Trump’s show trial is just the next step in a very American coup
As Biden consolidates his power, the war on populism becomes a fully fledged assault on reality itself.
Kit Knightly

Donald Trump is no longer President, but the battle to overcome his “fascism” still rages on. Armed with nothing but the Presidency, both houses of Congress, the military, the entirety of the mainstream media, and all the richest and most powerful corporations in the world, The Resistance is gearing up for one last battle.
Despite leaving office without a whiff of the fascist coup everyone was talking up for so long, Trump is now being impeached. Again. And facing a trial in front of the senate. Again.
The “trial” itself is a joke of a process.
Firstly, we should note that it is absolutely and completely unprecedented to have a private citizen impeached. It could even be argued (and has been, prominently) that it is entirely unconstitutional to do so.
Secondly, there’s the very idea that what Trump did could ever be considered any grounds for impeachment, let alone a crime. He never incited violence at all, and one use of the word “fight” doesn’t change that.
He clearly and distinctly called for peaceful protests in a series of tweets which twitter removed in an attempt to expunge evidence of his innocence:

I’m asking everyone at the U.S. Captiol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the party of law and order – respect our men and women in blue! Thank you.” [link]
Please support our Capitol Police and Law enforcement, they are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!” [link]
And thirdly, there’s the fact the entire “Capitol Hill riot” was a created and stage-managed event, obviously designed to disrupt the congressional session on whether or not there was voter fraud. Police opened barriers and waved rioters inside, where they posed for pictures. The presence of Army psychological operations officers has been confirmed. It was a complete set up. I’ve gone into that at length before.
At the end of the day, Donald Trump is being tried for something he didn’t do: “inciting” a riot that never really happened. But, of course, it’s not really about Donald Trump. It’s about what he represents, and further about sending a message.
Donald Trump was never what so many millions of Americans clearly believed him to be – he was never going to destroy the system from the inside and restore the America-that-was. He was never going to drain the swamp. But millions of people thought he could, and should, and would. And that’s a very dangerous idea.
That is millions of people realising the system is broken and attempting to do something about it.
In headlines and academic institutions and enlightened twitter circles they call it “populism”. Which is to say, the radical idea that the writhing mass of useless eaters possesses even the slightest capacity to understand their situation at all, or should have any say in what is done about it.
That idea needs to be squashed. And the best way to do that is to demonstrate to people just how little power they have.
And the best way to do that, is to force people to live in a reality you make up as you go along. Make the rules, break the rules, change the rules. Tie people in knots until they can believe totally contradictory ideas. It is the ultimate display of power and control.
Masks don’t do anything. Oh, actually they do. And you should wear one. Or two. Or three. Unless you’re a “person of colour”, then you don’t have to wear one at all, because it’s racist.
The “deadly virus” will spread if we gather in large groups. People protesting the lockdowns are selfish idiots who spread diseases, BUT black lives matter protests are different because they’re so important they won’t spread viruses.
This would be “fiery but mostly peaceful” protest that only burns down a few buildings and loots and few stores and kills a few dozen people. Nothing like the “violent fascist coup” in which people queued up inside velvet ropes and posed for photographs.
Obviously, we can all agree that vaccine passports are just a conspiracy theory, but freedom papers are a good idea right?
Nobody wants an Orwellian “ministry of truth” deciding what thoughts are allowable, but maybe we should have a “reality czar” to deal with our “reality crisis”.
The irony being we really do have a “reality crisis”, we really DO live in a “post truth age”, but it was deliberately created and is incredibly useful to the people in charge.
If “Go home in peace and love”, “I’m asking everyone to stay peaceful” and “Stay peaceful!!” is inciting violence, then literally anything can be forced to mean…literally anything.
It is an all-out assault on the idea that words have meaning, or veridical reality exists at all. And it culminates in having a full-on coup in the name of “saving democracy”.
Yes, a coup. Call it what it was. It was, and is, a coup. If it were happening anywhere else in the world, it would already be being recognised as such.
Ignore what the part of your mind that has been subconsciously conditioned to American exceptionalism says. Ignore the brainwashing that associates the words “America” and “democracy” and the idea of “rule of law”. Reject all that programming we’ve all been subjected too since we first watched television that tells us this kind of thing just doesn’t happen here. It does, and it is.
Just look at the plain reality of the situation.
As of right now, this very moment, the President of the United States is sitting in a building surrounded by razor wire, with 20,000 troops on the streets of the capital city. He’s ruling by decree, signing dozens and dozens of executive orders. His election was contentious, to say the least, and almost certainly fraudulent.
Reporting on these facts is being censored on social media, and gets no play at all in the mainstream. The news networks literally refused to broadcast the speech of the incumbent President accusing the other side of wrong-doing and he was immediately purged from all social media and internet companies. His campaign wasn’t even allowed to email their public supporters.
Meanwhile, Trump’s few political supporters left are being dragged through the mud, stripped of their responsibilities and powers or pressured into resigning.
And, having removed his opponent from power, Biden’s administration is now putting on a televised show trial to make sure he’s barred from ever running for office again.
It can only be described as a coup.
They are even admitting it themselves, even if they don’t call it that. In this long, ecstatically smug TIME article they detail how all the lobbying groups, and the Chamber of Commerce, and Facebook and many, many others came together to “fortify the election” and “save democracy”.
As CJ Hopkins wrote reently:
GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. The name of the lesson is ‘Look What We Can Do to You Any Time We Fucking Want.’”
Is this really even a pretence of democracy anymore? Do they have even the slightest veneer of the “will of the people” left?
No, it’s gone. American “democracy” is dead. They killed it. What’s more, they did it in front our eyes. A sacrifice. They tied it to the stone table, shaved of its mane and cut out its heart…and dared us to say anything.
Most people didn’t. But they got the message, even if they didn’t realise it.
The troops. The censorship. The razorwire.
They’re telling us that “voting” was a game they were only willing to play as long as they got to win, and now it’s done. They’re picking up their ball and taking it home. Democracy is over, they cheated and they won.
Now we play a new game. It’s called “Simon says”, and they are always Simon. So you better get fucking used to it.
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It isn’t a coup by Biden. It is a coup by the billionaire mob that owns BOTH parties. Biden isn’t consolidating his power, he was deliberately placed into office so when they try to pull their Global Reset with corporate owners as the new rulers of the world, there would be no figure head to rally the People. Both ‘sides’ doubt the veracity of Biden’s stunning win with Bernie leading in every poll in the country and Biden in dead last place to win most states. Iowa investigation found serious issues with the caucus. The Dems cheated Bernie twice (why anyone would support him after he allowed it the first go, who knows)….So, the MAJORITY of the country is not with either party and we have got to STOP talking in THEIR language. Biden is a empty suit taking orders. He is not in charge. Neither was Trump, he delivered the stimulus bailout of 4 trillion dollars to the billionaires while handing the people pennies and sold the Covid lie and pushed operation warp speed. Then, told his supporters to come to Washington to act as props while they opened the gates for a ‘mob’ that had their own cameramen and stopped to pose and then denounced the show and didn’t stand up for his people. BOTH parties served their owners just as they always do.
Yes trump dogwhistled the proud boys in October with quote stand by end quote, and they showed up on January 6th see the wsj video analysis on proud boys. Trump invited everybody on December 19th to come to January 6th quote it will be wild end quote.
Trump declared a nine months national emergency which gave the governor’s the moral authority to lock down their states and also floated gazilions of our great great great grandchildren’s money from the federal government to the states, all the while delivering Kabuki criticism to the locking down governors.
Unfortunately I don’t agree with the author that Trump has few supporters left.
Trumpo was never more than a bloviating orange Zio Shill.
Jonah Goldberg’s book some years ago, ‘Liberal Fascism’.
Prescient and based on trends predictable.
Slippery slopes. Too many breached to count from anti-White racism, to gender fascism, to warm-tarding and non-science, to stealing elections, to destroying White civilisation by any means possible, open borders, Muhammad’s death cult is peace, CV 19 ‘pandemic’ etc etc.
Biden et al are the real fascists. Armed troops in Washington. Imagine if Drumpf had stolen an election and massed troops around the White House…..CV 19 was just part of the plan to get this moron and his gang in power.
What is “White civilisation” and how is it being destroyed?
powerful piece that hits you right where you knew it hurt.
How nice it is to have a place to come to where common sense is freely spoken. I can’t help but wonder for how long…
“Then the story gets even odder.”
The capitol officer murder case is falling apart – the fire extinguisher story didn’t happen
Matt Christiansen
Feb 13th, 2021
MAGA Blood Libel: Why Are They Hiding The Medical Report?
Feb 9, 2021
It was all staged!
Buffalo STUNTMAN Succeeds in Fooling the Masses
Videos From Peekay
Date: 2020-06-25
Prosecutors drop charges against Buffalo officers who shoved activist aside during 2020 protests
February 12, 2021
The June 2020 incident drew national attention as protests across the county, following the May 25, 2020, death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody, resulted in police and demonstrators clashing.
Uprising. Disobedience. Period. Rest of blablas are a total waste of time at this point.
Just don’t go along. They don’t DO anything but steal. And, I think they are losing their foot soldiers. The ‘plan’ aint working
Re: “Trump’s show trial is just the next step in a very American coup.”
Who is on trial?
Who and what is being shown to the world?
What is the meaning of “American”?
An evil plan laid bare by an outsider looking in, in the hope that we who are trapped inside looking outward might find a way to articulate and embrace a more sensible path toward the future. Unfortunately, until we rid ourselves of the psychotic Sanhedrin who now hold the world hostage to their own modern Kabbalah, a twisted version of an ever more twisted and collective dogma, nothing will suffice but relentless resistance to the Great Lie. These technocrats, oligarchs and their media mandarins MUST be brought down from their privileged perches, the gilded cage not merely rattled but smashed and obliterated for all time!
Looking at the pictures of politicians wearing masks, if there was a very dangerous contagious disease, they still act normal, no concern at all. Shouldn’t they stay in the bunkers?
THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY: A Century of Rockefellers, Rothschilds
THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY : A study of the Anglo- American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and So Much More
THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY – Enemy of Humanity – American ……
Aug 07, 2019 · The Pilgrims are dominated by a small group of families including Rockefeller, Kissinger, Rothschilds, Rhodes, Milner, Woolsey (self-styled “British and American Aristocracy” modelled on Cecil Rhodes’ British-American federation dream
THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY British-American Pilgrims Society Behind Lenin and …
Oct 03, 2019 · The Rockefellers were also founding members of the Pilgrims Society and financial backers of the Tavistock Institute (for psychological propaganda). In 1909, P.W. Wilson was a member of Parliament as well as parliamentary correspondent for the London Daily News (1907-1917).
“[I.G. Farben’s] cartel agreements numbered over 2,000 and included agreements with such major industrial concerns as [the Rockefellers’] Standard Oil of New Jersey, the Aluminum company of America, E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Ethyl Export corporation, Imperial Chemical Industries of Great Britain, the Dow Chemical company, Rohn and Haas, Establishments, Kuhlmann of France and the Mitsui interests of Japan.”
– December 11, 1945, Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Iowa), ‘Farben tested poison gas on camp inmates’
THE PILGRIMS SOCIETY: A study of the Anglo- American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and So Much More
By: Joël van der Reijden | Date: July 17, 2008 | Updated: April 20, 2019 | Members plus bios | Photocopies | NGO Study Center
“There are several curious things about these Pilgrims functions. In the first place there is present at these dinners an array of notables such as it would be difficult to bring together under one roof for any other purpose and by any other society… Among the guests were John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont and other members of the House of Morgan… We are entitled to know what the Pilgrim Society is, what it stands for, and who these powerful Pilgrims are that can call out the great to hear a British Ambassador expound to Americans the virtues of a united democratic front.”
John T. Whiteford asking very reasonable questions in his 1940 pamphlet ‘Sir Uncle Sam: Knight of the British Empire’.
American Politics, The Reality:
Off Guardian
Why is this site called Off Guardian ? Why the association with a Kill Gates funded rag ?
If the Guardian are a “kill Gates” rag, then it is a smokescreen. Gates FUNDS the Guardian.
Hillary Clinton: Trump acquittal “will be because the jury includes his co-conspirators”
-The Hill
Clinton never forgive and forget.
She, her partisans, never Trumpers, woke movement, etc. won’t be happy until he’s thrown in a jail, if not hanged on ending like Qadafi.
But the real danger here, is the coming crackdown against people who voted for him, plus all those who are not following the covid narrative, and I’m not talking only about the US.
Here in Canada, Parliament declared the Proud Boys a terrorist organization. There’s not a day without more than one articles and tv show about the danger of covid deniers, conspirationists, vaccine sceptics. It’s clear a major crackdown is coming. All people who are not following the narrative will become terrorists.
Agree with you Jean. The vile presstitutes here in Australia have been doing exactly the same thing; demonising people as ‘covid deniers’ ‘anti vaxxers’ ‘tin foil hat loons’ etc etc.
Early this week, a Labour Party politician here said that “anti vaxxers are crazy conspiracy theorists, and I don’t want my mother exposed to people who refuse to get vaccinated”.
I sense a crackdown coming as well. We’ll be depicted as putting the community in danger by spreading ‘disinformation’ and by refusing the jab. Buckle up Jean, it’s going to get rough.
“Actually if War Criminal Killary is remembered at all it will be for her school girlish reprise and channeling of Julius of Caesar on the lynching of Muammar Gaddafi, “we came, we saw, he died. War Criminal Killary is one angry bitter pathetic wretch.”
this author clearly has done homework in US. there is a legal precedent — the impeachment of President Grant’s secretary of war William Belknap, which was ruled after he left office. The rest of the article is BS since it hinges on Knightly’s original ignorance. Why is Knightly and others praising this article defending a clinical psychopath is beyond me. The evidence of Trump’s lies, hatred, fueling violence should be no brainer for anyone who has an elementary clue about basic psychology.
As a general rule of thumb, one chicken needs 8-12ft square feet of space of coop. So if you’re planning to have 3, then you’ll need 12 square foot coop (3×4, 6×2, or bigger). However, if you plan to coop them all the time, you need at least 12 feet each. If the space is too small, your chickens will not be happy.
the article or wht ever it ws may of been about chickens no coup ever happened
Just theatire for the brain dead spend your energy on educating yourself on learning a new skills which will come in handy for the incoming
Indeed, Kit. You have expressed it all beautifully. There was a Guardian editorial yesterday, of which the third sentence read:
The only problem is that Trump never said anything of the sort. Somebody made the quotes up.
I have written to the Guardian readers’ editor with a formal complaint about this, as the editorial argues for Trump’s impeachment wholly based on things he did not say. I do not expect any reply or even acknowledgement of their fiction.
What I was even doing reading it in the first place is a mystery to me. Fake news fuckers that they are.
It’s a great article Kit. I have always believed that Trump was going to be a patsy for something or they needed him in to prevent Hilary from getting in, maybe both.
Donald, Mr Orange with his fake nooz and his alternative facts….we all laughed. Towards the end of his term when Trump called Fauci out, this led me to think two things A .Donald was not deep state and B. how fake was that nooz, how alternative were those facts.Trump, we know is facing trial….. if he is found guilty of intention to cause a riot or civil unrest
. He will be found guilty and prohibited from trying to enter office again. He has served his purpose, time to move on.
The coup was a stroke of genius, it had nothing to do with Trump, but it did serve Biden’s purpose………
If you look at Capitol Hill you will be meet by the sight of an armed national guard, barbed wire and barracades what does that say ? We are trying to keep the lunatics out or we are protecting the lunatic inside the building. I will go with the latter.
The objective ? world control achieved so the few have power over the masses…it always has been and always will be rich vs poor and that gap between them just continues to grow.
To believe people are ‘well born’ is to imply there are others who are ‘lesser born’
Once again, where are my posts?
Do you mean the half dozen single sentence ones where you tell another poster they have an “IQ of 10” and should “fuck off” etc?
I’m afraid they were sent to spam as per our comment policy.
I don’t think they’ll be missed if that makes you feel any better.
It’s quite clear I was equally insulted.
Ha ha. Okay, I get it: you’re schizophrenic,
~ Steven Augustine
That set me off.
Probably, Jimmy, because you came up with both of the following comments (in the same thread) because I was disparaging Trump:
And there you are… disparaging Trump. Make sense, Jimmy?
The start of censorship.
You have an IQ of 10 and f-off far into the distance never to be seen again.
By Total Control of the channels of “Information” (“News,” talk shows, Social Media, Hollywood, Pop) and Total Control of Influencers (eg Tom Hanks, Robert Downey Jr., Lady Gaga, Scarlet Johansson, Stephen Colbert, Kardashians, Sports Figures, celebrity politicians eg AOC, Obamas, et al). Any figure who steps out of line is immediately discredited/ demonized. Remember how cool Ian Brown and Van Morrison were as recently as 2019? Not any more.
They’ve even got Stewart Lee working for the Relentless Propaganda Support League, going out of his way to mock people for rebelling against HERDTHINK’S HEGEMONY in very much the way, ironically, that seems to bring a nostalgic tear to Lee’s eye, as long as he’s remembering anti-Thatcher punks of a bygone era instead of anti-Gates Free Thinkers of today:
“On Monday, the Oasis pop star Noel Gallagher announced his suspicion of masks: “If I get the virus it’s on me, it’s not on anyone else… it’s a piss-take,” declared the People’s Virologist. “There’s no need for it… They’re pointless.” The previous week, in a punctuation-resistant statement Auto-Tuned into near coherence, former Stone Roses singer Ian Brown declared: “NO LOCKDOWN NO TESTS NO TRACKS NO MASKS NO VAX”, and appeared to imply that billionaire Bill Gates had released the bat virus. Two members of 90s northern indie bands had announced their distrust of Covid realities. I found my Britpop-era Filofax to see if I could track and trace a failure to trust scientific and health data generally among the fading faces of the Madchester generation. Top one!”
Lee mocks “The People’s Virologist” Noel Gallagher but has nothing to say about The Ruling Class’s Computer-Modeler, Neil Ferguson, or the Ruling Class’s Global Health Czar Bill Gates, neither of whom are as qualified to rule Duh Masses by diktat as Gallagher is to leave the issue of masks and hand-san up to his own discretion. Now, I’m a huge fan of Lee as a comedian, but his support of this nonsense makes me think he’s an ideologically mind-locked, boot-licking Vichy jester who happens to be funny… but not suitable for the right-on admiration he once perhaps deserved. This opinion will not be shared by most of his fans, who will have “Stew” in their heads the next time they see an unmasked citizen and react accordingly, smugly presuming that person to be Lower Class in The Only Unacceptable Lefty-Liberal Sense of the Term. And so on for every demographic and its respective “icon”.
THAT’s how TFIC exercise Control. It ain’t tricky but it requires a few billion Euros or Dollars or Pounds, at least, to achieve the desired results.
I am an American who believes in the radical notion of the constitution and apparently I am in a distinct minority. The simple truth is Trump was not allowed to really do anything of substance, so it is hard to judge him based on the constraints forced upon him. He was however a great president for Israel and since America is an Israeli colony–look at Comrade Joe’s appointees–Trump was given the green light for those actions.
What no one is talking about is the illegal action of our new defense secretary of the politically correct color, in shutting the military down for 2 months to conduct a purge. There has never been a purge like this. I served in uniform for three decades and you are allowed to believe what you want politically and religiously. The only proscription is you are not allowed to do political events in uniform or use your position to influence your subordinates (unless you are a democrat evidently). Yet as one comment I read stated, “If the US military can be shut down for sixty days, then that proves they are not needed.”
‘’The simple truth is Trump was not allowed to really do anything of substance’’
Not true Trump was very productive and achieved most of what he was asked to do. He transferred. 1.8 trillion in tax cuts to his Corporate friends, he gave the Surveillance state, to spy more on the American people much more, he increased the US Military budget to the highest it has ever been. He also deregulated for Corporations to remove your environmental and health protections. And he laid the framework for the Covid experiment. He achieved a lot.
“I served in uniform for three decades”
I don’t know what to tell you, man. What the fuck were you doing there? Even you can see how arbitrarily criminally politicians conduct themselves. The military, police are what these evildoers use to enforce their evil deeds by brutal, lethal force.
As a soldier, or cop, you can be ordered to annihilate anyone, anything, anywhere, you’re a tool carrying out their sick inhumane schemes. And there is nothing you can do. You obey and kill your brothers and sisters because it fits some fuckhead’s psychopathic plans.
I risked my life as a kid to run away from a country where military service was mandatory. I wouldn’t have survived that. I’d have told them to eat shit if they tried to give me an order.
How could you have stayed there for three decades? Did you ever have to kill anyone?
““I served in uniform for three decades” was from Quick Draw but I agree. None of the horrors thought up by TFIC are possible without the military/police to enforce them. Governments are always, in the end, more wary of their own citizens than of “foreign threats”… and then, of course, there’s all that constant killing in “The Middle East” to serve corporate goals. The American mantra “Thank you for your service!” is sickening (unless offered to the kid operating the doughnut machine at the mall) and would be booed loudly by any non-right wing time-traveler from the late 1960s or 1970s.
That would explain all the Satanists in the US military:
Hello Dixie Cup: I think Mr Trump had a Surveillance State gun pointed at his back the entire time he was in office. Just like Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, etc.
Why would you think that? He has been a mafia player all his life, he is not a victim.
Hello Dixie Cup: Whether working in government or just schmoozing with the mafia, persons such as Mr Trump toil at their allotted time with a gun pointed at their backs.
“1.8 trillion in tax cuts to his Corporate friends”
and tax cuts to anyone who pays taxes
86% went to the rich.
You can’t be serious with this crap you are all spinning. I wonder how people like Kit would feel if they had been in the Capitol that day hearing mobs of chanting fools wanting to hand Pence and his seeing his terrified family, or the old parents of congress people hearing the Presidency being affirmed and then greeted by a bunch of hundreds of goons with even confederate flags and if you read the twitter feed from inside you would have seen mobs cheering each other on to drag a 78 year old woman out by her hair and slitting her fucking throat. I don’t care much if you don’t like Nancy that is not the way to speak of the 3rd most powerful person in the world or even just a 78 year old woman.
It’s all very nice to spout this nonsense from outside, try watching the film of the terrified inside. Of course I don’t have much truck with the USA at the best of times and haven’t since I was an anti Nam war protestor in 1966, but for fuck’s sake there has to be a line in common decency. Donald lost, the election was not rigged, the last rigged election was Bush in 2000, the Orange clown was a vile embarrassing disgrace. Grow up some of you,there has never been a democracy in the USA, the Family decide the elections.
did you literally make ALL of that up, or can you source at least some of it to proven facts?!
Make what up? America is not a democracy, never has been. And there was a very long twitter feed on the day demanding people drag 78 year old Nancy out by her hair and slit her throat and numerous chants to hang Pence. The nonsense that there was no danger is madness, watch some of the films. And I have been watching US elections since I was 16 years old and with old LBJ in Australia we went all the way. So no I didn’t make up anything – are you going down the only acceptable comments route that Twitter and Facebook have?
No one hereabouts is likely to debate the point about American “democracy”… (points deducted for the lameness of your strawman) … what you’re being questioned about is the preposterous narrative you’re attempting to spin around that sloppily-executed psyop in the touristy part of the good old Capitol. Whatever any random nutter or plant had to say on Twitter about the pantomime, nothing was “stormed” that day… but a little party of half-assed extras did file lackadaisically between the velvet ropes in the part of the building they were instructed to. The thing was an obvious set-up from beginning to end, reminiscent of so many faked “mass shootings” and so many faked “Isis beheadings” and so many examples of “tearful” speeches, by “victims” and politicians, featuring a by-now standard and telling lack of actual tears. Fitting, isn’t it, that it’s all about as believable as the narrative arcs on WWE wrestling, where Trump gathered his core following? And is it any wonder that Trump was chosen to play the key role in this goofy farce? As I wrote elsewhere on the day of the show:
“Ha Ha Ha! You call THAT a Reichstag Fire?”
—J. Goebbels, LOLing in his grave
There are two possibilities, “Ma’am”: you’re a Dupe, or you’re a Shill. Textual analysis of a sample of your product…
…makes me think you’re a Shill with a sense of humor* (“old parents of congress people” and “by a bunch of hundreds of goons” are master-strokes), and pretty good at your job, too, since… think about it… how could anyone be so entertaining without trying? My unfortunate problem being (believe it or not) that I tend to overestimate people. Maybe you’re just silly.
*You do seem to get the tone of your character wrong when you deploy the f-word, though. I should have thought a “darned” would have suited the excitable fuddy-duddy, that you’re attempting to craft, a bit better.
Also: too much exposition at the end of the first comment?
You must like licking boots.
How history repeats: >
Excerpted from Wikipedia: United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States
“The United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States was set up under President Gerald Ford in 1975 to investigate the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence agencies within the United States. The commission was led by the Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, and is sometimes referred to as the Rockefeller Commission.
The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized Project MKUltra, a CIA mind control study.
It also studied issues relating to the John F. Kennedy assassination, specifically the head snap as seen in the Zapruder film (first shown on television in 1975), and the possible presence of E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis in Dallas, Texas.[1]
A larger investigation, the Church Committee, was set up on 27 January 1975 by the U.S. Senate. The Nedzi Committee was created in the U.S. House of Representatives on 19 February 1975. It was replaced by the Pike Committee five months later.
Complete text: United States President’s Commission on CIA Activities within the United States – Wikipedia
“Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a Trout in the milk”
– Henry David Thoreau –
(July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862)
Now it’s time for some good news, Kit. Why not an update on how that restaurant strike in Italy is coming along? I think they’re entering week two or three, aren’t they? Or has it ended already? Any Italians here? Whatever happened to ‘falcemartello’?
I second your motion.
When the story of the Italian restauranteurs defying the scamdemic restrictions broke, I commented here that this was the kind of story that makes a strong first impression, but somehow fails to acquire “legs”.
It’s understandable that, to the extent that such scamdemic pushback or blowback is successful, the rabidly pro-scamdemic conventional mass-media will deliberately suppress it. But it would be helpful if some “alternative” site or independent journalist reported on its progress, or lack thereof.
I’m certainly not suggesting that Off-G in particular has an obligation to provide a follow-up. But it’s odd when truly “newsworthy” stories quietly sink into the Memory Hole.
FWIW, I also wonder about the status of the Yellow Vest Movement; the scamdemic seems to have driven it into either suspended animation or oblivion. I’ve only seen sporadic conflicting references in recent months; one claimed that the YV Movement diminished because it didn’t take a position on the scamdemic one way or the other. (I’m not sure how non-hierarchical movements “decide” to take positions, but that’s another question.)
When I mentioned the absence of YV news here a while back, someone who lives in France replied, in effect, that the movement is alive and well and indeed opposes the scamdemic– even though its presence on the streets is diminished by the draconian Megadeath Virus of Doom restrictions. I hope this is true, but it’s still off the radar.
Yes, if alt-media don’t publicize this stuff, then who will? That’s why I’d like to see Off-G head a little more in that direction. The other reason is because just reading about the problem over and over (or debunking the narrative over and over) gets depressing after a while. It’s time for action!
I can’t get away from the thought that is exactly the role Trump was supposed to play. To allow him to gather and rally all of the patriots, lovers of liberty and freedom and the US constitution and as their ‘totem’ to take him and by proxy them down in one fell swoop.
By this show trial they will demonise the liberty loving, freedom loving patriots of small govt and conservative Christian values and by using Trump be able to justify an attack on this ‘right wing’ ‘far-right’ cabal who ‘threatened’ and ‘attacked’ America’s most sacred values and symbols.
It sticks in my craw that this is why Trump won and was allowed to set his agenda in motion because by doing so while and neither draining the swamp or even taking it he has allowed those people he rallied to his cause swinging in the wind.
Once this trial is done and Trump is ‘dealt with’ we can expect that the PTB will then start to round up those who the biggest Trump supporters.
Steve Bannon in a lucid outspoken moment said recently of Kissinger that they (Patriots) will be coming for the DS and ‘we will be starting with (him)’ Kissinger. Well it is starting to look like the reality may be the opposite.
Even what Bannon said is all for show. You are correct that this was indeed a way to demonize not just that group of people but also the concepts of patriotism, small government, libertarianism, Christians and conservatives.
Bannon’s arrest is as much of a publicity stunt as General Flynn’s. Nothing is real, it’s all stagecraft.
I previously misunderstood why Christians were against vaccination due to the fetal aborted tissue controversy. Aside from the fact that those cell lines are cancerous, the psychopathic Rockefeller-Rothschild cabal who run the world despise humanity so much they want to surreptitiously destroy the values and bodies of their victims and compel them to sin in ignorance. The cabal bait them to go against all their principles or adopt contrary principles they have conjured in order to debase them.
That level of pre-planned and well devised malevolence and abuse is evil, sadistic and psychopathic. The criminals who run the world are far more dangerous than the Nazism they created ninety years ago.
All this from a person who believes ‘the few’ have genes in common. And it was possible to crop spray in the late 1800s
They have gotten far, far better at it after blending the German and American strains.
I think the focus on Trump supporters will very quickly shift to anti-vaxxers, covid deniers and just in general anyone associated with “fake news.”
The Tea-Partiers, evangelicals and states’ rights advocates were merely the means to an end. They will not pose a substantial problem to the Great Rest paradigm (at least not in its early stages). They will rail and threaten – but they will not present cold, hard data to counter the official narrative.
To say the narrative violates divine and constitutional law is not the same as to say vaccines kill and maim and covid-19 stinks of flu or perhaps doesn’t even exist. God doesn’t frighten the totalitarians the way truth does.
Living in a banana republic is fun. You get to have presidents like Klaus (not Schwab, Vaclav). He’s mainly made a name for himself by stealing some ceremonial pen, but he’s actually an economist with extensive erudition, a disciple of von Hayek and promoted of his spontaneous order.
Anyway, Klaus (out of office but still wielding substantial clout) is publicly saying that it’s all bullshit, including the allegations of overcrowded hospitals.
At the same time, it looks like the Cabinet doesn’t have enough votes to extend the state of emergency, which means that the bulk of the measures would have to be cancelled. In theory, the Cabinet could declare a state of emergency without the Chamber’s approval, but they can only do that once, this would be like the fourth time, and that would be unconstitutional. I’m anxious to see what happens. Either the prick prime minister (former secret police agent turned oligarch) finds a way to bribe somebody or the shit will hit the fan. We might even end up with a mini color revolution on our hands since the premier is not the globalists’ favorite to say the least …
The pen theft is hilarious.
His successor, Zeman (incumbent), is even more fun.
Watch him here wasted nearly puking on the coronation jewels during some ceremony.
The next crisis is going to be economic and it is going to make Covid look like a breeze.
Good reminder
Great entertainment, …..Don’t look at the rising inflation….the US economy is going down.
Popularism is an American political movement like any other, Look at its history. It was racist and failed like it did today.
It failed because its ideology is flawed. If you don’t have a socialist revolution, with the interests of the population behind you, like so many around the world, your revolution will fail.
You are outraged by the absurdity of the impeachment against trump, yet you are not outraged by the absurdity of those who believe that Tump is anti establishment or in some way a hero.
Surely you need to be asking, where are the best seats for this deep state pantomime to be found? She’s behind you!…….and be asking what do they hope to achieve by putting on this show.
I get so tired of sounding like the proverbial ditto-head, but I just can’t help it: Kit nailed once again.
Thanks for sounding like a dittohead so I don’t have to. 😉
(equinox 322 period) 19 March 2000 Lisa Simpson called it
they are called the sims –
YET a high majority of alt media…
still hasn’t called it, we wonder why…?
A cartoon is more factual honest than alt media i stick with cartoons thanks they do a better job of reporting better success rate.
*Simpson episode “Bart to the Future” not only predicted the exact attire and accoutrement that Kamala Harris would wear on Inauguration Day , but also predicted that she would proceed Donald Trump and a poor economy. * Rambo corners
Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions known as Great Conjunctions occur every twenty years and coincide with United States presidential elections. Every U.S President that won an election around a Great Conjunction has either died in office or survived an assassination attempt.

Joe Biden is the latest to be elected in a “Conjunction Year.”
The petition to recall Newsom is three-quarters of the way to its target.
Thank heavens we don’t have any of that democratic nonsense in the UK (MPs can only be recalled in much more limited circumstances and only since 2015).
We may not have the American version of that democratic nonsense in the UK, but our own home-grown specimen is every bit as appalling.
Our elections are no more elections than the US pantomime is an election.
What British citizen would ‘elect’ Boris Johnson with his ‘jolly hockey sticks and, you know, the well-being of our families and children, not to mention, you know, British, you know, democracy and freedom, you know…”?
Only his mother would elect him.
FPTP. Proportional representation is slightly better, especially because it allows kicking out established parties and electing new ones, including total weirdos, but at the end of the day it doesn’t work either because it always results in coalition governments with no accountability.
It doesn’t matter anyway …
Democracy, as known roughly in the 20th century, regardless of the extent to which it ever worked, is over. Exposed to be a joke.
Time to move on and invent something else.
Quite right.
Of course that “something else” has been invented many times over during the last hundred years, but our so-called representatives don’t want to look at anything like that.
Perhaps we’re in a similar situation to that described in an unusual apocryphal story about Jesus:
The story goes that a well-organized group of people who were spiritually very advanced existed at that time, and they had built up a secluded community where purity of spirit counted for something and pervaded the whole group. Let’s call them the Essenes.
Well, one day a disciple of Jesus found Him weeping, and asked what was wrong.
Jesus replied:
“The Essenes have succeeded in creating a beautiful society for themselves – so perfect, in fact, that Satan cannot get near them.
“This means that Satan is going to go after our brothers and sisters instead, and they are so vulnerable to his snares.”
I am not aware of anything so perfect in our modern world, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t exist.
I very much agree with you that it is time to move on, but we can’t expect any help from the ‘authorities’, whose power is as considerable as it is diabolic.
I get your point but the people are so brainwashed you wouldn’t believe it. the polls show the fascists ahead , working people will have to have agreed to that poll they are completely BBC brainwashed, repeat what they’ve read in the Sun/Express but can’t hold a discussion with anyone about anything, OH, sorry they will debate watching multi millionaires playing football for twenty four hours a day
I get your point too.
It’s just that I feel the brainwashing has not necessarily gone so very deep.
People think they should do what they are told (they haven’t informed themselves well enough to judge the rights and wrongs of what they are being told), but I have a hunch that they also sense under the surface that something is not at all right with this picture…
Apparently the opposition has the 1,500,000 signatures needed.
Thanks, Californiastan for spreading your political infection to the rest of the country. You elect Bolsheviks and when you get the inevitable results you pack up and move to the heartland to screw those places up as well.
You do have it. The UK is essentially controlled by the same Big Money that purchased the US political system during the ’90s. The UK follows the US like a little lap dog. It’s disgusting.
From Graud:
“UK Covid Live: Hancock makes statement on NHS as scientist says Kent strain set to ‘sweep world’.”
“Sweep world”? That recalls the newsreader who said the pressure on the NHS was “off the scale”.
Not that this sub-horror movie script matters since the next bit gives the game away:
“Health secretary lays out sweeping proposals for restructure; professor says tweaking vaccines and rolling out booster jabs will be key”
Restructuring and more muscle on vax pushing are what this is all about.
Next cliche to be spouted? I suspect “Oh my God! It’s not human!”
Or: “Only a miracle can save us now!”
“Francis! Justin! We need you to talk to your guy!”
Thanks for this Kit. I don’t watch TV, so I have no idea what’s happening with the Trump show trial. I do know, however, that this year is going to be even harsher than last year. I also know quite a few of my FB friends in the UK are struggling.
I also know that Melbourne will be back in lockdown soon, as even the majority of my covid cult customers believe.
However, once the health immunity passports come out… the restrictions for us so called ‘anti vaxxers’ will be coming out thick and fast. I assume the non vaccinated will still be able to order food online and have it delivered?
In this shithole (UK ) One minister decided to make a law that enables him to serve a ten year sentence on anyone telling lies were they’ve been when returning from a covid listed country , no a whisper from the opposition, with regards to the health passport we’ve been save by the EC.H.R which states nobody will be forced to have a vaccine against their will and cannot be discriminated socially or any other way .
The germ theory is deeply racist. Vitamin D production for example is effected by skin colour so darker skinned people need to get more sun in northern winters. Fortification of foods can vary by country and cultural choices so for example black Americans get less vitamin d from fortified dairy they do not drink. The injections are particularly harmful to malnourished populations such as in parts of Africa. Getting people to protest gives attention to the irrelevant narcassists. In the case of BLM it is love bombing to keep them from realising the racist agenda of the covid cult. In the case of “anti lock down protesters” it is to hoover them up for further abuse at the hands of the distraction “government” and controlled opposition antivax movement. The polarity between the “governments” attitude to the two groups of protesters designed to divide and obscure the importance of healthy food, sunbathing, socialising etc. for everyone.
Why do you need to attack black civil rights groups to make your point. Why don’t you just say stopping demonstrations is wrong?
News has now become COVID vax speak. The announcers may as well say, “And here is the evening vax”. Effectively there is no news and the effect of these bulletins is like the old “And we are returning to a trade test transmission” For those under 40 that meant returning to a still photo and some light music.
The message from “upstairs” is an intensification of that, “Just let us take care of world matters, you go back to your soaps .” Now it’s, “Just shut up totally. Were not even going to pretend we have news now. We’re just going to insult your intelligence so much, you will stop watching”.
I remember feeling a bit like this during the Falklands “Conflict”. Although that seemed endless at the time, it was finite, and did eventually end, although the blather about it continued for months and years, and of course it won Thatcher the next election (“The Falklands Factor”). Incredibly, “Covid” (or at least his supposedly masterful handling of the vaxx) might prove to be Johnson’s “Falkland’s Factor”, although it ought to be his Waterloo.
For me, there is a parallel with the Falklands when teacher Diane Gould cornered Thatcher on TV about the sinking of the Belgrano and apparently handed the opposition a gold mine whereby they could have sent Thatch the way of the Argentinian ship …but they never used it. All strands of the political system united to move the audience along. Similar here but on a wider scale where even (indeed especially) the “extreme” Left have gotten with the covid programme.
Covid is all. There is no escape. You think the “opposition” will stand with you? There is no opposition!
All part of the never ending shit show. When will you people ever learn?
Congressman weeps while apologising for his white privilege:
A major day-to-day feature of Stalinism and Maoism (often forgotten because of their greater crimes) were the self-criticism sessions. This is straight out of that playbook.
At least he went to a rather better “how to weep on cue in public” training session than Matt Hancock. Perhaps he could shed a tear or two for all the people who died under bombs he voted to build or drop, most of whom had brown skins?
You English should find whoever thought Handick to weep on cue and make this man or woman minister of education.
This is proof that all congressional candidates need to pass a psychological screening before running for office in addition to criminal background checks. Plus regular annual psychological checkups.
It is clear that these people are not the same when afforded the opportunity to speak on the floor of Congress. Nothing but a pure waste of time and nonsense. I don’t know anyone who is not tired of it.
We gerrymander our districts to ensure that every minority gets represented in Congress and we end up with a body of nonsensical people who are unqualified to make important decisions.
Look at AOC for example. She was elected in a weak district by a questionable group of “financiers”. These other people in the “the squad” had the same backers.
They were “hired” to create havoc in congress. And they are trained puppets just doing what they are being trained to do. This group of financiers went into these weak districts and held tryouts and screenings and now look at what is happening.
And it has become a money grab for them too along with every other person in Congress. It is no longer get elected and serve. It is get elected and get rich.
The perks and lures are intentional. Long time incumbents take these Freshmen under their wings and show them the money loopholes in return for support on there Bills and there you have it.
The constant unethical flow of legal money that leads them down a permanent pathway of corruption. It is blatant.
When state level politicians do the same thing the Feds say no, no, no. You are going to jail.
Clear blatant hypocrisy with a touch of tyranny thrown in. I could have sworn we had a revolution because of this kind of nonsense, once upon a time.
There is no oversight on the money. None. The leader of the free world is getting away with it. Why shouldn’t anyone else?
End Gerrymandering – This will end the creation of “squads” that are trained by “financiers” with questionable funding sources.
Require Psychological Screenings – Hateful people don’t belong in congress.
Raise the minimum ages of congress people – People are living so much longer and don’t mature mentally until much later. They are not prepared to handle the rigors of congress.
Something like this:
Representative 45
Senator 55
President 60
Term Limits – 2 terms but with longer terms(6 years) for representatives but with easy recall powers for those behaving “badly”. The first thing a representative does is begin campaigning for the next election instead of dealing with issues.
Tens of thousands of people went to Washington for a reason. All of those people are still pissed off. Plus, another 70 million people, give or take.
Of course, that depends on which voting machines were used in your state.
‘whites’ have killed far more ‘whites’, browns and yellows are quite good at topping their own too, they don’t need any assistance either, quite capable on their lonesome….
excellent investment opportunities for a certain crowd.
Having the mask on helps hide the inevitable smile.
Well said! Hard and fast like an uppercut.
Now Trump knows how Assange feels…
Not that much! One is playing golf…
Very doubtful Davemass. While Assange is sitting in a cell the quarter of your toilet, Trump is slurping down caviar from the bottom of his macca’s chip box.
What are Joe Biden and his hired nurse Harris doing?
“Free speech” at the Guardian.
Craig Murray wrote that Nathan Robinson lost his employment as a Guardian columnist on US politics for these tweets:
“Did you know that that US congress is not actually permitted to authorize any new spending, unless a portion of it is directed toward buying weapons for
Israel? It’s the law. Or if not actually the written law then so ingrained in political custom as to functionally be indistinguishable from law.”
Israel is playing a key role in our Great Reset future:
“The reason it’s important to talk about this now is because states are setting up task forces on blockchain government. Illinois convened a blockchain working group in 2018. California issued Blockchain in California: A Road Map this July. An August webinar sponsored by the Rhode Island Israel Collaborative on their big-data Covid reopen partnership started with a discussion about the timeliness of moving to blockchain systems and digital governance. All of this is being spurred by the push to virtualize social interactions in response to the lockdowns we’ve experienced over the past six months. With this great rush to adopt emerging technologies, it is important to grasp the bigger picture.”
the miscreants plan is to run it all from their stolen beach front real-estate, hence silicon valley packing their kippahs and making aliyah…
as ably noted above, the imbeciles have started noticing the really important things they’ve managed to avoid noticing for so long.
More at Unz, if anyone’s interested:
I prefer to get my Israel-critiquing info from non-Nazi sites, to be honest, and for obvious reasons. Unz is a hatemonger (or was when I last checked, a few years back); I don’t need to support tiny evil in my resistance of Big Evil.
I’m sorry you think free speech is ‘hate’. But then, there’s a lot of that going around nowadays …
No, Dude: Unz is a fucking Nazi, whether or not we can agree with some of the material he publishes. Discernment is a useful tool.
So’s free speech.
I wrote:
You responded:
My question: where is Free Speech threatened in this exchange?
Conclusion: Your virtue-signalling response is a strawman.
You appear to be confusing “Free Speech” with “The ‘Right’ to Have Your POV Validated”. I’m not calling for you or Unz to be silenced, I’m merely explaining why I won’t be visiting his site again (in a nutshell: there’s nothing even vaguely useful there that I can’t find better versions of at a Nazi-free site). In other words, I’m indulging in just as much Free Speech as you are, in this exchange. That Free Speech comes with no obligation for either of us to consider the other to be anything more than full of shit.
I wasn’t assuming you were calling for full-on de jure censorship. I just picked up that you disliked Unz because he sometimes published views other than your own. So my point was–maybe I should’ve phrased more directly: free speech might do you some good.
Your reasoning is faulty, Sir, as any purveyor of Mainstream Bilge (at CNN, say) could use the exact same “reasoning” on you for (eg) rejecting the notion that Sniffy-Joe Biden is the Messiah. Do you see the absurdity of what you are proposing? That agreeing with any given person is a litmus test of one’s acceptance of “Free Speech” as a concept…?
Uh: nope.
I never suggested you necessarily had to agree with Unz. Not even all his guest-authors agree with him (or eachother)!
You suggested that there’s something deficient about me thinking that Unz isn’t my cup of tea (to put it mildly) and you seemed to think that you proved that opinion using logic. I used logic to prove that your own logic could be used against you, undermining your conclusion. That’s where we’re at. In the spirit of Free Speech I humbly invite you to read/ believe/express whatever you’d like… with the caveat that your choices aren’t necessarily, or by default, superior to mine.
Fair enough? Let’s move on.
This Is What Everyone Should Be Proresting
Protesters demand an end to PCR testing at B.C. rally – YouTube
Add to that a good and deserved spank… And we are on the right track.
This sounds like a Monty python episode.
RT = Rothschild’s Today. 100% fake news bullshit.
“I had Covid and bu hu hu …” – pathetic!
But secretly, the German police are thrilled by “the rise of covid deniers’ attacks on officials”, since the day is coming when they get to try out their new American arsenal of crowd-control weapons…
That was disgusting to watch.
Interesting how a pointy-headed young slave stated “The most obvious explanation is the one adopted by the conspiracy theorists” LOL!
Famously, of course, the most obvious explanation is often the correct one.
i love the fact that covid and covid “deniers” are blamed for the disruptions, not the governments who anti-democratically instituted the lockdowns. also, in the footage they showed, not one protester was acting violently, all the violence was coming from the cops!
Nice to see that YouTube is still occasionally using a brain cell or two
Asking for a friend.
Where’s Greta?
Surely with this Banana Court, we’ll see the unleashing of vast quantities of bloviating CO2 from the Democrats supported by the Presstitute media?
Makes me wonder …
Trump CANNOT be impeached. He is a private citizen. His office as president has ended. Are they trying to impeach him in case some of the legal challenges actually stick and the election is overturned in Orangegutang’s favor?
Would the second impeachment apply to his prospective second term?
That’s what they fear- his second coming…
Good. It’s time they feared something.
Trump is no saviour, but anything that stops the lunacy machine in its tracks is fine by me.
O/T Are people still going to deny that Bill Gates is a front for the Rockefellers?
The academic analysis: The Pharma Barons: Corporate Law’s Dangerous New Race to the Bottom — Eugene McCarthy University of Illinois (2018)
The polemic diatribe: The Rockefeller empire owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States, possibly more through its vehicles like JP Morgan Chase, not counting its international holdings.
Big Pharma Was Invented By The Rockefellers – News Punch
How Psychopath John Rockefeller Wiped-Out Natural Cures To Create Big Pharma – Author: Chris Kanthan Via World Affairs
The Rockefeller Pharmaceutical Cartel, for 100 Years the Most Corrupt, Secretive and Despised Industry in America — By the Dr Rath Health Foundation
“I’ve never found a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” – Dr WB Clark of Indiana, 1936.
“The church of modern medicine,” said Dr Robert Mendelsohn, “has four holy waters: vaccination, fluoridation, silver nitrate and intravenous feeding.”
DON’T WORRY! when they need a Bipartisan Commission on Comprehensive Health Care… or someone to head the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care… … they choose people like John D “Jay” Rockefeller IV
Covid’s been a long time coming.
Eustace Mullins at the Global Sciences Congress, January 1990, Tampa, Florida.
Medicine of Rockefeller Documentary — Corbett Report
What a mine of information this site is.
Makes you proud to be a conspiracy realist.
Um, I said a while ago, before Christmas in fact, that both Gates and Klaus Schwab were essentially the public face; the spokespersons for the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and whoever else is behind the curtain pulling the strings.
Very good point about vaccinations/cancer. I’d love to see an honest survey of unvaccinated people over 50 and cancer.
I am a daily obit reader and so many many people die of cancers. After the reading and listening I’ve done over the past year with regard to what goes into a vaccine, I wonder.
My brother has a rare blood cancer. He is in his 70s, has lived a very healthy life. His doctor told him this rare cancer is passed through the matriarchal side of the family. To the best of our knowledge, there is NO cancer anywhere in our ancestors. It is on the public record that polio vaccinations which were administered in the 50s were contaminated with SV40, a monkey virus, and that this would cause blood cancers, rare cancers, mesothelioma in decades to come. Australia has the highest rate of mesothelioma in the world, and autopsies have shown evidence of the SV40 virus. Why are we seeing 20,000 breast cancers alone in Australia every year? It was virtually unheard of 60 or 70 yrs ago.
Yes, I’ve read a bit about SV40. That subject seems like a big can of worms.
I had no idea about vaccines or vaccine injury until this past year. Having watched the movies Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2, as well as other docs and videos I will never intentionally receive another vaccine. Rather sorry I got the flu shot for the past 10 years. I hope your brother is doing OK in spite of his condition.
Tell me about silver nitrate, Money. What does it do to us?
A lot of powerful stuff in that 1990 video, but his casual mention at the end of homeopathy’s popularity in the 19th Century doesn’t do him any favours in today’s world, where most people have been brainwashed into dismissing it as nothing but quackery.
I’ll let that go because the rest of what he says is easily verifiable, even if it is still shocking.
Eustace Mullins has pointed out the obvious so many times, its amazing he’s survived the blow back. The Rockefeller Institute was established years before the Rockefeller Foundation, yet very few critiques have examined the Institutes early role in defaming Natural and chiropractic remedy.
Practitioners of allopathic medicine fail to recommend corrective actions of lifestyle and diet. They instead, further decimate their victims with pharmaceutical poisons and unneeded interventions. These “interventions” are typically expensive, and covered by insurance. Who owns and controls medical insurance companies? Duh…
Food and water supplies are indeed poisoned, yet they fail to address the issue or even inform their patients. Why? Because they’ll lose their AMA approved licence to “practice”.
It’s all been said thousands of times, yet the public continues to line up for pills and jabs.
And the hospitals get bigger and bigger filled with very sick people under the ‘care’ of the allopaths who rely on pharmaceutical, radiological and an overarching pathological view of the human form.
Very little research would reveal enormous health giving answers to assist people who are captured by the medical cartel…until death.
I’ve been following arguments on Twitter between OffG , Phil Greaves and Neil Clark about group versus individual action and I understand the (apparent?) impotence of the latter. But when Neil Clark “offers his services” as a leader and speaks as if he can form some new party, it seems futile to me.
It seems to me that the path of representative democracy is a total joke cf. G G Preparata: “Democracy is a sham, the ballot box a travesty” and this has never been more true than now. The Corbyn fiasco would have been a hideous embarrassment in any even half way decent voting system. In OUR system it actually represents the nearest we ever came recently to having something like an actual Left leader. How disgusting that, after that farce, Starmer is presented as a “return to a genuine opposition”.
But even that Labour/ “anti-Semitism” guff pales before the COVID sewer. Ironically, the more the media screams that “we the people” have finally forced the government’s arm, the more the actual people are effectively blocked out and nullified.
So the upshot is that I can’t imagine any resistance without collective action but this action will have to come about outside the system.
I’ve also been thinking about this argument. Representative democracy has shown itself to be a total sham (unless you add mechanisms like revocation by voters &c), but don’t people need to get organised to make an impact? Because the UK govt pandemic and vaccination policies are among the worst in the world right now, and need to be stopped.
The british subjects have been very naughty and are now being punished by their betters for imagining they have a say in running the open prison GB inc…
the governors intend to, through their maggots in politics and security raze the country to the ground, and greatly diminish the useless, that is, after brutalizing you all psychologically and physically first..
what is left will be reconstituted digitally into the beast system and carved up between the governors and their swarthy masters.
that’s the plan, such as it is.
What if its a trap? They either are admitting he’s president or open the floodgates for past president misdeamors. That swamp goes deep into history and can be drained from outside as well as in.
My alarm bells rang when Pelosi took GWB’s impeachment “off the table”.
That was her chance to represent some sort of decency, and she blew it.
I haven’t believed a word she’s said since then, and that was a long time ago.
I can’t resist recycling most of a relevant comment I posted to a Truthdig article in April, 2016:
[T]he Democratic Party tipped its hand after the 2006 Congressional elections, while Obama was still being groomed in the wings.
What a difference a decade makes! Back then, in part because I was influenced by moderate Glenn Greenwald’s exhortations to elect “more and better Democrats” in hopes of “restoring” traditional civil liberties and scaling back the excesses of the “Global War on Terror”, I actually supported a few “progressive” Democratic challengers.
The Democratic machine cynically promoted the meme that a resounding Democratic victory would result in a significant change in Congressional power distribution. In practical terms– actually, in pseudo-pragmatic progressive-liberal “inside politics” fantasy– this meant that “anti-war”, “anti-Bush regime”, even pro-impeachment progressive Congresspersons would obtain key committee chairmanships.
This, in turn, would facilitate numerous rigorous Congressional investigations into the high crimes, misdemeanors, and criminal policies and practices rife in the Bush regime. Such investigations, recalling the Watergate inquiry or the Church Committee, would be conducted without fear or favor– and to whatever ends the investigation results required by law.
The Democrats got their landslide win. The newly-empowered Democratic leadership, i.e. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, promptly celebrated this stunning victory with bold and courageous announcements: respectively, that 1) impeachment was off the table, and 2) President Bush would get all the funding he requested for the continued conquest and occupation of Iraq.
Supposedly principled progressives like John Conyers abandoned his pro-impeachment views like a person running away from a particularly noxious fart. He’d written a book making the case for impeachment, and after Cindy Sheehan tried to quote from it during a visit to his office– a sort of soft “sit-in”– Conyers had the Capitol Police remove them. Feel the Con!
Sadly, though not incredibly, Team Obama’s 2008 marketing-award winning infoganda revived these dashed hopes– ironically, by selling Bonnie Prince Barry as a fountainhead of political Hope and Change, i.e. salvation.
2006 was a useful learning experience for me, but I’m still bitter about it. When I get mad, I stay mad. 😉
Congressional investigations…
Hahahaha. I could tell you all about those, sometime, but NOT on line. Over a beer or something and, yes, from personal experience.
I’ll let you know next time I’m in Texas. I’d love to hear.
… And you are?
The more I think about you stating that just out of the blue, the creepier it gets. I think you’re some kind of stalker or creep. I’ve had all kinds of background checks over a 38 year career and I’m touchy and paranoid, even though I’m retired. If you call me and I don’t know you but you know my name and number, you could be in trouble. That’s stalking. I don’t want to hear from you again. My guess is you are just a creep or a stalker.
What’s the abbreviation for a visiting congressional team of investigators? Tell me about proper protocol for such a team.
You’re a fake. A stalker.
Well you can’t have a totalitarian state without a show trial. Indeed – expect more to come.
Fuck the “United States”.
Come to think about it, fuck any motherfucking country! They’ve all been a source of untold misery at one time or another. What do we need fucking countries for anyways, eh?
Let’s get rid of this country bullshit and roam the world like our brothers and sisters from the animal kingdom do.
Time to start thinking different. They want a Great Reset? Ha! Let’s do a Great Fucking Reset. Our way … !
Getting rid of nations is the Great Reset! The cause of misery has been transnational banking elites and secret societies who’ve manipulated nations like puppets.
Most animals are highly territorial if you haven’t noticed. Cosmopolitanism is like multiculturalism – if it’s such a good idea, why aren’t the Israelis doing it?!?
Fine. Fuck the banking elites and secret societies then.
Local communities of people who want to participate – yes. Countries, unions, global institutions – no.
My dog is not territorial at all. A friendly fella, he’ll go anywhere with anybody who shows him affection. He runs away all the time, on the other day he took a swim in somebody’s pool. A true reflection of his master. I too used to jump in the pools of mansions in Nassau back in the day.
Stop thinking NO and starting thinking YES. Think the lion, the lone wolf, not the sheep …!
No, f*ck Washington DC.
I ain’t fucking getting used to nothin’. And neither is nobody else. It’s obvious that the US has gone full monty totalitarian, the article is pretty much spot on.
But propaganda, oppression, persecution, tyranny, all this shit is not something people will get used to. Temporarily, they might scare people, make them obey, subjugate. Beat them up, even kill them. But people will get off their knees and fight back. Eventually.
Fuck Trump, but I still say that his presidency was useful in the sense that it was a shock that disrupted the steady frog-boiling progress that had been taking place before, opened up people’s eyes, woke many of them up, instigated all of what’s happening now, especially the realization of how FUCKED UP the world is despite the incessantly groomed image of freedom and democracy. Everybody can see the government’s dick jammed up their ass, as per George Carlin. Whoever doesn’t will soon. Whoever likes it is a lost case and can go fuck themselves.
People will eventually find a solution to this. Even though it will take generations. Ideally, a parallel world needs to be established, an alternative to Covidianism-Cretenism (as per Marxism-Leninism), an alternative promoting natural freedom. Forget the constitution, the first or umpteenth amendment. All that shit has been hijacked, it’s forever lost.
Yes, the world is in deep shit. But gotta stay positive.
Also, don’t forget humor. Read The Good Soldier Schweik.
My Soviet educated Russian wife turned me on to Hasek. I love that novel. Some of the characters remind me of people of Czech descent in my hometown and in my mother’s family.
Nothing wrong with Soviet education. Rigorous. A Russian friend of mine recently told me that they all had to play one musical instrument and do one sport. From my experience, the Russkies had superior education on the primary and secondary level, but Yank universities were superior. The higher you went, the better education got. Unfortunately, it’s kind hard to catch up on some things … ha ha … Anyway, to get the best of both worlds was to get elementary education there and university here, which is exactly what I did.
Glad to here that you got Czech genes. They’re survival genes. Thou shall survive this, man!
Surely you mean superior indoctrination sweetened with recreational subjects.
I don’t know if you went to university and where and what you studied, but the school I went to was great. The only thing that came close to indoctrination as far as I can remember was a course call Histoire de la Musique Quebecoise, where essentially all references to anything created by anglophones were purged so as to make it seem that English is not part of Quebec’s history. Quebecers are kinda schizophrenic that way – they are part of Canada and not at the same time. Anyway, I told the professor, she was actually the dean, that it was bullshit, but somehow I passed the course. The rest was amazing and I learned heaps of stuff and got to know some of the greatest people I’ve ever met.
As far as my elementary education in the good ol’ Czechoslovakia, I don’t remember much indoctrination either. Only rigorous focus on math, languages, sciences. History was a bit skewed, but I’m afraid that it’s the case everywhere. Somehow, I don’t care that much about history anyways – I’m more of a future-oriented person.
I understand the pitfalls of institutional education, but that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna reject it in its entirety. I mean, getting to understand harmonic sequences a.k.a. marches harmoniques is not indoctrination – it’s learning.
Yep. Soviet education was as good or better at ALL levels.
One doesn’t need universities to know and understand more complex aspects of life. Elementary education is vital though, many children don’t see the value of being able to read and write etc and must be forced.
US universities were NOT superior. That’s very clear. I visited the USSR during the ’70s as a college kid and I’ve been to Russia three times during the last decade. Soviet education was good at the higher levels, too. My wife has a French doctorate in math and is fluent in four languages.
Maybe, I’ve never been to the USSR.
One major problem I faced as a teenager was that the stuff I wanted to study either wasn’t offered or was restricted to kids of apparatchiks, which I wasn’t. Actually, I don’t think that there was any school where you could study jazz. Don’t remember. I didn’t stick around too long to worry about it.
I see. Restricted to apparatchiks… kind of like good educations have been restricted to the wealthy here in the US since the ’90s. Age might also have something to do with it. My wife is 57. Her dad has a doctorate in physics.
I think it’s more like Jacques Brel’s
On n’oublie rien de rien
On n’oublie rien du tout
On n’oublie rien de rien
On s’habitue c’est tout
Which roughly translates as ‘we forget nothing, but we adapt, that’s all’
I wish I could be more optimistic than this, but this behavior that Brel sings about is what I see everywhere.
Brell is a great singer (of course, IMO), so here is his song
Si quelqu’un veut s’y habituer, se leur prérogative, il y a rien je peux faire, buddy. Moi, je m’en calisse (“I don’t give a fuck” in quebecois). Je m’habitue pas.
Not sure if I’m in the mood to listen to Brel’s whining that on s’habitue …
People in my country refused to get used to oppression foisted on them and have prevailed, even though the struggle against being assimilated by the English majority is an eternal one. It was the same in the country where I was born, which was able to come back from the dead after being stomped to the ground by Germanic invaders.
Gilles Vigneault – Mon Pays