‘Unseen Enemy’: Coronavirus as an archetype of perception.

Ludovic Noble

Women hanged for witchcraft in Newcastle, original illustration from Ralph Gardiner’s ‘England’s grievance discovered, in relation to the coal-trade’ (1655).

My conjecture is that ‘perception of an enemy’ could be a Jungian archetype or a category of perception that represents a certain dynamic between groups of humans in societies or between humans and aspects of the world.

Humans are on one level tribal and it could be that tribal creatures have benefitted from being able to unify against a collective perception of an enemy, whether that be a pack of lions, another tribe or an individual within the tribe that must be exterminated or resolved at all costs for the tribe’s survival.

It could be argued that this archetype, if it has some physical expression, underwent a process of natural selection, where prehistoric human societies in which it was activated could be provoked into a destructive frenzy that would ensure their survival, in the face of an enemy.

Jordan Peterson explains how swearing uses the same neural system as alarm cries in apes. If this is true, there are neural systems that are representational. The ‘enemy’ archetype could feasibly be said to be a biological neural system in the brain that has evolved in humans and other social species.

To push this idea further, I hypothesise that there could be a subtype of this ‘enemy’ archetype, where the enemy is ‘unseen.’

History is full of examples of societies that have behaved in a way that suggests that they had collectively activated some primal archetype that fills them with fear and disgust of an ‘unseen enemy’. Crucial to the concept, is that the enemy can be (or be in) any member of the group at any one time, making any member of the group potentially a suspect.

An evolutionary argument as to why this archetype might exist could be as follows:

a tribe that decided that there was an ‘unseen enemy’ in their midsts might kill a minority group within the tribe for some arbitrary reason. Whether or not the minority group is guilty, the remaining members tribe would then have a greater share of the resources than they did previously. The archetype, then, would have served an evolutionarily advantageous cause.

The devil, evil in general, witches, radical muslim terrorists, Jews, communists and coronavirus are all examples of phenomenon that have become, in some groups of peoples’ eyes, in some time in history, an unseen enemy.

Cases in point:

I should say at this point, it is beside the point whether the unseen enemy exists or not. Ultimately this archetype reduces to Descartes’ evil demon hypothesis: the idea that there may at any moment be an evil demon manipulating your reality and perceptions.

Deception is an aspect of reality that is employed in daily life by spiders, lovers, conspirators and criminals. Deception and perception manipulation are facets of human experience, as are theft, parties and commerce.

The power of the ‘unseen enemy’ archetype is that it doesn’t depend on the actual existence of the perceived threat in order to be active. It is possible that:

  1. there may be an evil demon and
  2. one may perceive there to be an evil demon where there isn’t any.

This makes the ‘unseen enemy’ archetype tremendously powerful and I conjecture that propagandists and governments are well aware of its potential as a tool for directing human behaviour.

When the ‘unseen enemy’ is defined it usually becomes illegal or taboo to be a member or in any way a part of it. In the case of modern society, one of the manifestations of the ‘unseen enemy’ archetype at work is the outlawing of Neo-Nazis, ‘the far right’, racism and ‘hate’. Hate speech laws in Europe and a zero tolerance approach to ‘hate’ in certain institutions in the USA have made it either illegal or extremely taboo to be ‘racist.’

Thus the usual open signals of being racist are replaced by alleged covert signs of being racist, and the ‘unseen enemy’ can now be any member of the society.

This is reflected in popular culture (“just because you have an <insert racial group> friend, it doesn’t mean you’re not racist”) and in political language (she / he was accused of ‘harbouring hate’ in their thoughts or hearts, i.e. it is hidden due to being taboo and so potentially omnipresent).

When something unprovable (in this case, being secretly racist and, in the Middle Ages, being ‘inspired by the devil’) becomes illegal or
extremely taboo, denial is no longer a defence because it is meaningless. A denial is ‘exactly what the unseen enemy [a racist or the devil] would do’, both because being one of the unseen enemy is taboo and because by its nature the enemy tries to remain undetected.

Paradoxically, then, denial becomes proof of guilt or at least not nearly enough to prove innocence.

The criteria for what can be considered proof can then be extended to the point of absurdity and to where, more importantly, all members of the public can be suspected of being a part of the ‘unseen enemy’, unless they ‘prove’ their innocence.

This proof usually takes the form of ridiculous or pointless displays of total obedience and conformity to whatever demands some authority is making in order to manipulate the public at the time.

This opens up a space where literally anything can be taken as a signal that the person is a member of the unseen enemy and denying it. When this happens a terrifying relationship can emerge between the arbiters of justice (the authorities) and the public.

In such a situations, the authorities are permitted by the public to do ‘whatever it takes’ to exterminate the dreaded unseen enemy and to exact punishment for lack of conformity. Then, people are not only behaving in certain ways to avoid aiding or encouraging the unseen enemy but they are now behaving in certain ways to avoid punishment from authority:

the fear of the unseen enemy becomes subconsciously translated to the fear of what the authorities or society in general might do to you if they identify you as ‘one of them’.

People who don’t conform to the last detail are scorned and punished by society, sometimes out of fear that they may legitimately be a member of the unseen enemy but sometimes out of fear of what the authorities and society in general might do if they suspect association.

The enemy becomes those who don’t conform, whether or not they actually belong to the original unseen-enemy category.

Coronavirus has given governments a new opportunity to expand the category of the ‘unseen enemy’ to possibly include every member of the whole public.

This is reflected in the NHS propaganda campaign, where the slogan is a blunt order to ‘act like you’ve got it’ (or ‘conform to our demands for new behaviours in order to prove that you are not infected or at least that you are doing your best not to be infected, lest you want to become suspect’).

We are repeatedly told that any one of us may have it, which, if it exists, is true. However, whether this possibility justifies the totalitarian measures in response to it is the real question, regardless of whether anyone could have it or how many people it could kill.

What should we be more wary of, the possibility of being infected by a deadly virus or the possibility of permitting a totalitarian government takeover through unquestioning compliance to rules that violate long- held civil liberties?

A similar situation was achieved after 9/11, where any member of the public using public transport could be a radical Islamic terrorist and therefore the gradual redesign of airports to resemble total surveillance prisons was justified.

The Catholic Church brutalised medieval Europe for about a thousand years using ‘the devil’ as a kind of spiritual virus that could exist in anyone at any one time. In classic unseen-enemy fashion, those mandating conformity and obedience against evil were the agents of evil themselves.

While, in the case of the War on Terror, those vowing to take revenge on the hidden enemy that was threatening to undermine freedom and liberal values oversaw the gradual and ongoing erosion of the tradition of civil liberty in the West.

Regardless of whether the unseen enemy in its various forms exists or has existed, I find it hard to imagine an enemy so dangerous that it permits a relinquishing of basic civil liberties and totalitarian control, not even a hidden totalitarian government itself.


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Categories: coronavirus, Essays, latest
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Richard Ong
Richard Ong
Feb 28, 2021 8:12 PM

Meh. You mean the communists who really did exist in American society but concealed their activities and their subversion, I’m sure. You seem to want to place the HCUA in some kind of psychodrama. I’ll pass.

Feb 18, 2021 10:47 PM

SADLY, when I edited my post (the one published) I was unable to post this edited and typo- corrected version – the correct statement – the one I wished to make ….. Hopefully this is the proper version that you will get to read, and the site owners will delete the draft -THANKS. I made no comment on Covid19 because wise folk know it is a political/medical fraud related to the effects of heinous transmission of mm-waves and other electromagnetic mists. It’s just that thousands of mosques (barracks) and millions of unlawful combatants on jihad (the 22/23 year long “Holy War” was declared on 05 Nov 2002 – timed to coincide with the rollover of the 100 year “Khilafah” plan) that are relatively suddenly allover the hundreds of thousands of children enduring “basic jihad” of children, are very visible signs something is not quite right. Of course it is nice the KNOWN paedophiles of the government and the BBC (for example) are helping us all come to terms with shari’ah; and that the law commission are only repealing protective (i.e. 1558 Act of Supremacy Part 1) legislation because they are kind hearted and mean well to repugnant foreign powers at least, but all the same things do not seem as they should. Did I mention that the foundation of most Western Law, the Magna Carta, specifically sets out what the Nation constitution should be, as opposed to the law-constitution – those marxist left wing folk of the constitution state it to be. By the way, did I forget to mention bolshevism, or the fact the “Jews” did actually declare war on Germany in 1933? Or that the moslem brotherhood do have an “explanatory memorandum”, or the leader of the “muslim parliament of Great Britain,did actually publish a manifesto (in effect… Read more »

Feb 18, 2021 1:58 AM

You can’t be serious using Jordan as any form of inspiration, the man examines things without any historical perspective! Such an important topic, such a shallow article! Disappointing for OFF-Guardian …

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 13, 2021 1:16 AM

Shit, I would say I’m “unseeing” some pretty heavy geological disturbance, but because I’m cray-cray…I’m seeing it.


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 13, 2021 3:44 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Saturday February 13 2021, 14:07:00 UTC 95 minutes ago 74 km ENE of Namie, Japan 74 km ENE of Namie, Japan 7.1 58.0

Whoop dee doodles. Any questions?
Earthquake Family

Feb 14, 2021 4:31 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Bugger off Frank.. what a load of shit, and a waste of time and space.

Feb 14, 2021 7:15 PM
Reply to  Maggie
Feb 12, 2021 2:29 PM

Amazing coincidence US has an opiod crisis now and in the lead up to Covid.


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Lolly

Hey, check what I said last year January 25 (a while after I knew covid is horseshit)… https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-01-global-coronavirus.html “CatCollector Jan 25, 2020 I would suggest you shouldn’t use staged and engineered “epidemics” such as that to like, sell crap. So yeah, that virus is completely separated from, say, me. No idea where it is. Just today, maybe as much as a thousand people definitely died from opioid overdoses around the world. And maybe even more than 10x die due to toxicity from that, leading to other systemic issues and their resulting somewhat misattributed deaths. CatCollector Jan 25, 2020 I’ll try to explain as concisely as possible. This is the PRS cycle. So here is how that works: 1. “Problem”: You take something, anything (preferably beneficial) that isn’t really a problem, then, you suggest it’s a problem. That demonization causes confusion and doubt. 2. “Reaction”: You focus media projections, “expert views”, etc on that particular topic (though diverting from meaningful data or considerations) to cause fear, as fear breeds contempt and such. That means you’ve just engineered a suitable reaction. 3. “Solution”: The solution MUST be more damaging than the problem, as that is the basis of “functionality” of the PRS cycle. So as to provide new “necessary services and products” as well as civil/social imposition. Otherwise it wouldn’t make sense in financial terms. Surely you’ve noticed this by now with Co2, Tamiflu (Bush, Rumsfeld), Vaccines (assholes and idiots in general), Zika (florida was sprayed with toxins to “suppress Zika” that caused those symptoms).” About opioids and “good doctors”… Opioid makers’ perks to docs tied to more prescriptionshttps://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-05-opioid-makers-perks-docs-tied.html Opioid-related gifts from pharma companies linked to physician prescribing by specialtyhttps://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-10-opioid-related-gifts-pharma-companies-linked.html “While there was a relationship between gifts and opioid prescribing in all specialties, there was considerable variability. Primary care physicians were 3.5… Read more »

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Oh hey, how healthy does an opioid prescription rate of 60 per 100 americans sound like? And do remember, those opioids are significantly more toxic than opium.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Downvotes without arguments is my favourite, especially when what I state is irrefutable truth.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  Lolly

Long post in spam filter incoming.

Feb 12, 2021 1:26 PM

There may well be such primitive instincts as this article mentions, but surely the biggest driver of the current madness is the trust most people have long placed in the main media/info-tainment industry, (owned by the same perpetrators).

The real enemy of society is selfish laziness, addiction to “convenience” (how many here still route their private communications through google mail?) and enjoyment over everything else. The seeds were sown long ago.

Feb 12, 2021 2:11 PM
Reply to  StartHere

Another aspect, though I’m not sure how big a factor it is –

look at the number of whistleblowers who are independent or retired (Bhakdi, Yeadon) and consider if debt is another way to keep people in line.

Give someone a senior position, and a large mortgage, then they are likely to stay quiet and complicit, rather than become homeless. Or massive student/graduate debt…

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Feb 12, 2021 2:57 PM
Reply to  StartHere

One reason perhaps why house prices were blown up to such ridiculous levels.

Feb 12, 2021 8:19 PM

And student fees.

Feb 12, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  StartHere

A senior government advisor did some useful work on NO, a vascular dilator. the lack of which may be a major cause of high blood pressure and heart attacks. This threatened his employers’ profitable line in statins so he was promoted to the board. He still has a fortune in shares in that company and whose anti-covid vaccine he now promotes.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  Orthus

You’re talking about Nitric Oxide, right? Yes, it is super important.

Feb 12, 2021 10:42 PM
Reply to  StartHere

…attached through dependence, a mother pig, an abusive parent, controlled growth, disciplined, release being the greater fear as they recognise no other existence than life on the teat.

Feb 12, 2021 1:02 PM

Certainly an interesting article.

What concerns me is the potential (or reality) that we talk mostly among ourselves – not that we don’t need the support we get from the like-minded.

Twice before I’ve tried to post a link to a good site which looks a good fit for anyone who may be on the verge of asking questions, as most of us were a year ago – it includes a printable leaflet (on vaccines, the end-game of the lock-downs) to give to anyone you’re talking with, or to leave on a bus etc.

The fact that it has several links to offG articles may not stop them from blocking it again, but maybe third time lucky https://write.as/what-is-going-on/rna-vaccines

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 11:32 AM

Hey, in a metaphysical (though very real) sense…what do you think would be the result of incorrectly demonizing say, the earth and the sun?

You know, with the abuse, sunblocks, misattribution of cancers, geoengineering, etc. As if pathetic human products have anything without them.

Are you then surprised to find a demon earth and a demon sun if that is what you suggested of it?

And since everything is backwards…

When people should’ve been giving Ode to the sun…

Instead, they, from their demonization get a Hombre de metal

A rough meme suggests, “Too much perfection is a mistake”

  • Satan Sol
Feb 12, 2021 10:53 AM

« The Catholic Church brutalised medieval Europe for about a thousand years using ‘the devil’ as a kind of spiritual virus.. »
Such sweeping generalization does the argument no favours.
Devil or no devil, evil is a reality as is the mass engagement in history with the « diabolical » and fear of the other, the outsider, the unknown.
Separating reason from the affective in relation to such is still an existential hard nut for humanity to crack. As humans we still carry the primitive fears of our ancestors and politicians and so called experts are very able to stimulate them for their nefarious purposes. In effect we still fear hobgoblins and hang witches albeit digitally..

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 11:13 AM
Reply to  ALBA

These days…

If you’re not somewhat suicidal, you probably have no hope.

Oh, and your name reminds me of a brilliant obscure album. It’s even quite accessible, if a bit weird lyrically…

A backwards glance on a travel road – Alba

Anthony F Pivetta
Anthony F Pivetta
Feb 13, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  ALBA

No one ever jeopardized his place in polite society by defaming the Catholic Church.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 13, 2021 1:06 AM

Exactly, that’s why these guys are some of most respected people in the world:

Carnal malefactor is a particularly godly song.

Feb 12, 2021 9:44 AM

By the way for anyone interested, received the following from a newspaper I now write for, the Lightpaper and they asked to pass on the link: Im not quite sure how it works, but could be of use…
Any initiative bypassing the banking network, middlemen, and so on, is worth looking into.


Truth Needs Courage
Truth Needs Courage
Feb 12, 2021 9:39 AM

Vaccination Is The Hope Of The Hopeless! This forced global vaccination program is only a business at best. It is only giving ignorant, fearful people hope. Your hope is blind! These so called vaccines do not prevent contraction or transmission of disease. Therefore these products do not vaccinate. These ‘vaccines’ are really untested mRNA gene therapies, which are not approved and are licensed for emergency use only. Do you all wish to remain ignorant, stupid and possibly damaged test subjects! Compliance needs obedience. Obedience means slavery. You have just to follow, you are not to doubt, you are not to question, you have just to be an unconscious robot. Obedience teaches you blindness. Obedience teaches you unintelligence. Obedience keeps you retarded. Obedience takes away the very base of growth, it simply orders you. It is an exercise in destroying intelligence. Obedience is basically used by politicians, religions, educationalists, parents. They are all destroying your intelligence, and they are making a great value of obedience. Obedience is a disease far more dangerous than any cancer, because cancer can be cured, can be operated on. But once you get caught into the net of obedience, there is no cure for you. To keep the status quo of the society as it is, with no change, to keep billions of people in spiritual slavery. Total obedience is required. Those who are obedient have to be rewarded and those who are not obedient have to be punished.  That is the way to create obedience. Naturally, sooner or later, particularly younger people start feeling that all this obedience is nothing but a strategy to impose slavery. They react, and move to the other extreme. Then they start making disobedience the law of life. Disobedience is only reaction. If there is no obedience imposed on you,… Read more »

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 10:44 AM

“As I look around the world, and at all your politicians.
Where is the love!”

They chose to worship at the altar of mammon, from that, they perpetually degrade existentially. Remember, people chose to support those politicians. The politicians merely embody their psyche in manifested form.

As for the love? Misused, shunned, distant and abjected. Emptied and expired. Much like my belief and faith in humans. Merely another reaction.

No monuments or legacies will be allowed to remain and absolution they can never find

Oh right, God isn’t giving a son to this world. You people are immensely stupid to even suggest such a thing.

Omnipresent Perception, I use quartz for that, btw. There is nowhere to hide. No mask will veil.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 2:12 PM

“Truman said, “Very peacefully, as I heard that Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been turned into ashes, and that Japan would surrender, immediately I went to sleep peacefully for the first time.”

Oh, also, since I switched from the Jesus part to the Satan part of the JesuSatan archetype…I brought something with me.

One of my fellow alien friends (in sweden) suggested 70% of the world will be nuked.

Feb 12, 2021 8:30 PM

can you repeat that

Feb 12, 2021 9:36 AM
Feb 12, 2021 7:35 AM

As the economy and environment (including weather) deteriorate, irrationality promoted by psychotics will flourish.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 7:39 PM
Reply to  mgeo

There are at least two overriding factors that they’ve not considered.

Feb 12, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  mgeo

i think as long as we’re in lockdown nothing will flourish. It will stagnate.

Feb 12, 2021 4:49 AM

“We are repeatedly told that any one of us may have it, which, if it exists, is true. However, whether this possibility justifies the totalitarian measures in response to it is the real question”

I think the real question, would be to establish Fact – that would require a presentation of all evidence .
But as those who engage in threats and fear to prove their case are unwilling to enter into equitable debate. – it would be remiss of us to believe anything they announce.

Feb 12, 2021 2:29 AM

Q: Who are real “unseen” enemies of the people in COVID era? A: The same as before COVID era. Tocqueville and Mills, identified hidden menacing power structure of fused state and private tyranny [also called Deep State] and its rules of control that are hidden, subtle unutterable, unspoken about. The power that denies itself as power under guise of false free choice and propaganda of democratic participation or claim of imperative and responsibility to protect. The mere existence or if necessary exertion of this hidden power is the key ingredient in fragmenting population, producing masses of “sheeple” who lack capacity of self-understanding or even recognizing that they are being directly controlled both individually and collectively. As a result they acquire irrational/self-defeating behavior within a political realm including disorientation assaulting victims of power while supporting executioners as saviors. Such a behavior or habit is aimed solely to quell an urge, or addiction to escapism into certain politically induced motions of complete allegiance, or submission instigated by dread of elite’s revenge, alienation and needs be, a threat to their very physical survival as rejected, abandoned and ignored, [even by terrorized in fear family members themselves], and ultimately treated as menacing strangers to the society stripped of their humanity often targets of political or socioeconomically instigated intimidation and violence as they became labeled as collaborators of invisible enemy. Following the cruel, unjust, inequitable laws, regulations or outright imperial decrees as well as meaningless Voting rituals are examples of those motions engraved, instilled in any totalitarian culture also taught to all American newborns like a Bible of American political religion by their mothers petrified of loosing their households on a whim of oligarchy or illness and fearful, full of loathing fathers, frightened of losing jobs on a whim of elite’s caprice, green hype or… Read more »

Feb 12, 2021 12:03 AM

.comment image

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Feb 12, 2021 12:33 AM
Reply to  Ben

OPERATION COVIDIUS is starting to deliver…

Feb 12, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  Ben

One feels bad giving a positive note to this information (its only to the author of the comment for letting us know of where all this is leading us to) as though we were glad he had committed suicide, but the mental health issues are now widespread.
And did you know in the the great reset page of WEF (I think thats where I saw this) they have a section about that. Evidently this is going to result in even more profits for the pharmaceuticals, and you can more easily control someone with mental health issues, make him even less in control of himself by giving him drugs that affect the brain and hence his mind…

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 11:57 PM

Hey, I need to tell you guys something.

So someone tells you “Do this, it’s for your child’s health, I’m a science expert”.
And you’re like “Gee, I must definitely do that without actually finding out what it is or does”

Then, I happen to find you stabbed a child with toxic shit. Just saying, ignorance isn’t going to fly. It’s too late.


Can you Handel that? 24 hours have passed. No more tickets.

Can you see your God? Once when he was there, we had a chance, one chance. Lettuce prey.

Anyway, I’m going to kinda focus on sun adjustment.

Goodbye, keep well.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Oh right, one other thing.

Goodbye, bitch. You shouldn’t have chosen set. Si, si?

Remember, I’m not only good at Saturnian Poetry. I’m even better at being a Tyrannous Pirate.

Oyu wonk, granma?

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Shit, just after the Mariguanda, I got An uncontrollable moment of high tide

I’m practically a marketer. “God’s going to trouble the seeaaaaaa”

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 12, 2021 7:09 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

What are you saying?

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 10:17 AM
Reply to  Post Hoc


A reactive inversion of their policy. They don’t understand natural law. Much less supernatural authority. So Anubis gets to point the way.

Because as that EQ I “predicted” suggested. Eternally loyal.

Oh, and the sun adjustment is going quite well so far. I would expect some obvious results fairly soon. A combination of effects.

And the world is at this Nadir, this precipice to an ideal ledge…

Feb 12, 2021 8:57 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

I’ll have a pint of whatever you’re on………..

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 11:43 AM
Reply to  David
Bored now
Bored now
Feb 11, 2021 11:54 PM

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and state that personally I believe Jordan Peterson and all of the Intellectual dark web cult leaders to be controlled opposition designed to dumb dow public debate and steer people away from asking the questions that matter.
They all talk such mainstream narrative nonsense and yet claim to be “intellectual”. YouTube and other big tech platforms heavily promote their cult and yet they claim to be censored and kept in the “dark” 😂 The only correct label in their fraudulent name is “web” because of the web of deceit they spin.

Feb 12, 2021 2:09 AM
Reply to  Bored now

A thought came to me some time ago ‘a world wide web’ was thrown out. Then we get computer ‘viruses’ ‘Trojan horses…….it seems a strange thing…but has anyone ever noticed how Bill Gates gets really agitated with perverse excitment before he says something really horrible.

Feb 12, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  tish

It’s undiluted sadism. You’re seeing the bespectacled worm turn.60 years of vengefulness is available now as he had enough money to by the key to the weapons cupboard..

Feb 12, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Bored now

Brian rose of London real is a joke. He thinks he’s banned from YouTube because he’s a free thinker against Covid but he has adverts on YouTube!

Feb 12, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Koba

how much did he make from that interview 1.5 million pounds in donations
now was you aware he London real CREEP ex banker who got a conscious.!?
copy striked peoples uploads who uploaded the David icke interview when David siad do it.
them London reals scream i been censored whilst censoring others

never like the creep from day one

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 11, 2021 11:25 PM

I enjoyed reading this piece by Noble which provides another perspective with which to view the stunned obedience of the masses to the lie of C19.

When whole populations have been captured by the “unseen enemy”archetype, malevolence follows in many forms from bullying cops to snitching neighbours…all seeking the purity of belonging to the herd and sittething on the right side of god almighty…the state.

Feb 11, 2021 10:28 PM

Writers on this website always talk about protesting the current situation and just ending lockdowns because there’s no real threat. Cases of COVID-19 have been soaring over winter, and these people believe that more human to human contact is the solution. Whether or not you believe in COVID-19, there has been a massive increase in excess mortality this winter, with intensive care departments across the UK became overwhelmed with patients with an unusual bilateral pneumonia. People on this website do not offer solutions to these problems, and instead try and convince everyone that nothing is happening and that the solution is to do nothing. Instead of listening to experts and people with years of experience in these fields, they argue that we should do nothing. When faced with overwhelming evidence that we are in a pandemic, or any crisis for that matter, conspiracy theorists say that we should do nothing. They offer no solutions to any problems.

I am interested in what all the people who are convinced that this is going to be the ‘New Normal’ say in the future when most people have been vaccinated, they are all doing fine, and we are out of lockdowns for good. I guess at that point they will go back to convincing people that climate change isn’t real.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 10:35 PM
Reply to  Bob

“Whether or not you believe in COVID-19, there has been a massive increase in excess mortality this winter, with intensive care departments across the UK became overwhelmed with patients with an unusual bilateral pneumonia.”

Definitely has nothing to do with flu “vaccines” and then covid “vaccines”, along with policy. Especially because it coincided perfectly.

Hey, did you hear they made some changes to the flu vaccines in places earlier last year? Isn’t that neat. How much info you got on that?

So yeah Bob. Sorry but you struck out on your first pitch. You ain’t going home.


Just like that guy says.

I love me some grapes

Feb 11, 2021 10:56 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

The people in hospital are the ones who haven’t been vaccinated!

Bored now
Bored now
Feb 11, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Bob

😂 you’re hilarious! Have you read anything on this website in the last 12 months? I apologise if you’re being ironic but judging by your first comment I think you’re serious. Please my friend do some research. Start by reading some of the articles published on this website concerning Covid. You might learn something.

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 12, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  Bored now

That should be a compulsory condition of entry to the site for all prospective shills!!

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 11, 2021 11:14 PM
Reply to  Bob

Getting you to pay for Covid debt and compensation is a good solution. Have you got a house coz there is young people who need houses?

Feb 11, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  Bob

Bob..there’s a fire in your loft….XXX

Feb 12, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  Bob

Hello 77th Brigade! I know one thing for certain is that you haven’t and won’t have the vaccine

Feb 12, 2021 11:40 AM
Reply to  Bob

PEOPLE in hospital? Since when?
What is a Hospital?
Wow, you opened my mind mate!
Mortii tai de sclav!

Feb 11, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Bob

Bob…..fuck off..!!

Feb 12, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  Stanster666

good idea- you heard him Bob

Feb 11, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  Bob

Covid 19 has the same mortality rate as flu. Therefore none of the measures are justified on any level.

Allow Prof Dr John Ioannidis to explain. He is the world’s number one data scientist.

“Global infection fatality rate is 0.15‐0.20% (0.03‐0.04% in those <70 years)”

Ioannidis’s profile and accolades:

Interestingly flu has all but disappeared. This is where the wheels start to well and truly fall off the official narrative. They want us to believe that flu has disappeared, but Covd 19 which has exactly the same symptoms as flu, is rampant at the same time. So no flu, loads of covid 19, same symptoms. You would have to be a serious moron to buy into this crap.


They are not vaccines, they are experimental, life threatening gene editing therapies which breach the Nuremberg Code drawn up in the wake of Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was so sick and evil it’s enough to make you cry. It’s now starting to re-emerge, under the guise of covid. Shills like you should be ashamed of yourself.

Feb 12, 2021 8:44 AM
Reply to  Mucho

0.2% fatality rate means 1 in 500 people die from the virus. Considering how infectious COVID-19 is, that would be a lot of people dying.
If everyone in the UK got it, that would be 133,300 deaths. We’re about to go above that figure, so clearly the fatality rate you’ve given is an underestimate.

Feb 12, 2021 9:49 AM
Reply to  Bob

No that’s the rate determined by the very best in the business of data scence, not the crooks wheeled out by HMG. In the under 70s the rate is actually lower than flu at 0.03%. The average age of covid death is well into the 80s. It is ridiculous that the whole of society should have to suspend their live for the sake of people who are so old. This country has a high death rate because this country has the most corrupt, bent, fraudulent method of counting deaths. They also abuse the PCR test more than anyone else by running it at 45 cycles. You are backing liars and criminals. Their system of counting deaths is designed to push the tally up as much as they can get away with.
Now fuck off and take your Pfizer vaccine, you lowlife piece of shit

Feb 11, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  Bob

A very emotional diatribe but I prefer to be convinced with data, not emotion. Can you back up your claims with data? If yes then I will begin to take you seriously.

Feb 11, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Epicurious

Here is the data on mortality over the last year from the Office for National Statistics: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending29january2021#deaths-registered-by-week

Note how the number of deaths this winter are far higher than the 5 year average.

Feb 11, 2021 11:33 PM
Reply to  Bob

And in which age category? And was it the same as that just given the vaccine?
Oh and if you think excess deaths are bad in 2020, then you really must have been shitting yourself in 2008 and every preceeding year before that.
Stop wasting everyone’s time with your rather stupid posts.

Feb 12, 2021 8:46 AM
Reply to  jimW

Clearly not enough people have died for you this year. I apologise for wanting less people to die.
There are no verified cases of anyone dying post vaccination, but there are many verifiable cases of people dying post COVID-19.

Feb 12, 2021 11:58 AM
Reply to  Bob

Bob said: “There are no verified cases of anyone dying post vaccination, but there are many verifiable cases of people dying post COVID-19.”


I think you must have constructed that sentence in a hurry. Everyone dies at some time. If we view life as a time-ordered series of events everyone dies after some event or other. Therefore there will be many many people dying after vaccination, just as there are many many people who die after a private postal PCR test spits out a positive. The question in both cases is: is there a causal link? Are we comparing the cases fairly?

Bob said: “Clearly not enough people have died for you this year. I apologise for wanting less people to die.”

It is uncontroversial even amongst pro-vaxxers that vaccines cause injury and death. (eg https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25427992/ ). So you need to be quite certain that your proposed intervention has a substantially lower death and injury rate, amongst comparable segments of the population, than the illness you are attempting to prevent. Since the segment of the population affected by Covid by far the worst is the over 80s, and the least the under 70s, how do you justify pushing the vaccine on the under 70s? Are you sure your ardent desire to preserve an 80-year old’s life is not directly shortening a 50-year old’s life?

Feb 12, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Bob

Posted this in response to another of your comments, but just to make sure you don’t miss it …

These are the official UK govt vaccine adverse reaction statistics.

You’ll note that the UK govt has recorded 143 deaths attributed to the vaccine. Do try to keep up.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 11, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  Bob

I know and it’s your fault. Putting masks on people, terrorising them, making them stay indoors, poisoning them etc. There is millions of people who need compensation for a whole year trashed and all the harm you have caused. You need to pay for a martial plan to create eco settlements and a bright future.

Feb 12, 2021 8:47 AM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

What do you say to the families of those who have lost people due to COVID-19? Are they government shills? Are they lying? Or was their loved one just going to die anyway?

Feb 12, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Bob

And what do *you* say to the family of this gentleman?

‘Perfectly Healthy’ Florida Doctor Dies Weeks After Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Feb 12, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  Bob

You offer them your condolences but keep your disgust of the lying bastards in the hospital to yourself. They’ve just lost a loved one. That’s enough suffering. Telling them the truth will make them feel worse and when they realise that the doctors were told to lie months ago as they won’t be taken to court, it will make a bad situation even worse.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Feb 11, 2021 11:48 PM
Reply to  Bob

But I thought this was a once in a century pandemic? 2020 saw the highest excess mortality in the UK since, wait for it… 2009. Scary shit, I know.

Feb 12, 2021 8:48 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

I’m sorry that not enough people have died this year for you to think intervention is necessary.

Feb 12, 2021 9:58 AM
Reply to  Bob

“You know how in a game of football 10 men often play better than 11? Perkins, we’re asking you to be that one man. Perkins, I want you to lay down your life. We need a futile gesture at this stage”.


Feb 14, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Bob

Stop with the attempts at shaming by implying people here are advocating for death when they are doing NO such thing by simply questioning the narrative of a lying media. Why are you reading this site? Why not go back to the MSM where you quite obviously feel much more at home? If you refuse to see how you have been lied to for so long by the very people you insist on believing in wholeheartedly, then again, why are you here? No one is forcing you to read this site so if you cannot handle it, and insist on spewing out the lying MSM garbage most of us are here to avoid, then why be here? Did you really think anyone here would buy into your MSM manufactured wisdom?

Feb 12, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Bob


You don’t see anything odd in the fact that the death rate is decreasing just before lockdown in March, then suddenly rises after lockdown?

Feb 12, 2021 8:37 AM
Reply to  Terrain

I remember seeing 1000 deaths a day in April 2020, well after lockdown was implemented. Deaths rise about 2-3 weeks after cases rise, so this makes sense to me.

Feb 12, 2021 8:48 AM
Reply to  Bob

Are you not troubled by the above average increase in deaths at home and in care homes during this period of lockdown? Do you have complete faith that the increased amount of testing, using just the PCR test provided by private companies, gave an accurate picture of the prevalence of clinical Covid infection? Do you see no problems at all with the definition of a Covid19 death as someone who dies of any cause whatsoever within 28 days of a positive PCR test?

Feb 12, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Bob

Did you have posters of the Grim Reaper on your wall as a boy

Feb 12, 2021 8:29 AM
Reply to  Bob

It is the vaccine that is killing people this year. 2 other countries using the same vaccine have an outbreak of the “UK variant”

Feb 12, 2021 8:38 AM
Reply to  mgeo

There is no evidence that the vaccine causes death.

Feb 12, 2021 8:52 AM
Reply to  Bob

Is there evidence that the vaccine prevents death?

Feb 12, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Terrain

It can’t even prevent covid 19

Feb 12, 2021 3:12 PM
Reply to  Bob

From those well known conspiracy theorists – the British Govt:

Official statistics of vaccine side effects so far.

It seems the British Govt disagrees with you regarding no evidence of death attributable to the vaccine – they have recorded 143. And that’s without care home deaths being taken into account.

Where are you getting your information? Because it clearly isn’t from official UK Govt figures.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 11, 2021 11:39 PM
Reply to  Bob

“We know who is enjoying their tin foil face diaper.”

Feb 12, 2021 12:26 AM
Reply to  Bob

There are none so blind as those who will not see …
This could obviously go both ways. However, suffice it to say that; never in the field of human endeavour have so many governments, worldwide, been singing from the same song-sheet, simultaneously. It reeks of Event 201… That alone should raise one’s suspicions. Moreover, you show me how punishing 99.98% of healthy people by way of isolation and lock-downs helps the infected/ill, and I’ll show you a zombie.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Feb 12, 2021 10:07 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Thinking about this yesterday and actually there is precedent set for this lockstep bullshit, see The War on Drugs and The War on Terror.

Two more psyops of international scope aimed at keeping people scared and stupid and concentrating wealth where the ruling elite want it to be concentrated, firstly, through their drug trafficking and dealing businesses and secondly through vast amounts of public money spent on pointless weapons of aggression to be used on brown people somewhere in the world, all with the accompanying corporate media brainwashing to keep the herd trembling, drunk, fat and racist. Both started in America with the UK as a little playground bully cheerleader. So many parallels to what is happening now, and it demolishes the argument that “there must be a big bad virus out there because there is no way that governments worldwide would all do something so contrary to their interests”, which is one I’ve heard from more than one Branch Covidian who I have debated with.

If you look at this set of twats that we have in political power in the UK for example, it is blatantly obvious that what they are doing is completely within their interests. Just like everything else they’ve ever done. They only do what’s good for them. Public servants, my arse.

Feb 12, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Bob

”conspiracy theorists say that we should do nothing. They offer no solutions to any problems.”

The solution is ‘do nothing’.

Feb 12, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  Bob

Bob wrote: “When faced with overwhelming evidence that we are in a pandemic, or any crisis for that matter, conspiracy theorists say that we should do nothing. They offer no solutions to any problems.”

I’ve seen plenty of solutions suggested, just not the ‘magic bullet’ of the ‘vaccine’ and the sledgehammer of the lockdown.

Below is my own summary so opinions will differ but I’ve seen different expressions of the following:

1). Physically protect the vulnerable – primarily the elderly and immuno-compromised.
2). Encourage healthy lifestyle and diet: exercise, social interaction, fresh air and sunlight, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, regular sleep, manageable work.
3). Take vitamin D, C, Zinc supplements if you are not getting enough from your diet.
4). Keep the economy open. Keep schools and universities open. Keep the hospitals and surgeries running for all patients.

By the way, as a test of where you’re coming from, do you believe that it was a vaccine, and only a vaccine, in each case that reduced the death rate from smallpox, polio, measles, whooping cough to negligible levels in developed countries in the late 19th to mid 20th centuries?

Feb 12, 2021 10:42 AM
Reply to  Bob

Don’t get the vaccines. They are killing people.

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Feb 12, 2021 4:51 PM
Reply to  Bob

Cases may have been soaring, but how many of them are bogus given that the tests used to produce these “cases” are not fit for purpose and most of the so-called “cases” are asymptomatic and thus, until the current hysteria started, wouldn’t even have been classed as “cases” by medical science?

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Feb 11, 2021 10:17 PM

With biosecurity totalitarianism spreading all around us, it is worthwhile to spare a thought about Hitler’s bathing habits.
As Jordan Peterson points out in his 2017 lecture, Hitler had a panic fear of germs and bathed up to four times a day.
Such disgust and fear are symptomatic of totalitarian figures.
The Third Reich was about biopolitics, the pure race. „The pure healthy national body, der gesunde Volkskörper, consisted of Volksgenossen, people’s comrades, who had to follow absurd rules and regulations to show their allegiance to the state. My Gran told me Jews were forbidden by law to enter a wood,“den deutschen Wald“, the trees should not be defiled.
Now we have the Corona Polizei catching people tobogganing on ski hills or forbidden skating for endangering the health of the nation. This is happening in the Hartz Mountains in Germany and in Toronto. It´s global totalitarianism under the pretext of public health.

Feb 12, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze


There was a small African minority in Germany during the Reich and the war. They were treated well. Hitler also supported the Indian freedom movement. It should also be pointed out that Germany never had a chance against the combined might of the Soviet, British and American empires.

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 12, 2021 7:19 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Yes, what’s healthy about forcing people to wear a mask and smother their hands with chemicals and stop them from hugging their neighbour.
The entire lockdown script mimics the creation of the Third Reich, with everyone a suspect of disease and impurity.

Feb 13, 2021 6:08 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Jordan Peterson is such a creep. Most people fall for his BS because he is anti woke and don’t view him as the rabidly right wing ideologue he is. These libertine clowns like him and the late Aryan Rand who justify greed/ selfishness and oppressive hierarchies just because lobsters do it the wild, need to be subjected to their own ideologies. If someone beat the crap out of him and robbed him, he would have no moral recourse as his own world view justifies this type of behaviour! He’s obviously doing a job for someone!

Feb 11, 2021 9:50 PM


I am sorry I forgot to enclose the word vaccine in quotes.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 9:53 PM
Reply to  Peter

On the right lower corner of your post there’s an edit button, a gear. You can edit posts for several minutes, then it gets locked.

Feb 12, 2021 12:17 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Thanks for the tip.

Feb 11, 2021 9:49 PM
Feb 11, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  Peter

You hear about the 1 person dying 25 minutes after the vaccine, but how about the millions of people in Israel and the UK who have all been fine after receiving the vaccine?

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  Bob

“…people in Israel and the UK who have all been fine after receiving the vaccine?” I guess that depends on your definition of “fine”, requires a bit of mental juggling to try and justify the strange sudden increases in elderly deaths, probably even generally “covid” cases. The “vaccine” was introduced, and we know “vaccines” are for your health, so it couldn’t be that. Despite there being no other obvious reason, other than EMF. And other vaccines. And shit like that. Especially when they are specifically designed to hijack protein production (while being toxic in and of themselves) so that your body can produce numerous forms of broken/toxified/”viral” proteins now, when before it didn’t, what a bonus of “vaccine” protection for FREE…except you pay for it, btw. Coz tax, also. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/race-for-a-vaccine/side-effects-of-covid-19-vaccine-trail-participant-speaks-out/2417356/ “UCSF Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Peter Chin-Hong said 25-50% of 75,000 patients involved in the Pfizer and Moderna trials experienced some side effects. Fifteen percent of them were more serious and needed more than a day to recover. Pretty good odds those. And that’s from biased bullshit trials, too! Extra assurance. “It’s your body’s immune system trying to get activated because it’s seeing this new thing and the way that it gets activated is the way you’re feeling which is inflammation,” Chin-Hong said. “The virus is not in the vaccine, this vaccine is completely infection-free.” Inflammation is a sign of toxic shit, in case it isn’t obvious. No worries there then. He also sounds SUPER LEGIT scientismic like. If I didn’t know better, I would think Trump said that. The Chinese health “expert”, AKA Guanold Dump. And yes, the “virus” is not in the “vaccine”. Other than if you get the “vaccine”, your body is completely infection producing the “viral” crap, when it shouldn’t. AND it happens to be based… Read more »

Feb 11, 2021 10:40 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

This is a complete misunderstanding of how the immune system works. The vaccine contains bits from the viral DNA which your immune system recognises as foreign. Your body then produces cells to which can target and destroy these bits from the virus; this causes the ‘inflammation’. It’s basically tricking your body into thinking there’s an infection, but as there is no virus in the vaccine, there is no replication of this DNA in the body, so the foreign DNA is quickly cleared. When you get exposed to the real virus, your body can quickly mount an immune response before the virus has the chance to replicate, therefore you don’t become unwell.

We have data on vaccine side effects, and they look fine. Some people do get side effects which may leave them feeling a bit unwell for a day or 2, but when compared to how long COVID-19 knocks you out for, and the high risk of death from COVID-19, the vaccine is definitely the safer of the 2 options.

Feb 11, 2021 11:10 PM
Reply to  Bob

Take up another hobby Bob……FFS…..

Bored now
Bored now
Feb 11, 2021 11:11 PM
Reply to  Bob

Keep drinking the Kool Aid Bob!

Feb 12, 2021 1:46 AM
Reply to  Bored now


We are in a global Jonestown at present. The “vaccine” is the Kool Aid.

(I am not sure that the official Jonestown story is true. Those pictures of all those corpses all face down.)

Feb 12, 2021 8:51 AM
Reply to  Bored now

Unfortunately it’s Bob’s world! There are so many of them, we are outnumbered!

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 11, 2021 11:31 PM
Reply to  Bob

The covid vaccine… NEW with FRAUDULENE.

Feb 12, 2021 4:00 AM
Reply to  Bob

What you peddle is kids fairy tale for pro-vaxing cult members. Suffice to say that untested never used before mRNA Covid vaccine is not a vaccine, it does as not neutralize virus, does not stop it from reproduction allowing infection to grown and spread but what is worse that it turns human cell into hybrid cell containing non human proteins (only one of spike protein, S1, not other all binding proteins) that in case of mRNA vaccines express themselves on a surface of human cell. Yes, human cells infected by mRNA lipid particles grow spikes. The mRNA infected Human cell with viral spikes attached to cell surface presents itself to immune cells as non-human cell and is being marked by cytokines as foreign organism designated to destruction by lymphocytes. TCD8. This mRNA vaccine in fact purposefully induces limited but potentially deadly autoimmune response with potential of death. What cultists of vaccines do not what to acknowledge is that all vaccinations themselves are useless if: 1. vaccinated Person’s immune system is not healthy at the time of vaccination and does not respond as expected or vaccine itself produces autoimmune response and adverse health effects or organ damage and, 2. At the time of actual infection with pathogen vaccinated person’s immune system is severely weaken by past disease or, is engaged in fighting other serious disease or conditions like trauma, or environmental pollution impact respiratory diseases or poisoning or malnutrition or psychological stress even in moderate to high levels. There is no guarantee that any vaccines will work despite acceptable initial immune response to vaccination (immunogenicity) when cancer patients under treatment (or out of treatment) are exposed to pathogens like influenza or coronaviruses as plenty of studies indicate. Flu vaccine recommended to elderly is only 25% effective. in fact it could be… Read more »

Feb 12, 2021 8:53 AM
Reply to  Kalen

I don’t know the specifics of the way the vaccine works, but what I do know is that in trials of the vaccine, the rate of infection was much lower in those vaccinated than in those not vaccinated. Furthermore there were almost not cases of serious adverse reactions, indicating to me that the vaccine is both safe and effective.

Feb 12, 2021 1:16 PM
Reply to  Bob

“I don’t know the specifics of the way the vaccine works … [but I’m going to argue in favour of it anyway]”

Subtext: I don’t understand science, but I believe the manufacturers when they say their products are safe and governments can confidently pay them billions in taxpayers’ money to provide them. After all, why would the manufacturers lie? Just because all of them have a long history of lying, and have the fine receipts to prove it, doesn’t mean they’re lying this time. Besides, the BBC and the Guardian said it’s safe.

Or, you could be something a little more sinister. In which case, I’d get onto the scripting cell and tell them to up their game as you’re getting slaughtered out here.

Feb 12, 2021 8:04 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I don’t know much about Art, but I know what I like” also comes to mind.

Feb 12, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  Bob

Those adverse effects can happen months years after vaccination.

Check for yourself, phase 2 trials of mRNA vax end in June 2021 , phase 3 in 2023 after that usually it takes a few years to analyze all the raw data to publish report that is peer reviewed for a year or two before vax trial committee make final decision to recommend vaccine for full FDA approval which itself may take years if there are issues to be resolved.

Now millions, coerced by promise of lifting lockdowns, and lied to that vaccine is safe, got vaccinated with experimental “vaccine” and now are left completely unmonitored, unexamined by clinicians. We do not know shit what is going on. The VAERS reporting system is a joke reports one in 100 or even less serious adverse effects and deaths. All that while raw data from ongoing trials are kept secret, not published at all while mass “vaccination” campaign is in full swing.

As I wrote several time mRNA vaccinations violated Nuremberg Code that states among others paraphrasing: that no designed therapy, drug, no vaccines or any, chemical or bioagents can be allowed to be introduced to human body under sanction of state without prior testing on animals with analogous physiology and phenology of disease as such test provide the only gold standard for basic safety of these drugs.

Nazi doctors skipped animal testing/experiments and moved straight to human experiments under guise of emergency, still most were executed for crimes against humanity.

The mRNA vaccines safety has not been established so far, period. Any contrary claim is a lie. The big Pharma and FDA are criminals as they conducted and EUA emergency approved Modena and Pfizer jabs with no prior animal testing whatsoever.

Feb 13, 2021 4:27 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Also worth pointing out the people involved in the vaccine trials were given a harmless modified chimp virus with the spike protein taken from Sars Cov 2 on the computer as no virus isolates were available.

Feb 12, 2021 9:03 AM
Reply to  Kalen

A 2006 review of 51 studies concluded that flu vaccines worked no better than placebos in children 6-23 months old. – Dr Mae-Wan Ho & Prof Joe Cummins, 2009 letter to Chief Medical Officer of UK wrt. swine flu

The following from Cildren’s Health Defense 2020-05:

The evidence seems to discourage flu vaccination in healthy adults as a routine public health measure -Cochrane Collaboration meta-analysis of published studies, 2010 which it reiterated in 2014

Repeated annual vaccination for flu reduces resistance, at least to certain variants -US CDC 2014-09

The overwhelming majority of published research shows that getting a flu vaccine annually may increase the risk of contracting flu or flu-like illnesses; the vaccine increases the risk from covid-19 -US military “study” 2020-01

The flu vaccine increased transmission of the flu virus by >6 times through breath -in US PNAS 2018-01-18

The flu vaccine is sold with warnings on potential effects: immune, allergic, muscular, respiratory, skin, vascular, neurological and psychiatric diseases. E.g. convulsions, narcolepsy and Guillen-Barre Syndrome. Cochrane Collaboration emphasised the lack of evaluation for GBS

The warnings mention the lack of safety studies for pregnant and nursing women. Yet, US CDC recommends the vaccine for pregnant women.

The flu vaccines ccount for nearly a quarter of compensation paid from US Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund -2010 research that US HHS funded

Feb 12, 2021 4:04 AM
Reply to  Bob

The risk of death from Covid is only high if you are over 80. Also, there are now several effective treatments.

Feb 12, 2021 8:52 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

People over the age of 80 still matter. Also, many people under the age of 80 have died, especially those with underlying conditions.
COVID-19 doesn’t just kill, it can leave people with long term complications, and it also means that hospitals become overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients meaning they can’t take patients with other conditions.

Feb 12, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Bob

OK, I’ll bite. You are right, Bob, people over 80 do matter. It appears that had they been treated with oxygen, anti-inflammatories, zinc, erythromycin, hydroxychloraquine, and/or other protocols, they may have had a better chance at survival.

I would wager that some elderly have died with “covid” on the death certificate trumping other comorbidities. And possibly, really, with influenza or pneumonia.

Younger people with other health conditions have succumbed to covid19. Possibly, again, with influenza or pneumonia.

In any case, whatever the actual numbers, it still did not and does not warrant the drastic tyrannical Constitution-busting, anti-human, and disgustingly hypocritical measures that have been taken.

The narrative is a fraud.

Pro sports being allowed proves it. The superbowl proves it. Politicians traveling and breaking the rules that they invent and enforce proves it.

I watched Saturday Night Live the other day. The current episode. No masks. How come performers in skits with other performers do not have to wear masks or keep 6 feet apart? Where is the logic, Bob?

If this was a real pandemic we would all know it and believe it.

Feb 12, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  Bob

shut up Bob

Feb 13, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  ClemFandango

Bob is making a fool out of himself.

I refuse to bite the dangled carrot.

It’s 77th brigade.

Post Hoc
Post Hoc
Feb 12, 2021 7:28 AM
Reply to  Bob

You might find that it is not a virus that causes the inflammation, but a toxin that has upset the body’s homeostasis, hence the action of the saponins such as exosomes to clean out the detritus from the damaged cells.

Feb 12, 2021 8:43 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Virus is not in the vaccine because no one has isolated it.

In Israel, 1/3 of Jews have been vaccinated, the highest percentage in world. Cases and deaths have grown exponentially since the exercise began. Despite almost no air travel to Israel, “UK mutation” makes up are 80% of new cases. As Israelis refuse further jabs, the vaccination centres are now empty. Arabs not provided with the vaccine are healthier than vaccinated Jews.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  mgeo

“Virus is not in the vaccine because no one has isolated it.”

Well I know that, but the “vaccine” is the means of transmission of the “virus” to you. It’s simply an attack on your body. That’s all it is.

So even if the “vaccine” itself doesn’t have the “virus” in it, after you take it, your body then produces lots of toxic, broken “viral” shit.

Feb 11, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Bob

Vaccine for what ?
Bob…Fuck off ….

Feb 12, 2021 5:51 AM
Reply to  Bob

Gilad Atzmon writes:
“The combined number of vaccinated Israelis and those who recovered from COVID in the past should have provided Israel with a relatively strong herd immunity, enough to defeat the virus or at least reduce its reproduction rate. But the facts on the ground suggest the complete opposite. The transmission rate in Israel is higher than pretty much anywhere else. In fact the troubling correlation between mass vaccination and illness suggests that the more you vaccinate, the more COVID cases you find.”

Hardly a picture of success


Feb 12, 2021 11:54 AM
Reply to  Bob

Bob you along with the other 90% are the reason we Are in this mess
That applies in both cases: you are a complete idiot or you get you paycheck from the 77cunts.
Put you mask on,turn on the tv and hide under your bad.

Feb 12, 2021 8:00 PM
Reply to  Peter

I don’t see the problem.

After all, this result exceeds even the hyped expectation: complete cessation of “COVID” symptoms, and eliminating transmissibility to boot!

Feb 11, 2021 9:48 PM

I think it’s accurate to suggest that the majority of people who come to sites like this to voice their disgust and anger about the pandemic have long since realised it isn’t a pandemic. The virus isn’t a real virus and the pandemic isn’t an accurate label for the so called  ‘damage’ we are only told ( never shown )it’s doing. It would follow then, that the general opinion is that the doubters believe it’s all a cover ; a misdirection to buy time while a deeper, darker agenda is realised. This is called, for convenience’ the ‘great reset’.  This is the nearest thing to a clue that the politicians are allowed to give us. The Cryptocracy are careful script writers and they have to keep in closer, more regular contact with the Behavioural Scientists. It’s an old trick now, I know; add ‘Science’ to anything and we have to take it seriously. It has ‘gravitas’. In the old days it was Behavioural Psychologists and Social Psychologists. But they’re self- explanatory. The reason they have re-christened yet another lie, is because we’d ask the question : ”erm..excuse me..why do we need to let psychologists lead the war against a virus. It’s bad enough we let a software magnate decide on the strategy to defeat it isn’t it ?” So there’s the crux. It’s all a psyop. it’s a ‘Psychological Operation’. A much- loved, much-used method of manipulation of the thoughts, therefore behaviour, of the masses. The Germans virtually invented it. The US became addicted to it. It was an inevitable marriage of two ugly bitches. And this is why we can call the coronavirus / covid 19 scam ‘invisible’. We can use the ‘nothing to see here‘ line safely. How we think, and what we imagine, and what we fear,… Read more »

Feb 12, 2021 3:11 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Thanks, in regard to “Here’s the one line that gives their game away” do you have a link to such document?

Feb 12, 2021 3:43 AM
Reply to  Epicurious

Hello epic, thanks…

It’s short notice but I’ll dig the originals out later. But i think these will do it.

In terms of what they euphemistically term ‘adherence’ they decided it needed to ‘shape perception’s. In other words, increase fear.

Interestingly they were off the press two weeks before we( UK) were told of any lockdowns or pandemic. Given the amount of contributors and time needed to produce the papers, it seems fair to assume it was ready to go months before the ‘ virus’ arrived.

Two links to copy


this one shows the thinking behind the use of ‘models’ to do the same job ( step forward Neal Ferguson) :


Feb 12, 2021 6:27 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

This is what you requested , Epicurious :

2.Perceived threat: A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened; it could be that they are reassured by the low death rate in their demographic group (8), although levels of concern may be rising (9). Having a good understanding of the risk has been found to be positively associated with adoption of COVID-19 social distancing measures in Hong Kong (10). The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging. To be effective this must also empower people by making clear the actions they can take to reduce the threat (11). 


Feb 13, 2021 4:34 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

There are actually a lot of people who refuse to believe this even though it’s admitted and in black and white.

Feb 13, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Paul

They don’t want to see it Paul. So they won’t. ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ is one of the popular internet board memes. I prefer the plainer explanation ; they’re f***g ignorant.

Feb 14, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

I don’t think it is only ignorance, I think a big part of their denial is fear. Fear that they really have been lied to all of their lives. Fear of just what the true implications of being lied to for that long really are. Better to just pretend along with everyone else in the herd and not ask those difficult questions. Take comfort in the lies as they are all that’s left to hang on to and since “everyone else” believes in them they might not really be lies. If one sees the lie one might actually have to act on it and be ostracized from the herd, which is far scarier to them than the virus, even though fear of that drives their entire lives now. To admit that all that fear and loathing was for nothing? Better to just get the vax and hope all is well than to ever admit that.

Feb 14, 2021 10:52 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Exactly Lizzy.

The psychology of the tribe is dangerous and, ultimately, self -defeating.

The reason it’s easier to manipulate a tribe is because , while they may be big in number, they are weak in thought. They surrender the responsibility of having to address things and think about them and analyse them. They have the herd to do that for them. They won’t analyse how valid the herd’s consensus is either. They choose the default position of unconditional loyalty in exchange for the feeling of ‘belonging’.

This kind of thing is OK for tribes who believe in their football team or rock band. But when your health and even your mortality is at stake, and those of your loved pones too, ten the stakes are far higher. That’s when you need to address it. If you don’t it’s both dangerous, careless and being mentally bone idle will cost you dear. As soon as you surrender personal responsibility you willingly place your life and those of your loved ones in front of a bus.

Just ‘hoping for the best’ is akin to carefully tip – toeing across a minefield with your fingers in your ears and your eyes tightly shut.

Bob Dobbson
Bob Dobbson
Feb 14, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

The Germans virtually invented it.

It goes back much furtehr than them – I reckon Yah’s tribe actually invented it

Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 11, 2021 9:45 PM

Could someone provide an explanation? 1) On the one hand, there are good reasons to believe that SARS Cov2 is a result of the gain of function research. 2) On the other hand, the virus seems to evade isolation/purification. How does one reconcile these two positions? Does it mean that the gain of function is undertaken without any controls? In other words, they just mix cultures containing viruses without controlling the process, knowing potential outcomes and being incapable to really say what is it they are playing with? This is horrific. Is there an alternative explanation?

Feb 11, 2021 10:08 PM

The virus has been isolated. Viruses cannot survive for long outside of host cells, therefore human cells are used to culture the virus. This was done with SARS-CoV-2 in December of 2019.

Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 11, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  Bob

If this is the case, why there are such issues with the PCR tests?

Feb 11, 2021 10:53 PM

I think this idea around PCR tests producing lots of false positives is something which this website and other conspiracy sites have fabricated. Lots of studies have been done on sensitivity and specificity of PCR and COVID-19, and they show that it is highly sensitive and specific when it comes to diagnosing COVID-19.

Here’s something interesting though which may explain where these myths have come from: The lower the prevalence (number of cases) of a disease in a population, the higher the chance there is that you will have a high rate of false positives, even with the most accurate test. This is because as the rates of COVID-19 fall, the chances that someone will test positive for COVID-19 will fall, and therefore the ratio of false positives compared to true positives increases.
Here is a website which explains this concept nicely in an interactive table: https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1808/rr-22

Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 11, 2021 11:11 PM
Reply to  Bob

Thank you. My understanding is not exclusively based on the information available on this website. Here is one study that takes apart Drosten test. On the basis of such information, PCR testing regimes appear to be badly calibrated, which is odd given the certainty surrounding the exact nature of the virus. In addition, if virus is broadly available, why not create vaccines on this basis (with the exception of the Chinese vaccine)? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346483715_External_peer_review_of_the_RTPCR_test_to_detect_SARS-CoV-2_reveals_10_major_scientific_flaws_at_the_molecular_and_methodological_level_consequences_for_false_positive_results

Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 11, 2021 11:14 PM
Reply to  Bob

Even the likes of NYT seem to acknowledge the matter https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html

Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 11, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  Bob

Also, I played with the BMJ link you have provided. Thank you for that. According to this link, if you plug 10% as prevalence number, you get about 37% false positives (without changing the sensitivity and specificity). If you plug 2% for prevalence (which is a very likely scenario), you get 85% false positive. This is pretty well in line with my understanding of the matter. Sensitivity is a product of cycles, but specificity is directly related to the viral RNA, and apparent inability of tests manufacturers to match the SARS Cov2 specific RNA poses questions.

Feb 12, 2021 12:05 PM

Are you guys playing good cop/bad cop?

Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 12, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  Judith

No, I just have a hunch that the gain of function research is worse than even commonly assumed.

Feb 12, 2021 4:13 AM
Reply to  Bob

The test gives no indication of whether or not a person is infectious. Most testing positive are not sick, and if they have minimal viral load, they won’t be transmitting to others. The PCR tests give a false picture of the pandemic.

Feb 12, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

RT-PCR tests of “asymptomatic patients” (?) produced an 80% rate of false positives. -research at Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostat., School of Public Health, China

Of ~10 million people were tested in Wuhan, all asymptomatic positive cases, re-positive cases and their close contacts were isolated for at least 2 weeks – until they were PCR test negative. All close contacts of asymptomatic cases were negative, indicating that the asymptomatics were unlikely to be infectious. -research in China in Nature 2020-11-20

At 25 amplification cycles of the RT-PCR test, separate culturing the test samples confirmed up to 70% of positive test results. At 30 cycles, the cultures confirmed only 20%, and at 35 cycles, only 3%. -research by Rita Jaafar et al. at Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020-09-28

Feb 12, 2021 3:19 AM

PCR was never recommended by its inventor as a diagnostic, never. The WHO recommended cycle thresholds of 35-40 which has so much amplification it would pick up dead cells from the common cold you had 5 years ago. They now recommend less than 20 cycles since Joe Bidet has been installed so expect the ‘cases’ to begin going down. Oh look the “vaccine” is working even though its based on a best guess.

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Feb 11, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Bob

Researchers used a computer algorithm to piece together bits of DNA from the common cold. It hasn’t been isolated. At least not according to the doctors on RFKJ’s Corona Vaccine On Trial webinar from yesterday (it will be posted soon on Children’s Health Defense).

Feb 11, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Tim Glass

You’re quoting a handful of science skeptics, but please compare their views in the context of millions of other scientists who understand and have evidence for COVID-19 being a real new virus which is killing lots of people.

Feb 12, 2021 3:31 AM
Reply to  Bob

Your claiming something the paper itself hasn’t even claimed

Feb 12, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Bob

Then go ahead and wear a mask, Bob. Wear three. Stay in. Keep 6 feet apart. Get vaccinated. Get cancer from hand-sanitizer. That’s your right.

I don’t agree with the narrative. So I’m not going along. That’s my right.

There’s lot of things killing lots of people.

How about this, Bob? How about the whole world stays in lockdown until all the military killing stops. How about that? Now that’s the kind of lockdown I can support.

I will stay in for a bit until the USA gets out of every country where, as you say the war/psuedo war “is killing lots of people”.

I will stay in for a bit while nations stop oppressing. Really stop. For good. Because oppression “is killing lots of people”.

Let’s just start there, Bob. No more war and oppression that “is killing lot s of people”.

Feb 11, 2021 10:48 PM
Reply to  Bob

So it was isolated thee same month it appeared ? I think you’re confused. Or guessing.

Feb 11, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yes it was! Scientists work fast when there is a new pathogen identified. In fact, here is the paper where they isolated it: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2008-3.
In this report they detail how they took a sample from the patient’s bronchi and sequenced the DNA found in there. They found a DNA sequence which had ‘89.1% nucleotide similarity’ to previous SARS viruses.

Feb 11, 2021 11:40 PM
Reply to  Bob

‘89.1%’ isn’t that figure lower than a human DNA’s similarity to a banana?

Feb 12, 2021 1:53 AM
Reply to  fuckoffbob

The chimpanzee and the human genomes are 97% identical.

Feb 12, 2021 2:42 AM
Reply to  fuckoffbob

It ain’t a similarity it is an exact…..we also share 75% of our DNA with a pineapple……so when Uncle Banana and Aunty Pineapple come for tea we can say ‘shall we have fruit salad?’ Don’t trust a trifle we do not know our similarity to a trifle

Feb 12, 2021 3:29 AM
Reply to  tish

Trifle holds the kind of secrets Darwin wouldn’t have even dared to approach. But I did. I love trifle.

Feb 12, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  fuckoffbob

Exactly, indicating that this is in fact a new coronavirus.

Feb 12, 2021 8:33 PM
Reply to  Bob

You mean a ‘new strain of’. And you’re still wrong. Get off my internet.

Feb 12, 2021 1:52 AM
Reply to  Bob

Transfers ?

Are there transfers between Brigade 77 and Beersheba ?

Feb 12, 2021 3:27 AM
Reply to  Bob

Before somebody on twitter or similar convinces you they have found something ‘explosive’ or even something worth considering, read it first. Then see if it delivers on the promise. If it does, go around the internet and spread it. If not, I suggest ignoring it.

How many patients were ‘studied’ for that paper ?

Where does it specifically name any virus as Sars -Cov-2 or Covid 19 ?

Does it refer to the symptoms observed as ‘flu-like’ and ‘similar to sars’ instead ?

Why was the long list of authors ‘edited’ five months after publication.

How come this alleged study was made in Wuhan by several Chinese doctors, yet the ‘data availability’ section states that the data is only ‘available’ at the NCBI ( Bethesda, Maryland, United States ), the same Gates -funded institute that houses Anthony Fauci and NIAD.

The ‘wet market’ myth died early in this movie.

Feb 12, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

It doesn’t mention SARS-CoV2 as the virus hadn’t been named yet.
The rest of your critiques seem to be critiques of the funding and authorship, an attempt to say that the authors of this study are lying, something which rarely happens in scientific journals.

Feb 12, 2021 12:18 PM
Reply to  Bob

Um, wasn’t Robert Gallo brought up on charges?

And what about conflict of interest? The was some chicanery with the Drosten paper. He or his peer are on the board of journal that published their paper?

Feb 12, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  Judith

Correct Judith. It took Bill I-want-my-own-foundation-like-Gates Clinton to pardon Gallo. Both billionaires shook on it later.

Feb 12, 2021 5:26 PM
Reply to  Bob

So you say they isolated the virus they hadn’t even named as yet. And that’s the study that ‘proves’ it.

It was the ‘study’ of one patient with a swarm of Chinese ‘researchers’ putting a paper together to then send on to Fauci’s HQ.

This is the same Chinese lab that had received 4 million off Fauci. Guess what for.

So, the ‘Chinese disease’ is in HQ. Ask Fauci if the virus has been isolated.

Feb 12, 2021 5:27 PM
Reply to  Bob

But often they can be incorrect. That’s what i really said.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 12, 2021 10:30 PM
Reply to  Bob
"The rest of your critiques seem to be critiques of the funding and authorship, an attempt to say that the authors of this study are lying, something which rarely happens in scientific journals."

Bob is trolling.

Feb 12, 2021 2:37 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Odd I don’t remember hearing that one ! So, somthing was classed as something else because it possessed a 81.9% neucletide similarity to a previous SARS virus. I am afraid I have to agree with fuckoffbob. And, if it was isolated then Why are we still waiting for antibodies in plasma….the footsteps of a viral encounter are left there.

Feb 12, 2021 3:30 AM
Reply to  tish

I endured the paper. More propaganda from Hotel Fauci for the sheeple to sell on the streets.

Feb 12, 2021 10:06 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

China has denied isolating the virus.

Bob is new at the job.

Feb 12, 2021 5:34 PM
Reply to  mgeo

In that case, Bob’s receiving this as an official written warning. Shape up, Bob.

Feb 13, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  mgeo


Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Feb 11, 2021 11:03 PM
Reply to  Bob

I’m calling BS. In order for the SARS-Cov-2 to cause the condition CoVid19(84),
there needs to be isolation AND purification of the virus from a dead victim.
Further, the methods in papers claiming to have isolated the virus,
NEVER ISOLATE AND PURIFY. The isolation claim is not more than “protoplasmic soup’ that it is claimed to contain ‘the virus’.

Poor form, ol’ chap.

Feb 11, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

That fact is one that the hoaxsters CANNOT admit to. Thomas Cowan goes over yet it again, and it is worth watching. This time, he’s not so brief – but that’s good. See “The Science of Quality – with Practical Suggestions”

Feb 12, 2021 8:58 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

You cannot isolate and purify any virus in the way you are asking for. It is impossible to culture a virus without using other human cells.

Feb 11, 2021 11:04 PM
Reply to  Bob

bob the builder says the crown plague pirbright institute virus has been isolated filtered in full koch postulating certainty

cock show us you postulates?

gotta a link mate


Feb 12, 2021 8:57 AM
Reply to  gordan

Koch’s postulates can’t be applied to viruses. For this you use the Bradford Hill criteria, for which COVID-19 satisfies most conditions.

Feb 12, 2021 3:14 AM
Reply to  Bob

Provide proof of where the virus has been isolated. Many have claimed such but when challenged confirm there has been no real isolation and purification. No isolation = no true test = no real vaccine. It’s all smoke and mirrors. I await your proof….

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Feb 11, 2021 10:12 PM

A scenario where both 1 and 2 are true: Sars cov 2 is a result of shady gain of function research AND isolating the virus would prove this. Therefore, the official narrative is they haven’t isolated the virus, but in reality a handful of people know exactly what it is. I think a more likely scenario is the whole thing is a hoax, and it’s just the flu. Occam’s Razor.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 11:22 PM
Reply to  Tim Glass

PRS cycle.

  1. Engineered imaginary problem (misattribution, etc)
  2. Engineered reactions, controlled, projected narrative of fearmongering. Resulting clamourous public.
  3. Engineered “solution”, the actual problem.
Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 11, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

So, does it mean that their gain of function research is just a series of careless culture mixing experiments with no controls? It would be bad enough if they controlled the process (as they could isolate/purify etc.), but in this case it looks even worse. They play with cultures, map out viruses, presume to manipulate viruses and yet doing it in an entirely blind manner…

Feb 12, 2021 2:40 AM

There is never any controls. It is all genetic cell manipulation and recombinant proteins. They never have a virus. Not once in the history of viruses has one ever been isolated and purified or shown to be the cause of a disease.

The misconception called virus by Dr. Stefan Lanka.

Contagion has never been demonstrated or proven in any experiment or study.

Virologists have been misclassifying proteins, enzymes, exosomes, RNA, DNA and cell debris and calling those viruses. Then they modify proteins or the cell cultures to cause harm using CRISPR and call it “gain of function” research. It’s all fraud. medical experimentation for the sake of disease creation and profit.

Germ theory as the cause of illness doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

Alexandre Posoukh
Alexandre Posoukh
Feb 12, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thank you for the info.

Feb 12, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  Researcher

How many scientists have scrutinised if germ theory is a myth and what’s the percentage who believe it to be.

Feb 13, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Tim Glass

Exactly. Sars Cov 2 appeared at exactly the same time as influenza completely disappeared.

There has been wild outrageous claims that lockdowns and masks have eradicated flu but of course this is impossible.

The early part of 2020 showed below normal mortality throughout Europe suggesting flu season was in March/April.

The excess mortality in April was caused by abandoning care homes, denying medical treatment and early and sometimes fatal use of ventilation for patients identified as positive PCR.

Undoubtedly the figures are also incorrect as at one point in April 2020 the UK government had 3 different systems reporting mortality which inflated the figures.

Are we really to believe there was horrific mortality in some countries and in other countries there was no excess mortality.

Feb 12, 2021 3:53 AM

The only possible explanations are that the virus doesn’t exist so isn’t there to be isolated. This would account for the absence of antibodies present in any recovered patients. Even if it was designed and produced in the same death factory as recent biological weapons and rolled off the same assembly line, it would be visible and the antibodies present.

It could be that the criteria that drags a condition into the category of the ‘covid 19’ one became so broad so the numbers of ‘cases’ could rocket, that symptoms such as ; flu, colds, hiccups, broken ankle, rash, memory loss have become re-christened ‘ covid positive’ while the pandemic is on the menu and the aim is to cram vaccines into everyone. Only when they call it all off will they become what they always were. And, once that happens, obviously the ‘data’ and ‘numbers’ will fall dramatically, giving the fake impression that the vaccines work and we have nothing to fear in the future. It’s a mind f**k.

The other option, is that this ‘virus’ is composed of very similar constituents parts as one you’d find on a PC. That it was made by someone who knows that area inside out. That someone would also have a lifelong diseased obsession with death and disease in human beings and is trying to realise his dream of making people half machine so he cam make those machines dependant on a computer genius. I mention no names.

Feb 11, 2021 9:40 PM

A PhD student got in trouble as labs closed during the lockdown so she couldn’t finish a study. No worries, we side tracked the PhD student to another project in which lab findings were already analyzed (but not written down in a publication). She will get her PhD well in time because of this and I am very happy we found that solution for her.

Now the ‘emergency fund’ came along, which gives governmental money to projects of PhDs who got delayed due to Covid. So the professor of the department decided that the PhD student should be added to that list, and told this to finance in an e-mail and I was put in cc. I was not asked beforehand, so it is as if I agree with this. This professor fully well knows that there was no time delay for this PhD student because of Covid and lockdowns.

This is theft of public money and it sickens  me. What sickens me even more is that I was made accomplish in this theft as I was put in cc to finance as if I agreed with the request.

This is not over yet, and I will respond and will try to stop this from happening. I am not sure how, but think I’ll just say that this could be considered as theft and should therefore not happen. A mistake is what it could be considered at this stage, although I doubt that it is a mistake. But I don’t like to judge and it is my superior who is doing this, so my situation is not easy as I hope you understand.

Just to let you how corrupt an average science department can be. I am sure this happens everywhere.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  Willem

accomplice 🙂

Feb 11, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  Willem

This is nothiing Willem compared to the real corruption, and not just direct financial corruption that actually goes on in academia. This is peanuts. Academia is in dire straits. Why do you think so many of us have preferred or been in a situation where it was preferable to resign tenured professorships? Anyhow I dont want to repeat what I wrote in the book that just got published. Its tiring.

Feb 11, 2021 9:29 PM

I think we have to go beyond the analysis, however interesting and necessary, of why the concept of a virus has made populations everywhere accept one of the worst crimes against humanity and to this scale. Until these last weeks, my only interaction with people pro-narrative had been a headlong clash in March. It was bad enough and it freaked me out to find everyone I knew had gone insane. But I did not see them, it was through email exchanges. When I was in hospital waiting for my surgery, every other patient was in dire strait, so although the very vast majority were in the narrative, it wasnt the main subject of conversation or preoccupation, so the odd comment by someone was said with calm. Indeed the nursing staff was problematic except for a few. But I wasnt seeing anyone in their natural setting and frankly was more worried about my injury than anything else. But as I wrote elsewhere, I have for this month been forced to accept to stay with a former Cambridge acquaintance (whom I frankly dont know from Adam, and would not have recognized then or now) as my carer is himself going to undergo surgery. It was the only person who had adequate facilities (as I cant walk) and willing to have me in in this emergency and didnt live at the other end of the country. Its extremely uncomfortable for me to have to accept her extremely kind generosity. In fact as days go by I feel so scared by her and her family that I have not taken up on her kindness that I should feel free to sit in their living room (a huge big room) and instead except for meals dont go out of my bedroom. Basically they are already… Read more »

Feb 12, 2021 2:51 AM
Reply to  Annette

There is no contagion so you do not have to worry about catching anything. Just take Vitamin D & C every day.

Feb 12, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes Researcher you’re perfectly right, sorry for my expression: its just my immunity isnt too good after 3 months of immobility and rare fresh air due to my tibia fractures.
Still as a friend said, you’ve already had yourself a cold this year, and so dont worry you’ll be fine. And indeed I usually take vitamins D and C, iron, and some of the B’s…

Feb 12, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  Annette

By the way, I don’t think you should say anything to your hosts about the dangers of the vaccine. It’s impossible to change people’s minds.

And going a step further than the advice below regarding spirulina, a nutritional “greens supplement” Something with spirulina but also ingredients such as this… or this one will assist you.

Phytonutrients, trace elements, antioxidants and in particular flavonoids which regulate and repair DNA are essential to maintaining health and boosting immunity. And avoid stress.

Feb 12, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, I agree it doesn’t matter how much evidence you produce how much documentation you show them, the fear, the paranoia, the indoctrination perfected over 100 years has brainwashed them.

Feb 12, 2021 8:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think that myth is being spread based on a misunderstanding. Covid sufferers lose more vitamin D than patients with other illnesses. Vitamin D as part of treatment bring the levels back up without harming the patient. This is not to be taken as Vitamin D being the main reason a patient recovers. No scientific studies suggest different. There’s no research that shows any significant benefits of Vitamin D or any other in the treatment of any coronavirus. There’s nothing wrong with vitamins as supplements but as a treatment for illness it’s dangerous. Advising people to do so is dangerous too if they believe it.

Feb 12, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  Annette

Yes, thus it must have been predetermined in the human genetic make up. I call them auxiliaries and they are a collective rather than individuals. Engrained in their behaviour patterns is an evolutionarey path unto which they will take the rest of us, because of their sheer multitude!

Feb 12, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  Annette

Having Alexa in the house is one or two steps away from being connected to Goolag by Elon’s neural lace imo. My mum has one that my sister and I always disconnect when we visit. It’s a complete A.I. invasion of your privacy and it’s insane to think that this is progress. Annette I wish you a speedy recovery and may I be so bold as to recommend organic spirulina to help you, it is very good for increasing your energy levels and supplies most bio-available vitamins and minerals, extremely helpful algae and very good for your immune system imho.

Feb 12, 2021 12:21 PM

Thanks a lot for your advice. I will certainly look into it (at home I always eat organic and using organic local products) at least once Im back with my carer. Im afraid I dont want to impose on my current hosts and ask them to buy this: they probably wouldnt know where to go.

Indeed, the problem is figuring out how many are like my hosts in the middle classes, how many are actually acting out of fear, how many are simply hesitating… I was met with incredible violence when some months ago a Guardian reader asked me why was the Guardian not being critical of the narrative if it was wrong and I replied they get money from the Gates foundation. Its amazing: this is fact. You just have to look up the foundation site to know who they fund. People cant deal with facts if it shows those they have trusted all their lives are not trustworthy. I mean I was not giving my opinion.
You cant make what is go away because you cant deal with it!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 9:15 PM

comment image

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 9:02 PM

Random rant. Work ethic is the biggest load of horseshit in the world.

Dixie Cup
Dixie Cup
Feb 11, 2021 9:00 PM

Watch as the establishment stooge, taunts hitches to come out with the truth. The conspiracy that the UK government are engaged, and their determination to lock down the British economy. As Teresa May said in Parliament: the policy is leading the figures, the figures are not leading the policy. Peter did his best but there are just so many lies to overcome.

”The Great Lockdown Debate: Peter Hitchens vs. Dan Hodges”

Dixie Cup
Dixie Cup
Feb 11, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  Dixie Cup

Dan Hodges is clearly ‘in the know’ in my view, he has been sold some story which reveals Covid is a fraud, but makes all the measures essential for the survival of the UK. That I fear is the US economic collapse which Covid has stopped.

As even Alex Jones points out, if the economy is sedated, locked down, closed, you can print to infinity without inflation. It is only when the economy awakes again and the ‘speed of money’ increases, that inflation will kick off with vengeance. There are many bad signs of inflation in the US already. Including food prices and house prices.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 11, 2021 9:30 PM
Reply to  Dixie Cup

“… the US economic collapse which Covid has stopped.

As Billy Connolly used to say: “Oh, d’ye think so?”

Wait, and keep watching.

Dixie Cup
Dixie Cup
Feb 11, 2021 9:35 PM

”It is only when the economy awakes again and the ‘speed of money’ increases, that inflation will kick off with vengeance.”

read the comment before commenting.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 11, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  Dixie Cup

I certainly didn’t say there wouldn’t be excess mortality. I said there would be lots of it if there was more covid propaganda, masks, lockdowns and injections. There would be a huge increase in ‘cases’ come winter. This was entirely predictable. The vaxx cult normally call it “flu season” when they unleash their flu injection causing untold health problems and deaths. I said they were trying to cause a “spanish flu” scale disaster since they made that abundantly clear with all the “spanish flu” references, health destroying interventions and predictive programming. I said they would try to hide the vaccine deaths in the low vitamin D period i.e winter/ panic of the soaring ‘case’ numbers labelling them covid, which is exactly what happened.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 11, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  Dixie Cup

Is there any documents showing young people agreed to pay for covid? Certainly not. The people who need to pay are the instigators such as Bill Gates for example. The share holders in the covid cartel such as Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook and Pfizer etc. They have the money. Young people will be needing compensation aswell.

Feb 11, 2021 8:57 PM

We need to discuss controlled opposition within the corona scam. There are valid reasons to be suspicious of this site, but this is about individuals who maybe need to be viewed with caution. We need to be cruel in our assessment, not give any one overdue credit, just because they claim to be working for the good of the people. Remember, we are dealing with the masters of control and they have unlimited money and they are 100% evil. They are going to have some great actors on their team. Rocco Galati who I have huge amounts of respect for does work with Sasha Stone who is super suspect as he works with Robert David Steele who is a CIA deceiver. I don’t want to knock Rocco but why would you work with someone so suspect as Sasha? This raises suspicion. Go to 4 minutes into this clip for a flava of how corrupt RDS is. Show Claims NASA Has Child Colony On Mars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAh6tkR5OuA Waykiwayki did some critiquing of Sasha in this at 40 mins https://odysee.com/@waykiwayki:f/full14:c Robert Kennedy Jr, according to Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, endorsed Hillary Clinton 3 times, is big phrama controlled opposition calling for safe vaccines, he plays the left hand role of the vax industry which calls for more regulation/safety which is then used to create monopolies for the right. He says thanks to the Kennedy’s you cannot sue a vaccine manufacturer. JF Kennedy passed National Vaccine Act and created the CDC, then in 1985 Ted Kennedy created National Vaccine Injury Program removing all liability from the vaccine manufacturers. RK jrs kids are all fully vaccinated, according to Shiva in this vid @ 45mins: Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The mRNA “Vaccine.” What It Is & How It Works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCIg3YIN9-s I’m quite suspicious of Simon Dolan. Lockdown Sceptics is… Read more »

Feb 11, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Mucho

All Opposition

Unfortunately all opposition is fake opposition. It may start out as genuine but is then taken over or neutralised. Alex Jones requires honourable mention as controlled opposition.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  Mucho

“never say never” Absolutely. In this Information War in the midst of which we find ourselves, there are–without any question–sleeper operatives who, chameleonically, reflect the values and understandings of the community into which they have introduced themselves, and then either suddenly, or gradually (via a pace and lead approach), attempt to move the group from their original positions into quite different (and sometimes diametrically opposed) ones. I agree that Sasha Stone does not inspire trust in the least. All that pseudo-spiritual verbiage (and I say that as one in no way opposed to “authentic” spirituality from all corners of the globe) is surely a smokescreen for a steaming core of unadulterated bullshit. My own take is that his “non-laid-back” neo-hippie/bohemian persona, aligned with anti-globalist values, is meant to drive anyone repulsed by the former away from the latter as well. I don’t want to knock Rocco but why would you work with someone so suspect as Sasha? I saw Rocco in that panel with SS. Is that what you mean by “working with him”? People often agree to interviews with questionable types for the publicity the exposure to a wider audience affords (didn’t Lance deHaven-Smith appear on Inforwars?). That doesn’t necessarily point to any deeper collaboration… I am most keenly surprised by what seems to be the absolute neglect here in the comments at offG of how the virus vs. non-virus issue can be very useful to the opposing faction in this information war, splitting us here into separate camps, and driving away newcomers (which is all they really care about) who can easily dismiss us as science-denying idiots (be clear that I am not saying that viruses exist, only that 99.99% believe that they do, know they will mocked and ridiculed by intelligent people if they even insinuate that… Read more »

Feb 12, 2021 3:42 AM

Not hundreds of thousands. People don’t know viruses don’t exist as claimed by virologists, because they don’t bother to read the damn literature. Doctors are told all sorts of things that are simply factually incorrect. Scientists continually get things wrong and this has been shown repeatedly.

How many papers on virology have you read?

Consensus doesn’t mean anything since we live within a world where lies are promulgated daily on just about every topic. Allopathic Medicine is hardly a success story and is born out of the Rockefeller cartel and the Intel Community. The same people who are pushing Covid1984.

Doctors, nurses and hospital administrators will change charts and lie to relatives if they accidentally murder people through negligence, error, incompetence, stupidity or malice so don’t put any faith in them. Scientists lie all the time, and most published scientific findings are incorrect anyway.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 12, 2021 9:46 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Not hundreds of thousands

[of doctors and scientists who believe in and will argue for the existence of viruses that are the cause of contagious disease spread among humans]

You don’t agree that there are hundreds of thousands of scientists and doctors around the world who believe the above (we’ll leave out all the other “respected professionals” who believe the same)? I mean, almost everyone everywhere believes it (find someone wearing a mask, and ask them if they believe in viruses!), and if they do have any doubts, the fact-checkers, ubiquitous believers in “The Science,” and TV/News addicts will be quick to set them straight.

But I’m not sure where you’re going with your reply. Of course I am well aware of everything you write there, and don’t disagree. But I don’t see how it addresses the point I was making. Maybe both you and M. mistook what I wrote for some kind of argument in defense of allopathy, doctors, scientists and their ways?? Far from it!

I was looking at our position here in terms of the information war being fought here every single day. And it seems to me that many people here still believe that as long as they persist in “telling the truth” about, for example, viruses, then eventually people will come to recognize the good sense in their argument and come ’round to our generally-held perspective here regarding the whole -1984 operation. That position is, at the very least, shockingly naive in its utter disregard of common psychological processes and how easily they can be (and are being!) predicted and manipulated (which our opponents in the information war do all too well understand).

Feb 12, 2021 11:31 AM

The people you are referring to do not read the scientific literature. It makes no difference if the majority of people believe in something that isn’t born out by evidence but only exists because of a series of lies. It can be proven with controls that there are no cell deaths from these invisible microbes virologists can’t ever find so why won’t virologists use controls?

The fact that there’s so much resistance to discussing it at all, shows THAT is what governments and pharma are frightened of having exposed. That they have been working under a false paradigm. People are wearing masks mostly because governments are unlawfully mandating them. Obeying without thinking or questioning is the default state.

Proving there is no contagion is the end to the entire fraud.

What is written on this one site is probably irrelevant. One lone website is not going to change the world.

Feb 13, 2021 11:38 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Well said! Unfortunately, the opposing forces rely on fear, ignorance, complacency, compliance and docility which they manage to cultivate very well in a subservient population through the various ideological apparatuses, amenities and other social institutions and practices.

Moreover, another crucial problem is that most people are service-to-self and biased towards materialism and care very little about their fellow human beings but don’t like to admit it.

Biologists and virologists still think we are machines! The opposing forces want to keep it that way and get rid of all notions of soul and Spirit via their DNA altering vaccines as the genes are the interface and link between body and soul.

Feb 13, 2021 11:41 AM
Reply to  -CO

So true. I just wrote a reply to another commenter and I thought of you and how common law is really the only remediation we need.

And perhaps this is something the controllers are trying to counter by genetically modifying us so we no longer meet the legal definition of free men and women.

Feb 13, 2021 2:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Absolutely! But the thing people need to remember is that legal becomes lawful only if they CONSENT. Under common law nobody is obliged to obey statute rules that they trick you into believing are laws of the Land. The same applies to so-called Acts of Parliament. We are supposed to be governed by Consent but have been conned into accepting their rules passed off as “laws” but they are not!

The common law is the true Law of the Land – cause no harm, loss, injury or murder and be honest in your business dealings and contracts that’s it in a nutshell. And, if people in numbers took the initiative and joined the Common Law Court we might get somewhere in replacing the present corrupt ‘legal system’ run by criminals.

Feb 12, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There are liars in all professions and people within them can be bought for the right amount of silver. That doesn’t mean you should make a blanket judgement about the whole profession and tar everyone with the same brush. All accusations of fraud are merely slanderous without evidence

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 10:31 PM
Reply to  Mucho

according to Dr Shiva Ayyadurai

You mean the politician, Shiva, “inventor of email”? 🙂 🙂 🙂

Not vouching for the purity of the K. clan, but I would take anything this “inventor of email” says with a grain of salt.

Feb 11, 2021 11:05 PM

I don’t trust you, of that I am sure.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  Mucho

nothing to see here!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Curious admission.

Do you mean that you trust me as little as you trust anyone posting here, or rather less than you happen to trust many others here? If the latter, I wonder what the reason may be?

Feb 11, 2021 11:10 PM

I’m just interested in establishing who we can and cannot trust. Sure this guy Shiva looks suspect, but he got me thinking about who the shills are in this operation which we need to look into and call out where possible. Is the info about the Kennedys false?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Is the info about the Kennedys false?

I wasn’t suggesting that was the case, only that Shiva himself is highly suspect.

Feb 12, 2021 4:04 AM

Are you saying that because wikipedia says he i dodge or because you already knew that? Because wikipedia is dodge too! I mean to just come out and say that about the Kennedy family takes some nerve, if it’sa lie, no?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 12, 2021 9:53 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Are you saying that because wikipedia says he i dodge or because you already knew that? Because wikipedia is dodge too!

WTF? Why do you think I get any information at all from wikipissia???

I said that because I’ve seen videos of the guy, and, well, he is a politician…

I have no idea why he would have said that about RFKj or K-clan, and, as I said, can’t really be bothered to waste time on him and what falls out of his mouth.

Feb 12, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Shiva is not a trustworthy source of anything. Don’t waste your time listening to him. I saw him once and never bothered with him again.

Feb 12, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Maybe Sen. Ted Kennedy, back in 1986 voted for that stupid bill that allows Pharmaceutical companies immunity from vaccine prosecution. I would have to look it up to verify which I am not going to do right now.

In any case, whether he did or did not, he was one person. He may have voted for it, but I do not think he initiated the bill.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. has nothing to do with whether Ted Kennedy voted for that bill back in 1986. In fact, Robert Kennedy, Jr fights against that bill. I had no idea the bill was even passed until I listened to Robert Kennedy, Jr.

As for anyone to just “come out and say that about the Kennedy family” taking some nerve?????? People have been saying shite about the Kennedy family for decades! And a lot worse than Shiva. No nerve there.

Feb 12, 2021 7:52 PM
Reply to  Judith

“The Kennedy Family”, or “clan” in a broad sense, may be large but it isn’t monolithic.

The Kennedy Family even talks shit about itself. You may be aware that some of RFK Jr.’s conventional-minded relatives have distanced themselves from his critical view of vaccines, and have deplored and disparaged his dedication to challenging pernicious pro-vax mythology and dogma.

I can’t remember the specific interview (i.e. video/link), but I’ve seen him acknowledge the family’s “internal dissension” in his usual courteous, philosophical way.

Feb 13, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  Ort

Oh, I’m very aware Ort. I did not have time to expand on my comment today, but yes, I am aware. I never had a dog in the vaccination fight so I really never gave it a second thought. Heard the controversy over the years. Knew that Kennedy had something to do it. And Jenny McCarthy. I got my flu shot (unfortunately, I think now) for the past 10 years. Then Kennedy’s niece died with her son last April. Shortly after that incident Robert Kennedy came out guns blazing (excuse the horrible reference) against Fauci. I thought “Hmmmmm…..” So I started to listen to RFK, Jr. Every interview. Wonderful series called TRUTH with him and Polly Tommey, the British woman who really got things going 20 years ago with the vaccine injured movement. I was amazed. Then I started to watch Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Del Bigtree, Andy Wakefield, and the gang. I don’t necessarily agree with their politics but I was astonished at the info about vaccines. Followed that up with Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 movies. I like RFK, Jr. He has a sensibility and humor that I understand and that I relate to being from a large Boston Irish catholic clan myself. My own father worked with Senator Kennedy on Massachusetts housing issues. The recent New York Times Op Ed by RFK’s niece who is a doctor in NYC was – what can I say – scathing. RFK, Jr. took issue with the fact that the NYT would not allow him a rebuttal. Surprise surprise. My feeling about her piece was neither here nor there, she’s entitled to her opinion, but what I took issue with was the “I love my uncle, but….” If you love your uncle then don’t write the piece. Or write the piece and spare… Read more »

Feb 12, 2021 3:27 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Sacha Stone is a joke and so is RDS who doesn’t have a background in anything besides reviewing books. BFD. A charlatan for sure.

I have no idea why Galati, David Martin, Mikovits or RFK jnr would want to be associated with SS. It is quite suspicious. They needed someone to host perhaps? It is something I wondered about.

Henry Waxman sponsored the Vaccine Act in 1985, not Ted Kennedy. I wouldn’t put too much stock in Shiva‘s claims. RFK jnr’s kids were already grown before he got involved with vaccine advocacy.

Shiva probably endorsed Trump so how is that any better than RFK endorsing Hillary? In politics both sides have always worked together against the people.

It’s possible some are controlled opposition. I have more faith in Galati than RFK and not much faith in Mikovits since she is still pushing the misconception that she isolated a retrovirus. Unfortunately, we may not be able to determine the difference between controlled opposition or those who are too ensconced in the bubble to see the full extent of the corruption and fraud.

Feb 12, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think people are putting principles above personalities right now in order to get the word out. I probably would not follow Sacha Stone, but he has hosted two round table discussions that I found very interesting and informative about covid and vaccines.

If a Kennedy cannot get air time on msm you know there is a huge wall up. The only outlet Galati, Mikovitz, Martin, et al have is independent/alternative.

Feb 12, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  Judith

That’s one explanation. They may have needed a tech facilitator-host to broadcast. I had to fast forward over the Stone bits. Ugh.

Feb 12, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  Mucho

You mean Shiva who ran against a Kennedy this past Fall? And lost.

Endorsing Hilary Clinton 3 times does not mean that RFK, Jr. is not committed to safe vaccines. Children’s Health Defense, his organization, has done an enormous amount of work in supporting vaccine injured families, among many other issues.

Controlled op? We could all be. At some point you just have to trust your own gut.

I’ve learned more in 10 months listening to RFK, Jr, Children’s Health Defense than I have in a lifetime.

I hope RFK, Jr. is not controlled op. Because if he is, it’s certainly not for money. Which means something more nefarious.

Feb 11, 2021 8:49 PM

I like swearing. It feels good for me to swear. I doubt, for me at least, that even a little of my swearing, in the sense of loud verbal usage like an alarm call, is in anyway related to anything “enemy”. I usually swear really really loud when say I drop a box of tomatoes or put a hammer to my hand.

i have always thought that the idea of an enemy was based on fear. A fear of death and the unknown, and had nothing to do with the other, an enemy, but with ourselves. There are different archetypes of fear.

Fear has a great imagine. It can imagine many things, many enemies both imaginary and unseen, endless future circumstances and predictions. The more fear, the more delusion. In my experience fear is never a correct guesser, the enemies or predictions are never as I imagine them, and leads myself to make poor choices. Danger does not translate to enemy, when a bird animal or ape gives an alarm call it is to alert of danger, not of an enemy. When in danger, I find it best to and use my senses, think and let the fear pass, and come to the point where my intuition is strong and guides me in the correct way. I wish I could do this always and expediantly. I keep practicing, paying close attention.

On these comment pages a few days ago someone was commenting on having to pass security guards while being unmasked. And I think another commenter had sent something in regards to a candle, I don’t remember the specifics. But the fear passed with the focus of the candle, inner strength and strength from others, and intuition working between people.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Feb 11, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  fame

“Carry a candle in the dark, be a candle in the dark, know that you’re a flame in the dark” Ivan Illich.
Researcher posted it last week, and I had it in my head when I walked straight past 3 transport police at a suburban train station on Monday maskless.
I’ve passed that quote onto others. I’ve only glanced at Ludovic’s article, but I noticed he mentioned the Salem witch trials. I also believe that more and more, those who speak out against the covid narrative, who stand up for truth will be increasingly targeted by those who have drowned themselves in fear.
Things will get quite scary.

Feb 11, 2021 8:45 PM

Jordan Peterson is just a gatekeeper.
For a person who’s built his celebrity like persona around his constant reference to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag Archipelago
Saying it’s the most important book of the 21st century. So to be very well versed on anything Solzhenitsyn he should have a response to anyone who has a question on Solzhenitsyn
But when confronted about Two Hundred Years Together
Book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
And about holodomor
At one of his stand up tour shows
He totally balked.
Even said he hadn’t even read it.
Here’s the video

Feb 11, 2021 8:33 PM

Not sure what it’s like in your respective country, but since the PCR fraud has been more or less exposed, they’ve been claiming that hospitals are overcrowded, overburdened.

Here is why. Czech hospitals get 579,848 crowns in reimbursement for a COVID patient in an ICU per week, whereas the standard rate is 166,400 per week. That’s about USD 27,000 vs. USD 7,800, respectively. Enough of a reason not to be sending them home too quick.

The reason for hospitals to be overloaded is that they’ve imposed hysterically nonsensical disinfection protocols, not to mention that staff are quarantined and nurses are at home taking care of kids because schools are closed.

I’m afraid that as much as there is some hope for a favorable court ruling regarding the PCR scam, it’s hopeless with this crap. Malfeasance, misuse of public money … that will never stick.

Feb 11, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yeah well that $$ incentive observation has been going around since the early days of the scam. Nobody’s interested in it. The interest is in 6 NEW CASES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 11, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  Jacques

In a Common Law jurisdiction the ruling would be positive for deception and fraud but I can’t see it under this statutory system unless a miracle happens. Here’s hoping Jacques!

Feb 11, 2021 10:15 PM
Reply to  Jacques

hysterically nonsensical disinfection protocols

You’re arguing that hospitals should abandon disinfection protocols during a pandemic where the virus is spread by human contact and by contaminated surfaces? To me, that is nonsensical!

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Feb 11, 2021 11:08 PM
Reply to  Bob

Bob: stop being a “drive-by” disinformant!
You behave like the pidgeon that takes off from its perch, only at the same time dump pidgeon feces onto the nearest human.

And, for colour, pidgeons are flying RATS.

Feb 12, 2021 4:16 AM
Reply to  Bob

The “virus” is not spread by human contact (sic). The “virus” of fake-disease fascism is spread through rubbish spewed by idiots/perpetrators (select the applicable) like you.

There is no pandemic.

Feb 12, 2021 8:55 AM
Reply to  Jacques

This does not explain the massive excess death rate this year nor how intensive care departments in hospitals were at full capacity over the last month.

Feb 12, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  Bob

You probably meant last year. There was no “massive” (sic) excess death. There was in some places because they fucked up. Or intentionally killed people. Such as the use of ventilators. That was clearly criminal. There was also the dry tinder phenomenon, i.e. lower mortality in preceding years. In addition, and most importantly, the psychosomatic effect of all the untold shit that has been foisted on people must be massive, causing unimaginable stress, disease, death. Suicide too.

Hospitals are full because they’re always full and because they’re getting like four times the reimbursement rate per patient than normal.

Stop hallucinating and smell the coffee.

Feb 12, 2021 8:17 PM
Reply to  Bob

The media said the hospitals were full- it was a lie proven and exposed by members of the public. Hospitals turning the sick away will never be under strain.

The ‘excess deaths’ is another Government strategy of fear played out via the MSM to fool mugs.

No more people have died this year than last year. Considering we’ve been ‘ravaged’ by a pandemic don’t you think that’s strange ?

Most of this years ”death due to covid’ data is also a lie. Last years colds, pneumonia, respiratory illness, cancer and flu etc have been re-christened as covid for statistical use only. And still the numbers of dead this year are the same or smaller than last year.

The virus hasn’t been isolated. It’s variants are new labels to explain the real variant which is merely a new set of data and spikes. Only the numbers and analysis of data has variants. The good thing about that is we can actually isolate a statistical analysis to check how reliable it is.

The government aren’t making the information about the methods of collecting, collating and analysing the data available to the public.

Now, why do you think they’re doing that ?

Feb 14, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Bob

What’s nonsensical is being told you have to mask up, that the only way you “get it” is by not wearing that face diaper, but then being told that you’ll “get it” from “contaminated” surfaces where some unmasked person might have been an hour ago, or being told you now have to wear 2 face diapers because somehow it can get through 1, even though you’ve been told over and over again that the 1 mask is the “only thing” keeping you from getting or spreading it. Which is it? And if that virus can only spread in an enclosed space when one is maskless, then why on earth are people wearing them outside or alone in their own car? Being told a small store cannot be open due to the possibility of “contamination” but a big box large store is fine and dandy when a large place of business would obviously have to disinfect one hell of a lot more than a small one and forget controlling “social distancing” in multiple aisles in that store. Being told you must not be in any enclosed and less than adequately ventilated room without the mask, but then being told it is fine to remove the mask to eat, drink, etc. as long as you don’t stand up and walk across the room without the mask? And then there is the whole myth of an isolated virus, but then again, it wasn’t really isolated since no virus can be truly isolated, but the covid is somehow different and indeed has been isolated enough with a computer simulation program that we can vaccinate against it with 95% efficacy? But you can still “get it” even after the vax, and you can still “spread it” after the vax, but the vax is the answer?… Read more »

Feb 11, 2021 8:29 PM

Listened to some Alison McDowell on human capital and impact markets. Surveillance is not just about control, they’re also going to make a fortune out of it. She mentioned this:


It paints itself as fun which fits in with what Corbett’s been arguing for years, that game-ification would be the Trojan Horse to introduce this sort of thing. It’s voluntary…. for now…. but why have smart phones many biometric gathering features built in that mpst people don’t want or even know about?

Feb 11, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

‘smart’ phones are for spying and surveillance. i try and avoid anything labelled ‘smart’.

am lucky to still own an old samsung mobile phone where i can turn off blue tooth and wifi. i rarely use the thing and it is often turned off.

Feb 12, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  Kika

Secret Militarised Arms in Residential Technologies

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 9:30 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The game and the stick?

comment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2021 12:20 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Yup. > How Your Smartphone Can Track and Share Everything About You
Originally published by Mercola.
How Your Smartphone Can Track and Share Everything About You • Children’s Health Defense

Feb 11, 2021 7:58 PM

What Juan Matus repeatedly told Carlos is ” The Universe is Predaory.”
He also spoke to Carlos about how the Archons raise us like farm animals. Carlos freaked out and said what he was proposing was Monstrous.
Don Juan maintained that this is the way things are.
Look into the writings of Robert Monroe…….
This has been my major Metaphysical question that ever was, as to how this came about.
How it happened.
The Gnostics say to my knowledge thusfar, indirectly, it was a consequence of the ” Fall of The Aeon Sophia ” into the Pleroma or material dimension.
It had unintended and bad consequences for US. This is my most researched area, and I have never gotten a good answer.
I conjectured it was a consequence of coming into Physicality as we know and understand it.
Also, I have never felt anything worse than Mortality.

Viking said the Nordic Pantheon was a relatively clean source of help and energy, but I am more inclined towards the Vedic. Some of them may be able to help us right now.
Dr. Pillai indicates that they can be called on.Remember how Bomar said ” Its not right we should call out to things who do not answer us back?”
I agree with him on this point.
We need intervention, the true people at least need this.


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  image

Archons don’t annoy me as much as qlippoth.

Remember, when something is corrupted, and you are then projecting that corruption as “the way it is”, you yourself are corrupted.

I’ll try to explain. He is in a corrupt environment. Don Juan is corrupt. He thinks corruption and corrupt environment is “the way it is”. He then projects that. Like a covidiot.

Imagine this earth was a veritable Eden, but then some predatory things, corrupt it. From that, others inherit the corruption, propagate it. Understand that as the “way of things”.

As it corrupts, it gets more hostile. You start getting snakes, spiders, levels of degeneration increase. It’s considered “normal”, that slippery slope regarding the “fall”. The “practitioners” never capable of improvement, because their direction of “progress” is into oblivion.

When people speak of progress, I recognize they mean only in terms of entropy.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 8:36 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Would people say they have been granted more ability than other primates? I would assume so.

Except, with people there’s a problem with possession, that temptation and greed, not only materially. So while they have the ability, they use their ability to worse effect than any other animals.

Feb 11, 2021 7:54 PM

There’s a music recording forum I go to. Stumbled on a thread there for ‘corona’ (there’s a whole section there actually – ALL party line basically)…didn’t read it much but the gist…there was a scarily small minority with questions or challenges…and an overwhelming majority of true believers. Very creepy…people posting stuff about the need for more N95 masks…and ‘hope they can produce enough ASAP’. People constantly citing the overworked brave nurses who ‘told them’ how devastating it is. Their stone cold incredulity at anyone challenging the mainstream narrative (dangerous, deluded conspiracy theorists) was…well, I’ll say it again…creepy as hell.

Feb 11, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Hey there, I have found the same on my interest forum. I keep posting now and then, but there is always this chasm… I don’t know how we can ever reach across it. I imagine that there are lurkers there who’ll read my stuff but too afraid to post? Or that one day there may be more awareness? Or in some future time those posts will be found by some interested person who hasn’t been born yet? Who am I kidding? It’s so creepy.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  Marie
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 9:36 PM
Reply to  Ooink

I had to leave virtually ALL forums I used to frequent last March/April for this very reason. I’m sure we’re not the only ones!

Feb 11, 2021 9:53 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Play them at their own game – say ‘I wish I was as brave as you taking part in the experimental gene therapy trials – and not even expecting to be paid.’!

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  Jos

“I’m too stupid to understand that an “immunization” that’s going to cause my body to break down a lot, kinda continually…is totally worth it when it’s entirely unnecessary and based on completely baseless horseshit”

Be careful what you wish for.

Feb 11, 2021 6:51 PM

what happen to Gary Weglarz on this site > he was cool
so to paraphrase him
Jordan Peterson now go clean your bed room psychology

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  image

Holy shit. That’s a Fraudian tip suggesting Jordan wants to be a mother.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Shit, I almost forgot. Because it’s clearly an issue bothering him, could someone help him with that? I mean, even it’s just a friendly word of advice. Like, “Dude, go get fucked, problem solved”

And remember, to remind him that “If at first you don’t succeed…” (which btw, is one of the dumbest industrial mindset propaganda phrases I’ve heard).

I mean, sure, you can try twice, maybe three times.

Lamp Of Goat – For You Alice

Feb 11, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  Frank G L


Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  Mucho


Feb 11, 2021 11:50 PM
Reply to  image

He attacked me, as others who are still here. And, Who knows?, he may still be here under a different name.

Feb 11, 2021 6:45 PM

Notice that hate must have a target. Notice that unresolved fear can mount to conflicts that are hateful to experience. Notice that conflicted purpose or mind generates fear. Notice that the externalising of hated conflict distances, locks down and masks, so as to mitigate the symptoms while persisting in the mind of conflict. Notice the mind provides the justification or cover story for such attack. Archetypal patterns are the results of Separation trauma that then seem to be hardwirded to our narrative or mythological continuity of focus in the mask or personified narrative expression of unresolved inner conflict of desire. Our true Archetype is God or the Spontaneity and Synchronicity of Creation – for which we have hardly any capacity to recognise because we experience our live ‘externalised’ as a modelling of disowned and dissociated projections. However to extend rather than project is to give and receive as one. To give even as in truth you receive. The ego of segregation gives only to get, or to get rid of. The truth of you recognises shared worth given and received. The attempt to possess and control is the wish to hijack reality as a personal or private agenda. Because giving and receiving are one, this renders the experience of being hijacked or dispossessed by a local ‘reality-distortion’ that is your ‘mind’ of the intent to be a reality unto yourself. When we ‘other’ our relational being, we self-alienate. While the Law of Life or Mind is obvious in freedom extended, it is hidden in freedom to ‘get’ from or at expense of The whole (in anyone and all). So a sense of self-lack running without vigilance can attract a sense of justified self-inflation that overrides the truth and right of another, such as to generate response that comes back AS… Read more »

dr death
dr death
Feb 11, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Binra

it’s politically expedient for the governors, they don’t bother themselves with morality and other such, in their eyes at least, weakness.. the most important aspect is who defines what a witch is… and enforcing that definition.

you then get to burn them, or offer them the ducking chair..

if they drown…innocent..

if they float, a witch and thus will be burned..

it’s a smashing way of terrorizing the proles ask robespierre and uncle joe or ex stasi operatives working working in germany and the asylum north of mexico..

even better, pop on down to your local supermarket and have a gander.

words to search on google: mind control, stockholm syndrome, collective hysteria, chris dimwitty’s black eyes etc etc….

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  dr death

They abused Shiva, Kali decided no.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  Binra

“Notice that hate must have a target.”
Yes, you cross me, you are the target. Go figure.

“Notice that unresolved fear can mount to conflicts that are hateful to experience.”
What, like people with masks?

“Notice that conflicted purpose or mind generates fear.”
What, like people with masks?

“Notice that the externalising of hated conflict distances, locks down and masks, so as to mitigate the symptoms while persisting in the mind of conflict.”
What, like people with masks?

Notice the mind provides the justification or cover story for such attack.
What, like people with masks?

If I need a mask…

Feb 11, 2021 11:11 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

The short answer to you questions is a definite No!

The personality is a mask Frank.

A man can become so normalised to his masking strategy for controlling his relationships with self and other that he becomes it as it becomes him.
There is no other lockdown of the mind but thinking makes it so.

Self-hate MUST seek ‘outside itself’.
A drive to be something else and somewhere else.

In this is the key that locks down the human condition to sin made ‘normal’ – not least because a mind puts its own self-judgement above all else. Narrative control over listening in the heart.

That is how and why the human race are destroying themselves in the way that is revealing itself in all its insanity as a house and mind divided against itself.

But those who unable or unwilling to look within are compelled to see only as their mask dictates. There is no love or humanity in the ‘new world order’ whatever spin it presents. sacrificing to it will not appease a god of vengeance, but feed its appetite. Hate can never be satisfied until it has consumed its killed its host.

But if you look upon it, you can see the mask is not you. and the past is not here, now.

Feb 11, 2021 6:19 PM

Unconscious demons can be summoned forth from rumors of unseen enemies, but it’s all I can do to keep up with all the very visible enemies these days. And for the record, I’ve seen the devil, and his name is Bill Gates.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  niko

Never do invocation. Just saying. Otherwise you’re going to sit with Malkuth shit.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 11, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  niko

comment image

Feb 11, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  niko

Gates is just a puppet and a creation of a deeper state.

Feb 11, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Annette

The voice box of the Cryptocracy and their Science wing. Hence the colossal salary and the pretence of ‘philanthropy’. He passes on the intel funding in reality.

Feb 12, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  JuraCalling

Yeah, I think so, too.

Feb 11, 2021 11:22 PM
Reply to  niko

Fear and hate have been summoned by the intent to leverage the people into degradation, slavery and death for the sake of some stakeholder ideals that can be enacted upon the body of the world, but never made real.

The belief that this will be contained and controlled by the techno cage being implemented is – as I see it – ignorant arrogance.

The devil is a projection of hate given power and therefore worship.
But the old idea of the deceiver was not the fear and control archetype of terror gods, but of a mind set awry and led astray in its own thinking. something to recognise and immediately dismiss from further thought and attention. Put it behind you. Don’t parley or listen there.

Gates has his own life story, and by the look of it his own handler. if you want a private mythology to play in, you are free to make your own ‘reality’. But if your thinking leads you awry, you will recognise your mistake sooner or later, by grace quickly, or under most grievous pain.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 11, 2021 6:16 PM

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Feb 11, 2021 8:09 PM

OR here…. apparently. Look out, they’ll give you a scolding here.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 11, 2021 10:27 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I have been called a troll more than once////

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 11, 2021 5:49 PM

Too many “coulds, suggests, and possibles,” etc. in this article for my tastes. I am also very skeptical regarding blaming very nasty human behavior as built into “human nature” and developed by “natural selection.” Human behavior is mostly determined by human perception, and if those perceptions are intentionally false and controlled leading to an intense fear response with consequently nasty behavior.

It could be argued that this archetype, if it has some physical expression, underwent a process of natural selection, where prehistoric human societies in which it was activated could be provoked into a destructive frenzy that would ensure their survival, in the face of an enemy.”

In my opinion, this destructive frenzy could more probably lead to a severe culling of the group as we witnessing now on a global scale, but we ain’t seen nothing yet. The entire natural selection theory from the standpoint of strict science is circular and can be neither proven nor disproven, though author James Perloff does a very good job showing just how unlikely it is in his primary essay, Tornado in a Junkyard. This is a generally accepted fact though not publicized for obvious reasons.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

“Too many “coulds, suggests, and possibles,” etc. in this article for my tastes. I am also very skeptical regarding blaming very nasty human behavior as built into “human nature” and developed by “natural selection.””

I agree. And because I’m insane, I’ll say it has something to do with spiritual possession.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 11, 2021 6:27 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I’d say some very good points. Tony Wright has some good insights in this presentation where he talks about the left right brain research and how the cooked foods effected peoples mentality. He has developed this theory over decades. “The Symbiotic Birth of Humanity … A simple and coherent explanation for human origins that offers powerful insights and potential solutions to the underlying cause of our relentless capacity for self-destruction. Did a rare and unique symbiotic relationship result in a state of suspended maturation, a perpetual state of juvenility and the emergence and expansion of an increasingly symmetric juvenile brain that brought with it a raft of unusual traits. Those traits included a lifelong capacity for rapid learning resulting in high cognitive function and a default setting of empathy, compassion, co-operation, playfulness and joy. The breakdown of the symbiotic relationship results in the slow reversion to a more typical mammalian brain and associated traits such as competition, aggression, hierarchy/patriarchy, fear/control, loss of cognitive capacity, limited awareness and a slowly shrinking brain etc. Bio While a student at Edinburgh Botanic Gardens and preparing a short dissertation entitled ‘The Genetic Manipulation of Plants’ the subconscious seeds of a revolutionary new theory were sown in Tony Wright’s mind. Over the next 20 years a mixture of scientific curiosity and radical self-experimentation resulted in the development of a simple idea that explains the emergence of increasingly anomalous traits in human evolution. From the rapid and accelerating expansion of our large brain to the mysteries of our mind and the origins of spiritual practice he has developed a new context in which we may understand who we are and has provided a framework for the reunification of the academic and spiritual science of consciousness. Working independently and alone, the fruits of his labour are only… Read more »

Feb 11, 2021 9:51 PM
Reply to  Sarah Jones

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects BY DR WESTON A. PRICE 1939


Mucusless Diet Healing System: Scientific Method of Eating Your Way to Health by Arnold Ehret 1922

Chakra_Yoga book pdf or audio is available front page of resistance2010 website

Biology-of-Kundalini.pdf jana dixon 

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 11, 2021 6:39 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

“. I am also very skeptical regarding blaming very nasty human behavior as built into “human nature” and developed by “natural selection.”” Indeed! No surprise, given how Jordan Peterson is mentioned early in the article.

Feb 11, 2021 11:49 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The truly human nature is locked down masked over and distanced by an acquired normal. And so we cannot really talk of it in the world of the mask without seeming mad. But evils, hate and pain are all deeply protected, because the mask depends on these for its function of ‘making you safe’. That is cannot and does not is more the management of perceptions and narratives than anything real. The realm of our physical reality as something exclusive and dominant is the exclusion of the Spirit under the usurping of a distanced or separated ‘mind’ located in or even equated to the body. The body can be used as a weapon and a hiding place, but that is not its natural function. And so the mind of body limiting must be fed on fear to keep it locked in, but in ways that repackage the fear as solutions. The human conditioning has developed the abilities and skills of evasion and avoidance of truth by every kind of masking in the image and form of its virtue. Theories and thought systems that arise from such premises always use facets of truth by which to interweave with lies. And so an alloy of love and fear – where each can then appear to be the other and neither abide the truth of love to radiate holiness. Yet there is a light of love, self-aware and unconditionally embracing the truth of life. But the archetypes of perception are masking over, and distancing or looking out as a mind of limits and rules set in algorithms of Self-evasion. Blaming is lost before it even starts. Establishing where responsibility truly belongs and where it does not is denied by the wish to get rid of it onto others, as well as taking on… Read more »

Feb 11, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo


“Regardless of whether the unseen enemy in its various forms exists or has existed, I find it hard to imagine an enemy so dangerous that it permits a relinquishing of basic civil liberties and totalitarian control, not even a hidden totalitarian government itself.”

To me, this sounds like a more sophisticated version of one of my two favorite pet peeve phrases, the incredulously imbecilic “How is this even possible?” (the other being “I could care less”).

This is happening. The enemy is attacking and deliberating for the umpteenth time whether the enemy is attacking, how, why, whether the weapons they’re using are what they seem to be is useless.

Time to fight back, run away, whatever.

Feb 12, 2021 12:34 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Well there is the insight that this ‘enemy’ operated where our recoil from looking or thinking leaves it freedom to operate in the open and yet unseen. There is a ‘place’ in us so unthinkable we will recoil from its possibility, and agree to cast it out as excommunication. It is the pain that breaks our ‘reality’ and yet it is also the breaking that reveals it was never the reality we assumed or took for granted. Conflict dramas offer a false flag to reinstate the mindcontrol of a seemingly ‘solid’ reality when the ‘lid comes off’. You ‘know who you are’ in a war. Except that is opposite the truth, war simply TELLS you what you are, so as to usurp responsibility for a Living will by rules set up to be broken, or plans bound to fail. In a sense the mind in its own deceit, is a war on love, such that hate and fear can be protected from undoing. To be love in this world will seem terrifying and indeed to cost the life we think the world gives us. That relationships in the world and with others brings up awareness of disintegrity, in ourselves and others, is very useful to those who have accepted love as the truth behinds all masking illusions – including masks of terror. If the enemy IS deceit, then clearing our room is part of caring not to be indifferently available or prey to manipulative deceits in ourselves of others, by valuing our peace, or by valuing our willingness for the conditions in which truth is revealed rather than manufacturing a masking reality to bubble in. There is a basis to flee destructive insanity – but this is not a physical location but activities of thought, and intention, that once recognised… Read more »

Feb 11, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I had no time for the article at all.

Feb 11, 2021 5:12 PM

The perception management continues.

The Gateway Pundit was banned from Twitter for posting video of election fraud. Meanwhile, Trump’s lawyers seem oblivious that the video being shown at his “impeachment trial” was filmed by, and features, provocateurs.

Socially-engineered sheep lured by a hologram of a Judas goat into a virtual reality slaughterhouse. Only the knives are real

Someone Tell President Trump’s Attorneys – The Democrats’ Footage Showing Violence at the Capitol on January 6th Was Filmed by Antifa

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 11, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It is getting clearer and clearer that we need more Capitol Riot events. They don’t get it. People are pissed off because of the election fraud. Fuck AOC and her blundering idiocy. Fuck every Democrat. I am sure this is the point of this article……Fuck is the operative word……

Feb 11, 2021 11:53 PM

You don’t get it or are a trouble-maker. The Capitol Riot wasn’t a frikkin riot. It was a false flag, a pretext in order to shove out more police State crap, which they began to do explicitly referring to that non event as the reason for it.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Feb 13, 2021 3:07 AM
Reply to  Arby

Never was a trouble maker but I have been known to be a trouble finisher. Understand your point but it was not my meaning, at least not tonight. I know I had too much to drink. I don’t remember writing it. My bad. Capitol Riot is their term. I should have used quotes. I had posted about this under another article after having watched hours of the Parler videos and found the ANTIFA crap totally disgusting. All ANTIFA and a few drunk off their asses old men who were getting stupid like any drunk man of that age would do and getting arrested for it. Other than that, it was all ANTIFA. Why that cop had to murder that woman is just beyond all common sense. Then the way it was handled by the media was terrible. I am with you. The censorship needs to be dealt with but with the foxes in the hen house it is impossible. Congress needs to put it’s foot down but they are the ones driving it. I digress…. Sorry to have upset you.

Feb 13, 2021 5:04 AM


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 11, 2021 5:07 PM

“The skilful propagandist then has the power to mold their minds in any direction he chooses, and even the most intelligent and independent people cannot entirely escape that influence if they are long isolated from all other sources of information.”
– Friedrich Hayek –
(May 08, 1899 – March 23, 1992)

Turn off the television and radio noise. Throw away your cell phones. Shut off your stupid wi-fi. All of these devices are designed to screw with your perceptions of reality. Your cell phones are nothing more than surveillance devices, period. Micro and nano-frequency bombardments are destroying your ability to react to Natural stimuli.

Try (quietly) reading a book that was published 150 years ago. The articulation and sensitivity of characters is subtle and essentially kind. Almost humane…

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 6:21 PM

I mean, I agree with most of what you’re saying. But I can’t do much about it.

“Try (quietly) reading a book that was published 150 years ago.”

Here’s a link to the “bible” I’m reading to brush up on my necromancy: It has exceptional use of language.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2021 12:33 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Just more raunch and noise. Try Mozart or Vivaldi…

Feb 11, 2021 9:09 PM

Yes I always tell people, they’re not phones, they’re military surveillance devices

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 9:30 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Hey, about those SMARTphones.


And if the phone is the smart part of the equation, what do you think is the dumb part?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2021 12:02 AM
Reply to  Frank G L

Hello Frank GL: The dumb part is the wide spread usage of the device by civilian “targets”. >

How Your Smartphone Can Track and Share Everything About You
Originally published by Mercola.
How Your Smartphone Can Track and Share Everything About You • Children’s Health Defense

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 11, 2021 11:55 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Hello Mucho: I know you’re aware of the surveillance issue, but the majority of users are oblivious to other dangers as well. >

I concluded long ago that radio frequencies are highly addictive, and stimulate the limbic system. The limbic system supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, long-term memory, and olfaction. Emotional life is largely housed in the limbic system, and it critically aids the formation of memories. This is all well known and documented… Thank you for being aware…

Feb 11, 2021 5:04 PM

The CDC says that anyone vaccinated twice won’t have to quarantine. Accepting as reality for a moment their own bs narrative, how does that make any sense?

The vaccine is not a cure and does not grant immunity, this is fully admitted. (BTW is anyone struck by how few “normies” one talks to knows this?). All it claims to do is suppress symptoms. While less coughing and sneezing might reduce the spread of infection it doesn’t eliminate the threat. The unvaccinated but asymptomatic would be clearly less of a threat but still have to quarantine.

It’s a tacit admission that the whole narrative is nonsense. The only explanation that makes sense is that it’s a bribe to encourage repeat vaccination and normalise that process.

Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones
Feb 11, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

There is no asymptomatic carriers or threat of infection. The only threat is the vaccine pushing, hostage taking terrorist group.

Feb 12, 2021 11:40 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It may reduce non-severe symptoms, if it does not kill you first. It does not reduce infection, trnsmission or severe symptoms. This is true of at least mRNA. No info on the rest, though some governments are beginning to condemn AstraZeneca.

Feb 11, 2021 4:50 PM

Astra Zeneca – Phizer- Moderna – Johnson and Johnson – Novovax +(without the Chinese and Russian products). We have 5+ different companies producing 5+ different types of Covid-19 vaccines in the west. (I think there’s 6 but unable to work it out). Does anyone else see a problem with this reality with reference to safe guarding or accountability? This is without touching on the fact these companies are protected legally from any compensation claim for damages relating to the rushed vaccine roll out. Vaccines that has been produced in less than a year, supposedly. Without digging deeper into the various mRNA vaccines trials on animals that have been disastrous over the previous decades. The UK government have also announced that the administration of these vaccines presently in operation will be mixed and matched with the particular 2 step Astra Zeneca vaccine delayed several weeks between the first and second jab, longer than the companies recommendation. Surely we are witnessing the preparation for when the fall out happens and the questions that are always used; How did we get it so wrong? What lessons can we learn from this? (As with The Grenfell Tower Inferno. UK’s own 9 11 sacrifice of its own people). So when Maggie or Ronnie get their jab at the Vax Centre and die later this year with the finger pointing directly at the vaccine. Which vaccine did they get? How was it administered? Are there any accounting records not been destroyed yet that can be referred? There really is a shit storm down the road to be unleashed pretty soon. “Hunt for the 2million unvaccinated Britons as Boris Johnson urges vulnerable people who are yet to receive jab to step up for the shot – amid warnings lockdown will stay in place even longer if large… Read more »

Feb 11, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

Grenfell Tower fire of 2017 is a valid comparison.

The callousness of officials was evident from the start: what mattered was the narrative and to hell with the victims and their families. The people who made the cladding, fitted the cladding, paid for the cladding and who were in charge of the regulations all knew that the cladding was dangerous but they went ahead anyway.

The counting of victims was stopped before firefighters had fully searched the building. There was no conclusive record of residents. Experts said the degree of heat would leave almost nothing of bodies except teeth. There was no effort to look for them. It was as if the governments, local and national, did not want to know the real total. And if they knew, they didn’t want the public to know.

The heart wrenching phone calls and photos sent by the trapped victims contrasted with the racist, classist disregard of politicians. They gave the impression the victims had no right being there anyway. After all, this was Kensington.

Feb 11, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thankfully some actually human human-beings made these two videos to give names to the previously nameless victims and ‘missing’:

Lowkey ft. Mai Khalil – Ghosts of Grenfell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztUamrChczQ

Lowkey ft. Kaia – Ghosts of Grenfell 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQplVg9vE0I

Feb 12, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is stating the obvious, but Jesus, that’s tragic.

Feb 11, 2021 6:39 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

Since the 24th January I have been receiving texts from either the NHS or my local surgery on a weekly basis inviting me to be vaccinated. I have persistently ignored them.

Today I received a letter which outlined the dangers of the” virus” and I was in a very vulnerable position because of my age plus an underlying condition I have. It continued with reassuring measures about the independent committee which recommends the vaccine.

Immediately, I looked at the background of the chairman of this ” independant ” committee. It turned out he is a professor at the Oxford vaccine clinic and surprise surprise they are sponsored in part by the BAMGF. Within 2 hours of receiving the letter, the phone rang on a withheld number asking for me by name without announcing who they were. I asked their business before giving my name and it was the local clinic ready to give me the spiel about having the vaccine.

Instantly, I headed them off at the pass with an emphatic NO I DON’T WANT IT and with that they stopped, stating they are taking my name of the list which I responded in a robust voice GOOD.

Do not be bullied into taking this experimental gene therapy witches brew of a drug !!!!

Feb 12, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Bravo! I got the email also. Offering me 3 masks at my visit.

I respectfully declined.

Feb 12, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Judith

Well done !

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 11, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

Here in Australia, Astra Z’s injections are about to begin. Why is our Prime Minister so keen on Astra’s jab? Here’s a possible answer …..

“The Director of Government Affairs at Scott Morrison’s suddenly favourite new drug company AstraZeneca is former federal govt lobbyist Kieran Schneemann. He’s also a former Chief of Staff in the Liberal party.”

Aussie P.M., Scotty from Marketing, belongs to the Liberal party of course. Hmmm – what a coincidence.

Feb 12, 2021 3:59 AM
Reply to  May Hem

sounds like insider trading to me.

Feb 12, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  peterpaul

Just as there is no clinical diagnosis for the “disease”, there is no evaluation of people for the vaccine dangers. E.g. we hear that those allergic to PEG (a plastic) or shellfish may be “at risk”. But who decides, and who pays if one gets crippled or killed?

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2021 4:34 PM

One of those “comedy” rants from Jonathan Pie back at the beginning of this covid crud featured him blasting off about how this pandemic was going to throw up the “best and the worst” of humanity. Emphasis on “worst” there. And what he achieved there was, as usual, to give a “trendy” and “radical” spin to the very same story he was supposedly critiquing i.e. the mainstream bull.

But this bit about the worst of humanity sets the scene for the big meltdown which was very much anticipated and indeed desired. We are invited to contemplate a little societal breakdown which the rulers just can’t do anything about. And the “rebel” contingent is there to emphasise the “incompetence” of the rulers – thus enabling them to get away with it.

Feb 11, 2021 4:25 PM

This is where George Carlin’s designation of education as a system that “makes people able to run the machines and do the paperwork” comes in.

For anyone who is ever so slightly inquisitive, judicious, and generally with it, one aspect of the current global revolution, coup d’etat, or WWIII should be the realization of how just about all of the things we take for granted, starting with democracy, freedom, all the way to healthcare, are utterly corrupted and how little we know about stuff. Somehow it feels like we’ve reached the ultimate level of knowledge and understanding, but the exact opposite is true.

Not only we know shit about stuff, viz viruses and so on, but also, and more importantly, we know shit about ourselves, how our mind works. We are tragically unable to understand how we’re being played, how our minds are fucking with us, how our psyches are being used against us.

Note that there is nothing in the curriculum that would teach kids to come to terms with their own selves. Only stuff to run the machines. In fact, huge efforts are made to fuck up people’s heads. Everybody does it, from politicians to peddlers of useless shit.

The emperor has no clothes applies not only to this ever-so-ridiculous COVID horseshit, but even more to the world people though was so bitchen.

Frank G L
Frank G L
Feb 11, 2021 7:53 PM
Reply to  Jacques

“Everybody does it, from politicians to peddlers of useless shit.

Those are called adults.

And yes, the “educational” system is complete garbage.

You know, in San culture, children had a duty until they were around their teens. That duty is to play.

Feb 12, 2021 3:53 PM
Reply to  Frank G L

Not ‘adults’ but juveniles!

Feb 11, 2021 8:02 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Yep. And if you don’t get it now…you’re pretty much never going to get it. It’s so in your face. And if this little slice of history is anything to go by you might be tempted to speculate that down through history a good 99% of people have never gotten it. Nothing changes.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2021 3:48 PM

Sky News:

“COVID-19: AstraZeneca on course to roll out jab for new variants by autumn
The company says clinical trials for the next generation of coronavirus jab would commence in the spring.”

“Next generation”? They’re not exactly subtle. The generations come, the generations go. But the virus abides forever!

Feb 11, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We’re human pin cushions for pharma shareholders. The new variant hasn’t arrived yet. A business model that is also a crime against humanity