’s an AWFUL lot of we don’t knows and has not been study’s knocking around in this document… considering they wanna stick everyone with this thing…
Just bought a shirt with the New Normal on it – really good. Get yours here:
Cool, but no thanks.
I would rather have the “Kultur-Terror” image on a shirt.
I wonder if it’s possible to die of anger…
I seem to remember old books of fairy tales where the wicked witch who didn’t get her way died of ‘a surfeit’, or was so angry that she had some iron shoes heated until they were red hot, then she stood in them until she was dead.
I’d like to see Whitty, Hancock, Fauci and Gates get that angry with us…
Dying of anger is a more honest way to die than dying of COVID.
I think their assigned role is to make us angry enough to burst a blood vessel. That way, we can be carried off to a “Care” Home to await the end of life jab.
If so, our author is most definitely dead….
That’s the problem with psychopaths though. No feeling. Even when they cut a throat it lacks passion. They’re divorced completely from emotion. They allow themselves a smile or a laugh when witnessing the private victory their various twisted deeds bring them.
Whitty is so f***g ugly. When he comes on TV to issue health warnings i want to break the screen.
How can they allow somebody that ugly to tell everyone else to wear a f**g mask.
It’s like Chucky and Winston Churchill spawned a love child.
Like 9 11 we are watching the controlled demolition of the rest of USSA right before our eyes. Anaconda Rice mentioned something “about the birth pangs of democracy” after her zionazi overlords massacred Lebanese with impunity back in the day…she herself might be about to get a taste of that bad blood in the coming months when she struts in with Creepy Joe and his fatso Kamel to “assume” the stolen power that USSAN “patriots” certainly will not tolerate any more than the coming attempt to castrate them and their beloved “Second Amendment”. The dung of American “democracy” has finally come home to roost. The show is about to begin.
Why was the United States Capitol left so vulnerable?
After the demonstrators were led in, a policeman killed a young woman at point-blank rage. The police and Secret Service ended the session of Congress, not the peaceful demonstrators. To give themselves cover, they imported a few Antifa agitators.
Why did they do this? I suggest they did this for a reason, which will become clear if we ask, What was going on just before the demonstration? The members of Congress were about to hear a debate on the objections raised against the votes in the swing states. The American people would have been able to hear the evidence for themselves. This had to be stopped. By stopping the session for about six hours, the debate was shifted to the very late evening hours of January 6 and early morning hours of January 7, when very few people were watching. Besides, all the attention was now on the protest rather than the fraudulent voting.
What can be done now? President Trump should not urge us all to “come together.” Instead, he should support secession. States and communities that support Trump are too far apart from supporters of the Biden-Harris BLM camorra to live in a united country. “Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14 [Douay-Rheims Bible])
Hello Malatok: Your question: > “Why was the United States Capitol left so vulnerable?”
The Capitol was left vulnerable for the same reasons that New York city was left vulnerable to the impacts of two “hijacked” airliners the morning of 9/11/2001. The entire air defense system had been placed on hold, whilst allegedly, four aircraft had been “hijacked” and were still airborne over US territory. There were also military and civil defense “simulations” planed within identical time frames as the actual event.
Who planned these simulations, and why were our air defense commanders told to stand down?
The demonstrations at the Capitol were allowed by the same types of black ops planners that failed to overthrow Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro January 11, 2019. The 2019 Venezuelan protests were a collection of protests organized by the same parties, and intended for the same purpose. Overthrowing standing presidents and installing dictators is a CIA specialty.
Questions have been raise regarding the shooting of the woman. I’ve linked this before, but I’ll link it again. The video does make you wonder is the cop was shooting a real bullet or a blank.
Thank you. This is brilliant.
A Psychpath and Pathogenic Liar (Pompeo), the political face of the united states on the world stage goes unchallenged in the face of the bullshit and lies that he is continually spreading around the globe!
There isn’t one single voice from Western countries that matches his power and status that can show the world what a piece of utter criminal he is.
In the latest news, the US Secretary of State is telling the world that AlQaeda has a home base in Iran –and Cuba is a state sponsor of terrorism.
This is a great opportunity for a high profile diplomat to show the US hypocrisy and point that the original home base for AlQaeda is the Pentagon, as they overtly and covertly created, financed and trained Islamist jihadists. They even gave them the name: AlQaeda.
But there isn’t one single high ranking official (or journalist?) to tell this Pompeo how disgusting he sounds and looks everytime he opens his mouth.
He’s a patriot. A rare breed amidst the 70% plus bought and paid for officials that occupy our administrations.
Do yourself a favour and actually listen to what the man says.
Try to suspend your hatred and allow yourself the opportunity of enlightenment.
Good luck!
His patriotism costs lives around the world.
Sure, just run away from The crimes of your ancestors.
Karma is a real thing, and it’s catching you up.
If it wasn’t for patriots such as Pompeo, the deep state would have enslaved you decades ago.
You have been waging wars, we’re complicit in genocide.
Don’t you understand the concept of blowback?
If he’s a patriot, Kosherstan is his patria.
So Fatty Pompous tries to the bitter end to stoke another genocidal war for the Nutnyahoo ape in apartheid, occupied Palestine. Time to lock up this sociopath.
“We lied…we cheated…we steal…stole…” stolen …blah …blah….blahh.
It ain’t over ’til da fat fukk sing…sang….sung…..
There’s a cheeseburger with his name on it… rot in hell you POS
So Fatty Pompous tries to the bitter end to stoke another genocidal war for the Nutnyahoo ape in apartheid, occupied Palestine. Time to lock up this sociopath.
“We lied…we cheated…we steal…stole…” stolen …blah …blah….blah.
It ain’t over ’til da fat fukk… sing…sang….sung…..
Not just Washington DC. There’s one more capital in the Middle East involved.
I for one will be glad to see Trump’s term end, for no reason other than an end to government jobs for dishonest and intellectually lazy slobs like Pompeo, and all the other neocons he’s deemed fit for represent the government on the world stage.
So what? New ones will take their place under Creepy Joe Biden.
Fellow off the guard followers. Came across an article written in Ottobre/October.
“Make face masks compulsory outdoors and shut places of worship to ‘save lives’, Sadiq Khan tells Boris Johnson”
Face masks compulsory outdoors?! UKers, how much more of this are you going to take?
The 2 reasons for our willingness to accept, temporarily, these violations of liberty.
1. People were genuinely scared.
2. The majority of the population are decent folk who were lead to believe that following government advise would be to the greater good of society.
We will never resort to violence but there is a growing anger amongst the population that will fuel the just criminal persecution of those who wished to deny us our liberties.
Protests in the streets are pointless and counterproductive. That’s how the bad guys harvest our social energy.
We only need to connect on a vibrational level. We will form a positive social memory complex.
Be aware of your thoughts, because they might not be your own.
Make every interaction with others an act of unconditional love.
Good luck!
“Make every interaction with others an act of unconditional love.”
Love and protest go hand in hand …
“We will never resort to violence” Guess who is in denial? Actually we do, everyday. By allowing the War Racketeers and the Corporate Fascists not only to exist but to continue to perpetrate their crimes against humanity we do. Guess who is in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. Think about it.

“We will never resort to violence …”
Who are we? Certainly not the state!
We are loving peaceful people.
We wish only for justice, fairness and kindness towards our fellow humans.
Evil shall not prevail.
The bad guys might win some battles, but we, the white hats, will win the war.
We are the white hats. We believe in liberty, freedom of speech and the rule if law.
We are committed to the arrest/detention of the criminals responsible for the attempted seizure of our freedom, the curtailing of our god given rights and their massive crimes against humanity.
We are the people.
Scatter to the hills if you must.
We’re going to get you. We’ll chase you out like ferrets in a rabbit den.
Good luck!
On that point of people being scared…..harnessing the fear of death appears to have been done very effectively…any direct contact I have had with UK people the mention of this fear comes up….it is interesting in that it involves the older generation and appears that suddenly those over 80 have realised they are going to die soon…given the stats on average age of death this has always been the date but somehow this has been made more apparent and set off deep panic…this is had to stop….as is no doubt the innate fear in the empire across the sea that its days are numbered too…
there are planetary reasons for all this confusion, fear and general mayhem…..and they are not left, right or whatever…they just beam the energy in and the humans react.
Welcome to Spain, people from the UK! It’s really not that bad to live in a faceless world. At least it’s easier than ever to meet a nice man/woman. Just look for those who don’t wear a muzzle and at least you will rule out the zombies.
Talking about zombies, we got these movies wrong from the beggining. Who would have thought that zombies were not infected by a virus, but by an idea of it?
Do you need a medical exemption in Spain ?
In Spain is mandatory to wear a mask everywhere except at home and in the car (unless we are with someone different of our family). It has been like this since July 7-15th, depending on the region. Yes, in the Spanish summer, with temperatures of 40-45ºC in some areas, people still wore the muzzle.
Are there medical exemptions? Yes. This is in theory. In practice I see almost no one without a mask because they are afraid of the virus, of fines (some police officers seem not to care about exemptions), or of what others will say… Some people wear the mask lower, but it represents a very low percentage of the population. I feel that people literally look at me as if I am a killer when I have to go to pick up my 90 years old grandmother without a mask.
Nonetheless, I know that judges are withdrawing fines (not only about masks, but about other restrictions) because they know that it’s unconstitutional. So if there is not resistance to the police officer, then the fine should be withdrawn.
[I apologize if I’ve made mistakes. I feel that today my English is worse than other days due to a headache]
You have precisely those rights that you are prepared to kill and die for.
No more and no fewer..
Otherwise onward to Ouchwitz…as usual
Manufacturing self-harming slaves…easy peasy once you got the monkey manual….
There are also numerous on-line sources that have noticed the similarities between government guidance on “how to tell if you’re in an abusive relationship” and our current relationship with government (e.g try to limit your access to other people, gas-light you when you object, control your spending, make illogical demands etc).
We constructed representative democracy and see how it ended, time for a new order!
Looks like 77th brigade marking you down, you must be right on target.
Spot the second wave
(Hint – there isn’t one)
(Note – the data doesn’t take population increase into account, so the 2020 figures are worse than reality. They also include deaths due to lockdown)
This whole mask thing is as creepy as fuck. That even sheep, normies…whatever the fuck you call these stammering automatons can’t see that BEGGARS BELIEF.
On 17 March 2020 the English National Health Service announced the decision to urgently discharge patients, including those who were infected or who may have been infected with Covid-19, from hospitals into care homes and the community…. Between 2 March and 12 June 2020, 18,562 residents of care homes in England died with Covid-19, representing almost 40% of all deaths involving Covid-19 in England during this period.
The same method of spreading the virus is also known to have been adopted in Italy, Spain, Belgium and the United States.
Worldwide, tens of thousands of patients, many with Covid-19, were rushed from hospitals to rest homes, ostensibly to free up hospital beds for the incoming millions of sick and dying, but in reality, to spread the disease to a vulnerable segment of the population.
These poor people were then denied medical treatment and had DNRS shoved on them.
Sages computer models were wrong as they’ve always been.
The care home scandal is the most horrific part of 2020.
These people were murdered indirectly by their governments and the bastards in Sage.
It makes me sick.