Trump’s been deleted from internet, and any one of us could be next
We've been shown the wall at the back of the theatre, and we're being encouraged to cheer because the first person to run into it was Donald Trump.
Kit Knightly

Donald Trump has been deleted from the internet. He hasn’t been put behind a warning or had his followers reduced, or been forced to switch platforms. He’s gone.
Snapchat. Twitter. Facebook. YouTube. Google. Amazon. Instagram. Shopify. Twitch. Tiktok. Gone.
And he’s the President of the United States. If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone.
Indeed, that’s the message being sent. It’s an intimidation move, designed to frighten people into policing themselves.
Many people have picked up on this already.
And this, kids, is called a digital execution. And If they can do it to the most powerful man on the planet, guess who could be completely banned from using the internet next, for whatever reason these companies, who sell your data to corporations and intelligence agencies, want.
— Amir (@AmirAminiMD) January 10, 2021
This gives Facebook/tech/Zuck THE MOST POWER. If he can shut the president up/off he can shut any of us up/off
— Emily Ratajkowski (@emrata) January 7, 2021
But unfortunately, many more are still lost in what they falsely believe to be the heady scent of victory. They’ll realise their mistake eventually, but it may be too late for us all by then.
It didn’t even stop at Trump, either. Tens of thousands of other people were banned in the following days.
For years the refrain from people defending censorship on social media – ironically, people who would usually identify as “socialists” – has been that private companies have the right to police their platforms as they see fit, and if you don’t like it you can switch to another social network.
…but now those other social networks are being shut down too.
It started with Gab a few years ago, but the recent assault on Parler was even stronger. Gab survived, Parler has not. The tech giants got together and stamped the life out of a smaller competitor. (Pretty sure antitrust laws are there to prevent exactly that scenario, but nevermind.)
The whole week since the “Capitol Hill Riot” has been one long display of dominance. A peacock fanning its tail or a silverback banging on tree trunks.
They are telling us who’s in charge, but some people are refusing to listen.
A common meme doing the rounds among “liberal” voices – who are these days well-schooled in missing the point – goes something like this: “If he’s too dangerous to have a twitter account, why does he have the nuclear codes?”
But, of course, the real question is – if they don’t even let him have a Twitter account, do you honestly think they let him anywhere near the nuclear codes?
Do you really think he has, or had, any power at all? Do think Joe Biden does?
Do you think the same architecture that just publically castrated the “most powerful man on Earth” and the “leader of the free world” will suddenly start doing what it’s told when a “progressive” voice is in charge?
If they don’t bow to the will of the people now, why should they ever?
They won’t. They never have.
We’ve been told, in very clear terms, who has the power. And it is certainly not us, nor is it our elected representatives.
In fact, it’s not anyone with either democratic mandate or legal accountability, but rather a series of nameless executives, faceless bureaucrats and a succession of tech-billionaires forming a new breed of royalty.
Deleting Donald Trump wasn’t just “panic response” to the “violence” on Capitol Hill, and it wasn’t a punishment for the man himself – It was a calculated display of honesty. A declaration of intent.
A notification of the limitations we’re all going to face as the increasingly dystopian new normal shapes a different kind of society.
It’s all been clearly co-ordinated. The Deep State and big business and the media working together. Police are instructed to create unrest on Capitol Hill, allow “rioters” into the building. The media report it as an “attempted coup”, while the social networks remove all of Trump’s denunciations so he can be blamed for “inciting violence”.
They created the lie. They spread the lie. They silenced anyone who would gainsay the lie. They have, as Karl Rove would put it, “created reality”, and now we’re here analysing it.
It was a big lie, this time, because it had to be. Because the man – or rather the office – was big. But for Joe Bloggs it can be a small lie. “he posted child porn” or “he was spreading hate” or “he was denying the pandemic”.
The precedent has been created. They can ban anyone they want and make up the reasons later.
Frank Zappa famously said:
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.
Well, we’ve been shown the wall, and we’re being encouraged to cheer because the first person to run into it was Donald Trump. Rather predictably, millions have fallen for it.
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“Quand le gouvernement viole les droits du peuple, l’insurrection est pour le peuple, et pour chaque portion du peuple, le plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs”.Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de 1793
What evidence has accumulated shows The Donald just over-rehearsed.
Regarding big tech: Why do offGuardian use Google/Gmail as email provider?
For pre-explained reasons that are now buried in unsearchable archives.
Trump’s stunt, if it was really his stunt to incite unrest….he certainly orchestrated it to occur at just the right time…..enter more censorship of free speech, bring more ‘protection ‘ to the street and they called out the national guard and the baricades grow ever higher…..exactly what is needed to press home fear…..think about it.
Trump ain’t going anywhere. He said so! Take that to the bank or what’s left of the Federal Reserve.
Would you expect anything les from kit another pro trump horshit article
get your tongue out of his ass boy and you’l be able to see the psyop
ow you cant as the donation stream from that lot pays for your wannabe lois lane journo life style as this crap you write is worse than MSM
ok i will check
i just typed his name and guess what? came up 100’s millions+ views
really censored
I see my comments have no reply function, so presumably my free speech is not welcome here. OG joins Dorsey?
As usual, you’ve summed the situation up re. our personal vendetta against you perfectly 😉
No obvious indication I can see that you pursue vendettas, but clear evidence that sometimes you need a pizza break: eating occasional submissions here in lieu of, especially those containing within-guidelines content you perhaps don’t quite understand (metaphors, concepts, pomposity etc.), is insufficiently nutricious.
Re ‘re’, it’s a whole word in itself, both in Latin (ablative case of res, also a whole word in itself) and–nowadays–in English, so mid-sentence full stops are neither needed nor correct. Can take a colon, especially if used at the beginning of a paragraph (and MAY in RFC-compliant email reply headers, but only once per message, as multiple instances can screw up some unforgiving MTAs or User Agents).
Nitpicker’s nitpick: ‘nutritious’ is not spelled ‘nutricious’.
Even Jacko has a Vendetta on himself. Oh the Hypocrisy and irony.
Twatter Policy,
“Ahead of the Ugandan election, we’re hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps.
We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the openinternet.
“Earlier this week, in close coordination with our peers, we suspended a number of accounts targeting the election in Uganda.
If we can attribute any of this activity to state-backed actors, we will disclose to our archive of information operations:”
Leftists and ex-leftists like me have long hated and opposed ‘the system’, especially the US state and its long, bloody record of corruption and military intervention for the benefit of the military-industrial complex, not for the American workers forced to fund the US state, and who naively offered their sons to die in the endless foreign wars the witless politicians approved. But the system tricked the hugely influential leftist movement into thinking Trump embodied the US system they hated, rather than threaten it. Blinded by mass-manufactured hate, leftists just couldn’t and still can’t see that Trump, the DC outsider and the greatest anti-politician of our time, was their key ally and asset against the corrupt system and mega-rich political class Trump famously called ‘the swamp’, and which Americans elected him to drain. The tragedy is that leftist hysteria and hate have been fundamental to ruining Trump’s epic rescue mission for US democracy, and for ensuring the survival of the political elites and big tech corporate power we all hate. They are now busily reinforcing and imposing tyrannical corporate communism by destroying the rights, freedom of speech and reputations of anyone still brave enough to oppose them. The last great stronghold of democracy, the proles’ only way of ever removing corrupt and failed leaders peacefully, has fallen under their full control. Biden is blatantly a senile puppet president approved and selected by the elites, then elected by fraud rather than by the American people. The leftists who laboured so hard to save us from Orange Man Bad have only saved the corrupt power system exploiting us all.
Trump is a psychotic narcissistic megalomaniac, badly in need of more encouragement, attention and love than any undriven person could consume in a dozen lifetimes (or two dozen lifetimes if he were to get through a mere dozen, an so on ad infinitum). Trump is also a consumate transactionist who would sell anybody, literally anybody, down the river if it would sweeten an already excellent deal or even just facilitate a dodgy one. In the megalomaniac universe of ‘democratic’ political power Trump’s only interest in his ‘supporters’ is in their electorally valid votes and his only interest in ‘draining the swamp’ lies in having enough buckets ready to catch any possibly fungible assets–political, financial, adulatory, whatever–as they run out the bung hole. At that base the aims of Trump and the “mega-rich” political class are indistinguishable. You want the ‘right’ to board an aeroplane without a mask and without a government authorized certificate of COVID-19 vaccination? Don’t leave and try to re-enter the USA. You want to exercise the most basic ‘right’ of American democracy? Don’t show up at a Trump-approved polling booth without a rigorously conformed, voter-paid-for Voter ID.
Go away. Trump is a subhuman muppet like the rest of them. Fuck social media, we don’t need their fake “free speech”.
Why take your political evaluations out by trashing the sets on Sesame Street?
As Trump was on his way out of the door, they chose to make it very clear to him who was actually in charge. Which has broader benefits, of course. Occasionally, concentration camp guards would shoot somebody entirely at random. The reason? “Pour encourager les autres”. Politicians and hopeful politicians have been served notice to stay on the reservation. And that’s that. No more aberrations will be allowed.
Watch the movie “Wag the Dog” and it would be enough…
Instead of the word ‘lockdown’ can we all start using the phrase ‘The terror’ to describe government Covid measures. It is a more accurate description and conveys the harm being done. You never know, it may catch on.
Lockdown, Self isolation, Quarantine, Social distancing etc are all the language of the prison.
‘The terror‘ exposes the governments techniques for control. Lockdowns says nothing to anyone. If we all used the word ‘terror’ that would worry government a lot. If the virus were dangerous we would not need to be terrorised, we would isolate ourselves.
Many words have differing definitions various contexts. In public health the word ‘isolation’ means the separation of those with a transmissable disease from those in a healthy community until the former have recovered (if they recover), whereas ‘quarantine’ (from the 15th century Italian word ‘quarantina’ meaning ‘forty days’) defines the pre-specified time period then visitors to a city were required to wait outside its gates before–in an era of plagues–being let in to mingle with healthy inhabitants.
Any more esoteric ignorance you’d care to regale us with?
Oh and, if you bother to check the link you might realize how Robert Koch was one of the pioneers in the establishment of ‘germ’–as distinct from ‘terrain’–theory (pity he was not up to speed on the only-now emerging understanding of where and how ‘dead’ things like viruses fit into the primaeval picture of ‘life’, not as inert, toxic chemicals but as active participants in ongoing evolution in ways that bacteria do not emulate: it would have saved a lot of even more egregiously ignorant waffle in these BTLs if he were…).
And in other News today Benjamin de Rothschild has also been deleted from life.
Fly my monkeys!
Very young to die fo a heart attack. I wonder who gains. Perhaps he was blocking a deal or merger, we’ll see.
Maybe ‘somebody’ is clearing house… This will get the coincidence theorists going.
No doubt there will be bucket’s of crocodilian tears from the usual suspects, the media and the hired help.
See, someone missed a trick here… Had their PR bods and disinformation specialists (looking at you 77th) not been so utterly incompetent.. well you would have said he died of COVID… and just set back and watch the CT’s tie themselves all up in knots… but no the old Übermensch mentality is just too strong with these folks… COVID death is for the little people.
I mean who cares if we lie about the circumstances of a persons passing… nobody of any merit is going to remember them or care. As it is as we score points in the game and make a little bit of money…. don’t we.
We’re in fascism now, and have been for a long time. Now you see it. Fascism doesn’t come from the right, it comes from the left. You didn’t believe us. See it now? Or do you think Facebook, Twitter, and Google are hard right wing?
Do you think that these private companies that exist in order to make a handful of people unimaginably wealthy and powerful are left wing?
Right wing economic policies have enabled these companies to become what they have become. To be honest, I doubt they give a fuck about left or right, they just want power and wealth and for everybody else to do what they tell them to do. Fascism comes from authoritarianism, whether that’s left or right wing is pretty much irrelevant as far as I can tell. The net results end up being the same: Ordinary people like us end up fucked.
the ‘company’ has taken over the world, its ceo and board of directors is woody allen, elmer fudd, alfred e neuman, brainz from thunderbirds and jerry garcia..
what can go wrong..
as an aside I am looking forward to watching the dodderers in congress tripping over their preferred pronouns and breaking their hollow brittle bone heads.
Largely true, but there is definitely a component of ideology there as well. Otherwise, why the extreme hatred for Trump? To be honest that has mystified me. Trump’s main sins at the beginning were calling for the end of ‘stupid’ wars, and questioning why NATO exists. That is anathema to the MIC. A secondary reason were the calls to bring manufacturing back to the US … oligarchs have become immensely wealthy importing everything from China.
But, lastly was the fact that Trump is an old-fashioned American … not a big fan of the 47 genders (or is it 147 by now), etc., etc., not on board with identity politics. And, that is the ideological reason that generates the real hatred. Trump has been stupid on Iran, and Syria but for the most part he had the right instincts. It’s a shame he was not smarter. He really could have made a start on ‘draining the swamp’, but did very little if anything along those lines. He didn’t seem to know where to find allies he could appoint to the influential positions. For the love of God, he kept Comey!!
You may be overestimating his power. Those calling him Hitler certainly did.
Check who Dorsey, Zuck and Mr Apple all ban on their hugely influential platforms, and which political parties and causes they either fund or condemn. It’s so easy to verify how they fund leftists and deplatform critics of the left. Also, you rightly condemn authoritarianism as a threat beyond notions of left and right, but seem unable to see that the authoritarianism you despise is being imposed by the censorial big tech companies you still want to call ‘right-wing’.
There is no right or left any more. The classes are there for sure. The working class has been beaten and thrown to the ground. The fascism is the corporate rule over peoples rule. Mussolini just promoted it’s name. Global corporations gained their power way back in 1930ies in Hitler’s raich.
Yep, it’s pretty serious. It’s unbelievable really.
Just to say, there ain’t no nuclear codes, that’s a myth. No one’s going to press a button to blow up the world … but then maybe that’s not required anyway.
I’ve copied this comment from the site below – though it was a good one…..
“Joe Biden: a virtual candidate elected in a virtual election, sworn-in via a virtual inauguration to preside over a virtual presidency. Virtually no one has physically attended any public event with him in attendance since 2019. See also ‘Wizard of Oz.”
Has this comment been censored?
Biden is just another brick in the wall.
What is it with POTUS and the wall?
Potus and the Rule of Law.
Trump wins again for us all.
Biden is just another brick in the wall.
What is it with POTUS and the wall?
POTUS and the Rule of Law.
Trump wins again for us all.
Can I praise thus, or will my comment again vanish when clicking ‘post’?
Repeat after me:
“The US is not a democracy.
It doesn’t matter who is president.”
As usual, the narrative being chosen for the proles and plebs involves reducing us to spectators to the court intrigues of ruling class political fronts, whose primary function is to (mis)represent, as heroes or villains, the realpolitik of class war. The U$ president, often mistaken for the most powerful figure on earth, is simply the principal player among the cast of characters in these propaganda shows for our manufactured consent, routinely produced via staged conflicts like so many partisan performances, in which we are expected to take sides and mistake our own supporting roles as democracy in action (Problem-Reaction-Solution).
Trump’s ignominious retirement from next season’s episodes is a mild reminder of more dramatic termination with extreme prejudice of such CEOs for the Fortune 500 as JFK. As his example hardly set up lesser mortals for such methods of disposability, always the commoners’ common lot, so the example now being made of Trump only confirms what has long prevailed as our systemic silencing and repression as nothing more than exploitable labor resources.
Our preparation for whatever may be planned next, from ratcheting up the Big Brother censorship of Big Tech and cybersecurity false flags to the further discrediting of established politics for replacement by more ‘efficient’ technocratic rule under AI algogarchy (central bank cashless currency, social credit scores, immunity passes and total digital colonization by ‘vaccination’ programs, etc.), has been a long time coming. Preceding cancel culture and antagonistic identity politics certainly have been conditioning people to not only acquiesce but cheer for ‘others’ getting their ‘just deserts’. And the recruitment of the ordinary citizen, or consumer, of screen culture into policing practices took off all the more as soon as people were ‘triggered’ into such invasions of privacy as ‘weaponizing’ their cameras to post proof of others’ ‘wrongdoing’ on ‘social’ media like some people’s tribunal for political corrections and public pillory.
So called social trends, more than anything the result of changes from the top down in the forces of production (e.g., cellular technology, and now 5G) leading to changes in human relations, set the context for habitual attitudes and behaviors which make us accomplices in our own subjugation and demise. Beyond the evanescent spectacle of political theater, it’s the everyday material conditions of our living which adapt us to whatever new normal the “masters of mankind” (Adam Smith) have planned for us. Above all, the ranking system of class rule, and such complementary value hierarchies like those of race and gender, prepare us from earliest ages of schooling to a lifetime of wage slavery to be more or less passive participants never really showing up in our own lives, captive to there being no alternative to ‘the way things are’.
Reconstituting the body politic through autonomous organization of relations of egalitarian direct democracy beyond the authoritarian conditions of existence laid down for us remains the best if not only form of resistance to the fascist forces ruling over us.
Well said, Niko. Its all a sopa opera and sadly, so many have been fooled into believing this is ‘how it is’. “Reality Television” – an oxymoron indeed.
Ahh I dont know, I think I saw it coming, albeit not that fast. Nobody deserves to be shut up, not even Trump, this will spread, next will be Iran, Russia maybe china too. Of course not Israel, beloved courageous Israel, who is free to spout lies for free! Well someon has taken over our press, I will not name them and risk a ban, but it is not the Catholics!!
Now what affiliation does Zuckerberg have! is he an arch American or does he have a bi-national citizenship? I dont know. But what Fakebook and others do is destabilising our liberal democracies. Hitler did likewise, but he did not get away with it. These new guys on the block will.
This is now, this is 1984, you only get heard if you have rightspeak, we also have an eternal enemy, Oceania….
This Orwell bloke, prothetic man, I must say.
“Hitler did likewise, but he did not get away with it.”
Hitler got away with it. Hitler lived in South America till he died.
Not even the man that is the first man in 40 years not to drag us into a new stupid war?
What a horrible man. He didn’t do the bidding of the military industrial complex, which our intelligence agencies promote, our DOJ promotes, and our “news” media promotes.
What a horrible person! Our nation needs to murder more people to steal and dominate their resources and nation.
Biden won’t have that block. He voted for the Iraq War over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program that our intelligence agencies lied about, both parties lied about, and our “news” agencies lied about.
Did innocent people getting dronestrike’d or tomahawk’d go down?
I see Mr. Farage is in the news…
Farage’s ‘Gerald Ratner’ Moment: By Endorsing Blair, Brexit Party Leader Has Destroyed His Own Brand – Sputnik International (
Seems Farage wants Blair to be Britain’s vax czar…
“See you Jimmy. You’re nothing but a big evil bar-steward!”
“Aye Wee Wullie. And don’t you forget it!!”
Gateway Pundit Video: Banned from Youtube and Rumble
Login required to watch on Bitchute
UPDATE: YouTube Removes GP Video Investigation of Antifa-BLM Organizer John Sullivan
By Jim Hoft
January 15, 2021
On Thursday The Gateway Pundit broke exclusive video of Antifa-BLM activist John Sullivan posing as a Trump supporter and breaking a window during the rioting at the US Capitol last week.
Update: Rumble reached out to tell us that they removed the video because it depicted an act of murder, which is against their terms of service.
“Donald Trump has been deleted from the internet. He hasn’t been put behind a warning or had his followers reduced, or been forced to switch platforms. He’s gone.”
All part of The Shit Show, as is the second fake impeachment – wakey wakey!!
No Kit No. “a silverback banging on tree trunks”, you’re banned. They bang on their chests, actually thump… Not trump…
A very good picture of the dystopian future we are all heading into .Who will we blame when we finally admit it’s arrival ,if indeed it has not arrived already .
I keep hoping the curtain will rise so the reality of who exactly is pulling the strings , as if I did not know already ,but how to expose the ruse.
Thank you for helping the exposure.I just wish offG was on everyone’s cell phone, page one, upon powering up every morning.
Trump has been blamed for inciting the Capitol riot, but I can now reveal this is untrue. The real culprit was Ron Paul. This dangerous White Supremacist extremist whipped up the mob with his demagoguery, urging them to burn the building to the ground, hang Pence, Pelosi and Schumer, kill all the blacks and gays, and set up a new dictatorship swearing allegiance to Putin.
It is entirely his fault that Pelosi’s stationery was stolen and somebody made off with the podium, plus similar heinous crimes..
He was quite rightly banned from Twitter.
The man is a scoundrel.
He deserves to be drummed out of the Brownies and blackballed from the golf club.
And if I may add – a blatant warmonger. I think this was the real reason behind this divine action of Twatter.
RE: For years the refrain from people defending censorship on social media – ironically, people who would usually identify as “socialists” – has been that private companies have the right to police their platforms as they see fit, and if you don’t like it you can switch to another social network.
I’d like to push back on this a bit. It seems to me that the idea of “right to police their platforms” is not a “socialist” idea but rather a US Libertarian idea. The notion that the owners of a business should be able to do what they want with it, regardless of the social consequences – that is US libertarianism.* None of this is to excuse to the betrayal of the left, their silence in the face of world historical harm to those they profess to protect and their crucial enabling of the elite arrogation of power. Otherwise, libertarians represent the only cohort that has made a consistent and principled critique of government Covid policies from the beginning.
*(I say US libertarianism as often the word is synonymous with anarchism outside the US & UK.)
What I recently posted on Facebook about all that:
People tend to point out that Facebook is a “private company” (it was, initially), not a public service, and, as such, has a right to make and apply its own rules, however capricious, concerning content and/or expression. I invite these people to ask themselves why companies like Facebook, which are de facto monopolies, have no public-access, free-speech-protected, equivalents. In a society in which Free Speech were as cardinal a value as “The West” pretends it is, a Free Speech Platform, provided for the self-expression of, and communication between, all citizens (within the reasonable limits suggested by hate speech and pornography laws), would be as natural as having a Federal Postal Service. Any technologically modern national culture that doesn’t provide such a platform does NOT support Free Speech. Setting up Facebook/ Youtube (et al), as the de facto monopolies for public expression, is a clever way of suppressing expression and information without having to take on the unpleasant appearance of a Totalitarian Regime with draconian censors. But the net result (no pun intended) is exactly the same. Totalitarians have certainly learned quite a lot since the 1930s. Have *we* ?
An honest declaration of dishonesty.
One of the simplest, quickest ways we could make all Mr Global is doing and wants to do unworkable is to refuse to own a smart phone. Consequently, we’d have none of those apps constantly pushed our way. Also – don’t cry – we need to refuse to use Big Tech’s spy devices, aka social media. People say to me, But I don’t care if they spy. Let ’em, I’ve done nothing wrong. And it’s true – they haven’t. But Big Tech, slave to Mr Global, is not looking for criminals – Mr Global makes the laws (in most places now) and can criminalise anything or anyone he wants to. If he wants criminals, he can make you into one. Ask Judy Mikovits. Telling the truth now is a crime and soon you will see people arrested for it. Julian Assange’s story told us this would happen. And it is. Remember, Mr Global and Big Tech live by no moral code you or I adhere to.
Everything they intend to do to us needs control, and knowledge is control – who we are, what we believe, where we are, what we look like, our DNA (now available through the PCR test – the real reason behind this useless test ), how much money we have or spend and on what. AND ALL OF THAT – bar the DNA – IS AVAILABLE TO THEM VIA SMART PHONES AND SOCIAL MEDIA. For example, how will they introduce digital money if we refuse to own a smart phone? How will they introduce arbitrary daily ‘health certificates’ if we have no device to display them? Chaos will ensue. Next thing is a chip inserted in our bodies, then we don’t need the phone. Yes, it will get rough, but we have only a short time when we can act together and support one another. Soon it will be impossible. Ask the Germans. No one thought these cultured, educated people would be made to conform to nazism in the 1930’s. When covidism happened, I heard and read people stating that the Spanish wouldn’t put up with this. I find it hard to believe the British have folded so easily. (See: Rule Britannia …we never, never shall be slaves… Only if a magic non-existent virus comes along, then we’ll slip into the chains.)
Mr Global knows more about us than we do, and so can manipulate or locate or harass or brainwash or vaccinate or ban or censor. Or remove us, of course.
Mr Global said we would become addicted to the internet, and we have. It’s not just porn or games, it’s even worse – smart phones and social media. Defy them! Poke Zuckerberg in the eye! Get rid of your smart phone and get off social media, support people or groups who are trying to find another way. We all need friends, especially now.
P.S. I agree smart phones are v useful for videoing such things as police violence! But small cameras exist!
I agree with this comment despite reading this article and writing my own comment on an Android (evil Google) smartphone.
And don’t buy “news”papers and don’t watch telly.
Don’t use any of their products.
Not to make poor Martin Luther blush but…
“Confessional-battle and witch-trial activity between 1300 and 1850. Witch trials were also greater and more frequent in Germany and Switzerland, where religious contests were most heated. More than 40% of Europeans executed for witchcraft were in Germany, according to the new dataset.”,according%20to%20the%20new%20dataset.
Meet the new chairman of the BBC. This is getting ridiculous now.
“Sharp’s father held senior positions at Monsanto and Cable & Wireless, meaning young Richard spent part of his childhood in America.
He read PPE at Christ Church, Oxford, where he was a neighbour to the journalist Adam Boulton. He went on to work for Morgan Guaranty, and then had a long and very distinguished career at Goldman Sachs.
There, he was a senior figure when a young Mark Carney – the future Bank of England Governor – also worked for the bank.
This connection had some poignancy when Carney, as governor, warned about the potential economic risks of Brexit. Sharp, who supported Brexit but not prominently, disagreed with some of Carney’s assessment, seeing more opportunities outside the European Union.
Sharp ended up as chairman of Goldman’s Principal Investment in Europe. That is, guiding partners with their investments, rather than on the trading side.
One of Sharp’s closest relationships at Goldman was with a young man called Rishi Sunak. Sharp – a major Tory party donor who was on the board of the conservative think tank, the Centre for Policy Studies – described Sunak to a friend as the best young financial analyst he had seen. More recently, Sharp has been working for his old mentee, helping the government with loans to business.
I hear the chancellor was mildly miffed at losing such a close ally at a crucial time, but was persuaded of the merits of Sharp taking up his new role at the BBC.
Sharp’s heritage is Jewish and he is considered by those who know him broadly pro-Israel.”
And not one single jot of this is in any way surprising right now.
Ten years ago? Maybe surprising.
Twenty years ago? Out of the question.
But “The Internet” is not just these pre-packaged platforms. Thy are just applications that are provided free of charge for everyday users because those applications need bait for their raw material – you. You’re the ants in their ant farm who mill around providing grist for their mill — analytics to tell advertisers who to target and how to approach them and screen space to contact that target audience.
There is absolutely nothing stopping Trump or anyone else starting a Wiki like OffG. There’s the issue of hosting but there’s no need to use a service like AWS with its attendant Terms and Conditions, it just convenient. There is always someone, somewhere, that will host you and people will find you even if your Domain registration is suppresed or seized. A site like Pirate Bay continues to exist despite the ongoing efforts of law enforcement but the price the operators pay is that they have to have a deep understanding of what they’re doing and a very serious attitude towards site security. (If you’re doing something that’s potentially illegal like Pirate Bay then you have to be serious about precautions. The operators asnd users of Parler, for example, are learning the hard way about hosting potentially seditious material without adequate precautions — they’ve effectively shopped their entire user base to the Feds.)(We can argue about their material but its really a case of one persons ‘freedom’ is another’s ‘sedition’ — that’s for the courts to decide….but a wise person wouldn’t let this situation arise in the first place.)
Trump got kicked off these sites not just because of a sudden outbreak of social consciosness by the operators but because he’s effectively a ‘has been’. His power is fading fast which has altered the financial risk/reward calculus so there’s little downside to ejecting him and likely a lot of upside. The mistake he and his supporters have made is to take these platforms for granted, to assume that their use is some kind of God given right rather than a corporate commercial decision.
Remember — “If the product is free then you are the product”
I had already 3 different blogs on 3 different platforms delete since 2010! And I’m just a fucking nobody moron slave!
I’ve also been banned from disqus on many sites (right or left). Clearly my comments go right to the epicenter of the Feelings Engine!
I even have MANY COMMENTS censored on this blog… So, go figure the irony.
For now I don’t write as much as before cause it’s a waste of resources and not as funny as wasting time writing comments.
The little waste/write is still online on a Russian blog provider, and has already lasted longer than the previous one that was on a Portuguese provider!
Sweet Irony.
And with that I say “WELCOME TO THE FUCKING CLUB mutTrump“!
Forget Twitter, Trump can’t even be present in a film he made over two decades ago:
Any resemblance to Orwellian ‘unpersons’ is entirely deliberate.
It hasn’t happened yet and I hope it will never happen. Trump’s Trump — love him or hate him he is who he is. (….and, IMHO, Home Alone 2 cameos is what he should have stuck to) You can’t erase him from history so why even consider it?
photoshop, deep fake, final cut etc just the digital equivalent of stalins airbrush if needs be… nothing new.
unfortunately the mass muggle already finds it almost impossible to discern even a scintilla of truth about the mental cancer rag pedaled as ‘reality’.
Granted, this article would be considered some ancient echo from ancient times, but what has taken place the last 23 years, was very well planned — by the usual suspects…
“When the Spelman Fund, a Rockefeller family trust, funded the Council of State Governments (CSG) in 1934 — a few years before the Rockefeller founding and funding of the Public Administration Clearing House at 1313 East 60th Street in Chicago — there began a concerted effort to influence and control the legislatures of the several states united under the constitution.
Ultimately, the influence and control spread to nearly every elected office within the states, including — but not limited to: Township Supervisors, county commissioners, Mayors, Legislators and Governors; from Police Chiefs to Sheriffs to Attorneys General. The CSG has formed nearly 60 adjunct Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) which sweep up like a vacuum newly elected officials – especially in the local and state governmental offices — and proceed to indoctrinate them.”
Take note of the list of subversive and unconstitutional actions which helped pave the way for Federal control over the States. The list is located near the close of the article.
Complete text:
Published February 10, 1997
this from famous dress wearer, boy lover and venal, corrupt head of the fbi
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
– J Edgar Hoover
so presumably it’s quite bad.
and this from eisenhower.
‘in the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.’
Hello dr death: Yes. Excellent quotes which I’ve used many times on other sites.
The scientific community has become a captured asset of the corporate e-state. There are still independent researchers, but government grants and funding have placed these persons on the fringes of academia… Exactly the situation Eisenhower (and many others) warned civil populations about for many decades.
Excellent post. Thanks!
Again, I may not be in synkc with some, but I find the debate somewhat anoying, because, one thing is this demo event, the second is Trump, we have debated that, the third is, why are people so agitated, to me, this means we have begun something few of us have imagined, an path of transgression, an historical road jungtion witch can go anywhere, where it would in the end lead us, is entirly up to WE the People, do we lie down and die/whine or do we use this unpresedented time on our reasent history, to make the change we all want.
All I read is exuses, exuses, exuses, exuses and nobody is willing to take this time to reflect, the gates of Babylon is faling, they have exposed them selfs, their abilitys and powers of manufacturing consent/realitys is kicked wide open, they, the powers to be cant backtrack on this one, everybody is seeing them for whey are, an tool to create sheeps, from indoctrination to hate propaganda, and above all, cencure/remove anyone whom is in conflict with the present manufactured consent.
That alone, ladys and gentlemen should be considered as an gift from heaven sent, I cant underline how important that is, never have they been so exposed, but naked, as to this days, I am infact happy, its from now on this downfal have become an reality, witch have been denied existed for decades and even centurys, as long back as to the day, Guttenberg started the printing press, because of the implications of mass producing texts, and instead of persiving this as an gift we end up hagling about whom is what, by whatever they must say, etc, etc, word fuedes is become an past time exserise that dont infact intresses me and instead it anoys me.
Its like when the Imperial banana republic started the scantion regimes against Russia, among others, most where surpriced, agitated, angry, or complained in despair, I was one of the few that had an opposite viuw, I told the Russians that they should be extatic, never in its present history have this level of opportunity manifested it self onto an entire nation, and Ialso said that this gift from heaven, it was what Russia needed, let it go some years, do the right thing, focus on whats important, your own nation and people, the two most important remedies an people have, resources and the abilitys that comes from it, like farming etc. is only limited by imagination, when you force an people to take actions to create an nation able to sustain it self, what else can you ask for, to day, nobody questions that, and it have been some years now and Russia will forver be changed, not because it wanted it, of course some people knew, but it was forced upon them and that, made the difference regarding the time frame of finding solutions that benefitted Russia and its people, nothing of any real wurth comes easy, never ever belive that, this time, regarding the TPTB attacks on anyone whom they dont like is just the same, an golden opportunity to change reality, its an fight, of course, thinking anything less is bordering madness, this time, we have the future infront of us, and what will we do, sometimes human ingenuinity dont come forth before its been slammed into an wall, or have just realised their beside is infact in flames.
Some have talked about diversifying the net, well, now the time have come to do so, we may have to invent or produce our own reality, independent of the scums whom runs it to day, circumvent the tech monsters, and create new bases, I am not that dependent on YT or Fecebook, but for me platforms like OffG and others I use like WRH (M. Rivero) etc is far more vital, this places are limited, the rest, like sending cristmass images to realives etc, like Fecebook have alternatives, we must focus on having an multitute of platform where we can make our own inputs and debate/critizes issues witch is presented.
Just like OffG regarding the scamdemic, I know, by years of expirience that most people do notice, they just lack the conviction to grown an spine, but in that, some of us must take the first stepp, to use an saying from up here, to cross the doorstep mile, once you do that, everything changes and even you will never be the same again.
Be the light.
Have an nice day and take care.
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
The last of the Mohicans, the promentory.
Sometimes, lyrics isnt needed.
Never give up and never give in.
Twitter’s Jack Dorsey is a Sociopath — analysed by Mr Obvious
Nice beard though..
Use a single ID please
when you are required to be a rep for the energy of the moment of course you will be nuts if the energies are nuts…… they are now…… he has only just got started.. and BTW Ron Paul is also a Leo…… as i said before – those Leo’s have to be run off the planet….or his particular planet Twitter.
I suspect like most of these tyrannical, bland mediocrities, he is driven merely by spite and the lust for revenge on those who noticed.
The irony is that it is westernised conservatives who have traditionally rationalized the obscene wealth acquired by tech billionaires. Socialists who are on the side of tech companies are not real socialists, they’re fake socialists such as the US democratic party.
Thanks Kit.
Kit gets it right again.
Donald Trump is ‘not’ the most powerful man on the planet. He’s a tool. He’s democracy theatre. “Look, your elected leader has been deleted from the internet! Sad day for democracy. Oh, oh, oh!” Except that you didn’t have democracy and you don’t have democracy. Yes, You had ‘some’ democracy. But mostly it was a charade, one that elites are tired of playing and will now be dropping.
Local, real democracy *now*!
How do we know that off-Guardian isn’t a construct to 1) let us went anger and feel better afterwords and/or 2) map the resistance?
went => *vent*!
That’s the philosophical question that we shouldn’t ignore… but the contemplation of which shouldn’t prevent us from using this useful resource of aggregated ideas and info.Wherever you go, digitally, you’re tracked, in any case… that part is unavoidable.
No matter what, I’m fine tuning my understanding day by day …
If (2) applied Off-G would require commenters to register, à la Lockdown Sceptics, with a genuine (and hence probably traceable) email account. That’s not to say one’s IP address, browser/OS etc. fingerprint aren’t identifiable, but it’s a trust point, ditto the wide range of articles and comments here.
LS may well be controlled opposition. I had this thought back in May. Toby Young is close to Conservative HQ and unbidden used the term ‘anti-vaxxers’ when criticising UK Column. Recent LS editorials have strengthened this view.
He meekly admitted he was wrong about the pandemic being over on national tv. I mean, you just don’t do that and he knows you just don’t do that, whether or not you’re actually wrong (and he wasn’t). Do you make it to Young’s position being so artless? A2
Just a suggestion..
Once we have some kind of flow to discussions why not resist publishing the paranoid meanderings of the internet detectives who imagine every empty space has a ghost in it and every empty room is full of invisible surveillance tools .
It’s bad enough we’ve had our reality hijacked and we are confronted at every step by counterfeit narratives from all mainstream outlets and platforms and the docile dead -eyed sheep outside.
Yet more proof that what ultimately drives the elite is not profit, it’s controlling and developing their agenda:
It’s profit as well but you’re certainly right about the control. The desire to contro, to play God, stems from the acquisition of twisted desires and values, which in turn stems from the choice to self-modify, to jettison one’s basic goodness (including Jesus’s golden rule) and embrace this world’s black rule of ‘riches for the strongest’. We are all free to self-modify. But no one is free from the consequences of that.
I find it increasingly difficult to grant our species any kind of halo. If there is evidence of “basic goodness” in humanity, it is indeed well concealed. The fact that so many people so willingly accept almost any authoritarian pronouncement suggests a ready affinity to this darker side of life.
If there’s one thing 911 demonstrated, it’s a wide ranging willingness to inflict any amount of suffering on anyone marked as the enemy. Not that this additional evidence was needed.
If you look at wars, systematic environmental destruction, oppression of populations, exploitation of working people, these originate from elites, or a minuscule percentage of humanity. Therefore it is unreasonable to characterize a species by what amounts to outlier behavior. The vast majority of people are caring, considerate, “good” and trusting. (Even though, in Western society at least, they live in a world where violating these characteristics will get you “ahead.”) They want to believe in the good of others. Yes, this does provide opportunities for manipulation. However, what is really missing here is a class consciousness which has been systematically and deliberately obscured by things like identity politics. Class consciousness would tell you who your enemies are and who you should distrust.
it is highly likely some form of intra-species predator class exists, perhaps ‘good breeding’ is a term that refers to this..
if they don’t occur naturally they are created in public schools, houses of worship or laboratory like higher education..
their greatest weapon is ideology slipstreamed into the muggle mind, though they themselves desire only raw unalloyed power with which they hope to quell their feelings of fear, paranoia and self loathing.
Yes, people are “caring, considerate, good and trusting” – within their small circle of friends and family. This is an evolutionary survival mechanism (i.e., instinct). But this dynamic, as human history has shown time and again, does not apply to those outside that small circle.
It may be in people’s interest to widen their circle for the sake of greater security; but they set definite and sometimes rigid standards for which others they will grant a measure of benevolence. Those who do not conform to their expectations are denied this benevolence.
Instincts are not character traits.
I would argue that what you are saying is ruling class ideology. It’s there to blame “human nature” for the crimes of the ruling class.
there can be basic goodness in tandem with incredibly evil intent…
like for instance blair refusing to vaccinate ‘his’ children whilst insisting the herd be jostled and jabbed.
evil however should always be opposed if at all possible or one risks becoming evil oneself by association and passive inaction, conversely the road to hell may well be paved with good intentions.
both seem likely.
… so when do we stop talking/writing and go to the next stage?
For a minority – especially a minority within a minority – there is no next stage. We are stuck in this stage of trying to convince one another of what we already realize.
Anything beyond that will be met with violent force by those who profit from oppression and exploitation. But if and when it serves their purpose, they may choose to let us – even encourage us to – rampage a little bit (like they occasionally allow racial minorities to do).
Trump is a figurehead/cartoon, Biden is a figurehead/cartoon… the misdirection appears to be working. Still.
I’m gonna go home and thread some tape on my Teac open reel recorder and get back to where I once belonged.
“…But, of course, the real question is – if they don’t even let him have a Twitter account, do you honestly think they let him anywhere near the nuclear codes? …”
There’s compelling evidence so-called nuclear weapons do not even exist…
We’ve been lied to about everything, the whole world’s a stage
Hello no more lies: There are still over 20,000 nuclear weapons and war heads dispersed around the world. Also over 420 nuclear power stations – many of which were poorly designed and are aged beyond their intended service life. Radiation sickness is not a lie…
Excerpted from: Operation Argus – Wikipedia
“Operation Argus was a series of United States low-yield, high-atmosphere nuclear weapons tests and missile tests “secretly” conducted from 27 August to 9 September 1958 over the South Atlantic Ocean.[1] [2] The tests were performed by the Defense Nuclear Agency.“
Task Force 88
“The United States Navy Task Force 88 (or TF-88), was formed 28 April 1958. TF-88 was organized solely to conduct Operation Argus. Once Argus was completed, the task force was dissolved, and its records dispersed. Some of these records have been destroyed or lost in the intervening time period. Of particular note among the missing documents were the film records (which recorded radiation levels during the Argus tests). This has proved contentious due to the higher-than-normal number of leukemia claims among TF-88 participants to the Veterans Administration. Because of this, it has been difficult to resolve just how much radiation participants were exposed to.”
Complete text:
I don’t trust wiki for anything, it’s purpose is to reinforce mainstream lies and propaganda. I stand by my original post. I could send you to dozens of sources, but like Covid, alleged nuclear weapons are a belief system. Hiro/Naga were firebombed with conventional incendiaries along with every other Japanese city.
I don’t doubt nuclear power stations, having said that I’m not sure what their real purpose is. Once again I call into question the official explanation. Please never again refer me to wiki, it’s disinfo for the masses.
Hello no more lies: I guess documented evidence of over 2200 nuclear detonations occurring prior to 1965, should be discounted because of your belief system. Your suggestion that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by “conventional incendiaries” flies in the face of reality.
Try convincing eye witnesses and hundreds of thousands of residents of these two cities suffering radiation-related birth defects, that the Earth is flat and the moon is hollow…
I use Wikipedia because it’s widely accessible to the world audience, and reference information is available at the close of nearly all entries.
Eyewitnesses? LOL As for documented evidence, it’s just propaganda, same as the “evidence” of the moon landings, holohoax etc – it’s all BS.
You stick with wiki, leave the real research to others then. Thanks and goodbye
Moreover “…that the Earth is flat and the moon is hollow…” is a strawman oft used by shills, I’ve seen the playbook.
True conventional fire bombing razed many Japanese cities to the ground, so much so that the Manhattan project asked that several cities be spared from the bombing campaign. They wanted undamaged cities so they could measure the effectiveness of the new weapon.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were amongst a short list of spared cities. Most air raid warnings that there were in these cities were for bombers passing overhead to and from other targets, stragglers lost from the bomber streams or the odd recon. flight. They were largely left unscathed and therefore almost untouched and destroyed all at once.
Check out this article from the Daily Bell, and the many links it leaves:-
I think the Zappa quote is illusionistic. The reality we want, we have to create! We must have a clear idea of it (develop before in all peace), what we want, and then go efficiently freshly and freely to the work to create these conditions. What we sink into is inconcreteness, abstraction. The whole world is sinking into pessimism.
Now we need personalities that bring sun and light into our lives, not passive “hope for better circumstances”, but active confidence in our own possibilities, opportunities and challenges. The world was a pitiful vale of tears at all times. Show me an episode where everything was perfect. We must realise that we can act, but refrain from doing so. We can build a better world! We honour Gandhi by having understood his message.
In recent years I have learned that whenever it seems “hopeless” (one of these days), the moment for growth is there, now more than ever! Now I can learn, grow, persist. Face the test! Expect the best, be nice and make the life of your fellow men an experience.
It is a mental muscle that you train with it. The muscle does not stay the same, but grows. I find the term “antifragility” misworded, as it still implies the unaspired goal after “anti”. I would rather call it prostability (or similar).
I’ll give you a simple example: For months, I was annoyed by the loud noises of a neighbour. Maybe I am too sensitive. I developed real aggression. Bitterly, I gritted my teeth at night, my fist in my pocket.
After I met him in person and understood his lively way of life, my aversion vanished into thin air! Since then, he can dance, sing, rumble and party as long as he wants!
Supposed “enemies” can become friends if we have the courage to approach them. Then we have won someone who stands by us in our time of need.
Some may ask: “What does this have to do with politics?”. A lot! Millions of people would not shoot each other “in a just war” if they knew each other. That is the trick of those in power, to divide us, to set us against each other.