SARS-CoV-2 pet vaccine roll-out is psychological warfare against Humanity
Vanessa Beeley

“Science is a dangerous gift unless it can be brought into contact with wisdom that resides in the sensual, intuitive and ethical aspects of our nature. For most non-Western cultures, nature is truly alive, and every entity within it is endowed with agency, intelligence and wisdom.”
Robert Riversong
In December 2020 Sciencemag asked if our pets require Covid-19 vaccines. SARS-CoV-2 has never been an exclusively human problem, apparently.
The article claimed cats and dogs can become infected with the yet-to-be-isolated virus. Mink farms have been allegedly hard hit, leading to massive culls and claims of human infections. “Scientists” worry domestic animals could transmit the virus to wildlife “creating an uncontrollable reservoir of the disease”.
At this stage the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) was not approving commercial licenses for Covid pet vaccines and without that license it is impossible to sell or distribute the vaccines even if veterinary pharmaceutical companies wish to work on research and development. Sciencemag’s experts warned us that Apes and Mink were the high-risk species.
One US-based vet pharma company, Zoetis, had already started work on a vaccine for mink and domestic pets in early 2020.
Their vaccine is compared to the Novavax Covid approach, delivering a shot of a modified form of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein which is reported to have a detrimental effect on vascular cells and potential to trigger blood clots according to a number of research papers and experts.
Zoetis’ data does not conclude that the vaccine will protect the animal against infection – therefore, similar to the human Covid vaccine, it is effectively not a vaccine. At this stage, December 2020, Zoetis was pushing USDA to license their mink vaccine which could be “rapidly adapted” for cats and dogs and mirroring a human vaccine that was still undergoing clinical trials and is suspected to have long term adverse consequences for the human body.
The Pharmaceutical rule bending.
As early as January 2021, Zoetis were administering a vaccine that was only in the planning stages one month prior. A 28-year-old Orangutan, Karen, received the “Covid vaccine” on January 26th at San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
Karen was the first ape in the world to be jabbed with an experimental vaccine, still not licensed by the USDA.
Karen was reported to have no adverse reactions and Zoetis then launched a vaccination programme for the San Diego primates. Zoetis apparently got permission from the USDA to provide the doses on an experimental basis.
So, these captive animals, many of them rare, are effectively being exploited to test Big Vet Pharma drugs just as laboratory animals are abused to do the same. This vaccine is barely out of the developmental starting blocks yet a reported three dozen zoos across the US have “put in orders” for the unlicensed vaccine.
Sharon Deem, a veterinary epidemiologist at the St Louis Zoo and member of a hazard preparedness group of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums that represents 240 zoos said this:
I think given how horrible this particular pathogen has been to humans, and that we know it can be transmitted between humans and animals, that there is great interest to use an animal vaccine as soon as it is available.
Members of our gorilla troop tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Aside from some congestion and coughing, the gorillas are doing well and we are hopeful for a full recovery. Read the full update:
— San Diego Zoo Safari Park (@sdzsafaripark) January 11, 2021
“Experts” consider humans to be the primary vector of SARS-CoV-2 but the “threat” to wildlife is being amplified, despite the very real evidence that this virus is not an abnormal threat to human beings and is certainly not the pandemic it is being hyped up to be.
At least 75 percent of emerging infectious diseases, including COVID-19, have an animal origin, according to the World Health Organization, an organisation with deep connections to the vaccine industry.
An article in National Geographic clearly states that little is known about the effects of the virus on animals. So, why the mad rush to jab these caged animals and to target domestic pets? Does the risk warrant a warp-speed response?
Who are Zoetis?
Zoetis are world leaders in the animal vaccine industry. The global animal vaccine market generated $ 9.09 billion in 2020 and is estimated to achieve $ 13.78 billion by 2028. This growth is on track despite the negative impact of the Covid-19 restrictions and lockdown.
The company has existed for more than 65 years and until 2013, Zoetis was Pfizer’s animal health unit. Pfizer has been fined almost five billion dollars in the last twenty years for making false claims about their products.
According to the Zoetis website:
Zoetis is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 65 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes veterinary medicines, vaccines and diagnostic products, which are complemented by biodevices, genetic tests and precision livestock farming.”
In 2020, Zoetis generated revenue of $6.7 billion with 11,300 employees.
This is taken from the Zoetis press releases. [Emphasis added]:
As the world leader in animal health, Zoetis has a long history of developing solutions for emerging infectious diseases in animals, including quickly developing a diagnostic test that can be used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in animals. This test is being offered in our reference labs upon request and was used to identify cases in companion animals. While this test is available, the USDA and global veterinary organizations are not recommending broad testing of companion animals at this time.”
There is little information about the diagnostic test to detect SARS-CoV-2 and if it is based on the human PCR test, questions must be raised about its efficacy. Zoetis shared the results of initial development work on a dog and cat vaccine at the 6th World One Health Congress virtual event.
In these preliminary studies, the vaccine has been demonstrated to be safe and have a reasonable expectation of efficacy.”
This is an extraordinary claim to be made so early in the development stage.
Supporters of World One Health include the Scottish government, Global Affairs Canada, US Defence Threat Reduction Agency, Big Pharma groups – Roche, GlaxoSmithKlein, World Health Organisation (WHO), British Medical Journal (BMJ) and a plethora of virus research and vaccine development agencies.
After a troop of eight western lowland gorillas got sick in January, San Diego Zoo staff received experimental COVID-19 vaccines to give to great apes in their care. See how Zoetis helped make this happen. via @NatGeo
— Zoetis (@Zoetis) March 3, 2021
In 2017 Zoetis received a $14 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fund the African Livestock Productivity and Health Advancement initiative (ALPHA).
Over 1.7 billion doses of vaccines and medicines have been administered since the launch in Nigeria, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Uganda. Gates is pivotal to the SARS-CoV-2 “pandemic” narratives and the human vaccine roll-out.
Gates also has a controversial reputation with regards to his vaccination programmes in Africa.
Zoetis buys in to the Great Reset ‘sustainability” lexicon, arguing that their vaccine intervention will generate “a more sustainable livestock production” in some of the poorest regions of the world with a focus on the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit and COP-26 – “The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.”
The Gates-sponsored GAVI alliance is unsurprisingly running with the SARS-CoV-2 pet vaccine narrative:
Early results from several studies have found that pets can pick up #COVID19 from their owner – but that doesn’t necessarily make them dangerous. @DrSarahCaddy explains why: via @ConversationUK
— Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (@gavi) July 8, 2021
Zoetis prior breach of vaccine licencing without sufficient clinical trials
In 2018, horse-owners brought a $53 million class action lawsuit against Zoetis for failing to warn of side effects of a Hendra virus vaccine.
Owners claimed that 1500 horses out of 500,000 vaccinated had suffered adverse reactions and had been unable to return to work. The Hendra virus is transmitted by “flying foxes” or bats, similar to claims made about the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
LHD lawyers argued that Zoetis had aggressively marketed the Hendra vaccine for all horses in Australia in “breach of the licencing and without proper clinical trials to identify side effects”. Perhaps most importantly, the lawsuit alleged that Zoetis overstated the risks of Hendra virus to the horse community.
Are we seeing a repeat of this overstatement of risks with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for livestock? Certainly we are seeing similarities in the bypassing of controls over distribution of a trial-stage vaccine.
The ‘Zoonotic threat’ is psychological warfare
The SARS-CoV-2 disproportionate measures against entire global populations are designed to dehumanise us, to mask us, to prevent touch, hugs, all the human interaction that makes us human. The isolation felt by many during lockdown may have been alleviated by their dog or cat.
Now, even this connection is being potentially severed or rendered “risky”.
The Zoonotic risk narrative is another attempt to separate humans from nature and from the healing it brings. Ultimately there is potential that human beings will be driven out of the countryside and into the Great Reset “smart cities” – surveillance hubs, sterile inhumane environments devoid of character or individuality.
"If you don't vaccinate you are a risk to your pet."
According to Biden, this is how to overcome "vaccine hesitancy" #Covid_19
— vanessa beeley (@VanessaBeeley) July 10, 2021
President Joe Biden is endorsing door to door vaccination campaigns while exploiting human connection to domestic animals to overcome “vaccine hesitancy”, a ridiculous term to describe people informing themselves of the multiple threats to their health from the experimental SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, or those simply exercising their health sovereignty.
This is also about profit, the domestic animal vaccine market is a lucrative one and veterinary Big Pharma sees an opportunity to exploit the SARS-CoV-2 crisis and cash in. Build a crisis, develop a warp-speed solution and breach the licencing laws under the pretext of “emergency use”. Where have we seen this before?
The number of post-human-vaccine deaths has now reached almost 7000 according to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) but it is estimated that 90% or more of the severe adverse reactions and deaths are not being recorded.
An overblown crisis has been the portal to mass vaccination with an experimental drug that is having devastating consequences and the Big Pharma giants are immune from legal prosecution. Now wildlife is to be experimented upon.
Please watch the following ABC news video, if you still have your humanity intact you will be distressed by the caged animals being jabbed with a developmental drug with little concern over the long term effects of such a campaign.
The connection between mankind and nature should be stronger than ever because we are both under attack from the same malevolent forces that envisage our extinction.
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Claiming the virus has not been isolated (when it has) does what? Claiming that the virus does not exist, (when something obviously does) does what?
Makes people feel they shouldn’t be taking realistic precautions against SARS Cov-2. COVID deniers seem to want people to drop all their defenses against whatever’s out there killing people as usual whether the common cold or flu or COVID-19 aerosol drones.
This is as bad as the COVID-1984 mask fanatics, forcing people to go about trapping pathgens to their faces everywhere they go and lock down against fresh air, sunshne, and healthy human interactions.
Regardless, people should be taking vitamins D, C, K plus zinc to maintain the natural immune system at peak efficiency. Realistic natural health advice neither extreme of provax fanaticism or COVID denialism cares to promote above all.
The elites are unlikely to have unleashed a pathogen that really threatens them, just kill the weak and ignorant as opportunisticaly as possible.
good my dog died a year ago…
Ha, ha!! Check this out, Vanessa! Pfizer filed for a patent for the ‘S-spike protein canine coronavirus vaccine’…drumroll, please….twenty-one years ago. There is, demonstrably through patent applications, no such thing as the ‘novel coronavirus’.
Mink farms have been hit hard… Has anyone ever seen what a mink farm looks like? What’s next – chicken and pig farm factories are being hit hard? Ever seen inside of those?
Minks have lungs similar to humans: that’s why ferrets were used in 2011 in a Rotterdam BSL-2/3 lab to experiments for GOF of H5N1.
This is nothing new and the UK have previous for it during WW2.I have been saying almost the same for months now ‘they are coming for the pets’ its not coincidental either that big pharma have just realised there is a vast untapped revenue stream just sitting there purring,barking,twittering away which has absolutely no voice whatsoever in opposition to their plans.
The one world government have also realised the protein stream required to feed pets would be better utilised in feeding humans,the behavioural psychologists have also seen a gap and have leapt in feet first,what better way to demoralise a huge proportion of a population than take away peoples pets ? all for the common good of course
Read it and weep
They don’t want the protein saved by killing pets to be used for human consumption, as they also want people dead.. That should be quite obvious to all of us by now.
drugs for people, drugs for animals, drugs for the plants, drugs for the soil; drugs for the water in the sea is on a to-do list no doubt.
these criminally insane imbeciles and their brainwashed lackeys….
have decided the whole of creation must be ‘pricked’ and ‘uploaded’ to klaus magoos ‘new-abnormal’ database.. legions of drooling credentialed imbeciles, syringe in hand, will be running after anything that moves or has a temperature…
their hired goons and portly red haired rainbow warriors forcefully restraining any moggie macmuffin and doggie macdougal that might have had the misfortune to be left behind by little jimmy or auntie edna..
forgotten in the aftermath of the zombie vax-ocalypse and ensuing exodus (of true biblical proportion) to the local asda superstore and of course the unforeseen ‘fallout’ from the ‘toilet roll wars’…
if anyone has any doubts about the current situation… well, just about ‘now’ would be the time to disencumber yourself of them..
I don’t vaccinate my dogs with anything and haven’t for over 30 years now. Feed them raw, they run off leash and they can come and go as they please (obviously in a safe environment). They’re super happy, healthy and live long. No obesity, no chronic disease, skin issues, no vet bills. You vets can keep your dangerous drugs and vaccines. With healthy bodies and immune systems we don’t need you.
you are a non conformist terror enabler
the animals must die to protect granny and grandad
the puppie and the kitten is dangerous disease vector they maybe be cute and small but they is super spreader
the planet cannot survive with this 4 legged distemper
the sas and parachute regiment need to correct this issue now with full prejudice
this is a war soldier
get with the programme
Good news. My ten years old dog is also totally unvaccinated and he never ails. He is also lean, muscular, active and far too clever.
If the numb skulled herd of sheeple are lining up and jostling to get their kill shot from the filth masquerading as doctors and health “carers” then why not shoot up every living thing on Planet Whacko to ensure all life is poisoned and damned? Come autumn when the four legged mutts are dropping like flies and the goon squads of thugs are going house to house, breaking and entering to get the last of the conscious beings that can still be called human, I predict there will be uncontrollable violence and death as resistance spreads and the pigs and uniforms are forced to choose between the satnic filth and their friends and families that might have retained their humanity and consciousness throughout this mass psychosis “event”.
You have only those rights that you are prepared to kill and die for… and do or die time is already upon us because the pedovore satanic animal herders are playing for all the marbles and they know they will be exterminated if they retreat an inch.
I’ve been watching the “danger of animals” thing being pushed for quite a while. Some time back there were a lot of news reports hinting that foxes were a danger to babies. Now we’ve had the bat virus scare and you’d better believe that nature is the enemy. Trans humanism is the only answer, is the silent message.
The Viennese satirical writer Karl Kraus went quiet at the precise point when he might have been expected to go into overdrive i.e. when the Nazis arrived. One credible theory is that he realised the Nazis could not be parodied. They were already a parody and any sarcasm you aimed at them would only fit in with their claims. Covid is the same. Imagine (and I’m sure you don’t have to!) the sarcasm you could come out with:
“They’ll be vaccinating foetuses next!”
“They’ll want everyone to wear all-over body protection!”
“They’ll be issuing tanks of industrial strength disinfectant to every household!”
“They’ll insist that each vax by itself is useless and we should submit to them all!”
“They’ll insist that there must be an updated vax injection ever week!”
“They’ll be insisting that sex itself should be banned unless you’ve had all vaccinations up to date!”
“Since this pandemic is so deadly now with the Omega 2 variant (the entire alphabet having gone round twice) we’ll have to start executing people!”
Say any of these with the most obvious sneer in your voice and they’ll just be taken up as genuine “science based” commands!
It may be the final straw for most on the fence. After all, in movies nobody gives a shit if all the people get killed, but if the dog gets killed…
Ha! That’s SO true!!!
I knew they would come for our pets! Dog’s stomachs contain almost every coronavirus known to man, and some that aren’t. When the plandemic started I thought “I wonder how long before they start blaming dogs.”
“Mink farms have been allegedly hard hit, leading to massive culls”
Shades of Foot and Mouth! It was that epidemic which set young Neill Ferguson on his way to fame and fortune by whisking up a Mathematical Model which whizkid PM Tony B.Liar could use to satisfy his innate bloodlust by calling up the British Army to cull 20 million sheep. There was a perfectly good vaccine developed by Prof.Fred Brown, FRS, but the profitable U$ market would not accept vaccinated lamb.
I watched that doco recently, it was one of the most sickening things I have ever seen. All those animals just slaughtered for no reason.
The problem is fairly easy to understand and the brainwashing techniques that were and still are being used. 88% of the World’s Population..have been brainwashed, and there is nothing much we can do about them,,,at least in the short term
That leaves us with 11.5% who weren’t affected.
What do we do with the 0.5% who are currently in Control?
Anyone got any ideas, when The Justice System Is Corrupt too?
I can no longer stand Craig Murray, but he has made a few fair points.
I just can’t take his hypocrisy and racism, against the country he was born in England, by his English Mother and Scottish Dad, and grew up in East Anglia, and campaigned to be an English MP in Norwich North, and then beaten by a slip of a girl…who is probably really good (though I think she may have cancer or sumat – she ain’t thick – I hope she is O.K.
Craig Murray having failed to be elected as an English MP, several times,
Then Decides He is Scottish, and Slags Off Us English…
Whilst it was My English Girl and Me who got married in Scotland.
On local teevee last night: one of the Soothsayers advising the NSW government asserted Sydney might have to be locked-down for another three, maybe four more weeks to control the Indian-what-became-Delta “Variant”- preparing everyone psychologically to expect more disruptions to their lives in the War Against That Phantom Virus…
We’ve reached the point of the fear campaign where you dont need the bodies to be piling up as evidence there is a pandemic raging Out There…
The Next Step of the campaign: South Australian governments Pre-emptive action – of imposing (some) covid restrictions though NO CASES had been found in SA..
So there we have it: dont need no bodies piling up; dont need no ‘positive cases’- not 1000, not even one – to impose restrictions… No more restrictions to imposing restrictions… Talk about “getting ahead of ‘the virus'” ! (there’s gotta be a name for the Genius who thought up this strategy ?)
Sydney will be ‘lucky’ to be out of quarantine by Christmas.
which christmas?
Certainly not Christmas or any other public holiday. Even the the most dosile amongst us have stared noticing the trends
And to think that opinion columnists in Canada’s Globe and Mail raged that Canada had responded stupidly to the ‘pandemic’ – we dragged our feet on closing the national border until every COVID-raddled Tom, Dick and Harry had been given the chance to traipse through, shedding viral particles like dandruff, and our closure of inter-provincial borders was such weak sauce it didn’t bear discussion. Australia, by God, was the global example; they had locked down hard and fast, adopted a ‘Zero COVID’ posture, and not a case to be seen. The only Canadian example which bore comparison was the vaunted ‘Atlantic Bubble’, comprised of the maritime provinces of Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. They, too, had locked down hard and fast like they meant business, with hillbillies patrolling the border with their squirrel guns. Okay, that last part might have been an exaggeration. But the point was, they also had no cases.
Quite a few people were moved to inquire what would happen as soon as those restrictions were lifted, presenting the first infection with a target-rich environment of an entire population which had never been exposed. The obvious alternative was to remain religiously locked down until ‘the virus’ was eradicated. Around the time ‘the science’ forecast that it would never be eradicated, but would become endemic, and kept bumping up the percentage that must be vaccinated before we could reach herd immunity, it was recognized that lockdown could not outlast it. And, inevitably, the first ‘cases’ began to appear, causing hysteria and panic.
Neither Australia nor the ‘Atlantic Bubble’ have anything to show for their virtuous lockdowns but ruined businesses by the sector, terrified populations and crippling restrictions.Scare theatre that just keeps on amping up. New Zealand is, if anything, even more of a basket case.
As laughable as it is, the whole thing is beginning to shape up like ‘Red Dawn’, the simperingly-patriotic 1984 film thus synopsized: “It is the dawn of World War III. In the west mountains of America, a group of teenagers band together to defend their town, and their country, from invading Soviet forces.” You can’t really replace ‘invading Soviet forces’ with ‘deadly virus’, but the similarity I see is in the emerging republic the teenagers know as ‘FA’. Of course the immediate assumption is ‘F##k All’, but what they mean is ‘Free America’, a subdivision of the USA where people live their lives pretty much as they did before – protected, naturally, by The Most Powerful Military The World Has Ever Known.
Some American states arbitrarily lifted COVID restrictions, including masking mandates, and enacted legal blocks on ‘Vaccine passports’, although it remains unclear how the latter would work in the event of a national adoption of such passports. The USA thus far has announced it has no such intention, but we all know what a lure they are to the powerful, and how many countries are already test-driving them, and how a promise from the US government can be nullified by the simple expedient of the concerned official having his fingers crossed behind his back.
It occurs to me that we, the unvaccinated, are in the position of the American negro circa 1950. Although they would scoff at such an analogy and say we haven’t paid our dues, we were never slaves, certain parallels persist. We are technically free, but we may not participate in activities or avail ourselves of public services that are now reserved for the vaccinated only, even as we continue to pay taxes to support them. The vaccinated are encouraged to discriminate against us. Newspaper cartoons idealize the ‘anti-vaxxer’ as ignorant, slovenly and belligerent.
And perhaps we, like they, will develop our own restaurants, places of entertainment, public services which cater to the new ‘coloured folk’, and in which the vaccinated are unwelcome.
Dear oh dear you couldn’t frighten aussies with flu, cold virus in summer…we are too busy enjoying beaches and bbq….well unless in Victoria last summer…not sure what went down there…though they did make one or 2 breaks for the beaches…upset the powers…got more lockdown for being naughty
this is a game….each country, and in our case state, gets to play their role in the game…some lock up now, some do it later…as long as the end game keeps happening…I.e. state of emergency so the jabs keep happening, nothing else matters or makes logical sense….who cares about the smashed lives etc as long as you get to die with having had the needle and the profit is banked..
soon be winter in nth hemisphere so I guess one part or another will get the roll of the dice for the continued game plan…
Not long after the slaves were freed, a legislation was passed making us all “legally” slaves. The reason that this Covid nonsense has traction is because the legal system is controlled by the banksters using corporate contract law. Unless this exposed they will keep inventing phoney crises until we are all dead or human robots. This is the ONLY way out
I hope the utopian reality you suggest in your last paragraph becomes reality. At least we won’t have to put up with the stupid blathering of the blindly faithful.
Yes. But think of the human cost if they don’t!
A nonagenarian just died “after contracting” Convid.
It’s time to vaccinate in-utero, methinks…
“For your safety…”
And today a 45 minute media conference because the first person in NSW to die of so called covid this year, a woman pushing 100, never mind the other 377 people that will die in Australia today. And by the way, no one gives a flying fuck about declarations of so called restictions in SA anymore, we just go about our lives.
Good to hear the Good News from SA… (“May The Force Be With You !”)
NSW cops go full CoVidiot on govt. orders.
Under the state of emergency the police are in charge. They do their own bidding…it legally becomes their business not the state govt..the state govt effectively have given over any power,…police are only answerable to the governor and the Queen…we are now operating under colonial law…except that I suspect that is illegal under our constitution when it comes to what they are trying to enforce….which means the fed govt is turning a blind eye to what the states are doing with our constitution.
”We’ve reached the point of the fear campaign where you dont need the bodies to be piling up as evidence there is a pandemic raging Out There…”
what stage? there NEVER were bodies piling up, from the beginning.
Spot on! I know of no-one who has gotten “Covid”, let alone died from it.
However, I now know several people who have had weird neurological symptoms pop up suddenly post Covid injection…. (inexplicable falls on their face – literally!, “labyrinthitis”, an inflammation of a specific part of the brain that causes severely unbalanced gait, stroke – all real cases that I know of).
The cult of COVID is extremely powerful.
I have been subjected tonight by mind manipualtion from my EX who has been jabbed…She texted me and accused me of being a bully, which she knows is not true.
“You are Bullying Your Wife not to Get Jabbed”
I replied, I have never bullied anyone on my life.
My wife can make her own decisions. It’s entirely up to her.
I can’t dissuade from getting jabbed if she wants to join your Jabbed Death Cult
She can do what she likes. I have no control of her, I just gently occasionally let her know, what I think of these Death Jabs.
I explained to my Ex I want to grow old with her – my wife
Well get her jabbed then.
Thank God we split up.
I think her bloke is a hero, and I said, I think we might get on, if we met down the pub.
“I think you are a hero mate.”
Blokes talking down the pub, compare notes…
Yeh she’s Georgeous.
(how the hell did you live with her for 40 years)
The Girls occasionally talk to each other
I hope to grow old with my wife, thanks.
She has met my Ex twice, and they really get on.
Mainly Hawkwind Gigs
Highly recommend Sheep Farms “Meet the Flockers” series; their Tony B-liar was linked here and since that I have seen Chris Whitty and just finished watching all 4 parts (8 hours) of their magnum opus on Boris Johnson.
The series does a deep dive on the main players orchestrating this scam – it is truly eye opening.
Dom and Chris are doing an amazing job. Check them out at:
Bliar looks like he DID sell his soul to the Devil, and, payment being due soon, he is regreting the deal. I do so very much hope so.
I checked. Looks like a serious website. Its articles on environmental poisons would be of interest to fans of Colin Todhunter, and provide Lucy with good ammo in defense of her organic lifestyle.
Thanks for the link, I’m thinking of getting into sheep farming. Seems we have around 40 million new sheep members in the UK, all jabbed up and ready to be led anywhere you want them to go.
The “experts” believe that we can achieve herd immunity with 80-90% vaccine adoption in a planet of 8 billion…i.e. vaccinate 7 billion people with 2 doses and boosters when close to 7 billion people don’t have access to clean water, steady meals etc delivered to some of the most remote places on earth keeping in mind these cabal cocktails have to be stored in sub-zero temperatures…now throw in animals and we’ll need to vaccinate hundreds of billions…and oh yeah we’ll need to do it quickly before variants render the vaccine more ineffective than it already is. Science.
You can’t stop a flu with a vaccine. Herd immunity is natural immunity, and the way we got our natural immunity was to get along with our annual sneezes and wheezes.
Crocodile Dundee, “Are you crazy!? You cant stop a lion with a 38 pistol.”
Biden’s “Domestic Terrorist” > granny’s cats…
The drug companies have got the kids in the bag, now they’re coming for Your Pets…
During the Fear campaign last year, the Threat in the Home was given a trial run:
‘it’s estimated that “cat dependent diseases” cost Australia more than $6 billion annually, and an estimated 8500 Australians are hospitalised, and 550 die annually from “cat borne diseases”. ‘(NewDaily, 18 Oct; Also: The Conversation (Aust)…
“How We Found Coronavirus in a Cat.” (The Conversation (Aust). 4 August 2020)…
Granny’s cats: meat eaters, methane farters, thus – A Danger go The Planet…
(NASA’s concerns about the Earth colliding with an asteroid – on which Space Bugs have hitched a ride – have been getting media attention lately, though there’s no word yet whether the graphene injections make the Jabbed targets for lightning strikes.)
Man Morphed into Netspeak,
A dog’s love is special yep, Penquins & Frogs make me smile and Ladybirds are beautiful.
Lest we forget that ‘chipping’ was first carried out in pets.”what a good idea” the owners cried
Little realising that getting their pet chipped would eventually lead to them being chipped
This folks,is the reason cats still shit in your shoes and bring you dismembered animals as ‘gifts’ …it’s a protest
I hate to be the guy who recycles the eerily prescient scamdemic-related “Simpsons” clip for the umpteenth time, but… OK, I love to be that guy:
My Godz! Imagine #bigpharma culling all “wild” animals, Bill Gates & CRISPR DNA Patents selling/releasing Corporatocracy pets. Of course, they’ll need vax updates monthly 🙄 unplanned bio-forms…UGHH.
Yep robot dogs and cats. What are we waiting for? Great market opportunity
Blade runner.
I see vaccinated pets turning out to be very successful breeding grounds for new ‘variants’. Animal ‘variants’ might prove useful to crank up the lethality too. ‘Nobody saw it coming!’.
shades of oryx and crake
That is exactly the intention. Childhoods End by top 33degree paedo Arthur C Clarke. They always reveal their intentions in a way that conceals them, it makes them feel really clever and omniscient.
They have tried this trick multiple times already – it goes back more than 40 years and started with HIV. The idea is to cite a “vector” of disease that will scare the crap out of people to the extent they can be manipulated with it. Up to now it hasn’t work – HIV was supposedly isolated to queers, Swine flu to pigs, bird flu to birds. But now they’ve hit the jackpot, WE are the vector. When are people going to wake to this whole scam?
God knows. Most of them really are thick as the proverbial. It’s amazing how so many of these dolts remain so clueless.
DoIts eh? Planks and sawdust. None of us sees the whole picture.
How the CDC are making the US vaccination rate seem higher than it is:
One can only think this is too create a bandwagon, join-our-club effect.
It appears that guy is saying there’s about a ten percent difference in CDC numbers and what the “true” numbers are. Not that much really, considering .So instead of 86% in the 65-74 yr old group, it could be 78%. I still find that surprising and hard to believe. That’s my age group and I’m to believe that around 8 out of 10 have taken that jab? I can’t believe that on the surface, it doesn’t make sense. I have a number of friends my age and all of us are not going to take it. If it’s true, I’m aghast, I tell you, aghast.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-07-09. Right to be secure in your person vs mask mandate. Deaths wrongly labelled, even before 2020
Some Fijians have their heads screwed on right.
Even though it is allegedly not over until certain people sing, I consider Homo Sapiens a total failure – on its way to receive the ultimate Darwin award – for self-extinction.
It’s broken and cannot be fixed – or it would have been fixed already.
Just disgusting.
You ever watched Planet of the Apes when Charlton Heston is riding a horse on the beach past the broken Statue of Liberty? The Fat Lady ain’t gonna sing, man. They might get some of us, maybe most of us, but they won’t get us all.
But I wouldn’t bet on us not doing the same shit again anyway.
Nothing is fixed until the world hears the final whistle.
Only if aided and abetted by dumb brainwashed pessimists, ducky.
The cryptocracy want you and your pets dead. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear are starting to get the message.
It’s depopulation, while maximizing profit. Why kill millions (or billions) with a thirty cent bullet when you can persuade people to euthanize themselves, their family and their pets with a $100 vaccine, voluntarily? The cost to treat those who are sickened from the vaccine? Up to $500,000 per person.
The potential profits for treating the ill and dying who’ve been jabbed, and the future profits through implementation of predictive medicine and biomonitoring the remaining population in the global panopticon, will be exponential.
The continuing lockdowns, restrictions and coerced medical experimentation will force millions onto conditional UBI, where recipients will be forced to take boosters and other toxic RX while only being allowed to buy nutrient depleted, GMO food.
Don’t fall into the trap of believing the myths about variants, contagion and zoonotic transfer. None of that exists in the real world. Most everything that’s been published on viruses, vaccines, genetics and novel treatment technologies such as graphene, hydrogel and gene therapy is a fraudulent ploy to continue funding the kill and maim programs based on eugenics, by re-branding these programs as “healthcare”.
Nobody is ever cured or healed with allopathy or vaccines. It’s just ritualistic, slicing, radiating, burning, poisoning and injecting.
Researcher good to see you back. You mention the graphene briefly in yr comment; from what I have seen from the la Quinta researchers I don’t see a contradiction with your statement that this is all about depopulation. Have you seen these videos and articles? With respect!
La Quinta spokesman was spreading the patently false and gobsmackingly idiotic notion of people becoming magnetic (because spoons and such were sticking to them). That was disproven in seconds with a compass. And also when spoons didn’t stick after talcum powder was applied.
And really, is microscopy the best, only, or definitive way to measure graphene oxide in these injectable poisons?
Graphene oxide can affect the human nervous system and there are good sources supporting this. But this silly Spanish “Fifth Column” isn’t one of them.
The name Delgado has a certain ring to it! I’m dubious too.
not true.. you are mistaken, I suggest you read this and educate yourself on the phenomena of magnetic imbeciles..
of course it could all be bullshit,
at least they are providing evidence, which is more than you are…
You misunderstood. I am not referring to the la Quinta claims.
I am referring to published research papers such as these, that are pushing an obvious poisoning agenda under the guise of healing.
Ok would be interested to hear your take on the La Quinta. It makes sense to me but then they’re also talking about lizard ppl etc. Hard to tell what is a psyop these days as TFIC triple down on everything.
The Fifth Column? They’re Freemasons. Any reference to lizards, aliens or “safe vaccines” give away controlled opposition. The EM results may still be valid. But the group exists to muddy the water and poison the well against those who speak out against vaccines.
I’d like to see Mass Spec and other valid analyses with chain of custody proof, regarding unlisted ingredients in the injectables.
There could be anything from neural lace, graphene oxide, ferritin nanoparticles, heavy metals, superparamagnetic nano, to nano hydrogels. There may be differing unlisted ingredients in different batches or different brands. It’s all poison.
“Traditional” vaccines are also contaminated with covert ingredients.
Thank you. I agree w you but I respect your intelligence immensely. Thank you for the reply. Sad to say I get spun from time to time. Thanks again.
The main danger from GMO is the agro-chemicals, followed by warped food molecules.
Allopathic med. also incudes chopping off body parts.
“Allopathic med. also incudes chopping off body parts.”
That’s the “slicing”.
The Slicing…….be afraid……be very afraid. Coming to a cinema near you!
We should make it clear that the 7,000 deaths in VAERS only refers to USA deaths. There are around 15,000 more just in the EU, around 1,500 in the UK, and more in non-EU countries, lots in Asia that are not reported. And the real figures are doubtless much higher.
I’m told that VAERS has now been taken offline.
EU deaths (as reported) are now knocking 20,000.
All vaccine trials in the past have been halted with 400 or less deaths.
“I’m told that VAERS has now been taken offline.”
And you & nobody else bothered to check? <facepalm>
355 already in Australia although of course the regulators say dying within days of the jabs was because they had other conditions, but when the over 80’s died of natural causes and a fake PCR test it’s a tragedy of mammoth proportions.
Vanessa, we could sure do an update on this famous sketch…
it IS very clever. but why do people go along?!
Because they’re too busy with their lives and/or too lazy to do their own research via the internet. All their energy is taken up by everyday life’s happenings and when they get home they sit on the couch in front of their TV.
Today, not that I am particularly interested, I Researched These NHS Organisations – You Know The Kind of People who turn up in the Media, Brainwashing People…
So I followed one of these people, to her organisation, and her history of President of The Student Union…I think she came from Swansea….
Now if you are President of The Student Union, you spend most of your time, organising events, and get some young decent young bands, and take photos and stuff, and do posters and stuff.
They might call You a Doctor – and You are now a Professor Controlling what real Doctors and Nurses Do,,,,
Whist You Openly Admit, after Your Media Performance on TV and in The Independent…
Your Entire QUANGO is Working From Home….
And There are Loads of Them, Being Paid extremely large amounts of money, to Do Fuck All
They are not doing any nursing or any care.. They are just sat there in their Posh Homes, telling The Likes of Me, That I can’t Go to a Gig, unless I comply to the rules these rich lunatics make up on the fly…Sure They are Great at TV.
No You Can’t Go Out without Your Mask
We Daren’t
I understand why.
You have been sussed.
you are not contributing anything of any value.
you are a waste of space
bring on the real doctors and nurses, who care, and get paid next to nowt.
I like them.
If your rollout tested screened plus one what do you think happens. You get to go to a gig, data surge may or not fuck someone else.
How do you know they haven’t weaponised Selfishness. Tony, what’s UK Woke?
Ok, are you cool with the personal right to choose that was UK society pre. 1990, 1980 or 1970.
Come on, sounds like both yours and my families came from cobble streets Manchester.
You’ve got the lot, I’ve got fuck all left.
I’am worried I may not be able to get back Home to see my Chums ever again.
I have a vaccine ready for your guppy fish and a bridge to sell, if you are interested.
The cockroaches behave strange. Another variant now affecting invertebrates? It will be necessary to fumigate the whole planet.
Nice fate humanity got itself rigged up.
The invertebrates are your future protein source,there will be no fumigating
The UK already has its first commercial bug ranch operating and Purina are already conning people that their ‘green’ pet food option is something it’s not,which is,surprisingly, bug protein
I’ll stick with beans, GF grains, nuts and seeds, thanks.
If you haven’t listened to Dr David Martin offering some of the important details, relative to his 20 year investigation into tracking the 4000 or so patents filed around Gain Of Function bioweapons, then do yourself a favour and watch at least the initial 20 minutes of this.. Clarifies that the spike protein was engineered back in the early 2000’s and coronaviruses were being tweaked as part of a bioweapons programme by DARPA, with all the usual suspects involved… Invaluable service to humanity he’s engaged in, as is Reiner Fuellmich
Thanks for this video
Funny how your well mannered one line post has attracted down votes.
It rather looks like Captain Spock’s link to Dr David Martin giving his smoking gun evidence to Reiner Fuellmich hasn’t gone down too well with 77th Brigade.
So it seems Doc Martin is right over over the target. Anyone who thinks that the novel coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 is either novel or came out of bats needs to watch the video. Clue, it wasn’t nature and almost certainly it wasn’t China.
Fast forward through the German language parts if you have to, but make sure you watch this video.
What does one say to that ….I always knew but it is still hard seeing the gross corruption laid out by dr Martin…and knowing friends and family have bought the shit and gone and got a needle loaded with who knows what concoction,,…
so once again we witness that there is nothing the yanks won’t do even to their own population in the name of a few making a heap of money….or to have the thrill of power or both….remarkable really…but horrifying…
Follow the trail a little further. Who creates that money and sucks up all the tangible assets it buys when they inflate it to the point where it’s worth nothing? The yanks are just the patsies. Chinese next.
China doesn’t allow “them” to buy up its assets, with their helicopter money.
I meant that China will be the next world policeman and issuer of the next currency. Then when they get too big for their boots they’ll get bankrupted etc.
Complex but brilliant interview that be watched by all. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Wow! Wow!! Fabulous interview, better than reading a crime thriller. I will have to listen several times, so much in it. I hope Dr Martin stays safe…… Thankyou Captain Spock.
This is amazing. How can they wriggle out of this one? I thought, then I thought- will many people see it? Probably not. The covidians will pull their masks up over their eyes and put their fingers in their ears.
But at least some of know what’s going on. Slowly but surely, the truth will come out and all the more likely so when the vaxxed begin dropping like flies.
That’ll be blamed on the criminally unvaxed.
a friend of mine has been jabbed many times
he is a wreck
in the last 5 years he has had 3 cats all dead
every little ailment off he would trot to the vet
either paying cash or insurance.
one cat had £4000 worth of surgery and treatment on insurance
he got into a vortex of vets encouraging him back with the cats who always needed shots and medicine or operations.
you see the medicine the vaccines are not about fast kill but profit driven slow snuff it
when the money runs out snuff it time
cat or old folk in old peoples home
dogs and cats produce massive amounts of vit c
filling them full of side effect poison like doctors do to man keeps you locked into the vortex slow circle down the toilet
do androids dream electric sheep
will zombie cats and dogs spread shed spike proteins onto man mice and birdies
as roy batty said time to die for kittens and puppies what greater trauma for a child than the slow death of a pet
satan is having and will have a rich harvest of souls
i speak to many strangers nearly all have had the shot or shots
Vitamin c eh? I used to help an old stray Tom cat. He would turn up with dreadful looking fight wounds and I’d bathe them with salt water. A day or two later his incredible immune system had him fit again for the fray, it was quite miraculous.
According to the green eco zero carbon emission UN agenda 2050 terrorists pets need to be faded out. To them they are responsible for global warming, especially carnivores like dogs & cats. They want all pets gone as well as most if not all animal agriculture.
You should watch the ice age farmer. he is talking bout it extensively.
I can see the propaganda- evil eyed cats with razor claws slinking through the shrubbery. Packs of slavering jawed, rabid dogs circling the playground……
The only way we can ever be free again is to redistribute the wealth: Return farmland to farmers, natural resources like mines to the people of the countries where the mines are located. Each country should issue new physical, nondigital currency to each citizen. As an end to the emergency of the 1% owning more than the 99% , 99% of all government decision-making should revert to the most local level possible, with all votes counted publicly at each polling place.
All of those huge megacorps broken up into their individual companies and facilities, and their shares distributed mostly to those who work there. College loans to be forgiven. Retirees cheated out of their pensions to be made whole.
Why do I say all of this pie-in-the-sky stuff?
WE MUST REVERSE THE INCENTIVES! Right now, TPTB have got everyone by the cajones; if you want to continue in your position with your salary you must obey the prevailing program.
Talk about it. Create a bandwagon. It’s a natural.
See “a warrior calls” christopher james for a practical way to do that. Then if private banks retained the power to create credit out of nothing, within a few months things would be the same again.
The solution is called “public banking.” State of NDakota is the only one who has it so far. See Ellen Brown’s writings, books. She wrote The Public Bank Solution.
Also Web of Debt.
Yes I’ve read web of debt, it’s very good. The solution is quite simple, isn’t it. The problem is applying it when the banksters own the legal system. christopher james has a video “a trespass on the mind of man” which reveals that “legally” we don’t own anything, not possessions,our bodies or our souls- the Vatican does. It appears that is owned by the Holy See which is owned by guess who. Actually I don’t think the video goes into that aspect, just leads to it. It does show how deep the deception goes- from our very birth, our certificates are shares traded on the stock exchange. We were secretly enslaved the moment we were born and until we act from this realisation we are helplessly outside of reality.
We need to cull Big Pharma. This is so wrong. Where is PETA when you need them?
Getting vaccinated? lol
peta has never been about animals 🙁
Using animal stories and people’s concern for their pets is an old trick. About five years ago, a slew of celebrities (like Kidman and Streisand) lost their dogs and then found them again because – thanks heavens! – they’d had the dogs microchipped. The clear message was wouln’t it be great if your children were microchipped?
The idea that animals are ‘reservoir hosts’ is an extension of the ‘asymptomatic carrier’ trope. They just want the threat to be as all-encompassing as they can get away with.
Vaccinating animals is a vast racket. Cattle are already vaccinated for well over a dozen diseases. A 2003 paper admitted “the extent to which veterinary vaccines pose a health hazard to humans is unclear”.
Diseases that we associate with animals look like frauds. Many contemporaries of Pasteur said that his claims about rabies were garbage – for example Dr Bruette of the Bureau of Animal Industry said Pastuer’s vaccine was “an out and out racket”. Anthrax may well have been arsenic poisoning with arsenic widely used in the treatment of wool. It’s somewhat odd that anthrax is said to be a bacterium but can’t be spread from animal to animal. Certainly Pasteur’s vaccine was no solution and was quietly abandonned in the 1930s. Mark Purdey has argued that BSE was caused by phosmet, an insecticide used to protect cattle from warble fly.
On a different tack, I’ve heard but not yet verified that the US vaccination rate has been revealed to be majorly fraudulent. They are apparently using the vaccinated as a percentage of the 2000 census population which is some 40m lower than the current population. If this checks out it can for no other reason than to make the rate look higher than it truly is. Finally, the new variant name ‘Epsilon’ is another of their little jokes and a tribute to ‘Brave New World’.
Waiting for Madeleine McCann to be ‘found’ so they can say ‘if only we had chipped her….’.
Gee I thought you were going to add the logically thought…if we need the pets vax we Definately need the kids vax…which could well be what this is about re vax animals.,,I mean isn’t that the next thought…not much use doing the pets if I don’t do the kids..
So another way to get the vax into humans is to put it in the food animals, right?
Vanessa Beeley, is one on my heroes together with her side kick Eva Bartlett
But when I type into DuckDuckGo “Off Guardian” why do I get this???
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OffGuardian – because facts really should be sacred
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OffGuardian was launched in February 2015 and takes its name from the fact its founders had all been censored on and/or banned from the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ sections. Our editors & admins are based in the US, UK & Europe. OffG is dedicated to open discourse and free expression, and will often host articles on both sides of any particular issue. Unless stated otherwise all …
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Dr Sam White is a Hampshire-based General Practitioner (GP) focusing…
This Week in The Guardian #11
The Guardian ought to stop quoting NGOs as if their activities and…
The Criminalization of Dissent
We are so fuckity fuck fucked….Thank you Off Guardian for continuing…
Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs – Off-Guardian.Org
Robber barons and guinea pigs. Merck reported over $11 billion in…
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I’ve namedropped Offguardian a fair bit, even to other covid sceptics…
India’s “COVID Outbreak” & The Need
India’s “COVID outbreak” & the need for scientific integrity – not…”
So you guys at Off Guardian come in at Number 3,
which is pretty good.
The only way out unfortunately is to cull the covid cult. Peaceful protest won’t work with those ruthless psychopaths, sociopaths and malign narcicissts that torture us (and maybe even like it) for over a year now. They only understand force. They don’t hesitate to kill us slowly, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill us quick. They are use and abuse us and our domesticated animals for potential lethal medical experiments. Its war people and i think many still don’t realize the severity of the situation.
Saw an article this am, didn’t get into it, just the headline, but it was Fauci, somewhere on TV saying those people who are “hesitant” need to “get over this political statement”. I also saw where he is being honored at some kind of “gala.
It’s surreal seeing how he’s still out there and people are still believing him. And how the controllers have no intention of giving this scam up. I don’t know about violence, that has to be the last resort, but you’re dead right, this is a battle for a lot of things.
If he doesn’t repent, his fate may be akin to Dr. Moreau’s.
Yeah, it was covered at Anti-Empire by the editor.
If they give up now they know they’d be looking at the rest of their life behind bars. They won’t.
Bliar’s head on a pike would be a good start – pour encourager les autres
On a side note my dog is vax and medication free. Coming up on 14 years old.. no problems still a feisty little shit who takes great delight in destroying socks pissing on stuff he should not and also being a lovely lapdog when it suits him. And no sign if him slowing down. Must be because we avoid all the processed dog food like the plague and he eats real meat.
Same with my un-jabbed 12 year old magnificent cat. Purring beside me as I type. Long may he live!
Our vet back in QLD told us that a bloke came in with a working dog from a farm down in VIC. The bloke had moved up for the warmer weather and brought his mate with him.
Said dog had never been in a vet’s surgery in his life until he visited our vet. No flea or tick spot-ons, no annual vaccines. Bugger all. It was there because some people had told the owner to get the dog checked out, as it was the right thing to do.
After examining the dog, our concluded it was 27-years-of age! Human years, that is. And apart from being a little deaf and shortsighted, there was nothing wrong with it.
Makes one think…
I think the boys over at the no agenda podcast called it over a year ago.. they are going to push to vax the pets. A massive untapped market so why would they not… dogs are people too.. (a well known jingle that will be farmilar to any no agenda listener
As we have seen with humans and experimental stage Covid vaccines? Does the end justify the means?
The way those poor horses were destroyed in Australia is something even people who don’t much care about horse racing was monstrous. But then Australia doesn’t give a flying fuck about humans or animals
Today I read that there is special cat food for allergic cats!! Never heard about something like that before.
They’ve got Vegan cat food for cats too. “There’s a sucker born every minute”.
Probably the allergic cats come from the cat vaccines? (like e.g. peanut allergies for humans)
If you factor in the cost of veterinary services which in our part of the world are rapidly approaching the already inflated cost of human medical services then the behavior of companies like Zoetis makes sense. We already have mandatory pet vaccinations against rabies and other diseases but business is always looking to expand markets, especially in high value areas where they don’t have a lot of competition. Its the (capitalist**) system. It sucks but unfortunately we keep voting for it. Our only defense against this is to be an ‘informed consumer’ — in other words, know enough about the subject to be able to detect BS when we come across it. Unfortunately, that leads directly to education, not of the “ten things you need to know about ‘x’ ” sort but enough of a grounding that you can at least follow along with the pitch. There are worrying signs that this isn’t happening these days — the mere use of the term “scientists” (in quotes, no less) attests to this fact.
(**Joe Biden said it yesterday — “Capitalism without competition is Exploitation”. Its a good first step but he should know that all capitalism tends to monopoly, it only indulges in competition if its forced to.)(Left to itself it will trend to ‘rentier’ — cornering markets and squeezing the maximum out of them, preferably by gatekeeping rather than actual productive effort.)
Trust nothing that comes out of Joe Biden’s controlled mouth.
Kill Gates obviously wants to wipe out cattle and sell his gloop. His reputation in India is toast after his polio ‘vaccine’ gave 500,000 kids polio.
Big pharma claims to care yet all they do is lie and profit from it. They are coming for the elderly who won’t die quick enough. They are coming for your kids. Now they are coming for your animals and pets.
The bar isn’t low enough for big pharma and their political helpers.
Big Pharma is coming for the rest of us as well. Those few that survive the the endless jabbery will be transhumanised for lifelong serf duty.
So they come to my door with “the vaccine” all in the house, animals included (quite how they will “vaccinate” the dust mites eludes me right now). So I ask “are you familiar with the pain resulting from someone giving you a broken nose?”. Regardless of the answer my next words are “Try this”. I beleive that you can deduce what my next action would be.