The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
Is the covid ‘pandemic’ merely economic theatre?
by Maribel Tuff

Off-Guardian commenter, Maribel Tuff, expands their comment Above The Line.
Bringing together the US emergency bank lending crisis and the now massive Covid response, I’ve concluded that one of the main reasons it is happening, apart from the corporate looting, is because of a historic event, the USA’s economic collapse and the dollar’s demise, which started just weeks before this Covid operation kicked off, and has been put on hold by a world wide manufactured economic ‘freeze’.
The end of ‘Extend and Pretend’
A few months before Covid appeared, the Fed were busy pouring literally trillions of dollars into the US banks, to prevent inter-lending bank-runs which were starting to develop. These were the same tectonic fissures that developed prior to the 2008 crisis, where the banks became so distrustful of each other’s solvency, that they massively increased interest rates to each other to factor in the risk. If unsuppressed the lending rates would continue to rise, laying a path to bank failures and a contagion which would eventually derail the economy and undermine the dollar itself.
In September 2019 the Fed intervened in the repo. markets for four consecutive days, pumping $75 billion per day into the banks, as the inter-banking interest rate – the repo rate – peaked at a terrifying 10% [1]. If this level were allowed to contaminate regular highstreet lending, it would cause widespread debt defaults & insolvencies.
The dangers are far greater today because, unlike in 2008, Quantitive Easing (QE) has pushed the Fed to the limits of its credibility, and are forcing them into causing some serious currency debasement. If they continue with the forms of QE they are shackled to, then dollar debasement becomes a certainty in a US economy that is far more fragile & indebted generally and less able to cope.
The Fed must have known for a few years that QE was not returning the economy to economic normality, and that they were still trapped in the solvency crisis of 2008. Knowing this, the Fed were prepared for the latest crisis. They had made it possible to inject hundreds of billions of dollars into the banking system discreetly, unlike in 2008, without any additional Congressional fanfare, via the Financial Stability Oversight Council, formed in 2010.
They had given themselves almost unlimited funds and the resources of the entire government if necessary, to reassure the banks that collapse was impossible. This ‘rescue operation’ was being played out, relatively unreported except in the financial press, only weeks prior to the Covid flu appearing on the world stage. Issuing…
….. cumulative repo loans totalling more than $9 trillion to the trading houses on Wall Street that the Fed had been making from September 17 of 2019 – months before the onset of COVID-19 anywhere in the world…[2]
Unlike in 2008, this second use or continued use of mass Fed stimulus is not a new untested idea and, by using it again or continuing to use it more intensely to stabilise the banks, it would eventually lead the markets to conclude that we are locked in a never ending cycle of stimulus, which will inevitably end in hyperinflation and dollar collapse.
That is an uncontroversial economic fact, and will be the conclusion of the Fed’s current policy. In that context, an external ‘event’ could be critical in taking the spotlight off US finance and its woes.
The Fed will not want to exit repo operations until they are absolutely certain the market can stand on its own two feet. [3], [4]
United States Overnight Repo Rate was at 0.11 on Friday January 15
But, as they well know given their experience over the past 10 years, the markets will never be able to stand on their own feet in the current economic model. Now not only companies are being kept afloat by low interests rates, the US itself is dependent and kept solvent by low interest rates.
The fed has injected or made available over 9 trillion dollars to the banks in only 6 months leading up to March 2020, that is over 40% of the USA’s GDP, prior to Covid and represents nearly a 40% increase in the USA’s national debt!
So it is becoming very obvious that we are at the end of this particular monetary road, the ‘extend and pretend’ policy is finished and there is nothing in the economic tool box that can stall the inevitable. Only an external ‘divine’ intervention could, even temporarily delay the dollar’s collapse. As an aside, I should add, although they may be affected later, this is not happening in European or Asian banks, only in US banks.
The Diversion
In my opinion, the US security agencies picked a scenario off the shelf, something they have been justifiably rehearsing for years, the response to a deadly virus, which would produce the required financial shutdown, suppress bank activity, and create a world crisis big enough to eclipse the US economic crisis and produce a ‘flight to safety’ into the dollar, facilitating an economic induced coma, allowing time, a breathing space and justifying massive emergency QE injections into the US and world economy.
It could be sold as a period during which a restructuring of the world banking system could take place and perhaps reschedule debt as well as redefine the mechanisms of a new reserve currency.
This is what I think ‘The Great Reset’ really is about. It is being painted as something intricate and nefarious on every level, but it’s possibly more utilitarian than that, a necessary dialog, where the subject of that dialog is sealed from the public, justified by protecting our worried and panicky ears, and which concerns almost all western world leaders.
I’m sure a major false flag terror attack would have been discussed as an alternative to Covid, but the US is in no fit position economically to respond militarily, and without a military response to a terror attack the US would fear looking weak. Although Wars have been thought to resolve many an economic crisis, it is just as likely, in this instance, that a proxy war with Russia or a direct war with Iran would precipitate a dollar collapse, rather than create growth and a flight to ‘safety’. China would no doubt gleefully humiliate the US during such a conflict. So I speculate that major wars, as an economic solution, are off the table, at least until this crisis is resolved.
Creating a virus out of thin air is a cruel and vicious deceit, but the Fed will no doubt have claimed to its allies that it is far less painful than the total economic implosion we will face in the brewing economic collapse, where financial contagion from the US would cause most western financial institutions to become insolvent, debt would remain unpaid, trade would cease, asset values would crumble, bank machines stop, riots start, martial law be declared, and in many ill-prepared, import-dependent countries like the UK, rationing and eventually hunger would begin.
This is the threat the fed would have made to their allies, as we know for a fact they did in 2008, when asking for a united world central bank stimulus, making it appear vital to world economic survival.
They would have claimed that this time around the economic dangers are of such a magnitude that they even persuaded their foes, Russia and China, to partake in the hoax, because they are also reliant on continued banking & economic stability, and would not be willing to risk political instability at home caused by a second world economic depression.
By creating this suspension of an economic collapse, the US has cleverly turned the dominance of the dollar into a matter of international survival, effectively holding the world to ransom and blocking the baton of world reserve currency being dually transferred over to the next economic ascendant, China, and where the US has effectively engineered themselves a seat amongst the judges at their own bankruptcy hearing.
Believing this to be the case, I am less confused as to why most of the USA’s allies were so helpful and so consistent in making this Covid operation happen, and I have concluded it is their belief in the integrated nature of the financial & currency markets and the threat of economic collapse posited, as in 2008 by the Fed, that is causing their complicity.
Mutual Secrecy
As each irrational, destructive lockdown measure is implemented I am quite sure that our politicians, the very few that are in the know, say to each other: ‘we are lucky because “lockdowns” are as nothing, compared to the calamity that would overtake us in the event of a dollar-induced economic collapse!’ This, for me, explains their apparent insanity, lies and the internationally co-ordinated nature of their response. They too are acting out of fear, not for a virus, but for fear of anarchy and, by extension, the very real threat to their own lives that would result.
The secrecy surrounding this operation is wholly consistent, because it is in nobody’s interests to break ranks. If anyone exposes what is really happening to the US economy then it would precipitate the run on the banks, and then the dollar, that they are being told would lead to a world economic catastrophe.
To explore this hypothesis, we can look at the varying responses of the world players, and measure their reluctance or complicity in the scam, because at this turning point in history, during these shifts of power, loyalty is not guaranteed.
Japan has been strangely reluctant to take part, indicating to me their brooding irritation with US hegemony, which has been growing amongst their population for some years and expressed through the Osprey protests. It looked at one point like they were flirting with the idea of ignoring Covid altogether. Prompting the US to ‘invite’ Japan to join 5-eyes, perhaps to exert more direct control over them, via their security services?
Russia and China are reluctantly playing along for obvious economic reasons, but again we see reluctance to go full hog, despite the attraction of introducing authoritarian measures at home under the cover of Covid. Russia has even invented a non-existent vaccine for the non-existent virus, giving themselves an instant opt-out when required. Whereas China is preferring to just stop testing, and ignore the ‘crisis’ altogether, except for the odd statement about how dangerous it all is.
Non-western Africa, is not taking part at all, in Nigeria there are very few cases, probably because they are out of the loop on what is really happening, and see little evidence of a virus in their population.
Germany although physically occupied by the US, like Japan, have a confidence and independence that marks them apart from other vassal states. Having ‘found’ far fewer cases of Covid, they have tried to preserve their precious economy from any serious harm for as long as possible, demonstrating a cheekiness, consistent with their building of the Nord-stream pipeline project to Russia, ignoring the US’s repeated demands for them to stop.
In contrast, the USA’s closest, most supine of allies, & the 5 eyes states, are enthusiastically taking part, hyping the virus story to the nth degree of absurdity. Notably the UK, France and Australia, each week pushing yet another absurdly fascist response to a non-existent problem to scare their population stiff. In my view each allies’ response is calibrated to their financial dependency on the US and how ‘captured’ their leaders are to US interests.
On the political and media front, alternative media, doubtless spurred on by seeded stories and certain controlled opposition, unwittingly fans these flames by speculating on various kingpins and ideologues central to the plot, like Bill & Malinda Gates, and playing up fear stories of Marxist tyrannies, Communist takeovers, compulsory vaccines, tracking chips and various accusations against the dangers of 5G – targeted for being predominately European and Chinese technology.
The end result is a population left either paralysed by fear of the flu, or in terror of a rising ‘Marxist Fascist tyranny’ run by ‘jewish globalists’ and oligarchs. Either way, everyone is in too fearful a state to logically assess what is really going on around them.
I’m sure, in the dark bowels of Langley, Virginia, this scenario has been pre-rehearsed and stress-tested for years, and pieced together from a huge portfolio of coups and psychological terror operations from around the world.
Perhaps with lessons learned from Climate Change where, as with the weather, the common flu can easily be weaponised. In the case of Covid via a swiftly implemented ‘testing’ regime, simply testing for the common cold and producing millions of false positives, and a hysterical, totally unquestioning mainstream media.
Covid Opportunism
International Covid panic created some short term, but worryingly for the USA, short-lived ‘flight to safety’. ‘International crisis’ is the USA’s traditional and most effective tool to protect the dollar: normally US/UK media-manufactured. It was used to bolster a flagging dollar via the media-created ’Euro crisis’ or ‘Greek debt crisis’. A series of hysterical panics made ‘real’ by US and UK financial press, quickly making the USA’s economic woes old news, and reducing the world reserve holdings of the Euro in only a matter of months.
Along with the ‘flight to (dollar) safety’, Covid has offered the opportunity to freeze the USA’s banking collapse with massive injections of cash. $9 trillions was available to US banks up until March 2020, but in addition to this the Fed produced $5 trillion in economic stimulus to the wider economy and a further 5 trillions recently.
Without this ‘external threat’ – a ‘killer virus’ – this amount of stimulus would have immediately caused panic and threatened dollar credibility. However, with the virus narrative and the world-unified stimulus response to the ‘Covid pandemic’, this modest flight to (dollar) safety, along with the massive cash injections, looked justified and sensible.
It also looks to me like those in the ‘dollar economic zone’ – if there is such a thing – have gone along with their own impoverishment and have wrecked their own economies under the cover of Covid, to save themselves from a perceived greater economic catastrophe, bank contagion, on the basis of what I believe is being secretly told them by the USA, and based on what they have been witnessing in the US banking system prior to March.
It could easily be argued that we are being unwittingly drawn into a conspiracy to protect the dollar and US hegemony, under the cover of Covid, that is not in our own best long-term interests at all (currently being called the ‘great reset’).
Like Brexit and like the War on Carbon, I believe that if an operation or manufactured event seems to offer multifaceted advantages to the USA and their Corporate & military elite, then that operation has revealed its origins.
As it is the case with Covid, not only is there a freeze on the US economic collapse, but US Corporations and Internet services are benefiting massively from the ‘Covid illusion’. Something that must be getting more obvious by the day, and must be giving honest foreign leaders concerns as they see their retail sectors ravaged by Amazon and their cultural institutions replaced by Netflix, Apple TV and Amazon TV.
And the proposed ‘salvation’ involves paying billions to US Pharma, for, at best, a very doubtful vaccine. The least-honest politicians can no doubt engineer their ‘shutdowns’ to preference US corporations, whilst acting as the viceroys of Empire.
This looting could just be a side-show to the main event of dollar ‘transition’ or collapse, or it could be amongst the main aims of ‘Operation Covid’, it is difficult to tell, but it looks like the rest of the world is being looted by US Corporations and their home grown small-to-medium-size businesses bankrupted, with vast additional profits flowing to the USA’s richest, where we see the stella rise in the wealth of America’s robber barons.
From renting taxis with Uber to replacing hotels with AirBNB flats, holding meetings on zoom, spending ‘cash free’ via Visa, MasterCard et al and the Paypal cartel, ordering food on-line with Uber eats and destroying local culture, all are being forced on a gullible world public during the Covid selective collapse. It should be dawning on everyone by now that Covid is a very, very Neoliberal Corporate virus, strangely working in the interests of a continued US Corporate neoliberal rollout against our own national geopolitical interests.
It is not only the Corporates that benefit from US ‘operations’ like Covid, the security state also demands their share of the spoils for assisting in and facilitating much of the operation. US tracking apps, social media and communication platforms are being forced, as a parasitical middle man, into every walk of our lives, taking a thin slice off everyday activities, like an America tax.
The details of the implementation of the Covid operation aside, it is possible that many inside the system regard the ‘Great Reset’ as not a conspiracy to oppress us, to exploit us and destroy our lives in a Marxist tyranny as many believe, but rather regard it as a necessary adjustment to an unbalanced economic system.
To see it like that we must believe that the current system is fundamentally flawed and that good faith solutions are being sought. I think ‘The Reset’ is seen by many honest brokers around the world as a genuine platform to resolve flaws in the current world economy, and to manage a transition from the dollar, in a controlled fashion. We should not always think the worst motives of everyone involved.
Having said that, I have no doubt that the US is busy trying to hijack the agenda to preserve its own supremacy, even during its climactic demise. The US Military industrial complex will be suspicious of any direction not determined by them, and I’m sure in Washington, Brussels and Beijing there is a battle over the measures and direction we need to take.
Like it or not, there may be very good reasons for these discussions to be held in secret, and we are left with only secondhand hints of the battles being fought over our current economic future; like Universal income, a shared international reserve currency, digital currencies or a cashless society, perhaps required through exchange controls or price fixing, to fight coming hyper-inflation?
Many US shills will be telling the world, that this is a ‘crisis of capitalism’, a crisis of western civilisation, and that we all need to preserve the US economy & dollar supremacy to save the world.
I personally believe the US has set us up during this crisis, like they did in the last in 2008, where they dumped all their bad debt on European banks to ‘share’ the crisis out. Working on the principle that: a problem shared is a problem halved, perhaps. Even if we are in this crisis because of a US collapse, and the rest of us could survive relatively unscathed. A ‘Reset’ does appear to be one route that enables a slow deflating of the economic bomb sitting under the US and which may affect the rest of us badly, if it goes off.
“ She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don’t know why she swallowed a fly – Perhaps she’ll die… “
I reference the nursery rhyme as a cautionary tail, because this all started with the relatively normal economic recession of 2007, which if the USA had allowed to burn through its economy, would have been resolved in only a few years, and we would be living in normal times now. But they didn’t. The world’s central banks were persuaded to take measures that caused greater long-term harm, which in turn has led, in my view, to the ‘Covid solution’, a provocation intended to temporarily justify even more of the poisonous QE and low interest rates that didn’t work before.
Whilst perhaps sold as a ‘fire-break for a more long term solution to be found, I don’t see much evidence that the ‘fire-break’ is being used well. It seems more like a pause for the always shortsighted American elites to loot as much as is possible from our states’ coffers before an economic tsunami hits.
A Self-Inflicted Problem
I also believe the US never needed to be in this grave position it is today. Its problems are very much self inflicted. Simply taxing its wealthy and cutting its outrageous military spending would have averted a dollar crisis, leading instead to a slow drift from the dollar over a few decades as China took up the strain. But that is another story related to America’s ideological, political and philosophical bankruptcy and scleroses, that has increasingly driven them into an economic ditch over the past 45 years.
The Covid operation itself is a beautiful metaphor for the original banking crisis, which triggered the Fed to use quantitive easing (QE) – a far, far more damaging response than the original crisis itself, just as the lockdowns are far, far more damaging than this strain of flu, naturally occurring or released deliberately as a marker.
If a consensus resolution is not found quickly for the transfer or sharing of the world reserve currency, as the dollar is about to collapse, I have no doubt we will be required to ‘swallow’ a more drastic intervention than Covid to save the US economy and the dollar, each solution proving more damaging than the last …And of course, as the rhyme goes, we will eventually swallow a ‘horse’… and be ‘dead of course’.
If I am right guys, in one respect you can breathe a sigh of relief: world tyranny, forced vaccinations with harmful DNA changes, sterilisations, and mass genocide are not the main aims of this ‘operation’. They may be the end result of it, if we are not careful, but I don’t think they are the main aims.
The US is trying to stall dollar relegation using the Covid operation, and make it a major event, when previously the transition from old to new world reserve currency would have gone almost unnoticed by most of us. The British ceded the Pound’s world reserve currency status relatively quietly after WWII, under US pressure to float the pound.
It is perhaps a measure of the utility that is now offered by the world’s reserve currency, to facilitate the uncontrolled looting of the rest of the world’s economies, that it is now such a prize and so hard to surrender. Without the dollar and its world reserve status, enabling the US to print pieces of green paper in exchange for real goods, the US would certainly be bankrupt.
But that is not our fault and it is not for us in the rest of the world to save them, especially since it is their ideology that has inflicted so much harm on their own people and the rest of world.
What we are witnessing is an attempt, through foul means, by another once great Empire to postpone the inevitable. To fight off being consigned to obscurity.
So we exist in that mad time, that time of collapse and chaos before a new order asserts itself, which could last a month or 100 years.
You can view Maribel Tuff’s original comment here. The author wished to remain anonymous.
[1] Sept 2019 ‘Overnight repo rate rose up to 10% amid cash shortages in money markets’ [BACK]
[2] Those cumulative repo loans totalling more than $9 trillion to the trading houses on Wall Street that the Fed had been making from September 17 of 2019 – months before the onset of COVID-19 anywhere in the world [BACK]
[3] Dec 2019 ’Fed Wins Year-End Repo Battle, But War to Control Rates Drags On’ [BACK]
[4] United States Overnight Repo Rate [BACK]
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It is myopic and intellectually dishonest for the author to argue that the US exported its financial woes onto the EU and other countries when in fact, the EU economies – other than Germany – are held up by unsustainable debt just like that of the US.
The ECB spent over 10 years buying sovereign bonds from insolvent (yes, insolvent) countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal as well as toxic mortgage and other debt from banks all across the EU, including those in Germany.
And much to the Author’s chagrin perhaps, the bailouts to banks by the US taxpayer went ALSO to European banks including Deutsche Bank, UBS, and others.
This is but a sliver of what was done FOR the debt-ridden countries and financial institutions of Europe but it gives you an idea of how much this author has chosen to ignore.
The basic premise of the piece, however, that covid was done as a plausible way to 1) slow down US economy and cause a flight to safety and 2) provide an excuse for massive Fed injections into the system to keep it afloat – that is definitely likely.
complete misdirection. how do you explain the damage/death from the vax and the relentless push, by any means, to get it in the arm of 7 billion people?? is that just a convenient ‘side effect’? Certain the ‘near collapse’ is part of the ‘script’, but something much more nefarious is going on and no one, imo, has even come close to guessing what that might be.
The American Debt Clock is now over US$28 Trillion,300 Billion dollars, and rising faster than a Saturn Rocket.(Germany tried it about 80 years ago and it failed spectacularly)
And the World is focused on a form of “Seasonal Flu” which they call a Pandemic, but has a survival rate of 98.5%
This is what happens when “Government’s get out of the way”, and lets “business do what business does”(Ronny Ratbag Reagan).
Governments are obsolete when Big Business does what it does, Trampling all over the people.
Anyone who listens to this paranoid lunatic clearly is wearing a tin foil hat 😛
Makes some sense… But what’s up with Cuba and their vaccine? Any explanation as to why they’re “playing along”?
This article smells like misdirection. The theory of saving the banks/$ doesn’t explain the assault on humanity itself. Why bother saving the banks/$ while destroying society and humanity?
Above everything else, this campaign aims to eviscerate the meaning of being human. It’s literally a war of evil vs good.
It could well be the case of the blind man trying to conceptualize an elephant by feeling its tail.Or, yeah. It could be the other thing.
I was initially not very aware of the liquidity problem that developed in September, 2019, but I became aware of lots of weirdness quite early. Some examples are the FDA shutting down the testing Dr. Hlelen Chu was conducting on stored sample in January. I concluded that the federal government did not want her detecting SARS-CoV-2 in samples collected in 2019. Also, in mid-March, Ben Swann released a video discussing the invalid comparison of Covid’s CFR with flu’s IFR. If an apples to apples comparison had been made, people would have known that flu is far more dangerous than Covid-19. A third weirdness was the CDC’s changes to death certificate criteria exposed by MN state senator Dr. Scott Jensen. He is now enduring harassment from the state medical board and has had to defend his license to practice in MN. About the same time, I became more aware of the liquidity issue and concluded that obscuring that was a prime motivator for hoax, but there were several other motivations. Not all participants in an event necessarily share the same motivation.
It became obvious to me early on that the Gates/Fauci/WHO/HHS crowd was lying about Hydroxychloroquine in order to boost vaccine development. It was hard to link that interest to multiple state governors deliberately committing genocide, but a FB friend yesterday clue me into this article about the power and control of Anthony Fauci throughout the medical establishment: Fear of such power may also be the reason that the FLCCC Alliance affiliated Eastern Virginia Medical School has disfavored HCQ. They clearly believe, probably with good reason, that Ivermectin is better, so they don’t want to get smeared with HCQ while they’re pushing an even better alternative.
The third motivation is the desire to be rid of Trump. Trump was many bad things, but he was also opposed to the US being controlled by an international globalist, technocratic Deep State. He thus had opponents all over the West, not just in the US. Members of the Deep State were in a perfect position to make sure the funders and controllers of the Democratic Party apparatus were aware how they could use a pandemic and lock downs against Trump.
I’m sure individuals who participated in the hoax had varying levels of awareness, as Ken McCarthy explained when interviewed by Kevin Barrett in the link above. Some actually believed the Covid-19 narrative. Some were afraid to speak out, seeing the retribution faced by others. But many were well aware of what they were doing, even to the point of deliberate eldercide.
It’s a good thing most of my life has passed, because death is the only cure for me. No amount of de-programming or exposure to rats will make me unsee what I’ve seen.
The US with the largest military on the planet surrendering power to ‘an international globalist, technocratic Deep State.”? I don’t see that as a choice any US president would make, or is making. Why would they, they hold all the cards and have created in their minds the greatest empire in History.
If there are two alternative views of the future for America, one being pursued by Biden and an alternative by Trump, both will involve American supremacy and control.
The US is controlled by the deep state. It was in fact created by the deep state. The US military is the deep state’s primary enforcement organ.
Hello anti-
The problem or benefit of getting old is facing the hindsight of your life and thinking my god did I actually believe in all that crap!
The next benefit/problem is having the time to read and analyse not only current knowledge but historical knowledge and the recognition that all this has been happening since Eve asked Adam did he take that apple.
The other problem /benefit is to close your ears to all the so called repetitive solutions that roll out every generation. Why does youth always have the strongest faith in their righteousness as they carry signs and march on any issue that gives them that “comrade” feeling that the propagandists love.
This is not criticism just recognition. However the best part of getting old is the ability to withdraw knowing that you dont matter anymore so enjoy the “wine and roses”
I agree with everything but the last sentence. At 62, I’m not ready to “withdraw”. I matter to the world to the degree that the world matters to me.
Tiem will tell Steve….To each his own….don’t we wish.
Take it easy.
I agree with you. I have been getting ‘flak’ from parents when I tell their kids they don’t have to wear masks, as that is harmful to them. I am 61, and the generation after us is so poorly educated that no matter the credentials they may have accumulated they are so gullible!
On the door of my business, a sign reads:
“Illegitimus Non Carborundum”.
The only two people that understood what the Latin means are street people of +50 years, We are now friends, just because we all understand what we’re up against. Not only do the ‘credentialled’; teachers, doctors, engineers, money manipulators, not understand the Latin, but cannot for the life of them consider the even circumstances what the English translation alludes to. The most common answer is along the lines of “the government are us, and won’t hurt us”; which I add, “You are in the economic class where the economy is accessible to you, but not 70-80% of the working population. Why do only YOU count?”
The Solution: A Global Rush to BitCoin.. pump BitCoin to the Maximum.. then dump it all into their “LIBRA DIEM” just waiting to be offered at the right time.. all to Fund the “balanced ERA 56 Per Diem Stipend” of the New Global Serf Class…
Bitcoin will fail in the face of the e-yuan, following dollar collapse. China is way ahead in making their digital currency official.
This article could portray the absolute reality of the world situation but it will only be read by 99.99999% of the world’s population. Of that 0% will be capable of acting positively in support of it.
This applies to every article that appears in OffGuardian. Words hold the ephemeral value of ‘chip paper’, they are incapable of effecting a solution to a problem that cannot be resolved by words alone.
Understanding this lies at the root of the REAL solution.
You know a thing as a simple truth by it being simple without being simplistic. But the Bolsheviks never let a good crisis go to waste, so keep fighting Baal Gates’ holy water!
Excellent post.
“Off-Guardian commenter, Maribel Tuff, expands their comment Above The Line.”
Who are “they” in this sentence? Please don’t tell me this is some kind of genderless BS, using the plural to mean singular just to avoid – GASP! – implying whether someone is male or female.
I took it to be a deliberate use of a gender-neutral pronoun not out of political correctness, but because it is an understood pen name and there’s no reason to believe the writer is one sex or the other. (Of course, it is still confusingly plural.)
A couple of notes from history.
After the Vietnam War ended and a number of years later to buy anything in Vietnam you needed lots of the currency called the Dong.
Gradually it wasn’t called the Dong they were called “bricks”. When you went to buy you would ask “How many bricks?”. Now a brick was about 100 Dong notes.
After the second world war in Germany some peole actually carried their Recih Marks in a wheelbarrow when they went to buy something like bread etc.
Today the world debt is $57,917,909,049,231.
The simple thing about debt and money is that its all an illusion created for the benefit of a robotic universe that needs to believe that the piece of cheap paper I hold in my hand is of some value.
Also the US owes China owes Russia owes The EU owes Japan owes the UK owes ad infinitum. See the silliness of it! Ooh lets panic what if China wants it money back ? Um not possible and anyway its just numbers on a page.
What has real value?? Find out when life becomes live or die.
gold and silver for one
Precious metals are not edible or useful unless you consider jewelery and semi-conductors to be essential items.
Why do gold and silver have “real value”?
“Precious metals are not edible “
The absolute dumbest argument I’ve ever heard, repeatedly made.
Precious metals are NOT edible.
Precious metals are an ‘ABSTRACTION”, invented by human thought.
You ‘think’, but you are not. But you ‘are’, even when you do not think.
Precious metals are not edible or useful unless you consider ornaments and semi-conductors to be essential items.
Why do gold and silver have “real value”?
The spam fitler (spelling deliberate) here is obviously written by a member of the Borg as you cannot even use words that contain the three letters j,e, and w in succession. Which is why I had to write “ornaments” instead of the more exact name for shiny things worn as ornaments.
Gold will be confiscated by your state as it was in the 30s, as soon as the currency crisis kicks off.
That’s why you should own it in the form of legal tender, such as sovereigns and britannias.
All gold is confiscated, at threat of prison last time around. Although I understand many did not surrender it in the US.
You sure? How can legal tender be confiscated? What law has ever existed to flat out confiscate money?
All gold wasn’t confiscated last time either.
This is a crappy piece of writing which steals the correct economic analysis of people like Jim Sinclair, Bill Holter and others, and warps it into the jack/jim (and their one million aliases) trolling which has blighted OffG for months. This was obvious when it appeared as a series of btl’s recently. If anyone wants the full picture, they just have to watch Bill and Jim’s videos on youtube and elsewhere, where they make it abundantly clear that this is a globalist problem, the people behind it don’t fly flags, and they are only interested in power through money and economic control.
This article was hard to read and concentrate on; it is full of bad grammar and use of punctuation. Was ‘stella’ used for ’stellar’ perhaps?
Even though the premise was interesting, I struggled to get through it.
“This is what I think ‘The Great Reset’ really is about. It is being painted as something intricate and nefarious on every level…” The focus is narrow (but I appreciated the interesting information) and, it seems to me, the author is here expressing an awareness of that flaw. There’s lots of speculation here as well and while I have no problem with that, a humble approach would involve the admission of that fact. Why was Japan reluctant to jump on the mankind-killing bandwagon? The author cites disaffection on the part of the Japanese population. That tracks. But we also know that Japan wanted to have their Olympics and thought that maybe they still could. Is Maribel certain that that wasn’t the case? It wasn’t the Japanese people who turned on a dime. It was the government. The Japanese government finally realized that the Olympics, which it wanted (for the prestige and the economic repercussions of that I suppose), were not going to go ahead. On a dime, it suddenly viewed corona as a super dangerous mankind-destroying bug and issued proclamation after proclamation in its sudden supercharged flight down the road of fascism. Until then, while it acknowledged the (non existent) Sars CoV 2 / covid 19 reality, it was not bothered by it.
See “How is Japan Reacting to the Crisis? – Questions For Corbett #507”
and “How is Japan Reacting NOW? – Questions For Corbett”
Don’t agree with everything you said, but nevertheless an informative article and firms up much of what Catherine Austin Fitts has been saying:
“Whereas China is preferring to just stop testing, and ignore the ‘crisis’ altogether, except for the odd statement about how dangerous it all is.”
Maribel, can you list a reference showing China has stopped or reduced testing?
See comments below by others regarding PCR testing in China.
They have prevented new relationships from beginning and erased those kids. It is genocide from the ground up. Even couples are not likely to have kids under such uncertainty. The very opposite of their claim of “saving lives”. Those that do are being abused more than before with masks during child birth and keeping the father out. Their relationship being sabotaged with trauma from the beginning and then further trauma and destruction of the family with parents involved in assaulting kids with “vaccines”.
Jeanice Barcelo explains how hospital birth is ritual trauma abuse to destroy the family and how ultrasound is to destroy the eggs inside those babies so they are targetting a generation ahead. It is satanists/ abortionists/ psychopaths behind covid not economists. It is trauma to harm love and damage those kids and their future relationships to induce further trauma. They said toilet paper was selling out as an inside joke about the young jerking off to porn during “lockdown” and “social distancing”.
Abortion is for each woman to decide on, not your false god and his pedo-satanic priests.
Abortion is just fine if you want your ethnic group annihilated and erased from the face of the earth.
Isaiah 3:12 (MCV) As for my people, children are their oppressors (infantile Cultural Marxists), and women (Marxist feminists) rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
It is human and humane culture that is under attack, via the medical industrial model. We definitely need reform, and return to traditional wisdom. Thanks for the video. I love the work of Ina May Gaskin in the 70´s, and Yolande Norris Clark. More education for all young people, with a focus on the sacredness of life.
China would “humiliate” the US in a war?… That’s just like a girl to worry about making a dent on ego and overlooking a few dents on the planet… How’s it going in your basement darling… We’re all suspended to your words and your little heart and your little brain… all memory no processor
”…..a proxy war with Russia or a direct war with Iran would precipitate a dollar collapse, rather than create growth and a flight to ‘safety’. China would no doubt gleefully humiliate the US during such a conflict. ”
The war would not be with China. During a conflict with Iran or proxy with Russia the US is economically vulnerable to China’s financial sabotage.
No time for a war with anybody…. time to stop buying slavery products from China. China and the cabal already humiliate everyone by corrupting our politicians. Not the US
The USA’s Corporate elites, including Trump moved their manufacturing plant and expertise to China to exploit their cheap labour, nobody forced them.
It was Corporate greed & vanity that caused the surrender of American manufacturing power to China. American’s thought they were superior to China but they have made themselves her bitch.
Not even a war could save them now, unless they intended to have their military’s spare parts Fedexed over from China, during the conflict.
Also if China’s economy were switch to a war footing, like a sleeping giant, it would dwarf even the USA’s military in a very short time, their capacity is the biggest in the world.
You are correct in everything except you have forgotten the fact that China imports most of its iron ore, copper, aluminum, coal, oil, etc. They would be in trouble in a world war situation.
They will invade Australia and New Zealand first in order to secure those minerals and rely upon Russia for oil and gas.
Russia isn’t far away, and China won’t have to go to war.
“vulnerable to China’s financial sabotage”
Completely justified in my opinion.
I am in Canada! I have been BDS both U$A and Israel. The compromise is food.
Canada refuses to engage in food security, upholding sovereignty on its resources, even the sovereignty of its citizens.
We deserve to enjoy the effects of ‘financial sabotage’.
China can’t project its military past the S China Sea on second hand aircraft carriers. Try again, stupid.
What to do with our lives…
Anyone trying to prevent you to do any of those things, murder them
I haven’t read the 487 comments so apologies, but the author seriously undermines their argument by suggesting that the virus is a hoax. Exaggerated, yes, hoax, quite obviously not. I have no doubt that there is truth in this article, but claiming that the virus does not exist at all is untenable; the author should remove their blinkers and align their theory with reality.
Evidence Tim?
Tim, I used to think like you, but the original evidence has been extrapolated beyond all reason by Con-19 artists. So now we must be pedantic and ask for evidence:
a. That the RNA fragments originally sequenced by Chinese scientists in Wuhan (not from a virus but from patients bodily fluids) all belonged to a single strain of virus, putatively named Covid-19 but never isolated for sequencing of a complete viral genome?
b. That the Covid-19 was exceptionally deadly; bearing in mind that the Chinese figures for death among severely ill patients were comparable to normal U$ figures for death among patients hospitalized with normal annual flu.
c. That the original Covid-19 strain is still extant? (assuming there actually was a Covid-19 in Wuhan, which is not proven)
d. Assuming the orriginal Wuhan strain has died out (mutated), where is the evidence that its mutant progeny are more deadly than the original Wuhan strain was ie, not much.
e. Last and most important, where is the evidence that the Westminster con artists (Con-911, Con-WMD, Con-Viagra, Con-Sarin, Con-Novijoke) are not lying this time ? their lips are moving.
I know from my personal experience that there is a new strain of virus, because I, and many of my friends were seriously ill with it and 2 people died. many of the people affected had no connection to each other. That this is not simply an unconnected anecdote is clear from looking at the data which show that across the world there was a clear spike in mortality in spring (The UK committed mass manslaughter in care homes but this is not the case in other countries). It does not matter where it originated, or whether the genome has been sequenced. I know the PCR test is useless. I know that there is hype, fear mongering and exaggeration. I know masks don’t work and lockdowns will kill more than they save by a wide margin. Nonetheless, the virus is real.
Whereabouts do you liveTim? I still don’t know anybody who has been ill with supposed Covid-19 ever since the “Pandemic” began, let alone, know anyone who died from it.
Were the other people who were ill, and especially the 2 who died, particularly old, and/or did they have other serious health conditions?
And how do you know what you had was the “new strain”? The “new strain” is fairly new, isn’t it? Those poor souls must have died fairly quickly after contracting it.
And how many is “many”?
And how do you know that it wasn’t “normal” flu? This is the flu season, after all, assuming you live in the northern hemisphere. Flu can be quite dangerous too.
@Tim Glover: “I know from my personal experience that there is a new strain of virus, because I, and many of my friends were seriously ill with it”.
How do you know that the flu virus which made you and your friends “seriously ill” was Covid-19?
I asked someone in England the same question at the start of the Con-19 hype last winter: How did she know that her friend in the countryside and her relative in London, both of whom told her they had it and it was their worst flu ever, had escaped death from a specific headline-news “novel virus Covid-19”, when there was so much boring ordinary flu about?
“Voila le Anglais avec son sang froid habituel (Here comes the Englishman with his usual bloody cold)” — Fractured French.
Tim, you have NO CLUE WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT. “i WAS SERIOUSLY ILL” is an extremely ignorant piece of so called evidence. there is NO NEW VIRUS. and virus DO NOT CAUSE ILLNESS AND contagion is a myth. it IS ALL A lie. you are brainwashed.
Virus’s are real and will remain real. They kill susceptible people all the time. And with the lock down there are more people not carrying on with their normal lives, not eat right, not getting enough sun, etc……..
Something is happening but you don’t know what it is – do you, Mr Jones?
– B Dylan
You have a currently accepted narrative that saves you from questioning your current worldview.
I don’t think it helps to argue ‘it is real!
Or it isn’t real!
People are dying every day – and by far the most are dying in the ways they generally do. WHO benefits for the official narratives?
That health as as joy in being as well as resilience to toxic stress and exposures, has an arena of personal and collective responsibility is of course true.
So far you haven’t felt to look into those who are offering excellent witness to the lack of established facts at the basis of an incomprehensibly disproportionate coordinated reaction that represents a hijacking of living selves – not cells.
So you are confident that because Dr WHO and the whole pharmaceutical establishment back you up, you can state ‘the virus is real’, as part of an extremely invested establishment of social and corporate identity in its theory.
A positive result and diagnosis for terminal cancer can operate a nocebo death sentence on its recipient even if the test is in error.
This is similar to what is being perpetrated on the public mind – regardless whether for private reasons great or small.
When dealing with the dissociated, one cannot simply tell them their experience is unreal. Thus no one can tell the so called sheep to ‘wake up’. No can I tell such woke people to stop projecting and restore their recognition of another’s presence – just because.
Nice ratios you got there
I bet thoset 2 died whilst in hospital care
Hey Tim. Go get Hasbara training in CoVid1984 to improve your dis-info.
Oh wait! Israel is ‘LOCKED IN”.
The SARS-CoV-2 “virus” has never been isolated using Koch’s Postulates from a victim ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
Zero evidence anywhere in the world of sars-cov2 having been isolated. Claims of such are not evidence of it. Numerous FOIA requests in various places provided no evidence of isolation. A CDC document states there is no isolated virus and that is in fact a computer generation. People being sick and dying does not even almost prove a virus
What they have allegedly ‘isolated’ has not been purified, and THAT is the crucial element to this issue. All their ‘papers’ are a fraud.
That is precisely my point. The document I was referring to states clearly there are no isolates and that the testing is based off computer generated sequences. I generally would believe nothing from the CDC but when one of their own official documents admits fraud on a grand scale, I feel I must trust that one. Its all about discernment.
The CDC document is titled,
CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.
It is dated July 13, 2020. On page 39, in a section titled,
“Performance Characteristics,”
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”
Computer generated virus.
Agreed. My friend is COO of big US pvt hospital group..he told me last April that their hospitals(over 200) were near EMPTY and he was laying off staff left and right. Last Dec he said their census was ..” about normal for a flu season”, no piles of bodies, no over crowding.. ie, no real pandemic.
USmonthly death totals from all causes have been FLAT for 5 years…. therefore, NO PANDEMIC
Exactly. There are shockingly lower deaths from virtually all causes this past year though. Fraudulent death certificates are the pandemic, not a computer generated viral sequence.
The virus IS a hoax. Some people say that viruses do not exist at all. Dunno. Even if they do, the fairy tale of SARS-CoV-2 is complete bullshit.
Nobody has ever been able to present the alleged virus in an isolated form. The alleged virus has never been proved to cause a disease. Period. If you or anyone claim that SARS-CoV-2 exists, let me fucking see it. If you or anyone claim that the alleged SARS-CoV-2 causes the alleged diseases COVID-19, prove it. There are procedures for that. Such as Koch’s postulates.
None of that is done, therefore SARS-CoV-2 & COVID-19 must be considered a crock of shit until proven otherwise. No data from the world over suggest that there is a pandemic. End of story. That’s your reality. Period.
Now, let’s worry about what really is going on.
worryquestion!The so-called virus has NOT been isolated nor has it, more importantly, been purified. Sars Cov 2 otherwise known as Covid19 is 100% a lie and a criminal hoax. Research doctors Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka and Andrew Kaufman.
Also check out the website .
Yes, that man recently passed away but I leaned my foundational anti-COVID myth lessons from his site as early as March.
Always knew pcr tests were BS.
Never knew a lot of the other COVID info till later.
From his web site or rather what was once his website:
“This was a database and web server owned by David Crowe. From the family of David Crowe, we are sorry to share with everyone that David passed away on July 12th, 2020.”
Hello Tim Glover: I see you’ve received many down votes for suggesting that a (covid) virus does exist. Tsk, tsk, tsk… I can only help you if you really want to be helped… Just repeat after me:
The Earth is flat.
Gravity is an illusion.
The Sun revolves around the Earth.
The moon is hollow and filled with cheese.
There’s a white robed guy watching over everything.
The (above) white robed guy – loves everyone equally…
You’ll be better soon…
Actually the earth is a fixed globe at the centre of the universe (the pinnacle of God’s creation) with the sun and moon orbiting the earth.
Geocentricism – Did The Sun Stand Still and The Moon Stay or Did The Earth Stop Spinning and Moving – Joshua 10:13:
There is no space and the stars move in the aether.
However, you were correct by citing The Truth that The Father God is in the third heaven, with The Son, watching over everything.
You were also correct is stating that gravity is an illusion – all there is, is pressure.
Crikey – with friends like you – who needs enemies!
There are moments in life when a sense of lack can step forth in power and strut the stage of the world like a giant!
(Yes sarcasm).
You get to set the measure of your receiving but not the timing and the manner of your rewards. Life is meant to be a surprise!
Do you know what love is?
Hi boomer.
hoax != Non-existent.
Try again.
Answer to Judith comment below, and my usual type of comment right on the head of that confusing and propagandist article…
You should blow your nose without a tissue. They are full of formaldehyde… causes skin irritation and attacks the nervous system… it’s a carcinogen too… and it comes mainly from China (and I believe Israel Chemicals is also mainly involved)… also avoid bed sheets from Ikea and Amazon and any made in china (I tested them in TSP concoctions), any cheap furniture from the likes (fiberboards and pieces of wood stuck together with F. based glue offgasing like crazy, laundry detergents filled with them to replenish any garment, making sure the American population remains dumbed down and sick and dying. The US dollar doesn’t exist, no more than the freakin’ kopec.
American people exists. American land exists. And they are fine.
But they need to be taken down are they… Don’t worry people of Europe… If it is crushed it is not to save you. It will go in the same pockets of the people who have been crushing you for quite a while.
Oh yeah, if you have a properly responsive immune system, your respiratory system will inflame and clog in a very alarming way… from exposure to formaldehyde offgasing… rings a bell?!?!
The author was just short of calling opinions other than his own as conspiracy theories which is a base of ignorance. Too long of a rambling severely narrow minded road is this article. Lots of good thoughts within.
Maybe you are the controlled op?
define maybe
The case of Australia, the “Building 7” of the Coronavirus scheme, is a case in point that entirely supports the author’s case, as before we had more than 1000 cases and a handful of deaths, the government declared it would pump $180 billion into the banks to stabilise them, including for the first time in history, QE. So it printed all the money and handed it around just as the graphs of infection were exponential, in mid-March. After that and the lock down another $130 Billion was laid out for “job keeper”, which is only going to hit the fan in March as 500,000 workers find their jobs have actually disappeared.
But now it’s Vaccines that are the growth factory, and everyone is clamouring for them because otherwise we will remain locked in this prison for years. We can’t leave as we won’t be insured and there is no guarantee we’ll be allowed to return.
But meanwhile, along with the US, our stock market made record gains this last year. DYOC.
Sadly I have to entirely disagree with the author when she writes that the Russians produced an imaginary vaccine against a non-existent virus. It’s simply not true – have a look at this paper about the GE manufacture of SARS hybrid viruses, going on at the WIV since 2007, and of course in North Carolina under Ralph Baric:
“$130 Billion was laid out for “job keeper”, which is only going to hit the fan in March as 500,000 workers find their jobs have actually disappeared.”
What is this end of March timeline even in Australia ? It’s the same here in the UK when the furlough period ends ? Am I missing something ?
Hi Grafter… Here’s what most of us missed..
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “COVID RELIEF AID.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko REFUSED the offer and stated that he could not accept such an offer and would put his people above the needs of the IMF and World Bank. This is NOT a conspiracy. You may research this yourself. He actually said this!
Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are FORCING airline CEOs to implement VERY STRICT POLICIES such as FORCED face masks covers on EVERYONE, including SMALL CHILDREN, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies.
And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world! The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar!!!
Which would tend to confirm what the Article stated??
Exactly what was running through my mind while reading this article
Your post is thorough and revealing – and counter-narrative, so it might get shadow-banned
It is disappointing to realize that not only mainstream opinion, but also both sides of the political aisle have pushed the idea that the economy faltered after covid was declared an emergency. However, that’s clearly not the case, as your article details.
Coventry League Capital Partners, a finance firm, also posted a blog way back in April 2020 that included a mishmash of tweets/posts from throughout 2019 about a pending financial crisis given mass layoffs in some markets, an inverted yield curve, and bank liquidity issues. If interested, below is the address to the article:
coventryleague dot com/blogentary/mass-layoffs-surge-343-percent-in-ohio/
By September of 2019, the U.S. financial market was in full-blown crisis mode with massive “repo” operations initiated by the Federal Reserve Bank (FED). Another blogger that provided exhaustive detail in a series of real-time blog posts about the 2019 repo situation and financial crisis is “Wall Street On Parade.”
Are you two living in the same house with ten others?
Interesting but fails to account for the original Wuhan theatre where China, against all previously recognised pandemic planning, sold lockdown to the West. They did so restricting it to one city and limiting overall damage to their economy. A kind of “how to” demonstration. You also have their main western satellites, NZ and Australia the only ones to have followed the Zero Covid policy of the CCP – a technique of pure tyranny.
China’s CCP ended COVID charade in April by eliminating flawed PCR test as unreliable diagnostic tool for COVID infections in individual clinical diagnosis of COVID disease which definition was narrowed to initial interpretation as Unexplained (by long known before 2020 viral or bacterial presence), pneumonia for original interpretation as caused by long known local environmental factors including man made factors like deadly therapies, medical particle and wave diagnostic device malfunctions or inherent designer flaws as well as cases of immunodeficiency or autoimmunity in pneumonia patients.
In other words COVID patient in China is not one who was PCR tested positive but one with a documented form of pneumonia-like damage to lungs.The seasonal increase in in flu and explained and unexplained pneumonia is behind recent new quarantine measures in China.
and still China plays this COVID game as it is too desirable to hold big stick of COVID in their hands amid economic collapse programmed by reset.
PCR and serology is being used in China for general Epidemiological models not specifically for COVID but for general epidemic situation assessment of all respiratory diseases flu, common cold and pneumonia that are at local epidemic levels throughout the year getting worse in winter season.
Last year mild season in China 75,000+ people died of flu, 5,000 officially died of COVID. Do your math. It was much ado about nearly nothing, while real crisis of old people needlessly dying of poverty, lack of medical access driven flu is ignored as nobody among governments gives a damn as it cannot be sold as apocalypse to scare people into submission.
Great comment Kalen, interesting info re China not using the PCR to diagnose CV, particularly since they sold an absolute shit ton of them to Australia via the mining magnate what’s his name. If we can break the governments reliance on the PCR test, this whole charade collapses. Ive been saying this for months.
Always remember we were not in the lab… No “information” is relevant. We’re in THIS lab,
Superb comment- it is easier to point towards a bogeyman ‘over there’ or some exotic event (bat cave) than to face the hard fact that the daemon is in your house and staring you right in the face.
Kalen could you provide a reference for the 75K flu deaths?
That wasn’t followed in all of Australia…really only Victoria and WA who got hyper excited…after the initial burst of enthusiasm qld has been more damaged by the planes not arriving rather than any thing much needing locked up…those important minerals we sell had to keep moving I suspect…plus we had a looming election which seemed to put the breaks on too much enthusiasm…so we just shut our border and went on with life until recently when we showed signs of wanting to play…that rush to the head seems to have stalled in Brisbane.,,
doesn’t of course stop the believers carrying on around one….
and in my opinion the whole wuhan thing was so staged to make me question of any of it was real,,,they either exported fear or thought they were actually under attack themselves…given those war games were held in wuhan…
Good comments.
For 6 weeks since the alleged outbreak in Wuhan the residents of Wuhan were moving freely around the rest of China but this virus never really showed up anywhere else in China apart from Wuhan apart from the odd isolated outbreak that quickly vanished.
This doesn’t tie in with a super spreading infectious virus.
Every so often the CCP will say there are small localised outbreaks and puff by magic they quickly disappear.
It’s just CCP propaganda and keeping their toe dipped in the water.
I don’t think the Chinese government is involved. People seem to think of China as one giant homogenous BLOB that moves like a well oiled machine. In fact, regions have a LOT of autonomy. I don’t doubt that some individual Chinese scientists contributed to the Western narrative. Remember that China overhauled it’s entire medical system after Sars 2003. It has a very modern and transparent pneumonia and respiratory illness surveillance system and all the alphabet agencies of the West know what is going on it.
WHO published a notice on December 31 that was a very routine notice.
The whole thing took a life of it’s own after four cases were reported in one day around Dec 26. If you read the very first paper with the virus sequence on Jan 11, it only mentioned a novel coronavirus. But almost simultaneously a second paper was published with Edward Homes as a co-author, the one with the batwoman scientist. This was the one that made the wild claims about the virus being linked to bats and so on.
No I am not a CCP troll, I’ve been following the medical and scientific articles from the beginning and trying to keep track of where the narratives emerged from.
China only locked down about 4% of its population. They did so because it was just before the New Year and half a billion people were about to travel. Wuhan is a major rail hub. They didn’t want a repeat of Sars 2003. Even the Chinese in Wuhan were terrified by the Western media. They don’t live in some dark cave as the Western media would have you believe.
Nor does Beijing control every research institute and every research project in China as some people seem to imagine it does. I don’t think the virus “came from a lab” because if you read the actual papers, you find the “new” virus is nothing more than a statistical result. It’s literally a software output, not something in a test tube.
I don’t doubt thought that Fauci and Co were funding projects at the Wuhan lab so they could scapegoat it for this theatre.
rraa – the actual papers that you write of that state a “new virus”, are they the papers that Drosten based his papers on? And the subsequent pcr fiasco?
The statistical result in the Chinese paper – was that based on the 4 cases?
I find what you wrote very interesting. It never occurred to me that the virus did not come from the lab, but from just having been written about in a paper. I never believed it was a virus from nature. (Not looking for an argument here about virus/no such thing – just want some clarity from rraa)
I heard Dr Tom Cowan talk about this Chinese paper and its trip to Germany. But at that point I thought it must have been the gain of function work in the US funded Wuhan lab.
The Chinese provided a computer model of the virus, which Drosten has supposedly used to configure his version of the PCR test, which is now used the world over.
No one has yet proved that the Sars-cov-2 coronavirus actually exists, other than on a computer screen. For my money we are having a baddish flu, which has been conveniently repackaged as Covi-19.
It is not even a bad flu season.
If you take out the mass death event during the 6 week period in March/April that was brought upon the elders in care homes we are looking at one of the lower mortality rates of the past two decades.
Those mass deaths were caused by pre-ordained policies, not a viral event, that were an aberration from past years and in direct opposition of how the medical science states how the viral season should be addressed for care homes, hospice etc.
All of this was by design.
Completely agree.
I believe the current slight spike in mortality in the UK had been caused by the huge uptake of flu shots.
The BMJ posted an article recently that flu shots can be successful in protecting against one strain of influenza but they increase ones susceptibility to contracting other viruses.
We are now in the middle of respiratory disease season.
Covid has conveniently completely eradicated all other viruses.
Yes it pays to go back and look at the original documents and who was involved…there is a panel the WHO calls together and who was on it and what they were supplied with and who argued against….from all I ever read it was much to do about little but much convenience for a range of agenda in which our mate faucci played a big role…and has no doubt collected billions..and never forget it played a big role in US elections and providing a divide line…
what I never quite get is what the UK is actually getting out of playing the game…been awful watching what you guys have done to yourselves.
I would guess you are pretty near the mark and 77th Brigade probably think so as well judging by the down votes.
George Gao, head of China’s CDC, was at Event 201 giving detailed instructions to the entire panel of American industry representatives in attendance, on exactly what they would need to do in the event of a “coronavirus pandemic.” George Gao is a virologist specializing in gain-of-function experiments to get bat coronaviruses to infect humans. [ ]
A few weeks after Event 201, Gao published “A novel coronavirus outbreak of global health concern” in the Lancet.[ ] This paper is filled with all of the “scary” buzz-phrases that were used to justify the hysteria in the US and Europe. The same article featured “Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China” by all-Chinese authors, with all the nonsense about bats.[ ] Incidentally, it also says, “A novel coronavirus, which was named 2019-nCoV, was isolated then from lower respiratory tract specimen and a diagnostic test for this virus was developed soon after that.” I’m not saying whether that’s true or not, but that’s the claim. The claim is based on the referred paper “A Novel Coronavirus Genome Identified in a Cluster of Pneumonia Cases — Wuhan, China 2019−2020,” authored in part by, who else? George Gao. [ ]
China also served up some cartoonish snuff films, supposedly depicting the severe effects of “Covid” and the draconian “lockdown” measures supposedly in response. This was exactly the role scripted for China in the 2010 Rockefeller Lock Step “Scenario” report.
C’mon, man. Chinese government not involved? Grow up.
You would be hard pressed to illustrate that George Gao has any allegiance to China or the Chinese people any more than you could prove the same for Fauci, Farrar, Elias (respective countries and people) or any number of high profile technocrats.
In all cases their allegiance is to their ideology and big business.
George Gao lied.
We know this as the PCR test was designed by Drosten in the absence of having any virus and the full genomic sequencing was done by Drosten going through the genomic database of previous coronaviruses picking out bits and pieces of RNA sequences through sheer guesswork and then adding on the theoretical RNA sequences supplied by the Chinese.
Drosten doesn’t even deny he created the test with no virus available.
A week or so later China supplied the full genomic sequencing from the virus ‘isolated’ in a human and it was exactly the same as Drostens computerised virus.
If anyone believes this they are an idiot.
China and the West and the rest of the world are controlled by the same global forces that control the world. This psyop is so obviously a globalist plot and by it’s very nature proof that we have a world government. America’s mortal enemy Iran has played a significant part in promoting the hoax. Water cannon is being used in multiple European cities to disperse peaceful anti lockdown protesters. China’s presence at Event 201 is proof that they cooperated with the West in creating the ghastly horror story in which all 7 billion of us are players. They were the testing ground for face recognition cameras and contact tracing and muzzles and all the Orwellian virtual shackles that have been placed on all of us.
Oh the Chinese government is not involved? The Chinese government doesn’t exist… it is an extension of the cabal. The Chinese people exist… and they are being killed and enslaved by their “Government” and it is a system that Rockefeller liked soooo much that he wants to replicate it all over the world… Biden is not American, Biden is CCP of America.
This was a favorite on the Ray Rayner show in the Chicago area in the 60s. Or was it, “A Fly Went By”. No, It was the old lady one……
UK Government quietly changes law to give councils lockdown powers until July 17th, 2021. At the same time, revelers at a party in Kensington are confronted by police, but no fines issued. And Conservative MPs in Wales resign after discovered drinking in a pub whilst under Drakeford’s pub ban order
Politicians are inflicting lockdown misery on their electorate but breaking the rules themselves because they know ‘Covid’ is a scam
Your very own 3D Avatar. Sounds good, but …….
A new ‘ap’ (for which you pay) can be added to your smartphone. The app enables users to create a representation of their body structure in the form of a 3D avatar, with accurate circumference measurements and total body fat assessment.
Heathtech company MyFiziq Limited has developed a dimensioning technology that enables its users to check, track and assess their dimensions using a smartphone, from the comfort of their home. The app enables users to create a representation of their body structure in the form of a 3D avatar, with accurate circumference measurements and total body fat assessment.
And here is the bait – “Associated company Bearn is unique in that it awards one penny for each active calorie burned, enabling users to earn hundreds of dollars a year just for staying healthy and making healthy choices.”
Biomorphik (ie buy more) is a behavioural change company with a key goal being to improve the health and wellness of people at a whole-of-society level through better creation, measurement, storage, analysis, and access to data.
In other words, it is data-mining, disguised as keeping your healthy – to be used against you in the future social credit system they are designing. At present, you are rewarded for losing excess fat, but in the future you will be punished if you do not keep up with the ‘health’ regime they have set for you.
Since this ap went on the market, the public demand has outstripped the supply, it is so popular. Beware, I think it is a trap.
But the author is assuming that US wants to keep the dollar hegemony. I’m not so sure about that. I think it’s obvious that US’s leaders are globalists and they want to see the dollar die, in favor of a virtual world currency that they can use to manipulate the sheep to their heart’s content.
I also think the forced vaccinations, etc., ARE a primary reason for this fraud. The pharma folks are globalists and forced vaxxes are their wet dream. And I do think that the Bill Gay agenda of vaxxes does have something to do with his dream of population reduction, and that’s a globalist consensus, it’s not just Bill’s idea.
It’s obvious from its extremely defensive stance now and at the start that China is involved.
In my view this is ultimately about digital ID and a Chinese style social credit system. Some people might remember the UK government pushing a universal ID a number of years ago. Scrapped in 2011.
‘Identity cards were scrapped in 2011 – they’re no longer valid and you can’t use them as proof of identify.
That’s weird; I never had one. How many people got one? I’m talking about what must have been modern ones (presumably issued by the Blair government, although I thought their plans for ID cards had never got off the ground).
Actually, I’m old enough to have got a paper/card identity card, issued by the post-war Labour government. I think I still have it somewhere. The number on that card became your NHS number (although NHS numbers were revamped many years later).
Those ID cards were scrapped in 1952:
Thanks for that. I wasn’t aware of the partial rollout. I clearly wasn’t paying sufficient attention at the time!
Wuhan doctor: China authorities stopped me sounding alarm on Covid
The doctor’s testimony – in a new BBC documentary on the 54 days between the first known case of coronavirus and the Wuhan lockdown – adds to mounting evidence of Beijing’s early attempts to cover up the virus outbreak, and intimidate healthworkers into staying quiet
And i didn’t even see this.
“The details of the implementation of the Covid operation aside, it is possible that many inside the system regard the ‘Great Reset’ as not a conspiracy to oppress us, to exploit us and destroy our lives in a Marxist tyranny as many believe, but rather regard it as a necessary adjustment to an unbalanced economic system.
To see it like that we must believe that the current system is fundamentally flawed and that good faith solutions are being sought. I think ‘The Reset’ is seen by many honest brokers around the world as a genuine platform to resolve flaws in the current world economy, and to manage a transition from the dollar, in a controlled fashion. We should not always think the worst motives of everyone involved.”
Right! 🙂 We need to be adjusted to total remote control, social impact investing, ….. I’m sorry i gave this one 3 stars. 0 is what it rates.
as sending young naive men into a 300 machine gun wall of hell – was an unfortunate miscalculation…again and again and again.
reference on this?
parallels are ruthlessly profuse. Look to the Somme offensive.
I don’t know how old you are but your education seems sadly lacking if you constantly have to ask for references? Did you miss the lesson where you were taught to research?
My Grandson age 10 had just completed a term on WW! prior to lockdown, and here is a piece he researched.
I think this gives a good insight as to how men were butchered and disregarded as disposable fodder.
Another insightful book is: War Horse by Micheal Morpego.
If these people in the money markets had not gotten into derivatives, tax avoidance foundations, hedge coys etc I suspect we wouldn’t be in this mess….the very people now wanting socially responsible investment, save the planet etc are the very ones who created the financial meltdowns and someone wants to tell me I should pay for all this…
I’ll give it 0 for you
China a reluctant participant? Not even remotely reluctant. The Chinese government with the help of WHO and international media were the initiators of the lockdown narrative.
A 15 minutes video by Ivor Cummins on the same topic.
Yes. You beat me by half an hour.
Covid is all gaslighting and narcassistic abuse. The most painful part is supposed to be when they erase the abuse that took place.
Thank you Sarah, for this valuable information. “Gaslighting” is the technique now being used by mainstream media and the virtual virus planners to confuse and control us. And so clearly explained by this video.
We need to be aware of these techniques so we can defend and keep our sanity.
One of the signs of the sociopath is a refusal to take responsibility. This reminds me of the vaccine makers, and their refusal to take any form of responsibility for any damage caused by their products.
it is not only a psyop… it is real businesses closed, real people starving and not getting medical care, real grandma’s hearts broken, real people deprived of essential human contact. It is a mass murder operation. Solution? A deadly vaccine experiment that will control the killing of more… But it will advance medical science to make valuable med for the remaining 500 mill… I’m not trying to scare you dear… I’m trying to get you on board
The entire point of the Confucius Institutes was to study Western culture and what makes it tick.
The Chinese have understood that the West is filled with hysterical, hypochondriac people.
They have exploited this understanding masterfully.
It would appear that China had a lot of help from dr Bruce alyward, a Canadian who by even a small glimpse of his work trail suggests plenty of involvement with any number of gates follies…a short listen to his enthusiasm for wuhan methodology and his being convinced it was going to kill millions makes the bloody run cold…he is also fond of graphs etc. so no doubt Ferguson fits in here somewhere…and by the way he cites that many younger people were dying in China, not just old folk…he quite specifically says it isn’t just an oldies disease…so I wonder what happened when it arrived on other shores…obviously it transformed only to take out the relatively old at end of average life…so he was obvious fooled, mislead or just whatever on his visit to fact find in China….it would seem he was most responsible for all this carryon…
China got a lot of help. From the WHO, from Big Pharma, from Big Tech, from the mass media (which are heavily tied into Big Pharma and Big Tech). That letter and Ivor’s video go into that.
With the global technocrats taking the world through the “Going Direct” Reset into the abyss of the End of Currency and the ultimate transhuman slave state, things could not be more dire. But, as Catherine Austin Fitts of tells us, there are options on the table for taking things in a completely different direction and unlocking the incredible abundance of the planet. The choice is our, but for how long? Don’t miss this important, solutions-focused discussion on The State of Our Currencies.
Resistance needs to be organised to have any effect. Unions would have been best, but they’ve been compromised
Great video. Thanks AA. Will share this around. I would much rather focus on solutions rather than arguing where the virtual virus started.
An apple a day keeps the covid away.
So, after watching Katherine Austin Fitts interview you thought it might be a good idea to throw a few half truths, sound credible, add a few charts and make us believe a communist take over/ depopulation/ creating an operating system in humans with a back door had never been an elite plan for us cattle. How did OG let you in?
Is this diatribe being addressed to the author of the article?
Get a new name. This one isn’t valid. And stop using words I use. It’s tiresome. Your vocabulary is lacking but that shouldn’t stop you from occasionally consulting a thesaurus.
Oh madame…
I hope it is
Yes. They’ve been here everyday trolling the comments and they reformulated the 77th script from “America did it” to this nonsensical screed.
Some of their initial attempts at diversionary tactics included attacking Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Bobby Kennedy Jnr, James Corbett and claiming US corporations and specifically, tort laws were destroying upstanding European corporations like Bayer, VW, Deutsche Bank and RBS. Fraudsters, polluters, money launderers and poisoners were now victims of the big bad US of A. Who knew?
All of this to divert from the NGOs such as the WHO, UN, World Bank, BIS, IMF, WEF in collusion with 197 governments and 1,000 corporations forcing Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 onto the global population under the guise of a pandemic, and rebranding those two agendas as the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution. (4th Reich)
‘at a girl
Yeah. The number of short stops and “it might be” or it’s possible that” when ever the narrative leads to actual truth that this direction is a tissue of anti-US bs is certainly an indication
It’s a perspective. Perspectives can be useful.
I can’t honestly use this one for anything valuable from my perspective…
For those of you who dwell on the perpetrators of the planned scamdemic here’s a few apt biblical quotes to consider and meditate upon if you feel so inclined.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12.
Politicians + so-called “scientific advisors” and other gutless officials in positions of power knowing of the fraud and deception and doing nothing to remedy it and using the just following orders excuse:
“Ye are of the devil, as your father, and ye desire to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.”
John 8:44
Lux et veritas
Eight marriages, 87 years… but it was the Covid what got Larry King… or at least it was with him or came after him or something.
Took 91 year old Caprice Grandmother first – tragic💉💉💉
Oh… Caprice. That ho’ who was on that sho’.
He died of old age.
Exactly. However, a Covid body is worth extra cash. I am sure it must have tested positive. How could it not. All that cash.
“Old age” was what they used to call it. We now know it was COVID. All the billions who died in the past really died of COVID. All the documents of yore will have to be rewritten. The Bible: Methuselah lived 969 years before he passed with the holy COVID.
His health started failing severely before covid and he stopped going to the RT studios in 2019.
It’s interesting that they branded King as the first Covid19 famous death. They smeared his name with a fake cause of death.
Just goes to show being an ass kissing, non journalist doesn’t help you after you kick the bucket.
killing of the king is done most month using numerology and astrology aka ritual via sacrifice. it how they appease operate
larry KING signed a contract
what did he offer fuck all he took your time and kept the sheep entertained hypnotized.
Ah! Of course. You always have the good answers.
King died on the 23rd.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw it in the news. Fox, I believe. I held my sarcasm back, though. It was the Down’s Syndrome kids that got em…… Just kidding….
He invited it on his show as a guest. Brave but crazy.
I say the marriages in the times of fake woman’s lib psyop is definately a comorbidity… that man is a hero
Absolutely! Great insight!
Skol hun?… any more to say to defend this crap?
A bit off topic but just watched this very interesting dialogue between Ryan Christian and Whitney Webb on Last American Vagabond. Lots of ground covered.
“SolarWinds Hack, Takeover of US,and the Final Stage of the War on You”
Tried to link but it would not copy successfully.
Thanks for the tip!
Apropos of this article, Webb observes: “People really need to start, especially this year, paying attention to the World Economic Forum people. If you’re in independent media and you’re acting like this is not a trans-national push by the people you claim to be fighting against, who have now all allied together in this transnational Blob to enslave us all, c’mon people, get with the program. …There’s way bigger stuff going on that has way graver implications than any previous year I’ve been alive.”
Articles like this represent a desperate effort to maintain the illusion of the phony, antiquated narratives of national rivalries, when the actual actors on the world stage are a full generation past that.
She also calls out the Yuval Noah Harari’s Davos 2020 speech that I’ve been highlighting, which is excerpted in the “New Normal” mini documentary. She offers some great insight about Mr. Harari’s unconcealed disdain for the masses, concluding his speech by arguing that “the elite” need to take hold of the potential of Total Information Awareness surveillance technology, before “the rats” do!
Yes, I’ve watched Whitney on Last American Vagabond a few times. Mind like a steel trap.
Today, as you pointed out – well, I’ve never seen her quite so emphatic. She was really adamant, beyond just reporting. I found the dialogue very very interesting.
I followed up that interview with the latest James Corbett weekly “Solutions” episode with Catherine Austin Fitts. Not as deep into the WEF, but certainly touching on the same subject.
If anyone’s short of time… listen from 20 minutes…
Intelligence & organized crime syndicates
Russia as “look, squirrel” straw man for Israeli tech
(when Russia-Israeli tech tycoons are often one and the same)
Transnational corporate networks extend to U.S. tech & defense
Microsoft effectively offshored, embedded in Israel
Cyber attack will be “worse than Covid” — promises Klaus Schwab
By targeting banks this ushers in new digital “store credit”
Big tech & defense-surveillance capitalists lock down the monetary system.
Event 201, 2019 (WEF, Johns Hopkins predict global pandemic.
WEF Cyber Polygon 2020
DHS Cyber Storm 2020
This year we will segue from Covid to a new hacking/digital scenario. Our saviours will tell us lockdown has saved us while they ransacked and looted the economy. We will be told to trust them. Digital ID-monetary system will be the physical aspect of that “trust”.
See also, Polly: Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2
Hi Moneycircus,
So have you any ideas HOW we stop them taking over our money?
Spent my whole life saving bits and bobs to enable us to enjoy a simple retirement and investing in our Grandchildren’s education. And now ‘they’ are going to steal our money via the ID-monetary system? Because we will not have the right ‘passport’ because non of us, my Husband and I or our children and grandchildren will be vaccinated?
Thank’s Ort!! I don’t know why I could not link – because I tried, I really tried!
Thank You All for the content and place to have real discussions on what is going on in the world.
Kovid Krisis is the rich’s cntl-alt-del of the world while they cook up a reboot of some kind or another to save their capitalist empire from oblivion.
A MUST READ so we can all start following the money and talk about radical (root) solutions.
Jubilee – Public Banking – Tax the Rich to 5x Base Pay – Establish 1x Regional Base Living Income on 1040 hrs work/yr – Confiscate the World Financial Digital Shadow Casino Money created in the last 30 years and redistribute equally into a World Public Banks Trust Fund for each human born on Earth. And so on. Direct Democracy will also get everyone to participate and create a true self-governing democracy.
Latest UK Column broadcast summarized here, including this gem: Chatham House masterclass in manipulating public fear, part of Jan 2019 influenza preparedness conference.
Communication and public engagement – MARC VAN RANST – 9: Importance of using the media to push messaging. (Enjoy, it will probably be taken down soon).
That echoes my thoughts on this completely. Thanks for putting into words what’s inside my head.
This is the best explainer I’ve read so far of this entire disaster. Ties together almost everything. And it originated in your Comments section. And you had the nous to publish it as an article. Outstanding.
I used to love The Guardian. But that was many years ago. I never gave them any dough (funny they never really asked for it in the old days–they didn’t seem so desperate until they became WokeNazis).
I just sent you guys 20 pounds.
shut up Carol
If you gave 20 lbs for this article, you’re gonna have to give 1000 for each of the other ones
Excellent essay by Maribell Tuff, and whilst I missed it the first time around in the comments (being serially banned here does have an effect on me), I think most of what he/she wrote here is most probably true. I note that most of my comments here, no even longer go into awaiting moderation. They just completely disappear, when I press send.
Where’s Catte Black?
Venture capital in so-called edtech more than doubled in the last year:
Looks like some very wealthy people know “remote learning” isn’t going away anytime soon.
Video: Covid camp for those breaking Covid rules is an actual prison. Because of Drosten’s PCR test, innocent, healthy people will be incarcerated. (Needs translating into English)
The covid rules are no signs of a lock down.
Why don’t you just flood the comments section with McDonald’s adverts?
Well if it means Pfizer can flog a few extra vaccines and pump a few extra arms with the Satan Juice, it’s worth it
I am not sure if the author is being ironic with the references to Marxism, but what Marxism strives for, and indeed holds to be inevitable, is an egalitarian, classless society in which there is no exploitation, virtually the exact opposite of where the Covid scam is taking humanity.
I’m sure the author is being ironic with right wing morons and/or fearmongering controlled opposition spreading confusion…
Now that’s ironic. The principle of equality can only be sustained by force, but ‘nature is more forceful in the return’, as observed by Francis Bacon, (albeit referring to the suppression of habit, it holds true for everything).
There is no such thing as a classless society; in any historic example that’s why there have been Party bosses, nomenklatura, apparatchik, and the peasants, and of course the police necessary to maintain the status quo with violence, or maybe just intimidation of the especially meek.
How this succeeds in any example is evident by the result. The peasants always revolt; it differs how long it takes, and the natural viability and civility of any society is in direct inverse proportion to the number of police (visible or not) it requires to maintain control.
That’s only true for the last 10 000 years of so called civilisation. For so long the system has been at it. Should tell us something about how far in it and near the end we are.
No that’s what dum dums think. Marxism strives for a mass of easily controlled people by the ruling class. Communism for the masses. Written by one of the ruling class and swallowed up by idiots as their path to freedom.
Well said. When people defend it so vehemently even after the overwhelming amount of evidence including Marx’s genealogy and his Rothschild cousin, I wonder how they can tie their shoelaces without help.
Every part of it is a con. Brazenly so.
Covid-19 ended blowing out birthday candles. Let’s not bring it back.
So begins a Twatter thread that I’ve just been reading. The person who posted this utter rubbish was, apparently, being entirely serious. She wants the lethal practice of blowing out candles on birthday cakes to be brought to an end. She quotes a study which found that this heinous crime increases cake bacteria by 1,400%.
Watch out for that deadly cake bacteria, everyone! It could be the end of you!
I’d just like to point out that I don’t normally do the Twatter. I’d been led there by the promise of a link to some vitally important football matches that I simply must watch.
With impeccable timing, just after I’d posted the above comments, a colleague sent me a copy of the guidelines which our company now wants us to follow. Full PPE, endless washing of hands, checking everyone’s temperature every two hours, blah, blah, blah.
It appears that the money-grubbing, heartless wankers who own the company have, all of a sudden, developed a deep concern for the well-being of the people who live in their establishments and the staff who work with them. Remarkable, really, considering that they hadn’t previously seemed to give a solitary fuck about us. Praise be!
I shall now spend the rest of the evening feeling like a twat (as a kind of practice run for tomorrow’s shift, when I’ll be kitted out in gloves, muzzle and apron).
Or I could just go for the nuclear option of phoning in sick-of-this-fucking-ridiculous-shit.
Apologies for being all over this thread like a cheap suit, but I had to mention that the ghouls who run the company I work for obviously had their finest minions on the case when they got that letter drafted; apart from its hateful and ignorant content, it was a typo-strewn atrocity that made my eyes bleed.
Twats, every last one of them.
Oh gosh, Gwyn, my sympathies. I don’t know what I’d do in your situation. My heart goes out to you, for what it’s worth.
The birthday candles!! Doesn’t it just make you want to blow your nose without a tissue. Jesus H. I mean really.
It’s all good to read these enlightening articles and comments about what’s really going on, but then one is faced with real life and it just hits you in the face.
Twats, every last one of them.
I refuse to hunt for a video clip, but I well recall that when the odious, abominable “Doctor Doom” Fauci first rose like a malignant blood moon over the mass-media horizon, he praised the suspension of hand-shaking and expressed the hope that the practice would be ended permanently.
Just last week I ran into a thirtysomething guy I really like; I hadn’t seen him for months. As we ended our brief encounter, I unthinkingly put out my hand; he responded by putting out his elbow.
I “caught myself” and did the bump. His first child isn’t even a year old, and my guess is that he’s trying to be a “safe” parent. Sigh.
You had me at “I refuse to hunt for a video clip”… halarious.
ANYWAY, “safe parenting”. What’s funny about safe parents – and I have the utmost respect for parenthood – is that eventually your kid is probably going to end up in daycare. Daycare – the petri dish of every infectious disease known to man. Then pre-school – more – of the same.
You can bleach a classroom to within an inch of it’s life – there’s not fooling mother nature.
Your kind words mean a lot, Judith, believe me. Diolch yn fawr, as we say in little old Wales. :o)
Back at ya, as we say in little old Boston. 🙂
Ha. :o)
and Trwchh Ymrugr as they say in Rhyl
You should blow your nose without a tissue. They are full of formaldehyde… causes skin irritation and attacks the nervous system… it’s a carcinogen too… and it comes mainly from China (and I believe Israel Chemicals is also mainly involved)… also avoid bed sheets from Ikea and Amazon and any made in china (I tested them in TSP concoctions), any cheap furniture from the likes (fiberboards and pieces of wood stuck together with F. based glue offgasing like crazy, laundry detergents filled with them to replenish any garment, making sure the American population remains dumbed down and sick and dying. The US dollar doesn’t exist, no more than the freakin’ kopec.
American people exists. American land exists. And they are fine.
But they need to be taken down are they… Don’t worry people of Europe… If it is crushed it is not to save you. It will go in the same pockets of the people who have been crushing you for quite a while.
Thanks for this excellent comment. If people only knew how much formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals they were exposing themselves to they’d be shocked.
Hi Gwyn, tell me about it, last week the manager sent me a very odd email asking me to start having my LFT twice/week(as a front line NHS worker) and have my “jab”, the LF test is so flawed that even The British Medical Journal strongly criticised it and asked the government to stop using the test, however, I emailed back and asked if these are recommendations or mandatory, she claimed she doesn’t know!!!!, eventually she got back to me and confirmed that it is a “recommendation “ but preferable!!!! So I’m basically counting my last days at work as there is no way I give my consent, although I’m aware of many international class actions and lawsuits against governments, time would tell.
so why haven’t you spoken to a local; advocacy or work employment lawyer thee usually free for first 30 mins
You cant be forced to have a vak by a employer there is loads of way of pushing back
I remember my mum telling me in 1934 ”one day there be an interweb, Jura, ..don’t go to Twatter with any strangers that say they have a link to show you….”
Wise words
Mother always knows best !
The most dangerous thing about birthday cake is all that sugar in it.
Hello, Mike! How the hell are ya? Have you noticed that the world’s gone completely doolally? ;o)
But what a way to go.
Also, the unidentified grease and colours.
About 6 months ago my father in law ranted to me about how he hopes people never shake hands again because it’s so disgusting. All this talk makes me want to go the opposite direction and shower less, share more gourds of mate with friends, kiss more people, etc.
That reminds me of the George Carlin bit in which he talks about swimming in a river (the Hudson?) with his friends when he was a kid and ingesting all manner of nastiness (including shit). He was of the opinion that this was what had given him an impregnable immune system.
I can’t help but compare that attitude to the nonsense we hear from the germaphobes among us.
Pardon the vanity or self-indulgence, but this demands that I recycle a comment I posted at this site last April:
Last month– a lifetime ago– the day after local (Pennsylvania, USA) officials first announced the onset of the Megadeath Virus of Doom, I insouciantly wandered up to the nearby supermarket– mostly to buy bagged salad, my one concession to eating produce. I sailed through the door and stopped short at the sight of a shopping-cart “Trail of Tears”; forlorn customers in a line stretching from the (understaffed) checkout registers to the far wall of the store, then winding around the corner and up the aisle.
As a retired employee of the state unemployment benefits agency who worked for years in now-extinct Job Centers, I am familiar with crisis situations when “the lines are going out the door”, and people seem to arrive by the busload. So I turned around to leave. As I did, a big, burly older man was entering the store; I’d seen him around the area, but we’d never spoken.
He also stopped short, and said to me, “What’s this all about?” I said, “Apparently a lot of people think the world is coming to an end, and they want to make sure they have the makings of their last meal.” (Not to mention toilet paper for postprandial use.)
The man shook his head and said, “Christ! I played sandlot baseball for years, and the ball used to get full of dirt, crud and even dog shit once in a while; we just picked it up and kept on playing!”
I was gratified by this unsolicited validation. Of course, to the pro-pandemic Chicken Littles, he may have played baseball but he’s obviously no “team player”.
An entirely justifiable and appropriate recycling of a fine comment, Ort.
Although you should, in future, be careful about displaying your insouciance in public. Such things are against the (New World) Order of things… ;o)
That big burly older man sounds like a good guy.
Too bad Carlin is not here today to sound off on this insanity.
If he were, they’d silence him, I’d imagine.
Well, at least his ghost in video form ceaselessly haunts these threads. 😉
That’ll be the Czech ‘yellow cake’ of Brass Eye fame no doubt?
That’s the one! They just need a celeb to front the campaign against it. What’s Bernard Manning up to, nowadays?
Don’t you remember a few months ago on Fox news across the pond in the land where you’re not free to say happy Xmas ? They carried a piece banning groups of any size singing ‘Happy Birthday’. Apparently the way we pronounce ‘P’ and ‘ B’ is so forceful it could spray everywhere with covid.
President Trum endoresd the idea even though it sounded like they were taking the iss. Ersonally i think it’s all ollocks. Still, it was a positive message to see all those poor victims of a crippling virus stood ‘in it together’ having a sing along..
That’s ure ullshite, jura.
I should have ut a smiley face after that. My ag.
I know..’astards 😂
Ok, jura, you know we’ll be repeating this joke every time we see each other in the hall between classes.
It can be our secret code. We can start a gang.
Look out Joe *iden. And you ‘arrack. We don’t forgive. We don’t forget. We don’t say P or B either. 😎
I just had a tee shirt idea..but can’t say ‘brb’ ‘r’🤨
Right. We’ll get the whole school talking like that. The teacher’s will go allistic.
Culminating in a full school assembly in the Great Hall. And our gang will be on stage with the inciple. And he’ll ask –
“Who’s ehind this??!” and grimace at his mistake.
To which we, and the rest of the assembly, save the twats who still believe in P and B, will erupt into uncontrollable laughter.
You can be the one who answers “I’m ehind it, sir. I eg your ardon”
Oh my god, I’m cracking myself up.
and me 🤣🤣
A little omic relief to ease the ain.
Me too. ‘romise 😎
It’s my party and I’ll blow if I want to……..yes !