WATCH: Perspectives on the Pandemic #13

“The pharmaceutical industry is manufacturing all these medical journal articles, behind the scenes, for marketing purposes.”

As much of the world rushes to receive a lightly-tested pharmaceutical product, we thought it was high time to look again at the (very) big business of medicine. Leemon McHenry, PhD, guides us to the fraudulent core of ghostwritten studies, captured legislators, revolving-door regulatory agencies, pay-to-play medical journals, and the “key opinion leaders” who lend their academic credentials to giant corporations…for a price.

With every stage in the process seemingly structured for corruption, we can only wonder along with Professor McHenry: “Who’s looking out for scientific integrity?”

By the time you finish this episode of Perspectives, you might just roll down your sleeve for a rethink.

You can read a transcript of this interview here.

The Interviewee: Leemon McHenry PhD is a bioethicist and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at California State University, Northridge, in the United States. He has taught philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, Old Dominion University, Davidson College, Central Michigan University, Wittenberg University and Loyola Marymount University, and has held visiting research positions at Johns Hopkins University, UCLA and at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in the University of Edinburgh. His research interests center on medical ethics, metaphysics, and philosophy of science.

The Interviewer: John Kirby is the director of FOUR DIED TRYING, a feature documentary and series on the major assassinations of the 1960s and their calamitous impact on the country. To join the struggle for justice for Dr. King, Malcolm X, and John and Robert Kennedy.

Follow Journeyman Pictures on youtube or visit their website for more of their award-winning factual content.

We are aware that our publishing of Perspectives on the Pandemic has skipped from 9 to 13. Parts 10, 11 & 12 were a three-part interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Judy Mikovits, which has been largely purged from the internet. When we have access to copies of these episodes, we will add them to the collection.


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Corny Squirell
Corny Squirell
Jun 12, 2021 2:14 AM

Truth is wonderfully freeing. Thank you for all your hard work. Just a note on the video – can you skip the music? It’s very difficult to hear you speak. Thank you!

Apr 29, 2021 9:09 PM

image-uploading test

comment image

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 22, 2021 3:50 AM

Ghost writers to the left of us. > Ghost writers to the right of us. > Ghost writers all around us…
Ya, it is a dated video, but readers might scan to Mr. Ulfkotte’s comments beginning 9:30 in. >
Dr Udo Ulfkotte, journalist and author, on RT
September 29, 2014
Dr Udo Ulfkotte, journalist and author, on RT – YouTube

Apr 22, 2021 11:27 AM

It is also on VImeo:

Apr 25, 2021 8:38 AM

He stood up, and was promptly cut down. Before reaching age 57.

Apr 22, 2021 1:04 AM

Leemon shows his fear of man at the end of the interview. Asked about the huge, criminal, harmful and destructive covid 19 pandemic hoax, he essentially shrugged. Do you want to sell your book or help save lives doctor?

Dbl Hlx
Dbl Hlx
Apr 21, 2021 6:01 PM

Why are they pushing vaxs that do not stop you from getting covid and do not stop you from transmitting covid?…with no therapeutic in sight or even mentioned?

Lol, you know!

(I observe there is no ‘covid’, it’s colds/flu/pneumonia/100 other things and I always back up to remember: No ‘virus’ has ever been isolated, characterized and shown to cause any disease ever and colds/flu/100 other things are not transmissible human to human or anything else…especially a bat’s azs from Wuhan, what a joke)

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Apr 21, 2021 4:56 PM

A very important interview in my opinion.

Apr 21, 2021 3:57 PM

Here’s an interesting article from today’s Global Research News. It deals with science’s continued attempt to re-order reality to its liking. (I’m developing a healthy hatred of the very term “science”)

“Reimagining” Mice and Men. “Synthetic Embryos” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Apr 21, 2021 4:09 PM
Reply to  Howard

Reimagining is like that other academic buzzword, theorizing. It’s the language of fiction. Ninety percent of scientists and academics think no differently than the alchemists.

Mmm-yeah, I’m kind of researching at the intersection of the elements and perception-as-desire.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 22, 2021 11:09 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Reimagining is certainly a buzzword and what it signifies is that thought itself is secondary I.e. these buzzwords indicate the current manoeuvre demanded by the rulers. The thought and the theorizing follow as a matter of course I.e. all these lines of discourse are determined by that current manoeuvre which is all. Thus the true role of those much touted scientists, journalists academics etc. is to provide the requisite decoration to the demanded strategy.

Jun 13, 2021 7:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Reimagining” is just another word for BS-ing away from common sense and into the realm of the criminally disastrous. I should know from >35 years in science and academics.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 21, 2021 3:38 PM

This was an excellent presentation. The last few moments contain the following comment:

“Science is how we get back to normal.”

Correction: Science is how we became abnormal…

When everyone has lowered their standards to the levels of carnival shills or used car salespersons, should we expect a free ride?

Apr 21, 2021 3:32 PM
Apr 22, 2021 12:38 AM
Reply to  Binra

Very good.

Apr 21, 2021 3:19 PM

This in my local paper this morning:

“There is a directive to offer provincial jail inmates free canteen products and a meat tray, if a minimum number agree to be vaccinated.”

It was quickly withdrawn after one reluctant inmate was assaulted as inmates who wanted the “reward” were pitted against those who didn’t want to be vaccinated.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 21, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

What a coincidence! I just watched this video by Dr Sam Bailey on influenza where she talks about experiments during the 1918 flu pandemic where they offered prisoners more lenient sentences for getting up close and personal to those suffering from the flu. Highly recommended!

I wouldn’t necessarily believe the story about the inmate being beaten though – always pushing our buttons. Not saying it’s not true, I just wouldn’t necessarily believe it.

Apr 21, 2021 7:38 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

most prisons and children home including secure units for teenagers where doing this until recently
no need for 1918 still happening now

one of 100’s 1000’s of book written on the subject check out author Teresa Cooper book called trust on one
tells her story of what they do.

Apr 21, 2021 3:16 PM

Yeah, scientific/teriffic intergity, like wiping your own ass with your feets, huh, dont work, of course, unless one is geneticaly modifyed to be like an squid.
In physics there are two cornerstones, reproducability and falsifyability, look am up, and read, this, like in the theory about Germs witch they dont even bother to use or claim the Kock Postulate, witch is created for the sole purpose to acctualy create an verifyable narrative about Germs, they dont do that and dont even have that, not even an image, what we indeed get, is sniplets, computer generated clusters of something based upon pre-programmed ASSumptions, witch again is in the realms of what we joke about when we say, highly likely.
Infact, remove this cornerstones and what do we have left, mumbojumbo, period.

Gostwriting, the first thing you learn in higher education, but also in lower grade schools, is where to find works done before in the same thema, and then use this to whats defined as to “cut and paist” into gether and presto, you have an document, make sure you use your own language/writing style etc, so the teacher dont get to suspicious about that if this is just flatout copyed directly, and as you go further you learn to differentiate that to make it look genuine.
I read about the Lancets, etc and also other people whom came from the media world, whom refused to comply, because as they said it, basicaly everything you think is genuine is just hoggwash, etc, and thats what science is to day, an f…. farse, sorry to use profanitys but hell, its just an joke, when so called Quantum physicians droools something about me, is conspiracy nutts, and crasy, what on earth makes this moron so much more credible than anyone else, yeah, an doctorate, right, yeah, up my humble ass.

I watched parts of this video, witch is smack on the issue, watched R. Fuellmichs with intrest, since I always wanted to go into the same direction, but when I was young, with dyslectic issues, forget it, I was by their deffinition an idiot, so I just walked straight into processing ind.
Sometimes I wounder, while at it, why do people equate spirituality with religion, christianity, huh, buddism, when I never go to church, apart from funerals, weddings, and I maybe go one more time, but when that happens, I go feet first, in an box, but I grew up and used the smal Betel comuity, because I could do things with my hands, etc, like glass painting etc, since not everybody is intrested in football, I played handball.
But regarding spirituality, I maybe in an different leauge than most of you think, because of expirience, and that have given me insight, like the burning rose/lotus flower witch apered infront of me after 2 h. listening/meditating to water flowing by as a river, but I have had the same expirience on mountains to, once you know what to do, they opens something witch is what I define as Gates, the real reason for names as Hollywood, where I grew up we had one place called Hollywood/s, and I can asure you, some trees speaks, but others sing, and then you have quires of trees, and sit/lie down there, you dont need drugs, all thoe smoking an quarter pounde joint helps, for me, it does, makes me much more relaxed, they will open your gate and talk to you, but you need to be in the what the buddists cal, the zone/zen.
And then you have people with energetic/conscious levels witch have almost the same effect, they are what I call, an disturbance of the force, like something creates an rippe effect of energy, babys have it, but as people grow, if not nurished, this dies off, but sometimes I encounter people with it, and they differentiate wastly, age, gender, race, etc, incl some really sexy women, wanna make you go out an howl to the moon, but they are so rear that I can infact rember them after 30 years.
And so on.

Then, again, this time I give you Del Bigtree, yeah, I know the debate, but for me, its irrelevant, since I am case oriented, I focus on cases, period, and in this video He is makes good points, and also gives you something witch is about vaccine, in an way that makes people understand, I could like to another one, but it was so techincal that even I strugled to pay attention so I give you this one.
About what Pro-vaccine pimpers says halting the vaccine, and what damage it can do.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 21, 2021 3:06 PM

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Interviews Dr. Lee Merritt
The Medical Industry Has Now Been Weaponized
April 18, 2021
Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association, and is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She has had a long interest in wellness and fitness and has been certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
She is married and the proud mother of two sons, one of whom carries on the fourth-generation medical tradition as a General Surgeon, and the other, with a real job as an Electrical Engineer. In her spare time, Dr. Merritt raises chickens, gardens and enjoys a rural Midwest lifestyle.
Today, we discussed her perspectives on COVID, the uselessness of masks (from a surgeon’s perspective!), the fraud of the PCR testing, the interesting perspective that nearly 90% of people with serious COVID infection are type-A blood type, the importance of vitamin D and so much more! We packed a ton of information into this hour. Don’t miss it – and please share!

via EarthNewspaper.com
April 21st, 2021


Apr 22, 2021 12:43 AM

I caught somewhere, and it was convincing, that blood types are a fiction. As for the rest your promo, it doesn’t draw me. Sherri Tenpenny’s Vaxxter website is awful.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2021 1:51 PM

And the boring bastards continue:

“Jeremy Corbyn set to face libel trial after losing Appeal Court bid to stop it

The former Labour leader is being sued by a political blogger after a row over comments he made about ‘Zionists’ who ‘don’t understand English irony'”

(From The Mirror)

But wasn’t that a while ago? Yup 3 years!

But I’m sure you’ll agree that there is only a short step from irony to gassing people to death.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2021 2:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The rulers are becoming increasingly anxious with the catastrophe they’re trying to cover with the COVID con. And the inevitable collapse of the post WW2 propaganda paradigm also scares them.

This is why they’re allowing greater and greater leeway to the Rottweiler divisions: on the one hand, the COVID evangelist pseudo-Left, and on the other, the Zionist sharks.

Apr 22, 2021 12:45 AM
Reply to  George Mc

All the soft power gangs have been mobilized. James Corbett has a recent video in which he and James Pilato look at rockers, including Mick Jagger, who sell the covid 19 scam.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2021 2:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I previously contributed money to support Jeremy Corbyn in one of the innumerable court cases that have been launched at him. I don’t see the point of further contributions. He is clearly a doomed man. There will be no end to the breathtaking viciousness of the Blairites on the one side and the Zionists on the other.

This sweet old gent went into a nest of vipers waving a flag of truce and was skewered and gutted without mercy. And still they thirst for more. Perhaps Icke is right about the Reptiles?

Apr 21, 2021 4:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The reptilian or primitive brain can operate as a direct capture or override of the mammalian and human facets. We call this psychopathic.

The USE of a narrative identity set outside critical revision or change, is a recognisable pattern that I associate with the manipulation of fear set in hate and guilt by leaders on their own people. Or by an individual on their own thought.

Securitised narratives are no operating a post truth ‘Solution’ to the belief humanity is a virus. Recognising the pattern can then use mythic or symbolic representations that can sometimes convey more than attempting to reason with something that is programmed to attack as soon as you speak openly in any way that is not compliance with dictate claiming irrevocability.

Without irrevocable guilt, sin would be transformed to correctable mistakes, and the lockdown to compliance under terror of vilifying exposure to sin would unravel.

I use sin to mean self-illusion given priority over relationship such as to actively deny, undermine and attack relational communication. But its result is a conviction of our own lack or worth, such as to dissociate from love, to mask over and mask out fear guilt and its projections.

Corbyn shone a light by giving a witness to representative politics in an era of the capture of politics by global cartel monopolism that we may call career politicians who in fact represent their owners and handlers to be a fronting for already drafted and decided ‘deals’, legislation and bio-social human engineering. Many became aware of the MSM as a hollowed corporate shell through which Corp-Gov runs narrative control.

he lost me when he denied his own convictions for a party, once elected leader.

I remain supportive of the ‘Human Party’ in any instance and across all seeming divides. Except I am not aligned with factional identities that become a polarised dance with each other to effectively deny their original function of representation of democratic accountability and interests.

As always the ego of any identity, usurps the living function or service to the whole rather than release old habit to align functionally as a current alignment. Fear of loss to chaos, along with opportunistic leverage of any perceived weakness reveals a lack of integrity. Any system is only as good as the people who run it. The New System does not seem to recognise this, but is blinded by promise of tech for levels of control that seem to offer unparalleled control – for the compliant and sys-privileged stakeholders. But repackaging toxic conflict in a more compact and locked down ‘reality’ is hardly an escape from hell or a regaining of lost power, as shall be revealed when the fantasy that induced the choice to deny life fades to reveal what it masked over.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 22, 2021 12:37 AM
Reply to  George Mc

As Stephen Ward said to Christine Keeler and as I have had the ‘pleasure’ of personally discovering – Once the British ‘guv’ decides they’re having you, they will have you no matter what.

Apr 22, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Jeremy Corbyn was a traitor. Are you serious?

Apr 21, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Surprised as last time I looked there was a 1 year limitation from the alleged libel to action. Perhaps this has changed or the initial proceedings have dragged on. Regardless, like most libel cases, it looks unlikely to succeed.

In 2012, before libel law changed my biggest concern was these courts weren’t kicking out rubbish cases at the earliest opportunity. I watched one totally and obviously useless case get bounced around the High Court in over a dozen hearings, over a 5 year period – the claimant unemployed and fee exempt. Lets hope we haven’t returned to that madness. The world is mad enough as it is.

Apr 21, 2021 1:47 PM


Very good interview with Reiner Fuellmich updating the lawsuits and explaining their basis.

(I copied and pasted. If I didn’t get it right go to Sephane Blais twitter and it will lead you to this rumble interview)

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 21, 2021 1:30 PM

I posted earlier on Judy Mikovits being controlled opposition and because I got quite a bit of pushback I shall make the case more cogently because I think it is so important to recognise controlled opposition and how powerful it is in suppressing genuine opposition.

When you google “controlled opposition” prominent in the results is Lenin’s:

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

The fact that his quote is so prominent is pure propaganda in itself as, of course, power everywhere uses controlled opposition as one of its very potent strategies in maintaining control. I cannot overemphasise the importance of controlled opposition and how you will find it at every turn, especially in big psyops. In big psyops, controlled opposition rules! Of course it would because we’re being told a ridiculous story and one of the best ways to manage this tricky situation is to push out multiple streams of propaganda to confuse and fragment … and what is used to push out the multiple streams – controlled opposition! It was eminently predictable from Day One that there would be loads of controlled opposition agents used in this psyop.

Anyone who should know better who says there’s a virus will probably be controlled opposition. Sure, perhaps Professor McHenry should know there’s no virus but if he doesn’t come out and say it it’s fair enough in his case because in his situation it’s just that little bit too radical but in the case of Judy Mikovits who’s come out so radically against the mainstream in the first place there is no reason for her not to come out and say there’s no virus … not only does she not say there’s no virus but she claims it’s been manipulated in a Wuhan lab. That has controlled opposition all over it.

If she were genuine how can she be so easily debunked by “fact-checker” sciencemag and anti-conspiracists, John Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky? She’s the stooge for all the anti-conspiracists to attack and to undermine genuine opposition. Her job is to make it seem as if the only people saying stuff against the mainstream are kooks. What would the fact-checkers do without the stooges to attack? I have emailed Jon Cohen of sciencemag who so easily debunked Judy Mikovits (although what sciencemag says in response is also nonsense) for his debunking of Torsten Engelbrecht et al’s article, https://off-guardian.org/2021/01/31/phantom-virus-in-search-of-sars-cov-2/

No reply! He’s snookered as are all the other fact-checkers and scientists. It’s undebunkable but Judy’s easily debunked – or at least a lot of what she says is. Sure, she pushes out some truth or close-to-truth stuff – that’s what CO agents do – mix truth and lie. You have to be ruthless when you appraise what people say – most especially when they seem on your side.

Below is snippets of interview with Judy Mikovits from Plandemic with commentary by sciencemag

Interviewer: Do you believe that this virus [SARS-CoV-2] was created in the laboratory?
Mikovits: I wouldn’t use the word created. But you can’t say naturally occurring if it was by way of the laboratory. So it’s very clear this virus was manipulated. This family of viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory, and this is what was released, whether deliberate or not. That cannot be naturally occurring. Somebody didn’t go to a market, get a bat, the virus didn’t jump directly to humans. That’s not how it works. That’s accelerated viral evolution. If it was a natural occurrence, it would take up to 800 years to occur.
Scientific estimates suggest the closest virus to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is a bat coronavirus identified by the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Its “distance” in evolutionary time to SARS-CoV-2 is about 20 to 80 years. There is no evidence this bat virus was manipulated.

Interviewer: And do you have any ideas of where this occurred?
Mikovits: Oh yeah, I’m sure it occurred between the North Carolina laboratories, Fort Detrick, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, and the Wuhan laboratory.
There is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 originated at WIV. NIAID’s funding of a U.S. group that works with the Wuhan lab has been stopped, which outraged many scientists .

Of course, BOTH Judy and sciencemag have got it wrong as there is no identified virus. It’s complete BS, from bats, naturally occurring or manipulated in a lab, all BS.

Mikovits: Why would you close the beach? You’ve got sequences in the soil, in the sand. You’ve got healing microbes in the ocean in the salt water. That’s insanity.
It’s not clear what Mikovits means by sand or soil “sequences.” There is no evidence that microbes in the ocean can heal COVID-19 patients.

Sciencemag is correct in saying it’s not clear what’s meant by sand or soil “sequences”. What healing microbes in the ocean is she referring to? This kind of fluffiness is not how scientists should be speaking … but this kind of strange talk is EXACTLY what we expect from controlled opposition.

Apr 21, 2021 4:31 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I agree with you 1000%

Apr 21, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra, intelligence “community” sometimes controls opposition by planting a false story that they eagerly subscribe to due to clever arguments, but insufficient proof. I think the idea that the virus doesn’t exist is such a story. Because we are not virologists we are easy marks for such a welcome conclusion. Quite a few obviously honorable and highly knowledgeable virologists have spoken out about the ruinous covid POLICIES w/o doubting its existence: Eades, Yeadon, Ioannadis, Wodarg, others. I think its “nonexistence” may be akin to flat earth– a way to get us to discredit ourselves. I don’t know enough to evaluate everything Mikovitz says, but my money is on those I’ve named.

Apr 22, 2021 1:06 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Nice try.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 22, 2021 1:56 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I’ve written to six fact-checkers and Dr Ian Mackay of virologydownunder for their response on Torsten Engelbrecht et al’s article showing there’s no evidence of a virus and not a peep out of any of them. Please read it yourself and then come back and say whether you think there’s a virus or not.

The alleged pandemic had all the hallmarks of a psyop from Day One and I predicted, without the benefit of the scientific evidence at that point, there would be no virus because in psyops they only do for real what they want for real and fake the rest. They didn’t want a virus and it wouldn’t have worked for their narrative in any shape or form. A virus is not going to jump from Wuhan to Bergamo to the Ruby Princess as they would have wanted for their narrative. You don’t seriously think they followed the virus around, do you? That there was no planned narrative and they followed a virus around or engineered it to break out where they wanted it to? Seriously, Penelope, preposterous!

The quintessential psyop is The Emperor’s New Clothes (I just wish the fable included the controlled opposition aspect). How the swindling “tailors” persuaded the whole town that they’d made wonderful new clothes for the Emperor had nothing to do with reality. There was no fibre or fabric. Starting with some kind of reality wouldn’t have worked as well, if at all, the gap between the fibre/fabric and no clothes perhaps being too tangible. No, the fable works purely on propaganda: the “tailors” put out that to those “unfit for their position or who were unusually stupid” the clothes would be invisible! Pure propaganda and it worked a treat. Exaggerated for the fable you say? The shameless collapse of WTC-7 by “fire” is no different, it is no less exaggerated. People who call out WTC-7 as a controlled demolition are “unfit for their position or unusually stupid”, that is, “conspiracy theorists”.

Quite a few obviously honorable and highly knowledgeable virologists have spoken out about the ruinous covid POLICIES w/o doubting its existence: Eades, Yeadon, Ioannadis, Wodarg, others

As I said in my last comment anyone who doesn’t say there’s no virus when they should know better may well be controlled opposition. Please don’t be beguiled by people who seem to be speaking out – I’m not saying they’re automatically controlled opposition if they don’t say there’s no virus but there’s a reasonable chance, among the honourable-seeming people too. Controlled opposition is very insidious.

We can predict that there will be controlled opposition at all levels of truth, some saying really obvious nonsense such as Judy Mikovits with a little bit of truth and then the percentage mixture of nonsense/truth altering as it goes up the ladder to where the controlled opposition is speaking eye-watering amounts of truth but still somehow distorting or leaving out bits.

Frontline Doctors are a controlled opposition outfit. Don’t you love their name? There may well be genuine doctors among them but they’re a front and it’s easy to tell Dolores Cahill is controlled opposition by how she advises that we are not obliged to wear a mask in airports. With a big smile on her face she says “one of the times I was detained for four hours in an airport was in Dublin”. Yeah, right as if anyone’s going to be “detained” for however many hours in order to go mask-free.

This psyop is of the type Problem > Reaction > Solution. So what we can predict is that there will be loads of controlled opposition jumping up and down at the Reaction and Solution parts of the psyop while keeping mum on the completely fabricated Problem part. When you expose the complete fabrication at the Problem level, Reaction and Solution become completely irrelevant but they don’t want that, do they? They want controlled opposition whipping people up at the ineffectual Reaction and Solution levels. They want agitation, they want loads of media coverage, they want people arguing about masks, lockdowns, compromises to freedoms, etc. They want that in spades, however, it’s not about freedom, it’s about the truth: the truth of no virus and when that is recognised everything else falls by the wayside.

Problem > Reaction > Solution
1, Invent a problem – Terrorism, financial crisis, pandemic etc.
2. Fabricate a response that isn’t commensurate (even if the problem were real) but people will still go along with – Let the mainstream media only broadcast/print the side of the problem you want to show
3. Enforce a solution that also doesn’t make sense (even if the problem were real) but people will still comply with – wars, corporate tax-cuts, welfare budget cuts, etc.

Problem > Reaction > Solution scenarios date from at least the Roman emperor, Diocletian. 

“Diocletian’s vice-emperor, Galerius, didn’t have a hard time in persuading him that if a Palace were just to burn down, Diocletian could really accelerate his crusade against the Christians. Just by coincidence, twice within sixteen days toward the end of February, Diocletian’s palace in Nicomedia burned. The Christians were immediately blamed.”

9/11 is also a psyop of the Problem > Reaction > Solution type. I’ve written a post on the parallels if you’re interested.

Bastiaan Zoetemeyer
Bastiaan Zoetemeyer
May 3, 2021 5:11 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Excellent comment, and indeed it is very important to be aware of the controlled opposition – to stand clear of the destruction the limited hangouts are meant to cause it is VERY IMPORTANT TO KEEP DOING OUR OWN RESEARCH!

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 22, 2021 1:16 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Next you will be lamenting on the insufficient proof the moon isn’t made of cheese.

Dbl Hlx
Dbl Hlx
Apr 21, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

It’s negative ions at the beach/coasts that she may be referring to, not microbes.

‘Virology’ is a fraud and most likely, there are no infectious/disease causing particles that they call ‘virus’. Unless of course, they came from a bat’s ass in Wuhan. lol

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 22, 2021 2:11 AM
Reply to  Dbl Hlx

People always offer explanations for nonsense spoken by controlled opposition. It’s amazing. But what about “sequences in the soil, in the sand.” What’s your explanation for that?

Apr 22, 2021 1:02 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Most of what Judy says, to me, is jargon. I’ve always explained that the difference between mumbo jumbo and fact is not whether one is easy to get and the other isn’t. The test is whether the author spouting jargon can patiently explain the jargon to the satisfaction of an audience. Judy rapid fires off a stream of jargon, usually lengthy, but doesn’t explain it satisfactorily to those who are not specialists. If it was jargon that referred to facts, then, I argue, she ‘could’ explain it to others who aren’t specialists. (Andrew Kaufman is good at that.) I watched the infamous video (The Mythis Canada) in which Andrew Kaufman confronted Judy (and made the understandable mistake of getting personal) and was cut from the discussion. Judy goes on and on and on, all jargony, about whatever (and some of it was interesting or I would not have bookmarked the video) and even the other panelists were saying “Huh?”. She could have chopped it up and explained the sections and simply said less. She likes to hear herself spout Rockefeller jargon, I think.

Apr 22, 2021 11:47 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Petra, I think you have to look into the financing for Wuhan more closely. There was a moratorium on gain of function research in the US in 2014 (Obama), but from what I have heard and read Fauci got around that by continuing to fund Wuhan, since it wasn’t in the US. I believe the ban was lifted in 2019.

Wuhan was obviously funded until at least 2019 because a Prof Leiber of Harvard University was arrested in late 2019 for working with the Chinese in that lab and not reporting to Harvard that he was being paid.

I have no doubt there is enormous chicanery in all of the biolabs everywhere. Mikovitz story is the tip of the iceberg. (my own belief).

Also, as I stated before, I learned a great deal listening to her. I am not in the camp of “there is no such thing as a virus”, with all due respect to those that are, so her information on gain of function, how vaccines are made, what she experienced going up against Fauci, etc was enlightening.

And I have to confess a deep appreciation to those that, from the beginning, advocated no mask, no lockdown, no social distancing, and called this thing out from the get go.

Do all of those fact-checkers wear masks? Social distance? Cover themselves in hand sanitizer? Support the official narrative? Then they have nothing to say to me.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 23, 2021 5:39 AM
Reply to  Judith

Judith I have no doubt all kinds of chicanery go on. We’ve just been given a very good idea of some of it from this talk by Leemon McHenry – mind blowing really – apart from other things that we know so sure there’s all kinds of chicanery going on however the evidence is clear there’s no virus and the evidence is also clear that Judy Mikovits is an intelligence agent because she says things that don’t make sense in the typical style of an intelligence agent including that the virus was manipulated in a lab. There is no virus Judith are you clear on that? It’s The Emperor’s New Clothes.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 1:06 PM

It is even worse than shown in the film, since US Corporations also literally write the bills passed in congress. It doesn’t get any worse than that.

Apr 21, 2021 12:31 PM

There was an article here a couple of days ago about a bogus claim that some Russkies blew up an ammunition warehouse in Czechia in 2014 (!), which has now – of all times – been conclusively determined following ‘thorough’ investigation.

I’d say that this story deserves to be paid more attention than the fact that the academic world is out to lunch a.k.a. thoroughly fucked up, on par with the crazy Rudolphian alchemists, which is sad, but has been obvious for quite some time. Especially as regards the sickness sector.

A major NATO exercise is scheduled to take place in Ukraine, with shitloads of materiel being shipped there. The Russians are responding in kind. Surely, an excuse can be manufactured to start a bit of a fucking war over there. Meanwhile, the shitheads are whipping anti-Russian sentiments left and right …

Fucking COVID might be the least of our worry in a few months time …

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The US would be happy to see a war in Europe to destabilise us, and wreck our economies, it looks like they are ramping up tension to make it happen. If the US is the ‘last man standing’ in the world and the rest of the world is a burnt out husk, they will consider it a success.

Apr 21, 2021 1:15 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

You have quite a stamina, Sam. Amazing how long you manage to jerk off on this forum …

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 1:30 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I surrender that accolade to you, there is no bigger wanker here than you.

Apr 21, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  Jacques

My two window cleaners came around the other day. They are more up to speed than most. One of them always calls me, ‘sir’. Reminds me of that sketch ” suits you sir”

Anyway we always talk about what’s going on in the world. He casually remarked ” Looks like WW3 could be about to start, in Ukraine sir”.

You know I didn’t know what to say, except that so many things are going on right now. On an importance scale, I hadn’t really rated it as such. Just shows you how mad things are.

Perhaps they’re are getting nervous their hasty, chaotic, brought forward reset plan is collapsing so as a back up plan will start WW3. I pray for the day the army rolls up at Downing St, drags Johnson, his mistress and all the others out, empties the House of Commons MPs into meatwagons and shuts down all the other treasonous, bloodsucking organisations.

Apr 21, 2021 8:13 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Just to be polite, you might’ve replied, “Well, if WW3 is really about to start, at least I have the comfort of getting an excellent view of it through my really clean windows!” 😉

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2021 12:23 PM

One thing this pandemic farce has proved to me is the atomised fragility of our civilization – the entire population effectively floating around in their private bubbles and dependant on a centralised media under the control of a tiny elite backed by a vast army of psychological manipulators and a technological machine that increasingly advances in the potency of its minutely applied machinations.

The pseudo community of 70s TV shows and sit-coms seems quaint compared to the sleek high tech arena of today. But the arrival of innumerable satellite channels and the internet at least broke the media monopoly. Hence the frenzy over “fake news”. As always, it is indications of anxiety in the MSM that betray the true state of affairs. The arbiters of public knowledge were, and continue to be, tense about losing their informational grip.

And their most potent device was the illusion of public support for whatever the rulers were pushing. The MSM starts with a paradigm that the masses are totally with the vax programme. Naturally all doubt, no matter how obvious and rational, is almost entirely neglected. “The vax is safe and necessary to defeat the deadly plague and everyone agrees except those cranks over there and you dont want to be one of them!”

That is the MSM story. IT WILL NEVER CHANGE! All pretence at being a conduit of news has vanished. It is now the voice of command. Which is why I stopped listening a year ago.

Unfortunately that’s when I truly became aware of this atomised condition. It was like being thrown into a vacuum. Or a dark area where there are others but they are indeterminate. Ironically they could be a majority and don’t know it!

Apr 21, 2021 4:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The split off mind ‘sees’ a world of split off minds and split off things.

The pattern of dissociation and displacement could be seen as the development or unfolding of the idea OF Separation trauma as distance, lockdown and masking.

In other words there is an acquire pattern of inheritance that we are largely or only selectively aware of.

That you are not lost in psychosis – and write in ways that indicate willingness to be of service to a worthy humanity – regardless appearances set in past or present experience -indicates a love of life and not just a fear of lack and loss masking in appearances of virtue. I see resonance as the nature of communication, which is always then a communion as well as exchange of energy and information. The need to receive and extend life is often filtered and ruled out or distanced by all kinds of personal and social preferences. But I am grateful to share appreciation of humanity – just because!

Love of truth is not a means for greater leverage or impact in a world of contesting invested and polarised or atomised illusion, but invites and shares in a truth of love that cannot be defined, codified, patented or controlled.
There may only be few who are willing to abide the call to Live, but at the very least I see this as the vital seed of condensed and refined experience that will come forth as new life in the conditions or timing of its expansion. We are currently in the nadir of a compression. Bottoming out is both individual and collective or social, because we are not alone but are part of each other in ways we have distanced from so as to play out a masking of a wish for private or covert ID.

The thought and focus of our desire and intention tune us to the experience we ask for and receive. Fear can set the mind in its own lockdown bubble & etc.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 12:22 PM

Israel is now not only testing for Covid, whatever that is.

They are now testing for vaccines to entre the country. Test for vaccines will replace tests for a virus. Like a biological test to prove you have paid your tax to US pharma.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 12:12 PM

In the video above the Guardian normalises how the Fascist Israeli state subjected their own people, without consent to an experimental vaccine in cahoots with Pfizer.

Apr 21, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

The country that screams the most about anti-Semitic is now being anti-Semitic to it own people- who are not like them and this is done via a digital code!
How is that any different than the tattoo’s they was suppose to have been given in the camps.
Where is the regime change screamers.? 

Apr 21, 2021 2:32 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

“Sam,” is a weapons-grade retard

Apr 21, 2021 11:54 AM

Budweiser and doughnut and a joint and free taxi ride…………

Apr 21, 2021 11:47 AM

Taskforce aims to ‘supercharge’ search for antivirals to ‘stop Covid in its tracks’ — The Groan.

UK PM: “Antivirals research would form part of a three-pronged approach to tackle this anticipated third wave, including booster jabs in the autumn to combat new variants as well as continuing mass testing.”

Not a mention of well-established treatments — such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin or anti-inflammatories nor complying with the body’s requirements for vits C and D, magnesium and zinc.

You follow the government’s requirements — not your body’s. Got that?

Note that Barry Sherman, Canada’s biggest producer of HCQ was ritually murdered in Dec 2017. HCQ plants continue to randomly catch fire around the globe. Of course, Mi6-Reuters says I’ve just spread fake news because the plants produce precursors to HCQ and not the finished product.

The challenge for mRNA was not the pantomine “race to invent a cure”. It was clearing a path for its useage. Operation Warp Speed in the U.S. and its counterparts abroad are about delivery, with the military on standby if necessary, and Event Covid was the pretext.

In this scenario, conventional vaccines and traditional treatments such as HCL and Ivermectin are an obstacle — especially if they work — a roadblock to the objective of injecting the population with a manufactured mRNA genetic modification.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I was told that in Nigeria they can’t easily differentiate between malaria and Covid, and are constantly treating themselves for malaria ayway. Hence the low incidence perhaps, despite almost no restrictions. It would be interesting to see what is going on there:

Apr 21, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

If covi covi was as contagious and deadly as claimed, Hong Kong, Manila, Jakarta, Dehli, Beijing etc would be giant morgues.

Apr 21, 2021 4:50 PM
Reply to  Ooink

UK Gov backtracked any such claim in March last year, while on the same page asserting requirement to observe GovID regulations.
Simon says – and he has a big stick and humungous financial backing under globally set regulations given local enforcement.
Fear dictates!
Love invites.
learning to discern one from the other is a re-education, when masking virtues claim our allegiance, and set us against exposure of fear we want to see Out There so as to mitigate or limit and hide the hateful.

Apr 21, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

The tools for ‘covid’ are as meaningless or indeterminate as the genomic definition for ‘SARS-Cov-2’.

The presumption we can have serious or solid conversation within such a ‘structure’ is within a house of cards.

What anyone means by ‘covid’ varies no less.
Whatever a specific range of clinical conditions may be caused by, its severity seems to be mitigated by quinine related anti-parasitics. But also prevented by adequate Vid D and a range of other vital conditions generally called immune resilience or similar.

How much of the scam could persist if a genuine alignment of heart and mind were applied to our thought and word – or currency of linguistic exchange?
Fear begets fear, but as if a solution, that in fact replicates fear – not unlike a self being hijacked to replicate itself.

Apr 21, 2021 12:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This announcement, focusing on the search for antivirals, is straight out of the “SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028” scenario by Johns Hopkins, war-gamed in Oct 2017, prior to Crimson Contagion (Aug 2019) and Event 201 (Oct 2019).

[comments in square brackets are mine] The rest comes from the JH scenario which I described here.

While the “race” is on to find a vaccine [for the initial virus or a later variant] there is the appearance of the [false hope] antiviral.

This is named Kalocivir — Governments announce an antiviral to buy time before the vaccine is ready. [In the playbook this has a strangely similar name to the antiviral Remdesivir which was the false hope of 2020.] It also has similar side effects of gagging, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting.

In the war game, Kalocivir becomes the subject of protests on social media [the public is concerned by the effects of the antiviral intended to prevent the illness turning serious — perhaps to create demand for the jabs that will ‘cure’.]

[Why is this relevant? We know that the jabs do not prevent, cure or stop transmission of the illness — from the manufacturers themselves. The most they claim is that mRNA Gene Jabs suppress symptoms, while Moderna admits on its web site that the jab is an plug-and-play gene-based “operating system” and thus not a vaccine at all.]

Six months to a year after vaccination, reports of new neurological symptoms began to emerge. Governments admit they cannot respond faster than independent media or viral videos. Thus the Gov strategy is always to move first. [This is where we’ll see some hanky panky with the antiviral after effects.]

By May 2027, parental anxiety around this claim had intensified to the point of lawsuits. That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government.

Several influential politicians and agency representatives are sacrificed to appease the public, allegedly for sensationalizing the severity of the event for perceived political gain. [Not for underestimating… but for exaggerating, you see.]

[Law suits mount despite the best efforts to grant immunity for all. Again the gov tries to get ahead of the story, and develops coping strategies for the disabled public and their brain damaged children.]

Behavioural psychologists are deployed to devise behavioral health guidance for institutions on how to strengthen the public’s coping skills.

Apr 21, 2021 1:15 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

This is why the NHS won’t be needed.

Assuming that much of the population is going to die, there is no point in fixing their teeth or curing their cancer.

For some, the end will be swift: blood clots and thrombosis will see to that.

Those with “long Covid” will feel lucky that they need only cope with a racing heart, breathlessness, dizziness, vertigo, fainting, bloodshot eyes, tinnitus, post-viral fatigue, stomach cramps and vertigoa rash.

The problem for the government will be to manage the mass anxiety, depression and resignation of those who suffer with the most severe survivable symptoms: partial paralysis, numb limbs, blistering skin, breathing problems and loss of hearing and vision.

What proportion falls into each group is unknown but hospitals won’t cope — and they won’t even try. Physios and paramedics will be overwhelmed. At the end of the day, the people may be left with “protect and survive” public information videos and AI bots giving them advice on their smartphone.

In the “SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028” scenario by Johns Hopkins the wording suggests that the people may be blamed for their own weakness. Behavioural psychologists will tell victims, it’s not the vaccine, you are mentally ill or retarded.

This will be true! They will be the weak ones, facing the evidence all around them of those who survived the mRNA virus unscathed.

These will be the great hope for the transhuman experiments. Their resilience will power the next stage of live experimentation on humans, such as linking their brains to computers, their nervous systems to currency mining programmes, tweaking their DNA to cure illness and counter aging — all in the hope that the oligarchs can achieve their dreams of eternal life.

Apr 21, 2021 2:54 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And another thing: Distraction will be essential.

While it abandons any pretence of healing the public, the National Health Service will receive more money than ever.

Sums that were unimaginable when it was crying out for beds a decade ago will become commonplace — but not for treatment or salaries and only for special projects (Track & Trace got £37 billion over two years).

Some of it will go to essential public information like “Clap for Carers” and dancing nurses at soccer matches, high-kicking to roars of taped approval over the public address system to empty bleachers.

Britain will get its own version of “Thank you for your Service” displays of front-line, blue light and desert-camouflaged heroes screeching the national anthem for which the Pentagon pays sports teams $10 millions.

The Sun newspaper will bring back the Page Three girls, but only for nurses of indeterminate gender, pouting and bulging pneumatically out of zer uniforms.

And the hairy faux left will go blue in the… face shouting the NHS-IS-MY-FXXXING-RELIGION.

Some time, a few years later, conventional sports will be replaced with RollerBall, James Caan (1975)

Apr 21, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

NHS is being used as a cover for a redistribution of wealth.

Fear sets the focus for funding priority, which is taken from the public, and from the future as the generating of debt slaves.

IN a sense I see the NHS as a holy cow for a socialism that combines state dependency, monopolistic ‘health’ management, and slaves believing they are free. It has been hollowed out and corporatised as a PPP but its flag kept for propaganda purposes. The covid health service replaced most of NHS as a transitional state to a biosecurity state.
Destroying the old structures to offer slavation under a new social contract – which signs away Sovereign will to become a biological asset under genetic control.
What could possibly go right?

Apr 21, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

UK PM: “Antivirals research would form part of a three-pronged approach to tackle this anticipated third wave, including booster jabs in the autumn to combat new variants as well as continuing mass testing.”

Fear manufacturing continues. This is mental medical insanity aided and abetted by the usual suspects. People power must be brought to bear to stop this. Do not comply. Make a stand. Resist.

Apr 21, 2021 11:06 AM

Trust the science®

…only about 15% of medical interventions are supported by, solid scientific evidence

…1% of the articles in medical journals are scientifically sound…

BMJ editor in 1991


Apr 21, 2021 9:51 AM

It’s been more than a year since “two weeks to flatten the curve”, the fortnight of shelter-in-place that we were assured would contain the spread of Coroni. Yet the mantra continues, with tweaks like 0.3%-different variants creating excuses for new bans on travel.

YouTubers and bloggers point out the inconsistencies but an army of behavioral psychologists goes to work on the fear porn through the state-corporatist media and the majority, it seems, comply. 

How long will it take for momentum to build to the point where the public hold politicians and bureaucrats to account? Polly St George has a clue: this could go on forever because we’re reinventing the wheel.

This has gone on for decades. Researchers collect the best evidence, refine their arguments, they gather together, build networks and support each other. They exist as a deeply researched repository of information supporting lawyers and activists.

Then, every so often, the powers that be (TPTB) sweep those researchers off the board and a new crowd of faces emerges…. and begins the long task of educating themselves and the public.

“It’s really frustrating to see the new crop starting out again at square 1, 2 or 3. You get the sense that this cycle will never end. Many people are willing to accept a few fundamental truths: that this is not incompetence. Yet they can’t see this is a long-term, predatory way of operating that has been going on since before WW1.”

Polly’s video, A Small Number of Psychopaths Control Society, best from @09:00 minutes


If Boris Johnson was facing death on the scaffold, by axe or guillotine, he’d escape. Not only that but you’d blink and he’d have snagged the job of executioner, his straw chaff hair poking out beneath the black hood, his droopy features grinning.

Every time he screws up there is always someone ready to rescue “Boris” (real name Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson) from his mistakes and to give him another job at an even higher salary. Is that because someone is guiding him as a golden boy, someone who is using him to advance their own plans or — seemingly just as convoluted — do psychopaths look out for each other? 

This article will go on to explore how psychopaths do indeed recognize each other and work together. It’s not simply them against us. Psychopaths are aware they are damaged and they try to reorder the institutional world so that it gives them the ‘justice’ they deserve in their own minds.

Compared with that explanation, the ‘golden boy’ theory is quite simple, isn’t it? Occam’s razor might say that given Johnson’s wild ways, someone is probably promoting him for their own agenda.


Polly looks at evil and power, as researched by Andrzej Łobaczewski (1921-2008). In Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes (1998) he says that early brain injuries or abnormalities can lead people to behave in a pathologically evil manner.

This made me think of Sheep Farm Studio’s video of Boris Johnson’s early life. Whatever defects he may have inherited there was enough abuse in British boarding school life to warp his mind.

Psychopaths work as a group because they know they are outsiders. They are aware of their differences and resent them. They feel and act distinctly and recognize this in their own kind. They develop their own laws and customs and they try to impose these on the world. 

On the one hand they regard other people as weaker than them because we are burdened with a conscience and because we make excuses for their behaviour. They know their personalities traumatize others and they learn very early how to use this. On the other hand their sense of honour bids them to cheat and undermine the broader world.

In the psychopath, a dream emerges like some Utopia of a “happy” world and a social system which does not reject them or force them to submit to laws and customs whose meaning is incomprehensible to them. They dream of a world in which their simple and radical way of experiencing and perceiving reality would dominate; where they would, of course, be assured safety and prosperity.

In this Utopian dream, they imagine that those “others”, different, but also more technically skillful than they are, should be put to work to achieve this goal for the psychopaths and others of their kin. “We”, they say, “after all, will create a new government, one of justice”

A Plan or Just Incompetence — Who Promoted Boris Johnson? https://moneycircus.blogspot.com/2021/04/a-plan-or-just-incompetence-and-who.html

Apr 21, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well written, thanks. I’ll take a look at your blog later 👍🏻

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 12:04 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Unfortunately I don’t believe you need to be a psychopath to order the death or harm of millions of people. I see many willing Hitlers around me every day.

Apr 21, 2021 5:15 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

Psycho-pathy can be a triggered frequency domain of dissociation. When used as a pejoritive substitue for evil, it means ‘evil’, which is usually used to self-differentiate against. So I must be one of the good guys! (sic).

The split or fragmented mind of human fear and guilt operates like a game of pass the parcel – where NOT being caught in blame is the ability to mask and ally in such ways to to ‘save yourself’ or your group identity.

We all develop masking strategies of survival but each with a different hand to play from. Rock, scissors and paper. Though the opportunity to exercise this kind of ‘power’ to deny can as well operate from victimhood and appeal for sympathy and vengeance.

Those most afraid are least able to bring awareness present, so they operate a blind and unfeeling compliance. Within this are also those given licence to ‘power’ by the support given to their resentments, grievance and judgemental distortions.

But the pattern is where identity in lack and fear and self-conflict seeks and surrender to ‘power’ outside itself.

I like seeing terrain theory rather than worshipping a psycho-pathogenic model, as it allows addressing the issues instead of encapsulating personal judgement conflicts as a wish to power that renders powerless.

Apr 21, 2021 5:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Cometh the hour, cometh the buffoon!

Apr 21, 2021 9:09 AM

As a retired academic in a traditional core discipline, I can say that the corruption exposed in this video isn’t restricted to medicine and medical research. It used to be restricted to departments of questionable academic merit, created by unprincipled administrators to advance their careers by cashing in on the latest trend or funding opportunity. Now it even affects the departments in the
core disciplines, including the hard sciences. Thus the modern American university is permeated with corruption, with the administration and pseudo-academic departments being the most corrupt, while the traditional academic departments are in the early stages of this corruption.

Apr 21, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Platov

It is depressing to see what academics (primary school to university) has become. The second biggest revelation to me of this pandemic is the fact that face-to-face education is a non-essential service. University professors from all disciplines ought to have been on the frontlines of tearing apart the fraudulent statistics and science.
The biggest revelation of course is how utterly compromised medicine is. Starting with the family doctor system. The situation in Northern Italy was used to scare the world. There is ONE single reason for the excess in some towns and hospitals and it has nothing to do with any virus. ALL the excess mortality occurred at the same time that the government ordered the entire family doctor system to sit at home and NOT SEE THEIR PATIENTS for any reason but especially if the patients had a fever or cough. Of course the hospitals and emergency departments were overwhelmed in this circumstance!!! Beyond absurd.

Apr 21, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  rraa

That combined with the very clear evidence of neglect in care homes in various countries, DNR orders being issued without consent.
The way I see it is, if the governments had not responded to the “pandemic” and the media not hyped it to ludicrous proportions. Would we, the general public at large, have noticed anything different from any other year?

Notice how nobody has said there is a “nasty bug going round” in the past year. A common saying every time there is an outbreak of sniffles/belly ache.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 1:12 PM
Reply to  Wraith

An overstressed NHS packed and not coping is normal every year in the UK, except in 2020, when it was never overloaded once.

Apr 21, 2021 5:38 PM
Reply to  Platov

I see it as systemic or even more closely, as an expression of a loss of communication within our own heart and mind as between us.
A rising tide lifts all the boats as one.

Corruption is OF something true. The release of a spell or allegiance to the false opens the way to live the question and the answer to true desire. Adverse conditions may be appropriate here. Those who are fundamentally aligned in an integrity or love of truth will not be willing to comply in its denial without intolerable self conflicts.

Dissociation is from an actual relational condition.

That the corruption is unworkable is also that it is destructive or anti-life. So that uncovering and growing from a true foundation has to embody a seeding of that which truly supports living, rather than masking in virtue, as and where willingness opens a way.

Weaponisation of language can be recognised and released to a true word – which is not a claim to be ‘truth’ but speaking the meanings felt or discerned in the heart, so as to mean what we say, and say what we mean.

That the masked cannot understand anything that is said is partly their protection of the mask as their self, and yet also our own capacity to tune in to where we can establish a basis for communication in which some element of judgemental polarisation is loosened or released.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Apr 21, 2021 8:51 AM

Here is the official record of the video for the briefing held yesterday, 20.04.2021 at No. 10.

During the original broadcast, I heard a lady called Annette ask a question of the PM – how many people have died after receiving the vaccine (I think that was the question but for some strange reason it has been edited out of the video – funny that?).

Go to around 18’30” and continue – it jumps straight to Johnson answering the question but you can’t actually tell what question he is answering. This is a deliberate edit by those operating the official No. 10 youtube channel.

Now go to this video on March 25th 2021, when Health secretary Hancock was asked the same question in the House Of Commons by 2 Conservative MPs and was unable to provide an answer. I think he indicates that he would be dealing with it by private letter?

Cover up? Obviously.

These people should be put on trial.

Apr 21, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

Johnson “If indeed there are any”??????

Pathetic waffle and lies just to avoid answering a question. Classic Johnson modus operandi. Presumably (or maybe not) he is familiar with the AZ fatal blood clot cases at the very least. Not worthy of a mention? As far as I am aware even the PTB are no longer in a position to deny that they were directly related to the vaccine.

Toby Howes
Toby Howes
Apr 21, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

this edit version is fake. just search the video on youtube & you will hear the question (at about 4 mins in). Of course the answer is vague, non committal & dismissive.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Apr 21, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  Toby Howes

Click on the video I linked above – it is the official No.10 youtube channel. Perhaps you could put up the link to the video you are referring to?

David Robinson
David Robinson
Apr 21, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  Toby Howes

If you look at this link, you will see a tick next to the channel name – this means that it’s verified. So, this is NOT a fake channel. If you have proof to the contrary, could you post it.


Toby Howes
Toby Howes
Apr 22, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Interesting. Here’s what I found …


It’s on LBC.

I think it highlights lots of issues of info reliability.

What do you think?

Apr 21, 2021 7:06 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

That’s what I’ve been advocating now for somtime under common law and statute law they are guilty of fraud and deception and also of political conspiracy.

Apr 22, 2021 1:11 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

They would be put on trial in another world. This one, unfortunately, belongs to them (for the moment). It’s a gangster world.

Apr 21, 2021 8:48 AM

In its own specific examples, this reiterates the pattern of the ‘Separation’ self as an active ignorance or attack on relational awareness that assigns the attack or threat to truth or open honest communication.

That the mind can be captivated by its own thinking, is the invested identity in protected narrative definitions.

Identity is self-recognition, but self image taken as self, sets up a misidentification of self representation conflicted with Current Reality, such as to fear lack and pain of loss of self, that is locked into seeking ‘self-protection’ as a dissociated or distanced and protected mask or ‘face’ set in fear of its true life.

This covert ID is by its own accepted definitions a Self-evasion running as armoured and defended deceit that demands sacrifice of the living to seem to have a life of it own – for an imaged identity has all but only the life we give it. This inverted ‘religion’ of sacrifice works the basis for a ‘prison planet’ subjected under blind and tyrannous ‘alien will’ masking as virtues of a life it actively undermines.

That we regard the ego as normal is the degree to which we are locked down, distanced and masked in a self and world of threat, fear, hate, guilt and sacrifice of self and others, as a cover story to divert from true self-honesty, appreciation and the extension of such life to the living of which we are integrally part of – whether accepting this or set in denial.

Integrity of our human being is alignment of thought, word and deed. Dis-integrity is effectively a split or compartmentalised and dissociating and conflicted mind, that projects its conflicts to its relational world and seeks to ‘solve’ them where they are not. This generates a world of toxic conflicts and denials that SEEMS to have nothing to do with our own thought, intentions or desire. Nothing could be further from the truth – but not in the framing of blame and further attack and dissociation. Truth is the undoing of error by which fear feeds control to usurp the mind. Not its demonisation and destruction.

Opening a true foundation cannot be built on or from a false, and so the false has to be seen as baseless and false rather than attacked as a source of identity reinforcement in acquired ‘virtue’ taken from vice. Science is an intent to be aware of bias and as far as possible, to remove it from the results by choosing not to use it in the framing of question and the methods and means of exploring and testing answers.

The ability to join in baseless meanings as a source of private gain is the same as making money from money – once money was taken out of context as leverage of truth by deceits. Pharma fraud includes its model of interventions and overriding of the body seen as weak, frail, broken, unworthy, susceptible, lacking, and inadequate. These are attributes of self-image projected onto body that ‘separate’ you from truth under a managed and protected covert ID. But “WHO told you you were naked?” – is the basis for enquiry. The ability to question our reality is OF a point of awareness that rises as both the freedom to question, and the capacity to recognise and accept truth as resonant coherence. As the foundation from which to live rather than a goal demanding sacrifice for a future that never comes, for a past is stamped over the face of the present to keep truth out.
Presence does not go away when we dissociate, and in truth nor do we ‘go’ anywhere, but as an active focus within limitation and reactive denial, we be-live our experience as our reality, and seek magical answers to maintain our construct of reality deemed too big to fail, that are destructive and hollowing out, as an addictive compulsion set as social manipulation. Selfishness righty meets the conditions in which the tightness of its mask induces a willingness to question everything, for the foundation, true or false, is in everything we think, say and see clearly, or through a glass darkly. But where you choose to look is up to you.

Apr 21, 2021 8:47 AM

I post info about anti-lockdown marches- not posted by MSM- and the Believers call them white supremacists and anti immigration mobs-even though all ethnicities are present.
I post info re Reiner Fuellmich suit against the WHO etc and one Believer called him an anti-semite (I cannot even find Fuellmich on Wikipedia!)
Everyday the Believers ask me if I have booked an appt for the jab and tell me the dates when they will sleepwalk to the nearest injection site.
Today it was announced that children TWO years and older must wear masks in outdoor playgrounds in Ontario. Can it get any worse.

Apr 21, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  Hele

There are now armed guards manning checkpoints on the border between Ontario & Manitoba

Many Manitobans have cabins across the border in Lake of The Woods. Last year they had a pass and were able to cross. Not any more.

Apr 22, 2021 1:20 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

It’s biosecurity for cattle and terrorism for normal people. Of course, Doug, a fine gangster servant of power, has to do the most severe lockdown in Ontario exactly when I’ve booked my holidays. I have to worry about moving around and I can’t take care of business that I want to take care of. Really nice.

Apr 21, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Hele

That is evil madness. My almost 3yr old would have a complete meltdown if I tried to put on a mask (which I wouldn’t anyway). It will be interesting to see how many actually comply…please keep us updated.

Apr 22, 2021 1:21 AM
Reply to  Esmeralda

Covid idiot parents are already doing that to their young kids here. You see it everywhere. There are also those without masks. I never thought the human face could make me so happy.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 22, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Hele

The meme was established on the “Left” sites right from the start: that covid sceptic = libertarian = white supremacist = anti immigration = anti-semite = any and every other term in the Leftist book of demonology.

This scam has been very carefully prepared and has been in the pipeline for a very long time.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2021 8:45 AM

Concerning those “worms” appearing in the masks, even if they are not alive and are just strands of material, how much mask material is being breathed in? A plague of lung disease looms. Deliberately? Oh don’t get paranoid!

Apr 22, 2021 1:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes. The short strands can be expelled but the long strands can’t be, reportedly. What is short and long? I don’t know.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2021 8:26 AM

The Matrix is in trouble:


“Netflix shares plunge amid fears coronavirus boom is over”

Though I suspect the virus boom is far from over!

Apr 22, 2021 1:24 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Netflix is a business.
Businesses boom and businesses bust.

Nothing to see here.
Sorry, Netflix.

Apr 21, 2021 7:55 AM

Who is Biden trying to kid with that ridiculous face mask?

Apr 21, 2021 6:48 AM

And expect EMA not to approve Sputnik!

Apr 21, 2021 5:54 AM

Brilliant. But no surprises. The lobbying dollars from Big Pharma are far and away the biggest of any industry. Who is going to tackle the issue? Not the politicians, that’s for sure. Not the universities or research laboratories, not the scientific journals. Nor will the FDA and CDC change the self-regulation of either Big Pharma or Big Ag, otherwise we would not be dealing with the health impacts of chemicals polluting our water ways, our air, our food.

Apr 21, 2021 5:48 AM
Apr 21, 2021 11:30 AM
Reply to  elsewhere

Yes, this man is the best. Everyone should listen to him. His message is one of hope. He knows what we’re up against and has a positive message. Legally, psychological, humour and as he himself acknowledged (despite being non religious) spiritual awareness. A great positive interview. I just hope he takes care of himself. There are those out there who’d wish to silence him.

Funny, I took a walk in the park today. Several reflections, the rich and famous all have contracted Covid, Captain Tom dying, Prince Philip dying and Johnson after his illness looking shifty, scared and like shit since. And two anti lockdown central African leaders dying. One of the suggestions in the above clip, media leaders and scientists have been bribed, others threatened – and perhaps bumped off. Sounds mad, but it all fits in with events. Anyway, the hopeful thing from Reiner’s interview is they are making so many amatuerish mistakes because reset has been brought forward from 2050 to now. James Bond villian stuff, perhaps the Pierce Brosnan one versus the criminal who plotted to control the world and set up a false flag with China.

Incidentally, there is a woman who I have passed a few times in the park. 20 seconds before she passes she puts on a mask. 20 seconds after passing removes it. Perhaps Reiner is right, most people are beyond help hence focus on those who have a brain cell. Reiner mentions the taxi drivers he’s spoken to – not withstanding today’s experience, I suggest there are more brain cells out there than we realise.

Some hope and positivity.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 21, 2021 4:13 AM
S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 21, 2021 12:28 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

(Please note. For informational purposes only. Have not been vetted. Whether they are legit is for you to determine).




Apr 21, 2021 3:39 AM

Long Term Studies of Covid Vaccines To Be Invalidated.
Makers of Moderna & Pfizer vaccines say that they will now give their placebo groups the vaccine too– because it would be unethical to withhold it from them.

This in spite of the fact that no long term studies have been concluded, and that any “study” that has no placebo group is simply not a study.

This is being reported by JAMA’s senior writer, and according to The BMJ the WHO and CDC approve the decisions.

Without existence of a control group there is no basis for comparative measurement of side effects or effectiveness.

As of April 1, 2021, VAERS had received 56,869 adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, including 7,971 serious injuries and 2,342 deaths. Of those deaths, 28% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination. The youngest person to die was 18 years old.

VAERS captures only a small fraction of actual statistics because individuals are commonly not knowledgeable or motivated in how to report, and physicians are discouraged to do so. It’s a voluntary system.

Apr 21, 2021 5:38 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“they will now give their placebo groups the vaccine too– because it would be unethical to withhold it from them.This in spite of the fact that any “study” that has no placebo group is simply not a study.”

That’s simple human nature. The editor of “Science” journal reported his experience while acting as science advisor to his local school, decades ago. Math teaching methods were the educational fad of the U$A that year. Which method was best? The scientist naturally proposed dividing the pupils into matched ability groups; each group would be taught math by a different new method, while one group would remain with the traditional method (“placebo” group). The parents were indignant over unethical discrimination: they wanted the scientist to choose the best method for teaching right away, and apply it to all pupils equally.

Apr 21, 2021 5:59 AM
Reply to  NickM

That’s how dyslexia was spread — though the blanket impositon of the Rockefeller-Dewey “Look Say” ideology.

  • ensure conformity/uniform application so there can be no control group comparison and thus no accountability.
  • then call any critics a kook, denier or conspiracy theorist.
  • the same techniques are used against critics of education methods and against those who call for an honest appraisal of vaccines.
  • The funders are the same group of social engineers: Rockefeller-Carnegie-Guggenheim and Gates.

It’s important to recognize the similarities.
The researchers John Taylor Gatto and Charlotte Iserbyt have been discussed on this site.

Another great reseacher was Samuel Blumenfeld: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.

Apr 21, 2021 6:25 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“You either learn your way towards writing your own script in life… or you unwittingly become an actor in someone else’s script.”

— John Taylor Gatto, 1935-2018
New York City Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991, and New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991, New York State Education Department. (They loved him until he started speaking out.)

Apr 21, 2021 9:49 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Treat Gatto with some caution.

I’ve seen him claiming a 1918 book said obedience to authority was the main purpose of education. However the book doesn’t appear to have said any such thing and Gatto misrepresented it (that’s unless the book was tampered with which is not impossible but remains unproven).

Apr 21, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I think he was to free & easy with quotations (easy to say in the Internet age when you don’t have to quote from memory, and he was a practical classroom teacher not an academic, though that doesn’t excuse him) .

His arguments stand, however, because there is plenty of other direct evidence that supports them, along with the testimony of countless others including Norman Dodd, Blumenfeld etc.

Events have borne him out. See what Gates has done with Common Core which directly continues the Rockefeller agenda. Gatto banged on about the Dangan, for example, being a plan for lifelong monitoring decades before anyone knew of the Chinese social credit system

There are plenty of teachers invested in the institutional ideology who hate him but I don’t see any of them counter his arguments, just the man.

Apr 21, 2021 2:00 PM
Reply to  NickM

This is nothing to do with human nature. You need a control group in any trial (or even any science experiment) to compare the effects. Only with controls is it known if the “effects” are from the treatment. Or another factor. Which is why virologists won’t use controls. Because it would prove there are no viruses.

And people are not demanding this experimental medication.

Apr 21, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Good info and thanks for posting it – but it’s nothing new. No vaccine has ever been tested against an unvaccinated control group.

Apr 21, 2021 4:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Thanks, Edwige. True, but in this case, they were– until now– PRETENDING to carry out studies that did just that. Obviously they couldn’t sustain it against the reality of so many adverse events & deaths.


Apr 21, 2021 2:14 AM

“But…but…but you can’t fake science! You can’t fool science! Science is impartial! Science doesn’t lie!” –

Every mask wearing, social distance compliant, sanitiser scrubbing, vaccine guzzling rube, TV watching moron on the planet.

Apr 21, 2021 9:14 AM
Reply to  Ooink

In the movie Omega Man, the diseased are masked and hiding in the shadows. They consider the armed Omega Man, walking about, as a major threat. Their leader rails against him like a prophet. The parallel is eerie.

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Apr 21, 2021 1:59 AM

April 17, 2021
„Reiner Fuellmich – We have the Evidence
„The German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich (1958) has had a long career in which he has conducted controversial lawsuits against Volkswagen, for example. A respectable number of books and research reports are to his name. Fuellmich has focused on investigating the facts surrounding the corona crisis from April 2020. Together with a team of specialists, he has had a large number of investigations that have brought him to the point where he can determine that he and his team have evidence of the true facts.
Fuellmich was recently interviewed by Jerm Warfare. The most interesting parts of this interview are on a video that takes 20 minutes of your time.
Fuellmich calls the events of the past year the worst crime ever committed against humanity. It is not about a virus, nor is it about health. The point is to take everything away from us, making us totally dependent on what he calls the “Davos clique.” They want to reduce the world’s population and have complete control over the remaining humanity.

Fuellmich is relaxed and full of smiles in this interview because he has the peace of mind of someone who knows how the story works and has the powerful evidence for it. He thinks a global tribunal is needed because the scale of the events is so vast and complicated that it is beyond the competence of national judges. Fuellmich and his team are working towards what they call Nurnberg-2.
Who are “they”, who is the Davos cabal? It’s about three thousand people, no more, who want to completely control the rest of humanity. It is not about money for them. The three thousand have so much power that they derive the power from which they exert influence. They bribe people in the medical sector, in business, politics, large institutions, etc. to do what they want. If money doesn’t work, blackmail or even threats. The Davos clique also uses methods to apply massive behavioral influence. They steal taxpayers’ money from citizens around the world. Not to get richer from it, but to make and keep the world’s population dependent on them. To keep us calm there is The cleaning process that will inevitably come could take years. On the positive side, however, we are approaching the tipping point at which the Davos cabal will have to answer to humanity. A major reason for this is that they pile up one mistake after another, causing even the most loyal of people to question. For example, the large amount of side effects resulting from the injections.“

Apr 21, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Terrific interview. Thanks for posting.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Apr 21, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Wonderful find, thank you very much Schmitz

Apr 21, 2021 9:22 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

beyond the competence of national judges
The courts in many countries have been issuing orders and verdicts that exceed the ability of their governments to enforce, their rightful ambit and even sound justice. Here, the crux is what happens after a court or government moves against this super-scam. As someone said, we have freedom of speech, but not necessarily freedom after speech.

Apr 25, 2021 9:05 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Best interview with Fuellmich I have seen: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/297626

Apr 21, 2021 1:55 AM

I watched most of an hour odd clip on UK Column. What struck me was not necessarily the number of side affects compared to vaccinations, which is hard to judge. But the variety of side affects, affecting many, many different parts of the body. I have relatives who’ve had reactions to Flu, but usually they just have Flu like symptoms. Does anyone else think the sheer variety of reactions is significant, say compared to other vaccine programmes?

les online
les online
Apr 21, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  Loverat

what stands out is the ready embrace by UKcolumn of the mainstream imposition of the BlackLiveMatter / Antifa prism on every outburst of social discord in the USA… singing from the same songsheet… t

hey are usually very suspect about mainstream narratives…

Apr 21, 2021 4:31 AM
Reply to  les online

The woke virus. This part of the psyop and the woke propaganda used by the left media has had a devastating affect on family members and friends, and I think, especially the use of the manufactured excess of hatred for clown/actor Trump has been instrumental into selling covid to the willing woke consumers who seem to love and need to buy any and all sorts of crap sold to them.

Apr 22, 2021 1:26 AM
Reply to  les online

UKC has been keen to expose the fakery of the BLM movement in shows I’ve seen.

Apr 21, 2021 4:10 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Are all the vaccine batches the same? There is evidence, it has been posted in these comments (I can’t remember the sources off the top of my head) that the manufacturing process varies. Ingredients used are not always the same, impurities and also sloppy or lazy techniques resulting in folded proteins. Is this done on purpose, just incompetence, or both?

Apr 21, 2021 6:04 AM
Reply to  Loverat
Apr 22, 2021 1:27 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Side effects of poison. Lol.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Apr 21, 2021 8:09 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Yes, without a doubt. Our British Yellow Card system reports these events weekly:

Note that these are not vaccines, even by the producers own admission, they are ‘experimental gene therapies’ – have unknown effects on our bodies and are potentially highly dangerous to health.

les online
les online
Apr 21, 2021 1:16 AM

risk vs risk... it was recently reported in the morning press (nsw) that local doctors, and their insurers, were concerned about the risks they faced if they jabbed under-50s with the risky AZ gene manipulating ‘vax’…concerned about risk of being sued, not risk to the ‘patient’…

they wanted clarity: the national doctors union ‘had been trying to negotiate with the federal government about indemnity insurance…for some time’ …

though such page one reports can only encourage ‘hesitancy’, makes me think of the many medical doctors who joined the Nazi party as insurance…

wokey wakey
wokey wakey
Apr 21, 2021 1:05 AM

woooooooo money, covid bollocks …. meditate on your fifth gmensional masters

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Apr 21, 2021 12:50 AM

Fox News:
„A team from Tel Aviv University and Clalit Health Services found that the prevalence of the South Africa variant among patients who received both doses of the vaccine was around eight times higher than those unvaccinated – 5.4% versus 0.7%. –

“We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group,” said Tel Aviv University’s Adi Stern. “This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection.“

Apr 21, 2021 9:32 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

More magic belief concerning the “virus”, like those concerning its behaviour in restaurants. The glaring cause/source is the vaccine.

Apr 21, 2021 8:05 PM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Ah, the diabolical “variants”– just the thing to goose the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic and further reify the New Abnormal. Now, miracle vaccines or no miracle vaccines, the “variants” are nails in the coffin of the Good Old Normal.

“We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose…”

Assuming purely for the sake of argument that the study is reasonably honest, I don’t suppose any of these scientific geniuses stop to wonder whether the dreaded “South African variant”, and for that matter the growing virilogical Gish gallop of “variants”, is not a mutated wild virus at all, but the witches’ brew vaccine itself.

Apr 21, 2021 12:28 AM

the video, is excellent… but as much as I tried, I couldn’t stop the bouts of rueful laughter. The stupidity and ignorance of those who willingly trust these slippery diabolics with their precious lives, that…the true Sickness !

Apr 21, 2021 12:22 AM

FFS ditch the silly (I hesitate to call it “background” since it is overwhelmingly in front) music.

Apr 22, 2021 1:29 AM
Reply to  Brewer

I hate manipulative music as well. Why do videographers think that they need to do that? A bit of something in the background is fine. But only if it is ‘a bit’ and very ‘background’. Leave the drama and manipulation for (ultra corrupt) Hollywood.

Apr 22, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  Brewer

I’m not an expert on this by any means, but I have read that the music is there to confuse the automatic monitoring systems that are attempting to lock onto key words, presumably for the purposes of flagging any given video for censorship – a bit like spies in movies running the taps in the bathroom to confound the bugs.

Having said that, it is fucking annoying.

Apr 22, 2021 8:15 PM
Reply to  Philippe

I’ve seen the “music as camouflage to foil automated censors” claim by random commenters too, but couldn’t figure out a way to research this unsubstantiated assertion. One comment was posted to an RFK Jr. video with odd, continuously intrusive “New Age” synthesizer music throughout.   

I’ve also seen claims that it’s a “generational” phenomenon– I don’t use the tedious alphabet classifications, so I’ll just say that the claim is that the younger generation is so conditioned to hearing a music soundtrack that they simply won’t tune in to any video that isn’t saturated with music.

I refrain from calling it “background” music, although I presume that’s what it’s intended to be. I’d like to see credible, authoritative expert opinion that confirms these explanations; unfortunately, it may well be true that certain target audiences don’t really “notice” the music but somehow require it to pay attention to the rest.

Apr 22, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  Ort

Maybe the younger generation has bigger problems than we thought.

Or maybe I’m just getting old and lack the capacity to concentrate with such distractions.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 21, 2021 12:07 AM

Gawd! Re-edit the music; it’s distracting!

Apr 21, 2021 6:08 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Oh! I loved it! Such a calming contrast to the stressful information. Sorry, I’m just a classical music tragic I suppose, courtesy of my dear old dad RIP.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Apr 20, 2021 11:51 PM

Off topic. ‘UK border forces ‘seizing 100 fake covid-19 certificates’ every day, MPs told documents ‘very easy’ to forge’ (RT News)…

Clumsy officials ! Why didnt they make ’em digital ? or tattoo ’em on the upper arm ?

Apr 21, 2021 4:45 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

Don’t give them any ideas

Apr 21, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

Problem. Reaction. Solution. They are so predictable.

Apr 22, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Kate


les online
les online
Apr 20, 2021 11:41 PM

in australia, Our Leader – whose previous job was in Marketing – justifies the ongoing campaign to dose Everyone with the Russian Roulette Jab by claiming ‘the Benefits outweigh the Risks’… (The standard Mantra)..

.the Risks: heart attacks, strokes, blood clotting, DEATH, etc, etc, etc… the Benefits: a return to Normal…

but it’s a Return to Normal with ALL the Risks from having had The Jab…

Apr 20, 2021 11:49 PM
Reply to  les online

i keep hoping that the general incompetence keeps the numbers low……smile i.e. Sometimes it is good that our govt is basically incompetent…….

les online
les online
Apr 21, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  EDITH

there is intentional incompetence…you’re meant to think that (occasionally) THEY are incompetent…

that lockdowns, masked mandates, are still part of their armoury points to THEM being very clever…

THEY know how to play us…

Apr 21, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  EDITH

Victor Adler said about Habsburg rule in Austria that it was “Absolutismus, gemildert durch Schlamperei”.

Apr 21, 2021 6:11 AM
Reply to  les online

I have forwarded the video to Dr Swan, The Health Report, telling them if they were at all interested in the truth the ABC would do a Four Corners segment on this story, especially since the co-author of the book is an Aussie. Vain hope…..

Apr 21, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  les online

Here’s a bit of raw data from the UK Govt. 2pdfs. One for the Fizzer and one for the Istruckya.



It’s pretty weird how only about a month ago everybody had “vaccine hesitancy) about the mRNA vaccines but now the Fizzer and Madorma have their opponents on the ropes and everybody’s clamouring for the genetic modifiers. Vaccine wars!

Also this:

Who is pushing the vaxx hardest on ABC radio? Fran Kelly that’s who. Dear old Fran was the principal media drum beater for the Iraq war and the WMD fiasco. She’s already got lots of blood on her hands. And Patricia Karvelas rates a mention too. Has this vacuous birdbrain ever read any of the Vaers statistics? She wants to vaccinate her kids!

Australia is totally FUBAR. Winter’s coming on and due to the insane lockdowns we have almost no natural immunity.

Apr 21, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  busterdeals

Take a lot of Vitamin D.

Apr 20, 2021 11:35 PM

on the radio
cancers back
stroke charity 2
eye tests ear tests
stop you going blind and deaf
charity charity fund raisings

money needed

on the radio
65 or should it be 66%

advertising spend is medical
private for profit foreign coroporations

disney world no
nhs crazy farma

nothing really matters but medication
and protecting the nhs

Apr 20, 2021 11:31 PM

“Herpes infections may be a side effect of a covid vaccine (injectable pathogen) experts have revealed.

Scientists in IsraeI identified six cases in a new study of patients developing a skin rash known as herpes zoster — or shingles — after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, according to a study in the Rheumatology journal.“

I was mentioning to someone here the other day that Herpes is not from unprotected sex but from vaccines.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 21, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

” Herpes is not from unprotected sex but from vaccines.”

Do you have evidence of this link?

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Apr 20, 2021 11:28 PM

Implementing stakeholder capitalism, Reminder: analschwab: „No one will be safe until everyone is vaccinated“

Apr 20, 2021 11:54 PM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

yes never forget that there is a definate connection between all the pharma stuff and the stock exchange madness…… there is a constant roll over of coys claiming to have found the cure for this or that……offering shares promoted by brokers etc ….when enough in, the directors take the money and the lot collapses……. endless game and now for the really big one…….invent a virus scare, use the common cold which is guaranteed to wander about the place, and then sell trillions of injections in the name of saving humanity….. what a wonderful business plan……so far it has been very successful.