Media Pseudo-Debates and the Silence of Leftist Critics
The Incompetent, Negligent, Mishandling, Miscalculating Elite Blunderers
Edward Curtin

You’ve heard of them, no doubt, the U.S. rulers who can’t rule too well and are always getting surprised by events or fed bad advice by their underlings. Their “mistakes” are always well intentioned. They stumble into wars through faulty intelligence. They drop the ball because of bureaucratic mix-ups.
They miscalculate the perfidy of the elites whom allegedly they oppose while ushering them into the national coffers out of necessity since they are too big to fail. They never see the storm coming, even as they create it. Their incompetence is the retort to all those nut cases who conjure up conspiracy theories to explain their actions or lack thereof. They are innocent. Always innocent.
They and their media mouthpieces offer Americans, who are most eager to accept, what Lutheran pastor and anti-Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer, executed at age thirty-nine by Hitler, called cheap grace:
Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance…”
These incompetents are, in the immortal words of the New York newspaper columnist Jimmy Breslin, “The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight.”
Except they could and can.
They’ve actually shot a lot of people, here and abroad. It’s one of their specialities. But they mean well. They screw up sometimes, but they mean well. They care, even while they kill millions with their guns and bombs. But they have their followers.
As another dissident thirty-nine-year-old pastor, executed by the American state, Martin Luther King, Jr. said:
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
Mainstream Media Pseudo-Debates
The US rulers have their defenders. Most are corporate mainstream journalists whose jobs are to defend the ruling elites of both political parties. They will criticize across the political divides depending on their organizations’ political leanings at the moment. But they will never attack the fundamentals of the oligarchic war system since they are part of it. Their jobs depend on it.
So CNN and The New York Times will obsessively attack Trump while Fox News will do the same to Obama or Biden. This is a game.
These days such massive media conglomerates are seemingly starkly divided and basically serve as adjuncts of one political party or the other. They are essentially political propagandists for either the Democrats or the Republicans and have abandoned any pretense to be anything else. They speak to their respective audiences in self-enclosed vacuums. They promote the divide that runs down the middle of the USA, a divide they helped to create.
Some have argued that this radical division of the media turf is because of economic and business factors; that the media organizations and their “journalists” have seen this strategy as the path to greater profits. There is probably some truth in this. But it is a small part.
For all sides of the corporate media serve the same overarching political function: to divide and conquer the population; to set the so-called left against right; middle America against the east and west coasts; white against black; working class against middle-class; men against women; husbands against wives, etc.
To keep people, who in reality should be allies, fighting with each other.
It is a classic strategy of divide-and-conquer that is carried out by the mainstream media pursuant to their unstated mandate. It is not an accident and has been conducted with a vengeance in recent years.
And crucially, it is anchored in the false premise of the myth of left vs. right with a reasonable center somewhere between. Such a center has never existed. While left and right might once have been useful categories, they have long since outlived their usefulness. They now just serve to engender pseudo-debates.
Pseudo-debates are not new but they are highly effective. They are debates based on false premises. In this case, the premise is that the massive corporate media conglomerates are not part of the same system of control and containment of the population, but are genuine opponents in the battle for truth and democracy.
Accept this premise and you have entered into endless debates leading nowhere.
It is a classic method of intelligence agencies to sow uncertainty and confusion and to have people following Alice down the rabbit hole, tumbling and tumbling into an endless void as they argue continually about nothing.
Dr. E. Martin Schotz has brilliantly explicated this trick in the case of the assassination of President Kennedy (“Certainly no honest person could ever accept the ‘single bullet theory’.”) where people are still debating a false mystery almost sixty years after the fact. He writes:
The lie is that there is a mystery to debate. And so we have pseudo-debates. Debates about meaningless disputes, based on assumptions which are obviously false….Perhaps many people think that engaging in pseudo-debate is a benign activity. That it simply means that people are debating something that is irrelevant. This is not the case.
I say this because every debate rests on a premise to which the debaters must agree, or there is no debate. In the case of pseudo-debate the premise is a lie. So in the pseudo-debate we have the parties to the debate agreeing to purvey a lie to the public. And it is all the more malignant because it is subtle.
The unsuspecting person who is witness to the pseudo-debate does not understand that he is being passed a lie. He is not even aware that he is being passed a premise. It is so subtle that the premise just passes into the person as if it were reality. This premise—that there is uncertainty to be resolved—seems so benign. It is as easy as drinking a glass of treated water.
But the fact remains that there is no mystery except in the minds of those who are willing to drink this premise. The premise is a lie, and a society which agrees to drink such a lie ceases to perceive reality. This is what we mean by mass denial.
The entire corporate media ideological spectrum operates under the umbrella of oligarchic control, something that is not new, just more egregious with every passing day. More in your face. The corporate media serve as the mouthpieces for those oligarchs, but they try to convince their separate audiences that this isn’t so. They give people enemies – false ones. Objects to hate.
But just like symptoms are not the disease, they give people a focus upon which to rivet their attention while the disease goes unattended. As with a drug addict, the taking of drugs is not the fundamental problem, although it becomes one and might kill you. The problem is why one takes drugs; what is it that is one feels needs to be tranquilized and silenced. Or, as the writer William Saroyan once flippantly said regarding the claim that smoking causes cancer:
You may tend to get cancer from the thing that makes you want to smoke, not from the smoking itself.”
The corporate mainstream media are the drug that serves to hide the core truth of an oligarchic cancerous warfare state drunk on power and using propaganda to play both sides. Everyone has become pawns in their game.
A recent example serves to illustrate a method in their madness. There is a new, ongoing Spotify podcast – “Renegades: Born in the USA” – featuring Barack Obama and the singer Bruce Springsteen in conversation. Two rebels – it’s of course ridiculous – but there it is.
Two super rich celebrities stroking each other’s egos in an upper-class setting. One a singer, who rose to prominence out of nowhere as the voice of the small-town beleaguered working class; the other, a mixed-race politician who rose to prominence out of nowhere from a family background redolent of the CIA. Two icons of popular and political culture crossing over with a smooth patina of mixed-arts bullshit telling listeners they we need to return to the good old days when political centrism served the great American ideal that they both share.
People are supposed to take this conversation between “buddies” seriously, as the two sit mask-less with their feet seemingly touching at a time when people are told to wear masks and avoid close contact with those outside their households. As Bruce strums his guitar, any half-way sentient person would realize he was being played, even while the meaning of the song was so twisted that he was enjoying it.
Left-wing Gatekeepers
Then, if we switch from the mainstream corporate media to alternative voices, especially prominent ones on the left, we notice something even stranger.
I think most readers would agree that the two seismic events of the last twenty years are the current COVID- 19 issue and the September 11, 2001 attacks. The latter, not only because of all the victims that died that day, but for how it led to so much death and destruction around the world, the endless war on terror, the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., the ensuing loss of basic liberties and privacy via the Patriot Act, etc. The former for obvious current reasons of death and further loss of basic liberties under the lockdowns as governments throughout the world institute unprecedented measures of control, etc.
Clearly, these two events stand out over the decades. They bookend twenty years of massive U.S. war crimes, the growth of the national security complex, an obscene increase in wealth for the wealthiest, and the loss of privacy and civil liberties for all.
And as everyone knows, September 11th and COVID-19 have resulted in great controversies and much debate because of their serious implications and the obvious questions about the official storylines raised by many respectable writers and researchers of varying political perspectives. At the very least, one would expect that leftist/liberal critics of the so-called Deep State and the machinations of the elite’s wars and propaganda would have engaged in these discussions about these two seminal events or written analytic articles about them.
But for a core group of prominent left/liberal critics, these two subjects have been avoided like they are of no importance. No debates, no discussions, no analyses – simply silence, as if they didn’t happen and there was nothing to discuss. Cases closed: the government has spoken. Let us move on to more important matters.
But that is wrong. For example, in about a dozen closely reasoned books of his own and with other international researchers, David Ray Griffin has raised innumerable questions that show that the official September 11 story is full of holes. Canadian writer Graeme MacQueen has written a devastating exposé of the linked anthrax attacks that followed September 11, showing clearly that they were a U.S. government operation. I myself have raised significant questions about what I call the linguistic mind-control associated with the attacks in “Why I Don’t Speak of 9/11 Anymore.”
The dissident literature is enormous.
A few of Griffin’s points are illustrative of the many anomalies in the official account. There are so many, and not just from Griffin but from other researchers, that I will mention just a few about the building collapses, what Griffin calls “miracles of science.” The contradictions about the hijackers are also voluminous.
Here are a few such scientific miracles:
The Twin Towers and WTC 7 were the only steel-framed high-rise buildings ever to come down without explosives or incendiaries. The Twin Towers, each of which had 287 steel columns, were brought down solely by a combination of airplane strikes and jet-fuel fires. WTC 7 was not even hit by a plane, so it was the first steel-framed high-rise to be brought down solely by ordinary building fires. These World Trade Center buildings also came down in free fall – the Twin Towers in virtual free fall, WTC 7 in absolute free fall – for over two seconds. Although the collapses of the of the WTC buildings were not aided by explosives, the collapses imitated the kinds of implosions that can be induced only by demolition companies. In the case of WTC 7, the structure came down symmetrically (straight down, with an almost perfectly horizontal roofline), which meant that all 82 of the steel support columns had to fall simultaneously, although the building’s fires had a very asymmetrical pattern. The South Tower’s upper 30-floor block changed its angular momentum in midair. This 30-floor block then disintegrated in midair.
I could go on and on with examples. The simple point is that there are so many absurdities in the official story that to ignore them is an act of intellectual and moral betrayal. Anyone who has closely studied the government’s 9/11 Commission Report knows it is highly fictional.
The same is true for dissenting voices on the COVID-19 issue. Three publications in particular have published an enormous amount of well-reasoned critiques of the official version of the COVID-19 narrative: Global Research, Off-Guardian, and Children’s Health Defense. All present many articles by serious writers who raise innumerable questions and make irrefutable points about this matter.
And again, the point is not simple agreement with the dissenters’ arguments, but the need to engage their critiques. Here too the silence is resounding, for it says “we buy the official account.”
Consider these few:
The man who invented the test used to determine the so-called COVID positive test results, the Nobel Prize winning chemist, Kary Mullis, has said that the test cannot do that, it is not a diagnostic test, and therefore all the test results are meaningless. Additionally, there is serious doubt that the virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19 since there is no evidence that the virus has ever been isolated. Assuming for argument’s sake, however, that the PCR test can detect a specific virus, even Anthony Fauci himself, and the World Health Organization (one hour after Biden was sworn into office), have both said that the PCR test in order to have any accuracy must be performed at cycles below 35 thresholds while for a year those tests have been done at thresholds much higher, resulting in vast numbers of false positives. Cycle thresholds are the level at which the PCR test is said to detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus.
Furthermore, eminent voices such as Michel Chossudovsky and Peter Koenig at Global Research, Robert Kennedy, Jr. at Children’s Health Defense, and Catte Black and Kit Knightly at Off-Guardian have for a long time been vociferously objecting to the official narrative with a vast amount of additional analyses involving the consequences of the wide-spread lockdowns. Such dissidents have had to fight against an organized campaign of censorship that should raise the alarm for anyone who cares about truth.
For leftists who remain silent on these fundamental issues, I can assure them that these critiques of the official explanations of September 11, 2001 and COVID-19 are not right-wing conspiracies but are the work of leftists digging deep for truth.
It is therefore more than odd that certain left/liberal writers completely avoid these issues. One must assume, therefore, that they accept the official explanations for these events, just as this coterie of leftist/liberal critics dismiss the voluminous and detailed critiques of the Warren Commission and the assassination of President Kennedy. From their silence one can assume that these matters are of no importance because the authorities have given us the truth.
One such deceased left-wing writer, who can stand in for the group of living writers I allude to, was the well-known and often brilliant journalist Alexander Cockburn, the founder of Counterpunch Magazine. In Cockburn’s case, however, and to his credit even though he had no idea what he was talking about regarding September 11, 2001 and the JFK assassination, he did not remain silent but expressed his bile in ways he thought piercing but which made him appear quite ignorant. Cockburn had a sharp tongue and liked to ridicule anyone who disagreed with him. He excoriated all who questioned the JFK assassination or September 11 as “conspiracy nuts,” “lunatics” involved with “kookery.”
Echoing the CIA’s conspiracy meme, his name calling was offensive and his ignorance of these matters extraordinary. But he was a star leftist, an untouchable. Few wished to criticize him. He started with the assumption that government stupidity, incompetence, and screw-ups allow these terrible events to happen, and then without a shred of evidence, concluded that is why they happened. All evidence and logic to the contrary, he derisively dismissed as the work of fools. Only Cockburn and a government that admits mistakes were made were right. His arguments on these matters were pseudo-debates based on a premises he conjured out of thin air.
He was a master incompetent of the incompetence theory, one that many prominent leftists follow today, such as a recent passing comment by one of them on the COVID-19 matter as a mishandling by the ruling elite. The implicit assumption being that the basic government and mainstream media tale is correct and all would be far better if the Trump administration hadn’t screwed up. Nothing further is forthcoming or necessary. Let us proceed on the assumption that the official account is true and that the government’s inept response is the problem. Failure of leadership. Government negligence. Incompetence.
And anyone who even harbors a suspicion that there may be more to the story is engaging in conspiratorial thinking. Of course this is the same response given to those who for twenty years have researched and questioned the government’s account of September 11, 2001. The 9/11 omission story. The fictional account that will dominate the news as the twentieth anniversary approaches this September. Will any of those liberal/leftists who have remained silent all these years let it pass as truth? I suspect so but hope not.
The Need for Dialogue
So we have pseudo debates on one hand and silence on the other when what is required is not self-censorship but open critical dialogue on these fundamental matters. “There comes a time when silence is betrayal,” said Martin Luther King from the pulpit of Riverside Church on April 4, 1967 when he condemned the Vietnam War and broke his own silence in opposition to many of his advisers. A year later to the day, like JFK, he was murdered by the warfare state he condemned. Like Senator Robert Kennedy two months later. They were killed by very competent people.
Dr. Martin E. Schotz wrote twenty-six years ago in History Will Not Absolve US that those he had in mind for their defense of the Warren Commission were “such individuals as Noam Chomsky, Alexander Cockburn, the editors of The Nation magazine, and, if everyone remembers, I.F. Stone as well. I think the positions of these individuals are very important because in their surprising (to us) dishonesty and willingness to cooperate with the warfare state in covering up the crime, there is obviously something to be learned.”
Yes, there is. It is time for all people of good will to stop finding excuses for the ruling elites, whether through incompetence theories or the silent refusal to publicly engage the government and its critics on the most important issues of our time – September 11, 2001 and COVID-19. Those Schotz names above are heroes for many on the liberal/left today who follow in their stead. It’s as though they have found it necessary to mimic their teachers’ lessons. Better logic would have them analyzing the premises of September 11 and COVID-19. Start with the basics. Be explicit. Tell us why you are silent.
It’s time to graduate from this school of denial.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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Stop calling them ELITE. – there is nothing ELITE about them.
Illegitimate Parasitic leech class
Muy buen blog, te invito a visitar mi web de colegios
There is also the added aggravation of western politicians being beholden
to US interests so never mentioning building 7 etc.
I know the Netherlands is small fries but it still is depressing to see
the NL and the EU as a whole simply execute the US foreign policy.
“9/11 CNN Pentagon Report – NO PLANE – Only Aired Once
00:00 actually was bob franken with and
00:01 eyewitness who said it appeared that
00:03 that Boeing 757 the American jet
00:06 American Airlines jet landed short of
00:09 the Pentagon can you give us any better
00:12 idea of how much of the plane actually
00:13 impacted the building you know it might
00:16 have appeared that way but from my
00:18 close-up inspection there’s no evidence
00:20 of a plane having crashed anywhere near
00:22 the Pentagon the only site is the actual
00:26 side of the building that’s crashed in
00:27 and as I said the only pieces left
00:30 that you can see are small enough that
00:32 you could pick up in your hand there are
00:34 no large tail sections wing sections a
00:37 fuselage nothing like that anywhere
00:39 around which would indicate that the
00:41 entire plane crashed into the side of
00:43 the Pentagon and then caused the side to
00:46 collapse now even though if you look at
00:47 the pictures of the Pentagon you see
00:49 that the floors have all collapsed that
00:51 didn’t happen immediately
00:52 it wasn’t until almost about 45 minutes
00:55 later that the structure was weakened “
A more pressing matter?
‘We’ have ten years?
“ . . . our best estimate is that the net energy
33:33 per barrel available for the global
33:36 economy was about eight percent
33:38 and that in over the next few years it
33:42 will go down to zero percent
33:44 uh best estimate at the moment is that
33:46 actually the
33:47 per average barrel of sweet crude
33:51 uh we had the zero percent around 2022
33:56 but there are ways and means of
33:58 extending that so to be on the safe side
34:00 here on our diagram
34:02 we say that zero percent is definitely
34:05 around 2030 . . .
34:43 need net energy from oil and [if] it goes
34:46 down to zero
34:48 uh well we have collapsed not just
34:50 collapse of the oil industry
34:52 we have collapsed globally of the global
34:54 industrial civilization this is what we
34:56 are looking at at the moment . . . “
This is brilliant work.
Thank you.
Check out the video of Building Seven coming down (I have not seen this angle previously)….
My study of psyops shows that they possess the following characteristics:
1. Only what is wanted for real, if anything, is done for real, eg, they only kill people if they want them dead, everything else is faked. If people are killed who are not wanted dead then the operation is not a psyop, it’s something else. Psyops have very strict rules and they’re all about making people believe things using smoke’n’mirrors techniques not about doing things for real to convince us. In psyops only things wanted for real are done for real.
2. The perps always present anomalies above and beyond any naturally occurring anomalies in the story, eg, at least one of the alleged 9/11 terrorists conducted a press conference after 9/11 in which he declared that he was still alive.
3. No evidence is faked so well that anyone who believes the perps’ story can brandish it in defence of it, eg, there are no convincing covid-19 patients presented to us and a number who have no credibility.
The best quote in my opinion to apply to psyops is this:
“The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.”
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist
There is a dual nature to truth just as there are the wave and particle theories for the electron. In a sense “UA 175” did actually go through the massive steel facade of the South Tower as though the building were an unusually geometrical cloud. This is the truth at one level. The powerful proclaim it, the powerful echo and believe. The objective reality is different but perhaps that doesn’t matter.
I meant the powerless echo and believe.
Why doesn’t it matter that objective reality is different, Peter?
To paraphrase O’Brien from 1984: The past lives on only in the records maintained by the state, by the inner party. There is no parallel universe where the past is being relived. The past also lives on in the memories of individuals but these minds are perishable and unreliable. The records of the inner party are immortal.
The thing is though Peter that the records actually do tell the truth underneath the propaganda and the power elite continue to curate history at two levels: the propaganda level with the truth underneath.
For example we are told the story of Guy Fawkes at a propaganda level but also with the truth. Wikipedia tells us in an early paragraph that Guy Fawkes fell from the scaffold before he actually died while in later paragraphs it tells us that he either jumped or climbed too high on the scaffold even though we are also told that a hangman guided him and that he was weak from torture. The story doesn’t add up at all so we can infer that Guy Fawkes simply played the role of patsy in the Gunpowder Plot psyop and didn’t die at all.
We’re told that history is recorded by the victors – the implication being that what is recorded may not be the truth – but the power elite want a true record for their own reference. They need to know how things have been done by them in the past for how to do things in the future. They certainly want the truth, they just don’t want us to have the truth and they don’t necessarily want to record it in books that are kept in safes, for example, because they could be released. However, if they record history “hidden in plain sight” style then there’s no problem and what I’ve found is that it doesn’t matter how much you tell people, “Hey they’re telling us, it’s right here – they’re coding it”, people pay no attention. People just don’t want to know.
the power elite want a true record for their own reference. They need to know how things have been done by them in the past for how to do things in the future. They certainly want the truth, they just don’t want us to have the truth and they don’t necessarily want to record it in books that are kept in safes, for example, because they could be released. However, if they record history “hidden in plain sight” style then there’s no problem
wow, I actually learned something from you today.
will miracles never cease?
that’s the first plausible explanation I’ve seen for things like this:
Thanks, milo.
Another reason is that they need to get our agreement. By clearly telling us what they’re doing doing they push the onus on to us to call them out and if we don’t then we become responsible for the crimes they perpetrate and they are spared karmic repercussions. Nifty, huh? What drives me bonkers is the way they so obviously tell us and yet you still can’t get people to see it.
Also very informing is Mr. Dalrymple’s lecture on Freud.
I very much appreciate his vitriol and acerbic wit. =)
Now, the questioning of the foundational theory of viruses is the new conspiracy theory crazy. 95% of opposition to Covid-19 mandates and vaccines still cede to the foundational lie – Sars CoV2 is a constructed narrative to drive agendas of profit and control. The endless mask debates, the ivermectin msm/controlled opposition fight, the endless propaganda to keep everyone under the gate kept lie. Expose the fraud, break the lie, end the scam:
I tried to post on the pre WW2 Focus group and mentioned Alfred Mond, Robert Waley Cohen, Victor Gollancz, Chamberlain and Churchill. I lost the post. Internet problems or something else ?
Third instalment of the hit franchise:
“Coronavirus: Third wave will ‘wash up on our shores’, warns Johnson” (from BBC)
And note how he’s REALLY TRYING TO COVER IT ALL UP! Just as well these Leftists are there to tell us the true horror of COVID!
“RIA HESLOP is joined by UK author Stephen Wells to recount the events leading up to and after her dear father Joseph Hayes passing away shortly after receiving the PFIZER vaccine in the UK.” It’s horrific really. Worse than the gas chambers. These people are just complete psychopaths and they don’t even notice because they were already doing similar stuff before and so it doesn’t seem that unusual to them.
Some purportedly leftist critics are not simply silent (and complicit), but shouting and actively collaborative with p(l)andemic propaganda. Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now, aptly subtitled “The Quarantine Report,” outdoes corporate media in pushing panic porn and pseudoscience, making the distinction between mainstream and alternative sources as meaningless as controlled oppositions of left versus right. Of course, what can you expect with philanthropic colonialists like the Ford Foundation funding this example of ‘independent’ journalism?
Then there’s academic Marxists like Richard Wolff and David Harvey who could just as easily be consultants for the World Economic Forum in their tributes to totalitarian models of lockdown and lockstep ‘solutions’ to the virus crisis like China, while reassuring audiences there’s really nothing to such ruling class plans as the Great Reset/4IR. Abby Martin’s Empire Files covers anything but the imperialism of the covid coup, and Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky continue to bloviate about threats of fascism from the right while dismissing or downplaying the progressive police state actually rolling out under cover of public health with boilerplate about conspiracy theory.
The contradictions and ironies don’t end here, nor the list of leftists making careers of criticism who, like gatekeeper Naomi Klein reviewed here in OG, form a fairly uniform ‘consensus’ when it comes to this if not other dominant narratives of ruling class ideology, and apparently can’t recognize shock doctrine of disaster capitalism unless it’s theoretically discussed in the pages of their books they’re busy promoting in interviews with one another. Maybe one distinction worth keeping is that of professional class coordinators of public opinion, in keeping with Walter Lippmann’s “responsible men” (and women) (mis)leading the “bewildered herd.” Recalling Upton Sinclair’s quip, when one’s salary depends on pursuing the tricks of a trade within what’s deemed respectable boundaries, who needs Operation Mockingbird to recruit you as an agent?
Both left and right sides (and center) of the political spectrum’s “manufacture of consent” (ibid) have long been hijacked by class war campaigns dating at least back to such points of departure as the 1971 Powell Memo, with its corporate state agenda for disciplining ideological discourse from universities and press to think tanks and other astroturf organizations of what’s come to be institutionalized as the NGO/nonprofit industrial complex. We’re now reaping what’s been sown for decades, as the technofascist New Normal world order picks up where neoliberalism left off. Gramsci’s organic intellectuals rooted in and responsible to autonomous revolutionary movements seem all to rare if not virtually extinct. As for the usual gaggle of the commentariat, it’s not so much dialogue as indifference, or contempt, which seems called for.
You just made my toes curl.
What astonishes me every time, all over again, is how TFIC* only need to hide their fangs and tracks behind deceptive catch-phrases and labels… as if a man could shoot another man in the back of his head in front of a posse and merely claim, “I didn’t do it; I am a good man and murder is abhorrent to me!” and such a statement would be sufficient to send the posse running in all directions hunting for the “REAL” killer!
*The Fuckers In Charge
“For corporate fascist hacks such as Chomsky, Wolf, Hedges, Goodman, Klein etal it is not a matter of the rather simplistic right-center-left paradigm but one of what keeps their bellies full and their bank account balances large. Their politics is not that of political, economic and social equality but one of perceived personal benefit to themselves at the expense of others. Yet as dishonest and bad as they are one should not overlook those who give them credibility by taking them seriously or repeatedly believing them despite facts to the contrary, as well as critical analysis of their words and reports.”
Great post, but it is important to remember who selects these voices in which we are subjected to. The platform on which we hear these people is totally controlled by the corporate elites (the right). They are the incumbent order and they decide that Richard Wolf, Amy Goodman, Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky and the likes are representatives of what is regarded as “the left”. The incumbent order creates the left in its own image. Compromised leftists usually get a voice because of what they don’t say, rather than what they do say. Their rhetoric is peppered with righteous indignation about all manner of right wing induced injustices, but when empire is acting in the moment, like back in 2011 when Libya was being prepared to be destroyed, the likes of Amy Goodman and the rest go gaga and aquiesce in the whole charade. Not talking about COVID is today’s requisite. Another requirement they must have: is that they be anti Soviet (many such commentators have appeared on this website, check Michael Lesher’s article in off-guardian today, where he shoehorns in a reference to Stalin and covid no less!)
Grover Furr is also a leftist who will never be heard through the mainstream because his writings dispute the propaganda about the USSR. He claims that most of what has been written about the socialist countries is all BS. His views, however, must not be heard. He won’t be chosen to represent the left.
It’s the real left wingers that the incumbent order really fears. Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Chavez, Castro, Che etc, are the only ones in history who have expropriated the elites’ wealth and curtailed their power over the rest of us. In Soviet Russa they even put these people in Gulags and made them do an honest day’s work! Horror!
Thus when we read articles criticising the left, we must remember it is THEIR left not the real one!
PS the powers that be don’t have too much to worry about this website: hence its continued existence! It may tell the truth about covid but it is still conveniently anti soviet and that’s how the elites like it!
Sadly us commoners are part of the problem too – as we prefer to enjoy the induced coma that we are in – as opposed to effectively try to self-educate and evolve. So we are the stupid commoners who want stupid kings and the delusionary policies they have.
I would guess that many readers have seen this page, but I will repost it here. > Observe the list of persons who experienced “adverse” events. It’s impressive:
24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections
January 28, 2021
24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections (
From the cited page:
“It is time to challenge the “official” position that because these injections do not contain a COVID19 virus, they cannot give someone the virus, because something is clearly causing these people who are dying “from COVID” to test positive. Perhaps we should have a better understanding of just how these mRNA injections work. Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, recently was interviewed by Alex Newman of The New America.” Here’s a section of her interview with Alex Newman where she discusses the mRNA “vaccines.”
See: Bitchute Channel
The Left/ Right divide keeps coming up but it’s an affectation of the affluent post WW2 West whose purpose was to keep eyes on the political theatre which always essentially represented the interests of the rulers. A little leeway may have been permitted the masses under conditions of plenty enjoyed by the West for the last seven or so decades. But the Left/ Right rhetoric was about as substantial as rival pop gangs bitching about whether e.g. the Beatles were better than the Stones.
Now with the move to Event COVID and the introduction of the new biosecurity state, the appearance of political breadth has disappeared. The Right may be permitted a bit of “Lockdown scepticism” (but not actual COVID scepticism which is unthinkable within the boundaries of the MSM). But the Left’s role is to back the COVID apocalypse while (and this is the big giveaway) focussing almost entirely on non-covid matters as if the sweet old phony Left/ Right theatre with it’s two minute hate sections could continue indefinitely.
The theatre therefore goes on while the true manoeuvres are implemented above. As to what these manoeuvres are, well that’s not (and never has been) your concern, little ones.
Unpopular to say so these days but I disagree with this take on that premise; I think this belief in “the myth of left vs. right” has come about as a result of TFIC doing a massive Orwell on the language (remember when “Fake News” was what WE called CNN? TFIC inverted that, too!) . Just because “liberals” think they’re of the Left and what’s called “The Left” these days is really The Ruling Right (capital “R,” vs Lower Case Populist right), doesn’t mean that “Left” and “Right” are meaningless.
Remember: the Ruling Right are ultra-materialist, Corporate, racist, chauvinist, pro-War, pro-Slavery and would prefer the “good old days” of the colonial 19th century. The (marginalized) Left are egalitarian, anti-War, anti-Corporatist and don’t put Dollars before People.
Liberals are, traditionally, in limbo between those poles, feeling guilty about the extent to which they profit from the system maintained by The Ruling Right. The “Alt” Right is just the version of The Right that isn’t in Power…. you can think of them as The Poor Right.
The Ruling Right are, again, pretending to champion “Lefty causes”. They are the .0000%. Don’t let them confuse you or fuck up the dictionary. Gates, Schwab, Soros et al figured out how to look “benevolent” by acting “woke”. Do you think Gates or Schwab et al give a fuck about Blacks? Or Trans people? They are “egalitarian” to the extent that all “ordinary” people are Serfs, to them, and all Serfs are CATTLE. They are as Eugenic and herd-cullingly War-positive as any Rothschild or Rockefeller ever was. By not identifying these Fascists as “anything in particular,” you allow them to blur all kinds of lines. Call them what they are. Don’t co-sign the Rhetorical Shape-Shifting. The Clintons are Right Wing and Jimi Hendrix was Left Wing, if that helps.
They want you to think that “Woman” and “Man” are a “no longer useful, binary paradigm” too. Don’t fall for it. Real Life features concrete distinctions between opposites. Greed is quite distinct from Generosity; Destructiveness quite distinct from Creativity; the Life-Instinct quite different from the Murder-Compulsion… and so on.
To quote a meme that may or may not be a misattribution: “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name”—Confucius (?)
The only real, true, honest to goodness “divide” in any society is between anarchy and everything else. Anarchy being the absence of hierarchy, everything else requires some sort of hierarchy to function. No system of rulership is possible without some sort of distinction between classes of people; therefore without some manner of class structure.
It is patently obvious why, of all the things in society’s lexicon, anarchy is THE most universally hated. The complete absence of rulership and authority is absolute anathema to almost everyone.
The problem is that the ones who ‘find excuses for the elites’ are the ones who get paid relatively more in our societies. They have the most to lose by speaking out.
In general, speaking out starts with those who have little or zero downside risk. The unemployed, the poor, the retired, those living off the interest of the interest (well, only a subset of those, as those usually are prime beneficiaries of the current system).
It takes greater levels of suffering and strife before more start to do so.
During the last few years I have stopped believing in persons and I’m now focusing on what’s being *said*.
That JFK person for instance, what did he say that got him murdered?
Well… He didn’t invade Cuba and tried to not invade Vietnam, he tried to destroy the CIA, and he wanted to publicise the Federal Reserve. If there ever was a man hankering for a death sentence…
JFK was becoming an avatar of justice “now” because he knew his time was short. His back had been pretty trashed by the PT-109 disaster, where he distinguished himself by saving shipmates from drowning by swimming quite badly injured to rescue them (he had been the captain of the Harvard swim team). I will believe unless proven otherwise that the PT disaster was a coordinated black op between the Japanese and rogues stateside (ONI, etc?) who fed the former his 10-20. It is all suggested that it was no accident, but pre-fabricated, as was his son’s watery death 55 years later, albeit in a plane crash at sea, ending the lives of JFK Jr. and the Bessette sisters.
But I digress, the central item is that long before JFK even ran for office in the ’50s the Angel of Death had hovered at his bedside or elbow many times, visited by a number of near fatal maladies. He used to joke about it with brothers and friends, it was so ridiculous.
In short, his health and frame were so plagued, he was always pushing the envelope. Take a look at a very important speech he gave at American University in June of his last year, June 1963, and you will see he nearly falls out several times, overcome with pain or near-seizure, hard to say, but it’s evident, to me at least. (I have not yet come across anyone else ever making note of that, fwiw, if your blinks are untimely, you’ll miss all that, since catches himself almost instantly.)
What is even more remarkable is the truly astonishing vitality and panache he brings to every speech, given how compromised his health had been, even from childhood. Hard to figure, in worldly terms.
But such panache is not the result of health, good or bad, it’s a spirit.
“Unless the Spirit breathes upon the clay, there is no Man.”
—-Antoine de St. Exupéry
And there, also, the quintessential rub.
And as well the solution to the mystery of why, with or without all his other traits, good or bad, he is still so passionately hated by all of The Usual Suspects, at the greatest depth. Abraham Lincoln provoked very deep emotions in many.
But nothing close to this.
Of course, it goes far beyond JFK the man, inasmuch as his stature as synecdoche found him at the fulcrum of tectonic shifts in paradigms: financial, economic, corporatic, cultural, religious, societal, racial, and, o, in passing, political.
You name it.
We will always tresaure him for the “vim and vigor” he brought before us.
Yehudi Menuhin said of the great Beethoven interpreter, and jouster at close quarters with Hitler and most of the capi of that Reich, Fürtwangler, “They hated him for his greatness.”
I have no doubt how that is a big part of the animus dumped for decades on JFK at his grave, and its Eternal Flame.
He and brother Bobby were late exemplars of a still extant ancient line of Tragic Irish Poets, which in their religion plays out at the end of our days as greatest joy.
That you feel!
I watched “Z” last night for the 1st time by Costa-Gravas from 1969.
Roger Ebert said that year, in Chicago, “It will tear your guts out” and gave it highest marks.
It is really valuable as a Reality Fable (more archetypal) as it dissects the anatomy of a young, brave and charismatic populist being ignominiously slain by the inept, trashy assassination machinery of a wealthy set in Greece.
CIA is lurking everywhere, then, it is clearly the real poison in the Greek wells.
But it is a very edifying show of the ancestral dynamics and complete anatomy of such fascist crimes, going all the way back to the original, literal fascisti of imperial Rome, when the populist Julius Caesar was dealt with likewise.
Yes, it’s a trope! Whatever the variant mutations over millennia.
“Z” means “he lives” and is still used in Greece, with feeling, given that Z, Grigoris Lambrakis, and his disgracefully planned murder, managed to topple most of the government and police order in Greece in the aftermath. Wide ranging. So much so, the military stepped in and crushed everything for years. Hence the movie, to direct the outrage.
Would that we in USA had seen some at least of those results, eh?! In a smaller, more provincial setting, the police and military immediately tried to cover up the whole thing with the “plausible deniability” of an accident and crushed skull in a crowded plaza, but there were too many loose ends and brave witnesses, and the truth came out, irrepressibly.
Z indeed.
bizarre no one pick this up
find me a book decent by a eminent author from 2 decades ago actually a decade ago that mentions left or right wing especially about 911 or the conspiracy’s..
only in the last several years has 911 been associated with left or right previous to this what you forgotten is. the conspiracy researchers where mainly non Establishment lovers unlike the whores today who suck the
Establishment cocks big time you no who they are as they always mention left or right and keep it at the low level iq cheapened the research of others deliberately sabotage the works, prime example look at the vaccine discussion. now look at 911
In metaphysical circles their called neanderthal
I lost a post. I’ll try again later.
“it is therefore more than odd that certain left/liberal writers completely avoid these issues” Have you heard of the term ‘controlled opposition’ Edward?
I believe this is the principal reason why there is either such silence, or a rigid defence of the covid narrative.
One particular self described “socialist” here in Australia continues to prattle on about the ‘propaganda matrix’ but is resoundingly silent on the scamdemic. Its like the last year didn’t happen regards this massive crime. Lots of coverage on the United States elections tho.
Another, also in Australia, cheered on the draconian, anti human measures unleashed on so many people with almost sadistic glee, then launched into vicious abuse against anyone who didn’t agree.
And then we have morons like Louis Proyect and the grotesque fear porn at the WSWS, and grouplets here in Australia like Socialist Alternative – and even people of the likes of John McMurtry, all dancing to the “deadly pandemic” tune.
How can these groups and people be so trusting of the mainstream media and organisations like the WHO or Imperial College; that have been lavished with large amounts of money from such “philanthropists” like Bill Gates?
If there’s one thing that coming on this site does, it’s been finding links to a lot more broader range of alternative voices outside the socialist left spectrum.
“socialist left”
They are not socialists. They are jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist eugenicist brownshirt charlatan fraudsters. To the pathological liar, prevaricating with a straight face comes with the territory.“
I was curious about your comment that everyone’s favourite CIA asset, Louis P, was also wanking off to covid hysteria so I had a look. He has “COVID-19” as a label down the side and on clicking thereon I see that his last covid article was from October 10 last year. Hey – finger on the pulse Louis!
But that conforms to the approach to the covid whoremongering Left i.e. covid is indeed the triumphant revolutionary catalyst …..but hey let’s talk about other stuff like, say, “A Short History of Uighur Resistance” and “A Simple Explanation of Black Holes”. (No kidding! Two actual recent titles!)
“Louis is what happens when someone stays too long at the Columbia University billing dept (or was it purchasing?), derangement.” ”
A simple explanation of black holes? Sounds riveting George! I think I’ll check out some more Architects for Social Housing site instead!
I reckon our Louis knows a lot about black holes, seeing that he is one!
As far as the leftie-rightie goes I do suspect a fondness for Covid
measures at the left as in misery loving company and glee in seeing
everything levelled and downtrodden / basic rights trampled on..
These “leftists” have completely discredited themselves. They are not so much trusting, but actual lackeys for the criminals who are trying to eliminate any semblance of freedom for the human race. Can’t waste any more time on them.
Fully agree with your summation – nothing but lackeys and modern day kapo’s for those behind the scamdemic and the oncoming technofascist dystopia. Most in these ‘socialist’ groups would run a mile in the opposite direction if they came across actual working class people!
Middle class bourgie brats playing at being ‘revolutionaries’ – usually on a University campus.
“Eyes Of The Devil”. A Documentary Film By Patryk Vega.
English-language release of Polish film examining global human trafficking and the trade in organs of children and adults.
EYE OF THE DEVIL also happens to be the name of a film with Sharon Tate from the 1960s. I don’t think anyone can watch that film and not see that Tate was a serious occultist. It’s another reason to doubt the whole Manson Murders (MM = 33 turned sideways) narrative.
It’s also extremely curious that Tate and Roman Polanski were campaign managers for Bobby Kennedy and that Kennedy set off for his final engagement from the Tate/Polanski home.
When Tate was supposedly murdered, Polanski was in Europe scouting locations for DAY OF THE DOLPHIN. That film was about John C Lilly, one of the MK Ultra scientists (subject also of Ken Russell’s ALTERED STATES). Polanski pulled out of the film which was completed by another director.
Miles Mathis has also directed his gaze at the Tate murder and
found the whole situation not adding up.
I’m reading the Protocols, for the third time in fifteen years, and I think it’s a good time for people to (re)visit it.
Interesting. I’ll fetch a copy. Elephant in the room? Dastardly ‘forgery’?
Who happens to be loitering around that narrative but Allen Dulles!
Miles Mathis has a good take on it here
Voltaire is supposed to have said something to the effect that you know who rules over you when you know who you are not allowed to criticise.
Lawrence Wright: “9/11 was a lost moment.”
(see: @13:15)
Lawrence Wright, “The End of October” (with Jane Mayer)
Streamed live on 14 May 2020
A long time New Yorker staff writer and the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Looming Towers, Wright is also a playwright and screenwriter, and he draws on his myriad skills for this deeply researched and gripping medical thriller. The action begins at an internment camp in Indonesia, where Dr. Henry Parsons has been sent by WHO to investigate a deadly outbreak of acute hemorrhagic fever. The situation quickly escalates when an infected man joins the Hajj to Mecca, and Parsons, working with a Saudi prince and doctor, has to find a way to quarantine millions of pilgrims even as he struggles to determine whether the disease is an act of biowarfare, as the deputy director of homeland security claims. Wright will be joined in conversation by Jane Mayer, chief Washington correspondent for The New Yorker.
He writes from within the Deep State, so the CDC are the heroes, the WHO is a holy supplicant…. and the politicians fail to respond to the urgent pleas of their uncorrupted bureaucrats. Events come out of a clear blue sky.
The reality operates the other way around: the corporations control the regulators and the bureaucrats lead the politicians in a merry dance. It is beyond his capacity to question the narrative of the 1918 flu, to which he compares Covid.
So far, so much propaganda. I see that YT comments are turned off.
I criticize from experience: I wrote and unfinished novel on the same topic in 2017. I saw experimentation with viruses leading to an accidental release but I could never get past the idea of a crazy dictator. I failed to keep up with crazy plans the Rockefellers and WEF. Then, in Jan 2020, I let out a loud F-word.
Dolores Cahill & Catherine Austin Fitts: Calculating The Cost Of Vaccine Injury On Families And Society.
I used to read NakedCapitalism blog , used to comment there, used to debate rational arguments there till I was kicked out for too much quoting of Yves Smith delusions to herself. It was long before COVID hysteria spread like pandemic infecting “naked capitalism’s” selected naked areas apparently not protected by PPE or other prophylactics.
As NC lost its naked appeal to me after explicit rejection so I abandoned it, stopped reading it mostly because new incomprehensible to me, mere mortal creature, science was emerging in formerly economic blog “Covidnomics in a form of perhaps critique of money grab, but not necessarily criticism of micro/macro bioeconomics of busy coronaviruses that (or who) by themselves made big Pharma and SV millionaires into billionaires, billionaires into trillionaires and trillionaires into gods who’s job was to tell us, helpless sheeple what to do and what to jab out arms with.
In other words Yves discovered that 2 micrometer high microbes unequivocally showed extraordinary financial prowess to make some people rich the rest of us poor, skeptics or not without even infecting them. Yves perhaps discovered first sign of truly intelligent living and simultaneously dead creatures on earth.
All that while Yves turned to COVID fear mongering expert, specialized in death porn, frantically responding to meek comments from her naked covidians asking simple questions, expressing mild skepticism, wanting explanations, reassurances etc., with apocalyptic warnings of walking asymptomatic zombies whose lungs were severely damaged by COVID unbeknownst to victims, as COVID showing up magically as those zombies before 2020 were apparently all members of US athletic team in perfect health, or that shower Covid cures flue and common cold and long Long even longer Covid miraculously cures most chronic diseases by replacing them with deadly itself.
In Yves’s mind Covid is lurking behind every broken leg, every slow sperm detected, every every unexpected erection, every case bad breath and overhang, every cough or sneeze (after Covid recovery many patients may still be coughing for years) every pimple, or itch, every headache anything at all, because ..”settled” science says that in fact all those sneezers, itchers, or lepers were tested positive with PCR by infallible gods with stethoscopes who make only one mistake like badly undercount COVID victims.
But when one questions PCR biblical proclamations of reality of Covid infection and pandemic narrative Yves remains comment.
March 20, 2021 at 12:33 pm
What drives me bonkers is the continued reliance on “positive case” numbers which are based largely on the very flawed PCR tests. The problems with high cycle thresholds (Ct) are well known, but without knowing the Ct counts for the test results we don’t know if they are run at 35 or fewer cycles (thus reasonably accurate) or at say 38 or 40, which renders them pretty meaningless.
Separately I found today via The Automatic Earth that in the UK the Office of National Statistics (ONS) has apparently been reporting single-gene target PCR test results as positives instead of requiring at least two-gene targets, as specified by the test manufacturers:
Source for the above (emphasis added): ONS Admits Ignoring Manufacturer Instructions in PCR Testing
Original BMJ source: Positive results from UK single gene PCR testing for SARS-COV-2 may be inconclusive, negative or detecting past infections
Again, I cannot trust any widely-reported PCR “positive” test results without additional information. So much public policy is based on flawed testing. And note these false-positive “cases” are affecting the mortality statistics as well, particularly in the UK where any “positive COVID test” within 28 days prior to death counts as a covid death.
Reply ↓
The Naked Capitalism via resident trolls assure us that no one upstairs cares about reality and truth. Only psychotic delusions of Yves counts.
Anybody knows whether this fire caused collapse is comparable to wtc
Not Comparable
The Twin Towers were nuked using 4 W54 sub kiloton variable yield nukes in a top down synchronised sequence. That explains the very fine pulverisation, the pyroclastic flows and the top down disintegration and the material being flung great distances sideways.
If nukes were used why was there no radiation or neutron activation?
ANY powerful explosive correctly placed explains the top down disintegration, pyroclastic flows and material being flung great distances. You don’t need a nuke for that
There was lots of radiation. First responders died like flies and probably still are. Each tower required about 4 kilotons when you compare the mass of the towers with the mass of Earth displaced in an underground test like Storax Sedan. That is 4000 tons of TNT. Imagine placing 4000 tons of TNT and wiring it up in a busy building. With 4 W 54 based back pack nukes which were manufactured in the thousands in the fifties and sixties you could have 4 guys place the explosives in an hour on the morning day of the false flag black op. The W54 was also used in other weapons like the Davy Crockett field artillery.
analysis of the dust and the surrounding area found no significant radiation above background, and no neutron activation either. If you wish to claim otherwise please cite a source.
The USGS site showed above background quantities of fission products like barium. What about the elevated levels like tritium in the groundwater near ground zero after the blasts ? This was measured by several qualified agencies and published. It is nearly twenty years and Google and Microsoft have buried so much evidence. Remember the hundreds of burned out cars some distance from Ground Zero ? Definite evidence of EMP resulting from nuclear explosions. Did you visit Ground Zero with a Geiger counter ? May I know your qualifications ?
On the one hand the first responders and suffering from cancer
are a thing, on the other they let Jon “dry tears” Stewart
put himself forward as their spokesperson…
… the puddles of molten metal that kept glowing/burning
point to I don’t know what, but low level nuke is one
of the more elegant theories.
95% of the debate on the event is meant to distract from what you stated.
well spotted their is film on line about the 911 heros who lost their jobs some made redundant 3-5years later and many could not get the medical insurances and many had cancer and all sorts from whatever they inhaled from that place
I posted this back in April last year with all this horshie clapping about NHS staff thank you NHS bullhshit.
Rudy Giuliani with a 50$ PR job was rebranded in 2019 2020 as some truth hero.
mindcontrol is massive
On the plus side, the new role of Rudy G. did not need him
to go on and on beyond the break of dawn about “Teh Terhorrhists!!”
“9-11! The Terrorists! The terrorists on 9-11!!”
Bankster centric
Stringing mankind along one axis like beads on an abacus bar is oversimplification. Reality is more complex. The toughest supporters of the 9/11 story are “right wing” neo cons like Perle and Wolfowitz and Cheyney. The funny thing is the neo cons are Trotskyists. We conspiracy theorists could be considered isolated sets of bubbles in 3D space. I went along with the official stories till I was 50 years old. I even accepted the video sequences of “UA 175” going through the massive steel facade of the South Tower as though it were a cloud. However the absurdity of those sequences mouldered and rotted in my memory banks and eventually I realised that so much of what is presented to us as reality is actually synthetic reality. There was no going back. Political affiliations are pitifully weak bonds when you see the light. You search for the nature of reality and eventually you determine that humanity has been shaped by irresistible forces into a uni polar entity. More later.
It is the social implications that make it so hard for educated people to accept obvious physical truths. If it is socially impossible it follows that it is physically impossible.
True. We are bombarded with propaganda from the time we form a stream of consciousness. in our early years. It takes something really striking to realise that great falsehoods are packaged along with the truth. Arlen Specter’s single bullet theory did it for some people. “UA 175” did it for me. I pointed out to a group of Marxists that the official account of 9/11 was physically impossible. The frigidity and hostility of their response was shocking and led eventually to my discovery that this philosophy was designed to work in conjunction with capitalism to realise the objectives of the central banking cartel.
It’s been hundreds of years since compartmentalized knowledge. Society is one big performance of game theory. Another example comes with DeSantis the good cop in the good cop/bad cop strategy. It’s just another ploy to normalize vaccines. Everything’s a method for defining the parameters of the paradigm/reality. The vaccine reality; rather, the automated humanity reality.
Since the times of hunter-gatherers, specialisation made compartments, ignorance and deceit almost inevitable.
Well thanks for ruining the ending.
A warning from the future…

Bravo, Edward Curtin and another hero, E. Martic Scholtz. Oscar Wilde’s witticism that the Truth is neither pure nor simple is very clever, but fails the test. As we have seen so many times before, dissembling and obfuscation are just a small part of the weapons deployed to muddy the waters so that we can “never know the truth”.
Even a child knows the difference between good and evil, right and wrong and this clarity of vision may be implied by Jesus’ “Suffer the little children to come unto me”. There was some recent footage of the Czech police violently attacking an unmasked father who had just collected his child from Kindergarten. The poor child will have been scarred for life by this incident. Ask the chid who is bad and his response is all you need to know. No army of scholars and experts can ever convince me that these obscene rules are for the good of Mankind. And the same applies to the rest of their propaganda.
Most at Offguardian understand that the entire MSM is complicit in the lie that LHO randomly murdered JFK with his magic bullet. The question is why did the CIA murder the President? To murder truth and hope and peace. Why? For profit and control.
Even a child could see that WTC7 had to be brought down by controlled explosive.
Even a child could see that both Bush and Blair were lying when they accused Saddam of concealing WMD, but our MSM and Governments continued the lie which has resulted in the deaths, maiming and homelessness of countless millions. Since when did either Bush or Blair give a damn about Humanity? And lo, there is Blair, looking like the portrait of Dorian Gray (thanks, Oscar) a champion of vaccines, health passports etc. Blair who spoke at Diana’s funeral and recited scripture about “putting away childish things” may have had a different meaning in mind.
The evil minds who conspired in the assassination of JFK, 9/11, Iraqi wars and now Covid have a lot to answer for, but they clearly do not believe in Final Judgement. It all made sense to me as a child that there had to be a Final Judgement. I live in hope.
„What Nightlife in St. Petersburg looks like today“
Nightlife Part 221.03.2021
Meanwhile in Russia: By Russian standards, Putin is not right-wing and is anything but extreme within the country’s political spectrum-)
I follow the anti-spiegel blog of the German Thomas Röper, who lives as an expat in Russia in St. Peterburg.
The Corona rules are largely ignored in Russia, as confirmed by the German journalist Boris Reitschuster, who has lived in Russia for many years and, unlike Röper, is very strongly anti-Putin.
Apparently Russia has already a „Coronavaccine“ for pets, but neither mouse, mice, or men are coerced to get vaccinated.
The pressure is on Russians who want to fly abroad.
Anti-Spiegel, March 21, 2021
“Covidiots” and Partying – What Nightlife in St. Petersburg looks like today“
„At the weekend, I was once again invited by friends to St. Petersburg’s nightlife. While people in Europe are demonstrating against the Corona measures, life in Russia is going on as normal.
In Petersburg there are some “party streets” where one bar follows another. For example, while on one such street there are exclusively bars, pubs and restaurants, on another street there are clubs where students and young people dance and party all night. That’s where my friends called me. –
In the club where we were, the walls in one room have been redecorated and provided with lettering in neon colors. And I found one lettering particularly entertaining, because it read, among other things, the word “Covidiot”. I thought that was funny in a club where people were dancing and partying close to each other, so I filmed it and sent it to friends in Germany.-
And since some German friends couldn’t believe that it’s long since possible to live and party normally again in Russia, I had to send another live video to prove that this is actually happening right now.
Translated with (free version)
Very good article. One of the reasons is that many ‘left’ organizations and publications are funded by establishment foundations. Follow the money. And most of the left’s leading spokespeople are probably establishment assets. Follow the money again.
“Report from the Field: Left Media and Left Think Tanks — Foundation-Managed Protest?”
by Bob Feldman
Great article. Most libertarians reject that a left-right paradigm exists, but only oligarchy versus liberty. Where there are political sides, there is a middle ground between them.
Even libertarians find themselves divided between ‘left’ libertarians and ‘right’ libertarians.The critical divide is over capitalism; the left despises capitalism and seeks an alternative socio-economic model to maximize individual liberty. The right regards capitalism as the best guarantor of liberty.
Both have their abuse ‘-ist’ forms best defined as cronyism, which whether leftist or rightist is in the end, oligarchy. COVID-1984 is today’s pretext to power of a leftist oligarchy.
Oligarchy and liberty can’t truly exist in absolute pure form; there is always a healthy middle ground seeking secure community rule of law in equilibrium with individual self-responsibility.
The reality is, most people prefer to live in a condition of (genuine) anarchy, coming, going and doing as they please be that harm no-one. This sense is the middle ground; defining that sense in discrete rule of law, is the elusive art of the possible.
I was brought up on the left. My dad was an electrician in a distillery and he was a shop-steward in the union. He believed that there should be equal opportunities for all of us.
I still carry that within me.
The terms, ‘Left’, and ‘Right’, have been utterly corrupted…or misnomered in the first place.
The terms right and left are mis – taught, some fairy story about their originating in pre – revolutionary France where nobles in the national assembly were described as right if they supported the king and thus sat to the right of the throne while dissidents sat to the left.
Though that is the official narrative used in schools and universities it is bollocks.
Supporters of the king sat where he told them to sit, dissidents sat in the deepest, darkest dungeon of some remote chateau, wearing an iron mask over their face if the ruler was really pissed off with them (that last bit isn’t true BTW.)
The terms left and right did oriinate in France; if you stand on the Isle de Cite which is surrounded by the River Seine, on the right are the historic royal palaces, law courts, military headquarters and building housing all the apparatus of the eighteenth century state.
The left bank was the territory of bankers, merchants, brokers, gambling dens, brothels, molly houses, cabarets, theatres, and the great market, Les Halles, brought vividly to life in Zola’s novel La Ventre de Paris. Put another way the right represented order and authority, the left licence and anarchy.
“The Left-Center-Right ‘paradigm’ is a device the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH criminals use to keep their prole victims at each others throats while they are robbing them blind.”
“What WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) needs is honest SOCIALISM in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs.”
Another evening around a small fire at the beach with a few people (maskless, of course). We were joined at one point by a couple of young German women (in their early-mid 20s), here on six-month work visas, one of whom seemed interested in what I had referred to as “the bigger picture” re: our current predicament, and after informing her that it was rather complicated and asking if she was willing to listen for maybe half an hour, basically gave her an outline of what Alison McDowell has discovered. She raised no objections to anything I said, listened patiently (and interestedly!) while her friend chatted with others, and when I was done, simply commented, “I hope she isn’t right,” to which I responded, “I hope so too …but I think she is.”
Probably what I conveyed will not change her outlook or behaviour in any significant way (and that was in any case not my goal), but it was at least refreshing to have the opportunity to share information of this kind with someone open-minded and truly without preconceived notions in this area.
How different my experience a short while later, after the Germans had left, when a dude in his early 30s came by to enjoy the music and the warmth from the fire! He was talking with another individual present, and the name of a prominent killionaire came up whom this woke young man proceeded to defend. Soon, the other member of my party left, and it was only me and Woke Dude remaining. I unwisely reopened the conversation he’d been having previously, and from there we launched into an hour-long, infuriatingly frustrating “discussion” about the “pandemic.” Of course, he was unaware of any of the doctors, scientists, or lawyers whose names I mentioned, nor was he familiar with PCR cycle thresholds, CFRs, etc., yet he considered himself very well-informed on all matters COVID.
The hour was basically spent with me trying to introduce various points re: CV-1984 which I knew would be unfamiliar to him, followed by him — before the words had even left my mouth — shouting me down in tones of derision and mockery, always from within the conceptual frame in which he regarded me as (sadly?, pitifully?) “misguided” (no one in their right mind could ever conceive of me as being “right wing,” so he could only rationalize my CV-1984-skeptic stance as being due to my being a [non-right-wing] victim of right-wing propaganda).
He kept spouting very naive and uniformed remarks re: “science” (as in “Listen to the Science!”), and spoke as if he were conversing with an utter ignoramus re: all things scientific, yet when I mentioned Philosophy of Science, said he’d never heard of it and asked if it was a book. Needless to say, he’s never read (or even heard of) Thomas Kuhn, and was utterly ignorant of the Replicability Crisis… and so on and so forth. It was obviously clear from the start to him that I was a right-wing-influenced, “anti-science,” COVID-denying idiot, who, though (as he so generously kept reminding me…) “intelligent,” nevertheless had a head full of absolutely wrong notions, and the only thing someone in his much better-and-correctly-informed position could do to knock some sense into me would be to knock down each and every obviously wrong notion (that would be ALL of them!) as soon as he had half-(mis-)grasped what it was likely to be.
Finally, utterly exhausted, I pointed him towards some sources of information online (where he will no doubt find further opportunities to prove himself right, once again!), and told him that I would be willing to pay someone with the necessary knowledge/understanding/experience $ [a large amount of money] to instruct/coach me in how to approach and engage in a discussion with someone with his type of mindset such that they would be camly, patiently, curiously, unprejudicially open to where I was coming from and the information I had to convey (as was the young woman I had spoken to earlier). If anyone here has had repeated and ongoing success in undertaking such communicative exchanges, my offer remains open!
Point him to the Kary Mullis clips on Youtube…
Once he understands the inventor of the RT-qPCR manufacturing technique emphatically states that the PCR is ‘meaningless’ as a diagnostic tool: the rest of the vax sales bureaucratic pseudo-science evaporates into a puff of corporate illness for profit smoke.
The let the ‘woke’ wake up.
I have already provided the full range of such materials (articles, books, video interviews, podcasts…) to others with similar mindsets, and achieved precisely ZERO in terms of results (I heard back from one — two months after my last brief email to her — indirectly describing me as a “deluded paranoiac”!). The wedge we need to drive in will not take the shape of this or that piece of information about the virus, vaccine, or “pandemic,” but needs to be directed, I believe, at how we entertain and integrate received/consensus beliefs, “fact structures,” and ideologies.
Keep it simple bro’
As Jonathan Swift said “you can’t reason someone out of a position they were never reasoned into”.
That may be so, but surely there may be an unreasoning/unreasonable approach that can, at least on occasion, be successful???
You write that load of old bollocks and gang up on me.
I’ve never had a dog. I’m a cat person. I can’t stand dogs.
How many censors have we got here?
Sophie, please.
It’s long overdue.
Sophie is a great photographer. I have seen her work. She reminds me of my daughter…same age and almost everything. I reckon Sophie was at WOMAD too.
How about you Samuel?
I don’t know if you’re being facetious or not but, no Tony_0pmoc, I have never been to WOMAD. I think you know that we Admins are obliged to remove your long off-topic posts.
We are going to introduce an OT page where we can move OT comments, it’s in the works.
Until then, let’s get along. And please stay ON TOPIC, Tony! XD Thank you, A2
At last! (Didn’t I suggest this months ago??? [If I failed to post it, I certainly thought of it…].)
I hope this will include not only tonyOP, but all of his buddies, as well. Hell, maybe with that low-hanging fruit lot taken care of, you can finally get around to dealing with the personas playing a far more sophisticated game here.
This probably means more work for y’all, but know that we are grateful for your labour!
Both you and the guy engaged in what the article aptly describes and as imbecilic “argument about nothing”.
The debate about the alleged pandemic is a short one. 1) No virus has been isolated and proved to cause disease. 2) PCR tests are fraudulently designed – there is nothing wrong with allegedly infected people and if there is, it’s not COVID-1984. End of discussion. You’re too stupid to understand it? Unable to stop believing the virus theory? Then you should be able to see that something doesn’t add up if people are made stand on dots two meters apart before boarding a plane, then sitting four inches next to one another on the fucking plane. Ditto 9 p.m. curfew. If not go fuck yourself idiot. If you make obnoxious remarks, a manual explanation might be necessary.
The following is pasted from a previous Laurel and Hardy skit on offG for the edification of my fellow (and, alas, all too few in number…) unremunerated participants here:
Mar 17, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to Jacques
You lie again. I don’t know who the hell you think you are to claim unless proponents of terrain theory can provide undeniable proof it is just rhetoric. You believe in viruses and germ theory based on zero evidence and rhetoric but when you are shown evidence that they do not exist because they have never been found and the claims of isolation are false and that contagion doesn’t exist because all the experiments done show there is never any transmission from person to person you claim that’s not evidence.
I provided the evidence of there being no viruses because the experiments used to claim their existence are based on scientific fraud. Because a control in an experiment either proves the experiment is valid or invalid. Truth or lies.
The frauds are claiming something exists and therefore to shut down the world and force inject people based on those claims from zero evidence.
Those of us who know that there is no evidence for viruses and never has been are only saying nothing needs to be done bevause there is no evidence that there is a virus, a pandemic or deaths and illness from a virus. That is all. We are asking for the liars and frauds to provide evidence. And you are supporting the liars and frauds by claiming we have no reason to suspect their motives because motives are not evidence. People only commit crimes for a motive. And now you claim that the motive for committing crimes of scientific fraud, forced medical intervention and illegal lockdowns and the racketeering health system are not relevant to the perpetration of scientific fraud.
Anyone claiming there is no virus does not need to prove a negative, the virus proponents and germ theory proponents need to prove their position because they are murdering people through lockdowns, fake emergency laws, masks and synthetic injectable pathogens based on their lies.
The fact that you can’t even see the difference in that stance is a testament to your inability to tell fact from fiction or truth from lies.
Mar 17, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to Researcher
Fuck off, loser. I don’t interact with dogmatic imbeciles like you. You’ve provided absolute big shit in regard to what I asked you. I didn’t ask you to provide evidence about what DOESN’T exist but about WHAT DOES EXIST. You provided shit.
It’s none of your fucking business what I believe or not.
Kindly stay away from me an my comments, dogmatic assholes of your kind incapable of elementary debate make me lose faith in humanity.
I’m not addressing
Oh, and for balance (from the same comments page):
Mar 17, 2021 4:01 AM
Reply to Reset the Diaboligarchy
There is plenty of PROOF. Just because you refuse to acknowledge it or avail yourself of the proof, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been proven.
There is NOTHING that can ever be found. And contagion doesn’t exist and can’t be proven either. Ergo viruses cannot exist.
Illness from other ailments cannot just be put onto an invisible entity because psychopaths make billions selling vaccines and controlling people’s behavior. You don’t seem concerned with the actual deaths from the vaccines but you do seem concerned about shutting the only people up who know what the actual fuck they are talking about.
The question Tovarish Reset is whether viruses per se exist and cause disease and whether SARS-CoV-2 exists.
As you might have noticed, Tovarish, no SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated, which would suggest that it doesn’t exist. It has not, however, been proved. COVID-1984 is a clear hoax, no question about that.
Anyway, neither the fact that SARS-CoV-2 nor the fact that COVID-1984 doesn’t per se mean that viruses don’t exist or don’t cause disease. In fact, it sounds kinda plausible that they do. If they don’t, perhaps you have some empirically substantiated facts what the fuck it is that causes what’s referred to as communicable diseases.
Anyway, your drivel is another case in point of arguing about nothing. Incidentally, are you a spook keeping records of every single word contributors on this site write? WTF?
Get a life Tovarish Reset.
It is narcassistic abuse that they are trained in. Perhaps the best approach is to expose that aspect. It might not work but it is good to realise you are dealing with abuse and other people listening can see it as abusive behaviour. If this takes the approach off the table they will be stumped as they will not be able to actually have a respectable debate. if they then go back to their leaders they will be hard pressed not to notice that there is no science, just abuse tactics. if there is only abuse tactics then it means they have nothing else because they wouldn’t need to resort to abuse if they did.
In a nutshell Covidians are violent. The want mandatory vaccines – if they are oK why do they want us to have it? Forcing us will require state violence. Would be Jonestownians who shot those amongst them who would not drink the Koolaid.
Face it eventual house arrest – jail – if not vaccinated.
That’s all I have to say to Covidians – you are a violent sick person. You repeat state violence and everything you believe physically threatens me and my family.
They are depraved debased sicko’s, told some exfriends in no uncertain terms when they wake up and apologize – I might be interested but when for now when the fascists arrived – I didn’t sign up will never sign up and I won’t back down to their violent nature.
Yes and no. Wishing them luck in vaccinated bliss amounts to
blaming the victim.
(I don’t particularly like immigrants, but have a lot more in common
with them than with the political managerial class)
There is a time and place for everything, according to Deuteronomy.
Meaning: what was the name of the young german lady,
and was she also attractive besides young? =)
I read the article and the comments, and there is little in the way of exploration into why ‘leftists’ (or those thinkers and writers traditionally associated with the Left) have been silent about these controversies. Curtin laments this undeniable fact, but declines from any real probing. Most comments here are statements rather than any opening to discussion, as is so common on BTL threads there is not much attempt to further debate.
I am interested in this subject as I can relate personally. As a younger person I identified with the Left-Anarchist-Green neighbourhood of politics, but confronted with the 9/11 material I subsequently spent a decade wondering why so many self-professed critics of the power structure could not question such patently absurd stories as those of 2001. Moreso the question of why they seemed to be the most vociferous opponents of critical inquiry when it came to subjects like the 60s assassinations or 9/11.
It was not until a few years back that I really started to question my own political assumptions, which led me to an explanation for this supposed descrepancy. As such, and considering too the context to the Left and Syria, their response to Covid has been no surprise to me.
Does anyone want to use this space to actually discuss something ? If there is nothing irrational about conspiracy theory, and if Parenti is right that it is in truth democracy, then why have the Left, as the supposed torch bearers of egalitarianism been so averse to it ?
As an opener, I recently learned that the terms ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ referred to the revolutionary period of Paris in the late 18th century, when factions in the revolution lined up to the left or right of the chair in the new assembly. Notably, those on the Right didn’t want to return to the ancien regime, but for the revolution to slow or stop at the point it had reached; those on the Left wanted ever more extreme forms of change.
So the Covid year has seen, what in class politics terms has been probably the most dramatic gush up of money and control to the overclass that has ever been known – in that sense the most unLeft thing imaginable. Yet the Reset is a revolutionary endeavour to transform society towards a vision that first really emerged in the Enlightenment era : rationality, materialist science, and the like….
“As a younger person I identified with the Left-Anarchist-Green neighbourhood of politics, but confronted with the 9/11 material I subsequently spent a decade wondering why so many self-professed critics of the power structure could not question such patently absurd stories as those of 2001. Moreso the question of why they seemed to be the most vociferous opponents of critical inquiry when it came to subjects like the 60s assassinations or 9/11.”
This one resonates with me deeply. I too realised in 2001 and then in 2003 (when the WMD lies were used to numb people into accepting the invasion of Iraq) that not a single political party, I repeat not a single one, bother about ‘critical enquiry’ when it came to major events such as 9-11 or Iraq or stolen elections.
Initially, this was very disappointing. But later it felt liberating, except that now I know I can’t go and vote for anyone at all!
Coming to your starting question of why the ‘leftists’ are silent on these matters, my answer is that they are selfish (as selfish as the ‘rightists’ or the ‘centrists’). They get funding because of their status as ‘leftists’. The global oligarchy and corporate technolcracy funds all three groups — ‘leftists’, ‘centrists’ and ‘rightists’ as per the requirment of the time. These serve as distractions for the masses and covers the crimes of the oligarchs and globalists.
The short answer is money and position.
I agree this is at least part of the issue, as do many here it seems. For me, the influences of funding streams, tenure, selfish ambition and professional group think only go so far in providing an explanation. I came to the conclusion that there is some ideological component. But that is another matter.
I wish I felt liberated as you do. So many of my friends, family and acquaintences are straight forwardly on a whole different page now. I knew this would come about when I realised what 9/11 was really about.
So much for my thwarted efforts to educate and connect with others…..a familiar tale.
Yep, it is indeed disappointing when friends, family and colleagues are among the blind believers of the manipulative official narrative.
But we need to reach out beyond this immediate circle. In the last one year, I have emailed several complete strangers giving details of the covid scam. Offline, with cab drivers, store assistants, vegetable and fruit vendors etc I have discussed how India and the world is being decived by global players.
We have to detach from the outcome of how many of these people will get awakened. .We will never know. But we were (and still are) required to disseminate the information and knowledge.
“Dare to think for yourself.”
We are all born free men and women. The trick played on us at birth is to indoctrinate and subjugate us into a rigged system where we are continually exploited and duped by a psychopathic cabal using our birth certificates as tradable, bondable, highly profitable collateral. This occurs only through the collusion of governments, the courts, stock exchanges, the banking and finance sector with purposeful deception.
All the important players in history, whether behind the scenes or front and center stage were members of the same genealogy club. They were all related to other influential people and families. That is the largest conspiracy hidden from the majority, and the key that unlocks all the other conspiracies. Once people realize this, everything that’s transpired throughout history makes perfect sense: Wars. False Flags. Hoaxes. Eugenics. Education. Pandemics. Money. Usury. Poverty. Famine. Slavery. Governments. Politics. Corporations. Courts. Monarchies. Empires. Religions. They are scams on humanity itself, to abuse, control, enslave and murder for profit.
“It is difficult to free people from the chains they revere.” Voltaire
Quigley demonstrated this very precisely as did Mullins, Allen, Sutton and Griffin, Preparata and many others !
Why does Preparata remain silent through all this? Has he, like McMurtry, aligned himself with the perpetrators and the Credulous-Compliant-and-Complicit masses?
The longer this goes on and from crazy people I have run into, I now suspect many of the rabid covid mob are also climate change believers and see any fall out of disaster from covid as for the betterment of the world/environment… is a bit like trying to convert christians/muslims to actually think about what they too accept…once locked in there is little way out of the gate of illusion…and they all seem to just revert to name calling pretty quickly….
I silently wonder if half of US will ever wake up how they were played in the last election….accepting covid and climate change seemed to badge to say they were anti trump…when both beliefs were totally destructive within their own lives…the psychologists will be having fun in the future examining how easy it was to get people to adopt this mindset….and only have irrational anger if it was challenged…which I soon found wasn’t worth subjecting myself too…
“For climate change, there are many scientific organizations that study the climate. These alphabet soup of organizations include NASA, NOAA, JMA, WMO, NSIDC, IPCC, UK Met Office, and others. Click on the names for links to their climate-related sites. There are also climate research organizations associated with universities. These are all legitimate scientific sources.
If you have to dismiss all of these scientific organizations to reach your opinion, then you are by definition denying the science. If you have to believe that all of these organizations, and all of the climate scientists around the world, and all of the hundred thousand published research papers, and physics, are all somehow part of a global, multigenerational conspiracy to defraud the people, then you are, again, a denier by definition.
So if you deny all the above scientific organizations there are a lot of un-scientific web sites out there that pretend to be science. Many of these are run by lobbyists (e.g.., Climate Depot, run by a libertarian political lobbyist, CFACT), or supported by lobbyists (e.g., JoannaNova, WUWT, both of whom have received funding and otherwise substantial support by lobbying organizations like the Heartland Institute), or are actually paid by lobbyists to write Op-Eds and other blog posts that intentionally misrepresent the science.”
“These are all legitimate scientific sources.”
Yes, go on. Are these conveyors of accurate information,
are these institutions pressure points for propaganda?
Have the scientists been bought with grants, tenure?
Who shall guard these guardians? =)
In Australia, doctors are paid to jab you. (slightly off topic but good info for aussies).
Australian doctors will be paid a total of $65.20 for injecting one person – $30.75 for the first injection and $24.45 for the second, with an additional $10 incentive for practices to ensure both shots are delivered at the one surgery.
This is in addition to their regular salaries. A nice little earner!
Metropolitan pharmacies (chemist shops) will be paid $16 for each jab plus the $10 incentive, and those in rural areas will get $19 a dose, again with the $10 incentive. So, up to $29 per jab.
All paid out of our taxes.
Still, even if jabbed, you may not appear on the government jab list:-
Travel and other restrictions will apply if you are not registered as jabbed …… BUT, pharmacists are notoriously bad at logging jabs with the register, a report from the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance shows.
In 2018 they reported administering more than a million influenza vaccinations but logged just one-tenth of them. It got a little better in 2019 with 2 million vaccinations reported and half a million logged.
That’s not to say doctors are much better: while vaccines given to children are generally well reported, another study found only half of all shingles vaccines administered were recorded with the register.
Likewise in UK, though I have not looked up the figures. And it’s us taxpayers who are funding it all eventually
Or… People are too smart to get injected with manufactured muck and the whole thing is a ruse to make money and present a false reality.
I am waiting for the hackers to take a ride in the recording systems….if they don’t I think I will really lose faith in anything…
Question is’ can chemists be sued if you incur injury or death from a jab they give? Can
an employer be sued for the same thing if it makes getting the jab necessary to keep one’s job ? Are they all given immunity by the government ?
If i’m coerced into having the jab i want to be able to inform any cop, chemist, or others involved that i’ll pursued them through the courts if i’m injured…….
if they knew they could be sued they wouldnt be so eager to jab everyone…….
There was a recent report that even the prison guards of the Nazi death camps were
now being bought before the court (given their age, it’ll be a near-death experience for them)
Doctors, Chemists, Health Workers, Government employees and the drug manufacturers – they all have immunity from legal claims – unlike the jabbed who think they are the ones with immmunity to a non-existent virus!
All immunity arises from the courts going along. That is the thin edge of the wedge.
It may just be my compulsive cynicism chirping, but my sense is that governmental, public-health NGO, and Big Medicine (including its Big Research and Big Pharma divisions) have circled the wagons to repel all Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic litigation– and that the judiciary is inside the wagons.
In the US, in the previous century pharmaceutical companies were given a permanent, perpetual “Get Out of Jail Free” card: what amounts to blanket amnesty and non-liability for vaccine injuries.
A so-called “Vaccine Court” was established as a fig leaf to give the impression that vaccine-injured parties still had some legal redress. It’s notoriously Kafkaesque. It drags already injured and devastated families into a grinding, harsh, manifestly unsympathetic process. If it eventually finds for the injured party, the reward is a grudging pittance paid by the taxpayer– not the sleek, prosperous Big Pharma perpetrator(s) or the doctors and caregivers who served as its willing executioner.
In the US, the Supreme Court may simply decline to hear a case without explanation. For instance, so far it has done exactly this to various lawsuits alleging election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
I cite these dismal generalities to make the point that the judiciary has multiple ways to stonewall litigation and justice if the overclass deems certain causes of action taboo. I hope there are exceptions, e.g. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s international lawsuits against WHO, et al.
The fact that international courts still indict and prosecute the last elderly Nazi concentration camp guards isn’t necessarily a proof the courts relentlessly seek to achieve justice without fear or favor. It’s a lot easier to conduct a show trial for some wretched ex-Nazi nonagenarian than try some prestigious official or executive for scamdemic crimes against humanity.
Rightly or wrongly, I’m not sanguine about the optimistic notion that the courts and their judges will be ready, willing, and able to restore justice and equity to the New Abnormal.
Somebody should make a mod of a computer game so we can enjoy
shooting with jabs at people with a tranquilizer gun. =)
I suspect the whole virus show is being run just like a computer game, but for real!
“Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance…”
Good analysis and commentary! I especially appreciated the Bonhoeffer quote, since it fits in perfectly with my abiding skepticism and dislike of the phenomenon of “truth and reconciliation commissions”.
I was also pleased that Curtin rightly cited Alexander Cockburn as a paragon of “trutherphobic” braying asininity, and certainly agree that “it is therefore more than odd that certain left/liberal writers completely avoid these issues“. As I’ve repeated often enough, I’ve dubbed those left/liberal gatekeepers and fence-sitters the Left Behind.
But I wish Curtin had at least given dishonorable mention to the Left Behind sub-group that explicitly denounces and scoffs at reporting and analysis that deviates from the official and conventional narratives. I can’t think of any scamdemic or US 2020 election trutherphobes who are as belligerently cantankerous as the late Cockburn, but there are several– often called out in Off-G threads– who roll their eyes rather than just pointedly turn them from disturbing and inconvenient truths.
and here I thought “alt right” referred to smiling, flag waving Trump supporters not those in charge of the CIA? What?
IDK about building integrity but I can testify to one truth. Planes hit buildings on 9/11/01. Guess how I know? Sadly, those challenging the official record of that event are often raving anti-Semites. So whatever truth exists within their misgivings about the government record, it’s often is overshadowed by their ignorant, gullible hatreds.
And what orifice produced this “fact”? What has racism got to do with this topic and why should we care? Having said that, amoung free-thinking people there is nothing wrong with being an anti-semite, it is not as if the immoral actions of Israel do not deserve criticism, and it is a short jump from criticising Israel to criticising their most avid supporters. In fact, anti-semitism could be seen as the only moral stance.
So the fact that many people who challenge the official narratives on 9/11 are anti semites proves that the official narratives are true in your opinion? I strongly advise you not to consider seeking a career as a computer programmer, systems analyst or in any other occupation that requires an appreciation of logic.
Continuous argument about nothing ….
Very good observation. This statement rings true at many levels. Issues of substance, underlying issues are almost never discussed. If there is a debate – a rare occurrence in this time in the first place – it usually revolves around something that is many many levels above whatever the core of the problem is, and deals with symptoms of symptoms or projections of artificial concepts.
I had an interesting experience in this vein over the weekend while visiting a place at the other end of the country (incidentally, I saw just about no pigs on the road despite there being what the media and politician maggots claim is a strictly enforced lockdown). A bunch of people were illegally drinking in a clandestinely open pub. They were discussing various aspects of COVID-1984 based on information mostly obtained from the mass media. They were drawing rather healthy, skeptical conclusions, except that since they were using skewed facts, whatever they came up with was commensurately skewed too. Quite a bizarre experience.
As to the allusions to the “left” and to “liberals”, those are completely non-existent concepts, mirage. There is no left, no right. None of that shit exists in reality nor in theory. A completely false dichotomy.
Of course the alt-right knew that 9/11 was a fraud, because their boys organised it, the left don’t have such privileged access or connections to the CIA and their operations, so they are always out of the loop.
The left have no evidence or knowledge to base their suspicions on. It is a classic burning down of the Reichstag situation, so of course the Nazis knew it was arson, but what they won’t tell you is that their mates set fire to it.
It is the same with the alt right and far right who are so entwined with the military and security agencies, who do these false flags. Why do you think Alex Jones knows where all the psyops are? He’s on the alt right grape vine.
Wow, I never knew that the left was Jesus in disguise. I had been assuming that people will people, which means they will do what they need to do to get what they want.
A friend asked me over the weekend whether the China CCP could possible be engaged in Ujhur genocide, he thought it was impossible. I replied by reminding him that the China CCP implemented the cultural revolution, where they tried, but failed, to kill off all of their own intellectuals, the result being tens of millions of dead Chinese citizens. Sure, of course they are capable of genocide, that should be a known fact. Are they still doing it? Who knows, but does a leopard change its spots?
I assume that communists are still on the “left”. Your view of the left is delusional.
At the end of the vid from yesterday´s big rally in Kassel a woman holds up a placard with the quote: „Wo Recht zu Unrecht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht“
„When tyranny/injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty“
The quote is often attributed to Thomas Jefferson though apparently erroneously so. It´s Berthold Brecht, but regardless of who said it, it rings true to me.
“The quote is often attributed to Thomas Jefferson though apparently erroneously so. It´s Berthold Brecht, but regardless of who said it, it rings true to me.”
Indeed. What’s *said* is important, *not who* said it.
Riots kicking off in Bristol.
For anyone with an extra thirty minutes available to read another essay: this one’s about Belief in the Impossible vs Belief in the Implausible and it was written in the gentle, simple, rapidly fading pre- “plague” era of 2019…
Who was it again that remarked she believed lots of widely different ideas
within a day? Alice in W. methinks.
March 20,21 Big Rally Kassel/ Germany
-The World is Standing UP-The whole video
translation lyrics:
WIR SIND SOVIEL MEHR by Alien’s Best Friend
Suddenly we are standing here together
Flames are blazing all around us
And it’s hard to believe
Hard to believe
We are fighting a thousand giants
But where we are, we are many
And it’s hard to believe
Hard to believe
We are the ones who are standing tall
We have seen behind your masks
We stand for truth
And freedom
And love, look here
We want to live
And love
We are so many more
They have only ever lied to us
But we have flown over the nest.
And it’s hard to believe
Hard to believe
They want to take away our dignity
But we are standing up to them
And it’s hard to believe
Hard to believe
We are the ones who are standing tall
We have seen behind your masks
(2x) We stand for truth
And freedom
And love, look here
We want to live
And love
We are so many more
We have believed too long
We were good, tame and well-behaved
They have robbed us of breath (air)
But we have woken up
(2x) We are standing for truth
And freedom
And love, look here
We want to live
And love
We are so many more
We are so much more
Translated with (free version)
The basis of left ideology is revolution .
There has been two full generations educated/indoctrinated in debased western school systems.
These people now make up the active/influential ranks of society in all areas .
The revolutionary mindset doesn’t really focus on evidence or facts only on outcomes.
This is the evolution of society many have been hoping for and planning for and so they aren’t going to let small things like facts or democratic discussion get in the way.
The duly elected president of the US is playing golf while a different puppet is in place, the deposing of the Tanzanian president in far away Africa isn’t even news.
Covid is the means to the end , no one is going to be allowed to question it.
Something we can all do to be active and try to make some small contribution to the debate is getting info out to the wider public in our own areas.
This link is to “join the white rose” on telegram. They have loads of home print sticker designs :-
There’s also good info here and also leaflets that can be printed :-
Good article as usual but hoping for any help from the top is a waste of time.
Spread stickers and leaflets in working class , poor and underclass areas. It’s people who instinctively mistrust the State who will rally first.
Comfortable bourgeois will stick doggedly to their cherished beliefs in the system until it comes for them.
Imagine a revolution that played by the rules…….
“Comfortable bourgeois” are the fundamentally the same people as the “working class”, they just have more to lose so will not be driven to rebellion as quickly as the poor. Most understand that the state can operate against themselves.
Sitting in Australia late at night one September nearly 20 years ago and thought I was watching a Graham Greene novel and then concluded it was a deadly CIA op, especially when pristine passports were found on the streets of New York, I mean how the hell can people be dumb enough to think paper would survive an inferno that brought down steel and concrete on such a massive scale.
I heard that a so called new coronavirus was plaguing the earth and thought what utter bullshit. I am shocked and embarrassed by the sheer scale of people I used to admire believing this entire con and cowering and quaking and making their ridiculous little iso zooms.
JFK, Apollo, 9/11, Gabby Giffords, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo, Isis, Pizzagate, Climate Change, Covid… so many litmus tests to apply to “Alt Media” figures! Very few pass all of them.
Chappaquiddick, Polanski, Stephen Hawking. There are far too few conspiracy theorists to go around.