The Wuhan “lab-leak” story: more fear porn

Image source - New Yorker

Thanks to CJ Hopkins and Consent Factory for permission to transcribe their Twitter thread

The media – both alternative and mainstream – are all talking about the possibility that the virus which allegedly causes Covid19 was leaked from a virology lab in Wuhan, and may have been developed as a bio-weapon.

We published, just last week, a fact-check article looking at the evidence for and against it.

Suffice to say, there’s very little evidence to support the idea the virus known as Sars-Cov-2 was developed in a lab. And, given its low death rate, no reason at all to fear it even if it were.

Nevertheless, the story doesn’t seem to be going away, especially with the release of the Fauci emails. To us, the FOIA-released emails seem nothing but a distraction.

The fact this story is being spread by Buzzfeed, CNN and Washington Post, some of the most controlled media in the age of controlled media, doesn’t seem to be putting off people who should probably know better.

Just yesterday the Wall Street Journal published an article headlined:

The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak

It’s pretty clear that the entire Covid19 “pandemic” narrative is undergoing a shift, a change in focus that will both reinforce the idea the virus is definitely real/frightening, and re-frame China to play the heel.

The problems with this narrative were perfectly summed up by our friends over at the Consent Factory, home of satirist-in-residence CJ Hopkins and a Twitter must-follow. We’ve transcribed their brilliant Twitter thread below.

* * *

The lab-leak story is:

  1. an out for those who haven’t wanted to face the fallout of covering the actual Covid story (i.e., manipulation of definitions and statistics to generate the illusion of an apocalyptic plague)
  2. reification of that illusion.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget about Sweden, Florida, Texas, etc.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you will forget how they redefined a medical “case” to include perfectly healthy people, and then reported an explosion of “cases.”

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll totally forget how they defined a “Covid hospitalization” as anyone in hospital, for any reason, who tested positive with a PCR test jacked up to 40 or 50.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll totally forget how they defined a “Covid death” as anyone who died, of any cause, who tested positive with a PCR test within the previous 28 days.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget how they suddenly decided that herd immunity had never existed, and could only be achieved with an experimental “vaccine.”

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget how they showed us fake photos of “people dropping dead in the streets from Covid” back when the Shock and Awe campaign began.

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget how they terrorized everyone with pictures of “death trucks.”

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget all the empty “emergency Covid hospitals.”

If they can get you to focus on how the “monster virus” may have “escaped from a lab” (like in a sci-fi movie)…maybe you’ll forget the totally non-apocalyptic age-adjusted deaths rates.

And so on…

But, whatever, forget all those facts, and enjoy the lab-leak story. It probably happened just like in the movies!


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Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Jun 13, 2021 12:15 AM

“Thanks to CJ Hopkins and Consent Factory for permission to transcribe their Twitter thread.”

CJ Hopkins/Consent Factory is a they? Pretty sure he’s a he…

Jun 13, 2021 6:11 AM
Reply to  Eric Blair

Including only modern English, Shakespeare–not nearly the earliest–uses ‘they’ for masculine singulars and Jane Austen extended that to include the feminine singular. ‘Caroline Jennifer Hopkins/Consent Factory’ works fine for all except MCPs these days and she, whover that ‘CJ’ might be, would likely be far better for all than the ponderously humourless, boringly bombastic, presumably male twat known only as “CJ”.

And https://youtube.com/watch?v=6wjuXMwGnxc

Michael Castellaneta
Michael Castellaneta
Jun 11, 2021 6:54 PM

So……..you don’t think they leaked a virus that only kills old and sick people to justify an unnecessary lockdown to destroy a great economy in an election year huh? LOL They just had an entire program to misrepresent all the data, and scare the bejesus out of everyone with an unprecedented flood of fear porn right off the cuff, eh? Whatever you say Jefe.

Claude Zachary
Claude Zachary
Jun 13, 2024 6:05 AM

yes, they did, there was nothing

Jun 11, 2021 3:42 PM

If the science created the virus, then we know not to trust the science anymore don’t we.

Jun 10, 2021 12:51 PM

The covid misinformation campaign started from the need of the Comunist Party of China to stop the unrest of the people from Wuhan. It was, from the beginning, a pure political problem, not a medical one. https://libertarianeurope.com/politics/did-covid-19-pandemic-start-as-a-smokescreen-for-the-ccp/

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
Jun 13, 2021 12:37 AM
Reply to  mariusmioc

Usually commentators who blame “the CPP” (or in your case the CPC) are simply regurgitating bullsh!t put out by neocon or “libertarian” propaganda mills.

These entities think blaming a COMMUNIST (cue scary music) party makes their bogus claim more compelling and frightening so they repeat the word COMMUNIST as often as possible.

Credulous rubes unwittingly copy this goofy stylistic convention and out themselves as ideologically primed disinformation parroters.

Sorry chap, you’ve been had. But it’s never too late to exercise those brain cells and prevent another unfortunate face-losing outburst from occurring 😉

Jun 13, 2021 4:48 AM
Reply to  Eric Blair

The moto of this site is „because facts really should be sacred”.
1. It is a fact that the rulling party in China is Communist
2. It is a fact that in 2019 mass demonstrations occured in the city of Wuhan. People were throwing stones against police.
3. It is a fact that the ruling party of China is not used to tolerate such behaviour
4. It is a fact that the ruling party of China didn’t like those demonstrations
5. It is a fact that the first place in the world where lockdown was imposed was Wuhan, in Communist China.
6. It is a fact that lockdown was completely unjustified. If you want to challange this assumption please tell. If you pretend that lockdown imposed in Communist China was justified and only lockdowns in Western coutry was unjustified, please explain.
7. It is a fact that the first videos with people collapsing on the streets because of the “deadly virus” appeared in Wuhan (Communist China)
8. It is a fact that after the “deadly virus” spread in the entire world, nowhere else people were collapsing on the streets like it was showed in Wuhan. This is giving the reasonable assumption that videos with people collapsing in Wuhan were staged.
9. It is a fact that all the countries which imposed lockdown followed China’s example. China invented the idea of lockdown during this covid crisis.
10. It is a fact that the idea that the government should have a tight control of the society is embedded in Communist ideology (not in the libertarian one!) and CCP made efforts on this direction.
11. It is a fact that the Chinese government used the covid so-called crisis to increase its control of society – with surveillace cameras, contact tracing etc.
12. It is a fact that after 2019 was an year of social unrest in China (not only in Wuhan, but also in Hong Kong), after covid the social unrest in China was solved.
13. It is a fact that already in the summer of 2020 people in Wuhan were allowed to gather in large number without masks or social distancing. After the problem of social unrest was solved, it seems that the Chinese government doesn’t care about covid.
14. It is a fact that the images with people in Wuhan gathering without masks and social distancing brought outrage in the West and China was under international pressure to continue the fight with the virus (which it did, my assumption – for diplomatic reasons)
15. It is a fact that the number of covid deaths reported in China, compared with the populastion, is minuscule compared with Western countries.
16. It is a fact that for China the profit of Western Big Pharma companies is irrelevant and China didn’t forbid cheap medicine, ike happened in countries which spend big money for healthcare and big numbers of reported covid deaths.

Can you point one fact in the article I quoted which is not true? Facts should be sacred. Your refferences at “propaganda mills” or “disinformation parroters” are not facts.

Raman Rut
Raman Rut
Jun 19, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  mariusmioc

You are hyperventilating and need to calm down dear. Since most of the ‘facts’ you list are events that took place all over the ‘so called’ affected countries in Europe and north america mostly, was it the CPC controlling their officials?

Its clear most of the same countries are now aiming at nothing shot of control over their populations, are you still blaming the CPC for this? Are you also blaming it for using the plandemic to get Biden into office via the basement? unfortunately for you, given the well documented involvement of key US gvt officials including Dr Fauci, US government funds, and the fact the research was a continuation of similar work california university, etc in the US your attempt to pin blame on the CPC is hardly persuasive and smacks of sour grapes.

Jun 22, 2021 1:18 AM
Reply to  Raman Rut

You shoul read the article at which I made refference to understand who I am blaming and for what.

Jun 18, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  mariusmioc

Virus has not been ‘isolated’ or purified. Check this out:
Covid-19 Virology Fraud Explained In 19 Minutes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/h6c7aLpsuyFu/
The Final Refutation Of Virology: https://www.bitchute.com/video/q81nCK05aZ0x/

Jun 10, 2021 9:06 AM

Screw the Wuhan leak story.

I’m more interested in the politicisation of psuedo science and weaponisation for fear and propaganda against the population of this country.

Isn’t wasn’t the Chinese who defined the new term for ‘cases’ or the farce that is the PCR test and the Ct value, or the changes to attributing Covid on death certificates, or the change to autopisies even though all cause mortality has not risen, or the redefinition of Herd Immunity, or redefinition of a vaccine, that is not a vaccine………………………….

I’m more interested in why our media havent sort out answers about how much did we know about Chinas GoF reserach, who’s been involved, and what reasearch is carried out in Blighty or via other proxies.

Jun 10, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  TFS

The media’s purpose is to hide inconvenient truth and to create the lies required to achieve bankster goals.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jun 17, 2021 3:50 PM
Reply to  TFS

Baric and others wrote a GOF study for bat Corona viruses in Nature in 2015. The info was out there a long time. Nature even added at the end of the study in 2020, “this study is unrelated to Covid-19”

Jun 10, 2021 1:33 AM

Yeah, I knew that already. Vaccines are waning so they brought out the “Frankenstein” story again.

Jun 9, 2021 8:39 PM

Well worth watching in its entirety.

Skip the first 90 minutes to get to the section on “vaccines” – although the previous section is extremely informative.
Skip to 3hours 16 minutes for the section that discusses the impact.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Jun 9, 2021 8:33 PM

Ordinarily I would be quick to agree with you all here at offG and attribute the lab-leak theory to more misinformation or disinformation, intended to distract us from what really is taking place around us. But, there are a significant number of what I had thought to be reputable people, scientists (virologists, epidemiologists, etc.) who purport to have discovered evidence that the “virus” (identified, or no) has characteristics of a man-made pathogen, and they provide detailed evidence of their findings. Most of these scientists have been heavily censored for airing their views.

Seemingly overnight the narrative changed and the lab-leak theory, which had been debunked by corporate media, has moved into mainstream discussion. Given today’s media, I think it is fair to assume that whenever the corporate media is covering a story, we can almost automatically assume the story is propaganda, intended to convey a message that TPTB want us to believe.

So now we have both sides (so to speak) airing the same story about the lab-leak possibility. That almost never happens.

After reading this article (and the previous fact-check article), I confess I am more than confused about what to believe about the lab-leak theory.

Jun 10, 2021 2:53 PM

Easier to simply assume that they could no longer hide the fact it was man made so let’s blame China. I personally believe that was always the intention. I think Covid is a political weapon for use against China’s economy and also for molding the great reset at home.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jun 17, 2021 3:54 PM

Your confused because the real story is that only a genome on paper from a computer came out of the lab (that ALSO researches viruses), said to be from Wuhan patient 1-see Zhang Nature paper, and that’s what they call SarsCov2. That doesnt sell fear does it Joe? Now you get it.

José Silveira
José Silveira
Jun 9, 2021 3:27 PM

All this talk about the origins is simply a distraction, to keep the sheeple looking somewhere else. There is not, to this day, any proof of the existence of the damned virus, except on computer models, that are worth what they are.
Fauci is being publicly ditched because he served his purpose, burned his image and is no longer needed – this is just another distraction to give some false sense of “justice” to the sheeple, while someone else takes the micro to indoctrinate the populace.
It’s all a show d’Ombres Chinoises (shadow puppetry).

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jun 13, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  José Silveira

Correct. There is no purified-isolated full-sequenced virus. Although there are a few papers with this title, reading them, there was no purification (i.e., density gradient), and thus there could not be a base-by-base sequence, they were all filled in with library sequences from a computer data base done with metagenomics. Even seasoned virologists either don’t know or don’t want to admit it. I’ve called a few who write these papers and the subterfuge I get is incredible. So YES, the animal market theory has run out of gas and now they have gone to the lab-leak phase. China is just one actor in this puppet show.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 9, 2021 3:24 PM

“Coming soon. Better stock up on tin foil.”
comment image

“Didn’t know that Billy Eugenics and Mengele Jr. (Fauci) had holdings on Mars did you? Well now you know.”

Jun 9, 2021 1:49 PM

there’s very little evidence to support the idea the virus known as Sars-Cov-2 was developed in a lab


What does all this mean?

  1. There was a conspiracy between the five authors of the Nature paper
    and the heads of the NIH, NIAID and Wellcome Trust to cover up the lab
    origin of COVID.
  2. There was a conspiracy involving Daszak , Fauci and others to push the natural origin theory. (See other emails in the recent drop.)
  3. There was a conspiracy involving Daszak to write the Lancet letter
    and hide its provenance, to push the natural origin theory and paint any
    other ideas as conspiracy theory. Collin’s blog post is another piece
    of this story.
  4. Farrar was intimately involved in both large hydroxychloroquine overdose trials, in which about 500 subjects total died.
  5. Farrar, Fauci and Collins withheld research funds that could have
    supported quality trials of the use of chloroquine drugs and ivermectin
    and other repurposed drugs that might have turned around the pandemic.
  6. Are the four individuals named here — Fauci, Daszak, Collins and
    Farrar —  intimately involved in the creation of the pandemic, as well
    as the prolongation and improper treatments used during the pandemic?
Jun 9, 2021 9:28 AM

Its right now really intresting times, regarding what we know by now, since I dont see any reason any more to waist time on what is CONvid 19 anymore, because its all an fraud, an live exserise gone rough and is based upon faking everything, and the e-mails confirms it, but this bio-weapon hysteria reaks like the equally impressive waving with an test tube infront of everybody and boldy claim this is an sample of an WMD, yeah, and is been hyped by the usual part, the scums of this earth, crime in the top of the scam chain, we know whom they are and what they have done, reasons, well, isnt cash enough, tons of it, like the drug lords whom have to berry it down in containers, and this cash lubricated what, half of property speculations and manufacturing, and controls the marked witch means everything.
What bloody progress, its been an slow incremental downward slide into something defined as neo-fudalistic, keept alive because they own the Media, its something sophisticated, mental programming is simple when it comes to the masses, cencure and an never ending cycle of repetitions of horror storiers, fire and bimstones, yeah, the whole shebang.
And creates pols to show how effective they are, and attacks the infidels.

It must becomed crystal clear by now, but this have lately evolved to my surprise much further by, as we speak, in India, to my, surprise they have behaved extremly rational, and done the right thing, and have also exposed the corruption we expected and realised regarding the WHOs and CDCs, etc, etc to levels whom should stopped this swidnel a long time ago, but corruption and economic incentives changed everything, and it on top of it, not only changed the rules, the messurments, goal posts, etc to defenitions, you name it, they changed everything to fit their greed, with the backing, in the open by finacial scumbags whom incl the Gates of Hell, to local political wannabe dictatores whom echoes what the scumbags owned MSM pimps all the time.
India did the rational thing, this days its remarkable by it self, but India isnt that stupid as many think they are, right now, to much of an UssA bitch, but their focus was on Invermecine, Vitamins. and HCQ.
And the results speaks for them self.
This, is where the crime kicks in, the denile of effective medications, like Iv. to preventions of ilness with eating the right shit. The same packs of scums, again, its obvious that they did most of it for their own gain, and to make even more by removing and cencuring any kind of medication that acctualy works, and as one said it, one medicine costs somewhere around what, 1200-3000 Dollahs, and the other one, costs wopping 3…….. Dollahs, propaganda pimped hard on that since the day Trump for once said something absolutely true, but then everything changed because it came from the wrong man.
It was and is an flatout scam, an swindle, and some needs to go to jail, this time, the head hunchos need to work in some deep dark coal mine for the rest of their misserable life, and never see the daylight again.


Jun 9, 2021 6:15 AM

*GOF research is not automatically bio weapon research.
*Escape from lab can be intentional or accidental.
*Whole PR China has only one BSL-4 lab, in Wuhan.
*Whole PR China had hundreds of “wet” markets, also closer to the bat caves. Vietnam and Laos also had wet markets. Why would a “natural” outbreak happen in exactly Wuhan?
*Investigation SARS COV2 outbreak source is not automatically China blackening as the US was supporting GOF research in various locations outside their borders, in Winnipeg, Tblisi and Wuhan too.
*Collins and Fauci wanted to obscure their own role in this Wuhan lab so distracted the gullable media with scare stories, lockdowns, masks etc.
*The US anti Trump groups thus messed up massively with their “news” resulting in their own country becoming a laughing stock.

Jun 11, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Whole PR China had hundreds of “wet” markets, also closer to the bat caves. Vietnam and Laos also had wet markets. Why would a “natural” outbreak happen in exactly Wuhan?”
Because exactly in Wuhan people rebelled in 2019 against Communist leadership and the Chinese government considered that those people need a lesson (aka house arrest).
„Whole PR China has only one BSL-4 lab, in Wuhan”.
Where would you expect to be discovered a new virus if not where there are virologists and a virology lab? There are plenty of undiscovered viruses in Laos and Vietnam. As long as there are no virologists looking for them, they will remain undiscovered.

Bill Rice Jr
Bill Rice Jr
Jun 9, 2021 1:29 AM

The lab-leak theory (like a movie) is very possibly fake because people in America were getting sick and testing positive for COVID antibodies even before people in Wuhan. How could the virus that escaped from a lab in Wuhan have already been in multiple states in America at the same time?

Jun 9, 2021 5:07 AM
Reply to  Bill Rice Jr

How could antigens to Covid-19 virus have already been in England at the same time? This question was asked by a Hindu lady researcher at Oxford, at the very beginning of the Con-19 scam. She concluded that Covid-19 antibodies probably existed in England before the Wuhan, and could be found among people who did not even remember having had a cold that winter season. Covid-19 antigens are not specific, they are shared by umpteen other Corona viruses that have happily coexisted with the human population for ages.

“Voila l’Anglais avec son sang froid habituel” (Here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold) — Fractured French

Con-19 has very little to do with Covid-19, and even less to do with virology. It has everything to do with fleecing the sheeple. Nine new billionaires — all of them Con-19 vaccine salesmen, some of whom never brought a vaccine to market before.

Jun 9, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  NickM

‘Sang froid’ means cold-blooded not bloody cold!

Mike W Ellwood, Oxon, UK
Mike W Ellwood, Oxon, UK
Jun 10, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  Becca

(It was a joke, wasn’t it?)

Jun 10, 2021 7:30 PM

I didn’t post something similar because I thought the OP (NickM) might reply to Becca. One would think that Nick’s mention of “Fractured French” was a clue that the translation was facetious.

I know a polyglot who has a tin ear when it comes to language-related humor. I once attempted to paraphrase a mildly funny Mark Twain essay on the difficulties of the German language. 

The essay includes a joke: Twain writes that when he was in Germany and trying to master the language, he was horrified to discover that German has no “swear words”, aka profanity. This is just a setup for Twain to say that he was thrilled to eventually find the word “damit” in the German dictionary– only to be disappointed again to learn that “damit” is only a respectable conjunction roughly translated as “therewith”.

Not a gut-buster, perhaps. But my polyglot interlocutor didn’t wait for the punch line; as soon as I paraphrased Twain’s facetious notion that German has no profanity, he irritably burst out, “That’s just stupid! Of course German has swear words!” He was surprisingly angry at the prospect.

He’s gotten similarly superciliously exercised at other language-based jokes; the odd thing is that otherwise, he has a sense of humor– I’m not sure why he loses it entirely when it comes to language-related joking.

Jun 11, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  NickM

I have a copy of fractured french hard back. My favourite was “S’il vous plait” translated by a burglar as “not sterling” (silver).

Michael Castellaneta
Michael Castellaneta
Jun 11, 2021 6:57 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nice work Commie Bot. The superspreader event was the WUHAH MILITARY WORLD GAMES in Oct. 2019

Jun 14, 2021 7:53 AM
Reply to  Bill Rice Jr

The Italian detected the antibody in their blood sample back in Spetember, 2019; Spain March, 2019 (Sewage sample).

The logic explanation is fake PCR test could ‘prove’ the existence of any ‘virus’ as long as you test it. WHO also changed the definition of ‘pandemic’ to justify the lockdown and misuse of PCR test.

Now the fake vaccine sale succeeded (in all countries), the scam perpetrators must find a scapegoat in order to keep their illegal profit. Worse, the faceless communist bureaucrats found a way to destroy private ownership , hence control the population.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Jun 9, 2021 12:12 AM

Wuhan virus leak is bunk and was created to keep the false killer virus story going and blame China (smokescreen). The truth is the “ covid vaccines” are the bioweapons and were being developed in labs worldwide. The fake covid virus played the part of the boogeyman with the help of all the locked stepped partners in government, big pharma, big tech, whoreporate media and all the other suckers that have been along for the ride. Not hard to imagine that all these parasites combined were able to scare millions into injecting themselves with their bioweapon.Meanwhile the evil that is, is testing out which one of their bioweapons will work the best and kill the most people and charging the taxpayers of the world to do it. Stranger than fiction…

Jun 8, 2021 11:53 PM

Old Bolsheviks

This appears to be a sort of show trial of Fauci. They do tend to depose the first generation of revolutionaries. Remember the execution of the old Bolsheviks ?

Jun 8, 2021 10:51 PM

There is an intellectual symbology and perceptional symbiosis within the psychosphere. There are two new religions and their respective negations. And these four vital options can be brought together in two: the religious leaders, and the deniers. They act the same, and the treatment of deniers is the same. Let’s go a little further and update the truth. Let’s say the first religion was right and the deniers were wrong. Whether or not they acted in a way and way. Now let’s say that the second religion is wrong and the deniers are right. The form, the framework, the “weapons” to attack the enemy (deniers) are the same and this leads us to a conclusion, logically. At least in one part, since the other is irreconcilable, the latter would be the deniers. The bottom line is that the Sherifaltes are the same in the two religions. Waiting for Spam or worse, I don’t exist.

Brand new day
Brand new day
Jun 8, 2021 8:28 PM

This story was never about anything other than money. American money. Not Chinese or Russian. But hats off to them. They managed to convince everyone it was about masks, ‘freedom’ and fake vaccines. Hell.once they sold the damn things they couldn’t care less if anyone actually used them. They been paid. And will be again.

Jun 9, 2021 4:03 AM
Reply to  Brand new day

Unfortunately it is far worse than that. The objective is quite clearly depopulation.

Jun 8, 2021 7:15 PM

There is a funny meme which continues floating around the internet, and even in this forum. It reads something like this : ‘Those who rule the planet are frightened by our awakening’. And who are the ‘awakened’ ? The millions of people around the World who willingly take the PCR test ? Those who try to jump protocols in order to be vaccinated first ? Take ten people at random and try to explain that the so-called vaccinations are in reality a gene altering therapy which will eventually end up killing the majority of the World’s population within the next 2-3 years. Watch their expressions. Maybe two out of ten will agree with you. Another two if they like you will be courteous, but very skeptical. And the other six will shake their heads wondering how someone could be such a conspiracy theorist … a Right-Wing extremist ! This is what the so-called Globalists are afraid of ? Our ignorance ? Our cowardliness to stand up and fight in the face of Humanity’s struggle for survival ? The video linked below is not intended as a pro-Trump stance. But you could easily take his words and personalise them them to your situation. You can feel the gravity of the events, for we are all suffering today. The elected officials globally and unanimously have failed Humanity. They have abandoned Humanity in our greatest hour of need. Those few who had fought against the tyranny, such as Tanzania’s President John Magufuli, paid with their lives. The so-called Globalist and their minions are unified in their efforts. The rest of Humanity struggles just to understand what is happening. And maybe if we want to be truthful, many do not even care. When is humanity going to be truly awake and stand up and say, ‘Now It’s our turn’ !


Jun 14, 2021 8:04 AM
Reply to  Karl

If the PCR test is fake, why would the test results or the vaccination rates be real? snake oil salesman must exaggerate…

Jun 8, 2021 5:50 PM

they suddenly decided that herd immunity had never existed, and could only be achieved with an experimental “vaccine.”

They’re basically trying to convert natural herd immunity into a capitalist commodity. And the only method for achieving that, if any at all, is by enforcing a monopoly on herd immunity through the combination of quarantines, vaccines and semantic sleight of hand.

Jun 8, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  0use4msm

The sick irony is that way back initially the concept of herd immunity was poo pooed. The “virus” was not going to be “beaten” with herd immunity. It was too out of control. Too wild. Too many would die waiting.
But now herd immunity is a real thing. A real thing to aim for and a real chance…with injected drugs. They abuse and pervert the very concept of herd immunity, shoehorning it into its own new definition – herd immunity = the injection of a corporate drug rolled out in 2 seconds flat into every man woman and child on the planet.
That’s not herd immunity. It’s creepy, sick domination and control.

Jun 8, 2021 6:24 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Hasn’t herd immunity always been a bit questionable in the context of artificial immunisation? It requires individuals to get injected to protect others. So boys are being asked to take the HPV vaccine to protect their future female sexual partners from cervical cancer. It can offer a justification to jab everybody for everything, in the end.

Jun 8, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  October

Yeah, that’s exactly my point.

Jun 10, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  October

And, as with so many other medical frauds, there’s no proof that HPV causes cervical cancer. It’s just a theory. But the rule governing medical science today is “whatever theory makes the most money for me and my colleagues must be true.”

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 9, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  0use4msm

Right on the money

Jun 8, 2021 5:49 PM

There’s very little evidence (actually none) to support the idea the virus exists. You have to believe in it, like in holy ghost/bad spirit.

Vitor Neilsen
Vitor Neilsen
Jun 8, 2021 4:29 PM

Its like 9/11
Let’s waste millions of man hours trying to PROVE it was the state that did the crime.

There’s no need to prove it. To anyone with half a brain, its clear who the criminals are.
The proof is in the actions of the state, right now. Today. As it happens.

Discussion about the origin of the nonsense serve no purpose other than distraction and time wasting

Jun 8, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  Vitor Neilsen

Who are the criminals? Once you realise “the government” are just middle men controlled by think tanks and corporations, it gets hazy as to who exactly the criminals are. Because who controls the think tanks and corporations? Coz even they are controlled. And up and up the pyramid you go. Some say wealthy families. Some say the catholic church. Some say the Jews. Some say the bankers. Some say the CIA. Some say the city of London. Some say the Freemasons. Some say the illuminati. Some say the devil. And on and on it goes.

Jun 8, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  Ooink

No it is the white mice from hitch hikers guide to gallery…smile.
in reality it is planetary energy forces….sprinkle a bit of fairy dust via neptune and the humans go nuts…mercury is always enjoying himself.

Jun 10, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  Ooink

It is the bankers, many of whom are based in London’s fabled square mile. There is no need to mention their ethnicity.

Vitor Neilsen
Vitor Neilsen
Jun 8, 2021 4:26 PM

Its distraction.
Origins are irrelevant

Lockdowns, destruction of businesses and lives, implementation of digital IDs are however,

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 8, 2021 3:45 PM

This linked article was first posted a few comments down. Thanks magumba.
Unlike the dismissive Consent Factory article, it doesn’t evade the actual issue.

Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To Another Convenient Catastrophe?
By Brandon Smith
June 8, 2021


Jun 8, 2021 3:20 PM

A question – had it been possible to build current COVID response on lab leak theory? With everybody questioning scientists, science, politics of science and its institutions?

Could we have argued that cutting edge science was right there to save us from the dark and eternal perils of nature? And from now on, this will remain the case far into the future?

Highly unlikely.

Considering this, would we be surprised to see Marion Koopmans and Christian Drosten among the correspondents of Fauci and Farrar. Not really.

Their test was absolutely crucial for things to unfold the way they did, they we present right from the beginning.

Jun 8, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  jaks

And the Chinese and drosten were at the planning meeting in oct 2019…along with the woman who makes Victorian citizens lives a misery and other main players from each country…

dr death
dr death
Jun 8, 2021 1:54 PM

the presumption is that GOF is a method of attenuating and weaponising virii, of which there is absolutely no evidence… bacteriological weapons yes..

the research by their own admission is in-silico, and virii themselves questionable..

it is however reasonable to assume they are weaponising certain proteins..

the scientism (euphemistically GOF) being focused on nano-particle delivery systems and ‘peg’ coatings to fool the ‘host’ immune system..

which obviously needs a delivery system…

and that will be your local health care practitioner..

Jun 8, 2021 1:49 PM

Next month see’s the Cyberpolygon exercise, expect something rather nasty in the post (metaphorically speaking) very soon after


Jun 8, 2021 1:14 PM

Pause and ask or zoom out and consider or leave the bait hanging and look:

Is the assertion operating fear of threat or leveraging guilt as part of its delivery system?

Does it seek allegiance of support for protection or solution in its stated terms?

Now choose whether to invite it into your heart and mind.

BUT once invested in such identity as it ‘gives’ to the conflicted, further variations and novel iterations can work the them of an already captured fear set as belief and compounded in the identity set as protection from fear, framed in narratives that may be witting or unwitting manipulation of a revenue stream, or targeted asset or adversary.

Part of the lack of resilience or immunity to such contagion is a mind fed with ungrounded and wishful imaginings running vicariously through ungrounded fantasy in which to play out sub personalities that compensate for a dissatisfaction with Reality as it is.

Living in a matrix is not more complex that identifying in image, symbol, concept and modelling, in place of a living Intimacy of being. It generates complexity against disclosure because self automatically protects its own.

Jun 9, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Binra

@ Binra..Have you earned enough for a sandwich for that BS? Just a reminder that the the 77th Brigade and all the other Ministry of Truth agencies out there pay you and your colleagues with the taxpayers’ money. Taxpayers are the very people that you are trolling here.

J Jones
J Jones
Jun 8, 2021 12:55 PM

Why does it have to be a monster virus just because it came out of a lab? It could be a gain-of-function test for the next one. What they now know is they don’t even need a virus. People capitulate regardless.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  J Jones

I agree, A mild ‘marker’ virus could have done the job.

Jun 8, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

And on another planet those who just know,know that the vaccines are the danger facing humanity,everything else is a cheap sideshow to keep the feeble minded occupied in a manner akin to a cat and a laser pointer

Jun 9, 2021 5:36 AM
Reply to  J Jones

Yes, they found out that they did not need Covid-19 after all. Imaginary virus Con-19 panicked the sheeple even better.

Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 8, 2021 12:48 PM

From the New York Times:

“Washington State allows for free marijuana joints with Covid-19 vaccine

As part of its strategy to vaccinate more of its population, Washington State will allow adults to claim a free marijuana joint when they receive a Covid-19 vaccination shot.

The state’s liquor and cannabis board announced on Monday that the promotion, called “Joints for Jabs,” was effective immediately and would run through July 12.”

But when it comes to “saving the public health”, all previous rules are suspended.

So what’s the next incentive push? Hmm… How do we appeal to paedophiles?

Jun 8, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Far out! It just keeps getting weirder by the day.
It better be good weed!

Jun 8, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  Shin

It’s killa (to complement the ‘vaccine’).

Jun 8, 2021 1:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Vaccinate children ?

dr death
dr death
Jun 8, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

it’s incredibly amusing isn’t it?…. like some love-craftian convergence between kafkas last scribbles and the banana splits show….

who would of thought that such unalloyed evil would actually be indistinguishable from satire..

that the route to the gulag would be via monty python..

and you would be shepherded to your doom by drag-queens and bearded ladies…

tra la la, tra la la la….

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 8, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A joint is adverse to public health?!!

Jun 8, 2021 12:47 PM

Medicare is paying a 20% bonus to hospitals for patients who die of covid 19. As a result, some hospitals are encouraging their physicians to request permission to put covid on the death certificates of patients that were not infected under the guise of “helping the hospital”.

Jun 8, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  gordo53

in the u.k they love the patients so much, if they are disabled or really old they DNR them!
gives a new meaning to build back better.

Jun 8, 2021 12:39 PM

Saw an AP article about a paper by Dr. Steven Quay. Supposedly proving the virus is from a lab, on a We are Change YT vid. Searched for it, and this happened:
A page full of articles from different outlets all containing the same text, but the AP article is gone.
How does this work? Is this anything interesting?

Jun 8, 2021 1:20 PM
Reply to  SimonO

“Steven Quay, a physician-researcher, has applied statistical and
bioinformatic tools to ingenious explorations of the virus’s origin,
showing for instance how the hospitals receiving the early patients are
clustered along the Wuhan №2 subway line which connects the Institute of
Virology at one end with the international airport at the other, the
perfect conveyor belt for distributing the virus from lab to globe”

“A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that
SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived”

the last quote/link is from Wades origin article


Jun 8, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  SimonO

tried to give you links to Qauys reseach but it’s gone in the spam bin

Jun 8, 2021 3:05 PM
Reply to  impobs

Yeah I got the links and the text. But why does so many outlets have the same exact text? Where’s the original text from?

Jun 9, 2021 9:42 AM
Reply to  SimonO

I saw it (the text) originally on AP that was shown on ‘last american vagabond’ podcast, seems the AP article has been memory holed tho.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 12:27 PM

Every additional day of lockdown in the UK destroys more small business, adds market share to Amazon and causes more fear to take the vaccine. The winnings from the suffering and destruction of the British economy are massive for those telling Johnson what to do. The UK is the new, more profitable, Venezuela, being trashed for its assets & resources.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 12:09 PM

Is anyone else sick of hearing far-right race baiting, anti immigrant hysteria, denial of the destructive results of Brexit, endless attacks on the left, in the ‘alternative’ media, between rational COVID facts and information? Me two.

But remember the shifting of your politics to the right, via COVID, is as much a part of the scam as the dead in the streets were. Either that or we are to believe that Tucker Carson is a ‘freedom fighter’ a liberator and defender of the people. It is very unlikely that this corporate shill is doing anything other then helping US elites but that is what the CIA’s ‘popular’ uprisings look like.

The CIA love the far-right, they are their go-to tool for political change, anywhere in the world, and they have armed them with the truth about COVID, which the CIA know only too well given it was their psyop in the first place. ‘Popular’ uprisings need the truth to give them credibility and make them our heroes.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 8, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

All very well. But as far as I have seen, the Left have swallowed and are belligerently shovelling out the COVID crap. I am well aware that the real picture is being stained through being linked with the Right but you will at least find some of the truth there. The Left either just masturbate over fear porn or ignore it all.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes I agree, the left have fallen for COVID like they have fallen for the global warming scam. But the CIA’s war on the powerless, confused and misled left is never ending, because they essentially represent the ONLY challenge to the capital owning class in the US and UK.

So for the CIA the left can never be dead enough. Here you are linking many of the COVID actions to them, when it was solely the far-right trump and Johnson who ensured the lockdowns happened, whether the powerless left cheered or not.

Jun 8, 2021 2:05 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

I’m quite surprised no one has noticed that the left and right belief systems have been ripped up ,torn to shreds and eviscerated from traditional belief systems,with all religions having had the same treatment (where exactly ARE the words of condemnation from the temples of worship ?)

If there is one thing covid has given us its a new belief system and its extremely simple now with non of the bs political manifesto’s (nor religous tracts), so simple there are no higher education courses in it nor lifetime of studies associated with it

Them and Us

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  magumba

”….no one has noticed that the left and right belief systems have been ripped up”

The battle between the capital owning class and the workers has ended….. really? that’s good news. You keep believing what the CIA propaganda wing keep telling you. i won’t believe them. They called the end of socialism too early.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 8, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

My view of the Left is less sanguine. I think they have long since been co-opted or pre-empted. It has been a long neutering process with a great deal of psychological management and the most devastating part of it was the instalment of conspiracy phobia – something that went into earnest after JFK.

And that assassination, along with 9/11, provide excellent examples of how the system works. In each case, the Left were not only useless but actually played a vital, if not THE vital part I.e. furnishing the designated oppositional position which turns out to be the exactly like the mainstream story only with an excitingly dissident air. And to tell the truth, such really only applies to 9/11 where we get the “blowback” interpretation.

With JFK, there is virtually no difference between the Left and the mainstream. In fact the Left even go so far as to rubbish Kennedy to try and dodge the REAL issue I.e. the shooting.

With COVID, the Left first set the scene by describing the virus as “capitalism’s comeuppance” and then disgracefully branded all scepticism as funded by the Right.

None of this is accidental. This betrayal by the Left was watertight all across the Leftist media. And though this venal move was undoubtedly initiated by spooks, it was shamefully taken up by the ferociously gullible genuine Leftists, some of whom even had the embarrassing gall to get snooty about it!

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 5:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I know in a very small corner of the traditional left, the Guardian newspaper, they have been taken over by corporate oligarch interests, since they were raided by the MI5 and opened 2 offices in the USA, who now set the agenda,

They can’t be called left in any real since they are now over run by oligarch money & MI5 influence.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 10, 2021 1:31 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

It’s hard to let go, isn’t it? After investing a lifetime believing in the left paradigm it must be heartbraking to realise it was just another dialectic to keep you dreaming away of better days ahead, while the powerful only cemented their status.

But hey, said oligarchs gave us a nice cosy life in the West for a few decades that enable us to entertain and indulge in ideas of the revolution until we became completely dependent on their system of production and distribution, from food to housing to medicine, i.e we do not produce our food, we do not build our houses, we do not know how to heal ourselves. And a big etcetera.

Ironically the ideas of socialism have separated us from the means of production more than ever before, at least in feudal times the peasants produced their own food and own clothes.
Therein lies the problem, you can’t be ‘free’ if you depend on a system you have no control over for all your basic needs. So if those who own those suply and production chains say there is a pandemic, then there is a pandemic, just because they say so

Johannes Kreis
Johannes Kreis
Jun 8, 2021 12:00 PM

If SARS-CoV2 had come out of a laboratory, it would have been a classic research hoax. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), i.e. the mortality after an infection, is in the range of a medium flu. The lack of excess mortality shows that there was no additional mortality factor. Presumably, many of those who died with a positive COVID-19 test (median age 84 years in Germany) were simply re-declared. The question arises as to what science can really do and whether the possibilities of “modern science” are not grossly overestimated. This is the only discussion that the professors do not want to have.

Jun 8, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  Johannes Kreis

‘Stay the same of function’ lacks a certain something in the fear porn stakes.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 8, 2021 11:57 AM

Just caught this tweet from a COVID whoremonger:

“Yes, we have to come out of lockdown… but the reason we need to do it later rather than sooner is because we are still vaccinating people. To come out too early would risk the emergence of an extremely deadly, vaccine resistant mutant strain, evolving through transmission.”

A curious observation, don’t you think?

Why would you assume “the emergence of an extremely deadly, vaccine resistant mutant strain”?

And when can we assume there will no longer be a risk of “the emergence of an extremely deadly, vaccine resistant mutant strain”?

Because even after ten years there may still be “the emergence of an extremely deadly, vaccine resistant mutant strain”!

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 8, 2021 12:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This leads me to wonder about twitter shill armies. I have no doubt that the net is throbbing with little paid up hack steerers to guide public perception.

Jun 8, 2021 1:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A Vax resitant strain would not be a consiqience of comming out of lockdown, it would be a result of a less than effective Vax.

Each time the virus mutates in a vaccinated person survival of the fittest means self selection of a resitant strain by default, in which case the unvaccinated among the population would be better suited to fight it since their immune system would already have been exposed, and therefore primed, against many variants.

As opposed to the vaccinated people, whos over abundance of T cells primed only for the original variant, mean there would be less T cells in the pool available to learn to recognise the new variant, plus any reinfection with a virus (or ‘vaccine’) propagating more spike protien would leave the vaccinated with an increased chance of Antibody dependant Enhancement and a poor prognosis.

this phenomina is well explained in videos with by Dr Bhakdi, Dr. Yeadon, or ‘JC on a bike’ YT channel.

Jun 8, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I know these are BBC links and i apologise,i also felt dirty after reading them and needed to shower,note the archdeaconess of misinformation herself is the author



When the article mentions the dozens of collaborators as being volunteers methinks she might be referring to many volunteers of the territorial army employed by Tobias ‘grey man’ Elwood in the brave historic fight against the UK population waged by 77 brigade,13 signals and GCHQ and many others and all because the UK population tried to help

Jun 10, 2021 9:10 PM
Reply to  magumba

I remember reading a BBC article last year that was something like “How accurate is the Covid test?” The entire article talked about false negatives with not even one mention of false positives.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 11:38 AM

The US is running a web lockdown NOW, to blame the Chinese or the Russians.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 11:20 AM

In the UK news today another micro-psyop?

‘’Colin Pitchfork who raped and killed two teenagers in the 1980s is cleared for release’’
Mr. Pitchfork? Is this a story to redirect the ‘Pitchfork’ wielding mob’s anger, away from their government for the further destruction of their lives and jobs?
Oh how they laugh at us with their ironic naming. A paedophile or murder story keep the peasants busy shouting at the moon not their government.

Jun 8, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

I remember him; the investigation of the murders of which he was found guilty was the first instance of broad-based DNA testing in Britain. They determined the girls had been sexually assaulted by a man, and determined to test every sexually-mature male in the area. His was an early sample, but he had gotten a mate to supply a sample for him. The story was covered in true-story novelese by Joseph Wambaugh.


Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Mark

So it looks like other psyops around the use of Genetic “Fingerprinting”were already plugged into this case?
His release is perfect timing for what is happening today to cover for the abolition of the British people’s freedom.

Jun 9, 2021 4:23 AM
Reply to  Mark

Pitchfork ? True Story ? Amazon ? Give me a break.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 8, 2021 10:47 AM

Western media conveniently forgot to mention that the impromptu clinics in Wuhan were set up for people with MILD symptoms so that they wouldn’t overflow hospitals and prevent access to people with severe problems because, naturally, you wouldn’t hospitalise a person with a cough and secondly, you would want to prevent panicked or curious people from gathering at hospitals. Cue the western narrative. You think they didn’t know? They knew everything. By the time the west went to lockdowns in March, they knew what the virus is, what it does (the chinese had released this information) and what the impromptu clinics were. By the time Wuhan ENDED their lockdown – April, so over a year now- they even knew how much it was spreading because the chinese surveillance state had already done the track and trace. And they deliberately kept the fear scenarios up and running.
And something else: there are many sceptics who are uncritical and historically illiterate. These people choose camps and polarise their thought at the flick of a switch. If you criticise the west, you have to be a chinese asset, in their manichaistic thought pattern. But that is not true; for workers, “choosing” sides in the global competition is like shopping ideology from the shelves. It’s menticidal and can prove fatal. Remember, it’s the workers against the masters. Worldwide.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 10:43 AM

China did not create Covid, I’m sure the USA did, or at least create the reaction to it in the west to serve their own economic & national interests, but what China will do soon, is take possession of Taiwan and the US will be unable to do anything about it.

This will be the final humiliation for the US, their Suez moment, and there is nothing they can do about it. There is a ‘reset’ coming but it not the one you expect.

China’s Billion Dollar Mega Projects

We are blind to the scale of what is happening in China, it makes the US look provincial, unable to build even one high speed train line.

Jun 8, 2021 11:01 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

You are easily scared or a shill

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 1:35 PM
Reply to  Koba

You’re taking your immanent Imperial collapse very badly I see.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 8, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Drosten invented it in Germany based on the assumption of a new coronavirus based on a partial theoretic genome he found on social media, China has never said they had anything new.

Jun 8, 2021 10:21 AM

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 10:10 AM

My guess 99% of the population have already been exposed several times over to this thing, if it s real, after 18 months of it being ubiquitous.

Surely statistically 99% of the population have already been exposure to COVID. Covid as a virus is dead even on the terms of our fascist governments and their crooked scientists.

Jun 8, 2021 11:56 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

The focus long ago shifted from a story of a terrifying virus to a story of humanity’s rescue by miracle vaccines. They will be perfectly happy if there are no more ‘surges’ or ‘outbreaks’, and are ready to move on to how American pharmaceutical giants saved the world. And, as I mentioned before, of all the other miraculous things mRNA injections can achieve.


Jun 9, 2021 5:51 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Someone said on OffG that the original Wuhan strain died out “a long time ago”. He posted months ago. So the whole Plandemic is based on nothing more than an imaginary bug-a-boo virus. Con-19, from the same stable as Con-911 that bred War Against Terror, and Clash of Civilizations, with millions dead and $trillions wasted.

Jun 8, 2021 10:02 AM

“a change in focus that will both reinforce the idea the virus is definitely real/frightening, and re-frame China to play the heel”.

There is one glaring omission here – the fact that the gain-of-function research at Wuhan WAS FUNDED BY THE US! Hence, the US is just as much “the heel” in this scenario as China.

I’m quite happy to see the Lab Leak theory prevail. That way we can talk the public down from the ledge and have a hope for a sane society again. The alternative is SO much worse; that Covid occurred naturally and can only be confronted with vaccines, though that would be music to the ears of Bill Gates et al…

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Jun 8, 2021 9:56 AM

 Benitez wrote that “contrary to public misinformation, mass shooting events are rare events.” Benitez added, “More people have died from the Covid-19 vaccine than mass shootings in California.”

Benitez is a US federal judge. Presumably he will be sacked.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jun 8, 2021 12:47 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

I doubt it. I’d say it’s just them pushing out the truth underneath the propaganda … and no doubt Judge Benitez knows that – at least as far as the mass shootings we see covered in the media 24/7 – no one’s died in them.

Jun 8, 2021 9:52 AM

Hi! Thanks a lot for your reasonable input. In the age of “no-reason” it is truly, deeply and madly appreciated 🙂

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 9:46 AM

“I’m terrified that people like you are saying we should lockdown forever. Do you not think that’s extraordinarily selfish and small minded?”


The useful idiots have no idea what they are doing and are so easy to manipulate.

Jun 8, 2021 9:28 AM

There is evidence it was created in a lab, I posted many links to it in the last thread poo pooing the theory, but it’s still in the spam bin, even after prompting, yet I’m assured by mods it’s checked regularly (go figure)

I don’t understand a) why the OP didn’t read the evidence b)if they did why the OP still maintains this stance c) why it’s important to quash the theory when it’s the only way to get a light shon on the dubious science of GOF research and potentially getting it stopped.

IF it doesn’t exist, why were there many claims from around the world from frontline Dr’s of “never seen before symptoms” “Broken glass like stuctures on xrays” “more akin to altitude sickness” ?
IF it doesn’t exist, what killed all the old folks that were hussled together in care homes from hospitals? I recall some reports of abandonment, could every care home with high mortality have been so calous?
IF it doesn’t exist, where did the 400k+ “variants” come from in the DNA samplnig database? Are all the DNA services in on it?
IF it doesn’t exist, where are the symptoms comming from that can be amoliated with a) vitamin C & Zinc b)ivermectin c)HQC etc.
IF it doesn’t exist what was the straw that broke the camels back in all the dead people with “underlying issues” for whom a mild infection was too much?

Why can’t it be a tweaked regular cold type corona virus that most people can fight off with minimal (or no) symptoms, but a minority with ‘underlying illness’ who are immunocompromised experience more sever symtoms?

Just what did the WHO/World Bank use to fulfil their 2010 planning criteria for a global pandemic “Including the intentional release of a pathogenic respiratory virus” by 2020?

If there’s “no such thing as a virus” what causes the common cold, or infuenza, and just what did Sweaty Betty do to 12 matelots that left cold sores all over their dicks after a drunken ‘party’ in Portmouth in 1984 that was labeled Herpes? And what caused the symptoms of 34,570 people in 2019 diagnosed with Genital Herpes?

Enquiring minds want to know!
(N.B. no links I’m not wasting 2 hours finding them all again for the post to sit in the spam bin in perpatuity)

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 8, 2021 9:49 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

There’s nothing by you in the spam folder. And we DO check it daily.

Jun 8, 2021 10:37 AM

on the other ‘no lab leak’ OffG post? so where did it go? I got the “awating spam check” in green script notification after I posted. (there was about 10 links)

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 8, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Saying that the virus doesn’t exist is not the same as denying that it leaked from a lab.

Jun 8, 2021 11:43 AM

I didn’t say it did, the OP is forming a narrative questioning weather it’s “real/frightening” in a post questioning weather it came from a lab.

It’s pretty clear that the entire Covid19 “pandemic” narrative is
undergoing a shift, a change in focus that will both reinforce the idea
the virus is definitely real/frightening

as if the question of weather it’s “definately real” is the same as weather it’s “definately frightening”

These positions are not mutually exclusive, it can be real, come from a lab, and not be very frightening, all at the same time. IMO that’s exactly what it is, I’d also go so far as to say it was released intentionally as a “live exercise” (as per their planning document) so they can track it’s global spread (“for science”) without too much risk for those in the know, too many coincidences otherwise.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 8, 2021 1:32 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Ah sorry, I read past that part it seems. But I think the point of the article is to say that the facts of the virus (mortality rates, change of death registering protocols, deliberate use of laboratorial tests in the general populace) render the origin story less relevant than what the consequences of the reaction to it are, much like the actual virus itself.

Jun 8, 2021 12:05 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

No evidence yet that the virus even exists: people die all the time, their demise proves that flu still works.

Jun 8, 2021 1:12 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

so answer all my “IF it doesn’t exist” questions.

Jun 12, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  impobs

You want me to tell you what was going through the minds of the journalists making up bullshit stories and posting them as fear porn. Tough one. Look at the press, you have loads of doctors telling us the sky is falling in yet on the internet there are loads of doctors saying this doesn’t exist. Why would a rational person believe the Faucis of this world?

I lived in Africa as a kid and we had the occasional outbreaks of Cholera etc and when it happened, you saw it on the streets, sick people queued outside clinics … real evidence that something was wrong.

You are telling me that the newspaper says there is this thing called Covid killing millions ….. whatever, they can say what they like but because they lie so often I don’t believe them. I see no evidence so it doesn’t exist.

dr death
dr death
Jun 8, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

perhaps you are confounding ‘variables’….

perhaps you have scabs on your pecker because of unsanitary sexual practices or maybe due to it being warm last night… maybe your last conquest was a libertine and ‘covid’ ‘superspreader’ neo-liberal with genital warts… perhaps zinc supplements keep the coffs away… but give grandma a headache on the first tuesday in the month..

perhaps you have syphilis….. then again perhaps not, because often outcomes and are not the results of ‘defined’ inputs… and you really have NSU and gonner-ear..

see its easy and fun, security services play this game all the time, so does the ‘state’ (and it’s in a right one) give it a try……

and become’ a tweeting twittering ‘scientism’…

but hurry up because if you’ve been ‘jabbed’.. well.. times running out..

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 9:16 AM

Canada, Australia and now the UK, the key members of the 5 eyes states, whose security services are directly under the control of the CIA, are imposing the hardest or in the case of the UK, the most absurd lockdowns.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 8, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

5 Eyes have been insane, in Australia where nothing happened but daily multiple press conferences by ignorant CHO’s flanked by stupid Gen X premiers parrotting the same nonsense as each other and 19 million pointless fake PCR tests Victoria has been locked up for 6 months in the last year and 4 months, the destruction is incredible but still the psychos in the Victorian think tanks, all funded by Gates, think obliteration of a non existent virus, constant face nappies and testing is actual science and the media all peddle the same mindless junk and anyone who dares utter words like ”what about our innate immune systms” they are shut down.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 10:13 AM

Gates is allowed/controlled by the CIA, Putin & Xi Jinping shows us what states do to naughty Oligarchs.

David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Jun 8, 2021 1:33 PM

Yes know what you mean Marilyn, and the supplication of the once brave Australian population to this technofascism is the worst part of it. Even when they force you to show an ID wallet to buy food and drink at a supermarket or a take away coffee, no-one says “I’m not doing this”. But if they did, other customers would set on them! But no QR codes, no masks and no Vax for me. We have to take a stand!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 8, 2021 3:05 PM

You mean the snivelling brave Australian’s happy to lock up and torture refugees to death just because they came to Australia by sea?

Jun 9, 2021 6:00 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Same 5 Eyes States that I previously read about in connection with the invasion of Syria by NATZO and its ISIS mercenaries.

All roads lead to ‘The City’ — not of Rome but of London.

popo says
popo says
Jun 8, 2021 9:11 AM

Despite early scepticism within weeks,I didn’t twig that people ‘dropping dead in the streets’ images from China were probably faked until about 6 months into this…Then the penny dropped instead.

Jun 8, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  popo says

Whitney Webb makes a good point about Wuhan being the global center for Fentanyl production.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 9:09 AM

China already has a total surveillance app & controlled population and they don’t need any excuse to implement impose tyrannical measures, they do it anyway. And ergonomically they would never like to destroy their small business for the benefit of oligarchs & large corporations, that makes no sense in a state controlled economy.

All the advantages of Covid serve US neo-liberal aims, not Chinese. Covid is being used to engineer the world economy around a US economic franchise.

Jun 8, 2021 11:12 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

The whole social credit system is just in its trial phase in China it’s not affecting the vast majority of the population. Still an awful idea

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 8, 2021 1:39 PM
Reply to  Koba

“As of June 2019, according to the National Development and Reform Commission of China, 27 million air tickets as well as 6 million high-speed rail tickets had been denied to people who were deemed “untrustworthy (失信)” (on a blacklist), and 4.4 million “untrustworthy” people had chosen to fulfill their duties required by the law.


Jun 12, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  Koba

The rumour is that millions have been banned from flying due to the social credit system. Some say as many as 25 million, almost half the UK population, have been stopped from going on holiday.

Of course, this is highly likely to be a made up number, the CCP will have banned many more than this number from doing all sorts of things, not just travelling but moving job, moving town etc.

The CCP does not publish statistics on its attrocities.