The Mechanism of Invisible Empire
“The invisible hand has created an invisible cage…blinding us and dividing us, allowing the ruling class to exploit us and subjugate us.”
Hiroyuki Hamada
When the whole society becomes a theater of absurdity, the puppeteers become kings and queens of insanity. The society loses its logic, history, facts, honesty, sincerity, creativity and imagination, as the monstrous imaginations of the deranged ruling class devour humanity and nature.
The invisible cage of authoritarianism comes in the shape of a bottomless pyramid. Fear and hopelessness fill the dimly lit bottom layers. Layers and layers separate us, alienate us and dehumanize us. The pain of “others” becomes your gain. The power of oppressors becomes your safety: The safety of living in the dangerous imaginations of the kings and queens.
But such a thought vanishes as quickly as our minds get flooded back with the numbing noises of the insane theater, while our remaining logic, seriousness and honesty are ridiculed and attacked by fearful fellow humans with cynicism, hopelessness and cowardliness.
The world doesn’t look like that at all for those who belong to the club of kings and queens. The unruly mass with no understanding of the righteous path of “humanity” has been inherently expendable for them. This has been shown over and over: colonization of natives by Europeans, enslavement of African people, genocides of many sorts.
But one also sees the same blunt inhumanity embedded among us today: homelessness, deaths by treatable diseases, hunger, deaths by substance abuse, suicide, poverty, refugees, mass incarceration, state violence, the psychological torture of alienation. The kings and queens don’t recognize those as issues to be solved with their resources.
Instead those issues represent forms of punishment for those who fail to secure viable positions within the capitalist hierarchy. The fear of the punishment and the fear of the authority work together to lock us in positions in the hierarchy, forcing us to protect our positions which systemically and structurally threaten our wellbeing 24/7; we live in a system of structural extortion.
As we have become free-range people in the “divine farm” of modern-day kings and queens, we have lost our access to the fundamental material reality. A sterile cage with screens, mandatory injections, electronic tracking within the invisible fence; human mice for profits, feed for data harvesting, an ever greater degree of spiritual death. It is not hard to start connecting the dots to see how things can lead into a grim future.
But what does such a fear do to the population, which has tolerated an assortment of abuses as their “punishment”? To those who manage to ignore their fellow humans living on the streets as invisible beings or fail to feel the pain of those being cornered into substance use and desperate acts of self-destruction?
Would they believe the words of those who question, or the words of the ruling class promising a glorious future of AI, green capitalism, genetic engineering, digitization and financialization?
And before we ask such a question, one must wonder if such a question is even allowed when the socioeconomic/political trajectory of the empire has been firmly within the imperial framework of the two capitalist political parties.
The capitalist hierarchy absorbs what it needs by allocating special positions within it: Natural resources, narratives, facts, history, people, political ideologies or anything that sits in time and space. The kings and queens monopolize them— material resources as well as people with skills and knowledge are captured to serve. Once monopolized, the valued items are commodified, to be distributed in ways that benefit those same kings and queens.
Meanwhile such a process occurs in layers and layers, projecting myths, exploitive narratives, false history and erroneous facts onto our collective consciousness—a fake reality which covers our eyes while we push our mortal bodies around in the real world.
The images projected onto our psyche vary according to our positions in the hierarchy. Each narrative validates and justifies our positions in the hierarchy. Kings and queens find themselves to be worthy rulers of the universe, while the masses see themselves as freedom-loving people who do their best in a world of opportunities.
In such an equation authoritarianism presents itself as a swinging pendulum between fascism and social democracy as it moves forward on the capitalist path in space and time. The carrot and stick carefully manage projected images to stay within the capitalist framework of acceptable ideas. Corporate politics and corporate activism play crucial roles in making the pendulum swing, therefore ensuring that the capitalist interests always go forward while appearing to be “democratic”.
Those who rely on terrorist tactics of various sorts attempt to resist the system by attacking the valuable, captured elements that work for the system. The damage compromises social dynamics in ways that deprive those who are already deprived, while dividing the population that should be uniting to dismantle the oppressive system.
Guided by agent provocateurs and corporate NGOs, righteous anger against oppressors turns into a justification for draconian measures, destruction of communities for urban renewal, and a catalyst for new projects of exploitation.
As a set of capitalist imperatives pushes the capitalist contradiction to the limit, completely depriving people’s ability to reconcile the false perceptions and the material reality, it is time for an urgent mobilization to change the trajectory of exploitation into a new field with a new set of rules. We are told that enemies are coming, a natural disaster is coming or a disease is coming, forcing us to mobilize ourselves to adjust to a new path of plundering for the kings and queens.
Any crisis, real or not, against the backdrop of a hierarchical structure imposes two sets of momentum that keep us within the capitalist farm. The first set has to do with fear of the authority, which keeps our frustration directed against ourselves, each other and oppressed “others”, while firmly gripping the destabilized psyche of the population—creating an ironic psychology of supporting oppressive authority against our own interests.
The second set has to do with the material constraints imposed by the particular crisis—we become enemies to each other fighting amongst ourselves to survive. We are put in the capitalist cage. And we are forced to protect our cage, which is constructed with vertical strength to withstand fear of the authority, horizontal strength to withstand attacks by competitors, and a solid floor to prevent one from falling down from the position in the hierarchy. The whole structure is held together with violent force of exploitation and subjugation.
The Great Reset
”The Great Reset” is packaged as a “great solution”. Just like how the ruling class has marketed “green capitalism”—carbon trading, carbon capture, reforestation, and other resource exhausting green schemes and technologies for profit, it’s designed to prop up capitalism but it is also intended to transform capitalism to have more effective control of social relations while keeping the capitalist hierarchy intact.
Capitalism is getting a new OS, and it needs to be restarted. Just as “green capitalism” has destroyed real environmentalism in the name of saving the planet, it is designed to destroy anti-capitalist activism in the name of “revolution”.
One of the prominent leftist tools under a capitalist framework has been grass roots activism to affect state regulations and state guidelines to contain momentums of exploitation and subjugation created by Wall Street as well as capitalist social institutions. The stock market guided economy (falsely advertised as the only system that works) allows the ruling class to dominate social policies according to their interests; it prioritizes ruling class wealth accumulation while sacrificing social relations among the general population; it is extremely inefficient, unstable and economically unjust.
The capitalist state has been a great tool in ensuring the interests of the ruling class to be a priority. The socialist revolution takes over the capitalist state, it nationalizes corporate entities and sets up the economy, education and the rest of social institutions and social relations to be guided by people’s interests. Various incarnations of the above strategies to counter capitalist exploitation and encroaching imperial hegemony have attempted to do two major things.
First, they have prioritized people’s interests by emphasizing projects that benefit the general population while providing social safety nets, infrastructure for the people, environmental regulations and so on. Second, they have allowed economic activities based on people’s needs which can grow organic community dynamics based on humanity and nature.
“The Great Reset,” on the other hand, is a project of the ruling class meant to take away those measures from the people and utilize them to further solidify their dominance over the people. Since the owners of the farm are plenty rich already, they won’t need a big farm. Their social engineering skills as well as the greater control over the economy will be put to a test in building a sustainable farming business with a smaller herd.
This is why it seems that all activism has turned into enforcing or defying the various virus lockdown measures which have been instrumental in enforcing the trajectory of “The Great Reset.” Remember how all environmental activism was swallowed by the single idea of reducing carbon emission? Fearmongering slogans of apocalyptic narratives involving climate change, strong NGO guided activism, and corporate science emphasizing the topic of global warming have created the huge snowballing momentum to fight climate change at all costs, sidelining and coopting all other important environmental activism.
This has also contributed to the idea that it is no longer relevant to insist on being a part of systematic efforts in dismantling the capitalist system and building an alternate system which allows humanity and nature to prevail in harmony; we are told that we don’t have time to build socialism anymore. We are encouraged to be a part of green solutions by the capitalists as a result.
We are being told that casino capitalism for profits must end to introduce “stakeholder capitalism”. But of course, since the notion is coming from the profiteers who have colonized, corporatized, militarized and financialized, we can presume that they are talking about ensuring their own interests by directly guiding the economic decisions instead of continuing the show called the economy by the “invisible hand.” We are told that we should be provided with universal basic income, free housing and other social services as long as we follow the regulations and policies of public-private partnership.
What sort of conditioning will we be subjected to after being deprived of our inherent relationships to ourselves, to each other, to our communities and to nature, forced to be a part of destructive industrial farming, digitalization of everything with massive resource extraction, colonization of our communities with multinational franchises and enslavement of our souls in the invisible cage of indoctrination and propaganda?
We already have such a system in the US—it’s called mass incarceration in the private prison system. We are being told that the economy must not be merely guided by growth and it must be replaced by a sustainable one.
However, coming from those who have greatly restricted meaningful economic growth among the general population in order to subject livelihoods to the brutal capitalist framework, what they really mean is to restrict productive social relations among the people so that they must subsist with bare minimum requirements, eventually cornered to be a smaller herd, more manageable with less resources—an economic solution which can only be conceived by criminal minds. Who knows what role vaccines will play in it.
Who knows what sort of living hell people will be subjected to as our lives are treated like numbers in high frequency trading, or our entire lives are put on hold by AI customer representatives.
Note how the policies will be designed to be achieved by co-opting leftist agendas. The invisible hand has been busy building a brand new invisible cage to perpetuate the violent reign of kings and queens in the name of “revolution”—a fascist revolution that is.
Now, I would like to emphasize that these trajectories are not set in stone. The problem is that those possibilities are highly unlikely to be examined by concerned people within the capitalist framework. There is a structural problem in the system. Let me go back to the pendulum. Just like any other capitalist social institution, the capitalist political institution serves the ruling class; it can serve as a crime laundering devise. As soon as a topic involving criminal activities is destined to be “political”—it dissociates itself from criminal elements and becomes “legitimate”.
Various social institutions kick in to support such a view since they are all funded by the ruling class—media presents it as such, legislature codifies it as such, executive branch executes it as such, judicial branch judges it as such, academics support it as such, educational institution cements it as such and so on. It becomes normalized to be a part of social policies.
Once the topic is on the political table embellished with a glorious history and myths of the nationhood of the United States of America, the topic becomes officially “political”, not criminal, and it is now safely and generously handled by the corporate entities.
The rendered topic floats in an artificial realm of political myths, tradition, and the gladiator battle culture of political authorities as a commodified symbol representing a fictitious version of the actual topic. Ordinary people can’t approach it coherently for what it is anymore unless they are rich and influential enough to access all moneyed social institutions. Moreover, all the criminal records of officials are discarded, forgiven and forgotten as a new regime comes in every four years.
This is how destructive foreign policies of colonialism, corporatism and militarism, and exploitive predatory domestic policies of all sorts have been implemented against people in the name of freedom, justice and humanity. This is how environmental concerns have turned into “green capitalism”. This is how we are being mobilized today under the guise of virus lockdowns.
People watch and cheer the pendulum swing between political extremes within the capitalist framework. Bits and pieces of awareness beyond the imperial framework can only be perceived with tools approved by the framework, effectively keeping those with the awareness within the ideas of the ruling class.
If you hold a world view that does not fit in it, you end up being categorized as a supporter of a political villain or simply labeled as “fascist”, “communist” and so on. Needless to say those terms are solely defined by acceptable ideas, acceptable history and acceptable myths of the capitalist hegemony.
The fact that the US government has supported fascist regimes across the globe while brutally intervening against socialist countries across the globe won’t be admitted for instance.
How Capitalist Hierarchy Shapes Ideas
If one holds a view that defies the prevalent narrative, the individual can become a target of the authority as well as a target of multiple political extremes within the capitalist hegemony. For instance, if you oppose Israeli war crimes from an anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist position, you can be persecuted as a dissident by the establishment, while being labeled as anti-Semitic by supporters of Israeli policies. (You may also be labeled a Zionist shill by those who believe that Jews are taking over the world and so on).
The position that points out that Israel is a crucial part of the imperial structure, serving the imperial hierarchy while benefiting from its generous support, cannot be fully discussed due to how narratives are formed by the network of the imperial institutions.
The political pendulum doesn’t only create an illusion of “democracy”, it also defines what is acceptable while tearing communities apart. It utilizes its violence as a springboard to perpetuate and strengthen its grip on the exploited.
That’s why the living hell for Palestinian people keeps functioning as a devise for imperialism—the more Palestinians suffer, the more anti-Semitic sentiment emerges, which in turn justifies Israeli violence, which in turn serves the imperial agendas. That’s why victims of Katarina had to be victimized by “urban renewal” after going through the gravely tragic event.
Capitalist hegemony does not allow an honest discussion because imperialism is kept invisible by default, the capitalist cage is invisible and the guiding hand of capitalists is invisible. The capitalist framework simply corners people into having dead-end arguments. Period.
With the virus situation, we are told that there are good people who wear masks and stay home and bad people who selfishly defy the rules and spread “conspiracy theories”. The dynamics among acceptable narratives within the capitalist framework create the circular arguments of a screaming match. These dynamics exclude and belittle any understanding which goes beyond the artificial range of ideas created by the capitalist institutions: you are fake news, you are a denier, you are a conspiracy theorist, you are a grandma killer, communists are taking over and so on. Without recognizing this mechanism, any attempt to unify the momentums will result in a populism which emulates the existing social structure—another reactionary revolution at best, but more likely it will create more divisions and destabilization among the people, resulting in perpetuation of the capitalist hierarchy.
This is why there is no discussion of accountability for the death and suffering created by lockdown measures and there is no discussion about the meaning of why we are going through a structural shift. And when the deaths and sufferings will be put on the political table, financial vultures will devour them in the emerging social impact bond markets (see studies by WRENCH IN THE GEARS).
The invisible hand that is supposed to guide us to freedom, justice and humanity has created an empire ruled by the unprecedented accumulation of power for the few. The invisible hand has created an invisible cage over us, and it has been blinding us and dividing us, allowing the ruling class to exploit us and subjugate us.
Now, it must be clearly stated that what we perceive as the dystopian future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution—AI, blockchain, digitalization, financialization, green capitalism and so on—can’t be separated from the invisible hand and the invisible cage. It cannot be allowed to be defined by capitalist institutions as a “legitimate political topic” instead of what it really is.
The newly built cage hasn’t been built, but if we fail to see it for what it is in its context, we will simply be forced to embrace some version of it as one of the “legitimate” capitalist trajectories. That’s how it works when our society is a theater of absurdity.
I want to live a life that breaks open the invisible cage and firmly shake hands with nature and humanity. If you have stuck around this far with me, I trust that you feel the same…or not. Either way, we must start our conversations.
Further Reading:
Wrong Kind of Green
John Steppling
Winter Oak
Wrench in the Gears
Hiroyuki Hamada is an artist. Exhibiting widely in gallery and non-commercial settings alike, Hamada has been the recipient of a Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant, twice received New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships in sculpture, and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. Alongside his career as an artist, his writing can be found at various outlets online.
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Thank you, Hiroyuki. Yes, it is time to talk—as able. While able. I hope people are aware of, the new secure and uncensorable platform that is now underway. Too many of our platforms have been compromised. Patreon is one of the more recent servants of squelch. Remember how the Owners dealt with Wikileaks, suspending any financial transactions.
Who, or what group, that isn’t an invention of The State, does this refer to?
I would edit this to say “The socialist revolution CLAIMS to take over the capitalist state,” etc., because there is no example of a “socialist revolution” in modern history in which the Pyramid’s Top wasn’t Capitalist in nature, exploiting Serf labor for profit/ riches, dominating the bottom majority of the “socialist” Pyramid with extremely tight social control rationalized with the excuse of an ongoing “revolutionary struggle”. An explicitly Capitalist structure exploits the “crabs in a bucket” competition of Serfs fighting for scraps in the fantasy of “success” and the crypto-Capitalist, Socialist structure enforces surveillance-state control/order in support of the fantasy of the “noble cause” but, in both cases, the problem is the Pyramid Top: the getting, maintaining and expansion of power for The Few at the expense of The Many. For the exploitation inherent in either of these related dominance-based relationships to become benign, there would have to be a scalable mutation in Humanity to the extent that people interested in governing on a national scale would also be at least benevolent or even selfless; those traits don’t naturally come, together, in the same human… and certainly not in enough humans to form a functioning, non-corrupt, State leadership.
Whatever the “pretty words” are that any partisan uses to describe a dominance-structure involving tens, or hundreds, of millions of people, that’s the hardwired Reality: a benign/ benevolent Pyramid-Top is not scalable in Nature. People who want to Rule are, to some degree or another, malign. The benevolent, psychologically-healthy types, who believe in “Live and Let Live,” and can be found helping others with little or no pay-off expected or required, could never form a stable government. The tools for keeping a government stable are, in themselves, malign.
The best possible solution? A trade-off in which the Bottom of the Pyramid polices the Top of the Pyramid: the Top having Administrative Power, the Bottom retaining the Power of Life and Death: a dynamic stand-off. Let some become millionaires/ moguls if they are so inclined to sacrifice the non-refundable hours of Life to that goal, but NEVER allow such types to acquire the Power of Life and Death over The Masses: that’s where it goes wrong. There needs to be a genuine Balance of Power; what every current Capitalist/ Communist state represents is a de facto Farm, instead: always: Farmers vs Cattle. Clearly the source of all political woes around the planet.
First Step toward Reform: to stop telling ourselves Fairy Tales that aren’t even of our own making. The IRL nobility of “Socialism” is just as much of a Fairy Tale as the “honest, self-made common man success story” trope is in Capitalism. We are brainwashed by the Top of the Pyramid, to the distinct advantage of the Top of the Pyramid.
Beyond those two quibbles: at least this article mentions Wrench in the Gears (though, again, tellingly, Alison McDowell’s work, the most comprehensive of the bunch, appears at the bottom of the list! Ah, Human Psychology…)
(TL; DR: They always give you a binary set to choose between in order to assign yourself a role in the play: Coke vs Pepsi… Democrat vs Republican… Capitalist vs Socialist/ Communist… Liberal vs Conservative… but your prefab choices are never of your own creation and why are there always just Two?)
Bill Gates’ Bug
“what they really mean is to restrict productive social relations among the people so that they must subsist with bare minimum requirements, eventually cornered to be a smaller herd, more manageable with less resources—an economic solution which can only be conceived by criminal minds. Who knows what role vaccines will play in it.”
I subscribe wholly to Hiroyuki’s astute and comprehensive analysis. And I think the question at the end of this paragraph as to what role vaccines will play in it is an important one.” Hiroyuki Hamada.
I don’t pretend to have all the answers to that but I don’t think it’s just a cog in the machine of their agenda but is a fulcrum point upon which we can attack them with the best chance of turning that tactic against them.
The evidence for the dangers of these vaccinations is strong; the people warning against it like Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg are highly credible. We have a chance to turn this tactic against them. It is clear that a high degree of vaccine uptake is important to their overall plans.
I believe the Vax is their first big step in gradually reducing the herd. It could be done in a number of ways simultaneously. Sterilization is a strong possibility, as is creation of autoimmune disorders. Of course they must have contingency plans to explain away adverse events; new more deadly variants of Covid. Newly discovered Covid complications etc. And in their plans of course vaccines will play a large part in the ongoing fight against the “deadly virus.” Of course I’m surmising mostly from circumstantial evidence. But a vaccine hesitancy campaign shows real promise as a tactic of resistance. It not only uses their own tactic of fear against them, it shows up the true horror of their agenda.
Powerful. And eye opening. Thanks
Not entirely OT: a poem or two about “Race” and “Class,” two of the Empire’s most popular tricks of Division:
One of the best proofs that there is an invisible government – or a shadow government – is Alexander Acosta’s testimony about the Epstein “sweet-heart deal”. Acosta said he was warned off getting involved when he was US Attorney General. In the formal governmental system the Attorney General would be the supreme authority over sentencing yet clearly and by his own sworn evidence Acosta wasn’t.
It’s one occasion when the shadow government made itself visible.
the great reset is about abolishing cash
Thank you all so much for the info on Covid vaccination. It’s really helpful.
“As soon as a topic involving criminal activities is destined to be “political”—it dissociates itself from criminal elements and becomes “legitimate”.
Various social institutions kick in to support such a view since they are all funded by the ruling class”
This is what has disappointment me the most throughout this entire Covid crime. Community institutions that are literally there for the community, well being, education, children and families have willingly complied and supported every inch of this insanity without any repel whatsoever. No discussion, thought or questioning; just compliance. This is when you start feeling alone and out of sync with your own community looking for ways to get out.
I doubt it’s possible for me to regain faith or belief in people.
More about the ‘left’:
Fuck the lot of them. They may as well put on their brown shirts and start goose stepping down the street, because it’s filth like Ledwith and all the other FAKE ‘socialists’ that are cheering on this monstrous crime, and helping usher in this technofascist nightmare.
Catte Black summed it up perfectly in her recent article: “pseudo left fascism”. Because underneath all their ‘wokeness’ that’s what they are.
Luckily there are those, like the author of that piece, who see through them.
Agreed… but few and far between I’m afraid.
Gezzah, Are you aware that Florida is NOT locked down?
Yeah, I was Penelope. Have a FB friend who is moving to Florida very shortly. He lives in Portland, Oregon, which he describes as a ‘Covid Cult Horror Show’ and he can’t take it anymore, else he’ll go insane, so he’s off to Florida.
Thanks for the link👍
Gezzah, do you have a link to Catte’s recent article? Was it on OffG? I can’t find it… Thanks.
Hi Steve, ‘it’s The New Normal Requires a New Response’ published on Feb 12th. It’s still on the main screen. It’s annoying, but I can’t do links on my phone anyway.
Thank-you ♡ The freedom to consider any concept without fear is now being attacked. There are only “approved” or “disapproved” thoughts guided by daily repeated headlines encouraging family and friends to police others. It’s mental abuse. It’s a war for our minds.
“With the virus situation, we are told that there are good people who wear masks and stay home and bad people who selfishly defy the rules and spread “conspiracy theories.” The dynamics among acceptable narratives within the capitalist framework create the circular arguments of a screaming match. These dynamics exclude and belittle any understanding which goes beyond the artificial range of ideas created by the capitalist institutions: you are fake news, you are a denier, you are a conspiracy theorist, you are a grandma killer, communists are taking over and so on. Without recognizing this mechanism, any attempt to unify the momentums will result in a populism which emulates the existing social structure—another reactionary revolution at best, but more likely it will create more divisions and destabilization among the people, resulting in perpetuation of the capitalist hierarchy.
This is why there is no discussion of accountability for the death and suffering created by lockdown measures and there is no discussion about the meaning of why we are going through a structural shift. And when the deaths and sufferings will be put on the political table, financial vultures will devour them in the emerging social impact.”
The only way to stay sane is to detach from the herd, psychologically and spiritually. Perhaps this is necessary.
How can anyone detach from the Spirit? Excepting to dissociate as a split mind? Which is the problem seeking an external answer.
But to separate or distance from that which is recognised toxic or as a destructive intent is to allow the centering of a wholeness from which deceits and masking illusions can be passed by, rather than letting them trigger and bait emotional reactions that then ‘capture the mind in its own loops.
Releasing the sympathy driven emotional drama is the allowing of a deeper compassion to reveal itself.
I don’t give much time to the ‘adversary’. Part of its trip is to dispirit and undermine, to division, conflict and self-destruction. Just from giving attention to a fear directed focus. Doesn’t have to be an external ‘media’, We can run our own ‘disinfo’.
The demand for a lid or mask over great fear is operating insanely, because the lid has come off! Spiritual preparedness is the character we have grown as a integrated willingness for life. Invested virtue signalling is hollow and without foundation. It covers for the hate and fear that was thought to be set OUTSIDE onto others. But a direct recognition of hate and fear is not damnation, but the recognition of the need for love’s sanity. hence fear must become a call for love instead of call for some external ‘power’ to come and hide it so we can believe we are made safe.
If we draw our identity from social reinforcement bubbles of groupthink, we are compelled to sacrifice self for group-belonging, as our ‘survival’.
If we recognise our self in others and extend gratitude to them, we will give identification as freedom to be, and receive as we have given.
Detached in the way a God might be from others. Still benevolent, still engaging, yet detached.
If God knows you truly, then there is no call for God to detach from your or our illusions. So our invested illusions run as our experience of God, Reality or Existence.
If we separate from that which separates us from a felt awareness of truth, we let that awareness rise of itself by no longer blocking it with socially reinforced groupthink or polarised narrative identities.
I suspect however we ‘say it’ we are on the same page.
I withdraw from engaging with the masking presentations of others by looking past appearances to the one I know is there. But in so far as they are choices running in the mind of another, I accept their right to choose as the capacity to – in time – make better choices – in terms of their joy in being – not my ideas of what they should choose.
The problem is when detaching entirely existence ends.
Sorry if this has been posted here before, but the UK govt has published some adverse events data (pls scroll down to Annex 1 for links to actual data if you don’t want to read all the reassuring stuff):
Who’s running the third unidentified Vaccine?
Panorama on the “disinformation war” and good God, are they actually going to mention it? Yes, dissent! Alternative views! But of course they won’t be presented as that. Oh no! These aren’t views! These are acts of blasphemy!
Thus we have the “video spreading fear” (presumably more fear than the MSM for the last ….ooh forever)
“They sounded so convincing!” says concerned citizen. “I didn’t realise how evil they were!”
Next up, “Joanna hates wearing masks and is joining a protest”. Shock horror! I feel a morality tale coming. Joanna will have her Damascan moment of penitential revelation.
“We are facing two viruses – the actual COVID and the disinformation so insidious!” say concerned doctors.
And every step of the way, constant reference to the corpses falling from the sky!
Oh those fools! Can’t they see we’re knee deep in dissolving carcasses?
Oh TV TV, You are our saviour! Protect us from all evil!
We are truly in for the long haul. This cartoon is turning downright nasty now!
And BBC had the audacity to convince those participating that they were victims of “slick propaganda”! Marianna Spring kept emphasising how the ‘discredited’ names had been removed by Facebook, Youtube etc thereby suggesting that this somehow added to Spring’s accusations of misinformation, rather than it being an act of heinous censorship.
There was a doctor who stressed that the main vaccine side effects were sore arm, headache and nausea, as if to say that the people opposing the vaccine are making a fuss about nothing – no mention of all the other possible side effects mentioned in the manufacturers’ literature and some of which are known to have occurred.
And as for Prof Liam Smeeth’s input from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (there is a name to add to the list when murder trials begin), all he was able to say to those raising legitimate questions was “I can assure you that’s not true”. Well I was convinced…not!
I would say that to wait till after the vax was available so you could aim your propaganda specifically at the anti-VAX movement was a cunning stroke. This totally obscures scepticism about the VIRUS whose lethality is taken for granted.
I’ve just received this link to a CNN news report from a couple of weeks ago in which official data is displayed which shows that 94% of officially recorded US ‘covid’ deaths were, in reality, deaths from co-morbidities, with little or no impact from covid.
Indeed, we are being asked to believe that the question of whether this so-called vaccine was needed in the first place is no longer relevant.
Here’s the description of the Panorama hit piece:
“Marianna Spring looks at the scare tactics of anti-vaxxers, revealing the scale of a social media blitz that has targeted vulnerable people and is now reaching younger generations yet to be called for their vaccination. The programme witnesses the reaction of a test group exposed to one anti-vax video, all under the watchful eye of one of the UK’s most respected doctors. Will they be influenced by disinformation or will their plans to be vaccinated remain unchanged?”
And once again, the Orwellian reversal: the projection of the media’s own ruthless and relentless scare tactics onto the opposition.
And how much choice do you think you would have if some concerned doctor was watching YOUR reactions to a video?
And that’s not even considering the straw man tactic of choosing which video to demonize. Was Dr Yeadon on the video? I’ll bet not!
Qafsiel seems to have made off-guardian his/her/it’s personal web site and posting board. How the hell does he/she/it type so fast? Maybe he/she/it will allow the rest of us to get in a few sentences, once every few days.
I used to be a programmer. And if you didn’t notice Qafsiel’s properties are “speed and anger of God”, I have the basic traits and relevant associations.
Can anyone tell me where I can find information on serious side effects for the Covid vaccine in the UK. Plenty of info on minor side effects but none on more serious ones. A friend had his first vaccine and within days had a bad headache. This continued for 10 days. He’s now in hospital with a bleed on the brain. He was fine until he had the vaccine. Could be coincidence but it’s a little bit too convenient. Iwas wondering if strokes ect was a side effect of the vaccine.
“Covid-19 Vaccine” Adverse Reactions; Part Two: AstraZeneca Is Not A Safe Option
I’m a believer in the routine headache being more serious than they have us believe, and I’d like to hear more about this case.
An effect is an effect not a side effect. Such language already tells you all you need to know about the allopaths. It is like asking a drug dealer how many kids they hooked. They are going to say flat out zero. “Just a coincidence. Nothing to see here. Move along now.”
Don’t take my word for it, however, I know one or two things about the jab after 35 years in the NHS. Firstly, it is very difficult to find a “proper” sorce for the jab’s serious adverse/intended effects in the UK, Secondly, headaches, brain haemorrhages(bleeding in the brain) or other excessive bleedings, transverse myelitis, Bell’s palsy, anaphylactic shock and so on are of more immediate adverse effects, whereas production of Prions or specific amino acids due to presence of mRNA at the cellular level and the body’s reaction can lead to Alzheimer’s disease and autoimmune reactions in the longer time 2 years and more after introducing the jab or the medical device to the body. Obviously you need to do own research if you’re interested but I hope the above is of little assistance.
Global Research website have published a fair number of articles on the so called vaccine. Not much country specific though but might be useful background. Worth scrolling through some of those – although another reader might provide something more specific.
Headaches are a side effect, but apparently strokes have been reported. I am trying to research vaccine reactions and most of the information seems to be from the US. As part of the process your friend should have been given all the necessary information to make an informed decision. My view is that these requirements are rarely being complied with hence governments, vaccine companies, GPS etc are breaking the law and open to future civil and possibly criminal charges.
I hope your friend recovers from this.
Loverat, if you’re researching vaccine effects, go to He’s a famous alternative medicine doctor, and his video interviews cum transcripts are cutting edge. Included on his site are frequent articles from our vax skeptical organizations. He’s an enormous, searchable resource.
Vaccines Revealed (Covid) is running online at the moment. Docu-series run by film maker Patrick Gentempo. Goes out over 9 days – today is day 6. 2 films each day. Free to watch each day, but then the next day’s film is released, i.e. 24 hour period to watch for free. The series can be bought so you can watch it when you like. Patrick interviews doctors and scientists – the ones who see the truth and are willing to tell the truth. All answers are in these interviews.
The second speaker today is amazing – a retired medical doctor.
I don’t know about UK but in the US you can find info on jab effects and deaths. And look for specific effects. Here is a link.
Go to link. You have to agree at bottom to use the site. And then it allows you to access data via the request form tab. If you fill out request form correctly you can look at covid vaccine only and strokes. Under select symptoms, you will have to search for “stroke”. This will give you all types of stroke to select from. I suggest unselecting “all symptoms” as site does not appear to work well if I don’t.
The most reported reactions of stroke on the vaers cite are reported as CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT.
There are bitchute videos on how to look at the site (and you may be able to get more specific info).
I have seen symptoms as you have described in my general reading on the internet.
It has been estimated in the past that less than 1% of vaccine adverse reactions are reported (maybe cause they don’t see adversity in making people sick or more sick so they can make more money off them). The latest from CHD.
Or same article as above.
Only 1% of adverse events are reported in the VAERS system.
Thanks for the info. I had a relative pass away after a headache followed by a stroke. As a medical staff, I suspect she got the jab. Dead at 33.
Mhra: or
The Vaccines Revealed series mentioned is fantastic.
Technically these are not “vaccines” as such according to
many experts around the world. It (the shot) enters every cell in your
body and modifies it to create a spike protein when introduced
to corona virus in nature. This is what genetic modification is.
Under normal circumstances our immune system (which does not
include every cell in the body) responds to virus, attacks it and most of
the time we are completely unaware of this amazing system as evidenced
by the fact that most of the time we go thru our lives without being perpetually sick.
With this mrna shot there is some chance that every cell in your body
will be “very excited” to meet corona. Meaning, do we need EVERY cell
in our body to become inflamed/excited over a normal virus? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Can you spell cytokines storm and autoimmunity? Don’t take my word for any of this. Hundreds if not thousands
of experts in these fields are filling the alt media waves with solid information and
truth. Why in the hell do we need a “vaccine” for something that we have a 99.96%
chance of survival and like every other year, people are dying of the flu. We cannot
escape death. If I were elderly with co-morbidities I would also avoid this shot.
There are effective therapies to get people thru corona without hospital and every
bit of it has been censored and suppressed. That’s how you know you’re on the target of something good. When the powers that be 🤥freak out and censor. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine with zinc (look up interviews with Dr.Zelenko on YouTube and how he worked successfully with patients). Various doctors have posted their highly successful protocols on the web and anyone with family members who are elderly and/or unhealthy could look into this and be prepared in the event a loved one has a harsh response to virus. You can order the drugs and have them on hand if needed. Work with your local physician or do telemedicine with someone who’s been doing this for the last year. There is lots of support if you look. Too bad the president politicized this last year as the left/far left latched onto that and demonized it. (I’m not a dem or republican nor do I know what this q thing is except probably a psyop. Not a joiner, just a purveyor of truth).
Do your research folks. It is rumored that Moderna admits that this shot is genetic modification of the human genome, is an operating system and comes with updates.
I have not verified this but it might be true… ☠️ 😱👽🤖
With love, courage and truth..
Speak up everyone! We need each other.
speaking truth to power. ourgovernents are terrifiedofthe
Kitty, both the MMR and the covid “genetic therapy” have some association with a disease that causes depletion of platelets– without which blood doesn’t clot. Hence, brain bleeds, etc.
Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which you have a low blood platelet count. Platelets (thrombocytes) are colorless blood cells that help blood clot. Platelets stop bleeding by clumping and forming plugs in blood vessel injuries.
Here’s a severe case: “Heidi Neckelmann says obstetrician Gregory Michael, 56 – her ‘best friend’ and partner of 28 years – was active, healthy and had no pre-existing conditions before getting the jab on December 18.
“However he died from a stroke Sunday morning after suddenly developing a rare autoimmune illness that causes the body to destroy its own platelets, the tiny fragments that help blood to clot.
“Dad-of-one Gregory suffered no immediate reaction to the injection but three days later he was taking a shower and noticed petechiae – spots of red that indicate bleeding beneath the skin – on his feet and hands.
“In people with ITP, also known as severe thrombocytopenia, the immune system mistakes platelets for foreign objects and instructs the spleen to destroy them.”
Many cases not so severe.
Vaccines are bs. There is urgent need for employment, healthy foods and real solutions. It is projects creating settlements of family homesteads that can solve these problems. There is examples of how it can be done like the far eastern hectare where land is made available and subsidies alloted to kickstart the bright future. We will transform the earth into a blossoming garden, lay the foundations for a new and great civilization, begining right away, transcending at warp speed.
I’m in. Bravo!
Ah, Utopia in a world of obedient little muzzle wearers. Does this bloke ever go outside?
Yeah, but then again, I can’t fault much in the article.
Perhaps his sort of philosophical look at it, with this article, is his own admission of struggling with those chains.
Her earlier article last week or whatever:
She said she was gonna post an article about the financial bullshit…that site is pretty empty…
Some pss… pss… psychology I found out to my own cost.
If’n you want to piss of a lot of people simultaneously, loudly criticise some Hollywood star for his haircut. Strangely, people will start touching their own locks as it they fear the criticism of a millionaire air head, thousands of miles away, could somehow compromise their own fashionable standing in society.
This must have its roots in a tribal reflex to do with nose rings or ear extenders or those wedges the Amazonians wear behind their lower lip. Where we go one we go all.
It’s hard to recover from such a perceived hate crime without further insulting your audience.
I’m nursing – you guessed it – another insult to be flung at Bill Gates. Rarely has a social inadequate ever deserved such derision without compassion. He tried to defraud his co-founder Paul Allen after the man was diagnosed with cancer.
He is the only man since JD Rockefeller who we know pays people to make him seem human. Who has to drop pennies to earn compliments.
Bill Gates is the kind of scum who should have his teeth knocked out on sight. Except that he’s probably had them removed already the better to blow the feller’s rock.
Hate crime? Motive, yes. Means and opportunity? Sadly not.
And how the entertainment media like to fawn over Gates and Elon Musk. Both showed up on Big Bang Theory where the cast couldn’t grovel enough. Musk was even mopping up in a soup kitchen. Yeah right.
It’s because both of them are essentially (fraudulent and coopted) govt agents.
Go ask musk why he’s such a conquistador regarding lithium in central/south america, rather damaging, and of course attempted monopoly. He is simply a coopted DoE/DoD celebrity front for more state control and monopolization (and because he’s psycho AND sociopathic, obviously he’s very much obsessed with money, too).
Everything he’s involved with is fraudulent to some degree and from the perspective of the borg.
Have you noticed though, how his personality changed after he became a dad? See, it betrays some of his “possessive” nature, too.
Gates hasn’t had his teeth knocked out yet. But he did have that coconut cream pie thrownn in his face back in the late 90’s. So that would be something to build upon, i agree with you.
He needs the jab. Plus all those he dished out in the “Third World”.
The Fraudian’s infomercial – sorry, interview – with Bill Gates is worth a read if you can stomach it, if only to study some of their propaganda techniques.
It appears to offer some criticisms but they’re thin and fake. The only problem with Gates’ climate agenda is personal hypocrisy? No, it isn’t. He can’t grasp the gulf between his life and “us”. Guardian journos like Emma Brockes are not “us”. There is of course no mention of the Fraudian taking money from Gates or about why he can’t go to India. The philanthropic mask of what foundations are about isn’t questioned and there’s the obligatory sniping at “conspiracy theorists”. It starts and finishes with worship of the mega-rich and, if it appears to deny that as a sentiment, it’s implanting the idea that that’s how you really ought to feel about them.
I’ve listened to bill gates speak before. He is NOT a clever man.
That’s the best thing I can say about him. The pinnacle.
What is “us”, btw? Like personally, It’s pretty clear that probably most posters here really don’t like me, and I don’t like them. Very fundamental disagreements, too.
Obviously, I also place no trust in anyone here.
take the down votes as a badge sir of honour
the low votes probably algo software blocking certain trigger words.
even in hell the truth must out
Millennials like Emma Brockes are in touch with their emotions, right?
So the first question to Bill Gates should always be: how could you try to defraud your co-founder of his stake in the company after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer?
The Guardian is broke. It is not going to bite the hand that feeds it.
It’s the marketing ploy of, “With a name like Smuckers, it HAS to be good!”
With spergy, deranged, ineffectual, laughable goons like this acting as salesmen, it HAS to be good.
There is of course, another solution. You go one ueberbillionaire at a time, imposing 50 million people against one aging billionaire and use the old fashioned wild west line: ‘your money or your life!’ Or ‘your money or your wife!’ or ‘Your money or your kids and grandkids’.
Everyone says that the ueberbillionaires who stole upwards of half a trillion from the rest of the world since March 2020 should control the agenda. Why?
Why not simply do what they do to others: tell them they give up all their wealth or they die, along with their wife, kids and grandkids?
These billionaires are quite happy to support puppets who murder millions overseas. Everyone of those big billionaire donors knows they are paying for mass murder and genocide. They know it, they don’t care and they need to be hauled to account for that.
As long as you say that money is the currency of power, nothing will change. As soon as you say the money that funded US deep state genocides is the currency of criminals, things will change awfully fast.
That’s the only language they understand. It is, after all, what they do to the rest of us.
We are still in the age of “literal Hitler” however and many are taught to see “fascism” in their own democracy, flawed as it is.
Thus the masses have been turned into defenders of a kleptocratic kacistocracy of welfare-diddling billionaires. The more bombs they drop or children they poison,btye more it’s all just a conspiracy theory.
The masses would sooner defend the oligarchs than hold them to account.
well said, and i’ve been saying that for decades, same applies to royalty and all their toff scumbags – these are people who only got where they remain through murder and theft and destruction of “other” cultures, right here at home before we even consider empires and colonials, and they’ve got away with it for almost a thousand years. Since they took by force and then set up a system to damn the rest of us, it is about high time their own conduct was revisited on them and theirs, a thousand fold. We can dream.
Hmmmm. Methinks your “solutions” will have some serious enforcement problems.
As soon as you say the money that funded US deep state genocides is the currency of criminals, things will change awfully fast.
But I DO say that, Rhys, along with many others, yet nothing seems to be changing at all…
If the author had replaced “capitalism” simply with the letter “C,” the article could have been cut in half. The transformation of Yale trained Mao’s Communism to Corporatism (Mussolini’s favorite word to replace fascism) with its pantheon of billionaires appeared to have proceeded on schedule and smoothly. The Chinese social credit system with its rollout of strictly digital currency appears to be the vanguard of the New Abnormal.
Mao was trained in Yale? He couldn’t even speak English.
Welcome to episode 297 of the Corbett Report podcast: China and the New World Order. … At this crucial point The Student Union of Yale and China invited Mao to take over the editorship of their journal. Mao accepted the position and changed the format of the student magazine. It would now deal with social criticism and current problems and …
The British government want to fine universities for restricting speech. If that is applied to the Guardian comments pages, then I’m owed a lot of money.
All parrots today talk and complain about restrictions on free speech, though their speech is mostly restricted by themselves… The more trendy junk they spit out, the more they complain, as democracy is based upon victimhood ideology and it’s accompanying psychological victim complexes.
Or as someone put it, the government has appointed a universities Free Speech czar, whose job it is to tell them what they can and cannot say.
Totalitarian News:
FYI, the Czech Lower Chamber last week rejected the Cabinet’s request for an extension of the state of emergency, whereupon it was to expire as of today. It would have meant the end of blanket closures, restrictions. Whatever restrictions were to be adopted would have had to be locally substantiated. The Cabinet has negotiated a deal with the regional governors under which the governors asked the central government to re-declare the state of emergency, which is the only way it could have been done, but that’s unconstitutional.
Criminal malfeasance charges have now been filed against Cabinet members by private individuals, and the Chairman of the Senate has declared the move unconstitutional too. There is an initiative to the same effect by a bunch of deputies.
One wonders what will come out of it.
Anyway, is anybody aware of any action anywhere, where politicians would in some consequential way actually oppose the CV-1984 shite?
Trump has now been handed his phoney ‘anti establishment’ identity card after the failed impeachment trial, which he will use to mobilise the vast numbers of disenfranchised, during the coming depression.
If you guys in the CIA want somebody to nuance the script of your remarkable rise to power of Trump story, just give me a call. I’ll write you a wonderful script with aliens and multi-killer-viruses and It all ends well, with Biden meeting a sticky end.
The impeachment trial was a few days free advertising for the “horrendous violence” narrative. Trump didn’t dispute that there was “horrendous violence”, just that he was to blame for it.
Presumably their monitoring of the Q boards has revealed enough remaining true believers to make Trump a continuing useful asset. Their latest excuse when the next Q deadline (March 4th) passes without anything happening should be amusing. There must be a limit to how many times “let the process play out…. people aren’t reay to accept…. detonation of dirty bombs… ” can be permed and repeated.
Trump is set up to run in 2024, probably as an independent to split the Republican vote and guarantee the Harris second term.
If the country needs a dictator, then trump will win, if the extortion is running ok the Harris will win. Remember, the coming economic depression may throw up some curved balls for the CIA, so they need trump on stand-by.
“Presumably their monitoring of the Q boards has revealed enough remaining true believers to make Trump a continuing useful asset. “
Exactly. This is the only relevant aspect to any development in the narrative: how the resultant sentiment analysis will enable the Machine to further perfect Its Program.
The enthralled Herd is locked in a nightmarish feedback loop with the Matrix, where the Machine gradually tweaks Its algorithmically-devised Signal, and monitors the aggregate response of the bio-mass in real time, so as to further hone the Signal. The Machine is clearly savvy enough in the Entertainment Biz to know that the Trump Show Must Go On.
Maybe Sanders could also run as an independent and split the Demonic vote.
How fortunate for those that govern, that the people they are fools
Those that govern are also fools. I simply don’t believe that the wealthy in the US are happy with the hell that they have created for their countrymen.
If they’re unhappy with the hell they’re in the process of creating, they have the means to undo it today by noon Eastern Standard Time. (I won’t be holding my breath.)
They are trapped in an ideology, which is like a religion.
The word “countrymen” has no meaning to them. Try “profane” or “subhumans”.
Perhaps they’re not their countrymen. Perhaps they see them as an inferior species.
Off topic but interesting:
Also goes into how police & Co. refuse to investigate this…
Anyone remember the life of brian?
My foot is getting twitchy.
In another song he says “You either stand up on your two feet, or make this whole world a graveyard”…
And as it is, I can’t justify standing up.
You get paid by the post, man … ?
No you dumb fuck, unlike you i’m not employed. You’re also forever shitlisted.
So I’d appreciate if you refrain from even trying to communicate, as it’s futile now.
This is an American troll. Here to destroy the discussion.
Coz I’m south african, Afrikaans eintlik, ek dink jy’s ‘n dom poes.
Eintlik, elke fokken “accusation” wat op hierdie site teen my was, was feitlik verkeerd. En ek is fine met dit, as julle kak wil glo, dit is julle probleem. Dit se ook baie van julle nikswerd karakters, as jy gewonder het.
Sorry, ek moes so bietjie “mix en match”.
As he said, destroy the discussion…
Calling people ‘dumb fucks’ is American through and through.
An American troll who got born in the wrong place.
Both parents amateur police operatives.
Dysfunctional marriage.
Result: The above.
Still, in these covid times of high unemployment, one can understand people taking on anything they can find so they don’t end up on Skid Row…
It’s an internet contagion. You can’t avoid American ads, American opinions and American sites. Some good; some bad. The internet is a new world- guess who wants to take over it.
Unfortunately, if you don’t have the strength required, you end up catching it. Suddenly you decide to leave your disappointing life at the door and construct your fantasy character and try and be it. Unfortunately, we end up encountering all manner of disappointing characters on every virtual corner.
Note the adopted ‘Americanese’ taking over their manner. The slang and jargon and syntax- all from 2nd rate characters from 3rd rate American sitcoms from the 1990s. Oh and of course the obligatory ‘super’ as a prefix to every adjective they know. The ‘American Pie’ insults are still trending in their heads.
All points to a time just before the people spilled out of their real lives and left them arrested at that time and in that space with little more than a keyboard and more bitterness and anger than they’re built to manage.
Without social network platforms and message boards they’d explode. They’re the first to champion the cause of free speech because they need it to puke their poison in an anonymous arena ( where they’re safe).
Well said, Jura.
A big chunk of the young, even outside the West, are brainwashed, undemining not just their nations and cultures, but their own security and health. I made the mistake of pricking the delusion of someone recently, just by mentioning Western propaganda. The result was hysteria.
There’s a lesson there for when we get out of our prisons. If you’re ever out alone and think a local group of teens or 20 somethings might be lurking with trouble in mind, carry a weapon. I find a book is the best. Pull it out fast and watch them run screaming. Just be careful there’s no CCTV. It’s classed as an act of domestic terrorism now.
You are whatever you need to be, to disrupt. I don’t believe a word you write.
Love this site, so good👍
The courts are controlled. As with the U.S. 2020 election fraud, Event Covid would not have gone ahead without first ensuring the courts are neutered in all the major countries.
As Covid was never isolated we can conclude that either there’s a damn good reason why someone does not want it isolated… or it is a fake pandemic piggybacking on the seasonal flu.
The mRNA jab is the objective and it is risky — as previous RNA research has suggested. This people who receive it are beginning to die. Some may die immediately, some after a few months, others when they encounter another virus in a year or two, as Dolores Cahill suggested. This is no surprise to governments and the WHO, Gates, Fauci et al. For them it’s win-win. Costly elderly die off, assets seized in many cases, and DNA-altering jabs are perfected in real time and blamed, when people die, on Covid.
The strategy is pretty transparent by now.
I would only add that it’s so transparent they come right out and say what they’re fixing to do. As Dr Kelly Moore of the Immunization Action Coalition said:
“We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,” Moore said.
RIP the old and infirm – with their blessings.
(Of course, Reuters Fact Check has debunked the statement – so I should scrap this comment, right?)
Common law courts. Don’t patronise the Bar controlled policy enforcement charade. Stick to being a man, m or f, never be a person. End of. It’s the only way.
Anyone with access to a lab and certain equipment could isolate it if it exists. No viruses are ever isolated and purified or proven to be the cause of any illness because they don’t exist.
The “vaccines” are the bioweapons.
So forget about any site (veterans today or natural news) or person trying to push the virus bioweapon hoax. That’s the usual Hegelian dialectic binary scam of two phony explanations with the real one being hidden: The Contagion Myth.
Un natural news and alex jones and bannon and the rest of the oligarchy owned alt media did the blame china psyop and endorsed the lockdown in the beginning. They was very pro lockdown.
In fact Un natural news and many other siad it was dangerous if they did not lockdown and trust trump. crap
they changed there tune slightly around 3-6 months when every one else did and it was safe to But they are still pushing virus CCP crap.
It’s so Boris and Natasha meets the CCP. Our hero, Rocky sipped on some bat soup Bullwinkle got from the swine flu market, next to the escaped virus from a bioweapons lab. Ooooh. Spooky.
*double eye roll*
Jones is the loudest controlled opposition out there. I was surprised how Trump held him in such high esteem. At least publicly. Their support of each other did neither any favours. Jones should have said less and Trump should have known better. Natural news still think it’s 1966 and you can create world peace by throwing a few yoga shapes.
That’s some misinformation with that final link to push isn’t it ?
” Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. ”
And there it stops. I suppose we have to pay money and read the book.
”entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, ‘‘
So the thinking is if Pasteur couldn’t do it, it couldn’t be done. Science may just as well have stood down when he died. (Incidentally, you need to note that there are differences between ‘bacteria’ and ‘viruses’).
This weak theory that brings no evidence is cleverly placed between information about covid 19 being unreal. That’s a good trick. Not subtle though.
I think you’ll find that a very high number of people who believe that germs and viruses do actually exist and that contagion is not a myth, still believe Covid 19 is fake. I certainly do. They – and myself – believe it’s a cover for a much broader political agenda. You shouldn’t try to conflate the fake virus with a real virus in order to try and persuade anyone that viruses don’t exist and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
“the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” ( Pasteur)
This has become the mantra for those trying to push the anti-germ theory hasn’t it. ?The quote from the already referenced Pasteur (who failed in his work). Not exactly a good reference in that case really, is it. How can people point to the failure of one man then build their whole philosophy of their little theory on that man’s quote ? Can’t have it both ways , it’s not scientific.
It’s true to say that the immune systems failure is what allows a disease to take hold of the host. A strong, healthy one will fight off infections and illness. There’s a clue there. Why would it need to be strong enough to ‘fight off’ anything ? What’s entered the terrain ?
Germs can cause disease by upsetting the way the body works.
They do this when they:
Diseases caused by bacteria germs are called bacterial diseases, and those caused by virus germs are called viral diseases.
Here’s a very long list and very simple explanation of how and why germs and viruses succeed in causing illness. I think that’s a little bit better than a quick book review that says nothing much ( and the 5 g connection on that link is spurious and needs far more work)
It’s from Australia’s Dept Of Health.
( I can’t shorten links sorry),%2C%20Shigella%2C%20Campylobacter%20and%20Bacillus.
They cannot stick to their own rules. If the germ causes the disease then why can’t it be found in some who are diagnosed with the disease and why is the alleged germ that causes the disease found in healthy people with no symptoms of the disease? There is no logic behind germ theory. It’s a theory for people with no conception of how to use logic or reason.
There are other books that show germ theory to be nonsense and the proof to be absent. You could read them if you want to be enlightened. Or stay ignorant and fail to understand the true mechanism of illness. Ultimately, I think it comes down to the type of personality who either wants to take responsibility for their own health or defer to a highly trained fool in a white coat. People who defer to authority don’t question things that make no sense, and others question and learn.
”There are other books that show germ theory to be nonsense and the proof to be absent. You could read them if you want to be enlightened. Or stay ignorant and fail to understand the true mechanism of illness”
This isn’t research, its research- denial and avoidance. It’s pure opinion. You can tell by the lack of any scientific evidence. I provided you with enough scientific testimony and facts. The link led to a a Dept Of Health document.
You answer by saying ”you’re wrong’. That’s not a rebuttal unless it’s in the youtube comments section.
You then offer yet another link that has nothing to do with anyone in any science and suggest it’s a counter argument. Voltaire ? He was a French philosopher born in the 17th century. You call this research ?
When are you getting the vaccine? The sooner the better.
Grow up. Learn. Get back to me.
Talk ‘logic and reason’ when you have some to support your suspicions
Facts. Constant Bullshit. Go back your other sock. It suits you better. Also don’t come at with the GuerneySlade sock either. I always know it’s you because you have a low IQ and OCD.
”Doctors put drugs of which they know little into bodies of which they know less for diseases of which they know nothing at all.“ Voltaire
Its slightly off topic, but returning to my very kindly hosts, typical of that part of the Cambridge set which did not choose to stay on in academia, your typical student who only intends to study at undergraduate level, possibly followed by a professional degree, and who have been horrifying me with their way of living and views (the ones who have Alexa). Well well well, since yesterday they have been each individually voicing critical opinion. It began with the 16 year old, who said she couldnt understand why the young are being locked up and she cant bear constantly hearing “its to protect the elderly. Why should the young be stopped living”.
Then today was the mother, who said most over 80s dont die of covid, so why they are locking the less than 80, she couldnt fathom. She even went as far as saying: “God forbid this was done on purpose to kill people. I dont even want to think that.”! I am amazed.
So I did tell her, I had been analysing what has been going on ever since we got locked up last spring. I dont think she’s yet ready to hear that indeed “God forbid, but her lingering suspicions are right”. I will come to it slowly if I can. As she then went on to say that in poorer nations, people will go famished and die because of the economic downfalls. There I enlarged the discussion and said hunger had become an issue here too: gave her evidence, and how through a domino effect it was going, and already had (pilots losing their jobs, and so on), affect the middle classes in the wealthy nations. I told her of the long queues to food banks in Europe (she appeared to be aware of the ones in US).
Then I thought I would make her think of the psychological issues (Im staying on purely human grounds, after all this is our first reasonable discussion): I told her that governments werent releasing suicide data, I gave her the few data I was aware of.
She wasnt too convinced, thinks except those who lost someone during this period, the others should learn to cope. So first I insisted on the numbers who had lost someone to non-covid (I gave her the example of the family of someone from our Cambridge college, as they relate emotionally to Cambridge alumni, and acknowledge their difficulties). She said indeed it was being said people were dying of non-covid much more, and was amazed she’d been reading an article saying the deaths due to Malaria were magnitudes higher than covid deaths (its still a long way to explain covid is an invention, if I ever can).
(thats when she said: God forbid, they’re not killing people deliberately).
To get her to accept the psychological issues, I slowly explained that most people in Europe did not live in lovely big properties like hers. To consider a family of 4 in 40m2…
I talked of the rising domestic violence, rising number of suicides, gave her the example of a family she’d consider perfectly “comme il faut”, married for decades, very much in love, who had said to me how the lockdown had put pressure on their relationship, that isolation, having no other human interaction. She acknowledge that and seemed to know that the number of divorces had significantly increased (seemed to know the amount it had risen by). All this shows she is slowly reading, just beginning to question.
She said she wasnt psychologically impacted. I evidently cant tell her: you already are a fair way towards dehumanization, with your Alexa, and acceptance that we will be engineered, and with teaching your students that lockdowns and restrictions to freedom are for the good of humanity to protect humanity, and are uniting humanity.
Lets see, if what I said increases her doubts… Slowly after a few days, Ill go further if she brings up the question of the present crisis again.
Anyhow the same happened to some degree with another of their set over the phone…
And I know the slightest thing I say to one of them makes the rounds and for whatever reason they appear to have a respect for me and a trust in my judgement, which I did not know was there.
So lets see… If we can get this middle class to question, then we’ll come out of this.
Its that part of the middle class which is in the dogma, but is not scared of diseases (those scared, its too early to recuperate them), they’re not what one would call typical Guardian readers (the 3 I came across in the last months, I am staying clearly away from them, and have severed ties: they can be violent in direct and indirect ways).
In fact that part of the middle class which not scared by any disease appears to display the symptoms of schizophrenia. As this Cambridge crowd,
one from the Cambridge-equivalent crowd in the country I live in told me this summer: we may not like you write about it openly as we’re engineers, but dont think we dont understand whats going on and that its all very dubious, we discuss it openly between ourselves. Yet, when he came to see me, he did not take off his mask, despite knowing my opinion. Yet he also said: “I leave it all to the experts” and his wife got upset because of my criticism of what she reveres as scientists and doctors, her brother being (or was at least) the head of the most prestigious medical school of the country, which if it could would keep everyone locked up forever.
I think the schizophrenia comes from that “God Forbid”: they may not like the current heads and governments of their countries for various reasons, but they cannot conceive that however unlikable, they could actually be harming their own populations deliberately. Its a conclusion as with my host, they’re sufficiently intelligent not to be able to dismiss, but its something they have difficulty accepting. As for the deeper state, they’re not even aware of its existence…
So slowly. And never with info from the alternative press. That would push them more into the arms of authority and consolidate their dogma. Always from mainstream, from academic articles, from people with phds from top unis, from the authority’s mouth itself, from Schwab himself or Gates himself, or such like. But I think its feasible, since those behind all this are openly expressing their views: they made a huge mistake there. When arrogance goes to your head, and its bound to at some point among those for whom maximizing profits at all cost and controlling humanity, thats when your downfall begins.
It would have been far harder to convince otherwise if we couldnt quote and show the articles, books, videos of these people. I now realise it has to be do slowly (I mean within months possibly, or even earlier now) be made to get over their schizophrenia…
I believe you are totally fraudulent.
I believe you are a spook, on much better evidence.
Share some of it.
I can and have pointed out some of the annette character’s contradictions.
Zenpriest also noticed it.
Well, I did put in a request to their supervisor to replace Peter Harris a.k.a. Bob a.k.a. who knows what the other prick’s name was with somebody more entertaining, and they might just have complied.
Qafsiel a.k.a. Frank is an interesting fella …
Excuse me?
That’s a pretty WRONG implication and accusation, and I don’t take kindly to that horseshit.
Btw, I have post asking him to post some of his evidence in spam filter. A very simple post. It’s been sitting in spam filter for more than 30 minutes, why do you think that is?
How about you think of that? If you’d like we can sever your cord right here and now.
The person in question in my first reply is definitely fraudulent based on the numerous contradictions, if you had not noticed.
Btw, I started posting here after posting on jon rappoport’s site, if you’re wondering. You can ask Marylin, Post Hoc, some other posters that I’ve also notice posting here. Got a link to an article on OG (the fake virus shit) from someone there and I checked it out.
You have no idea how easily I drop things.
Mr Qafsie: Why don’t you just drop any pretense of giving a damn about any one but yourself? Other people? Other valid information?
You plug up the comments page with worthless posts and nonconstructive argument. If you want to drop something, drop yourself out of sight. Go far away. Far, far, away…
Be quite Frank you dull fuck nugget
Read some of Annette’s other comments if you have time. I think you’ll find there is nothing “fraudulent” about her views – and no earthly reason why she herself should be given the third degree upon posting a comment.
Annette is, in my opinion, one of the most respectful and thoughtful commenters. (And no, we’re not a tag team match.)
Middle class waffler. Definitely fishy.
Some people get it. Most don’t. Most are actually incapable of getting it. Not that they are stupid. They just cannot or will not see something that contradicts their entire world view on which their self-image is based.
And what they cannot see is this:
The media is not your friend. The media has nothing but the utmost contempt for you. Oh yes – the nice smiley faces are nice smiley people who for the most part believe what they are saying. But what they are saying is a pack of lies. The lies are written for them by those who themselves may or may not believe those lies. But ultimately those lies come from a place you will never see and emanate from people you will never know. These people see themselves not as the cream of humanity but as the only humanity. You, on the other hand, are part of a subhuman species whose only justification to exist is to serve them.
That service having been performed, the masters are appalled that you have the audacity to believe you deserve a worthy life, protections, dignity, health, care etc. The masters stand in awe at the presumptuous absurdity of these aspirations. This they have tolerated long enough. They have bided their time, enduring the disgusting sight of minions soaking up resources that should have been put to better use wiping the arses of the masters. But now the time is ripe for judgment day. You have been judged and found wanting. Now you must go. They cannot tell you this directly. Hence the lies. But by the time you finally realise and admit to the truth, you will be too far gone. And they will come into their rightful dominion.
“They cannot tell you this directly. Hence the lies. But by the time you finally realise and admit to the truth, you will be too far gone. And they will come into their rightful dominion.”
The irony of that is amazing, considering
If that’s meant to be a sarky comment implying that I admit the truth but don’t have any recommendations as to action, I have put forward these recommendations more than once (admittedly this was meant to be addressed to the Left, but I think it holds for everyone):
They are as follows:
First, simply stop! i.e. stop echoing and amplifying the mainstream fear mongering.
Second, stop demonising sceptics by calling them ‘libertarian’, ‘Right Wing’ etc.
Third, stop the ridiculous and insulting claim that the lockdowns, restrictions etc. were ‘forced on the governments and corporations by the people’.
Fourth, call out obvious spooks like Nafeez Ahmed by highlighting his connections to various powerful corporate forces.
Fifth, run some critical articles on the pandemic – and all I mean by that are articles that don’t start with the dogmatic assertion that the pandemic is as it is presented to be.
Sixth, acknowledge the fact that the mainstream media itself is highlighting the virus.
Seventh, give much more space to those who have benefited i.e. made a killing from the virus.
Eighth, advise everyone against taking the vaccine on the basis that the reason for the vaccine is vastly suspect.
I reckon these recommendations are more feasible than advising that we go back to the hunter gatherer life of the San people.
George, that reply was not (necessarily, unless it happens to apply) directed at you. I’m just saying, again, Annette is a liar.
If you have conveniently not noticed, then of course, I know what that means.
How do you know that Annette is a liar?
Contradictory non-sensical statements in the narrative.
Zenpriest also noticed.
She’s the new Tony.
I’ll go one further and tell you annette is one of the admins most likely, at the least associated.
My experience regarding this stuff is from shutting down and outing numerous sites, btw. And I don’t mean just internet sites.
so, you admit you’re a spook.
are you sure that’s in the CIA manual?
Your real experience is more likely from getting fired.
Persistent time-wasting in the workplace is something for which I would fire people at any rate.
We recognize you, Qaf.
There’s one in every school classroom.
Says the opposite of somebody else, and thinks that automatically raises his credibility rating, finally getting abusive and gaining the attention he so desperately lacked as an infant.
It would be sad, except that witnessing an adult choosing sheer nastiness as a career is where one’s natural compassion for the emotionally retarded stops.
It can’t be helped.
And so, back to the topic at hand – without the troll’s assistance.
then of course, I know what that means.
yah, it means you’re a spook.
Have you got some evidence yet, you guys have typed a lot
And evidence?
What would a person like you do with actual evidence?
The ‘narrative’ is what matters, isn’t it?
” Who needs evidence when you have anonymity, insomnia, something to drink or snort and nobody to drag you off your computer ”
~ George Washington
“The media has nothing but the utmost contempt for you.”
You appear to be a very optimistic person. If the media would have contempt, and contempt directed at an individual or some minor group, they would be all too human, they would at least have their own human feelings, they would also at least be in human relation to human individuals. Rather the media is an organizational machine, there is hardly anything human to it, it is a collection of mostly organized automatons. No human intelligence, neither doubtful individual feelings, neither individual human stupidity, and neither human relations good or bad can be assigned to it, save exceptions which define the rule.
Well-written, George Mc.
You’re very patient. The people you are talking to can’t question the status quo because it would question their own status.
Im learning to be patient and less judgemental. And wherever we see the slightest flickering light, we have to make it stronger. By alienating people, we just convince them even more in their dogmatism. Now evidently there are extreme cases and one shouldnt even try with them.
I completely agree with you… I dont expect much of humanity, just to get on somehow. As many have written, among whom Erich Fromm, “he who has a conviction strong enough to withstand the opposition of the crowd is the exception rather than the rule”. This I dont think will every really change.
Until this crisis, we were able to keep our distances with the crowd and get on with our lives, also distances with our acquaintances, just meeting on common grounds on occasion. But now its a different ballgame altogether. They have simply stopped everyone living and are attempting to dehumanize us both psychologically and with the vaccines physically.
It may be we dont need to convince more people, and we are sufficient to bring about the end of all the measures implemented since 2020. But there is a strong disunity among us, and somehow Im at a loss as to how to bring all those who are trying to end the dystopia together. They too appear to be attached to various clashing dogmas. Also its often loners with little previous political experience, and as researcher below says, and I think she’s very right, but not only for those within the narrative, that too many are only concerned with the return of their own little freedoms. And the measures are also taking a severe psychological toll on those fighting the dogma. Some are literally violent, and I prefer to put their aggressivity, their rejection of each other, on that score.
So I feel we do need try and convince sufficient in the mainstream if we want to stop what is happening. But it cant be done at one go, slowly, anyone that suddenly expresses unexpectedly something that does sound hopeful.
All I wish is sufficient numbers, whoever they are, whatever may be their position, recover sufficient humanity so this can come to an end.
Recovering sufficient humanity is the thing. I hope more people read your comments than the article in question, I hadn’t the patience to finish it,I confess. There are good capitalists and good socialists but neither system is natural,and as you say dogma gets in the way of communication- Dump them both, they mean different things to different people anyway. Common law rests on the ten commandments, that’s all you need. Oh boy,think what dogmatic, antidogmatic religious arguaments that could stir up before even considering what they are. I can’t see an end to all this nonsense until the prime cause of it is extirpated and that is the ancestral powers that manipulate humanity through creating money and the corporations and legal systems it controls. The thing that got me on this track was the video- a trespass on the mind of man- which shows up the shocking reality of the slavery implicit in our innocent seeming birth certificate. Premeditated, invisible evil, comme il .
What an absolute load of eloquent waffle. There is only one thing we all must do, identify and share who is doing this to us. If you think there isn’t one source you need to educate yourself and fast, I don’t care what formal education you may have – it matters not one iota.
But did you notice they only seemed concerned with how the restrictions are affecting them personally? This is my problem with the majority of people who don’t get it. They are selfish, materialistic, uncritical narcissists.
Obviously there’s no danger to the public based on overall mortality stats in all counties being nearly the same as they were last year and the year before.
The obvious danger to the public is not from a virus but from the lockdowns, social engineering, destruction of jobs, restriction of movement, trauma based mind control and the synthetic mRNA pathogen.
If you can peak their curiosity maybe they’ll look into it further for themselves by vaguely suggesting there seems to be a broader economic and social agenda.
In the end. Ultimately, people have to come to their own conclusions. They could easily revert back to an amnesiac state tomorrow.
I know researcher. I have this problem even with those who actually understand whats going on. They’re only interested with their own freedoms.
Yes I have no idea how my host will digest the little I said, though I stayed away from anything political, and simply on the ground of people having psychological problems and others suffering from often very serious or even life-threatening health issues which are not being properly attended to, if attended to at all.
By now most (unless they truly close their ears and eyes and have no acquaintances that have other acquaintances…) should know of cases even of death which would not have happened before the measures were implemented.
Also you dont have to be genius to see the economic havoc that has been worsened to unimaginable degree by the measures. So when someone middle class, quite smug and thinking it wont affect them, bemoans the fate of the many poorer, you simply have to give them examples of the domino effect and tell them its going to affect the middle classes, that its already affecting them: pilots are losing their jobs, they may still be receiving some money, but for how long? The entire travel sector having collapsed, its not as if they can find another job as a pilot. Then this has collapsed the aeronautics sector, top engineers will be losing jobs. Then all these people they live somewhere, most pay rent or a mortgage.
They will have to default at some point, putting proprietors and lenders at risk.
Their children often attend private schools… They wont be able to. This means, like my host, teachers will be then at risk of losing their jobs.
Already musicians, dancers, and so on cant cope.
Again that means defaulting on rent or mortgage.
Eurostar wants to be bailed out as it has lost 95% of its passengers.
As companies fall one after another, shareholders will lose their investments…
So its just a question of time before the middle and upper middle classes are affected seriously: they’re not realising that. And if possible one should make them realise that. At least as it concerns their own little lives, they might begin to react then.
If one were utterly cynical one would say that they must vaccinate everyone before especially the middle classes notice they are left with nothing, for then they wont be psychologically and physically in a position to react, may not even understand what has befallen them…
This is definitely going to get much worse.
You are partly correct. However, for example, recently I was asked by people I know whether I was going to have the ‘ vaccine’ or had it.
When I replied no, they were taken aback because of my age and because I have a very serious underlying condition which puts me in pole position to be first to have it.
I explained to them why which the reasons have been very documented on this and other sites by you, others and myself.
They said to me that they were concerned about their partners, their grandchildren and their fear of passing on the “ virus”. It’s the drum roll of fear pumped up to level of hysterical levels which are ticking all the boxes of people who refused to accept they have been conditioned since childhood to believe in the men in white coats.
Fear is the key as the psychologists have known since the time of Bernays plus his book for propagandists was published and was employed to great effect to force the US into WW1, the Goebbels adaptation of it, the Red Menace etc
Well, I guess I am just not a fearful person in general so I find it hard to relate to that aspect. I know my father took the vaccine because he wants to travel and he is still stuck in the delusion that there is a virus and this lockdown will eventually end. So basically he fell for all the propaganda because he watches tv and cannot discern lies from truth. I am glad to see you are not getting the synthetic pathogen. Some of the accounts I have seen on VAERS are horrifying.
I know neither am I but many many many people are and the psychologists hired by the Transnational Financiers know that in order to suppress the rational part of those peoples minds. Yes, this is the sad truth so many believe in whatever comes out of the idiots lantern or the MSM.
Tell us again where you studied.
Sounds a bit messianic.
The common parlance relating to the current farce has seized on the not so unusual occurrence of the elderly actually dieing, as that what they are very good at doing.
Others who are dieing who are not frail elderly, also die when they finally do, due to umpteen reasons.
Do you understand the meaning of schizophrenia?
The Pfizer ‘vaccine’ will begin to be rolled out in Australia next Monday, the 22nd. Aged Care residents and Health Care workers will be the first to receive it.
It appears that most Australians, however, will be receiving the Oxford Astra Zeneca ‘vaccine’. It is hoped that Australians will be vaccinated by October.
Daniel Andrews has again stated that “all Victorians will be vaccinated”. Pretty much says it in black and white.
I feel like I’m in a claustrophobic Kafka novel with a hefty dose of The Twilight Zone thrown in . It quite surreal.
I’ve also seen reports of people not wearing facemasks in Melbourne being verbally abused and told “it’s because of people like you we’re in lockdown again”.
I believe this will happen more and more, and that’s pretty scary.
I’m glad Hiroyuki mentioned Wrench In The Gears blog, as that site has shone a bright light on where this agenda is ultimately heading. Offguardian should consider having an article by Alison McDowell in my opinion.
Hey Gezzah
I’ve also seen reports of people not wearing facemasks in Melbourne being verbally abused and told “it’s because of people like you we’re in lockdown again”.
I suspect that an element of the UK push to start easing off and get non-essential shops back open is to put the believers/non-believers, vaxxers/antivaxxers, masked/unmasked into close contact to initiate such conflict. All part of the divide & conquer strategy
The attack on the US legislature may signal a new phase in the ready resort, by oligarchies, to out-sourced violence (false-flag attack) to deal with significant opposition.
Hey Gezza, I listened to those musical recommendations you posted the other day and I loved them. Cheers mate. P. Sok, England. 🍺😎
You’re welcome! You may also like Hiva Oa – ‘the awkward hello, handshake, kiss’, The Polar Dream, A Sudden Burst of Colour and Yndi Halda. All on Bandcamp I believe. No further recommendations as this is way off topic!
Hey Gezzah, I don’t know you, but wanted to give you a shout out from here across the ocean, mostly to say “don’t despair,” and “there are so many of us like you in disparate countries around the globe”! We will prevail, and we are just finding out feet now, but I know everything is going to be alright. The game is already falling apart.I believe time and the higher powers (the only ones that matter) are on our side. I see you. Don’t worry.
Thanks Juniper, appreciate your encouragement🙏
Thanks for the info. In another comment, I presumed that the jabs had already begun late last year.
The Great reset is giving them way too much credit, for however they are.
the great reset is lake a snake who is feeding himself by eating it’s own tail.
but that is still too fancy
a. The system needed a bail out, hence covid 19
b. People saved too much through pensions, so the elderly must be culled (maybe through vaccination, but certainly through lock downs)
c. And since culling seems to work so easy, why not move on to other vulnerable or minority groups, like middle class, etc. See how far the plundering can go before it is stopped. Hey, let’s invent a story of ‘the great reset’, which will leave people a little bit longer in the ghost house so they (whoever they are), can go on with their dirty business until we finally wake up
d. People are already woken up, but fear that if the Covid19 narrative is destroyed they must go back to work. So they extend and pretend
but what the hell do I know?
just as much as the author knows, I think…
i am getting tired of stories. Would prefer if OffG could return to the facts or only report facts. Is what I will do…
so just do it!
I think you tell quite a few stories here and I’m sure people here like reading them. I have.
Facts and figures have been done here, although Im sure will continue as this unravels further. Stories are good too though. Some lift the spirits in these dark times and assist understanding the overall picture. There are many angles to the articles here and a good balance of stuff.
Well to be fair, the Schwab Great Reset matter, like anything that gets a high media platform and is discussed – and inevitably rubbished – by any number of concerned liberals and leftists, makes me suspect another psy-op. Schwab as all too obvious Bond supervillain, a convenient Dr Strangelove to project what looks like a “barking conspiracy theory” that can be discredited by “rational thinkers” who only have to point out the hubristic grandiosity of it.
I think there is definitely a “reset” going on – I would prefer to think of it as a restructuring. But it may be a lot more ad hoc than the Schwab scenario.
And yet I cannot, nor do I personally know anyone who can summon/invite various world leaders to summits to discuss what to do with humanity. Furthermore, he’s been touting his WEF trade for quite a while now, way before 2020, just as has B Gates Esq. on the vaccine and digital-passports front. So if it is indeed a ruse or a jape, to what end? Organised by whom? And how can any reasonable answer to either question not necessarily imply conspiracy of global scale?
Schwab may be genuine. His plan may indeed be the big one they are going for. It just occurred to me that his name, his appearance etc. just happen to look a bit comic book Lex Luther and I have read various sneering articles which have capitalised on this. The “ruse” or “jape” is to discredit something by presenting it in a light that makes it look silly. It’s one of the most ancient manoeuvres. I once read an old legend which goes like this:
A king knew his life was in danger and he couldn’t trust anyone. He knew he had to leave the city but without being detected. So, he disguised himself as a tramp and approached the city gates. The guard shouted, “Halt! Who goes there?” and without hesitation the king cried, “I’m the king!” The guard looked and saw a tramp and said in a weary sarcastic voice, “Of course you are! Now get out of my site!” The king leaves.
The point being that the truth can be hidden by being told openly within a context that makes it look like a lie. And the beauty of it is that, even if there had been a second guard with suspicions, it would still work, as in:
Guard 2: “You know, I think that really was the king!”
Guard 1: “Oh don’t be so stupid! Why would the king dress as a tramp? And once dressed so, then call out that he was the king?”
Guard 2: “Well, as a double bluff!”
Guard 1: “Oh now you’re getting paranoid!”
….and they launch into a long, convoluted argument that goes on forever.
So, you can hear the truth anywhere. It could be hidden as a double bluff, as smear by association etc. It could even be that someone thinks he is telling a lie which turns out to be the truth.
In the case of Schwab, he could be revealing the truth but – and I know this may sound like a case of “paranoid” conjecture – how about someone thinking, “Hey – this guy looks kinda off and it all seems a bit silly – almost like a cartoon. Let’s throw the punters off by this presentation. And we could even position phony critics to point out the apparent absurdity of it.” etc.
Well said. A few thoughts on how to handle, practically, the important observations you make.
The maxim must now surely be “trust nothing”. What we have almost immutably, though, is our skepticism, which must remain supple, not defensively petrified, and thus ready to be guided this way or that based on the best evidence and arguments available when decisions have to be made. But NO loyalty to anyone or anything, not even to our own powers of deduction. In their place, respectful humility and compassion are vital; emotional trigger points are going to get triggered with wearying regularity. And the way out of this post-truth nightmare-quagmire is long indeed. At least, it sure looks that way to me.
Exemplary remarks.
The Case of the Capering King!
The hypothesized dialog between the guards is particularly ingenious.
No ideology is as coherent as it purports to be. The “making it up as they go” is always a big factor.
On an infinitely smaller scale, last night I tried to cast an Amazon Prime video to my smart TV. Messed with the codes, the QR scans — all to no avail. Switching between German and English alone seemed to trip up the whole system. Tried the tablet — same thing. Similarly, the sound in my PC monitor won’t work, no matter what Windows 10 voodoo I perform. Oh well — and yet how odd that the manufacturers behind these gizmos are the same tech giants who love to talk immortality and colonies on Mars… How about learning to connect a speaker to a PC first, without endless and futile troubleshooting.
I don’t think there’s anything remotely ad hoc about any of this.
The arrogance, the facts, the fake narrative, the true narrative, all of that is manipulated to confuse, distort and frighten.
When I was a teenager, weird things happening in the world seemed most likely to be coincidences.
A couple of decades later, not so much.
Then, after even more decades, I no longer believe in political coincidences at all.
Exactly. They have the most unbelievable computational power at their disposable, unlimited resources since they literally print money and have war-gamed every possible permutation over and over. Moreover there’s tons of evidence all of this was planned twenty years ago and more.
The NASA future warfare 2025 document predicts all of this and the blue beam project.
Ugh. Once again, minimizing the true state of affairs and disseminating bs.
Go to the WEF website and start going through their partners and associates. You’ll see the connection to the banking system, which you have never once mentioned, as if you live in some kind of bubble where nothing is connected and the only thing that matters is the lies in the msm.
Davos and the WEF has long been known as the place where the financial elite meet to discuss their plans for the peons every year.
So are you claiming now Prince Charles and the other leaders that attend Davos are also part of the psy-op? Is the UN part of the psy-op? The IMF? Because they are partners with the WEF.
Wait…are you suggesting they’re not? (I’m legit confused.)
George is claiming that the Great Reset and Schwab are some sort of distractive psychological operation. That is patently absurd.
George’s position on Schwab doesn’t hold water, because all the organizations and corporations allied with the WEF that are constantly spouting WEF terminology and wearing the Great Reset pin, are dead serious in all of their claims and their intentions.
And anyone who doesn’t take them seriously is deluded.
I guess I read George’s comments differently. I took it more as, “Hide something in plain site so as to neutralize it preemptively.” It’s sort of like a perverse alibi: If there was anything untoward about it, would I just be saying it outright? Or kind of like in Basic Instinct how the suspect murderess put her murderous plans in a novel, like a reverse-alibi.
Which I think is a very common form of Revelation of the Method: put something out there plain as day that proves foreknowledge and intent, so that if anyone points it out, the only possible reaction is, Yeah? So?
On a related note, have you watched the movie trailer for Songbird? Truly brazen, on multiple meta-levels. The cryptocracy is like a frenzied pack of gleefully yipping hyenas at this point, making their threats outright and boastfully, without any veil of plausible deniability. They want you to know They want you to know They’re coming.
I agree with you completely on their Revelation of the Method, and we do read George’s comments very differently.
I have been appalled at what I see as a consistent pattern of minimizing and normalizing the criminal and psychopathic behavior of governments and the media.
I have a very different viewpoint and don’t appreciate his cavalier attitude and misleading commentary.
PS. I watched Songbird – omfg. That’s probably more Utopia-like than what’s coming.
By the way, when I put all the primer and probe sequences from the CDC’s paper on RT-PCR tests into BLAST there were dozens and dozens of perfect matches with human genomic sequences. So I think you were quite spot on with your prediction. I don’t have the time to cross reference every result and see which match specific EMF-EMR inflammation markers but I’m sure it would make an interesting paper that would probably never be published.
We should be aware that C.A. Fitts, in that video interview (on bitchute) with Reiner Fuellmich I posted a link to the other day, says that The Great Reset is a distraction, that the real reset is the one planned by the central banks (which has its own “_____ Reset,” the precise name of which I forget, possibly “Going Forward Reset”?). Of course, when you see all of the Davos/WEF partners and associates (with, as background knowledge, familiarity with Alison McDowell’s research on TGR/4IR), it is clear that TGR is certainly no mere “distraction,” and that the central banks are just one more set of players in the grand operation. It’s hard to believe Fitts is unaware of this, so why would she so casually dismiss TGR in that manner?
I don’t listen to CAF. Nothing she claims that’s truthful isn’t commonly known. I knew they were going for a land grab before she ever announced it on YouTube because the goals of Agenda 21 and 2030 are perfectly clear and are part of the Great Reset.
CAF is telling half truths to an audience of Republicans and conservatives. There are no life extending mechanisms available in medicine. There are no fabulous cures waiting for anyone or organs grown while you wait. That’s all hype. There is no traveling in space or aliens. That’s all distraction and disinformation. She peddles that and it’s not legitimate.
Geneticists don’t even know how to get from genotype to phenotype. That’s why the military want the global population in gene based experimentation. There is only death and illness by the PhRMA cartel. The central banks are overseeing a massive cull using ecocide, famine, democide, asymmetric warfare, trauma based mind control, 4th generation warfare and iatrogenic murder.
The Global Currency Reset which I have referenced here extensively is what matters. It is a policy of erasing debt, while forcing the global population to give up all claim to property and assets, forever and agree to vaccination in return for a meager UBI. That is why they have locked down the planet. That is the what the IMF-World Bank and BIS are planning. Has CAF mentioned that? No. Because I am the only person mentioning it at all, that I have seen.
The central banks are the mechanism of control. Without the banks pulling the strings, the mechanism of control isn’t there. Does CAF explain that? Does she explain that all the people have to do is get enough of us to enact common law and we can usurp the mechanism of control and create lawful precedent and abolish government tyranny and reject their unlawful edicts, mandates, statutes and regulations?
I should perhaps explain that my relative ignorance re: CAF is due to the fact that she is one (among many!) of those people whose interviews I feel compelled to stop within minutes of hitting “play.” I am always — for whatever reason — immediately “turned off.” The only reason I sat through more than a few minutes of that last interview was the fact that she was joined by RF and WW.
I did find it interesting that she brought up Fukushima (and the possibility of threats/extortion of world leaders following on from that), but then failed to mention the two most important details (which as a “professional researcher,” she surely must be aware of!) which are so crucial that even I — no professional anything — would never fail to mention them any time that incident came up in conversation, viz.
I don’t think there’s any need at this late stage to bribe governments or blackmail them. There is probably the ability to create earthquakes with HAARP and Japan sits over the conjunction of several tectonic plates so Fukushima may have been a commodity or market manipulation rather than nuclear weapons. The nuclear weapon scenario sounds like a cover story.
Princes Of The Yen gives a fairly succinct run down of the economic and monetary capture of Japan in the 20thC.
As often happens, I’m not clear on what you are trying to say:
No doubt!
Yes, including the ocean area over which that heating was noticed.
as in, “therefore”? It is not clear to me what you are saying the relationship is between what precedes this “so” and what follows it:
Can you phrase that in a different way so that it’s more clear?
Are you saying that you think the tsunami, with its massive devastation, would have been intentionally triggered (via technological means) just as likely for “commodity or market manipulation” as it would have to warn/punish Japan re: the advisability of selling nuclear technology to Iran?
Iran is totally controlled by the central bankers. There is no Iran vs America. Or Russia vs America or China vs America. That’s all for public consumption. I don’t see the world as nation vs nation. Or bloc versus bloc. That world view is a scam on the populations of these countries in my opinion. It’s all just the movement of capital and manipulation of populations using fake geopolitical games. Nothing is real. I don’t accept the geopolitical narratives prevalent in the alt media because they don’t make sense.
Because Japan sits on so many fault lines it’s hard to know whether HAARP is the cause of an earthquake or not since Japan gets earthquakes all the time. If HAARP was the cause it wasn’t because of Iran or nuclear weaponry. That may be put forward as the staged public explanation but it would be a financial incentive first and foremost and some climate directive nonsense or country specific laws secondarily.
Any links or references to back this up?
I haven’t really heard anyone saying anything about this since the year of the tsunami itself, so it’s not like it’s now the stock “staged public explanation” by any means.
Iran is a member of the BIS. It’s also a member of the UN and OPEC. Iran’s central bank was listed on the BIS website a few months ago when I posted the link here on another thread. They have since taken it off their page. There is obviously some kind of agenda to deceive.
There is real time scrubbing of the internet and the wayback archive. The other day when I went to the ICANN registrar Info page for the Global Currency Reset Org website the result showed it was the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in Virginia who registered the name mid 2020. The next day that registration info was hidden by a privacy front. The very next day.
Same thing with the federal registrar. They removed all listings of “spike protein“ and “Coronavirus“ references for drug vaccine technology licensing from 2018 on their database. But I found copies of the notices on because they contain patents. This, after Fauci had claimed they had no technology or treatments available for Covid19 last year when he knew they were developing vaccines as far back as 2015 when the first Moderna-NIAID contract was signed. They don’t have a problem with lying to the world.
Same thing with the NIH. They removed two scientific published papers from their database showing the compound carvacrol (In Oregano oil) inhibits “Coronaviruses”. Not that there are any Coronaviruses, just poison cell concoctions, but that doesn’t stop these criminals in government from censoring natural, safe alternative remedies to the Intel promoted HCQ.
And they changed the WITS world bank site test kit pages and other pages related to covid19 Items such as ventilator tubes. They changed the entire URL extension not just the page. They made entirely new pages.
We live in a bullshit world where our reality is constantly being molded by criminals in government. The censorship is off the charts.
Anyway, here’s the original source I read which led me to go to the BIS site and check on their member orgs page.
Thanks, I’ll check it out! had an article on this some time ago. Their claims included these:
:- USA was running out of nuke fuel; the shutdown of all Japanese (and German) reactors helped.
:- A nuke bomb caused the earthquake; this may explain US Navy sailors off Japan – who may have been on monitoring duty some distance away – reported as exposed to radiation.
all the people have to do is get enough of us to enact common law and we can usurp the mechanism of control and create lawful precedent and abolish government tyranny and reject their unlawful edicts, mandates, statutes and regulations?
I do have a slight quibble with that scenario.
Enacting ‘common law’ today would entail rising up in the face of serious weaponry which would simply use the good-ol’ “might is right” philosophy and flatten us.
Because of their mighty weapons, they would simply say, “We decide what common law is, or is not”.
Sorry to be depressing about this, but I suppose realism has to work both ways, or it isn’t realism.
They just don’t care about the law. That’s for us plebs to worry about.
I don’t agree. At all. There are only a few thousand people imposing their will on billions. It’s a question of enough people resisting and becoming informed. Common law provides the solution because under common law men and women are above all governments and their edicts. Most people don’t know the difference between maritime law and incorporated courts versus common law so they don’t understand it’s a legal remedy that requires no physical resistance.
Trickery has kept people chained within the system not might. You, for instance have tricked yourself into believing something you have zero evidence for except for an imagined “realism” which is fear based in my opinion, not reality based.
Not worth considering. No point in thinking about common law. This isn’t an anti-war march in the 60s. We’re living in a world where we’ve already been told we can go to prison for years for travelling, be fined for being outside and banned from the internet for asking question. Turning up with a petition with ‘common law’ is ludicrous. I can just see the military throwing down their weapons as music breaks out. The elite shaking their fists like in a cartoon after 100 years planning this final crushing. All fooled by ”those pesky kids”.. It’s not worth engaging with these facebook refugees.
Until they actually research something with any genuine depth and a real intention to open up adult discussion it’s a waste of your time and their ink. You have the need for only one word for these so called enlightened ‘thinkers'( cough). It goes like this : ”source ” ?
CAF talks up a “Going Direct Reset,” which I think is just a very unhelpful conflation on her part of the well-known “Great Reset” with the “Going Direct” program discussed here:
I don’t have the same distrust for CAF that Researcher does, but I think CAF is equal parts 1.) illuminating commentator; and 2.) batty old broad. Great Reset is an entirely different, and genuinely grander-in-scope, animal than “Going Direct,” which is just your standard pigs-at-the-trough self-dealing Wall Street nonsense, in connection with the (overestimated) “repo crisis” of September 2019 that looms so large suddenly.
The “repo crisis” isn’t the cause for anything. It was just the first (unsuccessful) phony pretext that Wall Street tried to use to get its carcass-stripping coup de grace bailout. When that didn’t work, they reintroduced it as the “CARES” Act, and got what they wanted in the massive tsunami of unscrutinized Coronamania. Despite “Maribel Tuff,” the scamdemic isn’t a “response” to the “repo crisis” any more than 9/11 was a “response” to the dot-com bubble burst that preceded it. Sure, Wall Street used the 9/11 “reset” to justify getting the goodies they had lost in the dot-com contraction, but 9/11 was a much bigger project that was going to happen regardless. Same with the scamdemic.
Yes. I agree with you about the repo crash. Totally manufactured. And going direct means cutting out the middle men so the central banks control the money laundering directly. No more Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) at retail banks and potential prying eyes figuring out that the central banks and retail banks have been laundering all the drug and crime money of the world because they are a criminal syndicate who own the unlawful government corporations, courts, tax revenue agencies and partner with organized crime.
They don’t want any more Ronald Bernards spilling their secrets.
Instead the Senate is now trying to shift (SARs) to the Internet to censor speech and prohibit any political or business activity they don’t specifically approve.
So the fact that they’ve written books, said it in lectures and posted videos admitting that this is what they’re doing – and that reality keeps fitting in with it – doesn’t constitute proof or a “fact”? What would convince you? I’m more of the view that when things are said with one-third of the world’s finance capital in the room we ought to take them extremely seriously.
I’ll admit that I find the part about “owning nothing” hard to credit. However that is for the end of the decade and a decade is a long time, especially given how much things have changed in the last year.
Someone recently (not sure if it was you) said AI and robotics – clearly a crucial part of the Great Reset – wasn’t really all that. Brzezinski said that new technology should be kept secret for two decades so I would argue the opposite is the case, they can do a lot more in these fields than we currently know.
How about articles about possible solutions?
The stories and facts make it very clear that state, corporations are corrupt assholes, and most of the stories and “facts” are simply bullshit, propaganda,
subversion and distractions by them.
All of that is “past”, and in the case of engineered “facts and stories” used to perpetuate their machinations.
Of course, I understand much of the proposed solutions then, would also be similarly coopted.
I agree. We’re just preaching to the choir at this point. Everyone here has heard all about the Great Reset a million times. But what’re we supposed to do about it?
I’m all for reporting on burgeoning acts of resistance, such as the restaurant protest in Italy, or the recall initiative in California, or the progress of places like Sweden, Belarus, Nicaragua, Tanzania and Florida which have resisted lockdowns.
Otherwise, it just gets too depressing reading the same screeds over and over again. I’ve personally had all I can take of that.
Yeah, Tanzania for instance…why is it being demonized now? It seems like a great place with a far better president than most other countries, comfortably.
d. People are already woken up, but fear that if the Covid19 narrative is destroyed they must go back to work.
In my part of Eastern Europe people are back to work anyway, and they see there’s lot of bad faith, but believe the basics of the narrative and follow the rules most of the time when they don’t have to.
It looks like the reason is this: most people take parochial views: parochial both in space and time. As your remark illustrates, they speak of the situation in their own country, or part of the world, and pay less attention to other parts of the world. They see their current governments’ corruption, much more than that of institutions abroad. Likewise, they base their expectations on what they’ve seen in their lives until now, rather than what happened regularly in history, and can be logically concluded by analysis.
After all, unless one has been a financial analyst, an unusually detached observer of society, or into science fiction, it is pretty difficult to wrap one’s head around the current events de jour. For example, when around 2012. I realised that an unsustainable and oligarchic global financial-economic system should be naturally followed by a fabricated global crisis as a pretext for modifying the said system to the liking of the said oligarchy, it took me over a year to fully internalise the conclusion.
Why do you think slavery and statues are such a big deal right now? Because they draw attention away from present day imperialism.
‘March into the bright new biometric future. It’s progress, innit. Slavery doesn’t happen today.’
‘Yes it does. No it doesn’t.’ What’s going on here and do we care?
Even if the public could work out the implications of green nirvana (reset, deal, 2030 etc) they would still ignore it.
This is the essence of Liberalism: the mental trick of shifting ethical and political goalposts — for themselves and others — but only within the boundaries of their own financial interest.
It’s not slavery if we do it.
They fail to notice that in this nirvana, they too will be slaves.
Imperialism used to require a huge managerial middle class. The big tech billionaires are vertically integrated and that way it’s more profitable. They seek to do imperialism without the middle class this time.
Smart cities and big tech are energy-intensive, resource-heavy and mineral hungry. They only need labour in the mines, at the colonial end of the operation.
To be fair, Hamada has been insightful before. The people actively support Corporatism and Imperialism, unknowingly but often willingly.
“Capitalism operates systematically and structurally like a cage to raise domesticated animals.”
Blaming capitalism is false. What is “capitalism” supposed to mean anyway? It’s a largely meaningless word; it has multiple meanings. There is nothing wrong with some of them, at least in theory. I live in a post-communist country, and people here use pretty much the same arguments, but they blame communism, or socialism because of a different historical experience. Again, they’re wrong. Communism or socialism is impossible to define in a meaningful way. Hence, total semantic confusion makes people target the wrong enemy.
Multiple economic/societal systems could in theory provide a viable framework for human existence. The problem is opportunists who take advantage of the system and hijack it for the purpose of fucking over other people. Or create such systems with this intention in the first place.
People should probably try to simplify things and install a New New World Order based on one simple, easy to understand commandment. Something like “Thou shall not fuck around with thy neighbor”.
The problem was never the saboteur or the wrecker on the factory floor. It was always the hijackers in their private jets.
This blaming “capitalism” or “communism” is like the proverbial men denied vision trying to describe an elephant. What an amazing coincidence that Carroll Quigley’s wife happened to publish that very thing in a children’s story!
It isn’t “capitalism” because where’s the free enterprise? Genuinely independent business is being crushed and the likes of Amazon, Google and Tesla have clear deep state roots. It isn’t “communism” because the proletariat are despised on every level, not lauded. It isn’t ” fascism” because it’s profoundly anti-nationalistic. It’s a hybrid of elements of all of them. Whether this was always the plan or they’ve taken the elements that worked from trials of each system, who knows? However the people who are running this consider themselves above mere ideologies.
Something like that.
Some say that it’s all preplanned, that the course in which the world develops is charted by a few scheming pricks, but I don’t think so. They’re opportunists and take advantage of however things turn out. At every level.
As far as -isms, it’s foolish to think that any -ism, any ideology, concept is the final solution. It can’t be. Unless the conditions that exist in the world now dramatically change, i.e. the availability of resources. If there is enough shit for everybody, people might stop fighting for it. But the dimwits will probably start coveting the neighbor’s wife because she has bigger boobs and a rounder bum, and we’re back to square one … ha ha … or something like that.
The struggle between Good and Evil is an eternal one, and it must be kept in mind that Evil has the upper hand due to inherent reasons. For Evil can do underhanded stuff, the most abominable shit.
Humankind’s problem is that they’ve disregarded this truism during the last at least two, three, four decades, possibly longer.
Well, I disagree regarding that “truism”.
What I see is that “truism” is used to actually perpetuate the garbage, if you knowm sayn.
It’s obviously pre-planned. There’s dozens of documents that support that stance starting with a failed attempt to implement technocracy in the 1930’s. When technocracy was rejected by people the psychopaths who run the world through the monetary system planned and implemented WWII. How could some recently broke nation suddenly became the most militarily powerful on earth? Germany and Hitler had the capital backing of the bankers, not just in Europe, the Vatican, the City of London Corp but also on Wall St.
Nothing is real. Not Coronavirus. Not terror. Not political systems. And not wars. People die, yes. But not the rich leaders. Just the ordinary plebs who believe in the lies.
C. Quigley tells the story, proudly and in loving detail, in Tragedy & Hope.
P. 308: The Dawes Plan (of German reparations to the WWI victors) from 1924-’29 “was largely a JP Morgan production,” devised by an “international committee of financial experts presided over by American banker Charles G Dawes. …Germany paid reparations for five years under the Dawes Plan…and owed more at the end than it had owed at the beginning.” At the same time, the Plan “allowed Germany to borrow abroad beyond her ability to pay…. This system was set up by international bankers and…was very profitable….” In short, Germany was incentivized to build up industrially and militarily, while the tension arising from the reparations arrears to France festered. This was the positioning of the “Gang-Countergang” artificial conflict of WWII, which the Milner Group had perfected in the Boer War, etc.
P. 310: The Dawes Plan was replaced in 1929 by the Young Plan, “named after Owen D. Young (a Morgan agent). …To assist in this task a new private bank called the Bank of International Settlements was to serve as a central bankers’ bank.”
P. 427: Interestingly, Weimar Germany was, this entire time, under a dictatorial “state of exception” under Gustav Stresemann, who was the one who agreed to the Dawes Plan. Also in 1923 (Nov. 8) was Hitler’s “Beer Hall Putsch.” The entire German polity was being scripted and engineered by the Anglo-American oligarchs with precision, meticulously building up a “Gang” to serve as hobgoblin.
P. 434: Hitler was a creation of the supra-national intelligence apparatus: “a political spy for the Reichswehr. …In the course of spying on the numerous political groups [he] became fascinated by the rantings of Gottfried Feder…. Hitler himself became a participant [and as] a result he was asked to join the German Workers’ Party, and did so….” etc.
Of course, gatekeeper Quigley takes for granted that Hitler “went native” and detached from his intelligence handlers. He also has many nice bridges for sale at reasonable prices.
Lol … Thanks FC. I applaud you for having the tenacity to read that tome.
J, I dont subscribe to evil/good paradigms,for me there is self over others to such an extreme that harm is done,lives lost etc,although some psychopaths as identified behave outside the average range of human behaviour.Good to me seems self evident,do no harm to others.If Evolution is understood as I believe it, then large brains and co-ooperation have brought us to this threshold where we are today,there is no guarantee of future evolution this may be a dead end,as our capacity to Obliterate our Biosphere continues.Just as an aside I buy organic wherever possible,although Global Air pollution makes being h ealthy diffic u lt.
I’ve said it many times (for years), and I’ll say it again.
Not any “system” espoused based on the concepts of “economic” growth, excessive industrialism is worth supporting.
Those are the fundamentals of the shared and common failure of china, soviet russia, america or whatever. The same thing the author and you lament about it, the functionally cosmetic pendulum swings from excessive industrialist state capitalism to excessive industrialist capitalist state, politically/socially, and that is merely cosmetic to the “archon” because it serves in the same framework based on the same totalitarian/authoritarian principles.
And I’ll elaborate on ANY of their bullshit if you want me to. “Economics” is the least worthy thing in the universe.
PS. I replied with two lengthy replies in one of your earlier replies bitching about the article, btw. One of the replies is still in spam filter atm.
“Economics” is the least worthy thing in the universe.”
The way I see it is that economics is moderately useful in the sense of describing human behavior in securing resources. Economics in the sense of proposing or imposing solutions are mostly useless, if not totally fucked up social engineering.
Well yeah, you know that I mean that in terms of the systemic euphemistic sense which is used to hide the fact that it is degenerate exploitation and fraud.
If anyone refers to “the economy” as “the fraud and exploitation” is that not immeasurably more accurate? Now, “the economy” is based on “economics”, so.
In their framework (excessive industrialist space of capitalist state to state capitalism), it is the fundamental driver of their policy and systemic machination.
Yes, any ‘ism’ can be sabotaged. And I agree that a back-to-basics phase is sorely needed. Your Don’t Fuck People Around commandment is more or less the golden rule in modern parlance: as you do unto others, so you do unto yourself (is the version I prefer).
Effectively focussing on that basic element of how we organise ourselves into a society of some form in part requires, I assert, that the value system, or our cultural reflexes/understandings around what value is, be subjected to particular attention. Until we have learned and begun in earnest to establish, institutionally, a far more nuanced and subtle cultural sense of value – i.e. far more so than the monstrously crude notion that value can be measured and stored by money, such that the vast majority of our decision making is determined by market forces and price –, any ism we might prefer is most likely to remain highly abusable by the unscrupulous, amoral and sociopathic, as described by you and others here.
And to get our minds focussed on this fundament requires as many of us as possible growing up, or de-infantilising (to coin a phrase). A very tall order, but necessary nonetheless, and not impossible. In my view, anyway.
And of course all this boils down to the fact that we need to offer something better – more robust, effective, and yes sustainable – than the current crop of price-based systems currently on offer globally. With price-logic firmly in the global driving seat, our starting point when deciding what to do is, “Can we afford it financially and will it be financially profitable?” This gives final say to the banks.
A different value system could foster a different starting point: “Will this course of action lead to more health, community cohesion, and happiness?” If yes, then: “Can we afford it in terms of resources and know-how?” If yes, any ‘money’ needed to effect the course of action is made available, perhaps via some sort of democratically created money, for example. Perhaps without compound interest added, perhaps as vouchers of some kind, etc. (there are many ways of creating money).
There are many options. What’s missing is the requisite cultural imagination that would encourage us to make use of them, because we have taught ourselves to see them as viable.
“The key word is EQUALITY, applied throughout the political-economic-social structure of a society.” .
Mining is likely to be automated early.
Pollock was the fellow that threw paint at canvas. Krassner presumably financed him.
Guggenheim ?
Are Zionist copper mine owners people we should be looking up to ?
Are they covid deniers and anti vaxxers ?
oh sorry, wrong article…
I tried to read this, but honestly, I have no idea what the fuck the guy is talking about. I mean I get it that he doesn’t like where the world is, and has been, going, but the rest is convoluted to say the least.
It has been said that it’s nonsensical to regard the world along the left/right dichotomy. It’s the same with socialism vs. capitalism.
“The socialist revolution takes over the capitalist state, it nationalizes corporate entities and sets up the economy, education and the rest of social institutions and social relations to be guided by people’s interests.”
What sort of delusion is this? Where has such a socialist revolution ever taken place? One that would set up a system guided by people’s interests? Is he talking about the Second World? That wasn’t guided by “people’s interests”; it was guided by what apparatchiks decided were people’s interests, while they themselves had completely different interests and unreservedly satisfied them while sweeping some crumbs off the table for the plebs. The system was pretty much like the one the oligarchs have been secretly and now are openly foisting on the world.
Capitalism is dying, no doubt, but socialism ain’t the answer. Not that it would be necessarily a bad concept in theory, but in practice, it doesn’t work. It centralizes power, a very dangerous concept, as we’re seeing now.
This is about centralization and decentralization. Empowering the individual or small communities as opposed to creating large or global organizations that either serve for enslaving their members in the first place or can be easily hijacked for this purpose.
Now, how can decentralization be achieved, I have no fucking idea … 😀 … but that’s what it’s about.
The paradox: You’d have to have a centralised de-centraliser!
As the screws tighten, maybe people will realize that centralization is detrimental and will start ignoring it and will turn to local life.
If not, if people allow themselves to be put on a global collective leash, they only have themselves to blame.
Frankly, as much as what is happening might seem depressing, dystopian future in the making, if you look at it from the other side of the fence, the motherfuckers have undertaken a pretty ambitious goal – to control the entire world’s population. That’s no easy task. The world is one big fucking place and people might be docile, meek, brainwashed, but not all of them. There are lot of people who see through this, resist, albeit perhaps not openly. The odds are still on our side.
Gotta see the glass as half-full, man …!
“The socialist revolution takes over the capitalist state, it nationalizes corporate entities and sets up the economy, education and the rest of social institutions and social relations to be guided by people’s interests.”
“What sort of delusion is this? Where has such a socialist revolution ever taken place? One that would set up a system guided by people’s interests? Is he talking about the Second World? That wasn’t guided by “people’s interests”…”
Jacques, personally I understand (thanks to my whack interpretation I guess) pretty much everything he said.
You have to think of socialist revolution in the context of the typical populace. what are people peddled when talking of the concept of socialist revolution? Those people who supported those “revolutions” you lament about, did believe they were joining an “organic” socialist revolution.
Many people still think like that, the worship of karl marx is such an example. Just like the bizarre statist “liberal” concept of “socialism”, which is the same crap you AND the author lament about.
Whereas he refers to it as what it is perceived as or marketed as and points out WHY that perception is wrong in general, for the sake of potential readers I guess…your perception of it is already past that, as you know what he stated is implicit.
You could literally point out, in that regard (as in misused phrases/concepts), far worse less honest and direct statements and thoughts in almost every article or story in the media, currently, today, hundreds of times a day…
Personally, I reject any and all political, social, economic frameworks that are not in principle close to these sort of values:
Compare how incredibly advanced that actually seems, compared to the typical excess industrialist mindset.
I understand this.
The problem is that akin to the fact that putting on a facemask a year ago might have been somewhat justified, but it isn’t now because it indicates ignorance, obedient complicity, and overall fuckedupness, the writer should have considered things in historic context. It’s not like it’s 1920, it’s 2020.
I don’t want to be to hard on him, or anyone, he’s obviously honestly trying to sweat something out, but this convoluted intellectual analysis ain’t it.
Well again, I disagree.
Fact is, most people don’t know what he said. Even posters here, which you would consider more informed than the typical voter, I presume?
“but it isn’t now because it indicates ignorance, obedient complicity, and overall fuckedupness”
Which is very insulting, btw. Because I can say similar things about practically anyone posting here.
Weren’t you involved with say, governmental mediation recently? Grab a mirror.
“The problem is that akin to the fact that putting on a facemask a year ago might have been somewhat justified”
“What you are saying actually is, ‘forcing others to putting on a face diaper.'”

“It was not justified in ~1350, in 1918, or last year, or today, PERIOD!
Like when he says this:
“In such an equation authoritarianism presents itself as a swinging pendulum between fascism and social democracy as it moves forward on the capitalist path in space and time.”
THEN says this:
“The socialist revolution takes over the capitalist state, it nationalizes corporate entities and sets up the economy, education and the rest of social institutions and social relations to be guided by people’s interests. Various incarnations of the above strategies to counter capitalist exploitation and encroaching imperial hegemony have attempted to do two major things. First, they have prioritized people’s interests by emphasizing projects that benefit the general population while providing social safety nets, infrastructure for the people, environmental regulations and so on. Second, they have allowed economic activities based on people’s needs which can grow organic community dynamics based on humanity and nature.”
That is, the cosmetic ideals you are peddled by those who espouse it. It may sound good in principle, the practice shows it is in the same excessive industrialist capitalism “space”, it’s merely a shift from capitalist state to state capitalism. The cosmetic shift between the two extremes of the same fundamentally flawed excessive industrial hegemony.
Those are the invisible chains, regardless which side of THEIR projected narrative you choose…
Thus, the only solution is to not choose either nor support them.
Localisation as a starting point.
Yeah pretty much.
My overriding principles are about improving the environment. As I have “grown” in a toxic environment, I am degenerate, toxified. This is no environment for life.
An email arrived in my box this morning from It is a sad indictment on the medical fraternity, who have de-registered a caring practitioner for using his knowledge and experience in “alternative” therapies to treat his patients and speak out about the stupidity of Covid protocols. The system is broken. This is the collateral damage. There are many who have been threatened, some who speak out, others who are too afraid of losing their livelihoods.
Yes, indeed, tragic! 🙁
A cult castaway. Deluded, thinking staying would have been better. All such people do by staying in the cult is give it cover by convincing people there are good doctors. The author says “there seems to be no way to help with healing or caring or treating, because I have been expelled” before going onto describe how “doctors effectively become part of a cattle market that accepts as many patients as possible to be treated with a preset path of investigations, drugs, and referrals” and not healing or caring. This is a complete contradiction showing the castaways cognitive dissonance.
“There are at least three ways people leave a cult. These are 1.) On their own decision (walkaways); 2.) Through expulsion (castaways); and 3.) By intervention (Exit counseling, deprogramming)…Feelings of guilt, shame, or anger are by her observation worst with castaways, but walkaways can also have similar problems.
These witch hunts and expulsions will threaten the medical fraternity beyond belief. How dare they not going into a discussion with a serious senior colleague? How dare they claiming to own the “truth”. Would you, as a patient, trust a doctor in the future? The question is: is he/she looking after your interest or the interest of Big Pharma/Big Government?
The medical establishment is already annihilated. I’ve seen it.
We need to find ways to make our own lives such that we can stop paying attention to these structures of meaning.
Why do we think Event 201 was staged? Why are all these simulations staged? They are staged so that we will make it real.
We have to stop paying attention.
This whole thing could never have occurred without centralized communications.
Communications cannot be centralized going forward.
Just drop out.
Do it.
There is zero substance to this “article”. Just vague, prolix rhetorical bluster, that just goes on and on without any concrete people, policies or revelations mentioned, even in passing. Does the author think he will get COVAIDS for naming names or something?
It’s nice finally to have “Wrench in the Gears” cited above the line…but it is typical of the gossamer character of this work that the author doesn’t even mention Alison McDowell by name…let alone any of her concrete revelations and connections that make Wrench in the Gears relevant in the first place.
Then again, maybe the lack of substance is for the best…the only concrete reference in this article is so botched it detracts by descending into hopeless ambiguity:
So…by “Katarina” do you mean Hurricane Katrina? And are you saying they were really victimized by urban renewal, or that the discourse was falsified so as to make a scapegoat of urban renewal…and if the latter, why the scare quotes? And then, the next sentence is a fragment, and so internally contradictory as to be self-defeating. Is “Capitalist hegemony” invisible “by default” or by effort and suppression: the author says both, but they are opposing ideas. What is the “dead-end argument” at play? “Period”? More like, Question Mark.
I reckon he’s saying they really were victimized by “Urban renewal”. With the quotes implicating it was euphemistic. As in, if I give you some toxins and call it healthcare. It’s not really healthcare then, is it? So, refer to it as “healthcare”.
“Capitalist hegemony does not allow an honest discussion because imperialism is kept invisible by default, the capitalist cage is invisible and the guiding hand of capitalists is invisible.”
With that I think he’s saying the machinations of the system means it is implicit in the “functionality”. As in, things are so obscured and limited by legacy and agency, obfuscation and the implicit processes. Anything from that, or adhering, then adopts the same methods and those default mechanisms of that system so as to try and keep the facade of legitimacy going.
“The capitalist framework simply corners people into having dead-end arguments. Period.”
And with that, I reckon it just means the fact that people have very little influence, controlled narrative, censorship.
Now I am so very dissapointed that I will do the Hydrogenboy thing.
are you the reincarnation of TonyOpMoc?
I’m afraid you’re right.
It’s like a report for a school debating society, only much too long.
Cliché is the word which comes to mind, although I do appreciate any effort made to indicate solutions for this excruciatingly laughable catastrophe which is shoved down our throats every day by the utterly bonkers media.
This article does not represent such solutions.
People can call me anti-semite, anti-vaxxer, holocaust denier, covid denier, shit pasteur methodology denier, democracy denier, fuck, even future or world denier. I don’t give a shit.
In terms of relevance though, if you’re not say, an anti-vaxxer or anti-pasteur methodologist, you are practically a moron. So I proudly identify as that.
why don’t you just say you’re unpasteurized, and leave it at that?
insurance companies bond owners
ranchers and wranglers say
the vaccine is cure all for
anti semite anti vaxer
climate warming and cooling change denier
the dose is effective yes sir
killing the questioning host
Lol exactly. If they kill the recipient with their mRNA brew it solves any and all denial. That clearly is their intent.
Every day, 320 thousand children are poisoned unnecessarily with the DTP vaccine. That’s 320k cases of imposed child abuse with toxic unnecessary shit that harms them for life. Every day. And it’s only one vaccine.
The average american has something like 50 vaccines by adulthood.
And you wonder why people are sick and stupid?
Does anyone believe this world is going to not be annihilated? Does anyone believe they will have legacies?
This dog that lives with me is like 20-21 years old, he’s almost twice as old as comparable dogs, why do you think that is?
because he’s never been vaccinated.
Also avoided “medications” and vets in general. Except for the time his stomach exploded (yes, he survived that…it was grim), and before that having a car drive over his leg…
He also has the largest balls you’ve ever seen and I reckon he’s indestructible. Still behaves like a puppy.
Because… He is a Super-Dog!
He’s actually Anubis, btw.
the dog is a denier he she does not comply with the rules and guidance.
it is a terror ist muttley
a danger 2 society
a plague carrier that if not corrected
could could maybe possibly perhaps
kill granny
you should correct this non compliance
post haste
In the US it is at around 70 vaccines by the time you are 18.
But no correlation of course with the accompanying increases in chronic disease, ADHD, autoimmune disorders, allergies, autism, etc. even as the timelines of increased number of vaccines and increases in all of the above are in near perfect sync.
It’s currently up to 72 vaccines. Which is insanity. Some states are attempting to mandate flu vaccines and CovAIDS injections, also.
“The Science” has increased the no. of vaccines in the former DTP jab from 3 to 6 or 7.
I feel like ranting.
So this word you use, “economy”.
What does it mean? Let’s take a look…
1 thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc.
That’s a bit peculiar?
2 an act or means of thrifty saving; a saving: He achieved a small economy by walking to work instead of taking a bus.
Hey did you check that?
3 the management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.
Wait a minute, suddenly the definition is contrary to the previous two definitions. You should stop calling it “the economy”, you should call it “the exploitation and fraud”
Let’s see what George Carlin thinks
Similarly you should never be calling vaccination anything other than “injected toxins”, because that’s exactly what it is. And what’s worse, some people refer to it as “immunization”?
Honey, the only immunization in the context of vaccines is corporate indemnity.
“The socialist revolution takes over the capitalist state, it nationalizes corporate entities and sets up the economy, education and the rest of social institutions and social relations to be guided by people’s interests.”
No, that’s a “social democratic” notion of what socialism is. a real socialist revolution does away with the capitalist state, creating new organs of social power.Marx realized that later in his life and wrote about the matter eloquently in The Civil War in France, regarding the Paris Commune.
Thankfully I don’t believe in Marx.
Marxfully I don’t believe in thanks.
objective reality is that which goes on existing, whether or not you believe in it.
What like when I show you earthquakes?
Karl Marx was a Rothschild and paid by them to write the communist manifesto, the check used to have pride of place in the British museum and seen by millions including myself, The check along with correspondence between the two were bequeathed to the British museum by Lionel Walter Rothschild, along with his library (which originally housed the check) and substantial Natural History collection, Marx was also Nephew of another wealthy )ewish financier Frederick Philips (of Philips electronics fame) Who also gave him frequent large amounts of money, whilst he raged against the Non Jewish evil white European “capitalist pigs” so theres that !
Marx was also related to the Samuels (Shell, the Hill Samuel bank).
And the Von Westphalen family who are still active in finance and law today. Marx had enough connections to gain profitable employment. It seems his relatives paid him to do something else.
he was a newspaper correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune, will that do?
Marx happens to be buried in London’s Highgate cemetery. Buried in the heart of capitalism. With an impressive monument. I understand the grave is monitored with CCTV cameras.
Marx’s grave was defaced in recent years. Corbyn was threatened for speaking out against fascists thugs who did it, Authorities could not find recording of a crime, nobody was arrested.
Marx was effectively exiled from German states, France and Belgium for his political activities, fled to England, refused well paid job to become editor in bourgeois publications. Lived in poor conditions with nearly no money by choice, made trips all over England including industrial centers of Manchester and Liverpool but lived in London solely because of wealth of knowledge in archives and museums where he spent years studying the history and the system.
Almost all of grand grandfathers and grandmothers of those who today spew hatred against Marx, enjoyed 6 days a week and 8 hours workday (instead of 7/12 or 7/16) that were enacted in England because of Marx campaign against classical economists fallacies who argued false “last hour profit” dogmatic arguments repudiated by Marx from economic standpoint. He also was instrumental in ending child and woman hard labor not solely on humanistic grounds but on economic grounds. British governments acted upon Marx Political Economy of Capitalism to make policy decision well into middle XX century. Marx knew how capitalism works and why as it is proven today.
today those who want well paid steady job should pray for new Marx who would repudiate collapsing neoliberalism and trash neo feudal gig economy producing nothing but poverty.
One of Marx’s grandparents was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. So the “comedian” Sacha Baron-Cohen is on on it, too. I think )
Karl Marx was a Rothschild and paid by them to write the communist manifesto, the check used to have pride of place in the British museum and seen by millions including myself, The check along with correspondence between the two were bequeathed to the British museum by Lionel Walter Rothschild
if that isn’t total bullshit, you’ll be able to supply a reference, right?
And they kept him with enough money to only lose some of his children (dead), and live in a totally marginal existence, right? The utter bullshit some people feel safe about posting on “the internets.”
A perfect composed diatribe against Capitalism and the ensuing adle-brained idiots who run around like a headless chicken.
Yeah! Let’s vote for the non-capitalist politician in 4 years! MSAIAG!!!
Just think, if we vote in their systems, which are fundamentally corrupt, and there’s a lot of fraud involved with it, and they are kleptocratic corporate whores and sociopaths, based on their ideals, for the politicians they select WE CAN MAKE A DIVIDENDS!
Forget conversations… We’ve SPENT the entire year of 2020 in “conversations”.
The author is clearly still living a comfortable life!
When you wake-up (or they come after you) then it is too late…
At this point reality is very SIMPLE: It’s either KILL or be culled.
Until several Jedburgh’s actions aren’t executed nothing will change except the things the SRF & Billionaires via jesters want to CHANGE!
If you don’t like the Jedburg Method try the German one…
The political left has been demonized since its scientific and political emergence in a form of Communist Manifesto written only months before “Peoples Spring” of 1848 directly stemming from collapse of global free trade policies (old neoliberalism) enacted by British empire after Vienna Congress of 1815.
Under threat of increasing education programs teaching historical materialism about importance of class struggle and central role of workers exploitation in powering capitalist system that oppresses them, contained in lectures, books, pamphlets and leftist-working class run and funded press organized with contributions from Marx and Marxian left and emerging international working class movement as a response to globalization of capital, ongoing at that time, little talked about, Radical Bourgeois Revolution against feudal institutions was somewhat tamed as opportunist truce between financially dominating emerging Bourgeoisie and landed feudal aristocracy was declared and then replaced by unified anti working class front as both upper classes exploited farm workers as much as industrial workers and say United working class as a mortal threat to their dominance.
Abolishing slavery and servitude was done not only because of industrial revolution brought mechanization, chemization of agriculture resulting in increase of productivity of capital orders of magnitude but also because it increased suddenly pool of workers with no industrial heritage and no influences of Marxian ideology, not to it mention increased industrial unemployment and hence created conditions of ethnic and racial divisions exploited by capitalists.
The attempts of discrediting of working class movement and their leadership is long ongoing project of class war aimed at preventing socialist revolution by means of mass propaganda and brutality of imperial bourgeois states as well by political means by allowing phony leftist political parties or movements to enter bourgeois liberal democratic political framework stealing leftist rhetoric while aiming at splitting working class into those who falsely believe that socialism can be achieved via reforms of capitalism and those who clearly see socialist revolution overthrowing not only bourgeois political system but fundamental capitalist social relations based on domination, exploitation and money.
The SPD, leading force of Second International is an example of such working class manipulation and division that ultimately created conditions for fascism as a direct result of degenerated leftist ideology of abandoning revolution exploited by oligarchic elites in Germany. Note that Hitler was a activist of DAP (German Workers Party) while Mussolini was member of PSI (socialists) before they set up their own fascist parties NSDAP and FdC respectively with direction and support of oligarchic elites using them to counter revolutionary left of KPD and PCI.
Today in addition to continuing attacks on real revolutionary Marxists or what’s left of them as they were subjected to purges, intimidation, imprisonments, violence and murders including people I knew personally, mass promotion of reformists mostly lapsed Marxists-Leninists or Trotskyites or social Democrats called democratic socialists who degenerated to promoters of totalitarianism and soft or even hard fascism is being done in media to again confuse working class and lure them again into bourgeois politics of dead end.
What we observe around us is not abomination of capitalism but one of paths of natural evolution of socioeconomic system, a class based system of cruel social relation of exploitation and greed infiltrating humanist character of fundamental human bonds thst demand mutual equitable caring and sharing as individually and collectively beneficial to community and society at large. Without changing of social relations there can be no real long lasting change that benefit 99% and any seeming “change” will bring us or our children to the same place we are today.
This trend of Americans to write socialism out of history, or not even mention it, has increased, and is a part of the eradication of all left wing ideas in their society. It is as you say, the elites war on working class movements and this article slips into that category in its denial of socialist history.
Marx vigorously defended slavery in an 1847 letter to an associate.
Out of context Peter. He did not defend it overall, but understood it as one of the grim social evolutions that improved productivity, from earlier small farmers and hunter-gathers. It also helped create an upper class with sufficient spare time to develop culture, the Greeks being prime examples.
without intending to disparage Marx, who was writing at a time when very little was known about human prehistory, this traditional account of the origin of class society is now increasingly contradicted by the available evidence.
James C. Scott — Against the Grain — A Deep History of the Earliest States
Thanks for the link.
see also:
James C. Scott — The Art of Not Being Governed — An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
Eh… NOPE! They are pretty VISIBLE!
John Travolta fans will find the above perfectly acceptable.
Offensive and disgusting on so many levels. Many of those who care about civil liberties do not dispute the existence of ‘Covid’ and they are not anti-vaccination. They simply don’t want to live in a ‘papers please’ culture. This is not Nazi Germany
Piers Morgan is mentally and spiritually unstable.
Why not just say he’s a totally worthless piece of shit moron?
Because he is also mentally and spiritually unstable.
That is incredibly true, I concede.
Nothing he, or the puppets say are authentic. He isn’t unstable, just evil.
Can’t that guy be deported to somewhere?
Professor P. Morgan is one of the world’s greatest living philosophers. His insights bring profound focus to any issue at hand.
Piers Morgan was caught running a stock market scam 20 years ago when he, as editor of the Daily Mirror, and two business reporters were buying shares and printing stories to influence the market price.
He could have a faced a hefty fine or prison. Instead he was not even charged. Clearly he did a deal with the authorities.. . or he was already controlled back then.
Heavily involved in the phone hacking too. Particularly that of Milly Dowler. How low can an (in)human go ? Morgan is on my list.
Pure fascist talk. Dangerous and murderous.
Those German Jewish conspiracy theorists who claimed, against Nazi fact checkers irrefutable proof, that Hitler prepared a reset of Jewish-German relations and had already prepared “Final Solution” for Jewish nation of conspiracy theorists, bullshit bluffing Holocaust conspiracy loonies who in 1935 barred themselves from going anywhere where responsible German citizen went and shipped themselves to re-education by labor camps to learn the truth, to snap out of these conspiracy theories or die.
Piers revealed himself as brainwashed fascist thug, a lowlife, self emasculating himself and dehumanizing himself by dehumanizing other human beings with every word of hatred he utters.
Just because the captialists/imperialists hijack fundamental and necessary change doesn’t negate the importance of such change. So rejecting carbon reduction measures — for example — simply because they’re not just pushed by the capitalists but seen as a money making opportunity is just plain wrong. Looking behind the curtain a bit you’ll notice that the solutions that are advocated in essence replace corporate profits derived from rapacious exploitation with taxation revenue typically disguised as some kind of ‘green’ tax. This is just business as usual — as demand for a resource peaks the only way to maintain profit expansion is to manipulate pricing through demand management (“yield management”).
The steps needed to make our world sustainable are actually people friendly, they’re just not corporate friendly. This is why they’ve been resolutely opposed for a generation or more — the can got kicked further and further down the road until eventually it was quite obvious that there was no more road to kick it down. At that point you get a policy change — ‘oil’ companies become ‘energy’ companies and the pivot becomes how to manage a sustainable level of demand while maintaining corporate profits. All it means for you and me is that we end up paying more and more for less and less — we conserve resources like power and water but somehow the bills always seem to go up. That’s not a fault of conservation. Its the system.
It’s a system