MSM calls for “new definition of free speech”
New buzzwords in the mainstream media bubble spell trouble for those outside it
Kit Knightly

Part of the main duty of OffGuardian is to troll through the masses of media output and try and pick up patterns. Sometimes the patterns are subtle, a gentle urging behind the paragraphs. Sometimes they’re more like a sledgehammer to the face.
This has been face-hammer week. In fact, it’s been a face-hammer year.
From “flatten the curve” to “the new normal” to “the great reset”, it’s not been hard to spot the messaging going on since the start of the “pandemic”. And that distinct lack of disguise has carried over into other topics, too.
We pointed out, a few days ago, the sudden over-use of the phrase “domestic terrorism” preparing us for what is, almost certainly, going to be a truly horrendous piece of new legislation once Biden is in office.
Well, the buzz-phrase doing the rounds in the wake of Donald Trump being banned from the internet is “the new definition of free speech”…and variations on that theme.
Firstly, and papers on both sides of the Atlantic want to be very clear about this, Donald Trump being banned simultaneously from every major social network is not in any way inhibiting his free speech.
Indeed none of the tens of thousands of people banned from twitter et al. have had their free speech infringed either. Neither have any of the proprietors – or users – of the Parler app which the tech giants bullied out of existence.
Free Speech is totally intact no matter how many people are banned or deplatformed, the media all agree on that (even the allegedly pro-free speech think tanks).
They also agree that maybe…it shouldn’t be. Maybe “free speech” is too dangerous in our modern era, and needs a “new definition”.
That’s what Ian Dunt writing in thinks, anyway, arguing it’s time to have a “grown-up debate” about free speech.
The Financial Times agrees, asking about the “limits of free-speech in the internet era”.
Thomas Edsall, in the New York Times, wonders aloud if Trump’s “lies” have made free speech a “threat to democracy”.
The Conversation, a UK-based journal often at the cutting edge of the truly terrifying ideas, has three different articles about redefining or limiting free speech, all published within 4 days of each other.
There’s Free speech is not guaranteed if it harms others, a drab piece of dishonest apologia which argues Trump wasn’t silenced, because he could make a speech which the media would cover…without also mentioning that the media has, en masse, literally refused to broadcast several of Trump’s speeches in the last couple of months.
The conclusion could have been written by an algorithm analysing The Guardian’s twitter feed:
the suggestion Trump has been censored is simply wrong. It misleads the public into believing all “free speech” claims have equal merit. They do not. We must work to ensure harmful speech is regulated in order to ensure broad participation in the public discourse that is essential to our lives — and to our democracy.
Then there’s Free speech in America: is the US approach fit for purpose in the age of social media?, a virtual carbon copy of the first, which states:
The attack on the Capitol exposed, in stark terms, the dangers of disinformation in the digital age. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the extent to which certain elements of America’s free speech tradition may no longer be fit for purpose.
And finally, my personal favourite, Why ‘free speech’ needs a new definition in the age of the internet and Trump tweets in which author Peter Ives warns of the “weaponising of free speech” and concludes:
Trump’s angry mob was not just incited by his single speech on Jan. 6, but had been fomenting for a long time online. The faith in reason held by Mill and Kant was premised on the printing press; free speech should be re-examined in the context of the internet and social media.
Ives clearly thinks he’s enlightened and liberal and educated, after all he drops references to Kant AND Mills (that’s right TWO famous philosophers), but he’s really not. He’s just an elitist arguing working class people are too dumb to be allowed to speak, or even hear ideas that might get them all riled-up and distract them from their menial labour.
To season these stale ideas with a sprinkling of fear-porn, NBC News is reporting that the FBI didn’t report their “concerns” over possible violence at the Capitol, because they were worried about free speech. (See, if the FBI hadn’t been protecting people’s free speech, that riot may not have happened!)
And on top of all of that, there’s the emotional manipulation angle, where authors pretend to be sad or exasperated or any of the emotions they used to have.
In the Irish Independent, Emma Kelly says that “free speech” doesn’t include “hate speech” (she’s never exactly clear what part of “go home in peace love” was hate speech though).
In The Hill, Joe Ferullo is almost in tears that the first amendment has been ruined by the right-wing press continuously “shouting fire in a crowded theatre”, citing the famous Oliver Wendell Holmes quote, which so many use to “qualify” the idea of free speech, without realising it hands over power to destroy it completely.
Up until you can show me the hard-and-fast legal definitions of “shout”, “fire”, “crowded” and “theatre”, this open-ended qualification is nothing but a blank canvas, free to be interpreted as loosely – or stringently – as any lawmaker or judiciary feels is necessary.
As an example:
Twitter is certainly bigger and more populated than a theatre, and spreading anti-vaccination/anti-war/pro-Russia/”Covid denial” news [delete as appropriate] is certainly going to cause more panic than one single building being on fire. Isn’t it?
It’s this potential abuse of incredibly loose terminologies which will be used to “redefine” free speech.
“Offensive”, “misinformation”, “hate speech” and others will be repeated. A lot.
Expressions which have no solid definition under law, and are already being shown to mean nothing to the media talking heads who repeat them ad nauseum.
If “go home in peace and love”, can become “inciting violence”, absolutely everything can be made to mean absolutely anything.
The more they “redefine” words, the further we move into an Orwellian world where all meaning is entirely lost.
And what would our newly defined “free speech” really mean in such a world?
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Well, now, when I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.
Any person who doesn’t protest against twitter, FB censoring of Trump and his colleagues has no right at all to talk about free speech. I have not seen such shameless media like the American mainstream ones glorying at such censoring!
Free Speech – YES!
Free to be Heard – NO!
I do see this happening in the next three to four years. Executive Order, even. Scary.
Words “causing harm” is another big one.
causing harm … to established power, i guess
U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 13 › § 241
18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights
“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.” [End quote]
Complete text:
That’s just for you and me.
The First Amendment guaranties freedom of speech in America, and you also have legal rights as specified here:
Excerpted from: 5 U.S. Code § 2302 – Prohibited personnel practices | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
“(8) take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fail to take, a personnel action with respect to any employee or applicant for employment because of—
(A) any disclosure of information by an employee or applicant which the employee or applicant reasonably believes evidences—
(i) any violation of any law, rule, or regulation, or
(ii) gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, if such disclosure is not specifically prohibited by law and if such information is not specifically required by Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or the conduct of foreign affairs; or
(B) any disclosure to the Special Counsel, or to the Inspector General of an agency or another employee designated by the head of the agency to receive such disclosures, of information which the employee or applicant reasonably believes evidences—
(i) any violation (other than a violation of this section) of any law, rule, or regulation, or
(ii) gross mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety;
(9) take or fail to take, or threaten to take or fail to take, any personnel action against any employee or applicant for employment because of—
(A) the exercise of any appeal, complaint, or grievance right granted by any law, rule, or regulation—
(i) with regard to remedying a violation of paragraph (8); or
(ii) other than with regard to remedying a violation of paragraph (8);
(B) testifying for or otherwise lawfully assisting any individual in the exercise of any right referred to in subparagraph (A)(i) or (ii);
(C) cooperating with or disclosing information to the Inspector General (or any other component responsible for internal investigation or review) of an agency, or the Special Counsel, in accordance with applicable provisions of law; or
(D) refusing to obey an order that would require the individual to violate a law, rule, or regulation;
There are further definitions of “whistle blower” protective provisions within this Code:
U.S. Code › Title 5 › Part III › Subpart A › Chapter 23 › § 2302
5 U.S. Code § 2302 – Prohibited personnel practices
Complete detailed text: ttps://
It is indeed time for the mass media to lose their protection under the guise of “free speech” to print lies and propaganda.
Let’s start with the Guardian, The Sun and The Daily Mail and then swiftly move onto the BBC.
“Fallacy #12: Correlation Implies Causation
The correlation implies causation fallacy (also called cum hoc ergo propter hoc: “with this, therefore because of this”) is an assumption that one thing caused the other, because there is a connection between them.
We covered some of the basics of this in Fallacy #3, the questionable cause. Nonetheless, confusing correlation with causation is very common, and so I want to give it some space of its own.
Most typically, correlation implying causation is used to shill for governments or other organs of a long standing (status quo) system. The typical argument goes something like this:
Bob: Our democracy is not something to be worshiped. I’m not sure I want to support it at all.
Alice: So, you want to go back to the old days, when babies were lucky to survive four years!?
What Alice is doing here is implying causation to a government, or model of government. She’s claiming that it caused a drop in infant mortality simply by its presence. It didn’t, of course; it was thousands of doctors, nurses, researchers and others – over centuries – who finally overcame infant mortality.
Alice’s assumption, moreover, is delivered with an accusation: that Bob is endorsing infant deaths. In effect, he is being given a choice: Either endorse the state or endorse dead babies. And this is not too stark a rendering of Bob’s choice; the emotional impact Alice produces is precisely that.
Alice may simply be repeating what she’s heard other people say to win arguments, but that changes nothing about the impact of her words. Furthermore, her words carry an implied threat: that she is able to tell other people about this, turning them rabidly against Bob. And if others are standing around listening, Alice isn’t threatening at all, but actively calling Bob a monster and turning people against him.
Alice, then, has weaponized the correlation implying causation fallacy, and used it to injure Bob.
This, by the way, is one of the primary tools of totalitarian regimes. We can use the famous Reichstag fire as an example:
In early 1933 Adolph Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. (At the time it was a fairly minor position, answerable to the President and responsible to the parliament.) Just a few weeks later, a fire was started at the Reichstag, the German parliament building, causing serious damage.
A communist was blamed for the fire, perhaps rightly and perhaps not. Immediately a correlation was made between a “communist threat” to the German state and the fire. A Reichstag Fire Decree followed almost immediately, suspending freedom of expression and the secrecy of the mail and telephone calls, among other things. Publications not considered friendly to the cause were removed from circulation.
The communists were the party in parliament that most obstructed the Nazis, of course.
Capitalizing on fear and rhetoric, an Enabling Act was passed less than a month later, effectively making Hitler the dictator of Germany.
All of this was based upon the assumption that the communists of Germany, collectively, were attacking ordinary Germans and all they held dear. The man blamed for setting the fire was all but certainly acting alone, but that didn’t matter in the storm of emotion. The communists were demonized, becoming non-persons, and were expelled both formally and informally.
And so we see that implying causation from correlation can have massive consequences. And bear in mind that this was no worse than what Alice did to Bob, save that the role of Alice was played by newspapers, radio stations and politicians.
How The Trick Works
This trick works because of several factors:
Fear. Whether it be fear of ridicule, violence, loss of reputation or whatever, fear makes humans functionally stupid.
Pattern recognition. Humans are exceptionally good at seeing patterns. And so, seeing one thing leading into another comes very easily to us. If this process is helped along by pointing to a conclusion, and then if reason is displaced with strong emotions, it’s very easy for us to see the mandated conclusion and to refrain from questioning it.
Time pressures. The emotional pressures applied in cases like we’ve covered usually involve time pressures, along the lines of, “Make a decision right now, or we’ll know that you favor dead babies.”
Cultured sociopathy. What I call cultured sociopathy (some academics refer to something similar as acquired sociopathy) is when we become sociopathic in certain areas of life. In other words, we learn to displace, ignore or subdue empathy in certain situations. In these areas, we become sociopathic. (This is a larger subject than we’ll cover here, but you can read more about it in FMP #25.) So, when Alice launches her attack at Bob, she may be sociopathic at that moment.
When slapped with some of all of the above, the easiest thing to do, by far, is simply to go along with it. That would have been the case for Bob, and it was clearly the case for the Germans of 1933.
What To Keep In Mind
This fallacy can arrive in situations that are either highly charged or not. If not, dealing with it is simple. You’d say something like, “How exactly did you reach your conclusion, Alice? It seems to me that a piece may be missing.” If Alice doesn’t freak out at that point, the two of you will have no problem identifying the truth of her statement, or the lack thereof.
If the situation is emotionally charged, however, you’ll need to buy some time. As usual, something along the lines of, “Wait, please, I don’t think I understand what you’ve said. Are you saying that…?”
This method of buying time works very well on an individual level. Emotions will still fly, but they tend to wane, especially if you are calm and start dissecting facts rather than responding with opposing emotions.
In the case of mass applications of this fallacy – as the case of the Reichstag fire – things become more complicated, as millions of people may be involved, all of them feeding on “authoritative” news sources speaking from the same script. Most people, seeing this, either comply or simply pull back, rightly feeling threatened.
If free and open speech is not present and strongly protected, the mass application of the correlation/causation fallacy can only be confronted on the personal level, and that with both difficulty and risk. This is the real reason why free speech must be held sacrosanct”.
~ Paul Rosenberg
There is nothing special about human life over the life of the entire biosphere. Death is part of life and any attempt to cheat death will cause great suffering. Playing god was hubris in the pre-christian world, for this reason.
Infant mortality is just one of the ways that nature keeps human populations in check without the need for human interference.
It was the Chrisitian church that established the idea that all human life is more sacred than any other kind of life and must be preserved at all costs, because more meat for the grinder is always needed, and Yawheh is insatiable for more souls to feed on.
The only speech I would disallow would be for those who advocate through broadcasting (TV & Radio & internet) to take others free speech away. 2 years in home jail – ankle bracelet – banned from all social media. That will put an end to that. If that doesn’t work – we can look at stiffer and stiffer penalties until these intellectually lazy fucks realize a cogent counterargument is less painful. Or realize how dumb they are and they crawl back under the dung from which they crawled.
Free speech is a hateful, evil, racist, white supremacist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic ideology. These people believe that anyone should be able to say anything they like even if it hurts somebody’s feelings.
Progressive, liberal, lovers of democracy, however, believe that anyone who says something that offends somebody should be doxed, cancelled, imprisoned and murdered, not necessarily in that order, especially if they are evil white people, who need to shut the f**k up, because White Silence Is Violence.
The evil, nazi Russian racists are now promoting their hateful free speech ideology through platforms like Telegram. Putin should be given an ultimatum that unless he stops peddling this evil free speech ideology immediately, we will nuke the Kremlin and his favourite dacha.
Time to stop pussyfooting around and show them we mean business.
This free speech malarkey has to stop NOW.
They want Newspeak like in Orwell.
I never really liked going to school much, I had/have what is now acronymed as ADHD. I was the bouncy kid who was prone to outbursts in class. Aside from the ADHD albatross I also wore glasses beginning in the second grade, and was scrawny and had buck teeth. The wonder years were not that wonder full for me. However, being the target of jokes and wisecracks and verbal derision for my various idiosyncrasies, I did develop a tolerance for verbal abuse. I also became adept with the snappy repartee.
Back in those days the stay at home Moms in the neighborhood would shuffle their children out the door on Saturday mornings and not expect to hear from them until dinner time. We basically had the run of the countryside and experienced all kinds of childhood delights including catching frogs and toads and other small animals, climbing trees, swimming in the creeks, jumping off the cliff like edges of the local sand pit, everything and anything that Nature had to offer. Included with all of that came broken bones, poison ivy, all manner of cuts, scratches and bruises, a million other little indignities, and tears. Lots of tears. And lessons hard learned.
In just this past week, two people from entirely different circumstances remarked to me that today’s young people have no self confidence or self esteem. They both opined that this is because the better part of today’s youth have spent their lives using devices with screens, and software that always has an undo, redo, reset, or delete capability. If something didn’t turn out as they planned, they merely went back to where they could correct their mistake. Real life has no such capabilities, at least not for the common man, the wealthy always have their attorneys. It is any wonder then that free speech as we knew it 50 years ago is under attack? The younger generations don’t have the self respect to shrug off some words they find upsetting, they can’t Restart so they don’t have to hear them. The bulk of them have never really done things that really tested them physically and emotionally because they’ve never experienced real hard irreversible life. It’s been a long time since I heard, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.” Maybe, to some, it’s not true anymore.
As children we were told off for toilet talk in polite company, now struggling comedians focus on toilet talk, the only subject that is still free.
Please refrain from poo-pooing the toilet talk,
thank you. Joking aside, it is clear toilet talk
is what the public is left with.
From the gutter to the sewers.
In my opinion, “free” speech is a kind of oxymoron. Most speech (or speak) seems to have an attached tether… Here’s an interesting close to an article I read years ago: >
“The decline effect is troubling because it reminds us how difficult it is to prove anything. We like to pretend that our experiments define the truth for us. But that’s often not the case. Just because an idea is true doesn’t mean it can be proved. And just because an idea can be proved doesn’t mean it’s true. When the experiments are done, we still have to choose what to believe.”
The Universe always gets the last laugh: >
The Truth Wears Off
Is there something wrong with the scientific method?
By Jonah Lehrer
December 6, 2010
Nothing wrong with the scientific method, what’s wrong is research driven by political correct goal seeking.
I’m sure a lot of the British Press warned about the unchecked dangers of allowing colonists in the Americas to incite insurgency against their just Government shortly after the Boston Tea Party, too.
Yeehaa, hehe, there are times where the MSM derails so badly its infact hillarious, how on earth should one take on this issues, anti-vaxx and pro-Russians, yup, and so on.
You know, I could write an mile long list on the MS propaganda, lies, fakerys and forgeris, so long that I dont even bother, let them drool, and the defenitions, well, what do one expect when they are loosing the propaganda war, of course they attack anyone whom dont belive their bullshitting, and in an sense I just dont care anymore, just watches them implode.
You cant make half of the world to your enemy without it having serious consequencess, they dont seem to grasp that, and they continue with their attacks relentelessly, again, let them do just that, sooner or later, I have no rush, everybody will acknowledge their propaganda for what it is, bullshit.
Some people wants to debate the Scamdemic, I for one is done with it, we have ripped it apart, and whats next its to hammer that into ordinary people, to let them know that there is infact an correlation between what they expirience in the day to day life and the fact that this epidemic is an scam, they dont have any virus, that is an Comp generated narrative and they even admit it them self, the more people that knows that, the differences between ordinary flus, etc to the CONvid is that the later dont exist, and the even worse nonsense about new strains, and then came the mRNA vaxx wiitch first isnt an vaccine per. def. and that also is based upon the briliancy of assumptions (you know, the mother of all f….ups), witch again means that they are guessing ( witch in the old days was termed as qualifyed guessing but stil is just that, guessing), shows us an Comp generated drawing witch is also an work of uh…. “art”, just because its done on an laptop dont mean its genuine.
All this is what needs to be spread, then the comon man can make their own conclusions on whats reality, and to compare all this, to whatever the MSM writes to any given time.
The people needs to be spoon feed, just like the MSM do, we need to do the same.
The rest, the pro-Russian is so stupid it hurts, because this narrative comes for an reason, its simply war propaganda instigated by the 5 Eyes and we all know it, apart from the other half witch attacks China and Iran, based upon the same source, the Imperial banana republic, and again we all know the dril, all thoe, some things is right now becoming obvious, witch I dont want to debate right now, and I dont like it at all.
This days, I must warn you, the level of dissinfo is staggering high, people whom assume consensusses, narratives etc based upon images and texts witch somebody have managed to interpite in such an way that its even more stupid than what this British MSM tells you to belive, like that Russians are originaly black people, or ruled by blacks in the “dark ages” witch some think means we where ruled by Africans, also regaring the narrative about the Black Nobility, the Venetian mafia, whom ruled for an long time more or less the entire mediterain basin, some think that just because its named Black, means it African.
Black hebrews, is even worse, Hebrews are an tribe witch is distingt, and comes from the Arabian penninsula, the only truth about this, is the about Ethiopia, witch was and stil is an part of the region where the Old T. aka the Torrah was an state religion, and some Afro-americans have totaly derailed, but there is one thing we can agree upon, Black africans have always been in Europa, thousands of years ago, because of its natural boundarys with the Mediteran sea, and even in ancient Greec, they are depickted, incl some in Britain, like King Georg, whom is the father of the same Bible, was an “bastard son” of an British royal, otherwise He could never have become an king, and so on to black nobilitys because anyone whom where rich enough, becomes an nobility, like the elite we have to day, in nations all over the globe, the same was also in the world thousands of years ago, never forget this, people, they lie about everything, and when it comes to our history, most of it is flatout bullshit.
Never debate Black peoples history with so called Afro-Americans, they either dont know jack shit, half crasy or fakes everything based upon what I define as pure racism, ethno-supremacy, this so called sumpremacy dont just go for some obscure white people, but is also done by others, incl Blacks, I if I even bother to debate is much more intrested in what Africans have to say, because, they, as we/I have an history witch is been more or less wiped out or hidden, the ancient world was much more diverse than what we belive and globalism in its true terminolgy, witch means trade all over the globe, isnt new, not at all, Africans where in South A for centurys before Columbus, and that was also white people and Asians.
I gave you just an hint, the list is jaw droppin long and wide.
Life, Liberty & Levin – Jan 17, 2021
Discusses censorship on Facebook, Twitter, etc
Interviews CEO of Parler – John Matze
This is currently returning 404 error:
Sorry but we already live in a Orwellian world..and it didn’t just start last year either..
We do, certainly. But now it’s common for the educated liberal to be the most violent proponent of these tactics. In their current panic over Trump and Covid, they can’t even register that the so-called effort to save the US constitution consists of dismantling it altogether. They’re already accepting gubernatorial directives as “laws.” They’ve put on blinders as readily as they put on their masks.
Half a century ago Martin Luther King and Malcolm warned that the white conservative might hate you to your face, but the white liberal would pretend to be your friend while stabbing you in the back. Not much has changed.
What does the future hold for Trump, the Republicans, and minor issues like free speech?
Trumpism has ended in spectacular failure. Even Bush Jnr. and Obongo were not one term presidents.
Kushner is buying a house near Mar a Lago and will carry on as dddTrump’s handler for the Zionist Power Structure. All the other Republicans are like rats jumping off the sinking ship. People like Barr who did his job (ie doing nothing.)
Most Republicans, the Mitchells and Cheneys and their ilk, will carry on business as usual, serving the interests of their paymasters like Adelson and Singer, and giving an almighty FU to 75 million voters.
The decent people who put their faith in Trump now face 20 years on fake conspiracy charges.
Kosher Fake Nationalism has served its purpose and run its course. Trump now faces Impeachment and a vote to ban him from public office. 147 Republicans have had their bribe money, sorry funding, withdrawn by their corporate and Zionist paymasters, Blackrock, Nike, T Mobile.
Trump had to go. He was bad for the Jews, despite all his bootlicking to Adelson and grovelling to Israel.
He woke white people up, and that is unforgiveable to our Levantine friends. They are now more aware than ever of Jewish Power.
He has just had enough time to do some more favours for his Chosen Folk handlers. On Thursday, he signed into force the Monitoring Foreign Anti Senitism Act, setting up a joint task force with the UK, Australia and Israel to monitor anti semitism and deal with terrible anti semites like Corbyn, as Pompeo promised in a grovelling speech to AIPAC, Good to see that the world’s No.1 Shabbos Goy has his priorities right amidst the current chaos. No doubt he will also comply with the demand that Jews everywhere be vaccinated first against Covid. Like Merkel, who has just given another $660 million in Covid Relief to “holocaust survivors.” Never let it be said that the chance was lost to squeeze a few more shekels out of the goyim.
Trump is no longer required as a Pied Piper for the deplorables. Neither is controlled opposition lie Q Anon. They can both now be discarded.
Instead, they will simply rely on Brute Force to suppress the opposition, and Evil White People.
Biden will soon give blanket amnesty to 35 million illegal immigrants.
But he isn’t going to deliver to his base any more than Trump did.
The US population is like a ping pong ball being knocked across the table by opposing trained monkeys serving the same organ grinder.
Even they may eventually realise that the only rational response is to refuse to vote and F the system.
Perhaps Trump’s role was to expose the so called deplorables, may be Project pogo/zephyr isn’t just a conspiracy theory.
What we are witnessing, with the covid narrative, the lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing and now the booting in the face (forever) of freedom of speech, is simply the spectacle of The Charade of just-governance and just-laws collapsing.
I’d say near enough everyone who reads this and who comments on the articles and comments on the comments are all citizens of a particular State, are all signed up birth certified citizens of a State.
Once upon a time the State compromised on it’s thirst for power and conquest and subjection of all things and made laws so their environment had a semblance of order.
What we are witnessing now is the destruction of his charade.
This State apparatus is totally in their perverse right to annul what has come to be known as freedom of speech, even to annul this facade of freedom we’ve been living in for hundreds of years.
We are all birthed and given away soon after leaving the innocence of the womb.
Our innocent Common Law existence in the womb given up for the simulacrum of State law.
Given the technology now available, and the nihilistic morality of the species controlling them there is very little hope for the commoners.
That is unless there is a sudden wave of resistance and communion to end the present evil. And, attempt to….
Extraordinary and thorough explanation of covid’s origin: Specific as to persons and their connections.
It sounds like a plot from a hollywood movie probably because it is one. Nature are the hacks that attacked Jacques Benveniste research on the memory of water.
Strictly speaking, off-topic, but everyone here has heard of the PCR test, and almost everyone here has probably heard of Kary Mullis.
His 1998 book, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, can be found here:
It’s in PDF, Epub, and Mobi formats. If that link doesn’t work, try and search on “Kary Mullis”.
Obviously, the book has nothing directly to do with Covid-19, but it will tell you a lot about the man and his work.
I believe they got rid of him just in time. He would have been very outspoken about the misuse of PCR.
It was certainly very convenient.
Supposedly succumbed to pneumonia August 19.
Forgot to add — that book is great fun.
As rightly stated in the article, “The more they “redefine” words, the further we move into an Orwellian world where all meaning is entirely lost.” But it’s getting worse, if there could be possible: “Mainstream media goes full Orwell telling readers they’re using the word ‘Orwellian’ wrong” ( Even Orwell couldn’t have anticipated the skills of MSM propagandists.
Nonsense. They are irrelevant. Nobody is interested in their bs.
The covid cult hate women. They know they need to be hugged for seratonin and dopamin to feel “safe”. Stay home, stay safe, hug a woman today.
Isn’t that Creepy Joe’s speciality?
It would seem that it doesn’t matter what your rank in life is, who you are, or what you want to say. It matters mot one iota.
The overlords are still working on the real ‘reset’. Trump was the example to the world. The message is simple :
” If we say the most powerful leader in the free world is to stop speaking then we’ll stop him speaking. It doesn’t matter to us what he thinks or feels, or if he thinks it may interest or aid anyone. It doesn’t fit our script- so it doesn’t happen”.
Bear in mind we are prisoners in our cells now. Outside is closed. We have a limited window in which to run, shop, and run home and hide like obedient dogs. So- where do we go ? How do we socialise and mix ? Correct- the internet.
It was originally a place to run around until you were coaxed into the world’s largest observation pen called Facebook. A sort of Hotel California for the desperate. Now the whole internet is the pen. Now we have tighter controls, stricter censorship and more intrusive surveillance.
On the plus side it smells like fear. It seem that the fear of how many have woken up to how much tyranny is being ushered in. It’s beginning to seep through their cold thin skin.
On the minus side it’s evidence of how much power they have at their command and how little our thoughts matter. It’s ‘democracy’ (apparently)
The internet has no borders. It is one world. it’s natives are of the internet. So, no matter where you leave from to go there, you’ll be subjected to it’s universal laws. All we’re seeing now is how each different take- off point delivers the orders. We’ll be ‘ in it together’ to coin a mantra. Now we’re beginning to feel precisely what it is.
Welcome to the new normal.
If the president can be pushed into the ground then we shouldn’t consider protesting the same treatment. After all- we’re nobody in the greater scheme of things. Be quiet and get your needle.
‘Elon Musk has torn into the ‘West Coast high tech’ who have turned into the ‘de facto arbiter of free speech’ after Amazon scrubbed Parler from the internet. ‘
‘Critics have slammed the move as a purge on free speech and pointed to Amazon ‘holding the keys to the internet’.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday slammed tech titans for ‘authoritarianism, cloaked as moral righteousness’ during his speech on the broadcaster Voice of America. he continued :
Elon musk is a very dodgy man and part of the whole ‘neocon-bomb-resource-rich-nations’ clique
Well, ‘elite’ guys, we have a new definition of ‘guillotine’ ready and waiting for you when your treasonous day is done.
If only!
Sorry to pull you up Kit but it’s Mill as in John Stuart, not Mills as in C Wright.
Lefty Loosey Free Speech is harmful to Righty Tighty and Righty Tighty Free Speech is harmful to Lefty Loosey. So Free Speech should be banned so Righty Tighty and Lefty Loosey can get along, and Lefty Loosey wins.
Gosh. We live in an age of idiocy.
is spam check a form of free speech
To a world that has been convinced for nearly a year that what is, at most, a cold or flu-type virus (if it exists at all, or if it does exist, that it is fundamentally different from previous cold or flu-type viruses) is the deadliest thing since the Black Death and probably deadlier, then a bit of Newspeak like “Free Speech does not actually mean speech which is free” (or similar) is basically nothing of significance.
BTW, although the items that Off-G has been covering lately are vital, of course, am I correct in getting the impression that Off-G is losing interest in covering the “Covid-19” issue per se…? Does anyone else feel this?
I sense it’s showing some fatigue in the area. But I expect that. To keep something this stale fresh after 12 months is impossible for any platform. Obviously that wouldn’t apply to the MSM platforms as they are following the Hollywood / CNN / CIA route and presenting it as real when really they’re improvising a Science Fiction movie with daily updates to scripts and plot.
Would be nice to work on identifying some of TPTB. Once can begin with the funders of the global warming hoax, listed in the Senate Report Chain of Environmental Command. Those behind it aren’t “Left”– they’re globo capitalists– except they’re not really capitalists either– just psychotic tyrants.
The “political solution” to the covid exaggeration and the AGW hoax is the same.
From my end, I was not able to access OffGuardian for about 30 minutes.
Me too.
Not a terrible problem – yet…
Hilarious attempt to construct a story that damns “insurrectionists”, foreign intervention and Bitcoin all in one:
go and explain it to Assange, how free speech works, or to the witnesses sent to analyze the situation of the bombing in Duma, Syria. Or to the socialist countries around the world that have been besieged by coups, while the regime’s media told false stories about them, isolating them more and more from the rest of the world ….
The first to have sold the free speech, and for some time now, they are the Mainstream media , from the New York T. to the Guardian, to every other media that has fallen into the hands of the regime for a long time, if ever it has been independent of it. They are the newspapers of the ruling class, they do not do journalism, they do propaganda.
While the ruling class, in the pay of multinationals, are occupying parliaments and betraying the Constitutions, and the outlaw capitalists continue to increase the hoarding of the last goods of the earth, concentrating them in a few hands, the discourse becomes increasingly controlled, some words are abused, while others are banned, fall into oblivion, or are demonized.
As land is privatized and militarized, fenced off, water and public goods privatized, we become servants. The Greeks knew that only free men had the right to tell the truth.
Like it or not, MARX was right, freedom of speech is sacred to power, to the extent that it serves to sacralize private property. In capitalism that fetishizes commodities, the free speech is exchanged for commodities, for money. That’s what our MSM reporters do. Outside of this context, free speech is always been a risk that someone chooses to run against power.
You know the concept of parrhesia, which Foucault takes from the Greeks. The parrhesiaste, you choose to tell the truth and you choose to take risks. It is an action by a free man, but it also carries a very high risk. Here again Julian Assange comes to mind.
Interesting thing about the Guardian, you know, where ”Comment is free but Facts are sacred.” But that was in C.P.Scott’s day. Today’s Guardian is simply a crude propaganda outfit which sees to be registered in the Cayman Islands, along with the rest of the Guardian Media Group for tax reasons (i.e., tax avoidance) you understand. It also consorts with noxious parasitic outlets such as Bellingcat – organization whose sole motive is money.
Exactly. These charlatans and all the other propaganda orgs need to be widely discredited and exposed. One does not do it by countering their narratives or by disseminating their lies, but by exposing their financial ties.
I could be wrong, but didn’t the venerable New York Times use the argument of Free Speech when fighting for the right to print the Pentagon Papers?
Marx was right on a lot of things
Excellent analysis of current conditions. Risks are not allowed. Kids can’t climb trees or walk home from school: Public Health must control the population’s risk of cancer with excessive screening, now with mandatory masks, vaccines and lockups from something which carries virtually no risk for the majority. Personal responsibility, control of one’s body, is subsumed. The adverse consequences for the risk-takers, the non-conformists, are pushed up and up in an effort to silence them and any alternative narrative which is derided as the scorned, idiotic ‘conspiracy theories’.
Trump fought the corporate communist collective. Leftists fought Trump.
Yeah, those bloody communist corporations trying to concentrate power and wealth in the hands of a few people whilst employing transient workers with zero rights on zero hour contracts.
“Corporate communist” there’s a reason you “left the left”
But of course our Truman Show media can lie and modify earlier lies as much as they want and rightthink zombies will follow enthusiastically. And they do.
The socials should be nationalized (even seized by the military as enemies of the constitution), sold off in parts and the new commons ran as utilities. Shifting to a pay as you go structure would enable this.
Aren’t the socials protected as private entities? Really? 1. Weren’t they started by darpa, other mil, intel monies? Thats public money. They all lost money the first 5 – 10 years. 2. They are illegal monopolies. 3. They’ve hijacked the commons.
The real question is “should ‘The State’ be reimagined in the age of the internet?”
It is becoming miserable, dangerous and intollerable to let the State continue to exist.
Why not? After all, they re-defined torture.
I’d actually be in favour of some re-definition of free speech in the US context. That is for it not to include spending money in elections (i.e. reversing Buckley v. Valeo 1976) nor pornography. Somehow I guess that’s not what’s going to be on offer here…
I’m not clear about what happened to Parler. Let me get this straight: Parler was totally dependent on Amazon, Apple and Google, our enemies? That’s what did them in? There’s something wrong with that.
The big tech companies own all the infrastructure. If a smaller company wants to setup likely they will go for the cheaper cloud solution. This allows them to rent hardware / software as a service significantly reducing costs. A new company say Gab or Parler cannot possibly compete with the Google and the like from the get go.
That means they are then dependent on big tech for their services. Then probably what happened with Parler the big tech companies make an example of them and remove all the infrastructure.
When people complain about youtube or twitter and say ‘start up your own platform’ they don’t realise the logistics of that. Thats what happened I think in this instance.
Thanks. Scary. Take note James Corbett. Solutions are easier said than done. My position is that they have the power and thinking that you can find a hole in the ground somewhere to hide in and to hide your community in is unrealistic – if they really decide to come after you. They are winning. They will win. But it is my belief that their victory will be short-lived, and not because of anything powerless (and law-abiding) citizens do.
I hope you are right.
You can always find ‘independent’ smaller ISP’s to maybe setup with but yes if the big boys want to either shut them down or taken them out they effectively have the tools.
Small independent platforms hosting instance say OffG or Craig Brown will mean they are always vulnerable to DDoS attacks etc. The monopolies grew so big with very few were paying attention and now they are effectively out of control.
Lets hope they end up eating themselves.
There is no online freedom of speech unless you publish on the “dark web” which means you cannot use domain names, but “onion” addresses consisting of long strings of letters and numbers tha cannot be memorised by normal people. Your site will not be found by search engines and you will have to get creative about how you publicise the link to your site, such as QR codes on posters, stickers and stencils.
A more accessible but less independent alternative, which depends on third parties, is to use a blockchain-based blogging platrform such as
The media has been lately featuring numerous reports about countries and even employers (including the USA) requiring evidence of having had a Covid vaccination before being allowed entry.
However, from the NYT quote below, it seems that Covid vaccination will not prevent you from getting sick, you will [supposedly] just get LESS sick that you would have. I don’t believe this is what people getting vaccinated are expecting. I think most are counting on that vaccination granting them complete protection against Covid-19. Oops!
People are not dieing from “covid-19”. They are dieing from the medical “treatments”. Dr Morse states that people don’t die from colds and flus. They die from the medical treatments.
Playing defense will not beat these entities. It is offense that is needed. Highlighting the real cause of death. They admit to giving “vast amount of drugs” to these people who are already toxic and can’t handle more drugs. They admit to sedating and venting people which inhibits expectoration. They admit to force feeding them when they are already toxic. They terrorise them with masks and media and in the covid wards raising cortisol levels. In short they admit to murdering them.
Dr* Andrew Saul said about a million years ago (well, at least 9 months ago) that it wasn’t Covid-19 that was killing the people who were dying then, but (in most cases, anyway) pneumonia, in just the same way that it isn’t the flu that kills people, but (mostly) pneumonia.
And, to generalise, the reason it develops into pneumonia is ( more or less as you say Sarah) because of poor treatment, in one way or another.
(* Andrew Saul is not a medical doctor, but he probably knows more about health and nutrition, including vitamin and mineral supplements, than the vast majority of actual M.D.s. ) He’s been censored by the usual suspects, which, if anything, is evidence that he’s on the right side, and on the right lines.
Would I be correct in assuming that EVERY covid labeled death has occurred INSIDE a hospital or nursing home ?
[except the motorcycle accidents]
Iatrogenesis anyone?
yeah, also there’s no proof it will stop you passing the virus on… the vaccine has no relevant use in terms of Covid.
There’s no virus. The synthetic injectable pathogen (Vaccine) is a sterility inducing, maim and kill tool. It also traps the recipient into a system where the vaccine “passport” is really a payment-social-credit-bio-monitoring-ID system. It’s linked to an individual‘s QCode that can be managed and controlled centrally. It’s an enslavement system.
It’s not a vaccine but they are calling it one to take advantage of legislation. I would say it is best described as genetic engineering. They are programming the DNA to suppress detox smptoms so they can increase all the so called “diseases” that result from failure to detox. This is what they don’t want people to know. That such symptoms are a cleansing process necessary when there is unhealthy diet. If it is suppressed then the healing does not occur and very serious illness can be induced where the big money can be made again providing no actual cure but just rinsing as much money out of them as possible. The whole medical system is a scam not just covid. This is why I say they have killed hundreds of millions but it could be billions over the decades and centuries of germ theory. Without it there probably wouldn’t have been the world wars. The whole concept is as they point out the same as a war. The Germans would have been like the virus for the Brits and for the Germans the virus would have been the Brits and Russians. This mentality grew out of the germ theory or the germ theory grew out of it at a much earlier point and then fed back into it. It is same as the left/ right paradigm and many other manifestations like racism for example. The ‘lesser of two evils’ really being a conduit to the evil rather than there being anything lesser about it. The germ theorists murdered millions in the Americas for example and blamed it on lack of “immunity” to European germs. They simply forgot to claim any viruses came back to Europe from the Americas. It was a one way street because it was simply a cover story for the genocide they were conducting. People didn’t get sick from ‘viruses’. They got sick from terror, exhaustion, hunger and poisoning as they were under attack. They hide behind shields so for example if they say black lives matter it is because they are murdering black people. If they say protect the elderly and vulnerable it is because they are murdering the elderly and vulnerable. Îf they say girls rule it is because they are targetting females. They use this strategy over and over.
Agreed. Except this DNA tool, as far as I can tell alters Syncytin-1, which is implicated in fertility, cancer, leukemia and neurological disorders including MS, ALS and Alzheimer’s. And the alteration of syncytin-1 fits in with some of the symptoms seen so far such as Bell’s palsy, central nervous system disorders, MS, transverse myelitis, blood disorders, thrombocytopenia, rapid deaths of the elderly and frail, cytokine storm syndrome. It’s based on CRISPR technology. There’s no informed consent. It’s criminal. It’s fraudulent. It’s dangerous.
God only knows why you shared that video
There seems to be a lot of problems with this rushed vaccine. This Dr. is very credible:
Free speech has always been a threat to the powers that be/the system/the ruling parasite elite/yada, yada. We have to do away with it, the free speech I mean. But to do that we first have to eradicate free thought. Wait! We did that already? Okay.
but no, you are very wrong, they don’t give a shit about free speech, the strong powers can even grant it to you, in peacetime. But not in time of war, then it is withdrawn just as private property is withdrawn, when the capitalists go around the death to expropriate common goods, and also privat goods, because the two things: free speech and property, coincide for Marx.. bourgeois freedoms only serve as long as they protect private property, what is happening is the same thing as when colonialists invade other territories to appropriate their assets, resources and territory. . It is an act of violence from above whose purpose is the hoarding and privatization of common goods. Freedom of speech is a fetish, it is useless, as always in these cases. The US apartheid state has been strombing on free speech for centuries.
This is Marx: ”The practical use of the human right to liberty is the human right to private property.”
So what you’re saying is there is no free speech, hence no free thought. Do you really think so?
that’s not quite what I said. Freedom of speech is nothing without private property, it is sacred to the extent that it serves to sacralize private property. Otherwise, out of this context, freedom of speech is always a risk that someone chooses to run against power. You know the concept of parrhesia, which Foucault takes from the Greeks. The parrhesiastes, choose to tell the truth and choose to take risks. It is a free man’s action, but it also carries a very high risk.
need to remember the Assange case?
You are not making sense to me. I am talking here of the freedom of speaking your mind, naming the truth, not some conceptualisation of private property. Telling the truth has always been a threat to those in power. This is what freedom of speech means at the kitchen table here in our house.
That doesn’t exist anyway within a system where everything is an illusion and individuals are ignored, propagandized and divided by the state.
It exists as a concept but it already comes with so many restrictions and negative consequences, it’s not real in actuality.
I have written my reply on a piece of paper and I’m holding it up to the screen. Read it quickly before i eat it 😉
That’s right. “What’s for supper dear? Free speech faddamucka!”
Since you quote Marx and actually seem to know something about him (as opposed to certain knee jerk reactions which just put him down as a banking agent etc.) I wondered if you had any opinion on the curious drive to full automation as outlined in many theories about how Bezos et al are automating their factories to the point where there will be no human input to production at all. As Hal Draper noted, this total replacement of the workforce with machines would therefore bring about the end of capitalism since it means the abolishment of wage labour hence the abolishment of surplus value.
As Draper said, you can get machines to produce goods but not to buy goods. So, the now totally passive human community would have to be supplied with that universal basic income – which would have to come from taxes paid by the likes of Bezos. But that would mean Bezos would be just paying himself. Hence no profit. Hence no capitalism. Or are we on the brink of a whole new type of domination unforeseen by Marx?
I think this: it has nothing to do with Marxism, in Marxism goods must be common, to each according to his need, and above all marxists, like the socialists, spoke of class struggle, a movement from below . The Soviets were the governing bodies, not the Davos G20. First act: expropriate the rich, the oligarchs, the patronal parasite class, and return their assets to the community. In short, the opposite of what the philanthropists of Davos want to do … Then the Marxists spoke of commodity fetishism, and the critique of commodity fetishism and religious fetishism were basic.
Oh I know the Great Reset has nothing to do with Marxism. I’m just wondering what happens to capitalism if the automation process carries on to its logical conclusion. It may not be capitalism at all but some new Feudalism – as has often been said.
I try to answer, but it’s not easy for me. It is true that according to Marx the ultimate aim of the communist revolution, after the dictatorship of the proletariat, was the Anarchy, I mean in the end there had to be anarchy, but this is not anarchy, the oligarchs will also control our asshole. Bezos and the others will live in a parallel world, in which they will have possession of ALL THE GOODS OF THE EARTH, even the goods that were previously common, in short, a gigantic final accumulation … and in exchange we will be in the asshole of the world, with our 600 euros or dollars, in their smart cities of shit, to talk to our coffee maker and our appliances.
This is the apex of alienation.
This is capitalism pushed to extremes, which even allows itself to live detached in another territory, with other laws and we will be like the Indians on the reservations. It is a totalitarianism from above. And we will be perpetually threatened by the International Monetary Fund and their regulators, or whatever they will call them …The work that the Marxists wanted to abolish was alienated work, otherwise work itself was for Marx one of the greatest expressions of the human being. Man builds his own world through work, this cannot be done by robots. We change the world with work, understood as the free expression of our faculties. Marx was a humanist, in whatever way this word may sound today, and a Hegelian. He overturns the Hegelian dialectic, that slut (as Marx defines her), with her feet on the ground; the struggle takes place in history, and it is men who fight it, not fate or their masters who have decided for them. Then the concept of class struggle does the rest …
It’s pretty simple: when Capital literally no longer requires labor to produce goods or capital, simple labor is by definition obsolete. See how far they have gotten with ATLAS. Sure, he needs a few more decades of development, but after that he can replace any unskilled labor, 100% guaranteed.
To think that the elites are going to accept unchecked future population growth and also pay upkeep (UBI) on their now-redundant supply of unskilled labor is naive in the extreme.
But what about consumption? Isn’t that the cornerstone of the economy? The current model of massive production and massive consumption is just one of many possible economic models, inherently wasteful. The elites know this, and they know it’s not gonna last. That’s why they need a great reset right?
The future will belong to a small number of genetically enhanced elites, their skilled human minions (possibly engineered for certain traits or tasks) and masses of robots and automated factories doing everything and producing everything that today is done through “work”. The unskilled masses have no place in this vision of the future.
They are planning and executing a mass culling of us, the cattle. It really doesnt matter if their factories are full of robots, what matters is those of us left will buy their shit because theres few alternatives and this keeps them in power.
The average person is so laughably uninformed about our masters and their goals, this can be remedied by reading the Talmud.
it will be the final accumulation, we will always be under blackmail. Capitalism will not end, it will transform, the assets to be capitalized will be our data, and the last resources of the earth, water, air, territory.
My understanding is there’s no currency not even digital. No citizen-to-citizen transactions. Everyone who’s allowed to survive is given his work assignment and reward directly from the State.
Microchips in lab animals are now directly addressable remotely, presumably can produce death as well.
I am perplexed when we speak of the new era we are facing, as a new form of feudalism. The feudal age it was not just a story between serfs and feudal lords, in Europe, we also witnessed the birth of Medieval commune, the Municipalities, in which citizens gave themselves the first laws and rights of free men.
I was struck by the fact that Jules Guesde, in his writing LA COMMUNE DE 1871, addresses the bourgeois, who accuse the Commune of Paris of communism, saying: ” ”The truth is that in 1871 it was not about communism, but commune – which is quite different; and that, linguistically speaking, the freed, free commune, master of its schools, of its police, of its budget, of its army and of its administration, can only make its defenders – defenders with gunshots and bullets – communalists … ‘ ‘..”
Equally, in fact, the word communism rightly terrifies our bourgeoisie which monopolizes social advantages and does not intend in common “that social security contributions – blood taxes and money) – whereas the word “commune” awakens or should awaken in her than good and happy memories.
It is not in the commune that, throughout the Middle Ages, the bourgeoisie who it was nothing, it asserted itself against the lords of the earth and the sword? The commune released from feudal rights, by insurrection or by royal statute, safe from robberies
of the lords, was, from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, both the refuge of the third estate and his most powerful means of action to prepare his emancipation policy, which was to be consummated, crowned and consecrated by last in the States General revolutionarily transformed in the Assembly national constituent.
It is true that between the Communes of the Middle Ages and the Commune of 1871, another Commune took place, the Paris Commune, of 1791…”
I don’t know how to delete it, I posted it twice ..
Of course we are facing a new domination – feudalism, tyranny. Didn’t the Greeks explain it all years ago? Marx was quite right in what he said. It’s just the bits he left out that are the problem. If we look at the results of communism from the perspective of living people, not as logical machines, we can see mass slaughter. A cull that makes the world wars look like a picnic. Don’t look at the carrot dangling from the stick, take a look at the psychopath holding it and the rotting corpses behind the screen of utopia.
When you say that stuff about the “the results of communism from the perspective of living people, not as logical machines, we can see mass slaughter”, you’re giving the old Cold War perspective from the West. I very much doubt it is a “cull that makes the world wars look like a picnic”. And then there are the unseen costs of capitalism e.g. death squads keeping the exploitable peasants down elsewhere. Not to mention the unnecessary starvations across the globe. But then again, capitalism is the gentleman who doesn’t like to hear his name mentioned.
Get this, I am not one thing OR another. Perhaps you think liking dogs means hating cats. I don’t. Presumption is odious,judge yourself not me.
Marx was a liar, and wrong, there are no natural revolutions. They are all coups or otherwise faked. Revolutions is a fake concept invented by the terrorists to program us with the hope of freedom. The people do not revolt for the simple reason that they will be killed.
Marx never spoke of natural revolutions, he speaks of class struggle, in history, the criticism he made of the philosophers before him, even of Rousseau and Feuerbach, is that they never spoke of man as the social being, of man royal historian. The French Revolution has changed history and law forever, whether we want it or not.
For the communists, the real ones, there was neither right nor left, only the general strike and the revolution.
Think of the Commune of Paris, in 1871, when it was conquered, the bosses had all Communards shot at the Federated Wall. Against that wall there was the shooting of 147 communards (the leaders of the Paris Commune, nel May 28, 1871), at the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris, the shooting lasted a week. But the Paris Commune remains one of the highest points in the history of humanity, ” The corpse is on the ground, but the idea is standing. ” Victor Hugo.
The rights that the Communards established are those that later defined a free and democratic society.
” Transforming the world is not exploring the moon.
Is make the revolution and build socialism without regress into capitalism. The rest, including the moon, will be given to us in excess.” Louis Althusser, ” On the relationship between Marx and Hegel ” in Lenin and philosophy
Nope, it’s simply the same pattern repeated over and over. If you look through history and today, and connect the dots, it is as clear as day.
People who believe in Marx and Marxism are some of the most deluded people on the planet.
The outside force sees where the power lies and plans to steal it. It stirs up ‘revolutionary forces’ among the proles. After all the murder and chaos, guess who is better off? The outside force.
Whenever you see anything described as ‘radical socialist, anti-religious and revolutionary movement’, you should know who’s behind it.
Start with the ‘Russian Revolution’.
I think you’re right. I notice 2 disapprovals of your comment! Marx is god,how dare you,you must be a fascist! See Mc above.
Three now, I must really be on the money.
I just noted the Hugo quote above- other people’s corpses, not his! That revolution was a ghastly affair and as usual the peasants were the biggest casualties.
Don’t forget that the banning of Parler from AWS wasn’t an overnight decision. It was brewing for some time with Amazon preferring a ‘light touch’ approach to get Parler to moderate its content. This must have fallen on deaf ears — or, more likely, it was deliberately ignored because of the “they can’t do that to us, I have my rights” mindset.
You don’t have to use these businesses to set up support for a cause on the Internet. Its just the easy path, but taking this path means you’re leaving the public space for a private one where you have to play by their rules, however nicely they’re put.
These are not cosy private gentleman’s clubs.
They are illegal monopolies, created, subsidized and given enormous unwarranted privileges by the military industrial complex, deep state, and sinister spook agencies, both foreign and domestic. They are presided over by oligarchs and monopolists of a distinctly weird and even more sinister character than their spook sponsors, completely unaccountable and lacking in transparency, all too often displaying a cultish Messiah complex.
“Their rules” are made up as they go along to crush any competition or opposition.
For years they justified their censorship by saying if you don’t like it, you’re free to set up your own alternative. So they set up Parler. And it was promptly crushed. And now they’re going after Telegram. Just like they lobbied for competition from Huawei to be crushed
These people are poor servants and terrible masters.
They need to be cut down to size.
And people are still skeptical theres a single source for all this terror…
The problem with your argumet is that it assumes that the internet is public domain. It is not. The internet does not belong to “the people”. You have to pay for access, and it belongs to the companies that own and maintain the hardware infrastructure needed for the internet to work. In practice, the internet now belongs to Google and friends. Most people are not tech-savvy and have been fooled into typing words and URLs into Google search rather than entering URL addresses directly into the browser, and in both cases most input is funneled through Google’s data centers somewhere.
This is the great scam that the MSM and their handlers have pulled off- to replace public life, the commons, the market square, the agora, the commons, where people freely mingle and exchange ideas, with a privately controlled system where the controllers are hidden and do not have to answer to anyone.
Biden may be ill or already dead. Seems his double is making the appearances. In this video I believe we are seeing two different men. Compare the hair line above forehead, and other differences. The illusions continue.
Yes, the current BIden does appear a lot more relaxed and isn’t aming the usual verbal gaffes that he is so famous for. Maybe he is a Biden robot?
They are gradually phasing out “human Biden” and increasingly displaying “Deep-Fake Biden.” When his body fails entirely (assuming it hasn’t already) the transition will be seamless. The “president” will merely be a computer-graphics puppet, mouthing scripts originating from the AI Deep Mind controlling the Agenda, edited and massaged by a committee of military-tech-intelligence-banking operatives.
I think that’s an old video of Biden on the left. Before all the plastic surgery. There’s no proof about the dates of videos on that youtube.
May, that video on the left is from the Biden and Palin debate 13 years ago.
There’s no body double. He had some bad plastic surgery since then and he is ailing fast. He will probably step down after the inauguration.
I agree about the bad plastic surgery, but anyone who’s had a parent, etc. who developed dementia is familiar with their physiognomy being stamped with a certain “strained face” or mask– especially around the eyes. Biden’s got it.
I concede that this might be entirely subjective, but not necessarily.
The ears.
A domesticated terrorist? Doesn’t sound quite so scary. Perhaps they clean up the blood afterwards?
They are certainly terrorists, but of an unusual domesticated type. They don’t burn down cities, peacefully looting and killing, peacefully setting up No Go areas, peacefully threatening to kill people, or peacefully attacking the homes and families of people they dislike in Summers Of Love or Mainly Peaceful Protests.
But they are clearly terrorists.
The MSM says so, so they must be.
Here’s a personal story. I plead guilty to spreading anti-vaccination news.
Before Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party I belonged to Ken Loach’s then recently-formed Left Unity. This week I posted an anti-vaccination blog-piece in “Unofficial Left Unity Members, Supporters and Friends Group” with above 1000 Facebook members. 10 people ganged up on me, not with any arguments other than can the Admin not remove this post? and comments of that ilk. I do not think the post was removed but I could no longer see it and could not comment on it.
I’m beginning to understand why Stalin had such an easy time controlling the party.
Hitler too.
That’s awful. You’re not alone.
Try going against the grain on anything regarding the scam that is Covid, and you’ll see not only the authorities silencing you.
Have you a link to that blog piece you did John?
It’s your own fault.
You’re obviously a communist spy, a terrorist supporter and probably anti semitic to boot. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you cheat at cards, kick your dog and wear women’s underwear, just like Jezza.
“Coming out” as an “Anti-Vaxxer” is probably seen by the majority of people as being pretty much as bad as coming out as a child killer. Indeed, to the majority of people (otherwise reasonable people, but in this respect they have been well and truly brainwashed), the two phrases mean just about the same thing.
Interesting that in any UK-based discussion of vaccines that gets on to the subject of anti-vaxxers, sooner or later, the name Andrew Wakefield will come up, even though the “Wakefield affair” happened around 22 years ago, when most of today’s parents of very young children were themselves probably young children, and the amount of influence he has had on the UK “anti-vax” movement, such as it is, is probably minimal.
It is impossible to have a sensible conversation on this subject with most people, because for most people, faith in vaccines is absolute; vaccines are the new religion in a country which has by and large given up conventional religion.
I don’t find in others the dogmatism that you relate. Rather, most people seem open to the idea that there’s something wrong with the proliferation of required vaxes. I have found them even eager to be given links where study-results can be found. Speaking of which:
Includes this info: HHS study of CONVENTIONAL vaccines in 2010: risk for serious adverse events was 26/1,000, or one in 37. Merck’s clinical trials for Gardasil: half the recipients had adverse events, and 1 in 43 developed autoimmune disease within six months!!
The demonisation of those who have bad things to say about vaccines is mostly an online affair because that’s the domain of the cowardly finger pointer.
Had no luck trying to find who’s behind #wibble. Obviously a Covidian branch, very ignorant, very nasty.
Well John, I’m guessing that, like you, I have been experiencing the most curious “upending” over covid i.e. the discovery that the Left – as presented – wasn’t what I though it was at all. And – embarrassingly – I now acknowledge that a lot of what I took to be Right Wing reactionary invective against this Left was in fact accurate.
I already knew – as some of that trusted Left also saw – that there were clearly pseudo Left movements (identity politics, the political correctness shit) which the Right would gleefully seize on as the actual Left. But with covid, even those trusted and apparently more genuine Left sites revealed themselves as being nothing of the sort.
The really sad thing is that there are some perfectly decent folk who have been bamboozled by those Left sites and are still trapped there like flies caught in a web. And I wonder how bad it has to get before they twig. And once they twig (assuming that they do) if it will make any difference by then.
George Mc, same thing is true on the right. Many well-meaning people think they are defending free enterprise when they rail against govt regulations on business. For the Right, govt is the threat to economic liberty. To the Left, Big Business is the threat. Both are simplistic positions invented in the think tanks of TPTB to keep us disunited.
The labels are just no good. When you discuss actual policies, people have much more agreement. But label it Capitalism and the Left sees the enemy. Call it Socialism and the Right does.
Not an accident; it’s fomented by the media.
Leftists are materialists who place their faith in the religion of Scientism, and they think that makes them intelligent free thinkers.
The toll so far..high and rising..
The more Covid deaths we get, the better. Once all the genetically weak are eliminated (via death) from human herd, our economies can reopen and everyone else can get back to their normal lives. So I am happy to see faster increasing Covid death numbers!
How antifa sounding.
You can’t be serious! Antifa? Get an IQ.
Piss take? It’s hard to tell.
Nope, not a pisstake. Reality. Something too many can’t deal with. “It’s a cookbook!”
Well let’s just hope you’re not one of the weaklings Jojo.
Talking about redefining free speech by MSM propagandists as tolerant acceptance of all points of view and broad spectrum of ideas and opinions as long as they are theirs.
Let me note that there’s is no free speech protection in US constitution but only protection of “free” corporate press to lie profusely and with impunity in order to protect their power and profits. Dorsey and Zukerberg understand well that they and their private speech gagging tyrannies are protected by US law while we the people constitutionally are suppressed and muted.
As I see it real freedom of speech not only cannot be suppressed or moderated in content at all but also must be equal, equitable in form, tech and access to audience or there is no free speech but speech tyranny. Which follows that all MSM and social media giants explicitly prohibit free speech.
There could be no right to speak without right to be heard as millions of cases including Wikileaks/Assange recently Parler and entire “alternative” social media suppressed, pushed to margins in last decades proved.
This is not for the weak of mind, seriously. This woman took the Pfizer vaccine,and look what it hs done to her. These criminals pushing this poison, especially in the MSM and government and scientific community should be tried for very serious crimes. Enough is enough. Absolutely heartbreaking
I couldn’t watch to the end
Well I could, and I really must insist that with anything we put forward as opposed to the ‘official’ covid/vaccine narrative, we HAVE to be able to respond convincingly to the sheep who will ask, “But wasn’t it just staged?”
I am not a cold, dispassionate person, but unless we know and understand our enemies’ standard responses pretty well, we certainly can’t expect to triumph over them.
There is nothing in the video that my wife could not have imitated perfectly.
What is the answer to that?
Do we know for certain who the woman is and that she took the Pfizer vaccine?
If this is genuine, of course the poor lady has all my sympathy, but my sympathy needs the backup of at least some evidence if it is supposed to mean anything.
Our sympathy is famously vulnerable to manipulation, and alone, or out of context, says nothing, just as “Ol’ Yeller” dying in the movie says nothing about the actual dog or its state of health.
Go easy on me, please. This is my attempt to keep us focused and strong, not to undermine anything.
FWIW, I agree with you.
It’s partly a consequence of the technology-fueled blooming, buzzing confusion that’s escalated during the past century, like that metaphorical frog-filled pot slowly coming to a boil. Nowadays, there’s so much thrown into the ether that it becomes difficult to chase down any one item. These kinds of individual horror stories are a good example.
Regardless of how compelling and credible they are, when there is no corroboration or confirmation of a given anecdotal experience it just becomes more media “chum”: advocates will take it at face value, and critics will handwave it away as misleading or fake.
I’m responding here because I was just thinking of a similar issue with news stories in general– specifically, the “I Am Open”: 50,000 Italian Restaurant Owners Plan to Ignore Lockdown article. The comments thread was generally favorable to the restaurant owners, but there was some valid and insightful skepticism about how profound and authentic this resistance actually is. For instance, it was pointed out that at least some of the restaurant “rebels” pointedly displayed conformance to the established draconian edicts requiring mask-wearing and social-distancing; this suggests that the rebellion might either purposely or inadvertently serve to normalize aspects of the New Abnormal it purports to oppose and resist.
I’m not raising this example to discuss its merits. My reaction to these worthwhile criticisms or reservations (accidental restaurant joke!) is that it would be helpful to have follow-up reporting on the background, outcome, and consequences of the seemingly-welcome pushback. Perhaps the disappointing and suspicious conformance was intentionally done to deflect initial reprisals from authorities, and the seeming compliance will be a pro forma cover that is not observed in practice.
But, as with reports of individuals victimized one way or another by Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic depredations, in general there is little or no follow-up investigation or reporting to test first impressions of a given story. I’m not blaming or criticizing any specific venue or source, including Off-G, for not “properly” following up. But I agree that such follow-up is wanting, and is needed. Perhaps it doesn’t happen because in our Through the Looking-Glass surrealism, the curious and inquisitive must run faster and faster just to stay in the same place.
Very well said, Ort.
There’s lots more info below, including a link to her son’s FB page who seems very sincere and legit, posting updates about his Mum’s status. Thankfully it sounds like she is recovering. He posted the video to warn people what could happen if you take it ie the Pfizer vaccine with a known, high propensity to cause adverse health effects. This is real, I’m sure as sure can be that it’s real. I can see no motive for faking this, it serves no-one.
“Professor Eric Caumes caused the equivalent of a medical earthquake by stating Wednesday evening that he has never seen as many undesirable effects with a vaccine as with the Pfizer injection that is scheduled to be widely distributed in France starting in January.”
“Caumes measured his words, saying, “As I read the 53 pages, something struck me. I have never seen such a high frequency of adverse events for a vaccine. Apart from minor injection reactions such as local redness and pain, other side effects occur at relatively
“Caumes’ statement is significant because as a doctor and a university professor who cannot be suspected of not supporting the French government’s management of the Wuhan virus, he is saying the Pfizer RNA vaccine is not safe and should not be recommended given the lab’s own data, which was decidedly late in coming to specialists’ attention.” high rates, especially in young people and after the second dose.”
Vaccines may have consequences on health that take months or years to manifest and cannot be “proven” to have been caused by the vaccine. These early reactions are just the tip of the iceberg.
This says bitchute but redirects to FB!?
There’s a link there that goes to Bitchute. I don’t know why the detour to Facebook.
F**k Facebook.
Thanks for the link, but please, next time remove everything in the link starting from Fbclid.
If I want Facebook to know which videos I watch, I’ll send them a text.
Yeah definitely hitting on the most important issues here. No wonder we’re so fucked
facebook already knows everything about you, it’s a kind of Akashic Record
Good point.
But, to be rather pedantic, the Akashic Record is not visible to anyone who is not highly clairvoyant and who has not followed a defined spiritual path to a very advanced level.
With Fb, we are not talking ‘spiritual’, but rather its opposite: Technology and algorithm…
Nope, they only know what you have told them.
Hard to watch. Good to know. I’ve bookmarked that. I’m deeply saddened by it, but did the woman willingly take the shot? If so, I’m furious with her. How many people has she preached the pro covid 1984 gospel to up to now? Does she still preach it?
Wow! It’s so confusing to have my posts completely disappeared, presumably while they are being assessed. If I at least could see where I am in the ‘conversation’, that would be bearable.
I think this is a FB-free version of the link:
It’s bloody evil. But the thing that really gives the vax away is the total redundancy of it. There is no need whatsoever for the vax. And when a vax is being pushed on you for something you do not need protection from then you know the vax itself is dangerous.
The vaccine has officially started killing those it is intended to protect ie the elderly and frail, to the point where the Norwegian authorities and I believe other governments are questioning if it is ethical to give it to them. So if this vaccine can kill the elderly, and the young have near to zero chance of dying of the ALLEGED novel virus (not proven to exist other than as part of a computer model of a virus), we have yet more evidence of the sheer depravity of the Covid fraud.
Fear vs Reality.
Death porn continues. Apparently there is backlog of funerals, in SoCal not as much due to seasonally increased deaths but because..
[from ABC]
..the wait for burial services is compounded by all the COVID-19 protocols in place leading up to a death.
so is there a way to speed up the process that amid stringent COVID rules can take up to 1.5 month?
Rose Hills officials say they are offering expedited burials (K: more expensive) , but that most families have been willing to wait for standard (cheaper) services.
in this particular cemetery, largest in US there are so far 102 bookings for funerals for people who died since approximately beginning of December to the end of February.
A friend was recently in a local hospital for a hip operation. She said the hospital was very quiet, with many staff having been sent on long service leave due to lack of work.
I had some outpatient throat surgery back on 12/22 at Stanford hospital in CA, US. It was very busy, with patients being rolled about before and after my surgery. I asked about the activity and a nurse told me they were quite busy all the time.
The reason deaths are backing up in funeral homes is not because of the embalming process, which takes maybe 2-4 hours but the need to get the family together so they can be upsold on a casket, better prayers, a more expensive headstone, etc.
This is the article than needs to be written!
Testing healthy people using controversial and fraudulently used PCR tests then declaring them unwell and incarcerating them is fascism
This is the RT piece.
I really, really hate to quote RT. They are awful! I’ll see if I can find this article on another website because I’d like to use the info in my next blog post. I’ll use this if I have to but I’d rather not. The level of covid propaganda on RT is as bad as you’ll find on the worst sites.
If you find a non-RT source for the story, please post it here Arby. Thanks.
I took a stab at it. I had no success. I used the RT article, but added the cautionary line that RT was awful. But who knows, I may find something going forward. I did find a November article with info that related to the subject. That was on a website called “Alliance For Human Research Protection.” I find that to be an unwieldly label and I find the site to be a source of misinformation as well as good information. The article there about concentration camps in the US and Canada was quite good. I finished the blog post, using that info, last night. I work during the week and can’t focus on my research and blogging but I sometimes can pull off a couple of blog posts on my weekends to make up for that. I did that this weekend. There’s nothing I can do about views however. I get almost no views and now and then, I get zero views on a given day. It won’t slow me down. In any case, Am I being shown the true number of views? I don’t know, although, If WordPress is hiding those from me then they’re also hiding likes and comments from me. That would be extreme.
The article repeats the same lie that RT tells about covid infections. There is no covid, unless you’re talking about the covid 19 hoax.
There is a heavy pneumonia out there and a small number of healthy people have been seriously ill.
I know of two personally ( out of over 100 people I know ). Both have recovered.
If you say “there is no covid”, you will be rightly ignored. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.
Yes, RT’s early full-throated embrace of the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic broke my habit of watching their newscasts at breakfast, and eventually watching them at all.
Apparently RT does publish some scamdemic criticism on their website, some in the form of “op-ed”s. But this story is tailor-made for Peter Oliver, an RT correspondent who reports (or used to report) from Germany; I can easily imagine him waxing eloquent about still another German political and social contretemps with his trademark ill-concealed schadenfreude.
Mike and Ort: Acknowledged.
RT = Russian Trolls… but worth keeping a eye on.