COVID is over…if you want it
Margaret Anna Alice

As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air—however slight—lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”
Justice William O. Douglas
Forty years ago, Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory lobbed a film into the cinematic stratosphere unlike any other then or since—a film that, on the surface, sounds like the dullest movie plot in history: two men meet for a meal and have a conversation.
And it is the most riveting quasi-fictional conversation ever recorded on celluloid.
It is a film that slashes to the heart of existence—from the quotidian delight of a cold cup of coffee surviving the night without insect encroachment to a mock death and resurrection ritual. You come away feeling, as Emily Dickinson puts it, “physically as if the top of [your] head were taken off.”
During one scene of Louis Malle’s coruscating My Dinner with Andre, Andre shares his encounter with an eighty-four-year–old English tree expert, who prophesies:
I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing that they’ve built—they’ve built their own prison—and so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners. And as a result, they no longer have—having been lobotomized—the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made or even to see it as a prison.”
Andre continues:
And then he went into his pocket, and he took out a seed for a tree, and he said, ‘This is a pine tree.’ He put it in my hand and he said, ‘Escape before it’s too late.’”
Concentration Camp 2.0
Are we living in Concentration Camp 2.0? In the updated version, psychologically battered inmates amble around in a state of permanent learned helplessness, a brigade of Karens standing guard, eager to inform on anyone who demonstrates a faint alertness.
When they reach the invisible boundaries of their self-constructed walls, they stop. When the atmosphere grants permission to proceed, they tiptoe tentatively forward, cringing in anticipation of the thunderclap order to halt and reverse. And it comes. It almost always comes—but at random intervals, nerves fraying as they remain suspended in a state of perpetual tension, anxiety, and terror until the next shock.
After enough waves of dread, they forget. They forget what it was like before, and they forget what it was like ahead. They forget there is an outside. They forget they have the capacity to stride through those phantom walls. They forget they have agency over their own lives. They forget they possess the power of a collective, resounding “NO!”
Open-Air Prison
In another enthralling conversation—this time a real-life, contemporary one between hysterical Swiftian satirist CJ Hopkins and intrepid Planet Lockdown documentarian James Patrick captured by OVALmedia—Hopkins observes that the language of “lockdown” comes from prison (@ timestamp 25:41):
You brought up the term ‘lockdown.’ Where does this term come from? It comes from prisons. When do you lock down in a prison? When the prisoners get too rowdy.”
James Patrick then relays what a friend said when the lockdown first started, “They’ve turned the whole world into an open-air prison.”
Two conversations between two men about self-imposed incarceration—four decades apart. The methods have become more sophisticated, but the principle remains the same: They with a capital ‘T’ are relying on you to enforce your own captivity. And the easiest way to do that is to ensure you never realize you’re enchained.
Submitting—with Pleasure
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
“We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more—we had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure!”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago: Volume 1 (emphasis in original)
Far too many have submitted—with pleasure—to the ever-accelerating restrictions on our inalienable rights, clueless that such capitulations are historically followed by enslavement.
The compliant mock the contrarians, wearing their badges of obeisance with pride. They dutifully stand six feet apart, refrain from visiting unvaxxed family and friends, permit the closure of small businesses while patronizing multinational megacorporations, ridicule those who choose bodily autonomy over subjecting themselves to experimental genetic modification (all the while refusing, in a supreme irony, to let GMO Frankenfoods touch their precious lips), acquiesce to edicts requiring businesses to become complicit in the enforcement of their papers-please regulations … and then later, when the tyranny becomes too visible to ignore, they will marvel at how it all came about.
Solzhenitsyn captures the psychology that muzzles onlookers and even detainees during the early stages of mass arrests:
The majority sit quietly and dare to hope.… At what exact point, then, should one resist? When one’s belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When one crosses the threshold of one’s home? An arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about any one of them individually—especially at a time when the thoughts of the person arrested are wrapped tightly about the big question: ‘What for?’—and yet all these incidental irrelevancies taken together implacably constitute the arrest.”

Winning Our Enslavement
Étienne de La Boétie, cherished friend of Michel de Montaigne, puzzles over why people lazily submit to despotism in his 1552 work, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude:
It is incredible how as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and so willingly that one is led to say, on beholding such a situation, that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement. It is true that in the beginning men submit under constraint and by force; but those who come after them obey without regret and perform willingly what their predecessors had done because they had to. This is why men born under the yoke and then nourished and reared in slavery are content, without further effort, to live in their native circumstance, unaware of any other state or right, and considering as quite natural the condition into which they were born.”
Numbed into complacency by an infinite array of Huxleyian divertissements, MSM disinformation bombardments, and social media bandwagoning crusades and availability cascades (both informational and reputational), today’s populace scarcely comprehends they are unfree, having been born into bondage and been reared in conformity from kindergarten to university. How are they to perceive the tightening of their shackles when they’re oblivious to their existence?
Twilight: Dusk or Dawn?
Yes, the oncoming night looks bleak, a midnight black that inks over our minds, imposing a communal amnesia that blots out memory of concepts like “free will,” “independence,” and “resistance.”
But twilight can precede dawn as well as dusk.
There are glimmers of light cracking through the mass delusion, reminding us the only reason it persists is we permit it to—like when 50,000 Italian restaurants reopened en masse in defiance of lockdown orders. Or when states like Florida never locked down, or when Sweden initially resisted global pressures to step in line with the rest of the world.
These rare Spartacus moments of peaceful defiance remind us the many drastically outnumber the few. Instead of watching gobstruck while the capos pitch dissidents into solitary confinement, we could raise our voices together in a roaring chorus of “NO” and cut our spider-silk manacles.
de La Boétie reveals the secret:
You can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”
If we can gain a critical mass of awareness about the consensual nature of our subjugation, the puny cadre of autocrats manufacturing our mass subservience just might fall, like Wile E. Coyote plummeting to earth the moment he realizes he is floating mid-air.
Five Finger Death Punch’s Living the Dream video paints a vivid portrait of what awakening to tyranny might look like:
Audacious storytelling like this reminds us of the power of art to jar the sleeping to wakefulness.
COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It

© Melchior Anthony Di Giacomo (used with permission from the photographer)
John and Yoko’s message resonates even more deeply in the context of a psychological war of mass hypnosis. Instead of napalm, Agent Orange, and cluster bombs, we’re facing primarily conceptual warfare today. Seemingly more innocuous, it is potentially as lethal. Yet it is far easier to defeat, if we can break the spell.
The COVID Reign of Terror Is Over. If You Want It.
Here’s a seed. Escape before it’s too late.
Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.
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Thanks Margaret !
Finally got round to watching ‘My dinner with Andre’ tonight. Classic !
There is even a ’40 year later’ reference in there, (weird since it is from 1981). Also liked the references to Scotland (Findhorn), I had unforgettable visit there !
How delightful, and thanks so much for sharing that, Captain Birdheart! Really interesting about the 40 years reference—it’s been ages since I’ve watched it, so I’d forgotten that.
When this is all over, and we have truly taken this planet back for humanity, the writers and staff at Off-Guardian should be amongst the most celebrated of those who fearlessly, tirelessly and boldly committed to the defense of human rights, in the context of arguably the worst assault against those rights in human history.
I’d like to share some thoughts with this community, in one of the very few places on the internet that has consistently maintained a commitment to protecting the freedom of speech.
I’ve posted a few comments here before. I’m currently living on the landmass referred to as Ohio, USA; I spent the period from March of 2020 until January of this year living with family. Before that, I had been trying to create an existence with my partner; though, to be frank, I felt quite at my wits end with this capitalist system, even before the current agenda was unrolled.
I’ve been on this planet for twenty five years, and in those years I, like so many billions of other human beings, have witnessed, and been subjected to, some of the most horrific treatment that you can imagine. I was forced, against my will, to attend a government-run institution, for thirteen years of my life. My father is a “teacher”, or what I would more accurately characterize as an enforcer of despotism on youth.
When I was five, I remember being held down by several “medical practitioners”, and being forced, against my will, to receive an injection. My parents stood by and allowed this to happen.
(And, wouldn’t you know it, I’ve come to understand that these vaccines have caused a serious, global health catastrophe.)
Once I was “released” from my thirteen years of forced internment in a government-run indoctrination camp, and theoretically released from my eighteen years of being a slave, under the law, to my parents, I was told that my only choice was to conform to a monetary system in which I am required to spend the bulk of my waking hours thinking about how I can acquire a piece of paper to pay my bills.
But what can I really do with money? Can I eat it? Can I drink it? I suppose I could try to make a shelter out of it, but I don’t think that would work quite well.
The problems on this planet run much, much deeper than this latest stage of the attempted planetary coup that began in March of 2020. The only reason that it’s been allowed to get as far as it has, is because of the extent of the crimes that have already been committed against the global population, and indeed, against this planet.
Certainly, the past six to seven hundred years have seen European monarchies leverage their control over domestic populations to essentially invade, and attempt to conquer, planet Earth.
I think it’s important for all of us to stop for a moment, and consider that previous passage.
First, what in the world has happened on this planet that one person, or one family, is claiming the authority to literally rule over tens, if not hundreds of millions, if not billions of people?
Second, it is crucial to consider the impact of European colonialism, in terms of the incalculable devastation that has been wrecked upon the indigenous populations of North America, South America, Africa, Asia….
From the moment I have come into this world, I wanted for little else than to “get away” from what I can only describe as a terribly despotic condition.
When I envision a free society, I do not imagine a condition where people spend the bulk of their time toiling away at jobs they detest, for the privilege of acquiring the basics of their survival.
Freedom means being able to opt out of a system entirely – to get together with like minded others, find some land, and begin anew.
My hope is that this current period, in spite of the truly terrible devastation that has been wrecked upon the human psyche by these unbelievably anti-human policies, will serve as a catalyst for a reawakening, a reignition of humanity – and that we can, once and for all, overthrow despotism, and re-establish true natural law on this planet.
The riches of this world are truly at our fingertips. As David Icke has astutely pointed out, and as is the case in any totalitarian regime, the people vastly outnumber the supposed “rulers”.
I’d like to share some resources that I’ve found invaluable in putting words to my lived experiences.
I heartily recommend the work of John Taylor Gatto, a former schoolteacher in New York City who went on to expose these terrible institutions, run by the United States federal government, for at least five or six generations. (
Sylvia Federici’s “Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation”, provides an absolutely essential look into some of the true, genuine, undistorted history of this planet.
In the book, Federici dispels the myth promoted not only by establishment capitalist bulwarks, but as well in the works of Karl Marx, that the development of capitalism was somehow a “natural” transition from feudalism. Rather, as Federici demonstrates in her exhaustively sourced work, the capitalist regime was foisted upon the European population through a campaign of state-sponsored terrorism referred to as “witch hunts”, which bear a striking resemblance to what has been occurring in this current period.
The Sudbury Valley Schools on the east coast of the United States provide a model for what youth can actually look like, i.e. complete freedom for the individual to live as they see fit:
I leave you with this. Let us not be content to return to the “old normal” of horrific, global, technocratic capitalism described by a compliant and indoctrinated press (and establishment in general) as “freedom”.
We must demand no less than the complete abolition of slavery on this planet. That means the abolition of government-mandated indoctrination centers; it also means the abolition of the monetary system, save for those who would choose to voluntarily create and exchange their own currency, in their own societies.
I believe that there is only one true law operating in this realm, and that’s natural law. I believe this concept is expressed as “sins” in the Bible, and as “karma” in Buddhist traditions.
Natural law can be described as follows: That every creature on this planet is fully and completely free to experience the beauty of creation in whatever way so suits them, so long as it does not cause harm to others; and, every being is liable for damages caused to others, in direct proportion to the severity of the crime.
If we can restore true, natural law on this planet, in which the freedoms of speech, travel, assembly, religion, thought, and so on, are absolutely respected for every being, regardless of age, or indeed of species; then I believe that the rest will take care of itself.
I’ve just started a blog, which can be viewed at I’ve only written one article, which discusses the paradoxical past and present of the United States, Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, the “pandemic” that wasn’t and more:
I truly send my healtfelt thoughts and prayers to all that read this message. I have a profound compassion for humanity, just as I have compassion for myself in navigating through these challenging times.
Don’t let them trick you into believing that humanity is anything other than an incredibly loving, caring, compassionate species.
It’s exactly those people that want to travel that they are targeting. Because in the globalist elites’ evil minds those people are the ones that are destroying the planet and those people will be the ones that will die from taking the so-called vax when the next new virus comes out in the fall. They will develop Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).
C’mon Georgie, your ultra-glib and garrulous self not once hesitated before.. handlers gave you a bit of time off, did they?
What- no post from the glib n’ prolific, always helpin’ us George Mc for the last five minutes? Guess the Care Work™ called. Odd that our good friend has never mentioned
what effects the “pandemic” has had on its elderly clients, despite its being on the front™ lnes..
OK, “Margaret Anna Alice™”- I want Da Covid to be over; so it’s over now, right?
Sounds much like [CIA] Caitlin Johnstone’s “all we need is a Revolution of Consciousness / Be Your Own Revolution!” claptrap..
more -IA stuff; no thanks, dudettes..
Nothing on the darpaNet will help.
Wish I could remember the originator of the term ‘pincer-movement’ here, WRT Da Covid;
no, not that one ever-present and so articulate commenter- he’s just part of their Act, AFAICS.
Once more, with true feeling: **Nothing on this here darpaNet will Help* .
Your surveillancePhone will not help you; your online “friends” and acquaintances *will not* help you.
.. and Off-G (heh) will not help you, and its nominal proprietors will not help you, and my careful, persistent downvoters will not help you, and..
Evidence to the contrary is welcome..
Hoping my friendly, anonymous downvoters will show where I’ve lost the plot; and *how exactly your darpaNet and surveillancePhones are going to lead you toward Truth..
Who runs those things? George Mc’s friends, that’s who.
Lots of good observations.
The individual can awaken/walk out but can NEVER awaken alone, for the mind that thinks it is alone is the basis from which the prison/spell is cast out.
In this sense we also align in and perceive the world or witnesses to the purpose of focus we hold. Trying to get out of, destroy, reset, or take over the prison, all reinforce the identity taken in vain.
Seeing how it works in others is part of releasing ourselves, when our purpose is release and being released to a freedom from psycho-pathological judgements that dissociate.split the mind to an unconsciousness of it true freedom, nature and source.
A world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. (Michael Ellner), is an inverted perception made normal.
A masked identity HAS to attack truth to protect a ‘self’ that is invested there over and against exposure to fear of Life seen as death. Inner conflict is feedback to a prison that is externalised, cast out, masked over, kept hidden, diverted from, and substituting cover story for loss of control/face.
And WHO told you you were naked?
Said God.
Thus the authority to question anything that covers or hides or masks, along with the beliefs that induced to conflict that sought to hide itself.
As for our world, all is in flux as a realm of action and reaction, but the qualitative shift or perspective does not wait on conditions. Lockdown of the mind is a mind locked into its own judgements. The pattern is ancient.
Binra (not that there is a “Binra”): you and your long-term handlers Please Fuck Off.
Thanks so much! Truly appreciated.
I must be over the target then.
However I am not at war with lies, but sharing willingness for uncovering truth.
If you are not at home here. You are free to leave.
Or disregard.
…Marry him or marry me
I’m the one that loves you baby can’t you see?
I ain’t got a future or a family tree
But I know what a prince and lover ought to be
I know what a prince and lover ought to be…
Spin Doctors
The masked Nazis are beginning to feel very very uncomfortable as they feel the mood shifting against them on the streets. You can see their anxiety as the masks fall away in the sun and the anal pricks start to feel absurd in their nappies. Oh the joy, I hope we can tar and feather them soon as the Nazis withdraw their support for them and they are left naked and looking pointless and dumb.
We should be welcoming them to our side, to sanity, not tarring and feathering them.
The re-wakening to a shared humanity is the only basis from which renewal can rise from the stamped mind of corruption of thought, word and deed.
The reaction set in vengeance is a direct contagion of the same energy hated in the ‘other’. Regardless the ‘other’s’ actual belief or intentions, consciousness or state of dispossession.
The hates that arise are not the best guide for decision or action, but for many, they know nothing else and protect their grievance as their treasure and their life.
Hence I feel there is a lot more compression to come in terms of the cost of clinging to self-illusions – IF – as I see it – this is a process of releasing all that doesn’t serve, belong or truly share meaning.
Considering life in concept is capable of callous indifference or heartless cruelty as a result of the experience that concepts raised as gods brings forth. As is evident.
Maybe, but I say we shave their heads & frog march them down the street- just in case you’re wrong
Nothing quite like a mob permission slip to bring out that hidden sadist!
We all have all components, but take different roles (at different times).
The mob vengeance is a protected and identified fear set in hate and seeking a target for vengeance. It must find a target or the hate stays home. (Where it never really leaves).
Scapegoat magic is Ancient.
This is of course scapegoat magic.
Offering ‘medical’ frameworks to relieve us of our responsibilities can seem attractive – but then we become victim to demons we cannot dispel because they have hidden them in falsely flagged symptoms and toxic ‘remedies’ or in modern terms ‘sickness management’.
Twit thread relates:
The ‘ego’ of self in image is then running as a protected narrative against Disclosure to fear of pain and loss of undoing as face of self control. It must then seek allies to join in hate/blame as mutual reinforcement in claiming self-justification on basis of …
… framing all communication to support its masking agenda, as the weaponising of communication that communicates only to undermine communication apart from the filtered ‘witnesses’.
This is the OLD NORMAL revealed.
It seeks to reset in shifted narrative rather than lose …
…possession & control as the only life it knows. Yet this is all the life we give it under subjection to an alien will, where we operate under coercions set as conditioned/autonomous habit reaction.
Whatever world is, we each live our own part in its…
.. masking narrative-reaction, and its release from a false-framed deceit to a true appreciation of freedom in awakened response-ability to being truly moved, free of hijack of loveless or alien thinking.
#SeeThePattern opens intuitive awareness outside the frame of fear/reaction
Apparently the biggest problems in the USA today are those evil groups fighting racism, those evil groups fighting fascism, they keep destroying property! and the growth of evil socialism!
It turns out that the CIA & their paid operatives in the media were right all along.
This growth of this evil socialism makes the lack of social mobility, the growing economic equality, the denial of healthcare, the denial of decent education and the quashing of hope, and the corporate monopoly take over of the entire economy, pale into insignificance. Those damn powerless socialists are destroying my life! We need to talk about it every day endlessly and only that!
‘New York is a model for a concentration camp, a camp that has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and all have pride in the prison they built, and they no longer have the desire to leave, or ability even to see it as a prison.’…
There’s those who claim civilisation is the result of a massive trauma undergone by us humans, and that we subject every newborn to that traumatising civilising process,,, (before passing them onto those obedience training institutions aka schools.)…
James DeMeo published his years of research into the traumatising process in ‘Saharasia. The 4000BCE Origins Of Child Abuse, Sex-repression, Warfare And Social Violence In The Deserts of The Old World.’..
It’s not a book i’d recommed to any lefties, in closets, or not…
By ‘civilising processes’ – ‘obedience training’ you must be referring to schools in Illinois use of ‘seclusion spaces’ (solitary), ‘time-out’ and ‘physical restraints’ the state is legislating to limit the use of… (Truly civilising practices might be tranquilising the schoolkids to the eyeballs to get them to “sit still !”, “pay attention”. ?)
Dr Malcolm Kendrick
Kudo’s – such a well-written compilation, poetic post modern genius
and in case you thought the NAZI held a monopoly…
‘A hundred years ago, a white mob destroyed Greenwood, a thriving Black neighbourhood of Tulsa ,Oklahoma, and murdered hundreds of Black people. Officials armed and deputised rioters, and the local Tulsa Tribune newspaper helped mobilise the mob.’ (Columbia Journal Review, 1 June 21).
The NAZI didnt invent the Fear of Contagion, or, the Fear of Being Excluded… Such fears can easily be stirred to bring to heel the ‘antivaxxers’ , ‘covid skeptics’, ‘refusniks’, ‘dissenters’… Insane, yes ! But sane to a worked-up mob…
Spot on; and the
Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis StudyIn order to track the disease’s full progression, researchers provided no effective care as the study’s African American participants experienced severe health problems including blindness, mental impairment—or death.
And they want us to have an EXPERIMENTAL injection – I DON’T THINK SO!
Here is a good option to lash out at CovIDIOTS – anonymously 🙂
Great article. But when you have news broadcasters, like Fran Kelly from the ABC, reiterating over and over “To keep you safe”, even though you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than dying from covid, the fear takes over and people seem too frozen to look any further. There should be a Nuremberg trial for broadcasters spreading misinformation.
The latest ‘mysterious COVID-19 outbreak’ in Melbourne has spread. Many Victorians are said to have fled north to Sydney, so we should expect to be told soon they they have spread ‘The Infection’ to NSW, which will require it’s version of Lockdown, and like Melbourne’s scared chooks, they too will flock to the poison injection centres…
But not to be left out: latest ‘news’ is that a ‘crew member on a ship in WA’s Fremantle port tested positive to coronavirus… So Panic Stations Everyone…
Victoria’s current scare campaign is being woven around age care facilities – of the national total of around 920 (?) covid deaths in 2020, ‘In Victoria’s deadly second wave last year, 655 aged care residents died from COVID-19’ (SMH. June 1st)…
Meanwhile: China has unwittingly revealed how it intends taking over The World Without Firing A Shot…Young Chines have been urged to ignore the old one-baby-per-family policy, and to have three, even four kids. (Do It For Your Country)…
There will, of course, be no jobs for those kids… But the Wise Leaders of China realise that as the Wests Injected die off, there’ll be a big demand for Chinese to fill the need for workers…
Australian businesses seem to be in on The Plan…For though there are tens of thousands of Australians who have been thrown on the scrapheap by government policies, rather than train any of them, businesses are pressuring the national government to increase the influx of already skilled migrants…
More of The Great Reset…
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
— Joseph Goebbels
Here’s a longer (3 minute) clip from My Dinner With Andre — same part shown above, but you gotta hear what he was saying before getting to the New York concentration camp part. Incredible — see bold segment below. I saw that movie when it came out — I was in my 20s — and it just flew right over my head. Glad I’m awake now, even though the truth hurts. I’d much rather be awake though so I can make better decisions and plans.
TRANSCRIPT of the above segment:
Andre: Okay. Yes. We’re bored. We’re all bored now. But has it every occurred to you, Wally, that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing created by a world totalitarian government based on money? And that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks. And it’s not just a question of individual survival, Wally, but that somebody who’s bored is asleep? And somebody who’s asleep will not say “no”?
Andre: See, I keep meeting these people, I mean, uh, just a few days ago I met this man whom I greatly admire, he’s a Swedish physicist, Gustav Björnstrand, and he told me that he no longer watches television, he doesn’t read newspapers, and he doesn’t read magazines. He’s completely cut them out of his life because he really does feel that we’re living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare now, and that everything that you hear now contributes to turning you into a robot.
Andre: And when I was at Findhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert who had devoted his life to saving trees. Just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the redwoods, he’s 84 years old, and he always travels with a backpack cause he never knows where he’s gonna be tomorrow. And when I met him at Findhorn, he said to me, “Where are you from?” and I said, “New York.” He said, “Ah, New York. Yes, that’s a very interesting place. Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave, but never do?” And I said, “Oh, yes.” And he said, “Why do you think they don’t leave?” I gave him different banal theories. He said, “Oh, I don’t think it’s that way at all.”
Andre: He said, “I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they’ve built. They’ve built their own prison. And so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners, and as a result, they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made or to even see it as a prison.” And then he went into his pocket, and he took out a seed for a tree and he said, “This is a pine tree.” He put it in my hand and he said, “Escape before it’s too late.”
Andre: See, actually, for two or three years now, Chiquita and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out. That we really should feel like Jews in Germany in the late thirties. Get out of here. Of course, the problem is where to go, cause it seems quite obvious that the whole world is going in the same direction. See, I think it’s quite possible that the 1960s represented the last burst of the human being before he was extinguished and that this is the beginning of the rest of the future now, and that, from now on there’ll simply be all these robots walking around, feeling nothing, thinking nothing. And there’ll be nobody left almost to remind them that there once was a species called a human being, with feelings and thoughts, and that history and memory are right now being erased, and soon nobody will really remember that life existed on the planet.
Tike, thank you for reminding me of the grander context for the original clip—talk about prescient! I appreciate your sharing the expanded clip and am especially grateful for the excerpted lines and link to the full transcript. I found your contribution so relevant to the article, I decided to add a footnote to the original post crediting you for the discovery.
Q for Margaret Anna Alice: are you willing to say which of our many Western Intelligence™ Agencies you’re working for? Thanks so much.
“Covid is over- if you want.” it says.. better check with those who are running the OMG! Covid! show about that, Dear.. but “you” know that.
Margaret, Thank you very much. I really appreciated your article, especially having grown up during the John and Yoko years. And I was negligent in thanking you in my posting — it is an excellent piece. I was just so taken with that Andre clip and remembered seeing it last summer, so had to look it up again — yeah, extremely prescient, to the point of being a little bit too much so, if you know what I mean. Thanks again.
I don’t think this is some conspiracy to take over the world. Possible eventually a new world order along the lines of the Georgia Guidestones. To me everything they are doing screams depopulation. It just seems so obvious. Nothing works with 7 Billion people. So you have a conspiracy that we all going to be turned into zombie controlled slaves. First point. 80% of us are already Zombie slaves, before Covid. Second point. I’m assuming Zombies still consume natural resources? Back to square one. Problem not solved.
Definitely not about population. The world is easily able to support itself with food, including meat, and water. If there was a food shortage the market would work without interference from billionaires: look at the past 50 years of central Africa for examples. It is about power and who gets to be top dog after the USA declines.
What we are looking at is the response to Peak Oil. Conventional peaked around 2005 and shale peaked in 2019.
Before the needle approaches empty and civilization collapses – it has been decided that 8B humans be exterminated – to avoid epic violence, rape and cannibalism.
It is the RIGHT decision. Resistance is fortunately – futile
You are wrong Resistance Is Fertile
Resisting temptation to baited deceits is the way to abide a love of truth.
Invested Lie and the father of it works like tares among the crop.
Fear and love alloyed.
Invest in the fear and die within our illusions, or release illusions to what we do not expect and cannot get to or conceive of – let alone control, from the frame of the lie.
Aligning in love of freedom will release what does not serve.
I may not share another’s choice but while I would deny his freedom of choice I deny my own. On the other hand all choices have consequences. I cannot and should not protect others from their own process of learning, or I deny my own my seeking to control others.
The fear of extinction belongs to the system based on deceit – whether globalist of bot-net population support and allegiance.
We may have to get rid of our pet dogs and cats… Though there’s millions upon millions of cows and sheep in the Great Land of Plenty, Australia, and meats have (nearly) always been relatively cheap to buy, the MSM is spreading stories about looming meat prices increases… So, do i go vegetarian, or get rid of the pets ? Decisions, decisions !!
(Of course there’s always kangaroo meats.)
Meanwhile, we all know Bill Gates wants us to Save the Planet by stop eating meat. (except for The Rich, that is)….So Russian Today (2 June) headlines “The Worlds largest meat processing corporation, JBs, was hit by a cyberattack which disrupted meat production in the US, Canada and Australia, and forced many workers to stay home.”
Clearly the Russians, or Chinese, know Vital Infrastructure to disrupt !! Do you think Bill & Melinda might be funding them too ?
We have previous regarding pets in the UK
Apparently, the Australian government is set to legalise euthanasia (GAS – Government Assisted Suicide as someone suggested)… Maybe it will contain a section about setting up pet euthanasia termination sites.(PETS) ?
Ah, the Brits! Surely the world’s most biddable?
That segment from My Dinner With Andre was exquisite. It was this month, back in 1984, when my then-wife and i sat to watch it on TV (PBS), her father was visiting but fell asleep, she and i shared a joint, had no idea what the movie was about, but heard good things, so we decided to try it out, and …were mesmerized.
One factual error:Florida did get locked down for a few months, some parts more so than others, e.g. Miami and area.
True. South Dakota was the only state that never locked down
Jeffrey, I loved hearing your anecdote about when you first watched My Dinner with Andre—that’s a memory to treasure.
I also want to humbly thank you for pointing out the factual error about Florida! You are correct, and goldhoarder is right about South Dakota being the only state to never lock down. I have changed Florida to South Dakota in my original article thanks to both of you.
Articulate, generous, kind in the words.. what’s not to like?
Alaska didn’t do a state lockdown, but Anchorage has been awful I’ve read. It’s been left up to towns/municipalities.
The Master’s Biddings
Corruption pervasively
Embedded throughout the land
The master’s biddings
Woven into the fabric of our lives
Eradication perversely
Unending on a scale so grand
The billion starving babies
During my life’s dying cries
Apathy prevailing
The conditioned sheep are all around
The master’s biddings
Are now done without a thought or sound
by Mark R. Elsis
November 5, 1996
Resonate Love
144 Poems
by Mark R. Elsis
To borrow an idea from George Mc, yesterday: the Great Reset is the latest Capitalist Mutation….It’s a system that’s always mutating – though the preferred description is ‘undergoing crisis’…and We The People , it dont give a fuck about..
In ‘On Socialism’, Gustav Landauer, a participant in the 1918-19 Bavarian Soviet Republic
claimed “socialism could start today if enough wanted it to.”. He got beaten to death by the German Freikorps for his temerity… An early Rolling Stones LP was “Got Live… If You Want it..”… If COVID-!9 is really just a state of mind, a really frightened State of Mind, then, yes. it’s over – if you can overcome The Fear…
Anarchist-inclined, he wrote before his death that the natural world contained no entity more vile than the (German) Social Democratic Party.
The beach is only a few minutes away by bicycle, so I’m down there many times a week. We’re on full lockdown, emergency stay at home, and have been for weeks. Today, and in past weeks, there have been thousands down at the beach (even during the week), and not one in a hundred is wearing a mask. Kids are playing, people are happy, and dogs are getting their walk.
The streets are full of people, mostly not wearing masks, and the traffic is quite heavy too.
In the spirit of honoring the wonderful, cynical, Soviet citizens of years gone by, it’s time to revive the ‘Soviet joke’, of which examples were innumerable.
As a start, may I offer:
They pretend to make the rules, and we pretend to follow them.
Today, I needed to go to a different town, where I have a p.o. box. The bus ride (35km) is split between two lines. The second line is a main line from the capital to the East, where my post office is. The first bus was full with masked people. When I buy the ticket at the connecting station, I ask the cashier what that long strip at the end of the ticket is (no reading glasses at that moment). She says: “You have to fill that out.” I get my reading glasses out and look at the strip below the ticket.
“First Name – Last Name – Address – Phone Number – Gov ID”
“I don’t want to fill my data in there.”
“You have to. It’s a new government regulation – because of covid.”
There is a package for me at my post office that I have been waiting for. It is from my Mom. So, I buy the ticket and go to wait for the bus. But my anger level is rising. I am not going to do that. Filling in my personal data. I decide to return the ticket. Tell the cashier that I refuse to fill that out – asking to get the money back. There is a 10% fee for returning tickets.
The local bus line does not require this information. I take the next bus back to my village.
Covid is not over because I want it. I want it for sure to be over, but the Uruguayans will still wear their masks when the whole world stopped doing it. They give their ID away to collects points at the supermarket. People here do drive their cars with masks and faceshield on. Stink eyes by masked people outside because I refuse to use a mask.
Unable to take a picture from inside the bus – there were a dozen chemtrails in the sky, neatly next to each other – absolutely unnatural. Not possible in nature. Nobody looks up. Everybody looks down onto their smarter than them phone.
This shit is too depressing. Today I realized these people would even wear masks if nobody told them to. Covid won’t be over in Uruguay – because the people don’t want it to be over.
Why not just put false information?
A missing digit here, an incorrect one there.
This gives plausible deniability that it wasn’t actually you, and also pollutes whichever database this ends up in.
If you get stopped on the journey and the incorrect data is spotted you just say “oops, must have wrote it down wrong”, or “whoops that’s my old phone number, silly me!”
Many ways to resist
Yes you must play the game for your own sanity….my dogs name goes on anything I am required to fill out along with odd phone numbers…just remember one from a govt agency…don’t let them spoil your day…
I agree with You – although only under the consideration that You are a citizen of the country that is so lost in panic and confusion. As an alien without proper status I would expose myself to a backlash that would endanger not only my life, but also the lives of my Felines.
Therefore, and until I can leave this place, I talk to people about it, as I told the cashier that I do not consent to this kind of fascist control. And the people in the bus back. And the people I was supposed to meet up with.
No information is better than false information imo. The incorrect data can always be construed to be intentionally so. Ending up in this “justice” system is no option.
“Help rid and cure New Jersey of the Murphy-Virus Pathogen.”
If humanity had depended on the majority, we’d be long gone, we wouldnt have come out of our caves. They’re nothing of when they should rebel, what they’re thinking is what is everyone doing, so I can do the same. Anyhow someone told me on the phone her sister got vaccinated because everyone her sister knows got vaccinated. So no one forced her, she just did it to be like those she knows. I didnt feel like saying “Oh, everyone I know is jumping off cliffs like lemurs, Im wondering if I should do like them. She herself was vaccinated but that was because they forced her, they said they wouldnt treat her cancer otherwise. Can you believe it? Someone suffering from cancer being forced to just get her treatment. I think its criminal.
Alongside any doctor who is trying to protect his patients from the measures is having his license taken away, is being investigated by the police and then arrested, and is receiving threatening phone calls, so they have to change their phone numbers. Its not just one doctor, its systematic now. How does the police get know: patients denounce them.
Thats France for you: bienvenue au pays de la délation et de la collaboration.
They are also making cancer treatment patients get injected in aust …why one would think that is a good idea health wise is beyond me,,,,and I personally know of one case when the persons treating dr tried to intervene to stop the requirement, they were directly threaded with de registration….so it seems a common theme they are following…like so much going on…be orders from above that must not be challenged…beyond crazy
Seems like a lot of “I heard”, can you provide facts? I have some friends with cancer and they have not been ‘asked’ to take the medical device/vaccine, nor coerced so I’m curious to know where you think this has occurred.
Cairns nth qld…state govt hospital cancer radiation/ chemo centre…phone no on the book or on line..,glad to hear some places are not doing so…are they in Queensland?
Yes, reading between the lines avoid going to hospital for as long as possible if you can. Be careful and look after yourselves.
Actually I have been personally advised to do just that by one of our local hospital drs who I regularly walk with….I have taken his advice seriously…between the covid tests they insist on doing and all the other nonsense that goes on I doubt I would be happy there anyway….
You are telling lies Annette.
It’s not like that here, where I live in France.
Where, do you live? You never say.
Last I read, you were not a French national but were, somehow, in France and desperate to leave..
…after leaving Cambridge or was it Oxford…with a broken leg?
I never could figure out how you got to France, in your timeframe.
You’ve had a good run but no cigar for you, Annette.
Lemmings, not lemurs
I noticed that too, but it might as well be “lemurs”.
Over the years, lemming-enthusiasts have railed in many an Internet comment against the settled notion that lemmings impulsively (or compulsively) take suicidal leaps from cliffs en masse. They righteously point out that this is a slanderous fiction originating in a 1958 Walt Disney wildlife documentary, “White Wilderness”, which ostensibly illustrated this activity by manufacturing fake footage.
Worse yet, when this controversial claim was investigated, the investigators discovered that the lemmings supposedly committing mass suicide by leaping into the ocean were actually thrown off a cliff by the Disney filmmakers. Nice! I guess PETA wasn’t around then, although I admit that I wouldn’t mind seeing PETA activists being thrown off a cliff en masse.
I’m not a fanatic lemming-lover, but for some reason ever since learning of this Disney deception I do my part to contest it. 😉
Watch: “Dr. Stefan Lanka destroys infection theory, virus theory, virology, epidemiology and the corona lie with a single video” – (use translate option if necessary)
The links at that web site are excellent. Thank you.
Dr Amanda Vollmer. She packs some punch!
I hold him perhaps the most pivotal scientist of our time not just for his science, but for his communication for life, as a integrated expression of science/biology and spirituality.
While the mind thrashes around in symptoms that SEEM to be psycho-pathological, the basis for such a futility is being brought to light.
If the devil didn’t exist we’d have to invent it, and so it is for deceit and the demonisation that masks its concealment by projection. It doesn’t work to deny illusions as if telling them they don’t exist. We only dispel the deceit from awakening outside the frame of its identity conflict.
Our goals: “Have the courage to use your own mind.”
… and take personal responsibility!
Stefan Lanka’s site
Quite a lot of English pdf links
Not a rabbit hole. But grounded sanity – regardless what the Mad Hatter says.
“Inalienable rights’? What inalienable rights? We have none other than those we TAKE! We are NOT given freedom, or democracy, we take it! And that’s not a right either, unless we defend it, sometimes with our lives.
Live our right.
You are given a mind of awareness by which to know your own existence and share in this experience. You may assign that to any cause or to random mutations set under death, but that is an act of focus and intention. At this level, no one can make your choices unless you give permission.
Rights within the world are a giving and receiving, by which social structures of trust are established as frameworks through which to live.
The idea of rights set over and against perceived/believed wrongs is another matter.
If you take from another what is not yours, you steal or deny others and forfeit freedom to the obligation of consequence.
If your rant was the basis for life it says those who take shall dominate and enslave or predate upon, except others will take back and pay back to vindicate their right to vengeance. While this is recognisable, it is ‘war-mind’ or reptilian fight-flight reaction overriding the capacity to relate in life recognised and shared worthy.
I acknowledge your right to be, and share it.
Yes standing in true with-ness and true worth-ship may be the nature of our persecution or death. But Where else CAN we stand? To die in advance is not really a living option but a sacrifice of life to fear, masked over in denials that begin with our own life.
I share a critical view of the modern idea of rights that leverage collective sacrifice to serve a selective ‘virtue’.
But where is your authority and right of self-acceptance or decision?
It is who you are. Your life is also a gift to yourself as well as others.
Defences can be usurped at the bait of a hook.
Apparently the biggest problems in the USA today are evil groups fighting racism, evil groups fighting fascism, they keep destroying property! and the growth of socialism!
It turns out that the CIA were right all along. All this makes the lack of social mobility, the economic equality, the denial of healthcare, decent education and hope, and the corporate monopoly take over of the entire economy, pale into insignificance. Those damn powerless socialists!
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
– William Casey, CIA Director, Feb. 1981
(As recorded in the notes of Reagan/Bush campaign staffer Barbara Honegger)
Gee, I wonder what kind of progress the CIA could make in 40 years?
We’ll know our true being when we are willing to bring everything in our mind and world to question.
Don’t ‘believe’ a mind and world set in dissociation, judgement and masking conflict set as power of safety and protection. (Distance, lockdown, mask and ‘vaccinate’).
Those who deceive WANT what they get from it, and this feeds an appetite that consumes them and all who align in like thinking.
Good article, awful 😣 video
I quite like the bog roll zombies…….
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Thanks Amy, the No Jab site is very useful
“anti-vaxxers? Well if one wish to get technical about it. It is The anti-Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Death Shot Cull Juice Jab League and it gets its marching orders from WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY).

Time for the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopath Criminals TO GET OFF THE PLANET!
Four billion worldwide population—all living—have a Computer God Containment Policy Brain Bank Brain, a real brain, in the Brain Bank Cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight tv sight-and-sound recorded by your brain, your moon-brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold Brainwash Radio—lifelong inculcating conformist propaganda.
UK – Channel 4 – 9PM – 01/06/2021
The Anti-Vax conspiracy
Who are the people behind the international anti-Covid-vaccine movement and why are they doing it? This journey inside the astonishing world of the anti-vaxxers finds out.
Followed by Naked Attraction… Says it all really…
Do you think this will fair and balanced?
Was it sponsored by the B&M F?
Will it be Russia? Will it be Aliens?
I can’t wait to see…..
Remember folks they had to change the definition of both a vaccine and a pandemic to fit their narrative.
Yeah and I’m the conspiracy theorist.
The video is dedicated to all you woke folk at Channel 4, ITV, BBC and our inglorious unarmed forces…. Oh nearly forgot Matt Handjob and the team…
The video is dedicated to all you woke folk at Channel 4, ITV, BBC and our inglorious unarmed forces…. Oh nearly forgot Matt Handjob and the gang…
Baseball cap lucky to not be put down instantly.
At least those navy boys show restraint, a para would have pulled the little pricks arm off and beat him with the soggy end 😂 excellent video 👌🏻
But sadly they don’t need strength and force to win this war….they just needed to change definitions as you say and then start a whisper campaign about a deadly virus…,and the western world rolled over and let complete nutters like faucci, handjob, bojo and our useless here take over…
our populations have given in over a flu which has proven to be no worse than any of the past….perhaps this proves the pen is mightier than the sword.
Yes its ALL on definitions given belief BY reaction.
Drilling via global exercises and prequels brought instituted regulatory capture and lockstep under financial and legal ‘deals’
At the last minute Mr Globanker and stakeholders changed the playbook, but all the vertically aligned institutions were set as a chain of command – not discussion, debate, or any community of consideration – excepting such ‘quangos’ as were stuffed with useful idiots and their handlers.
It been brewing up for a century and more. The means of its trojan surprise came through a cultivated medical conditioning that is identified in pharma as if it is science SERVING humanity.
The little punk goes for the sucker punch as soon as the other bloke isn’t looking.
I watched the majority of it and can only say that if it made more people aware of Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 then ch4 scored an almighty own goal,It was almost as if they tacked covid vaccines on as an afterthought but the sleeping masses will conflate the two and come up with antivaxx=bad
I’ll help them along a little here
I’ve yet to watch it all. I did see them trot out Jeremy Corbyn’s brother tho and I thought I saw a young Wilfred Brambell.. but it turned out to be some non-entity known as Keir Starmer… In his big suit (as usual.. must make him very feel special)
So who in their mind is behind the worldwide-conspiracy?? Let me guess the ‘International Bankers’… ‘The Jews’… MAGA?? or is it those Neo-Nazi linked crystal therapy and alternative treatment persons? or God forbid those fiends who actually read the little leaflet that is packaged with their medication.. you know the one.. it lists all the side-effects….
Far be it from me to be a little sceptical of a mislabelled, untested, experimental, rushed to market cocktail of God knows what being ‘forced’ upon me by a collection of some of the very worst people and corporate entity’s on this planet….
Isn’t it funny that they can push conspiracy theories when it suits
Maybe Channel 4 should stick to catering to the highbrow needs of the Hollyoaks crowd.
Does anyone else remember when Channel 4 used to be quite good… you know back the 80’s
Lizard people.
This idea of adult freedom has been an ongoing topic since Plato’s “Republic” and the Allegory of the Cave almost 2400 years ago. People are kept fascinated by the 2D shadows on the wall of the cave. Flickering light shadows, blindered from experiencing actual reality, when taken up to the daylight and reality of Earth, the programmed, adapted, cave dwellers attack the person that has brought them up to reality as if they were the enemy.
Much the same as those of us who today try to deprogram, talk down, the peer-pressure-duped. The kovidians, the passive war mongers, the convenience addicts, the believers in “leaders” to think and decide for them. 2396 years later we face the same paradox until we believe in our collective selves to create a world we-the-99% desire.
People just don’t get that there’s many levels of reality out there. The one most people choose to accept is the 6 o’clock TV news version.
Perfectly put Sandy!!
So these cave dwellers from 2400 years ago. You seem to reference there behavior like it was observed by psychologists. So how do we know this with such accuracy? Or is this just another “model/prediction”?
It’s a very old and very famous allegory of human behavior by Plato
ahhh, wiki. The cornerstone of credible information.
You think Wikipedia made up Plato’s Cave?🤦♀️
Kneejerk dismissal is just as stupid as kneejerk acceptance. Try thinking. It’s worth the extra effort.
Likewise the Emperor’s New Clothes.
Fear of disclosure as invalid (illegitimate) cascaded as a top down usurpation of the realm by a wishful vanity trapped in self-illusion, defended with all the power of state, hence a true word would identify as an enemy of the state. Learning to ‘see’ the new clothes was the new normal.
The child represents innocent perception give unselfconscious witness.
“But WHO told you you were naked?” said the Lord, represents capacity to see the masking mind from a point prior to self-deceit and fig-leaf thinking, set in priestly obfuscations and thorns.
I’d liken democracy to a self built prison camp of the people. The democratic people created the largest state ever themselves, they populated the state themselves, they populated their institutions with vast armies of bureaucrats and politicians, they created loads of political parties and activist organizations, they created themselves an historical unprecedented amount of laws and regulations, they created a new dictator, the media, themselves, an ubiquitous dictator in which they invested enormous amounts of energy and attention, which started to dictate reality to them.
No historical system, a dictatorship by an autocrat, monarchy, aristocracy, etc. etc. has ever known such ubiquitously present, vast of extent and powerful dictators as those created by the modern secular national state democracies. And since these are everywhere in the Western world, there is nowhere to escape in the Western world.
You don’t describe democracy only the corruption of it.
The pantomime that is the corruption of the concept?
“why people lazily submit to despotism in his 1552 work”. That’s not very encouraging. It’s like, humans are going to be humans and there ain’t shit we can do about it. Which is true. What makes some of us different?
They’ve got signs up in places here inviting people to not wear the mask. They say if you’ve been vaccinated, you can come in without one. So I go in without one, they’re not asking for proof. Ninety percent of the people in the busy store I was in last night had masks on anyway. The sign on the front door said they did not have to wear one if they were vaccinated. All they had to do is pretend they have, like me. But hardly anyone did! I guess the good part based on the number of masks, not very many had been vaccinated. But what sheeple!
It’s like we’re back in 1552.
Idiots will be wearing masks in ten years time and loving every minute of it
The masking persona is so habitual to our consciousness that it filters, limits and blocks actual consciousness without hardly anyone ever questioning their lockdown.
If we create our future by modelling it, we give the support for its imposition in advance.
More likely 90% of those vaccinated were too scared to go maskless.
I was forced to wear a muzzle recently after 14 months of never donning one. This happened when I boarded a plane for my first flight during the plandemic. An overweight male flight attendant of uncertain sexual orientation insisted I put on the humiliating symbol of submission and I was in no position to resist. Airports and airliners are choke points that the banksters use to force the sheeple to comply. Resist and you could be stranded a long way from home.
Dolores Cahill has been very successful quoting common law to travel without wearing a mask, and she has flown loads in the past 15 months.
This requires an education of the heart and mind both.
I met a woman who was stuck in Italy but learned from that video to come back to England without signing up or consenting to a sick mind.
I’m starting to think they’re trying to just bore us to death now quite frankly, with all this bullshit that only a fucking moron could believe and get any stimulation from, and would need to have the same neuron count as a sponge. They really did a number on people these last twenty five years didn’t they?
I have to say I am bored shitless by this on-going year zero but some of my friends and I have probably laughed more in the last year than the last half century that we have had the pleasure of being here in paradise(extreme sarcasm).
Someone on here, my apologies can’t remember who, wisely said they have to keep the emergency variants going as the “ vax” is only authorised under emergency use.
That being said, I’m sure it’ll be kept going for the foreseeable future until the critical mass of vaxed is reached and nobody else will take it.
Now, we know we unvaxed number in the millions if not billions.
Now what do we think will happen when they realise that that’s it no one else is stupid enough to have it freely but there are still millions, billions to go?
Have they then reached their critical mass of reducing useless eaters?
Judging by the freedom marches all around the world if I were in power I would not be ignoring this.
Police at these marches are seriously outnumbered and resort to batons and dogs right now and you can see their fear.
at this point we’re informed, annoyed and making a point. Which I’m sure they are very aware of as they’re not that dumb.
In my view it can go one of two ways.
1) In a future protest at an unspecified time, some police person gets shit scared and batons a kid or said kid gets attacked by police dog or shot.
Police and authority have crossed a line and crowds then go berserk, think riots in the u.s. quite rightly and v for vendetta kicks off big time world wide.
And no, if Bojo or any of his crony police are looking I’m not inciting a riot, I’m having a discussion of scenarios for educational purposes only,
2) They decide to make an authoritarian point as they did for the yellow vest protests and surround places with heavy machine guns and tanks as they did the presidential palace.
This is their line.
Absolutely no connection anywhere with restrictions on gun ownership at all for times like this I’m sure and absolutely sure the internet wouldn’t be turned off or censored.
There may be more unspecified ways for things to pan out as I can see a shit scared, hunted look in Bojos face. You can clearly see it when he thinks the cameras aren’t on him.
I know that look, that’s a “shit I hope they don’t cotton on” look.
Anybody want to spout off?
Anybody got any thoughts?
Bojo and cockhands, Hanging from a gallows pole.
That would be educational, yes 😉
There’s no chance of the fat slob reading this he reads fuck all.
spooks will be reading it – it’s their job 🙂
Prohibition, as shown by history, is a busted flush. We wake everyone. Pareto principal.
It will depend on what their critical numbers are for bringing in digital currency and using injected numbers of how easy it will be to enforce it..,remember getting rid of cash is most certainly a big part of this agenda….apparently you need to know where your population is most of the time to make this work…the injected are providing the backbone of that system it would seem….
we are one week from the last delusion eclipse, in about 4 months it will be far harder to keep any delusion going…then we get close to a new eclipse set and that one is going to play the economic scene result of all this big time…
expect some sort of shift to start playing out in the next few months…perhaps they will start letting us think we are winning the game on not being injected as part of that…at some point they have to move onto the next phase.
Actually that is number 10 in the list above….and the schedule will be from nov 2021 if I know anything…
I’m thinking 1) is more likely to go in the opposite direction and the police lay into the protesters on some faked premise, escalates and the media puppets rally around “our brave thin blue line”.
Accompanied by pics of latter day punks, skinheads etc, nutjob anarchists get sound a goodun.
3D printer go brrrrr
Mr Johnson will also ask for their support for the Global Pandemic Radar – a new surveillance system that will
protect immunisation programmes
against new Covid variants through early detection…Right thats it last orders for you chum. I suggest you put your over prices bottom on your bike and start peddling because I am going to sail my friends ketch from Christchurch NZ ,motor up the Thames, drop anchor at Traitors Gate and with a large Kauri pike in hands track you down and while performing the haka impale your severed head atop pike and after mounting both on traitors gate I will shout
God save the queen Kia Ka
On the “you can’t make this stuff up” front –
How could this NOT be censored???
Because it’s a real ad
I asked her.
She said “fuck off”
Good grief
Now this is one hell of a mind fuck. It’s all a bit of a larf ain’t it! And their website takes you behind the scenes for some chummy background info:
“It’s not every day that a group of airline employees covers a hit song from the 80s, but bringing the “fun” to care and safety is just what Alaska does.
Alaska Captain Patrick Miller (or Captain Pat, as everyone calls him) tried to keep a low profile during the Safety Dance filming, but the director quickly realized they had a star in their midst.
Miller’s natural swagger and infamous keytar moved him quickly to the forefront. And even though he’s never played ‘a lick’ of keytar before, he says his informal guitar playing in a band and countless weddings over the years prepared him for this moment.
“It was a heck of a lot of fun,” Miller said. “Just a cool experience.”
We are in that familiar atmosphere of “Stars in their Eyes” fun!
“Miller also loves the message of Safety Dance—and that it shows how Next-Level Care is something Alaska takes very seriously. “The cabin is kept so clean, it’s sanitized after every flight, masks are required and our HEPA filters onboard remove 99.9% of contaminants in the air.””
“Next-Level Care”?
Now THAT has an Orwellian ring!
Yep, fly with us with HEPA filters and gel all over you, and then get euthanised when you hit 65, completely germ free.
jaw hits the floor
Hilarious stuff even better than Monty Python real comedy gold there
Thanks Alaska. Know now to avoid like the plague – plague geddit!!
I like this version from Media Bear:–
And check their others parody music videos:–
The Revolting Gimps
It’s obvious that in covidian zealots’ dimension, rational thinking is no longer a standard of reasoning. Otherwise, these people would not expect everyone to be vaxed, despite their risk of death from covid is minimal, and despite the shaky record of efficacy and safety of vaccines. I don’t get it: if you are afraid of covid, get your f*cking vaccine, but why do you have to impose that on others? The only plausible reason is that these people are some sick psychopaths and sadists who want to force others into submission in the name of “science”.
Mass mind control + mass hysteria
Yes, this is a gold mine for sadists, sociopaths and garden variety bullies who get off on exercising control over other people. Also applies to the SJW/CRT sphere. It’s not just sociopaths et al; at this point, these people simply can’t be swayed by reason. They simply can’t hear it. They do not know how to think. They don’t want to. Slavery truly is freedom for these folks.
We now can identify them.
Hope so. Beware of the New Inquisition…
They must be the good guys because they are hunting down the bad guys.
This is where evil hijacks the hearts and minds of those who seek to eradicate it… in others.
I am very much support a restoration of accountability to the Law as it serves and supports us as a whole, rather than the corrupted edit operating a realm of contracts set in legal fictions running in place of a living relationship.
Why are they bothered about people who haven’t been vaccinated , it shouldn’t be a problem for those who have should it if they believe the shit they’re being told ?
Right. According to the vaccine mfrs if you are vaxxed then you are “protected.” So, why should they fear the unvaccinated? As the “vaccines” only decrease the severity of the symptoms, it is the unvaxxed that should fear the vaccinated – not the other way around. By their own statements, creating an apartheid society where the vaccinated have superior privileges and rights to that of the un-vaccinated makes no sense. Of, course, that’s not what this is really about…
Because it has nothing to do with protecting anyone from a mystery cold….it is about bringing in a cashless society.
Its a potent arm of the inversion to sacrifice the living individual (who is always a relational being) to a collective (that is always a modelled, virtual, or false flagged threat or harm outcome). Once you see the pattern, you don’t need to analyse its packaging.
Somewhat poetic expressions like the above are always suspect, because it’s pretty easy to conceal lack of authenticity behind poetic manners. An example of what can be concealed behind an article like this is the tension between freedom as a value, and other values. People, it said in lament, turn their backs on freedom…. (dirty opportunistic stupidos!)
Well, one can choose to condemn them for that, and end in sour mood, as well as empty-handed. Or, one may ask : Well, have I not been for limits on freedom that time when I needed to have a quiet lunch and a rest? Have I not been for limiting freedoms in order to have safety in traffic? Am I not for a society where people get along and thrive which is possible only through agreeing on certain arbitrary standards? If so, how can I be categorical that freedom is my highest value? And if it’s not the highest value, but, instead of a pyramidal diamond, my morality is more like a bowl of spaghetti, other people’s relativisations of freedom become more debatable.
And that opens avenues for more freedom.
Just saying.
Freedom should never be someone’s highest value. That should be life. Freedom, in truth, is not so much a value as a tool for helping sustain life.
No person with a family can ever be completely “free” – even if that family consists of household pets.
Anyone is “free” to run out into a freeway during rush hour; but not “free” to avoid the consequences.
In fact, consequences is the bottom line of every human action – especially those taken in a social setting.
It’s only in the realm of the mind that 100% freedom is demanded and should never be restricted. Anyone who censures what one may think – or even what one may read as part of the thinking process – has sought to enslave others.
The most refreshing conversation for me is with those that have probably forgotten all I will ever know:-)
In shorthand; God created us free.
Or else there would be no willingness of acceptance and alignment in love or truth. Believing otherwise brings such a world of polarised identity and cast out as split off mind to a mortal conditioning. Thus we set love in death and freedom within a prison.
So I appreciate your comment but life limited and equated with the body is the ‘person’ of distanced and masked protection for a covert or private identity.
Awareness is not conflicted or bound to its focus of attention excepting your accept this as your will. What we give value to, persists, even if negatively charged.
So yes, freedom is not at the level of the body but the Mind or better, Spirit.
Alignment of thought, word and deed is then freedom to be and know ourself free.
The hiding of thought in a masking word and revealing action may believe it has by such a ruse become free of consequence, but has limited itself to the mask of a self-contradiction that can become a dissociative and manipulative hostage to its own mask.
I am free to be who and what I am as the unfolding experience of being.
If I take on or are ‘taken in’ by what I am not, then I am free to persist in self-illusion until I change my mind. When the crux of the illusion is a mind-capture, I mistake freedom for a masking defence and persist in its machinations until I change my mind about my mind.
So indeed when we seek to limit others to take their right as our own, we enter debt obligation that is not settled or resolved by casting out of mind (as if we ever could). It is merely masked over a defended against disclosure, except we recognise an error and are willing to correct it.
That we experience the body and world as we generally do and are at this time, is an accumulation of piled up debts and denials ‘coming home’.
But the release and acceptance of life in truth is a true coming Home.
I’m not going to be too negative about this article, because I thought it outlined the ghastly situation we’re in extremely well (as do many articles here).
However, after reading a hundred or so lines, I felt that special yawn coming on – not the one that says I’m bored, but the one that says, “I have heard enough of what the problem looks like, but I also know that the solution is slipping from our grasp with every ghastly ‘music’ video which pretends to address that same problem.”
I thought the focus of the video itself was good and direct, but the frightful noise on that sound track couldn’t really be expected to do anything other than to club us all into unconsciousness. And unconsciousness is not by any stretch of the imagination what we need right now.
You raise very interesting philosophic points and real food for thought, but I’m inclined to suspect that the good-versus-evil challenge hasn’t really changed much since Adam and Eve – or whoever else – started off the ‘sapiens’ section of our species on its mind-boggling journey.
Your thumbnail description of your morality is one option, of course, but some could use a similar idea simply to shrug their shoulders, and say, “Well, that’s what we’re stuck with. Why make a fuss?…”
My personal take is that not everything is relative – even if most things are – at any rate not always relative to the same extent. There are, as it were, certain ‘truths’ which dawn on people experienced and old enough to notice them in the midst of the ADHD switches of political fashion which have plagued us for an awful long time now…
I suppose some things we can fix, and others we can’t.
But we should certainly try to fix the broken bits we find.
Reading the Gulag Archipelago is compulsory in Russian schools (abridged).
I’m not sure if anything is compulsory in Western schools nowadays, beyond ideological drivel. I’ve noticed on YouTube that even knowledgeable truthers are unfamiliar with the word archipelago and cannot pronounce it
To Kill a Mockingbird was approaching compulsory, until the woke mob decided that its use of a certain word outweighed its anti-racist message and banned it.
Sadly MC, where I am if you mentioned Orwell, Huxley or Golding, you would be met with a blank stare – forget about Solzhenitsyn.
Man, they don’t even know about JT Edson or Louis Lamour.
Old solzhy was a gobshite debunked by his own family for passing off camp stores as gospel
I’ve read it.
All i got was Kes (the film),we couldnt be trusted with books
Ya bastid Judd
Flicking through the news channels as I do from time to time yesterday.
I suddenly came across the saintly Sir David Attenborough. But he was not talking about life on the planer. He was not talking about climate change. He was talking about biological laboratories and there safety. While standing out side a sign for Porton Down
UK’s rather famous biological laboratory. The message was there are lots of poorly regulated biological laboratories around the world and what a danger they imposed.
Though not named the implication was these were run by foreigners in dodgy foreign countries.
Not good old British establishments like Porton Down. Who have never got up to anything dodgy. Except maybe some experiments on the military.
What a coincidence that this should appear at the same time as the once conspiratorial but know worth consideration in the mainstream that Wuhan lab leak was a possibility.
Just one of life’s pure coincidences I guess.
Duplicity and hypocrisy.
I mean it’s only the rooskies and the chinks that do the bad stuff.
Wouldn’t find our boys stuffing someone in a suitcase.
Almost as ludicrous as thinking the US security forces don’t have backdoors into Cisco kit.
Yeah but ban Huawei because “chyna”
It also seems a bit suspicious that a certain cabinet minister has shares in the private arm of Porton Down,Porton Biopharm
That is fine. But in practice, what do you do? In France the sanitary pass will be compulsory for many things from the 9th. So what should people who do not want PCR tests and vaccines because they are dangerous do?
Its all very well to say you simply have to not accept. Many of us are fighting this, but many of us have to do some of the things that need vaccination. I wont get vaccinated. But does that mean I can no longer see the person who is the closest to me because he is abroad? Does that mean I cannot see any relatives and friends anymore because they are abroad?
I cant even return to my own country… I cant see anyone I care for. Its all very well for those who have everyone they care about within the country they happen to be living in. But thats certainly not the case of everyone, and some of us have not been able to return even to our respective countries because of the measures in place.
I’m in the same situation. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. Solidarity.
There is nominally a similar kind of pass in place in Cyprus but thankfully it is not policed by business owners but only through random police checks and I am taking my chances just now – I think small shops have now been exempted anyway, although it’s hard to keep track. Quite frankly, if push comes to shove and I need this pass simply to be able to live because, for example, I won’t be able to shop for food or essentials without it, then I would certainly opt for PCR tests over the “vaccine” and would perhaps try to get as much done within each window of opportunity one of the tests grants – is it three days or five days?
Simply fake a doctor’s note saying you are naturally immune.
I guess all those asymptomatic cases were too…..
When this first started I thought of the ancestors….if their children left they rarely, if ever, saw them again and some lived within the same country….it is like we are repeating history….this time against our will and with recent knowledge of how it was easily possible… is sad and heart breaking but I figured they survived so will I…as I reconcile myself that even separated, only by state in what used to be a United country called aust,, I may never see my son again…
I won’t ever want to see the likes of gates anywhere. For of course those bastards still travel freely…
Take heart, Edith. They will be put down soon enough.
As an Australian now living in Italy, I can empathise with you. It’s an awful predicament. All my family (close friends too) are in the UK and Oz and I have no idea when or if I’ll next see them. I’ve had sleepless nights and many tears over this unbelievable “new reality”. But I refuse to get this untested jab and succumb to what the psychopaths wish and my family do too, so we have to just currently make do with Skype chats.
why not have the PCR test in order to travel?
Because some of us object to strangers sticking lengths of plastic deep down our nasal cavity and mouth, poking around prising bits of our tissue out to be put in a jar.
Especially when its only purpose is to serve as a psychological prop for their amateur dramatics.
Because you are perpetuating FRAUD!!!
Yes, I appreciate that in a way. I understand people’s feeling that they want nothing to do with the whole malarkey. I can see that PCRs give false positives, and that leads to the casedemic, but am I right in thinking they don’t give false negatives? In other words, if one tested negative, that wouldn’t be a lie in and of itself? — you don’t have Covid (if it even exists) — correct. I would be okay with doing that if that was the only way I could ever travel abroad again. it depends on your conception of what being free means. I respect your attitude of deciding that for you, freedom means never travelling abroad again if it means submitting to a pointless procedure. While I won’t get vaxxed, that would stop me travelling abroad if that becomes necessary, I will go as far as the PCR, for the reasons above — ie that a negative test is just that — a negative test. A stupid hurdle, like any kind of passport really.
The PCR will tell you “what they want it to tell you at the time”. If you at home and they want the numbers to decline then you will be cycled at 28. If you are on your holidays sipping cocktails in the sun and that want to lock down, they will cycle you at 40+. So taking a test is rolling the dice and helping them fudge the numbers.
Why do people want to go abroad for anyway? To drink and eat in bars? If it’s for climate then move somewhere hot.
Thank you for this response, it is very interesting.
Sour sows
Cloven hoof street STASI
Indoctrinated pignorance
Hognitive pissonance
Pigger the car
Smaller the appendage
Drawn and quartered
Surface detail
No depth
Nothing else
Pig Pharma
Medical gestapo
Black leather
To white linen
Smiling Mengele’s
Assuage sickbed detention
No longer in brown shirts
The angel of death
Always wears white
Pure white and deadly
As insidious as sugar
A genuine gateway addiction
Universally inflicted
On arrival
Parasitic pignorance
The only contagion
Why not just spit in a jar. After all the virus so contagious we must wear a mask and stand 6″6 apart because it floats on the wind. Surely spitting in a jar would suffice, why scrape tissue deep inside the body?
Germ theory is labeled this because…It’s a theory.
All that you have got is your soul. I kindly suggest that you protect it at all costs. We are getting to the ‘ every man for himself ‘stage , mind you, have you been down Oxford St. On the January sales.
Seems to me the sharpest elbows are the matriarchs.;-)
Aye ditto.
Compare astute comments such as the enlightened paragraph by Étienne de La Boétie.
Then consider the virtual prisons of modern “education”. >
Microsoft – Moving to a virtual classroom
“Creating an online classroom is an important step in moving to a remote learning environment. Microsoft Teams for Education provides an online classroom so students and teachers can find new ways to continue to focus on learning — free for schools and universities.”
Home | Microsoft Education
How nice of them to make such vapid “learning” available for free…
You know what they say: if it’s free you’re the product.
“Riddle him this, why are the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychopath criminals behind the scamdemic and the great ripoff CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY still on Planet Earth?”

The Scamdemic is an example of the The Big Lie.”

A propaganda advertising campaign is not created in a lab, it is created a Corporate Fascist boardroom.”
It’s all in the video posted …dr McCullock outlines the incompetence and mal fience with very obvious manipulation from above…it was forced upon the American people by their govt health authorities….full stop…
That video with Dr Mc is a must watch! Highly recommended- the suppression of early treatment by most doctors is just evil and absolute cowardice.
Five-month-old baby becomes first person in UK to be treated with £1.8m-per-dose drug
18 -> 9 = 3×3
18 = 6+6+6
do I have to SPELL it out?
There’s a lot of numbers of occult significance in William Shakespeares death/sacrifice too….
I suspect it would take us too far afield to go into that…
At any rate a background in occult knowledge would seem to be a requirement, and how common is that – even here?
Know thine enemy
Oh, I do agree there.
But my current enemies are the media who serve the 666Beast.
The Beast himself will have his day, if I understand the Scriptures aright, and I don’t think there’s much I can do about that…
I would normally regard numerology much the same as i would christianity or witchcraft ie another belief system HOWEVER as cynical as i may be i have to concede that during my vast solitary trawls of the interweb i keep coming across the number 33 in the oddest of places,its like a pernicious anal itch and keeps popping up at the most inopportune moments
At 20 seconds watch closely.Now i have alerted you dear reader watch how many times it turns up on your interweb travails
its undoubtedly some kind of indicator THEY use.
I too have noticed it many many times in mainstream news articles.
The man presenting this video, Russell Brand has it tattooed on his arm, as you rightly point out.
Therefore, AT BEST, he is controlled opposition in the mis/disinformation war.
AT WORST, he is in on the deal and deliberately misleading his audience.
Given he is an ex drug addict “film star” one presumes there is lots of career ending dirt available on him, so he will undoubtedly be a victim of blackmail (think under age girls etc.)
Its undoubtedly some kind of indicator THEY use.
I too have noticed it many many times in mainstream news articles.
The man presenting this video, Russell Brand has it tattooed on his arm, as you rightly say. And flashes it just at the right moment.
Therefore, AT BEST, he is controlled opposition in the mis/disinformation war.
AT WORST, he is in on the deal and deliberately misleading his audience.
Given he is an ex drug addict “film star” one presumes there is lots of career ending dirt available on him, so he will undoubtedly be a “victim” of blackmail (think under age girls etc.)
Next we will be discussing if icke is controlled opposition. Sigh…
Wonderful piece of art work. And, as has already been noted, full of great references. I had totally forgotten “My Dinner With Andre.” Have to watch it again.
And a truly fascinating side note: the only other time Etienne De La Boetie was referenced (that I’m aware of) was by Dane Wigington of That’s right: a believer in climate change quoted De La Boetie. (And the world didn’t end then and there – go figure!)
I do believe the bottom line of all enslavement is the majority opinion that if only everyone had gone along with it, it could have worked.
If any one thing brings about our extinction, it will be our penchant for practicality. “Yes, yes, I’ll give encroaching enslavement a thought or two later on; but right now I’ve got to put dinner on the table.”
You do that.
I am always amazed by people who claim “I haven’t got time to think about that!”
What, between doing a job you hate and watching TV that melts your brain?
Must be tough.